September 4, 2013 PDF Edition of the Perrysburg Messenger Journal

September 4, 2013 PDF Edition of the Perrysburg Messenger Journal September 4, 2013 PDF Edition of the Perrysburg Messenger Journal
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PERRYSBURG YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER 1935 1853 VOLUME 161, NUMBER 36 – SEPTEMBER 4, 2013 ©WELCH PUBLISHING COMPANY, PERRYSBURG, OHIO, (419) 874-4491 PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER 75¢ SINGLE COPY Mayor ‘mugs’ Jack Hoeflinger and Rachel Johnson City to move forward with phase one of Riverfront master plan–multi-use path By Deb Buker With mixed reviews from residents, Perrysburg City Council will move forward with phase one of the Riverfront master plan–a multi-use path from Hood Park to Orleans Park. At a prior meeting of the city’s recreation committee, Council President and committee chairman Joe Lawless recommended that the Riverfront plan be separated into phases. Phase one being the multi-use path connecting Hood and Orleans parks as well as the recently opened multi-use path from Orleans Park to the Perrysburg/Maumee bridge. The existing path is a 10- foot wide asphalt path which was funded 80 percent by a grant from the Ohio Department of Transportation–a total cost of $228,000. According to the master plan, the path or “River Trail is proposed to offer options for moving along the river in an area east of the wastewater treatment facility that can offer spectacular views downriver. “The River Trail extension/connections are proposed to be smooth pavement, such as asphalt. Given the anticipated multi-use aspect of the trail that includes pedestrians, bicyclists, strollers, in-line skaters and the like, as well as occasional vehicular access for service and emergencies, the master plan recommends a trail width of 10 to 12 feet.” “We have talked many years about this [the riverfront],” said Councilman Rep. Tim Brown discusses state budget, unemployment benefits Tim McCarthy. “We want to be sensitive to property owners, and we want it to be high quality. We want this to be something we can be proud of, something we can build on. Let’s do this carefully, and let’s do this right.” Residents voiced concerns both for and against the riverfront plan. Deborah Born presented a petition to council with more than 250 signatures opposed to the master plan. She requested that council take no further action on the plan. Resident Denny Barrett said he is against the $25 million proposal but is in favor of the multi-use path. “My only concern is that I don’t want to spend another $50,000 to $60,000 to have someone tell us what kind of path to have–ask us,” he told council. Six-year resident Alex Heard presented a petition in support of the entire master plan and recommended council move forward. He said the plan is creative, exciting and it is the future for the community. “Be bold and march forward with all phases of this project now,” he told council. “It would be gutless to hold this project for the next council.” Paul Belazis, a Front Street resident, said his concern is what the path will look like. “The process began two years ago with a grant through TMACOG,” he said. “What it looks like is based on grant requirements–it is dictated by the grant. Don’t link ourselves Representative Brown was the guest speaker at the August luncheon meeting of the Perrysburg Area Chamber of Commerce. From left are Debbie Paul, chamber president; Mike Schmidt, chamber board member; Mr. Brown, and Sandy Latchem, chamber executive director. By Beth Church When State Representative Tim Brown took his new position in Columbus this year, the state budget was the largest item on his plate. He describes the decisions made on the $60 billion budget as “one of the most important processes our state engages in.” But as a new state legislator, learning about the budget and many other issues in the past eight months has been a little overwhelming. “It’s like trying to drink from a fire hose–it’s a lot all at once,” Mr. Brown said at the August luncheon meeting of the Perrysburg Area Chamber of Commerce. Enjoying that learning process, he described his new role as “a remarkable experience.” Mr. Brown serves on three committees: State and Local Government, Health and Aging, and Banking and Financial Institutions. He was pleased to see a positive outcome for the state budget, which has a surplus–compared to the last biennial budget which had to compensate for an $8 billion shortfall. “It also has restored funding in a number of areas that previously had been cut,” he explained. Unfortunately, he noted that local government “endured its fair share of cuts” of state funding. As a former county commissioner, he has watched the impact on local government and supported finding ways to restore that funding. Rep. Brown said an additional $650 million is provided in this budget for Ohio schools. Seventy percent of school districts saw an increase in funding, he noted, and no district had its state funding cut. “Additionally, all school districts were guaranteed for the next two years to get at least what they got this year,” he added. The budget also increased funds for school transportation and special education. Mr. Brown told chamber members who are small business owners that they will see a 50 percent decrease in taxes on the first $250,000 that is earned, as well as a 7 percent permanent reduction in income tax next year. “That’s a total of $2.7 billion the state leaves in your hands through tax reform,” he said. The state budget also provides $40 million additional for workforce development, which Rep. Brown believes can help reverse the shortage of skilled workers in Ohio. The state representative is proud that the first bill he sponsored, House Bill 2, was passed and signed by the governor two weeks ago. It requires all applicants for unemployment insurance to register with the Web site prior to applying for benefits. “The requirements will ensure that unemployment insurance applicants and recipients are maximizing their job search opportunities and will help connect them to new services from the state,” he said. One aspect of the law ensures that applicants receive a weekly listing of available jobs based on specific information provided by the applicant. Rep. Brown believes it is important for Ohio to have “a safety net for people who can’t work–we have an Mayor Nelson Evans recognized Jack Hoeflinger and Rachel Johnson with a “mugging” at the August 20 city council meeting for their hard work and dedication with the “Go Perrysburg4Transit” committee. Mr. Hoeflinger, left, and Ms. Johnson each received a City of Perrysburg mug. to the grant.” One requirement of the TMACOG grant is a hard surface to comply with the Americans Disabilities Act. Councilman Lawless stated that the surface has not been determined yet and administration will review the grant requirements. Perrysburg resident Diane Bishop requested a less obtrusive path preserving the natural environment. “I am also concerned about the money–where is all this money going to come from?” she questioned. “I don’t want a levy for this.” Councilman Mike Olmstead said no final decision will be made other than to explore the pathway. “We certainly have different views on what we should do here,” he said. “The path/trail is a common thread–a fairly common theme in both camps. Bottom line is that acceptance of this motion by no means has any final determinant on anything other than let’s explore phase one and move forward.” Councilman Tom Mackin said, “As a community, we have to look at this long term. The younger people want access to the river and we have to be open to that. This is a good first step.” Other Business In other business, council: •Approved the $83,618 agreement with Taylor obligation to help.” However, he pointed out a number of problems in the unemployment system, such as benefits going to people because they refuse to work second shift or they take drugs and fail workplace drug tests. “You have to show due diligence to participate in the process we have in Ohio to help you find work,” he said. “To make it easy for people to not work is not a good system,” he said. In part the bill was inspired by an idea from county government, he said, concerning transitional work. County workers who have been sick or injured are given transitional duties, with the support of a doctor, and their recovery rate is faster when they are given light duty. “They are around their peers, not at home, watching TV and eating bad which leads to depression,” he said. Rep. Brown was pleased to receive broad bipartisan support for his bill; of 99 representatives, only 12 voted against it, and only one of 33 opposed it in the Senate. Another work-related proposal he would like to see implemented would allow unemployment benefits to be used for workers who have had their hours reduced. “It would prevent layoffs– we could use unemployment funds to make up the difference in wages, but the employees will still receive health insurance,” he said. “And it's cost effective for the business to keep them coming in at limited hours.” Rep. Brown encouraged chamber members to be vocal with suggestions for improving the state’s economy. He described Governor John Kasich as “an idea guy,” although he acknowledged the ideas have been good and bad. “Some I’ve supported and some I’ve voted against,” he added. “But he challenges us.” Rep. Brown also told chamber members about the Common Sense Initiative of the governor’s office. He encouraged them to send e- mail suggestions of business problems, especially unnecessary regulations. Noting that Ohio’s economy was once the seventh largest in the world, he said, “we’ve gotten away from that.” He believes part of the solution to improving the economy is “to get people trained and ready to be in the workforce.” “Everywhere I go I hear, ‘I can’t find workers.’” Penta Career Center is “a shining example” offering Chevrolet for the purchase of three replacement vehicles for the police division. •Authorized a $110,000 agreement with Proudfoot Associates for design work on Jefferson Street. •Scheduled the following meetings: finance, Tuesday, September 10, 5 p.m.; recreation, Monday, September 16, 5 p.m.; economic development, Monday, September 16, 5:30 p.m.; servicesafety, Tuesday, September 17, 5:30 p.m., and planning and zoning, Wednesday, September 18, 5 p.m. The next meeting of city council is Tuesday, September 17, 6:30 p.m. All meeting are held in the municipal building and are open to the public. such training, he said, with programs from pet grooming to cosmetology to construction. “We need people in every segment of this economy participating,” he said. One of the serious deficiencies in the state legislature, Rep. Brown shared with chamber members is term limits. “There's not a lot of institutional knowledge in Columbus” because state legislators can serve a maximum of only eight years. “We value experience for every walk of life, but devalue experience for those who go to Columbus and make our laws,” he said. Rep. Brown believes that term limits shift power to lobbyists, staffs and the governor and away from the legislature. Because of term limits, most state legislators keep their jobs back home, he said, and have asked for a compressed schedule in Columbus for state business. The drawback is “you can’t take time to get to know your colleagues and those across the aisle,” he said. He believes that fellowship is important. “We need to work together, especially in a challenging economy like this,” he added. Superintendent reviews strategic plan update for 2013 By Deb Buker The mission of the Perrysburg School District is “ensuring students achieve their greatest potential.” And each year, the district reviews the goals and accomplishments of its administrators and reports progress through the district’s strategic plan. At its August 19 meeting, the Perrysburg Board of Education heard an update on the strategic plan from Superintendent Tom Hosler. 1. Teaching and Learning–Each year Perrysburg Schools will ensure all students achieve one year’s growth based on state valueadded measures and will close achievement gaps between underperforming subgroups and the general population based on standardized summative assessments. Superintendent Hosler reviewed highlights from the last school year. •The Ohio Department of Education again rated Perrysburg schools Excellent with Distinction. The district has been rated Excellent for 12 years. •Graduating class received nearly $11 million in scholarships and awards. •U.S. News and World Report ranked Perrysburg High School number 55 in Ohio and number 1,197 in the nation, which resulted in a Silver Medal Award. •One of 359 school districts in the U.S. and Canada honored by the College Board on its third annual AP Downtown Perrysburg, Inc. will continue its 2013 First Friday Series on September 6, from 6 to 9 p.m., in historic downtown Perrysburg. The event is being presented by Downtown Perrysburg, Inc. and ProMedica St. Luke’s Hospital. “ProMedica St. Luke’s Hospital is proud to continue to partner with DPI in order to create free family events like First Friday Series that provide unique opportunities to showcase our community and contribute to the quality of life that makes Perrysburg the Best Suburban Downtown,” said Jean Gillen, public relations specialist for ProMedica St. Luke’s Hospital. Entertainment on the DPI stage begins at 6 p.m. with the Skoobie Snaks. For more than 15 years, the Skoobie Snaks have been District Honor Roll for increasing access to Advanced Placement course work while increasing the percentage of students earning scores of three or higher on AP exams. •Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) in development by teacher teams to determine student growth measures for 2013-14 school year. •Portable classrooms purchased and installed to alleviate class sizes for 2013-14 school year. •Preparations under way to comply with third grade reading guarantee mandate. •Director of college advising hired at high school to advise students throughout the college selection and application process to ensure that they take advantage of scholarship and financial aid opportunities. •Student and parent school schedule survey found that 52 percent are interested in five-week, three-hour per day summer courses and 50 percent are interested in AP or honor courses offered as a summer option. Other favored summer courses include physical education, mathematics, foreign language and technology. 2. Communication and Collaboration–all faculty, staff and administration The next Perrysburg Board of Education meeting is Thursday, September 26, 5:30 p.m. in the Commodore Building. This is a date change from the original board calendar. work cooperatively to listen and communicate with a unified voice and build ongoing relationships internally and with the community to support and increase student achievement. •New schedules at high school and elementary schools implemented to increase collaboration time by department for teachers to analyze student data, align curriculum and build common assessments. •Math and reading curriculum nights and one-onone technology rollout meetings held for parents. •Monthly meetings held with city administration to identify areas for collaboration. •Community members on committee that developed alternative compensation plan for teachers. •Increased transparency through more frequently issuing press releases and posting on district Web site, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google+. •Move to Google for providing live entertainment for weddings, corporate events, special occasions, charitable functions, and the hottest night spots. “We are very excited to have The Skoobie Snaks headline our First Friday. They have music for everyone with only the biggest hits. The Skoobie Snaks also have awesome faithful friends and fans alike,” said Rick Thielen, DPI executive director. Back by popular demand will be Chortie the Clown, YMCA Fun Bus with children’s activities and face painting, fun family entertainment activities that will include the family fun-house and games and the Perrysburg Fire Division. Various vendors also will add to the evening. “We really feel that our vendors help to create a more festive type atmosphere, plus we love supporting entrepreneurs in and around our community,” said Jim Hodulik, DPI board member and owner of Stella’s in downtown Perrysburg. “We also want to encourage all of the local businesses to be open and even extend their presence out onto the sidewalk in front of their store fronts.” Vendors include Ripples by Jacque, Handmade Jewelry with Gems by Aliza Greenberg, CedarCreek Church, Prevention Partners-PASA Teen Board, Blue Skies Quilting and Gifts, Scentsy Wickless Candles and Body Products, The Blade Our Town Perrysburg, Ellie’s Essentials, Jacky’s Depot Gourmet Ice Pops and Ice Cream, Laurel’s Princess Parties, Sit Means Sit, Margie’s Mobile Foods, Usborne Books, North Coast Greyhound Connection, Wood County Board employee e-mail and applications increased collaboration and efficiency. •Increased use of alert system after parent e-mails added last school year. 3. Financial Accountability, Safety and Security– ensure that all district buildings provide a physically and emotionally safe, secure and supportive learning and teaching environment and ensure financial responsibility and accountability by allocating resources to support and increase student achievement. •Voters approved an operating levy in November, which replaced an expiring levy representing 20 percent of the district’s funding. •Allocated resources and evaluated devices for oneto-one technology pilot for 2013-14. •Designed development program to seek financial gifts from alumni, supporters and those with an affinity for Perrysburg schools. •New protocols developed with booster organizations for improved transparency and financial accountability. •All faculty and staff received ALICE (alert, lockdown, inform, counter and evacuate) training. •Anti-bullying summit held March 21 with community members and parents. •Ongoing collaboration with Perrysburg police. •Safety grant enabled improvements, such as new doors and additional Please turn to page 2➧ First Friday, September 6, 6-9 p.m. of Developmental Disabilities, Build It Perrysburg, Andy’s Army Canine Cancer Project, Country Lane BBQ and ProMedica St. Luke’s Hospital. Attendees are invited to eat at any downtown Perrysburg restaurant or grab a quick snack from vendors on Louisiana Avenue. DPI’s success is credited largely to its members and friends, who lend their names and financial support to the organization and the many activities it presents, such as First Fridays. “The funds we generate help fulfill our mission of providing community events to further enhance Perrysburg’s awesome quality of life. It is absolutely wonderful that we have a community partner like ProMedica St. Luke’s Hospital, whose mission of “improving your Please turn to page 2➧ Bench dedicated to the late Ken McClure at River Walk garden Last week, a bench in the River Walk garden across from Orleans Park was dedicated to the late Ken McClure. This past spring, the Perrysburg Garden Club planted a flower garden at the base of the walk, and Myra McClure, a member of the garden club thought the garden needed a bench to complete the project. She believed it would be a perfect memorial to her late husband from the McClure family. “Ken loved to walk and bike in Perrysburg,” she said. “And he always enjoyed sitting on a bench to rest and view the sunset over the Maumee River.” Pictured from left, Greg Kuhr, superintendent of lands and sanitation; Councilman Mike Olmstead; Jon Eckel, director of public service; Councilman Todd Grayson, also a member of the Perrysburg Garden Club who chaired the River Walk garden committee, and Judy Hagen, litter prevention coordinator. Seated is Mrs. McClure.



1935 1853<br />

VOLUME 161, NUMBER 36 – SEPTEMBER 4, <strong>2013</strong> ©WELCH PUBLISHING COMPANY, PERRYSBURG, OHIO, (419) 874-4491<br />


75¢ SINGLE COPY<br />

Mayor ‘mugs’ Jack Hoeflinger and Rachel Johnson<br />

City to move forward with phase one <strong>of</strong> Riverfront master plan–multi-use path<br />

By Deb Buker<br />

With mixed reviews<br />

from residents, <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

City Council will move forward<br />

with phase one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Riverfront master plan–a<br />

multi-use path from Hood<br />

Park to Orleans Park.<br />

At a prior meeting <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

city’s recreation committee,<br />

Council President and committee<br />

chairman Joe Lawless<br />

recommended that <strong>the</strong><br />

Riverfront plan be separated<br />

into phases. Phase one being<br />

<strong>the</strong> multi-use path connecting<br />

Hood and Orleans parks<br />

as well as <strong>the</strong> recently<br />

opened multi-use path from<br />

Orleans Park to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong>/Maumee<br />

bridge.<br />

The existing path is a 10-<br />

foot wide asphalt path<br />

which was funded 80 percent<br />

by a grant from <strong>the</strong><br />

Ohio Department <strong>of</strong> Transportation–a<br />

total cost <strong>of</strong><br />

$228,000.<br />

According to <strong>the</strong> master<br />

plan, <strong>the</strong> path or “River<br />

Trail is proposed to <strong>of</strong>fer<br />

options for moving along<br />

<strong>the</strong> river in an area east <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> wastewater treatment<br />

facility that can <strong>of</strong>fer spectacular<br />

views downriver.<br />

“The River Trail extension/connections<br />

are proposed<br />

to be smooth pavement,<br />

such as asphalt. Given<br />

<strong>the</strong> anticipated multi-use<br />

aspect <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> trail that<br />

includes pedestrians, bicyclists,<br />

strollers, in-line<br />

skaters and <strong>the</strong> like, as well<br />

as occasional vehicular<br />

access for service and emergencies,<br />

<strong>the</strong> master plan recommends<br />

a trail width <strong>of</strong> 10<br />

to 12 feet.”<br />

“We have talked many<br />

years about this [<strong>the</strong> riverfront],”<br />

said Councilman<br />

Rep. Tim Brown discusses state budget, unemployment benefits<br />

Tim McCarthy. “We want to<br />

be sensitive to property<br />

owners, and we want it to be<br />

high quality. We want this to<br />

be something we can be<br />

proud <strong>of</strong>, something we can<br />

build on. Let’s do this carefully,<br />

and let’s do this right.”<br />

Residents voiced concerns<br />

both for and against<br />

<strong>the</strong> riverfront plan.<br />

Deborah Born presented<br />

a petition to council with<br />

more than 250 signatures<br />

opposed to <strong>the</strong> master plan.<br />

She requested that council<br />

take no fur<strong>the</strong>r action on <strong>the</strong><br />

plan.<br />

Resident Denny Barrett<br />

said he is against <strong>the</strong> $25<br />

million proposal but is in<br />

favor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> multi-use path.<br />

“My only concern is that<br />

I don’t want to spend ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />

$50,000 to $60,000 to<br />

have someone tell us what<br />

kind <strong>of</strong> path to have–ask<br />

us,” he told council.<br />

Six-year resident Alex<br />

Heard presented a petition<br />

in support <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> entire master<br />

plan and recommended<br />

council move forward. He<br />

said <strong>the</strong> plan is creative,<br />

exciting and it is <strong>the</strong> future<br />

for <strong>the</strong> community.<br />

“Be bold and march forward<br />

with all phases <strong>of</strong> this<br />

project now,” he told council.<br />

“It would be gutless to<br />

hold this project for <strong>the</strong> next<br />

council.”<br />

Paul Belazis, a Front<br />

Street resident, said his concern<br />

is what <strong>the</strong> path will<br />

look like.<br />

“The process began two<br />

years ago with a grant<br />

through TMACOG,” he<br />

said. “What it looks like is<br />

based on grant requirements–it<br />

is dictated by <strong>the</strong><br />

grant. Don’t link ourselves<br />

Representative Brown was <strong>the</strong> guest speaker at <strong>the</strong> August luncheon meeting <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area Chamber <strong>of</strong><br />

Commerce. From left are Debbie Paul, chamber president; Mike Schmidt, chamber board member; Mr. Brown, and<br />

Sandy Latchem, chamber executive director.<br />

By Beth Church<br />

When State Representative<br />

Tim Brown took his new<br />

position in Columbus this<br />

year, <strong>the</strong> state budget was <strong>the</strong><br />

largest item on his plate.<br />

He describes <strong>the</strong> decisions<br />

made on <strong>the</strong> $60 billion<br />

budget as “one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most<br />

important processes our state<br />

engages in.”<br />

But as a new state legislator,<br />

learning about <strong>the</strong> budget<br />

and many o<strong>the</strong>r issues in <strong>the</strong><br />

past eight months has been a<br />

little overwhelming.<br />

“It’s like trying to drink<br />

from a fire hose–it’s a lot all<br />

at once,” Mr. Brown said at<br />

<strong>the</strong> August luncheon meeting<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area<br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce.<br />

Enjoying that learning<br />

process, he described his<br />

new role as “a remarkable<br />

experience.”<br />

Mr. Brown serves on<br />

three committees: State and<br />

Local Government, Health<br />

and Aging, and Banking and<br />

Financial Institutions.<br />

He was pleased to see a<br />

positive outcome for <strong>the</strong> state<br />

budget, which has a surplus–compared<br />

to <strong>the</strong> last<br />

biennial budget which had to<br />

compensate for an $8 billion<br />

shortfall.<br />

“It also has restored funding<br />

in a number <strong>of</strong> areas that<br />

previously had been cut,” he<br />

explained.<br />

Unfortunately, he noted<br />

that local government<br />

“endured its fair share <strong>of</strong><br />

cuts” <strong>of</strong> state funding.<br />

As a former county commissioner,<br />

he has watched<br />

<strong>the</strong> impact on local government<br />

and supported finding<br />

ways to restore that funding.<br />

Rep. Brown said an additional<br />

$650 million is provided<br />

in this budget for Ohio<br />

schools.<br />

Seventy percent <strong>of</strong> school<br />

districts saw an increase in<br />

funding, he noted, and no<br />

district had its state funding<br />

cut.<br />

“Additionally, all school<br />

districts were guaranteed for<br />

<strong>the</strong> next two years to get at<br />

least what <strong>the</strong>y got this year,”<br />

he added.<br />

The budget also increased<br />

funds for school transportation<br />

and special education.<br />

Mr. Brown told chamber<br />

members who are small business<br />

owners that <strong>the</strong>y will<br />

see a 50 percent decrease in<br />

taxes on <strong>the</strong> first $250,000<br />

that is earned, as well as a 7<br />

percent permanent reduction<br />

in income tax next year.<br />

“That’s a total <strong>of</strong> $2.7 billion<br />

<strong>the</strong> state leaves in your<br />

hands through tax reform,”<br />

he said.<br />

The state budget also provides<br />

$40 million additional<br />

for workforce development,<br />

which Rep. Brown believes<br />

can help reverse <strong>the</strong> shortage<br />

<strong>of</strong> skilled workers in Ohio.<br />

The state representative is<br />

proud that <strong>the</strong> first bill he<br />

sponsored, House Bill 2, was<br />

passed and signed by <strong>the</strong><br />

governor two weeks ago.<br />

It requires all applicants<br />

for unemployment insurance<br />

to register with <strong>the</strong> Web site<br /> prior to<br />

applying for benefits.<br />

“The requirements will<br />

ensure that unemployment<br />

insurance applicants and<br />

recipients are maximizing<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir job search opportunities<br />

and will help connect <strong>the</strong>m<br />

to new services from <strong>the</strong><br />

state,” he said.<br />

One aspect <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> law<br />

ensures that applicants<br />

receive a weekly listing <strong>of</strong><br />

available jobs based on specific<br />

information provided by<br />

<strong>the</strong> applicant.<br />

Rep. Brown believes it is<br />

important for Ohio to have<br />

“a safety net for people who<br />

can’t work–we have an<br />

Mayor Nelson Evans recognized Jack Hoeflinger and Rachel Johnson with a<br />

“mugging” at <strong>the</strong> August 20 city council meeting for <strong>the</strong>ir hard work and dedication<br />

with <strong>the</strong> “Go <strong>Perrysburg</strong>4Transit” committee.<br />

Mr. Hoeflinger, left, and Ms. Johnson each received a City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> mug.<br />

to <strong>the</strong> grant.”<br />

One requirement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

TMACOG grant is a hard<br />

surface to comply with <strong>the</strong><br />

Americans Disabilities Act.<br />

Councilman Lawless<br />

stated that <strong>the</strong> surface has<br />

not been determined yet and<br />

administration will review<br />

<strong>the</strong> grant requirements.<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> resident<br />

Diane Bishop requested a<br />

less obtrusive path preserving<br />

<strong>the</strong> natural environment.<br />

“I am also concerned about<br />

<strong>the</strong> money–where is all this<br />

money going to come<br />

from?” she questioned. “I<br />

don’t want a levy for this.”<br />

Councilman Mike Olmstead<br />

said no final decision<br />

will be made o<strong>the</strong>r than to<br />

explore <strong>the</strong> pathway.<br />

“We certainly have different<br />

views on what we<br />

should do here,” he said.<br />

“The path/trail is a common<br />

thread–a fairly common<br />

<strong>the</strong>me in both camps. Bottom<br />

line is that acceptance<br />

<strong>of</strong> this motion by no means<br />

has any final determinant on<br />

anything o<strong>the</strong>r than let’s<br />

explore phase one and move<br />

forward.”<br />

Councilman Tom<br />

Mackin said, “As a community,<br />

we have to look at this<br />

long term. The younger people<br />

want access to <strong>the</strong> river<br />

and we have to be open to<br />

that. This is a good first<br />

step.”<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r Business<br />

In o<strong>the</strong>r business, council:<br />

•Approved <strong>the</strong> $83,618<br />

agreement with Taylor<br />

obligation to help.”<br />

However, he pointed out a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> problems in <strong>the</strong><br />

unemployment system, such<br />

as benefits going to people<br />

because <strong>the</strong>y refuse to work<br />

second shift or <strong>the</strong>y take<br />

drugs and fail workplace<br />

drug tests.<br />

“You have to show due<br />

diligence to participate in <strong>the</strong><br />

process we have in Ohio to<br />

help you find work,” he said.<br />

“To make it easy for people<br />

to not work is not a good<br />

system,” he said.<br />

In part <strong>the</strong> bill was<br />

inspired by an idea from<br />

county government, he said,<br />

concerning transitional work.<br />

County workers who have<br />

been sick or injured are given<br />

transitional duties, with <strong>the</strong><br />

support <strong>of</strong> a doctor, and <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

recovery rate is faster when<br />

<strong>the</strong>y are given light duty.<br />

“They are around <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

peers, not at home, watching<br />

TV and eating bad which<br />

leads to depression,” he said.<br />

Rep. Brown was pleased<br />

to receive broad bipartisan<br />

support for his bill; <strong>of</strong> 99<br />

representatives, only 12<br />

voted against it, and only one<br />

<strong>of</strong> 33 opposed it in <strong>the</strong> Senate.<br />

Ano<strong>the</strong>r work-related<br />

proposal he would like to see<br />

implemented would allow<br />

unemployment benefits to be<br />

used for workers who have<br />

had <strong>the</strong>ir hours reduced.<br />

“It would prevent lay<strong>of</strong>fs–<br />

we could use unemployment<br />

funds to make up<br />

<strong>the</strong> difference in wages, but<br />

<strong>the</strong> employees will still<br />

receive health insurance,” he<br />

said. “And it's cost effective<br />

for <strong>the</strong> business to keep <strong>the</strong>m<br />

coming in at limited hours.”<br />

Rep. Brown encouraged<br />

chamber members to be<br />

vocal with suggestions for<br />

improving <strong>the</strong> state’s economy.<br />

He described Governor<br />

John Kasich as “an idea<br />

guy,” although he acknowledged<br />

<strong>the</strong> ideas have been<br />

good and bad.<br />

“Some I’ve supported and<br />

some I’ve voted against,” he<br />

added. “But he challenges<br />

us.”<br />

Rep. Brown also told<br />

chamber members about <strong>the</strong><br />

Common Sense Initiative <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> governor’s <strong>of</strong>fice. He<br />

encouraged <strong>the</strong>m to send e-<br />

mail suggestions <strong>of</strong> business<br />

problems, especially unnecessary<br />

regulations.<br />

Noting that Ohio’s economy<br />

was once <strong>the</strong> seventh<br />

largest in <strong>the</strong> world, he said,<br />

“we’ve gotten away from<br />

that.”<br />

He believes part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

solution to improving <strong>the</strong><br />

economy is “to get people<br />

trained and ready to be in <strong>the</strong><br />

workforce.”<br />

“Everywhere I go I hear,<br />

‘I can’t find workers.’”<br />

Penta Career Center is “a<br />

shining example” <strong>of</strong>fering<br />

Chevrolet for <strong>the</strong> purchase<br />

<strong>of</strong> three replacement vehicles<br />

for <strong>the</strong> police division.<br />

•Authorized a $110,000<br />

agreement with Proudfoot<br />

Associates for design work<br />

on Jefferson Street.<br />

•Scheduled <strong>the</strong> following<br />

meetings: finance, Tuesday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 10, 5 p.m.; recreation,<br />

Monday, <strong>September</strong><br />

16, 5 p.m.; economic development,<br />

Monday, <strong>September</strong><br />

16, 5:30 p.m.; servicesafety,<br />

Tuesday, <strong>September</strong><br />

17, 5:30 p.m., and planning<br />

and zoning, Wednesday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 18, 5 p.m.<br />

The next meeting <strong>of</strong> city<br />

council is Tuesday, <strong>September</strong><br />

17, 6:30 p.m. All meeting<br />

are held in <strong>the</strong> municipal<br />

building and are open to <strong>the</strong><br />

public.<br />

such training, he said, with<br />

programs from pet grooming<br />

to cosmetology to construction.<br />

“We need people in every<br />

segment <strong>of</strong> this economy<br />

participating,” he said.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> serious deficiencies<br />

in <strong>the</strong> state legislature,<br />

Rep. Brown shared with<br />

chamber members is term<br />

limits.<br />

“There's not a lot <strong>of</strong> institutional<br />

knowledge in<br />

Columbus” because state<br />

legislators can serve a maximum<br />

<strong>of</strong> only eight years.<br />

“We value experience for<br />

every walk <strong>of</strong> life, but devalue<br />

experience for those who<br />

go to Columbus and make<br />

our laws,” he said.<br />

Rep. Brown believes that<br />

term limits shift power to<br />

lobbyists, staffs and <strong>the</strong> governor<br />

and away from <strong>the</strong> legislature.<br />

Because <strong>of</strong> term limits,<br />

most state legislators keep<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir jobs back home, he<br />

said, and have asked for a<br />

compressed schedule in<br />

Columbus for state business.<br />

The drawback is “you<br />

can’t take time to get to<br />

know your colleagues and<br />

those across <strong>the</strong> aisle,” he<br />

said.<br />

He believes that fellowship<br />

is important.<br />

“We need to work toge<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

especially in a challenging<br />

economy like this,” he<br />

added.<br />

Superintendent reviews strategic plan update for <strong>2013</strong><br />

By Deb Buker<br />

The mission <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

School District is<br />

“ensuring students achieve<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir greatest potential.”<br />

And each year, <strong>the</strong> district<br />

reviews <strong>the</strong> goals and<br />

accomplishments <strong>of</strong> its<br />

administrators and reports<br />

progress through <strong>the</strong> district’s<br />

strategic plan.<br />

At its August 19 meeting,<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Education heard an update<br />

on <strong>the</strong> strategic plan from<br />

Superintendent Tom Hosler.<br />

1. Teaching and Learning–Each<br />

year <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Schools will ensure all students<br />

achieve one year’s<br />

growth based on state valueadded<br />

measures and will<br />

close achievement gaps<br />

between underperforming<br />

subgroups and <strong>the</strong> general<br />

population based on standardized<br />

summative assessments.<br />

Superintendent Hosler<br />

reviewed highlights from<br />

<strong>the</strong> last school year.<br />

•The Ohio Department <strong>of</strong><br />

Education again rated <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

schools Excellent<br />

with Distinction. The district<br />

has been rated Excellent<br />

for 12 years.<br />

•Graduating class<br />

received nearly $11 million<br />

in scholarships and awards.<br />

•U.S. News and World<br />

Report ranked <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

High School number 55 in<br />

Ohio and number 1,197 in<br />

<strong>the</strong> nation, which resulted in<br />

a Silver Medal Award.<br />

•One <strong>of</strong> 359 school districts<br />

in <strong>the</strong> U.S. and Canada<br />

honored by <strong>the</strong> College<br />

Board on its third annual AP<br />

Downtown <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

Inc. will continue its <strong>2013</strong><br />

First Friday Series on <strong>September</strong><br />

6, from 6 to 9 p.m.,<br />

in historic downtown <strong>Perrysburg</strong>.<br />

The event is being presented<br />

by Downtown <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

Inc. and ProMedica<br />

St. Luke’s Hospital.<br />

“ProMedica St. Luke’s<br />

Hospital is proud to continue<br />

to partner with DPI in<br />

order to create free family<br />

events like First Friday<br />

Series that provide unique<br />

opportunities to showcase<br />

our community and contribute<br />

to <strong>the</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> life<br />

that makes <strong>Perrysburg</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Best Suburban Downtown,”<br />

said Jean Gillen, public<br />

relations specialist for<br />

ProMedica St. Luke’s Hospital.<br />

Entertainment on <strong>the</strong><br />

DPI stage begins at 6 p.m.<br />

with <strong>the</strong> Skoobie Snaks.<br />

For more than 15 years, <strong>the</strong><br />

Skoobie Snaks have been<br />

District Honor Roll for<br />

increasing access to<br />

Advanced Placement course<br />

work while increasing <strong>the</strong><br />

percentage <strong>of</strong> students earning<br />

scores <strong>of</strong> three or higher<br />

on AP exams.<br />

•Student Learning Objectives<br />

(SLOs) in development<br />

by teacher teams to<br />

determine student growth<br />

measures for <strong>2013</strong>-14<br />

school year.<br />

•Portable classrooms<br />

purchased and installed to<br />

alleviate class sizes for<br />

<strong>2013</strong>-14 school year.<br />

•Preparations under way<br />

to comply with third grade<br />

reading guarantee mandate.<br />

•Director <strong>of</strong> college<br />

advising hired at high<br />

school to advise students<br />

throughout <strong>the</strong> college<br />

selection and application<br />

process to ensure that <strong>the</strong>y<br />

take advantage <strong>of</strong> scholarship<br />

and financial aid<br />

opportunities.<br />

•Student and parent<br />

school schedule survey<br />

found that 52 percent are<br />

interested in five-week,<br />

three-hour per day summer<br />

courses and 50 percent are<br />

interested in AP or honor<br />

courses <strong>of</strong>fered as a summer<br />

option. O<strong>the</strong>r favored summer<br />

courses include physical<br />

education, ma<strong>the</strong>matics,<br />

foreign language and technology.<br />

2. Communication and<br />

Collaboration–all faculty,<br />

staff and administration<br />

The next <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Board<br />

<strong>of</strong> Education meeting<br />

is Thursday, <strong>September</strong> 26, 5:30 p.m.<br />

in <strong>the</strong> Commodore Building.<br />

This is a date change from <strong>the</strong> original<br />

board calendar.<br />

work cooperatively to listen<br />

and communicate with a<br />

unified voice and build<br />

ongoing relationships internally<br />

and with <strong>the</strong> community<br />

to support and increase<br />

student achievement.<br />

•New schedules at high<br />

school and elementary<br />

schools implemented to<br />

increase collaboration time<br />

by department for teachers<br />

to analyze student data,<br />

align curriculum and build<br />

common assessments.<br />

•Math and reading curriculum<br />

nights and one-onone<br />

technology rollout<br />

meetings held for parents.<br />

•Monthly meetings held<br />

with city administration to<br />

identify areas for collaboration.<br />

•Community members<br />

on committee that developed<br />

alternative compensation<br />

plan for teachers.<br />

•Increased transparency<br />

through more frequently<br />

issuing press releases and<br />

posting on district Web site,<br />

Facebook, Twitter,<br />

LinkedIn, Pinterest and<br />

Google+.<br />

•Move to Google for<br />

providing live entertainment<br />

for weddings, corporate<br />

events, special occasions,<br />

charitable functions,<br />

and <strong>the</strong> hottest night spots.<br />

“We are very excited to<br />

have The Skoobie Snaks<br />

headline our First Friday.<br />

They have music for everyone<br />

with only <strong>the</strong> biggest<br />

hits. The Skoobie Snaks<br />

also have awesome faithful<br />

friends and fans alike,” said<br />

Rick Thielen, DPI executive<br />

director.<br />

Back by popular<br />

demand will be Chortie <strong>the</strong><br />

Clown, YMCA Fun Bus<br />

with children’s activities<br />

and face painting, fun family<br />

entertainment activities<br />

that will include <strong>the</strong> family<br />

fun-house and games and<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Fire Division.<br />

Various vendors also<br />

will add to <strong>the</strong> evening.<br />

“We really feel that our<br />

vendors help to create a<br />

more festive type atmosphere,<br />

plus we love supporting<br />

entrepreneurs in<br />

and around our community,”<br />

said Jim Hodulik, DPI<br />

board member and owner<br />

<strong>of</strong> Stella’s in downtown<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>. “We also want<br />

to encourage all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> local<br />

businesses to be open and<br />

even extend <strong>the</strong>ir presence<br />

out onto <strong>the</strong> sidewalk in<br />

front <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir store fronts.”<br />

Vendors include Ripples<br />

by Jacque, Handmade Jewelry<br />

with Gems by Aliza<br />

Greenberg, CedarCreek<br />

Church, Prevention Partners-PASA<br />

Teen Board,<br />

Blue Skies Quilting and<br />

Gifts, Scentsy Wickless<br />

Candles and Body Products,<br />

The Blade Our Town<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ellie’s Essentials,<br />

Jacky’s Depot<br />

Gourmet Ice Pops and Ice<br />

Cream, Laurel’s Princess<br />

Parties, Sit Means Sit,<br />

Margie’s Mobile Foods,<br />

Usborne Books, North<br />

Coast Greyhound Connection,<br />

Wood County Board<br />

employee e-mail and applications<br />

increased collaboration<br />

and efficiency.<br />

•Increased use <strong>of</strong> alert<br />

system after parent e-mails<br />

added last school year.<br />

3. Financial Accountability,<br />

Safety and Security–<br />

ensure that all district buildings<br />

provide a physically<br />

and emotionally safe, secure<br />

and supportive learning and<br />

teaching environment and<br />

ensure financial responsibility<br />

and accountability by<br />

allocating resources to support<br />

and increase student<br />

achievement.<br />

•Voters approved an<br />

operating levy in November,<br />

which replaced an expiring<br />

levy representing 20 percent<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> district’s funding.<br />

•Allocated resources and<br />

evaluated devices for oneto-one<br />

technology pilot for<br />

<strong>2013</strong>-14.<br />

•Designed development<br />

program to seek financial<br />

gifts from alumni, supporters<br />

and those with an affinity<br />

for <strong>Perrysburg</strong> schools.<br />

•New protocols developed<br />

with booster organizations<br />

for improved transparency<br />

and financial<br />

accountability.<br />

•All faculty and staff<br />

received ALICE (alert, lockdown,<br />

inform, counter and<br />

evacuate) training.<br />

•Anti-bullying summit<br />

held March 21 with community<br />

members and parents.<br />

•Ongoing collaboration<br />

with <strong>Perrysburg</strong> police.<br />

•Safety grant enabled<br />

improvements, such as new<br />

doors and additional<br />

Please turn to page 2➧<br />

First Friday, <strong>September</strong> 6, 6-9 p.m.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Developmental Disabilities,<br />

Build It <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

Andy’s Army Canine Cancer<br />

Project, Country Lane<br />

BBQ and ProMedica St.<br />

Luke’s Hospital.<br />

Attendees are invited to<br />

eat at any downtown <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

restaurant or grab a<br />

quick snack from vendors<br />

on Louisiana Avenue.<br />

DPI’s success is credited<br />

largely to its members and<br />

friends, who lend <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

names and financial support<br />

to <strong>the</strong> organization and <strong>the</strong><br />

many activities it presents,<br />

such as First Fridays.<br />

“The funds we generate<br />

help fulfill our mission <strong>of</strong><br />

providing community<br />

events to fur<strong>the</strong>r enhance<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>’s awesome<br />

quality <strong>of</strong> life. It is<br />

absolutely wonderful that<br />

we have a community partner<br />

like ProMedica St.<br />

Luke’s Hospital, whose<br />

mission <strong>of</strong> “improving your<br />

Please turn to page 2➧<br />

Bench dedicated to <strong>the</strong> late Ken McClure at River Walk garden<br />

Last week, a bench in <strong>the</strong> River Walk garden across from Orleans Park was dedicated to <strong>the</strong> late Ken<br />

McClure. This past spring, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Garden Club planted a flower garden at <strong>the</strong> base <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> walk, and<br />

Myra McClure, a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> garden club thought <strong>the</strong> garden needed a bench to complete <strong>the</strong> project. She<br />

believed it would be a perfect memorial to her late husband from <strong>the</strong> McClure family.<br />

“Ken loved to walk and bike in <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,” she said. “And he always enjoyed sitting on a bench to rest and<br />

view <strong>the</strong> sunset over <strong>the</strong> Maumee River.”<br />

Pictured from left, Greg Kuhr, superintendent <strong>of</strong> lands and sanitation; Councilman Mike Olmstead; Jon<br />

Eckel, director <strong>of</strong> public service; Councilman Todd Grayson, also a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Garden Club<br />

who chaired <strong>the</strong> River Walk garden committee, and Judy Hagen, litter prevention coordinator. Seated is Mrs.<br />


Page 2 — <strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL<br />

First Friday, <strong>September</strong> 6, 6-9 p.m.<br />

➧Continued from page 1<br />

health and well-being” runs<br />

parallel with DPI’s mission<br />

<strong>of</strong> improving our community,”<br />

explains Rob Brunner,<br />

DPI president.<br />

The remainder <strong>of</strong> events<br />

on <strong>the</strong> DPI <strong>2013</strong> Calendar<br />

are:<br />

•Rock <strong>the</strong> Docks on<br />

<strong>September</strong> 21, with entertainment<br />

by Velvet Jones<br />

•OctoBOOfest on October<br />

26<br />

•Indoor Family Movie<br />

Night on November 23,<br />

“Arthur Christmas”<br />

•Home for <strong>the</strong> Holidays<br />

Parade/Tree Lighting on<br />

November 24<br />

•Winterfest 2014: February<br />

21-23<br />

Downtown <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

➧Continued from page 1<br />

cameras.<br />

•Upgraded servers for<br />

Internet security and data<br />

integrity.<br />

•Instituted state concussion<br />

injury protocol.<br />

•Proposed adding a school<br />

resource <strong>of</strong>ficer.<br />

•All meals and snacks<br />

served were nutritionally analyzed<br />

and found/modified to<br />

meet <strong>the</strong> new federal and<br />

state requirements, which<br />

were <strong>the</strong> first significant<br />

changes to <strong>the</strong> National<br />

School Lunch and School<br />

Breakfast Programs in more<br />

than 15 years.<br />

•Buses traveled 356,580<br />

miles during 2012-13 and<br />

safely transported 2,686 students<br />

each day.<br />

4. Recommendations for<br />

<strong>2013</strong>-14 school year:<br />

•Reorganize strategic plan<br />

to link directly to Ohio<br />

Improvement Process categories.<br />

•Board retreat to review<br />

plan during <strong>2013</strong>-14 school<br />

year.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r Business<br />

In o<strong>the</strong>r business, <strong>the</strong><br />

Letters policy<br />

The weekly deadline for Letters to <strong>the</strong> Editor is noon on Friday.<br />

Letters should be limited to 300 words. Letters from <strong>the</strong><br />

same writer will be accepted no more frequently than every 30<br />

days.<br />

Due to limited space, coverage <strong>of</strong> community news, and production<br />

costs, only two letters regarding a certain issue will be<br />

printed each week. Time and space permitting, all o<strong>the</strong>r letters<br />

will be posted on <strong>the</strong> newspaper’s web site, www.perrysburg.<br />

com.<br />

The newspaper reserves <strong>the</strong> right to accept or reject letters,<br />

and to edit <strong>the</strong>m for clarity and length.All letters need a signature<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> writer and an address and phone number for verification<br />

before publishing.<br />

A Renewed Mind<br />

Substance Abuse and<br />

Mental Health Services<br />

Located in <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

and Downtown Toledo<br />

board:<br />

•Accepted <strong>the</strong> resignation<br />

<strong>of</strong> Lynn Cherry, second<br />

grade, Woodland school.<br />

•Approved a one year<br />

contract for Amy Szyndler,<br />

part-time Spanish teacher,<br />

junior high.<br />

•Approved <strong>the</strong> following<br />

extra class periods for <strong>2013</strong>-<br />

14: high school–Marny Mazzarella,<br />

two semesters math,<br />

$5,227; Nancy Nowak, two<br />

semesters business, $5,227;<br />

John Henline, one semester<br />

physical education, $2,613;<br />

Jenny Verbosky, one semester<br />

physical education, $2,613;<br />

Jeff Smith, one semester<br />

technology, $2,613; Matt<br />

Siegel, one semester social<br />

studies, $2,613, and Patrick<br />

Murray, one semester social<br />

studies, $2,613.<br />

Junior high–Karen<br />

Schrock, two semesters math,<br />

$4,495; Maureen Gerber, two<br />

semesters French, $4,495;<br />

Neil Nutter, two semesters<br />

physical education, $4,495;<br />

Kristin Drewes, two semesters<br />

physical education,<br />

$4,495; Margeret Bernard,<br />

two semesters physical education,<br />

$4,495; Nate Wallace,<br />

two semesters industrial technology,<br />

$4,495; Julie<br />

Jagodzinski, two semesters<br />

intervention specialist,<br />

$4,495, and Lisa Caswell,<br />

two semesters computer technology,<br />

$4,495.<br />

•Approved <strong>the</strong> following<br />

substitute teachers: Mary Ann<br />

Abke, Martha Amstutz, Charity<br />

Anderson, Steven<br />

Athanas, Susan Atkinson, Ian<br />

Auslander, Emily Bagdonas,<br />

Mary Bahnsen, Clyde Bame,<br />

Waterford welcomes Laura a Dosch<br />

N E W<br />

AV P,<br />

M A R K E T<br />

Enjoy Big Bank Expertise with<br />

<strong>the</strong> Warmth <strong>of</strong> a Community Bank.<br />

At Waterford, we are dedicated to<br />

providing our clients with <strong>the</strong> highest<br />

level <strong>of</strong> personalized service. We pride<br />

ourselves on creating a “Relationship<br />

Banking” atmosphere e and getting to<br />

know our customers individually.<br />

Decisions are made locally, which<br />

provides a fresh, unparalleled<br />

responsiveness to our clients. We<br />

specialize in personal, pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

and business banking—delivered by<br />

a local team <strong>of</strong> seasoned bankers.<br />


Stop in and meet Laura a<br />

or give us a call today.<br />

Redefining<br />

Relationship Banking<br /><br />

Inc. is a community based<br />

non-pr<strong>of</strong>it, 501(c)(3) organization<br />

whose mission is to<br />

<strong>of</strong>fer and promote community-wide<br />

events that are<br />

held in <strong>Perrysburg</strong>’s downtown<br />

historic district.<br />

For more information,<br />

visit <strong>the</strong> Web site at<br />

w w w. d o w n t o w n p e r r y s<br /> or call Mr. Thielen<br />

at 419-872-6246 or send an<br />

e-mail to downtownperrys<br /><br />

Individual, group,<br />

and family counseling<br />

available for<br />

youth and adults<br />

A Renewed Mind<br />

Help is Here.<br />

Check out our website @<br /><br />

419-720-9247<br />

Kris S. Kelley, D.D.S.<br />

Michael J. Thebes, D.D.S.<br />

Gentle Family Dentistry<br />

13003 Roachton Road<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH 43551<br />

Phone: 419-874-7071<br />

Evening & Saturday appointments available.<br />


<br />

M A N A G E R F O R O U R P E R R Y S B U R G O F F I C E<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Office<br />

fice<br />

419.931.8750<br />

231 Louisiana Ave<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH 43551<br />

The Skoobie Snaks will provide entertainment at First Friday, <strong>September</strong> 6, at 6 p.m.<br />

Superintendent reviews strategic plan update for <strong>2013</strong><br />

Also located at:<br />

735 Haskins Road,<br />

Bowling Green, OH<br />

419-353-1412<br />

AVP, <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Market Manager<br />

419.931.8751<br />

Toledo Office<br />

419.720.3900<br />

3900 N. McCord<br />

Rd.<br />

Toledo, OH 43617<br />

Member FDIC,<br />

Equal Housing Lender.<br />

Julianne Barclay, Cindy<br />

Baroudi, James Bartosky,<br />

Jennifer Beery, Dennis<br />

Belk<strong>of</strong>er, Ramona Bier, Felicia<br />

Billups, Gwendolyn Boylan,<br />

Julie Brenizer, Connie<br />

Bricker, Rick Briggle, Patrice<br />

Brock, Shari Browder, Karen<br />

Brown, Barbara Burnett,<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w Clark, Marqiota<br />

Collingwood, Lisa Conklin,<br />

Emily Conley, Kathy Cornelius,<br />

Mary Fred Coy, Kristen<br />

Craft, Traci Crisenberry,<br />

Christine Currens, Nancy<br />

Davis, Mary Davidsson, Doy<br />

DiNardo, Joann DiNardo,<br />

Benjamin Dougherty, Bruce<br />

Dunlavy, Victoria Durkin,<br />

Stephanie Eyre, Sheri<br />

Frankel, Sara Fulmer, Erin<br />

Gall, Katie Gedert, Lynn Guitteau,<br />

Tara Gust, Sandra<br />

Harding, Megan Hentges,<br />

Jennifer Hock, Meagan H<strong>of</strong>f,<br />

Kari Hogue, Kaela Horn,<br />

Melissa Horning, Bonita<br />

Howard, Faye Jaeger, Patrick<br />

James, Stacy Johnson,<br />

Christopher Katafiasz, Debra<br />

Kemp, Jennifer Kienan,<br />

Larry Kiraly, Laural Kirchner,<br />

Sharon Knitt, Ronald<br />

Lake, Judith Lake, Julia Lark,<br />

Anne Lee, Jenny Lewis, Marcia<br />

Little, Donna Lowery,<br />

Dawn Mericle, Jennifer Mettert,<br />

Judi Miller, Timothy<br />

Mohler, Jessica Mullins,<br />

Courtney Munafo, Michele<br />

Myers, Sally Palmer, Erica<br />

Parish, Gilbert Parker, Karen<br />

Pearson, April Peters, Frank<br />

Pile, Melissa Pinkava,<br />

William Poznanski, Nathan<br />

Price, Madelyn Rexer,<br />

Bethany Riegsecker, Chris<br />

Rieman, Richard Roach,<br />

Richard Rogers, Kathy Rolstn,<br />

Tom Slayton, Debra<br />

Smith, Christine Swartz, M.<br />

Lynn Tearney, Carolyn<br />

Thacker, Jenny Thompson,<br />

Juanita Torrence, Jason<br />

Weaver, Joanna Weaver,<br />

Karen Wells, Cindy Wheeless,<br />

Kurt Wicklund, Nina<br />

Wilkinson, Pam Williams,<br />

Diana Wilson, Cheryl<br />

Windisch, Lyndi Woods and<br />

Beverly Zuckowski.<br />

•Accepted <strong>the</strong> resignation<br />

<strong>of</strong> Tiffanie Keaton, Frank<br />

playground monitor, and<br />

Kelly LeFevre, Woodland<br />

assistant café manager.<br />

•Approved <strong>the</strong> following<br />

one year contracts: Colleen<br />

Conner, ADK monitor, Toth;<br />

Jenny Cusenza, all day<br />

kindergarten (ADK) monitor,<br />

Frank; Anne Lee, ADK monitor,<br />

Fort Meigs, Michelle<br />

Fritz, monitor, Woodland,<br />

and Jennifer Walden, ADK<br />

monitor, Woodland.<br />

•Approved <strong>the</strong> following<br />

classified substitutes: Dave<br />

Anderson, Anneliese<br />

Angelotti, Angela Atassi,<br />

Karen Barnes, Cindy Baroudi,<br />

Bree Bartels, Joseph<br />

Benyl, Felicia Billups, Bill<br />

Boden, David Bonnough,<br />

Terry Bossert, Tracey Bowers,<br />

Barbara Brenneman,<br />

Stephen Carpenter, Joan<br />

Caswell, Gerald Chambers,<br />

James Chiapetta, Robbin<br />

Click, Tracy Collins, Lisa<br />

Conklin, Thomas Cook,<br />

Kathy Cornelius, Candice<br />

Cyrus, Vicki Durkin, Mary<br />

Ann DeSanzo, Matha Donahue,<br />

Quenith Doyle, Terri<br />

Feasel, Michael Fought, Lynn<br />

Frank, Frances Gallagher,<br />

Lynette Glorioso, Mary Jo<br />

Gniewkowski, Carol Hahn,<br />

Kristine Harris, Sharon Holland,<br />

Bonnie Huff, Rachel<br />

Isom, Debra Kemp, Erick<br />

Klemm,Vicki Lowe, Donna<br />

Lowery, Dana Martin,<br />

Michele McGivern, John<br />

Miller, Jackie Mohler, Douglas<br />

Moser, Michele Myers,<br />

Mary Neely, Jerry Obee,<br />

Jayne Odeneal, Scott Patay,<br />

Jane Quinn, Margaret Riggs,<br />

Mary Roberts, Stacy<br />

Rodriquez, Karen Rohrs,<br />

Jackie Romanski, Deborah<br />

Schankula, Dayna Schultz,<br />

Christine Seeley, Lois<br />

Spencer, Julie Stitzel, Fred<br />

Stayer, Peggy Taylor, Lynn<br />

Tearney, Carolyn Thacker,<br />

Denise Thomason, Barbara<br />

Timbrook, Jennifer Walton,<br />

Kathleen Ward, Angela Wern,<br />

Judith Wilkerson and Maria<br />

Williamson.<br />

•Approved a two year<br />

administrative contract for<br />

Jeff Abke, development<br />

director.<br />

•Changed <strong>the</strong> <strong>September</strong><br />

board <strong>of</strong> education meeting<br />

from <strong>September</strong> 16 to Thursday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 26, 5:30 p.m.<br />

The meeting will be held in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Commodore Building and<br />

is open to <strong>the</strong> public.<br />

Commissioners seek board member<br />

for Northwest Water, Sewer District<br />

The Wood County Commissioners,<br />

James Carter,<br />

Doris Herringshaw, and<br />

Joel Kuhlman, are seeking<br />

to fill an unexpired term on<br />

<strong>the</strong> Northwest Water and<br />

Sewer District Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Trustees. This term will<br />

commence upon selection<br />

and expire on December 31,<br />

2018.<br />

Applicants must live<br />

within <strong>the</strong> District and cannot<br />

be an <strong>of</strong>fice holding<br />

elected <strong>of</strong>ficial. Ideal candidates<br />

will have a diverse<br />

background with a business<br />

or planning focus, be able<br />

to demonstrate sound decision<br />

making and process<br />

technical information, and<br />

demonstrate good customer<br />

service.<br />

Regular meetings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Northwest Water and Sewer<br />

District Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees<br />

are typically held twice a<br />

month on <strong>the</strong> first and third<br />

Thursday <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> month.<br />

Attendance and active participation<br />

at <strong>the</strong>se meetings<br />

are required.<br />

Interested candidates<br />

must fill out an application<br />

for volunteer service, which<br />

can be obtained at<br /><br />

commissioners/forms.htm<br />

or in <strong>the</strong> Office <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

County Commissioners.<br />

Applications are due by<br />

4:30 p.m., on <strong>September</strong> 11.<br />

Get<br />

Fresh!<br />

Music at <strong>the</strong> Market Commodore Square at 7 p.m.<br />

(Corner <strong>of</strong> Louisiana and Indiana avenues)<br />

June 6 - West Central Quartet •June 13 - The Gazebo •June 20 - The Bridges<br />

•June 27 - HepCat Revival •July 11 - Venyx •July 18 - 6th <strong>Edition</strong><br />

•July 25 - Luke James and <strong>the</strong> Thieves •August 1- Cottonwood Jam String Band<br />

•August 8 - The Home Wreckers •August 15 - The Nu-Tones •August 22 - Suburban Legend<br />

Brought to you by <strong>the</strong> City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Convention and Visitors Bureau and Ed Schmidt<br />

PHS girls golf team has win streak snapped by Northview<br />

With <strong>the</strong> start <strong>of</strong> school,<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> High School<br />

girls golf team also begin its<br />

run for <strong>the</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Lakes<br />

League championship. The<br />

most notable team that<br />

stands in <strong>the</strong>ir way is<br />

Northview, <strong>the</strong> reigning<br />

NLL champs.<br />

Last week, <strong>the</strong> two rivals<br />

clashed on Highland Meadows<br />

Country Club’s long par<br />

37 front nine playing from<br />

<strong>the</strong> silver tees.<br />

Unfortunately, <strong>the</strong> Yellow<br />

Jackets succumbed to <strong>the</strong><br />

challenge as <strong>the</strong> LadyKats<br />

routed <strong>the</strong> Black and Gold,<br />

185-196.<br />

Senior Monica Dorner<br />

was medalist with a 42.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r scorers for PHS were<br />

sophomores Madison<br />

Williams, 49; Katie Diehl,<br />

51, and Macy Tudor, 54.<br />

Northview snapped <strong>Perrysburg</strong>’s<br />

16-match winning<br />

streak in NLL regular season<br />

matches. The Lady Jackets<br />

had not lost an NLL regular<br />

season match since Dorner’s<br />

first match her freshman<br />

year against Southview.<br />

“This was a tough loss,”<br />

Monica said. “We beat<br />

Northview twice already this<br />

season during 18-hole tournaments,<br />

but those don’t<br />

matter when it comes to <strong>the</strong><br />

NLL. Our goal is to win <strong>the</strong><br />

NLL, and while this loss<br />

hurts, it doesn’t mean that<br />

we can’t still win <strong>the</strong> NLL.”<br />

The day after losing to<br />

Northview, <strong>Perrysburg</strong> faced<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r foe, <strong>the</strong> Anthony<br />

Wayne Generals, on <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

home course, Brandywine<br />

Country Club. Characteristically,<br />

<strong>the</strong> Jackets rebounded<br />

and defeated AW, 175-189.<br />

Dorner was medalist with<br />

a 39, while sophomore Sonia<br />

Krolak followed closely<br />

with a 43. Williams chipped<br />

in with a 45, while Diehl<br />

added a 48.<br />

“After our tough loss at<br />

Northview, we really felt<br />

like we had a bounce back<br />

day in us,” said Head Coach<br />

Rick Rettig. “We still have a<br />

great deal to work on, but I<br />

really like how we came<br />

toge<strong>the</strong>r today.”<br />

Prior to <strong>the</strong> NLL matches,<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> had two nonleague<br />

matches.<br />

At Eagles Landing Golf<br />

Club, PHS upended Clay,<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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<br />

171-181. Dorner, Diehl and<br />

Williams all shot 42 to lead<br />

<strong>the</strong> Lady Jackets, and rounding<br />

out <strong>the</strong> scoring was senior<br />

Katie Krieger with a 45.<br />

PHS also bested Lexington,<br />

162-189, at White Pines<br />

Golf Club.<br />

Dorner was medalist with<br />

a 37, while Diehl and<br />

Williams carded 40s and<br />

Krolak chipped in with a 45.<br />

“I was happy with this<br />

round because it felt complete,”<br />

said Coach Rettig.<br />

“With <strong>the</strong> exception <strong>of</strong> a few<br />

small mistakes, we eliminated<br />

big numbers from <strong>the</strong><br />

scorecard and we are doing a<br />

much better job in course<br />

management. Madison<br />

Williams has not only<br />

improved her swing, but she<br />

has become a stronger and<br />

more focused golfer. She<br />

may be slight <strong>of</strong> frame, but<br />

her ability to avoid trouble<br />

and provide a consistent,<br />

reliable score continues to be<br />

important this season.”<br />

Today, <strong>the</strong> Lady Jackets<br />

face Notre Dame in a home<br />

match at White Pines Golf<br />

Club beginning at 3:30 p.m.<br />

Nominations being accepted<br />

for PHS Athletic Hall <strong>of</strong> Fame<br />

Nominations are currently<br />

being accepted for <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>2013</strong>-14 Hall <strong>of</strong> Fame class.<br />

The Hall <strong>of</strong> Fame recognizes<br />

individuals who were outstanding<br />

athletes at <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

High School and who<br />

have made outstanding contributions<br />

to <strong>the</strong> community<br />

and/or athletic program at<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> High School.<br />

Nominations will be<br />

accepted until <strong>September</strong> 25,<br />

<strong>2013</strong>. They can be submitted<br />

online at<br />

PHS-athletic-hall-<strong>of</strong>-fame.<br />

The link is available on<br />

<strong>the</strong> athletic page <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> high<br />

school Web site at www.<br /><br />

For more information,<br />

call PHS Athletic Director<br />

Ray Pohlman at 419-874-<br />

3181, extension 5194.<br />

Get Fresh! Visit <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Farmers<br />

Market<br />

in historic downtown <strong>Perrysburg</strong> for locally<br />

grown and produced annuals, perennials,<br />

herbs, baked goods, garden art, prepared<br />

foods,fruits, vegetables and unique gifts<br />

from more than 50 vendors.<br />

<strong>2013</strong> Season: Thursdays,<br />

from 3 to 8 p.m. May 9-Oct. 10<br />

Brought to you by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Convention and Visitors Bureau

U.S.P.S. #428-380<br />


Published every Wednesday at <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43552<br />

Periodicals Postage Paid at <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43552<br />

John B. Welch, Publisher<br />

Deb Buker, Editor<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w H. Welch, Advertising Manager<br />

117 East Second Street, P.O. Box 267<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43552<br />

Website Address:<br />

Subscription Rates:<br />

IN WOOD COUNTY – 1 Year $28.00<br />

IN OHIO – 1 Year $32.00<br />

ALL OTHER STATES – 1 Year $35.00<br />

Liability for errors and/or omissions in publication <strong>of</strong> any advertisement<br />

by <strong>the</strong> PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL, whe<strong>the</strong>r due to negligence<br />

or o<strong>the</strong>rwise, is limited to rerunning without charge that portion <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> advertisement published incorrectly. In case <strong>of</strong> error or omission, <strong>the</strong><br />

publisher will, upon request, furnish <strong>the</strong> advertiser with a letter stating that<br />

such error or omission occurred. The PERRYSBURG MESSENGER<br />

JOURNAL will not be responsible for errors or omissions in any advertising<br />

beyond <strong>the</strong> first insertion or for errors in electronically submitted ads.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r than as stated above. The PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOUR-<br />

NAL assumes no responsibility or liability for any monetary loss or damages<br />

resulting from any error or omission. All copy is subject to <strong>the</strong><br />

approval <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> publisher, who reserves <strong>the</strong> right to reject or cancel any<br />

submission at any time. The opinions expressed in paid advertisements<br />

and/or letters to <strong>the</strong> Editor which are published in The PERRYSBURG<br />

MESSENGER JOURNAL do not necessarily reflect <strong>the</strong> opinion or philosophy<br />

<strong>of</strong> The PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL.<br />

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to<br />

Welch Publishing Co., P.O. Box 267, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43552<br />

MEMBER<br />


National Newspaper<br />

Association<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />



Two <strong>Perrysburg</strong> residents<br />

named to MVCDS board<br />

Maumee Valley Country<br />

Day School Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Trustees recently announced<br />

<strong>the</strong> appointment <strong>of</strong><br />

five new members.<br />

New board members are:<br />

Mary Lynch Jarrell, Kathy<br />

Peters, Brian Reddy, and<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> residents Ed<br />

Streeter and Amy Yustick.<br />

Mr. Streeter is married<br />

and <strong>the</strong> parent <strong>of</strong> twins who<br />

are MVCDS students in <strong>the</strong><br />

ELC. He earned his bachelor<br />

<strong>of</strong> science degree in industrial<br />

engineering at<br />

Stanford. After working as<br />

an engineer in Silicon Valley,<br />

he returned to school<br />

and earned a master <strong>of</strong> business<br />

administration degree<br />

from Wharton in marketing<br />

and finance with an emphasis<br />

in strategic planning.<br />

After a stint in corporate<br />

planning at Dow Jones and<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Company, he spent 10 years<br />

at California Federal Bank<br />

doing mergers and acquisitions.<br />

Ms. Yustick is married<br />

and <strong>the</strong> parent <strong>of</strong> three<br />

MVCDS students. She has<br />

more than 20 years <strong>of</strong> experience<br />

in finance, marketing,<br />

and IT in <strong>the</strong><br />

automotive industry and is<br />

currently serving as <strong>the</strong><br />

global head <strong>of</strong> finance and<br />

controlling for commercial<br />

vehicle at Dana Holding<br />

Corporation. She earned her<br />

MBA from <strong>the</strong> Katz Graduate<br />

School <strong>of</strong> Business and<br />

her bachelor <strong>of</strong> arts degree<br />

from <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong><br />

Michigan.<br />

Maumee Valley Country<br />

Day School in Toledo, <strong>of</strong>fers<br />

education to children<br />

from preschool through<br />

grade 12.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

It’s<br />

on<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

P U B L I C R E C O R D<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> City<br />

Police Report<br />

August 26 to 28, <strong>2013</strong><br />

Monday, August 26<br />

Accident, Fremont Pike at<br />

south I-75; medic runs,<br />

26000 block North Dixie<br />

Highway, 800 block<br />

Louisiana Avenue, 200 block<br />

Elm Street, 24300 block<br />

North Dixie Highway, unit<br />

block Dr. McAuley Court,<br />

26700 block Lakevue Drive,<br />

26100 block Edinborough<br />

Circle; alarms, 3100 block<br />

Chappel Drive, 200 block<br />

Zoar Drive, 400 block Arrowhead<br />

Drive, 3100 block<br />

Chappel Drive; fraud, 100<br />

block East Second Street,<br />

26700 block Lakevue Drive;<br />

<strong>the</strong>ft, 100 block West South<br />

Boundary Street, 200 block<br />

East South Boundary Street,<br />

26400 block North Dixie<br />

Highway.<br />

Tuesday, August 27<br />

Accidents, Eckel Junction<br />

Road at North Dixie Highway,<br />

500 block East South<br />

Boundary Street; medic runs,<br />

1600 block Brigham Drive,<br />

100 block East Sixth Street,<br />

600 block West South<br />

Boundary Street, 900 block<br />

Cherry Street, 24300 block<br />

North Dixie Highway; alarm,<br />

200 block West Front Street;<br />

mail tampering, 400 block<br />

Bridgeview Drive; <strong>the</strong>ft, 600<br />

block Prairie Rose Drive; harassment,<br />

12300 bock Waterstone<br />

Lane; criminal<br />

mischief, 1000 block Valley<br />

Bluff Road.<br />

Wednesday, August 28<br />

Accident, 11000 block<br />

Avenue Road; medic runs,<br />

26800 block Lakevue Drive,<br />

300 block Walnut Street, 200<br />

block West Fifth Street;<br />

alarms, 1300 block Levis<br />

Commons Boulevard, 1200<br />

block Flagship Drive, 2200<br />

block Levis Commons<br />

Boulevard; excessive noise,<br />

27400 block West River<br />

Road; family disturbance,<br />

800 block Walnut Street.<br />

Thursday, August 29<br />

Accidents, 3100 block<br />

Levis Commons Boulevard,<br />

26500 block North Dixie<br />

Highway; medic run, 4200<br />

block Moser Lane; fire, 800<br />

block Cherry Street; alarms,<br />

14000 block Eckel Junction<br />

Road, 1000 block Commerce<br />

Drive, 300 block Coventry<br />

Court; threats, 300 block Elm<br />

Street; <strong>the</strong>ft, 27300 block<br />

Carronade Drive, 100 block<br />

West South Boundary Street;<br />

family <strong>of</strong>fense, unit block<br />

Three Meadows Court.<br />

Friday, August 30<br />

Fraud, 25400 block Fort<br />

Meigs Road.<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Township<br />

Police Report<br />

August 23 to 29, <strong>2013</strong><br />

Friday, August 23<br />

Accidents, 29000 block<br />

Durham Drive, Market Centre<br />

Drive at Thompson Road,<br />

(2) 10000 block Fremont<br />

Pike; rescue runs, 7000 block<br />

Reitz Road, 20000 block<br />

Starlight Road, 20000 block<br />

Lime City Road, 10000<br />

block Fremont Pike; unruly<br />

juvenile, 26000 block Lime<br />

City Road; drug possession,<br />

27000 block Glenwood<br />

Road; <strong>the</strong>ft, 10000 block<br />

Fremont Pike; suspicious<br />

person, Bishopswood Lane<br />

at Oakmead Park; drug<br />

abuse, Oregon Road at Starbright<br />

Boulevard; custody<br />

dispute, 28000 block Oregon<br />

Road.<br />

Saturday, August 24<br />

Rescue runs, unit block<br />

Dr. McAuley Court, 20000<br />

block Carronade Drive,<br />

20000 block Apex Lane,<br />

20000 block Hull Prairie<br />

Road; fire call, 20000 block<br />

McCutcheonville Road;<br />

alarm, 10000 block Fremont<br />

Pike; custody dispute, 7000<br />

block Reitz Road; identity<br />

fraud, 12000 block Roosevelt<br />

Boulevard; telecommunications<br />

harassment,<br />

28000 block Starlight Road;<br />

K-9 utilized, I-75 south at<br />

milemark 189, I-75 south at<br />

milemark 191.<br />

Sunday, August 25<br />

Accident, Broad Street at<br />

Roachton Road; rescue runs,<br />

20000 block Simmons Road,<br />

20000 block McCarty Drive,<br />

9000 block Mandell Road;<br />

fire calls, Fort Meigs State<br />

Park, Roachton Road at<br />

Broad Street; found property,<br />

10000 block Fremont Pike;<br />

disorderly conduct, 12000<br />

block Roachton Road.<br />

Monday, August 26<br />

Rescue runs, 9000 block<br />

Bishopswood Lane, 10000<br />

block South Bramblewood<br />

Road, 28000 block Starbright<br />

Boulevard, (2) 20000<br />

block Oregon Road; drug<br />

abuse and drug paraphernalia,<br />

Fremont Pike at I-75;<br />

criminal damage and <strong>the</strong>ft,<br />

7000 block Lunitas Lane.<br />

Tuesday, August 27<br />

Accident, 7000 block<br />

Ayers Road; drug abuse and<br />

K-9 utilized, 3rd at I streets;<br />

<strong>the</strong>ft, 100 block J Street,<br />

29000 block East River<br />

Road; incident report, 10000<br />

block White Oak Drive; suspicious<br />

person, Woodmont<br />

Drive, 12000 block Gloria<br />

Street.<br />

Wednesday, August 28<br />

Rescue runs, 20000 block<br />

Lime City Road, 7000 block<br />

Twin Lakes Drive, 30000<br />

block Oregon Road; alarm,<br />

28000 block Starbright<br />

Boulevard; suspicious person,<br />

27000 block Tracy<br />

Road; <strong>the</strong>ft, 10000 block<br />

Fremont Pike.<br />

Thursday, August 29<br />

Accidents, 10000 block<br />

Fremont Pike, Fremont Pike<br />

at Oakmead Drive, Buck at<br />

Bates roads; rescue runs,<br />

20000 block Starbright<br />

Boulevard, 10000 block Fremont<br />

Pike; fire call, 800<br />

block Cherry Street; <strong>the</strong>ft<br />

and breaking and entering,<br />

27000 block Oregon Road;<br />

<strong>the</strong>ft, 27000 block Oregon<br />

Road; incident report, 27000<br />

block Holiday Lane.<br />

Sheriff’s W Report,<br />

Middleton Township<br />

August 23 to 29, <strong>2013</strong><br />

Friday, August 23<br />

Alarm, 20100 block<br />

North Dixie Highway.<br />

Saturday, August 24<br />

Accident, 14400 block<br />

Five Point Road; suspicious<br />

vehicle, 17700 block River<br />

Road.<br />

Sunday, August 25<br />

Fire, 15500 block Bi<strong>of</strong>it<br />

Way; alarms, WASH 15500 block<br />

Bi<strong>of</strong>it Way, 15600 block<br />

River N View Place; suspicious<br />

incident, 12000 block<br />

Cross Creek Road.<br />

Monday, August 26<br />

Alarm, 14500 block Middleton<br />

Pike.<br />

Tuesday, August 27<br />

Accident, 19500 block<br />

Dunbridge Road.<br />

Wednesday, August 28<br />

Alarm, 16500 block<br />

River Road; 419­874­2877 suspicious incident,<br />

16300 block River<br />

$<br />

Road.<br />

Thursday, August 29<br />

Alarm, 18900 block<br />

Carter Road; custody dispute,<br />

N<br />

(2) 14600 block Olde<br />

Trail Drive.<br />

N<br />

W<br />

WASH<br />

PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL —<strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — Page 3<br />

River Road water line replacement planned<br />

The Northwestern Water<br />

and Sewer District soon will<br />

replace an existing 12-inch<br />

public water line along River<br />

Road.<br />

The project extends from<br />

Eagle Point Road in Rossford<br />

to East Boundary Street in <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

affecting many residents<br />

in Rossford and<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Township.<br />

Construction will begin in<br />

mid to late <strong>September</strong> and continue<br />

through next spring, according<br />

to John Sopko, NWSD<br />

project manager.<br />

It is “part <strong>of</strong> an on-going effort<br />

by <strong>the</strong> district to improve<br />

water quality, service to your<br />

property and increase fire protection,”<br />

he said.<br />

Water service interruption<br />

may occur during construction,<br />

but affected residents will be<br />

notified.<br />

Local traffic to residents’<br />

homes will be maintained.<br />

Buckeye Excavating will<br />

perform construction on behalf<br />

<strong>of</strong> NWSD, but an NWSD inspector<br />

will be on site at all<br />

times.<br />

The following neighborhoods<br />

will be affected by <strong>the</strong><br />

water line project.<br />

Stonecr<strong>of</strong>t Drive<br />

Existing 4-inch service line<br />

and 8-inch main that goes<br />

down Stonecr<strong>of</strong>t will be temporarily<br />

out <strong>of</strong> service leaving<br />

everyone without water.<br />

St. Luke’s Hospital has a 6-<br />

inch water line which will be<br />

out <strong>of</strong> service while it is being<br />

switched to <strong>the</strong> new water<br />

main.<br />

Rockledge Drive<br />

Existing 6-inch water main<br />

will leave about a dozen homes<br />

without water service while it<br />

is being switched to <strong>the</strong> new<br />

12-inch.<br />

The existing 6-inch water<br />

main along Secor Woods will<br />

be out <strong>of</strong> service while<br />

switched over to <strong>the</strong> new 12-<br />

inch. This will leave all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

residents along Secor Woods<br />

Lane without water, about 13<br />

homes<br />

Rockledge Drive and<br />

Hufford Road<br />

Along Rockledge, <strong>the</strong> existing<br />

6-inch water main will<br />

be temporarily out <strong>of</strong> service,<br />

leaving 10 homes out <strong>of</strong> service<br />

while it is being switched.<br />

Existing 6-inch water main<br />

along Hufford will be out <strong>of</strong><br />

service while it is switched.<br />

This will leave about 10 homes<br />

without water for a short period<br />

<strong>of</strong> time.<br />

Ford Road and Turnpike<br />

Underpass<br />

While construction is occurring<br />

under <strong>the</strong> turnpike,<br />

temporarily traffic signals will<br />

be needed because traffic will<br />

be down to one lane.<br />

The existing 12-inch water<br />

main along Ford will put several<br />

residents along Ford between<br />

White and River roads<br />

out <strong>of</strong> service while it is<br />

switched to <strong>the</strong> new line.<br />

Duxbury Lane<br />

The existing 8-inch water<br />

main that follows Duxbury<br />

will be temporarily out <strong>of</strong> service<br />

while it is reconnected to<br />

<strong>the</strong> new 12-inch line along<br />

River Road. This will leave all<br />

residents along Duxbury without<br />

service since it is not a<br />

looped system.<br />

Shelbourne Road, Hamlet<br />

Commons, Somerset<br />

Road<br />

The existing 8-inch water<br />

main along Shelbourne will be<br />

out <strong>of</strong> water service as it is reconnected<br />

to <strong>the</strong> new main.<br />

This will put about seven duplexes<br />

out <strong>of</strong> service.<br />

The apartments at <strong>the</strong> Hamlet<br />

Commons will be out <strong>of</strong><br />

service as <strong>the</strong>y reconnect <strong>the</strong> 6-<br />

inch line to <strong>the</strong> new water<br />

main.<br />

The 8-inch water line along<br />

Somerset will be out <strong>of</strong> service<br />

while it is connected to <strong>the</strong> new<br />

water main. This outage will<br />

put six homes out <strong>of</strong> water<br />

service.<br />

Knight Park<br />

Knight Park will be temporarily<br />

out <strong>of</strong> water service<br />

while <strong>the</strong> 2-inch line is reconnected.<br />

Sussex Drive<br />

The existing 8-inch water<br />

line along Sussex will be out <strong>of</strong><br />

service while it is reconnected<br />

to <strong>the</strong> new water main. Only<br />

about four homes will be affected<br />

since this system is<br />

looped and has valves at Fox<br />

and Durham roads.<br />

Hospice<br />

The existing 8-inch water<br />

line for Hospice will be out <strong>of</strong><br />

service for a short period <strong>of</strong><br />

time as <strong>the</strong>y connect it to <strong>the</strong><br />

new 12-inch along River Road.<br />

Morningside Drive<br />

The existing 8-inch water<br />

main will be out <strong>of</strong> service as<br />

it gets reconnected to <strong>the</strong> new<br />

12-inch water main. This outage<br />

will affect a large number<br />

<strong>of</strong> houses.<br />

Waterford Drive<br />

The existing 8-inch line<br />

will be out <strong>of</strong> service as it is reconnected<br />

to <strong>the</strong> 12-inch water<br />

main. This will put a handful <strong>of</strong><br />

homes out <strong>of</strong> service.<br />

Hickory Hill Drive<br />

As <strong>the</strong> existing 8-inch line<br />

is reconnected all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> homes<br />

along Hickory Hill drive will<br />

be out <strong>of</strong> water service. This is<br />

a looped system so <strong>the</strong> valve at<br />

<strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> Waterford will have<br />

to be shut <strong>of</strong>f.<br />

Jacqueline Road<br />

The existing 8-inch water<br />

line is a looped system so<br />

houses along Jacqueline<br />

should not experience any outage.<br />

They will do one disconnection<br />

and reconnection <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

8-inch at a time.<br />

Bates Road<br />

The existing 12-inch water<br />

main will be out <strong>of</strong> service for<br />

a short period <strong>of</strong> time. About<br />

six homes will be affected as<br />

long as <strong>the</strong> gate valve down<br />

Bates Road is closed.<br />

Rosedale Place<br />

The existing 6-inch water<br />

main along Rosedale will be<br />

out <strong>of</strong> water service while <strong>the</strong><br />

new connection is being made.<br />

This is a looped system, but<br />

about 20 homes still will be affected<br />

during this outage.<br />

Island View Road<br />

According to <strong>the</strong> district’s<br />

GIS, <strong>the</strong>re should be no outages<br />

because <strong>the</strong>re are two<br />

valves at <strong>the</strong> intersection <strong>of</strong> Island<br />

View and Schreier that<br />

can be shut <strong>of</strong>f.<br />

Lime City Road<br />

While <strong>the</strong> existing 12-inch<br />

along Lime City is being reconnected,<br />

about 10 homes<br />

will be without water.<br />

Elm Tree<br />

With <strong>the</strong> placement <strong>of</strong><br />

valves, no outage should be experienced<br />

by anyone. The existing<br />

6-inch water main is<br />

looped and with closing <strong>the</strong><br />

valve where Elm Tree comes<br />

into Lime City, it will be possible<br />

to shut it down with no<br />

businesses or houses affected.<br />

Colony Road<br />

With <strong>the</strong> existing 6-inch<br />

water main, houses along<br />

Colony Road will be temporarily<br />

out <strong>of</strong> water service. Colony<br />

Court also will be out <strong>of</strong> service<br />

while this reconnection is<br />

$<br />

N<br />

taking place.<br />

Rossburn Place<br />

The existing 6-inch water<br />

main will be temporarily out <strong>of</strong><br />

service while <strong>the</strong>y make <strong>the</strong><br />

new connection. The outage<br />

will occur between River Road<br />

and 137 Rossburn.<br />

Vineyard Drive<br />

The existing 8-inch water<br />

main along Vineyard will be<br />

completely shut down while<br />

<strong>the</strong> reconnection is made. This<br />

will cause about two dozen<br />

homes to be without water<br />

service.<br />

Rossway Avenue<br />

The 6-inch water main<br />

along Rossway will be temporarily<br />

out <strong>of</strong> service. This<br />

outage will affect <strong>the</strong> Rossview<br />

419­874­2877<br />

Apartments.<br />

River Road<br />

For <strong>the</strong> whole distance<br />

along River Road where this<br />

project is under way, meter pits<br />

will be set at each service while<br />

curb stops will be pulled out.<br />

The contractor is to remove<br />

all existing fire hydrant assemblies<br />

after new waterline is installed,<br />

tested and placed in<br />

service.<br />

On <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn side <strong>of</strong> this<br />

project along River Road, <strong>the</strong>re<br />

are many businesses that will<br />

be affected by this new waterline.<br />

For more information on<br />

<strong>the</strong> project, contact Mr. Sopko<br />

at 419-354-9090, extension<br />

175.<br />

Impression Exhibition open<br />

at Maumee Valley CDS<br />

Maumee Valley Country<br />

Day School is hosting <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>2013</strong> Impression Exhibition<br />

through October 11, in Wolfe<br />

Gallery, 1715 South<br />

Reynolds Road, Toledo. The<br />

exhibit is open week days<br />

from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.<br />

The Impression Exhibition”<br />

is designed to showcase<br />

outstanding prints from<br />

around <strong>the</strong> United States. It<br />

also functions as an educational<br />

tool to investigate how<br />


Join us for <strong>the</strong> 4th Annual<br />

Rally Day & Jim Eckel Chicken BBQ<br />

Sunday, <strong>September</strong> 8 • 11:30 a.m. ‘til gone<br />

All are welcome • Dine in or carry out<br />

Christ Evangelical Lu<strong>the</strong>ran Church<br />

22552 Carter Rd. • Bowling Green<br />

printmaking can be used to<br />

communicate visually.<br />

Participants in <strong>the</strong> show<br />

included selected students<br />

and faculty from Bowling<br />

Green State University,<br />

Columbus College <strong>of</strong> Art and<br />

Design, University <strong>of</strong> Toledo<br />

and Florida State University.<br />

The exhibition is directed and<br />

curated by Joseph Van Kerkhove,<br />

printmaker and adjunct<br />

instructor <strong>of</strong> art at Tiffin University.<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>’s ONLY<br />

Full Service Car Wash!<br />


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Not valid with o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong>fers.<br />

N<br />

W<br />

WASH<br />

$<br />

N<br />

419­874­2877<br />


Page 4 —<strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL<br />

Belmont Country Club swimmers receive awards at end-<strong>of</strong> season celebration<br />

Winning three championship<br />

victories was reason<br />

to celebrate for <strong>the</strong> Belmont<br />

Country Club swim team<br />

and families. More than<br />

200 attended <strong>the</strong> banquet<br />

dinner held at <strong>the</strong> clubhouse<br />

<strong>the</strong> evening <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> championship<br />

meet.<br />

Despite a very long day,<br />

<strong>the</strong>re was no sign <strong>of</strong> exhaustion.<br />

Swimmers and parents<br />

burst into applause and<br />

cheers as Jackie Venzel,<br />

head coach, reviewed <strong>the</strong><br />

undefeated season.<br />

The team’s winning<br />

streak has been extended to<br />

12 dual meets and three<br />

championship meets.<br />

Coach Venzel pointed<br />

out that many swimmers do<br />

not even know what it was<br />

like to not win a meet.<br />

Coach Venzel recalled<br />

<strong>the</strong> history <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> swim team<br />

since she started eight years<br />

ago. “No one could remember<br />

ever winning a dual<br />

meet. After four years <strong>of</strong><br />

building <strong>the</strong> team, we finally<br />

won a dual meet in my<br />

fifth year.” She added,<br />

“You would have thought<br />

we won <strong>the</strong> trophy.”<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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<br />

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& '(!"##)<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Same<br />

Day<br />

Service<br />

In by 9 a.m.<br />

out by 4 p.m.<br />

20% Off<br />

Dry Cleaning<br />

Includes Shirts<br />

Cash & Carry<br />

Must present coupon with incoming order<br />

Not valid with any o<strong>the</strong>r coupons<br />

Expires November 5, <strong>2013</strong><br />

15% Off<br />

Dry Cleaning<br />

Includes Shirts<br />

Cash & Carry<br />

Must present coupon with incoming order<br />

Not valid with any o<strong>the</strong>r coupons<br />

Expires November 5, <strong>2013</strong><br />

She thanked more than a<br />

dozen swimmers who compete<br />

in <strong>the</strong> older age groups<br />

for staying with <strong>the</strong> team.<br />

“Many <strong>of</strong> you swim for<br />

your school and year-round<br />

clubs. What many <strong>of</strong> you<br />

may not know is even<br />

<br />

<br />

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Coaches Awards were presented to: Sam Becker, Aubrey<br />

Green, Justin Hire, Oliver Lazenby, Mary Lathrop; Jake Disalle,<br />

Lizzie Kemp, Alexa Rooney, Max Burke, Ashton Borgelt<br />

<br />

Country Charm Shopping Center<br />

West Boundary Street, <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

419-874-4489<br />

<br />

though <strong>the</strong>y are not at our<br />

practices and coached by us,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y are practicing elsewhere,”<br />

Coach Venzel told<br />

<strong>the</strong> team. “Their dedication<br />

to Belmont by committing<br />

to compete at our meets,<br />

along with our younger<br />

swimmers, is why we are<br />

now winning. ”<br />

The coaching staff presented<br />

individual awards to<br />

swim team members who<br />

were outstanding in attendance,<br />

work ethic and<br />

sportsmanship and overall<br />

attitude.<br />

Receiving <strong>the</strong> Coaches<br />

Awards were Oliver<br />

Lazenby and Mary Lathrop<br />

from Coaches Connor<br />

Mitchell and Tori Riggs;<br />

Justin Hire and Elizabeth<br />

Nedley from Coach Alex<br />

Kloster; Sam Becker and<br />

Aubrey Green from Coach<br />

Nichole Henderson; Jake<br />

Disalle, Lizzie Kemp, Max<br />

Burke and Alexa Rooney<br />

from Coach Mickey Mc-<br />

Goldrick, and Ashton<br />

Over<br />

60<br />

Years<br />

in<br />

Business<br />

15% Off<br />

Dry Cleaning<br />

Includes Shirts<br />

Cash & Carry<br />

Must present coupon with incoming order<br />

Not valid with any o<strong>the</strong>r coupons<br />

Expires November 5, <strong>2013</strong><br />

15% Off<br />

Dry Cleaning<br />

Includes Shirts<br />

Cash & Carry<br />

Must present coupon with incoming order<br />

Not valid with any o<strong>the</strong>r coupons<br />

Expires November 5, <strong>2013</strong><br />

and Hope Yost. Back row: Coaches Connor Mitchell, Tori<br />

Riggs, Alex Kloster, Nichole Henderson, Mickey McGoldrick<br />

and Jackie Venzel. Not pictured: Elizabeth Nedley.<br />

Borgelt and Hope Yost from<br />

Coach Venzel.<br />

Improving on stroke development<br />

and dropping<br />

seconds were <strong>the</strong> criteria for<br />

<strong>the</strong> Most Improved Awards.<br />

Receiving this honor were<br />

Emily Claypool, Ellie<br />

Duesing, Charlie Gorski,<br />

Meredith Kulmatycki, Will<br />

Nedley, Zander Poling, Reagan<br />

Root and Stanley Root.<br />

At each meet, first<br />

through third finishers earn<br />

points for <strong>the</strong> team. Additional<br />

points also are earned<br />

at <strong>the</strong> championship meet<br />

for first through sixth place.<br />

These points are tallied for<br />

each member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> team to<br />

determine who has contributed<br />

<strong>the</strong> most points in<br />

each age group.<br />

Winning <strong>the</strong> Most Valuable<br />

Award for 6 and Under<br />

were Tyler Foster and Reece<br />

Hall; Stevie Green and Elizabeth<br />

Lathrop, 7-8; Sam<br />

Lathrop and Cecily Hayward,<br />

9-10; Grant Hayward<br />

and Alaina Foster, 11-12;<br />

Hayden McClary and<br />

Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Disalle, 15-18.<br />

“Five days a week, swim<br />

team practice is held at Belmont.<br />

While not mandatory,<br />

some swimmers come<br />

almost every day putting<br />

forth <strong>the</strong>ir best effort day<br />

after day,” Coach Venzel<br />

said.<br />

Acknowledged with <strong>the</strong><br />

Hardest Worker Award were<br />

Christian Black, Sean<br />

Brown, Amy Claypool,<br />

Kate Harms, Allison Pisula,<br />

Andrew Turner and Patrick<br />

Turner.<br />

In 2007 <strong>the</strong> Divers Club<br />

was founded to encourage<br />

swimmers to dive, not jump,<br />

<strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> blocks.<br />

“They have to do this at a<br />

dual meet or championships,”<br />

coach Venzel said.<br />

“Often nerves get to <strong>the</strong><br />

younger swimmers and<br />

what <strong>the</strong>y do at practice<br />

<strong>the</strong>y cannot do at a meet.”<br />

New to <strong>the</strong> Divers Club this<br />

season were Nick Becker,<br />

Amy Claypool, Tyler Foster,<br />

Mary Lathrop, Thomas<br />

Lathrop, Grandin LeBoutillier,<br />

Cecily Martin, Ben<br />

Nieckarz, Caleb Root and<br />

Valerie Ward in <strong>the</strong> 6 and<br />

Under age group.<br />

Receiving a diver’s<br />

medal in <strong>the</strong> 7-8 year old<br />

age group were Ellie<br />

Duesing, Nick Gauchey,<br />

Stevie Green, Will<br />

Nieckarz, Sophia Poling<br />

and Connor Sniadanko. In<br />

<strong>the</strong> 9-10 age group were Angelina<br />

Barone, Sam Becker,<br />

Ashton Borgelt, Jack Burke,<br />

Sammy DeFoe, Alex Harms<br />

and Andrew Turner. Also<br />

acknowledged to <strong>the</strong> Divers<br />

Club were Peter Cooper,<br />

Lizzie Kemp, Will Nedley,<br />

Abi Ponzio, Mia Schmittenberg,<br />

Nate Stedman, Max<br />

Burke, Allie Kemp, RJ<br />

McKee and Paul Stedman.<br />

At <strong>the</strong> banquet Coach<br />

Venzel expressed sincere<br />

thanks to <strong>the</strong> parents for<br />

Hardest Workers award recipients: Christian Black<br />

(front row, left to right), Kate Harms, Patrick Turner, Amy<br />

Claypool, Sean Brown (second row), Andrew Turner and<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Kitchens and More<br />

221 Louisiana Ave., <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Ph: 419-873-6116<br /><br />

Hours: Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri-9-5; Thur-10-8; Sat-10-3, Closed Sunday<br />

Hours: Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri-9-5; Thur-10-8; Sat. by appt. only; closed Sun.<br />

Visit our experienced designers for all your remodeling needs.<br />

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Making Your Vision a Reality<br />

Scoring <strong>the</strong> most points for <strong>the</strong> team earned <strong>the</strong>se swimmers<br />

<strong>the</strong> Most Valuable Award: Elizabeth Lathrop, (front,<br />

left to right), Tyler Foster, Reece Hall; Stevie Green (second<br />

row), Cecily Hayward, Sam Lathrop and Grant Hayward<br />

Swimmers showing <strong>the</strong> Most Improved in stroke development<br />

and seconds dropped are Ellie Duesing, (front, left to<br />

right), Zander Poling, Charlie Gorski, Meredith Kulmatycki,<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir volunteer involvement<br />

which contributed to <strong>the</strong><br />

team’s successful year. Special<br />

appreciation was expressed<br />

Doughnut Thursdays and<br />

Spirit Day also were asked<br />

to stand. Finally, gratitude<br />

was expressed to Bridgette<br />

to Tricia Venzel, a Web site designer<br />

McCormick, serving a twoyear<br />

term as <strong>the</strong> Maumee<br />

Valley Swim League President.<br />

Also thanked were<br />

league parent representatives<br />

Renee Black and Elizabeth<br />

Borgelt.<br />

Destiny Pisula was acknowledged<br />

in Salt Lake City, for designing<br />

<strong>the</strong> “One, Two,<br />

Three…Try and Stop Us”<br />

team T-shirt. She is a former<br />

coach <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Belmont<br />

Swim Team.<br />

The evening concluded<br />

with parents taking pictures<br />

as volunteer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir children with<br />

coordinator for <strong>the</strong> parents,<br />

working at dual swim meets<br />

and <strong>the</strong> championship meet.<br />

Parents who helped with<br />

coaches and <strong>the</strong> four-foot<br />

trophy that will be displayed<br />

at <strong>the</strong> pool for <strong>the</strong> remainder<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> summer.<br />

Allison Pisula with Coaches Henderson, Venzel, Mc-<br />

Goldrick, Kloster, Riggs and Mitchell.<br />

Healthy U program to begin <strong>September</strong>16<br />

Healthy U is a chronic disease<br />

self-management program<br />

developed by<br />

researchers at Stanford University<br />

and will be presented<br />

by Mercy.<br />

Participants will meet<br />

once a week for six weeks for<br />

an interactive two-and-a-half<br />

hour session.<br />

Classes begin <strong>September</strong><br />

19, from 9:30 to noon, at<br />

Way Public Library in <strong>Perrysburg</strong>.<br />

The program is free.<br />

Healthy U is a small group<br />

workshop for people with<br />

long term health challenges<br />

such as asthma, arthritis,<br />

heart disease, diabetes and<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r conditions. Participants<br />

will gain confidence and new<br />

skills to better manage <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

chronic conditions and feel<br />

healthier.<br />

The workshops are led by<br />

two trained leaders who have<br />

a chronic disease <strong>the</strong>mselves.<br />

Classes are highly participatory<br />

and provide practical<br />

ways to deal with pain, fatigue<br />

and depression. In addition,<br />

participants will<br />

discover ways to be more<br />

physically active, find out<br />

how to eat healthier, learn<br />

better ways to talk with <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

Rhythm on <strong>the</strong> River to present Geri G in concert<br />

The next program <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Rhythm on <strong>the</strong> River Arts Series<br />

will be presented by Geri<br />

G on Sunday, <strong>September</strong> 8, at<br />

4 p.m. The series is sponsored<br />

by <strong>the</strong> Grand Rapids<br />

Historical Society.<br />

Geri G. Harvell, from Labelle,<br />

Florida, has been playing<br />

<strong>the</strong> alto saxophone since<br />

1954. He is retired and found<br />

that music is a good past time.<br />

Originally from Carlton,<br />

Michigan, he plays pr<strong>of</strong>essionally<br />

at dances, cocktail<br />

hours, weddings and o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

programs.<br />

He enjoys <strong>the</strong> “oldies,”<br />

and will play many favorites.<br />

The Rhythm programs are<br />

held in <strong>the</strong> Wright Pavilion<br />

located on <strong>the</strong> towpath between<br />

<strong>the</strong> canal and <strong>the</strong><br />

Maumee River at <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong><br />

Lincoln Street behind<br />

LaRoe’s Restaurant. The<br />

concert is free.<br />

Those attending may<br />

bring lawn chairs or blankets<br />

for seating.<br />

doctor and family about <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

health, set personal goals, and<br />

find ways to relax and deal<br />

with stress.<br />

Healthy U is made possible<br />

by Mercy, Way Public Library<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Area Office on<br />

Aging <strong>of</strong> Northwest Ohio,<br />

Inc. in cooperation with <strong>the</strong><br />

Administration on Aging, <strong>the</strong><br />

National Council on Aging,<br />

<strong>the</strong> Ohio Department <strong>of</strong><br />

Aging, and <strong>the</strong> Ohio Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> Health.<br />

Registration is required<br />

prior to <strong>September</strong> 16, by<br />

calling 419-251-6372.<br />

standing with Coaches Venzel and Henderson. Coaches<br />

Mitchell and Kloster are standing with awardee Ca<strong>the</strong>rine<br />

Disalle; Coaches Riggs and McGoldrick are also pictured<br />

with awardee Alaina Foster.<br />

Emily Claypool (second row), Stanley Root and Reagan<br />

Root with Coaches Henderson, Riggs (back row), Venzel,<br />

McGoldrick, Kloster and Mitchell.<br />

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Add an Important Item to<br />

Your Back-to-school List.<br />

For parents, back-to-school season means<br />

it’s time to stock up on school supplies. But<br />

it can also be a good time to think about<br />

how to save for your child’s future education.<br />

Developing a strategy for achieving your<br />

education savings goal – or o<strong>the</strong>r savings<br />

goals – can help you stay on track.<br />

To learn more about your education<br />

savings options, call or visit today.<br />

Lee Odegaard, CFP, AAMS<br />

& Loren Odegaard, AAMS<br />

Financial Advisors<br />

215 Louisiana Avenue<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH 43551<br />

(419) 874-8504<br />



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The Reel Opinions with<br />

WGTE series at Way Library<br />

will present <strong>the</strong> documentary<br />

film “Immigrant Nation! The<br />

Battle for <strong>the</strong> Dream” on<br />

Thursday, <strong>September</strong> 12, at<br />

10:30 a.m.<br />

The film presents <strong>the</strong><br />

modern immigrant rights<br />


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Suite 102<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH<br />

419-874-4463<br />

Artist Pr<strong>of</strong>ile<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> resident<br />

Molly Strader has literally<br />

forged a notable career in<br />

contemporary metalsmithing.<br />

She traveled to Bali, Indonesia<br />

in <strong>the</strong> mid 1990s to<br />

study under a master wood<br />

carver and learn about Balinese<br />

culture.<br />

That trip started <strong>the</strong> artist<br />

on a journey <strong>of</strong> devotion to<br />

her artwork and her views <strong>of</strong><br />

“simplicity and oneness <strong>of</strong><br />

science and beauty,” which is<br />

always present in her art. Ms.<br />

Strader has a bachelors <strong>of</strong><br />

fine art degree from <strong>the</strong> University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Toledo–with a<br />

major in metalsmithing and<br />

minor in ceramics and sculpture–and<br />

a masters <strong>of</strong> fine<br />

arts degree from East Carolina<br />

University.<br />

Her artwork focus is predominantly<br />

centered around<br />

creating original, contemporary<br />

jewelry distinguished by<br />

a strong sculptural element<br />

that exemplifies a classic and<br />

timeless appeal.<br />

Ms. Strader was recently<br />

recognized with <strong>the</strong> Best <strong>of</strong><br />

Show award in <strong>the</strong> Boardwalk<br />

Art Show in Virginia<br />

Beach–an art show produced<br />

by <strong>the</strong> Virginia Museum <strong>of</strong><br />

Contemporary Art. Her winning<br />

piece was a stunningly<br />

creative and beautiful small<br />

teapot–<strong>the</strong> size <strong>of</strong> a baby<br />

bird–called “Ready for<br />

Flight.”<br />

Visitors to Ms. Strader’s<br />

booth at Rally For <strong>the</strong> Arts<br />

should take time to look<br />

carefully at not only her jewelry<br />

but her sculptural pieces<br />

that include tea infusers,<br />

mini teapots called “spots <strong>of</strong><br />

tea,” small vessels and objects<br />

that are so unique <strong>the</strong>y<br />

defy description.<br />

For additional information<br />

on Ms. Strader’s art or<br />

Reel Opinions program<br />

on immigration slated at Way<br />

movement in 2006 and 2007<br />

through <strong>the</strong> story <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> struggle<br />

<strong>of</strong> Elvira Arellano, a single<br />

mo<strong>the</strong>r from Chicago,<br />

who fought her deportation.<br />

Open discussion follows <strong>the</strong><br />

film.<br />

Admission and refreshments<br />

are free <strong>of</strong> charge.<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r artists in Rally for <strong>the</strong><br />

Arts, send an e-mail to<br /> or<br />

call 419-324-4758.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r artists <strong>of</strong> distinction<br />

in Rally For <strong>the</strong> Arts include:<br />

Sue Stewart, painting;<br />

Jack Schultz, photography;<br />

Debra H<strong>of</strong>fmaster, jewelry;<br />

Richard Gullet, pen and ink<br />

drawing; Janet Ritter Davies,<br />

painting; Amy Beeler, jewelry;<br />

Judy Pasquales, art<br />

quilting; Linda Par<strong>the</strong>mer,<br />

felted sculptures; William<br />

Horvath, photography;<br />

Aaron Bivins, painting; M.<br />

Hakima, painting; Richard<br />

Ruehle, wood; Mark Heard,<br />

nature photography; Loren<br />

Burkey, sculpture; Marge<br />

Merserve, enameling; Kathy<br />

Bruce, painting; Greg Justus,<br />

painting; Bob Kovac, stain<br />

glass; Monica Edgerton-<br />

Sperry, paintings, and Dani<br />

Herrerra, reclaimed object<br />

fiber works.<br />

Rotary River Run<br />

set for Sept. 22<br />

The inaugural <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Rotary River Run will take<br />

place on Sunday, <strong>September</strong><br />

22, with a start time <strong>of</strong> 8:30<br />

a.m. The start and finish line<br />

will be at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Boat<br />

Club, 111 Water Street, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>.<br />

The 5K trail run is meant<br />

for all ages and all skill levels.<br />

The course will take<br />

place along <strong>the</strong> mighty<br />

Maumee River and through<br />

Fort Meigs. Runners can expect<br />

grassy and paved surfaces,<br />

water stops and mile<br />

markers.<br />

Awards provided for overall<br />

male and female runners<br />

and for more than 10 age categories.<br />

All pre-registered<br />

participants will receive a<br />

tech shirt. A limited number<br />

<strong>of</strong> shirts will be available for<br />

race day entries.<br />

The entry fee is $20 per<br />

runner, and registrations can<br />

be completed online at<br /><br />

Proceeds from <strong>the</strong> event<br />

will go to support <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Rotary Service Foundation,<br />

<strong>the</strong> Growing 2 Give<br />

Garden and Fort Meigs.<br />

Any business or organization<br />

who would like to sponsor<br />

<strong>the</strong> event can visit <strong>the</strong><br />

Web site at www.perrys<br /> and click on<br />

sponsorship details.<br />

Kathryn Dobbs<br />

Kathryn Dobbs<br />

completes<br />

basic training<br />

Air National Guard Airman<br />

Kathryn Dobbs recently<br />

graduated from basic military<br />

training at Joint Base<br />

San Antonio-Lackland, San<br />

Antonio, Texas.<br />

Airman Dobbs is a 2011<br />

graduate <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> High<br />

School. She is <strong>the</strong> daughter<br />

<strong>of</strong> Elizabeth Cope <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

and Matt Dobbs <strong>of</strong><br />

Woodstock, Georgia.<br />

Purdue posts<br />

fall dean’s list<br />

Two <strong>Perrysburg</strong> residents<br />

were named to <strong>the</strong> dean’s list<br />

for <strong>the</strong> spring semester at Purdue<br />

University. They are: Evan<br />

Appold and Scott Frissell.<br />

To be named to <strong>the</strong> dean’s<br />

list, a student must achieve a<br />

semester grade point average<br />

<strong>of</strong> at least 3.0 and have a 3.5 or<br />

higher cumulative GPA.<br />

A solo exhibit featuring<br />

recent work <strong>of</strong> salt etchings<br />

by Craig Fisher is on<br />

display through October 15,<br />

in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Municipal<br />

Building, 201 West Indiana<br />

Avenue. Viewing hours are<br />

Monday through Friday,<br />

from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.<br />

Mr. Fisher’s images are<br />

complex and detailed. They<br />

reflect his fascination with<br />

<strong>the</strong> tension between <strong>the</strong> mechanical<br />

and <strong>the</strong> organic.<br />

His work is filled with<br />

creatures inspired by microscopic<br />

organic matter<br />

(pollen grains, insects, fossil<br />

remnants) that are converging<br />

with our everyday<br />

tools that are familiar yet<br />

out <strong>of</strong> context (springs,<br />

cogs, switches, and turbines),<br />

things that imply action<br />

or may hint <strong>of</strong> some<br />

impending motion. The titles<br />

<strong>of</strong>fer fitting clues for<br />

<strong>the</strong> viewer to put <strong>the</strong> image<br />

in perspective.<br />

The etching technique<br />

Mr. Fisher practices has not<br />

changed from <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong><br />

Rembrandt. The etchings<br />

are carefully constructed<br />

and built up <strong>of</strong> fine-meshed<br />

patterns <strong>of</strong> hatching, crosshatching,<br />

stippling and<br />

rosin dusted aquatints.<br />

There may be as many as<br />

five stages in <strong>the</strong> etching<br />

process.<br />

Mr. Fisher says his imagery<br />

is as at times<br />

metaphorical or just direct<br />

observations or studies.<br />

“Drawing, for me, is a<br />

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Jennifer and Bradley Mettert<br />

celebrated 25th wedding anniversary<br />

Jennifer and Bradley Mettert recently celebrated <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

25th wedding anniversary. They were married on August<br />

6, 1988, at <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Alliance Church.<br />

They are <strong>the</strong> parents <strong>of</strong> two sons, Daniel and David, and<br />

daughter Emily.<br />

They were given a surprise anniversary gift <strong>of</strong> airline<br />

tickets to Hawaii by Mrs. Mettert’s mo<strong>the</strong>r, Patricia<br />

Hodges. Along with celebrating <strong>the</strong>ir anniversary, <strong>the</strong>y had<br />

<strong>the</strong> opportunity to visit <strong>the</strong>ir son, Daniel, a private in <strong>the</strong><br />

U.S. Army who is stationed at Sch<strong>of</strong>ield Barracks, Oahu.<br />

The couple enjoyed sightseeing on <strong>the</strong> island and a dinner<br />

at Jamesons by <strong>the</strong> Sea on <strong>the</strong> North Shore. They also<br />

attended a comedy show at <strong>the</strong> hotel with <strong>the</strong>ir family on<br />

August 6, to celebrate.<br />

Mr. Mettert is employed by Toledo Transducers in Holland,<br />

Ohio, and Mrs. Mettert is a substitute teacher for <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Schools. They attend Grace United Methodist<br />

Church.<br />

Exhibit by Craig Fisher opens at Municipal Building<br />

An etching by Craig Fisher entitled “A Cent Into Heaven.”<br />

part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> iterative process<br />

that eventually leads to a future<br />

print. These studies can<br />

start as doodles or begin as<br />

complex pencils. They are<br />

transferred to <strong>the</strong> asphaltum<br />

covered copper plate and<br />

even <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y are constantly<br />

mutating. I don’t<br />

give <strong>the</strong> initial drawing <strong>the</strong><br />

respect it deserves, because<br />

for me <strong>the</strong> process is fluid<br />

and changing.”<br />

His commercial art career<br />

spans more than three<br />

decades as a graphic designer,<br />

art director and commercial<br />

illustrator.<br />

He currently works for<br />

Healthy Interactions in <strong>the</strong><br />

field <strong>of</strong> medical illustrations,<br />

where he says he has<br />

honed his talent for conceptualizing<br />

in <strong>the</strong> health learning<br />

market.<br />

For more information<br />

about <strong>the</strong> exhibit, send an e-<br />

amil to Main Art-ery at<br /> or<br />

call 419-324-4758.<br />

Highest<br />

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112 W. Second St. • <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH 43551<br />

419-874-4473<br /><br />

Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-4; Closed Sun.<br />

PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL — <strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — Page 5<br />

Towne Club<br />

to meet Sept. 5<br />

Towne Club <strong>of</strong> Toledo, a<br />

women’s social and philanthropic<br />

club, will meet Thursday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 5, at Carranor<br />

Hunt and Polo Club in <strong>Perrysburg</strong>.<br />

Cards will begin at 10 a.m.,<br />

followed by a luncheon at<br />

noon. The meeting will feature<br />

guest speaker Kele Tallitta<br />

from Comforting Hearts,<br />

which is <strong>the</strong> charity that <strong>the</strong><br />

club is supporting this year.<br />

Hostesses for <strong>the</strong> meeting<br />

are Marge Cox, Janet Duckett<br />

and Rosie Yates.<br />

New club members are<br />

welcome. For more information,<br />

call 419-491-1631.<br />

Way to <strong>of</strong>fer<br />

‘Facebook’<br />

workshop<br />

Way Library will <strong>of</strong>fer<br />

an ‘Introduction to Facebook’<br />

workshop on Thursday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 12, from 1<br />

to 2:30 p.m.<br />

The program will be presented<br />

by <strong>the</strong> library’s technology<br />

staff. Participants<br />

will learn <strong>the</strong> basics <strong>of</strong><br />

Facebook including usage,<br />

privacy settings, adding<br />

friends, filtering your feed,<br />

searching for friends, and<br />

posting images from a computer<br />

and mobile device.<br />

This is a demo workshop,<br />

so it will not be<br />

hands-on.<br />

Registration is not required<br />

for this free event.<br />

Tell Them You<br />

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The <strong>Journal</strong><br />

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Way Library receives<br />

$2,000 Challenge Grant<br />

The Way Public Library<br />

Foundation and Friends has<br />

been awarded a $2,000 challenge<br />

grant to support programming<br />

at Way. This<br />

challenge, by an anonymous<br />

donor, is intended to entice<br />

new donors and increase <strong>the</strong><br />

giving level <strong>of</strong> existing<br />

donors. The challenge<br />

matches every new dollar<br />

raised by <strong>the</strong> Foundation and<br />

Friends on a 1:1 basis, making<br />

<strong>the</strong>se new or increased<br />

gifts to Way Library double<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir value.<br />

Way Library serves more<br />

than 25,000 patrons each<br />

month and <strong>of</strong>fers 540 programs<br />

a year. This summer<br />

alone Way sponsored close to<br />

100 programs for children,<br />

teens and adults. These programs<br />

were attended by more<br />

than 2,900 patrons.<br />

Patrons are invited to help<br />

Way Library meet this challenge<br />

to raise funds for its<br />

ever expanding program <strong>of</strong>ferings.<br />

Checks can be made<br />

payable to WPLFF and<br />

mailed to Way<br />

Library/WPLFF, 101 East Indiana<br />

Avenue, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

Ohio 43551. To donate online,<br />

visit <strong>the</strong> Web site at<br /><br />

For more information, call<br />

Lisa Richard, foundation administrator,<br />

at 419-874-3135,<br />

extension 139.<br />




Treasury Management<br />

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Commercial Real Estate Lending<br />

Consumer And Mortgage Lending<br />

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231 Louisiana Ave.<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH 43551<br />

PHONE: 419-931-8750<br />

TOLL-FREE: 855-896-2064<br />

Page 6 — <strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL<br />

CHRIST EV.<br />


(Dowling)<br />

22552 Carter Rd., B.G.<br />

P.O. Box 364<br />

Phone: 419-833-3956<br />

Pastor<br />

Tom Zulick<br />

Sunday<br />

School<br />

9:00 a.m.<br />

Worship<br />

The Church on <strong>the</strong> Hill 10:15 a.m.<br /><br />

601 East Boundary Street<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551<br />

Phone: (419) 874-4365<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

Senior Pastor: Dennis Ditto<br />

Associate Pastor:<br />

Jennifer Bailey<br />

SUNDAY<br />

8:30 a.m. Traditional<br />

9:30 a.m. Friendship<br />

10:00 a.m. Contemporary<br />

Childcare for infants and<br />

toddlers all morning.<br />

Check our Web site for full<br />

list <strong>of</strong> activities and events for<br />

all ages.<br />


CHURCH<br />

<strong>of</strong> PERRYSBURG<br /><br />

200 East 2nd Street<br />

Phone (419) 874-4119<br />

our Pastor is<br />

Rev. Darcy Metcalfe<br />

Christian Education Director:<br />

Selinda Schultz<br />


10:00 a.m. Worship<br />


9:00 a.m. Adults;<br />

10:15 am Pre-K - 12th<br />

Childcare Available<br />


Please join us on <strong>the</strong> 3rd <strong>of</strong> each<br />

month at 6 p.m. in quiet time<br />

for meditation and prayer -<br />

Prayer/contact requests received<br />

at<br />

SEE YOUR<br />

SEPT 14/15 21/22 28/29<br />


29129 Lime City Rd 2150 South Byrne Rd<br />


2600 West Sylvania Ave<br />



CHURCH<br />

628 Lime City Road<br />

Rossford, Ohio 43460<br />

419-666-1393<br /><br />

Masses: Saturday at 4:30 p.m.<br />

Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.<br />



(Preschool through Grade 8)<br />

Where we study <strong>the</strong> world,<br />

teach <strong>the</strong> heart,<br />

and live <strong>the</strong> gospel.<br />

Sunday Services:<br />

Holy Eucharist, 8 A.M.<br />

Holy Family Eucharist, 10 A.M.<br />

Sunday School 10 A.M.<br />

871 East Boundary<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551<br />

419­874­5704<br />

www.saint­<br />

215 East Front Street<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551<br />

Phone: (419) 874-4559<br /><br />

Rev. Msgr. Marvin G. Borger<br />

Rev. Thomas Kodinattumkunnil,<br />

Associate Pastor<br />

Deacon Victor DeFilippis<br />

Deacon Larry Tiefenbach<br />



5:00 p.m. Mass<br />

SUNDAY<br />

Masses: 7:30 a.m., 9:00<br />

a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, and<br />

5:00 p.m.<br />


MONDAY<br />

6:30 to 6:45 a.m.<br />

8:30 to 8:45 a.m.<br />


6:30 to 6:45 p.m.<br />


4:00 to 4:40 p.m.<br />

Anytime by appointment.<br />


5 : 15PM<br />

7PM<br />


9AM<br />

10 : 45AM<br />

12 : 30PM<br />

These times are for all campuses<br />

and <strong>the</strong> message is identical.<br />

iCAMPUS<br />

Watch Live Online<br />


6950 Whitehouse Sq Blvd<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Senior Center<br />

The Wood County Committee on Aging<br />

140 West Indiana Avenue (beside <strong>the</strong> Fire Station) – 419-874-0847<br />

Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.<br />

In <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />



Class or programs at <strong>the</strong> senior<br />

center require registration<br />

three days in advance, unless<br />

o<strong>the</strong>rwise noted. Program dates<br />

and times are subject to change.<br />

For more information, call <strong>the</strong><br />

senior center.<br />

Class: Zumba Gold on<br />

Thursdays at 9 a.m. This class<br />

enables participants to enjoy<br />

camaraderie, excitement, and<br />

fitness all in a dance-fitness<br />

style that feels friendly and<br />

fun. The cost is $3 per class.<br />

Registration is required.<br />

YMCA Fitness–Mondays,<br />

Wednesdays and Fridays, from<br />

9 to 9:45 a.m. The cost is $1 per<br />

class or $20 for eight weeks.<br />

This aerobics class is geared to<br />

move and energize your body.<br />

Bring light weights.<br />

Jam Sessions are held each<br />

Wednesday, from 1 to 4 p.m.,<br />

with Marty Brogan <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Area Arts Council.<br />

These sessions are open to all<br />

acoustic musicians who are beginners<br />

or seasoned players.<br />

Wii Bowling is held Thursdays<br />

at 11 a.m.<br />

Bingo–Tuesdays in <strong>September</strong><br />

at 9:30 a.m.<br />

Programs and lunches for all area residents<br />

at least 60 years <strong>of</strong> age.<br />

Shuffleboard and Dominoes<br />

are available daily.<br />

Wednesday, <strong>September</strong> 4<br />

Noon menu–Chipped Ham<br />

or Chicken Salad, three-bean<br />

salad, cauliflower peanut<br />

salad, pineapple with cottage<br />

cheese, cookies.<br />

•9 a.m.–Exercise<br />

Thursday, <strong>September</strong> 5<br />

Noon menu–Beef<br />

Strogan<strong>of</strong>f or Chicken<br />

Nuggets, noodles, tomato-zucchini<br />

blend, tossed salad,<br />

pears.<br />

•9 a.m.–Zumba Gold<br />

Friday, <strong>September</strong> 6<br />

Noon menu–Goulash or<br />

Salmon Loaf, Far East blend<br />

vegetables, grape juice,<br />

peaches and cream with granola.<br />

•9 a.m.–Exercise<br />

•12:30 p.m.–Poker<br />

•1 p.m.–Bunco Tournament.<br />

Snacks and drinks will<br />

be provided. The cost is $1 per<br />

person, which goes toward<br />

prizes. Registration is required<br />

by Wednesday, <strong>September</strong> 4.<br />

Monday, <strong>September</strong> 9<br />

Noon menu–Pizza Burger<br />

or Fish Sandwich, ranch fries,<br />

carrot sticks, pears in lime<br />

Jello, pineapple pie.<br />

•9 a.m.–Exercise<br />


OF THE<br />

VALLEY<br />


CHURCH<br />


SYNOD<br />

13101 Five Point Road<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551<br />

Phone: (419) 874-6939<br />

Pastor: Rev. John M. Rutz<br />

9:00 a.m. Sunday School<br />

10:15 a.m. Worship<br />

Nursery provided<br /><br />


Evangelical Presbyterian<br />

Meeting at:<br />

Greystone Hall<br />

29101 Hufford Road<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio<br />

Phone: (419) 872-8556<br /><br />

SUNDAY<br />

9:00 a.m. Sunday School<br />

10:30 a.m. Worship Service<br />

Childcare available<br />


590 West South Boundary<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH 43551<br />

Phone: 419-874-3546<br />

SUNDAY<br />

9:30 a.m. Bible Fellowship<br />

Classes for all ages<br />

10:45 a.m. Worship Service<br /><br />

Check Web site<br />

for o<strong>the</strong>r activities<br />

10401 Avenue Road<br />

Corner 795 and White Road<br />

419.874.1961<br /><br />

SUNDAY<br />

10:45 a.m. Worship Services<br />

9:30 a.m. Sunday School<br />

10:45 a.m. PACKLand<br />

Children’s Church<br />

6:00 p.m. Jr./Sr. High Youth<br />


7:00 p.m. Prayer Service<br />

“Join Us In Worship”<br />


CHURCH<br />

314 East Indiana Avenue<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551<br />

Phone: (419) 874-4346<br />

Pastors<br />

Rev. Timothy P. Philabaum<br />

Rev. Ann Marshall,<br />

Community Pastor<br />


6:00 p.m. Worship Service<br />

SUNDAY<br />

Worship: 7:15, 8:30 &<br />

11:00 a.m.<br />

9:45-10:45 a.m. Sunday<br />

School, ages 2 through<br />

adult.<br />

With Pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

Nursery Attendant<br />

Elevator Access<br />

•12:30 p.m.–Bingo with<br />

prizes sponsored by <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Commons.<br />

Tuesday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 10<br />

Noon menu–Chicken Paprikash<br />

or Meatloaf, noodles,<br />

mixed vegetables, coleslaw,<br />

peaches, lemon bar.<br />

•9:30 a.m.–Bingo<br />

•1 p.m.–Program: “What<br />

Did Jay Say?” with Jay<br />

Berschback, chief meteorologist<br />

for 13 ABC-WTVG.<br />

•7 p.m.–Duplicate Bridge<br />

Wednesday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 11<br />

Noon menu–Turkey Stew or<br />

Ham and Bean Soup, broccoli<br />

salad, rosy applesauce, cherry<br />

crunch.<br />

•9 a.m.–Exercise<br />

•10 a.m. to noon–Blood<br />

pressure clinic.<br />

•10 a.m.–C<strong>of</strong>fee Tasting with<br />

Right at Home Health Care.<br />

Learn about <strong>the</strong> different types<br />

<strong>of</strong> c<strong>of</strong>fee while sampling.<br />

•12:30 p.m.–Program:<br />

“Footnote…How to Care for<br />

Your Feet.” Shannyn Miller,<br />


will discuss how to take care <strong>of</strong><br />

your feet. Learn how to avoid<br />

foot problems and precautions<br />

to take if you are diabetic.<br />



27631 Simmons Road<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio<br />

Phone: (419) 874-1194<br />

SUNDAY<br />

9:30 a.m. Bible Study for all<br />

ages<br />

10:30 a.m. Worship<br />


7:00 p.m. Evening Bible<br />

Study<br />

Visitors Welcome<br />

Episcopal Church<br />

Summer Sunday Sunday Services Services<br />

8:00, 8:00 9:15 and and 10:00 11:00am<br />

Wednesday Healing Service<br />

at 11:30am<br />

310 Elizabeth Street<br />

Maumee, Ohio 419.893.3381<br /><br />


11275 Eckel Junction Road<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551<br />

Phone: 419-874-0219<br />

Contemporary Worship<br /><br />

Daniel Watkins - Senior Pastor<br />

Chad Olszewski<br />

- Associate Pastor<br />

SUNDAY<br />

9:15 a.m. Sunday School<br />

10:30 a.m. Worship Service<br />

Children’s Program<br />

and Nursery Provided<br />

4:30 p.m. Quiz Practice<br />

6:30 p.m. Youth Group<br />


6:30 p.m. Awana Clubs<br />

(<strong>September</strong>-April)<br />



665 West Indiana Avenue<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551<br />

Phone (419) 874-2255<br />

Website:<br /><strong>the</strong><br />

Rev. Paul Rea, Senior Pastor<br />

(Contemporary<br />

Worship Service)<br />

SUNDAY<br />

9:00 a.m. Sunday School<br />

Classes<br />

10:00 a.m. Morning Worship<br />

(Nursery provided and<br />

King’s Kids)<br />

6:00 p.m. Evening Worship<br />


7:00 p.m. Youth Church;<br />

Adult Classes; Missionettes/<br />

Royal Rangers, ages 3-12<br />

“A Place For You”<br />



CHURCH<br />

200 West Second<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio<br />

43551<br />

Phone: 419-874-1911<br />

E-mail:<br /><br />

Web site:<br /><br />

Gary Rode, Pastor<br />


5:30 p.m. Praise Service<br />

SUNDAY<br />

9:30 a.m. Worship<br />

“Reflecting God’s Love<br />

to All People”<br />

Taking applications<br />

for weekday preschool<br />

Preschool phone<br />

419-874-9318<br />

e-mail:<br />

Handicap Accessible<br />

from Second Street<br />

Grace United Methodist<br />

Church is <strong>of</strong>fering <strong>the</strong> First<br />

Place 4 Health program,<br />

(<br />

a faith-based healthy living<br />

and wellness plan. This program<br />

can lead to weight loss,<br />

more energy, more self-confidence,<br />

and a closer connection<br />

to God. The plan is<br />

supported and endorsed by<br />

registered dietitians and<br />

physicians.<br />

Meeting weekly, participants<br />

<strong>of</strong> this program follow<br />

a 12-week curriculum that is<br />

centered on achieving balance<br />

in four essential areas <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>ir lives: emotional, spiritual,<br />

mental and physical.<br />

First Place 4 Health encourages<br />

participants to work<br />

toward practical disciplines<br />

in all four areas.<br />

These disciplines include<br />

regular attendance and fellowship<br />

(emotional); prayer,<br />

Scripture reading and Bible<br />

study (spiritual); Scripture<br />

memory and keeping a food<br />

record (mental), and eating<br />

well and exercising (physical).<br />

The food plan is based on<br />

<strong>the</strong> USDA MyPlate Food<br />

Guidelines as well as <strong>the</strong><br />

most recent Dietary Guidelines<br />

for Americans.<br />

The First Place 4 Health<br />

program has delivered faithbased<br />

health and weight<br />

management instruction and<br />

support to small groups<br />

meeting in churches since<br />

1981.<br />

First Place 4 Health has<br />



27439 Holiday Lane<br />

(<strong>of</strong>f St. Rt. 20 at I-75)<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551<br />

Phone: (419) 874-7646<br />

We are a Christ Centered, Independent,<br />

Bible Believing,<br />

Bible Preaching and Bible<br />

Teaching Local Church.<br />

Find “The End <strong>of</strong> Your Search<br />

for a Church<br />

Faithful to Jesus Christ.”<br />

SUNDAY<br />

10:00 a.m. Worship<br />


7:00 p.m. Worship<br />

ST. JOHN’S<br />


U.S. 20 and Route 163<br />

Stony Ridge, Ohio<br />

Phone: (419) 837-5115<br />

Daniel G. Beaudoin, Pastor<br />

SUNDAY<br />

8:30 a.m. Contemporary<br />

Worship<br />

9:45 a.m. Sunday School<br />

10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship<br />

Community health and wellness<br />

group <strong>of</strong>fered at Grace Church<br />



228 East Dudley Street<br />

Maumee, OH 43537<br />

Phone: 419-893-2297<br />

Services:<br />

Sunday Church Service:<br />

11:00 a.m.<br />

Wednesday Eve. Meeting:<br />

7:30 p.m.<br />

Christian Science<br />

sons, William Schramm and<br />

Reading Room Edward Maki-Schramm;<br />

204 East South Boundary St. daughters, Rinda Holshoe and<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>—419-874-0371 Rebecca Diaz; eight grandchildren;<br />

bro<strong>the</strong>r, David<br />

Hours: Tues.-Fri. Noon-4<br />

Sat. 9-Noon Schramm, and sister, Doris<br />

ALL ARE WELCOME Landrum.<br />

Obituary<br />

A Memorial Service will<br />

Maumee Valley be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, Policy<br />

Memorials <strong>September</strong> 20, at Resurrection<br />

Many newspapers now<br />

111 Anthony Wayne<br />

Lu<strong>the</strong>ran<br />

Tr.<br />

Church, Avon Park.<br />

charge for obituaries. As a service<br />

to <strong>the</strong> community, <strong>the</strong> Perrys-<br />

Waterville, OH<br />

Arrangements are being made<br />

by <strong>the</strong> Stephenson-Nelson Fu-<br />

Home, Sebring, Florida.<br />

419­878­9030neral burg <strong>Messenger</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> provides<br />

Memorial contributions free obituaries.<br />

may be made to Resurrection These obituaries, however,<br />

Simply Lu<strong>the</strong>ran Church, <strong>the</strong> Best 324 East should conform to our style.<br />

Main Street, Avon Park, Limited details about <strong>the</strong><br />

deceased person’s personal<br />

24250 Dixie Highway<br />

Florida 33825, to an organization<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> donor’s choice. life are allowed; please state<br />

(Highway 25)<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551 <br />

<strong>the</strong>m objectively.<br />

(located just south<br />

<strong>of</strong> Five Point Road)<br />

Phone: (419) 874-6502 Prizm seeks entries<br />

Masses: Saturday, 5:00<br />

p.m.; Sunday, 8:00, 9:45 and<br />

11:30 a.m. for Veterans Art Show<br /><br />

been active in more than<br />

12,000 churches with more<br />

than a half million members.<br />

The program points participants<br />

to God’s strength and<br />

creates a compassionate support<br />

group that helps members<br />

stay accountable in a<br />

positive environment.<br />

This is a community program;<br />

bring a friend or a<br />

neighbor to <strong>the</strong> First Place 4<br />

Health Orientation on <strong>September</strong><br />

12, at 9:15 a.m.<br />

There is no commitment. The<br />

12-week session ends before<br />

Christmas.<br />

The fall session <strong>of</strong> First<br />

Place 4 Health at Grace<br />

UMC, 601 East Boundary,<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, begins with a required<br />

orientation on <strong>September</strong><br />

12. Classes meet<br />

through December 5, with a<br />

break for Thanksgiving<br />

week.<br />

Orientation and weekly<br />

meetings are held on Thursdays,<br />

from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m.<br />

For more information, call<br />

Janet Quick at 419-872-6157<br />

or send an e-mail to<br /><br />

Use <strong>the</strong><br />

classifieds!<br />

<br />

Call<br />

419-874-4491<br />

O b i t u a r i e s<br />


Bernard M. Schramm, 80,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Sebring, Florida, died Monday,<br />

August 26, <strong>2013</strong>, in Sebring.<br />

He was born on April<br />

28, 1933, to Zelma (nee) Kazmaier<br />

and Harvey Schramm in<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Township, and<br />

moved from Toledo to Sebring<br />

in 2003.<br />

He was a millwright for<br />

Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass<br />

Company for 36 years. He<br />

was a member <strong>of</strong> Resurrection<br />

Lu<strong>the</strong>ran Church <strong>of</strong> Avon Park<br />

and served as a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

church council, as head usher,<br />

Sunday School teacher and<br />

property chairman. He also<br />

was a volunteer at Florida<br />

Hospital.<br />

Mr. Schramm is survived<br />

by his wife <strong>of</strong> 57 years, Virginia<br />

(von Borries) Schramm;<br />

Prizm Creative Community<br />

is issuing a call for participation<br />

to artists and authors<br />

for <strong>the</strong> first Veterans Art Exhibition<br />

<strong>of</strong> Northwest Ohio,<br />

called “Salute to Freedom.”<br />

The exhibit will be on display<br />

from November to early January<br />

at Way Public Library.<br />

The exhibit is open to all<br />

honorably discharged veterans<br />

<strong>of</strong> any era or branch <strong>of</strong> service<br />

in any media or genre <strong>of</strong> visual<br />

or literary art.<br />

This year is <strong>the</strong> beginning<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 50th anniversary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Vietnam War; <strong>the</strong>refore, Vietnam<br />

veterans are especially<br />

encouraged to participate. The<br />

show also is open to entries<br />

from family members <strong>of</strong> veterans<br />

and/or deceased veterans.<br />

These entries may honor<br />

<strong>the</strong> veteran or be entries <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>ir works or that <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir late<br />

veteran.<br />

A printable application is<br />

available on pages 17 and 18<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mid <strong>2013</strong> newsletter<br />

found on <strong>the</strong> home page <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Web site at<br /><br />

There is a $10 fee to participate.<br />

The application, and fee<br />

should be sent by October 15,<br />

to event chairman and Vietnam<br />

veteran David Ridenour,<br />

17070 Mercer Road, Bowling<br />

Green, Ohio 43402. For more<br />

information, send an e-mail to<br />

Every FRIDAY Night<br />

5:00 - 7:30 p.m.<br />

August 30<br />

through November 22<br />

$9.95 - Includes: Alaskan<br />

Pollock and Tilapia, Fried<br />

Clams, Popcorn Shrimp,<br />

Soup, Cole Slaw, Vegetables,<br />

Baked Potatoes, and Rolls.<br />


Petronella “Pat” C. (Kolasinski)<br />

Guerin, 80, <strong>of</strong><br />

Odessa, Florida, died Tuesday,<br />

August 20, <strong>2013</strong>, at<br />

Tampa General Hospital.<br />

She was born in Toledo, to<br />

Frank and Rose (Rochowiak)<br />

Kolasinski on June 22, 1933,<br />

<strong>the</strong> youngest <strong>of</strong> six and <strong>the</strong><br />

only girl.<br />

She married James<br />

Guerin on December 13,<br />

1952.<br />

She enjoyed watching <strong>the</strong><br />

Food Network, reading<br />

books and working on puzzles.<br />

She is survived by her<br />

daughter, Carol (Don)<br />

Guerin-Smith; son, Timothy<br />

(Mary Ann) Guerin; four<br />

grandchildren; five greatgrandchildren,<br />

and son-inlaw,<br />

Dan Clark. She was<br />

preceded in death by her<br />

husband <strong>of</strong> 44 years, James,<br />

in 1996. She also was preceded<br />

in death by her daughter,<br />

Diana Guerin-Clark, and<br />

bro<strong>the</strong>rs, Ed, Daniel “Barney,”<br />

Harry, Bob and Frank<br />

Jr.<br />

Funeral services were<br />

held Thursday, August 29, in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Witzler-Shank Funeral<br />

Home, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>. Burial<br />

was in Toledo Memorial<br />

Park.<br />

Memorial contributions<br />

may be made to <strong>the</strong> American<br />

Cancer Society or <strong>the</strong><br />

Kidney Foundation.<br />

<br /> or<br /> or call 419-<br />

931-8732.<br />

Submissions can be visual<br />

arts only, literary arts only, or a<br />

combination <strong>of</strong> both. Literature<br />

that is a reflection on or<br />

reaction to an artwork is encouraged.<br />

Content is at <strong>the</strong> discretion<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> exhibitor but<br />

should be suitable for family<br />

audiences in a public setting.<br />

Content exhibited may reflect<br />

<strong>the</strong> influence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> veteran’s<br />

service, events related to service<br />

or simply reflect <strong>the</strong> individual<br />

talent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> veteran<br />

through any topic or media.<br />

Exhibits already entered include<br />

a collaborative work <strong>of</strong><br />

photography and poetry titled<br />

“Tears (on <strong>the</strong> Wall),” paintings<br />

and memorabilia from a<br />

Marine veteran <strong>of</strong> Iwo Jima,<br />

an ode to a missing World War<br />

II submariner, and a photo exhibit<br />

on Vietnam <strong>the</strong>n and<br />

now.<br />

A limited number <strong>of</strong> veterans<br />

memorabilia such as uniforms,<br />

journals, metals, etc.<br />

will round out <strong>the</strong> display in<br />

locked showcases. Indicate on<br />

<strong>the</strong> application any such items<br />

and size to be considered for<br />

display.<br />

Planned in connection with<br />

<strong>the</strong> exhibition will be a free<br />

and open to <strong>the</strong> public commemorative<br />

program/ reception/<br />

and book signing<br />

co-sponsored by Prizm and<br />

Way Public Library on Sunday<br />

November 3, from 2 to 5 p.m.<br />

The program will feature<br />

poetry readings by Herbert<br />

Dettmer, an Army veteran<br />

from Bowling Green, Ohio,<br />

and prayers and a presentation<br />

on Vietnam called “Our War,”<br />

given by Colonel David W.<br />

Taylor, USAR-Ret.<br />

Participants also can indicate<br />

on <strong>the</strong> application readings,<br />

musical numbers or<br />

talents <strong>the</strong>y would like <strong>the</strong><br />

committee to consider for <strong>the</strong><br />

hour long program.<br />


9802 Dowling Road,<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio • 419-833-1725<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Township food<br />

distribution to be held Sept. 12<br />

The <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Township<br />

food distribution will be held<br />

Thursday, <strong>September</strong> 12, from<br />

8:30 to 10 a.m. The township<br />

fire department will sponsor<br />

<strong>the</strong> food give-away at <strong>the</strong><br />

township hall, 26609 Lime<br />

City Road.<br />

Only residents <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Township, <strong>the</strong> City <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> and <strong>the</strong> 43551 zip<br />

code, who are receiving public<br />

assistance, are eligible for<br />

this food give-away.<br />

The food distribution,<br />

sponsored by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Township Fire Department, is<br />

held <strong>the</strong> second Thursday <strong>of</strong><br />

each month. Residents must<br />

bring <strong>the</strong>ir own bags.<br />

Christian Seniors Interacting<br />

group plans <strong>September</strong> meetings<br />

CSI, Christian Seniors Interacting,<br />

meets <strong>the</strong> second<br />

and fourth Tuesday <strong>of</strong> each<br />

month, from 11:30 a.m. to<br />

1:30 p.m., at Abundant Life<br />

#2, 200 Zoar Drive, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>.<br />

The group is sponsored by<br />

First United Methodist<br />

Church. Meetings are open to<br />

seniors <strong>of</strong> all denominations.<br />

The following programs<br />

are planned:<br />

•<strong>September</strong> 10–Bible<br />

study with Bishop Chris<br />

Miller <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Church <strong>of</strong> Jesus<br />

Christ <strong>of</strong> Latter Day Saints.<br />

Lunch will be provided by<br />

The Manor at <strong>Perrysburg</strong>. A<br />

program will be by <strong>the</strong> chairman<br />

<strong>of</strong> Bassett’s Health<br />

Foods.<br />

•<strong>September</strong> 24–Bible<br />

study with <strong>the</strong> Rev. Daniel<br />

Walkins <strong>of</strong> Oak Bend Church.<br />

Lunch will be provided by<br />

Comfort Keepers. Entertainment<br />

will be provided by A<br />

Kiss <strong>of</strong> Class, with Mitch<br />

Khol, a DJ, and living singing.<br />

The cost is $3 per meeting.<br />

Reservations are required by<br />

<strong>the</strong> Thursday prior to <strong>the</strong><br />

meeting. For more information,<br />

call Phyllis Morton at<br />

419-872-0846.<br />

Share Fellowship Church to host<br />

women’s conference Sept. 7<br />

Share Fellowship Church<br />

<strong>of</strong> Rossford will host a<br />

women’s conference, “Recess<br />

With Jesus, on <strong>September</strong> 7,<br />

at Holiday Inn French Quarter,<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>. The program<br />

will run from 10 a.m. to 4<br />

p.m.<br />

Pastor Deb Helton and Inspirational<br />

Speaker Carol<br />

Thompson will be presenting.<br />

Ladies take a “recess” and<br />

share some song, laughter<br />

and Jesus’ love. Come join<br />

<strong>the</strong> fun to put a little pep in<br />

your step, joy in your life, and<br />

peace in your soul.<br />

Tickets are $25. Preregistration<br />

is required as seating<br />

is limited. Call 419-306-8842<br />

or 419-427-1613 for reservations.<br />

Creating Your<br />

Story in Stone<br />

Maumee Valley Memorials<br />

111 Anthony Wayne Tr. Waterville, OH<br />

John Faehnle<br />

419­878­9030<br />


S ERVICE<br />

IS OUR<br />


4607 W. Sylvania Ave. | Toledo, Ohio 43623<br />

(419) 841-7773<br /><br />

Member FDIC


elp control p<br />

lm fears. we b<br />

and comfort. ho<br />

we help you? we<br />

control pain. we<br />

fea we bring re<br />

fort. how<br />

you? we<br />

pain. we<br />








$<br />

9 99<br />



Personalized<br />

Customer Service<br />

is one <strong>of</strong> our<br />

Specialties!<br />


Downtown <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

Inc. will present Rock <strong>the</strong><br />

Docks on Saturday, <strong>September</strong><br />

21, following Harrison<br />

Rally Day.<br />

Partnering with The Andersons<br />

<strong>of</strong> Maumee, Treu<br />

House <strong>of</strong> Munch, Ridgestone<br />

Builders, American<br />

Rent-All, <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Boat<br />

Club and Welch Publishing,<br />

this favorite traditional event<br />

features live music by Velvet<br />

Jones, beverages, food and a<br />

night <strong>of</strong> dancing and fun.<br />

The event begins at 7 p.m.<br />

and ends at midnight.<br />

“Come join us for a summer<br />

send-<strong>of</strong>f celebration in<br />

downtown <strong>Perrysburg</strong>’s<br />

riverfront down at <strong>the</strong> public<br />

boat docks next to <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Boat Club,” said Rick<br />

Thielen, DPI executive director.<br />

“What a great way to<br />

spend a late summer<br />

evening, than down along<br />

<strong>the</strong> river listening to great<br />

music and enjoying your favorite<br />

beverage.”<br />

Velvet Jones is a northwest<br />

Ohio-based cover band<br />

providing live entertainment.<br />

With a wide repertoire<br />

<strong>of</strong> music ranging from<br />

new/modern rock songs,<br />


not alone.“<br />

e bring r<br />

– Dr. Vicki Bertka, Hospice <strong>of</strong> Northwest Ohio physician<br />


WE BRING<br />

lp relief AND<br />

you? wcomfort.<br />

We are <strong>the</strong> area’s largest and most experienced provider <strong>of</strong> hospice<br />

care, a nonpr<strong>of</strong>it organization solely dedicated to providing <strong>the</strong> best<br />


possible end-<strong>of</strong>-life experience for our patients and <strong>the</strong>ir families.<br />

. we bri<br />

comfort<br />

help yo<br />

trol pa<br />



help yo<br />

ntrol pa<br />

rs. we b<br />

comfort<br />

Visit <strong>the</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> at<br />

consignment n<br />

nt gallery for <strong>the</strong> home<br />

“Whoever said money can’t buy happiness<br />

simply didn’t know where to go shopping.”<br />

WE HELP control pain.<br />

WE calm FEARS.<br />







1 LB. BAG<br />

1 LB. PKG.<br />

88 ¢<br />

$<br />

3 69<br />

FRESH<br />

LB.<br />


or Large Bunch<br />


2/$<br />

4<br />

Chairs • Dinnerware<br />

Paintings • Dressers<br />

Lamps • Unique Gifts<br />

Sea Shell Mirrors • Tables<br />

Distressed Painted<br />

Furniture<br />

Inventory Changes Daily<br />

We Buy – Sell<br />

–Appraise<br />

HOW CAN WE help you?<br />



419-720-8757<br />

411 Superior Street<br />

Rossford, OH 43460<br />

Walking distance from Hollywood Casino<br /><br />

© 2012 Hospice <strong>of</strong> Northwest Ohio<br />

Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.<br />

Saturday, 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.<br />

Homettown<br />

Va llues<br />

Limit 1<br />

VELVET<br />


56 OZ.<br />

$<br />

2 88<br />


10 LB. BAG<br />


HAM “OFF<br />

THE BONE”<br />


$<br />

4 99<br />

$<br />

2 88<br />

LB.<br />

DANNON<br />

YOGURT<br />

6 OZ.<br />

48 ¢<br />

“You’re not in this alone.”<br />

“We are experts in managing symptoms and pain as patients<br />

get closer to <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> life. It’s very important to call as soon<br />

as possible so we can help you with <strong>the</strong> disease process you are<br />

facing. We will support you at every turn so you know you’re<br />

Ask for us by name. The sooner you do, <strong>the</strong> more we can help.<br />

Answers for Living <strong>the</strong> Last Months <strong>of</strong> Life<br />

$<br />

2 29<br />

LB.<br />



Limit 10<br />

Visit<br />

419-661-4001 (Ohio) • 734-568-6801 (Michigan)<br />

<br />

8 OZ. PKG.<br />

$<br />

1 69<br />

Rock <strong>the</strong> Docks in downtown Sept. 21<br />

’90s alternative, ’80s retro<br />

and classics from <strong>the</strong> ’60s<br />

and ’70s, with stops at every<br />

era <strong>of</strong> rock in between.<br />

Mark West, vocals and<br />

guitar; Wasin Haway, vocals<br />

and bass and Tony<br />

Pasquinelli, vocals and<br />

drums, have long contributed<br />

to <strong>the</strong> band’s<br />

longevity, name recognition<br />

and expertise, all performed<br />

with a focus on fun.<br />

Rock <strong>the</strong> Docks is one <strong>of</strong><br />

DPI’s major annual fundraisers<br />

that generates <strong>the</strong><br />

necessary funds to provide<br />

free, family community<br />

events such as <strong>the</strong> First Friday<br />

Series, Family Outdoor<br />

and Indoor Movie Nights,<br />

OctoBOOfest, and <strong>the</strong> Home<br />

for <strong>the</strong> Holidays Parade.<br />

The event is open to<br />

adults, age 21 and older, and<br />

admission is $5.<br />

“Good Things To Eat Since 1898”<br />

• USDA Choice Beef<br />

• Miller’s Amish Chicken<br />

• Homemade Kielbasa & Bratwurst<br />

• The Boar’s Head Brand Deli Meats<br />

• Bowman-Landis Free Range Fresh Turkeys<br />

Great Wine Selection<br />

10% <strong>of</strong>f by <strong>the</strong> case<br />

Homemade<br />

Deli Salads<br />




$<br />

2 99<br />

LB.<br />




99 ¢<br />

LB.<br />

• Barry Bagels<br />

• Country Grains<br />

Bread Co.<br />

HOURS:<br />

M-F, 7:30 am–9 pm<br />

Sat., 7:30 am–8 pm<br />

Sun., 8:30 am–6 pm<br />

In-Store Bakery<br />

In-Store Delicatessen<br />

Elm & 2nd Street<br />

419-874-4325<br /><br />

<br />

yyyyy<br />

<br />

yyyyy<br />

Sale good through Saturday, Sept. 7, <strong>2013</strong><br />

Velvet Jones will provide music for Rock <strong>the</strong> Docks.<br />

PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL — <strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — Page 7<br />

“This is a wonderful and<br />

unique opportunity to raise<br />

some much-needed funds<br />

while at <strong>the</strong> same time,<br />

showcase our community<br />

and contribute to <strong>the</strong> quality<br />

<strong>of</strong> life that makes <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> best suburban downtown,”<br />

said Rob Brunner,<br />

DPI president.<br />

Downtown <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

Inc. is a community-based<br />

non-pr<strong>of</strong>it, 501(c)(3) organization<br />

whose mission is to<br />

<strong>of</strong>fer and promote community-wide<br />

events that are<br />

held in <strong>Perrysburg</strong>’s downtown<br />

historic district.<br />

For additional information<br />

or to become a DPI<br />

member, visit <strong>the</strong> Web site at<br />

w w w. d o w n t o w n p e r r y s<br />, call Mr. Thielen at<br />

419-872-6246, or send an e-<br />

mail to <strong>the</strong> address listed<br />

above.<br />

Andy’s Army to hold run/walk<br />

for canine cancer research<br />

The third annual Andy’s<br />

Army Canine Cancer Walk<br />

and Run will be held on <strong>September</strong><br />

22, at Side Cut Metro<br />

Park, Maumee.<br />

There will be a blessing<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> animals from 9 to 10<br />

a.m. T-shirt and goodie bag<br />

pick up will be from 9:30 to<br />

10:30 a.m.<br />

A search and recovery<br />

demonstration by Mark<br />

Chapman will be held at<br />

10:30 a.m.<br />

The one-mile walk and<br />

fun run will start at 11 a.m.,<br />

with a complimentary tailgate<br />

party to follow.<br />

All breeds <strong>of</strong> dogs are<br />

welcome to participate with<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir owners.<br />

There also will be a DJ,<br />

vendors, free door prizes, a<br />

basket raffle and hot dogs by<br />

Jeannie’s Weenies.<br />

Master <strong>of</strong> ceremonies<br />

will be local radio host<br />

Becky Shock.<br />

The registration fee for<br />

<strong>the</strong> walk and run is $15 per<br />

person and $30 for families.<br />

Teams <strong>of</strong> seven or more can<br />

participate in <strong>the</strong> walk or run<br />

for $10 each.<br />

Early registration runs<br />

through <strong>September</strong> 12.<br />

To register online or to<br />

download a mail-in form,<br />

visit<br />

Event day registration is<br />

$25 per person.<br />

All proceeds will go directly<br />

to fund canine cancer<br />

research conducted by <strong>the</strong><br />

Golden Retriever Foundation.<br />

Good Form<br />

running clinic<br />

<strong>of</strong>fered at YMCA<br />

Dave’s Running Shop is<br />

<strong>of</strong>fering a free clinic that<br />

teaches four simple, yet highly<br />

effective, fundamental points<br />

that help runners to become<br />

more efficient and healthier.<br />

The clinic is <strong>of</strong>fered on <strong>the</strong><br />

first and third Monday <strong>of</strong> each<br />

month, from 7:15 to 8:45<br />

p.m., at <strong>the</strong> Fort Meigs<br />

YMCA, 13415 Eckel Junction<br />

Road.<br />

Participants will have <strong>the</strong><br />

opportunity to have <strong>the</strong>ir gait<br />

analyzed on camera, with and<br />

without shoes on, and will<br />

practice <strong>the</strong> Good Form techniques<br />

during <strong>the</strong> class.<br />

By mastering <strong>the</strong> skills<br />

taught in <strong>the</strong> clinic, participants<br />

will be able to run faster<br />

and easier while preventing<br />

injuries.<br />

Clinics are limited to 15<br />

participants. Registration is<br />

available online at<br />

OH-0000813656<br />

Like <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>Journal</strong> on<br />

Facebook.<br />

Come To Our House For Mortgages<br />

VA<br />

<br />

<br />

No Down Payment<br />

No PMI<br />

<br />

FHA<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Purchase Program<br />

USDA<br />

<br />

No Down Payment<br />

No PMI<br />

<br />

<br />


Community Calendar<br />

To include your organization’s activities in this calendar,<br />

mail or drop <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> details to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>, 117<br />

East Second Street, PO Box 267, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43552.<br />

Or send an e-mail, with <strong>the</strong> date, time and location, to di<br /> The deadline for <strong>the</strong> weekly calendar<br />

is Friday at noon.<br />

Thursday, <strong>September</strong> 5<br />

9:15 a.m. Wood County Commissioners on <strong>the</strong> fifth<br />

floor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Wood County Office Building,<br />

One Courthouse Square, Bowling Green.<br />

12:00 p.m. <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Noontide Women’s AA Group,<br />

open discussion at St. Timothy’s Episcopal<br />

Church, 871 East Boundary. Open to <strong>the</strong><br />

public.<br />

3:00 p.m. <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Farmers Market, downtown<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, until 8 p.m. Every Thursday<br />

until October 10.<br />

6:00 p.m. CedarCreek’s South Toledo Campus<br />

Community Care Free Medical Clinic at<br />

2150 South Byrne Road, Toledo, until 8<br />

p.m. Call 419-482-8127 for information.<br />

7:30 p.m. Wood County Democratic Party at Simpson<br />

Park Building, 1091 Conneaut Avenue,<br />

Bowling Green.<br />

Friday, <strong>September</strong> 6<br />

9:30 a.m. St. Tim’s Clo<strong>the</strong>sline, free clothing <strong>of</strong>fered<br />

at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 871<br />

East Boundary. Open until 11:30 a.m.<br />

11:30 a.m. <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Rotary at <strong>the</strong> Carranor Club,<br />

502 East Second Street.<br />

Saturday, <strong>September</strong> 7<br />

10:00 a.m. Nature Preserve stewardship volunteers at<br />

Kitty Todd Preserve at Oak Openings. Call<br />

614-717-2770, extention 144.<br />

12:00 p.m. <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Noontide Women’s AA Group,<br />

open discussion at St. Timothy’s Episcopal<br />

Church, 871 East Boundary. Open to <strong>the</strong><br />

public.<br />

8:00 p.m. AlAnon and Alcoholics Anonymous at First<br />

United Methodist Church, 200 West<br />

Second Street.<br />

Sunday, <strong>September</strong> 8<br />

6:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous at Schaller<br />

Memorial Building, 130 West Indiana<br />

Avenue.<br />

Monday, <strong>September</strong> 9<br />

6:00 p.m. <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Township Zoning Commission<br />

at <strong>the</strong> township hall, 26609 Lime City<br />

Road.<br />

6:00 p.m. <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Exchange Club at <strong>the</strong> Holiday<br />

Inn Express, 10621 Fremont Pike.<br />

7:00 p.m. Depression and bipolar support group at<br />

Providence Lu<strong>the</strong>ran Church, 8131 Airport<br />

Highway. Call 419-867-9422 or 517-281-<br />

8042 for information.<br />

7:30 p.m. <strong>Perrysburg</strong> American Legion at <strong>the</strong> Schaller<br />

Memorial Building, 130 West Indiana<br />

Avenue.<br />

Tuesday, <strong>September</strong> 10<br />

9:15 a.m. Wood County Commissioners on <strong>the</strong> fifth<br />

floor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Wood County Office Building,<br />

One Courthouse Square, Bowling Green.<br />

12:00 p.m. AlAnon at CedarCreek Church, 29129<br />

Lime City Road. Free baby-sitting.<br />

6:00 p.m. Quilts <strong>of</strong> Valor at <strong>the</strong> Quilt Foundry, 234<br />

West Wayne Street, Maumee until 9 p.m.<br />

Donations welcome. Call JoEllen Morris<br />

for information, 419-461-3669.<br />

6:15 p.m. Real Estate Investors Association at <strong>the</strong><br />

Knights <strong>of</strong> Columbus, 4256 Secor Road,<br />

Toledo. Call 419-283-8427 for information.<br />

Wednesday, <strong>September</strong> 11–Patriot Day and National<br />

Day <strong>of</strong> Service and Remembrance<br />

8:00 a.m. Senior Food Pantry available through<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Township until noon at <strong>the</strong><br />

township hall, 26609 Lime City Road.<br />

Must be 60 years old or older to qualify.<br />

2:00 p.m. <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Township Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees<br />

department head meeting at <strong>the</strong> township<br />

hall, 26609 Lime City Road.<br />

5:00 p.m. Penta Career Center Board <strong>of</strong> Education in<br />

<strong>the</strong> board meeting room, 9301 Buck Road.<br />

6:00 p.m. Toastmasters Club at Zenobia Shrine, 8048<br />

Broadstone Boulevard, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>.<br />

6:00 p.m. Families Anonymous at Blessed John XXII<br />

Catholic Community, 24250 Dixie<br />

Highway. Call 419-931-4005 for details.<br />

7:00 p.m. Racing for Recovery, drug and alcohol support<br />

group meeting, until 8 p.m. at St.<br />

Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 871 East<br />

Boundary, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>.<br />

7:00 a.m. <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Kiwanis Club in <strong>the</strong> lower level<br />

<strong>of</strong> Way Public Library, 101 East Indiana<br />

Avenue. Open to <strong>the</strong> public.<br />

7:00 p.m. AlAnon at First Presbyterian Church, 200<br />

East Second Street.<br />

Lending A<br />

Hand<br />

For Your<br />

Next Home<br />

Mortgage<br />

Bruce Lively<br />

Mortgage Lender<br />

Phone: 419.898.8352<br />

Cell: 419.973.9979<br />

Fax: 419.898.8359<br />

900 W. South Boundary St., Building 4A - <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551-5343 I

Page 8 — <strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL<br />


105 W. Indiana Ave., Perry’s Landing • 419-874-9147 • Fax: 419-872-9347 •<br />

Thank you “Showcase on Commerce Expo <strong>2013</strong>” Sponsors:<br />

Please patronize <strong>the</strong>se Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce members:<br />

Physical Therapy Consultants<br />

27064 Oakmead Drive<br />

Total Body Rehabilitation<br />

•Shoulder •Knee •Hip •Ankle •Feet<br />

•Balance •Conditioning<br />

•Sports •Worker’s Comp.<br />

Call 419-874-6957<br /><br />

Julie Olmstead, PT<br />

•22 years experience<br />

•Certified in McKenzie Therapy<br />

•Certified in Applied<br />

Functional Science<br />



353 Elm Street • <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH 43551<br />

111 East Street, Liberty Center, OH 43532<br />

419-874-3536 • Fax: 419-874-3899<br />

Todd Hamilton Noll*<br />

Kay Lea<strong>the</strong>rman Howard<br />

Hea<strong>the</strong>r L. Pentyc<strong>of</strong>e**<br />

Paul A. Skaff<br />

*Also licensed to practice in <strong>the</strong> state <strong>of</strong> Florida.<br />

**Also licensed to practice in <strong>the</strong> state <strong>of</strong> Michigan.<br />

Earl N. Witzler: Retired<br />

Wayne M. Lea<strong>the</strong>rman, 1921-<strong>2013</strong><br />


a tradition <strong>of</strong> caring<br />

in <strong>the</strong> Three Meadows Subdivision<br />

250 Manor Dr., <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH<br />

419-874-0306 • Fax: 419-874-9295<br />


<strong>2013</strong><br />


Future Plans include Independent Villas and Apartments<br />

12469 Five Point <br />

Road <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

MAJOR<br />

LEAGUE<br />

G<br />

SERVICE.<br />

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From backyards to big leagues, count on me<br />

to be <strong>the</strong>re. I can help you get <strong>the</strong> coverage you<br />

need and <strong>the</strong> discounts you deserve.<br />

PBK Insurance Agcy Inc<br />

Patricia Bloomer-Kirkpatrick,<br />

Agent<br />

13001 Roachton<br />

Road<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH 43551<br />

Bus: 419-873-0100<br />



For decades, Edward Jones has been committed to providing<br />

financial solutions and personalized service to individual<br />

investors.<br />

You can rely on us for:<br />

• Convenience<br />

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A long-term approach that focuses on quality investments<br />

and diversification<br />

• Highly Personal Service<br />

Investment guidance tailored to your individual needs<br />

Lee Odegaard, CFP, AAMS<br />

& Loren Odegaard, AAMS<br />

Financial Advisors<br />

215 Louisiana Avenue<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH 43551<br />

(419) 874-8504<br />

Call or visit today.<br /><br />

Member SIPC<br />


• Copies–Color & B/W<br />

• Letterheads<br />

• Envelopes<br />

• Business Cards<br />

• Carbonless Forms<br />

• Brochures<br />

• Raffle Tickets<br />

• Newspapers<br />

• Stamps<br />

• Notary Stamps<br />

• Bar Coding<br />

• Raised or Flat Printing<br />

• Embossing<br />

• Binding/Padding<br />

• Lamination<br />

• Graphic Design<br />

• Web Design<br />

• Web Site Development<br />

• Discounted Mailings<br />

(C.A.S.S. Certified)<br />

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pr<strong>of</strong>essional printing needs!<br />

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117 E. SECOND ST. • PERRYSBURG<br /><br />

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P090125.1<br />

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For a<br />

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contact us today!<br />

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SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Alphastar Capital Management, LLC and Citizen<br />

Advisory Group, Ltd. are independent entities.<br />

Al McGaharan<br />

Service & Body Shop Manager<br /><br />


The Danberry Co., Realtors<br />

1090 W.S. Boundary, Suite 600, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH<br />

Main: 419-874-4331<br />

Direct: 419-872-3475<br />

Toll Free: 800-462-7102<br />

Fax: 419-872-4408<br />

26875 North Dixie Highway <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551<br />

Barbara E. Stout<br />

Realtor<br />

Cell: 419-346-7510<br /><br /><br />

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Bereavement and Eldercare • Private Pay<br />

Office: 419-254-2840 Cell: 567-686-7102<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

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•<br />

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PH: 419-872-2072 FAX: 419-872-2074<br />

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Now Open … 1510 S. McCord Road<br />

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Interested in how Chamber membership can help you?<br />

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You can advertise in this space for<br />

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Prepayment discount<br />

1 year $900 $750<br />

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3 months $225 $200<br />

Call to place your ad<br />


P E R R Y S B U R G<br />

Y O U R H O M E T O W N N E W S P A P E R<br />




PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL — <strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — Page 9<br />

First day <strong>of</strong> school pictures<br />

‘School days, school days, dear old golden rules days, reading and writing and ’rithmetic...’<br />

ACS Red, White and Bark for Life 1-mile dog<br />

walk and festivities, this Sun., <strong>September</strong> 8<br />

The fourth annual American<br />

Cancer Society (ACS)<br />

“Red, White and Bark for<br />

Life” one-mile dog walk and<br />

festivities will be held this<br />

Sunday, <strong>September</strong> 8, from 10<br />

a.m. to 2 p.m., at Fort Meigs<br />

on State Route 65 in <strong>Perrysburg</strong>.<br />

Honorary chairperson for<br />

<strong>the</strong> bark walk is Christina<br />

Williams, 13 ABC weekend<br />

morning anchor and reporter.<br />

Ms. Williams joined 13<br />

ABC in February 2007 as <strong>the</strong><br />

weekend assignment editor.<br />

She <strong>the</strong>n moved on to reporting<br />

and in December 2009<br />

joined <strong>the</strong> weekend morning<br />

anchor team.<br />

The weekend anchor is a<br />

Bowsher High School graduate<br />

and in 2007 received her<br />

bachelor <strong>of</strong> science degree in<br />

journalism from Bowling<br />

Green State University.<br />

The dog walk is a Relay<br />

fund-raising event that honors<br />

<strong>the</strong> care-giving qualities <strong>of</strong><br />

everyone’s canine “best<br />

friends.”<br />

Canine companions represent<br />

unconditional love, security,<br />

joy, compassion and no<br />

judgments <strong>of</strong> human abilities<br />

or appearances. The ACS Bark<br />

for Life is an irresistible way<br />

to “take <strong>the</strong> bite out <strong>of</strong> cancer,”<br />

smile and make new<br />

friends–canine and human.<br />

Registration to participate<br />

in <strong>the</strong> one-mile walk is $10 for<br />

<strong>the</strong> first dog and $5 for additional<br />

dogs. Registration fee<br />

also includes admission to Fort<br />

Meigs and <strong>the</strong> fort museum.<br />

Participants register at <strong>the</strong><br />

event.<br />

All proceeds benefit ACS<br />

<strong>of</strong> northwest Ohio.<br />

Non-pr<strong>of</strong>it organizations<br />

and vendors are encouraged to<br />

participate in <strong>the</strong> event. There<br />

is no charge for space, but<br />

organizations and vendors<br />

need to provide <strong>the</strong>ir own<br />

tables, chairs, etc. Send an e-<br />

mail to reserve space.<br />

Vendors to date include<br />

Canine Karma, There’s No<br />

Place Like Home, Wood<br />

County Humane Society,<br />

Enpuzzlement, Capturing <strong>the</strong><br />

Moments, Proud to be Pale,<br />

Toledo Dog Training, Ma and<br />

Paw’s Pet Sitting, Ohio Great<br />

Dane Rescue, Poco’s Playhouse,<br />

Sit Means Sit, Planned<br />

Pethood, South Suburban Animal<br />

Hospital, Wood County<br />

Dog Shelter, Animal House<br />

Rescue, Animal Behavior<br />

Center and Andy’s Army<br />

Canine Cancer Project.<br />

The walk begins at noon<br />

with a “Blessing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dogs”<br />

by Pastor Ann Marshall from<br />

Zoar Lu<strong>the</strong>ran Church.<br />

Event presenting sponsors<br />

are South Suburban Animal<br />

Hospital, Welch Publishing,<br />

Paws and Remember <strong>of</strong><br />

Northwest Ohio and Commodore<br />

Way.<br />

Big Bark sponsors include<br />

Fort Meigs, <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Youth<br />

Soccer Association, Delta<br />

Advertising-Ann Miller, Key-<br />

Bank, <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Exchange<br />

Club, First Federal Bank,<br />

Maddie and Bella C<strong>of</strong>fee and<br />

Stella’s restaurant.<br />

Supporting sponsors<br />

include Churchill’s Market, Sit<br />

Means Sit dog training, State<br />

Farm-Allen Shinaberry, <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Convention and Visitors<br />

Bureau, Skotynsky Financial,<br />

Marco’s Pizza <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

Sandy Latchem, Corporate<br />

Housing-Joe Lawless,<br />

Pinnacle Eye Group, State<br />

Farm- Barry VanHoozen, Signature<br />

Harley Davidson,<br />

Kingston Residence <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

and Body and Sole.<br />

The Bark for Life committee<br />

includes Deb Buker,<br />

Annette Sipp, Megan Coutcher,<br />

Nicole Germann, Jeanette<br />

Whalen, Lindsay Buker and<br />

Nikki Badman.<br />

For additional information,<br />

vendor registration or sponsorship<br />

call Mrs. Buker at 419-<br />

344-6284 or Marcia Clark,<br />

ACS coordinator, at 888-227-<br />

6446 extension 5211 or send<br />

an e-mail to marcia.clark<br /><br />

Also, “like” Bark for Life<br />

on Facebook at Bark for Life<br />

<strong>of</strong> Greater Toledo.<br />

Evan Harris is all smiles starting his first day in<br />

fourth grade.<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> High School senior Abby Sattler and<br />

her bro<strong>the</strong>r PHS freshman Griffin Sattler.<br />

Fifth-grader Allison Pisula and bro<strong>the</strong>r first-grader<br />

Troy Pisula.<br />

Red, White and Bark for Life<br />

1-mile dog walk and festivities<br />

Sunday, <strong>September</strong> 8 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.<br />

Noon<br />

Blessing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dogs and Walk<br />

Fort Meigs Park State Route 65 <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Registration (event morning only) $10<br />

includes admission to fort and museum<br />

First 150 dogs to register receive a “wag bag” with Bark bandana<br />

and goodies!<br />

Adoptions, vendors, photos, demonstrations, <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Fire<br />

Division, Maddie and Bella C<strong>of</strong>fee, refreshments!<br />

Olivia Harris gives a thumbs up for her first day in<br />

sixth grade at PJHS.<br />

Ethan and Faith Best, PHS freshman and junior.<br />

Keegan Smith is all set for her first day in fourth<br />

grade.<br />

Honorary Chairperson<br />

Christina Williams<br />

13ABC Weekend Morning<br />

Anchor<br />

The Hertzfeld siblings–PHS senior Alex, sophomore<br />

Jacob and freshman Rachel.<br />

Second-grader Luxe Thompson receives a last<br />

minute hug from dad Trent Thompson.<br />

For additional information on Bark for Life<br />

send an e-mail to or call 419-344-6284.<br />

PHS athletics sponsors ‘Pink Out’ this week<br />

Ray Pohlman,<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> High<br />

School athletic<br />

director announced<br />

<strong>the</strong> athletic<br />

department<br />

and athletic boosters<br />

are working<br />

with <strong>the</strong> Fellowship<br />

<strong>of</strong> Christian<br />

Athletes, <strong>the</strong><br />

Spielman Classic<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Susan B.<br />

Koman Foundation<br />

to promote<br />

breast cancer<br />

awareness.<br />

This week<br />

through <strong>September</strong><br />

7, <strong>the</strong> PHS<br />

soccer, volleyball<br />

and football teams<br />

will be supporting<br />

breast cancer Support breast<br />

awareness. cancer awareness!<br />

All donations T-shirts are on sale<br />

collected will in <strong>the</strong> PHS athletic<br />

benefit <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice or at <strong>the</strong><br />

Koman Foundation<br />

and Yellow Jackets are<br />

games for $10.<br />

Stephanie Spielman<br />

fund at<br />

going PINK!<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

James Cancer<br />

Hospital and Solove Research<br />

Institute.<br />

Today, <strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>the</strong><br />

girls soccer team will host Sylvania<br />

Northview. On <strong>September</strong><br />

5 <strong>the</strong> volleyball team will<br />

host Springfield.<br />

The Yellow Jackets football<br />

team will participate in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Spielman Gridiron Classic<br />

IV against Clay High School<br />

on Friday, <strong>September</strong> 6, at<br />

Steinecker Stadium. On <strong>September</strong><br />

7, <strong>the</strong> boys soccer team<br />

will host Copley.<br />

Each <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se games will<br />

include special events to help<br />

promote breast cancer<br />

awareness.<br />

In addition, <strong>the</strong> Fellowship<br />

<strong>of</strong> Christian Athletes will send<br />

500 students to FCA camps<br />

during <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>of</strong> 2014.<br />

“We believe this is a great<br />

opportunity to teach our student<br />

athletes about sports and<br />

how it can be a platform to<br />

assist <strong>the</strong>ir communities and<br />

significantly help people who<br />

are battling this terrible disease,”<br />

said Mr. Pohlman.<br />

Sponsors for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong>-Clay<br />

football game<br />

include Ohio Sports Classics,<br />

Ohio Fellowship <strong>of</strong> Christian<br />

Athletes, <strong>the</strong> U.S. Army and<br />

Buffalo Wild<br />

Wings.<br />

Several activities<br />

are planned<br />

for <strong>the</strong> football<br />

evening game,<br />

added <strong>the</strong> athletic<br />

director.<br />

A pre-game<br />

social will be held<br />

in <strong>the</strong> north end<br />

zone <strong>of</strong> Steinecker<br />

Stadium. The athletic<br />

department<br />

and boosters<br />

encourage cancer<br />

survivors to join<br />

<strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong> end<br />

zone for a tailgate<br />

ga<strong>the</strong>ring. RSVP<br />

to <strong>the</strong> athletic<br />

department at 419-<br />

874-3181, extension<br />

5011.<br />

Pink T-shirts<br />

will be on sale for<br />

$10 in <strong>the</strong> athletic<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice this week<br />

and at all <strong>the</strong><br />

games.<br />

Donations also<br />

will be accepted at<br />

<strong>the</strong> gate. Yellow<br />

Jacket fans are asked to wear<br />

pink to <strong>the</strong> games in support<br />

<strong>of</strong> breast cancer awareness.<br />

“I am so excited that <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

High School is participating<br />

in this year’s event,”<br />

said Chris Spielman. “Last<br />

year was a huge success, and<br />

we hope to make this year’s<br />

Classic even bigger by holding<br />

games all across Ohio. Toge<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

we will win.”<br />

The community is encoraged<br />

to attend <strong>the</strong> games and<br />

help fight breast cancer while<br />

supporting PHS athletic programs<br />

and local cancer survivors.<br />

First-grader Collin Wendt on his first day at Otsego<br />

schools.<br />

Sydney Gankosky is ready and set for second<br />

grade.<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Junior High students Kylie Bailey,<br />

eighth grade, and sister Kenzie Bailey, sixth grade.<br />

Fourth-grader Andrew Palmer started his first day<br />

<strong>of</strong> school with pancakes.<br />

Friends Quinn Weber and Jack Cygnor, second<br />

graders, wait for <strong>the</strong> bus toge<strong>the</strong>r.<br />

St. Rose student Elisabeth Burrow on her first day<br />

<strong>of</strong> school.<br />

Ava Lewis on her first day <strong>of</strong> second grade.

Page 10 — <strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL<br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce announces Harrison Rally Day Parade Policy<br />

Presented by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Area Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce,<br />

<strong>the</strong> mission <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Harrison Rally Day Parade is<br />

charitable, educational, civic,<br />

patriotic and cultural.<br />

This year’s parade will be<br />

Saturday, <strong>September</strong> 21. First<br />

Federal Bank <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Midwest<br />

Get <strong>the</strong> inside scoop<br />

and <strong>the</strong> real truth<br />

about <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Real Estate<br />

at<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Attorneys At Law<br />

Lea<strong>the</strong>rman & Witzler<br />

Todd Hamilton Noll<br />

Kay Lea<strong>the</strong>rman Howard • Paul A. Skaff<br />

353 Elm Street<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551<br />

419-874-3536<br />

Practice Areas Include:<br />

Business Formation/Corporate/LLC<br />

Serving <strong>the</strong> Community Since 1950<br />

Wayne M. Lea<strong>the</strong>rman<br />

1921-<strong>2013</strong><br />

V<br />

is this year’s Harrison Rally<br />

Day Diamond Sponsor and<br />

Parade Grand Marshal.<br />

The <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area<br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce promotes<br />

and encourages community<br />

spirit and citizen<br />

participation within <strong>the</strong> confines<br />

<strong>of</strong> a family-oriented,<br />

safe and enjoyable environment.<br />

Policies and Procedures<br />

A. Applications<br />

•A Parade Entry Application<br />

can be obtained from <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area Chamber <strong>of</strong><br />

Commerce and must be submitted<br />

to <strong>the</strong> Chamber <strong>of</strong>fice at<br />

105 West Indiana Avenue, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

Ohio 43551.<br />

•All applications must be<br />

postmarked or returned to <strong>the</strong><br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong>fice by <strong>September</strong><br />

6, <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

•A separate application<br />

must be submitted for each<br />

entry in parade.<br />

•Submission <strong>of</strong> application<br />

does not assure entry into <strong>the</strong><br />

parade. Acceptance is based on<br />

appropriateness, creativity, entertainment<br />

value and number<br />

<strong>of</strong> entries. The use <strong>of</strong> creativity<br />

in <strong>the</strong> design and execution<br />

<strong>of</strong> an entry is encouraged.<br />

•The Parade Committee,<br />

designated by <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area Chamber <strong>of</strong><br />

Commerce, shall determine<br />

final parade entries.<br />

• All entries must include:<br />

Completed application form<br />

and <strong>the</strong> required fee.<br />

•The <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area<br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce and its<br />

Parade Committee reserve <strong>the</strong><br />

right to determine what constitutes<br />

an appropriate entry for<br />

<strong>the</strong> parade.<br />

B. Fees:<br />

Applications accepted for<br />

participation will be required<br />

to pay an entry fee based on<br />

<strong>the</strong> following as determined by<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area Chamber<br />

<strong>of</strong> Commerce:<br />

•Non-Pr<strong>of</strong>it (must prove<br />

A Celebration <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong>’s Herit age<br />

Saturday, Sep tember 21, <strong>2013</strong><br />

Be a part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> festivities, rally with<br />

Welch Publishing Co.<br />

“Your Hometown Newspapers”<br />

to support this annual event.<br />

This tabloid section will reach<br />

more than 35,000 homes<br />

in <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Rossford,<br />

Holland and Point Place<br />

3 column x 3 inch...................................................................$180<br />

3 column x 6 inch...................................................................$360<br />

3 columns x 9 inch..................................................................$540<br />

1/2 page.................................................................................$900<br />

Full page.............................................................................$1,800<br />

Please feel free to submit a press release with your advertisement.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r ad sizes are available. Please call for prices.<br />

non-pr<strong>of</strong>it status and may not<br />

“sell” or “lend” <strong>the</strong>ir status to a<br />

for-pr<strong>of</strong>it organization)–no<br />

fee<br />

• Non-Commercial-$25<br />

• Commercial (businesses<br />

and for-pr<strong>of</strong>it companies)-<br />

$25<br />

•Political candidate if<br />

presently running for <strong>of</strong>fice-<br />

$25<br />

•Current Elected Official<br />

(not presently running for <strong>of</strong>fice)–no<br />

fee<br />

•Chamber sponsored/ contracted<br />

entry–no fee<br />

•Tax supported or governmental<br />

units or military related<br />

entries–no fee<br />

•Harrison Rally Day Marketplace<br />

Booth Exhibitor– no<br />

fee<br />

Your payment must be received<br />

with your application.<br />

There can be no exceptions to<br />

this. Make checks payable to<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area Chamber<br />

<strong>of</strong> Commerce and mail all application<br />

materials to <strong>the</strong><br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong>fice, 105 West Indiana<br />

Avenue, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

Ohio 43551.<br />

The Harrison Rally Day<br />

Parade has a “rain or shine”<br />

policy and thus, <strong>the</strong>re will be<br />

no refunds. Should <strong>the</strong> parade<br />

be canceled by <strong>the</strong> Chamber<br />

Parade Committee prior to<br />

step-<strong>of</strong>f, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>re will be a<br />

100 percent refund.<br />

C. Political:<br />

•The <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Chamber<br />

<strong>of</strong> Commerce is a non-political<br />

organization.<br />

•All current elected <strong>of</strong>ficials<br />

and candidates running<br />

for <strong>of</strong>fice must submit an application<br />

and pay applicable<br />

entry fees.<br />

D. Commercial:<br />

•Entries may be sponsored<br />

by an individual business or<br />

businesses in a mutual association.<br />

•A logo or business name<br />

may be used on an entry; however,<br />

<strong>the</strong> entry may not be used<br />

primarily for advertising purposes<br />

and must be in keeping<br />

with <strong>the</strong> spirit <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> parade.<br />

E. Banners:<br />

•One banner placed on<br />

your entry or preceding your<br />

entry is mandatory. There is no<br />

size limit on banners.<br />

•This banner will state <strong>the</strong><br />

name <strong>of</strong> your organization and<br />

identify your entry.<br />

•Banner carriers must be<br />

capable <strong>of</strong> maintaining <strong>the</strong> parade<br />

pace.<br />

Deadline: <strong>September</strong> 6 • Publication: Week <strong>of</strong> <strong>September</strong> 16<br />

Call today to reserve your space<br />

419-874-4491<br />

E-mail<br /> •<br />

F. Hand-Outs and Giveaways:<br />

•No handouts or giveaways<br />

<strong>of</strong> any kind are permitted<br />

during <strong>the</strong> parade, with <strong>the</strong><br />

exception <strong>of</strong> candy as defined<br />

and detailed in “Section I” <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>se rules.<br />

This includes flyers,<br />

whe<strong>the</strong>r political, non-political,<br />

commercial or non-commercial.<br />

•Parade sponsors on <strong>the</strong><br />

prior written approval <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area Chamber <strong>of</strong><br />

Commerce may be permitted<br />

to distribute handouts and<br />

giveaways in conjunction with<br />

<strong>the</strong> parade before <strong>the</strong> parade<br />

begins.<br />

G. Performance:<br />

•Any performance along<br />

<strong>the</strong> route must be a<br />

moving/marching routine.<br />

•Any entry-unless specifically<br />

authorized by <strong>the</strong> Parade<br />

Committee-that stops to perform<br />

shall not be a permitted<br />

entry <strong>the</strong> next year.<br />

•Special consideration will<br />

be given to those entries providing<br />

some sort <strong>of</strong> musical <strong>of</strong>fering<br />

during <strong>the</strong> parade.<br />

H. Support Vehicles:<br />

•Motorized entries (floats,<br />

cars, etc.) are permitted.<br />

•Marching units and walking<br />

entries are permitted to<br />

have one support vehicle.<br />

•You must describe your<br />

vehicle on your application to<br />

be eligible to have a support<br />

vehicle in <strong>the</strong> parade.<br />

I. Safety Rules:<br />

•No child under 8 years <strong>of</strong><br />

age will be allowed to walk in<br />

<strong>the</strong> parade. They may ride on<br />

floats, vehicles or bicycles<br />

under adult supervision.<br />

•Materials used in each<br />

entry should be fire retardant<br />

and not <strong>of</strong> a dangerous nature.<br />

An on-board fire extinguisher<br />

is highly recommended and<br />

mandatory if portable generators<br />

are used.<br />

•Bike riders must adhere to<br />

state and local laws regarding<br />

helmets.<br />

•Handholds must be provided<br />

for float riders.<br />

•All parade participants<br />

shall be required to adhere to<br />

<strong>the</strong> provisions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> State<br />

Concealed Weapons Requirements.<br />

•Walking units will be limited<br />

and must accompany a<br />

float and/or provide entertainment<br />

value such as performing<br />

a mobile routine, clowning,<br />

drill team, cheerleading, handling<br />

a giant balloon or inflatable,<br />

or use creative<br />

costuming.<br />

•Smoking is not permitted<br />

on floats, by participants, volunteers<br />

and/or during staging<br />

or on <strong>the</strong> parade route.<br />

•Consumption <strong>of</strong> alcohol<br />

by participants during staging<br />

or on <strong>the</strong> parade route is<br />

strictly prohibited.<br />

•Parade entrants may pass<br />

out small, wrapped pieces <strong>of</strong><br />

candy along <strong>the</strong> parade route.<br />

No person may pass out, toss<br />

or throw candy from a vehicle,<br />

float, bicycle or o<strong>the</strong>r conveyance,<br />

whe<strong>the</strong>r moving or<br />

stopped. Only persons walking<br />

<strong>the</strong> parade route may pass out<br />

candy.<br />

No person may toss or<br />

throw candy toward any o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

person, under any circumstances.<br />

•All entries are required to<br />

be ready to step-<strong>of</strong>f at <strong>the</strong> appropriate<br />

time and any entry<br />

not prepared will forfeit <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

opportunity regardless <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

reason.<br />

• All entries must provide a<br />

cell phone number for <strong>the</strong> onsite<br />

person who will be responsible<br />

for <strong>the</strong> entry.<br />

J. Animals:<br />

•Animals such as dogs,<br />

etc., must be approved by <strong>the</strong><br />

Parade Committee and be<br />

under strict control by <strong>the</strong> authorized<br />

operator. Authorized<br />

operator is responsible for <strong>the</strong><br />

removal/cleanup <strong>of</strong> all animal<br />

waste.<br />

•Horses are not permitted<br />

in <strong>the</strong> parade.<br />

K. Staging and Step-<strong>of</strong>f Information<br />

for Participants:<br />

A Parade Participation<br />

Packet will be prepared for<br />

each parade entry. Packets can<br />

be picked at <strong>the</strong> Chamber <strong>of</strong>fice,<br />

105 West Indiana Ave. on<br />

or after <strong>September</strong> 16. Packets<br />

will include <strong>the</strong> following:<br />

•Parade Participant ID<br />

Number<br />

•Parade Stage Number and<br />

Staging Location<br />

•Vehicle passes, if indicated.<br />

Only vehicles with<br />

passes will be allowed in <strong>the</strong><br />

line-up area.<br />

L. Line Up<br />

•The parade is scheduled<br />

for Saturday, <strong>September</strong> 12,<br />

and will step <strong>of</strong>f promptly at<br />

10 a.m.<br />

•You may enter <strong>the</strong> parade<br />

staging area no earlier than 9<br />

a.m. and must be in position no<br />

later than 9:45 a.m. Only parade<br />

vehicles actually in <strong>the</strong><br />

parade will be allowed into <strong>the</strong><br />

staging area.<br />

•It is important that everyone<br />

associated with your parade<br />

entry abide by <strong>the</strong> parade<br />

policies or it may result in <strong>the</strong><br />

immediate removal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> entire<br />

entry from <strong>the</strong> parade with<br />

forfeiture <strong>of</strong> your application<br />

fee.<br />

•If you are entered as a<br />

non-pr<strong>of</strong>it organization, unless<br />

through a pre-approved<br />

“sponsorship,” no commercial<br />

signage will be allowed on<br />

your entry, o<strong>the</strong>rwise you will<br />

be required to pay <strong>the</strong> commercial<br />

fee.<br />

•Parade volunteers will be<br />

available throughout <strong>the</strong> staging<br />

period for assistance.<br />

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Complete all information and return with applicable payment by <strong>September</strong> 6, <strong>2013</strong>. Return to: Harrison Rally Day Parade<br />

Committee, 105 West Indiana Avenue, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43551; Phone: 419-874-9147 Fax: 419-872-9347.<br />

Check type <strong>of</strong> entry: Please make checks payable to <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce<br />

o Commercial (businesses and for-pr<strong>of</strong>it companies) - $25<br />

o Non-Commercial - $25<br />

o Non-Pr<strong>of</strong>it (must prove non-pr<strong>of</strong>it status) – no fee<br />

o Political Candidate (presently running for <strong>of</strong>fice) - $25<br />

o Current Elected Official (not presently running for <strong>of</strong>fice) – no fee<br />

o Chamber Contracted Entity – no fee<br />

o Tax Supported or Governmental Unit or Military Related Entity – no fee<br />

o Harrison Rally Day Marketplace Exhibitor – no fee<br />

Name <strong>of</strong> Entry or Sponsor ________________________________________________________________________<br />

Responsible Individual ___________________________________________________________________________<br />

Phone__________________________ Cell Phone_________________________ Fax_________________________<br />

*Email Address _________________________________________________________________________________<br />

* Important: (Please provide an email address as all notifications will be sent by email)<br />

Address _______________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Entry Categories: check all that apply<br />

o Automobile __________# <strong>of</strong> automobiles<br />

o Band/Drill Team/Drum Corps/Performance Group _________ # <strong>of</strong> participants<br />

o Float (decorated unit on a trailer pulled by a tow vehicle) ________# <strong>of</strong> participants<br />

o Walking Unit _________ # <strong>of</strong> participants<br />

o Animal Unit _________ # <strong>of</strong> participants_________ Type <strong>of</strong> animals_____________________________<br />

o O<strong>the</strong>r (description) ________________________________________________ ________# <strong>of</strong> participants<br />

Brief Description <strong>of</strong> Entry:<br />

________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Automobile Entries: Make <strong>of</strong> Car __________________________ Model _____________________ Year __________<br />

Float Dimensions (Approx.): H: _____________ W: ___________ L: ____________<br />

Tow Vehicle Type: Truck ________ Tractor ________ Car _______ O<strong>the</strong>r (describe) ___________________________<br />

The person designated above as “responsible individual” must sign this application or it will be rejected as incomplete.<br />

Below is a statement <strong>of</strong> intent to follow and enforce Policies & Procedures <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce<br />

for <strong>the</strong> Harrison Rally Day Parade:<br />

I am <strong>the</strong> ‘Responsible Individual’ designated on this application.<br />

I have read and received a copy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Policies & Procedures <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce for <strong>the</strong><br />

Harrison Rally Day Parade including, but not limited to <strong>the</strong> following:<br />

•No handouts or giveaways <strong>of</strong> any kind are permitted during <strong>the</strong> parade, with <strong>the</strong> exception <strong>of</strong> candy, as defined and detailed<br />

in “Section I” <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se rules. This includes flyers, whe<strong>the</strong>r political, non-political, commercial or non-commercial.<br />

•As has become traditional, parade entrants may pass out small wrapped pieces <strong>of</strong> candy along <strong>the</strong> parade route. No person<br />

may pass out, toss or throw candy from a vehicle, float, bicycle or o<strong>the</strong>r conveyance, whe<strong>the</strong>r moving or stopped. Only<br />

persons walking <strong>the</strong> parade route may pass out candy. No person shall toss or throw candy toward any o<strong>the</strong>r person, under<br />

any circumstances.<br />

• You may enter <strong>the</strong> parade staging area no earlier than 9 a.m. and must be in position no later than 9:45 a.m. Only parade<br />

vehicles actually in <strong>the</strong> parade will be allowed into <strong>the</strong> staging area.<br />

• Please pick up your entry packet at <strong>the</strong> Chamber <strong>of</strong>fice, 105 W. Indiana Ave. on or after <strong>September</strong> 16.<br />

Without <strong>the</strong> materials in <strong>the</strong> entry packet, you will not be permitted into <strong>the</strong> staging area.<br />

I understand and agree to abide by <strong>the</strong> Policies and Procedures for <strong>the</strong> Harrison Rally Day Parade.<br />

I agree that I am responsible to communicate <strong>the</strong> Policies and Procedures to my group.<br />

I agree that I am responsible for <strong>the</strong> members <strong>of</strong> my group and to take corrective action if members <strong>of</strong> my group are<br />

violating <strong>the</strong> Policies and Procedures.<br />

______________<br />

Date<br />

Harrison Rally Day Parade Application<br />

___________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Name <strong>of</strong> Entry<br />

________________________________________<br />

Name <strong>of</strong> Responsible Individual<br />

Krafty Travel<br />

419-260-0522<br /><br />

STUMP’S<br />


419-833-6205<br />

or 419-410-4417<br /><br />


CRITTER LADY<br /><br />


P.O. Box 267 <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio<br />

Day phone (419) 666-5952<br />

Evening (419) 662-8347<br /><br />

LST-267<br />

HOMEPAGE<br /><br />

_________________________________________<br />

Signature<br />

Way’s Topical Tuesdays resumes Sept. 10<br />

Topical Tuesdays resumes<br />

on Tuesday, <strong>September</strong> 10, at<br />

7 p.m., at Way Public Library.<br />

Way, in cooperation with<br />

<strong>the</strong> League <strong>of</strong> Women Voters<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Area, welcomes<br />

Dr. Dale Lanigan <strong>of</strong><br />

Lourdes University.<br />

Dr. Lanigan, chairperson<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Sociology<br />

and Justice Studies, will<br />

give a lecture entitled “Immigration:<br />

History, Legislation,<br />

Concerns, and <strong>the</strong> Future.”<br />

This program is free and<br />

open to <strong>the</strong> public; refreshments<br />

will be served.<br />

The Inter-Net Business Guide<br />

A guide to local businesses on <strong>the</strong><br />

World Wide Web<br />



419-874-2482<br /><br />


620 Haskins Rd.<br />

Bowling Green, Ohio 43402<br />

(419) 345-5750<br /><br />


AGENCY<br />

27457 Holiday Lane • <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH<br />

(419) 874-9989<br /><br />


Custom Home Builder<br /><br />

Advertise your website here!<br />

Call Matt or Sarah<br />

at 419-874-2528

PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL — <strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — Page 11<br />

Area Business Guide<br />

Handyman Services<br />

• Handicap & Disabilities Changes<br />

• Senior Discounts<br />

4General Repairs<br />

4Odd Jobs<br />

4Electrical<br />

4Drywall & plaster repairs,<br />


Have A Project??<br />

Hire an x-pert today!!<br />

• Doors . . .<br />

Interior & Exterior<br />

• Flooring Tile, Wood<br />

• Drywall<br />

• Drop Ceilings<br />

• Basement Finishing<br />

• Kitchen & Bath<br />

Remodel<br />

Call 419-779-1255<br />

• Please call, ask for Curt •<br />

Quality Work & Your Estimate<br />

Both FREE<br />


•Bird Seed •Wild Bird Feeders<br />

•Blue Buffalo Dog Food<br />

•Lawn & Garden Supplies<br />

•Bulk Topsoil & Mulch<br />

•Bagged Mulch & Soils<br />

Located on Rt. 795 (Avenue Road)<br />

across from Woodlands Park<br />

419-874-3525<br />



Custom Remodeling<br />

Kitchens, Baths, Additions, Ceramic Tile, Decks,<br />

Windows, Doors, Basements, Skylights<br />

32 years in business<br /><br />

Licensed, Bonded & Insured<br />

419-837-6100<br />

Advertise here for $20/week. 13 weeks minimum. Call 419-874-4491. Visit <strong>the</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> at<br />

hanging & finishing<br />

•Prompt •Reliable<br />

•Insured •No Job Too Small<br />

• Residential & Basement Improvement<br />

• Bath Remodeling • Home Renovation<br />

• Custom Tile Work<br />

• Custom Kitchen & Counters<br />

• Exterior Landscape Wiring & Lighting<br />

• Window Repair & Replacement<br />

• Gutter Repairs & Replacement<br />

(including gutter covers)<br />


Box 165<br />

(419) 878-8468<br />

Waterville, Ohio Cell: (419) 392-0438<br />

• Decks: New, Rebuild,<br />

Restoration, Power<br />

Wash, Tear Down,<br />

Wea<strong>the</strong>r Pro<strong>of</strong>, Leveling<br />

• Fencing<br />

Split Rail & Privacy,<br />

or New Posts/Rails<br />

• Utility Sheds<br />

• Painting • Ceiling Repair<br />

Talk Directly To The Owner<br />

WINNER<br />

Repair<br />

Specialist<br />

STUMP’S<br />


Interior - Exterior<br />

419-833-6205 or 419-410-4417<br />





Home Remodeling<br />

Basements, Baths, Decks, Doors,<br />

Interior and Exterior Finish Work,<br />

Plumbing, Ceramic Tile and more.<br />

All repairs and small jobs welcome.<br />

• Quality<br />

• Honest • Dependable • Service<br />

Licensed, Bonded and Insured<br />

Call Russ Kruse<br />

“I’ll return your call.”<br />

419-893-1431<br />

LICENSE #32924<br />

• Residential Specialist<br />

• Commercial & Residential<br />

• Interior & Exterior<br />

• Over 30 Years’<br />

Experience<br />

• Fully Insured<br />

Gorski Painting<br />

Free Estimates<br />

(419) 874-3815<br />

Cell: (419) 283-5191<br />

Call Richard Gorski<br />

And Remember, ‘It Pays To Use A Pr<strong>of</strong>essional.’<br />

ReNew Properties, L.L.C.<br />

We do it all …Big or Small<br />

Commercial and Residential Painting<br />

Handyman Services<br />

Basement Remodeling<br />

Remodeling - Improvements<br />

24 Hour Emergency Service<br />

5151 Main Street<br />

Sylvania, OH 43560<br />

Phone: 419-885-1991<br />

Fax: 419-885-0682<br />

TOM HAAS<br />

Since 1953 Opening Doors For You!<br />

26020 GLENWOOD ROAD<br />

PERRYSBURG, OHIO 43551<br />

419-874-4356<br />

FAX 419-874-3171<br />

800-797-4227<br />

John A. Wallace<br />

President<br /><br /><br />



(419) 874-6313<br />





607 SOUTH RIDGE DR.<br />

PERRYSBURG, OHIO 43551<br />

For All Your Rental Needs<br />


12418 Williams Rd. • <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH • 419-872-9944<br />

• Propane Filling Station<br />

• Portable Toilets<br /><br />



Macke Ro<strong>of</strong>ing<br />

& Home Remodeling LLC<br />

(419) 410-0619<br />

mackero<strong>of</strong><br />

O/C Preferred Contractor • All ro<strong>of</strong>ing types<br />

Free estimated •15 years experience<br />

Fully insured • References upon request<br />

Residential • Interior-Exterior<br />

Power Washing<br />

Re-Finishing Aluminum Siding<br />

Dave<br />

419-873-5550<br />

Cell 419-367-5000 Free Estimates<br />



Riddle Services<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH<br />

419-873-8606<br />

Your Personal Handyman, Reliable<br />

& Inexpensive<br />

Fully Insured<br /><br />

LOCKE’S<br />



(419) 874-3461<br />

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1-000-000-0000<br />

FREE In-Home Consultation<br />

FREE In-Home & Estimates Consultation<br />

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Visit<br />

for more information.<br />

Over 650 consultants nationwide!<br />

Lawn<br />

Mowing<br />

& Snow<br />

Removal<br />

• Electrical Work<br />

• Landscaping<br />

• Lawn Aeration<br />

• Tree Removal<br />

• Odd Jobs<br />

• Gutter Cleaning<br />

• Spring & Fall Lawn<br />

Clean Up<br />

• Plumbing<br />

• Lawn Treatments<br />

• Small Construction<br />

• Painting<br />

• Power Washing<br />


Fraser Phibbs<br />

All types <strong>of</strong> welding<br />

419-297-0071<br />

or<br />

419-215-4402<br />

Find custom wondow<br />

coverings that fit your style!<br />

Find custom wind<br />

coverings Shutters • Draperies that fit you<br />

Wood Blinds<br />

Honeycomb<br />

Shutters • Draperies<br />

Shades<br />

• Wood<br />

Honeycomb<br />

Roller Shades<br />

• Roller S<br />

Roman Vertical Blinds Shades • Silhouett<br />

Silhouettes® Woven Wood and more<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Woven Measuring Wood & Ins<br />

and Low more! Price Promise!<br />

Great Warranties!<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Measuring<br />

and Installation<br />



Turn to <strong>the</strong> Experts<br />




419-874-9900<br /><br />

110 Findlay Street<br />

PO Box 126<br />

Haskins, OH 43525<br />

It’s Hard To Stop A Trane.<br />

Phone 823-1394<br />

Fax 823-1832<br />

Toll Free 1-866-823-1394<br />

“The Company You Can Be Comfortable With”<br />

An Award Winning Builder<br />

For Information Call: 419.873.5436<br />

Barbara St. Arnand<br /><br />

One copy<br />

change<br />

per 13<br />

weeks.<br />

Advertise Here<br />

for<br />

$<br />

20 00<br />

per week<br />

(Minimum 13 weeks)<br />

Call 419-874-2528 today!<br />

Luella Smith<br />

419-873-ROOM (7666)<br />



•Wallpapering• Powerwashing • Int./Ext. Painting<br />

• Plaster & Drywall Repair • Faux Finishes<br />

FREE ESTIMATES<br /><br />

*Member Bowling Green<br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce<br />

“Let’s just say that<br />

comfort is our thing.”<br />

Service all Makes & Models<br />


on installs<br />

We Buy Scrap Batteries!<br />

We have all<br />

types <strong>of</strong><br />

batteries–not<br />

just auto!<br />

• We Rebuild<br />

Power Tool<br />

Batteries<br />

17 Years Service<br />

Licensed, Bonded, Insured<br />

Residential & Light Commercial<br />

MEMBER<br />

NW OHIO &<br />


Be Prepared With<br />

Batteries For:<br />

u Alarm Systems<br />

u Radios<br />

u Auto/Trucks<br />

u Camcorders<br />


Dynalite Battery<br />

26040A Glenwood Rd.<br />

(corner Rt. 20 and Glenwood Rd.)<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH<br />

419-873-1706 • 1-800-233-3962<br />

Fallen Timbers<br />


419-874-7519<br />

Tear-<strong>of</strong>fs, rero<strong>of</strong>s, flat ro<strong>of</strong>s<br />

Ro<strong>of</strong> Repairs<br />

20 Years Experience<br />

Quality work at honest prices<br />

All work guaranteed/insured<br />

Free Estimates • References<br />

• Custom Window<br />

Treatments & Bedding<br />

Wallpaper • Floorcoverings<br />

• Furniture & Accessories<br /><br />

Designing rooms that make you smile.<br />

Brian Hufford Builder, Inc.<br />

Turn to <strong>the</strong> Experts<br />

“Building Custom Homes & Remodeling locally since 1980”<br />

If you are thinking <strong>of</strong> a change give us a call!<br />

• New Homes & Remodeling<br />

(419) 874-4751 • Basements<br />

• Kitchens & Baths<br />


• Room Additions<br /> • Custom Woodwork<br />

*Member<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong><br />

Commerce<br />

EPA ‘Lead-Safe’<br />

Certified<br />

Senior Discounts<br />

419-874-2251<br />

Residential • Commercial Installation & Repair<br />

Geo<strong>the</strong>rmal•Furnaces•Boilers•Water Heaters •Air<br />

Conditioning•Reverse Osmosis Systems<br />

Licensed Insured BBB member<br />

419-874-9499<br />

Fax: 419-874-7990<br />

E:<br />

Organic farming topic <strong>of</strong> local<br />

OSU Sept. 5 field day program<br />

Growers interested in<br />

learning <strong>the</strong> latest in organic<br />

research, including updates<br />

on organic corn production,<br />

organic ecosystem services<br />

and organic pest controls,<br />

can hear from experts from<br />

Ohio State University’s College<br />

<strong>of</strong> Food, Agricultural,<br />

and Environmental Sciences<br />

during a workshop <strong>September</strong><br />

5 in Bowling Green.<br />

The workshop is from 5<br />

to 8 p.m. at <strong>the</strong> Agricultural<br />

Incubator Foundation,<br />

13737 Middleton Pike<br />

(State Route 582), about<br />

five miles north <strong>of</strong> Bowling<br />

Green. The event, which is<br />

free and open to <strong>the</strong> public,<br />

will include dinner. No<br />

reservations are required.<br />

The Organic and Sustainable<br />

Agriculture Field<br />

Day will include <strong>the</strong> opportunity<br />

for producers to have<br />

an up-close look <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> work<br />

conducted by <strong>the</strong> Organic<br />

Food and Farming Education<br />

and Research (OFFER)<br />

program and take part in a<br />

tour <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Organic Valley<br />

corn variety plot, said Alan<br />

Sundermeier, an Ohio State<br />

University extension educator.<br />

The event will feature<br />

presentations from OSU Extension<br />

and Ohio Agricultural<br />

Research and<br />

Development Center<br />

(OARDC) researchers and<br />

educators. OSU Extension<br />

and OARDC are <strong>the</strong> outreach<br />

and research arms, respectively,<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> college.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> advantages <strong>of</strong><br />

attending <strong>the</strong> field day is<br />

that farmers will have <strong>the</strong><br />

opportunity to view highlights<br />

<strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> organic<br />

research Ohio State is conducting,<br />

see <strong>the</strong> exhibits and<br />

have access to each researcher<br />

who can answer a<br />

farmer’s individual questions,<br />

Mr. Sundermeier said.<br />

“This kind <strong>of</strong> informal<br />

interaction with <strong>the</strong> researchers<br />

allows farmers to<br />

better understand what research<br />

we are doing and will<br />

allow us to gear university<br />

research to what <strong>the</strong> farmers’<br />

needs are,” he said.<br />

“This site is dedicated longterm<br />

in researching organic<br />

systems compared to conventional<br />

systems, to try to<br />

sort out <strong>the</strong> best practices to<br />

increase farm pr<strong>of</strong>its.<br />

“One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> projects<br />

we’re highlighting is <strong>the</strong> organic<br />

corn plot in conjunction<br />

with Organic Valley<br />

Company, where we have<br />

24 different organic corn varieties<br />

testing.<br />

Farmers can compare results<br />

side-by-side including<br />

different maturities and genetics.”<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r topics for <strong>the</strong> field<br />

night include:<br />

•Organic corn production<br />

and marketing<br />

•Long-term organic<br />

ecosystem services<br />

•Pest scouting and organic<br />

controls<br />

•No-till organic grain<br />

production<br />

•Cover crops<br />

•Zeolite soil amendment<br />

For more information,<br />

contact Mr. Sundermeier at<br />

419-354-9050 or sunder<br /><br />

Black Swamp Arts Festival to be<br />

held <strong>September</strong> 6-8 in Bowling Green<br />

The 21st annual Black<br />

Swamp Arts Festival will<br />

feature a variety <strong>of</strong> visual<br />

artists from across <strong>the</strong> country,<br />

local and national musical<br />

acts, and an interactive<br />

youth art area–all free <strong>of</strong><br />

charge.<br />

The festival runs Friday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 6, at 5 p.m.,<br />

through Sunday, <strong>September</strong><br />

8, at 5 p.m., in downtown<br />

Bowling Green.<br />

A large variety <strong>of</strong> food<br />

and drink will be available<br />

in <strong>the</strong> Concessions Garden<br />

situated adjacent to <strong>the</strong> Main<br />

Stage behind Panera Bread<br />

and Sam B’s restaurants.<br />

Many venues will provide<br />

live entertainment<br />

throughout <strong>the</strong> festival.<br />

The Main stage will feature<br />

national, regional and<br />

local music performances<br />

spanning a variety <strong>of</strong> music<br />

genres.<br />

The Family Entertainment<br />

Stage, located near <strong>the</strong><br />

Wood County Library, is<br />

geared toward a younger audience<br />

with musicians and<br />

live entertainment for <strong>the</strong><br />

entire family, while Acoustic<br />

Stage on Main presents its<br />

audience with acoustic musicians.<br />

As music rings through<br />

<strong>the</strong> downtown on Saturday<br />

and Sunday, patrons can<br />

enjoy <strong>the</strong> two fine art and<br />

fine craft shows featuring<br />

artists from across <strong>the</strong> nation<br />

as well as from <strong>the</strong> Wood<br />

County community.<br />

The Juried Art Show features<br />

more than 100 artists in<br />

varied mediums ranging<br />

from watercolor, jewelry,<br />

sculpture, photography, multimedia<br />

and glass.<br />

Along with past festival<br />

winners and familiar favorites,<br />

many new and exciting<br />

artists will display and<br />

sell <strong>the</strong>ir work.<br />

Additionally, 50 local<br />

artists display <strong>the</strong>ir work in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Wood County Invitational<br />

Art Show.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r artists showcased<br />

include Bowling Green State<br />

University student artwork<br />

and Artists at Work, a<br />

demonstration/participation<br />

area.<br />

“Men in Grief,” a fourweek<br />

bereavement support<br />

group conducted by men, for<br />

men, will help participants<br />

explore <strong>the</strong>ir various experiences<br />

as <strong>the</strong>y cope with <strong>the</strong><br />

loss <strong>of</strong> a spouse, friend, child<br />

or o<strong>the</strong>r family member.<br />

Held Wednesday<br />

evenings from 6 to 7:30<br />

p.m., at Hospice <strong>of</strong> Northwest<br />

Ohio’s <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Center,<br />

<strong>the</strong> group will begin<br />

October 2.<br />

Facilitated by a Hospice<br />

<strong>of</strong> Northwest Ohio chaplain<br />

and bereavement volunteer,<br />

<strong>the</strong> sessions will include<br />

<strong>the</strong>se and o<strong>the</strong>r topics as<br />

<strong>the</strong>y pertain specifically to<br />

men:<br />

•Life after <strong>the</strong> funeral<br />

•Establishing support<br />

systems<br />

•Embracing memories<br />

All art shows are open<br />

Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 6<br />

p.m. and Sunday, from 11<br />

a.m. to 5 p.m.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> Youth Art area,<br />

children <strong>of</strong> all ages can express<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir artistic creativity<br />

by making a variety <strong>of</strong> kidfriendly<br />

art projects.<br />

Musical and <strong>the</strong>atrical<br />

performances geared toward<br />

children are featured on <strong>the</strong><br />

Youth Arts Stage.<br />

The Youth Art area is<br />

open Saturday, from 11 a.m.<br />

to 5 p.m. and Sunday, from<br />

11 a.m. to 5 p.m.<br />

For more information<br />

visit <strong>the</strong> Web site at<br /><br />

Grief group for men begins Oct. 2<br />

•Understanding feelings<br />

•Managing everyday<br />

chores<br />

•Structuring your day<br />

•Thinking about your future<br />

Any man dealing with <strong>the</strong><br />

loss <strong>of</strong> a loved one is encouraged<br />

to participate, whe<strong>the</strong>r<br />

or not he has had a prior relationship<br />

with Hospice <strong>of</strong><br />

Northwest Ohio. There is no<br />

charge for <strong>the</strong> group, but<br />

participants are asked to preregister.<br />

For more information<br />

or to register, call<br />

419-661-4001.<br />

Hospice <strong>of</strong> Northwest<br />

Ohio’s <strong>Perrysburg</strong> Center is<br />

located at 30000 East River<br />

Road.<br />

For more information<br />

about o<strong>the</strong>r support groups<br />

or workshops, visit <strong>the</strong> Web<br />

site www.hospice<br />

Suggestions for selecting <strong>the</strong> right nutrition app<br />

Everyone I know seems<br />

to have a different nutrition<br />

app on <strong>the</strong>ir smart phone.<br />

Where can I find information<br />

about whe<strong>the</strong>r an app is<br />

a good one?<br />

With thousands <strong>of</strong> nutrition<br />

and food-related apps<br />

available, it’s easy to feel<br />

overwhelmed.<br />

It helps to narrow down<br />

what you’re looking for. Do<br />

you want something to help<br />

you plan healthy meals, or<br />

are you more interested in<br />

tracking calories, managing<br />

blood sugar or finding restaurants<br />

that serve gluten-free<br />

food?<br />

Once you have narrowed<br />

down what kind <strong>of</strong> information<br />

you’re looking for<br />

specifically, talk more to your<br />

friends about <strong>the</strong> apps <strong>the</strong>y<br />

WCCOA to host senior<br />

‘Minute to Win It’ challenge<br />

The Wood County Committee<br />

on Aging, Inc.<br />

(WCCOA) in partnership<br />

with Briar Hill Health Campus<br />

are collaborating to <strong>of</strong>fer<br />

an “As Seen on TV” event<br />

entitled, “Minute to Win It.”<br />

The event will be held on<br />

Thursday, <strong>September</strong> 12,<br />

from 1 to 3 p.m., at <strong>the</strong> Pemberville<br />

Area Senior Center,<br />

220 Cedar Street, Pemberville.<br />

Those age 50 and older<br />

are invited to participate in<br />

<strong>the</strong>se unique challenges such<br />

as <strong>the</strong> “Chocolate Unicorn”<br />

where participants will be<br />

seated and <strong>the</strong>y will attempt<br />

to stack five chocolate Ho<br />

Hos on <strong>the</strong>ir forehead or <strong>the</strong><br />

“Breakfast Scrabble” where<br />

<strong>the</strong>y will have to place <strong>the</strong><br />

front <strong>of</strong> a cereal box back toge<strong>the</strong>r<br />

after it was cut into<br />

16 pieces.<br />

Registered participants<br />

will have a chance to participate<br />

in all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> events with<br />

an opportunity to win <strong>the</strong><br />

“Minute to Win It” championship<br />

title.<br />

The community is invited<br />

to cheer on <strong>the</strong> participants<br />

and enjoy refreshments.<br />

To register or for more<br />

information, call Sandy<br />

Abke at <strong>the</strong> Pemberville<br />

Area Senior Center at 419-<br />

287-4190. or send an e-mail<br />

to<br />

use and what <strong>the</strong>y like or<br />

don’t like about <strong>the</strong>m. If <strong>the</strong>y<br />

say <strong>the</strong>y like <strong>the</strong>ir app but<br />

that it’s “clunky” or o<strong>the</strong>rwise<br />

cumbersome, search<br />

around for o<strong>the</strong>r options that<br />

<strong>of</strong>fer <strong>the</strong> same type <strong>of</strong> information,<br />

and test <strong>the</strong>m yourself.<br />

As for making sure <strong>the</strong><br />

food or nutrition-related content<br />

is accurate, nothing beats<br />

guidance from a registered<br />

dietitian. If your health plan<br />

<strong>of</strong>fers dietetic services or nutrition<br />

coaching, it might not<br />

be a bad idea to sign up for a<br />

session or two and, during<br />

your consult, inquire about<br />

recommended apps.<br />

If that seems a bit much,<br />

you can take a look online at<br />

apps reviewed by <strong>the</strong> Academy<br />

<strong>of</strong> Nutrition and Dietetics–<strong>the</strong><br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional organization<br />

for registered dietitians.<br />

Academy dietitians<br />

started reviewing apps in late<br />

2011, and <strong>the</strong>ir initial <strong>of</strong>ferings,<br />

grouped under <strong>the</strong> categories<br />

<strong>of</strong> “Diabetes,”<br />

“Gluten-Free” and “Weight<br />

Management,” are online at<br />

<strong>the</strong> organization’s Web site,<br /><br />

These apps, all available<br />

to download free and primarily<br />

geared for <strong>the</strong> iPhone, are<br />

listed in alphabetical order<br />

under each category. You can<br />

scan <strong>the</strong> initial listing relatively<br />

quickly to see how<br />

well each app rates on <strong>the</strong><br />

academy’s 1- to 5-star scale,<br />

and <strong>the</strong>n click on an app to<br />

get more information.<br />

Since that time, <strong>the</strong> academy<br />

has continued to review<br />

apps and list <strong>the</strong> reviews on<br />

its Food and Nutrition magazine<br />

Web site,<br />

Vineyard Church <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

will hold a joint service<br />

with Ember Ministry on<br />

Tuesday, <strong>September</strong> 10, at<br />

7:30 p.m. at Ember Northpoint<br />

facility, 3708 Laskey Road,<br />

Toledo.<br />

Guest speaker will be Ben<br />

Fitzgerald from Be<strong>the</strong>l<br />

Church, Redding, California.<br />

http://www.foodandnutri<br /><br />

Each review details <strong>the</strong> app’s<br />

pros and cons as well as <strong>the</strong><br />

dietitian’s star-rating and<br />

“bottom line.” The apps are<br />

listed in reverse-chronological<br />

order—that is, <strong>the</strong> most<br />

recently reviewed apps are at<br />

<strong>the</strong> top. There’s no search<br />

function, but it’s relatively<br />

easy to page through <strong>the</strong> 62<br />

apps currently listed and click<br />

on reviews you’re most interested<br />

in reading.<br />

Chow Line is a service <strong>of</strong><br />

Ohio State University’s College<br />

<strong>of</strong> Food, Agricultural,<br />

and Environmental Sciences<br />

and its outreach and research<br />

arms, Ohio State University<br />

Extension and <strong>the</strong> Ohio Agricultural<br />

Research and Development<br />

Center.<br />

Send questions to Chow<br />

Line, c/o Martha Filipic,<br />

2021 C<strong>of</strong>fey Road, Columbus,<br />

OH, 43210-1044, or fil<br /><br />

Vineyard Church to hold<br />

joint service at Ember Ministry<br />

He will be bringing a team<br />

with him from <strong>the</strong> Be<strong>the</strong>l<br />

School <strong>of</strong> Supernatural Ministry.<br />

Mr. Fitzgerald is <strong>the</strong> pastor<br />

<strong>of</strong> Evangelism and Neighborhood<br />

Transformation at<br />

Be<strong>the</strong>l.<br />

All are invited to attend <strong>the</strong><br />

special service.<br />

Get all <strong>the</strong> local news<br />

in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>!<br />

Subscribe today! 419-874-4491

Page 12 — <strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL<br />



CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING—first 10 words $5.50, 30 cents per word <strong>the</strong>reafter. Display classified section, $12.75 per<br />

column inch. All garage/estate sales must be prepaid, by cash, check or credit card. DEADLINE IS EACH MONDAY<br />

AT NOON. Classified ads mailed in should be accompanied by payment; ads phoned in should be paid promptly to avoid<br />

a $2.00 billing charge. Send ads to P.O. Box 267, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>, Ohio 43552. <strong>Perrysburg</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice hours are<br />

Monday, 8:30 to 4:30; Tuesday-Friday, 9 to 4; closed Saturday and Sunday, or visit our Web site at<br />

CALL 419-874-2528 or 419-874-4491<br />



Submit your classified advertisement via e-mail. Just visit or<br />



Lake Erie<br />


Excursions for up to 10 persons<br />

(419) 666-5952 (Day)<br />

(419) 662-8347 (Night)<br /><br />

Don’t live with<br />

a sinking<br />

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(419)874-6779<br />

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In answering advertisements, whe<strong>the</strong>r in publications, or<br />

television, be aware that 1-900 numbers have a charge that<br />

will be billed to your telephone number. 1-800 numbers that<br />

switch you to a 1-900 number are also billed to you.<br />

Government job information or sales can be obtained<br />

free from appropriate government agencies.<br />

Long distance calls to brokers may only be solicitations<br />

for schools or instruction books, for which <strong>the</strong>re is a charge.<br />

SINCE 1987<br />


Lic. # 22360<br />

Eckel Snowmobile & Small Engine Repair<br />


Repairs~Rebuilds~Service~Winterize~Summerize<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

Pickup & Delivery Available<br />

(419) 833-1670<br />

Mackiewicz Siding,<br />

Ro<strong>of</strong>ing and Windows LLC<br />

#1 in Quality, #1 in Price, #1 in Service<br />

“Where Quality Matters” Since 1991<br />

Call Today 419-392-1335<br />

Email:<br />

Tree Trimming, Stump and Tree Removal<br />

Firewood: Indoor & Outdoor Burner & Campfire Wood<br />

Call Today: 419-874-0484 Fully Insured<br />

SPS Lawns: Mowing, Mulching, Spring & Fall Clean-up<br />

Bush Trimming & Snow Removal. 419-704-1597<br />

Call for FREE Estimates<br />

419-779-0899 or 419-836-7019<br />

Call Frank Roberts • Family Owned and Operated<br />

24695 Williston Rd., Millbury, OH<br />

Exercise<br />

with<br />

Eckel<br />

Marine Corps CPL Jonathon Eckel,<br />

certified personal trainer, can help<br />

you and your family feel better and<br />

excel personally. If you have <strong>the</strong> gym,<br />

I have <strong>the</strong> time and dedication to help.<br />

For fur<strong>the</strong>r info., please call Jon Eckel<br />

419-779-3823<br />

<br />

Mark A. Laing<br />

Plumbing & Heating<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> • 419-872-2712<br />

Installation • Sales • Service • Insured • Bonded<br />







We also provide complete<br />

LANDSCAPE services<br />

Jobs Confirmed by Sept. 30, 15% Off<br />

419-874-5006<br />




Specializing in: Aluminum,<br />

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Call 419-666-5369<br />

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Al’s Fence<br />

and Deck<br />

Repair/Install<br />

Split rail, privacy, chain<br />

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25 years experience.<br />

419-450-7202<br /><br />

Got Weeds?<br />

Sue’s Etcetera!<br />

Your Personal Gardening Service.<br />

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419-727-8734<br /><br />

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Our fast and<br />

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is waiting for your call!<br />

419-531-1111<br />

WB Farrell<br />

cabinets • refaces,<br />

tile • flooring,<br />

carpentry • painting<br />

40+ years experience<br />

fa<strong>the</strong>r & son<br />

free estimates<br />

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Specializing in<br />

Aluminum & Vinyl Siding<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

419-726-4872<br />





Specializing in: Aluminum,<br />

Refinishing, Wood, Brick<br />

& Stucco<br />

Call<br />

419-666-5369<br />

419-509-5284<br />

ONE CALL<br />

Home Repairs/Remodelling<br />

419-205-9600<br />

From changing a light switch<br />

to total remodelling.<br />

Affordable -<br />

Payment Plans Available<br />

Tom’s<br />

PEST<br />


in Holland<br />

(419) 868-8700<br />

Ants, Termites,<br />

Bedbugs, Bees/Wasps<br />

100% Guaranteed!<br /><br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Drywall<br />

& Plaster Repairs<br />

Quality Work, Dependable<br />

Free Estimates<br />

419-252-0923<br />


& Wallpapering<br />

•Powerwashing •Decks<br />

•Plaster/Drywall Repair<br />

419-874-2251<br />

Senior Discount<br />


ENCED, references, reasonable.<br />

No job too small. Dave<br />

419-823-8033.<br />

SEAL AND repair asphalt<br />

driveways and parking lots.<br />

Hot rubber crack filler. Reasonable<br />

rates. Free estimates.<br />

Call Sam 419-478-1144.<br />


TER specializing in finish<br />

work, custom furniture, quality<br />

woodworking, home repairs.<br />

Jeff Hoile, 419-265-2999 or<br />

419-874-1819.<br />

ELECTRICIAN, 30 years experience.<br />

Residential and commercial.<br />

419-704-7201.<br />

WINDOW CLEANING. <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Window and Gutter<br />

Cleaning, pr<strong>of</strong>essional service<br />

for a fair price. Call Michael<br />

Rantanen, owner 419-874-2482.<br />

For this month’s coupon visit:<br /><br />


Debris taken away; tower removal.<br />

Insured. 419-865-1941.<br />

UPHOLSTERY, YOUR fabric<br />

or mine. Reasonable.<br />

419-874-5747.<br />



ING. Sand, stone, topsoil, excavating.<br />

Free estimates. Insured.<br />

419-344-1872.<br />

HURLEY’S INTERIOR/exterior<br />

painting. Reasonable<br />

prices. 20 years experience.<br />

Free estimates. Call<br />

419-882-6753.<br />


Delivering stone, sand and topsoil<br />

for life’s little projects.<br />

419-666-7642, 419-392-7642.<br />

BRICK REPAIR, O’Shannons.<br />

Specializing in solving<br />

masonry problems. Chimneys,<br />

porches, foundations, tuckpointing,<br />

cement work. Fully<br />

licensed and insured. License<br />

number BTR05128HRC.<br />

419-270-3782.<br />

BDRY BASEMENT Waterpro<strong>of</strong>ing.<br />

Life <strong>of</strong> structure warranty.<br />

419-891-0856. 419-787-<br />

6020.<br />

LAWN MOWING, experienced,<br />

reasonable, estimates.<br />

Call or text Justin<br />

419-309-2002.<br />

CONCRETE WORK. Driveways,<br />

patios, sidewalks. Cement<br />

mason since 1985.<br />

Call Paul 419-327-0883.<br />

STEVE’S DRYWALL, spray<br />

ceilings, texture walls, all<br />

patchwork. Call Steve,<br />

419-873-8025.<br />

FREE PICK-UP for metal<br />

and appliances. Moving in/out,<br />

clean-up and hauling, houses,<br />

attics, basements, buildings,<br />

yards, garages, rental properties,<br />

etc. Special help for elderly,<br />

handicapped, vets.<br />

419-215-4194.<br />

DON’S DRYWALL and<br />

plaster repair. Resurfacing,<br />

texturing. Free estimates,<br />

seven days. 419-476-0145.<br />

BLIND CLEANING and repair.<br />

Mini blinds, wood blinds,<br />

fabric shades, vertical blinds.<br />

Pick up, deliver, take down,<br />

re-hang, next day turn around.<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Clean Blinds Plus.<br />

419-874-9199.<br />

15 YEARS experience<br />

cleaning homes in <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

and businesses. References<br />

upon request. Please call<br />

Sherry, 419-418-4794.<br />


neat, experienced. References.<br />

Free estimates. Donna,<br />

419-476-1173, 419-250-4504.<br />


PROOFING, wall repair.<br />

Reasonable rates. 30 years experience.<br />

Many <strong>Perrysburg</strong> references.<br />

Licensed and insured.<br />

Call anytime, 419-874-2802.<br />

PAINTING AND Wallpapering.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional, quality work.<br />

Removal, wall repair. Brian,<br />

419-297-9686.<br />

FOR SALE<br />

7-FOOT BRUNSWICK Emperor<br />

pocket billiard table.<br />

1-piece slate top, light oak finish,<br />

Ohio State colors. Excellent<br />

condition. $850. 419-874-<br />

1073.<br />


drop-leaf 4 pedestal dining<br />

room table (circa 1940s) with<br />

4 extra leaves with set <strong>of</strong> Duncan<br />

Phyfe style chairs (1 arm<br />

chair, 5 side chairs), excellent<br />

condition. $1,600. 419-874-<br />

1073.<br />


4’ high x 8’ long stack, $80.<br />

419-409-0252 or 419-409-0250.<br />

HOMELITE LR440 8-HP,<br />

4400 watt generator with<br />

wheels, installed with 3 outlets,<br />

5 gallon gas tank, less<br />

than 25 hours, $350. 1-piece<br />

red oak 1”x10.5x97”, large<br />

with radius on one side, nice<br />

piece (unfinished), $75.<br />

1-piece 1x10-5/8x60” with radius<br />

one side, nice, $35.<br />

419-266-2864.<br />


2000 SATURN SL2. Auto,<br />

4-door, $1,000. 419-297-9709.<br />

LOOKING FOR cars/trucks.<br />

Call before selling or trading.<br />

419-297-9709.<br />

2002 FORD Escape. 4WD,<br />

$1,800. 419-297-9709.<br />

2003 GMC Envoy. 4WD,<br />

$4,950. 419-297-9709.<br />

2001 CHEVY Cavalier. Silver,<br />

105K, 4-door, auto,<br />

$1,950. 419-297-9709.<br />

CLASSIC 1995 Chevy Camero.<br />

T-tops, auto, $2,950.<br />

419-297-9709.<br />

1992 HONDA Civic. Auto,<br />

4-door, $1,500. 419-297-9709.<br />

2003 CHEVY Impala LE.<br />

Nice, 108K, $3,500. Corner<br />

Route 20 and Oregon Road.<br />

2002 CHRYSLER Sebring<br />

SE. Moon, lea<strong>the</strong>r. $2,650.<br />

Corner Route 20 and Oregon<br />

Road.<br />

2004 KIA Sorento. 4x4, cold<br />

air, $3,900. Corner Route 20<br />

and Oregon Road.<br />

PETS<br />

Spay-Ghetti and No Balls Dinner<br />

& Auction to Benefit Humane Ohio<br />

at LaScola Italian Grill<br />

Sunday, <strong>September</strong> 29th, 5 – 8 pm<br />

Cost: $30, advance tickets only<br />

Includes one <strong>of</strong> four pasta entrees, bread, salad and soda<br />

Visit<br />

for more information.<br /><br />

<br />



SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 at 12 p.m.<br />

30550 E. River Road, <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Incredible contents sale! Antique furniture, huge art<br />

collection, collectible toys, 15 collector guns, high end<br />

fishing equipment, glassware, salt and pepper shaker<br />

collection and much more. Call for complete catalog.<br />

Jack Amlin and Greg Zlelinski<br />

Auctioneers<br />

419-867-7653<br />


29504 Shelbourne<br />

By Appointment Only<br />

Contact: J.J. Kosmider<br />

419.356.2209<br />

Call or Text<br />






1023 WALNUT Street,<br />

Thursday-Saturday, 10-4.<br />

Empty Nest sale.<br />

1060 EVERGREEN Court,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 5-7, Thursday and<br />

Friday 9-4, Saturday 9-12.<br />

Miscellaneous fishing items,<br />

Fenton glass and some antiques.<br />

1130 LEWIS, Rossford, Saturday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 7, 9-4.<br />

Household items, cups and<br />

saucers, books, lots <strong>of</strong> miscellaneous<br />

items.<br />

1367 RUNNING Brook,<br />

Thursday only, 9-noon. Golf<br />

clubs, wrought iron patio table,<br />

housewares/decorative items,<br />

toddler toys and clo<strong>the</strong>s, arcade<br />

game, lots <strong>of</strong> great quality<br />

furniture for indoors and out.<br />

235 WEST Indiana. Friday,<br />

9-3; Saturday, half day, half<br />

<strong>of</strong>f. Quality baking supplies,<br />

213 cookie cutters, assorted<br />

measurers, pans and much<br />

more.<br />


A MECHANIC buys vehicles;<br />

looks, pays accordingly,<br />

anything with wheels.<br />

419-870-0163.<br />

WANTED GUNS, any age,<br />

any condition. Also WWII<br />

and earlier military items. Indian<br />

artifacts. Rob,<br />

419-340-5808, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.<br />

BUYING MOST items from<br />

garages. Vehicles, motorcycles,<br />

tools, mowers, etc.<br />

419-870-0163.<br />

WANTED METAL, tin or<br />

porcelain signs. Automotive<br />

and farm items and magazines<br />

or paper. Metal, steel or tin<br />

trucks, trains, ships and<br />

toys. Fashion magazines.<br />

Looking for 40’s-60’s items.<br />

Vintage Barbies, 50’s and<br />

60’s dolls. Paper dolls. Postcards.<br />

Halloween, Christmas<br />

and Easter. Vintage fabric.<br />

Quilts and your unwanted<br />

items. Call 419-509-8234.<br />

LOOKING FOR great things<br />

to buy or consign. Collections<br />

or estates. Jones & Jones<br />

LTD Antiques. 114 W. Indiana.<br />

419-874-2867.<br />

$300 and up for All<br />

Junk and repairable<br />

cars/trucks.<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Lowest Prices on Auto Parts<br />

Free Towing • 7 Days a Week<br />

Homer’s Auto Parts<br />

4848 N. detroit Avenue<br />

near Laskey<br />

419-478-5052<br />

549 EAST Indiana Avenue,<br />

Thursday and Friday, 9-4.<br />

Household items, furniture,<br />

Leapster and games, toys and<br />

miscellaneous.<br />

550 PERRY Drive,<br />

Saturday-Sunday, <strong>September</strong><br />

7-8, 9-4. Moving sale. Furniture,<br />

antiques, TVs, tools,<br />

books, CDs, patio furniture,<br />

grill, many more miscellaneous<br />

household items.<br />








RUN. CALL 419-874-4491<br />



FLEA MARKET at Byrne<br />

Road near Hill Avenue at<br />

American Legion Post, Sundays,<br />

7 a.m. to noon. Dealers<br />

wanted. Call 419-389-1095.<br />

SUPER SATURDAY garage<br />

sale, Woodland Mall (use front<br />

entrance), 1234 North Main<br />

Street, <strong>September</strong> 7, 9 a.m. to<br />

5 p.m. Free admission. 100<br />

vendors with antiques, coins,<br />

glassware, sports cards. Spaces<br />

from $20. 419-354-4447.<br />




ASSOCIATE. Full-time/parttime.<br />

Organized, computer<br />

literate and aggresive. 419-873-<br />

0454.<br />

Cryogenic Transportation,<br />

a highway subsidiary<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Kenan Advantage<br />

Group, is now seeking<br />

Class A CDL Drivers out<br />

<strong>of</strong> Riga, MI!<br />

The hiring schedule<br />

will be local, home daily!<br />

(various shifts available)<br />

Apply within and<br />

immediately see <strong>the</strong><br />

advantages <strong>of</strong> joining<br />

our driving team:<br />

·Competitive pay<br />

·Excellent benefits<br />

·Paid training<br />

·Paid vacations & holidays<br />

·401K w/company match<br />

·And so much more!<br />

We require Class A CDL,<br />

2 years recent, verifiabletractor-trailer<br />

experience,<br />

Tank & Hazmat endorsements<br />

(or ability to obtain)<br />

and a safe driving record.<br />

800-871-4581<br />

for more information<br />

or apply online at<br /><br />

F<br />


retail sales help wanted.<br />

Part-time, daytime and afternoons.<br />

Store is located in<br />

downtown <strong>Perrysburg</strong>. Apply<br />

in person at our main store:<br />

The Baker’s Kitchen, 6433<br />

Monclova Road, Maumee.<br />



Day • Eves • Weekend Class<br />

Job Placement<br />

Company Paid Training<br />

Call 419-837-5730<br />

Train Locally-Save Hassle<br />





Are you ready to make a<br />

difference in someone’s life?<br />

We’re looking for honest,<br />

compassionate, reliable<br />

people to take care <strong>of</strong><br />

our clients. Earn a wage for<br />

doing something you already<br />

enjoy doing. To learn what<br />

becoming a Comfort<br />

Keeper® is all about, visit<br />

www.ahandin<strong>the</strong><br />

109 W. 5th St.<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH 43551<br />


Over 550 independently owned & operated<br />

<strong>of</strong>fices worldwide.<br />

Drivers:<br />

WE HAVE SHORT HAUL RUNS that are<br />


Openings now in Short Haul regional division<br />

with 5 days out & 48 hours <strong>of</strong>f!<br />

* Must have CDL-A w/ Haz-Mat<br />

Come see our recruiter:<br />

Date: Monday <strong>September</strong> 9<br />

Times: 12:00 & 3:00 & 5:00<br />

Location: Baymont Inn<br />

6425 Kit Lane<br />

Maumee, OH<br />

419-865-9400<br />

Directions: I-475 to exit 6.<br />

Go west to Briarfield Blvd and turn left.<br />

Go to Kit lane turn left. Hotel behind Bob Evans<br />

Recent CDL School Grads Welcome!<br />

Can’t attend? Give us a call<br />

800-446-0682 or visit<br />

Public Relations Specialist<br />

Part Time Posting<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this position is to increase visibility <strong>of</strong> and<br />

support for WCCOA through creative and consistent messages.<br />

This includes print, electronic, and social media.<br />

Qualifications for this position include: Bachelor’s degree in<br />

public relations, marketing, advertising, communication,<br />

journalism or o<strong>the</strong>r related program or demonstrate equivalent<br />

experience in related field. Must possess strong writing,<br />

research, and organizational skills. Must demonstrate and<br />

understand media relations skills, and exercise good judgment.<br />

Must be a self-starter with <strong>the</strong> ability to assess and prioritize<br />

projects and meet deadlines. Must have <strong>the</strong> ability to<br />

function independently or as an active team member with all<br />

departments. Must possess proven organizational skills and<br />

<strong>the</strong> ability to meet deadlines. Must be pr<strong>of</strong>icient with<br />

Micros<strong>of</strong>t Office s<strong>of</strong>tware (including Word, Excel, Access,<br />

PowerPoint and Publisher. Must manage sensitive and confidential<br />

information with integrity. Demonstrated communication<br />

skills, both written and oral.<br />

Must have a proven record <strong>of</strong> working harmoniously with<br />

older adults as well as colleagues. Must be eligible for bonding<br />

and insurable under agency policy. Must possess a valid Ohio<br />

Driver’s license with pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> auto insurance (state minimum).<br />

Must meet <strong>the</strong> requirements contained in Ohio Administrative<br />

Code (OAC) 173-3-06.6 (B)(3). Compliance shall be<br />

reviewed not less than annually. Must successfully complete<br />

Bureau <strong>of</strong> Criminal Investigation (BCI) records check, as<br />

defined in OAC 173-9-01.<br />

Agency application available at <strong>the</strong> Wood County Committee<br />

on Aging, 305 N. Main Street, Bowling Green, Ohio, on our<br />

website, or by calling 419.353.5661. Applications<br />

will be accepted until <strong>the</strong> position is filled. EOE.<br />







Apply in person at 27240 Crossroad Parkway <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> Route 20 or<br />

online at (Dixie Hwy <strong>Perrysburg</strong>)<br />

Call 419-287-3534 to set up your interview.<br />

Pertoria Inc. a franchisee <strong>of</strong> Wendy’s International, Inc. ©<strong>2013</strong> Oldemark LLC. Job postings on this site are for independently owned and operated franchise restaurant locations, not Wendy’s<br />

corporately owned restaurants. Franchisees are <strong>the</strong> exclusive employer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir employees and as such are solely responsible for all employment related matters in <strong>the</strong>ir restaurants. Wendy’s<br />

International, Inc. accepts no responsibility or liability for <strong>the</strong> content <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> postings on this site or for employment related matters at franchise locations.


Owner / Operators: Toledo North<br />

We want YOU!<br />

Live your dream by owning & operating<br />

your own flatbed delivery truck.<br />

Exciting consistent year round work.<br />

Great Income potential!<br />

Low startup costs!<br />

Be home EVERY night with your<br />

family!<br />

Work with <strong>the</strong> #1 Home Improvement<br />

Center in <strong>the</strong> Midwest.<br />

For more information on this great<br />

opportunity please call (419) 729-6210<br />

or e-mail<br />


specialty restaurant in uptown<br />

Maumee. Part-time, great<br />

hours and surroundings. Must<br />

have kitchen experience, be<br />

well organized, creative, a<br />

team player and self motivated.<br />

Fax resume to<br />

419-897-9141 or e-mail:<br /><br />

DRIVERS: HOME Daily!<br />

Eagle Express Lines, full-time<br />

postal route openings from<br />

Toledo to Chicago & Central<br />

PA! $19.24/hour plus $4.98<br />

USPS Health & Welfare pay.<br />

Apply: www.eagleexpresslines<br />

.com.<br />

LOOKING FOR individuals<br />

to assist clients with development<br />

disabilities in community<br />

based activities around <strong>the</strong> Sylvania,<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> and Bowling<br />

Green areas. Experience preferred,<br />

but not required. Flexible<br />

hours. Competitive pay.<br />

Valid, citation free driver’s license.<br />

Must have high school<br />

diploma/GED. All o<strong>the</strong>r training<br />

provided. Send a letter <strong>of</strong><br />

interest to Valerie, Assistant<br />

Director, Easy Living, LLC,<br />

204 Perry St. Defiance Ohio<br />

43512. For questions, please<br />

call 419-784-0900.<br />


TEAM mates needed. Looking<br />

for dependable, educated, positive,<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional people to<br />

clean in a team. Monday-Friday,<br />

1-5 days/week. Must pass<br />

background and drug test,<br />

have reliable transportation.<br />

$8-10/hour to start based on<br />

experience. Call/text Cathleen<br />

at 419-308-1595.<br />


residential painting contractor<br />

has full-time, year round position<br />

available. Drug/smoke<br />

free, background check, good<br />

transportation. Will train.<br />

Good wages and benefits.<br />

E-mail for application packet:<br /><br />

PART TIME help at upscale<br />

local antiques store. Responsible<br />

well organized individual<br />

with computer knowledge and<br />

people skills. 24-30 hours per<br />

week. $10 per hour. Apply<br />

with resume at 2646 West<br />

Central from 10-4.<br />


full time help. Delivery <strong>of</strong> furniture<br />

and maintenance work<br />

which includes some lamp rewiring.<br />

Saturdays are required.<br />

5-6 days a week. $10 per hour.<br />

Apply with resume at 2646<br />

West Central from 10-4.<br />



CARE. Stay-at-home mom<br />

looking to care for children in<br />

my home. Part-time openings<br />

available. CPR and First Aid<br />

certified. 419-874-9035.<br />


STRESS. Over 30 years experience.<br />

Dressmaking, wedding<br />

gowns, bridesmaids, alterations<br />

and veil design.<br />

419-874-5390.<br />

HOUSE CLEANING. Residential<br />

and commercial. Experienced.<br />

Reasonable rates. Call<br />

Susan, 419-283-2312.<br />


BRANSON AT Christmas<br />

time. November 10-16. 7<br />

shows, bus, lodging, meals,<br />

$639 /person. Hurry, deposit<br />

due now. Let’s Travel Too.<br />

419-265-3358 or 419-509-<br />

6008.<br />


G FORCES Learning Center.<br />

Tutoring for all ages,<br />

ACT/SAT and GED test prep<br />

and creative writing assistance.<br />

Expert resume service and pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

job search assistance.<br />

Help with term papers and letters<br />

<strong>of</strong> application. Located at<br />

134 W.S. Boundary, Suite H,<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>. Call, 419-873-6121<br />

or send an email to<br /><br />

ART CLASSES - Group &<br />

Private. Drawing, painting &<br />

figure study. Beginning<br />

through advanced. EDGER-<br />

TON ART Studio & School,<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>. Current schedule<br />

and registration forms<br />

available online at www.<br />; Call: 419-<br />

290-OILS [6457], Email:<br /><br />

FOR RENT<br />


1 & 2 Bedroom Apartment Homes<br />

$99 security deposit to move in<br />

Approved applicants only/limited time <strong>of</strong>fer<br />

Visit<br />

for photos<br />

Or call 419-666-1186 for a personal tour<br />


Cordoba Apartments<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Township.<br />

Close to Owens & Crossroads.<br />

Rent starting at $410<br />

419-381-0600<br />

Tired <strong>of</strong> Heat Bills?<br />

2 bed apartment with<br />

heat and hot water<br />

paid, garage, balcony,<br />

a/c, no pets. $620.<br />

Broker/Owner<br />

419-874-1112<br />

419-874-1188<br />

Apts: Bowles Court<br />

Walking distance to laundromat,<br />

pharmacy, shopping<br />

and banking. Large 1<br />

bedroom apartments with<br />

private front and rear entrance<br />

and patio, parking<br />

space, A/C and appliances.<br />

Freshly renovated with all<br />

new flooring etc. in <strong>the</strong><br />

heart <strong>of</strong> Maumee. $435.<br />

419-666-5320 Call now<br />

for a tour!<br />

1-2 BEDROOMS, <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Township, Rossford Schools.<br />

All electric. No pets. Starting<br />

$425/month. Call 419-389-0555<br />

for specials.<br />

11071 RIVERBEND East,<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Township condo. 2<br />

bed, 1-1/2 bath, finished basement.<br />

No pets. Non-smoking.<br />

$750 plus deposit.<br />

419-878-5077.<br />

2 BEDROOM apartment, <strong>Perrysburg</strong>.<br />

Washer/dryer hook<br />

up, appliances, garage, Oakmont<br />

Subdivision.<br />

$625/month. 419-874-4226.<br />

2 BEDROOM <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

first floor apartment, with refrigerator,<br />

stove and<br />

washer/dryer hook-ups. New<br />

carpet. Off street parking. No<br />

pets. Only $450/mo. with<br />

$450 security deposit. Tenant<br />

pays gas and electric. One<br />

year lease required. Located at<br />

8848 Fremont Pike near Lime<br />

City Rd, only two minutes<br />

from I-75 and <strong>the</strong> heart <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>. Call 419-509-7500<br />

2 BEDROOM <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

ranch. Lots <strong>of</strong> extras,<br />

$990/month plus deposit. Call,<br />

419-874-2224, 419-344-3965.<br />

2 BEDROOM twinplex, 1-1/2<br />

bath, quiet country setting. Gas<br />

heat, C/A, laundry connections,<br />

attached finished garage.<br />

Pool and tennis. Water, sewer<br />

and trash pick-up included.<br />

$685. 419-297-3123.<br />

2 BEDROOM villa. C/A,<br />

gas heat, attached garage,<br />

washer/dryer hook-ups, $680/<br />

month. 419-874-0889.<br />

2 BEDROOM, Rossford two<br />

story house with basement. All<br />

appliances including<br />

washer/dryer. Two car garage<br />

with openers, walk-in closet,<br />

large family room with fireplace<br />

and huge deck. Central<br />

air and gas heat. Non-smoking.<br />

No pets. $990/month plus deposit.<br />

567-343-2192.<br />

2 BEDROOMS, 807 Three<br />

Meadows Drive, ground level,<br />

850 sq. ft., appliances, AC,<br />

laundry area, new carpet and<br />

flooring $575/month.<br />

419-346-6703.<br />

3 BEDROOM townhouse,<br />

1,700 square-feet, 2 miles east<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong>. 1st and 2nd<br />

floors plus full finished basement.<br />

Laundry connections,<br />

gas heat, C/A. Pool and tennis.<br />

Water, sewer and trash pick-up<br />

included. $785. 419-297-3123<br />

A PETITE Hamlet, river area<br />

vintage apartment. Non- smoking<br />

& no pets. $500.<br />

419-913-1693.<br />

BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom, 2<br />

full bath home in historic <strong>Perrysburg</strong>.<br />

Walking distance to<br />

downtown. Detached 1.5 car<br />

garage. Recently updated. 2nd<br />

floor master suite. Fireplace.<br />

426 West Front Street.<br />

614-560-3158.<br />

BRICK RANCH home, <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Township, Rossford<br />

schools, 3 bed, 1-1/2 baths.<br />

Living room with fireplace,<br />

kitchen with built-in<br />

stove/oven, dining room, family<br />

room, deck. Full basement,<br />

central air. Attached 2 car garage<br />

with opener. Large, treed<br />

yard. Non-smoking, no pets.<br />

Available October 1.<br />

$1,050/month, 1-year lease,<br />

references. 419-874-7763.<br />



1,200 To 2,400 SQ. FT.<br />




13 FT. CEILINGS<br />



26963 ECKEL ROAD<br />


CALL 419.874.5307<br />

Perry’s Landing<br />

Space for Rent<br />

•Commercial/Office<br />

Space, 500 sq. ft.-1800<br />

square feet available.<br />

•1 bedroom apt. available,<br />

$525 plus utilities.<br />

419-352-0717<br />

COMMERCIAL FOR lease.<br />

Prime space in downtown <strong>Perrysburg</strong>,<br />

102 Louisiana Avenue.<br />

Corner location with exposure<br />

from Front Street and<br />

Louisiana Avenue. Space also<br />

has full basement that could be<br />

included. Available October 1,<br />

<strong>2013</strong>. Call 419-874-4920.<br />

PERRYSBURG 3 bedroom,<br />

1-1/2 bath townhouse with<br />

basement and garage.<br />

$700/month, 1 month deposit.<br />

Non-smoking. 419-351-3325.<br />


SHIP 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath<br />

townhouse. New flooring,<br />

paint, washer/dryer included.<br />

No pets. $555/month.<br />

419-260-7583.<br />

STONY RIDGE, Hickory<br />

Court. 2 bed, central air, 1 year<br />

lease, no large dogs. 850<br />

square-feet, $675. Call<br />

419-266-5863 for appointment<br />

to view.<br />



floor ocean and pool view villa<br />

for rent. Week <strong>of</strong> December<br />

21-28. 2 bed, 2 full bath,<br />

sleeps up to 8. $2,000. Please<br />

e-mail<br />


Vacation Rentals<br />

here. Call us<br />

419-874-4491 to<br />

place your ad.<br />

FLORIDA KEYS vacation<br />

rental. Islamorada, Sport<br />

Fishing Capital <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> World.<br />

Ocean side canal home with<br />

view <strong>of</strong> ocean from tiki dock.<br />

Pool, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths.<br />

Prime fishing <strong>September</strong> and<br />

October. Fully furnished.<br />

419-874-6404. 419-350-1232.<br />

HOUGHTON LAKE, Michigan.<br />

Completely furnished 3<br />

bedroom chalet. Boating,<br />

golfing and shopping near.<br />

Daily, weekends, weekly. Call<br />

419-360-1923.<br />

* * * NOTICE * * *<br />

Investigate before you invest.<br />

Call <strong>the</strong> Ohio Division <strong>of</strong><br />

Securities BEFORE purchasing<br />

an investment. Call <strong>the</strong><br />

Division’s Investor Protection<br />

Hotline at 800-788-1194 to<br />

learn if <strong>the</strong> investment is properly<br />

registered and if <strong>the</strong> seller<br />

is properly licensed. Please be<br />

advised that many work at<br />

home advertisements do not<br />

yield what is promised. It is<br />

best to investigate <strong>the</strong> company<br />

before applying for any<br />

work at home position.<br />

(This notice is a public service<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Welch Publishing Co.)<br />


All real estate advertising in this<br />

newspaper is subject to <strong>the</strong> Federal<br />

Fair Housing Act which<br />

makes it illegal to advertise “any<br />

preference, limitation or discrimination<br />

based on race, color,<br />

religion, sex, handicap, familial<br />

status or national origin, or intention<br />

to make any such preference,<br />

limitation or<br />

discrimination.” Familial status<br />

includes children under <strong>the</strong> age<br />

<strong>of</strong> 18 living with parents or legal<br />

custodians, pregnant women and<br />

people securing custody <strong>of</strong> children<br />

under 18. This newspaper<br />

will not knowingly accept any<br />

advertising for real estate which<br />

is in violation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> law. Our<br />

readers are hereby informed that<br />

all dwellings advertised in this<br />

newspaper are available on an<br />

equal opportunity basis. Call <strong>the</strong><br />

Fair Housing Center, 243-6163,<br />

before you run your advertisement.<br />

To complain <strong>of</strong> discrimination<br />

call HUD toll-free at<br />

1-800-669-9777. The toll-free<br />

telephone number for <strong>the</strong><br />

hearing impaired is 1-<br />

800-927-9275.<br />


201 WALNUT, corner <strong>of</strong> 2nd.<br />

Beautiful location, 1 block<br />

from downtown and river.<br />

$150,000. 419-872-2131.<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Real Estate<br />

News and Stats<br />

at<br />

www.<strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

REALTY, INC.<br />

Jim Simons<br />

419.344.9702<br />

795 Maple St. Beautiful <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

home on large in town lot.<br />

This home is in wonderful condition.<br />

It is light, bright and<br />

nicely updated. $169,900.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r Great Homes for Sale<br />

PENDING! 26756 Green Ville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$300,000<br />

NEW! 9979 Bishopswood, like new! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$259,900<br />

9604 Ford Road, 2 acre golf course lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$250,000<br />

NEW! 120 W. Second, rare opportunity zoned C-2 . . . .$239,000<br />

SOLD! 3898 Middleton Pike, 5 acres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$219,900<br />

NEW! 1010 Hickory Street, 5 beds/4 baths . . . . . . . . . . .$200,000<br />

PENDING! 900 Wood Sorrel, Beautiful ranch . . . . . . . .$184,500<br />

PENDING! 934 Mulberry, Great ranch home . . . . . . . .$174,500<br />

NEW! 6530 Danny Ln, Maumee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$169,900<br />

SOLD! 3806 Glendale. Great Toledo ranch home . . . . .$116,900<br />

NEW! 3761 Mapleway, Maumee brick ranch home . . . .$109,900<br />

Dowling Road, Lots <strong>of</strong> Lots 5+ acres each . . . . . . . . . . . .$65,000<br />

Check out <strong>the</strong>se homes at<br /><br />

Billie S. Bodnar<br />

ABR, CRS, e-PRO, GRI<br />

419.874.3230<br /><br />

Company Sales Leader 2011<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 PM<br />

26397 Oak Meadows Dr. West<br />

$179,900<br />

New Price!<br />

Possession at Closing!<br />

LAND FOR sale. Enjoy country<br />

living with a neighborhood<br />

feel. One acre lot <strong>of</strong> land located<br />

in Tontogany, Ohio.<br />

Ready to build now. On<br />

semi-private cul-de-sac in Harley<br />

Woods Subdivision <strong>of</strong>f<br />

Tontogany Road. Has electric,<br />

city water, natural gas, sanitary<br />

and storm sewers complete<br />

with taps. Asking, $58,500.<br />

Call 419-215-4482.<br />

Christine B. Rettig<br />

e-PRO<br />

419.874.5582<br /><br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 PM<br />

108 West Harrison Street<br />

$319,900<br />

Charming,<br />

Historic in Maumee!<br />


26659 Sheringham Road $174,500 3 Beds, Fin. Bsmt.<br />

26397 Oak Meadows Dr. $179,900 OPEN SUN 2-4 PM<br />

108 West Harrison Street $319,900 OPEN SUN 2-4 PM<br />

2438 Mission Hill Drive $799,000 Upscale, Spacious, Open!<br />

3500 Stillwater Blvd. PENDING<br />


Duplex Style Condo $24,000 5 Lots, Indian Creek<br />

Meadows <strong>of</strong> Millbury $33-$34,000 3 Single Family<br />

5041 Chardonnay Lane $36,900 The Vineyard in Oregon<br />

4 Eagle Ridge $45,000 Best Buy, Ravine View<br />

104 Sugar Creek Road $49,900 Williamsburg on <strong>the</strong> River<br />

105 Riverwood Ct. $79,900 Building Plans Available<br />

Visit to see more!<br />

UP NORTH Michigan executive<br />

vacation home. 4 bed, 2<br />

bath, 2nd garage, all sports.<br />

Black Lake, 100-foot sandy<br />

beach. Serious inquiries only.<br />

419-466-1350.<br />

LAND FOR sale, 1.85 acres,<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Township, <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Schools. Parcel P60-<br />

400-210000065002, $42,000.<br />

Call 419-690-2183.<br />


857 Cherry St.<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

SPRAWLING 3 br., 2 ba.<br />

ranch on appox. 1 ac. Full<br />

basement. Home warranty.<br />

$167,500<br />

Call Wendy Headley, Ext. 119 or Drew Headley, Ext. 143<br />

8949 Five Point Rd,<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />


br., 2 ba., home on 2 acres<br />

with quarry.<br />

$149,900<br />

Call Eric Eberly, Ext. 148<br />


419-931-7355<br /><br />

7052 Joannes Way,<br />

Maumee<br />

4/5 br., 2.5 ba., with finished<br />

bsmt, paver patio &<br />

gorgeous inground pool.<br />

$289,900<br />

Call Mark Remeis Ext. 145<br />

229 Rood St.,<br />

Northwood<br />

GREAT LOCATION! 2 br.<br />

ranch has spacious yard.<br />

$73,500<br />

Call Maggie Schwind, Ext. 146<br />

List your home with <strong>the</strong> real estate <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

that has more than 30 years experience in Wood County!<br />

1045 N. Main St.<br />

Bowling Green, OH 43402<br />

419-352-5331<br /><br />

Real Estate. Real Experts. Real Results.<br />



1367 Running Brook . . . . . . . . .SOLD . . . . . . . . . . . .$209,900<br />

127 W. Second . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SOLD . . . . . . . . . . . .$200,000<br />

25273 Thompson . . . . . . . . . .PENDING . . . . . . . . .$189,000<br />

5505 Bayshore . . . .3 bed, 2 sty waterfront condo . .$168,800<br />

4249 Elmway . . . . . . . .1 1/2 Story, Corner Lot . . . .$124,900<br />

3444 E. Manhattan .Furnished, ready to move-in . . .$49,500<br />

CONDOS<br />

43 Knollwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $124,850<br />

11053 Riverbend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $98,000<br />

29504 Shelbourne. Hamlet, NEW LISTING. . . . . $295,000<br />

HOUSES<br />

231 W. Boundary St. . . . . . . . . NEW PRICE. . . . . $119,500<br />

1946 Hunters Run (Holland) . Move-in Condition . $209,900<br />

9931 Sheffield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $314,900<br />

5416 Dry Creek Road (Northwood) . . . . . . . . . . . . $319,000<br />


2959 Deep Water Lane (The Quarry).NEW PRICE$794,500<br />

24071 W. River Road . . . . . . . . . PENDING. . . . . $899,000<br />

PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL — <strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — Page 13<br /><br />

Mindy McGrail<br />

Cell 419.304.3339<br /><br />


Realtor®<br />

419.356.2209<br />

e-mail:<br /><br />

REALTY<br />

~Hamlet~<br />

29777 Shelbourne - First Ad<br />

A true river property with your own boat slip, tucked away<br />

in parklike setting. 3 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths and lower level<br />

apartment. Gourmet kitchen, butler’s pantry and much<br />

more! Best views on <strong>the</strong> river. $979,000<br />

29717 SUSSEX ROAD - Must See<br />

Gracious 3 bedroom, 4 bath villa. Kitchen, family room,<br />

nook to die for, 1st floor master suite. Built on 2 lots, creating<br />

a private courtyard setting in exclusive Hamlet. Modern<br />

floor plan, high ceilings, hints <strong>of</strong> European flair and<br />

more. Additional lower level living. Call for private showing.<br />

$795,000.<br />

29757 SOMERSET - River Setting<br />

Stylish townhouse on <strong>the</strong> Maumee. 3 spacious bedrooms,<br />

2 1/2 baths, modern updated kitchen, spectacular living/dining<br />

room with walk-in fireplace! Wine cellar and<br />

much more. $839,000.<br />

~<strong>Perrysburg</strong> “Country”~<br />

14848 ROACHTON ROAD - Take A Look!<br />

Stately country home featuring open modern floor plan, 5<br />

bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, spacious kitchen and much more.<br />

Plenty <strong>of</strong> room to romp on <strong>the</strong> 10 acre + site with barn, pastures<br />

and pond, perfect for equestrian activity. $795,000.<br />

~Village~<br />

3 MAPLE - River “Classic”<br />

Classic river setting, located on 4 acre bluff overlooking<br />

our scenic Maumee. Offering <strong>the</strong> combination <strong>of</strong> river and<br />

walking distance to village. Special setting – special property!<br />

Call for details and private showing. Priced at<br />

$1,650,000.<br />

~Lots - Building ~<br />

SHEFFIELD LOT - Golf Course Setting!<br />

Last remaining building site at Belmont, overlooking<br />

15th fairway, shared maintenance. Priced to sell, $59,000.<br />

COLONY AT RIVER RIDGE - Rare Opportunity<br />

Unique <strong>of</strong>fering within shared maintenance community,<br />

water view, space for 3 car garage, build your own unit.<br />

Call for details.<br />

-~On The River~<br />

540 RIVERSIDE DRIVE - Eagle Point<br />

Great family home, 2 acres w/ deep water dockage. 7 bed,<br />

PENDING !<br />

5.1 baths. Has everything! Quiet cul-de-sac setting in Eagle<br />

Point. Priced to sell at $849,000.<br />

For more details or to schedule a showing<br />

Contact: Michael G. Miller - 419.262.8311<br /><br />

PERRYSBURG 419-872-2410<br />

Info + Photos on all MLS properties<br />

go to<br />

810 Elm St. – Just Listed! – $127,000 – Location,<br />

location, location! Updated ro<strong>of</strong>, HWH, insulation,<br />

kitchen, gas fireplace. Motivated sellers!<br />

Open Sunday, <strong>September</strong> 8, 1-3.<br />

Pam McMillin, 419-343-0591<br /><br />

Infoline # 419-539-1020<br />

Build your dream home here!<br />

Newer subdivision, large lot, ready to build<br />

Office: 419.874.8311<br />

Home: 419.666.8423<br />

Fax: 419.874.9536<br />

Cell: 419.266.2588<br />

GRI<br />


On Belmont Golf Course Spectacular View . $399,900<br />

472 South Ridge. . . . . . . . . . PENDING . . . . $209,900<br />

6227 Wexford Ct. . . . . . . . Cul-De-Sac Lot . . $189,500<br />

9842 Connor Lake Circle Stonegate Villa . . $179,900<br />

1330 Running Brook . . . . . . . . SOLD. . . . . . $179,900<br />

3 New England Lane . . . . . . . . SOLD. . . . . . $109,900<br />

5 New England Lane . . . . . . . SOLD . . . . . $104,900<br />

E-mail:<br />

REALTY<br />

“Discover <strong>the</strong> Best!”<br />

Betty J. Lazzaro, CRS & ABR<br />

TBR Million Dollar Club Life Member<br />

Congratulations 2012 Company Sales Leader!<br />

Featured Listing!<br />

Harley<br />

Woods<br />

Country living<br />

City Convenience<br />

One acre lot <strong>of</strong> land<br />

in Tontogany, OH inside<br />

a semi-private<br />

cul-de-sac in Harley<br />

Woods Subdivision<br />

<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> Tontogany Road.<br />

This lot is ready to<br />

build now and has<br />

electric, city water,<br />

natural gas, sanitary and<br />

storm sewers complete<br />

with taps. Otsego Schools.<br />

Asking price<br />

is $58,500.<br />

Call Chet Welch for more details at 419-215-4482.<br />

10592 Cardiff Road ~ $599,000<br />

Unique villa with open floor plan! Front patio with koi pond, rock<br />

fountains, copper planter boxes and custom gate! Gourmet<br />

kitchen, Viking appliances, granite tops, large island with wine<br />

cooler. First floor master with his and hers baths and walk-in closets.<br />

Home <strong>the</strong>ater with fireplace and vaulted ceilings. Large deck<br />

overlooks ravine. Home automation system.<br />

New Listing<br />

27575 West River Road Building Lot! $79,900<br />

27547 West River Road Building Lot! $160,000<br />

10592 Cardiff Road The Hamlet $599,000<br />

Single Family Homes<br />

2925 Rocksberry Cape Cod $70,900<br />

5507 Eagle Trace Drive Sylvania $229,900<br />

123 Rockledge Dr. Historical, Renovated Property $354,900<br />

9601 Lisa Lane Belmont Woods $399,900<br />

14629 Wood Creek Court The Sanctuary $590,000<br />

29068 East River Road 1.27 Acres/<strong>Perrysburg</strong> $675,000<br />

3515 Hill River Wildwood/Sylvania $749,000<br />

26290 Hull Prairie Road The Overlook $1,295,000<br />

2258 Ragan Woods PENDING<br />

3142 Riverwood Court SOLD<br />

700 Highland SOLD<br />

Condos<br />

19 Callander Court Callander Corner $232,900<br />

25272 Ramblehurst SOLD<br />

Building Lots<br />

River Ridge Subdivision Lots-<strong>Perrysburg</strong> *Call for details<br />

The Sanctuary Lots-<strong>Perrysburg</strong> *Call for details<br />

Sanctuary on <strong>the</strong> River Lots-<strong>Perrysburg</strong> *Call for details<br />

The Sanctuary Lot 136 ~ Mission Hill $85,000<br />

View Current Listings @<br />

Home: 419.666.8606 or Office 419.479.2227 x235

Page 14 — <strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2013</strong> — PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL<br />

Lego League to meet <strong>September</strong> 19<br />

Way Library’s Lego<br />

League will meet Thursday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 19, from 4 to 5<br />

p.m., at <strong>the</strong> library. This is a<br />

new meeting time for <strong>the</strong><br />

group.<br />

Children, ages 7 to 10, are<br />

invited bring <strong>the</strong>ir imagination<br />

and building talents to<br />

<strong>the</strong> program. A snack will be<br />

provided.<br />

When: Monday, <strong>September</strong> 9<br />

4 p.m. to 7 p.m.<br />

Where: 200 East Second St.<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong>, OH 43551<br />

(Inside <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

1st Presbyterian Church)<br /><br /><br />

419-874-4775<br />

Committed to providing au<strong>the</strong>ntic learning<br />

opportunities to help children shape <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

understanding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir community and <strong>the</strong> world.<br />

We look forward to sharing our new<br />

center with you!<br />

What would you do if<br />

your child were severely<br />

sick or injured?<br />

BeCause Our Love Is<br />

Needed, Inc., is a nonpr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

organization that<br />

supports children who suffer<br />

from illness, poverty, or<br />

significant life changes.<br />

This charity seeks to<br />

Online registration can be<br />

done from home or at <strong>the</strong> library.<br />

The library’s Web address<br />

is<br />

Check <strong>the</strong> <strong>September</strong> calendar.<br />

For more information, call<br />

<strong>the</strong> Youth Services Department<br />

at 419-874-3135, extension<br />

116.<br />

The 577 Foundation is <strong>of</strong>fering<br />

<strong>the</strong> following classes.<br />

Pre-registration is required.<br />

For more information or to<br />

make reservations, call 419-<br />

874-4174 or visit <strong>the</strong> Web<br />

site at www.577foundation<br />

.org.<br />

Youth and Family<br />

Programs<br />

Partners in Fun<br />

Designed for preschoolers,<br />

ages 3 and 4, with an<br />

adult, participants will create<br />

beautiful art projects.<br />

•<strong>September</strong> 10–Make a<br />

recipe holder and fridge magnet.<br />

•<strong>September</strong> 17–Make<br />

some crows and a scarecrow<br />

to be <strong>the</strong>ir friend.<br />

•<strong>September</strong> 24–Make<br />

some fall decorations with<br />

leaves.<br />

The classes will be led on<br />

Tuesdays, from 10 to 11 a.m.,<br />

by Carol Jambard-Sweet. The<br />

cost is $5 per child. Space is<br />

limited to 14 per class.<br />

Drawing Fun<br />

with Mr. Picasso<br />

Local artist Roy Wilson,<br />

as Mr. Picasso, will help students<br />

in grades 2 to 7 develop<br />

drawing and compositional<br />

skills. His step-by-step<br />

method is accessible and<br />

challenging to all levels. Participants<br />

will explore nature<br />

and cartooning <strong>the</strong>mes. Students<br />

should bring a No. 2<br />

pencil, eraser, and 12”x18”<br />

drawing pad. Space is limited<br />

to 20. The program will be<br />

<strong>of</strong>fered from 3:55 to 5 p.m.<br />

on Fridays, <strong>September</strong> 13,<br />

20, 27; October 4, 11, 18, 25;<br />

November 1, 8, 15, 22; December<br />

6, 13 and 20. The fee<br />

is $70.<br />

Musical Jamboree<br />

The class is designed for<br />

children ages 2 to 4, with an<br />

adult. Participants will dance,<br />

play games, sing, listen to<br />

stories and use toy musical<br />

instruments to make music.<br />

Take home a set <strong>of</strong> lollipops<br />

and a CD <strong>of</strong> songs. The<br />

leader is Elaine Sneider.<br />

Space is limited to 12. The<br />

class will be <strong>of</strong>fered Mondays,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 16, 23, 30;<br />

October 7, 14, 21, 28, and<br />

November 4 from 10 to<br />

10:45 a.m. The fee is $58 per<br />

child.<br />

Fiber Art Leaves<br />

Students in grades 4 to 6<br />

are invited to celebrate fall,<br />

by making creative art leaves<br />

using different types <strong>of</strong> fiber<br />

on Monday, <strong>September</strong> 30,<br />

from 4 to 5 p.m. Techniques<br />

will include needle felting,<br />

fabric fusing and mixed<br />

media collage. The leader is<br />

Jennifer Solon. Class size is<br />

limited to 10 students. The<br />

fee is $15.<br />

Adult Programs<br />

Saturday Pottery<br />

This class will provide intermediate<br />

and advanced students<br />

specific pottery skill<br />

instructions, individual attention<br />

and feature special<br />

demonstrations. Students can<br />

work independently. Pre-requisite:<br />

individuals must have<br />

taken <strong>the</strong> six-week Adult Pottery<br />

class. The class will be<br />

led by Julie Beutler and<br />

Nadia Packard. Sessions are<br />

BeCause Our Love Is Needed kids fun run/5K at Woodlands Park Sept. 15<br />

create an environment that<br />

will bring <strong>the</strong> community<br />

toge<strong>the</strong>r to love and support<br />

those families with<br />

children in severely adverse<br />

circumstances. Specifically,<br />

it will undertake to<br />

alleviate some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> financial<br />

burden for <strong>the</strong>se families<br />

so that <strong>the</strong>y can focus<br />

577 Foundation announces class schedule for <strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>ir energy and attention<br />

on <strong>the</strong>ir child, where it belongs.<br />

A one-mile kids fun<br />

run/5K walk will be held<br />

Sunday, <strong>September</strong> 15, at<br />

Woodlands Park in <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

to benefit BeCause<br />

Our Love Is Needed.<br />

To register, complete <strong>the</strong><br />

form below and take it to<br />

<strong>the</strong> event. Registration will<br />

begin at 7:45 a.m. The onemile<br />

fun run begins at 8:30<br />

a.m., and <strong>the</strong> 5K starts at 9<br />

a.m.<br />

For more information,<br />

call 419-779-7830 or visit<br />

<strong>the</strong> Web site at www.Colin<br /><br />

<strong>of</strong>fered from 9 a.m. to noon<br />

or from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. on<br />

Saturday, <strong>September</strong> 7. The<br />

<strong>the</strong>me is “Casseroles.” The<br />

fee is $15.<br />

Beginning Needle Felting<br />

Using loose wool roving<br />

and small barbed needle, create<br />

a unique piece <strong>of</strong> art.<br />

Make it whimsical, realistic<br />

or anything in between. The<br />

finished 4x4 art piece can be<br />

used as a coater, framed and<br />

hung on a wall, or sewn on a<br />

garment. Materials provided.<br />

Leader Audra Smith <strong>of</strong>fers<br />

this class on Monday, <strong>September</strong><br />

9, from 6 to 9 p.m.<br />

The fee is $15.<br />

Mixed Media<br />

College Explorations<br />

Explore methods <strong>of</strong> mixed<br />

media collage using various<br />

materials, including fabrics,<br />

papers, acrylic paints and<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r media. Create your own<br />

collage materials using basic<br />

printmaking techniques;<br />

mono-printing, block printing<br />

and stamping. Learn to incorporate<br />

<strong>the</strong>se into a multi-layered<br />

composition with design<br />

elements and various pigments.<br />

Participants should<br />

bring an apron. Leader: Jennifer<br />

Solon <strong>of</strong>fers this class<br />

on Thursdays, <strong>September</strong> 12<br />

and 19, from 6 to 8 p.m. The<br />

fee is $60.<br />

Forest Scene<br />

Paint <strong>the</strong> Bob Ross Way.<br />

This Forest Scene is ablaze<br />

with Autumn colors. Participants<br />

should bring a roll <strong>of</strong><br />

Bounty/Viva paper towels.<br />

All supplies will be furnished,<br />

including a 16”x20”<br />

canvas and a snack. An hour<br />

lunch break will be on your<br />

own. Leader Pat Gstalder <strong>of</strong>fers<br />

this class on Friday, <strong>September</strong><br />

13, from 8:45 a.m. to<br />

4:30 pm. There is a limit <strong>of</strong><br />

10 participants. The fee is<br />


208 Louisiana Ave. • 419-873-4400<br />

Contact Patrick Lindsey at 419-290-1047.<br />

$49,900<br />

0 Central Avenue,<br />

Rossford<br />

Awesome views from this<br />

secluded home site. Sitting<br />

on a wooded slope on<br />

a quiet inlet with access to<br />

Maumee Bay.<br />


Sept. 8, 2:30-4:30<br />

$295,000<br />

0 Riverside,<br />

Rossford<br />

Quite possibly <strong>the</strong> best building<br />

site on <strong>the</strong> Maumee River.<br />

Deep water, heavily wooded<br />

on a very quiet drive.<br />

$417,900.00<br />

25445 Seminary Road, <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

5 Bedroom, 2 Full Baths, 1<br />

Half Bath, Over 3300 square<br />

feet <strong>of</strong> beautifully decorated<br />

living space, plus a full basement<br />

that is plumbed for a<br />

bathroom. Gorgeous kitchen<br />

with maple cabinets, tile backsplashes,<br />

stainless appliances<br />

with built-in refrigerator.<br />

$50.<br />

Northwest Ohio<br />

History Tour<br />

Many people who live in<br />

northwest Ohio don’t realize<br />

<strong>the</strong> pivotal role our area<br />

played in American history.<br />

From <strong>the</strong> Battle <strong>of</strong> Fallen<br />

Timbers and <strong>the</strong> War <strong>of</strong> 1812<br />

to <strong>the</strong> construction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Miami and Erie Canal. Start<br />

at <strong>the</strong> historic grounds <strong>of</strong> The<br />

577 Foundation, <strong>the</strong>n head<br />

out to tour historic sites including<br />

Fort Miamis, <strong>the</strong> Battle<br />

<strong>of</strong> Fallen Timbers, <strong>the</strong><br />

canal locks at Sidecut<br />

Metropark, Fort Meigs and<br />

more. Participants should<br />

wear comfortable shoes, be<br />

prepared for lots <strong>of</strong> walking<br />

and dress for <strong>the</strong> wea<strong>the</strong>r. A<br />

simple historical lunch will<br />

be provided. The program<br />

will be held Saturday, <strong>September</strong><br />

14, from 10 a.m. to 5<br />

p.m. Leaders are Frank<br />

Kuron and Jay Wagoner.<br />

There is a limit <strong>of</strong> 13 participants.<br />

The fee is $25.<br />

Flora and Fauna Cards<br />

Learn what <strong>the</strong> buzz is<br />

about <strong>the</strong>se gorgeous handcrafter<br />

note cards. Learn how<br />

to preserve colorful fall<br />

leaves or garden finds while<br />

<strong>the</strong>y can still be found and<br />

used in works <strong>of</strong> art. It is easy<br />

to make <strong>the</strong>se one-<strong>of</strong>-a-kind<br />

beauties. Great for Christmas<br />

cards or gift ideas. Supplies<br />

and take home instructions<br />

provided. Leader Joan Soldenwagner<br />

<strong>of</strong>fers this class<br />

on Sunday, <strong>September</strong> 22,<br />

from 2 to 4 p.m. There is a<br />

limit <strong>of</strong> 20 participants. The<br />

fee is $13.<br />

Stamped Cards<br />

and Paper Crafts<br />

Create a beautiful heat<br />

embossed card for <strong>the</strong> holidays<br />

and a variety <strong>of</strong> everyday<br />

cards for birthday, thank<br />

you and thinking <strong>of</strong> you.<br />

Cards will feature autumn<br />

colors, accents and embellishments.<br />

Also, a treat container<br />

with chocolate. This<br />

class is suitable for beginner<br />

as well as experienced stamper.<br />

Chris Shively will lead<br />

this workshop on Tuesday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 24, from 6:30 to<br />

8:30 p.m. There is a limit <strong>of</strong><br />

18 participants. The fee is<br />

$20.<br />


All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to <strong>the</strong> Federal Fair<br />

Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation<br />

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or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation<br />

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living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing<br />

custody <strong>of</strong> children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly<br />

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readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper<br />

are available on an equal opportunity basis. Call <strong>the</strong> Fair Housing Center,<br />

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See us for Window<br />

& Screen Repair<br />

Cut Glass<br />

Glass for Picture Frames<br />


217 W. Third Street, <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

419-874-3139 •<br />

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<br />

Shadow Valley<br />

Dental Group<br />

! "! <br />

" <br />

$$$ $#%!<br />

<br />

Our Mission Statement<br />

BeCause Our Love Is Needed,<br />

Inc., is a non-pr<strong>of</strong>it organization<br />

that supports children who<br />

suffer from illness, poverty, or<br />

significant life challenges. This<br />

charity seeks to create an environment<br />

that will bring <strong>the</strong><br />

community toge<strong>the</strong>r to love<br />

and support those families with<br />

children in severely adverse<br />

circumstances. Specifically, it<br />

will undertake to alleviate<br />

some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> financial burden<br />

for <strong>the</strong>se families so <strong>the</strong>y can<br />

focus <strong>the</strong>ir energy and attention<br />

on <strong>the</strong> child, where it belongs.<br />

26450 E. Wexford Drive<br />

Beautiful, well maintained<br />

1,943 sq. ft. villa with full<br />

finished basement on prime<br />

lot. 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths<br />

on spectacular lot. Many<br />

upgrades and custom fixtures.<br />

$209,900.<br />

Call 419-874-6415<br />

for sale by owner<br />

123 Elm Street<br />

Rossford<br />

3 bedroom, 1 bath<br />

$58,000<br />

Call 419-666-1149<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Riverfront<br />

Panoramic river views from this<br />

2,900 square-foot hillside<br />

home. 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath,<br />

timber frame with oak beams<br />

throughout 3 story great room.<br />

Basement with walkout lower<br />

level to <strong>the</strong> river and docking for<br />

watercraft. Located in an area <strong>of</strong><br />

million dollar plus homes.<br />

$599,000. Call 419-343-7035.<br />

USE THE<br />


419-874-4491<br />

•WAG BAGS<br />

To first 150 dogs<br />




•Maddie & Bella<br />

C<strong>of</strong>fee<br />

•VENDORS<br />

$10<br />



RED, WHITE<br />

& BARK!<br />

SUNDAY, SEPT. 8<br />

Festivities<br />

10 A.M. - 2 P.M.<br />

Blessing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dogs<br />

& Walk at NOON<br />

Fort Meigs, West River Road, <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

Registration Event Day<br />

Goodwill Donation Pick up Service<br />

Free in <strong>Perrysburg</strong>!<br />

Donate Local<br />

Keep it Local<br />


*Includes admission to<br />

Fort and Museum.<br />

•All Proceeds Benefit <strong>the</strong><br />

Northwest Ohio<br />

American Cancer Society<br />

Sponsored by:<br />

With Honorary Chairperson<br />

Christina Williams 13ABC,<br />

Weekend Morning Anchor<br />

Vendors to include: Canine Karma, There’s No Place Like Home,<br />

Wood County Humane Society, Enpuzzlement, Capturing <strong>the</strong> Moments,<br />

Proud to be Pale, Danielle’s Strings <strong>of</strong> Love, Ma and Paw’s Pet Sitting,<br />

Ohio Great Dane Rescue, Poco’s Playhouse, Sit Means Sit,<br />

Planned Pethood, South Suburban Animal Hospital,<br />

Wood County Dog Shelter, Animal House Rescue,<br />

Animal Behavior Center, Andy’s Army Canine Cancer and more.<br />

“A dog-gone good time!”<br />

To schedule a home pick up<br />

or for more details<br />

Call 419-255-4778<br />

Put Local People<br />

To Work!<br />

Commm<br />

odore<br />

Way<br />

Alteration<br />

s<br />

Comfort<br />

K<br />

eepers<br />

Commodoo<br />

re<br />

Barbers<br />

Delph Bro<br />

s.<br />

Constructt<br />

ion<br />

Dhondt<br />

Insurance<br />

Elias Adin<br />

’<br />

s Inc.<br />

5th Streett<br />

Pub<br />

HMH Welll<br />

ness<br />

Limes<br />

Computin<br />

g<br />

O-Deer Ice<br />

Cream<br />

We Sell It<br />

For You<br />

Bank with <strong>the</strong> people you know and trust<br />

<strong>Perrysburg</strong> Exchange Club • KeyBank • Stella’s Restaurant • American Rent-All<br />

•Corporate Housing System-Joe Lawless •Sandy Latchem •Churchill’s Market<br />

•Marco’s Pizza-<strong>Perrysburg</strong> •Skotynsky Financial Group, LLC<br />

•Sit Means Sit •State Farm-Allen Shinaberry •<strong>Perrysburg</strong> CVB<br />

•Zysik and Zysik •Poco’s Playhouse •Body & Sole •Signature Harley-Davidson<br />

•State Farm-Barry Van Hoozen •Kingston Residence <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perrysburg</strong><br />

For information call 419-344-6284. See you <strong>the</strong>re!

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