Public Projects List - West Virginia University

Public Projects List - West Virginia University

Public Projects List - West Virginia University


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Project Goals <strong>List</strong><br />

Student Government Association<br />

If you are interested in finding out more information or getting involved in a project, contact the project lead.<br />

Advocate Federal College Affordability<br />

Goal:<br />

Advocate the WV Congressional delegation to support student loan and financial aid reform.<br />

Chris Nyden Board of Governors Christopher.Nyden@mail.wvu.ed<br />

Advocate Federal PRT Funding<br />

Goal:<br />

Advocate the WV Congressional delegation to support increased funding to the WVU Personal Rapid Transit<br />

System.<br />

Thomas Casto Director of Transportation tccasto@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Archive Student Organization History<br />

Arts Council<br />

Goal:<br />

Work with <strong>University</strong> Libraries to establish a method in which Student organizations can record their history<br />

and archive photos and documents in replacement of the Monticola.<br />

Kristy Ross Historian khross@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Goal:<br />

Reestablish the SGA Arts Council as laid out in the bylaws.<br />

Jessica Harris Director of the Arts jharri48@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Big XII Connections<br />

Goal:<br />

Build a sustainable relationship between other Big XII Universities' SGA.<br />

Molly Callaghan Big XII <strong>University</strong> Liaison mcallag1@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Big XII Football Invitations<br />

Goal:<br />

Invite the SGA President of each respective away Big XII football team to attend our home football games.<br />

Molly Callaghan Big XII <strong>University</strong> Liaison mcallag1@mix.wvu.edu<br />

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If you are interested in finding out more information or getting involved in a project, contact the project lead.<br />

Campus Building Sustainability<br />

Goal:<br />

Create a comprehensive report that lists major ways in which WVU can become more sustainable through<br />

small improvements on campus.<br />

Brian Bellew Director of Sustainability bbellew@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Campus Political Party Debate<br />

Goal:<br />

Host an SGA sponsored debate between the College Republicans and the Young Democrats to help educate<br />

students on the different viewpoints of current political topics. Tentative Date: 11/5/2013<br />

Kristen Pennington Director of Legislative Affairs (D) kpennin1@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Keith Wiseman Director of Legislative Affairs (R) kwisema3@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Campus Visitation Policy<br />

Goal:<br />

Convert Towers, Dadisman, and Arnold Hall over to the new <strong>University</strong> residence hall visitation policy.<br />

Andrew Sutherland Director of Residential Affairs adsutherland@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Community Grant Development<br />

Goal:<br />

Partner with the community to improve a section of Morgantown that can benefit both students and<br />

community members.<br />

Evan Dove County Affairs Liaison edove@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Dakota Farmer City Council Liaison dfarmer@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Lucas Hilsbos Director of Neighborhood Associations lhilsbos@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Community Recycling Collection<br />

Goal:<br />

Look into applying for a grant to add a community all purpose recycling collection trailer to a student<br />

neighborhood.<br />

Brian Bellew Director of Sustainability bbellew@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Creative Arts Center Lounge<br />

Goal:<br />

Recommend an area to establish a permanent lounge for all student majors within the College of Creative<br />

Arts.<br />

Jessica Harris Director of the Arts jharri48@mix.wvu.edu<br />

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If you are interested in finding out more information or getting involved in a project, contact the project lead.<br />

CS&L Campus Partnership<br />

Goal:<br />

Register SGA as a CL&S Campus Partner, set‐up service hour events, and track the amount of service hours<br />

contributed back to the community.<br />

Taylor Staffileno Director of Community Service tstaffil@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Downtown Arts<br />

Goal:<br />

Increase the arts culture on the downtown campus by working to display student artwork in the<br />

Mountainlair and other Academic locations.<br />

Jessica Harris Director of the Arts jharri48@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Election Taskforce<br />

Goals:<br />

1) Reduce Cost of Elections<br />

2) Update Elections Code timeline and voting procedure<br />

3) Update Judicial Board procedure and rights<br />

Josh Harrison Elections Chair jharri38@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Establish Judicial Code<br />

Goal:<br />

Establish the procedure for Judicial Board trials in all circumstances in one central document as stated by the<br />

Constriction.<br />

Allison Crutchfield Judicial Board acrutch1@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Franklin Roberts Attorney General Franklin.Roberts@mail.wvu.edu<br />

Establish Library Advisory Council<br />

Goal:<br />

Create a student focus group to help advise <strong>University</strong> Libraries on their initiatives and programing. This has<br />

been requested by <strong>University</strong> Libraries.<br />

Kristy Ross Historian khross@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Evaluate Club Sports Concerns<br />

Goal:<br />

Gather concerns and feedback from students relevant to club sport teams. Then present this information to<br />

the administration with recommendations for the priority concerns.<br />

Jonathan Riseberg Director of Athletics jlriseberg@mix.wvu.edu<br />

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If you are interested in finding out more information or getting involved in a project, contact the project lead.<br />

Fill Vacant Executive Positions<br />

Goal:<br />

Appoint the best qualified students to the remaining vacant SGA Executive positions and committee<br />

appointments.<br />

Farah Famouri Chief of Operations ffamouri@mix.wvu.edu<br />

GEC Restructuring<br />

Goal:<br />

Address ways in which the GEC system could be better restructured to promote a multidisciplinary learning<br />

environment at WVU.<br />

Kartik Motwani Director of Academics kmotwani@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Gender Neutral Bathroom<br />

Goal:<br />

Work to establish gender‐neutral bathrooms on each campus, have them well‐marked and well‐known to<br />

the appropriate people.<br />

Elise Cowgill Director of Diversity ccowgill@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Graduate Assistant Information Assistance<br />

Goal:<br />

Outline the process in which a student can become a GA and work with Graduate Studies to help consolidate<br />

the information to make it more accessible to students.<br />

Stephen Orlowski Graduate Student Liaison sorlowsk@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Grumbine's Island Traffic Study<br />

Goal:<br />

Conduct a study to determine the feasibility of rerouting traffic around Grumbine's Island. (See Project Map)<br />

Thomas Casto Director of Transportation tccasto@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Image Rebranding Campaign<br />

Goal:<br />

Create a branding campaign for SGA that is consistent throughout the year and exemplifies positive<br />

attributes.<br />

Lauren Nickle Press Secretary lnickle@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Increase Agenda Transparency<br />

Goal:<br />

Create a method and system in which SGA BOG meeting agendas can be posted online (website or social<br />

media)<br />

Syed Akhtar Executive Secretary sakhtar@mix.wvu.edu<br />

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If you are interested in finding out more information or getting involved in a project, contact the project lead.<br />

International Cultural Expression<br />

Goal:<br />

Many WVU students come from different international cultural backgrounds. Investigate what policies or<br />

procedures at WVU potentially limit or stifle a student's cultural expression and how they could be<br />

addressed?<br />

Brice Dang Nsongue International Student Liaison bdang@mix.wvu.edu<br />

International Programs Recommendations<br />

Goal:<br />

The faculty senate has received a good bit of student complaints about a variety of WVU Study Abroad and<br />

other International Programs. These concerns need to be prioritized and brought to higher administrative<br />

attention.<br />

Cody White Director of Academics Abroad cwhite20@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Neighborhood Demographic Mapping<br />

Goal:<br />

Have location data that can be used by SGA and the <strong>University</strong> to assist in making large scale community<br />

decisions. (Feasibility Concern: Project on Hold)<br />

Lucas Hilsbos Director of Neighborhood Associations lhilsbos@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Off‐Campus Cooking Classes<br />

Goal:<br />

Partner with WellWVU to host cooking classes for students to learn how to eat healthy and cheaply while<br />

living off campus.<br />

Meredith Chapman Director of Food & Nutrition mchapm12@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Off‐Campus Housing Website<br />

Goal:<br />

Revitalize the information available on the WVU Off‐Campus Housing website. Ensure that the site's<br />

information is in a more sustainable format.<br />

Earl Hewitt Director of Off‐Campus Housing Ehewitt@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Online SGA Grant Application<br />

Goal:<br />

Move the student organization grant application online and create a cloud database for members of<br />

SGA/WVU to view the information in real‐time at different permission levels.<br />

Ray Zane Webmaster rzane@mix.wvu.edu<br />

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If you are interested in finding out more information or getting involved in a project, contact the project lead.<br />

RA Laundry Compensation<br />

Goal:<br />

Resident Assistants spend ~6% of their stipend on laundry. Follow up on the previous SGA proposal to get<br />

RA's free laundry compensation.<br />

Andrew Sutherland Director of Residential Affairs adsutherland@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Redesign the SGA website<br />

Goal:<br />

Update the www.sga.wvu.edu website layout and information to be more usable by the general public.<br />

Ray Zane Webmaster rzane@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Revise SGA Ethics Code<br />

Goal:<br />

Revise the SGA Ethics code and Judicial Procedures to included a sanctions procedure process.<br />

Franklin Roberts Attorney General Franklin.Roberts@mail.wvu.edu<br />

Safety Report<br />

Goal:<br />

Deliver realistic recommendations in which student safety can be improved on campus.<br />

Roger Jefferys Director of Safety rjeffery@mix.wvu.edu<br />

SGA Advisory Panel<br />

Goal:<br />

Select 5 to 6 professors to help give academic and professional advice to the members of SGA.<br />

Farah Famouri Chief of Operations ffamouri@mix.wvu.edu<br />

SGA Alumni ‐ Student Mixer<br />

Goal:<br />

Hold the first event of the SGA Alumni Group to help build membership and network with past members of<br />

SGA.<br />

Chelsea Malone Director of Alumni Relations cmalone1@mix.wvu.edu<br />

SGA Intermural Team<br />

Goal:<br />

Create an intermural sports team of SGA members to compete against other Student groups while raising<br />

awareness of the benefits of being involved in an intermural team.<br />

Jonathan Riseberg Director of Athletics jlriseberg@mix.wvu.edu<br />

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If you are interested in finding out more information or getting involved in a project, contact the project lead.<br />

SGA Mobile Display<br />

Goal:<br />

Design an SGA information campaign to display customizable graphics on all of the TV's around campus.<br />

Joshua Bryant‐Gainer Creative Director jbryantg@mix.wvu.edu<br />

SGA Newsletter <strong>List</strong>serv<br />

Goal:<br />

Create a system in which SGA news and information can consistently be electronically delivered to students.<br />

Bryan Bumgardner Director of Communications bbumgard@mix.wvu.edu<br />

SGA Speak Ups<br />

Goal:<br />

Provide a platform for students to provided feedback and ask questions on hot issue topics throughout the<br />

academic year.<br />

Chris Hickey Outreach Director crhickey@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Student Account Communication Breakdowns<br />

Goal:<br />

Help determine where the communications breakdown is between student accounts and students. Make<br />

recommendations to prevent so many students from unintentionally getting dropped from WVU.<br />

Walter Hardy Student Policy Advocate whardy1@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Student Campus Service Grant<br />

Goal:<br />

Establish a $10,000 grant process for students who want to do community service projects that will directly<br />

effect WVU's campus.<br />

Proposed Date: November 1st.<br />

Brady Tucker Treasure btucker5@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Student Conduct Code Amendments<br />

Goal:<br />

Ensure that students are being fairly treated in the new proposed policy changes to the Student Conduct<br />

Board procedures.<br />

Franklin Roberts Attorney General Franklin.Roberts@mail.wvu.edu<br />

Student Connections Internship<br />

Goal:<br />

Provide a learning experience for first year students interested in joining SGA that teaches the basic<br />

structure of SGA as well as leadership skills.<br />

Sarah Gottshall Director of Student Connections sgottsha@mix.wvu.edu<br />

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If you are interested in finding out more information or getting involved in a project, contact the project lead.<br />

Student Diversity Advisory Group<br />

Goal:<br />

Create a student focus group to help advise the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on their<br />

initiatives, programing, and other student related issues outside of the department.<br />

Renzo Diaz Board of Governors Renzo.Diaz@mail.wvu.edu<br />

Student Enews Subscription<br />

Goal:<br />

Allow students to be able to opt‐in to receiving daily Enews email updates.<br />

Lauren Nickle Press Secretary lnickle@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Student Health Advisory Committee<br />

Goal:<br />

Create a student focus group to help advise WellWVU on their initiatives and programing. This has been<br />

requested by WellWVU.<br />

Cody Mullens Director of Health & Wellness cmullen3@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Student Organizations Resource Pamphlet<br />

Goal:<br />

Have a simple document that can be distributed to all new student organization offices that outlines what<br />

resources are available to them from WVU.<br />

Lindsay Gallegly Director of Student Organizations lgallegl@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Summer ROTC In‐State Rates<br />

Goal:<br />

Look into getting in‐state tuition for ROTC & National Guard students taking summer classes that also get instate<br />

tuition rates during the normal academic year.<br />

John Brow Director of Military Affairs jbrow@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Supporting Rural Education Innovations<br />

Goal:<br />

Meet with the US Department of Education and <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Higher Education Policy Commission to<br />

discuss and advocate improvements to problems effecting rural students attending higher education<br />

institutions.<br />

Chris Nyden Board of Governors Christopher.Nyden@mail.wvu.ed<br />

Tobacco Free Evaluation<br />

Goal:<br />

With the new campus wide tobacco policy there are bound to be some unforeseen concerns. What are they,<br />

and how can WVU best address them?<br />

Cody Mullens Director of Health & Wellness cmullen3@mix.wvu.edu<br />

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If you are interested in finding out more information or getting involved in a project, contact the project lead.<br />

Transition Check <strong>List</strong><br />

Goal:<br />

Create a compressive procedure list for new SGA administrations to use in transitioning.<br />

Farah Famouri Chief of Operations ffamouri@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Traumatic Student Support<br />

Goal:<br />

Create a student service and build faculty support to assist students going through difficult life moments.<br />

Samuel Richardson Chief of Staff sricha12@mix.wvu.edu<br />

<strong>University</strong> Administrative Luncheon<br />

Goal:<br />

Schedule a luncheon event with President Clements, his Senior Staff members, and all of the members of<br />

SGA to meet and discuses current topics at WVU.<br />

Samuel Richardson Chief of Staff sricha12@mix.wvu.edu<br />

<strong>University</strong> Exit Interviews<br />

Goal:<br />

Establish a procedure similar to an exit interview to help collect data and feedback from students on why<br />

they are choosing to leave the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

Hunter Toothman Director of Recruitment & Retention hltoothman@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Wear the Gear Campaign<br />

WVU AMA<br />

Goal:<br />

To promote student pride in the WVU name and logo through social media.<br />

Lane Horter Multi‐Media Coordinator lhorter@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Goal:<br />

Host a live "Ask Me Anything" event online with members of SGA and high ranking members of the WVU<br />

Administration. Tentative Date: January<br />

Chris Hickey Outreach Director crhickey@mix.wvu.edu<br />

WVU Day at the Legislator<br />

Goal:<br />

Bring a group of students (~50) to meet with State Legislative Officials to advocate 2 to 3 state related issues<br />

important to students.<br />

Kristen Pennington Director of Legislative Affairs (D) kpennin1@mix.wvu.edu<br />

Keith Wiseman Director of Legislative Affairs (R) kwisema3@mix.wvu.edu<br />

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If you are interested in finding out more information or getting involved in a project, contact the project lead.<br />

WVU High School Science Fair<br />

Goal:<br />

WVU is looking to host the first ever state wide middle school science fair, and they are looking for lots of<br />

student support.<br />

Nathan Tehrani Director of S.T.E.M. Development Ntehrani@mix.wvu.edu<br />

WVU Paintball Practice Facility<br />

Goal:<br />

Help the WVU Paintball Club find practice space closer to Morgantown.<br />

Jonathan Riseberg Director of Athletics jlriseberg@mix.wvu.edu<br />

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