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Laboratory for cognitive and neurological sciences<br />

Chaire <strong>de</strong> Neurologie<br />

Département <strong>de</strong> Mé<strong>de</strong>cine<br />

Faculté <strong>de</strong>s Sciences<br />

Jean-Marie Annoni <strong>Fribourg</strong>, mai. 2012<br />



Nom et prénom :<br />

ANNONI Jean-Marie Emmanuele, Masc<br />

Date et lieu <strong>de</strong> Naissance : 26 septembre 1956 à Genève<br />

Adresse professionnelle :<br />

Département <strong>de</strong> Mé<strong>de</strong>cine, <strong>Université</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Fribourg</strong> et H-Fr<br />

Route <strong>de</strong>s Pensionnats, 1700 FRIBOURG<br />

Fax 026 426 81 35. Email: jean-marie.annoni@.unifr.ch<br />


Professeur <strong>de</strong> Neurologie, Dpt <strong>de</strong> Mé<strong>de</strong>cine, Faculté <strong>de</strong>s Sciences <strong>Université</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Fribourg</strong> (<strong>de</strong>s 1.11.2011)<br />

Professeur associé à la faculté <strong>de</strong> mé<strong>de</strong>cine <strong>de</strong> l’université <strong>de</strong> Genève (<strong>de</strong>s 2007)<br />

Mé<strong>de</strong>cin agréé, Service <strong>de</strong> Neurologie CHUV, et HUG<br />


Diplômes universitaires :<br />

- Diplôme fédéral <strong>de</strong> mé<strong>de</strong>cin (12 mars 1981, Genève)<br />

- Titres américains : ECFMG (Janvier 1981, Genève) et VQE (Septembre 1982, Paris)<br />

Diplômes post-gradués :<br />

Doctorat en Mé<strong>de</strong>cine ( Zürich 1985). Pharmakologische Charakterisierung <strong>de</strong>r synaptischen Übertragung<br />

zwischen Haarzellen und vestibulären Afferenzen im isolierten Bogengangsorgan <strong>de</strong>s Frosches<br />

Privat-Docent sous la direction du Prof Th. Landis, à la faculté <strong>de</strong> Mé<strong>de</strong>cine <strong>de</strong> Genève<br />

(6.11.2000). Titre <strong>de</strong> la thèse d’habilitation : Bases Neurologiques du traitement sémantique. Chargé <strong>de</strong><br />

cours à la faculté <strong>de</strong> mé<strong>de</strong>cine <strong>de</strong> l’université <strong>de</strong> Genève dès le 24.7. 2002<br />

Professeur associé à la faculté <strong>de</strong> mé<strong>de</strong>cine <strong>de</strong> l’université <strong>de</strong> Genève dès le 1.12. 2007<br />

Professeur Ordinaire <strong>de</strong> Neurologie, <strong>Université</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Fribourg</strong> : 1.11.2010, 100% <strong>de</strong>s 1.1.2011<br />

Titres professionnels :<br />

Titre <strong>de</strong> Neurologue FMH obtenu le 26 octobre 1989 (No FMH 022565)<br />

Droit <strong>de</strong> Pratique à Genève obtenu le 28 juin 1989 No EAN : 7601000033499<br />

Mé<strong>de</strong>cin délégant en psychothérapie <strong>de</strong>puis 2005<br />

Organisation <strong>de</strong> Congrès.<br />

- 10- 11 mai 1996 : Société <strong>de</strong> Neuropsychologie <strong>de</strong> Langue Française, (Genève)<br />

- Comité <strong>de</strong>s réunions <strong>de</strong> la société suisse <strong>de</strong> Neurorééducation (Zurzach 1999, Lugano 2001) et<br />

<strong>de</strong> la société suisse <strong>de</strong> neurologie du comportement (Bern, 1999)<br />

- Journée roman<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> neuropsychologie (Genève, 8 Novembre 2002)<br />

- Comité scientifique du congrès international <strong>de</strong>s aphasiques francophones (Genève, 2005)<br />

- Commission scientifique <strong>de</strong>s journées <strong>de</strong> formations d’Aphasie Suisse <strong>de</strong>puis 2000<br />

- Comité scientifique, réunions annuelles <strong>de</strong> la société <strong>de</strong> neurologie du comportement<br />

- Journée Roman<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Neuropsychologie : processus implicites (2006)<br />

- Réunion aphasie-suisse et Association Suisse <strong>de</strong> Neuropsychologie (Septembre 2007, Neuchâtel)<br />

- Research Day Unifr- HFR, 11 et 12 mai 2012


Enseignement pré-gradué régulier :<br />

Formation <strong>de</strong> Neurologie aux étudiants en mé<strong>de</strong>cine <strong>de</strong> 3 e année, université <strong>de</strong> <strong>Fribourg</strong> (dès 2011) -<br />

(enseignement ex cathedra, APP et CC)<br />

Tuteur <strong>de</strong>s activités médico-cliniques, bloc neurologie (15 h/an <strong>de</strong>puis 1998, 12h/an <strong>de</strong>puis 2003)<br />

Formation spécialisée <strong>de</strong>s AMC : examen neuropsychologique (4 h <strong>de</strong>puis 1999)<br />

Examen fédéraux <strong>de</strong> neurologie pour les étudiants <strong>de</strong> 5 e année<br />

Chargé d’enseignement <strong>de</strong>puis 2005 pour les étudiants au MAS <strong>de</strong> Neuropsychologie (4 à 6h/an)<br />

Chargé d’un cours <strong>de</strong> neurologie clinique en 2008 à l’école <strong>de</strong> mé<strong>de</strong>cine d’Asmara<br />

Enseignement post-gradué régulier :<br />

Séminaires cliniques <strong>de</strong> l'unité <strong>de</strong> neuropsychologie-jeudi (40 h/ an <strong>de</strong>puis 1994)<br />

Séminaires <strong>de</strong> formation du mardi Neuropsychologie : 10h/an Séminaire neurocomportemental<br />

du CHUV (30 h/ an <strong>de</strong>puis 2004) Cours à la clinique <strong>de</strong> Neurologie<br />

5) RECHERCHE<br />

A.) Thèmes<br />

Organisation cérébrale du système lexico-sémantique et du langage écrit<br />

Cerveau et bilinguisme, image du corps<br />

Prise <strong>de</strong> décision et cognition sociale dans les maladies neurologiques<br />

Modifications comportementales et émotionnelles liées à <strong>de</strong>s lésions focales<br />

B. ) Groupe <strong>de</strong> recherche actuels<br />

“Laboratory for cognitive and neurological sciences” à l’université <strong>de</strong> <strong>Fribourg</strong> (Bilinguisme, maladie<br />

dégénératives) www.unifr.ch/neurology ; collaboration avec neurologie CHUV et HUG<br />

13) SUBSIDES<br />

Subsi<strong>de</strong> SNF 325130_138497 Differences in reading strategies across languages in bilinguals JM Annoni,<br />

R Mueri, Th Nyffeler, M Laganaro (1er octobre 2011, 335.000,- Frs)<br />

Subsi<strong>de</strong> SNF 325130_138497 32 0030_1385 32 Aphasia and Co-speech gesture, René Mueri, St Bohlhalter, C<br />

Gutbrod, JM Annoni Th Nyffeler (1.10.2011, 438 000.- SFR)<br />

Subsi<strong>de</strong> SNF 100014_130412 - Translation competence and Theory of Mind ; Lee-Jahnke, Hannelore, Lazeyras,<br />

François Annoni, Jean-Marie; 01.05.2010, 36 mois, 180.000frs<br />

Subsi<strong>de</strong> FNRS 325100-118362 / Language control and semantic processing In the bilingual brain; JM<br />

Annoni, AL Lee-Jancke, F Lazeyras, A Khateb, (1er octobre 2007, 335.000,- Frs)<br />

Dissecting the <strong>de</strong>cisional process in patients with multiple sclerosis: cognitive, emotional and anatomical aspects (M<br />

Schluep, JM Annoni, P Vuilleumier) october 2007 (290.000frs)<br />

Cognitive disor<strong>de</strong>rs in HIV-Infected ; R Du Pasquier, M Cavassini, S Simioni, E GiaccobiniS Jilek, A Fayet, JM<br />

Annoni, B Hirschel, 2007 (70 000 Frs)<br />

Emotions et cognition contribuent à l’altération <strong>de</strong> la prise <strong>de</strong> décision dans la sclérose en plaques (Société Suisse<br />

<strong>de</strong> Sclérose en Plaque) Janvier 2007, 50 000 Frs ; M Schluep, S Simioni, JM Annoni, J Kleeberg, C Ruffieux<br />

Fatigue/Somnolence as a result of a stroke: Therapeutic role of Modafinil in patients with lesions in the<br />

brain stem or the thalamus ( Décembre 2006, , <strong>de</strong> 16 000 frs par Céphalon)<br />

Subsi<strong>de</strong> FNRS no 3151AO-102271 « The bilingual brain : role of the proficiency in language processing<br />

and language selection ». Oct. 2003-Sept 2007. (330.000.- Frs.)<br />

Subsi<strong>de</strong> Swiss National Science Foundation, 3200BO-104051, “Emotional Reaction, Cognitive, and Affective<br />

Modifications: What is the Effect on the Handicap due to Multiple Sclerosis ? An Integrative Approach<br />

(corequérant ; requérant principal : Schluep M.)- Oct.2003- Mars 2007 (180 000.- SFrs.)<br />

Fond Baasch : Language Selection mechanisms in the bilingual Brain : Oct 2004 (31 000.-Frs.)<br />

Roche Foundation: Language Selection mechanisms in written comprehension : Oct 2004 (40 000.- SFrs.)<br />

Pfizer: Cognition enhancing effects of Donepezil in traumatic brain injury. Janvier 2002 (10.000 Frs.)<br />

Subsi<strong>de</strong> FNRS no 31-61680-00. Semantic processing in brain damaged patients: a behavioural and<br />

neuropsychological prospective study. 2000-2003 (260 000.- SFrs.)<br />

Subsi<strong>de</strong> no 3200-061342.00/1. Fatigue after strokes : neurological correlates, functional impact and quality of life (<br />

requ. principal : J. Bogousslavsky) 2000-2003. (330 000.- SFrs.)<br />

Subsi<strong>de</strong> PNR 38: Brain energy metabolism in DTA :physiopathological mechanisms and correlation with functional<br />

brain imaging and cognitive performances (req. principal : P.Magistretti)- 1996-2001. (600 000.- SFrs.)<br />

Subsi<strong>de</strong> FNRS no 31-52923.97. Reorganization of the semantic system 1998- 2000 (180 000.- SFrs.)<br />

Subsi<strong>de</strong> FNRS no 31-42571-94. Aphasia and function recovery. 1995-1997 (200 000.- SFrs.)

Annexe<br />

: Liste <strong>de</strong> publications 5 <strong>de</strong>rnières années<br />


L. Bruggimann, J.M. Annoni, F. Staub, S. Gramigna, M. Van <strong>de</strong>r Lin<strong>de</strong>n, J. Bogousslavsky. Chronic Post-Traumatic<br />

Stress symptoms after minor stroke. Neurology 2006;6:513-6s (Impact Factor 5.68)<br />

Lopez U, Forster A, Annoni JM, Habre W, Iselin-Chaves IA. Near-<strong>de</strong>ath experience in a boy un<strong>de</strong>rgoing uneventful<br />

elective surgery un<strong>de</strong>r general anesthesia. Paediatr Anaesth. 2006;16 :85-8 (IF 1.1)<br />

Annoni JM, Staub F, Bruggimann L, Gramigna S, Bogousslavsky J. Emotional disturbances after stroke<br />

Clinical and experimental hypertension, 2006. 28. 243-249. (IF 0.82)<br />

Gramigna S, Schluep M, Staub F, Bruggimann L, Simioni S, Bogousslavsky J, Annoni JM. Dimensions<br />

multiples <strong>de</strong> la fatigue d’origine neurologique: différences entre l’acci<strong>de</strong>nt vasculaire cérébral et la sclérose<br />

en plaques. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2007 Mar;163(3): 341-8 (IF 0.6)<br />

Souza Lima F, Simioni S, Bruggimann L, Ruffieux C, Dudler J, Felley C, Michetti P, Annoni JM, Schluep<br />

M. Similar perceived behavioural changes occur in early multiple sclerosis and in systemic inflammatory<br />

diseases. Behav Neurol 2007;18(2):81-90. [IF: 1.3]<br />

Khateb A, Pegna AJ, Landis T, Michel CM, Brunet D, Seghier ML, Annoni JM. Rhyme processing in the<br />

brain: An ERP mapping study.Int J Psychophysiol. 2007 Jan 9; [Epub, IF: 2.58]<br />

Spahr L, Coeytaux A, Giostra E, Ha<strong>de</strong>ngue A, Annoni JM. Histamine H1 Blocker Hydroxyzine<br />

Improves Sleep in Patients With Cirrhosis and Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy: A Randomized<br />

Controlled Pilot Trial. Am J Gastroenterol. 2007 102(4):744-53;[IF: 5.12]<br />

Seghier ML, Lazeyras F, Pegna AJ, Annoni JM, Khateb A. Group analysis and the subject factor in<br />

functional magnetic resonance imaging: Analysis of fifty right-han<strong>de</strong>d healthy subjects in a semantic<br />

language task. Hum Brain Mapp. 2007 [Epub, IF: 6.06]<br />

Aybek S, Annoni JM, Carota A, Vokatch N. [Headache, fever, and hemiplegia] Rev Med Suisse. 2007<br />

May 9;3(110):1196-8.<br />

Vokatch N, Carota A, Annoni JM, Aybek S. [Low back pain, muscle stiffness] Rev Med Suisse. 2007<br />

May 9;3(110):1191-2, 1194-5.<br />

Khateb A, Abutalebi J, Michel CM, Pegna AJ, Lee-Jahnke H, Annoni JM,.Language selection in<br />

bilinguals: a spatio-temporal analysis of electric brain activity. Int J Psychophysiol. 2007;65(3):201-13.<br />

Carota A, Annoni JM, Marangolo P. Repeating through the insula: evi<strong>de</strong>nce from two consecutive<br />

strokes. Neuroreport. 2007;18(13):1367-70. (IF 2.2)<br />

J Abutalebi , S Brambati, JM Annoni, A Moro, S Cappa, D Perani. The neural cost of the auditory<br />

perception of language switches: an event-related fMRI study in bilinguals. J of Neurosciences,<br />

2007;27(50):13762-9. (IF 4.9)<br />

Abutalebi J , Annoni JM, Seghier ML, Lazeyras F, Pegna AJ, , Khateb A Language control and lexical<br />

competition in bilinguals: an event-related fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex, Epub October 18, 2007 (IF 6.37<br />

Simioni S, Annoni JM, Bruggimann L, Ruffieux C, Bogousslavsky J, Schluep M. Cognitive impairement<br />

is associated with mood disor<strong>de</strong>rs and fatigue at the early stage of multiple sclerosis. Swiss Medical Weekly;<br />

137(35-36):496-501 (IF 1.53)<br />

Novy J, Vulliémoz S, Carota A, Annoni JM, Lalive PH.[State of confusion, hallucinations and epileptic<br />

crisis] Rev Med Suisse. 2008 May 7;4(156):1162-5.

Vulliémoz S, Novy J, Lalive PH, Annoni JM, Carota A.[Trouble with vision, hearing and concentration:<br />

Susac's syndrome ] Rev Med Suisse. 2008 May 7;4(156):1157-8, 1160-1.<br />

Gronchi-Perrin A, Annoni JM, Berney A, Simioni S, Vingerhoets FJ. [Neuropsychiatry of epilepsy,<br />

stroke, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis] Rev Med Suisse. 2008 May 7;4:1136-8, 1140-4.<br />

Vulliemoz S, Pegna AJ, Annoni JM, Yilmaz H, Willi JP, Spinelli L, Landis T, Seeck M. The selective<br />

amobarbital test in the anterior choroidal artery: perfusion pattern assessed by intraarterial SPECT and<br />

prediction of postoperative verbal memory. Epilepsy Behav. 2008 Apr;12(3):445-55. (IF 2.6)<br />

Simioni S, Ruffieux C, Bruggimann L, Annoni JM, Schluep M. Cognition, mood and fatigue in patients<br />

in the early stage of multiple sclerosis. Swiss Med Wkly. 2007 Sep 8;137(35-36):496-501 (IF1.5)<br />

Annoni JM, Staub F, Bogousslavsky J, Brioschi A.Frequency, characterisation and therapies of fatigue<br />

after stroke. Neurol Sci. 2008 Sep;29 Suppl 2:S244-6. (IF. 1.1)<br />

Simioni S, Ruffieux C, Kleeberg J, Bruggimann L, Annoni JM, Schluep M. Preserved <strong>de</strong>cision making<br />

ability in early multiple sclerosis. J Neurol. 2008 Nov;255(11):1762-9. 13. (IF. 2.9)<br />

Simioni S, Ruffieux C, Kleeberg J, Bruggimann L, DU Pasquier RA, Annoni JM, Schluep M. Progressive<br />

<strong>de</strong>cline of <strong>de</strong>cision-making performances during multiple sclerosis. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2009 Feb<br />

10:1-5. (IF 2.6)<br />

Rochat L, Ammann J, Mayer E, Annoni JM, Van <strong>de</strong>r Lin<strong>de</strong>n M. Executive disor<strong>de</strong>rs and perceived<br />

socio-emotional changes after traumatic brain injury. J Neuropsychol. 2009 Feb 9. (H in<strong>de</strong>x 5)<br />

Khateb A, Simon SR, Dieguez S, Lazeyras F, Momjian-Mayor I, Blanke O, Landis T, Pegna AJ, Annoni<br />

JM. Seeing the phantom: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of a supernumerary phantom<br />

limb. Ann Neurol. 2009 Jun;65(6):698-705. (IF 9.3)<br />

Du Pasquier R, Cavassini M, Simioni S, Annoni JM, Giacobini E, Hirschel B. [New spectrum of HIVassociated<br />

cognitive disor<strong>de</strong>rs in the HAART era] Rev Med Suisse. 2009 Apr 29; 5:955-6, 958-61.<br />

Dewarrat GM, Annoni JM, Fornari E, Carota A, Bogousslavsky J, Mae<strong>de</strong>r P. Acute aphasia after right<br />

hemisp<strong>here</strong> stroke J Neurol. 2009 Apr 12. (IF 2.6)<br />

Brioschi A, Gramigna S, Werth E, Staub F, Ruffieux C, Bassetti C, Schluep M, Annoni JM Effect of<br />

modafinil on subjective fatigue in multiple sclerosis and stroke patients. Eur Neurol. 2009;62:243-9. (IF<br />

1.2)<br />

Simioni S, Cavassini M, Annoni JM, Rimbault Abraham A, Bourquin I, Schiffer V, Calmy A, Chave JP,<br />

Giacobini E, Hirschel B, Du Pasquier RA, Cognitive dysfunction in HIV patients <strong>de</strong>spite long-standing<br />

suppression of viremia AIDS. 2009 Dec 7.<br />

Christopher Lysakowski, Christoph Czarnetzki, Lionel Dumont, Daniel Bertrand, Martin R. Tramèr,<br />

Jean-Marie Annoni Memory functions during propofol sedation do not differ between smokers and<br />


Dewarrat GM, Annoni JM, Fornari E, Carota A, Bogousslavsky J, Mae<strong>de</strong>r P. Acute aphasia after right<br />

hemisp<strong>here</strong> stroke J Neurol. 2009 Apr 12. (IF 2.6)<br />

Annoni JM, Delémont C, Garin N, Dozier C, Piguet V, Sommer J, Luthy C. Clinical management of<br />

primary headaches: interdisciplinary gui<strong>de</strong>lines] Rev Med Suisse. 2010 Jun 30;6(255):1326-30, 1332-5.<br />

French.<br />

Rochat L, Beni C, Billieux J, Azouvi P, Annoni JM, Van <strong>de</strong>r Lin<strong>de</strong>n M.Assessment of impulsivity after<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>rate to severe traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2010 Oct;20(5):778-97. (IF 1.9)

Khateb A, Pegna AJ, Landis T, Mouthon MS, Annoni JM.On the origin of the N400 effects: an ERP<br />

waveform and source localization analysis in three matching tasks. Brain Topogr. 2010 Sep;23(3):311-20.<br />

(IF 2.1)<br />

Tatiana Aboulafia-Brakha; Blaise Christe; Marie-Dominique Martory; Jean-Marie Annoni. Theory of<br />

Mind Tasks and Executive Functions: a Systematic Review of Group studies in Neurology, Journal of<br />

Neuropsychology 2010 Oct 20 (IF 2.4)<br />

Annoni JM, Colombo F. [Return to work after brain lesion: cognitive and behavioral factor].<br />

Rev Med Suisse. 2011 May 4;7(293):944-7. French.<br />

Rochat L, Beni C, Billieux J, Annoni JM, Van <strong>de</strong>r Lin<strong>de</strong>n M.How impulsivity relates to compulsive<br />

buying and the bur<strong>de</strong>n perceived by caregivers after mo<strong>de</strong>rate-to-severe traumatic brain injury.<br />

Psychopathology. 2011;44(3):158-64. Epub 2011 Mar 7. (IF 1.8)<br />

M. Tschirren, M. Laganaro, P. Michel, M-D. Martory, M. di Pietro, J. Abutalebi, J-M. Annoni : Language<br />

and syntactic impairment following stroke in late bilingual aphasics. Brain Lang. 2011 Jun 16. (IF 3.1)<br />

Mishra N.K., Russmann H., Granziera C., Mae<strong>de</strong>r P., Annoni J.M. Mutism and Amnesia following<br />

High-Voltage Electrical Injury: Psychogenic Symptomatology Triggered by Organic Dysfunction.,<br />

European Neurology, 66(4):229-34, 2011 (IF 1.8)<br />

JM Annoni & S Cook Migraine induced by melatonin withdrawal: a clue for future trials? Swiss Archives<br />

of Neurology and Psychiatry, 167(7):293-4, 2011<br />

D A. Magezia,, A Khateb, M Mouthon, L Spierer, JM Annoni. Cognitive control of language<br />

production in bilinguals involves an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt process within the domain-general cognitive control<br />

network: evi<strong>de</strong>nce from task-switching and electrical brain activity Brain Lang. 2012 May 8. [Epub ahead<br />

of print] (IF 3.4)<br />

Franz Josef Holzer, Frédéric Assal, André Laszlo et Jean-Marie Annoni Diagnostiquer et annoncer une<br />

démence: quels risques, quels bénéfices ? Revue médicale suisse 2012, in press<br />

Narges Radman, Fabienne Staub, Tatiana Aboulafia-Brakha, Alexandre Berney, Julien Bogousslavsky,<br />

and Jean-Marie Annoni. Post-stroke fatigue following minor infarcts: a prospective study, Neurology,<br />

2012, in press (IF 8.17)<br />


AJ Pegna, JM Annoni, A Schni<strong>de</strong>r. Le syndrome frontal, in « Neurologie comportementale et<br />

Neuropsychologie, 3e ed », ed Th Bothez, Masson, 2006.<br />

E Mayer, JM Annoni, Ph Peigneux, Les apraxies. in « Neurologie comportementale et Neuropsychologie,<br />

3e ed », ed Th Bothez, Masson, 2006.<br />

A Khateb, JM Annoni, U Lopez, F Bernasconi, L Lavanchy, and J Bogousslavsky Evaluation of<br />

cognitive and behavioural disor<strong>de</strong>rs in the stroke unit in « The behavioral and cognitive neurology of<br />

stroke » ed Olivier Go<strong>de</strong>froy, Julien Bogousslavsky, Cambridge University Press Cambridge, 2007.<br />

JM Annoni : Neurobehavioural disor<strong>de</strong>rs after stroke. In cognitive neurology, F Cappa ed.; Oxford<br />

University Press. 2007<br />

Assal F, Schni<strong>de</strong>r A, Annoni JM. Tableau clinique In « Demenz-Versorgungsituation<br />

in <strong>de</strong>r Schweiz. Bassetti, Calabrese, Gutzwiller (eds), Ligatur Verlag, 2011<br />

Annoni JM, Goldstein R, Schni<strong>de</strong>r A, Assal F. Trouble cognitif léger (MCI) : du<br />

concept au traitement. In « Demenz-Versorgungsituation in <strong>de</strong>r Schweiz. Bassetti,<br />

Calabrese, Gutzwiller (eds), Ligatur Verlag, 2011

Colombo, Anne-Isabelle Gasser Dépressions symptomatiques lors <strong>de</strong> démence info Neurologie et<br />

psychiatrie, Info, Oct 2011<br />

Jean-Marie Annoni, Hannelore Lee-Jahnke Annegret Sturm : Neurocognitive aspects of translation<br />

Meta: journal <strong>de</strong>s traducteurs / Meta: Translators' J, 56, numéro 1, mars 2011,

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