August 2011

August 2011 August 2011


REBELS AUTO CLUB NEWSLETTER August 2011 President’s Message I don't think August will ever be as hot as July. Will it? We have some nice car shows and events to attend this month. Let's hope for cooler weather. Check out the Coordinator's Report to see what's going on. We had a fun day with the SCCA at the Airpark cone races. This was a fun day for their members and we had a great time. Jim served up some of his pulled pork. I got to ride in a 2010 Shelby Mustang. Thanks to Don Knop for a great ride. Others able to ride were Margaret and Lydell Otley and Eric and Amy Tepley. We look forward to another round of racing August 26-31. We still need volunteers to sign up to help set cones. The Rebels make quite a bit of money by volunteering for these races, so let's see you out there. The Rebels continue to donate their time and money to many events and organizations in our community. Try to find a cause you support and get involved. If any of you have ideas for the club to get involved in, call me or one of the other board members. We will continue to support our troops with troop packages and hopefully will be able to do another soon. Keep in mind, if you haven't, that we do have a great web site and continue to hear good things from all over. This site can be seen around the world and is. Gary is doing a great job of keeping it updated. Also check out Facebook. The Rebels have a group set up and lots of pictures and notifications of events can be viewed. Thanks to all the members for making this a great club to belong to. Hope to see you all on the road soon. Cary Petersen President Officers: President: Cary Petersen……….…...... 476-7828 V.P.: Renee Morrison ………………..….....423-0890 Secretary: Linda Masters…………..……...328-8123 Treasurer: Wanda Holstein………....…..440-8263 Coordinator: Scott Wuethrich …….525-1088 @ Large: Margaret Otley………….………786-3246 Sandy Ready…………..….(308) 390-0932 Newsletter Editor: Tracee Bougger 2702 South Street Lincoln, NE 68502 Email: PH: 441-4838 NEXT MEETING August 31 Denton Daily Double



<strong>August</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

President’s Message<br />

I don't think <strong>August</strong> will ever be as hot as<br />

July. Will it? We have some nice car shows<br />

and events to attend this month. Let's hope<br />

for cooler weather. Check out the Coordinator's<br />

Report to see what's going on.<br />

We had a fun day with the SCCA at the Airpark<br />

cone races. This was a fun day for<br />

their members and we had a great time. Jim<br />

served up some of his pulled pork. I got to<br />

ride in a 2010 Shelby Mustang. Thanks to<br />

Don Knop for a great ride. Others able to<br />

ride were Margaret and Lydell Otley and Eric<br />

and Amy Tepley. We look forward to another<br />

round of racing <strong>August</strong> 26-31. We still need<br />

volunteers to sign up to help set cones.<br />

The Rebels make quite a bit of money by volunteering<br />

for these races, so let's see you<br />

out there.<br />

The Rebels continue to donate their time and<br />

money to many events and organizations in<br />

our community. Try to find a cause you support<br />

and get involved. If any of you have<br />

ideas for the club to get involved in, call<br />

me or one of the other board members. We<br />

will continue to support our troops with<br />

troop packages and hopefully will be able to<br />

do another soon.<br />

Keep in mind, if you haven't, that we do<br />

have a great web site and continue to hear<br />

good things from all over. This site can be<br />

seen around the world and is. Gary is doing<br />

a great job of keeping it updated. Also<br />

check out Facebook. The Rebels have a group<br />

set up and lots of pictures and notifications<br />

of events can be viewed.<br />

Thanks to all the members for making this a<br />

great club to belong to.<br />

Hope to see you all on the road soon.<br />

Cary Petersen<br />

President<br />

Officers:<br />

President: Cary Petersen……….…...... 476-7828<br /><br />

V.P.: Renee Morrison ………………..….....423-0890<br /><br />

Secretary: Linda Masters…………..……...328-8123<br /><br />

Treasurer: Wanda Holstein………....…..440-8263<br /><br />

Coordinator: Scott Wuethrich …….525-1088<br /><br />

@ Large: Margaret Otley………….………786-3246<br /><br />

Sandy Ready…………..….(308) 390-0932<br /><br />

Newsletter Editor: Tracee Bougger<br />

2702 South Street<br />

Lincoln, NE 68502<br />

Email: PH: 441-4838<br />


<strong>August</strong> 31<br />

Denton Daily Double

Meeting Minutes<br />

7/27/11 Meeting held at<br />

Lee’s Restaurant. Attendance:<br />

70<br />

The meeting was called to<br />

order at 7:30pm by Cary:<br />

Welcome all and thank<br />

you for coming.<br />

*President Report by Cary: Welcome<br />

guest: Rudy Spirk from OK.<br />

Brother of Jodi White.<br />

Welcome new member: Jeri Swanson<br />

1965 Ford Mustang.<br />

Rebels Celebrity: Wanda Holstein,<br />

Treasurer: Sky Diver tandem dive to<br />

raise money for a fundraiser. She took<br />

off from Plattsmouth NE and enjoyed<br />

every minute of it falling……..<br />

Happy Birthday to members; Dawn<br />

Harris, Dave O’Melia, Bruce Wright,<br />

Gary Francisco.<br />

*Vice President Report by Renee:<br />

-Had a wonderful time on vacation in<br />

Canada at the Camaro assembly plant,<br />

computer with pictures of the trip on<br />

display for members to view, great photos.!<br />

“Rebels Car Show was Fantastic”<br />

Thanks to all the judges and members<br />

who made it possible.” “I can check one<br />

thing off my bucket list”: danced at a<br />

bar after the car show with my Rebel<br />

friends… how fun!, that is what this<br />

club is all about”<br />

Club regular meeting Dates:<br />

<strong>August</strong> 31 st meeting at Denton Daily<br />

Double, members will be able to choice<br />

from 3 different meal choices, sign-up<br />

sheet for members to choose meal<br />

choices so they know what to expect.<br />

September 28 th: Parkers Smokehouse.<br />

*Secretary Report by Linda:<br />

-New member Eric Manley from Lincoln<br />

joined after visiting the Car Show<br />

at Pioneers Park. See newsletter for<br />

details.<br />

-Correspondence read from Rick Davis,<br />

Warrant Officer in the US Army helicopter<br />

pilot thanking the club for the<br />

troop packages. Rick sent the club a<br />

U.S. flag that was flown in Afghanistan<br />

with the certificate of authenticity<br />

presented to the Rebels Auto Club, and<br />

a unit patch and a CD with pictures<br />

and videos from his current deployment.<br />

These were on display at the<br />

meeting. They were very awesome<br />

pictures. See newsletter for his letter<br />

he wrote the Rebels.<br />

-Minutes from 6/22/<strong>2011</strong> meeting at<br />

Pioneers Park approved with one correction<br />

Tom Worobel, guest last name<br />

spelled incorrectly, but Cary didn’t<br />

know for sure the exact spelling, sorry<br />

Tom.<br />

-<strong>2011</strong> Membership cards and roster<br />

are ready for members to pick up. Announced<br />

names of members who have<br />

not picked them up and if a member in<br />

attendance they would pass them<br />

along to that member.<br />

-Newsletter info deadline to Tracee is<br />

<strong>August</strong> 2 nd .<br />

*Treasurer report by Wanda: Car<br />

Show was great success; thank you to<br />

all the team leaders for making it a<br />

great show that’s the only way we can<br />

do it, all did a great job. Preliminary<br />

car show budget read. Motion made to<br />

accept the July <strong>2011</strong> treasurer report<br />

as read.<br />

*News and announcements:<br />

-Coordinator: Who nominated Scott to<br />

be under arrest for the March of Dimes<br />

Jail and Bail @ Carlos O’Kellys at<br />

South Pointe on <strong>August</strong> 9 th .? Let’s help<br />

Scott out and help raise his bail so he<br />

doesn’t go to jail. Basket passed around<br />

for members to contribute, which they<br />

did. $125 was raised at the meeting.<br />

-Club members: Marty Bassett with<br />

his treatments at SE Cancer Center is<br />

doing better. Galen Milligan after his<br />

surgery is getting better and no setbacks<br />

and is able to drive. Give these<br />

members a call to boost their spirits.<br />

-PJ Rabel is helping the Job Daughters<br />

with a community service project to<br />

help the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.<br />

I will take donations if you would like<br />

to help. Thank You<br />

*Coordinator report by Scott<br />

Wuethrich:<br />

-Special thanks to all the members who<br />

went to the Grove and the Lincoln<br />

Family Church.<br />

-Cone Races “playdate” July 24 th need<br />

Rebels volunteers to make the <strong>August</strong><br />

Cone Races a success. Many members<br />

showed up and got a ride. Oats and<br />

Margaret, and Margaret has a seat belt<br />

bruise to prove it” The Tepley Family<br />

and Cary our president got to ride the<br />

course. All had a great time. Contact<br />

Scott to volunteer for the <strong>August</strong> races.<br />

If you volunteer for sure you get a<br />

ride…..<br />

-The Grove July 22 nd : Member Nick<br />

Brown and his fellow Lincoln City<br />

Maintenance workers put on a great<br />

show and shine to raise funds for The<br />

Food Bank of Lincoln. Many Rebels<br />

members participated with their classic<br />

cars and purchased door prize tickets<br />

and we have a winner: Dave O. won<br />

$100 worth of hot dogs and hamburgers.<br />

Congratulations’ Car winner”<br />

Gary Weyer’s-Camaro. Nick stated<br />

they raised $2,894 for the food bank.<br />

-Forever Angels show at Madonna Proactive<br />

earlier this spring-Landon, one<br />

of the children at the show had surgery<br />

and is in recovery and we hope for the<br />

best. Car Show proceeds will be donated<br />

to the Forever Angels for helping<br />

the youth with cancer.<br />

See upcoming events below*<br />

-July 29 th Relay for Life at Haymarket<br />

Park.<br />

*See upcoming events below and coordinators<br />

report for more*<br />

*New Business:<br />

-Carol Danielson (aka Card Lady)<br />

passed around cards for members to<br />

sign so to send to members when<br />

needed. Members love cards signed<br />

and sent to them when it is time to<br />

keep club members in our<br />


- Free Bone Density Test from The Arthritis Center of Nebraska<br />

donated for Rebels members only. Sign- up sheet<br />

will be at <strong>August</strong> and September meetings also. If you have<br />

not won within the last 2 years, you’re eligible for the drawing.<br />

Last year’s winner Jerry Hutchison will draw for this<br />

year’s winner at the September meeting. You need to be<br />

present to win. Many members signed at this meeting.<br />

-Rebels Auto Club SECC scholarship’s (2 for $500) application<br />

was sent to Milford and Lincoln Campus by Sheryl<br />

Wright with the deadline of <strong>August</strong>. Sheryl announced tonight<br />

have 2 applicants that applied and they are both from<br />

Lincoln. Let’s hope for more.<br />

*Old Business:<br />

-We want to know about your car. “If cars could Talk”<br />

section of the newsletter, please submit any info you would<br />

like to share to newsletter editor Tracee. We want this to<br />

be an ongoing section in the newsletter. We have a lot of<br />

members with a lot of car stories to share. The newsletter<br />

deadline for each month is usually one week after our meeting,<br />

so get us your info today!<br />

-Rebels Club display case to include items received from the<br />

troops we have sent care packages over the years. United<br />

States Flags/NE Husker Flags that have been flown in the<br />

bases of the troops and medallions and pictures the club<br />

has received over the years since 9/11 for helping our<br />

troops. Member’s Dean Rabel has designed the case. Plans<br />

to Harry Scheidt to build and many others volunteered to<br />

help complete the project.<br />

Cary asked Jim McNeil the progress, and no new update at<br />

this time. We need to get this done.<br />

*Members enjoyed Margaret Otley’s delicious cupcakes<br />

made by Bayley (Margaret’s Granddaughter). Margaret’s<br />

kitchen is under construction, she is getting a “new<br />

kitchen” and it is not quite done yet. Thank you so much,<br />

Bayley for the delicious cupcakes and congratulations Margaret<br />

on your new kitchen.<br />

Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm<br />

Respectively submitted,<br />

Linda Masters, Secretary<br />

Upcoming Events:<br />

Club meeting: Wednesday, <strong>August</strong> 31 st @<br />

Denton Daily Double, Denton, NE<br />

6pm to eat. Meeting starts at 7:30<br />

Club meeting: Wednesday, September<br />

28 th , Parkers Smokehouse 64 th &<br />

O st.<br />

Board Meeting: Tuesday, <strong>August</strong> 9th at a<br />

new location: - JJ’s Bar n’ Grill (1 st &<br />

Cornhusker) @ 7:00pm. Board meetings<br />

are open to all members. Meetings are held<br />

the 2 nd Tuesday of each month.<br />

July 29 th Relay for Life Haymarket<br />

Park 5pm<br />

Auto Zone Car & Truck Show July 30 th @<br />

Merrill’s Auto Clean Up. 5900<br />

Cornhusker<br />

July 31 st Louisville 7 th annual Last Hot<br />

Sunday in July Show. Main Street<br />

11am-3pm<br />

<strong>August</strong> 5 th Messiah Lutheran Church<br />

Show N Shine. Jim Holstein said they<br />

will feed us well and it is a very informal<br />

show.<br />

<strong>August</strong> 20 th 1 st Annual Eric Kohles<br />

Memorial Poker Run.<br />

Sign in 11am-12pm at JJ’s Bar n’ Grill<br />

(1 st & Cornhusker) $10 per person, $15 per<br />

couple. All vehicles welcome. Eric loved<br />

riding his motorcycle. Eric was killed last<br />

spring at work when he was mowing for<br />

the city of Lincoln and he now has saved 3<br />

lives by being an organ donor. In Honor of<br />

Eric Kohles, all proceeds will be donated to<br />

the Nebraska Organ Recovery System to be<br />

used for organ and tissue donor awareness.<br />

This poker run is to make that come<br />

true for more people in need of organ and<br />

tissue transplant. This is a 150 mile run<br />

from JJ’s to Dusty’s Bar in Kramer, NE.<br />

Party at Dusty’s starting at 6pm. T-Shirts<br />

are $15 and patches are $10.<br />

<strong>August</strong> 21 st Malcolm Auto Show 9am-4pm<br />

“In the Park” All proceeds go to the Children’s<br />

Park Improvements in Malcolm.<br />

$100 cash award for the club with the<br />

most cars.<br />

Ladies Night Out- Tuesday, <strong>August</strong> 16 th at<br />

La Paloma. See newsletter for details.

this heartfelt presentation.<br />

<strong>August</strong> 21 st Freedom Cruze & Car<br />

Show. Nebraska Crossing Mall 10am<br />

-4p. Cash prize for most club participation.<br />

2 cars will be given away,<br />

don’t miss All proceeds<br />

benefit the Cars4Heroes. Website:<br /><br />

<strong>August</strong> 28 th Minature Golf with the<br />

Forever Angels. 56 th & Old Cheney.<br />

Tba<br />

<strong>August</strong> 26th Friday thru Wednesday,<br />

<strong>August</strong> 31st Cone Races<br />

<strong>August</strong> 28 th St Michael’s Parish Festival<br />

Car Show 9210 First St Cheney, NE.<br />

Registration 12-1pm Show 1pm-4pm.<br />

Raffle/Auction for Restored 1953<br />

Willy’s.<br />

-<strong>August</strong> 28 th 2 nd Annual Summer’s End<br />

Car Show Calvary Community<br />

Church 4400 N. 1 st St. Lincoln, NE<br />

Registration: 8:30am-10:30 Show:<br />

10:30-2pm.<br />

-September 16 & 17 th IMC Modified<br />

drive “Johnny The Jet” Hwy 77.<br />

Owner of Jet Racing More info to<br />

come.<br />




I would like to remind anyone<br />

who has not signed up<br />

for one of the three meal<br />

choices for the Denton<br />

meeting on 8/31/11 and plan to attend, to<br />

please contact me by 8/22/11. If they have already<br />

signed up at one of the two previous<br />

meetings, they are good to go and no need to<br />

contact me. Thanks!<br />

Renee (402) 423-0890<br /><br />

Your current membership card can benefit you<br />

for a discount on purchases at The Auto Zone at<br />

2904 Cornhusker Hwy and A Street Auto Parts.<br />

Weekly Cruises:<br />

Fridays: Sonic Drive-In 84 th & Holdrege,<br />

Culver’s 4940 N. 27 th St.<br />

Tuesdays: Culver’s<br />

1500 Old Cheney Rd<br />

Wednesdays, fourth Wed.<br />

Don & Millie’s 5200 S. 56 th St.<br />

4pm-8pm<br />

Sundays: Culver’s 70 th & Pioneers<br />

<br />

<br />

8320 Northwoods Dr # 108<br />

Please come join us for good<br />

food, conversation and great<br />

company!<br />

Contact either Jody White or Margaret Otley<br />

to let us know you're coming.<br />

Information on all upcoming car events is<br />

posted in the ENWI Car Council Book.<br />

Check it out.<br />

Jody White 402-423-2698<br />

Margaret Otley 402-786-3246<br />

via email, or<br />


Coordinators Report<br />

Here we are into <strong>August</strong> already, this summer<br />

just flew by. The Shows have been good even<br />

with the heat.<br />

I would like to thank all the members at our<br />

last meeting whom contributed to my bail fund<br />

for the March of Dimes. We gathered around<br />

125 bucks which put me closer to the amount<br />

that I was striving for. Thanks again.<br />

July 30 th was the 3 rd Annual Car & Truck<br />

Show. We had a great turn out even though I<br />

was kind of hoping for a few more cars than<br />

what we had. There were a lot of nice cars and<br />

trucks. For all whom won trophy’s congrats<br />

and those who didn’t better luck next year. We<br />

raised a decent amount of money to send to Jamie<br />

and Stacy @ Forever Angels Foundation.<br />

Since we are talking about the Forever Angels<br />

they have requested at least 10 cars to appear<br />

at their Miniature Golf Tournament fund<br />

raiser. Location is 56 th and Old Cheney, Sunday,<br />

<strong>August</strong> 28 · 1:00pm - 4:00pm.So if we can<br />

just make this a little show and shine for the<br />

kids it would be very much appreciated. There<br />

are a few good events coming up in <strong>August</strong> and<br />

September so keep your eyes on the calendar<br />

and on the website. If there is an event that I<br />

missed feel free to contact me and we will<br />

make sure it gets passed around.<br />

<strong>August</strong> Events<br />

MARK<br />

YOUR<br />


Aug 6 th Gretna 7 th Annual Classic Truck<br />

Show @ Neb Crossing Mall. Show 9-3<br />

Aug 13 th Alvo Neb Car Show Downtown<br />

Reg. 9- Noon<br />

Aug 20 th Milford Fun Days Show N Shine<br />

with parade to follow<br />

Aug 21 st Malcolm Auto Show, City Park,<br />

Rain or Shine<br />

Aug 21 st Freedom Cruze & Car Show, Neb<br />

Crossing Mall<br />

Aug 26 th -31 st Neb SCCA Cone Races Airpark.<br />

Times TBA<br />

Aug 27 th Raymond United Methodist<br />

Church Swap Meet 11505 N 14 th Gates<br />

open @ 8 Contact Lyle M 402-783-2313 for<br />

info<br />

Aug 28 th Calvary Car Show & Shine 4400<br />

1 st St. Reg.8-10:30 Show 10:30 to 2pm<br />

Aug 28 th Forever Angels Miniature Golf<br />

Tournament Show N Shine 1pm – 4pm<br />

Adventure Golf 56th & Old Cheney Questions<br />

Contact Scott Wuethrich.<br />

September Events<br />

Sept 2-4 Kansas City Kansas Good Guys<br />

Mid-Western Car Show Kansas<br />

Speedway<br />

Sept 11 th 30 th Annual Car Show 62 nd &<br />

Havelock Ave.<br />

Sept 16-17 th Jet Racing Hot Rod Reunion<br />

Cruise and Shine. Jet Racing Hwy 77 &<br />

Sargent Rd. Beatrice Neb Contact Jet<br />

Racing 402-228-1569 (Friday Night Cruise<br />

Saturday Show N Shine)<br />

Sept 17 MOPARS of Lincoln Russwood<br />

Chrysler Plymouth 8350 O St.<br />

Sept 18 th Nebraska City Applejack Festival<br />

Sept 30- Oct2 Hutchinson KS 4 th Annual<br />

Downtown Rod Run & Classic car Show<br />

Contact Info 620-966-3315 or page 68 of<br />

Car book<br />

If you are interested in helping with the cone<br />

races please contact<br />

Jim McNeil or Scott<br />

Wuethrich this is going<br />

to be a great time<br />


Me and my Camaro<br />

~ By Renee Morrison<br />

Back in 2006 my husband Larry and<br />

I had heard that GM was going to<br />

bring back the Camaro! Well since<br />

between us we had owned 4 in our<br />

lifetime, we were pretty excited.<br />

When we saw the concept car unveiled<br />

at the Detroit Auto show, it<br />

took our breath away. We knew we<br />

had to have one. So on October 16,<br />

2008; two days after you could officially<br />

order, we were on the Interstate<br />

to make our 120 mile round trip<br />

to H&H Chevrolet in Omaha. After<br />

waiting for what seemed like forever,<br />

we took delivery of our 2010 Red<br />

Jewel 2LT/RS Camaro on 7/13/2009.<br />

Love at first sight, I cried when I saw<br />

her parked on the pad in front of<br />

H&H.<br />

After enjoying the ride for a few days<br />

and of course being treated like a<br />

rock star wherever I went, we got an<br />

email from a friend that said a fellow<br />

Boy Scout leader (We since of course<br />

call those fine folks friends, and all<br />

know and love them as the Teply<br />

Tribe) was having a tough time with<br />

his cancer treatment and his 8-year<br />

old son had helped put together a car<br />

show fund raiser for the American<br />

Cancer Society. Since this was a good<br />

cause we agreed, not knowing at all<br />

what to expect. I wrote to a Camaro<br />

buddy of mine about what to do to<br />

get ready for a car show. He replied,<br />

"Just make sure it's clean and shiny,<br />

open the hood and trunk and you're<br />

good to go."<br />

Away we went on Saturday morning<br />

July 18 th , 2009 and settled into the<br />

car show with of course the only 2010<br />

Camaro on the lot. People swarmed<br />

us, we answered questions all day. I<br />

thought; "This is OK, but it sure is a<br />

long day, it's hot and we don't know<br />

anybody here, though everyone we<br />

met was really very nice." At the end<br />

of the day trophies were awarded to<br />

the winners in each class and some<br />

special awards and door prizes. My<br />

name was drawn and I won a model<br />

truck that my grandson enjoyed<br />

greatly. Then out of the clear blue<br />

sky they called my name again as the<br />

winner of the 1984-current unmodified<br />

class! As I stumbled forward to<br />

accept a large blue and gold trophy, I<br />

knew I was hooked! Hot days may<br />

come and go, but hardware lasts forever!<br />

I entered a couple more shows that<br />

summer. We got to meet a bunch of<br />

other great people, and was fortunate<br />

enough to run into a couple of Rebels<br />

at a car show, and they did such a<br />

nice job of selling their club I thought<br />

“this sounds good to me.” So I joined<br />

up. Then in September I entered the<br />

Applejack Festival Car show in Nebraska<br />

City, again winning a trophy<br />

for first place in my class. This one<br />

included beating a Mustang, which I<br />

really enjoy, and for the first time<br />

this class even included Corvettes! So<br />

this win holds a special place on the<br />

trophy shelf.<br />

My Camaro is my daily driver, so it<br />

gets extra special attention and care,<br />

we even put on the snow tires and<br />

drive all winter long. The World of<br />

Wheels in Omaha on March 12 th -14 th<br />

was our first show of 2010. We<br />

worked a little harder than usual to<br />

get ready for this one because it was<br />

judged by the International Show<br />

Car Association. Once again, the<br />

Ruby Jewel, what I have since<br />

named the best car that GM ever<br />

built, was awarded with an<br />

"Outstanding" ISCA distinction and<br />

a plaque. This win has shown us that<br />

our 2010 Camaro can now be what<br />

we have known since last July, a true<br />

winner with a Chevrolet heartbeat<br />

that is as strong as any muscle car<br />

there ever was!<br />

New Members<br />

Jeri Swanson, Lincoln, NE<br />

1965 Ford Mustang.<br />

Jeri is our treasure's niece.<br />


Anyone who knows of a Rebels<br />

member who should have a<br />

card sent to someone in the<br />

hospital or flowers for a funeral,<br />

Contact John or Carol Danielson<br />

477-5577<br />

Eric Manley<br />

Seward, NE<br />

65 Ford Galaxie 500<br />

61 Ford F-100 Unibody Shortbox



Rebels Show & Shine at the Relay For Life event at Haymarket Park on July 29th. Craig & Ruth Foster’s<br />

‘64 Corvette Convertible. Picture taken at dusk, to see it online, go to<br />

In 1769, the very first self-propelled road vehicle was a military tractor invented by French engineer and mechanic,<br />

Nicolas Joseph Cugnot (1725 - 1804). Cugnot used a steam engine to power his vehicle, built under<br />

his instructions at the Paris Arsenal by mechanic Brezin. It was used by the French Army to haul artillery at a<br />

whopping speed of 2 1/2 mph on only three wheels. The vehicle had to stop every ten to fifteen minutes to<br />

build up steam power. The steam engine and boiler were separate from the rest of the vehicle and placed in<br />

the front. The following year (1770), Cugnot built a steam-powered tricycle that carried four passengers.<br />

In 1771, Cugnot drove one of his road vehicles into a stone wall, making Cugnot the first person to get into a<br />

motor vehicle accident. This was the beginning of bad luck for the inventor. After one of Cugnot's patrons<br />

died and the other was exiled, the money for Cugnot's road vehicle experiments ended.<br />

Steam engines powered cars by burning fuel that heated water in a boiler, creating steam that expanded and<br />

pushed pistons that turned the crankshaft, which then turned the wheels. During the early history of selfpropelled<br />

vehicles - both road and railroad vehicles were being developed with steam engines. (Cugnot also<br />

designed two steam locomotives with engines that never worked well.)<br />

Steam engines added so much weight to a vehicle that they proved a<br />

poor design for road vehicles; however, steam engines were very successfully<br />

used in locomotives. Historians, who accept that early steampowered<br />

road vehicles were automobiles, feel that Nicolas Cugnot was<br />

the inventor of the first automobile.<br />

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Denton Daily Double<br /><br />

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