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Plans for White River Dam will be ready tonight<br />

Man is wounded in tavern<br />

shooting, another charged<br />

Illy C. Dixon, of Tost, was In<br />

Kr" condition In the Methodist<br />

bpltal at Lubbock at last report<br />

ty and Reuben (Leon) Kiscr<br />

out on bond on a chargo of<br />

suit with Intent to murder as<br />

csult of a shooting late Tues- -<br />

nlght at a local tavern.<br />

Lccordlng to the story City Mar- -<br />

Otis G. Shepherd Jr. said ho<br />

from the 10 or 12 witnesses to<br />

frnens. Kiscr, who operates tho<br />

and Night Cafe here, was<br />

hlnc television at the Wagon<br />

ecl when Dixon grabbed him.<br />

Ilxon was said to have grabbed<br />

lophoninq sheriff to como qot him<br />

Johnny Johnson turns<br />

self in for murder<br />

shnny Johnson, 45 - year - old<br />

Negro sought slnco last Sept.<br />

s-- a cnargo oi muraenng mci- -<br />

io Young, local<br />

woman, has turned himself<br />

linson telephoned Sheriff Fay<br />

orn Saturday morning and<br />

him he was at his home here<br />

Uo come get him.<br />

rthers' March<br />

ins to be set<br />

said they heard an nrgumcnt and<br />

heard tho woman tell whoever she<br />

old Lucas, chairman of the was with that she was "through<br />

March of Dimes for Garza with him."<br />

Inty, will meet tonight at 7 Investigating officers said tho<br />

Bck with women from tho Jus- -<br />

man's car had been left with tho<br />

burg and Graham communities, motor running and after tho shooting<br />

ho jumped in and drove away.<br />

from Post, to complcto or- -<br />

ements for the annual Moth Tho car later was found abandoned<br />

a few miles away.<br />

March of Dimes, and o t h o r<br />

les planned.<br />

Johnson was charged with murder<br />

In tho slaying later the same<br />

Henry Key has been elect- -<br />

chairman of the Justlccburg afternoon of tho shooting.<br />

which will hold Its MOD<br />

fit Jan. 27 at the school enfe--<br />

A pie supper will be held.<br />

games of "42", dominoes and<br />

So afterwards.<br />

30 has been set as the<br />

for tho Post Mothers MOD<br />

lit, and tho data will bo set<br />

Bht for the Graham activities.<br />

a chairman to bo named.<br />

Katharine Trnmmcll Is chair--<br />

of the Post drive.<br />

ttcas said today that each soil- -<br />

will wear identification and<br />

es everyone to donato only to<br />

wearing tho MOD (dentin- -<br />

local hobby which Is Just<br />

nt as Interesting to onlookers<br />

participants is tho raising of<br />

filngham roller pigeons, better<br />

m as "tumblers."<br />

G. (Wllkc) Wllkcrson, local<br />

sagor Jor Wilson Supply, who<br />

at 109 Hast 13th, behind the<br />

o Oil Co. Shamrock station.<br />

bably has the biggest dock of<br />

iblcrs hereabouts.<br />

cso pigeons tumblo over and<br />

in flight, as Wilke says ac--l<br />

iing to instinct, am aro peaigrco<br />

registered birds.<br />

Ilkcrson has a flock of about<br />

Invites anyone who wants to<br />

them "tumble" to stop by his<br />

right after S p. m- - about<br />

fafternoon.<br />

bat's tho time Wllkcrson lets<br />

out of their flight pen In his<br />

yard,<br />

ey ny for about an hour In<br />

yard circles above tho Wllker- -<br />

home. When they have "hod<br />

eh" they aro "trapped" back<br />

their pen.<br />

ikerson Is n member of the<br />

am Roller Club for tho pig--<br />

Tho club was established In<br />

Jnlled Slates and Canada In<br />

points out tho Pensom Roll- -<br />

Ngeons have the traits, of re--<br />

pigeons only in their breed- -<br />

aamts. According to tne rtobuy- -<br />

kcy never fly In straight lines<br />

Mways circle above their Inv<br />

iito home, never landing on<br />

(Ighhara houso or garage or<br />

building, returning directly<br />

elr rn.<br />

iso roller pigeons fly a long,<br />

to u hours each uay. ni-- t<br />

Li. I M..1<br />

in weir WHinm iivuih uinu i<br />

MOW,<br />

wy he will welcome any.<br />

mMmatkm on the<br />

ir" w oH or cwnp la ice<br />

Riser's head under ono arm and<br />

rammed his head through the<br />

plate glass front door of tho tavern<br />

and then got on top of Kiscr on tho<br />

floor<br />

and was hitting him.<br />

Witnesses said, according to<br />

Shepherd, Kiscr pulled a gun from<br />

his pocket and shot Dixon In tho<br />

upper left abdomen from close<br />

The fugitive was then jailed hero<br />

to await grand jury action on the<br />

murder charge.<br />

Johnson was taken to Lubbock<br />

yesterday for a lie detector test<br />

by Deputy Sheriff Elton Corlcy and<br />

Stato Highway Patrol Sergeant<br />

Stroud of Lubbock.<br />

Stella Mac was shot down at the<br />

homo of her brother, Darrcll Harrison,<br />

in the colored section of<br />

town.<br />

Thero wcro no witnesses to the<br />

shooting, although those in the<br />

houso at the time of the slaying<br />

Veterans of WW I<br />

to orqanize here<br />

All World War I veterans In the<br />

Post area, their wives nnd widows<br />

aro invited to n meeting nt 7:30<br />

p. m. Friday In tho district<br />

courtroom hero to discuss organization<br />

of a barracks of the Vet-caof<br />

World War I, n new veterans<br />

organization for Post.<br />

A former state official of the<br />

veterans organization and his wife<br />

will attend tho meeting to explain<br />

tho organization and Its alms.<br />

gun used in the shooting from Kiscr<br />

after tho shooting and turned<br />

It over to officers the next morning.<br />

Deputy Elton Corlcy answered<br />

tho call Immediately after the<br />

shooting and then was called to<br />

tho hospital. City Marshal Shepherd<br />

completed tho Investigation<br />

range.<br />

with his deputy, Snm Price, taking<br />

tho names of the witnesses,<br />

Dixon was taken by car to the<br />

Garza Memorial Hospital whero he The two then arrested Klser on<br />

was given emergency trcntmcnt Corlcy's request, at his cafo and<br />

and then rushed by ambulance to Jailed him overnight pending investigation<br />

of tho shooting.<br />

tho Lubbock hospital.<br />

Ono ot tho bystanders took the County Attorney Carleton P.<br />

Webb illcd the assault with Intent!<br />

to murder chargo yesterday niter-noo-<br />

Kiscr then was released on n<br />

$500 bond, pending grand jury action.<br />

Klscr's gun was a .25 automatic,<br />

according to Shepherd.<br />

Dixon, who Is employed as a<br />

roughneck by St. John Drilling<br />

Co., is the father of four children<br />

See MAN WOUNDED, Pago 8<br />

16 Pages in Two Sections<br />

Price 10c<br />

Qty? float ItHjtatrtj<br />

Thirty-Fourt- h<br />

Year<br />

Buck Craft hurt<br />

in auto accident<br />

Duck Craft, manager of Planters<br />

Gin, narrowly escaped possible<br />

permanent Injury tho night of<br />

Jan. 10. when the Oldsmobllo he<br />

was driving overturned south of<br />

Slaton on US-S-<br />

Craft, who was alone In tho car,<br />

had two vertebrae thrown out of<br />

place In his neck. He was admitted<br />

to Garza Memorial H bpltal<br />

but was dismissed last weekend.<br />

His neck will be In traction via a<br />

brace for an estimated three<br />

months.<br />

Cause of tho accident was a<br />

blow-ou- t of a front tire. The car<br />

overturned and was completely demolished.<br />

Craft crawled out<br />

through tho broken windshield.<br />

Only other injuries were h o a d<br />

cuts and bruises.<br />

IMIssssssssssssssssssssssMsssBiMWWMsWIp " JBHHHMP VttlKtHtUtt&tKlltHKMtftlttK<br />


Tho First Methodist Church s Boy Scout Troop 199 received its charter Monday from tho<br />

South Plains Council, Boy Scouts of America Shown present ,ng tho charter to Scoutmaster<br />

William R Bennett is Bill McGlaun, field oxecutivo for the Comanche Trails Dsnrt At tho<br />

right is Assistant Scoutmaster Ed Blanton. Tho charter will bo formally presented to tho troop<br />

at a "Church Sunday" ceromony during National Boy Scout Weak next tmonth. (Staff Photo)<br />

Post, Garza County, Texas, Thursday, January 19, J 961<br />

Thieves busy here over weekend<br />

Seven firms burglarized<br />

$1,000 in liquor taken<br />

Burglars spent n busy weekend . Public Service Company, and R.<br />

In Post, breaking Into seven lo-j.- 's Furniture Company were all<br />

cul business firms Friday and Sat- - burglarized Saturday night.<br />

urday nights. Tho biggest haul<br />

was made at the Lazy S Package<br />

Store where an estimated $1,000<br />

worth of liquor was stolen.<br />

Tho liquor store, located Just<br />

beyond the cast city limits of Post<br />

on the Cloiremont highway, and<br />

two taverns, the Wagon Wheel<br />

nnd the Cattlemen's Bar, both<br />

close to tho packago store, all were<br />

hit Friday night.<br />

K&K Food Mart, Parrlsh Grocery<br />

& Market, tho Southwestern<br />

Losses wero not large In any of<br />

the other six burglaries.<br />

Entrance to the Lazy S Package<br />

storo for only the second big liquor<br />

store burglary since the advent of<br />

liquor In Precinct 3 last April, was<br />

gained by breaking the glass in the<br />

front door.<br />

Tho car or truck used to haul<br />

away tho liquor evidently was<br />

loaded out of the rear door of the<br />

store. Tho back light of the store<br />

had been turned out to keep the<br />

oca mans hobby is tumbler pigeons<br />

NHL 4d4..a-- mmmmmmammmmmmmm<br />


Shown hero it R G. (Wilke) Wtlkerson proudly holdlna two of his plied rolling pigeons olio known ot tumbJcrt, in the<br />

backyard of hit home. th pigont aro only ono of no many hobblet of tho manager of the local Wllion Supply Store.<br />

(Staff Photo)<br />

Number 33<br />

passersby on the highway from observing<br />

the loading.<br />

Several casos of liquor were<br />

missing as well as a number of<br />

bolt I os off the shelves. The elfin-rmachine<br />

was broken Into and<br />

both clgarets and money stolen.<br />

The exact amount of liquor lost<br />

cannot be determined until a stock<br />

Inventory is completed.<br />

First Deputy Sheriff Elton Cor-Ic- y<br />

told The Dispatch that the<br />

clgaret machines In the two nearby<br />

taverns were broken into but<br />

only the money taken.<br />

Entrance to the Wagon Wheel<br />

was gained through a bathroom<br />

window on the north side of the<br />

building and to the Cattlemen's<br />

liar through a window on the east<br />

side. Doth windows wore broken<br />

out.<br />

On Saturday night, burglars who<br />

hit the K4K Food Mart appeared<br />

to be hungry. They took four orj<br />

two-pounfive<br />

d<br />

socks of sausage,<br />

several pounds of sliced bacon<br />

They also broke Into the Coke<br />

machine to get the money from<br />

t.<br />

The store office nar the front<br />

door was ransactod and papers<br />

See BURGLARIES, Pago (I<br />


With the Gnrza MemorUI Hospital<br />

s operation now on sound financial<br />

footing, one maj-e- need remains.<br />

That Im the orftinlitk)n of<br />

a hospital auxiliary among the<br />

wmen of the cotnmunKy.<br />

Both the hospital board and the<br />

hospital administrator. Don Curl,<br />

would like to see such an auxiliary<br />

get unto operation here. But this<br />

will require the dedicated, volunteer<br />

efforts ot a determined group<br />

of local ladies If it Is to succeed.<br />

A meeting was hokl sevoral<br />

mnn'h ago and a number expressed<br />

inierpt in helping In such an<br />

auxi,tarv Perhaps hiw local<br />

(hi1) would like to help gt the or-- 1<br />

piizaunn rolling with the member- -<br />

slnp open to every local weman<br />

win wants to help Right now the<br />

problem is to get It moving<br />

What do mch auxiliaries do?<br />

The answer Is a largo number of<br />

Oiinos. such ns w4oamlng pat-it- s<br />

making them feel at home,<br />

and In doing some of the "little<br />

things" for them they can't do<br />

themselves. Then such an auxiliary<br />

could be the organization to<br />

See IOSTINGS, Page 8<br />

Construction contract<br />

may be let by March<br />

Plans and specifications for tho White River dam and water<br />

pipelines have been completed and will bo presented to tho<br />

White River Municipal Water District directors tonight at their<br />

January directors' session in the Pioneer Memorial Building at<br />

Crosbyton at 6:30 o clock.<br />

Jim Nichols of the Fort Worth<br />

engineering firm of Frcesc, Nich<br />

ols and Endrcs Is expected to pre<br />

sent the plans and discuss all details<br />

pertinent to them with the<br />

directors.<br />

Marvin McLaughlin of Ralls,<br />

who fs the chairman of the board's<br />

financing committee, told The Dispatch<br />

Wednesday that the directors<br />

will not be asked to vote approval<br />

of the plans tonight.<br />

Directors will be given several<br />

days to study the plans before n<br />

special meeting is called to approve<br />

them.<br />

Approval by tho directors will<br />

be required before the plans can<br />

be submitted to the federal FHA<br />

agency's regional office in Fort<br />

Worth and the Stale Board of<br />

Water engineers In Austin.<br />

The plans must be approved by<br />

both agencies before the $4,000,000<br />

in federal and state loans to finance<br />

the dam's construction can<br />

be obtained.<br />

Things are expected to start<br />

moving rapidity now that the engi<br />

neering work has been completed<br />

on tho plans for the dam. The dl- -<br />

rectors have been awaiting this<br />

step for the last six months.<br />

The formal approval of the state<br />

loan cannot come until tho plans<br />

nnd specifications arc submitted<br />

with the formal loan proposal.<br />

The engineering firm has told<br />

that the board must consider this<br />

too.<br />

A water flooding specialist of an<br />

oil company with Garza County<br />

oil holdings has contacted Mc-<br />

Laughlin again on possible purchase<br />

of water for water flooding<br />

use in this county-Cos- t<br />

of such water has yet to<br />

be determined bv the board.<br />

McLaughlin did not name the<br />

company Interested In the water<br />

flooding plans but did say the<br />

specialist commented he planned<br />

to go head with some pilot wells<br />

and set up his organization for<br />

the project so he could determine<br />

the amount of water he would like<br />

to contract from tlw district<br />

The sale of surplus water for<br />

water flooding operations to oil<br />

companies In this area would help<br />

defray cost of tho district's operations<br />

and thereby would reduce the<br />

tax wad on the district The board<br />

See WHITE RIVER, Pago 8<br />

Chamber banquet<br />

tickets on sale<br />

Tickets for the annual Chamber<br />

Commerce banquet will go on<br />

ale mwt week. Chamber Manager<br />

Johnny Hopkins announced<br />

Unlay. ,<br />

Ticket will be $2 SO per person.<br />

The banquet will I held at<br />

7- -<br />

II p. m. Thursday, Peb. 16. In<br />

th school cafeteria<br />

Hanquat speaker will be C. L.<br />

Kay, vie nreetdant for public sr-v1- s<br />

and industrial relation of<br />

Lubbock Christian College.<br />

During the past tw years, this<br />

educator has made over 3(0 addresses<br />

to civic groups. He also is<br />

the author of a weekly column, entitled<br />

"The Spirit of America."<br />

Garza County s 1961 ( omnium<br />

ty Chest topped us $13,572 gonl by<br />

$134 69 in cash and pledges. Chest<br />

Treasurer Vernon Scott reported<br />

today In a final leport on the recent<br />

Chest campaign.<br />

A total of $13,706 69 was raised,<br />

Scott toM Hie Dispatch.<br />

Of the total. $11,331.24 was in<br />

cash and tho remaining $2,315.75<br />

was In Pledges.<br />

A number of local business men<br />

Less than 200 attend<br />

Chili feed<br />

Slightly loss than 200 turned<br />

out Tuesday night for the Lions<br />

Club benefit chili supper In the<br />

school lunchrrom to raise funds<br />

for tho club to purchase glasses<br />

for needy boys and girls of this<br />

nrca.<br />

Soma 75 pounds of chill and<br />

30 pounds of beans wcro cooked<br />

for tho event Tuesday by<br />

Jolin Shedd.<br />

Plenty of chili and beans wcro<br />

left over, but wcro sold that<br />

night to local persons to store la<br />

their deep freezes.<br />

In a downtown wheelbarrow<br />

race Tuesday afternoon to<br />

arouse Interest In tho chill supper,<br />

Jim Jackson outraced his<br />

Lion opponent by a good margin<br />

to win the ace.<br />

two-bloc- k<br />

Board of Youth<br />

Center to seek<br />

repairs<br />

The board of directors of tho<br />

McLaughlin that if no hitches de Garza Youth Center, meeting at<br />

velop n .contract Tor the dam s construction<br />

probably can be let in decided to seek bids on three re-<br />

Teen Town last Thursday night,<br />

March with the work far enough pair projects for Teen Town and<br />

along on the dam to permit the to look into tho possibility of rais- -<br />

start of water Impoundment possibly<br />

by September.<br />

record player for the youth center.<br />

ing tunas and purchasing n new<br />

White River directors tonight also<br />

will discuss the work necessary take over the new record project<br />

Byron Haynle voluntoered to<br />

to secure for the water<br />

y pre-<br />

to seek replacement for tho right-of-wa-<br />

pipelines to the district's member<br />

towns of Post, Crosbyton. be constantly repaired.<br />

sent equipment which now has to<br />

Spur, and Ralls.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cornish,<br />

McLaughlin said both "power<br />

of the organization,<br />

and gas people" havo contacted were asked to seek bids on necessary<br />

roof repairs, repainting the<br />

him rolatlvo to right of ways Into<br />

the dam site and power needs and exterior of tho building, and the<br />

cost of adding a second restroom<br />

to the youth center facilities.<br />

Total of $13,706.99<br />

The board will meot In another<br />

week or ten days and consider the<br />

bids. Directors then will dcoido<br />

what can be afforded from the<br />

youth center budgot for 19C1 for repairs<br />

or additions to tho building.<br />

The youth center receives Its full<br />

budget each year from the Garza<br />

County Community Chest.<br />

The interior of the building was<br />

completely reflnlshcd in 1900 under<br />

funds available that year.<br />

The board also decided to ask<br />

Sco YOUTH GOARD, Pago 8<br />

Rites Sunday for<br />

Ida Mae Yance<br />

'<br />

Funeral services wore held at<br />

2 30 p. m Sunday in the Calvary<br />

Baptist Church for Mrs. Ida Mao<br />

Vance, 80, who died at 11:30 p. m.<br />

Friday at tho homo of her daughter.<br />

Mrs. Mabol Martin, COS West<br />

15th. Mrs. Vanco had been In 111<br />

health for soma tlmo.<br />

Mrs. Vonco was born Sept. 25,<br />

1880. In Wast Virginia, and had<br />

bcon a resident of Post for 10<br />

years, having made her home<br />

wilh her daughter a number' of<br />

years.<br />

She Is survived by one daughter:<br />

one sister, Mrs. Cora Garland, who<br />

lives In California; seven grandchildren;<br />

24 groat - grandchildren,<br />

and two<br />

Rev. Oroydon Howoll. pastor, officiated<br />

for the service. Burial<br />

was In Terrace Cemotory under<br />

direction of the lludman Funeral<br />

Home.<br />

Pallboarori were: Ployd llubcr<br />

of Lubbock. Marvin Williams, f.<br />

C. Polk. Charlos KJker. Charley<br />

Williams, nnd Lyda Odom,<br />

rnlsod in campaicm<br />

Garza Chest drive now<br />

$134.99 over its goal<br />

pledge their donations to the Chest<br />

and pay them through tho year on<br />

a monthly or quarterly basis, according<br />

to their own desires,<br />

Breaking down tho Chest funds<br />

Into divisions, Sco It reported $lfl-66- 8<br />

20 raised In the ulg jifff division,<br />

from perstm giiiHg ,M w<br />

more. .<br />

The rural dlvisieH mM4 M,41<br />

41 in t'oaiributleni ami ift.ttie lm<br />

ployes dJvlstotu $I,131.N.<br />

I<br />


gsrtfJF<br />

! '<br />

I<br />

iV<br />

hi<br />

Dispatch Editorials<br />

Thurs., Jan. 19, 1961<br />

Ten lawmen now on job<br />

Action by tho Garza County Commlwionors'<br />

Court approving an agreement with the city for<br />

tho joint payment of four radio operators to man<br />

tho sheriff department's radio set-u- p signals another<br />

step forward in this area's law enforcement.<br />

This means that the sheriff now has a force<br />

of himself, two deputies, and four deputized radio<br />

operators to handle county law enforcement<br />

problems.<br />

Besides this, the city has n two-ma- n city<br />

marshal's force, and ono constable is available<br />

for other law enforcement duties.<br />

AH told, tho community city and county<br />

now has a total of ten law enforcement officials,<br />

figuring In tho four radio operators, working on<br />

a round-the-cloc- k basis.<br />

Tho citizen In emergency can reach for his<br />

telephone at any hour of day or night and phone<br />

tho sheriff's office. Patrol cars can be imme<br />

Let's unlock that senate<br />

Gov. Price Daniel has submitted a list of<br />

more than 100 state appointees to the Texas Senate<br />

far its confirmation.<br />

Now the Senate locks tho door In executive<br />

sessions to consider whether the governor choe<br />

wisely or not.<br />

They eventually will vote secretly whether<br />

or not to confirm and than come into open session<br />

to announce their decision.<br />

Why?<br />

Why all the secrecy?<br />

This Is just another portion of government<br />

at state level which your elected public offtotats<br />

deem nccossary to keep from you.<br />

Confirmation of appointments at the state<br />

level should be out in the epon where the people<br />

are given the Information the 5rwl has upon<br />

which to make Its judgment.<br />

Who ever heard of one of President-elec- t<br />

New industry search<br />

With new officers and new directors taking<br />

over tha Post Chamber of Commerce, a new<br />

1061 program Is in tho making.<br />

Might we suggest, as one who has always<br />

been very Interested In tho Important work ef<br />

the Chamber, that now Is the ihne to "jmsV the<br />

new industry committee of the Chamber wMh bN<br />

the best available brains ami talent.<br />

It's high time we got to work en JtaMng, new<br />

industry to eome to Poet.<br />

With the ton fight to ehtnln the White Rrver<br />

dam we have been teMtng BMCschroa that when<br />

we get the dam tt wilt he time to go took tor<br />

Industry, as with the dam we will have<br />

thing to offar plenty of water.<br />

Welt, the dam la enty the mint rot thin<br />

away. It's high time to get organised ami get<br />

started hunting industry.<br />

needed<br />

Goal topping strengthens Chest<br />

Tho success of tho Oarw County Community<br />

Chest In topping Its 1961 goal of $13,17! enn be<br />

attributed to tho excellent cooperation of ihe<br />

hundreds of Garsa counltan who so generously<br />

donated and also to Ihe untiring and very deter<br />

mined efforts of drive workers and loaders.<br />

A successful fund drive onita tor careful<br />

planning and plenty of volunteer work.<br />

It Isn't easy.<br />

It calls for real campaign leadership and the<br />

ability to keep at the job until K's dene.<br />

Garza County can well be proud of He Chost<br />

accomplishment. The reoent drive was the hh<br />

gest ever launched here. Drive tenders themselves<br />

at the outset knew the goal would he ihe<br />

toughest ever undertaken.<br />

Out they stuyed with It and ran the Chost<br />

drtvo with as much care and attention as they<br />

Time to pay your poll tax<br />

It's time for the annual editorial wurning<br />

that If you don't get your poll tax paid by Jan.<br />

31 you won't have the opportunity to exercise<br />

your right to vote this year.<br />

So this Is tho editorial.<br />

Being considered an "off year" at the polls<br />

as far as the national elections are concerned,<br />

poll tax paying Isn't attracting the general Interest<br />

It did last year.<br />

But this Is the wrong attitude.<br />

There are going to be elections this year and<br />

very possibly some mighty Important elections<br />

that haven't even arrived on tho scene this early.<br />

What our contemporaries are saying<br />

Yesterday was Alexander Hamilton's birthday.<br />

What would that dollarwlse economist think<br />

If he could see the state Into which U. S. finances<br />

have fallen today Pat Bennett In The Crosbyton<br />

Review.<br />

Have you been Invited to the governor's inaugural?<br />

We wonder how many out of 45,000 Invitation<br />

sent out from the Austin committee<br />

came to Floyd County. An accounting would<br />

give us an Idea of how Floyd County stacks up<br />

petMJcftHy In Texas, The invitations are In black<br />

ami gold, the date i Jan. 17. Austin towns-pecnt-e<br />

era footing the bill for the shindig, a quiet<br />

one Into year, duo to cost about 119,000, Tho<br />

WinMfmt f"fll I If Utjfcyl 1a<br />

,v nwj JI VrvWsjSjsjr 4 VLIftWI Hssft<br />

diately directed to the scene of the emergency<br />

by sheriff's radio.<br />

Another Improvement, too, as far as law enforcement<br />

is concerned, is the effort now being<br />

made by Sheriff Fay Clabom to set up a full set<br />

of office books and records, both as to monies<br />

handled, and aa flic for accident reports, Investigations,<br />

etc.<br />

The city, wo understand, is looking Into the<br />

possibility of the establishment of a city court<br />

through the employment of a part-tim- e Judge to<br />

handle the cases. This would bo another step<br />

forward to the city reallzlnz some returns from<br />

the city arm of law enforcement through fines,<br />

etc.<br />

Considerable progress has been made In the<br />

local field of law enforcement In the last couple<br />

of years In answer to public demands for more<br />

round-the-clocoperations.<br />

officers, stricter enforcement, and<br />

JC<br />

Kennedy's new cabinet members being questioned<br />

and voted upon by the U. S. Senate In secret.<br />

Try to do that nnd the voters' howl would shako<br />

down the foundations of the Senate chambers<br />

and topple Washington's monument to boot.<br />

If a governor's appointee can't stand Investigation<br />

in clear public view, his nnmc should not<br />

go to the Senate for confirmation.<br />

Keep everything In the open, and nn unqualified<br />

person can't be handed a juicy plum In payment<br />

of a political debt, just because the governor<br />

has the Senate votes.<br />

This editorial Is meant to criticize "the present<br />

system' of Senate confirmation, not the<br />

governor, or his current list of over 100 appointees.<br />

Hut we know what can happen behind closed<br />

doors. We think Ms much better for the people<br />

If the government's doors are always open-h- ere<br />

in Post, in Washington, and In Austin. JC<br />

It isn't an easy jot). It takes time and money<br />

to run down leads, develop definite propositions,<br />

ami then either try to wwk them out or decide<br />

against them. It's nl competition, too, as many<br />

ether bold communities are doing exactly the<br />

same thing the best ways they know how.<br />

An Industry committee wtH need plenty of<br />

time to do an effective job. It wH need every-HAff- 'i<br />

enonerntlen and some funds with which to<br />

That means that to setting up such a<br />

and chnrgsng it to organise tor an tt-o- ut<br />

the Chamher need to expand and cow- -<br />

It's a Mr order. But Ifs ane that needs to<br />

he dene this year seen tMs month. As a<br />

tew inanity with a Jhitore tot's de K together.<br />

JC<br />

would give their own<br />

Drtve Chairman Leo Aaker and Ihe iloieni<br />

who helped are to be congratulated.<br />

A smccohsM Chest drtve paeh year<br />

strengthens the Chest the confidence of the partition<br />

ting agencies in fund ratoing the Chest way,<br />

ami Ihe habit of our cltisens m giving generously<br />

to a total caoee they know has been carefully<br />

studied by loaders of their own organizetlen before<br />

the goals for the year are determined.<br />

Any ever labicriptinn to the Chost is care<br />

tatty pot away in ihe hank tor another year<br />

when Mm as may he more dMftouM and help may<br />

There s sfcnnh nothing Mke success to breed<br />

more success. Next year the Chest raising will<br />

be just that much eailexv JC<br />

It behooves every voter to keep that poll tax<br />

paid whether he likes the poll tax or not We<br />

don't ourselves, but not paying It isn't the way to<br />

change it.<br />

Maybe when the legislature arrives at the<br />

final realization that the sales tax Is the only<br />

solution to our state fund emergency, then the<br />

poll tax, along with some of our other "nuisance<br />

taxes," can be abolished.<br />

Out, in the meantime, pay your $1.7 J and<br />

keep on being a good citizen in 1941 by taking an<br />

Interest In all levels of government and voting<br />

your convictions. JC<br />

Why expect children to tit In the comer<br />

reading serious books while the parents spend<br />

the evening looking at frivolous television programs?<br />

Don Oynum in The Orownfleld News.<br />

They say the best things in life are free . . .<br />

It's the worst things that cost so darn much.<br />

James Roberts In Tha Andrews County News.<br />

Pity the puzzlement of arohaeloglsts digging<br />

in the debris of tho present world a few eons<br />

hence, when they find petrified airplanes In<br />

caves, and the unquestionable Imprint of automobile<br />

tires on the roofs of buildings. Douglas<br />

Meador In Matador Tribune.<br />

Remembering<br />

yesteryears . . .<br />

Fivo yoars ago<br />

Last rltos for O. II. (Oliver) Cur<br />

old-timtls,<br />

e cowboy, who was<br />

found dead In his home nt Justice-bur- g<br />

at noon Friday, were conducted<br />

Saturday in Bell Funeral Home<br />

chapel nt Snyder; last rites for<br />

Archie Leo Turner, n Post resident<br />

from 1914 until 1912. were conducted<br />

Tuesday afternoon In Blackburn<br />

Shaw chnpcl In Amarlllo, with the<br />

Rev. Nolan Kennedy officiating;<br />

plans are shaping up for the Little<br />

League baseball program to bo<br />

sponsored here next summer by<br />

tho Post Chamber of Commerce;<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C. McCullough<br />

nre announcing the b I r t h of a<br />

er<br />

daughter named Kothy Jo; a<br />

honoring Mrs. Junior Smith<br />

who was Miss Norma Ritchie before<br />

her Dec. 24 marriage, was given<br />

Thursday evening In the homo<br />

of Mrs. M. S, Nichols; Mrs. Lee<br />

Davis Jr., who was Miss Aita Jane<br />

Prichnrd before her recent marriage,<br />

will bo honored at a tea<br />

this afternoon In the home of Mrs.<br />

Wlllard Klrkpntrick; a remodeling<br />

program, which will Include installation<br />

of n e market, got<br />

underway this week at the Plggly<br />

Wlggly Store, Paul Jones, manager,<br />

announced; funeral services for<br />

Mrs. William G. Brookshlre, 59.<br />

who died Jan. 10 nt her home in<br />

the Grassland community, were<br />

conducted at 3 p. m. Saturday In<br />

the Tohoka First Baptist Church:<br />

Garza and Borden county commissioners'<br />

courts were In Austin Wednesday<br />

to present to the Texas<br />

Highway Department n proposal<br />

for a secondary road from Gail to<br />

Post; Mrs. James Minor has been<br />

named to the conference rules<br />

committee for the District<br />

Parent-Teach- er<br />

Association meeting, scheduled<br />

for Anril 10 nnd 11 nt Monterey<br />

High School.<br />

Ten years ago<br />

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Chapman<br />

of Tohoka arc parents of a son<br />

bom Saturday morning In the West<br />

Texas Hospital In Lubbock: only<br />

170 bales of cotton were ginned In<br />

Garza County this week, bringing<br />

the season total to 13.509; Mike<br />

Cornell, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jess<br />

Cornell, is a polio patient In Hendricks<br />

Memorial Hospital In Abilene:<br />

funeral rites for Mrs. Lou-ol- a<br />

Burrcss were conducted nt 2<br />

o'clock Sunday nflcrnoon In Hud-ma- n<br />

Go-set-<br />

Funeral Chapel: Sonny t.<br />

son of Mr. and<br />

Mrs. L. K. (Buck) Goctt. Is recovering<br />

from an nttack of polio<br />

Feb. 7: Mrs. Charles King, the former<br />

Miss Pat Rcld. wns named<br />

hnnorre nt a tea shower from 2 until<br />

4 o'clock Friday afternoon; the<br />

Past bovs basketball team Is still<br />

undefeated In district play; several<br />

emDloves of the local PlgRly<br />

Wlggly store were among the 500 to<br />

660 guests at an arm relation dinner<br />

erven at the Lubbock Country<br />

Ctob Twday night by Plggly Wlggly<br />

officials: Tuesday morning<br />

Mayor John Herd accepted title<br />

to the South Lake park nn behalf of<br />

the city. George Samson. Chamber<br />

of Commerce president, onnounced:<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones. Rt. 2.<br />

of the Gordon community are the<br />

parents of n daughter, bom Jan.<br />

16 In a Lubbock hospital; forty-si- x<br />

people paid their poll taxes hero<br />

during the past week bringing the<br />

year's total to 4S. compared to<br />

some 1.500 last year. Carl Ceder-holdeputy<br />

tax assessor collector<br />

reveals; a son. Allen Ross,<br />

weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces, was<br />

barn to Mr nnd Mrs. Harvey StotU<br />

of Lubbock Saturday night In Lubbock<br />

Memorial Hospital.<br />

Rffoon years ago<br />

Gordon Suits, son of Mr. and<br />

Mrs. A. A. Suits of this city, resumed<br />

his radio work with station<br />

WFAA today In Dallas; the annual<br />

Post Invitational tournament got<br />

oft to a good start yesterday afternoon,<br />

and last night's fan crowd<br />

all but filled the seating capacity<br />

of the large gym; the public Is cordially<br />

Invited to make plans to attend<br />

the open house to be held at<br />

the Youth Canteen on Friday night;<br />

n fishing game, pinning whiskers<br />

on the cat and dart games provided<br />

much merriment for a group of<br />

roungsters who helped Dannie Cock-ru- m<br />

observe his sixth birthday on<br />

Monday; prediction that sugar rationing<br />

may end soon was made by<br />

a district OPA<br />

rationing executive<br />

of Fort Worth last week when he<br />

went out of office several dys ago;<br />

W. A. "Billy' Hays, son of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hays, arrived<br />

In Post last Wednesday with an<br />

honorable discharge from the Army,<br />

a new club was being organized<br />

for Pott High last week,<br />

the Lctterman Club; Wayne Brlggs<br />

relebrated his teventh birthday with<br />

several of his friends and schoolmates;<br />

Calloway Ta-hok- a,<br />

Huffakcr of<br />

present district attorney of<br />

the 106th Judicial District, this<br />

week, authorized the Dispatch to<br />

announce his candidacy for hit second<br />

term; after tarvlng the women<br />

folk of Garza County for 33<br />

years, Mrs. O. D. Cardwell announced<br />

this week that she It retiring<br />

from Post's business circle and has<br />

sold her beauty shop.<br />

The first regularly Issued dally<br />

newspaper In North America was<br />

published by John Dunlop In Philadelphia<br />

in I7M. It was called Ihe<br />

Pennsylvania Packet and' Dally<br />

Advertiser.<br />


y TAXES<br />

1 - sT<br />

lUr<br />

wa.'.v-'U- ' .v ,. vr<br />

Promises Catch Upl<br />

3 Cjive IJou Jc<br />


There Is no accounting far tho<br />

ways of Hollywood.<br />

When I was out there to serve<br />

(fflirtlidaij.<br />

Jan. 20<br />

Elizabeth Irene Walls<br />

Spencer Kuykendall<br />

Mrs, Samlo West, Hereford<br />

Jan 21<br />

E. A. Warren<br />

Steve Yancey<br />

Mrs. Nathan Llttlo<br />

Jasper Atkinson<br />

Benny Don Seward<br />

Wanda Joyco Foster<br />

D. H. Kocnlnger<br />

W. E. Huffman<br />

Jan 22<br />

Cordell Custer<br />

Mrs. V. M. Stono<br />

Hcttlo Holly<br />

Billy Do Armon<br />

Patricia<br />

Jan. 21<br />

Ruth Caffcy<br />

Charles Nelson<br />

Margie Castcel<br />

Jan. 24<br />

Campaign<br />

Dell Klnman<br />

Wanda Ann Helnti<br />

Mickey Friday<br />

Jerry De Wayne Pennell<br />

Dick Wood<br />

Reese Blvcns<br />

Clara Frances Smiley, Sudan<br />

Patsy Gibson<br />

Linda Runklcs<br />

Jon 25<br />

Tyra Jan Martin<br />

Mrs. Dale Stono<br />

Jan. 21<br />

Robert Strange, Staton<br />

Linda Johnson<br />

Mrs. T. R. Greenfield<br />

Mrs. J. A. Stalling!<br />

Bobby Terry<br />

Pamela Carol Gray<br />

TEX<br />

J4M CORfHSH .<br />


WAY<br />

Si<br />

LT " usc V<br />

laUt<br />

Aay erroncoM reflection upon the character of any person or<br />

ppwwg w mm coHunnc win be gladly and prompUy<br />

corrected upon being brought to the attention of the mattofemant<br />

11<br />

r i<br />

n'm m aw. i-- wse<br />

in m<br />

Ssmitilnn lm yew town a<br />

i you may have never<br />

walto hofwMly for yotL<br />

He U a mtoUer. A prfeM. A<br />

rabU. A sm used to speaking<br />

out , , tnaUng eWUions , . ,<br />

taking act-io ṉ<br />

for iilmnhT, for<br />

hie coafMgatloa and hk com<br />

xouaity. Hut where you're concerned,<br />

he can only wait and<br />

hope you wkH<br />

coat.<br />

SIMMS (<br />

ns technical advisor and writing<br />

consultant on "Boom Town," tho<br />

chief script writer had come up<br />

with a scene wherein two brothers,<br />

rushed In and said they had just<br />

completed two wildcats as gushers<br />

and were In the "big money".<br />

I explained that. In actual life,<br />

tho shocstringcrs would havo had<br />

enough trouble to get up the money<br />

for one wildcat, also that the odds<br />

wore very great against<br />

hitting oil. Furthermore<br />

tho script said this happened in<br />

Arizona whereas up to the very<br />

moment when wo were having this<br />

story conference, no oil had ever<br />

been hit anywhere In Arizona so<br />

why not have them drill ono wildcat<br />

and plncc ft In Wyoming, New<br />

Mexico, Arkansas or almost anywhere<br />

except Arizona?<br />

But tha script stayed "as It<br />

was".<br />

People I could get along without:<br />

The fellow who "uhs" nil through<br />

his remarks.<br />

And tho guy who nsks n gucs-tlo- n<br />

nnd then doesn't listen to the<br />

answer and asks his question<br />

ngaln.<br />

Tho marque of a motion picture<br />

thoatcr at Bastrop a while back<br />

road:<br />

Never Steal Anything Small<br />

Jackpot $370<br />

Tho typical Hollywood glamor<br />

photo shows n woman with parted<br />

Hps and eyes half closed. If a<br />

man assumed the same expression,<br />

everybody would say he looked<br />

stupid.<br />

Champ Clark, who was Speaker<br />

of tho National House of Representatives<br />

In Woodrow Wilson's<br />

administration, said, in his book,<br />

that tho largest man who over<br />

served In Congress was named<br />

Slelcher and ho weighed over 400<br />

pounds. Where was tho biggest<br />

Congressman In history from? Why,<br />

Texas, of course.<br />

RESS<br />


Published Every Thursday at Dispatch Publishing Company<br />

Building In Post, Can County, Texas<br />

FiiiiHiiiT<br />

.... EcKier<br />

Entered at the Poet Office at Peat. Texas, for transmkelen through<br />

the malls as second class matter, according to no Act of Congraas,<br />

March 3, 1878.<br />

atxongri.for<br />

yooilifo...<br />

YWsy,<br />


guHVvXrHf<br />


He hold<br />

KMMthlng In trust<br />

for youthe powerful, crucial<br />

Ant Introduction to Faith. And<br />

he k ansieuc to he aide to paat<br />

kon.<br />

The ttwagth and coondenco<br />

of FaHk can mean many Udnge<br />

to many men , , . end to the<br />

famlnaa w ho count on thcaa. So<br />

trAr trttt ymr family tiart<br />

to finJthtf Faith Mis Me.<br />

MU0 W UIM14 M.<br />


'<br />





i<br />

WE GIVE<br />

Big Chief Trading Stamp<br />



"Oxygen Equipped"<br />


Mason Funeral Home<br />

"Since I9I51'<br />




Air Coolers<br />




We'll Service Your Car Anytime<br />

Complete Repair Service On<br />


CE<br />

Ed<br />

Sawyers<br />

CENTER<br />

SPARKS RADIO and TV 'H0Nl<br />

We Service All Makes And<br />

Models of TV Sefs.<br />

218 West Eighth<br />

Look Your Best In Clothes Cleaned By<br />


C. H. HARTEl<br />



WET WASH<br />

For Prompt Pickup Service CALL<br />


Machine<br />


108 Will 5th<br />


FOR<br />

Dry Cleaning And Dyeing<br />

Wc Give S 4 H Green Stamps<br />

Shytles' Implement Co.<br />

JOHN<br />

Shop<br />

DEERE<br />

QucKry Farm Equipment<br />


304 Sou Ifcatdwny<br />

PHONE<br />

PHONE<br />



2480<br />




2061<br />

figfifa<br />

-- MO NWHT PHONE<br />

ft RoMtcfctfoc) Service . . . PHONE<br />

Renntrt on AM Mobcc cms! MctUfe .<br />

R. J.'s HKrlTURE CO. ,4Sn<br />

ScHifctHcn wcrnntttd fcl'fV<br />

ISAAC<br />

BROWN<br />

For Pcdntinf, Incta XclnlcnlnW PUer<br />

Wwk, Co! TeMf( AM KJmic f 4zO<br />

Iwlotlor DctcrtKlng.<br />

Free tettnwdec AM Wctk Cwcfnlstil AcifDX<br />

Ptst Riirttr Service<br />

AH Tytm<br />

f RceWclir ServWc<br />

JACK BdHlttCl<br />

fH0W<br />

. 'f!(j,'l<br />

.1. :tiU. '

1<br />

2th candldat to announce<br />

Wilson is in<br />

Senate race<br />

AUSTIN Atty. Ocn. Will Wltion<br />

II I.. it..<br />

- M<br />

. - 1 I A . II<br />

in i fc i if in i it m i .<br />

Wilson tald ho planned a formal<br />

i i it.<br />

Tho election wilt ticterm Ino<br />

who<br />

t .<br />

II XI. ilUIIIIMJil M I llj (.: V Vill.il LI II<br />

Sen. William Blnkely, appointed<br />

l . l I If<br />

in in inn pipriinn.<br />

Wilson Is tho 12th candldato in<br />

n rnrn.<br />

Others includo U. S. Rep. Jim<br />

rigm oi worm, stato ben.<br />

- m<br />

-<br />

or San Antonio, Republican<br />

Lea of Orange, Uobblo Thorno<br />

Wortham, Van T. Gcorgo of<br />

and Chester D rooks of Austin.<br />

For<br />

Correct Time<br />

495-345-<br />

1<br />

Dial<br />

DODSON'S<br />


Our 20h Year<br />

in<br />

Former U. S. Rep. Martin Dies<br />

Sr. also Is considered a likely can<br />

dldatc.<br />

If no ono wins n clear majority<br />

In tho April 4 balloting, a runoff<br />

election will bo held about a month<br />

later.<br />

Right-of-wa-<br />

US-8- 7<br />

for<br />

purchased<br />

Lot, Paving, Sidewalk, Fencing Is All<br />

Included in Your Monthly Payment.<br />

y<br />

UP<br />

TAHOKA County Judgo W. M.<br />

Mnthls announced last week that<br />

Lvnn Countv has comnlMivi tho<br />

buying of<br />

right-of-wa- y<br />

from Tn-ho-<br />

to tho Lubbock County lino<br />

lor mo purpose<br />

rour-ianln- g<br />

oi US<br />

Highway 87.<br />

Construction of tho two new lanes<br />

is expected to begin this spring or<br />

summer.<br />

Four-Innin- g<br />

south of Tahoka was<br />

completed In 1960.<br />

Money has been earmarked by<br />

tho stato for tho buying of halt of<br />

right-of-watho<br />

y<br />

through tho city<br />

of Tahoka with the city and county<br />

splitting me other hair.<br />

PLAINV1EW The first across<br />

the board pay for Hale County em<br />

ployes since<br />

19S6 has been approved<br />

by tho commissioners<br />

court. Tho raises probably will<br />

nvcrago about $10 monthly. Higher<br />

salaries nro also expected to bo<br />

approved later for county elected<br />

officials.<br />

--Bedroom Brick Homes<br />

Westgate Terrace<br />

Choose From Wide Soloction of Custom<br />

lomos Wo Handle Everything Including<br />

FHA Financing.<br />

you're interested in a new home, come<br />

our office west end of 11th Street<br />

EX-SU- N<br />

Dial 3052<br />

for<br />

HALE<br />

to<br />

Homes, Inc.<br />

Appointment<br />

State and<br />

Co.<br />

Avail-nbl- o<br />

Fund<br />


Local<br />

Maintenance<br />

Fund<br />

The Timtd w<br />

Tech plans farm chemical<br />

conference for Feb. 14-1- 6<br />

LUBBOCK Responsibility In servicing<br />

tho farm chemicals industry<br />

In West Texas will bo emphasized<br />

at tho eighth annual Agricultural<br />

Chemicals Conference next<br />

month at Texas Tech.<br />

More than 300 farm chemicals<br />

dealers, distributors, processors<br />

and manufacturers arc expected for<br />

tho meeting Feb.<br />

6<br />

in tho Tech<br />

Union.<br />

Registration will begin at 5 p. m.<br />

Feb. 14 in tho Coprock Hotel hero<br />

and continues at 8:30 n. m. in the<br />

Tech Union building Feb. 15. The<br />

registration fco will bo 13.<br />

All aspects of tho agricultural<br />

chemicals Industry will be covered j<br />

with emphasis on who Is rcspon--'<br />

slblc for servicing this growing<br />

business In West Texas, sold Dr.<br />

A. W, Young, Texas Tech agron- -<br />

omy department head and direct-- !<br />

or of the conference. The conference<br />

is open to anyono Interested<br />

in farm chemicals, their use and<br />

distribution.<br />

Sponsoring the annual meeting<br />

are Texas Tech, tho Lubbock Chamber<br />

of Commerce, tho A&M Col-leg- o<br />

System of Texas, and tho<br />

West Texas Chamber of Commerce.<br />

Tho first morning session will<br />

cover Insecticides and pesticides,<br />

petroleum products in agricultural<br />

chemicals and soil analysis. Speakers<br />

scheduled Includo Dr. Eills<br />

Huddleston of Tech, Norman E.<br />

Foster of tho Food and Drug Administration,<br />

Dr. Dysart<br />

Hoi-com- b,<br />

II.<br />

research director for El Paso<br />

Natural Gas Products Co., and<br />

Jim Valentino of tho Texas Extension<br />

Service.<br />

In tho first afternoon session, the<br />

program will Includo a discussion<br />

of tho South Plains Soli Fertility<br />

Commlttco activities by Its chairman,<br />

Walter O'Neal of Lubbock;<br />

progress In foliar fertilization by<br />

Dr. A. G. Caldwell of Texas A&M:<br />

and problems with sulphuric acid,<br />

phosphorus availability and water<br />

permeability by Dr. Donald<br />

Long-ncck- cr<br />

of tho Texas Agricultural<br />

Experiment Station at El Paso.<br />

Also scheduled In the session is<br />

a talk by Wm. Frank Hughes, of<br />



Salary &<br />

Aid<br />

Fund<br />

Interest &<br />

Sinking<br />

Fund<br />

A mama cuMtc<br />

Transportation<br />

Aid<br />

Fund<br />

Texas A&M, on economics of grain<br />

sorghum Irrigation and farm chemicals,<br />

and discussion of Integrating<br />

agricultural chemicals Into a from<br />

program by Billy C. Gunter, Texas<br />

Extension Service agronomist<br />

at Lubbock.<br />

A panel discussion about tho responsibility<br />

of bankers, dealers and<br />

others In tho use of farm chemicals<br />

will open the Feb. 16 meeting.<br />

Moderator will bo Clay Henry,<br />

Floydada banker, and panel members<br />

will bo George Pfelffenbcrger<br />

of Lubbock, Don Spain of Olton,<br />

Don Anderson of Crosbyton, and<br />

Raymond King of Lubbock.<br />

Future prospects for agricultural<br />

chemclals will bo told by Dr. J.<br />

E. Johnson of Midland, Mich., and<br />

ethics In the farm chemicals Industry<br />

will bo tho topic of Harry S.<br />

Walker, economics teacher at Texas<br />

Tech.<br />

The afternoon session Feb. 16<br />

will open with n business meeting<br />

of the South Plains Soil Fertility<br />

Committee. Speakers at the final<br />

session wll be E. K. Chandler of<br />

the National Plant Food Institute<br />

discussing industry in tho soil fer<br />

tility prooram, w. It. Jones, Tex<br />

as Extension district agent, telling<br />

tho extension service role in soli<br />

fertility, and T. A. E. S. Supt. C.<br />

E. Fisher of Lubbock, discussing re<br />

search coordination. Research in<br />

fertilizer replacement will bo discussed<br />

by E. B. Hudspeth. USDA<br />

agricultural engineer at Dushland.<br />

Closing tho conference will bo a<br />

panel discussion on research with<br />

fertilizer In the High and Rolling<br />

Plains of Texas with D. C. Gunter<br />

as moderator, Panel members will<br />

be Alex Pope of Dushland. Delbcrt<br />

Longford of Halfway. Bill Hatchett<br />

of Spur and Harvey Walker of Lubbock.<br />

All nro engaged In some<br />

phase of agronomy research.<br />


BIG SPRING Gins in Howard<br />

County processed 40.750 bales of<br />

cotton during the I960 season, biggest<br />

crop In 10 years. Early season<br />

estimates for the county were<br />

30,000 bales.<br />

1960<br />

Food<br />

Funds<br />

TOTAL<br />

Game department<br />

reorganization is<br />

set for Sept. 1<br />

AUSTIN A completo rcorganl-- j Nigeria, with 356,069 square<br />

zatlon plan, Including a tentative miles, now has a population csti<br />

budget, has been adopted by the motcd at 34.5 million.<br />

Game and Fish Commission follow-- 1<br />

Ing Its rogular meeting In Austin,,<br />

Jan. u. The plan is the first phase<br />

of a report of the Texas Research<br />

League, which was requested last,<br />

year by the Commission.<br />

'<br />

Although the plan is expected to<br />

go Into effect Sept. 1, tho final de- -,<br />

clslon on Its adoption cannot be<br />

mado until after legislative action,<br />

according to Howard Dodgen, cxe- -'<br />

cutlvo secretary of tho Commission.<br />

The plan proposes that tho State<br />

bo divided into fivo regions, with<br />

each region to be complete wlth-- i<br />

in Itself. However, general policies (<br />

and administration would continue<br />

to come from the Austin office. .<br />

Fish hatchery operations would<br />

bo curtailed; the State would buy<br />

automobiles for game wardens, and<br />

n new system of selling hunting and j<br />

fishing licenses direct to license dc-- 1<br />

putlcs '<br />

at a 4 per cent discount are<br />

among the highlights of the recommendation.<br />

Another project would bo the fun-ncllof<br />

$200,000 gamo department<br />

money for tho first blcnnlum<br />

to provide recreational facilities In<br />

State-owne- d parks on tho coast<br />

and on Inland lakes.<br />

Tho plan will call for the trans-fc- r<br />

of many of the present employes<br />

of the Commission, giving<br />

them more responsibility, with the<br />

nddltion of some new personnel.<br />

The change has<br />

ry<br />

been mado<br />

because of an increased<br />

population with Increased demands<br />

on the facilities of the department,<br />

according to the research League<br />

report.<br />

McArthur is<br />

ed<br />

by ridors in Dickens<br />

SPUR Everett McArthur. prcsl-de- nt<br />

of the Dickens County Sheriff's<br />

Posse for the past eight years,<br />

has been to the office<br />

for another year.<br />

I Eric Swcnson was vice<br />

president; Kuymonii Ilnllcy, secretary-treasurer,<br />

and Doylcne Winkler<br />

and Larry Boothe, publicity<br />

chairmen.<br />

Boney Winkler and Jim Bridge<br />

were<br />

as directors.<br />

WINTER<br />

SNAKES<br />

CROSBYTON Rattlesnakes are<br />

supposed to hibernate for the<br />

winter, but two Crosbyton boys<br />

killed ono In Blanco Canyon, near<br />

here. The snake, about four feet<br />

long, had two rattles and a button.<br />

ANDREWS BUILDING ,Tho Post, Tox., Dispatch Thursday, January 19, 1961 Pago 3<br />

ANDREWS Building permits'<br />

Issued by the City of Andrews hit' For Quality Printing at Rnatonablo Prices Dial 2816 or 2817<br />

tin e high In 19G0. Permits<br />

w<br />

Issued totaled $4,010,288. including<br />

a J2.COO.000 permit for tho new Andrews<br />

High School.<br />

DR. CARL L. DEAN, Optometrist<br />

In Offlco Each Thursday, 2 to 5:30 p.m. al<br />


318-2- 0 West Eighth Phone 495-284- 4<br />

V<br />

Wttik THt SAItAIA<br />


NtC<br />

ItlnltlM.<br />


Pioneer Natural Das Company<br />

FORD<br />

is beautifully built<br />

to go 30,000 miles<br />

between lubrications<br />

!<br />

jatr;"<br />


FUNDS:<br />

o. Stato Available Fund<br />

C School Lunch<br />

d. Salary & Operation ( Found t)<br />

e. Transportation Aid (Foundt.) .<br />


FUNDS:<br />

a. County Avallablo Fund<br />


-<br />

FUNDS;<br />

n. Local taxes, current , .<br />

c Local fees<br />

m. Snlo of property, equipment,<br />

supplies<br />

....<br />


BALANCES, SEPT. 1, 1953 4<br />


BALANCES, SEPT. 1. I960<br />


Balance Cash, Aug. 31, I960<br />

1. Administration .<br />

3, Instruction -<br />

3. Pupil Transportation<br />

4, Operation of Plant - .<br />

5, Maintenance of Plant<br />

. Fixed Charges .<br />

7. Student Body Activity<br />

8. Health Service ,<br />

9. I'oo4 Service --<br />

ill. Capital Outlay<br />

11. Debt Service<br />

TOTAL<br />


$15,924,60<br />

510,50<br />

16.475.20<br />

3H,12<br />

. n.003,,75<br />

Od (Jit. 43)<br />

, 2;390,W<br />

11,61375<br />

33,498.77<br />

126,25<br />

33,625.02<br />

346.34<br />

33,971.30<br />

30.609.32<br />

3,362.04<br />

5,290,00<br />

13,999.61<br />

4.128,43<br />

4,767,64<br />

1,022,18<br />

343.00<br />

1.406.S5<br />

11,203,00<br />

11,203,00<br />

227.02<br />


833.03<br />

17,003.73 30.6W.J2 10,596.07<br />

8,557.00<br />

8,557,00<br />

8,239,26<br />

ll.43d.02 16,796,26 19,063.30<br />

10,590.07<br />

1,828,73<br />

8,768,25<br />

8.027.97<br />

8,768.29<br />

1,768,39 ,<br />

1,376,51<br />

17.6S6.79<br />

8,482.58<br />

10,580.72<br />

76,58<br />

8,406,00<br />

0,4S<br />

6,078,33<br />

7.263.77<br />

872.47<br />

8,336.24<br />

7,433,27<br />

. B02,97<br />

7,433,27<br />

7,433.27<br />

15.924.80<br />

1,185.44<br />

1U03.00<br />

8,557.00<br />

540.50<br />

34,875.28<br />

6,078.33<br />

126.25<br />

78.500.50<br />

27.786.00<br />

100,286.50<br />

82,694.18<br />

23,391.33<br />

9,585.59<br />

36,381.81<br />

8,768.29<br />

4)128.42<br />

4,767.64<br />

1,022.18<br />

243.00<br />

1,406.63<br />

7,433.27<br />

749.33<br />

8,406.00<br />

82,894.18<br />

t<br />

Imagine: no more chauli lubrications every<br />

1,000 to 2,000 miles, Imagine, too, the savings!<br />

While other car owners py up to $45<br />

for tube Jobs during 30,000 miles, Ford own<br />

crs will pay only about $4 . , . and the job<br />

will take only about 20 minutes,<br />

Thai's became of Ford's new iraUJ-l- n<br />

lubrication system. . your Ford Dealer's, the<br />

threaded metal plug protecting each lubrication<br />

point Is removed, specially developed<br />

grease injected, and the plug put back. That's<br />

all there is to it for another 30,000 milcsl<br />

This is jutt one of Ford's many takcs-car- c<br />

oMttelf features ... all good reasons why<br />

thtt Ford should be the l'ord in your futurcl<br />

OaUiIe Club Victoria, In tools and<br />

luiury. (be rival of car, coding hundred<br />

of Uolltri mora.<br />

iinmrs now Tin: 'ei roito takes care or itself<br />

Lsbtkattt Itwlt YouH normally go 30,000 mile between chault lubrUattons<br />

(hkh cot only about $4.00 and tale about 20 minutes) becauM l'urd bai replaced<br />

coatemional gtcaie fittinga with a aealed-l- n lubrication tyitem.<br />

Oaiu hi own oil YouH so 4,000 mile between oil changes becau Ford's Full-Plo- w<br />

oil tiller give you duration through bbcii , , , tupping more dirt than any<br />

other tp of filler made.<br />

Adjutti lis own brake New Truck SIm brake adjust themselves automatically.<br />

Curds lu own mulller l'ord muffler are double-wrappe- d and alumlnlred to last<br />

three limes a long a ordinary mullleu,<br />

rroteel lis own body All vital undeibody part are necially Pi Wfd to reaiit<br />

nut and corroaion, even to gslvsniring the body panel beneath the door.<br />

Takes care of It own tlnUh-- Jit waih and clean Ford1 new Diamond Lutlrt Muih<br />

and it continue to gllaten like new. It ntstr need waIng.<br />

Only FORD is beautifully built to take care ofitself<br />



Page 4 Thursday, January J 9, 1961 Tho Poit Tox., Dispatch<br />

wmrmwsmwossm<br />

Classified Advertising- -<br />

Rale<br />

First Insertion, per word 4c ;<br />

Consccutlvo<br />

per word<br />

Insertions,<br />

Minimum Ad, 12 words<br />

Brief Cards of Thanks .<br />

For Sale<br />

- 3c<br />

50c<br />

$1.00<br />

1956 FORD, radio and heater. See<br />

First National Bonk.<br />

tfc (11-1-<br />

STUDIO GIRL Cosmetics created<br />

for the stars and you. Mrs. Lois<br />

O'Neal. 315 South Ave. S, Phone<br />

495-314-<br />

tfc (12-1-)<br />

Upholstery can add a touch<br />

of distinction to those "worn"<br />

nlrrM of fiirnltiiro. Knlrrtlnn of<br />

fabrics; Shaw's Upholstery: colli<br />

NEW<br />

495-228-<br />

tfc (12-2-<br />

FOR SALE Roso Comb, Black<br />

English Game. Rhodo Island<br />

Bantams; George Samson.<br />

4tc (12-2-<br />

LEST YOUR LO VErrONESbe"for-gottcn- ,<br />

Install a monument at<br />

their grave. See me for full selection;<br />

all sizes and prlcos, Marvin<br />

Hudman.<br />

tfc<br />

(t-1-<br />

NEED SCRATCH PADS? We have<br />

any size to fit your need, with<br />

prices right; Tho Post Dispatch.<br />

FOR SALlM6llhcvroiet; V 8.<br />

tudor. See Virgil Stone. 1 mile<br />

south of Closo City. Phone 6<br />

tfc (1-1-<br />

FOR SAL&-19- 58 Ford. alrcondl-tlonelow<br />

mileage. First National<br />

Bank. tfc (1-1-<br />


use tho Want Ads. Dial 2516 for<br />

r.<br />

Wanted ,<br />

WANTED Lady to live with ami<br />

cure for eklerty Indy in Poet<br />

Dial Tnhok<br />

nr-pe-ts<br />

BLUE LUSTRE not only rids<br />

of soil, but leavos pile soft<br />

and lofty. Hudman Furniture<br />

Co. ltc (1-1-<br />

9W-40-<br />

ltc (l it)<br />

Wanted to buy<br />

j<br />

WANTED "TO BUY ProduekHt oil<br />

and gas royalty or mineral tater-- 1<br />

ests In any West Texas county.<br />

Ben S. Smith. 5425 3Sth St.. Lubbock.<br />

Tex. tfc (12-1-)<br />

If you care to drink, that's<br />

your business. It you'd like<br />

to quit, that's our business.<br />

Phono or 4SS-M- 4S5-29-<br />

Need A<br />

52tc (5-1-<br />



Cell<br />

STUDIO<br />

Pho. 9 W Mom<br />

Post, Texas<br />

'51 ftUCK,<br />

4-sruns<br />

Legal Notice<br />

No. 2028<br />




By virtue of an Order of Sale issued<br />

out of tho District Court of<br />

Scurry County, Texas, on a Judgment<br />

rendered In said court on the<br />

12th day of November, 1960. In favor<br />

of Billy F. Calley and Horace<br />

THE DISPATCH offers quick scr-vic- e-<br />

C. Fowler, Callcy & Fowler<br />

on all rubber stamp orders. Welt Servicing, and against Rex M.<br />

Why not place your order today? Alworth, in the case of Billy F.<br />

Handy for the housewife as welt<br />

Calley and Horace C. Fowler,<br />

a<br />

as the businessman, and at such Calley & Fowler Well Servicing vs.<br />

a low cost. Dial 2S16 or come<br />

Rex M. Alworth, No. 802S In such<br />

In today.<br />

court, I did on the 6 day of January,<br />

1961, at 3:45 o'clock P. M..<br />

FOR SALE Used evaporative<br />

car 703 W. levy upon the following described<br />

495-302-<br />

10th. Telephone 6. tracts and parcels of land situated<br />

tfc In the County of Garza. State of<br />

(9--<br />


'57 FORD V8 Custom Fordor, Fordomatlc,<br />

RAH, blue and blue color<br />

'54 CHEVROLET Bt Air<br />

Tutono, std, trans.; good second car<br />

'57 OLDSMOIILE 88 hydromatlc,<br />

power brakes, RAH, pink and white,<br />

no owner<br />

'57 PLYMOUTH or Savoy V8,<br />

outo-msrf- lc,<br />

red and white, RAH ..<br />

'52 FOOD ',-to- n Pickup, V8 or<br />

on sate<br />

'55 CHCVROiET HrHp, RAH,<br />

rest and white<br />

good<br />

Tom Power<br />

Texas, as the property of the said<br />

Rex M. Alworth, t:<br />

All of the undivided Interest of<br />

Rex M. Alworth In and to the<br />

oil and gas leasehold estate In<br />

and under the Northwest Quarter<br />

(NW4) of the Southeast<br />

Quarter (SE'4) of Section 137,<br />

Block 5, H&GN Ry. Co. Survey,<br />

Garza County. Texas, containing<br />

40 acres; and alt of the Interest<br />

of the said Rex M. Alworth in<br />

and to the oil and gas leasehold<br />

estate In and under the South<br />

west Quarter (SWVJ) of the<br />

Southwest Quarter (SWVi) and<br />

the Northeast Quarter (NEV4) of<br />

the Southwest Quarter SWi4) of<br />

Section 115. Block 5. H&GN Ry.<br />

Co. Survey. Garza County. Texas,<br />

containing 80 acres,<br />

and ent he 7th day of February.<br />

1961. being the first Tuesday ofj<br />

said month, between the hours of<br />

ten o'clock A. M. and four o'clock<br />

P. M. on said day, at the Court<br />

:<br />

House door of said Garza County.<br />

Texas. I will offer for sate and sell '<br />

at public auction, for cash, all the<br />

right, title and Interest of the said<br />

Rex M. Alworth In and to sakli<br />

property above described.<br />

DATED at Pest. Texas, this 6th<br />

day of Jan.. 1961.<br />

L. E C LABORS.<br />

Sheriff et Garza<br />

County.<br />

Texas.<br />

34 (1-1- .<br />



Tho undersigned Is<br />

an applicant<br />

for a permit to retail beer<br />

and wine for con- -j<br />

sumption from the County Judge, '<br />

and hereby gives notice by publication<br />

of such application.<br />

The permit will be used in'<br />

conducting a business located .8<br />

mKe east of courthouse on north<br />

side of Highway 380, City of<br />

Post, Texas, operating under the<br />

name The Veterans Club<br />

Veterans of Foreign Wars<br />

Post No. 6797<br />

Owner.<br />

2tc (1-- 7 2)<br />

Public Notice<br />


No hunting, fishing or trespass-f- a<br />

on the Bculah K. Bird Ranch.<br />

52tp (1-1-<br />

WANT TO set rid of that oW<br />

chest, bicycle, or alt the ed4s<br />

and ends around Dial 3132 and<br />

the Driver Auction will scM<br />

them for you Auction to be<br />

hekl Jan. 20. 7 30 p m at the<br />

Building.<br />

2tc (l-tl- )<br />

M CARS!<br />

78900<br />

39300<br />

95700<br />

78800<br />

I9700<br />

579oo<br />

FORD<br />

Homer Cordon<br />

i<br />

Real Estate<br />

MY<br />

two-bat-<br />

EQUITY<br />

h home;<br />

In three<br />

garage<br />

bedroom,<br />

ana storage.<br />

poR<br />

212 West 11th. tfc ((11-24- )<br />

FOR SALE 228.6 acres. 2 miles<br />

northwest of Post. Call Lester<br />

Keeton, SH Lubbock.<br />

2tp (1--<br />

FOR SALE Warehouse 100 ft. x<br />

140 ft., 18 ft. walls; to be moved;<br />

sealed bids; reserve right to reject<br />

any or all bids; to be moved<br />

by July 1. 1961; bids closed Feb.<br />

10, 1961; Producer's Co-O- p Gin,<br />

Grassland, Rt. 3, Post.<br />

2tc (1-1-<br />

FOR SALE Lot, 76 ft. front x 80<br />

ft., two tile buildings, 20x15 and<br />

20x30; 408 S. Broadway. For Information<br />

sec Guy Davis, 513 S.<br />

Q<br />

Place.<br />

HOMES<br />

ltp (1-1-<br />

Sixty ft. east front on pave-mcn- tj<br />

two bedroom, carpeted,<br />

car port and utility room<br />

. $6,000, good terms<br />

Ono hundred ft. front on Wost<br />

Main; three bedroom, carpof,<br />

car port, 1900 q. feet living<br />

space . $13,500, liberal loan<br />

Sixty ft. front, West Fifth; two<br />

bedroom, garage, less than<br />

five years old $7,500,<br />

excellent terms<br />

Eighty ft. front, West 7th, 3<br />

bedroom, ample storage,<br />

priced to move at $4,500,<br />

no terms<br />

Eighty ft. front. North Ave. K;<br />

three beaVoom on pavement,<br />

choice location $8,000,<br />

terms<br />

FARMS<br />

Lynn County; 309 acres, two<br />

miles from Tahoka; on two<br />

paved highways;<br />

144-ocr- e<br />

cotton allotment; 4 irrigation<br />

wefts water all cotton;<br />

one hoff rrwrefals include<br />

tease rights; sprinkler system<br />

goes with weJIs $290<br />

per acre, one-four- th<br />

down<br />

Lynn<br />

146-ocr-<br />

County: 336 acres ; e<br />

cotton allotment; all<br />

dry land, one fourth minerals<br />

$125.00 per acre,<br />

terms<br />

3E So<br />

Dial 2877<br />

FOR SALE 233 6 acres. 2 miles<br />

northwest of Pot Dial Lester<br />

Keeten. SH Lubbock<br />

3tc (1 19)<br />

FOR SALE Nke house.<br />

911 W. 7lh. Dial<br />

tfc (119)<br />

Business<br />

Opportunities<br />

i<br />

Per home delivery of LubbockAva-- I<br />

ktnche-Journ- al eall A. W. Brateher.<br />

Jr. Telephone 495O006.<br />

tfc (13 U)<br />

'<br />


Farm' Post Insurance wM 4art UtfM '<br />

rtwl estate Lr an-- Mnu.r In ,Km mw.<br />

rtsttofts; Dial 491--! cMig Cosmetic buslnoss as an<br />

3604 tfc (I 13) Avon representative. Unlimited<br />

ttpporbmitiee lor advancement<br />

Write Box 4141. Midland j<br />

4tc (1-5- )<br />

MATbrTcOMPANYTranchlse no<br />

available In Pott and Garza<br />

County Company Is Interested tn<br />

setting up store-typ- e operation,<br />

handling tires, batteries, andl<br />

regular appliances. Financing<br />

. . k . . - . H ,<br />

avaitame. lomaci u. r. iroou- -<br />

rich Co., 411 24th St.. Lubbock,<br />

SWS-345-<br />

or call Johnny Provence, 0.<br />

3tc (1-1-<br />


Reliable man or woman from this<br />

area to distribute complete line of<br />

cigarettes, candy, nuts, or gum<br />

through new automatic vendors.<br />

No selling We will establish ac<br />

counts for you. To qualify, party<br />

"J<br />

must have car, references, and<br />

cash capital of $90, which Is secured<br />

by Inventory Excellent<br />

earnings part time; full time, more<br />

For personal interview give phone<br />

number etc Write P O Box 156,<br />

Rochester, Minn,<br />

ltp (1 19)<br />

"Men 17 to 39 train for railroad<br />

telegraph-teletypstation<br />

agent<br />

positions. Starting salary to<br />

400.00 per month plus over<br />

time. Paid vacations, fire<br />

transportation, medical end retirement<br />

benefits. Small tuition.<br />

This It a career opportunity<br />

wttli America t major industry.<br />

For Interview write box<br />

GO, Post, Tex., giving name,<br />

age, exact address and phone."<br />

Rentals<br />

DIAL<br />

2316<br />

RENT<br />

furnished<br />

Tele-phonhouse.<br />

515 South Ave. P.<br />

o<br />

tf (12-29- )<br />

FOR<br />

RENT<br />

Two and three room apartments,<br />

bedrooms, furnished,<br />

private baths, air conditioning,<br />

television, garages.<br />



Telephono 495-260- 0<br />


FOR RENT Three room furnished<br />

apartment; call Mrs. 495-316- W.<br />

R. Graebcr.<br />

Lfc (1-1-<br />

FOR RENT Furnished house; 3<br />

rooms and bath. 505 W. 7th.<br />

tfc (1-1-<br />

FOR RENT Bedroom; batching;<br />

private entrance. 105 E. 5th.<br />

ltp (1-1-<br />

FOR RENT Two houses; one unfurnished<br />

bath, and garage<br />

at 708 W. 4th; ono<br />

and bath unfurnished at 515 S.<br />

Ave. P. Dial Oscar Gray.<br />

tfc (1-1-<br />

Card of Thanks<br />

I wish to express my opprccla- -<br />

tlon to all who visited me while I<br />

..... I .1 I r., 1 ..<br />

was in inc nujpiiai, ana aiso inosc<br />

who sent flowers and cards. May<br />

God bless each and every one of<br />

you.<br />

Mrs. Ethel Redman<br />

We want to say "thank you" for<br />

the beautiful flowers, the lood, and<br />

to those who were so faithful to sit<br />

up, and to Dr. Tubbs for his untiring<br />

efforts; and for your prayers<br />

and every kindness shown us during<br />

the Illness and death of our<br />

loved onfc.<br />

The family of Ida Mac Vanco<br />

I wish to express my appreciation<br />

to alt who were so nice to me<br />

during my recent stay In the hospital<br />

To all of the nurses and Dr.<br />

Tubbs. Thanks also to those who<br />

sent flowers and helped by sitting<br />

up.<br />

Arthur Nelson<br />

For Sale<br />

Selection<br />

of Good<br />

Used Refgerators<br />

$39.95 up<br />

3 Magnus Chord<br />

Organs<br />

Two Walnut, One Blond<br />

Organs<br />

Tables<br />

Reg. $129.95<br />

Reg. 24.95<br />

Total 5154.90<br />

x<br />

Savo $54.91<br />

Both for S99.95<br />

Good Usod<br />

Televisions<br />

$49.95 up<br />

1958 Models<br />


Washer J Dryer<br />

Matched<br />

Pair<br />

Both only $149.95<br />

Used<br />

Dining Room<br />

Suite<br />

Rock Maple, Includes Drop<br />

Leaf Table, 6 Chairs, Hutch<br />

and Server<br />

Only $99.95<br />

Convenient Terms<br />

Can Be Arranged<br />

R. J.'s<br />

Furniture<br />

Ghost viewers<br />

add to chills<br />

When "13 Ghosts" comes to the<br />

Tower Theater screen hore Friday<br />

and Saturday, thrill seekers will be<br />

aided by a new bit of movie science<br />

In seeing the 13 busy ghosts who<br />

play tho star roles In the show.<br />

Bach patron upon entering the<br />

movie will rccclvo n free "ghost<br />

Those admitted to Garza Mc-- (<br />

mariul Hospital since Inst Tuesday ,<br />

were:<br />

Mrs. Claud Collier,<br />

!<br />

medical<br />

A. V.<br />

I<br />

Nelson, medical<br />

Mrs. Elwood Wright, obstetrical<br />

T. D. Craft,<br />

to<br />

medical<br />

view Levi Williams, medical<br />

Mrs. FriU Greenfield, medical<br />

Mrs. Roy Baker, medical<br />

Mrs. J. E. Pollnrd, obstetrical<br />

Mrs. M. Martinez, medical<br />

Lee Thompson, medical<br />

the stars of the show Robert L. Bcnkloy, medical<br />

Charles Herbert, Jo Mor-<br />

Mrs. Joan Ynrbro. medical<br />

Ott Nance, medical<br />

and Donald Woods.<br />

Ovcta Snow, medical<br />

It's a William Castle production<br />

Dismissed<br />

Mrs. Ccola Cleaver<br />

Jerry Hair<br />

Mrs. Carrol Odom<br />

Employment<br />

Mrs. Ethel Redman<br />

Margie Lacy<br />

Rotarians induct<br />

the<br />

Hnrvco Johnson<br />

ship to 48.<br />

Mrs. Leo Cobb<br />

two now members<br />

Levi Williams<br />

Two new members, James W. station was In chargo<br />

Mrs. Claud Collier<br />

Mrs. Roy Baker<br />

Mitchell of Garza Auto Parts, and gram.<br />

Leo Thompson<br />

Walter Johnson, manager of the presented recording<br />

.<br />

A. V. Nelson<br />

Forrest Lumber yard, were Inducted<br />

Into the Post Rotary Club<br />

demonstrate<br />

ABC<br />

Mrs. Elwood Wright<br />

T. D. Craft<br />

Tuesday noon at the club's weekly<br />

editorializing<br />

Joyce Hlldcbrand<br />

luncheon by Alfred Stalllngs. radio.<br />

Robert Bcnklcy<br />



Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Odnm and<br />

To Buy<br />

family wcro called to San An-- i<br />

It., Lubbock, remakes your old<br />

1. . I I<br />

' . . I. I . -<br />

gem vYcuncsuoy uuo iu uic ucuui<br />


I<br />

mattresses Into cotton mattresses, of his stepfather, H. M. Barker.<br />

inner springs, or any type of mattress.<br />

Rep. In Post Is F. F. Kee-<br />

health for some time.<br />


Mr. Barker, 72, had been In III<br />



Uso Our Easy Credit<br />


Plan<br />



109 W. Main Phone Dial 2616<br />

495-22-<br />

W-- P LIQUID<br />

EH1-<br />

tito<br />

W . 4<br />

.v. smami<br />


-<br />

Sil 49<br />

Barren<br />

22-O- z.<br />

Can<br />

Mm<br />

DETERGENT ff 29C<br />

flORIENt<br />

DEODORANT ST 690<br />


towels 2 r.' 690<br />

FLOUR 39c<br />



CONCHO 01 WAPCO er<br />

CUI<br />



2 290<br />

2cs W<br />


Prlcos Good Thru Tuesday, Jan. 24th<br />

OREO mJMC<br />

LON OR<br />

WAPCO Df<br />

STUItCtON BAY a<br />

Steak, lb 79c<br />

"vTSCT Ihhseb 2 S!. 29C<br />


f<br />


M So Pitted<br />

Be' iuice 4'g39t<br />

fHllAOUPMA<br />

Bacon, 2 lbs 98c 24<br />

CREAM<br />

2 3.0j.<br />

CHEESE nn 29 0<br />


WWTESWAN 1M)<br />


Cheese, lb 49c<br />

'9<br />

whs sin<br />


FRITOS ff 250<br />

VAN CAW<br />

Shrimp<br />

49c<br />

sffesffei<br />

IT<br />

WELCH'S, 6 OZ. CAN<br />

PORK & BEANS<br />

YtUBW BOW IMkrn<br />

Grape Juice 19c<br />


sugar<br />

" 2<br />

25TUNA<br />

f<br />

TE<br />

?.<br />


4 ;r $1<br />

CHILI big<br />


rmcto for sun javiwj<br />

cl 25<br />



89 PINTO BEANS 2 Pound Bag<br />

tj3 H<br />

FLOUR k i.ui<br />

liaHil<br />

WHITE<br />

CRACKERS 25<br />

SWAN 0<br />

59<br />

Cm<br />



MlEafL<br />

Quart Jy<br />

RtGVOM<br />

sswrmr sswrs kuwu<br />

BlfkrTTTT3E'IIl<br />


KRAFT<br />

Bananas, lb 12Vk BB<br />

CARTON<br />

Miracle<br />

Tomatoes<br />

19c<br />

Whip<br />

5 LI. IAO<br />

Grapefruit<br />

Salad<br />

39c Oresslno JBl I<br />

Bv PeunJ<br />

69e<br />

RUSSET, 10 LI. IAG<br />

Potatoes<br />

49c<br />

PEACHES KsMt' Ds4tM<br />


H, 2 (m<br />

29c<br />


Every Tuesday<br />

Shep An4 Sv. Raskam Your frUOGfTHR<br />

STAMPS Far VbM Prtmlwms 4 PARRISHG37.f<br />

PAMsrtrl 040CMY.<br />

BMyBstK<br />

eU IsUHttW<br />

viewer" to enable him<br />

tho ghosts.<br />

The old cry, "You can't tell tho<br />

players without a scorccard" now<br />

becomes "You enn't see the<br />

ghosts without n ghost viewer."<br />

Include<br />

row, Martin Mllncr, Rosemary<br />

p,<br />

In "Illuslon-o"- !<br />

HELP WANTED Fountain help<br />

and carhop. Mac's Drive-In- , 615<br />

S. Broadway. tfc (7-1-<br />

WAITRESS WANTED Apply at<br />

Judy's Cafe. tfc (9-2-<br />

AVAILABLE for babysitting in<br />

your home anytime; Mrs. T. J.<br />

Bilberry, 303 Ave. C, Mill<br />

VII-lag- e.<br />

tfc (12-8- )<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

DIRECT Mattress Co., 1613 Ave.<br />

ton. phone tfc (6-2- )<br />

POST"waSHINO Machine Shop;<br />

repair alt makes and models;<br />

guaranteed service. Dinl 2233;<br />

Joo Hare. 4tp (1--<br />

Uodpitaf<br />

1U<br />

This brings club's mcratx<br />

Phil Crenshaw of the Post rad.<br />

of the pn<br />

He n t<br />

Paul Harvey, news cob<br />

mcntator, to, the nr<br />

trend toward v.

dtdcrtiotd<br />

Approximately 80 guests called Saturday night nt the new home of<br />

lr anu Mrs. jock KiricpmricK sown 01 town wncn cirm nosicsscs cn- -<br />

rrtalncd with a houscwnrmlnR. Guests called from 7:30 until 9:30<br />

('clock. An arrangement of pink gladioli centered the table, with<br />

plccd tea, coffee and cookies served. Hostesses were Mmcs, Rex<br />

tins, Ed Sims, James Taylor of Lubbock, Jimmy Moore, Jimmy<br />

llrd, Marcsa Lamb, Carta Elliott and Dan Law of Lubbock.<br />

Robert E. Mitchell, former Post High School student, now<br />

t stationed In Rota, Spain, with the U. S. Navy, has been elected<br />

"Sailor of tho Year" from the U. S. Navy divisions In Spain. Uarl,<br />

I son of Mr, and Mrs, Dan Mitchell, will finish a two-ye- tour of<br />

Sduty with the Navy in March.<br />

XI Delta Rho chapter members of Beta Sigma Phi sorority voted<br />

last Monday's meeting to continue to contribute lunch money at the<br />

thool cafeteria as a project, and plans were referred to a committee<br />

I a . . . I 1 . Iff I.I . I<br />

l.<br />

If-- - .<br />

mrs. jean iiupiuns anu iu. oiusuu<br />

frr ine annual vaicnunc anncc.<br />

astlce had the program on High Moments With Nature." The sorority<br />

let In the home of Mrs. Hopkins. Members arc urged to bring pro- -<br />

Ms from tho recent boko sales to the Feb. 6 meeting.<br />

Double ring vows pledged by<br />

Emma Blaylock, Allyn Kemp<br />

oublo ring wedding vows were Kemp attended school In Psst,<br />

edged by Miss Emma Leo DIay-- Ho spent three years In the Nt vy,<br />

ck and Allyn D. Kemp Dec. 31 which Included a tour of six<br />

the Plalnvlew Daptlst Church foreign countries while serving on<br />

Pensacolo. Fla. Tho Rev. James the n remit carrier uss Saratoga.<br />

church officiated for tho cere- - After a wedding trip to southern<br />

Florida, tho couplo arc at home at<br />

lio bride's parents arc Mr. and Ft. Walton Beach. Fa., where he<br />

rs. L. E. Blaylock of Pensacola Is employed ns electronics Inspect-- 1 fitted bodice a bouffant ballerina-o- r<br />

for Republic Aviation.<br />

I<br />

length skirt flowed, fashioned with<br />

parents of tho bridegroom arc<br />

i. Glenn Shclton of Route 1,<br />

st, and H. M. Kemp of Brown- -<br />

od.<br />

liven In marriage by her father<br />

bride wore a street - length<br />

less of white satin brocade, with<br />

short jacket. A white satin pill- -<br />

hat cmbroiucrcu wnn s o e u<br />

waist-lengtiris<br />

held<br />

h<br />

her veil<br />

(illusion and she carried a white<br />

ionncd with a bouquet 01<br />

all vellow roses.<br />

llss Btllie Blaylock, sister o<br />

. bride, was maid of honor.<br />

renco U. SCOlt nitcnaca we<br />

Iccroom as best man.<br />

recent on was nciu in we<br />

ch parlor following tne weu<br />

wo clubs hold<br />

leeting Friday<br />

(embers of the Nccdlecrntt<br />

Priscllla clubs met In Joint<br />

tlon Friday afternoon at the<br />

He of Mrs, W. R. Gracber, with<br />

N. C. Outlaw as<br />

rty-clg- women were present<br />

two visitors, Mrs. wimam<br />

rtnson nnu Mrs. jnmes mac.<br />

i t<br />

Irs. Outlaw was in cnargo oi<br />

program. Mrs. Robinson rcaa<br />

tory entitled, "The Shcpneru<br />

written by Mrs. uuuaw.<br />

story each member was<br />

ccntcd n pencil and paper to<br />

i tmo sentence, after which<br />

Outlaw told each one some- -<br />

ng about their nanawriung.<br />

Lttending from tho Necdlecraft<br />

weres ,<br />

Imes. w. A. uraeDcr, Mao<br />

is. Sadie stone, inch Mcurary,<br />

Ilan Tlzard, F. C. Barker, Mag- -<br />

Mao Jones, Connie Cayior, lc--<br />

,Glliey, Minnie Wright, Susie<br />

hmldt, J. E. Tanner, Eula<br />

ns, Lee Bowen, Helen Moore,<br />

Robinson. L. G. Thuett Sr., II.<br />

Motrlch, Selmo Kennedy, M. J.<br />

J. R. Durrctt, and Betsy<br />

ison.<br />

Present from tho Priscllla Club<br />

re:<br />

fines. N. C. Outlaw. Morris<br />

C W. Terry, Keith Kemp.<br />

nroo Lane, L, A. Barrow, Rich- -<br />

Dudley. Inez Satterwhlte. Tra- -<br />

Thomas, Jake Helskell, R. H.<br />

Iller. R. H, Tote. Garland<br />

dleston, and Victor Hudman.<br />

:hroom menus<br />

c n u s for tho Post schools<br />

chroom for the week of Jan.<br />

through Jan. 27 are as follows:<br />

londay. Macaroni and cheese,<br />

una sausage, green beans, let- -<br />

wedges,<br />

one-ha-lf<br />

fruit, hot roils, dm--<br />

pint milk.<br />

uesday: Red beans with salt<br />

mixed greens, onions anu<br />

slei. fruit lello. com bread<br />

Ifins, butter, one-hal-f pint milk.<br />

Wednesday; Meat loar, butter<br />

cabbage, potato salad, apple<br />

ce, bread, oftc-ha- pint milk.<br />

lf<br />

ttursday; Hamburgers, green<br />

beans, lettuce, tomatoes,<br />

, onions, fruit cobbler, one<br />

pint milk.<br />

rldayt Barbecue beef, candied<br />

buttered sweet peas, ban--<br />

pudding, bread, one half pint<br />


csts Sunday In the home of<br />

. J, L Williams were Mr. and<br />

. Raymond Hall and family<br />

Mrs, Becky Leber and son.<br />

, of Abilene. Alto, Mr. and<br />

011 Williams and family,<br />

awl Mrs. Altai MatMox, Mr.<br />

rs, mm ffH aw family.<br />

Carter ft<br />

Nuclear energy creates new<br />

world element, HD agent says<br />


County Home Demonstration Agent<br />

Civil Defense Is a subject we all<br />

heard a lot about In the last few<br />

months. Tho development of nuclear<br />

energy has created a new and<br />

uncertain clement In our world. (1)<br />

We need this progress which makes<br />

possible peacetime uses for this<br />

typo of energy. (2) On the other<br />

hand is tho possibility of complcto<br />

bride attended school In the and total destruction through tho<br />

imn Canal Zone and Pcnsaco- - uses of nuclear weapons If world<br />

s Graduated from the Pen peace can not be maintained.<br />

Baptist Hospital School of The main defense against a wide<br />

sing and has been employca spread destruction from nuclear<br />

since graduation.<br />

weapons Is n well Informed public,<br />

armed with as much knowledge as<br />

possible about protection and survival<br />

In case of attack.<br />

There aro four phases oi a nu<br />

clear explosion; (1) blast, (2)<br />

heat. (3) Initial radiation. w<br />

I I .It Tt n noon nf fin.<br />

B..UV.I.UI. ......<br />

"""'hinst. access, food and water that Is pro--<br />

heat and Initial rndiptlon will vniy PW<br />

with the size of the weapon, the<br />

of the explosion, nnd to somo extent<br />

tho terrain and atmospheric<br />

pressure at tho time of the explosion.<br />

Tho rosldual radiation has tho<br />

worst effect later, for a longer period<br />

of tlmo nnd over a wider area,<br />

wo think of this In terms of being<br />

radioactive fallout.<br />

The earliest arrival tlmo for fallout,<br />

even close to the blast, Is 30<br />

minutes. Ifmlght not reach some<br />

areas for a period of 24 hours,<br />

New Arrivals<br />

Mr. and Mrs, Novls Pcnnell an<br />

nounce tho birth ot a uaugnier,<br />

born Jan, M In the Tahoka Hospital<br />

and Clinic. She weighed five<br />

pounds nlno ounces and was named<br />

Judy Caroline. Mr. nnd Mrs,<br />

grand-paren- ts<br />

Rex Welch ore tho maternal<br />

and Mr. and Mrs, O. F<br />

Pcnnell are the paternal grand- -<br />

parents.<br />

A son, weighing seven pounds<br />

I5 ounces, was born Jon, 11 In<br />

Gana Memorial Hospital to Mr<br />

nnH Mrs. Etwood Wright. He was<br />

named Wallace Elwood.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pollard are<br />

parents of a son. bom Jan. 12 In<br />

Gana Memorial Hospital. He<br />

weighed six pounds four and one-ha- lf<br />

ounces and was named Gregory<br />

Milton.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Kennedy of<br />

ct.itnn announce the birth of a<br />

daughter, Chris Ronette, born Jan.<br />

15 In Slaton Mercy Hospital. She<br />

weighed seven pounds one ounce.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Don Winn and Mr<br />

and Mrs. Pete Kennedy are the<br />

grandparents,<br />

Too Busy<br />

to Wash?<br />

Busy Womn Can<br />

Dial 2434<br />

Ideal<br />

Laundry<br />

for cofTiplate<br />

Laundry Strvica<br />

Fra Pickup and<br />

Dallvtry<br />

Standing before an altar flank<br />

ed with baskets of white stock and<br />

greenery, Miss Linda Kay Davis<br />

and Harold Wayne Donahoo pledg<br />

ed double wedding ring vows Sunday<br />

afternoon at 3 o'clock. Vows<br />

were read by tho Rev. Curtis<br />

Womack, pastor, at tho Cumberland<br />

Presbyterian Church,<br />

Parents of the bride ore T. J.<br />

Davis of Lubbock and Mrs. W. A.<br />

Klmbrough of Decatur, Ga. The<br />

bridegroom's parents are L. F.<br />

Donahoo of Lubbock and Mrs. A.<br />

R. Bryan of Farmlngton, N. M.<br />

Mrs. Curtis Womack played<br />

traditional wc'ddlng selections and<br />

accompanied Mrs. Mabel McClcl-la- n<br />

as she eang.<br />

Given In marriage by her father,<br />

the brldo wore a gown of lace<br />

and tulle, designed with an<br />

portrait necklino outlined<br />

In seed pearls. The brief<br />

sleeves were complimented with<br />

clbow-lcnct- h lace gloves. From tho<br />

Plnnso Send or Telephone News to RUDY<br />

495-281-<br />

WILLIAMS. Women's Editor, Telephone 6,<br />

Not Later Than Wednesday Morning<br />

to fall for a matter'<br />

then continuo<br />

of hours.<br />

Tho two things wc nrnf most concerned<br />

with Is the effects of rad<br />

iation and how can wo prepare<br />

ourselves and our families to protect<br />

against the effects of radiation.<br />

External radiation Is a problem<br />

that we would bo faced with nt the<br />

tlmo fresh fallout arrives and drops<br />

on .the land and If people are not<br />

properly protected from this fallout<br />

their bodies will be damaged In<br />

varying degrees.<br />

inicrnni rauinuon is inc serious<br />

and<br />

long-lastin- g problem created<br />

by tho consumption of contaminated<br />

food and water. Onco Inside<br />

the body, these rays continue to<br />

damage the cells with which they<br />

como In contact.<br />

In considering this fact, wo<br />

should have at nil times, in our<br />

food and supplies that each family<br />

should hnvo avnllabto at all times<br />

In case of a disaster.<br />

Amity Study Club<br />

has recent meet<br />

"Scandlnnvlon Countries" was<br />

tho program subject for last Tuesday<br />

evening's meeting of the Amity<br />

Study Club, held at the home<br />

of Mrs. Jack Burress, with Ms.<br />

Lorcno Cash as<br />

Meditation was by Mrs. Wilma<br />

Olson, and roll call was answered<br />

with "An oustandlng work of<br />

talent".<br />

Mrs. N. R. King was In charge<br />

of tho program featuring n talk<br />

on "Highlights of tho Fivo Capi<br />

tols'<br />

Awtt-Hwtr-<br />

I<br />

p.<br />

Linda Davis, Harold<br />

wed in double ring service<br />

Edmonds of Southland,<br />

Following the ceremony n re-<br />

was held In the Fellowship<br />

of tho church.<br />

After a short wedding trip, the<br />

couple wilt be at home In Atlanta,<br />

Ga. The bride and her husband<br />

arc graduates of Southland High<br />

School and he was employed by<br />

Basingcr Gin, Southland. Before<br />

her marriago Mrs, Donahoo was<br />

employed by the First National<br />

lace and tulle panels at the side.<br />

She carried a white Bible with a<br />

bouquet of white gardenias. A<br />

crown of pearls held her veil if Date<br />

silk illusion, which fell to her<br />

waist.<br />

ception<br />

Miss Eddie Carpenter attended Hall<br />

tho bride as maid of honor. She<br />

was attired In a gown of royal<br />

blue, fashioned with a shirred bodice<br />

of chiffon with short sleeves<br />

and n satin bell skirt. A self<br />

fabric rose held her bouffant veil<br />

for her headpiece. She carried<br />

white carnations<br />

Attending the ḃridegroom as best Bank of Post.<br />

issssssssssssssssssRSsssssflsVsssssssssIl<br />

IBM mtf '.. '4 imiw .<br />

BsjaBsaBaBsaiiBsa<br />


(Linda<br />


Mr. ond Mrs. Wesley Collins nnd<br />

son and Mrs. Randy Tittle nnd<br />

daughter of Snyder visited Monday<br />

with Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Montgo-mcr- y<br />

and family and other friends.<br />


Kay Davis)<br />

(Photo courtesy<br />


Mn Vvrnltn Wlhilltnm nnt fil.<br />

Members of the Calvary Baptist, m nnd Mr nnd Mrf olcnn<br />

Church attending the workers con- -<br />

shclton.<br />

fcrence nt the Bap--<br />

Arnett-Bcnso- n .<br />

list Church In Lubbock Monday<br />

Mrs. Bob Collier, president, pre- -. Will Tcaff, and Mrs, W C Mxer<br />

sided over tho business session,<br />

I<br />

were Rev, Gr&ydon Howell, Mrs<br />

ssssV TSI tiss- - SWC2I44<br />

Yr<br />

vy Wli.rJ<br />

Walker und Dryer<br />

Intra $IS<br />

mni tmym mn<br />

en It (Bryarl<br />

Nw... Wiuri rwiH WisMt-y- hie H.Wayif<br />

s<br />

ffMf Ytttf fw Olkw MjMffMf TfSKSl<br />

Wzwrti Cvsttm<br />

234 Wisto<br />

95<br />

Wizard Programstic Cycks Jo anything from denims<br />

to dainties! Water Level Selector for correct level<br />

regardless of pressure. Lint filter. Porcelain top.<br />

Matching Dryer: Gas 214.95<br />

Wizard Appliances , . . Chaien Over 1,700,000 Times!<br />

bemQutD<br />


T. 1. ft LOU4SC ODAM<br />


Tatfcr<br />

'it<br />

erdonaliued<br />

317 CAST MAIN<br />

Donahoo<br />

man was his brother, Jerry Donahoo,<br />

of Lubbock.<br />

Ushers were E. L. Dunn and<br />

m-.i-i<br />


Visitors Sunday In the home of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hedrlck were<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Necly of<br />

Plalnvicw, Mrs. Roy Roblnett and<br />

Jnna Rae of Kalgary, Mrs, C P.<br />

Hedrlck and Paula of Lubbock,<br />

it- -, in.... tt i i ...<br />

l ... .1<br />

.mi J. iivu l td anu ucui, oir anu<br />

One<br />

Group<br />

Values to 8 95<br />

5.95 pr.<br />

Values to 5 95<br />

2.98 pr.<br />

Shoes<br />

The Pott, Tex., Dispatch Thursday, January 19,<br />

Engagement of Kay Martin to<br />

Dan Ray Lamb is announced<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Martin, 315 North Avenue N, the engagement<br />

and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Kathryn Kay.<br />

to Dan Ray Lamb. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lamb o.'<br />

Wilson.<br />

The couple will be married at 3 o'clock In the afternoon Sunday<br />

March 5, at the First Baptist Church.<br />

a 1957<br />

Miss Martin Is a 1959 graduate of Post High School.<br />

graduate of Wilson High School.<br />

50th wedding anniversary<br />

observed by W. E. Edmunds<br />

Mr and Mrs. W, E. Edmunds<br />

were honored Sunday with an open<br />

house on tho occasion of their<br />

50th wedding anniversary. The<br />

event, held from 2 until 5 p, m.,<br />

was held at the home of a son<br />

and daughter-in-la- Mr. and Crawford, Connie Jo Lindscy and<br />

Mrs, Jcttle Crawford<br />

Martin Edmunds.<br />

and mints, coffee and punch. The<br />

Mr and Mrs. Edmunds have table was centered with an or<br />

been residents of the Southland rangement of gold flowers, flank'<br />

and Hackbcrry area since the fall cd with gold tapers ond white<br />

of 1914, moving hero from Area<br />

dla, Neb, They were married in<br />

Greensboro, Ala., and have one<br />

son, Martin Edmunds, nnd two<br />

daughters, Rosclla Edmunds of<br />

Grand Island, Neb., nnd Mrs. A.<br />

C Gordon of Bradshaw, Neb., seven<br />

grandchildren, and 10 greatgrandchildren.<br />

They also reared<br />

a nephew, Payton Crawford,<br />

who lives in Southland and has<br />

four children and one grandchild.<br />

Mrs. Ronnie Kennedy<br />

honored at shower<br />

Mrs. Ronnie Kennedy of Slaton<br />

and formerly of Post was compll-- l<br />

mentcd with n Inyette shower:<br />

last Thursday evening at the Com- -'<br />

munlty Room of the First National<br />

Bank here<br />

Guests called at 7:30 o'clock. Ap- -'<br />

proximately 22 signed the guest<br />

registrar<br />

Punch, cookies, mints nnd nuts<br />

were served from a table centered<br />

with n miniature stork surrounded<br />

with grass and baby dolls.<br />

Hostesses for the event were<br />

Mrs James Dye. Mrs. Nool White.<br />

Mrs Royce Joscy. Mrs. Ira Farmer<br />

Mrs Ted Tatum. and Mrs.<br />

Jackie Hairc They presented Mrs.<br />

Kennedy with an Infant soat.<br />

Bible conference<br />

in progress here<br />

Rev Ted Gage, pastor of live<br />

Slaton Mrst Bantltt Church, te<br />

guest speaker thu week tor a Bible<br />

conference In protreea at the<br />

Castecl Studio) local First Baptist Church.<br />

Ono Tablu<br />

The conference, entitled, "Great<br />

Prayer Experiences in the lllWe."<br />

Is being held nightly from 7:10 until<br />

8:30 o'elock. Rev. C. B. Hague,<br />

pastor announced.<br />

I<br />


Mr. ond Mrs. E. 11 Brltton. Mr. i<br />

and Mrs Ellis Brltton and Mrs.<br />

Lee Long visited Monday In Lor-nln- e<br />

in the home of Mr and<br />

Mrs, Alec Britton<br />


Ono Group Ono Group<br />

Values to 8 95 ' Values to 5.95<br />

One Table - Mixed Group ladies' and Children's<br />

Houso Shoos, Canvas Shoos, Barobacks<br />

Children's<br />

Valuos to 5.95<br />

Ono Toblo<br />

Only 1.98 pr.<br />

Ono Table<br />

Women's Flats<br />

Values to 6.95<br />

2.98 pr.<br />

Ladies' Wedges Wr,Q 2.98pr.<br />

Ono Group<br />

I<br />

4.00 pr. 3.00 pr.<br />

- Ladies' Nylon Hoso<br />

Valuos to 1.65 pr. Now 3 prs. 1.00<br />

Lavelle's Family Shoe Center<br />

DIAL 2661<br />

Pago<br />

Si<br />

1961<br />

Community Room<br />

scene farewell<br />

ed party Saturday<br />

Community<br />

community. Mr.<br />

son and children moved<br />

end to a farm approximately<br />

announce registered at 7 o'clock.<br />

Her fiance li Tahoka,<br />

pink asters and greenery.<br />

The Thompsons<br />

Post area for 10<br />

table was<br />

served cake, nuts<br />

day with<br />

when his mother entertained.<br />

The young guests enjoyed<br />

Kin. Kim and Kelly Mitchell,<br />

Rex King. Mrs. Mike Mitchell<br />

Mrs Robbie King.<br />


all of<br />

Scott of San Hiiba<br />

Pierce of Bolton.<br />

Born to be worn<br />

by active women<br />

eex,<br />

.mjrs .i vxrr.m a at<br />

the now<br />

whispor-wcig- girAt<br />

hf<br />

with firm fashion irkas<br />

There's nothing magic obowt<br />

Sleex Gala slimming<br />

by dwfjjnl Only Alre-lo-<br />

,<br />

o'l -- .Id<br />

And whitper-welg-ht<br />

Is lifetime lined with a new<br />

89S'$10 95<br />

The registering<br />

tcrcd with a gold vase containing<br />

gold flowers.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edmunds,<br />

Mrs. Glenn Edmunds, Mrs. James<br />

steamers with the couple's names,<br />

"William and Jettle ' nnd "1911<br />

1951", and a three-ti- er<br />

anniversary<br />

cake<br />

Hosts for the anniversary event<br />

were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ud<br />

munds, Mr. and Mrs. Payton<br />

Crawford. Mrs. John Taylor,<br />

Mrs. W. P. Lester. Mrs. Sam Mar<br />

tin. Mrs. Ed Denton, and Mrs<br />

Jesse Ward.<br />

n guosts and relatives<br />

attending included:<br />

Morwin Edmunds of Lubbock<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Edmunds and<br />

baby of Slaton. Mr. and Mrs. E.<br />

R. Batch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank<br />

Crawford and children. Lawrence<br />

Balch and daughter, Mrs. G. B.<br />

Llndsey and children. Mr. and<br />

Mrs. James Crawford. Mr. and<br />

Mrs. J. S. Hamakor and sons, all<br />

of Lubbock; Mr. and Mrs. B. N.<br />

Billlngsley, Mrs. J. D. Hord and<br />

Maoker of Wilson. W. E. K I d d.<br />

Thelma Lee and Teddy of Slaion<br />

W3 ,.S<br />

$<br />

Slip-o- n Girdle, Pontle ond<br />

long Ug PanlU Stylos<br />

txtra Small, Small, Madivm,<br />

lorgt. Extra large<br />

In Clrdlt only.<br />

The Room of tho<br />

First National Bank was the set<br />

ting Saturday evening for a party<br />

and shower honoring the Dlllard<br />

Thomnson family of the Graham<br />

and Mrs. Thomp-<br />

this week-<br />

four<br />

and one-ha-lf miles west of Toklo.<br />

Eiality-flv- c friends and relatives<br />

Guests<br />

from<br />

n Included Mr. and<br />

Mrs Pete Thompson and Phil<br />

and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson<br />

of ' nbbock. M nn M--<br />

Jcis<br />

s.<br />

Gre"- - of p"vMvlle M- - nnd Mrs.<br />

C. W. Roberts nnd Wnvmouth of<br />

and Gary Curry of Semi<br />

nole<br />

Refreshments of cookies, punch<br />

and coffee were served. The<br />

table was laid In white,<br />

centered with an arrangement of<br />

hovo lived In tho<br />

years, farming In<br />

the Graham community. Ono<br />

doughter, Gloria, enrolled In the<br />

Plains school Monday. Patsy will<br />

continuo her schooling In Post,<br />

where she is a senior.<br />

Mrs. Thompson wrote the Graham<br />

news for approximately eight<br />

years.<br />

Women from the Graham community<br />

were hostesses for the<br />

Rodney Teaff honoree<br />

on second birthday<br />

Rodney Teaff, son<br />

of Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Tcaff, celebrated<br />

his second birthday Tues-<br />

a party at Teen Town<br />

games,<br />

ifter which they wore served birthday<br />

cake and cold drinks.<br />

Guests were Randy Joscy. Jeff<br />

Na-ie- ll<br />

and Melody King, nnd Mrs.<br />

and<br />

Monday guosts in the homo of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pierce were<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Plorcc and Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Doa Pierce of Fort<br />

Worth; Mrs. Utllla Bruton and<br />

Mrs. Ab Bruton and Mrs. Oliver<br />

John, Mrs. Mary Edwards,<br />

Lubbock: Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Hale<br />

of Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo iPiorce of HotKton; Mrs. Nettle<br />

and Miss Gladys<br />

H't<br />

,'.-n-e<br />

-<br />

oc co. . ui.fcd lo fit<br />

you perfectly. Only girdle of Its'<br />

type with front and back control<br />

panels that flatten and<br />

shape you!<br />

Alre-lo- n<br />

soft, absorbent knitted<br />

stretch fabric So gentle and<br />

coot next to your skin,<br />

A dear to care for, too.<br />

Mochine washable, dries<br />

quickly. Try Sleex Gala today!<br />

Beautiful Antique while with<br />

lacy flower design.<br />

Xtgtilrl TfeJmaik

P- -<br />

i:<br />

h<br />

ii.<br />

li<br />

ft<br />

ir<br />

iv<br />

i.<br />

if<br />

If<br />

si?:<br />

I<br />

i<br />

"<br />

i.<br />

Pago 6 Thurs., Jan. 19, 1961<br />

Vets<br />

Forum<br />

Q Those receiving nonsrvicc<br />

connected pension payments from<br />

the VA aru asked each year to report<br />

on thulr Income. What happens<br />

If they fall to make this roporP<br />

A VA must stop pension pay<br />

mcnts to those who fall to return<br />

tho annual income questionnaire<br />

Since the law requires that pensions<br />

not be paid to those with outside<br />

Income over certain limitations,<br />

VA must know the recipient's<br />

income to determine pension eligibility.<br />

Q How many veterans of our<br />

Indian Wars arc still living? How<br />

many Spanish-America- n War veterans?<br />

A VA records show 3D persons<br />

(average age 00) receiving benefits<br />

as Indian War vetorani. There<br />

arc about 33,000 Spanish-America- n<br />

War ve'ernns still living<br />

Q Have nnv of the various bills<br />

to n<br />

GI life Insurance to lapsed<br />

veterans been passed by Congress?<br />

A No Although several bills<br />

with this as aim have been Intro<br />

duce! none have received Congros-- 1<br />

slonal approval<br />

I<br />

QA! the doctors ami nurses I<br />

at VA hospitals members of the I<br />

different branches of military sr-vlcos- ?<br />

A No. The VA s doctors and j<br />

nurses are civilians. Of course,<br />

they may belong to reserve units<br />

or even attend organised drills of<br />

training periods But they are civ- -<br />

Mans In their capacities as VA em- - j<br />

ployes.<br />

College aptitude<br />

tests scheduled<br />

CANYON College aptitude<br />

testa will be given hen at West<br />

Texas State College Feb. 2S for<br />

high school seniors of the area who<br />

expect to enter college following<br />

graduation.<br />

Deadline for applications for the<br />

test is Feb. 4, when Ihey mut be<br />

received in Waco by the stale director<br />

for the testing program<br />

Applications must be sent to Alton<br />

Leo, registrar at Daylor University,<br />

who Is state director.<br />

Scores on tho tests are now required<br />

tor admission to West Texas<br />

State and more than 500 other<br />

colleges and unlversHlos Student<br />

of tho Panhandle area may take'<br />

the test at WT. even though they<br />

plan to attend colleges elsewhere<br />

in the Southwest<br />

Applications may be obtained<br />

from the principal's office at the<br />

student's high school, ami are mailed<br />

to Waco. The state director<br />

sends a list of eliulble s4udent to<br />

all colleges In the state which are<br />

testing centers. A feo of $3.00 to required.<br />

Ono other testing date In the<br />

spring has been set for Aprs! 21<br />

Apptlontlon deadline for that dale<br />

Is April I.<br />

21 liquor stores open<br />

in Lubbock County<br />

SLATON The Stolen StatonMe<br />

reported lust week that since the<br />

Dec. 10 election a total of 31 liquor<br />

stores have opened for bilwis In<br />

Justice Precinct 2 souiM at Lubbock.<br />

There are seven each on US-8- 4<br />

(Slaton highway) and US-S- T (Tannic<br />

rt highway) with the ether seven<br />

on Canyon Road (2). KM 400<br />

(1). Union road HS--<br />

l. (south<br />

of Sluton H and in Y at south<br />

edge of Sin ton (i<br />

tout<br />

u<br />

tUtit rfuil my cm out"<br />

Tell your wife to drive In and<br />

see us while she's out. We'll<br />

lake care of tho car as If It<br />

were our own. Ladles are<br />

our favorite customers.<br />

WYLIE 01 CO.<br />

Wetrh Broadway Never Clesesl<br />

I<br />

j<br />


Kenneth Greene, Minister<br />

Sunday morrung<br />

Uible Study it. m<br />

Sunday morning<br />

Worship Service 10:00 a. rr<br />

Sunday evening<br />

Worship Service 6:30 p.m.<br />

Wednesday evening<br />

Worship Service 7i30 p.m<br />


C. U. (Bill) Hogue<br />

Bible School... i:si a.m<br />

Morning Worship-Radi- o 10:30 a.m<br />

Droadcust-KRW-<br />

11:00 a.m<br />

Trulnlng Union 6:30 p.m.<br />

Bvrnmg Worship . 7:30 p.m<br />

Wednesday<br />

Officers and Teachers<br />

Meeting. 7:30 p.m<br />

Prayer Service and<br />

nible Study 8:00 p.m.<br />

Choir Rehearsal 8:45 p.m.<br />


CHURCH<br />

Rev. Eugene Matthews<br />

Sunday School 9:43 a.m<br />

Morning Worship- - .11:00 a.ra<br />

M Y P. .6:43 p.m<br />

Evening Worship 7:30 p.m.<br />

Second Monday<br />

Methodist Men 7:30 p.m.<br />

Second Wednesday<br />

Doard Meeting 7:30 p.m<br />



Ellon Brian, Pastor<br />

Sunday bchoot 10:00 a.m<br />

Morning Worship.. .U:00 a.m<br />

Training Union. p.m<br />

Uvcnlng Worship 8:30 p.m<br />

Wednesdays<br />

Prayer Meeting and Bible<br />

Study ,, 8:00 p.m<br />

2nd and 4 th Thursdays<br />

W.M.U. and Bible<br />

Study 8:M p.m<br />


CHURCH<br />


of Lubbock<br />

Sunday School 9: 43 a.m.<br />

Fralnlng Scrvlct 6:30 p.m<br />

Second And Fourth Sundays<br />

Morning Worship --11:00 a.m.<br />

Evening Worhlp7:30 p.m.<br />

Wednesday<br />

Prayer<br />

Servlce7:M p.m<br />


CHURCH<br />

At Close City<br />

Rev. Cage<br />

Sunday School Oajee10 a.m.<br />

Worship Services .11 a,m.<br />

Training Union 7:30 p.m.<br />

Evening Worship . 1:30 p.m.<br />

Wednesday:<br />

W.M.U. . 9:00 a.m,<br />

R. A. & G. A.<br />

Prayer Meeting<br />

. 7:30 p.m.<br />


CHURCH<br />

Craydon Howell, Pastor<br />

Sunday<br />

Junior Choir 9:30 a.m.<br />

Sunday School. 9i4- - a.tn.<br />

Morning Worship .10-3- a.m<br />

Training Union 6iOO p. m.<br />

Evening Worship .7:00 p. m.<br />

Monday<br />

Brotherhood and<br />

WMU<br />

.7:30 p.m.<br />

Wednesday<br />

Prayer Servlee 7:30 p.ra<br />

POST<br />



R. W. Patterson, Paator<br />

Sunday School.,. 9:43 a.m.<br />

Morning Worship .UiM a.m.<br />

avenlng Worship 7:00 p.m.<br />

1st Tuesday Missionary<br />

Service .,,7:00 p.m.<br />

2nd Tuesday Prayer<br />

Moetlng<br />

7:00 pja.<br />

3rd Tuesday Bible<br />

Study<br />

.7:00 pnt<br />

Last Tuesday C.P.M.A.<br />

Services 7tW p.m.<br />

Thursday Victory<br />

Leader 7iM p,m.<br />

CHURai OP COD OF<br />

PROPHECY (Spanish)<br />

Fred Camacho, Pastor<br />

Sunday School 10:00 sura<br />

Worship lit 00 a.m<br />

Evening Worship 7; 30 p m.<br />

Thurs. Eva. Worship 7:30 p.ra<br />

Sat. Eve. Victory<br />

Leader!<br />

7:30 p.m<br />

x<br />

eKBi<br />

Jw M<br />

SSM<br />

fisBBBK<br />


Issssssss<br />

sssssssa- -<br />

II IMHriT IF '<br />

I<br />

III<br />

I ,<br />

- This Religious<br />

C R. WILSON Phono 495-270- 1<br />

WILSON BROS. Sorvico Sta.<br />

401 South Broadway<br />


IVEN CLARY Phone 495-337- 0<br />


105 North Broadway<br />


VALTER JOHNSON Phono 495-26- 1<br />


302 Wet 8th<br />


Phono 495-206- 1<br />


122 Wott 8th<br />

John Deere Quality farm Machinery<br />

J. C K1NOAU Pher 495-- 3 102<br />


125 S-- BDWY.<br />

A Good Plow To Spend The Evening<br />

Message<br />

mi<br />

worship together<br />

this week!<br />

m tAVoNMiup<br />

Keith Kemp Phone<br />

HAROLD LUCAS Phone 495.2894<br />

0 Sunday School.<br />

IK BOW ON Phone 495-275- 0<br />



BOWEN<br />

AGCY.<br />

43<br />

NYPS 6:30 P- -<br />


512 North<br />

CO.<br />

Broadway<br />

122 Eait Main<br />

Phillip<br />

Abstracts,<br />

66<br />

EvcaW<br />

Real Etlalo, Oil, Gat<br />

Gatollne. Oil, TTres,<br />

$nk<br />

7 a<br />

Uatet Imure Today B Secure Tomorrow Batteriet, Anll-freez- o (<br />

CM<br />

4<br />

GRAHAM<br />

When Christopher Columbus began his probe<br />


of an unknown ocean there were many who predicted<br />

Bible Study .19:00 em<br />

Morning Worship 11; 00 e.m<br />

Evening Wenhlfi 8:00 p.m<br />

he would soon reach tho edge of the world . . . and fall<br />

off into nothingness.<br />


Today we are probing that nothingntst. The edge<br />

Sunday School JO: 00 a.m<br />

Morning Worship. -- 11:00 a.m<br />

of the world is everywhere; and man eagerly<br />

Evening Worship. 8:00 p.m<br />

rf<br />

reaches for whirling worlds that<br />

pioneers yet unborn may colonize.<br />


CHURCH<br />

As we explore the vastness of God's<br />

Sunday School , ,9:45 a.m<br />

Morning Worship 11:00 a.m<br />

creation wo realize with greater awe<br />

His might and majesty. But<br />


greater, we know, is our need for understanding<br />

Located at 115 West 14th St<br />

Sunday Morning<br />

His Will, and His Love for man.<br />

Worship Service 10:30 a.m<br />

Sunday Evening<br />

For man can take to his new<br />

Evening Service 7:00 p.m.<br />

Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m<br />

worlds tomorrow only the Truth<br />

and Faith and Life he discovers in this<br />



world today.<br />

Dlblo Study. .10:00 sun<br />

Morning Worship 11:00 e.m<br />

Therefore, while a few gifted scientists<br />

Evening Worship 8:00 p.m.<br />

i<br />

are building highways from the edge<br />

of the earth, the Church is offering everyone<br />



opportunity to probo the spiritual<br />

Sunday School , 10:00 a.m.<br />

depths which shall determine our destiny<br />

Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.<br />

Evening Worship 8: 00 p.m.<br />

PROBE<br />


CHURCH<br />

Sunday School<br />

10 a.m.<br />

Morning Worship 11 a.m.<br />

Chl-Rh- o . 4:30 p.m.<br />

CFY, Wednesday! 7:30 p.m.<br />



I<br />

Rer. Jamee Erleksen, Factor<br />

Rer. Esallle Tamuse, Asst.<br />


CHURCH<br />

The Church it the gtesteit factor on earth<br />

fcUae<br />

for<br />

8 a.m. and 10 a.ia.<br />

the building of dimeter and good cititrmhip.<br />

(Church located Northeast<br />

part ef town)<br />

It it a ttotthouie of spiritual values. Without a<br />

strong Church, neither democracy nor civilisation Day Book diopter Versos<br />

can lurvivc. There are four sound icatont why Sunday<br />

every person should Psalms 19 l-- C<br />

attend services regularly and<br />


Monday<br />

1--<br />

Genesis 2 4<br />

support the Church.<br />

CHURCH<br />

They arc: (I) For hit Tucaday Isaiah 40 20<br />

own sake. (2) For hit children's tale. (3) For Wednesday Isaiah 2 1041<br />

Rev. M. C. AaeVftve<br />

the tale of hit<br />

1--<br />

community and nation. (4) For Thursday I Corinthians 2 2<br />

lunday School J:43<br />

the take of the Church itielf, which needt hit Friday Matthew G 33-3- 4<br />

Worship Service.<br />

a.m<br />

1--<br />

moral and material tupport. Plan to go<br />

Saturday<br />

to<br />

Komans 8 4<br />

W.M.S. .13:15 p.m<br />

church regularly and lead your Bible daily.<br />

Brotherhood .13:15 p.m.<br />

Training Union-kVor- thip 7:J0 p.m.<br />

Service. 8:30 p.m.<br />

Is Being Sponsored By The Following -<br />

Bible Doctrine<br />

Firms Studlee<br />

7!4J p.m<br />

Prayer Meeting , 8:15 p m<br />

Phono 495-208- 0 GEORGE BOOMER-<br />

Higginbotham<br />

Phono<br />

- Bartleff Co.<br />

5 E. R. MORELAND Phono 495.2886<br />



110 South Broadway<br />

Clalremont Highway<br />

Wo Furnlth Your Homo From Plant Et Al<br />

to<br />

Operators<br />


Conaela Supplies of All Kindt<br />

Palntl<br />


located en Northewt<br />


lUe at tewfi e Spur bighwsf)<br />

NOAH STONE Phono 495-288- 1<br />

R. J. JENNINGS Phone 495-281- 8<br />


114 South Avenue<br />

Poitox<br />

"I"<br />

Cotton Mills, Inc.<br />

YOUNG'S<br />

DeSoto Plymouth Dodge Y GRO,<br />


Trucks<br />


Safes and Service -<br />

416 South Broadway<br />

Je Re eftrtMftfcei<br />

"Weepy Time It Gaaa Time"<br />

We Glvo Big Chief Slampt<br />

fcuMtey<br />

JACKIE<br />

ScWl;3<br />

HAYS Phono 495-991- 4<br />

MerelMc Wors4l 11:00 anv<br />


Phone 495-282-<br />

CO.<br />

1<br />

KveaJ WersMf 7:30 p<br />

PAUL JONES Phone 495-271- 6<br />

612 North Broadway<br />


we<br />


Prompt and Courteout Service<br />

615 W. Prayer<br />

Main<br />

Meetinc 7; 30 p--<br />

S & H Green<br />

24<br />

Stamps<br />

flour Ambulance Service C A. Service , ,l;Mpl<br />

CLAUD COLLIER Phono 495-282- 5 LOWELL SHORT PHONE 495-303- 6<br />

Complhnenft<br />

Caprock<br />

of<br />

Chevrolet Co. SHORT HARDWARE<br />

111S- - BDWY.<br />


Every CHURCH<br />



F THE<br />

Ned<br />

"Go To Church Sunday"<br />

213<br />


Eatt<br />

124<br />

Main<br />

E. MAIN<br />

Mev. J. T. Cravfanl<br />


I960 Texas<br />

7-st- ep<br />

conomy boosted<br />

cotton<br />

program cited<br />

i ii .l.i' it i.<br />

c<br />

iuium tin rrn<br />

... - ..... itt.. .1.1<br />

!(..<br />

1<br />

tit Inn In Intuit Tictn hu finr.<br />

r rmn wiin mnci nci. Aiiomcr<br />

4 million wns saved throutih tho<br />

01<br />

1 I<br />

mcCiiunicui<br />

I<br />

una tucinituj<br />

1<br />

year, producers came up with<br />

MrH hlnhit nvornirn lint Vicld<br />

harvested aero on record. 323<br />

Ml MJM ..1-1- .1 tl<br />

climbed from 134 pounds per<br />

. t . . I I - .1 .<br />

agents In 207 Texas counties gavo<br />

aisistanco to producers on a multitude<br />

of problems. Among tho major<br />

ones were tho uso of cotton<br />

in 19G0 by tho Cotton Pro- -<br />

P 1<br />

m iniunirii i;i . v i m<br />

iiuii nv<br />

Texas Agricultural Extension burs for soil Improvement and to<br />

reduce flro hazards. Durs were<br />

spread on 10,485 farms In 140<br />

committees representing every counties. A few years ago most<br />

of tho burs wcro burned as waste.<br />

havo worked together for Each ton of burs has an estimated<br />

fertilizer value of $7.50 and their<br />

application has Increased yields by<br />

25 per cent.<br />

The uso of defoliants and<br />

dcslc-can- ts<br />

and ginning<br />

for preparing cotton for mechanical<br />

harvesting continued to<br />

expand. One or the other was used<br />

on 49,041 farms In ICG counties. A<br />

comparatively new device, tho<br />

moisture meter, was used In 29<br />

counties to Improve quality. The<br />

103 meters In uso helped farmers<br />

and glnncrs do a better Job of machine<br />

harvesting<br />

through moro careful attention to<br />

the moisture content of tho cotton<br />

In tho field and at tho gin.<br />

Extension entomologists working<br />

as members of tho Cotton<br />

Team reported that county<br />

agents conducted 2,251 cotton Insect<br />

control result demonstrations<br />

and that 65,903 growers followed re<br />

Just Arrived<br />

Men's Work Oxfords<br />

With long lasting, oil resisting<br />

Neopreno soles; In brown;<br />

complete sixes<br />

10.95 pr.<br />

The n<br />

action In About ten years nco U 8,<br />

Washington to seek to stop tho Cold reserves were valued at<br />

flow of cold out of the United S24 billion, Now, due to foreign<br />

States was not to remedy a nations exchanging U S, dol<br />

situation Hint Just came up. lars lor gold, the reserve Is<br />

down to somewhere around $10<br />

As a matter of fact, this eel-um-<br />

several month ago stated<br />

n billion, lien. Clarence urown<br />

of<br />

(bat<br />

Ohio points out<br />

some governmental<br />

that it requires<br />

SUH billion In gold to<br />

action<br />

was needed<br />

support currency In circulation,<br />

to avert the<br />

while foreign nations, practically<br />

all recipients of U. S. foreign<br />

serious trouble<br />

that la<br />

giveaways, hold enough U. S.<br />

now being;<br />

dollars to bo ablo to demand<br />

quite widely<br />

their exchange for $10 billion<br />

discussed.<br />

or u. s. gold.<br />

The notion's<br />

independent<br />

business<br />

dcodIc.<br />

voting<br />

C. W. Hardtr<br />

through the National Federation<br />

of Independent Dusiness,<br />

on several occasions, requested<br />

drastic reductions in the foreign<br />

give away programs to<br />

conserve U. S. financial strength.<br />

There Is nothing particularly<br />

myitcrloua as to how this situ<br />

ation came about. If person<br />

who has only sufllclcnt money<br />

In a checking account to pay on<br />

the mortgage on the home Issues<br />

a lot of checks to charity,<br />

and these checks for charity<br />

are charged to his account be<br />

fore be makes the mortgage<br />

payment, he has a problem<br />

He would have a problem, in<br />

any event, with the holder of<br />

his mortgage. But If in odd!<br />

tion. he had an enemy who<br />

wanted to see him thrown out<br />

of his home, and this enemy<br />

was so bitter that he was will<br />

tng to offer the mortgage holder<br />

a premium which could be<br />

paid out of funds the enemy<br />

had gathered by robbery, trou<br />

ble would be magnified.<br />

And that glrea somewhat an<br />

Idea of the sold situation.<br />

ft) N.Untl rdml tt Itopad.f4 ltua!Mt<br />

commendations nnd treated 3,703,-31- 8<br />

acres.<br />

54,099 GROWERS REACHED<br />

To carry tho Information required<br />

to keep tho Program moving<br />

forward, a team of extension<br />

specialists composed of the cotton<br />

specialists, an entomologist, cotton<br />

gin specialist and at times other<br />

staff specialists, conducted 152<br />

training meetings In tho counties.<br />

Growers attending theso meetings<br />

numbered 11,372 and county agents :<br />

held another 1,783 meetings on the<br />

community and county basis and<br />

reached 43,740 growers and others.<br />

To Implement tho meetings and<br />

tours, Elliott and Illack said tho<br />

local agents also prepared more<br />

than 1,800 timely news stories on<br />

cotton, appeared on 1,010 radio and<br />

39 television programs.<br />

To savo on labor costs, tho spec<br />

ialists said tremendous Investments t<br />

are made by cotton growers in machinery<br />

nnd other production Items.<br />

Last yenr alone, producers invested<br />

over $26 million In new picking and<br />

stripping machines. They used 32,-0-<br />

stripper harvesters In 152 coun- -<br />

I<br />

tics and 4,505 spindlo pickers in 110<br />

I<br />

counties. They operated 46,300 rotary<br />

hoo equipped tractors In 172<br />

There seems little doubt that<br />

Russia, adhering to the apostles<br />

of communism, Marx and Len<br />

in, that the best way to defeat<br />

the U. 8. Is to ruin It economically,<br />

are conscloos of this sit<br />

uations have been watching It<br />

develop with satisfaction whilo<br />

the International schemers In<br />

Washington have been giving<br />

away nation's wealth.<br />

For example, Ilep. Drown<br />

reports U. S. has given Laos<br />

almost n third of a billion dollars,<br />

even paying the salaries<br />

of the officers and men of the<br />

nrmy of Laos. It was a battalion<br />

of this army, whoso<br />

equipment and pay has been<br />

picked up by the U. S. taxpayers,<br />

that drove the<br />

government out of<br />

Laos as well as most Americans<br />

who wcro In the tiny<br />

nation.<br />

Thus, there should be no surprise<br />

over the U. 8. gold crisis.<br />

The nation's Independent businessmen,<br />

who of necessity must<br />

deal In facts rather than highblown<br />

theories, have for long<br />

pointed out this would be the<br />

eventual result of foreign giveaway<br />

programs which have<br />

taken over $70 billion out of<br />

the American llfestrcam.<br />

Two diphtheria<br />

cases in Lynn<br />

TAHOKA Lynn County reported<br />

two dlphthcrln cases last week<br />

with one attack fatal.<br />

The fatality was<br />

Rnndolpho Trcvlna Rcccndcx of<br />

Route 5.<br />

Tho other case Is that of n ten<br />

year-ol- d New Home boy, Eddie<br />

Huddlcston, son of Mr. and Mrs<br />

V. W, Huddlcston, who Is showing<br />

continued improvement.<br />

Since the two cases, the Tahokn<br />

hospital and tho clinic in O'Donncll<br />

havo been swamped with county<br />

residents receiving Schick tests<br />

booster shots, and diphtheria In<br />

noculatlons.<br />

The state health department sent<br />

vacclno to Tahokn to bo used for<br />

persons unable to pay for It and<br />

mld-wccat<br />

k last week a station<br />

was set up at New Homo whore<br />

school nurses adminlstored the<br />

diphtheria innoculations to a large<br />

group.<br />

Doctors and nursos there have<br />

urged every person who has never<br />

had diphtheria shots to cither take<br />

the Schick<br />

test or diphtheria shots<br />

and for every child under liv<br />

to receive n booster If he has not<br />

received one in the past si<br />

months.<br />

Deer harvest in<br />

Vocaiional<br />

Tho Post, Tox., Dispatch Thursday, January If, 1961 Poga 7<br />

teaching noods to be Ralls is<br />

les of town hull<br />

planning<br />

meetings, every<br />

for<br />

citizen of Ralls and Its trade area<br />

1960 was one of changod to fit times Community Clinic<br />

will have tho opportunity of sug--<br />

LUBBOCK Vocational agriculture<br />

teaching must be remolded Commerce has approved u Com--<br />

RALLS The Ralls Chamber of gesting community needs that will<br />

most successful<br />

to meet the challenges<br />

AUSTIN Preliminary reports In ... .... ....<br />

1 eventually constitute tho Ralls<br />

brought imunlty Clinic to be sponsored by ""mix .r commerce program.<br />

, m .<br />

unit UI ..(.l.M<br />

dlcated tho 10C0 deer hunting uuoui oy<br />

sen-so- n,<br />

science unu me WJmmunny services .1 TT...<br />

uusincss,<br />

uopuri-lesso- r<br />

announced soon. The sessions will<br />

which closed Dec. 31, was tho Rny Choppelle of Toxas ment of the West Texas Chnmbor be held at a downtown location<br />

most successful In tho history of Tech declares in tho winter Issue of Commorcc.<br />

land are doslgncd to roach all seg--<br />

tho Game and Fish Commission, of Agricultural Industry.<br />

When the clinic is held as a ser-- ments of community life.<br />

ccording to II. D. Dodgen, exec Choppelle advocates a dual program<br />

of terminal training and col-<br />

utive secretary.<br />

Figures compiled by the wildlife lege prep work in high school agricultural<br />

education.<br />

management<br />


LOW COST<br />

division show a definite<br />

increase In the kill on public<br />

hunts on the management ar-<br />

latest issue of the Tech School of<br />

His artlclo is one of four In the<br />

eas. The Commission Issued 2,439 Agriculture publication.<br />

permits for hunting on theso areas In other articles, Tech researchers<br />

report on what radioactive tra-<br />

Farm and Ranch Loans<br />

There wcro 1.841 hunters reporting<br />

and they killed 572 deer for nn cers have revealed about root development,<br />

new possibilities for re-<br />

average of 31.07 per cent hunter<br />

success. This Included 201 nntlcrcd charging underground water formations,<br />

and the rapid growth of<br />


and 311 antcrlcss deer.<br />

Tho antcrlcss deer kill In regu the grain storage industry on the<br />

latory counties for the year was High Plains.<br />

Duckworth & Woakley Bldg.<br />


tho highest of any previous year, Anyone interested in receiving<br />

reaching a total of 16.948 killed for the publication should write the Offico <strong>Open</strong> Wodnesdays<br />

Manager<br />

32.23 per cent hunter success on Public Information Department,<br />

tho permits Issued. This hunting Texas Tech.<br />

wns over an orcn of 4.374,777 acres<br />

of land with 3.5C5 landowners par<br />

ticipating In the program.<br />

Field biologists estimated that<br />

the harvest would have been heavier<br />

except for rain soaked pas<br />

tures during<br />

We Are Business<br />

much of the season,<br />

<strong>Open</strong> For<br />

which held down hunting.<br />

Heaviest recorded kill wns In<br />

Llano County, where 10.753 door,<br />

were killed. Of that number, 4.7M After being closod a few days to enable us to shift our stocks<br />

nnterless deer were taken. Last<br />

vear, Llano County checked 9,220<br />

deer through the station there. among our stores. Wo invite you to come trade wiffi us.<br />

Harvest of antlcrlcss deer In<br />

henvv numbers wns recommended<br />

for the past season In nn effort to<br />

bring the deer population on many<br />

areas into balance.<br />

Humble Oil tt Rcflnlna. Company<br />

derived Its name from n major<br />

oil field which hnd been discover<br />

ed In 1904 near the small town of i<br />

Humble. Texns. about 20 miles<br />

north of Houston.<br />

In World War I there wore ap<br />

proximately 250 "Marlncttos" or<br />

Women Marines.<br />

I IT<br />

agriculture<br />

PAYS<br />

TO<br />



Jusf Across From Airport on FM 651<br />

jfe<br />

saSjjpjJPPpssjasSSia<br />

Something New In Corvair ....<br />

Uniaue Ramoside Pickup Truck<br />

B<br />

m<br />

and Equipment<br />

TMs sharl wh4feat, rw aewtrs-d- , Iruck llahl-ilui- y Is powtrd with an 80 hj. air--<br />

. i. i . -- ,nU maubUJ at tur. With a<br />

...i u i.-,-<br />

j<br />

a.<br />

.f I... than is It has a shan turning radius and It<br />

j..<br />

U- 1-<br />

Tka Ramaslda PUkuas arc rated et I WO pounds paylaad and ftalura a fraln-tia- V<br />

ml an euLXe fwi eausotltv. Tha rams ansnlna Is 47.5 Jmhts. On man can lead this<br />

a a I.<br />

at asaafcA Ia vf A rM .<br />


DRIVE<br />

counties; spot-oile- d 194,427 ncres of<br />

Johnsongrnss In 158 countlos anu<br />

In 75 counties lateral oiling was<br />

used on 71,184 acres to cut the<br />

hoo bill by as much as $25 an ac<br />

re<br />

Ṫhe specialists give full credit<br />

to tho county Cotton Com<br />

mittecs and county ngents ot iox<br />

as lor tno outstanding recorus<br />

made in 1960 but emphasize that<br />

the coonerat vo efforts of all seg<br />

mcnts of tho cotton Industry will<br />

continue to bo needed to keep the<br />

program moving forward.<br />

Tho Uurkbumett oil field was<br />

discovered In 1912 and made near<br />

by Wichita Falls the oil hub at<br />

North Texas,<br />

Bo Sales Ahead<br />

By Lottorhoad<br />

Your letterhead can<br />

bo a powerful lolling<br />

Instrument to open<br />

doors for your sales<br />

men.<br />

S Our I<br />

Beftet<br />

to<br />

Living Electtically-Yo- uts<br />

With TMs MeMlion<br />

Want to be urc that you'll have a home not just a house?<br />

Then you want the Medallion the Live Belter Electrically Medallion<br />

Hy 7 , gel our prices I<br />

jgjjjg J<br />


kXal 2125<br />

The Post Dispatch<br />

on your<br />

new home.<br />

What will it do for you? Well, it will provide wiring that has tomorrow's needs<br />

In mind while meeting today's requirements. It will give you<br />

work-savin- g g<br />

and electric appliances. It will bring you light for<br />

living that saves your eyes and beautifies your home.<br />

You get all this In a Bronze Medallion Home that will fit ANY, and wc mcan.j<br />

ANY, home building budget. And then if you want it all get the<br />

Gold Medallion Home with electric heating.<br />

You don't have to be a millionaire to live better electrically in a<br />

Medallion Home You just feci like one<br />

Your It at<br />

PvMk SrvU<br />


It<br />

1<br />

:if<br />

1<br />

IT<br />

IIS<br />

lii<br />

Five becked in<br />

Jus&e Court<br />

Flvo other cases, bosldos the<br />

two disturbing the peace cows reported<br />

In another story, were booked<br />

In Justice of the Peace D. C.<br />

Roberts' court during the past<br />

seven days.<br />

R. W. Duckncr paid fine and<br />

costs of $20.63 for illegal driving<br />

on a charge brought Jan. 14.<br />

J. L. McKenney was booked for<br />

illegal parking on the highway Jan<br />

13.<br />

A. T. Sanders paid fine and costs<br />

of $16.50 for havlnR no red light<br />

burning on his trailer Jan. 13.<br />

Deal 0. Simmons was booked<br />

Jan. 12 for failure to have an RRC<br />

permit.<br />

Robert Lee Cordon paid $20.50<br />

In fine and costs for an ovrlngth<br />

truck Jan. 12.<br />

PosPnas<br />

t (Continued from page I)<br />

handle any donations or married-al- s<br />

to purchase new equipment sr<br />

Help needy patients of the hospital.<br />

, It's n grand onuse and one<br />

worthy of th efforts of you fir<br />

Post tadto.<br />

The Dlftrmich it again on "emergen<br />

v operational status" this<br />

week with our Irrtertvpe oporator<br />

and shop foreman I:. C. (Buck)<br />

Hundlrv. in the local hospital<br />

from what was probably<br />

a light stroke Buck came to work<br />

last Friday morning with the fingers<br />

of his left hand sort of "out<br />

of control" so he couldn't function<br />

at the keyboard of his machine.<br />

An examining local physician snt<br />

him to a Lubbock nrve specialist<br />

and tests were run Saturday. H<br />

'was brought back to the Carta<br />

Memorial Hospital Tuitday morning<br />

where his pmgrws Is vry encouraging.<br />

In the meantime. Editor<br />

Charlie DWway has Jo m pod in<br />

to do Buck's Job on the Intertype<br />

mnchlne and outanle of covering<br />

'basketball games, whkh Charito<br />

has continued to do. the rest of us<br />

"have filled In doing Churl's newt<br />

writing for him.<br />

This is to bid gomlny and n<br />

real community thank you to Mrs.<br />

Dlllnrd Thompson who has so<br />

faithfully reported all th Graham<br />

community news as a Dispatch<br />

correspondent for tho last eight<br />

yours. Tho Thompson family, re<br />

sidents of the Graham area for<br />

about ten years, moved last week<br />

end to Toklo whore they wtN farm.<br />

Their daughter. Patsy. Is staying<br />

hero with friends to finish out her<br />

senior year at Post High. We're<br />

short a correspondent at Graham<br />

right now. but the Job soon wHt be<br />

filled by Mrs. Noel White, who<br />

will bo moving with her famMy to<br />

the Graham community soon. Mrs.<br />

Thompson did a wonderful Job t<br />

getting in all the item about the<br />

Gruham folks ami we hale to he<br />

her. Orabcth Is a former member<br />

of The Dlspateh staff, should hav<br />

tho Items coming In (or tbe paper<br />

very soon.<br />

In one second the sun send out<br />

a million time mar amrgy than<br />

Is stored in uH the mirth's eon I.<br />

petroleum and natural atu ftoWs<br />

Page 8 Thursday. January 19, ?96 The Pott Tex., DUpotchj<br />

mm<br />

BflHHflHESjflflH<br />


A R Watson. Iet, vvho wai c!ete J pre dent of Southwest<br />

tnr Public Service Co yesterday in Lubbock, succeeds J E<br />

Cunningham, right, to that office Cunningham, president<br />

for 16 yoars. was named vce chairman of the board.<br />

A. R. Watson elected<br />

new head of SWPS<br />

LUBBOCK A R Watson was<br />

elected president and general man<br />

lier of the Southwestern Public<br />

Service Company at the organiza<br />

tional meeting of the company's<br />

board of directors her<br />

J E. Cunningham, who has been<br />

president of the company since<br />

1915. was named vice chairman of<br />

the board.<br />

Watson, the newly elected prcsl- -<br />

Burglaries<br />

(Continued from Page 1)<br />

strewn around In an obvious m irch<br />

for any hidden money.<br />

The safe m the office had Its<br />

knob knocked off ami had been<br />

opened and prowM, although it<br />

was unlocked.<br />

Entrance to Um food mart wu<br />

gained by kicking owt a panel In<br />

the roar door and crawling through,<br />

According to Deputy Corley<br />

At the ParrMi Grocery & Market<br />

on North Broadway, approximately<br />

$2 In change was taken<br />

from each of the open cash, regis-tor-<br />

Papers had been<br />

rummaged<br />

through In Arnold Parrtsh's office<br />

in a March lor money, but nothing<br />

Ue could be detected missing.<br />

Itntranen here was gained by<br />

knocking in n bathroom window on<br />

the west side af tho store.<br />

Approximately $6 in stamp money<br />

was stolen from the Southwestern<br />

PubHc Service office. Entrance<br />

was gained by kicking In a back<br />

TW burglar then "borrowod" a<br />

rope in tho offtc and cMmbod up<br />

into the attic and across In the<br />

furniture store whore they<br />

lot thoroselvsa mo the store<br />

through the ceiling via the rope.<br />

Only R trw pennies and a KrvoM<br />

alarm clock was missed Jrom the<br />

furnttur storo.<br />

Dpaty Cortoy said mvosUgatmg<br />

officers ar "working on the<br />

cnaos'' and are sneaking out torn<br />

loads.<br />

day. We like to have a little time.<br />

dent and general manager, was<br />

elected a vice president of the<br />

Southwestern Public Service Company<br />

in 1917 and elevated to executive<br />

vice president and general<br />

manager in 1053. Watson also is a<br />

member of the firm's board of di- -<br />

rectors.<br />

Cunningham has held various<br />

positions with the utility firm over<br />

a 31 year period. He has been a<br />

airector stneo ihi.<br />

Other officers named by the<br />

beard are H. L. Nichols, board<br />

chairman; Don D. Loden, vice<br />

president and secretary; II. 0.<br />

Ifodson, Roy Tolk and W. L. Poar-so- n,<br />

vice presidents; and J. T.<br />

Bradley, treasurer and assistant<br />

secretary<br />

Man wounded<br />

(Continued from Page 1)<br />

and lives hero In Post, lie is a big<br />

man. outweighing Klser by npproxi<br />

mately 70 pounds. Deputy Corlcy<br />

estimated.<br />

Shepherd said Kiscr gave him<br />

the some account of events leading<br />

up to the shooting as had wit<br />

names he hnd questioned.<br />

The city marshal said, however,<br />

that Ktser had no permit to carry<br />

a gun.<br />

The shooting occurcd at approximately<br />

11:35 p. m. Two waitresses<br />

were In charge of the tavern, according<br />

to Deputy Corlcy. with<br />

the proprietor not present at the<br />

lime of the shooting.<br />

Officers said Klser suffered n<br />

few head laceration. He If 34.<br />

Dixon about 30.<br />

few hoad taeora lions.<br />


Mrs. Red Sloan of Slaton accompanied<br />

Mrs. Gntyden Howell<br />

to Houston Tuesday, where Mrs.<br />

llowoN entered the M. D. Anderson<br />

Hospital Wednesday far medical<br />

examinations They will visit<br />

In the home of Mr and Mrs Dal-to-<br />

Copple while there<br />

Get Your Order In Now For<br />

Quality Job Printing<br />

Check and seo, Mr. Business Man, what you nood<br />

window envolopes, office forms, stationery.<br />

statements,<br />

Order now before you are so short you'll nood thorn yester<br />

But In an emergency,<br />

we'll give you quick, service.<br />


RemcmborQjiality<br />


Printing Represents You Well<br />

Wherever It Goes<br />

....<br />

Youth board- -<br />

(Continued from page I)<br />

the vouth Mr. and<br />

Mrs Bid Ilatlcr. Texas Tech students,<br />

to organize a "work day"<br />

for the young people using the<br />

i enter to clean up the youth center<br />

grounds and to clean out the storeroom<br />

Monthly parties for the eighth<br />

graders were scheduled with the<br />

first to be held somotlme In Pclv<br />

ruary to which all county eighth<br />

graders will be Invited.<br />

Details for the first Junior high<br />

parly will be announced soon. Mrs.<br />

Byron Haynle is chairman of the<br />

committee of mothers to plan the<br />

party<br />

The Matters also wore requosted<br />

to complete the youth board for<br />

the center to be selected by students<br />

from tholr respective high<br />

school classes.<br />

The vouth center Is open oach<br />

Saturday night from 8 to 11 p. m.<br />

under supervision of the<br />

Facilities of the youth center<br />

may be rcnled for $5 per night<br />

from tho organization<br />

by catling The Dispatch.<br />

Bob "Smith, president of the youth<br />

center hoard, presided at the<br />

board session.<br />


"Who Do You Trust?" will be the<br />

sermon topic Sunday at the Assembly<br />

of God Church, the pastor.<br />

Rev. J. R. Brinceficld said today.<br />

Text will be Psalm 56:11. "In God<br />

have I put my trust.<br />

1 will not be<br />

afraid of what man can do unto<br />

me".<br />


Mr. and Mrs. Koy Brown and<br />

sons of Carlsbad. N. M.. returned<br />

home Tuesday after spondlng the<br />

weekend with her parents, Mr.<br />

ami Mrs. W. C. Klker.<br />

DECKER<br />

Enchiladas<br />

Patio,<br />

No.<br />

PATIO, NO. 300 CAN<br />


CHILI<br />

OLEO<br />

KIM<br />

TAIL CAN<br />

Jop Quail<br />

Carl Jones takes<br />

new home permit<br />

(Continued tram n.. it<br />

in some JP<br />

has been considering such a nJ<br />

fmm Hi . Pitt<br />

Will<br />

cases<br />

m 44 I<br />

The Whlio River dam nmJ<br />

now five yean In the pM2<br />

i<br />

The storv behind some of the ten eye.<br />

stage, appears on Ik,.<br />

Vtrg, '<br />

"disturbing pence" cases The "law" was called with Dc- -<br />

l<br />

the<br />

In<br />

1901 reality.<br />

Con-cou-<br />

,<br />

rt<br />

The largest permit of the week Justice of the Pcnco D. C. Roberts puty Marshal Sam Price and It would nmvlit nil<br />

stable<br />

was to Carl Jonos for building a<br />

here each week pack moro Johnson answering. One of<br />

f. I<br />

water needs bv th fn.ir 1<br />

2.250 sqUaro foot residence at 119<br />

action than one of the TV westerns, the pair missed a swing nt Price<br />

night<br />

North Ridge Road In Westhaven<br />

Take tho Monday case of nnd Johnson was reportedly<br />

tiuc lur no remainder of tq,J<br />

tcnimy unu proDOOiy Well<br />

Addition at an estimated cost of<br />

Billy Bishop and M. S. Denton for<br />

(J<br />

JUIIU.<br />

example.<br />

$23,500.<br />

Bishop and Denton then "took leucrni<br />

According to City<br />

The new home will be of brick<br />

Marshal Otis off" running, according<br />

loan was npprovJ<br />

to Shepherd,<br />

with everybody In the place<br />

G. Shepherd<br />

construction with concrete foundation<br />

and composition roof.<br />

Jr. the two entered<br />

u.i ji-u-r lur mo project COnditfeJ<br />

al to tho water dlitrin --J.'l<br />

Luttrcll's Texaco Scrvlco Station giving chase. They disappeared certain loan specifications<br />

Another permit went to O. C. nt Main and Broadway Monday<br />

wfeg<br />

down the alley nnd circled back, are In tho process of beinc mptiJ<br />

Gamor for construction of a 20 by<br />

night and Jumped Valton Mnsscy, jumped into their car parked by tho district. "1<br />

30 foot concrete block house for the night service man, with a story the station and sped away.<br />

servants' quarters nt<br />

money.<br />

his residence.<br />

901 West Main, at an esti Shepherd said they started to night nt a local tavern and charg<br />

he owed them<br />

Dcnlon was arrested later that<br />

Tom Bouchlcr. chairman of (J<br />

White River wntcr board, pJ<br />

mated cost of $2,500,<br />

fight Mnssoy. When Harvey Smith ed with disturbing the pece.<br />

out n lot of work<br />

He<br />

now remain tj<br />

wu<br />

in.- - .i.i ..... i i ,. tr started to walk out of the station. wni fined $20.63, Including costs, uunc um wn mo pinns<br />

specifications<br />

rjl<br />

In<br />

Lumber Co. for addition ine<br />

,hcm lnimed tho<br />

rest<br />

the<br />

door by Justice Roberts after pleading<br />

comnlrlnt it .Jsl<br />

to the residence of A. T. Nixon. f",rt 5r'?k,,nB5 lr Eullty.<br />

proceed as fast as possible ma<br />

I<br />

815 Street, an bylso KlvlnE a<br />

!<br />

rnntrarl run hn tnt fnr<br />

swol- -<br />

West Fifth of IB<br />

Bishop was picked up In Level-lan- d<br />

:. . . .<br />

lion ny "ir<br />

F(<br />

into spring.<br />

21 foot carport and storage with<br />

by officers there tho next Action tn<br />

a concrete drive. The carport will<br />

day and returned<br />

nurrhnm Ihn .(. ..il<br />

to Post yesterday.<br />

will<br />

be of frame construction with a<br />

be initiated when loan<br />

Tumblers<br />

tm<br />

become available for Its paymtsS<br />

built-u- p<br />

roof.<br />

In JP court yesterday afternoon.<br />

Justice Roberts fined Bishop l4 i t<br />

cllrf-rtn-<br />

(Continued from page<br />

Pnit r nn Ihn<br />

1)<br />

sides<br />

him nt any<br />

Bouchlcr nro Dr A. C sJj<br />

time.<br />

$25.65 fine nnd costs for destroying<br />

personal property in breaking<br />

Shell's two doop tests<br />

man nnd R,<br />

He asks only that his tumblers<br />

J. (Rube)<br />

Jcnnintij<br />

drilled bolow<br />

not bo confused<br />

8,000<br />

with common Smith's glasses nnd also ordered<br />

pigeons In respect to dirty pens, that he pay $50 for replacement JACK MEEKS IN HOSPITAll<br />

Sholl Oil Company's two new mites, etc. The pens nro very glasses for Smith.<br />

A. A. (Jack) Mecks of<br />

Garza County deep tosts, the No. clean and the pigeons leave no He fined him $41.65 In fine nnd Southland area wns given tnA<br />

I Kirkoatrlck. and the No. 1 Davis, odors ns do chickens and other costs on a second clinrgo of disturbing<br />

the peace, nnd another the Garza Memorial Hosnlinl -<br />

v-<br />

gency treatment for nn lllnetii<br />

have both been drilled to n depth fowl. Wllke explains.<br />

of below 8,000 feet, according to Wilke has been rnlslng "tumbler"<br />

pigeons for the last four ing arrest. Justice Roberts add it. wnrys Hospital In Lubb<br />

$41.65 In fine nnd costs for resist Tuesday night nnd then taken i<br />

this week's oil reports.<br />

The No. I Klrkpntrlck, In Sec years here and In Odessa and hns'cd on $18.50 for mileage to go to or treatment.<br />

tion 3. Block 2 of the G1IAII Sur- - never had n neighbor complain Lcvclland return Bishlp, making<br />

vey. is at 8,225 feet waiting on about his birds,<br />

the total bill $175.45.<br />


orders. Ho keeps a neat flying pen and After It was all over, Mnsscy, Mrs. Bob Russell, neeomn.i<br />

The No. I Davis. In Section 28. a breeding pen In his back yard who has picked up the nicknames by Mr. nnd Mrs. Cecil MahoS<br />

Block 2, TANO Survey, his been and loves to talk about his pigeons. "fighter" and "killer" from tho ot snyucr, were In Waco Salun<br />

drilled to 8.357 feet and is prcpar- - Several In the community also ' considerable disturbance, remarking<br />

to take a drillstcm test of an have the "roller pigeons" Includ- - 'cd- "I - don't even know those two Mrs. Russell's brother, F, L<br />

to nttcna xuncrai services<br />

'<br />

unidentified zone nnd interval. ing Leo Cobb.<br />

guys."<br />

Spaddcn.<br />

Three building permits this week,<br />

calling for $27,750 in new residential<br />

construction, brought the 1961<br />

construction total in Post to date<br />

to $13,250.<br />

- ttj IWeatd -<br />

BACON,<br />

PORK<br />

PORK<br />

PORK<br />

lb<br />

ROAST,<br />

BRAND<br />

CHOPS,<br />

STEAK,<br />

PATIO. NO. 300 CAN<br />


AAILIC<br />

lb.....<br />

lb<br />

lb<br />

DOG FOOD 4<br />

BOOTH'S.<br />

rcji<br />

- vozon oocL -<br />

PKG.<br />


LID0Y<br />

CAN<br />


UBBY'S. 10 OZ PKG.<br />

CUT<br />


IOWANA<br />

LB.<br />

S. 6 OZ<br />

OKRA<br />

16<br />

OZ<br />

PKG.<br />

KING ARDIS at K & K Food Mart Offers You These<br />

43c<br />

25c<br />

Pot,<br />

tall can<br />

for 29c<br />

59c<br />

43c<br />

59c<br />

43c<br />

MADE<br />

35c<br />

Plenty of action<br />


Shurfino, 12 oz. jar Grapo, Poach, Apricot, Pineapple, MjLfoifi<br />

Plum, Apple, Cherry, Black Raspberry, Blackberry<br />


can<br />

COFFEE<br />

2 . 45<br />

ID.<br />

SHURriNE, no.<br />


JUST<br />

ORANGE<br />

for<br />

39c<br />

19c<br />


ay,<br />

can<br />

2--29<br />


2 for 35c<br />

2<br />

35c<br />

PAC<br />

12 1.00<br />

.... sP I<br />



CAN<br />

for<br />

4 for 98c & 45c<br />

-<br />

CELLO<br />

Maryland Club,<br />

all grinds,<br />

I<br />

lb<br />

.51771<br />

redi Prodi<br />

TANGERINES, lb 17c<br />

TOMATOES, lb.....;,, 1 19c<br />


2for45c<br />

for<br />

2<br />

for 19c<br />

YAMS,<br />

DRINK<br />

lb.<br />

12V2C<br />

35c<br />

r<br />

Shortening 59<br />

Food King,<br />

3 lbs. . . .<br />


SHURFINE, NO. 303 CAN<br />

PEARS<br />

Crackers ftt<br />

White Rive-r-<br />

69c<br />

FRUITCOCKTAH.2fw45t<br />


CREAM OF WHEAT ...<br />

23d<br />

-<br />

25 d<br />

the Post Dispatch<br />

.<br />

Frontier Stamps Are Double Every Tuesday"<br />

K&K Food Mart<br />

4 1 9 Eo:l Main Dial 495-223- 2<br />

0,.n 7 D.ys a Wttk<br />

rfl MUVWY Wlft 2, pyrthtH r Mr

Post boys, girls drop tripleheader to Slaton<br />

tficims<br />

igers break<br />

oen aame in<br />

econd period<br />

rrv.<br />

-A . t--1<br />

M<br />

tho<br />

...Ml Km<br />

rlplo bill with boys' D<br />

opening nt e p. m., rouow-th- e<br />

two nlrls teams In the<br />

nil i?h in d unu Liiu nuiciuuva<br />

nightcap.<br />

IK it pf 'P<br />

Iborne<br />

crtlllcr<br />

rtln<br />

rnrn<br />

CS<br />

rnip<br />

.<br />

10<br />

tl,<br />

13 4 5<br />

. 0 0 2 0<br />

4 12 9<br />

,., ... 3 0 0 6<br />

. 0 0 0 0<br />

0 0 10<br />

3 2 2 8<br />

12<br />

5 7 4 17<br />

0 111<br />

9 0 0 18<br />

0 0 10<br />

26 14 18 CS<br />

f<br />

ft pf tp<br />

6 3 3 14<br />

. 0 2 2 2<br />

8 4 3 20<br />

0 14 1<br />

4 0 4 8<br />

0 3<br />

0 0 0<br />

13<br />

0(<br />

0 1 1 l<br />

0 0 0 0<br />

IS 13 IS 49<br />

13 35 IS 13 CO<br />

13 13 9 1449<br />

12,921.58 paid in<br />

aiv tuoni line<br />

UST1N Hunting and fishing<br />

r. I . nnnl I, A If. t tf<br />

enforcement oi tne uame ana<br />

Commission, There were 55<br />

tried their luck hunting and<br />

on flthlnn without first buying<br />

required license- -<br />

species on which there was a<br />

season Night hunters ac--<br />

IVI<br />

m<br />

Hi! VIIBl<br />

for failure to havo proper<br />

preservers In boats.<br />

all there were 399 arrests,<br />

ftnet ami costs came to 913.- -<br />

I<br />

SPORTS (Xlje<br />


TWO<br />

$ot Btspatc!)<br />

Ralls<br />

McFadden<br />

Smith<br />

Edwards<br />

LUBBOCK Texas Tech's Red enco record and a<br />

6-- 7 season mark,<br />

Da. Moore<br />

Raiders, finishing up mid term Is currently In second place In the Do. Mooro<br />

examinations, do not resume has-- Southwest Conference. Tho Red Osborne .<br />

kctbal! competition until Saturday Raiders resume conference play Cornelius<br />

night, Jan, 28, when they engage against TCU In Fort Worth Feb. 1<br />

the strong Phillips CGers In the and against Baylor hero Feb. 4.<br />

record-breakin-<br />

Coliseum. A year at the Post<br />

Phillips Is defending champion of gate seems in store for tho Raid Acker<br />

the National Industrial Basketball ers. who drew 8,000 for Rice and<br />

Bouchier<br />

League. Coached by Bud Browning,<br />

former U. S, Olympic men-<br />

Jlmmle Wilson, business man-<br />

Hays<br />

9,150 for Texas A&M.<br />

tor, the C6crs list several players ager of athletics, still has reserved<br />

and general admission tickets Cornell<br />

Minor<br />

well known In tho Southwest.<br />

Among the familiar faces, many for the remainder of the schedule.<br />

of whom have already appeared Including Phillips Jan. Baylor<br />

Pluitt<br />

28,<br />

In the Coliseum with their collego Feb. 4, Southern Methodist Feb. Ivio .<br />

teams, are Gary Thompson of II, Arkansas Feb. 18, TCU Feb. Leo<br />

Iowa State, If. E. Kirchner of Texas<br />

Christian, Tom Robitalllo of seats cost $2, general admission<br />

24, and Texas March 2. Reserved Odom -<br />

Rice, nnd Arlen Clark of Oklahoma<br />

State.<br />

provided a mailing fee Is RALLS<br />

$1.50. Mail orders are accepted<br />

Texas Tech, with a 3-- 1 confer-- included.<br />

POST<br />

12<br />

1$<br />

20-- 46<br />

Fighting Does<br />

push all the<br />

way in loss<br />


a:--<br />

'J .<br />

i<br />

r<br />

"<br />

lli. .m M t ImnnHnnl In ttiti.<br />

m rV<br />

rnUknU<br />

V<br />

x<br />

1 1 1 1<br />

lUIII 4 Bnniiw<br />

Akin<br />

I AB HH4wi,wui - -<br />

L BB A a-<br />

Ikirt t. - ..... t ...... -- 1 A .l l it. n HI IV<br />

us in BnMiv i io you in yuur iiuie, nu iu m wwi- -<br />

ING PUBLIC the SRAND is vn mor important.<br />

Today, mn, woman and children buy by BRAND. Lst<br />

the hometown folks know what BRANDS you carry<br />

by advertising in your hometown newspaper.<br />

i<br />

Tho Post seventh grndo boys eighth grade teams meet Tahoka<br />

basketball team scored a 1917 in n guadruple-heade- r (four gamos)<br />

triumph over Slaton's seventh here tonight with the first game<br />

graders at Slaton Monday night in billed for 5:30 p. m tlpotf.<br />

n double overtime when Birch<br />

ban sank the only fielder of the j<br />

two-mlnusecond<br />

extra period.<br />


Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Livingston<br />

17 12 10 46 Ronnie Pierce, who was high visited Sunday with relatives In<br />

I point for the locals with eight, tied Llttlefleld.<br />

fa ft pf P the Hume with a fielder with 30<br />

17 seconds on the ciock in tne ursi<br />

overtime after Slaton<br />

2 had scored<br />

to take the lead.<br />

6 The game was knotted at 15 all<br />

7 at the end of regulation play.<br />

7 Post rallied in the final half to<br />

0 overcome a 7 to 10 intermission<br />

delicti.<br />

In the eighth grade boys' game<br />

with Slaton. Slaton squeezed out n<br />

39 to 35 verdict.<br />

13 13 16 39 Teddy Scott was high for Pott<br />

in this one with 15 points. Danny<br />

9--49<br />

Pierco was second high with ten.<br />

The boys and girls' seventh and<br />

U. S. water ski<br />

meet to Austin<br />

eciaue a<br />

62-5- 6 19-1- 7 in double overtime<br />

Lubbock).<br />

Lob-- ,<br />

Melvin<br />

6 Is tool<br />


Mrs. Esther Carpenter, Mrs. Vera<br />

Gostett. ami Jackie Cnrpontor<br />

visited in Lubbock Sunday with<br />

Mr and Mrs Garner and<br />

family. They bIso attended the<br />

wedding of Linda Kay Davis and<br />

Harold Wayne Donahoo.<br />


Bowling is a family sport that Mom and tho kids will en- -<br />

oy every bit as much at Dad doot. Might beat him at<br />

game,<br />

On our alloys, tho bowling t fast and oxcitlng, but in a<br />

relaxed atmosphere that permits easy conversation Bring<br />

the family in for a challongmg, friendly evening<br />

Young Bowlers<br />

Needed<br />

Moro boys and girls, 10 years old and over, are needed<br />

for learns In the Junior League, which bowls Saturday<br />

mornings. If Interested, lei us know at the desk.<br />

Post Bowling Center<br />


d3owii<br />

AUSTIN Austin and one of<br />

Thursday, Januaary<br />

D aillLUIl 19, 1961<br />


Page 9<br />



The Post Does, playing their best Central Texas' Highland Lakes<br />

W<br />

district cage leadership nnd<br />

L<br />

W L<br />

game of the season thus far, forced has been chosen as the site for the<br />

nnnt the Post Antclones Into<br />

district cellar hero Tuesday Independents win<br />

Pull away from Post Poos<br />

tho defending champion Slaton<br />

Wylle Oil Co 46VJ 26 Holleman Plumbing . ... 45 19<br />

1961 National Water Ski Tournament<br />

on Aug.<br />

Tlgcrcttes to go all out here Tuesday<br />

night In winning<br />

Collier Pill Rollers 42 30 Cecil's<br />

42 22<br />

it by breaking open the trodl- -<br />

iii cinsn in'iwrcn iiim lwu iituiiib oyer<br />

second period and racing Abernathy Sundown girls<br />

with a 66-4- 9 triumph before the<br />

The Post Independent basketball<br />

in<br />

16-2-<br />

1961. Dlds<br />

64 to 56.<br />

for<br />

O. K. Foods 40V5 3!fc Mac's Lounge<br />

42 22<br />

It was the first District 3AA tilt the all Important nation wide sporting<br />

tournament wore mode by<br />

'<br />

Post Cards . 38 34 Carlos' Little Mexico 31 33<br />

of the season for Coach Don Wat-kin- s'<br />

J-U- p<br />

Does, and the second for Slaton,<br />

which opened last Friday night and Austin, Tex., at the 1960 Na-<br />

Hodges Tractor 33J4 38<br />

Chicago, III.; Long Reach, Calif., Fire Dept. No. 2 35 37 26 38<br />

was the first district<br />

team rang up their second straight<br />

start<br />

Loacn Kicnara souicr s Amc- - victory of the winter season at<br />

Abernathy Monday night<br />

47-2-<br />

with a 44<br />

i whipped Tahoka last Friday<br />

to 40<br />

7 win Friday<br />

I Caprock Grain .. 25 39<br />

with a conference win over Tahoka. tional Tournament in Minneapolis, Dryan Williams & Son 29 43 Forrest Lumber Co. 25 39<br />

It was the one-tw-o scoring punch Minn. The official choice of the Planters Gin 23 4814 Tom Power Ford<br />

. 21 43<br />

of two Judys Dunn and Bishop Austin site was released by the High<br />

triumph over the Abernathy<br />

team game: Collier Pill High team game: 1,042.<br />

which defeated tho fighting Post American Water Ski Association Rollers, 1.0C1.<br />

High team<br />

ht to DUt them at the head of Independents.<br />

series: Holleman<br />

The Sundown Rnillh(llr nulled irnrfd (i mint, nil nn frrn Ihmwc<br />

todoy.<br />

High team series: Collier Pill Plumbing, 2,859.<br />

district cage cinss witn a Richard Soutcr, high School Cage nwnv mldwnv of the third ouart. RuthHI Mnrtln 4 nnlnf. nnd Anni O'DONNELL HERE FRIDAY The National Tournament will be Rollers, 3.068.<br />

High single gumc: Benny Brook"<br />

coach, topped the locals for the Cr here Friday night to defeat the! Morris, 2 points. Others seeing nc--j The Post Docs' varsity nnd held on the newest of the High- - High single game: Jim Rogers, shire, 208,<br />

two teams battled on even<br />

second straight time In scoring nost Docs, 47 to 27, in n non-dis-- 1<br />

tlon nt forward were Janith Short) "II" teams will play O'Donnell land Lakes, the Austin Town Lake<br />

)<br />

246<br />

ingti single scries; nick vukad,<br />

throuch lhe first "mc 10 'ms- -<br />

trlct game. nnd Barbara Craig.<br />

J<br />

nerlod!w,,n ,,c,ucra 1,,r<br />

here Friday night In<br />

lust cast of the Interregional high High single scries: Bill Miller, 559.<br />

rnded In n deadlock. rest of was even-- 1 one of area's guards for Post were<br />

. ,ho Tlpers were off to the ,y The<br />

13-1- 3 The the scoring Roughcttcs, the Starting<br />

games. The Antelopes way bridge. This was the site of 556.<br />

distributed among the starters top girls' teams was held on Judy Clary, Dcth Kemp and Dan- - will be nt Denver City that night the 1960 Lone Star Water Ski<br />

,<br />

... ... .t.ii,,. uitrh n II nP. nn nnil III- -,<br />

, Allnn t n lit r I nnPli<br />

the hnll<br />

nnif H<br />

stpnllnp nhniil vv.. ivmu rm<br />

ennltnlll-- 1 i<br />

u; clla Datcman, with Jane Maxcy, for a district gamo with the Championships where Austin's Penny<br />

Baker set the present world<br />


on Post errors, nnd using their<br />

Jackie Kays, Jerry Hays, and Pete<br />

Sandra Stewart and Janle Cnrru-din- e Mustangs. Denver City docs not<br />

W L<br />

n nn inn msr nrcnit inov scur<br />

Hays all tallying six apiece.<br />

pull-awatho<br />

charity line. Peggy Ramsey! Betty Jo Hill.<br />

started their fast<br />

In the also breaking Into tho line--1 have a girls' team.<br />

record men's ski Jump of 150 feet. Lone Star . .<br />

. 48 24 M It<br />

points In the second canto to Waydclt Hill was high for Aber third period.<br />

up.<br />

More than 150 of the nation's top Post Rowling Canter 47 25<br />

Olds-F85- 's<br />

8--<br />

cr 13 for the locals to hold n nathy with 13.<br />

Post led, nt the end of the In a preliminary contest, the' team. Dunn scored 32 points and skiers will attend the National<br />

-<br />

47 25 POST, TEXAS<br />

20 lead at tho halftlmc In- - The locals, who opened their sea first quarter, but Sundown was out Sundown girls' "B" team defeated HWhnn nililoil 24. which nrrnunli'il Tournament In Austin this sum- - Georgia's Snack Bar 38 34<br />

In<br />

1SS1UI1.<br />

son with a victory over front,<br />

Slaton<br />

Antelopes were never able<br />

week, will to their nt 1612, at halftlmc,<br />

,ho thlrd and tho Docs' "IT' team, 33 to 5.<br />

for all of tho Tlgercttc's points , mer where the United States team First National Bank ..35 37<br />

FRIDAY<br />

,ho cna i 01 1uarl' onn f?ldr. was scor- -<br />

here last<br />

return<br />

SOl<br />

ex-- p tfht ttrnrnl (1 nmln win uc the World's Maxinc's<br />

32 40<br />


suil-v-icfor<br />

Post. I960 show In Minneapolis, and<br />

W L<br />

cent hv iui<br />

so the gap.<br />

cd Mary<br />

Linda Pen- -<br />

homc floor to play Seogravcs hero by<br />

Bownds. the other storting forward. Championship Tournament which Falcons<br />

25 471 Jan. 20-2- 1<br />

Saturday night at 8 o'clock In the wunvst lusniiWTiii junuunii j iiuii Kit list tnu tin una uuu These three went nil the way for, Is hold every two years. The last Dreyer Music<br />

18 54<br />

their lenu in me intra penou, old high school gym.<br />

Itlkiu led all scorers with 29 ' Marianne Jones for ono I<br />

free the Slaton team. world meet was hold in Milan.<br />

on eight field goals and 13 throw.<br />

Italy.<br />

tho final quarter with a throws. Shirley Sapplngton also played Post's sensational froshmnn. Nltn Five r e g I o n n I tournoys High loam game: Post Bowling<br />

Ccnier. 80?.<br />

Free! Free!<br />

53-3- 5<br />

ifrce Wilson led the Post scoring at a forward position for<br />

Wilson,<br />

8th grade girls<br />

Post,<br />

racked up 2 points to<br />

throughout the United States will<br />

out-sco- re<br />

lllah team series: Post Bawling<br />

15 points<br />

nIIIIlIffl<br />

an five from tho and the starting guards were Gaylc<br />

Bishop by<br />

holp<br />

four and finished<br />

only four points behind Dunn,<br />

select tho participants for the Center, 2,211.<br />

HIIW IlITIlIIll fill IHJII1<br />

through most of the fourth.<br />

field and tho same number from Hoaton. Mary Ann Williams and<br />

National Tournament here In<br />

High single game: Georgia Ghost <strong>View</strong>er<br />

lose first one<br />

I<br />

Also keeping the Does well up in<br />

Austin.<br />

Woods. 243.<br />

the game was the steady The growing Interest In America<br />

in water skiing has brouht Woods. 015.<br />

To Everyone<br />

High sinftl sorter Georgia i<br />

high point man for both teams<br />

and shooting of Peggy<br />

eight fielders and four chart- - Tho 8th grade girls basketball Ralls Jackrabbits win,<br />

for 20 points, Leslie Acker<br />

46-3- 9<br />

I Ramsey and Anne Morris, who large groups of spectators at past<br />

team had their first defeat or tho<br />

scored 14 points each. Those three national tourneys. 25.000 saw the1 POST CHURCH LEAGUE<br />

next for Post with 14 points season when they lost to Slaton)<br />

played the entire game<br />

Who Sees<br />

Mike Cornell with four bas- -<br />

Monday night in a doublcheadcr<br />

The Docs' starting guards Beth 35.000 were present In 1959 at Lawas<br />

third with 8.<br />

. M<br />

on the Slaton court, 18 to 14. Cold shooting leads<br />

- Catholic Church No. 1 37 7<br />

13<br />

1<br />

Kemp, Judy Clary and Danella<br />

Hampshire. Is th .<br />

conla. New This First Bapttat No.<br />

27 21<br />

!.!.<br />

18 and Larry Durk was next Scorers for the Post team were<br />

Bateman did n workmanlike Job first time a national ski tourna-- , Catholic Church No. 2 22 26<br />

Pamela Stewart, 11, and Cheryl<br />

on the taller Slaton forwards to ment has been held in the South First Baptist No.<br />

21 27<br />

17.<br />

Martin, 3.<br />

keep the gome close. All three west.<br />

Methodist No.<br />

against Slaton, making too<br />

Starting guards were Dec Ann to Antelope defeat<br />

1<br />

IS 26<br />

out on fouls late in the game<br />

Methodist No. 2<br />

15 33<br />

went<br />

errors upon which tho<br />

Walker, Dnrln Pierce, and Marty<br />

and were replaced by Jane Max-- 1<br />

High team game: First Baptist<br />

Tig--<br />

Baker, with Paula Helms and Ret-t- a<br />

cy, Janle Carradinc and Sandra Borden girls win No. 1, 803.<br />

capitalized.<br />

tho u team boys' g n m c Martin also seeing action. Two cold quarters the first and trick. Tho Antelopes wore "hot" Stewart, who continued mBklng<br />

High team series: Catholic No.<br />

The second game was between third cost tho Post Antelopes a the rest of tho quarter, however, the Slaton forwards work hard for<br />

1. 2.312.<br />

- l l 40 I tho Post 7th grade girls and Slaton,<br />

with Slaton winning,<br />

Jackrabbits going homo with the visitors, anil trailing, At numorous stages throughout<br />

Peel, 241; (lady). Anita Blanton,<br />

ball game Friday night, the Ralls and wound up by outscoring the every thot they got at the basket in sportsmanship<br />

High s4nle gamo: (man). Punk Ghosts<br />

15-1- 20-1-<br />

19-1-<br />

thriller. Post came un with n<br />

to almost overcome Slaton s<br />

High scorer for Post was Paula long end of a 46 to 39 score. nt the halftlmc intermission the come. Post nulled un to with- The Borden Junior High School<br />

- 228.<br />

In the fourth making up five Baldrcc, 10, with Pat Landrcth,<br />

In girls of<br />

It evened this season's scries between<br />

the two teams at Post in third quarter pull me visitors<br />

oui.n man...,. ...<br />

Jimmy irom<br />

i<br />

easy but each Gail sports.<br />

Minor the field striking distance, won<br />

hit<br />

team<br />

the<br />

4,<br />

to Cnnlnt ilfflrlt.<br />

and Marilyn Jones, 3.<br />

early the to time puueu dock ...<br />

1 tilth single sorioc: (man). Don<br />

Hut-chin- s,<br />

Starting guards were Betty having won by<br />

flPKin ICU IKJlll CIUUS<br />

three points In the Post up into a tic with the 'Rob- - in r<br />

111<br />

. , ...1.1. I r ? , .. rVnttl.l f n<br />

111 Willi 111 JVI II Ik J . WMVIU ......<br />

Shnrln Pierce nnd Ccrrctha season opener for both quintets. bits, nnd the Antelopes went on than<br />

111 nunvvui) Dunbar. 043; (lady). AnUa Blanton,<br />

C29.<br />

13 Times Tho<br />

mj i.i. mn. m -<br />

iruni unit.<br />

more 10 points Borden won its first two games<br />

10 for Post and wcnucii Jonn- - Jones.<br />

Post didn't hit a field goal the from there to pull Into n<br />

30-2- 6 Tho first onded with Sla- -<br />

quartor but lost its third to Union, second<br />

All-Amorica<br />

grid<br />

15-1-<br />

clnht.<br />

first quarter, managing only three<br />

lend going Into the final quartor. ton nhoad. but the Does tied place finisher in the meet won by<br />

15-1-5<br />

I 111 II I'.IIWHI 11 : UliU i U K I<br />

Screams!<br />

'<br />

10,753 DEER KILLED points on frco throws, while the That was where they got<br />

on two<br />

Sands.<br />

"cold" it at frco throws by<br />

I II II' H 1 lULl 1UI UIUIUII I AUSTIN There wcro 10,753 deer Jackrabbits were hitting four from again, however, making only 9 Wilson with 6:35 to go in the first' Starting lineup for Borden was movio is available<br />

8--<br />

checked through tho Game and the field to lead, going Into points to Ralls' 20. Tho Antelopes<br />

hnlf. Judy Kelly. Brenda Bllleck. Shorry LUBBOCK Texs Tech has<br />

With 1:5G third MllllnnoK--<br />

i cave oimuri un ussiai hi- -<br />

the district lend Tuesday nicht<br />

Fish Commission check station<br />

the second quarter.<br />

missed numerous shots from the<br />

remnlnlne In the Barr. Kay Snoed, Machlta<br />

- i available, through the Red Raider<br />

In<br />

Coach<br />

Llano for the 1960 season,<br />

Richard Soutcr's Post field In tho final period, while quarter. Slaton was ahead by only ken and Mary Ann Dennis. Club, a sound movie shewing ac<br />

according<br />

to biologist reports. Last sea-<br />

first nunrtfir hpfnrn urnrlni' from hit the basket.<br />

- nament at Gay Hill Junior High erican Football Coaches Asoria<br />

team was halfway through<br />

just<br />

the about everything Ralls put up<br />

four 46-4- 2 and had only n six- - Borden now enters another tour-<br />

tlon ami chse-u- p stouts ol the Am-<br />

point lead with 1:23 reovertime<br />

oner wvuvui wu<br />

malnlng In the game.<br />

School.<br />

tton<br />

defeated Stanton Friday night son there wcro 9,220.<br />

the Leslie point- -<br />

field, Acker turning the Acker, with 17 was the<br />

learn for I9C0<br />

' tjtmllmM nrai I E.<br />

In Lrast InA<br />

J. HoiNto. Texas Tech center<br />

cellar berth with Post.<br />

only Antelope hitting in<br />

is among tfee 11 stars featured in<br />

double<br />

mid-terth<br />

film. Ta movt may Ikm<br />

at leaves Tahoka and Denver With timo out for exams<br />

figuros. Bill McFadden's 12 points<br />

tied for second nt 1 in tils- -<br />

and 11 by Charles Edwards paced<br />

tho Jackrabbits.<br />

7th graders beat Slaton<br />

- sh 13 Times Tho<br />

edulvd by service club and other<br />

organisations tnierwMed in athletics<br />

P,ny .<br />

by contacting Ijmie Jackson, executive<br />

Red Raider FUN 1 1<br />

n Anin iiih w lis in uuiivli<br />

The box score:<br />

Friday night to play Denver Raiders to meet<br />

t.<br />

in their second district start.<br />

fg ft pf tp<br />

Club. Hox 486 (Telephone<br />

will ru n nnnnin mil Willi liiu<br />

a I) ILUIiia LIUBIIIIIk 111 -<br />

! .. rt. fltxt iIaai nnl PhiHips 66 next<br />

P02-8600- .<br />

Jackson will<br />

bring both the film and projector YOU'LL BELIEVE IN<br />



THE NEW<br />

a<br />

13 Times Tho<br />

Thrills!<br />


(Free to Everyone Who<br />

Sees Ths Movie 1<br />

SUNDAY<br />


- - MONDAY<br />


Jan. 22, 23, 24 and 25<br />

It Crashes The<br />

Boldest Boundary<br />

Line Ever Stretched<br />

Across The Screenl<br />

"All The<br />

Who Caught Hell<br />

in Korea!<br />

Alan Ladd<br />

- ond<br />

Sidney Poifier<br />

"OF ALL THE SCRffM<br />





A4CMtA4hC$ I '<br />

il<br />

v i . 'iutfn<br />

B5--<br />


Garza County<br />


Pago 10 Thursday, January 19, 1961 The Post, Tex., Dttpatth<br />

New series is launched by<br />

Introducing 4 Post<br />

Hi class favorites<br />

By Glnny Young<br />

; cat in her family. When asked her<br />

and Gaylo DUlard future plans, she snld emphatically.<br />

"College at S.MU and cventu--<br />

This week wo arc starting a<br />

scries of personalities designed to ally marriage maybe."<br />

'<br />

"Introduce" to you the students Dcnice will cat almost anything<br />

of Post High. Wo arc starting with axeept eggplant, oysters, or<br />

tho girl class favorites, We sincere squash. She loves red, Elizabeth<br />

ly hope this wilt help you to Taylor, Paul Newman, "Summer- -<br />

be-comore<br />

acquainted with the time", and boasts her favorite sub- -'<br />

students In our school.<br />

Ject as Campusology. This girl<br />

What Senior girl do you know<br />

even has n motto and it's "Better<br />

'<br />

who is a black-eye- d<br />

beauty and<br />

late than never ".<br />

always has a smile for everyone?<br />

She Is also the Most Dependable Who do you know who Is 5'2".<br />

In our class oh, that gives It completely<br />

awayl It's Dcnlco Eubank,<br />

of course.<br />

Dcnlco claims she has no time<br />

for a pastime and Its no wonder<br />

She's a member of the Student<br />

Council, Spanish Club, English<br />

Club, Drama Club, and FHA. When<br />

sho can squeeze It In, she likes to<br />

talk on tho telephone or go bowling.<br />

Dcnlco Is the daughter of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Donnls Eubank. She has<br />

three sisters, two dogs, and one<br />

Junior Hiqh's<br />

ouuta a<br />

in<br />

fepork<br />

By Junior High Staff<br />

Who Is It that likes Johnny<br />

Jones? Is it you Sherry Gist?<br />

Who made on his music<br />

test because he sounded like a<br />

problem child? Was It you Gregg<br />

Jones?<br />

Who took alt the things out ef<br />

Maroia Newby notebook? Could K<br />

bo you, Howard Hill?<br />

Who couldn't stp from toughing<br />

In music, whan he was singing<br />

"Gllly Gllly Cm(itc Cnlmnt-len- ,<br />

Bogen by the Sea"? CeuM K<br />

bo you Walter Johnson?<br />

Who poured perfume sn same<br />

paper ami stank up ttte room?<br />

Was It you Ann Ussery?<br />

Which class smelted something<br />

burning under the radiator? Was<br />

It Mrs. Williams class?<br />

6--<br />

Who was drawing Mrs. Baxter<br />

In math class Monday? Was it<br />

you, Flnnls C?<br />

-<br />

Who used to like Michael<br />

Hor-ton- ?<br />

Was It you Beverly A ?<br />

Guess who sat by Sherry Wood<br />

In tho show Saturday? I'm sure it<br />

was Jerry S.<br />

Sherry Wood Is always wanting<br />

someone to put something about<br />

her In the paper. Well, you got<br />

your wish, Sherry!<br />

Who was It that has some to the<br />

lunchroom late everyday and gotten<br />

more food than the people in<br />

tho front of the line? Was It you<br />

Jonlo J.. La Gaylauh Y., and<br />

Linda D.?<br />

Who was It that got a fever<br />

blister so that she couldn't play<br />

for the mid-ter- test In band? Was<br />

It you, La Gayluah Young?<br />

Who was putting horns on Mel<br />

vln Allen in Geography class<br />

Tuesday? Did you enjoy It Bo<br />

Hutchlns?<br />

Who went around popping the<br />

girls with a rubberband? Was It<br />

you, Jacklo B.<br />

Everyone Is sorry to hear that<br />

Linda Pierce is moving to<br />

Electru, Tex. It seems such a<br />

shame. The seventh grade girls<br />

seem to have the blues. May you<br />

find happiness and pleasure lor<br />

all your days. We'll miss you.<br />

Couples teen around Post Junior<br />

High are: Karen Haley and Gary<br />

Kays, Sharon Melsch and Lewis<br />

Ken-swt-<br />

Herron, M. Jean Scott and tt<br />

Pennell.<br />

Drs.<br />

mm fmwmi<br />

at a.<br />

1 I<br />

eats constantly, is a Sophomore, is<br />

cute as a bug, and has a great<br />

(desire to become another Brcnda<br />

I Starr? Stanna Butler, who else?<br />

Stanna Is a very unusual girl.<br />

To begin with, she has two families.<br />

Can you get any luckier? She<br />

is actually the daughter of Mr. and<br />

Mrs. S. L. Butler but she dlvidos<br />

hor time between thorn and her<br />

grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. II. E.<br />

Butler. She also has two sisters,<br />

Retu Lynn and Peggy.<br />

Her pastime, which is eating. Includes<br />

practically all kind nf<br />

food, but she especially likes steak.<br />

She laves dogs, but since she can<br />

only have one, she collects stuffed<br />

ones.<br />

After graduation, Stanna hopes<br />

to attend Hardin Simmons. Prom<br />

the looks of her activities here<br />

she might even major In music.<br />

She sings In the soxtet. Is a member<br />

of the band, and is an excellent<br />

piano player.<br />

Seme of Stsnna's favorites are<br />

basketball, Paul Newman. Nata-N- e<br />

Wood, and Jerry Llgon. Her<br />

favorite color is turquoise and her<br />

favorite song is "Will You Be<br />

Mine Tb morrow"<br />

MeMnda Newhy is a very at-- 1<br />

tractive Junior who stands five<br />

feet, four Inches tali and has<br />

brown hair and brown eyes.<br />

MettadWs parents are Mr. nnd<br />

Mrs. David Newhy She has two<br />

sisUrs ad one brother<br />

i<br />

Mettmla is a member of the!<br />

Seat CM), Science Ctes. Na-- 1<br />

tonal Honor Society, owl the Am- -<br />

Amoftg her favorite. MeMnUa<br />

Uk Soft. "ExwstM' . food, pic- -<br />

t<br />

OvfffTt jfWf"i<br />

tAski stcwrt wjsn i, ssulfttftA nratinrr<br />

tM mhWwwp rwuMAfie hobby<br />

paiAiMg; atir. Chartooa Heeton.<br />

aeiroM, Audrey Hepburn;<br />

sue-Jee- t,<br />

typing.<br />

After hion school graduation.<br />

MeHnda plans to go to college but<br />

she hasn't decided where she wtH<br />

attend.<br />

k<br />

Shirley Ann Sapplngton. a freshman<br />

this year. Is a very welcome<br />

sight around PUS.<br />

She has brown<br />

hair and brown eyes and is five<br />

feet, one Inch In height<br />

Shirley's parents are Mr. and<br />

Mrs. R. A. Sapplngton. Included<br />

In her family are two brothers.<br />

Shirley Is a member ef the<br />

freshman basketball team and<br />

FHA.<br />

Some of Shirley's favorttet<br />

are-Song- .<br />

"Wonderland by Night";<br />

food, steak; ceier. red: sport<br />

basketball; pastime, riding; hobby,<br />

radio: actor. Tony Curtis:<br />

actress. Lis Taylor subject<br />

sconce<br />

After completion of high school.<br />

Shirley plans to attend Business<br />

College.<br />

California farmers spend more<br />

than $30 million a year to control<br />

pests. This Is one-thir- d of the U<br />

S. total.<br />

Tha EverwelPs<br />

TO<br />

Q9t<br />

rcm gifts for<br />

MotKr dmmr,<br />

W always<br />

do our buying<br />

hcr<br />

CJtftLffy<br />

THELMA<br />

"Next To My Ignition Key Guess You're<br />

J ne mott important I lung In My Life!<br />

Favorite pastimes of both<br />

students and teachers noted<br />

By Robbie Nutt<br />

Question: What Is your favorite<br />

pastime?<br />

Rene H Driving the car, If I<br />

have the gas.<br />

Elaine M. Talking on the phone<br />

for hours.<br />

Hmmer Jean H. Watching TV.<br />

Jareo P Driving and Talking.<br />

Beatrice S. Listening to records<br />

Ruth M. Dancing.<br />

Mrs. Camp Cooking.<br />


16 students are<br />

on honor roll<br />

Sixteen students made the "A"<br />

and "H honor roil at Lincoln<br />

Elementary School for the third<br />

On the ait "A" honor roil are;<br />

Wayne MtUhoil. Bvonne Wynn.<br />

Bobbie Jehnson, MareheHe Heyle.<br />

Edgar Earl 0by. Barbara Moore,<br />

Hulen Haylc Jr.. Jim Henry Os-b-y.<br />

Johnny Roberts, and<br />

Morrau.<br />

Robert<br />

Those on the "B" honor roll<br />

were Wayne Hoyle, Linda Manuel,<br />

Willie Joe Bell, Annie Lee Bell,<br />

Shirley Manuel, William L. Jackson.<br />

Lincoln P-T- A bowls<br />

after Thursday mccf<br />

The Lincoln School Parent-Teache- r<br />

Association met last Thursday<br />

evening at the school with a large<br />

number In attendance<br />

After a short session, several<br />

members went to the Post Bowling<br />

Center where they spent the remainder<br />

of the evening bowling<br />

Those bowling were Mr and Mrs.<br />

Matt L. Reese. Mrs. Zeta Prnnie.<br />

Mr and Mrs Albert Lewis and<br />

Mrs. Hulcne Dunn. Accompanying I<br />

them but not bowling were Mrs.<br />

Cora SmKh. Mrs. Minnie Sayles.<br />

and Mrs. Ethel Harper.<br />

They played the Haynes High<br />

School, of Spur, here Tuesday<br />

night It was their first home<br />

game<br />

by O. G. Hamilion<br />

'ft<br />

Janith S. Riding around.<br />

Mary Ann W. Radio.<br />

Shirley S. Boys.<br />

Diane M. Junction Cltty, Kan.<br />

Goyle H. Reading.<br />

Coach Clark Football and TV.<br />

Elaine W. Studying for World<br />

History.<br />

Vonda H. Having to stay In for<br />

,<br />

Mr. Baxter.<br />

Coach S o u t c r Watching football<br />

on TV.<br />

Sue T. Talking out loud In Coach<br />

Souter's Civics Class.<br />

Bonnie D. DAN.<br />

Mary Lois J. Eating.<br />

Martha G. Listening to the radio.<br />

Carla N Boys nnd riding<br />

around.<br />

Judy M Sleeping.<br />

Jane M Working for the news<br />

paper.<br />

Civics classes faking<br />

business arifhmetic<br />

By Emma Jean Halford<br />

Everyone Is looking forward to<br />

seeing how they will like business<br />

arithmetic, after taking civics for<br />

the first part of the year. The civics<br />

classes last semester voted<br />

to take business arithmetic. Wo<br />

feet that Business Arithmetic will<br />

I<br />

be a great help to those students<br />

who are taking bookkeeping.<br />

Coach Souter<br />

Alex-landwill<br />

bo teaching<br />

and Coach<br />

those<br />

OurO.K.<br />

assures you<br />

safe trips<br />

NOAH<br />

Speech play to be<br />

presented May 2<br />

By Janene Haynlc<br />

"The Family Nobody Wanted."'<br />

a play based on one event of the<br />

book, by Helen Doss. This is a<br />

true story of sincere warmth and<br />

gontleness on the part of the Reverend<br />

and Mrs. Does.<br />

Reverend and Mrs. Doss, many<br />

years ago. adopted a young boy.<br />

Later on they adopted eleven more<br />

children, all with a racial difference.<br />

The play Itself Is concerned<br />

with Donny's (the oldest boy) date<br />

with Nan a very rich, attractive<br />

girl. Tho whole house Is upset,<br />

what with trying to get Donny ready<br />

far his date and keeping the<br />

house straight for on Interviewer<br />

who Is coming for pictures and<br />

etc.<br />

The play deals with all the mishaps<br />

and advantages of n large<br />

family. It Is quite amusing and<br />

should really be enjoyable.<br />

Try your best to come sec It<br />

that's May 21<br />


Benny likes girls<br />

better than boys<br />

By Linda Hays<br />

This week's sports personality Is<br />

Benny Owen, son of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Ben Owen. He was bom December<br />

8, 1946, In Post and has lived<br />

here nil his life. Besides Benny,<br />

there nro Pam, 13, who Is In the<br />

7th grade, Klm,6, In tho 1st grade,<br />

Tim, 4. nnd Rodney, 1.<br />

In school he played eighth grade<br />

football, basketball, nnd is In the<br />

Post High School Band. In basketball<br />

he plays guard.<br />

His favorites arc: sport, basketball<br />

and football, actor, Tab Hunter,<br />

actress, Debbie Reynolds, TV<br />

Show, "Islanders", movie, "GI<br />

Blues," color, black, car. Corvette,<br />

food, steak, drink, sour lime, book,<br />

"Football," song. "I'm Sorry," animal,<br />

dog, subject, language, singer,<br />

Paul Ankn, author, Jim KJcl-gaar-<br />

He likes girls better than<br />

boys.<br />

His pastime Is girls, his further<br />

plan Is to become a coach. We all<br />

think he's the best.<br />

Students glad<br />

exams are over<br />

By Gloria Peoples and<br />

Martha Goodo<br />

r . .11 , .<br />

tvecu, miu-icrm- s<br />

icsis arc over.<br />

I The high school mathematics students<br />

arc relieved to have their<br />

tests over. There wero probably<br />

! i . - . i. . . i<br />

UUIIU U iCW laiQ I1UUI9 BIICIH 111<br />

preparing for the exam. Wc had<br />

two hours In which to finish It<br />

and most of tho students used the<br />

full time.<br />

Now, they are ready to begin n<br />

new semester. The general math,<br />

algobra 1. algebra 3, and plane<br />

geometry classes will continue to<br />

have their same courses. The solid<br />

geometry students have to be<br />

different and take trigonometry.<br />

Wc hope everyone will put out a<br />

llttlo more effort in tho coming<br />

semester to try and improve their<br />

grades.<br />

We congratulate Mr. nnd Mrs.<br />

Pollard on the arrival of thel baby<br />

boy.<br />

Pakistani police issued an order<br />

In Karachi prohibiting euchs from<br />

wearing women's clothes.<br />

One slop hero will keep your cor sofely.imoothly-on-lho-g- o.<br />

Our system wf double checking assure<br />

you of lop service every time. See us on all<br />

your automotive needs.<br />

II Kinds of Automotive Repair<br />

Including all kinds of body repair and auto<br />

glass replacement<br />

Our New Dial Number, 495-288- 1<br />



Post Auto Supply<br />

STONf<br />

114 SOUTH AVI. I<br />


Connie offers some free advice<br />

to a troubled working girl<br />

By Danny Jones and Anne Morris<br />

Dear Connie<br />

I am the youngest In a family of<br />

nii--<br />

ihrn t nm iKvffniron vrnrs<br />

of age 'and my sisters arc twenty<br />

four nml turntv o eht I work e Bht<br />

hours n day In n shoo factory In<br />

addition to overtime, and bring<br />

homo pretty fair money. Neither<br />

of my sisters work as Mother tells<br />

me they have to help her with the<br />

house work. I turn half my pay over<br />

to each of my sisters each week<br />

In return for which I am allowed to<br />

wear their clothes when they have<br />

become tired of them.<br />

I am always In bed by 8 p. m.<br />

so that I can bo refreshed for the<br />

next day's work, nnd also that I<br />

don't Interfere with my sisters<br />

when they bring their boy-frienhome<br />

nftcr late dances or parlies.<br />

I have to be very quiet In the<br />

mornings when I get up nt 6 n. m<br />

so I won't disturb my sisters who<br />

always sleep late. A boy who drove<br />

mo home from the factory one<br />

night nftcr work says that I am<br />

n fool and that I should move out<br />

of the house altogether. Whnt do<br />

you think?<br />

Cindy<br />

Ella<br />

Dcnr Cindy Ella:<br />

First and foremost, get rid of<br />

that young man who Is trying to<br />

get you to move out and break up<br />

a happy hornet<br />

You say that your sisters allow<br />

you to wear their clothes, nnd I<br />

think this Is very generous of them.<br />

I also think they must be pretty<br />

nice kids to put up with the drudgery<br />

of housework everyday nnd<br />

allow you to go out and work. As<br />

to them taking your money every<br />

week .... do you expect them to<br />

exist on nothing?<br />

Don't forget .... they arc the<br />

ones who are helping your mother<br />

and they arc certainly entitled to<br />

get out at night .... you go out<br />

during the day, don't you?<br />

Realize how fortunate you nrc.<br />

Cindy Ella! Forget that boy friend<br />

of yours nnd resolve to put In as<br />

much overtime at your Job as possible<br />

or your sisters may lose faith<br />

fin you.<br />

Connie<br />

Dear Connie:<br />

I am 33 years of age ... a lady i<br />

Here's ideal Post<br />

High school boy<br />

By Jane Francis and<br />

Peggy Ramsey<br />

Hair Gary Howell.<br />

Eyes Richard Ray.<br />

Nose: Jerry Stone.<br />

Lips: Glenn Polk.<br />

Build- - Jimmy Minor.<br />

Looks: Darrcl Haley.<br />

Hands: Harold Wayne Mason.<br />

Legs: Bobby Beard.<br />

Personality: Danny Jones.<br />

Best Dressed: Gregory Mngal-lanez- .<br />

Teeth: Mike Cornell.<br />

Smile: Ken Rankin.<br />

Walk: Ronnie Henderson.<br />

Height: Dwaync Cnpps.<br />

Friendly: Jncklo Flultt.<br />

CONft<br />

By Ann Usicrv<br />

Tho Junior High annual will haw<br />

wrestler by profosslon nnd hnve 30-- pages of pictures.<br />

!<br />

There<br />

had threo weakling husbands who be pictures of the faculty, picture<br />

haven't had the guts to take ajof the boy' nnd girls' baskubsii<br />

cood elbow smash, three quarter teams, pictures of the football<br />

pln. body slam or full nelson nnd boys, pictures of Who'a Who m<br />

lauon II on- - v.un y"" " Post Junior High, pictures of mo<br />

man who likes to keep In shape luiur uuy onu girl, pictures (J<br />

with a good workout four or five most athletic boy and girl, and<br />

times n week nnd won't a t a r t there wilt bo snapshot pages, Our<br />

whimpering about going homo to annual will tell for two dollar.<br />

mother?<br />

You may pay a deposit of iim<br />

Hefty Hannah<br />

now nnd the second dollar when the<br />

c-- o Madison Square Garden annual comes In. or you may nay<br />

nil of tho $2.00 now. Bo suro and<br />

Dear Hefty:<br />

don't forget to buy your nnnwl<br />

now.<br />

An expedition recently returned<br />

from tho Belgian Congo with n<br />

wild man they call "Bongo". I<br />

think he would be well suited for What is a 'Jape?<br />

you. If you nre Interested I can By Marc la Newby<br />

arrange n meeting nt tho Bronx I asked somo boys and girls e<br />

Zoo.<br />

sixth grnde what n "Japo"<br />

Connie<br />

wtt<br />

Dear Connie:<br />

My wife weighs 350 lbs. nnd I<br />

only weigh 103. I nm nfrald to go<br />

to sleep with her because If I did,<br />

she might roll over some<br />

nnd kill me. What will I do?<br />

Boney Mnhoncy<br />

night<br />

Dear Boney:<br />

Have you ever tried sleeping in<br />

another bed? I hear you can get<br />

one twin bed at Spears & Blow- -<br />

buck for half price. You can take<br />

the twin bed and leave her the<br />

double bed to sleep on. Good luck<br />

and watch her!<br />

Connie<br />


Junior Hfgh annual<br />

sale is begun<br />

STOP and THINK<br />

Post's Fine Schools<br />

Are Being Supported<br />

Through<br />

Taxes Paid By<br />

Post Merchants<br />

We Can All Build Better Schools and Other<br />

Community Facilities by<br />

Trading at Home<br />

And Keeping<br />

Our Dollars Working Here<br />

THE POST<br />

PAY YOUR<br />

Larry McDnnlcl A Jap.<br />

Johnny Hare A bird.<br />

Jan Miller A Jap.<br />

Sherry Woods A stone.<br />

Mclvln Allen A monster.<br />

Jo Beth Dlllard A Jeep.<br />

La Gayluah Young A fever<br />

blister.<br />

Dick Kennedy Something In tfn<br />

Army.<br />

Johnny Jones A monkey.<br />

Chcrryl Pennell A snake.<br />

Howard II III A name.<br />

Gregg Jones A fruit.<br />

Brcnda Mason Golly bum!<br />

don't know I<br />

Bonnie Elklns A rabbit.<br />

Shcrrl Perdue A kangaroo.<br />

(A "Jape-- Is a Joke.)<br />

POLL TAX<br />

Qualify Yourself to Vote in 1961<br />


TO AVWD<br />


You Must Pay Your<br />


Before January 31<br />

BE 1<br />

k 1, In to<br />

cr In you<br />

cense rece.<br />

Tax<br />


31<br />


MUST PAID btw Fib. April ML order<br />

rejiser your 1H1 must We Tex We W your<br />

i960<br />

T. H. TIPTON<br />

Asseiior-ColMKi- w,<br />

Garza<br />


4jiniNsjttsjMn<br />

Corvair Rampskle truck is<br />

ideal for merchant defiveries<br />

To meet a crowing demand for<br />

lower cost, efficient transportation<br />

In tho local delivery and service<br />

fields, Chevrolet in 1001 has Introduced<br />

tho "Corvair 95" a new<br />

scries of short wheclbasc, rear<br />

powered light duty trucks.<br />

Tho rampsldo pickup, shown<br />

above, Is ono of tho<br />

thrco models<br />

In tho scries. The other two aro<br />

n conventional pickup and a panel<br />

delivery truck.<br />

Tho new scries Is powered by<br />

tho 80 hp.<br />

air-cool-<br />

Corvair<br />

er<br />

cnglno and transnxlc power<br />

unit mounted at tho rear.<br />

Other features aro<br />

unit-fram- e<br />

construction for rigidity and light<br />

weight, independent colt spring<br />

!.--<br />

i<br />

1IIIS iI FT" Mf<br />


"With this new line, wo arc<br />

I 1 . . I. r . i<br />

cms iy i ui.iv uaci s iui ii iikiii<br />

Time is here for<br />

car inspection<br />

AUSTIN Tho director of tho<br />

Texas Department of Public Snfc--<br />

y today urged motorists to secure<br />

heir 1901 vehicle Inspection stick-r- s<br />

"before tho time gets short<br />

Homer Garrison Jr. said<br />

ind tho lines get long."<br />

Col.<br />

ipproxlmatcly half of tho Inspcc-Io- n<br />

period has expired and only<br />

bout one-thir- d of tho vehicles In<br />

ho stato have been Inspected. "Un-es- s<br />

the number of inspections Is<br />

ncrcascd appreciably soon," he<br />

dded, "long waiting lines will bo<br />

arming at inspection stations when<br />

to April 15 deadline approaches."<br />

''After that date, vehicles not dls--<br />

paying the new Inspection sticker<br />

Hit bo operating In violation of<br />

.<br />

...<br />

to<br />

law," Garrison said.<br />

4.800 authorized inspection<br />

ST<br />

latlons over the stnto aro rcaay<br />

ltd capablo of handling tho in<br />

bection of Texas registered vc<br />

clcs without delay if owners will<br />

wait until lust a lew days bo<br />

re the deadline," ho Mid.<br />

karrison called attention to the<br />

fee that slnco tho beginning of tho<br />

ipcctlon program, vehicles hav<br />

fc a defect that was a causative<br />

fetor In fatal accidents decrcas- -<br />

from 13 per cent to flvo per<br />

int.<br />

cat to operate, much easier to<br />

drive and park In congested city<br />

traffic, and Is considerably easier<br />

to load," Claude Collier, Cnprock<br />

Chevrolet-Old- s owner, explains,<br />

The Rampsldo pick model Is rated<br />

at 1000 pounds payload, and<br />

features a grain-tigh- t box of 80<br />

cubic feet capacity. With a 95 Inch<br />

whcclbaso and short overall length<br />

of less than 15 feet, It has a short<br />

turning radius and is highly<br />

Tho ramp opening Is 47.5 Inches<br />

and tho cab is only 69 Inches high.<br />

Collier urges all business men,<br />

service operators, farmers and<br />

ranchers to stop by and sco this<br />

unique new pickup with the ramp<br />

which enables ono man now to do<br />

tho loading and unloading Job of<br />

two.<br />

Cowboy champs in<br />

Fort Worth rodeo<br />

Fort Worth<br />


Stock Show President-Manage- r W.<br />

R. Watt, in Denver for tho annual<br />

meeting of the Rodeo Cowboys Association,<br />

reports expressions of<br />

enthusiasm he has received make<br />

It likely the cntiro slato of 19C0's<br />

cowboy champions and challengers<br />

will bo competing In tho Fort<br />

Worth rodeo, Jnn. 5.<br />

Entry deadllno for the rodoo<br />

hands is Jan. 20.<br />

Most competitors In calf roping<br />

and bulldogglng will come by car,<br />

towing their favorlto horso In a<br />

trailer. Most entrants In tho bareback,<br />

saddle bronc and bull riding<br />

events will come by air.<br />

With moro than 100 "Special<br />

Days"<br />

throughout the<br />

Stock Show, hundreds of chartered<br />

buses will bo utilized to bring<br />

thousnnds of rodeo fans and band<br />

members to Fort Worth.<br />

A special train will bring n delegation<br />

of 1G0 Saddlo and Sirloin<br />

Club members from Kansas City<br />

to tho Southwestern Exposition nnd<br />

Fat Stock Show. Tho 35 beautiful<br />

horses of their precision riding<br />

group also will ride the rails. The<br />

fancv riders from Kansas City will<br />

bo In tho forefront of tho big<br />

Stock Show opening Western par<br />

ade through downtown Fort Worth,<br />

at 2 p. m. Friday, Jan. 27.<br />

NOTICE- World War I Vets<br />

iTher will be a mealing of all Garza County<br />

veterans of World War I at-- 1<br />

7:30 P. M.( FRIDAY, JANUARY 20,<br />

I<br />

in the district courtroom at tho courthouse to<br />

organize a barracks of<br />

I<br />

planned<br />


I AW vots, their wives and widows aro invited to<br />

; attend this important meeting.<br />

National Deputy Chief of Staff<br />


Now on display at Caprock Chovrolot-Old- s Co. hero is Corvair now 1961 Rampsldo<br />

pickup truck with an exclusive side loading ramp. This Corvair 95 light-dut- truck offers<br />

y<br />

economical operation, low loading hoight, easy handling and largo cargo space for Its size.<br />

Texas traffic deaths drop 165<br />

1960 safest year on<br />

highways since 1949<br />

AUSTIN Governor Price Dan-- 1<br />

Icl said Saturday ho could foresee<br />

tho possibility of a "major<br />

breakthrough" In reducing traffic<br />

crashes, Injuries and deaths on<br />

Texas highways In tho foreseeable<br />

future, "if we can obtain legislative<br />

approval of tho measures experience<br />

now Indicates aro<br />

Tho DPS cstimato Indicated<br />

traffic deaths for I960, as compared<br />

with 2,453 for 1959, a reduction<br />

of 1C5, or about seven per<br />

cent. A few more names aro expected<br />

to bo added to tho official<br />

death list for 19G0 by tho date of<br />

tho final report. March 18. becnuse<br />

of Injuries resulting In death after<br />

Jan. 1. rcchccklng of earlier reports<br />

to determine actual causo<br />

and revision of all figures prior to<br />

1ht<br />

OCdiunwu<br />

Si<br />

"When you feel like crltl- -<br />

clzlng the younger generation,<br />

just remember who<br />

raised them."<br />

year In which tho toll has been<br />

held below<br />

o<br />

the record of<br />

2,011 fatalities In 1950, tho yoar<br />

before ho became Governor. The<br />

respective annual figures show 2,-5-<br />

deaths In 1957, 2,342 in 1953,<br />

2,453 In 1959 nnd 2,283 (estimated)<br />

In I960.<br />

822 LIVES SAVED<br />

"When wo comporo these an<br />

nual totals with that of 2,011 in<br />

1950," tho Governor sold, "we find<br />

that there wore 72 fewer traffic<br />

deaths In 1957; 209 fewer In 1958;<br />

158 less in 1959 and 323 fewer In<br />

I960, or 822 less than the expect-<br />

The Governor said ho had re<br />

ceived "major encouragement"' on<br />

tho traffic safety situation irom<br />

tho preliminary ostlmatc of the<br />

Department of Public Safety. The<br />

first cstimato on I960 ed toll If<br />

traffic<br />

the 1950 rate had been<br />

deaths indicated a reduction of 1G5 continued.<br />

over tho 1959 toll.<br />

"From another viewpoint," the<br />

Governor continued, "wo find<br />

that tho annual avcrago number1<br />

of traffic deaths Increased by 1.42 .<br />

per cent per year from 1950 through<br />

1950. If we project that iiguro ior<br />

each year from 1957 through 1960,<br />

wo find that we could reasonably<br />

have expected 2.G4S deaths in 1957.<br />

another 2.68G in 1958, some 2,724<br />

In 1959 nnd 2.703 In 1960. Thnt<br />

would have meant 10.821 traffic<br />

deaths from 1957 through 1960, bas-<br />

tho final report.<br />

ed on tho 1950-5-<br />

figures 0<br />

Preliminary Indicate tho<br />

smallest highway death toll In<br />

Texas slnco 1919, theGovornor<br />

said, and the fourth consecutive<br />

annual average<br />

Increase.<br />

"During those four yenrs, however,<br />

wo actually recorded 9,622<br />

traffic deaths, a saving of some<br />

1,199 lives over what might have,<br />

been expected in the light of steadily<br />

Increasing driver licenses<br />

Is--1<br />

sued, vehicles registered nnd total j<br />

miles driven.<br />

"The reduction In tho death toll t<br />

has been established by an unre-- l<br />

lentlng public education campaign<br />


ABOUT<br />

coordinated by tho Governor's Office<br />

during the past four years,<br />

working with tho Department of<br />

Public Safety nnd law enforce<br />

ment agencies at all levels of gov<br />

emment, other State agencies, clt<br />

Izcn traffic safety groups and cl<br />

vie organizations, and all levels of<br />

Texas economic lite," tno Govcr<br />

nor said.<br />

"nut we have been operating<br />

under the unusual handicap of old<br />

laws whoso usefulness has not only<br />

deteriorated under tho pressure of<br />

problems they were not designed<br />

to meet, but which have been used<br />

by traffic violators to escape both<br />

trial and punishment<br />

"These are the principal reasons<br />

why wo will present tho need for<br />

better traffic lows and Improved<br />

law enforcement facilities to the<br />

new Legislature,'' the Governor<br />

concluded, "with the hope that we<br />

will be supported by the people all<br />

over tho State who want further<br />

reductions in traffic deaths. The<br />

Legislature has the best opportunity<br />

in years to help reduce the toll<br />

from death by automobllo In Texas<br />

to an absotuto minimum within<br />

the next few years,"<br />

am<br />

Garza's<br />

record<br />

safety<br />

improved<br />

Garza County's rural road safety<br />

record for 1960 showed three<br />

fewer lives lost than the year before<br />

and 13 fewer accidents.<br />

Property damage, however, Increased<br />

from $20,403 In 1959 to<br />

$27,389 in 1960.<br />

The Texas Highway Patrol reports<br />

last year there were 33 accidents<br />

In which two persons were<br />

killed and 18 Injured. In comparison,<br />

flvo persons lost their lives<br />

In 33 accidents In 1959 and 20 were<br />

injured.<br />

During tho month of December,<br />

two Garza accidents in which only<br />

one person was Injured and nono<br />

killed with property damage esti<br />

mated at 12,900.<br />

ARE<br />


Tho Post, Tex., Dispatch Thursday, January 19, 1961 Pag IT<br />

Cha<br />

Income Tax Service<br />

304 West 12th Street<br />

Notary Public<br />

3 Blocks North and 3 Blocks West From Traffic Light at<br />

City Hall Plenty of Parking Space<br />

after February 1, 1961<br />

Necessary<br />

AVOID PENALTIES, INTEREST and Collection Costs by paying<br />

taxes boforo February I, 96<br />

1<br />

1.<br />

All City Taxes are acceptable by mail, but must be postmarked<br />

before 12:00 p. m. January 31, 1961, to avoid penalty.<br />

Personal proporty taxes aro NOT paid by the various<br />

companies. ,<br />

CITY<br />

Inner Fowler<br />

No Appointment<br />



Westinghouse<br />

POST<br />

loan<br />

Appliances<br />

Stereos<br />

TVs<br />

YOUR<br />


Sajx.sam.'um<br />

bmaL Til<br />

Here's a Bargain<br />

You Can't Afford<br />

to<br />

Miss!<br />

Dinette Set<br />

7-Pi- ece<br />

Formica, decorated top, partitioned table<br />

and six chairs<br />

Choke of Colors to Match Your Kitchen<br />

Now Only $79.95<br />

udman Furniture Company<br />

"Your Credit It Good"<br />

Local News<br />

Porsonals<br />

Sports<br />

Socioty<br />

Picturos<br />

Columns<br />

Editorials<br />

School Nows<br />

Merchants' Bargains<br />


TODAY<br />

ONLY S3 YEAR<br />

In Garza County<br />

ONLY $4 YEAR<br />

Anywhero Elso in<br />

World<br />



THE POST<br />


13 cu. ft. Combination<br />

Refrigerator-Freeze- r<br />

Freezer holds f 01 pounds<br />

WAS 349.95 with Iroda<br />

Now 289"<br />

1 1 .6 Cubic Foot<br />

Refrigerator<br />

Now 229" :l<br />

14 C F. Combination<br />

Refrigerator-Freeze- r<br />

Two-Do- Freezer, holding I6f<br />

pounds, opens with foot pedal<br />

Now39800<br />

14 Cubic<br />

Foot<br />

Upright Freezer<br />

Now 289"<br />

IB Cubic<br />

Foot<br />

Upright Freezer<br />

Now 319"<br />

21"<br />

Television<br />

Full Console, Wooden Cabinet<br />

Now 249" .<br />

23" Table TV<br />

Sound Out Front<br />

Now 219" -<br />

17" Portable TV<br />

was 219.95<br />

Now16500 -<br />

Dozen other new TVs at bargain<br />

savings plus good selection of<br />

guaranted used TVs<br />

Washer & Dryer<br />

RfU<br />

Matched Pair<br />

with<br />

trade<br />

Washer<br />

25" 8 lb. capacity, automatic<br />

was 258.00<br />

Now188<br />

Washer & Dryer<br />

Unit<br />

RsU AO 5 with<br />

trade<br />

Stereos<br />

Was 259.00 ... now 199.95<br />

Was 279.00 ... now 219.00<br />

One of Each<br />

Hi-- Fi<br />

Was 350.00 how 234.00<br />






TV -- Appliance Center<br />

315 East Main<br />

Ed<br />

Sawyers<br />

Slacked<br />

Dial 27M

fogo 12 Thursday, January 19, I96T Tho Pott Tax., Dispatch<br />

Justiceburg Women's Club<br />

plans for March of Dimes<br />

KM<br />

by Lewk C. Mtm<br />

1<br />


LUBBOCK Lt. General George.<br />

W. Mundy, Commandant ox the<br />

Industrial College of tho Armed<br />

FERTILIZER USE 'fertile soil with n hlghyltkliM<br />

t<br />

Forces In Washington, D. C. will" Fertilizer Is tho key which can crop. Tho main difference is<br />

come to Lubbock to give the clos-- : unlock the power of your soil. It fertility level of tho two fields.<br />

By VIVIAN McWIIIRT pie and coffee were served to: Dud McLaurln and other relatives<br />

The Justiceburg Women's Club Mmos. Fcrnic Reed, Weldon Reed, '<br />

Ing address nt the National Security<br />

Seminar, Seminar Administrafits<br />

and a mora abundant living because of low fertility sous. Til<br />

Is an Investment In greater pro-<br />

Many ncias nro losing protiafi<br />

and returned home Sunday. Mrs.<br />

met Friday afternoon at the school Riley Miller. Hud Schlehubcr. Ma- -<br />

Cross Is progressing nicely,<br />

tor Frank Junclt announced today. from tho soil.<br />

overcome this problem, farratnl<br />

cafeteria. Minutes were read and son Justice, and from Post were Mrg Cameron Justice Is home<br />

approved. Uuslness for the meeting<br />

was to plan our March of Boron. Mrs. Schlehuber won hlgh'Bt Lubbock Friday. She remained<br />

nation selected as n site for semi-<br />

wisely or It can bo wasted. This<br />

Mmes. and Walter<br />

The Seminar will be held In However, fertilizer Is not n<br />

nro urged to tnko soil samples si<br />

Nathan LltUe after having $urgory on her hand<br />

Lubbock, of 14<br />

"cure-all- "<br />

one cities In the<br />

nnd It must bo used<br />

determine tho kind nnd amount<br />

fertilizer to use for greater cn<br />

i<br />

Dimes program . of which Mrs. and Mrs. Fcrnle Reed won low. wlth hcr daughter and family. Mr.<br />

nars in 1961, at tho Municipal Auditorium<br />

under the Garza County arc being urged to<br />

Is the reason why farmers In pivuubiMm 01 luntr unu COJU,<br />

Henry Key Is chairman. The club Mrs. Douglas McWhlrt. Bobo and and Mrs. Howard Price, until<br />

Feb.<br />

7<br />

Is sponsoring a pic supper, and , Danny, and al-- Mrs. Eugene Martin Tuesday. She is doing just fine.<br />

of Texas Technological<br />

College and tho Lubbock Cham zation practices by having soil Mr. nnd Mrs. Jerry Eplcy t--J<br />

take the guess work out of fertili-<br />


so will serve sandwiches and and Vickl Sue of Post attended the Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cornctt nnd<br />

Post-Slato- n<br />

drinks. The event Is scheduled for Jr. High basketball Mr. and Mrs. Milton Woodnrd attended<br />

church services nt Snyder<br />

I<br />

bcr of Commerce.<br />

tests mado of their Individual Debbie of Abilene visited Tucidit<br />

Friday night. Jan. 27. nt 7 p. m. game at Slnton Monday night.<br />

General Mundny's announcement farms.<br />

Wednesday, J<br />

and Thursday of<br />

Everyone is Invited to come and j<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fulford of Sunday.<br />

'that he will personally participate Just ns the turbine nnd genera-- 1 week with her parents, Mr<br />

ll<br />

tail<br />

to the March of Dimes, vanna were Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Rllcy Miller. Ben<br />

I<br />

adds his name to n sizable list of tor convert tho once-waste- d power (Mrs, R. B. Perrln, and Mr<br />

Games of "42", dominoes and mu- - quests in the home of Mr. and and Jennifer, and Vivian McWhlrt<br />

'high ranking officers and specialists<br />

from all branches of the city, so can the proper use of<br />

of falling water Into useful elcctrl- - Mrs. Roy Josey nnd Donna,<br />

sic will be furnished Each mem- - Mrs. Sam Bruner nnd daughters. wore Sunday afternoon visitors in<br />

bcr Is to brlnt two pies nnd six Mrs. Lee Reed. Mrs. F e r n I c the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde<br />

armed services who will conduct fertilizer combine, wllh tho forces: LUBBOCK VISITORS<br />

sandwiches. Members attending Reed nnd Bruce Gene visited Sun Miller of Fluvannn. )<br />

were Mmes Hl'cv Miller, Weldon<br />

- tho sessions on all phases of security<br />

ranging from disaster survi-<br />

duco greater crop yields. , J1"; D "J1.0 W"Kh<br />

ui water, uii, uuu suimihii. " 1"""<br />

dnv afternoon In the home of Mr.<br />

Reed, Fcrnle Reed. Elton Nance.<br />


and Mrs. Harry Wood.<br />

Billy Blacklock. Bandy Cash and<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood visited<br />

in Post Monday night with<br />

val to a study of Communism. The same amount of rnln. nr, ,<br />

with Mr, nnd Mn<br />


Douglas McWhlrt. There will not<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ott Nance attended<br />

the Kceton Cattle Auction Mon-<br />

with Ott Nnnco who Is a patient<br />

be n second meeting this month.<br />

Mr nnd Mrs. lrn Farmer, nnd It's the Law<br />

Wayland College<br />

low-ylcl-<br />

John Connolly of Fort Worth<br />

nnd sunlight falls on n Walter Josey nnd other rclativn<br />

who was recently appointed Sec- - Ing field as on n nearby field of<br />

Mrs. Harry Wood nnd Mrs. Pearl day Ott got sick and was brought<br />

to host area I last week.<br />

boys<br />

In the hospital.<br />

Nance wcro in Fluvanna nnd Snyder<br />

Thursday<br />

entered the Garza Memorial Hos-<br />

Mrs. Douglas McWhlrt. Robert. in Texas<br />

back to Post by ambulance nnd<br />

j rotary of tho Navy by President-- I<br />

elect John F. Kennedy, will be .1 A<br />

Danny, and Dobo,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Schlehuber. pital for treatment.<br />

and Mrs. Fcrnic<br />

. . .<br />

tho principal speaker for the opening<br />

ceremonies.<br />

PLAINVIEW Two Royal Am<br />

Reed nnd Bruce Gene wore in<br />

bassador days have been sched<br />

Denise nnd Benne. were Sunday<br />

Tickets for nil sensons cost $12<br />

Paula Helms was an overnight Snyder Saturday night.<br />

BUSINESS ORGANIZATION ulcd for February at Wayland Ban--1<br />

dinner guests<br />

each with one person being able 1<br />

of Mr and Mrs. H. guost in Pest Monday of Carolyn<br />

gsoFlvrflTi<br />

Sunday<br />

L. Mason of Post The afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. The law allows a business n wide list College, and hundreds of boys to use the ticket for one session<br />

Masons Matsler<br />

were celebrating their 22nd wedding<br />

anniversary<br />

Franklin attended services lnUl"nnce and manage Itself,<br />

desiring to<br />

Randy Cash, and Mr. nnd Mrs. E. choice of ways to set itself up, to<br />

from Baptist churches In District nd another for nnothcr. Those<br />

Mrs. Bud Sehlehuber and Denise C<br />

'<br />

vtstted Mrs. II L. Mason In Post ,<br />

Frind,hp Baptist Church at Close You may have sole ownerships.<br />

Nine<br />

ntlcnd should<br />

are expected on tho campus.<br />

contact<br />

chnmbcr of Commcrce or tho<br />


Wednesday.<br />

City. James Barron was ordained partnorsnips. joint ventures, corpo- according to Walter Lasslter, cxe-- Lrflc. mj<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Elton Nance wen<br />

McWhkt was a weekend ,<br />

-<br />

Avcnuo r ,cenhono ROYAL WEINERS, 3 lbs 95c<br />

Vivian<br />

baptist minister Rev. A. T rations; and within these classes cutivc secretary of tho Association PO<br />

hosts for a dinner nt their heme gueot m the home or Mr. ami .Mrs. Ntxon deliyered the charge, and you have many different forms.<br />

of Former Students, chairman.<br />

Saturday night. Thoae attending Rlhry Miller and children. Rev. Rankin the<br />

Feb. 4<br />

sermon.<br />

has been set ns RA Day<br />

To meet modern business con<br />

were Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Helms<br />

for youths<br />

Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Haskell<br />

from the Lubbock nnd CALLED TO ALABAMA CHUCK ROAST, lb. 45c<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Weldon<br />

and Paula. Mr. ami Mrs. Riley Reed dltlons. to get full tax advantage.<br />

i Odom and Jool of Lubbock vtslt- -<br />

south Plains Associations, which Mr. and Mrs. Boy Hart were<br />

Miller. Bon am! Jennifer,<br />

and Tommy visited with Mrs.<br />

and<br />

anu to protect investors, tor example,<br />

the low provides many ways<br />

vi-- 1 wHh Mr aml Mrs ,,Brry Wooj.<br />

Include the counties of Lubbock, called to Annlston, Ala. last Sunday<br />

to be with her father, D, R. RUSSET POTATOES, 10 lbs 49c<br />

Novls Penned nnd new baby daughter.<br />

Judy Carol. Sunday nt Taho-ka-.<br />

vian micwnin.<br />

Gnrza. Crosby, Terry, Hockley,<br />

i<br />

Mr awi Mrs George Duckworth,<br />

for a company to finance itself.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Bandy Cash and i<br />

Pauline Knox. Sandee. M I c a h,<br />

and Cochran.<br />

Clyde Allen were Sunday vteHert '<br />

And these. In turn. Influence the<br />

Fowlor, who Is critically HI. They<br />

RA's<br />

aml Lea Merri Cross went to<br />

from Cnprock, Llano Altos<br />

Am-I- n<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Haskell<br />

Post of Mr and<br />

Lasater<br />

Mrs<br />

kind of management It can have, and Staked<br />

Carl ailUo Saturday t" meet<br />

Plains Associations, were accompanied by hcr sister,<br />

their of Slaton were Friday guests of<br />

Rains. daughter and mother Mrs Sid<br />

and the way it conducts its affairs. which Include the counties of Hale. Mrs. Wood Byrd of Clalrcmont, and Rod, 5 lb. bag<br />

Del Monte, 6j oz. can<br />

Mr and Mrs. Ott Nance.<br />

Mrs. Jim Bor n was hostess for ( ross who had surgen, at Colo--a<br />

We somctlmos speak of "stocks Dickens, Floyd, Motley, Briscoe, a brother, Ares Fowler of Colorado<br />

bridgo party tx' hcr home Turs rado Vr.- - wcelt Mr and Mrs Cecil Smith were and bonds," for example, as If Crosby, Lamb, Hockley, Bailey, Springs. They relumed homo Grapefruit . 29c Tuna 29c<br />

day afternoon Refreshments of They vist'.ci with Mr and Mrs in Lubbock Sunday and visited they wore one and the same. Castro and Parmer, will meet nt Thursday and report that Mr. Fowler<br />

is some Improved,<br />

Texas, 5 lb. bag Ideal, Reg. 1 9c can 2 for<br />

Mr and Mrs. Glenn Burson nnd<br />

Wayland Feb. 18.<br />

But when you buy n share of<br />

Oranges . 39c Dog Food 29c<br />

Sam Elkins. nnd came back by<br />

An<br />

stock In a company, you<br />

afternoon of activities, which<br />

"own" nn<br />

Maton and visited Mr. and Mrs.<br />

will climax in n twin-bil- l basket- - the day's formal program.<br />

Tom King.<br />

"undivided" part of everything It<br />

ball tilt, has been planned both Visitors will have supper In<br />

Mrs. Lee Reed<br />

owns,<br />

was hostess for<br />

but no particular piece of its<br />


days for the youths and their sponsors,<br />

according to Lasslter. Follow-<br />

watching Wayland's Pioneers, Bla-<br />


Slaughter Memorial Hall before<br />

a home appliance party at hcr<br />

property.<br />

home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Jew-r- ll But what do you have when you ing registration nt 2:30 p. m. RA's zers and Flying Queens face opponents<br />

at Plalnvlew High. Tho<br />

Warren of Lubbock was demonstrator.<br />

Refreshments of c n k e, ture? You own nothing of the com-<br />

take tours of Wayland's Science Pioneers meet Medwestem Univer-<br />

buy n corporation's bond or deben-<br />

will watch a variety program and<br />

There is little doubt that one would build new prrmlir or cookies, cracker sandwiches, coffee<br />

and Cokes were served to ey which it promises to pay back onstrations by members of the col- - Blazers, play Mldwcstern's freshpany.<br />

Instead you arc lending mon-<br />

Building, where they will sec demsity<br />

nnd tho freshman team, the<br />

of the important matters the rnodrrnlie. If the esjwnillturrs<br />

new Congress w.U act upon is could be more closely (rared Mmes. Bud Schlehuber and Denise,<br />

that or making revisions in the to current earning.<br />

with Interest when s science<br />

Maine-Imntlyour<br />

bond lege uud and man team Feb. 4, On tho 18th the<br />

Albert Severs. Raymon Key. Rll "matures".<br />

Club. A mission emphasis Pioneers clash with Austin College<br />

taxing atruc'ure<br />

In many cases the revenue cy Miller and Jennifer. Harry Unlike a stockholder,<br />

program<br />

a bondholder<br />

ns a rule has little to say<br />

featuring Wayland s International<br />

students will conclude Boosters.<br />

while the Queens meet tho Topcka<br />

Al the time when the plat-- bureau, tJ.ded by .aws it mint Wood. Fernle Reed nnd Bruce. C.<br />

form committees of each major MIow compels a business to C. Cornell. Douglas McWhlrt. Robert<br />

and Danny. Weldon Reed and<br />

directly about who manages nnd<br />

political party mcl last sum- - stretch ut depreciation irw<br />

mrr, officials;<br />

onccs tor tax purposes over an<br />

how ho manages the company. Re ,<br />

Tommy. Bandy Cash, Jim Tldwcll<br />

nf the National<br />

Veil Ing or lending money may Influ-enc- e<br />

'Ver long period<br />

motely n bond buyer by withhold--<br />

and Cecil Smith.<br />

'<br />

eratlon of<br />

Tor example. IT a building or<br />

piece machinery,<br />

a company's ability to expand j<br />

Independent!<br />

eoste<br />

Ste,-004-<br />

of<br />

).<br />

I5ulnrs ap--j<br />

and H U required to take<br />

Tho bondholders gets only his interest<br />

payments, which come before"<br />

pen red by<br />

ten years to depreetate<br />

Lack of<br />

this<br />

news h due<br />

Invitation<br />

to<br />

tx purpose II<br />

mld-ier- m<br />

amount for<br />

e<br />

io<br />

exams the stockholder's "dividends." since<br />

works out something Hke this.<br />

the na-- j<br />

he takes less of a risk than the<br />

sssssss<br />

llon'a small<br />

Tho ftrt year. aly StOOO an The high school paper staff regrets<br />

stockholders.<br />

be<br />

businessmen.<br />

dedueted for Inoome tax<br />

purposes, and Ineome tax must<br />

that they do not have any Thus It the corporation quits or ssssssssssssssssHBssssssBsslsWP vOassssssssssssI I<br />

membera of<br />

the organlsa- - C. W. Harrftr be paid on tho<br />

more news this week. Due to<br />

other W.ouo.<br />

gos bankrupt. It must pay the<br />

mid-terttnn,<br />

hare Ions; requested revised<br />

depreciation schedules.<br />

holders get anything.<br />

'<br />

so<br />

exams not many of our bondholders olf before the stock<br />

issMsflnssaassw iw vt KRim?fto-iilKB&mlr3BmfG-<br />

1<br />

Tim moana in rasa 4 a small reporters had n chance to look<br />

JfflMBPw<br />

R<br />

cnrn alwn that S 19.008 Im-l- r<br />

around for news for our readers.<br />

But now that everything Is<br />

.<br />

Subetuntly. tx.U party<br />

,rnirnl ,! St Irast Sll.ZN,<br />

Where does the "preferred stoc' '<br />

dat. as the S1U (si)) in the SsJgi ptSSB<br />

come In7 As n<br />

forme pledged thomselvoa to was derived fr,.m<br />

back to normal, tho paper<br />

rule, prererrea<br />

stalf<br />

j<br />

ptsstla,<br />

work for such mWM.<br />

t<br />

stockholders collect a fixed dlvi<br />


Later wkteh S 000 wuld ksy tsusssl<br />

wfll<br />

a<br />

start nosing around for news<br />

In tfee summer the U S. Treasury<br />

Dept. granted luthurtty to as<br />

be a good one.<br />

minimum o 2"".<br />

for next week. We hope It will<br />

dend after the bondholders are<br />

paid but before the "common<br />

tho Small Business Administration<br />

to eoastucl a sampling at Is peruUsr to the amall,<br />

are many kinds of preferred stock<br />

Now Ihss la a problem tbat<br />

stockholders get anything. There<br />

tho rwtltott's indoponoVnt busi<br />

owned business. M<br />

VISITORS OF HILLS arrangements. But In return for<br />


nessmen to determine what r- - M not neeewtarllr atured by<br />

vlaleful veuuhl he mutt helpful the big<br />

Mr<br />

pubKo owned corpora-- nd Mrs I awrenre Fpiev of latir first chance nt the profits<br />

'<br />

m swpondinx the cuoomy llan whloh has aoscss to VVaH<br />

Abilene vMted with Mr and Mrs the preferred stockholders often<br />

Street throuth the securities D C Hill Jr Saturday night and live up any voting rights or ability<br />

to control the company<br />


market for new capital.<br />

tstmlay. They are former Post r- -<br />


direct<br />

sssssssssssssssHsssssssssssssssSffisss&n<br />

SOsssiSil SassssssssssssssssfssHsssssssssssH<br />

rtdottls<br />

The Federation offered Ma<br />

aervlees to the HHA to make<br />

anch a survey<br />

natton-wld- o<br />

amoflsT<br />

membaraMfi. Wish approval<br />

of Treasury Dept. tula<br />

poll was taken on the government's<br />

form. Uosults are a the<br />

hands of tho government<br />

ottl-elastudying<br />

slttMlliHi.<br />

A (treat ctsal uf the data gathered<br />

ts quit technical, but n<br />

hlgh-Uftfdrags<br />

fhe mir pnuits. U dooa<br />

awrio uC the graatar<br />

m the AnMHlcan aeonnmy.<br />

It would appear Mat thoee<br />

are many hrma<br />

Ifee<br />

4,000,004 r oo MaM buotawao<br />

eolerprbies In tb I M who<br />

em nn its, vcimru<br />

primk, s.aiwwm , cinsiii,<br />

irillsssssssfi?"<br />

nni<br />

an.-- l<br />

rv-a- v<br />

But la avorago<br />

noaa tkw propriotort al<br />

Vir rosouseos tied tap SB ISsHr<br />

stttrpriae. aad any low ay ear<br />

growth mtast como owl al age<br />

erstlng prosns<br />

aa tkey are prosonsty apaMad<br />

u muaM nmn Luuuj pu.i,m WFnPI anJS.1 Ḷ,,<br />

k<br />

anil wnii 1,1 MMAilt fat tljta<br />

M,l,,,a.,l ltfJMA- -<br />

wjm . . . . . WJ .TT. , . ṭea I. . . . , it,<br />

ajot MSnasM. Ih<br />

awl wagoa. arid at same Hat,<br />

Improve fs<br />

! of<br />

Ut rawoee.<br />

isss<br />

T<br />

.IP si<br />

rUNITtjtf. W<br />

WHAT COULDIt n<br />

BE EASIER?<br />

Jgtt rolaxl lei Want Adi do the<br />

Job for you. It pays to utt the Want Adi<br />

. . . when yeu want to sell, rent er buy.<br />

It pay to reed tho Want Adt ... for<br />

bargolni, opportunities galore,<br />

The Post Dispatch<br />

ffTiririrri<br />

ISHf. I In a.<br />

EC<br />

ssbSss.<br />

m. as<br />

u (St<br />

I.JS<br />

iasM I<br />

How to save money<br />

the easy way<br />

and buck H more Umn you savod<br />

Tell yoar em<br />

ployer to mvo<br />

taatt t3 a. day<br />

Trow yor pay,<br />

a a al R one<br />

Month you'll<br />

owa a $JB tkv<br />

for forty tatotttta amlyawrtl<br />

SnsHtH tfl Sssl Osallr Cat tgUUaW<br />

W If'sfl f ajsgfsgf Tori. TtRVM<br />

wort S1.M0 nt maturity.<br />

Tlsoro M two eayeaiarty<br />

sjooaj tMavyi net) this<br />

$t.00A SMOt one:<br />

Yon toy It wttst Mstnry you<br />

saUgkt kavs ilrtobiasi nway.<br />

It tttatji yaM mty $70 In<br />

wuy InatlilaniaBto. YH Kt<br />

Imox 6ftoUttru rnoro' than<br />

yM Mtt In.<br />

RojmHu Mk Url make Ui.<br />

lHHs4a<br />

Svingg sm of the<br />

la the worM to<br />

save money.<br />

More advantages<br />

to think about<br />

You MW Mt Ji<br />

briar,<br />

eat, at maturity. TWa now<br />

rate Wont Into offoot June<br />

1. 1059. iHertoa H HmhU<br />

myf imlme H nvnUa<br />

earlter tkaw ottWo in Just<br />

T years, 9 months. Tiondfl<br />

ROURht Wore June 1, 1050,<br />

rorn nn oxtrn V&ft Xrom<br />

then to maturity.<br />

You can get your money,<br />

wHh Interest, anytime you<br />

wont 1U Hut It poyg to<br />

Wop your Bonds.<br />

Your money onn't be teat<br />

or stoien. The Trooowry oa<br />

UonUa, froo, K nny<br />

thtnc bomsw to tttom.<br />

YOU HOlfl vo<br />

vcttk every Bond Uhm<br />

yo toy.<br />

H.i.'i kax y. aaa yr<br />

Mirlofi Ssl woA U.S.<br />

S.Wl la 4il 7 )Hil, f aMkl, lal<br />

aksiri<br />

M.S<br />


IMS He.ll 111.70<br />

Hu iNasn than uiBnoy rltlt<br />

U.S. Savings Bonds<br />

Muy tit mm whom yvu work or bank<br />

ill<br />

null<br />

I<br />

BbsssV ssslssslassssssssslssssssssaBllsisrlO<br />

sssTsmsssssssssssbsssssBssssHIssHNH<br />

Security seminar<br />

to be held next<br />

month in Lubbock<br />

BBHgflBBBLBRosB<br />

in<br />

Sometime<br />

tho next hour, tho first of several<br />

worried parents may loso n son, Is ho<br />

radnr; down a highway? Or Just about to turn gafely<br />

Into the driveway?<br />

A a parent, havo you over wakened, focused gleep-il- y<br />

on tho clook, looked into your child' room,<br />

noticed tho empty bed? It a problem that'g part<br />

of having children . . . and having them grow up.<br />

a<br />


O. K. Foods<br />

Dial 2941 <strong>Open</strong> 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. 312 N. Broadway<br />

' - ' "<br />

'<br />

'HTa<br />

'''ssssssssssssssssssssssassssssssssss<br />

"<br />

- JSSM PPaBBJgsBo5aajsaBi<br />

iapslOJWi 1'.' Mil I t<br />

IKBKKKflik9tnsLi jHIbIHobobh<br />

gBBBBjsHBsBPosHBBB yfadffly' jSKfOIIPtK<br />


1"<br />

OOOMOJOMhQTPOpaSgg'TK PJffyiMOJsJg-- i p - "09BfPa4pg loHHgoOHHH<br />

'<br />

bSSPsSbhSIFtv<br />

pfePaflpBPBBoj<br />

aPfBMH<br />

LilB9BySIljB<br />


Qof4vWM<br />

ru VX<br />

S<br />

a N Ssat I I fca<br />

W......,<br />

I V I<br />

f. '<br />

o--<br />

sB5 ' "rCt r c p I A "XC M<br />

The Post Dispatch<br />

Out it make you wonder if something' boon left<br />

out in your guidance.<br />

Perhap it it Faith strong religious Faith. Your<br />

example and your training should give your child<br />

tho strength he needs to face the perplexing experiences<br />

nit growing youngster meet. Goodness<br />

strength. Strength needs Faitii. Faith grov<br />

through worship.<br />




Southland territory gets<br />

fine moisture from snow<br />

BY MRS.<br />


no dir nws irom wis nrcn<br />

the four Inch snow thnt came<br />

1 1 Wednesday morning. That<br />

owed a shower of rain and<br />

dirt roads In places almost<br />

County Records<br />

nmrnn. i xir 11. iinn Auumun.<br />

He's the only<br />

fclMl. TiUll<br />

I" IT 1 III t<br />

ea<br />


Help speed I h New<br />

March ef Dimes on Its way<br />

to solving twe ether great<br />

medical problems with the<br />

samo skills that ware<br />

brought le bear against<br />

polle and preduced I h e<br />

Salk vaccine . . , on lis<br />

way le do the eb that<br />

neds doing<br />

and<br />

w<br />

Mrs. Graco Kane of Amarlllo<br />

Is visiting this week In the homo<br />

her parents and sister. Mr. and<br />

Mrs. T, L. Barnes and Mrs. Agnes<br />

Rlnkcr.<br />

Mrs. Berry Edwards of Lubbock<br />

spent Sunday night and Monday<br />

Isturc.<br />

with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Martin.<br />

m i<br />

Recent dinner guests In the home<br />

Idrcn havo moved to tho farm of Mrs. J. F. Rncklcr were her<br />

ỵ recently purchased six miles pastor and his wlfo of tho New<br />

4<br />

inwrii ni .iiniiHi. Ail r. nnii rvirs. Lynn Baptist Church, Elder and<br />

, Sm nil wood moved to tho Mrs. Gary Uenslcy of Morton.<br />

vacated by tho Martins. OKLAHOMA VISITORS<br />

r. 1<br />

nnti niri. ?. J. mnnin inrni Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Llchey of<br />

I Kl 111 V III liUUUUl IV<br />

Willi<br />

1 1(1 1 m IB" Haywood, Okla., returned home<br />

and , brother-in-law- Mr. and Thursday of Inst week after spending<br />

three weeks with her B. N. Bllllngslcy.<br />

parents,<br />

Oil and Gas Leases<br />

I Marjorle M. P. May ct al to C.<br />

C. Vcnch to Clovis H. Chap- - If. Hnrtcl ct ux, Lots 14, 15 and<br />

Jr., southwest quarter Section 16, Block 3; $1,325.<br />

TTRB<br />

William H. Edwards ct ux to Z.<br />

HllPr<br />

11(111X1-<br />

J.<br />

- F 111 111 A111M1 ,L. Cook, Lot 1, Block 1, West-- I<br />

Co., northwest quarter Section haven Addition; $1,750.<br />

BS&F.<br />

William H. Edwards ct ux to<br />

in i . rnnrr ci vir in ancu Carl C. Jones ct ux Lot 2, Block<br />

Co., southeast quarter Section .1, Wcsthavcn Addition; $1,750.<br />

S. D. Sims ct ux to James Stan- -<br />

Deeds<br />

, t . . .<br />

icy aims ci ux norwwcsi quarter<br />

111CI1L.U IS11S11IL:U1 U L UJk 1U<br />

Section 12b7, GD&W; $33,060.<br />

G. Mctcalr ct al northeast S. D. Sims ct ux to James Stanley<br />

Sims ct ux northwest quarter<br />

M. Bland ct al to William S.<br />

Section 1282, BS&F; $12,080.<br />

Section 1256, TTRR; $32,450. C. A. Johnson ct ux to L. R.<br />

C. Windham ct ux to I. S. Mason west 10 feet Lot 10, all Lot<br />

11 and cast 10 feet Lot 12, Block G.<br />

L. R. Mason to C. A. Johnson<br />

ct ux north<br />

one-hal- f Lot 8 and<br />

cast one-ha-lf of north one-ha- lf Lot<br />

7, Block 10; $4,250.<br />

Marrlago Licenses<br />

Bobby Doyle Hughes, 17, and<br />

Miss Patsy Ruth Woolen, 20; Jan.<br />

10.<br />

Harold Wayno Donahoo, 21, and<br />

Miss Linda Kay Davis, 22; Jan. 13.<br />

Neighbors<br />

"We need CO millions, mo<br />

we'll nsk for 100 mllllonn and<br />

hope for 75"<br />

Dr. L J. Morrison<br />

Phono 495-237- 6<br />


516 Wost I2th Slreel<br />

For Appolntmont<br />


Give Generously ... to Help<br />

Prevent Crippling<br />

Every dollar you glvo helps to protect<br />

Diseases<br />

human<br />

life through scientific research, helps to glvo<br />

dignity to lives shattered by polio, arthritis,<br />

certain birth defects.<br />

defects<br />

against<br />

arthritis,<br />

birth<br />

Hy<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Denton, and<br />

with his relatives.<br />

Mrs. Thetma Burkett spent a<br />

long weekend with her brother-in-laand<br />

wife, Mr. and Mrs. Walter<br />

Burkett at Lamcsa. She was accompanied<br />

by another<br />

slstcr-ln-la-<br />

Mrs. Hattlc Burkett of Lubbock.<br />

Mrs. M. C. Herod of Snyder<br />

spent Friday afternoon with her<br />

brother and slstcr-ln-la- Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Sam Martin.<br />

Jean Haglcr was a Sunday<br />

guest of Karen McGchce.<br />

Mrs. Susie Bradshaw Is visiting<br />

a friend at Coahoma.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kuykcndall<br />

spent Sunday In Littlcfield, with<br />

their son and family, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Lewis Kuykcndall, Kenny<br />

and Vickie.<br />

After spending seven months attending<br />

school nnd working In<br />

New York City, Mr. nnd Mrs. C.<br />

A Mnckcr and daughters, Marilyn<br />

and Pam have moved to<br />

Pasca-goul- a,<br />

Miss., where ho is employed<br />

by Spcrry Glyros Cope Co.. His<br />

work Is with the electrical Engineering<br />

Dept.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Racklcr, J.<br />

B. Jr. and Beverly spent Friday<br />

nnd Saturday at Portalcs, N. M.,<br />

where they visited his aunt and<br />

uncle, Mr. nnd Mrs. Freeman<br />

Rncklcr, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Woot-e- n.<br />

Mrs. Woolen has been ill and<br />

was hospitalized for 18 days.<br />

The Lubbock Christian College<br />

Choir, of which Sharon McGchco<br />

Is n member, sang at the Church<br />

of Christ In Mulcshoo Sunday,<br />

Mrs. S. M. Lewis was reported<br />

on the sick list over the weekend.<br />

Wcldon McGchco visited with<br />

his father and sister, B. J. McGchce<br />

and Jewell, In Lubbock Sunday<br />

afternoon.<br />

Mattie Dabbs Is on the sick list.<br />

European theater<br />

tour set by Tech<br />

LUBBOCK Texas Tech's speech,<br />

department will sponsor n Euro- -<br />

pean Theatre Tour for tho first<br />

time this summer when approximately<br />

30 persons will be conducted<br />

on<br />

y<br />

a tour of foreign<br />

countries by R. E. Schulz, Tech<br />

nssoclate professor of speech.<br />

Itinerary of the $1200 tour Includes<br />

visits to England, Scotland,<br />

Holland, Germany, Austria, Italy,<br />

Monaco and France.<br />

Tho group will leave Dallas by<br />

plane Juno 1 for New York where<br />

they will sail for England on the<br />

Maasdam, a ship on tho Holland-Amcricn- n<br />

Line. By the middle of<br />

July, the theatre-goer-s will return<br />

to Dallas by plane from Paris.<br />

Elevon persons have already made<br />

reservations for tho tour.<br />

A few of the interesting points<br />

of tho tour will bo attendanco nt<br />

an evening performance at the<br />

Shakespeare Theatre In London,<br />

the International Thcatro Festival<br />

In Vienna, a music cstivnt In a<br />

Roman Amphllhcatro in Verona<br />

nnd evening<br />

theatres,<br />

This Appeal Sponsored as a Public Servlco by<br />

P0STEX<br />


performances of Paris<br />

POLIO<br />

ffi TMH iWCwm One<br />

tn a Ujttima<br />


cy(&oJ5 J<br />


, (i<br />

C fc. H<br />


fm Ul<br />

Safety authority likens traffic<br />

safety to search for salvation<br />

Tho same maddening lust<br />

power and lack for<br />

of concern for<br />

others leads to tragedy and enduring<br />

pain and suffering on tho highway<br />

as It docs In the search for<br />

personal peace and salvation,<br />

said J. O. Muslck, general manager<br />

of the Texas Safety Association.<br />

Marine war show<br />

at Tower Sunday<br />

Said to be an explosive story of<br />

Marines trapped In the snowy hills<br />

of Korea and torn apart by their<br />

own doubts, cars and prejudices,<br />

"All tho Young Men" stars Alan<br />

Ladd nnd Sidney Poitler Sunday<br />

through Wednesday at the Tower<br />

Theater.<br />

Ingcmar Johansson, former<br />

heavyweight champ, is Introduced<br />

to tho screen In "All tho Young<br />

Men". The film also co-sta-<br />

James Darren, Glenn Cobctt, comedian<br />

Mort Sahl and lovely Ana<br />

St. Clair.<br />

Ladd has another "fighter" role<br />

In "All the Young Men", playing a<br />

professional soldier recently broken<br />

from sergeant. Poitler, who was<br />

nominated for an Academy Award<br />

for his work In "The Defiant Ones"<br />

and who last was seen ns Porgy<br />

In "Porgy and Bess", tnkes command<br />

of the embattled squad.<br />

Some of tho men resent Poltlcr's<br />

assumption of authority because<br />

they havo learned to rely on Ladd's<br />

cool courage under fire; others resent<br />

him simply because he is a<br />

Negro.<br />

Vacancios now open<br />

in Highway Patrol<br />

The DPS has vacancios for qualified<br />

young men In tho Department's<br />

uniformed services. The<br />

Sergeant advised that applications<br />

may be obtained nt any Highway<br />

Patrol office and the doadlino far<br />

receipt of tho complete forms Is<br />

10, 1301.<br />

jFcb.<br />


Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ilallonlino<br />

visited In Lubbock over the week-- 1<br />

end with tholr son and family. Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Jack Ballentine, Mark.<br />

Lisa, and Tommy.<br />


j Mr. nnd Mrs. Wade Terry and<br />

Mrs. Jack Taylor were In Temple<br />

Monday through Friday of last<br />

week.<br />

American farmers fed us and our<br />

allies during two world wars with<br />

out drawing on the manpower<br />

nnAfla.1 tiu IhA arm . I fntt-i- nr tiv<br />

inuusmcs producing war<br />

ifi<br />

TVfMmcuuc<br />

Muslck paid tributo to the growing<br />

interest in safety by religious<br />

leaders throughout the state. "This<br />


he said. "It Is the religious leaders<br />

who are constantly In touch<br />

with people who nro Involved Inj<br />

irugcuy, Bicxncss, ucain, menial<br />

distress, and personal anguish."<br />

Before an individual can truly<br />

appreciate tho horror of accepting<br />

responsibility for another's death<br />

he must have been close to such<br />

a situation.<br />

Have you ever talked to a driver<br />

who has killed someone?<br />

Have you ever felt the sickening<br />

Impact of a car smashing into a<br />

child's body?<br />

Have you heard the cry of anguish<br />

of a mother for a child who<br />

has been struck down?<br />

Tho Irngic fact is that hundreds<br />

of people will go through this experience<br />

before the year-en-d holiday<br />

season closes,<br />

In Tcxns alone 82 persons have<br />

been killed In highway accidents,<br />

83 from other causes during the<br />

Chrlstmas-Nc- Year holidays.<br />

The same causes of spiritual<br />

downfall arc tho causes for death<br />

on the highways and In the homes,<br />

Muslck pointed out.<br />

Some of tho parallel causes Include:<br />

Rushing through in too big a<br />

hurry.<br />

Indlffercnco to others.<br />

Selfishness.<br />

Too many excesses such as alcohol,<br />

partying, etc.<br />

Unwillingness to pause and regain<br />

composure after losing l.<br />

pushing ahead<br />

Insistence on<br />

when rest is dosperately needed.<br />

Another parallel In this persistent<br />

slaughter is that the caroloM<br />

one docs not suffer alone his erring<br />

ways frequently bring greater<br />

tragedy to those he loves most<br />

of all.<br />


Mr. and Mrs. Robort Cato and<br />

John, and Mrs. Claud Collier visit<br />

ed Sunday In Lorenzo with Mr. and i<br />

Mrs. Floyd Poarson. Cato s aunt<br />

and uncle.<br />


Mr. and Mrs. James Dye and<br />

Donna visited with her parents.<br />

Mr and Mrs. Wood Byrd, In Claire-mon- t,<br />

Sunday<br />

afternoon.<br />

1 crniREo I<br />

H FOR I<br />

Profits going<br />

up in smoke?<br />

Don't lei fire rob you of hard-earne-<br />

profits from your<br />

farming operations. Make<br />

sure thai tho fire insurance<br />

your buildings<br />

d<br />

on<br />

is in line with<br />

today's replacement costs.<br />

Let us chock<br />

We handle crop, storm damage, liability<br />

other forms of farm Inturance.<br />

on your needs, without<br />

III<br />

and all<br />

Consult us<br />

obligation<br />

Donations to the 'New March of Dimes'<br />

Will Help Prevent Crippling Diseases<br />

Millions of families<br />

throughout tho United<br />

States this month have received<br />

March of Dimes<br />

"mailers."<br />

If the millions on the receiving<br />

end of this gigantic mall<br />

operation coast-to-coa- st and in<br />

Hawaii and Alaska have not<br />

already done so, now is the<br />

time to return the familiar envelope<br />

with a donation to the<br />

county March of Dimes chapter,<br />

local leaders urged this<br />

week. The world's largest voluntary<br />

health organization is<br />

seeking to prevent crippling<br />

diseases, with Its sights set at<br />

birth defects and arthritis and<br />

at continued work In polio.<br />

These mailers, which reproduce<br />

the campaign theme,<br />

"Prevent Crippling Diseases-Ple- ase<br />

Say Yes to tho New<br />

March of Dimes," were addressed<br />

In great part by selfless<br />

volunteers who, by combing<br />

through telephone and other<br />

directories, were able to "spot"<br />

Just about every family In<br />

their county. Addresses of new<br />

homes, not included in telephone<br />

books, were obtained by<br />

those volunteers from real cs--<br />

tato boards, tax lists, from<br />

other olilclal records, ana irom<br />

chambers of commerce.<br />

Hopefully, each of the 44<br />

million families in the United<br />

States will have an opportunity<br />

to help prevent crippling<br />

diseases by contributing to the<br />

March of Dimes between now<br />

and Jan. 31.<br />

The blue mailer contains an<br />

envelope with a pocket for a<br />

March of Dimes contribution<br />

by check or cash and with space<br />

for the donor's name and address.<br />

A brief message addressed<br />

to "Dear Neighbor"<br />

explains the expanded program<br />

of The National Foundation,<br />

and elsewhere on the mailer a<br />

few health figures are given<br />

ior example, that birth defects<br />

cripple one out of every<br />

10 babies in tho United States;<br />

that arthritis and rheumatism<br />

am let 11 million Americans,<br />

and that polio can still strike<br />

down any one of more than 85<br />

million unvaccinated persons<br />

in the country.<br />

County chapter officials<br />

Wolding school bogun<br />

in Decombor continues<br />

Tho welding school, begun here<br />

In December under auspiclcs of<br />

tho Texas Educational Agency in<br />

the local high school, continued<br />

Thursday night with seven men attending.<br />

The men practiced starting and<br />

restarting a bead with the 7014 red,<br />

starting and restarting a bead with<br />

a 6011 red, weaving with the 7014<br />

red and some practice in welding<br />

vertical up.<br />

The class will continue to be<br />

held on the second Thursdays of<br />

the month in the local ag department<br />

under direction of D II<br />

Koenlnger, local vocational agriculture<br />

teacher,<br />


Mrs. H. T. Carr of Brownfield<br />

and Mr. and Mrs. D. C Shields.<br />

Faye and Douglas of Floydada<br />

were guests In the home of Mr<br />

nnd Mrs. G. E Fleming<br />

HOME<br />

U<br />

S<br />

MADE<br />

GOOD<br />

say<br />

Mellorine<br />


Biscuits, 12 cans 1.00<br />

The Post, Tex., Dispatch Thursday, January 19, 1961 Pag 13<br />

. . .<br />

Sausage, 2 lbs 98c<br />

T-Bo- ne Steaks,<br />

ggggg9algY --<br />

. .<br />

-<br />

"<br />

'WV'y-- .<br />

'<br />

mil<br />

Wj! 'rmt . ejgjgu<br />

"3Hitvu<br />

'gggji<br />

! ,?iL.:'""iM'siliKMi<br />

'" ggglHtigg)ggggglgvlkggM<br />

"MalUrt, matl.rt vsrywhtr.l" says tlnda Brt.te, of Columbus,<br />

Ohio, 1961 March of Dimti National PoiHr Child, at th. "models"<br />

on of the contribution .nv.lopts. Molltn or. to b r.turnid<br />

thli month to locol chaptirs of Th. National Foundation to support<br />

xpand.d htallh program In birth dtf.cti and arthritis, and continued<br />

work In polio, tlnda It recovering from birth defects of an<br />

open iplne and exceit fluid en the brain.<br />

that they "hope our mailer<br />

message orings speedy replies<br />

in the form of cash, money<br />

orders and checks because<br />

March of Dimes contributions<br />



Joyce llildcbrand, who was seriously<br />

injured In a recent accident and Walton Terry of Tahoka were<br />

Mack Terry of Post and Earl<br />

involving his car and a freight in Fulcon this week on a fishing<br />

train, was transferred fom Gar-x- a trip.<br />

Memorial Hospital Monday to<br />

tho Veterans Hospital at Big The National Board of Fire Underwriters<br />

reminds thnPiflrc losses<br />

Spring Friends report he Is some<br />

Improved but still In critical con-- are the heaviest during tho winter<br />

'dition.<br />

months.<br />

P<br />

is for PRINTING<br />

. . . Ilme-save-r, sates<br />

maker, business<br />

"man of all work!"<br />

Speeding office operations, boosting<br />

sales volume, let ut show you<br />

the many ways printing can serve<br />

you<br />


lb. 79c<br />


Dial<br />

jfl9BBSftp"<br />

p6eoJgiggJlZ<br />

driMgjgL<br />

kgggggggggQ8Hg)PggHk'<br />

gM<br />

ijgggggggggggiggaajiaas<br />

sgjggggggjggVgggvHsMggLVggjF<br />

illNgMBWHaliiLl.'IrVJ<br />

tt'CsCESBBK-SSgMT-<br />

HggBBNfb<br />

lor Fret<br />

BORDEN'S<br />

Vi GALLON<br />

NO.<br />

CELLO<br />

CAN<br />

BAG<br />

;<br />

'.SiLr<br />

llHglgLgg<br />

'gggs'<br />

".gjgLHLLV<br />

are desperately needed to finance<br />

National Foundation<br />

programs of aid to patients, of<br />

research and in the training of<br />

health workers."<br />


jncijUGS<br />

2<br />

Carrots<br />

Oranges,<br />


Corn, 2 for 35c Beans, 2 for .<br />


TEXAS<br />

RED<br />

Phone<br />

III or B02<br />

5<br />

lb.<br />

39<br />

10c<br />

bag . . 35c<br />

Potatoes, lb 5c<br />

EillS JUMBO<br />

33c<br />

Crackers, 1 lb. box . . 29c Tamales, No. 2V2 can . 39c<br />

TANGERINES. ..lb. 15e<br />


CORNER<br />


Grocery & Market<br />

49S-29S- 1<br />

Delivery<br />

4for$1.<br />


Page 74 Thursday, January 19, 1961 The Post Tex., Dispatch<br />

r<br />

T<br />

i;<br />

i!<br />

r<br />

1i 5'<br />

it?.::<br />

t<br />

It<br />

pkVXXS I<br />

j<br />

I<br />

Vv jj<br />

3 f<br />

1<br />

.<br />

Hi<br />

an<br />

si<br />

Tomorrow, a now president, John Fltagorald Konnody, dodicatos himsolf to the leadership<br />

and sorvico of our country in tho four critical years that lie ahoad. Today, all Americans,<br />

of political affiliation, irrespective of race or crood, closo ranks and become as one<br />

in wishing for him a successful administration. As ho assumes the solemn responsibilities of<br />

tho office of Prosidont, wo pray for him tho good health to boar its hoavy burdens, and<br />

Divino guidanco in tho difficult and far-roachi-<br />

ng<br />

decisions<br />

that ho must mako. We pledge<br />

to him our loyal support in tho oxocution of tho oath ho takes tomorrow ... to faithfully<br />

oxecuto tho offico of Prosidont of tho United States and to tho best of his ability, proservo,<br />

protect and defend tho Constitution of tho Unitod States.<br />

Dunlap's<br />

Tox-Su- n<br />

Homos<br />

Brown Brothers, Et Al<br />

J. E. Parker<br />

O. K. Foods<br />

Clinic Pharmacy<br />

D. C. Roborts<br />

Short Hardwaro<br />

Caprock Chovrolet-Olc- h<br />

" ;<br />

Co.<br />

Cummings Lono Star Sorvico<br />

Post Implement<br />

Co.<br />

Lobban's Guf Sorvico<br />

Storio Motor Co.<br />

Ivon Clary's Boar Shop<br />

Post Insuranco Agoncy<br />

Wackor's<br />

Luttroll's Toxaco Sorvico<br />

R. J.'s Furniture<br />

Hodgos Tractor Co.<br />

Day and Night Cafo<br />

Tom Powor<br />

J. H. Hairo<br />

Tho Dairy Hart<br />

Inco Oil Co.<br />

Ralph Lowo<br />

Post Dispatch<br />

Pinkey's<br />

Ford<br />

Post Bowling Center<br />

Lazy S Package Sjore<br />

Welch Electric<br />


nblo Oil & Rcflnlnn Com-- Beneath Iho lobby nnd tho<br />

polyolcfln<br />

plaza<br />

unit in Bavtown. of Humblo Oil & Refining Com-pany- 's<br />

irgcst Installation of Its type new<br />

building In<br />

worm, occupies nn area Houston will be a cafeteria seating<br />

500-sc- audi-lorlu-<br />

Ufe't Darken Moment The<br />

tramstuuic Pott, Tex., Dispatch Thursday, January 19, 1961 Pago IS<br />

ssssssW y - lE--<br />

to thxco city blocks and 1,200 persons, a JUNIOR TAKg<br />

icnts an Investment of more lounges and space for Your<br />

$30,000,000, including<br />

elbows<br />

research shops. Tho building<br />

off<br />

Is scheduled<br />

development for completion the table how<br />

In I9C2,<br />

x J<br />

- v OFTEN MUST I<br />

Shopping Starffvtfr<br />



I<br />

I<br />

wish to announco for tho benofit of thoso wish<br />

ing Chiropractic Health Servlco that my office, will<br />

still be open from 9i30 A. M. until 6i30 P. M.<br />

daily, Including Sundays. Thanks.<br />

si 3424<br />

AM sssssssssssssssssssssB<br />

Dr. C. J. Lewis<br />

103 East 1 2th St.<br />

M<br />

Sjssssssssss sssssssssssssW. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss<br />

JBiisssssssB sssssssssssssssW tsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssW<br />

.ssssssssssssssssH<br />

sssssssssssssssssW r JW<br />

m<br />

I- - I<br />

ssssss<br />

W Ship nt fev<br />

that's always on<br />

the move toward r;<br />

AUSTIN<br />

Texas' 57th Legislature<br />

began on n note that's likely to<br />

continue for some time difficulty<br />

over money.<br />

Many House members felt their<br />

colleagues had mado an awkward<br />

start In an awkward situation<br />

when they voted themselves salary<br />

raises as tho first Item of<br />

business. House voted to<br />

put Into effect the $4,800 a year<br />

legislative salaries made possible<br />

when the people approved a constitutional<br />

amendment last November.<br />

Objectors were quick<br />

out that (1) the stnto general revenue<br />

fund was at that moment<br />

$85,249,951 In the red and (2) many<br />

lawmakers campaigned on an "ec<br />

onomy In government" platform.<br />

Rep. Raymond Dartram of New<br />

Draunfcls said he felt the people<br />

to point<br />

would rather legislators take care<br />

of teachers salary raises and mcdl<br />

cal assistance for the aged before<br />

spending extra money on themselves.<br />

II. D. 1, tho legislative salary<br />

nnd expense bill, would divert<br />

some $2,600,000 from the cigarette<br />

tax and drivers license funds.<br />

Money had to bo "found," since<br />

the general revenue fund, ns fast<br />

as It comes in, has to bo used to<br />

pay tho state's "hot checks."<br />

Down tho road nro even more<br />

searches for $200,000,000-plu- s to<br />

take care of the wants of other<br />

state agencies and services.<br />


Farmers and teachers have one<br />

of their own In one of the most<br />

Important of stato offices.<br />

Rep. James Turman of G o b c r<br />

was elected Sepakcr of the House<br />

by a vote of 83 to 60. Rep. Wade<br />

Spllman of McAllcn, whoso support<br />

was lnrgcly from conservative<br />

House members, was the losing<br />

candidate.<br />

Turman and his family operate<br />

n 103-ac-<br />

farm in Fannin County.<br />

Ho Is n former grado school teacher<br />

and worked his way to a doctor<br />

of philosophy degree in education.<br />

For a time he was assistant to<br />

tho president of Texas Women's<br />

University at Denton.<br />

As Speaker, Turman's first big<br />

Job Is appointing House committees,<br />

duo to go into action about<br />

Jan. 23. By his selections, he can<br />

influence to a considerable degree<br />

how certain legislation w 1 1 be<br />

1<br />

handled,<br />


Sen. Ray Roberts of McKlnncy is<br />

president pro tcmporo of tho Scnato<br />

for tho present session.<br />

His job, largely honorary, Is to<br />

preside over the Scnato In the<br />

absence of tho lieutenant governor.<br />

Also, he Is second In lino of<br />

succession to tho governorship. Uy<br />

tradition, during each president<br />

My Neighbors<br />

tssw oc nrmrv.'' r<br />

JjsssssV:<br />

4sssssssssssM" I V tlS<br />

wbw ywur iiauresi oama re agent<br />

ppy<br />

ssssssiBiiiiisW<br />

IMF'' -- Hsssssssssssssssssssssssssm'l<br />


iHHHmm Wt.<br />

- - "illsssaissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssW<br />

m<br />

Mensh<br />

Em<br />

- ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssV<br />

IFiJAhtM ssHssssssfKHHsssssssW<br />

TVU U HssssHssHBsssssssssssssI I<br />

I you iUm lo b iimu ml of ltrrtwarmiji(<br />

j<br />

ronrrf<br />

4ry lim ym Uke? You con U ... for ABB MflMH<br />

t?timl Mmmt fee your vry tklc HH kswflH<br />

..<br />

HHsD<br />

8KRUr VtMir fs VM Huffy lbcult . t IC H<br />

Flou tar L- -.J J mIU . . . AM.Pumofta<br />

I "<br />

HBMtr or cam. MteuMs w immwm you re wways<br />

., Me with Gladiola<br />


pro tern's term, tho governor and<br />

lieutenant governor leave tho state<br />

so the scnato president can serve<br />

as "governor for a day.- -<br />

Senator Roberts, a World War II<br />

Naval hero, Is a farmer and realtor.<br />


Texas Legislative Council, an<br />

Influential Inlnt HniKn.Sonntn ln.<br />

dy group, will Offer n moss Of pro- -<br />

Ikjsuis tor new legislation.<br />

Among recommendations:<br />

1. Somo streamlining, but not a<br />

wholesale of the state<br />

constitution. This will be n disappointment<br />

to groups working for<br />

steps toward a new constitutional<br />

convention.<br />

2. Limitations on tho annexation<br />

powers of cities and towns.<br />

3. Increased facilities for Juve-- ,<br />

. a .....<br />

nllc guidance and care, including<br />

a home for dependent Negro children,<br />

facilities for mentally ill<br />

juveniles and regional training<br />

centers for delinquent youths,<br />

4. Higher minimum coverage requirements<br />

for automobile insurance.<br />

Present minimum is $5,000.<br />

A raise to $10,000 or $20,000 was<br />

suggested.<br />

Another study group, a special<br />

Senate committee, recommends removal<br />

of some of tho restrictions<br />

on Investment of the permanent<br />

school fund, It suggests Investments<br />

In corporate securities and<br />

real estate mortgages, guaranteed<br />

by the federal government.<br />


Commission on Higher Education<br />

docs not favor making Del<br />

Mar College In Corpus Christ! a<br />

senior college.<br />

Commission has agreed to study<br />

requests far senior collego status<br />

and state support for Pan American<br />

College at Edlnburg and San<br />

Angclo College.<br />

On Del Mar, the Commission will<br />

make Its negative recommendation<br />

to tho Legislature which will have<br />

the final say. In the past, the Legislature<br />

has approved more such<br />

requests than the Commission.<br />


Contracts have been awarded for<br />

construction of n f ccond new State<br />

Office Building just north of the<br />

Capitol.<br />

It will be a granite<br />

four-stor- y<br />

building with H7.205 square feet<br />

Cost is to be $2,076,102. It will bo<br />

known ns State Olflcc Building No.<br />

2 and will house tho Game and<br />

Fish Commission, State Board of<br />

Plumbing Examiners<br />

and some<br />

other agencies now scattered over<br />

Austin.<br />

This Is one of six buildings in<br />

the current program to create a<br />

unified government center, clustered<br />

around the State Cnoitol. A-<br />

lready In use are State Office<br />

Building No. 1. the State Courts<br />

Building ond the Texas Employment<br />

Commission Bulldine Archives<br />

Building is to be finished<br />

soon, nnd a new Insurance Building<br />

Is due to start this year.<br />


State Game and Fish Commission<br />

has voted to set up n system<br />

of five regional and 20 district offices<br />

to Improve operation of Its<br />

field service.<br />

Reorganization plan was recommended<br />

by the Texas Research<br />

League, a privately financed organisation<br />

to study operation of<br />

governmental agencies.<br />

Sea-broo-<br />

Regional offices will be at<br />

Rockport, Tyler, San Angclo<br />

and Waco.<br />

District offices will be at Amaril-lo- ,<br />

Beaumont, Bryan. Houston.<br />

Victoria, San Antonio, Edlnburg,<br />

Corpus Christ!. Lubbock. El Paso.<br />

Wichita Falls. Midland, Fort Worth,<br />

Temple, Brown wood. Kerrvllle.<br />

Dallas, Texarkana, Palestine and<br />

Lufkln.<br />

Mr. Merchant<br />

Have you invited tho<br />

folks to trado with you<br />

lately?<br />

Have you kopt thorn<br />

informed of new merchandise<br />

arrivals?<br />

Are you reaching out<br />

to acquaint new arrivals<br />

in town with your<br />

stock and services?<br />

The best way and most<br />

economical is through<br />

Post Dispatch<br />

Advertisements<br />

Remember<br />

"it Dotsn't Cos<br />

fmys to Mvrtif"<br />


Texas wells have<br />

23 billion barrels<br />

DALLAS To answe frequent<br />

"how many" and "how much"<br />

questions about the Texas petroleum<br />

Industry, Mld-Contnent<br />

Oil & Gas Association today t<br />

Texas<br />

Issued its "61 Facts About Texas<br />

Oil & Gas."<br />

Styled as n "little giant compendium<br />

of 61 facts and positively<br />

amazing statements' the free<br />

leaflet commemorates the 60th anniversary<br />

if tho discovery of oil<br />

at Splndlctop, near Beaumont,<br />

Jan. 10, 1901, which opened the<br />

oil and gas era of Texas history.<br />

Among the 61 miscellaneous facts<br />

arc these:<br />

Texas oil and gas provide 29<br />

per cent of the fuel energy produced<br />

In the U. S.<br />

Value of Texas crude oil In 1959<br />

was $2.9 billion.<br />

Texas has 47.8 per cent of U. S.<br />

oil reserves.<br />

Texas produced 14 per cent of<br />

world oil In 1959; 23 per cent In<br />


a auAtrrtaicovou<br />

tunk oooce Piuxr<br />


iir<br />

I HbMiWb M<br />


au CAN TRUST HU4<br />


I STIC<br />


rUNoa<br />

coaroopitxT<br />

produced<br />

of oil<br />

County Wide Road Fund<br />

Lateral Road Fund .<br />

Rond, Bridge Equipment Fund<br />

Road, Bridge Prct. No. I Fund<br />

Road, Bridge Prct. No. 2 Fund<br />

Road. Bridge Prct. No. 2 Sink. Fd<br />

Road, Bridge No. 2 Specls! Fund<br />

Road, Bridge Pet. No 3 Fund --<br />

Road, Bridge No. 3 Sinking Fund ...<br />

Road Bridge Pet. No. 4 Fund ...<br />

Road, Bridge No. 4 Sinking Fund.<br />

Road. Bridge No. 4 Sinking invt. ,<br />

General Fund . . .<br />

Officers Salary Fund ....<br />

Jury Fund .<br />

Permanent Improvement Fund L<br />

Hospital Sinking Fund<br />

Hospital Sinking (Invested)<br />

Hospital Operating Savings Acct.<br />

Hospital Operating Fund ,<br />



1939.<br />

The Industry spent $1.8 billion on I<br />

production<br />

!<br />

equipment and supplies<br />

In 1958.<br />

Average expenditure for drilling!<br />

wens in Texas Is $10.55 per foot<br />

An average Texas well yields 14<br />

barrels a day.<br />

About one out of every 11 Texas<br />

workers Is In oil and gas industry.<br />

Industry payroll Is $1.3 billion<br />

annually.<br />

Texas has 59,600 rnllos of oil<br />

pipeline; 68,000 miles of gas pipeline.<br />

The Industry's state taxos In<br />

1960 were $210.5 million.<br />

Texas has produced 23 billion<br />

barrels of oil, or 3G per cent of<br />

U. S. total.<br />

Texas now produces about 38<br />

per cent of U. S. crude oil.<br />

The first U S. railroad tunnel<br />

was built near Johnstown, Pa., In<br />

1833.<br />


Balance, Oct. 1 1960 ,,<br />

Total Qosh It Receipts Oat. thru Dec., I960<br />


n<br />


nflPTRfADYMK<br />

rUolcoHCMTe<br />

to owe ou<br />

THE MOST<br />

FOR YOUR<br />

MOHfiY.<br />

rtMCt<br />

AIH<br />

Oct. I, 1960<br />

00.10.<br />

I2.490.97<br />

7,141.49<br />

10,733,28<br />

5,858.16<br />

11,689.50.<br />

3,950.29<br />

1.843.54<br />

5.499.41<br />

8,378.74<br />

9,123.07<br />

10,000.00<br />

9.984.38.<br />

3,102.02.<br />

575.14. ..<br />

990,79<br />

10.994.29<br />

7.000.00<br />

4,000.00... .<br />

5450?.40<br />

126t926.57<br />

. 126,926.37<br />

. J37.151.45<br />

364,078.02<br />

AND SWORN TO this 10th day of January, 1M1.<br />

,<br />

AS<br />

uX- -<br />


Fourth Quartor,<br />

cash<br />

I960<br />

srenviD<br />

100.00.<br />

.00.<br />

12.9SJ.0S..<br />

7,742.91.<br />

6,838.12.<br />

24,256,62..<br />

.00.<br />

5,106,42.<br />

4,!J4j33<br />

4,0C?'05<br />

62,790t6l.<br />

26JJ16Ji..-- .<br />

6.49SJ5L.<br />

9444S1<br />

237I51A43<br />

Tile<br />

Mof Jerseys<br />

100 Nylon Jersey<br />

For Easy Care... Easy Wear<br />

So easy to slip into... 34 zipper front; so easy to<br />

care for...vriaJtle free Nylon jersey; so smart to<br />

wear... small collar with tic, short sleeves<br />

flip-ov- er<br />

and softly gathered skirt. BrownUlack; Royal<br />

Black; CrccnlUack.<br />

1916849...<br />

OOjSSa MsisSSwJBkftkblA<br />

.op<br />

,. ':U,TL"<br />

32.631.46,<br />

n<br />

I<br />

ill I960<br />

Suggested<br />

Sues<br />


158.CC....<br />

12-2- 0;<br />

12--<br />

3 1.C0<br />

12.360 .<br />

15,388,39<br />

13,539.3. .<br />

4,1620...<br />

1.009J2..<br />

350.20...<br />

,107.66<br />

109',22.<br />

8,399.60<br />

342.24L<br />

.00<br />

20,388,61...<br />

15,826.30 ..<br />

781.41..<br />

306.11..<br />

SUJL..<br />

.08..<br />

.00 .<br />

Retail:<br />

Total DTsbjirscmehts, Oat. thru Dg900'4l<br />

12M-22- tf<br />

CASH SAlANCt<br />

Deo. 31, I960<br />

1.44<br />

126,92<br />

4.736.15<br />

4,936.94<br />

8,523.78<br />

3SJB76.40<br />

.00<br />

2,842.30<br />

0,504.52<br />

2,039.19<br />

22,081.73<br />

10,000.00<br />

32,386,38<br />

14,105.07<br />

6,288.08<br />

10.200.61<br />

29,938.78<br />

7,000.00<br />

4,000.00<br />

11.190.00<br />

235,778.33<br />

... 241.778,33<br />

... 128,299.63<br />

364,078.02<br />

Before me. the undersigned authority. In and for said County and n t<br />

..<br />

of Carta<br />

Williams and Mason Justice. Commissioners, and J. K. Parker. County JudgSS'T?aJSZL S<br />

County. Texas, who being first duly sworn by me. each being upon hi. oath, Sayst<br />

EWWg! TanJ bef<br />

THAT the attached Stotement Is a true and control statement of all monies u ,<br />

tho respective account, of said County on the date, shown on said Statement, lo<br />

llf VbSZSpIITI<br />

1<br />

MASQN JUSTICO. Commissioner Prmnct 4<br />

OZI5LL W&S: , J' aUU- - C- -ty Judge<br />

(SUAL)<br />

Balance<br />

CARL CEDERHOLM, County Clerk, Garra Cetmty, Tejwt.<br />

8<br />


Paflo 16 Thuri., Jan. 19, 1961<br />

Over 13 million<br />

youngsters eat<br />

school lunches<br />

COLLEGE STATION - Current<br />

ly over 13.5 million youngsters aro<br />

participating In the National School<br />

Lunch Program, reports the U S,<br />

Department of Agriculture. The<br />

program was established in 1946<br />

and each year this expanding mar-- 1<br />

kct for farm food products has In<br />

creased, officials said. t<br />

During tho school year ending I<br />

last June, some 12.8 million chll--l<br />

dren were served 2.142,000,000<br />

lunches; Most of the food, approximately<br />

80 per cent, was purchased<br />

locally by the more than 62,000 .<br />

public and nonprofit private .<br />

schools participating In the pro-- )<br />

gram. These local purchases<br />

amounted to an estimated $540<br />

million.<br />

In addition, school lunch menus)<br />

last fiscal year Included approximately<br />

S58 million worth of nut- -<br />

ritlpus foods purchased Tor parti-- 1<br />

cipating schools by USDA's Agricultural<br />

Marketing Service to supplement<br />

local purchases. Among!<br />

tho popular lunch items were<br />

frozen turkeys, frozen ground beef,<br />

frozen ground pork, canned pork<br />

and gravy and a variety of canned<br />

fruits and vegetables.<br />

National School Lunch Progrnmj<br />

schools nlso share in the dlstribu- -<br />

Hon of surplus commodities acquired<br />

by USDA in price - support<br />

and surplus-remov- programs, also<br />

available to non - participating<br />

schools. In fiscal 1960, slightly<br />

more than $70 million worth of sur-plu- s<br />

foods including butter, cheese,<br />

nonfat dry milk, honey. Hour,!<br />

cornmeal, peanut butter, rice,<br />

dried whole eggs and sweet potatoes<br />

wore distributed.<br />

The program Is administered cooperatively<br />

by Federal, Stato and<br />

local officials. Federal funds arc<br />

allocated to the Stales, and must<br />

be matched from sources within<br />

the States, including children's payments,<br />

at the rate of at least $3<br />

for each Federal dollar. In operation,<br />

this matching requirement<br />

has been exceeded consistently in<br />

the history of the program,<br />

and currently is running generally<br />

about 7 to 1.<br />

Medical costs<br />

hiqher for older<br />

farm families<br />


costs per person are over 1.5 times<br />

more for older than for younger<br />

farm families, according to the U<br />

S. Department of Agriculture.<br />

A nationwide survey conducted<br />

by USDA and tho Hurcnu of the<br />

for farm families In which tho<br />

farm operators were 65 years ef<br />

ago or older averaged $92 a year<br />

per person, while those of all others<br />

averaged $59.<br />

Among farm families in which<br />

tho form operator was 65 or older,<br />

12.3 per cent of the family net<br />

Income was spent for medical<br />

Itomi. The proportion for oil<br />

younger families was about 9 per<br />

cent. Only 37 per cent of the eider<br />

families, compared with 50 per<br />

cent of younger families, had any<br />

kind of medical Insurance.<br />

Increases In tho cost of medical<br />

expenditures for farm families between<br />

1935 and 1955 were mare<br />

than four times as great as Increases<br />

In all consumption<br />

farm-famil- y<br />

expenses. Medical costs roso 178<br />

per cent, but all cornumptlon costs<br />

roso 41 per cent.<br />

These aro among findings In the<br />

nationwide survey, reported and<br />

analyzed In "Tho Older Farm<br />

Fomily and Medical Costs." Agriculture<br />

Information Bulletin No.<br />

235, Issued by USDA. Tho report<br />

was prepared for use In conjunction<br />

with the White House Confer<br />

enco on Aging to be held In January,<br />

and is bnfd on recent nation- -<br />

wide information available on the<br />

medical wpondlturcs of Jorm families.<br />


NEW<br />

In Your Store<br />

Mr. Merchant?<br />

Then<br />

Invite<br />

Over 6,500<br />

Area Folks<br />

To Stop in and<br />

Soe This New Item<br />

Via<br />

Achrertfsing<br />

hTteNtpttch<br />

I<br />

MbLLH<br />

MM<br />


BEANS<br />

STEMS & PLS, 2 OZ. CAN<br />


KRAFT,<br />




FLOUR ...<br />

15'<br />

19<br />

OIL 57<br />

LB.<br />

5 39c<br />

BAG<br />

make the difference. And what a difference! Flavor<br />


tender pork, economically priced, makes this o real cork<br />

PICKLES, qt. jar 25c<br />


of a pork save.<br />

TAMALES, No. 300 can 19c<br />

KASCO<br />

DOG FOOD, 2 lb. bag<br />

35c<br />

HAND LOTION 350<br />


SYRUP, qt. bottlo<br />

39c<br />


BLACKEYE PEAS, No. 300 can<br />

10c<br />

BAMA<br />

PEANUT BUTTER, 18 oz. jar 49c<br />


MA BROWN<br />

APPLE BUTTER, 28 ox. jar 39c<br />


PECAN SANDIES, 16 02. pkg 49c<br />

size<br />

mlr<br />


PAPER CUPS, 50 ct. pkg<br />

29c<br />

A Colorful Ubmyil<br />

Santa Rosa<br />


Fawmitinf Kaewiedfil<br />

A il a-- imumwa<br />

tlH<br />

seWVDOONWBj<br />

h<br />

DINNERS 45<br />

Patio<br />

MEXICAN,<br />

1<br />

6 oz.<br />

Frozen . . . .<br />


Firm, Virw<br />

1 31<br />

r<br />

Suzanne Frozen<br />

Ripened, lb.<br />

YAMS 121<br />

Golden Sweet<br />

Delicious, Serve<br />

with Pork, lb.<br />

Thai valuat<br />

good In Pol<br />

lo Thurtday<br />

noon, Jan. 26.<br />

W rterv tho<br />

r!M to limit<br />

qtMtntltios,<br />

bag ... I M<br />

,BM4r<br />

j<br />

PORK<br />

PORK<br />

SPARE RIBS, lb 59c<br />


PORK STEAK, lb 45c<br />


SLICED BACON, lb 59c<br />


SAUSAGE,<br />

I lb. roll 39c<br />

Contadina<br />


CHOPS<br />

59<br />

Hormol Bost<br />

Pork, contor<br />

cut, lb<br />

-<br />

ROAST s? .29<br />

lk<br />

M<br />

njEhv<br />

QIVE<br />

DOUBLE<br />


HORMEL'S, 12 OZ. PKO.<br />


39c<br />

EVERY<br />


ROUND STEAK, lb<br />

?;.-9- 8c<br />


WED.<br />

BEEF CUBES, lb.<br />

79c<br />


With S2.50 Purthoie or<br />

PERCH FILLETS, I lb. pkg<br />

39c<br />

Mora<br />



25<br />

Contadina,<br />

spicod,<br />

No. 2'k can<br />


CHILI 49<br />


WE<br />


MILK 2 29<br />

Nafure makes the meat, but Piggly Wiggly's low pWcJ

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