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. WBWl SaBBBjBapaV aYjPSBieSgBSjp. WHPBBffBB WBej jjPSBBw bbbbbbbbbbbbYpIbb- - LJllJUljIl UliXihVj 1 JMX I We Thank God For Jesus "Christmas for Christ or Merchandise" "CHRISTMAS FOR CHRIST OR MERCHAN- DISE???" Isaiah 9:6, For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon eW his shoulder: and his name shall be called WONDERFUL, COUNSELLOR. THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, THE PRINCE OF PEACE. As the woman bought stumps at the post office, just the other dty. A FROWN OF DEEP MAD NESS; overcame the smile, that was on her face. As she looked at the posted stamps, OF MARY HOLDING BABY JBSUS, She said: THEY'RE PUTTING RELIGION INTO CHRIST- MAS; I DON'T BELIEVE IT. Mark 7:6, Jesus said, Well hath Esoi as proplfosicd of you HYP- OCRITES, as it Is written, This people HONOURETH me with THEIR LIPS, BUT THEIR HEART IS FAR FROM MB. (And you know many PLAY THE XMAS GAME, Saying I love you, and will BUY THINGS TO PROVE IT. Buying presents, trees, toys, lights and drinking; it is NOT GOD'S BUSINESS! The BUSINESS MAN; He makes a killing this time of year. THINK! If there was a BIRTHDAY PARTY CELEBRATION, would you give GIFTS TO ANOTHER, OR TO WHOM THE CBLEB RATION IS FOR? GOD'S BUSINESS IS SAVING SOULS; YOUR SOUL TO HIM WOULD BE A GOOD GIFT.) WILL XMAS ROB GOD??? That another TRICK OF THE DEVIL; WE'RE NOT TO CELE- BRATE JESUS' BIRTHDAY, GOD WANTS MANKIND TO BELIEVE; THE DEATH, RESURRECTION OF JESUS; TO BE SAVED. John 3:17,18, JESUS SAID, For GOD sent not his SON (JESUS) into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him (JESUS) MIGHT BE SAVED. HE that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned ALREADY, because he hath not BELIEVED IN THE NAME OF THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD. JBSUS DIED FOR THE WORLD; AND ALL THEIR SINS; AND THSY BELIEVED HIM NOT, PEOPLE LIE TO THE CHILDREN; TELLING THEM SANTA CLAUS GAVE THE TOYS THEY GOT. Matthew 4:10, JESUS SAID, Get thee hence, SATAN: for it is WRIT- TEN Thou shalt WORSHIP THE LORU THY GOD, AND ONLY HIM SHALT THOU SERVE. GIVE TO SANTA THAT WHICH IS SANTA'S; AND GODTHAT WHICH IS GOD'S (Here is WISDOM: THE BIBLE tells us, when the angel was sent: in the SIXTH MONTH. Being PREGNANT for nine MONTHS: then a baby would be BORN IN MARCH OR APRIL; that's a good time for ' shepherds to be in the fields, with their sheep. NOT IN DECEMBER!) Luke 1:26-2- 7, And in the SIXTH month the angel Gabriel was sent from GOD unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and VIRGIN'S NAME WAS MARY. The WISE MEN, to show RESPECT, gave GIFTS, FRANKINCENSE AND GOLD, BUT KING HEROD: LIKE SANTA CLAUS; JESUS fcLORY HAS BEEN STOLE. Matthew 2:16a, Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth (MAD), And sent forth, and slew ALL T$E CHILDREN THAT WAS IN BETHLEHEM, and in all the coasts tfiereof, FROM TWO YEARS OLD AND UNDER. fJOW AMERICA IS TRYING TO KILL JESUS; LOOK AROUND: "0U CAN PLAINLY SEE, THE COMMERCIALS; OF CARS. TOYS, CLOTHES, APPLIANCE. NO JESUS ON YOUR TV. I John 2:15, LOVE NOT THE WORLD, NEITHER THE THINGS,-THA- T ARE IN THE WORLD. IF ANY MAN LOVE THE WORLD, THE LOVE OF THE FATHER IS NOT IN HIM. Tday is the day OF SALVATION; SO BECOME ONE OF THE $J$E PERSON, LET THE LORD JBSUS BE BORN INTO YOUR HjsART; THAT'S WHY GOD SENT HIS SON. J$in 3:J6, JESUS SAID, For GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD CHJAT'S YOU), that he gave his only begotten SON (THATb JESUS), that, whosoever (THAT'S YOU) BELIEVETH IN HIM (THAT'S JUS) should not perish, but have EVERLASTING LIFE (THAT'S Wc order our lives by our priorities and our objectives. We devote more of our time. beyond those hours devoted to earning a livelihood, to doing or to accumulating thai which we want tlie most. Certainly we who are followers of Jesus Christ should be expected to live withipur priorities in harmony with our faith. 1 he tragi truth is that we get our priorities mixed up at times. Satan convinces us that we can be Christians and still retain a bit of the world within us. The sins we read in the Bible did not die with the death of the persons who commit ted them. Covetousness, hatred, selfishness, inhumanity - all of Satan's devices are still alive and healthy. However, a very patient, loving God, tries to gain the unswerving love of His wayward creatures; and through His only Son Heltas initiated the process by which we may return His love. But the choice is ours, whether we follow Satan's invitation to a life ruled by our selfish interests or allow God's love to determine our course of conduct. In all the affairs of daily life the Christian must make this choice; Place: Date: Time: The Herdmans are Back! The Saint John Baptist Church Presents The Best Christmas Ppgeant Ever by Baibara Robinson Texss Tech Matador Room University Center December 14, 1996 6:30 pm Contact persons: Ozella Barnett 793-808- 6 Francis Shepherd 741-018- 6 Stephanie Shepherd (tickets) for the Drama and Banquet. Deadline for the tickets sale will be 12796. Come and see the transformation of the Herdmans come alive through the dramatization of children in our community. 5 Jt Ossie Curry Funeral Home 1 805 Martin Luther King Blvd. Lubbock, TX 79403 121 2 West 14th Street Plainview, TX 79072 Pre-Need Counseling Burial Insurance Notary Public either he chooses the way of Jesus Christ and that which enhances his spiritual growth, or he chooses to patronize his own selfish ends. By his choices he mw exchange his eternal heritage for the momentary glitter and tinsel of this world. Too often the ungrateful, rebellious creature turns from His Creator and follows alter the pleasures of sin, ths deceptive attraction of riches, the temporary prestige of power, and he trades his soul for pottage. The Bible admonishes the followers of Jesus not to value highly the things of this world. Being redeemed by Jesus Christ, the citizen of His kingdom is urged to seek the things of God, not those of this world. The words of the great prophet Isaiah are appropriate to every person who has suffered estrangement from God because of his sin: "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near" (Isaiah 55:6). The primary work of God has been to provide the plan and the means by which those who seek Him may find Him. Tie OafreacH Grayer Breakfast ither in the name of Jesus I bring before you the body of I mmfmm all over the world. We confess with our movm llfemgh faith in your word. We won't allow foul or foliating e, no evil words or unwholesome or worthless talk fcome ou of our mouth, but such speech that is good and ben-- ftfMal to tile need of the occasn. May our convention be a blessing and give grace to those who hear. We have let go of Ittemess and indignation and wrath and rage, bad temper and. t resentment, anger, animosity and quarreling, brawling, clam--; aptifr ,Contention, slander and evil speaking, abusive blasphsf; Wnovis language. Banish from us today. We thank you that we are kinder and more tenderhearted, more useful, compassion s : unaenianaing ana neipiui 10 me ooay 01 v.nnsr, lorgmng i another readily and freely as Christ forgave us. Thank: yftM Lord that we walk in love today, esteeming arid dell pninMrJlsach other, as Christ loved usgcK fe'XOTS offering and sacrifice. In to name of continue in prayer with thanksgiving because we have M bee made righteous through Jesus. Thank you for watching ov& m: your, word to perform it. We believe .that we have receive according to Mark 11:22-2- 6. In tjieitame of Jesus, Am; l'Befpre thfyatupiheoiy, there; was and is jfenicles744 Lubbock, Tx 79408.. PreilddOt - Vie President meeting will be In dus IS NOT THROUGH WITH US YET. SO LETS PRAY FOR 0$8 ANOTHER ALWAYS. DirectedArrangedProduced Guided By LORD JESUS CHRIST Writtefti By Evangelist Billy B.J. Ms!rbon,III Your Brother IN CHRIST JESUS ALWAfS!!! OSSIE CURRY DirectorMorticain Lubbock (806)765-671- 1 Plainview (806)216-793- 9 -7- Pager 88-9105 at ,5 0 Kingdom Kids Club presents 'A Living Nativity' Sunday December 15th :00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m, Coiner o Broadway and M.L.K. Blvd. The Christmas story will be read at: 7:00 p.m. Music featuring kids from the Kids Club and more!! Bring the whole family and stay awhile. A ministry of Cathedral ofPraise Church 2011 E. 13th call 763.6900for more information. iij It m Si mm SMITH TEMPLE COMMUNITY CHURCH 6508 Avenue P Lubbock, Texas "The Oasis ofLove" A SERVICES OF WORSHIP Sunday Church School Sunday Momiag Worship 9:45 am 1 1ft us. laaa&u the act of looking into or over carefully or thoroughly, in an effort to find or discover something. Everyone is locking for something. Themselves? A job? Significance? What are you searching for? Find out what it is... Sunday Mornings at 10:00 a.ra. tOll E. 13th Cathedral of Praise Gary Scefgtas skarw on uTitf Starefe Emis Here SfasaayjJ SBfljP PsJaSsaP sjCXJ jjjpjli. Wednesday Midwest Services - 7:00 p m jL BBaaaaaaaL SeaaV asBjsassssaj pjsf Scott, Assist HP Pastor

lMAMMMMMMMWMMHinnMM 1 I I I 1 ! in a 1 BREEDLOVE DEHYDRATED FOODS "THE WORLDS ONLY CHARITABLE DEHYDRATION PLANT' A DIVISION OF THE SOUTH PLAINS FOOD BANK 1818 N. Martin Lulher King Blvd. Lubbock TX. 79403 806741-040- 4 fax: 806741-044- 7 Yes! In 1996, we Mill have people today who go to bed hungry. Here are some surprising facts: In (lie world, 13 - IS million" pfedple mostly children will dla or hunger and hunger mimed causes thltjtr. That it the ecjuivelatit of 100 Jumbo jets crashing- - everyday with no survivors. In the United States, 39 million people explrence chronic hunger. In Texas, 1 In 10 senior citizens must choose between purchasing food, wed' iuktlon or housing. In Lubbock, 1 in 4 children re affected by hunger. THAP$ VOU FOR CARING! Establishing the C.B. (Stubb) Stubbleflcld Memorial Fund Every dollar I donate turns Inlrj 2 lbs. of food or 72 meals to feed the hungry. Please accept my g- i- of Address CityState: Plrone number: zip code: Dnnnttnnc rn K Mint In South Plaitis Food Bank4S2 LoCUliveTLubbock. TX 79403 Brcedlove Dehydrated Foods does not receive government funds and is not a United Way agency. Contributions to Breedlove Dehydrated Foods arc tax deductible to the Sull extent allowed by law. "the newspaper of today vith and "ieaL for the 90 s and beyond"! Your weekly community newspaper with YOU, the people, In mind Serving you since 1 977 Subscribe today to the southwest digest and never miss a single issue. Good gift for students, Military or out of town relatives. Name Address. City State One Year $20.QOiSave $5.00) Renewal Two Years.... $35.0(3 New SubsGrition This Business isf 19th ISM Local B Mi Kings Eg ST5v?o?dgasTS75 St. Martin Luther King Blvd. Let us be your Lottery Headquarters Lots of Tickets. Lots of Winners. Zip. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK EAST 19TH STREET & MLK BLVD. Minority Owned III.. IIIIMI 74MOOO If you can answer YES to even one of these questions, you should consider having an HIV antibody test. Have you ever ums alcohol, maruaffi or cracf cocaine? . Htve you ever tssed I V dwgs? Have you ever hadunprotected tex? Have you ever contracted an STjB? Have vou, ever liU HlVaf'f MtflilorftlTintfSfte (505) 76-70-6l SmRC TeSM Deto. of Health (S06) Lubbock Health Dept. (806) 767-295- 3 1409,23rd Street, Lubbock. TX 79405 (SQ6),7444J633 744-33?- ? 0i Q. Dwight McDonald Attorney-af-L- w (806) 744-06- 7 l 604 Ave. M. Lubbock, TX Divorce Criminal Child Support Wills Not Certified by wry Board of Sxvia(iztrton Want ft ntMiufffltr lay, SaHsrlnideT Smmmm ti CALL: Wirk? Amusement you re aiways a winn BOB JORDAN AMUSEMENT CO., INC. Beauty 56 17 VILLA DRIVE LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79412 (806) 747-529- 7 Bringing The Finest In Games and Music To The South Plains utrade In Your Isn't It Time Old Machines For The Latest The Bestl Commislon Sales Coin Operated Machines Since 1952 COMPLETE HAIR STYLING For Men & Women CAT'S HAIR CORNER MANICURES 1 COMPLETE FOOT CARS Cal btg far WaaML Tfftfltl. rfrfttte - fiuilotarid Jhfc tTW 1716 E. BfOKhwy Lubbock, Tu nf WOfR py CppOiOffllfJH pmy Medical OTWitiTTne boutppest Digest uiassitieds GOO METHODIST HOSPITAL Information regarding employment opportunities at Methodist Hospital may bo obtained by calling 793-418- 4 CD tff Equal Opportunity Employment Pharmacy & PCS & PR0-SER- SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT MEDICAID GENERIC DRUGS COMFENSAT(ON PRICES Open: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Monday thru Saturday Closed on Sundays! ST. MARY HOSPITAL For employment inormation contact: Personnel Office Equal Opportunity Employer CAVIELS PHARMACY Workman's Compensation Charge Accounts PRESCRIPTION 796-689- 9 1 71 9 Avenue A 765-55- 1 1 765-756- or 0 rrrn Clothing H0HMH DUNIAPy Caprock Shopping Center Ph6n 792-716- 1 DAVfa H. SOWBLL 20&87 Mn' Dpartmnt Work mmm 23 rd & J LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79405 (MGR) Wrp9xmmASv 806-763-74- 07 FORREST OUR FALCE 13S<at STREET LUBBQCT; TBXAS 79403 Qtog OUR PLACE BXSOP &m$Mmmm, Whirlpool, Oemral Electric HELP WANTED "AVON" & "AVON OUTLET" No Inventory, INDSALESREP, 800-236-00- 41 : ATTN: Lubbock Postal positions. Clerks and sorters, No experience required. Benefits. For exam, salary, and testing Information call 906-557- 0 ext. 5436 8 am - 8 pm. Must Seill 3 New Arch Type Steel Buildings. 25x26, 30x38. Great for Backyard Shops, Two Car Garages. Easy Financing. Must Sell Immediately. Call Today JOB OPPORTUNITY BOOKKEEPER: Knowledge in Microsoft Lotus, answering phones, and general office duties. Apply it 1628 Main, 9 5 Only 762-460- 5 SwttwisiOliestCiisslf!is testis Goarafititi! fAREN HODGES v ATTORNEY-- A divorcb ADOPTION CHILD CUSTODY WILLS CHILD SUPPORT PROBATE MISDEMEANORS JUVENILEOFFENSES NO CHARGE FOR INTIAL CONFERENCE 806-765-83- 23 2019 BROADWAY the Supreme Court of Texas. Not certi ecfflmfltftnr; gftaflttas Board of Legal TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Need a car? Need one now? I got one. $1800 for 1981 Cadillac white Sedan Deville, 4 door, good shape. Air docs not work, but winter's on the way. Heater does work. This 1$ a good'un. Call 744-Q37- 6, ask for Chmrec. "Let's make a deal on some wheels." Utility Plant Operator (Salary Range: $16,788 - 23,544yr) Experience in the operation aad palntetwiftce of high pressure boilers, steam turbine pumps and centrifugal refrigeration units. Meclwnical aptitude arid willingness to train and work towards advancement will be accepted in place or experience. 12 hour rotating shift work is required, Mutt have ample communication ami writing skills. Must pass a physical and respiratory training. Must qualify far Universal Refrigerant Handling Certification within 6 mo. employment. Security Sensitive Position. Interested applicants apply at Texas Tech Uniteityt,Dnni Hall Rcim 143, Physical Plant Rom 105. or send resume to: Sandy Ellis. Manager for Physical Plant Human resource, Box 43 42. Ulbbock, 1 Texas 79409-- 3 142. The Texas Department of Health is recruiting for the fbllowint services: HQ sjAlarymo prn closing date job Iotbbock $1261.00 R0I-0O0- 8 121696 CleiK III Working Title: Cleik III High school graduate or GED plus one year paid full time worl experience as' secretary. Resumes will not be accepted. Completed applications accepted In the Lubbock office 1109 Kemper St.. Lubbock, TX 79403. Applications may lie picked up at the Lubbock office by 5:00 p.m. 121696. For more information contact Tina Madia, 8067744-357- 7 Fqual oiprtunily employer. II hoemkm MANN Kenmore, E::.,hl JWBm I


1 I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1<br />

! in a 1<br />





1818 N. Martin Lulher King Blvd.<br />

Lubbock TX. 79403<br />

806741-040- 4 fax: 806741-044- 7<br />

Yes! In 1996, we Mill have people today who go to bed hungry. Here are some<br />

surprising facts:<br />

In (lie world, 13 - IS million" pfedple mostly children will dla or hunger<br />

and hunger mimed causes thltjtr.<br />

That it the ecjuivelatit of 100 Jumbo jets crashing- - everyday with no survivors.<br />

In the United States, 39 million people explrence chronic hunger.<br />

In <strong>Texas</strong>, 1 In 10 senior citizens must choose between purchasing food, wed'<br />

iuktlon or housing.<br />

In Lubbock,<br />

1<br />

in 4 children re affected by hunger.<br />


Establishing the C.B. (Stubb) Stubbleflcld Memorial Fund<br />

Every dollar I donate turns Inlrj 2 lbs. of food or 72 meals to feed the hungry.<br />

Please accept my g- i- of<br />

Address<br />

CityState:<br />

Plrone number:<br />

zip code:<br />

Dnnnttnnc rn K Mint In<br />

South Plaitis Food Bank4S2 LoCUliveTLubbock. TX 79403<br />

Brcedlove Dehydrated Foods does not receive government funds and is not a<br />

United Way agency. Contributions to Breedlove Dehydrated Foods arc tax<br />

deductible to the Sull extent allowed by law.<br />

"the newspaper of today vith and "ieaL for the 90 s and beyond"!<br />

Your weekly community newspaper with YOU, the people, In mind<br />

Serving you since 1 977<br />

Subscribe today to the southwest digest and never<br />

miss a single issue. Good gift for students, Military<br />

or out of town relatives.<br />

Name<br />

Address.<br />

City<br />

State<br />

One Year $20.QOiSave $5.00) Renewal<br />

Two Years.... $35.0(3<br />

New SubsGrition<br />

This Business isf<br />

19th<br />

ISM<br />

Local<br />

B Mi Kings Eg<br />

ST5v?o?dgasTS75<br />

St. Martin Luther King Blvd.<br />

Let us be your<br />

Lottery Headquarters<br />

Lots of Tickets.<br />

Lots of Winners.<br />

Zip.<br />



Minority Owned<br />

III.. IIIIMI<br />

74MOOO<br />

If you can answer YES to even one of<br />

these questions, you should consider<br />

having an HIV antibody test.<br />

Have you ever ums alcohol,<br />

maruaffi or cracf cocaine? .<br />

Htve you ever tssed I V dwgs?<br />

Have you ever hadunprotected tex?<br />

Have you ever contracted an STjB?<br />

Have vou, ever liU HlVaf'f<br />

MtflilorftlTintfSfte<br />

(505) 76-70-6l<br />

SmRC<br />

TeSM Deto. of Health<br />

(S06)<br />

Lubbock Health Dept.<br />

(806) 767-295- 3<br />

1409,23rd Street,<br />

Lubbock. TX 79405<br />

(SQ6),7444J633<br />

744-33?-<br />

?<br />

0i<br />

Q.<br />

Dwight<br />

McDonald<br />

Attorney-af-L- w<br />

(806) 744-06- 7 l<br />

604 Ave. M. Lubbock,<br />

TX<br />

Divorce Criminal<br />

Child Support Wills<br />

Not Certified by wry Board of<br />

Sxvia(iztrton<br />

Want<br />

ft<br />

ntMiufffltr<br />

lay, SaHsrlnideT<br />

Smmmm ti<br />

CALL:<br />

Wirk?<br />

Amusement<br />

you re aiways a winn<br />



Beauty<br />

56 17 VILLA DRIVE<br />

LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79412<br />

(806) 747-529- 7<br />

Bringing The Finest In Games<br />

and Music To The South Plains<br />

utrade In Your<br />

Isn't It Time<br />

Old Machines For The Latest The Bestl<br />

Commislon Sales<br />

Coin Operated Machines Since 1952<br />



For Men & Women<br />




Cal btg far WaaML Tfftfltl. rfrfttte - fiuilotarid Jhfc tTW<br />

1716 E. BfOKhwy Lubbock, Tu<br />

nf<br />

WOfR py CppOiOffllfJH pmy<br />

Medical<br />

OTWitiTTne boutppest Digest uiassitieds<br />

GOO<br />


Information regarding employment<br />

opportunities at Methodist Hospital<br />

may bo obtained by calling<br />

793-418- 4<br />

CD<br />

tff<br />

Equal Opportunity Employment<br />

Pharmacy<br />

&<br />

PCS & PR0-SER-<br />





PRICES<br />

<strong>Open</strong>: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.<br />

Monday thru Saturday<br />

Closed on Sundays!<br />


For employment inormation<br />

contact:<br />

Personnel Office<br />

Equal Opportunity Employer<br />


Workman's Compensation Charge Accounts<br />


796-689- 9<br />

1 71 9 Avenue A 765-55- 1 1 765-756-<br />

or 0<br />

rrrn<br />

Clothing<br />

H0HMH<br />

DUNIAPy<br />

Caprock Shopping Center<br />

Ph6n 792-716- 1<br />

DAVfa H. SOWBLL<br />

20&87<br />

Mn' Dpartmnt<br />

Work<br />

mmm<br />

23 rd & J LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79405<br />

(MGR)<br />

Wrp9xmmASv<br />

806-763-74- 07<br />



13S&ltat STREET<br />

LUBBQCT; TBXAS 79403<br />

Qtog<br />


BXSOP<br />

&m$Mmmm, Whirlpool,<br />

Oemral Electric<br />


"AVON" & "AVON OUTLET"<br />

No Inventory, INDSALESREP,<br />

800-236-00-<br />

41 :<br />

ATTN: Lubbock<br />

Postal positions. Clerks and sorters, No experience required.<br />

Benefits. For exam, salary, and testing Information call<br />

906-557- 0 ext. 5436 8 am - 8 pm.<br />

Must Seill 3 New Arch Type Steel Buildings. 25x26,<br />

30x38. Great for Backyard Shops, Two Car Garages.<br />

Easy Financing. Must Sell Immediately. Call Today<br />


BOOKKEEPER: Knowledge in Microsoft<br />

Lotus, answering phones, and general<br />

office duties. Apply it 1628 Main, 9 5<br />

Only<br />

762-460- 5<br />

SwttwisiOliestCiisslf!is<br />

testis Goarafititi!<br />


v ATTORNEY--<br />

A<br />

divorcb<br />






806-765-83- 23 2019 BROADWAY<br /> the Supreme Court of <strong>Texas</strong>. Not certi<br />

ecfflmfltftnr;<br />

gftaflttas Board of Legal<br />


Need a car? Need one now? I got one. $1800<br />

for 1981 Cadillac white Sedan Deville, 4 door,<br />

good shape. Air docs not work, but winter's<br />

on the way. Heater does work. This 1$ a<br />

good'un. Call 744-Q37- 6, ask for Chmrec.<br />

"Let's make a deal on some wheels."<br />

Utility Plant Operator<br />

(Salary Range: $16,788 - 23,544yr)<br />

Experience in the operation aad palntetwiftce of high pressure boilers, steam turbine pumps and centrifugal refrigeration units. Meclwnical<br />

aptitude arid willingness to train and work towards advancement will be accepted in place or experience. 12 hour rotating shift work is<br />

required, Mutt have ample communication ami writing skills. Must pass a physical and respiratory training. Must qualify<br />

far Universal Refrigerant Handling Certification within 6 mo. employment. Security Sensitive Position. Interested applicants apply at <strong>Texas</strong><br />

<strong>Tech</strong> Uniteityt,Dnni Hall Rcim 143, Physical Plant Rom 105. or send resume to: Sandy Ellis. Manager for Physical Plant Human<br />

resource, Box 43 42. Ulbbock, 1 <strong>Texas</strong> 79409-- 3 142.<br />

The <strong>Texas</strong> Department of Health is recruiting for the fbllowint services:<br />

HQ sjAlarymo prn closing date job<br />

Iotbbock $1261.00<br />

R0I-0O0- 8 121696 CleiK III<br />

Working Title: Cleik III<br />

High school graduate or GED plus one year paid full time worl experience as' secretary. Resumes will not be accepted.<br />

Completed applications accepted In the Lubbock office 1109 Kemper St.. Lubbock, TX 79403. Applications may lie picked up at<br />

the Lubbock office by 5:00 p.m. 121696. For more information contact Tina Madia, 8067744-357- 7 Fqual oiprtunily employer.<br />

II<br />

hoemkm<br />

MANN<br />

Kenmore,<br />

E::.,hl<br />

JWBm<br />


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