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View/Open - Texas Tech University View/Open - Texas Tech University
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4 mmm 's HUNGRY IS A PROBl.hM AND STILL GROWING! THIS league.. It just goes to show the. IV PL Of- IALI - NT1 we have N THAT.. .would like to advise.. .for those of us who don't know in Lubbock. Texas .CONGRATS!! it. .HUNGER IS A PROBLEM AND IS STILL. ..growing in D C. KINNER THE BARBER SAYS: "As with... BITTER- America. ..Now we don have to drive out of SWEET CANDY . SOMETHING , about the memory of problems in life... prevents it from becoming totally satisfying..." our.. .COUNTY... for there are. ..LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS. ..who go to bed hungry in this day and time... THIS N NEIGHBORHOOD LOOKING GREAT!! THIS N THAT... is so appreciative of what the... SOUTH PLAINS FOOD happy to see so many ..RESIDENTS. ..of Chatman BANK. ..along with thousands of people and business Hill. ..Dunbar.. .and ParkwayCherry Point Neighborhoods.. .getting involved with the lovely . CHRISTMAS DECORA-TIONSfT.Th- is leaders... do this time of the year with the... ANNUAL U CAN POOD DRIVE...NOW if you have not been .HUNGRY... THEN certainly helps the. ..VARIOUS NEIGHBORyoo ire very Messed. ..not lucky.. .If you have.. .PLENTY TO HOODS. ..This is . TRULY GREAT, and would hope this will BAT... why not get involved with the. ..SOUTH PLAINS FO06 continue... Keep up the . GOOD WORK... No doubt about it...IT BANK...aiKi be a part of helping those who are less fortunate IS APART OF THE VARIOUS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIAthfft yo&...fHTS N THAT... is often reminded that in this world TIONS... In which we Hv...AS AN AMBRICAN...YOU CAN BE ON T1UTH WILL PREVAIL!! THIS N THAT.. .noticed YOUR PEBT TODAY...BUT DOWN TOMORROW...especially theimany statements made by...ROBERT DUNCAN..s he if you have children in this world. ..So. ..CAROLYN sought the runoff election.. .The one about.. .DAVID LANIER. ..executive director of the South Plans Food LAWpSTON... being the coordinator...during Dukakis Bank...THIS N THAT...appreciates what you and your organiza-tion...I- S our Mend...XEN ODOM...rari With DOING AND WHAT YOU ARE COMMITTBD TO that charge... Now we must keep in mind-that- ... BEING DO FOR THOSE LESS FORTUNATE... , what you are trying to accomr5lish...just CONGRATS TO BOTH OF YOU!! THIS N THAT...woulcLwon't work out.. .Now one may get by for a. ..LITTLE like to say...CONGRATS...BYRON HANSPARD...who was WHILE...but it will catch up with you... Hope Bob Duncan named the.. .BEST RUNNING BACK IN AMERICA.. .his undorstands...As one Church goer said recently..."GOD DON'T coach...SPIKE DYKES...for being named the...OUTSTAND- - LIKE1 UGLY... and...HE AIN'T IN LOVE WITH PRETT ING COACH IN THE BIG 12...the first year in the new It does not occur to us as just how much harm so-call- ed the gangster rap can do until we come gafigcr into a first-han- d experience with it. Being a BHHllllHBllW public school teacher is as close as one needs to lEaBW ajl come to see the negative effect that it has had and is having on our youngsters today. Ask any Black school boy, any age, who can speak a phrase or a sentence, about Tupac, (not the African warrior) the young rapper who was gunned down a little while ago and you start a loud conversation and speculations which you never envisioned and utterances from children you never heard say anything before. According to these youngsters, Tupac is not dead. They just made it seem that way, they say, because he was in danger. He is still making records and videos etc. When the time is right, we will see him again and hear from him. That sounds a lot like the 'Elvis Presley is not dead' thing and here lately, the President Kennedy is not dead' thing. For many years, there was the 'Jesse James is not dead and sang at his own funeral' thing. It is strange fhpw all of these 'nqdead people are never really seen by any creditable sources after they are dead. IN CINQUE by Renetta W. Howard Because youngsters believe that Tupac is not dead, it is a keen indication that they need something positive or someone positive in their lives to have faith in and believe in other than worshipping a rap star. The gangster rap, noise with a beat, needs to removed from the lives of young Black boys and girls. It not only interferes with their morals, it interferes with.4iieir ability to learn the basic skills of survival for the world of work. The average young school-age- d rapper knows every line that Tupac rapped, by heart, but barely knows the "Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag" or a simple prayer. This is moral and cultural deprivation. Something not only needs to be done, but something MUST BE DONE if we are to salvage our younger generation for a positive future. It is time that we get 'in Cinque' and start the ball to rolling. Those of us who feel that we are not affected only need to live a little longer and feel the sting of the gangster rap. Some of the wannabe gangsters already have the earring in their ears and they are still in diapers. Undiscerning parents and grandparents ate fotenjng jhegangj&er c,uJiuag,.: Believe me, these young gangstergan teaah the Al Caponeofv. the world something. Appreciate men, women of U.S. armed forces REE MAX3N1 WATERS REACTS TO HEARINGS ON CIJL CONTRA, DRUG ISSUE Former Contra Wltatww OmU Ficfr, Lam Mmy Queatkm Uiiftmwtred Pep. Maxim Waters (D-C- A) today renewed her call for intMHive hearings 4nto die matter of the Nicaraguan Contra, drugs, aid C.I.A. connections. The Senate Intelligence Committee held its second hearing on matters relating to charges stemming from a series of newspaper acrticles in the cih Jose Mercury News in August. Those nicies have provoked a flurry of interest, and muc'i publicity, as to the activities of U.S. intelligence activities during the Contra War in Nicaragua. Several major media outlets have reported on the controversy, and several investigations into the allegations ire ongoing. Today's hearing witnessed the testimony of Adolfb Calero, the former President of the primary Contra organization, the Nlcafajtmn DemocraHc Front (FDN), and Eden Pastors, the commander of the second front, the Costa Rican-basa- d so-call- ARDS, the ed Democratic Revolutionary Alliance. Both Calero and Pastom have long and detailed histories of working with Ui. intelligence officials. AS perhaps the twd most prominent leaders of the Contra movement, both inert Worked closely with the C.I.A. implementing their coordinated effort to overthrow the Nicaraguan Sandinista government. There have also been serious accusations made about each of their involvements in the drug trade. Arecaht Washington Post' article detailed the purported drug-relat- ed activities of Eden Pastors, including determinations made by former C.T.A;employees that Pastors and his organization were heavily involved in mdving drugs. Calero. on the other hand, has a long history of involvement in Nicaraguan politics. He is known to have associated with Norwin Meneses, one of the prominent players in the drug ring whose activities were highlighted in the San Jose Mercury News account, as the attached, 1984 photograph of them together attests. Meneses is currently serving a prison term in Nicaragua for a cocaine-relate- d drug conviction. "It is certainly important that Congressional committees exercise their oversight and investigatory otyigajjons by conducting hearings into the serious charges of C.I.A. involvement in drug activities," said Waters. "However, given the uncertainty of Senator Specter's continued service as committee chairman, I must wonder about the precise purpose of today's hearing. We need investigation - we need hearings - but we need continuity of purpose, position, and personnel, as well. Without this type of continuity, it will be exceedingly difficult to methodically uncover the facts of this case." Rep. Waters has pushed for investigations into the C.I.A., Contra, Crack cocaine connection. However, she has warned that, without the proper tools, a complete investigation will be impossible. Given the sketchy, often contradictory, testimony that is available from many of the sources in this case, only a tenacious , organized, and exhaustive investigative team will be able to obtain, decipher, and interpret all the relevant information. Waters has also called for a Records Act, which would essentially release all dQUjjents w national security, to be reviewed by an apBQint9ftoUzenTeview'panel. " "At the last hearing by "tKislSenaie clhftfffitee','ve were'W to believe an interim report from both the C.I.A. and Justice Department Inspectors General would be forthcoming. Unfortunately, the status of those reports remains unclear," said Waters. r SOUTHWEST DIGEST i Television can display the essence of "war" in all its hypnotic fascination: - Troops blitz behind enemy lines. Defenses intercept incoming bombs. Opposing troops are engaged in the trenches. One ide launches an offensive. Then the other side launches a counter offensive. Participants sometimes are carried off the battlefield. Each faction fires its cannon to signal the scoring of a major strike against the "enemy." This is war. Televised war. War on a battlefield in historic Philadelphia. 'War between highly disciplined foes who Someday may find themselves fighting together against a common foe. ' This is the annual Army vs. Navy football game. It's a contest wiiich at once tokes up American patriotism, alma-mat- er : allegiences and national pride in a select group of young Americans. The players are a few of the kids who take an oath, don uniform and stand tall freedom's gate-'keepe- rs. .a as Among television viewers are men and women of the armed forces assigned overseas, keeping the peace in a world of reflashing hostilities. The players-a- s well as the eyewitness midshipmen and cadets-somed- ay will become leaders,in far-flu- ng a outpost where now reside thousands Of BjjM ' troops watching them on television. All of these uniformed Americans deserve our support. God bless our men and women of the armed forces. Before you and your family partake of the holiday meal, pause and reflect on our nation's guardians of peace and freedom, most of whom are young. If you know members of our armed forces or military veterans, give them a special holiday gift: a simple; "thank you," on behalf of a grateful "nation. Pray for those who either were carftured hi combat or died while serving our great nation-an- d pray for their families. Many U.S. troops in Bosnia will return to, their families this holiday ueason. Others either will guard the backs of departing troops or will take their place in the multinational peacekeeping mission. The nearly 3 million members of the American Legion can't bring the tfoops home. But Legionnaires can-an- do-bri- ng d a sliver of home to the troops. Legionnaires at American Legion Post 334 !n Tampa, Pla., "adopted" the Army's 205th Military Intelligence Brigade. The post sends care packages which include games, reading material and snacks. Thanks to Americna Legion Post 123 in Santa Monica, Calif., our forces in Bos Ma hpj tf tiiwssii I received 342 shoe boxes stuffed with goodies as well as audio cassette tapes and batteries, so the troops can send the sounds of their voices to their loved ones. American Legion posts nation-wid- e are offering free, one-ye- memberships to our ar troops in Bosnia. Benefits of the organization-including periodic contact from hometown-base- d Legionnaires as well as receipt of entertaining and informative American Legion Publications-ca- n comfort a servicesmember during the miseries of precarious isolation. The American Legion Family Support Network assists the families of deployed troops in countless ways, including bridging communication gaps between separated loved ones and providing someone to talk to when the burden of loneliness becomes heavy. We can sleep, plan fpr uur futures and send our children to school weekday mornings nvore easily because of the efforts of our men and women of the armed forces. God bless them all, as well as you and yours, during ihis holiday season-Josep- h J. Frank is national commander of The American Legion, the nation's largest veterans organization. National Advertising Representative Black Resources, Inc. 231 W. 29th Street, Suite 1203 New York, N.Y. 10001 Telephone (212) 967-400- 0 P.O. BOX 2553-LUBB- OCK, TEXAS 79408 EDITORSPUBLISHERS TJ. PATTERSON EDDIE P. RICHARDSON t The Southwest Digest is an independent newspaper serving the Lubbock, West Texas, South Plains of Texas and Eastern New Mexico areas printing the news impartially supporting what it believes to be right without opposing what it believes (fc be wrong without regard to party politics. Devoted the InduathaJ, Educational, Social, Political, and Economical Advancement of African-America- n People. We may be critical of some things that are written, but, atleastyou wi have the satisfaction ofknowing they are truthful and tn the point. People will reset to that which 's precbe, ahdwewill publish them mdm as precisely and factually as is humanly possible. WewHaiso give credit and respect to those who are doing good things for the Lubbock Am ond the people. We w be critical of thoss who are not doing as they have said they would, and this, wp think, is fat. So, this is our resolution to you. Tael free al any firm to cat this (Me for information concerning tin newspaper or arty other matter ihat is of concern to you." This is a This is not a pnpaoandashaei made toenail newspaper made to edjeate and not to agit&. Tl opinions stpmssd by guest colun necessarily the opinicm of the publisher advertisers. Qonvnentsmi pictures are welcome bit the publshers are not responsible to return artxte unless a stf-addressenvelope is submitted. Al notices must be paid in adance. Story deadline is 3:00p.m. Friday. Advertisement deadline is &0Qp.m. Fndayor if camera ready, Monday at 12:00 noon, Member A.Q.I.P. (Assault on literacy Program) Newspaper A Qrnnunty-Buildin- g ill jEjj teayJM HHBBaaaaiiiaMi lHaJBala j 90 ptr yr $364)0 1 ytar aaaaaaaaBlaa ''S. jJHttjl

Ttxia Tecfc University IfcMlta Seitoce Center 's is the taftcnicm Emergency Medical . The intermedin ewnt Whmwiib jgntltiatlMlttJOimt mmmmi fa certifi Tfechitteian rlf lit IHHrJ GHfOft It WoMiyMG7PWiHMI wCBBllWi IWItJ. The batfc cotfrt for Bntfficy Medical TbchakHm will b Mid Ian. fee May 15, 1997, on TuesandThlihday, 6 pm. to 10 p.m. at the 3601 Foot A St. Cost for the Jim Majorowski, EMT-P-, In an effcrt to help strengthen athletics at liisorical-l- y black colleges and universities (HBCUs), the National Black College Alumni Reunion (NBCAR) will hold a football combine. This event, according to the organizers, will assist coaches with their recruitment efforts. The combine will be held March 27-3- 0, during the 1997 Black College Showcase in Miami, Florida. "When coaches from HBCUs try to recruit athletes, they don't have the budgets to travel from city to city or state to state lik$many of the major universities," said Trenae Floyd, president of NBCAR. cost-effecti- ve "This Combine is designed to make it for coaches to observe the athletic ability of promising athletes." According to Floyd, coaches andor their representatives, will evaluate students as they parth ipate in a series of drills. This event, said organizers, will increase students' chances of winning athletic scholarships. "If coaches are looking to rebuild their football team, this is the place for them," said Jeff Roberts, one of the coordinators for the NBCAR Combine '97 event. "The Statistical data that we collect from each player will help coaches identify athletes for specific football positions." Roberts noted that Uie drills will consist 40-yaof the rd dash, shuttle run, vertical leap, and bench press. Additional drills, said Roberts, may be added depending upon specific needs from college coaches. f , V " -- i 1997, on Twfcyr p.m.. m 130W.ijti; jji Mfa ftta. pit iifiiMi $623 plus book. Doe hmmctor. rof more liuoRDBiion, mwau m atRKqpnoy mcwcm Services Program at fP06) 743321 a NATIONAL FOOTBALL COMBINE TO HELP STRENGTHEN BLACK COLLEGE ATHLETIC PROGRAMS Event To be Held During 1997 Black College Showcase tr l "We're trying to swve a two-fol- d purpose," si Harry Everett, another coordlnntor for the Combine "While we recognize the need to accommodate thf HBCUs, we must also takd note of the needsdf many high school athletes " According to Everett, promising high school athletes are often overlooked by major universities. He added that this event will help fill that void qnd steer those athletes towards the HBCUs. "There is an incredible amount of youngsters who have the ability to walk on the gridiron and make an instant impact," said Richard Williams, another coordinator for the Combine. "We feel that it is our responsibility to highlight these young men so that they are afforded the opportunity to win scholarships to help defray the cost of their college education." Organizers say that the football combine is the first of many efforts to help strengthen the athletic programs at HBCUs. A new feature in 1998 will be the implementation of a basketball combine for men and women. Anyone interested in participating in the national football combine should contact the National Black College Alumni Reunion at (305) 653-775- 5 for an application. The registration deadline for high school athletes is December 31, 1996. For additional information regarding the Black College Showcase, 3ign on the NBCAR's web site at OJ Simpson Trd Behind the Scenes At Th OJ.: USA Today Reporter Set Htei Up In Alleged Harrassrnent Incident O.J. Simpson said an blonde woman who claimed he sexually abused her is a "liar" and that a reporter for the USA Today newspaper set him up in the alleged incident. In a one-on- e exclusive interview with the National Newspaper Publishers Association about the alleged interaction between he and Amber McGrath. Simpson said "All of you see me all the time. Have you seen me harrass anyone?" According to Simpson, who is currently the subject of a civil trial in the death of his ex-wi- fe Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ronald Goldman, "the reporter (Jonathan R. Lovitl) always comes up to me when the goes by and says 'man how about that? Isn't she a looker?' I told him he wasn't going to get me to comment on anything like that. She always smiles at me. I talflTHo everyone. I don't just limit my people," he said. t "Last week when I walked out she was sittirfg in my chair. She was smiling and telling me she was leaving this job to go to acting school. All of the guys who work here smile and talk to her and have heard her say she is leaving," Simpson said of the incident which allegedly took place just before Halloween. The chair to which Simpson By Cheryl Brown Kvna';:'', I a r ; . I, 1805 PARKWAY DRIVE f not hiMhir a non-prof- it charitable or social agency. refers is at the end of a hall and isolated : to aliow the former football star distance from the media during breaks. Two guards questioned agreed with Simpson's assessment. One, who did noVftrant to be identified; confirmed that "I've never seen anything." Simpson denies motioning McGrath to lift up her skirt. He further denies asking her for a date. "Why would I ask her for a date or. Halloween when I had a date, and the only onea at my house were my housekeeper and my lister? My date had been planned weeks ao. Anyway, how could I do anything with all of the press following me everywhere?" As for USA Toddy reports thai bailiff Vickie McKnown shook haf l)agp j Shajpon wing hint to stop, J&ffipstm said, "Sits (McKnown) i friendly person, wo play around. She is always shaking her finger at me in a playful mood." McKnown declined to speak with the NNPA about the incident. But said only that her comments had been "blown out of proportion." Meanwhile, McGrath and liar boss, court administrator Jcrrianne H&yslett aren't talking to the media after being called into Jtidge Hircuhi Fujisaki's chambers. WILEY'S OLD FASHIONED BAR-B-- Q DON'T WANT TO COOK FOR THE HOLIDAY? WHY NOTTRY WILEY'S HOLIDAY SPECIAL! 2 POUNDS BAR-B-- Q (BEEF, SAUSAGE, RIB) 1 PT. POTATO SALAD 1 PT. BEANS $13.00 PICKLES. PEPPERS, ONIONS PMCES QOOO AT BOTH LOCATION 4 POUNDS BAR-B-- Q 1 LB. BEEF 1 LB. SAUSAGE 1 LB. RIBS LB. CHOPPED BEEF QT. POTATO SALAD 1 QT BEANS tor profit black business .v; i 2 7AI100fl 1 1 $22.00 2802 PARKWAY DRIVE 765-78-18 747-445- 4 . , , i - 1 -- ji - "f- .iMtt - . . . . . lali'l-Vi- ' aii - - '''' M I 3 Actually not every IM member ofthelane r- - k m f IH gMBfiBB ja'''""''' c """" H flat EmNBnll mhHSB Purtlhuet B. "" ""'" " bIf JH Mjj B m JMta pjc 3 yws f MaBMiMaMlaiHMliaMMM

Ttxia Tecfc <strong>University</strong> IfcMlta Seitoce Center 's is the taftcnicm<br />

Emergency Medical . The intermedin ewnt<br />

Whmwiib jgntltiatlMlttJOimt mmmmi fa certifi Tfechitteian rlf lit IHHrJ<br />

GHfOft It WoMiyMG7PWiHMI<br />

wCBBllWi IWItJ.<br />

The batfc cotfrt for Bntfficy Medical TbchakHm<br />

will b Mid Ian. fee May 15, 1997, on<br />

TuesandThlihday, 6 pm. to 10 p.m. at the<br />

3601 Foot A St. Cost for the<br />

Jim Majorowski, EMT-P-,<br />

In an effcrt to help strengthen athletics at liisorical-l- y<br />

black colleges and universities (HBCUs), the<br />

National Black College Alumni Reunion (NBCAR)<br />

will hold a football combine. This event, according<br />

to the organizers, will assist coaches with their<br />

recruitment efforts. The combine will be held March<br />

27-3- 0,<br />

during the 1997 Black College Showcase in<br />

Miami, Florida.<br />

"When coaches from HBCUs try to recruit athletes,<br />

they don't have the budgets to travel from city<br />

to city or state to state lik$many of the major universities,"<br />

said Trenae Floyd, president of NBCAR.<br />

cost-effecti- ve<br />

"This Combine is designed to make it<br />

for coaches to observe the athletic ability of promising<br />

athletes."<br />

According to Floyd, coaches andor their representatives,<br />

will evaluate students as they parth ipate in a<br />

series of drills. This event, said organizers, will<br />

increase students' chances of winning athletic scholarships.<br />

"If coaches are looking to rebuild their football<br />

team, this is the place for them," said Jeff Roberts,<br />

one of the coordinators for the NBCAR Combine '97<br />

event. "The Statistical data that we collect from<br />

each player will help coaches identify athletes for<br />

specific football positions."<br />

Roberts noted that Uie drills will consist<br />

40-yaof<br />

the<br />

rd<br />

dash, shuttle run, vertical leap, and bench press.<br />

Additional drills, said Roberts, may be added<br />

depending upon specific needs from college coaches.<br />

f , V " --<br />

i<br />

1997, on Twfcyr<br />

p.m.. m 130W.ijti; jji Mfa<br />

ftta. pit iifiiMi<br />

$623 plus book. Doe<br />

hmmctor.<br />

rof more liuoRDBiion, mwau m atRKqpnoy mcwcm<br />

Services Program at fP06) 743321 a<br />



Event To be Held During 1997 Black College Showcase<br />

tr l<br />

"We're trying to swve a two-fol- d purpose," si<br />

Harry Everett, another coordlnntor for the Combine<br />

"While we recognize the need to accommodate thf<br />

HBCUs, we must also takd note of the needsdf<br />

many high school athletes "<br />

According to Everett, promising high school athletes<br />

are often overlooked by major universities. He<br />

added that this event will help fill that void qnd steer<br />

those athletes towards the HBCUs.<br />

"There is an incredible amount of youngsters who<br />

have the ability to walk on the gridiron and make an<br />

instant impact," said Richard Williams, another coordinator<br />

for the Combine. "We feel that it is our<br />

responsibility to highlight these young men so that<br />

they are afforded the opportunity to win scholarships<br />

to help defray the cost of their college education."<br />

Organizers say that the football combine is the first<br />

of many efforts to help strengthen the athletic programs<br />

at HBCUs. A new feature in 1998 will be the<br />

implementation of a basketball combine for men and<br />

women.<br />

Anyone interested in participating in the national<br />

football combine should contact the National Black<br />

College Alumni Reunion at (305) 653-775- 5 for an<br />

application. The registration deadline for high<br />

school athletes is December 31, 1996. For additional<br />

information regarding the Black College Showcase,<br />

3ign on the NBCAR's web site at<br />

OJ Simpson Trd<br />

Behind the Scenes At Th<br />

OJ.: USA Today Reporter Set Htei Up<br />

In Alleged Harrassrnent Incident<br />

O.J. Simpson said an<br />

blonde<br />

woman who claimed he sexually abused her is a<br />

"liar" and that a reporter for the USA Today<br />

newspaper set him up in the alleged incident.<br />

In a one-on- e exclusive interview with the<br />

National Newspaper Publishers Association about<br />

the alleged interaction between he and Amber<br />

McGrath. Simpson said "All of you see me all<br />

the time. Have you seen me harrass anyone?"<br />

According to Simpson, who is currently the<br />

subject of a civil trial in the death of his ex-wi- fe<br />

Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ronald<br />

Goldman, "the reporter (Jonathan R. Lovitl)<br />

always comes up to me when the goes by and<br />

says 'man how about that? Isn't she a looker?' I<br />

told him he wasn't going to get me to comment<br />

on anything like that. She always smiles at me. I<br />

talflTHo everyone. I don't just limit my people," he<br />

said.<br />

t<br />

"Last week when I walked out she was sittirfg<br />

in my chair. She was smiling and telling me she<br />

was leaving this job to go to acting school. All of<br />

the guys who work here smile and talk to her and<br />

have heard her say she is leaving," Simpson said<br />

of the incident which allegedly took place just<br />

before Halloween. The chair to which Simpson<br />

By Cheryl Brown<br />

Kvna';:'',<br />

I a<br />

r<br />

;<br />

.<br />

I,<br />

1805 PARKWAY DRIVE<br />

f<br />

not<br />

hiMhir<br />

a<br />

non-prof- it<br />

charitable or social<br />

agency.<br />

refers is at the end of a hall and isolated : to<br />

aliow the former football star distance from the<br />

media during breaks.<br />

Two guards questioned agreed with Simpson's<br />

assessment. One, who did noVftrant to be identified;<br />

confirmed that "I've never seen anything."<br />

Simpson denies motioning McGrath to lift up<br />

her skirt. He further denies asking her for a date.<br />

"Why would I ask her for a date or. Halloween<br />

when I had a date, and the only onea at my house<br />

were my housekeeper and my lister? My date<br />

had been planned weeks ao. Anyway, how could<br />

I do anything with all of the press following me<br />

everywhere?"<br />

As for USA Toddy reports thai bailiff Vickie<br />

McKnown shook haf l)agp j Shajpon wing<br />

hint to stop, J&ffipstm said, "Sits (McKnown) i<br />

friendly person, wo play around. She is always<br />

shaking her finger at me in a playful mood."<br />

McKnown declined to speak with the NNPA<br />

about the incident. But said only that her comments<br />

had been "blown out of proportion."<br />

Meanwhile, McGrath and liar boss, court<br />

administrator Jcrrianne H&yslett aren't talking to<br />

the media after being called into Jtidge Hircuhi<br />

Fujisaki's chambers.<br />





2 POUNDS BAR-B-- Q<br />



1 PT. BEANS<br />

$13.00<br />



4 POUNDS BAR-B-- Q<br />

1 LB. BEEF<br />

1 LB. SAUSAGE<br />

1 LB. RIBS<br />



1 QT BEANS<br />

tor profit black business .v; i 2<br />

7AI100fl<br />

1<br />

1<br />

$22.00<br />

2802 PARKWAY DRIVE<br />

765-78-18<br />

747-445- 4<br />

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Actually not every<br />

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