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View/Open - Texas Tech University


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1 .<br />

i<br />

Ruby<br />

The New Hope<br />

Baptist Church, 2002<br />

Birch Avenue, is the<br />

"Church Where The<br />

tapfe Care", and Rev. Billy R Moton is the<br />

IcrVket were great last Sunday morning.<br />

Services began at 9:30 a.m. with Sunday<br />

School and all officers and teachers at their<br />

pott of duty. Thirty minutes were allowed for<br />

instruction. Afterwards, all classes reassembled<br />

into the church auditorium. High points<br />

of the lesson were given.<br />

Secretary's Report: Ail classes reported a<br />

rjemitfftil report. After this, Sunday School<br />

vm dismissed tor morning service. Sunday<br />

dLi. hits'. !. i' J ..iii'.Mk'Ja<br />

Tyomoi-,!'.-<br />

!<br />

5<br />

Christmas<br />

Follbvitip,wiU bhojd'Mtmday, flight,<br />

December 16, 1996 bagirmiiig tl 5:30 p.m. in<br />

Fellowship Hall.<br />

vnAs<br />

i !<br />

'fjie'frew Hope Church Family Christmas<br />

to<br />

. .<br />

TEXAS - St. Mary Hospital's<br />

- MIS Club will host the 11th annual "Breakfast<br />

!<br />

With Santa," Saturday, Dec. 14, 1996, from 9:30<br />

io 11 a.m., in the sixth-flo- or<br />

Hospital's<br />

Arnett<br />

'<br />

Room (4000 24th Street).<br />

; The morning's activities will feature face<br />

painting, Kids Club Mascot Krlsten the dinosaur,<br />

and, as a special treat, Grady Good Day and the<br />

Good Day Gang with music and fun.<br />

Included : in the program is storyteller Janie<br />

uray, wno wm narrate a special unnstmas story<br />

mmmmmmmmmmmm<br />

C lebritiofi wilt be held S<br />

22, 1996 at 2:30 p.m.<br />

rtday, December<br />

, The Annual Church meeting will be held<br />

Monday, December 9th at 7:00 p.m. Let's all<br />

come praying with love in our hearts for one<br />

another. Thank God ior bringing us this far in<br />

1996.<br />

Lucille Jackson said:<br />

"I was just<br />

Thanksgiving at all of my children were<br />

home. What a time! What a time!"<br />

r<br />

Keep praying for our sick and shut-in- s. God<br />

is able. Sister Bernice Kelly is still jfehut in.<br />

Sister C.H. Davis is back in the nursrjgg home.<br />

During the month of December, the<br />

Christian Education ScholarshipCommittee is<br />

conducting the devotional period for prayer<br />

meeting and Bible study from 7:00 p.m. to<br />

7:30 p.m. each Wednesday evening.<br />

St. Mary Hospital's Kids Club Host<br />

11th Annual "Breakfast With Santa",<br />

Saturday, December 14, 1996<br />

pp.QCK,<br />

ua...-"- '<br />

and introduce the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus<br />

and their elves. Children from Girl Scout Troup<br />

289 of Wolfforth and Lubbock, will play Santa's<br />

elves.<br />

.<br />

Tickets must be purchased for the event at a<br />

cost of $5 each, which includes breakfast. Every<br />

child must be accompanied by an adult.<br />

Reservations are required and can be made by<br />

calling the Women and Children's Center at<br />

(806) 796-666- 7.<br />

TOsupporCj'pr abuse auegaransY rermtprwe<br />

ewfr<br />

HOTLME is answered throughout the holiday sefeori.<br />

512-472-JUthe<br />

DS<br />

(3237), Jjiterael; DADS Father<br />

overbed<br />

i<br />

Life<br />

Qu<br />

for Many Blacki<br />

After a decade'of ri ing drug tne, growing vk<br />

fence, md declining measures of health among<br />

some segments of the Mack population, a turnaround<br />

appears to be occurring among the<br />

nation's 33.5 million African-American- s, reports<br />

The New York Times.<br />

While there is much debate on whether the<br />

gains are temporary, and although wide gulfs in<br />

opportunity, incomes and education still exist<br />

between b'acks and whites, signs of Improvement<br />

abound: The black teenage birth ; ite fell<br />

by 9 percent in 1995 and has dropped by 17 percent<br />

since 1991. Last year, the percentage of<br />

black babies born out of wedlock fell to 69.5<br />

percent, from 70.4 percent, the first drop in the<br />

proportion of black children born outside of<br />

marringe since 1969.<br />

For the first time since the Census Bureau<br />

began keeping track in 1959, the poverty rate fell<br />

below 30 percent of all blacks in 1995. Median<br />

income for black households rose by 3.6 parent,<br />

far faster than the 2.2 percent increase for white<br />

households. (Census data slfBwthat many of the<br />

strongest gains in earnings are at the bottom,<br />

rather than at the top, of the black income scale.)<br />

Blacks are the only group whose inflation-adjuste- d<br />

median income exceeds what it was in<br />

1989, the year before the last recession. In 1989,<br />

"households headed by black married couples<br />

earned 769 percent as much as their white counterparts.<br />

By 1995, the gap was 87 percent.<br />

The rate at which black people were victims of<br />

murder dropped an estimated 17 percent last<br />

year, and the average life expectancy for black<br />

men rose to 65.4 years, the highest since 1984,<br />

when crack cocaine and accessibility of weapons<br />

like assault rifles began to engulf many black<br />

communities. The proportion of young black<br />

adults, age 25 to 29, who have completed high<br />

school has reached that of young white adults.<br />

Verbal scores on Scholastic Assessment Test and<br />

performance on other national tets have been<br />

rising faster for black students than for whites,<br />

but African-America- n students still score much<br />

lower than white students.<br />

"I think that this is a short period of really very<br />

substantial and significant gains.: said Milton<br />

Morris, vice president of the Joint Center for<br />

Political and Economic Studies, a Washington<br />

group that tracks trends among<br />

African-American- s.<br />

"In therMt ffJhpolitiejl<br />

and atmosphere of tneslast year'orscf very fe<br />

people have been paying serious attention. And<br />

'<br />

yet when you do, you see that by virtually<br />

vy<br />

measure of well-bein- g, A4rkAmericam htte<br />

been on a significant uptrend durinf the 9fc.<br />

Yet mere remain large gaps betwtin<br />

Atrfetit-Amerka- ns<br />

and whites in educational attornment,<br />

infant mortality, income and poverty mas. Aad<br />

soctoiogt stSjj economists, tietiKigrapnen ana civil<br />

rights advocates caution that the improvements<br />

should not mast continued problems with crime,<br />

welfare dependency, discrimination and unemployment<br />

that stilt confront the black population<br />

in this country.<br />

Some scholars also worry (hat the recent fains<br />

may be reversed If the economy falters or, in the<br />

short term, by the new welfare law. A number of<br />

economists and sociologists note that in 1995 the<br />

black unemployment rate tumbled underlO percent<br />

for the first time in 20 years, though it has<br />

Since inched up above that level.<br />

And while a brighter labor market hblps<br />

account for black gains in income and the drop<br />

in, poverty rates for African-American- s, many<br />

experts cannot fully4 fcxpluiri improvements i the<br />

birth rate or the teen-ag- e pregnancy<br />

rate. .<br />

Researchers in New Jersey credit the drop In<br />

the<br />

birth rate among the state's<br />

welfare families - about 46 percent of whom are<br />

black - to its 1992 law denying increased cash<br />

benefits to women who have more children.<br />

Other states, like Delaware and Indiana, which<br />

did not institute policies like New Jersey's until<br />

recently, have also reported such decreases.<br />

"Something<br />

is going on," said Kristin Moore,<br />

the executive director of Child Trends<br />

HN4380handspet.qrg, a Washington-base- d<br />

research group. "Whether it's cultural factors, Or<br />

a thousand programs finally seeing some success,<br />

we don't know."<br />

Some economists argue that the closing of the<br />

gap between blacks and whites is partly<br />

explained by surveys that often count most<br />

Americans of Hispanic heritage as whites.<br />

Recent increases in the number of Hispanic<br />

immigrants, many of them low income, thus<br />

hold down overall white performance.<br />

Some economists also say the nearly 800,000<br />

black adults in federal and state prisons and local<br />

jails are not counted when looking at things like<br />

unemployment or high school completion rats..<br />

'Stjithe meastfissf blacft improvements seem<br />

higher than they aauallyJire.<br />

PWGEHprr UHION, 2510M<br />

LUBBOCK,<br />

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tt'ir o.in a i.nnnxr a xttn 5.aa tkx ta mk<br />

SATURDAY 9:30 TO 1 :Q0 P.M.<br />

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for<br />

I<br />

BLAC<br />

pppec<br />

profit block business,,<br />

fill fllf! 4fesaJMh2tt i<br />

nooom ctofrotte<br />

of<br />

Holidays<br />

December 25<br />

Celebrates the<br />

birth of Jeeus<br />

Christ, and<br />

January 6, the<br />

Epiphany, or<br />

revelation of<br />

Chris to the<br />

Hanukkah<br />

Dtmntm<br />

S-1-3<br />

rsium to the<br />

Tempts of<br />

Jsfussisfii In<br />

186BC.<br />

Be<br />

symbellMlhs<br />

light up winter season<br />

i lie dam mgnts of winter are Dngmened by numerous cetebrstione g.<br />

throughoutTexae. Tne hoKdays are tlmee of joy, gwt giving, and sharing<br />

simple am elaborate meale.<br />

Christmas<br />

Magi.<br />

Symbols include Star of<br />

Bethlehem and rnartger, Santa<br />

Claus and Christmas tress.<br />

Gifts and toys are given to sJ.<br />

HolWsylbode: kxkey and<br />

Qsmwin ooifss oaks, or stoXen.<br />

numbsr si clays el lamps wsf Ht<br />

in the tsmpJs, wtlh a nWh osxdls<br />

to lghttts othsts.<br />

TfadMonal gifts for ohJWf (Ml<br />

InpJus a dftii. or teyif UtU<br />

WyW"i srnpp PssppiaB4 ss VWBXW<br />

'W iSjSjgji gj gj gp IH QQClRggPBBgBSPJ<br />

Kwanzaa<br />

December<br />

January 1<br />

Celebrates<br />

African-America-n<br />

unity,<br />

coHective work<br />

andreepons--<br />

ibWty. cooperative economics,<br />

purpose, creativity, and faith.<br />

Symbols krckide seven oancNes,<br />

ear of corn and unity oup.<br />

GHfts are simpls and handmade.<br />

Karamu feast: tmdWonal foods<br />

such a pofridgs, beans and<br />

oom, as wed as other dtehss.<br />

Nw Ysrs<br />

Ftmmry7<br />

Csiebntes the<br />

ki !h Qhinsss<br />

iMfiar yftar,<br />

Ftimmy 7, M&m Year of<br />

. lbs Ok.<br />

tHei<br />

and psa4m ff&<br />

i<br />

tm<br />

Swaai Has k DarfafliifaslMto.<br />

aMBa<br />

ojniaj<br />

ggflggkfigUgT<br />

Thanks to Norwest's .New ClassPlus Account,<br />

this isn't a bad place to be.<br />

Yfmn you re between tnmumms, you can put your money m a Norwmt<br />

vnjriunuAufH tuiu trvrii u grew niierwi rote mumn immig to riKmc a<br />

hngthm commkmmt Wfti a $25,000 opening bateoce, you con earn<br />

S.00 Amj&l tocentefe YUM m e bahncts. You'll get the sfc tfm<br />

J<br />

NorWftSt<br />

CiaSsPlus"<br />

PDK<br />

ml HJwwy nwW eccewK o4 the lerife w mwwf ty Km. MWyeu<br />

oi mf<br />

mAy kt ttmtt sr ptmt vM w frod fftm. Urn, ywif in ijumafsj gk&M fas<br />

A4mg$ flmsascWng sawiwit Sss? A Ckmnu Aam s past pho f<br />

fcs. Cm ty mi tSS mW<br />

fvUsjaaHattuni AnnLaf nla siAbnhV<br />

rajgteia<br />

To The Nth Ders<br />

Hff<br />

'<br />

"<br />

"Wju talis resins ' v n m-,- ;

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