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by Jelena Antonijević<br />

I Ask a question using the clues given in brackets to elicit the answer in bold type.<br />

EXAMPLE:<br />

She knows him well.<br />

Who does she know well?<br />

They work a lot.<br />

Who works a lot?<br />

II Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Do not use future tenses. (shall/will see;<br />

am/is/are going to, shall/will see; am/is/are<br />

III Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the<br />

gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).<br />

He seems to be very _____interested_______________ in her studies. INTEREST<br />

Therefore, I expect excellent results in her exam.<br />

NB. See Word Formation below<br />

IV Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first sentence,<br />

using the word given. Do not change the word given.<br />

eg. I was really excited during the race because I knew I was going to come first.<br />

FOUND<br />

I found the race really exciting.<br />

V Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do:<br />

eg. Please, stop __________ making ______________ so much noise!<br />

VI Give the correct word for the following definition choosing it from the box (Please write your<br />

answer on the underlined space provided):<br />

something that is not important at all<br />

<strong>triviality</strong><br />


Also see: Unit 2, Vocaulary and Grammar Review; Unit 3, Use of English Part 3

to produce (verb) produce (noun) product production productive<br />

productively<br />

to produce verb<br />

New drugs are producing remarkable results.<br />

a rise in sea-level produced by climatic change<br />

As a policy, it did not produce the desired effect.<br />

produce noun<br />

agricultural/organic etc produce<br />

fresh local produce<br />

dairy produce British English (=milk, butter, cheese etc)<br />

British produce shines in June. The seasonal array is dazzling: omega 3-rich mackerel; broad<br />

beans and peas; earthy beetroot; tangy gooseberries, raspberries<br />

product noun<br />

consumer products such as VCRs<br />

The London factory assembles the finished product.<br />

He works in marketing and product development.<br />

a new range of skin-care products<br />

I'm allergic to dairy products.<br />

None of our products are tested on animals.<br />

The bill will restrict the advertising of tobacco products.<br />

production<br />

the production of consumer goods<br />

agricultural production and distribution<br />

production costs/facilities/processes etc<br />

By September, the new motors were in production.<br />

The new model will go into production next year.<br />

increase/rise/fall etc in production<br />

a drop in oil and gas production<br />

production levels/targets etc<br />

productive<br />

Most of us are more productive in the morning.<br />

a highly productive meeting<br />

the economy's productive capacity<br />

maintain<br />

maintenance<br />

maintain<br />

Careers Officers maintain contact with young people when they have left school.<br />

Britain wants to maintain its position as a world power.<br />

The hotel prides itself on maintaining high standards.<br />

How can we maintain control of spending?<br />


the cost of repairs and maintenance<br />

The caretaker is responsible for the maintenance of the school buildings.<br />

Engineers are carrying out essential maintenance work on the main line to Cambridge.<br />

The purpose of the UN is the maintenance of international peace and security.<br />

suggest suggestion suggestive suggestively suggestiveness<br />

suggestion<br />

the suggestion that houses should be built on this site<br />

May I make a suggestion?<br />

Let me know if you have any suggestions.<br />

suggestive<br />

Her symptoms are suggestive of a panic disorder.<br />

He kept giving me suggestive looks.<br />

—suggestively adverb<br />

—suggestiveness noun [uncountable]<br />

vary varying various variety<br />

vary<br />

Test scores vary from school to school.<br />

The heights of the plants vary from 8 cm to 20 cm.<br />

vary in<br />

flowers that vary in color and size<br />

Medical treatment varies greatly from state to state.<br />

Cooking times may vary slightly, depending on your oven.<br />

Charges vary according to size.<br />

varying<br />

She has tried different diets with varying degrees of success.<br />

tests of varying levels of difficulty<br />

various The jacket is available in various colours.<br />

There are various ways to answer your question.<br />

He decided to leave school for various reasons.<br />

variety<br />

The girls come from a variety of different backgrounds.<br />

a wide/great/endless etc variety of something<br />

Cafe Artista offers a wide variety of sandwiches.<br />

2 [uncountable] the differences within a group, set of actions etc that make it interesting:<br />

I really like the variety the store has to offer.<br />

endure → endurance<br />

endurance<br />

She was pushed beyond her powers of endurance.<br />

The marathon is a test of endurance

long → length<br />

high → height<br />

private→<br />

privacy<br />

privacy /’privəsi, ’prai- $ ’prai-/ [uncountable noun]<br />

With seven people squashed in one house, you don't get much privacy.<br />

each individual's right to privacy<br />

scene →<br />

scenery<br />

proclaim → proclamation<br />

to count (verb) count (noun) countless countable<br />

countless (too many to be counted)<br />

a famous film clip which has been shown countless times<br />

We had to peel back countless layers of paint and wallpaper.<br />

countable<br />

For larger systems the bundles of energy were too numerous to be countable.<br />

inspire inspiration inspiring inspired uninspiring uninspired<br />

inspiration<br />

The Malvern Hills have provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decades.<br />

He raised his eyes to the altar as if seeking inspiration.<br />

He draws inspiration from ordinary scenes.<br />

Mary Quant's inspiration comes from the glam style of the 70s.<br />

He had a sudden flash of inspiration.<br />

He has always been a source of inspiration for me.<br />

inspiring<br />

inspiring music<br />

King was a great orator and an inspiring leader.<br />

uninspiring<br />

No one deserved to win this uninspiring game.<br />

signify significance significant insignificance insignificant<br />

recognise recognition recognizable recognised recognizably<br />

recognise<br />

I didn't recognize you in your uniform.<br />

Lawrence's novel was eventually recognized as a work of genius.

ecognition<br />

Don's recognition of the importance of Suzy in his life<br />

There is general recognition that the study techniques of many students are weak.<br />

official recognition of the need for jail reform<br />

He has achieved recognition and respect as a scientist.<br />

The importance of voluntary organizations in the economy still needs to been given<br />

recognition.<br />

He was presented with a gold watch in recognition of his service to the company.<br />

He stared at her, but there was no sign of recognition.<br />

The bakery business has changed beyond all recognition in the last 10 years.<br />

the recognition of Latvia as an independent state<br />

recognizable<br />

His face was instantly recognizable.<br />

recognised<br />

British medical qualifications are recognized in many countries throughout the world.<br />

Carnegie heroes are recognized for trying to save lives while risking their own.<br />

Franklin is a recognized leader in her field.<br />

relax relaxed relaxing relaxation<br />

to worry (verb) worry (noun) worried worrrying worriedly worrryingly<br />

worry (verb)<br />

I worry about my daughter.<br />

You've really got no need to worry about your weight.<br />

We had no worries about safety.<br />

worry/worries (noun)<br />

My main worry is finding somewhere to live.<br />

I had a lot of financial worries.<br />

be a worry to/for somebody<br />

Money was always a big worry for us.<br />

worried<br />

I'm really worried about my brother.<br />

Local people are worried by the rise in crime.<br />

I was worried we wouldn't have enough money.<br />

Don't look so worried - we'll find him.<br />

By this time, I was really getting worried.<br />

worriedly<br />

Jenny looked worriedly at her father.<br />

King Trebonius glanced worriedly over at his wife. She looked gaunt and pale.<br />


The situation is extremely worrying<br />

This is a worrying development for small businesses.<br />

It's been a worrying few weeks for us all.<br />

worryingly:<br />

Levels of some pollutants are worryingly high.<br />

important importance importantly unimportant<br />

perfect perfection perfectly<br />

regular regularity irregular irregularity<br />

responsible responsibility responsibly irresponsible irresponsibility<br />

irresponsibly<br />

comfort discomfort comfortable uncomfortable<br />

surround surrounded surrounding<br />

spectacle<br />

spectacular<br />

appoint appointment disappoint disappointed disappoing<br />

disappointment<br />

enjoy enjoyable<br />

enjoyment<br />

imagine<br />

imagination imaginative imaginatively<br />

nature natural naturally unnatural unnaturally<br />

scene scenery<br />

hunger hungry hungrier hungriest<br />

crowd crowded uncrowded<br />

noise noisy noisily<br />

irritate irritation irritable<br />

fortune fortunate fortunately misfortune unfortunate unfortunately<br />

thorough thoroughly thoroughness<br />

thorough (including every possible detail)<br />

The doctor gave him a thorough check-up.<br />

a thorough and detailed biography<br />

The police investigation was very thorough.

thorough notes of the meeting<br />

thoroughly (completely)<br />

She sat feeling thoroughly miserable.<br />

thoroughly cooked meat<br />

The room had been thoroughly cleaned.<br />

abrupt<br />

abruptly abruptness<br />

abrupt<br />

an abrupt change of plan<br />

come to an abrupt end/halt etc<br />

The bus came to an abrupt halt.<br />

Sorry, I didn't mean to be so abrupt.<br />

jealous<br />

jealousy<br />

jealous<br />

Why are you so jealous of his success?<br />

You're just jealous of her.<br />

She gets jealous if I even look at another woman.<br />

He was talking to Nina to make me jealous.<br />

jealous husband/wife/lover etc<br />

jealousy<br />

Polly felt a sharp pang of jealousy when she saw Paul with Suzanne.<br />

feelings of professional jealousy<br />

He quickly discovered the petty jealousies and gossip of village life.<br />

envy (verb) envy (noun) envious enviously<br />

envy (verb)<br />

I really envy you and Ian, you seem so happy together.<br />

She has a lifestyle which most people would envy.<br />

He envied Rosalind her youth and strength.<br />

envy (noun)<br />

He watched the others with envy.<br />

his envy of the young man's success<br />

I felt a twinge of envy when I saw them together.<br />

envious<br />

Colleagues were envious of her success.<br />

Lewis was envious of Forney's success.<br />


"Well, this is a quandary!" thought he, leaning back in his chair, and looking quite enviously<br />

at little Marygold, who was now eating her bread and milk with great satisfaction<br />

help helpful helpfully helpfulness unhelpful unhelpfully<br />

unhelpfulness<br />

organ organic<br />

organically<br />

organic<br />

Organic farming is better for the environment.<br />

organic gardening<br />

organic food/vegetables/milk etc<br />

The shop sells organic food.<br />

organic wine<br />

organically<br />

organically produced cheese<br />

A writer's style must develop organically.<br />

convenient<br />

convenience inconvenient inconvenience<br />

convenient<br />

Mail-order catalogs are a convenient way to shop.<br />

My secretary will call you to arrange a convenient time to meet.<br />

Is three o'clock convenient for you?<br />

It is simple and convenient to use.<br />

The bus stop around the corner is probably the most convenient.<br />

convenience<br />

Ready meals sell well because of their convenience.<br />

the convenience of doing something<br />

Most of us like the convenience of using credit cards to buy things.<br />

for convenience<br />

These meals can be prepared in advance, and served at your convenience.<br />

Services should be run to suit the convenience of the customer, not the staff.<br />

a hotel with all the modern conveniences<br />

convenience food<br />

food that is partly or completely prepared already and that is sold frozen or in cans,<br />

packages etc, so that it can be prepared quickly and easily:<br />

We eat too little fresh food, relying instead on convenience foods.<br />

Convenience foods let you spend more quality time with your family.<br />

Cooks around the world love a good convenience food.<br />

The loveliest remarks on this phenomenon come from the corporate convenience food<br />

conveyancers.<br />

inconvenient adjective<br />

Monday's a bit inconvenient for me. How about Wednesday?

Am I calling at an inconvenient time?<br />

inconvenience<br />

We apologise for the delay and any inconvenience caused.<br />

the inconvenience of having to find another buyer<br />

His early arrival was clearly an inconvenience to his host.<br />

to taste (verb) taste (noun) tasty tasteful tasteless<br />

to taste (verb)<br />

taste good/delicious/sweet/fresh etc<br />

Mmm! This tastes good!<br />

The food tasted better than it looked.<br />

taste awful/disgusting etc<br />

The liver tasted awful and the potatoes had not been cooked for long enough.<br />

This yoghurt tastes of strawberries.<br />

It didn't taste much of ginger.<br />

taste (noun)<br />

The medicine had a slightly bitter taste.<br />

I don't really like the taste of meat any more.<br />

Some birds have a highly developed sense of taste.<br />

You must have a taste of the fruitcake.<br />

tasty (tastier, tastiest)<br />

These sausages are really tasty - where did you buy them?<br />

a simple but tasty meal<br />

This food is really tasty.<br />

tasteful (made, decorated, or chosen with good taste)<br />

tasteful furnishings<br />

The house is newly furnished with tasteful things.<br />

tasteless<br />

Breakfast was a bowl of weak, milky coffee and a tasteless roll of bread. (unpleasant because<br />

it has no particular taste)<br />

a tasteless remark (slightly offensive)<br />

a tasteless outfit (chosen with bad taste)<br />

ugly and tasteless housing<br />

I think a lot of modern architecture is completely tasteless.<br />

season seasonal seasonally<br />

season<br />

In the west, the seasons are spring, summer, autumn, and winter:<br />

the effect on plants as the seasons change<br />

the first game of the season<br />

the football/cricket etc season<br />

the end of the football season<br />

the racing/fishing/hunting etc season<br />

The racing season starts in June.

seasonal<br />

heavy seasonal rains<br />

seasonal workers/employment etc<br />

seasonal jobs in the tourist industry<br />

British produce shines in June. The seasonal array is dazzling: omega 3-rich mackerel; broad<br />

beans and peas; earthy beetroot; tangy gooseberries, raspberries etc.<br />

British Seasonal Fruit and Vegetable Calendar: Use our seasonal food calendar to see what's<br />

in season each month,<br />

seasonally<br />

bird migrations that occur seasonally<br />

to spice (verb) spice (noun) spicy<br />

to spice<br />

Now they came out spiced with delicate, ironic humour.<br />

Cook and serve with a sauce Pastrami p21/ Brisket of beef, salted and spiced then coated in<br />

peppercorns.<br />

baked apples spiced with cinnamon<br />

spice<br />

herbs and spices<br />

Travel adds spice to your life.<br />

spicy<br />

a spicy tomato sauce<br />

tradition traditional traditionally traditionalism traditionalist<br />

eat<br />

eater eatery eating eatable<br />

eater<br />

I've never been a big eater.<br />

eatery (a restaurant)<br />

one of the best eateries in town<br />

eating<br />

eating habits<br />

eatable<br />

I remember Grandma telling us to go hunt for some ground squirrels or anything eatable for<br />

meat.<br />

edible inedible edibility inedibility<br />

edible<br />

These berries are edible, but those are poisonous.

inedible<br />

The meat was so burnt that it was inedible.<br />

edibility<br />

It is useful to check whether the species is on the Plants for a Future (PFAF) site for detailed<br />

information on the species, including edibility and medicinal uses<br />

http://www.scs.leeds.ac.uk/pfaf/index.html<br />

inedibility<br />

Dodo inedibility myth which has been documented<br />

organise organisation organised disorganised organisational<br />

organizational<br />

organizational skills<br />

nutrition nutritive nutritious nutritional nutritionist<br />

courage courageous encourage encouraged encouraging discourage<br />

discouraged discouraging<br />

courageous<br />

He was wrong, and courageous enough to admit it.<br />

a courageous decision<br />

encourage<br />

I want to thank everyone who has encouraged and supported me.<br />

Cooder was encouraged to begin playing the guitar by his father.<br />

Fleur encouraged Dana in her ambition to become a model.<br />

Cantor didn't mind if they worked late; in fact, he actively encouraged it.<br />

A 10p rise in cigarette prices is not enough to encourage smokers to stop.<br />

discourage<br />

attempts to discourage illegal immigration<br />

discourage somebody from doing something<br />

My father is a lawyer, and he discouraged me from entering the field.<br />

You should not let one failure discourage you.<br />

Aspirin may discourage tumour growth in some types of cancer.<br />

to balance balance balanced balancing<br />

argue argument arguable arguably<br />

argue<br />

We could hear the neighbours arguing.<br />

Gallacher continued to argue with the referee throughout the game.<br />

They were arguing about how to spend the money.<br />


I broke the vase during an argument with my husband.<br />

an argument about who was responsible for the accident<br />

Henning told the police that she and her husband had an argument before he<br />

left.<br />

I got into an argument with the other driver.<br />

Shelton and the woman had a heated argument (= very angry one).<br />

a fierce argument between the two politicians<br />

The party hopes to win the argument about how to reform the health system.<br />

arguable<br />

Whether or not Webb is the best person for the job is arguable<br />

arguably<br />

Senna was arguably the greatest racing driver of all time.<br />

repeat repeatable unrepeatable repetition repetitive<br />

repeatable<br />

I hope these results are repeatable<br />

These berries are edible, but those are poisonous.<br />

unrepeatable<br />

He said something unrepeatable.<br />

repetition<br />

The job involved the constant repetition<br />

Children used to learn by repetition.<br />

repetitive<br />

repetitive work/tasks/jobs<br />

repetitive tasks like washing and ironing<br />

The song was dreary and repetitive.<br />

of the same movements.<br />

choose choice choosy<br />

choosy<br />

She's very choosy about clothes.<br />


What personal qualities are necessary when dealing with the public. What sort of person<br />

are you? + Make the below-given adjectives negative using the prefixes UN-, IM-, IR-, IN-,<br />

DIS-.<br />

Tidy organized efficient sympathetic professional polite<br />

experienced<br />

Responsible patient capable friendly motivated<br />

Form the opposites of the stated verbs by using negative prefixes:

Behave interpret direct hear calculate<br />

manage quote treat understand<br />

A Match each negative prefix in the middle with the correct group of adjectives on<br />

the outside. Then add a negative adjective of your own to each group.<br />

____comfortable<br />

____pleasant<br />

____acceptable<br />

____legal<br />

____legible<br />

____literate<br />

____courteous<br />

____honest<br />

____organized<br />

illiminunirdis-<br />

____practical<br />

____polite<br />

____patient<br />

____rational<br />

____regular<br />

____relevant<br />

____accurate<br />

____competent<br />

____capable<br />

B Read the following sentences. Fill in the blanks with one of the negative adjectives<br />

from A. Sometimes more than one answer may be possible.<br />

1. Passengers are reminded that it is ___________ to bring pets or other animals into the<br />

UK, and that the punishment for anyone doing so is severe.<br />

2. The whole tour was completely __________________. The rap was not there to meet<br />

us, the hotel was overbooked, and nobody knew what was happening.<br />

3. Could you change the bed in my room? It was so ________________ that I didn’t get<br />

any sleep last night.<br />

4. The description of the facilities in your motorhomes is totally _______________, and<br />

I suggest you get the errors corrected as soon as possible.<br />

5. I’m not complaining about the colour of the car – that is ______________________.<br />

What I am complaining about is the fact that it is not safe to drive.<br />

6. You cannot seriously expect my wife and I and our four children to sleep in a single<br />

room. That is a completely ___________________________ suggestion.<br />

What personal qualities are necessary when dealing with the public. What sort of person<br />

are you? + Make the below-given adjectives negative using the prefixes UN-, IM-, IR-, IN-,<br />

DIS-.<br />

UNTidy DISorganized INefficient UNsympathetic<br />

UNprofessional IMpolite INexperienced<br />

IRResponsible IMpatient INcapable UNfriendly<br />

UNmotivated/ DEmotivated<br />

Form the opposites of the stated verbs by using negative prefixes:

Behave interpret direct hear calculate<br />

manage quote treat understand<br />

A Match each negative prefix in the middle with the correct group of adjectives on<br />

the outside. Then add a negative adjective of your own to each group.<br />

____comfortable<br />

____pleasant<br />

____acceptable<br />

____legal<br />

____legible<br />

____literate<br />

____courteous<br />

____honest<br />

____organized<br />

illiminunirdis-<br />

____practical<br />

____polite<br />

____patient<br />

____rational<br />

____regular<br />

____relevant<br />

____accurate<br />

____competent<br />

____capable<br />

B Read the following sentences. Fill in the blanks with one of the negative adjectives<br />

from A. Sometimes more than one answer may be possible.<br />

7. Passengers are reminded that it is ___________ to bring pets or other animals into the<br />

UK, and that the punishment for anyone doing so is severe.<br />

8. The whole tour was completely __________________. The rap was not there to meet<br />

us, the hotel was overbooked, and nobody knew what was happening.<br />

9. Could you change the bed in my room? It was so ________________ that I didn’t get<br />

any sleep last night.<br />

10. The description of the facilities in your motorhomes is totally _______________, and<br />

I suggest you get the errors corrected as soon as possible.<br />

11. I’m not complaining about the colour of the car – that is ______________________.<br />

What I am complaining about is the fact that it is not safe to drive.<br />

12. You cannot seriously expect my wife and I and our four children to sleep in a single<br />

room. That is a completely ___________________________ suggestion.

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