84 EC Decision.pdf - DSpace@NEHU

84 EC Decision.pdf - DSpace@NEHU

84 EC Decision.pdf - DSpace@NEHU

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10<br />

5:5 - Examination Matters -<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:5:5:(i):<br />

(i) Increase in the tabulation rates ; ..:<br />

i.<br />

The matter regarding the increase in the tabulation<br />

rates was considered by the Council keeping in view the volume of<br />

tabulation work and RJiSOLVED to increase the tabulation rates from the<br />

existing r,.t to of Rs.1.50p per candid at e to Rs.<br />

2.50p.<br />

(ii) Upward revision of remuneration r.-.t^s to<br />

ncn-tcaching staff for examination duty.<br />

No:uC:8^:94:5:5:(ii): The Council considered the proposal to revise the<br />

remuneration rates tc the non-teaching staff for examination duty and<br />

RESOLVED to approve the rates as below:<br />

Present p:.t c<br />

per shift<br />

Rev is cd rat c<br />

C2 :*ss IV<br />

Peon/Lab. Attendant etc. Rs.3/- Rs.6/~<br />

Class<br />

III<br />

L.D. C./Lab. ^sstt/G. 0. etc. Rs.6/- Rs. 10/-<br />

ST^/SO/P,ii/stenographer otc. Rs.8/- . Rs. 15/-<br />

5:6 - ijstablishment of now P_ptts./Cer + - v es/Coursos- '<br />

(i)<br />

Introduction of a course on iiinvironment at<br />

Under-Graduat e and Post-Graduat e levels and<br />

for service-personnel,<br />

No:LC:<strong>84</strong>:94:5:6:(i): The Council considered the feasibility of<br />

introducing a course on Environment Education at Under-Graduat ^ and<br />

Pest-Graduate levels and the part tine courses for service-personnel<br />

and RESOLVED to approve the recommendations cf the Jommittec constituted<br />

for the purp^sr. The respective RPGS and Board cf Under-Graduate Studies<br />

may frame the required course structure and the Centre cf Eco-Devclopment<br />

may s£art the above courses.<br />

C.. ntd/. . •/-

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