84 EC Decision.pdf - DSpace@NEHU

84 EC Decision.pdf - DSpace@NEHU

84 EC Decision.pdf - DSpace@NEHU

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MAVKYNuOHs : jlMSflltfG<br />


i^:i,C:b4-3/Conf/94-30/5<br />

D "- tcd Shillcng the 6th January, 1995.<br />

Tc<br />

The Members of the<br />

iocucutivu Council,<br />

North-Eastern Hill University.<br />

Subjects Minutes of the iightyfcurth meeting cf the iixocutive Council<br />

bir/ftadan,<br />

I an forwarding herewith the Minutes of the <strong>84</strong>th meeting<br />

cf the iixecutive Council held on the 8th December, 1994 at 11:00<br />

for favour cf your information and comments,if any.<br />

Yours faithfully,<br />

itficl 0: a» a<br />

( feri.Mawlong) f! fcf<br />

iieg istrar. ' (


Contents<br />

Page lib.<br />

It a- sto. 1 COi^lxd"i 4 J'IOi\l OF Tiiii, hluUTLS :<br />

(i) Confirmation cf the Minutes of the 83rd 1<br />

meeting cf the iixecutive Council hold on<br />

Oth July, 1994.<br />

(ii) Confirmation of approval of the **nnual 1<br />

..Report -1993-94.<br />

It on ifc. 2 REPORTING ITB'iS :<br />

(i) Report en action taken en the Minutes of 1<br />

the 83rd necti ng cf the Executive Council<br />



( i) xtelec.se of Dr # S # Goswani,Lecturer,Department 2<br />

cf Chenistry, JMEHU to enable hin to join<br />

Indian **sscciat icn for the Cultivation of<br />

Science, Jadav A ;ur, C&lcut ta.<br />

(ii) Deputation case in respect of Prof (Mrs) 2<br />

Tensula **c f Dep« rtnent cf English.<br />

(iii) Holding the post of xxegistrar as additional 2<br />

chi Tge by Shri fi, J.Mawlong,Finaiice *f f ic or.<br />

(iv) Appointment Lf Shri ft. u. Chakrav^xty, Deputy 2<br />

Registrar (Finance) as Finance Officer and<br />

payment cf additional charge.<br />

(v) ivesigaativ. n tendered by Dr.&.P.Bezbaruah, 2<br />

Aveader,Department cf iiiccncmics.<br />

(vi) Panel cf JSxeminers(M.Phil)<br />

J<br />

(vii) Panel of £«xaminers Ph. D 3<br />

(viii) Award of Ph.D/k.Phil Degrees 4<br />

(ix) Nomination cf JNERU Representatives to 6<br />

. the Governing Body of affiliated Colleges.<br />

(x) Resignation tendered by Shri Acharya, 7<br />

, Lecturer,Pclitic

» 2 — :<br />

Ce nt cuts<br />

Page Wo,<br />

(xii) appoint me nt VF Shri JAI.P. Garg, Executive Jsngineer, 7<br />

r CiXipus Development Department, JMU as University<br />

Snginacer and payment of add it ionnl charge fillowance.<br />

(xiii) Grant for £&tra-Ordinary Leave for 2 years with 7<br />

, effect from 1st December, 1994 in rcspoct cf Prof.<br />

(Mrs) S.Miri. Department of Philosophy, MiU,Shillcng.<br />

(xiv) intension of the deputation term of Shri. J* J.Mawlcng,<br />

> Finance Officer till' 31.5. 1995, 7<br />

Item No. 5 ACZDBilC MATTERS :<br />

5 :1 -St atut es ,Ordinances, Kegulat ions and wiles -<br />

(i) iiiendment of the provisions cf regulation kC~2 8<br />

(ii) assignment of the Department of Forestry to the &<br />

School cf Life Sciences.<br />

(iii) Ordinance for the Degree f D. Sc. /D. Litt. %<br />

(iv) Ordinance, on "The najiv Gandhi Chair for

3<br />

Contents<br />

Page No,<br />

It en No. 6<br />


6:1 -S el oct i en Commit t ^ e -<br />

(i) Recommend?tion of the Selection Comcittee 12<br />

. for appointment cf Headers in Rural Development<br />

and Planning and Header and Lecturer in .ugri.<br />

Ent 'emtio gy.<br />

(ii) Selection Ccmnittee rv.ee onii end at iens 12<br />

(iii) Panel of names for Selection Committee 13<br />

- for faculty Selection in various Deptts./<br />

Centres cf NfiHU,<br />

6:2- Appointment/Creation-upgradat ion of pests<br />

Cc nf irmat ion/ Ext ens ion/Opt ion/Transf or<br />

uel eas e/'Iermi m.ti, n.<br />

(i) Confirmation of service cf Shri F. Lajrakima, 14<br />

. assistant Director cf Spdrts, N£HU,Mizcran<br />

Campus.<br />

(ii) Release of Prcf .K. P. Sinha, Direct or, Institute 14<br />

cf Self Organising Systems and Mo-Physics,<br />

NEHU,Shilling.<br />

(iii) Ap y pint m ent of Chanc el lor- recommend at ion of 14<br />

, n.jaes b£ the Executive Council.<br />

(iv) Designation cf reader to the Lecturers cf 14<br />

constituent colleges >f the University und^r<br />

Career ^dv^nceacment Scha^e.<br />

(v) Termination cf Shri' Sarbant Singh,Driver, 14<br />

. Nagal a nd C f.mp us, K chin a.<br />

(vi) appointment of Prof. H. U. Singh as Visiting 15<br />

r Professor on Contract basis.<br />

, (vii) - .appointment cf Lecturer in Senior Scale as 15<br />

4<br />

. , Prcbationery Lecturer.. • *<br />

(viii) Case cf Shri L.P.Pathak, Document at ion Officer, 15<br />

regarding promotion under Merit Promotion Scheme.<br />

(ix) Recruitment Policy for internal candidates for 15<br />

. the post cf iissistant'Registrar and Deputy<br />

Registrar.<br />

(x) appeal against Reversion orders of Adhcc 16<br />

Prcmctoes Under Section 32 of NEtfU Act.<br />


Contents<br />

Page No.<br />

(xi) Creation cf Teaching posts fcr-Mizoran and 16<br />

Shillong Canpuses,<br />

6:3- Leave/Deput t,t i on-<br />

( i) Case of abs enc e ; f P r of. M.i\T. K ar na, D ep: r t a ent of 16<br />

. Sociolcgy.<br />

(ii) Grant of Sabbat iaal leave in respect of Prof. 16<br />

(Mrs)H. IIa,Department cf Cheaist ry, NiittJ, Shillong<br />

for a period of four and a half months w. e.f.<br />

15.2,95 to 30.6.95.<br />

(iii) absence cf Dr. rajiv .Sharma,Lecturer,Deptt, 16<br />

of Geology,NJ&U ,Kohiria #<br />

/<br />

(iv) Study Leave in respect cf Shri JCavier Mac, 16<br />

LectucEr,Department of Philosophy,<br />

(v) Change of the date of Commencement of Study leave 16<br />

in respect of Mrs. V. Saraf,Lecturer,Dept. of Library<br />

. _ idtormation Science.<br />

6:5~ Library-<br />

(i) Minutes cf the Library Committee held on 30/31 17<br />

August, and 3rd S opt ember, 1994.<br />

6:6 - Service Condition/Financial & Other Benefits-<br />

(i) regarding Hospital bill cf Mrs. S.Hassan wife 17<br />

. of prof. il.Hassan,Dean,School of Languages,-<br />

request for full reimbursement.<br />

(ii) Proposal for Honorarium to the Menbers

Contents<br />

Page No.<br />

6:7 - Others -<br />

(i) CBI's programme for Vigilance 19<br />

(ii) Case of Shri Kiremwati Ao,Ex. Pro-Vice-<br />

. Chancellor, Nag aland Campus, Kohim a.<br />

(iii) Floating of advertisement for vacancies 19<br />

. in Academic Cadres,<br />

(iv) write off case on account of theft daring 20<br />

- study tour of Geology students during<br />

January 9 1994.<br />

(v) Reconstitution of the Planning Board. 20<br />

(vi) revised rules for allotment of residence 20<br />

Item No. 7 FINANCIAL MATTERS :<br />

7:1- Financ e Commit te e-<br />

(i) Nomination of members to the Finance 20<br />

Committee.<br />

(ii) .approval of the Annual Accounts for the 21<br />

. ,year 1992-93.<br />

7:3- Purchase/Ri ring/Transfer etc.<br />

(i) .Extension of present telephone exchange and 21<br />

, construction of Microwave tower at Permanent<br />

Campus,<br />

ITEM NO.8.<br />

ITM Fkuk THE CHAIR:<br />

(i) Issue of original certificate prior 21<br />

to the Convocation.


The <strong>84</strong>th meeting of the Executive Council was held on 8.12,1994<br />

at 115A.M. in the Conference Room, Guest House,North-East em Hill University,<br />

M awk yn r oh,Urns hi ng,Shi11ong.<br />

PRES&NT :<br />

List of members who attended the meeting is appended at<br />

Annexure-' I ! .<br />

The Chairman welcomed all the members who attended the meeting<br />

and particularly the new committee member<br />

Prof. A. C. Sinha.<br />

APOLOGY :<br />

An apology for not attending the meeting was received from Dr.<br />

M.G.K.Menon,M.P.<br />

Before taking.up the agenda for the meeting, the Chairman<br />

apprised the members of the bifurcation of the erstwhile Nagaland Campus<br />

of NEtiU after the bifurcation of Nagaland University.<br />

*<br />


(i)<br />

Confirmation of the Minutes of the 83rd<br />

meecing of the Executive Council held on<br />

8th July, 1994.<br />

iMoii.C:<strong>84</strong>;94:01 :(i) ; The Minutes of the 83rd meeting of the Executive<br />

Council held on 8th July, 1994 were confirmed.<br />

(ii) Confirmation of approval of the Annual<br />

, Report 1993-94.<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>s94*01:(ii)• The Council confirmed its approval'on the Annual<br />

Report for the year'1993-94. - -<br />

Item No. 2 REPORTING IT ISMS :<br />

(i)<br />

Report on action taken on the Minutes of<br />

the 83rd meeting of the ExecutiveC Council.<br />

No:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:02:(i): The Council considered the report on action taken<br />

on the Minutes of the 83rd meeting of the Executive Council and approved<br />

it .<br />


2<br />

Item No. 3<br />



(i) Release of Dr. S. Goswami,Lecturer,Department<br />

. of Chemistry,NEHU to enable him to join<br />

Indian association for the Cultivation of<br />

Science, Jadavpur, Calcuct a.<br />

\ • 1<br />

No; £,C:<strong>84</strong>:94:03:(i):<br />

The Council ratified the action taken by the<br />

Vice-Chancel lor in releasing Dr. Goswami,Lecturer,Department<br />

Chemistry, NEHU, on lien for one year w. e. f.<br />

(ii)<br />

19.8. 1994( A. N.).<br />

Deputation case in respect of ProfQyirs) Ternsula<br />

Ao,Dep artment of English.<br />

No:<strong>EC</strong>i<strong>84</strong>:94:03:(ii) : The Council ratified the action taken by the<br />

Vice-Chancel lor in releasing Prof(lirs) Temsula Ao, Department of<br />

English on deputation with effect from 31.8. 92( A. N.) to 30.8. 1996<br />

and also extending the period of deputation by another period of 2.<br />

years with effect from 31.8.1994 to 30.8.1996.<br />

desired th^t Prof.iio be asked to apply formaly<br />

deputation with effect from 31.8. 1994 to 30.8. 1996.<br />

of<br />

However, the .Council<br />

for extension of<br />

(iii)<br />

Holding the post of Registrar as additional<br />

charge by Shri E. J.Mawlong,Finance Officer.<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94j03; (iii) s The Council ratified the action taken by the<br />

Vice-Chancellor in ordering Shri J. toawl ong, Finance Officer to ho<br />

additional charge of the post of Registrar with effect from the date<br />

of taking over charge and until further orders and also allowing him<br />

additional pay under Fn-49(iii).<br />

(iv)<br />

iippointmcnt of Shri N. R. Chakravarty,Deputy<br />

Registrar (Finance) as Finance Officer and<br />

payment of additional charge.<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:03:(iv) : The Council ratified the action taken by the<br />

Vice-Chancel lor in appointing Shri N. R. Chak ravarty, Deputy Registrar<br />

as Finance Officer for the period of absence of Shri & J.Fiawlong,<br />

Finance Officer, NiHU and also allowing him additional pa> under FR-49<br />

(iii)<br />

for holding additional charge.<br />

(v) Resignation tendered by Dr.M.P. Bezbarualj, . :<br />

Reader, Dep artment of Economics.<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>j<strong>84</strong>:94:03:(v): 'The action taken by the """"'.ce-Chancellor in accepting<br />

xhe resignation tendered by Dr.M.P. Be zbaruah, Re ader, Dep artment of Economics<br />

was ratified by the Council.<br />

Cont d/.../-

3<br />

(vi)<br />

Panel of Examiners (M.Phil).<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:03:(vi): The approvals of the panels of examiners in<br />

respect of the following M.Phil cendidates by the respective School<br />

Boards and Board of Research Studies were ratified by the Executive<br />

Council.<br />

Name of the candidate<br />

Department<br />

1. Smti. Rani Bose<br />

2- Shri Afs.aruddin Choudhury<br />

3. Ms. M it all Das Gupta<br />

4* Mr.Wilfred Nongsiej<br />

5. Mr. Joydeep Goswami<br />

6. Miss Bakordor Wanlang Bannett<br />

7. Kamala Kant Gogoi<br />

Hist ory<br />

History<br />

Economics<br />

Political Science<br />

fisonom ics<br />

Institute of Self Organising<br />

Systems and Bio-Physics„<br />

D ep art me nt of Ge ogr aph v<br />

(vii)<br />

Panel of Examiners Ph.D<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:03: (vii) : The approvals of panels of examiners to examine<br />

the Ph.D thesis of 'the following scholars by the respective School Boards<br />

and Board of Research Studies were ratified by the Council.<br />

Name of the candidate 6» Degree<br />

Department<br />

1. Ms.Dipali Chatt opadhyaya(Ph. D) Philosophy<br />

2. Ms.Chandana Bhattacharya(Ph.D) Anthropology<br />

3. Mr.L. Tem jenkaba (Ph. D) Educat ion<br />

4* .Mr. Imt isungb a AO (Ph. D) Education<br />

5. Mr.L.P.Pathak (Ph. D) Lib vary and Inform at<br />

Science.<br />

6. Shri Pranab K. Tarafdar (Ph. D) Chemistry<br />

7. Shri P.Srdnivas (Ph.D) Chemistry<br />

8. Ms.P.Susan (Ph.D) Physics<br />

9. Mr. Ganesh G. (Ph.D) Bot any<br />

10 . Ms. S abin a Ryn j ah (Ph.D) Bot any<br />

11 .Mr.Norbert Noraho (Ph. D) Bot any<br />

12 .Mrs.Shashi Corrie (Ph.D) Botany<br />

Cont d/.../-

4<br />

Wame of the candidate & Degree<br />

Department<br />

13.Ms. R.D.Lyngdoh (Ph. D;<br />

14.Mrs.Anju M ah ant a IPh.D)<br />

15.Mr. James Haorah (Ph.D)<br />

16.Mr.Anil Kumar Mavila (Ph.D)<br />

17.Miss Jacqueline Dkhar (Ph. D)<br />

18.Mr. S. Paulsamy (Ph.D)<br />

19.Mr.M.L.Kynshi (ph.D)<br />

20. Shri ijiirudha Giri (Ph. D)<br />

21.Smti.Priy am Goswami(Ph.D)<br />

22.Ms.Luch Thomas Vashun (Ph.D)<br />

23.Ms. Anungla Aier (Ph.D)<br />

24. Shri W. R.Kharlukhi (Ph. D)<br />

25.Mr. C.P. Alexander (Ph.D) r "<br />

26.Mr. S. D. Thomas (Ph. D) "<br />

27J>Is. Ilia Das (Ph.D)<br />

I<br />

Zoology<br />

Zoology<br />

Institute of Self-<br />

Organising Sys corns and<br />

Bio-Physics.<br />

Zoology<br />

Botany<br />

Physics<br />

Zoology<br />

History<br />

iinthropology<br />

Anthropology<br />

Pol. Science<br />

Philosophy<br />

.Economics<br />

Anthropology<br />

• f<br />

(viii) Award of Ph.D/M.Phil Degrees<br />

No:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94: 03:(viii): The action taken by t.iV Academic Council,<br />

Board of Research Studies and the respective School Boards in<br />

approving the evduation "reports of the following candidates was<br />

ratified by the Council.<br />


i- 5 -s<br />

Name of the candidate end Degree<br />

Department<br />

9. Ms.M.Ibembal Devi (ph.D)<br />

10.p.Dhillon (M.Phil)<br />

11 • Susmit a Gupta (ph. D)<br />

12.P. B. Gurung (Ph.D)<br />

13.Mr.Haren Sadkia (Ph.D)<br />

14.Mr. Glen Thomas (ph. D) -<br />

15.L.Pakhuangte (M.Phil<br />

16.Pallab Dey (M.Phil)<br />

17.Paul Soren (M.Phil)<br />

18.M. .u.Kharkon&or (M.Phil)<br />

19.Ms. Lristina toanniang(M.Phil)<br />

20.Ms,Dariling buring (M.Phil)<br />

21.Mr. Robert itomaiya Hoyte (M.Phil)<br />

"2.Ms.Mukti Doloi (M.Phil)<br />

23*Mr. Th. R. Tiba (M.Phil)<br />

24»Mr.Alphonse R.Myrthong (M.Phil)<br />

25.Ms. Weelakshi Medhi • (M.Phil)<br />

26.Ms.Madhuchhanda Das Gupta (M.Phil)<br />

27.Mr. J. Lais awl iana (M.Phil)<br />

28.Mrs. Iris tl.Thomas (M.Phil)<br />

29.Mr.S.K.Kar (M.Phil)<br />

30.Hr. IT. Tongjcholun Haokip (M.Phil)<br />

31 .Ms. Lvskorlang Kharkongor(M.Phil)<br />

32. Shri J^Odyuo (Ph.D)<br />

33.Mrs.3ibha Borah (Ph.D)<br />

34.Ms.Mousumee Dutta (M.Phil) hil os ophy<br />

Phil .sophy<br />

onomics<br />

Philos ophy<br />


6 • F VJ «<br />

(ix)<br />

domination of NEHU Representatives to the<br />

Governing Body of affiliatColleges.<br />

No*<strong>EC</strong>j<strong>84</strong>s94:03:(ix) i The Council ratified the action tdcen by the<br />

Vic e-Chancel lor in nominc.ting the following teachers as University<br />

Representatives in th.~ Governing Body of the following colleges.<br />

Name of College<br />

Name of University<br />

Represent at ives<br />

Term<br />

1. St.ii.ntpony's College,<br />

Shi 1 long, _<br />

1. Prof. R. R.Mishra,<br />

Department * of Botany,<br />

NEHU, Shillong(vice<br />

Prof.M.Miri since on<br />

deput at ion).<br />

3 years w.e.f.<br />

29.7.94.<br />

2. St.Mary's College,<br />

Shillong.<br />

3. Sohra College,Sohr;<br />

4. Mendipathar College,<br />

Mendipathar.<br />

5. Upper Shillong College,<br />

Kynt on,Upper Shillong.<br />

2. Prof. N.Hassan, -do-<br />

Dep artment of English,<br />

NEHU, Shillong. . •<br />

1. Prof (Mrs) S.Mir i, --do-<br />

Department of Philosophy,<br />

NEHU,Shillong.<br />

2. Dr(Mrs)H.S. Dkhar, ' -do-<br />

Department of Botany,<br />

NEHU,Shillong.<br />

1. Prof (Mrs) K* S. Lyngdoh, -do-<br />

Department of Education,<br />

NJiHU,Shillong. . . »<br />

2# Dr(Mrs )M. B. J^ wa, -do-<br />

Department oi Khcsi,<br />

NEHU, Shillong.<br />

1. Prof, JU C. Sinha, 4. 10.94<br />

Department of Sociology, 3 years*<br />

NEHU, Shillong.<br />

2. Dr.P.Passah, -do-<br />

Dopartment of Economics,<br />

NEHU,Shillong. , »<br />

1. Dr.L. S. Gassah,<br />

Department of Pol. Science,<br />

NfflU,Shillong.<br />

2* Dr (M rs) M . Sh arm a,<br />

Dep ment of History,<br />

NEHU, Shillong-.<br />

-do-<br />

-do-<br />

or<br />

Coatd /.../_

I<br />

J - 7<br />

(x)<br />

Resignation tendered by Shri A.K. Acharya,<br />

Lecturer,Political Science.<br />

Noi<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:03:(x) s The Council ratified the action taken by the<br />

Vice-Chancel lor in accepting the resignation of Shri A.K. Acharya,<br />

Lecturer in Political Science and by releasing him from the University<br />

with effect from 15.9. 1994(F. N.) to enable Shri Acharya to avail the<br />

Commonwealth Scholarship. *<br />

(xi) appointment of Head, Dep artment of Anthropology,<br />

„ NEHU, Shil long.<br />

Ro: i a C:<strong>84</strong>:94:03:(xi): The action taken by the Vice-Chance"! lor in appointing<br />

Dr.K.K.Pathak,Reader,Department<br />

WuS ratified by the Council.<br />

of Anthropology,as Head of the Department<br />

(xii) appointment of Shri N.P. Garg, Executive • Engineer,<br />

. flampus Development Department, NEHU as University<br />

Engineer and payment of additional charge allowance.<br />

Jo:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>l94:03s(xii) i The Council ratified the action taken by the<br />

Vice-Chancel lor in entrusting Shri N. P. Garg, Executive Engineer, Campus<br />

Development Department, NEHU irith the function of the post of University<br />

Engineer in addition to his normal duties as Executive Engineer wit&<br />

effect from 1.6.94 and until further orders and also allowing him<br />

additional pay under FR-49(iii).<br />

(xiii)<br />

Grant for Extra-Ordinary Leave for 2 years with effect<br />

from 1st December, 1994 in respect of Prof (Mrs) S.Miri,<br />

Department of Philosophy, NEHU,Shillong.<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:03: (xiii): The Council RESOLVED to ratify thea action taken<br />

by the Vice-Chancellor in granting the Extraordinary Leave f r 2(two)<br />

years with effect from 1st December, 1994 to Prof (Mrs) S.Miri, Department<br />

of Philosophy, NMiU,Shillong.<br />

(xiv) ^tension of the deputation term of Shri E% J.<br />

Mawlong,Finance Officer,till 31.3. 1995.<br />

No:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:03:(xiv) s The Council ratified the action taken by the<br />

Vice-Chancellor in extending the deputation term of Shri E. J. M awl ong,<br />

Finance Officer,NEHU till 31.3. 1995.<br />


Item No. 5 ACADEMIC MATTERS :<br />

5 i 1-Statutes, Ordinances,Regulat ions and Rules:<br />

(i)<br />

Amendment of the provisions of Regulation ftC-2<br />

No: £C:<strong>84</strong>:94:05:1 :(i) : The Council considered the amendment of some<br />

provisions of the regulations RC-2 on M. A-in Library and Information<br />

Sciences<br />

below c.nd approved the samg.<br />

Existing provisions<br />

Clc.use 5(c)<br />

No candidate shall be admitted to the<br />

third semester until and unless one<br />

has secured 50?& marks in first and<br />

second s em vaster.<br />

Clause-9<br />

T*ie pass marks required for cach paper<br />

in the third and fourth semester will<br />

be 50% .<br />

Note (i) below CIa use 3(b)<br />

Note:-(i) 40^ of the seats will be<br />

available for deputed candidates and'<br />

working librarians.Minimum qualifications<br />

required for admission shall .<br />

be a Bachelor's Degree.<br />

NQXO below Clause 3(d)<br />

Note:- Deputed/forking librarians<br />

having passed B.Lib,'o/B L I Sc. from<br />

any other recognised University shall<br />

be eligible for admission to the third<br />

semester. Onl^ 40/o se^G shj.1 be<br />

available.<br />

Clause 7<br />

The pass marks required for each paper<br />

in first and second semester will be<br />

40 L /o marks secured by the candidate in<br />

internal assessment will be included in<br />

the total marks cf each pap&r.<br />

ijnendmunt provisions<br />

Clause 3(c)<br />

Deleted<br />

Clause - 9<br />

Delest ed<br />

Noto(i) bolew Clause 3(b)<br />

Del et ed<br />

Note below Clause 3(d)<br />

Deleted<br />

Clause 7<br />

The pass marks required for each<br />

paper will be 35 c p marks. Internal<br />

assessment marks will be included<br />

in he totcl marks of each pi.por.<br />

Ccntd/.. •/-

(ii) ^signment of the Department of forestry<br />

„ tc the School of Life Sciences.<br />

Kc:iiiCj<strong>84</strong>:94i05:1 j(ii) : The Council considered the matter and resolved<br />

to keep the operation of the School ef ^agricultural Sciences and<br />

forestry in abeyance and tc assign the Department of Forestry tomporc.-<br />

rily to the School of Life Sciences.<br />

(iii)<br />

Ordinance for the Degree of D, Sc/D.Litt.<br />

No: xiiC:<strong>84</strong>i94i05 s 1 :(iii) s The Council considered the Ordinance framed<br />

for the Degree cf D.bc/D.Litt. by the Committee appointed for the<br />

purpose which was already approved by the academic Council in its<br />

meeting held on 21r22.11. 1994 and RUSOLVED tc approve the same.<br />

(iv) Ordinance on "The Rajiv Gandhi Chair for<br />

Studies in Protective Discrimination",<br />

No*BC$<strong>84</strong>f94:05:l(iv):<br />

The Council RESOLVED to approve the Ordinance<br />

framed on the "Rajiv Gandhi Chair for Studies in Protective Discriminat<br />

ion".<br />

(v)<br />

iviiendmeat of the provisions of Clause 7 of<br />

Regulation 0C-l/R-1 on admission tc P. G.<br />

Departments.<br />

jtfo: iiC:<strong>84</strong>:94:05:1;(v) s The Council disnuased about the proposed emend- :it<br />

of regulation 6f Clause 7 of Regulation OC-l/R-1 on Emission to P. G,<br />

Departments and RESOLVED to approve the amendment as below<br />

Proposed amendment<br />

In case of all interned students i.e. students who have graduated frcm<br />

colleges ef filiated to i.r maintained by the University, the percentage<br />

of marks obtained in the subject concerned shall be raised by 10. In<br />

cuse f those candidates who have not offered the subject in the Honours<br />

no such weight age shall be given and their marks in the Honours subject<br />

shall be t aken int o account.<br />


10<br />

5:5 - Examination Matters -<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:5:5:(i):<br />

(i) Increase in the tabulation rates ; ..:<br />

i.<br />

The matter regarding the increase in the tabulation<br />

rates was considered by the Council keeping in view the volume of<br />

tabulation work and RJiSOLVED to increase the tabulation rates from the<br />

existing r,.t to of Rs.1.50p per candid at e to Rs.<br />

2.50p.<br />

(ii) Upward revision of remuneration r.-.t^s to<br />

ncn-tcaching staff for examination duty.<br />

No:uC:8^:94:5:5:(ii): The Council considered the proposal to revise the<br />

remuneration rates tc the non-teaching staff for examination duty and<br />

RESOLVED to approve the rates as below:<br />

Present p:.t c<br />

per shift<br />

Rev is cd rat c<br />

C2 :*ss IV<br />

Peon/Lab. Attendant etc. Rs.3/- Rs.6/~<br />

Class<br />

III<br />

L.D. C./Lab. ^sstt/G. 0. etc. Rs.6/- Rs. 10/-<br />

ST^/SO/P,ii/stenographer otc. Rs.8/- . Rs. 15/-<br />

5:6 - ijstablishment of now P_ptts./Cer + - v es/Coursos- '<br />

(i)<br />

Introduction of a course on iiinvironment at<br />

Under-Graduat e and Post-Graduat e levels and<br />

for service-personnel,<br />

No:LC:<strong>84</strong>:94:5:6:(i): The Council considered the feasibility of<br />

introducing a course on Environment Education at Under-Graduat ^ and<br />

Pest-Graduate levels and the part tine courses for service-personnel<br />

and RESOLVED to approve the recommendations cf the Jommittec constituted<br />

for the purp^sr. The respective RPGS and Board cf Under-Graduate Studies<br />

may frame the required course structure and the Centre cf Eco-Devclopment<br />

may s£art the above courses.<br />

C.. ntd/. . •/-

11<br />

(ii)<br />

mi ablishmont ef a Pc st-Gradu,/fc e Department<br />

of Commerce at Shillong. ' .<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94s5:06: (ii): The Council approved the proposal for<br />

establishment cf a Post-Graduale Department f Commerce at Shillong<br />

which was already approved .in the 38th meeting cf the Academic Council<br />

and RESOLVED to write to the UGC/MHAD t o approve the creation cf the<br />

said Dep .rtuent for which there is no provisicn in the 8th Plan outlay<br />

cf the University.<br />

5:7 - Affiliation cases, etc.<br />

(i)<br />

iJTfili tion cases approved by the<br />

j.xC ademic Co unc il.<br />

No:£jC:<strong>84</strong>:94:5:7:(i):<br />

The Council approved to grant affiliation to the<br />

colleges named below for the subjects and purpose mentioned against<br />

each of the colleges provided they fulfil the requirement as pointed<br />

c ..,t by the Inspection Team.<br />

1. G.:vt. Cell ego awl<br />

2. Lalhmingtlanga College<br />

3. Bungkawn College<br />

4. jNcrth Eastern College,<br />

Khawungs ei.<br />

5. Rhawzawl College<br />

6. Saitval College<br />

- Intreduction of Ilajcr in Mizo<br />

- Provisional affiliation fcr 3 years<br />

up to P.U. Level with subjects-Engl ish,<br />

Mizc(MIL 6c Elect.),Pol. Science,<br />

Education, Economics and History.<br />

- Provisional ."filiation for 3 yea<br />

upto P.U. level with subjects-English,<br />

Mizo (MIL.) & .Tlt-ui, lx 1 vKisnoo,Kis1ory<br />

EconomicsJX*^ ,<br />

- Provisional affiliation for 3 years<br />

uptc P.U.level with subjcctr -English,<br />

I v iizo(MIL 6c KL ect.),Hifetc ry, Economics,<br />

* x<br />

JJC oncm ics, Educ at:' on and Pol. Sc ienc es.<br />

- Renewal of provision? 1 affiliation uptc<br />

P.U. (Arts)<br />

level.<br />

- Renewal of pre visions i "filiation uptc<br />

P.U. (Arts)level.<br />

Singh Memorial College - Renewal of provisional affiliation uptc<br />

Degree (^mrts) level.<br />

Ccntd /.../-<br />


12 -:<br />

8, Hongstoin Gellege Introduction cf Geography at P.U.level.<br />

9. Sohra College<br />

lO.Morningstar College<br />

Introduction cf Major in KhaSi,Educ at i 1 n<br />

Pel. Science, Ec on omics and History for 2<br />

years only and before the expiry cf this<br />

period another Inspection be done to<br />

ensure fulfilment of the conditions.<br />

- Provisional affiliation for J> years uptc<br />

P.U. level in subjects-English,*J.t.<br />

English,Pol.Scienc e,Logic,Hist cry,<br />

Economics , ijit hropolcgy,Khas i(MIL & Elect.)<br />

5:8 - Others -<br />

(i) Handing over of P.U.level . f Educat ion<br />

to the State Government.<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:5:8:(i):<br />

The Council approved the proposal to hand e ver the<br />

P. U.level of Educat ion to the State Government and RESOLVED to requef x<br />

the respective State Governments to take over the above course of<br />

Education from the 1995 admissions.<br />

Item No. 6 ADMIJ.MISTRAT1V E MATTEltS :<br />

6:1- S elect i cn Comm it t e e-<br />

(i) Recommendation of the Selection Ojamittee<br />

, for appointment c.f Readers in Rural Development<br />

and Planning and Reader and Lecturer in Agri.<br />

Entomology.<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6:1 :(i) :Thc Council considered the Selection<br />

Committee's<br />

reports on various teaching posts for Nagaland Campus and RESOLVED'to<br />

write to authority ox Nagaland University for taking decision if they<br />

wish on the recommendations cf Selection Committees of this University<br />

for these posts.<br />

(ii) Selection Committee Re c cMa end at i ens<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6:1 :(ii): The Council approved the Selection Committee's<br />

recommendation for'the placement of the following lecturers in the"<br />

senior seal e/s elect ion grade and promotion to the post cf Reader under<br />

Career Advancement Scheme.<br />


13<br />

SI. It.. Names Dep art m ent Campus Grade<br />

1. Dr. Streamlet Dkhar<br />

2. Dr(Mrs) R. N.K. Hccroc<br />

3 . Dr. ^nup an C hat t a r j ce<br />

4. 3r. E,L.^ar jri<br />

5 • Dr. Th _ngc hungm nga<br />

6. Dr. C. Lalkima<br />

7 • Dr. Nirmrl endu Saha<br />

8. Dr. ^nanda Das Gupta<br />

9. Dr. P.K. Bajpai<br />

Khas i<br />

Zoology<br />

2cology<br />

Pol. Science<br />

Jjc enemies<br />

Public .edmn.<br />

Zoology<br />

Ccum ere e<br />

Shillcng<br />

Shillong<br />

Shillcng<br />

Shillcng<br />

*dzawl<br />

Mizcran<br />

Shillcng<br />

Pachhunga Univ.<br />

College.<br />

Institute f Shillcng<br />

Self Organising Systems<br />

and Bio-Physics<br />

Senior Sc?le<br />

Readership<br />

Senior Scale<br />

Senior Scale<br />

Reader<br />

Senior Sc .le<br />

Senior Scale<br />

Senior Scale<br />

Senior Scale<br />

(iii)<br />

Panel cf names for Selection Committee<br />

for faculty Selection in various Deptts./<br />

Centres f NEHU.<br />

Ncs isC:<strong>84</strong>*94x6 j 1:(iii): The Council itLSOLVLD to approve the panel c f<br />

experts fcr the Selection Committees for faculty selection in tfce Deptts./<br />

Centres named below:<br />

1. iinglish<br />

2. Khasi<br />

3. Education<br />

4» iiconunics<br />

5. Pol. Science<br />

6. Sociology<br />

7. Anthropc logy<br />

8. Philosophy<br />

9. Geography<br />

10. Geology<br />

11.Forestry<br />

12.Social Uork<br />

13.Public iidi?n.<br />

14*Physics.<br />

15. Chemistry<br />

16. Mathematics<br />

17. Botany<br />

18. Zoology<br />

19. Bio-Chemistry<br />

50.. History<br />

31., Science Education<br />

32. .Psychology.<br />

20. Library raid Inf.Science<br />

21. Creative Arts<br />

22. Comput er Sci one c<br />

23. Adult and Continuing Education<br />

24. JBCo-Development<br />

25. Applied Statistics<br />

26. Regional Sophisticated Instrunentafc ion<br />

Centre<br />

27. Literary and Cultural Studies<br />

28. Linguistics<br />

29. Institute Self Organising Systems and<br />

Bio-physics.<br />

Contd/.., /-

:- 14 — :<br />

6:2 - Appointment;/Croation-upgradation of posts<br />

Conf imat ion/Ext ension/Opt ion/Transf or<br />

Rel eas o /T orm in ,t icn.<br />

• •<br />

(i) Ccnfimaticn

15<br />

(vi)<br />

Appointment of Prof,H.N.Singh as Visiting<br />

Professor tn Contract basis.<br />

Nc:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6:02;(vi) : The Council RESOLVED tc .appoint Professor H.N.<br />

Singh as Visiting professor in the Department of Bio-Chemistry, NEHU,<br />

3hillcng for a period of 6(six) months with effect from 1.7,95.<br />

(vii)<br />

Appointment cf Lecturer in Soni< r Scale<br />

s Prcbationery Lecturer.<br />

No:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6 :2s(vii) : The Council discussed the case of Dr. (Miss)p.<br />

Nongkynrih in depth and RESOLVED that she will remain on probation<br />

for the prescribed period of 2(two) years with effect fron the date<br />

of joining in the Department of Physics. The Council also RESOLVED<br />

to protect her basie pay in the sc^.le ^f as. 2200-4000 and not tc Allow<br />


16 -i<br />

(x)<br />

appeal against Reversion orders of ^dhoc<br />

Promotocs Under Section 32 of Mi.HU x,ct.<br />

Ro:iiiC:64s94s6:2:(x) : The Council discussed the matter and ni&OLVED<br />

not to consider the appeal made by the adhoc promotees.<br />

(xi)<br />

Creation of Teaching posts for Mizoram and<br />

Shillong Campuses.<br />

No* <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6 :2S (xi):<br />

The Council approved the recommendation of the<br />

Committee creating the teaching posts for Mizoram and Shillong<br />

Campuses ^s below.<br />

The Council, further RESOLVED that the University<br />

Grants Commission be moved to approve creation of tw

17<br />

dace of commencement of .ho ttudy leave of 6 months granted to Smt,<br />

V. Saraf.<br />

6:5 - Library -<br />

(i) Minutes cf tlie Library Committee held on<br />

30/31 August, ar*:l 3rd Sept ember, 1994.<br />

Nc:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94*6:5:(i): The Council approved the Minutes of the Library<br />

Commit Ceo placed before .Che Council also RESOLViiD to modify the<br />

duration of Study Leave granted to Veen a Saraf,Lecturer,Department<br />

of Library' • nf cim ;ticn bcionces, I«EiiU % The effective date .f the<br />

3• .id leave will be from 2*5. 1994* • •<br />

\<br />

6:6 - Service Oondition/3?inancird & Other Benefits-<br />

(i) regarding Hospital bill of Mrs.S.Hassan wif ;<br />

. of Prof* Hassan, Bean, School of Languagesrequest<br />

for full reimbursement.<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6;6:(i);<br />

The Counc il censidered t h at the exp endit ur e f0r<br />

treatment of Mrs, S. Hass, ;a would have been more than the expenditure<br />

actually incurred had she boon sent to the Medical Institute at<br />

I icknow as referred to by the Sr.Medical Officer and therefore RESOL/ED<br />

to allow full reimbursement of the actual expenditure of Rs. 14>905/- .<br />

The Ccuncil also RESOLVED +0 extend the same type of benefit to others<br />

who receive the<br />

which Mrs,S.Hassan was treated,<br />

(ii)<br />

s^me type of treatment in the same Nursing Home in<br />

Proposal for Honorarium to the Members of<br />

Medical Board,<br />

No: <strong>EC</strong>s&4:94:6 r6; (ii) ; The Council considered the proposal and RESOLVED<br />

te allow fee cf Rs. 300/- per sitting tc the Ncn-NEHU members of the<br />

University MedicBoard,<br />

(iii) Placement of T Jr

18<br />

(v) Transfer of service from olio Inst itut ion/Govt. Deptt. etc. to<br />

NEHU and vice versa.<br />

No:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6:6: (v) The Council considered the cases of transfers<br />

of services and resolved a =5 below :<br />

(a) In ijtse where the former employer transfer the<br />

prorata retirement benefits to NEHQ, the University will pay full<br />

retirement benefits by including the past services in such cases.<br />

(b) xn respect of employees whose services were<br />

transferred to NEHU from other Central Universities on or before<br />

10.9.1994 the retirement benefits of such employees will be governed<br />

by CURB Rules 1967. Such employees who join NEHU after the above date<br />

will be governed by the CCS (Pension) Rules in so far as ..heir retirement<br />

benefits are concerned.<br />

(c) In those cases in which the former employers do not<br />

transfer the pro rata service benefits to NEHU consequent upon their<br />

employees joining NEHU but make direct payment to the employees aforesaid<br />

for the period ..'of services rendered by them with such employers<br />

the employees concerned are required to deposit the retirement benefits<br />

so received by them with interest upto the date of such deposit to the<br />

account of the University if they opt for availing of past service<br />

benefits together with the retirement benefits they are eligible to<br />

receive from NEHU. Such benefit however, will be extended only to those<br />

who were formerly employed by any Central Autonomous Body or State<br />

University/Institution which is financed wholly or substantially cut<br />

of Central/State Govt, grants. The term " substantially" will mean that<br />

more thon $(f/o of the expend!cure of such Body/University/lnstituticn<br />

is met through Central/State Govt, grants. The coneerned empl< yees must<br />

produce a Certificate to the above effect tc the University, "ailing<br />

which, the benefit WIJ.1 not accrue to them. The above benefit will also<br />

not accrue to employees coring fr^m State Universities/Institutions<br />

receiving less than 5lf° of Govt . grant.<br />

(vi) Rationalization of pay scale of Assistant Press<br />

Manager.<br />

N0:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6:6:(vi) : The Council resolved to approve the rationalised<br />

pay scale of Assistant Press Menager and qualification Criteria for the<br />

said post as prescribed by the Delhi University.<br />

(vii) Matter relating to NEHU teachers stationed at<br />

Nagaland consequent upon the notification of the Nagaland University.<br />

No:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>: 94:6:6: (vii) : The Cour.cil considered the letter dated Nil<br />

addressed by the General Secr« fcary, NEHUTAK to the Vice-Chancellor,<br />

North—Eastern Hill University and<br />


esolved that pending finalisation of the option process of NEHU<br />

Nagaland employees for joining Nagaland University, no action be<br />

taken on the letter aforesaid. It was further resolved that the<br />

University take up with the Ministry/UGC the matter of setting up of<br />

the departments and School which became vested with Nagaland University<br />

due to the operation of the Nagaland University Act w.e.f, 6.9.94.<br />

However, before the Ministry and UGC ARE approached for the setting<br />

up of the departments and school, a Committee consisting of the following<br />

members will meet to decide on the opening of such departments/School<br />

and their infrastructure requirement in NEHU :<br />

Members of the Committee :<br />

1. Vice-Chancellor - Chairman.<br />

2. Pro-Vice-Chancellor (M.C.) - Member<br />

3. Prof. A.C.Sinha - Member<br />

4. Dr. R.P.Sharma - Member<br />

5. Prof. R.S.Tripathi - Member<br />

6. Prof. J.C.Binwal - Member<br />

7. Prof. N. Hasan - Member<br />

8. Registrar - Member<br />

9. Finance Officer - Member<br />

6 : 7 OTHERS -<br />

(i) CBI's programmu for Vigilance.<br />

No:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6:7:(i)- : The Council considered the letter from ! :he<br />

Ministry of Personnel P.G. and Pension on the inject relating to C. 's<br />

programme for vigilance and anti-corruption wo rk during 1994 in which<br />

NEHU has bedn included in the list of departments/organisations se 7 'cteo<br />

for the vigilance and anti-corruption works for the year 1994 and<br />

resolved to provide assistance to the GJ3I if sought for, while implementing<br />

its Vigilance aPd Anti-corruption works relating to NEHU.<br />

(ii) Case of Shri. Kiremwati Ao, ex-|!>VC, Nagaland Campus, Kohima.<br />

N 0 :<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6:7:(ii) : The Council resolved to treat the entire case<br />

as closed sine: the matter related to the erstwhile NEHIT Nagaland Campus<br />

which is now under Nagaland University and over which N^HU ceased to<br />

have any jurisdiction from 6.9.94.<br />

(iii) Floating of advertisement for vacancies in Academic Cadres.<br />

No:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6:7:(iii): It has been resolved by the Council tha + as a<br />

measure of economy, advertisements for vacancies in Academic Cadres<br />

be floated only in the Employment News nnd in oxio of the local newspapers<br />

of tho States under the jurisdiction of JSorth-Eastem Hill University(NEHU)

(iv) Wri+o off case on account of theft during study tour of Geology<br />

students during January,1994.<br />

No:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6:7:(iv)<br />

The Council considered the matter and resolved to<br />

write off the official loss of Rs.<br />

16,£6o/-.<br />

F°:ii)C:<strong>84</strong>:94:6:7:(v)<br />

(v) Reconstitution of the Planning Board.<br />

: The council considered the reconstitution of the<br />

Planning Board and resolved the Board be composed of the following members<br />

1. Vice-Chancellor, ex-officio Chairman<br />

2. Pro-Vice-Chancellor, ex-officio - Member<br />

3. Registrar, 6x-officio - Member<br />

4. Finance Officer,ex-officio - Member<br />

5. Controller of Exams.,ex-officio - Member<br />

6. Deans of Schools, ex-officio - Member^<br />

7. 3 (Three) names of the Vice-Chancellors<br />

from the Universities 1 own staff or<br />

outside experts. - Members<br />

8. Heads of Deptt./Centres,ex-officio- Members<br />

9. In addition to the above, the Board so constituted may co-opt<br />

other members as and when Planning exercisers for the Deptt-/<br />

Centre/Schools are taken up and their presence in the Board<br />

meeting is considered necessary.<br />

(vi) Revised rules for allotment of residence.<br />

No :<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:6:7:(iv):<br />

The Council proposed certain modification.-; to sor e<br />

of the rules as a consequence of which the Council resolved to return<br />

rules as modified, to the Presidents, NEHUTA/NEHUNSA for resubmission of<br />

the said rules for Executive Council's approval in the next meeting.<br />

No:<strong>EC</strong>:<strong>84</strong>:94:7:1:(i)<br />

Item No:7<br />


7:1 - Finance Committee<br />

(i) -nomination, of members to the Finance Committee.<br />

: With the commencement of Nagaland University, two<br />

members of the Finance Committee belonging to Nagaland ceased to be its<br />

members. Consequently, the Council resolve* to replace them by th e Pro-<br />

Vice-Chancellor, Mizoram Campus and the senicrmost Professor in NEHU.<br />

Their term of membership will be for i(Three) years as per North-Eastern<br />

Hill University Act and Statutes.<br />


(ii) Approval of the Annual Accounts for the year 1992 - 93.<br />

No:BC:<strong>84</strong>:94:7:1:<br />

(ii) The Council approved the Annual Accounts for theyear<br />

1992- 93.<br />

7:3:- Purchase/Hiring/Tt-ansfe:* etc„<br />

(i) Extension of present telephone exchange and construction of<br />

Microwave tower at Permanent Campus.<br />

No:E(5:<strong>84</strong>: 94:7: 3: (i) : The Council considered the proposal and resolved<br />

/OA.CI<br />

to lease a plot of/at permanent Campus measuring 725 M 2 to the lepartmcnt<br />

of Telecommunications on nominal lease rent.<br />

Item Mo. ( 0 r fsDuo^o^Origiaaf^oortificst e prior to the Convocation.<br />

We-Si».C:G4i94iO: (i); The question relating to the issue, of original<br />

Certificates before the Convocation was discussed. The Council resolved<br />

that the matter be refered to the Academic Council and meanwhile the<br />

provisional Certificate with a Certificate of statement in lieu cf<br />

original Certificate be issued to candidates applying for such Certificate<br />

The mooting ended with a vote of thanks fr^m the<br />

Chair*.\ ".<br />

(Prof» B. Pakem) ( , E.J,Ma'." ong )<br />

Chairman<br />

Secretary<br />

Executive Council<br />

Executive Council<br />

NEIIU, Shillong NEHU, Shillcng.

LIST OF MijKBEKS ATT'JBNDING THE <strong>84</strong>TH MEETING<br />

OF THE EX<strong>EC</strong>UTIVE COUNCIL HELD ON 8. 12. 94.<br />

1. Prof. B. Pakem,<br />

Vice-Chancellor,<br />

North-East ern Hill University.<br />

2. Prof. R.Lalthantluang&,<br />

Pro-Vice-Ch anc el 1 o r,<br />

NEHU,Mizoram Campus,Aizawl.<br />

3. Prof. N.Hasan.<br />

4. Prof. J. C. Binwal.<br />

5. Prof. ii. 0. Sinha.<br />

6. Pi of. it. S. Trip at hi.<br />

7. Dr. xi.P. Sharma.<br />

8. Shri ii% J.Mawlong,<br />

Registrar,<br />

Norths Eastern Hill University.<br />


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