National Liberation Movements and the Question of Socialism ...

National Liberation Movements and the Question of Socialism ... National Liberation Movements and the Question of Socialism ...


Bibliography Debray, Regis, Revolution in the Revolution?, (New York, Monthly Review Press)--, 1967. Democratic Revolutionary Front, El Salvador, "Platform for the Democratic Revolutionary Government", (San Francisco, Casa El Salvador "Farabundo Marti"), N. D. Fanon, Frantz, The Wretched of the Earth, (New York, Grove PresSl": 1966. ---- Lenin, V., "The Revolutionary Proletariat and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination", Selected W o r k s , Vo 1 . V , ( N ew Y o r k , I n t e r n a t i o n a 1 Pub 1 i s hers , 1943)' pp. 267-281. Marcuse, Herbert, One Dimensional Man, (Boston, Berlon Press), 1964.- - Marx, Karl, The 18th Brumaire of Loui~_ Bonaparte, (New York, International Publishers), ~J.D. NACLA, "El Salvador 1984", Vol. XVIII, No. 2, March/ Apri 1 1 984. Nehru, Jawaharla, Autobiography, (London, The Bodley Mead), 1949. Rubinstein, Annette, The Great Tradition in English Literature from Shakes eare to Shaw,-rNew York, Monthly Review Press , 1969.---- Stalin, Joseph, Marxism and the National Question, (New York, International Publishers), 1942. 30

Bibliography<br />

Debray, Regis, Revolution in <strong>the</strong> Revolution?, (New York,<br />

Monthly Review Press)--, 1967.<br />

Democratic Revolutionary Front, El Salvador, "Platform<br />

for <strong>the</strong> Democratic Revolutionary Government", (San<br />

Francisco, Casa El Salvador "Farabundo Marti"),<br />

N. D.<br />

Fanon, Frantz, The Wretched <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Earth, (New York,<br />

Grove PresSl": 1966. ----<br />

Lenin, V., "The Revolutionary Proletariat <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Right <strong>of</strong> Nations to Self-Determination", Selected<br />

W o r k s , Vo 1 . V , ( N ew Y o r k , I n t e r n a t i o n a 1 Pub 1 i s hers ,<br />

1943)' pp. 267-281.<br />

Marcuse, Herbert, One Dimensional Man, (Boston, Berlon<br />

Press), 1964.- -<br />

Marx, Karl, The 18th Brumaire <strong>of</strong> Loui~_ Bonaparte, (New<br />

York, International Publishers), ~J.D.<br />

NACLA, "El Salvador 1984", Vol. XVIII, No. 2, March/<br />

Apri 1 1 984.<br />

Nehru, Jawaharla, Autobiography, (London, The Bodley<br />

Mead), 1949.<br />

Rubinstein, Annette, The Great Tradition in English<br />

Literature from Shakes eare to Shaw,-rNew York,<br />

Monthly Review Press , 1969.----<br />

Stalin, Joseph, Marxism <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Question</strong>,<br />

(New York, International Publishers), 1942.<br />


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