Volume 6, No. 2, June, 1918

Volume 6, No. 2, June, 1918

Volume 6, No. 2, June, 1918


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The Internationalist Page thirty-three<br />

Co-operation the World Over<br />

<strong>No</strong>tes About the Chief Co-operatives Gleaned from Many Sources<br />



The imminence of the social and political revolution in Germany is<br />

evident to the discerning in the great growth and present power of the<br />

German Co-operative movement with its program of industrial democracy.<br />

A recently received report by the Co-operative League of America, 2<br />

West 13th st.. New York City, from the Co-operative Distributive, Building<br />

and Savings Society, "Produktion" of Hamburg, Germany, shows<br />

that it has 7,000 members, a share capital of over $442,500, an increase<br />

over last year of $37,500. The retail turnover totals about<br />

$3,011,600, an increase of $1,229,500.<br />



A grocer's paper of San Francisco recently published an article expressing<br />

great alarm at the growth of co-operation. The article is<br />

financial assistance. There has already been pledged in subscriptions<br />

over one rnliioa dollars for the eslaHislment of co-operative stores,<br />

and for propaganda educational activities. Thirty stores have been<br />

organized which are to cany all classes of merchandise to be supr Led<br />

to members at prices which will eliminate middle profits.<br />

"The aim of the promoters is to place stores in every county in<br />

<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota, and then to branch out beyond the state and cover as<br />

wide a territory as possible. As m*my stores as are necessary to supply<br />

the patrons will be established in each community, with all their requirements."<br />

The article continues:<br />

"The scheme of organization provides that no store shall be founded<br />

with a lesser membership than 200. The average is actually 300.<br />

The agreement signed by those who acept membership sets forth<br />

very clearly how the company proposes to operate. On the basis of<br />

that agreement, a purchaser of a membership certificate pays $100 to<br />

the company. The first $ 1 0,000 so subscribed goes to the establishment<br />

of a store. The balance may be use':! by the said company, either<br />

to establish and maintain a central buying agency, or wholesale establishment,<br />

or to carry on educational work or propaganda along all<br />

lines deemed by the board of directors of the Consumers' United Stores<br />

Corporation to be in the interest of or beneficial to farmers, and for the<br />

assistance of farmers'" organizations, such as relate to the economic, educational<br />

or political interests of the farmers, or both.<br />

"Through the organization of this string of stores the <strong>No</strong>npartisan<br />

League leaders are hopeful of dominating the retail business of the states<br />

in which they operate. Following the stores comes the organizing of<br />

banks. A beginning already is evidenced by the success of the League<br />

m obtaining control of one bank in Fargo and another in Grand Forks.<br />

The article gives further details of the plan of organization and states<br />

that within the year officers of the Consumers' League expect to have<br />

75 stores in operation. Space is also given in the paper to a brief<br />

outline of the tremendous strength -of co-operative institutions m European<br />

countries and states that the war, so far from weakening them,<br />

has actually .added to their strength and growth.<br />

In summing up its conception of co-operation as a present menace<br />

to private retail business, the Advocate states that "a number of leading<br />

business men have already suggested that the retailers should also combine<br />

and operate their own buying and selling agencies, in this manner<br />

achieving the position of being able to successfully compete with the<br />

co-operative<br />

stores."<br />

This article is truly a fine, free statement of how the retailers actually<br />

fear co-operation when once it is firmly and efficiently established. The<br />

retailers know full well that at this time when the people are being<br />

taught to eliminate waste and unnecessary expense in the handling of<br />

goods from factory to consumer the private retailer is doomed to ultimate<br />

extinction. Co-operative distribution is right in the spirit of the<br />

times and now is the right moment for its active promotion. The<br />

louder the cry of the retail grocer's publication, the surer we may be<br />

that we are on the right way.<br />

—R. P. BRUBAKER. in "Pacific Co-operator."<br />


In Japan there are 5,000 co-operative societies, 2,000 of which are<br />

credit unions. These societies have a membership of over half a million.<br />

This represents a really remarkable movement toward Japanese<br />

economic emancipation, inasmuch as in 1900 there were but 17 societies.<br />

It is quite evident to students of social problems that our local communities<br />

are not going to become completely democratic until the<br />

members of the community have learned how to co-operate and have let<br />

their knowledge form a habit. But to the co-operator it is clear that<br />

this amount of co-operation is not going to be brought about until the<br />

members of the community have learned to work together in their own<br />

and their mutual interest, with the comfortable assurance that not one<br />

of them is making profit out of any of the others. Until the community<br />

has this comfortable assurance, it is certain to divide itself up<br />

into groups of suspicious people, who would let their prejudice rise<br />

above their reason and make impossible a democratic handling of local<br />

problems of interest to the whole community.<br />

The system of voluntary economic co-operation, illustrated by the<br />

co-operative store society, is well calculated to increase the spirit of<br />

co-operation in the community. It must not be forgotten, however, that<br />

the co-operative store is but a beginning in community co-operation,<br />

although it is fundamental. It would be highly valuable in itself even<br />

though it did not lead to other related forms of co-operation since it<br />

has the power to regulate prices throughout the whole community, and,<br />

in a large measure, to raise the quality of merchandise sold not only in<br />

th e co-operative stores but in all other stores. But the co-operative<br />

store must grow and become more and more a department store, supplying<br />

most of the needs of its members; and as it becomes the economic<br />

center it will also evolve into the social center for its members,<br />

who are ever becoming a larger proportion of the community. Cooperative<br />

entertainments—including lectures, plays, moving pictures,<br />

library, games, and competitions, picnics and outings, serve to bring<br />

the members nearer together and make their lives haDDier and more<br />

worth while.<br />

Every co-operative economic enterprise can give still other benefits<br />

to its members. Co-operative insurance is thoroughly practicable; a cooperative<br />

bank and loaning institution will be found highly beneficial in<br />

many ways; and co-operative housing will be a natural extension of<br />

the service of the store. Perhaps even before these things come about<br />

a co-operative flour mill and bakery will have proved a big saving.<br />

Of course, many co-operative extensions will have to wait on the<br />

organization by co-operative stores of their big central wholesale, since<br />

it is probable that the wholesale will prove the most satisfactory imeans<br />

here, as it has abroad, of carrying on co-operative insurance, banking<br />

and manufacture.<br />

But there is no reason why any community convinced of the value<br />

of economic co-operation should not extend the field of its working<br />

together almost unhmitedly ; and where this community is so fortunate<br />

as to possess a newspaper which will aid them in this work, the possibilities<br />

of developing a useful, intelligent and happy citizenship are<br />

sufficient to enthuse every lover of socia' progress.<br />

—SCOTT H. PERKY, Secretary Co-operative League of America.<br />


In Oklahoma there are at the present time over one hundred thriving<br />

co-operative organizations and that many new associations are either<br />

in process of formation or are just opening business. Co-operative<br />

stores are being organized at El Reno and Oklahoma City. At Chickasha<br />

and Shawnee co-operatives are running particularly successfully and<br />

and doing much to lower the cost of living. The Chickasha store is<br />

paying four percent a month on purchases.<br />

Postpaid<br />

Mailed in plain<br />

wrapper<br />

AMERICAN PUB. CO., 363<br />

SEXUAL<br />





What every young man and<br />

Every young woman should know<br />

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Clolh binding—320 pages—many iDnslratioiis<br />

Table of eontente, & commendations, on request.<br />

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