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■* VOLUME XV.<br />


DRIFTS<br />





I<br />






I<br />



TIKI TWO.<br />


b ( barged With t omplicit) in Cpt-<br />

tinir Railway I•»"«* '" *****<br />

La>t December.<br />

HAVANA. April T.-C'ol. Hipolite<br />

Villa, brother uf Francisco Villa<br />

April third at the<br />

an minister, ami<br />

held pcftdim iditfon : litigs,<br />

~ed.<br />

Th- : tne<br />

United States had faih | tip produce<br />

evidence warrantii. ulition.<br />

> indictment in T<br />

inp CO i i catting of a ral-<br />

line near El Paso last<br />

and tine to hamper the move-<br />

ment I UiUl ':-'".'- ti '<br />

American territory* arliih .t. t »<br />

is in Mcx:.<br />




BK ST, Tex.. April 7—H. D.<br />

lence in<br />

■.,-,. K : ' ' "don<br />

iey wherein he and Roy and Elr<br />

of Roll Arthur *are<br />

chai- i counterfeit^ -<br />

jury, wj 8 men<br />

whom<br />

Ilig Ua* Bag Certain* <br />

#*<br />


TO KXPlia: MM<br />

■<br />

MOM II<br />

AUSTIN, ' r U "<br />

:t of<br />

n th.<br />

early part of M»<br />

;.ng to annooncement from<br />

th««<br />

ord< in I<br />

issuinc : ' il *' th '<br />

k. 1 to fil<br />

and mail their applical<br />

mediat<br />



Is One if O. ntral Mi^i«»nan fttnaae-<br />

!i>t^ lor Texas |iapli>t<br />

i (»menti'>' < >'>'P'* » recent •" from the Teaaa enj<br />

preme court that (be prefereatiaJ prea-<br />

HHlsboro, April : -Whether arc<br />

atate th<br />



HBatifAHa<br />

LONDON.<br />

April 7—Paris reports<br />

that the French now occupy a<br />

front of thr»e hundred yards near the<br />

villap- of Haucourt.<br />

The Fernch are]<br />

progressing in the German communi- \<br />

eating trenches southwest of<br />

Douaumont<br />

Fort j<br />

The thawing of the marshes prevents<br />

troop movements on the Hvina,<br />

south of Dvinsk. The German artillery<br />

opened violent fire near Vidzy and<br />

near Parocz lake.<br />

In the Caucasus campaign the Russians<br />

are continuing their progress<br />

along the Cpper Tchoruk, Turkish Armenia,<br />

the Turks in that section being<br />

driven westward. The Ottoman<br />

troops are attempting attacks on the<br />

Russjan positions east of Trezibond<br />

but without results.<br />

German army headquarters announced<br />

the capture from the Brit-<br />

ish of mine crater positions south of'<br />

St. Elol, near Ypres. The positions<br />

$20, but did not touch $2000 in gold | were deserted by the Canadian troopa.<br />

or $1000 in silver. Copenhagen reports the capture hy<br />

• d.-nt primary<br />

fntional.<br />

election was unconsti-<br />

man torprd » boat of the Sw.<br />

...■ ITega ftom Stockholm for<br />

, ttah ^>venimenl<br />

la demanding the Immediate rv<br />

f the i II><br />

tatea that British war-<br />

|*the ' l steamers<br />

Hakru. H«ra an! Oiof. witli cargoes<br />

1<br />

of berrtnna for Germany. The car-<br />

[go Hi valued at a million po^nd^. The<br />

lish herring ships will sail within<br />

territorial waters in the future.<br />



Cavalry on American AnimaN Perform<br />

Prodlgiou* Keats at<br />

lofty Attitade.<br />

At the Front in Mexico, General<br />

Pershing's Camp. April 3, by aeroplane<br />

and motor car courier to Columher,<br />

N. M., April 7.—A cavalry officer<br />

coming in from an 80-mlte ride laat<br />

night said:<br />

I never saw a country where men<br />

could ride without sleep and still keep<br />

as well as in the mountains.<br />

The officer had ridden on a scout<br />

with the 2r»0 picked men of the cav-<br />

alry.<br />

"It seems to be the air at the altitude<br />

of 7580 to 10,000 feet that keeps<br />

the men up," he added<br />

has!<br />

Th.y are fit for a charge right now.<br />

Villa's trail an 1 we<br />

will gel bim. sur.<br />

Tiie wonder f t: rymen now<br />

hinc the mountains is a Texas<br />

cowboy scout, who rides with the<br />

troopers in tlo at i old altitudes clad in<br />

what th- hi a cotton shirt<br />

so thin ( i a newepaper<br />

igh it."<br />

Engineers Endeavor<br />

to Reduce Hazards of<br />

Many Grade Crossings<br />

DALLAS. April 7.—A report and<br />

recommendation for the solution of<br />

the grade crossing problem in Dallas<br />

was expected to be endorsed here today<br />

at a meeting of the chief engineers<br />

of the railroad entering Dallas.<br />

A report by John Kind Iry Wallace,<br />

a traffic expert of Detroit. Mich., made<br />

to the city some time bgt recommended<br />

the use of either a viaduct or beltline<br />

plan to eliminate grade crossings.<br />

The engineers will decide at this<br />

meeting, it waa expected, which of<br />

these would be the most practical<br />

and acceptable to the railroads, who<br />

will then notify the city government.<br />



AUSTIN, April 7—A meeting of the<br />

tion is being held here today called hy<br />

Teana Hardware and Jobbers Associa-<br />

A. C, Goeth, of Auatin, president. The<br />

session will continue tomorrow. Dis<br />

cussion of the trade will be the prin<br />

ThTtrc^pcrarinThecourae of fhelr|cl|ml husinea. on the program.<br />

( I o| |>> OK *K \V\ \M^ \M><br />


• U I:M\> S V\V INTO nt.iir<br />

:<br />

3<br />

t the remount<br />

denartmei the Brit><br />

public<br />

W. H. Merrett, treasurer<br />

of the Canad ation fund.<br />

9 Fredei k. wh held many<br />

:rtant commaa ma:<br />

I am more and more convinced of<br />

the vast i:n<br />

8 o: training a<br />

tors.<br />

• e action * of thia war<br />

n the air. When the Ger-<br />

man navy shows itself, it will be accompanied<br />

by • I seaplanes and<br />



internal Roenue Collector Orders Inte*ti*ation<br />

of Vaay<br />

Person*.<br />

Al'STIN. April 7—Instructions have<br />

led by Ju.i- A B Walker.<br />

tor of internal revenues for Texu<br />

t | a}] at the state<br />

to ran investigation of all- persons<br />

\\h) have failed to render the income<br />

tax, and others whose reports have<br />

not been satisfactory<br />

These inaiructions followed a conference<br />

held here by Collector Walder<br />

and his deputies. It is claimed<br />

there are a large number of pers ms<br />

in Taxas who are evading the income<br />

tax, and some of these may be summoned<br />

to Austin and may be required<br />

to produce their books and accounts<br />

and upo failure to do so, proceedings<br />

may be instuted in the federal court.<br />



CHICAGO, April 7— Senator Warren<br />

G. Harding of Ohio was sel»<br />

temporary chairman of the Republican<br />

national convention by the eubcommittee<br />

on arrangements today.<br />

>0 ACTION TAKE*<br />


WASHINGTON. April 7—The President<br />

and hia Cabinet conferred today<br />

on the aubmarine sltnation without<br />

result. The adminiatratidn ia waiting<br />

for Germany'a answer to inqnirea.<br />

I<br />



I<br />

I<br />


o The Wedding Ring<br />

if the most beautiful of all jewels. Beautiful in its significance to the Y<br />

world. Elegant in its simplicity of design, Pure in its Quality of ma- •{•<br />

terial. We make "individual" Wedding Rings. Wedding Rings made X<br />

to YOUR order in our own shop on short notice. X<br />

Armstrong Jewelry CompV<br />


•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^<br />

THE DAILY BULLETIN f 11 *^^^^^^<br />

*** »*«**** vvuuuiui „!, . { \\ tli** 22-cent gasoline m his<br />

HAYES PRINTING CO., PROPS daddv\s Storage tank. Not many<br />

Member Associated Press could hit a target as b|g as |<br />

mountain, hnt must of them can<br />

hit the -coke" CHKt ami the cigarette *•" M " !<br />

'and the bonze And whv should<br />

Published every afternoon except; they care whether they can ride<br />

Saturday, and Sunday morning.<br />

Office of Publication, Bulletin Buildin*.<br />

Corner Brown and Lee Streets.<br />

Entered at the postoffice at Brownwood,<br />

Texas, as Second Class<br />

mail matter.<br />

H. F. Mayes Business Manager<br />

Ja*. C White '... Editor<br />

B. W. Poole Advertising Mgr.<br />

W. E. Cox Circulation Mgr.<br />

and shoot ami walk .' The gooi]<br />

old l*. S. A, can lick the universe<br />

without an army or a navy or anything:<br />

remember Bunker Hill and<br />

San Juan Hill and Col umber, \.<br />

.M.<br />


The Imperial German Chancellor,<br />

l>r. Von liethmann-IIollwee;,<br />

speaking in the Reiehatag Wednea-<br />

tlav. declared that Germany *■<br />

Any erroneous reflection upon the fight ls for Germany a existence,<br />

©haracter, standing or reputaUon of! . )lu } T } mt there is no thought ol<br />

any persons, firm or corporation! IIIll|lu , st D f m . w territory, either<br />

which may appear in the columns ofl dttrin g or afh>r thl , wal , *<br />

the Daily Bulletin will be gladly cor-j<br />

/acted upon its being brought to the<br />

attention of the publishers.<br />

FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1JU6.<br />

"We fight for our existence and<br />

for ur future," said the Chancellor.<br />

"F is the silliest of «• 11 ;IHwhich<br />

child labor has been em- pututioirs ;tLT.1111sT us. Kuiiti<br />

Senate hill turns s provision|what« • r."<br />

around. s.» to »peak, and prohih ts After revieWil of<br />

tin- inter- - the ifar during the past :'•<br />

Which had been manufactured 'ninths, and Dg to He<br />

wholly or -.1 part by child Uh«»r.'ure of the Dardanelles camp 2<br />

This chang » rding 1 < German -<br />

membera of the Senate committeei ;uul the British failnre t.» rel<br />

iDorder to reduce the haaarxl 't* Knt«Kt-A«ara. the CTianeerior<br />

having tiie entire aci declare*! uneonatitntional.<br />

the packers are controlling 111»•<br />

situation, Jt is to bo hoped thai<br />

Cbngresa will investigate the situ-<br />

;iti at- •<br />

tend the Fair every vcar.<br />

With the powerful Dallas newspapers<br />

fighting him day in and<br />

day out. Mayor Limlsley of Dallas<br />

won his campaign for charter<br />

amendments and bond issues. I-<br />

the power of the pn-NS waning,<br />

Of is thond its size, [r will greatly<br />

minimize the chance of any popular<br />

uprising in favor of the Villistas<br />

which might have occurred if th*<br />

American force had been checked<br />

Majority for Wilson.<br />

The Swashbuckler of Oyster Baj<br />

ma\ outdo his friend. Owen Wist*»r, in<br />

fishwifely denunciations of the president,<br />

but tl. . majourity of the<br />

people of thf I'nifed States who neither<br />

thirst fn nor cringe in the<br />

that the assertion of national<br />

rights may have to be followed by<br />

their defense, are of The same mind<br />

as the Massachusetts Democrat*, who<br />

in Their convention resolutions declare<br />

th.it "in this hotir of naTional peril<br />

we need his President Wilson's* cool<br />

and self-poised mind, his earnest and<br />

lofty patrioTism. his wise and discriminaTing<br />

judgement, to safeguard<br />

interests and uphold the honor<br />

and dignitv of our common country."<br />

—Oleburne Review.<br />

l.ookinir f>ut for the Fotnre.<br />

People read wiTh murh concern and<br />

TOne of th* nlre«t wayi to proclaim th«<br />

B^A*on IK to uppear In a new lounging distress last week of the terrible ravrobe<br />

The one pictured may be made ages by fire in several cities of Texas<br />

of crepe de chin*, floured challla, gay<br />

and other States, and stand appalled at<br />

fcularrl or pretty rntton crape. The<br />

Pleeves. n*rk Itn* nnd fronta are simply the millions of dollars in property<br />

raced with riT.u,n harmonizing with | swept awav within a few hours bv the<br />

-ver material ls used, and an em- i* ,, .,<br />

rir*> hn.-k la arhl.veil down a graceful<br />

r,erce » a mea. Homes built in The joy<br />

by a wi.1*. flat bow of the ribbon of pruip and lov . and fitted out per-<br />

TMn \9 a model fr-r the woman<br />

make* h*r own h*>u«e clothea]<br />

wh0 ■ Ml of saving and i»lannins.<br />

• KBie In a few ash heaps and<br />

• • famili- pitifully hornbul<br />

Th.U Tie !.• '' \ hen w ler this we ar con-<br />

Well, would it le nat T.lined to think how poi and<br />

' against the elements.<br />

• I of no avail is his hoarded Tr<br />

H.li-<br />

r y man should provide com-<br />

Th> senat' • I Dg 1 tor those dep u vnt upon him<br />

protect ion and Fove, and<br />

en wunian g|loal4 ha\e the ir,<br />

ry needful to < | why<br />

•. this awful hurry, rosfe « _ and<br />

striving after riches"' Nirthing n.<br />

for happ:r ;J V -<br />

B| —Hamilton Record.<br />

T - r tin !.(<br />

l*r»m.otinir (MNH! ti»iernmenl.<br />

w< il I .• riiiau> 's ability to i»on ■nd the clj;lf moral re* ^ ft toady market Therv i.« a< • • aetner and i r, thus around no hat<br />

a m* rn'ier of<br />

state againct the employment of which enable ua t«» lower pur of connerrntton pa ' thr-Mmh.»-it •<br />

inMirinR the Fort Worth market irtv :, e employ-d. That<br />

children in the mines!standard 6i life, which h;i^ riaen conntry. Tio- tenrcky of eertnia<br />

;<br />

ami other |»l,. k. and remarkably during the paat tie - « account of the vir i« IUI<br />

a the p aen<br />

w.uihl make mqch eaaier tin- ta>k ca1 who belo^« s to the other party.<br />

ically and cold-hloodedly and without .<br />

organization were tremendous. And , S °" le oth,r chl,rr " or ^dge or race<br />

premeditation. About the only time after the Association was organized 8train - ma - r b * the v^y best man for<br />

a man really g. ts mad at a fly is after |u (i.,. :nr>i , that „ Wou!(, pr ' ove on „ the job. But before one gets this busi<br />

ton late to do any goojl: after he , ()f the bjggpst an<br />

worry about a fly in the coffee and<br />

and to grow— Corturana Sun.<br />

were really puzzled whether to take<br />

The Marketing Association will<br />

him out or ask the restaurant girl to<br />

come a powerful factor in the progremove<br />

Jiim. It was a point of »tiress<br />

of Corsteana and Navarro coun- !<br />

quette on which we had never had a<br />

ty. In this day of organization the !<br />

ruling. Still we don't mind them as<br />

producers are compelled to form mar<br />

victims of circumstances in that re<br />

, .. acting associations in order to protect<br />

spect but it makes us mad for them I ^<br />

their interests; and in doing this<br />

to assume that they have a friend at<br />

they protect the interests of the con- \<br />

this station.—Temple Telegram<br />

It develops now that the report of<br />

Villa being wounded in the skirmish<br />

with Colonel Dodd's detachment was<br />

ed resolutions declaring that the j grossly exaggerated. Instead of being<br />

[wickers arbitrarily fix the prices! badly dipplid as the dispatches blpaid<br />

to the producers, and thr niirli forrae( j M and fleeing for his life in<br />

the medium of their or^ani/.ati »n a tumbled down carriage, the wily<br />

control the [trice paid hy the con bandit chieftain, according to late rosiimer.<br />

'The Hi* Four" is men-j 1(ortH iH in tne plnk of ronditit , n anri<br />

tinned hv every cattleman who .'..stride an Arabian charger leading the<br />

invading forces a merry cbane. Wonder<br />

who sent out the report any • if<br />

ficnison H» ral 1.<br />

\N'hctlier ;istride an Arabian ch;i<br />

rii*c 4 uaaea the matter, and it is<br />

charged that this "Hiu r Four"<br />

pays identteally tin- aante price<br />

\'v )uv\' thronfrhoui the eonntry.<br />

freqnently splitting aalea and Ji<br />

\idinir them among the \nri-u<br />

coiiip;inics Whether these ehar^es<br />

be true >v nric.- nnnmensurate with<br />

or .it the steering wheel of I tin-<br />

Hcniy. Villa seems abl»> to keep in the<br />

lead. |nd the reputation of the news<br />

gathering agency win ba at stake when<br />

I tlOff of his capture is finally s.nt<br />

In.<br />

Ueuhl It He Natural!<br />

Some one remarks that the senatorial<br />

pot has been simmerine, too<br />

1 l.e««on of the War.<br />

The nations in throat-splitting have<br />

made an interesting discovery—that<br />

eten if human life isn't of great value<br />

in time of war it is of incalculable<br />

value in time of peace. Oovernments<br />

have been told for years beyond computing<br />

that poverty.-disease, prostitution,<br />

low standards of living, illiterl<br />

\ crushing industrial systems and<br />

aaaatr hy guaranteeing a stand.ird<br />

K Inhuman industrial practices destroy-<br />

:.dl_": produc. „, s,„„e, hi n K ,iK, a „„ , he ^ „ J*^ BJT^L<br />



The Bulletin will accept political<br />

announcements for publication daily •<br />

in this column until the July primaries,<br />

at the following rates: For<br />

District offices, |10.00»for County offices,<br />

$7.50; for Precinct offices, $5.<br />

No announcements will be accepted<br />

w anyone unless accompanied by<br />

cash payment in full.<br />

For District Jud*e.<br />

District:<br />

35th Judicial<br />

J. O. WOODWARD, of Coleman<br />


(Re-election)<br />

For County Judge:<br />



For Sheriff:<br />

HUGH N. DAVIS.<br />

(re-election)<br />


For County Superintendent of Public<br />

Instruction:<br />

H. A. M'LKSKEY.<br />

MRS. E. L. WALKER.<br />

(Re-election)<br />

For Tax Assessor:<br />

8. E. STARK.<br />

' OTI3 M. BRACK<br />


W. L. KAY.<br />

J. H. SANDERSON'<br />


R. C GOTCHER.<br />

For County Treasurer:<br />

J. R. LEWIS.<br />

(Re-election)<br />

For Justice Peace, Precinct 1-<br />

G. B. CROSS, (re-election)<br />

J A. SKIXNER.<br />


* J. W. RAGSDALE %<br />

Optometrist J.<br />

t Eyes Tested. Glasses Fitted *<br />

f *•*'■ + < arry fa. J<br />

DR. J\0. w. SMDER J<br />


Brownwood Xat'l. Bank B'd?<br />

Room 403 p BOBe |;2<br />

4-<br />

*<br />

4<br />

t**t»* * + * + + + * + *<br />

4-<br />

DR. G. T. mmm<br />

I<br />


Room 202 Second Floor 4*<br />

Brownwood >nTX Bank BH*. 4.<br />

Phoae IK +<br />

Brownwood Texas 4*<br />

J + 4- + + + +T^r^-^^<br />

+ DR. a. w. jnH\so> I<br />

J DENTIST .j.<br />

J 1 Blown wood NatI Bank B'dg. 4-<br />

4* Phone 190 X<br />

"^ X<br />

+ + + -I-4-4-4.4.4- + 4.4-4.4!<br />

i**s.*.* *+*++++*<br />

J DR. F. J. HOI F\[>KK<br />

J Graduate Veterinarian<br />

Diseases of all Domestic<br />

# Animals Treated<br />

V PHONE 23<br />

tl* Hest Broadway<br />

standard price.<br />

J »M-n tha wgy of Governments to ig- f + + 4- + + 4- + + + 4.4.4.^<br />

nore this fact. They have made out i v Ride Wltn 4.<br />

goof! ease for the proposition that 4- UHRsWNI TRWSF1R fO. 4.<br />


every man owed a duty to the State. 4* Carriages any hour. Day or 4»<br />

They have not been so ready to ad-<br />

4» Night. Rain or Shine. Price*. A<br />

•$• Reasonable. Phone 25. •{•<br />

mit that the State owed health, hap-<br />

The Flirht at foterrcro.<br />

4* "He >e?er Miss a Trala- •{•<br />

•uness and a decent schooling to everv<br />

The first clash between tie Ameri-<br />

4*4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4--f»4*4-4-<br />

nan There are a num>er of things<br />

can troops and Vi.ia's murd r.rs has which letray a rhant-e of heart in<br />

4-4-4-4-4-4*4-4- + 4- + 4-4*4-<br />

taken place with the result that the K'urope Instead of discharging the 4- —SEE— 4*<br />

bandits ware scattered after a run- "nvalid loldler and 1 fin-: him f.r" 1<br />

♦ BELL PE>T\L CO. -J.<br />

Blna fight (,f fivM l,ours. in whih *

mm<br />

■<br />

T^s'^>iyMw^^i^^^^P!m&-^^^S^<br />

■<br />


nsrfiM nun n SIBMA.<br />


KlITH-HALL (0/S<br />


A ago a traveling man<br />

from w !io:n wo buy enameled ware<br />

he l»«i(l an unusual bargain<br />

i-; 1 1 :. Us samples and pri'e proved<br />

hia claim. The goods arrived this<br />

\v«(k and show' up as good as his<br />

sample. The article Is a white enameled<br />

b..wi and pitcher with a very<br />

arrow blue line around the ♦<br />

We bought just two dozen sets—they<br />

are not first quality, but *((iuls—<br />

WASHINGTON. April 7.—A graphic but most buyers would not know they<br />

account of the wreck of the British weir not lirsts if we did not -tell<br />

channel snam< • \. with the as- them. Just for advertising purp<br />

sertion that th< was I d we put them on our list of leaders i«"<br />

deliberately and without warning by only $1.90.<br />

an ■ marine, is contained in : bow] and pitcher;<br />

> Rear Admiral tirassei I ality, we have at bui regular<br />

emba-<br />

Tli-<br />

ge:<br />

lo ulng<br />

t »\ .<br />

-<br />

cou.<br />

"It Is ' edita-<br />

tn an . ant<br />

. ! out v<br />

nine;.<br />

"One las: up still mu<br />

^ r<br />

. si as. A toa) v.<br />

P. m. tothe<br />

nounce tl.<br />

red at i tip ..t I i 15 i>. m..<br />

.<br />

-<br />

w bite •<br />

be \ v and are pat up so that<br />

>Ved from {).■■ Wall<br />

B methingj<br />

• . •<br />

in tli<br />

:its.<br />


IT .;'. . • :.• i<br />

• t I • •<br />

• 4i'< r hai<br />

* 1<br />

plaw line We We hai<br />

'.in. - - i>ne<br />

• we 6|<br />

buy<br />

ror -<br />

g • sr<br />

o boat<br />

B mom.<br />

ment, at rrived<br />

rand i .<br />

of her. This<br />

\ S<br />

"Judging<br />

tie boat the Oxir pi<br />

almost .i th»><br />

Sussex that tli.<br />

\ - ime<br />

must have remained In<br />

d Of t!<br />

pedo any sb<br />

a."<br />


in U ha-n't tii:<br />

hum<br />

■<br />



T<br />

*%:<br />

• -r OA<br />

K ' \ CO*2P QKATTK/ri<br />

*H»5E* - * ■<br />


, ■<br />

the name >e. vfter leawrK tn#<br />

f . i •«« were ■ r • era at \>r.i t'mz I an<<br />

Ihi . > bus. At official !• a difficulty of loading in darkruiis wmm resp«>n-<br />

F .•••..' • • ' f ordranc*.<br />

■:''« fcati-factorjr machine rifle ha*<br />


VtenU M.oliOi SyHrsi »| Man^htrr<br />

ii'Mi^e* in r*w^N H'bere >!»i»t<br />

f^ Trroiind i«»r M^rkit.<br />

V ST1V \<br />

-<br />

as fly bti<br />

S*nil<br />

ticn<br />

iving to the<br />

'<br />

• I •<br />

: 111 • -<br />

- •<br />

th< h .'ions<br />

ncnt of<br />

V. V -.neer.<br />

-<br />

«; local conabbatoir<br />

one of the most<br />


You Will<br />

Enjoy the<br />


BRAND<br />

Canned<br />

FRUITS<br />

AND<br />


Especially selected<br />

from California's<br />

Orchards and Farms<br />

ffonci<br />

To ilitsf Owlftg lh!ini(Uent<br />

Thi<br />

i\t 7<br />

F) r IS<br />

-<br />

it once may<br />

: \Y ,v HARRELL.<br />

\U>I IK\ V>N 111<br />

nni.\M/n> ro r.i r<br />

M » sTVTt A. A M.<br />

TWATEH, Tl x.. April 7—At a<br />

:ent for the es-<br />

_•: [cultural and<br />

♦ ge in western Texas<br />

her this mow-<br />

.anent organization t<br />

A, & -M.<br />

- hst<br />

Texas fanner.<br />

The legal phase of the question<br />

D up an! it was said that a n - v<br />

school can b*» established under ev -'-<br />

ing laws, which would not be a br<br />

■I A. & ML Co.<br />

' T<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

' ■ :■ .<br />

the Stat<br />

;<br />

■<br />

F<br />

• '<br />

•<br />

n in<br />

n r sb'<br />

ind d< - . le ! in -horn.<br />

\<br />

\ld»at»ir«. \re Kaw»rrd.<br />

! .:.iv.<br />

■ ' • 9<br />

I an 1 most 6 itures 1« ith<br />

b t!i»* 9 a\«' h i I<br />

to deal.<br />

V '.auKhtfr bo<br />

are ! ited slmosl even < '•"■<br />

r »\\:. - • : • •<br />

Sy t] :\ ■<br />

'<br />

i that t. 1 ><br />

: the by-prod icti<br />

< »'f In tike ;<br />

ithorii<br />

M would do the killing in only one<br />

it actual c>st- and anti antl<br />

fpin Ini Bfl of the n<br />

Id be made. T l<br />

* would then<br />

ed until the body heat left the<br />

in the re-<br />

... ... , •<br />

parti.- \mr%<br />

mddrua<br />

C.A.BAIRtK<br />

Tmv. I'OM*. At*.<br />

tllGunter Buildim^<br />



r<br />

*****<br />

f<br />

1<br />

7r TT^C^I^ %<br />

> *<br />

1<br />

e<br />

H\ISi: A I!0>Y<br />

.Jkk<br />

This fine SHETLAND STALLION will be for service during the<br />

month of April at the Creel & Creen Stable north of Courthouse.<br />

This Horse is very gentle, perfect in form and well gaitcd under<br />

saddle. ? 53<br />

%<br />

•■•..•<br />

Their retniisiion ha><br />

found<br />

an i<br />

!••< »1 < •m.< .in the<br />

msijor.ity of »n~ realised horns are<br />

quoted from $tS to •. made which is worth. SCCOrdlng<br />

• quotation! I $11 75 i« v r<br />

ton. A small Quantity of neat's foot<br />

0 1 is Si Bcttd, which is worth<br />

SbOUj 'f gallon.<br />

Purl* Plant ( ited.<br />

The State Sanitary Department has<br />

studied the proposition carefully and<br />

irawn a number of plans for<br />

plants of varying size. The abbatoir<br />

established at Pan - ago<br />

was the first municipal abbatoir of its<br />

kind in the country ami it has proven<br />

a success. There are several others<br />

contemplated at various portions<br />

of the State which have not yet been<br />

definitely determined, although the<br />

agitation is being made.<br />

In addition to the realization of<br />

something on the by-product which is<br />

■ for the moBt part lost by the numer-<br />

ieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, ' . 04<br />

leadache, sici stomach, and similar I OU8 8ma11 daughter houses, the State<br />

jymptoir^ ^^ | Department of Pure Foods end Drugs<br />

It has Vcen^ constant use for more , believes that the matter of sanitation<br />

han 70 vears, and has benefited more , and hca i t hfui conditions In and around<br />

Y"r m dro^?e11s and recommends 8UCh 8lau Jf ht u " mouses would be en-<br />

Jlack-Draught. Price only 25c. Oet a hanced. The Pure Food and Drug De-<br />

'; Bckage to-day. N. C U| partment has for some years been<br />

its.<br />

"All Bosh-<br />

Coffee Doesn't Hurt Me"<br />

says the cynic—but, we live and learn and at some time of<br />

life many coffee drinkers wake up to the fact that<br />

the drug, "caffeine," in coffee is "getting them."<br />

Headache, nervousness, biliousness, heart flutter,<br />

insomnia, etc., are often signs that coffee is getting in<br />

its work; and the growing knowledge of its true nature<br />

has led thousands of former coffee drinkers to<br />

turn to<br />


This famous food-drink tastes much like mild<br />

Java coffee, but is entirely free from caffeine and<br />

order harmful elements ever present in coffee. It is<br />

made of whole wheat and a small portion of wholesome<br />

molasses, and permits Nature, unhampered, to<br />

carry on her work of daily re-building brain, nerves<br />

and muscle.<br />

Postum comes in two forms: The original Postum<br />

Cereal must be boiled; Instant Postum requires no boiling<br />

—a level teaspoonful in a cup of hot water makes a<br />

delicious drink—instantly. Both forms are equally<br />

delicious and the cost per cup is about the same.<br />

'There's a Reason" lor POSTUM<br />

Sold by Grocers everywhere.<br />

,<br />



m<br />

•* ^»»'»»'»'»»»»»»i»»»####< 0*+0++&&&0*&000++0O0i0&04'4+0++G0i00n<br />

i<br />

Seaplanes Are Shot From<br />

Deck of Cruiser and Rise<br />

While Vessel Is Going<br />

at Full Speed.<br />


In ths Scientific American.<br />

EVEN the layman knows today<br />

j that air craft have materially<br />

altered the problems of military<br />

strategy. He knows that they<br />

have done this by reason of their ability<br />

to speed about aloft and to watch<br />

with measurable safety the movements<br />

of a foe and the distribution and kinds<br />

of forces at his command. In short,<br />

the aeroplane has |>ermitted spying<br />

from high In the air.<br />

Just what has tbu# been done for<br />

armies in the field will In the near future<br />

be done for battle fleets or squadrons.<br />

The naval air pilot will become<br />

an invaluable aid to an admiral In<br />

planning how best to meet his foe or<br />

how, if that be the wiser course, to<br />

avoid an engagement with the enemy's<br />

lighting ships. All of this may sound<br />

+J,<br />

JS$L<br />

* >^ •<br />

urt«s\ »f I • - tRtlfc American<br />


1(MR<br />

i OF Mill II<br />

Navy Department Expects to<br />

Maintain Air Craft With the<br />

Fleets .at All Times, Secretary<br />

Daniels Says.<br />

erected and Just ns rapidly dlsmnn<br />

tied and stored away. His first ap<br />

paratus was tested over three >e;irs<br />

ago af the Washington nary yard, and<br />

as an outcome of (hone promising ex<br />

periments a new machine was design<br />

ed and sent to the aeronautic station<br />

i ut Pensacola. Fl;i.<br />

There It was Installed at the start<br />

upon a coal barire atnl thoroughly tiled<br />

out. As I result of its success the<br />

4 apparatus vNpi WlPOred ane weather aa Its fellow In tbe military<br />

service, starting aloft from tbe<br />

aground. Otherwise Its nautical useful<br />

mem would In no way be comparable<br />

with that 00 splendidly discharged by<br />

air craft In tbe army. Tbe stumbling<br />

block has been very largely tbe sea<br />

plane's Inability to get a start from<br />

rough watera. Tbe sturdiest of them<br />

are able to land upon something of a<br />

troubled sea, but their pontoons do not<br />

permit them to gain sufficient speed<br />

under those circumstances to Insure<br />

tbe take-off for a flight Therefore,<br />

even though they might be put over-<br />

point Is suggestive biranaa tbe weight<br />

factor may be taken to represent either<br />

s«long range scout or a lighter seaplane<br />

Equipped with bomb dropping appa<br />

ratus.<br />

In principle the launching device consists<br />

fundamentally of a car propelled<br />

along a narrow gauge track. Tpon this<br />

ear rests theseaplnne. and the aircraft<br />

is secured to the vehlaO»ooooo06»ooo»»oong»aMe<br />

%<br />

i><br />


^j^Mm^M^M^-f^<br />

Mi itil<br />

mMM&m&ti<br />

4<br />

I<br />

Mexican Expedition Directed<br />

I * by Officers Who Earned Their<br />

Spurs in Irregular Fighting<br />

WASHINGTON, April 7. — Porfirio fantry. which formed the palace guard.<br />

[Diaz resigned the presidency of Mex-1 Tllere ^was<br />

a sharp fight. General<br />

lico May LY,. IHII. after ruling Mexico 'Reyes was killed at its beginning, and<br />

jwith a rod of iron and keeping an machine guns were turned loose on<br />

[autocratic peace for several genera- ,ne ro °f of tne palace, sweeping the<br />

tions. Since then there has been, crowded Zocalo. or main plaza, and<br />

'nought but turmoil, suffering, bloodshed,<br />

robbery and debauchery, in<br />

xn^i? of the fairest sections of the republic.<br />


the Avenida de San Francisco, which<br />

was thronged with people going to<br />

church. Diaz and his men were driven<br />

off after many of the cavalrymen<br />

Only-those who have followed the! na d been killed and on the plaza 610<br />

situation closely can name all the ■ noncombatants were killed, according<br />

revolutions anil counter-revolutions, to the official records of the police.<br />

chiefs and great bandits leaders<br />

who have arisen, fought and fallen in<br />

these Woody five years.<br />

Diaz and his men stormed the Cludad<<br />

la. or arsenal, about a mile from<br />

the national palace, and took it after<br />

efThe disorders had started short lv a fight lasting half an hour. There theJ<br />

before Diaz fell, in November. 1910. j found huge of arms and amv<br />

hen the well meaning Francisco I. munition ' ; ,vi>aretl for a >ieu»> I<br />

Madero, after.' as he thought, being day S and Monday tiny remain-<br />

^ated out of the presidential el. c- ed ru tly in the Ciudad.la while Mation,<br />

raised the standard of revolt in de in was gathering his forces to oust<br />

the north.<br />

them. The battle began in the city on<br />

He entered the capital a conqueror j the morning of Feb. 11 and continuon<br />

June I, 1911. and replaced Fran- ed until Feb. 18, with a daily cannon-<br />

I Leon de la Darra, who had au- ading and machine gun and rifle fir-<br />

' i.ntically become president when ing between the Ciudad'la and the<br />

Dial resigned. De la Barra had palace and many other places where<br />

minister of foreign affairs.<br />

the federals had planted batteries. In<br />

Diaz's peace had also been endan- the "Deeena Trasica," as the time of<br />

'eiSd by the banditry of the Zapatai'l-< battle is (ailed in Mexico, mon><br />

rothers. Emiliano and Eufemio. lead-! than<br />

4 - ,M, ° persons, mostly noocom-<br />

>rs of the peons of mountainous Moelos.<br />

southwest of the capital.<br />

The Zapatas cheered for Madero.<br />

afterward they fought him. they<br />

fought indeed with all the controllers<br />

of the capital, except for a short period<br />

of alliance with Villa.<br />

Trouble Multiply.<br />

When Madero ami Inaugurated<br />

president on Nov. 9. 1911. he believed<br />

ftn era of peace and prosperity was<br />

dawning. But trouMt s multiplied instead<br />

of diminishing<br />

On Jan. 'M. |*12, a new revolt of<br />

importance began With a attle in<br />

Ciudad Juarez, opposite Kl Paso, and<br />

a considerable number were killed on<br />

both sides. The next day Emilio I<br />

•mez, who had rtbelled acain>! Ma ntinues thro the urain *a~ ;<br />

summer<br />

ty-six minutes, however, for be Im-<br />

On Oct 13, : | n .- mediately appointed Victoriano tfuerta<br />

jjhew of the ieposed president,<br />

nimself at the head of a few hundred<br />

M his minister of for<<br />

then resigned, mak-.i.. ^^<br />

men and seiz-d V. r the chief<br />

seaport of Mexico. lu'ion TAMof<br />

short I a Oct. 2 MaderoV<br />

z «a\-<br />

ing white and crying "Viva Fells<br />

Diaz!" Then when Dial STM<br />

ing th» if th- m rs tbej Mad- Tnat<br />

pointed thei<br />

Haerta had u<br />

he had to surren : -in a reTOlt a-ainst H u •<br />

IMaf N l.ibemteil. Th. rebellion a.-a nst Huerts -pread<br />

Diaz was taken to Mexico city and ' rapidly in man] ! Cafriftsa<br />

.n jail there, and at first Madero * an 1 Francisco Villa headed it. C*rir.d<br />

that he wmi.d N put tod anza being made -first chief of the<br />

together with Gen Bernardo H .nstitutionalist armies" anp<<br />

with the fnited States to try t bring<br />

the warrtnj<br />

• • i n signi -1 on .1 .' ■ '". !>11,<br />

Mexico.<br />

Fr.. ('arbajar • -n« 11 eded ; :<br />

-main* h- i<br />

tonalters in M»\ 1 >• « ity<br />

llor*<br />

short 11111 •-. but Fr an«l<br />

'arran/.a Qttarreled ami \'i!'a i>-u-*+++l« of ciins of condensed ware nominated for th» Fnited States Hanbury movine an amendment seekmllU<br />

to feed my baby. 'i;i'. ! y sj slamation. \<br />

f r th»- ing the abolition of payment to mem-<br />

"We ju-t sat there on the floor in the , hort t>. rm anorters among<br />

■tajed there Wi 'TawleT 11 in Kt.itvrii<br />

rit.<br />

•<br />

ry chh called to meet at It was by no means a bullet proof<br />

• rn Fnion I<br />

Two r tin-' e daj a btfoi N shield, hut it iras the only fla^ 1 ever pai y annoui<br />

« >- I Calient* to decide upon the<br />

saw the Mexicans paid any deference now<br />

throw and death of Madero. Ven<br />

nroent the purchase of<br />

arranza<br />

- »t «ontroi of tli»- "There was a ye*mg Kngli^hraan who<br />

ilia, it 'i B * *»*■ ,r randy, fr . -:ars, bo<br />

" convention and announced thai Car- committed Unklde where I was The<br />

had revolution atrsinst ranza had resigned and that Frai Mexieans thought he was an Amert- '<br />

:<br />

!: T1,<br />

«o Carbajal had succeeded him .1 • can, and they hurriedly dug a shall..w<br />

«M P°<br />

hole and were k'oina to pnt him away effe< t an extenti-ui (»t<br />

tured. Many petitions wer ca'.in.'t<br />

members who had been named bj<br />

I>iaz. frightened any oth*-r presidenttime<br />

the secret agents of Diaz and ial aspirants out of the country, and<br />

Reyes were working against Madero in<br />

the army, and early one summer mornjng,<br />

Feb. 9, 1S*13, the First cavalry and<br />

part of the mounted police and other<br />

soldiers liberated Diaz from Belem<br />

on Oct. 11. 19F5. arrested all the deputies<br />

while they were in session and<br />

locked them up in the penitentiary.<br />

Villa continued to make headway all<br />

through the year, and the constituprison,<br />

while cadets from the military tionalists were assisted in getting<br />

fehool at Tlalpam. a suburb of Mex- arms from the Fnited States to fight<br />

ico City, liberated General Reyes from j Huerta, whose cause was becoming<br />

the penitentiary.<br />

hopeless because he could not get<br />

Reyes and Diaz, with their libera- money to finance the government.<br />

tors, went to the national palace and On April 21 Admiral Frank F<br />

attempted to take possession of it, but Fletcher landed marines and sailors<br />

were repulsed by the Twenty-ninth in- from the American fleet in Vera Cruz<br />

f»»6O»Oa»«O66»»»»»»»»OQ»»»O»»» + 0fr»»»»» 6 » 0»Q6Q»»»»»»Q«I<br />

Michelin Tubes and<br />

Casings<br />

We have just received a shipment of Michelin<br />

Inner tubes and Casings. These people make<br />

only one kind-THE BEST. We can make these £<br />

at very attractive prices. We want you to see<br />

this line before you buy. Look at our heavy<br />

non-skid casings that are guaranteed.<br />

J. L. MORGAN<br />

Phone 214<br />

Ident<br />

Th»- convention remained<br />

in session until Son m »r and then<br />

aimed ,;#n Fiiaiio <br />

asked If t!i«. suicide was an Englishman.<br />

When he learne

■<br />

■<br />

I<br />

■<br />

■<br />

■<br />

y<br />

ife i<br />

r S<br />

ireT<br />

AV<br />

>en<br />

■ars<br />

I. I<br />

Accountant and Baakkeener Testify to<br />

( on piracy Trial at<br />

Chicago.<br />


DAVIS IS ( OM)KM>FI)<br />


GEORGETOWN, T-Lor.:ne:-Huttig enterprises, as by Congressman Buchanan.<br />

wn by the books and records of the The eanip elected the following of-<br />

L. Street Treat & Savings bank, fleers for the ensuing year: J. \\".<br />

sms givee at the trial of William Lori- Snyder, captain and commander; F.<br />

:. charged- *ith conspiracy in eon- T. Aocke, sdjolaal ami treasurer; .).<br />

:jn with the failure of the bank. !l Hodges, chaplain; F. T R<br />

Pierre Coleman, an a countant, who land W*; M. Allison \\rm<br />

day a copy of the<br />

of the bank.<br />



■<br />

W. >. (00k I MlKKTVhlM. < 0.<br />

If? Brown St.<br />

(haai serial aN Coagh Reatedy.<br />

QDMiRfU. VON CnPELLBi\<br />

P - [Admiral ,:: ■ . •<br />

of Yuri T111>i: /<br />

11 I :<br />

marine, I* known as an i<br />

mini.-tr..<br />

command u Ithl<br />

century. During I<br />

: \ ■. ; w i<br />


1 SAFETY<br />

«.t..ir\ Hat Hl«»< kinir and<br />

Dyejbs:; LasUe* M»rk a Specialty.<br />

2W Met St rsai i;,i<br />

Tout<br />

d is<br />

Hssioiiri<br />

(rand<br />

.■ hali.<br />

and<br />

i ,<br />

It<br />

'<br />

ii ar ii<br />

• $11"<br />

one man<br />

ig up<br />

the<br />

N r<br />

the<br />

regJB<br />

- ' it to<br />

|<br />

HIH \jre N \u'ai»^t Him.<br />

■ •• beesj<br />

- A - *<br />

thai ly age<br />

. tr.an^<br />

an> -in,<br />

stiff<br />

• en<br />

DR. K. L. fJUUCtS O^tOPATH<br />

aOC Brownnood Xatl Bank Bide.<br />

W. M. Federmann, a Leading Druggist<br />

of KansasC.ty. Stands By Hit<br />

Convictions<br />

lakni » it Ii t rwup.<br />

■<br />

! I.! I hat i Uere »a^ \f t tire l".»r<br />

III r.i.<br />

■<br />

.<br />

ha !<br />

i' i<br />

i<br />

i ■<br />

-<br />

-<br />

A<br />

I wish to<br />

- on<br />

-<br />


"I hnv«' StWajS !..-!;,• ,.,1 " ho said.<br />

**that n drti^jrlst'-* tir^t duty is t«> t!.t»<br />

health « BexaJI Order<br />

n,<<br />

lies, kept in the hPSSS. will pay the M;;<br />

j<br />

gest dlvideids of any laresttoent ever<br />

made. 1 Seceasaiead It ns the item<br />

family laxative, tierau.se It is pal Sjp<br />

In ta«»ty candy tablet form that appeals<br />

to men. women HIHI rhildren a!ik*>. and not jump<br />

la as delightful and pleu^in- to take as ,,,.<br />

It is bealtbfuL"<br />

We have the exclusive selling rights for<br />

this great laxative.<br />



Rich Dirt<br />

Free from chips. Separated<br />

with machine. Excellent<br />

ior flower beds<br />

an I lawns. Phone us<br />

your orders while the<br />

pri< *s are down.<br />


PHONF 570<br />

PLATES<br />

If you need a new<br />

set of Teeth or an<br />

old plate repaired,<br />

you can save money<br />

by calling to<br />

see or phone<br />

DR. F. A. BASS<br />

Dentist<br />

502-3 B. N. B. Bldg.<br />

All work fully guaranteed.<br />

Phone 999<br />

-<br />

I -<br />

■<br />

i- in t<br />

an \<br />

I<br />

\ ,o M as •• P R hi<br />

• n his<br />

.% :•■ port<br />

,v s« balk. «>f »nre of<br />

;nd it<br />

„ 111,-K- t»,.t lark<br />

Lep . .M east of bis fcn a( • sp rit ace.<br />

alaed, i Sed. bul • •<br />

Tllij This ,„^.,»w means thaf<br />

iuy a MI H>rd<br />

Lyna<br />

. • . battle<br />

l.vitn and Shock<br />

ire a i*n<br />

amp<br />

' ' the chit<br />

• r tii■<br />

• !:• • d<br />

• i wnlng<br />

b the<br />

iyer who has<br />

. ?ud% f.»r the past few<br />

.wn himself 6<br />

,nd may<br />

Of tlieir<br />

Corns Gome Off<br />

,f bfM bn irs -<br />

•v \iiA(ii;i:.. i<br />

kino \\sa uaiiaiia RonsnQ r Pool<br />

OBI<br />

i ,lan ° f •<br />

A majority<br />

.. !». tn.it Am«*ri-<br />

*0 not ap-<br />

Wonderful. Stmple "OeU.ir *pm gg<br />

FailiU Remove Any Corn Easily. ' I ' M ';-<br />

•Wouldn't it jar >,.u' rters Pvo " aho Boes not<br />

be* n going along for >«ars. with on© . | },. iniurv. shn'ihl he<br />

de»p«rate torn afl»T another, trying ",<br />

. . „, lino<br />

to gat rid of thfin with aaitraa that to save<br />

moaeai r«»inine<br />

, : in -nN.<br />

Meet each second Friday night in<br />

W O \V. Hall. Pay your duen before<br />

the 1-th of each month. »<br />

\v. I). McCHRISTT, S. A<br />

L. K. SKINXKK W. R.<br />

PVssI Nt.KKS ftOBRCD<br />


■<br />

lates for Classified<br />

. Adds.<br />

One cent each word for first'"<br />

ttertion; 1-2 cent each word for<br />

ibsequent insertions. Minimum<br />

>r first insertion 20 cents.<br />

WANtED<br />

r ANTED—A good cook—man and<br />

Ife preferred. Phone 38. 150p j<br />

I ANTED—2 or 3 furnished rooms j<br />

fr J*«ht housekeeping. Address "H"<br />

treTJulletin. 150p<br />

[ANTED:Some one as partner to<br />

*n Billiard Room in Brownwood. 14<br />

|ars experience. Reference exchang-<br />

Box No. 4 —Milburn, Okla. d!56c<br />

IANTED—A White woman with some<br />

[parience in house-keeping, family of<br />

*o, no washing. Apply to Day Nurs-'<br />

ry.<br />

ANTED—Unfurnished room, with<br />

jeping porch, for lighthousekeeping:<br />

lern conveniences. Address B \<br />

Brownwood. 141 tf<br />

[ANTED—Good girl as cook and j<br />

>usekeeper. References required. Ap-<br />

|y 1604 Vincent St. 139tfc I<br />

FOR RENT<br />

>R RtXT—Cottage close in on pavstreet.<br />

Garage, barn and garden<br />

>ot and cistern, 4 rooms and hath.<br />

rice $15.00. Also extra good re.-dm<br />

e, 5 rooms and modern convenfncts<br />

with hard wood floors. On pavstreet.<br />

P: — B. E. Hurllit..<br />

I««<br />

>R RENT—Down stairs room with j<br />

leaping porch, also up stairs room j<br />

rnjshed. Phone 91 or apply to Mrs.<br />

:ewart Scott, 311 E. Lee St.<br />

PR RENT—Rooir.8. 1205 Main St.<br />

150p<br />

jURNISHED Rooms for light housefeping.<br />

Phone 3 65tfc<br />

FOR SALE<br />

3R SALE— F< A .1<br />

hiljilm it «; Sweet l50p<br />

IfiAN ANTONIO. T'\. A; T —<br />

'ileUjLee. m la the <<br />

ital with a bullet wound in th»<br />

,'id Mrs. Lillian Bmlth<br />

r charged wirh I to m .<br />

ke result of a quarrel o\> r som* 4<br />

ashing which the negrees did for<br />

rs. Smith. Tlie shootinc took pla<br />

Le home of Mrs. Smith. 72;'. Maverick<br />

^reet. Wednesday eveaing about 6<br />

Clock. fc Mr 3 fh surrendered |o<br />

Le police and turned over lo them a<br />

b calibre pistol with which she did<br />

}e shooting. Mrs. Smith was rcle;'<br />

h bonat'before Justice Campbell.<br />


HOOD JERSEY MALE —For service<br />

at the Hrownwood Horse and Mule<br />

Co. Phone 573. tfsc<br />

GUARANTEED typewriter ribbons at<br />

the Bulletin office for only fifty cents<br />

each.<br />

NOTICED—1 am prepared to do your<br />

sewing.—Mrs. R. C. Mayes. Phone<br />

J-546. * 71tfc<br />


We still offer guaranteed Oliver<br />

typewriter ribbons at 50c each. Blue,<br />

purple and black ribbons in stock.—<br />

Mayes Printing Co., phone 22.<br />


WANT ADS><br />



HAY—Big quantity Johnson grass<br />

hay for sale cheap in lots of 10 bales<br />

and over. Phone 45. tf<br />

LOST<br />

LOST A es blue her Johns >n bide<br />

handle burs, pedals wrappi<br />

: with tape. Finder please return<br />

iifford McQueen, or phone 'J-2J4.<br />

dl4!»c<br />


Some choice lots in Coggin addition.<br />

Price 1450 to $500. Terms $10 cash,<br />

balance $10 per month.<br />

Nicely located lot in Fords addition,<br />

on which the owner will build you a<br />

nice house if you will pay cash for ;he<br />

lot; will make good terms on the<br />

price of the house.<br />

Fully equipped home on Durham<br />

street, one block of Austin avenue.<br />

Price $1600; cash required about $- t;ing it to keep their hair<br />

a littk-<br />

It was as if bil loal had<br />

en c dor. which is quit sensible* as<br />

And then, a-<br />

.'. worn, pam-rai k< d<br />

we are living in an ace when a youthup<br />

.the hill, ' K\. n the earth I , UI \ flown i ns to<br />

ful appearance r ad-<br />

, nst me!- he adds ruefully And people.<br />

groiind with bis j jf ,, n j v < ,e a I<br />

van V<br />

cane "Th»re must be K n •<br />

n. ?. our illiea!** he went 0<br />

l<br />

Nowadays, though, we don't<br />

uried under ther* '" And he<br />

l m;. men; "Mold on'<br />

the trouble- §k of gathering<br />

laughs merrily.<br />

.lust a little IOUg< r Th. y have<br />

and th. y mixing at h<br />

Th" way leans past some si allow the) will come and tl U cotne,*<br />

AU drug stores sell the ready-t.<br />

quarries where peasants, men and And they be!i» v- ott lustre and appearance<br />

plains, "and they try to tell mc that<br />

they are sorry for me. in their kindly<br />

wordless way. They have great<br />

hearts, sir—like the people of your<br />

country, plain people, as I am a<br />

plain man "<br />

"You are wrong, sir." says livoin<br />

Rafnugdgitrh. the Servian minister<br />

to Greece, who for many years was<br />

King Peter's secretary. 'Those sim-<br />

us<br />

Suddenly the king gave a little,<br />

hoarse, inarticulate cry. His hand<br />

went up to his throat. His head<br />

fell back. His body collapsed in a<br />

limp heap. I)or*or Simonovitch<br />

IT<br />

of abundance which is so attractive !<br />

This ready-to-use preparation is a de- j<br />

lightful toilet requisite for those who I<br />

desire a more youthful appearance. It !<br />

is not intended for the cure, mitigation<br />

or prevention of disease—Adv.<br />




11 Vour Back li Achinr or Hiadeer<br />

Bothers Urink bVati of \>ater ^<br />

and hat Let* Meat.<br />

When your kidneys hurt and .<br />

back feels sore, don't get scare . and<br />

proceed to load your tomach v ;th a<br />

lot of drugs that excite the kktaeyi<br />

and Irritate the entire urinary tract.<br />

Ke»-k your kidneys clean like you<br />

Keep your kidneys clean like you<br />

them with a mild, harmless salts which<br />

removes the body's urinous waste and<br />

stimulates them to their normal activity.<br />

The function of the kidneys is to<br />

filter the blood. In 24 hours they<br />

strain from it " alas or' aeid and<br />

e., so w> cm readily understand<br />

the vital knmoi ing the<br />

kidn<<br />

I>rink lots of water -you i ant di ink<br />

loO much; also get from any pharmacist<br />

about four ounces of Jad Salt ;<br />

take a tabtespooaful in a glass of water<br />

before breakfast each morning for<br />

a few days and your kidneys will act<br />

fine. This famous salts is made from<br />

the acid of grapes and lemon juice,<br />

combined with lithia, and has been<br />

used for generations to clean and stimulate<br />

clogged kidneys; also to neutralize<br />

the acids in urine so it no longer<br />

is a source of irritation, thus ending<br />

bladder weakness.<br />

Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot injure;<br />

makes a delightful effervescent<br />

lithia-water drink which everyone<br />

should take now and then to keep<br />

their kidneys clean and active. Try<br />

this, also keep up the water drinking,<br />

and no doubt you will wonder what<br />

ne of your kidney trouble and<br />

backache.—Adv.<br />



is the title of a very interesting and<br />

entertaining lecture to be given Friday<br />

night. April 14th at Christian<br />

Tabernacle by<br />

DR. R. C LEWIS<br />

Fnder auspices and for "benefit of Missionar.<br />

Society, of Austin Avenue<br />

teriaa Chunh.<br />


^0NPH^»O^H0M0H0M»^»OOO»OOOOOOO» I<br />

COMING;!<br />

THE<br />

William Fox«:<br />


MONDAY<br />

The Broken Law<br />

Wm. Farnum with<br />

Dorothy Bernard<br />

Unequaled in breadth<br />

| of appeal; unparallel-<br />

; ed in dramatic inten- ,<br />

! sity; unexcelled in ar- j<br />

! tistry of production. It<br />

A superb photoplay !►<br />

of love, sentiment and V,<br />

conquest, written and !I<br />

directed by Oscar CL |<br />

Apfel.<br />

The Broken Law ::<br />

immortalizes the <<br />

name<br />

William Fox<br />

Fox Films Find Favors<br />

Charley Chaplin's Comic Capers<br />

A Very Serious Charge<br />

Copyright. 1tla, by J. Kwlty.

■<br />

BBMBBnHBSHSSSSn MBSSi**r = = aiHnH|^H^BM^H|^^Ba ■ -<br />

BJH ■■^^■^■H ^H ■■■Hi<br />


a *>*^^*~yiyw^<br />

I Fresh, Spring-like<br />

Lovely<br />

Those newly arrived<br />

Blouses. You would<br />

gladly pay more for<br />

such values.<br />

Another large shipjnent<br />

oi these Blouses<br />

that are winning<br />

such favors in<br />

Brownwood, arrived<br />

this morning. The<br />

lot cotains smartly<br />

tailored blouses of<br />

Crepe de Chinther<br />

for t'-vtnt} >rs.<br />

♦ <br />

Mr*. E. 11 Si».trknnii<br />

\ i ( • • .i ttS*e befl to<br />

her home m t Bw has •■••• n a<br />

for sei<br />



Mr*. .1. T. *« ! emi ha* rueiwd ir»ni<br />

her Roy<br />

\ v<br />

i<br />

I<br />

I *ar.<br />

I<br />

Mr<br />

i tie-<br />

I re*|M»n*e to V v ■fpeai of the<br />

lt Flag Day. They<br />

« - Belgian flag* for .-a:.- on<br />

that s Church and<br />

Rectory were destroyed in the great<br />

fire.<br />

Week-day services:<br />

Monday and Wednesday, 4:.10 p. m.<br />

Tuesday and -Thursday, Children's<br />

Service, 4:30 p. m.<br />

Friday 8 p. m.<br />

"This kind goeth forth by nothing<br />

but.by prayer and fasting."<br />

JNO. POWKR, Rector.<br />

Four Barbers at Norwood Bros.<br />


Santa Fe Western Lines Propose »w<br />

System for Time and Pay.<br />

ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., April 7 —<br />

Three new schedules of compensation<br />

wild be considered in negotiations<br />

with employes according to notice<br />

given the men by F. C. Pox, general I<br />

than the<br />

Itypsjr. In >•;'»?.!:.•<br />

he I laws<br />

! In England in<br />

th*fl!<br />

ti!y f.wlay. f . y illuiiyn.«t»' a'<br />

: • •■ J<br />

which hma b n little kn<br />

The Ian<br />

•<br />

• Tiu. «;>;->• wh » wrong t<br />

be flogg branded<br />

dished from the clan.<br />

-When our C ilea i women) j<br />

purity without aredtoeli they<br />

are t » be iiou^.-d unto death."<br />

it la around a \ M ot om<br />

oti going i-i - i thai the .<br />

The Broken Law' hinges.<br />

< 01,. UAI.kHi MVkFs MOW)<br />

( karard With Theft oi (.

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