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v<br />


ISSOtANCE.<br />

E. B. HENLEY & CO.<br />

DAILY<br />




E. a HENLEY A CO.<br />




After a Loo* Conference With The<br />

Board. Stephen* ille Educator<br />

Accepts.<br />

Simmons College has a new president,<br />

and the future of Abilene's much<br />

loved school is assured.<br />

After holding out against the arguments<br />

and pleadings of the board of<br />

trustees for nearly six hours last<br />

night. Dr .lefferson Davis Sandefer.<br />

president of John Tarleton College at<br />

^phenvillc. decided to accept the call<br />

to Simmons.<br />

Dr. Sandefer arrived from Stephenville<br />

on Texas & Pacific train No. :'.<br />

lafc night, in accordance with his<br />

promise made to Dr. Coleman by telephone<br />

on Saturday afternon. He<br />

M met at the station by a number<br />

of the Simmons trustees and escorted<br />

to the residence of Goo L. Paxton.<br />

where the conference between the<br />

prospective president and the board<br />

< held.<br />

All the fa. .ing the collect<br />

• re laid before Dr Sandefer anil<br />

every possible inducement for him to<br />

cept the presidency of the institu-<br />

tion was presented to him. It did not<br />

lie Dr. Sandefer long to realize |<br />

Mated exceptional oppor-<br />

111: ut he « \er<br />

his reialioos with John Tarleton.<br />

J* ^ad always been so pleasant<br />

* :• final ; time after the clock<br />

had struck one. while members of<br />

- 'nmons board stood around the good<br />

man. who was now seen to l>e waver-<br />

| i:ke a peiHtent sinner at the<br />

mourners' bench. I>r Sandefer ri\»*d<br />

his eyes for an instant upon the outstretched<br />

hand of Dr Coleman. then<br />

grasped the beckoning hand with<br />

great warmth and fervently >aid "You<br />

may sav I'll come.'"<br />

It light-hearted bunch I<br />

S>ersed from the Paxton home some<br />

• after some matters of ttusi-<br />

a promise to be back, if possible, in<br />

about ten days to take up the work as<br />

president of Simmons College.—Reporter.<br />

Dr. Sandefer was tendered the presi-1<br />

dency of Howard Payne College some<br />



months ago. but at that time he did Sturaested that Convict Labor be Ised Ask for Special Meeting of the Board<br />

not feel that he could consistently give , In Its Construction—Matter of Health to Denounce<br />

up the presidency of John Tarleton i I'nder Consideration. Article.<br />

when the people of Stephenville urged Special to Daily Bulletin: Special to Daily Bulletin:<br />

him so to remain. A committee was<br />

sent from here to Stephenville to confer<br />

with Dr. Sandefer. but he rejected<br />

their offer.<br />



Special to Daily Bulletin:<br />

San Antonio. Texas. July l.V—The<br />

police are searching diligently today<br />

for the robbers who entered the residence<br />

of Dr. II. M. Carroll. Jr.. a dentist<br />

of this eit\. last night and got.<br />

away with more than nine hundred<br />

dollars worth of jewelr><br />



Brewttweod Educator h Tendered a<br />

Place By State Superintendent<br />

Cousin*.<br />

Pro! T. H. Hart recei\e,j by this<br />

ing'a mail a letter from Superintendent<br />

Cousins informing him ot his<br />

appointment on the St.it*- Board of<br />

Normal Examiners which meets in<br />

Austin ne\t Tuesda> It is Quit*<br />

* to hold an appointment on this<br />

board and Prof Hart Is to be congratulated<br />

Also the cit> will take a<br />

pride in having i'rof. Hart as High<br />

School superintendent on the board of<br />

examiners.<br />



\DOrTK».<br />

S • to I>aih Bulletin:<br />

Kansas City .Mo.. July 1— The<br />

sj>ecial election In this citv yesterdaj<br />

had been gone over and some j resulted m the adoption of the cornminor<br />

details had been settled—the | mis>ion form of government b, am.. T<br />

rWHi trustees to go home to enjoy j JOTitj of fifteen hundred vote, out<br />

that sweet rest which come, only with ' "-- ,H> «•*■ This form of government<br />

a con^iousness of duty well done. I ** ***> "ffect *t<br />

A « >ril 1S<br />

»■*<br />

Dr Sandefer left on No v this morn-| modeled directly after the C.aheston<br />

ine on his retttf Stephenville, with \ I ,lan<br />



In the advertisement appearing in<br />

the Bulletin asking for bids by the city<br />

council for two concrete or steel<br />

bridges there is an error as to the date<br />

of opening the bids. Bids on the Austin<br />

avenue and Vine street bridges will<br />

be opened on Monday night instead of<br />

Wednesday night. Contractors will<br />

Austin. Texas. July 14.—Senator \V. Waco. Texas. July 15.—The ph\si- please take notice<br />

J. Bryan of Abilene recently publicly chins here today asked for a special<br />

advocated the establishment of the meeting of the board of health of this KM Ml \OT Gl'ILTV 13<br />

penitentiary cotton mill at some point city to denounce the statement made<br />

in the state where water power could in the Bulletin of the State Board of<br />


Special to Daily Bulletin:<br />

be developed, and Austin was among Health. The Bulletin devotes two Fort Worth. Texas. July l.»—J. A.<br />

the places named. Since then there page* to this city, declaring that the w 4 ''der was found not guilty in both<br />

ha* been considerable talk in this city death rate is too low and allege* that counts of burglary and theft in con<br />

in the matter of interesting the r,o\-'the physicians here are not reporting<br />

ernor and Penitentiar\ Hoard in the the deaths to the officials. Theph\si-<br />

matter of rebuilding the Austin dam. clans arc very much wrought up over<br />

the State to have a certain guaranteed the charge and say that hot a single<br />

power tor cotton mill purpow body has been interred without being<br />

It Us declared it could be rebuilt with reported to the authorities<br />

convict labor, the policy being to call » .<br />

in the convict from the farms K\K>fhi{ \SS\I LtED VM><br />

and plantation* No iftottbt an advan ROBBED OK Kim DOLLAR*.<br />

tageoua financial arrangement could<br />

SjM !al<br />

be niade with I • < : Au n foi<br />

IO M*<br />

Bu * Ietlh:<br />

S.in Antonio Tex • I I.". IV if<br />

rebuilding the dam by convict labor.)<br />

the i■" • ' furnish mat* ind sup><br />

a t.it ii. i. i aulted<br />

s bj pledging earnings from its<br />

and robbed last night of fifty dollars<br />

water and light plant; the sariu a<br />

today is in the hospital h<br />

the state did in buildinj<br />

inc • on The Mexican * i v.aa<br />

on the Ciemens fan ■ ere the pro-<br />

&n arrested charged<br />

ceeds from the pdodm i<br />

n 'i • • ault and robbery<br />

Tlie rebuilding dam uiaj take<br />

tarn:: • m in in, liate future, the<br />

interview ■ >' Senator Bryan having re<br />

• \ interest and Ian to be<br />

Mil;.'<br />

I> Wis FOI \I> WUILT1 OK<br />

\SV\IT T 0> JOIINsOV<br />

George !> 1> ivis w., I in Justice<br />

conn -e-iord.: B charge of<br />

assault, committed upon the person ot<br />

A. Johnson, anil was found guilty and<br />

lined $1.'. and Ufa Warn<br />

;led<br />

W i:\THFR RFTORT.<br />

Ra • ■ tiian »i>ent »terd<br />

Colemao whete he visited the gra<br />

work DO the S.t-ir.i \\- Mr. Harr\-<br />

• • • three miles or<br />

grade completed and that the work Is<br />

ed ranidlj He *raa «reatl><br />

interested in the siide elevation<br />

grader which is now in operation<br />

Miss Uorena Pence has accompanied<br />

her mother to her borne in McCullocb<br />

COUnt} and will spend .t month there.<br />

nection with the Stoneatreet and Iiavis<br />

robbery In the Seventeenth district<br />

court this morning: The bond of Walter<br />

.lames for $1 r»uo was forfeited.<br />

•lanies i.> charged with being connected<br />

with the robberv.<br />



Hemhets «t todiijing Hoard loafer<br />

With (toxrnor Iteiraniing<br />

the Matter.<br />

Special to Daily Bulletin :<br />

Austin. Texaa. July 1". I; i> now<br />

believed that there is rerj little likelihood<br />

that the work of codifying th»-<br />

elvij and criminal statutes will be<br />

* + + f..g*.fr'f."r'l.4' + *r*4- Ml SKOGK1 WILL BE<br />

+ +] wim; orh:\ o\ M\U\\.<br />

il"8 MABKE1. + ! iD«cial t« Daily BuIleUn<br />

Tonight and Fi parti •*• •$•» Muekogee, Ok.. July i:,._The city<br />

4-<br />

cloudy we.ither<br />

Z •$• •$• *f- •J- -f* -f* -f* -J- *J* *J- -J- -J- *J- -i- j and county authorities agreed this<br />

^J Special to Daily Bulletin: morning that there was no law to<br />

Fort Worth. Texas. Jul> \~> - Cattleiforce the Sunday theaters to close and<br />

m : recolpts :!•'••". DOCa (00. Steers, steady, the cases against thirty of the Suu-<br />

A M Harfung is evp," ted home to-| tops $.'i.2:.; cows. firm, steady, tppsfda) la* violators were dismissed<br />

.night from a brief business trip to $.:..•. calves steady, topi $»;l i . 1 in 0. K . & Prater is putting the finishing<br />

are<br />

the lime rock i.-, the cement, which The West Texas Telephone Com<br />

Mans are also being drawu for touches to his model little home o Q<br />

constructed of Brownwood brick and<br />

when used with crushed n>ek. makes patty's general office and local ex Brown county stone and are as durthe<br />

wall solid instead of jointed as| chang „ , miIdinK at tne ror ner of Anable<br />

as any brick or stone buildings<br />

heretofore. The history of the mod der»on and Krown street is another can be.<br />

ern concrete building is that it lasts modern structure, but not so large. Contracts are being let this week for<br />

longer and is more substantial than This building will be two stories, hut the rebuilding of the burned district<br />

that of any other material. It is es- the two floors are especially design- on Center avenue. The Citizens Natimated<br />

that the buildings now under ed to house the company, which is<br />

course of construction will aggregate ;growini5 so rapid iy that eaPn depart<br />

the sum of $7. r >

■<br />

■<br />

• ■<br />

■<br />

i<br />

■<br />

■<br />

■P<br />

I-AGE TWO<br />


THCRSDAY, .jflY !i, 13W.<br />

^;<br />

(AJ'IUI. AMI MKI'IJ S *iMi,:.os. He found upon arrival there<br />

some parts of the engine<br />

been shipped along with the t)U1<br />

and soon had other members of the<br />

On the 29th the Illustrated Special tin-- right • m the trouble i you [Ann here getting out the part-<br />

Edition of the Bulletin will be issued. ke-a careful >ttid> ol I , . h|i> , w , n . M , m t n : m |iy , %Q ,,._<br />

It will be 10,000 copies. Every regu- • advertising. The d ^ result is the plant will be in.-ailed<br />

lar subscriber to the daily and weekly -<br />

vry time t - advertise, in time to save the corn I rop<br />

issues of the Bulletin will receive a .and merchant* in the big citiea recogcopv<br />

in addition to their regular pa-'nize that Tact. Of coarse, midsummer<br />

* irl received a shlpm nt of fresh fUh<br />

per." The price of the lllus:r..- not the m. advertising at the Pullman Cafe.<br />

Special Edition will be 1" cents per price* - --.I, -aques in '! •<br />

copy, on orders for five or morecopie- rne man who has midsummei<br />

we will pav the p.stuee Advertising - o sell should not advertise<br />

space an theItastrated Special Edition I<br />

is $100 per inch one column w ni<br />

Hett and expect a rush. Several<br />

a Kben 1> lordon, head of the<br />

Get in vour kiata a— - HU **■» o1 • K)rdon *****<br />

vou who want to bate live • f ted erthtfn* man<br />

copies nailed BO n have •• - ■ ■ •• - straw hats foi •<br />

wrappers prepared lor imnu ■ ' Hie advertisement waa<br />

mailing on day of public.<br />

d submitted to Mr Jordon<br />

■<br />

> all} a good ad an I<br />

,i« hat- iron. entf<br />

ORIE>T TKM h* VKK<br />

\T roroR\iM» K1UK.<br />

T " di<br />

In spite of I I tO*t<br />

the thirteenth of tl« month<br />

tracklaying cang at the fron* on t!<br />

Orient railroad :> -aid to be making |<br />

speed towards the Colorado River<br />

day. and the ensin^-rs said tl<br />

woum surely get t rne rtream at<br />

the end of tonight'• a rk<br />

•Or. if they don't." said on- .»: the<br />

men from the froc • J *iM<br />

so close • • river toni*:'nt that<br />

.til make fon A m '<br />

With the Colorado Ri^er peacheid<br />

the Orient Rap i~ Been to b. jiibt one<br />

more step nearer completion and the j<br />

dash - - gw< wat^r to San Anpelo J<br />

Wh*n<br />

:• men<br />

I ill<br />

«n 1> ''M>k a ; • tud<br />

t -mbstitute as follon -<br />


> O'clock<br />


:, CENTS<br />

.lord >n Morsh & Co.<br />

-K-k came, more than<br />

irore clamoring for those<br />

S A ttefe i\\\: ho* eaaj it is<br />

•.> write a telling advertisement— there<br />

tbout it The trouble with<br />

• rtlaemcm<br />

• know what t i >a> nor<br />

to quit -a'-sne it.<br />

• I lUlple<br />

Is nearini: at: end.<br />

foiman •<br />

on eenth « monti. . , . , .. .. i . I I<br />

the<br />

ho<br />

it '<br />

tine •<br />

ilarlj •<br />

W, t Tei<br />

\V- -: i • I<br />



The Briton papers contain the foi*J<br />

lowing notk ••<br />

T)r 1' S Tui :• ' ' >'■ ■! l> !<br />

K I K>> le. -• of the H<br />

Men's Club ol Helton, have seOt the<br />

following invitation teeome annoyed with the oper-jen here this year, but we know that<br />

ator because of hi> disappointment. I God is ruling over all. and perhaps<br />

When rentral sayi busv" he mu^ he is railing our friends away that we<br />

his medicine without any hack 1 may bo led to think of the s-ftortness<br />

talk and espoeiallj should he not I of thi- life tad the eternity ^*bich<br />

show ill temper because ol an> annoys-Jcomea after.<br />

an«e for which cen'ral" m.. >' ackle MOorO, nee Lutrell. died<br />

responsible. ev»-n in the matter nffThunulay, .1 u 1 > I p. m. She<br />

-light delav in answering his calf. j|oft l»eh:nd a hnsband and little girl<br />

The telephone k'irl tnik'ht talk bach to grieve for the one who<br />

and that in;. an -e jer her to ti •<br />

place<br />

She had lived here since she<br />

But (he etiqu<<br />

is more to be considered in reference<br />

r . the communication between those<br />

who use thai medium, and it probably<br />

would be better understood and ap-<br />

ersoo^ generally' were<br />

more careful about calling up only<br />

the riehr number and saying<br />

what • have to say without<br />

.mu. h preliminarv beating about the<br />

bosh. •Hello* Is ths Dumber<br />

• Well, i- So-and-so there? What<br />

time will he be in"<br />

Well, maybe vou<br />

to know. Well,<br />

of course l. ur-r. dontcheTknow.*' etc<br />

.• i ■ •<br />

Me<br />

• i<br />

• . p j '<br />

| ■<br />

I . tness<br />

.- .<br />

;<br />

irtd<br />

it is wanted U<br />

,e phone<br />

I inm.<br />

:<br />

child and was known and loved by all.<br />

Several >ears ago she became a t'hr.<br />

tian and. since that time, she has been<br />

a living example of Christian woman-<br />

hood. During her long illness she was<br />

kind, cheerful and patient; she did<br />

not burden others with her grief- -,<br />

She wanted to DC BOetel and lou%ml<br />

and prayed for health<br />

Bni when she realized that earthly<br />

•offering waa almost over ■ t<br />

was nearh done .-he told her husband<br />

and friends that her home warn in<br />

heaven Although she 0 her<br />

bnsband and lift-<br />

where<br />

VI \> \\S |\ TIIK I F Vl>.<br />

\\ k - t tonsoria<br />

lor and bath ro.-::<br />

ao<br />

ire of y«.ur | on<br />

f<br />

•<br />

.<br />

'<br />

./<br />

Th-<br />

v. hen<br />

the i<br />

■<br />

!•'<br />

< im |»1et< :<br />

. pile d'-i'.er i<br />

eve-<br />

| the main lin<<br />

I : f' ,r ~<br />

rry our<br />

A. 1<br />

J Home Parched Coffee J<br />

J Guaranteed t^ pUase J<br />

[3 lb. Can $1;<br />

;S.J. DOWTY!<br />

I K^ up-to date grocer. I<br />

.<br />

;<br />

te.rl<br />

j ai' ■ • they<br />

theii sp \*ti '<br />

Uai ■ • ; will<br />

■ •<br />

. cam pi<br />

Nell Smith ha resume J li<br />

♦♦♦<br />

^ C hee^e!Chee^e!CTiet .ft<br />

t<br />

r Just R•<br />

in (»lass, Shredded Cod fifth in Klass.<br />

f<br />

?<br />

T<br />

1 ♦<br />

We liave just installed a mammoth new re/rigcratOf ♦><br />

in which all perishable articles will be kept in splendid J»<br />

condition. J<br />


■»<br />

!t!<br />

♦><br />

■<br />


> t<br />

in I<br />

•••€<<br />

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THURSDAY, JULY It, 1*».<br />


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We Practice<br />

what we<br />

Preach<br />

C-X~X~X~:~:K^>*-X~9~:~><br />

II<br />

# 0<br />

:^^~x^>^"M~:~> that had always<br />

been is eel lo ber. he seated<br />

himself besMe le r h» sfleni f<br />

The n-.iiu rattled on and as they<br />

:i«>r. y««i •" vc y f r apart,<br />

tho rhotigbtf i turned lottos, last<br />

time they bad rrateled that road t«-<br />

aether on their Urst rlsli home aft»r<br />

r booeym< n<br />

How bapfi had rhej been then!<br />

Hoc- Imppy Ihej might mvre been now<br />

if only that Ifl WfthlB the lute -<br />

Throngl ind f each the sane"<br />

questions • i -• had there bees Ju^t<br />

and SUnVlenl cause? A little patience. M<br />

little forbearance, a little sacrificing of<br />

pride a1 Ihe beginnti -<br />

Chatterton looked down it the slight<br />

figure l.i i•<br />

aplc to <br />

rows before I put them oa my hook.**<br />

Detroit Free Press.<br />


■<br />

■ •<br />


Don 9 ! Fail to Visit Our Store ■■<br />

Friday and Saturda<br />

-salted<br />

ightful<br />

of the<br />

When we will offer extraordinary inducements<br />

in the way of prices for your trade. Note the<br />

following Extra specials on Silk Petticoats for<br />

Friday and Saturday:<br />

<<br />

tes<br />

i<br />

i t<br />

T<br />

I<br />

T<br />

♦<br />

f<br />

1 ♦<br />

t<br />

t<br />

1<br />

One lot of soft finish Petticoats in<br />

all the popular shades PL~5<br />

One lot extra Silk Petticoats in all<br />

the jHipular shades, worth I&.Q0 at<br />

onh<br />

WJ5<br />

One lot extra quality Silk Petticoats<br />

worth $6..'0 at<br />

fc^*<br />

One lot extra quality Silk Petticoats<br />

worth $:.:»" at t*- : >"<br />

One lot extra quality Silk P<br />

worth $ v .56 at<br />

i'****<br />

One lot extra quality SiUt Petticoats<br />

worth $10.50 t^"* 1<br />

Remember abote prices are lor Kridaj<br />

and Saturday only.<br />

Extra<br />

Special<br />

One lot Arnold's Silk<br />

Crcpc worth 65c for<br />

43c<br />

We pre Belling all of our Ladies<br />

14.00 Pumps and Oxfords for ... **.5u<br />

Don't fail to ikM our Remnant<br />

I otinter. You maj rind jo*t »hat you<br />

were looking for.<br />

Everything in our Ladies ready to wear department<br />

included in this sale.<br />

Ladies Tailored Shirtwaists worth $15 00 lor<br />

Ladies Tailored Shirtwaists worth 1350 for<br />

Ladies Tailored Lhirtwaists worth 10 Oo for<br />

Ladles Tailored Shirtwaists worth *.."0 for<br />

Ladit»s Tailored Shirtwaists worth 7 T>0 for<br />

Ladies Tailored Shirtwaists worth f>.00 for<br />

Ladies Tailored Shirtwaists worth 5.00 for<br />

All ladies wash Suits at 1-4 off<br />

Great Reduction in Men's and Boys Clothing<br />

$25X0 suits for<br />

$20.00<br />

$22 50 suits for S16.90 Si<br />

S20 00 suits for $15.00<br />

$l*.0u suits for . . $13.50<br />

16.60 suits for $12.40<br />

$15 00 suits for $12 00<br />

$12 60 suits for $10.00<br />

$10.00 suits for $ *.00<br />

Boys suits worth $10.00 for..<br />

Boys suits worth 8.50 for<br />

Boys suits worth 6.00 for.<br />

Boys suits worth 5.00 for.<br />

Boys suits worth 4.00 for .<br />

Boys suits worth 3.50 for<br />

Boys suits worth 3.00 for<br />

Boys suits worth 2 50 for..<br />

$ 12<br />

10<br />

8.<br />

6<br />

4.<br />

3<br />

l*<br />

y th*m*<br />

bed- »<br />

Ye ot<br />

00 b : he<br />

00<br />

00<br />

40<br />

65<br />

50<br />

75<br />

$8.00<br />

6.40<br />

4.50<br />

3 75<br />

3.00<br />

2.65<br />

2 25<br />

1.90<br />

'b a t<br />

' a ^<br />

•re<br />

i»<br />

t<br />

Loortey Mercantile Com'yl<br />

♦<br />

% on"t trouble, sir; it's :il! ri^'ht<br />

Then - trtn «I«■:»••**<br />

When we stw the big man a \\<br />

later pre were Hhoeked si the change<br />

in him He seemed t

• ••<br />


t<br />

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;<br />

•<br />

1<br />

r<br />

i<br />

>»»»»»»»»»»»»o»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»f<br />

Make your advertising<br />

of the kind that will<br />

the People<br />

no difference what you<br />

Want Ads will bring: results<br />

ie><br />

WANTS<br />

THE RATES:<br />

One Cent a Word<br />

Two Cents a Word<br />

Four Cents a Word<br />

POk SALE.<br />

FOR SALE—Engraved visiting cards,<br />

in ten different styles of engraving,<br />

any size card Mayes Printing Co.<br />

FOR SALE OR TRADE—160 acre* all<br />

tillable land, sandy loam. 9 miles from<br />

Brownwood, two churches and school<br />

houses close; fine timber;-50 acres in<br />

ly in the city to<br />

cultivation; orchard; ;>-room house;<br />

oar table board and ;<br />

tine well, tank, cribs, etc.; will srow<br />

."••tee everything at j<br />

anything. Will takt> part pay in<br />

,, Y\ H. Blaine, Prop. |<br />

Brownwood uuin< -umbered property*<br />

balance easy. Price $*»• per acre.<br />

rh;,ml,pr^<br />

ri,m r °"<br />

duction on Spring I ***•* * »»<br />

s now on. Want you :^J^ ■{ ^}J*<br />

at we make French TOR SALK-A bargain on Bast Adams<br />

specialty.<br />

street Large house and lot^an Idea]<br />

lay es & Co Tailor home. Better ;>*f as about tills.<br />

7ta7~she7t I Chambers roni (^ jJJ 'iL~j!l!I-<br />

• personal attention in- FQR SALK _. So: ..,. 0 , \u* best business<br />

pro pert -r ><br />

~*. !<br />

& Go<br />

:„ i; ro u nwood. H. fit. Nod<br />

d238c<br />

& BUCK want to do your }, OR SALK ._ Two vUra lar , t> . plW><br />

residence lots for sale Oghl M>« at a<br />

,special bargain. ptft wait four 61<br />

>ffice. Will pav 2 cents per pound • five davs The ><br />

wi * *' so,d<br />

String? and old socks not Henle\ A: Co.<br />

,!j::;.c<br />

dtf<br />

FOR SALE—The beet dinners in<br />

WANTED—If you want to buy an ex- town for 25c, at the Pullman Cafe.<br />

tra good home in verv choice location, Short orders all hours T. B. Lath'em,<br />

see us Its cheax K. B. Henle> & 1 Proprietor. Phone 19<br />

dtfc<br />

d^33c<br />

FOR SALE 100 cords ->f « ood, six<br />

rTED—Brigh* >oung ladiep. of \ miles south of BroMwood drove W. O Mcf<br />

ami lies, between If and 24 years | Christy<br />

dtfc<br />

to learn telephone operating.<br />

FOR SALE—I1S00 iuys sood new<br />

ly to Chief Operator West T»<br />

home ami large lot .- ontslde Chi<br />

I<br />

FOR HK\T.<br />

• Ft -i: RENT ' »■ '"' ■ '<br />

i i i ■_' \ J '<br />

" Printing C<br />

rv*h<br />

\<br />

\<br />

■ ■ <<br />

I<br />

9B« k Ioii on Iv:<br />

4aOOll hot<br />

Vnitee Alwa>>»<br />

on i: p.<br />

C 1 ake^& V vs<br />

our own<br />

>lake. In farwe<br />

have everything<br />

th;i'<br />

is jiooil to eat<br />

Dulci<br />

Restaurant<br />

L<br />

!<br />


Rtdbourne U«ed th« First "Rite" ee<br />

"Jump" Ball.<br />

Curre pitching got its greatest de<br />

velopmeut after 18S3, in which year<br />

the artificial restralnta were removed<br />

and the pitcher was allowed to deliver<br />

the ball as he pleased, which means<br />

overhand. At that period the "out,"<br />

easiest of all curves to throw, waa<br />

falling into disrepute among major<br />

leaguers. The incurve, by the limitations<br />

of the human arm a smaller bu*<br />

quicker deviation than the out, was<br />

temporarily much in yogue. The drop<br />

remained, as always, a favorite. Scientific<br />

change of pace, the standby of<br />

such great early day pitchers as Harry<br />

Wright, Asa Brnlnard and Al Spatting,<br />

was temporarily lost. Radbourne,<br />

a tremendously speedy overhand pitcher,<br />

came along with the first "rise" or<br />

"jump" ball. He had wonderful development<br />

of the wrist, the thumb<br />

and the two first fingers. The limitations<br />

of the arm. as well as the hostile<br />

attraction of gravitation, make<br />

the rise difficult Many believe it to<br />

be Impossible. This curve can be delivered<br />

only with a straight overhand<br />

throw, and the only way to give the<br />

ball a back spin is to jerk the fingers<br />

down Its surface as the hand passes<br />

down to release it. Rut Radbourne<br />

had the speed, the flexibility and the<br />

grip to do it. So has "Old Cy" Youuj:<br />

of this day. When toonf gets It to<br />

working right his teammates recog<br />

nize it by the number of men who go to eeaac<br />

operations during the funeral services<br />

of ii II. Rogers is an apt illustrati >>i<br />

«.f the value of lime in an Industry,*'<br />

si M the pr fessional photographer "If<br />

it wasn't for that fre would do double<br />

our bnsinesiji<br />

• Tie- officers of «•» < on- ••in may be<br />

enthusiastically In favor of having i<br />

ae1 "f pjcturee of the works, but thej<br />

when the general manager hands<br />

them a little slip snowing just how<br />

mu< h time we one eosti and how<br />

much net profit they ar»* goinjj to lose,<br />

etr . batao e

■<br />

Is<br />

*AGE*IX<br />



Groceries<br />

We are still running our<br />

BAKGAI<br />


and offering real bar-<br />

gains from it as well as<br />

good values from our en<br />

tire stock which is o ne<br />

of the best selected in<br />

the city.<br />

Respectfully.<br />

W.H.Stevenson&Co.<br />

Phone 06<br />

fields and Orchards cf Fran •ce.<br />

•m Arfenoo to Lyons the mi!<br />

^ad runs through ■ rfcb country the<br />

fruit tree* red with Unsworn* and<br />

'he BtfCjU assuming The robes of<br />

creen. altogether making a picture<br />

bc-antifu? to look ii,x.n Prom Lyons to<br />

Parts The orchards, tho vinovnrds and<br />

the growing ^rain delight the eye of<br />

the travel r rYom oriental deserts<br />

-emind him of Macau .ns Emetn:<br />

Xttrr to Denver P<br />

Consideration.<br />

ti say<br />

"Pat's what I<br />

dine Pete<br />

1 'J j on<br />

make your f<br />

happy?"<br />

-I did I left • n<br />

•ice had a homo?"<br />

had." - answered Plod-<br />

a<br />

do srsnething to<br />

comfortable and<br />

•) Star.<br />

in Accord With the Weather.<br />

Mrs. Pnase (to her maid How Is tho<br />

weatbo- Mari.- Maid Fresh<br />

nnd windy, madam Mrs. Pssse Very<br />

veil: you wii; j )Ut a beatthi<br />

flush on D.\ c| us mornim.<br />

am going out New York Ufe.<br />



Cake Flour<br />

Qnality is unchauog<br />

None Betti Pully<br />

Omimntpiid<br />

' \ Grain I o<br />

About Some<br />

Personages<br />

-s*ic<br />

In Print<br />

THK soecessot of<br />

John u<br />

G. CnbeU, ■ .Ww<br />

York man. The department<br />

of internal<br />

revenue is in the jurisdiction<br />

of the secretary<br />

of tho treas-<br />

ury. Its importance<br />

may be Increased ID<br />

ease of tiie passage<br />

of a law taxing corporations,<br />

as it bis<br />

R. < . « u:n.i.<br />

been prop,** a ,„ ,,,.,,.,. ||h . '»lls and snuares.<br />

A fe'.'. ,i.. • | .vork e\.<br />

orer your cotton will help you grow .1<br />

fine crop, and you will at once BMBS3 the<br />

difference in pour crop and th• and the., do the woik<br />

se purchased, 163: total acres transfers of cif> property, amounting ' I*»*rf*»ctfy. We also ha\o some<br />

based. 250,245; price per acre $1(1-rto Jf.5tp^#6<br />

*k stoves left over AWI are offering<br />

J.\ total consideration, $t.u»a;.rn j; Mr Sargent further cbel<br />

them at a large disc mnt<br />

n 8 grand total for tlw counties<br />

dtngman-Timralm<br />

ourloe* for immigration ai j capital<br />

lldw Go<br />

named above are as follows: Numb T TexA, nan never so bright *s it Is at See those big, Juicy watermelon 1<br />

uirhasors t.!H.".. average acr«i rhis rime and he believes .jr tie- full j n if and hessn fo<br />

• it !i . -! ;■ bs r, '<br />

It out<br />

¥onr ; snnsl<br />

H ■ -i \* tern-<br />

\\ li\ doeSn'l MMBMf<br />

She -' r l»-f •;••■<br />

4 r : it '»•<br />

t'< -' the pain of<br />

Ir n-irh<br />

\onr t p to n- w<br />

ff only f<br />

teen p^uteN >>f ptift'-*. rhr»f» r.<br />

bur JO* the<br />

se»M ha* foi nbown him i go*n!<br />

WortLjh -- 'i bf -••« 'i '* the<br />

r • ."!•;• and the isl fh I rTy in<br />

ihe rammer t«-t• jgfd<br />

need*a wlrf^ •- an »-\:. :,-i.-n ♦./ ♦<br />

When thi ;.,,,-. *■<br />

Ix-uch tin- wins whirl-<br />

The<br />

the bod] i< .-in axle, ifs front etl^ •<br />

«trlkiiii: the .,ir bitrher Than the r»»sr *eoce-<br />

J Thanking you for your liberal<br />

w 'rvaJtronajre, and asking a con-<br />

^ stinnation of the same for the<br />

J *j*w manajjer, I am<br />

m<br />

Very Respectfully.<br />

j HARRY KNOX<br />

5 July 7th. Ml.<br />

^•tltlllMIMIMMMfMlM<br />

Miss VTinnrNF KLdprnm<br />

there must I • M „t be'<br />

'• ' -r hind. s.<br />

..I fbe | t Misa Bib<br />

I lit was ouij ..<br />

'"tec-!, d to r ie| attention f:<br />

'•■ i .- royal ad<br />

\e r -<br />

• r '•<br />

■ i. i she v .<br />

hi .. v<br />

d .» , ,<br />

. I<br />

i i trl the •<br />

ia her jonric<br />

When X ■;. :,- n v..is the euf< I<br />

-' " r I■■ -• ■ «J :ii St. Helena ■<br />

- rian wry»te «ha; ;r tho long Run url<br />

ami bat < f , ahould be p<br />

on a sti : ;--i aiiere In Bngland tb«<br />

le of thai o itio-, would be ft irrht<br />

pued into ti„. s , ; , what is there m<br />

the castoff | or one that lui><br />

ii• I been • -. • • f ft<br />

f»r that ru::t?or. o-<br />

a man who has at<br />

*ome ttaae been .s<br />

p^wer thai ;n v,<br />

f>r ontliu«


Prom recent statistics given out by the United States government, it is shown that rats are destroying no less than fifty tnousand bills, ag<br />

gregating oYer a half million dollars, annually. Js it not a wise plan to keep your money in the bank where it is not only safe from rats, but burglars,<br />

sjthievee, fire, etc. as well. This bank will welcome your account.<br />


J. A. \B\EI\ Pre*ident.<br />

A. L. SELF, Actl?e Vk-e Prudent<br />

J. B. Tl'KNER, 2nd Vic*' President.<br />

F. S. AB.VEY, (ashler.<br />

D. B. ANDREWS, Assistant < anliier.<br />

Citizens National Bank<br />

u<br />

flllCHEO HIMSELF<br />


I"*. H. Webb of Colorado (it} Recalls<br />

FSBMSS Ben Fiekiin Flood<br />

of 18M.<br />

R. M. Webb, a member of the party<br />

of Colorado City business men which<br />

invaded* San Angelo Monday, tells a<br />

ssjry interesting story in connection<br />

with his experiences in this couuty<br />

away hack in the So's. He has the<br />

honor, If such it may be called, of<br />

having been hemmed up during the<br />

famous Ben Fieklin flood.<br />

"It was on the 21st or i!-iid of<br />

August, in the year 1881." mused Mr.<br />

P^Webb. "when the big flood came upon<br />

■L I was in charge of between 0""<br />

Spuid 7000 head of sheep that belonged<br />

§to my cousin. Ben Van Tuyl. I had<br />

'camped for the night on the Colorado<br />

.#*rrver, on a high and dry landing.<br />

During the night the water kept approaching<br />

until finally l oni-<br />

^pletely surrounded.<br />

"I was game to the ia>t. though,<br />

and did not take for higher quarters<br />

until the water wa? about two<br />

L^$r*P- *n*en I climbed a friendly old<br />

tree," and there I remained all nigh!.<br />

"Without doubt it was the lor.<br />

night I ever experienced. I had been<br />

riding all day prior to the flood and,<br />

was completely fagged out I was so<br />

sleepy, in fact, that 1 was compelled<br />

to pinch myse!1 - nd blue<br />

order to refra fron r<br />

thait tree.'<br />

Mr. Webb<br />

qame to San Angelo<br />

structions of the Commercial dun<br />

Colorado City A rousing meeting<br />

that organization was he'.d last week.<br />

and it was brought out that Color;<br />

City want*<br />

any amount .<br />

News.<br />

they would not have so much trouble<br />

about water for stock once the tanks<br />

were filled.<br />

Miss Ella Hunter returned Friday<br />

morning from Brownwood where she<br />

has been attending the normal.<br />

Mrs. IfcNeal returned Thursday<br />

from Llano where she visited several<br />

weeks with her sister. Mrs. McNeal's<br />

sister, Mrs. Atkins, accompanied her<br />

home.<br />

Mr. C .1 Lane left last week for<br />

Palestine for the purpose of disposing<br />

of his property al that place and after<br />

spending a few weeks visiting his<br />

children at that place will return with<br />

a view to buying.land in this county.<br />

Crops in this part of the county<br />

are raffering y for lack of rain,<br />

and unless there comes some .<br />

rains in a verj short time pottos<br />

Crops an •. complete failure,<br />

as th< ,.'• eadj<br />

to d • »] moistun<br />

already 4 everybody has to<br />

drive cattle hum d<br />

Mr. and Mrs K K BLeklock. Mrs;<br />

Collins, sister of Mrs. Hlacklock. and<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson spent Tuesday<br />

night on the river ftshii<br />

Mr. and M:>. Cla\ Oidhain spent<br />

Wednesday in our town with friends.<br />

Mr. Uatliff of BrownWobd ha.- been<br />

in our part of the county buying c.ittle.<br />

Mrs Bessie tatum n for<br />

se\eral days « grandmother.<br />

\\\: ..; Hi for<br />

some<br />

Mrs. .1 T Sin|<br />

•: K- \\ )'h i-*<br />

enta; Mr. and<br />

m EDITH<br />

Blacksmith and machinery supplies<br />

Clingman-Timmlns Hdw Co<br />

BLANK KT.<br />

M:> H h Fish and \<br />

Roupe i.f Mountain Valley ( ommuu-<br />

You can ge: hoiee oeef, pork and '<br />

werP :n town **>pning *»day<br />

▼eal at my pla\: door To Neels<br />

Hardware.<br />

K\erette Cassiday of Hico was in<br />

the first of the week visiting<br />

tther and hr.>ther.<br />

WINCH ELI.<br />

Arthur liO» of Brownwood A.,, |Q<br />

town Monday on bu<br />

•<br />

• Mrs. Co. me Mi Wood returned her<br />

in Sherwooo - tier pan Wood • ount><br />

ant visit wirh • Mrs. Ell - S night She * >ni'd<br />

Black lock.<br />

Mrs. J. H<br />

home b;<br />

m>''.<br />

morning fi<br />

' of !> \<br />

visiting fo:<br />

•<br />

' R<br />

tives.<br />

I W<br />

-.\ to<br />

Lawre;.-<br />

will sp<br />

piace. place.<br />

• • •<br />

•ard B!<br />

•<br />

frtwJ V- r<br />

with !; ,<br />

ed a •<br />

trSn*.<br />

• k<br />


The West Texas Compress Company will<br />

Maintain only one Press at Brownwood<br />

Headquarters Located Here.<br />

The We-t Texas Compress company,<br />

Organized her*' some weeks a^». has<br />

decided to maintain onl\ one press at<br />

Brownwood hereafter, and this seek<br />

:h»'. .i:♦• moving the people's press ti»<br />

Coleman. The buildings have been<br />

torn down and the ma'chinen i> be<br />

log loaded to ship to that point<br />

!>e«in with, the city authorities of<br />

Coleman, are reported r«> have refus-<br />

ed to furnish water to the West Texas<br />

people either tor building or operating<br />

purpo . ill.- worh of installing the<br />

is under \v;iv now. hut it is heirj<br />

to haul their wafer a distance<br />

W.f°* lhv ° v * n,,ea ,,;rM for drinking pur-<br />

i»-m<br />

and one which should be prized<br />

}>\ A:W town in which it Is locab<br />



Brownwood Pla>liou*<br />

booked S number of the best<br />

show.- on the road and is negotiating<br />

with others, which he hopes to book<br />

before tb< i ning of 'he season. It<br />

is his purpose to run strictly .i first.-<br />

DON'T STEW<br />

••••••••••••••••••<br />

Over the stove these hot<br />

days. Let us do your baking:<br />

and remember BUT-<br />

TER NUT bread is the<br />

best.<br />

• •<br />

• • •<br />

• • •<br />

• • •<br />

SEITZ STEAM j!<br />

• •<br />

so<br />

• •<br />

• s<br />

• •<br />

t • ••<br />

•••••••••••••••••••••••••A<br />

••••••••••••••••••••••••A*<br />


•I Wat Rediscovered Only Theowgft<br />

War and Bloodshed.<br />

In 1902 only five o! the precious<br />

cjprlpedlum plants were left, not<br />

counting the home bred hybrid named<br />

for Mrs. L. I'. Ames of Massachusetts.<br />

Four were in France, in the<br />

Jardio d* Luxembourg; one was in<br />

England, in the conservatories of Sir<br />

Treror Lawrence. These were fast<br />

declining, and the next year one alone<br />

in the known world gave forth a flower.<br />

Despairing:}. Opoex, the Luxembourg<br />

gardener, tried t breed from it and<br />

waited In urdent and hopeful impa<br />

Hence. Hut you cannot make a high<br />

class house arid fo do so he wrH >-ji clSSS, decent oftllid germinate Its own<br />

out the bum' show; l' • " This on-hid was no exception.<br />

It was bent «•!» race suicide.<br />


in such a plight wvre the orchidists<br />

when they offered $lo.000 reward to<br />


any one who would find a hale and<br />

Call at my place, next door to Neei's Tlrlie wild specimen of the Cypripe<br />

Hardware store, and leave word for dium fairrleneum.<br />

me to take your meat order every England had long desired to open<br />

morning.<br />

np Tibet to the range of commerce.<br />

T M. RATLIFF Opportunity did not come till Russia<br />

was busy with war in Manchuria and<br />

MR. BOLL W VV Vll/S DtW- Korea. Captain Younghusbsnd was<br />

linv iPtivwiy hurriedly dispatched by the English<br />

1<br />

*P»^»a«» frosi India with a military force to<br />

Little Rock. Aik . July M Commer- penetrate to the sacred city of Lassa.<br />

ctal salesmen for Little Rock whole- The penetration was made—at cost of<br />

-Mile houses an a the < ity from Wood. life and treasure. Attached to<br />

[Southwest Arkai report consider-<br />

fh " ' M^Hti-n was ' ' pmBts bnci<br />

on the IN.II « • ..-, ' tire to I i<br />

J !'" I • lie out<br />

of the<br />

ed to<br />

jreevy materially .and it is belies ' i: ;: | ; th.<br />

at but riffle more of the gros r. "foil •<br />

wed •>;,!• other wHI<br />

ed id f t-i<br />

:<br />

WO(<br />

the<br />

H<br />

UNTA FE C0N5TR0C1I0<br />


I<br />

. i<br />

• i. A |* i: id, ,.<br />

I | i<br />

it<br />

Ellis BI<br />

lot to Mt<br />

in Bi<br />

Mr<br />

i)<br />

i<br />

•<br />

If no:!, i<br />

^ will bold<br />

everybod \<br />

•<br />

• • pleasant<br />

v >' .! H i<br />

• .<br />

ind i' i ••<br />

•• Lin fOi<br />

«•€•••••••••«••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»••<br />

I'For Porch Goods<br />

• *<br />

Come to our store on Center<br />

Avenue. We can supply<br />

you with what you want<br />

at a low price.<br />

Denman Furniture Co.<br />

■<br />

... . i '<br />

.<br />

wove I to<br />

IVednesdaj Blanket re<br />

' .-.■ tizena<br />

kg<br />

rile ni' !<br />

)irthda> .<br />

■ I W ••<br />

rt of niiniiiicJi<br />

an<br />

I tl ■ little lad !»<br />

. I ;<br />

l>|H- |(l. ,. |<br />

I • . hi :nii> i.r .in'i<br />

morning<br />

vvifh the familie 01<br />

•y and A .1 Smifh<br />

B3 E l> ivii . A if.' tnd baby, caiwe<br />

tm Brownwood Wedne d m * x<br />

n the S ant i Ke cut-ol<br />

i< fi(»n u(»i k He- u :<br />

■ that i :«'.\ are working la the<br />

1<br />

>\\'i of Bweetwater throwing up the<br />

'•• for the main line and sidin •<br />

northwest and southeast or town.<br />

J other ars .it woi<br />

(bie . oi I-:-koia. The Sai,»<br />

o Mr. Bright in forme I a<br />

• * rive of th' Reporter, has<br />

based a trnci ' h,,sf '<br />

,„, [of railroad work In the state. Abileno<br />

Reporter;<br />

(Jivin • away flour. i'.'t.it's what we<br />

•ne doing. Watch these columns to- All work done by the StephenvHie<br />

morrow for full particulars. ('HAS. Laundry is guarantied I). R Toia<br />

HA VMM<br />

baugh, Phone 27:t. dtfc<br />

. ■ ■<br />

ai for the to rj.<br />

• low n. and ihe rep»l •• boiler .<br />

being made. Temple Tel eg rat<br />

-<br />

I ad i t he

I<br />

fAGE EIGHT<br />

At<br />

gains in<br />

Brownwood<br />

business and<br />

residence<br />

property.<br />

Don't Delay,<br />

we are sellins:<br />

them.<br />

?<br />

1<br />

-Y<br />

•♦♦♦<br />

• t<br />

•♦♦♦<br />

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1E. B. HENLEY ft CO. f<br />

♦£: Phone Xo. i£ •♦♦♦<br />

— • A<br />

#•••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />

: J. F. RENFRO<br />

♦ Wholesale \ Ret a<br />

I CIGARS,<br />

2 All the leading brands cat •<br />

• in stock. If you an- a dealer vc<br />

• can supp.v \«>u as cheap a> #<br />

wholesale hous< •<br />

; :<br />

• OCR MOTTO •<br />

• If It's Good We've Got It. •<br />

tl *V- ve Got It Wk Good. .<br />

• •<br />

: !<br />

iJ. F. Renfroj<br />

:<br />

w , toci of builder-'<br />

hard.- > • " more than all our<br />

competitoi Hgethef and as we<br />

have the advant I<br />

i ,,;l1<br />

et> in bu>i: • ■ - • «1<br />

cannot ••• — it Lei ufc figure your<br />

lob « r - ::::<br />

»Minimati-Timmin- Hdw. Co.<br />

ggftt PRUTH Al. U»T( E.<br />

M> advice<br />

to pend their mone.v with borne news-<br />

|f you want to ;*">'<br />

..•>- on 'Special edition*.*' help your<br />

home paper to get uff> an Industrial<br />

and agricultural edition aid then mail<br />

a copy off the paj»er M evtr.v prospector<br />

in the north and tfrst whose name<br />

can get'hold of, and that will iU><br />

>ome real good. Hut Btfeer clear Of<br />

the outside painei who>.e circalaUon is<br />

. • . limit* : ■ ■• m in/glv-<br />

• -i a write-up b to p ; :.:<br />

_. ..tir pe<<br />

• . • . have tint*<br />

.•■..■: it ' read<br />

Q P THOMAS<br />

\<br />

Suggestions for Wedding Gifts<br />

The foilbwring at ti< I.-<br />

, - : ii I'A ; ■• i,<br />

nd Novell VV.e<br />

T. S. Euper, Quality and Price Always Right<br />

sit KSKMIS. \iii MION:<br />

• - kM K TV<br />

*tr . r drill<br />

Tvl» ROM INK:-<br />

k of I« • I '■ eam !<br />

,,;.«• t\ ■ i • • ii'.v.',<br />

i- un-Timntins Hd* Co<br />

. .eat Majestic Steel and Mai-<br />

*eat)U- Iron nasage This is the range<br />

so many of our best homer, in<br />

gjisswweiuwl If you want hot srater<br />

v©a r.e. Brewer.<br />

2. The power to heal the leper did<br />

not depend upon the Savior's touching<br />

him. but the lesson did U> .Jim Johnson<br />

.".. There is another lesson for us<br />

in the touch of the Savour: it is for<br />

us .t- disciples of Hi.- and fellow woi t<br />

ers with Him—B) A. 1. Self<br />

l It is prayer ot faith thai calls<br />

forth the heal ins; touch \{\ Mary<br />

With tli»- healing touch there<br />

goes forth an Assuring word: I will<br />

be thou ciean.^-By r A Parks.<br />

Ill** sail* at figJft.<br />

BROS.<br />

OILLIA1<br />

Fifteen dtdlar *»uH^ at elcwn eiirlit>.<br />

\\M. U1LXIA1 BROS.<br />

o» the Beautiful l.aun at the Noun- of<br />

.Indirt- and Mrs. Sam < . Coffee.<br />

Thursday evenlnk. Jfuli i">th. the<br />

ladies of i^ie < | Iveoue church<br />

will serve i« •• creahi and cahe on the<br />

lawn at the h >me «>t Judge md Mrs<br />

Sam (V Coffee, 1501 A\»' 1>. in Fords<br />

Addiriim Cake and Cr»\ui:. I ■"■ cents;<br />

cream on!>. l" cents "." ii - froiia T to<br />

II o'clock. Bveryhodj' Invited; Ran<br />

your evening drive to stop s| the c:\ \\^< Q - T"<br />

Liniment<br />

• • \ r<br />

!• :. . t* -<br />

bids.<br />

I<br />

SUKOl'SfliHK .<br />

sse'd V<br />

i<br />

lOUNSOX<br />

Fifteen dollar/ait* at eleven ehrnty?<br />

ih«. litfcLI \M BKns.<br />

Vou<br />

Evangelisi V. .I er suits at tliM (.11.1.1 \M<br />

MHOS.<br />

&L& suits at 117.v..<br />

BROS.<br />

(IIIJVH<br />

Attention!<br />

Come to the<br />

ELECTRIC Park<br />

friday Night<br />

July mo<br />

For the Benefit<br />

of the<br />

Daughters of<br />

Confederacy<br />

COME, Jt Is For a<br />

Good Cause*<br />


Tnr , JULY li, !S9f.<br />

31<br />

ay»»»»» ♦#♦ #»#*♦♦ ill +♦»»♦♦#**♦♦ ••♦•♦♦♦»»f|»<br />

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The Clock<br />

Stopped at 12-31-32<br />

Mr. IV. Ben ham won the Set<br />

ot Dishes, his ticket being 12-<br />

31-34.<br />

Next Wednesday we will give away our fourth set.<br />

Dress . Goods<br />

partment<br />

De-<br />

The low pries prevailing In our<br />

Dress Goods Department, in spite of<br />

frequent reorders; has induced the<br />

i to d'-; , ' ,,[ *- our 11 roods Depart<br />

ncnt considerably, Nevertheless,<br />

\w .still have a comparatively lar^e<br />

assortment, and these are offers<br />

temptingly low prices<br />

l.awn, Fiiriind. a lanre fasirtj to<br />

♦.elect from, a 7c taliic for<br />

5c<br />

I , rii- • • '• ••''- table lm-<br />

N'apkiUS. Towels, Lace Curtains<br />

and Window Shades, will find it to<br />

her advantage to see what th^ One<br />

Price Store ha* to oiTer in thc*e lines.<br />

Von will tind our prices are less.<br />

am<br />

White Lawns<br />

I have an 9 I<br />

.-old in • • 16<br />

leader, a u<br />

. a I-"-<br />

in town. Mi price <br />

10c<br />

i )■<br />

\ couni<br />

tad<br />

11<br />

.Silks. Mulls and F<br />

•<br />

K\actly l-i ofi the reimlar psire<<br />

•Ahich meai - all - , "<br />

60c at 30c<br />

Ail 50c Silks 25c<br />

All 35c Molls 18c<br />

rin<br />

»»»»»»»»»»»|)»»»»»»»»»»»»^^^^»»)»»»»»<br />



( leur Western V\u\ Will Pleaae the<br />

l.arue ( nnxN at the Virdome<br />

loniirlit.<br />

\ .■ • deal ol "<br />

u |fe ted InL ■ ; «- * '"■!•<br />

• .n.^1!- ;<br />

an 1 the<br />

,,i- tnt :t» kno i * MI ifl i;oiiiK<br />

to he the • • ■ : it -Aas an-<br />

woulrl '"•<br />

e I 1 i '<br />

!<br />

I ' ; ' " k "<br />

thorou<br />

. •, pl.iv with all the ♦•\- King -< *M.es<br />

: i agile<br />

daya wh»m laws were few<br />

d not so rigidi) enforced<br />

Mian<br />

•••••••••••••••••••••••••a••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />

•••••••••••••••••••»••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />

*• ••<br />


Ait l!lllt*l*€?ll**<br />

^ i >! -:>\at th :..<br />

nod) • • i<br />

As a<br />

' s. no y *1 r.*. I<br />

, - rfPt u» ft!<br />

them to \<br />

Armstrong Jewelry Company<br />

S|X.\T\l.kOI.(M;iM.<br />

You ma) not ha\ e heard d<br />

liefore, and we an- certain I<br />

n,.r -••♦':! • |ual the<br />

act of Tom C Rojgera whicli<br />

dk»cribed by the ibove word. Come<br />

to the Majestic, the popular pla<br />

[tonight and >ou will ^ Mr R<br />

. in the best act that has been aeefl in<br />

Itennihgton take the role of Tria Brownwood in many a da><br />

the little.heroine, and plays her parti His act alone is well worth th»* ad-<br />

Well She ib ftreU supported h] Bar- ' mission price. But we will have still<br />

dOu Lefferl Norman Phillips. ,f al ( another attraction.<br />

Andrew.-, ltoland Sadgwidl and Mr<br />

! Remmington and the lady memhers of<br />

\s\IDAI.<br />

The famous littl* contortionist from<br />

Japan, will also appear in a splendid<br />

the company, fp act one in shown the act tonight. She is a marvel physical-<br />

Boost.' while act two shows the ex- ly, and In her act is pronounced peerloaa<br />

by eminent critics of two contiterior<br />

of Nafa cabin Then follows<br />

nents. This is something new in<br />

th^ trial and the Judge from New<br />

vaudeville, nothing like it having ever<br />

York. This bill is positively the funniest<br />

put on In the city Something<br />

doing every minute.<br />

been seen on a stage in Brownwood.<br />

You ought to see this<br />

But this is hot all.<br />

We will ebow entirel> new pictures<br />

The specialties will be done by Baby<br />

tonight, the kind that you will like, the<br />

Mildred and Miss Andrews. Too much<br />

kind that are new to Brownwood. We<br />

cannot be said of little Baby Mildred's<br />

work. She is the brightest child on<br />

propose to give our patrons -tonight<br />

the biggest show they have ever seen<br />

the stage today at f years old.<br />

The Airdome orchestra is working<br />

this week on special music which will<br />

begin next week. They keep up with<br />

the latest in music and give the Airdome<br />

audiences the best that is go-<br />

ing.<br />

Ahout the gift on Saturdas night.<br />

Everybody is talking ahout this especial<br />

feature. It is absolutely a gift,<br />

no cost, no favorites. Somebody Is<br />

sure to get the gift. This is the Saturday<br />

night feature.<br />

The management of the Airdome is<br />

trying to give their patrons their moneys<br />

1 worth and a little more. The<br />

price is only lu cents for admission<br />

and 1«> cents for reserved seats. Come<br />

J spend a jolly hour and a biilf at the<br />

Airdome any night in the week.<br />

for the money.<br />

THK WA4>:STIC.<br />

The geniune Gurney refrigerators.<br />

The kind that saves fherr price in<br />

every two seasons.<br />

(!:!:;:$<br />

CTingman-Tlmanius Hdw. Co.<br />

"ttfllKK MAD" CfSTAUfl MORK<br />

Al < OIIOI Tg\> 1U l>WK!SKR.<br />

Special to Daily Bulletin:<br />

Muskogee. Ok.. Julv 1.*,.—Acting on<br />

analysis made »>v the state chemist.<br />

which finds that "Amber Mead'' contains<br />

mort alcohol than BUdw<<br />

beer. Chief of Police Ledbetter today<br />

seized thirty-eight barrels of the product<br />

and confiscated the bar fixtures<br />

of one saloon.<br />


ytt<br />

Jf CfDERSO<br />

tor a hath in one of ttiose<br />

:n^it\<br />

I . 1 hair-^uts by<br />

men wJ: \*ction.<br />

*j:».on suits Mt tl&fiO.<br />

BKON.<br />

hll.LUX<br />

GBviog away flour That's what we<br />

are doiui: Watch these columns to-<br />

morrow for full particulars<br />

HAYN1F<br />

cuts.<br />

Fifteen dollar silts at eleven eiajtj.<br />

die. GILL1AM1B0S.<br />

Alwtys tfec Mfftest<br />

Class<br />

We have what you want,<br />

reliable, dependable and<br />

worthy goods—new, freeh<br />

and original.<br />

Trade here for true satisfaction<br />

and vouTl surely<br />

get it.<br />

A phone order from<br />

Will be appreciated<br />

Phone 598<br />

Brownwood<br />

Drug Co.<br />

v "We never Substitute<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />


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