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%Weather Forecast<br />

Toniirht colder, probably front.<br />

Tomorrow, lair and warmer.<br />




Independence Has Not Brought Utopfa and Constitutions<br />

Do Not Furnish Bread," Says American Official<br />

Who Has Just Completed Long Tour.<br />

II<br />

PARIS<br />

Of lOTUl.<br />

o, t<br />

'<br />

the dra:^<br />


government<br />

no-Slovak).<br />

is better off t:<br />

here<br />

fuel ami<br />

tition. Her tnd<br />

strong govern<br />

should aorvH »<br />

per seems to lie in pi<br />

antagonisms v.<br />

confusion.<br />

:un-ary. Dew people I<br />

■<br />

ent country. }■:■ •<br />

Rumani;i<br />

with its own I -<br />

ply as par<br />

"The Rumen!<br />

the powerU<br />

Fimply<br />

ter-Allied m\'.<br />

I.y an' " :._<br />

cr day I t<br />

inanian command r I<br />

■ 1 1<br />

1- Prii<br />

i~-<br />

th- _.»«•«««..» ,<br />

-Ml<br />

«"»! uiiiv< rsal :<br />

with<br />

i<br />

vk:<br />

• ■■•<br />

(Continued on >ur.)<br />

.• !<br />

—&<br />

London Policewoman S ;IJ* Men<br />

should H'eur lieddine Kings.<br />

IjOXDON, ' I fami<br />

My InternaUoE<br />

et llawson. <<br />

women [lollce, IIIA<br />

shouhi 5oi < .<br />

rried man to •<br />

rinp<br />

Thi • pre-<br />

•inp. or lei Us say reducing<br />

bigamy.<br />

H< r reotfrried<br />

•;. One, M rit int: In<br />

• Bnglish paper, argue*<br />

with Mil <br />

II1MI lf!!\MI,<br />

11; ted i'r«- I<br />

;: \.> Oct -<br />

• ('ornwell of \\ • II •time prolii-<br />

« i iiii « • it* < : I ,, -non<br />

;SN (In- f.|i si i:< r.s to llrami<br />

H< -.-. ihf niea-siri<br />

.<br />

ru inciisiiri<br />

' 1 1 .<br />

•<br />

' .<br />

1 \s • ■<br />

♦<br />

• to<br />

II.<br />

otary<br />

■A'l.i! !• till' 111!' ■ fOUOWOd.<br />

Hi2fS Srliool Soviet<br />

Demands Include<br />

Nearly Evervthino;<br />

m ffl& SUIT<br />

FPU Iii Of Oil<br />

LADS ifi<br />

1 I \ ^N A I",t I! I! ( ')\J lV on.<br />

< !)>!!'\\\ OKI IM»\M l\ Mil<br />

^i MM | U l»>h\\.<br />

ill<br />

r<br />

r». tland "...*<br />

! \ u re<br />

•mill •! ;<br />

^i-Lnii<br />

Lwprl • ,;<br />

•<br />


IE<br />


Confidential Reports Indicate IV ny Minors Would Not<br />

Heed Strike Order; Raiiro iministration Rushing<br />

Movement of Coal from the Mines.<br />

OF ALL HO<br />


TOhlO l» VIM K s\Vs I.FU.i K OK<br />

N ATlON> NUT. VEVEK SI (4 KK1)<br />


i By Intel<br />

TOKIO, Japan, pel 28<br />

:ai<br />

Ap<br />

ini the<br />

the<br />

. -J.'i).. atthe<br />

Mikad<br />

ed to Bt th<br />

" ■.\-rohii."<br />

Tin- translation reads; "T!ie !:■<br />

rial Familj .■ -j^- of<br />


(Hy A<br />

>V A MUM. TON, Oct. SS. Hope Is<br />

expftssei in onicial quarters today<br />

Ilia! the soft coal strike set lor Sat-<br />

nrtfaj WRJ it postponed, if not called<br />

f»ii. The annoiuicement that John<br />

Lewfe, president ui the I nited Mine<br />

Workers, had summoned the members<br />

ol the full stale committee to meet<br />

the international execuUfe board at<br />

Indianapolis tomorrow is accepted as<br />

an indication that President Wilson's<br />

command to the miners organization<br />

not to plunge the country into an In-<br />

dustrial chaos might be heeded.<br />

In th*- lull hciict that the officers<br />

oi ;he international union, who order-<br />

ed tin- >trike haie power to stop It,<br />

the ofhcials oi the government await-<br />

ed the next step which must come<br />

from the miners. ( ontidential reports<br />

freui the cent nil coal Held territory<br />

indicated, it was said, that not all of<br />

the hall million miners would quit<br />

i. Faml<br />

their work. The steps to be taken<br />

-.<br />

ith. h<br />

hj the Ltnernment to deal with the<br />

It -;: r kf win he considered finally today<br />

"iic and tne same. '<br />

it the I ahinet meeting. Meantime the<br />

all ra( ial consider All human<br />

disputes, t:.<br />

railroad administration continued to<br />

\s itli r • [ue- tvxert every effort to cxpediate tne<br />

Is ]y Associated Press.'<br />

N. Kngla^id. Oct 2< —<br />

' "olonel John Cjrrfl Porte.<br />

mniandi ie Royal<br />

Service anfi inventor of th«»<br />

llyinc hoar known as the Felixstowe<br />

Fur} from tuberculosis<br />

firtIL!<br />

\. & M I OMM \NDVN I NH,N \|.| \<br />

iHJNoifio IM mi IIM:M |J<br />

t.OM UN Ml N T,<br />

i i \ ... i<br />

rATiON<br />

notified Ma<br />

• tioh as a • h. v<br />

in t Honor<br />

lAar.ium oi tlo- French Medalc<br />

Jlilitalre by the Pr< i 'iiriient ip<br />

i oiuman-<br />

■ i di\i-<br />

v ' i. u ho !- ( oinmaij<br />

ill thi A £ VI Collegi ! the<br />

rap tor civilians]<br />

in L:»I»; ami utered the Brst oiard-<br />

» d a i omniission and later<br />

ir V ;hlmrn iousl\<br />

pmmanii<br />

;• v•-. Pram<br />

the §i IMihiel sailei 1'Jih<br />

i'\>v his work in t! .r. he was<br />

d for a lieutenant eolii<br />

e \\ a<br />

shoniv . rd and lie. 1 promotion<br />

no iyed<br />

R6r three ■ ' • to entering<br />

i!i- ;irii;v. x\ iji., \ ihburn served as<br />

jtithl i I'; d■!-. i-tor at the college herb;<br />

at (<br />

i . ■<br />

!<br />

,!.\ I. ! E Oct. 28.: Dr<br />

.in'. hooi ')\i< i** be<br />

n Holiday, a minimum pass- tlii. year the record of ih»- amount<br />

Ja naval L.a^ m fhe A201 ordiji \<br />

> •■ fty, tea< hers under l|ipin/g being Lniiir throughont the<br />

Information in VM ii Informed < ir<br />

twetity-iiye years old, pool tallies and world showed L800WM1 tons, with two<br />

cil.MLi;. i [ir . :e \i.\i;<br />

Fiographs in recreation rooms, free in ill ions torn- being builj in the United<br />

a tenant on the farm oi Lee Ployd'i w ' " ,\<br />

. , „ , . . •-• Inncii to senior i tintents, ami that all Kingdonr,<br />

UOIIKINt. UOMIV MKIT. kilh-d mar SOU Is •' ha pel m th; COU , . ... . .<br />

regulation originate v. itli thi stu-<br />

«i: ciated i yesterday, Floyd, a promineni clt- (1( , nI ; r()Ui)( . i]<br />

\VASiii.\(,T(>.\". q< • - Women Izeh v has been nlaced under ai<br />

♦ ♦♦^-♦♦♦♦^♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦<br />

i firm practically all the leadjog -<br />

I. S. l'!;i:l'\(.VM).\,<br />


roiMJ IM i:m;Ks roi ND.<br />

> (By A,sa6( Ulted I'rrssj reached Pallas early today. Foi- 0-<br />

Lerfeiter who were arranging i" ueSs paper in china foi propaganda 4" lowing a lij;ht rain during the •<br />

print B large amount qi American i4">'>'>4-4"><br />


Ii IHKIi IN I N|o>. *> (V.y Associated Pre- *><br />

MIS' - Mich.. O - ♦<br />

ii'.-. Associated ^ their lives this ♦<br />

M)UK. II • _ \ : " B the Crosby liner &<br />

-will ^ City i >n! while trying ♦<br />

pier and ♦<br />

L."."" drug ( n-king &<br />

,'!'hr their walk - ^ ii ♦<br />

termihed ,♦♦•>♦♦♦ <br />




at work in t'no<br />

vicihi gin ranch prog<br />

in thr southern i»art of Brown county<br />

tting. under \\.;y \\it!i th*> i:<br />

Johntry Company of Cbu .<br />

ading part in the initial pro<<br />

This company lia^ accumul<br />

- on a in thai<br />

and is going into deyelopment on a<br />

■ that .will pn>\<br />

tralue bi that portion of this<br />

couni<br />

.i. .!♦>':inr> ui Chicago i- r<br />

onailj sup< | the p .<br />

id arrangements fo*.- a ri^<br />

ami contracts for ui'-iterials and<br />

tie- company's<br />

first w *• 11 n ! '.! be IOM m the<br />

.v !\\ retl ;'nr\<br />

154<br />

v<br />

The Ural<br />

' ill be Bputdded in Just<br />

soon as arrangements can be completed,<br />

I: "his morning, and \\ill<br />

v oil is<br />

found before th.it depth b<br />

reached. I'ltf location is i<br />

taut trpm' the BO<br />

which \\a> drilled It4€fl t- ft hist<br />

year and then abandoned when the<br />

company was dissolved as a result oj<br />

a combination °1 una\oidahle circumstances.<br />

This area has long be#B<br />

recognized as one of the most promising<br />

Wildcat territories in the entire<br />

Texas fields, and the resumption of<br />

operations will he very gratifying to<br />

hosts of people who have maintain.d<br />

a great deal of confidence In the section<br />

In which the Miller-Kidd well<br />

- located.<br />

v<br />

Th" Ki'i-e-Johntry-company have<br />

logical report.-<br />

the . !»y their leases<br />

in this county. Mr. Johnf: i that<br />

ports, which were prepared hy<br />

well known are uniform in<br />

favorable<br />

a promise of<br />

splendid deep production under <<br />

ful development These ideas are also<br />

held t>> number of Brown<br />

y men who have secured accurmg<br />

practically every<br />

of land in a dozen counties in<br />

. and tind none that apmore<br />

favorable.<br />

•\\ :> are coming to Brown county<br />

at and we have the<br />

utmost contidencf in our succ-<br />

Mr. Johntv.v this morning. "Our<br />

company has •: tuiK opera-<br />

• » that we could avoid<br />

1 of ttu> rush and tir<br />

tainty thai has prevailed in all this<br />

p! Texas for more than a<br />

• that we could have time<br />

ad tnd definite<br />

lions winch ajpi in ns to be<br />

entirely sntisfa We fi<br />

cured h ing a big tract in<br />

Brown county, and I am frank to say<br />

that it is the best looking property I<br />

tn anywhere "<br />

It is possible that the /Company<br />

.\ 1.1 interest a few Chicago friends<br />

in the development work in this connty,<br />

but it is net contemplated that<br />

any Brown county capital will be<br />

sought or accepted.


T<br />



,<br />

what ho had responded to the draft [(lie "Jerrfes," and owiahoney mid- wanted u> show it to tin folks bach < I -WHI. the you<br />

OL<br />

[call for. • (!»■::!>• found limisclf sticking his auto- home.<br />

luc war ! , )X 1<br />

And so be was discharged dad werii toatCc in the ires Of a " Jerry" lieu- "Where you from?'* asked trgeant hack 10 Indianai.o! .,.,, >(1 1( , l;(U. am|<br />

to Taylor. In three days ho was a "-uanr and six little 'Jerries/ all of ;fO'AIahoney.<br />

irdi , The fir I th ...<br />

corporal and in three weeks :; ser- theft •«"''> • li« ir hands lo huh Heaven "St. Louis is my home, hut my folks ed was aho<br />

E<br />

lMiMir, >naQt<br />

gcanl in the Three Hundred and reei liig the fitiiny of 'hainerad.' moved to Cerninny five yeara ago/' ur, the cterft or the d:<br />

:-,|. was a<br />

Thirty-Fourth Infantry. He went inlo H was Ghdries' duty. ;»■>is. Chai b • s. 3 ked thfl<br />

revolution." •«i»lic t j a viilacor.<br />

The Annri an offi< er ha>t» :..• t<br />

the oaf<br />

"Here y

i;<br />

hS^P<br />

*^M<br />


LL;<br />

support and hearty ro-operatipn of<br />

every citizen of the town, and he will<br />

\\|): that ay his o\\ u m.-rsona'.ity.<br />

A new epoch in fcho Urownwoou<br />

Band was marked at last night's meeting.<br />

A Hoard of Control, or directorate,<br />

composed of Messrs. John Snyder,<br />

Dunn, Gaither. King a)id Klkins.<br />

was elected to look after the 'business<br />

end of the organization. J. W. Dunn<br />

was elected Secretary and Walter<br />





E<br />




herself in hu*e pipe of the organ.<br />

An attempt to play the instni:<br />

strange sounds<br />

agled %uth the monkey's chat<br />

and squeaks whi!- ircenited.<br />

Wealthy Families Keep<br />

R. R. Running for Servants<br />

In explanation of the plans and pur- lion stiuarely upon every citizen off<br />


Leach treasurer.<br />

poses of the Lone Star Trail Assoeia- ib*' country, and does not burden the;<br />


i "<br />


few for the benefit of the many. Thei<br />

Regular rehearsals were nrange.i ; lioll> a j (K . a i branch of which was re-<br />

\N\OI \< I:>II:\T OK vi Cannon. Lob<br />

; ■ Would Like Secret Fer<br />

a musical organization f the band now. There is a great fu<br />

io any greajj eitent. C>rajfl we will ai- visit to the schools and oilier -<br />

ot. in a passable con<br />

city it wilJ n I Ait:. ahea': wnd<br />

wavs have with us so long as the which ale assisting in the thrift cam-<br />

• -;','.<br />

lu. iy -dition until such time as til- the re-uiar , n , ^ ; . ( .,, r . ;I( . s in A ,,.,.,., an p 0ll . b aign, and after addressing the stud- -<br />

Looking Well<br />

has never asked one c<<br />

i anyone under present conditions<br />

highway is built. TMS is all wo are ,„.. .. 1Ml government, but when we ehis •:: the city schools was yerj<br />

informing him that<br />

outside its own personnel—and doe.<br />

fairly ... , laiineU as an In ';.■:'<br />

asked to do so far as contraction is l)t . L , iu , ,, : m ructing national KigftWaQ<br />

not propose doing so in the future<br />

The re.-i'.ar rsal, umier the<br />

optimistic as t«> the outc< the<br />

i ed proved fill I .1 th •<br />

i»ks a?<br />

concerned; howeYeit; we have otherT^ ;uiv , M , f .,.,,„i tt ecess>ry to hang one<br />

and has paid its own •<br />

don of th auctpr,<br />

tbriit work here.<br />

brother n up for lost.<br />

kindred<br />

• P.- ." !.-• and then we will<br />

tion, cost of Instruments and<br />

take pia.e this evenin!? Mr. Wlby<br />

Victory week, which will include the<br />

gani/.ation—lei- ;t i< a - -at organi/.a- p r^oa piy ^e aMe to se are one hundred anniver-aiy oUihe signing of the arout<br />

the KT;:; ;•.!;••. has wo:<br />

one I .-ring I<br />

is : ' i6s<br />

•;«>:i that liurjiG i < uistrm-t. or ^ worth , ' r ,,n these instruments in the -; ne ;,»• ,,.. isso .^- •,...—» iation is - the country<br />

umtry will be d< perided upon for a<br />

mance and hardship wh r rethe<br />

nice, a of the world<br />

, desires I i do askeil t0 part •• the Xatimal Mighwav Associa?J roada Any other system vvpuld i»i- great share in tiiis work, and in e<br />

1<br />

I -'old comi • t» > h<br />

As already stated. I<br />

,,;. ening. tion, the National HLhway Asspcia- ., 0 i vt ,"i 1 ,,;„i,-..ds of years" time, ami an county the schools which show stampede, and is a<br />

ph<br />

and Ray have not been ai le '.; d<br />

inim .. , beginjtiOn is organized for- the puri»ose ot<br />

to the wc«rk the ti:<br />

' palling w;'<br />

a< '\\ ity will be . [ifiro.riately Vukpn Order of Pion< er ancl<br />

• tl<br />

irrttera<br />

of national high-<br />

awarded. In .Mr. McLean's district ttia<br />

< ther similar organizations.<br />

itinal<br />

|iow to give to •<br />

tci riii :>*: marking rip post ■. re-<br />

school in each (ounty which shows the<br />

].>■■ v. Bowman St<<br />

I<br />

cessary to justify publi<br />

He will also take the] n parately, parim printed logs, with directions to ll<br />

greatest results, based on the per capconcerts,<br />

etc.. an«l the memi»ers <<br />

::n>\ mapping all these [j<br />

band have been clamoring t* n ita strength cf the ichbpi; wi<br />

r<br />

band wi! i. mlar rehearsai;routes. As oon as the Complete<br />

a\ya'rded a handsome victory fla'g. I;»<br />

man;<br />

ince or<br />

ual instruction to enable tnem t<br />

iys, tern has been < I. fhjB trails;<br />

this county every school, rncludin:<br />

the best from their affiliation with tin<br />

organizatioa. Bffoi<br />

fhc a tip Of the band markca, the arid the aj<br />

i!iIVK.<br />

r-;cti! g Naal<br />

< KecK for a thre- men<br />

sense, or lack of earn and yet<br />

i IL A<br />

! Highways, but there will tion to the D.iiL. \l> p< p*< inhere<br />

PAL Is - A 'A ii<br />

secures the neeessar. rative<br />

;l.is •••<br />

« •; ■; • /.<br />

spirit essential to<br />

from tl;<br />

wherea i th Pstnlim i Canal<br />

. we do not tv . i i■•<br />

ts that I '• '<br />

good music. The futur<br />

. rsons; the<br />

• i not •• e in reading one of th< .<br />

neral Vuditii'ch<br />

will<br />

wood band and the m<br />

ai Hrovuw.<br />

of the individuals sing the or-<br />

I - I<br />

p.. ivi- b> tl t: one hundr< i : t.ir Tiail<br />

\ •<br />

• ,1 hamlet m the < Ann]<br />

whi?h wil<br />

:- the bill i I " COfisid t ... ,,,<br />

With the it'<br />

and re ipg from ; >( . 1( j CM .. ];,(, mj l ( j | j<br />

all these ihter< ■ i- md IK Mrs<br />

one thing !• i five or 4 \ \ s. oi r v .<br />

•ill • •• vo! ano. Mu at it is<br />

• The ; rim i de Qiu ' the won I the<br />

right,'. 11 oHd. IkToti will n front the ;<br />

tl at our island has been almost i<br />

this last out-<br />

MOM:Y TO row.<br />

ing hat the tala! wave that wa-<br />

if you wish to borrow money or<br />

renr business property, or to buy'.. i{ ( ,. (| ,<br />

itiiid or impro i • In Bro • • , i...<br />

rood, 1 can seciire It I >r you IMll ri _ .<br />

low rfite of interest, and on monthly t. {]] ,._.<br />

payments, through the United Savings j . w ,. a ght'eij witn o - to tti -•■<br />

Bank. ' n:ui do not know ait I how loni? '<br />

ALn I can make you farm loam- a* . A ,:i It, ,.,.; ,„„ j o;! , p, ,-,.. This p<br />

eight per cent for a term of five, sever i: ., tr!l i y called the Para<br />

ten cr twentv years.<br />

the I'aeith. The Very many '<br />

I. H. FREMH,<br />

Tropical plants and fruits and<br />

Trent liltltr. Brownwood, Texas. and i he perfe * clirhale make it n<br />



Specials at Norwood^<br />

Sent to us through mistake, 50 Ladies' Coats, in<br />

the finest quality and all latest styles and materials.<br />

These coats will be sold at reduced<br />

prices, and it you so desire you may make a<br />

small cash payment and we will lay it aside for<br />

your convenience.<br />

Fifty cloth coats will be sold at choice of $9.95<br />

Two extra size Broadcloth coats at - $20.00<br />

Ten black seal Plush coats, very beautiful, trimmed with genuine<br />

bear skin collars and cuffs, a regular $75 coat, specially<br />

priced ------ _._. $47.50<br />

We are also showing 50 Ladies 1 Tailored Suits<br />

Burt Norwood<br />



See Our vVindows<br />

jhtfUl I>!a< e tO :'•"• and then, t0O.<br />

one ' an gd in the sari evei y d -r- i<br />

the year.<br />

it at the famous Waikiki/1 Ii a« '.<br />

r ;:i •the bathing pla« «• ot the isl •■<br />

DD<br />

i one ru with fieople 'ii<br />

gg part- of the world i CO<br />

DD night regarding the peoples; t h« Lh<br />

SE samls of other things but will add<br />

DD - line regarding my work and i all ' i>; u<br />

§§ "for this tiu.f<br />

*l am looking after three tfl i?i<br />

this vicinity in the Interest of r 11 * * V<br />

M. (\ A. ami we as an 'ion are<br />

DD<br />

DD<br />

DD<br />

DD<br />

DD endeavoring to do ever thii.^ ppsSi >'■•<br />

DD down here fi r the enlisted men.<br />

DD<br />

DD they marines, sailors or soldiers. The<br />

DD ! three stations that ' have are Pearl<br />

1<br />

DD<br />

DD<br />

Harbour (naval». I.M'K" Fi.id. flyer Kahiehameha ArtLIli «iftt) r<br />

DD<br />

DD work y Inteirestiug though very<br />

DD strenuous, as secretaries are few and<br />

DD<br />

DD far hetween way out here, Out ol<br />

DD<br />

DD 3,opo tnei total that l have in t^^<br />

DD three posts there is only one hov<br />

PQ,1 from Hear Brownwood and he is a la I<br />

UQ i from San Sa »a named I.anhaai ■]•■<br />

DD is with me a great deal and of eours<br />

nd i seems to appreciate the tact that ! aa.<br />

BSjfrom Brownwood; The fait that I<br />

DD' work with marines, jailors and sot-<br />

PjSjdicra makes il very i,w/ as there<br />

DD work is of eourso different from that<br />

§§|of ea- h of the other Yraiiehes of the,<br />

DD'service consequently it lakes differ*<br />

QQitarties in serving each respective<br />

uroup."<br />

We<br />

Merc.<br />

Deliver<br />

Co<br />

the goods. Looney<br />

The (an yen pay 2,> to get your<br />

coffee in. is for the purpose of preserving<br />

the strength and flavor of the<br />

i coffee. Win n you buy our fresh<br />

DD! roasted coffee in tlie hulk, you get it<br />

!SjTight fresh from the roaster and save<br />

gaaaaDDaDDDaaaDaaoaaDDDDDODDQDDaaaoDDDao V, 1,H " nne ' essury L^i )enae - Loone:<br />

^n^innnnfinnrinntif innnr¥irinnrii nirinnnt nn innnnnnr] I Mere. Co.<br />

National Legislation<br />

of the<br />

Meat Packing Industry<br />

1. Will not increase the amount of meat you can<br />

buy for a dollar.<br />

2. Will not raise more animals.<br />

3. Will not produce more meat.<br />

V Will not stop fluctuations in live-stock receipts<br />

or prices.<br />

5. Will not increase the output of the packing<br />

houses.<br />

6. Will not prevent strikes.<br />

7. Will not reduce transportation charges.<br />

8. Will not reduce the retailer's cost of doing<br />

business.<br />

9. Will Aot increase the demand for the cheaper<br />

cuts of meat.<br />

10. Will not lessen the consumers' demand for expensive<br />

delivery and credit service.<br />

11. Can not at the same time raise prices paid<br />

farmers for live stock, and lower prices<br />

paid by consumers for meat.<br />

But the slowing up of efficiency due to cumbersome<br />

governmental routine will have the effect of increasing the<br />

manufacturing charges between the cost ef live stock and the<br />

cost of meats, thus forcing lower live-stock prices or higher<br />

meat prices.<br />

The packing industry as now conducted, is characterized by<br />

keen competition, highest efficiency, and unusually low profits.<br />

Lot us send you a Swift "Dollar."<br />

It will interest you.<br />

Address Swift & Company,<br />

Union Stock Yards, Chicago, III.<br />

Swift & Company, U. S. A.<br />

Swift & Company s<br />

Prosit zSTcSum

■RH<br />

. ■<br />

■<br />

■<br />

■<br />

■<br />

■<br />

M<br />

«££<br />

B<br />



benefit Brown wood, li is natural to<br />

suppose if the Amendment had car-<br />

*""jriefl the home of the superintendent<br />

■<br />

MAYES PRINTING CO., PROPS. *'°" ,d ,'" ,V in<br />

" """" ( 1,, " w "" '' 1 ,"" 1<br />

Member Associated Press. , "'"'« *f* n '' s , J "f/ ,s ' , r; " "f<br />

„-„ _ . _ _. «^w*!' u ' would be partial to roads in the<br />

Office of Publication. Bulletin Build- B^^W^od area, or at least the Coming,<br />

corner Brown and Lee Streets.<br />

" m;l1 Chlb cu " ut hav « mo * e inmi -j<br />

.^^^^ ^id«rdble comment because the Road<br />

Law Amendment I rwhelmlngly<br />

Med In the rural voting preclnct-s<br />

of the community. The four wards<br />

of Brownwood Rave it a majority,<br />

from which it easilj can !«• seen that<br />

it was a move on the Commercial<br />

{aub'a part for a thing to greatly<br />

t_<br />

ih(<br />

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atbr sMih Pb a- ,, ., ( .<br />

dexter has favored the Bulletin with no<br />

the ' R.-puhhean<br />

oijnring his eandidae-<br />

nomination fw liiv \ ■■ ■ "•■<br />

th»i' - piirtt<br />

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\T e»l».'.K.<br />

i i realized<br />

\: vrK oJ me<br />

IAIA IJAII onlutn<br />

months ;mi | recfpv<br />

dr. ,-, ijtii ap.enei :• i ' 'i-' Si ri'i.i;<br />

The Rn id'-nt's veto of the prohi<br />

helped trio and I I<br />

bitimi < nforeene tit law has a! least<br />

A ■ r. \* n IM ^ "Mav-: ■ I am a trained nur■ ,■ and li;.v- n. «<br />

«li<br />

»,v- wedtUng In October:<br />

I »o- te'nnd anything to etjual your .... A J. wm-A h<br />

,,,,11 possible. Vet. 'tis true Briefly edy in tne Ireatlmem ol rheumati . .<br />

Don't suffer any longer with n h<<br />

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DIED<br />

from kid<br />

• Don't allov*<br />

A to r rictna<br />

-:d£ch^s. Gu^H<br />

--- th by taking<br />


^ a<br />

^Jc IN<br />

-iedy forkidn^'.<br />

: c;id troubles.'<br />

remedy since 1696.<br />

Guk»a..tiii<br />

he r.-ae GoU Medal oo e#«ry Us<br />

end -ccept cof<br />

Refreshing flavor and fragrance and . "-<br />

usual mellow-mildness make Camel Cigarettes<br />

instantly and permanently likable!<br />

Cime!»art> wW#r*rywher«i'n<br />

actfntificaHv Wtfed pac**,?••<br />

of 20 i ii.trfttrt. or t*n pack'<br />

af«4 . ^ ■" ft( "* ) M> «<br />

jll^iinc p.tr^r-i-cvirfdcarton.<br />

V\> sfronrf/v rt'iommfnJ triia<br />

carton for tht> /loine M o'Ji.*<br />

mupply or irhen you travmL<br />

18 cents a package<br />

e* M Q<br />

AMt-l<br />

p il<br />

"<br />

■®-&1 A #<br />

\^s00>,.<br />

c i S<br />

CAMELS are a cigarette revelation! They<br />

are a smoke delight! They answer the<br />

cigarette question as it has never before been<br />

answered Your taste will prove that!<br />

Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish<br />

and choice Domestic tobaccos which you will<br />

greatly prefer to either kind of tobacco smoked<br />

straight. Your test proves that!<br />

This expert blend brings out Camels' wonderful<br />

cigarette qualities. It eliminates any unpleasant<br />

cigaretty aftertaste cr any unpleasant<br />

cigaretty odor! It also makes possible Camels<br />

enticing mildness while retaining the full<br />

44 body " of the tobaccos.<br />

No matter how much you like Camels and<br />

how liberally you smoke thsm, they will not<br />

tire your taste !<br />

For your own satisfaction compare Camels<br />

with any cigarette in the world at any price!<br />

• . •" ^ %<br />

itfarettes<br />

^^<br />


Wtnston-Salem, N. C m<br />

.<br />

■<br />


n i<br />



I GEORGE<br />

\AfiNEW<br />

CHAMB] IE]<br />

The heat of the day had quite passed.<br />

Andrea felt of her arms. They were<br />

AUTHOR G?<br />


JOHN EOGARDUt (1 ever enough for a book<br />

•it will lift a fever from you, the fever t0 roac | j n hed."<br />

of hastening from one little thing to<br />

another. Look back and tell me if<br />

your memories aren't all stock varieties;<br />

I mean don't they all fall Into<br />

set'fend dry classifications?"<br />

"I understand." said Andrea. 'Tou<br />

"I beg your pardon. I'm sorry." said<br />

the man and clapped his bands loudly.<br />

A bundle under the tree, wrapped up<br />

head and all in a blanket, resolved itself<br />

Into Bathtub rubbing sleep out of<br />

his eyes; arose, seized a rope n a<br />

mean they are all chucked Into about pulley and hauled. The circular mos<br />

aix bins like staples at a grocery." quito uet ro \\ ei \ up f roin anout the<br />

He gave her a look of undisguised table.<br />

an excuse for a beauty patch of black<br />

plaster—and tonight it was immeas- j<br />

urahly ugly!<br />

With bed so near she could not stop<br />

to cry just yet. She went about her<br />

preparation deliberately, subconsciously<br />

secure in the thought that she could<br />

soon soak her pillow in aching comfort.<br />

Throughout her maneuvering<br />

she was aware of a presence in the<br />

room, inanimate but terrifyingly personal.<br />

However she turned, It still '<br />

lurked in the corner of her eye. ac- ,<br />

cused her of dallying and almost said :<br />

aloud; "Eventually! why not now?"<br />

Finally she slipped off the rest of her<br />

dainty clothes and with eyes screwed<br />

tight shut, groped for the presence.<br />

seized it and put it on in two pnrts.<br />

"Oh!" she gasped in a rage, "that<br />

I should have to wear that beast's silk<br />

pajamas!" She put out the light<br />

hurled herself at the cot, curled up<br />

like a kitten, drew the sheet over her<br />

head, cuddled into the pillow and<br />

sobbed, "Poor Andrea ! Poor Andrea<br />

Tel—I'e—"<br />

Brutal, elemental sleep had choked<br />

the words in her throat.<br />

There is no telling when Andrea<br />

would have awaked had it not beer,<br />

for Bathtub, v ho thundered on her<br />

door at the scandalously late hour in<br />

that clime of eight in the mornimr.<br />

"Bath ready. Missis! Bath ready.<br />

MNsis!" he was chanting monotonously.<br />

She arose, put on her cloak,<br />

opened the door and rubbed her eyes<br />

at the shock of a noonday glare.<br />

The boy grinned from ear to ear.<br />

"Bath ready!" he exclaimed with a<br />

happy finality and bearing towels am!<br />

soap led her to the newly constructed<br />

little hut in the yard. He placed the<br />

paraphernalia on a chair set close to<br />

a collapsible canvas tub and from u<br />

neighboring smoldering fire fetched a i<br />

big tin of water.<br />

"Hot water!" cried Andrea, "Why.<br />

I'm boiling myself. Bring me cold<br />

water."<br />

"Cold water no good," affirmed Bathtub<br />

as he emptied the tin.<br />

"But I wish cold water," said Andrea.<br />

admiration. "I mean exactly that "Will you go to your room and toll<br />

"Cold water plenty no good for;<br />

My philosophy will give you the secret me if y..u have everything?'' asked the white Missis." reaffirmed Bathtub and<br />

of the happy idle hour. Never again man . "Everything necessary, I mean,"<br />

withdrew, carefully closing the c: :.ut< out<br />

ironed, a r«>ll of khaki cloth, scissors,<br />

of the way."<br />

a thimble and one of those pepper ; pi<br />

The man made an impatient gesture<br />

tins of assorted needles. She stared<br />

"There you g«»." be exclaimed, "pounc-<br />

at them long and helplessly. IMT lower<br />

ing, claws out, on the one personal<br />

lip trembling; then she went in.<br />

elementP"<br />

on her things except her frock and<br />

"Why!" cried Andrea, eyes inno-1<br />

covered its lack with heir cloak. She<br />

cently wide. "What's personal about j<br />

did her hair last of all. by way of<br />

an airplane?" t <<br />

change, and just as she finished heard<br />

He at her grimly and ignored<br />

Bathtub's call to breakfast<br />

the trap. "It will give you things u<br />

Neither white man nor black w:is in<br />

think about." he continued, "and when<br />

evidence; but even so the day pas<br />

you have them you'll no longer be<br />

swiftly, so many were the new features<br />

afraid of thought in itself, and when<br />

of the kraal's changing so ne. She<br />

you are freed of that fear you will<br />

i hose a 1 k at random; bad her hamfind<br />

that sh - to be coamock-chair<br />

dragged info the t-hadi<br />

Tersational bad taste. It become*<br />

the dining tree and stretched put to<br />

rather a wea]>on, the only probe that<br />

can pierce the armor of individuals,<br />

for of course you know that ovfry personality<br />

wears a shell, thick or thin<br />

clos* -Joined or bx.se."<br />

■ turned her eyes and looked bin<br />

Up and down ficHingly. "What else<br />

will your philosophy do for me?" the<br />

asked.<br />

"What el=e?" he repeated. "It will<br />

lo-r first lesson in lazy content Gradually<br />

she grew drowsy with the heat,<br />

but tlOt So sleepy that she failed to<br />

hear fro::i away off the far-carryins<br />

report, six times repea a highpowered<br />

ritle.<br />

Bathtub, squatted near by, looked<br />

up with u beatific smile. "Master,? he<br />

stated.<br />

It was two hours later when the<br />

make you gloriously independent—re-<br />

Incident was repeated in every detail<br />

duce yon to the three el-meats of eon-<br />

save that the shots c*me from still<br />

tent—health, honor and an inner<br />

farther away; and about three hoUra<br />

flame."<br />

after, once more the thing happened.<br />

"Let's bogin with the inner flame,"<br />

she suggested. "It sounds mystic."<br />

Bathtub rolled his eyes and hugged<br />

himself In irormandizing anticipation<br />

"Rut i' baft." be replied "It's the "I'm Not Goin« to Bed for Hours." BS he breathed the word, "Master!"<br />

mo«t practical tiling in the world. Am<br />

Andrea was vaguely Interested until<br />

bit ion. illusion, youth, are a few of its<br />

at him with a sort of diffident look, as<br />

the sequel to those eighteen shots<br />

though she were about to give away a<br />

commoner appellations, but the<br />

began to arrive and then she was<br />

that comes nearest to Imprisoning it in<br />

secret. "When I yawn, always keep<br />

stunned with horror. Amid the shouts<br />

a phrase li h of life<br />

on talking. It means I'm—I'm tiree.<br />

of men and the shrill ulululooing of<br />

You know."<br />

Andrea studied him almost impa-<br />

the women they begau to come In,<br />

••JD your society tricks," remarktiently;<br />

inwardly lling<br />

tremend.iusiv at flu ling<br />

ed the man. "I'm colng." IT aros< hen^r after beast, eacn trussed to a<br />

tinually interested by one who was<br />

I turned his back on her.<br />

poh and lorn*' by six. sometimes eight,<br />

even at the room* .it calmly doing her Ilefor-' h^ had taken three strides naked and straining black*.<br />

Firs? to arrive Were five sable antea<br />

grent wrong, if he had spoken as her voice «>u like, stje saia<br />

wi<br />

evenly,<br />

ovAniv ••Kilt<br />

out<br />

i chaii sweep of their glorious horns inverted,<br />

at once: but he hadn't. In that point *H here until you come back<br />

more than in any other lay the charm<br />

Min? Weil, pall it charm, anyway,<br />

of this unusual male.<br />

Having thought the matter out with<br />

a view to bearlnt; bJm browse some<br />

more "Can't you bring it a<br />

little ne:ir< r?"'<br />

*T11 try." he answered after a pause.<br />

"Breath of life is that quality which<br />

holds back a man from marrying for<br />

money<br />

he's<br />

from<br />

to the<br />

and<br />

king-bull of I to Impatient paths<br />

of lonely meditation. In short, it's<br />

the perpetual vigilance of self at the<br />

apparent risk of the sou!."<br />

"Sort of sublimated egoism," remarked<br />

Andrea.<br />

"Selfishness, you mean?" lie shook<br />

his head. "Its not 1 D that plane;<br />

it's so much over it that selfishness as<br />

a quality is merely one of the pebbles<br />

on the beach below i' that the sea has<br />

been grinding down to uniform characteristics<br />

for a hundred years. Alive,<br />

it's a Bai it doesn't even leave<br />

a corpse."<br />

He turned at om •. a flush In<br />

cheek-, "i orgivo me." he said simply,<br />

Ftruofc a match and. held it for her.<br />

"Now- health." said Andrea. "Hon't.<br />

you think I'm reasonably healthy already?"<br />

"No." said the man, "until you've<br />

thick tongues dragging in the dust.<br />

The bearers did not stop within the<br />

kraal, but passed through It, chanting<br />

wildly as though they were engaged<br />

in a perverted Uacchanalian<br />

pageant of blood. Women and children<br />

streamed after them, and even<br />

ftathtuh looked longingly In the direc-<br />

wolfed a whole meal and grabbed tion thr >' haB RKNT—Six room house. sleepstared<br />

at her. Gradually be took in<br />

Agency for your help,<br />

;: i' ing porch. All conveniences. Close in.<br />

her meaning. "You think I do it for<br />

one R-<br />

r<br />

WANTKH—You to buy your fresh<br />

—for fuuV" he exclaimed.<br />

meats at Hoy sens Market. —I46tfa TWO Kl RNISHKD bed rooms; mod-<br />

"Murderer/? she repeated tensely.<br />

ern conveniences; $20.96 each per<br />

Th. tfc<br />

v ill come with me or he carried.<br />

", .lone .• _ West Broadway.<br />

\our choice."<br />

FOR RKNT—One light house keeping<br />

Their eyes ro t and held in one of found Bathtub. "Wake your master,"<br />

room, suitable for girls. 'Phone J-<br />

those struggles that measure not so she *he commanded.<br />

"Tell him to go to WANTKH-To buy second-hand Mm<br />

301 tfc<br />

ri uch the nding eiu.no U rs as the »»ed." hed."<br />

• ltnre and stoves, highest cash prices.<br />

strength of the opposing I in oses, The darkey grinned u?» at her sleepily W. C. Bowden Furniture Co., Phone FO R RKNT—To gentlemen, two bed<br />

'I ho man's purpose u n out. Andrea Until he grasped her request, then bis J-?3l —UOtfc rooms; close to business section; mod-<br />

dropped her eyes 'md foil >Wi I !.•?>. fuee took on a look of mLxed fenr and V *~ [ern conveniences. Apply to "He Sells<br />

He pass Vtlv through the kraal mischief, "Bathtub"wake M'sungo one WANTKI^-To buy two hundred cars the nesf .. .p noneg 541 if busy 561. J-<br />

291tfc<br />

IF<br />

phone R-63^.<br />

skinning, ''uttink:. hacking with prac but even from those depths exuding<br />

; own wood Floral Co. 272tfc WK HIT second hand furniture. N<<br />

ticed hands. The meat wa.«i \n ing piled a sense of compelling latent power,<br />

• ~^~—-— Second Hand Store. 2ui5 West Broadin<br />

heaps, and at each heap was Ma- and hesitated. Clotting, up her cour-<br />

WANTKD—Nl^e cfean cotton rags, way, 'phone $~o. Mfttfi<br />

tioned a black captain. Under his age she coughed twice quite loudly, but<br />

The Brownwood Bulletin.<br />

direction 1 host of helpers were anting Ineffectually, and then, feeling almost<br />

FOR SALE<br />

tlie Mesh Into minute portions.<br />

, relieved that nothing happened, stole WK V/A NT—All the second hand furn-<br />

Beyond the limits oi the ree'.s '.ir ' away on tiptoe.<br />

re you have—Call Home Furniture FOR SALE—Coal i range. Price<br />

flung ■ squatted a black army<br />

CO.<br />

289tfc HO<br />

l«e<br />

—men wirh assegais in their hands;<br />

(To be enntlined)<br />

women and children with qu< • r < "ucal<br />

In their h:;>s. Vh\-dcally tl<br />

people wrre. without exception, a jwy<br />

;o the eye, but beyond them,<br />

together Under another tree and 1<br />

lessly staring wn.s a small band that<br />

brought sudden tears t.» Andrea.'? «<br />

r before hod she seen human'<br />

- an I -k:ii without flesh, live eyes<br />

staring t'r :.. ihe skeleton emblem of<br />

death;<br />

At tasji the division of the sangub'l<br />

nary spoil was completed. The well*<br />

fed army lined up. each and every man<br />

accompanied by woman or child .as<br />

E<br />



Prompt attention. ."02 K. Baker, 'phone<br />

.<br />

FOR SALE CHKAP—Second hand<br />

sheet iron, not g ou*h for roofs.<br />

Make wind breaks—W. J. f»dell.<br />

ph l"tfc<br />

SALE Hot Blast stove.<br />

S \ I :: >>MH I'.I>.\ K MINORCAS— family si/IKAT \M> I \KK SALTS birds now, all from blue ribbon win- quick sale, all $12 Phone J-2^3. tfc?<br />

Kt)R lt\| II \< IIF UV RI.APUEfi<br />

a ts « ( ^ater:<br />

(hecks had worked for them But her<br />

eyes lingered pitifully on the Btarying.<br />

also get from<br />

Sh© turned to the man with a ges- ounces of ltd Sal;<br />

ture of pleading—pleading for pnrdoh<br />

for herself, mercy for the silent suffer-<br />

ing. "What about these?" she aslod.<br />

"They will reeeive a ration Of millet,"<br />

hO answered. "Tomorrow the<br />

men will crawl to the forests, twice a<br />

week they will get meat checks. In a<br />

month they and their families will be<br />

fat and sleek. We refuse no one who<br />

wishes to work."<br />

the kraal and. once there, promptly<br />

disappeared into his hut. Half an hour<br />

later Andrea was nervously moving<br />

about her room, wondering whether to<br />

put on her frock or not, when Bathtub<br />

arrived with a message. Did she wish<br />

to dine alone or with M'sungo?<br />

"Tell your master." she answered,<br />

"that I will dine with him with pleasure."<br />

During the meal, th- white man<br />

talked, giving her listlessly certain explanatory<br />

Information* "Eight months<br />

ago," he sold, "I struck this country.<br />

It was desolation. In spite of the big<br />

We Need Residences<br />

for Sale<br />

FOR SALE—IMS model, five passenger<br />

Ford car Phone .1- itfc<br />

For Sale.<br />

I>c r front; one-half<br />

block from (Oggin A\enue; terms.<br />

House and lot on Taylor Avenue:<br />

We have a number of good quick sale. < in cash:<br />

Customers On hand nOW Wait- wil1 insider Ford car; balance like<br />

11 1 •£ ..rents. "Phone R-121. after 7 38 p m.<br />

mg to buy places and if you tfc<br />

have a house and lot for sale ~^——~.~—,—~——^,~<br />

fnl in a plasi re break- , r .. 1 ^ . e\\ *^ i;~*<br />

fast for a few day- ,:,d vour kidnc s ask for it, do not fail to list<br />

will ti.» n act line; Tl i ilts is your property with us at once<br />

n.ad- front t;he ackl of sriinea :md f or WE CAN SE1LL IT.<br />

lemon jtilee roinb'tned with l'.t| :<br />

and has been li ,v 1 for £<<br />

clean c\*'-- ,,: kidneys '^^ stimalate<br />

them to normal a rtlvity« also to neutrali.-i'<br />

the an at the Dixie<br />

[Theatre tomorrow. k.en from life.<br />

E. B. Henley & Co. is the case with all of Major White's<br />

els. He f«lls an interesting little<br />

Real Estate and Insurance<br />

anecdote about one of the characters<br />

Office Phone 8. Res. 153 he knew wheri. as a young man. he<br />

himself took part in the Black Hills<br />

D.E.Uell.D.D.S.<br />

•Rhone .".44 Rhone J-323<br />


Dentists<br />

Oiliro Thone IM5.<br />

Over t'offirtn Bank.<br />

Ten cent loaves bread for 7<br />

cash at the bakery Wednesday<br />

cents<br />

-ikm<br />

gold rush, with which The Westerner<br />

Is. This man served as a<br />

5 prototype of one i ;" the important<br />

characters in the Mini and BOfOt<br />

"We were riding by »»n on«<br />

morning when a do« ran oat and atked<br />

his horse." Major White relate*.<br />

•The horse was badly frightened, and<br />

for a. while gave all sorts of trouble,<br />

while the doe took fright and ran into<br />

tho open door of the cabin. As soon<br />

'as the rearing horse permitted, my<br />

trletids left him and followed the do*<br />

He came to the open cabin door. leaned<br />

Inside, and shot with his revolver<br />

'once Then he came out. put back hU<br />

revolver, and we rode on.<br />

• After a while. I thought it tim*» to<br />

'inquire whether or not he got the dor.<br />

T don't just know." he drawled.<br />

he folks inside were at breakfast<br />

and he ran in among their Iaiga. But<br />

I think I got him."<br />

Collect all the clean<br />

cotton rags about your<br />

place, bring them to<br />

this office, and we will<br />

pay you well for them.<br />

a<br />

m<br />


Km^^^^^H m i H -1 ■ ■ ■■■ i ^-r^f^:<br />

^■MH<br />

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I<br />

■<br />

PAGE SIX Brownwood Bulletin OCTOBER 28,1919<br />

-a.<br />

I Miss Curtis Jenningg lest Mondaj Tomorrow's t'.fiferijiiiitiiciit.<br />

moil >.iihg for Kurt Worth.' to attend The Self Culture Clttf) vviil u. ef at<br />

I Grand Opera.<br />

::::''» o'elo.k \vi!h Mrs. V (>ayls.<br />

Misa Berniec Tarrant will arrive ?o- The Wednesday Bridge CftUi will<br />

night from Belton (or a \i--i! with licrlineel wiih Mrs. i; i:. Foster -ii 3:30] =<br />

;>.ir«-!it , )'r tiU Mrs V. If Tarra ;i.' o'clock.<br />

Mr-, Frai k Mtoifj of itising Star- <br />

arrived Mpndaj for a \isit with fiei KH'iri-'S,<br />

parents. Mr. ami Mrs. A. F. I! »\v!iscr'.r.<br />

.Moor will ;c placed tn tiie Tearj>l< ' '"1 lv\o < up:; nj ( raiili'-rrit<br />

saii'iarium. olio liaJl prip of vvai< •. i I] ! i j op<br />

R l*!'i'-,'l.:Cl .'r lefl la I ll:'l!i \, thrpn a<br />

I to • p-.ira ... • • . ! u «»: to ' ..ili: .: JII-:.a a:,.l (:■ ■ • < up<br />

' .':• ■ ' • • i ;c •• .p . ! ugar<br />

Know.i iii Teij pie, Ajj Tiii<br />

" ■• ,":•■, : . F ol<br />

• i'. v<br />

rahi<br />

(UMil. . • r==<br />

Tile \r"l!l Mo\. I'eitOMlsllalioii<br />

!'<br />

• \<br />

li.: ■' N<br />

iirte I the I<br />

■:.<br />

I'llene V( Orders<br />

' •: i<br />

• a<br />

v -<br />

i!:il!!!l!l!lll!!!llll!!llll!ll!ill!l!li!llllllli!liiL1i<br />

cial Offering of Dresses<br />

=<br />

at<br />

Very Extraordinary _<br />

Prices j<br />

A nti irkahle value in |<br />

Bhick Saiiri Dresses j<br />

TomoTow J<br />

$16.95 up to $35.00 I<br />

Tri< ele!ie bncl Paulette<br />

Press ss oi Black Nnvy<br />

and Brown. A remark-<br />

>le \ alue tomorrow at<br />

$49.95 .<br />

rr^<br />

Fhesedresses are oisuch<br />

distinetive character<br />

and of such noteworthy<br />

value as to warrant an<br />

immediate selection.<br />

Do not miss seeing them<br />

tomorrow.<br />

9<br />

IPS'<br />

LYRl-C!<br />

i • i.<br />

and<br />

i<br />

:5: i hii,-,.». (| Lmdire Vc Wl, an^'liN<br />

Uu.-.!.,a; ol (<br />

»il)S \\ VMKH.<br />

■.-.iii he re<br />

an :: S<br />

: lour<br />

\ »a : : at Worth ■ • i<br />

;<br />

Looney<br />

Mercantile Co.<br />

TODAY<br />

.1 ha-<br />

■' where he ha<br />

i pturi<br />

' :<br />

. ilil!!!!li!i|!i!l!lllllll!!!!!l!l!l!!!!!!i!!!l^ ;i!!il!!i!!l!!!,!iil<br />

Corinne Griffith<br />

m<br />

'TheBramble<br />

Bash"<br />

From the widely r^ad<br />

magazine story by Nalbro<br />

Bartley, Century comedy<br />

"A Village<br />

Venus"<br />

with Edith Roberts and<br />

Jimmv Adams.<br />

I<br />

return<br />

'. • . I.<br />

^>,.. iOi'wwl ilr \loiiv -M .' —<br />

■<br />

Port ■<br />

■<br />

9<br />

SI; i h.<br />

in I fall;<br />

< »a<br />

A 'u Lee ' h!!i -<br />

■<br />

• iiot<br />

'UP' ol LYRIC<br />

NOiM !<br />

sen •■ • '' '■!.••!!■ '• -<br />

iiic ■■•■,'<br />

VV* Deloer all ! liicl<br />

..I Mnw • , |)ry<br />

Mi and , ,„.<br />

rplativ*' i Bi<br />

\\ \\ F ■ * 'l;t><br />

; >.,'.!))'! ■<br />

!o ie r h ■'•:;•■<br />

• 1 t-hih<br />

in ehi< uh-i' slu-;<br />

. in': nn i her to<br />

ke ler lioiiie.<br />

la<br />

; | Ten (ent<br />

• MI i<br />

!'o:i i<br />

W<br />

PUM<br />

Foi<br />

the I l/YKK JEW-<br />

ii, w., i i.ei let ns Mioii leiw yon<br />

.<br />

I '•. :MN r04»tk Sff«i%e WJtrl i>\*u he if re-'-<br />

II la tor. Meakh)-^:;!>.o>->]:!|er. . .<br />

. • I*' i'i I<br />

We helher tin • •»ie<br />

DIXIE<br />

■J ! i ' J<br />

• io i • all<br />

R I. i<br />

Brown C'ount) '!'• »<br />

Ilit \ 'M| I llin;. «...-» i ( ,,!•. .' :<br />

. ■ V , ■ i<br />

tlitESi linis!: TIRKSrt!<br />

io fifty per<br />

111 \<br />

!'. I<br />

The<br />

ran<br />

Ifrr: Va<br />

hahi<br />

j on P''} "-• C '<br />

Wh< ii ■<br />

• . |<br />

i ■<br />

\HTH ! T«> >:n.h < I vnniMiv.<br />

Vfte.'r \ov«-\ • • J ! ■ i.<br />

• ;<br />

,, ,, i . • ,. ■ •<br />

-<br />

2 Wednesday &<br />

Days Thursday<br />

Entrancing Music—Wonderful Singing—Beautiful Scenery-<br />

Bewitching Dancing<br />

o<br />

awaiians<br />

• •<br />

6<br />

x .<br />

•<br />

HM<br />

One Day<br />

Only<br />

Special<br />

tfm<br />

DIXIE<br />

Adults<br />


- 25c<br />

Children 15c<br />

Stewart Edward White, Great Novel put in a Picture<br />

'The Westerners'<br />

with Roy Stewart and Mildred Manning<br />

TODAY<br />



JOLT!<br />

Danger never wcrritd<br />

him when a pretty Ljirl<br />

war in distress.<br />

William Fox Presents<br />

the noted comedian<br />

Geo. Walsh<br />

in<br />


XOTH *:. H. r. ♦>. » I i •>.<br />

Ill ilai i-ei .. ■ •<br />

B ' ' ■<br />

.1<br />

D. .<br />

IK YOr WANT a Ron:! typewriter Let 09<br />

demonstrate the Woodfttock.<br />

Il \:a da a'* ir»l uooil Ha^h.r<br />

Work li's jour fault.<br />

1*1 17: WDIKSON'S<br />

BaHier simp is located in tiie<br />

Southern Hotel Bultdlng".<br />

In a Concert of Native and American numbers. Also an extra<br />

good program of pictures each day<br />

Playing the lead. This is a picture praised by all who<br />

have seen il. Claimed to be one of the best that has<br />

been run at the Old Mil! in Dallas this year.<br />

A story of the Pioneers who blazed the trail to the<br />

West.<br />

Have you ever read any of White's novels?<br />

is claimed to be one of the best.<br />

Remember it's only one day—so<br />

don't miss it.<br />

This<br />

'Putting it Over'<br />

You will laugh, gasp, applaud<br />

and wonder how it<br />

all will end.<br />

A!so the later t.<br />


and Billv Wetl in<br />

a<br />



Hontague I >>, in<br />


Lloyd t omnly<br />


O'Heniv M««»rev<br />


i'onv tly<br />

N.ITY lOVi: PANIC<br />

Foni\ Weekly<br />

Rood Comedy Eirery Day.<br />

Adults 20c Children 10c<br />


Select Pictures Co. Present<br />

I Guy Empey<br />

in<br />

1 "The Undercurrent"<br />

H A Vital Photodrama of Today<br />


THURSDAY 1<br />

Big Super Attraction<br />

Anita Stewart 1<br />

in<br />

i4 Mary Regan^ 1<br />

Directed by Lois Weber

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