Aalborg Universitet Bike Infrastructures Report Silva, Victor ... - VBN

Aalborg Universitet Bike Infrastructures Report Silva, Victor ... - VBN

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<strong>Aalborg</strong> <strong>Universitet</strong><br />

<strong>Bike</strong> <strong>Infrastructures</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

<strong>Silva</strong>, <strong>Victor</strong>; Harder, Henrik; Jensen, Ole B.; Madsen, Jens Chr. Overgaard<br />

Publication date:<br />

2012<br />

Link to publication from <strong>Aalborg</strong> University<br />

Citation for pulished version (APA):<br />

Andrade, V., Harder, H., Jensen, O. B., & Madsen, J. C. O. (2012). <strong>Bike</strong> <strong>Infrastructures</strong> <strong>Report</strong>. <strong>Aalborg</strong><br />

University: Departmental Working Paper Series, Dept. of Architecture, Design and Media Technology.<br />

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BIKE<br />


Edited by<br />





TITLE<br />



<strong>Victor</strong> Andrade<br />

Henrik Harder<br />

Ole B. Jensen<br />

Jens Madsen<br />


<strong>Victor</strong> Andrade<br />


Henrik Harder<br />

<strong>Victor</strong> Andrade<br />


<strong>Victor</strong> Andrade<br />

Henrik Harder<br />

Ole B. Jensen<br />

Jens Madsen<br />

Tom Godefrooij<br />

Kees van Goeverden<br />


Kristian Overby<br />

Luke Lorimer Baylis<br />

Niels Thuesen<br />

Anders Simonsen<br />

Nina K. Bregendahl<br />

Ann Sofie Grimshave Christensen<br />

LAYOUT<br />

Ann Sofie Grimshave Christensen<br />

Luke Lorimer Baylis<br />


Ann Sofie Grimshave Christensen<br />

<strong>Victor</strong> Andrade<br />


<strong>Victor</strong> Andrade<br />


<strong>Victor</strong> Andrade<br />

Kristian Overby<br />

Luke Lorimer Baylis<br />

bike<br />

infrastructures<br />


Luke Lorimer Baylis<br />

Ann Sofie Grimshave Christensen<br />

Niels Thuesen<br />


Architecture and Design Department<br />

<strong>Aalborg</strong> University<br />


ISSN: 1603-6204<br />

Volume: 69



SECTION 1: Danish National Survey<br />

SECTION 2: <strong>Bike</strong> <strong>Infrastructures</strong> Case Studies<br />

SECTION 3: The Dutch Reference Study. Cases of Interventions<br />

in <strong>Bike</strong> Infrastructure Reviewed in the Framework of<br />

<strong>Bike</strong>ability<br />

SECTION 4: recommendations

Introduction<br />



Increased transition of person transport from automobiles<br />

to bicycles is generally regarded as gain for society, most<br />

profoundly in terms of reduced emission and enhanced<br />

public health. However, the mode-share of cycling has<br />

decreased in recent years, leading to the conclusion by<br />

the Danish Government that conditions for cycling must<br />

be enhanced to increase the use of the bicycle for transportation<br />

(Regeringen et al 2009).<br />

This research project departs from this conclusion and<br />

focuses on the preconditions for cycling; the possible effects<br />

of changes of the urban environment and cycling<br />

infrastructure; and methodologies for assessment of<br />

changes to existing cycling infrastructure based on microlevel<br />

spatially explicit data. This way the strategic focus of<br />

the project is how to enhance bike-ability of urban areas.<br />

This report presents the result of the research project<br />

titled Interventions to the bicycle infrastructure. This research<br />

is under the umbrella of a major project called<br />

<strong>Bike</strong>-ability: cities for zero emission and public health<br />

which consists of 5 interrelated work packages focusing<br />

on different scales and aspects of the analysis of cycling<br />

in relation to urban structure and cycling infrastructure.<br />

It is the overall objective of the <strong>Bike</strong>-ability project to increase<br />

the level of knowledge in relation to cycling based<br />

transport and thereby to contribute to more efficient and<br />

qualified urban planning and management. It is the specific<br />

societal/commercial objective to enable planners of<br />

urban areas to a) promote as high bike-ability of urban areas<br />

as possible; b) predict cycling flows in planned or renewed<br />

cycling infrastructures; and c) facilitate exchange<br />

of the Danish know how with respect to bicycle transport<br />

internationally.<br />

The project Interventions to the bicycle infrastructure is<br />

divided in 3 research packages – <strong>Bike</strong> <strong>Infrastructures</strong>,<br />

National Survey and Dutch References.<br />

Firstly, the package titled <strong>Bike</strong> <strong>Infrastructures</strong> is a comparative<br />

case study of 3 bike infrastructures with different<br />

typologies and in 3 Danish municipalities. The study aims<br />

to reveals recent experiences of implementation of bike<br />

infrastructures and their effects.<br />

The package National Survey is an inventory of bike infrastructures<br />

implemented in all Danish municipalities between<br />

1978 and 2009. Plus, it is investigate the structure<br />

and capacity of the municipalities to deal with implemen-<br />

tation of bike infrastructures. The inventory is based on<br />

a web-based questionnaire which was sent to all Danish<br />

municipalities.<br />

Finally, the research package Dutch References is a<br />

study of selected cycling interventions in the Netherlands,<br />

focusing on bicycle infrastructure cases that helped increase<br />

local bicycle traffic significantly. This reference<br />

study will be based on considerations related to the classic<br />

study “Sign up for the <strong>Bike</strong>: Design Manual for a Cycle<br />

friendly Infrastructure” and these considerations will be<br />

compared to more recent studies from the Netherlands.<br />

The primary purpose of this report is to provide policy<br />

makers, architects, urban designers or traffic engineers<br />

among others with a synthesis of information on bike infrastructures.<br />

The main objective of this study is to analyze bike infrastructure<br />

cases in the Danish municipalities; their implementation;<br />

and significance in terms of contribution to the<br />

promotion of cycling; and finally identify infrastructure and<br />

design elements that can help promote cycling significantly.<br />

Having said that, it is not the ambition of this report to<br />

fix a precise frame of techniques for interventions to bike<br />

infrastructures. It is however an intention to identify and<br />

debate critical topics that represent challenges facing the<br />

design and implementation of bike infrastructures and<br />

how they could enhance cycling.<br />

The report is divided in 4 sections – <strong>Bike</strong> <strong>Infrastructures</strong>,<br />

National Survey, Dutch References and Recommendations.<br />

The first 3 sections are dedicated to the 3 research packages<br />

that compose the Interventions to the bicycle infrastructure<br />

project. The <strong>Bike</strong> Infrastructure and National<br />

Survey sections include scientific articles which enhance<br />

a discussion and highlight critical themes.<br />

The latter section presents general recommendations<br />

which assemble the results from the national survey and<br />

comparative case studies for cross reading and analytical<br />

generalization, and in cooperation with planners from<br />

the projects case areas, provide recommendations for<br />

promotion of cycling through interventions to the cycling<br />





Jens Madsen<br />

<strong>Victor</strong> Andrade<br />

Ole B. Jensen<br />

Henrik Harder


As part of work package 4 a web questionnaire was carried<br />

out amongst the Danish Municipalities as these are a<br />

vital actor in the implementation of bike infrastructure projects.<br />

The aim of the survey was to describe infrastructural<br />

“<strong>Bike</strong>ability” projects and the municipal level in terms of<br />

both activity level, the nature of the projects and the motives<br />

behind the implementation of bike-projects. Furthermore,<br />

the municipalities were asked to evaluate the bike<br />

promoting and the safety potentials related to given types<br />

of bicycle projects. In terms of estimating the <strong>Bike</strong>abilityeffects<br />

of investments in bicycle infrastructure a main aim<br />

of the questionnaire was to map the extent to which the<br />

municipalities have done before/after registrations in relation<br />

to implemented bike-infrastructure projects as these<br />

are required in order to perform such evaluations.<br />

The findings from the national web questionnaire amongst<br />

the municipalities are reported below<br />

Background<br />

At the moment large investments are made in bicycle infrastructure<br />

at the municipal level. The higher investment<br />

level is primarily initiated by the “Cycling Fund” (Danish:<br />

Cykelpuljen), which is administered from the state level by<br />

the Danish Road Directorate. Through the Danish Cycling<br />

Fund it is possible for the municipalities to obtain financial<br />

support from the Danish State, when it comes to financing<br />

bike promoting projects; the level of financial support<br />

from the state level may be as high as 50%. According<br />

to the Danish act on Green Transport Policy – passed<br />

by the Danish parliament – the goal of the Cycling Fund<br />

is to support projects specifically and actively aiming at<br />

improving the conditions for cycling (Transportministeriet,<br />

2009). Over a period of 5 years 1 billion Danish Kroner<br />

will allocated <strong>Bike</strong>-promoting projects through the Cycling<br />

Funds with the expectation that the project partners will<br />

contribute with at least a corresponding investment.<br />

Alongside the passing of the Cycling Fund, the Strategic<br />

Research Council decided to offer substantial financial<br />

support to the research project: ”<strong>Bike</strong>ability: Cities for<br />

zero emission travel and public health”, which focuses on<br />

producing scientifically based knowledge as to how socio-economics,<br />

geography, road environment and investments<br />

in bicycle infrastructures affects the use of the bike<br />

in daily transport.<br />

Knowledge of this kind is vital to the Danish municipalities<br />

in order for them to identify ways of increasing the use<br />

of the bicycle in daily transport. More specifically knowledge<br />

and documentation on the effects of different kinds<br />

of bike-promoting projects are in demand in order to provide<br />

tools that enables the municipalities to systematically<br />

prioritize the projects relevant to them.<br />

Purpose<br />

As part of the <strong>Bike</strong>ability project it was decided to perform<br />

a questionnaire amongst the Danish Municipalities. The<br />

main purposes of this questionnaire can be described as<br />

follows:<br />

• To describe the bicycle initiatives implemented at the<br />

municipal level in Denmark in the period 1/1 2007 until<br />

the summer 2011 with special focus upon the formulation<br />

of goals and plans for improving cycling, investment<br />

level and the nature and the character of the implemented<br />

projects.<br />

• To map the primary motives amongst the municipalities<br />

when it comes to the background for implementing bikepromoting/bike-friendly<br />

projects.<br />

• To get the municipalities assessment of given assumed<br />

bike-promoting/bike-friendly projects potential for actually<br />

promoting the use of the bike and the projects potential<br />

for actually improving bicycle safety respectively.<br />

• To map the extent to which the municipalities perform<br />

before-after registrations in relation to local bicycle-projects<br />

which allows for evaluations of the effects of the project<br />

in terms of bicycle use and traffic safety.<br />

The main reasons as why to conduct a municipal survey<br />

is reflected in the purpose of the questionnaire. Primarily,<br />

the questionnaire is performed in order to ensure that<br />

the research activities are in accordance with the goals,<br />

knowledge, initiatives and ideas at the municipal level, as<br />

it is a general priority for the <strong>Bike</strong>ability project as a whole<br />

that the research results are relevant and applicable to<br />

the central parties involved in increasing <strong>Bike</strong>ability at all<br />

levels. Hence the importance of mapping goals, motives<br />

and the implemented type of projects as well as the mapping<br />

of potentials, as the latter may serve as an indicator<br />

in terms of the projects that the municipalities may be inclined<br />

to implement in the future.<br />

Secondly, the mapping of municipal projects with before/<br />

after registrations serves to document the extent to which<br />

it is possible to perform classic before/after evaluations of<br />

bicycle effects (use of bike; safety of cyclists).<br />

Methodology<br />

In preparing the questionnaire for the municipalities it<br />

was decided to apply a standardized and structured<br />

design applying a uniform formulation of questions and<br />

well-defined answering categories. This design holds<br />

the advantage that it is possible to compare the answers<br />

from the municipalities and it allows for statistical<br />

analysis to be applied to the comparison of answers.<br />

The downside to the design is that it leaves the respondents<br />

with rather limited possibilities when it comes to<br />

motivate, elaborate and introduce light and shade on<br />

their answers.<br />

Furthermore, it was decided to perform the questionnaire<br />

as a web-based questionnaire. The primary reason as<br />

why to apply this technique was that the questionnaire<br />

has a conditional answering structure, in the sense that<br />

the relevance of some of the later questions relies on the<br />

answers to earlier questions. By opting for a web-based<br />

questionnaire, it is possible to apply a dynamic design<br />

structure to the questionnaire, which makes it possible to<br />

skip questions irrelevant to the respondent (Madsen og<br />

Lahrmann, 2002).<br />

In this case the application of the web-based design<br />

proved to have the weakness that it was hard for some of<br />

the municipalities to gain a full overview of the questionnaire,<br />

which proved to be a problem to them in terms for<br />

them to able to identify the person best suited for answering<br />

specific questions included in the questionnaire.<br />

In order to ensure good quality answers to the questionnaire,<br />

it was decided to direct the questionnaire to the<br />

person(s) responsible for the cycling planning, activities<br />

and projects in each of the 98 Danish municipalities.<br />

These persons were identified by consulting Bicycle networks,<br />

the participation lists from the annual Danish <strong>Bike</strong><br />

Conference and by studying bicycle related planning documents<br />

from the municipalities. For these persons email<br />

addresses were retrieved and stored in a database. Accordingly,<br />

a personal email containing a link to the questionnaire<br />

was sent to each of the contact persons.<br />

The questionnaire was conducted in the summer 2011<br />

(June, July and August).<br />

Participation<br />

From the 98 Danish Municipalities, approximately 70 municipalities<br />

responded. 20 municipalities replied that they<br />

did not have the resources needed to fill out the questionnaire.<br />

50 municipalities activated the web questionnaire<br />

and 41 municipalities completed the questionnaire. This<br />

amounts to an answering rate of 42%.<br />

Smaller as well as larger municipalities have completed<br />

the questionnaire. The answer rate is highest for the<br />

Southern Region of Denmark (68%). However, the questionnaire<br />

is dominated by the larger urban municipalities.<br />

9 out of the 10 municipalities with the highest number of<br />

inhabitants have completed the questionnaire. In general<br />

there is also a high answering rate amongst the Capital<br />

area Municipalities.<br />

The fact that questionnaire is dominated by the larger<br />

urban municipalities is likely to reflect that the questionnaire<br />

has appealed especially to urban municipalities with<br />

an outspoken tradition for focussing upon bicycle transportation.<br />

This represents a bias in the results from the<br />

survey; they are not likely to reflect the general “Danish<br />

Picture” on all aspects, as the results indicate variations<br />

in the answers obtained from the larger urban municipalities<br />

on the one hand side and the “rural” municipalities<br />

on the other hand side. Another contributing reason as to<br />

why the larger urban municipalities are overrepresented<br />

may be that they to a larger extent have the resources to<br />

participate in this kind of survey.<br />

Goals, initiatives and motives<br />

Bicycle traffic is in general highly ranked on the agenda<br />

amongst the municipalities, who have completed the<br />

questionnaire. 75% municipalities state that the have<br />

specific goals on enhancing the use of the bike amongst<br />

the inhabitants, while 83% state that they have improved<br />

conditions for the cyclists as a specific municipal goal.<br />

In terms of planning and prioritizing tools one out three<br />

of the participating municipalities have made a specific<br />

cycling action plan in order to promote the use of bike.<br />

Furthermore 20% of the municipalities are in the process<br />

of making a cycling action plan. These plans typically<br />

contains a goal for promoting cycling and a description of<br />

applied strategies and concrete initiatives that the municipalities<br />

are planning to implement in order to fulfil the formulated<br />

goals, e.g. campaigns, education, investments in<br />

bike infrastructure.

Furthermore, 85% of the municipalities have made or are<br />

in the process of making plans for the provision of pedestrian<br />

and bicycle friendly infrastructure (footpaths, walkways,<br />

bicycle lanes, bicycle tracks, traffic calmed routes<br />

etc.).<br />

Both the formulation of goals and the rather high level of<br />

cycling related plans indicate that cycling is a focus area<br />

amongst the participating municipalities. This also shows<br />

in the fact that 88% of the participating municipalities within<br />

the last five years (2007-2011) have implemented initiatives<br />

aiming at improving the conditions for the cyclists.<br />

83% of the municipalities have indicated that they have<br />

implemented projects specifically aiming at increasing the<br />

use of the bike amongst the inhabitants.<br />

Approximately 25% of the municipalities have invested<br />

more than 10 million DKK in cycling projects and initiatives<br />

from 2007 till 2011, including bicycle tracks, bicycle<br />

lanes, bicycle parking, cycling plans, developing cycling<br />

action plans etc. Only 14% of the participating municipalities<br />

have invested less than 1 million DKK in cycling projects<br />

and initiatives.<br />

The majority of the invested funds have in fact been spent<br />

on actual bicycle infrastructure. More than half of the municipalities<br />

state that at least 80% of the invested funds<br />

has been invested in bicycle tracks, bicycle lanes, bicycle<br />

parking and at intersections, the latter with the focus on<br />

increasing cyclists safety. More specifically the municipal<br />

activities have mainly been focussed upon expanding<br />

the bicycle infrastructure. In that context the municipalities<br />

have prioritized the implementation of actual bicycle<br />

tracks to the implementation of the cheaper solutions;<br />

bicycle lanes and the appointing of bicycle routes along<br />

local roads, the latter not including significant changes to<br />

the existing infrastructure. In the Copenhagen Area focus<br />

has also been on the implementation of cycling commuter<br />

routes, which includes significant improvements to the<br />

bicycle infrastructure, including establishing separate bicycle<br />

tracks and out-of-level crossing of larger roads, thus<br />

ensuring fast connectivity between the suburbs and the<br />

capitol area of Copenhagen.<br />

57% of the municipalities answer that they have not or<br />

only to a limited extent have applied solutions such as;<br />

speed reduction of cycling routes even though this measure<br />

will reduce accident risks and make the cyclist feel<br />

safer in traffic (Greibe et al., 2000). One third of the participating<br />

municipalities are though, to a large extent, working<br />

actively with speed management. Most of the municipalities<br />

are focussed upon improving the conditions for<br />

the cyclists at intersections, with most of them focussing<br />

upon safety issues rather than improving the cyclist flow<br />

at the intersections.<br />

Improving the possibilities of combining the use of bike<br />

and public transport by improving the transfer between<br />

the two modes of transport, has only been implemented<br />

by a minority of the municipalities and only to a limited<br />

extent in the municipalities where this measure has been<br />

implemented.<br />

In general there is a large variation in the extent to which<br />

the municipalities have invested en better parking facilities.<br />

This initiative has mainly been implemented by the<br />

larger urban municipalities. Improved bathing and changing<br />

facilities at work places has been seen as a possible<br />

way of increasing the use of the bike when commuting.<br />

However, this initiative has by and large not been implemented<br />

by the municipalities in Denmark.<br />

In recent year there has been a specific focus upon the<br />

transport behaviour amongst children. It has been a growing<br />

concern that more and more children are driven by car<br />

to school by their parents rather than walking and cycling<br />

themselves. The concern is that this will have a negative<br />

impact on their travel behaviour as adults as they may<br />

grow increasingly in favour of travelling by car than by<br />

cycle in their adult life. Steps have been taken in order<br />

to get more school children to travel by bike, predominantly<br />

by investing in safer school routes. This is also reflected<br />

in the questionnaire as 80% of the municipalities<br />

to some extent have invested in safer school routes, e.g.<br />

by implementing bicycle tracks, employing traffic calming<br />

schemes, pedestrian crossings etc.).<br />

Summing up on the characteristics of the implemented<br />

projects and initiatives, it can be concluded that the municipalities<br />

generally prefers to invest in bicycle tracks,<br />

although this solution is relatively expensive. The questionnaire<br />

does not shed light upon why this is the case.<br />

However, it is likely that the preference towards bicycle<br />

tracks is due to the fact that it holds a highly symbolic<br />

value, “we encourage cycling”, it is perceived as a good<br />

solution in terms of both connectivity and safety and there<br />

is documentation that the construction of bicycle tracks<br />

increase the level of cycling (Jensen, 2006). Finally, and<br />

equally important, bicycle tracks is a solution often in demand<br />

amongst the cyclists.<br />

Motives<br />

When it comes for the municipalities motives for investing<br />

in bicycle projects and initiatives the primary driving<br />

force is actually to reduce the accident risks amongst the<br />

cyclists as well as to improve cyclist security; the latter expressing<br />

the notion of traffic safety/accident risk amongst<br />

cyclists. As opposed to accident risk, which is the objective<br />

measure of traffic safety, security expresses the subjective<br />

measure of traffic safety. Focussing upon the level<br />

of security is relevant in the sense that if people feel safer,<br />

they are more likely to use the bike, in which case the traffic<br />

safety issue becomes relevant in terms of increasing<br />

the use of the bike.<br />

Other dominant motives for the municipalities to invest<br />

in bicycle transport is a desire to enhance public health<br />

and to improve connectivity, and thereby the mobility of<br />

the cyclists. The latter may also prompt more car-users<br />

to opt for the bike at the expense of the bike in the future.<br />

However, in comparison, the desire to move bike-users to<br />

the car in order to reduce environmental strains as well<br />

as congestion problems is to a lesser extent stated as a<br />

specific motivation by the municipalities.<br />

However, in regards to having environmental strains and<br />

congestion problems as motivators for wanting to transfer<br />

car trips into bicycle trips there is a large variation between<br />

the municipalities. The larger urban municipalities<br />

especially states environmental concerns and congestion<br />

problems as a primary motivator, whereas the rural municipalities<br />

does it to a lesser extent. In comparison the<br />

safety and security issue is stated as a primary motivation<br />

by both urban and rural municipalities. The reason<br />

as to why this is the case is likely to boil down to the fact<br />

that the problems in relation to congestion and the environmental<br />

strains are evident in the urban municipalities,<br />

whereas the safety issue is a general concern and problem<br />

no matter the size of the municipality.<br />

Potentials for increasing the use of<br />

the bike<br />

When it comes to increasing the use of the bike in daily<br />

transport, the municipalities state that the largest potential<br />

is related to projects that aim at improving the safety and<br />

security level along the school routes. This reflects the<br />

assumption that if the school routes are perceived as safe<br />

by the parents, the more likely it is that they will allow their<br />

kinds to go to school by bike. Given that increased use of<br />

bike as a child and youngster will led to a higher use of the<br />

bike as an adult the rationale holds.<br />

Besides improving the routes to and from school the municipalities<br />

in general point to improvements of the bicycle<br />

infrastructure as the most promising way of enhancing the<br />

use of bike. The largest potential for promoting the use<br />

of the bike is in the eyes of the municipalities attached to<br />

the construction of bicycle tracks. As bicycle tracks are<br />

perceived as a secure solution this indicates that projects<br />

that seeks to improve both the perception of safety as well<br />

as the level of connectivity are seen as promising projects<br />

by the municipalities.<br />

In assessing the potential for increasing the use of bike<br />

in general it seems as if the perceived potentials seem<br />

to fade with the visibility and clarity of the project. Project<br />

that clearly signals improvements of connectivity and<br />

safety/security are deemed to hold a larger potential than<br />

those with a lesser explicit focus on the cyclists. Specifically,<br />

general speed management at the municipal level<br />

and speed reduction schemes along cycling routes are<br />

deemed to hold a lesser potential than the provision of<br />

cyclist specific infrastructure such as bicycle tracks and<br />

bicycle lanes. The latter seems somewhat surprising in<br />

the sense that the car speed level has significant impact<br />

upon the perceived safety level amongst pedestrians and<br />

cyclists and furthermore it is well-documented that speed<br />

reductions significantly reduces both accident and injury<br />

risks amongst vulnerable road users, including cyclists<br />

(Madsen et al., 2008; Greibe et al., 2000). Based upon<br />

these facts, one could argue that reduced speed levels<br />

would enhance the use of the bike due to actually improved<br />

safety and security levels.<br />

Newer Danish research have documented a 10% increase<br />

in the number of cyclists – in a Copenhagen context<br />

– when new bicycle tracks are constructed in an urban<br />

environment (Jensen, 2006). In order to be able to<br />

prioritize between projects, it would be highly fruitful to set<br />

up evaluation studies aiming at documenting the effects<br />

of speed reductions on the use of the bike. Traditionally<br />

evaluations of speed reductions focus on the safety effects<br />

only.<br />

Potentials for improving traffic<br />

safety for cyclists<br />

When asked to assess the potential for improving traffic<br />

safety amongst cyclists the municipalities again primarily<br />

points to the construction of bicycle tracks. This is somewhat<br />

worrying as Danish research projects have shown<br />

that the construction of bicycle tracks does not significant-

ly improve the traffic safety level amongst cyclists (Agerholm<br />

et al., 2006). The results show that the number of<br />

accidents involving cyclists and the number of cyclists<br />

injured tend to fall on the road stretches, where bicycle<br />

tracks are implemented, but unfortunately the number of<br />

injured cyclists increases significantly at the intersections<br />

after the construction of bicycle tracks (Jensen, 2006).<br />

In comparison the municipalities indicate that the safety<br />

potential related to speed reduction initiative holds a<br />

lower potential, when it comes to improving cyclist safety<br />

than the construction of various types of bicycle tracks<br />

and bicycle tracks. This despite the fact that there is comprehensive<br />

documentation that speed reductions significantly<br />

reduces accident and injury risks, see e.g. Elvik<br />

(2004).<br />

This misconception of safety potentials is highly unfortunate<br />

from a safety point of view, as municipalities may opt<br />

for the construction of safety-inefficient bicycle tracks with<br />

the desire to promote safety rather than safety-efficient<br />

traffic calming schemes. Furthermore, the result highlights<br />

the importance of clearly communicating the results<br />

of traffic research projects to the municipalities.<br />

such as the provision of various types of bicycle tracks<br />

and lanes on the one hand side and more general traffic<br />

calming projects on the other hand side.<br />

Given the investment in bike promoting projects and initiatives<br />

in Denmark, scientifically sound evaluations of the<br />

effects; being safety effects as well as cycling effects, are<br />

hard to come by. Therefore the municipalities were asked,<br />

if they do counts of cyclists before and after the implementation<br />

of cycling projects. Half of the participating municipalities<br />

actually stated that they had done before-after<br />

counts, which was actually more than expected. The survey<br />

does not reflect, if they have done before-after counts<br />

in relations to one project only or if they do before-after<br />

counts in all cases. However, when asked if the before-after<br />

counts could be made available for a scientific beforeafter<br />

evaluation of cycling effects, only 8 municipalities<br />

responded positive.<br />

In order to provide further knowledge of the effects of bicycle<br />

promoting projects this reflects that it would be fruitful<br />

to provide further incentives for doing relevant beforeafter<br />

registrations at the municipal level as well as setting<br />

up a common set of guidelines for performing evaluations<br />

of bike-promoting projects and initiatives.<br />

References<br />

Agerholm, N., Caspersen, S., Lahrmann, H. og Madsen, J. C. O., 2006, Cykelstiers Trafiksikkerhed: En før-efterundersøgelse<br />

af 46 nye cykelstiers sikkerhedsmæssige effekt, Article in ”Dansk Vejtidsskrift”, Vol 83, no. 12, p.p. 52-57<br />

Elvik, R., Christensen, P. and Amundsen, A., 2004, Speed and Road Accidents: An evaluation of the Power Model, TOI<br />

<strong>Report</strong> 740/2004, Institute of Transport Economics<br />

Greibe, P., Nilsson, P. K. og Herrstedt, L., 2000, Håndbog i Hastighedsplanlægning for Byområder, Vejdirektoratet, Rapport<br />

194<br />

Jensen, S. U., 2006, Effekter af Cykelstier og Cykelbaner: Før-og-efter evaluering af trafiksikkerhed og trafikmængder ved<br />

anlæg af ensrettede cykelstier og cykelbaner i Københavns Kommune, Trafitec<br />

Madsen, J. C. O. og Lahrmann, H., 2002, Webbaserede Spørgeskemaer i Transportundersøgelser, Paper ”Trafikdage på<br />

<strong>Aalborg</strong> <strong>Universitet</strong> 2002”, Trafikforskningsgruppen, <strong>Aalborg</strong> <strong>Universitet</strong><br />

Madsen, J. C. O. og Søbjærg, S., 2008, Trafikfarlige skoleveje – udpegning og vurdering, Vejforum 2008<br />

Transportministeriet, 2009, Aftale mellem regeringen (Venstre og De Konservative), Socialdemokraterne, Dansk Folkeparti,<br />

Socialistisk Folkeparti, Det Radikale Venstre og Liberal Alliance om: En grøn transportpolitik, Transportministeriet.<br />

The need for further evaluations<br />

of effects<br />

The results from the questionnaire generally reflect that<br />

the municipalities favour the provision of bicycle tracks.<br />

It can be documented that the number of cyclists increases<br />

when new bicycle tracks (and bicycle lanes) are<br />

constructed, whereas there is no documentation that the<br />

provision of bicycle tracks in urban areas will improve the<br />

safety level. Recent research seems to reflect that the<br />

number of injured cyclists is in fact likely to increase (Jensen,<br />

2006; Agerholm et al., 2006).<br />

By consequence the municipalities should only opt for<br />

the construction of bicycle tracks, if the aim is to increase<br />

the level of cycling. If the aim is to improve cyclist safety,<br />

the municipalities are likely to do better, if traffic calming/<br />

speed reducing schemes is implemented. In terms of the<br />

latter, there is a need for evaluations that investigate how<br />

traffic calming and speed reducing schemes affect the<br />

level of cycling. Documented knowledge on the effects<br />

upon cycling will generally improve the grounds for prioritizing<br />

between dedicated bike infrastructure projects

Tables/illustrations<br />

Indicated levels of investment in bicycle projects and initiatives amongst the participating municipalities (2007-2011).<br />

Activity<br />

Not To a limited To some To a large To a very<br />

implemented extent extent extent large extent<br />

Campaigns 15 % 15 % 41 % 20 % 9 %<br />

Provision of bicycle 8 % 9 % 17 % 43 % 23 %<br />

tracks<br />

Provision of bicycle lanes 34 % 20 % 40 % 6 % -<br />

Provision of bicycle<br />

routes along local roads<br />

57 % 31 % 6 % 6 % -<br />

Provision of bike<br />

commuter routes<br />

59 % 12 % 17 % 6 % 6 %<br />

Speed reduction of<br />

bicycle<br />

routes<br />

(with/without bicycle<br />

34 % 23 % 32 % 11 % -<br />

facilities)<br />

General<br />

speed<br />

management schemes 27 % 31 % 9 % 24 % 9 %<br />

applied<br />

Better traffic flow for<br />

cyclists at intersections<br />

20 % 28 % 29 % 20 % 3 %<br />

Improvement of cyclist<br />

safety at intersections<br />

6 % 17 % 37 % 29 % 11 %<br />

Improved transfer<br />

between bike and public 47 % 21 % 24 % 6 % 3 %<br />

transport (bus/train)<br />

Improved parking<br />

facilities for bicycles<br />

29 % 29 % 21 % 18 % 3 %<br />

Improved changing and<br />

bathing facilities at<br />

80 % 10 % 10 % - -<br />

Safety improvements of<br />

school routes<br />

9 % 11 % 40 % 23 % 17 %<br />

Extent to which, the municipalities indicate to have implemented various cycling related activities<br />

in the period 2007 – 2012.<br />

No potential<br />

Limited<br />

potential<br />

Potential<br />

Large<br />

potential<br />

The municipalities’ assessment of bike use promoting potentials of given projects and initiatives.<br />

Huge<br />


No potential<br />

Limited<br />

potential<br />

Potential<br />

Large<br />

potential<br />

Huge<br />

potential<br />

The municipalities’ assessment of bike safety promoting potentials of given projects and initiatives.







1.0 INTRODUCTION 6<br />

2.0 METHODOLOGY 8<br />

3.0 CASES 14<br />


3.1.1 ODENSE 16<br />














3.2.1 ÅRHUS 64<br />



3.2.2 HANS BROGES GADE 68<br />











3.3.1 COPENHAGEN 112<br />



3.3.2 BRYGGEBRO 118<br />





THE WEB SURVEY 142<br />






5.0 CONCLUSION 174<br />

REFERENCES 176<br />


LIST OF TABLES 187<br />



Decisions on transportation projects are typically based<br />

on the potential for the project to contribute to broad public<br />

policy goals. Danish urban design solutions and urban<br />

policies effort aim to increase bike-ability. To make the<br />

best use of transportation funds there is a critical need for<br />

better information about two important considerations relating<br />

to bicycle infrastructure: the cost of different bicycle<br />

infrastructure and the effects of such investments have on<br />

bicycle use, which includes the resulting environmental,<br />

economic, public health, and social benefits. Therefore,<br />

information on how determined bicycle infrastructure enhances<br />

cycling will help decision makers to develop better<br />

design solutions.<br />

The achieved knowledge will be used to contribute to<br />

more efficient and qualified urban planning and management<br />

– promoting a better quality bike-ability of urban<br />

structures as possible and assess potential effect of investments<br />

in bicycle infrastructure.<br />

Therefore, this research project will inform urban designers<br />

and planners in the context of Danish municipalities<br />

by identifying opportunities and barriers for cycling in the<br />

physical environment. Bridging research and policy, the<br />

findings of this research project can also support bike<br />

friendly design and planning, and cyclist advocacy.<br />

This research project picks up from this conclusion and<br />

focuses on the possible effects of changes to the cycling<br />

infrastructure, investigating and analyzing cycling motivation<br />

related to distinct bike infrastructure typology characteristics.<br />

This research aims to identify bicycle infrastructure typologies<br />

and design elements that can help promote cycling<br />

significantly. The study was structured as a study<br />

case based research where there were three cycling infrastructures<br />

with distinct typologies – Vestergade Vest in<br />

Odense (shared-use space in the core of the city); Hans<br />

Borges Gade in Aarhus (an extension of a bicycle route<br />

linking the suburb to Aarhus Central station) and Bryggebro<br />

in Copenhagen (a bridge for cyclists and pedestrians<br />

crossing the harbor) – were analyzed and compared.<br />

In order to achieve this goal, the study got a more detailed<br />

insight in what design characteristics are relevant for cyclists<br />

when riding a bike and how cyclists do evaluate a<br />

cycling infrastructure based on these characteristics.<br />

To achieve this goal, this report is organized as follows.<br />

First, there is a debate in regards to the main concepts<br />

and notions used in this research. In section 2, the research<br />

method is explained. This section is followed by<br />

a description of the research sample. In section 3, the<br />

analysis of each of the three cases is presented. A comparative<br />

analysis between the three cases is described in<br />

section 4. Finally, the report ends with conclusions and<br />

suggestions for future research and also for urban designers,<br />

planner and engineers.<br />

Figure 1.1: Cyclist riding his bike at Bryggebro.<br />

6 7


The report presents a methodology and tools for mapping<br />

and evaluating the potential benefits of the implementation<br />

of bicycle infrastructure. The results will help to better<br />

understand what characteristics from a bicycle infrastructure<br />

are relevant to enhance cycling. Consequently, the<br />

findings will also help urban designers and planners to<br />

develop more effective bicycle infrastructures.<br />

There is also an effort to better understand how relevant<br />

socio-demographic variables are in relation to the individuals`<br />

perception of bicycle infrastructures and to possible<br />

influential design characteristics on the decision to ride<br />

a bike.<br />

Through ex-post studies of three bicycle infrastructures<br />

with distinct typologies, this research aims to identify design<br />

characteristics that can enhance bicycling. The studies<br />

are based on the impact of the bicycle infrastructures<br />

on cyclists` travel behavior and the cyclists` views upon<br />

the design characteristics of the infrastructures.<br />

Moreover, the report has a brief description of the implementation<br />

process of the selected bicycle infrastructures<br />

and the local government context that regards cycling<br />

network and campaigns.<br />



First of all, it is relevant to mention that this research does<br />

not intent to represent an exhaustive analysis of all typologies<br />

of infrastructure and neither all new infrastructures<br />

implemented in Danish cities in the last 5 years.<br />

While some critical analysis was done to select the particular<br />

three case studies analyzed in this report, their inclusion<br />

depended to a great extent on three criteria: recently<br />

implemented infrastructures (less than 5 years); distinct<br />

typologies between the cases; and located in municipalities<br />

which were interested and willing to share detailed<br />

information about the interventions.<br />

The infrastructure should be less than 5 years old, presenting<br />

a reasonable time to individuals that ride their bicycles<br />

there to remember their travel habits before and<br />

after the intervention.<br />

Three interventions with distinct typologies were subjected<br />

to ex-post studies: Vestergade Vest and Mageløs in<br />

Odense (shared-use space in the core of the city); Hans<br />

Broges Gade in Aarhus (improvement of a section of an<br />

existing bicycle corridor that links the suburbs to the core<br />

of the city) and Bryggebro in Copenhagen (a bridge for<br />

cyclists and pedestrians crossing the harbor).<br />

ÅRHUS<br />

ODENSE<br />

Figure 2.1: Location of the cities from the three case studies<br />



The project applies a multi-disciplinary approach to research<br />

on bicycle infrastructure, correlating quantitative<br />

determinants and qualitative knowledge types.<br />

Both primary and secondary data have been employed.<br />

For each infrastructure, the data was collected through<br />

a questionnaire based on a web survey, counting of cyclists,<br />

local observation, diary of the daily flow and atmosphere<br />

and image collection, interviews and exchange of<br />

e-mails with key actors, review of reports, official documents,<br />

newspaper articles and press releases.<br />

According to Denzin (1978), a triangulation method can<br />

be defined as "the combination of methodologies in the<br />

study of the same phenomenon”. Considering the geometric<br />

characteristics of a triangle, it can be assumed that<br />

distinct viewpoints allow for greater accuracy.<br />


The bicycle count is a strategic tool to better understand<br />

how changes in an infrastructure either encouraged or<br />

discouraged cycling. The bicycle count from Hans Broges<br />

Gade and Bryggebro was provided by respectively Aarhus<br />

municipality and Copenhagen Municipality.<br />

In the case of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs, a manual<br />

count was done on the Tuesday the 12th of September<br />

2010. The manual count is defined as a count where one<br />

or more data collectors register the volume of traffic (Vejdirektoratet,<br />

2004).<br />

The data collectors used counting boards with manual<br />

click counters fitted to them and they recorded their<br />

counts on a paper sheet at the counting board after each<br />

thirty minute periods. In addition, the counting sheet also<br />

included the following information: date, day of the week,<br />

weather condition and data collector`s name.<br />

The count can be conducted manually or with automatic<br />

count technologies; having both advantages and disadvantages.<br />

Because the counts were done manually, it<br />

was possible to have two categories – cyclists riding a<br />

bike and cyclists walking and pushing their bikes.<br />

The data collected was the number of cyclists riding a<br />

bike and cyclists walking with their bikes in each direction<br />

on the midpoint of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs. The<br />

counts were done by a team of three field data collectors.<br />

There was always one data collector for each direction<br />

at the counting point from 7am until 7 pm. A third counter<br />

functioned as a backup, making possible for every data<br />

collector have a break every hour.<br />

The count was taken over a 12-hour period between 7<br />

a.m. and 7 p.m on a Wednesday of September. And following<br />

the recommendations of the Vejdirektoratet (2004),<br />

the data collectors that developed the counting were<br />

placed in a spot that did not interfere with the traffic flow.<br />

In order to minimize the chance of external interferences<br />

– weather, sport events, manifestations – in the data collected,<br />

the date of the counting was carefully picked.<br />

The Vejdirektoratet (2004) suggests that the count should<br />

be taken on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday in September.<br />

Due to their sporadic travel patterns, Monday and<br />

Friday should be avoided for not being representative of<br />

a typical weekday.<br />

In parallel of the count activity, a diary was written describing<br />

the different flow patterns, speed and atmosphere of<br />

the infrastructures through the day.<br />


After the data collection, an ex-post analysis of the counting<br />

figures was implemented. Moreover, it developed a<br />

relation between the count figures and the diary with the<br />

description of the different flow patterns, speed and atmosphere<br />

of the infrastructures through the day.<br />

The data was compiled and displayed on graphs to make<br />

comparisons that are useful for analytical purposes. A<br />

graph with the results was also used to develop a comparison<br />

with the diary of the infrastructure and images<br />

taken during the day.<br />





The bicycle is an important and strategic means of transport<br />

in urban areas. In Danish cities, the traffic system<br />

already offers a large amount of bicycle infrastructures<br />

– e.g. bicycle lanes with special pavement, bicycle tracks,<br />

green corridors, shared spaces – and cycling policies,<br />

campaigns and cyclist friendly traffic regulations.<br />

In this context, it emerges a need to measure the impact<br />

on travel behavior of the new bicycle infrastructures implemented<br />

in urban areas. Having three case studies, this<br />

report expands on how these assessments can be done.<br />

The web based survey was conducted aiming to define<br />

how much the implementation of the bicycle infrastructure<br />

had enhanced cycling, to identify influential design factors<br />

in the decision to cycling and to assess the bicycle infrastructure<br />

through the lengths of the cyclists.<br />

In order to analyze bicycle infrastructures through the<br />

lengths of cyclists, the web survey targeted the cyclists as<br />

potential respondents. The web survey involved designing<br />

a questionnaire to find out the cyclists perception of<br />

cycling infrastructures and what characteristics of these<br />

infrastructures have encouraged or discouraged cycling.<br />

Relevant questions in the context of cyclists perception<br />

and evaluation of cycling infrastructure are ‘what design<br />

characteristics do cyclists mostly observe/perceive while<br />

they are using the cycling infrastructure?’ and ‘how do cy-<br />

8 9

clists evaluate these design characteristics?’.<br />

However, there are several studies focusing in the cyclists<br />

perception of the physical environment where they are<br />

travelling through and most of them conclude that cyclists<br />

have a small knowledge of the physical environment their<br />

used to travelling through (Bovy et al, 1990; Landis et al,<br />

1997; Noël et al, 2003).<br />

Despite this small knowledge cyclists have, it is important<br />

both to identify which design characteristics from a<br />

bicycle infrastructure are relevant for them when they are<br />

riding a bicycle and to develop an assessment of a cycling<br />

infrastructure based on the cyclists perspective.<br />

Taking in consideration social demographic characteristics<br />

– gender, age and educational level – the study<br />

also aims to better understand how relevant socio-demographic<br />

variables are in relation to the individuals` perception<br />

of cycling infrastructures and to possible influential<br />

characteristics on the decision to ride a bike.<br />


There is an increasing number of web-based surveys, being<br />

important to highlight the specific design characteristics<br />

of this tool. Manfeda et al. (2002) comments that<br />

“Since there is no help from an interviewer for the respondent<br />

taking a Web survey, the design of self-administered<br />

Web questionnaires is even more important in order to<br />

achieve high data quality. Question wording, form and<br />

graphic layout of the questionnaire are particularly important.”<br />

The web survey has a great advantage to get the data<br />

already in an electronic format and the electronic format<br />

can also eliminate data entry errors. Moreover, the web<br />

survey made it possible to do a non stop flow of cyclists<br />

in the studied infrastructures. Through the distribution of<br />

web-cards, we have achieved our target group and, at the<br />

same time, we did not disturb their routine.<br />

Through comparative studies between responses rate of<br />

web surveys to other survey modes, Lozar (2001) highlights<br />

that web surveys usually obtain lower response<br />

rates. Complementing, Gonzalez-Bañales and Adam<br />

(2007) indicates that response rate for web surveys is<br />

around 10% or lower.<br />

In order to optimize the number of respondents, complex<br />

questions should be avoided and the web survey should<br />

only be closed after six weeks from the distribution of the<br />

web card. (Gonzalez-Bañales and Adam, 2007)<br />

The web survey design, implementation and analysis<br />

were divided in five phases: planning the survey; writing<br />

the questionnaire; designing the web questionnaire and<br />

web cards; distributing the web cards; and data treatment<br />

and analysis.<br />

It should be considered that of the studied population<br />

could be unwilling to devote much time to a web survey.<br />

In order to optimize the response rates and the number of<br />

completions, it was needed to make the survey as short<br />

as possible but still enabling to gather all the relevant information.<br />

The use of incentives can additionally contribute to attract<br />

respondents. As a strategy to attract more respondents, a<br />

lottery having a bicycle – with the value of 3500DKK – as<br />

price is presented in the web cards and web page. All the<br />

respondents participated in the lottery.<br />

At the web page, there was an image of the cycling infrastructure<br />

being analyzed by the respondents and the logo<br />

from <strong>Aalborg</strong> University. Moreover, it provided information<br />

about the research project and goals, contact for further<br />

inquiries, information about the lottery and an explanation<br />

about the privacy policy in regards to the respondents.<br />


The questionnaire was designed aiming to find the demographic<br />

profile of the cyclists, the relevant design characteristics<br />

for the cyclists and which extended the implementation<br />

of the infrastructure enhancing cycling. Cyclists<br />

were asked to indicate which cycling infrastructure characteristics<br />

they had observed during their trip. They were<br />

also asked to evaluate the observed cycle infrastructure<br />

characteristics. In addition, respondents were invited to<br />

make comments about the infrastructure (see model of<br />

the questionaire on page 198).<br />

In order to develop the survey – especially the questionnaire<br />

– journal articles and research reports in the area of<br />

urban cycling studies were reviewed to identify consistent<br />

infrastructure characteristics that could enhance cycling<br />

– e.g. safety, aesthetics, accessibility, fast connectivity<br />

(Pikora, T. et al, 2003; Kweon, B.S. et al, 2004). At the<br />

end of the questionnaire, there was a space for general<br />

comments.<br />

Figure 2.2: Screen print view from the Vestergade Vest`s questionnaire.<br />


For every studied infrastructure, the distribution of the flyers<br />

occurred from 7am until 7 pm in one weekday (Tuesday,<br />

Wednesday or Thursday) with good weather conditions<br />

(no rain or heavy wind) in the month of September.<br />

From 7am until 7pm, web cards were offered to every cyclist<br />

riding a bicycle in the infrastructure in both directions.<br />

The flyers were distributed on the same day of the count<br />

survey. For each of the cases, the web survey was available<br />

from the date of the web card distribution until four<br />

weeks later (see model of the flyer on page 197).<br />

Vestergade Vest and Hans Broges Gade <br />

Bryggebro <br />

Mageløs <br />

Flyers distribution & web survey opening September 14/Tuesday September 2/Thursday September 1/Wednesday <br />

Web survey closing October 12 October 1 September 30 <br />

Table 2.1: Date of flyers distribution, web survey opening and web survey closing for<br />

the three case studies.<br />









www.detmangfoldigebyrum.dk/vestergade/<br />

For yderligere information om projektet:<br />

vsil@create.aau.dk<br />



Figure 2.3: Flyer distributed to individuals riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs on the 2nd of September 2010.<br />






A pilot web survey was carried out under the same conditions<br />

than the real survey. The pilot web survey was<br />

www.detmangfoldigebyrum.dk/vestergade/<br />

For yderligere information om projektet:<br />

vsil@create.aau.dk<br />

held in the street named Vesterbro (<strong>Aalborg</strong>) in August of<br />

2010. VESTERGADE The pilot VEST web & MAGELØS survey functioned as a review of the<br />



questionnaire and the associated data collection methodology.<br />

After the pilot web survey, the necessary modifications<br />

in the questionnaire were made accordingly.<br />



Respondents of the survey are bicyclists that have at<br />

least once ride a bicycle in the studied infrastructure.<br />

Despite of the consideration that part of the studied population<br />

would be unable to access the Internet, the Internet<br />

users are becoming more and more similar to the general<br />

population because the accelerate increase in internet<br />

usage (Pastore, 2001).<br />

Vestergade Vest Hans B. Gade Bryggebro<br />

and Mageløs<br />

Total no bicycle trips/ day 6446 1251 7352<br />

Estimated n o bicyclists/ day 4189 813 4778<br />

(65% of total)<br />

Flyers handed 1328 605 3020<br />

Respondents 298 163 290<br />

Table 2.2: Number of bike trips, cyclists, flyers handed out and a number of respondents<br />

for the three case studies.<br />


The data analysis aimed to better understand the impact<br />

of the examined infrastructures in the bicycling activity.<br />

The data collected was examined and uncover relationships<br />

among the data were highlighted.<br />

Data collected from the questionnaires were entered into<br />

the statistical software Statistical Package for Social Science<br />

(SPSS) for analysis and then statistical tests were<br />

applied to identify describe the results and level of dependency<br />

between variables.<br />

Table and graphics are also used for displaying the data<br />

in a variety of formats in order to identify patterns and differences<br />

among the results set.<br />

The collected data from the web survey was analyzed<br />

in the four different stages and using a distinct statistical<br />

treatment.<br />

Firstly, the residential location of the respondents was<br />

spatially identified and then analyzed in relation to the<br />

distance to the infrastructure. In a second stage, Descriptive<br />

statistics were applied to describe collected data and<br />

highlight singular characteristics and relevant patterns.<br />

Socio-demographic patterns of the respondents were<br />

identified and the distribution of the answers was described<br />

with patterns.<br />

Finally, the Chi2 test was applied to identify possible relations<br />

between socio-demographics (independent variables)<br />

and the variables originated from the web survey<br />

questions (dependable variables). Considering the nature<br />

of the studied variables – the majority of them are nominal<br />

– the Chi2 test was selected to this analysis.<br />

10 ØNSKER DU EN<br />

11<br />




ACTORS<br />

Through non-structured interviews and electronic correspondence,<br />

personal opinion and information about<br />

the studied infrastructures were also gathered from both<br />

technicians from the studies municipalities and cyclists.<br />


A data basis was developed in the Excel with all the interviews<br />

and questionnaires. This data base identifies relevant<br />

information to be used in the report. The interviews<br />

and electronic correspondence functioned as support information<br />

to the count figures and web survey findings.<br />



Observation is a major source in the field research, the<br />

three infrastructures were analyzed in loco, local conditions<br />

during the day were observed and a diary was writing.<br />

The observation aimed to identify possible design<br />

characteristics of the infrastructures that may affect people’s<br />

traveling behavior.<br />

The design detail characteristics analyzed in loco were:<br />

infrastructure typology, pavement material and lay out,<br />

on-street parking facilities, priority signs at crossings, hierarchy<br />

of the modes of transport (pedestrians, cyclists,<br />

car drivers), traffic calming solutions, public art, signage,<br />

greenery, lightning (day and night) bicycle paths and<br />

lanes.<br />


An image data base was implemented and the material<br />

was used in several sections of the report to visually<br />

exemplify findings. Moreover, images took from the site<br />

were used to compare with the counting and illustrate the<br />

local conditions throughout the day.<br />

The descriptions from the diary were also a strategic data<br />

used to be compared with the count figures and the web<br />

survey findings.<br />

Figure 2.4: Member of the research team delivering flyers to cyclists at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs on September 14th 2010.<br />

12 13

3.0 CASES<br />

ODENSE<br />



AARHUS<br />






3.1 CASE1<br />

shared space vestergade vest and magelØs<br />

3.1.1 ODENSE<br />

Odense is the third largest Danish municipality and has a<br />

population of 188777 inhabitants in 2010 (Statistikbanken,<br />

2010). The municipality is located in the island of Funen<br />

and it is part of the South Denmark Region.<br />

ODENSE<br />

Figure 3.1.1: Geographical location of Odense.<br />


In December 1993, the Danish government presented<br />

a strategic plan for sustainable transportation – named<br />

Traffic 2005 – aiming to create a balance between economic<br />

development and environment based on principles<br />

of sustainable growth. One of the main objectives was to<br />

increase the share of cyclists in overall individual transportation<br />

in the country until 2005 (Trafikministeriet, 2000)<br />

In order to achieve this objective, 4% of individual transportation<br />

should be moved from private automobile to bicycle<br />

or walking. In practice, it means that all trips shorter<br />

than three kilometres should start to be made by private<br />

motorized vehicles to healthier and environmentally<br />

friendly modes – cycling and walking.<br />

In that context, Odense was selected to function as a lab<br />

for new solutions and became the National <strong>Bike</strong> City and<br />

it was name “Odense <strong>Bike</strong> City”. The main goal was to<br />

increase 2% of trips made by bike in the period from 1999<br />

until 2002.<br />

The Danish Ministry of Traffic and the Danish Road Directorate<br />

financially supported Odense with ten million<br />

Danish krones to implement solutions aiming to enhance<br />

cycling. The Odense counterpart was ten million Danish<br />

krones. A broad range of projects were implemented,<br />

ranging from campaign activities to physical interventions<br />

in the built environment.<br />

In 2002, the Odense municipality achieved the projects<br />

main goal, increasing more than 2% the share of cyclists<br />

in comparison with figures from 1999. In 2008, Odense<br />

municipality decided to revitalize its policies towards cycling<br />

and started to promote itself as the Cyclists` City and<br />

presented this vision for its own future:<br />

“Odense must be a city where cyclists have the best<br />

conditions because Odense makes the experience of cycling<br />

easier, safer, more comfortable and more exciting”<br />

(Odense Municipality, 2010f).<br />

Currently, 25% of all commuting trips – to work or study<br />

– are made cycling in Odense (Odense Municipality,<br />

2010d). The goal within the vision is to increase the<br />

amount of trips on bike 25% in 2012 to have reached a<br />

total increase of 35% in 2020 in relation to the 2007 numbers.<br />

Further 10% more cyclists should feel safe in traffic<br />

(Odense Municipality, 2010c).<br />

According to Figure 3.2, 25% of the trips made in Odense<br />

have a bike as a transportation mode. The amount of bike<br />

trips peeked with 27% of the total in 2000 – during the<br />

period of the National Cyclists City policies – and then<br />

went down to 24% in 2006. In 2008, the starting year of<br />

its new vision as the Cyclists’ City, the amount was 25%.<br />

Therefore, Odense municipalitys goal is to achieve a ratio<br />

of 32,5% of bike trips from the overall traffic count.<br />

Currently, all the cyclist related campaigns from Odense<br />

municipality are organized under the umbrella of the vision<br />

named Cyklisternes By – or Cyclists` city. The decision<br />

to change the title of its vision from “Odense Bicycle<br />

City” to “Odense Cyclists` City” was based on the intention<br />

of change the focus from the bikes towards their cyclists.<br />

A webpage has been launched for the new branding with<br />

news, information, cyclist maps etc. The Odense Cyclists`<br />

city campaign also has a weekly column in the local newspaper<br />

– Fyens Stiftstidende – every Thursday since July<br />

2010 (Odense municipality, 2010g).<br />

In the international level, Odense municipality has built its<br />

own stand on the 2010 Shanghai Expo where there the<br />

image of city is represented by both its bike infrastructure<br />

and cyclists and the fellow-townsman Hans Christiansen<br />

Andersen (Odense Municipality, 2010h).<br />

According to the interview with Dorthe Råby and Rune<br />

Bugge Jensen, one of the challenges that Odense municipality<br />

faces is to convince commuters living 5 kilometres<br />

away from the core of the city to use their bikes as<br />

main transportation mode to go work or study. Tackling<br />

this challenge, Odense Municipality has launched a campaign<br />

in the spring 2010 where it lent 100 electric bikes<br />

during a period of six months to car users living more than<br />

5 kilometres away from the centre. A new round of the<br />

campaign started in autumn 2010.<br />

Another strategic action towards enhancing cycling was<br />

to implement monitors in the main bike infrastructures of<br />

the municipality counting and displaying the amount of<br />

cyclists riding their bikes per day and per year (Odense<br />

municipality, 2010e).<br />

100%<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

0%<br />

13%<br />

8%<br />

15%<br />

55% 52% 48%<br />

24%<br />

6%<br />

27%<br />

22% 22% 17%<br />

4%<br />

26%<br />

1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008<br />

Figure 3.1.2: Distribution of the trips by transport modes within Odense Municipality<br />

from 1998 until 2008. Source: Danmarks Statistik.<br />

7%<br />

47%<br />

24%<br />


3%<br />

55%<br />

25%<br />

16 17


The majority of the streets in Odense are bike friendly<br />

and bikes have the same hierarchy than motorized vehicles.<br />

Moreover, Odense municipality has a total of 510<br />

kilometres of bicycle tracks and lanes (Odense municipality,<br />

2010a).<br />

In comparison to Copenhagen municipality, Odense municipality<br />

has approximately more 110 kilometres of bike<br />

tracks and lanes. It means that Odense municipality has<br />

2,7 metres per inhabitant of bike lanes and tracks, while<br />

Copenhagen municipality has 0,77 metres of cycle track<br />

per Inhabitant. (Statistikbanken, 2010).<br />


Signaturforklaring<br />

Seværdigheder<br />

Cykelpumper<br />

Cykelparkering<br />

Asfalterede stier<br />

Grusstier<br />

Cykelring<br />

Rekreative grusstier<br />

Banegård<br />

Turistinformation<br />

N<br />


Points of interest<br />

Bicycle pumps<br />

Bicycle parking<br />

Paved paths<br />

Unpaved paths<br />

Bicycle route in the city<br />

Nature paths<br />

Railway station<br />

Tourist information<br />

N<br />

Figure 3.1.3: Map of the main bike tracks and lanes in Odense`s inner city.<br />

Source: Odense Municipality.<br />

Figure 3.1.4: Ortophoto of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs. Modified from original picture from Google Earth<br />

N<br />

18 19


The intervention in Vestergade Vest and Mageløs was<br />

completed on the 19th of August 2010. The former crowded<br />

street by motorized vehicles was transformed in a<br />

shared-used space for pedestrians, cyclists and a future<br />

central electrical bus ring – being allowed the access for<br />

cargo-carrying motorized vehicles. All the buses were rerouted<br />

to parallel streets nearby. (Odense municipality,<br />

2009i).<br />

The transformation of Vestergade-Vest and Mageløs is<br />

part of an overall plan to improve quality of urban life within<br />

the core of Odense described in the Traffic and Mobility<br />

Plan 2008 (Odense municipality, 2009i).<br />

During the first 14 days after the street was closed for<br />

for vehicles, several elements were inserted in the<br />

streetscape – plastic guiding markers, bicycle parking<br />

racks, ping pong tables, etc – and then Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs started to look more like flexible and informal<br />

space and open for different experiences.<br />

The former car lane and sidewalk pavements were kept.<br />

During the 14 days intervention, several drawings were<br />

made in the pavements. These drawings have diverse<br />

functions where some of them indicate the beginning of<br />

the shared-user space and others have a more playful<br />

purpose.<br />

And on the 15th of September, the main editor of the Fyens<br />

Stiftstidende wrote “Bicycles must be out of pedestrian<br />

streets” (Fyens Stiftstidende, 2010c). Both articles<br />

were questioning if it is possible to have a schared-use<br />

space environment for pedestrians and cyclists.<br />

A study conducted from Gehl Architects indicated that the<br />

amount of pedestrians in the core of the city was decreasing.<br />

One of the pointed reasons is the increasing competition<br />

between street based retail and large commercial<br />

centres located in the outskirts of Odense – for example<br />

the shopping centre named Rosengårdscenteret that has<br />

a 100.000 m2 of stores.<br />

In that context, the municipality has been implementing<br />

several physical interventions towards a more lively urban<br />

core in the near. According to the interview with Dorthe<br />

Råby and Rune Bugge Jensen, one of the main targets<br />

of these interventions is the improvement to the quality of<br />

the experience of walking and cycling.<br />

On the first of August 2010, Vestergade Vest and Mageløs<br />

were closed for motorized vehicles traffic and the urban<br />

transformation began. The approach to change the street<br />

was done in a rather untraditional way. Due to low budget,<br />

it was decided to try to change the street through minimal<br />

interventions with temporary elements that would be easy<br />

to rearrange things that did not work out properly.<br />

The Vestergade Vest and Mageløs can be seen as a lab<br />

where temporary interventions were made in order to understand<br />

how the population would react to new experiences<br />

and the public space. The pavements and levels of<br />

the former street were kept and elements were inserted<br />

in the streetscape to indicate pedestrian only paths along<br />

facades and shared space in the middle of the road.<br />

The entire urban transformation took only 14 days and the<br />

official opening was on the 14th of August 2010. But the<br />

project is not finalized yet and the intention is exactly that:<br />

to be a designing in process space. More elements will be<br />

added over time as well as evaluations of the space might<br />

change the layout over time.<br />

The intervention made possible to implement new changes<br />

with a low cost. After the first month, the technicians<br />

from the municipality had feedback from users – pedestrians,<br />

cyclists, shopkeepers, people dining, etc – and then<br />

rearrangements were made with the mobile equipments<br />

and plastic markers were relocated.<br />

Rune Bugge Jensen – landscape architect from Odense<br />

Municipality and responsible for the design solution at<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs – has emphasized how<br />

important is to improve urban life experience in the core<br />

of Odense. In regards the intervention at Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs, he mentioned<br />

“I wanted to push the limits from what experiences people<br />

have in the public space and I also wanted to make them<br />

start to question and reflect for what a public space could<br />

be used for… It has been very provocative to put ping<br />

pong tables on the former motorized vehicle lanes… It<br />

has been a challenge to reinvent the former motorized vehicle<br />

lanes into a space for urban life, play and exercise”<br />

(interview with Rune Bugge Jensen, 2th of September,<br />

2010).<br />

The new layout promotes walking, cycling, shopping,<br />

playing and eating. It also offers the opportunity to promote<br />

products outside shops and to have outdoor seating<br />

for cafes and restaurants.<br />

Since the opening of the new shared-use space, there<br />

has been quite some media attention on the street. On<br />

the 13th of September, the local newspaper – Fyens<br />

Stiftstidende – wrote an article with the headline “Chaos<br />

plagues the new pedestrian street” (Fyens Stiftstidende,<br />

2010b).<br />

Figure 3.1.5: Article with the title “Bicycles must be out of pedestrian streets”, published<br />

on 15th of September in the newspaper Fyens Stiftstidende (Fyens Stiftstidende,<br />

2010c).<br />

Figure 3.1.6: Article with the title “Chaos in the pedestrian streets”, published on 15th<br />

of September in the newspaper Fyens Stiftstidende (Fyens Stiftstidende, 2010b).<br />

20 21


BEFORE<br />

Formerly, Vestergade Vest and Mageløs had more than<br />

two hundred buses passing every day causing noisy<br />

pollution, air pollution and also inhibiting a more friendly<br />

space for pedestrians, cyclists and other potential activi-<br />

AFTER<br />

After the urban transformation, the public space changed<br />

its profile completely – enhancing walking, cycling, shopping,<br />

eating, playing, etc. According to the interview with<br />

Dorthe Råby and Rune Bugge Jensen, the urban transformation<br />

has been enhancing a discussion about public<br />

domain and also has regenerated the image of Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs towards a lively spot.<br />



Due to the municipality short budget, the technicians<br />

had to develop a proposal with a cost of only five hundred<br />

Danish krones. The challenge was rewarding and<br />

the technicians came up with a creative solution, using<br />

temporary elements that made it possible to rethink the<br />

design concept through the time.<br />

Currently, the Technical Department from Odense Municipality<br />

is applying for more than three hundred Danish<br />

krones for further improvements in Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.7: View of Vestergade Vest from the 10th of May 2010. Source: Odense Municipality<br />

Figure 3.1.8: View of Vestergade Vest from the 2nd of September 2010.<br />

22 23



Vestergade Vest and Mageløs is a very funky and diverse<br />

space encompassing cafés, entertainment, restaurants,<br />

shops, and playful elements. The street was originally a<br />

stream of cars infiltrating into the core of the city, it has<br />

now being closed off and strictly reserved for everyone<br />

from cyclists to pedestrians, families and youths. It is a<br />

very progressive shared user space created on a very<br />

low budget of only 500,000 krones, which has pushed the<br />

imagination even further into a fusion of creativity. It is<br />

also a very temporary and flexible space where experimentation<br />

can take place. Technically the street it is about<br />

240 metres long and 15 metres wide consisting of one<br />

lane in the middle with sidewalks on both sides of the<br />

street. Fundamentally it is a continuation of the pedestrian<br />

and shopping street Vestergade.<br />


Since this project was completed on a very low budget no<br />

technical drawings were done.<br />


The flow of cyclists and pedestrians at Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs moves in multiple directions with the main<br />

flow of cyclists through the middle of the street. Sidewalks<br />

are reserved solely for pedestrians with the lane in the<br />

middle of the street shared equally by pedestrians and<br />

cyclists. Traffic flow in the morning is relatively calm as no<br />

pedestrians are congesting the space allowing cyclists to<br />

flow freely through. Cyclists are focused and know exactly<br />

how to navigate and avoid other cyclists.<br />

In the afternoon the street transforms into a multiple<br />

shared space, therefore the flow is a bit more congested.<br />

The pedestrians begin to occupy the shared space in the<br />

middle of the street thus disturbing the flow of eager cyclists.<br />

Conversely there are many pedestrians crossing<br />

the street while cyclists and pedestrians are diverting into<br />

many directions creating a complex situation.<br />

The flow structure in the afternoon is then completely different<br />

from the morning flow. In the evening the shops<br />

close down at 6 pm and people begin to bounce around<br />

the space in multiple directions crowding the infrastructure,<br />

some going out for dinner, some going out to get<br />

drunk. At the same time cyclists are eager to ride fast<br />

through the street creating a complex and chaotic zone<br />

where cyclists need be weary of crossing pedestrians,<br />

and pedestrians need to be weary of fast moving cyclists<br />

(Figure 3.1.10).<br />

Pedestrian<br />

path<br />

<strong>Bike</strong> path<br />

Pedestrian<br />

crossing<br />

<strong>Bike</strong> path<br />

Figure 3.1.10 Section and plan of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Pedestrian<br />

path<br />

Legend<br />

Blue: Shared Space<br />

Green: Safe Space<br />

Turquoise: Cycle Parking<br />

Pink: Outdoor Cafe<br />

Yellow: Playground<br />

Figure 3.1.9 Draft of the design concept of Vestegade Vest and Mogeløs. Source: Odense Municipality.<br />

24 25



The pavement in the street utilises a flagstone material.<br />

The sidewalks are in a light color in contrast to the lane<br />

in the middle of the street which is in a darker color. Between<br />

the lane and the sidewalk there is a line made of<br />

the same flagstones turned in the other direction. The<br />

lane is lowered by 10 cm and together with the opposite<br />

stones it marks the border between the two speed levels.<br />

(Figure 3.1.11)<br />

To slow down the speed of the cyclists there is a speed<br />

bump placed in one of the most critical points of the street<br />

where many programs like a café, ping pong tables and<br />

shops are placed side by side (Figure 3.1.12). In the<br />

morning cyclists are trying to avoid the speed bump by<br />

taking a detour at the sidewalk instead of continuing the<br />

lane. In the afternoon it is more difficult for the cyclists to<br />

avoid the speed bump because of the crowded pedestrian<br />

flow on the sidewalks (Figure 3.1.13)<br />

Figure 3.1.12: Speed hump at Vestergade Vest<br />




In the morning the street is not occupied by shop signs or<br />

café tables like it is in the afternoon making it possible for<br />

the cyclists and delivery vans to move swiftly unobstructed<br />

through the street. On contrary to the afternoon when<br />

the street is more crowded producing a more congested<br />

and chaotic flow. However cyclists still persist to ride at<br />

high speeds, but they are disturbed by pedestrians moving<br />

in multiple directions and at slower paces. It means<br />

that the cyclists sometimes have to brake suddenly or<br />

come to a complete stop and carry their bike through the<br />

space.<br />

In the evening the street is calmer and there are not as<br />

many people on the street so cyclists can go a lot faster.<br />

To restrict cyclists going to too fast a speed hump has<br />

been built into the street, although as previously mentioned<br />

many cyclists go onto the pedestrian path to avoid<br />

the speed hump (Figure 3.1.15).<br />

Figure 3.1.15: Speed hump<br />

On the sidewalks there are blue plastic guides integrated<br />

in the pavement showing where the shops are allowed<br />

to place their signs and articles see Figure 3.16. This<br />

solution is good for the pedestrians because it ensures<br />

that they have enough room for walking. The guides help<br />

give the shop owners borders for their signs, however<br />

some shops like Superbrugsen challenge the signage<br />

and place their signs into in the middle of the street which<br />

creates less room for the cyclists and pedestrians. The<br />

surface of the street is generally in a good condition and it<br />

has not been modified at all. Also there are no cracks and<br />

potholes which mean that it is safe for the users to move<br />

on the street (Figure 3.1.14).<br />


Figure 3.1.13: Cyclists avoiding speed hump.<br />



Vehicles are not allowed to enter the street, but it’s possible<br />

for delivery vans with an errand to enter the street<br />

during the day, but they must take the cyclists and pedestrians<br />

into consideration. Also from 10pm to 6am, taxis<br />

are permitted in the area.<br />

When a delivery van or a cargo truck is driving through the<br />

street it blocks the street and it is not easy for the cyclists<br />

and pedestrians to access the street in their usual way.<br />

They have to find another way to get through the street<br />

and sometimes the cyclists have to get off their bike.<br />

There is also a big problem with the mopeds, which disturb<br />

the street because of their speed and noisy sounds.<br />

Figure 3.1.16: Cargo trucks<br />


DARKER<br />

Figure 3.1.14: Blue plastic guides at Vestergade Vest.<br />

Figure 3.1.17: <strong>Bike</strong>s and motorized vehicles<br />

Figure 3.1.11: Pavement material.<br />

26 27



One of the main elements in the shared space is the bike<br />

parking racks, which makes it possible for the cyclists to<br />

park their bikes right in the center of the pedestrian shopping<br />

area. In the afternoon the racks are full and occupy a<br />

major part of the shared user space and congest the room<br />

of pedestrian flow. In the morning and evening time there<br />

is not so many bicycles parked in the racks thus freeing<br />

up the space more (Figure 3.1.18 and Figure 3.1.19).<br />

Even though there are many bicycle racks a large amount<br />

of bikes are parked in front of the shops and lean against<br />

signs, taking up a lot of the space on the sidewalks thus<br />

making it difficult for the pedestrians to move unobstructed<br />

(Figure 3.1.20 and 3.1.21).<br />

Figure 3.1.19: <strong>Bike</strong> parking racks<br />

The most dominating greenery in the streetscape are the<br />

trees. Different kinds of trees exist but the most common<br />

is the marble tree, which is placed in the centerline of the<br />

sidewalks (Figure 3.1.22).<br />

Additionally there are different kind of green elements, like<br />

small flower bowls and green fences, which are used by<br />

the shops and cafés to define the entrances or the private<br />

space for café tables. In one spot there are a couple of big<br />

flower bowls placed between the lane and the sidewalk.<br />

The placement and existence of the green elements produces<br />

a warm and inviting atmosphere (Figure 3.1.23).<br />

Figure 3.1.22: Trees and landscaping design<br />

Figure 3.1.18: <strong>Bike</strong> parking racks.<br />

Figure 3.1.20: Parked bikes in front of shops<br />

Figure 3.1.23: Trees and landscaping design<br />

Figure 3.1.21: Parked bikes in front of shops<br />

28 29


Technical elements<br />

Garbage bins are placed at the sidewalks and have different<br />

shapes and characters. Some of them are standing<br />

on the ground and some are lifted up from the ground by<br />

rods. And several of them have special notes to make<br />

people use them. In front of all the entrances and the<br />

backyards to the street small poles have been erected to<br />

prevent vehicles from entering the space.<br />


In the evening the street is lit up by hanging street lamps<br />

from the middle of the street and by lamps placed on the<br />

sidewalks. Additionally the shop windows light up the<br />

street creating a more inviting night atmosphere (Figure<br />

3.1.27).<br />

Urban elements<br />

There are no benches in the street and if people want to<br />

sit down they must go to a café or to the benches at the<br />

pedestrian shopping streets.<br />

Figure 3.1.24 Street games painted in the pavement.<br />

The street also contains colorful playful elements which<br />

include a couple of ping pong tables and a letter game<br />

which is drawn on the ground (see Figures 3.1.24 and<br />

3.1.26). In the afternoon the street is usually very crowded<br />

and it is difficult to use the playful elements, but in the<br />

morning and evening it is calmer creating more access<br />

to use them. The playful elements supply the street with<br />

a more lively and relaxed atmosphere and enhance the<br />

concept of a shared user space (Figure 3.1.25).<br />

GAMES<br />


CAFE<br />

SPACE<br />



Figure 3.1.25: Layout of streetscape.<br />

Figure 3.1.27: Street lights<br />

Figure 3.1.26: Street furniture<br />

30 31


The street offers different kinds of signs which give information<br />

about various subjects. The most dominating<br />

signs in the street are the shop signs which are placed at<br />

the entrances or at the front of the shops (Figure 3.28).<br />

These signs are very noticeable due to their use of the<br />

colorful graphics and design. Other signage includes information<br />

by municipality dictating different rules about<br />

the traffic flow and other transportation modes that are<br />

allowed to enter the street (Figure 3.1.29). Some of them<br />

also give information about attractions in the city that may<br />

be interesting to visit. They designed to look old and lead<br />

you to different parts of the city such as cultural sites like<br />

squares, theaters, museums and other exciting places<br />

(Figure 3.1.31). The last category of signs is those which<br />

are integrated into the design of the street. These signs<br />

give information about the use of the space in a more<br />

playful way and is indicated by the symbol of a footprint<br />

and bicycle wheels painted onto the pavement (Figure<br />

3.1.30)<br />

Figure 3.1.28: Shop signs.<br />

In general there are no signs in the street telling you about<br />

speed and behavior, but that is also the concept of shared<br />

space. The signage is functional because it both gives<br />

information about legal and cultural issues relating to the<br />

city.<br />

Figure 3.1.29: Signage dictating rules about how to use the space.<br />

Figure 3.1.30: Playful sign informing the transportation modes allowed.<br />

Figure 3.1.31: Signage designed to look old.<br />

32 33



The street pavement hosts some kind of art in the form<br />

of painted words which gives synonymous of the street<br />

name; Mageløs. This is located only at one spot in the<br />

street and does not repeat in other places (Figure 3.1.32).<br />

Compensating for the minimum byways is a series of<br />

small corridors through and between buildings opening<br />

up for cyclists and pedestrians to enter the street. The<br />

entrance from east is in a cross of two pedestrian streets<br />

in eastern direction, Vestergade-east, and northern direction,<br />

Kongensgade, and the continuous shared space between<br />

cyclists and pedestrians in the southern direction<br />

in the street Mageløs. The link between the two streets<br />

has been marked with a curve, signalising that this is only<br />

road to enter for cyclists. The link is paved with cobbled<br />

stones, different from both the pavement on Vestergade<br />

and in the pedestrian streets (Figure 3.1.33 and 3.1.34).<br />


The street is faced by buildings with two to four stories.<br />

The ground floor is primarily used for commercial activity<br />

with shops, cafes and food vendors. The higher stories<br />

are used for residences.<br />

The buildings facing the street are part of a medieval<br />

structure with various different building volumes behind<br />

them. The blocks are not enclosed block structures, rather<br />

small open networks within the blocks. Many people<br />

enter the street through building corridors coming from<br />

the spaces behind the buildings facing the street (Figure<br />

3.1.35)<br />

Figure 3.1.32: Painted words in the pavement.<br />


The street is accessed from the intersection of Vesterbro<br />

and Ny Vestergade on the western end, from a crossing<br />

of two pedestrian streets, Vestergade(east) and Kongensgade,<br />

and from Mageløs which is a shared cyclist<br />

and pedestrian street, in the eastern end.<br />

Where Vestedgade Vest and Mageløs meet there is a<br />

change in the materials which marks that you have to<br />

slow down and be aware of the street. Entrance from<br />

Vesterbro is marked with a shift from asphalt paving continuing<br />

around a curve and the pedestrian sidewalk continuing<br />

in a similar curve. This facility was probably made<br />

to signal no entry for cars in the former one-way street<br />

in Vestergade. Entering the street happens from a dedicated<br />

bicycle path. When leaving, a bicycle path does not<br />

appear until approximately 300 meters later.<br />

Only one byway is entering the street. The street, Pantheonsgade,<br />

is located 70 meters from the exit in western<br />

end. The entrance to Vestergade is made with no regulations,<br />

but like mentioned earlier a path of special pavement<br />

has been implemented in Vestergade to signal the<br />

beginning of the byway.<br />

Figure 3.1.33: Crossing point paved with cobbled stones.<br />

Figure 3.1.34: Intersection between Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.35: Built environment around Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

34 35



500<br />

50<br />

400<br />

40<br />

300<br />

30<br />

200<br />

20<br />

100<br />

10<br />



7-8<br />

8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19<br />



7-8<br />

8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19<br />



1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

7-8<br />

8-9 9-10<br />

10-11 11-12<br />

12-13<br />

13-14 14-15 15-16<br />

16-17 17-18 18-19<br />

7-8<br />

700 bikes<br />

Bicycles in high speed. No other transportation<br />

modes<br />

Figure 3.1.36: Cyclists counting and traffic flow at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

9-10<br />

350 bikes<br />

Cargo hour and lowest numbers in<br />

morning.<br />

12-13<br />

500 bikes<br />

Different transportation modes<br />

and uses in the street.<br />

15-16<br />

850 bikes<br />

Large number of cyclists and pedestrians.<br />

Different transportation modes<br />

and uses in the street.<br />

18-19<br />

380 bikes<br />

Street gets empty and cyclists riding<br />

their bikes in high speed<br />

36 37


The web survey analysis is divided in four sections. Firstly,<br />

main findings are presented. The second section describes<br />

the spatial distribution of the residential location<br />

of the respondents. Thirdly, it is presented a descriptive<br />

statistic to analyze all the answers. In search of finding relationships<br />

between socio-demographic variables and the<br />

web survey answers, the last section presents a statistical<br />

analysis using the Chi2 test.<br />

A total of 298 individuals that were riding a bike at Vestergade<br />

Vest on September 14 answered the questionnaire<br />

in the period between September 14 and October 12.<br />

From the count done in September 14, there were 6446<br />

bicycle trips at Vestergade Vest from 7am until 7pm – including<br />

both directions. Estimating that 35% of these cyclists<br />

ride their bikes at least once per day in the infrastructure,<br />

it was stipulated a total of 4189 individuals ride<br />

a bike at Vestergade Vest per day.<br />

A total of 1328 web flyers were distributed to individuals<br />

riding their bikes in the infrastructure from 7am until 7pm<br />

and from these total 298 answered the questionnaire.<br />

Based on these figures, the respondents represents<br />

7,12% of the total of individuals riding a bike per day in<br />

the infrastructure and 22,43% of individuals that collected<br />

the flyer on September 14 while riding a bike.<br />


In conclusion the data from the survey reveals a picture<br />

of Vestergade Vest as a piece of infrastructure used for a<br />

balanced distribution of purposes (39% to work, 34% to<br />

shopping, 15% educational institutions and 12% to others<br />

destinations). The figures are directly connected to the<br />

built environment were the infrastructure is located – the<br />

core of the city with several working places, shops and<br />

educational institutions in the surroundings.<br />

After the Chi2 test was applied, the results highlight that<br />

most of the answers do not have a relation with socio-demographic<br />

conditions. However, some representative relations<br />

between the independent variables – gender, age<br />

and educational level – and the questionnaire answers<br />

were identified.<br />

There is a relation between the main trip purpose when<br />

riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and both gender, age and<br />

educational level.<br />

The impact of the intervention in Vestergade Vest in the<br />

individuals` decision to ride a bike more often has also a<br />

relation both with gender, age and educational level.<br />

The findings highlight that gender is a strategic variable<br />

which has a relation with the satisfaction with the design<br />

solution for Vestergade Vest, safety and signage conditions<br />

at the infrastructure.<br />

Finally, age seems to have a relation with the frequency<br />

that individuals ride a bike at Vestergade Vest and their<br />

opinion on regards obstacles against cyclists riding at the<br />

infrastructure.<br />

The following section provides the actual data for each of<br />

the questions asked.<br />



The residential addresses of the respondents – individuals<br />

riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs on<br />

September 14 – were registered and geo-referenced in<br />

order to produce a map (see Figure 3.37). According to<br />

the Table 3.43, the majority of the respondents (65,9%)<br />

live within a radius of 2 kilometer and 92,6% of them living<br />

within 5 kilometers distance from the infrastructure.<br />

Respondents living more than 5 kilometers from the infrastructure<br />

correspond to 7,4% of the total and from this<br />

amount only 14,2% are living more than 10 kilometers<br />

away of the infrastructure.<br />

0-1 KM 1-2 KM 2-3 KM 3-4 KM 4-5 KM 5-10 KM 10-15 15-20 20 KM<<br />

KM KM<br />

NO. DWELLINGS 134 62 42 20 17 19 1 2 1<br />

% DWELLINGS 45,0% 20,8% 14,1% 6,7% 5,7% 6,4% 0,3% 0,7% 0,3%<br />

Table 3.1.1: Absolute and percentage distribution of respondents according to the distance of their residential location from Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

38 39

10 km<br />

30 km<br />

5 km<br />

20 km<br />

4 km<br />

15 km<br />

3 km<br />

10 km<br />

2 km<br />

5 km<br />

1 km<br />

N<br />

N<br />

Figure 3.1.37: Spatial distribution of the respondents according to their residential location – 5km map.<br />

Figure 3.1.38: Spatial distribution of the respondents according to their residential location - 20km map<br />

40 41


AGE<br />

AGE<br />

40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />


40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />




35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />





3% 2%<br />

8%<br />

7%<br />

6%<br />



15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

NO 00 - 10<br />


11 - 20<br />

YEARS<br />

21 - 30<br />

YEARS<br />

31 - 40<br />

YEARS<br />

41 - 50<br />

YEARS<br />

51 - 60<br />

YEARS<br />

61 - 70<br />

YEARS<br />

71 - 80<br />

YEARS<br />

81 - 90<br />

YEARS<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />


PUBLIC<br />

SCHOOL<br />



HIGH<br />

SCHOOL<br />

SHORT<br />

HIGHER<br />


MEDIUM<br />

HIGHER<br />


LONG<br />

HIGHER<br />


15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />


WEEK<br />

5 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS OF 1-3 DAYS OF<br />


MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

74%<br />





Figure 3.1.39: Distribution of the respondents by age groups.<br />

Figure 3.1.41: Distribution of the respondents by educational level.<br />

Figure 3.1.43: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they walk at Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.45: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they ride a bike in<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.1.44<br />

after the intervention in the site.<br />

The majority of the respondents at Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs are between 21-30 years of age (36%), followed<br />

by respondents aged 31-40 (14%), 41-50 aged (15%),<br />

and 51-60 aged (17%). Older respondents range from<br />

61-70 years old (9%). Younger respondents were aged<br />

between 11-20 (6%), and 3% gave no answer. This results<br />

shows that Vestergade Vest and Mageløs mainly is<br />

used by the younger generation of 21-30 years old followed<br />

by a more even distribution of people between the<br />

A large majority of respondents answered that they have<br />

a medium and long high education (35%), followed by<br />

a long, higher education (21%). 11% respondents answered<br />

that they had attended higher education for a<br />

short amount of time, and another 11% respondents answered<br />

a vocational education. 13% of the respondents<br />

had a gymnasium education, 6% had receiving a public<br />

school education, and 2% giving no answer. The majority<br />

of the respondents using Vestergade Vest therefore have<br />

a medium higher education followed by a long higher education.<br />

Respondents were asked if they walk or stay at Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs without bike. The three main<br />

groups of respondents answered 1-2 days of week (29%),<br />

1-3 days of months (27%) or rarely without bike (19%).<br />

11% answered 3-4 days a week, 7% answered 5 days a<br />

week, 5% 6-7 days of week and 3% gave no answer. The<br />

results show that cyclists do also use Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs for walking.<br />

Respondents were asked, how often they used the bike<br />

for their main purpose as answered in the previous question<br />

after the opening of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

74% of respondents answered that they travel for that<br />

purpose just as often as before. 6% of respondents stated<br />

that they bike for that purpose more often and 8% said<br />

much more often. 7% answered that they traveled less<br />

often and 2% much less often. 3% gave no answer. This<br />

data indicates that the opening of Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs has had a very small impact on the amount of<br />

travelers. 14% in total traveling more often and 9% in total<br />

GENDER<br />

GENDER<br />

2%<br />

44%<br />

54%<br />

Figure 3.1.40: Distribution of the respondents by gender<br />


MAN<br />

WOMEN<br />


35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />



6-7 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS OF<br />

MONTHS<br />

Figure 3.1.42: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they ride a bicycle at<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />


34%<br />


15%<br />

4%<br />

2%<br />

3%<br />

3%<br />

39%<br />



WORK<br />





SCHOOL<br />

OTHERS<br />

Figure 3.1.44: Distribution of the respondents according to the main trip purpose<br />

when riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />



32%<br />

8%<br />

3%<br />

21%<br />

9%<br />

Figure 3.1.46: Distribution of the respondents by the level of satisfaction with the<br />

design of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

27%<br />







When asked about their gender, 54% (160) of the respondents<br />

were women and 44% (132) were men, with 2% (6)<br />

giving no answer.<br />

When asked how often they bike at the site, a majority<br />

of the respondents said that they use Vestergade Vest 5<br />

days per week (33%) or 6-7 days per week (27%). 17%<br />

of the respondents used the site 3-4 days per week, 13%<br />

answered 1-2 days per week, 6% answered 1-3 days per<br />

month and only 1% rarely ride a bike at Vestergade Vest.<br />

The figures highlight that the site is a place where people<br />

bike many days of the week.<br />

When asked for what purpose the respondents use<br />

Vestergade. 39% answered that they use the infrastructure<br />

for commuting to and from work. 34% used Vestergade<br />

for shopping, 15% used it to commute to school, 3%<br />

answered to see friends or family, 3% for recreation, 4%<br />

said other and 2% gave no answer. This figure shows<br />

that Vestergade Vest and Mageløs mainly is an urban<br />

space used for commuting and shopping.<br />

When asked how satisfied the respondents were with<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs 32% said they were satisfied<br />

and 27% were very satisfied. 21% were neutral, 8%<br />

were dissatisfied and 9% very dissatisfied. 3% gave no<br />

answer. This figure shows that only a little more than half<br />

(59%) of the respondents are satisfied with urban space<br />

and 17% of the users have issues with the design. Therefore<br />

there are issues that need to be improved to get a<br />

higher level of satisfied people.<br />

42 43



SAFETY<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />



40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />


PATHS,<br />


MODES<br />

25%<br />

3%<br />

9%<br />




5% 4% 4%<br />

6%<br />


20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

19%<br />

18%<br />

26%<br />






26%<br />

55%<br />






0%<br />

5%<br />


Figure 3.1.47: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

the Vestergade Vest`s design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

0%<br />


Figure 3.1.49: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

the Vestergade Vest and Mageløs’ design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Figure 3.1.51: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the conflict between different transport modes at Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.53: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic the pavement is at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Users were asked about the quality regarding the safety<br />

needs of the infrastructure. The largest amount of respondents<br />

(31%) thought the design did a bad job and 18%<br />

stated that it did a very bad job. 20% were neutral on the<br />

issue, and only 6%% answered it did a very good job and<br />

21% that it did a good job. 3% gave no answer. This result<br />

thereby shows that there are great problems with the perception<br />

of cyclists in regards safety at safety Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs.<br />



35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />


The respondents were asked about the aesthetics of the<br />

design of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs, and the majority<br />

of respondents stated that it either did very good (36%)<br />

or a very good (9%) job. A great part of the respondents<br />

were neutral (96) in regards to beauty and aesthetics.<br />

14% said it did a bad job and 5% said a very bad job.<br />

3% were giving no answer. The figure shows that there<br />

is room for improving the aesthetics of the space even<br />

though the largest amount people are satisfied.<br />


35%<br />

8%<br />


5%<br />

3% 3%<br />

46%<br />







Respondents having conflicts between bicyclists, pedestrians<br />

and motorized vehicle drivers. Only 18% saying<br />

it was not a problem. 26% stated that is was a bit of<br />

a problem, 18% claimed it was problematic, 19% said it<br />

was quite a problem, and 25% responded that said it was<br />

a major problem. 3% gave no answer on whether passing<br />

space was an issue. A large amount of 25% saying<br />

that the boundaries of the bike lanes are a major problem<br />

clearly indicates that this is an area where the design can<br />

be improved.<br />


19%<br />

21%<br />

3%<br />


19%<br />

23%<br />







When asked whether they thought surface issues like potholes<br />

were a problem on Vestergade Vest and Mageløs,<br />

55% of the responses said it was not a problem. 26%<br />

stated that it was a small problem, 6% claimed it was<br />

problematic, 5% it was quite problematic and 4% is was<br />

a major problem. 4% gave no answer. This figure shows<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs has been maintained, and<br />

therefore has a great percentage of satisfied users in this<br />

area compared with the other problems the site is facing.<br />



12%<br />

7%<br />

27%<br />

6%<br />

3%<br />

45%<br />








15%<br />

Figure 3.1.48: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

the Vestergade Vest and Mageløs` design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Respondents were asked if they thought the design of<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs was facilitating fast connections.<br />

The majority responded said it did a good job<br />

(31%) or were neutral (28%). 7% thought it did a very<br />

good job, 20% said it did a bad job, and 11% said a very<br />

bad job. 3% respondents gave no answer. From this figure,<br />

it is clear that Vestergade Vest and Mageløs can be<br />

improved in regards to the speed of the bikers.<br />

Figure 3.1.50: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Users were asked if they thought that illegally parked<br />

bicycles were a problem on the Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs. 46% of the responses said that they were not a<br />

problem, 35% said it was a small problem, 8% said it was<br />

problematic, 5% said it was quite problematic, and 3%<br />

said it was a major problem. 3% gave no answer. This<br />

figure shows that illegally parked bicycles are a problem<br />

at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs for the main part of the<br />

users.<br />

Figure 3.1.52: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic the existence of obstacles is against the cyclists at Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs.<br />

Respondents were asked whether they thought obstacles<br />

at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs were an issue.<br />

Only 19% of the respondent stated that obstacles were<br />

not a problem. 23% stated that is was a small problem,<br />

15% claimed it was problematic, 19% quite problematic<br />

and 21% saying it is a major problem. 3% gave no answer.<br />

This figure shows that the majority of users also<br />

see obstacles as being an issue at Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.54: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic the existence of cracks in ramps and intersections is at Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs.<br />

Users were asked whether they thought cracks were a<br />

problem on ramps and intersections. 45% of the responses<br />

said it was not a problem. 27% thought that it was a<br />

small problem, 12% claimed it was problematic, 7% said<br />

it was quite a problem and 6% said it was major problem.<br />

3% gave no answer. These results show that cracks in<br />

ramps and intersections are a small problem, one that<br />

could be fixed with maintenance.<br />

44 45




26%<br />

3%<br />

10%<br />



SCENIC<br />

12%<br />

6%<br />

5% 4%<br />





30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />





BIK E?<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

17%<br />

20%<br />

Figure 3.1.55: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic the lack of awareness of pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers is for<br />

people riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

24%<br />





24%<br />

Figure 3.1.57: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic scenic and greenery is at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

49%<br />





10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

SAFETY<br />












Figure 3.1.59: Among the respondents that said yes in the previous question (Figure<br />

3.1.58), what qualities has influenced their choice to ride a bike more often after the<br />

intervention in Vestergade Vest and Mageløs. The respondents could choice more<br />

than one option.<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />





VERY<br />



Figure 3.1.60: Distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the importance<br />

of street design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to<br />

ride a bike.<br />

Respondents were asked whether they thought lack of<br />

awareness of pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers<br />

for cyclists was an issue. For the greatest part of<br />

the respondents (26%) the lack of awareness for cyclists<br />

was a major problem. 24% said it was a small problem,<br />

20% stated it was problematic and 17% said it was quite<br />

a problem. Only 10% of the respondents said it is not a<br />

problem. And 3% gave no answer. This figure shows that<br />

cyclists perceive a problem in regards the awareness of<br />

pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for cyclists.<br />



2%<br />

When asked whether they thought poor greenery and<br />

scenic landscaping was an issue at Vestergade Vest,<br />

49% of the responses said it was not a problem, 24% said<br />

it was a small problem, 12% stated it was problematic, 6%<br />

said it was quite a problem, and 4% responded that this<br />

was a major problem. 4% gave no answer. This figure<br />

shows that greenery can be a problem and that the lack<br />

of it is noticed by some users but also that almost 50% of<br />

the users are satisfied with the situation as it is.<br />





3%<br />

Respondents were asked what aspect of the intervention<br />

make them ride their bike more often, the largest portion<br />

of users stated that faster connections (25%) made the<br />

largest impact. 16% responded saying bike parking was<br />

a good experience and influenced bikeability. 15% stated<br />

wider bike lanes made an impact for them and 7% said<br />

faster bike lanes made the difference for them. Important<br />

factors that influenced the amount users rode were therefore<br />

a faster connection and the space for bike parking.<br />

The good experience and the width of the lanes was also<br />

some of the factors that played a key role for the choice<br />

of biking.<br />

Users were asked, how important is street design in your<br />

decision to ride your bicycle. The largest portion (25%)<br />

of respondents answered saying that they were neutral<br />

to the question. 19% said it was important and 7% said it<br />

was very important. 22% said it was not important, and<br />

23% said it was not important at all. 4% did not answer.<br />

This figure shows that the majority of respondents do not<br />

think that the design of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs is a<br />

very important factor for the bikeability of the site.<br />





L IGHTING, ETC.)?<br />

17%<br />

6%<br />

50%<br />

45%<br />


40%<br />

10%<br />

37%<br />




35%<br />

30%<br />


YES<br />

25%<br />

13%<br />

21%<br />



91%<br />

NO<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

Figure 3.1.56: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic signposting and its interpretation is at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

When asked whether poor signage was an issue, 37%<br />

of the responses said it was not a problem, 21% said it<br />

was a small problem, 13% stated it was problematic, 10%<br />

said it was quite a problem and 17% said it was a major<br />

problem. 2% gave no answer. This figure shows that<br />

signage is also a problem for the bikers at Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs, which thereby could be made more<br />

clearly to the user.<br />

Figure 3.1.58: Distribution of the respondents based on starting to ride a bike more<br />

often, or not, after the intervention at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

When asked whether they bike more often after the opening<br />

of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs, 91% said they have<br />

not biked more while only 6% said that they where biking<br />

more often that before. 3% gave no answer. This figure<br />

shows that the opening of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs<br />

has not change the use of bikes in the area. The reasons<br />

of this can be the problems showed in the previous questions<br />

that indicate that there are issues such as insensitivity,<br />

poor maintaining and problems with the design that is<br />

dissatisfying for the bikers.<br />


Figure 3.1.61 Distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the street<br />

design solutions (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in the intervention<br />

at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

When asked for their opinion on the design solution applied<br />

to Vestergade Vest and Mageløs, most respondents<br />

replied that they were neutral (44%) in that question. 28%<br />

said it is a good solution and 3% believed it was a very<br />

good design solution. 17% thought it was poor, 5% responded<br />

very poor, and 3% gave no answer. This figure<br />

shows that many of the respondents were neutral in their<br />

opinion of the design. This could reflect that the design<br />

is not very noticeable and that they take it for granted.<br />

There is also a great part that think the design is good<br />

which also reflects that there are only small problems with<br />

the design.<br />

46 47



The Chi2 test was applied to identify possible relations between the socio-demographics (independent variables) of the<br />

sample and their answers from the web survey (dependable variables). Considering the nature of the studied variables<br />

– the majority of them are nominal – the Chi2 test was selected to this analysis.<br />

The Chi2 test is about finding out if there is a connection between the variables. It is about testing the nul hypothesis.<br />

H0 says that the variables are statistic independent and HA says the variables are statistic dependent. To the test we<br />

set a α-level at 0,05. In the case of the p-value is under that, we can not reject the nul hypothesis.<br />


6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

MALE 7 8 19 38 32 25 129<br />

FEMALE 8 13 14 48 47 30 160<br />

TOTAL 15 21 33 86 79 55 289<br />

Table 3.1.5: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they walk at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.5, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 3,192 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing values<br />

are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

MALE 33 43 29 16 8 1 130<br />

FEMALE 47 55 22 22 10 3 159<br />

TOTAL 80 98 51 38 18 4 289<br />

Table 3.1.2: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they ride a bicycle at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.2, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 4,182 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing values<br />

are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 4 0 4 4 6 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 1 3 2 8 10 8 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 1 5 8 12 7 7 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 0 2 6 10 7 6 31<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 6 3 10 33 27 25 104<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 6 4 7 19 23 4 63<br />

TOTAL 15 21 33 86 78 56 289<br />

Table 3.1.6: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they walk at Vestergede Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.6, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 35,657 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 7 3 3 2 2 1 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 6 17 3 2 3 1 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 16 11 8 4 1 0 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 7 13 5 2 2 1 30<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 24 31 22 22 5 1 105<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 20 22 11 6 4 0 63<br />

TOTAL 80 97 52 38 18 4 289<br />

Table 3.1.3: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they ride a bicycle at Vestergade Vest.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.3, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 32,170 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 0 2 3 6 4 1 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 5 10 14 37 30 9 105<br />

31-40 YEARS 4 1 6 11 9 10 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 3 3 5 8 15 11 45<br />

51-60 YEARS 3 4 2 14 14 13 50<br />

61-90 YEARS 0 1 3 7 5 10 26<br />

TOTAL 15 21 33 83 77 54 283<br />

Table 3.1.7: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they walk at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.7, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 31,565 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 15. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 8 3 4 0 0 1 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 34 30 21 15 5 0 105<br />

31-40 YEARS 7 12 11 6 4 0 40<br />

41-50 YEARS 15 18 4 3 4 1 45<br />

51-60 YEARS 13 23 4 6 2 2 50<br />

61-90 YEARS 2 9 7 7 2 0 27<br />

TOTAL 79 95 51 37 17 4 283<br />

Table 3.1.4 Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they ride a bicycle at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.4, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 41,188 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 15. P is between 0,025 and 0,010. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />


TRANS. TO<br />

VISIT<br />

TRANS. TO<br />



AND FROM<br />

FAMILY /<br />

AND FROM<br />


/ SHOPPING<br />

WORK<br />


SCHOOL<br />


MALE 47 7 7 45 50 6 130<br />

FEMALE 73 2 3 55 23 5 130<br />

TOTAL 117 9 10 100 43 11 290<br />

Table 3.1.8: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the main trip purpose when riding a bike in Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.8, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 8,901 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing values<br />

are 8. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

48 49

TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

WORK<br />

RECREA-<br />

TION /<br />


VISIT<br />

FAMILY /<br />


PURCHA-<br />

SING /<br />


TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

SCHOOL<br />

OTHERS<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 4 2 1 7 4 1 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 15 0 0 11 4 2 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 13 2 2 9 13 1 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 16 2 0 11 1 1 31<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 43 2 2 41 11 6 105<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 25 1 5 21 10 1 63<br />

TOTAL 116 9 10 100 43 12 290<br />

TOTAL<br />

Table 3.1.9: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the main trip purpose when riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.9, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 35,608 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />



JUST AS<br />

OFTEN AS<br />

BEFORE<br />



OFTEN<br />

01-20 YEARS 0 1 9 3 3 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 2 8 78 13 3 104<br />

31-40 YEARS 0 4 30 1 6 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 3 3 35 1 3 45<br />

51-60 YEARS 0 3 52 0 5 50<br />

61-90 YEARS 0 1 23 0 3 27<br />

TOTAL 5 20 217 18 23 283<br />

Table 3.1.13: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they ride a bike at<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.1.44, after the intervention at<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.13, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 36,728 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 15. P is between 0,025 and 0,010. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

WORK<br />

RECREA-<br />

TION /<br />



/ FRIENDS<br />

PURCHA-<br />

SING /<br />


TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

SCHOOL<br />

OTHERS<br />

TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 1 2 2 3 7 1 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 32 2 6 30 31 4 105<br />

31-40 YEARS 21 1 0 18 1 0 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 29 2 2 9 0 3 45<br />

51-60 YEARS 28 1 0 18 2 1 50<br />

61-90 YEARS 3 1 0 18 2 3 27<br />

TOTAL 114 9 10 96 43 12 284<br />

Table 3.1.10: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the main trip purpose when riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.10, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 98,443 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 14. P is under 0,001. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />


VERY<br />



MALE 13 25 31 43 18 130<br />

FEMALE 13 56 31 54 5 159<br />

TOTAL 26 81 62 97 23 289<br />

Table 3.1.14: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the level of satisfaction with the design of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.14, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 17,729 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is close to 0,001. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />


MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

NOT AS<br />

OFTEN<br />

JUST AS<br />

OFTEN AS<br />

BEFORE<br />



OFTEN<br />

MALE 1 5 97 13 14 130<br />

FEMALE 4 15 123 6 11 159<br />

TOTAL 5 20 220 19 14 289<br />

Table 3.1.11: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they ride a bike at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs<br />

for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.1.44, after the intervention at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.11, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 10,002 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is between 0,050 and 0,025. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

VERY DIS- DIS-<br />



PUBLIC SCHOOL 3 4 5 3 4 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 2 8 13 8 1 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 3 8 9 15 5 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 3 10 4 10 3 30<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 10 28 20 40 7 105<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 6 22 11 20 4 63<br />

TOTAL 27 80 62 97 23 289<br />

Table 3.1.15: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the level of satisfaction with the design of Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.15, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 18,036 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

NOT AS<br />

OFTEN<br />

JUST AS<br />

OFTEN AS<br />

BEFORE<br />

MORE<br />

OFTEN<br />


OFTEN<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 0 9 2 7 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 1 2 23 2 4 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 0 5 23 7 5 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 1 1 24 4 1 31<br />


EDUC.<br />

1 8 88 3 5 105<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 1 4 53 1 3 62<br />

TOTAL 5 20 220 19 25 289<br />

Table 3.1.12: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they ride a bike at Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.1.44, after the intervention at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.12, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 42,290 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is between 0,005 and 0,001. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

VERY<br />



01-20 YEARS 0 2 4 6 4 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 10 25 17 46 7 105<br />

31-40 YEARS 6 12 7 14 2 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 2 16 9 12 5 44<br />

51-60 YEARS 7 17 14 9 3 50<br />

61-90 YEARS 2 7 8 8 2 27<br />

TOTAL 27 79 59 98 23 283<br />

Table 3.1.16: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the level of satisfaction with the design of Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.16, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 27,435 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 15. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

50 51




MALE 14 38 28 39 11 130<br />

FEMALE 40 54 33 24 7 158<br />

TOTAL 54 92 61 63 18 288<br />

Table 3.1.17: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Vestergade Vest and Mageløs` design<br />

fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.17, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 17,616 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is close to 0,001. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 2 6 8 1 17<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 5 8 9 5 5 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 4 10 15 8 3 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 8 7 5 10 1 31<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 9 16 32 39 9 105<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 7 17 15 21 2 62<br />

TOTAL 33 60 82 91 21 287<br />

Table 3.1.21: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how the Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs` design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.21, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 18,694 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 11. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 7 3 5 3 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 5 15 6 4 2 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 6 12 9 11 2 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 9 10 5 6 1 31<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 21 29 24 25 5 104<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 13 18 14 12 5 62<br />

TOTAL 55 91 61 63 18 288<br />

Table 3.1.18: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how the Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs` design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.18, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 14,899 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


01-20 YEARS 0 5 7 1 3 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 12 22 29 36 6 105<br />

31-40 YEARS 4 10 10 16 1 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 7 5 13 14 4 43<br />

51-60 YEARS 6 13 13 15 3 50<br />

61-90 YEARS 3 3 7 9 4 26<br />

TOTAL 32 58 79 91 21 281<br />

Table 3.1.22: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how the Vestergade Vest`s design fulfilled the fast<br />

connectivity.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.22, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 20,432 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 17. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


01-20 YEARS 0 5 5 5 1 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 17 28 22 30 8 105<br />

31-40 YEARS 11 13 5 9 3 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 10 11 10 10 3 44<br />

51-60 YEARS 12 22 11 4 0 49<br />

61-90 YEARS 4 10 5 5 3 27<br />

TOTAL 54 89 58 63 18 282<br />

Table 3.1.19: Distribution of the respondents by age group according to their opinion about how the Vestergade Vest and Mageløs’<br />

design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.19, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 24,422 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 16. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />



MALE 5 20 41 49 15 130<br />

FEMALE 11 22 55 58 12 158<br />

TOTAL 16 42 96 107 27 288<br />

Table 3.1.23: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Vestergade Vest and Mageløs’<br />

design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.23, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 2,781 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />




MALE 12 23 39 43 12 129<br />

FEMALE 20 37 43 49 9 158<br />

TOTAL 32 60 82 92 21 287<br />

Table 3.1.20: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Vestergade Vest and Mageløs’ design<br />

fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.20, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 3,386 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 11. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 3 5 8 2 18<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 4 3 10 12 3 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 2 4 14 16 4 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 2 8 10 11 0 31<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 7 18 31 38 11 105<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 1 7 25 22 7 62<br />

TOTAL 16 43 95 107 27 288<br />

Table 3.1.24: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how the Vestergade Vest and Mageløs’<br />

design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.24, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 15,938 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

52 53


01-20 YEARS 0 1 6 5 4 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 2 12 33 45 13 105<br />

31-40 YEARS 3 6 17 13 2 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 2 9 15 14 4 44<br />

51-60 YEARS 7 12 13 17 1 50<br />

61-90 YEARS 1 2 9 11 3 26<br />

TOTAL 15 42 93 105 27 282<br />

Table 3.1.25: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how the Vestergade Vest and Mageløs’ design<br />

fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.25, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 29,745 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 16. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />





MALE 15 37 27 21 28 128<br />

FEMALE 13 39 26 35 46 159<br />

TOTAL 28 76 53 56 74 287<br />

Table 3.1.29: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the conflict between different transport<br />

modes at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.29, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 4,800 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 11. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />





MALE 71 38 11 6 4 130<br />

FEMALE 65 66 13 9 5 158<br />

TOTAL 136 104 24 15 9 288<br />

Table 3.1.26: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.26, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 6,016 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 4 7 4 0 4 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 3 11 5 6 7 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 4 12 8 6 9 39<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 2 7 5 3 14 31<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 6 28 23 19 27 103<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 9 11 8 21 14 62<br />

TOTAL 28 76 53 55 75 287<br />

Table 3.1.30: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the conflict between different<br />

transport modes at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.30, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 29,319 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 11. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 9 7 2 1 0 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 15 11 2 4 0 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 21 11 3 4 1 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 13 8 6 1 3 31<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 43 45 9 3 3 103<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 36 21 2 2 2 63<br />

TOTAL 137 103 24 15 9 288<br />

Table 3.1.27: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic illegal parking of bicycles is<br />

at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.27, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 25,507 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 2 5 4 2 3 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 13 25 17 22 26 103<br />

31-40 YEARS 2 9 8 9 13 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 3 12 8 9 13 45<br />

51-60 YEARS 2 11 11 9 16 49<br />

61-90 YEARS 6 10 5 3 3 27<br />

TOTAL 28 72 53 54 74 281<br />

Table 3.1.31: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the conflict between different<br />

transport modes at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.31, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 17,042 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 17. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 9 5 1 1 0 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 60 37 4 2 2 105<br />

31-40 YEARS 19 12 4 5 1 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 30 17 4 1 3 45<br />

51-60 YEARS 17 19 8 2 2 48<br />

61-90 YEARS 8 12 3 3 1 27<br />

TOTAL 133 102 24 14 9 282<br />

Table 3.1.28: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.28, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 26,125 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 16. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />





MALE 30 38 18 19 24 129<br />

FEMALE 26 30 28 38 38 160<br />

TOTAL 56 68 46 57 62 289<br />

Table 3.1.32: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the existence of obstacles against<br />

the cyclists at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.32, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 9,682 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is between 0,050 and 0,025, but close to 0,050. The variables are independent. But with errors in the<br />

sample is p-value is so close that they may well be dependent.<br />

54 55


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 4 6 5 2 2 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 6 13 2 5 5 31<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 4 6 11 9 10 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 5 8 2 4 12 31<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 24 21 19 19 22 105<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 13 14 7 17 12 63<br />

TOTAL 56 68 46 56 63 289<br />

Table 3.1.33: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the existence of obstacles<br />

against the cyclists at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.33, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 28,844 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 13 2 0 1 0 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 61 30 7 5 1 104<br />

31-40 YEARS 25 8 1 4 3 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 24 11 5 1 3 44<br />

51-60 YEARS 25 15 4 1 4 49<br />

61-90 YEARS 13 8 2 1 0 24<br />

TOTAL 160 75 19 13 11 278<br />

Table 3.1.37: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the pavement at Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.37, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 19,106 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 20. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 3 1 8 2 2 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 18 23 20 27 17 105<br />

31-40 YEARS 5 13 6 7 10 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 12 9 5 7 11 44<br />

51-60 YEARS 5 10 6 11 18 50<br />

61-90 YEARS 12 8 1 2 4 24<br />

TOTAL 55 64 46 56 62 283<br />

Table 3.1.34: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the existence of obstacles<br />

against the cyclists at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.34, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 46,279 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 15. P is smaller than 0,001. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />





MALE 67 39 11 6 6 129<br />

FEMALE 67 42 22 16 12 159<br />

TOTAL 137 81 33 22 18 288<br />

Table 3.1.38: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the existence of cracks and ramps<br />

at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.38, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 7,277 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing values<br />

are 10. P is between 0,250 and 0,100, but very close to 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />





MALE 79 29 8 11 3 130<br />

FEMALE 86 47 11 3 8 155<br />

TOTAL 165 76 19 14 11 286<br />

Table 3.1.35: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the pavement at Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.35, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 9,760 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 13. P is between 0,050 and 0,025, but close to 0,050. The variables are independent. But with errors in the<br />

sample is p-value is so close that they may well be dependent.<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 12 4 2 0 1 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 13 12 3 4 0 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 21 10 4 3 2 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 16 7 3 2 2 30<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 42 31 15 8 8 104<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 30 17 6 5 5 63<br />

TOTAL 134 81 33 22 18 288<br />

Table 3.1.39: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the existence of cracks<br />

and ramps at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.39, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 11,216 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 11 5 2 0 0 18<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 16 12 2 1 1 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 27 8 1 3 1 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 18 6 1 2 1 28<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 59 29 8 4 5 105<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 34 16 4 4 3 61<br />

TOTAL 165 76 18 14 11 284<br />

Table 3.1.36 : Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the pavement at Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.36, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 9,739 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 14. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 11 3 0 1 1 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 51 28 15 6 4 104<br />

31-40 YEARS 19 14 1 4 3 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 18 14 3 5 5 245<br />

51-60 YEARS 21 11 8 4 5 49<br />

61-90 YEARS 10 10 6 1 0 27<br />

TOTAL 130 80 33 21 18 282<br />

Table 3.1.40: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the existence of cracks and<br />

ramps at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.40, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 23,000 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 16. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

56 57



NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />





MALE 18 36 25 22 29 130<br />

FEMALE 11 36 35 30 46 158<br />

TOTAL 38 72 60 52 75 288<br />

Table 3.1.41: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the lack of awareness of pedestrians<br />

and motorized vehicle drivers for people riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.41, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 5,773 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 9 5 2 2 1 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 6 12 4 5 5 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 15 9 4 1 11 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 10 6 2 6 7 31<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 42 22 17 10 14 105<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 28 7 10 6 12 63<br />

TOTAL 110 61 39 30 50 290<br />

Table 3.1.45: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is signposting and its interpretation<br />

at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.45, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 25,951 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 8 3 3 4 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 3 11 5 6 7 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 3 7 11 9 10 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 1 6 8 6 9 30<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 14 27 23 15 25 104<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 7 13 10 13 20 63<br />

TOTAL 27 72 60 52 75 288<br />

Table 3.1.42: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the lack of awareness of<br />

pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for people riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.42, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 14,302 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 8 3 2 1 2 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 47 18 12 12 16 105<br />

31-40 YEARS 15 5 7 3 11 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 14 8 10 4 9 45<br />

51-60 YEARS 14 5 3 8 10 50<br />

61-90 YEARS 9 9 5 2 2 27<br />

TOTAL 107 58 39 30 50 284<br />

Table 3.1.46: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is signposting and its interpretation<br />

at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.46, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 23,288 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 14. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 2 2 4 7 1 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 12 23 22 18 30 105<br />

31-40 YEARS 5 11 8 4 13 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 4 12 10 8 11 45<br />

51-60 YEARS 3 12 11 9 13 48<br />

61-90 YEARS 3 10 4 4 6 27<br />

TOTAL 29 70 59 50 74 282<br />

Table 3.1.43: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the lack of awareness of<br />

pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for people riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.43, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 16,197 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 16. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />





MALE 72 26 13 8 10 129<br />

FEMALE 74 44 22 11 6 157<br />

TOTAL 146 70 35 19 16 286<br />

Table 3.1.47: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the scenic at Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.47, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 8,164 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />





MALE 64 21 14 12 19 130<br />

FEMALE 46 40 25 18 31 160<br />

TOTAL 110 61 38 30 50 290<br />

Table 3.1.44: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is signposting and its interpretation at<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.44, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 13,083 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is very close to på 0,010. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 12 4 1 2 0 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 16 8 2 3 3 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 24 11 2 1 2 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 15 4 7 1 3 30<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 46 30 18 7 4 105<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 34 12 5 5 4 60<br />

TOTAL 147 67 35 19 16 286<br />

Table 3.1.48: Distribution of the respondents by educational level gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the scenic at<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.48, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 13,169 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

58 59


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 11 4 1 0 0 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 57 25 8 8 5 103<br />

31-40 YEARS 20 12 3 1 5 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 25 9 6 3 2 45<br />

51-60 YEARS 20 9 13 4 3 49<br />

61-90 YEARS 12 10 3 1 0 26<br />

TOTAL 146 69 34 17 15 280<br />

Table 3.1.49: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the scenic at Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.49, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 21,015 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 11. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />



MALE 14 115 129<br />

FEMALE 5 155 160<br />

TOTAL 19 270 289<br />

Table 3.1.50: Distribution of the respondents by gender based on starting to ride a bike<br />

more often, or not, after the opening of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.50, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 6,944 with a degree of freedom (df) 1 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is very close to 0,010. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />


VERY<br />




TOTAL<br />

MAN 38 20 37 26 7 128<br />

FEMALE 31 45 37 31 13 157<br />

TOTAL 69 65 74 57 20 285<br />

Table 3.1.53: Distribution of respondents by gender according to their opinion about the importance of street design (lightning, pavement material,<br />

greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.53, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 9,714 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing values<br />

are 13. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. But very close to 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


VERY<br />




TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 6 4 4 3 2 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 7 7 5 9 3 31<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 15 4 7 11 3 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 6 10 9 4 2 31<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 22 22 34 22 5 105<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 13 19 14 8 5 59<br />

TOTAL 13 19 14 8 5 285<br />

Table 3.1.54: Distribution of respondents by educational level according to their opinion about the importance of street design (lightning, pavement<br />

material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.54, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 21,295 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 13. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 3 16 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 2 30 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 9 31 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 1 30 31<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 3 101 104<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 1 62 63<br />

TOTAL 19 270 289<br />

Table 3.1.51: Distribution of the respondents by educational level based on starting to<br />

ride a bike more often, or not, after the opening of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.51, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 24,571 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is smaller than 0,001. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />


01-20 YEARS 0 2 5 8 1 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 2 11 51 34 6 104<br />

31-40 YEARS 0 9 18 14 0 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 4 11 18 10 2 45<br />

51-60 YEARS 4 14 21 10 0 49<br />

61-90 YEARS 3 3 14 7 0 27<br />

TOTAL 13 50 127 83 9 282<br />

Table 3.1.55: Distribution of respondents by age groups according to their opinion about the importance of street design (lightning, pavement<br />

material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.55, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 32,059 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 16. P is between 0,050 and 0,025. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />


01-20 YEARS 5 11 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 9 96 105<br />

31-40 YEARS 2 38 40<br />

41-50 YEARS 1 44 45<br />

51-60 YEARS 2 48 50<br />

61-90 YEARS 0 27 27<br />

TOTAL 19 264 283<br />

Table 3.1.52: Distribution of the respondents by age groups based on starting to ride a<br />

bike more often, or not, after the opening of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.52, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 20,127 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is between 0,005 and 0,001, but very close to 0,001. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />



MALE 3 19 60 43 4 129<br />

FEMALE 10 32 72 40 5 159<br />

TOTAL 13 51 132 83 9 288<br />

Table 3.1.56: Distribution of respondents by gender according to their opinion about the street design solutions (lightning, pavement material,<br />

greenery, etc) used in Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.56, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 5,326 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

60 61


PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 4 8 4 2 19<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 3 5 15 9 0 32<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 1 6 16 17 0 40<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 3 8 12 8 0 31<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 3 19 48 30 5 105<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 3 9 32 15 2 61<br />

TOTAL 14 51 131 83 9 288<br />

Table 3.1.57: Distribution of respondents by educational level according to their opinion about the street design solutions (lightning, pavement<br />

material, greenery, etc) used in Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.57, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 18,201 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT AT ALL<br />

NOT<br />

VERY<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 8 1 3 3 1 16<br />

21-30 YEARS 23 20 26 28 7 104<br />

31-40 YEARS 13 13 9 3 3 41<br />

41-50 YEARS 12 9 13 7 3 44<br />

51-60 YEARS 8 13 14 10 3 48<br />

61-90 YEARS 4 7 8 5 3 27<br />

TOTAL 68 63 73 56 20 280<br />

Table 3.1.58: Distribution of respondents by age groups according to their opinion about the street design solutions (lightning, pavement material,<br />

greenery, etc) used in Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Out of the Table 3.1.58, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 20,451 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 18. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

Figure 3.1.62: Vestergade Vest streetscape.<br />

62 63

3.2 CASE2<br />


3.2.1 AARHUS<br />

Aarhus is the second largest Danish municipality and<br />

had a population of 307.119 inhabitants in 2010 (Statistikbanken,<br />

2010). The municipality is located in the east<br />

side of the peninsula named Jutland and it is part of the<br />

Central Jutland Region.<br />

better bicycle parking facilities, to optimize the combined<br />

use of cycling and public transport in order to expand the<br />

bicycle outreach and to improve dialog between cyclists<br />

and municipality (Aarhus Municipality, 2010a).<br />

Differently from the municipalities of Copenhagen and<br />

Odense, Aarhus does not have a determined rate of cyclists<br />

to be achieved. According to the interview with Pablo<br />

Celis a civil engineer at Aarhus municipality, the Aarhus<br />

vision is to focus on a carbon neutral city and one of the<br />

main strategies for that is the increasing of the bike as<br />

transportation mode.<br />

ÅRHUS<br />

Aarhus Bicycle City functions as an umbrella for all the<br />

municipality initiatives in regards cycling – e.g. city bikes,<br />

campaigns and events to promote a bicycle culture. The<br />

Aarhus Bicycle City webpage – www.aarhuscykelby.dk<br />

– includes news about new bicycle projects, campaign<br />

s and a forum where people can make suggestions and<br />

proposals related to the Aarhus bike infrastructure.<br />

Figure 3.2.2: Screen print of Aarhus Bicycle City webpage - www.aarhuscykelby.dk.<br />

Figure 3.2.1: Geographical location of Aarhus.<br />

On the 10th of April 2010, the Aarhus Bicycle City transformed<br />

the City Hall square in a “bicycle`s Mecca” where<br />

people could have diverse experiences with their bikes<br />

and also see different ways of experiencing cycling (Aarhus<br />

Cykelby, 2010a).<br />


In the Municipal Plan 2009, Aarhus municipality announced<br />

its new vision as an environmental and energy<br />

sustainable city. Within its vision, there is a goal to become<br />

carbon neutral by the year 2030 (Aarhus Municipality,<br />

2009b).<br />

In order to achieve this goal, the Aarhus Traffic Plan aims<br />

to offer in the year 2030 this scenario:<br />

Inspired by the postal number of Aarhus – 8000 – another<br />

campaign launched by Aarhus municipality was the “8000<br />

benefits of cycling”. Where 8000 citizens were asked<br />

about the benefits cycling brought to them. The results<br />

of the campaign are posted on the Aarhus Bicycle City<br />

webpage and there is also a movie in the internet about<br />

the campaign. Aarhus municipality has also implemented<br />

bicycle countings in the main bike corridors. The automatic<br />

cyclist counters and monitors are very informative<br />

and they are also used as an active element that inspires<br />

the population.<br />

Figure 3.2.3: Automatic cyclist count at Hans Broges.<br />

“Aarhus Municipality`s infrastructure offers optimal conditions<br />

for both cyclists and the public transportation. Moreover,<br />

Aarhus municipality is known internationally as a<br />

bicycle city” ”(Aarhus Municipality, 2009b).<br />

At the Aarhus Bicycle Action Plan 2007, six main focus areas<br />

for development of bike infrastructures are described.<br />

The major one is the development of a coherent bicycle<br />

network, making this network more permeable. Other<br />

focus areas are: to make road intersections more bike<br />

friendly, to improve safety conditions, to create more and<br />

At the latest campaign, Aarhus Bicycle City promoted a<br />

competition between every street – with an automatic bicycle<br />

count installed with the winner being the one that<br />

increased the number of cyclists. The counting was made<br />

based on existing counts over a period of two weeks. Using<br />

already installed automated counters in the different<br />

neighbourhoods it was possible to register which of the<br />

neighbourhoods had the highest increase. The winning<br />

street was Hans Broges Gade. The street won the competition<br />

with an increase of 41% in the number of bicycle<br />

rides during the two weeks of the competition (Aarhus<br />

Stiftstidende, 2010).<br />

Figure 3.2.4: Aarhus City Hall square transformed in a “bicycle`s Mecca”. Event<br />

promoted by the Aarhus Bicycle City on the 10th of April 2010.<br />

Source: Aarhus Municipality.<br />

Figure 3.2.5: Aarhus City Hall square transformed in a the “bicycle`s Mecca”. Event<br />

promoted by the Aarhus Bicycle City on the 10th of April 2010.<br />

Source: Aarhus Municipality.<br />

64 65


Aarhus municipality has approximately 450 kilometres of<br />

bicycle tracks and lanes. Considering its 307.119 inhabitants<br />

(Danske Kommuner, 2009), Aarhus municipality has<br />

1,46 metres of bicycle lanes and tracks per inhabitant.<br />

The Aarhus` rate of bicycle tracks and lanes per inhabitant<br />

is the double from Copenhagen and slightly smaller<br />

than Odense.<br />

Aarhus has a coherent bicycle network plan which consists<br />

of seven bicycle routes linking the core of the city to<br />

the suburbs. The main focus has been to improve permeability<br />

and improvement of safety. It is expected to cost<br />

100 million Danish krones to implement the plan (Aarhus<br />

Municipality, 2010a). From this amount, seventy million<br />

Danish crowns have been granted (Aarhus Municipality,<br />

2010a).<br />


Hans Broges Gade – our case study – is part of the Holme<br />

bicycle corridor which connects the suburbs of Holme to<br />

the core of Aarhus city. The entire improvement of the<br />

Holme corridor has a budget of 14 million Danish krones.<br />

Figure 3.2.6: The seven main bicycle connections between the core of Aarhus and<br />

suburbs. Source: Cykelhandlingsplan – En plan for fremtidens cyklist forhold i Århus<br />

Kommune. Source: Aahus Municipality<br />

Figure 3.2.7: The bicycle network of Aarhus municipality.<br />

Source: Aahus Municipality<br />

Figure 3.2.8: Ortophoto of Hans Broges Gade. Modified from original picture from Google Earth<br />

N<br />

66 67

3.2.2 HANS BROGES GADE<br />

Hans Broges Gade is located in the Aarhus` inner city<br />

ring, in a dense neighbourhood composed by block structures<br />

up to five stories high from the early 20th century.<br />

The neighbourhood is on outskirts of the city and the majority<br />

of its buildings has residential use. However some<br />

buildings have mixed use where shops and offices are<br />

located in the ground floor.<br />

In this scenario, the street functions as an important link<br />

between the suburbs and the core of the city. Moreover<br />

there is a pedestrian life from mostly local residents that<br />

use the local commerce.<br />

The purpose of the intervention at Hans Broges Gade<br />

was to improve a bicycle route connecting southern suburbs<br />

of Holme to the centre of the city to become one of<br />

seven main bicycle corridors of the bicycle network plan.<br />


Hans Broges Gade used to be a street with broad lanes<br />

for motorized vehicles and car parking facilities in both directions<br />

just next to the sidewalks. There were only bicycle<br />

tracks at the beginning of the street in the side facing<br />

Marcelis Boulevard for the first 100 meters. Along the rest<br />

of the street, cyclists had to ride their bikes on the outside<br />

of the rows of parked cars together motorized vehicles,<br />

especially busses.<br />

With long blocks of up to 150 metres, cyclists with their<br />

bikes parked in the sidewalk had difficulty to access the<br />

road because of the row of parked cars. During the field<br />

observation several elderly residents mentioned it to be<br />

unsafe to walk on the sidewalks because cyclists preferred<br />

to ride their bikes on them, and consequently becoming<br />

unsafe for the pedestrians.<br />

In order to give space to implement bicycle tracks in both<br />

directions of the street, one of the car parking rows was<br />

removed.<br />


The construction work of Hans Broges Gade was conducted<br />

between the 1st of December 2009 and the 15th<br />

of July 2010. The construction was delayed for several<br />

months due to a harsh winter and from road construction<br />

diggings for reinstalling main cables.<br />

Aarhus municipality hired the counting firm for Grontmij<br />

Cal Bro to develop the project and manage the construction,<br />

consulting engineers for project design and construction<br />

management.<br />

The overall cost of the project was 2,8 million Danish krones.<br />

At the project end maintenance became part of regular<br />

municipality maintenances with no costs specified.<br />

After the opening, the maintenance costs of the infrastructure<br />

were estimated by the municipalities assumption<br />

costs and there is no information about specific costs.<br />

Figure 3.2.9: Hans Broges Gade view before the intervention, in September 2009. Source: Google street view<br />

Figure 3.2.10: Hans Broges Gade view after the intervention, in September 2010<br />

68 69





Han Broges Gade is part of the Holme corridor which<br />

links the city core to the Holme suburbs. The infrastructure<br />

aimed to improve biking conditions in the corridors.<br />

(Figure 3.2.11 and 3.2.12). The area is predominantly<br />

residential with some commercial buildings. The sidewalk<br />

has been divided into a shared space between bike<br />

parking, a pedestrian path, bike path and a grassed area<br />

which separates the bike path from the road where cars<br />

are parked. The street is around 430 metres long, and<br />

contains a garden square with some shops and residential<br />

apartments.<br />

Figure 3.2.11 Hans Bro Gade bike path<br />

Figure 3.2.12 Traffic calming at crossing.<br />

Figure 3.2.13 Technical drawings from Hans Bro Gade. Source: COWI.<br />

70 71


The flow of cyclists and pedestrians at Han Broges Gade<br />

is going in both directions on either side of the road. Looking<br />

south down the streetscape the sidewalk is divided into<br />

three spaces. Beginning from the building across there is<br />

a space for bike parking and shop signs. The pedestrian<br />

path lies directly next to the bike path divided by a small<br />

drainage gutter. The grass area separates cyclists from<br />

the parked cars and the street. On the opposite side of the<br />

street there is no car parking and no grass area dividing<br />

the cars from the cyclists (Figure 3.2.14 and 3.2.15).<br />

The flow of traffic in the morning is quite busy as people<br />

are heading into the city for work or school. Cyclists are<br />

very eager to get to their destinations and understand<br />

how to navigate the bike path with other cyclists and on<br />

coming pedestians in the sidewalk next to them. The<br />

pedestrians walking on the sidewalk do not disturb the<br />

flow of cyclists. The cyclists have to navigate around the<br />

curved bend in the bike path which slows them down and<br />

makes them aware to look for cars passing over the bike<br />

path, however cars must give way to the flow of cyclists<br />

crossing the road. Complications can arise when the cars<br />

do not give way to the flow of cyclists therefore possibly<br />





STREET<br />




Hans Broges Gade<br />


SIGNS<br />



Figure 3.2.14: Hans Broges Gade section.<br />

Figure 3.2.16: Crossing at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Figure 3.2.15: Hans Broges Gade plan.<br />

72 73


The sidewalk and bike path is a combination of concrete<br />

tiles, stone tiles and asphalt. The sidewalks are a lighter<br />

colour in contrast to the dark bike path creating a clear<br />

division between the spaces. The sidewalks are divided<br />

by stone tiles separating pedestrians from each other.<br />

To guide the cyclists in the correct lane a white symbol of<br />

a bike has been painted at the road crossings, which also<br />

alerts car drivers that this is a lane dedicated to cyclists<br />

(Figure 3.2.17 and 3.2.18). A small asphalt ramp has<br />

been applied to the gutter so the cars and cyclists can<br />

drive over the bike path and pedestrian sidewalk.<br />


The car needs to go up to the level of the cyclist to cross<br />

the cyclist path. The cyclist has priority for crossing the<br />

road therefore the car must give way to the in coming flow<br />

of cyclists and pedestrians (Figure 3.2.19).<br />


Since the bike path is solely dedicated to cyclists they<br />

can go quite fast, they are also able to ride comfortably<br />

next to each other while having a conversation see Figure<br />

3.2.23. Hans Broges Gade has high and low peaks<br />

of traffic during the day. Peak hours where the bike path<br />

is most populated is in the morning from 7am to 10am<br />

when people are on their way to work or school. Other<br />

peak hours are in the afternoon/evening from 4pm till<br />

7pm when people are on their way home from work and<br />

school. During these times it is more difficult for cyclists to<br />

go very fast as the bike path is more crowded. However<br />

during off peak times cyclists can go faster as there are<br />

less cyclists, these times are from 10am till 3pm, 7pm till<br />

7am and on the weekends.<br />

Figure 3.2.19: Hierarchy of transport modes<br />

Cyclists can ride consistent speeds along the bike path<br />

however they must slow down at the curves in the path<br />

where they cross the side street (Figure 3.2.21 and<br />

3.2.22). Walkers do not present any problems to the infrastructure<br />

as they are moving so slowly but they do have<br />

to pay a lot of attention to fast moving cyclists and cars<br />

at the intersections. Conflicts can arise when people are<br />

riding slowly or cyclists with kids that are riding slowly, this<br />

can become unsafe with fast riding cyclists that try to ride<br />

around them into the pedestrian path.<br />

Figure 3.2.21: Cyclist riding down while entering the bike lane.<br />

Figure 3.2.17: <strong>Bike</strong> path and sidewalk.<br />


Figure 3.2.22: Cyclist slowing down at the crossing.<br />



Figure 3.2.18 Crossing section<br />



Figure 3.2.20: Individual riding his bike at a high speed<br />

Figure 3.2.23: Two individuals riding their bikes next to each other and talking.<br />

74 75




Hans Broges Gade includes parking for bikes and cars.<br />

People tend to park their bikes along the front of residential<br />

buildings and shops. While cars have designated<br />

parks cut out of the greenery areas keeping them well organised<br />

into the streetscape (Figures 3.2.24 and 3.2.25).<br />

There is no car parking on the other side of the road.<br />

The area along Hans Broges Gade is sprinkled with two<br />

small areas of garden landscape. The first is a triangular<br />

garden that sits above a car park servicing a block of<br />

apartments (Figure 3.2.28). The second is a pretty garden<br />

square that houses rows of trees in a concrete paved<br />

landscape (Figure 3.2.27 and 3.2.29). Bordering the bike<br />

path and the street is a strip of grassed area separating<br />

the cyclists from the street. However on the opposite side<br />

of the street there is no grass strip.<br />


There are a few pieces of street furniture in the area.<br />

They are all chairs and reside in front of and in the garden<br />

square (Figure 3.2.30).<br />




Figure 3.2.30: Bench at Tietgens Square.<br />

GRASS<br />

STRIP<br />



Figure 3.2.24: Car parking at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.27: Greenery at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Lamps hang above the middle of the road (Figure 3.2.31).<br />

Figure 3.2.31: Street lamp.<br />

Figure 3.2.25: <strong>Bike</strong> and car parking.<br />

Figure 3.2.28: Front garden at Hans Broges Gade.<br />


At the Tietgens Square stands a statue in honor<br />

to Hans Broge. Hans Broges Gade was opened<br />

in 1901 and named after the renowned merchant<br />

and city counciler Hans Broge (1822-1908) (Figure<br />

3.2.32).<br />

Figure 3.2.26: Hans Broges Gade plan.<br />

Figure 3.2.29: Tietgens Square.<br />

Figure 3.2.32: Statue in honor to Han Broge.<br />

76 77


Signage includes the counting meter which calculates<br />

the amount of cyclists that travel on the bike path (Figure<br />

3.2.33). There are a few car parking signs indicating when<br />

and where you can park your car.<br />

Other signage includes the bike symbol on the bike path<br />

itself and at the areas where cyclists can cross the road<br />

(Figure 3.2.34). However the bike symbol is visually<br />

not evident enough as you see below in Figure 3.2.35<br />

and 3.2.36 a car has parked over the bike symbol and<br />

at the same time blocking the bike ramp where cyclists<br />

can cross. The bike symbol is also located at the curved<br />

crossing as you can see in Figure 3.2.37.<br />

Figure 3.2.33: Cyclist counting meter<br />

Figure 3.2.35: Car covering bike signage<br />

Figure 3.2.34: <strong>Bike</strong> signage.<br />

Figure 3.2.36: Car covering bike signage<br />

Figure 3.2.37: <strong>Bike</strong> symbol located on the bike path curve and intersection<br />

78 79


There are a few crossings and intersections that cyclists<br />

must navigate to ensure a safe ride. These include the<br />

main entrance where the path begins and the curved intersections<br />

which act as a bridge over the side streets.<br />

Also the small bike ramps which enable cyclists to leave<br />

the path and cross the road.<br />

As previously discussed cyclists must be weary of cars<br />

passing through the bike path even though the cyclist<br />

has priority when crossing the path. A big problem as discussed<br />

in signage is when cars park over the bike symbol<br />

making it difficult for the cyclist to cross the road as<br />

he can not see the bike ramp or the bike symbol (Figure<br />

3.2.38). Also sometimes there are no ramps for cyclists to<br />

cross therefore they are not even able to cross the road,<br />

this leads to cyclists riding up the wrong side of the road.<br />

The Figure 3.2.39 highlights a few problems where there<br />

is either no signage or the signage and ramp has been<br />

covered by parked cars.<br />

Figure 3.2.40 Cyclist riding his bike in the car lane<br />

Other problems include locating the ramp on the curved<br />

path only in the middle, as cyclists then have to always<br />

ride back into the half circle to enter the bike path and turn<br />

left. This leads to cyclists taking short cuts and riding up<br />

the road instead (see Figure 3.2.40).<br />

Figure 3.2.38: <strong>Bike</strong> signage and ramp covered and cyclist crossing in an alternative<br />

way<br />

Figure 3.2.39: Sequency of images of a cyclist crossing the<br />

street in an inappropriate way.<br />

Figure 3.2.41: Cyclist riding his bike in the sidewalk.<br />

80 81


To access the new bike path coming from the suburbs you<br />

must cross a main road at the southern end of Hans Broges<br />

Gade then enter the bike path (Figure 3.2.42). The<br />

bike path also has multiple access points via side streets<br />

horizontally conversing over the bike path. At the end of<br />

Hans Broges Gade in the direction of the city, the bike<br />

path is at the northern end where it dissovles into the road<br />

(FIgure 3.2.43).<br />


The street was constructed with a light curve which was<br />

one of the major ideas under the concept of creating a<br />

more diverse streetscape and living experience. The plan<br />

of the street thereby rejects the monotony that was part of<br />

the landscape at that time The surrounding area around<br />

Hans Broges Gade mostly consists of residential apartments<br />

with some commercial business centers with some<br />

parks and gardens scattered in between them. Hans Broges<br />

Gade acts as a main traffic corridor filtering a flow<br />

of cars, cyclists and pedestrians into the core of the city.<br />

(Figure 3.2.44).<br />

The planned effect of greater diversity becomes visible<br />

when passing through the street. The curved facade line<br />

limits the visibility, but when moving through the street<br />

new perspectives gradually open up to new experiences.<br />

The majority of the buildings at Hans Broges Gade is four<br />

stores and which were erected between 1900 and 1910.<br />

Most of the buildings are designed with facade detailsincorporating<br />

bay windows together with corner towers<br />

and spines.<br />

Figure 3.2.42: Cyclists entering from the suburbs.<br />

Figure 3.2.44: Built environment at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.43: Entrance form the city centre<br />

82 83

Total number of cyclists in a day in September from 2006 to 2010<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

Total number of cyclists per hour in a day in September from 2006 to 2010<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

2006<br />

2007<br />

2008<br />

2009<br />

2010<br />

500<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010<br />

40<br />



20<br />

6-7<br />

7-8<br />

8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

6-7<br />

7-8<br />

8-9<br />

9-10 10-11 11-12<br />

12-13<br />

13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17<br />

17-18 18-19<br />

HOURS<br />

6-7<br />

8-9<br />

11-12<br />

30 <strong>Bike</strong>s 130 <strong>Bike</strong>s 60 <strong>Bike</strong>s<br />

16-17<br />

18-19<br />

140 <strong>Bike</strong>s: 70 <strong>Bike</strong>s<br />

Figure 3.2.45: Cyclist countings at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Source: Aarhus municipality<br />

84 85


The web survey analysis is divided in four sections. Firstly,<br />

main findings are presented. The second section describes<br />

the spatial distribution of the residential location<br />

of the respondents. Thirdly, it is presented a descriptive<br />

statistic to analyze all the answers. In search of finding relationships<br />

between socio-demographic variables and the<br />

web survey answers, the last section presents a statistical<br />

analysis using the Chi2 test.<br />

A total of 163 individuals that were riding a bike at Hans<br />

Broges Gade on September 2 answered the questionnaire<br />

in the period between September 2 and October 1.<br />

Based on the Aarhus municipality count done in September<br />

2009, on average there are 15 out of 1251 bicycle<br />

trips at Hans Broges Gade from 7am until 7pm – including<br />

both directions – on weekdays. Estimating that 35% of<br />

these cyclists ride their bikes at least once per day in the<br />

infrastructure, it was stipulated a total of 813 individuals<br />

ride a bike at Hans Broges Gade per day.<br />

A total of 605 flyers were distributed to individuals riding<br />

their bikes in the infrastructure from 7am until 7pm and<br />

from these total 163 answered the questionnaire.<br />

Based on these figures, the respondents represent<br />

20,04% of the total of individuals riding a bike per day in<br />

the infrastructure and 26,94% of individuals that collected<br />

the flyer while riding a bike in the infrastructure on the<br />

2nd of September 2010.<br />


The data from the survey reveals a picture of Hans Broges<br />

Gade as a piece of infrastructure used by the majority<br />

of the cyclists for commuting (45%). However, the main<br />

purpose of the trips from the other 55% of cyclists is very<br />

diverse (19% shopping, 13% educational institutions 6%<br />

recreational, 4% visiting family and friends and 13% others).<br />

The figures are directly connected to the built environment<br />

were the infrastructure is located – and main<br />

streets in a residential based neighborhood next to the<br />

city core.<br />

After the Chi2 test was applied, the results highlight that<br />

most of the answers do not have a relationship with sociodemographic<br />

conditions. However, some representative<br />

relations between the independent variables – gender,<br />

age and educational level – and the questionnaire answers<br />

were identified.<br />

There is a relationship between the main trip purpose<br />

when riding a bike at Hans Broges Gade including both<br />

age and educational level. Moreover, the opinion about<br />

how the design solution of the infrastructure impacted<br />

fast connectivity also has a relationship with both age and<br />

educational level.<br />

Regarding the satisfaction with the design solution for<br />

Hans Broges Gade, it seems to have a relationship between<br />

the answers and educational level.<br />

Finally, gender has a relationship with both the opinion<br />

about the awareness of pedestrians for cyclists and their<br />

opinion about the scenic and greenery quality of Hans<br />

Broges Gade.<br />

The following section provides the actual data for each of<br />

the questions asked.<br />


The residential addresses of the respondents – individuals<br />

riding a bike at Hans Broges Gade on September 2 –<br />

were registered and geo-referenced in order to produce a<br />

map (see Figure 3.2.46 and 3.2.47). According to the Table<br />

xx, the majority of the respondents (68,1%) live within<br />

a radius of 1 kilometer and 91,9% of them living within 5<br />

kilometers distance from the infrastructure.<br />

Respondents living more than 5 kilometers from the infrastructure<br />

correspond to 8,1% of the total and from this<br />

amount only 15% are living more than 10 kilometers away<br />

of the infrastructure.<br />

0-1 KM 1-2 KM 2-3 KM 3-4 KM 4-5 KM 5-10 KM 10-15 15-20 20 KM<<br />

KM KM<br />

NO. DWELLINGS 111 11 7 16 4 10 2 0 2<br />

% DWELLINGS 68,1% 6,7% 4,3% 9,8% 2,5% 6,1% 1,2% 0,0% 1,2%<br />

Table 3.1.1: Absolute and percentage distribution of respondents according to the<br />

distance of their residential location from Hans Broges Gade.<br />

86 87

10 km<br />

30 km<br />

5 km<br />

20 km<br />

4 km<br />

15 km<br />

3 km<br />

10 km<br />

2 km<br />

5 km<br />

1 km<br />

N<br />

N<br />

Figure 3.2.46: Spatial distribution of the respondents according to their residential location – 5km<br />

Figure 3.2.47: Spatial distribution of the respondents according to their residential location - 20km<br />

88 89



AGE<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

AGE<br />


40%<br />

35%<br />




30%<br />





1% 1% 2%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

16%<br />

7%<br />




10%<br />

10%<br />

10%<br />


5%<br />

5%<br />

5%<br />


0%<br />

NO 00 - 10<br />


11 - 20<br />

YEARS<br />

21 - 30<br />

YEARS<br />

31 - 40<br />

YEARS<br />

41 - 50<br />

YEARS<br />

51 - 60<br />

YEARS<br />

Figure 3.2.48: Distribution of the respondents by age groups.<br />

61 - 70<br />

YEARS<br />

71 - 80<br />

YEARS<br />

81 - 90<br />

YEARS<br />

The majority of the respondents at Hans Broges Gade<br />

are between 21-30 years (30%), followed by respondents<br />

aged 31-40 (19%) and aged 41-50 (15%). Older respondents<br />

range from aged from 51-60 (12%), age 61-70 (9%)<br />

and age 71-80 (2%). Younger respondents were in the<br />

aged 11-20 (6%) and age 0-10 (1%). No answer 3%. This<br />

shows that Hans Broges Gade is used mostly by younger<br />

people but also that the site is use by a wide ranges of<br />

ages.<br />

0%<br />


PUBLIC<br />

SCHOOL<br />



HIGH<br />

SCHOOL<br />

SHORT<br />

HIGHER<br />


Figure 3.2.50: Distribution of the respondents by educational level.<br />

MEDIUM<br />

HIGHER<br />


LONG<br />

HIGHER<br />


The large majority of respondents answered that they<br />

have a long higher education (34%), or a medium long,<br />

higher education (32%). 7% respondents answered that<br />

they had attended higher education for a short amount of<br />

time, and another 7% respondents answered a vocational<br />

education. 12% of the respondents had a gymnasium<br />

education, 6% had receiving a public school education,<br />

and 2% giving no answer. It can thereby be concluded<br />

that the users of Hans Broges Gade overall have a high<br />

education level.<br />

0%<br />


WEEK<br />

5 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS OF 1-3 DAYS OF<br />


Figure 3.2.52: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they walk at Hans<br />

Broges Gade.<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

Respondents were asked if they walk at Hans Broges<br />

Gade without bike. A majority responded traveled rarely<br />

without bike (26%). However, 21% answered to walk in<br />

the site 6-7 days a week (21%). 13% said 1-3 days a<br />

month, 17% said 1-2 days a week, 13% said 3-4 days a<br />

week, 7% stated 5 days a week and 2% gave no answer.<br />

This data shows that individuals that ride their bikes at<br />

Hans Broes Gade also walk in the site without their bikes.<br />

73%<br />


Figure 3.2.54: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they ride a bike in<br />

Hans Broges Gade for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.2.53 after the<br />

intervention in the site.<br />

Respondents were asked, how often they use the bike<br />

for their main purposed as answered in previous question<br />

after the opening of Hans Broges Gade. 73% of respondents<br />

answered that they travel for that purpose just<br />

as often as before. 16% of respondents stated that they<br />

bike for that purpose more often and 7% said much more<br />

often. Only 2 % in total answered that they traveled less<br />

often and 1 % much less often. 1 % gave no answer. This<br />

data indicates that the opening of Hans Broges Gade<br />

have had an small impact on the amount of travelers, The<br />

opening have therefore had a impact on the bikeability of<br />

the city.<br />

GENDER<br />

GENDER<br />






52%<br />

4%<br />

44%<br />


MAN<br />

WOMEN<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

13%<br />

19%<br />

11%<br />

2%<br />

45%<br />







33%<br />

3%<br />

14%<br />

11%<br />

1%<br />






Figure 3.2.49: Distribution of the respondents by gender.<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />


WEEK<br />

5 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS OF 1-3 DAYS OF<br />


MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

Figure 3.2.51: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they ride a bicycle at<br />

Hans Broges Gade.<br />

4%<br />

6%<br />



OTHERS<br />

Figure 3.2.53: Distribution of the respondents by main trip purpose when riding a bike<br />

in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

38%<br />


Figure 3.2.55: Distribution of the respondents by the level of satisfaction with the<br />

design of Hans Broges Gade<br />

When asked about their gender, 52% of the respondents<br />

were women and 44% were men, with 4% giving no answer.<br />

When asked how often they bike at the site, the majority<br />

50% of the respondents said that they use the bridge 5<br />

days per week (22%) or 6-7 days per week (31%). 20%<br />

of the respondents used the site 3-4 days per week, 12%<br />

said 1-2 days per week, 10% said 1-3 days per month and<br />

only 4% said that they rarely ride a bike that. The figures<br />

highlight that the site is a place where young people bike<br />

many days of the week.<br />

When asked for what purpose the respondents use Hans<br />

Broges Gade, 45% answered that they use the infrastructure<br />

for commuting to and from work. A great percentage<br />

19% also used Hans Broges Gade for shopping, 13%<br />

used it to commute to school, 4% answered to see friends<br />

or family, 6% for recreation, 11% said other purpose and<br />

2% gave no answer. This figure shows that Hans Broges<br />

Gade is as infrastructural element used for commuting<br />

but the street also has other infrastructural purposes.<br />

When asked how satisfied the respondent were with Hans<br />

Broges Gade 71% in total of them where satisfied (38%)<br />

or very satisfied (33%) with the new infrastructure. 11%<br />

were neutral, 1% were dissatisfied and 15% were very<br />

dissatisfied. 3% gave no answer. This figure shows that<br />

the majority likes the urban space wail a small majority of<br />

15% that have issues with Hans Broges Gade.<br />

90 91


SAFETY<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />



60%<br />

50%<br />



MODES<br />


3% 2% 2%<br />



0%<br />

3%<br />

0% 1%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

9%<br />



11%<br />



20%<br />



10%<br />

0%<br />

-10%<br />


20%<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />


33%<br />

51%<br />




85%<br />




Figure 3.2.56: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

the Hans Broges Gade`s design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Figure 3.2.58: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

the Hans Broges Gade`s design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Figure 3.2.60: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the conflict between different transport modes at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.62: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the pavement at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Users were asked about the quality of the safety needs<br />

of the infrastructure. The largest portion of respondents<br />

thought the design did a good job. 32% answered it did a<br />

very good job and 47% that it did a good job. 13% were<br />

neutral on the issue, only 5% said that they thought it did<br />

a bad job and 1% a very bad job. 2% gave no answer.<br />

These responses are therefore very satisfied with the<br />

safety issues at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

The respondents where asked about the aesthetics of the<br />

design of Hans Broges Gade, the majority of respondents<br />

stated that it either did a good (53%) or a very good (23%)<br />

job. A smaller part of the respondents were neutral (18%)<br />

in regards to beauty and aesthetics. A few said it did poorly<br />

(2%), or gave no answer (4%). This figure shows that<br />

people are satisfied with the aesthetics of the site.<br />

Respondents were if there were issues with boundaries of<br />

bicycle paths, sidewalks and lanes. A little over half of the<br />

respondents 51% said it was not a problem. 33% stated<br />

that is was a bit of the problem, 9% claimed it was problematic,<br />

3% said it was quite a problem, and 2% responded<br />

that it was a major problem. 2% gave no answer on<br />

whether passing space was an issue. This range shows<br />

that sidewalks can be a confusing space, and that almost<br />

half of the respondent saw it as problematic.<br />

When asked whether they thought surface issues like potholes<br />

were a problem on Hans Broges Gade, 85% of the<br />

responses said it was not a problem. 11% stated that it<br />

was a small problem, 3% claimed it was problematic. 1%<br />

gave no answer. This figure shows Hans Broges Gade<br />

has been well maintained, and therefore has a great percentage<br />

of satisfaction.<br />




60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />



1% 1% 1%<br />

4%<br />

13%<br />





22%<br />

0%<br />

2%<br />

4%<br />


3%<br />






2% 0% 2%<br />

2%<br />

19%<br />




20%<br />




10%<br />

0%<br />

80%<br />



69%<br />



75%<br />




Figure 3.2.57: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

the Hans Broges Gade`s design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Figure 3.2.59: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.61: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.63: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of cracks and ramps at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Respondents were asked if they thought the design of<br />

Hans Broges Gade was facilitating as a fast connections,<br />

and the majority responded that it did a good job (51%) or<br />

a very good job (29%). 15% respondents were neutral on<br />

the issue and very few stated that it did poorly (2%). 3%<br />

respondents gave no answer. From this figure, it is clear<br />

that Hans Broges Gade does a very good job of facilitating<br />

fast connections.<br />

Users were asked if they thought that illegally parked bicycles<br />

were a problem on the Hans Broges Gade. 80%<br />

of the responses said that they were not a problem, 13%<br />

said it was a small problem, 4% said it was problematic,<br />

1% said it was quite problematic, and 1% said it was very<br />

problematic. 1% gave no answer. This figure shows that<br />

illegally parked bicycles are not a big problem at the site.<br />

Respondents were asked whether they thought obstacles<br />

at Hans Broges Gade were an issue. The majority of the<br />

respondent stated that obstacles were not a problem<br />

69%. 22% stated that is was a small problem, 4% claimed<br />

it was problematic, 2% quite problematic, 3% gave no answer.<br />

This figure shows that only a small majority of users<br />

see obstacles as being an issue in using the Hans Broges<br />

Gade.<br />

Users were asked whether they thought cracks were a<br />

problem in ramps and intersections. 75% of the responses<br />

said it was not a problem. 19% thought that it was a<br />

small problem, 2% claimed it was problematic, 2% said it<br />

was quite a problem. 2% gave no answer. These results<br />

show that cracks in ramps and intersections can be a<br />

small problem, one that could be fixed with maintenance.<br />

92 93




SCENIC<br />







BIK E?<br />

2% 1%<br />

7%<br />

2%<br />


2% 2%<br />

10%<br />

1%<br />


30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

26%<br />

62%<br />






25%<br />

60%<br />






5%<br />

0%<br />

SAFETY<br />












15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />





VERY<br />



Figure 3.2.64: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the lack of awareness of pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for<br />

people riding a bike at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Respondents were asked whether they thought lack of<br />

awareness of pedestrians for cyclists was an issue. Most<br />

users 62% thought it was not a problem or a small problem<br />

26%. 7% stated it was problematic, 2% said it was<br />

quite a problem, and 1% responded that this was a major<br />

problem. 2% gave no answer. This figure shows that<br />

cyclists perceive a problem in regards the awareness of<br />

pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for cyclists.<br />



1% 0%<br />

2%<br />

2%<br />

Figure 3.2.66: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is scenic and greenery at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

When asked whether they thought poor greenery and<br />

scenic landscaping was an issue at Hans Broges Gade,<br />

60% of the responses said it was not a problem, 25% said<br />

it was a small problem, 10% stated it was problematic,<br />

2% said it was quite a problem, and 2% responded that<br />

this was a major problem. 1% gave no answer. This figure<br />

shows that greenery can be a problem and that the lack<br />

of it is noticed by some users.<br />




1%<br />

Figure 3.2.68: Among the respondents that said yes in the previous question (Figure<br />

3.2.67), what qualities has influenced their choice to ride a bike more often after the<br />

intervention in Hans Broges Gade. The respondents could choose more than one<br />

option.<br />

Respondents were asked what aspect of the intervention<br />

make them ride their bike more often, the largest portion<br />

of users stated that safety (24%) was an important<br />

factor. 20% responded saying wide bicycle lanes made<br />

them ride more, and 13% stated that maintenance made<br />

an impact for them. 11% stated they rode more because<br />

Hans Broges Gade was a nice experience, and because<br />

faster bike lanes made the difference for them. The most<br />

important factors for the bikeability at Hans Broges Gade<br />

is therefore safety issues and the conditions of the bike<br />

lanes such as the proportions of the lane and the maintenance<br />

of it.<br />

Figure 3.2.69: Distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the importance<br />

of street design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to<br />

ride a bike.<br />

Users were asked, how important street design is in your<br />

decision to ride your bicycle. 25% of the respondents<br />

were neutral on the issue, 25% said it was not important,<br />

and 23% said it was important. 20% respondents stated<br />

that it was not important at all and 7% that is was very<br />

important factor for them. This figure shows that while<br />

streetscape is not a critical factor in bicycle use, they are<br />

still important and noticed by users.<br />




GADE<br />


50%<br />

15%<br />






13%<br />


YES<br />

NO<br />

45%<br />

40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

80%<br />


86%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />


Figure 3.2.65: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is signposting and its interpretation at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

When asked whether poor signage was an issue, 80%<br />

of the responses said it was not a problem, 15% said it<br />

was a small problem, 2% stated it was problematic, 1%<br />

said it was quite a problem. 2% gave no answer. This figure<br />

shows that signage is not a major issue and that the<br />

design conveys how it should be used clearly to the user.<br />

Figure 3.2.67: Distribution of the respondents based on starting to ride a bike more<br />

often, or not, after the intervention at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

When asked whether they bike more often after the opening<br />

of Hans Broges Gade, 86% said they have not biked<br />

more while 13% said yes. 1% gave no answer. A small<br />

amount of the respondents are biking more often after<br />

the opening of Hans Broges Gade, which thereby states<br />

that the new design have improved that bikeability of the<br />

site and the amount of bikers.<br />

Figure 3.2.70: Distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the street<br />

design solutions (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in the intervention<br />

at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

When asked for their opinion on the design solution applied<br />

to Hans Broges Gade, most respondents replied that<br />

it was a good solution (47%) or that they were neutral on<br />

the issue (28%). 21% believed it was a very good design<br />

solution, only 2% thought it was bad, and 2% gave no<br />

answer. This figure shows that many believe that lighting<br />

and green scape at Hans Broges Gade is very well done.<br />

94 95



The Chi2 test was applied to identify possible relations between the socio-demographics (independent variables) of the<br />

sample and their answers from the web survey (dependable variables). Considering the nature of the studied variables<br />

– the majority of them are nominal – the Chi2 test was selected to this analysis.<br />

The Chi2 test is about finding out if there is a connection between the variables. It is about testing the nul hypothesis.<br />

H0 says that the variables are statistic independent and HA says the variables are statistic dependent. To the test we<br />

set a α-level at 0,05. In the case of the p-value is under that, we can’t reject the nul hypothesis.<br />


6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

MALE 15 5 9 13 8 21 71<br />

FEMALE 20 5 11 15 14 19 84<br />

TOTAL 35 10 20 28 22 40 155<br />

Table 3.2.5: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they walk at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.5, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 1,715 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing values<br />

are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

MALE 20 19 15 7 7 3 71<br />

FEMALE 29 17 15 11 9 3 84<br />

TOTAL 49 36 30 18 16 6 155<br />

Table 3.2.2: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they ride a bicycle at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.2, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 1,826 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing values<br />

are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 2 0 2 2 3 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 1 1 2 5 1 2 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 3 0 4 6 4 3 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 3 1 1 2 3 2 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 12 2 10 4 6 17 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 166 5 5 9 6 13 54<br />

TOTAL 35 11 22 28 22 40 158<br />

Table 3.2.6: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they walk at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.6, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 29,062 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 5. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 3 1 1 2 1 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 4 4 2 1 1 0 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 5 5 5 4 0 1 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 6 3 2 0 1 0 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 14 10 10 6 9 2 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 20 11 12 6 3 2 54<br />

TOTAL 50 36 32 18 16 6 158<br />

Table 3.2.3: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they ride a bicycle at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.3, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 18,265 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 5. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 1 0 2 5 3 2 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 13 5 12 6 4 8 48<br />

31-40 YEARS 6 1 4 6 5 9 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 6 2 2 5 3 6 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 4 1 1 1 4 9 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 4 1 1 3 3 6 18<br />

TOTAL 34 10 22 26 22 40 154<br />

Table 3.2.7: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they walk at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.7, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 25,515 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 4 2 2 4 1 0 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 13 11 16 3 3 3 49<br />

31-40 YEARS 7 7 8 2 5 1 30<br />

41-50 YEARS 7 9 3 3 2 0 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 11 3 1 3 2 0 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 7 3 2 3 2 1 18<br />

TOTAL 49 35 32 18 15 5 154<br />

Table 3.2.4: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they ride a bicycle at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.4, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 28,519 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

WORK<br />

RECREA-<br />

TION/<br />


VISIT<br />

FAMILY/<br />


PURCHA-<br />

SING/<br />


TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

SCHOOL<br />

OTHERS<br />

MALE 31 6 4 11 9 9 70<br />

FEMALE 41 4 3 18 11 8 85<br />

TOTAL 72 10 7 29 20 17 155<br />

Table 3.2.8: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the main trip purpose when riding a bike in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.8, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 2,452 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing values<br />

are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

96 97

TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

WORK<br />

RECREA-<br />

TION/<br />


VISIT<br />

FAMILY/<br />


PURCHA-<br />

SING/<br />


TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

SCHOOL<br />

OTHERS<br />

TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 1 1 2 2 2 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 7 0 0 1 1 2 11<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 7 0 1 4 6 2 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 7 0 0 3 1 1 21<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 19 5 2 14 5 6 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 32 4 3 7 5 4 55<br />

TOTAL 73 10 7 31 20 17 158<br />

Table 3.2.9: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the main trip purpose when riding a bike in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.9, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 25,573 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 5. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />



JUST AS<br />

OFTEN AS<br />

BEFORE<br />



OFTEN<br />

01-20 YEARS 0 1 8 4 0 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 0 2 33 12 2 49<br />

31-40 YEARS 0 0 24 4 3 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 1 0 20 2 1 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 1 0 11 4 4 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 0 0 16 0 2 18<br />

TOTAL 2 3 112 26 12 155<br />

Table 3.2.13: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they ride a bike in Hans Broges Gade for the main<br />

purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.2.53, after the intervention in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.13, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 26,945 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

WORK<br />

RECREA-<br />


VISIT<br />

FAMILY/<br />




TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

SCHOOL<br />

OTHERS<br />

TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 2 0 0 1 7 3 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 16 6 2 11 12 2 49<br />

31-40 YEARS 15 2 2 7 1 4 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 18 0 1 1 0 4 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 12 1 1 6 0 0 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 6 1 1 5 0 4 17<br />

TOTAL 69 10 7 31 20 17 154<br />

Table 3.2.10: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the main trip purpose when riding a bike in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.10, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 63,503 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is less than 0,001. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />


VERY<br />



MALE 13 0 6 29 21 69<br />

FEMALE 10 1 11 31 31 84<br />

TOTAL 23 1 17 60 52 153<br />

Table 3.2.14: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the level of satisfaction with the design of Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.14, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 3,414 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing values<br />

are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />




JUST AS<br />

OFTEN AS<br />

BEFORE<br />



OFTEN<br />

MALE 0 2 52 10 7 71<br />

FEMALE 2 1 62 15 5 85<br />

TOTAL 2 3 114 25 12 156<br />

Table 3.2.11: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they ride a bike in Hans Broges Gade for the main purpose<br />

mentioned in the Figure 3.2.53, after the intervention in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.11, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 3,314 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing values<br />

are 7. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

VERY<br />



PUBLIC SCHOOL 4 0 3 1 1 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 3 0 0 3 5 11<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 4 0 2 13 1 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 1 0 1 5 5 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 6 0 3 19 21 49<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 5 1 8 21 20 55<br />

TOTAL 23 1 17 62 53 156<br />

Table 3.2.15: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the level of satisfaction with the design of Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.15, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 31,388 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is between 0,050 and 0,025 but close to 0,050. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

NOT AS<br />

OFTEN<br />

JUST AS<br />

OFTEN AS<br />

BEFORE<br />



OFTEN<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 2 5 0 2 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 0 0 8 2 2 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 0 0 14 6 0 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 0 0 8 3 1 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 1 1 40 7 2 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 1 0 41 8 5 55<br />

TOTAL 2 3 116 26 12 159<br />

Table 3.2.12: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they ride a bike in Hans Broges Gade for the main<br />

purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.2.53, after the intervention in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.12, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 34,451 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 4. P is between 0,025 and 0,010. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

VERY<br />



01-20 YEARS 2 4 6 1 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 9 3 20 17 49<br />

31-40 YEARS 3 4 16 8 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 5 3 7 8 23<br />

51-60 YEARS 2 2 5 11 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 1 1 6 8 16<br />

TOTAL 22 17 60 53 153<br />

Table 3.2.16: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the level of satisfaction with the design of Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.16, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 18,723 with a degree of freedom (df) 15 and the missing<br />

values are 11. P is between 0,250 and 0,100, but close to 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

98 99



MALE 0 4 8 39 19 70<br />

FEMALE 1 4 11 37 31 84<br />

TOTAL 1 8 19 76 50 154<br />

Table 3.2.17: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Hans Broges Gade`s design fulfilled the<br />

bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.17, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 3,160 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing values<br />

are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 2 0 5 1 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 0 1 3 8 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 0 3 11 5 19<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 1 1 6 4 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 0 6 31 13 50<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 1 12 27 15 55<br />

TOTAL 4 23 83 46 156<br />

Table 3.2.21: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how the Hans Broges Gade`s design fulfilled<br />

the fast connectivity.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.21, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 33,203 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is between 0,005 and 0,001. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 1 2 2 4 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 0 0 0 4 8 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 1 3 2 11 2 19<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 0 0 3 5 4 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 0 1 6 24 19 50<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 0 3 7 31 14 55<br />

TOTAL 1 8 20 77 51 157<br />

Table 3.2.18: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how the Hans Broges Gade`s design fulfilled<br />

the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.18, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 29,831 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 6. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


01-20 YEARS 1 1 9 2 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 1 4 30 12 47<br />

31-40 YEARS 0 7 18 6 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 0 5 13 6 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 0 2 5 12 19<br />

61-90 YEARS 1 4 6 7 18<br />

TOTAL 3 23 81 45 152<br />

Table 3.2.22: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how the Hans Broges Gade`s design fulfilled the<br />

fast connectivity.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.22, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 24,992 with a degree of freedom (df) 15 and the missing<br />

values are 11. P is between 0,100 and 0,050, but very close to 0,050. The variables are independent, but are very close<br />

to be dependent. If there is a bit of uncertainty the variables could be dependent.<br />


01-20 YEARS 0 1 4 6 2 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 0 0 7 26 15 48<br />

31-40 YEARS 1 1 3 20 6 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 0 3 2 9 10 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 0 1 2 5 11 19<br />

61-90 YEARS 0 1 1 9 7 18<br />

TOTAL 1 7 19 75 51 153<br />

Table 3.2.19: Distribution of the respondents by age group according to their opinion about how the Hans Broges Gade`s design fulfilled the<br />

bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.19, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 26,529 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />



MALE 2 15 37 14 68<br />

FEMALE 2 13 47 22 84<br />

TOTAL 4 28 84 36 152<br />

Table 3.2.23: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Hans Broges Gade`s design fulfilled the<br />

aesthetics aspect.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.23, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 1,443 with a degree of freedom (df) 3 and the missing values<br />

are 11. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />




MALE 2 9 37 21 69<br />

FEMALE 1 14 45 24 84<br />

TOTAL 3 23 82 45 153<br />

Table 3.2.20: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Hans Broges Gade`s design fulfilled the fast<br />

connectivity.<br />

Out of the table 3.2.20, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 0,939 with a degree of freedom (df) 3 and the missing values<br />

are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 2 3 3 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 0 1 5 6 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 2 5 9 3 19<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 0 0 7 5 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 1 8 29 11 49<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 1 13 32 9 55<br />

TOTAL 4 29 85 37 155<br />

Table 3.2.24: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how the Hans Broges Gade`s design fulfilled<br />

the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.24, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 19,034 with a degree of freedom (df) 15 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

100 101


01-20 YEARS 1 3 7 2 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 1 11 29 6 47<br />

31-40 YEARS 2 5 18 6 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 0 1 14 9 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 0 3 7 9 19<br />

61-90 YEARS 0 5 9 3 17<br />

TOTAL 4 28 84 35 151<br />

Table 2.3.25: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how the Hans Broges<br />

Gade`s design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 2.3.25, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 20,745 with a degree of freedom (df) 15 and the missing<br />

values are 12. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

MALE 32 28 5 4 1 70<br />

FEMALE 48 25 9 1 2 85<br />

TOTAL 80 53 14 5 3 155<br />

Table 3.2.29: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the conflict between different<br />

transport modes at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.29, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 5,243 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

MALE 56 10 4 1 0 71<br />

FEMALE 71 11 1 1 1 85<br />

TOTAL 127 21 5 2 1 156<br />

Table 2.3.26: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at Hans<br />

Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 2.3.26, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 3,390 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 5 3 1 0 0 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 7 2 2 1 0 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 5 11 1 2 1 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 5 5 2 0 0 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 33 14 3 0 1 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 27 19 5 2 1 54<br />

TOTAL 82 54 14 5 3 158<br />

Table 3.2.30: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the conflict between different<br />

transport modes at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.30, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 19,796 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 5. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 8 1 0 0 0 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 7 4 0 0 1 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 18 2 0 0 0 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 9 2 1 0 0 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 39 8 3 1 0 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 49 4 1 1 0 55<br />

TOTAL 130 21 5 2 1 159<br />

Table 2.3.27: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic illegal parking of bicycles is<br />

at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 2.3.27, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 24,403 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 4. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent<br />

TOTAL<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 5 5 2 1 0 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 28 14 5 1 1 49<br />

31-40 YEARS 10 16 2 1 2 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 15 7 2 0 0 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 12 4 2 2 0 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 11 5 1 0 0 17<br />

TOTAL 81 51 14 5 3 154<br />

Table 3.2.31: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the conflict between different<br />

transport modes at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.31, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 20,016 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 12 1 0 0 0 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 37 8 3 1 0 49<br />

31-40 YEARS 26 5 0 0 0 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 22 2 0 0 0 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 17 1 0 1 1 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 12 4 2 0 0 18<br />

TOTAL 126 21 5 2 1 155<br />

Table 2.3.28: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at<br />

Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 2.3.28, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 22,356 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />




TOTAL<br />

MALE 49 16 3 1 69<br />

FEMALE 60 19 4 2 85<br />

TOTAL 109 35 7 3 154<br />

Table 3.2.32: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.32, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 0,183 with a degree of freedom (df) 3 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

102 103




MATIC<br />

MATIC<br />

MATIC<br />

TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 6 2 0 0 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 7 5 0 0 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 15 2 1 2 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 7 4 1 0 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 38 9 4 0 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 39 13 1 1 54<br />

TOTAL 112 35 7 3 157<br />

Table 3.2.33: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.33, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 17,207 with a degree of freedom (df) 15 and the missing<br />

values are 6. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />



01-20 YEARS 10 2 1 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 41 5 8 49<br />

31-40 YEARS 26 5 0 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 23 1 0 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 18 2 0 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 15 2 1 18<br />

TOTAL 133 17 5 155<br />

Table 3.2.37: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about<br />

how problematic is the pavement at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.37, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 7,335 with a degree of freedom (df) 10 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 9 3 0 1 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 30 12 5 1 48<br />

31-40 YEARS 24 5 1 1 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 20 3 1 0 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 15 5 0 0 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 10 7 0 0 17<br />

TOTAL 108 35 7 3 153<br />

Table 3.2.34: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.34, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 15,594 with a degree of freedom (df) 15 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />




TOTAL<br />

MALE 57 9 3 2 71<br />

FEMALE 61 21 1 1 84<br />

TOTAL 118 30 4 3 155<br />

Table 3.2.38: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

existence of cracks and ramps at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.38, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 5,215 with a degree of freedom (df) 3 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />



MALE 63 6 2 71<br />

FEMALE 71 11 3 85<br />

TOTAL 134 17 5 156<br />

Table 3.2.35: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the pavement at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.35, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 0,899 with a degree of freedom (df) 2 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />




MATIC<br />

MATIC<br />

MATIC<br />

TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 7 2 0 0 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 9 2 0 0 11<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 16 2 1 1 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 10 2 0 0 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 36 13 1 1 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 43 9 2 1 55<br />

TOTAL 121 30 4 3 158<br />

Table 3.2.39: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

existence of cracks and ramps at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.39, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 5,920 with a degree of freedom (df) 15 and the missing<br />

values are 5. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


MATIC<br />

MATIC<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 7 2 0 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 9 3 0 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 16 4 0 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 11 0 1 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 41 8 2 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 53 0 2 55<br />

TOTAL 167 17 5 159<br />

Table 3.2.36: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the pavement at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.36, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 17,086 with a degree of freedom (df) 10 and the missing<br />

values are 4. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 12 1 0 0 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 31 13 4 1 49<br />

31-40 YEARS 25 5 0 1 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 22 2 0 0 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 15 4 0 0 19<br />

61-90 YEARS 13 4 0 1 18<br />

TOTAL 118 29 4 3 154<br />

Table 3.2.40: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

existence of cracks and ramps at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.40, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 17,602 with a degree of freedom (df) 15 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

104 105



NOT<br />


A BIT<br />



QUITE<br />


MAJOR<br />


MALE 43 15 8 3 2 71<br />

FEMALE 54 27 3 0 0 84<br />

TOTAL 97 42 11 3 2 155<br />

Table 3.2.41: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the lack of awareness of pedestrians<br />

and motorized vehicle drivers for people riding a bike at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.41, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 10,935 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is between 0,050 and 0,025. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />

TOTAL<br />


QUITE<br />


MATIC<br />

MATIC<br />


TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 7 1 1 0 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 10 2 0 0 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 15 4 1 0 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 10 2 0 0 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 40 10 1 0 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 46 6 1 1 54<br />

TOTAL 128 25 4 1 158<br />

Table 3.2.45: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is<br />

signposting and its interpretation at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.45, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 7,668 with a degree of freedom (df) 15 and the missing<br />

values are 5. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 6 1 2 0 0 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 7 4 1 0 0 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 12 5 2 1 0 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 5 7 0 0 0 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 35 11 4 0 1 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 35 14 2 2 1 54<br />

TOTAL 100 42 11 3 2 158<br />

Table 3.2.42: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the lack of awareness of<br />

pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for people riding a bike at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.42, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 16,880 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 5. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />



01-20 YEARS 9 4 0 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 38 7 3 48<br />

31-40 YEARS 24 6 1 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 22 2 0 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 17 3 0 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 15 3 0 18<br />

TOTAL 125 25 4 154<br />

Table 3.2.46: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about<br />

how problematic is signposting and its interpretation at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.46, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 8,041 with a degree of freedom (df) 10 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 8 4 1 0 0 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 33 9 5 1 0 48<br />

31-40 YEARS 19 7 2 1 2 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 13 11 0 0 0 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 13 5 1 1 0 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 11 5 2 0 0 18<br />

TOTAL 97 41 11 3 2 154<br />

Table 3.2.43: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the lack of awareness of<br />

pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for people riding a bike at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.43, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 18,552 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is between 0,250 and 0,100, but close to 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

MALE 33 23 11 3 1 71<br />

FEMALE 61 16 5 1 2 85<br />

TOTAL 94 39 16 4 3 156<br />

Table 3.2.47: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the scenic at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.47, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 23,782 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 4. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />


A BIT<br />



QUITE<br />


MAJOR<br />


MALE 43 15 8 3 2 71<br />

FEMALE 54 27 3 0 0 84<br />

TOTAL 97 42 11 3 2 155<br />

Table 3.2.44: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is signposting and its interpretation at<br />

Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.44, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 2,254 with a degree of freedom (df) 3 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 9 3 1 1 0 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 9 3 0 0 0 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 14 3 2 0 1 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 12 0 0 0 0 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 31 15 4 1 0 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 28 14 9 2 2 55<br />

TOTAL 97 39 16 4 3 159<br />

Table 3.2.48: Distribution of the respondents by educational level gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the scenic at Hans<br />

Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.48, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 23,782 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 4. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

106 107


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 8 3 1 1 0 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 26 15 4 2 2 49<br />

31-40 YEARS 13 11 5 1 1 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 17 6 1 0 0 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 18 1 1 0 0 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 11 3 4 0 0 18<br />

TOTAL 93 39 16 4 3 155<br />

Table 3.2.49: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the scenic at Hans Broges<br />

Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.49, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 22,717 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />



MALE 11 60 71<br />

FEMALE 9 76 85<br />

TOTAL 20 136 156<br />

Table 3.2.50: Distribution of the respondents by gender based on starting to ride a bike<br />

more often, or not, after the opening of Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.50, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 0,833 with a degree of freedom (df) 1 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


VERY<br />




TOTAL<br />

MAN 11 18 17 21 4 71<br />

FEMALE 21 20 21 16 7 85<br />

TOTAL 32 38 38 37 11 156<br />

Table 3.2.53: Distribution of respondents by gender according to their opinion about the importance of street design (lightning, pavement material,<br />

greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.53, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 3,920 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


VERY<br />




TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 1 1 5 1 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 2 2 5 1 2 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 4 8 4 4 0 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 2 5 2 1 2 12<br />


EDUC.<br />

11 12 15 11 2 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 12 11 12 16 4 55<br />

TOTAL 32 39 39 38 11 159<br />

Table 3.2.54: Distribution of respondents by educational level according to their opinion about the importance of street design (lightning, pavement<br />

material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.54, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 21,349 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 4. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 2 7 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 2 10 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 4 16 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 2 10 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 5 46 51<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 6 49 55<br />

TOTAL 21 138 159<br />

Table 3.2.51: Distribution of the respondents by educational level based on starting to<br />

ride a bike more often, or not, after the opening of Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.51, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 2,462 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 4. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT AT ALL<br />

NOT<br />

VERY<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 1 4 5 3 0 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 10 12 9 15 3 49<br />

31-40 YEARS 5 6 9 8 3 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 7 9 4 2 2 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 6 2 5 4 3 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 2 3 7 6 0 18<br />

TOTAL 31 36 39 38 11 155<br />

Table 3.2.55: Distribution of respondents by age groups according to their opinion about the importance of street design (lightning, pavement<br />

material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.55, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 20,916 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent<br />


01-20 YEARS 2 11 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 9 40 49<br />

31-40 YEARS 4 27 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 1 23 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 2 18 20<br />

61-90 YEARS 2 16 18<br />

TOTAL 20 135 155<br />

Table 3.2.52: Distribution of the respondents by age groups based on starting to ride<br />

a bike more often, or not, after the opening of Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.52, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 3,204 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />



MALE 2 15 39 13 69<br />

FEMALE 1 28 34 22 85<br />

TOTAL 3 43 73 35 154<br />

Table 3.2.56: Distribution of respondents by gender according to their opinion about the street design solutions (lightning,<br />

pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.56, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 5,315 with a degree of freedom (df) 3 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

108 109


PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 1 7 0 9<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 0 1 7 4 12<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 0 8 10 2 20<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 0 2 6 4 12<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 1 16 21 12 50<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 1 15 25 13 54<br />

TOTAL 3 43 76 35 157<br />

Table 3.2.57: Distribution of respondents by educational level according to their opinion about the street design solutions<br />

(lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.57, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 16,504 with a degree of freedom (df) 15 and the missing<br />

values are 6. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


01-20 YEARS 0 5 7 1 13<br />

21-30 YEARS 2 16 20 11 49<br />

31-40 YEARS 0 10 14 7 31<br />

41-50 YEARS 0 3 13 8 24<br />

51-60 YEARS 0 4 10 5 19<br />

61-90 YEARS 1 5 9 2 17<br />

TOTAL 3 43 73 34 153<br />

Table 3.2.58: Distribution of respondents by age groups according to their opinion about the street design solutions<br />

(lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Out of the Table 3.2.58, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 12,224 with a degree of freedom (df) 15 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

Figure 3.2.71: Cyclist meter at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

110 111

3.3 CASE3<br />


3.3.1 COPENHAGEN<br />

Copenhagen is the Danish national capital and the largest<br />

municipality of Denmark with a population of 503.699 inhabitants.<br />

The Copenhagen metropolitan area has a population<br />

of 1.901.789 inhabitants (Statistikbanken, 2010).<br />

The municipality is located in the islands of Zealand and<br />

Amager.<br />

Moreover, the amount of serious injuries against cyclists<br />

has now gone from 118 in year 2005 to 121 in year 2008.<br />

Finally, 51% of the cyclists were feeling confident and<br />

safe while riding their bikes in year 2008 (Copenhagen<br />

Municipality, 2009b).<br />

According to a traffic behaviour study conducted by Danish<br />

Technical University, 30% of all trips in Copenhagen<br />

are travelled on bike, 17% on foot, 16% in public transport<br />

and 30% in private cars (figure 3.3.2).<br />


100%<br />

1%<br />

1%<br />

1%<br />

1%<br />

1%<br />

2%<br />

22%<br />

22% 18%<br />

17%<br />

17%<br />

16%<br />

80%<br />

25% 31% 37%<br />

28%<br />

31%<br />

30%<br />

60%<br />


40%<br />

30%<br />

26%<br />

27%<br />

29%<br />

30%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

22% 20% 22%<br />

25%<br />

21%<br />

22%<br />

0%<br />

Figure 3.3.1: Geographical location of Copenhagen.<br />

1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008<br />



Figure 3.3.2: Distribution of trips according to transportation mode within Copenhagen<br />

municipality from 1998 until 2008. Source: Copenhagen Municipality<br />

Copenhagen has a vision to become World`s Eco-metropolis<br />

in year 2015 (Copenhagen Municipality, 2009b)<br />

and a list of thirteen goals has been set up to achieve this<br />

objective.<br />

There are two goals directly related to cycling: to reduce<br />

carbon emissions by 20% from the amount emitted in<br />

2005 and to become the world`s best city for cyclists.<br />

In order to become the world`s best city for cyclists, the<br />

Copenhagen municipality defined three main objectives<br />

to be achieved before 2050: to have more than 50% of<br />

its population riding their bikes to go to work or to study,<br />

to improve the cyclists perception of safeness in the traffic<br />

and to decrease the number of injuries by half of the<br />

amount from 2007 (Copenhagen Municipality, 2009b).<br />

Currently, 37% of Copenhageners that are working or<br />

studying commute riding a bike (Copenhagen Municipality,<br />

2010b).<br />

Figure 3.3.3: Cover of the publication “city of cyclists” with general information about cycling in Copenhagen, history and targets for the future.<br />

Source: Copenhagen Municipality.<br />

112 113

To improve the overall air quality of Copenhagen, a new<br />

law established Copenhagen as Environmental Zone. In<br />

2008, the first step was took when the core of the city of<br />

Copenhagen and the municipality of Frederiksberg were<br />

defined as an Environmental Zone. In 2009, the Environmental<br />

Zone was extended to the entire Copenhagen municipality.<br />

The <strong>Bike</strong> Secretary coordinates all the bicycle campaigns<br />

developed by Copenhagen Municipality. The <strong>Bike</strong> Secretary<br />

is part of the Centre for Traffic which is under the<br />

Technical and Environmental Department of Copenhagen<br />

Municipality.<br />

To improve the discussions between the government and<br />

cyclists, there is a virtual community – www.ibikecph.dk –<br />

that functions as an arena to debate cycling in Copenhagen.<br />

Moreover, cyclists are asked to report any problems<br />

related to bike infrastructures – holes, cracks, etc. – and<br />

also to bring up suggestions about how to improve cycling<br />

conditions in Copenhagen.<br />

23,966 residents of Copenhagen municipality participated<br />

in the national campaign “We bike to work”. Copenhagen<br />

municipality was the one with most participants and most<br />

cycled average kilometres per participant.<br />

In both Summer 2009 and Spring 2010, a campaign<br />

against bike robbery took place in Copenhagen municipality.<br />

5300 tracking chips were handed out, making possible<br />

to track stolen bicycles. Parking guards equipped<br />

with special scanners had registered 250 chipped bicycles<br />

of which two had been reported stolen.<br />

Copenhagen Municipality has also recently created a<br />

board of two hundred children from six different schools<br />

named Children´s Traffic Council. The board has been<br />

created to hear bicycle ideas and problems from children’s<br />

perspective. The board had their first top meeting<br />

on September 22nd 2010 where major problems were<br />

discussed and ideas were proposed for the Technical and<br />

Environmental Secretary of Copenhagen.<br />

In a study conducted by Copenhagen Municipality about<br />

safety when riding a bike, 43% of the respondents reported<br />

to feel unsafe because of other cyclists. In that context,<br />

Copenhagen Municipality and the Danish Cyclists Society<br />

made a campaign to address this problematic in September<br />

2010. The campaign was based in two ideas: “to<br />

improve karma among cyclists” and “to think more about<br />

others when cycling”. A series of events took place from<br />

September 6th till September 12th 2010 – open-air theatre,<br />

lounge music in the streets, free apples and water<br />

for cyclists and guided cycle-trip.<br />

Figure 3.3.4: Logo of the campaign Ibikecph.<br />

Source: Copenhagen Municipality<br />

Figure 3.3.5: Cyclists and pedestrians crossing Bryggebro bike bridge.<br />

114 115



Copenhagen municipality has 340 kilometres of bicycle<br />

tracks, 20 kilometres of bicycle lanes and 40 kilometres<br />

of green bicycle routes. At total of 503.699 inhabitants,<br />

Copenhagen has 0,8 meters of bicycle track, lane or trail<br />

per inhabitant.<br />

Bryggebro is part of the University corridor – <strong>Universitet</strong>sruten<br />

– which is one of main corridors of the Copenhagen<br />

network of bicycles and footpaths.<br />

The University corridor links the two sides of the Copenhagen<br />

harbour. It provides a shortcut for students travelling<br />

from Vesterbro to Amager where Copenhagen University<br />

campuses and the IT University in Ørestad are located. It<br />

also provides a fast connection for Amager residents to<br />

shopping facilities and the S-trains and for residents from<br />

Vesterbro to access green areas like Amager Park and<br />

Islands Brygge waterfront (CPHX 2009).<br />


Utterslevruten<br />

S<br />

Det gr nne cykelrutenet 2009<br />

Realiserede og planlagte ruter<br />

Ryvangsruten<br />

S<br />

realiserede ruter og ruter<br />

under anlÊg<br />

cykelmulighed langs S erne<br />


S<br />

Vestvoldruten<br />

S<br />

Frederiksbergruten<br />

Hareskovruten<br />

S<br />

S<br />

S<br />

S<br />

Svanemølleruten<br />

S<br />

planlagte ruter<br />

alternativ linief ring<br />

ruter udenfor kommunen<br />

cykelforbindelser til Regionen<br />

N<br />

kommunegrÊnse<br />

0 500m 1.000m<br />


D. 20.05.10<br />

Nørrebroruten<br />

S<br />

S<br />

n<br />

Grø dalsruten<br />

S<br />

S<br />

S<br />

Søruten<br />

S<br />

S<br />

Refshaleruten<br />

Christiansh avnruten<br />

Vigerslevruten<br />

S<br />

S<br />

S<br />

S<br />

S<br />

S<br />

Carlsbergruten<br />

S<br />

S<br />

S<br />

Havneruten<br />

Amagerruten<br />

S<br />

Valbyruten<br />

<strong>Universitet</strong>sruten<br />

S<br />

S<br />

S<br />

S<br />

Kastrup Fort ruten<br />

Hvidovreruten<br />

Lufthavnsruten<br />

Ørestadsruten<br />

Kalvebodruten<br />


Figure 3.3.6: Copenhagen Bicycle Network. Source: Copenhagen Municipality.<br />

Figure 3.3.7: The four bridges of Copenhagen Harbour. Modified from original picture from Google Earth<br />

116 117<br />


3.3.2 BRYGGEBRO<br />

In 2006, it was inaugurated the first exclusively dedicated<br />

pedestrian and cyclist bridge of Copenhagen: Bryggebro.<br />

Bryggebro is a 190 meter long, six and a half meters wide,<br />

swing bridge connecting Kalvebod Brygge over Havneholmen<br />

to Islands Brygge (CPHX, 2009 and Grontmij-<br />

Carlbro, 2010).<br />

Bryggebro links the two sides of Copenhagen Harbor<br />

and complements the other three connections across the<br />

Copenhagen harbour. Differently from the other connections,<br />

Bryggebro is exclusively dedicated for cyclists and<br />

pedestrians. On the north direction, there is Langebro – 1<br />

kilometer from Bryggebro – and Knippelsbro – 2 kilometers<br />

from Bryggebro. On the south direction, there is Sjællandsbroen<br />

which is 3 kilometers distant from Bryggebro<br />

(Figure 3.3.7).<br />

When inaugurating Bryggebro, the politician Klaus Bondam<br />

mentioned:<br />

“To bridge the gap between the two wharfs is much more<br />

than the tangible construction, we use the term “to bridge<br />

the gap between” in many connections. To bridge a gap<br />

equals cooperation and dialogue, it equals overcoming<br />

gaps and obstacles – it is often about creating closeness<br />

and understanding between people…. It is my hope, that<br />

this new connection will give rise to new initiatives and<br />

that cooperation will occur – that this will also be a symbolic<br />

bridge between the two areas.”<br />

In 2000, Carl Bro and Sjælsø Group presented to the<br />

Copenhagen municipality a proposal to build up a bike<br />

bridge – named Bryggebro – at the Copenhagen harbour.<br />

Copenhagen municipality accepted the proposal and the<br />

project was then developed (Grontmij- Carlbro, 2010).<br />

Bryggebro was designed by the architect office<br />

DISSING+WEITLING which won for this project the<br />

”Foreningen til hovedstadens forskønnelse” award 2006<br />

(Dissing+Weitling, 2010).<br />

Carl Bro functioned as consulting engineer for Copenhagen<br />

municipality and developed the technical drawings<br />

and carried the management and supervision of the construction<br />

(Grontmij- Carlbro, 2010).<br />

The construction started in 2005 and was completed in<br />

September 2006. Bryggebro was officially opened on the<br />

14th of September 2006. However, construction sites in<br />

the bridge surroundings and temporary accesses to the<br />

bridge were present until 2009 (Copenhagen Municipality,<br />

2010c).<br />


The construction of Bryggebro improved the accessibility<br />

between the two sides of Copenhagen Harbor.<br />


The total amount spent with the construction of Bryggebro<br />

was 47.600.000 Danish krones.<br />

The maintenance costs are expected to be 1.5% of the<br />

construction costs after 25 years of the opening. Until<br />

2031, the maintenance costs are expected to rise every<br />

year 1/25 of 1,5% of the total cost of the bridge.<br />

In addition, the operational costs of lighting, cleaning,<br />

anti graffiti, inspection of machinery are estimated to be<br />

300.000 Danish crowns per year (COWI, 2010 and CPHX<br />

2009).<br />

Figure 3.3.8: Bryggebro opening on the 14th of September. Source: Copenhagen Municipality.<br />

Figure 3.3.9: Image of Bryggebro from Islands Brygge side of the harbor.<br />

118 119




Bryggebroen has an iconic character and functions as a<br />

landmark in the landscape. It is a 190 meter long by six<br />

and a half meters wide swing bridge connecting Kalvebod<br />

Brygge over Havneholmen to Islands Brygge (CPHX<br />

2010, Grontmij- Carlbro, 2010). It is the first bridge built<br />

in Copenhagen Harbour in 50 years and the first bridge<br />

ever built in Copenhagen reserved solely for cyclists and<br />

pedestrians.<br />

The bridge is divided equally between cyclists and pedestrians<br />

connecting workers and students travelling from the<br />

west part of the city to the Amager based side of Copenhagen.<br />

It has now made a statement in the area and has<br />

become an iconic bridge within the neighbourhood.<br />

Figure 3.310: View of Havneholmen from Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.12: View of Bryggebro from Island Brygge to the Havneholmen side.<br />

Figure 3.3.11: Access to Bryggebro from Havneholmen.<br />

Figure 3.3.13: Havneholmen and Bryggebro in the background.<br />

Figure 3.3.14: Bryggebro in the foreground and Islands Brygge in the background.<br />

120 121


189448<br />

Figure 3.3.15: Plan and Section of Bryggebro. Source: Copenhagen Municipality.<br />

Figure 3.3.16: Elevation of the bridge seen from the side and cross section of the bridge. The pedestrian side on the left and cyclist on the right separated by a 60cm high 1.2<br />

metres wide girder. Source: Copenhagen Municipality.<br />

122 123



The flow of cyclists and pedestrians at Bryggebro is going<br />

in both directions on either side of the bridge and at either<br />

ends of the bridge. Looking at a section of the bridge it is<br />

divided into three spaces. Beginning from the left there is<br />

a two way pedestrian path going in both directions, alongside<br />

this is an 80 centimetre high concrete girder that<br />

separates the two-directional cycling path from the walking<br />

path without obstructing eye contact between passing<br />

pedestrians and cyclists (Figures 3.3.17 and 3.3.18).<br />



The bridge itself is a combination of concrete, steel and<br />

asphalt. The colour of the cyclist and walking path is black<br />

asphalt which appears to be a light grey colour. The middle<br />

concrete girder and steel handrails are a very similar<br />

shade of grey. At one end of the exits the asphalt path<br />

meets a large granite paved rectangular area (Figure<br />

3.3.19 and 3.3.20). At the other end the bridge meets a<br />

large granite paved footpath (Figure 3.3.22 and 3.3.23).<br />

To guide the cyclists in the correct lane a white dashed<br />

line has been placed down the centre of the path. Upon<br />

entering the bridge there are some metal path guides<br />

screwed into the concrete paving directing cyclists into<br />

the correct path.<br />

Figure 3.3.19: Access to Bryggebro from Islands Brygge.<br />

Figure 3.3.22: Access to Bryggebro from Havenholmen<br />

Along the Islands Brygge side of the bridge there is a<br />

cobble stone road where everyone tends to ride along<br />

the smooth paved lanes to avoid the slow and rough ride<br />

along the cobblestones. This creates and defines a good<br />

separation between the walkers and the cyclists (Figure<br />

3.3.21).<br />

N<br />



AREA<br />

The surface on the bridge and on the entry and exits is in<br />

a good condition and there is no cracks or potholes which<br />

means that it is safe for cyclists and pedestrians to use.<br />

However when it rains the cobblestones and plastic path<br />

guides would become slippery for cyclists and possibly<br />

cause accidents.<br />





Figure 3.3.17: Bryggebro section.<br />


GIRDER<br />

Figure 3.3.20: Access to Bryggebro from Islands Brygge side.<br />



6.5 m<br />

N<br />


GIRDER<br />





190 m<br />

Figure 3.3.21: Islands Brygge promenade<br />

Figure 3.3.18: Bryggebro plan.<br />

124 125



The users on the bridge have equal priority for crossing<br />

the bridge. However the cyclists have slightly more space<br />

which they require to ride comfortably opposite each other<br />

(Figure 3.3.24).<br />

The cyclists also demand more space at each end of the<br />

bridge as they are consistently swooping in and out of the<br />

bridge at high speeds whilst navigating around pedestrians.<br />

This can cause some conflicts and clashing between<br />

pedestrians and cyclists (Figure 3.3.25).<br />

The bridge has high and low peaks of traffic during the<br />

day. Peak hours where the bridge is most populated is<br />

in the morning from 7am to 10am when people are on<br />

their way to work or school (Figure 3.3.26). Other peak<br />

hour times are in the afternoon/evening from 4pm till<br />

7pm when people are on their way home from work and<br />

school. During these times it is more difficult for the cyclists<br />

to go very fast as the bridge is crowded. However<br />

during off peak times cyclists can go faster as there is less<br />

traffic, these times are from 10am till 3pm, 7pm till 7am<br />

and on the weekends (Figure 3.3.27).<br />



Some problems can arise when exiting the bridge onto<br />

the Islands Brygge side. The bridge becomes quite steep<br />

allowing cyclists to gain a lot of speed making exiting the<br />

bridge somewhat unsafe. This becomes a problem as<br />

they then have to make a sharp turn left or right into an<br />

on coming traffic of pedestrians and cyclists entering the<br />

bridge. Pedestrians walking do not present any problems<br />

to the infrastructure as they are moving slowly but they<br />

do have to pay a lot of attention of fast moving cyclists at<br />

each exit as do pedestrians running (Figure 3.3.28).<br />

Figure 3.3.26: Joggers and cyclists crossing.<br />

Figure 3.3.24: Hierarchy between transport modes.<br />



N<br />

Figure 3.3.27: Cyclists riding fast out of the exit of the bridge.<br />



Figure 3.3.25: Bryggebro plan and representation of transport mode conflicts.<br />




Figure 3.3.28: Walkers have to pay attention from fast moving cyclists exiting.<br />

126 127


There is no illegally parked bikes at Bryggebro. However,<br />

they can be found in the surrounding area (Figures 3.3.29<br />

and 3.3.30).<br />


There are no benches or planters on the bridge. Close to<br />

the exits of the bridge bins can be found.<br />


To avoid people feeling unsafe when crossing the bridge<br />

at night the bridge is lit up on the paths of the bridge as<br />

well as on the bottom of the bridge, guiding cyclists and<br />

pedestrians across the bridge in the safest manner possible<br />

(Figure 3.3.31 and 3.3.32). The bridges central spine,<br />

the girder down the middle, is illuminated by light fixtures<br />

incorporated into each of the hand railings. The built in<br />

light in the handrail was chosen as opposed to light poles<br />

or posts in order to provide an unobtrusive, hidden illumination<br />

source. Besides the white light illuminating the top<br />

of the bridge there is a coloured light scheme beneath<br />

the bridge.<br />

In the lead up to the bridge along the side of the cobblestone<br />

road there are also lamp posts guiding you to the<br />

bridge (Figure 3.3.33). Lighting up the bridge not only creates<br />

a safe environment for users but also looks pretty<br />

glowing and reflecting across the water. The bridge is not<br />

lit up at the exits, which could prove to be dangerous for<br />

some night users (Figure 3.3.34).<br />

Figure 3.3.29: A stray bike parked nearby the bridge.<br />

Figure 3.3.31: Bryggebro illumination.<br />

Figure 3.3.33: Lamp posts.<br />

Figure 3.3.30: <strong>Bike</strong>s parked under stairs.<br />

Figure 3.3.32: Bryggebro illumination.<br />

Figure 3.3.34: Bridge exit in the night.<br />

128 129


There is signage on both sides of the bridge indicating<br />

where the walkers path entrance is and where the cyclists<br />

entrance path is, although both utilise good and bad approaches<br />

to this communication.<br />

On the Islands Brygge side there is one sign in the middle<br />

indicating that cyclists enter to the left of the sign (Figure<br />

3.3.35). On the same side of the bridge to the right there<br />

is a sign indicating that walker’s enter the bridge to the<br />

left of the sign (Figure 3.3.36). This can appear somewhat<br />

confusing to some pedestrians and cyclists as you can<br />

see in Figure 3.3.35, where a cyclist has taken the wrong<br />

path and has had to turn backwards to the correct path.<br />



Graffiti can also be found along the bridge, however it<br />

seems to be more of an eye sore than adding character<br />

to the bridge (Figure 3.3.39 and 3.3.40).<br />

However the Havneholmen side of the bridge utilises a<br />

good example of signage, placing the cyclist and walker<br />

signs either side of the bridge clearly indicating and defining<br />

the entrances. (Figure 3.3.37). These signs also require<br />

maintenance, as they are often damaged through<br />

graffiti as you can see in Figure 3.3.38 where the arrow<br />

has been sprayed over.<br />

Figure 3.3.36: Access from Islands Brygge side.<br />

Figure 3.3.39: Graffiti at Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.37: Bryggebro access from Havneholmen.<br />

Figure 3.3.35: Cyclist has wrongly entered into the pedestrian lane.<br />

Figure 3.3.38: Damaged sign.<br />

Figure 3.3.40: Graffiti at Bryggebro.<br />

130 131

Love padlocks are a custom by which sweethearts affix<br />

padlocks to a fence or similar public fixture to symbolise<br />

their love. The most common place of love padlocks<br />

are on the railings of the bridges. It is suggested that the<br />

custom of 'locking a padlock and throwing away the key'<br />

probably originated in China. Many can be seen along<br />

Bryggebro giving the bridge some cultural and artistic<br />

character.<br />

Figure 3.3.41: Love padlocks<br />

Figure 3.3.43: Love padlocks<br />

Figure 3.3.42: Love padlocks<br />

Figure 3.3.44: Love padlocks<br />

Figure 3.3.45: Love padlocks.<br />

132 133


The main intersections and crossings occur at the either<br />

end of the bridge where the bridge meets the rectangular<br />

granite landing which borders a cobblestone road<br />

or a granite tiled surface. The intersections function as<br />

shared-use spaces. The solution brings conflicts between<br />

cyclists and pedestrians. The conflicts are mostly caused<br />

by the higher speed of cyclists when approaching the<br />

shared -use area.<br />


The majority of the problems experienced were in the<br />

accessibility of driving to the bridge and entering it. As<br />

slow moving pedestrians mixed with fast moving cyclists<br />

could create conflicts at the entry and exits (Figure 3.3.48,<br />

3.3.49, 3.3.50).<br />

The entry point of the bridge on both sides is made as a<br />

shared space. The shared spaces include multiple directions<br />

for cyclists and pedestrians (figures from file). The<br />

bridge has been built to let small boats, canoes and the<br />

harbour ferries pass underneath it. This creates a need<br />

for free height underneath the bridge and this has been<br />

resolved by creating a rise from both sides towards the<br />

middle of the bridges. This makes people exiting the<br />

bridge in both directions drive in high speeds from a dedicated<br />

bike lane into the shared spaces at the end of both<br />

sides of the bridge.<br />

This creates situations where cyclists have to react quite<br />

quickly to avoid collisions with other drivers, and makes<br />

pedestrians vunerable to enter and exit the bridge.<br />

Figure 3.3.48: Bryggebro’s access at Islands Brygge side.<br />

Figure 3.3.46: Intersection at Islands Brygge.<br />

Figure 3.3.47: Intersection at Havneholmen<br />

The landing on the Amager side is a shared space on<br />

a field of approximately 7x14 meters paved with granite<br />

tiles. Because of its relatively small size people makes<br />

their turn towards their new direction within the field. Two<br />

directions of dedicated bicycle path on the bridge spreads<br />

to four directions on the small shared space landing. This<br />

creates crossing of cyclists with no indication of where to<br />

drive. On top of that there is a layer of pedestrians entering<br />

and leaving the bridge and strolling along the recreational<br />

grounds of Islands Brygge.<br />

Further than avoiding collisions with other cyclists and pedestrians,<br />

the cyclists also have to read the sign of where<br />

to drive. The signs are not oriented towards the cyclists<br />

from their entrance paths on the Amager side. They are<br />

oriented out in direction of the shared space. When cyclists<br />

has to do a 90 degree turn in only a few meters<br />

while still observing other cyclists, it can be hard to read<br />

the signs at the same time. For most it was not a problem,<br />

probably as a result of having used the facility before,<br />

but for some it resulted in choosing the wrong side of the<br />

bridge and having to drive back.<br />

Figure 3.3.49: Bryggebro’s access at Islands Brygge side.<br />

Figure 3.3.50: Bryggebro’s acces at Islands Brygge side.<br />

134 135

There is a connection between the shared space landing<br />

at the end of the bridge and surrounding bicycle network<br />

in the promenade paved with cobblestone. Two narrow<br />

paths has been inserted into the cobble stone to make it<br />

more accessible for cyclists, but these paths were probably<br />

not designed to handle the amount of flow over bridge.<br />

The cobble stone pavement limits cycling to the two<br />

paved lanes. These two tracks are shared between cyclists,<br />

people with crafts, woman in high heels, disabled<br />

people and the elderly with walkers. Furthermore they<br />

are placed very close to one another making it difficult to<br />

share a path together (Figure 3.3.51).<br />

Cyclists trying to overtake other cyclists on these paths<br />

are forced onto the cobblestones, this creates a bumpy<br />

ride and whilst observing quite a few chains fell off bikes.<br />

When leaving the two narrow paths to enter the connected<br />

bicycle networks, the most commonly used route<br />

is to cross a privately owned parking lot. The parking lot<br />

is paved with gravel stone (Figure 3.3.53). A temporary<br />

asphalt path has been constructed in the middle of the<br />

parking lot to increase the accessibility. People tend to<br />

drive the shortest way across the gravel stone parking<br />

lot when they are leaving from the bridge, while people<br />

approaching the bridge tend to use the asphalt path. That<br />

makes good sense, as the asphalt path is connected to<br />

the bicycle tracks in the facing street.<br />

Figure 3.3.51: Cyclists on the smooth paved lanes.<br />

Figure 3.3.52: Pavement detail fron Islands Brygge side.<br />

When entering the side of Havneholmen there is a choice<br />

of two routes to go on from (Figure 3.3.54 and 3.3.55). A<br />

route around Fisketorvet shopping center on a municipal<br />

road and a route passing by in front of it in private land. A<br />

lot of people are using the road in front of Fisketorvet as<br />

a shortcut through the site even though the path brings a<br />

series of obstacles. The shortcut is paved with stones and<br />

shared with pedestrians. On the way it has two 90-degree<br />

turns. With no directions or marked roadways, the cyclists<br />

have to be careful not to collide with other cyclists or pedestrians.<br />

The shortcut ends in a staircase connecting Havneholmen<br />

to Dybbølsbro (Figure 3.3.54). In a counting conducted on<br />

the municipality of Copenhagen on Monday September<br />

7th of September 2009 they found that 3208 would drag<br />

their bicycles up and down the stairs. The study does not<br />

include how many of these people actually travel over the<br />

bridge, but we assume that this was the purpose for the<br />

majority of the bikers based on our observations.<br />

The other route around Fisketorvet is around 800 metres<br />

long compared to the shortcuts around 300 metres (Figure<br />

3.3.55). That is approximately 2 minutes extra when<br />

travelling at 16km/h, but this is relative as the cyclist has<br />

to ride up a 250 metre slope to reach same destination<br />

as you would reach when using the stairs. This physical<br />

challenge could be the reason why so many are willing<br />

to step off their bikes and drag them up the stairs (Figure<br />

3.3.54 and 3.3.55).<br />

Figure 3.3.54: <strong>Bike</strong> route linking to the staircases.<br />

Figure 3.3.55: Longer bike route avoiding staircases.<br />

For people traveling in southern direction this route easy<br />

to use, but for people traveling the same destinations that<br />

the shortcut is fitted for it makes. The route is on proper<br />

road with asphalt pavement. It has green grass and trees<br />

under way and great view conditions. The road is constructed<br />

to be a distribution road for buildings in Havneholmen.<br />

Cargo bikes are forced to take this route, as they<br />

are not suited for dragging up and down stairs (Figure<br />

3.3.57 and 3.3.58).<br />

Figure 3.3.53: Privately owned parking lot.<br />

136 137

On the Havneholmen side of the bridge there is a granite<br />

tiled area in front of a cooperate headquarters. The<br />

area is privately owned with the entrance to the bridge<br />

being privately funded (Figure 3.3.56). This solution could<br />

indicate that a higher emphasis has been set on aesthetics<br />

for its own headquarter than on creating good bicycle<br />

conditions.<br />

The bicycle path indicates that there is only one way out<br />

of the area one leading to the commercial co financer of<br />

the bridge and the shopping center Fisketorvet. People<br />

driving to the road around Fisketorvet has to cross this<br />

main flow with no indication of direction marked or entrance<br />

points.<br />

Figure 3.3.56: Bryggebro entering from the Havneholmen side.<br />


The surrounding areas of Bryggebro includes a mixture of<br />

residential and commercial buildings. The Islands Brygge<br />

mostly residential side comprises of mostly urban living<br />

with some commercial buildings. However the Havneholmen<br />

side is residential and commercial comprising<br />

of mostly commercial buildings and Dybbølsbro which is<br />

one of the main train stations in the core of the city (Figure<br />

3.3.59).<br />

Figure 3.3.57: Foot bridge to make the trip shorter.<br />

Figure 3.3.58: Cyclists pushing their bikes up the stairs.<br />

Figure 3.3.59: Built environment surrounding Bryggebro on the Islands Brygge side.<br />

138 139

Total number of cyclists in a day in September from 2006 to 2010<br />

8000<br />

6000<br />

Total number of cyclists per hour in a day in September from 2006 to 2010<br />

2006<br />

2007<br />

1200<br />

2008<br />

2009<br />

2010<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

4000<br />

600<br />



1200<br />

2000<br />

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010<br />

400<br />

200<br />

6-7<br />

7-8<br />

8-9 9-10 11-12<br />

10-11 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

7-8<br />

8-9<br />

9-10 10-11 11-12<br />

12-13<br />

13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17<br />

17-18 18-19<br />

HOURS<br />

7-8<br />

8-9<br />

13-14<br />

700 bikes 1190 bikes 350 bikes<br />

16-17<br />

18-19<br />

1150 bikes 500 bikes<br />

Figure 3.3.60: Cyclist countings. Source: Copenhagen Municipality.<br />

140 141


The web survey analysis is divided in four sections. Firstly,<br />

main findings are presented. The second section describes<br />

the spatial distribution of the residential location<br />

of the respondents. Thirdly, a descriptive statistic to analyze<br />

all the answers. In search of finding relationships between<br />

socio-demographic variables and the web survey<br />

answers, the last section presents a statistical analysis<br />

using the Chi2 test.<br />

A total of 290 individuals that were riding a bike at Bryggebro<br />

on the 1st of September answered the questionnaire<br />

in the period between September 1st and October 31st.<br />

Based on the count done in Copenhagen municipality in<br />

September 2009, there are an average of 7352 bicycle<br />

trips at Bryggebro from 7am until 7pm from both directions<br />

on weekdays. Estimating that 35% of these cyclists<br />

ride their bikes at least once per day in the infrastructure,<br />

it was stipulated that a total of 4778 individuals ride a bike<br />

at Bryggebro per day.<br />

A total of 3020 flyers were distributed to individuals riding<br />

their bikes in the infrastructure from 7am until 7pm and<br />

from these a total of 290 answered the questionnaire.<br />

Based on these figures, the respondents represents<br />

6,06% of the total of individuals riding a bike per day in<br />

the infrastructure and 9,60% of individuals that collected<br />

the flyer on September 1st whilst riding a bike in the infrastructure.<br />


In conclusion the data from the survey reveals a picture of<br />

Bryggebro as a piece of infrastructure used by the majority<br />

of the cyclists for commuting to work (69%) and to study<br />

(8%). However, the main purpose of the trips from the left<br />

23% is very diverse (19% shopping, 3% recreational, 6%<br />

visiting family and friends and 4% others). The figures are<br />

directly connected to the built environment were the infrastructure<br />

is located – a main streets in a residential based<br />

neighborhood next to the city core.<br />

After the Chi2 test was applied, the results highlight that<br />

most of the answers do not have a relation with socio-demographic<br />

conditions. However, some representative relations<br />

between the independent variables – gender, age<br />

and educational level – and the questionnaire answers<br />

were identified.<br />

There is a relation between the main trip purpose when<br />

riding a bike at Bryggebro and age and educational level.<br />

The impact of the opening of Bryggebro in the individuals<br />

decision to ride a bike more often has also a relation<br />

educational level. Finally, educational level also seems to<br />

have a relation with the individuals` answers on regards<br />

their opinion about conflicts between the different transportation<br />

modes in the infrastructure.<br />

Finally, there is a relation between gender and individuals`s<br />

opinion about the lack of awareness of pedestrians for cyclists<br />

in the infrastructure.<br />

The following section provides the actual data for each of<br />

the questions asked.<br />



The residential addresses of the respondents – individuals<br />

riding a bike at Bryggebro on September 1 – were<br />

registered and geo-referenced in order to produce a map<br />

(see Figures 3.3.60 and 3.3.61). According to the Table<br />

3.3.1, the majority of the respondents (59,7%) live within<br />

a radius of 2 kilometres and 90% of them living within 5<br />

kilometres distance from the infrastructure.<br />

Respondents living more than 5 kilometers from the infrastructure<br />

correspond to 10% of the total and from this<br />

amount 30% are living more than 10 kilometres away of<br />

the infrastructure.<br />

0-1 KM 1-2 KM 2-3 KM 3-4 KM 4-5 KM 5-10 KM 10-15 15-20 20 KM<<br />

KM KM<br />

NO. DWELLINGS 95 78 43 29 16 19 5 4 1<br />

% DWELLINGS 32,8% 26,9% 14,8% 10,0% 5,5% 6,6% 1,7% 1,4% 0,3%<br />

Table 3.3.1: Absolute and percentage distribution of respondents according to the distance of their residential location from Bryggebro.<br />

142 143

10 km<br />

30 km<br />

5 km<br />

20 km<br />

4 km<br />

15 km<br />

3 km<br />

10 km<br />

2 km<br />

1 km<br />

5 km<br />

N<br />

N<br />

Figure 3.3.61: Spatial distribution of the respondents according to their residential location – 5km map.<br />

Figure 3.3.62: Spatial distribution of the respondents according to their residential location – 20km<br />

144 145


AGE<br />

35%<br />

AGE<br />


50%<br />




70%<br />





1% 1% 1%<br />

56%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

45%<br />

40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

28%<br />

13%<br />

No answer<br />

More rarely<br />

Not as often<br />

Just as often as before<br />

More often<br />

Much more often<br />

0%<br />

NO<br />

ANSWER<br />

00 - 10<br />

YEARS<br />

11 - 20<br />

YEARS<br />

21 - 30<br />

YEARS<br />

31 - 40<br />

YEARS<br />

Figure 3.3.63: Distribution of the respondents by age groups.<br />

41 - 50<br />

YEARS<br />

51 - 60<br />

YEARS<br />

61 - 70<br />

YEARS<br />

0%<br />


PUBLIC<br />

SCHOOL<br />



HIGH<br />

SCHOOL<br />

SHORT<br />

HIGHER<br />


Figure 3.3.65: Distribution of the respondents by educational level.<br />

MEDIUM<br />

HIGHER<br />


LONG<br />

HIGHER<br />


0%<br />


WEEK<br />

5 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS OF 1-3 DAYS OF<br />


MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

Figure 3.3.67: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they walk at Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.69: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they ride a bike in<br />

Bryggebro for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.3.68 after Bryggebro’s<br />

opening.<br />

The majority of the respondents at Bryggebro are between<br />

31-40 years old (32%), followed closely by respondents<br />

aged 21-30 (24%) and aged 41-50 (21%). Older respondents<br />

ranged from 51-60 years old (14%) and 61-70<br />

years old (5%). Younger respondents were aged between<br />

11-20 (2%). There were no respondents aged between<br />

0-10 years old. 2% of the respondents gave no answer.<br />

A large majority of respondents answered that they have<br />

attended a high education, for either a long high education<br />

(46%) or medium high education (31%). 8% of the<br />

respondents answered that they had attended a higher<br />

education for a short amount of time, and another 7% of<br />

respondents answered they had a vocational education.<br />

3% had receiving a public school education. 1% of the respondents<br />

gave no answer. Bryggebro’ cyclists therefore<br />

seems to be commuting to jobs that require a high level<br />

of education.<br />

Respondents were asked how often they walk at Bryggebro<br />

without bike. A majority of respondents answered less<br />

than once per month (59%). 22% walked on Bryggebro<br />

1-3 days a month, 9% answered 1-2 days a week, 7%<br />

answered 3-4 days a week. Finally, 2% stated that they<br />

walked across the bridge 6-7 days a week. This data<br />

highlights that most of Bryggebro’s cyclists do not use the<br />

site for walking.<br />

Respondents were asked how often they use their bikes<br />

for the purpose in the previous question after Bryggebro’s<br />

opening. 56 % of the respondents answered just as often<br />

as before. Notably 29% of respondents stated that they<br />

bike for that purpose much more often than before and<br />

13% said more often than before. Only 2 % answered<br />

to travel less often or much less often 1 % of the respondents<br />

gave no answer. This data indicates that Bryggebro<br />

has had an impact on the amount of travelers, and<br />

has generated more bike trips, proving the latent demand<br />

of the bridge. .<br />

GENDER<br />

1%<br />

GENDER<br />


45%<br />

40%<br />




1%<br />




2%<br />

50%<br />

49%<br />


MAN<br />

WOMEN<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

3%<br />

6%<br />

9%<br />

8% 4%<br />






56%<br />

8%<br />

1% 4%<br />

29%<br />






5%<br />

0%<br />


WEEK<br />

5 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS OF 1-3 DAYS OF<br />


MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

69%<br />



OTHERS<br />


Figure 3.3.64: Distribution of the respondents by gender.<br />

Figure 3.3.66: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they ride a bicycle at<br />

Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.68: Distribution of the respondents by main trip purpose when riding a bike<br />

in Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.70: Distribution of the respondents by the level of satisfaction with Bryggebro’s<br />

design.<br />

When asked about their gender, 50% of the respondents<br />

were women and 49% were men, with 1% giving no answer.<br />

When asked how often they ride a bike at the site, a majority<br />

of the respondents said that they use the bridge 5<br />

days per week (39%). 19% used the site 6-7 days per<br />

week, 18% said 3-4 days per week, 10% said 1-2 days<br />

per week and 8% said 1-3 days per month. Finally, 4%<br />

answered that they ride a bike at the site less than once<br />

per month. 2% of the respondents did not answers.<br />

When asked for what purpose the respondents use<br />

Bryggebro, 69% answered they use the infrastructure<br />

for commuting to and from work. 9% use Bryggebro for<br />

shopping, 8% use it to commute to school, 6% answered<br />

to see friends or family, 3% for recreation, 4% said other<br />

purposes. 1% of the respondents gave no answer. This<br />

figure again solidifies Bryggebro’s purpose as infrastructure<br />

mostly used for commuting.<br />

When asked how satisfied they were with Bryggebro,<br />

56% responded to be very satisfied with the infrastructure.<br />

29% stated to be satisfied, and 4% were neutral.<br />

Of the rest, 1% said they were dissatisfied and 8% said<br />

they were very dissatisfied. 2% of the respondents gave<br />

no answer. This figure shows that most cyclists appreciate<br />

Bryggebro, but there are a few users who have major<br />

concerns with the design.<br />

146 147


70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />


BEAUTY<br />

70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />








PATHS,<br />


MODES<br />

1%<br />

9%<br />

12%<br />

35%<br />






2%<br />

7% 4%<br />

9%<br />




20%<br />

10%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

15%<br />




16%<br />

62%<br />




0%<br />


Figure 3.3.71: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

the Bryggebro`s design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

0%<br />


-10%<br />

Figure 3.3.73: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

the Bryggebro`s design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

28%<br />

Figure 3.3.75: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the conflict between different transport modes at Bryggebro’s accesses.<br />

Figure 3.3.77: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the pavement at Bryggebro.<br />

Users were asked about the quality regarding the safety<br />

needs of the infrastructure. A majority of respondents answered<br />

that the design did a good job (49%) and 23%<br />

thought it did a very good job. 16% were neutral on the<br />

issue. 10% stated that it did a bad job and only 1% said<br />

the safety was very bad. 1% of the respondents gave no<br />

answer. These responses appear to say that while users<br />

are satisfied with the design of Bryggebro, the safety<br />

could only be better to a small degree.<br />

When asked about the beauty of Bryggebro’s design, the<br />

majority of respondents stated that it either did a very<br />

good (36%) or a good job (46%). 13% answered they<br />

were neutral on the design. Few of the respondents said<br />

it did poorly (2%), very poorly (1%). And 1% of the respondents<br />

gave no answer in regards to beauty. This figure<br />

indicates that users do notice the design of the bridge,<br />

and believe it adds to the cityscape.<br />

The responses covered a wide range. 35% of the respondents<br />

answered that it was not a problematic. However,<br />

28% stated it was a bit problematic, 15% claimed it was<br />

problematic, 12% said it was quite a problem, and 9%<br />

responded that it was a major problem. 1% of the respondents<br />

gave no answer. This range shows that the shared<br />

sidewalks can be a confusing space, and the majority of<br />

respondents see it as somewhat problematic.<br />

When asked whether they thought surface issues like potholes<br />

were a problem at Bryggebro, 62% of the responses<br />

said it was not a problem. 16% stated that it was a<br />

small problem, 9% claimed it was problematic, 7% said it<br />

was quite a problem, and 4% responded that it was a major<br />

problem. 2% of the respondents gave no answer. This<br />

figure shows that cyclists are satisfied with the pavement<br />

material from Bryggebro and the infrastructure has been<br />

well maintained, but conditions will have to be monitored<br />

as the structure ages.<br />


70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />



Figure 3.3.72: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

the Bryggebro`s design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />



7%<br />

1% 1%<br />

3%<br />

86%<br />

2%<br />







Figure 3.3.74: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at Bryggebro.<br />


10%<br />

10%<br />

24%<br />

5%<br />

2%<br />


49%<br />







Figure 3.3.76: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of obstacles against cyclists at Bryggebro.<br />



2%<br />

11%<br />

12%<br />

11%<br />

25%<br />

39%<br />







Figure 3.3.78: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic the existence of cracks in ramps and intersections is at Bryggebro.<br />

Respondents were asked if they thought the design of<br />

Bryggebro was facilitating as a fast connections, and the<br />

majority responded that it did a very good (59%) or a good<br />

job (32%). 4% respondents were neutral on the issue.<br />

Very few stated that it did a bad job (3%) or a very bad<br />

(1%). 1% of the respondents gave no answer. From this<br />

figure, it is clear that Bryggebro does a good job of facilitating<br />

fast connections across the harbour.<br />

Users were asked if they thought that illegally parked bicycles<br />

were a problem at Bryggebro. A majority of respondents<br />

(86%) said that they were not a problem. On<br />

the other hand, 7% said it was a small problem, 3% said<br />

it was problematic, 1% said it was quite problematic, and<br />

1% said it was very problematic. 2% of the respondents<br />

gave no answer. This figure shows that the design mitigate<br />

the problems with illegally parked bicycles.<br />

Respondents were asked whether they thought obstacles<br />

at Bryggebro were an issue. The responses again covered<br />

a wide range, with the largest percentage of respondents<br />

(49%) saying it was not a problem. 24% stated that<br />

is was a small problem, 10% claimed it was problematic,<br />

10% said it was quite a problem, and 5% responded that it<br />

was a major problem. 2% of the respondents gave no answer.<br />

This figure shows that 48% of users see obstacles<br />

as being an issue to some degree at Bryggebro.<br />

Users were asked whether they thought cracks were a<br />

problem in ramps and intersections. 39% of the responses<br />

said it was not a problem at Bryggebro. 25% thought<br />

that it was a small problem, 12% claimed it was problematic,<br />

11% said it was quite a problem, and another<br />

11% responded that this was a major problem. 2% of the<br />

respondents gave no answer. These results show that<br />

cracks in ramps and intersections are a concern for the<br />

majority of users of Bryggebro, one that could be fixed<br />

with maintenance.<br />

148 149




13%<br />

8%<br />

30%<br />

5%<br />

3%<br />

3% 2%<br />

41%<br />








Figure 3.3.79: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about<br />

how problematic is the lack of awareness of pedestrians for people riding a bike at<br />

Bryggebro.<br />

Respondents were asked whether they thought lack of<br />

awareness of pedestrians for cyclists was an issue. A<br />

majority of respondents thought it was not a problem<br />

(41%) or it was a small problem (30%). 13% stated it<br />

was problematic, 8% said it was quite a problem, and 5%<br />

responded that this was a major problem. 3% of the respondents<br />

gave no answer. This figure shows that for the<br />

majority of users lack of awareness by other users was<br />

somewhat of an issue.<br />


SCENIC<br />

23%<br />

8%<br />

5%<br />

3% 2%<br />

2%<br />


59%<br />







Figure 3.3.81: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the scenic at Bryggebro.<br />

When asked whether they thought poor scenic landscaping<br />

was an issue at Bryggebro, 59% of the responses<br />

said it was not a problem. However, 23% said it was a<br />

small problem, 8% stated it was problematic, 5% said it<br />

was quite a problem, and 3% responded that this was a<br />

major problem. 2% of the respondents gave no answer.<br />

The figure shows a great coherence with previous question<br />

of poor signposting and interpretation.<br />







45%<br />

40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

SAFETY<br />












Figure 3.3.83: Among the respondents that said yes in the previous question (Figure<br />

3.3.82), what qualities has influenced their choice to ride a bike more often after the<br />

opening of Bryggebro. The respondents could choice more than one option.<br />

Respondents were asked what aspect of the intervention<br />

make them ride their bike more often, the largest portion<br />

of users stated that faster connections (41%) made the<br />

largest impact. 13% responded saying fast bicycle lanes<br />

made them ride more often, and 9% stated attractive<br />

landscaping made an impact for them. 34 stated they<br />

ride more often at Bryggebro because the pleasant experience<br />

and 4% replied wide bike lanes made the difference<br />

for them. From this data the most important factors<br />

that influenced the amount users ride was the faster trips<br />

that resulted from the infrastructure.<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

45%<br />



BIK E?<br />






VERY<br />



Figure 3.3.84: Distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the importance<br />

of street design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to<br />

ride a bike.<br />

Users were asked, how important is street design in your<br />

decision to ride your bicycle. The largest portion of respondents<br />

answered saying that street design was important<br />

(33%), 29% were neutral on the issue, 20% said<br />

it was not important, and 11% said it was not important<br />

at all. Only 17% respondents stated that it was a very<br />

important factor for them. This figure shows that while<br />

streetscapes are not a critical factor in bicycle use, they<br />

are still important and noticed by users.<br />




L IGHTING, ETC.)?<br />

23%<br />

8%<br />

5%<br />

59%<br />







68%<br />

30%<br />


YES<br />

NO<br />

40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />


Figure 3.3.80: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is signposting and its interpretation at Bryggebro.<br />

When asked whether poor signage was an issue at<br />

Bryggebro, 59% of the responses said it was not a problem.<br />

On the other hand, 23% said it was a small problem,<br />

8% stated it was problematic, 5% said it was quite a problem,<br />

and 3% responded that this was a major problem.<br />

2% of the respondents gave no answer.<br />

Figure 3.3.82: Distribution of the respondents based on starting to ride a bike more<br />

often, or not, after the opening of Bryggebro.<br />

When asked whether they bike more often after Bryggebro<br />

opened, 68% said they have not biked more often.<br />

However, 30% of the respondents said that they were biking<br />

more often after the bridge opened. 2% of the respondents<br />

gave no answer. This figure shows that Bryggebro<br />

has increased ridership for a third of all users. This is evidence<br />

of a strong impact dedicated cycling facilities that<br />

enhance fast connectivity can have on trip generation.<br />

Figure 3.3.85: Distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the street<br />

design solutions (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Bryggebro.<br />

When asked for their opinion on the design solution applied<br />

to Bryggebro, most respondents replied that it was<br />

a good solution (42%) or that they were neutral on the<br />

issue (36%). 11% believed it was a very good design<br />

solution. On ther other hand, 7% thought it was poor and<br />

4% responded very poor. 1% of the respondents gave no<br />

answer.<br />

150 151



The Chi2 test was applied to identify possible relations between the socio-demographics (independent variables) of the<br />

sample and their answers from the web survey (dependable variables). Considering the nature of the studied variables<br />

– the majority of them are nominal – the Chi2 test was selected to this analysis.<br />

The Chi2 test is about finding out if there is a connection between the variables. It is about testing the nul hypothesis.<br />

H0 says that the variables are statistic independent and HA says the variables are statistic dependent. To the test we<br />

set a α-level at 0,05. In the case of the p-value is under that, we can’t reject the nul hypothesis.<br />


6-7 DAYS/ 5 DAYS/ 3-4 DAYS/ 1-2 DAYS/ 1-3 DAYS/ MORE<br />


TOTAL<br />

MALE 2 1 8 12 24 9 139<br />

FEMALE 3 0 11 14 37 78 143<br />

TOTAL 2 1 19 26 61 170 282<br />

Table 3.3.5: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they walk at Bryggebro<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.5, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 5,695 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing values<br />

are 8. The P value is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


6-7 DAYS/ 5 DAYS/ 3-4 DAYS/ 1-2 DAYS/ 1-3 DAYS/ MORE<br />

WEEK<br />


TOTAL<br />

MALE 27 53 24 15 12 7 138<br />

FEMALE 26 57 28 14 12 4 141<br />

TOTAL 53 110 52 29 24 11 279<br />

Table 3.3.2: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they ride a bicycle at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.2, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 1,293 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing values<br />

are 11. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

6-7<br />

DAYS-<br />

/WEEK<br />

5 DAYS-<br />

/WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS<br />

/WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS<br />

/WEEK<br />

1-3<br />

DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 0 2 2 2 2 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 1 0 1 1 7 10 20<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 0 0 2 1 1 8 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 0 0 2 3 5 13 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 2 0 2 10 18 58 90<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 2 1 10 9 28 80 130<br />

TOTAL 5 1 19 26 61 171 283<br />

Table 3.3.6: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they walk at Bryggebro<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.6, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 21,379 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 3 1 1 1 1 1 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 6 8 3 2 1 0 20<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 4 3 3 1 0 1 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 4 11 4 1 0 3 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 16 36 13 8 12 5 90<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 21 51 28 16 10 1 127<br />

TOTAL 54 110 52 29 24 11 280<br />

Table 3.3.3: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they ride a bicycle at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.3, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 28,344 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

6-7<br />

DAYS/ WEEK<br />

5<br />

DAYS/ WEEK<br />

3-4<br />

DAYS/ WEEK<br />

1-2<br />

DAYS/ WEEK<br />

1-3<br />

DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 0 0 1 1 1 3 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 2 0 5 4 16 40 67<br />

31-40 YEARS 2 0 5 11 24 51 93<br />

41-50 YEARS 1 1 3 3 11 43 62<br />

51-60 YEARS 0 0 3 5 2 29 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 0 0 2 2 5 5 14<br />

TOTAL 5 1 19 26 59 171 281<br />

Table 3.3.7: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they walk at Bryggebro<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.7, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 23,805 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

6-7 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

5 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS/<br />

WEEK<br />

1-3 DAYS/<br />

MONTHS<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 1 1 1 1 1 1 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 14 21 19 5 3 2 64<br />

31-40 YEARS 15 41 16 14 5 3 94<br />

41-50 YEARS 11 27 8 5 8 2 61<br />

51-60 YEARS 8 13 4 4 7 2 38<br />

61-90 YEARS 4 6 4 0 0 1 15<br />

TOTAL 53 109 52 29 24 11 278<br />

Table 3.3.4: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they ride a bicycle at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.4, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 28,288 with a degree of freedom (df) 25 and the missing<br />

values are 12. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

WORK<br />



VISIT<br />

FAMILY /<br />



/ SHOPPING<br />

TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

SCHOOL<br />

OTHERS<br />

MALE 104 4 4 13 7 7 139<br />

FEMALE 92 5 14 13 16 4 144<br />

TOTAL 196 9 18 26 23 11 283<br />

Table 3.3.8: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the main trip purpose when riding a bike in Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.8, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 10,656 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

152 153

TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

WORK<br />

RECREA-<br />

TION/<br />


VISIT<br />

FAMILY/<br />


PURCHA-<br />

SING/<br />


TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

SCHOOL<br />

OTHERS<br />

TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 4 1 0 2 0 1 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 17 2 0 0 0 1 20<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 6 1 0 1 4 0 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 19 0 1 3 0 0 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 58 4 6 13 4 5 90<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 92 1 11 8 15 4 131<br />

TOTAL 196 9 18 27 23 11 284<br />

Table 3.3.9: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the main trip purpose when riding a bike in Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.9, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 10,656 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

WORK<br />

RECREA-<br />

TION/<br />


VISIT<br />

FAMILY/<br />


PURCHA-<br />

SING/<br />


TRANS. TO<br />

AND FROM<br />

SCHOOL<br />

OTHERS<br />

TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 0 1 0 1 3 1 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 39 1 8 3 15 0 66<br />

31-40 YEARS 70 2 4 12 4 2 94<br />

41-50 YEARS 53 1 3 2 0 3 62<br />

51-60 YEARS 27 2 2 5 1 2 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 5 2 1 4 0 3 15<br />

TOTAL 194 9 18 27 23 11 282<br />

Table 3.3.10: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the main trip purpose when riding a bike in Bryggebro<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.10, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 91,975 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is less than 0,001. Therefore, the variables are very dependent.<br />



JUST AS<br />

OFTEN AS<br />

BEFORE<br />



OFTEN<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.14, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 3,259 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 1 0 4 0 1 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 0 1 39 12 15 67<br />

31-40 YEARS 0 1 53 8 31 93<br />

41-50 YEARS 1 0 35 5 21 62<br />

51-60 YEARS 1 0 19 8 11 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 0 0 9 3 3 15<br />

TOTAL 3 2 159 36 82 282<br />

Table 3.3.13: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they ride a bike in Bryggebro for the main purpose<br />

mentioned in the Table 3.3.68, after the intervention in Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.13, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 28,606 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. is between 0,100 and 0,050, but very close to 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />



JUST AS<br />



OFTEN<br />

BEFORE<br />

TOTAL<br />

MALE 2 1 85 19 32 139<br />

FEMALE 1 1 75 17 50 144<br />

TOTAL 3 2 160 36 82 283<br />

Table 3.3.14: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the level of satisfaction with the design of Bryggebro.<br />




JUST AS<br />

OFTEN AS<br />

BEFORE<br />



OFTEN<br />

MALE 2 1 85 19 32 139<br />

FEMALE 1 1 75 17 50 144<br />

TOTAL 3 2 160 36 82 283<br />

Table 3.3.11: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they ride a bike in Bryggebro for the main purpose mentioned<br />

in the Table 3.3.68, after the intervention in Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.11, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 4,934 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

VERY DIS- DIS-<br />



PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 0 0 0 8 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 2 1 0 5 11 19<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 3 0 0 2 7 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 0 0 2 8 12 22<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 8 1 3 30 48 90<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 9 2 5 38 77 131<br />

TOTAL 22 4 10 83 163 282<br />

Table 3.3.15: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the level of satisfaction with the design of Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.15, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 20,081 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

NOT AS<br />

OFTEN<br />

JUST AS<br />

OFTEN AS<br />

BEFORE<br />



OFTEN<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 0 4 0 3 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 0 0 9 1 9 19<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 0 0 5 2 5 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 1 0 18 1 3 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 0 1 48 13 29 91<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 1 1 76 19 34 131<br />

TOTAL 3 2 160 36 83 284<br />

Table 3.3.12: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they ride a bike in Bryggebro for the main purpose<br />

mentioned in the Table 3.3.68, after the intervention in Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.12, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 26,838 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 6. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

VERY<br />



01-20 YEARS 0 0 0 0 6 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 5 1 3 25 32 66<br />

31-40 YEARS 10 1 1 28 54 94<br />

41-50 YEARS 3 2 3 17 36 61<br />

51-60 YEARS 2 0 3 10 24 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 2 0 0 3 9 14<br />

TOTAL 22 4 10 83 161 280<br />

Table 3.3.16: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the level of satisfaction with the design of Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.16, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 17,233 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

154 155



MALE 3 14 18 69 36 140<br />

FEMALE 0 14 29 69 31 143<br />

TOTAL 3 28 47 138 67 283<br />

Table 3.3.17: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro`s design fulfilled the cyclist safety<br />

aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.17, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 5,916 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 0 0 1 7 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 2 0 0 4 13 19<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 0 1 1 3 7 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 0 0 1 10 12 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 0 2 5 28 56 91<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 1 5 5 48 72 131<br />

TOTAL 3 8 12 94 167 284<br />

Table 3.3.21: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro`s design fulfilled the fast<br />

connectivity.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.21, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 28,493 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 6. P is between 0,100 and 0,050, but very close to 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 0 1 3 4 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 0 3 5 7 4 19<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 0 1 2 5 4 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 1 2 5 11 4 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 1 12 17 42 19 91<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 1 10 17 71 32 131<br />

TOTAL 3 28 47 139 67 284<br />

Table 3.3.18: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro`s design fulfilled the<br />

cyclist safety aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.18, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 14,293 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 6. P is bigger than 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


01-20 YEARS 0 0 0 2 4 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 1 3 5 21 37 67<br />

31-40 YEARS 2 2 4 33 53 94<br />

41-50 YEARS 0 1 2 25 33 61<br />

51-60 YEARS 0 2 1 10 26 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 0 0 0 2 13 15<br />

TOTAL 3 8 12 93 166 282<br />

Table 3.3.22: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro`s design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.22, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 14,424 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


01-20 YEARS 0 0 0 4 2 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 1 8 10 30 18 67<br />

31-40 YEARS 1 10 15 48 20 94<br />

41-50 YEARS 1 4 13 29 14 61<br />

51-60 YEARS 0 3 7 22 7 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 0 3 2 6 4 15<br />

TOTAL 3 28 47 139 65 282<br />

Table 3.3.19: Distribution of the respondents by age group according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro`s design fulfilled the cyclist<br />

safety aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.19, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 9,124 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />



MALE 1 3 22 63 50 139<br />

FEMALE 1 3 15 70 54 143<br />

TOTAL 2 6 37 133 104 282<br />

Table 3.3.23: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro`s design fulfilled the aesthetics<br />

aspect.<br />

Out of the Table3.3.23, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 1,790 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing values<br />

are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


TIVITY<br />


MALE 0 4 4 45 87 140<br />

FEMALE 3 4 8 48 80 143<br />

TOTAL 3 8 12 93 167 283<br />

Table 3.3.20: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro`s design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.20, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 4,692 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 0 3 3 2 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 0 0 3 9 7 19<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 1 0 2 4 5 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 0 1 1 14 7 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 0 3 13 44 30 90<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 1 2 16 59 53 131<br />

TOTAL 2 6 38 133 104 283<br />

Table 3.3.24: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro`s design fulfilled the<br />

aesthetics aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.24, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 21,483 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

156 157


01-20 YEARS 0 0 2 2 2 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 2 0 6 31 28 67<br />

31-40 YEARS 0 1 20 45 28 94<br />

41-50 YEARS 0 2 5 34 20 61<br />

51-60 YEARS 0 3 4 14 18 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 0 0 1 7 6 14<br />

TOTAL 2 6 38 133 102 281<br />

Table 3.3.25: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro`s design fulfilled the aesthetics<br />

aspect.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.25, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 29,093 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />





MALE 56 37 20 12 13 138<br />

FEMALE 44 44 21 23 12 144<br />

TOTAL 100 81 41 35 25 282<br />

Table 3.3.29: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the conflict between different<br />

transport modes at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.29, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 5,441 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing values<br />

are 8. P is between 0,250 and 0,100, but very close to 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />





MALE 123 12 2 1 1 139<br />

FEMALE 124 8 6 1 3 142<br />

TOTAL 247 20 8 2 4 281<br />

Table 3.3.26: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.26, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 3,772 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 2 6 0 0 0 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 7 4 5 1 1 18<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 4 2 5 1 0 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 8 6 1 6 2 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 37 24 13 6 11 91<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 43 39 17 21 11 131<br />

TOTAL 101 81 41 35 25 283<br />

Table 3.3.30: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the conflict between different<br />

transport modes at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.30, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 32,020 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is between 0,050 and 0,025. Therefore, the variables are dependent<br />

TOTAL<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 7 0 1 0 0 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 15 3 1 0 0 19<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 10 2 0 0 0 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 21 1 0 0 1 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 77 9 4 1 0 91<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 177 5 2 2 3 129<br />

TOTAL 247 20 8 3 4 282<br />

Table 3.3.27: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic illegal parking of bicycles is<br />

at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.27, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 18,216 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 3 2 1 0 0 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 20 23 9 8 7 67<br />

31-40 YEARS 38 27 8 14 6 93<br />

41-50 YEARS 23 17 14 3 5 62<br />

51-60 YEARS 9 11 5 10 4 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 7 1 3 0 3 14<br />

TOTAL 100 81 40 35 25 281<br />

Table 3.3.31: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the conflict between different<br />

transport modes at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.31, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 23,805 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is between 0,250 and 0,100, but very close to 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 5 1 0 0 0 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 57 6 2 0 2 67<br />

31-40 YEARS 87 2 2 1 1 93<br />

41-50 YEARS 55 5 1 1 0 62<br />

51-60 YEARS 29 6 2 0 1 38<br />

61-90 YEARS 12 0 1 1 0 14<br />

TOTAL 245 20 8 3 4 280<br />

Table 3.3.28: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at<br />

Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.28, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 21,664 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

MALE 74 28 16 14 7 139<br />

FEMALE 66 42 11 14 9 142<br />

TOTAL 140 70 27 28 16 281<br />

Table 3.3.32: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the existence of obstacles against<br />

the cyclists at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.32, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 4,402 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

158 159


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 4 4 0 0 0 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 8 5 4 0 2 19<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 7 4 1 0 0 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 12 3 2 2 3 22<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 43 27 6 11 3 90<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 67 27 14 15 8 131<br />

TOTAL 141 70 27 28 16 282<br />

Table 3.3.33: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the existence of obstacles<br />

against the cyclists at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.33, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 20,378 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 3 2 1 0 0 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 38 12 6 7 3 66<br />

31-40 YEARS 68 8 9 4 3 92<br />

41-50 YEARS 39 11 7 3 2 62<br />

51-60 YEARS 21 9 2 3 3 38<br />

61-90 YEARS 7 2 2 2 1 14<br />

TOTAL 176 44 27 19 12 278<br />

Table 3.3.37 Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the pavement at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.37, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 16,722 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 12. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 3 3 0 0 0 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 25 17 10 10 5 67<br />

31-40 YEARS 52 17 10 10 4 93<br />

41-50 YEARS 35 16 4 3 3 61<br />

51-60 YEARS 19 13 2 3 2 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 5 4 1 2 2 14<br />

TOTAL 139 70 27 28 16 280<br />

Table 3.3.34: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the existence of obstacles<br />

against the cyclists at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.34, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 19,842 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

MALE 56 37 16 14 14 137<br />

FEMALE 57 33 18 17 19 144<br />

TOTAL 113 70 34 31 33 281<br />

Table 3.3.38: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the existence of cracks in ramps<br />

and intersectios is at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.38, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 1,229 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />





MALE 88 21 13 11 6 139<br />

FEMALE 89 23 14 8 6 140<br />

TOTAL 177 44 27 19 12 279<br />

Table 3.3.35: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the pavement at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.35, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 0,604 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 11. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 4 3 1 0 0 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 4 7 5 3 0 19<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 6 4 1 0 1 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 8 3 4 4 4 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 42 17 12 9 11 91<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 49 37 11 15 17 129<br />

TOTAL 113 71 34 31 33 282<br />

Table 3.3.39: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the existence of cracks in<br />

ramps and intersections is at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.39, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 21,754 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 5 2 1 0 0 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 14 2 3 0 0 19<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 9 1 1 1 0 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 12 4 3 0 3 22<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 56 14 8 7 3 88<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 82 21 11 11 6 131<br />

TOTAL 178 44 27 19 12 280<br />

Table 3.3.36: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the pavement at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.36, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 13,957 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 2 4 0 0 0 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 20 20 5 10 10 65<br />

31-40 YEARS 48 14 15 8 9 94<br />

41-50 YEARS 25 17 7 8 5 62<br />

51-60 YEARS 13 12 6 2 5 38<br />

61-90 YEARS 4 3 1 3 4 15<br />

TOTAL 112 70 34 31 33 280<br />

Table 3.3.40: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the existence of cracks in<br />

ramps and intersections is at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.40, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 29,037 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

160 161


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

MALE 56 37 16 14 14 137<br />

FEMALE 57 33 18 17 19 144<br />

TOTAL 113 70 34 31 33 281<br />

Table 3.3.41: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the lack of awareness of pedestrians<br />

for people riding a bike at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.41, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 11,754 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 13. P is between 0,025 and 0,010. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 4 3 0 1 0 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 9 8 0 1 1 19<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 6 4 1 0 0 11<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 11 6 4 1 1 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 57 18 10 3 2 90<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 83 27 8 7 4 129<br />

TOTAL 170 66 23 13 8 280<br />

Table 3.3.45: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is signposting and its<br />

interpretation at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.45, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 16,409 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 5 2 0 0 1 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 5 7 1 4 1 18<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 5 4 2 1 0 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 8 9 2 2 2 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 39 25 14 6 6 90<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 56 38 18 9 6 127<br />

TOTAL 118 85 37 22 16 278<br />

Table 3.3.42: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how problematic is the lack of awareness of<br />

pedestrians for people riding a bike at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.42, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 13,796 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 12. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 3 3 0 0 0 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 40 9 11 6 1 67<br />

31-40 YEARS 54 24 6 5 3 92<br />

41-50 YEARS 38 17 4 0 2 61<br />

51-60 YEARS 23 11 1 2 1 38<br />

61-90 YEARS 10 2 1 0 1 14<br />

TOTAL 168 66 23 13 8 278<br />

Table 3.3.46: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is signposting and its interpretation<br />

at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.46, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 22,884 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 12. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 4 0 1 0 0 5<br />

21-30 YEARS 21 26 8 7 4 66<br />

31-40 YEARS 45 31 11 3 3 93<br />

41-50 YEARS 30 13 8 6 4 61<br />

51-60 YEARS 13 10 6 5 3 37<br />

61-90 YEARS 5 4 2 1 2 14<br />

TOTAL 118 84 36 22 16 276<br />

Table 3.3.43: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the lack of awareness of<br />

pedestrians for people riding a bike at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.43, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 20,198 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 14. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

MALE 75 39 16 5 4 138<br />

FEMALE 93 28 7 9 5 142<br />

TOTAL 168 66 23 14 9 280<br />

Table 3.3.47: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the scenic at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.47, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 8,164 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is between 0,100 and 0,050. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

MALE 89 30 8 7 3 137<br />

FEMALE 80 36 15 6 5 142<br />

TOTAL 169 66 23 13 8 279<br />

Table 3.3.44: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic is signposting and its interpretation at<br />

Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.44, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 3,644 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 11. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


MATIC<br />

A BIT<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

QUITE<br />

PROBLE-<br />

MATIC<br />

MAJOR<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 6 1 0 1 0 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 13 4 1 0 1 19<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 9 1 1 1 0 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 14 3 4 1 0 22<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 47 25 8 5 4 89<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 79 32 9 7 4 131<br />

TOTAL 168 66 23 15 9 281<br />

Table 3.3.48: Distribution of the respondents by educational level gender according to their opinion about how problematic is the scenic at<br />

Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.48, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 13,169 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

TOTAL<br />

162 163


NOT<br />

A BIT<br />

QUITE<br />

MAJOR<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 3 1 1 1 0 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 40 19 1 4 2 66<br />

31-40 YEARS 53 24 8 4 3 92<br />

41-50 YEARS 41 12 7 1 1 62<br />

51-60 YEARS 23 8 4 3 1 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 6 2 2 2 2 14<br />

TOTAL 166 66 23 15 9 279<br />

Table 3.3.49: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic is the scenic at Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.49, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 21,015 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 11. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


VERY<br />




TOTAL<br />

MAN 18 25 44 47 6 140<br />

FEMALE 13 32 39 48 11 143<br />

TOTAL 31 57 83 95 17 283<br />

Table 3.3.53: Distribution of respondents by gender according to their opinion about the importance of street design (lightning, pavement material,<br />

greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.53, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 3,417 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 7. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />



MALE 41 97 138<br />

FEMALE 45 97 142<br />

TOTAL 86 194 280<br />

Table 3.3.50: Distribution of the respondents by gender based on starting to<br />

ride a bike more often, or not, after the opening of Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.50, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 0,129 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


VERY<br />




TOTAL<br />

PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 0 4 3 0 7<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 0 3 9 8 0 20<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 3 2 4 2 1 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 4 6 5 6 2 23<br />


EDUC.<br />

12 24 23 27 5 91<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 12 22 38 50 9 131<br />

TOTAL 31 57 83 96 17 284<br />

Table 3.3.54: Distribution of respondents by educational level according to their opinion about the importance of street design (lightning, pavement<br />

material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.54, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 21,286 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 6. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


PUBLIC SCHOOL 5 3 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 10 10 20<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 4 7 11<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 3 20 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 24 64 88<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 40 91 131<br />

TOTAL 86 195 281<br />

Table 3.3.51: Distribution of the respondents by educational level based on<br />

starting to ride a bike more often, or not, after the opening of Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.51, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 11,346 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 9. P is between 0,050 and 0,025, but close to 0,050. Therefore, the variables are dependent.<br />

NOT AT ALL<br />

NOT<br />

VERY<br />




TOTAL<br />

01-20 YEARS 0 0 3 2 1 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 12 14 18 19 4 67<br />

31-40 YEARS 12 19 20 39 4 94<br />

41-50 YEARS 2 16 23 16 5 62<br />

51-60 YEARS 3 5 14 15 2 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 2 3 4 4 1 14<br />

TOTAL 31 57 82 95 17 282<br />

Table 3.3.55: Distribution of respondents by age groups according to their opinion about the importance of street design (lightning, pavement<br />

material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.55, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 21,908 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 8. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


01-20 YEARS 4 2 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 15 52 67<br />

31-40 YEARS 26 66 92<br />

41-50 YEARS 23 39 62<br />

51-60 YEARS 12 27 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 5 8 13<br />

TOTAL 85 194 279<br />

Table 3.3.52: Distribution of the respondents by age groups based on starting<br />

to ride a bike more often, or not, after the opening of Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.52, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 7,667 with a degree of freedom (df) 5 and the missing<br />

values are 11. P is between 0,250 and 0,100. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />



MALE 7 10 56 53 14 140<br />

FEMALE 3 10 49 68 17 144<br />

TOTAL 10 20 102 121 31 284<br />

Table 3.3.56: Distribution of respondents by gender according to their opinion about the street design solutions (lightning, pavement material,<br />

greenery, etc) used in Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.56, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 4,675 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 6. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

164 165


PUBLIC SCHOOL 0 1 2 3 2 8<br />

VOCATIONAL EDUC. 0 1 10 6 3 20<br />

HIGH SCHOOL 0 0 6 5 1 12<br />

SHORT HIGHER EDUC. 2 3 8 9 1 23<br />

MEDIUM HIGHER EDUC. 4 7 38 32 10 91<br />

LONG HIGHER EDUC. 5 8 38 66 14 131<br />

TOTAL 11 20 102 121 31 285<br />

Table 3.3.57: Distribution of respondents by educational level according to their opinion about the street design solutions (lightning, pavement<br />

material, greenery, etc) used in Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.57, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 17,047 with a degree of freedom (df) 20 and the missing<br />

values are 5. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />


01-20 YEARS 0 1 2 1 2 6<br />

21-30 YEARS 3 3 27 26 8 67<br />

31-40 YEARS 3 8 33 44 6 94<br />

41-50 YEARS 3 2 22 28 7 62<br />

51-60 YEARS 0 3 13 16 7 39<br />

61-90 YEARS 2 3 4 6 0 15<br />

TOTAL 11 20 101 121 30 283<br />

Table 3.3.58: Distribution of respondents by age groups according to their opinion about the street design solutions (lightning, pavement material,<br />

greenery, etc) used in Bryggebro.<br />

Out of the Table 3.3.58, the SPSS calculated the Chi2 to be 0,129 with a degree of freedom (df) 4 and the missing<br />

values are 10. P is bigger than 0,250. Therefore, the variables are independent.<br />

166 167


AGE<br />

40%<br />

AGE<br />


35%<br />

30%<br />

80%<br />

70%<br />

60%<br />

25%<br />

50%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />




40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

Bryggebroen<br />

Hans Broges Gade<br />

Vestergade<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

0%<br />

NO<br />

ANSWER<br />

00 - 10<br />

YEARS<br />

11 - 20<br />

YEARS<br />

21 - 30<br />

YEARS<br />

31 - 40<br />

YEARS<br />

41 - 50<br />

YEARS<br />

51 - 60<br />

YEARS<br />

61 - 70<br />

YEARS<br />

71 - 80<br />

YEARS<br />

81 - 90<br />

YEARS<br />




WORK<br />







Figure 4.2: Distribution of the respondents in accordance to the main trip purpose when riding a bike at the infrastructure.<br />



SCHOOL<br />

OTHERS<br />

Figure 4.1: Distribution of the respondents by age<br />

In comparison to Hans Broges Gade and Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs, respondents from Bryggebro have the<br />

highest average age with 32% of them between 31 and<br />

40 years old.<br />

The average age from the respondents can be related<br />

to their educational level. Respondents with the highest<br />

average age at Bryggebro also have a higher educational<br />

level – 77% of them have a medium or longer high education.<br />

GENDER<br />

The distribution of respondents by gender is very balanced<br />

in Bryggebro where 50% of the respondents are<br />

males and 49% are females. The other two infrastructures<br />

present a larger difference between males and females.<br />

In Hans Broges Gade, 52% of the respondents are male<br />

and 44% are female. Finally, 54% of the Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs` respondents are male and 44% are female.<br />

There are several studies about gender and cycling behavior<br />

developed outside Denmark and the results highlight<br />

that gender has a predominant role over the individual<br />

decision to ride a bike (Moudona et al, 2005).<br />

However, the results from the three web surveys developed<br />

in this research indicate that there is not a significant<br />

relationship between gender and how often an individual<br />

ride a bike. One of the reasons that gender is not a predominant<br />

factor in Denmark could be that bike culture is<br />

so wide spread across the country.<br />


Bryggebro has the largest amount of respondents riding<br />

their bikes for commuting purposes. Among Bryggebro`s<br />

respondents, 70% ride their bikes at Bryggebro to go to<br />

work and 8% to go to study.<br />

In contrast to Bryggebro, respondents from Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs and Hans Broges Gade present a<br />

more balanced distribution of trip purpose when riding a<br />

bike at the infrastructures.<br />

39% of the respondents from Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs have said they ride a bike mostly to go to work<br />

and 13% going to study. It is still a high percentage of<br />

commuters, but the infrastructure also has another representative<br />

amount of respondents (33%) riding their bikes<br />

to go to shopping.<br />


In regards to the frequency that respondents walk in the<br />

studied infrastructures, the results from Figure 4.3 highlights<br />

that Bryggebro has a different profile in comparison<br />

to Hans Broges Gade and Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

The built environment and uses where the infrastructures<br />

are located seems to have an influence in the use of<br />

them. Hans Broges Gade has the largest percentage of<br />

respondents (68%) living in a radius of 2 kilometres and<br />

the local residents both use the infrastructure for cycling<br />

and walking. On the other hand,<br />

Bryggebro is mainly used for commuting and the majority<br />

of the respondents live more than 2 kilometres from the<br />

infrastructure. Therefore, it seems that most of individuals<br />

that ride a bike in Bryggebro do not use the infrastructure<br />

for walking.<br />

168 169

70%<br />



60%<br />


60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

Bryggebroen<br />

Hans Broges Gade<br />

Vestergade<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

Bryggebroen<br />

Hans Broges Gade<br />

Vestergade<br />

0%<br />


WEEK<br />

5 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

3-4 DAYS OF<br />

WEEK<br />

1-2 DAYS OF 1-3 DAYS OF<br />


Figure 4.3: Distribution of the respondents in accordance to how often they ride a bike in the infrastructure.<br />

MORE<br />

RARELY<br />

0%<br />


VERY<br />




Figure 4.4: Distribution of the respondents in accordance to their satisfaction with the infrastructure design solution.<br />



Comparing the results from the three web surveys, the<br />

implementation of Bryggebro influenced the most quantity<br />

of respondents (30%) to start to ride a bike more often. In<br />

this context, it is important to take in consideration that the<br />

opening of Bryggebro created a new link between the two<br />

sides of Copenhagen harbor.<br />

When respondents who started to bike more often after<br />

the intervention were asked for their motivations, there<br />

was a different pattern of answers in the three infrastructures.<br />

45% of Bryggebros’ respondents said that fast connectivity<br />

was the main reason that made them to start to ride a<br />

bike more often. Moreover, 91% of Bryggebros respondents<br />

said to be satisfied with the design solution of the<br />

infrastructure in regards fast connectivity. However, only<br />

38% of respondents from Vestergade Vest and Mageløs<br />

were satisfied with it.<br />

Enhancing fast connectivity, Bryggebro has a dedicated<br />

high speed lane connecting the two sides of the harbor.<br />

On the other hand, Vestergade Vest and Mageløs function<br />

as a shared-used space where cyclists need to negotiate<br />

the space with other transport modes during most<br />

of the day.<br />

Despite the challenges faced by cyclists at Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs, the majority of respondents that started<br />

to ride a bike more often after the intervention have<br />

mentioned fast connectivity as a main factor. And 33%<br />

of respondents were satisfied with the design solution in<br />

regards to fast connectivity.<br />

In the case of Hans Broges Gade, respondents that started<br />

to bike more often after the intervention had mentioned<br />

safety as the main reason.<br />



While the rate of respondents from Bryggebro and Hans<br />

Broges Gade who were dissatisfied with the infrastructures<br />

was respectively 1% and 8%, the rate of Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs respondents dissatisfied was much<br />

higher (14%).<br />

The different infrastructure typologies might have an influence<br />

in the result. Bryggebro and Hans Broges Gade<br />

design solutions segregated the different transport modes<br />

and present dedicated lanes for cyclists.<br />

The intervention in Vestergade Vest and Mageløs is<br />

based on the concept of shared-use space where there<br />

are no dedicated bike lanes and the cyclists need to ne-<br />

gotiate the space with pedestrians. The data collected<br />

from the count, local observation and newspapers articles<br />

indicate that Vestergade Vest and Mageløs function as<br />

a more challenging space, especially between 3pm and<br />

5pm were the there is a large amount of both cyclists and<br />

pedestrians sharing the same space.<br />

A shared-use space challenges the cyclists to learn how<br />

to negotiate their space with pedestrians and induces the<br />

cyclists to ride their bikes at a lower speed.<br />

In general, the satisfaction of the respondents about the<br />

design solution of the infrastructures in regards to safety,<br />

conflict between travel modes, aesthetics and parking are<br />

similar to their satisfaction with the overall design.<br />



The majority of the respondents from Bryggebro and<br />

Hans Broges Gade were satisfied with the infrastructures<br />

design in regards to safety. However, 11% and 7% of the<br />

respondents respectively from Bryggebro and Hans Broges<br />

Gade were very unsatisfied with the infrastructures.<br />

At Vestergade Vest and Mageløs, half of the respondents<br />

were not satisfied with the infrastructure design in regards<br />

to safety. The negative response could be partially influenced<br />

by the profile of the infrastructure as a shared-use<br />

space. Vestergade Vest and Mageløs were not designed<br />

with dedicated bike lanes. It is a space where cyclists and<br />

pedestrians need to negotiate the space.<br />



According to 87% of respondents from Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs, the lack of awareness of pedestrians for<br />

cyclists is problematic.<br />

There is also a problem presented among Bryggebro`s<br />

respondents. 56 % of the respondents pointed out the<br />

lack of awareness of pedestrians for cyclists as a problem.<br />

Considering the design of the infrastructure and the<br />

field observation, the main problem might be the bridges<br />

gates that function as shared-use spaces.<br />

There is an abrupt rupture between the dedicated bike<br />

lanes at the bridge and the gates functioning as shareduse<br />

spaces. The cyclists ride their bikes faster at the dedicated<br />

lanes. But when they enter the shared-use space,<br />

they are forced to slow down the speed.<br />

170 171



80%<br />

70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />



40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

Byggebro<br />

Hans Broges Gade<br />

Vestergade Vest<br />

100%<br />

90%<br />

80%<br />

70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />


Figure 4.5: Distribution of the respondents in accordance to biking more often after the opening of the infrastructure.<br />


78% of the respondents from Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs have also mention to be unsatisfied with conflicts<br />

between travel modes.<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs attract both cyclists and<br />

pedestrians who often have conflicting needs. At the<br />

shared-used space, cyclists need to slow down the velocity<br />

and be more aware of the surroundings. On the other<br />

hand, pedestrians are also affected by cyclists, who travel<br />

at higher speed and they also need to be more aware of<br />

the surroundings.<br />

However, the conflicts on shared-use spaces are especially<br />

significant for people who cannot react quickly to<br />

hazards, such as elderly cyclists or cyclists with children.<br />

To improve the shared-use spaces experience for all users,<br />

designers must be aware of potential conflicts and<br />

implement innovative design solutions.<br />

According to McMillen (2001), potential conflicts in<br />

shared-used spaces can be reduced by: providing information,<br />

especially signage, that clearly indicates permitted<br />

users and activities and ensuring that the space has<br />

sufficient width and an appropriate surface for everyone.<br />


Bryggebroen<br />

Hans Broges Gade<br />

Vestergade<br />

82% of the respondents considered the design of Bryggebro<br />

to be good or very good. The infrastructure is iconic and it<br />

functions as a landmark in the harborscape. These characteristics<br />

probably make cyclists more aware of the aesthetic<br />

quality of the infrastructure. Being an icon in the habourscape,<br />

the aesthetic of the infrastructure is probably recognized by<br />

cyclists and assumed as part of the city identity.<br />


More than half of the respondents (51%) from Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs are dissatisfied with illegally parked bikes.<br />

The infrastructure concentrates a large amount of commercial<br />

establishments and the current amount of bike racks are<br />

not enough.<br />

In the case of Hans Broges Gade, 19% of the respondents<br />

were dissatisfied with illegally parked bikes. The infrastructure<br />

does not have bike racks and all the bikes are just<br />

parked next to the facades. There is not a large concentration<br />

of bikes, but during the field observation there were several<br />

local residents complaining about bikes parked next to their<br />

facades.<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />

0 km - 1<br />

km<br />

1 km - 2<br />

km<br />

2 km - 3<br />

km<br />

3 km - 4<br />

km<br />

4 km - 5<br />

km<br />

5 km - 10<br />

km<br />

10 km -<br />

15 km<br />

Figure 4.6: Distribution of the respondents in accordance to the distance from their residence to the infrastructure.<br />

The spatial distribution of the residential location of the<br />

respondents suggests how far cyclists ride their bikes on<br />

their daily trips. In all the three cases, more than 80%<br />

of the respondents live less than 4 kilometres from the<br />

infrastructure where they were riding a bike. On the other<br />

hand, less than 5% of the respondents live more than 5<br />

kilometres away from the infrastructure where they were<br />

riding a bike.<br />

Hans Broges Gade has the highest concentration of respondents<br />

living within a 1 km radius (68%), while Bryggebro<br />

has the lowest (33%). These figures could be related<br />

to the profile of the infrastructures and their location.<br />

Bryggebro is a strategic commuting link in Copenhagen<br />

harbor and it could be seen as an in-between zone infrastructure<br />

– not having a neighborhood based character.<br />

Being part of the bike Holme corridor, Hans Broges Gade<br />

also functions as a commuting infrastructure. However, it<br />

has a much stronger neighborhood based character than<br />

Bryggebro.<br />

15 km -<br />

20 km<br />

20 km <<br />



SWERS<br />

At the three infrastructures, the findings highlight a relationship<br />

between socio-demographics and trip purpose<br />

when riding a bicycle.<br />

Despite distinct typologies and surroundings, the statistical<br />

treatment of the collected data using the Chi2 presented<br />

a strong similarity. The majority of the Chi2 test<br />

results indicated that socio-demographic factors would<br />

not be related to the individuals answers in regards to the<br />

design characteristics and satisfaction.<br />

Neither was it possible to establish a relationship between<br />

socio-demographic variables and the relevance of design<br />

characteristics nor the satisfaction with the infrastructures.<br />

One of the possible motives to the independency between<br />

socio-demographic factors and the respondents<br />

answers is the high level of subjectivity of the questions<br />

which deals with satisfaction and perception.<br />

172 173

5.0 CONCLUSION<br />

The decision to use a web survey and flyers as main<br />

method to collect data had both advantages and disadvantages.<br />

The data was efficiently transferred to the data<br />

basis and the distribution of flyers was an efficient mode<br />

to contact cyclists without interrupting the flow of traffic.<br />

On the other hand, the web survey based questionnaire<br />

did not allow for a very comprehensive questionnaire.<br />

Therefore, we had a limited number of questions.<br />

In the three case studies, the majority of respondents answered<br />

that they ride a bike in their respectively infrastructures<br />

with the main purpose to go to work. The result indicates<br />

that different typologies or a conjugation of typologies<br />

can be efficiently used for commuting. What seems to be<br />

important is how fast the infrastructure connects the cyclists<br />

and how safe it is to ride a bike in the infrastructure.<br />

The study aimed to give an overview in regards to what<br />

design characteristics would be relevant to individuals’<br />

decision to ride a bike. The quantitative analysis – mainly<br />

used in this study – provided indications of possible relevant<br />

design factors and also relations between sociodemographic<br />

factors and how design characteristics influence<br />

the individual decision to ride a bike.<br />

The findings highlight important factors as such the relevance<br />

of fast connectivity and safety for cyclists. The<br />

results suggest that both fast connectivity and safety are<br />

strategic dimensions of a design solution that must be<br />

taken in consideration by architects, planners and engineers.<br />

Based on the comparison between the three case studies,<br />

the shared-used space seems to present more challenges<br />

for the cyclists who need to ride their bikes and,<br />

at the same time, negotiate their space with pedestrians.<br />

Shared-use spaces are not common in Denmark, but they<br />

can be an alternative way to create more lively cities enhancing<br />

a variety of experiences.<br />

The findings indicate that purpose-built bicycle-only facilities<br />

are perceived by cyclists as safer environments to<br />

ride a bike.<br />

The three studied typologies have both advantages and<br />

disadvantages and there is not one better than another.<br />

When deciding to implement or improve a bike infrastructure,<br />

the particular qualities and potentials of each typology<br />

should be analyzed in order to decide what kind of bike<br />

infrastructure would be appropriate to be implemented.<br />

Figure 5.1: Cyclists and pedestrians at Vestergade Vest.<br />

174 175


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178 179

LIST OF figures<br />


Figure 1.1: Cyclist riding his bike at Bryggebro.<br />


Figure 2.1: Location of the cities from the three case studies<br />

Figure 2.2: Print scream view from the Vestergade Vest`s questionnaire<br />

Figure 2.3: Flyer distributed to individuals who were riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs on 2nd<br />

of September 2010.<br />

Figure 2.4: Member of research team delivering flyers to cyclists at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs on<br />

September 14th 2010.<br />


Figure 3.1.1: Geographical location of Odense.<br />

Figure 3.1.2: Distribution of the trips by transport modes within Odense Municipality from 1998 until 2008.<br />

Figure 3.1.3: Map of the main bike tracks and lanes in Odense`s inner city.<br />

Figure 3.1.4: Ortophoto of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.5: Article with the title “Bicycles must be out of pedestrian streets”, published on 15th of September<br />

in the newspaper Fyens Stiftstidende.<br />

Figure 3.1.6: Article with the title “Chaos in the pedestrian streets”, published on 15th of September in the<br />

newspaper Fyens Stiftstidende (Fyens Stiftstidende, 2010b).<br />

Figure 3.1.7: View of Vestergade Vest from the 10th of May 2010.<br />

Figure 3.1.8: View of Vestergade Vest from the 2nd of September 2010.<br />

Figure 3.1.9: Draft of the design concept of Vestegade Vest and Mogeløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.10: Section and plan of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.11: Pavement material<br />

Figure 3.1.12: Speed hump at Vestergade Vest.<br />

Figure 3.1.13: Cyclist avoiding speed hump.<br />

Figure 3.1.14: Blue plastic guides at Vestergade Vest.<br />

Figure 3.1.15: Speed hump.<br />

Figure 3.1.16: Cargo trucks.<br />

Figure 3.1.17: <strong>Bike</strong>s and moterized vehicles.<br />

Figure 3.1.18: <strong>Bike</strong> parking racks.<br />

Figure 3.1.19: <strong>Bike</strong> parking racks.<br />

Figure 3.1.20: Parked bikes in front of shops.<br />

Figure 3.1.21: Parked bikes in front of shops.<br />

Figure 3.1.22: Trees and landscaping design.<br />

Figure 3.1.23: Trees and landscaping design.<br />

Figure 3.1.24: Street games painted in the pavement.<br />

Figure 3.1.25: Layout of the streetscape.<br />

Figure 3.1.26: Street furniture.<br />

Figure 3.1.27: Street lights.<br />

Figure 3.1.28: Shop signs.<br />

Figure 3.1.29: Signage dictating rules about how to use this space.<br />

Figure 3.1.30: Playful sign informing transportation modes allowed .<br />

Figure 3.1.31: Signage designed to look old.<br />

Figure 3.1.32: Painted words in the pavement.<br />

Figure 3.1.33: Crossing point paved with cobblestones.<br />

Figure 3.1.34: Intersection between Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.35: Built environment around Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.36: Cyclists counting and traffic flow at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.37: Spatial distribution of the respondents according to their residential location – 5km map.<br />

Figure 3.1.38: Spatial distribution of the respondents according to their residential location – 20km map.<br />

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34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

41<br />

Figure 3.1.39: Distribution of the respondents by age groups.<br />

Figure 3.1.40: Distribution of the respondents by gender.<br />

Figure 3.1.41: Distribution of the respondents by educational level.<br />

Figure 3.1.42: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they ride a bicycle at Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.43: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they walk at Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.44: Distribution of the respondents according to the main trip purpose when riding a bike at<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.45:Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they ride a bike in Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.1.44 after the intervention in the site.<br />

Figure 3.1.46:Distribution of the respondents by the level of satisfaction with the design of Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.47: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how the Vestergade<br />

Vest`s design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Figure 3.1.48: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how the Vestergade<br />

Vest`s design fulfilled the fast conectivity.<br />

Figure 3.1.49: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how the Vestergade<br />

Vest`s design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Figure 3.1.50: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic illegal<br />

parking of bicycles is at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.51: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

conflict between different transport modes at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.52: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.53: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

pavement at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.54: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

existence of cracks and ramps is at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.55: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic the<br />

lack of awareness of pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers is for people riding a bike at Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.56: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic signposting<br />

and its interpretation is at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.57: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic scenic<br />

and greenery is at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.58: Distribution of the respondents based on starting to ride a bike more often, or not, after<br />

the intervention at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.59: Among the respondents that said yes in the previous question (Figure 3.1.58), what<br />

qualities has influenced their choice to ride a bike more often after the intervention in Vestergade Vest<br />

and Mageløs. The respondents could choice more than one option.<br />

Figure 3.1.60: Distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the importance of street<br />

design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Figure 3.1.61: Distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the street design solutions<br />

(lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in the intervention at Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs.<br />

Figure 3.1.62: Vestergade Vest streetscape.<br />

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180 181


Figure 3.2.1: Geographical location of Aarhus.<br />

Figure 3.2.2: Print screen of Aarhus Bicycle City webpage - ww.aarhuscykelby.dk<br />

Figure 3.2.3: Automatic cyclist count at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.4: Aarhus City Hall square transformed in a the “bicycle`s Mecca”. Event promoted by the Aarhus<br />

Bicycle City on the 10th of April 2010.<br />

Figure 3.2.5: Aarhus City Hall square transformed in a the “bicycle`s Mecca”. Event promoted by the Aarhus<br />

Bicycle City on the 10th of April 2010.<br />

Figure 3.2.6: The seven main bicycle connections between the core of Aarhus and suburbs. Source:<br />

Cykelhandlingsplan – En plan for fremtidens cyklist forhold i Århus Kommune<br />

Figure 3.2.7: The bicycle network of Aarhus municipality.<br />

Figure 3.2.8: Ortophoto of Hans Broges Gade<br />

Figure 3.2.9: Hans Broges Gade view before intervention in September 2009.<br />

Figure 3.2.10: Hans Broges Gade view after the intervention in September 2010.<br />

Figure 3.2.11: Hans Broges Gade bike path<br />

Figure 3.2.12: Traffic calming at crossing<br />

Figure 3.2.13: Technical drawings from Hans Broges Gade<br />

Figure 3.2.14: Hans Broges Gade section<br />

Figure 3.2.15: Hans Broges Gade plan<br />

Figure 3.2.16: Crossing at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Figure 3.2.17: <strong>Bike</strong> path and sidewalk.<br />

Figure 3.2.18: Crossing section<br />

Figure 3.2.19: Hierarchy of transport modes<br />

Figure 3.2.20: Individual riding his bike at a high speed<br />

Figure 3.2.21: Cyclist riding down road while entering the bike lane<br />

Figure 3.2.22: Cyclist slowing down at the crossing<br />

Figure 3.2.23: Two individuals riding their bikes next to each other and talking<br />

Figure 3.2.24: Car parking at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Figure 3.2.25: Biking and car parking<br />

Figure 3.2.26: Hans Broges Gade plan<br />

Figure 3.2.27: Greenery at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Figure 3.2.28: Front garden at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.29: Tietgens Square<br />

Figure 3.2.30: Bench at Tietgens Square<br />

Figure 3.2.31: Street lamp<br />

Figure 3.2.32: Statue in honor to Hans Broge<br />

Figure 3.2.33: Cyclist counting meter<br />

Figure 3.2.34: <strong>Bike</strong> signage<br />

Figure 3.2.35: Car covering bike signage<br />

Figure 3.2.36: Car covering bike signage<br />

Figure 3.2.37: <strong>Bike</strong> symbol located on the bike path curve and intersection<br />

Figure 3.2.38: <strong>Bike</strong> signage and ramp covered and cyclist crossing in an alternative way<br />

Figure 3.2.39: Sequency of images of a cyclist crossing the street in an inappropriate way<br />

Figure 3.2.40: Cyclist riding his bike in the car lane<br />

Figure 3.2.41: Cyclist riding his bike in the sidewalk.<br />

Figure 3.2.42: Cyclists entering from the suburbs<br />

Figure 3.2.43: Entrance from the city centre<br />

Figure 3.2.44: Built environment at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Figure 3.2.45: Cyclist counting at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Figure 3.2.46: Spatial distribution of the respondents according to their residential location – 5km map<br />

Figure 3.2.47: Spatial distribution of the respondents according to their residential location - 20km map<br />

Figure 3.2.48: Distribution of the respondents by age groups.<br />

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Figure 3.2.49: Distribution of the respondents by gender<br />

Figure 3.2.50: Distribution of the respondents by educational level.<br />

Figure 3.2.51: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they ride a bicycle at Hans Broges<br />

Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.52: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they walk at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.53: Distribution of the respondents by main trip purpose when riding a bike in Hans Broges<br />

Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.54: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they ride a bike in Hans Broges Gade<br />

for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.2.53, after the intervention in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.55: Distribution of the respondents by the level of satisfaction with the design of Hans Broges<br />

Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.56: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how the Hans Broges<br />

Gade’s design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Figure 3.2.57: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how the Hans Broges<br />

Gade’s design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Figure 3.2.58: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how the Hans Broges<br />

Gade’s design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Figure 3.2.59: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic illegal<br />

parking of bicycles is at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.60: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

conflict between different transport modes at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.61: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.62: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

pavement at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.63: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

existence of cracks in ramps and intersections at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.64: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

lack of awareness of pedestrians for people riding a bike at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Figure 3.2.65: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is scenic<br />

and greenery at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.66: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is<br />

signposting and its interpretation at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.67: Distribution of the respondents based on starting to ride a bike more often, or not, after<br />

the intervention at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.68: Among the respondents that said yes in the previous question (Figure 3.2.67), what<br />

qualities has influenced their choice to ride a bike more often after the intervention in Hans Broges<br />

Gade. The respondents could choose more than one option.<br />

Figure 3.2.69: Distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the importance of street<br />

design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Figure 3.2.70: Distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the street design solutions<br />

(lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in the intervention at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Figure 3.2.71: Cyclists meter at Hans Broges Gade<br />

3.3 BRYGGEBRO<br />

Figure 3.3.1: Geographical location of Copenhagen.<br />

Figure 3.3.2: Distribution of trips according to transportation mode within Copenhagen municipality<br />

from 1998 until 2008.<br />

Figure 3.3.3: Publication with general information about bicycling in Copenhagen, history and targets<br />

for the future.<br />

Figure 3.3.4: Logo of the campaign Ibikecph<br />

Figure 3.3.5: Cyclists and pedestrians crossing Bryggebro bike bridge<br />

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Figure 3.3.6: Copenhagen Bicycle Network<br />

Figure 3.3.7: The four bridges of Copenhagen Harbour.<br />

Figure 3.3.8: Bryggebro opening on the 14th of September.<br />

Figure 3.3.9: Image of Bryggebro from Islands Brygge side of the harbour.<br />

Figure 3.3.10: View of Havneholmen from Bryggebro<br />

Figure 3.3.11: Access to Bryggebro from Havneholmen<br />

Figure 3.3.12: View of Bryggerbro from Island Brygge the Havneholmen side<br />

Figure 3.3.13: Havneholmen and Bryggebro in the background<br />

Figure 3.3.14: Bryggebro in the foreground and Islands Brygge in the background<br />

Figure 3.3.15: Plan and Section of Bryggebro<br />

Figure 3.3.16: Elevation of the bridge seen from the side and Cross section of the bridge. The pedestrian<br />

side on the left and cyclist on the right separated by a 60cm high 1.2 metres wide girder.<br />

Figure 3.3.17: Bryggebro section<br />

Figure 3.3.18: Bryggebro plan<br />

Figure 3.3.19: Access to Bryggebro from Islands Brygge<br />

Figure 3.3.20: Access to Bryggebro from Islands Brygge side<br />

Figure 3.3.21: Islands Brygge promenade<br />

Figure 3.3.22: Access to Bryggebro Havneholmen<br />

Figure 3.3.23: Access to Bryggebro from Havneholmen side<br />

Figure 3.3.24: Hierarchy between transport modes<br />

Figure 3.3.25: Bryggebro plan and representation of transport mode conflicts<br />

Figure 3.3.26: Joggers and cyclists crossing<br />

Figure 3.3.27: Cyclists riding fast out of the exit of the bridge<br />

Figure 3.3.28: Walkers have to pay attention from fast moving cyclists exiting<br />

Figure 3.3.29: A stray bike parked nearby the bridge<br />

Figure 3.3.30: <strong>Bike</strong>s parked under stairs<br />

Figure 3.3.31: Bryggebro illumination<br />

Figure 3.3.32: Bryggebro illumination<br />

Figure 3.3.33: Lamp post<br />

Figure 3.3.34: Bridge exit the night<br />

Figure 3.3.35: Cyclist has wrongly entered into the pedestrian lane.<br />

Figure 3.3.36: Access from Islands Brygge side<br />

Figure 3.3.37: Bryggebro access from Havneholmen<br />

Figure 3.3.38: Damaged sign<br />

Figure 3.3.39: Graffiti at Bryggebro<br />

Figure 3.3.40: Graffiti at Bryggebro<br />

Figure 3.3.41: Love padlocks<br />

Figure 3.3.42: Love padlocks<br />

Figure 3.3.43: Love padlocks<br />

Figure 3.3.44: Love padlocks<br />

Figure 3.3.45: Love padlocks<br />

Figure 3.3.46: Intersection at Islands Brygge.<br />

Figure 3.3.47: Intersection at Havneholmen.<br />

Figure 3.3.48: Bryggebro’s access at Islands Brygge side.<br />

Figure 3.3.49: Bryggebro’s access at Islands Brygge side.<br />

Figure 3.3.50: Bryggebro’s access at Islands Brygge side.<br />

Figure 3.3.51: Cyclists on the smooth paved lanes.<br />

Figure 3.3.52: Pavement detail fron Islands Brygge side.<br />

Figure 3.3.53: Privately owned parking lot.<br />

Figure 3.3.54: <strong>Bike</strong> route linking to the staircases.<br />

Figure 3.3.55: Longer bike route avoiding staircases.<br />

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Figure 3.3.56: Bryggebro entering from the Havneholmen si<br />

Figure 3.3.57: Foot bridge to make the trip shorter.<br />

Figure 3.3.58: Cyclists pushing their bikes up the stairs.<br />

Figure 3.3.59: Built environment surrounding Bryggebro on the Islands Brygge side.<br />

Figure 3.3.60: Cyclist countings.<br />

Figure 3.3.61: Spatial distribution of the respondents according to their residential location – 5km<br />

map.<br />

Figure 3.3.62: Spatial distribution of the respondents according to their residential location – 20km<br />

Figure 3.3.63: Distribution of the respondents by age groups.<br />

Figure 3.3.64: Distribution of the respondents by gender.<br />

Figure 3.3.65: Distribution of the respondents by educational level.<br />

Figure 3.3.66: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they ride a bicycle at Bryggebro<br />

Figure 3.3.67: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they walk at Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.68: Distribution of the respondents by main trip purpose when riding a bike in Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.69: Distribution of the respondents by the frequency they ride a bike in Bryggebro for the<br />

main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.3.68 after Bryggebro’s opening.<br />

Figure 3.3.70: Distribution of the respondents by the level of satisfaction with Bryggebro’s design.<br />

Figure 3.3.71: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro`s<br />

design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Figure 3.3.72: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro`s<br />

design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Figure 3.3.73: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro`s<br />

design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Figure 3.3.74: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic illegal<br />

parking of bicycles is at Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.75: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

conflict between different transport modes at Bryggebro’s accesses.<br />

Figure 3.3.76: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

existence of obstacles against cyclists at Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.77: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

pavement at Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.78: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic the<br />

existence of cracks in ramps and intersections is at Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.79: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

lack of awareness of pedestrians for people riding a bike at Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.80: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is<br />

signposting and its interpretation at Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.81: Distribution of the respondents according to their opinion about how problematic is the<br />

scenic at Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.82: Distribution of the respondents based on starting to ride a bike more often, or not, after<br />

the opening of Bryggebro.<br />

Figure 3.3.83: Among the respondents that said yes in the previous question (Figure 3.3.82), what<br />

qualities has influenced their choice to ride a bike more often after the opening of Bryggebro. The<br />

respondents could choice more than one option.<br />

Figure 3.3.84: Distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the importance of street<br />

design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Figure 3.3.85: Distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the street design solutions<br />

(lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Bryggebro.<br />

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Figure 4.1: Distribution of the respondents by age.<br />

Figure 4.2: Distribution of the respondents in accordance to the main trip purpose when riding a bike at<br />

the infrastructure.<br />

Figure 4.3: Distribution of the respondents in accordance to how often they ride a bike in the infrastructure.<br />

Figure 4.4: Distribution of the respondents in accordance to their satisfaction with the infrastructure design<br />

solution.<br />

Figure 4.5: Distribution of the respondents in accordance to biking more often after the opening of the<br />

infrastructure.<br />

Figure 4.6: Distribution of the respondents in accordance to the distance from their residence to the infrastructure.<br />

5.0 CONCLUSION<br />

Figure 5.1: Cyclists and pedestrians at Vestergade Vest.<br />

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LIST OF tables<br />


Table 2.1: Date of flyers distribution, web survey opening and web survey closing for the three case<br />

studies.<br />

Table 2.2: Number of bike trips, cyclists, web flyers handed and a number of respondents for the<br />

three case studies<br />


Table 3.1.1: Absolute and percentage distribution of respondents according to the distance of their<br />

residential location from Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.2: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they ride a bicycle<br />

at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.3: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they ride<br />

a bicycle at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.4 Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they ride a bicycle<br />

at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.5: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they walk at Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.6: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they walk<br />

at Vestergede Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.7: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they walk at<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.8: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the main trip purpose when riding<br />

a bike at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.9: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the main trip purpose<br />

when riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.10: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the main trip purpose when<br />

riding a bike at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.11: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they ride a bike at<br />

Vestergade Vest for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.1.44, after the intervention at Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.12: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they ride<br />

a bike at Vestergade Vest for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.1.44, after the intervention<br />

at Vestergade Vest.<br />

Table 3.1.13: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they ride a<br />

bike at Vestergade Vest for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.1.44, after the intervention at<br />

Vestergade Vest.<br />

Table 3.1.14: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the level of satisfaction with the<br />

design of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.15: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the level of satisfaction<br />

with the design of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.16: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the level of satisfaction with<br />

the design of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.17: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the<br />

Vestergade Vest`s and Mageløs design fulfilled the cyclists safety aspect.<br />

Table 3.1.18: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

the Vestergade Vest`s and Mageløs design fulfilled the cyclists safety aspect.<br />

Table 3.1.19: Distribution of the respondents by age group according to their opinion about how the<br />

Vestergade Vest`s and Mageløs design fulfilled the cyclists safety aspect.<br />

Table 3.1.20: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the<br />

Vestergade Vest`s and Mageløs design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

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Table 3.1.21: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

the Vestergade Vest and Mageløs design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Table 3.1.22: Distribution of the respondents by age according to their opinion about how the Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Table 3.1.23: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect<br />

Table 3.1.24: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

the Vestergade Vest and Mageløs design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Table 3.1.25: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how the<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Table 3.1.26: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

illegal parking of bicycles is at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.27: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.28: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

illegal parking of bicycles is at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.29: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the conflict between different transport modes at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.30: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the conflict between different transport modes at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.31: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the conflict between different transport modes at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.32: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.33: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.34: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.35: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the pavement at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.36: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the pavement at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.37: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the pavement at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.38: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the existence of cracks in ramps and interesections at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.39: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of cracks in ramps and intersecitons at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.40: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the existence of cracks in ramps and intersections at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.41: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the lack of awareness of pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for people riding a bike at Vestergade<br />

Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.42: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the lack of awareness of pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for people riding a bike<br />

at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.43: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the lack of awareness of pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for people riding a bike at<br />

Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

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Table 3.1.44: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is signposting and its interpretation at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.45: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is signposting and its interpretation at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.46: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is signposting and its interpretation at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.47: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the scenic at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

able 3.1.48: Distribution of the respondents by educational level gender according to their opinion<br />

about how problematic is the scenic at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.49: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the scenic at Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.50: Distribution of the respondents by gender based on starting to ride a bike more often, or<br />

not, after the opening of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.51: Distribution of the respondents by educational level based on starting to ride a bike<br />

more often, or not, after the opening of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.52: Distribution of the respondents by age groups based on starting to ride a bike more often,<br />

or not, after the opening of Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.53: Distribution of respondents by gender according to their opinion about the importance of<br />

street design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Table 3.1.54: Distribution of respondents by educational level according to their opinion about the<br />

importance of street design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Table 3.1.55: Distribution of respondents by age groups according to their opinion about the importance<br />

of street design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Table 3.1.56: Distribution of respondents by gender according to their opinion about the street design<br />

solutions (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.57: Distribution of respondents by educational level according to their opinion about the<br />

street design solutions (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Vestergade Vest and<br />

Mageløs.<br />

Table 3.1.58: Distribution of respondents by age groups according to their opinion about the street<br />

design solutions (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Vestergade Vest and Mageløs.<br />


Table 3.2.1: Absolute and percentage distribution of respondents according to the distance of their<br />

residential location from Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.2: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they ride a bicycle<br />

at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.3: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they ride<br />

a bicycle at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.4 Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they ride a bicycle<br />

at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.5: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they walk at Hans<br />

Broges Gade<br />

Table 3.2.6: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they walk<br />

at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Table 3.2.7: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they walk at<br />

Hans Broges Gade<br />

Table 3.2.8: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the main trip purpose when riding<br />

a bike in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.9: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the main trip purpose<br />

when riding a bike in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

58<br />

59<br />

59<br />

59<br />

59<br />

60<br />

60<br />

60<br />

60<br />

61<br />

61<br />

61<br />

61<br />

62<br />

62<br />

87<br />

96<br />

96<br />

96<br />

97<br />

97<br />

97<br />

97<br />

98<br />

188 189

Table 3.2.10: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the main trip purpose when riding<br />

a bike in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.11: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they ride a bike in<br />

Hans Broges Gade for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.2.53, after the intervention in Hans<br />

Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.12: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they ride a<br />

bike in Hans Broges Gade for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.2.53, after the intervention in<br />

Hans Broges Gade<br />

Table 3.2.13: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they ride a bike<br />

in Hans Broges Gade for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.2.53, after the intervention in Hans<br />

Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.14: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the level of satisfaction with the design<br />

of Hans Broges Gade<br />

Table 3.2.15: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the level of satisfaction<br />

with the design of Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.16: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the level of satisfaction with the<br />

design of Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.17: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Hans<br />

Broges Gade’s design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Table 3.2.18: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

the Hans Broges Gade’s design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Table 3.2.19: Distribution of the respondents by age group according to their opinion about how the Hans<br />

Broges Gade’s design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Table 3.2.20: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Hans<br />

Broges Gade’s design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Table 3.2.21: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

the Hans Broges Gade’s design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Table 3.2.22: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how the<br />

Hans Broges Gade’s design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Table 3.2.23: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Hans<br />

Broges Gade’s design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Table 3.2.24: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

the Hans Broges Gade’s design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Table 3.2.25: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how the<br />

Hans Broges Gade’s design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect<br />

Table 3.2.26: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

illegal parking of bicycles is at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.27: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.28: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

illegal parking of bicycles is at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.29: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the conflict between different transport modes at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.30: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the conflict between different transport modes at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.3.31: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the conflict between different transport modes at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.3.32: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

98<br />

98<br />

98<br />

99<br />

99<br />

99<br />

99<br />

100<br />

100<br />

100<br />

100<br />

101<br />

101<br />

101<br />

101<br />

102<br />

102<br />

102<br />

102<br />

103<br />

103<br />

103<br />

103<br />

Table 3.2.33: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.34: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.35: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the pavement at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.36: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the pavement at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.37: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the pavement at Hans Broges Gadet.<br />

Table 3.2.38: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the existence of cracks in ramps and intersections at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Table 3.2.39: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of cracks in ramps and intersections at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.40: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of cracks in ramps and intersections at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.41: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the lack of awareness of pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for people riding a bike at<br />

Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.42: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the lack of awareness of pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for people riding a<br />

bike at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.43: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the lack of awareness of pedestrians and motorized vehicle drivers for people riding a<br />

bike at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.44: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is signposting and its interpretation at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.45: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is signposting and its interpretation at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.46: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is signposting and its interpretation at Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.47: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the scenic at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Table 3.2.48: Distribution of the respondents by educational level gender according to their opinion<br />

about how problematic is the scenic at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Table 3.2.49: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the scenic at Hans Broges Gade<br />

Table 3.2.50: Distribution of the respondents by gender based on starting to ride a bike more often, or<br />

not, after the opening of Hans Broges Gade<br />

Table 3.2.51: Distribution of the respondents by educational level based on starting to ride a bike<br />

more often, or not, after the opening of Hans Broges Gade<br />

Table 3.2.52: Distribution of the respondents by age groups based on starting to ride a bike more often,<br />

or not, after the opening of Hans Broges Gade<br />

Table 3.2.53: Distribution of respondents by gender according to their opinion about the importance of<br />

street design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Table 3.2.54 Distribution of respondents by educational level according to their opinion about the importance<br />

of street design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Table 3.2.55: Distribution of respondents by age groups according to their opinion about the importance<br />

of street design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Table 3.2.56: Distribution of respondents by gender according to their opinion about the street design<br />

solutions (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

104<br />

104<br />

104<br />

104<br />

105<br />

105<br />

105<br />

105<br />

106<br />

106<br />

106<br />

106<br />

107<br />

107<br />

107<br />

107<br />

108<br />

108<br />

108<br />

108<br />

109<br />

109<br />

109<br />

109<br />

190 191

Table 3.2.57: Distribution of respondents by educational level according to their opinion about the street<br />

design solutions (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

Table 3.2.58: Distribution of respondents by age groups according to their opinion about the street design<br />

solutions (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Hans Broges Gade.<br />

3.3 BRYGGEBRO<br />

Table 3.3.1: Absolute and percentage distribution of respondents according to the distance of their residential<br />

location from Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.2.2: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they ride a bicycle at<br />

Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.3: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they ride a<br />

bicycle at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.4 Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they ride a bicycle<br />

at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.5: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they walk at Bryggebro<br />

Table 3.3.6: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they walk at<br />

Bryggebro<br />

Table 3.3.7: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they walk at<br />

Bryggebro<br />

Table 3.3.8: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the main trip purpose when riding a<br />

bike in Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.9: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the main trip purpose when<br />

riding a bike in Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.10: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the main trip purpose when riding<br />

a bike in Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.11: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the frequency they ride a bike in<br />

Bryggebro for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.3.68, after the intervention in Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.12: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the frequency they ride a<br />

bike in Bryggebro for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.3.68, after the intervention in Bryggebro<br />

Table 3.3.13: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the frequency they ride a bike in<br />

Bryggebro for the main purpose mentioned in the Figure 3.3.68, after the intervention in Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.14: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to the level of satisfaction with the design<br />

of Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.15: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to the level of satisfaction<br />

with the design of Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.16: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to the level of satisfaction with the<br />

design of Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.17: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro’s<br />

design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Table 3.3.18: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

the Bryggebro’s design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Table 3.3.19: Distribution of the respondents by age group according to their opinion about how the<br />

Bryggebro’s design fulfilled the bicyclist safety aspect.<br />

Table 3.3.20: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the Bryggebro’s<br />

design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Table 3.3.21: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

the Bryggebro’s design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Table 3.3.22: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how the<br />

110<br />

110<br />

143<br />

152<br />

152<br />

152<br />

153<br />

153<br />

153<br />

153<br />

153<br />

154<br />

154<br />

154<br />

154<br />

155<br />

155<br />

155<br />

156<br />

156<br />

156<br />

156<br />

157<br />

157<br />

Bryggebro’s design fulfilled the fast connectivity.<br />

Table 3.3.23: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how the<br />

Bryggebro’s design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Table 3.3.24: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

the Bryggebro’s design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Table 3.3.25: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how the<br />

Bryggebro’s design fulfilled the aesthetics aspect.<br />

Table 3.3.26: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

illegal parking of bicycles is at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.27: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.28: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic illegal parking of bicycles is at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.29: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the conflict between different transport modes at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.30: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the conflict between different transport modes at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.31: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the conflict between different transport modes at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.32: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.33: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.34: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of obstacles against the cyclists at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.35: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the pavement at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.36: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the pavement at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.37: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the pavement at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.38: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the existence of cracks and ramps at Bryggebro<br />

Table 3.3.39: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of cracks in ramps and intersections is at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.40: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the existence of cracks in ramps and intersections is at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.41: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the lack of awareness of pedestrians for people riding a bike at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.42: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the lack of awareness of pedestrians for people riding a bike at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.43: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is the lack of awareness of pedestrians for people riding a bike at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.44: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is signposting and its interpretation at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.45: Distribution of the respondents by educational level according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is signposting and its interpretation at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.46: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how<br />

problematic is signposting and its interpretation at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.47: Distribution of the respondents by gender according to their opinion about how problem-<br />

157<br />

157<br />

158<br />

158<br />

158<br />

158<br />

159<br />

159<br />

159<br />

159<br />

160<br />

160<br />

160<br />

160<br />

161<br />

161<br />

161<br />

161<br />

162<br />

162<br />

162<br />

162<br />

163<br />

163<br />

163<br />

192 193

Table 3.3.48: Distribution of the respondents by educational level gender according to their opinion about<br />

how problematic is the scenic at Bryggebro<br />

Table 3.3.49: Distribution of the respondents by age groups according to their opinion about how problematic<br />

is the scenic at Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.50: Distribution of the respondents by gender based on starting to ride a bike more often, or<br />

not, after the opening of Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.51: Distribution of the respondents by educational level based on starting to ride a bike more<br />

often, or not, after the opening of Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.52: Distribution of the respondents by age groups based on starting to ride a bike more often,<br />

or not, after the opening of Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.53: Distribution of respondents by gender according to their opinion about the importance of<br />

street design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Table 3.3.54: Distribution of respondents by educational level according to their opinion about the importance<br />

of street design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Table 3.3.55: Distribution of respondents by age groups according to their opinion about the importance<br />

of street design (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) in the decision to ride a bike.<br />

Table 3.3.56: Distribution of respondents by gender according to their opinion about the street design<br />

solutions (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.57: Distribution of respondents by educational level according to their opinion about the street<br />

design solutions (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Bryggebro.<br />

Table 3.3.58: Distribution of respondents by age groups according to their opinion about the street design<br />

solutions (lightning, pavement material, greenery, etc) used in Bryggebro.<br />

163<br />

164<br />

164<br />

164<br />

164<br />

165<br />

165<br />

165<br />

165<br />

166<br />

166<br />

194 195


ANNEX<br />








www.detmangfoldigebyrum.dk/hansbrogesgade/<br />

For yderligere information om projektet:<br />

vsil@create.aau.dk<br />









For yderligere information om projektet:<br />








www.detmangfoldigebyrum.dk/vestergade/<br />


For yderligere information om projektet:<br />

vsil@create.aau.dk<br />

196 197




CYCLING?<br />

We are in the middle of a research project<br />

about cycling in the city and need your help.<br />

The only thing you have to do is answer a few<br />

questions. Answer now and you have the<br />

chance to win a new bike valued at 3500<br />

DKK. The entries will be drawn on the 31th of October 2010 with the<br />

winner contacted by e-mail.<br />

For further information about the project you can contract vsil@create.aau.dk<br />

01 Home address<br />

02 Email address<br />

03 Age<br />

04 Gender<br />

Male<br />

Female<br />

05 Level of education<br />

Primary school<br />

Vocational education<br />

High school<br />

Short high education<br />

Medium high education<br />

Long high education<br />

06 How often do you ride a bicycle at Hans<br />

Broges Gade?<br />

6-7 days of week<br />

5 days of week<br />

3-4 days of week<br />

1-2 days of week<br />

1-3 days of months<br />

More rarely<br />

07 How often do you walk at Hans Broges<br />

Gade?<br />

6-7 days of week<br />

5 days of week<br />

3-4 days of week<br />

1-2 days of week<br />

1-3 days of months<br />

More rarely<br />

08 What is your main purpose at Hans Broges<br />

Gade?<br />

Transportation to and from work<br />

Recreation / leisure<br />

Visiting family / friends<br />

Purchasing / shopping<br />

Transportation to and from school<br />

Others<br />

198 199

09 How often do you use the bike for the<br />

purpose in question 08 after the opening of<br />

Hans Broges Gade?<br />

More rarely<br />

Not as often<br />

Just as often as before<br />

More often<br />

Much more often<br />

10 How satisfied are you with Hans Broges<br />

Gade?<br />

Very dissatisfied<br />

Dissatisfied<br />

Neutral<br />

Satisfied<br />

Very satisfied<br />

11 How do you think the design solution has<br />

fulfilled the following parameters of the<br />

infrastructure?<br />

Safety Very bad Bad Neutral Good Very good<br />

Fast connection Very bad Bad Neutral Good Very good<br />

Aesthetics / beauty Very bad Bad Neutral Good Very good<br />

12 Evaluate how problematic the following<br />

situations are when cycling at Hans Broges<br />

Gade?<br />

Illegally parked bicycles<br />

Not<br />

problematic<br />

A bit<br />

problematic<br />

Problematic<br />

Quite<br />

problematic<br />

Major<br />

problem<br />

Conflicts between bicycle<br />

paths, sidewalks and<br />

traffic lane<br />

Obstacles<br />

Holes in the pavement<br />

Cracks in ramps and<br />

where different path and<br />

roads meet<br />

Lack of awareness from<br />

other biking people<br />

biking<br />

Poor signposting and<br />

interpretation<br />

Lack of scenic and<br />

greenery<br />

Not<br />

problematic<br />

Not<br />

problematic<br />

Not<br />

problematic<br />

Not<br />

problematic<br />

Not<br />

problematic<br />

Not<br />

problematic<br />

Not<br />

problematic<br />

A bit<br />

problematic<br />

A bit<br />

problematic<br />

A bit<br />

problematic<br />

A bit<br />

problematic<br />

A bit<br />

problematic<br />

A bit<br />

problematic<br />

A bit<br />

problematic<br />

Problematic<br />

Problematic<br />

Problematic<br />

Problematic<br />

Problematic<br />

Problematic<br />

Problematic<br />

Quite<br />

problematic<br />

Quite<br />

problematic<br />

Quite<br />

problematic<br />

Quite<br />

problematic<br />

Quite<br />

problematic<br />

Quite<br />

problematic<br />

Quite<br />

problematic<br />

Major<br />

problem<br />

Major<br />

problem<br />

Major<br />

problem<br />

Major<br />

problem<br />

Major<br />

problem<br />

Major<br />

problem<br />

Major<br />

problem<br />

13 Are you biking more often after the opening<br />

of Hans Broges Gade?<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

14 If yes, what are the main qualities about<br />

Hans Broges Gade that have affected your<br />

choice to bike more often?<br />

Safety<br />

A good experience<br />

Faster connection<br />

Wider bike lanes<br />

Greener areas<br />

Faster bike lanes<br />

Green wedge<br />

Attractive landscape<br />

200 201

Better signposting<br />

<strong>Bike</strong> maps<br />

Maintenance of bike lanes<br />

<strong>Bike</strong> parking<br />

15 How important is street design (greenery,<br />

lightning, pavement etc.) for your decision to<br />

ride here?<br />

Not at all important<br />

Not important<br />

Neutral<br />

Important<br />

Very important<br />

Thank you for answering this questionnaire.<br />

Please, push the bottom below to end.<br />

16 What is your opinion about Hans Broges<br />

Gade design solution (greenery, lightning,<br />

pavement etc.)?<br />

Very bad<br />

bad<br />

Neutral<br />

Good<br />

Very good<br />

17 Would you like to add any comments to this<br />

questionnaire?<br />

202 203


STUDY<br />



Kees van Goeverden<br />

Tom Godefrooij







3.2.1 TILBURG<br />

3.2.2 THE HAGUE<br />


3.3.1 TILBURG<br />

5<br />

7<br />

11<br />

11<br />

12<br />

12<br />

13<br />

16<br />

16<br />


5.1 DESIGN<br />

5.2 Organisation and implementation<br />

5.3 Evaluation<br />

5.3.1 Use of shared space<br />

5.3.2 Safety<br />

5.3.3 Perception of shared space<br />

5.3.4 Economy<br />

5.3.5 Conclusion<br />

59<br />

59<br />

59<br />

59<br />

60<br />

60<br />

61<br />

61<br />

61<br />

3.3.2 THE HAGUE<br />

16<br />

3.4 THE COSTS<br />


3.6 THE IMPACTS<br />

3.6.1 BICYCLE USE<br />

17<br />

17<br />

18<br />

18<br />

6 Bicycle street in Haarlem<br />

6.1 Design<br />

6.2 Evaluation<br />

63<br />

63<br />

63<br />

3.6.2 ROAD SAFETY<br />


3.6.4 DESIGN ASPECTS<br />

3.6.5 ECONOMY<br />

3.7 DISCUSSION<br />


19<br />

20<br />

22<br />

26<br />

26<br />

29<br />

7 Interurban highway for cyclists<br />

7.1 Context<br />

7.2 Design<br />

7.3 Organisation and implementation<br />

7.4 The costs<br />

7.5 Evaluation<br />

67<br />

67<br />

67<br />

67<br />

67<br />

67<br />


4.2 DESIGN<br />

4.2.1 THE NETWORK<br />

4.2.2 THE PROJECTS<br />

29<br />

30<br />

30<br />

30<br />

8 Synthesis of Dutch findings and implementation in<br />

other countries<br />

8.1 Conclusions<br />

69<br />

69<br />


31<br />

4.4 THE COSTS<br />

32<br />


33<br />


34<br />


35<br />


35<br />

4.7.2 SAFETY<br />

46<br />


48<br />

4.7.4 ECONOMY<br />

50<br />


50<br />


51<br />

4.9 DISCUSSION<br />



Increased transition of person transport from automobiles<br />

to bicycles is generally regarded as gain for society,<br />

most profoundly in terms of reduced emission and enhanced<br />

public health. However, in Denmark a decrease<br />

in mode-share of cycling has been observed, leading to<br />

the conclusion by the Danish Government that the conditions<br />

for cycling must be enhanced to increase the use<br />

of the bicycle for transportation. She launched the <strong>Bike</strong>ability<br />

research project that departs from this conclusion<br />

and focuses on the preconditions for cycling; the possible<br />

effects of changes of the urban environment and<br />

cycling infrastructure; and methodologies for assessment<br />

of changes to existing bicycling infrastructure based on<br />

micro-level spatially explicit data. This way the strategic<br />

focus of the project is how to enhance bike-ability of urban<br />

areas.<br />

It is the overall objective of the project to increase the<br />

level of knowledge in relation to bicycle based transport<br />

and thereby to contribute to more efficient and qualified<br />

urban planning and management. The project activities<br />

are divided into 5 interrelated workpackages (WP’s):<br />

WP1: Cycling behaviour and its preconditions will analyse<br />

the determinants for cycling behaviour of individuals,<br />

such as motives, lifestyles, opportunities and constraints.<br />

WP2: Environmental determinants for bike-ability will link<br />

GIS data with objective and subjective measures of cycling<br />

in relation to the conditions of selected neighbourhoods<br />

to develop a validated bike-ability index tailored to<br />

the Danish urban context, but applicable in other regions.<br />

This report describes the Dutch cases that are studied in<br />

the context of WP4. The Netherlands have a long tradition<br />

of high bicycle usage, bicycle promotion by policy makers,<br />

and research in the field of cycling. Cycling experience,<br />

evaluated policy interventions, and other research<br />

created a wealth of knowledge. A substantial part of the<br />

knowledge is not accessible for non-Dutch speaking<br />

persons and it is valuable to report the findings from a<br />

number of Dutch evaluated cases in the framework of the<br />

<strong>Bike</strong>ability-project.<br />

The structure of the report is as follows. First, in Chapter<br />

2, a brief overview of cycling, bicycle policy, and research<br />

on cycling in the Netherlands will be given. Then, in the<br />

next five chapters seven case studies are described.<br />

Chapters 3 and 4 discuss the three ‘classical’ cases of<br />

large scale improvements in bicycle infrastructure that<br />

were implemented and evaluated some decades ago:<br />

the construction of high quality urban bicycle routes and<br />

the upgrade of the bicycle network in one city. Chapter 4<br />

deals in addition with a single project that is part of the<br />

network upgrade and that has been evaluated separately.<br />

Chapters 5 to 7 describe the evaluations of the application<br />

of three recently developed typologies of infrastructure<br />

design: shared space, bicycle streets, and bicycle<br />

‘highways’. Finally, Chapter 8 summarises the results and<br />

provides recommendations.<br />

WP3: Choice modelling for simulation of bicyclist behaviour<br />

develops an agent based modelling approach to<br />

simulate the flow of individual bicyclists in urban areas as<br />

a response to changes to the urban environment and the<br />

level of and attitude to bicycle transport.<br />

WP4: Interventions to the bicycling infrastructure will<br />

analyze bicycle infrastructure cases in the Danish municipalities<br />

and the Netherlands; their implementation and<br />

significance in terms of contribution to the promotion of<br />

cycling, and finally identify infrastructure and elements of<br />

interventions that can help promote cycling significantly.<br />

WP5: Planning Guidance and Dissemination serves the<br />

purpose of presenting the project’s methodological advances,<br />

tools, and conclusions to policy-makers, planners<br />

and traffic engineers, as well as maintaining the dialog<br />

and interaction with end-users from the municipalities.<br />

4 5


In the Netherlands and in many other countries bicycle<br />

usage increased continuously in the first half of the 20th<br />

century and reached a maximum in about 1950. Then<br />

bicycle usage started to decline due to the increasing<br />

competition of the car. In some countries, like England,<br />

the bicycle nearly disappeared, in other countries, like the<br />

Netherlands and Denmark, the bicycle survived as a frequently<br />

used mode. Figure 2.1 depicts the development<br />

of cycling in the Netherlands since 1950.<br />

The 1970’s marked a paradigm shift in the Dutch thinking<br />

about traffic. Whereas in the 1950’s and 1960’s traffic and<br />

transport policies were characterised by straightforward<br />

attempts to make room for the rapidly increasing motorisation,<br />

in the 1970’s people started to see the downsides<br />

of mass motorisation. The number of fatal road casualties<br />

peaked in 1972 and raised a lot of public dissatisfaction.<br />

The foundation in 1973 of the civil society group called<br />

‘Stop de Kindermoord’ (Stop the Murder of Children) was<br />

a protest against the high number of road accidents with<br />

young children and the priority generally given to motorised<br />

traffic. Upon that the report of the Club of Rome<br />

on the limits to growth in 1972 had a major impact on the<br />

public debate in the Netherlands, and triggered a more<br />

critical thinking about environmental aspects of the ongoing<br />

motorisation. Additionally, the oil crises of 1973 demonstrated<br />

the vulnerability of motorised transport. In 1975<br />

the Fietsersbond (Dutch Cyclists’ Union) came into existence.<br />

Municipal officials in Delft invented the ‘woonerf’<br />

concept: residential areas in which cars had to slow down<br />

to a walking pace so as to accommodate other uses of the<br />

public space than only traffic.<br />

Figure 2.1: Development of bicycle kilometres per person per day in the Netherlands in the period 1950-2009 (sources:<br />

Ministry of Transport and Public Works, 1993, and national travel survey data 1980-2009)<br />

After 1950, bicycle use fell from nearly 5 km per person<br />

per day to less than 2 km in the mid 1970’s. Then it increased<br />

again to 2.5 km, and this level has been retained<br />

until today.<br />

Bicycle promotion became permanently an issue in policy,<br />

and research on the effectiveness of measures for improving<br />

cycling conditions started as well. In the late 1970’s<br />

two ‘demonstration bicycle routes’ were implemented in<br />

The Hague and Tilburg. In the 1980’s the bicycle network<br />

in the medium-sized city of Delft was upgraded in order to<br />

create a comprehensive and integral network that meets<br />

certain standards of quality. These three projects were<br />

evaluated extensively and got the status of classical case<br />

studies in bicycle interventions; the studies are discussed<br />

in Chapters 3 and 4.<br />

6 7

In the 1990’s the central government initiated a large<br />

number of projects and studies in the framework of the<br />

“Masterplan Fiets”. Research and active policy continued<br />

in the new century. New concepts were developed that<br />

aimed at humanizing traffic and utilising the potential of<br />

active modes as cycling, like ‘bicycle streets’, ‘shared<br />

space’, ‘driving slowly goes faster’ and ‘bicycle highways’.<br />

These concepts did not change the city overnight,<br />

but helped to improve the urban transport system and to<br />

sustain the existing levels of cycling.<br />

The figure demonstrates that a) the bicycle share is by<br />

far highest for teenagers (about 60%!), and b) the developments<br />

of the shares are highly stable. The stability is<br />

remarkable because the average trip distance increased,<br />

inducing a relative decrease of trips where the bicycle<br />

is a feasible mode. The Ministry of Transport and Public<br />

Works (1998) argued that the competitiveness of the bicycle<br />

has increased. Other studies show that the cycling<br />

culture in the Netherlands has gained strength and acceptation<br />

in all parts of the population compared to three<br />

decades ago (DHV et al, 1980, Goudappel en Coffeng<br />

and Rijkswaterstaat, 1980, Mobycon et al, 2009).<br />

In contrast to the stability of bicycle use for regular trips,<br />

usage of the bicycle for access and egress to and from<br />

public transport increased spectacular. The number of<br />

this kind of trips increased from about 0.02 in the early<br />

1980’s to about 0.05 today. Most of these trips are feeder<br />

trips for the train. The increase can partly be explained by<br />

a general increase in train use and party by an increase of<br />

the bicycle share in the access and egress modes.<br />

Figure 2.2: Share of the bicycle for regular trips by age class (source: national travel survey data 1979-2008)<br />

Corresponding to the growth in bicycle use, the market<br />

share of use of the bicycle increased since the mid 1970’s<br />

until the level of 28% in the early 1980’s. Since then this<br />

level has been remarkably constant. Figure 2.2 shows the<br />

development of market shares of bicycle use for regular<br />

trips, separately for three age classes: young children <<br />

12 years old, teenagers from 12-18, and adults >= 18<br />

years old. Regular trips exclude bicycle use for just go for<br />

a ride and feeder trips to and from public transport. Data<br />

for young children are available only from 1994.<br />

Figures collected by the Fietsersbond (2010) show that<br />

the most important purposes for bicycle use are shopping<br />

(22% of all bicycle trips), education (18%), work (16%),<br />

leisure (14%, excluding just go for a ride that has a share<br />

of 6%), and visit family or friends (11%). The number of<br />

bicycle trips is comparable for men and women except<br />

for ages from 30-60 where women make significantly<br />

more trips. Non-natives make considerably less bicycle<br />

trips than natives. The difference is most striking for nonnatives<br />

from Mediterranean countries.<br />

8 9

3 The demonstration projects in<br />

Tilburg and The Hague<br />

3.1 Political context<br />

In chapter 2 we shortly described the paradigm shift of the<br />

1970’s in the thinking about traffic, resulting in more attention<br />

for (the safety of) cycling and walking. In this atmosphere<br />

of growing awareness a budget line for subsidizing<br />

cycling facilities in urban areas was introduced for the<br />

first time in the Multi Annual Plan for Persons Transport<br />

1976-1980 of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and<br />

Water Management. Such facilities were meant to stimulate<br />

bicycle use. Municipal projects to improve cyclists’<br />

safety were eligible for a 80% subsidy.<br />

As the construction of such facilities – in those days – appeared<br />

to be not that simple, the minister took up the plan<br />

to implement two so called ‘demonstration bicycle routes’<br />

in The Hague and Tilburg as an example for other municipalities<br />

to follow suit. These demonstration routes would<br />

be funded 100% by the national government.<br />

Both Tilburg and The Hague were chosen because these<br />

municipalities had formulated policies to improve cycling<br />

conditions in line with the aims of the government. These<br />

cycling policies were meant to slow down the increase of<br />

motorised traffic and to strengthen the (at that time deteriorating)<br />

position of cycling (and also public transport).<br />

As the available budget was supposed to be spent in<br />

1976 there was little time for preparation and design. The<br />

ministry was keen on making the demonstration route<br />

available as soon as possible in order to stimulate other<br />

municipalities to follow the given example.<br />

And at the same time there was an ambiguity in the<br />

character of these projects: on the one hand they should<br />

show the feasibility of dedicated bicycle routes, and on<br />

the other hand these projects had to contribute to an increased<br />

knowledge and understanding of the effects of<br />

certain interventions, which implied systematic before<br />

and after studies. Thus the routes included some (at that<br />

time) experimental solutions which effectiveness had to<br />

be assessed. The result of this ambiguity was (amongst<br />

other things) that the implementation of the routes took<br />

a bit more time than anticipated, and also resulted in an<br />

extensive research to the effects of the implemented facilities<br />

on bicycle use, road safety, the appropriateness of<br />

certain designs and the experiences of the users.<br />

10 11

3.2 The route designs<br />

3.2.1 TILBURG<br />

Figure 3.1: Tilburg is located in the southern part of the<br />

Netherlands.<br />

Tilburg is a city in the south of the Netherlands. After<br />

the industrial revolution it became a centre for textile industries,<br />

and because of the increase of the population<br />

Tilburg absorbed the adjacent villages. Thus Tilburg is<br />

an agglomeration rahter than a mono centric city. In the<br />

1960’s and 1970’s the textile industry lost its prominent<br />

position and many industrial sites were redeveloped. At<br />

that time Tilburg had a population of about 150.000 inhabitants.<br />

(In 2010 this number has increased to 204.000<br />

inhabitants.)<br />

Tilburg is also a university city with an emphasis on social<br />

and economic sciences. Although Tilburg is the sixth city<br />

of the Netherlands, its urban form reflects a rather recent<br />

development of its urban status.<br />

The design<br />

The demonstration bicycle route was designed as one<br />

stretched route connecting the outskirts of the built-up<br />

area in the west and the east with the city centre.<br />

Figure 3.2: Bicyle route in Tilburg.<br />

In the eastbound direction the route was extended to<br />

neighbouring villages Berkel-Enschot and Oisterwijk.<br />

Thus this route has also a rural section. At relevant points<br />

(mainly in the city centre) the project included some (relatively<br />

short) transverse connections to open up the area.<br />

And the connection with the villages in the east looks like<br />

an ongoing alignment to Oisterwijk with two transverse<br />

connections to Berkel-Enschot.<br />

Figure 3.3: Main route (above) and transverse connections (below) inside the city of Tilburg.<br />

12 13

3.2.2 The Hague<br />

The design<br />

Just as in Tilburg the demonstration route in The Hague<br />

was intended to be one stretched route (through the urban<br />

fabric parallel between two main arterials for motorised<br />

traffic) connecting the south-west of the city (Waldeck)<br />

and the north east part (Mariahoeve) via the city centre.<br />

Figure 3.4: Extension of the bicycle route to the villages of Oisterwijk and Berkel-Enschot.<br />

Main features of the project (Gemeente Tilburg 1975; Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat 1977):<br />

• Segregated cycling facilities, mostly a two directional path at one side of the main carriageway;<br />

• Redesigned narrow streets in the city centre with restricted access for cars, and related to that a number of changes in<br />

the circulation in the inner-city, such as changes of direction in one way streets;<br />

• Intersection redesign so as to give priority to cyclists on the bicycle route as much as possible;<br />

• Much effort is put into showing the continuity of the bicycle route across the intersections by using red coloured road<br />

surface for the bicycle route.<br />

• ‘Humps and bumps’ in the road pavement were used as an experimental feature at intersections to influence the manoeuvring<br />

of car drivers.<br />

<br />

Figure 3.5: The Hague is located in the west of the Netherlands<br />

and part of the metropolitan conurbation called<br />

‘Randstad’.<br />

The Hague is the residence city of the Netherlands government<br />

(Amsterdam being the capital). Government<br />

has been residing in The Hague since the 16th century.<br />

The Hague is the third city in the Netherlands with about<br />

500.000 inhabitants. As the The Hague territory is fully<br />

utilised, the number of inhabitants is now smaller than<br />

30 years ago, but the increase of population is absorbed<br />

by neighbouring municipalities. The agglomeration Haaglanden,<br />

consisting of The Hague and its neighbour municipalities<br />

has over 1 million inhabitants. And again this<br />

agglomeration is part of the larger Randstad, the metropolitan<br />

area in the west of the Netherlands including also<br />

Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht.<br />

The Hague is situated at the North Sea and well connected<br />

with the other parts of the country by highways and rail<br />

connections. The Hague is also called the capital of international<br />

justice, being the residence of the International<br />

Court and International Criminal Court.<br />

Figure 3.6: Bicycle route in The Hague<br />

But the planned route through the city centre and the east<br />

part met so much opposition that the city centre part was<br />

only decided upon after the evaluation study, and the<br />

east part of the route was cancelled altogether. So the<br />

bicycle route that was subject of the evaluation study is<br />

only connecting Waldeck, a neighbourhood in the South-<br />

West part of The Hague in North East direction with the<br />

city centre. The urban density in The Hague is somewhat<br />

higher than in Tilburg. Most parts of the route were designed<br />

as a one sided two directional cycle path, with priority<br />

of the cycle route at most of the intersections.<br />

Some parts are one way streets with cyclists mixing with<br />

motorised traffic and a contra flow cycling path in the<br />

other direction. Main feature in The Hague is the design<br />

of intersections with right of way for cyclists on the demonstration<br />

route. As in Tilburg the continuity of the route<br />

was made visible by the use of (red) coloured pavement.<br />

The experimental feature in The Hague was the design of<br />

‘priority intersections’ that provided right of way to cyclists<br />

on the demonstration bicycle route. The bicycle route is<br />

aligned over a road hump so as to make sure that crossing<br />

car drivers are slowing down when approaching the<br />

bicycle route. (Dienst der Gemeentewerken ’s-Gravenhage,<br />

1978).<br />

14 15

projects. (See also the organization chart below.) The decision<br />

making on the project implementation was at the<br />

municipal level.<br />

3.3.1 Tilburg<br />

In reality the (urban part of the) bicycle route in Tilburg<br />

was implemented between March 1976 and November<br />

1977 (Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, 1977)<br />

after approval of the plans by the municipal council on<br />

1 December 1975. The extensions to the neighbouring<br />

municipalities Berkel-Enschot and Oisterwijk were only<br />

decided in 1977, and these parts of the route are outside<br />

the scope of the evaluation studies.<br />

Given the pressure of time there was limited room for<br />

information to and consultation of the population. Information<br />

and consultations sessions were organised per<br />

neighbourhood and with some stakeholder groups like<br />

the Chamber of Commerce and the association of shop<br />

owners. Comments made could only be taken into account<br />

as far as they were within the boundary conditions<br />

of the project. This wasn’t always to the satisfaction of the<br />

people involved in this consultation process.<br />

The technical preparation and supervision on the implementation<br />

was commissioned to some consultancies,<br />

with the final responsibility at Tilburg Public Works department.<br />

Project group<br />

design<br />

The Hague<br />

Project group<br />

design<br />

Tilburg<br />

Ministry of<br />

Transport, Public<br />

Works and Water<br />

Management<br />

Project<br />

implementation<br />

Bicycle<br />

use<br />

Steering<br />

group<br />

The Hague<br />

Steering<br />

group<br />

Tilburg<br />

Cyclists’<br />

perceptions<br />

Road<br />

safety<br />

5 thematic research groups<br />

Municipality of<br />

The Hague<br />

Municipality of<br />

Tilburg<br />

Plenary<br />

Research<br />

Group<br />

Design<br />

aspects<br />

Accompanying<br />

research<br />

Shop<br />

sales<br />

3.3 Organisation and<br />

implementation<br />

Both demonstration projects stem from the desire of the<br />

national government to demonstrate the feasibility of well<br />

designed urban cycling infrastructure. As explained in<br />

paragraph 3.1 the Multi Annual Plan for Persons Transport<br />

1976-1980 had (for the first time) a budget line to<br />

subsidize urban cycling facilities. But as municipalities<br />

obviously found it difficult to qualify for these subsidies,<br />

these demonstration routes had to show them the way.<br />

Because of the time frame of the multi-annual plan the<br />

ministry wanted the projects to be implemented rather<br />

quickly. The original idea was that the implementation of<br />

both routes would be finalized in 1976.<br />

For both projects there was a steering group of municipal<br />

officials and the (national) Department of Waterways<br />

and Public Works. Thereupon there was a ‘plenary study<br />

group’ with 5 subgroups for a proper evaluation of the<br />

3.3.2 The Hague<br />

In The Hague the implementation process was less<br />

straight forward than in Tilburg. The original idea was that<br />

the municipal council would approve the plans for the entire<br />

bicycle route in one decision. But because of the opposition<br />

(mainly coming from shop keepers) the council<br />

decided to take separate decisions for 5 different route<br />

sections. For each route section ‘information evenings’<br />

were organised, and the plans for some sections raised<br />

substantial opposition, which resulted in serious delays<br />

for these sections. The route section in the historic city<br />

centre got only approved in 1983 after the evaluation<br />

studies were finished, and the north east section was ultimately<br />

cancelled altogether.<br />

The technical preparation was in the hands of the Department<br />

of Public Works of The Hague whereas the political<br />

management of the project was a shared responsibility<br />

of the town clerk’s office and the department of Public<br />

Works.<br />

3.4 The costs<br />

Figure 3.8: Chart of organisation and implementation of the two projects (Van den Broecke and<br />

Rijkswaterstaat, 1981)<br />

It doesn’t seem very worthwhile to go very deep into the<br />

costs of projects that were implemented more than 30<br />

years ago. The reporting on this issue (Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie,<br />

TNO and Rijkswaterstaat 1982) concludes<br />

that cost estimates were reasonably in line with the real<br />

costs, that it was difficult to establish a general applicable<br />

unit price for sections and intersections, that larger constructions<br />

such as bridges and underpasses do have a<br />

large impact on the total costs of such a project, and that<br />

costs are relatively low when the bicycle facilities can be<br />

implemented between the existing curbs of the carriageway.<br />

Reconstruction of the cross section ‘from façade to<br />

façade’ is obviously and understandably more expensive.<br />

This was also the main explanation why the bicycle route<br />

in The Hague was cheaper than the route in Tilburg: the<br />

route in The Hague could be implemented between the<br />

existing curbs, whereas in Tilburg the entire cross section<br />

was reconstructed. In the case of the two projects preparation<br />

and supervision of the construction of the bicycle<br />

routes took a substantial part of the budget.<br />

3.5 Set-up of the<br />

evaluation studies<br />

The demonstration projects were not only intended to<br />

show the feasibility of the implementation of cycling facilities,<br />

but also to get a better understanding of the effects of<br />

such facilities. For this reason the project was accompanied<br />

by a number of studies to evaluate the bicycle routes<br />

16 17

and to conclude whether the goals and objectives of the<br />

projects were achieved. The research was organised in 5<br />

thematic sub researches researching the impacts or effects<br />

of the bicycle routes on (1) bicycle use, (2) perceptions<br />

(appreciation) of the quality of the route and its elements,<br />

(3) road safety, (4) design aspects, and (5) shop<br />

sales.<br />

These groups were supervised by a plenary research<br />

group as shown in the organization chart in par. 3.3.<br />

As for the information and consultation process also the<br />

determination of the research questions was done rather<br />

quick and dirty. As a consequence the research questions<br />

of the 5 research groups didn’t fit in optimally to policy issues.<br />

Also the researches weren’t optimally geared to one<br />

another, which hampered the drawing of integral conclusions.<br />

An integral evaluation was done on the technical<br />

aspects (building on the results of the 5 sub groups) and<br />

on the process aspects of the project (evaluating project<br />

organisation, implementation and demonstration). The<br />

next paragraphs will shortly explain the research questions,<br />

used methods and results of all evaluation studies.<br />

3.6 The impacts<br />

3.6.1 Bicycle use<br />

With regard to bicycle use the research questions were:<br />

• Did the construction of the bicycle route result into additional<br />

trips?<br />

• Did the construction of the bicycle route result into a<br />

modal shift?<br />

• Is the bicycle route attracting cyclists from parallel<br />

routes?<br />

• What is the size of the area of influence of the bicycle<br />

route?<br />

• Do cyclists using the bicycle route judge differently<br />

about time losses as a consequence of detours than cyclists<br />

using other routes? (Or to phrase it differently: are<br />

cyclists prepared to accept longer detours because of a<br />

high quality bicycle route?)<br />

•How do cyclists experience certain design aspects?<br />

(DHV et al,1980)<br />

These questions were answered on the basis of counts<br />

of volumes of cyclists on the demonstration routes and<br />

parallel routes before (October 1975) and after (October<br />

1977, April 1978, October 1978 and October 1979) the<br />

implementation of the bicycle routes, and on the basis of<br />

a survey (after implementation) amongst cyclists on the<br />

bicycle routes and in the vicinity of these routes.<br />

The counts and surveys have been identically executed<br />

in The Hague and Tilburg. Also moped users were surveyed,<br />

but as the number of moped users decreased<br />

substantially between 1975 and 1977 (15% in The Hague<br />

and 30% in Tilburg) the analyses of the surveys was only<br />

done with the cyclists’ responses. It is good to note here<br />

that the majority of cyclists surveyed (75% in Tilburg and<br />

81% in The Hague) had no car available for their trips. (It<br />

is likely that today – 2011 – much higher percentages of<br />

cyclists have a car available.)<br />

The counts in both cities have been done on two corridor<br />

cross sections, including the bicycle route and the parallel<br />

routes on both sides. In both cities the volume of cyclists<br />

on the newly implemented route increased dramatically at<br />

the cost of the volumes of the parallel routes. The increase<br />

of volumes on the bicycle routes were highest in Tilburg<br />

(146% in 1978 and 140% in 1979 – both compared with<br />

the volumes as counted in 1975) but also in The Hague<br />

they were considerable (54% in 1978 and 76% in 1979).<br />

40% of the users in The Hague and 67% of the users in<br />

Tilburg are coming from parallel routes.<br />

At the same time cyclists don’t appear to be prepared to<br />

make detours. The average detour distance (defined as<br />

the difference between ‘the distance as the crow flies’ and<br />

‘the distance over the road’) is on the bicycle route in The<br />

Hague only 90 m longer than on the parallel routes; and<br />

in Tilburg the bicycle route is the shortest route anyway<br />

for most cyclists. The latter fact can be an explanation of<br />

the larger increase in use of the bicycle route in Tilburg:<br />

the shift in route choice in Tilburg can be explained because<br />

of an improved directness offered by the bicycle<br />

route. In case of a similar directness (no or minor detours<br />

compared to other routes) the shift in route choice can be<br />

explained by the better cycling quality of the route.<br />

Obviously cyclists in The Hague are prepared to accept<br />

an average additional detour of only 90 m to use the better<br />

quality bicycle route. (DHV et al, 1980) Goudappel en<br />

Coffeng and Rijkswaterstaat (1981, 1) suggest that travel<br />

time could be an explaining factor for this. The perception<br />

study revealed that cyclists appreciate the feeling of being<br />

able to get on smoothly, and that the absence of traffic<br />

lights on the demonstration route could result in a shorter<br />

travel time even if the distance is a bit larger.<br />

The total volume of cyclists in the corridor had increased<br />

as well. The increase was larger on the bicycle routes<br />

than on the parallel routes. In the survey cyclists indicated<br />

that they made more cycling trips for so called ‘non obligatory’<br />

(or ‘voluntary’) trips (as opposed to ‘obligatory’ or<br />

‘non voluntary’ trips like commuting to school or to work,<br />

which were not expected to increase). Cyclists stated to<br />

make more cycling trips to shops, family visits and recreational<br />

purposes than before the implementation of the<br />

bicycle route.<br />

On the other hand the implementation of the demonstration<br />

bicycle routes had only a modest impact on modal<br />

choice. In 1977 cyclists (on the demonstration routes and<br />

on parallel routes) were asked what mode of transport<br />

they used in 1975. Most cyclists (90%) already cycled before<br />

(as most of them had no car available for their trip)<br />

and there was no difference in this respect between cyclists<br />

on the demonstration routes and on parallel routes.<br />

There is hardly any impact on public transport use in both<br />

cities (that had very different levels of service). There is<br />

a small shift from car to bicycle (5-8% of the cyclists that<br />

own a car – which is only 20-25% of all cyclists – indicated<br />

that they used to use their car in 1975), and it can be concluded<br />

very cautiously that the (autonomous) shift from<br />

bicycle to other modes (i.e. modal shift as a consequence<br />

of changes in a person’s personal situation) is smaller for<br />

cyclists using the demonstration route than for those using<br />

parallel routes. (Goudappel en Coffeng and Rijkswaterstaat<br />

1980, DHV et al, 1980)<br />

With regard to the area of influence of the demonstration<br />

route an analysis was made of the origins and destinations<br />

of the surveyed cyclists. It appeared that those<br />

having their origin and/or destination within 250 m of the<br />

route will use the route rather frequently, but when origin<br />

and destination are further away, the use of the route<br />

becomes rapidly very small. It could not be shown that<br />

the area of influence of these demonstration routes was<br />

larger than the area of influence of other routes. However,<br />

if trip distances are more or less equal (i.e. no detour as<br />

a consequence of using the route) cyclists do choose the<br />

demonstration route more often.<br />

In general the users of the demonstration bicycle routes<br />

are positive about the routes. Satisfaction was larger in<br />

Tilburg than in The Hague, although some design aspects<br />

also raised some criticism. (See also 3.6.3 Perception of<br />

cycling quality.)<br />

3.6.2 Road safety<br />

With regard to road safety the researchers made a distinction<br />

between ‘objective’ road safety which can be<br />

measured by the number of personal injury accidents and<br />

facilities, and the ‘perceived’ or ‘subjective’ road safety:<br />

how safe do cyclists feel to be. This paragraph is mainly<br />

dealing with the objective road safety effects of the demonstration<br />

routes: in how far has the implementation of<br />

these routes resulted in a decrease of personal injury or<br />

fatal accidents. The perceived or subjective road safety is<br />

dealt with in the next paragraph about the perceived quality<br />

of the bicycle route.<br />

The main research questions with regard to road safety<br />

effects of the demonstration routes were:<br />

• What is the influence of the implemented demonstration<br />

routes on the (objective) road safety within the area of<br />

influence of the routes?<br />

• What is the influence of geometric design and traffic<br />

light adjustments of the newly implemented facilities on<br />

the road safety on the routes?<br />

The first question was elaborated in a number of subquestions<br />

so as to compare road safety for motorised and<br />

non motorised road users in the area of influence at large<br />

with a control area, and subsequently to compare the cycle<br />

route road sections and intersections with other road<br />

sections and intersections within the area of influence.<br />

The second question was also elaborated in a number of<br />

more detailed research questions but eventually handed<br />

over to the research group looking into design aspects. As<br />

the number of accidents per location (fortunately) are too<br />

rare to enable good conclusions on the basis of accident<br />

data, other methods of analysis had to be applied. See<br />

for design related road safety conclusions also paragraph<br />

3.6.4.<br />

The road safety impacts in this paragraph are based on<br />

an analysis of accident data before and after the implementation<br />

of the bicycle route. (Goudappel en Coffeng<br />

and Rijkswaterstaat, 1981, 3 and 4).<br />

With regard to the development of road safety for all road<br />

users there appeared to be no difference in the areas of<br />

influence of the bicycle routes in comparison with the control<br />

areas.<br />

Different results were found when looking at the accidents<br />

at sections and intersections of the bicycle route<br />

compared to other road sections and intersections within<br />

the influence areas. On the road sections and intersections<br />

of the bicycle routes single personal injury accidents<br />

and personal injury accidents with only cyclists involved<br />

are more frequent, and on intersections this is also true<br />

for cyclist x motorist personal injury accidents. However,<br />

18 19

that the risk of personal injury on the bicycle route is lowest<br />

on the bicycle route. This can be explained by the<br />

absence of cyclist x motorists accidents on the bicycle<br />

route because of the segregated facilities. One could say<br />

that there was a shift from cyclist x motorist accidents to<br />

cyclist x cyclist accidents, cyclists x pedestrian accidents<br />

and single cycling accidents. The latter types of accidents<br />

are on average of course less serious than the cyclist x<br />

motorist accidents.<br />

In general the researchers concluded that the demonstration<br />

bicycle routes had no measurable impact on the number<br />

of accidents with personal injury, and this was a disappointing<br />

conclusion. There was no clear positive effect<br />

of the bicycle routes on (objective) road safety (Dienst der<br />

Gemeentewerken ’s-Gravenhage, 1984).<br />

3.6.3 Perception of cycling quality<br />

One of the researches was meant to determine how cyclists<br />

and other road users perceive (and experience) the<br />

bicycle routes and the various applied design elements,<br />

and to which extent the perception (and experience) of<br />

cycling in the city is being improved by the construction of<br />

a dedicated bicycle route. The character of this research<br />

was mainly qualitative.<br />

amongst three important target groups within the (expected)<br />

areas of influence of both demonstration routes.<br />

These target groups were:<br />

• Employees from adjacent residential areas having their<br />

jobs in the city centre, who don’t need a car for their job<br />

and could or do use the bicycle for their commuting;<br />

•Housewives from the same residential areas who could<br />

or do cycle;<br />

•Students of schools in the vicinity of the bicycle route.<br />

There were also surveys amongst control groups, consisting<br />

out of similar employees and housewives from<br />

similar neighbourhoods but outside the areas of influence<br />

of the bicycle routes. It appeared necessary to replenish<br />

the panels that had been surveyed in the before study for<br />

the after study, especially in The Hague: because of the<br />

delays in implementation the existing panels appeared to<br />

be depleted substantially at the time of the after study.<br />

Even more so because a considerable part of the demonstration<br />

route in The Hague (the north-east section) had<br />

not been implemented, and as a consequence the concerning<br />

part of the before study panel wasn’t relevant for<br />

the after study.<br />

(83%) than cyclists in Tilburg (68%). Also more cyclists in<br />

The Hague were (in 1978) positive about the suggestion<br />

for more bicycle routes than cyclists in Tilburg (68%). Explanation<br />

for this could be that firstly the need for improvement<br />

of cycling conditions was perceived as more urgent<br />

in The Hague than in Tilburg, and secondly that higher<br />

expectations can be easier disappointed.<br />

The next research question was how cyclists compare the<br />

use of the bicycle route with the before situation without<br />

the bicycle route. Generally they feel safer than before,<br />

they can cycle more undisturbed and they can get on<br />

more smoothly.<br />

Spontaneously mentioned elements as being ‘well<br />

thought of’ were the (redish) coloured pavement of the bicycle<br />

route, the segregation from the motor traffic and the<br />

right of way at intersections. On the question what they<br />

disliked cyclists mentioned dangerous (priority) intersections,<br />

some narrow sections, mopeds on the bicycle route<br />

and a number of very diverse other objections.<br />

When directly asked to assess certain quality aspects as<br />

being improved or deteriorated these were the results:<br />

The most striking difference between the two cities is the<br />

relative larger improvement of the directness in Tilburg.<br />

ees and 7% of the housewives in The Hague, and 9% of<br />

the employees and 13 % of the housewives in Tilburg.<br />

Changes in modal choice for commuting are minor, for<br />

other motives slightly higher but still very modest: 5%. In<br />

line with the results of the research to travel behaviour is<br />

that cyclists indicate only to use the route if it provides a<br />

direct connection between origin and destination.<br />

When it comes to the appreciation of certain design aspects<br />

of the bicycle routes the following observations can<br />

be made:<br />

• A positive appreciation of the design correlates with the<br />

extent of segregation and the width of the facilities. Cyclists<br />

are obviously less positive when facilities are not<br />

segregated and/or too narrow.<br />

• There is also a correlation between the perception of<br />

safety and the enjoyability of cycling, although the perception<br />

of safety is systematically more positive than the<br />

perception of enjoyability. One could conclude that perceived<br />

safety is a precondition for enjoyable cycling, but<br />

obviously there is more to it.<br />

• Intersections are perceived as less safe than road sections,<br />

and a bit more so in case of intersections without<br />

traffic lights.<br />

Research questions were:<br />

• How do the various groups of road users appreciate/<br />

assess the current (implemented) bicycle route, and what<br />

are the reasons for a positive or a negative assessment?<br />

• How do bicycle and moped users perceive the use of<br />

the bicycle route in comparison with cycling in the before<br />

situation?<br />

• What can be said on a qualitative level about the effects<br />

of the bicycle route on the level of bicycle use and on<br />

route choice?<br />

• How are the various design elements (design components)<br />

of the bicycle routes being perceived by the users?<br />

• How do motorists (i.e. car drivers) perceive the priority<br />

intersections in the bicycle route as they have been designed<br />

and implemented?<br />

To answer these questions a survey was executed before<br />

and after the implementation of the bicycle routes<br />

The surveys consisted out of an extensive list of questions,<br />

and the results of the before study were also used<br />

for drafting the questions for the after study.<br />

In general the respondents (both users and non-users of<br />

the routes) assessed the implementation of the bicycle<br />

routes positively. Non-users included both cyclists from<br />

other areas and non-cyclists, and also the majority of noncyclists<br />

were positive. The positive judgements (in 1978)<br />

were more frequent in Tilburg (82%) than in The Hague<br />

(62%). Main reasons for the positive appreciation were<br />

improved perceived (!) road safety and more room for cycling<br />

because of the provision of segregated road space.<br />

Additionally the cyclists in Tilburg mentioned that the bicycle<br />

route made the city centre better (faster) accessible by<br />

bicycle. Those in The Hague who were negative in their<br />

assessment of the bicycle route mentioned mainly insufficient<br />

road safety or even called the route dangerous. In<br />

Tilburg the negative assessments were mainly explained<br />

by the nuisance that the bicycle route created for other<br />

road users.<br />

Striking is that with regard to the positive expectations in<br />

the before study in 1976 it was just the other way around:<br />

cyclists in The Hague were more positive about the plans<br />

The effect of the bicycle routes on bicycle use and route<br />

choice were already studied in another research (see<br />

3.6.1), and the results in this study to the perceptions of<br />

cyclists are in line with those results. Only small percentages<br />

of the cyclist respondents indicate to cycle more<br />

often because of the bicycle routes: 2% of the employ-<br />

• The two grade separated crossings in Tilburg are in general<br />

appreciated, although the (specific) design of one underpass<br />

had also some critical remarks.<br />

• The bumps in the road surface at some intersections in<br />

Tilburg to steer the manoeuvres of car drivers are mainly<br />

improved<br />

deteriorated<br />

Quality aspect The Hague Tilburg The Hague Tilburg<br />

More pleasant cycling 71% 82% 10% 1%<br />

Safer cycling 66% 78% 12% 4%<br />

Getting on more<br />

smoothly (i.e. improved 57% 79% 5% 4%<br />

directness)<br />

More attractive route 43% 56% 7% 4%<br />

Table 3.1: Perceived changes in quality<br />

20 21

• Coloured pavement to visually distinguish the space for<br />

cycling and to underline the coherence and continuity of<br />

the route are generally appreciated.<br />

• Cyclists prefer an asphalt pavement above tile paving.<br />

3.6.4 Design aspects<br />

An important question is how the results of the researches<br />

in the previous paragraphs cohere with specific designs<br />

applied in the bicycle routes. Upon that it is important<br />

to know to which extent the behaviour of road users<br />

is in accordance with the intentions of the designers. To<br />

a certain extent these questions have been answered in<br />

the research on the perceptions of road users. A specific<br />

research was done to evaluate the design of intersections,<br />

and more particularly the intersections without traffic<br />

lights where cyclists have the right of way.<br />

At these intersections and a number of control intersections<br />

observations were done to the behaviour of the various<br />

road users with regard to their speed, manoeuvres<br />

and interaction with other road users. Behaviour was registered<br />

and subsequently analysed. The gravity of interactions<br />

or conflicts was assessed by calculating the ‘time<br />

to collision’ (i.e. the collision that would happen if road<br />

users continue their course with unchanged speed; van<br />

der Horst and Sijmonsma, 1978).<br />

This observation method was also applied to complement<br />

the road safety analysis based on accident data.<br />

On each individual location the number of accidents was<br />

too rare to draw any specific conclusion with regard to<br />

the safety of the location in relation to the applied design.<br />

As near misses happen much more frequently than real<br />

accidents, observations of those near misses can provide<br />

a data base that is considered to a good proxy for road<br />

accident data bases as basis for an in depth road safety<br />

analysis.<br />

Conclusions at route level:<br />

• Given the fact that cyclists are hardly prepared to make<br />

detours, the design of bicycle routes should offer as direct<br />

as possible connections between origin and destination.<br />

And combined with the preference of cyclists for segregated<br />

facilities the implication is that if a heavily used arterial<br />

is providing the shortest connection for cyclists, these<br />

arterials should have segregated cycle tracks.<br />

• However, routes along arterials have some disadvantages,<br />

such as the experience of noise and emissions,<br />

traffic lights that often aren’t well adjusted to the needs of<br />

cyclists, and the risk of collisions with turning motor traffic.<br />

So if direct connections can be made through traffic<br />

calmed areas, this is the preferred option.<br />

• Another finding of the research was the importance of a<br />

logical tracing of the various links of the bicycle route. If<br />

the tracing of the route is unclear, cyclists get ‘lost’. Thus<br />

is coherence an important requirement for cycling infrastructure.<br />

Findings and conclusions with regard to road sections:<br />

• In both bicycle routes the bicycle facilities were as much<br />

as possible segregated from the carriageway for motor<br />

traffic, and cyclists appear to appreciate this.<br />

• The route in Tilburg was better appreciated than the<br />

route in The Hague. In The Hague the emphasis was on<br />

creating safety, whereas in Tilburg the emphasis was on<br />

getting on more smoothly (improving directness) through<br />

traffic restrained streets.<br />

• In case of a lack of space to apply the desired width, in<br />

some streets the designers chose for compromised solutions.<br />

Narrowing down the width for all road users with<br />

only visual separation between the lanes was appreciated<br />

by none of the categories of road users: the design wasn’t<br />

comfortable for any of them. A better option seems to design<br />

the concerning street as a habitat street with limited<br />

access for motor traffic and a mixed profile. Yet this is not<br />

ideal for a main bicycle route.<br />

• Both in The Hague and in Tilburg one sided two directional<br />

bicycle tracks were predominantly applied. The research<br />

showed that for the level of use this hardly makes<br />

any difference compared with two sided one directional<br />

tracks. These one sided two directional bicycle tracks<br />

have a big advantage with regard to road management:<br />

overall these one sided facilities are cheaper and require<br />

less space than two sided one directional tracks. For cyclists<br />

they have only advantages when most origins and<br />

destinations are on the same side of the road, as in those<br />

cases there is less need for cyclists to cross the main carriageway.<br />

But there are also serious disadvantages: the<br />

perception of safety by cyclists is less for those riding in<br />

the ‘wrong’ direction (which is understandable as they are<br />

closest to the head on motor traffic).<br />

And at intersections on this one sided facilities there are<br />

more conflicts and accidents, again with these cyclists in<br />

the ‘wrong’ direction being the ‘unexpected direction’ for<br />

other road users. Also the overtaking by mopeds on these<br />

two-directional tracks is perceived as less safe and comfortable.<br />

The overall conclusion is that in urban environments<br />

two sided one directional tracks are in general the<br />

most preferred bicycle facilities. One sided two directional<br />

tracks should only be applied if it is clear that the advantages<br />

of a decreased need for crossing the main carriageway<br />

exceed the described disadvantages.<br />

• The interaction with crossing pedestrians is asking for<br />

attention as well. As this often happens unexpectedly<br />

and all along the route, this requires some extra width<br />

for avoiding manoeuvres. An additional width of 0.50 m<br />

of the bicycle track is recommended at locations where<br />

many crossing pedestrians can be expected (Instituut<br />

voor Zintuigfysiologie 1981). In general and particularly<br />

at dedicated pedestrian crossings it is important that pedestrians<br />

can see where and from which directions they<br />

can .expect cyclists. The coloured pavement enhancing<br />

the recognisability of the bicycle track contributes to this.<br />

Findings and conclusions with regard to the intersection<br />

designs:<br />

The research into the design aspects of ‘unregulated<br />

priority crossings’, i.e. intersections without traffic lights<br />

providing right of way to the cyclists on the bicycle route,<br />

is probably the most significant research about design aspects<br />

of cycling facilities of these projects. Therefore we<br />

will go into a bit more detail on the aspects of intersection<br />

design.<br />

• In both bicycle routes intersection designs were implemented<br />

that intended to have an impact on the speed,<br />

manoeuvring and interaction by the road users. Main purpose<br />

was to accomplish that car drivers would approach<br />

the bicycle route with low speeds and that they would be<br />

alerted to the presence of cyclists so as to give them right<br />

of way. For this purpose bumps and road humps were<br />

applied as well as road narrowings of the side streets just<br />

before the crossing with the bicycle route. Also the designers<br />

applied at some intersections areas with more or<br />

less uneven cobble stones to influence the manoeuvring<br />

of (personal) cars. The idea was that the discomfort of<br />

driving over the cobble stones would make that car drivers<br />

would avoid riding over these cobblestones (thus forced<br />

to make the intended manoeuvre across the intersection<br />

with a smaller turning radius and to cross the bicycle track<br />

in a right angle) whereas larger vehicle (needing more<br />

space) still could make their manoeuvres across the intersection<br />

using the area with the uneven pavement. Find<br />

below a few examples of intersection designs applied in<br />

The Hague.<br />

• The observation study systematically distinguished all<br />

possible interactions between one or two directional bicycle<br />

tracks on the one hand and one or two directional<br />

crossing motor traffic on the other hand. A further distinction<br />

was made to situations in which motor traffic would<br />

only cross the bicycle route; would cross the bicycle route<br />

and subsequently the main carriageway; or would first<br />

cross the main carriageway and then the bicycle route.<br />

By systematic zoning of the intersection the behaviour of<br />

road users in each zone could be analysed. In an ideal<br />

situation before and after studies would have been done,<br />

but this wasn’t possible as the research method was<br />

only developed after the bicycle routes had been implemented.<br />

Therefore some control intersections have been<br />

selected in order to determine the effects of the applied<br />

design elements.<br />

22 23

• Manoeuvre behaviour: The intended effect of the applied<br />

areas with cobblestones did only occur when they<br />

were paved very uneven. Visually marked areas with a<br />

smooth surface were less effective to enforce the intended<br />

manoeuvre behaviour. The project in Tilburg showed<br />

that extreme bumps to steer manoeuvre behaviour can<br />

also be counterproductive: if the intended manoeuvre appears<br />

too difficult or uncomfortable car drivers might try to<br />

avoid these bumps in other ways, sometimes by invading<br />

the bicycle track.<br />

Figure 3.11: An intersection with 5m distance between<br />

ramps and the edge of the bicycle track<br />

Figure 3.9: Four examples of intersection designs<br />

The speed behaviour of drivers coming from zone 7 or 4,<br />

i.e. the cars approaching the bicycle route from the other<br />

direction, was observed as well. Although the minimum<br />

speeds measured were higher than the speeds of cars<br />

coming from zone 1, the speed was still significant lower<br />

than in cases without speed humps. The difference was<br />

least for cars making a right turn to cross the bicycle route.<br />

Next behavioural elements to analyse were identified:<br />

• Speed behaviour upon approaching the bicycle route<br />

(mainly in zone 1;<br />

• The lining up behaviour in case of traffic on the main<br />

carriageway parallel to the bicycle route (mainly in zone<br />

2 and 3);<br />

• Manoeuvre behaviour and interactions with cyclists on<br />

the bicycle route.<br />

• Speed behaviour: The application of road humps (or<br />

table crossings) over which the bicycle route was aligned<br />

in combination with narrowings of the side streets just<br />

before the crossing appeared to work quite well. As car<br />

drivers would slow down anyway when approaching the<br />

main carriageway, the deceleration was larger in case of<br />

the hump or table crossing. But the most significant effect<br />

was the location of the deceleration. Without a speed<br />

hump the cars would slow down just before the main carriageway,<br />

whereas in the case of the road hump or table<br />

crossing with the bicycle route they would slow down before<br />

crossing the bicycle route. Having the ramp 5 m before<br />

the edge of the bicycle route had significant better effects<br />

than having the ramp just at the edge of the bicycle<br />

route. So the effect of the humps was that car drivers will<br />

slow down more and earlier.<br />

Figure 3.10: Zoning categories: in zone 1 (or zone 7) traffic<br />

from the side way is approaching the bicycle route<br />

• Lining up behaviour: Also the lining up behaviour was<br />

positively influenced by the presence of the road humps.<br />

In case of humps or table crossings cars coming from<br />

zone 1 have clearly their minimum speed before the bicycle<br />

route when there are cyclists, whereas in cases<br />

without humps the minimum speed is on or even beyond<br />

the bicycle route. The lining up in this direction, however,<br />

hasn’t been analysed explicitly. The lining up in zone 2<br />

and 3 is looked at in case they hadn’t to give way to cyclists<br />

but had to wait for cars on the main carriageway.<br />

The desired lining up would be in zone 3 without blocking<br />

the bicycle route in zone 2. Here the position of the ramp<br />

of the road hump in combination with the available width<br />

of zone 3 appears to make a significant difference. Zone<br />

3 has to be wide enough to position the car, but even if<br />

this is the case it makes a difference whether the ramp is<br />

at the edge of the bicycle route or 5 m from the edge of<br />

the bicycle route (at the edge of the main carriageway).<br />

In the latter case cars are making significantly less stops<br />

blocking the bicycle route over 1 m or more. The reason<br />

for this is that in case the ramp is at 5 m from the edge of<br />

the bicycle route, they don’t have to worry about their rear<br />

wheels being at the ramp<br />

Figure 3.12 and figure 3.13: Cobble stone area and<br />

bump to steer manoeuvre behaviour.<br />

• Conflicts: the observation study also revealed that conflicts<br />

between cars and cyclists on a two directional bicycle<br />

track tend to be more serious between the car and<br />

the first stream of cyclists the car driver is crossing. And<br />

also that the number of serious conflicts is influenced by<br />

the most frequently occurring (directions of the) manoeuvres<br />

across the intersection. Clarity about the manoeuvres<br />

that can be expected helps, and intersections at the<br />

bicycle routes had less serious conflicts than the control<br />

intersections.<br />

24 25

• With regard to intersections with traffic lights it appears<br />

that cyclists hardly noticed any difference between traffic<br />

light adjustments on the bicycle route and at other intersections.<br />

What they liked most was that the number of intersections<br />

with traffic lights was diminished at the bicycle<br />

route and for that reason they had less delay. Again this<br />

underlines the importance of the requirement of directness.<br />

3.6.5 Economy<br />

With the implementation of the bicycle routes the position<br />

of shops was a big issue. Especially in The Hague shop<br />

keepers weren’t very happy with the implementation of<br />

the route (which was one of the first projects in their kind).<br />

The implementation of several parts of the route got seriously<br />

delayed because of the opposition of shop keepers<br />

and in the end some parts that had been planned were<br />

never implemented. The fear for loosing volume of business<br />

is only too understandable. Therefore a research<br />

was done on the impact of the bicycle route and its implementation<br />

on shop sales along the route.<br />

The research in The Hague compared the developments<br />

in the turnover of the shops along the bicycle route with<br />

the country wide average turnover developments and<br />

the development of a similar control group of comparable<br />

shops. For the shops in Tilburg it appeared impossible<br />

to compose a proper control group and thus only<br />

the comparison was made with the country wide trends.<br />

Nevertheless the findings in both cities were consistent<br />

with each other.<br />

In both cities the volume of business of shops along the<br />

bicycle routes was negatively affected in the construction<br />

phase: their turn over was below the country wide average<br />

for similar shops, although this effect was much lower<br />

for shops in the food sector that attracted their clients from<br />

the neighbourhood. After the construction the shops in the<br />

food sector very quickly caught up and performed actually<br />

better than the country wide average. Quite different was<br />

the turnover development of shops in the sector of durable<br />

consumer goods (that often attract their clients from<br />

a wider area): they performed far below the country wide<br />

trends, and also the number of shops closing down in this<br />

sector was relatively high. It should be noted though that<br />

there are large differences between sub-sectors and also<br />

that a number of these shops (especially in The Hague)<br />

were already marginal before the bicycle route was implemented.<br />

In conclusion one can say that the construction phase of<br />

public works will very likely cause some negative impacts<br />

on the development of turnovers of shops. Generally<br />

shops will catch up later and compensate for the losses<br />

in volume of business during the construction. But this is<br />

not true for all sectors. Especially shops in durable consumer<br />

goods seemed (at that time) to be more vulnerable<br />

for changes in the quality of their accessibility (e.g.<br />

because of the reduction parking space) than shops in<br />

the food sector. Explaining factor for this was the difference<br />

in catchment area for the different sectors: when clients<br />

come from the neighbourhood there was hardly any<br />

negative effect, whereas shops that got their clients from<br />

a wider area had more problems with their recovery. One<br />

could even say: there might be winners and their might be<br />

losers. In any case it is good to pay attention to specific issues<br />

that might have impact on the accessibility of shops<br />

for their existing clients (e.g. with regard to parking space,<br />

loading and unloading facilities etc) in order to minimise<br />

the disturbance of businesses.<br />

3.7 Discussion<br />

The ‘demonstration bicycle routes’ implemented in the<br />

late 1970’s in The Hague and Tilburg was the first well<br />

documented case study on the impact of cycling infrastructure.<br />

These projects can be seen as the first serious<br />

attempt to provide high quality infrastructure for cycling<br />

and to study the impacts extensively. Although the projects<br />

suffered from some ambiguity in their set up (trying to<br />

combine a demonstration of feasibility with experimental<br />

designs), the findings of the accompanying researches<br />

contain already many elements which were reflected in<br />

‘Sign up for the bike, design manual for cycle-friendly infrastructure’,<br />

published later in 1993 and updated in 2006<br />

under the title ‘Design manual for bicycle traffic’.<br />

The projects showed a number of things:<br />

• Cyclists do appreciate dedicated facilities for cycling.<br />

What they liked specifically in the two projects was the<br />

(perceived!) improvement of road safety, the experience<br />

of undisturbed cycling, improvements of directness (without<br />

detours and delays), and – with regard to design – the<br />

‘furnishing’ of the route: the red coloured pavement and<br />

other design elements that underlined the tracing,<br />

recognisability and continuity of the route.<br />

• Apart from providing the shortest connection between<br />

origin and destination the directness of a route can be<br />

improved by minimising delays: giving right of way to cyclists<br />

at intersections and minimise the number of traffic<br />

lights on the route.<br />

• However cyclists liked the design of the route, they were<br />

only to a very limited extent prepared to make detours to<br />

take full advantage of the improved cycling conditions. Although<br />

the demonstration routes attracted a great deal of<br />

cyclists from parallel routes, these new routes had more<br />

or less the same length as the earlier used routes or were<br />

shorter.<br />

• Although road safety is considered to be vital by both<br />

bicycle users and policy makers, there was a remarkable<br />

contrast between the impacts of the facilities on the<br />

factual and the perceived road safety: road safety data<br />

showed no or very minor impacts, whereas the perceived<br />

road safety improved substantially. Policy makers were<br />

disappointed about the marginal impact of the facilities on<br />

the ‘objective’ road safety figures.<br />

• The research also suggested that one should be careful<br />

with applying one-sided two directional bicycle tracks:<br />

this type of facility can have a negative impact on both<br />

factual (objective) and perceived (subjective) road safety<br />

of cyclists. Two sided one-directional bicycle tracks are on<br />

average experienced as more safe than one sided twodirectional<br />

cycle tracks. Thus one sided two-directional<br />

tracks should only be applied if there are clear advantages<br />

such as diminishing the need for crossing busy roads.<br />

• With regard to experimental design features the project<br />

provided better understanding of effective design of priority<br />

intersections for cyclists. Very instructive were the observations<br />

of road users’ behaviour at those intersections.<br />

• Furthermore the researchers did some theoretical analyses<br />

so as to shed light on what would be the ideal mesh<br />

width in a network of cycle routes. This provided the basis<br />

for the next demonstration project in this overview of<br />

case studies: the Delft bicycle network, implemented in<br />

the 1980’s.<br />

In general the bicycle route in Tilburg was better appreciated<br />

than the bicycle route in The Hague and this difference<br />

in appreciation appears to be reciprocal correlated<br />

with differences in expectations. Yet the The Hague cyclists<br />

were more in favour of extensions of the bicycle<br />

route than those in Tilburg. But also the opposition in The<br />

Hague appeared to be much stronger. It is a kind of irony<br />

that the municipality of Tilburg after the project started<br />

with the implementation of a comprehensive bicycle network<br />

(which was locally known as Tilburg’s ‘star network’)<br />

with a strong emphasis on radial connections with the city<br />

centre, whereas the municipality of The Hague did not<br />

continue its efforts to substantially improve the cycling<br />

conditions. Continuing complaints of shop keepers eventually<br />

even resulted in the dismantling of large parts of the<br />

bicycle route in The Hague.<br />

26 27

4 The Delft Bicycle Plan<br />

Delft is a medium-sized city in the highly urbanised western<br />

part of the Netherlands. It is located between the conurbations<br />

of Rotterdam and The Hague and on cycling<br />

distance to these two cities (Figure 4.1).<br />

The main infrastructure routes (railway, canal, and motorway)<br />

run north-south through or along the city. In the<br />

Middle Ages Delft was one of the largest cities in Holland.<br />

It has still a large medieval inner city. The city houses a<br />

technical university and a large technical research institute<br />

(TNO). It promotes itself as ‘knowledge city’.<br />

The historic city centre with a low accessibility for cars<br />

as well as the large share of student population gives<br />

Delft a high potential for the bicycle. In 1979 the Delft<br />

Bicycle Plan was launched that aimed at realising a coherent<br />

bicycle network all over the city. At that time, the<br />

city had 85,000 inhabitants. The plan was implemented<br />

in the 1980s and evaluated elaborately. The evaluation<br />

regarded both the whole network and some larger single<br />

projects. In the next sections the plan and the evaluation<br />

of both the network and one single project (the Plantagebrug)<br />

will be discussed.<br />

4.1 Political context<br />

In Section 2 is described that in the 1970s the Dutch national<br />

policy started to give high priority to promote cycling<br />

and improve cycling conditions. Besides, there was need<br />

for more knowledge on the impacts of interventions in bicycle<br />

infrastructure.<br />

The demonstration projects in Tilburg and The Hague<br />

were results of this policy. After these projects were finished,<br />

the national policy continued to promote cycling by<br />

providing subsidies for specific projects, and there was<br />

still demand for more knowledge. The demonstration<br />

projects proved that investments in single bicycle routes<br />

could enhance (the perception of) safety, but that the impacts<br />

on bicycle use are rather small. One assumed that<br />

improvement of a complete network would have a more<br />

significant impact on bicycle use (Ministry of Transport<br />

and Public Works, 1987; Wilmink, 1987).<br />

Figure 4.1: Location of Delft<br />

28 29

In the late 1970s, the medium-sized city of Delft developed<br />

a plan for a coherent bicycle network in the whole<br />

city and requested the central government for a significant<br />

subsidy. The subsidy was granted under the condition<br />

that the implementation would be evaluated elaborately.<br />

The Delft Bicycle Plan was included in the Dutch<br />

second Programme for Person Transport for the period<br />

1980-1984 as an evaluation project (Ministry of Transport<br />

and Public Works, 1986).<br />

The European Economic Community was interested in<br />

the evaluation results and contributed in financing a substantial<br />

part of the costs of the evaluation studies. The<br />

regional authority, the province of South-Holland, played<br />

a minor role in the project. It provided some subsidy for<br />

the implementation. So, four levels of authority were to a<br />

smaller or larger extent involved in the project: local, regional,<br />

national and supranational (Diepens en Okkema,<br />

1994).<br />

4.2 Design<br />

4.2.1 The network<br />

In the Delft Bicycle Plan, three networks on three hierarchical<br />

levels were defined: an urban network, a district<br />

network and a neighbourhood network. The networks<br />

have different functions, service qualities and densities.<br />

All networks have basically a grid-pattern. The existing<br />

infrastructure was basic in the network definition. The objective<br />

of the plan was to upgrade and extend the existing<br />

network in order to achieve a network that satisfies the<br />

requirements of the three defined sub-networks (Ministry<br />

of Transport and Public Works, 1987; Hartman, 1987).<br />

The defined urban network consists of the most important<br />

routes that traverse the entire town and connect to the<br />

regional bicycle system. The function is to accommodate<br />

the larger inter-district bicycle trips as well as the regional<br />

trips that go into or outside the city. It has high standards<br />

for capacity, velocity and convenience. Important barriers<br />

like canals, railways and main roads are crossed at a separate<br />

level. The link spacing is 400-600 m. Frequented facilities<br />

that serve the whole city like railway stations, secondary<br />

schools, and main shopping centres are directly<br />

connected to the network.<br />

The defined district network has two functions. It provides<br />

adequate infrastructure for bicycle trips inside districts<br />

and collects and distributes bicycle traffic to and from the<br />

urban network. The links are spaced 200-300 m. Facilities<br />

like primary schools and shops are connected to the<br />

network.<br />

The neighbourhood network connects the individual<br />

houses to the other networks. It comprises the remaining<br />

streets and shortcuts for the bicycle. The link spacing is<br />

about 100 m.<br />

Figure 4.2: The defined bicycle network<br />

In the before situation, 75% of the defined network already<br />

existed according to the Ministry of Transport and<br />

Public Works (1987). We assume that this figure relates<br />

only to the urban network; for the whole network the figure<br />

is likely to be in the order of 90%. For completion of the<br />

defined network a large number of different projects had<br />

to be executed. Not all defined projects were implemented,<br />

and others were implemented outside the framework<br />

of the bicycle plan. Some projects would only have been<br />

realised if planned new residential quarters had been<br />

developed, a few other expensive projects were subsidised<br />

separately and not considered to be part of the plan<br />

any more (Ten Grotenhuis, 1987). Diepens en Okkema<br />

(1994) assume that some projects were not implemented<br />

because of the high investment costs.<br />

4.2.2 The projects<br />

Plantagebrug<br />

Inner city<br />

Old districts (before<br />

WWII)<br />

Motorway<br />

Railway<br />

Canal<br />

University campus<br />

New districts (after<br />

WWII)<br />

Table 4.1 gives an overview of the numbers of implemented<br />

projects and the length of the infrastructure involved<br />

by project type and sub-network (Diepens en Okkema,<br />

1993). The table demonstrates that a large number of<br />

projects with quite varying natures are executed. Most effort<br />

is made for realising the urban and district networks,<br />

in particular the urban network that is highest in the hierarchy.<br />

The project investments covered the period 1979<br />

to 1991, but most of them were made between 1982 and<br />

1987.<br />

4.3 Organisation and implementation<br />

One of the lessons of the demonstration projects in Tilburg<br />

and The Hague was that good communication with<br />

urban<br />

network<br />

the residents is important for a successful project. In the<br />

Delft case this lesson has been taken to heart. Communication<br />

with interest groups and residents was essential<br />

in the project.<br />

Communication has been done at two levels. First, the<br />

bicycle plan was discussed with a number of general interest<br />

groups, like the Cyclists’ Union, the Traffic Safety<br />

Association, the Pedestrian Association, the Chamber of<br />

Commerce, the Shopkeepers Federation, schools, and<br />

homes for the elderly. These groups could comment on<br />

the plan and suggest adaptations. They had a positive<br />

attitude towards the plan, being bicycle improvements<br />

generally in their favour (ten Grotenhuis, 1987).<br />

district<br />

network<br />

intersections<br />

urban/district<br />

network<br />

neighbourhood<br />

network<br />

# of<br />

proj.<br />

length<br />

(km)<br />

# of<br />

proj.<br />

length<br />

(km)<br />

# of<br />

proj.<br />

length<br />

(km)<br />

# of<br />

proj.<br />

length<br />

(km)<br />

building new bicycle 19 10.5 4 1.3<br />

path<br />

reconstructing bicycle 1 1.8<br />

path<br />

making short cut 4 0.2 10 0.75 2 0.15 1 0.05<br />

defining bicycle lane, 3 1.9 2 1.7<br />

widening road<br />

abolish one way 4 1.8 10 1.55 12 1.65<br />

traffic for bikes<br />

phasing traffic lights 1 0 2 0 4 0<br />

installing traffic lights 3 0 2 0 4 0<br />

permitting cyclists a<br />

free right turn at<br />

traffic lights<br />

1 0 3 0 3 0<br />

reconstructing 6 0 1 0 6 0<br />

intersections<br />

providing crossover 4 0 3 0 1 0<br />

building bridge 3 0.15 4 0.2<br />

reconstructing bridge 1 0.05<br />

building tunnel 1 0.1 1 0.05<br />

providing bicycle 2 0<br />

stands at transit stops<br />

total 53 16.5 42 5.55 19 0.15 14 1.7<br />

Table 4.1: Number of projects and infrastructure length by type of project and network.<br />

30 31

Second, for the individual projects a discussion was organised<br />

with the residents living in the neighbourhood<br />

of a project. A positive attitude was less natural for them<br />

than for the interest groups. In communication with the<br />

residents, the strategy was not to start with informing<br />

them about the plan, but to ask what traffic-relating problems<br />

they were faced with. Starting from the problems<br />

mentioned, solutions were proposed that regarded bicycle<br />

infrastructure and that were in accordance with the<br />

bicycle plan. The discussions gave also cause for some<br />

adaptations of the plan. This strategy contributed to a<br />

general support of the citizens towards the plan: existing<br />

problems were solved (according to interviews conducted<br />

in the framework of Transecon, 2003).<br />

urban<br />

network<br />

4.4 The costs<br />

The estimated costs of the original plan were 70 million<br />

HFL (Dutch guilders). This amount was in the early<br />

1980’s equal to 25 million ECU (European Currency<br />

Unit, the precursor of the Euro). As mentioned in Section<br />

4.2.1, some expensive projects were not realised, or not<br />

realised in the framework of the bicycle plan. For that reason,<br />

the actual investments that were connected to the<br />

plan were considerably lower: nearly 30 million HFL (12<br />

million ECU). Table 4.2 gives an overview of these costs<br />

by type of project and sub-network (Diepens en Okkema,<br />

1993). For about 1 million HFL, 3% of the expenditures,<br />

the employment could not be found out afterwards.<br />

district<br />

network<br />

intersections<br />

urban/district<br />

network<br />

neighbourhood<br />

network<br />

building new bicycle 3.802 1.464<br />

path<br />

reconstructing bicycle 1.018<br />

path<br />

making short cut 258 888 109 0<br />

defining bicycle lane, 20 25<br />

widening road<br />

abolish one way traffic 40 105 89<br />

for bikes<br />

phasing traffic lights 0 0 6<br />

installing traffic lights 50 0 0<br />

permitting cyclists a free 25 213 62<br />

right turn at traffic lights<br />

reconstructing<br />

711 0 1941<br />

intersections<br />

providing crossover 213 407 7<br />

building bridge 4129 298<br />

reconstructing bridge 0<br />

building tunnel 9496 2796<br />

providing bicycle stands 138<br />

at transit stops<br />

total attached to projects 19900 6196 2118 96<br />

employment unknown 978<br />

total 29288<br />

Table 4.2: Investment costs in 1000 HFL by type of project and network.<br />

The municipality of Delft received subsidies of about 19<br />

million HFL. The sources of the subsidies could be found<br />

out for only a part of this amount: the national government<br />

paid 10 million HFL, the development company of Delft<br />

paid 4 million HFL, and the province of South-Holland<br />

paid 1 million HFL. The remaining 4 million HFL is likely<br />

to be paid mainly by the national government (Diepens en<br />

Okkema, 1994).<br />

In addition to the implementation of the project, costs<br />

have been paid for the evaluation. A large number of evaluation<br />

studies have been carried out that together cost<br />

3.46 million HFL (1.39 million ECU). About 50% of these<br />

costs were financed by the national government, 40% by<br />

the European Community, and the remaining 10% by the<br />

municipality of Delft (Diepens en Okkema, 1994).<br />

Market and<br />

main shopping<br />

area<br />

Figure 4.3: Location of the bridges spanning the Rijn-Schiekanaal<br />

4.5 One single project: the Plantagebrug<br />

One of the most expensive single projects is the Plantagebrug,<br />

the largest of the newly built bridges. This bridge is<br />

dedicated to cyclists and pedestrians. The Plantagebrug<br />

was evaluated separately and will be discussed in this<br />

report.<br />

Figure 4.2 indicates the location of the Plantagebrug within<br />

the city. The bridge is part of the urban bicycle network<br />

(network corridor II) and links the quarters in the northeastern<br />

part of the town with the inner city. The bridge<br />

spans the Rijn-Schiekanaal that encloses the inner city<br />

at the east and south sides. It is built halfway two other<br />

bridges, the Reineveldbrug and the Koepoortbrug, that<br />

have a mutual distance of about 1.2 km. Figure 4.3 shows<br />

the locations of the three bridges.<br />

Reineveldbrug<br />

Plantagebrug<br />

Koepoortbrug<br />

32 33

The Reineveldbrug is part of the main access road to<br />

Delft from the north. The bridge comprises four car lanes,<br />

a tramway, two bicycle lanes and one sidewalk. There is<br />

no physical separation between the car lanes or between<br />

the car and bicycle lanes. Car volumes are high (about<br />

17,000 in a 12 hours period in the time of the project) and<br />

cars move at rather high speeds. The bridge is high; the<br />

headroom is about 4 m. It was opened 15-20 times per<br />

day.<br />

The Koepoortbrug has a more local function. It links the<br />

eastern districts with the city centre. It was at the time a<br />

narrow bridge for mixed traffic and rather high car volumes:<br />

6,000 in a 12 hours period. It is a low bridge; the<br />

headroom is about 2.5 m. The bridge was opened about<br />

30 times per day.<br />

The Plantagebrug is built in order to:<br />

• adding a missing link to the urban network;<br />

• reduce the severance of the canal;<br />

• offer a more comfortable and safe connection for cyclists<br />

between the eastern districts and the centre. The Plantagebrug<br />

is more comfortable than the Reineveldbrug<br />

because there is no need to overcome long and steep<br />

slopes, and it is safer than the other bridges because car<br />

traffic is absent.<br />

The Plantagebrug is built exclusively for cyclists and pedestrians.<br />

The headroom is about 2.5 m, just like the Koepoortbrug.<br />

The width of the bicycle path on the bridge is<br />

about 4.5 m., and there are two sidewalks of about 1.5<br />

m. each. The length of the bridge is about 50 m. Opening<br />

and closing of the bridge are operated from the Koepoortbrug<br />

with the help of video equipment. The bridge was<br />

built from spring 1985 to summer 1986. The investment<br />

costs were 3,790,535 HFL (about 1.6 million ECU).<br />

In addition to building the bridge and access roads to<br />

the bridge, some measures for improving the network<br />

for cyclists that cross the bridge are implemented. These<br />

include a reconstruction of two crossovers east of the<br />

bridge, one at the Insulindeweg and the other at the van<br />

Miereveltlaan, and building a new route for cyclists west<br />

of the bridge, along the Kantoorgracht.<br />

4.6 Set-up of the evaluation studies<br />

The national government subsidised part of the project<br />

under the condition that the project would be evaluated<br />

elaborately. The evaluation should generate knowledge<br />

on the use and experience of urban bicycle networks that<br />

can be used for policy development by local governments.<br />

The studies should give answers on next questions:<br />

• Does the implementation of a comprehensive bicycle<br />

network lead to an increase in bicycle traffic?<br />

• Does the implementation of a bicycle network increase<br />

road safety?<br />

• In which way do cyclists use a comprehensive and integral<br />

bicycle network which is perceived as such, and what<br />

are their behavioural responses?<br />

The principal hypothesis was that a comprehensive and<br />

integral bicycle network affects bicycle use and its quality<br />

more than a number of single bicycle routes (Ministry of<br />

Transport and Public Works, 1987).<br />

The project evaluation has been done both for the network<br />

as a whole and in-depth for two separate parts of the<br />

network: the accessibility of the main railway station and<br />

the newly built Plantagebrug. In this report we discuss the<br />

set-up and results of evaluations of the whole network<br />

and the Plantagebrug.<br />

The evaluation of the whole network includes the impacts<br />

on travel behaviour (bicycle use, modal choice, origindestination<br />

pattern, and route choice), traffic safety for<br />

cyclists, and the perception of safety and comfort for cyclists.<br />

The evaluation of the Plantagebrug focuses on the<br />

impact on canal crossing cycling and the accessibility of<br />

the city centre.<br />

The impacts are investigated by before and after studies.<br />

For a number of impacts of the whole network, both<br />

a short-term and a long-term after study have been performed.<br />

The latter should give evidence to what extent<br />

initial impacts continue to be valid in the long run. The<br />

before studies were carried out between 1982 and 1983,<br />

the short-term after studies between 1985 and 1986, and<br />

the long-term after studies in the early 1990’s.<br />

For estimating the short-term network impacts on travel<br />

behaviour, two experimental areas and one control area<br />

are defined (Figure 4.4). The experimental areas are the<br />

Noordwest district, an older district west of the city centre,<br />

and the Tanthof district, a new residential area at the far<br />

southwest of the city. The control area is the Wippolder<br />

district, an older district southeast of the city centre. The<br />

Tanthof-district differs from the two other districts by a significant<br />

larger distance to the city centre (“centrum”) and<br />

by a significant younger population. The Tanthof residents<br />

were mainly young households with young children.<br />

Figure 4.3: Location of the bridges spanning the<br />

Rijn-Schiekanaal.<br />

In the two experimental areas the measures of the bicycle<br />

plan were implemented in the few years between the data<br />

collections for the before and after studies (1983-1985);<br />

data collection for the after studies started a half year<br />

after the implementation finished. In the control district<br />

implementation of the measures started after the data for<br />

the after studies had been collected (Katteler et al, 1984,<br />

1987).<br />

For the results on city level, the other medium-sized cities<br />

in the Netherlands functioned as control cities. These<br />

included all municipalities with 50,000 to 200,000 inhabitants<br />

(47 cities).<br />

4.7 The impacts of upgrading the<br />

network<br />

4.7.1 Travel behaviour<br />

Travel behaviour has a spatial and a temporal dimension.<br />

The spatial dimension regards the origin-destination pattern<br />

by mode and route. This is the result of choices regarding<br />

trip frequency, destinations, modes, and routes.<br />

The temporal dimension adds the time component to the<br />

spatial movements and is the result of choices regarding<br />

departure times and speeds. Both dimensions together<br />

explain volumes by network link, mode and time. The<br />

evaluation studies for the Delft bicycle project focus on<br />

the impacts on the spatial dimension of travel behaviour,<br />

in particular mode choice and route choice.<br />

Mode choice<br />

The impacts of the bicycle plan on modal choice have<br />

been investigated on both the short term and the long<br />

term. First the short-term analysis will be described. A<br />

short description of the long-term analysis is included at<br />

the end of the section.<br />

The short-term impacts of modal choice have been examined<br />

by descriptive surveys on travel behaviour and<br />

by in-depth interviews on the motivation why the bicycle<br />

or an alternative mode was chosen. The descriptive surveys<br />

were conducted before and shortly after the measures<br />

were implemented. For the before survey a sample<br />

of households from the two experimental areas and the<br />

control area was addressed. A number of households<br />

from the sample was selected for the in-depth interviews<br />

that were conducted in the before period as well. In the<br />

short-term after period, the selected households were addressed<br />

again for detailed questions about their changes<br />

in modal choice and changes in the perception of the<br />

quality of the bicycle network (see Section 4.7.3). Not all<br />

of them responded, partly because they had moved between<br />

the two periods. Those who did respond are indicated<br />

as the “panel”. For the descriptive after survey, a<br />

new sample was drawn. This sample included the panel<br />

as well as households that were not addressed in the before<br />

survey.<br />

34 35

Table 4.3 shows the gross and net samples of the descriptive<br />

before and after surveys in the three study areas.<br />

The sample was larger in the before period than in<br />

the after period.<br />

The samples of households that were selected for the indepth<br />

interviews and those that participated in the panel<br />

are displayed in Table 4.4.<br />

Descriptive analysis<br />

The descriptive surveys aimed to give a description of<br />

travel behaviour on working days in the before and shortterm<br />

after periods. The sample unit was the household.<br />

Household members were asked about personal characteristics<br />

and characteristics of the household. Those aged<br />

10 or older were additionally asked about activities outdoors<br />

and connected trips on a selected day. The questionnaires<br />

in the before and after periods were identical.<br />

The surveys were conducted in the autumns of 1982 (before<br />

period) and 1985 (after period). Both surveys cover<br />

a two weeks period from late October to early November<br />

with a continuation up to the end of November for late<br />

responses. The weather conditions were comparable in<br />

the first three to four weeks of both periods but diverged in<br />

late November, when in the after period the temperature<br />

became significant lower than in the before period (0 versus<br />

10 degrees Celsius). The difference in the last one<br />

to two weeks might have had just a minor effect on the<br />

results because it relates to only 5-10% of the response.<br />

The surveys produced results on person level and trip<br />

level. Table 4.5 shows general characteristics of person<br />

travel before and after by residents of the three study areas.<br />

The figures show some small differences between the<br />

three districts regarding travelling of their residents and<br />

differences between the before and after periods. Residents<br />

of the Tanthof have a slightly higher level of travelling<br />

(in frequency, duration and distance) than those<br />

of the other districts, while residents of Wippolder make<br />

the lowest trip numbers and trip kilometres. Changes between<br />

the before and after periods tend to reduce the differences<br />

between the districts. Trip frequency, duration<br />

and distance of Tanthof residents decrease somewhat,<br />

travelled distance of Wippolder residents increased.<br />

The study reports give no evidence about significance of<br />

the results. Assuming that the observed changes in Tanthof<br />

and Wippolder are significant, they might or might not<br />

be induced by the improved bicycle network. The reduced<br />

travel distance of Tanthof residents could be attributed to<br />

shortening bicycle routes to the city centre; the reduced<br />

travel speed could be due to modal shift from car to bicycle.<br />

However, other explanations can be given as well.<br />

Possibly, the orientation of the new suburb of the Tanbefore<br />

period<br />

short-term after period<br />

gross sample net sample gross sample net sample<br />

Noordwest 2800 1937 1190 798<br />

Tanthof 950 716 369 267<br />

Wippolder 950 602 396 231<br />

total 4700 3255 1955 1296<br />

Table 4.3: Sample sizes of the descriptive surveys (number of households)<br />

interview before period panel (before and after)<br />

Noordwest 398 232<br />

Tanthof 100 50<br />

Wippolder 100 59<br />

total 598 341<br />

Table 4.4: Sample sizes of the households that were interviewed in-depth<br />

Noordwest Tanthof Wippolder<br />

1982 1985 1982 1985 1982 1985<br />

persons going outside* 87.7% 88.6% 91.8% 91.0% 82.9% 81.7%<br />

trips per person per day 3.89 3.86 4.04 3.92 3.43 3.43<br />

travel time pppd 62 63 71 69 59 62<br />

(minutes)<br />

travel distance pppd (km) 19.8 20.6 25.4 23.0 16.6 18.9<br />

average speed (km/h) 19.2 19.6 21.5 20.0 16.9 18.3<br />

Table 4.5: Travel characteristics of persons >= 10 years old on working days<br />

*Persons that leave their home at least one time on the enquiry day<br />

1981 1982 1983 1984<br />

persons going outside 90.2% 90.0% 90.2% 90.7%<br />

trips per person per day 3.22 3.20 3.18 3.30<br />

travel time pppd (minutes) 58 58 57 58<br />

travel distance pppd (km) 23.7 24.2 23.2 23.8<br />

average speed (km/h) 24.4 25.0 24.6 24.6<br />

Table 4.6: Travel characteristics of Dutch residents of medium-sized cities >= 12 years old on working days<br />

thof shifted somewhat from the distant city centre to the<br />

own district, lowering the level of travelling. In the case of<br />

Wippolder that was deprived of infrastructural improvements<br />

in both the before the after periods, the increased<br />

distance could be attributed to the fact that the residents<br />

benefited from the improvements elsewhere in the town.<br />

However, there may be other factors that raise the initially<br />

low number of travel kilometres to a more normal level.<br />

The increased travel distance in the control region cannot<br />

be observed in national figures. Table 4.6 gives corresponding<br />

figures for travelling of Dutch residents of<br />

medium-sized cities (50,000 to 200,000 inhabitants) in<br />

the period 1981 to 1984. The source is the Dutch national<br />

travel survey (OVG). We selected 1981-1984 because<br />

in 1985 the survey set-up changed considerably making<br />

the outcomes of 1985 not comparable to those of former<br />

years. The national figures demonstrate a high stability of<br />

travel behaviour in the early 1980’s.<br />

The general travel figures give no clear evidence of impacts<br />

of the improved bicycle network. Focussing on the<br />

role of the bicycle might give more information. Table 4.7<br />

presents figures on bicycle use. The figures regard only<br />

the use of the bicycle as the main mode of a trip.<br />

36 37

Noordwest Tanthof Wippolder<br />

1982 1985 1982 1985 1982 1985<br />

persons using a bike* 49.5% 50.0% 49.7% 50.8% 46.0% 44.4%<br />

trips per person per day 1.80 1.86 1.57 1.67 1.70 1.70<br />

travel time pppd 23 23 24 25 24 25<br />

(minutes)<br />

travel distance pppd (km) 4.1 4.5 4.7 5.3 4.2 5.2<br />

average speed (km/h) 10.7 11.7 11.8 12.7 10.5 12.5<br />

Table 4.7: Characteristics of bicycle travel by persons >= 10 years old on working days<br />

*Persons that use at least one time a bicycle on the enquiry day<br />

1981 1982 1983 1984<br />

persons using a bike 36.8% 36.9% 37.8% 40.0%<br />

trips per person per day 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.15<br />

travel time pppd (minutes) 14 14 14 16<br />

travel distance pppd (km) 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.2<br />

average speed (km/h) 12.1 12.4 12.1 11.9<br />

Table 4.8: Characteristics of bicycle travel by Dutch residents of medium-sized cities >= 12 years old on working<br />

days.<br />

Noordwest Tanthof Wippolder<br />

1982 1985 1982 1985 1982 1985<br />

walk 25.8% 25.7% 17.6% 17.3% 23.0% 23.7%<br />

bicycle 40.5% 42.6% 35.7% 39.0% 41.0% 40.4%<br />

moped,<br />

1.8% 1.4% 1.9% 2.6% 2.0% 1.0%<br />

motorcycle<br />

car driver 21.0% 21.1% 31.9% 28.5% 21.3% 23.8%<br />

car passenger 4.5% 4.9% 5.4% 6.3% 5.2% 6.2%<br />

public transport 6.3% 4.3% 7.3% 6.3% 7.4% 4.9%<br />

other 0.1% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0%<br />

Table 4.9: Modal split (main modes) of trips of persons >= 10 years old on working days<br />

Comparing Tables 4.7 and 4.8, one could conclude that<br />

bicycle use in Delft was relatively high, even in the before<br />

period. However, one should be cautious. Both tables are<br />

based on travel surveys with different designs, and history<br />

learned that changes in the design of the Dutch national<br />

travel survey affected the outcomes regarding travel behaviour<br />

significantly. Bovy and Den Adel (1987) found that<br />

the number of bicycle trips per person per day by Delft<br />

residents reported in the national survey was close to the<br />

national average for medium-sized cities.<br />

Another indication for a possible impact of the bicycle network<br />

improvements is the development in the modal split.<br />

Table 4.9 shows an increase of bicycle share in the two<br />

experimental areas and no increase in the control area.<br />

This result suggests that the improvements encouraged<br />

bicycle use. The increase in bicycle use was at the expense<br />

of public transport use and (only in Tanthof) car use<br />

as a driver. Decrease of public transport patronage is also<br />

observed in the control area and might be independent<br />

of the bicycle improvements. In that case the bicycle network<br />

might have affected that not the car but the bicycle<br />

benefited from decreasing transit use.<br />

1981 1982 1983 1984<br />

walk 20.1% 20.6% 20.4% 20.3%<br />

bicycle 32.1% 32.3% 32.1% 34.3%<br />

moped, motorcycle 1.9% 2.0% 1.8% 1.4%<br />

car driver 29.1% 28.7% 30.2% 28.4%<br />

car passenger 10.7% 10.2% 10.2% 10.4%<br />

public transport 5.6% 5.8% 5.0% 4.8%<br />

other 0.4% 0.5% 0.3% 0.4%<br />

Table 4.10: Modal split (main modes) of trips of Dutch residents of medium-sized cities >=<br />

12 years old on working days.<br />

National figures support the finding of decreasing transit<br />

use by residents of medium-sized cities (Table 4.10).<br />

The figures are somewhat fuzzy regarding the modes that<br />

benefited from the lower transit share. The figures from<br />

1983 suggest an increase in car use as a driver while<br />

those from 1984 indicate that the bicycle is the only benefiter.<br />

Bovy and den Adel (1987) compared modal shares<br />

in the Dutch medium-sized cities and found significant<br />

negative correlations between transit use and car use on<br />

the one hand and transit use and bike use on the other<br />

hand. The correlation with bike use is a little stronger than<br />

that with car use. Therefore, it is likely that bicycle use in<br />

medium-sized cities increased in the period concerned.<br />

As a consequence, the increase in the two Delft experimental<br />

districts might partly be explained by other factors<br />

than the bicycle improvements.<br />

National figures support the finding of decreasing transit<br />

use by residents of medium-sized cities (Table 4.10).<br />

The figures are somewhat fuzzy regarding the modes that<br />

benefited from the lower transit share. The figures from<br />

1983 suggest an increase in car use as a driver while<br />

those from 1984 indicate that the bicycle is the only benefiter.<br />

Bovy and den Adel (1987) compared modal shares<br />

in the Dutch medium-sized cities and found significant<br />

negative correlations between transit use and car use on<br />

the one hand and transit use and bike use on the other<br />

hand. The correlation with bike use is a little stronger than<br />

that with car use. Therefore, it is likely that bicycle use in<br />

medium-sized cities increased in the period concerned.<br />

As a consequence, the increase in the two Delft experimental<br />

districts might partly be explained by other factors<br />

than the bicycle improvements.<br />

When modal splits in the Delft survey are compared for<br />

different person characteristics, the increase in the share<br />

of the bicycle in the two experimental areas is particularly<br />

large for men, middle-aged persons, retired persons, and<br />

employees. Regarding ownership of a drivers’ license the<br />

results differ in both districts. In Noordwest bicycle use<br />

increased substantially by non-owners of a license, while<br />

in Tanthof just the owners of a license used the bicycle<br />

more frequently. At trip level, the increase in the share of<br />

the bicycle is observed mainly in commuting trips to work<br />

or school and, only in Tanthof, in transporting/escorting<br />

persons.<br />

In-depth analysis<br />

A selection of the households that responded to the before<br />

survey was approached for an in-depth interview in<br />

the before period and, as far as they responded again, for<br />

the short-term after period as well. The before interviews<br />

should explain why people use or use not a bicycle for actually<br />

made trips and estimate the potential for increasing<br />

bicycle use. The after interviews should register changes<br />

in motives for bicycle use and its potential, and give information<br />

about modal shifts.<br />

The interview periods were September and October 1983<br />

(before period) and late 1985 + early 1986 (after period).<br />

The interviews were conducted with the household members<br />

aged 10 years or older in one setting. The interviewers<br />

were attentive to spontaneous responses and tried to<br />

generate these by encouraging interaction between the<br />

interviewed persons. The average duration of the interviews<br />

was 1.5 hours in the before period and 1.25 hours<br />

in the after period. The variation was large, partly dependent<br />

on the number of trips that were discussed and the<br />

number of participants.<br />

One of the results from the interviews is knowledge about<br />

hindrances for bicycle use. Starting from the trips that<br />

were not made by bicycle, a large number of reasons for<br />

38 39

not using the bicycle was reported. The reasons were<br />

classified into six categories: no opportunity for using a<br />

bike (for instance no bicycle was available, distance is too<br />

long); practical matters that hamper bicycle use (e.g. luggage<br />

transport) or force to use an alternative mode (e.g.<br />

one should have the car available at the destination);<br />

(perception of) travel time; (perception of) insufficient<br />

infrastructure and traffic situation; (perception of) inconvenience<br />

and insecurity of cycling; and personal preferences<br />

regarding use of the bicycle or other modes. There<br />

is a remaining seventh category consisting of non-bicycle<br />

trips with no hindrance for bicycle use.<br />

Table 4.11 shows the magnitude of the different hindrances<br />

in the before and after periods, starting from the most<br />

objective hindrances and going to the most subjective<br />

ones. The latest category shown is the category without<br />

any hindrance, indicated as ‘freedom of choice’. Two<br />

kinds of hindrances are distinguished: general hindrances<br />

that always are valid for a certain trip (for instance the distance<br />

is too large) and incidental hindrances that are valid<br />

only on the enquiry day (e.g. unlike on other days, the<br />

traveller was accompanied by grandmother who doesn’t<br />

cycle any more).<br />

Practical matters and travel time are the most important<br />

reasons for not using a bicycle. The magnitude of both<br />

hindrances decreased slightly between the before and after<br />

periods. A larger decrease is observed for each of the<br />

other hindrances. Especially infrastructure and traffic exhibit<br />

a relatively large decrease. This is not surprising because<br />

the bicycle plan aims predominantly to improve the<br />

infrastructural and traffic situation. However, in the before<br />

situation, this hindrance was marginal. Looking at Table<br />

4.11, other kinds of measures might be more efficient for<br />

increasing bicycle use.<br />

The large increase of the freedom of choice category for<br />

non-bicycle trips is mainly valid for trips where walking<br />

or car is the actual mode. For walking trips, the general<br />

freedom to choose the bicycle increased from 14% of all<br />

walking trips to 32%, for car trips the increase was from<br />

13% to 34%. A much smaller increase was observed for<br />

trips by public transport: from 29% to 36%.<br />

In addition to the freedom to choose the bike when actually<br />

another mode is used, there can be a freedom to<br />

choose another mode when actually the bicycle is used.<br />

Where the former are relevant for the potential for bicycle<br />

use, the latter indicate the vulnerability of bicycle use.<br />

Table 4.12 shows the hindrances for walking, car use,<br />

or public transport patronage for trips that actually are<br />

made by bicycle. The presented figures are the general<br />

hindrances; figures about the actual hindrances on the<br />

enquiry day (that have a lower freedom of choice) are not<br />

available. Divergent from Table 4.11, the accumulative<br />

impact of the hindrances on the bicycle trips that remain<br />

free of choice is displayed. In 1982, for 3% of the bicycle<br />

trips walking is no option, leaving 97% free of choice.<br />

Next, practical matters generate hindrances for a part of<br />

the remaining bicycle trips, which part equals 11% of all<br />

bicycle trips. Then 86% is still free of choice. After skinning<br />

the trips for all hindrances in this way, 17% remain<br />

where no hindrance is applicable in general (but might still<br />

be applicable on the enquiry day).<br />

hindrance<br />

before<br />

after<br />

general incidental total general incidental total<br />

bicycle no option 12.1% 1.6% 13.7% 6.7% 1.1% 7.7%<br />

practical matters 35.6% 10.6% 46.2% 23.8% 21.2% 44.9%<br />

travel time 45.4% 5.2% 50.6% 34.4% 9.4% 43.8%<br />

infrastructure and 0.8% - 0.8% - 0.3% 0.3%<br />

traffic<br />

inconvenience, 16.8% 4.8% 21.6% 7.9% 5.2% 13.0%<br />

insecurity<br />

personal preferences 17.4% - 17.4% 12.3% - 12.3%<br />

freedom of choice 15.7% - 3.0% 33% - 7%<br />

Table 4.11: Hindrances for bicycle use in percents of non-bicycle trips.<br />

hindrance<br />

walk car public transport<br />

1982 1985 1982 1985 1982 1985<br />

all bicycle trips 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%<br />

mode no option -3% -0% -44% -42% -24% -13%<br />

practical matters -11% -15% -5% -12% -2% -4%<br />

travel time -49% -42% -8% -8% -23% -31%<br />

infrastructure and traffic -0% -0% -2% -1% -3% -2%<br />

inconvenience,<br />

-3% -2% -4% -6% -17% -21%<br />

insecurity<br />

personal preferences -17% -11% -11% -4% -21% -13%<br />

freedom of choice 17% 30% 25% 27% 10% 16%<br />

Table 4.12: Accumulative impact of general hindrances for other modes in percents of bicycle trips<br />

The main hindrance for walking is travel time; the main<br />

hindrance for car use is the unavailability of a car. For<br />

using public transport there are a number of larger hindrances:<br />

mode availability, travel time, inconvenience,<br />

and personal preferences. The freedom to shift from the<br />

bicycle to walking or public transport increased substantially.<br />

The (initially large) freedom to shift to the car is<br />

nearly unaffected.<br />

Figure 4.5 gives an overview of the potentials for shifting<br />

between bicycle, walk, car and transit in 1985. The<br />

modal percentages are percents of all trips made by the<br />

mode; the numbers in the arrows between the modes are<br />

percentages of all trips. For instance, 34% of car trips are<br />

vulnerable for shifting to the bicycle; this number is equal<br />

to 10% of all trips. The other way around, 27% of the bicycle<br />

trips are vulnerable for shifting to the car; these equal<br />

11% of all trips. Again, the figures represent the general<br />

freedom of choice, not the freedom of choice on the enquiry<br />

day.<br />

Next examined question is which modal shifts really took<br />

place as a result of the bicycle network improvements.<br />

The panel participants were asked about their modal use<br />

in both the before and after situations to activities that they<br />

continued to visit in the two periods. The distinguished<br />

activities were work, school, shopping, service, leisure.<br />

About 20% of the activities performed in 1982 were not<br />

continued in 1985 by the same respondents. These 20%<br />

are left out of the analysis.<br />

Figure 4.5: General intermodal potentials in 1985<br />

(source: Katteler et al, 1987)<br />

40 41

Tables 4.13 and 4.14 show the modal shifts between<br />

1982 and 1985 in trips for unchanged activities for the<br />

two experimental districts. Corresponding figures for the<br />

control area Wippolder are not available.<br />

Respondents that changed a mode were asked why they<br />

did so. The most frequent reported reason was destination<br />

change. The main reason for the large shift from walk<br />

to bicycle in particularly the Tanthof-district is the switch<br />

from primary school to the more distant secondary school.<br />

The shift from bicycle to moped in Tanthof might be explained<br />

by the increasing age of the panel respondents;<br />

some pupils that were too young for driving a moped were<br />

allowed to do so in 1985.<br />

Still, the figures for Noordwest hint that the improved bicycle<br />

network had a modest positive influence on bicycle<br />

use. Except for walking, the shifts from each alternative<br />

mode to the bicycle are larger than the other way around.<br />

The differences between the opposite shifts are especially<br />

large for the car, both car drivers and car passengers.<br />

The improved network seems to have tempted car users<br />

to shift to the bicycle.<br />

Long-term impacts<br />

The short-term analyses make plausible that the improvements<br />

in the bicycle network raised bicycle use somewhat.<br />

The question is whether the higher level of bicycle<br />

use is retained in the long run or possibly raised even further.<br />

Three kinds of descriptive analyses have been done<br />

for examining the long-term impacts (MuConsult, 1993).<br />

The first is a comparison between Delft and the other<br />

medium-sized cities in the Netherlands regarding the de-<br />

mode in 1985 mode in 1982<br />

share<br />

walk bicycle moped car<br />

driver<br />

car<br />

pass.<br />

public<br />

transp.<br />

other in<br />

1985<br />

walk 23.1% 0.5% - - - 0.1% - 23.7%<br />

bicycle 1.9% 39.3% 0.2% 0.6% 0.8% 0.3% - 43.1%<br />

moped 0.4% - 1.3% 0.1% - - - 1.8%<br />

car driver 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 20.0% - 0.5% - 20.9%<br />

car passenger - 0.1% - 0.1% 3.5% 0.2% - 3.9%<br />

public 0.4% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% 5.2% - 6.5%<br />

transport<br />

other - - - - - - 0.4% 0.4%<br />

share in 1982 25.9% 40.3% 1.8% 21.0% 4.6% 6.3% 0.4% 100%<br />

Table 4.13: Modal shifts in travelling for unchanged activities by residents of the Noordwest district.<br />

mode in 1985 mode in 1982<br />

share<br />

walk bicycle moped car<br />

driver<br />

car<br />

pass.<br />

public<br />

transp.<br />

other in<br />

1985<br />

walk 11.6% - - - - - - 11.6%<br />

bicycle 5.9% 33.6% - 0.2% - - - 39.7%<br />

moped - 0.6% 2.0% 0.9% - - - 3.5%<br />

car driver - - - 30.2% - 0.6% - 30.8%<br />

car passenger - 0.2% - - 5.5% - - 5.7%<br />

public - 1.1% - 0.5% - 6.6% - 8.2%<br />

transport<br />

other - - - - - - 0.6% 0.6%<br />

share in 1982 17.5% 35.5% 2.0% 31.8% 5.5% 7.2% 0.6% 100%<br />

Table 4.14: Modal shifts in travelling for unchanged activities by residents of the Tanthof district.<br />

velopment in bicycle use in the period 1979-1991, based<br />

on the national travel surveys. The second is executing a<br />

new survey in the whole city of Delft in 1993 and comparing<br />

the results with those of the short-term after survey<br />

in 1985 that was executed in the two experimental areas<br />

and one control area. The third regards counts of passing<br />

cyclists at cordons around Noordwest and Wippolder in<br />

1993 and comparing these with counts in 1985. In the two<br />

analyses that are based on travel surveys, the impacts of<br />

several explanatory socio-economic variables on bicycle<br />

use are estimated in order to find out whether a significant<br />

impact of the bicycle plan remains after eliminating the<br />

impacts of the other factors. Unlike the short-term after<br />

studies, the analyses include both the impacts on bicycle<br />

trip numbers and bicycle kilometres.<br />

The analysis of bicycle use in Delft compared to that in<br />

other medium-sized cities gave no firm results regarding<br />

the long-term impact of the bicycle plan. There were two<br />

problems: a) the samples of Delft residents in the national<br />

travel surveys are too small for a good trend analysis of<br />

travel behaviour (100-150 persons annually), and b) in<br />

the period considered, investments in bicycle infrastructure<br />

were implemented in several other cities, partly encouraged<br />

by the success of the Delft bicycle plan. The<br />

improvements in other cities were not included in the<br />

analysis of the impacts of other socio-economic factors.<br />

The long-term after survey in Delft should give information<br />

on differences between developments in different<br />

mode<br />

indicator<br />

National surveys,<br />

development 1979-1991.<br />

Delft compared to:<br />

other<br />

mediumsized<br />

cities<br />

districts. The survey was organised in May and June<br />

1993. The sample was 785 households. The questionnaires<br />

were similar to those of the short-term after survey.<br />

However, the survey periods were different: May/June<br />

in the long-term after survey versus October/November<br />

in the short-term after survey. The impact of the different<br />

seasons is estimated using data of the national travel<br />

surveys. A significant impact was observed for the whole<br />

Dutch population but no impact could be found for the<br />

Delft residents. A complication in analysing the results of<br />

this survey is that the Wippolder district doesn’t function<br />

as control area in the long run. After the short-term after<br />

survey was organised, improvements in bicycle infrastructure<br />

were implemented in this district as well.<br />

The bicycle counts are carried out on a large number of<br />

spots on a Wednesday in May between 7:00 a.m. and<br />

7:00 p.m. Again, the season differs from the short-term<br />

after counts that were executed on a Wednesday in September.<br />

The main results are presented in Table 4.15 in a qualitative<br />

way. Presentation in this way is induced by the low<br />

reliability of most of the results. The table summarises the<br />

results of the three kinds of analysis, and includes the assumed<br />

impacts of the bicycle plan on both trips and trip<br />

kilometres made by bicycle, car as a driver, and car as a<br />

passenger.<br />

remaining<br />

country<br />

Delft survey,<br />

dev. 1985-1993.<br />

Noordwest<br />

compared to:<br />

Wippolder<br />

cycle counts,<br />

1985-1993.<br />

Noordwest<br />

compared to:<br />

Tanthof Wippolder<br />

bicycle trip numbers 0 0 0 0 (+)<br />

kilometres (+) (+) + 0 n.a.<br />

car driver trip numbers (-) 0 0 0 n.a.<br />

kilometres (-) (-) 0 0 n.a.<br />

car trip numbers (-) 0 0 0 n.a.<br />

passenger kilometres 0 0 0 0 n.a.<br />

Table 4.15: Long-term comparisons in developments of modal use<br />

42 43

The symbols ‘0’, ‘+’, and ‘-’ indicate no change, increase,<br />

and decrease respectively. Observed changes that are<br />

not statistically significant are put within brackets. The<br />

table shows only one statistically significant change: bicycle<br />

kilometres of Noordwest-residents increased significantly<br />

compared to those of Wippolder-residents. This<br />

result suggests a long-term impact of the bicycle plan on<br />

bicycle kilometres in addition to the short-term impact.<br />

However, interpretation of this result is complicated by<br />

the fact that the improvements in Noordwest were implemented<br />

before 1985 and those in Wippolder after 1985,<br />

in which period the growth is observed. The increasing<br />

difference between Noordwest and Wippolder could be<br />

either an additional long-term increase in Noordwest that<br />

exceeds a possible short-term increase in Wippolder, or<br />

a decrease in Wippolder (due to the implemented measures?).<br />

A policy-induced decrease in Wippolder is not<br />

plausible, because the analysis of Delft compared to the<br />

other medium-sized cities suggest a positive influence of<br />

infrastructural improvements on bicycle kilometres.<br />

The analyses give no evidence on impacts on bicycle trip<br />

numbers, except from a relative increase of counts of cyclists<br />

entering or leaving Noordwest compared to those<br />

entering or leaving Wippolder. Assuming that trip numbers<br />

increased somewhat in Wippolder after 1985 due<br />

to the implemented improvements, the increase before<br />

1985 that was observed in the other districts seems not<br />

to be followed by a decrease and might even be followed<br />

by a further increase. Therefore, it is likely that the initial<br />

short-term increase in bicycle trips has been retained in<br />

the long term. There might even have been an additional<br />

increase in the long run. However, this can only be small<br />

assuming the fact that the analysis with the national travel<br />

surveys that describes the development in the whole project<br />

period (1979-1991) gives no indication of any impact<br />

on bicycle trip numbers.<br />

Looking at the car, negative effects on car use are observed<br />

for the whole period 1979-1991 when Delft is compared<br />

to other medium-sized cities. These include both<br />

the short-term and the long-term effects. The large fluctuations<br />

in the annual results regarding car use of inhabitants<br />

of Delft due to the small Delft samples, give not the<br />

opportunity to do separate statements on short-term and<br />

additional long-term developments. Apart from that, the<br />

effects in the whole period are not statistically significant.<br />

Route choice<br />

1982 1985<br />

counts entering Noordwest 24912 26032<br />

counts leaving Noordwest 25291 27969<br />

on-street interview 4100 -<br />

questionnaire response 2200 3000<br />

In addition to the modal choice analysis, the short-term<br />

impacts on route choice are estimated. The route choice<br />

studies are performed in the experimental Noordwestarea.<br />

Both before (1982) and after (1985) the measures<br />

in Noordwest were implemented the number of cyclists<br />

that entered or left Noordwest were counted at a large<br />

number of spots at a cordon around this district. In addition,<br />

in 1982 a number of cyclists that left the Noordwestdistrict<br />

were interviewed about some personal and trip<br />

characteristics; registered variables were age, gender,<br />

origin and destination addresses, trip purpose, and time<br />

of the interview. To some of them questionnaires were<br />

handed out where they were asked to draw their route<br />

on a map. In 1985, the on-street interviews were skipped<br />

but again questionnaires including questions on personal<br />

and trip characteristics and the route were distributed<br />

among leaving cyclists. The decision to skip the on-street<br />

interviews is motivated by the high response on the distributed<br />

questionnaires in 1982 and hence a low added<br />

value of the on-street interviews. The counts, interviews<br />

and distribution of questionnaires were done on the latest<br />

Wednesdays in September between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00<br />

p.m. Questionnaires were handed out only to persons<br />

whose assumed age was at least 12. Table 4.16 shows<br />

the number of counted cyclists and cyclists that were interviewed<br />

or responded to the questionnaire.<br />

Table 4.16: Number of counted and approached cyclists at the Noordwest-cordon<br />

For analysing the collected data, a data bank of link characteristics<br />

of the bicycle networks in the before and after<br />

periods was created. These data include coordinates of<br />

nodes, type of pavement, type of cycling infrastructure<br />

(mixed traffic, bicycle lane, bicycle path), slope, one/two<br />

way traffic, traffic lights, and other objects for delay (a<br />

bridge that can be opened, crossing with a railway line).<br />

Length and average travel time per link are calculated<br />

from these data.<br />

After the before data were collected, several analyses on<br />

route choice and utilisation of the bicycle network were<br />

executed (Bovy, 1984). In contrast to the studies on the<br />

demonstration projects in Tilburg and The Hague, both<br />

the impacts of travel distance and travel time on route<br />

choice are analysed. Regarding utilisation of the bicycle<br />

network, it is examined whether and to which extent cyclists<br />

are willing to travel longer distances if then they can<br />

make a shift from travelling on low level networks to the<br />

more comfortable high level networks.<br />

The analyses are partly based on detour factors. Two<br />

kinds of detour factors are defined: detour on link level<br />

and detour on route level. The detour on link level of an<br />

observed trip is defined as the ratio of the trip distance if<br />

the shortest route was chosen and the distance between<br />

origin and destination as the crow flies. The average detour<br />

on link level is 1.21 and is dependent on distance.<br />

The detour is highest for distances between 1000 and<br />

1500 meter (1.25). It decreases slowly at increasing<br />

distances, to an average value of 1.18. It decreases at<br />

decreasing distances too, first slowly, but at increasing<br />

speed at the very short distances.<br />

The detour on route level is calculated for both length and<br />

duration of trips. This factor equals the ratio of the actual<br />

trip length/duration and the length/duration of the shortest<br />

route (shortest in distance or time). Table 4.17 presents<br />

the frequency distribution of the two detour factors on<br />

route level and the average and median values.<br />

One may conclude from the table that cyclists mainly<br />

choose the shortest route or a route with only a small<br />

detour. Moreover, they are more inclined to choose the<br />

shortest route in time than the shortest route in distance.<br />

The latter observation is supported by a statistical analysis<br />

of factors influencing the route choice. Travel time<br />

proves to give a significant better explanation of the observed<br />

route choices than travel distance.<br />

In addition to route choice, the data gave information<br />

about network use. An analysis of the extent the actual<br />

routes overlap the shortest routes, demonstrated that cyclists<br />

prefer cycling on higher level roads. The average<br />

overlap of all trips is 56%. However, the overlap differs<br />

substantially by road type. The overlap is only 27% for<br />

residential roads, 39% for neighbourhood roads, 47% for<br />

district roads, and 64% for urban roads. Apparently cyclists<br />

are inclined to minimize the distance travelled on<br />

the lower level roads.<br />

class of detour length<br />

duration<br />

frequency cumulative freq. frequency cumulative freq.<br />

1.0 9% 9% 21% 21%<br />

1.01-1.05 35% 44% 30% 51%<br />

1.06-1.10 27% 71% 21% 72%<br />

1.11-1.15 13% 84% 10% 82%<br />

1.16-1.20 6% 90% 7% 89%<br />

1.21-1.25 4% 94% 4% 93%<br />

1.26-1.30 2% 96% 2% 95%<br />

1.31-1.35 1% 97% 1% 96%<br />

>1.36 3% 100% 4% 100%<br />

average 1.09 1.08<br />

median 1.06 1.05<br />

Table 4.17: Characteristics of detour factors on route level.<br />

44 45

The outcomes of the route analyses presented so far are<br />

just based on the before study. The after study (Gommers<br />

and Bovy, 1987) analysed to which extent the bicycle<br />

interventions influenced route choices. Comparing<br />

the routes of complete trips in the before and after periods<br />

was not possible because only very few trips had<br />

the same origin and destination. Therefore, the analysis<br />

was done for trip sections. A number of pairs of locations<br />

were selected that are passed by a lot of cyclists. The<br />

route choices before and after between these pairs were<br />

studied for all trips that passed both locations. The routes<br />

between 60 pairs of locations were analysed. Significant<br />

changes in the chosen routes were observed. New network<br />

links tempted a lot of cyclists to reroute their trips<br />

via these links. New bicycle paths along roads proved to<br />

be very attractive as well. The volume of cyclists on bicycle<br />

paths increased significantly while the volume on<br />

bicycle lanes (not physically separated from the road)<br />

and on roads with mixed traffic decreased. There was no<br />

change in the division of bicycle kilometres over the three<br />

networks: neighbourhood, district and urban. Absence of<br />

a change is not surprising because the measures were<br />

implemented at all networks. Route choice changes seem<br />

to take some time. A new bridge appeared to attract only<br />

a small part of the cyclists who could shorten their route<br />

by using this bridge. The reason could be that the bridge<br />

was brought into use just one week before the data for the<br />

route choice analysis were collected.<br />

Finally, the route choice studies suggest a large increase<br />

in bicycle use between the before and after periods (see<br />

the cycle counts in Table 4.16). Analysing the origins<br />

and destinations, the increase is mainly due to a huge<br />

increase (28%) in cyclists that traverse the Noordwestdistrict.<br />

Trip numbers of Noordwest-residents seem to<br />

have decreased somewhat, those of Noordwest-visitors<br />

increased a little. The decrease of trips by Noordwestresidents<br />

can be explained by demographic changes and<br />

one major change in land use: a secondary school moved<br />

from outside to inside the Noordwest-district. The large<br />

increase of traversing cyclists might suggest that the bicycle<br />

plan is particularly beneficial for the longer distances.<br />

Though it is likely that this happened, an alternative<br />

explanation is that cyclists shifted their routes from fully<br />

outside the Noordwest-district to partly crossing the district.<br />

The route shift could be induced either by the bicycle<br />

measures and is then still an indication of the attractiveness<br />

of the measures, or by other factors like traffic diversions<br />

due to maintenance works.<br />

4.7.2 Safety<br />

The impacts of the bicycle plan on traffic safety have been<br />

studied for both the short and the long run. Bovy and<br />

Gommers (1988) assume a priori that the measures will<br />

have two kinds of opposite impacts. Firstly, the measures<br />

increased use of the vulnerable bicycle mode that will<br />

have affected traffic safety negatively. Vulnerability of cyclists<br />

is apparent from Dutch statistics concerning casualties<br />

per million person kilometres (CBS, 1994, 1 and CBS,<br />

1994, 2). Both the number of fatalities and the number of<br />

injured persons among cyclists were in the early 1990’s<br />

about three times the average for all modes. Secondly,<br />

the measures made cycling safer and so affected safety<br />

positively. Nearly all accidents result from conflicts between<br />

road users. The measures reduced the number of<br />

conflicts due to building new bicycle paths that separate<br />

cyclists from motorized traffic, and installing traffic lights<br />

at some intersections that should make crossing safer.<br />

The vulnerability of cyclists compared to other road users<br />

is subject for debate. Certainly, the number of accidents<br />

and casualties per km are high for cyclists. However,<br />

related to travel time, the numbers are comparable for<br />

the different modes. Based on the finding in fundamental<br />

research that people tend to spend a constant part of<br />

their time budget on travelling (see for instance Schafer,<br />

1998), accidents and casualties per minute might be a<br />

better measure for vulnerability than numbers per km. In<br />

that case interventions that increase bicycle use will not<br />

directly increase the risk of accidents.<br />

Short-term impacts<br />

Between 1980 and 1986 the total number of accidents in<br />

Delft was stable. These were about 1500 annually, according<br />

to the (incomplete) registration by the police. The<br />

number of casualties decreased in the same period from<br />

about 310 to 260, a reduction of about 20% (Bovy and<br />

Gommers, 1988). The national figures show a similar decrease<br />

of annual casualties in this period despite a substantial<br />

increase in traffic volume: the number of fatalities<br />

decreased by 24%, the number of injured casulaties by<br />

21%. At first sight, the bicycle plan did not contribute to<br />

traffic safety on balance. However, a more detailed analysis<br />

of the figures gives different conclusions.<br />

The short-term decrease of traffic casualties in Delft can<br />

fully be attributed to the bicycle and moped modes. The<br />

number of cycle casualties decreased from about 100 in<br />

1980 to about 70 in 1986, that of the moped casualties<br />

from about 80 to about 60. The number of casualties by<br />

other modes remained stable. The decrease of about<br />

30% for cyclists and moped riders is larger than the national<br />

decrease of 20% for these modes. The national decrease<br />

for the car and most other modes is not observed<br />

in Delft. The relatively large decrease in casualties among<br />

cyclists and moped riders in Delft, both users of the bicycle<br />

infrastructure, is an indication of increased safety<br />

by the bicycle measures. One problem in the analysis is<br />

that the Delft numbers are too low for an accurate estimation<br />

of developments in a few-years period. The numbers<br />

by mode display rather large annual fluctuations. Still, the<br />

decrease in casualties of both cyclists and moped riders<br />

is statistically significant.<br />

The probability for cyclists to be involved in an accident<br />

depends on gender and age. The probability is particularly<br />

high for teenagers. No change of the relative probabilities<br />

is observed between the before and after periods.<br />

The relative decrease of bicycle casualties was similar for<br />

all gender and age classes.<br />

Most bicycle accidents happen by collision of vehicles.<br />

In most cases the collision ‘partner’ of a bicycle is a motor<br />

vehicle. The number of collisions with motor vehicles<br />

decreased somewhat from about 70% of all bicycle accidents<br />

to about 65%. The number of other kinds of bicycle<br />

accidents remained stable. One should note here that bicycle<br />

use increased and use of motorized modes (mainly<br />

car) did not change.<br />

The number of accidents where a bicycle is involved decreased<br />

in Delft by about 10%. This reduction is smaller<br />

than the relative decrease of cycle casualties, which can<br />

be explained by the relatively large decrease of collisions<br />

with motor vehicles. The decrease of bicycle accidents is<br />

fully due to a decrease of accidents at intersections. The<br />

number of bicycle accidents at intersections decreased<br />

by 25%, lowering its share in all bicycle accidents from<br />

55-60% to 45-50%. Still, intersections remain relatively<br />

unsafe for cyclists. For other modes the share of accidents<br />

at intersections is smaller, on average 35%.<br />

Considering type of road, the decrease of bicycle accidents<br />

is observed only on bicycle lanes. There was no<br />

change in accident numbers on bicycle paths and roads<br />

with mixed traffic. However, because of the large changes<br />

in bicycle traffic volumes on the different kind of roads,<br />

one could better compare the risk of involvement in an accident<br />

per million km. This risk decreased significantly on<br />

bicycle paths and bicycle lanes and increased a little on<br />

roads with mixed traffic. Bicycle paths, that were already<br />

the safest kinds of road, strengthened their position as<br />

safest road for cyclists, and bicycle lanes, that were by<br />

far the most unsafe kinds of road came close to the roads<br />

with mixed traffic but remained the most unsafe kind of<br />

road. The relatively high probability to be involved in an<br />

accident when cycling on bicycle lanes can be explained<br />

by the fact that bicycle lanes generally are designed along<br />

busy roads where dedicated bicycle infrastructure is desirable<br />

but room for separated bicycle paths is lacking.<br />

The observations mentioned before suggest that the bicycle<br />

plan had a positive influence on safety. Safety increased<br />

particularly for the cyclists, and the increase in<br />

safety is connected to infrastructural elements (relatively<br />

large on bicycle paths and lanes, and on intersections).<br />

An interesting additional observation for answering the<br />

question whether the improvements enlarged traffic<br />

safety is the development of safety in different districts,<br />

including the experimental and control areas. Figure 4.6<br />

shows the probability of involvement in an accident per<br />

million kilometres in the experimental area Noordwest,<br />

the southwest area of the city including the experimental<br />

Tanthof district, the control area Wippolder, the city<br />

centre, and the remaining city. In Noordwest the probability<br />

decreased significantly by 35-40%. This area lost its<br />

position as the most unsafe district of Delft for cyclists.<br />

In southwest only a small decrease is observed (about<br />

10%). In the control area Wippolder and the city centre<br />

the decrease is slightly larger (about 15%), and in remaining<br />

Delft, where the measures of the bicycle plan were<br />

partly implemented the decrease is comparable to that of<br />

Noordwest (about 35%).<br />

Figure 4.6: Probability of involvement in accidents<br />

by cyclists in different districts<br />

46 47

The relatively strong decrease in Noordwest suggests<br />

again an influence of the bicycle plan. The low decrease<br />

in Southwest that benefited from the measures as well<br />

suggests the opposite. A possible explanation of the deviant<br />

development in Southwest is that an increase in safety<br />

due to the measures is partly annulled by demographic<br />

factors. The southwest districts are new districts where<br />

many households had young children. The children got<br />

a few years older between the before and after situation<br />

and changed from walking to the primary school to cycling<br />

to the secondary school or from accompanied cycling by<br />

the parents to unaccompanied cycling.<br />

A statistical test on the differences in developments between<br />

the experimental Noordwest district and the control<br />

area Wippolder produced no significant results. Assuming<br />

a Poisson distribution of the probability to be involved in an<br />

accident, the observed decrease in number of accidents<br />

in Noordwest does not differ significantly from the smaller<br />

decrease in Wippolder. The main problem for the analysis<br />

is the small number of observations. Though there are<br />

strong indications that the bicycle plan increased safety, it<br />

can not be proved.<br />

Long-term impacts<br />

Statistics on traffic accidents and casualties in the period<br />

1985-1992 are analysed in order to gain knowledge about<br />

impacts of the bicycle plan in the long run (AGV, 1994).<br />

The long-term developments in Delft are compared to the<br />

national developments, developments in the province of<br />

Zuid-Holland where Delft is located, and developments in<br />

the other medium-sized cities. Additionally, some characteristics<br />

of the developments within Delft are discussed.<br />

In both The Netherlands and Zuid-Holland, the numbers<br />

of accidents and casualties per million person km decreased<br />

significantly between 1985 and 1992. The reductions<br />

are 15-20% for accidents with injured persons and<br />

30-35% for fatalities. In Delft no significant development<br />

can be observed. The main problem is the low numbers.<br />

The statistics suggest a small decrease of accidents in<br />

Delft as well, possibly between 0 and 10%. Regarding the<br />

number of fatalities nothing can be said. These fluctuate<br />

between 1 and 9 annually. Safety seems to have been developed<br />

in Delft less beneficial than in the whole province<br />

or the whole country. A possible explanation is that the<br />

safety increase was relatively small in medium-sized cities.<br />

It would be interesting to compare the development in<br />

Delft with that in other medium-sized cities. This has not<br />

been done in the evaluation study, except for the observation<br />

that the number of fatalities in the medium-sized cities<br />

increased a little between the periods 1983-1985 and<br />

1989-1992. This is an indication that the general increase<br />

in safety occurred mainly in the countryside and possibly<br />

in the large cities, too. This observation deprives us of the<br />

possibility to draw conclusions about the long-term influence<br />

of the bicycle measures on overall traffic safety.<br />

The evaluation pays additionally attention to developments<br />

of the safety of cyclists, but limits it to the short<br />

period 1990-1992. In this period both in the whole country<br />

and in the province of Zuid-Holland the numbers of bicycle<br />

accidents and casualties decreased. The decrease of accidents<br />

and casulaties per million km is at the same pace<br />

as the decrease for all modes. Safety in Delft seems to<br />

have been unchanged. However, the observed numbers<br />

are too low for a firm conclusion regarding the development<br />

in Delft. Comparison with the development in other<br />

medium-sized cities is limited to fatalities. The number of<br />

cyclists that died in the Netherlands due to an accident in<br />

medium-sized cities decreased between 1983-1985 and<br />

1989-1992. For Delft, the numbers are far too low for any<br />

conclusion on the development.<br />

Looking at the developments within Delft, some significant<br />

changes that were observed in the short run are partly<br />

cancelled out. The share of accidents at intersections<br />

that decreased significantly in the short run, increased in<br />

the long run to a level that is still somewhat lower than<br />

in the before period. The number of bicycle casualties in<br />

the experimental area Noordwest increases again, but<br />

remains in the long run significantly lower than in the before<br />

situation. There is one district where the decrease<br />

of casulaties continued: the city centre. The continuing<br />

decrease should probably be explained by implementing<br />

measures that limit car traffic in this district.<br />

The overall conclusion is that it is very difficult to say<br />

something about the long-term impact of the bicycle plan<br />

on traffic safety. There are indications that travelling has<br />

become safer in both the short and the long run, but that<br />

the long-term impact is smaller than the short-term impact.<br />

4.7.3 Perception of cycling quality<br />

safety<br />

velocity<br />

survey ability<br />

space for<br />

cyclists<br />

convenience<br />

not specified<br />

network<br />

specified<br />

spots<br />

network<br />

specified<br />

spots<br />

network<br />

specified<br />

spots<br />

network<br />

specified<br />

spots<br />

network<br />

specified<br />

spots<br />

network<br />

specified<br />

spots<br />

Noordwest<br />

positive<br />

assessment<br />

16%<br />

75%<br />

10%<br />

37%<br />

1%<br />

1%<br />

1%<br />

3%<br />

12%<br />

27%<br />

5%<br />

15%<br />

Participants of the panel that was convened for the indepth<br />

analysis of modal choice (Section 4.7.1) were<br />

asked in 1985, shortly after implementation of the measures,<br />

how they assessed the changes in the bicycle<br />

network. The assessment was asked both on household<br />

level, person level and trip level. Table 4.18 presents the<br />

results on household level for the two experimental areas.<br />

The households were asked to report improvements<br />

or deteriorations of the network for a number of quality<br />

aspects. The questions included both an assessment of<br />

the bicycle network as a whole and an assessment of individual<br />

spots where measures were implemented.<br />

The measures were assessed predominantly positively,<br />

in particular regarding safety, velocity and convenience.<br />

The positive assessment is generally larger for Tanthofhouseholds<br />

than for Noordwest-households. Interestingly,<br />

some measures of the bicycle project were assessed<br />

negatively. Outstanding was one intersection that was experienced<br />

to be worse after reconstruction. Based on the<br />

result of the interviews the municipality reconstructed this<br />

intersection again.<br />

negative<br />

assessment<br />

4%<br />

73%*<br />

2%<br />

8%<br />

0%<br />

22%*<br />

2%<br />

14%<br />

3%<br />

10%<br />

1%<br />

22%<br />

Tanthof<br />

positive<br />

assessment<br />

32%<br />

46%<br />

30%<br />

38%<br />

-<br />

6%<br />

-<br />

4%<br />

22%<br />

28%<br />

8%<br />

2%<br />

negative<br />

assessment<br />

0%<br />

38%*<br />

2%<br />

4%<br />

0%<br />

16%<br />

4%<br />

8%<br />

0%<br />

8%<br />

4%<br />

10%<br />

total 203% 161% 216% 94%<br />

Table 4.18: Assessment of network changes due to the bicycle project on household<br />

level<br />

* most relate to one intersection of major roads (Hugo de Grootstraat and Westplantsoen)<br />

The panel respondents were at least ten years old at the<br />

start of the panel and the figures presented so far exclude<br />

younger persons. An interesting question is to which extent<br />

the network raised the cycling quality for younger<br />

children, in particular safety. Therefore, households with<br />

children from 6-9 were asked whether cycling became<br />

safer for them on the route to school. From those households<br />

that answered that one or more measures were<br />

implemented on the route (72%), 54% answered that the<br />

implemented measures did not increase safety, and 46%<br />

answered that cycling on the route to school had become<br />

safer.<br />

The assessment on person level gave similar results in<br />

the sense that the assessment was predominantly positive<br />

and was significantly higher for Tanthof-residents<br />

than for Noordwest-residents. In contrast to the assessment<br />

on household level, the personal assessment is<br />

rather similar for the different quality aspects.<br />

On trip level, Noordwest-respondents reported that the<br />

quality was enlarged for 28% of the bicycle trips and reduced<br />

for 23% of the trips. For Tanthof-respondents the<br />

figures are 43% and 11%. The number of positive changes<br />

per trip was 0.39 and 0.81 for Noordwest- and Tanthof-residents<br />

respectively, and the number of negative<br />

changes per trip 0.25 and 0.11. The share of bicycle trips<br />

where one or more problems were encountered reduced<br />

from 45% to 34% for Noordwest-residents and from 51%<br />

to 30% for Tanthof-residents. The relatively bad results<br />

for Noordwest can partly be explained by the intersection<br />

mentioned in the note of Table 4.18. If problems with this<br />

intersection are left out of consideration, the share of trips<br />

where problems were encountered would be reduced<br />

from 45% to 28% in Noordwest.<br />

48 49

The general conclusion is that the measures gave a better<br />

perception of the quality of the bicycle network. The increase<br />

in perception is substantially higher for Tanthof, a<br />

new residential area some kilometres from the city centre,<br />

than for Noordwest, an old district close to the city centre.<br />

Another conclusion is that measures that are aimed to<br />

improve the bicycle network sometimes lower the perception<br />

of the quality of the network.<br />

4.7.4 Economy<br />

Economic impacts of the bicycle plan were not included<br />

in the evaluation studies. However, in the framework of<br />

the Transecon-project that analyses the socio-economic<br />

impacts of investments in urban infrastructure, afterwards<br />

an attempt to estimate the economic impacts of the Delft<br />

bicycle plan has been made (Transecon, 2003). The<br />

analyses include a quantitative estimation of the regional<br />

added value and opinions of key actors about socio-economic<br />

impacts.<br />

The estimation of the added value includes three indicators.<br />

The first is the regional GDP indicating production<br />

of goods and services in the region, the second is the<br />

regional income reflecting wealth of the people, and the<br />

third is the regional employment. The estimated values<br />

are limited to the construction phase of the project. These<br />

are estimated with an econometric model that use global<br />

and economic conditions and demographic factors as input,<br />

together with the investment cost of the project per<br />

economic sector and year (Schneider et al, 1988). The<br />

estimated added values per annum for the Delft project<br />

are:<br />

• GDP: 2.3 million ECU;<br />

• income: 1.5 million ECU;<br />

• employment: 29 persons.<br />

The construction phase covers the period 1979-1991.<br />

The average annual investment in this period on both the<br />

implementation of the measures and the evaluation studies<br />

was 1.02 million ECU. All mentioned ECU amounts<br />

are at current prices. As mentioned before, the calculated<br />

added values relate only to the construction phase. In the<br />

operating phase that follows the construction phase the<br />

improved infrastructure makes a city more attractive and<br />

may be beneficial for economic activities. Added values<br />

in the operating phase are on average about 3 times the<br />

values in the construction phase (Transecon, 2003). The<br />

factor 3 is argued for large infrastructural investments like<br />

a metro line that have significant impacts on land use and<br />

economic activity. It is doubtful whether it can be used for<br />

bicycle investments as well. According to the opinions of<br />

key actors, to be discussed next, the bicycle plan had no<br />

large long term economic impacts.<br />

A number of key actors were interviewed about the socio-economic<br />

impacts of the bicycle plan. The interviews<br />

gave qualitative information about the impacts. Some results<br />

of the interviews:<br />

• A state agent had the opinion that the measures of the<br />

bicycle plan “certainly” did not affect housing prices.<br />

• A bicycle mender assumed that the plan increased the<br />

demand for bicycles. He sold significantly more bicycles<br />

after implementation of the measures. However, there is<br />

an alternative reason for the increase. In the same period<br />

a number of other bicycle shops closed, raising the business<br />

of the remaining shops.<br />

• A number of the interviewed persons had the opinion<br />

that the economic position of the city centre was strengthened<br />

and that the economic decline of the centre that was<br />

observed in the period before the measures were implemented<br />

was reversed. In the time of the project old buildings<br />

in the inner city and at the edges of the inner city<br />

were redesigned and reconstructed as luxurious apartments.<br />

New apartments were built as well. The improved<br />

bicycle infrastructure could have played a role in this development.<br />

• The plan improved the perception of the city by its residents;<br />

it increased civic pride.<br />

The measures sometimes were beneficial for undesired<br />

economic activities, too. In a neighbourhood that is fully<br />

surrounded by water and that was accessible via just one<br />

bridge in the before situation, a second bridge for cyclists<br />

was built in the framework of the bicycle plan. Afterwards<br />

theft proved to increase. The assumed reason is that the<br />

new bridge created better opportunities to housebreakers<br />

for fleeing.<br />

4.8 The impacts of building the<br />

Plantagebrug<br />

In Section 4.5 the building of the Plantagebrug has<br />

been described. This bridge is built halfway between the<br />

Reineveldbrug and the Koepoortbrug (Figure 4.3). It is<br />

assumed that the Plantagebrug will attract many cyclists<br />

that otherwise would have used one of the two neighbouring<br />

bridges. Additionally, lowering the severance of<br />

the canal for cyclists might generate new trips and affect<br />

shifts of destination and mode. These impacts are examined<br />

with three studies. One study explores the potential<br />

of the Plantagebrug before it was actually built. This study<br />

is based on a household survey and interviews (Kropman<br />

and Neeskens, 1986). The two other studies collect data<br />

from bicycle counts at bridges and enquiries among passing<br />

cyclists in both the before and after situations in order<br />

to examine several kinds of impacts of the Plantagebrug<br />

(Gommers et al, 1985, and Veeke and Jansen, 1987).<br />

4.8.1 Potential of the bridge<br />

Before the Plantagebrug was built possible impacts on<br />

travel behaviour were investigated. The research questions<br />

were how the bridge would affect destination choice,<br />

modal choice, and route choice; and whether the bridge<br />

should contribute to perceived safety and comfort.<br />

The analysis is based on a travel survey and interviews<br />

about why observed travel choices are made. A sample<br />

of households was selected for both the travel survey<br />

and the interviews. Only households living in the residential<br />

districts at the east side of the canal and the bridges<br />

were approached. Therefore, the study is limited to the<br />

potential of the Plantagebrug for those who live in these<br />

districts. These are only part of all potential users. From<br />

161 addressed households 81 gave a full response. Interviews<br />

were conducted with 157 members of these<br />

households, only members that were 10 years or older.<br />

The travel survey and interviews were organised in June<br />

1984. First, household members were asked to report<br />

their trips on a certain working day, and a few days later<br />

they were interviewed.<br />

The travel survey gave the same kind of figures as the<br />

travel surveys in the three study areas (in particular the<br />

Tables 4.5 and 4.9). The results differ in a few respects.<br />

First, in the Plantagebrug survey nearly all respondents<br />

went outside on the enquiry day (99%). The shares in the<br />

other surveys range from 83% to 92% in the before situation.<br />

The explanation could be a possible selective sampling<br />

and the small sample size of the Plantagebrug survey.<br />

A related difference is the number of trips pppd: 4.9<br />

compared to 3.4 to 4.0 in the other surveys. The modal<br />

split was differenent as well. The high share of the bicycle<br />

is relatively high (46% versus 36% to 41% in the other<br />

surveys), that of car users as a passenger is high as well<br />

(9% versus 5%), and the share of car users as a driver is<br />

relatively low (16% versus 21-32%).<br />

The interviews aimed to give information about how<br />

people assess the new bridge, which hindrances they<br />

encounter when cycling to the inner city (crossing the canal),<br />

to which extent the hindrances could be removed<br />

by building the Plantagebrug; and which impacts can be<br />

expected on travel choices regarding destination, mode,<br />

and route.<br />

Assessment of the Plantagebrug<br />

A majority of the respondents has the opinion that building<br />

the new bridge is a good thing; 54% report only advantages,<br />

25% report both advantages and disadvantages,<br />

14% report only disadvantages, and the remaining 8%<br />

report nothing. The most reported advantages are better<br />

accessibility of the inner city, higher safety, and nicer and<br />

more varied routes. The most reported disadvantages<br />

are superfluity of the bridge, a waste of money if used for<br />

building, and hindrance for shipping and rowing. Based<br />

on the predominant opinions, 74% of the respondents can<br />

be indicated as supporters of the bridge and 23% as opponents.<br />

The respondents were asked to put forward measures<br />

that should accompany building the new bridge. They<br />

mentioned in total 270 different measures that mainly<br />

aimed to enlarge safety on the routes to the bridge. There<br />

was a large match between the mentioned measures and<br />

accompanying measures that were planned by the municipality<br />

(the respondents were ignorant of these).<br />

Hindrances for cycling to the inner<br />

city<br />

Starting from the reported trips in the travel survey, hindrances<br />

were encountered for 45% of the bicycle trips to<br />

the inner city. The most mentioned hindrances relate to<br />

safety, in particular traffic volume and speed, and problems<br />

when crossing roads. Interestingly, the two most frequently<br />

reported problematic spots are the two existing<br />

bridges, or more exactly: the Koepoortbrug and the road<br />

Vrijenbanselaan that leads over the Reineveldbrug. Addition<br />

of the Plantagebrug that is dedicated to cyclists and<br />

pedestrians<br />

50 51

to the two other bridges with high car volumes has a large<br />

potential for reducing hindrances. The number of trips<br />

with hindrances would be reduced from 45% to 34%.<br />

For trips that were not made by bicycle or not to the inner<br />

city, the respondents were asked why these were not<br />

made by bicycle to the inner city. The predominant reason<br />

(applicable for 40% of these trips) was that choosing<br />

the destination in the inner city is no option. The second<br />

most important reason is practical matters (22% of the<br />

trips), other reasons of some importance, all relating to<br />

13-15% of the trips, are inconvenience, travel time, and<br />

‘bicycle use no option’. Problems regarding the traffic situation<br />

were mentioned for only 2% of the trips. Freedom<br />

of choice for converting the trip into a bicycle trip to the<br />

inner city applies to 4% of the trips. These results assume<br />

a rather small potential of the Plantagebrug. The contribution<br />

of the Plantagebrug is mainly improvement of the<br />

traffic situation and reducing travel time. These kinds of<br />

hindrances are rather unimportant. Moreover, if these hindrances<br />

would be removed, or if the trips that were free<br />

of choice would be made by bicycle to the inner city, a<br />

limited number of the trips would use the Plantagebrug. In<br />

many cases routing via one of the other bridges is shorter.<br />

One should note that the reason “travel time” is valid for a<br />

much smaller proportion of trips (14%) than in Table 4.11<br />

that presents the reasons why the bicycle is not used for<br />

non-bicycle trips (51% in the before situation). Possibly, in<br />

the Plantagebrug survey the travel time hindrance relates<br />

mainly or only to trips to the inner city. For these trips the<br />

bicycle is generally competitive regarding travel time.<br />

Impacts on travel choices<br />

In order to get understanding about the impacts on travel<br />

choices, the respondents were asked whether and how<br />

they would change their trips if the Plantagebrug was<br />

built. From 767 observed trips, in just one case another<br />

destination would have been chosen (in the inner city instead<br />

of outside the inner city). The impacts on modal<br />

choice and route choice are summarized in Table 4.19.<br />

The figures concern numbers of round trips and share<br />

in all observed round trips (767). A round trip is the sequence<br />

of trips, starting at home, visiting one or more outdoors<br />

activities, and returning home.<br />

before<br />

after (via Plantagebrug)<br />

mode bridge walk bicycle moped<br />

walk<br />

no bridge*<br />

Koepoortbrug<br />

2 (0.3%)<br />

5 (0.7%)<br />

public transport Reineveldbrug 1 (0.1%)<br />

bicycle Reineveldbrug<br />

Koepoortbrug<br />

other bridge<br />

31 (4.0%)<br />

32 (4.2%)<br />

1 (0.1%)<br />

car (driver) Reineveldbrug<br />

other bridge<br />

5 (0.7%)<br />

1 (0.1%)<br />

public transport Koepoortbrug 2 (0.3%)<br />

moped Reineveldbrug 4 (0.5%)<br />

total 8 (1.0%) 72 (9.4%) 4 (0.5%)<br />

Table 4.19: Changes in modal choice and route choice<br />

*possibly trips that use two different bridges in the after situation<br />

Summarizing: the impact on destination choice is marginal<br />

(just one trip), the impact on modal choice is larger<br />

but still small (9 trips, about 1% of all trips), the impact<br />

on route choice is substantial (75 trips, 10% of all trips).<br />

Modal shifts are mainly from car to bicycle, and to a lesser<br />

extent from public transport to both bicycle and walk.<br />

Based on the reported number of 72 bicycle trips that will<br />

use the Plantagebrug, the total number of bicycle trips of<br />

residents of the districts at the east side of the canal that<br />

will use the bridge on a working day are estimated. The<br />

result is 1850 trips. This number regards single trips in<br />

two directions. Because it concerns only trips by residents<br />

that live east of the canal, the total number of cyclists using<br />

the Plantagebrug will probably be significantly higher.<br />

A more complete estimation can be made with data of the<br />

second before study that will be discussed next.<br />

4.8.2 Before and after studies<br />

For evaluation of the impacts of the Plantagebrug on use<br />

of the different bridges, accessibility, and safety a before<br />

and after study are performed. The after study pays in<br />

addition attention to familiarity with the new bridge. Data<br />

for the before study were collected by counts of cyclists at<br />

the Reineveldbrug and Koepoortbrug at a Wednesday in<br />

June 1984, and for the after study by counts at the same<br />

bridges as well as the Plantagebrug at a Wednesday in<br />

September 1986. The intention was to organize the after<br />

counts in June as well but a delay in building the bridge<br />

impelled to postpone these. The after counts were organized<br />

one month after the bridge was put into use. One<br />

of the complementary measures that should contribute to<br />

the attractiveness of the bridge, i.e. building a new route<br />

for cyclists along the Kantoorgracht west of the bridge,<br />

was not finished yet. Absence of this route and possible<br />

unfamiliarity of the new bridge due to the rather small period<br />

of operation will have made that the observed demand<br />

underspends the potential demand.<br />

Both the before and after counts were executed between<br />

7 a.m. and 7 p.m. In addition to the counts, questionnaires<br />

were handed out to a number of cyclists that travelled in<br />

the direction of the inner city (south or west). They were<br />

asked to report origin and destination addresses, travel<br />

purpose, residential municipality, normal use of the different<br />

bridges, possibility to use an alternative mode,<br />

and some personal characteristics. Moreover, they were<br />

asked to draw their route on a map. In the after enquiry, a<br />

question about familiarity of the Plantagebrug was asked<br />

to users of the two other bridges, and possible use of the<br />

alternative bridges was asked to users of the Plantagebrug.<br />

In the before situation 7475 cyclists travelling in the direction<br />

of the inner city were counted on both bridges, 4350<br />

questionnaires were handed out, and 1142 completed<br />

questionnaires were returned. The response was lower<br />

than expected and for that reason returned questionnaires<br />

without route information were used for the analysis<br />

as well (304 questionnaires). In the after situation<br />

6253 cyclists entering the inner city were counted on the<br />

three bridges, 4372 questionnaires were handed out and<br />

1417 completed questionnaires were returned. Now there<br />

was no need for using questionnaires without route information.<br />

The large difference in counted numbers can be<br />

explained by the difference in season. The before counts<br />

were on a hot day in June and included a lot of cyclists<br />

travelling to and from the recreation area Delftse Hout<br />

east of the city that is accessible via the Koepoortbrug. In<br />

the after counts only few cyclists travelled to or from the<br />

Delftse Hout.<br />

Use of the different bridges<br />

Based on the questionnaires, the numbers of cyclists that<br />

use the bridges during the enquiry periods are estimated<br />

by using projection factors. Table 4.20 shows the estimated<br />

figures for the three bridges in the before and after<br />

periods per direction.<br />

entering the inner leaving the inner city both directions<br />

city<br />

before after before after before after<br />

Koepoortbrug 4950 3341 5047 3225 9997 6566<br />

Reineveldbrug 2495 1906 2815 2159 5310 4065<br />

Plantagebrug 0 1006 0 831 0 1837<br />

all bridges 7445 6253 7862 6215 15307 12468<br />

Table 4.20: Cyclists crossing the bridges between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on the enquiry days<br />

52 53

The Koepoortbrug functions mainly for local traffic. In the<br />

before situation 89% of the passing bicycles made local<br />

trips: both origin and destination were inside Delft. The<br />

Plantagebrug seems to have strengthened the local function<br />

of the Koepoortbrug: In the after situation the share of<br />

local bicycle traffic on this bridge increased to 91%. The<br />

Reineveldbrug is more important for cyclists that travel<br />

longer distances. The shares of local traffic were 61%<br />

(before) and 65% (after). The local function of this bridge<br />

seems to have been strengthened a little as well. The<br />

function of the Plantagebrug is between that of the two<br />

other bridges. The share of local bicycle traffic was 79%.<br />

Looking at travel purposes, two major differences were<br />

observed between the before and after enquiries. The<br />

number of leisure trips decreased significantly, that of<br />

school trips increased. For all bridges together, the share<br />

of leisure trips fell from 19% to 5%, and the share of<br />

school trips increased from 10% to 22%. The explanation<br />

for the fall in leisure trips has to do with the season and<br />

the weather. As mentioned before, the before enquiry was<br />

performed at a hot day in June, the after enquiry at a day<br />

in September. Why less pupils and students travelled to<br />

school during the before enquiry in June is not clear. If leisure<br />

and school trips are not considered, the distribution<br />

of purposes is similar in both periods, both for each of the<br />

two bridges that existed in the before period, and for the<br />

total of all bridges. The Koepoortbrug is mainly used for<br />

work and shopping and, in the before period, for leisure.<br />

The Reineveldbrug is mainly used for mandatory activities<br />

(work and education). The most practised activity by<br />

cyclists crossing the Plantagebrug is work. The shares of<br />

work and shopping are between the shares observed for<br />

the two other bridges, the share of education is equal to<br />

the low share of the Koepoortbrug, and the shares of the<br />

other distinguished purposes (visit family/friends, leisure,<br />

other) are higher than those of the two alternative bridges<br />

in the after situation.<br />

Familiarity with the Plantagebrug<br />

The after enquiry included questions about familiarity of<br />

the Plantagebrug and competition between the bridges.<br />

Table 4.21 summarizes the results. The first row mentions<br />

the shares of Koepoortbrug and Reineveldbrug users<br />

that were familiar with the Plantagebrug. The Plantagebrug<br />

is better known for Koepoortbrug users than for<br />

Reineveldbrug users. The second row reports the shares<br />

of Koepoortbrug and Reineveldbrug users that already<br />

used the Plantagebrug. Again, the share is higher for<br />

Koepoortbrug users. The two lowest rows indicate which<br />

alternative bridge Plantagebrug users would have used<br />

if the Plantagebrug had not been built. A majority would<br />

have used the Koepoortbrug (third row). However, if the<br />

numbers of those indicating that they alternatively would<br />

have used the Koepoortbrug or Reineveldbrug are compared<br />

to the actual bicycle users of these two alternative<br />

bridges, the figures are similar (fourth row). This suggests<br />

that the attractiveness of the Plantegebrug is similar for<br />

users of the two other bridges. Possible explanations for<br />

the difference in familiarity are a) that a relatively large<br />

share of Reineveldbrug users do not live in Delft and<br />

might be less familiar with projects that are implemented<br />

in Delft, and b) that the Plantagebrug is visible from the<br />

Koepoortbrug and not from the Reineveldbrug.<br />

Koepoortbrug Reineveldbrug other bridges<br />

familiar with Plantagebrug 82% 62% -<br />

use of Plantagebrug 51% 35% -<br />

alternative for Plantagebrug (1) 59% 40% 1%<br />

alternative for Plantagebrug (2) 18% 21% -<br />

(1): share of all Plantagebrug users<br />

(2): percentage of the actual users of the alternative bridge<br />

A general conclusion is that it can take some time before<br />

(nearly) all potential users of a new bridge or other infrastructural<br />

work are familiar with the project.<br />

Expected and observed use<br />

After collection of the before data, the number of cyclists<br />

crossing the Plantagebrug was predicted. The enquiry<br />

gave a lot of information about origins and destinations of<br />

trips by bicycle, and route choice. Using the network data<br />

in the before and after situation that were recorded in the<br />

data bank described in the route choice part of Section<br />

4.7.1 and the model that was calibrated on data regarding<br />

route choice of cyclists leaving the Noordwest district,<br />

4100 cyclists were estimated to use the Plantagebrug at<br />

a working day. This number could be in accordance with<br />

the estimated number of 1850 for only bicycle trips of<br />

residents living in the districts east of the canal (Section<br />

4.8.1). However, the observed number in the after study,<br />

about 1800 (Table 4.20), is considerably lower. Three<br />

reasons can be mentioned for the gap between predicted<br />

and observed numbers, though it is doubtful whether they<br />

can explain the whole difference. One reason is that in the<br />

before situation the overall number of cyclists was higher<br />

than in the after situation. This is mainly due to a large<br />

fall in leisure travel. The Plantagebrug proves to attract<br />

a relatively large part of leisure traffic and is likely to be<br />

more exposed to fluctuations in volume of this traffic than<br />

the other bridges. The second reason is the unfamiliarity<br />

of the Plantagebrug by a number of the potential users.<br />

The third reason is that, unlike it was assumed in the<br />

prediction, not all related projects that contribute to the<br />

attractiveness of the bridge were finished. This is particularly<br />

true for the bicycle route along the Kantoorgracht.<br />

Accessibility<br />

The Plantagebrug reduced the detours that had to be<br />

made by the canal crossing cyclists. The average detour<br />

factor on link level decreased from 1.23 to 1.21. For those<br />

using the Koepoortbrug in both the before and after situation,<br />

the decrease is from 1.25 to 1.24, for those using the<br />

Reineveldbrug the detour is constant at 1.17. For cyclists<br />

that use the Plantagebrug in the after situation, the detour<br />

factor fell from 1.30 to 1.22. Not surprisingly, the Plantagebrug<br />

attracted particularly cyclists that had to make<br />

a large detour in the before situation where the Plantagebrug<br />

offers a more direct route. The reduction in detour<br />

factors is mainly observed for the shorter distances. For<br />

canal crossing trips less than 1400 m, the detour factor<br />

reduced from 1.36 to 1.27, for trips between 1400 m and<br />

3600 m, the reduction was only from 1.23 to 1.22, and for<br />

longer trips no reduction was observed.<br />

Comparing the predicted travel times in the after situation<br />

with the before situation, the Plantagebrug would have<br />

saved 0.2 minute (2%) on average for all canal crossing<br />

bicycle trips. For trips starting in the residential districts at<br />

the east side of the canal, the average savings are 0.3-0.4<br />

minutes (3-4%). For trips that were predicted to use the<br />

Plantagebrug in the after situation, travel time would be<br />

reduced by 1.0 minute (8.5%).<br />

The Plantagebrug does not contribute to the accessibility<br />

of the most important destination of those living east of<br />

the bridge: the market and surrounding shopping area.<br />

The bridge connects with the less attractive northern side<br />

of the inner city while the market is in the southern part.<br />

Likewise, the new bridge does not improve the accessibility<br />

of the central train station that is located south west of<br />

the inner city.<br />

A third important destination is an industrial estate north<br />

of the inner city and about 1 km west of the Plantagebrug.<br />

The Plantagebrug improves the accessibility of this estate<br />

for people living east of the canal substantially and<br />

is used frequently by them in the after situation. The relatively<br />

large numbers using the Plantagebrug for travelling<br />

to the industrial estate explain the high share of workrelated<br />

trips.<br />

Safety<br />

Probably the Plantagebrug will have increased traffic<br />

safety for cyclists. Both the Koepoortbrug and the<br />

Reineveldbrug were experienced as unsafe because cyclists<br />

were not physically separated from the large numbers<br />

of cars crossing the bridges. A number of cyclists<br />

shifted their route from one of these unsafe bridges to the<br />

much safer Plantagebrug. This will have increased general<br />

safety. However, the impact on safety has not been<br />

studied. A study on differences in accidents would have<br />

been difficult because of the very low number of accidents<br />

in such a small area.<br />

4.9 Discussion<br />

The Delft bicycle plan had two objectives: to improve the<br />

infrastructural facilities for cyclists and generating knowledge<br />

about the impact of the upgrade of a whole cycle<br />

54 55

pality; the second mainly the objective of the national government.<br />

Regarding the second objective, next questions<br />

should be answered:<br />

• Does the implementation of a comprehensive bicycle<br />

network lead to an increase in bicycle traffic? The hypothesis<br />

was that providing a comprehensive and integral network<br />

affects bicycle use and its quality more than improving<br />

a number of single bicycle routes.<br />

• Does the implementation of a bicycle network increase<br />

road safety?<br />

• In which way do cyclists use a comprehensive and integral<br />

bicycle network which is perceived as such, and what<br />

are their behavioural responses?<br />

Do the evaluation studies give answers on the questions?<br />

In answering the questions one should consider that the<br />

upgrade of the Delft bicycle network concerned improvements<br />

of an existing network with initially a reasonably<br />

good quality in a city where the bicycle was already used<br />

frequently. The answers may not be valid for cities with<br />

initially a poor bicycle network and low bicycle use.<br />

The studies demonstrate that the measures induced<br />

a short term moderate increase in the number of bicycle<br />

trips and probably a larger increase in the distance<br />

travelled by bicycle. They suggest that the increase is<br />

retained in the long term, but due to problems relating<br />

to small samples and the influences of other factors, a<br />

firm conclusion regarding the long term effects can not<br />

be drawn. In addition, a significant increase in the perceived<br />

quality of the network was observed, in particular<br />

regarding safety, directness and convenience. A similar<br />

result was found for the demonstration projects of single<br />

bicycle paths described in Section 3. The impact on the<br />

perceived quality is more pronounced than the impact on<br />

actual bicycle use.<br />

Would the increase in bicycle use have been larger than<br />

in the case the same money was spent on improving a<br />

number of individual routes? The studies do not answer<br />

this question. We guess that the answer is negative, assuming<br />

that the alternative spending is in the most efficient<br />

way and that initially the network enables cyclists<br />

to move from each origin to each destination (as was the<br />

case in the studied Dutch cities). Considerations behind<br />

the guess are the rather small observed impacts of the<br />

Delft bicycle plan, and, for providing an integral grid network<br />

with a homogeneous quality, the need to employ part<br />

of the money for relatively large investments on routes<br />

with relatively low bicycle volumes. The Plantagebrug is<br />

an example of an expensive project in one of the main<br />

corridors of the defined grid network but outside the most<br />

extensive used bicycle routes. One should note however<br />

that if the money that is actually spent on upgrading an<br />

a priori defined network, would alternatively have been<br />

spent on improving individual routes in the same city,<br />

these routes are likely to form a network as well. The latter<br />

network may not be identical to the defined network for<br />

the upgrade, though both networks will have a number of<br />

links in common.<br />

The increase in the perception of safety is confirmed by<br />

an increase in safety itself. The studies give evidence of a<br />

clear increase of road safety in the short run, despite the<br />

growth of bicycle use, one of the more vulnerable modes.<br />

The long-term impact is less clear and could be smaller<br />

than the short-term impact. The main ingredient for the<br />

safety increase was separation of cyclists from motorized<br />

traffic. The separation is partly spatial by building off-road<br />

bicycle paths and partly temporal by installing traffic lights.<br />

Cyclists prove to assess the three sub networks on urban,<br />

district and neighbourhood level differently. They prefer<br />

use of higher order networks and are willing to make a<br />

detour if then a larger part of the route is travelled on a<br />

higher order network. Cyclists have a clear preference for<br />

off-road bicycle paths. The most important factor for route<br />

choice is travel time. New network links that shorten the<br />

distance (and duration) can be very attractive.<br />

Apart from answers on the three research questions,<br />

other interesting things can be learned from the Delft project.<br />

Firstly, good communication with interest groups and<br />

residents in an early phase is important for a wide support<br />

of the project and a successful implementation of measures.<br />

Secondly, the bicycle has the potential to attract<br />

car users; improving bicycle infrastructure is a possible<br />

measure for a policy that is directed at lowering car use.<br />

Thirdly, the most important reasons for not using the bicycle<br />

for a trip have to do with practical matters and travel<br />

time; infrastructural problems and the traffic situation are<br />

rarely reported reasons for not using the bicycle. These<br />

findings suggest that investing in bicycle infrastructure is<br />

not necessarily the most efficient way for enhancing bicycle<br />

use. Again, it should be noted that this result is valid<br />

for a city that had already a fairly good network. For other<br />

cities the result is likely to be different.<br />

The studies investigated the impacts in the short and the<br />

long run. Could something be said about the impacts in<br />

the very long run? The Dutch Cyclists Union (Fietsersbond)<br />

developed a method for assessing local cycling<br />

conditions for a number of aspects and applied it to a<br />

large number of Dutch cities. This method, called the “Fietsbalans”,<br />

enables to compare the cycling conditions in<br />

the examined cities. Because Delft is one of these cities,<br />

the more recent quality of the Delft bicycle network can<br />

be compared to the network qualities in other cities. The<br />

examination in 2000 (Fietsersbond, 2001) demonstrated<br />

that Delft, compared to other medium-sized cities,<br />

• ranked high regarding traffic safety of cyclists,<br />

• above the average regarding directness (measured by<br />

detour factors, delays at traffic lights and other obstacles,<br />

and speed),<br />

• below the average regarding inconvenience caused by<br />

other traffic (this includes the need to ride behind each<br />

other and exposure to traffic noise),<br />

• and very low regarding pavement.<br />

Generally, Delft takes a medium position between the cities.<br />

The bicycle plan gave Delft not an excellent position<br />

in the long run. One of the reasons is that in many other<br />

cities investments in bicycle infrastructure were made,<br />

partly encouraged by the positive results for Delft. The<br />

relatively good performance regarding directness in Delft<br />

may still be attributed to the bicycle plan. Possibly this is<br />

also true for the high score regarding safety. The very low<br />

score for pavement indicates that Delft did not maintain<br />

the bicycle infrastructure properly. The Delft soil conditions<br />

bring about a rather quick deterioration of the quality<br />

of the tile pavements and a good quality demands for<br />

rather extensive road maintenance.<br />

56 57

5 Shared space in Haren<br />

Shared space is defined as integrated use of public space<br />

by both motorized and non-motorized modes. It is evolved<br />

out of the ‘woonerf’ concept, which is a residential area<br />

with mixed use of traffic and other activities where cars<br />

have to slow down to a walking pace and so accommodate<br />

other usage of the public space. Shared space is<br />

the opposite of modal segregation. In the Netherlands,<br />

shared space is part of the concept of “duurzaam veilig”<br />

(sustainable safe) that aims to design traffic infrastructure<br />

such that it is inherently safe. Shared space impels drivers<br />

of motorized modes to take full account of the slow<br />

modes. This is assumed to lead to safer and socially responsible<br />

traffic behaviour.<br />

The municipality of Haren, one of the more wealthy municipalities<br />

in the agglomeration of Groningen that is the<br />

largest city in the north of the Netherlands, implemented<br />

and evaluated shared space in the Rijksstraatweg in<br />

2002. The Rijksstraatweg is the main road traversing the<br />

town and used to be the major road connecting Groningen<br />

to the south (“Rijksstraatweg” means national road).<br />

However, since a parallel motorway has been built, the<br />

function of the road is mainly local and to some extent<br />

regional. Still, it is the most heavily used road in Haren.<br />

In 2004 8,200 motor vehicles were counted on a working<br />

day. The road crosses the centre of Haren. Figure 5.1<br />

shows the location of Haren in relation to Groningen. The<br />

Rijksstraatweg is indicated in the figure.<br />

5.1 Design<br />

Starting point for the design was making the road an integral<br />

part of the centre. Before, the typical function of the<br />

road was facilitating through traffic and the road created<br />

severance inside the town. The measures to achieve the<br />

intended integration were:<br />

• Removing differences in height at the transverse section<br />

of the road.<br />

• Making the road optically narrower.<br />

• Installing street furniture that is typical for avenues.<br />

• Reducing the maximum speed from 50 km/h to 30 km/h.<br />

5.2 Organisation and implementation<br />

The municipality encouraged participation of citizens in<br />

developing the project. Experts and citizens together dis<br />

cussed about the new design. During the whole process<br />

from planning to completion interested parties were informed.<br />

This policy created a large support among the<br />

citizens for the project. The implementation of the project<br />

was in 2002.<br />

5.3 Evaluation<br />

A few evaluation studies have been executed. These are<br />

summarized by van der Velde and Bos (2008). Evaluated<br />

topics are use of the road, the impact on safety, and the<br />

experience of users of shared space.<br />

5.3.1 Use of shared space<br />

Initially, cars were assumed to use the main lane in the<br />

middle of the road, pedestrians should use primarily the<br />

cussed about the new design. During the whole process<br />

from planning to completion interested parties were informed.<br />

This policy created a large support among the<br />

citizens for the project. The implementation of the project<br />

was in 2002.<br />

5.3 Evaluation<br />

Figure 5.1: Location of Haren southeast of the city of<br />

Groningen.<br />

A few evaluation studies have been executed. These are<br />

summarized by van der Velde and Bos (2008). Evaluated<br />

58 59

topics are use of the road, the impact on safety, and the<br />

experience of users of shared space.<br />

5.3.1 Use of shared space<br />

Initially, cars were assumed to use the main lane in the<br />

middle of the road, pedestrians should use primarily the<br />

side lanes, and cyclists had no instruction about which<br />

lanes to use. One of the evaluation results was that usage<br />

of both the lane in the middle and the side lanes by<br />

cyclists gave an unclear situation and increased the perception<br />

of unsafety. Based on this result, the room for cyclists<br />

was restricted to the lane in the middle that they use<br />

together with cars.<br />

Regarding use of the shared space it was observed that:<br />

• Slow modes cross the road all over. These usually<br />

choose the most direct route to the destination at the other<br />

side of the road. Pedestrians frequently do not use the<br />

crosswalks, even if a crosswalk is close by.<br />

• Cars drive slowly and anticipate crossing pedestrians.<br />

They generally give priority to pedestrians that use the<br />

crosswalks, and sometimes to those that cross elsewhere.<br />

This implies a good social interaction.<br />

• Cars take account of bicycles riding before them. They<br />

usually stay behind when there is no good possibility for<br />

overtaking.<br />

• Car drivers generally give no priority to cyclists that enter<br />

from side streets, and the cyclists do not expect priority to<br />

be given. The reason might be different pavements that<br />

suggest that one road has priority to the other. This unintended<br />

result did not create conflicts.<br />

• The volume of motor vehicles on the Rijksstraatweg did<br />

not change noticeably.<br />

5.3.2 Safety<br />

Increasing safety is a main objective of shared space.<br />

The impact on safety is examined by comparing the numbers<br />

of accidents and casualties in the periods before and<br />

after the implementation of shared space.<br />

In the before period (1994-2001) the average number of<br />

annual accidents was nearly 11. The number fluctuated<br />

between 6 and 14. In the after period (2003-2007) the<br />

annual average was 5 with fluctuations from 3 to 9. The<br />

highest number of 9 accidents was observed in 2003,<br />

shortly after the implementation. Possibly users need<br />

time to become familiar with the new situation. Despite<br />

Figure 5.2: Two sections of the road before (left) and after (right) implementing<br />

shared space (source: van der Velde and Bos, 2008)<br />

the low absolute numbers, there is clear evidence that<br />

safety increased significantly.<br />

An even stronger decrease is observed for the number of<br />

casualties. In the before period the annual average was<br />

about 2.5 and the number fluctuated between 1 and 5. In<br />

the after period only one casualty was registered in the<br />

whole 5-year period.<br />

The nature of the accidents changed somewhat. In the<br />

before situation the most observed category of accidents<br />

were those related to insufficient distance to vehicles in<br />

front (26% of all accidents); rear-end collision was a typical<br />

accident. In the after situation the most observed accidents<br />

were those related to not giving priority, wrongly<br />

turning a corner, and driving too far to the right (for 20%,<br />

12%, and 12% of the accidents respectively).<br />

In both the before and after periods most accidents were<br />

due to collisions between cars. The numbers of collisions<br />

between cars and bicycles and collisions between bicycles<br />

were relatively small and remained to be relatively<br />

small. The change from segregated infrastructure with<br />

separated bicycle paths to shared space with mixed use<br />

of the main lane by cars and bicycles did not increase the<br />

relative unsafety of cyclists. In connection with the overall<br />

increase in safety, the absolute numbers of all types of<br />

collisions decreased.<br />

5.3.3 Perception of shared space<br />

A number of residents were interviewed by phone about<br />

their opinion on changes due to the redesign of the Rijksstraatweg.<br />

Corresponding with the observed changes,<br />

the respondents have the opinion that vehicle speeds<br />

lowered, traffic volume is unchanged, and road users take<br />

more account of each other. In contrast with the observed<br />

statistics, the respondents felt a decrease of safety. This<br />

feeling was mainly due to the unclear position of the bicycle<br />

that was allowed to use both the main lane in the<br />

middle of the road and the side lanes. After adapting the<br />

rules the feeling of unsafety might have been reduced.<br />

According to the respondents, the centre looks better<br />

and has become more attractive. The Rijksstraatweg is<br />

considered to be more integrated in the centre. The Rijksstraatweg<br />

used to be an important barrier inside the<br />

town and the centre, but after implementation of shared<br />

space the severance reduced substantially. Lowering of<br />

the severance was one of the main objectives of shared<br />

space.<br />

Figure 5.3: Use of the shared space (source: van der<br />

Velde and Bos, 2008)<br />

5.3.4 Economy<br />

One of the results reported in the preceding section was<br />

an increase of attractiveness of the city centre. Nevertheless,<br />

the respondents indicated not to visit the centre<br />

more frequently. Possibly, the centre benefits from more<br />

visits by people from outside Haren; however, this has not<br />

been studied.<br />

5.3.5 Conclusion<br />

Shared space can be highly beneficial. It has the potential<br />

to increase safety significantly and lower the severance<br />

of a road. The increase in safety is remarkable, because<br />

modes that have quite different speeds in normal use are<br />

mixed. The main explanation for the increased safety is<br />

that the design tempts the faster vehicles to drive with<br />

low speeds. The example of Haren proves that shared<br />

space can be applied for roads with a rather high volume<br />

of motor vehicles.<br />

However, it should be stressed that ‘shared space’ has<br />

its specific contextual conditions of application. The public<br />

space should have a substantial ‘habitat’ function. And<br />

the concept is likely to be more successful if adjusted driving<br />

behaviour is already part of the local traffic culture.<br />

60 61


A bicycle street is a street for mixed traffic (bicycles and<br />

cars) where the bicycle is the main user and the car is<br />

guest. The concept of the bicycle street was first applied<br />

some decades ago in both a few German and Dutch cities.<br />

Recently, in the Netherlands it evolved to be a general<br />

frequently applied concept. The main function of<br />

bicycle streets in the Netherlands is provision of bicycle<br />

routes through residential areas that are part of the main<br />

bicycle network. Bicycle streets offer alternative routes for<br />

the main roads. The benefits for the cyclists are that they<br />

are not exposed to the polluting emissions of the cars,<br />

may have a more direct route, and can avoid traffic lights.<br />

In the case that no bicycle paths are provided along the<br />

main roads, an additional benefit is avoidance of the inconvenient<br />

and unsafe mixed use of roads with high car<br />

volumes (Andriesse and Hansen, 1996).<br />

Bicycle streets are links in the main bicycle networks and<br />

should meet high quality standards for cyclists. Hindrance<br />

by cars using the streets should be minimal. For that:<br />

width of the later should not exceed 1.1 m. Cyclists are<br />

assumed to use only the comfortable roadway, the side<br />

lanes make that room for cars is sufficient.<br />

Many bicycle streets have been recently built in the Netherlands,<br />

but only few are evaluated. One of these is the<br />

Venkelstraat in the city of Haarlem. Haarlem is a city of<br />

about 150,000 inhabitants located 20 km west of Amsterdam.<br />

The Venkelstraat is a street through a residential<br />

area and part of a main bicycle route to the city centre<br />

(Figure 6.1). The street is reconstructed as a bicycle street<br />

and became the first bicycle street in the city. Design and<br />

use of this street have been evaluated (Kho, 2006).<br />

• Through car traffic should be inhibited; only local cars<br />

preferably use the streets.<br />

• The number of cyclists should be large compared to the<br />

number of car users.<br />

• Cyclists have priority; they don’t need to go aside in order<br />

to allow a car behind them to overtake.<br />

• The design of the street clarifies that the street is a bicycle<br />

street and not a main road for cars. Bicycle streets<br />

should not be too wide. In the Netherlands, bicycle streets<br />

usually are paved with red asphalt that is typically used<br />

for bicycle paths.<br />

The number of cyclists of a bicycle street should be high<br />

but not too high. If the number of cyclists exceeds 600 per<br />

hour and per direction, there is hardly room for car users.<br />

In that case cars should be admitted only for a short road<br />

section, no longer than 300 m (Andriesse and Hansen,<br />

1996).<br />

Andriesse and Hansen recommend allowing cars to use<br />

a bicycle street in only one direction (unlike the bicycles).<br />

The corresponding transverse section is 3.5 to 4 m (Andriesse<br />

and Ligtermoet, 2006). If cars are allowed to<br />

move in both directions, the proposed width is about 4.5<br />

m. Generally, Dutch bicycle streets exist of a roadway in<br />

the middle paved with red asphalt and additional narrow<br />

lanes at each side that could be paved with bricks; the<br />

Figure 6.1: Location of the bicycle street Venkelstraat.<br />

6.1 Design<br />

The Venkelstraat has the typical design for Dutch bicycle<br />

streets. There is a wide lane with red asphalt in the middle<br />

of the road and there are two narrow side lanes at each<br />

side, paved with bricks. Cyclists are assumed to use the<br />

red lane in the middle, the side lanes give cars enough<br />

space to come across each other (Figure 6.2). The street<br />

is accessible in both directions to both cars and cyclists.<br />

6.2 Evaluation<br />

The evaluation is restricted to the design and the way the<br />

62 63

street is used by both car drivers and cyclists. Impacts on<br />

travel behaviour like modal choice are not studied. Questionnaires<br />

were distributed to people living at or near the<br />

Venkelstraat and to pupils and employees of the Rudolf<br />

Steinerschool, a school for both primary and secondary<br />

education. The school is located at the southern end of<br />

the Venkelstraat. The number of distributed questionnaires<br />

was 1500: 750 to residents of the street and surroundings,<br />

and another 750 to pupils and employees of<br />

the school. The number of returned questionnaires was<br />

335, about 200 from the residents and about 130 from<br />

those connected to the school. Most questions in the<br />

questionnaire were multiple-choice, though there was<br />

room for additional remarks and suggestions.<br />

The results demonstrate that people generally are satisfied<br />

with the bicycle street; 58% of the respondents<br />

reported that they were satisfied or very satisfied, 16%<br />

was dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. The remaining respondents<br />

had no clear opinion. An even higher share<br />

of respondents was satisfied with the look of the street<br />

(72%), where only 10% was dissatisfied. A majority had<br />

the opinion that noise nuisance was not affected, while<br />

more respondents that felt that noise nuisance decreased<br />

(21%) than increased (6%). According to most respondents<br />

current provisions regarding speed ramps and lighting<br />

are sufficient.<br />

The respondents were asked whether they use the street<br />

as a car driver or as a cyclist. Something less than a half<br />

(42%) report using the street as a car driver, a large majority<br />

(91%) indicate that they use the street as a cyclist<br />

or moped rider. Both car drivers and cyclists were asked<br />

about the way they use the street.<br />

Most car drivers (82%) are aware that cyclists have priority<br />

and need not to go aside for overtaking cars. Interestingly,<br />

a large share of cyclists (61%) answer that they<br />

actually go aside when a car approaches on the back.<br />

Nearly half of the car drivers (44%) cannot conclude from<br />

the design of the street that cyclists have priority. Most of<br />

the car drivers (61%) use the street wrongly: they drive<br />

fully on the red lane in the middle. The share of cyclists<br />

that know that the red asphalt is dedicated for them is<br />

smaller, only 55%. These results indicate that many users<br />

do not know how the bicycle street should be used.<br />

This can be explained by the fact that 67% of the respondents<br />

had not read information about the bicycle street.<br />

Both communication and design of the street should be<br />

improved.<br />

A number of respondents suggested that marking the<br />

middle of the street would increase clarity about function<br />

and usage. The street gets the look of a bicycle path and<br />

gives car drivers the feeling that they have to ride at the<br />

right side of the road. The municipality complied with this<br />

suggestion and put road signs informing that the street<br />

is a bicycle street. Figure 6.3 displays the situation after<br />

marking and signposting.<br />

General conclusions from the Venkelstraat evaluation<br />

are that a good communication with users is important;<br />

that users generally are satisfied with the street; that the<br />

way the street has to be used is not self-evident; and that<br />

marking the middle of the street and signposting increase<br />

clarity about how the street should be used.<br />

With respect to marking the middle of the street, it should<br />

be added that a number of bicycle streets in the Netherlands<br />

are provided with a spherical median that can be<br />

driven over by vehicles.<br />

Figure 6.3 Venkelstraat Haarlem after marking and signposting<br />

(source: Ligtermoet, 2006)<br />

Figure 6.2: Venkelstraat in Haarlem (source: Kho, 2006)<br />

64 65

7 Interurban highway for cyclists<br />

7.1 Context<br />

Rather recent are initiatives to promote interurban cycling<br />

as a means to relieve the congestion on motor highways.<br />

In the Dutch pattern of urbanisation there is a large share<br />

of interurban commuting on distances below 20 km. If<br />

these commuters go by car they use the motor highway<br />

system, and congestion on these highways has been a<br />

growing problem for years. Regional car trips (on relatively<br />

short distances) appear to contribute substantially<br />

to the congestion problems. Now the idea is that by making<br />

high quality bicycle connections in some highway corridors<br />

a number of commuters would be prepared to shift<br />

to cycling to avoid the congestion on the highways. This<br />

type of projects is implemented within the framework of<br />

the project ‘Fiets filevrij’ (Cycle Congestion Free), and<br />

combines infrastructural improvements of interurban bicycle<br />

infrastructure with promotion activities to seduce<br />

‘short distance’ car drivers to shift to cycling.<br />

and using highway A13.<br />

7.3 Organisation and implementation<br />

Fiets Filevrij is one of the 40 projects of the ministerial<br />

programme ‘File proof’ (Congestion proof). The project is<br />

coordinated by the Fietsersbond (Dutch Cyclists’ Union)<br />

and provides a framework for co-operation of road authorities<br />

that are relevant in the specific situation (municipalities,<br />

provinces, national government if applicable) and<br />

interested other organisations to jointly implement the<br />

interurban bicycle highway, including a dedicated marketing<br />

programme to seduce car drivers to shift to cycling for<br />

one or more times per week.<br />

7.4 The costs<br />

In principle all road authorities will pay the costs of interventions<br />

on their own roads. The national government is<br />

prepared to pay 20% of the costs of the project.<br />

7.5 Evaluation<br />

Figure 7.1: Map showing in green the implemented bicycle<br />

highways, in blue the planned ones and in ochre<br />

those for which a feasibility study is going on.<br />

7.2 Design<br />

Figure 7.2: Bicycle highway Rotterdam – Delft<br />

We take as an example the route between Rotterdam and<br />

Delft. The route is a direct and ‘fast’ bicycle route. The 10<br />

km route is for the most part implemented as an off road<br />

bicycle track, and it has only a few intersections and no<br />

traffic lights at all. So cyclists will have no delay, even<br />

more so because at the few remaining intersections the<br />

cyclist has right of way. The bicycle track is two directional<br />

and for most parts conveniently wide and paved with<br />

(smooth) asphalt. It provides an alternative (by bicycle)<br />

for motorists commuting between Rotterdam and Delft<br />

In a recent model study Goudappel Coffeng (2011) calculated<br />

that investments in fast bicycle routes will have societal<br />

benefits with regard to mobility, economy, health and<br />

climate. The calculation was done for the 27 planned and<br />

implemented bicycle highway projects shown in Figure<br />

7.1, covering 675 km in 8 provinces. These projects will<br />

create fast and undisturbed bicycle connections between<br />

(sometimes a chain of) towns and villages. The calculations<br />

are executed by Goudappel’s National Transport<br />

Model and based on the assumption that the average cycling<br />

speed increases from 15 km/h to 18 km/h. A summary<br />

of the most striking model outcomes suggests that the<br />

construction of these bicycle highways would result into:<br />

• 0.7% less trips by car and 1.3% more trips by bicycle in<br />

the Netherlands at large, suggestion and put road signs<br />

informing that the street is a bicycle street. Figure 6.3 displays<br />

the situation after marking and signposting.<br />

• Decreased car use resulting in an annual reduction of 80<br />

million kg CO2 emission.<br />

• Improved public health resulting in yearly savings of €<br />

100 million on health care and avoidance of premature<br />

deaths.<br />

• A decrease of travel delay in rush hours of 15,000 h per<br />

day, which would result in savings of € 40 million per year.<br />

Bicycle highways are very suitable for the relatively fast<br />

electric bicycles (type pedalec) which are becoming increasingly<br />

popular. The study calculates that if 50% of<br />

the bicycles would be pedalecs, the effects would have<br />

been two- to threefold, based on the assumption that the<br />

average speed of these pedalecs would increase from<br />

20 km/h on regular bicycle tracks to 24 km/h on bicycle<br />

highways.<br />

66 67

8 Synthesis of Dutch findings and implementation in other<br />

countries.<br />

The Netherlands have a tradition of high bicycle usage<br />

and a long history of policies that promote cycling. Because<br />

the intention to promote the bicycle raised the demand<br />

for knowledge on the effectiveness of alternative<br />

policy measures, a large number of studies in the field of<br />

cycling have been undertaken. These created a wealth<br />

of knowledge that is partly inaccessible for non-Dutch<br />

speaking persons. It is valuable to transfer this experience<br />

and knowledge to other countries and to provide<br />

recommendations for a good cycling policy.<br />

Recommendations for good cycling policies that are<br />

based on the Dutch research are limited in one respect.<br />

The bicycle research carried out in the Netherlands was<br />

conducted when adequate cycling facilities and networks<br />

as well as a bicycle ‘culture’ already existed all over the<br />

country. Consequently, studies on the effectiveness of<br />

policy measures give information that is valid in this situation<br />

and may not be (fully) applicable for countries where<br />

the bicycle is hardly used. Other differences between<br />

the contexts in other countries and the contexts in The<br />

Netherlands may reduce the transferability of the Dutch<br />

results.<br />

This section gives an overview of the main conclusions<br />

that can be drawn from the Dutch experience and research<br />

and which recommendations can be given to other<br />

countries.<br />

8.1 Conclusions<br />

General conclusions are:<br />

1. Policies influence bicycle use and can be effective in<br />

sustaining high levels of cycling and strengthening cycling<br />

culture.<br />

The influence of policy measures is evident from many<br />

studies. One of the most influential of these studies is<br />

the benchmark study of the Dutch Cyclists’ Union that<br />

showed a positive correlation between bicycle use and<br />

the quality of cycling facilities in Dutch cities.<br />

The interesting question what the preconditions are for a<br />

cycling culture as far as they are in the sphere of policy<br />

can not be answered fully by the reviewed studies. Certainly,<br />

the ‘technical’ requirements that a) the locations<br />

people visit generally are accessible by bicycle and b)<br />

there is an infrastructure for selling and repairing bicycles<br />

are preconditions. We assume that a proper level of safety<br />

is another one. The strong decline of bicycle usage in<br />

some countries after the increase in car usage, leaving a<br />

marginal role for the bicycle, might be explained by the<br />

fact that cycling became too risky due to the increasing<br />

car volumes or that at least the perception of the risk discouraged<br />

people to continue cycling.<br />

In the Netherlands, generally five main requirements for a<br />

good bicycle network are considered: coherence, directness,<br />

attractiveness, safety, and comfort. These are directly<br />

derived from findings of the extensively evaluated<br />

projects in The Hague, Tilburg, and Delft.<br />

Sometimes the bicycle benefits from restrictive policies<br />

applied to alternative modes. Most notably are car restraint<br />

policies in the centres of many Dutch cities, and a<br />

severe parking policy. We know little about the effects on<br />

bicycle use for urban trips, but these could exceed occasionally<br />

the impacts of bicycle-directed policy.<br />

If there is a cycling culture, policy and culture will influence<br />

each other. Infrastructure design is both part of building a<br />

‘traffic culture’ and the expression of that culture. The cycling<br />

culture has obviously many more elements to it than<br />

only the infrastructure: bicycle parking facilities, bicycle<br />

related services, good transfer facilities to accommodated<br />

cycling as a feeder mode to the rail system, cycling<br />

people on adds for very diverse products (showing the<br />

normality of cycling), the relative absence of ‘dressed up’<br />

cyclists in lycra, etc. Yet the ‘Dutch school’ road design is<br />

clearly a substantial part of the Dutch ‘cycling-inclusive’<br />

traffic culture. The provision of good quality bicycle infrastructure<br />

is partly because bicycle use is high, and bicycle<br />

use is high because there is a good cycling infrastructure.<br />

2. Investments in bicycle infrastructure have generally a<br />

larger impact on the qualitative perception than on measurable<br />

quantities.<br />

This conclusion is valid for both safety and bicycle use.<br />

Generally, the perceived improvement of safety was<br />

significant but was not (fully) reflected by the observed<br />

decrease in accidents and casualties. Correspondingly,<br />

the general appreciation of improved infrastructure is<br />

substantial (not in the least because of the improved perceived<br />

safety), while the observed increases of bicycle<br />

use are moderate.<br />

The main reason why the studies never show a large<br />

increase in bicycle use is that the investments brought<br />

about improvements of infrastructure that was already<br />

adequate. The improvements occur gradually, even in the<br />

case of a city-wide project like the Delft bicycle network.<br />

68 69

Additionally, habitual behaviour may hamper behavioural<br />

changes, at least in the short run. It is general thought that<br />

habituated travel behaviour is reconsidered only after a<br />

significant change in relevant conditions, and the gradual<br />

improvements in bicycle conditions (that are often implemented<br />

step by step) individually might be too limited.<br />

3. Involvement of citizens and interest groups in an early<br />

phase of a project creates civic support and enlarges the<br />

probability of successful implementation.<br />

The demonstration projects in Tilburg and The Hague had<br />

to be completed in a short time frame due to political reasons<br />

and there was limited time for informing and consulting<br />

citizens and interest groups. Insufficient involvement<br />

of these was an important reason why the planned bicycle<br />

route in The Hague never has been completed and even<br />

completed parts of the route later were abolished. In the<br />

Delft project, a good example of early involvement, the<br />

project had a wide support and large a number of measures<br />

could be implemented without severe opposition.<br />

4. Travel time is the most important explanatory variable<br />

for route choice.<br />

Cyclists are strongly motivated to minimize travel times<br />

(for utilitarian trips). Travel time has a significantly larger<br />

impact on route choice than does travel distance. Consequently,<br />

cyclists will take a longer route if the travel time is<br />

(expected) to be shorted.<br />

age experienced as more safe than one sided two-directional<br />

cycle tracks.<br />

Cyclists on two directional tracks cycling closest to head<br />

on car traffic felt significantly less safe than cyclists cycling<br />

near the sidewalk. Upon that, at intersections car<br />

drivers tend to overlook cyclists coming from the ‘wrong’,<br />

i.e. unexpected direction.<br />

References<br />

AGV (1994) Evaluatie fietsroutenetwerk Delft, thema verkeersveiligheid,<br />

Adviesgroep voor verkeer en vervoer,<br />

Nieuwegein.<br />

Andriesse, H.C., I.A. Hansen (1996) De fietsstraat,<br />

Onderzoek naar fietsverbindingen door verblijfsgebieden,<br />

Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft.<br />

Andriesse, R., D. Ligtermoet (2006) Fietsstraten in hoofdfietsroutes,<br />

toepassingen in de praktijk, CROW-publicatie<br />

216, Ede.<br />

Boggelen, O. van, R. Becht (2001) De Fietsbalans, Gemeentelijk<br />

Fietsbeleid Vergeleken, Verkeerskunde 52 (9).<br />

Bovy, P.H.L (1984) Evaluatie fietsroutenetwerk Delft,<br />

Routekeuzegedrag en netwerkgebruik, vooronderzoek,<br />

Delft.<br />

Bovy, P.H.L., D.N. den Adel (1987) Evaluatie fietsroutenetwerk<br />

Delft, Mobiliteit in middelgrote steden, Delft.<br />

Bovy, P.H.L., M.J.P.F. Gommers (1988) Evaluatie fietsroutenetwerk<br />

Delft, Voor- en nastudie verkeersonveiligheid,<br />

Delft.<br />

CBS (1994, 1) De mobiliteit van de Nederlandse bevolking<br />

in 1993, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Heerlen.<br />

Diepens en Okkema (1993) Evaluatie fietsroutenetwerk<br />

Delft, thema 1 en 2, rapport 93.158/221, Delft.<br />

Diepens en Okkema (1994) Evaluatie fietsroutenetwerk<br />

Delft, eindrapportage, rapport 93.181/258-2, Delft.<br />

Economisch Instituut voor het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf, Rijkswaterstaat<br />

(1981) Onderzoek winkelomzetten demonstratie-fietsroutes<br />

Den Haag – Tilburg, Eindrapport.<br />

Fietsersbond (2001) Eindrapport Fietsbalans, Delft,<br />

Utrecht.<br />

Fietsersbond (2010) Fietsen in cijfers, Utrecht.<br />

Gemeente Tilburg (1975) Tilburgers op de fiets, een<br />

demonstratieproject deel 1, Tilburg.<br />

Gemeente Tilburg (1977) Tilburgers op de fiets, een<br />

demonstratieproject deel 2, Tilburg.<br />

Goeverden, C.D. van, T. Godefrooij (2010) Ontwikkeling<br />

van het fietsbeleid en -gebruik in Nederland, Proceedings<br />

Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk, Delft.<br />

Gommers, M.J.P.F., P.H.L. Bovy (1987) Evaluatie fietsroutenetwerk<br />

Delft, Routekeuzegedrag en netwerkgebruik,<br />

eindrapport, Delft.<br />

Goudappel en Coffeng, Rijkswaterstaat (1980) Gebruiksonderzoek<br />

demonstratie-fietsroute Tilburg.<br />

5. There is a positive relationship between the continuity<br />

and recognisability of bicycle facilities and the appreciation<br />

of these facilities by cyclists.<br />

With regard to the demonstration bicycle routes in The<br />

Hague and Tilburg it were the elements underlining the<br />

recognisability and continuity (like the red coloured pavement)<br />

that were mentioned spontaneously by cyclists as<br />

‘being a very good idea’.<br />

6. Cyclists have a clear preference for undisturbed and<br />

convenient cycling conditions.<br />

Also the possibility of safe and undisturbed cycling (by<br />

providing segregated facilities) was mentioned spontaneously<br />

by many respondents as a big advantage of the<br />

routes in The Hague and Tilburg.<br />

7. Two sided one-directional bicycle tracks are on aver-<br />

CBS (1994, 2) Statistisch jaarboek 1994, SDU, ’s-Gravenhage.<br />

CROW (1993) Sign Up for The <strong>Bike</strong>, Design manual for a<br />

cycle-friendly infrastructure, CROW, Ede.<br />

CROW (2006) Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic, CROW,<br />

Ede.<br />

DHV, Goudappel en Coffeng, Rijkswaterstaat (1980) Gebruiksonderzoek<br />

demonstratie-fietsroutes Den Haag –<br />

Tilburg, Samenvattend rapport.<br />

Dienst der Gemeentewerken ’s-Gravenhage (1978)<br />

Voorlichtingsbrochure ‘Demonstratie-fietsroute Den Haag<br />

1975-1979’, Den Haag.<br />

Dienst der Gemeentewerken ’s-Gravenhage (1984) Evaluatie<br />

demonstratie-fietsroute, Den Haag.<br />

Goudappel en Coffeng, Rijkswaterstaat (1981, 1) Technische<br />

evaluatiestudie demonstratie-fietsroutes Den<br />

Haag – Tilburg, Eindrapport.<br />

Goudappel en Coffeng, Rijkswaterstaat (1981, 2) Technische<br />

evaluatiestudie demonstratie-fietsroutes Den<br />

Haag – Tilburg, Bijlagen.<br />

Goudappel en Coffeng, Rijkswaterstaat (1981, 3) Onderzoek<br />

verkeersveiligheid demonstratie-fietsroute Tilburg,<br />

Eindrapport.<br />

Goudappel en Coffeng, Rijkswaterstaat (1981, 4) Onderzoek<br />

verkeersveiligheid demonstratie-fietsroute Den<br />

Haag, Eindrapport.<br />

Goudappel Coffeng (2011) Fietssnelwegen 1 maart: Wat<br />

levert het op, Toelichting berekeningen, Goudappel Coffeng,<br />

Deventer.<br />

70 71

Grotenhuis, D.H. ten (1987) The Delft Cycle Plan –<br />

Characteristics of the concept, Proceedings Velocity 87,<br />

CROW, Ede.<br />

Hartman, J.B. (1987) How to provide a cycle network of<br />

good quality, when minimizing costs, Proceedings Velocity<br />

87, CROW, Ede.<br />

Horst, A.R.A. van der, R.M.M. Sijmonsma (1978) Gedragswaarnemingen<br />

op de Demonstratie Fietsroutes in Den<br />

Haag en Tilburg, 1.: De ontwikkeling van een meetinstrument,<br />

Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie TNO, Soesterberg.<br />

Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie TNO, Rijkswaterstaat<br />

(1981) Onderzoek vormgeving demonstratie-fietsroutes<br />

Den Haag – Tilburg, Samenvatting, conclusies en aanbevelingen.<br />

Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie TNO, Rijkswaterstaat<br />

(1982) Onderzoek vormgeving demonstratiefietsroutes<br />

Den Haag – Tilburg Eindrapport.<br />

Katteler, H., O. Förg, W. Brög (1984) Evaluatie fietsroutenetwerk<br />

Delft, Verplaatsingsgedrag, vooronderzoek, Instituut<br />

voor toegepaste sociologie & Sozialforschung Brög,<br />

Nijmegen.<br />

Katteler, H., O. Förg, W. Brög (1985) Evaluatie fietsroutenetwerk<br />

Delft, Marges voor het fietsgebruik, vooronderzoek,<br />

Instituut voor toegepaste sociologie & Sozialforschung<br />

Brög, Nijmegen.<br />

Katteler, H., E. Erl, O. Förg, W. Brög, J. Kropman (1987)<br />

Evaluatie fietsroutenetwerk Delft, Vervoermiddelgebruik<br />

en keuzebeperkingen, Instituut voor toegepaste sociale<br />

wetenschappen & Sozialforschung Brög, Nijmegen.<br />

Kho, P.J. (2006) Fietsstraat Venkelstraat, Uitslag gebruikersonderzoek,<br />

Gemeente Haarlem, Haarlem.<br />

Kropman, J., J. Neeskens (1986) Evaluatie fietsroutenetwerk<br />

Delft, Plantagebrug, verwachte effecten, Instituut<br />

voor toegepaste sociale wetenschappen, Nijmegen.<br />

Ligtermoet, D. (2006) Fietsstraten, het modieuze voorbij,<br />

Een overzicht van nieuwe toepassingen, Fietsverkeer nr.<br />

14.<br />

Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat (1977) Demonstratie-project<br />

fietsroute Tilburg, The Hague.<br />

Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat (1998) Eindrapport<br />

Masterplan Fiets, Samenvatting, evaluatie en overzicht<br />

van de projecten in het kader van het Masterplan Fiets,<br />

1990-1997, The Hague.<br />

Ministry of Transport and Public Works (1986) Evaluation<br />

of the Delft Bicycle Network, Summary report of the<br />

before-study, The Hague.<br />

Ministry of Transport and Public Works (1987) Evaluation<br />

of the Delft Bicycle Network, Final summary report, The<br />

Hague.<br />

Ministry of Transport and Public Works (1993) Facts<br />

about cycling in the Netherlands, The Hague.<br />

Mobycon, Fietsberaad, Ligtermoet & Partners, Ministerie<br />

van Verkeer en Waterstaat (2009), Cycling in the Netherlands.<br />

MuConsult (1993) Lange termijn effecten fietsroutenetwerk<br />

Delft, Mobiliteitseffecten: Samenvatting, Utrecht.<br />

Rijkswaterstaat Dienst Verkeerkunde, Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie<br />

TNO (1980) Demonstratie-fietsroutes Den<br />

Haag / Tilburg – Studiegroep vormgeving, Eindrapport<br />

gedragsobservaties.<br />

Schafer, A. (1998) The global demand for motorized mobility,<br />

Transportation Research A. 32 (6), pp. 455-477.<br />

Schneider, F., P. Mayerhofer, J. Kiesewetter (1988) Ein<br />

Simulationsmodell für Oberösterreich: Eine Untersuchung<br />

wirtschaftspolitischer Massnahmen anhand eines<br />

nach Sektoren disaggregierten ökonometrischen Regionalmodells,<br />

Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, Linz.<br />

Transecon (2003) Deliverable 5, Socio-Economic Impact<br />

Assessment, Newcastle.<br />

Van den Broecke, Rijkswaterstaat (1980) Belevingsonderzoek<br />

demonstratie-fietsroutes Den Haag – Tilburg,<br />

Samenvattend rapport.<br />

Van den Broecke, Rijkswaterstaat (1981) Evaluatie van<br />

opzet, organisatie, uitvoering, demonstratie demonstratie-fietsroutes<br />

Den Haag – Tilburg, Amsterdam.<br />

Velde, R.R. van der, E. Bos (2008) Shared space Haren,<br />

Evaluatie en integratie, Concept, Grontmij, Haren.<br />

Wilmink, A. (1987) The effects of an urban bicycle network,<br />

results of the ‘Delft project’, Proceedings Velocity<br />

87, CROW, Ede.<br />

72 73


The recommendations are divided in 3 sections which<br />

represent the research packages developed in the project<br />

Interventions to the Bicycle Infrastructure.<br />

<strong>Bike</strong> <strong>Infrastructures</strong><br />

The results indicate that fast connectivity, attractive landscape<br />

and safety – in this order of relevance – are strategic<br />

dimensions of a design solution that must be taken in<br />

consideration by architects, planners and engineers.<br />

Statistic analysis re¬veals how the relationship between<br />

age group and travel purpose can further enhance future<br />

biking infrastructures, for example younger cyclists are<br />

more likely to be travel¬ing to study or school, whereas<br />

the older cyclists are trav¬eling to work. Therefore future<br />

infrastructures could cater for this division creating faster,<br />

safer and less congested bike lanes.<br />

When deciding to implement or improve a bike infrastructure,<br />

the particular qualities and potentials of different<br />

bike typologies should be analyzed in order to decide<br />

what kind of bike infrastructure would be appropriate to<br />

be implemented.<br />

Different typologies or a conjugation of typologies can be<br />

ef¬ficiently used for commuting. Again, what seems to be<br />

important is how fast the infrastructure connects the cyclists,<br />

how attractive is the landscape and how safe it is to<br />

ride a bike in the infrastructure.<br />

National Survey<br />

For the period 2010-2014 it is expected that more than<br />

2 billion Danish kroner will be invested in bike-promoting<br />

initiatives in Denmark. Some projects are inventive by<br />

testing out new initiatives and the magnitude of projects<br />

alone represents a golden opportunity to obtain valuable<br />

knowledge upon the cycling effects of various bikepromoting<br />

initiatives. This could significantly improve the<br />

basis for the future prioritizing of bike-promoting projects.<br />

Performing such evaluations requires that before/after<br />

registrations on relevant parameters is performed.<br />

The national questionnaire indicates that the municipalities<br />

only to a limited extent perform before/after registrations<br />

that allow scientifically based before-after studies of<br />

effect to be performed. Consequently, it seems relevant to<br />

build an incentive structure that ensures that the municipalities<br />

make such registrations – especially when initiatives<br />

with little or none existing documentation of effects<br />

are implemented.<br />

The national Cycling Fund holds promise of such an incentive<br />

structure, as those receiving financial support<br />

from the funds must make evaluations of the effects of<br />

the supported projects. However, in this case it is highly<br />

unfortunate that no systematic evaluation program/<br />

scheme has been implemented. Setting up standards<br />

for the evaluations would allow for comparison of effects<br />

between projects and furthermore it would enable the application<br />

of meta-analysis to uniform projects. The latter<br />

would significantly improve the quality of the evaluations<br />

and the estimates of the effects, making it possible to test<br />

whether or not the effects are significant. Furthermore, it<br />

also makes it possible to test, if the effects of given projects<br />

are homogenous, thus producing knowledge reflecting<br />

if the effects varies with local characteristics, project<br />

details, geography etc.<br />

Consequently, it can be recommended:<br />

1. That an incentive structure for performing evaluations<br />

of effects is implemented, e.g. by demanding that projects<br />

which receive financial support from the government are<br />

implemented, alike test projects requiring dispensation<br />

from current legislation such as allowing right turn for cyclists<br />

in the red-phase at signalized intersections.<br />

2. That a systematic evaluation scheme is implemented<br />

ensuring that meta-analysis can be applied in order to<br />

estimate the likely effects of given treatments, the significance<br />

of effect and the homogeneity of effects.<br />

Consequently, it can be recommended:<br />

1. That an incentive structure for performing evaluations<br />

of effects is implemented, e.g. by demanding that projects<br />

which receive financial support from the government are<br />

implemented, alike test projects requiring dispensation<br />

from current legislation such as allowing right turn for cyclists<br />

in the red-phase at signalized intersections.<br />

2. That a systematic evaluation scheme is implemented<br />

ensuring that meta-analysis can be applied in order to<br />

estimate the likely effects of given treatments, the significance<br />

of effect and the homogeneity of effects.<br />

Dutch References<br />

From the Dutch experience and research a number of<br />

recommendations can be given to other countries.<br />

1. The promotion of bicycle use is only credible and successful<br />

if cycling is a practical, relatively fast and convenient<br />

mode of transport. We recommend the five main<br />

requirements for planning and designing bicycle infrastructure<br />

that are generally adopted by the Dutch professionals:<br />

coherence, directness, attractiveness, safety,<br />

and comfort.<br />

2. Promotion of the bicycle should include improving the<br />

perception of the conditions by (potential) cyclists. Improving<br />

the perception of conditions results in increased<br />

bicycle use beyond the increases associated with improving<br />

the actual conditions.<br />

3. Minimizing travel times between origins and destinations<br />

is important in designing bicycle infrastructure. First,<br />

the detours compared to crow-fly distances should be<br />

small, implying a high density of the cycle network. Second,<br />

the average speed that cyclists can achieve should<br />

be high and delays at traffic lights and other bottlenecks<br />

should be minimized, for instance by bicycle-friendly<br />

phasing of traffic lights and giving right of way to cyclists<br />

at intersections.<br />

4. Urban bicycle routes should preferably be traced<br />

through traffic restrained areas because cyclists prefer<br />

undisturbed and convenient cycling conditions.<br />

5. The Dutch studies give information about when segregation<br />

of cycling facilities is preferable and when not.<br />

There is an ongoing international debate on the usefulness<br />

and need of segregated facilities. It is well known<br />

that a certain type of (often masculine) assertive cyclist<br />

activists, mainly in Anglo Saxon countries, challenge the<br />

need of segregation, often with road safety arguments.<br />

The lessons from the Dutch studies on this point are:<br />

• Generally, segregation is preferred if there are large differences<br />

between the speeds of the different road users<br />

and traffic volumes are fairly high. In particular, off-road<br />

bicycle paths are highly desirable for busy main roads,<br />

both for safety reasons and undisturbed travelling. The<br />

bicycle paths should be comfortable and have sufficient<br />

capacity for uncongested cycling. In urban conditions,<br />

two sided one directional cycle tracks are generally preferred<br />

to one sided two directional tracks. Only when one<br />

sided two directional tracks substantially reduce the need<br />

to cross busy roads, should this be considered the best<br />

solution.<br />

• In the urban context bicycle and motorized modes can<br />

be mixed on condition that traffic volume is not too high<br />

and speeds are harmonized (i.e. car speeds are limited<br />

to the speed of the bicycles). Bicycle streets and shared<br />

space solutions are good examples of mixed facilities that<br />

meet the quality requirements for cycling.<br />

6. A good design of intersections is essential. Intersections<br />

are the most important cause for delays and most<br />

accidents where cyclists are involved happen at intersections.<br />

Specific design elements such as table crossings<br />

are recommended to accommodate safely the right<br />

of way for cyclists. The ramps of these crossings should<br />

be about 5 m from the edge of the cycle track so as to<br />

promote a proper interaction between car drivers and cyclists.



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