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G E N O M E W I D E C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N<br />

O F H O S T - P A T H O G E N I N T E R A C T I O N S<br />

B Y T R A N S C R I P T O M I C A P P R O A C H E S<br />

I N A U G U R A L D I S S E R T A T I O N<br />

ZUR<br />






GEBOREN AM 11. 01. 1978<br />


GREIFSWALD, DEN 24. 09. 2010

Dekan:<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Fesser<br />

1. Gutachter : Pr<strong>of</strong>. Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Völker<br />

2. Gutachter: Pr<strong>of</strong>. Dr. rer. nat. Christiane Wolz<br />

Tag der Promotion: 22. 12. 2010

Maren Depke<br />

C O N T E N T S<br />



CONTENTS 3<br />





Aspects <strong>of</strong> Innate Immunity 13<br />

Aspects <strong>of</strong> Adaptive Immunity 16<br />

Modulation <strong>of</strong> Immune Reactions 18<br />


General Features <strong>of</strong> S. aureus 20<br />

S. aureus, a Commensal and Opportunistic Pathogen 21<br />

S. aureus Virulence Factors 22<br />

Mechanisms <strong>of</strong> S. aureus Adaptation to its Environment 28<br />

Increasing Importance and Danger <strong>of</strong> S. aureus Infections 29<br />


Model Systems for Studies <strong>of</strong> Host Reactions Potentially Influencing the Outcome <strong>of</strong> Infections 31<br />

Model Systems for Studies <strong>of</strong> Host-Pathogen Interactions 35<br />

Questions and Aims <strong>of</strong> the Studies Described in this Thesis 37<br />







Growth Media Comparison Study 55<br />

In vitro Infection Experiment Study 57<br />

Tiling Array Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling 60<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Contents<br />

RESULTS 63<br />






Growth Media Comparison Study 131<br />

In vitro Infection Experiment Study 136<br />







REFERENCES 207<br />





Maren Depke<br />

Z U S A M M E N F A S S U N G D E R D I S S E R T A T I O N<br />

Mensch und Tier sind regelmäßig Mikroorganismen ausgesetzt. In der Interaktion mit <strong>pathogen</strong>en<br />

Mikroorganismen entwickelten sich Abwehrmechanismen, die entweder Infektionen verhindern<br />

oder sie zu überwinden helfen. Parallel dazu erwarben Pathogene Mechanismen, um der<br />

Abwehr ihres Wirts zu entgehen. Außer der wirtseigenen Immunregulation und den Faktoren der<br />

Pathogene üben weitere Faktoren wie körperliche Anstrengung und die psychische Verfassung<br />

des Wirts Einfluß auf das Immunsystem aus. Während kurze Streßepisoden sogar die Immunantwort<br />

fördern können, kann sie durch zu lang andauernde Streßphasen negativ beeinflußt<br />

werden. Doch nicht nur die Immunantwort, sondern auch metabolische Prozesse unterliegen<br />

Modifikationen durch solche Stressoren. Deshalb können Untersuchungen zu Wirt-Erreger-<br />

Wechselwirkungen helfen, Mechanismen aufzuklären, die entweder für Wirt oder Pathogen von<br />

Vorteil sind, und dazu beitragen, Interventionsstrategien im Fall von Infektionskrankheiten zu<br />

etablieren. Diese Dissertation beschreibt die Ergebnisse aus Transkriptomstudien zu verschiedenen<br />

Aspekten von Wirt-Erreger-Wechselwirkungen.<br />

Zunächst wurde das Lebergenexpressionspr<strong>of</strong>il aus einem Mausmodell für chronischen,<br />

psychologischen Streß verwendet, um den Einfluß von Streß auf Metabolismus und Immunantwort<br />

der Tiere zu verdeutlichen. Psychische und physische Stressoren können neuroendokrine,<br />

immunologische, verhaltensbezogene und metabolische Funktionen stören. Vor kurzem wurde<br />

von Kiank et al. publiziert, daß BALB/c-Mäuse ein schwere systemische Immunsuppression,<br />

neuroendokrine Störungen und depressionsähnliches Verhalten entwickeln, wenn sie in einem<br />

Modell für starken, chronischen, psychischen Streß über 4,5 Tage periodisch akustischem Streß in<br />

Kombination mit Bewegungseinschränkung ausgesetzt wurden (Kiank et al. 2006; Brain Behav<br />

Immun. 20(4):359). Außerdem litten diese Mäuse unter deutlichem Gewichtsverlust. Um Gründe<br />

dafür aufzuklären, wurde das Genexpressionspr<strong>of</strong>il der Leber, die eine Hauptrolle im St<strong>of</strong>fwechsel<br />

übernimmt, analysiert. Die Leber übt außerdem eine Wächterfunktion zwischen dem<br />

Verdauungstrakt und dem Blutsystem aus. Deshalb wurde in dem Genexpressionsdatensatz<br />

zusätzlich der Einfluß von psychischem Streß auf immunregulierende Prozesse untersucht.<br />

Bereits nach einer einzelnen, akuten Streßphase wies das hepatische Genexpressionsmuster<br />

deutliche Veränderungen auf. Auch wenn zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch keine metabolischen Veränderungen<br />

sichtbar wurden, begann dennoch eine Genexpressionskaskade, die zu den beobachteten<br />

Störungen führte, nachdem der Streß die chronische Phase erreicht hatte. Dort waren<br />

dann besonders st<strong>of</strong>fwechselbezogene Gene in ihrer Expression verändert. Die differentielle<br />

Expression betraf Kohlenhydrat-, Aminosäure- und Fettmetabolismus. Es wurde gezeigt, daß<br />

chronischer Streß in weiblichen BALB/c-Mäusen zu einem hypermetabolischen Syndrom einschließlich<br />

Auslösung von Gluconeogenese und Hypercholesterinämie und dem Verlust von<br />

essentiellen Aminosäuren führte. Des weiteren deckte diese Analyse eine veränderte Expression<br />

von Genen der Immunantwort auf. Darin war die Auslösung einer Akute-Phase-Antwort, aber<br />

auch von immunsupprimierenden Abläufen und die Unterdrückung von hepatischer Antigenpräsentation<br />

enthalten. In chronisch gestreßten Mäusen wurde gesteigerte Leukozyteneinwanderung,<br />

verstärkter oxidativer Streß, der aber auch mit gegenregulatorischen Expressionsveränderungen<br />

einherging, sowie Apoptose detektiert.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Zusammenfassung der Dissertation<br />

Die Experimente in der Studie am Modell für psychischen Streß wurden noch ohne den zusätzlichen<br />

Einfluß eines <strong>pathogen</strong>en Erregers durchgeführt, der aber in der zweiten Studie berücksichtigt<br />

wurde. Hierbei wurde der Einfluß einer intravenösen Staphylokokkeninfektion auf die<br />

Nierengenexpression des Wirts in einem weiteren in vivo Mausmodell analysiert, wobei der<br />

Wildtypstamm Staphylococcus aureus RN1HG und seine isogene sigB-Mutante eingesetzt<br />

wurden. S. aureus, ein Gram-positives Bakterium, besiedelt als persistierender Kommensale den<br />

vorderen Nasenraum von ca. 20 % der menschlichen Bevölkerung. Normalerweise bewirkt die<br />

Besiedlung mit S. aureus keine Erkrankung. Andererseits kann S. aureus aber auch für ein breites<br />

Spektrum an Erkrankungen verantwortlich sein, das von schwachen bis schweren lokalen Infektionen<br />

der Haut oder Rachenschleimhaut über Infektionen innerer Organe (z. B. Endokarditis,<br />

Osteomyelitis) bis zu systemischen Erkrankungen wie Sepsis geht. In das Blut kann S. aureus nach<br />

Verletzungen oder durch medizinische Hilfsmittel wie Katheter gelangen. Ein einfaches Modell,<br />

um solche Blutsysteminfektionen zu imitieren, ist die i. v.-Infektion von Mäusen. Die Wirtsreaktion<br />

kann dabei mit physiologischen, immunologischen und molekularen Messungen aufgezeichnet<br />

werden. In dieser Studie wurde die Transkriptomanalyse auf Mausnierenproben angewandt.<br />

Obwohl Literaturangaben <strong>of</strong>t von ähnlicher Virulenz von sigB-defizienten Mutanten und Wildtypstämmen<br />

berichten, könnte sich der Mechanismus der Pathogenese – zum Teil auch in<br />

Abhängigkeit von dem gewählten Infektionsmodell – zwischen beiden unterscheiden. Deshalb<br />

sollte mit dieser Studie untersucht werden, ob die Deletion von sigB zu einer veränderten Wirtsantwort<br />

während der Infektion führt. Das Genexpressionspr<strong>of</strong>il in infiziertem Nierengewebe war<br />

sehr gut reproduzierbar. Der Vergleich mit nichtinfizierten Kontrollen zeigte eine starke, proinflammatorische<br />

Reaktion der Niere, die z. B. Signalweitergabe sogenannter „Toll-like“-Rezeptoren,<br />

Komplementsystem, Antigenpräsentation, Interferon- und IL-6-, aber auch gegenregulatorische<br />

IL-10-Signalwege einschloß. Die Studie konnte keine Unterschiede im Mechanismus der<br />

Pathogenese der S. aureus-Stämme RN1HG und seiner isogenen sigB-Mutante belegen, da sich<br />

die Wirtsantwort in beiden Fällen nicht unterschied. Falls solche Unterschiede tatsächlich<br />

existieren sollten, sind sie womöglich transienter Natur und nur zu früheren Zeitpunkten auffällig.<br />

Effekte von SigB könnten in der in vivo Infektion auch von dem verflochtenen Regulationsmuster<br />

anderer Regulatoren überlagert sein. Des weiteren besteht die Möglichkeit, daß SigB in vivo gar<br />

nicht aktiv ist, wodurch die ähnliche Wirtsreaktion auf Wildtyp und Mutante erklärbar wäre.<br />

Möglicherweise besitzt SigB weniger Eigenschaften eines Virulenzfaktors als vielmehr eines<br />

Virulenzmodulators, der in vivo die Feinabstimmung der bakteriellen Reaktionen übernimmt,<br />

oder SigB ist in speziellen Nischen während einer Infektion von Bedeutung. Solch eine Funktion<br />

würde das Fehlen nachweisbarer Unterschiede zwischen der Wirtsreaktion auf S. aureus RN1HG<br />

und seine isogene sigB-Mutante erklären.<br />

Expressionsstudien an Gewebeproben aus in vivo Modellen zeichnen direkt den relevanten<br />

physiologischen Zustand im Zusammenhang mit allen komplexen Interaktionen und Einflüssen<br />

auf und liegen medizinischen Fragestellungen am nächsten. Dennoch ist es schwer, die einzelnen<br />

Anteile zu unterscheiden, da es sich bei Gewebe immer um eine Mischung verschiedener Zelltypen<br />

handelt, die sogar gegensätzliche Reaktionen aufweisen können. Deshalb wurden zusätzlich<br />

in vitro Modelle untersucht, die sich auf einen einzelnen, definierten Zelltyp fokussierten.<br />

Makrophagen sind in die erste Reaktion auf eine Infektion einbezogen. Sie nehmen, zusammen<br />

mit dendritischen Zellen, eine zentrale Position im angeborenen Immunsystem ein. Durch<br />

ihre Funktion als Wächter und Phagozyten sind sie maßgeblich an der Beseitigung von Infektionen<br />

beteiligt. Peptide phagozytierter Antigene werden durch sie auf MHC-II-Komplexen für<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Zusammenfassung der Dissertation<br />

Lymphozyten präsentiert, wodurch die Makrophagen auch an der Regulation der adaptiven<br />

Immunantwort teilhaben. Die Präparation von Knochenmarkstammzellen und ihre in vitro<br />

Differenzierung zu sogenannten “bone-marrow derived macrophages“ (BMM) stellt ein Modell<br />

zur Untersuchung der Reaktionen von Makrophagen dar, das immunologische Einflüsse, die vom<br />

Immunzustand des Tieres sogar unter standardisierten Laborbedingungen ausgehen können,<br />

umgeht. Bis vor kurzem wurden weitere unkontrollierbare Einflüsse durch die Verwendung von<br />

Serum, das undefinierte und variierende Substanzen enthält, mit dem Kulturmedium in die<br />

experimentelle Anordnung eingebracht. Um diese Ursache experimenteller Schwankungen zu<br />

vermeiden, wurde durch Eske et al. ein System der serumfreien Kultivierung von BMM eingeführt<br />

(Eske et al. 2009; J Immunol Methods. 342(1-2):13), das nun für die Untersuchung der Reaktion<br />

von BMM als drittem Teil dieser Dissertation angewendet wurde. Dabei wurden BMM verschiedener<br />

Mausstämme mit IFN-γ, einem Modulator der Makrophagenfunktion und einem der ersten<br />

Signale während der Initiation der Immunantwort, behandelt. Publizierte Experimente zeigten,<br />

daß BMM aus den Mausstämmen BALB/c oder C57BL/6 unterschiedlich auf die Konfrontation mit<br />

Burkholderia pseudomallei reagierten, insbesondere, wenn vorher eine Stimulation mit IFN-γ<br />

stattfand (Breitbach et al. 2006; Infect Immun. 74(11):6300). Auch weitere Studien wiesen Unterschiede<br />

zwischen den beiden Mausstämmen in vivo und in vitro nach. Vor dem Hintergrund der<br />

genetisch bedingten Unterschiede in der Reaktion der BMM wurden nun BALB/c- und C57BL/6-<br />

BMM mit IFN-γ stimuliert, um auf molekularer Ebene genomweit die Reaktion auf IFN-γ als<br />

Initialsignal zu bestimmen. Außerdem sollten in dieser Studie mögliche Unterschiede der<br />

Reaktion von BMM beider Stämme auf IFN-γ charakterisiert werden.<br />

Das Genexpressionspr<strong>of</strong>il zeigte nach der Behandlung mit IFN-γ in BMM beider Stämme hauptsächlich<br />

induzierte Genexpression. Darin wurden bekannte IFN-γ-Effekte wie die Induktion von<br />

Immunproteasom, Antigenpräsentation, Genen der Interferonsignalwege und von GTPasen/GTPbindenden<br />

Proteinen, sowie der induzierbaren Stickst<strong>of</strong>fmonoxidsynthase bestätigt. IFN-γabhängige<br />

Genexpressionsänderungen waren zwischen BALB/c- und C57BL/6-BMM in hohem<br />

Maße ähnlich. Sogar nur in BMM des einen Stamms signifikant verändert exprimierte Gene<br />

zeigten einen vergleichbaren Trend in BMM des anderen Stamms. Genexpressionsunterschiede<br />

zwischen BMM beider Mausstämme wurden sowohl in unbehandelten Kontroll-BMM als auch<br />

nach IFN-γ-Behandlung bestimmt. Dabei wiesen ca. 55 % bis 60 % der unterschiedlich stark<br />

exprimierten Gene eine höhere Expression in BALB/c-BMM auf, während die verbleibenden Gene<br />

stärker in C57BL/6-BMM exprimiert wurden. Vergleichbar zu der Beobachtung bei den IFN-γ-<br />

Effekten war auch bei den Unterschieden zwischen BMM der beiden Stämme ein ähnlicher Trend<br />

in beiden experimentellen Behandlungen, Kontrolle und IFN-γ-Stimulation, sichtbar. Die stammabhängig<br />

unterschiedlich exprimierten Gene schlossen immunrelevante und zelltodassoziierte<br />

Gene ein, aber die Abdeckung der funktionellen Gruppen war begrenzt. Phenotypische Unterschiede<br />

in der Reaktion von BALB/c- und C57BL/6-BMM wurden nach Literaturangaben zumeist<br />

in der Anwesenheit von IFN-γ und eines weiteren Stimulus wie LPS oder Infektion beobachtet.<br />

Um die molekularen Ursachen für die beobachteten Unterschiede in der Abtötung von<br />

Pathogenen oder der Produktion von Cytokinen zu bestimmen, müssen weitere Proben, die<br />

außer IFN-γ einem weiteren Stimulus ausgesetzt waren, eingeschlossen werden.<br />

Nicht nur Immunzellen bzw. Phagozyten kommen mit Pathogenen in Kontakt, sondern auch z. B.<br />

Epithel- oder Endothelzellen, die für den Erhalt von Struktur und Funktion von Wirtsorganen und<br />

-gewebe verantwortlich sind. Diese Zellen sind tatsächlich unter den ersten, die das Eindringen<br />

von Pathogenen erkennen und darauf reagieren. Auch wenn S. aureus den vorderen Nasen-<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Zusammenfassung der Dissertation<br />

bereich des Menschen besiedelt, kann das Bakterium Pneumonie verursachen, wenn es z. B.<br />

durch Einatmung oder medizinische Geräte in die Lunge gelangt. Die Bronchialepithelzellinie S9<br />

wurde als Modell für die in vitro Infektion mit Staphylokokken verwendet. Ein neues experimentelles<br />

System erlaubt die Untersuchung der Wirt-Erreger-Interaktion im Zusammenhang mit allen<br />

bakteriellen Faktoren, ob membrangebunden oder sezerniert, und vermeidet zusätzlich störende<br />

Effekte auf die Physiologie der Bakterien durch längeres Bearbeiten, Zentrifugation und Waschen<br />

(Schmidt et al. 2010; Proteomics. 10(15):2801). Das vierte Kapitel dieser Dissertation beschreibt<br />

S9-Genexpressionssignaturen nach in vitro Infektion mit S. aureus RN1HG für die zwei Zeitpunkte<br />

2,5 h und 6,5 h nach Beginn der Infektion. Zum frühen 2,5 h-Zeitpunkt wurde differentielle<br />

Expression nur für die kleine Anzahl von 40 Genen gemessen. Trotz der geringen Anzahl zeigten<br />

diese Gene eine beginnende pro-inflammatorische Antwort, z. B. durch die verstärkte Expression<br />

von Cytokinen (IL-6, IFN-β, LIF) oder Prostaglandinendoperoxidsynthase 2 (PTGS2), aber auch<br />

gegenregulatorische Prozesse wie die verstärkte Expression von CD274, Ligand für den immuninhibitorischen<br />

Rezeptor PD-1, waren erkennbar. Die Wirtsantwort verstärkte sich zum späteren<br />

6,5 h-Zeitpunkt dramatisch, an dem differentielle Expression für 1196 Gene detektiert wurde.<br />

Darin waren Cytokine, Signalwege der Rezeptoren für bakterielle Strukturen, Antigenpräsentation<br />

und an der Immunantwort beteiligte Gene (z. B. GBP, MX, APOL) enthalten. Negative<br />

Auswirkungen auf Wachstum und Proliferation traten noch stärker auf als schon beim früheren<br />

Zeitpunkt beobachtet (z. B. verringerte Expression von Histongenen), und Zeichen apoptotischer<br />

Prozesse wurden sichtbar (z. B. verstärkte Expression von BCL10, BLID, BAK1, BAG1).<br />

Das letzte Kapitel dieser Dissertation befaßt sich schließlich mit Tiling-Array Genexpressionsanalysen<br />

des Pathogens, die zunächst für S. aureus RN1HG in aeroben Schüttelkulturen für verschiedene<br />

Wachstumsphasen als Beginn und Referenzpunkt durchgeführt wurden. Anschließend<br />

wurde das bereits beschriebene in vitro Infektionsmodell der S9-Zellen eingesetzt, um Staphylokokken<br />

nach einer Phase der Internalisierung in ihren Wirtszellen zu den beiden Zeitpunkten<br />

2,5 h und 6,5 h nach Beginn der Infektion wieder zu extrahieren und ihre Genexpression zu<br />

charakterisieren. Das bakterielle Expressionspr<strong>of</strong>il zeigte die Aktivität des SaeRS Zwei-Komponenten-Systems<br />

in internalisierten Staphylokokken an. Zum Teil in Abhängigkeit von SaeRS wurde<br />

die stärkere Expression von Adhesinen (z. B. fnbAB, clfAB), Toxinen (hlgBC, lukDE, hla) und<br />

Genen, die der Umgehung des Immunsystems dienen (z. B. chp, eap), beobachtet. Außerdem<br />

wurden Expressionsveränderungen metabolischer Gene deutlich, z. B. verstärkte Expression von<br />

Genen der Aminosäurebiosynthese, des TCA-Zyklus und der Gluconeogenese. Dazu passend<br />

wurden Glycolysegene verringert exprimiert und des weiteren Gene der Purinbiosynthese und<br />

Gene, die tRNA-Synthetasen kodieren. Die Expressionsanalyse erfaßte ein bakterielles Genexpressionsprogramm,<br />

welches Literaturangaben einer spezifischen, von der Bakterienstamm-<br />

Wirtszellinien-Kombination abhängigen, transkriptionellen Adaptation des Erregers bestätigte.<br />

Neben klassischen physiologischen und mikrobiologischen Methoden tragen die modernen molekularbiologischen<br />

Technologien unter der Voraussetzung verfügbarer Genomsequenzen deutlich<br />

dazu bei, das Verständnis der Prozesse während des Zusammentreffens von Wirt und Pathogen<br />

zu verbessern. Auf der ersten Ebene der Reaktion verschaffen RNA-Expressionsuntersuchungen<br />

einen Überblick über die möglichen physiologischen und metabolischen Veränderungen. Aus<br />

diesem Grund sind die Ergebnisse eine wichtige Vervollständigung der Ergebnisse anderer Untersuchungsebenen<br />

und vergrößern die Grundlagenkenntnisse zum Geschehen während der<br />

Interaktion des Erregers mit seinem Wirt. Auf lange Sicht ist das Ziel dieser Grundlagenforschung,<br />

dazu beizutragen, Interventionsstrategien für Infektionskrankheiten zu etablieren.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

S U M M A R Y O F D I S S E R T A T I O N<br />

Humans and animals regularly encounter microorganisms like bacteria and need to defend<br />

themselves in order to avoid or limit damage. The <strong>host</strong> developed defense mechanisms to either<br />

avoid infection or to overcome it, whereas the <strong>pathogen</strong> gained mechanisms to evade these <strong>host</strong><br />

defense strategies. The <strong>host</strong>’s immune system is not only influenced <strong>by</strong> its own regulatory<br />

mechanisms and <strong>by</strong> the <strong>pathogen</strong>s’ factors, but also <strong>by</strong> additional elements like physical efforts<br />

or the psychological state <strong>of</strong> the organism. While short stressful episodes might even enhance<br />

the immune response, the immune response can be suppressed when the stress becomes<br />

chronic. But not only the immune system, but also metabolic processes might underlie<br />

modification <strong>by</strong> such stressors. Therefore, the improvement <strong>of</strong> knowledge on <strong>host</strong>-<strong>pathogen</strong><br />

<strong>interactions</strong> helps to elucidate mechanisms which benefit either <strong>host</strong> or <strong>pathogen</strong>. It will<br />

contribute to the establishment <strong>of</strong> new intervention strategies during infectious diseases. This<br />

thesis contains results from transcriptome studies on different aspects <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong>-<strong>pathogen</strong><br />

<strong>interactions</strong>.<br />

First, liver gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iles from a murine chronic stress model served to elucidate<br />

aspects <strong>of</strong> the influence <strong>of</strong> stress on the metabolism and the immune response state <strong>of</strong> the<br />

animals. Psychological and physiological stressors can disturb neuroendocrine, immunological,<br />

behavioral, and metabolic functions and adaptive physiological processes aim to reconstitute a<br />

dynamic equilibrium. Recently, Kiank et al. described that BALB/c mice developed severe<br />

systemic immune suppression, neuroendocrinological disturbances and depression-like behavior<br />

due to 4.5 days <strong>of</strong> intermittent combined acoustic and restraint stress which served as a murine<br />

model <strong>of</strong> severe chronic psychological stress (Kiank et al. 2006; Brain Behav Immun. 20(4):359).<br />

Furthermore, mice subjected to chronic stress suffered from severe loss <strong>of</strong> body mass. Therefore,<br />

gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> the liver, which plays the major role in metabolism, were analyzed to<br />

investigate primary causes for the observed loss <strong>of</strong> body weight. The liver fulfills an important<br />

function as a gatekeeper between the intestinal tract and the general circulation. Thus, the<br />

influence <strong>of</strong> psychological stress on immune regulatory processes in the liver was additionally<br />

investigated in the gene expression data set.<br />

Hepatic gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> stressed mice exhibited distinct changes even after a<br />

single acute stress session. Although metabolic disturbances were not visible yet, a regulatory<br />

gene expression cascade started at that time point which led to the disturbances observed when<br />

stress had become chronic. Considering chronically stressed mice, genes related to metabolic<br />

diseases were most significantly influenced. Differential expression affected carbohydrate, amino<br />

acid, and lipid metabolism. Chronic stress in female BALB/c mice was shown to lead to a<br />

hypermetabolic syndrome including induction <strong>of</strong> gluconeogenesis, hypercholesteremia, and loss<br />

<strong>of</strong> essential amino acids. Additionally, the analysis <strong>of</strong> liver homogenates <strong>of</strong> acutely and<br />

chronically stressed mice revealed an altered mRNA expression <strong>of</strong> immune response genes.<br />

These included the induction <strong>of</strong> the acute phase response, but also <strong>of</strong> immune suppressive<br />

pathways. Furthermore, repression <strong>of</strong> hepatic antigen presentation was observed. In chronically<br />

stressed mice, increased leukocyte trafficking, increased oxidative stress together with counterregulatory<br />

gene expression changes, and an induction <strong>of</strong> apoptosis were detected.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Summary <strong>of</strong> Dissertation<br />

The in vivo model <strong>of</strong> psychological stress in a complex mammalian <strong>host</strong> was performed<br />

without additional influences <strong>of</strong> a <strong>pathogen</strong>. This additional factor was addressed in the second<br />

study: Here, the influence <strong>of</strong> staphylococcal intra-venous infection on the <strong>host</strong> kidney gene<br />

expression was analyzed in another murine in vivo model using the wild type strain<br />

Staphylococcus aureus RN1HG and its isogenic sigB mutant.<br />

S. aureus, a Gram-positive bacterium, is a persistent commensal in the anterior nares <strong>of</strong><br />

approximately 20 % <strong>of</strong> the human population. The bacterium is found intermittently in 30 % to<br />

60 % <strong>of</strong> the population, and in non-carriers, which is the remaining fraction <strong>of</strong> the population,<br />

nasal swabs are never positive for S. aureus. Normally, such carriage does not cause any<br />

symptoms <strong>of</strong> illness. On the other hand, S. aureus can be responsible for a broad variety <strong>of</strong><br />

diseases: S. aureus can cause mild to severe local infections <strong>of</strong> skin or pharyngeal mucosa, but<br />

also <strong>of</strong> inner organs (e. g. endocarditis, osteomyelitis) and systemic disease like sepsis. S. aureus<br />

can be transmitted to the blood after body injury or <strong>by</strong> medical devices like catheters. An<br />

elementary model to mimic blood stream infection is the i. v. infection <strong>of</strong> laboratory animals, e. g.<br />

mice. Host reactions can be monitored <strong>by</strong> physiological, immunological or molecular readout<br />

systems. In this study, transcriptome analysis <strong>of</strong> murine kidney samples was performed.<br />

Although the virulence <strong>of</strong> sigB deficient strains is <strong>of</strong>ten reported to be similar to that <strong>of</strong> wild<br />

type strains the <strong>pathogen</strong>esis or pathomechanism <strong>of</strong> different infection settings might vary.<br />

Therefore, the rationale <strong>of</strong> this study was to investigate whether the deletion <strong>of</strong> sigB will lead to<br />

a different reaction <strong>of</strong> the infected <strong>host</strong>. Gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling indicated a highly<br />

reproducible <strong>host</strong> kidney response to infection with S. aureus. The comparison <strong>of</strong> infected with<br />

non-infected samples revealed a strong inflammatory reaction <strong>of</strong> kidney tissue. This included e. g.<br />

Toll-like receptor signaling, complement system, antigen presentation, interferon and IL-6<br />

signaling, but also counter-regulatory IL-10 signaling. However, the results <strong>of</strong> this study did not<br />

provide any hints for differences in the <strong>pathogen</strong>esis or pathomechanism <strong>of</strong> the S. aureus strains<br />

RN1HG and ΔsigB in the selected model <strong>of</strong> i. v. infection in mice, since the <strong>host</strong> response did not<br />

differ between infections with the two strains analyzed. If really existing, such differences might<br />

be transient and only apparent at earlier time points. Effects <strong>of</strong> SigB might also be compensated<br />

for in in vivo infection <strong>by</strong> the interlaced pattern <strong>of</strong> other regulators. There is also the possibility <strong>of</strong><br />

missing activity <strong>of</strong> SigB in vivo which could explain the similarity <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> reaction to infection with<br />

S. aureus RN1HG and its sigB mutant in this study. SigB might possess only to a lesser extent<br />

characteristics attributed to virulence factors and might act in vivo more like a virulence<br />

modulator and fine tune bacterial reactions, or SigB might be important in special niches during<br />

infection. Assuming such function failure to detect differences in the <strong>host</strong>’s reaction to S. aureus<br />

RN1HG and its isogenic sigB mutant could be explained.<br />

Tissue expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling from in vivo models has the advantage <strong>of</strong> directly recording the<br />

relevant physiological state with all its complex <strong>interactions</strong> and influences and its vicinity to<br />

medical questions in the human. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to distinguish the different<br />

components because the tissue samples are always a mixture <strong>of</strong> different cell types which might<br />

even feature contrary reactions. Therefore, in vitro models were additionally analyzed in which<br />

only one defined <strong>host</strong> cell type was studied. Macrophages are an example for an immune cell<br />

type involved in the first steps <strong>of</strong> the encounter between the <strong>host</strong> and a <strong>pathogen</strong>. In the innate<br />

immune system, macrophages, together with dendritic cells, hold a central position. They are<br />

main effectors <strong>of</strong> the clearance <strong>of</strong> infections <strong>by</strong> their sentinel and phagocytic function.<br />

Macrophages present phagocytosed antigen derived peptides on MHC-II to lymphocytes. By this<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Summary <strong>of</strong> Dissertation<br />

function, macrophages take part in regulation <strong>of</strong> the adaptive immune response. The preparation<br />

<strong>of</strong> bone marrow stem cells and the in vitro differentiation <strong>of</strong> the stem cells into so-called bonemarrow<br />

derived macrophages (BMM) is a model to study reactions <strong>of</strong> macrophages. The<br />

advantage <strong>of</strong> this approach is that these macrophages have never been under any immunological<br />

influence which might result from the immune status <strong>of</strong> the animal even under standardized<br />

laboratory conditions. Until recently, BMM experiments were standardized only to a limited<br />

extent because serum-supplemented culture medium was used. To overcome sources <strong>of</strong><br />

experimental variation resulting from undefined and varying substances in serum, Eske et al.<br />

introduced serum-free culture conditions for BMM (Eske et al. 2009; J Immunol Methods. 342(1-<br />

2):13) which were now applied to study the reaction <strong>of</strong> BMM as third part <strong>of</strong> this thesis. BMM <strong>of</strong><br />

different mouse strains were treated with IFN-γ, a modulator <strong>of</strong> macrophage function, which is<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the first signals during initiation <strong>of</strong> the immune response in vivo. Host-<strong>pathogen</strong><br />

interaction experiments have revealed differences in reactions <strong>of</strong> BMM derived from BALB/c and<br />

C57BL/6 mice when confronted with Burkholderia pseudomallei especially after IFN-γ stimulation<br />

and at higher multiplicities <strong>of</strong> infection (Breitbach et al. 2006; Infect Immun. 74(11):6300). Also<br />

other infection studies uncovered differences between these two mouse strains in vivo and<br />

in vitro. Against the background <strong>of</strong> genetic influences on the BMM reactions, BALB/c and C57BL/6<br />

BMM were stimulated with IFN-γ to specify on a molecular level the reaction to the priming<br />

signal IFN-γ as basic principle. Furthermore, the study aimed to pr<strong>of</strong>ile potential differences <strong>of</strong><br />

reactions between the BMM <strong>of</strong> both mouse strains.<br />

Gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling revealed mainly induction <strong>of</strong> gene expression after treatment <strong>of</strong><br />

BMM with IFN-γ. Gene expression changes confirmed known IFN-γ effects like the induction <strong>of</strong><br />

immunoproteasome, antigen presentation and associated genes, interferon signaling related<br />

genes, GTPase/GTP binding protein genes, inducible nitric oxide synthase and others. IFN-γ<br />

dependent gene expression changes were highly similar in BALB/c and C57BL/6 BMM. Even for<br />

genes, which were differentially expressed only in BMM <strong>of</strong> one strain, a similar trend was<br />

observed in the other strain’s BMM. Gene expression differences between BMM <strong>of</strong> both strains<br />

were analyzed on the level <strong>of</strong> untreated controls as well as after IFN-γ treatment. Here,<br />

approximately 55 % to 60 % <strong>of</strong> the differentially expressed genes exhibited higher expression in<br />

BALB/c BMM, whereas the remaining genes featured higher expression in C57BL/6 BMM.<br />

Equivalent to the IFN-γ effects, a similar expression trend in the strain comparisons was visible at<br />

both treatment levels, even when regulation was significant only in one. Differentially expressed<br />

genes between BMM <strong>of</strong> both strains included immune-relevant genes as well as genes linked to<br />

cell death, but the coverage <strong>of</strong> functional groups was limited. The phenotypical differences<br />

between the reaction <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 BMM were <strong>of</strong>ten determined in the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

IFN-γ and a second stimulus like LPS or infection. To elucidate molecular reasons for the observed<br />

differences in killing <strong>of</strong> <strong>pathogen</strong>s or cytokine production, the inclusion <strong>of</strong> samples subjected to a<br />

second stimulus in addition to IFN-γ is recommended.<br />

Not only immune cells or specially phagocytes get in touch with <strong>pathogen</strong>s, but also cells<br />

responsible for functional and structural integrity <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> organs and tissue, like epithelial and<br />

endothelial cells. Such cells are actually part <strong>of</strong> the first line <strong>of</strong> recognition and reaction to a<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong>ic invasion into the <strong>host</strong>. While S. aureus colonizes humans in the anterior nares it can<br />

be a cause <strong>of</strong> pneumonia when transferred to the lung e. g. <strong>by</strong> aspiration or medical devices. The<br />

bronchial epithelial cell line S9 was used as an in vitro model system for the infection with<br />

staphylococci. A new experimental system permits the study <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong>-<strong>pathogen</strong> <strong>interactions</strong> in the<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Summary <strong>of</strong> Dissertation<br />

context <strong>of</strong> all bacterial factors, membrane-bound and secreted, and additionally prevents effects<br />

on bacterial physiology <strong>by</strong> prolonged handling, centrifugation and washing <strong>of</strong> bacteria (Schmidt<br />

et al. 2010; Proteomics. 10(15):2801). The fourth chapter in this thesis includes <strong>host</strong> gene<br />

expression signatures <strong>of</strong> S9 cells after in vitro infection with S. aureus RN1HG for the two time<br />

points 2.5 h and 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. At the early time point, only the small number <strong>of</strong> 40<br />

genes was differentially expressed. Nevertheless, these few genes indicated a beginning proinflammatory<br />

response e. g. <strong>by</strong> the induction <strong>of</strong> cytokines (IL-6, IFN-β, LIF) or prostaglandinendoperoxide<br />

synthase 2 (PTGS2), but also counter-regulatory processes were discernible e. g. <strong>by</strong><br />

the induction <strong>of</strong> CD274, ligand for the immunoinhibitory receptor PD-1. Furthermore, negative<br />

effects on cell cycle progression became visible. The <strong>host</strong> cell response was dramatically<br />

aggravated at the later 6.5 h time point. Differential expression was detected for 1196 genes.<br />

These included induced cytokines, pattern recognition receptor signaling, antigen presentation,<br />

and genes involved in immune defense (e. g. GBPs, MX, APOL). Negative effects on growth and<br />

proliferation were even more enhanced in comparison to the early time point, e. g. repression <strong>of</strong><br />

histone genes, and signs for apoptotic processes were revealed, e. g. induction <strong>of</strong> BCL10, BLID,<br />

BAK1, and BAG1.<br />

Finally, the last chapter addresses the <strong>pathogen</strong>’s expression pr<strong>of</strong>ile, which was first recorded<br />

from agitated, aerobic S. aureus RN1HG cultures in different growth phases as a starting and<br />

reference point. Afterwards, the already described S9 cell in vitro infection model was used to<br />

extract staphylococci after an internalization phase inside the <strong>host</strong> cell. Internalized bacteria<br />

were analyzed at the two time points 2.5 h and 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection in comparison to<br />

different control samples <strong>by</strong> tiling array gene expression analysis.<br />

Pathogen expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling revealed the activity <strong>of</strong> the SaeRS two-component system in<br />

internalized staphylococci. Partly dependent on this regulatory system, the induction <strong>of</strong> adhesins<br />

(e. g. fnbAB, clfAB), toxins (hlgBC, lukDE, hla), and immune evasion genes (e. g. chp, eap) was<br />

observed. Furthermore, expression changes <strong>of</strong> metabolic genes were recorded. This included the<br />

induction <strong>of</strong> amino acid biosynthesis pathways, TCA cycle genes, and gluconeogenesis. In<br />

accordance with these findings, glycolysis genes were repressed as well as purine biosynthesis<br />

and tRNA synthetase genes. Expression analysis recorded a distinct bacterial expression program,<br />

which supported literature results <strong>of</strong> a specific, bacterial strain and <strong>host</strong> cell line dependent<br />

transcriptional adaptation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>pathogen</strong>.<br />

Different approaches can be applied to define even more and specific <strong>interactions</strong> between<br />

the <strong>host</strong> and the <strong>pathogen</strong>. Besides classical physiological and microbiological methods, the<br />

modern molecular technologies can considerably help to improve the understanding <strong>of</strong> the<br />

processes acting during encounter <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> and <strong>pathogen</strong> provided that genome sequence<br />

information is available. On the first level <strong>of</strong> reaction, RNA expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling will generate an<br />

overview on the potential changes <strong>of</strong> physiology and metabolism. Therefore, the results are an<br />

important complementation <strong>of</strong> results from other analysis levels and increase the fundamental<br />

knowledge on processes during the encounter <strong>of</strong> <strong>pathogen</strong> and its <strong>host</strong>. In the long-term, this<br />

basic research will probably contribute to the establishment <strong>of</strong> intervention strategies during<br />

infectious disease.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

I N T R O D U C T I O N<br />


Humans and animals regularly encounter microorganisms like bacteria and need to defend<br />

themselves in order to avoid or limit damage <strong>of</strong> their own organismal integrity.<br />

Before any possibly dangerous interaction could occur, they first aim to prevent the nearer<br />

contact <strong>by</strong> physical mechanisms. Dry, closely connected skin surfaces impede the settlement <strong>of</strong><br />

microorganisms, and inner surface epithelium <strong>of</strong>ten uses mucus as trapping and rinsing agent or<br />

creates unfavorable conditions e. g. <strong>by</strong> low pH in the stomach. Such physical barriers cannot<br />

completely prevent colonization. A commensalism <strong>of</strong> certain microorganisms has been<br />

established. But this is not a disadvantage: The occupation <strong>of</strong> interaction surfaces <strong>by</strong> a<strong>pathogen</strong>ic<br />

commensals limits the available habitat for <strong>pathogen</strong>s.<br />

Additionally, the <strong>host</strong> organism has developed active defense mechanisms. On the one hand,<br />

general defense factors are produced in advance and deposited at potential interaction sites.<br />

Such factors, like lytic enzymes or defensin peptides, will exert their properties without further<br />

assistance <strong>of</strong> the <strong>host</strong>’s physiological systems. These factors can additionally be further induced<br />

after initiation <strong>of</strong> the immune response. On the other hand in case <strong>of</strong> a successful infection <strong>by</strong> a<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong>, the <strong>host</strong> is able to start reaction cascades, which will be activated and enhanced after<br />

contact with the <strong>pathogen</strong>. The <strong>host</strong> possesses receptors which bind conserved structures <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>pathogen</strong>s. This enables the <strong>host</strong> to recognize the infection, initialize alarm cascades, and<br />

activate further antimicrobial factors, which are prepared as inactive precursors. The <strong>host</strong> also<br />

activates the blood coagulation cascade and <strong>by</strong> this means aims to confine infection to specific<br />

sites and to reduce spreading. Also cellular defense processes are initiated in sequence <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>pathogen</strong> infiltration into the body, where a first step is <strong>pathogen</strong>-unspecific phagocytosis <strong>by</strong><br />

macrophages or neutrophils. In the later phases <strong>of</strong> infection, the <strong>host</strong> can adapt even more<br />

specialized defense systems to react to the specific infecting agent on a humoral and cellular<br />

level. This approach needs more time, but is most effective and finally enables the <strong>host</strong> to<br />

overcome the infectious disease.<br />

Aspects <strong>of</strong> Innate Immunity<br />

Many <strong>pathogen</strong>s possess conserved structures. These can be related to their outer structure<br />

like peptidoglycan <strong>of</strong> the bacterial cell wall, but also to the very basic genetic information like the<br />

double-stranded RNA constituting the genome <strong>of</strong> some viruses. Some <strong>of</strong> them are essential for<br />

the <strong>pathogen</strong> and therefore highly conserved during evolution. In their co-evolution, both sides,<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

<strong>host</strong> as well as <strong>pathogen</strong>, developed mechanisms to fight or to gain some advantage against the<br />

other. The <strong>host</strong> developed defense mechanisms to either avoid infection or to overcome it,<br />

whereas the <strong>pathogen</strong> gained mechanisms to evade these <strong>host</strong> defense strategies. One part <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>host</strong>’s immune defense is the innate immune system, for which the detailed information is<br />

encoded in the genome and which has been passed on and further modified and optimized<br />

during evolution. The <strong>host</strong> as a complex organism commands two main levels <strong>of</strong> such immune<br />

defense, non-cellular and cellular. On epithelial barriers, the <strong>host</strong> deposits antimicrobial peptides,<br />

which are <strong>of</strong>ten membrane-active and pore-forming and aim to lyse the <strong>pathogen</strong> during its<br />

attempt to enter the body (Schröder 1999). Also enzymes like lyzozyme are secreted and serve a<br />

similar function.<br />

A very important and complex defense system <strong>of</strong> cascade-activated components is the<br />

complement system (Dunkelberger/Song 2010). The complement system consists <strong>of</strong> several<br />

serum proteins, which interact and build complexes, contain several sequential and<br />

interdependent activation steps and enzymatic activities, and finally achieves three main goals:<br />

First, in a process called opsonization the labeling <strong>of</strong> <strong>pathogen</strong>s with a molecular tag to render it<br />

recognizable for phagocytosis, and second the lysis <strong>of</strong> the <strong>pathogen</strong> <strong>by</strong> pore-forming<br />

components. The third function during activation <strong>of</strong> the complement is to pass the information <strong>of</strong><br />

occurring infection to the other immune defense systems.<br />

Three activation pathways <strong>of</strong> the complement system exist (Fig. I.1). The first, called classical<br />

pathway, is linked to the non-innate, i. e. adaptive immune system, because it relies in the first<br />

step on antibodies, which recognize specific <strong>pathogen</strong>ic structures. Pathogen surface bound<br />

antibodies bind and activate the C1 factor <strong>of</strong> the complement system. The following steps <strong>of</strong><br />

proteolytic cleavage produce from factors C2 and C4 the smaller “a” and the bigger “b”<br />

fragments. C2a and C4b together form the first very important complex during complement<br />

activation, the C3-convertase, which cleaves C3 into C3a and C3b. The C3-convertase (via C4b)<br />

and C3b will be covalently bound to the <strong>pathogen</strong>’s cell surface after reaction <strong>of</strong> an active<br />

thioester bond and accomplish opsonization.<br />

The second complement activation pathway leads to the same effects, but starts with a<br />

different recognition complex including lectins (Fujita et al. 2004). This lectin-activation pathway<br />

does not require antibodies bound to the surface <strong>of</strong> the <strong>pathogen</strong>. Here, mannose-binding lectin<br />

(MBL) or ficolin recognize conserved carbohydrate structures <strong>of</strong> the <strong>pathogen</strong>. These molecules<br />

belong to the so-called pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), conserved and non-variable<br />

receptors for conserved <strong>pathogen</strong>ic structures, which in turn are called <strong>pathogen</strong>-associated<br />

molecular patterns (PAMPs). MBL or ficolin are complexed, among others, with a serine protease<br />

(MASP), which achieves the next activation steps <strong>of</strong> C2 and C4 and formation <strong>of</strong> the C3-<br />

convertase as described before in the classical pathway.<br />

The third way <strong>of</strong> complement activation is named alternative pathway. For activation, it uses<br />

the spontaneous hydrolysis <strong>of</strong> C3 in the plasma to C3(H 2 O), which exposes the molecular site for<br />

covalent binding to <strong>pathogen</strong>ic surfaces. In the presence <strong>of</strong> such surface, C3(H 2 O) binds to it and<br />

subsequently complement factor B to C3(H 2 O). Finally, factor D cleaves factor B into the<br />

fragments Ba and Bb. The resulting complex <strong>of</strong> C3(H 2 O)Bb constitutes the initial C3-convertase <strong>of</strong><br />

the alternative pathway and cleaves further C3 molecules. The resulting C3b fragments again<br />

opsonize the <strong>pathogen</strong>, but also bind factor B and D, and form further C3-convertase complexes<br />

C3bBb. At this step, a strong amplification takes place, also when the C3b fragments are derived<br />

from activation <strong>of</strong> the classical and lectin pathway.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

Besides opsonization, the complement system aims to lyse the <strong>pathogen</strong>. This so-called<br />

effector function is initiated after formation <strong>of</strong> C3b <strong>by</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the activation pathways. When C3b<br />

is complexed with the C3-convertases <strong>of</strong> classical/lectin or alternative pathway it forms the C5-<br />

convertase complex (C2bC4bC3b or C3bBbC3b). The enzymatic function is the cleavage <strong>of</strong><br />

complement factor C5 into C5b and C5a. Now, C5b initiates the formation <strong>of</strong> the membrane<br />

attack complex (MAC). Sequential binding <strong>of</strong> factors C6, C7 (membrane binding) and C8<br />

(membrane intrusion) leads to the forming <strong>of</strong> a pore <strong>by</strong> several C9 molecules. Such pores finally<br />

can lead to the lysis <strong>of</strong> the <strong>pathogen</strong>. Because the complement system is a very powerful defense<br />

system, which could lead to immense damage to the <strong>host</strong> itself, it is tightly controlled <strong>by</strong> many<br />

regulatory proteins which especially prevent the activation on the <strong>host</strong>’s own cellular structures.<br />

Fig. I.1: Complement activation pathways.<br />

Abbreviations: MBL – mannose-binding lectin; MASP – MBL-associated serine protease; sMAP – small MBL-associated protein;<br />

C3(H 2O) – hydrolysed C3<br />

From: Foster 2005.<br />

During the activation <strong>of</strong> the complement cascade, several small peptide fragments, called<br />

anaphylatoxins, are produced. C3a, C5a, and to a lesser extent C4a have inflammatory properties.<br />

In a localized infection, they lead to increased permeability <strong>of</strong> blood vessels, induce endothelial<br />

adhesion molecules, influence monocytes and neutrophils to increase attachment, and activate<br />

mast cells which further enforce the effect with their own mediators.<br />

Hence, the small peptides link the non-cellular to the cellular part <strong>of</strong> the innate immune<br />

system. Phagocytes have a central function in the innate immune defense. These cells clear the<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong>s from the site <strong>of</strong> infection and kill them intracellularly. Monocytes from the blood<br />

stream migrate into the tissue and develop into long-living macrophages, which reside and are<br />

activated in case <strong>of</strong> an encounter with <strong>pathogen</strong>s. Several organs, especially those at a higher risk<br />

to be exposed to <strong>pathogen</strong>s, embody special types <strong>of</strong> macrophages, e. g. Kupffer cells <strong>of</strong> the liver.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

Neutrophil granulocytes are another group <strong>of</strong> phagocytes. They are found in the blood stream<br />

and leave it only at sites <strong>of</strong> infection. During an infection, the numbers <strong>of</strong> neutrophils can<br />

increase strongly, but these cells are only short-living. Phagocytes recognize <strong>pathogen</strong>ic<br />

structures <strong>by</strong> membrane PRRs. Binding to the <strong>pathogen</strong> initiates phagocytosis. First, the<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong> is enclosed in the phagosomal compartment, which afterwards fuses to lysosomes.<br />

Lysosomes bring enzymes and antimicrobial mediators to the new phagolysosomal compartment<br />

and finally accomplish killing <strong>of</strong> the <strong>pathogen</strong> in a process called respiratory burst, during which<br />

enzymes produce toxic reaction products like H 2 O 2 , O 2 – , and NO under consumption <strong>of</strong> O 2 , the<br />

name-giving effect. During activation, phagocytes produce cytokines and chemokines, which lead<br />

to a pro-inflammatory reaction and to chemotaxis <strong>of</strong> further immune cells like monocytes and<br />

neutrophils (Janeway et al. 2002).<br />

Aspects <strong>of</strong> Adaptive Immunity<br />

A third type <strong>of</strong> phagocytic cells, dendritic cells, links the innate to the adaptive immune<br />

system. These cells ingest different antigens in the peripheral tissue <strong>by</strong> phagocytosis and<br />

macropinocytosis and and transport them to the lymph nodes, where non-activated cells <strong>of</strong> the<br />

apaptive immune response wait for an activation trigger. Dendritic cells are the mediator cells<br />

which relay the information <strong>of</strong> peripherally present antigens and therefore potential infection to<br />

cells which might bear the specific receptor to these antigens. The information is transferred in a<br />

process called antigen presentation. It involves major histocompatibility complex (MHC)<br />

molecules. The complex is formed either <strong>by</strong> an α-chain with transmembrane domain and a noncovalently<br />

linked beta-2-microglobulin (B2M) molecule as β-chain in class I type <strong>of</strong> MHC or <strong>by</strong> an<br />

α- and a β-chain which are both inserted in the membrane in class II type <strong>of</strong> MHC (Fig. I.2 A).<br />

MHC-I α-chains and MHC-II α- and β-chains form a binding groove for antigen derived peptides<br />

and are encoded in the genome in a highly polymorph manner. Only B2M is encoded <strong>by</strong> a single<br />

gene. The two types <strong>of</strong> this complex, class I and class II, present antigenic peptides from different<br />

origin to subsets <strong>of</strong> T cells, which in turn possess a receptor for MHC-peptide-complexes, the<br />

T cell receptor (TCR).<br />

A<br />

Fig. I.2:<br />

Antigen presentation to T cells via MHC molecules.<br />

A. T cell receptor (TCR) mediated recognition <strong>of</strong> a peptide antigen bound<br />

to an MHC-derived molecule.<br />

B. Activation <strong>of</strong> naïve T helper cells requires the presence <strong>of</strong> co-stimulatory<br />

molecules, e. g. B7.<br />

Abbreviations:<br />

MHC – major histocompatibility complex; APC – antigen presenting cell<br />

From: Andersen et al. 2006.<br />

B<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

Extracellular antigens are presented <strong>by</strong> MHC-II molecules. After phagocytosis, these antigens<br />

are degraded in the phagolysosome. Transport vesicles from the Golgi, which carry unloaded<br />

MHC-II complexes, fuse to the phagolysosome, peptides are loaded to the MHC-II, and the<br />

complete complex is transferred to the cell surface.<br />

MHC-I serves the presentation <strong>of</strong> intracellular antigens. Here, the cleavage <strong>of</strong> proteins is<br />

performed in the cytosol <strong>by</strong> the proteasome, a high molecular weight protease complex. Peptide<br />

transporters transfer the peptides to the ER, where the loading <strong>of</strong> MHC-I molecules takes place.<br />

Antigen presentation via MHC-II is restricted to pr<strong>of</strong>essional antigen presenting cells (APC) <strong>of</strong><br />

the immune system, whereas presentation <strong>of</strong> intracellular antigens via MHC-I is additionally<br />

present in many non-immune cells. Interestingly, natural killer (NK) cells, which belong to the<br />

innate immune response and do not possess antigen specific receptors, sense the missing <strong>of</strong><br />

MHC-I presentation, which occurs in some virus-infected or cancer cells, and combat these cells<br />

<strong>by</strong> inducing apoptosis (Jensen 1999).<br />

The TCR <strong>of</strong> T cells is only able to bind MHC-peptide complexes tightly when the TCR features<br />

the corresponding specificity to the peptide antigen. A very efficient system uses combination <strong>of</strong><br />

different TCR chains and somatic recombination, which is the removal <strong>of</strong> certain genomic<br />

sections and recombining <strong>of</strong> the remaining parts, to generate an immense repertoire <strong>of</strong> different<br />

T cell clones with different antigen specificity. These cells are additionally selected for nonreactivity<br />

to the <strong>host</strong>’s own antigens and build a reservoir <strong>of</strong> defense cells for <strong>pathogen</strong>ic<br />

antigens which might interfere with the <strong>host</strong> during life-time. This is the distinctive feature <strong>of</strong> the<br />

adaptive immune system: It carries the potential for the defense against almost every <strong>pathogen</strong>,<br />

but it realizes in an adaptive manner with high specificity only the defense needed in the really<br />

occurring case <strong>of</strong> infection, which makes it a time-consuming, but highly effective defense<br />

mechanism against <strong>pathogen</strong>s.<br />

T-cells are subdivided into populations differing <strong>by</strong> the expression <strong>of</strong> surface antigens and <strong>by</strong><br />

the secreted cytokines, which in summary links them to distinct functions. The main two groups<br />

are characterized <strong>by</strong> expression <strong>of</strong> CD4 or CD8. CD8 + T cells are cytotoxic effector cells. Their TCR<br />

binds MHC-I molecules and therefore is able to recognize <strong>pathogen</strong>ic intracellular antigens.<br />

Specific binding in case <strong>of</strong> intracellular infection activates processes to destroy the cell and kill the<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong>. CD4 + T cells are also called helper T cells. Their TCR binds to MHC-II molecules and thus<br />

recognizes antigens derived after phagocytosis. In consequence, CD4 + T cells initiate mechanisms<br />

fighting extracellular infection or disposing extracellular antigens. This is on the one hand a link<br />

back to the innate immune cells, e. g. macrophages, which can be activated, but on the other a<br />

link to a further aspect <strong>of</strong> the adaptive immune response. Besides the cellular adaptive immune<br />

response the <strong>host</strong> commands an adaptive humoral immunity mediated <strong>by</strong> antibodies, which<br />

originate from B cells (plasma B cells). In a process similar to the generation <strong>of</strong> specific TCR in<br />

T cells, the B cell produces its own B cell receptor (BCR), which already includes the specificity <strong>of</strong><br />

the later antibodies. B cells are able to bind antigens via their BCR, phagocytose and degrade<br />

them and finally present them on their surface as MHC-II-peptide complexes. An activated CD4 +<br />

T cell with a specificity to this peptide can activate the B cell, which in turn starts further<br />

differentiation steps and the production <strong>of</strong> antibodies. These antibodies autonomously bind their<br />

specific antigen, and constitute an opsonization factor for the clearance <strong>of</strong> antibody-antigen<br />

complexes <strong>by</strong> phagocytosis. Furthermore, they are the activation complex for the complement<br />

system as described before (Janeway et al. 2002).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

As T cells have a central position in the immune defense as cytotoxic effectors or potent<br />

activators <strong>of</strong> other immune cells, MHC-molecule binding alone does not lead to their activation,<br />

but co-stimulatory signals are necessary. These signals originate from co-stimulatory surface<br />

receptors like the B7-family <strong>of</strong> proteins expressed <strong>by</strong> antigen-presenting cells (APC), e. g. the<br />

dendritic cells. Only when both signals initiate signal transduction at the same time, the T cell<br />

activation takes place (Fig. I.2 B).<br />

Modulation <strong>of</strong> Immune Reactions<br />

The immune system is not only influenced <strong>by</strong> its own regulatory mechanisms and <strong>by</strong> the<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong>s’ factors, but also <strong>by</strong> additional elements like physical efforts (Gleeson et al. 1995) or<br />

the psychological state <strong>of</strong> the organism (Glaser et al. 1999). While short stressful episodes might<br />

even enhance the immune response, the immune response can be suppressed when the stress is<br />

lasting too long. Immune suppression is mainly mediated <strong>by</strong> glucocorticoids (Dallman 2007).<br />

Thus, different stressors might affect the demands <strong>of</strong> time for fighting an infection or even the<br />

success <strong>of</strong> immune defense mechanisms (Fig. I.3, Peterson PK et al. 1991, West et al. 2006). But<br />

not only the immune system, but also metabolic processes might underlie modification <strong>by</strong> such<br />

stressors. Increasing demands and overwhelming environmental stimuli in the modern society<br />

continuously heighten the stress level <strong>of</strong> humans and escalate the <strong>pathogen</strong>esis <strong>of</strong> stressassociated<br />

illness such as the metabolic syndrome or depression and increase the risk <strong>of</strong><br />

infections (Bartolomucci 2007, Leonard 2006, Lundberg 2005).<br />


type<br />

intensity<br />

timing<br />

duration<br />


species, strain (virulence)<br />

inoculum size<br />

HOST<br />

species (genetics)<br />

age<br />

sex<br />

concomitant disease<br />

nutritional status<br />

previous experience<br />

with <strong>pathogen</strong> (immunity)<br />

with stressor (tolerance)<br />


Fig. I.3: Various factors can modify the impact <strong>of</strong> a stressor on the<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong>esis <strong>of</strong> an infectious disease.<br />

From: Peterson et al. 1991.<br />

symptomatic<br />

infection<br />

DEATH<br />

asymptomatic<br />

infection<br />

HEALTH<br />

A physiological stress response is short lasting and physiologically important for survival to<br />

cope with a changing environment or to deal with potentially life-threatening situations.<br />

Adaptive processes are very rapidly mounted to reconstitute a balanced allostatic system in the<br />

stressed body which primarily include the neuroendocrine and immune system. Stress-induced<br />

neuroendocrine alterations include activation <strong>of</strong> the sympathetic nervous system with increased<br />

secretion <strong>of</strong> catecholamines, and stimulation <strong>of</strong> the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

with heightened release <strong>of</strong> glucocorticoids. Prolonged and increased release <strong>of</strong> catecholamines is<br />

associated with cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, myocardial infarction, or stroke.<br />

Excessive secretion <strong>of</strong> glucocorticoids was linked to diabetes, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular<br />

alterations, immunosuppression, and mood disorders (Lundberg 2005, McEwen 2004,<br />

Viswanathan/Dhabhar 2005, Wrona 2006).<br />

Recently, Kiank et al. described that BALB/c mice developed severe systemic immune<br />

suppression, neuroendocrinological disturbances and depression-like behavior due to 4.5 days <strong>of</strong><br />

intermittent combined acoustic and restraint stress which serves as a murine model <strong>of</strong> severe,<br />

chronic psychological stress (Kiank et al. 2006, 2007a). Immunosuppression was substantiated <strong>by</strong><br />

a heightened anti-inflammatory cytokine bias, an apoptotic loss <strong>of</strong> lymphocytes leading to<br />

lymphocytopenia, T cell anergy, and impaired phagocytic and oxidative burst responses. The<br />

immunodeficient state increased the animals’ susceptibility to experimental infection with E. coli<br />

(Kiank et al. 2006, 2007b). Repeatedly stressed mice actually developed spontaneous bacterial<br />

infiltrations into the lung measurable even 7 days after the last chronic stress cycle, which was<br />

associated with a reduced inducibility <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ, a cytokine that was shown to be important to<br />

prevent spreading <strong>of</strong> translocated commensals from the gut (Kiank et al. 2008). On the one hand,<br />

stress-induced immunosuppression was accompanied with a reduced clearance <strong>of</strong> experimental<br />

infections in the long term, but on the other hand, with attenuation <strong>of</strong> a hyperinflammatory<br />

septic shock (Kiank et al. 2006, 2007a). Furthermore, behavioral alterations with increased<br />

depression-like behavior and neuroendocrine alterations such as prolonged activation <strong>of</strong> the HPA<br />

axis and increased turnover <strong>of</strong> catecholamines were documented.<br />

Finally, a prominent stress-induced loss <strong>of</strong> body mass without significant changes <strong>of</strong> food and<br />

water intake during the observation period became detectable (Kiank et al. 2006). It is known<br />

that stress exposure is linked to changes <strong>of</strong> body weight. There is evidence that hypothalamic<br />

control <strong>of</strong> food intake is influenced <strong>by</strong> stress, which in consequence alters metabolism. In such a<br />

situation, some people lose and others gain weight in response. However, the molecular<br />

mechanisms <strong>of</strong> the stress to body weight connection remain to be elucidated.<br />

It is important for the understanding <strong>of</strong> stress-induced immunoregulatory mechanisms that<br />

stress hormones like catecholamines and glucocorticoids can modulate several liver functions<br />

including carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism or affect the immune response. Especially<br />

corticosteroids can suppress inflammatory processes <strong>by</strong> preventing the release <strong>of</strong><br />

proinflammatory mediators, <strong>by</strong> diminishing immune cell trafficking, phagocytosis and radical<br />

production or <strong>by</strong> down-regulating antigen presentation, <strong>by</strong> inhibiting lymphocyte proliferation,<br />

and <strong>by</strong> inducing apoptosis <strong>of</strong> immune cells. Thus, prolonged increase <strong>of</strong> glucocorticoid levels<br />

during chronic stress can activate hepatic catabolic pathways but also effectively suppress the<br />

local immune response (Bartolomucci 2007, Chida et al. 2006, Elenkov 2004, Swain 2000).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />


General Features <strong>of</strong> S. aureus<br />

Staphylococci are Gram-positive bacteria <strong>of</strong> approximately 1 µm diameter, which <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

aggregate in grape-like structures. The golden color <strong>of</strong> Staphylococcus aureus colonies – derived<br />

from staphyloxanthin and other C 30 triterpenoid carotenoids (Marshall/Wilmoth 1981) which<br />

function as antioxidant protection molecules (Liu GY et al. 2005) – led to its naming. Several<br />

S. aureus properties like the ability to perform hemolysis and expression <strong>of</strong> catalase and<br />

coagulase allow differentiation <strong>of</strong> the species from other bacteria. S. aureus can produce energy<br />

<strong>by</strong> aerobic respiration, but is facultatively able to survive in anaerobic environments. In situations<br />

without oxygen it can apply lactate fermentation. S. aureus seems to be naturally auxotrophic<br />

and requires e. g. amino acids as growth supplement. The staphylococcal cell wall peptidoglycan<br />

features a special crossbridge structure formed <strong>by</strong> multiple glycine residues. These are the target<br />

structures for lysostaphin, a staphylocidal enzyme from Staphylococcus simulans first described<br />

<strong>by</strong> Schindler and Schuhardt in 1964, which was taken over <strong>by</strong> scientist for several laboratory<br />

research purposes and which might even be applied as mupirocin substitute for eradication <strong>of</strong><br />

staphylococcal nasal colonization (Recsei et al. 1987, Kokai-Kun et al. 2003). Staphylococci are<br />

resistant to lysozyme, a muramidase, which is present as antimicrobial enzyme in body fluids and<br />

at sites <strong>of</strong> infection as part <strong>of</strong> the innate immune defense. The resistance is mediated <strong>by</strong> O-<br />

acetylation in the muramic acid <strong>of</strong> peptidoglycan (position C6-OH) which is conducted <strong>by</strong> the<br />

peptidoglycan-specific O-acetyltransferase OatA. OatA mutants are susceptible to lysozyme (Bera<br />

et al. 2005).<br />

The S. aureus genome has 32 % GC content. Its chromosome is about 2.7E+06 to 2.9E+06<br />

nucleotides in length, contains about 2600 to 3000 genes, and has been sequenced for several<br />

strains until now (Table I.1). Additionally, sequence information for several plasmids is available<br />

(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Genome).<br />

For sub-division purposes, the S. aureus genome has been classified into two parts. The core<br />

genome, which occupies approximately 75 % <strong>of</strong> the complete genome, includes genes with basic<br />

functions e. g. in house-keeping and central metabolism. These genes are present in the genomes<br />

<strong>of</strong> most strains and exhibit a high degree <strong>of</strong> conservation in the individual genes’ sequences in<br />

different strains. The core part also features a high similarity to the phylogenetically related<br />

Bacillus species genomes (Hiramatsu et al. 2004). The remaining 25 % belong to the accessory<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the genome. This part consists <strong>of</strong> further genes which have been acquired <strong>by</strong> some<br />

S. aureus strains e. g. from mobile genetic elements. Here, variation in the presence <strong>of</strong> genes is<br />

observed in different strains. Many virulence genes are classified as fraction <strong>of</strong> the accessory<br />

genome (Lindsay/Holden 2004).<br />

S. aureus has many options <strong>of</strong> varying its accessory genome part <strong>by</strong> different mobile genetic<br />

elements (Plata et al. 2009). Staphyloccoccal <strong>pathogen</strong>icity islands (SaPI) are located at constant<br />

positions <strong>of</strong> the genome, contain superantigen genes and sequences with similarity to prophages<br />

(Lindsay et al. 1998, Novick RP 2003). Similarly, genes <strong>of</strong> the νSa-family <strong>of</strong> <strong>pathogen</strong>icity genomic<br />

islands, <strong>of</strong> which several types (1-4, α, β, γ) exist, code for virulence factors and toxins (Gill et al.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

2005). SaPIs and some νSa-members can be excised from the genome and are involved in<br />

horizontal gene transfer. S. aureus strains <strong>of</strong>ten harbor prophages, which also incorporate<br />

virulence factors and are an aid for their transfer between strains and in general influence<br />

S. aureus evolution (Lindsay/Holden 2004). The Panton-Valentine leukocidin is a phage-encoded<br />

staphylococcal toxin. S. aureus NCTC8325 carries three lysogenic phages, φ11, φ12, and φ13, <strong>of</strong><br />

which φ13 introduces the virulence factor staphylokinase (sak) into the strain (Iandolo et al.<br />

2002). Kwan et al. reported in 2005 the genome sequences and predicted proteins <strong>of</strong> 27<br />

bacteriophages <strong>of</strong> S. aureus (Kwan et al. 2005). Additionally, gene transfer can be accomplished<br />

<strong>by</strong> shorter insertion sequences or <strong>by</strong> longer transposons which bring along their own transposase<br />

genes and recognition sites (Hiramatsu et al. 2004, Plata et al. 2009). Plasmids are a further place<br />

<strong>of</strong> encoding useful, although not essential information, e. g. for antibiotic resistances. S. aureus<br />

strains include different plasmids <strong>of</strong> varying size and copy number. For example, the methicillinresistant<br />

S. aureus strain COL owns the 4440 nt plasmid pT181 (accession number NC_006629;<br />

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Genome), whose sequence became available in<br />

2005. Some S. aureus strains have also acquired the vanA operon for vancomycin resistance from<br />

an Enterococcus spp. transposon via a conjugative plasmid (Péricon/Courvalin 2009).<br />

Table I.1: Complete, RefSeq genome sequences for bacterial chromosomes <strong>of</strong> Staphylococcus aureus strains from NCBI Entrez<br />

Genome database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=Genome) <strong>of</strong> August 25 th 2010.<br />

accession number strain length / nt date created genes<br />

NC_002745 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus N315 2814816 2001/04/21 2664<br />

NC_002951 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus COL 2809422 2001/09/14 2723<br />

NC_002758 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus Mu50 2878529 2001/10/04 2774<br />

NC_002952 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus MRSA252 2902619 2001/11/06 2839<br />

NC_002953 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus MSSA476 2799802 2001/11/06 2715<br />

NC_003923 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus MW2 2820462 2002/05/31 2704<br />

NC_007622 Staphylococcus aureus RF122 2742531 2005/11/24 2663<br />

NC_007793 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus USA300_FPR3757 2872769 2006/02/11 2648<br />

NC_007795 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus NCTC8325 2821361 2006/02/18 2969<br />

NC_009487 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus JH9 2906700 2007/05/23 2816<br />

NC_009632 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus JH1 2906507 2007/07/03 2870<br />

NC_009641 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus Newman 2878897 2007/07/06 2687<br />

NC_009782 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus Mu3 2880168 2007/09/06 2768<br />

NC_010079 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus USA300_TCH1516 2872915 2007/12/03 2799<br />

NC_013450 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ED98 2824404 2009/11/19 2752<br />

S. aureus, a Commensal and Opportunistic Pathogen<br />

Staphylococcus aureus is a persistent commensal in the anterior nares <strong>of</strong> approximately 20 %<br />

<strong>of</strong> the human population (persistent carriers). The bacterium is found intermittently in 30 % to<br />

60 % <strong>of</strong> the population, and in non-carriers, which is the remaining fraction <strong>of</strong> the population,<br />

nasal swabs are never positive for S. aureus (Kluytmans et al. 1997, Wertheim et al. 2005). Some<br />

authors subdivide the group <strong>of</strong> intermittent carriers into intermittent and occasional carriers<br />

(Eriksen et al. 1995). More recent publications classify the carriage status only into two groups:<br />

persistent carriers and others (van Belkum et al. 2009).<br />

The occurrence <strong>of</strong> the two contrary groups <strong>of</strong> persistent and non-carriers strongly hints for an<br />

influence <strong>of</strong> the <strong>host</strong>’s immune system on the possibility for S. aureus to colonize persistently<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

(Foster 2009). Others have already published polymorphisms associated with each phenotype,<br />

linking variants enhancing the immune response with reduced colonization risk (van den Akker et<br />

al. 2006, Emonts et al. 2007; Foster 2009). In the main site <strong>of</strong> colonization, the anterior nares,<br />

S. aureus uses its adhesins like ClfB, IsdA, SdrC, SdrD, and SasG to attach to the <strong>host</strong> tissue (Foster<br />

2009).<br />

Normally, such carriage does not cause any symptoms <strong>of</strong> illness. On the other hand, S. aureus<br />

can be responsible for a broad variety <strong>of</strong> diseases: S. aureus can cause mild to severe local<br />

infections <strong>of</strong> skin or pharyngeal mucosa, but also <strong>of</strong> inner organs (e. g. endocarditis,<br />

osteomyelitis) and systemic disease like sepsis. The <strong>pathogen</strong>icity <strong>of</strong> S. aureus is a world-wide<br />

problem. By the “SENTRY Surveillance Program”, S. aureus was described to be leading cause <strong>of</strong><br />

bloodstream, lower respiratory tract and skin/s<strong>of</strong>t tissues infections (Diekema et al. 2001).<br />

S. aureus produces several toxins that are responsible for toxin related diseases like toxic shock<br />

syndrome or scalded skin syndrome. Staphylococcal endotoxin can cause food poisoning in case<br />

<strong>of</strong> consumption <strong>of</strong> contaminated meals. S. aureus carriage is a risk factor for bacteremia. In the<br />

majority <strong>of</strong> bacteremia cases, the strain isolated from blood is identical with the nasal colonizing<br />

strain. But paradoxically, carriers have a lower mortality than non-carriers in case <strong>of</strong> bacteremia<br />

(van Eiff et al. 2001, Wertheim et al. 2004).<br />

S. aureus has been known to be an extracellular <strong>pathogen</strong> for long time (Finlay/Cossart 1997).<br />

But it has been also proven that S. aureus is not only an extracellular <strong>pathogen</strong> but that it can be<br />

internalized <strong>by</strong> non-pr<strong>of</strong>essional phagocytes like epithelial cells (Almeida et al. 1996, Hudson et<br />

al. 1995). Staphylococcal fibronectin-binding proteins (FnBP) are important mediators for the<br />

uptake <strong>of</strong> bacteria <strong>by</strong> the <strong>host</strong> cell, but it is not clear whether the uptake is an attribute <strong>of</strong><br />

bacterial <strong>pathogen</strong>icity or <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> defense (Sinha et al. 2000). The process <strong>of</strong> internalization<br />

implies an active participation <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cells (Hudson et al. 1995).<br />

S. aureus Virulence Factors<br />

S. aureus has the genetic information to produce a wide range <strong>of</strong> virulence factors, which help<br />

to improve the bacterium’s survival e. g. in infection settings and to fight against the defense <strong>of</strong><br />

its <strong>host</strong>. Some are even required for its ability to establish an infection (Fig. I.4).<br />

S. aureus secretes several enzymes and exotoxins. A direct mode <strong>of</strong> impairing the <strong>host</strong>’s<br />

defense is to lyse <strong>host</strong> cells, which additionally renders nutrients accessible for the <strong>pathogen</strong>. As<br />

first virulence factors secreted enzymes (proteases, lipases, elastases, hyaluronidase and others)<br />

degrade <strong>host</strong> tissue molecules and therefore disintegrate tissue structure and defense barriers<br />

and facilitate first invasion and later spread <strong>of</strong> bacteria (Gordon RJ/Lowy 2008). All bacteria need<br />

iron for their survival. This essential nutrient is not freely available in the <strong>host</strong> but is sequestered<br />

<strong>by</strong> <strong>host</strong> proteins. S. aureus owns iron uptake promoting proteins, which are encoded <strong>by</strong> the ironresponsive<br />

surface determinant locus isd. This system includes binding proteins for different ironcontaining<br />

<strong>host</strong> proteins, transfer and transporter proteins, and proteins which release the iron<br />

into the bacterial metabolism (Maresso/Schneewind 2006).<br />

S. aureus carries different hemolysins which not only act on erythrocyte membranes, but also<br />

on that <strong>of</strong> other cell types. Alpha-hemolysin, which is also named alpha-toxin (encoded <strong>by</strong> the<br />

gene hla), is one <strong>of</strong> the prototypes <strong>of</strong> pore-forming toxins. This toxin has surprising characteristics<br />

<strong>of</strong> being water-soluble, but also able to form pores in hydrophobic membrane surrounding, and it<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

contains all properties for its own insertion into membranes and therefore needs no assistance<br />

<strong>by</strong> proteins like chaperones (Menestrina et al. 2001). Other cytolytic toxins <strong>of</strong> S. aureus are betahemolysin<br />

(hlb), gamma-hemolysin (hlgA, hlgB, hlgC), delta-hemolysin (hld), and the groups <strong>of</strong><br />

leukocidins (luk). The Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL, lukF-PV and lukS-PV), a long-known and<br />

well-studied bicomponent toxin, depends in its pore-forming activity on two components, which<br />

first form themselves a heterodimer (Kaneko/Kamio 2004). Also the other leukocidins and Hlg are<br />

bicomponent lysins. Hlg can form either the AB toxin or the CB toxin depending on the<br />

association <strong>of</strong> the subunits to heterodimers.<br />

Fig. I.4: Staphylococcal structural and secreted virulence factors.<br />

A. Overview on surface and secreted proteins. TSST-1 – toxic shock syndrome toxin 1.<br />

B. Cell envelope structure and localization <strong>of</strong> selected proteins.<br />

C. Domains <strong>of</strong> cell wall anchored proteins.<br />

From: Gordon/Lowy 2008.<br />

Other important staphylococcal exotoxins are the so-called superantigens (SAg). These<br />

proteins disturb the <strong>host</strong>’s cellular adaptive immune response. Normally, T cells bind with their<br />

antigenic-peptide specific receptor (T-cell-receptor, TCR) to MHC-molecules, which present<br />

peptides derived from proteins inside or outside the antigen-presenting cell. This forms the socalled<br />

“immunological synapse” between antigen-presenting cell (APC) and T cell. In case <strong>of</strong> both<br />

specific recognition <strong>of</strong> the peptide <strong>by</strong> TCR as well as presence <strong>of</strong> further pro-stimulatory signals,<br />

the T cell will be activated, start to proliferate and secrete cytokines, and in general pursue their<br />

function in immune response. Superantigens interfere in this interaction. They can bind MHC-IImolecules<br />

on APC (with different preferences for MHC class II alleles) and also the TCR, in detail a<br />

subset <strong>of</strong> possible recombined TCR molecules characterized <strong>by</strong> certain Vβ-fragments in the β-<br />

chain (Herman et al. 1991). By this means, they build a bridge linking both receptors<br />

independently <strong>of</strong> an antigenic peptide and receptor specificity. This cross-linking in the<br />

trimolecular complex TCR/MHC-II/SAg induces a massive T cell proliferation and cytokine<br />

production leading to shock-like syndromes and generalized life-threatening damage. But the<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

triggered <strong>host</strong> reaction does not help to fight the causative <strong>pathogen</strong>, because the T cell<br />

activation is antigen-independent and therefore unspecific to the <strong>pathogen</strong>. This, together with<br />

induction <strong>of</strong> immunosuppression, might be one <strong>of</strong> the advantages which superantigens grant the<br />

bacteria, although the question why bacteria harbor superantigens has not been completely<br />

clarified yet (Herman et al. 1991).<br />

Twenty superantigens <strong>of</strong> S. aureus have been described so far: toxic shock syndrome toxin-1<br />

(TSST-1), staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE A-E, G-J), and staphylococcal enterotoxin-like toxins (SEL<br />

K-R, U, U2, V). They cause diseases like toxic-shock syndrome and are linked to atopic dermatitis<br />

disease mechanism and allergic rhinitis (Fraser/Pr<strong>of</strong>t 2008). Mobile genetic elements <strong>of</strong> S. aureus<br />

encode the superantigens (Novick RP 2003).<br />

Further immunomodulation is achieved <strong>by</strong> extracellular adherence protein (Eap), which is also<br />

called MHC class II analogous protein (Map). This protein has similarity to MHC class II molecules<br />

(Jönsson et al. 1995) and influences T cell response during infection in favor <strong>of</strong> the infecting<br />

S. aureus (Lee et al. 2002). This inhibitory effect on T cells is dose-dependent and occurs only at<br />

high concentrations <strong>of</strong> Eap, while Eap stimulates T cell proliferation when present in low<br />

concentrations (Haggar et al. 2005).<br />

Virulence <strong>of</strong> S. aureus is promoted <strong>by</strong> the ability to attach to the <strong>host</strong>’s tissue, i. e. to the<br />

<strong>host</strong>’s extracellular matrix or the <strong>host</strong>’s cells, <strong>by</strong> its own surface components. Microbial surface<br />

components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs) mediate the attachment,<br />

which can be regarded as the first initializing step for the establishment <strong>of</strong> infection<br />

(Gordon RJ/Lowy 2008). Molecules with similar function, but secreted in contrary to the<br />

microbial surface bound MSCRAMMs, are called secretable expanded repertoire adhesive<br />

molecules (SERAMs).<br />

Fibronectin binding proteins A and B (encoded <strong>by</strong> fnbA and fnbB) have binding properties for<br />

fibronectin, a high molecular weight protein <strong>of</strong> the <strong>host</strong>’s extracellular matrix (ECM). S. aureus<br />

also possesses adhesins binding to other ECM components like collagen (collagen binding protein<br />

Cna), elastin (elastin-binding protein EbpS). Clumping factor A and B (encoded <strong>by</strong> clfA and clfB)<br />

are fibrinogen binding proteins. This property results on the one hand in adhesin function <strong>of</strong><br />

clumping factor (Clf). But as Clf can not only bind to the blood coagulation precursor fibrinogen,<br />

but also activate fibrinogen to form fibrin, Clf has on the other hand agglutination properties.<br />

Structurally similar proteins to Clf exist. These are serine-aspartate (SD) repeat proteins, which<br />

are encoded <strong>by</strong> the genes sdrC, sdrD and sdrE, but their function is still unknown (Foster/Höök<br />

1998).<br />

A MSCRAMM-function <strong>of</strong> protein A is hypothesized from its ability to bind von-Willebrandfactor<br />

(vWF) in the environment <strong>of</strong> damaged epithelium where vWF originally enables the<br />

adhesion <strong>of</strong> platelets (Hartleib et al. 2000). Interestingly, a novel vWF binding protein (vWBP,<br />

encoded <strong>by</strong> vwb) <strong>of</strong> S. aureus has been discovered more recently (Bjerketorp et al. 2002).<br />

Fibronectin-binding protein (FnBP), clumping factor A (ClfA), protein A (Spa), and collagen<br />

binding protein (Cna) belong to the same group <strong>of</strong> MSCRAMMs. They contain a LPXTG motif<br />

which is cleaved during protein secretion through the cellular membrane with sequential<br />

anchoring <strong>of</strong> the remaining protein via the now accessible carboxylgroup <strong>of</strong> threonin (T) to the<br />

cell wall peptidoglycan (Foster/Höök 1998). Further MSCRAMMs in S. aureus are laminin-,<br />

vitronectin-, thrombospondin- and bone sialoprotein-binding proteins (Patti et al. 1994).<br />

MSCRAMMs do not only mediate the adhesion to the <strong>host</strong>’s extracellular matrix, but they are<br />

also involved in invasion into the <strong>host</strong> cells. Fibronectin-binding proteins attach the bacterial cell<br />


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via fibronectin as linker to the <strong>host</strong>’s α 5 β 1 integrin molecules, which initiates the internalization <strong>of</strong><br />

the bacterial cell into the <strong>host</strong> cell (Hauck/Ohlsen 2006, Peacock et al. 1999, Schwarz-Linek et al.<br />

2004, Sinha et al. 1999). S. aureus strains harboring the SCCmec type I also possess the pls gene<br />

located therein. This gene encodes the plasmin sensitive surface protein Pls, which reduces,<br />

contrarily to the MSCRAMMs, the adherence <strong>of</strong> S. aureus to <strong>host</strong> structures and its cellular<br />

invasiveness. Very recently, it has been published that Pls causes this effect <strong>by</strong> steric hindrance<br />

and blocking adhesin and <strong>host</strong> factor interaction (Hussain et al. 2009).<br />

An example for a SERAM is the staphylococcal coagulase. The extracellular enzyme is able to<br />

bind prothrombin, which is the enzyme precursor for the coagulation activation <strong>by</strong> conversion <strong>of</strong><br />

fibrinogen to fibrin. Thrombin activation <strong>by</strong> staphylococcal coagulase does not occur <strong>by</strong><br />

proteolysis but <strong>by</strong> forming an active complex <strong>of</strong> both molecules in a stoichiometric ratio <strong>of</strong> 1:1,<br />

which is called staphylothrombin (Kawabata et al. 1985, Kawabata/Iwanaga 1994). Moreover,<br />

coagulase molecules can be attached to the staphylococcal cell surface where it can bind directly<br />

to fibrinogen also without presence <strong>of</strong> prothrombin (Bodén/Flock 1989).<br />

S. aureus is aiming to evade the immune response, and thus, it has gained several immunemodulating<br />

properties. After the very first steps <strong>of</strong> infection, the immune response has to be<br />

initiated <strong>by</strong> chemoattractants which recruit defense cells like neutrophils or macrophages to the<br />

site <strong>of</strong> infection. The bacterial protein chemotaxis inhibitory protein <strong>of</strong> staphylococci (CHIPS)<br />

blocks with two different domains the <strong>host</strong> cell receptors for the <strong>host</strong> chemoattractant C5a from<br />

the activated complement system and for bacterial formylated peptides, which are secreted <strong>by</strong><br />

the <strong>pathogen</strong> (de Haas et al. 2004, Murdoch/Finn 2000). Tightly associated with interference in<br />

the chemotaxic process is the already mentioned bacterial extracellular adherence protein (Eap).<br />

This protein blocks the endothelial cell receptor ICAM-1. During the normal immune response,<br />

ICAM-1 has receptor function for the leucocyte’s membrane protein LFA-1 and thus allows<br />

leucocyte adhesion at sites <strong>of</strong> infection. Adhesion is followed <strong>by</strong> entry <strong>of</strong> leucocytes into the<br />

tissue in the two steps <strong>of</strong> diapedesis and extravasation. In cases when ICAM-1 is already occupied<br />

<strong>by</strong> Eap, not only leucocyte adhesion but also the following steps are impeded (Chavakis et al.<br />

2002).<br />

S. aureus protects and hides its treacherous typical bacterial cell surface structures <strong>by</strong> a<br />

capsule <strong>of</strong> polysaccharides. The capsule inhibits binding <strong>of</strong> opsonic <strong>host</strong> factors and thus reduces<br />

the phagocytosis <strong>of</strong> the bacterial cell. An increased production <strong>of</strong> capsular polysaccharides<br />

increases the virulence <strong>of</strong> S. aureus (Nilsson et al. 1997, Thakker et al. 1998).<br />

Besides their already mentioned function <strong>of</strong> MSCRAMMs, clumping factor and protein A also<br />

have anti-phagocytic functions. Clumping factor binds the <strong>host</strong> molecule fibrinogen which then<br />

serves as camouflage net on the bacterial cell surface. Protein A binds immunoglobulin G (IgG) in<br />

a way beneficial for the bacterium, but not for the <strong>host</strong>. While the normal antibody-binding with<br />

the antigen-specific F ab part will opsonize the bacterium for recognition <strong>by</strong> immune defense<br />

mechanisms, the binding <strong>of</strong> antibodies <strong>by</strong> protein A occurs via the F c part and thus prevents the<br />

mediation <strong>of</strong> opsonization signals (Uhlén et al. 1984).<br />

Another protein which interferes with opsonization for phagocytosis is Staphylococcus<br />

complement inhibitor (SCIN). SCIN binds to the C3-convertase complexes from the three<br />

complement activation pathways and inhibits C3b deposition on the <strong>pathogen</strong>’s surface.<br />

Therefore, the following steps <strong>of</strong> complement opsonization are impaired. Interestingly, the<br />

complement-inhibitory function <strong>of</strong> SCIN is specific for the human <strong>host</strong> (Rooijakkers et al. 2005b).<br />

In a similar function, complement factor C3 is the target <strong>of</strong> the highly conserved, staphylococcal<br />


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extracellular fibrinogen-binding protein Efb. Efb most probably inhibits the binding <strong>of</strong> C3b, the<br />

bigger fragment <strong>of</strong> C3 after cleavage during complement activation, to the bacterial surface and<br />

therefore reduces opsonization. Efb is able to bind both C3 and fibrinogen at the same time,<br />

because the C3-binding region is located C-terminal and the fibrinogen-binding region N-terminal<br />

in the Efb protein (Lee et al. 2004a, 2004b). More recently, a homologous and 44 % identical<br />

protein to Efb was identified. The protein called “Efb homologous protein”, Ehp, features the<br />

same C3b-deposition inhibitory function as Efb does, but in an even more potent manner. An<br />

additional C3-binding domain is proposed to cause this stronger inhibitory effect (Hammel et al.<br />

2007).<br />

S. aureus does not only use its own proteins for immune-modulatory purposes, but also<br />

engages and manipulates <strong>host</strong> factors to perform a protective effect for the bacterium. Host<br />

plasminogen is the inactive precursor <strong>of</strong> the serine protease plasmin, which is the main enzyme<br />

involved in fibrinolysis, the degradation <strong>of</strong> fibrin clots after injury and blood coagulation. Bacterial<br />

staphylokinase binds plasminogen to the staphylococcal cell surface and mediates the activation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the precursor into active plasmin. The plasminogen activation mechanism is not mediated via<br />

cleavage <strong>by</strong> staphylokinase as the bacterial protein does not possess enzymatic activity. More<br />

precisely, staphylokinase binds plasminogen in a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio and renders the enzyme<br />

precursor <strong>by</strong> formation changes more susceptible for activation. Activation finally occurs <strong>by</strong> other<br />

already active proteases, e. g. trace amounts <strong>of</strong> plasmin, which are able to start a reinforcing<br />

activation cascade (Silence et al. 1995). In a simple mode, active plasmin will help the <strong>pathogen</strong><br />

to spread from site <strong>of</strong> infection, either <strong>by</strong> enzymatic fibrinolysis <strong>of</strong> blood coagulation clots or <strong>by</strong><br />

degradation <strong>of</strong> extracellular matrix molecules. More sophisticated, the activated plasmin<br />

protease molecules degrade IgG and C3b from the bacterial surface and thus reverse<br />

opsonization (Rooijakkers et al. 2005a).<br />

When S. aureus is finally phagocytosed it has to deal with reactive oxygen species (ROS).<br />

Superoxide dismutase enzymes and non-enzymatic superoxide dismutase Mn 2+ inactivate<br />

superoxide anion O 2 – . Deletion mutants in superoxide dismutase or manganese cation uptake<br />

systems are less virulent than wild type strains. When ROS react with protein residues to<br />

methionine sulfoxide, these residues are reduced <strong>by</strong> methionine sulphoxide reductases, which<br />

also have impact on in vivo virulence (Foster 2005, Horsburgh et al. 2002a, Karavolos et al. 2003,<br />

Singh/Moskovitz 2003).<br />

Modulation <strong>of</strong> complement, opsonization and phagocytosis is not the only mechanism<br />

S. aureus applies for immune evasion. It also developed resistance mechanisms against killing <strong>by</strong><br />

antimicrobial peptides, especially after phagocytosis, when the four groups <strong>of</strong> antimicrobial<br />

substances interfere with the bacterial integrity: small anionic peptides (e. g. dermicidin in airway<br />

surfactant), small cationic peptides (e. g. cathelicidins in neutrophils), cationic disulphide bond<br />

forming peptides (e. g. α- and β-defensins), and anionic and cationic peptide fragments derived<br />

from larger proteins (Foster, 2005). In this context, staphylokinase has a further function. It binds<br />

α-defensins, which are secreted <strong>by</strong> neutrophils, and inhibits most <strong>of</strong> the defensins’ bactericidal<br />

potency (Jin et al. 2004). Vice versa, defensins inhibit the staphylokinase’s ability <strong>of</strong> activating<br />

plasminogen. This effect can be relevant in clinical settings when recombinant staphylokinase<br />

(sakSTAR) is planned to be developed into a thrombolytic pharmaceutical and might be applied in<br />

inflammation paralleled disorders like vascular occlusive diseases (Bokarewa/Tarkowski 2004).<br />

S. aureus secretes different proteases. One <strong>of</strong> them, aureolysin, cleaves the bactericidal peptide<br />


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cathelicidin LL-37 at a special site, which is not recognized <strong>by</strong> the V8 protease. After aureolysin<br />

cleavage, LL-37 loses its antistaphylococcal activity (Sieprawska-Lupa et al. 2004).<br />

S. aureus cell wall is subjected to modifications <strong>of</strong> the teichoic acid structure. Dlt proteins<br />

(encoded <strong>by</strong> the dltABCD operon) lead to D-alanine incorporation. The alanine residues are<br />

further esterified. Without these alanine esters the bacterial surface would carry a strongly<br />

negative net charge, which would attract positively charged cationic antimicrobial molecules.<br />

Therefore, Dlt decreases the vulnerability <strong>of</strong> the bacterial cell wall via reduction <strong>of</strong> molecule<br />

charge (Peschel et al. 1999). On the other hand, a stronger negative charge would reduce<br />

S. aureus’ capacity to adhere to polystyrene or glass. Dlt mutants are thus impaired in their<br />

capability <strong>of</strong> bi<strong>of</strong>ilm formation (Gross et al. 2001). Also the MprF protein neutralizes charges <strong>of</strong><br />

the cell wall, in this case <strong>by</strong> linking lysine to phosphatidylglycerol (Peschel et al. 2001).<br />

Bi<strong>of</strong>ilm formation, which is <strong>of</strong>ten associated with intra-vascular medical devices like catheters,<br />

is another option for S. aureus to protect the bacterial cells from the immune system and<br />

antimicrobials. The material <strong>of</strong> the medical devices will be covered with <strong>host</strong> (serum) molecules<br />

like fibrinogen or fibronectin soon after implantation. Therefore, it serves as an ideal attachment<br />

site for the various adhesins <strong>of</strong> staphylococci (Lowy 1998). In bi<strong>of</strong>ilms, S. aureus aggregates in a<br />

multi-cellular structure which already hinders contact between immune cells and substances with<br />

bacterial cells <strong>by</strong> physical means. Bacterial cells are surrounded <strong>by</strong> a polysaccharide matrix,<br />

composed <strong>of</strong> poly-N-acetylglucosamine (PNAG). The ica operon, which is present in almost all<br />

S. aureus strains although not all <strong>of</strong> them form bi<strong>of</strong>ilms in in vitro assays, encodes the proteins<br />

necessary for PNAG biosynthesis. Its expression is regulated <strong>by</strong> IcaR and TcaR and the<br />

environmental conditions, and SarA and its homologues influence the regulation. Quorum<br />

sensing mechanisms are important in coordination <strong>of</strong> the individual bacterial cell’s gene<br />

expression, which enables the establishment <strong>of</strong> the bi<strong>of</strong>ilm (Fitzpatrick et al. 2005, Grinholc et al.<br />

2007).<br />

For bacteria, the most effective way <strong>of</strong> evading the immune response is to hide inside the <strong>host</strong><br />

cell. Intracellularly, S. aureus can mask its presence <strong>by</strong> changing its phenotype into the so-called<br />

small colony variant (SCV). These variants are characterized <strong>by</strong> physiological adaptation like slow<br />

growth and reduced toxin production, which is caused <strong>by</strong> alterations <strong>of</strong> the electron transport<br />

chain. They contribute to persistence and recurrence <strong>of</strong> staphylococcal infections<br />

(McNamara/Proctor 2000, von Eiff et al. 2006)<br />

Not all staphylococcal strains harbor the information for all virulence factors in their genome,<br />

and they do not necessarily express all virulence factors which are encoded. Virulence factor<br />

expression is limited <strong>by</strong> strict regulation to avoid wasting <strong>of</strong> energy or nutrient resources.<br />

Furthermore, the long list <strong>of</strong> different virulence factors and mechanism underlines the fact that<br />

S. aureus virulence factors are both redundant and multiple in function, with several factors<br />

performing the same or similar function and also one factor harboring several functions<br />

(Gordon RJ/Lowy 2008).<br />


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Mechanisms <strong>of</strong> S. aureus Adaptation to its Environment<br />

For its survival in changing environments, the bacterium needs an adaptive response and thus<br />

an effective regulation <strong>of</strong> all cellular processes including gene expression, protein synthesis, and<br />

turnover allowing adaptation to different conditions. Such regulation not only controls cell<br />

division and metabolism, but also systems for exploiting limited nutrients, adaptation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

composition <strong>of</strong> the cell wall as outer boundary, surface factors like adhesins, and systems<br />

rendering stress resistance and guaranteeing endurance in situations non-favorable for growth or<br />

survival. In bacteria, the regulation <strong>of</strong>ten affects the transcription <strong>of</strong> genes as starting point for<br />

changes in the following levels like protein synthesis. Two-component systems (TCS) mediate the<br />

sensing <strong>of</strong> environmental signals with the sensor component and the adequate reaction with the<br />

response regulator component. An example for such TCS is the agr system. Additionally,<br />

transcription factors like SarA modulate staphylococcal gene expression (Cheung et al. 2004).<br />

Another well-conserved system is the use <strong>of</strong> alternative sigma factors. Transcription in<br />

bacteria is only initiated when the catalytic core complex <strong>of</strong> RNA polymerase, formed <strong>of</strong> the five<br />

subunits α 2 ββ’ω, is associated with a sigma factor recognizing the promoter (-10/-35-region). A<br />

so-called house-keeping sigma factor (in S. aureus: σ A ; Deora/Misra 1995) maintains the baseline<br />

expression <strong>of</strong> a “standard” set <strong>of</strong> genes that is generally needed <strong>by</strong> the cell. Alternative sigmafactors<br />

are activated in specific situations, e. g. after heat shock or salt stress. They recognize a<br />

specific set <strong>of</strong> promoters <strong>of</strong> genes whose function is required to encounter the corresponding<br />

physiological conditions. This set <strong>of</strong> genes includes further transcriptional regulators which<br />

themselves positively or negatively influence the expression <strong>of</strong> genes depending on the need <strong>of</strong><br />

the bacterial cell. S. aureus possesses three alternative sigma factors: σ B , σ H , and − most recently<br />

discovered − σ S (Wu et al. 1996; Morikawa et al. 2003; Shaw et al. 2008). SigB is homologous to<br />

sigB <strong>of</strong> Bacillus subtilis which has been subjected to intensive studies. Despite the similarity <strong>of</strong><br />

sigB in B. subtilis and S. aureus, only half <strong>of</strong> the gene cluster coding for proteins belonging to the<br />

control cascade <strong>of</strong> SigB activation/inactivation (rsbU-rsbV-rsbW-sigB) is conserved in S. aureus. Of<br />

special importance is the gene rsbU, coding for the phosphatase that is the starting point for<br />

activation <strong>of</strong> the alternative sigma factor SigB. After dephosphorylation <strong>by</strong> RsbU the anti-antisigma<br />

factor RsbV becomes active and binds RsbW leading to liberation <strong>of</strong> SigB from its antisigma<br />

factor RsbW. Contrarily to B. subtilis where further rsb gene products are regulators <strong>of</strong><br />

RsbU activity, in S. aureus an increase in RsbU already leads to SigB activation (Senn et al. 2005).<br />

Deletion <strong>of</strong> sigB in S. aureus leads among other things to a loss <strong>of</strong> pigmentation, increased<br />

sedimentation rate and increased sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide in the stationary growth<br />

phase. Different effects are observed on the expression <strong>of</strong> genes and on the abundance <strong>of</strong><br />

proteins. On the one hand some proteins are missing in sigB deletion mutants (e. g. Asp23) that<br />

are directly regulated and transcribed <strong>by</strong> SigB. On the other hand, other proteins have a higher<br />

abundance in the sigB deletion mutants (e. g. lipase, thermonuclease). For such genes a negative<br />

regulation <strong>by</strong> SigB itself or a SigB controlled regulator is basis <strong>of</strong> the regulation observed (Kullik et<br />

al. 1998). Bisch<strong>of</strong>f et al. (2004) propose YabJ, SpoVG, SarA, SarS and ArlRS as regulators possibly<br />

responsible for the indirect SigB effects.<br />

The SigB regulon in S. aureus has some similarities to that <strong>of</strong> B. subtilis, but the main function<br />

to obtain a broad-range stress resistance to the triggering stimulus and in advance also to other<br />

stressors is not conserved in S. aureus. Energy and ethanol stress do not trigger a SigB response<br />

in S. aureus. Nevertheless, some stress conditions such as heat shock, MnCl 2 , NaCl and alkaline<br />


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shock are also effective in activating SigB in S. aureus. The entry into stationary growth phase<br />

additionally leads to the activation <strong>of</strong> the SigB regulon. Only a minor fraction <strong>of</strong> B. subtilis SigB<br />

dependent genes is found as orthologue in S. aureus and vice versa. In an approach to<br />

functionally characterize the SigB regulon <strong>of</strong> S. aureus, physiological aspects like cell envelope<br />

composition, membrane transport processes, and intermediary metabolism emerged as affected<br />

(Pané-Farré et al. 2006).<br />

The SigB regulon contains several virulence associated genes like coa, fnbA, ssaA, clfA, hla,<br />

hlgABC, lip, nuc, and sak. In a general view, a pattern <strong>of</strong> induction <strong>of</strong> cell surface virulence factors<br />

and a repression <strong>of</strong> exoproteins and toxins <strong>by</strong> SigB is recognized. Therefore, SigB effects are<br />

inverse to the effects <strong>of</strong> the active agr system via RNAIII (Bisch<strong>of</strong>f et al. 2004).<br />

Taken together, S. aureus exhibits a complex control <strong>of</strong> its virulence factors that includes<br />

several interlaced pathways <strong>of</strong> central regulators like agr, sarA, and sigB which are interesting<br />

targets for knock-out mutants to be tested in infection models.<br />

Increasing Importance and Danger <strong>of</strong> S. aureus Infections<br />

S. aureus is one <strong>of</strong> the main causes <strong>of</strong> hospital-and community-acquired infections, and its<br />

prevalence and antibiotic resistance have been studied intensively (Diekema et al. 2001, Goto et<br />

al. 2009).<br />

S. aureus as <strong>pathogen</strong> causing infection could be treated for a long time with classical<br />

antibiotics. But the <strong>pathogen</strong> has a potent ability to develop or acquire antibiotic resistances.<br />

With today’s increasing cases <strong>of</strong> antibiotic-resistant staphylococcal strains the question whether<br />

the era <strong>of</strong> untreatable infections has arrived is raised. This accentuated question emphasizes the<br />

recently enhanced importance and danger <strong>of</strong> S. aureus and complementarily, the imparative <strong>of</strong><br />

strict infection control and the importance <strong>of</strong> discovering new antibiotics and vaccination targets<br />

and developing these agents for medical purposes (Livermore 2009).<br />

Staphylococcal strains which are not only resistant to long- and <strong>of</strong>ten-used antibiotics, but<br />

also to those kept as reserve emerged and increase in prevalence in many countries (Livermore<br />

2000, Fig. I.5). This took place for methicillin (methicillin-resistant S. aureus – MRSA; MRSA might<br />

also be used in the context <strong>of</strong> multi-resistant S. aureus) since the 1960s, only some years after<br />

start <strong>of</strong> clinical application, or more recently for vancomycin (vancomycin-resistant<br />

S. aureus − VRSA) after S. aureus strains have obtained the vanA operon from an Enterococcus<br />

spp. transposon on a conjugative plasmid (Péricon/Courvalin 2009). The Staphylococcal Cassette<br />

Chromosome mec (SCCmec), a genetic region which is situated on a mobile genomic island and is<br />

thought to originate from Staphylococcus sciuri (Wu et al. 2001), is responsible for resistance to<br />

methicillin and all other ß-lactam antibiotics. This region exists in form <strong>of</strong> several different types<br />

(I-VIII) and can be used along with protein A typing (spa), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and<br />

pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to distinguish different staphylococcal lineages on a<br />

molecular level (Deurenberg/Stobberingh 2008, Zhang et al. 2009). Staphylococcal resistance to<br />

methicillin is based on different mechanisms. The main form is the expression <strong>of</strong> PBP2a, a nonmethicillin-sensitive<br />

variant <strong>of</strong> the sensitive original penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs). PBPs, <strong>of</strong><br />

which S. aureus owns four types PBP1-4, have essential function in cell wall biosynthesis, where<br />

they are responsible for cross-linking <strong>of</strong> peptide chains in the peptidoglycan and additionally<br />

stretch the glycan part via their transglycosylase activity. Methicillin inhibits PBP’s peptide cross-<br />


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linking. In the presence <strong>of</strong> methicillin, MRSA induce the expression <strong>of</strong> PBP2a from their mecA<br />

gene, and survive antibiotic treatment because PBP2a resumes peptide cross-linking instead <strong>of</strong><br />

the inhibited standard PBPs. Other resistance mechanisms including a methicillin-specific<br />

lactamase (methicillinase) and PBP2 mutations with reduced methicillin binding are discussed<br />

(Chambers 1997, Stapleton/Taylor 2002).<br />

First, hospitals were the primary setting <strong>of</strong> transmission <strong>of</strong> and infection with such strains,<br />

certainly also favored <strong>by</strong> the gathering <strong>of</strong> people who might be regarded as pre-disposed victims<br />

for infection because <strong>of</strong> pre-existing illnesses or poor health state which additionally have<br />

frequent injections and insertions <strong>of</strong> medical devices (Lindsay/Holden 2004).<br />

But nowadays, MRSA has left the hospital as its transmission site and so-called “communityassociated”<br />

MRSA arise. Existence <strong>of</strong> this new group has been published beginning from 1990 for<br />

different countries. Interestingly, hospital-acquired / healthcare-associated (HA) and communityassociated<br />

(CA) MRSA consist <strong>of</strong> distinct strains, although <strong>of</strong> course CA-MRSA can cause<br />

nosocomial infections when transmitted <strong>by</strong> a carrier into hospital.<br />

CA-MRSA strains have characteristics which distinguish them from HA-MRSA. They <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

colonize non-classical niches in the human body and not the nares, and the distribution <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec (SCCmec) types is different between HA- and CA-<br />

MRSA. Additionally, in CA-MRSA a higher frequency <strong>of</strong> Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL)-positive<br />

strains is found, although the PVL virulence factor is not a universal marker for CA-MRSA.<br />

Although the prevalence <strong>of</strong> CA-MRSA in Europe seems to be low, the number is already<br />

increasing and additionally might be underestimated because <strong>of</strong> difficulties in monitoring<br />

(symptom-free non-nasal carriage). Such unrecognized and hidden reservoir <strong>of</strong> MRSA is<br />

challenging with respect to attempts in controlling staphylococcal infectious disease<br />

(Otter/French 2010).<br />

A B C<br />

Fig. I.5: Proportion <strong>of</strong> MRSA isolates in EARSS-participating counties in 1999 (A), 2001 (B), and 2008 (C).<br />

Graphics from European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (EARSS), a european wide network <strong>of</strong> national surveillance<br />

systems, providing reference data on antimicrobial resistance for public health purposes (http://www.rivm.nl/earss/).<br />


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Introduction<br />


Different approaches can be applied to define even more and specific <strong>interactions</strong> between<br />

the <strong>host</strong> and the <strong>pathogen</strong>. Besides classical physiological and microbiological methods, the<br />

modern molecular technologies can considerably help to improve the understanding <strong>of</strong> the<br />

processes acting during encounter <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> and <strong>pathogen</strong> provided that genome sequence<br />

information is available. On the first level, RNA expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling will generate an overview on<br />

the potential changes <strong>of</strong> physiology and metabolism. This approach has the advantage <strong>of</strong><br />

monitoring the whole repertoire <strong>of</strong> the organism using a single analysis method and only one<br />

small sample, because nucleic acid material can be easily amplified <strong>by</strong> laboratory methods.<br />

Whether such changes <strong>of</strong> the RNA messenger really will be substantiated <strong>by</strong> changes on protein<br />

level must be analyzed <strong>by</strong> global or specific proteomic approaches. Here, different methods<br />

address the diverse cellular fractions and can provide a comprehensive impression <strong>of</strong> the<br />

different cellular states referring to protein abundance, but also to protein modification and<br />

subcellular protein localization, which is not accessible with the transcriptomic analysis. A<br />

limitation is in some cases the amount <strong>of</strong> sample material and the bigger effort needed to<br />

perform proteome studies in comparison to transcriptome studies. Results <strong>of</strong> both studies<br />

complement one another. Hence, a combination <strong>of</strong> several different approaches in co-operation<br />

studies is strongly recommended.<br />

Model Systems for Studies <strong>of</strong> Host Reactions Potentially Influencing the<br />

Outcome <strong>of</strong> Infections<br />

Liver gene expression pattern in a mouse psychological stress model<br />

Psychological and physiological stressors can disturb neuroendocrine, immunological,<br />

behavioral, and metabolic functions (Harris et al. 1998, Leibowitz/Wortley 2004, Mizock 1995)<br />

and adaptive physiological processes aim to reconstitute a dynamic equilibrium (McEwen 2004,<br />

Viswanathan/Dhabhar 2005).<br />

In a murine model <strong>of</strong> severe, chronic psychological stress due to 4.5 days <strong>of</strong> intermittent<br />

combined acoustic and restraint stress BALB/c mice developed severe systemic<br />

immunosuppression, neuroendocrinological disturbances and depression-like behavior. Besides<br />

heightened anti-inflammatory cytokine bias, lymphocytopenia, T cell anergy, impaired phagocytic<br />

and oxidative burst responses, increased susceptibility to experimental infection with E. coli,<br />

spontaneous bacterial infiltrations <strong>of</strong> gut commensals into the lung, reduced clearance <strong>of</strong><br />

experimental infections in the long term, attenuation <strong>of</strong> a hyperinflammatory septic shock, and<br />

finally, behavioral and neuroendocrine alterations and a prominent stress-induced loss <strong>of</strong> body<br />

mass without significant changes <strong>of</strong> food and water intake during the observation period became<br />

detectable (Kiank et al. 2006, 2007a, 2007b, 2008).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

Several authors propose chronic stress to be a main feature in the <strong>pathogen</strong>esis <strong>of</strong> the<br />

metabolic syndrome, which is associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes/insulin resistance,<br />

dyslipidemia, and hypertension (Alberti et al. 2009, Kuo et al. 2007, Lambert et al. 2010). On the<br />

other hand, stressors like injury, infection, traumatic events, or prolonged sleep deprivation<br />

capably induce hypercatabolism and, therefore, may cause cachexia (Alberda et al. 2006,<br />

Koban/Swinson 2005, Morley et al. 2006, Vanhorebeek/Van den Berghe 2004, van Waardenburg<br />

et al. 2006, Wilmore 2000, Wray et al. 2002). Such metabolic-driven wasting may result from<br />

pain, depression, or anxiety, causing malabsorption and maldigestion or morphological and<br />

functional alterations <strong>of</strong> the gastrointestinal system and is typically seen during repeated<br />

inflammatory processes or during sepsis (Alberda et al. 2006, Hang et al. 2003, Hansen MB et al.<br />

1998, McGuinness et al. 1995, Morley et al. 2006, van Waardenburg et al. 2006, Wilmore 2000).<br />

In the literature, two main pathways leading to massive loss <strong>of</strong> body mass are discussed: the<br />

response to starvation and the hypermetabolic response. Starvation is induced <strong>by</strong> inadequate<br />

calorie intake and causes the use <strong>of</strong> the body’s own tissue. At first, carbohydrate stores are<br />

emptied for energy production. Secondarily, the body switches to usage <strong>of</strong> lipid and protein<br />

stores for gluconeogenesis. Finally, fatty acids are absorbed into the liver where ketone bodies<br />

are produced that, for example, neurons can use as an energy source to restore functional<br />

homeostasis. In a feedback loop, efferent neurons signal to the periphery so that<br />

gluconeogenesis is lowered, and protein breakdown is diminished that causes adaptation to<br />

starvation. The supply for basal energy production then comes from the calories <strong>of</strong> adipose<br />

stores (Alberda et al. 2006, Morley et al. 2006).<br />

In contrast, a hypermetabolic response that is <strong>of</strong>ten seen during critical illness is<br />

predominantly mediated <strong>by</strong> hormones and inflammatory mediators. As during the initial phase <strong>of</strong><br />

starvation, gluconeogenesis is accelerated <strong>by</strong> usage <strong>of</strong> lipids and amino acids. Protein breakdown<br />

is massively increased due to glucagon and glucocorticoid effects, and can be accelerated <strong>by</strong><br />

proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF. Amino acids, along with fatty acids and glycerol, are used<br />

for gluconeogenesis in the liver, causing hyperglycemia. This process is mainly mediated <strong>by</strong><br />

catecholamines and corticosteroids, and finally results in a rapid loss <strong>of</strong> lean body mass without<br />

sufficient metabolic adaptation to diminish tissue breakdown (Costelli et al. 1993, Goodman<br />

1991, Harris et al. 1998, Lang et al. 1984, McGuinness et al. 1999, Mizock 1995, Morley et al.<br />

2006, Wilmore 2000, Vanhorebeek/Van den Berghe 2004, van Waardenburg et al. 2006, Weekers<br />

et al. 2002, Wray et al. 2002).<br />

To investigate primary causes for the severe loss <strong>of</strong> body mass in chronically stressed mice,<br />

gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> the liver, which plays the major role in metabolism, were analyzed.<br />

Based on documented changes <strong>of</strong> the expression pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> hepatic genes involved in<br />

carbohydrate, lipid, and amino acid metabolism, a <strong>characterization</strong> <strong>of</strong> metabolic disturbances<br />

was started and biologically relevant alterations <strong>of</strong> glucose metabolism, dyslipidemia, and<br />

changes in amino acid turnover in repeatedly stressed BALB/c mice were found which revealed a<br />

chronic stress-induced hypermetabolic syndrome (Depke et al. 2008).<br />

The liver fulfills an important function as a gatekeeper between the intestinal tract and the<br />

general circulation (Dietrich et al. 2003). Thus, the influence <strong>of</strong> psychological stress on immune<br />

regulatory processes in the liver was additionally investigated in the gene expression data set.<br />

Veins drain the intestinal tract and then segment to secondary capillary beds in the liver<br />

where the removal and metabolism <strong>of</strong> absorbed nutrients or toxic substances takes place. Food<br />

antigens and products <strong>of</strong> commensal bacteria are abundantly detectable in the portal vein and<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

are effectively cleared <strong>by</strong> Kupffer cells and sinusoidal endothelial cells (Limmer et al. 2000,<br />

Maemura et al. 2005, van Oosten et al. 2001).<br />

Physiologically, there is no detectable intrahepatic immune activation in response to the low<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> microbial agent and food antigens derived from the gut because <strong>of</strong> a tolerogenic<br />

environment (Limmer et al. 2000, Macpherson et al. 2002). However, when the antigenic<br />

challenge is increased, an inflammatory response with a recruitment <strong>of</strong> neutrophils,<br />

monocytes/macrophages, and lymphocytes may be induced (Wiegard et al. 2005). Then, an<br />

increased production <strong>of</strong> inflammatory mediators such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) may<br />

cause cell damage and loss <strong>of</strong> hepatocyte functions (Ott et al. 2007).<br />

To elucidate hepatic immune regulatory pathways that may contribute to chronic<br />

psychological stress-induced immune suppression, the hepatic gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling was<br />

used to analyze expression changes <strong>of</strong> immune response and cell survival genes in stressed and<br />

non-stressed mice (Depke et al. 2009).<br />

Gene expression pattern <strong>of</strong> bone-marrow derived macrophages after interferon-gamma<br />

activation<br />

In the innate immune system, macrophages, together with dendritic cells, hold a central<br />

position. They are main effectors <strong>of</strong> the clearance <strong>of</strong> infections <strong>by</strong> their sentinel and phagocytic<br />

function. Macrophages present phagocytosed antigen derived peptides on MHC-II to<br />

lymphocytes. By this function, macrophages take part in regulation <strong>of</strong> the adaptive immune<br />

response (Gordon S 2007). Phagocytosis is mediated <strong>by</strong> different receptors like complement<br />

receptors, mannose receptor or via the interaction between lipopolysaccharide (LPS), LPS-binding<br />

protein (LBP), CD14, and Toll-like receptor TLR (Janeway/Medzhitov 2002, Greenberg/Grinstein<br />

2002). Upon binding <strong>of</strong> ligands to TLR, macrophages secrete chemokines like CXCL8, CXCL10,<br />

CCL3, CCL4, and CCL5, which mediate chemotaxis <strong>of</strong> neutrophils, NK cells, and T cells (Luster<br />

2002). Additionally, pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-α and IL-1 secreted <strong>by</strong> macrophages<br />

further contribute to inflammation. Macrophages promote extracellular matrix degradation <strong>by</strong><br />

their matrix metalloproteinases, MMPs (Gibbs et al. 1999a, 1999b). They exhibit increased killing<br />

activity towards phagocytosed <strong>pathogen</strong>s during respiratory burst, which is among others<br />

mediated <strong>by</strong> toxic, reactive defense molecules like NO and O –<br />

2 produced <strong>by</strong> inducible NO<br />

synthase (iNOS) and NADPH oxidase, respectively (DeLeo et al. 1999, Iles/Forman 2002, Kantari<br />

et al. 2008, MacMicking et al. 1997, Mori/Gotoh 2004, Park JB 2003). This macrophage<br />

phenotype corresponds to the classical activation and initiates primarily a Th1-based immune<br />

response (Fig. I.6). Vice versa, IFN-γ as part <strong>of</strong> the Th1 cytokine pattern provokes such classical<br />

activation (Duffield 2003).<br />

After a phase <strong>of</strong> inflammatory activation and phagocytosis <strong>of</strong> apoptotic cells at the site <strong>of</strong><br />

inflammation, macrophages are able to switch their functional pr<strong>of</strong>ile now aiming to reduce<br />

inflammation <strong>by</strong> anti-inflammatory cytokines, stop matrix degradation and even assist healing <strong>by</strong><br />

production <strong>of</strong> fibronectin and tissue transglutaminase. A similar phenotyp with reduced<br />

intracellular killing <strong>of</strong> <strong>pathogen</strong>s is observed after activation <strong>by</strong> Th2 cytokines like IL-4 and TGF-β.<br />

Activation leading to this phenotype is called “alternative” (Duffield 2003). Macrophages can be<br />

activated in a third way, called type II activation. This activation needs ligand binding to Fcγ<br />

receptors in combination with an activating stimulus like that mediated <strong>by</strong> TLRs. Afterwards, the<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

phenotype <strong>of</strong> macrophages changes from production <strong>of</strong> IL-12 to IL-10 production, whereas TNFα,<br />

IL-1, and IL-6 are still secreted (Mosser 2003). Type II activation initiates a Th2-based immune<br />

response. There is experimental evidence that the phenotype <strong>of</strong> macrophages is primarily<br />

determined <strong>by</strong> the first cytokine type to which they are subjected (Erwig et al. 1998).<br />

A naïve macrophage can react to activation stimuli. Nevertheless, when the macrophage<br />

received a priming signal in advance, it had the possibility to prepare for the potentially following<br />

second stimulus <strong>by</strong> transcriptional regulation and is able to react stronger and faster to<br />

activation. Low-dose IFN-γ is the most important macrophage priming signal. Primed<br />

macrophages are not activated yet and do not secrete proinflammatory cytokines. This occurs in<br />

classical activation after a second signal like IFN-γ or LPS, peptidoglycan, and others (Dalton et al.<br />

1993, Huang et al. 1993, Ma J et al. 2003, Mosser 2003).<br />

Fig. I.6: Inducers and selected functional properties <strong>of</strong> different polarized macrophage populations.<br />

Abbreviations: DTH – delayed-type hypersensitivity; IC – immune complexes; IFN-γ – interferon-γ; iNOS – inducible nitric oxide<br />

synthase; LPS – lipopolysaccharide; MR – mannose receptor; PTX3 – the long pentraxin PTX3; RNI – reactive nitrogen intermediates;<br />

ROI – reactive oxygen intermediates; SLAM – signaling lymphocytic activation molecule; SRs – scavenger receptors; TLR – Toll-like<br />

receptor.<br />

From: Mantovani et al. 2004.<br />

Studies aiming to analyze the reaction in general and more specific the gene expression<br />

pattern <strong>of</strong> macrophages are impaired <strong>by</strong> the influence <strong>of</strong> immunological factors on the mature<br />

macrophages which can be prepared from animal organs, even under highly standardized<br />

laboratory conditions. This problem can be circumvented when using bone-marrow derived<br />

macrophages (BMM). Bone marrow stem cells are prepared from the animal and cultivated<br />

in vitro for proliferation and differentiation. Under the influence <strong>of</strong> granulocyte-macrophage<br />

colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) cells differentiate into macrophages, which have the<br />

advantage <strong>of</strong> having never received any in vivo stimulus or immunological conditioning that<br />

might influence their cellular reaction.<br />

Until recently, further uncontrollable influences on macrophage or BMM experiments were<br />

introduced <strong>by</strong> the utilization <strong>of</strong> serum-supplemented culture medium. Serum contains immune<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

cell stimulating substances like cytokines, hormones or endotoxin, and to worsen the problem,<br />

these substances might vary not only between the sera from different vendors but also between<br />

batches <strong>of</strong> serum from the same manufacturer. To overcome such sources <strong>of</strong> experimental<br />

variation, Eske et al. introduced in 2009 serum-free culture conditions for BMM. Standard cell<br />

culture medium RPMI 1640 was supplemented with a defined mixture <strong>of</strong> proteins, hormones,<br />

and other compounds. Differentiation <strong>of</strong> stem cells with recombinant murine GM-CSF yielded<br />

BMM expressing macrophage markers F4/80, CD11b, CD11c, MOMA-2, and CD13 after 10 days <strong>of</strong><br />

cultivation, and further characteristics <strong>of</strong> BMM differentiated in serum-containing medium were<br />

additionally retained (Eske et al. 2009).<br />

Host-<strong>pathogen</strong> interaction experiments have revealed differences in reactions <strong>of</strong> BMM<br />

derived from BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice when confronted with Burkholderia pseudomallei<br />

especially after IFN-γ stimulation and at higher multiplicities <strong>of</strong> infection (MOI). Also other<br />

infection studies uncovered differences between these two mouse strains in vivo and in vitro<br />

(Breitbach et al. 2006, Autenrieth et al. 1994, van Erp et al. 2006). The mouse strains BALB/c and<br />

C57BL/6 are characterized <strong>by</strong> a Th2 and Th1 centered type <strong>of</strong> immune response, respectively.<br />

Accordingly and possibly causatively, the main type <strong>of</strong> macrophage activation differs between the<br />

strains, with BALB/c preponderating the alternative macrophage activation pattern and C57BL/6<br />

prevailing classical activation (Mills et al. 2000).<br />

Against the background <strong>of</strong> genetic influences on the BMM reactions, a combined proteome<br />

(Dinh Hoang Dang Khoa) and transcriptome (Maren Depke) study was initiated. In a first<br />

experiment, BALB/c and C57BL/6 BMM were stimulated with IFN-γ to specify on a molecular level<br />

the reaction to the priming signal IFN-γ as basic principle. Furthermore, the study aimed to<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>ile potential differences <strong>of</strong> reaction between the BMM <strong>of</strong> both mouse strains.<br />

Model Systems for Studies <strong>of</strong> Host-Pathogen Interactions<br />

S. aureus strain RN1HG<br />

The genetic background <strong>of</strong> different S. aureus strains influences the reaction <strong>of</strong> the bacterium<br />

to experimental conditions. Therefore, the strain for experimental analysis must be chosen<br />

carefully because not all observations can be transferred from one to another S. aureus strain.<br />

The number <strong>of</strong> strains available for studies <strong>of</strong> S. aureus has grown recently when the group <strong>of</strong><br />

Friedrich Götz (Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial Genetics, Eberhards-Karls University <strong>of</strong> Tübingen,<br />

Germany) provided a rsbU + repaired RN1-derivative strain called RN1HG(001) and later tcaR + and<br />

rsbU + tcaR + repaired RN1-derivative strains to the scientific community (Herbert et al. 2010). The<br />

parental strain RN1 (NCTC8325) has already been widely used as model organism for diverse<br />

studies on staphylococcal physiology. On the other hand its defect in the important regulator<br />

rsbU was known (Kullik/Giachino 1997), which resulted in compromised conclusions from studies<br />

addressing the regulation <strong>of</strong> virulence factors (Giachino et al. 2001). Therefore, strain RN1HG in<br />

which the mutation in the regulatory gene rsbU has been complemented has been chosen in the<br />

experimental setup <strong>of</strong> the studies described in this thesis.<br />


infection rate<br />

cfu / organ<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

Kidney gene expression pattern in an in vivo infection model<br />

S. aureus can be transmitted to the blood after body injury or <strong>by</strong> medical devices like<br />

catheters. An elementary model to mimic blood stream infection is the intra-venous infection <strong>of</strong><br />

laboratory animals, e. g. mice. Host reactions can be monitored <strong>by</strong> physiological, immunological<br />

or molecular readout systems. In this study, transcriptome analysis was applied.<br />

Strongest accumulation <strong>of</strong> S. aureus after i. v. infection <strong>of</strong> mice is observed in kidneys, which is<br />

also accompanied <strong>by</strong> bacterial proliferation in the time course <strong>of</strong> infection (Fig. I.7, data courtesy<br />

<strong>of</strong> Tina Schäfer). Thus, this organ was chosen for <strong>host</strong> gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling.<br />

Fig. I.7:<br />

Accumulation and bacterial proliferation <strong>of</strong> S. aureus<br />

Xen29 in murine kidney tissue after i. v. infection.<br />

Female BALB/c mice were infected with 1.0E+08 cfu<br />

via the tail vein. Data represent median and<br />

interquartile range <strong>of</strong> n = 3 experiments.<br />

Data courtesy <strong>of</strong> Tina Schäfer, Würzburg.<br />

1.0E+09<br />

1.0E+08<br />

1.0E+07<br />

1.0E+06<br />

1.0E+05<br />

1.0E+04<br />

1.0E+03<br />

1.0E+02<br />

1.0E+01<br />

0.25 24 48 72<br />

time post infection / h<br />

Although the virulence <strong>of</strong> sigB deficient strains is <strong>of</strong>ten reported to be similar to that <strong>of</strong> wild<br />

type strains the <strong>pathogen</strong>esis or pathomechanism <strong>of</strong> infection might be different. Therefore, the<br />

rationale <strong>of</strong> this study was to investigate whether the deletion <strong>of</strong> sigB will lead to a different<br />

reaction <strong>of</strong> the infected <strong>host</strong>.<br />

Host cell and <strong>pathogen</strong> gene expression pattern in an in vitro infection model<br />

While S. aureus colonizes humans in the anterior nares, it can be cause <strong>of</strong> pneumonia when<br />

transferred to the lung e. g. <strong>by</strong> aspiration or medical devices. In a longitudinal study with more<br />

than 10000 patients in Japan, S. aureus was identified as one <strong>of</strong> the leading causative organisms<br />

<strong>of</strong> pneumonia besides Streptococcus pneumonia and Haemophilus influenzae (Goto et al. 2009).<br />

Here, different cell types first encounter the <strong>pathogen</strong>: Cells associated with structural and<br />

functional aspects <strong>of</strong> lung and “guardian” cells <strong>of</strong> the immune system, e. g. alveolar macrophages.<br />

Epithelial cells form the inner surface <strong>of</strong> the lung. Cilial epithelial cells transport mucus out <strong>of</strong> the<br />

organ. The mucus is produced in the lower bronchia and alveoli <strong>by</strong> type II pneumocytes and<br />

functions as surfactant to reduce surface tension and as protective film to remove inhaled<br />

particles and <strong>pathogen</strong>s. Adjacent type I pneumocytes take part in oxygen exchange <strong>of</strong> the air<br />

with the blood.<br />

A model to study reactions <strong>of</strong> epithelial cells to <strong>pathogen</strong>s is the human bronchial epithelial<br />

cell line S9. S9 cells originate from the IB3-1 cell line, which was established about 20 years ago<br />

from a male, white cystic fibrosis (CF) patient’s bronchial epithelial cells after transformation with<br />

adeno-12-SV40 virus (Zeitlin et al. 1991). This cell line contains the non-functional chloride<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

channel CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator), which has been repaired in<br />

the S9 cell line <strong>by</strong> viral transfection with the wild-type gene (American Type Culture Collection<br />

ATCC, Manassas, VA, USA; www.atcc.org; S9 cell ATCC number CRL-2778).<br />

In vitro infection models can be accomplished <strong>by</strong> addition <strong>of</strong> three main types <strong>of</strong> bacterial<br />

supplement: 1) supernatant <strong>of</strong> bacterial cultures containing secreted proteins or virulence<br />

factors, 2) PBS-washed bacterial cells which bring only their membrane-bound and intracellular<br />

factors into the infection experiment, and 3) complete bacterial culture with both secreted<br />

proteins from supernatant and whole bacterial cells. This last option is nearest to the in vivo<br />

situation when the <strong>pathogen</strong> is able to influence its <strong>host</strong> with secreted factors. On the other<br />

hand, the established bacterial culture media, which are <strong>of</strong>ten lysates <strong>of</strong> protein-rich raw<br />

material (e. g. tryptic soy broth TSB), are highly artificial with reference to in vivo models or even<br />

to eukaryotic cell culture. Therefore, a medium was developed that allows bacterial growth but<br />

additionally has similarity to eukaryotic cell culture media (Schmidt et al. 2010). The authors<br />

describe the use <strong>of</strong> eukaryotic cell culture medium MEM supplemented with different amino<br />

acids, but without addition <strong>of</strong> serum. This new experimental system permits the study <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong><strong>pathogen</strong><br />

<strong>interactions</strong> in the context <strong>of</strong> all bacterial factors, membrane-bound and secreted, and<br />

additionally prevents effects on bacterial physiology <strong>by</strong> prolonged handling, centrifugation, and<br />

washing <strong>of</strong> bacteria.<br />

Here, exponential growth phase bacterial cultures were used to infect confluent S9 cell<br />

cultures. The strain S. aureus RN1HG has been chosen for a first insight into the molecular<br />

reactions in this model. RN1HG is a rsbU + repaired RN1-derivative strain (Herbert et al. 2010) with<br />

a SigB-positive phenotype.<br />

In a combined approach <strong>of</strong> transcriptome (Maren Depke) and proteome (Melanie Gutjahr)<br />

analysis the <strong>host</strong> reaction to infection and bacterial internalization was recorded. But not only<br />

stood the <strong>host</strong> cell in the focus <strong>of</strong> studies, but also the bacterium. In a similar experimental setup,<br />

internalized staphylococci were extracted from their S9 <strong>host</strong> cells and the bacterial RNA pr<strong>of</strong>ile<br />

was recorded using a tiling array approach (Maren Depke). Bacterial intracellular proteins were<br />

monitored and quantified after stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture, SILAC<br />

(Sandra Scharf).<br />

Questions and Aims <strong>of</strong> the Studies Described in this Thesis<br />

This thesis contains results from transcriptome studies on different aspects <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong>-<strong>pathogen</strong><br />

<strong>interactions</strong>. First, liver gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iles from a murine chronic stress model served to<br />

elucidate aspects <strong>of</strong> the influence <strong>of</strong> stress on the metabolism and the immune response state <strong>of</strong><br />

the animals. In the experiments for this study, the in vivo model <strong>of</strong> psychological stress in a<br />

complex mammalian <strong>host</strong> was performed without additional influences <strong>of</strong> a <strong>pathogen</strong>. Such<br />

influence was introduced in the second study: Here, the influence <strong>of</strong> staphylococcal i. v. infection<br />

on the <strong>host</strong> kidney gene expression was analyzed in another murine in vivo model using a wild<br />

type S. aureus strain and its isogenic sigB mutant. Tissue expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling from in vivo models<br />

has the advantage <strong>of</strong> directly recording the relevant physiological state with all its complex<br />

<strong>interactions</strong> and influences and its vicinity to medical questions in the human. Nevertheless, it is<br />

very difficult to distinguish the different components because the tissue samples are always a<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Introduction<br />

mixture <strong>of</strong> different cell types which might even feature contrary reactions. Therefore, in vitro<br />

models were additionally analyzed in which only one defined <strong>host</strong> cell type was studied.<br />

Macrophages are an example for an immune cell type involved in the first steps <strong>of</strong> the encounter<br />

between the <strong>host</strong> and a <strong>pathogen</strong>. A model to study reactions <strong>of</strong> macrophages is the preparation<br />

<strong>of</strong> bone marrow stem cells and the in vitro differentiation <strong>of</strong> the stem cells into so-called bonemarrow<br />

derived macrophages (BMM). The advantage <strong>of</strong> this approach is that these macrophages<br />

have never been under any immunological influence which might result from the immune status<br />

<strong>of</strong> the animal even under standardized laboratory conditions. Thus, the third part <strong>of</strong> this thesis<br />

focuses on the reaction <strong>of</strong> BMM. BMM <strong>of</strong> different mouse strains were treated with IFN-γ, a<br />

modulator <strong>of</strong> macrophage function which is one <strong>of</strong> the first signals during initiation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

immune response in vivo. But not only immune cells or specially phagocytes get in touch with<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong>s, but also cells responsible for functional and structural integrity <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> organs and<br />

tissue, like epithelial and endothelial cells. Such cells are actually part <strong>of</strong> the first line <strong>of</strong><br />

recognition and reaction to a <strong>pathogen</strong>ic invasion into the <strong>host</strong>. The bronchial epithelial cell line<br />

S9 was used as an in vitro model system for the infection with staphylococci. The fourth chapter<br />

in this thesis includes <strong>host</strong> gene expression signatures <strong>of</strong> S9 cell after in vitro infection with<br />

S. aureus RN1HG. Finally, the following chapter addresses the <strong>pathogen</strong> expression pr<strong>of</strong>ile which<br />

was first recorded from agitated, aerobic S. aureus RN1HG cultures in different growth phases as<br />

a starting and reference point. Afterwards, the already described S9 cell in vitro infection model<br />

was used to extract staphylococci after an internalization phase inside the <strong>host</strong> cell. Internalized<br />

bacteria were analyzed at two time points in comparison to different control samples <strong>by</strong> tiling<br />

array gene expression analysis.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

M A T E R I A L A N D M E T H O D S<br />



Animal experiments [performed <strong>by</strong> Cornelia Kiank]<br />

Female BALB/c mice aged 6 to 8 weeks were randomly grouped into the experimental and<br />

control groups starting at least 4 weeks before being used in experiments. The group size in<br />

different experiments differed from 6 to 12 mice per cage. Animals stayed in their group until the<br />

end <strong>of</strong> the experiments and were not mixed up to avoid social stress. All animals were<br />

maintained with sterilized food (ssniff R−Z; ssniff Spezialdiäten GmbH, Soest, Germany) and tap<br />

water ad libitum for adaptation under minimal stress conditions. Influences <strong>of</strong> irregularities <strong>of</strong><br />

the estrous cycles <strong>of</strong> unisexually grouped female mice were not analyzed selectively and may<br />

cause higher SD values in the statistical analyses.<br />

Animal rooms had a 12 h light, 12 h dark cycle and were maintained at a constant<br />

environment before the experiment. To avoid any additional effect, e. g. acoustic or olfactory<br />

effects, the handling <strong>of</strong> mice during the adaptation period and during the experiments was<br />

restricted to one investigator. All animal procedures were performed as approved <strong>by</strong> the Ethics<br />

Committee for Animal Care <strong>of</strong> Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.<br />

Repeated stress model [performed <strong>by</strong> Cornelia Kiank]<br />

Mice were exposed to combined acoustic and restraint stress on 4 successive days, for 2 h<br />

twice a day during the physiological recovery phase <strong>of</strong> rodents (0800–1000 and 1600–1800 h). On<br />

day 5, only one stress session was performed in the morning. For immobilization mice were<br />

placed in 50 ml conical centrifuge tubes with multiple ventilation holes without penning the tail.<br />

Acoustic stress was induced <strong>by</strong> a randomized ultrasound emission device between 19 kHz and<br />

25 kHz with 0 dB to 35 dB waves in attacks (patent no. 109977; SiXiS, Taipei, Taiwan), allowing<br />

the mice no adaptation to the stressor. Between the stress sessions, mice stayed in their home<br />

cages and had free access to food and tap water. Control mice were kept isolated from stressed<br />

animals during the 4.5 days stress exposure to avoid any acoustic or olfactory communication<br />

between the groups. Therefore, the nonstressed group stayed in the incubator where the<br />

animals were adapted. The stressed mice remained outside the incubator in the same animal<br />

laboratory during the whole period <strong>of</strong> the stress model. All successive experiments and analyses<br />

were performed starting at 1000 h after the ninth stress exposure. Different in vivo analyses were<br />

performed with 6 to 12 mice per group in at least two experiments according to the experimental<br />

protocol to ensure reproducibility. For array analysis two independent stress experiments were<br />

performed with nine mice per group (first experiment) and eight mice per group (second<br />

experiment).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

Acute stress model [performed <strong>by</strong> Cornelia Kiank]<br />

Mice were exposed to a single 2 h combined acoustic and restraint stress cycle in the morning<br />

(0800–1000 h). In vivo analyses were performed immediately after or 6 h after the stress session<br />

with six to nine mice per group. Two acute stress experiments for array analysis were composed<br />

<strong>of</strong> eight animals for each control group, and nine animals per stress group in the first and eight<br />

animals per stress group in the second experiment.<br />

Organ harvesting for RNA preparation [Cornelia Kiank / Maren Depke]<br />

Mice were killed <strong>by</strong> cervical dislocation, and organs were removed immediately to avoid RNA<br />

degradation. For liver samples, a small piece <strong>of</strong> tissue was immediately homogenized with a<br />

micropestle in 350 µl Buffer RLT / 1 % β-mercaptoethanol (QIAGEN GmbH, Hilden, Germany /<br />

Sigma-Aldrich Chemie GmbH, München, Germany). The liver lysates were shock frozen in liquid<br />

nitrogen. All samples were stored at −70°C.<br />

RNA preparation<br />

Liver sample lysates were thawed and processed at room temperature for RNA preparation<br />

with the RNeasy Mini Kit (QIAGEN GmbH, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s<br />

instructions. After ethanol precipitation, the RNA was quantified spectrophotometrically, and its<br />

quality was verified using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer and RNA Nano Chips (Agilent Technologies<br />

Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA).<br />

DNA array analysis using Affymetrix expression arrays<br />

Pools containing equal amounts <strong>of</strong> RNA from each individual animal were prepared for each<br />

group and used for subsequent microarray analysis. Five micrograms <strong>of</strong> pooled total RNA were<br />

used for the synthesis <strong>of</strong> double-stranded cDNA, and this solution then served as a template for<br />

an in vitro-transcription reaction using GeneChip Expression 3’ Amplification Reagents<br />

(Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. After spincolumn<br />

based cleanup, concentration and quality <strong>of</strong> cRNA were measured as described above.<br />

cRNA was fragmented, added to the hybridization cocktail, denatured, and hybridized with<br />

Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Expression Arrays 430A/430A 2.0 according to the manufacturer’s<br />

instructions.<br />

Washing, staining, and scanning were performed using Affymetrix GeneChip FluidicsStation<br />

and scanners according to standard protocols.<br />

Data analysis for Affymetrix expression arrays<br />

The Affymetrix expression analysis was performed for the livers <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed and<br />

healthy control mice with technical duplicates <strong>of</strong> two independent biological experimental series<br />

each. For the analysis <strong>of</strong> the effects <strong>of</strong> acute stress, array hybridizations were also performed <strong>of</strong><br />

two independent biological experiments for both groups (control and acute stress). Affymetrix<br />

array image data generated with MAS 5.0 (repeated stress) were analyzed using the GeneChip<br />

Operating S<strong>of</strong>tware 1.2 (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA) with default values for parameter<br />

settings. For normalization, a scaling procedure with a target value <strong>of</strong> 150 was used. Image data<br />

<strong>of</strong> the acute stress experiment were directly analyzed in GeneChip Operating S<strong>of</strong>tware 1.4 with<br />

default settings and normalized <strong>by</strong> scaling to the target value 500. After data transfer to the<br />

GeneSpring s<strong>of</strong>tware package (Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA), genes displaying<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

differential regulation in response to repeated and acute stress were identified based on the<br />

following criteria: 1) the signal <strong>of</strong> probe sets had to be present in the arrays at least in the control<br />

(for repressed genes) or in stressed mice (for induced genes) in both biological experiments,<br />

2) the difference <strong>of</strong> mean signals between control and stressed mice had to equal or exceed 100,<br />

and 3) the fold change factors calculated from the signal values in each experimental replicate<br />

had to exceed a cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> more than or equal to 1.5 or less than or equal to −1.5 in both biological<br />

experiments.<br />

Functional analysis <strong>of</strong> gene expression data using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis<br />

For data interpretation in the context <strong>of</strong> metabolism, lists <strong>of</strong> probe sets displaying differential<br />

regulation in both acute and repeated stress, or specifically after acute or repeated stress were<br />

uploaded as Excel spreadsheets (Micros<strong>of</strong>t Corp., Redmond, WA, USA) into the Ingenuity<br />

Pathway Analysis (IPA) Version 5.5 (Ingenuity Systems, Inc., Redwood City, CA, USA;<br />

http://www.ingenuity.com) and used for the interpretation <strong>of</strong> the array data in the context <strong>of</strong><br />

already published knowledge. Biological functions were assigned to the networks based on the<br />

content <strong>of</strong> the Ingenuity Pathway Knowledge Base. Complete hepatic gene expression data <strong>of</strong><br />

stressed and nonstressed mice are available at the NCBIs Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO,<br />

http://www.ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/geo/) database and are accessible through GEO Series accession<br />

no. GSE11126.<br />

For functional analysis in the context <strong>of</strong> immune response and apoptosis-associated genes,<br />

lists <strong>of</strong> differentially regulated probe sets were uploaded as Excel spreadsheets into the Ingenuity<br />

Pathway Analysis tool (IPA 6, www.ingenuity.com). In order to compare effects <strong>of</strong> acute and<br />

chronic stress, two groups <strong>of</strong> genes were included: (1) genes displaying differential regulation<br />

after acute stress and (2) genes differentially regulated after chronic stress. IPA combined the<br />

uploaded Affymetrix probe set IDs and assigned annotations depending on the content <strong>of</strong> the socalled<br />

Ingenuity Pathway Knowledge Base (IPKB). The IPKB was used to get further insight into<br />

the relation <strong>of</strong> differentially regulated genes and immunological functions. Searches for relevant<br />

keywords and meaningful combinations <strong>of</strong> keywords resulted in lists linked to the functions in<br />

focus. IPA also <strong>of</strong>fers the association <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes with canonical pathways,<br />

which can be rated <strong>by</strong> a corresponding p-value. This approach was used to depict functional<br />

aspects <strong>of</strong> differential gene expression.<br />

Real-time PCR<br />

DNA was removed <strong>by</strong> DNase treatment, and subsequent to purification using a RNeasy Micro<br />

Kit (QIAGEN GmbH, Hilden, Germany) and ethanol precipitation, concentration and quality <strong>of</strong><br />

RNA samples were assayed as described above. Validation <strong>of</strong> expression data <strong>by</strong> real-time PCR<br />

was separately performed for all individual RNA preparations (n = 9 plus n = 8 mice per group) <strong>of</strong><br />

the two biological experiments with repeated stress exposure. For real-time PCR analysis, 1 µg<br />

RNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA using the High Capacity cDNA Archive Kit in the presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> SUPERase•In RNase inhibitor (Ambion/Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). Twenty<br />

nanograms <strong>of</strong> cDNA served as a template for real-time PCR using the following 20x TaqMan Gene<br />

Expression Assays (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA): Asl (Mm00467107_m1), Srebf1<br />

(Mm00550338_m1), Pck1 (Mm00440636_m1), Gadd45b (Mm00435123_m1), Sds<br />

(Mm00455126_m1), and Actb (Mm00607939_s1). Differential regulation in repeatedly stressed<br />

and control mice was confirmed <strong>by</strong> comparing the ΔCt values (Ct value <strong>of</strong> the target<br />

gene − Ct value <strong>of</strong> the reference gene Actb in identical cDNA samples) <strong>of</strong> all control mice and<br />

repeatedly stressed mice with a Mann-Whitney U test, requiring a p-value <strong>of</strong> less than or equal to<br />

0.05.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />



In vivo infection model, organ harvesting, and group size [performed <strong>by</strong> Tina Schäfer]<br />

Female BALB/c mice (Charles River, Sulzfeld, Germany) were infected i. v. with 5.0E+07 colony<br />

forming units (cfu; first biological replicate, BR1) and 7.0E+07 cfu (second biological replicate,<br />

BR2) S. aureus RN1HG or 5.0E+07 cfu (first biological replicate) and 8.0E+07 cfu (second biological<br />

replicate) <strong>of</strong> its isogenic sigB mutant S. aureus RN1HG ΔsigB. The third group in this study<br />

comprised sham-infected mice which received an injection <strong>of</strong> 100 µl physiological saline solution<br />

(performed only in the second biological replicate <strong>of</strong> the experiment). After 4 days (first biological<br />

replicate) or 5 days (second biological replicate) mice were sacrificed and kidneys were explanted<br />

immediately afterwards, flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80°C.<br />

Each <strong>of</strong> the three experimental groups was comprised <strong>of</strong> 5 independent samples per biological<br />

replicate (originating from kidneys <strong>of</strong> 5 mice) except for the group <strong>of</strong> infection with S. aureus<br />

RN1HG in the first biological replicate, which only consisted <strong>of</strong> 4 samples. In total, 24 samples<br />

were analyzed in this study.<br />

Tissue disruption<br />

In constant submersion in liquid nitrogen in a mortar, both kidneys <strong>of</strong> the mice were ground<br />

into very small pieces, but not into powder. By this means it was possible to yield a homogenous<br />

tissue mix which allowed accurate estimation <strong>of</strong> infection rate. As the tissue was not completely<br />

disrupted into powder, it was still possible to handle the frozen tissue mix e. g. during aliquoting<br />

without the risk <strong>of</strong> sample thawing.<br />

DNA preparation<br />

Small aliquots <strong>of</strong> disrupted tissue were added to Lysing Matrix D tubes (MP Biomedicals,<br />

Solon, OH, USA) which contain 1.4 mm diameter ceramic spheres. Tissue was completely<br />

disrupted in 190 µl <strong>of</strong> 42 mM EDTA using a FastPrep FP120 (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.,<br />

Waltham, MA, USA) at level 6.5 for 20 s. After short cooling on ice, samples were digested with<br />

250 µg/µl lysostaphin (AMBI PRODUCTS LLC, Lawrence, NY, USA) for 45 min at 37°C to ensure<br />

complete lysis <strong>of</strong> staphylococci in the infected tissue. The following DNA preparation employed<br />

the Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kit (Promega Corp., Madison, WI, USA) with minor<br />

modifications to the manufacturer’s protocol. The tissue lysate (200 µl) was mixed with 830 µl <strong>of</strong><br />

Nuclei Lysis Solution (Promega) and incubated for 5 min at 80°C. Subsequently, samples were<br />

cooled for 5 min on ice and digested with 19.4 ng/µl RNase A (Promega) for 30 min at 37°C.<br />

Samples were again cooled on ice for 5 min and afterwards processed at room temperature.<br />

Lysates were transferred to new 1.5-ml-tubes, 345 µl <strong>of</strong> Protein Precipitation Solution were<br />

added, samples were vortexed for 20 s and protein was precipitated for 10 min on ice. The<br />

solution was cleared <strong>by</strong> two centrifugation steps at 20000 x g for 4 min (room temperature). The<br />

final clear supernatant was divided into two aliquots <strong>of</strong> 620 µl each and the DNA was precipitated<br />

<strong>by</strong> addition <strong>of</strong> 470 µl <strong>of</strong> isopropanol (2-propanol) and mixing <strong>by</strong> gentle inversion. After<br />

centrifugation for 2 min at 16000 x g (room temperature) the DNA pellet was washed with 600 µl<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

<strong>of</strong> 70 % ethanol, air dried for approximately 2 min and solved over night at 4°C in DNA<br />

Rehydration Solution (Promega, 10 mM Tris/HCl pH 7.4, 1 mM EDTA pH 8.0; 50 µl / pellet). Both<br />

aliquots <strong>of</strong> each sample were combined on the following day, the concentration was determined<br />

photometrically (NanoDrop ND-1000, NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, DE, USA), and the<br />

quality was checked <strong>by</strong> electrophoresis in 0.8 % agarose-TBE gels.<br />

Molecular estimation <strong>of</strong> infection rate with qPCR<br />

The DNA from infected tissue consists <strong>of</strong> a mix <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> and <strong>pathogen</strong> DNA, which contains<br />

almost constant levels <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> DNA and a varying proportion <strong>of</strong> bacterial DNA that very much<br />

depends on the infection rate. Therefore, quantifying the ratio <strong>of</strong> <strong>pathogen</strong> to <strong>host</strong> DNA allows<br />

an estimation <strong>of</strong> the infection rate, which can also be calibrated with the aid <strong>of</strong> artificially mixed<br />

standard samples.<br />

The highly conserved staphylococcal genes nuc (coding for thermonuclease) and dapA<br />

(encoding dihydrodipicolinate synthase) were quantified in reference to the mouse cytoskeleton<br />

gene Actb using 20x TaqMan Gene Expression Assays (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA;<br />

Actb: inventoried assay Mm00607939_s1; nuc: custom assay, forward primer<br />


AACCTGCGACATTAATT; dapA: custom assay, forward primer CTTTGAAGCGATTGCAGATGCT,<br />

reverse primer TGGTTCAATTGTCATGTTCGTTCTTG, reporter ACGACTGGTAATTTC; each reporter’s<br />

5’ end is labeled with FAM; a non-fluorescent quencher (NFQ) and a Minor Groove Binder (MGB)<br />

molecule is linked to the 3’ end).<br />

The real-time PCR was performed in triplicates with 20 mM Tris/HCl pH 7.4, 50 mM KCl, 3 mM<br />

MgCl 2 , 4 % glycerol, 0.2 mM dNTP mix (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP, 0.2 mM each), 1 % ROX reference<br />

dye (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) and 0.35 U Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase (Invitrogen) using<br />

20 ng <strong>of</strong> DNA as template in each reaction. The so-called “universal settings” for Applied<br />

Biosystems’ TaqMan Assays were applied: 2 min at 50°C, 10 min at 95°C followed <strong>by</strong> 40 cycles <strong>of</strong><br />

15 s at 95°C and 1 min 60°C.<br />

A calibration curve with DNA prepared from a mixture <strong>of</strong> non-infected kidney tissue and<br />

in vitro cultivated staphylococcal cells was recorded in analogous reactions. Each standard<br />

contained a defined number <strong>of</strong> cfu per 10 mg tissue ranging from 1.32E+05 cfu/10 mg to<br />

3.31E+08 cfu/10 mg (Fig. M.2.1).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

8.0<br />

6.0<br />

4.0<br />

2.0<br />

mean<br />

Linear (mean)<br />

y = -3.3265x + 23.246<br />

R² = 0.9946<br />

8.0<br />

6.0<br />

4.0<br />

2.0<br />

mean<br />

Linear (mean)<br />

y = -3.2883x + 22.211<br />

R² = 0.9956<br />

ΔCt<br />

0.0<br />

ΔCt 0.0<br />

-2.0<br />

-2.0<br />

-4.0<br />

-4.0<br />

-6.0<br />

-6.0<br />

-8.0<br />

5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0<br />

log ( cfu / 10 mg tissue)<br />

-8.0<br />

5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0<br />

log ( cfu / 10 mg tissue)<br />

Fig. M.2.1: Calibration curves for molecular estimation <strong>of</strong> infection rate using the staphylococcal genes dapA (A) and nuc (B).<br />

Mean values <strong>of</strong> ΔCt (ΔCt = Ct bacterial gene – Ct Actb) from n = 2 or n = 3 independent standard samples and the range (minimum to<br />

maximum) <strong>of</strong> these independent measurements are displayed.<br />

The Ct values <strong>of</strong> bacterial genes and Actb were used to calculate ΔCt<br />

(ΔCt = Ct bacterial gene − Ct Actb ). This value negatively correlates to the log-transformed values <strong>of</strong><br />

cfu/10 mg and can be described <strong>by</strong> a linear equation. The use <strong>of</strong> this linear correlation as<br />

calibration curve allows calculation the infection rate <strong>of</strong> the unknown experimental samples.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

RNA preparation<br />

A frozen aliquot <strong>of</strong> disrupted tissue was disintegrated mechanically at 2600 rpm for 2 min in a<br />

bead mill (Mikrodismembrator S, B. Braun Biotech International GmbH, Melsungen, Germany;<br />

now part <strong>of</strong> Sartorius AG, Göttingen, Germany) with 0.5 ml TRIZOL (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe,<br />

Germany) using liquid nitrogen cooled Teflon vessels. Thereafter, another 0.5 ml TRIZOL was<br />

added to the still frozen lysate. After thawing, the lysate was incubated for 10 min at room<br />

temperature, flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored −70°C until RNA preparation was<br />

continued. The lysates were again thawed at room temperature. Chlor<strong>of</strong>orm was added (200 µl<br />

chlor<strong>of</strong>orm / 1 ml TRIZOL), samples were shaken vigorously for 15 s and incubated at room<br />

temperature for 5 min. Organic and aqueous phase were separated <strong>by</strong> centrifugation (12000 x g,<br />

15 min, 4°C) and RNA was precipitated from the aqueous phase with 500 µl isopropanol (2-<br />

propanol) / 1 ml TRIZOL overnight at −20°C. After two washes with −20°C pre-cooled 80 % ethanol<br />

RNA was dried at room temperature and dissolved in nuclease-free water (Ambion Inc., Austin,<br />

TX, USA, now part <strong>of</strong> Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA).<br />

RNA was DNase treated and afterwards purified using the RNA Clean-Up and Concentration<br />

Kit (Norgen Biotek Corp., Thorold, ON, Canada; distributed <strong>by</strong> BioCat GmbH, Heidelberg,<br />

Germany). The concentration was determined photometrically (NanoDrop ND-1000, NanoDrop<br />

Technologies, Wilmington, DE, USA), and the quality was checked with an Agilent 2100<br />

Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA).<br />

DNA array analysis<br />

The RNA expression pr<strong>of</strong>ile was analyzed on GeneChip Mouse Gene 1.0 ST arrays (Affymetrix,<br />

Santa Clara, CA, USA) using the Whole Transcript (WT) Sense Target Labeling and Control<br />

reagents according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Arrays were washed and stained in a<br />

GeneChip FluidicsStation 450 and scanned with a GeneChip Scanner 3000 (all: Affymetrix).<br />

DNA array data analysis<br />

The array image files (CEL) were first quality controlled in the Expression Console s<strong>of</strong>tware<br />

(Affymetrix) and then imported into the Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware (Rosetta Bios<strong>of</strong>tware, Seattle,<br />

WA, USA) for data analysis. Signals were generated and normalized using the RMA algorithm.<br />

Groups were compared in log-transformed space using error-weighted one-way ANOVA with<br />

Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate multiple testing correction and p* < 0.01 was regarded<br />

as significant. The control sequences (e. g. negative, positive, polyA, and hybridization controls)<br />

and sequences that were not expressed on all arrays in the selected group comparison (with<br />

p > 0.01 on intensity pr<strong>of</strong>ile level in Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware) were not included in statistical<br />

testing. Afterwards, sequence sets were translated into EntrezGene records using the Rosetta<br />

Resolver annotation <strong>of</strong> December 2009. Two criteria were used for definition <strong>of</strong> differential<br />

expression: Significance in ANOVA statistical testing and a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 2.<br />

Genes significant in ANOVA but with a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> only 1.5 were considered<br />

to be regulated <strong>by</strong> trend.<br />

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) <strong>of</strong> gene expression data<br />

EntrezGene identifiers and fold change gene expression data <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes<br />

were imported to the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis tool (Ingenuity Systems Inc.,<br />

www.ingenuity.com) and analyzed using all genes <strong>of</strong> the GeneChip Mouse Gene 1.0 ST array as<br />

reference set without further restriction.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />



Stem cell preparation, cultivation, and differentiation to macrophages [performed <strong>by</strong><br />

Katrin Breitbach]<br />

Preparation and cultivation <strong>of</strong> mouse stem cells and their differentiation into bone-marrow<br />

derived macrophages (BMM) was conducted as described <strong>by</strong> Eske et al. in 2009. Briefly, bone<br />

marrow cells from tibias and femurs <strong>of</strong> n = 3 or n = 15 BALB/c or n = 4 or n = 15 C57BL/6 mice<br />

were prepared in sterile conditions, pooled and cultivated for ten days using the serum-free<br />

BMM-medium supplemented with GM-CSF as established <strong>by</strong> Eske et al. (2009). Differentiated<br />

BMM were harvested on day 10 for consecutive experiments.<br />

Interferon-γ activation <strong>of</strong> bone marrow derived macrophages [performed <strong>by</strong> Katrin Breitbach]<br />

Mature BMM were seeded in 6-well-plates with 0.8E+06 to 1.5E+06 cells / well. BMM in half <strong>of</strong><br />

the wells were treated for 24 hours <strong>by</strong> addition <strong>of</strong> 300 units/ml IFN-γ (Roche, Mannheim,<br />

Germany) in serum-free BMM-medium, the other half was cultivated for the same time in the<br />

same medium without IFN-γ. For transcriptome analysis, 1.6E+06 to 4.5E+06 cells / sample were<br />

available, while proteome analysis needed a higher cell number and therefore had a sample size<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1.0E+07 to 1.5E+07 cells.<br />

Sample [Katrin Breitbach] and RNA preparation [Maren Depke] for transcriptome analysis<br />

Medium was carefully removed from the sample wells, and BMM were lyzed in 1 ml<br />

TriReagent per sample (Sigma, Steinheim, Germany) <strong>by</strong> repetitive pipetting. After incubation at<br />

room temperature for 15 min, the lysate was flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −70°C<br />

until RNA-preparation.<br />

RNA-preparation took place using a combined protocol <strong>of</strong> phenol-based preparation and<br />

column-based purification. Chlor<strong>of</strong>orm was added to TriReagent lysates, samples were vigorously<br />

shaken and incubated at room temperature for 5 min. Organic and aqueous phase were<br />

separated <strong>by</strong> centrifugation for 15 min at 12000 x g and 4°C. Afterwards, the aqueous<br />

supernatant was mixed with 0.5 ml isopropanol (2-propanol) and transferred to RNeasy Mini<br />

columns (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden, Germany). The following steps <strong>of</strong> RNA purification were carried<br />

out according to the manufacturer’s instructions including the optional DNase-treatment (RNasefree<br />

DNase Set, Qiagen GmbH, Hilden, Germany). After ethanol precipitation, the RNA was<br />

quantified spectrophotometrically, and its quality was verified using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer<br />

and RNA Nano Chips (Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA).<br />

Affymetrix DNA array analysis<br />

Four strain-treatment combinations were included into this study: 1) medium control BALB/c<br />

BMM, 2) IFN-γ treated BALB/c BMM, 3) medium control C57BL/6 BMM, and 4) IFN-γ treated<br />

C57BL/6 BMM. Three biological replicates were analyzed for each <strong>of</strong> the four sample groups<br />

described before.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

Labeled cDNA for hybridization was prepared for each sample from 200 ng totalRNA using the<br />

GeneChip Whole Transcript (WT) Sense Target Labeling Assay and hybridized to GeneChip Mouse<br />

Gene 1.0 ST Arrays according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA,<br />

USA). Arrays were washed and stained using the GeneChip Hybridization, Wash, and Stain Kit in a<br />

GeneChip Fluidics Station 450 and scanned with a GeneChip Scanner 3000 (all items from<br />

Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA).<br />

Resulting array image files (CEL-files) were imported to the Rosetta Resolver System (Rosetta<br />

Bios<strong>of</strong>tware, Seattle, WA, USA). Signal intensities were extracted using the RMA algorithm and<br />

differentially expressed probe sets were accessed with error-weighted one-way Analysis <strong>of</strong><br />

Variance (ANOVA) including Benjamini Hochberg False Discovery Rate (FDR) multiple testing<br />

correction at the analysis levels <strong>of</strong> Intensity Pr<strong>of</strong>iles and sequences in log-transformed space.<br />

Values <strong>of</strong> p* 0.01 on intensity pr<strong>of</strong>ile level in Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware) were not included in<br />

statistical testing.<br />

Each run <strong>of</strong> the statistical test compared two sample groups that consisted <strong>of</strong> three biological<br />

replicates each. Four comparisons were included into statistical testing: 1) IFN-γ treated BALB/c<br />

BMM versus medium control BALB/c BMM to access IFN-γ effects in BALB/c BMM, 2) IFN-γ<br />

treated C57BL/6 BMM versus medium control C57BL/6 BMM to retrieve IFN-γ effects in C57BL/6<br />

BMM, 3) medium control C57BL/6 BMM versus medium control BALB/c BMM to obtain strain<br />

differences at the non-activated control level, and 4) IFN-γ treated C57BL/6 BMM versus IFN-γ<br />

treated BALB/c BMM to elicit strain differences at the IFN-γ activated level.<br />

The Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware allows mapping <strong>of</strong> 28944 records <strong>of</strong> sequence level<br />

information (i.e. the Affymetrix probe sets) to genes via the EntrezGene nomenclature resulting<br />

in 20074 records. Additionally, the s<strong>of</strong>tware calculates expression data for genes from the<br />

original sequence level values. This function also combines intensities <strong>of</strong> two or more probe sets<br />

for genes that are represented <strong>by</strong> more than one probe set. The lists <strong>of</strong> statistically significant<br />

differentially expressed probe sets resulting from ANOVA were translated into lists <strong>of</strong><br />

differentially expressed genes <strong>by</strong> using the EntrezGene level annotation included in the Rosetta<br />

Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware. In order to exclude biologically irrelevant small changes in expression level<br />

from the statistically significant lists resulting from ANOVA, expression data on EntrezGene level<br />

was restricted to a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.5. Nevertheless, only a minority <strong>of</strong><br />

statistically significant genes did not pass this fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f.<br />

Proteome analysis [performed <strong>by</strong> Dinh Hoang Dang Khoa]<br />

Proteome analysis was performed <strong>by</strong> Dinh Hoang Dang Khoa using both gel-based and gelfree<br />

approaches. Briefly, BMM protein extracts in urea/thiourea buffer were separated <strong>by</strong> Two<br />

Dimensional Fluorescence Difference Gel Electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), and spots on the gels were<br />

identified using MALDI-MS-MS. Tryptic peptides <strong>of</strong> the protein extracts were analyzed with LTQ-<br />

FT-ICR mass spectrometer after liquid chromatographic (LC) prefractionation. Differential analysis<br />

<strong>of</strong> label-free MS data was performed using the Rosetta Elucidator s<strong>of</strong>tware package (Rosetta<br />

Bios<strong>of</strong>tware, Seattle, WA, USA).<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> transcriptome and gel-free LC-MS/MS proteome results<br />

To compare results from transcriptome and gelfree proteome analysis, it was necessary to<br />

map proteins from LC-MS/MS identification to genes available on the GeneChip Mouse Gene 1.0<br />

ST array (Affymetrix). In order to do so, protein IPI identifiers were translated into EntrezGene IDs<br />

using the PIPE (http://pipe.systemsbiology.net/pipe) and UniProt ID (www.uniprot.org) mapping<br />

tools (Lars Brinkmann). Missing EntrezGene IDs were added manually if possible. The resulting list<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

<strong>of</strong> proteins was imported into the Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware using the EntrezGene IDs and<br />

compared with genes on the Affymetrix array based on the annotation <strong>of</strong> the Rosetta Resolver<br />

s<strong>of</strong>tware.<br />

Global functional analysis <strong>of</strong> transcriptomic [Maren Depke] and proteomic [Dinh Hoang Dang<br />

Khoa] results using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA)<br />

The lists <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes with an absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> at least 1.5 were<br />

directly uploaded from Rosetta Resolver System to the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis tool Version<br />

7.5 and 8.0 (IPA, Ingenuity Systems, www.ingenuity.com). IPA assigned the EntrezGene IDs to the<br />

corresponding records <strong>of</strong> the so called Ingenuity Pathway Knowledge Base (IPKB), combined<br />

related genes to networks and conducted a statistical analysis for over-represented functions and<br />

canonical pathways in the imported lists <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed items in relation to the<br />

sequences available on the GeneChip Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Array as reference set. Generally,<br />

analysis in IPA was not restricted to species, type <strong>of</strong> relationship, type <strong>of</strong> molecule or the like.<br />

Only for building user-defined pathways, a restriction to cell type “macrophages” or “RAW cells”<br />

was used.<br />

Correspondingly, protein IPI identifiers, p-values, and fold change <strong>of</strong> regulated proteins were<br />

uploaded to IPA and also analyzed <strong>by</strong> the network, function and canonical pathway tools. In this<br />

case, the whole list <strong>of</strong> identified proteins was uploaded and afterwards restricted to a minimal<br />

absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.5 and a p-value <strong>of</strong> at least 0.01. This approach allowed using all<br />

identified proteins as reference set.<br />

In case <strong>of</strong> interest, automatically generated networks from separate analyses were merged<br />

using the automatic merge-tool from IPA. User-defined networks (called pathways) centered<br />

around the starting node IFN-γ were created using the grow-tool <strong>of</strong> IPA‘s pathway function. The<br />

addition <strong>of</strong> further nodes according to information stored in the so-called Ingenuity Pathway<br />

Knowledge Base (IPKB) was restricted to a list <strong>of</strong> genes/proteins that are differentially expressed<br />

in at least 1 <strong>of</strong> 4 comparisons 1) IFN-γ effects in BALB/c BMM, 2) IFN-γ effects in C57BL/6 BMM,<br />

3) strain difference at non-treated control level and 4) strain difference after IFN-γ activation.<br />

Networks were built either without further restrictions or with additional restriction to<br />

macrophage/RAW cells (i.e. only genes/proteins in the IPKB described to be linked to IFN-γ in<br />

macrophages or RAW cells were allowed to enter the new network). Lists <strong>of</strong> genes included in<br />

the IFN-γ centered networks were compared to identify common and unique genes between the<br />

networks without and with restriction to macrophage/RAW cells and finally exported via<br />

spreadsheet.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />



Host cell line and conditions <strong>of</strong> cell cultivation [performed <strong>by</strong> Melanie Gutjahr]<br />

S9 cells were grown to confluency in 10-cm-diameter cell culture dishes with 10 ml eMEM cell<br />

culture medium. Cell culture medium eMEM consists <strong>of</strong> 1x concentrated MEM (PromoCell GmbH,<br />

Heidelberg, Germany) supplemented with additional 4 % FCS (fetal calf serum, Biochrom AG,<br />

Berlin, Germany), 1 % non-essential amino acids (PAA Laboratories GmbH, Pasching, Austria), and<br />

2 % L-glutamine (200 mM stock; PAA).<br />

Bacterial growth medium and cultivation [performed <strong>by</strong> Melanie Gutjahr and Maren Depke]<br />

Staphylococcus aureus RN1HG GFP (plasmid pMV158GFP) was grown in 100 ml pMEM<br />

medium at 37°C with linear shaking <strong>of</strong> 125 strokes/min (stroke length 28 mm) in 500-ml-<br />

Erlenmeyer bacterial culture flasks. Optical density (OD) was measured at 600 nm.<br />

The adapted cell culture medium pMEM contains 1x concentrated MEM without sodium<br />

bicarbonate (10x concentrate; Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany), 1 % non-essential amino acids<br />

(PAA Laboratories GmbH, Pasching, Austria) and 4 mM L-glutamine (PAA) and is supplemented<br />

with 10 mM HEPES (PAA) and 2 mM <strong>of</strong> each L-alanine, L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine, L-<br />

aspartate, L-glutamate, L-serine, L-threonine, L-cysteine, L-proline, L-histidine, L-phenyl alanine,<br />

and L-tryptophan (PromoCell GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany). The pH is adjusted to 7.4 with NaOH.<br />

Use <strong>of</strong> this medium has been established <strong>by</strong> Sandra Scharf and has been first reported <strong>by</strong><br />

Schmidt et al. in 2010.<br />

Cell culture infection model [performed <strong>by</strong> Melanie Gutjahr and Maren Depke]<br />

When bacterial cultures reached an OD <strong>of</strong> 0.4 the S9 cells were infected with a multiplicity <strong>of</strong><br />

infection (MOI) <strong>of</strong> 25. Bacterial cultures and eukaryotic cell culture medium were mixed in a final<br />

volume sufficient for inoculation <strong>of</strong> all cell culture plates processed in parallel. Subsequently, this<br />

mix was added to the cell culture plates to ensure equal distribution <strong>of</strong> staphylococci on the <strong>host</strong><br />

cell layer and reproducible infection <strong>of</strong> all cell culture plates in each experiment.<br />

6.36E+07 cfu/ml had been determined at OD 0.4 <strong>of</strong> S. aureus RN1HG GFP in pMEM (Melanie<br />

Gutjahr). Confluent 10-cm-diameter cell culture plates contain 8.0E+06 S9 cells. Therefore, in<br />

these experiments approximately 30 % <strong>of</strong> bacterial culture had to be included in the infection<br />

medium to obtain a suspension <strong>of</strong> which 10 ml infect one cell culture plate with a MOI <strong>of</strong> 25<br />

(3.14 ml bacterial culture in a total <strong>of</strong> 10 ml infection medium).<br />

S9 cells and staphylococci were co-incubated for 1 h at 37°C in 5 % CO 2 -atmosphere.<br />

Afterwards, the infection medium was replaced <strong>by</strong> eMEM containing 10 µg/ml lysostaphin (AMBI<br />

PRODUCTS LLC, Lawrence, NY, USA) until harvesting <strong>of</strong> cells. Two time points were included in<br />

this study: 2.5 h and 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection (Fig. M.4.1).<br />

Control samples were treated accordingly. Only the volume <strong>of</strong> bacterial culture in the<br />

infection mix was substituted <strong>by</strong> fresh, sterile bacterial cell culture medium pMEM.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

cultivation to OD 0.4<br />

experimental time point / h<br />

0 1 2 3 4 5<br />

6 7<br />

infection<br />

1h<br />

lysostaphin treatment<br />

t 0 2.5 h 6.5 h<br />

infected<br />

eukaryotic<br />

samples<br />

FACS for<br />

RNA and<br />

protein<br />

FACS for<br />

RNA and<br />

protein<br />

Fig. M.4.1:<br />

Time line <strong>of</strong><br />

infection<br />

experiments<br />

for eukaryotic<br />

<strong>host</strong> samples<br />

and control<br />

measurements.<br />

eukarotic<br />

control<br />

samples<br />

control<br />

measurements<br />

controlfor<br />

protein<br />

cfu<br />

<strong>host</strong> cell<br />

vitality<br />

controlfor<br />

RNA and<br />

protein<br />

cfu<br />

<strong>host</strong> cell<br />

vitality<br />

controlfor<br />

RNA and<br />

protein<br />

cfu<br />

<strong>host</strong> cell<br />

vitality<br />

Sample harvesting for transcriptome analysis<br />

After co-incubation <strong>of</strong> staphylococcal with <strong>host</strong> cells and subsequent lysostaphin treatment,<br />

the S9 cell layer was washed once with Dulbecco’s PBS without Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ (PAA Laboratories<br />

GmbH, Pasching, Austria). Cells were detached with 1 ml trypsin/EDTA (PAA) supplemented with<br />

0.1 µg/ml actinomycin D (Sigma-Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany) and 80 mM sodium azide (Merck<br />

KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) for some minutes. Trypsin reaction was stopped with 3 ml cell<br />

culture medium eMEM, and cells were pelleted at room temperature for 5 min at 500 x g with<br />

slightly reduced break. The cells were washed once with Dulbecco’s PBS with Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ (PAA)<br />

and resuspended in FlacsFlow (Becton Dickinson Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA) for sorting <strong>of</strong><br />

infected and non-infected <strong>host</strong> cells. Both solutions were supplemented with 0.025 µg/ml<br />

actinomycin D (Sigma-Aldrich) and 20 mM sodium azide (Merck). Control samples were treated in<br />

the same way.<br />

Protein samples and control measurements [performed <strong>by</strong> Melanie Gutjahr]<br />

Samples for transcriptome analysis were harvested in parallel with samples for <strong>host</strong> proteome<br />

analysis (Fig. M.4.1). For protein samples, trypsin, PBS and FacsFlow solutions were not<br />

supplemented with actinomycin D and sodium azide, and control samples were directly lysed in<br />

UT buffer (8 M urea, 2 M thiourea). One additional control without any treatment was included.<br />

For the bacterial starting culture (OD 0.4), the infection mix, and samples after 2.5 h and 6.5 h<br />

<strong>of</strong> infection (internalized bacteria) viable cell counts were determined <strong>by</strong> plating on TSB agar and<br />

incubation for 24-48 h at 37°C.<br />

FACS measurements and cell sorting [performed <strong>by</strong> Petra Hildebrandt], sample harvest and<br />

disruption [performed <strong>by</strong> Maren Depke]<br />

Cells were sorted into infected (green fluorescence positive) and non-infected (green<br />

fluorescence negative) cells in a biosafety 2 level FACS Aria high-speed cell sorter (Becton<br />

Dickinson Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA) with 488 nm excitation from a blue Coherent Sapphire<br />

solid state laser at 18 mW. Optical filters were set up to detect the emitted GFP fluorescence at<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

515 nm to 545 nm (FITC filter block). All FSC and SSC data were recorded at linear scale, the<br />

fluorescence data were recorded at logarithmic scale with the FACS Diva v5.03 s<strong>of</strong>tware (Becton<br />

Dickinson). Prior to measurement <strong>of</strong> bacteria containing eukaryotic S9 cells, the proper function<br />

<strong>of</strong> the instrument was determined <strong>by</strong> using Spherotech’s Rainbow calibration particles<br />

(Spherotech, Lake Forest, IL, USA). Prior to sorting, the drop delay was adjusted to >99 % sorting<br />

with the ACCUDROP beads (Becton Dickinson). Sorting was performed from the gate set in FSC<br />

vs. FITC dot plot after eliminating doublets and cell clumps <strong>by</strong> gating SSC−W vs. SSC−A and FSC−W<br />

vs. FSC−A at a threshold rate up to 3000 cells/s with sort mode purity, which results in a sorted<br />

sample that is highly pure, at the expense <strong>of</strong> recovery and yield.<br />

For each transcriptome sample, 5.0E+05 to 7.0E+05 cells were collected, whereas for protein<br />

samples approximately 4.0E+06 cells were sorted. During the whole period <strong>of</strong> sorting and sample<br />

collection, the sample reservoir and the collection tubes were cooled to 4°C. Control samples<br />

were stored on ice during sorting <strong>of</strong> infected samples. Sorted and control cell suspensions were<br />

centrifuged for 5 min at 500 x g and 4°C. The supernatants were removed and each cell pellet<br />

devoted to transcriptome analysis was lysed in 1 ml TRIZOL (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) <strong>by</strong><br />

repeated pipetting. After incubation for 10 min at room temperature, the lysate was flash-frozen<br />

in liquid nitrogen and stored −70°C until RNA preparation. The remaining cells after sorting <strong>of</strong><br />

samples for transcriptome and proteome analysis were used to acquire information on cell<br />

vitality <strong>by</strong> propidium iodide staining.<br />

RNA preparation<br />

The lysates were thawed at room temperature. Chlor<strong>of</strong>orm was added (200 µl<br />

chlor<strong>of</strong>orm / 1 ml TRIZOL), samples were shaken vigorously for 15 s and incubated at room<br />

temperature for 5 min. Organic and aqueous phase were separated <strong>by</strong> centrifugation (12000 x g,<br />

15 min, 4°C) and RNA was precipitated from the aqueous phase with 500 µl isopropanol (2-<br />

propanol) / 1 ml TRIZOL and 1 µl 5 mg/ml linear acrylamide (Ambion Inc., Austin, TX, USA, now<br />

part <strong>of</strong> Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) as precipitation aid overnight at −20°C. After<br />

two washes with −20°C pre-cooled 80 % ethanol, the RNA was dried at room temperature and<br />

solved in nuclease-free water (Ambion). The concentration was determined photometrically<br />

(NanoDrop ND-1000, NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, DE, USA), and the quality was<br />

checked with an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA).<br />

DNA array analysis<br />

The RNA expression pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cells was analyzed on GeneChip Human Gene 1.0 ST arrays<br />

(Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA) using the Whole Transcript (WT) Sense Target Labeling and<br />

Control reagents according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Arrays were washed and stained<br />

in a GeneChip FluidicsStation 450 and scanned with a GeneChip Scanner 3000 (all: Affymetrix).<br />

DNA array data analysis<br />

The array image files (CEL) were first quality controlled in the Expression Console s<strong>of</strong>tware<br />

(Affymetrix) and then imported into the Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware (Rosetta Bios<strong>of</strong>tware, Seattle,<br />

WA, USA) for data analysis. Signals were generated and normalized using the RMA algorithm.<br />

Groups were compared in log-transformed space using error-weighted one-way ANOVA with<br />

Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate multiple testing correction and p* < 0.01 was regarded<br />

as significant. The control sequences (e. g. negative, positive, polyA, and hybridization controls)<br />

and sequences that were not expressed on all arrays in the selected group comparison (with<br />

p > 0.01 on intensity pr<strong>of</strong>ile level in Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware) were not included in statistical<br />

testing.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

Afterwards, the sequence sets were translated into EntrezGene records using the Rosetta<br />

Resolver annotation <strong>of</strong> December 2009, and an absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 1.5 after<br />

combining the biological replicates was applied.<br />

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) <strong>of</strong> gene expression data<br />

EntrezGene identifiers and fold change gene expression data <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes<br />

were imported to the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis tool version 8.6 (Ingenuity Systems Inc.,<br />

www.ingenuity.com) and analyzed using all genes <strong>of</strong> the GeneChip Human Gene 1.0 ST array as<br />

reference set without further restriction.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />


Growth Media Comparison Study<br />

Bacterial cultivation, growth media, and sampling time points<br />

Staphylococcus aureus RN1HG was grown at 37°C with orbital shaking <strong>of</strong> 200 rpm in<br />

Erlenmeyer bacterial culture flasks. Culture volume did not exceed 1/5 <strong>of</strong> culture flask volume.<br />

Optical density (OD) was measured at 600 nm (Fig. M.5.1).<br />

Different media were included in this study in an international co-operation in the settings <strong>of</strong> the<br />

EU-IP-FP6-project BaSysBio (LSHG-CT2006-037469) consortium, e. g. the complete bacterial<br />

culture medium TSB, cell culture medium, minimal medium, and human serum. Here, only results<br />

from samples <strong>of</strong> the medium “pMEM” will be presented. The contents <strong>of</strong> the adapted cell culture<br />

medium pMEM (Schmidt et al. 2010) have already been listed above (see Material and<br />

Methods/Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model/Bacterial growth<br />

medium, page 51).<br />

Bacterial samples were taken in the exponential growth phase and 2 h (t 2 ) and 4 h (t 4 ) after<br />

entry into stationary growth.<br />

OD600<br />

10.00<br />

1.00<br />

0.10<br />

TSB<br />

pMEM<br />

Fig. M.5.1:<br />

Example for bacterial growth in TSB and pMEM medium.<br />

0.01<br />

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24<br />

time / h<br />

Bacterial cell harvest and disruption<br />

At different growth phases, 5 to 15 optical density units <strong>of</strong> S. aureus RN1HG were harvested<br />

on ice with addition <strong>of</strong> at least one third volume <strong>of</strong> Killing Buffer (20 mM Tris pH 7.5, 5 mM<br />

MgCl 2 , 20 mM NaN 3 ). Pellets were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −70°C until cell<br />

disruption.<br />

For cell disruption, the pellet was resuspended on ice in 200 µl Killing Buffer, transferred to<br />

liquid nitrogen cooled Teflon vessels, and disintegrated mechanically at 2600 rpm for 2 min in a<br />

bead mill (Mikrodismembrator S, B. Braun Biotech International GmbH, Melsungen, Germany;<br />

now part <strong>of</strong> Sartorius AG, Göttingen, Germany). Frozen cell and buffer powder mix was<br />

resuspendend in 4 ml <strong>of</strong> 50°C pre-warmed lysis solution (4 M guanidine-thiocyanate, 25 mM<br />

sodium acetate pH 5.5, 0.5 % N-lauroylsarcosinate) until the solution appeared clear and<br />

homogeneous. Four aliquots with 1 ml each were intermittently frozen in liquid nitrogen and<br />

stored −70°C.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

RNA preparation<br />

RNA was prepared using the acid-phenol-method. The lysates / aqueous phases were<br />

extracted twice with an equal volume <strong>of</strong> acid phenol solution (Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany) and<br />

once with an equal volume <strong>of</strong> chlor<strong>of</strong>orm / isoamyl alcohol (3-methyl-1-butanol) mix (24 vol. <strong>of</strong><br />

chlor<strong>of</strong>orm and 1 vol. <strong>of</strong> isoamyl alcohol equilibrated with 1 M Tris/HCl pH 8.0). RNA was<br />

precipitated from the remaining cleaned aqueous phase with 1/10 volume <strong>of</strong> 3 M sodium acetate<br />

pH 5.5 and 1 volume <strong>of</strong> isopropanol (2-propanol) overnight at −20°C. After two washes with<br />

−20°C pre-cooled 80 % ethanol, the RNA was dried at room temperature and solved in nucleasefree<br />

water (Ambion Inc., Austin, TX, USA, now part <strong>of</strong> Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA).<br />

To avoid the influence <strong>of</strong> potential DNA contamination, the RNA was DNase treated and<br />

afterwards purified using the RNA Clean-Up and Concentration Kit (Norgen Biotek Corp., Thorold,<br />

ON, Canada; distributed <strong>by</strong> BioCat GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany). The concentration was<br />

determined photometrically (NanoDrop ND-1000, NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, DE,<br />

USA), and the quality was checked with an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Santa<br />

Clara, CA, USA).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

In vitro Infection Experiment Study<br />

Host cell line and culture conditions [performed <strong>by</strong> Petra Hildebrandt]<br />

S9 cells were cultivated as described above (see Material and Methods/Host Cell Gene<br />

Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model, page 51).<br />

Bacterial growth medium and cultivation [performed <strong>by</strong> Melanie Gutjahr and Maren Depke]<br />

Staphylococcus aureus RN1HG or RN1HG GFP (plasmid pMV158GFP) was grown in 200 ml<br />

pMEM medium at 37°C with linear shaking <strong>of</strong> 110 strokes/min (stroke length 28 mm) in 1000-ml-<br />

Erlenmeyer bacterial culture flasks. All other experimental parameters (e. g. medium pMEM)<br />

were identical to those described above (see Material and Methods/Host Cell Gene Expression<br />

Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model, page 51).<br />

Cell culture infection model [performed <strong>by</strong> Melanie Gutjahr and Maren Depke]<br />

The cell culture infection model was performed as described above (see Material and<br />

Methods/Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model, page 51) and also<br />

included the same two time points <strong>of</strong> 2.5 h and 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection (Fig. M.5.2).<br />

cultivation to OD 0.4<br />

experimental time point / h<br />

0 1 2 3 4 5<br />

6 7<br />

infection<br />

1h<br />

lysostaphin treatment<br />

t 0 1 h<br />

2.5 h 6.5 h<br />

internalized<br />

bacterial<br />

samples<br />

internalized<br />

S. aureus<br />

internalized<br />

S. aureus<br />

Fig. M.5.2:<br />

Time line<br />

<strong>of</strong> infection<br />

experiments<br />

for bacterial<br />

samples.<br />

bacterial<br />

control<br />

samples<br />

exponential<br />

growth<br />

phase<br />

(OD 0.4)<br />

S. aureus<br />

nonadherent<br />

S. aureus<br />

serum/CO 2<br />

control<br />

S. aureus<br />

anaerobic<br />

S. aureus<br />

serum/CO 2<br />

control<br />

S. aureus<br />

serum/CO 2<br />

control<br />

S. aureus<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Bacterial control samples<br />

Bacterial samples were taken as comparison and to control for additional experimental effects<br />

(Fig. M.5.2 and Fig. M.5.3):<br />

exponential growth phase at OD 0.4<br />

staphylococci after 1 h, 2.5 h, and 6.5 h <strong>of</strong> incubation in the infection medium in 5 %<br />

CO 2 -atmosphere at 37°C without agitation (i.e. in cell culture dishes in serum<br />

containing medium but without presence <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cells)<br />

non-adherent staphylococci after 1 h <strong>of</strong> co-incubation with eukaryotic cells and their<br />

products in 5 % CO 2 -atmosphere and at 37°C<br />

staphylococci after 2.5 h <strong>of</strong> anaerobic incubation in pMEM medium at 37°C<br />

Cells were harvested using Killing Buffer (20 mM Tris pH 7.5, 5 mM MgCl 2 , 20 mM NaN 3 ) as<br />

described above (see Material and Methods/Growth Media Comparison Study/Bacterial cell<br />

harvest, page 55).<br />

exponential growth phase<br />

anaerobic<br />

incubation:<br />

2.5 h<br />

infection<br />

mix<br />

serum control<br />

with CO 2 exposure:<br />

1 h, 2.5 h, 6.5 h<br />

non-adherent staphylococci: 1 h<br />

Fig. M.5.3:<br />

Visualization <strong>of</strong> bacterial control samples in<br />

the in vitro infection experiments for tiling<br />

array analysis.<br />

internalized staphylococci: 2.5 h, 6.5 h<br />

S9 cells<br />

staphylococci<br />

Preparation <strong>of</strong> internalized staphylococci<br />

The lysostaphin-containing medium was replaced <strong>by</strong> 1 ml Killing Buffer (20 mM Tris pH 7.5,<br />

5 mM MgCl 2 , 20 mM NaN 3 ) with 150 mM NaCl. In this isotonic buffer the infected S9 cells were<br />

scraped from the culture dish, resuspended and transferred to a 1.5-ml tube for further<br />

processing while maintaining the integrity <strong>of</strong> the majority <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cells. All following steps were<br />

performed on ice or at 4°C. Cells were pelleted (600 x g for 5 min) and fixed in ice-cold<br />

acetone/ethanol (50 % v/v) for 4 min as described <strong>by</strong> Garzoni et al. (2007) followed <strong>by</strong> a<br />

centrifugation step at 20000 x g for 3 min. The eukaryotic part <strong>of</strong> the cell pellet was lysed in RLT<br />

buffer (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and homogenized twice using QIAshredder (Qiagen, Hilden,<br />

Germany) and centrifugation at 20000 x g for 2 min. In this process staphylococci were not lysed<br />

although they lost their viability. Therefore, the resulting pellet contained staphylococcal cells<br />

and eukaryotic cell debris. Pellets from several plates processed in parallel were combined and<br />

washed once with RLT buffer and four times with TE buffer (10 mM Tris/HCl pH 8, 1 mM EDTA<br />

pH 8) to remove residual contaminations <strong>of</strong> the <strong>host</strong> cells. Staphylococcal cell pellets were flashfrozen<br />

in liquid nitrogen and stored at −70°C until cell disruption.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Bacterial cell disruption<br />

For cell disruption the bacterial cell pellet was resuspended on ice in 60 µl TE (10 mM Tris/HCl<br />

pH 8, 1 mM EDTA pH 8) supplemented with 20 mM NaN 3 and transferred together with 0.5 ml<br />

TRIZOL (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) to liquid nitrogen cooled Teflon vessels. Cells were<br />

disintegrated mechanically at 2600 rpm for 2 min in a bead mill (Mikrodismembrator S, B. Braun<br />

Biotech International GmbH, Melsungen, Germany; now part <strong>of</strong> Sartorius AG, Göttingen,<br />

Germany). Another 0.5 ml <strong>of</strong> TRIZOL was added and the frozen lysate was allowed to thaw. In<br />

total, the liquid lysate was incubated at room temperature for 10 min and afterwards flashfrozen<br />

in liquid nitrogen and stored −70°C until RNA preparation.<br />

RNA preparation<br />

The lysates from bead mill disruption were thawed at room temperature. Chlor<strong>of</strong>orm was<br />

added (200 µl chlor<strong>of</strong>orm / 1 ml TRIZOL), samples were shaken vigorously for 15 s and incubated<br />

at room temperature for 5 min. Organic and aqueous phase were separated <strong>by</strong> centrifugation<br />

(12000 x g, 15 min, 4°C) and RNA was precipitated from the aqueous phase with 500 µl<br />

isopropanol (2-propanol) / 1 ml TRIZOL overnight at −20°C. After two washes with −20°C precooled<br />

80 % ethanol the RNA was dried at room temperature and solved in nuclease-free water<br />

(Ambion Inc., Austin, TX, USA, now part <strong>of</strong> Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA).<br />

DNase treatment was only possible for control samples because the RNA yield <strong>of</strong> internalized<br />

staphylococci was near the minimum amount needed for tiling array hybridization. For controls,<br />

DNase digestion and RNA purification was performed as described before (see Material and<br />

Methods/Growth Media Comparison Study, page 56). The concentration was determined<br />

photometrically (NanoDrop ND-1000, NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, DE, USA) and the<br />

quality was checked with an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA,<br />

USA).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Tiling Array Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Tiling array design<br />

The “080604_SA_JH_Tiling” array was designed <strong>by</strong> Hanne Jarmer (Center for Biological<br />

Sequence Analysis, Department <strong>of</strong> Systems Biology, Technical University <strong>of</strong> Denmark, Lyng<strong>by</strong>,<br />

Denmark) using algorithms, which have recently been published in the context <strong>of</strong> a B. subtilis<br />

tiling array (Rasmussen et al. 2009). In brief, iso-thermal probes <strong>of</strong> 45 nucleotides (nt) to 65 nt<br />

were designed to cover the whole genome <strong>of</strong> S. aureus. Probes were arranged in 22 nt intervals<br />

on each strand and possessed an <strong>of</strong>fset <strong>of</strong> 11 nt between the strands. The array design for<br />

S. aureus was part <strong>of</strong> the international cooperation EU-IP-FP6-project BaSysBio (LSHG-CT2006-<br />

037469) which is funded <strong>by</strong> the European Commission and coordinated <strong>by</strong> Philippe Noirot (INRA,<br />

Mathématique Informatique et Génome, Jouy-en-Josas, France).<br />

The sequences were synthesized on quartz wafers <strong>by</strong> NimbleGen (Roche NimbleGen,<br />

Madison, WI, USA) in a custom, high-density DNA array format <strong>by</strong> applying the Maskless Array<br />

Synthesizer (MAS) technology in combination with photo-mediated synthesis chemistry. The<br />

basic principle <strong>of</strong> the synthesis is a solid-state array <strong>of</strong> miniature aluminum mirrors which direct<br />

UV-light at the place where the next reaction steps should occur. An UV-labile protection group is<br />

separated from the nascent oligonucleotide and releases a reactive site for binding <strong>of</strong> the next<br />

nucleotide. Thus, the synthesis <strong>of</strong> the oligonucleotide sequences requires m x 4 reaction steps,<br />

where m is the length <strong>of</strong> the oligonucleotide (number <strong>of</strong> nucleotides) and at each intermediate<br />

length step the four possible nucleotides A, T, C, and G will be added in a single, separate<br />

reaction.<br />

Tiling array hybridization<br />

The tiling array hybridization was performed at NimbleGen (Roche NimbleGen, Madison, WI,<br />

USA) according to standard protocols. Briefly, 10 µg <strong>of</strong> high quality RNA samples were reverse<br />

transcribed to cDNA in the presence <strong>of</strong> actinomycin D with subsequent alkaline RNA hydrolysis.<br />

Precipitated and resolved cDNA was labeled with Cy3 dye via NHS-Ester Dye Coupling Reaction.<br />

After spin-column based purification and quality control, labeled cDNA was hybridized together<br />

with appropriate controls to tiling arrays <strong>of</strong> the 080604_SA_JH_Tiling design. Arrays were washed<br />

and scanned and raw intensity data <strong>of</strong> tiling probes were provided to the customer.<br />

Tiling array raw data analysis<br />

The raw data analysis and condensing <strong>of</strong> probe data to transcripts/genes was performed <strong>by</strong><br />

Pierre Nicolas, Aurélie Leduc, and Philippe Bessières (INRA, Mathématique Informatique et<br />

Génome, Jouy-en-Josas, France). Intensity values for annotated genes were derived from the<br />

individual probe data <strong>by</strong> calculating the median <strong>of</strong> the probes located within the genomic<br />

coordinates <strong>of</strong> these genes. Analysis <strong>of</strong> hybridization signal, identification <strong>of</strong> transcription start<br />

and end boundaries and <strong>by</strong> this means segmentation into transcriptional units was executed <strong>by</strong> a<br />

novel algorithm based on a hidden Markov model, which allows to identify new, formerly<br />

unknown or non-annotated transcripts (Nicolas et al. 2009).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Material and Methods<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Tiling array expression data analysis<br />

Condensed, linear space gene expression values were imported via the Gene Expression Text<br />

Loader (GETL) into the Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware (Rosetta Bios<strong>of</strong>tware, Seattle, WA, USA) for<br />

data analysis. Inter-chip median-scaling (normalization) and detrending (Rosetta Resolver<br />

proprietary algorithm) were applied in the experiment definitions (ED) to allow direct comparison<br />

<strong>of</strong> values from different arrays. Groups were compared in log-transformed space using textbook<br />

one-way ANOVA with Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate multiple testing correction and<br />

p* < 0.05 was regarded as significant. An absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 2 was applied.<br />


corticosterone [pg/ml plasma]<br />

corticosterone [pg/ml plasma]<br />

corticosterone [pg/ml plasma]<br />

Maren Depke<br />

R E S U L T S<br />



The results <strong>of</strong> the liver gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling in a mouse psychological stress model have<br />

been published <strong>by</strong> Depke et al. in 2008 and 2009. All array data are available at the NCBI’s Gene<br />

Expression Omnibus (GEO, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/) database and are accessible<br />

through GEO Series accession no. GSE11126. Furthermore, lists <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes<br />

are included as supplemental data (Depke et al. 2008) at the journal’s homepage<br />

(http://endo.endojournals.org). Stress and infection experiments, physiological measurements,<br />

and histological analyses were performed <strong>by</strong> Cornelia Kiank. Her data are cited here because they<br />

are essential for the understanding <strong>of</strong> physiological events and potential dysregulations during<br />

acute and chronic stress in mice.<br />

Repeated stress-induced cachexia accompanied <strong>by</strong> hypercortisolism, hyperleptinemia, and<br />

hypothyroidism [Cornelia Kiank]<br />

Repeated psychological stress caused a severe loss <strong>of</strong> body mass in BALB/c mice while mean<br />

food intake and water consumption were unaltered during 4.5 days stress exposure. Food intake<br />

was 95.1 ± 19.9 g/cage in the repeatedly stressed vs. 91.9 ± 17.4 g/cage in the nonstressed<br />

groups, and water consumption was 250 ± 40 ml/cage in stressed vs. 240 ± 40 ml/cage in the<br />

control mice (three independent experiments with nine mice per cage). As the food and water<br />

intake was consistently found to be normal, the question arose whether the severe loss <strong>of</strong> body<br />

mass after repeated stress exposure was dependent on hormonal changes. Repeatedly stressed<br />

mice showed increased corticosterone concentrations in the peripheral blood (Fig. R.1.1 A) along<br />

with a hypertrophy <strong>of</strong> the adrenal cortex with decreased size <strong>of</strong> lipid storage vesicles in the<br />

glucocorticoid-producing zona fasciculata (Fig. R.1.1 B, C).<br />

A<br />

A<br />

A750 *<br />

A<br />

750 *<br />

750 *<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

Fig. R.1.1: Repeated stress-induced activation <strong>of</strong> the HPA axis in BALB/c<br />

mice.<br />

A. Increased plasma corticosterone levels in repeatedly stressed mice<br />

(black box plot) compared with nonstressed mice (white box plot) (n = 9<br />

mice per group).<br />

B, C. Hypertrophy <strong>of</strong> the zona fasciculata <strong>of</strong> the adrenal cortex (white line)<br />

in repeatedly stressed mice (B) compared with nonstressed controls (C)<br />

(HE staining magnification, x100); each picture is representative for nine<br />

mice per group. *, p < 0.05 Mann-Whitney U test; data reproduced in at<br />

least three independent experiments.<br />

500<br />

500<br />

500<br />

250<br />

250<br />

250<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

CC<br />

C<br />

C<br />


change <strong>of</strong> body weight [g]<br />

leptin [pg/ml]<br />

total T3 [ng/dL]<br />

total T4 [µg/dL]<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

In fact, the increase in circulating glucocorticoids (GCs) was less pronounced than after acute<br />

stress (Depke et al. 2008: supplemental material 1 at http://endo.endojournals.org), but the<br />

continuing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis response might contribute to the reduction<br />

<strong>of</strong> body weight <strong>of</strong> up to 20 % during the time course <strong>of</strong> repeated stress exposure (Fig. R.1.2 A).<br />

This loss <strong>of</strong> body mass was not associated with significantly altered growth hormone (GH)<br />

concentrations in the blood <strong>of</strong> stressed (13.6 ± 7.6 ng/ml) vs. nonstressed mice<br />

(10.8 ± 5.4 ng/ml). However, stress-induced hyperleptinemia was measured (Fig. R.1.2 B). Total<br />

triiodothyronine / T 3 (Fig. R.1.2 C) and total thyroxine / T 4 levels (Fig. R.1.2 D) were reduced in the<br />

plasma <strong>of</strong> stressed animals, whereas thyroglobulin concentrations remained unchanged (data not<br />

shown).<br />

Fig. R.1.2: Repeated psychological stressinduced<br />

loss <strong>of</strong> BW, increase <strong>of</strong> plasma<br />

leptin levels, and hypothyroidism in mice.<br />

A. Loss <strong>of</strong> body mass during the period <strong>of</strong><br />

4.5 days intermittent stress (black box<br />

plots) compared with nonstressed control<br />

mice (white box plots) (n = 12 mice per<br />

group).<br />

B. Plasma leptin levels after nine stress<br />

cycles compared with nonstressed mice<br />

(n = 12 mice per group).<br />

C, D. T 3 (C) and T 4 (D) concentrations in<br />

the plasma <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed and<br />

control mice (n = 12 mice per group).<br />

* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 Mann-Whitney<br />

U test; data representative for two<br />

independent experiments.<br />

A B C D<br />

*<br />

0<br />

-2.5<br />

-5<br />

*<br />

750<br />

500<br />

250<br />

0<br />

350<br />

*<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

7.5<br />

5.0<br />

2.5<br />

0<br />

**<br />

Repeated stress-induced changes <strong>of</strong> global hepatic gene expression<br />

In an approach to a more comprehensive <strong>characterization</strong> <strong>of</strong> the metabolic changes that occur<br />

as a result <strong>of</strong> repeated acoustic and restraint stress, the expression signatures <strong>of</strong> liver from<br />

repeatedly stressed BALB/c mice were recorded and compared with those <strong>of</strong> nonstressed<br />

controls. The Affymetrix-based mRNA expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling <strong>of</strong> the liver <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed vs.<br />

nonstressed animals revealed induction and repression, respectively, <strong>of</strong> 120 and 50 genes in both<br />

independent stress experiments performed. To discriminate effects <strong>of</strong> repeated stress from those<br />

<strong>of</strong> acute stress, the changes in the hepatic gene expression that occurred as a result <strong>of</strong> a single<br />

stress exposure were additionally analyzed. In this model <strong>of</strong> acute stress, 192 and 123 genes<br />

displayed stress-mediated induction or repression <strong>of</strong> expression.<br />

Comparatively analyzing the effects <strong>of</strong> acute and repeated stress, it became clear that both<br />

types <strong>of</strong> stress target a common set <strong>of</strong> 94 genes. Furthermore, 221 and 76 genes were<br />

predominantly regulated <strong>by</strong> acute and repeated stress, respectively (Fig. R.1.3 A).<br />

To analyze the changes in gene expression within the framework <strong>of</strong> already accumulated<br />

knowledge, the lists <strong>of</strong> genes differentially expressed after acute and repeated stress or both<br />

were subjected to an analysis using the IPA s<strong>of</strong>tware. This s<strong>of</strong>tware allowed for an intuitive<br />

mining <strong>of</strong> the data <strong>of</strong> the 391 differentially expressed genes to gather an impression <strong>of</strong> the<br />

biological rationale <strong>of</strong> the expression changes experimentally observed within the context <strong>of</strong><br />

published data.<br />

When the IPA s<strong>of</strong>tware was used to analyze the molecular and cellular functions targeted <strong>by</strong><br />

stress, an influence on broad categories such as “cell growth and proliferation” and “cell death”<br />

was noted (Fig. R.1.3 B). However, it was also apparent that genes related to metabolic diseases<br />

were most significantly influenced <strong>by</strong> the repeated stress exposure (Fig. R.1.3 C). This finding was<br />

in line with the metabolic disturbances observed before. Supporting this notion <strong>of</strong> a major impact<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

<strong>of</strong> repeated stress on metabolism, highly significant changes were also noted for more specific<br />

categories such as amino acid metabolism and lipid metabolism. Some <strong>of</strong> these influences on<br />

metabolism were already noted during acute stress because changes related to metabolic<br />

disease ranked at number six when genes commonly influenced <strong>by</strong> acute and repeated stress<br />

were analyzed. Genes involved in more specific categories <strong>of</strong> metabolism such as lipid and amino<br />

acid metabolism were only moderately influenced <strong>by</strong> acute stress. Thus, the gene expression<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>iling favors the idea that acute stress sets into motion a gene regulation cascade that is then<br />

manifested during repeated stress exposure finally leading to the observed metabolic<br />

disturbances.<br />

A. Numbers <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes after acute and chronic stress or in both models<br />

221<br />

94<br />

76<br />

acute stress specific<br />

differential gene expression<br />

differential gene expression<br />

after both<br />

acute and repeated stress<br />

repeated stress specific<br />

differential gene expression<br />

B. Over-represented functions with highest significance in the lists <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes<br />

rank function function function<br />

1 Cell Cycle Cellular Growth and Proliferation Metabolic Disease<br />

2 Cellular Growth and Proliferation Cell Death Hematological Disease<br />

3 Cell Death Connective Tissue Disorders Cell Signaling<br />

4 Gene Expression Inflammatory Disease Immune Response<br />

5 Cellular Development Skeletal and Muscular Disorders Lipid Metabolism<br />

6 Cancer Metabolic Disease Amino Acid Metabolism<br />

C. Selected over-represented metabolic functions in the lists <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes<br />

function rank rank rank<br />

Metabolic Disease 26 6 1<br />

Amino Acid Metabolism 24 62 6<br />

Lipid Metabolism 16 16 5<br />

Fig. R.1.3: Impact <strong>of</strong> acute and repeated stress on metabolic genes and genes associated with metabolic disease.<br />

A. Graphical display <strong>of</strong> genes differentially expressed after acute or repeated stress, or both stress types. The numbers given in the<br />

Venn diagram include cDNAs, which are not functionally annotated: 29 <strong>of</strong> 221 genes regulated specifically in acute stress, nine <strong>of</strong> 94<br />

genes regulated in both acute and repeated stress, and two <strong>of</strong> 76 genes regulated specifically for repeated stress.<br />

B, C. The lists <strong>of</strong> genes differentially expressed either only after acute stress and repeated stress or after both acute and repeated<br />

stress were loaded into IPA version 5.5 (Ingenuity Systems) to interpret the affected genes within the context <strong>of</strong> the published<br />

literature. Metabolism seemed to be a major target <strong>of</strong> gene regulation after repeated stress exposure, and, thus, the influence <strong>of</strong><br />

acute and repeated stress on metabolism-associated genes was analyzed. The impact <strong>of</strong> acute or repeated stress alone as well as both<br />

stress types is displayed <strong>by</strong> showing the rankings within the list <strong>of</strong> statistically significantly overrepresented functional groups for<br />

genes related to metabolic disease, amino acid metabolism and lipid metabolism.<br />

B. Over-represented functions with highest significance in the lists <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes in acute and repeated stress.<br />

C. Impact <strong>of</strong> acute and repeated stress on metabolic functions.<br />

To elucidate the reasons for stress-induced cachexia, it was decided to concentrate selectively<br />

on changes <strong>of</strong> expression <strong>of</strong> genes whose products are involved in metabolic processes and<br />

regulation <strong>of</strong> metabolic pathways. Several genes that were regulated in the liver <strong>of</strong> repeatedly<br />

stressed animals could be linked to hypercatabolism (Fig. R.1.3). Genes relevant for amino acid<br />

metabolism, especially amino acid transporters and enzymes metabolizing glucogenic amino<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

acids [Slc15a4, Slc25a15, Slc3a1, Asl, and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase 1 (Got1)], were<br />

mostly induced. Moreover, the liver gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed mice<br />

indicated increased metabolism <strong>of</strong> lipids [Adh4, Apoa4, Cd74, Chpt1, Cyp17a1, Cyp2b10,<br />

Cyp3a13, Cyp4a10, Cyp8b1, Hsd17b2, Hsd3b2, 4632417N05Rik (Hspc105), Saa2, Slco1a1, Xbp1].<br />

To validate the array data, real-time RT-PCR focusing on chronic stress-induced dysregulation<br />

and its pathophysiological effects was performed. Therefore, genes that were associated with<br />

repeated stress-influenced metabolic processes <strong>of</strong> carbohydrate metabolism (Pck1), fat<br />

metabolism (Srebf1), and amino acid metabolism (Asl, Sds), and with stress-induced apoptosis<br />

(Gadd45b) were chosen. For all selected genes, the regulation found with the Affymetrix-based<br />

expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling was confirmed (Table R.1.1).<br />

Table R.1.1: Real-time PCR validation <strong>of</strong> array data in repeated stress experiments<br />

target gene<br />

control group a<br />

ΔCt (Ct target − Ct reference Actb)<br />

repeated stress group b<br />

p-value<br />

Asl 2.90 ± 0.33 1.50 ± 0.23 < 0.0001<br />

Gadd45b 9.66 ± 0.64 6.83 ± 1.55 < 0.0001<br />

Pck1 2.53 ± 0.52 0.02 ±0.72 < 0.0001<br />

Sds 5.66 ± 0.41 3.70 ± 0.64 < 0.0001<br />

Srebf1 8.01 ±0.18 8.36 ± 0.13 < 0.0001<br />

a Validation <strong>of</strong> expression data <strong>by</strong> real-time PCR was carried out for all individual RNA preparations <strong>of</strong> the two biological experiments<br />

(n = 9 plus n = 8 mice/group) <strong>of</strong> the two experiments focusing on effects <strong>of</strong> repeated stress exposures.<br />

b Differences <strong>of</strong> ΔCt values were analyzed <strong>by</strong> Mann-Whitney test.<br />

Induction <strong>of</strong> gluconeogenesis in repeatedly stressed mice<br />

Stimulated <strong>by</strong> the observed loss in total body mass and the suspected involvement <strong>of</strong><br />

carbohydrate metabolism, the expression pr<strong>of</strong>iles for relevant genes were specifically<br />

investigated, even if this category was not part <strong>of</strong> the first most significant biological functions<br />

according to the IPA categorization. Stress-induced increased expression <strong>of</strong> Foxo1, Igfbp1, Irs1,<br />

and Pck1, as well as reduced mRNA levels <strong>of</strong> Srebf1, can induce hyperglycemia because <strong>of</strong><br />

activation <strong>of</strong> gluconeogenic pathways. In contrast, the gene products <strong>of</strong> Cebpb, Igfbp1, St3gal5,<br />

and Tnfrsf1b are associated with hypoglycemia, and may indicate counterregulatory processes to<br />

decrease blood glucose levels.<br />

In singularly stressed mice, in vivo analysis did not reveal significant changes <strong>of</strong> carbohydrate<br />

regulation pathways, e. g. <strong>of</strong> leptin concentrations in the plasma, blood glucose levels, or liver<br />

histology (Depke et al. 2008: supplemental material 1 at http://endo.endojournals.org).<br />

In contrast, repeated stress induced pathophysiologically relevant alterations <strong>of</strong> protein and<br />

lipid metabolism to provide fuel for gluconeogenesis. Only in chronically stressed mice<br />

disturbances <strong>of</strong> the carbohydrate metabolism became detectable also in vivo. This included a<br />

transient hypoglycemic period immediately after the termination <strong>of</strong> the ninth stress session.<br />

However, after resuming food intake in the home cage, blood glucose levels increased rapidly<br />

and resulted in a prolonged hyperglycemia that still was detectable 2 h later (Fig. R.1.4 A). In the<br />

liver <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed mice, an increased usage <strong>of</strong> carbohydrate reservoirs was assessed <strong>by</strong><br />

reduced PAS staining that stains aldehyde groups <strong>of</strong> carbohydrates in tissue and revealed<br />

reduced storage <strong>of</strong> carbohydrates in the liver <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed mice compared with healthy<br />

control mice (Fig. R.1.4 B, C). Moreover, after repeated stress, insulin concentrations in the<br />

plasma were slightly increased (272.5 ± 131.4 pg/ml) compared with control mice<br />

(170 ± 149 pg/ml). Resistin, an insulin-resistance inducing adipokine, was significantly increased<br />

in the plasma <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed mice when compared with nonstressed animals<br />

(Fig. R.1.4 D). Analysis <strong>of</strong> pH in EDTA plasma samples revealed stress-induced acidosis<br />

(Fig. R.1.4 E).<br />


lood glucose levels [nmol/l]<br />

resistin (ng/ml)<br />

pH<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

A B D E<br />

*<br />

*<br />

15<br />

*<br />

60<br />

*<br />

7.5<br />

*<br />

10<br />

*<br />

C<br />

50<br />

7.4<br />

5<br />

40<br />

7.3<br />

0<br />

0 0.5 2 h<br />

30<br />

7.2<br />

Fig. R.1.4: Disturbances <strong>of</strong> murine carbohydrate metabolism after repeated psychological stress.<br />

A. Kinetics <strong>of</strong> blood glucose levels immediately after termination <strong>of</strong> the ninth stress cycle (black box plots) compared with controls<br />

(white box plot) (n = 9 mice per group).<br />

B, C. Reduced storage <strong>of</strong> carbohydrates in the liver <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed mice (B) compared with nonstressed mice (C) (PAS staining<br />

magnification, x200); each picture is representative for nine mice per group.<br />

D, E. Plasma resistin levels (D) and pH <strong>of</strong> EDTA plasma (E) <strong>of</strong> stressed and nonstressed mice (n = 12 mice per group). * p < 0.05 Mann-<br />

Whitney U test; data representative for two independent experiments.<br />

Hypercholesteremia after repeated stress exposure<br />

Global gene expression analysis <strong>of</strong> the liver <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed mice revealed stressinduced<br />

changes <strong>of</strong> the gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> lipid metabolism (Fig. R.1.3). Therefore, the<br />

lipid turnover <strong>of</strong> these mice was analyzed. After repeated stress exposure, a hepatic steatosis was<br />

observed (Fig. R.1.5 A), whereas no significant numbers <strong>of</strong> lipid vesicles were detected in the liver<br />

<strong>of</strong> control mice (Fig. R.1.5 B). A Sudan III staining, which selectively stains triglycerides but not<br />

cholesterol esters, did not indicate any differences between stressed vs. nonstressed mice (data<br />

not shown). Therefore, the lipids that were accumulated in the liver were presumably not<br />

triglycerides but steroids or their precursor molecules. This is supported <strong>by</strong> the array data that<br />

showed up-regulation <strong>of</strong> genes for steroid metabolism (Cyp17a1, Cyp2b10, Cyp39a1, Cyp4a14,<br />

and Por).<br />

Analysis <strong>of</strong> plasma lipid composition in repeatedly stressed mice showed reduced triglyceride<br />

levels (Fig. R.1.5 C) but increased total cholesterol concentrations (Fig. R.1.5 D). Among<br />

lipoproteins, the HDL fraction was increased (Fig. R.1.5 E), whereas VLDL concentrations were<br />

strongly decreased (Fig. R.1.5 F). LDL-cholesterol levels did not change (Fig. R.1.5 G).<br />

In contrast to the repeated stress model, plasma lipid composition or histological alterations<br />

in the liver were not detected when comparing acutely stressed and control mice (Depke et al.<br />

2008: supplemental material 1 at http://endo.endojournals.org). In addition, the expression<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>iling <strong>of</strong> acutely stressed mice did not reveal major changes in genes involved in lipid<br />

metabolism, probably indicating that hepatocytes <strong>of</strong> stressed mice started an anticipatory gene<br />

expression program during the repeated stress sessions to face the stressful situation whose<br />

physiological impact did not become detectable until stress exposure was repeated.<br />

Loss <strong>of</strong> essential amino acids in repeatedly stressed mice<br />

The gene expression analysis <strong>of</strong> the liver <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed animals also showed altered<br />

expression pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> genes whose products are involved in amino acid metabolism (e. g. Asl,<br />

Got1, Prodh, Slc15a4, Slc25a15, Slc3a1, and Tdo; Fig. R.1.3). Despite the small group size <strong>of</strong><br />

analyzed animals, the amino acid composition <strong>of</strong> fresh plasma samples revealed significantly<br />


triglycerides [mmol/l]<br />

cholesterol [mmol/l]<br />

HDL [mmol/l]<br />

VLDL [mmol/l]<br />

LDL [mmol/l]<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

reduced concentrations <strong>of</strong> several essential amino acids, e. g. arginine, threonine, methionine,<br />

and tryptophan, whereas nonessential amino acids showed fewer alterations in repeatedly<br />

stressed mice (Depke et al. 2008: supplemental material 5 at http://endo.endojournals.org). In<br />

addition, gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling <strong>of</strong> the liver <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed mice showed an induction<br />

<strong>of</strong> genes for amino acid transporters and amino acid metabolizing enzymes (Sds, Slc15a4,<br />

Slc25a15, Slc3a1, Got1, and Tat), and provided hints for increased activation <strong>of</strong> amino acid<br />

degradation pathways (Aass, Ahcy, Asl, Prodh, and Tdo2). The induction <strong>of</strong> Asl expression along<br />

with a loss <strong>of</strong> arginine and citrulline in the plasma (Depke et al. 2008: supplemental material 5 at<br />

http://endo.endojournals.org) provided hints for altered urea cycle activity. This substantiates<br />

the observations <strong>of</strong> systemic usage <strong>of</strong> the body’s protein stores in repeatedly stressed BALB/c<br />

mice. In contrast, after a single acute stress session, mRNA expression <strong>of</strong> only a few glucogenic<br />

amino acid transporters and metabolizing enzymes was induced in the liver (Sds, Slc38a2, and<br />

Tat), which did not result in altered amino acid levels in the periphery (data not shown).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C D E F G<br />

4<br />

3.5 **<br />

***<br />

3<br />

3.0<br />

2<br />

2.5<br />

1<br />

2.0<br />

3.0<br />

***<br />

0.3 ***<br />

2.5<br />

0.2<br />

2.0<br />

0.1<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

1.5<br />

1.5<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Fig. R.1.5: Disturbances <strong>of</strong> fat metabolism in repeatedly stressed mice.<br />

A, B. Hepatic steatosis in repeatedly stressed mice (A) compared with nonstressed mice (B) (HE staining magnification, x20); each<br />

picture is representative for nine mice per group.<br />

C–G. Plasma fat composition <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed mice (black box plots) and nonstressed controls (white box plots); triglyceride<br />

levels (C), total cholesterol (D), HDL-cholesterol (E), VLDL-cholesterol (F), and LDL-cholesterol (G) were measured immediately after<br />

the ninth stress session (n = 12 mice per group). ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001, Mann-Whitney U test.<br />

Stress-induced alterations <strong>of</strong> hepatic gene expression <strong>of</strong> immune response genes after acute<br />

and chronic stress<br />

The analysis <strong>of</strong> liver homogenates <strong>of</strong> acutely and chronically stressed mice revealed an altered<br />

mRNA expression <strong>of</strong> some immune response genes. Here, canonical pathway analysis <strong>of</strong><br />

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA, www.ingenuity.com) was applied to gain a deeper insight in the<br />

mechanism <strong>of</strong> stress-induced alterations <strong>of</strong> immune functions after acute or repeated<br />

psychological stress. Looking at the effects <strong>of</strong> acute stress, ranking <strong>of</strong> canonical pathways <strong>by</strong> IPA<br />


LBP [ng/ml]<br />

CPR [ng/ml]<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

revealed the following five prime targets: “PXR/RXR activation” (p = 4.04E−06), “Glucocorticoid<br />

Receptor Signaling” (p = 4.26E−05), “LPS/IL-1 Mediated Inhibition <strong>of</strong> RXR function”<br />

(p = 6.44E−05), “IGF-1 Signaling” (p = 7.29E−05), and “Hepatic Fibrosis/Hepatic Stellate Cell<br />

Activation” (p = 2.96E−04). An IPA driven analysis <strong>of</strong> the consequences <strong>of</strong> chronic stress exposure<br />

in turn uncovered a prime influence onto the following five canonical pathways, which partially<br />

overlapped with those influenced <strong>by</strong> acute stress in hepatic tissue: “LPS/IL-1-Mediated Inhibition<br />

<strong>of</strong> RXR Function” (p = 4.38E−06), “PXR/RXR activation” (p = 5.41E−06), “Acute Phase Response<br />

Signaling” (p = 2.48E−05), “Antigen Presentation Pathway” (p = 1.78E−04), and “Glucocorticoid<br />

Receptor Signaling” (p = 4.24E−04).<br />

Already after acute stress, many genes which are associated with immune activation were<br />

induced (e. g. Egfr, Fgf1, Jun, Irf2, Lgals4, Lipg, Map3k5). Several <strong>of</strong> these markers such as Il1r1,<br />

Il6ra, Cxcl1, Lpin1, Tnfrsf1b, or Vcam1 were highly expressed in hepatic tissue also after repeated<br />

stress exposure when compared with non-stressed controls. Interestingly, IPA revealed a high<br />

mRNA expression <strong>of</strong> acute phase response (APR) genes immediately after acute stress exposure<br />

(canonical pathway affected at rank 8 after acute stress: “Acute Phase Response Signaling” with<br />

p = 8.7E−04), which was even further increased after the ninth stress session (Canonical pathway<br />

“Acute phase response”; Table R.1.2). To validate the biological relevance <strong>of</strong> an increased APR,<br />

LPS-binding protein (LBP) and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations were determined in<br />

plasma. Acutely stressed mice did not show any significantly increased concentration <strong>of</strong> these<br />

APR proteins after 2 h stress exposure whereas LBP and CRP levels were significantly enhanced in<br />

the plasma <strong>of</strong> chronically stressed mice (Fig. R.1.6).<br />

Fig. R.1.6: Acute phase proteins in the<br />

plasma after acute and chronic stress and<br />

in control mice.<br />

Plasma level <strong>of</strong> (A) LPS-binding protein<br />

(LBP) and (B) C-reactive protein (CRP) <strong>of</strong><br />

acutely stressed mice (grey box plot),<br />

chronically stressed animals (black box<br />

plot), and <strong>of</strong> non-stressed controls.<br />

n = 12 mice/group;<br />

summarized from two independent<br />

experiments with comparable results.<br />

** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 <strong>by</strong> one-way<br />

ANOVA and Bonferroni multiple<br />

comparison test.<br />

A<br />

750 *** **<br />

500<br />

250<br />

0<br />

B<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

***<br />

Moreover, gene expression patterns contained several hints for the induction <strong>of</strong> immune<br />

suppressive pathways which included an up-regulation <strong>of</strong> Tsc22d3 (GILZ, glucocorticoid-induced<br />

leucine zipper) or Fkbp5 in both acutely and chronically stressed mice and reduced expression <strong>of</strong><br />

interferon gamma inducible target genes such as Ifi47, Iigp1, Stat1, and Socs2 selectively after<br />

chronic stress compared with acutely stressed mice and non-stressed controls. Importantly,<br />

chronically stressed mice showed a reduced hepatic transcription <strong>of</strong> antigen presentation<br />

pathway molecules such as CD74 antigen (Ia antigen-associated invariant chain) and the<br />

histocompatibility class II antigens H2-Aa and H2-Ea. An overlay <strong>of</strong> the gene expression data to<br />

the pre-defined IPA-canonical pathway “Antigen Presentation Pathway” depicts that chronic<br />

stress-induced repression especially affected genes <strong>of</strong> the MHC class II signaling pathway<br />

(Fig. R.1.7) which may significantly reduce the capacity to mount an antibacterial response.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

Table R.1.2: Tabular overview <strong>of</strong> stress-regulated hepatic genes, which are included in Ingenuity Pathway Analysis’ (IPA, Ingenuity<br />

Systems, www.ingenuity.com) canonical pathway „Acute Phase Response Signaling“.<br />

information on canonical pathway<br />

„Acute Phase Response Signaling“ in IPA<br />

information on stress regulated hepatic genes<br />

cellular<br />

location and<br />

Function<br />

plasma<br />

membrane<br />

receptor<br />

cytoplasm /<br />

signal<br />

transduction<br />

nucleus /<br />

transcription<br />

regulator<br />

affected<br />

genes <strong>of</strong><br />

acute phase<br />

response<br />

name in<br />

canonical<br />

pathway<br />

(IPA) a<br />

members<br />

in IPA, if<br />

group <strong>of</strong><br />

more than<br />

one gene<br />

gene<br />

name<br />

(NetAffx)<br />

gene title (NetAffx)<br />

probe<br />

set ID<br />

fold change b<br />

in<br />

chronic<br />

stress<br />

in<br />

acute<br />

stress<br />

IL1R1 IL-1R,<br />

Il1r1 interleukin 1 receptor, type I 1448950_at 4.4 4.0<br />

IL-1R/TLR<br />

IL-6R Il6ra interleukin 6 receptor, alpha 1452416_at 3.3 5.5<br />

TNFR NGFR,<br />

TNFRSF1A,<br />

TNFRSF1B,<br />

TNFRSF11B<br />

Tnfrsf1b tumor necrosis factor receptor<br />

superfamily, member 1b<br />

1418099_at 2.4 3.4<br />

ASK1<br />

Map3k5<br />

(LOC<br />

675366)<br />

mitogen activated protein kinase<br />

kinase kinase 5 /// similar to<br />

mitogen activated protein kinase<br />

kinase kinase 5<br />

mitogen activated protein kinase<br />

3<br />

ERK1/2 MAPK1,<br />

MAPK3<br />

Mapk3<br />

GCR* Nr3c1 nuclear receptor subfamily 3,<br />

group C, member 1<br />

IκBα* BCL3,<br />

Nfkbia nuclear factor <strong>of</strong> kappa light<br />

NFKBIA,<br />

chain gene enhancer in B-cells<br />

NFKBIB,<br />

inhibitor, alpha<br />

NFKBIE<br />

SOCS*<br />

SOCS1,<br />

SOCS2,<br />

SOCS3,<br />

SOCS4,<br />

SOCS5,<br />

SOCS6<br />

Socs2<br />

suppressor <strong>of</strong> cytokine signaling<br />

2<br />

1421340_at 2.5<br />

1427060_at -1.6<br />

1460303_at -1.5<br />

1448306_at 1.8 2.0<br />

1449109_at -2.4<br />

c-FOS Fos FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene 1423100_at 2.5<br />

c-JUN Jun Jun oncogene 1448694_at<br />

1417409_at<br />

1.7<br />

2.0<br />

GCR* Nr3c1 nuclear receptor subfamily 3, 1460303_at -1.5<br />

group C, member 1<br />

NF-IL6 Cebpb CCAAT/enhancer binding protein<br />

(C/EBP), beta<br />

1418901_at<br />

1427844_a_at<br />

3.3<br />

4.0<br />

5.1<br />

6.9<br />

CRP Crp C-reactive protein, pentraxinrelated<br />

1421946_at 1.6<br />

IκBα* BCL3,<br />

Nfkbia nuclear factor <strong>of</strong> kappa light 1448306_at 1.8 2.0<br />

NFKBIA,<br />

chain gene enhancer in B-cells<br />

NFKBIB,<br />

inhibitor, alpha<br />

NFKBIE<br />

ORM ORM1,<br />

Orm2 orosomucoid 2 1420438_at 3.3<br />

SAA<br />

SOCS*<br />

ORM2<br />

SAA1,<br />

SAA2,<br />

SAA4<br />

SOCS1,<br />

SOCS2,<br />

SOCS3,<br />

SOCS4,<br />

SOCS5,<br />

SOCS6<br />

Saa1 serum amyloid A 1 1419075_s_at<br />

1450788_at<br />

23.7<br />

27.9<br />

Saa2 serum amyloid A 2 1449326_x_at 30.5<br />

Saa4 serum amyloid A 4 1419318_at<br />

1419319_at<br />

2.6<br />

2.6<br />

Socs2 suppressor <strong>of</strong> cytokine signaling 1449109_at -2.4<br />

2<br />

a Some genes and their products marked <strong>by</strong> * belong to more than one group <strong>of</strong> the first column.<br />

b Fold change values are only given if the gene was considered as regulated in acute or chronic stress experiments.<br />

2.2<br />

2.5<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

Fig. R.1.7: Hepatic repression <strong>of</strong> antigen<br />

presentation related genes after chronic<br />

stress.<br />

Canonical “Antigen Presentation Pathway” <strong>of</strong><br />

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (adapted from<br />

IPA, Ingenuity Systems, www.ingenuity.com)<br />

displaying genes specifically repressed during<br />

chronic but not during acute stress.<br />

Repression <strong>of</strong> gene expression is indicated in<br />

green. The following genes are affected: H2-<br />

Aa and H2-Ea (MHC-IIα); Cd74 (CLIP); Psmb9<br />

(LMP2). The blue circle indicates gene<br />

repression for H2-Ab1 (MHC-IIβ), which did<br />

not pass the regulation criteria because <strong>of</strong><br />

low expression level.<br />

Increased leukocyte trafficking into the liver <strong>of</strong> chronically stressed mice<br />

Immediately after acute stress, several markers <strong>of</strong> leukocyte migration were differentially<br />

regulated in hepatic tissue compared with non-stressed controls. This set included lymphocyte<br />

chemoattractive molecules such as Cxcl11 and Cxl12, which were repressed, or neutrophils<br />

attractive Cxcl1, which was highly expressed after acute but also after chronic stress exposure. An<br />

induction <strong>of</strong> Vcam1 after acute and chronic stress and <strong>of</strong> Arhgap5 selectively after repeated<br />

stress as well as the repression <strong>of</strong> Bcar3 in the liver after acute stress exposure indicated that the<br />

extravasation <strong>of</strong> leukocytes was facilitated. Additionally, mRNA pr<strong>of</strong>iling uncovered a repression<br />

<strong>of</strong> genes whose products are involved in maintaining the endothelial barrier function such as<br />

claudin 1 (Cldn1), selectively after acute stress, or claudin 2 and 3 after both acute and chronic<br />

stress. To investigate whether these changes in gene expression also caused physiological<br />

changes in leukocyte composition <strong>of</strong> the liver, immun<strong>of</strong>luorescence staining was performed<br />

which revealed that no changes <strong>of</strong> immune cell numbers in the liver were detectable<br />

immediately after a single acute stress session <strong>by</strong> staining leukocytes with anti-CD45 antibodies<br />

(data not shown). However, in the periportal areas <strong>of</strong> chronically stressed animals there were<br />

increased numbers <strong>of</strong> CD45-positive cells, which supports the data <strong>of</strong> the gene expression<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>iling that indicated stress-induced leukocyte migration (data not shown).<br />

Increased oxidative stress in the liver after acute psychological stress exposure is counterregulated<br />

after repeated stress<br />

Inflammatory responses are associated with increased generation <strong>of</strong> reactive oxygen and<br />

nitrogen species. Gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling gave hints for increased oxidative stress in the liver <strong>of</strong><br />

acutely and chronically stressed mice. Alas1 or As3mt, which are important for the regulation <strong>of</strong><br />

the oxidative state, were differentially regulated after acute and chronic stress. The redox<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

molecule Nnmt was up-regulated selectively after repeated stress. To verify the biological<br />

relevance <strong>of</strong> an altered redox homeostasis, protein carbonylation was analyzed as a marker <strong>of</strong><br />

oxidative stress. Remarkably, increased protein carbonyl content <strong>of</strong> plasmatic and hepatic<br />

proteins was detectable already immediately after acute stress, indicating a rapid and significant<br />

protein damage <strong>by</strong> increased formation <strong>of</strong> reactive oxygen species (data not shown). After<br />

chronic psychological stress the protein-carbonyl content had returned to the level seen in nonstressed<br />

control mice (data not shown).<br />

Finally, the expression <strong>of</strong> Glrx (glutaredoxin) and Gsta (glutathione S-transferase) was<br />

significantly increased in the liver <strong>of</strong> chronically stressed mice indicating that compensatory antioxidative<br />

mechanisms were induced. This may explain why the carbonyl content <strong>of</strong> proteins in<br />

plasma and liver in repeatedly stressed mice had declined to the normal level observed in nonstressed<br />

control mice (data not shown).<br />

Repeated stress-induced apoptosis in the liver<br />

Several genes that were regulated in the liver <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed mice provided hints for<br />

increased cell death. By comparing the mRNA pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> liver homogenates <strong>of</strong> acutely and<br />

repeatedly stressed mice a highly similar pattern <strong>of</strong> altered gene expression <strong>of</strong> cell cycle and<br />

apoptosis-related genes was observed. In both acutely and chronically stressed animals,<br />

increased mRNA levels compared to non-stressed controls were detected for Tnfrsf1b, Cdkn1a,<br />

Cebpb, Igfbp1, and Gadd45b (Fig. R.1.8 A). Other genes, such as Fos and Jun, which were induced<br />

immediately after acute stress exposure, did not reveal prolonged high mRNA expression<br />

(Fig. R.1.8 A, B), whereas yet another group, including Ccnd1 and Xbp1, were selectively<br />

repressed after the ninth stress session (Fig. R.1.8 B). Using TUNEL techniques, induction <strong>of</strong><br />

hepatocyte apoptosis was not detectable immediately after one single acute stress exposure<br />

(Fig. R.1.8 D), but high numbers <strong>of</strong> dead cells in livers after repeated stress exposure (Fig. R.1.8 E)<br />

compared with control mice (Fig. R.1.8 C) were documented. However, the liver mass after the<br />

ninth stress session was only slightly decreased compared to non-stressed control animals<br />

(Fig. R.1.8 F). This may be caused <strong>by</strong> induction <strong>of</strong> repair processes for which heightened hepatic<br />

expression <strong>of</strong> IL-6 receptor and Ptp4a1 after chronic stress are indications.<br />

Fig. R.1.8. Differential regulation <strong>of</strong> cell death associated genes in liver <strong>of</strong> stressed mice.<br />

Genes resulting from a search for “apoptosis AND liver”, “apoptosis AND hepatocyte”, “cell death AND liver” and “cell death AND<br />

hepatocyte” using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA, Ingenuity Systems, www.ingenuity.com) were collected in a list. All genes <strong>of</strong> this<br />

list which displayed differential regulation in liver after acute and/or chronic stress exposure were added to a new user-defined<br />

pathway as analysis nodes and <strong>interactions</strong> between these selected genes were drawn using the “Connect” tool <strong>of</strong> IPA. Edge lines that<br />

are continuous represent direct <strong>interactions</strong>, whereas broken lines indicate indirect influences. The pathway was overlaid with<br />

expression data from (A) acute stress and from (B) chronic stress. Red indicates increased and green decreased expression after stress<br />

exposure compared with the control. Intensity <strong>of</strong> the node color represents the degree <strong>of</strong> up (red) and down (green) regulation in the<br />

stressed livers. Different shapes <strong>of</strong> the nodes indicate the functional classes <strong>of</strong> the gene products (e. g. vertical<br />

ellipse − transmembrane receptor; horizontal ellipse − transcription regulator; vertical rectangle − G-protein coupled receptor;<br />

horizontal rectangle − ligand-dependent nuclear receptor; trapezium − transporter; triangle − phosphatase; inverted triangle − kinase;<br />

vertical rhomb − enzyme; horizontal rhomb − peptidase; quadrat − cytokine; double lined circle − group or complex; single lined<br />

circle − other).<br />

The level <strong>of</strong> apoptosis TUNEL assay (x400): compared to the control (C), livers <strong>of</strong> mice exposed to acute stress did no display any<br />

significant increase in the level <strong>of</strong> apoptosis (D). However, high numbers <strong>of</strong> apoptotic hepatocytes were detected in repeatedly<br />

stressed mice (E). Each picture is representative for n = 9 mice/group. Increased apoptosis did not alter liver mass (F), even after the<br />

9th stress cycle (black box plots) compared with non-stressed mice (white box plots) n = 9 mice/group; data representative for least 2<br />

independent experiments.<br />


liver weight [g]<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

A<br />

C<br />

D<br />

B<br />

E<br />

F<br />

1.4<br />

1.2<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />


log cfu/g liver<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Liver Gene Expression Pattern in a Mouse Psychological Stress Model<br />

Reduced antibacterial response in the liver after chronic stress exposure [Cornelia Kiank]<br />

Kiank et al. already showed that chronic psychological stress increased the bacterial spreading<br />

after experimental infection with the extracellular <strong>pathogen</strong> E. coli ATCC 25922 (Kiank et al.<br />

2006). To elucidate whether altered hepatic immune responsiveness <strong>of</strong> chronically stressed<br />

animals also alters the antibacterial response to intracellular microbes, BALB/c mice were<br />

intraperitoneally challenged with 150 cfu Salmonella typhimurium. Salmonella infection could not<br />

be restricted at 48 and 72 h after infection when mice were exposed to nine stress sessions prior<br />

to the bacterial challenge (Fig. R.1.9). This shows that although immune effector cells infiltrated<br />

the liver <strong>of</strong> chronically stressed mice, immune suppression dominated, which resulted in an<br />

insufficient protection against infections.<br />

6<br />

**<br />

***<br />

***<br />

***<br />

5<br />

Fig. R.1.9 Bacterial load <strong>of</strong> livers after infection with Salmonella<br />

typhimurium.<br />

Colony forming units (cfu) in the liver <strong>of</strong> chronically stressed (black<br />

box plots) and non-stressed mice (white box plots) 48 and 72 h<br />

after intraperitoneal infection with 150 cfu <strong>of</strong> S. typhimurium wt<br />

12023 are displayed. (n = 9 mice/group, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001<br />

<strong>by</strong> Mann-Whitney U-test, data representative for two independent<br />

experiments).<br />

4<br />

3<br />

48 h 72 h<br />


infection rate<br />

cfu / 10 mg tissue<br />

cfu / 10 mg tissue<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />



Infection rate in kidney samples<br />

The two Staphylococcus aureus strains RN1HG and RN1HG ΔsigB were used to infect mice<br />

with an almost equal infection dose for both strains. It was known from other genetic<br />

backgrounds that virulence and bacterial load are <strong>of</strong>ten similar for sigB deletion mutants and<br />

their parental strain. Nevertheless, individual mice might still display differences. Therefore, the<br />

infection rate <strong>of</strong> each sample was tested on molecular basis to identify potentially existing outlier<br />

samples <strong>of</strong> divergent bacterial load.<br />

Infection rates <strong>of</strong> individual mice kidney samples were comparable in range, mean, and<br />

median in the biological replicates (BR) samples as well used as in for samples 10 arrays_Exp <strong>of</strong> infection Feb 09with the two different<br />

strains (Fig. R.2.1). The infection rate <strong>of</strong> samples and infected exp. Apr 2009 with S. aureus RN1HG ranged from<br />

4.3E+05 cfu/10 mg tissue to 2.2E+06 cfu/10 mg tissue (mean: 1.1E+06; median: 9.2E+05) and <strong>of</strong><br />

those infected with RN1HG ΔsigB from 4.7E+05 cfu/10 mg tissue to 2.3E+06 cfu/10 mg tissue<br />

Infection rate cfu / 10 mg tissue<br />

(mean: 1.0E+06; median: 8.6E+05) in both biological [experiments replicates. february and april 2009]<br />

3.0E+06 3.010 6<br />

Fig. R.2.1:<br />

Infection rate in kidney samples <strong>of</strong><br />

mice infected with S. aureus RN1HG<br />

and RN1HG ΔsigB.<br />

The infection rate <strong>of</strong> each sample was<br />

determined in a qPCR approach in<br />

comparison to data from a mixture <strong>of</strong><br />

non-infected kidney tissue and in vitro<br />

cultivated staphylococcal cells. The<br />

line indicates the mean <strong>of</strong> infection<br />

rate for each biological replicate.<br />

BR – biological replicate.<br />

2.0E+06 2.010 6<br />

1.0E+06 1.010 6<br />

infection with<br />

RN1HG<br />

first biological<br />

replicate BR1<br />

wt (2 kidneys)_Feb09<br />

NMRI infection infected with with infection RN1HGwith<br />

RN1HG ΔsigB RN1HG<br />

first biological second biological<br />

replicate BR1 replicate BR2<br />

delta sigB (2 kidneys)_Feb09<br />

wt (2 kidneys)_Apr09<br />

infection with<br />

RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

second biological<br />

replicate BR2<br />

delta sigB (2 kidneys)_Feb09<br />

Reproducibility <strong>of</strong> replicates and clustering <strong>of</strong> Exp. treatment Feb. 09; group members Exp. Apr. 09;<br />

used for array analysis (4/7; 5/8) used for array analysis (5/8; 5/8)<br />

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied for a first general impression <strong>of</strong> the array<br />

data set. This method calculates the direction <strong>of</strong> strongest variation from the multidimensional<br />

array data set, and reduces it to a new value <strong>of</strong> the parameter called Principle Component (PC).<br />

The remaining variation in the data set is subsequently addressed in the same way until all or a<br />

pre-defined fraction <strong>of</strong> variation is collapsed into new values. This procedure results in a set <strong>of</strong><br />

PCs, each <strong>of</strong> which accounts for a fraction <strong>of</strong> the total variance in the data set. Usually, the first 2<br />

or 3 PCs are displayed in a 2- or 3- dimensional plot, respectively. In such a plot, the distance <strong>of</strong><br />

the points that represent the individual data sets correlates to the difference between them.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

In this study, the PCA plot was derived from log-transformed intensity data <strong>of</strong> 24 arrays,<br />

analyzing 2 biological replicates <strong>of</strong> mice infected with S. aureus RN1HG and RN1HG ΔsigB and one<br />

additional group <strong>of</strong> sham infection (Fig. R.2.2). The analysis was performed on sequence level<br />

(probe sets). Control sequences and sequences that are absent on all 24 arrays (p > 0.01 on<br />

intensity pr<strong>of</strong>ile level) were not included.<br />

The biological reproducibility is visualized in the PCA plot <strong>by</strong> the arrangement <strong>of</strong><br />

corresponding data points close to each other. The PCA clearly distinguished two groups:<br />

infection with S. aureus and sham infection / NaCl control (Fig. R.2.2 A). Furthermore, the PCA<br />

depicted that the data sets <strong>of</strong> infection with S. aureus RN1HG and infection with RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

were highly similar (Fig. R.2.2 A−C).<br />

A view from front B view from right side C view from above<br />

Fig. R.2.2: Visualization <strong>of</strong> transcriptome data using Principal Component Analysis (PCA).<br />

Log-transformed data were used to derive a PCA plot containing 24 arrays (analyzing 2 biological replicates <strong>of</strong> 2 groups with different<br />

infecting strains and one additional group <strong>of</strong> sham infection). Resulting principal components (PC) were set to cover 95 % <strong>of</strong> total<br />

variation, while the total number <strong>of</strong> principal components was not limited. The analysis was restricted to non-control probe sets that<br />

were not absent on all 24 arrays, when absence <strong>of</strong> expression is defined via a p-value > 0.01 on intensity pr<strong>of</strong>ile level in Rosetta<br />

Resolver.<br />

All 3 images (A-C) belong to the same PCA shown in the normal view from the front in the first image (A). In the second image the<br />

PCA-graph is turned <strong>by</strong> 90° to the left around the axis <strong>of</strong> principle component 2 resulting in a view from the right side into the plot (B).<br />

Finally, in the third image the view from above into the graph is achieved <strong>by</strong> turning the plot <strong>by</strong> 90° around the axis <strong>of</strong> principle<br />

component 1 (C).<br />

Arrays <strong>of</strong> the first biological replicate (BR1) are represented <strong>by</strong> rhombi () and arrays <strong>of</strong> the second biological replicate (BR2) <strong>by</strong><br />

dots (•). Coloring distinguishes the three treatment groups <strong>of</strong> infection with S. aureus RN1HG (red), infection with S. aureus<br />

RN1HG ΔsigB (blue) and sham infection / NaCl control (green).<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> treatment groups reveals the same <strong>host</strong> reaction to infection with S. aureus<br />

RN1HG and its sigB-mutant<br />

Already the PCA had shown a high similarity between the reaction to the two different<br />

infecting strains S. aureus RN1HG and RN1HG ΔsigB. Based on the PCA results the strategy for<br />

statistical testing consisted <strong>of</strong> four main types <strong>of</strong> comparison (Fig. R.2.3):<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> the two groups with different infecting strains (infection with RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

vs. infection with RN1HG) after combining both biological replicates<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> the two groups with different infecting strains for each biological replicate<br />

separately<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> the same experimental groups <strong>of</strong> different biological replicates (infection with<br />

RN1HG: BR1 vs. BR2; infection with RN1HG ΔsigB: BR1 vs. BR2)<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> infection with S. aureus and sham infection in the second biological replicate<br />

(infection with RN1HG vs. sham infection; infection with RN1HG ΔsigB vs. sham infection)<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

infection with<br />

RN1HG<br />

BR1<br />

(4 arrays)<br />

3<br />

infection with<br />

RN1HG<br />

BR2<br />

(5 arrays)<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

sham infection<br />

(NaCl)<br />

BR2<br />

(5 arrays)<br />

infection with<br />

RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

BR1<br />

(5 arrays)<br />

3<br />

infection with<br />

RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

BR2<br />

(5 arrays)<br />

4<br />

Fig. R.2.3: Overview on the comparisons between groups in this study that were addressed with statistical testing and visualized with<br />

scatter plots.<br />

The two groups with different infecting strains (infection with RN1HG ΔsigB vs. infection with RN1HG) were compared after<br />

combining both biological replicates () and for each biological replicate separately (). Same experimental groups <strong>of</strong> different<br />

biological replicates (infection with RN1HG: BR1 vs. BR2; infection with RN1HG ΔsigB: BR1 vs. BR2) were also checked against each<br />

other (). The last comparison focused on infection and sham infection in the second biological replicate (infection with RN1HG vs.<br />

sham infection; infection with RN1HG ΔsigB vs. sham infection; ).<br />

BR – biological replicate.<br />

The comparisons were visualized using scatter plots (Fig. R.2.4). Comparable to the PCA<br />

results, a striking concordance between expression values <strong>of</strong> kidney after infection with RN1HG<br />

and infection with RN1HG ΔsigB was observed, especially when both biological replicates were<br />

combined (Fig. R.2.4, panel ), but also when the biological replicates were considered<br />

separately (Fig. R.2.4, panel ). In the comparison <strong>of</strong> the same experimental groups in both<br />

replicates high similarity was observed (Fig. R.2.4, panel ), although the inter-replicate variation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the same treatment was higher than the intra-replicate variation <strong>of</strong> the different treatments<br />

for S. aureus infected samples. The inter-replicate variation might be due to the difference <strong>of</strong> one<br />

day in the sampling time point (d 4 or d 5). Strong effects <strong>of</strong> S. aureus infection independent <strong>of</strong><br />

the infecting strain emerged in the comparison to the sham infected / NaCl control sample group<br />

(Fig. R.2.4, panel ).<br />

The different experimental groups were compared with statistical testing to obtain lists <strong>of</strong><br />

differentially expressed genes. Sequences not expressed and control sequences were not<br />

included in statistical testing.<br />

The first statistical test compared kidney samples <strong>of</strong> mice infected with S. aureus RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

vs. infection with RN1HG in an approach that combined both biological replicates (for<br />

comparison see Fig. R.2.3; and Fig. R.2.4, panel ). Only one sequence corresponding to one<br />

gene was significantly different in intensity between both groups (Table R.2.1). For all arrays<br />

except one array from a specific animal the signal intensities <strong>of</strong> this gene were low and their p-<br />

value for expression was high. i. e. the expression was absent (Fig. R.2.5 A). The array data from<br />

the single outlying animal caused statistical significance, but the result is not biologically relevant<br />

because it is obviously due to an unknown, animal-specific factor and not to treatment.<br />


BR2: inf. RN1HG<br />

BR2: inf. RN1HG<br />

BR1: inf. RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

BR1+2: inf. RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

BR2: inf. RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

BR2: inf. RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

BR2: inf. RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

<br />

BR1+2: inf. RN1HG<br />

<br />

BR1: inf. RN1HG<br />

BR2: inf. RN1HG<br />

<br />

BR1: inf. RN1HG<br />

BR1: inf. RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

<br />

BR2: sham inf. (NaCl)<br />

BR2: sham inf. (NaCl)<br />

Fig. R.2.4: Scatter plots comparing mean signal intensities <strong>of</strong> treatment groups.<br />

The signals <strong>of</strong> the three groups “infection with RN1HG”, “infection with RN1HG ΔsigB”, and “sham infection / NaCl control” are plotted<br />

separately for biological replicates (BR1, BR2) or combined for both biological replicates (BR1+2). Control sequences and sequences<br />

that were absent on all <strong>of</strong> the arrays used for each scatter plot are not shown. (Absence <strong>of</strong> expression is defined via a<br />

p-value > 0.01 on intensity pr<strong>of</strong>ile level in Rosetta Resolver). Numbers in the first column refer to the comparison scheme in Fig. R.2.3.<br />


Table R.2.1: Genes displaying statistically different expression values in the corresponding comparisons.<br />

a<br />

The GeneChip Mouse Gene 1.0 ST array contains 35557 sequences (probe sets) <strong>of</strong> which 6613 are controls (e. g. negative, positive, PolyA, and hybridization controls). The control sequences and sequences that<br />

were not expressed on all arrays in the selected group comparison were not included in statistical testing.<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

b Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware maps the sequences (probe sets) to 20074 EntrezGene records (genes). This mapping is used to calculate the numbers <strong>of</strong> genes that are significant in statistical testing and when indicated<br />

group comparison<br />

number<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

arrays<br />

number <strong>of</strong><br />

sequences<br />

absent on<br />

all arrays<br />

significant with p*

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

In the search for specific differences in infection with S. aureus RN1HG ΔsigB vs. infection with<br />

RN1HG, the same comparison was performed for the biological replicates separately (for<br />

comparison see Fig. R.2.3; and Fig. R.2.4, panel ). This analysis resulted in 7 or 6<br />

sequences/genes which were differentially expressed in the first biological replicate BR1 or the<br />

second biological replicate BR2, respectively (Table R.2.1). Both lists did not display any overlap<br />

indicating that the few regulated genes were not reproducible in the biological replicates,<br />

although statistically significant (Fig. R.2.5 B).<br />

Additionally, the statistical significance in the biological replicate BR1 was again caused <strong>by</strong> one<br />

single sample, i. e. <strong>by</strong> one specific animal, which provided an outlier value to the data set<br />

(Fig. R.2.5 C). The same sample accounted for the outlier in the values <strong>of</strong> the single gene<br />

significantly regulated when combining the biological replicates (Fig. R.2.5 A).<br />

The statistical significance <strong>of</strong> the 6 differentially expressed genes in the second biological<br />

replicate was not caused <strong>by</strong> outliers (Fig. R.2.5 D), but the fold change in this comparison was<br />

only moderate ranging from to -1.34 to -2.18 (mean: -1.72; median: -1.67).<br />

In conclusion, the study could not provide any hints for statistically significant differences in<br />

the expression pattern in murine kidney upon infection with S. aureus RN1HG or its isogenic sigB<br />

mutant.<br />

When asking for the reproducibility <strong>of</strong> the same treatment in both biological replicates in the<br />

light <strong>of</strong> a possible influence on the detection <strong>of</strong> differential gene expression between the groups<br />

infected with the two different S. aureus strains (for comparison see Fig. R.2.3; and Fig. R.2.4,<br />

panel ), 33 sequences (i. e. 26 genes) were significantly different between the replicates <strong>of</strong><br />

infection with RN1HG, and 62 sequences (i. e. 31 genes) significantly differed between the<br />

replicates <strong>of</strong> infection with RN1HG ΔsigB (Table R.2.1).<br />

Of these genes, only a small fraction <strong>of</strong> approximately 20 % possessed an absolute fold change<br />

greater than 2. For these few genes a high expression variation within one biological replicate<br />

was observed or the statistical difference even was again due to one outlier array. Additionally,<br />

most genes which differed between the replicates did not display any overlap with the genes<br />

which were significantly different between the groups infected with the two different S. aureus<br />

strains. Only some genes were statistically differentially expressed between the equally treated<br />

replicates as well as between infection with RN1HG and RN1HG ΔsigB in the first biological<br />

replicate. But as the statistical significance between samples infected with the two strains was<br />

only caused <strong>by</strong> one single outlier value (Fig. R.2.5 C), it was clear that the small difference<br />

between biological replicates did not prevent the identification <strong>of</strong> differential gene expression in<br />

the comparison <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> reaction to the two infecting S. aureus strains.<br />

In summary, the comparison <strong>of</strong> same treatment groups in different biological replicates<br />

revealed minor, negligible differences that did not influence the detection <strong>of</strong> differential<br />

regulation when comparing the groups <strong>of</strong> infection with different S. aureus strains. The identical<br />

reaction to infection with S. aureus RN1HG and S. aureus RN1HG ΔsigB was reliably measured in<br />

the array study and the detection <strong>of</strong> differences was not prevented <strong>by</strong> biological variation<br />

between the two independent infection experiments.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

BR1 sign DsigB vs wt<br />

BR1 sign DsigB vs wt<br />

A<br />

DsigB<br />

Igk-V28<br />

wt<br />

infection with RN1HG ΔsigB vs. RN1HG;<br />

BR1 and und BR2 BR2 combined DsigB vs wt<br />

Igk-V28_DsigB<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

B<br />

BR1 sign DsigB vs wt<br />

BR1 sign DsigB vs wt<br />

7 0 6<br />

C<br />

Igk-V28_DsigB<br />

1 10 100 1000 10000<br />

Igk-V28_wt<br />

signal intensity<br />

infection with S. aureus RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

infection with S. aureus RN1HG wt<br />

Igk-V28_wt<br />

Cyp11b1_DsigB<br />

D<br />

sequences/genes differentially<br />

expressed between<br />

infection with RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

and infection with RN1HG<br />

in BR1<br />

sequences/genes differentially<br />

expressed between<br />

infection with RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

and infection with RN1HG<br />

in BR2<br />

Cyp11b1_DsigB<br />

infection BR1 with sign RN1HG DsigB ΔsigB vs wt vs. RN1HG; BR1<br />

Cyp11b1_wt<br />

infection with S. aureus RN1HG ΔsigB<br />

infection with S. aureus RN1HG wt<br />

Igk-V28_DsigB<br />

Igk-V28<br />

Cyp11b1_wt<br />

Igk-V28_wt<br />

4921521F21Rik_DsigB<br />

infectionBR2 withsign RN1HG DsigB ΔsigBvs vs. wt RN1HG; BR2<br />

Cyp11b1_DsigB<br />

Cyp11b1<br />

4921521F21Rik_DsigB<br />

Cyp11b1_wt<br />

4921521F21Rik_wt<br />

Gpr84_DsigB<br />

Gpr84<br />

Gpr84_wt<br />

4921521F21Rik_DsigB<br />

4921521F21Rik<br />

4921521F21Rik_wt<br />

4921521F21Rik_wt<br />

Star_DsigB<br />

Cd274_DsigB<br />

Cd274<br />

Cd274_wt<br />

Star_DsigB<br />

Star<br />

Star_wt<br />

Star_DsigB<br />

Star_wt<br />

Cxcl9_DsigB<br />

Cxcl9<br />

Cxcl9_wt<br />

Hsd3b1_DsigB<br />

Cybb_DsigB<br />

Hsd3b1<br />

Hsd3b1_wt<br />

Star_wt<br />

Hsd3b1_DsigB<br />

Cybb<br />

Cybb_wt<br />

Cyp21a1_DsigB<br />

Cyp21a1<br />

Cyp21a1_wt<br />

Hsd3b1_DsigB<br />

Hsd3b1_wt<br />

C3ar1_DsigB<br />

C3ar1<br />

C3ar1_wt<br />

Cyp11a1_DsigB<br />

Cyp11a1<br />

Cyp11a1_wt<br />

Hsd3b1_wt<br />

Cyp21a1_DsigB<br />

Plekho2_DsigB<br />

Plekho2<br />

Plekho2_wt<br />

1 10 100 1000 10000<br />

signal intensity<br />

Cyp21a1_DsigB<br />

Fig. R.2.5: Signal intensities Cyp21a1_wt and list comparison for differentially expressed genes.<br />

A. Comparison <strong>of</strong> murine kidney expression pr<strong>of</strong>iles after infection with RN1HG ΔsigB and infection with RN1HG with statistical testing<br />

results in one differentially expressed gene when combining both available biological replicates. However, the signal intensity is<br />

extremely low (not expressed with p > 0.01 on intensity pr<strong>of</strong>ile level in Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware) in all arrays except in one array<br />

(i. e. a kidney sample) Cyp21a1_wt from one mouse infected with RN1HG (BR1) which is visible as outlier and which causes the statistical<br />

significance. Cyp11a1_DsigB<br />

B. Comparison <strong>of</strong> genes differentially regulated between infection with RN1HG and its isogenic sigB mutant in BR1 and BR2. Both<br />

10 biological replicates result 100in completely different 1000 lists <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed 10000 genes.<br />

C, D. Signal intensity values <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes in the comparison <strong>of</strong> infection with RN1HG ΔsigB and infection with<br />

RN1HG in BR1 Cyp11a1_DsigB<br />

(C) and in BR2 (D). In BR1, statistical significance is caused <strong>by</strong> a single array that includes an outlier value.<br />

Cyp11a1_wt<br />

BR – biological replicate.<br />

10 100 1000 10000<br />

81<br />

1 10 100 1000 10000<br />

signal intensity<br />

Cyp11a1_wt1 10 100 1000 10000<br />

1 10 100 1000 10000

log 2 ratio (inf. RN1HG ΔsigB / sham inf.)<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

Comparative analysis <strong>of</strong> S. aureus infected samples with sham infection identifies strong<br />

infection/inflammation reactions <strong>of</strong> the kidney tissue<br />

As high reproducibility <strong>of</strong> kidney expression pr<strong>of</strong>iles in biological replicates <strong>of</strong> infection with<br />

S. aureus had been shown, the comparison between S. aureus infected samples and sham<br />

infection / NaCl control was conducted with only one representative biological replicate (for<br />

comparison see Fig. R.2.3; and Fig. R.2.4, panel ).<br />

When comparing sham infection with infection with S. aureus RN1HG, 5264 sequences were<br />

differentially expressed which correspond to 4613 genes (EntrezGene records in Rosetta Resolver<br />

s<strong>of</strong>tware). Of these genes, 1083 possessed an absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> at least 2. A similar<br />

difference was observed in the comparison <strong>of</strong> sham infection with infection with S. aureus<br />

RN1HG ΔsigB: 4826 sequences (4248 genes) differed significantly <strong>of</strong> which 970 genes exhibited<br />

an absolute fold difference <strong>of</strong> at least 2 (Table R.2.1).<br />

When calculating ratios <strong>of</strong> highly similar sample data sets to a common baseline, a result <strong>of</strong><br />

conforming values is expected. The log-ratio plot <strong>of</strong> the two ratios “infection with<br />

RN1HG” / “sham infection” and “infection with RN1HG ΔsigB” / “sham infection” in the second<br />

biological replicate BR2 on EntrezGene level visualizes this similarity <strong>of</strong> the ratio data: Data points<br />

are mainly arranged near the diagonal <strong>of</strong> the plot (Fig. R.2.6). Some data points display more<br />

scattering, but the difference in the ratios was not significant when tested statistically and was<br />

mainly due to higher variation in signal intensities <strong>of</strong> one group, as described above.<br />

6<br />

Fig. R.2.6:<br />

Ratio plot comparing the log 2ratio <strong>of</strong> “infection with<br />

RN1HG” / “sham infection” with the log 2ratio <strong>of</strong><br />

“infection with RN1HG ΔsigB” / “sham infection” in the<br />

second biological replicate BR2 on EntrezGene level.<br />

Genes differentially regulated (p* < 0.01 in errorweighted<br />

one-way ANOVA with Benjamini-Hochberg<br />

False Discovery Rate multiple testing correction in the<br />

Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware) in both comparisons are<br />

colored in light gray, genes specifically significant in the<br />

comparison “infection with RN1HG” / “sham infection”<br />

are depicted in black while genes specifically significant<br />

in the comparison “infection with RN1HG<br />

ΔsigB” / “sham infection” are shown in dark gray. In<br />

total, 5025 genes are visible.<br />

BR – biological replicate.<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6<br />

log 2 ratio (inf. RN1HG / sham inf.)<br />

The genes differentially regulated in S. aureus infected kidney tissue compared to sham<br />

infection were further analyzed using the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis tool. Only genes displaying<br />

an at least tw<strong>of</strong>old difference in expression between sham infected and S. aureus infected<br />

animals (either RN1HG or RN1HG ΔsigB from the second biological replicate BR2) were<br />

considered in this analysis. Using this approach, the list <strong>of</strong> genes eligible for analysis was<br />

restricted to 1156 genes <strong>of</strong> which 4 could not be mapped to internal data base entries (Ingenuity<br />

Pathway Knowledge Base, IPKB) <strong>by</strong> IPA. Since expression values <strong>of</strong> experiments involving<br />

infection with S. aureus RN1HG or its isogenic sigB mutant did not differ significantly, the average<br />

<strong>of</strong> both expression values was compared to sham infected animals, which allows intuitive<br />

visualization <strong>of</strong> the data.<br />

The global functional analysis using IPA <strong>of</strong>fers an overview on the biological functions that are<br />

associated with the analyzed data set. As expected from the experimental setting, influence on<br />

the functional category “Inflammatory Response” was most pronounced with p-values <strong>of</strong><br />

2.36E−75 to 1.24E−10 for the sub-categories and with 343 associated genes differentially<br />

expressed between infection and sham infection. Additionally, other infection, immune response<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

and inflammation related categories (e. g. Inflammatory / Immunological / Infectious Disease,<br />

Antigen Presentation) and categories showing the impact <strong>of</strong> infection on the tissue (e. g. Cellular<br />

Compromise, Cell Death) were significantly affected.<br />

More detailed analysis <strong>of</strong> the tissue reaction is <strong>of</strong>fered <strong>by</strong> the so-called Canonical Pathway<br />

analysis in IPA. This tool contains predefined pathways and the associated genes, displayed in<br />

order <strong>of</strong> cellular location and function, which can be overlaid with gene expression data, e. g. fold<br />

change values. A p-value for enrichment <strong>of</strong> pathway members in the data set <strong>of</strong> interest<br />

(compared to a reference set, e. g. the whole array) is calculated. Many pathways scored with a<br />

highly significant p-value because <strong>of</strong> the large input data set. Additionally, a ratio <strong>of</strong> the<br />

pathway’s genes included in the data set and the total number <strong>of</strong> genes in the pathway is given.<br />

When data <strong>of</strong> such a Canonical Pathway analysis were ordered <strong>by</strong> p-value, “Acute Phase<br />

Response Signaling” with p = 5.00E−21 and a ratio <strong>of</strong> 53/178 <strong>of</strong> genes from the data set included<br />

in the pathway was the most significantly influenced reaction. This pathway includes signaling<br />

chains starting with TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6, their signal transduction molecules and transcription<br />

factors and finally the genes whose transcription is induced or repressed. While the acute phase<br />

response is located in hepatic tissue the pathway has a high overlap with a localized<br />

infection/inflammation reaction and therefore is covered <strong>by</strong> the kidney infection vs. sham<br />

infection data set to this high extent.<br />

Directly infection related genes are included in the canonical pathways “Role <strong>of</strong> Pattern<br />

Recognition Receptors in Recognition <strong>of</strong> Bacteria and Viruses” (p = 1.16E−13; ratio = 27/80,<br />

Table R.2.2) and “Toll-like Receptor Signaling” (p = 7.72E−08; ratio = 16/54, Fig. R.2.7) which<br />

contribute as part <strong>of</strong> the innate immune system to the first line <strong>of</strong> defense against <strong>pathogen</strong>s. In<br />

infected kidney tissue, an induction <strong>of</strong> different Toll-like receptors (Tlr1, Tlr2, Tlr4, Tlr6, Tlr7, Tlr8),<br />

the bacterial or dsRNA receptor NALP3 (Nlrp3), and the beta-glucan receptor Dectin-1 (Clec7a)<br />

was observed, and a tendency <strong>of</strong> induction in Tlr9 and the dsRNA receptors RIG-1 (Ddx58) and<br />

Ifih1. Functionally associated receptors CD14 and LBP were also induced and, following infection,<br />

even members <strong>of</strong> the signal transduction cascade showed an increased expression (Syk, Myd88,<br />

Irak3, Map3k1, Irf7, Pik3cd, Pik3cg, Pik3r5, Casp1, Fos, Jun, Nfkb2, and a tendency <strong>of</strong> increase in<br />

Irak4, Mapk13, Map4k4 and Nfkb1). Contrarily, the MAP-kinase-pathway component Map2k6<br />

was repressed and the signal transducer Ecsit and transcription factor PPARα (Ppara) were<br />

repressed <strong>by</strong> trend. The signaling ends in the transcription <strong>of</strong> pro-inflammatory cytokines, e. g.<br />

TNFα, IL-6, and RANTES (Ccl5) whose induction was recorded in infected tissue.<br />

Fig. R.2.7:<br />

Toll-like Receptor Signaling (modified<br />

from IPA, www.ingenuity.com).<br />

Colors indicate direction and magnitude<br />

<strong>of</strong> differential regulation: red – induction;<br />

green – repression. More intense shade <strong>of</strong><br />

color is used for higher absolute fold<br />

change values. A trend <strong>of</strong> induction is<br />

shown in yellow, a trend <strong>of</strong> repression in<br />

light blue.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

Table R.2.2: Tabular overview <strong>of</strong> infection-regulated genes which are included in Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA, Ingenuity Systems,<br />

www.ingenuity.com) canonical pathway “Role <strong>of</strong> Pattern Recognition Receptors in recognition <strong>of</strong> Bacteria and Viruses” (modified<br />

from IPA, www.ingenuity.com).<br />

IPA<br />

Rosetta Resolver annotation<br />

fold change<br />

infection vs.<br />

sham infection<br />

localization<br />

and functional<br />

grouping a<br />

gene<br />

name<br />

gene<br />

name<br />

description<br />

EntrezGene<br />

ID<br />

RN1HG<br />

RN1HG<br />

ΔsigB<br />

extracellular PRR C1q C1qa complement component 1, q<br />

12259 5.5 4.5<br />

subcomponent, alpha polypeptide<br />

C1qb complement component 1, q<br />

12260 7.4 6.0<br />

subcomponent, beta polypeptide<br />

C1qc complement component 1, q<br />

12262 6.9 5.4<br />

subcomponent, C chain<br />

C3 C3 complement component 3 12266 5.1 5.1<br />

membranebound<br />

C3aR C3ar complement component 3a receptor 1 12267 10.3 6.7<br />

PRR C5aR C5ar complement component 5a receptor 1 12273 7.6 6.1<br />

TLR1 Tlr1 toll-like receptor 1 21897 2.9 2.3<br />

TLR2 Tlr2 toll-like receptor 2 24088 4.4 4.0<br />

TLR4 Tlr4 toll-like receptor 4 21898 2.4 2.3<br />

TLR6 Tlr6 toll-like receptor 6 21899 2.4 2.0<br />

TLR7 Tlr7 toll-like receptor 7 170743 3.0 2.8<br />

TLR8 Tlr8 toll-like receptor 8 170744 4.7 4.3<br />

TLR9 Tlr9 toll-like receptor 9 81897 1.9 1.9<br />

DECTIN-1 Clec7a C-type lectin domain family 7, member a 56644 3.7 2.8<br />

cytoplasmic PRR NALP3 Nlrp3 NLR family, pyrin domain containing 3 216799 3.3 2.7<br />

RIG-1 Ddx58 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 58 230073 1.7 1.6<br />

MDA-5 Ifih1 interferon induced with helicase C domain 1 71586 1.5 1.3<br />

signal<br />

PI3K Pik3cd phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic delta 18707 2.5 2.0<br />

transduction,<br />

effector<br />

Pik3cg<br />

polypeptide<br />

phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, gamma 30955 3.4 3.1<br />

molecules<br />

(cytoplasm)<br />

Pik3r5<br />

polypeptide<br />

phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory<br />

320207 2.4 2.0<br />

subunit 5, p101<br />

MYD88 Myd88 myeloid differentiation primary response<br />

17874 2.8 2.5<br />

gene 88<br />

SYK Syk spleen tyrosine kinase 20963 3.6 2.8<br />

CASP1 Casp1 caspase 1 12362 3.4 2.2<br />

IL-1β Il1b interleukin 1 beta 16176 29.0 21.5<br />

OAS Oas1g 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase 1G 23960 2.2 1.7<br />

Oas2 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase 2 246728 1.9 1.5<br />

Oas3 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase 3 246727 1.7 1.4<br />

RNaseL Rnasel ribonuclease L (2', 5'-oligoisoadenylate<br />

24014 1.6 1.4<br />

synthetase-dependent)<br />

transcription IRF-7 Irf7 interferon regulatory factor 7 54123 2.7 1.9<br />

factors (nucleus) NFκB Nfkb1 nuclear factor <strong>of</strong> kappa light polypeptide<br />

18033 2.0 1.9<br />

gene enhancer in B-cells 1, p105<br />

Nfkb2 nuclear factor <strong>of</strong> kappa light polypeptide<br />

18034 2.7 2.5<br />

gene enhancer in B-cells 2, p49/p100<br />

transcriptionally TNFα Tnf tumor necrosis factor 21926 3.0 2.3<br />

affected genes IL-6 Il6 interleukin 6 16193 9.2 7.8<br />

RANTES Ccl5 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 20304 6.9 4.9<br />

a PRR – pattern recognition receptor<br />

Pattern recognition includes the complement system. The canonical pathway “Complement<br />

System” was significantly affected after infection (p = 6.86E−10; ratio = 16/36, Fig. R.2.8) which<br />

includes all three activation variants <strong>of</strong> classical, lectin and alternative pathway: The components<br />

C1q (C1qa, C1qb, C1qc), C1r (C1r, C1rb), C3, C4 (C4b), C7, Factor D / Adipsin (Cfd), Factor<br />

P / Properdin (Cfp), the complement-activating protease Masp1, and the receptors for C3a and<br />

C5a (C3ar, C5ar) were induced. A tendency <strong>of</strong> increased expression was observed for factors C2,<br />

C6, and Factor B (Cfb). But higher expression was also visible for the C1 inhibitor (Serping1), for<br />

the complement-inhibitory factor I (Cfi), and <strong>by</strong> trend for the inhibitory factor H (Cfh), probably as<br />

a reaction to restrict complement activation to a physiologically tolerable extent as the<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

complement system can cause immense damage also to <strong>host</strong> cells and tissue. The complement<br />

component C8 consists <strong>of</strong> three chains (alpha, beta, and gamma) and is the last component in the<br />

C5b-C6-C7-C8 complex that acts as a catalyst in the polymerization <strong>of</strong> C9 to form the membrane<br />

attack complex MAC. Surprisingly, the gene C8a coding for the alpha chain was repressed in the<br />

infected samples, and also for the gene C8g (gamma chain) a tendency <strong>of</strong> repression was<br />

recorded. Possibly the opsonization and chemoattractant function <strong>of</strong> the complement system<br />

was enhanced in infection leading to phagocytosis, while the bacteriolytic function <strong>of</strong> the<br />

complement system was not potentiated. Otherwise, the components C8 and C9 – produced in<br />

the liver – might be delivered via the blood stream to the site <strong>of</strong> infection.<br />

Fig. R.2.8:<br />

Complement System<br />

(modified from IPA, www.ingenuity.com).<br />

Colors indicate direction and magnitude <strong>of</strong><br />

differential regulation: red – induction; green –<br />

repression. More intense shade <strong>of</strong> color is used for<br />

higher absolute fold change values. A trend <strong>of</strong><br />

induction is shown in yellow. Factor P / Properdin<br />

(CFP) has been inserted manually into the pathway.<br />

As already mentioned, the Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling cascades lead to the transcription<br />

<strong>of</strong> different proinflammatory cytokines which themselves activate signaling pathways and the<br />

adequate cellular responses. When using the Canonical Pathways to specifically find infection<br />

relevant signal transduction, the signaling pathways <strong>of</strong> interferon, IL-6, TREM1, and IL-10<br />

appeared among others with significant p-values.<br />

The pathway “Interferon Signaling” (p = 1.14E−06; ratio = 11/30; Fig. R.2.9) contains the<br />

induced IFN-γ receptor (Ifngr1, Ifngr2) and the IFNα/β-receptor, <strong>of</strong> which the gene for one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

two chains (Ifnar2) was induced, too. In the receptor’s signal transduction, the genes for signal<br />

transducers STAT 1 and 2 were induced together with the transcriptionally regulated genes Tap1,<br />

Ifitm1, Irf1, Psmb8, Irf9 and Oas1. Additionally, the inhibitory protein tyrosine phosphatase TC-<br />

PTP (Ptpn2) displayed a trend <strong>of</strong> induction, probably indicating a counter-regulatory process.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

Fig. R.2.9:<br />

Interferon Signaling (modified<br />

from IPA, www.ingenuity.com).<br />

Red color indicates increase <strong>of</strong><br />

expression. More intense shade<br />

<strong>of</strong> color is used for higher<br />

absolute fold change values. A<br />

trend <strong>of</strong> induction is shown in<br />

yellow.<br />

Similarly, IL-6 receptor (Il6ra), IL-1 receptor (Il1r1, Il1r2) and TNF-α receptor (Tnfrsf1a,<br />

Tnfrsf1b) and their ligands (Il6, Il1a, Il1b, Tnf) were expressed at higher levels in infected tissue<br />

than in control tissue as depicted in the pathway “IL-6 Signaling” (p = 6.88E−11; ratio = 27/93;<br />

Fig. R.2.10). Glycoprotein 130 (Il6st), a signal transducer shared <strong>by</strong> IL-6 and other cytokines,<br />

exhibited at least a trend <strong>of</strong> induction. Again, genes for signal transduction molecules and<br />

transcription factors were significantly (Ikbke, Nfkbia, Nfkbia, Nfkbiz, Nfkb2, Stat3, Jun, Fos,<br />

Cebpb) or slightly (Nfkbid, Nfkb1, Traf2, Map4k4, Mapk13, Nras) increased. Signal transduction<br />

was activated in infected tissue, which was demonstrated <strong>by</strong> the induction <strong>of</strong> transcriptionally<br />

regulated genes like TSG6 (Tnfaip6), Collagen (Col1a1), alpha-2-macroglobulin (A2m), and IL-6<br />

itself.<br />

Fig. R.2.10: IL-6 Signaling (modified from IPA, www.ingenuity.com).<br />

Direction and magnitude <strong>of</strong> differential expression are indicated <strong>by</strong> colors: red – induction; green – repression. More intense shade <strong>of</strong><br />

color is used for higher absolute fold change values. A trend <strong>of</strong> induction is shown in yellow.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

The canonical pathway “TREM1 Signaling” (p = 8.15E−13; ratio = 23/69) slightly overlaps with<br />

the pathway “IL-6 Signaling” as branches <strong>of</strong> signal transduction also lead to IL-6 and TNFα<br />

transcription via STAT3 and NFκB (all induced after infection). Also TLR4 is included because after<br />

activation, the receptor can associate with TREM1, activate the kinase IRAK1 and finally the<br />

NFκB-mediated transcription. The increased Trem1 itself, a receptor whose ligand is still<br />

unknown and which is expressed <strong>by</strong> neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages, and the increased<br />

adapter molecule DAP12 (Tyrobp) are the beginning <strong>of</strong> a proinflammatory reaction chain that<br />

includes AKT/PKB (Rac2, induced), PLCγ and NTAL (Plcg2 and Lat2, induced <strong>by</strong> trend). TREM1<br />

signaling not only influences transcription <strong>of</strong> proinflammatory cytokines (MCP-1/Ccl2, TNFα,<br />

MCP-3/Ccl7, IL-6, MIP-1α/Ccl3), but also the translocation <strong>of</strong> cytokines from cytoplasm to the<br />

extracellular space (MCP-1/Ccl2, TNFα, IL-6, IL-1β). DAP12 positively influences the activation <strong>of</strong><br />

IL-1β <strong>by</strong> CASP1 (both induced) in the pathway <strong>of</strong> NLR (intracellular NACHT-LRR receptors)<br />

recognizing intracellular bacteria.<br />

Furthermore, DAP12 leads to the transcription <strong>of</strong> cell adhesion molecules (CD11c/Itgax,<br />

CD49e/Itga5) and the co-stimulatory proteins CD54/Icam1 and CD86 (all induced). Genes coding<br />

for cell surface proteins CD32/Fcgr2b and CD40, which are additionally regulated via DAP12, were<br />

increased <strong>by</strong> trend.<br />

Opposed to these proinflammatory signaling pathways, the “IL-10 Signaling” pathway<br />

(p = 1.99E−15; ratio = 27/70; Fig. R.2.11) is an example for a mechanism aiming to limit and<br />

terminate the cellular inflammatory response in addition to regulating growth and differentiation<br />

<strong>of</strong> different immune cells. Here, the IL-10 receptor α-chain (Il10ra) was induced after infection.<br />

Induced Stat3 is part <strong>of</strong> the signaling cascade like in IL-6 signaling but SOCS3, suppressor <strong>of</strong><br />

cytokine signaling, was additionally increased. This gene is itself transcriptionally regulated at the<br />

end <strong>of</strong> the IL-10 signaling pathway. Furthermore, Ccr1, Ccr5, Arg2, Il4ra, and Hmox1 were<br />

induced genes responding to IL-10. IL-6 signals are also mediated via STAT3, and the cytokine IL-6<br />

was induced contrarily to IL-10, which was not regulated. Therefore, the IL-10 pathway might not<br />

be activated yet, but just prepared for a later phase <strong>of</strong> anti-inflammatory reactions.<br />

Fig. R.2.11:<br />

IL-10 Signaling (modified from IPA, www.ingenuity.com).<br />

Red color indicates increase <strong>of</strong> expression. More intense shade <strong>of</strong> color is<br />

used for higher absolute fold change values.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

An essential part <strong>of</strong> the immune response to infection is the presentation <strong>of</strong> antigens to<br />

immune cells to direct the defense against the specific <strong>pathogen</strong> in the adaptive part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

immune system. Antigens belong to two main groups, extracellular and intracellular antigens,<br />

which are processed in separate pathways. Extracellular antigens are taken up <strong>by</strong><br />

phagocytosis/endocytosis and digested in vesicles after fusion with lysosomes. Finally, peptides<br />

are bound to MHC-II molecules originating from exocytic Golgi vesicles and presented on the cell<br />

surface. Intracellular antigens are digested <strong>by</strong> cytosolic proteasome with sequential transport <strong>of</strong><br />

peptides into the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER). These peptides are loaded to MHC-I molecules<br />

and transported via the Golgi to the cell surface for presentation. Presentation <strong>of</strong> extracellular<br />

antigens preferentially occurs <strong>by</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional antigen presenting cells (APC) like dendritic cells<br />

(DC), macrophages and B cells. The peptide-MHC-II complex is recognized <strong>by</strong> CD4 + helper T cells,<br />

which leads to initiation <strong>of</strong> mechanisms fighting extracellular infection or disposing extracellular<br />

antigens. Immune cells and other cells <strong>of</strong> the body are capable <strong>of</strong> presenting intracellular<br />

antigens via MHC-I. They present the antigenic peptide to CD8 + cytotoxic T cells and there<strong>by</strong><br />

activate processes to destroy cells and kill <strong>pathogen</strong> in case <strong>of</strong> intracellular infection.<br />

For both pathways an increase in transcription <strong>of</strong> associated genes was observed after<br />

infection (Fig. R.2.12). The immune-proteasome genes Psmb9, Psmb10, and Psmb8 (LMP2,<br />

LMP7), coding for proteins in the 20S-core <strong>of</strong> the proteasome, were induced leading to an<br />

immune-response specific reorganization <strong>of</strong> the proteasomes’ catalytic center. For the genes<br />

Psme1 and Psme2, which contribute to the 11S regulatory complex <strong>of</strong> the proteasome, a trend <strong>of</strong><br />

induction was visible. Induced were also the peptide transporters Tap1 and Tap2 and the TAPbinding<br />

protein tapasin/TPN (Tapbp), which attaches the TAP molecules to the MHC-I complex.<br />

The ER aminopeptidase Erap1, which is responsible for N-terminal trimming <strong>of</strong> the peptide in the<br />

ER, was induced in tendency. Finally, MHC-I molecules (H2-D1, H2-K1, H2-Q6, H2-Q7, H2-Q8) and<br />

Beta-2-microglobulin (MHC-I-β; B2m) were induced, too.<br />

In the pathway for presentation <strong>of</strong> extracellular antigens MHC-II molecules (H2-Aa, H2-Ab1,<br />

H2-DMa, H2-DMb1, H2-Ea, H2-Eb1) and the invariant chain Cd74 (CLIP) were increased. Induction<br />

<strong>of</strong> lysosomal enzymes, particularly <strong>of</strong> cathepsins, was also observed (Chi3l1, Chi3l3, Hpse, Ctsc,<br />

Ctse, Ctss; induced <strong>by</strong> trend: Gla, Ctsd, Ctsk, Ctsl).<br />

Fig. R.2.12: Antigen Presentation (modified from IPA, www.ingenuity.com). Red color indicates increase <strong>of</strong> expression.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

Metabolic effects <strong>of</strong> infection in kidney tissue<br />

In an approach to recognize changes in gene expression <strong>of</strong> metabolic enzymes after infection<br />

lists <strong>of</strong> differentially regulated genes were subjected to a BIOCYC “omics-Viewer” analysis (BIOCYC,<br />

SRI International, CA, USA, http://biocyc.org/expression.html). This tool allows the display <strong>of</strong><br />

gene expression data on highly abstracted metabolic pathway schemes and therefore an intuitive<br />

comprehension <strong>of</strong> processes in the selected experimental setup. Two different lists were<br />

included in the analysis: a) genes significantly different between infection and sham infection<br />

with a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 2 in at least one <strong>of</strong> the two comparisons “infection with<br />

RN1HG vs. sham infection” and “infection with RN1HG ΔsigB vs. sham infection” and b) genes<br />

significantly different between infection and sham infection with a minimal absolute fold change<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1.5 in at least one <strong>of</strong> the two comparisons described before.<br />

When focusing on regulation that exceeds a factor <strong>of</strong> 2 in at least one comparison, regulation<br />

was discernible for certain groups <strong>of</strong> metabolic pathways (Fig. R.2.13 A). After infection, a<br />

repression <strong>of</strong> genes relevant for cholesterol biosynthesis was visible, and also pathways <strong>of</strong> amino<br />

acid degradation contained repressed genes. Induction <strong>of</strong> gene expression was detected for<br />

steroid hormone biosynthesis and for purine degradation. This is surprising, as induction was also<br />

visible for steps <strong>of</strong> the purine/pyrimidine biosynthesis. Similarly, an increase in gene expression<br />

was measured for certain amino acid biosynthesis steps.<br />

Including differentially expressed genes with lower absolute fold change values (1.5 in at least<br />

one <strong>of</strong> two comparisons) supplemented the data set with many repressed and only few induced<br />

genes, which is visualized <strong>by</strong> the over-representation <strong>of</strong> yellow colored reaction steps<br />

(Fig. R.2.13 B). In this view, repression in further steps in the group <strong>of</strong> lipid biosynthesis and<br />

amino acid degradation was visible. Additional repression occurred in aerobic respiration, TCA<br />

cycle, glycolysis, but also in gluconeogenesis and glycogen biosynthesis. The pattern <strong>of</strong> increased<br />

genes dominating both purine degradation as well as biosynthesis was maintained after inclusion<br />

<strong>of</strong> regulation with lower absolute fold change values.<br />

As the gene expression analysis was performed for tissue samples, i. e. <strong>of</strong> a mixture <strong>of</strong><br />

different kidney tissue cell types and in case <strong>of</strong> infection additionally <strong>of</strong> a mixture <strong>of</strong> different<br />

immune cell types invading the inflamed tissue, the resulting pattern is difficult to match for<br />

particular cell types. While one cell type might induce purine degradation e. g. for using it as<br />

catabolic substrate, another cell type might induce purine biosynthesis e. g. as basis for DNA<br />

replication during proliferation. Such situation could lead to contradictory results concerning<br />

metabolic pathways if the number <strong>of</strong> cells influencing the pattern in a certain direction is high<br />

enough.<br />

The general gene expression pattern showed a metabolic disturbance in several pathways<br />

that cannot be distinguished into anabolic or catabolic shift because it contained reduction <strong>of</strong><br />

several catabolic pathways like glycolysis, amino acid degradation, aerobic respiration, and TCA<br />

cycle, but also reduction in anabolic reactions like gluconeogenesis or amino acid biosynthesis.<br />

The reason <strong>of</strong> this unclear or mixed reaction might be found in the high extent <strong>of</strong> infection and<br />

illness. Possibly the infection has caused such a strong damage to the kidney after 5 days that<br />

also organ function, nutrition supply and possibly oxygen availability are impaired.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model<br />

A<br />

co-factor biosynthesis<br />

cholesterol,<br />

triacylglycerol,<br />

phospholipid<br />

biosynthesis<br />

aerobic<br />

respiration<br />

amino acid degradation<br />

amino acid<br />

biosynthesis<br />

other<br />

degradation<br />

pathways<br />

purine/<br />

pyrimidine<br />

biosynthesis<br />

sugar<br />

degradation<br />

gluconeogenesis steroid<br />

and glycogen hormone<br />

biosynthesis biosynthesis<br />

glycolysis<br />

prostaglandin<br />

biosynthesis<br />

TCA<br />

purine<br />

degradation<br />

fatty acid oxidation,<br />

triacylglycerol,<br />

phospholipid<br />

degradation<br />

B<br />

co-factor biosynthesis<br />

cholesterol,<br />

triacylglycerol,<br />

phospholipid<br />

biosynthesis<br />

aerobic<br />

respiration<br />

amino acid degradation<br />

amino acid<br />

biosynthesis<br />

other<br />

degradation<br />

pathways<br />

purine/<br />

pyrimidine<br />

biosynthesis<br />

sugar<br />

degradation<br />

gluconeogenesis steroid<br />

and glycogen hormone<br />

biosynthesis biosynthesis<br />

glycolysis<br />

prostaglandin<br />

biosynthesis<br />

TCA<br />

purine<br />

degradation<br />

fatty acid oxidation,<br />

triacylglycerol,<br />

phospholipid<br />

degradation<br />

Fig. R.2.13: The influence <strong>of</strong> infection on gene expression in murine metabolic pathways (modified from omics-viewer(s) <strong>of</strong> BIOCYC,<br />

SRI International, CA, USA, http://biocyc.org/expression.html).<br />

Nodes represent metabolites and lines indicate reactions. The metabolic reactions are colored according to the enzymes’ gene<br />

expression regulation in the comparison <strong>of</strong> infection vs. sham infection. Red marks an increase and yellow a decrease in infected<br />

tissue. The display is limited to genes whose absolute fold change exceeds 2 in at least one <strong>of</strong> the two comparisons “infection with<br />

RN1HG vs. sham infection” and “infection with RN1HG ΔsigB vs. sham infection” (A) or to those whose absolute fold change exceeds<br />

1.5 in at least one <strong>of</strong> the two comparisons mentioned before (B).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />



Experimental application <strong>of</strong> serum-free differentiation and cultivation <strong>of</strong> mouse BMM<br />

Bone-marrow derived macrophages (BMM) allow experimental analysis <strong>of</strong> macrophage<br />

reactions and functions without the impact <strong>of</strong> immunological conditioning that affects already<br />

differentiated macrophages for example from spleen or peritoneum. The standardization <strong>of</strong><br />

experiments was markedly improved in 2009 when Eske et al. published a serum-free culture<br />

system for BMM that allows conduction <strong>of</strong> studies independently from the influence <strong>of</strong><br />

undefined immune-active substances and possible variation introduced to experiments <strong>by</strong> using<br />

fetal calf serum (FCS) as supplement. BMM cultivated in this new serum-free medium maintain<br />

the already known characteristics <strong>of</strong> macrophages and have proven to lead to highly reproducible<br />

results (Eske et al. 2009).<br />

The experimental setup in this study included the two mouse strains BALB/c and C57BL/6.<br />

After in vitro differentiation, BMM <strong>of</strong> each strain were divided in two treatment groups: IFN-γ<br />

treated BMM and non-treated medium control BMM.<br />

The approach <strong>of</strong> transcriptome analysis using the Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Gene 1.0 ST<br />

allowed monitoring <strong>of</strong> 35557 probe sets, <strong>of</strong> which 6613 belong to the group <strong>of</strong> controls. The<br />

remaining 28944 probe sets represent 20074 EntrezGene records in the annotations <strong>of</strong> Rosetta<br />

Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware (annotation <strong>of</strong> 06/2009). The LC-MS/MS proteome analysis provided<br />

information on 946 reliably identified proteins (Dinh Hoang Dang Khoa).<br />

High reproducibility <strong>of</strong> gene expression in experiments using serum-free differentiation and<br />

cultivation <strong>of</strong> mouse BMM<br />

For a first general impression <strong>of</strong> the array data set, the method <strong>of</strong> Principal Component<br />

Analysis (PCA) was applied. This method calculates the direction <strong>of</strong> strongest variation from the<br />

multidimensional array data set, and reduces it to a new value <strong>of</strong> the parameter called Principle<br />

Component (PC). The remaining variation in the data set is subsequently addressed in the same<br />

way until all or a pre-defined fraction <strong>of</strong> variation is collapsed into new values. This procedure<br />

results in a set <strong>of</strong> PCs, <strong>of</strong> which each accounts for a fraction <strong>of</strong> the total variance in the data set.<br />

Usually, the first 2 or 3 PCs are displayed in a 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate system, respectively.<br />

In such a plot, the distance <strong>of</strong> the points that represent the individual data sets correlates to the<br />

difference between them.<br />

In this study, the PCA plot was derived from log-transformed intensity data <strong>of</strong> 12 arrays,<br />

analyzing 3 biological replicates <strong>of</strong> 2 strains and 2 treatment groups (Fig. R.3.1). The PCA clearly<br />

depicted the high reproducibility <strong>of</strong> biological replicates obtained from the serum-free model <strong>of</strong><br />

BMM differentiation, cultivation and IFN-γ treatment: The 3 biological replicates <strong>of</strong> each group<br />

were arranged together, while the BMM <strong>of</strong> different strains and treatments were separated.<br />

Differences on the axis for PC 1 were <strong>by</strong> a factor <strong>of</strong> approximately 250 smaller than differences<br />

on the axes for PCs 2 and 3. That implied that PCs 2 and 3 covered the main part <strong>of</strong> variance in<br />

the data set. This led to the conclusion that the data set was mainly influenced <strong>by</strong> 2 factors. In an<br />

experimental design <strong>of</strong> the 2 factors strain and treatment together with the observed grouping <strong>of</strong><br />

biological replicates obviously the experimental factors were responsible for the observed<br />

variation.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

Fig. R.3.1:<br />

Transcriptome data visualization using Principal<br />

Component Analysis (PCA).<br />

Log-intensity data were used to derive a PCA<br />

plot containing 12 arrays (analyzing 3 biological<br />

replicates <strong>of</strong> 2 strains and 2 treatment groups).<br />

Resulting principal components were set to<br />

cover 95 % <strong>of</strong> total variation, while the total<br />

number <strong>of</strong> principal components was not<br />

limited. The analysis was restricted to noncontrol<br />

probe sets that were not absent on all<br />

12 arrays, when absence <strong>of</strong> expression is<br />

defined via a p-value > 0.01 on pr<strong>of</strong>ile level in<br />

Rosetta Resolver. Differences on the axis for<br />

principal component 1 are <strong>by</strong> a factor <strong>of</strong><br />

approximately 250 smaller than differences on<br />

the axis for principal components 2 and 3,<br />

which is shown in the small insert that depicts<br />

the same PCA but is turned <strong>by</strong> 90° to the right<br />

around the axis <strong>of</strong> principle component 2.<br />

Arrays <strong>of</strong> BALB/c BMM samples are<br />

represented <strong>by</strong> dots (•), arrays <strong>of</strong> C57BL/6<br />

BMM samples <strong>by</strong> rhombi (). IFN-γ treated<br />

samples are indicated in gray, and non-treated<br />

control level samples are colored in black.<br />

As transcriptome data demonstrated a high reproducibility <strong>of</strong> biological replicates in the<br />

model system, selected samples were used for different proteome applications rather than<br />

analyzing different biological replicates with only one proteomics approach (Dinh Hoang Dang<br />

Khoa).<br />

For a general comparison, gelfree proteome analysis and transcriptome analysis are more<br />

comparable than 2-DE proteome analysis and transcriptome analysis. Therefore, further data<br />

examination focused on that.<br />

Overall comparison <strong>of</strong> transcriptome [Maren Depke] and LC-MS/MS proteome [Dinh Hoang<br />

Dang Khoa] analyses<br />

900 <strong>of</strong> 946 identified proteins from gel-free LC-MS/MS approach could be mapped to the<br />

20074 EntrezGene records that were specified to be represented on the Affymetrix GeneChip<br />

Mouse Gene 1.0 ST array <strong>by</strong> the Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware (Table R.3.1). As expected, a much<br />

bigger number <strong>of</strong> genes was accessible <strong>by</strong> transcriptome analysis than proteins <strong>by</strong> gelfree<br />

proteome analysis. Nevertheless, for almost all identified proteins the gene expression pattern<br />

could be recorded.<br />

Table R.3.1: Overall comparison transcriptome [Maren Depke] and LC-MS/MS proteome [Dinh Hoang Dang Khoa] analyses and<br />

numbers <strong>of</strong> differentially regulated genes and proteins with differing abundance resulting from LC-MS/MS analysis.<br />

total number <strong>of</strong><br />

detected genes or<br />

proteins<br />

in BALB/c BMM<br />

IFN-γ effects a<br />

in C57BL/6 BMM<br />

at non-treated<br />

control level<br />

strain differences a<br />

at IFN-γ<br />

treated level<br />

microarray 20074 442 (2.2 %) 396 (2.0 %) 222 (1.1 %) 230 (1.1 %)<br />

LC-MS/MS 946 45 (4.8 %) 52 (5.5 %) 218 (23.0 %) 308 (32.6 %)<br />

a Percentage values indicate the proportion <strong>of</strong> regulation in both approaches. Values were calculated <strong>by</strong> dividing the number <strong>of</strong><br />

regulated genes <strong>by</strong> the total number <strong>of</strong> genes available on the array or the number <strong>of</strong> regulated proteins <strong>by</strong> the total number <strong>of</strong><br />

identified proteins.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

Surprisingly, the percentage <strong>of</strong> proteins with significant difference in abundance between<br />

BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice compared to the total <strong>of</strong> all identified proteins was noticeably<br />

higher than the percentage <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes between BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and<br />

C57BL/6 mice compared to the total <strong>of</strong> all genes available on the array (Table R.3.1).<br />

IFN-γ influence on gene expression [Maren Depke] and protein abundances [Dinh Hoang Dang<br />

Khoa] in BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice<br />

The comparison <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ treated BMM with the non-treated medium control revealed that<br />

IFN-γ mainly led to induction <strong>of</strong> gene expression or increase in protein abundance in both strains<br />

(Table R.3.2 A). From the total <strong>of</strong> 442 (BALB/c BMM) and 396 (C57BL/6 BMM) differentially<br />

expressed genes, 388 (BALB/c BMM) and 330 (C57BL/6 BMM) were induced, while only 54<br />

(BALB/c BMM) and 66 (C57BL/6 BMM) were repressed.<br />

IFN-γ treatment increased the abundance <strong>of</strong> 41 (BALB/c BMM) and 43 (C57BL/6 BMM)<br />

proteins and reduced the abundance <strong>of</strong> 4 (BALB/c BMM) and 9 (C57BL/6 BMM) from the total <strong>of</strong><br />

45 (BALB/c BMM) and 52 (C57BL/6 BMM) regulated proteins.<br />

The overlap <strong>of</strong> the list <strong>of</strong> proteins that differed significantly in their abundance between IFN-γ<br />

treated BMM and the non-treated medium control and the list <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes<br />

that were found after IFN-γ treatment amounted to 24 (BALB/c BMM) and 20 (C57BL/6 BMM).<br />

Compared to 43 (BALB/c BMM) and 50 (C57BL/6 BMM) regulated proteins also available <strong>by</strong><br />

transcriptome analysis and 52 (BALB/c BMM) and 53 (C57BL/6 BMM) differentially expressed<br />

genes also accessible <strong>by</strong> LC-MS/MS proteome analysis, the overlap <strong>of</strong> regulated proteins and<br />

genes added up to 38 % to 56 % (Table R.3.2 A).<br />

Table R.3.2: Comparison <strong>of</strong> differentially regulated genes resulting from transcriptome analysis [Maren Depke] with differentially<br />

regulated proteins resulting from LC-MS/MS analysis [Dinh Hoang Dang Khoa].<br />

A Direction <strong>of</strong> regulation <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ in BALB/c BMM and<br />

in C57BL/6 BMM.<br />

IFN-γ treatment effects<br />

B Direction <strong>of</strong> strain difference between C57BL/6 BMM and BALB/c<br />

BMM at non-treated medium-control and IFN-γ treated level.<br />

strain differences<br />

LC-<br />

a intersection<br />

a microarray<br />

MS/MS<br />

LC-<br />

a intersection<br />

a microarray<br />

MS/MS<br />

a<br />

BALB/c BMM<br />

control condition BMM<br />

induced 39 (41) 41 (388) 24 higher in C57BL/6 102 (112) 10 (100) 7<br />

repressed 4 (4) 11 (54) 0 higher in BALB/c 101 (106) 10 (122) 4<br />

total 43 (45) 52 (442) 24 total 203 (218) 20 (222) 12<br />

C57BL/6 BMM<br />

treatment condition BMM<br />

induced 42 (43) 41 (330) 20 higher in C57BL/6 +IFN-γ 123 (135) 13 (93) 10<br />

repressed 8 (9) 12 (66) 0 higher in BALB/c +IFN-γ 165 (173) 11 (137) 7<br />

total 50 (52) 53 (396) 20 Total 288 (308) 24 (230) 19<br />

The first number in the table always refers to the proteins or genes that were available for analysis with both approaches,<br />

microarray and LC-MS/MS analysis. In brackets, the number <strong>of</strong> regulated proteins or genes without restriction to the accessibility <strong>by</strong><br />

both methods is given.<br />

The comparison <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ effects in BMM <strong>of</strong> the two strains BALB/c and C57BL/6 resulted in a<br />

high overlap <strong>of</strong> 307 differentially expressed genes (Fig. R.3.2 A) and 29 proteins with significantly<br />

different abundance (Fig. R.3.2 C). Even when the gene or protein was not significantly expressed<br />

in one <strong>of</strong> the strains a similar expression trend in BMM <strong>of</strong> both strains was observed (Fig. R.3.2 B,<br />

D).<br />


log2(ratio IFN-γ-treated / control) <strong>of</strong> C57BL/6 BMM<br />

log2(ratio IFN-γ-treated / control) <strong>of</strong> C57BL/6 BMM<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

A<br />

B<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

135 307 89<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

genes regulated <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ<br />

in BALB/c BMM (442)<br />

genes regulated <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ<br />

in C57BL/6 BMM (396)<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

-10<br />

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

log 2 (ratio IFN-γ-treated / control) <strong>of</strong> BALB/c BMM<br />

C<br />

D<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

16 29 23<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

proteins regulated <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ<br />

in BALB/c BMM (45)<br />

proteins regulated <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ<br />

in C57BL/6 BMM (52)<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

-10<br />

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

log 2 (ratio IFN-γ-treated / control) <strong>of</strong> BALB/c BMM<br />

Fig. R.3.2: Comparison <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ effects on gene expression pattern and protein abundance in BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6 BMM.<br />

A, C. Overview on numbers <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes in transcriptome analysis (A) and <strong>of</strong> proteins with significantly different<br />

abundance in LC-MS/MS analyses (C) when comparing IFN-γ effects in BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6 BMM.<br />

B, D. Log 2-transformed ratio data “IFN-γ treated BALB/c BMM” / “medium control BALB/c BMM” were plotted on the x-axis and log 2-<br />

transformed ratio data “IFN-γ treated C57BL/6 BMM” / “medium control C57BL/6 BMM” on the y-axis from transcriptome (B) and LC-<br />

MS/MS (D) analyses.<br />

Coloring distinguishes three different groups <strong>of</strong> regulated genes or proteins: Genes/proteins with significant differential<br />

expression/abundance caused <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ only in BALB/c BMM are shown in dark gray, while that with significant differential<br />

expression/abundance caused <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ only in C57BL/6 BMM are displayed in light gray. Genes/proteins significantly regulated <strong>by</strong><br />

IFN-γ in both BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6 BMM are colored in black. The minimal absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 1.5 has been applied to<br />

all result lists.<br />

All transcriptome ratio data were derived from mean intensities <strong>of</strong> three biological replicates, and ratio data <strong>of</strong> LC-MS/MS analyses<br />

were derived from intensities <strong>of</strong> one biological replicate analyzed in technical triplicates <strong>of</strong> each group.<br />

Strain differences in gene expression [Maren Depke] and protein abundances [Dinh Hoang<br />

Dang Khoa] between BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice in untreated medium control and in<br />

IFN-γ treated samples<br />

The comparison <strong>of</strong> C57BL/6 BMM and BALB/c BMM at the non-treated medium control level<br />

and at the IFN-γ treated level resulted in 100 (control level) and 93 (IFN-γ treated level) genes<br />

that featured a higher expression in C57BL/6 BMM and 122 (control level) and 137 (IFN-γ treated<br />

level) genes that exhibited a higher expression in BALB/c BMM.<br />


log2(ratio C57BL/6 / BALB/c) at IFN-γ-activated level<br />

log2(ratio C57BL/6 / BALB/c) at IFN-γ-activated level<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

The same comparison using the LC-MS/MS proteome data yielded 112 (control level) and 135<br />

(IFN-γ treated level) proteins with a higher abundance in C57BL/6 BMM and 106 (control level)<br />

and 173 (IFN-γ treated level) proteins with a higher abundance in BALB/c BMM (Table R.3.2 B).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

94 128 102<br />

4<br />

2<br />

genes differentially<br />

expressed between<br />

BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6<br />

BMM at the non-activated<br />

control level (222)<br />

genes differentially<br />

expressed between<br />

BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6<br />

BMM at the IFN-γ-treated<br />

level (230)<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

-10<br />

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

log 2 (ratio C57BL/6 / BALB/c) at control level<br />

C<br />

D<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

35 183 125<br />

4<br />

2<br />

proteins differentially<br />

regulated between BALB/c<br />

BMM and C57BL/6 BMM<br />

at the non-activated<br />

control level (218)<br />

proteins differentially<br />

regulated between BALB/c<br />

BMM and C57BL/6 BMM<br />

at the IFN-γ-treated level<br />

(308)<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

-10<br />

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10<br />

log 2 (ratio C57BL/6 / BALB/c) at control level<br />

Fig. R.3.3: Comparison <strong>of</strong> strain differences between BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6 BMM at non-treated control and IFN-γ treated level.<br />

A, C. Overview on numbers <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes in transcriptome analysis (A) and <strong>of</strong> proteins with significantly different<br />

abundance in LC-MS/MS analyses (C) when comparing strain differences between BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6 BMM at the non-treated<br />

control level and at the IFN-γ treated level.<br />

B, D. Log 2-transformed ratio data “medium control C57BL/6 BMM” / “medium control BALB/c BMM” were plotted on the x-axis and<br />

log 2-transformed ratio data “IFN-γ treated C57BL/6 BMM” / “IFN-γ treated BALB/c BMM” on the y-axis from transcriptome (B) and LC-<br />

MS/MS (D) analyses.<br />

Coloring distinguishes three different groups <strong>of</strong> regulated genes or proteins: Genes/proteins with significant strain difference only at<br />

non-treated control level are shown in dark gray, while that with significant strain difference only at IFN-γ treated level are displayed<br />

in light gray. Genes/proteins significantly different between BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6 BMM on both treatment levels, i. e. at nontreated<br />

control and IFN-γ treated level, are colored in black. The minimal absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 1.5 has been applied to all<br />

result lists.<br />

All transcriptome ratio data were derived from mean intensities <strong>of</strong> three biological replicates, and ratio data <strong>of</strong> LC-MS/MS analyses<br />

were derived from intensities <strong>of</strong> one biological replicate analyzed in technical triplicates <strong>of</strong> each group.<br />

In the comparison <strong>of</strong> the two mouse strains only 20 out <strong>of</strong> 222 (control level) and 24 out <strong>of</strong><br />

230 (IFN-γ treated level) differentially expressed genes were also identified in LC-MS/MS analysis.<br />

Inversely, 203 out <strong>of</strong> 218 (control level) and 288 out <strong>of</strong> 308 (IFN-γ treated level) proteins with<br />

significantly differing abundance were also detected on the Affymetrix array. Due to the limiting<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

number <strong>of</strong> genes whose corresponding proteins were accessible <strong>by</strong> LC-MS/MS analysis, the<br />

overlap <strong>of</strong> differentially abundant proteins and differentially expressed genes was low in absolute<br />

number (12 at control level and 19 at IFN-γ treated level) but it still held 60 % (control level) and<br />

79 % (IFN-γ treated level) <strong>of</strong> the genes that were both differentially expressed in the array data<br />

set and accessible <strong>by</strong> proteome analysis (Table R.3.2 B). Vice versa, for only 5.9 % (control level)<br />

and 6.6 % (IFN-γ treated level) <strong>of</strong> regulated proteins with accessible microarray data a change in<br />

gene expression level was detected. Hence, the majority <strong>of</strong> protein abundance differences<br />

between the strains were independent from gene expression level.<br />

A refined comparison between proteome and transcriptome analysis which included the<br />

direction <strong>of</strong> regulation uncovered that the overlap <strong>of</strong> proteins and genes higher expressed in<br />

C57BL/6 BMM and the overlap <strong>of</strong> proteins and genes higher expressed in BALB/c BMM (7 and 4<br />

at control level; 10 and 17 at IFN-γ treated level) did not sum up to the total overlap <strong>of</strong> 12 at<br />

control level and 19 at IFN-γ treated level (Table R.3.2 B). The explanation for the discrepancy is<br />

that one protein/gene (Scp2) at the control level showed a higher expression in BALB/c BMM in<br />

transcriptome but higher abundance in C57BL/6 BMM in proteome analysis. Correspondingly, at<br />

the IFN-γ treated level two proteins/genes did not possess the same direction <strong>of</strong> regulation: H2-<br />

AB1 and H2-K1 were higher expressed in C57BL/6 BMM in transcriptome but showed higher<br />

abundance in BALB/c BMM in proteome analysis.<br />

The comparison <strong>of</strong> strain differences which occurred at the non-treated medium control level<br />

and at the IFN-γ treated level demonstrated similar differences between C57BL/6 BMM and<br />

BALB/c BMM at both treatment levels: 128 genes were expressed differentially at both treatment<br />

conditions (Fig. R.3.3 A), and 183 proteins show significantly different abundance (Fig. R.3.3 C).<br />

Equivalent to the IFN-γ effects, a similar expression trend in the strain comparisons was visible at<br />

both treatment levels, even when regulation was significant only in one (Fig. R.3.3 B, D).<br />

Revelation <strong>of</strong> similar main effects <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ in BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6 BMM <strong>by</strong> network<br />

analysis and confirmation <strong>of</strong> known IFN-γ effects in serum-free BMM cultivation system<br />

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA, www.ingenuity.com) allows to arrange genes <strong>of</strong> interest, e. g.<br />

differentially expressed genes, in networks which show the <strong>interactions</strong> in the selected group <strong>of</strong><br />

genes. The two networks with the highest score from the separate analyses for IFN-γ effects in<br />

BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6 BMM exhibited an overlap <strong>of</strong> 22 out <strong>of</strong> 35 genes (nodes). Therefore,<br />

they covered similar functional aspects. After merging both networks, the comparison <strong>of</strong><br />

differential gene expression after IFN-γ treatment in BALB/c BMM (Fig. R.3.4 A) and in C57BL/6<br />

BMM (Fig. R.3.4 B) showed that many <strong>of</strong> the genes <strong>of</strong> this network were subjected to comparable<br />

regulation <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ in BMM <strong>of</strong> both strains, sometimes with differences in magnitude.<br />

The network confirms already known IFN-γ effects in the new serum-free BMM cultivation<br />

system. The 26 S proteasome was also known to be changed in response to IFN-γ stimulus. The<br />

proteasome, consisting <strong>of</strong> a ring-shaped 20 S core complex <strong>of</strong> several subunits, which exhibits<br />

besides others protease function, and two regulatory complexes <strong>of</strong> 19 S, is the center <strong>of</strong><br />

intracellular ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation which is not only needed for the normal<br />

protein turnover but also for the generation <strong>of</strong> peptides for the presentation to immune cells via<br />

MHC-I molecules. The change <strong>of</strong> the normal proteasome into the so-called immunoproteasome is<br />

mediated <strong>by</strong> the exchange <strong>of</strong> three β-subunits from the core complex <strong>by</strong> gene products <strong>of</strong><br />

Psmb9, Psmb10, and Psmb8 and is induced <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ. The exchange <strong>of</strong> these subunits leads to a<br />

change in the proteolytic activity and specificity (Wang/Maldonado 2006, Strehl et al. 2005). Also<br />

an alternative regulatory complex <strong>of</strong> 11 S (PA28) exists (Rivett et al. 2001). Here, expression <strong>of</strong><br />

Psmb9 (3.6 / 3.4), Psmb10 (3.1 / 3.7), and Psmb8 (2.8 / 3.1), coding for β-subunits <strong>of</strong> the core<br />

complex, and Psme1 (2.1 / 2.1) and Psme2 (2.7 / 3.1), which encode components <strong>of</strong> the regulatory<br />

11 S complex, were induced in both BALB/c and C57BL/6 BMM after IFN-γ treatment.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

A B<br />

Fig. R.3.4: Ingenuity Pathway Analysis <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ effects in BALB/c and C57BL/6 BMM.<br />

EntrezGene ID lists <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ regulated genes were uploaded from Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware to Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA, www.ingenuity.com). The two networks with the highest score from the separate<br />

analyses for BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6 BMM exhibited an overlap <strong>of</strong> 22 genes (nodes). Therefore, they covered similar functional aspects. Both networks were merged using the automatic merge-tool from IPA. The<br />

overlay data tool allows coloring <strong>of</strong> nodes corresponding to the fold change values from the comparisons “IFN-γ treated BALB/c BMM” vs. “non-treated medium control BALB/c BMM” (A) or “IFN-γ treated C57BL/6<br />

BMM” vs. “non-treated medium control C57BL/6 BMM” (B). Red indicates an increase while green marks a decrease <strong>of</strong> gene expression. The shade <strong>of</strong> the color correlates to the magnitude <strong>of</strong> change: more intense<br />

color shows a higher absolute fold change. Transcriptome expression data included only genes which passed the regulation criteria <strong>of</strong> ANOVA significance p* < 0.01 and the absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 1.5.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

The peptide transporters Tap1 and Tap2 translocate peptides from cytosolic proteasome into<br />

the endoplasmatic reticulum, where they bind to MHC-I molecules, while the peptide-MHCcomplexes<br />

are lateron transferred to the cell surface. Tap1 and Tap2 are described to be induced<br />

<strong>by</strong> IFN-γ (Brucet et al. 2004, e. g. human, Ma W et al. 1997, Schiffer et al. 2002). In this study,<br />

Tap1 (5.0 / 5.2) and Tap2 (3.3 / 3.0) were higher expressed after IFN-γ treatment in BMM <strong>of</strong> both<br />

strains BALB/c and C57BL/6 (Fig. R.3.4 A, B). Erap 1, an endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase<br />

that takes part in further processing and N-terminal trimming <strong>of</strong> the peptides in the ER (Chang et<br />

al. 2005, Jung et al. 2009), was additionally induced after IFN-γ treatment in BALB/c BMM (2.1)<br />

and C57BL/6 BMM (2.2) [data not shown]. Finally, several genes <strong>of</strong> MHC class I and class II<br />

molecules were induced after IFN-γ treatment in BMM <strong>of</strong> both strains BALB/c and C57BL/6 [data<br />

not shown].<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed gene lists (Fig. R.3.2 A), comparison <strong>of</strong> log 2 -ratio data<br />

(Fig. R.3.2 B), and Ingenuity Pathway Analyis (Fig. R.3.4) revealed highly similar gene expression<br />

signatures in BALB/c and C57BL/6 BMM after IFN-γ treatment even for genes which were only<br />

differentially expressed in one <strong>of</strong> the two comparisons. Therefore, further analysis <strong>of</strong> biological<br />

effects resulting from IFN-γ treatment was performed using the union list <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ effects in<br />

BALB/c and C57BL/6 BMM.<br />

First, the list <strong>of</strong> in total 531 IFN-γ dependent genes was subjected to a global functional<br />

analysis using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA, www.ingenuity.com), which compared functional<br />

categories within the data set with those <strong>of</strong> the complete array and assigned a p-value to rate on<br />

significant overrepresentation (Table R.3.3).<br />

Table R.3.3: Global functional analysis <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ dependent genes in BMM <strong>of</strong> at least one strain, BALB/c or C57BL/6, using Ingenuity<br />

Pathway Analysis (Ingenuity Systems, www.ingenuity.com).<br />

Diseases and Disorders<br />

category p-value a <strong>of</strong><br />

number<br />

genes<br />

Inflammatory<br />

Response<br />

Immunological<br />

Disease<br />

Inflammatory<br />

Disease<br />

Connective<br />

Tissue Disorders<br />

Skeletal and<br />

Muscular<br />

Disorders<br />

Infection<br />

Mechanism<br />

Cancer<br />

Respiratory<br />

Disease<br />

Antimicrobial<br />

Response<br />

Infectious<br />

Disease<br />

2.06E-06 -<br />

3.53E-40<br />

5.28E-06 -<br />

1.39E-23<br />

5.61E-06 -<br />

5.75E-23<br />

8.25E-07 -<br />

5.12E-21<br />

8.25E-07 -<br />

5.12E-21<br />

2.83E-06 -<br />

3.51E-19<br />

7.13E-06 -<br />

4.05E-17<br />

2.20E-06 -<br />

2.20E-16<br />

4.46E-08 -<br />

6.66E-15<br />

2.20E-06 -<br />

1.14E-14<br />

146<br />

150<br />

157<br />

Molecular and Cellular Functions<br />

category p-value a <strong>of</strong><br />

number<br />

genes<br />

Cellular Growth and<br />

Proliferation<br />

Cellular<br />

Development<br />

Cell-To-Cell<br />

Signaling and<br />

Interaction<br />

111 Cellular Movement<br />

150 Cell Death<br />

43<br />

141<br />

Cellular Function<br />

and Maintenance<br />

Antigen<br />

Presentation<br />

56 Cell Cycle<br />

29 Gene Expression<br />

87 Cell Signaling<br />

a Ten categories with the smallest p-values are cited.<br />

D. a. F. – Development and Function<br />

6.38E-06 -<br />

4.55E-25<br />

6.28E-06 -<br />

8.22E-25<br />

6.78E-06 -<br />

2.73E-23<br />

1.36E-09 -<br />

5.54E-21<br />

5.67E-06 -<br />

1.21E-18<br />

4.90E-06 -<br />

1.76E-18<br />

6.38E-06 -<br />

3.53E-16<br />

1.04E-06 -<br />

4.82E-10<br />

1.98E-07 -<br />

1.00E-09<br />

9.08E-07 -<br />

3.04E-09<br />

154<br />

117<br />

Physiological System<br />

Development and Function<br />

category p-value a <strong>of</strong><br />

number<br />

genes<br />

Hematological<br />

System D. a. F.<br />

Immune Cell<br />

Trafficking<br />

127 Hematopoiesis<br />

101<br />

150<br />

84<br />

56<br />

71<br />

69<br />

62<br />

Tissue<br />

Morphology<br />

Cell-mediated<br />

Immune<br />

Response<br />

Organismal<br />

Survival<br />

Tissue<br />

Development<br />

Humoral<br />

Immune<br />

Response<br />

Cardiovascular<br />

System D. a. F.<br />

Organismal<br />

Development<br />

6.38E-06 -<br />

4.55E-25<br />

4.90E-06 -<br />

6.53E-21<br />

2.06E-06 -<br />

2.65E-20<br />

9.94E-07 -<br />

1.36E-18<br />

4.01E-07 -<br />

2.27E-18<br />

2.50E-07 -<br />

3.64E-15<br />

6.82E-06 -<br />

4.43E-14<br />

9.94E-07 -<br />

2.03E-10<br />

4.05E-06 -<br />

2.39E-09<br />

3.05E-06 -<br />

9.33E-09<br />

138<br />

93<br />

82<br />

70<br />

66<br />

76<br />

71<br />

37<br />

39<br />

41<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

This analysis revealed expected categories within the IFN-γ dependently regulated genes in<br />

BMM like “Inflammatory Response”, “Antigen Presentation”, “Immune Cell Trafficking” and other<br />

immune response related functions. Furthermore, growth, proliferation, but also cell cyle and cell<br />

death associated genes were included in the set <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes.<br />

For a more detailed view, IPA’s canonical pathway analysis was applied (Table R.3.4). Here,<br />

the pathway “Interferon Signaling” appeared with the highest ratio value, i. e. the fraction <strong>of</strong><br />

genes from the pathway, which was also included in the list <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ dependent genes. This<br />

observation nicely proved the relevance <strong>of</strong> the gene expression signature which was recorded<br />

after stimulation <strong>of</strong> BMM with interferon. Further pathways from the group with the highest<br />

ratio values were among others “Antigen Presentation Pathway”, “Role <strong>of</strong> Pattern Recognition<br />

Receptors in Recognition <strong>of</strong> Bacteria and Viruses”, and “Activation <strong>of</strong> IRF <strong>by</strong> Cytosolic Pattern<br />

Recognition Receptors” which fits well into the expected <strong>characterization</strong> <strong>of</strong> the experimental<br />

system. Again, also cell death associated features appeared with the “Retinoic acid Mediated<br />

Apoptosis Signaling” pathway.<br />

Table R.3.4: Canonical pathway analysis <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ dependent genes in BMM <strong>of</strong> at least one strain, BALB/c or C57BL/6, using Ingenuity<br />

Pathway Analysis (Ingenuity Systems, www.ingenuity.com).<br />

Pathway ratio a p-value<br />

Interferon Signaling 11/30 = 0.367 8.34E-12<br />

Antigen Presentation Pathway 11/39 = 0.282 1.61E-09<br />

Role <strong>of</strong> Pattern Recognition Receptors in Recognition <strong>of</strong> Bacteria and Viruses 20/86 = 0.233 5.03E-15<br />

Complement System 8/36 = 0.222 4.09E-07<br />

Retinoic acid Mediated Apoptosis Signaling 9/44 = 0.205 2.42E-08<br />

Role <strong>of</strong> PKR in Interferon Induction and Antiviral Response 9/46 = 0.196 2.95E-07<br />

T Helper Cell Differentiation 8/41 = 0.195 7.42E-06<br />

Activation <strong>of</strong> IRF <strong>by</strong> Cytosolic Pattern Recognition Receptors 14/74 = 0.189 1.51E-11<br />

Allograft Rejection Signaling 8/45 = 0.178 2.34E-05<br />

TREM1 Signaling 12/69 = 0.174 3.84E-09<br />

a Ten pathways with the highest ratio values are cited.<br />

Manual data mining revealed different cytokines and cytokine receptors, which were<br />

differentially expressed in BMM upon treatment with IFN-γ. Here, the induction <strong>of</strong> several<br />

chemotactic chemokines (Ccl5, Ccl12, Ccl22, Cxcl9, Cxcl10, Cxcl11, Cxcl16) was noticeable. Among<br />

the receptors, Ccr5 induction fitted to the induction <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> its ligands, Ccl5. The induced<br />

receptor Ccrl2 is known to be induced after activation and during differentiation from monocytes<br />

to macrophages, but its function is not described yet. Contrarily, the receptor Cxcr4 was<br />

repressed after treatment <strong>of</strong> BMM with IFN-γ. Two interleukins were included in the<br />

differentially expressed cytokines: IL-15, a regulatory, anti-apoptotic cytokine with structural<br />

similarity to IL-2, and the subunit IL27-p28 <strong>of</strong> the heterodimeric IL-27, a regulatory cytokine<br />

produced <strong>by</strong> antigen presenting cells. Several interleukin receptors or receptor subunits were<br />

induced after IFN-γ treatment. The induction <strong>of</strong> the IL-15 receptor alpha-chain (Il15ra)<br />

corresponded to the already mentioned induction <strong>of</strong> IL-15. Furthermore, the strongly<br />

interdependent receptor subunits Il4ra, Il13ra1, Il21r, and Il2rg were induced. The alpha-chain <strong>of</strong><br />

IL-4 receptor (Il4ra) and the IL-21 receptor (Il21r) employ the IL-2 receptor gamma-chain (Il2rg) as<br />

their second subunit. Similarly, the primary IL-13 binding subunit <strong>of</strong> the IL-13 receptor (Il13ra1)<br />

builds a receptor complex together with the alpha-chain <strong>of</strong> IL-4 receptor (Il4ra). Also Il12rb1,<br />

coding for the low-affinity binding subunit <strong>of</strong> the IL-12 receptor, was induced. The induction <strong>of</strong><br />

Il10ra, high-affinity binding subunit <strong>of</strong> the IL-10 receptor, and <strong>of</strong> Il18bp, cytokine IL-18 binding<br />

protein, is an example for inhibitory processes in BMM after IFN-γ treatment. Repression <strong>of</strong><br />

interleukin receptor subunits was also found after IFN-γ treatment: Il1rl2, receptor for interleukin<br />

1 family member 9, and Il6st alias gp130, signal transducer for several cytokines, e. g. IL-6, were<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

found to be repressed. Finally, differential expression was observed for members <strong>of</strong> the TNF<br />

ligand and receptor superfamilies. The central inflammation mediator Tnf, the apoptosis inducer<br />

TRAIL (Tnfsf10), and the T cell survival modulator Tnfsf18 were induced in parallel with the<br />

receptor Tnfrsf14 (Table R.3.5).<br />

Table R.3.5: IFN-γ influence on gene expression <strong>of</strong> cytokines and cytokine receptors in BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.<br />

Rosetta Resolver Annotation fold change a strain<br />

difference<br />

gene<br />

Entrez<br />

description<br />

alias<br />

name<br />

Gene ID<br />

BALB/c C57BL/6 control IFN-γ<br />

Ccl5 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5<br />

SISd, Scya5, RANTES,<br />

TCP228<br />

20304 3.7 5.0<br />

Ccl12 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 12 MCP-5, Scya12 20293 3.4 2.1<br />

Ccl22 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 22<br />

MDC, DCBCK, ABCD-1,<br />

Scya22<br />

20299 2.9 3.6<br />

Ccr5 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5 AM4-7, CD195, Cmkbr5 12774 1.7 1.4<br />

Ccrl2 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor-like 2<br />

E01, CCR11, L-CCR,<br />

Cmkbr1l2<br />

54199 2.0 1.7<br />

Cxcl9 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9 CMK, Mig, Scyb9, crg-10 17329 45.0 56.1<br />

Cxcl10 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10<br />

C7, IP10, CRG-2, INP10,<br />

Ifi10, mob-1, Scyb10, 15945 47.8 21.5<br />

gIP-10<br />

Cxcl11 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 11<br />

IP9, H174, ITAC, CXC11,<br />

SCYB9B, Scyb11, betaR1<br />

56066 8.3 1.1 x<br />

Cxcl16 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 16 SR-PSOX, Zmynd15 66102 2.6 2.9<br />

Cxcr4 chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4<br />

CD184, LESTR, Sdf1r,<br />

Cmkar4, PB-CKR, 12767 -1.8 -2.2 x x<br />

PBSF/SDF-1<br />

Il1rl2 interleukin 1 receptor-like 2 IL-1Rrp2 107527 -1.7 -1.8<br />

Il2rg interleukin 2 receptor, gamma chain CD132, gamma(c) 16186 1.9 1.7<br />

Il4ra interleukin 4 receptor, alpha Il4r, CD124 16190 2.0 1.6 x x<br />

Il6st interleukin 6 signal transducer CD130, gp130 16195 -1.8 -1.8<br />

Il10ra interleukin 10 receptor, alpha Il10r, CDw210, mIL-10R 16154 1.6 1.7<br />

Il12rb1 interleukin 12 receptor, beta 1 CD212, IL-12R[b] 16161 1.8 3.9<br />

Il13ra1 interleukin 13 receptor, alpha 1 NR4, Il13ra, CD213a1 16164 2.1 1.7 x<br />

Il15 interleukin 15 16168 2.8 2.0 x<br />

Il15ra interleukin 15 receptor, alpha chain 16169 4.3 4.0<br />

Il18bp interleukin 18 binding protein MC54L, Igifbp, IL-18BP 16068 5.5 6.2<br />

Il21r interleukin 21 receptor NILR 60504 3.4 2.8 x x<br />

Il27 interleukin 27 p28, Il30, IL-27p28 246779 2.3 2.4<br />

Tnf tumor necrosis factor<br />

DIF, Tnfa, TNFSF2,<br />

Tnfsf1a, TNF-alpha<br />

21926 2.4 2.7<br />

Tnfsf10<br />

tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily,<br />

member 10<br />

TL2, Ly81, Trail, APO-2L 22035 10.6 5.2<br />

Tnfsf18<br />

tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily,<br />

member 18<br />

Gitrl 240873 3.3 1.1 x<br />

Tnfrsf14<br />

tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, Atar, HveA, Hvem,<br />

member 14 (herpesvirus entry mediator) Tnfrs14<br />

230979 2.6 2.5<br />

a Fold change values were calculated from expression intensities <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ treated BMM in comparison to control BMM from the mean<br />

<strong>of</strong> three biological replicates. Differential expression in statistical testing with p* < 0.01 and a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.5 is<br />

indicated in bold.<br />

Furthermore, GTPases / GTP binding proteins <strong>of</strong> different families, which are known to be<br />

induced <strong>by</strong> interferon and play a role in antimicrobial defense, were induced, and some even<br />

belonged to the genes with the strongest induction within the data set. Four families are<br />

described in literature (MacMicking 2004), p47 GTPases, p65 guanylate-binding proteins (GBP),<br />

Mx proteins and very large inducible GTPases (VLIG), and <strong>of</strong> each family examples were included<br />

in the data set <strong>of</strong> induced genes in BMM after IFN-γ treatment. The p47 family was present with<br />

the members Igtp, Iigp1, Irgm1, and Tgtp. All guanylate binding proteins <strong>of</strong> the p65 family were<br />

induced (Gbp1, Gbp2, Gbp3, Gbp4, Gbp5, and Gbp6). Both types <strong>of</strong> Mx genes, coding for the<br />

nuclear (Mx1) and the cytosolic (Mx2) form, exhibited increased expression in BMM after IFN-γ<br />

treatment. Finally, very large interferon inducible GTPase 1, Gvin1, was included in the list <strong>of</strong><br />

induced genes as member <strong>of</strong> the last family (Table R.3.6).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

Table R.3.6: IFN-γ influence on gene expression <strong>of</strong> GTPase family members in BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.<br />

Rosetta Resolver Annotation fold change a strain<br />

difference<br />

gene<br />

Entrez<br />

description<br />

alias<br />

name<br />

Gene ID<br />

BALB/c C57BL/6 control IFN-γ<br />

Igtp interferon gamma induced GTPase Irgm3 16145 17.4 13.5<br />

Iigp1 interferon inducible GTPase 1 Iigp, Irga6 60440 100.0 100.0<br />

Irgm1 immunity-related GTPase family M member 1<br />

Ifi1, Irgm, Iigp3, Iipg3,<br />

LRG-47<br />

15944 6.9 11.2<br />

Tgtp T-cell specific GTPase Tgtp, Gtp2, Mg21, Irgb6 21822 49.0 100.0<br />

Gbp1 guanylate binding protein 1 Mpa1, Gbp-1, Mag-1 14468 43.9 6.0 x x<br />

Gbp2 guanylate binding protein 2 14469 17.2 31.2 x<br />

Gbp3 guanylate binding protein 3 Gbp4 55932 21.7 15.6<br />

Gbp4 guanylate binding protein 4 Mpa2, Mag-2, Mpa-2 17472 60.6 94.3<br />

Gbp5 guanylate binding protein 5 Gbp5a 229898 50.7 66.8<br />

Gbp6 guanylate binding protein 6 Gbp7 229900 9.3 7.2<br />

Mx1 myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 1 Mx, Mx-1 17857 10.8 6.9 x<br />

Mx2 myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 2 Mx-2 17858 6.1 3.5 x<br />

Gvin1 GTPase, very large interferon inducible 1 VLIG, Iigs1, VLIG-1 74558 4.6 6.7<br />

a Fold change values were calculated from expression intensities <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ treated BMM in comparison to control BMM from the mean<br />

<strong>of</strong> three biological replicates. Differential expression in statistical testing with p* < 0.01 and a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.5 is<br />

indicated in bold.<br />

BMM after IFN-γ treatment induced the expression <strong>of</strong> complement system components. Of<br />

the classical activation pathway, the C1 subcomponents C1qa, C1qb, C1qc, C1r, and C1rb were<br />

induced, and <strong>of</strong> the alternative pathway factor B (Cfb). Induced component C3 takes part in all<br />

activation pathways and especially in the amplification loop <strong>of</strong> complement activation<br />

(Table R.3.7).<br />

Table R.3.7: IFN-γ influence on gene expression <strong>of</strong> complement components in BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.<br />

Rosetta Resolver Annotation fold change a strain<br />

difference<br />

gene<br />

Entrez<br />

description<br />

alias<br />

name<br />

Gene ID<br />

BALB/c C57BL/6 control IFN-γ<br />

C1qa<br />

complement component 1, q subcomponent, alpha<br />

polypeptide<br />

C1q 12259 1.3 2.3<br />

C1qb<br />

complement component 1, q subcomponent, beta<br />

polypeptide<br />

12260 2.2 2.8 x x<br />

C1qc complement component 1, q subcomponent, C chain C1qg, Ciqc 12262 1.6 2.8 x<br />

C1r complement component 1, r subcomponent C1ra, C1rb 50909 4.3 4.7<br />

C1rb complement component 1, r subcomponent, b 270510 5.5 6.3<br />

C3 complement component 3 ASP, Plp 12266 4.9 5.6<br />

Cfb complement factor B B, Bf, Fb, H2-Bf 14962 14.1 19.5<br />

a Fold change values were calculated from expression intensities <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ treated BMM in comparison to control BMM from the mean<br />

<strong>of</strong> three biological replicates. Differential expression in statistical testing with p* < 0.01 and a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.5 is<br />

indicated in bold.<br />

Other immune function related gene expression changes were conspicuous in BMM after<br />

IFN-γ treatment. Inducible nitric oxide synthase 2 (Nos2) was increased as expected in treated<br />

BMM. The enzyme produces NO, which acts as antimicrobial effector and as signal mediator<br />

during immune defense processes. Another induced enzyme gene was kynureninase (Lkynurenine<br />

hydrolase, Kynu) whose product is involved in the degradation <strong>of</strong> kynurenines, toxic<br />

intermediates with signaling properties. Their production is amplified in inflammation settings <strong>by</strong><br />

the induction <strong>of</strong> indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), which catalyzes the first step <strong>of</strong> tryptophan<br />

degradation in the kyurenine pathway. Interestingly, the Ido gene was not differentially<br />

expressed in BMM after IFN-γ treatment, expression was even absent in the majority <strong>of</strong> samples.<br />

The tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (Wars) was induced in IFN-γ treated BMM. Prostaglandin-<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

endoperoxide synthase 2 (Ptgs2), coding for the enzyme responsible for prostaglandin E 2<br />

biosynthesis, was induced as well as different 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase genes (Oas2, Oas3,<br />

Oasl1, Oasl2). They are part <strong>of</strong> the innate immune response. Serum amyloid proteins are part <strong>of</strong><br />

the acute phase response. In humans, Saa genes are known to be expressed not only in the liver,<br />

but also in activated monocytes/macrophages (Urieli-Shoval et al. 1994). In this study, serum<br />

amyloid A 3 (Saa3) was induced in murine BMM after IFN-γ treatment.<br />

BMM induced plasma membrane receptors after treatment with IFN-γ. Among others, the<br />

induction <strong>of</strong> IgG Fc receptor with high affinity I and with low affinity IV (Fcgr1 and Fcgr4), <strong>of</strong> tolllike<br />

receptors 2, 9, and 12 (Tlr2, Tlr9, Tlr12), and <strong>of</strong> co-stimulatory receptors Cd40 and Cd86 was<br />

observed. Additionally, CD274 (B7-H1, PD-L1), ligand for the immunoinhibitory receptor PD-1 on<br />

activated B and T cells, and the second PD-1 receptor, programmed cell death 1 ligand 2<br />

(Pdcd1lg2; PD-L2) exhibited induction (Table R.3.8).<br />

Table R.3.8: IFN-γ influence on expression <strong>of</strong> immune function related genes in BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.<br />

Rosetta Resolver Annotation fold change a strain<br />

difference<br />

gene<br />

Entrez<br />

description<br />

alias<br />

name<br />

Gene ID<br />

BALB/c C57BL/6 control IFN-γ<br />

Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2, inducible iNOS,Nos2a 18126 18.6 25.5<br />

Kynu kynureninase (L-kynurenine hydrolase) 70789 4.0 5.2<br />

Wars tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase WRS 22375 3.7 4.4<br />

Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2<br />

COX2, PHS-2, Pghs2,<br />

TIS10, PGHS-2<br />

19225 16.2 15.4<br />

Oas2 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase 2 Oasl11 246728 2.3 2.4 x<br />

Oas3 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase 3 Oasl10 246727 3.0 4.4<br />

Oasl1 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase-like 1 oasl9 231655 4.8 2.4 x x<br />

Oasl2 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase-like 2<br />

Oasl, M1204, Mmu-<br />

OASL<br />

23962 2.6 4.2<br />

Saa3 serum amyloid A 3 l7R3, Saa-3 20210 3.8 5.7<br />

Fcgr1 Fc receptor, IgG, high affinity I<br />

CD64, IGGHAFC,<br />

FcgammaRI<br />

14129 4.6 4.9 x<br />

Fcgr4 Fc receptor, IgG, low affinity IV<br />

Fcrl3, CD16-2, FcgRIV,<br />

Fcgr3a, FcgammaRIV<br />

246256 6.0 3.9<br />

Tlr2 toll-like receptor 2 Ly105 24088 2.0 1.5<br />

Tlr9 toll-like receptor 9 81897 2.8 2.3<br />

Tlr12 toll-like receptor 12 Gm1365 384059 1.8 2.8<br />

Cd40 CD40 antigen<br />

IGM, p50, Bp50, GP39,<br />

IMD3, TRAP, HIGM1, T- 21939 5.1 2.6 x<br />

BAM, Tnfrsf5<br />

Cd86 CD86 antigen<br />

B7, B70, MB7, B7-2,<br />

B7.2, CLS1, Ly58, ETC-1,<br />

Ly-58, MB7-2, Cd28l2,<br />

12524 6.5 5.4<br />

TS/A-2<br />

Cd274 CD274 antigen<br />

B7-H1, PD-L1, Pdcd1l1,<br />

Pdcd1lg1<br />

60533 4.0 3.0<br />

Pdcd1lg2 programmed cell death 1 ligand 2 Btdc, B7-DC, PD-L2 58205 5.5 8.6<br />

a Fold change values were calculated from expression intensities <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ treated BMM in comparison to control BMM from the mean<br />

<strong>of</strong> three biological replicates. Differential expression in statistical testing with p* < 0.01 and a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.5 is<br />

indicated in bold.<br />

Finally, the expression <strong>of</strong> mitochondrial superoxide dismutase 2 (Sod2) and glutaredoxin<br />

(Glrx), which are involved in the anti-oxidant defense, was induced. Contrarily, glutathione<br />

S-transferase mu 1 (Gstm1), which is associated to detoxification processes, was repressed.<br />

Furthermore, the induction <strong>of</strong> lysosomal enzymes cathepsin C and H (Ctsc, Ctsh) was observed.<br />

BMM induced cell adhesion molecules, integrins, and protocadherin (Icam1, Itgal, Itgb7, Pcdh7,<br />

Vcam1) after IFN-γ treatment, whereas they repressed the beta-integrin subunit Itgb3<br />

(Table R.3.9).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

Table R.3.9: IFN-γ influence on gene expression <strong>of</strong> anti-oxidant, detoxification, and lysosomal enzymes and <strong>of</strong> adhesion molecules in<br />

BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.<br />

Rosetta Resolver Annotation fold change a strain<br />

difference<br />

gene<br />

Entrez<br />

description<br />

alias<br />

name<br />

Gene ID<br />

BALB/c C57BL/6 control IFN-γ<br />

Sod2 superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial MnSOD 20656 2.1 2.2<br />

Glrx glutaredoxin Grx1, Glrx1, Ttase 93692 2.0 2.2<br />

Gstm1 glutathione S-transferase, mu 1 Gstb1, Gstb-1 14862 -1.9 -1.9<br />

Ctsc cathepsin C DPP1, DPPI 13032 4.0 4.5 x<br />

Ctsh cathepsin H Ctsh 13036 2.2 1.6 x x<br />

Icam1 intercellular adhesion molecule 1 CD54, Ly-47, Icam-1, MALA-2 15894 2.3 2.2<br />

Itgal integrin alpha L Cd11a, LFA-1, Ly-15, Ly-21 16408 2.8 2.0 x<br />

Itgb3 integrin beta 3 CD61, GP3A, INGRB3 16416 -2.3 -2.9<br />

Itgb7 integrin beta 7 Ly69 16421 2.5 2.1<br />

Pcdh7 protocadherin 7 54216 1.7 1.7 x<br />

Vcam1 vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 CD106, Vcam-1 22329 3.1 1.7<br />

a Fold change values were calculated from expression intensities <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ treated BMM in comparison to control BMM from the mean<br />

<strong>of</strong> three biological replicates. Differential expression in statistical testing with p* < 0.01 and a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.5 is<br />

indicated in bold.<br />

Biological context <strong>of</strong> gene expression differences between BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6 BMM<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed gene lists (Fig. R.3.3 A) and comparison <strong>of</strong> log 2 -ratio<br />

data (Fig. R.3.3 B) revealed highly similar strain differences between BALB/c and C57BL/6 BMM at<br />

both treatment levels, non-treated medium control and after IFN-γ treatment, even for genes<br />

which were differentially expressed only in one <strong>of</strong> the two comparisons. Therefore, the biological<br />

context <strong>of</strong> strain differences was further analyzed using the union set <strong>of</strong> differences at control<br />

level and after IFN-γ treatment.<br />

First, the list <strong>of</strong> in total 324 genes, which exhibited differences between the strains in at least<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the two treatment conditions, was subjected to a global functional analysis using<br />

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA, www.ingenuity.com), which compared functional categories<br />

within the data set with those <strong>of</strong> the complete array and assigned a p-value to rate on significant<br />

overrepresentation (Table R.3.10).<br />

This analysis revealed on the one hand categories with immune response related functions<br />

like “Inflammatory Response”, “Antigen Presentation”, and “Immune Cell Trafficking”, which was<br />

not surprising because the gene expression repertoire <strong>of</strong> BMM independent from the strain <strong>of</strong><br />

which the cells were derived is focused at the immune response as the proprietary function <strong>of</strong><br />

the BMM. Metabolic functions and the category “Cell Death” additionally appeared in the<br />

analysis <strong>of</strong> strain differences.<br />

Also for the strain difference aspect <strong>of</strong> this study, IPA’s canonical pathway analysis was<br />

applied for a more detailed view (Table R.3.11).<br />

Here, the pathway “Complement System” appeared with the highest ratio value. Four genes<br />

differentially expressed between the strains were included in this pathway. Noticeably, the ratio<br />

values for this and further pathways were lower than in the analysis <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ effects on BMM.<br />

This might reflect the smaller number <strong>of</strong> genes exhibiting differences between the strains in<br />

comparison to the number <strong>of</strong> genes which are influenced <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ, but also the possibility that<br />

the strain differences are more distributed among the pathways and functions.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

Table R.3.10: Global functional analysis <strong>of</strong> genes exhibiting strain differences in BMM <strong>of</strong> at least one treatment group, medium control<br />

or after IFN-γ treatment, using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (Ingenuity Systems, www.ingenuity.com).<br />

Diseases and Disorders<br />

category p-value a <strong>of</strong><br />

number<br />

genes<br />

Inflammatory<br />

Response<br />

Cancer<br />

Antimicrobial<br />

Response<br />

Inflammatory<br />

Disease<br />

Genetic Disorder<br />

Connective<br />

Tissue Disorders<br />

Skeletal and<br />

Muscular<br />

Disorders<br />

Gastrointestinal<br />

Disease<br />

Metabolic<br />

Disease<br />

Immunological<br />

Disease<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

2.19E-14<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

6.88E-14<br />

5.60E-05 -<br />

6.53E-11<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

1.09E-10<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

3.99E-08<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

4.61E-08<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

4.61E-08<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

6.60E-07<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

8.95E-07<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

4.22E-06<br />

69<br />

Molecular and Cellular Functions<br />

category p-value a <strong>of</strong><br />

number<br />

genes<br />

Cellular Growth and<br />

Proliferation<br />

95 Lipid Metabolism<br />

18<br />

Small Molecule<br />

Biochemistry<br />

88 Cell Death<br />

146 Cellular Movement<br />

58<br />

78<br />

Cell-To-Cell<br />

Signaling and<br />

Interaction<br />

Antigen<br />

Presentation<br />

70 Cell Morphology<br />

a Ten categories with the smallest p-values are cited.<br />

D. a. F. – Development and Function<br />

75<br />

66<br />

Cellular<br />

Development<br />

Carbohydrate<br />

Metabolism<br />

1.36E-02 -<br />

2.43E-08<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

4.00E-08<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

4.00E-08<br />

8.68E-03 -<br />

5.49E-07<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

5.53E-07<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

1.14E-06<br />

1.19E-02 -<br />

1.08E-05<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

1.86E-05<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

1.86E-05<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

3.81E-05<br />

92<br />

28<br />

42<br />

81<br />

47<br />

64<br />

24<br />

38<br />

44<br />

Physiological System<br />

Development and Function<br />

category p-value a <strong>of</strong><br />

number<br />

genes<br />

Hematological<br />

System D. a. F.<br />

Immune Cell<br />

Trafficking<br />

Cardiovascular<br />

System D. a. F.<br />

Organismal<br />

Development<br />

Humoral<br />

Immune<br />

Response<br />

Organismal<br />

Survival<br />

Cell-mediated<br />

Immune<br />

Response<br />

Tissue<br />

Development<br />

Tissue<br />

Morphology<br />

20 Hematopoiesis<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

7.63E-07<br />

1.37E-02 -<br />

7.63E-07<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

3.45E-05<br />

9.01E-03 -<br />

3.45E-05<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

5.60E-05<br />

1.45E-02 -<br />

6.36E-05<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

7.36E-05<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

1.43E-04<br />

1.37E-02 -<br />

2.29E-04<br />

1.51E-02 -<br />

7.48E-04<br />

65<br />

38<br />

30<br />

18<br />

14<br />

19<br />

13<br />

29<br />

35<br />

35<br />

Table R.3.11: Canonical pathway analysis <strong>of</strong> genes exhibiting strain differences in BMM <strong>of</strong> at least one treatment group, medium<br />

control or after IFN-γ treatment, using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (Ingenuity Systems, www.ingenuity.com).<br />

Pathway ratio a p-value<br />

Complement System 4/36 = 0,111 1,04E-03<br />

Crosstalk between Dendritic Cells and Natural Killer Cells 8/98 = 0,082 1,45E-05<br />

Role <strong>of</strong> Pattern Recognition Receptors in Recognition <strong>of</strong> Bacteria and Viruses 7/86 = 0,081 1,08E-04<br />

Antigen Presentation Pathway 3/39 = 0,077 4,87E-03<br />

Allograft Rejection Signaling 3/45 = 0,067 6,18E-03<br />

Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases Signaling 3/47 = 0,064 7,69E-03<br />

Caveolar-mediated Endocytosis Signaling 5/83 = 0,060 4,44E-03<br />

Role <strong>of</strong> RIG1-like receptors in Antiviral Innate Immunity 3/52 = 0,058 1,34E-02<br />

IL-10 Signaling 4/70 = 0,057 1,02E-02<br />

Toll-like Receptor Signaling 3/54 = 0,056 3,06E-02<br />

a Ten pathways with the highest ratio values which additionally are over-represented with p < 0.05 are cited.<br />

Manual data mining revealed different cytokines and cytokine receptors, which were<br />

differentially expressed between BMM <strong>of</strong> the two strain at control level, upon treatment with<br />

IFN-γ, or in both conditions (Table R.3.12).<br />

Certain chemotactic chemokines were higher expressed in BALB/c BMM (Ccl24, Cxcl11,<br />

Cxcl14), but also for the receptor Ccr2, which binds Ccl2, Ccl7, and Ccl13 chemokines, and Cxcr4,<br />

whose ligand is Cxcl12, higher expression was observed in BALB/c BMM. Additionally, IL-15, a<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

regulatory, anti-apoptotic cytokine with structural similarity to IL-2, and the immune modulators<br />

Tnfsf8 and Tnfsf18, members <strong>of</strong> the TNF ligand superfamily, were higher expressed in BALB/c<br />

BMM.<br />

Strain differences were observed for the interleukin receptors Il4ra (alpha-chain <strong>of</strong> IL-4<br />

receptor), Il13ra1 (primary IL-13 binding subunit <strong>of</strong> the IL-13 receptor), and Il21r (IL-21 receptor).<br />

Il4ra and Il13ra1 are linked, because Il13ra1 builds a receptor complex together with Il4ra. All<br />

three interleukin receptor chains were higher expressed in C57BL/6 BMM (Table R.3.12).<br />

Table R.3.12: Strain differences in gene expression <strong>of</strong> cytokines and cytokine receptors between BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.<br />

Rosetta Resolver Annotation fold change a IFN-γ effect<br />

gene<br />

Entrez<br />

description<br />

alias<br />

name<br />

Gene ID<br />

control IFN-γ BALB/c C57BL/6<br />

Ccl24 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 24 CKb-6, MPIF-2, Scya24 56221 -2.7 -2.2<br />

Ccr2 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 2<br />

Ckr2, Ccr2a, Ccr2b,<br />

Ckr2a, Ckr2b, mJe-r, 12772 -2.8 -4.0<br />

Cmkbr2, Cc-ckr-2<br />

Cxcl11 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 11<br />

IP9, H174, ITAC, b-R1,<br />

CXC11, I-TAC, SCYB9B, 56066 -1.0 -7.6 x<br />

Scyb11, betaR1<br />

Cxcl14 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 14<br />

KS1, Kec, BMAC, BRAK,<br />

NJAC, MIP-2g, Scyb14, 57266 -4.0 -6.1<br />

bolekine, MIP2gamma<br />

Cxcr4 chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4<br />

CD184, LESTR, Sdf1r,<br />

Cmkar4, PB-CKR, 12767 -2.1 -2.5 x<br />

PBSF/SDF-1<br />

Il4ra interleukin 4 receptor, alpha Il4r, CD124 16190 2.2 1.7 x x<br />

Il13ra1 interleukin 13 receptor, alpha 1 NR4, Il13ra, CD213a1 16164 1.7 1.4 x x<br />

Il15 interleukin 15 16168 -1.5 -2.0 x<br />

Il21r interleukin 21 receptor NILR 60504 3.3 2.8 x<br />

Tnfsf18<br />

tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily,<br />

member 18<br />

Gitrl 240873 1.0 -3.0 x<br />

Tnfsf8<br />

tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily,<br />

member 8<br />

CD153, Cd30l, CD30LG 21949 -1.8 -5.2<br />

a Fold change values were calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> C57BL/6 BMM with the baseline <strong>of</strong> BALB/c BMM <strong>of</strong> mean values from<br />

three biological replicates per group. Positive values indicate higher expression in C57BL/6 BMM than in BALB/c BMM, whereas<br />

negative values indicate higher expression in BALB/c BMM than in C57BL/6 BMM. Differential expression between BMM <strong>of</strong> the two<br />

strains at the same treatment level (IFN-γ treated or medium control) using statistical testing in combination with an absolute fold<br />

change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 1.5 is indicated in bold.<br />

Furthermore, four GTPases / GTP binding proteins <strong>of</strong> the p65 and the Mx families, which were<br />

already observed to be induced <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ within the data set <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 BMM,<br />

exhibited strain differences. Gbp1, Mx1, and Mx2 were higher expressed in BALB/c BMM,<br />

whereas Gbp2 was higher expressed in C57BL/6 BMM.<br />

Complement system components C1qb and C1qc, the receptor for complement factor<br />

fragment C5a, C5ar1, but also the complement factor C1 inhibitor, Serping1, were higher<br />

expressed in C57BL/6 BMM (Table R.3.13).<br />

Other immune function related gene expression differences between BMM <strong>of</strong> the two strains<br />

were conspicuous, because the genes were clearly affected <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ treatment. First, MHC genes<br />

<strong>of</strong> class I (H28, H2-Q6, H2-Q8, H2-T24) and class II (H2-Ea) were higher expressed in BALB/c BMM.<br />

But also H2-Ab1 (class II), H2-K1, and H2-M2 (class I) exhibited strain differences, however, their<br />

expression was higher in C57BL/6 BMM. Second, a group <strong>of</strong> interferon-inducible genes possessed<br />

differences in their expression between BMM <strong>of</strong> both strains: Ifi27l2a, Ifi44, Ifi202, Ifi203, Ifih1,<br />

Ifit3, Ifitm3, Irf7, and Isg20. All <strong>of</strong> them were higher expressed in BALB/c BMM than in C57BL/6<br />

BMM (Table R.3.14).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

Table R.3.13: Strain differences in gene expression <strong>of</strong> GTPase family members and complement system components between BMM <strong>of</strong><br />

BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.<br />

Rosetta Resolver Annotation fold change a IFN-γ effect<br />

gene<br />

Entrez<br />

description<br />

alias<br />

name<br />

Gene ID<br />

control IFN-γ BALB/c C57BL/6<br />

Gbp1 guanylate binding protein 1 Mpa1, Gbp-1, Mag-1 14468 -4.1 -30.0 x x<br />

Gbp2 guanylate binding protein 2 14469 1.3 2.3 x x<br />

Mx1 myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 1 Mx, Mx-1 17857 -2.0 -3.1 x x<br />

Mx2 myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 2 Mx-2 17858 -3.0 -5.3 x x<br />

C1qb<br />

complement component 1, q subcomponent,<br />

beta polypeptide<br />

12260 6.2 7.8 x<br />

C1qc<br />

complement component 1, q subcomponent,<br />

C chain<br />

C1qg, Ciqc 12262 2.0 3.5 x<br />

C5ar1 complement component 5a receptor 1 C5r1, Cd88, D7Msu1 12273 2.9 2.1<br />

Serping1<br />

serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade G,<br />

C1nh, C1INH<br />

member 1<br />

12258 1.1 2.1 x<br />

a Fold change values were calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> C57BL/6 BMM with the baseline <strong>of</strong> BALB/c BMM <strong>of</strong> mean values from<br />

three biological replicates per group. Positive values indicate higher expression in C57BL/6 BMM than in BALB/c BMM, whereas<br />

negative values indicate higher expression in BALB/c BMM than in C57BL/6 BMM. Differential expression between BMM <strong>of</strong> the two<br />

strains at the same treatment level (IFN-γ treated or medium control) using statistical testing in combination with an absolute fold<br />

change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 1.5 is indicated in bold.<br />

Table R.3.14: Strain differences in gene expression <strong>of</strong> MHC molecules and interferon-inducible factors between BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and<br />

C57BL/6 mice.<br />

Rosetta Resolver Annotation fold change a IFN-γ effect<br />

gene<br />

Entrez<br />

description<br />

alias<br />

name<br />

Gene ID<br />

control IFN-γ BALB/c C57BL/6<br />

H28 histocompatibility 28 H-28, H28-1, NS1178 15061 -21.1 -100.0 x<br />

H2-Ea histocompatibility 2, class II antigen E alpha<br />

Ia3, Ia-3, H-2Ea,<br />

AI323765, E-alpha-f<br />

14968 -64.2 -100.0 x<br />

H2-Q6 histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 6 Qa6, Qa-6, H-2Q6 110557 -2.8 -1.9 x x<br />

H2-Q8 histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 8<br />

Qa8, Qa-2, H-2Q8,<br />

Ms10t, MMS10-T<br />

15019 -4.8 -3.2 x<br />

H2-T24 histocompatibility 2, T region locus 24 H-2T24 15042 -4.6 -2.5 x x<br />

H2-Ab1 histocompatibility 2, class II antigen A, beta 1<br />

IAb, Ia2, Ia-2, Abeta,<br />

H-2Ab, H2-Ab, Rmcs1, 14961 2.1 2.0<br />

I-Abeta<br />

H2-K1 histocompatibility 2, K1, K region H-2K, H2-K, H-2K(d) 14972 1.5 1.6<br />

H2-M2 histocompatibility 2, M region locus 2 H-2M2, Thy19.4 14990 6.2 4.4 x x<br />

Ifi27l2a interferon, alpha-inducible protein 27 like 2A Ifi27, Isg12, Isg12(b1) 76933 -5.4 -4.0<br />

Ifi44 interferon-induced protein 44 p44, MTAP44 99899 -36.1 -5.4 x x<br />

Ifi202 interferon activated gene 202 15949 -20.1 -78.6 x<br />

Ifi203 interferon activated gene 203 15950 -3.9 -2.0 x x<br />

Ifih1 interferon induced with helicase C domain 1<br />

Hlcd, MDA5, MDA-5,<br />

Helicard<br />

71586 -1.5 -1.9 x x<br />

Ifit3<br />

interferon-induced protein with<br />

tetratricopeptide repeats 3<br />

Ifi49 15959 -4.5 -2.5 x x<br />

Ifitm3 interferon induced transmembrane protein 3<br />

Fgls, IP15, Cd225, mil-<br />

1, Cdw217<br />

66141 -5.0 -2.2 x x<br />

Irf7 interferon regulatory factor 7 54123 -7.3 -3.2 x x<br />

Isg20 interferon-stimulated protein DnaQL, HEM45 57444 -1.3 -3.9 x<br />

a Fold change values were calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> C57BL/6 BMM with the baseline <strong>of</strong> BALB/c BMM <strong>of</strong> mean values from<br />

three biological replicates per group. Positive values indicate higher expression in C57BL/6 BMM than in BALB/c BMM, whereas<br />

negative values indicate higher expression in BALB/c BMM than in C57BL/6 BMM. Differential expression between BMM <strong>of</strong> the two<br />

strains at the same treatment level (IFN-γ treated or medium control) using statistical testing in combination with an absolute fold<br />

change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 1.5 is indicated in bold.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

Table R.3.15: Strain differences in gene expression <strong>of</strong> plasma membrane receptors between BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.<br />

gene<br />

name<br />

description<br />

Rosetta Resolver Annotation fold change a IFN-γ effect<br />

alias<br />

Entrez<br />

Gene ID<br />

control IFN-γ BALB/c C57BL/6<br />

Cadm1 cell adhesion molecule 1<br />

Bl2, ST17, Igsf4, Necl2, Tslc1,<br />

Igsf4a, RA175A, RA175B, RA175C, 54725 -4.7 -4.0<br />

RA175N, SgIGSF, SynCam<br />

L1cam L1 cell adhesion molecule L1, CD171, L1-NCAM, NCAM-L1 16728 -2.2 -2.2<br />

Pcdh7 protocadherin 7 54216 -1.7 -1.7 x<br />

Itgal integrin alpha L Cd11a, LFA-1, Ly-15, Ly-21 16408 2.0 1.4 x x<br />

Cd14 CD14 antigen 12475 -3.2 -2.4<br />

Cd40 CD40 antigen<br />

IGM, p50, Bp50, GP39, IMD3,<br />

TRAP, HIGM1, T-BAM, Tnfrsf5<br />

21939 -1.2 -2.4 x x<br />

Fcgr1 Fc receptor, IgG, high affinity I CD64, IGGHAFC, FcgammaRI 14129 -2.0 -1.9 x x<br />

Tlr1 toll-like receptor 1 21897 -2.0 -1.6<br />

Procr protein C receptor, endothelial Ccca, EPCR 19124 2.3 2.3<br />

a Fold change values were calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> C57BL/6 BMM with the baseline <strong>of</strong> BALB/c BMM <strong>of</strong> mean values from<br />

three biological replicates per group. Positive values indicate higher expression in C57BL/6 BMM than in BALB/c BMM, whereas<br />

negative values indicate higher expression in BALB/c BMM than in C57BL/6 BMM. Differential expression between BMM <strong>of</strong> the two<br />

strains at the same treatment level (IFN-γ treated or medium control) using statistical testing in combination with an absolute fold<br />

change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 1.5 is indicated in bold.<br />

In the group <strong>of</strong> plasma membrane receptors, the adhesion molecules Cadm1, L1cam, and<br />

Pcdh7 were higher expressed in BALB/c BMM, whereas expression <strong>of</strong> integrin Itgal was higher in<br />

C57BL/6 BMM. The expression <strong>of</strong> CD14 / LPS receptor, CD40 / co-stimulatory receptor, Fcgr1 / high<br />

affinity IgG Fc receptor I, and Tlr1 / toll-like receptor 1, was higher in BALB/c BMM than in<br />

C57BL/6 BMM. Contrarily, Procr / protein C receptor exhibited higher expression in C57BL/6 BMM<br />

(Table R.3.15).<br />

Table R.3.16: Strain differences in gene expression <strong>of</strong> immune response related proteins, lysosomal, extracellular matrix degrading,<br />

and detoxification enzymes between BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.<br />

Rosetta Resolver Annotation fold change a IFN-γ effect<br />

gene<br />

Entrez<br />

description<br />

alias<br />

name<br />

Gene ID<br />

control IFN-γ BALB/c C57BL/6<br />

Lbp lipopolysaccharide binding protein Ly88 16803 1.5 2.3<br />

Lta4h leukotriene A4 hydrolase 16993 1.9 1.7<br />

Oas2 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase 2 Oasl11 246728 -2.6 -2.5 x<br />

Oasl1 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase-like 1 oasl9 231655 -2.5 -4.9 x<br />

Arg2 arginase type II AII 11847 -5.1 -3.7<br />

Tfpi tissue factor pathway inhibitor EPI, LACI 21788 2.0 2.1<br />

Ctsc cathepsin C DPP1, DPPI 13032 1.5 1.7 x x<br />

Ctse cathepsin E CE, CatE 13034 -4.3 -5.7<br />

Ctsh cathepsin H 13036 2.7 2.0 x<br />

Hyal1 hyaluronoglucosaminidase 1 Hya1, Hyal-1 15586 -2.2 -1.7<br />

Mmp14 matrix metallopeptidase 14 (membrane-inserted)<br />

MT1-MMP, MT-<br />

MMP-1<br />

17387 2.3 1.8<br />

Gstm2 glutathione S-transferase, mu 2 Gstb2, Gstb-2 14863 3.5 3.3<br />

Gstp1 glutathione S-transferase, pi 1 GstpiB 14870 1.9 2.0<br />

a Fold change values were calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> C57BL/6 BMM with the baseline <strong>of</strong> BALB/c BMM <strong>of</strong> mean values from<br />

three biological replicates per group. Positive values indicate higher expression in C57BL/6 BMM than in BALB/c BMM, whereas<br />

negative values indicate higher expression in BALB/c BMM than in C57BL/6 BMM. Differential expression between BMM <strong>of</strong> the two<br />

strains at the same treatment level (IFN-γ treated or medium control) using statistical testing in combination with an absolute fold<br />

change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 1.5 is indicated in bold.<br />

LBP, LPS binding protein, and Lta4h, whose gene product catalyzes the first reaction step in<br />

the biosynthesis <strong>of</strong> leukotrienes, i. e. the reaction from leukotriene A4 to leukotriene B4, were<br />

higher expressed in C57BL/6 BMM than in BALB/c BMM. In contrast, 2'-5'-oligoadenylate<br />

synthetase genes Oas2 and Oasl1, which are part <strong>of</strong> the innate immune response, exhibited<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

higher expression in BALB/c BMM. The same direction <strong>of</strong> difference was observed for arginase<br />

type II (Arg2). Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (Tfpi), coding for a protease inhibitor with anticoagulant<br />

function, was higher expressed in C57BL/6 BMM. Genes <strong>of</strong> lysosomal, matrix<br />

degrading, and detoxification enzymes were differentially expressed between BMM <strong>of</strong> the two<br />

mouse strains. Lysosomal enzyme genes showed a mixed pattern with higher expression in<br />

BALB/c BMM for cathepsin E (Ctse) and hyaluronidas (Hyal1) and higher expression in C57BL/6<br />

BMM for cathepsins C and H (Ctsc, Ctsh). Matrix metallopeptidase 14 (Mmp14), which is involved<br />

in degradation <strong>of</strong> extracellular matrix, and glutathione S-transferases mu 1 and pi 1 (Gstm1,<br />

Gstp1) which are associated with detoxification processes, were detected with higher expression<br />

in C57BL/6 BMM (Table R.3.16).<br />

Strain-specific difference in expression <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ related genes<br />

BMM <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 differ in their ability to eliminate infecting bacteria, especially<br />

after IFN-γ treatment (Breitbach et al. 2006). In this study, the primary reaction <strong>of</strong> BMM to IFN-γ<br />

in comparison between both strains was analyzed. Therefore, a network centered around the<br />

starting node IFN-γ was created using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA, www.ingenuity.com). This<br />

network contained 181 genes (Fig. R.3.5 A, B) additionally to the starting node IFN-γ. Genes were<br />

grouped manually into four categories: 1) difference existed between BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6<br />

BMM at both treatment levels, control and after IFN-γ treatment; 2) difference between BMM <strong>of</strong><br />

the two strains occurred only at control level; 3) difference between BMM <strong>of</strong> the two strains<br />

occurred only after IFN-γ treatment; 4) no strain difference was observed, but the gene<br />

expression was influenced at least in BMM <strong>of</strong> one mouse strain. A second categorization divided<br />

each group exhibiting strain differences into genes higher expressed in BALB/c BMM and into<br />

genes higher expressed in C57BL/6 BMM.<br />

After restricting the network to genes described to be linked to IFN-γ in macrophages or RAW<br />

cells in the Ingenuity Pathway Knowledge Base (IPKB), a list <strong>of</strong> 132 new macrophage-related<br />

genes out <strong>of</strong> 181 IFN-γ linked genes could be obtained. Correspondingly, a list <strong>of</strong> 49 <strong>of</strong> 181 genes<br />

that are already included in the IPKB as IFN-γ related in macrophages or RAW cells were<br />

exported.<br />

Fig. R.3.5: Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA, www.ingenuity.com) <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ related genes.<br />

A, B. Network resulting from application <strong>of</strong> the grow-tool on transcriptome data<br />

To create a network centered around the starting node IFN-γ the grow-tool <strong>of</strong> IPA‘s pathway function was applied. The addition <strong>of</strong><br />

further nodes according to information stored in the so-called Ingenuity Pathway Knowledge Base (IPKB) was restricted to a list <strong>of</strong><br />

genes that are differentially expressed in at least 1 <strong>of</strong> 4 comparisons 1) IFN-γ effects in BALB/c BMM, 2) IFN-γ effects in C57BL/6 BMM,<br />

3) strain difference at non-treated control level and 4) strain difference after IFN-γ treatment. Further restrictions were not included.<br />

Networks are colored according to strain difference at control level (A) or at IFN-γ treated level (B). Green represents a higher<br />

expression in BALB/c BMM than in C57BL/6 BMM whereas red indicates higher expression in C57BL/6 BMM than in BALB/c BMM. The<br />

intensity <strong>of</strong> color correlates with the magnitude <strong>of</strong> difference: The shade <strong>of</strong> color becomes darker with increasing absolute fold<br />

change.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Gene Expression Pattern <strong>of</strong> Bone-Marrow Derived Macrophages after Interferon-gamma Treatment<br />

A<br />

regulation <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ at least<br />

in BMM <strong>of</strong> one strain; no<br />

significant difference in<br />

expression between BMM<br />

<strong>of</strong> both strains<br />

difference between BMM <strong>of</strong><br />

the two mouse strains only<br />

after IFN-γ treatment<br />

B<br />

higher expression<br />

in BALB/c BMM<br />

higher expression<br />

in C57BL/6 BMM<br />

difference between BMM <strong>of</strong><br />

the two mouse strains only<br />

at control level<br />

difference between BMM <strong>of</strong><br />

the two mouse strains at<br />

both control and IFN-γ<br />

treated level<br />

regulation <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ at least<br />

in BMM <strong>of</strong> one strain; no<br />

significant difference in<br />

expression between BMM<br />

<strong>of</strong> both strains<br />

difference between BMM <strong>of</strong><br />

the two mouse strains only<br />

after IFN-γ treatment<br />

higher expression<br />

in BALB/c BMM<br />

higher expression<br />

in C57BL/6 BMM<br />

difference between BMM <strong>of</strong><br />

the two mouse strains only<br />

at control level<br />

difference between BMM <strong>of</strong><br />

the two mouse strains at<br />

both control and IFN-γ<br />

treated level<br />


cfu / S9 cell<br />

cfu / S9 cell<br />

% PI-negative S9 cells<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />



Staphylococcal cfu per <strong>host</strong> cell after internalization and <strong>host</strong> cell vitality [Melanie Gutjahr,<br />

Petra Hildebrandt]<br />

After 2.5 h, an averaged number <strong>of</strong> 1.3 staphylococcal colony forming units (cfu)/ S9 cell were<br />

found in internalization experiments (data courtesy <strong>of</strong> Melanie Gutjahr). Although not statistically<br />

significant in the four biological replicates used for this study, a trend <strong>of</strong> increasing cfu / S9 cell<br />

along with increasing infection time was discernible and led to an internalization mean value <strong>of</strong><br />

2.3 cfu / S9 cell 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection (Fig. R.4.1 A).<br />

A<br />

S9 infection proteome and transcriptome<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

B<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />


infected S9 cells infected S9 cells<br />

2.5 h after start 6.5 h after start<br />

<strong>of</strong> time infection after start <strong>of</strong> infection <strong>of</strong> infection<br />

2.5 h<br />

6.5 h<br />

00<br />

untreated<br />

control<br />

1 2non-sorted3 4 5 sorted 6 7<br />

infected non-infected (GFP – ) infected (GFP + )<br />

2.5 h 6.5 h 2.5 h 6.5 h 2.5 h 6.5 h<br />

S9 cell samples<br />

Fig. R.4.1: Staphylococcal cfu per <strong>host</strong> cell after internalization and <strong>host</strong> cell vitality.<br />

A. Staphylococcal viable cell counts per S9 cell in infection experiments. The line indicates mean values per each analyzed time point.<br />

B. Percentages <strong>of</strong> viable PI – S9 cells in untreated control and after infection with S. aureus RN1HG GFP determined <strong>by</strong> FACS counting.<br />

Infected samples were analyzed for the two time points in different populations: without sorting or after sorting separately for GFP –<br />

and GFP + S9 cells. Mean values <strong>of</strong> n = 2 experiments.<br />

Cfu-data: courtesy <strong>of</strong> Melanie Gutjahr. FACS-data: courtesy <strong>of</strong> Petra Hildebrandt.<br />

Host cell vitality was determined <strong>by</strong> propidium iodide (PI) staining and counting in FACS<br />

(n = 2). Although 7.0 % and 12.1 % <strong>of</strong> cells in the infected, but non-sorted cell suspension were<br />

positive for PI and therefore not viable 2.5 h and 6.5 h after infection, respectively, compared to<br />

3.6 % <strong>of</strong> PI-positive dead cells in the untreated control, most <strong>of</strong> the dead, infected cells were<br />

discarded during the sorting procedure (Fig. R.4.1 B). Thus, cell vitality was not influenced in the<br />

subsets <strong>of</strong> sorted cells 2.5 h after infection (98.7 % in GFP + S9 cells, 99.0 % in GFP – S9 cells). After<br />

6.5 h, a minor drop in viability was recorded for the infected samples (97.3 % in GFP + S9 cells,<br />

98.8 % in GFP – S9 cells; data courtesy <strong>of</strong> Petra Hildebrandt).<br />

Reproducibility <strong>of</strong> replicates and clustering <strong>of</strong> treatment group members<br />

Staphylococcus aureus RN1HG GFP was used to infect S9 cells, a human bronchial epithelial<br />

cell line. The study included samples <strong>of</strong> two treatments, infected green fluorescence-positive<br />

FACS-sorted S9 cells and control cells that were exposed to medium, and analyzed the two time<br />

points 2.5 h and 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. Hierarchical clustering visualized the grouping <strong>of</strong><br />

the array data sets according to their similarity (Fig. R.4.2). Biological replicates <strong>of</strong> each treatment<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

and time point had the highest similarity to each other, and thus, the four treatment/time point<br />

groups defined the three lowest level clusters (Fig. R.4.2, orange dashed line). When further<br />

analyzing the next level <strong>of</strong> clustering the high similarity between the 2.5 h groups, i. e. infected<br />

samples and control samples, was obvious (Fig. R.4.2, red dashed line). In the following cluster<br />

level, the 6.5 h control samples showed higher similarity to both 2.5 h samples groups than to the<br />

6.5 h infected samples. Summing up, the biological replicates exhibited a high reproducibility. The<br />

highest similarity on the level <strong>of</strong> treatment groups was observed between 2.5 h infected and<br />

control samples, and not between the control samples <strong>of</strong> both time points as it might have been<br />

expected. The medium control samples <strong>of</strong> the 6.5 h timepoint were more similar to the 2.5 h<br />

samples (infection and control) than to the 6.5 h infected samples.<br />

medium control<br />

infected; GFP positive<br />

time point 2.5 h<br />

time point 6.5 h<br />

biological replicate 1<br />

biological replicate 2<br />

biological replicate 3<br />

biological replicate 4<br />

Fig. R.4.2: Hierarchical clustering <strong>of</strong> 16 array data sets from S9 infection experiment.<br />

The following clustering algorithms were applied on log-transformed data: Agglomerative clustering with average linkage using<br />

euclidian distance weighted <strong>by</strong> error as similarity measure. Sequences which were not expressed on all 16 arrays (defined <strong>by</strong> p > 0.01<br />

on intensity pr<strong>of</strong>ile level in Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware) and control sequences were excluded from the cluster analysis.<br />

The orange dashed line indicates the three lowest level clusters which led to a segmentation into the the four treatment/time point<br />

groups. The next level <strong>of</strong> clustering grouped the 6.5 h control samples next to 2.5 h control and infected samples (red dashed line).<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> treatment groups and assessment <strong>of</strong> differentially regulated genes<br />

For identification <strong>of</strong> differential gene expression, infected samples were compared to their<br />

time-matched controls. Additionally, same treatments were compared between the two time<br />

points for control purposes. In detail, four comparisons <strong>of</strong> sample groups were carried out:<br />

2.5 h infected GFP-positive samples vs. 2.5 h medium control<br />

6.5 h infected GFP-positive samples vs. 6.5 h medium control<br />

6.5 h infected GFP-positive samples vs. 2.5 h infected GFP-positive samples<br />

6.5 h medium control vs. 2.5 h medium control<br />

All comparisons are depicted <strong>by</strong> scatter plots (Fig. R.4.3). A small difference appeared<br />

between the infected and control samples 2.5 h after infection (Fig. R.4.3, panel ), while a<br />

strong reaction <strong>of</strong> infected cells compared to the time-matched control became visible after 6.5 h<br />

(Fig. R.4.3, panel ). Consequently, the infected samples strongly differed between both time<br />

points (Fig. R.4.3, panel ). But also in the control samples a certain change <strong>of</strong> signal intensities<br />

depending on incubation time was recorded. This change mainly consisted <strong>of</strong> lower signal values<br />

after 6.5 h than after 2.5 h (Fig. R.4.3, panel).<br />


infected; 2.5 h<br />

infected; 6.5 h<br />

mean intensity<br />

mean intensity<br />

infected; 6.5 h<br />

medium control; 6.5 h<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

<br />

<br />

medium control; 2.5 h<br />

infected; 2.5 h<br />

<br />

<br />

medium control; 6.5 h<br />

medium control; 2.5 h<br />

Fig. R.4.3: Scatter plots comparing mean signal intensities <strong>of</strong> treatment groups.<br />

The signals <strong>of</strong> the four groups “medium control sample after 2.5 h”, “GFP-positive sorted infected sample after 2.5 h”, “medium<br />

control sample after 6.5 h”, and “GFP-positive sorted infected sample after 2.5 h” were plotted after combining the four biological<br />

replicates. Control sequences and sequences that were absent on all <strong>of</strong> the arrays used for each scatter plot are not shown. (Absence<br />

<strong>of</strong> expression is defined via a p-value > 0.01 on intensity pr<strong>of</strong>ile level in Rosetta Resolver).<br />

When looking at examples <strong>of</strong> signal intensity data, gene expression pattern were recognized<br />

that were characterized <strong>by</strong> similar expression in the three groups <strong>of</strong> infected GFP-positive sorted<br />

cells after 2.5 h, medium control cells after 2.5 h, and infected GFP-positive sorted cells after<br />

6.5 h. A divergent signal intensity, lower or higher than in the three other groups, was noticeable<br />

for the last group <strong>of</strong> medium control cells after 6.5 h (Fig. R.4.4). However, the time-dependent<br />

changes in the control samples’ gene expression were not in the focus <strong>of</strong> this study, but the<br />

infection-dependent changes should be accessed. Therefore, a strategy was defined that allowed<br />

to exclude genes which are mainly influenced <strong>by</strong> a differing value in the group <strong>of</strong> 6.5 h medium<br />

control cells from the list <strong>of</strong> infection-dependent differential gene expression after 6.5 h <strong>of</strong><br />

infection.<br />

A<br />

Fkbp4 (EntrezGene ID 2288)<br />

B<br />

Cldn1 (EntrezGene ID 9076)<br />

2500<br />

3000<br />

Fig. R.4.4:<br />

Examples <strong>of</strong> mean signal<br />

intensities characterized <strong>by</strong> a<br />

higher (A) and lower value<br />

(B) for the medium control<br />

after 6.5 h compared to the<br />

other three sample groups.<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

0<br />

pMEM control<br />

tryps.<br />

medium ActD/NaN3<br />

control<br />

2.5 h 6.5 h<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

2288 FKBP4<br />

0<br />

pMEM control<br />

tryps.<br />

ActD/NaN3 medium<br />

control<br />

RN1HG infected pMEM control RN1HG infected<br />

RN1HG GFP wt GFP tryps. RN1HG GFP wt GFP<br />

infected,<br />

FACS sorted<br />

GFP positive<br />

GFPpositivpositive<br />

medium ActD/NaN3<br />

control<br />

infected,<br />

FACS sorted<br />

GFP positive<br />

GFP-<br />

2.5 h 6.5 h<br />

sorted<br />

sorted<br />

RN1HG infected pMEM control RN1HG infected<br />

RN1HG GFP wt GFP tryps. RN1HG GFP wt GFP<br />

FACS infected, sorted<br />

GFP positive<br />

GFPpositive<br />

ActD/NaN3 medium<br />

control<br />

FACS infected, sorted<br />

GFP positive<br />

GFP-<br />

6.5 h positive<br />

2.5 h<br />

sorted<br />

sorted<br />

2.5 h 6.5 h<br />

9076 CLDN1<br />

First, differential gene expression was determined with statistical testing for the comparison<br />

<strong>of</strong> infected GFP-positive sorted cells vs. medium control, each after 6.5 h. Second, the differential<br />

gene expression was calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> infected GFP-positive sorted cells after<br />

6.5 h with medium control cells after 2.5 h. Third, only genes which featured differential gene<br />

expression in both comparisons were included in the list <strong>of</strong> infection-dependent differential gene<br />

expression 6.5 h after infection. For assessing the infection-dependent differential gene<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

expression after 2.5 h, infected GFP-positive sorted cells after 2.5 h were statistically compared<br />

to their time matched medium control cells.<br />

Altogether, 86 genes were defined as differentially expressed in infection compared to control<br />

2.5 h after infection. Of these genes, 40 possessed a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.5, and 11<br />

genes held a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 2 (Table R.4.1 A). In comparison, for the 6.5 h time<br />

point differential expression in infection compared to control was made up <strong>of</strong> 2296 genes, <strong>of</strong><br />

which 1196 passed an absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 1.5 and still 495 passed a cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 2<br />

(Table R.4.1 B).<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> infection-dependent differentially expressed genes after 2.5 h and 6.5 h<br />

When comparing the infection-dependent changes in gene expression with a minimal<br />

absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.5 after 2.5 h and after 6.5 h, an overlap <strong>of</strong> 26 genes was recorded. This<br />

corresponds to 65 % <strong>of</strong> the genes differentially expressed 2.5 h after infection (Fig. R.4.5 A). If<br />

genes that did not exhibit differential expression relative to the baseline <strong>of</strong> 2.5 h medium control<br />

had not been excluded from the list <strong>of</strong> infection-dependent regulated genes after 6.5 h, the<br />

overlap would have even increased <strong>by</strong> 6 genes to 80 %.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

2.5 h<br />

repressed<br />

repressed 6.5 h<br />

14 26 1170<br />

induced<br />

5<br />

333<br />

induced<br />

9<br />

2<br />

837<br />

genes differentially expressed<br />

in S9 cells between infection<br />

with RN1HG GFP and medium<br />

control 2.5 h after infection<br />

genes differentially expressed<br />

in S9 cells between infection<br />

with RN1HG GFP and medium<br />

control 6.5 h after infection<br />

1<br />

23<br />

Fig. R.4.5: Comparison <strong>of</strong> infection-dependent regulated genes in S9 cells 2.5 h and 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection.<br />

After applying a minimal absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 1.5, 40 genes were differentially expressed in infection compared to control<br />

2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, while the number <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection increased to 1196. The<br />

overlap between both lists contained 26 genes (A). This group <strong>of</strong> 26 genes in the overlap could be subdivided into 23 genes which<br />

were induced 2.5 h as well as 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, 2 genes which were repressed in both time points and 1 genes which was<br />

induced 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection and repressed after 6.5 h. In general, a bigger fraction <strong>of</strong> differentially regulated genes was<br />

induced than repressed in each time point. This summed up to 33 or 860 induced genes 2.5 h or 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection,<br />

respectively. Repression occurred for 7 genes at the 2.5 h time point and 336 genes at the 6.5 h time point (B).<br />

In a finer resolution, also the direction <strong>of</strong> regulation was comparable between the two<br />

analyzed time points. Of the 26 genes, which were differentially expressed after 2.5 h as well as<br />

after 6.5 h, 23 were induced and 2 were repressed in both time points. Only for one gene<br />

induction was observed after 2.5 h while the expression was repressed after 6.5 h (Fig. R.4.5 B).<br />

Concluding from this high degree <strong>of</strong> conformance in the two time points, the RNA expression<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>iling 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection seemed to catch the very early beginning <strong>of</strong> the <strong>host</strong> cell’s<br />

reaction, which was very strongly aggravated during the following 4 hours until the measurement<br />

6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection.<br />

In each time point, induction <strong>of</strong> gene expression was more pronounced than repression.<br />

Induction summed up to 33 or 860 genes 2.5 h or 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, respectively.<br />

Repression covered 7 genes at the 2.5 h time point and 336 genes at the 6.5 h time point<br />

(Fig. R.4.5 B).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

A Genes displaying statistically different expression values in the corresponding comparisons.<br />

testing a significant with p*

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

Differentially abundant proteins in infected samples compared to medium-treated controls<br />

[Melanie Gutjahr]<br />

Samples for transcriptome analysis were generated from the same experiments which yielded<br />

samples for a proteome study (Melanie Gutjahr). Here, a gel-free mass spectrometric analysis<br />

was performed, which allowed the identification <strong>of</strong> 1049 proteins in all analyzed samples. Of<br />

these, Melanie Gutjahr classified 112 and 224 as different in abundance 2.5 h and 6.5 h after start<br />

<strong>of</strong> infection, respectively. At the 2.5 h time point, reduced abundance prevailed with 73 proteins<br />

in comparison to 39 proteins with increased abundance. In contrary, 96 reduced and 128<br />

increased proteins were observed 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. The common signature <strong>of</strong> both<br />

2.5 h and 6.5 h time point included 63 proteins, whereas 49 and 161 proteins were specifically<br />

regulated at the 2.5 h and 6.5 h time point, respectively. Reverse regulation at both time points<br />

did not exist.<br />

UniProt accession numbers <strong>of</strong> proteins exhibiting differential abundance were mapped to<br />

EntrezGene IDs using the UniProt ID mapping tool (www.uniprot.org). The majority <strong>of</strong> these<br />

EntrezGene IDs was available as annotation for sequences <strong>of</strong> the GeneChip Human Gene 1.0 ST<br />

array in Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware. Finally, 98 regulated proteins were available for comparison<br />

with transcriptome data from samples 2.5 h after infection, and at the 6.5 h time point, 198<br />

regulated proteins could be compared to array results (Table R.4.2).<br />

Table R.4.2: Mapping <strong>of</strong> UniProt entries to EntrezGene IDs and EntrezGene records in Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware.<br />

time<br />

point<br />

UniProt accession numbers<br />

<strong>of</strong> regulated proteins<br />

EntrezGene IDs<br />

after ID mapping<br />

EntrezGene IDs available in Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware<br />

for the GeneChip Human Gene 1.0 ST array<br />

2.5 h 112 110 98<br />

6.5 h 224 221 198<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> differentially abundant proteins with differentially expressed genes<br />

[in cooperation with Melanie Gutjahr]<br />

At the first time point 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, the small list <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed<br />

genes did not overlap with the list <strong>of</strong> regulated proteins.<br />

When comparing transcriptome and proteome results <strong>of</strong> the 6.5 h time point, an overlap <strong>of</strong> 11<br />

genes/proteins was discernible. These included 7 (ALCAM, APOL2, ERAP1, IFIT2, IFIT3, OASL,<br />

WARS) and 3 (FASN, KPNA2, PPME1) genes/proteins which exhibited in both analysis methods<br />

up- and down-regulation, respectively. The remaining gene/protein DYNC1H1 was induced at<br />

transcript level and reduced in protein abundance.<br />

The comparison between differentially expressed genes at the earlier 2.5 h time point with<br />

regulated proteins at the later 6.5 h time point revealed that for 2 (IFIT2, IFIT3) increased<br />

proteins the transcripts already were induced 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection.<br />

When the comparison was performed in reversion, i. e. when the 2.5 h time point regulated<br />

proteins were compared with the later 6.5 h time point’s gene expression changes, 4 (CNP,<br />

DYNC1H1, IFIT1, ZC3HAV1) proteins were reduced at 2.5 h whereas gene transcripts were<br />

induced at 6.5 h. Furthermore, one protein (ALCAM) was increased after 2.5 h, but the transcript<br />

was induced only at the 6.5 h time point. This gene/protein was already included in a list<br />

mentioned above. Finally, the protein FASN was reduced 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, but the<br />

transcript was repressed after 6.5 h. The FASN gene/protein was already included in the list <strong>of</strong><br />

gene and protein repression at the 6.5 h time point (Table R.4.3).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

Table R.4.3: Differentially abundant proteins which exhibit differential gene expression.<br />

gene name<br />

description<br />

UniProt<br />

accession<br />

number<br />

EntrezGene<br />

ID<br />

protein<br />

fold change a<br />

transcript<br />

2.5 h 6.5 h 2.5 h 6.5 h<br />

ALCAM activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule Q13740 214 4.5 4.3 1.1 1.8<br />

APOL2 apolipoprotein L, 2 Q9BQE5 23780 2.1 4.5 1.2 4.5<br />

ERAP1 endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 Q9NZ08 51752 N/A 5.6 -1.0 1.6<br />

IFIT2<br />

interferon-induced protein with<br />

tetratricopeptide repeats 2<br />

P09913 3433 1.1 6.2 2.4 5.2<br />

IFIT3<br />

interferon-induced protein with<br />

tetratricopeptide repeats 3<br />

O14879 3437 1.1 2.6 1.6 3.4<br />

OASL 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase-like Q15646 8638 N/A 16.9 1.1 5.1<br />

WARS tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase P23381 7453 -1.3 1.6 1.1 4.4<br />

FASN fatty acid synthase P49327 2194 -1.6 -1.6 -1.1 -1.7<br />

KPNA2<br />

karyopherin alpha 2 (RAG cohort 1, importin<br />

alpha 1)<br />

P52292 3838 -1.5 -1.7 -1.3 -1.7<br />

PPME1 protein phosphatase methylesterase 1 Q9Y570 51400 -2.9 -18.0 -1.1 -1.9<br />

CNP 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphodiesterase P09543 1267 -2.4 1.2 -1.1 1.6<br />

IFIT1<br />

interferon-induced protein with<br />

tetratricopeptide repeats 1<br />

P09914 3434 -2.1 1.3 1.6 3.3<br />

ZC3HAV1 zinc finger CCCH-type, antiviral 1 Q7Z2W4 56829 -2.0 1.2 1.4 3.4<br />

a Fold change values were calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> infected GFP + S9 cell with the baseline <strong>of</strong> medium control samples.<br />

Differential regulation is indicated in bold.<br />

Evaluation <strong>of</strong> infection-dependent differentially expressed genes using Ingenuity Pathway<br />

Analysis (IPA) for the two time points 2.5 h and 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection<br />

For each <strong>of</strong> the two analyzed time points, 2.5 h and 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, a list with<br />

genes differentially expressed in infected samples compared to controls was uploaded to<br />

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA, www.ingenuity.com). Adequate fold change value accompanied<br />

the EntrezGene identifiers. A minimal absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 1.5 had been applied.<br />

In the statistical testing performed <strong>by</strong> the different IPA tools, the size <strong>of</strong> the input list<br />

influences the significance levels <strong>of</strong> the results. As the two lists were very different in size (40<br />

genes at the 2.5 h time point vs. 1196 genes at the 6.5 h time point; Table R.4.1), the significance<br />

levels for each analysis were <strong>by</strong> far not directly comparable. Therefore, the 2.5 h data were<br />

examined separately and additionally served for illustration purposes like overlaying gene<br />

expression data for 2.5 h on 6.5 h data results. The analysis concerning networks and pathways<br />

was focused on the differential gene expression at the 6.5 h time point.<br />

In the samples <strong>of</strong> the time point 2.5 h after infection, the big fraction <strong>of</strong> genes with increased<br />

expression was noticeable (33 <strong>of</strong> 40 genes; Fig. R.4.5 B). Strongest induction (fold change 4.2)<br />

was observed for IL-6, a cytokine occupying a key position in regulation <strong>of</strong> the immune response.<br />

Another immune-stimulating cytokine, IFN-β, was strongly induced (IFNB1, fold change 2.8;<br />

rank 4 <strong>of</strong> induced genes), and the response to interferon was seen in the induction <strong>of</strong> interferoninduced<br />

proteins IFIT2 (fold change 2.4) and IFIT3 (fold change 1.6). IFN-β also influences IL-6<br />

expression (Fig. R.4.6).<br />

Interestingly, prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 transcription was induced (PTGS2 alias<br />

Cox-2, fold change 2.3; rank 6 <strong>of</strong> induced genes). This enzyme generates the inflammation<br />

mediators prostaglandin (PG) G 2 and H 2 from arachidonic acid. From PGH 2 , the other<br />

prostaglandins like PGE 2 are formed <strong>by</strong> different synthases. In the data set, also PGE 2 receptor<br />

PTGER4 was induced (and induction <strong>of</strong> PGE 2 receptor PTGER2 was seen only at the 6.5 h time<br />

point). Therefore, prostaglandin synthesis as well as prostaglandin receptor were induced on<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

transcriptome level at the 2.5 h time point. PTGS2 transcription is positively influenced <strong>by</strong><br />

IL-6. All three genes, IL6, PTGS2, and PTGER4, are indirectly induced <strong>by</strong> endothelin, EDN1, which<br />

also has vasoconstrictor functions and itself was induced 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection (fold<br />

change 4.2). The influence on expression is at least in parts mediated <strong>by</strong> ERK1/2, which was not<br />

regulated itself (Fig. R.4.6).<br />

Fig. R.4.6:<br />

Interactions <strong>of</strong> IL-6, PTGS2,<br />

PTGER4, EDN1, ERK1/2, IFNB1,<br />

IFIT2, and IFIT3 in a custom<br />

pathway design (modified from<br />

IPA, www.ingenuity.com).<br />

Red color indicates induction <strong>of</strong><br />

gene expression in infected<br />

samples compared to control 2.5 h<br />

after start <strong>of</strong> infection. More<br />

intense shade <strong>of</strong> color is used for<br />

higher absolute fold change<br />

values. Dashed lines indicate<br />

indirect influence on expression<br />

(E), activation (A), phosphorylation<br />

(P), and secretion (S), the solid line<br />

binding (B).<br />

These genes illustrated a beginning pro-inflammatory response. Another interesting candidate<br />

which is assigned an important role at the interface <strong>of</strong> neuronal and immune system, the<br />

leukemia inhibitory factor LIF, was increased in infected cells (fold change 1.6) already 2.5 h after<br />

start <strong>of</strong> infection (and stayed induced at the 6.5 h time point). LIF belongs to the IL-6 family <strong>of</strong><br />

cytokines and recruits, like IL-6, the ubiquitous glycoprotein gp130 as second subunit <strong>of</strong> its<br />

receptor.<br />

Several genes for signal transduction molecules and transcription factors were included in the<br />

small set <strong>of</strong> 40 differentially expressed genes 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. An increased<br />

expression was observed for NR4A2 (fold change 3.5), NFKBIZ (3.0), KLF4 (2.1), ATF3 (2.1), BCL6<br />

(1.7), MYC (1.7), ZFP36L2 (1.6), and KLF6 (1.5).<br />

Increased expression was recorded for TNFAIP3 (2.3), a gene thought to be critical for limiting<br />

inflammation, and for ZC3H12C (1.5), a member <strong>of</strong> a family <strong>of</strong> negative regulators in macrophage<br />

activation. In addition, CD274 (B7-H1), ligand for the immunoinhibitory receptor PD-1 on<br />

activated B and T cells and on monocytes, was higher expressed in infected samples than in<br />

controls. These gene expression changes alluded to a role in counterregulatory processes during<br />

the beginning <strong>of</strong> infection and inflammation.<br />

Other genes like NEDD9 (2.0), TNC (1.6), and RND3 (1.5) are involved in cell adhesion,<br />

rounding and cytoskeleton organization, indicating the beginning <strong>of</strong> morphological changes in the<br />

infected cells.<br />

Even more, cell cycle progression seems to be negatively affected <strong>by</strong> the infection, as seen <strong>by</strong><br />

increased transcription <strong>of</strong> KLF4 (2.1), PPP1R15A (2.1), and MYC (1.7). Strikingly, 7 <strong>of</strong> 40 genes<br />

were repressed 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection and all <strong>of</strong> them are functionally associated with cell<br />

cycle progression: AURKA (−1.9), PLK1 (−1.8), HIST1H2AB (−1.6), BUB1 (−1.5) C13ORF34/BORA<br />

(−1.5), CDCA2 (−1.5), and CDCA8 (−1.5).<br />

About two thirds <strong>of</strong> regulated genes in the 2.5 h samples were still regulated 6.5 h after<br />

infection, and the absolute fold change was even increased for almost all <strong>of</strong> these genes at the<br />

later time point (Fig. R.4.7). Only one exception with reversed direction <strong>of</strong> regulation occurred,<br />

and PTGS2 had a smaller fold change after 6.5 h than after 2.5 h although its expression still was<br />

increased. To conclude, the changes started in the early time point were enforced in the later<br />

time point.<br />


fold change (infected vs. control)<br />

fold change (infected vs. control)<br />

fold change (infected vs. control)<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

14<br />

12<br />

14<br />

12<br />

14<br />

12<br />

Fig. R.4.7:<br />

2<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> fold change value for differentially expressed genes both after<br />

2.5 h and after 6.5 h.<br />

0<br />

Absolute fold change values for almost all <strong>of</strong> these genes increased at the later<br />

-2<br />

time point (black lines). PTGS2 had a smaller fold change after 6.5 h than after<br />

2.5 h (gray dashed line) and only one gene, ADAMTS1, showed an reversed -4<br />

direction <strong>of</strong> regulation in both time points (gray dashed/dotted line).<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

2.5 h 2.5 h 2.5 h 6.5 h 6.5 h 6.5 h<br />

In IPA, a global functional analysis can be applied to the complete data set. Results <strong>of</strong>fer an<br />

overview on the data-associated biological functions with a p-value to judge on overrepresentation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the corresponding function in the data set. The results can be grouped in three<br />

topics: 1) Diseases and Disorders 2) Molecular and Cellular Functions, and 3) Physiological System<br />

Development and Function. Here, especially the first and second topic were relevant for data<br />

analysis because the data were generated in vitro. To get a first impression, only the first five<br />

categories with smallest p-value were selected from the topics 1) and 2) for the 6.5 h time point.<br />

In the topic “Diseases and Disorders” a very dominant association <strong>of</strong> the data set with diverse<br />

inflammation and infection related categories was visible (Table R.4.4). Category “Cancer”<br />

obtained the smallest p-value, but as such category collects diverse functions that might also be<br />

immune-system associated, the result will not be interpreted as cancer like reaction <strong>of</strong> S9 cells to<br />

infection. Indeed, in a comparison <strong>of</strong> all genes in the list associated with “Cancer” and all genes<br />

linked to the other four immune-related categories in this analysis, approximately one third<br />

appeared in both “Cancer” as well as in the immune-related categories.<br />

The top categories <strong>of</strong> “Molecular and Cellular Function” mainly dealt with cellular growth,<br />

proliferation, death or related aspects (Table R.4.4). First signs <strong>of</strong> the influence <strong>of</strong> infection on<br />

this issue have already been recognized in the 2.5 h samples. In the later analysis time point <strong>of</strong><br />

6.5 h this influence was even more manifested and resulted in very low p-values.<br />

Table R.4.4: Global functional analysis (IPA, www.ingenuity.com) <strong>of</strong> the infection-dependent differentially regulated genes in S9 cells<br />

6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. First five categories <strong>of</strong> the topics “Diseases and Disorders” and “Molecular and Cellular Functions” are<br />

cited with the range <strong>of</strong> p-values <strong>of</strong> the associated sub-categories.<br />

rank<br />

Diseases and Disorders<br />

Molecular and Cellular Functions<br />

category p-value range category p-value range<br />

1 Cancer 3.44E-09 – 1.85E-03 Cellular Growth and Proliferation 1.04E-12 – 2.11E-03<br />

2 Infection Mechanism 3.76E-09 – 1.50E-03 Cell Death 1.27E-10 – 2.21E-03<br />

3 Antimicrobial Response 5.46E-07 – 7.96E-04 Cellular Development 4.94E-09 – 2.06E-03<br />

4 Inflammatory Response 5.46E-07 – 1.84E-03 Cellular Function and Maintenance 8.19E-08 – 1.95E-03<br />

5 Immunological Disease 1.12E-06 – 1.76E-03 Cell Cycle 1.22E-07 – 2.21E-03<br />

The Canonical Pathways tool in IPA allows analysis <strong>of</strong> the data set in the context <strong>of</strong> predefined<br />

pathways and their associated genes, which are displayed in order <strong>of</strong> cellular location and<br />

function and which can be overlaid with gene expression data.<br />

The first, most significant result for the infection-dependent gene expression changes in S9<br />

cells 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection was the pathway “Interferon Signaling” (p = 5.81E−09;<br />

ratio = 13/30; Fig. R.4.8). Induced gene expression was documented for IFN-β, the signal<br />

transduction molecules JAK2, STAT1, and STAT2, the regulatory suppressor <strong>of</strong> cytokine signaling<br />


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Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

SOCS1, and finally for the transcriptionally regulated genes PSMB8, TAP1, IRF1, IFI35, IFIT1, IFIT3,<br />

OAS1, and MX1.<br />

For the influence <strong>of</strong> staphylococcal infection on IFN signaling in in vivo kidney gene expression<br />

please refer to Results / Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection Model / Fig. R.2.9,<br />

page 86.<br />

Fig. R.4.8:<br />

Interferon Signaling (modified<br />

from IPA, www.ingenuity.com).<br />

Red color indicates increase <strong>of</strong><br />

expression. More intense shade<br />

<strong>of</strong> color is used for higher<br />

absolute fold change values.<br />

The second result in significantly over-represented canonical pathways was “Role <strong>of</strong> Pattern<br />

Recognition Receptors in Recognition <strong>of</strong> Bacteria and Viruses” (p = 3.63E−08; ratio = 20/80). This<br />

pathway includes C3AR1 (fold change 3.6), receptor for complement component C3a, pentraxin<br />

PTX3 (3.7), a soluble pattern recognition receptor (PRR) and inflammation regulator involved in<br />

enhancing complement activation and clearance <strong>of</strong> apoptotic cells, toll-like receptor TLR3 (5.1)<br />

with its signal transduction molecule MYD88 (2.3), intracellular PRR RIG-1 (DDX58; 3.2) and MDA-<br />

5 (IFIH1; 5.6), which are involved in viral double-stranded RNA recognition, and NOD1 (2.5),<br />

receptor for bacterial diaminopimelic acid with its signal transduction kinase RIPK2 (3.8). NOD1 is<br />

known to activate CASP1 (4.4), a protease cleaving the inactive IL-1β precursor.<br />

Three different 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase genes OAS1/2/3 (2.5/2.4/1.9) were induced.<br />

They are part <strong>of</strong> the innate immune response, induced <strong>by</strong> interferon, and their product<br />

oligoadenylate activates RNASEL (1.6), which was additionally induced on mRNA level in this<br />

experiment. Cytokine genes IL6 (11.9), IFNB1 (3.6), IL12A (4.0), CCL5 (4.0; RANTES) are included in<br />

this pathway as end point <strong>of</strong> signal transduction starting with different TLRs via NFκB. Finally,<br />

three subunits <strong>of</strong> PI3K, phosphoinositide-3-kinase, were induced: PIK3R1 (1.7), regulatory subunit<br />

1/alpha, PIK3R3 (2.4), regulatory subunit 3/gamma, and PIK3CA (1.7), catalytic subunit alpha<br />

polypeptide.<br />

Significant over-representation was also observed for members <strong>of</strong> the pathway “Death<br />

Receptor Signaling” (p = 1.21E−03; ratio = 12/64). The death receptor FAS (3.7) and cascade<br />

initiating caspases CASP8 (1.6) and CASP10 (2.2) were induced, but also CFLAR (2.6; FLIP) as<br />

inhibitor <strong>of</strong> CASP8/10. Ligands TNFSF10 (18.5; APO2L, TRAIL) and TNFSF15 (4.6; TL1) were<br />

strongly induced, but not their receptors (DR). Death receptor’s/TNF receptor’s signal<br />

transduction kinase RIPK1 (2.2) was induced together with MAP kinases MAP3K14 (2.0) and<br />

MAP4K4 (2.7) and IκB kinase (IKK) subunit IKBKE (2.3). Additionally, CASP3 was slightly induced<br />


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Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

(1.6), but CASP9, the link to the intrinsic mitochondrial apoptosis pathway, was repressed (−1.6).<br />

Possibly, S9 cells were prepared to react to external apoptosis signals or give signals to infection<br />

relevant immune cells like neutrophils or macrophages. Of course, such situation does not occur<br />

in the S9 cell in vitro infection setting.<br />

Similarly, antigen presentation will not find any reaction partner in vitro. This canonical<br />

pathway was significantly overrepresented in the infection-dependent genes which were<br />

differentially expressed 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection (p = 1.21E−02; ratio = 8/39; Fig. R.4.9).<br />

Antigen presentation is divided into two parts, presentation <strong>of</strong> intracellular and extracellular<br />

antigens. Intracellular antigens are digested <strong>by</strong> cytosolic proteasome with sequential transport <strong>of</strong><br />

peptides into the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER). These peptides are loaded to MHC-I molecules<br />

and transported via the Golgi to the cell surface for presentation. The immune-proteasome gene<br />

PSMB8 (LMP7), coding for a protein in the 20S-core <strong>of</strong> the proteasome, was induced (fold change<br />

1.8). PSMB9 (LMP2) with a fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.499 was just marginally below the cut<strong>of</strong>f and could<br />

be regarded as induced, too. Both induced genes lead to an immune response-specific<br />

reorganization <strong>of</strong> the proteasomes’ catalytic center. Induced were the peptide transporters TAP1<br />

(2.4) and TAP2 (2.2), the TAP-binding protein tapasin/TPN (TAPBP; 1.5), which attaches the TAP<br />

molecules to the MHC-I complex, and the ER aminopeptidases ERAP1 (1.6) and ERAP2 (4.4),<br />

which are responsible for N-terminal trimming <strong>of</strong> the peptide in the ER. At the end <strong>of</strong> this<br />

pathway, MHC-I molecules HLA-E (1.7) and HLA-F (1.8) and MHC class I-related molecule MR1<br />

(2.0) were induced. MR1, a non-classical MHC-gene, features a strong homology to MHC-I<br />

molecules, is highly conserved in human and mouse, ubiquitously transcribed in different tissue<br />

or cell types, and speculated to present an unknown invariant ligand to certain “innate” mucosaassociated<br />

invariant T cells (MAIT cells) expressing an invariant T cell receptor (TCR) similar as<br />

innate natural killer T cells (iNKT) (Riegert et al. 1998, Hansen TH et al. 2007). Beta-2-<br />

microglobulin (B2M; MHC-I-β) as the second subunit <strong>of</strong> the MHC-I complex showed a trend <strong>of</strong><br />

induction with a fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.3, but was not significant in statistical testing.<br />

Fig. R.4.9: Antigen Presentation (modified from IPA, www.ingenuity.com). Red color indicates increase <strong>of</strong> expression.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

Immune cells and other cells <strong>of</strong> the body are capable <strong>of</strong> presenting intracellular antigens via<br />

MHC-I. Although a significant increase in expression was observed for MHC-II gene HLA-DOP<br />

(3.8), all other MHC-II genes for both alpha and beta subunits were not differentially expressed.<br />

Additionally, the intensity <strong>of</strong> MHC-II gene expression is clearly among the lower values on the<br />

whole array. This is not surprising, because presentation <strong>of</strong> extracellular antigens via MHC-II<br />

preferentially occurs <strong>by</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional antigen presenting cells (APC) like dendritic cells (DC),<br />

macrophages and B cells, and the human bronchial epithelial cell line S9, which was used in this<br />

study, does not belong to the group <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional APC.<br />

For the influence <strong>of</strong> staphylococcal infection on antigen presentation in in vivo kidney gene<br />

expression please refer to Results / Kidney Gene Expression Pattern in an in vivo Infection<br />

Model / Fig. R.2.12, page 88.<br />

Persistence and enhancement <strong>of</strong> S9 reaction to infection with S. aureus RN1HG from the 2.5 h<br />

to the 6.5 h time point<br />

It has already been mentioned that a big fraction <strong>of</strong> the genes, which were differentially<br />

expressed at the 2.5 h time point, was still regulated at the later 6.5 h time point. This concerned<br />

26 genes (Table R.4.5).<br />

Table R.4.5: Overview on genes which were differentially expressed in S9 cells at both the 2.5 h and the 6.5 h time point in<br />

comparison between infection with S. aureus RN1HG GFP and control treatment.<br />

Rosetta Resolver annotation<br />

fold change a<br />

gene name<br />

description<br />

Entrez<br />

Gene ID<br />

2.5 h 6.5 h<br />

IL6 interleukin 6 (interferon, beta 2) 3569 4.2 11.9<br />

NFKBIZ nuclear factor <strong>of</strong> kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, zeta 64332 3.0 7.9<br />

IFNB1 interferon, beta 1, fibroblast 3456 2.8 3.6<br />

IFIT2 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 2 3433 2.4 5.2<br />

PTGS2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase) 5743 2.3 1.6<br />

KLF4 Kruppel-like factor 4 (gut) 9314 2.1 9.9<br />

ATF3 activating transcription factor 3 467 2.1 3.9<br />

PPP1R15A protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 15A 23645 2.1 2.4<br />

EDN1 endothelin 1 1906 2.0 8.2<br />

NEDD9 neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 9 4739 2.0 5.5<br />

PMAIP1 phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1 5366 2.0 4.4<br />

PTGER4 prostaglandin E receptor 4 (subtype EP4) 5734 1.8 5.2<br />

ADAMTS1 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 1 9510 1.8 -1.7<br />

BCL6 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6 604 1.7 3.5<br />

SAT1 spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase 1 6303 1.6 4.6<br />

ZFP36L2 zinc finger protein 36, C3H type-like 2 678 1.6 4.0<br />

FAM46A family with sequence similarity 46, member A 55603 1.6 3.5<br />

IFIT3 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3 3437 1.6 3.4<br />

TNC tenascin C 3371 1.6 2.1<br />

LIF leukemia inhibitory factor (cholinergic differentiation factor) 3976 1.6 2.2<br />

CD274 CD274 molecule 29126 1.6 5.5<br />

KLF6 Kruppel-like factor 6 1316 1.5 2.6<br />

ZC3H12C zinc finger CCCH-type containing 12C 85463 1.5 2.8<br />

C6orf141 chromosome 6 open reading frame 141 135398 1.5 3.7<br />

CDCA8 cell division cycle associated 8 55143 -1.5 -2.1<br />

HIST1H2AB histone cluster 1, H2ab 8335 -1.6 -2.1<br />

a Fold change values were calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> infected GFP + S9 cell with the baseline <strong>of</strong> medium control samples.<br />

Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) was already increased 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection (fold<br />

change 1.6). This increase was further elevated after 6.5 h (2.2). Fittingly, increased expression<br />

was also detectable for the LIF receptor (LIFR, 2.2) at this time point.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

CD274 alias programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 (PD-L1) is involved in the regulation <strong>of</strong><br />

inflammatory responses (Sharpe et al. 2007). In this study, CD274 gene expression was induced<br />

2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection and further increased at the 6.5 h time point. Interestingly, at the<br />

later time point, the second PD-1 receptor, programmed cell death 1 ligand 2 (PDCD1LG2; 2.7),<br />

was also induced.<br />

The prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2) was less induced at the 6.5 h than at the<br />

2.5 h time point (Table R.4.5). Additionally, the intensity values for PTGS2 at 6.5 h were lower in<br />

both control and infected samples (60 and 94) when compared to the 2.5 h control sample (280).<br />

This might hint for an early reaction that was about to stop at the later time point. Induction <strong>of</strong><br />

prostaglandin receptor PTGER4 still increased from 2.5 h to 6.5 h, and induction <strong>of</strong> another<br />

receptor, PTGER2, was only detectable at the 6.5 h time point. The reaction <strong>of</strong> the genes for<br />

these receptors seemed to lag behind the reaction <strong>of</strong> the gene coding for the enzyme responsible<br />

for synthesis <strong>of</strong> their ligand.<br />

Interferon-β (IFNB1) was induced at both analyzed time points. At the 2.5 h time point,<br />

interferon reaction has already been described in reference to the induced genes IFIT2 and IFIT3<br />

(page 117). In the IPA canonical pathway “Interferon Signaling” (page 119), IFI35, IFIT1, IFIT3,<br />

IRF1, and others were included as induced, interferon-regulated genes at the 6.5 h time point,<br />

and IFIH1 has already been introduced in the IPA canonical pathway “Role <strong>of</strong> Pattern Recognition<br />

Receptors in Recognition <strong>of</strong> Bacteria and Viruses” (page 120). Manual filtering revealed further<br />

six interferon regulated genes IFI16, IFI44L, IFIT2, IFIT5, IRF2, and ISG20 to be induced 6.5 h after<br />

start <strong>of</strong> infection.<br />

A histone cluster 1 gene (HIST1H2AB) was repressed significantly with a less than −1.5x fold<br />

change 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. But 6.5 h after infection, a number <strong>of</strong> 17 other histone<br />

cluster 1 genes together with HIST1H2AB were repressed. Of these 17 additional genes, 4 had<br />

already yielded a significant p-value at the 2.5 h time point, but did not pass the 1.5 fold cut<strong>of</strong>f.<br />

Furthermore, H1 histone family member 0 (H1F0) and H2A histone family member X (H2AFX)<br />

were repressed at the 6.5 h time point (Table R.4.5, Table R.4.6).<br />

Cyclins CCNB1, CCNB2, and CCNH were repressed, while CCND1 and CCNL1 were induced<br />

6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. In this context, induced cyclin-dependent kinases / kinase-like CDK6,<br />

CDKL2, and CDKL5 were conspicuous at the 6.5 h time point, while cyclin-dependent kinase<br />

inhibitors CDKN1B, CDKN2B, and CDKN3 were repressed. Contrarily, the inhibitor CDKN2C was<br />

induced. Similarly, genes coding for cell division cycle associated proteins CDCA3, CDCA4, CDCA8,<br />

and CDC25A, and genes encoding centromer/centrosomal proteins CENPF, CEP55, CEP97,<br />

CEP120, and CEP250 were repressed, while CDC14A and CEP170 were induced. Regulatory genes<br />

CKS2, GAS2L3, PRC1, and SKP2 were repressed, whereas BTG1, CHEK2, and DMTF1 were<br />

observed as induced (Table R.4.6).<br />

In a condensed manner, histones were repressed, some cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) were<br />

induced, and CDK inhibitors, cyclins, cell division cycle associated proteins, centromer/<br />

centrosomal proteins and regulatory genes were found with both repressed and induced<br />

examples. Nevertheless, repression held a bigger fraction <strong>of</strong> this subset <strong>of</strong> genes than induction.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

Table R.4.6: Overview on selected differentially expressed cell cycle and proliferation related genes in S9 cells 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong><br />

infection with S. aureus RN1HG.<br />

Rosetta Resolver annotation<br />

fold change a<br />

gene name<br />

description<br />

Entrez Gene<br />

ID<br />

2.5 h 6.5 h<br />

HIST1H1A histone cluster 1, H1a 3024 -1.4 -3.0<br />

HIST1H1B histone cluster 1, H1b 3009 -1.4 -1.7<br />

HIST1H1C histone cluster 1, H1c 3006 -1.3 -1.9<br />

HIST1H1D histone cluster 1, H1d 3007 -1.4 -2.2<br />

HIST1H2AB histone cluster 1, H2ab 8335 -1.6 -2.1<br />

HIST1H2AC histone cluster 1, H2ac 8334 -1.4 -1.6<br />

HIST1H2AI histone cluster 1, H2ai 8329 -1.3 -1.7<br />

HIST1H2AK histone cluster 1, H2ak 8330 -1.4 -2.2<br />

HIST1H2BH histone cluster 1, H2bh 8345 -1.3 -1.8<br />

HIST1H2BN histone cluster 1, H2bn 8341 -1.3 -1.5<br />

HIST1H3A histone cluster 1, H3a 8350 -1.5 -2.1<br />

HIST1H3B histone cluster 1, H3b 8358 -1.3 -1.5<br />

HIST1H3F histone cluster 1, H3f 8968 -1.3 -1.8<br />

HIST1H3I histone cluster 1, H3i 8354 -1.3 -1.7<br />

HIST1H4B histone cluster 1, H4b 8366 -1.4 -2.0<br />

HIST1H4C histone cluster 1, H4c 8364 -1.4 -1.6<br />

HIST1H4D histone cluster 1, H4d 8360 -1.5 -1.7<br />

HIST1H4F histone cluster 1, H4f 8361 -1.5 -1.8<br />

H1F0 H1 histone family, member 0 3005 -1.0 -1.6<br />

H2AFX H2A histone family, member X 3014 -1.2 -1.5<br />

CCNB1 cyclin B1 891 -1.3 -1.6<br />

CCNB2 cyclin B2 9133 -1.3 -1.6<br />

CCNH cyclin H 902 1.0 -1.7<br />

CCND1 cyclin D1 595 -1.1 1.7<br />

CCNL1 cyclin L1 57018 1.4 2.1<br />

CDK6 cyclin-dependent kinase 6 1021 -1.0 1.6<br />

CDKL2 cyclin-dependent kinase-like 2 (CDC2-related kinase) 8999 1.0 3.2<br />

CDKL5 cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 6792 1.1 2.6<br />

CDKN1B cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B (p27, Kip1) 1027 -1.2 -1.6<br />

CDKN2B cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2B (p15, inhibits CDK4) 1030 1.0 -1.9<br />

CDKN3 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 3 1033 -1.3 -1.9<br />

CDKN2C cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2C (p18, inhibits CDK4) 1031 -1.0 1.7<br />

CDCA3 cell division cycle associated 3 83461 -1.4 -2.0<br />

CDCA4 cell division cycle associated 4 55038 -1.0 -1.6<br />

CDCA8 cell division cycle associated 8 55143 -1.5 -2.1<br />

CDC25A cell division cycle 25 homolog A (S. pombe) 993 -1.0 -1.5<br />

CDC14A CDC14 cell division cycle 14 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) 8556 -1.1 2.8<br />

CENPF centromere protein F, 350/400ka (mitosin) 1063 -1.2 -1.9<br />

CEP55 centrosomal protein 55kDa 55165 -1.2 -1.5<br />

CEP97 centrosomal protein 97kDa 79598 -1.1 -1.9<br />

CEP120 centrosomal protein 120kDa 153241 -1.0 -1.6<br />

CEP250 centrosomal protein 250kDa 11190 -1.1 -1.6<br />

CEP170 centrosomal protein 170kDa 9859 -1.1 1.8<br />

CKS2 CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 2 1164 -1.2 -1.7<br />

GAS2L3 growth arrest-specific 2 like 3 283431 -1.4 -2.1<br />

PRC1 protein regulator <strong>of</strong> cytokinesis 1 9055 -1.2 -1.6<br />

SKP2 S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 (p45) 6502 -1.2 -1.5<br />

BTG1 B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative 694 1.4 1.8<br />

CHEK2 CHK2 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe) 11200 -1.1 3.2<br />

DMTF1 cyclin D binding myb-like transcription factor 1 9988 1.1 1.9<br />

a Fold change values were calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> infected GFP + S9 cell with the baseline <strong>of</strong> medium control samples.<br />

Differential regulation is indicated in bold.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

Insights into infection-dependent differential gene expression <strong>by</strong> selected examples from the<br />

6.5 h time point<br />

Infection <strong>of</strong> S9 cells with S. aureus RN1HG and internalization <strong>of</strong> the <strong>pathogen</strong> affected<br />

metabolism related genes 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection.<br />

Interestingly, the second most strongly induced gene was indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1<br />

(IDO1, fold change 23.5), a key molecule in immunomodulation, microbial growth control, and<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong> immune escape (Zelante et al. 2009). The enzyme catalyzes the reaction <strong>of</strong> tryptophan<br />

to formylkynurenine. In relation to IDO1, the increased expression <strong>of</strong> WARS (4.4) whose gene<br />

product is responsible for tryptophan tRNA charging attracted attention.<br />

Lipid metabolism related genes regulated 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection in S9 cells featured a<br />

decreased expression in infected samples leading to the assumption <strong>of</strong> a reduced de novo<br />

lipogenesis (Fig. R.4.10).<br />

This concerned different types <strong>of</strong> lipids. In the mevalonate pathway and the following<br />

cholesterol biosynthesis steps, five genes were repressed: mevalonate kinase (MVK; −2.2),<br />

farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase 1 (FDFT1; −1.7), sterol-C4-methyl oxidase-like (SC4MOL;<br />

−2.0), squalene epoxidase (SQLE; −1.8) and NAD(P) dependent steroid dehydrogenase-like<br />

(NSDHL; −1.7). The induced genes <strong>of</strong> cholesterol 25-hydroxylase (CH25H; 6.0) and oxysterol<br />

binding protein-like 10 (OSBPL10; 1.8) are involved in negative feedback on cholesterol<br />

biosysnthesis. The repression <strong>of</strong> fatty acid synthase (FASN; −1.7) is linked to two genes indirectly<br />

involved in lipid metabolism. Deiodinase type II (DIO2; −4.1) catalyzes the deiodization <strong>of</strong><br />

thyroxine (T 4 ) to the main biologically active form triiodothyronine (T 3 ), which is known to induce<br />

lipogenesis. Although there was probably no hormone T 4 to be converted in the in vitro situation<br />

used for this study, the repression <strong>of</strong> DIO2 might reflect a reaction that makes sense in vivo for<br />

bronchial epithelial cells leading to less local activation <strong>of</strong> lipogenesis. In contrast, glucagon (GCG)<br />

is known to suppress lipogenesis (Hillgartner et al. 1995). This hormone was induced (3.6) in<br />

infected S9 cells. Finally, the two genes for mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase<br />

(GPAM; −1.6) and 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 5 (AGPAT5; −1.5), which are<br />

involved in triacylglycerol biosynthesis, were repressed in infected samples.<br />

Fig. R.4.10:<br />

Repression <strong>of</strong> enzyme genes related to<br />

lipid metabolism.<br />

Lipid metabolism related genes were<br />

chosen with the help <strong>of</strong> omics-viewer(s)<br />

<strong>of</strong> BIOCYC (SRI International, CA, USA,<br />

http://biocyc.org) and manually added<br />

to and arranged in the Ingenuity<br />

Pathway Analysis path designer tool<br />

(IPA, www.ingenuity.com). Green color<br />

indicates repression <strong>of</strong> gene expression<br />

in infected samples at the 6.5 h time<br />

point, red color induction <strong>of</strong> gene<br />

expression, and more intense color<br />

shows a higher absolute fold change.<br />

Enzymes mevalonate kinase (MVK),<br />

farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase<br />

1 (FDFT1) in mevalonate<br />

pathway, and sterol-C4-methyl oxidaselike<br />

(SC4MOL), SQLE (squalene<br />

epoxidase), and NAD(P) dependent steroid dehydrogenase-like (NSDHL) in the following steps <strong>of</strong> cholesterol biosynthesis were<br />

repressed. CH25H (cholesterol 25-hydroxylase) and OSBPL10 (oxysterol binding protein-like 10), which are involved in negative<br />

feedback on cholesterol biosynthesis, were induced. Fatty acid synthase (FASN), the enzyme <strong>of</strong> fatty acid biosynthesis, was repressed,<br />

and also deiodinase type II (DIO2), an enzyme catalyzing the deiodization <strong>of</strong> thyroxine (T 4) to the main biologically active form<br />

triiodothyronine (T 3). T 3 induces (A) de novo lipogenesis, while glucagon (GCG) suppresses (I) it. The enzymes mitochondrial glycerol-3-<br />

phosphate acyltransferase (GPAM) and 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 5 (AGPAT5) are involved in triacylglycerol<br />

biosynthesis. Their expression was reduced 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

Enzymes catalyzing synthesis or degradation reactions <strong>of</strong> lipids are in certain cases also<br />

related to signal transduction and regulatory processes in the cell. In this context, a cumulation <strong>of</strong><br />

increased expression values in infected samples 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection was noticeable<br />

(Fig. R.4.11).<br />

Phosphatidylinositol-4-kinase and phosphoinositide-3-kinase subunits (PI4K2B, 2.1; PIK3CA,<br />

1.7; PIK3R1, 1.7; PIK3R3, 2.4) belong to the group <strong>of</strong> genes coding for enzymes involved in lipid<br />

messenger reactions. These enzymes catalyze reactions ending with the production <strong>of</strong><br />

phosphatidylinositol-trisphosphate (PIP 3 ), a messenger involved in activation <strong>of</strong> protein kinase<br />

AKT/PKB. Phospholipases C (PLCB4, 2.9; PLCG2, 3.9; PLCH1, 2.0) generate the messengers<br />

inositol-trisphosphate (IP 3 ) and diacylglycerol (DAG). Cytosolic phospholipase A2 gamma<br />

(PLA2G4C, 2.7) releases among others arachidonic acid, which can serve as messenger with the<br />

function <strong>of</strong> directly activating ion channels and protein kinase C (Ordway et al. 1991, Khan WA et<br />

al. 1995, Bonventre 1992) or can be processed to eicosanoid mediators like prostaglandins<br />

(Laye/Gill 2003). Interestingly, the acyl-CoA synthetase (ACSL3, 1.7) with preference for<br />

arachidonate, myristate and eicosapentaenoate was increased, too. This might indicate an<br />

inactivation process for the messenger arachidonic acid. Furthermore, PRKD1 (2.0) and PRKD2<br />

(2.5), coding for protein kinase D alias protein kinase C is<strong>of</strong>orm µ, were induced, too (not shown).<br />

Three more genes showed an increase <strong>of</strong> gene expression 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection: Serine<br />

palmitoyltransferase subunit (SPTLC2, 1.8) and ketodihydrosphingosine reductase (KDSR, 1.6),<br />

which are part <strong>of</strong> ceramide biosynthesis, and alkaline ceramidase (ACER2, 4.1), an enzyme <strong>of</strong><br />

ceramide degradation to sphingosine. Noticeably, both final products ceramide and sphingosine<br />

are associated with apoptosis.<br />

3-phosphoinositide<br />

biosynthesis<br />

phospholipases<br />

activation <strong>of</strong><br />

fatty acid <strong>by</strong> CoA<br />

ceramide<br />

biosynthesis<br />

sphingosine<br />

metabolism<br />

preference for<br />

arachidonate,<br />

myristate,<br />

eicosapentaenoate<br />

palmityl-CoA<br />

ceramide<br />

PIP 3<br />

IP 3 + DAG<br />

arachidonic<br />

acid<br />

arachidonyl-<br />

CoA<br />

ceramide<br />

sphingosine<br />

activation <strong>of</strong><br />

AKT/PKB<br />

activation <strong>of</strong><br />

calcium-channels<br />

and PKC<br />

activity regulation<br />

<strong>of</strong> ion channels<br />

and PKC<br />

inactivation <strong>of</strong><br />

arachidonic acid<br />

apoptosis<br />

Fig. R.4.11: Induction <strong>of</strong> enzyme genes related to lipid messenger production.<br />

Lipid metabolism related genes were chosen with the help <strong>of</strong> omics-viewer(s) <strong>of</strong> BIOCYC (SRI International, CA, USA, http://biocyc.org)<br />

and manually added to and arranged in the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis path designer tool (IPA, www.ingenuity.com). Red color<br />

indicates induction <strong>of</strong> gene expression in infected samples at the 6.5 h time point, and more intense color shows a higher absolute<br />

fold change. Genes coding for enzymes, which are involved in lipid messenger reactions, were induced: phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase<br />

type 2 beta (PI4K2B), phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, alpha polypeptide (PIK3CA), phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit<br />

1/alpha (PIK3R1), and phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 3/gamma (PIK3R3). These enzymes catalyze reactions ending<br />

with the production <strong>of</strong> phosphatidylinositol-trisphosphate (PIP 3), a messenger involved in activation <strong>of</strong> protein kinase AKT/PKB.<br />

Phospholipase C, beta 4 (PLCB4), phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, gamma 2 (PLCG2), and phospholipase C, eta 1 (PLCH1)<br />

generate the messengers inositol-trisphosphate (IP 3) and diacylglycerol (DAG), cytosolic, calcium-independent phospholipase A2,<br />

group IV C (PLA2G4C) generates the messenger arachidonic acid. Acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 3 (ACSL3) was<br />

increased, too. This might indicate in inactivation process for the messenger arachidonic acid.<br />

Serine palmitoyltransferase, long chain base subunit 2 (SPTLC2) and 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase (KDSR), which are part <strong>of</strong><br />

ceramide biosynthesis, and alkaline ceramidase 2 (ACER2), an enzyme <strong>of</strong> ceramide degradation to sphingosine, showed a higher<br />

expression in infected samples than in controls at the 6.5 h time point.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

Differential expression <strong>of</strong> apoptosis associated genes has already been observed in the data<br />

evaluation with Ingenuity Pathway Analysis tools (see pathway “Death Receptor Signaling”,<br />

page 120). Further apoptosis related genes were found when manually filtering the list <strong>of</strong><br />

differentially expressed genes at the 6.5 h time point (Table R.4.7). Genes for apoptosis inducing<br />

proteins B-cell CLL/lymphoma 10 (BCL10, 1.7) and apoptosis facilitator BCL2-like 11 (BCL2L11,<br />

2.0) were increased in infected samples. The proteins belong to the group <strong>of</strong> BH3-only proteins<br />

and achieve their apoptotic effect <strong>by</strong> binding to proteins <strong>of</strong> the Bcl-2 family. The mechanism is<br />

discussed to take effect <strong>by</strong> activating pro-apoptotic members or inactivating pro-survival<br />

members in a de-repression mode (Bouillet/Strasser 2002, Adams 2003, Fletcher/Huang 2006).<br />

Also apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1) is a BH3-only protein whose accumulation leads to autophagy<br />

(Wan et al. 2008, Zhaorigetu et al. 2008) and is postulated to be linked to apoptosis<br />

(Vanhollebeke/Pays 2006). Its expression was increased <strong>by</strong> a factor <strong>of</strong> 3.4 in infected samples at<br />

the 6.5 h time point. Interestingly, four other apolipoprotein L genes, which do not possess a<br />

secretion signal peptide like APOL1 and therefore are thought to be localized intracellularly<br />

(Duchateau et al. 1997, Page et al. 2001), showed increased expression: APOL2 (4.6), APOL3 (3.7),<br />

APOL4 (1.9), and APOL6 (4.2). Expression <strong>of</strong> APOL5 was absent (p > 0.01 on intensity pr<strong>of</strong>ile level<br />

in Rosetta Resolver analysis) in all 16 infected and control S9 cell samples <strong>of</strong> this study. These<br />

other APOL proteins also contain BH3-domains and are supposed to be associated with<br />

programmed cell death and immune response (Liu Z et al. 2005). Most interestingly, APOL1 is the<br />

target protein <strong>of</strong> the antagonistic Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense protein SRA which helps the<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong> to evade the immune response. Further pro-apoptotic genes were induced in infected<br />

S9 cells like BH3-like motif containing, cell death inducer (BLID; 2.3), BCL2-antagonist/killer 1<br />

(BAK1; 1.9), caspase 4, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase (CASP4; 2.8), but also an antiapoptotic<br />

gene, BCL2-associated athanogene (BAG1; 1.8; Table R.4.7).<br />

Table R.4.7: Overview on selected differentially expressed apoptosis related genes in S9 cells 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection with<br />

S. aureus RN1HG GFP.<br />

Rosetta Resolver annotation<br />

fold change a<br />

gene<br />

name<br />

description<br />

Entrez<br />

Gene ID<br />

BCL10 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 10 8915 CLAP, mE10, CIPER, c-E10, CARMEN 1.7<br />

BCL2L11 BCL2-like 11 (apoptosis facilitator) 10018<br />

BAM, BIM, BOD, BimL, BimEL, BIMbeta6,<br />

BIM-beta7, BIM-alpha6<br />

2.0<br />

APOL1 apolipoprotein L, 1 8542 APOL, APO-L, APOL-I 3.4<br />

APOL2 apolipoprotein L, 2 23780 APOL3, APOL-II 4.5<br />

APOL3 apolipoprotein L, 3 80833 CG12-1, APOLIII 3.7<br />

APOL4 apolipoprotein L, 4 80832 APOLIV,APOL-IV 1.9<br />

APOL6 apolipoprotein L, 6 80830 APOLVI, APOL-VI 4.2<br />

BLID BH3-like motif containing, cell death inducer 414899 BRCC2 2.3<br />

BAK1 BCL2-antagonist/killer 1 578 CDN1, BCL2L7, BAK-LIKE 1.9<br />

CASP4 caspase 4, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase 837 TX, ICH-2, Mih1/TX, ICEREL-II 2.8<br />

BAG1 BCL2-associated athanogene 573 RAP46 1.8<br />

a Fold change values were calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> infected GFP + S9 cell with the baseline <strong>of</strong> medium control samples.<br />

alias<br />

6.5 h<br />

Manual filtering revealed induced cytokines and cytokine receptors 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong><br />

infection, some <strong>of</strong> which have already been mentioned in the context <strong>of</strong> IFN signaling or pattern<br />

recognition receptors (Table R.4.8). Only IFNB1 and IL6 were already induced at the 2.5 h time<br />

point. In total, the induced genes revealed a pro-inflammatory response: the acute phase<br />

response and fever mediator IL-6, inducers <strong>of</strong> MHC-I molecules and antiviral/antibacterial<br />

mechanisms (IFNB1, IL28B), chemoattractants for monocytes, T cells, denditic cells and<br />

granulocytes (CCL2, CCL5, CXCL10, CXCL11, CXCL16), B and T cell activating cytokines (IL-7,<br />

TNFSF13B), macrophage growth factor (CSF1), inducer <strong>of</strong> other cytokines and immune cell<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

differentiation (IL12A), epithelial receptor for the inflammatory cytokine IL-22 (IL22RA1),<br />

scavenger receptor for cytokines (CCRL1), immunomodulatory cytokines (IL28A, IL28B, IL29), and<br />

apoptosis inducers (TNFSF10, TNFSF15), but also anti-apoptotic IL-15 and its receptor IL15RA.<br />

Table R.4.8: Overview on differentially expressed cytokines and receptors in S9 cells 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection with S. aureus RN1HG<br />

GFP.<br />

Rosetta Resolver annotation<br />

fold change a<br />

gene<br />

name<br />

description<br />

Entrez<br />

Gene ID<br />

CCL2 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 6347 MCP1 2.8<br />

CCL5 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 6352 RANTES 4.0<br />

CCRL1 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor-like 1 51554 CCR11 2.3<br />

CSF1 colony stimulating factor 1 (macrophage) 1435 MCSF 3.1<br />

CXCL10 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10 3627 IP-10, INP10, IFI10 28.1<br />

CXCL11 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 11 6373 IP9, I-TAC 7.0<br />

CXCL16 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 16 58191 SR-PSOX 1.8<br />

CXCR4 chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 7852 CD184, SDF1R, LESTR 1.6<br />

IFNB1 interferon, beta 1, fibroblast 3456 3.6<br />

IL6 interleukin 6 (interferon, beta 2) 3569 HGF,HSF,BSF2,IFNB2 11.9<br />

IL7 interleukin 7 3574 2.0<br />

IL12A interleukin 12A 3592 P35,CLMF,NKSF1 4.0<br />

IL15 interleukin 15 3600 3.4<br />

IL15RA interleukin 15 receptor, alpha 3601 2.1<br />

IL22RA1 interleukin 22 receptor, alpha 1 58985 1.8<br />

IL28A interleukin 28A (interferon, lambda 2) 282616 IFNL2 5.1<br />

IL28B interleukin 28B (interferon, lambda 3) 282617 IFNL3 3.0<br />

IL29 interleukin 29 (interferon, lambda 1) 282618 IFNL1 5.7<br />

TNFSF10 tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 10 8743 TRAIL, TL2, APO2L, CD253 18.5<br />

TNFSF13B tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 13b 10673 DTL, BAFF, BLYS, CD257 2.2<br />

TNFSF15 tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 15 9966 TL1, VEGI 4.6<br />

a Fold change values were calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> infected GFP + S9 cell with the baseline <strong>of</strong> medium control samples.<br />

alias<br />

6.5 h<br />

Further interesting induced genes included myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 1 and 2<br />

(interferon-inducible protein p78, MX1; 2.2; MX2; 1.9). These genes code for interferon-induced,<br />

antiviral proteins forming a ring-shaped oligomeric structure, which recognizes and sequesters<br />

viral nucleocapsid proteins (Gao et al. 2010). MX1 and MX2 belong to the same family <strong>of</strong><br />

interferon-inducible GTPases as the four guanylate binding proteins 1, 3, 4, 5 (interferoninducible,<br />

67kDa, GBP1; 2.6; GBP2; 2.9; GBP3; 14.9; GBP4; 11.1), which were induced in S9 cells<br />

6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection with S. aureus RN1HG GFP. These GBPs are involved in immune<br />

defense, probably oligomerize, act antivirally and inhibit cellular proliferation (MacMicking 2004).<br />

The fifth member <strong>of</strong> the p65 GBP family, GBP6, was not expressed on all 16 arrays in this study<br />

(Table R.4.9).<br />

The endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR; PROCR; 1.6) was also induced in infected S9 cells.<br />

Protein C activation <strong>by</strong> thrombin/thrombomodulin is enhanced when it is bound to EPRC, and<br />

subsequently, activated protein C can act in an anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory manner. In<br />

inflammation, where coagulation is facilitated <strong>by</strong> different mechanisms, e. g. via C-reactive<br />

protein CRP, the induction <strong>of</strong> PROCR might indicate a counterregulatory process (Esmon 2006).<br />

Interestingly, the receptor shedding from the cellular surface is mediated <strong>by</strong> tumor necrosis<br />

factor-alpha converting enzyme / TACE, alias ADAM metallopeptidase domain 17 / ADAM17 (Qu et<br />

al. 2006), which was also induced in the infected S9 cells (ADAM17; 1.8; Table R.4.9).<br />

Further gene expression changes in infected S9 cells could be assigned to a related<br />

physiological aspect: Tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 (TFPI2; 2.2) belongs like activated<br />

protein C to the natural anticoagulants (Esmon 2006).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

Plasminogen activator urokinase (PLAU, −2.0) activates plasmin and therefore leads to anticoagulant<br />

activity. But its proteolytic activity also leads to degradation <strong>of</strong> extracellular matrix<br />

(Dass et al. 2008). The expression <strong>of</strong> PLAU was decreased in infected S9 cells. Contrarily,<br />

plasminogen activator urokinase receptor (PLAUR; 4.0), receptor for PLAU, was induced. The<br />

receptor promotes and localizes extracellular protease activity and plasmin formation <strong>by</strong> PLAU,<br />

but also participates in internalization <strong>of</strong> complexes between PLAU and its inhibitors (Cubellis et<br />

al. 1990, Dass et al. 2008, Blasi/Sidenius 2009). Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is the<br />

main inhibitor <strong>of</strong> PLAU, and it was induced in infected S9 cells (SERPINE1; 3.3; Table R.4.9)<br />

In infected S9 cells, induction was observed for mitochondrial superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2;<br />

2.6), a gene known to be inducible in response to oxidative stress and <strong>by</strong> inflammatory cytokines<br />

like IL-6 (Dougall/Nick 1991, Miao et al. 2009). Furthermore, thioltransferase glutaredoxin (GLRX;<br />

1.9) and thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP; 2.2), which are involved in anti-oxidant defense,<br />

were induced (Table R.4.9).<br />

Four components <strong>of</strong> the complement system were induced in infected S9 cells at the 6.5 h<br />

time point: complement component 1, r subcomponent-like and s subcomponent (C1RL; 1.7;<br />

C1S; 1.7) <strong>of</strong> the classical pathway, complement factor B (CFB; 3.1) <strong>of</strong> the alternative pathway and<br />

complement component 3a receptor 1 (C3AR1; 3.6; Table R.4.9).<br />

Lysosomal enzyme genes <strong>of</strong> cathepsin S (CTSS; 2.6) and legumain (LGMN; 2.3) and<br />

additionally, lysosomal membrane protein genes LAMP3 (5.7) and LAPTM5 (1.9) were induced.<br />

Table R.4.9: Overview on selected differentially expressed immune defense related genes in S9 cells 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection with<br />

S. aureus RN1HG GFP.<br />

Rosetta Resolver annotation<br />

fold change a<br />

gene name<br />

description<br />

Entrez<br />

Gene ID<br />

MX1 myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 1, interferoninducible<br />

4599 MxA, IFI78 2.2<br />

protein p78 (mouse)<br />

MX2 myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 2 (mouse) 4600 MXB 1.9<br />

GBP1 guanylate binding protein 1, interferon-inducible, 67kDa 2633 2.6<br />

GBP3 guanylate binding protein 3 2635 2.9<br />

GBP4 guanylate binding protein 4 115361 Mpa2 14.9<br />

GBP5 guanylate binding protein 5 115362 11.1<br />

PROCR protein C receptor, endothelial (EPCR) 10544 EPCR, CCD41, CD201 1.6<br />

ADAM17 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 17 6868 CSVP, TACE, CD156B 1.8<br />

TFPI2 tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 7980 PP5, REF1 2.2<br />

PLAU plasminogen activator, urokinase 5328 ATF, UPA, URK, u-PA -2.0<br />

PLAUR plasminogen activator, urokinase receptor 5329 CD87, UPAR, URKR 4.0<br />

SERPINE1 serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen 5054 PAI, PAI-1, PLANH1 3.3<br />

activator inhibitor type 1), member 1<br />

SOD2 superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial 6648 IPO-B, Mn-SOD 2.6<br />

GLRX glutaredoxin (thioltransferase) 2745 GRX, GRX1 1.9<br />

TXNIP thioredoxin interacting protein 10628 TXNIP, THIF, VDUP1 2.2<br />

C1RL complement component 1, r subcomponent-like 51279 1.7<br />

C1S complement component 1, s subcomponent 716 1.7<br />

CFB complement factor B 629 3.1<br />

C3AR1 complement component 3a receptor 1 719 3.6<br />

CTSS cathepsin S 1520 2.6<br />

LGMN legumain 5641 AEP, PRSC1 2.3<br />

LAMP3 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 3 27074 CD208, TSC403 5.7<br />

LAPTM5 lysosomal multispanning membrane protein 5 7805 CLAST6 1.9<br />

a Fold change values were calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> infected GFP + S9 cell with the baseline <strong>of</strong> medium control samples.<br />

alias<br />

6.5 h<br />

Several adhesins were induced in S. aureus RN1HG GFP infected S9 cells, like integrins alpha<br />

and beta (ITGA2; 2.9; ITGA5; 2.0; ITGA11; 1.6; ITGB8; 2.6) and their regulator cytohesin 1 (CYTH1;<br />

2.1), protocadherins (PCDH7; 4.1; PCDH17; 2.1) and cadherin CDH8 (1.6). Another cadherin was<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Host Cell Gene Expression Pattern in an in vitro Infection Model<br />

repressed (CDH10, −1.9). Increased expression was also observed for adhesion molecules ALCAM<br />

(1.8) and CEACAM1 (9.9). ALCAM was one <strong>of</strong> the genes whose protein abundance change was in<br />

accordance with the differential expression (Table R.4.10, Table R.4.3).<br />

Table R.4.10: Overview on selected differentially expressed cell adhesion related genes in S9 cells 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection with<br />

S. aureus RN1HG GFP.<br />

gene<br />

name<br />

description<br />

Rosetta Resolver annotation<br />

Entrez<br />

Gene<br />

ID<br />

alias<br />

fold change a<br />

ITGA2 integrin, alpha 2 (CD49B, alpha 2 subunit <strong>of</strong> VLA-2 receptor) 3673 BR, GPIa, CD49B,VLA-2 2.9<br />

ITGA5 integrin, alpha 5 (fibronectin receptor, alpha polypeptide) 3678 FNRA, CD49e,VLA5A 2.0<br />

ITGA11 integrin, alpha 11 22801 1.6<br />

ITGB8 integrin, beta 8 3696 ITGB8 2.6<br />

ITGB1BP2 integrin beta 1 binding protein (melusin) 2 26548 CHORDC3, ITGB1BP 1.8<br />

CYTH1 cytohesin 1 9267 B2-1,SEC7,PSCD1 2.1<br />

PCDH7 protocadherin 7 5099 BHPCDH 4.1<br />

PCDH17 protocadherin 17 27253 PCH68, PCDH68 2.1<br />

CDH8 cadherin 8, type 2 1006 1.6<br />

CDH10 cadherin 10, type 2 (T2-cadherin) 1008 -1.9<br />

ALCAM activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule 214 MEMD, CD166 1.8<br />

CEACAM1<br />

carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1<br />

(biliary glycoprotein)<br />

634 BGP, BGP1, BGPI 9.9<br />

a Fold change values were calculated for the comparison <strong>of</strong> infected GFP + S9 cell with the baseline <strong>of</strong> medium control samples.<br />

6.5 h<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />


Growth Media Comparison Study<br />

Reproducibility <strong>of</strong> replicates and clustering <strong>of</strong> experimental condition groups<br />

Cultivation <strong>of</strong> S. aureus RN1HG in pMEM medium was performed in triplicate. In the tiling<br />

array analysis <strong>of</strong> the sample points exponential growth, stationary phase t 2 , and stationary<br />

phase t 4 , the replicates <strong>of</strong> each group were arranged together in a cluster. As expected, for the<br />

stationary t 4 time point, which is defined as 4 h after entry into stationary phase, a higher<br />

similarity to the t 2 samples, which were harvested 2 h earlier, than to the exponential growth<br />

samples was detected. This similarity was especially visible for the t 4 biological replicates 2 and 1,<br />

whereas the replicate 3 held more distance to the other samples (Fig. R.5.1).<br />

exponentialgrowth<br />

stationary phase t 2<br />

stationary phase t 4<br />

biological replicate 1<br />

biological replicate 2<br />

biological replicate 3<br />

Fig. R.5.1: Hierarchical clustering <strong>of</strong> 9 tiling array data sets from growth in pMEM medium.<br />

The following clustering algorithms were applied on z-score-transformed data: Agglomerative clustering with average linkage using<br />

cosine correlation as similarity measure. All sequences were included in the cluster analysis.<br />

Three major classes according to the sample points during growth were discernible: 1) exponential growth, 2) stationary phase t 2, and<br />

3) stationary phase t 4. As expected for the stationary t 4 time point, a higher similarity to the t 2 samples than to the exponential growth<br />

samples was detected. This similarity was especially visible for the t 4 biological replicates 2 and 1, whereas the replicate 3 held more<br />

distance to the other samples.<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> experimental condition groups and assessment <strong>of</strong> differentially regulated genes<br />

The consumption <strong>of</strong> medium components and the reduction <strong>of</strong> growth rate after beginning <strong>of</strong><br />

stationary phase was accompanied <strong>by</strong> a substantial change <strong>of</strong> gene expression. This change was<br />

visualized <strong>by</strong> the strong scattering when comparing stationary phase t 2 and stationary phase t 4<br />

samples to the exponential growth in scatter plots (Fig. R.5.2).<br />

The comparison <strong>of</strong> stationary phase samples with exponential growth samples <strong>by</strong> statistical<br />

testing resulted in 2243 and 1399 sequences, which exhibited a significant difference to<br />

exponential growth at the t 2 and the t 4 time point, respectively. Of these, 1423 sequences<br />

exceeded an absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 2 in the t 2 samples, and 1086 sequences passed the cut<strong>of</strong>f in<br />

the 2 h later samples <strong>of</strong> the t 4 time point (Table R.5.1).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

<br />

stationary phase t 2<br />

<br />

stationary phase t 4<br />

exponential growth<br />

exponential growth<br />

Fig. R.5.2: Scatter plots comparing mean signal intensities <strong>of</strong> treatment groups.<br />

The signals <strong>of</strong> the three groups <strong>of</strong> “stationary phase t 2”, “stationary phase t 4”, and “exponential growth phase” were plotted after<br />

combining the three biological replicates. All sequences available on the array are shown.<br />

Table R.5.1: Results <strong>of</strong> group comparisons with statistical testing <strong>of</strong> stationary phase and exponential growth staphylococcal array<br />

data sets.<br />

number <strong>of</strong> sequences<br />

group comparison a<br />

significant with p* < 0.05 in textbook oneway<br />

ANOVA with Benjamini-Hochberg False<br />

Discovery Rate multiple testing correction<br />

absolute fold change equal<br />

to or greater than 2 AND<br />

significant with p* < 0.05<br />

stationary phase t 2 vs. exponential growth phase 2243 1423<br />

stationary phase t 4 vs. exponential growth phase 1399 1086<br />

a The 080604_SA_JH_Tiling array contains 3882 sequences <strong>of</strong> which 2825 are known transcripts. The remaining 1057 sequences were<br />

identified as new transcripts in the tiling array analysis. All sequences were included in statistical testing.<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> differentially regulated genes in t 2 and t 4 <strong>of</strong> stationary phase in pMEM<br />

The gene expression signatures <strong>of</strong> t 2 and t 4 stationary phase S. aureus RN1HG, which resulted<br />

from statistical comparison with the baseline <strong>of</strong> exponential growth including multiple testing<br />

correction and minimal absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f 2, were compared in a Venn diagram<br />

(Fig. R.5.3 A). For 940 sequences, differential expression was observed in both time points <strong>of</strong><br />

stationary phase, while 483 and 146 sequences were specific for the t 2 and t 4 stationary phase<br />

signature, respectively.<br />

This corresponds to a fraction <strong>of</strong> 66 % <strong>of</strong> sequences regulated at t 2 , which were also<br />

differentially expressed at t 4 . Vice versa, 87 % <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed sequences at the t 4 time<br />

point were also found to be regulated at t 2 . When examining the induced and repressed<br />

sequences separately, it was first obvious that sequences regulated at both time points always<br />

possessed the same regulation direction in these two time points (Fig. R.5.3 B). Further, a slightly<br />

higher number <strong>of</strong> repressed sequences was visible in the differentially expressed sequences, but<br />

induction accounted for almost the same number <strong>of</strong> sequences as repression.<br />

In the t 2 samples, 696 sequences were induced (225 specifically for that time point), 727 were<br />

repressed (258 specifically for that time point), while in the t 4 samples 540 exhibited induction<br />

(69 specifically for that time point) and 546 exhibited repression (77 specifically for that time<br />

point). Therefore, the 940 sequences differentially expressed in both time points consisted <strong>of</strong> 471<br />

induced and 469 repressed sequences.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

A<br />

B<br />

483 940 146<br />

repressed<br />

repressed<br />

t 2<br />

t 4<br />

induced<br />

258 77<br />

induced<br />

225<br />

469<br />

69<br />

sequences differentially expressed<br />

between stationary growth phase t 2<br />

and exponential growth phase <strong>of</strong><br />

S. aureus RN1HG cultivated in pMEM<br />

sequences differentially expressed<br />

between stationary growth phase t 4<br />

and exponential growth phase <strong>of</strong><br />

S. aureus RN1HG cultivated in pMEM<br />

471<br />

Fig. R.5.3: Comparison <strong>of</strong> the t 2 and t 4 stationary phase signatures <strong>of</strong> S. aureus RN1HG in pMEM.<br />

Both stationary phase samples were compared to the baseline <strong>of</strong> exponential growth with statistical testing and multiple testing<br />

correction (p* < 0.05), and a minimal absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 2 was applied. The comparison <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed<br />

sequences at the t 2 and t 4 time point was performed for all regulated sequences (A) and for induced and repressed sequences<br />

separately (B).<br />

Fractions <strong>of</strong> known genes and newly identified transcribed sequences included on the tiling<br />

array and in the lists <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed sequences derived from the comparisons <strong>of</strong><br />

different growth phase samples<br />

The 080604_SA_JH_Tiling array contains 3882 sequences <strong>of</strong> which 2825, corresponding to<br />

73 %, are known transcripts and associated with a LocusTag number (SAOUHSC_*). The remaining<br />

1057 sequences were identified as new transcripts in the tiling array analysis. These new<br />

transcripts are expected to belong to all types <strong>of</strong> RNAs like mRNA and regulatory RNA, but also<br />

formerly unknown transcribed fragments 5’ and 3’ to known genes might be included.<br />

Furthermore, some artifacts might still be included. All sequences, known and new, were<br />

included in statistical testing.<br />

For the stationary phase-specific signature, 444 and 307 differentially expressed transcripts<br />

belonged to the group <strong>of</strong> new transcripts at the t 2 and t 4 time point, respectively (Table R.5.2).<br />

Table R.5.2: Fractions <strong>of</strong> known annotated and newly detected transcripts in the results <strong>of</strong> group comparisons with statistical testing<br />

<strong>of</strong> different growth phase array data sets.<br />

group comparison a<br />

total number <strong>of</strong><br />

sequences with<br />

absolute fold change<br />

equal to or greater<br />

than 2 AND significant<br />

with p* < 0.05<br />

number <strong>of</strong> known<br />

transcribed sequences<br />

with absolute fold<br />

change equal to or<br />

greater than 2 AND<br />

significant with p* < 0.05<br />

number <strong>of</strong> new<br />

transcribed sequences<br />

with absolute fold<br />

change equal to or<br />

greater than 2 AND<br />

significant with p* < 0.05<br />

stationary phase t 2 vs. exponential growth phase 1423 979 444<br />

stationary phase t 4 vs. exponential growth phase 1086 779 307<br />

a The 080604_SA_JH_Tiling array contains 3882 sequences <strong>of</strong> which 2825 are known transcripts. The remaining 1057 sequences were<br />

identified as new transcripts in the tiling array analysis. All sequences were included in statistical testing.<br />

Physiological aspects <strong>of</strong> stationary phase response<br />

Stationary phase is characterized <strong>by</strong> a strongly reduced growth rate and <strong>by</strong> a reorganization <strong>of</strong><br />

the metabolic processes <strong>of</strong> the bacterial cell. Causative for these alterations is the consumption<br />

<strong>of</strong> nutrients <strong>of</strong> the growth medium and the following starvation for the preferred carbon source.<br />

Such changes have been published for S. aureus COL during growth in TSB in a global gel-based<br />

and gel-free proteome study <strong>by</strong> Kohler et al. in 2005.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

The tiling array approach aimed at the identification <strong>of</strong> the maximal possible number <strong>of</strong><br />

transcriptional units − known and newly identified – and therefore included several different<br />

growth media in a cooperation between several laboratories. On the other hand, the tiling array<br />

analysis could be used to get insights into the stationary phase response in the newly established<br />

pMEM medium on transcriptome level under restriction to the already defined transcriptional<br />

units and annotated genes. For this purpose, differential expression was assumed for genes<br />

regulated in at least one <strong>of</strong> the two analyzed time points <strong>of</strong> stationary phase, t 2 and t 4 .<br />

Using this application <strong>of</strong> the array data set, a very clear picture <strong>of</strong> induced TCA cycle enzyme<br />

genes (citZ, citB, citC, sucA, sucB, sucD, sucC, sdhA, sdhB, sdhC; all induced) was revealed. In<br />

parallel, reduced expression <strong>of</strong> glycolysis enzyme genes (pgi, pfkA, pgk, pgm, pykA; all repressed)<br />

and induced expression <strong>of</strong> gluconeogenetic enzyme genes (pckA, gap2, fbp) was observed. This is<br />

in accordance with published stationary phase response <strong>of</strong> S. aureus (Kohler et al. 2005).<br />

Furthermore, repression <strong>of</strong> amino acid biosynthesis pathways was described for the stationary<br />

phase. In pMEM, tyryptophan (trpB, trpC, trpD, trpE, trpG), histidine (hisB, hisD, hisG), and<br />

aspartate/arginine (argG, argH, SAOUHSC_00150) biosynthesis genes were repressed. But<br />

contrarily, induction <strong>of</strong> lysine (lysC, asd), histidine/glutamate (hutH, hutI, hutU, hutG, rocA), and<br />

citruline/ornithine (argF, arg, arcC) biosynthesis genes was visible in the stationary phase<br />

samples cultivated in pMEM. Other amino acid biosynthesis genes (leu, ilv, dap, thr, and others)<br />

were not significantly differentially expressed. Reduced or even ceased growth diminishes the<br />

need for new protein synthesis. Therefore, associated molecules like ribosomal proteins,<br />

translation elongation factors, and chaperones do not need to be newly synthesized, which was<br />

observed on proteome level for S. aureus COL in TSB (Kohler et al. 2005). This phenomenon is<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the stringent response e. g. to glucose starvation. Here, using pMEM medium, S. aureus<br />

RN1HG and transcriptome analysis, only two ribosomal protein genes, rpsD and rpsT, and prmA, a<br />

ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase, were repressed. Only translation elongation factor P<br />

(efp) exhibited a fold change <strong>of</strong> less than −2 in the t 4 samples, but this repression was not<br />

significant. Chaperones dnaK, grpE, groEL, and groES exhibited slightly decreased fold change<br />

values in the range <strong>of</strong> −1.4 to −1.9, but the difference was also not significant. Of the Clp<br />

complex, expression <strong>of</strong> subunit X was repressed and <strong>of</strong> subunit L was induced. Finally, repression<br />

<strong>of</strong> tRNA synthetases is known to be part <strong>of</strong> the stringent response in S. aureus (Anderson KL et al.<br />

2006). In stationary phase in pMEM, repression <strong>of</strong> tyrS, leuS, alaS, aspS, hisS, valS, thrS, glyS,<br />

proS, ileS, pheS, pheT, gltX, metS/metG, and serS was detected. The other tRNA synthetases<br />

except cysS showed a trend <strong>of</strong> repression with fold change values almost reaching the cut<strong>of</strong>f (−2).<br />

Virulence factors differentially expressed in stationary vs. exponential growth phase<br />

In stationary growth phase, differential expression <strong>of</strong> virulence-associated genes was<br />

observed. Many <strong>of</strong> these genes were regulated at both analyzed time points <strong>of</strong> stationary phase,<br />

t 2 and t 4 . Surface proteins A and G (spa, sasG) were repressed. Other membrane-bound adhesins<br />

were induced like clfA, fnbA, and isaB. Secreted adhesins and immunomodulatory molecules efb,<br />

chp, and sbi were repressed, whereas ebh and eap were induced. One <strong>of</strong> the two staphylococcal<br />

superoxide dismutases, sodM, was found to be induced. The toxins hla, hlb, hlgC, and hlgB<br />

exhibited an increase in expression. In the group <strong>of</strong> extracellular enzymes, only nuc and htrA<br />

were repressed. Contrarily, for secreted lipases geh and lip and for proteases sspB, splC, splB,<br />

splA, and aur a higher expression was detected in stationary phase than in exponential growth.<br />

The complete cap operon <strong>of</strong> 15 capsular genes (SAOUHSC_00114 to SAOUHSC_00128) was<br />

induced in t 2 samples and still 10 <strong>of</strong> these genes were also induced in t 4 samples. The bi<strong>of</strong>ilm<br />

repressor icaR was induced in t 2 samples. Fittingly, two genes <strong>of</strong> the ica operon, icaB and icaC,<br />

were observed to be repressed in both analyzed stationary phase time points. Finally, differential<br />

expression <strong>of</strong> five staphylococcal accessory regulators was detected: sarX and sarT were<br />

repressed, while sarV, sarR, and sarZ were induced in stationary phase (Table R.5.3).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Table R.5.3: Expression <strong>of</strong> virulence associated genes in stationary phase in comparison to exponential growth in pMEM.<br />

LocusTag gene annotation<br />

fold change in<br />

comparison to baseline<br />

exponential growth<br />

stationary<br />

phase t 2 a<br />

stationary<br />

phase t 4 a<br />

SAOUHSC_00069 spa protein A -7.4 -8.8<br />

SAOUHSC_02798 sasG surface protein G -4.2 -3.4<br />

SAOUHSC_00812 clfA clumping factor 2.8 2.1<br />

SAOUHSC_02803 fnbA fibronectin-binding protein precursor, putative 3.1 2.7<br />

SAOUHSC_02972 isaB immunodominant staphylococcal antigen B 3.2 3.4<br />

SAOUHSC_01114 efb fibrinogen-binding protein -2.7 1.4<br />

SAOUHSC_02169 chp chemotaxis inhibitory protein -4.3 -2.6<br />

SAOUHSC_02706 sbi immunoglobulin G-binding protein Sbi, putative -3.9 -1.7<br />

SAOUHSC_01447 ebh extracellular matrix-binding protein ebh 4.7 2.9<br />

SAOUHSC_02161 eap MHC class II analog protein 2.5 3.9<br />

SAOUHSC_00093 sodM superoxide dismutase, putative 2.1 1.6<br />

SAOUHSC_01121 hla alpha-hemolysin precursor 15.1 36.8<br />

SAOUHSC_02163 hlb hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_02163 1.9 7.2<br />

SAOUHSC_02709 hlgC leukocidin s subunit precursor, putative 16.2 43.6<br />

SAOUHSC_02710 hlgB leukocidin f subunit precursor 11.5 29.6<br />

SAOUHSC_00818 nuc thermonuclease precursor -2.4 -1.4<br />

SAOUHSC_00958 htrA serine protease HtrA, putative -5.7 -6.3<br />

SAOUHSC_00300 geh lipase precursor 10.4 11.1<br />

SAOUHSC_03006 lip lipase 70.4 97.8<br />

SAOUHSC_00987 sspB cysteine protease precursor, putative 2.1 1.8<br />

SAOUHSC_01939 splC serine protease SplC 2.8 5.2<br />

SAOUHSC_01941 splB serine protease SplB 3.1 6.3<br />

SAOUHSC_01942 splA serine protease SplA 2.9 6.0<br />

SAOUHSC_02971 aur aureolysin, putative 2.9 5.0<br />

SAOUHSC_00114 capA capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis protein, putative 7.0 6.4<br />

SAOUHSC_00115 capB capsular polysaccharide synthesis enzyme Cap5B 6.5 5.5<br />

SAOUHSC_00116 capC capsular polysaccharide synthesis enzyme Cap8C 6.0 5.2<br />

SAOUHSC_00117 capD capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis protein Cap5D, putative 5.7 4.9<br />

SAOUHSC_00118 capE capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis protein Cap5E, putative 5.3 4.2<br />

SAOUHSC_00119 capF capsular polysaccharide synthesis enzyme Cap8F 4.8 3.8<br />

SAOUHSC_00120 capG UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase 4.1 3.4<br />

SAOUHSC_00121 capH<br />

capsular polysaccharide synthesis enzyme O-acetyl transferase Cap5H,<br />

putative<br />

3.9 3.2<br />

SAOUHSC_00122 capI capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis protein Cap5I, putative 3.7 2.9<br />

SAOUHSC_00123 capJ capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis protein Cap5J, putative 3.2 2.3<br />

SAOUHSC_00124 capK capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis protein Cap5K, putative 3.0 2.1<br />

SAOUHSC_00125 capL cap5L protein/glycosyltransferase, putative 2.8 1.9<br />

SAOUHSC_00126 capM capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis protein Cap8M 2.6 1.8<br />

SAOUHSC_00127 capN cap5N protein/UDP-glucose 4-epimerase, putative 2.7 1.8<br />

SAOUHSC_00128 capO cap5O protein/UDP-N-acetyl-D-mannosaminuronic acid dehydrogenase 2.6 1.7<br />

SAOUHSC_00248 lytM peptidoglycan hydrolase, putative -4.2 -2.9<br />

SAOUHSC_00869 dltA D-alanine-activating enzyme -2.5 -2.0<br />

SAOUHSC_00870 dltB dltB protein, putative -2.6 -2.3<br />

SAOUHSC_00872 dltD extramembranal protein -2.6 -2.3<br />

SAOUHSC_02883 ssaA staphylococcal secretory antigen ssaA -5.5 -3.3<br />

SAOUHSC_03001 icaR ica operon transcriptional regulator IcaR, putative 2.3 1.4<br />

SAOUHSC_03004 icaB icaB protein, putative -3.2 -2.1<br />

SAOUHSC_03005 icaC intercellular adhesion protein C, putative -2.6 -2.2<br />

SAOUHSC_00674 sarX staphylococcal accessory regulator X -4.8 -5.1<br />

SAOUHSC_02799 sarT staphylococcal accessory regulator T -8.8 -8.4<br />

SAOUHSC_02532 sarV staphylococcal accessory regulator V 1.7 2.3<br />

SAOUHSC_02566 sarR staphylococcal accessory regulator R 1.9 2.1<br />

SAOUHSC_02669 sarZ staphylococcal accessory regulator Z 2.0 2.4<br />

a Differentially regulated genes (significant with p* < 0.05 and with a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 2) are indicated in bold.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

In vitro Infection Experiment Study<br />

Reproducibility <strong>of</strong> replicates and clustering <strong>of</strong> experimental condition groups<br />

Staphylococcus aureus RN1HG or RN1HG GFP were used to infect S9 cells, a human bronchial<br />

epithelial cell line. The study included samples from the four time points 0 h (start <strong>of</strong><br />

experiment), 1 h, 2.5 h and 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, and included besides internalized<br />

samples also control samples from inoculation condition <strong>of</strong> exponential growth phase,<br />

serum/CO 2 controls, non-adherent staphylococci, and an anaerobic incubation control, although<br />

not every sample condition was represented in every time point (see Material and<br />

Methods / In vitro Infection Experiment Study / “Cell culture infection model” and “Bacterial<br />

control samples”, pages 57 and 58). Hierarchical clustering visualized the grouping <strong>of</strong> the array<br />

data sets according to their similarity (Fig. R.5.4). In an upper clustering level, grouping into three<br />

major classes clearly revealed the separation <strong>of</strong> main experimental groups: 1) internalized<br />

staphylococci, 2) controls <strong>of</strong> the later time points 2.5 h and 6.5 h, and 3) exponential growth<br />

phase samples, which represent the inoculation sample condition, and controls <strong>of</strong> the early time<br />

point 1 h (Fig. R.5.4, red dashed line). A lower level <strong>of</strong> clustering separated the individual sample<br />

conditions and time points (Fig. R.5.4, orange dashed line). Here, biological replicates for 2.5 h<br />

internalized, 6.5 h internalized, 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control, 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control, 2.5 h<br />

anaerobic incubation and exponential growth phase samples were arranged together. Samples <strong>of</strong><br />

1 h serum/CO 2 control and 1 h non-adherent staphylococci were an exception: Because they<br />

were very similar, the clustering did not lead to a complete segmentation <strong>of</strong> biological replicates<br />

but additionally grouped 2 samples <strong>of</strong> the two different conditions (Fig. R.5.4, orange dashed line,<br />

lower part). These two control groups were not only similar to each other, but additionally still<br />

featured a high similarity to the inoculation condition <strong>of</strong> exponential growth phase.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

internalized<br />

2.5 h internalized<br />

6.5 h internalized<br />

controls <strong>of</strong><br />

later time<br />

points 2.5 h<br />

and 6.5 h<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation<br />

exponential<br />

growth<br />

phase and<br />

controls <strong>of</strong><br />

early time<br />

point 1 h<br />

exponential growth phase<br />

1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

1 h non-adherent<br />

1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

1 h non-adherent<br />

Fig. R.5.4: Hierarchical clustering <strong>of</strong> 23 tiling array data sets from in vitro infection experiment.<br />

The following clustering algorithms were applied on z-score-transformed data: Agglomerative clustering with average linkage using<br />

using cosine correlation as similarity measure. All sequences were included in the cluster analysis. The red dashed line indicates<br />

grouping into three major classes: 1) internalized staphylococci, 2) controls <strong>of</strong> the later time points 2.5 h and 6.5 h, and 3) exponential<br />

growth phase samples, which represent the inoculation sample condition, and controls <strong>of</strong> the early time point 1 h. A lower level <strong>of</strong><br />

clustering (orange dashed line) separated the individual sample conditions and time points. Here, biological replicates for 2.5 h<br />

internalized, 6.5 h internalized, 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control, 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control, 2.5 h anaerobic incubation and exponential growth<br />

phase samples were arranged together. Samples <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 control and 1 h non-adherent staphylococci were an exception:<br />

Because they were very similar, the clustering did not lead to a complete segmentation <strong>of</strong> biological replicates, but additionally<br />

grouped 2 samples <strong>of</strong> the two different conditions (orange dashed line, lower part).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Summing up, the biological replicates exhibited a high reproducibility. Most importantly, the<br />

internalized condition had characteristics very distinct from either the starting condition <strong>of</strong><br />

exponential growth phase and the similar early time point controls, but also from the later<br />

controls which were incubated in the presence <strong>of</strong> serum in 5 % CO 2 -atmosphere without agitation<br />

and from the anaerobic control samples.<br />

Choice <strong>of</strong> adequate baseline samples for comparison <strong>of</strong> the experimental conditions:<br />

Time-matched controls are not suitable because <strong>of</strong> their similarity to stationary growth phase /<br />

stringent response<br />

Many bacterial species are capable <strong>of</strong> inducing a so-called stringent response with the aim to<br />

adapt their metabolism to situations <strong>of</strong> nutrient limitation, especially to carbon and amino acid<br />

starvation. The stringent response leads to induced stress resistance, decelerated growth and<br />

alleviated metabolism. The main mediators <strong>of</strong> the stringent response are pyrophosphorylated<br />

GTP or GDP molecules, which are also called alarmones: guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) and<br />

guanosine pentaphosphate (pppGpp), depending on bacterial species. In the course <strong>of</strong> the<br />

stringent response, up to one third <strong>of</strong> the transcriptome can be modulated. The stringent<br />

response has been intensively studied in E. coli, but also S. aureus is capable <strong>of</strong> such response<br />

(Condon et al. 1995, Crosse et al. 2000, Anderson KL et al. 2006, Wolz et al. 2010).<br />

Entry into stationary growth phase is initiated <strong>by</strong> a beginning nutrient limitation after<br />

consumption in the exponential phase <strong>of</strong> growth. Therefore, in stationary phase bacteria’s<br />

stringent response is triggered.<br />

When comparing the gene expression signature <strong>of</strong> S. aureus RN1HG, which was incubated for<br />

2.5 h in serum-containing infection medium under 5 % CO 2 -atmosphere (37°C), with the signature<br />

<strong>of</strong> stationary phase time point t 2 , which is defined as 2 h after entry into the stationary phase<br />

(each in comparison to exponentially growing bacteria), a high overlap between both signatures<br />

was recognized. Almost 44 % <strong>of</strong> sequences in the 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control signature were also<br />

found in the stationary phase signature (Fig. R.5.5; for S. aureus RN1HG stationary phase<br />

response refer to chapter “Growth Media Comparison Study”, page 131). This first hint for<br />

similarities between the controls <strong>of</strong> later time points in the infection experiment and the<br />

bacterial stationary phase samples provoked a more detailed analysis <strong>of</strong> expression data <strong>of</strong> genes<br />

already known to be involved in the stringent response.<br />

Fig. R.5.5:<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control signature<br />

with stationary phase signature.<br />

Each sample condition was compared to its<br />

corresponding baseline samples <strong>of</strong> exponential<br />

growth in log-transformed space using textbook<br />

one-way ANOVA with Benjamini-Hochberg False<br />

Discovery Rate multiple testing correction, and<br />

p* < 0.05 was regarded as significant. An absolute<br />

fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 2 was applied.<br />

sequences differentially expressed in<br />

the comparison <strong>of</strong> incubation for<br />

2.5 h in serum-containing medium<br />

and 5% CO 2 atmosphere vs.<br />

exponential growth phase in pMEM<br />

487 418 1005<br />

sequences differentially expressed<br />

between stationary growth phase (t 2 )<br />

and exponential growth phase <strong>of</strong><br />

S. aureus RN1HG cultivated in pMEM<br />

Ribosomal proteins are repressed during stringent response (Anderson KL et al. 2006). As the<br />

bacterial metabolism adapts to slower growth and limited energy resources, the cell also<br />

diminishes protein synthesis and therefore does not need to produce further ribosomes.<br />

Reduced expression <strong>of</strong> 55 genes for ribosomal proteins was observed in late serum/CO 2 controls<br />

(2.5 h and 6.5 h) and in anaerobiosis (Fig. R.5.6 A).<br />


S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

mean intensity <strong>of</strong> 2 or 3 biological replicates<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

mean intensity <strong>of</strong> 2 or 3 biological replicates<br />

*<br />

*<br />

*<br />

*<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

mean intensity <strong>of</strong> 2 or 3 biological replicates<br />

*<br />

*<br />

*<br />

Maren Depke<br />

* p

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

mean intensity <strong>of</strong> 2 or 3 biological replicates<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Similarly, tRNA synthetase genes are repressed in stringent response (Anderson KL et al.<br />

2006). Here, repression <strong>of</strong> these genes was detectable in internalized staphylococci (2.5 h), late<br />

serum/CO 2 controls (2.5 h and 6.5 h) and in samples after 2.5 h anaerobic incubation<br />

(Fig. R.5.6 B). An exception is the isoleucin tRNA synthetase (ileS), which is induced in stringent<br />

response (Anderson KL et al. 2006). But in the 2.5 h and 6.5 h serum/CO 2 controls, this gene<br />

shows a trend <strong>of</strong> repression similar to the other tRNA synthetases with a fold change <strong>of</strong> −1.5 and<br />

−1.8, respectively.<br />

Furthermore, translation elongation factor gene expression is known to be suppressed in<br />

stringent response (Anderson KL et al. 2006). Such repression physiologically acts in concert with<br />

repressed ribosomal protein and tRNA synthetase genes and leads to diminished protein<br />

synthesis. In this study, 4 genes for translation elongation factors revealed a trend <strong>of</strong> repressed<br />

expression in late serum/CO 2 controls (2.5 h and 6.5 h). With p = 0.06, statistical significance was<br />

only slightly missed in the comparison between these two controls and exponential growth<br />

samples (Fig. R.5.6 C).<br />

Stringent response is mediated <strong>by</strong> the regulator RelA whose transcript lateron is increased in<br />

stringent response conditions (Anderson KL et al. 2006). A strong trend <strong>of</strong> induction for relA was<br />

observed for the 2.5 h and 6.5 h serum/CO 2 controls. Although relA exhibited significantly<br />

different expression (p* < 0.01) in the comparison <strong>of</strong> all sequences between the 2.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

control and exponential growth phase samples, the 1.8-fold change did not pass the cut<strong>of</strong>f level<br />

<strong>of</strong> 2. On the other hand, in the comparison between the later 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control and<br />

exponential growth phase samples, the fold change amounted to 2.1, but in this comparison<br />

statistical testing was not possible because <strong>of</strong> limited number <strong>of</strong> replicates relA at the 6.5 h time point<br />

(n = 2). Nevertheless, relA could be regarded as induced in the late serum/CO 2 controls, because<br />

both time points showed the same trend and all six other experimental samples possessed<br />

almost the same, lower gene expression intensity, which proved relA highly reliable measurement <strong>of</strong><br />

the relA expression <strong>by</strong> the tiling array approach (Fig. R.5.7).<br />

Fig. R.5.7:<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> mean expression<br />

intensities for the stringent response<br />

regulatory gene relA.<br />

A strong trend <strong>of</strong> relA induction was<br />

visible for the late serum/CO 2 controls<br />

(2.5 h and 6.5 h). Although relA exhibited<br />

significantly different expression (one-way<br />

textbook ANOVA with Benjamini-<br />

Hochberg False Discovery Rate multiple<br />

testing correction and p* < 0.01) in the<br />

comparison between the 2.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

control and exponential growth phase<br />

samples, the 1.8-fold change did not pass<br />

the cut<strong>of</strong>f level <strong>of</strong> 2. On the other hand, in<br />

the comparison between the later 6.5 h<br />

serum/CO 2 control and exponential<br />

growth phase samples, the fold change<br />

amounted to 2.1, but in this comparison<br />

statistical testing was not possible<br />

because <strong>of</strong> limited number <strong>of</strong> replicates at<br />

the 6.5 h time point (n = 2).<br />

exponential growthOD phase 0.4<br />

1 h serum/CO 2 control 1h CO2<br />

1 non-adh. h non-adherent MOI 25<br />

2.5 h internal. internalized 2.5h<br />

6.5 h internal. internalized 6.5h<br />

2.5 h serum/COCO2 2 control 2.5h<br />

6.5 h serum/COCO2 2 control 6.5h<br />

2.5 h anaerobic anaerobic incubation 2.5h<br />

1.0E+04<br />

10000<br />

2.0E+04<br />

20000<br />

mean intensitySamples<br />

<strong>of</strong> biological replicates<br />

3.0E+04<br />

30000<br />

From repressed or in trend repressed ribosomal protein, tRNA synthetase, and translation<br />

elongation factor genes and from the strong tendency <strong>of</strong> relA infection induction experiments it was reasoned medium comparison that the<br />

gene expression signature <strong>of</strong> late serum/CO 2 controls (2.5 h and 6.5 h) in fact resembled the<br />

stationary phase/stringent response. As internalized staphylococci and the early control samples<br />

did not possess this similarity, it was concluded that the 1 h serum/CO 2 control sample, although<br />

not time-matched, was the most appropriate baseline sample for this infection experiment study.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> experimental condition groups and assessment <strong>of</strong> differentially regulated<br />

genes/sequences<br />

The first general data analysis steps had provided insight into the overall similarity <strong>of</strong> the 23<br />

arrays available after hybridization <strong>of</strong> samples and controls from the infection experiment.<br />

Biological replicates exhibited good reproducibility. The time-matched serum/CO 2 controls for<br />

the internalized samples built a distinct group <strong>of</strong> samples. As a more detailed analysis revealed<br />

similarities <strong>of</strong> these controls with stationary phase/stringent response, it became apparent that<br />

the 1 h serum/CO 2 samples were the most suitable control to use as baseline in this study.<br />

Therefore, the following seven types <strong>of</strong> comparisons were chosen to elucidate the changes in<br />

gene expression pattern and lateron the physiological reactions <strong>of</strong> S. aureus RN1HG in the<br />

settings <strong>of</strong> the in vitro S9 infection model (Fig. R.5.8):<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> exponential growth phase samples, which represent the inoculation<br />

condition, with baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 controls<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> non-adherent staphylococci (1 h) with baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 controls<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> 2.5 h internalized samples with baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 controls<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> 6.5 h internalized samples with baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 controls<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> 2.5 h serum/CO 2 controls with baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 controls<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> 6.5 h serum/CO 2 controls with baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 controls<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> 2.5 h anaerobic incubation samples with baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 controls<br />

inoculation<br />

condition<br />

and early<br />

time point<br />

control<br />

samples<br />

1<br />

1 h<br />

serum/CO 2<br />

control<br />

(3 arrays)<br />

exponential<br />

growth phase<br />

(3 arrays)<br />

2<br />

1h<br />

non-adherent<br />

S. aureus<br />

(3 arrays)<br />

4<br />

3<br />

7<br />

5<br />

6<br />

6.5 h<br />

serum/CO 2<br />

control<br />

(2 arrays)<br />

2.5 h<br />

internalized<br />

S. aureus<br />

(3 arrays)<br />

2.5 h<br />

serum/CO 2<br />

control<br />

(3 arrays)<br />

6.5 h<br />

internalized<br />

S. aureus<br />

(3 arrays)<br />

internalized<br />

samples<br />

2.5 h<br />

anaerobic<br />

incubation<br />

(3 arrays)<br />

late<br />

time point<br />

controls<br />

Fig. R.5.8: Overview on the comparisons between groups in this study that were partly addressed with statistical testing and visualized<br />

with scatter plots.<br />

Baseline for all comparisons was the serum/CO 2 control group <strong>of</strong> 1 h. The very similar exponential growth phase samples, which<br />

represent the inoculation condition, were compared to this baseline () and the even more similar non-adherent staphylococcal<br />

samples after 1 h (). To elucidate the gene expression signature <strong>of</strong> internalized bacteria, the 2.5 h () as well as the 6.5 h ()<br />

internalized samples were compared to the samples <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 control group. For comparison purposes, the late time point<br />

controls were also checked against the early serum/CO 2 control as baseline: 2.5 h serum/CO 2 controls () and samples after 2.5 h <strong>of</strong><br />

anaerobic incubation (). The comparison focusing on the difference between 6.5 h and 1 h serum/CO 2 control samples () could<br />

not be performed with statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> the low number (n = 2) <strong>of</strong> arrays at the 6.5 h time point.<br />


exponential growth phase<br />

2.5 h internalized<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

1 h non-adherent<br />

6.5 h internalized<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

The comparisons were visualized using scatter plots (Fig. R.5.9). Comparable to the clustering<br />

results, a high concordance between expression values <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 controls and<br />

exponential phase samples, which represent the inoculation condition (Fig. R.5.9, panel ), and<br />

even more striking between 1 h serum/CO 2 controls and non-adherent staphylococcal samples<br />

after 1 h (Fig. R.5.9, panel ) was observed. Strong effects <strong>of</strong> treatment in comparison to 1 h<br />

serum/CO 2 controls emerged in 2.5 h internalized (Fig. R.5.9, panel ), 6.5 h internalized<br />

(Fig. R.5.9, panel ), 2.5 h serum/CO 2 controls (Fig. R.5.9, panel ), 6.5 h serum/CO 2 controls<br />

(Fig. R.5.9, panel ), and in 2.5 h anaerobically incubated samples (Fig. R.5.9, panel ). Most<br />

variation was detectable in the comparison <strong>of</strong> 1 h and 6.5 h serum/CO 2 controls (Fig. R.5.9,<br />

panel ), but this can be due to the lower number <strong>of</strong> only two replicates for the 6.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

control, which led to a lesser compensation for variation in the mean value than in the mean <strong>of</strong><br />

three replicates in the other sample condition/time point groups.<br />

<br />

<br />

1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

<br />

<br />

1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

<br />

<br />

1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

<br />

1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

Fig. R.5.9: Scatter plots comparing mean signal intensities<br />

<strong>of</strong> treatment groups.<br />

The signals <strong>of</strong> the eight groups <strong>of</strong> “1 h serum/CO 2<br />

controls”, “exponential growth phase”, “1 h nonadherent<br />

staphylococci”, “2.5 h internalization”, “6.5 h<br />

internalization”, “2.5 h serum/CO 2 controls”, “6.5 h<br />

serum/CO 2 controls”, and “2.5 h anaerobic incubation”<br />

were plotted after combining the three biological<br />

replicates. In case <strong>of</strong> “6.5 h serum/CO 2 controls” only two<br />

biological replicates were available. All sequences<br />

available on the array are shown. Numbers in the first<br />

column refer to the comparison scheme in Fig. R.5.8.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

The different experimental groups were compared with statistical testing to obtain lists <strong>of</strong><br />

differentially expressed sequences (Table R.5.4). It has been already described that the three<br />

groups exponential growth phase as inoculation condition, 1 h serum/CO 2 control, and 1 h nonadherent<br />

staphylococci were similar to each other. Non-surprisingly, when comparing 1 h nonadherent<br />

staphylococci to the 1 h serum/CO 2 control samples, no statistically significant<br />

differential expression was detected. Between exponential growth phase and 1 h serum/CO 2<br />

control, 156 sequences were differentially expressed <strong>of</strong> which 76 exceeded a minimal absolute<br />

fold change <strong>of</strong> 2. In the comparison <strong>of</strong> 2.5 h and 6.5 h internalization vs. 1 h serum/CO 2 control,<br />

1392 and 1205 sequences were regarded as differentially expressed, <strong>of</strong> which 765 and 627<br />

possessed a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 2, respectively. Additionally, 1749 sequences were<br />

differentially expressed between 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control and 1 h serum/CO 2 control, and 905 <strong>of</strong><br />

these passed the minimal absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f 2. The 2.5 h anaerobic signature in<br />

comparison with the baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 control included 1339 sequences, and still 680<br />

exhibited a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 2.<br />

Table R.5.4: Results <strong>of</strong> group comparisons with statistical testing <strong>of</strong> S9 infection experiment staphylococcal array data sets.<br />

group comparison a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> sequences<br />

significant with p* < 0.05 in<br />

textbook one-way ANOVA with<br />

Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery<br />

Rate multiple testing correction<br />

absolute fold change equal<br />

to or greater than 2 AND<br />

significant with p* < 0.05<br />

exponential growth phase vs. 1 h serum/CO 2 control 156 76<br />

1 h non-adherent staphylococci vs. 1 h serum/CO 2 control 0 -<br />

2.5 h internalization vs. 1 h serum/CO 2 control 1392 765<br />

6.5 h internalization vs. 1 h serum/CO 2 control 1205 627<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control vs. 1 h serum/CO 2 control 1749 905<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation vs. 1 h serum/CO 2 control 1339 680<br />

a The 080604_SA_JH_Tiling array contains 3882 sequences <strong>of</strong> which 2825 are known transcripts. The remaining 1057 sequences were<br />

identified as new transcripts in the tiling array analysis. All sequences were included in statistical testing.<br />

Fractions <strong>of</strong> known genes and newly identified transcribed sequences included on the tiling<br />

array and in the lists <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed sequences derived from the comparisons <strong>of</strong><br />

infection experiment samples<br />

The 080604_SA_JH_Tiling array contains 3882 sequences <strong>of</strong> which 2825, corresponding to<br />

73 %, are known transcripts and associated with a LocusTag number (SAOUHSC_*). The remaining<br />

1057 sequences were identified as new transcripts in the tiling array analysis. These new<br />

transcripts are expected to belong to all types <strong>of</strong> RNAs like mRNA and regulatory RNA, but also<br />

formerly unknown transcribed fragments 5’ and 3’ to known genes might be included.<br />

Furthermore, some artifacts might still be included. All sequences, known and new, were<br />

included in statistical testing.<br />

For the internalization-specific signature, 200 and 138 differentially expressed transcripts<br />

belonged to the group <strong>of</strong> new transcripts at the 2.5 h and 6.5 h time point, respectively<br />

(Table R.5.5). Furthermore, 19 new transcripts were included in the set <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed<br />

sequences between the inoculation condition <strong>of</strong> exponential growth and the baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h<br />

serum/CO 2 control. In comparison to that baseline, 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control and 2.5 h<br />

anaerobically incubated samples inclosed 250 and 200 differentially expressed new transcripts,<br />

respectively (Table R.5.5).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Table R.5.5: Fractions <strong>of</strong> known annotated and newly detected transcripts in the results <strong>of</strong> group comparisons with statistical testing<br />

<strong>of</strong> S9 infection experiment staphylococcal array data sets.<br />

group comparison a<br />

total number <strong>of</strong><br />

sequences with<br />

absolute fold<br />

change equal to or<br />

greater than 2 AND<br />

significant with<br />

p* < 0.05<br />

number <strong>of</strong> known<br />

transcribed<br />

sequences with<br />

absolute fold<br />

change equal to or<br />

greater than 2 AND<br />

significant with<br />

p* < 0.05<br />

number <strong>of</strong> new<br />

transcribed sequences<br />

with absolute fold<br />

change equal to or<br />

greater than 2 AND<br />

significant with<br />

p* < 0.05<br />

exponential growth phase vs. 1 h serum/CO 2 control 76 57 19<br />

2.5 h internalization vs. 1 h serum/CO 2 control 765 565 200<br />

6.5 h internalization vs. 1 h serum/CO 2 control 627 489 138<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control vs. 1 h serum/CO 2 control 905 655 250<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation vs. 1 h serum/CO 2 control 680 480 200<br />

a The 080604_SA_JH_Tiling array contains 3882 sequences <strong>of</strong> which 2825 are known transcripts. The remaining 1057 sequences were<br />

identified as new transcripts in the tiling array analysis. All sequences were included in statistical testing.<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> differentially regulated sequences in 2.5 h and 6.5 h internalized staphylococci<br />

The gene expression signatures <strong>of</strong> 2.5 h and 6.5 h internalized staphylococci, which resulted<br />

from statistical comparison with the baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 control including multiple testing<br />

correction and minimal absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f 2, were compared in a Venn diagram<br />

(Fig. R.5.10 A). For 408 sequences, differential expression was observed in both time points <strong>of</strong><br />

internalized samples, while 357 and 219 sequences were specific for the 2.5 h and 6.5 h<br />

internalization signature, respectively. This corresponds to a fraction <strong>of</strong> 53 % <strong>of</strong> sequences<br />

regulated after 2.5 h <strong>of</strong> internalization, which were also differentially expressed after 6.5 h. Vice<br />

versa, 65 % <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed sequences at the 6.5 h time point were also found to be<br />

regulated after 2.5 h. When examining the induced and repressed sequences separately, it was<br />

first obvious that sequences regulated at both time points always possessed the same regulation<br />

direction in these two time points (Fig. R.5.10 B). Further, induction accounted for a bigger<br />

fraction than reduction in the differentially expressed sequences, although the excess was only<br />

small at the 6.5 h time point.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

357 408 219<br />

2.5 h<br />

repressed<br />

repressed 6.5 h<br />

induced<br />

176 121<br />

induced<br />

181<br />

187<br />

98<br />

sequences differentially<br />

expressed in the comparison<br />

“2.5 h internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

sequences differentially<br />

expressed in the comparison<br />

“6.5 h internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

221<br />

Fig. R.5.10: Comparison <strong>of</strong> the 2.5 h and 6.5 h signatures <strong>of</strong> internalized staphylococci.<br />

Both internalized samples were compared to the baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 control with statistical testing and multiple testing<br />

correction (p* < 0.05), and a minimal absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 2 was applied. The comparison <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed<br />

sequences at the 2.5 h and 6.5 h time point was performed for all regulated sequences (A) and for induced and repressed sequences<br />

separately (B).<br />

In the 2.5 h samples 402 sequences were induced (181 specifically for that time point), 363<br />

were repressed (176 specifically for that time point), while in the 6.5 h samples 319 exhibited<br />

induction (98 specifically for that time point) and 308 exhibited repression (121 specifically for<br />

that time point). Therefore, the 408 sequences differentially expressed in both time points<br />

consisted <strong>of</strong> 221 induced and 187 repressed sequences.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Comparison <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes [Maren Depke] and proteins with differing<br />

abundance [Sandra Scharf] in internalized staphylococci<br />

In an experimental setup corresponding to the generation <strong>of</strong> samples for tiling array analysis,<br />

the abundance <strong>of</strong> proteins in internalized staphylococci was recorded with a combined approach<br />

<strong>of</strong> stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC), FACS cell sorting and mass<br />

spectrometric analysis (Sandra Scharf, Schmidt et al. 2010). The method, which was applied for<br />

this first proteome pr<strong>of</strong>iling <strong>of</strong> in vitro internalized staphylococci, limits the possible protein<br />

identification mainly to cytosolic proteins: Secreted proteins were lost during sample<br />

preparation, and peptides from membrane associated proteins are difficult to obtain <strong>by</strong> tryptic<br />

digest <strong>of</strong> whole-cell samples.<br />

In the proteomic study, the time points 1.5 h, 2.5 h, 3.5 h, 4.5 h, 5.5 h, and 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong><br />

infection were included, i. e. the analysis window was divided into smaller sections than in the<br />

tiling array study. In an analysis which included more samples and controls than published in the<br />

pilot study, Sandra Scharf identified 648 proteins and obtained a set <strong>of</strong> 114 proteins with<br />

differential abundance. Differential abundance was assigned to proteins when the regulation was<br />

observed in at least 2 <strong>of</strong> 3 biological replicates in at least 1 <strong>of</strong> 6 analyzed time points, and<br />

proteins with contradictory results were excluded. The regulated proteins were normalized in<br />

reference to the SILAC-method immanent internal control (heavy isotope labeled peptides) and<br />

exhibited an abundance difference when comparing target peptide ratios with the median ratio<br />

for all peptides at the corresponding time point. Regulated proteins which were additionally<br />

different in abundance in a serum/CO 2 control (without presence <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cells) were excluded.<br />

To gain an insight into the comparability <strong>of</strong> transcriptome and proteome pr<strong>of</strong>iling,<br />

differentially expressed sequences were compared to regulated proteins. First, up-regulated<br />

proteins were compared to the sequences which exhibited increased expression 2.5 h or 6.5 h<br />

after start <strong>of</strong> infection or in both time points (Fig. R.5.11 A). Second, the same comparison was<br />

performed for down-regulated proteins and repressed sequences (Fig. R.5.11 B).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

up-regulated proteins in<br />

internalized staphylococci<br />

down-regulated proteins in<br />

internalized staphylococci<br />

53<br />

34<br />

5 2<br />

14<br />

176 96<br />

207<br />

3 0<br />

6<br />

173 121<br />

181<br />

induced sequences in<br />

“2.5 h internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

induced sequences in<br />

“6.5 h internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

repressed sequences in<br />

“2.5 h internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

repressed sequences in<br />

“6.5 h internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

Fig. R.5.11: Comparison <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed sequences in at least one <strong>of</strong> the two analyzed time points with proteins exhibiting<br />

different abundance in internalized staphylococci.<br />

A. Up-regulated proteins and induced sequences. B. Down-regulated proteins and repressed sequences.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

In total, the transcripts <strong>of</strong> 21 up-regulated proteins were increased in at least one <strong>of</strong> the two<br />

analyzed time points. These consisted <strong>of</strong> 14 proteins, whose genes were induced at both time<br />

points, and <strong>of</strong> 5 and 2 proteins, whose gene expression was increased only at the 2.5 h and 6.5 h<br />

time point, respectively. For 6 proteins, whose abundance was reduced, the corresponding gene<br />

expression was repressed at both time points, and for further 3 down-regulated proteins the<br />

gene expression was only repressed at the 2.5 h time point (Table R.5.6). These numbers result in<br />

an overlap <strong>of</strong> 28 % <strong>of</strong> up- and 21 % <strong>of</strong> down-regulated proteins with the corresponding gene<br />

expression changes. As the lists <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed sequences included newly identified<br />

transcripts from the tiling array, which were not accessed with mass spectrometry identification,<br />

these lists contained many transcriptome-specific results.<br />

Table R.5.6: Differentially expressed sequences in internalization samples which exhibit differences in protein abundance and<br />

regulation in the same direction.<br />

LocusTag gene annotation<br />

difference<br />

in protein<br />

abundance<br />

a<br />

fold change in comparison<br />

to baseline<br />

1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

2.5 h<br />

internalized b<br />

6.5 h<br />

internalized b<br />

SAOUHSC_01846 acsA acetyl-CoA synthetase, putative + 16.3 4.0<br />

SAOUHSC_01395 asd aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase + 14.1 13.3<br />

SAOUHSC_00086 butA 3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein reductase, putative + 2.5 2.2<br />

SAOUHSC_01396 dapA dihydrodipicolinate synthase + 12.5 12.0<br />

SAOUHSC_01398 dapD<br />

2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2-carboxylate N-<br />

succinyltransferase, putative<br />

+ 9.1 9.8<br />

SAOUHSC_01320 dhoM homoserine dehydrogenase, putative + 2.1 5.4<br />

SAOUHSC_00196 fadB hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_00196 + 84.4 16.6<br />

SAOUHSC_00197 fadD hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_00197 + 100.0 35.8<br />

SAOUHSC_02869 rocA delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase, putative + 8.0 2.8<br />

SAOUHSC_01418 odhA 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, E1 component + 5.2 2.2<br />

SAOUHSC_01416 odhB<br />

2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, E2 component,<br />

dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase<br />

+ 4.5 2.1<br />

SAOUHSC_00371 hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_00371 + 4.4 2.1<br />

SAOUHSC_01399 hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_01399 + 7.9 8.3<br />

SAOUHSC_02425 hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_02425 + 5.3 2.8<br />

SAOUHSC_01276 glpK glycerol kinase + 2.7 1.7<br />

SAOUHSC_01801 icd, citC isocitrate dehydrogenase, NADP-dependent + 2.1 1.2<br />

SAOUHSC_01972 prsA protein export protein PrsA, putative + 2.0 1.6<br />

SAOUHSC_00767 yfiA hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_00767 + 2.9 1.7<br />

SAOUHSC_00951 hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_00951 + 2.4 1.6<br />

SAOUHSC_01321 thrC threonine synthase + 1.7 5.3<br />

SAOUHSC_00833 hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_00833 + 1.2 2.1<br />

SAOUHSC_01771 hemL glutamate-1-semialdehyde-2,1-aminomutase − -2.2 -2.5<br />

SAOUHSC_01092 pheS phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, alpha subunit − -2.5 -3.4<br />

SAOUHSC_01093 pheT phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, beta subunit − -2.7 -3.5<br />

SAOUHSC_01010 purC<br />

phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide<br />

synthase<br />

− -4.5 -2.2<br />

SAOUHSC_01011 purS<br />

phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase, PurS<br />

protein<br />

− -4.9 -2.3<br />

SAOUHSC_01788 thrS threonyl-tRNA synthetase − -2.1 -2.4<br />

SAOUHSC_01018 purD phosphoribosylamine-glycine ligase − -2.6 -1.1<br />

SAOUHSC_01013 purL phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase II − -3.4 -1.5<br />

SAOUHSC_01012 purQ phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase I − -4.0 -1.9<br />

a Up-regulated protein abundance in internalized staphylococci is indicated <strong>by</strong> “+”, down-regulated abundance <strong>by</strong> ”–“.<br />

b Differentially regulated genes (significant with p* < 0.05 and with a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 2) are indicated in bold.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

In a similar comparison, up-regulated proteins were compared with repressed transcripts and<br />

vice versa down-regulated proteins with induced transcripts, which resulted in an overlap <strong>of</strong> 5<br />

(rocD, ldh2, sodM, fabH, SAOUHSC_02150) and 9 (sufC, sufD, spoVG, dps, SAOUHSC_00533,<br />

SAOUHSC_02443, SAOUHSC_02363, SAOUHSC_01854, SAOUHSC_00845) proteins, respectively.<br />

Such contradictory results could be explained in most cases <strong>by</strong> the following characteristics:<br />

transcript changes do not necessarily influence the protein abundance at the same time<br />

point; the potential time shift between both effects is not defined and may vary between<br />

the different proteins<br />

effects on protein or expression might be outside the analysis window (between start <strong>of</strong><br />

infection and first analysis time point <strong>of</strong> 1.5 h or 2.5 h; after last analysis time point <strong>of</strong><br />

6.5 h; between analysis time points especially in the transcriptome analysis)<br />

special protein effects like temporary new synthesis, increased turnover, and other nontranscriptionally<br />

mediated effects<br />

special protein analysis effects: early changes or changes occurring before the first analysis<br />

time point, which stop in the middle <strong>of</strong> the observation period, might still lead to an<br />

absolute fold change value exceeding 2 at the later time points in cases <strong>of</strong> stable proteins<br />

protein analysis challenges like low intensity measurements, high variation between<br />

biological replicates, missing data for one <strong>of</strong> the biological replicates<br />

Expression <strong>of</strong> genes containing binding sites for Rex, an anaerobiosis regulator and redox<br />

sensor<br />

During in vitro infection/internalization experiments, staphylococci are subjected to changes<br />

in oxygen availability. First, they are shifted from aerobic shaking cultures into cell culture dishes,<br />

second, they are incubated without agitation in a CO 2 -atmosphere optimal for the <strong>host</strong> cells, and<br />

finally, internalization into eukaryotic <strong>host</strong> cells might further influence the oxygen availability. To<br />

answer the question whether oxygen limitation has major impact on internalized staphylococci,<br />

the gene expression <strong>of</strong> anaerobiosis-related genes was analyzed. Very recently, Pagels et al. have<br />

published transcriptome and proteome data <strong>of</strong> an anaerobic gene expression regulon (Pagels et<br />

al. 2010). Although indirect effects <strong>of</strong> Rex have also been described, the central regulator Rex, a<br />

redox sensor, acts as transcriptional repressor. In situations <strong>of</strong> increasing NADH, DNA-binding <strong>of</strong><br />

Rex is inhibited, resulting in de-repression <strong>of</strong> genes which possess a Rex binding site. Pagels et al.<br />

defined 21 genes with such binding site, 19 <strong>of</strong> which could be mapped to S. aureus NCTC8325<br />

LocusTags (NCBI’s Entrez Genome Gene Plot; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sutils/geneplot.cgi).<br />

For a first impression, the fraction <strong>of</strong> these genes which were differentially expressed in<br />

staphylococci after 2.5 h <strong>of</strong> anaerobic incubation, but also in 2.5 h and 6.5 h internalized<br />

staphylococci was determined. In anaerobically incubated staphylococci, 5 Rex binding site<br />

containing genes were found to be regulated (Fig. R.5.12 A), whereas 10 <strong>of</strong> these genes were<br />

regulated in internalization at both time points and further 3 genes specifically at the time point<br />

<strong>of</strong> 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection (Fig. R.5.12 B). A more detailed analysis revealed that while<br />

induction <strong>of</strong> these genes in anaerobically incubated staphylococci was expected, the direction <strong>of</strong><br />

regulation in internalized staphylococci was clearly opposite (Fig. R.5.12 C). Therefore,<br />

internalization probably did not result in stimuli which were able to inactivate the Rex repressor.<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

A<br />

14 5 675<br />

B<br />

genes containing Rex binding<br />

sites in S. aureus according to<br />

Pagels et al. 2010<br />

genes containing Rex binding<br />

sites in S. aureus according to<br />

Pagels et al. 2010<br />

sequences differentially<br />

expressed in the comparison<br />

“2.5 h anaerobic incubation”<br />

vs. “1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

Fig. R.5.12:<br />

Expression <strong>of</strong> genes containing Rex binding sites.<br />

A. Comparison <strong>of</strong> genes with Rex binding sites (according to<br />

Pagels et al. 2010) and S. aureus RN1HG anaerobic gene<br />

expression signature in the infection experiment study.<br />

B. Comparison <strong>of</strong> genes with Rex binding sites (according to<br />

Pagels et al. 2010) and S. aureus RN1HG S9 internalization gene<br />

expression signature 2.5 h and 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection.<br />

C. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity for<br />

19 genes containing Rex binding sites. After the global<br />

normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending, each<br />

individual gene has been normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong><br />

the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control”. Although not<br />

being continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection. Black<br />

indicates 8 genes repressed in internalized staphylococci at the<br />

2.5 h or 6.5 h time point, dark gray 5 genes differentially<br />

expressed in at least one internalization time point and after<br />

anaerobic incubation, and light gray marks the remaining 6<br />

genes <strong>of</strong> which 3 possess a fold change value > 1.5 in the<br />

anaerobic sample compared to baseline.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2<br />

control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h<br />

internalization; 2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. −<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic<br />

incubation)<br />

C<br />

differentially expressed<br />

sequences in “2.5 h<br />

internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

10E+01 10.000<br />

10E+00 1.000<br />

10E-01 0.100<br />

10E-02 0.010<br />

10E-03 0.001<br />

exp.<br />

6<br />

0 3<br />

10<br />

357 216<br />

398<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

differentially expressed<br />

sequences in “6.5 h<br />

internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

OD 0.4 CO2 (serum) internalized internalized CO2 (serum) CO2 (serum) anaerobic<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

0 h 1 h 2.5 h 6.5 h 2.5 h 6.5 h 2.5 h<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

Genes <strong>of</strong> the SaeRS regulon exhibiting differential expression in internalized staphylococci<br />

The two-component system SaeRS is known to positively regulate different virulence<br />

associated genes, e. g. genes coding for adhesins or toxins. The induction <strong>of</strong> gene expression <strong>of</strong><br />

saeR was observed in internalized staphylococci 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. Additionally, the<br />

gene saeS for the histidine kinase sensor component was significantly different in 6.5 h<br />

internalized staphylococci compared to baseline, but the fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.7 did not meet the<br />

cut<strong>of</strong>f criterium <strong>of</strong> 2 (Fig. R.5.13 A). As the the two-component system SaeRS is known to be<br />

subjected to positive autoinduction, the induction <strong>of</strong> saeR and trend for saeS provoked a detailed<br />

analysis <strong>of</strong> genes known to be regulated <strong>by</strong> this system. In 2006, Rogasch et al. have published<br />

transcriptome and secretome data <strong>of</strong> the SaeRS regulon in S. aureus strains COL and Newman<br />

(Rogasch et al. 2006). Using a global microarray screening <strong>of</strong> saeRS mutants and parental strains,<br />

Rogasch et al. defined 44 genes which were induced <strong>by</strong> the SaeRS two-component system, 40 <strong>of</strong><br />

which could be mapped to S. aureus NCTC8325 LocusTags (NCBI’s EntrezGenome Gene Plot;<br />

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sutils/geneplot.cgi). For a first impression, the fraction <strong>of</strong> these<br />

genes which were differentially expressed in 2.5 h and 6.5 h internalized staphylococci was<br />

determined (Fig. R.5.13 B). At the 2.5 h time point, 4 genes with known regulation <strong>by</strong> SaeRS were<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

differentially expressed, 10 further genes were found to be regulated specifically after 6.5 h,<br />

whereas another 10 genes were regulated in both internalization time points. Of these 4, 10, and<br />

10 genes, the numbers <strong>of</strong> 3, 9, and 9 genes were increased in expression. The remaining gene <strong>of</strong><br />

each group exhibited repression (Fig. R.5.13 C, Table R.5.7).<br />

A<br />

33<br />

B<br />

genes regulated <strong>by</strong> SaeRS<br />

according to Rogasch et al. 2006<br />

22<br />

16<br />

11<br />

saeR<br />

saeS<br />

00<br />

OD 0.4 CO2 (serum) internalized internalized CO2 (serum) CO2 (serum) anaerobic<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

0 h 1 h 2.5 h 6.5 h 2.5 h 6.5 h 2.5 h<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

differentially expressed<br />

sequences in “2.5 h<br />

internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

4 10<br />

10<br />

353 209<br />

398<br />

differentially expressed<br />

sequences in “6.5 h<br />

internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

Fig. R.5.13:<br />

Expression <strong>of</strong> genes known to be regulated <strong>by</strong> SaeRS.<br />

A. Expression <strong>of</strong> saeR and saeS in S. aureus RN1HG during<br />

the S9 infection experiment. Induction <strong>of</strong> both genes was<br />

significant in statistical testing for the 6.5 h time point <strong>of</strong><br />

internalization, but did not pass the two-fold cut<strong>of</strong>f for<br />

saeS.<br />

B. Comparison <strong>of</strong> genes known to be regulated <strong>by</strong> SaeRS<br />

(according to Rogasch et al. 2006) and S. aureus RN1HG S9<br />

internalization gene expression signature 2.5 h and 6.5 h<br />

after start <strong>of</strong> infection.<br />

C. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity<br />

for 24 genes known to be regulated <strong>by</strong> SaeRS. After the<br />

global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending,<br />

each individual gene has been normalized to the<br />

expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2<br />

control”. Although not being continuous data, values were<br />

depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better<br />

facility <strong>of</strong> inspection. Black indicates 9 genes induced in<br />

internalized staphylococci at the 2.5 h or 6.5 h time point,<br />

dark gray 9 genes induced at 6.5 h and 3 genes induced at<br />

2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, and light gray marks the<br />

remaining 3 genes <strong>of</strong> which one was repressed at both<br />

time points, another specifically 2.5 h and the third<br />

specifically 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection.<br />

C<br />

10E+02 100.000<br />

10E+01 10.000<br />

10E+00 1.000<br />

10E-01 0.100<br />

10E-02 0.010<br />

OD 0.4 CO2 (serum) internalized internalized CO2 (serum) CO2 (serum) anaerobic<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

0 h 1 h 2.5 h 6.5 h 2.5 h 6.5 h 2.5 h<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2 control;<br />

2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />

The set <strong>of</strong> 21 SaeRS regulated genes, which exhibited differential expression in at least one <strong>of</strong><br />

the two analyzed internalization time points, included certain functional groups <strong>of</strong> virulence<br />

factors, and some could even be assigned to more than one group. Membrane bound<br />

adhesins/MSCRAMMS were represented <strong>by</strong> the fibrinogen binding proteins A and B (fnbA, fnbB),<br />

soluble adhesins/SERAMs were covered e. g. <strong>by</strong> extracellular adherence protein (eap), toxins<br />

were included with the examples <strong>of</strong> different hemolysins, chemotaxis inhibitory protein (chp)<br />

served as example for immune-evasive proteins, and finally, also secreted enzymes like serine<br />

protease (spl) were listed. Thus, further data mining was performed in consideration <strong>of</strong> functional<br />

groups <strong>of</strong> virulence factors.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Table R.5.7: Expression <strong>of</strong> genes known to be regulated <strong>by</strong> SaeRS (according to Rogasch et al. 2006), which exhibited differential<br />

expression in internalized S. aureus RN1HG in S9 cells.<br />

LocusTag gene annotation<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

2.5 h<br />

internalized a<br />

6.5 h<br />

internalized a<br />

SAOUHSC_01942 splA serine protease SplA 3.2 30.4<br />

SAOUHSC_01939 splC serine protease SplC 4.8 43.1<br />

SAOUHSC_02803 fnbA fibronectin-binding protein precursor, putative 6.2 6.4<br />

SAOUHSC_02802 fnbB fibronectin binding protein B, putative 7.0 3.1<br />

SAOUHSC_02709 hlgC leukocidin s subunit precursor, putative 5.3 17.9<br />

SAOUHSC_02708 gamma-hemolysin h-gamma-ii subunit, putative 9.6 19.4<br />

SAOUHSC_00196 fadB hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_00196 84.4 16.6<br />

SAOUHSC_00232 lrgA antiholin-like protein lrgA 4.0 5.3<br />

SAOUHSC_01921 hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_01921 4.8 2.2<br />

SAOUHSC_02710 hlgB leukocidin f subunit precursor 3.4 13.4<br />

SAOUHSC_01121 hla alpha-hemolysin precursor 1.9 3.2<br />

SAOUHSC_02169 chp chemotaxis inhibitory protein 1.7 4.4<br />

SAOUHSC_02161 eap MHC class II analog protein 1.8 11.0<br />

SAOUHSC_01114 efb fibrinogen-binding protein 1.9 2.7<br />

SAOUHSC_00816 emp extracellular matrix and plasma binding protein, putative -1.4 2.9<br />

SAOUHSC_00715 saeR response regulator, putative -1.2 2.1<br />

SAOUHSC_01115 hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_01115 1.8 3.0<br />

SAOUHSC_00354 hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_00354 -1.7 2.9<br />

SAOUHSC_00192 coa coagulase 6.3 1.8<br />

SAOUHSC_00400 hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_00400 9.1 1.7<br />

SAOUHSC_00399 hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_00399 10.4 1.9<br />

SAOUHSC_00818 nuc thermonuclease precursor -4.4 1.2<br />

SAOUHSC_02229 anti repressor 1.4 -2.9<br />

SAOUHSC_00182 hypothetical protein SAOUHSC_00182 -2.6 -2.8<br />

a Differentially regulated genes (significant with p* < 0.05 and with a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 2) are indicated in bold.<br />

Differential expression <strong>of</strong> virulence associated genes<br />

Very important for colonization <strong>of</strong> the <strong>host</strong>, but also for internalization into <strong>host</strong> cells are the<br />

staphylococcal membrane bound adhesins, MSCRAMMs. Genes coding for fibrinogen binding<br />

protein A and B (fnbA, fnbB) and for clumping factor A and B (clfA, clfB) were induced in<br />

internalized staphylococci 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. Differential expression <strong>of</strong> fnbA and clfA<br />

was still detectable at the 6.5 h time point whereas that <strong>of</strong> fnbB and clfB was not significant<br />

anymore, although a trend <strong>of</strong> induction was visible according to the fold change values. The<br />

control samples exhibited only less consistent expression changes. An exception might be the<br />

expression <strong>of</strong> fnbA and clfA in the 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control. Here, a trend <strong>of</strong> induction was visible,<br />

but the difference could not be determined statistically because <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> replicates<br />

(Fig. R.5.14 A, B). Soluble adhesins bind to <strong>host</strong> structures. They can mediate bacterial cell<br />

attachment indirectly <strong>by</strong> involving linker molecules. Some alternatively exist in cell-surface<br />

associated forms. IsaB has an intermediate position as membrane bound and secreted protein,<br />

which was recently discovered to bind extracellular dsDNA and which is implicated in virulence,<br />

but whose exact function is still not identified (Mackey-Lawrence et al. 2009). In staphylococci<br />

internalized <strong>by</strong> S9 cells, expression <strong>of</strong> isaB, eap, coa, vwb, emp, and efb was induced in at least<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the two analyzed time points <strong>of</strong> internalization. In this group, the repression <strong>of</strong> coa and<br />

vwb occurred in the 2.5 h serum/CO 2 and 2.5 h anaerobic control samples, and vwb and efb were<br />

significantly less expressed in the exponential growth samples with which inoculation <strong>of</strong> S9 cell<br />

culture plates took place. Contrarily, the gene eap was two-fold induced in the 2.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

controls, and isaB showed induction in anaerobiosis (Fig. R.5.14 A, B, C).<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

A<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

fnbA fnbB clfA clfB isaB eap coa vwb emp efb<br />

exponential growth phase -1.8 -2.8 1.6 -1.7 1.3 -2.0 -2.2 -5.8 -1.6 -2.8<br />

2.5 h internalized 6.2 7.0 5.3 2.1 2.1 1.8 6.3 4.9 -1.4 1.9<br />

6.5 h internalized 6.4 3.1 2.8 2.1 -1.3 11.0 1.8 2.7 2.9 2.7<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control 1.1 -2.9 2.5 -1.6 1.5 2.0 -3.6 -7.7 -1.9 -1.3<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control 3.4 -2.0 9.2 -3.3 -2.1 4.7 -5.7 -4.2 -1.6 -1.3<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation 1.3 -1.2 3.3 -1.4 4.7 3.1 -2.7 -3.3 1.6 1.2<br />

B<br />

C<br />

10.0<br />

10.0<br />

fnbA<br />

eap<br />

fnbB<br />

coa<br />

clfA<br />

vwb<br />

1.0<br />

clfB<br />

isaB<br />

1.0<br />

emp<br />

efb<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

Fig. R.5.14: Adhesins (MSCRAMMs and SERAMs) gene expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in statistical group<br />

comparisons. Differentially expressed genes are marked <strong>by</strong> gray filling for the corresponding sample condition/time point.<br />

Genes which were significant in statistical testing (p* < 0.05) but did not pass the absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f 2 are indicated in bold<br />

without filling. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could not be included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B, C. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity for MSCRAMM (B) and SERAM (C) genes. After the global normalization<br />

<strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending, each individual gene has been normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h<br />

serum/CO 2 control”. Although not being continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility<br />

<strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />

Toxins, especially lytic toxins, are one <strong>of</strong> the most outstanding groups <strong>of</strong> virulence factors<br />

because they directly harm the <strong>host</strong> cells. In the group <strong>of</strong> toxins, two bicomponent toxin gene<br />

pairs were observed to be induced in internalized staphylococci: lukD/lukE and hlgB/hlgC.<br />

Furthermore, alpha-hemolysin (hla) was induced. Induction for all genes was significant at the<br />

6.5 h time point except for hlgB, which was not significant although its fold change was the<br />

second highest in this group. The pair hlgB/hlgC was additionally already induced in internalized<br />

staphylococci 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, and also in the 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control. Again, the<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control exhibited an even further increased fold change, but could not be tested<br />

statistically (Fig. R.5.15 A, B).<br />

Further virulence factors, secreted and membrane bound enzymes, were observed with<br />

divergent expression pattern in internalized staphylococci. All six members A, B, C, D, E, F <strong>of</strong> the<br />

spl operon, coding for serine proteases with similarity to the V8 protease, were found to be<br />

induced at the 6.5 h time point <strong>of</strong> internalization. Four <strong>of</strong> them, A, B, C, and E, were additionally<br />

induced 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. For this operon, a similar induction was observed in the<br />

serum/CO 2 control samples. Another exoenzyme, lipase (lip), was induced in internalized<br />

staphylococci, but the peak <strong>of</strong> induction occurred 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, i. e. earlier than<br />

for the spl operon. In serum/CO 2 control, lip gene expression did not change after 2.5 h, but a<br />

strong induction was detectable after 6.5 h although statistical testing was not possible<br />

(Fig. R.5.16 A, B). A second group <strong>of</strong> enzymes exhibited repression in internalized staphylococci:<br />

hysA (hyaluronate lyase), htrA (serine protease, a membrane bound enzyme), nuc (nuclease), and<br />

sspA (glutamyl endopeptidase, V8 peptidase).<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

A<br />

B<br />

100.0<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

lukD lukE hlgB hlgC hla<br />

exponential growth phase -1.1 -1.9 -2.9 -5.6 -5.2<br />

2.5 h internalized -1.3 -1.3 3.4 5.3 1.9<br />

6.5 h internalized 6.5 9.0 13.4 17.9 3.2<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control 1.1 1.0 3.1 3.5 1.3<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control 1.4 1.1 8.0 8.9 1.7<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation -1.5 -2.0 3.4 5.0 2.4<br />

Fig. R.5.15: Staphylococcal toxin gene expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in statistical group<br />

comparisons. Differentially expressed genes are marked <strong>by</strong> gray filling for the corresponding sample condition/time point.<br />

Genes which were significant in statistical testing (p* < 0.05) but did not pass the absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f 2 are indicated in bold<br />

without filling. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could not be included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity. After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending, each<br />

individual gene has been normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control”. Although not being<br />

continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />

10.0<br />

1.0<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

lukD<br />

lukE<br />

hlgB<br />

hlgC<br />

hla<br />

A<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

splF splE splD splC splB splA lip hysA htrA nuc sspA sspB sspC<br />

exponential growth phase -1.3 -1.7 -1.1 -3.3 -5.4 -4.7 -1.4 -1.5 -1.2 -2.6 -1.4 -1.3 1.0<br />

2.5 h internalized 1.6 3.1 3.2 4.8 3.3 3.2 34.2 -2.5 -2.3 -4.4 -2.5 -1.4 -1.1<br />

6.5 h internalized 14.9 25.9 32.0 43.1 35.5 30.4 10.7 -3.0 -2.0 1.2 -1.2 -1.1 1.3<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control 1.9 3.1 3.1 3.8 2.7 2.9 1.3 -2.6 -2.0 4.0 -1.3 -1.0 1.5<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control 9.6 15.8 17.1 22.2 15.4 10.8 27.7 -3.4 -3.1 -1.0 -1.0 1.4 1.7<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation -1.0 1.5 1.5 2.2 1.5 1.7 1.9 -1.7 -1.5 1.0 1.1 -1.0 1.3<br />

B<br />

100.0<br />

C<br />

10.0<br />

splF<br />

hysA<br />

10.0<br />

1.0<br />

splE<br />

splD<br />

splC<br />

splB<br />

splA<br />

1.0<br />

htrA<br />

nuc<br />

sspA<br />

sspB<br />

sspC<br />

lip<br />

0.1<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

Fig. R.5.16: Extracellular and membrane bound enzyme gene expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in statistical group<br />

comparisons. Differentially expressed genes are marked <strong>by</strong> gray filling for the corresponding sample condition/time point.<br />

Genes which were significant in statistical testing (p* < 0.05) but did not pass the absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f 2 are indicated in bold<br />

without filling. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could not be included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B, C. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity for induced extracellular enzyme (B) and repressed extracellular and<br />

membrane bound enzyme (C) genes. After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending, each individual gene has<br />

been normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control”. Although not being continuous data, values<br />

were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Additionally, repression was observed for hysA, htrA, and nuc in 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control.<br />

While hysA and htrA were repressed in both analyzed time points <strong>of</strong> internalization, the<br />

repression <strong>of</strong> sspA was only detected 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. The other two genes <strong>of</strong> the ssp<br />

operon were not detected as differentially expressed (Fig. R.5.16 A, C).<br />

Staphylococci secrete proteins which help the bacterium to evade the <strong>host</strong>’s immune<br />

response. In the experimental setting <strong>of</strong> the in vitro S9 infection and internalization model, some<br />

<strong>of</strong> them were induced in S. aureus RN1HG after internalization in S9 cells, especially at the 6.5 h<br />

time point: chp (chemotaxis inhibitory protein CHIPS), eap (extracellular adherence protein, also<br />

called MHC class II analog protein Map), and efb (extracellular fibrinogen-binding protein).<br />

Staphylokinase (sak) was repressed in internalized staphylococci at the 2.5 h time point<br />

(Fig. R.5.17 A, B). Staphylococci own two genes coding for superoxide dismutases, sodA and<br />

sodM. These two gene exhibited divergent regulation during internalization: sodA was induced<br />

and sodM was repressed in at least one <strong>of</strong> the two analyzed time points (Fig. R.5.17 A, C).<br />

A<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

chp eap efb sak sodA sodM<br />

exponential growth phase -7.9 -2.0 -2.8 -2.8 2.4 -1.2<br />

2.5 h internalized 1.7 1.8 1.9 -3.8 2.4 -1.7<br />

6.5 h internalized 4.4 11.0 2.7 -1.9 3.2 -3.0<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.2 2.0 -1.3 2.2 1.9 -1.1<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control -3.1 4.7 -1.3 -2.7 2.7 -2.5<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation -4.6 3.1 1.2 1.1 1.3 -1.6<br />

B<br />

100.0<br />

C<br />

10.0<br />

10.0<br />

1.0<br />

chp<br />

eap<br />

efb<br />

sak<br />

1.0<br />

sodA<br />

sodM<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

Fig. R.5.17: Immune evasion gene expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in statistical group<br />

comparisons. Differentially expressed genes are marked <strong>by</strong> gray filling for the corresponding sample condition/time point.<br />

Genes which were significant in statistical testing (p* < 0.05) but did not pass the absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f 2 are indicated in bold<br />

without filling. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could not be included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B, C. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity for different immune evasion (B) and superoxide dismutase (C) genes.<br />

After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending, each individual gene has been normalized to the expression level<br />

<strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control”. Although not being continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong><br />

bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />

Changes in the cell wall allow staphylococci defense against and evasion <strong>of</strong> the immune<br />

response. The dlt operon for example is responsible for the incorporation <strong>of</strong> D-alanine into the<br />

teichoic acids, which leads to a reduction <strong>of</strong> negative charge <strong>of</strong> the cell wall. Thus, these bacterial<br />

cells are less vulnerable <strong>by</strong> antimicrobial cationic peptides due to a reduced attraction.<br />

Surprinsingly, this operon was temporarily repressed at the 2.5 h time point <strong>of</strong> internalization. At<br />

the same time and also 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, the genes <strong>of</strong> cell wall modulating enzymes<br />

lytM (peptidoglycan hydrolase, endopeptidase) and ssaA (secretory antigen precursor, amidase)<br />

were induced in internalized staphylococci (Fig. R.5.18 A, B).<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

A<br />

B<br />

10.0 10,0<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

dltA dltB dltC dltD lytM ssaA<br />

exponential growth phase 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.2 2.6 1.2<br />

2.5 h internalized -2.5 -2.2 -1.6 -2.2 2.4 3.0<br />

6.5 h internalized -1.5 -1.3 -1.2 -1.3 2.1 2.9<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control 1.0 -1.0 1.1 -1.1 1.4 1.3<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control -2.5 -2.4 -2.5 -2.4 1.5 -1.9<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation -2.0 -2.2 -1.9 -2.7 -3.3 -2.5<br />

1.0 1,0<br />

dltA<br />

dltB<br />

dltC<br />

dltD<br />

lytM<br />

ssaA<br />

Fig. R.5.18: Cell wall associated gene expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in statistical group<br />

comparisons. Differentially expressed genes are marked <strong>by</strong> gray filling for the corresponding sample condition/time point.<br />

Genes which were significant in statistical testing (p* < 0.05) but did not pass the absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f 2 are indicated in bold<br />

without filling. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could not be included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity. After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending, each<br />

individual gene has been normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control”. Although not being<br />

continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />

0.1 0,1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

Bi<strong>of</strong>ilm formation is another option for S. aureus to protect the bacterial cells from the<br />

immune system and antimicrobials. Here, bacterial cells are surrounded <strong>by</strong> a polysaccharide<br />

matrix, composed <strong>of</strong> poly-N-acetylglucosamine (PNAG). The ica operon encodes the proteins<br />

necessary for PNAG biosynthesis. Of this operon, the icaB gene was repressed in internalized and<br />

control samples <strong>of</strong> the infection experiment. The icaC and icaD genes behaved similarly, but were<br />

significantly repressed only at the 2.5 h time point <strong>of</strong> internalization. The fourth gene <strong>of</strong> the<br />

operon, icaA, and the separately encoded repressor gene, icaR, were not differentially expressed<br />

(Fig. R.5.19 A, B). Furthermore, it was obvious that the expression intensity <strong>of</strong> icaADBC was low.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

10,0 10.0<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

icaR icaA icaD icaB icaC<br />

exponential growth phase -1.0 2.0 1.6 1.7 1.6<br />

2.5 h internalized -1.2 1.4 -2.2 -3.7 -2.8<br />

6.5 h internalized -1.0 1.0 -1.3 -2.2 -1.5<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.4 1.3 1.1 -2.2 1.1<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.2 1.2 1.5 -1.9 -1.4<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation -1.3 1.1 -1.6 -2.4 -1.4<br />

Fig. R.5.19: Bi<strong>of</strong>ilm associated gene expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in statistical group<br />

comparisons. Differentially expressed genes are marked <strong>by</strong> gray filling for the corresponding sample condition/time point.<br />

Genes which were significant in statistical testing (p* < 0.05) but did not pass the absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f 2 are indicated in bold<br />

without filling. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could not be included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity. After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending, each<br />

individual gene has been normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control”. Although not being<br />

continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />

1,0 1.0<br />

0,1 0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

icaR<br />

icaA<br />

icaD<br />

icaB<br />

icaC<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Besides the beforementioned two-component system SaeRS, whose gene expression was<br />

increased, further regulators were differentially expressed in the internalization experiment. The<br />

transcription factors SarT, SarU, and Rot belong to the virulence associated Sar family. SarT and<br />

sarU were repressed in internalized staphylococci at the 6.5 h time point, whereas rot was<br />

repressed at the 2.5 h time point (Fig. R.5.20 A, B). Expression intensity <strong>of</strong> sarU gene was very<br />

low.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

10.00<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

saeR saeS sarT sarU rot<br />

exponential growth phase -1.8 -1.8 2.1 -1.0 -1.6<br />

2.5 h internalized -1.2 -1.2 -1.6 -1.7 -2.4<br />

6.5 h internalized 2.1 1.7 -4.6 -2.2 -1.7<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control 1.7 1.5 -4.5 2.6 1.6<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control 2.5 1.9 -13.3 1.2 -1.2<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation 1.9 1.5 -1.0 1.1 1.1<br />

Fig. R.5.20: Expression <strong>of</strong> regulator genes.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in statistical group<br />

comparisons. Differentially expressed genes are marked <strong>by</strong> gray filling for the corresponding sample condition/time point.<br />

Genes which were significant in statistical testing (p* < 0.05) but did not pass the absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f 2 are indicated in bold<br />

without filling. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could not be included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity. After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending, each<br />

individual gene has been normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control”. Although not being<br />

continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />

1.00<br />

0.10<br />

0.01<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

saeR<br />

saeS<br />

sarT<br />

sarU<br />

rot<br />

A<br />

B<br />

10.0<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

prsA vraR vraS<br />

exponential growth phase 1.1 -1.1 -1.1<br />

2.5 h internalized 2.0 1.8 1.6<br />

6.5 h internalized 1.6 1.4 1.3<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.2 -1.2 -1.1<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.9 -1.1 -1.0<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation 1.9 1.4 1.6<br />

1.0<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

prsA<br />

vraR<br />

vraS<br />

Fig. R.5.21: Gene expression <strong>of</strong> prsA and its regulatory two-component system’s genes vraR and vraS.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in statistical group<br />

comparisons. Differentially expressed genes are marked <strong>by</strong> gray filling for the corresponding sample condition/time point.<br />

Genes which were significant in statistical testing (p* < 0.05) but did not pass the absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f 2 are indicated in bold<br />

without filling. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could not be included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity. After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending, each<br />

individual gene has been normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control”. Although not being<br />

continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Proteome analysis <strong>of</strong> internalized staphylococci, which was performed <strong>by</strong> Sandra Scharf,<br />

revealed the increased abundance <strong>of</strong> PrsA. In parallel, the response regulator VraR <strong>of</strong> the twocomponent<br />

system VraRS was up-regulated. Also transcriptome analysis revealed induction <strong>of</strong><br />

prsA in internalized staphylococci at the time point 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. The regulatory<br />

genes vraR and vraS were not differentially expressed. Nevertheless, with a fold change <strong>of</strong> 1.8<br />

and 1.6 for vraR and vraS, respectively, a tendency for an induction <strong>of</strong> gene expression was<br />

visible, which fitted well to the proteome data (Fig. R.5.21 A, B).<br />

The VraRS regulon contains 46 genes including vraR and vraS (Kuroda et al. 2003). Of the<br />

published 46 S. aureus N315 LocusTags, 45 could be mapped to S. aureus NCTC8325 LocusTags<br />

(NCBI’s EntrezGenome Gene Plot; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sutils/geneplot.cgi). When asking<br />

for the fraction <strong>of</strong> the VraRS regulon which was regulated in internalized S. aureus RN1HG in S9<br />

cells, 22 % (2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection) and 11 % (6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection) were differentially<br />

expressed upon internalization. In detail, 7 genes were induced 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, <strong>of</strong><br />

which 4 were still induced at the later time point <strong>of</strong> 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. Repressed gene<br />

expression was also observed: Repression was detected for 3 genes at the early 2.5 h time point,<br />

and one <strong>of</strong> these genes still was repressed at the later 6.5 h time point (Fig. R.5.22 A, B).<br />

A<br />

VraRS regulon according to<br />

Kuroda et al. 2003<br />

B<br />

VraRS regulon according to<br />

Kuroda et al. 2003<br />

35<br />

40<br />

7 3<br />

0<br />

395 360<br />

0<br />

4 1<br />

0<br />

315 307<br />

0<br />

induced sequences in<br />

“2.5 h internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

repressed sequences in<br />

“2.5 h internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

induced sequences in<br />

“6.5 h internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

repressed sequences in<br />

“6.5 h internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

Fig. R.5.22: Differential expression <strong>of</strong> genes belonging to the VraRS regulon in internalized S. aureus RN1HG in S9 cells.<br />

Genes known to be regulated <strong>by</strong> VraRS (according to Kuroda et al. 2003) were compared to S. aureus RN1HG S9 internalization gene<br />

expression signatures separately for induced and repressed genes.<br />

A. 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection.<br />

B. 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection.<br />

Differentially regulated metabolic genes<br />

First, BIOCYC “omics-Viewer” pathway mapping (BIOCYC, SRI International, CA, USA,<br />

http://biocyc.org/expression.html) was applied for a comprehensive overview on changes in<br />

gene expression <strong>of</strong> metabolic enzymes in internalized and control staphylococci. This tool allows<br />

the display <strong>of</strong> gene expression data on highly abstracted metabolic pathway schemes and<br />

therefore an intuitive comprehension <strong>of</strong> processes in the selected experimental setup.<br />

In comparison to the baseline <strong>of</strong> 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control samples, differentially expressed<br />

sequences in a) 2.5 h internalization, b) 6.5 h internalization, c) 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control, and<br />

d) 2.5 h anaerobic incubation were included in the analysis.<br />

Several changes in the expression <strong>of</strong> metabolic genes became visible, but certain functionally<br />

associated groups <strong>of</strong> genes accumulated changes in expression (Fig. R.5.23).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

A<br />

phosphonate/<br />

phosphate<br />

transporters<br />

uracil<br />

permease<br />

oligopeptide<br />

transporters<br />

spermidine/<br />

putrescine<br />

transporter<br />

purine and<br />

pyrimidine<br />

nucleotide<br />

biosynthesis<br />

sodium/sulfate, fructose, glycine<br />

betaine, choline, L-lactate, xanthine,<br />

urea transporter/symporter/permease<br />

acetoin<br />

biosynthesis<br />

different<br />

fermentation<br />

pathways<br />

degradation <strong>of</strong> glycerol, mannitol,<br />

galactose, fructose, nucleosides,<br />

citrulline/ornithine, arg, his, ala<br />

and others<br />

maltose transporter<br />

protease<br />

proline betaine transporter<br />

amino acid transporter<br />

phospho-transferase system<br />

(PTS); glucose-and mannitolspecific<br />

components<br />

glycolysis<br />

fatty acid<br />

biosynthesis<br />

arginine/<br />

ornithine<br />

antiporter<br />

amino acid<br />

biosynthesis<br />

sodium-dependent tr.,<br />

phosphate transporter<br />

sodium/glutamate symporter,<br />

proline uptake protein,<br />

citrate transporter<br />

tRNA charging<br />

pathways<br />

anaerobic<br />

respiration<br />

aerobic<br />

respiration<br />

gluconate<br />

permease<br />

protein modification: oxoacylreductase,<br />

ketoacyl-reductase,<br />

oxoacyl-synthase reactions at<br />

different C positions<br />

B<br />

choline, L-lactate transporter<br />

different<br />

fermentation<br />

pathways<br />

acetoin<br />

biosynthesis<br />

degradation <strong>of</strong> glycerol, mannitol,<br />

galactose, fructose, nucleosides,<br />

citrulline/ornithine, arg, his, ala<br />

and others<br />

protease<br />

phosponate/<br />

phosphate and<br />

oligopeptide<br />

transporters<br />

spermidine/<br />

putrescine<br />

transporter<br />

proline betaine transporter<br />

amino acid transporter<br />

phospho-transferase system<br />

(PTS); glucose-and mannitolspecific<br />

components<br />

purine and<br />

pyrimidine<br />

nucleotide<br />

biosynthesis<br />

glycolysis<br />

fatty acid<br />

biosynthesis<br />

arginine/<br />

ornithine<br />

antiporter<br />

amino acid<br />

biosynthesis<br />

phosphate<br />

transporter<br />

tRNA charging<br />

sodium/glutamate symporter pathways<br />

proline uptake protein<br />

anaerobic<br />

respiration<br />

aerobic<br />

respiration<br />

gluconate<br />

permease<br />

protein modification: oxoacylreductase,<br />

ketoacyl-reductase,<br />

oxoacyl-synthase reactions at<br />

different C positions<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

C<br />

peptidoglycan<br />

biosynthesis<br />

fructose, glycine betaine<br />

permease/transporter<br />

different<br />

fermentation<br />

pathways<br />

acetoin<br />

biosynthesis<br />

degradation <strong>of</strong> glycerol, mannitol,<br />

galactose, fructose, nucleosides,<br />

citrulline/ornithine, arg, his, ala<br />

and others<br />

ammonium transporter<br />

gluconeogenesis<br />

uracil<br />

permease<br />

oligopeptide<br />

transporters<br />

spermidine/<br />

putrescine<br />

transporter<br />

protease<br />

proline betaine transporter<br />

branched and standard<br />

amino acid transporter<br />

phospho-transferase system<br />

(PTS); glucose-and mannitolspecific<br />

components<br />

purine and<br />

pyrimidine<br />

nucleotide<br />

biosynthesis<br />

glycolysis<br />

fatty acid<br />

biosynthesis<br />

amino acid<br />

biosynthesis<br />

sodium<br />

glutamate<br />

symporter<br />

proline uptake protein<br />

tRNA charging<br />

pathways<br />

anaerobic<br />

respiration<br />

aerobic<br />

respiration<br />

protein modification: oxoacylreductase,<br />

ketoacyl-reductase,<br />

oxoacyl-synthase reactions at<br />

different C positions<br />

D<br />

fructose, glycine betaine, choline,<br />

transporter/permease<br />

Na + /H + antiporter<br />

Mo 2+ transporter<br />

different<br />

fermentation<br />

pathways<br />

acetoin<br />

biosynthesis<br />

degradation <strong>of</strong> glycerol, mannitol,<br />

galactose, fructose, nucleosides,<br />

citrulline/ornithine, arg, his, ala<br />

and others<br />

S-, L-lactate permease<br />

proline betaine transporter<br />

monovalent<br />

cation/proton<br />

antiporter<br />

oligopeptide<br />

transporter<br />

ferrichrome<br />

transport<br />

permease;<br />

monovalent<br />

cation/proton<br />

antiporter;<br />

spermidine/<br />

putrescine<br />

transporter<br />

fatty acid<br />

biosynthesis<br />

arginine/<br />

ornithine<br />

antiporter<br />

amino acid<br />

biosynthesis<br />

nickel permease,<br />

Na + /H + antiporter<br />

sodium/glutamate symporter<br />

proline uptake protein<br />

tRNA charging<br />

pathways<br />

Na + /H + antiporter<br />

ferrichrome ABC<br />

transporter<br />

branched amino acid<br />

transporter<br />

standard amino acid<br />

transporter<br />

phospho-transferase system<br />

(PTS); glucose-and mannitolspecific<br />

components<br />

protein modification: oxoacylreductase,<br />

ketoacyl-reductase,<br />

oxoacyl-synthase reactions at<br />

different C positions<br />

Fig. R.5.23: The influence <strong>of</strong> internalization and control treatment on gene expression in staphylococcal NCTC8325 metabolic<br />

pathways (modified from omics-viewer(s) <strong>of</strong> BIOCYC, SRI International, CA, USA, http://biocyc.org/expression.html).<br />

Nodes represent metabolites, and lines indicate reactions. The metabolic reactions are colored according to the enzymes’ gene<br />

expression regulation in the samples <strong>of</strong> 2.5 h internalization (A), 6.5 h internalization (B), 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control (C), and 2.5 h<br />

anaerobic incubation; each sample was compared versus the baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 control. Red marks an increase and yellow a<br />

decrease <strong>of</strong> expression in the sample. The display is limited to genes which were significant with p* < 0.05 in statistical testing and<br />

whose mean absolute fold change exceeded 2.<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

At the early internalization time point, several genes <strong>of</strong> purine and pyrimidine nucleotide<br />

biosynthesis pathways were repressed. Amino acid biosynthesis genes exhibited increase <strong>of</strong><br />

expression in both analyzed internalization time points. Furthermore, genes coding for<br />

respiration chain components were induced in expression in internalized staphylococci. In<br />

internalized staphylococci, several tRNA synthetase genes and some glycolytic enzyme genes<br />

were observed to be repressed. Finally, transporters and permeases for sugar molecules,<br />

phosphate, oligopeptides, and other substances were differentially expressed (Fig. R.5.23 A, B).<br />

Serum/CO 2 control samples featured in some aspects similar changes in metabolic enzyme’s gene<br />

expression pattern, e. g. amino acid biosynthesis, glycolysis, tRNA synthetases. On the other<br />

hand, aerobic respiration, sugar uptake phosphotransferase system, and some enzymes <strong>of</strong><br />

peptidoglycan biosynthesis were repressed in this group. Anaerobic incubation instead did not<br />

provoke changes in expression <strong>of</strong> glycolytic enzymes or respiration chain components<br />

(Fig. R.5.23 C, D).<br />

Subsequently to the first approach <strong>of</strong> BIOCYC pathway mapping, selected genes were analyzed<br />

in more detail. Here, the example <strong>of</strong> purine biosynthesis was chosen. Although not all genes were<br />

significantly differentially expressed, the gene expression changes were highly similar in the<br />

complete pur operon and guaAB, which are separately encoded but are also involved in purine<br />

biosynthesis. Five genes (purA, purC, purE, purK, purS) were differentially expressed in both<br />

analyzed internalization time points, six genes (purD, purF, purL, purQ, guaA, guaB) were<br />

differentially expressed 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. Three genes, purH, purM, and purN,<br />

exhibited fold change values between −2.6 and −2.8, but were not significant in statistical testing.<br />

Finally, purB was significant in the statistical test in both analyzed time points <strong>of</strong> internalization,<br />

but did not pass the minimal absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 2. In the 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control,<br />

differential expression occurred only for purA and in trend for purB, whereas almost all genes<br />

exhibited fold change values around −3 to −4 in the 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control. Exceptions were<br />

guaA and guaB, whose fold change values were still around 1, and the repressor gene purR,<br />

which did not exhibit expression changes in any <strong>of</strong> the analyzed experimental conditions<br />

(Fig. R.5.24, Fig. R.5.25).<br />

A<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

purA purB purC purD purE purF purH purK purL purM purN purQ purR purS guaA guaB<br />

exponential growth phase -1.1 -1.0 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 -1.2 1.0 -1.0 -1.1<br />

2.5 h internalized -4.8 -1.6 -4.5 -2.6 -6.2 -3.0 -2.6 -5.4 -3.4 -2.8 -2.6 -4.0 1.1 -4.9 -2.0 -2.3<br />

6.5 h internalized -4.8 -1.6 -2.2 -1.1 -3.4 -1.2 -1.2 -2.9 -1.5 -1.2 -1.1 -1.9 1.3 -2.3 -1.3 -1.4<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control -6.4 -1.6 1.0 1.1 1.0 -1.1 -1.0 1.1 -1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 -1.1 1.4 1.3<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control -28.2 -2.7 -3.2 -3.4 -3.8 -4.1 -4.3 -3.1 -4.0 -3.9 -3.6 -4.0 1.1 -3.9 1.1 -1.0<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation -2.1 -1.7 1.4 1.1 1.7 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.5 -1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0<br />

Fig. R.5.24: Purine biosynthesis gene expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline<br />

sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in statistical<br />

group comparisons. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could<br />

not be included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group size<br />

(n = 2).<br />

B. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity.<br />

After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and<br />

detrending, each individual gene has been normalized to the<br />

expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

(1 h co.). Although not being continuous data, values were<br />

depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong><br />

inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2<br />

control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h<br />

internalization; 2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. −<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic<br />

incubation)<br />

B<br />

1.00<br />

0.10<br />

0.01<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

purA<br />

purB<br />

purC<br />

purD<br />

purE<br />

purF<br />

purH<br />

purK<br />

purL<br />

purM<br />

purN<br />

purQ<br />

purR<br />

purS<br />

guaA<br />

guaB<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

01014<br />

purF<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

01018<br />

purD<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

01016<br />

purN<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

01013<br />

purL<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

01012<br />

purQ<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

01011<br />

purS<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

01015<br />

purM<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

01009<br />

purK<br />

01008<br />

purE<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

01010<br />

purC<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

02126<br />

purB<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

00467<br />

purR<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

01017<br />

purH<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

00019<br />

purA<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

02126<br />

purB<br />

AMP<br />

PRPP<br />

I-5‘-<br />

GMP<br />

PRPP : 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate<br />

I-5‘- : inosine-5‘-phosphate<br />

AMP : adenosine-5‘-monophosphate<br />

GMP : guanosine-5‘-monophosphate<br />

00374<br />

guaB<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

00375<br />

guaA<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

-8<br />

Fig. R.5.25: Purine biosynthesis pathway and gene expression.<br />

Pathway reactions and gene LocusTags were extracted from omics-viewer(s) <strong>of</strong> BIOCYC (BIOCYC, SRI International, CA, USA,<br />

http://biocyc.org/expression.html). Arrows represent reactions and dots substrates/products when these are not specially named.<br />

Numbers next to enzyme reactions will result in the LocusTag <strong>of</strong> the gene when combined with “SAOUHSC_*” instead <strong>of</strong> the wildcard<br />

character. Bar charts indicate fold change values <strong>of</strong> internalized samples in reference to the baseline sample <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 control.<br />

Values for the 2.5 h internalized samples are depicted in light gray (first column) and those <strong>of</strong> the 6.5 h internalized samples in dark<br />

gray (second column).<br />

A third analysis <strong>of</strong> metabolic gene expression involved the KEGG pathway maps (KEGG: Kyoto<br />

Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Genes and Genomes). Already BIOCYC pathway mapping had revealed changes in<br />

amino acid biosynthesis and glycolysis. Corresponding pathways and additionally pathways <strong>of</strong><br />

TCA and urea cycle were selected in KEGG specific for S. aureus NCTC8325. The strain’s genes,<br />

which were mapped <strong>by</strong> KEGG to the pathways, were extracted and checked for differential<br />

expression in at least one time point after internalization in S9 cells. The biosynthesis pathways<br />

for asparagine, histidine, glutamine, serine, tryptophan, leucine, valine, isoleucine, lysine, and<br />

threonine were induced to a large extent (Fig. R.5.26). A fraction <strong>of</strong> associated genes were not<br />

included in the lists <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes. A further analysis <strong>of</strong> these genes identified<br />

some <strong>of</strong> them to be either significant in statistical testing without passing the minimal absolute<br />

fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f or to pass that cut<strong>of</strong>f without reaching statistical significance. These<br />

expression changes were rated as trend, which in many cases further confirmed the findings <strong>of</strong><br />

expression changes in the metabolic pathways. In addition to induced expression <strong>of</strong> amino acid<br />

biosynthesis genes, induction <strong>of</strong> four TCA cycle enzyme genes was observed, which was even<br />

more substantiated <strong>by</strong> a trend <strong>of</strong> increase for further four genes. Contrarily, especially genes<br />

encoding enzymes <strong>of</strong> irreversible glycolysis reactions were repressed. Finally, genes coding for<br />

enzymes <strong>of</strong> anabolic reactions during gluconeogenesis were induced in internalized<br />

staphylococci. Using energy, their gene products reverse the reactions whose equilibrium is<br />

normally set to the side <strong>of</strong> glucose degradation products.<br />

Repressed tRNA synthetase gene expression has already been mentioned before. The<br />

synthetase genes for tyrosine, leucine, threonine, phenylalanine, serine, aspartate, and histidine<br />

(tyrS, leuS, thrS, pheS, pheT, serS, aspS, hisS) were repressed in at least one time point <strong>of</strong><br />

internalization, many <strong>of</strong> them even in both (Fig. R.5.27 A). Further genes (ileS, alaS, metS, asnS,<br />

gltX, trpS) exhibited a trend <strong>of</strong> repression in at least one time point <strong>of</strong> internalization with<br />

p* < 0.05, but an absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> less than 2 (Fig. R.5.27 B). Three genes (valS, glyS, cysS)<br />

behaved contrarily and possessed a trend <strong>of</strong> induction in one time point <strong>of</strong> internalization<br />

(Fig. R.5.27 C). Finally, the remaining three tRNA synthetase genes (argS, proS, lysS) showed no<br />

change in expression (Fig. R.5.27 D).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

purine<br />

metabolism<br />

glycerol<br />

01276<br />

glpK<br />

lactate<br />

00206 ldh1<br />

02922 ldh2<br />

pyruvate<br />

01818 ald1 01452 ald2<br />

alanine<br />

asparagine<br />

01497<br />

ahsA<br />

aspartate<br />

00899<br />

argG<br />

imidazolacetolphosphate<br />

00733<br />

hisC<br />

02607<br />

hutU<br />

AICAR<br />

03008 hisF<br />

03010 hisG<br />

03009<br />

hisA<br />

alanine aspartate<br />

02916<br />

panD<br />

glycolysis /<br />

gluconeogenesis<br />

glucose<br />

01430 crr (PTSIIA)<br />

00209 (PTSIIBC)<br />

00900 pgi<br />

fru-6-P<br />

02822 fbp<br />

01807 pfkA<br />

fru-1,6-BP<br />

02366 fba<br />

DHAP<br />

00797<br />

tpiA<br />

GA-3-P<br />

01794 gap2<br />

00795 gap1<br />

00796 pgk<br />

01833<br />

serA<br />

00798 pgm<br />

01910 pckA<br />

PEP<br />

pyruvate<br />

01806<br />

pykA<br />

02289<br />

ilvA<br />

01064 pycA<br />

00898<br />

argH<br />

malate<br />

fumarate<br />

01983 fumC<br />

oxalo<br />

acetate<br />

01103 sdhC<br />

01104 sdhA<br />

01105 sdhB<br />

succinate<br />

01216<br />

sucC<br />

01218<br />

sucD<br />

01802<br />

citZ<br />

citrate<br />

succinyl-<br />

CoA<br />

TCA<br />

cycle<br />

03013<br />

hisD<br />

histidine<br />

02607<br />

hutU<br />

03014<br />

hisG<br />

phosphoribosylpyrophosphate<br />

pentose<br />

phosphate<br />

pathway<br />

01394<br />

lysC<br />

01395<br />

asd<br />

01396<br />

dapA<br />

01397<br />

dapB<br />

01398<br />

dapD<br />

01319<br />

thrA<br />

01322 thrB<br />

homoserine<br />

01320 dhoM<br />

00013<br />

acetylhomoserine<br />

01321 thrC<br />

cystathionine<br />

02286<br />

leuB<br />

threonine<br />

02289 ilvA<br />

2-oxobutanoate<br />

cysteine<br />

02287 leuC<br />

02288 leuD<br />

pyruvate<br />

02282<br />

ilvB<br />

acetyl-CoA<br />

indole<br />

acetaldehyde<br />

indole<br />

acetate<br />

00153<br />

ipdC<br />

indole<br />

pyruvate<br />

indole<br />

serine<br />

01371<br />

trpB<br />

tryptophan<br />

01371<br />

trpB<br />

01846<br />

acsA<br />

00132 aldA<br />

02363<br />

(02142 aldA2)<br />

01347<br />

citB<br />

01416<br />

sucB<br />

01418<br />

sucA<br />

01801 citC<br />

00895 gudB<br />

NH 3<br />

02606<br />

hutI<br />

02610<br />

hutG<br />

glutamate<br />

02869<br />

rocA<br />

00148<br />

arcJ<br />

2-oxoglutarate<br />

pyrroline-5-<br />

carboxylate<br />

02244<br />

01401<br />

lysA<br />

lysine<br />

homocysteine<br />

methionine<br />

isoleucine<br />

02284<br />

ilvC<br />

02281<br />

ilvD<br />

valine<br />

02285 leuA<br />

02287 leuC<br />

02288 leuD<br />

02919 panB<br />

02739<br />

panE<br />

pantoate<br />

00286<br />

leuB<br />

spontaneous<br />

01369<br />

trpC<br />

01370<br />

trpF<br />

chorismate<br />

prephenate<br />

01364<br />

tyrA<br />

00113 adhE<br />

00608 adhA<br />

00733 hisC<br />

phenylalanine tyrosine<br />

argininosuccinate<br />

car<strong>by</strong>moylphosphate<br />

citruline<br />

02968<br />

arcB<br />

02969<br />

arcA<br />

00898<br />

argH<br />

00149<br />

argC<br />

00150<br />

urea<br />

cycle<br />

00894<br />

proline<br />

02409 arg, rocF<br />

urea<br />

glutamate<br />

semialdehyde<br />

leucine<br />

acetyl-CoA acetate acetaldehyde ethanol<br />

ornithine arginine<br />

Fig. R.5.26: Pathway map <strong>of</strong> amino acid biosyntheses, glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, TCA cycle and urea cycle.<br />

Pathway reactions were extracted from KEGG (KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Genes and Genomes, http://www.genome.jp/kegg/) and<br />

arranged according to genes differentially expressed in S9 cell internalized staphylococci in reference to the baseline sample <strong>of</strong> 1 h<br />

serum/CO 2 control. Arrows represent reactions and dots substrates/products when these are not specially named. Numbers next to<br />

enzyme reactions will result in the LocusTag <strong>of</strong> the gene when combined with “SAOUHSC_*” instead <strong>of</strong> the wildcard character.<br />

Colored arrows in combination with colored gene names indicate differential expression, whereas a colored gene name alone (with a<br />

black arrow) indicates a trend <strong>of</strong> regulation when only one criterium, p* < 0.05 or minimal absolute fold change > 2, is fulfilled.<br />

Induction <strong>of</strong> gene expression is marked in red and repression in green color.<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

A<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

tyrS leuS thrS pheS pheT serS aspS hisS ileS alaS metS asnS gltX trpS valS glyS cysS argS proS lysS<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

exponential growth phase -1.1 -1.0 -1.4 -1.2 -1.3 -1.2 -1.3 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 1.2 -1.2 3.3 -1.0 -1.1 -1.1 -1.0<br />

2.5 h internalized -2.7 -2.0 -2.1 -2.5 -2.7 -2.2 -1.6 -1.8 -1.5 -1.3 -1.6 -2.0 -1.5 -1.4 -1.1 -1.1 1.5 -1.3 -1.0 -1.2<br />

6.5 h internalized -3.3 -2.3 -2.4 -3.4 -3.5 -2.4 -2.1 -2.3 -1.8 -1.5 -1.4 -1.8 -1.2 -1.3 1.6 1.9 -1.1 -1.2 1.1 -1.0<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control -5.1 -3.0 -2.8 -3.8 -3.9 -2.9 -4.6 -4.5 -3.3 -1.8 -1.2 -1.7 -1.2 1.1 -2.4 2.3 1.2 1.2 -1.6 -1.5<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control -11.2 -5.0 -3.6 -6.2 -4.8 -3.2 -7.5 -8.8 -4.4 -1.8 -1.5 -2.1 -1.3 -1.0 -2.3 1.6 2.0 1.1 -2.0 -1.6<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation -3.9 -2.0 -1.5 -2.1 -2.3 -1.9 -3.8 -3.5 -2.9 -1.8 -1.2 -1.5 -1.4 1.0 -2.0 2.1 1.1 1.1 -1.9 -1.9<br />

B<br />

C<br />

10.0<br />

10.0<br />

tyrS<br />

ileS<br />

leuS<br />

alaS<br />

thrS<br />

metS<br />

1.0<br />

pheS<br />

pheT<br />

serS<br />

1.0<br />

asnS<br />

gltX<br />

trpS<br />

aspS<br />

hisS<br />

0.1<br />

0.1<br />

D<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

E<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

10.0<br />

10.0<br />

1.0<br />

valS<br />

glyS<br />

cysS<br />

1.0<br />

argS<br />

proS<br />

lysS<br />

0.1<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

Fig. R.5.27: tRNA synthetase gene expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in statistical group<br />

comparisons. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could not be included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B-E. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity. After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending,<br />

each individual gene has been normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” (1 h co.). Although<br />

not being continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

Twenty tRNA synthetase genes were assigned to four groups: genes repressed in at least one time point <strong>of</strong> internalization (B), genes<br />

with trend <strong>of</strong> repression in at least one time point <strong>of</strong> internalization with p* < 0.05, but an absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> less than 2 (C),<br />

genes with trend <strong>of</strong> induction in one time point <strong>of</strong> internalization (D), and genes exhibiting no change in expression (E).<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />

After having observed the described changes in metabolic gene expression, the possible<br />

differential expression <strong>of</strong> transporter genes was addressed directly. Here, two groups could be<br />

distinguished. The first group consisted <strong>of</strong> transporter genes with repressed gene expression in at<br />

least one analyzed time point <strong>of</strong> internalized staphylococci. The urea transporter<br />

SAOUHSC_02557 belonged to this group. Noticeably, the adjacent urease operon<br />

SAOUHSC_02558 to SAOUHSC_02565 (ureABCEFGD) possessed a similar expression pattern,<br />

although not all genes were detected as differentially expressed (Fig. R.5.28).<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

A<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

SAOUHSC_<br />

02557 ureA ureB ureC ureE ureF ureG ureD<br />

exponential growth phase 1.6 3.0 2.2 1.9 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.2<br />

2.5 h internalized -2.6 -2.9 -3.2 -3.0 -1.9 -2.2 -1.9 -2.0<br />

6.5 h internalized -1.1 -1.7 -1.6 -1.4 -1.3 -1.6 -1.4 -1.3<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.8 -3.3 -3.1 -2.1 -1.2 -1.3 -1.3 -1.4<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.5 -2.3 -2.0 -1.1 -1.1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.2<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation -1.3 5.0 4.8 3.1 1.7 1.3 1.1 -1.1<br />

Fig. R.5.28: Urea transporter and urease operon gene<br />

expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline<br />

sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in statistical<br />

group comparisons. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

could not be included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small<br />

group size (n = 2).<br />

B. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity.<br />

After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and<br />

detrending, each individual gene has been normalized to the<br />

expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

(1 h co.). Although not being continuous data, values were<br />

depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong><br />

inspection. (exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h<br />

serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. −<br />

6.5 h internalization; 2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h<br />

co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic<br />

incubation)<br />

B<br />

10.0<br />

1.0<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

SAOUHSC_02557<br />

ureA<br />

ureB<br />

ureC<br />

ureE<br />

ureF<br />

ureG<br />

ureD<br />

A<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

potA potB potC potD gltS arcD opuD opuCd opuCc opuCb opuCa<br />

exponential growth phase -1.4 -1.4 -1.6 -1.4 -1.1 -1.5 1.0 -1.0 -1.1 -1.1 -1.0<br />

2.5 h internalized -7.1 -8.4 -9.2 -4.9 -2.2 -2.4 -2.1 -3.3 -3.3 -4.6 -4.2<br />

6.5 h internalized -3.9 -4.4 -4.9 -3.7 -3.0 -2.3 -1.7 -1.6 -2.1 -2.7 -3.0<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control -3.3 -3.5 -4.1 -3.1 -4.4 1.4 -4.7 2.1 2.0 1.9 2.1<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control -4.8 -4.3 -5.5 -2.7 -6.0 2.0 -7.0 1.2 1.0 -1.1 -1.0<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation -2.9 -3.5 -4.5 -3.7 -4.0 2.1 -3.9 3.2 3.7 3.7 4.6<br />

B<br />

C<br />

10.0<br />

10.0<br />

potA<br />

opuD1<br />

potB<br />

opuCd<br />

1.0<br />

potC<br />

potD<br />

1.0<br />

opuCc<br />

opuCb<br />

gltS<br />

opuCa<br />

arcD<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

Fig. R.5.29: Spermidine/putrescine, sodium/glutamate, arginine/ornithine, glycine betaine and amino acid transporter gene<br />

expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in statistical group<br />

comparisons. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could not be included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B, C. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity. After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending,<br />

each individual gene has been normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” (1 h co.). Although<br />

not being continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

Spermidine/putrescine ABC transporter potABCD, sodium/glutamate symporter gltS, arginine/ornithine antiporter arcD (B) and<br />

glycine betaine transporter opuD1 and amino acid ABC transporter opuCdCcCbCa (C).<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Fig. R.5.30:<br />

Choline, citrate, xanthine, fructose, and lactate<br />

transporter gene expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline<br />

sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in<br />

statistical group comparisons. Differentially expressed<br />

genes are marked <strong>by</strong> gray filling for the corresponding<br />

sample condition/time point.<br />

Genes which were significant in statistical testing<br />

(p* < 0.05) but did not pass the absolute fold change<br />

cut<strong>of</strong>f 2 are indicated in bold without filling. The sample<br />

“6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could not be included in<br />

statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B. Overview on mean normalized gene expression<br />

intensity. After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip<br />

scaling and detrending, each individual gene has been<br />

normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”. Although not being continuous<br />

data, values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar<br />

charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

Choline transporter cudT, citrate transporter<br />

SAOUHSC_02943, xanthine permease pbuX, fructose<br />

specific permease fruA, and L-lactate permease lldP2.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2<br />

control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h<br />

internalization; 2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h<br />

co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h<br />

anaerobic incubation)<br />

A<br />

B<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

10.00<br />

1.00<br />

0.10<br />

0.01<br />

exp.<br />

cudT<br />

SAOUHSC_<br />

02943 pbuX fruA lldP2<br />

exponential growth phase 1.5 -1.2 -1.1 -4.3 -8.6<br />

2.5 h internalized -2.5 -3.7 -3.5 -3.1 -14.4<br />

6.5 h internalized -2.1 -1.4 -1.6 -2.0 -13.2<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.6 1.4 1.5 -9.0 1.4<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.6 -1.3 -1.2 -6.8 -2.5<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation -2.9 -1.5 -1.1 -4.7 2.4<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

cudT<br />

SAOUHSC_02943<br />

pbuX<br />

fruA<br />

lldP2<br />

Furthermore, expression <strong>of</strong> spermidine/putrescine ABC transporter potABCD,<br />

sodium/glutamate symporter gltS, arginine/ornithine antiporter arcD, glycine betaine transporter<br />

opuD1, and amino acid ABC transporter opuCdCcCbCa genes was repressed in internalized<br />

staphylococci (Fig. R.5.29). Additional examples <strong>of</strong> repressed transporter genes were the choline<br />

transporter cudT, the citrate transporter SAOUHSC_02943, the xanthine permease pbuX, the<br />

fructose specific permease fruA, and the L-lactate permease lldP2 (Fig. R.5.30).<br />

A<br />

Fig. R.5.31: Phosphate ABC transporter gene<br />

expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the<br />

baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on<br />

significance in statistical group comparisons.<br />

Differentially expressed genes are marked <strong>by</strong> gray<br />

filling for the corresponding sample condition/time<br />

point.<br />

Genes which were significant in statistical testing<br />

(p* < 0.05) but did not pass the absolute fold change<br />

cut<strong>of</strong>f 2 are indicated in bold without filling. The<br />

sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2 control” could not be<br />

included in statistical testing because <strong>of</strong> small group<br />

size (n = 2).<br />

B. Overview on mean normalized gene expression<br />

intensity. After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip<br />

scaling and detrending, each individual gene has been<br />

normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline<br />

sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control”. Although not being<br />

continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h<br />

serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization;<br />

6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization; 2.5 h co. − 2.5 h<br />

serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control;<br />

2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />

B<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

100.0<br />

10.0<br />

1.0<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

phoU pstB pstA pstC SAOUHSC_<br />

01388<br />

pstS<br />

exponential growth phase 1.3 1.1 -1.5 -1.5 -1.9 -3.2<br />

2.5 h internalized 5.6 10.1 16.8 43.7 47.7 38.8<br />

6.5 h internalized 9.8 16.1 27.4 59.6 61.3 34.0<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.3 -1.4 -1.5 -1.1 -1.0 -2.5<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.7 -1.4 -1.7 -1.3 -1.7 -2.2<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation -1.2 -1.6 -1.9 -1.5 -1.8 1.2<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

phoU<br />

pstB<br />

pstA<br />

pstC<br />

SAOUHSC _01388<br />

pstS<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

The second group comprised transporter genes with induced gene expression in at least one<br />

analyzed time point <strong>of</strong> internalized staphylococci. This applied for example to the phosphate ABC<br />

transporter operon SAOUHSC_01384 to SAOUHSC_01389, pho/pst (Fig. R.5.31).<br />

A<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

phnE<br />

SAOUHSC_<br />

00103 phnC SAOUHSC_<br />

00105 metN1 SAOUHSC_<br />

00424<br />

SAOUHSC_<br />

00426 metN2<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

exponential growth phase -1.4 -1.5 -1.6 -1.2 3.3 2.8 2.0 1.6<br />

2.5 h internalized -1.1 1.2 2.0 4.8 6.6 5.8 3.6 1.6<br />

6.5 h internalized 2.9 3.6 5.2 7.4 16.6 12.8 7.6 2.4<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.0 1.1 1.3 1.5 48.7 39.8 22.7 3.1<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control -1.4 -1.4 -1.1 -1.4 21.6 20.1 10.5 2.4<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation -1.5 -1.1 1.1 1.7 3.9 2.8 1.8 1.4<br />

Fig. R.5.32: Phosphonate transporter and methionine<br />

binding protein gene expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline<br />

sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in<br />

statistical group comparisons. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

control” could not be included in statistical testing because<br />

<strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity.<br />

After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and<br />

detrending, each individual gene has been normalized to<br />

the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2<br />

control” (1 h co.). Although not being continuous data,<br />

values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for<br />

better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2<br />

control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h<br />

internalization; 2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h<br />

co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic<br />

incubation)<br />

B<br />

100.0<br />

10.0<br />

1.0<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

phnE<br />

SAOUHSC_00103<br />

phnC<br />

SAOUHSC_00105<br />

metN1<br />

SAOUHSC_00424<br />

SAOUHSC_00426<br />

metN2<br />

Induction was detected for phosphonate ABC transporters (operon SAOUHSC_00102 to<br />

SAOUHSC_00104, including phnE and phnC, and the adjacent SAOUHSC_00105), methionine<br />

import ATP-binding protein gene metN1 and transporter/permease SAOUHSC_00424 and<br />

SAOUHSC_00426 from the same operon, and the separately encoded methionine import ATPbinding<br />

protein gene metN2 (Fig. R.5.32).<br />

A<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

oppF<br />

SAOUHSC_<br />

00169<br />

SAOUHSC_<br />

00923<br />

oppC oppD SAOUHSC_<br />

00926<br />

oppA<br />

SAOUHSC_<br />

00928<br />

appD appF SAOUHSC_<br />

00931<br />

appC<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

exponential growth phase 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 -1.1 1.5 1.5<br />

2.5 h internalized 1.3 5.2 2.7 2.7 3.0 2.4 2.4 1.2 -1.0 -1.5 -1.2 -1.2<br />

6.5 h internalized 2.2 17.8 4.8 4.9 5.0 4.3 4.4 2.8 1.9 1.2 1.5 1.0<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control 4.9 27.6 8.3 8.2 9.0 7.5 7.6 8.2 3.1 1.7 1.6 1.3<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control 3.4 20.6 4.2 5.2 5.7 5.5 5.6 10.2 4.1 2.4 1.8 1.3<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation 1.2 1.8 5.4 5.1 6.0 4.6 4.8 3.4 1.5 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0<br />

Fig. R.5.33: Peptide and oligopeptide transporter gene<br />

expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline<br />

sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in<br />

statistical group comparisons. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

control” could not be included in statistical testing because<br />

<strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity.<br />

After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and<br />

detrending, each individual gene has been normalized to<br />

the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2<br />

control” (1 h co.). Although not being continuous data,<br />

values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for<br />

better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2<br />

control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h<br />

internalization; 2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h<br />

co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic<br />

incubation)<br />

B<br />

100.0 oppF<br />

10.0<br />

1.0<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

SAOUHSC_00169<br />

SAOUHSC_00923<br />

oppC<br />

oppD<br />

SAOUHSC_00926<br />

oppA<br />

SAOUHSC_00928<br />

appD<br />

appF<br />

SAOUHSC_00931<br />

appC<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

Additionally, a high number <strong>of</strong> peptide/oligopeptide transporters were induced: peptide<br />

transporters oppF and SAOUHSC_00169, oligopeptide transporters SAOUHSC_00926 and oppA,<br />

and genes SAOUHSC_00923, oppC (SAOUHSC_00924), and oppD (SAOUHSC_00925) from the<br />

same operon (SAOUHSC_00923 to SAOUHSC_00927). Also induced SAOUHSC_00928 gene codes<br />

for an oligopeptide ABC transporter. In the same chromosomal region, a four-gene-operon<br />

(SAOUHSC_00929 to SAOUHSC_00932) encodes oligopeptide ABC transporters appD, appF,<br />

SAOUHSC_00931, and appC, but these were not induced in internalized staphylococci<br />

(Fig. R.5.33).<br />

Further example for induced transporter gene expression was another operon including msmX<br />

(SAOUHSC_00175, multiple sugar-binding transport ATP-binding protein), SAOUHSC_00176<br />

(bacterial extracellular solute-binding protein), SAOUHSC_00177 and SAOUHSC_00178 (both<br />

maltose ABC transporter, permease proteins). Also opuD2 (osmoprotectant transporter), glnQ<br />

(amino acid ABC transporter), SAOUHSC_02729 (amino acid ABC transporter-like protein), and<br />

gntP (gluconate permease) were induced (Fig. R.5.34).<br />

A<br />

fold change in comparison to<br />

baseline 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

S. aureus<br />

RN1HG<br />

sample<br />

conditions<br />

and time<br />

points<br />

msmX SAOUHSC_<br />

00176<br />

SAOUHSC_<br />

00177<br />

SAOUHSC_<br />

00178<br />

opuD2 glnQ<br />

SAOUHSC_<br />

02729<br />

exponential growth phase -1.3 -1.3 -1.2 -1.0 2.8 1.5 1.0 -1.0<br />

2.5 h internalized 15.6 7.6 3.5 2.7 3.7 2.1 8.4 2.6<br />

6.5 h internalized 8.2 5.6 2.8 1.8 2.9 -1.0 2.9 2.1<br />

2.5 h serum/CO 2 control 1.4 -1.1 1.1 1.0 2.9 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2<br />

6.5 h serum/CO 2 control 43.7 42.4 34.8 29.5 4.2 1.1 7.2 7.0<br />

2.5 h anaerobic incubation 3.5 2.3 1.7 1.7 1.1 -1.1 1.2 -1.0<br />

gntP<br />

Fig. R.5.34: Sugar/maltose, osmoprotectant, amino acid,<br />

and gluconate transporter or permease gene expression.<br />

A. Overview on fold change values relative to the baseline<br />

sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” and on significance in<br />

statistical group comparisons. The sample “6.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

control” could not be included in statistical testing because<br />

<strong>of</strong> small group size (n = 2).<br />

B. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity.<br />

After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and<br />

detrending, each individual gene has been normalized to<br />

the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2<br />

control” (1 h co.). Although not being continuous data,<br />

values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for<br />

better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2<br />

control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h<br />

internalization; 2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h<br />

co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic<br />

incubation)<br />

B<br />

100.0<br />

10.0<br />

1.0<br />

0.1<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

msmX<br />

SAOUHSC_00176<br />

SAOUHSC_00177<br />

SAOUHSC_00178<br />

opuD2<br />

glnQ<br />

SAOUHSC_02729<br />

gntP<br />

Gene expression changes in internalized staphylococci not occurring in the same way in any <strong>of</strong><br />

the control samples<br />

Analysis <strong>of</strong> virulence associated or metabolic gene expression changes revealed a common<br />

aspect <strong>of</strong> the internalization signature: For many genes, some <strong>of</strong> the control conditions or time<br />

points exhibited a similar expression change as the internalized expression pattern. To get hints<br />

on real specifically internalization dependent gene expression changes, a set <strong>of</strong> sequences, which<br />

contained sequences with different expression in internalized staphylococci in comparison to all<br />

other control samples, was defined in two steps. First, subsets <strong>of</strong> regulated sequences in<br />

internalized staphylococci were constituted which were a) not regulated in 2.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

control and b) not regulated in 2.5 h anaerobically incubated samples (each in reference to the<br />

baseline sample <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 control with p* < 0.05 and a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong><br />

2). In these sets, sequences were still included which possessed differing expression in the 6.5 h<br />

serum/CO 2 control in comparison to the baseline samples.<br />


mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

mean normalized intensity<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

A<br />

B<br />

45 37 34<br />

98 75 43<br />

C<br />

internalization-specific<br />

differential expression;<br />

induction 2.5 h after<br />

start <strong>of</strong> infection<br />

internalization-specific<br />

differential expression;<br />

induction 6.5 h after<br />

start <strong>of</strong> infection<br />

F<br />

internalization-specific<br />

differential expression;<br />

repression 2.5 h after<br />

start <strong>of</strong> infection<br />

internalization-specific<br />

differential expression;<br />

repression 6.5 h after<br />

start <strong>of</strong> infection<br />

10E+02<br />

10E+02<br />

10E+01 10.00<br />

10E+01 10.00<br />

10E+00 1.00<br />

10E+00 1.00<br />

10E-01 0.10<br />

10E-01 0.10<br />

D<br />

10E-02 0.01<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

G<br />

10E-02 0.01<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

10E+02<br />

10E+02<br />

10E+01 10.00<br />

10E+01 10.00<br />

10E+00 1.00<br />

10E+00 1.00<br />

10E-01 0.10<br />

10E-01 0.10<br />

E<br />

10E-02 0.01<br />

10E-02 0.01<br />

10E+02<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

H<br />

10E+02<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

10E+01 10.00<br />

10E+01 10.00<br />

10E+00 1.00<br />

10E+00 1.00<br />

10E-01 0.10<br />

10E-01 0.10<br />

10E-02 0.01<br />

10E-02 0.01<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

exp.<br />

1 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

2.5 h<br />

anae.<br />

S. aureus RN1HG sample conditions and time points<br />

Fig. R.5.35: Internalization-specific differential gene expression.<br />

A, B. Overview on the number <strong>of</strong> sequences which were differentially expressed in internalized staphylococci in comparison to all<br />

other control samples and exhibited induction (A) or repression (B).<br />

C-H. Overview on mean normalized gene expression intensity. After the global normalization <strong>by</strong> inter-chip scaling and detrending,<br />

each individual gene has been normalized to the expression level <strong>of</strong> the baseline sample “1 h serum/CO 2 control” (1 h co.). Although<br />

not being continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

Intensity values are depicted for 45 sequences specifically induced after 2.5 h (C), 37 sequences specifically induced at both time<br />

points (D), 34 sequences specifically induced after 6.5 h (E), 98 sequences specifically repressed after 2.5 h (F), 75 sequences<br />

specifically repressed at both time points (G), and 43 sequences specifically repressed after 6.5 h (H).<br />

(exp. − exponential growth phase; 1 h co. – 1 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 2.5 h anae. − 2.5 h anaerobic incubation)<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

This difference could not be assessed with statistical testing because only two arrays were<br />

available for the 6.5 h control. Thus, in a second step, all sequences which possessed an absolute<br />

fold change equal or greater than 2 in the comparison between 6.5 h and 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

were excluded from the subsets generated in the first step. This procedure was performed for<br />

induced and repressed genes separately and resulted in 45 sequences specifically induced after<br />

2.5 h, 37 sequences specifically induced at both time points, 34 sequences specifically induced<br />

after 6.5 h, 98 sequences specifically repressed after 2.5 h, 75 sequences specifically repressed at<br />

both time points, and 43 sequences specifically repressed after 6.5 h in samples <strong>of</strong> internalized<br />

staphylococci (Fig. R.5.35). Most interestingly, these lists included besides newly identified<br />

transcripts also genes which were described above in the context <strong>of</strong> virulence or metabolic<br />

genes, e. g. clfB, coa, phoP, prsA, glpK (2.5 h, induced), fnbB, vwb, ssaA, phoU, pstA, pstB, pstC,<br />

pstS (2.5 h and 6.5 h, induced), chp, lukD, lukE, hla, efb, emp (6.5 h, induced), icaD, icaC, rot, nuc,<br />

sspA, urea transporter SAOUHSC_02557, ureF (2.5 h, repressed), sarU (6.5 h, repressed).<br />

New transcripts identified with the tiling array approach which are regulated in S9 cell<br />

internalized staphylococci<br />

All sequences <strong>of</strong> the tiling arrays were included in the statistical testing to identify the<br />

internalization specific gene expression signature. Therefore, the resulting lists <strong>of</strong> differentially<br />

expressed genes contained newly identified transcripts: 200 sequences for the 2.5 h and 138<br />

sequences for the 6.5 h time point which were significant in ANOVA with p* < 0.05 and exhibited<br />

a minimal absolute fold change <strong>of</strong> 2 (Table R.5.5).<br />

When comparing these lists, 100 transcripts were differentially expressed at both time points<br />

(Fig. R.5.36 A). These consisted <strong>of</strong> 67 induced and 33 repressed sequences (Fig. R.5.36 B).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

100 100 38<br />

2.5 h<br />

repressed<br />

repressed 6.5 h<br />

induced<br />

35 18<br />

induced<br />

new transcripts differentially<br />

expressed in the comparison<br />

“2.5 h internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

new transcripts differentially<br />

expressed in the comparison<br />

“6.5 h internalization” vs.<br />

“1 h serum/CO 2 control”<br />

65<br />

33<br />

67<br />

20<br />

Fig. R.5.36: Comparison <strong>of</strong> newly identified transcripts in the 2.5 h and 6.5 h signatures <strong>of</strong> internalized staphylococci.<br />

Both internalized samples were compared to the baseline <strong>of</strong> 1 h serum/CO 2 control with statistical testing and multiple testing<br />

correction (p* < 0.05), and a minimal absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 2 was applied. The comparison <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed newly<br />

identified transcripts at the 2.5 h and 6.5 h time point was performed for all regulated transcripts (A) and for induced and repressed<br />

transcripts separately (B).<br />

Although these 200 and 138 newly identified transcripts were known to be differentially<br />

expressed in at least one <strong>of</strong> the two internalized samples in comparison to the 1 h serum/CO 2<br />

control, they were expected to form further subgroups e. g. dependent on the direction <strong>of</strong><br />

regulation. Therefore, a k-means clustering was applied to a ratio data set (experimental<br />

condition normalized to the 1 h serum/CO 2 control) consisting <strong>of</strong> the five experimental conditions<br />

<strong>of</strong> non-adherent (1 h), internalized (2.5 h and 6.5 h), and serum/CO 2 control (2.5 h and 6.5 h)<br />

staphylococci.<br />


log 2 (ratio)<br />

log 2 (ratio)<br />

log 2 (ratio)<br />

log 2 (ratio)<br />

log 2 (ratio)<br />

log 2 (ratio)<br />

log 2 (ratio)<br />

log 2 (ratio)<br />

log 2 (ratio)<br />

log 2 (ratio)<br />

log 2 (ratio)<br />

log 2 (ratio)<br />

Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

For the new transcripts included in the 2.5 h internalization signature, 6 cluster groups were<br />

defined (Fig. R.5.37 A). Cluster group 1 contained 26 transcripts. Expression was increased in the<br />

2.5 h samples and still slightly stronger in the 6.5 h samples. The serum/CO 2 controls at both time<br />

points also exhibited increase <strong>of</strong> expression. Cluster group 2 harbored 32 transcripts which<br />

featured increase in expression at the 2.5 h and to a lesser extent at the 6.5 h internalization time<br />

points and in the later 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control whereas the 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control exhibited in<br />

average no change. Transcripts with decreased expression in the 2.5 h internalized and less<br />

strongly in the 6.5 h sample belonged to cluster group 3 which included 42 transcripts. The 2.5 h<br />

serum/CO 2 control exhibited no apparent trend <strong>of</strong> regulation whereas the 6.5 h control exhibited<br />

a decrease in expression. In cluster group 4, 26 transcripts were classified, which exhibited a<br />

decrease <strong>of</strong> expression in both internalization samples, a slight increase in the 2.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

controls and a decline <strong>of</strong> expression to the reference level in the 6.5 h serum/CO 2 controls.<br />

Internalization samples in cluster group 5 showed an increase <strong>of</strong> expression 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong><br />

infection, which again declined in samples after 6.5 h. Contrarily, expression in the serum/CO 2<br />

controls was induced at the 2.5 h time point and further increased at the 6.5 h time point. This<br />

cluster contained 49 sequences. Finally, cluster group 6 contained 25 sequences which were<br />

increased in both internalized samples, and possessed a variable expression pattern in the 2.5 h<br />

serum/CO 2 control with increased, repressed and unchanged values, while the 6.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

control samples exhibited a trend <strong>of</strong> decreased expression.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

cluster group 1<br />

cluster group 2<br />

cluster group 1<br />

cluster group 2<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

1 h<br />

n. ad.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

1 h<br />

n. ad.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

1 h<br />

n. ad.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

1 h<br />

n. ad.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

cluster group 3<br />

cluster group 4<br />

cluster group 3<br />

cluster group 4<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

1 h<br />

n. ad.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

1 h<br />

n. ad.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

1 h<br />

n. ad.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

1 h<br />

n. ad.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

cluster group 5<br />

cluster group 6<br />

cluster group 5<br />

cluster group 6<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

1 h<br />

n. ad.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

1 h<br />

n. ad.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

1 h<br />

n. ad.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-6<br />

1 h<br />

n. ad.<br />

2.5 h<br />

int.<br />

6.5 h<br />

int.<br />

2.5 h<br />

co.<br />

6.5 h<br />

co.<br />

Fig. R.5.37: K-means clustering <strong>of</strong> gene expression data from newly identified transcripts, which exhibited differential expression in<br />

the 2.5 h internalized sample (A) or in the 6.5 h internalized sample (B) in comparison to the 1 h serum/CO 2 control with statistical<br />

testing and multiple testing correction (p* < 0.05) and a minimal absolute fold change cut<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> 2. For k-means clustering, the<br />

following parameters were applied: Transcripts should be assigned to the user-defined number <strong>of</strong> 6 groups and sorted <strong>by</strong> deviation<br />

using the metric type cosine correlation. No additional data preparation or statistical cuts were applied.<br />

The ratio data set (experimental condition normalized to the 1 h serum/CO 2 control) employed for clustering consisted <strong>of</strong> the five<br />

experimental conditions <strong>of</strong> non-adherent (1 h), internalized (2.5 h and 6.5 h), and serum/CO 2 control (2.5 h and 6.5 h) staphylococci.<br />

Although not being continuous data, values were depicted as line graphs instead <strong>of</strong> bar charts for better facility <strong>of</strong> inspection.<br />

(1 h n. ad. – non-adherent staphylococci after 1 h <strong>of</strong> infection; 2.5 h int. − 2.5 h internalization; 6.5 h int. − 6.5 h internalization;<br />

2.5 h co. − 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control; 6.5 h co. − 6.5 h serum/CO 2 control)<br />

Correspondingly, also for the new transcripts included in the 6.5 h internalization signature,<br />

6 cluster groups were defined (Fig. R.5.37 B). Here, cluster group 1 contained 19 transcripts with<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Results<br />

Pathogen Gene Expression Pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

an increase in expression at both internalization time points and in the later 6.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

control whereas the 2.5 h serum/CO 2 control exhibited in average no change. In cluster group 2,<br />

to which 17 sequences were assigned, transcripts exhibited a decrease <strong>of</strong> expression in both<br />

internalization samples, and in general no change in the 2.5 h serum/CO 2 controls. Some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

sequences were slightly decreased and some other slightly increased in the later 6.5 h serum/CO 2<br />

controls. Cluster group 3 included 36 transcripts with increased expression at both internalization<br />

and serum/CO 2 control time points. Transcripts with mainly decreased expression in both<br />

internalized samples belonged to cluster group 4 which included 34 transcripts. The 2.5 h<br />

serum/CO 2 control exhibited a varying trend <strong>of</strong> regulation with some repressed and some<br />

induced sequences, whereas the 6.5 h control exhibited a decrease in expression. The 16<br />

transcripts in cluster group 5 possessed an increase in the 2.5 h and 6.5 h internalization samples.<br />

Also in the serum/CO 2 controls at both time points a slight tendency <strong>of</strong> induction <strong>of</strong> expression<br />

was observed, but less prominent than the internalization samples. The last cluster group 6<br />

comprised the remaining 16 transcripts with similar expression pattern as the transcripts in<br />

cluster group 5 with exception <strong>of</strong> the expression change in the serum/CO 2 controls, where only<br />

minor changes in the 2.5 h and slight decrease in expression in the 6.5 h samples were visible.<br />

Transcripts in all cluster groups <strong>of</strong> both 2.5 h and 6.5 h internalization signatures showed only<br />

minor variation from the non-changed value <strong>of</strong> 1 in the sample <strong>of</strong> non-adherent staphylococci.<br />

This finding was expected as the similarity between this sample and the 1 h serum/CO 2 control<br />

baseline had been unveiled before.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

D I S C U S S I O N A N D C O N C L U S I O N S<br />



BALB/c mice were subjected to combined acoustic and restraint stress for 2 h twice a day<br />

during a period <strong>of</strong> 4.5 days, which serves as a murine model <strong>of</strong> chronic psychological stress.<br />

Experiments using the same model had already revealed that mice suffered from an impaired<br />

antibacterial defense and from depression-like behavior (Kiank et al. 2006, 2007a).<br />

The observation <strong>of</strong> severe loss <strong>of</strong> total body mass initiated further analysis <strong>of</strong> metabolic<br />

processes as well as a hepatic gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling study, which resulted in evidence for the<br />

development <strong>of</strong> a hypermetabolic syndrome in chronically stressed mice. The results <strong>of</strong> liver gene<br />

expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling and physiological analyses have been published <strong>by</strong> Depke et al. in 2008 and<br />

2009.<br />

Already a single acute stress exposure caused pr<strong>of</strong>ound changes in hepatic gene expression.<br />

Genes important for metabolic pathways regulating the carbohydrate turnover showed stressinduced<br />

alterations <strong>of</strong> mRNA expression in hepatic tissue. An acute stress response is essential<br />

for energy mobilization to “fight or flight” in a potentially harmful situation and to sustain or<br />

reconstitute allostasis (McEwen 2004). Initially, catecholamines activate glycogenolysis,<br />

gluconeogenesis, and accelerate lipolysis that subsequently is assisted <strong>by</strong> catabolic<br />

glucocorticoid-induced pathways (Bag<strong>by</strong> et al. 1992, Leibowitz/Wortley 2004, Lundberg 2005,<br />

McGuinness et al. 1999). Acute psychological stress was associated with activation <strong>of</strong> the stress<br />

axes, and an induction <strong>of</strong> the expression <strong>of</strong> gluconeogenic genes and <strong>of</strong> transporters for<br />

glucogenic amino acids (Pck1, G6pc, Slc37a4, Slc15a4, Slc25a15, Slc38a2, Slc3a1, Sds, Slc6a6, and<br />

Tat).<br />

Despite the observed gene expression changes the metabolic parameters did not change<br />

significantly when stress was restricted to a singular event. Contrarily, when stress was<br />

repeatedly applied, female BALB/c mice developed severe systemic neuroendocrine and<br />

metabolic alterations.<br />

Several researchers found that repeated restraint stress causes a loss <strong>of</strong> body weight in<br />

rodents, which was mainly mediated <strong>by</strong> initially increased energy expenditure and reduced food<br />

intake that normalized or even heightened within a few days after starting repeated stress due to<br />

neuroendocrine adaptations (Harris et al. 2002, 2006). Others showed prolonged lowered food<br />

intake during 4.5 days repeated restraint stress due to prolonged neuroendocrine dysregulation<br />

(Ricart-Jané et al. 2002). In the chronic stress model used in this study no changes <strong>of</strong> total food<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

consumption during 4.5 days in repeatedly stressed animals compared with nonstressed controls<br />

were observed. Unchanged consumption may result from an initially reduced food intake after<br />

the first stress session and increased food intake in the later phase <strong>of</strong> repeated stress exposure in<br />

which additionally neuroendocrine and metabolic dysregulation were manifested.<br />

Repeatedly stressed mice suffered from an increase in metabolic rate in excess <strong>of</strong> the normal<br />

metabolic response. Such a hypermetabolic response leads to a marked increase in energy<br />

demands. Protein inappropriately becomes an energy source, and increased use <strong>of</strong> protein<br />

rapidly depletes lean body mass. A hypercatabolic response is a typical feature in infection,<br />

cancer, and prolonged critical illness, and goes along with fever, dysregulations <strong>of</strong> the<br />

cardiovascular system, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, accelerated proteolysis, tissue damage/cell<br />

death, perfusion disturbances, and invasion <strong>by</strong> microorganisms (Alberda et al. 2006, Costelli et al.<br />

1993, Mizock 1995, Morley et al. 2006, Vanhorebeek/Van den Berghe 2004, van Waardenburg et<br />

al. 2006, Wilmore 2000, Wray et al. 2006). In contrast, starvation is connected with diminished<br />

food intake, hyperthyroidism, and reduced protein catabolism (Alberda et al. 2006, Morley et al.<br />

2006). During a hypercatabolic response, as it was detected in the model <strong>of</strong> repeated stress, food<br />

intake is <strong>of</strong>ten normal (Alberda et al. 2006, Morley et al. 2006) and associated with<br />

hypothyroidism (Vanhorebeek/Van den Berghe 2004). Recently, it was shown that prolonged<br />

sleep deprivation also can cause such a hypermetabolic response in rats (Everson/Reed 1995,<br />

Koban/Swinson 2005). In this study, the stress experiments were performed in the recovery<br />

phase <strong>of</strong> the animals, and sleep deprivation may have affected metabolic functions. Both<br />

repeatedly stressed mice and long-term sleep deprived rats showed lowered total T 3 and T 4 levels<br />

that did not depend on altered TSH concentrations (Koban/Swinson 2005). Koban and Swinson<br />

propose a reciprocal relationship <strong>of</strong> catecholamines, which progressively increase during sleep<br />

deprivation, and thyroid hormone concentrations that decline continuously in prolonged<br />

reduction <strong>of</strong> sleep time. However, in contrast to the repeatedly stressed mice that showed<br />

unaltered food intake in this study, sleep-deprived rats were hyperphagic while body mass was<br />

massively consumed (Everson/Reed 1995, Koban/Swinson 2005). Sleep deprived rats did not<br />

exhibit altered glucocorticoid levels, whereas chronic psychological stress characteristically was<br />

associated with persistently high corticosterone concentrations in the plasma.<br />

The activation <strong>of</strong> the central nervous system can pr<strong>of</strong>oundly affect metabolic regulation such<br />

as shown for the thyroid hormone release (Koban/Swinson 2005). The target organ <strong>of</strong> metabolic<br />

regulatory pathways is predominantly the liver (Dallman et al. 2007, Leibowitz/Wortley 2004,<br />

McEwen 2004). The activation <strong>of</strong> the HPA axis with increased glucocorticoid levels can stimulate<br />

food intake and activate carbohydrate, fat and protein catabolism. In turn, the brain receives<br />

signals such as actual glucose and lipid concentrations or increased energy demand (Lam et al.<br />

2007, Lundberg 2005, McEwen 2004). In consequence, central nervous system activation induces<br />

regulatory pathways that equilibrate metabolism to supply the needed energy, e. g. increasing<br />

glucose formation in the liver (Lam et al. 2007, Leibowitz/Wortley 2004, McEwen 2004).<br />

Hypercortisolism shifted metabolic functions toward carbohydrate, lipid, and protein<br />

catabolism (Aikawa et al. 1972, Dallman et al. 2007, Harris et al. 2002, Lam et al. 2007, Ricart-<br />

Jané et al. 2002, Souba et al. 1985) to sustain energy supply <strong>by</strong> replenishing glucose that is the<br />

main energy source <strong>of</strong> the body. Glucose can be released after glycogenolysis or induction <strong>of</strong><br />

gluconeogenesis when the supply with food is insufficient. Primarily, alanine and glutamate are<br />

precursor molecules for gluconeogenesis (Aikawa et al. 1972, Brosnan 2000, Hagopian et al.<br />

2003, Pasini et al. 2004, Souba et al. 1985). Hepatic induction <strong>of</strong> alanine aminotransferase (Gpt) 2<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

and Got1 may supply the metabolites for glucose synthesis (Aikawa et al. 1972, Pasini et al. 2004,<br />

Souba et al. 1985). Thereafter, alanine and glutamate can be reconstituted <strong>by</strong> biotransformation,<br />

whereas essential amino acids cannot be replenished <strong>by</strong> biosynthesis in repeatedly stressed mice<br />

(Brosnan 2000, Hagopian et al. 2003). Deamination <strong>of</strong> amino acids results in the production <strong>of</strong><br />

ammonia, which is detoxified in the liver <strong>by</strong> the urea cycle. Increased expression <strong>of</strong> the urea cycle<br />

enzyme Asl in the liver <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed mice along with usage <strong>of</strong> arginine and citrulline as<br />

intermediate products <strong>of</strong> the urea cycle indicates heightened stress-induced ammonia<br />

detoxification to provide C-bodies <strong>of</strong> amino acids for metabolic pathways such as<br />

gluconeogenesis. Lactate, which alternatively can serve as substrate for hepatic gluconeogenesis,<br />

was produced in high amounts in peripheral tissues during hypermetabolism such as during<br />

sepsis and can cause lactic acidosis (Aikawa et al. 1972, Banerjee et al. 2004, Capes et al. 2000,<br />

Mizock 1995). Acidosis which was detectable in repeatedly stressed mice is <strong>of</strong>ten paralleled with<br />

insulin resistance and hyperglycemia (Capes et al. 2000, Vanhorebeek/Van den Berghe 2004,<br />

van Waardenburg et al. 2006). In fact, in repeatedly stressed mice concentrations <strong>of</strong> the<br />

adipokine resistin increased. Resistin is is inducible <strong>by</strong> glucocorticoids, prolactin, and growth<br />

hormone, and has been identified to lower insulin sensitivity (Hagopian et al. 2003). Prolonged<br />

hyperglycemia, especially in critically ill patients, increases the risk <strong>of</strong> infectious complications,<br />

neuronal damage, and multiorgan dysfunction syndrome (Banerjee et al. 2004, Harris et al. 2006,<br />

van Waardenburg et al. 2006, Wray et al. 2002). In line with this, repeatedly stressed mice<br />

suffered from a reduced antimicrobial response (Kiank et al. 2006, 2007a). Lam et al. showed in<br />

2007 that increased glucose sensing <strong>by</strong> the brain and elevated intracerebral concentrations <strong>of</strong><br />

lactate reduced the hepatic secretion <strong>of</strong> VLDL cholesterol and caused a decline <strong>of</strong> plasma<br />

triglyceride levels in rodents. In addition, Ricart-Jané et al. (2002) found that repeated restraint<br />

stress caused a loss <strong>of</strong> plasmatic triacylglycerols with VLDL levels, which was accompanied <strong>by</strong> a<br />

reduced food intake. Heightened triglyceride clearance and increased lipolysis to assemble C3<br />

bodies for gluconeogenesis can result in essential fatty acid deficiency (Akhtar et al. 2005,<br />

Nemoto/Sakurai 1995, Rizki et al. 2006).<br />

Hypotriglyceridemia was detected in repeatedly stressed mice, which went along with<br />

hypercholesteremia and up-regulation <strong>of</strong> glucocorticoid-sensitive cytochrome genes in the liver<br />

(Akhtar et al. 2005, Li-Hawkins et al. 2000, Nemoto/Sakurai 1995). Cyp4a enzymes are involved in<br />

the removal <strong>of</strong> fatty acids and can counter-regulate hepatic steatosis, which was a typical<br />

consequence <strong>of</strong> repeated stress exposure in mice. Increased expression <strong>of</strong> Cyp17a1 gives hints<br />

for hepatic induction <strong>of</strong> steroidogenesis (Akhtar et al. 2005) in repeatedly stressed mice, and upregulation<br />

<strong>of</strong> expression <strong>of</strong> Cyp39a1 and Cyp2b10 indicates increased removal <strong>of</strong> steroids <strong>by</strong> bile<br />

acid production (Li-Hawkins et al. 2000). Importantly, the cholesterol metabolism <strong>of</strong> rodents and<br />

humans is difficult to compare. In mice, HDL is the main lipoprotein present in the blood and<br />

essentially required for steroidogenesis (Martin et al. 1999, Ricart-Jané et al. 2002), whereas<br />

humans use LDL for steroid synthesis and have lower HDL concentrations (Chen W et al. 2005,<br />

Martin et al. 1999). Furthermore, HDL is able to scavenge endotoxins from the plasma (Barter et<br />

al. 2004). The relevance <strong>of</strong> stress-induced elevation <strong>of</strong> plasma HDL levels in mice, e. g. for steroid<br />

synthesis or scavenging the bacterial compound lipopolysaccharide, remains to be elucidated.<br />

Other authors found that lipopolysaccharide or TNF challenges particularly increase the catabolic<br />

rate (Ogimoto et al. 2006, Sugita et al. 2002). Such effects seem to be mediated via TNF-induced<br />

neuroendocrine stimulation, e. g. activation <strong>of</strong> the sympathetic nervous system that primarily<br />

causes glucose formation (Bag<strong>by</strong> et al. 1992, Finck et al. 1998, Finck/Johnson 2000,<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

Leibowitz/Wortley 2004, Lundberg 2005, McGuinness et al. 1999, Ogimoto et al. 2006, Sugita et<br />

al. 2002). In addition, release <strong>of</strong> catecholamines potentially induces the expression <strong>of</strong> the leptin<br />

gene in adipose and hepatic tissue (Arnalich et al. 1999, Finck/Johnson 2000, Mak et al. 2006).<br />

Leptin then can signal afferently to the brain to sustain inhibitory effects on food intake. In this<br />

relation, one should expect reduced food consumption in the hyperleptinemic repeatedly<br />

stressed mice. However, food intake was not altered, whereas total body mass furthermore was<br />

lost. One possible explanation for the drastic loss <strong>of</strong> body weight along with hyperleptinemia is<br />

that leptin potentially can increase the energy expenditure such as enhancing the activation <strong>of</strong><br />

the respiratory chain and, therefore, can increase energy consumption (Fleury et al. 1997,<br />

Ricquier/Bouillaud 2000). In this study, already acute stress drastically induced changes <strong>of</strong><br />

hepatic gene expression that did not significantly disrupt allostatic regulation <strong>of</strong> metabolism in<br />

mice. In turn, repeated psychological stress in BALB/c mice along with systemic<br />

immunodeficiency that was reported previously (Kiank et al. 2006, 2007b) induced a<br />

hypermetabolic stress syndrome.<br />

It is not clear why some individuals lose weight during prolonged stressful situations, whereas<br />

others gain body mass (Alberda et al. 2006, Harris et al. 1998, Morley et al. 2006,<br />

Vanhorebeek/Van den Berghe 2004, Wilmore 2000, Wray et al. 2002). Because there is an<br />

increased number <strong>of</strong> patients suffering from metabolic syndrome and clinically relevant<br />

associated illness, many publications show that chronic stress is promoting the development <strong>of</strong> a<br />

metabolic syndrome that is associated with gain <strong>of</strong> fat mass (obesity), type 2 diabetes,<br />

hyperlipidemia, and hypertension (Alberda et al. 2006, Harris et al. 1998, Lundberg 2005). In<br />

contrast, the animal experiments with BALB/c mice as a mouse strain with high stress<br />

susceptibility (Kiank et al. 2006) led to the detection <strong>of</strong> metabolically driven wasting because <strong>of</strong> a<br />

hypercatabolic stress response. It can be assumed that the genetic predisposition influences the<br />

development <strong>of</strong> either stress-induced metabolic syndrome or loss <strong>of</strong> body weight phenotype.<br />

Moreover, it is shown that besides genetic predisposition, environmental factors influence<br />

prenatal and postnatal neuronal and neuroendocrine differentiation, resulting in different coping<br />

styles in the adult (Koolhaas et al. 2007). They showed that proactive/aggressive animals<br />

developed stress-induced hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, and inflammation, whereas<br />

reactive/passive individuals are more susceptible to anxiety disorders, metabolic syndrome,<br />

depression, and infection. However, the neurobiology and endocrine regulation <strong>of</strong> these different<br />

coping styles are not well understood yet. A loss <strong>of</strong> biological reserves as in the model <strong>of</strong><br />

repeated stress exposure is as fatal as the development <strong>of</strong> a metabolic syndrome because <strong>of</strong><br />

losing the ability to fight infection and cancer (Alberda et al. 2006, Hang et al. 2003, Hansen MB<br />

et al. 1998, Morley et al. 2006, Souba et al. 1985).<br />

In the clinical setting, it is now clear that the catabolic response will become autodestructive if<br />

not contained. The severity <strong>of</strong> complications will occur in proportion to lost body protein. In the<br />

model <strong>of</strong> repeatedly stressed mice, particularly arginine deficiency became evident. Interestingly,<br />

alimentation with arginine and omega-3 fatty acids-enriched enteral feeds decreased hospital<br />

days and infectious complications in critically ill patients (Beale et al. 1999), which commonly<br />

show a loss <strong>of</strong> about 10 % <strong>of</strong> lean body mass (Arnalich et al. 1999, Fleury et al. 1997,<br />

Ricquier/Bouillaud 2000). Healthy adults require about 0.8 g protein/kg body weight·d to<br />

maintain homeostasis. Stressful events such as traumatic injury or infection increase the body’s<br />

protein requirement up to 1.5–2 g protein/kg body weight·d or even more. However, humans<br />

cannot metabolize more than 2 g/kg body weight·d. This <strong>of</strong>ten results in a fatal negative nitrogen<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

balance in severely ill patients (Demling 2007). Finally, amplified protein breakdown with a loss <strong>of</strong><br />

more than 40 % <strong>of</strong> lean body mass leads to irreversible cell damage (Beale et al. 1999, Demling<br />

2007).<br />

In conclusion, the physiological measurements and hepatic gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling<br />

demonstrated that highly demanding psychological stress in the absence <strong>of</strong> injury or infection is<br />

able to induce a severe hypermetabolic syndrome in mice. Such overwhelming wasting condition<br />

can reduce the individual’s resistance to further stressful stimuli such as injury or infection.<br />

The same data set <strong>of</strong> hepatic gene expression was used to gain deeper insight into hepatic<br />

immune regulatory and cell cycle processes <strong>of</strong> BALB/c mice, which develop systemic<br />

immunodeficiency with a reduced antibacterial defense after repeated stress exposure (Kiank et<br />

al. 2006, 2007a,b). This second part <strong>of</strong> the results has been published <strong>by</strong> Depke et al. in 2009.<br />

Already a single acute stress exposure drastically altered the expression <strong>of</strong> immune response<br />

and <strong>of</strong> apoptosis related genes. An activation <strong>of</strong> immunosuppressive mechanisms in the liver was<br />

measured in both acutely and chronically stressed mice including increased expression <strong>of</strong><br />

Tsc22d3 (GILZ, glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper) and Fkbp5, which both are inducible <strong>by</strong><br />

high glucocorticoid levels (Ayroldi et al. 2007, Berrebi et al. 2003, D'Adamio et al. 1997,<br />

Mittelstadt/Ashwell 2001). Tsc22d3 inhibits the expression <strong>of</strong> CD80 and CD86 co-stimulatory<br />

molecules or toll-like receptor 2 and reduces the production <strong>of</strong> proinflammatory mediators<br />

(Berrebi et al. 2003, Cohen et al. 2006). Fkbp5, an immunophilin family member, inhibits<br />

calcineurin signaling in lymphocytes and modifies glucocorticoid signaling <strong>by</strong> binding heat shock<br />

proteins <strong>of</strong> steroid receptors (Baughman et al. 1995, Sinars et al. 2003). Other B and T<br />

lymphocyte signaling molecules such as protein kinase C ν (Prkcn), or several GTPases showed<br />

altered hepatic mRNA expression in both acutely and chronically stressed mice, respectively.<br />

Importantly, the down-regulation <strong>of</strong> several IFN-γ inducible genes after acute stress was<br />

amplified <strong>by</strong> repeated stress exposure. Some <strong>of</strong> the interferon-inducible mRNA transcripts like<br />

Igtp and Stat1, which were repressed in the liver <strong>of</strong> chronically stressed mice, encode for <strong>host</strong><br />

proteins <strong>of</strong> well characterized antimicrobial activity (Döffinger et al. 2002, Johnson/Scott 2007,<br />

Martens et al. 2004). Diminished expression <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ inducible GTPases was shown to be related<br />

to a reduced defense against Listeria monocytogenes and Mycobacterium avium infection<br />

(Martens et al. 2004). Stat1 is important for IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-12 signaling and for<br />

maintaining MHC- and co-stimulatory molecule expression in dendritic cells, which all are<br />

important for the antibacterial response (Döffinger et al. 2002, Johnson/Scott 2007). In line with<br />

this, chronically stressed animals showed a repression <strong>of</strong> the Stat1 gene and reduced expression<br />

<strong>of</strong> MHC-molecules along with a heightened susceptibility to bacterial infections (Kiank et al. 2006,<br />

2007b) and an increased spreading <strong>of</strong> translocated commensals into liver and lung, which went<br />

along with a reduced ex vivo inducibility <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ (Kiank et al. 2008).<br />

Besides the reduced expression <strong>of</strong> cellular signaling molecules, genes associated with immune<br />

cell migration and tissue invasion were differentially expressed. These included T cell<br />

chemoattractive peptides such as Cxcl11 and Cxcl12 and neutrophil chemoattractive Cxcl1<br />

(Ghosh et al. 2006, Helbig et al. 2004, Wiekowski et al. 2001) and an increased expression <strong>of</strong> cell<br />

adhesion molecules such as Vcam-1 in the liver homogenate after both acute and chronic stress.<br />

Arhgap5 was selectively induced after repeated stress exposure (Cook-Mills 2002, Haddad/Harb<br />

2005, Kim et al. 2006, Petri/Bixel 2006) while the expression <strong>of</strong> several claudins, which are tight<br />

junction proteins that regulate paracellular permeability (Amasheh et al. 2002), was significantly<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

reduced. Thus, data from the murine psychological stress model indicate that leukocyte<br />

migration associated molecules were increasingly transcribed already after acute stress.<br />

However, leukocyte infiltration into hepatic tissue was not measurable at this particular moment<br />

immediately after a single stress exposure but this may be due to the point in time <strong>of</strong> data<br />

acquisition which was chosen. Other authors showed leukocyte recruitment into the liver 3−6 h<br />

after hepatic ischemia/reperfusion (Zwacka et al. 1997) or 2−4 h after initiation <strong>of</strong> an acute phase<br />

response (APR) following brain injury (Campbell et al. 2003). Therefore, one can propose that cell<br />

recruitment into the liver may be detectable in the next few hours after termination <strong>of</strong> acute<br />

stress, which remains to be elucidated in further experiments, and later manifests during<br />

repeated stress exposure as shown <strong>by</strong> the data <strong>of</strong> chronically stressed mice.<br />

An invasion <strong>of</strong> inflammatory cells such as neutrophils and macrophages into tissue is <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

associated with increased release <strong>of</strong> proinflammatory cytokines, which in turn enhance<br />

catabolism and stimulate the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis (Bartolomucci 2007, Herold et<br />

al. 2006, Lundberg 2005). Although increased expression <strong>of</strong> cytokine genes in the liver was not<br />

shown, plasma glucocorticoids levels were increased after both acute and chronic psychological<br />

stress exposure causing up-regulation <strong>of</strong> glucocorticoid-inducible genes, such as acute phase<br />

proteins (Kiank et al. 2006, Depke et al. 2008). In line with these data after chronic stress, Yoo<br />

and Desiderio found increased expression <strong>of</strong> several APR markers, including C-reactive protein<br />

(CRP), serum amyloid A proteins, lipocalins or orsomucoid at 3 h, 6 h and 12 h after low-dose<br />

bolus application <strong>of</strong> LPS (Yoo/Desiderio 2003), which can serve as a model <strong>of</strong> minute bacterial<br />

translocation. Acute phase proteins (APPs) have several immune and metabolic regulatory<br />

functions such as enhancing the antimicrobial response: CRP can opsonize microorganisms and<br />

activate the complement system (Casey et al. 2008, Mold/Du Clos 2006), apolipoproteins, or<br />

lipocalin 2 regulate the cholesterol transport, endotoxin scavenging, and free radical production<br />

(Levels et al. 2003, Roudkenar et al. 2007, Tseng et al. 2004, Wurfel et al. 1994). In contrast, other<br />

APPs such as haptoglobin, which were found to be induced after repeated stress, have strong<br />

anti-inflammatory effects (Tseng et al. 2004) and therewith may contribute to the reduced<br />

antibacterial defense <strong>of</strong> chronically stressed mice, which even suffered from long-lasting bacterial<br />

infiltration into liver and lung (Kiank et al. 2008). Along with the increased expression <strong>of</strong> APR<br />

genes, high expression levels <strong>of</strong> cytochrome P450 enzymes were detected which normally are<br />

suppressed during an APR (Siewert et al. 2000). This can be explained <strong>by</strong> findings <strong>of</strong> others who<br />

showed that hepatic levels <strong>of</strong> P450 enzymes increased during fasting and then became resistant<br />

to the suppression during inflammatory states (Iber et al. 2001, Morgan 2001). Therefore, the<br />

increased cytochrome expression in the chronic stress model may be a part <strong>of</strong> the hypercatabolic<br />

stress response that overcomes an inflammation-induced repression <strong>of</strong> P450 enzyme expression.<br />

An activation <strong>of</strong> cytochromes enhances the generation <strong>of</strong> reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Morgan<br />

2001, Zangar et al. 2004). Oxidative stress, in turn, can cause lipid peroxidation or increase<br />

protein carbonyl content (Ermak/Davies 2001, Garg/Aggarwal 2002, Ott et al. 2007, Zangar et al.<br />

2004), which was also observed in plasma and liver after acute stress exposure in this study.<br />

Carbonylated proteins are likely non-functional and prone to degradation. Oxidant-induced<br />

damage in hepatic tissue <strong>of</strong> acutely stressed mice is supported <strong>by</strong> the finding that several cell<br />

cycle and cell death associated genes such as Cdkn1a, Gadd45b, Gadd45g or Fkbp5 were already<br />

induced immediately after acute stress – a moment when detection <strong>of</strong> cellular apoptosis is<br />

probably too early – and remained highly expressed after repeated stress when increased<br />

hepatocyte apoptosis was measured.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

However, tissue protective mechanisms seem to be active in the liver <strong>of</strong> chronically stressed<br />

mice as well. These include an increased expression <strong>of</strong> Alas1, which functions as an oxygen<br />

radical scavenger (Kaliman et al. 2005), and <strong>of</strong> glutaredoxin and glutathione S-transferase alpha<br />

that are ubiquitous proteins with redox-active cysteine-groups (Garg/Aggarwal 2002,<br />

Haddad/Harb 2005, Jurado et al. 2003). Increased expression <strong>of</strong> these anti-oxidant enzymes may<br />

compensate and protect from further oxidative stress-induced damage. Therefore, long lasting<br />

increased glucocorticoid levels, which are highly potent mediators <strong>of</strong> inducing apoptotic<br />

processes, are proposed to be the main mediators <strong>of</strong> hepatic cell death in chronically stressed<br />

animals (Ayroldi et al. 2007, Herold et al. 2006), but this remains to be elucidated.<br />

The liver has an extraordinary ability to regenerate or heal itself <strong>by</strong> replacing or repairing<br />

injured tissue (Fausto et al. 2006, Klein et al. 2005, Riehle et al. 2008). Hepatic gene expression<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>iling after acute and chronic stress included increased hepatic expression <strong>of</strong> protein tyrosine<br />

phosphatase 4a1, which initiates the liver regeneration response, and <strong>of</strong> IL-6 receptor whose<br />

ligation was shown to be protective during liver injury (Fausto et al. 2006, Klein et al. 2005, Riehle<br />

et al. 2008). Thus, acute stress-induced up-regulation <strong>of</strong> genes coding for tissue destructive<br />

mechanisms associated with oxidative stress were counter-regulated <strong>by</strong> increased expression <strong>of</strong><br />

anti-oxidative and tissue regenerative genes which may have protected mice from more severe<br />

damage <strong>of</strong> hepatic tissue during chronic psychological stress.<br />

In summary, the data show that already acute stress exposure induces hepatic mRNA<br />

expression <strong>of</strong> several LPS and glucocorticoid-sensitive immune response genes as well as <strong>of</strong><br />

apoptosis-related markers. Besides increased oxidative stress, this does not cause measurable<br />

immune alterations or cell death immediately after stress exposure. However, when stress is<br />

repeated and becomes chronic, reduced antigen presentation and altered gene expression <strong>of</strong><br />

cellular signaling molecules <strong>of</strong> immune cells along with an ongoing expression <strong>of</strong> apoptosisrelated<br />

molecules may contribute to biologically relevant immunosuppression which was<br />

demonstrated <strong>by</strong> a reduced ability <strong>of</strong> stressed mice to clear bacterial infections from the liver.<br />

Moreover, the induction <strong>of</strong> cell protective and liver regenerative genes in hepatic tissue <strong>of</strong><br />

chronically stressed mice give strong evidence that counter-regulatory mechanisms are activated<br />

to prevent further hepatocyte damage in these animals.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />



The SigB regulon contains several virulence associated genes, and expression <strong>of</strong> this regulon in<br />

general promotes adhesion and reduces production <strong>of</strong> extracellular toxins (Bisch<strong>of</strong>f et al. 2004).<br />

While regulation <strong>of</strong> SigB activity has already been studied in vitro (Senn et al. 2005), its impact on<br />

in vivo physiology, e. g. in infection models, is still matter <strong>of</strong> debate. The aim <strong>of</strong> this study was the<br />

analysis <strong>of</strong> the relevance <strong>of</strong> SigB-dependent gene expression regulation for the adaptation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>host</strong> transcriptome in murine infection.<br />

In an i. v. murine infection model the two Staphylococcus aureus strains RN1HG and its<br />

isogenic sigB mutant were used to infect mice with comparable infection doses. In mouse kidney,<br />

the infection resulted in similar infection rates <strong>of</strong> approximately 1.0E+06 cfu/10 mg <strong>of</strong> tissue. The<br />

role <strong>of</strong> SigB has already been analyzed in different in vivo infection models. A general observation<br />

<strong>of</strong> these studies was that sigB deletion mutants and their parental strain can accomplish<br />

comparable bacterial loads. In the clinical isolate WCUH29 the allelic replacement <strong>of</strong> sigB did not<br />

lead to differing bacterial load in organs or wounds after testing original strain and isogenic<br />

mutant in different types <strong>of</strong> infection models (Nicholas et al. 1999). Also Chan et al. (1998)<br />

observed similar numbers <strong>of</strong> cfu in a skin abcess model, but the results might have been<br />

compromised <strong>by</strong> the fact that the group used a sigB deletion in the 8325-4 background which<br />

itself harbors an inactivating mutation in rsbU, a gene for a SigB regulatory phosphatase<br />

(Kullik/Giachino 1997). Horsburgh et al. published in 2002 the construction <strong>of</strong> S. aureus SH1000, a<br />

variant <strong>of</strong> strain 8325-4, in which the rsbU gene had been repaired. SH1000 and 8325-4 resulted<br />

in the recoverage <strong>of</strong> similar numbers <strong>of</strong> cfu in a murine subcutaneous skin abcess model<br />

(Horsburgh et al. 2002b). Contrarily, another study reported a significantly different bacterial<br />

burden in kidney after i. v. infection with S. aureus 8325-4 (RsbU − ), SH1000 (RsbU + ), and a sigB<br />

knockout mutant <strong>of</strong> SH1000 (SigB − ). In this setting, the repair <strong>of</strong> rsbU leads to an increased cfu<br />

count 14 days after inoculation (Jonsson et al. 2004). In the study described in this thesis, almost<br />

equal mean values <strong>of</strong> infection rate were observed for S. aureus RN1HG and its isogenic sigB<br />

mutant, a further confirmation <strong>of</strong> literature data indicating similar virulence <strong>of</strong> sigB deficient and<br />

positive S. aureus strains.<br />

In order to gain a much more detailed view <strong>of</strong> the <strong>host</strong> reaction to both strains, kidney gene<br />

expression pr<strong>of</strong>iles were compared using Affymetrix GeneChip arrays. In a total number <strong>of</strong> 19<br />

infected samples, highly similar gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iles were recorded 4 or 5 days after infection<br />

with RN1HG or its sigB derivative. Even with this sophisticated analysis no difference in the<br />

expression pattern in murine kidney after infection with the two strains was observed, indicating<br />

that SigB indeed does not influence the <strong>host</strong> response.<br />

However, the comparison to sham-infected samples revealed a rather strong reaction <strong>of</strong> the<br />

murine <strong>host</strong> to infection, bacterial accumulation and proliferation in the kidney. Several immune<br />

response pathways were induced on transcriptional level indicating a vivid activation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

immune response. This applies first to pathways <strong>of</strong> the innate immune system: Pattern<br />

recognition receptors (PRR) like toll-like receptors (TLR) and complement system components<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

were induced and strengthened the first line <strong>of</strong> defense against the <strong>pathogen</strong>. Second, several<br />

immune response signaling pathways exhibited increased gene expression <strong>of</strong> their members, e. g.<br />

proinflammatory pathways <strong>of</strong> IFN, IL-6, and TREM1 signaling, and several proinflammatory<br />

cytokines were also induced, e. g. TNFα, IL-6, RANTES/Ccl5, MCP-1/Ccl2, MCP-3/Ccl7, and MIP-<br />

1α/Ccl3. Members <strong>of</strong> IL-10 signaling, like the IL-10 receptor α-chain (Il10ra) and the signal<br />

transducer STAT3, were induced, too. This pathway aims at limitation <strong>of</strong> the cellular<br />

proinflammatory response. But as the ligand IL-10 was not induced and STAT3 is also part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

IL-6 signaling, it is not clear whether the IL-10 signaling was active at the time point <strong>of</strong> analysis or<br />

whether it was only prepared to receive signals in a later phase <strong>of</strong> infection. As third example, the<br />

infected samples exhibited a distinct transcriptional induction <strong>of</strong> several members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

presentation pathways for intracellular and extracellular antigens via MHC molecules. The<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> infection and sham infection additionally revealed metabolic disturbances shifting<br />

to both anabolic and catabolic direction <strong>of</strong> metabolism. This might indicate a high extent <strong>of</strong><br />

infection and illness that impairs organ function, nutrition supply and possibly oxygen availability.<br />

The comparison <strong>of</strong> S. aureus infected samples with non-infected controls proved the strong<br />

reaction <strong>of</strong> the <strong>host</strong> to infection. But in the model described in this thesis the <strong>host</strong> reaction does<br />

not differ depending on the strain used for infection.<br />

Until now, the role <strong>of</strong> sigB in infections has not been completely clarified. There is evidence<br />

for an influence <strong>of</strong> sigB on bi<strong>of</strong>ilm formation. Attachment and microcolony formation are the two<br />

central steps in the early bi<strong>of</strong>ilm formation. In an in vitro bi<strong>of</strong>ilm formation model (using<br />

polystyrene microtiter plates) it was shown that increased sigB expression leads to increased<br />

attachment and to increased microcolony formation with increased size <strong>of</strong> staphylococcal<br />

autoaggregates (Bateman et al. 2001).<br />

In detail, bi<strong>of</strong>ilm formation is mediated <strong>by</strong> polysaccharide intercellular adhesin/PIA, an<br />

extracellular adhesin <strong>of</strong> staphylococci composed <strong>of</strong> poly-N-acetylglucosamine/PNAG. Although<br />

highly conserved in staphylococcal strains, the ica operon, coding for enzymes responsible for PIA<br />

synthesis, is expressed in vitro only in a few strains. For the mucosal isolate MA12 it was proven<br />

that a sigB insertion mutant (sigB::ermB) lost the bi<strong>of</strong>ilm formation ability after osmotic stress<br />

(3 % NaCl) compared to the wild type strain. Additionally, it was demonstrated under osmotic<br />

stress conditions that the mutant exhibited strongly reduced ica expression compared to the wild<br />

type (Rachid et al. 2000).<br />

Even more, a major part <strong>of</strong> ica expression and bi<strong>of</strong>ilm formation was proven to be mediated<br />

<strong>by</strong> SarA. It is known that SigB induces sarA expression, but it has not been demonstrated yet<br />

whether the influence on ica expression is an indirect effect <strong>of</strong> SigB or whether SarA acts<br />

independently <strong>of</strong> SigB in this context. Interestingly, experiments predict the existence <strong>of</strong> a SigBactivated<br />

factor, which either might degrade PIA or repress its synthesis. This factor in turn is<br />

repressed <strong>by</strong> SarA (Valle et al. 2003).<br />

Complementary information regarding the influence <strong>of</strong> sigB knock-out on bi<strong>of</strong>ilm formation<br />

and virulence is available from device-associated staphylococcal infection models in mice. When<br />

MA12 and its isogenic sigB mutant were applied to a central venous catheter (CVC) and later to<br />

the blood stream, both strains were able to form multilayered bi<strong>of</strong>ilms inside the catheter.<br />

Therefore, sigB is not essential for bi<strong>of</strong>ilm formation. On the other hand, there were structural<br />

differences between the bi<strong>of</strong>ilms <strong>of</strong> both strains: The mutant’s bi<strong>of</strong>ilm was lacking certain<br />

extracellular substance. SigB is thus proposed to affect the ability <strong>of</strong> spreading or release from<br />

adhesive sites/bi<strong>of</strong>ilms. In the quantitation <strong>of</strong> total bacterial burden in the inner organs, a<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

significant decrease was apparent after infection with the sigB mutant compared to the parental<br />

strain (Lorenz et al. 2008). Others have published that sigB mutations have no influence on cfu<br />

counts. This emphasizes the important influence <strong>of</strong> other experimental parameters like infection<br />

dose, infection route, site <strong>of</strong> infection or its manifestation, analysis time point after infection, the<br />

<strong>host</strong> factors – at least in parts determined <strong>by</strong> the <strong>host</strong> genome – acting on the bacterium, and the<br />

genetic background <strong>of</strong> the <strong>pathogen</strong>.<br />

Repair <strong>of</strong> rsbU or sigB overexpression in the genetic background <strong>of</strong> BB255, a rsbU mutated<br />

S. aureus strain, leads to an increase in transcription <strong>of</strong> clfA, mediated via a SigB-promoter in the<br />

clfA gene, and an increase in transcription <strong>of</strong> fnbA which is indirectly caused <strong>by</strong> SigB and probably<br />

mediated via a positive effect <strong>of</strong> SigB on sarA and subsequently <strong>of</strong> SarA on the fnbA transcription.<br />

The sigB overexpression mutant features an increased attachment to fibrinogen and fibronectin<br />

coated surfaces and to platelet-fibrin clots, which imitate the environment in injured<br />

endothelium <strong>of</strong> blood vessels. When the same mutant is applied in an infection setup focusing on<br />

adherence <strong>by</strong> inducing catheter-associated aortic vegetation in rat, a transient effect <strong>of</strong> higher<br />

bacterial density in early stages <strong>of</strong> infection was observed. After long-term infection, the<br />

advantage <strong>of</strong> the early phase was counterbalanced in comparison to sigB deficient strains. The<br />

authors argue that S. aureus is still able to produce sufficient amounts <strong>of</strong> adhesins leading to<br />

aortic vegetation even without a functional sigB (Entenza et al. 2005).<br />

In a murine sepsis and arthritis model, the SigB positive strain SH1000 (rsbU repaired) caused<br />

more severe infection than strain 8325-4 which is phenotypically SigB − (11 bp rsbU deletion) as<br />

illustrated <strong>by</strong> higher mortality, more pronounced weight loss and higher serum levels <strong>of</strong> IL-6 as<br />

indicator <strong>of</strong> inflammation. Additionally, at day 14 after i. v. infection higher arthritis frequency<br />

and severity were observed after infection with SH1000. In an attempt to elucidate whether the<br />

effect originated from increased elimination <strong>of</strong> the SigB negative strain or a decreased virulence<br />

in situ the authors infected mice intra-articularly. In this experiment no difference in the ability to<br />

cause inflammation was recognized between infections with the two strains. This led to the<br />

conclusion that SigB-influenced steps before arthritical joint involvement contributed to the<br />

differences between the strains after i. v. infection, possibly including SigB regulated cell surface<br />

adhesins as crucial virulence factors (Jonsson et al. 2004).<br />

In summary, the impact <strong>of</strong> SigB in vivo is still disputed, and results in literature references are<br />

partly inconsistent. A hypothesis reconfirmed <strong>by</strong> several authors is that the effect <strong>of</strong> SigB in<br />

in vivo infection models possibly only manifests in early phases <strong>of</strong> the infection and only impacts<br />

processes in a transient manner.<br />

Hence, it can be speculated that in the model described in this thesis the analyzed time point<br />

might have been too late for detection <strong>of</strong> differences in the <strong>host</strong> reaction.<br />

Furthermore, the effects <strong>of</strong> SigB are part <strong>of</strong> a complex and interfering regulation mechanism<br />

including several other regulatory molecules like RNAIII from the agr locus or SarA. SigB<br />

dependent transcription <strong>of</strong> sar locus was demonstrated (Ziebandt et al. 2004). The SarA protein is<br />

a transcriptional regulator, which represses (e. g. spa) or activates (e. g. fnbA) gene expression<br />

directly. It also activates expression <strong>of</strong> the agr system and therefore influences indirectly the<br />

expression <strong>of</strong> genes responding to RNAIII (Chien et al. 1999). SigB itself has a negative effect on<br />

the amount <strong>of</strong> RNAIII (Horsburgh et al. 2002b). Several genes or their promoter regions possess<br />

binding sites for more than one transcriptional regulator or sigma factor, e. g. the sae locus coded<br />

two-component system also influences SigB-regulated target genes (Goerke et al. 2005).<br />

Therefore, the transcriptional pattern <strong>of</strong> the regulators overlap, and the mutation <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> them<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

might be compensated at least in parts <strong>by</strong> others. Such compensation might contribute to the<br />

non-distinguishable <strong>host</strong> reaction in the model described in this thesis. Additionally, the balance<br />

between the different regulators might be different in in vivo settings than in the well-studied<br />

in vitro conditions. Goerke et al. (2005) observed less SigB activity in vivo in a guinea pig model <strong>of</strong><br />

implant infection than in vitro under induced conditions like in the post-exponential growth<br />

phase. But differences were also observed between in vitro and in vivo analyses in the sequential<br />

order <strong>of</strong> gene expression pattern (Goerke et al. 2005).<br />

Even more complicated, a transposon mutagenesis study identified 13 SigB-independently<br />

transcribed genes whose mutation led to an increase in hla transcription and protease activity.<br />

This effect had a different magnitude depending <strong>of</strong> the mutation-affected gene and could be<br />

traced back to a gradual reduction <strong>of</strong> SigB activity after mutation. As these genes are part <strong>of</strong><br />

normal cellular metabolic pathways and do not exhibit DNA binding motifs the authors propose<br />

them to be indirectly involved in the control <strong>of</strong> RsbU activity, preventing full signaling through<br />

RsbU but not fully blocking the phosphatase activity. Such hypothesis assigns these metabolic<br />

genes a function similar to that <strong>of</strong> the B. subtilis RsbRSTX regulation system sensing<br />

environmental conditions, which is absent in S. aureus (Shaw et al. 2006).<br />

In this context, the question arises whether activation <strong>of</strong> SigB really takes place in the specific<br />

in vivo infection setting or whether there are differences depending on the model used, the site<br />

<strong>of</strong> infection or other experimental factors influencing S. aureus during infection. Reduced in vivo<br />

activity <strong>of</strong> SigB might also result in the similarity <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> reaction to infection with S. aureus<br />

RN1HG and its sigB mutant as described in this thesis. The question whether sigB and the SigB<br />

regulon are really expressed in infection models strongly suggests the examination <strong>of</strong> sigB and<br />

SigB-dependent marker genes <strong>by</strong> real-time qPCR in infected samples for further investigations on<br />

the relevance <strong>of</strong> SigB in in vivo settings.<br />

In summary, the results <strong>of</strong> this study do not provide any hints for differences in the<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong>esis or pathomechanism <strong>of</strong> the S. aureus strains RN1HG and ΔsigB in the selected model<br />

<strong>of</strong> i. v. infection in mice. If really existing, such differences might be transient and only apparent<br />

at earlier time points. Effects <strong>of</strong> SigB might also be superimposed in in vivo infection <strong>by</strong> the<br />

interlaced pattern <strong>of</strong> other regulators. There is also the possibility <strong>of</strong> missing activity <strong>of</strong> SigB<br />

in vivo which could explain the similarity <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> reaction to infection with S. aureus RN1HG and<br />

its sigB mutant in the model used in this study. SigB might possess only to a lesser extent<br />

characteristics attributed to virulence factors and might act in vivo more like a virulence<br />

modulator and fine tune bacterial reactions. Assuming such function, the missing <strong>of</strong> detectable<br />

differences in the <strong>host</strong>’s reaction to S. aureus RN1HG and its isogenic sigB mutant is explainable.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />



The phagocytes <strong>of</strong> the innate immune system, neutrophils, monocytes/macrophages and<br />

dendritic cells, accomplish central functions during the encounter <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> and <strong>pathogen</strong>. They are<br />

the first group <strong>of</strong> immune cells which recognize and react to an infection and the main effectors<br />

<strong>of</strong> clearance <strong>of</strong> <strong>pathogen</strong>s. Beside the different location in the non-reactive situation, when<br />

neutrophils and monocytes circulate in the blood stream and macrophages and dendritic cells are<br />

found in the tissue, macrophages and dendritic cells are long-living in comparison to the shortliving<br />

neutrophils. Macrophages and dendritic cells have important functions in the regulation <strong>of</strong><br />

the immune reaction, e. g. <strong>by</strong> their antigen presentation ability (Gordon S 2007). The central<br />

position <strong>of</strong> macrophages in the immune defense accounts for the relevance <strong>of</strong> research on<br />

macrophage related topics.<br />

Accordingly, the study described in this thesis aimed to analyze on a molecular level the<br />

reaction <strong>of</strong> macrophages to interferon-γ (IFN-γ), which in low doses is known to be a priming<br />

signal for macrophages and prepares the cells for a faster reaction to a second stimulus (Dalton<br />

et al. 1993, Huang et al. 1993, Ma J et al. 2003, Mosser 2003). Here, <strong>by</strong> utilization <strong>of</strong> bonemarrow<br />

derived macrophages (BMM), which were differentiated in vitro from bone marrow stem<br />

cells under the influence <strong>of</strong> granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), any<br />

influence <strong>of</strong> immunological conditioning or in vivo stimuli were avoided. Such influences could<br />

impair the experimental results when using mature macrophages prepared from animal organs.<br />

Furthermore, recently established serum-free culture conditions (Eske et al. 2009) were applied.<br />

This new system circumvented uncontrollable influences on BMM experiments, which would<br />

have been introduced <strong>by</strong> vendor- and batch-varying, cytokine-, hormone- or endotoxincontaining<br />

serum if traditional cultivation conditions had been applied.<br />

The study included BMM <strong>of</strong> the two mouse strains BALB/c and C57BL/6, which were chosen<br />

because <strong>of</strong> the differences observed between these mouse strains in in vivo and in vitro infection<br />

studies (Breitbach et al. 2006, Autenrieth et al. 1994, van Erp et al. 2006). Thus, the data set from<br />

this study was used to compare on the one hand non-stimulated control BMM <strong>of</strong> both strains,<br />

and on the other hand BMM <strong>of</strong> the two strains after IFN-γ treatment.<br />

Another feature <strong>of</strong> this study was the combined approach <strong>of</strong> transcriptome (Maren Depke)<br />

and proteome (Dinh Hoang Dang Khoa) analysis. In the comparison <strong>of</strong> transcriptome and<br />

proteome results, it was expected that the microarray as whole genome array covered a much<br />

higher number <strong>of</strong> genes than the number <strong>of</strong> proteins covered <strong>by</strong> the gel-free LC-MS/MS<br />

proteome approach, which was already chosen as best comparable method. Anyway, a defined<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the microarray results like information on genes encoding membrane or secreted proteins<br />

can practically not match proteome results for lack <strong>of</strong> accessibility. Hence, it was not surprising to<br />

find a high number <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes, for which protein data were not available.<br />

Vice versa, corresponding gene expression values were recorded for almost all protein data.<br />

A good agreement <strong>of</strong> the results from both analysis levels was evident for the IFN-γ effects.<br />

Depending on the selected comparison, the overlap <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes and<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

proteins different in abundance amounted to approximately 40 % to 60 % in reference to<br />

genes/proteins which were accessible with both methods. Most recently, a study on LPSactivated<br />

RAW 264.7 macrophages and C57BL/6 BMM was published. Applying isotope coded<br />

affinity tagging (ICAT), multidimensional liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry, 1064<br />

proteins were identified and quantified <strong>of</strong> which 36 differed in abundance between LPS-treated<br />

and control cells. Comparison to microarray data revealed approximately 75% concordance<br />

(Swearingen et al. 2010). Although the treatments in both studies were different, the total,<br />

regulated and overlap numbers were roughly comparable.<br />

Nevertheless, a different phenomenon was observed when analyzing differences between<br />

BMM <strong>of</strong> both strains. Expectedly, a high number <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes was observed,<br />

which were not accessible with the proteome approach. But also a high number <strong>of</strong> regulated<br />

proteins was recorded, for which transcriptome data were mostly available but did not show<br />

differential expression. Thus, BMM in both strains might differ in post-transcriptional,<br />

translational, and protein stability/turnover processes.<br />

Although the regulated genes/proteins were not always identical for the different<br />

comparisons, similar global results were received <strong>by</strong> both approaches.<br />

1) IFN-γ treatment mainly led to induction <strong>of</strong> gene expression or an increase in protein<br />

abundance.<br />

2) IFN-γ induced changes were highly similar in BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6 BMM, since many <strong>of</strong><br />

them were observed in BMM <strong>of</strong> both strains or, when observed only in one <strong>of</strong> them, showed a<br />

highly similar trend in the other in reference to their fold change values.<br />

3) In the comparison between BMM <strong>of</strong> the two analyzed mouse strains, about 50 % <strong>of</strong> regulated<br />

genes/proteins exhibited higher expression/abundance in BALB/c BMM whereas the other<br />

50 % showed higher expression/abundance in C57BL/6 BMM.<br />

4) Strain differences were highly similar in the comparison <strong>of</strong> control level BMM and in the<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ treated BMM.<br />

Apart from the comparison to proteome results, the transcriptome data were analyzed for<br />

their biological content. The confirmation <strong>of</strong> known IFN-γ effects in the data set proved the<br />

relevance <strong>of</strong> the results. Very prominent, the induction <strong>of</strong> immunoproteasome and antigen<br />

presentation genes became visible. These included Psmb8, Psmb9, Psmb10, Psme1, and Psme2,<br />

genes <strong>of</strong> proteasome subunits, Tap1 and Tap2, peptide transporters from cytosol to the<br />

endoplasmatic reticulum (ER), Erap1, ER aminopeptidase, and MHC class I and class II genes,<br />

which were already described to be induced <strong>by</strong> interferon (Aki et al. 1994, Van den Eynde/Morel<br />

2001, Brucet et al. 2004, Ma W et al. 1997, Schiffer et al. 2002, Chang et al. 2005, Jung et al.<br />

2009, Benoist/Mathis 1990, Boehm et al. 1997, Gobin/van den Elsen 2000). IFN-γ is also in vivo<br />

responsible for the complete exchange <strong>of</strong> the constitutive to the immunoproteasome since this<br />

exchange was shown to be reduced to 50 % in the liver <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ -/- BALB/c mice after infection with<br />

lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. The authors suppose TNF-α to be responsible for the<br />

remaining fraction <strong>of</strong> exchange (Khan S et al. 2001). Other in vivo experiments using the fungal<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong> Histoplasma capsulatum in infections <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ -/- C57BL/6 mice resulted in a complete<br />

inability to induce the immunoproteasome. In that study, the authors could not find hints that<br />

other cytokines can compensate for the loss <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ in reference to the immunoproteasome<br />

(Barton et al. 2002). The knockout <strong>of</strong> inducible proteasome β-subunit LMP-7 (Psmb8) led to a<br />

strongly increased susceptibility <strong>of</strong> mice during Toxoplasma gondii infections, which was<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

explained <strong>by</strong> the missing <strong>pathogen</strong>ic antigen processing in dendritic cells and the consequently<br />

missing activation <strong>of</strong> specific cytotoxic CD8 + T cells (Tu et al. 2009).<br />

The induction <strong>of</strong> immunoproteasome β i -subunits but also <strong>of</strong> Tap1 was reported to be<br />

mediated <strong>by</strong> STAT1 during signal transduction and IRF-1, which acts as transcriptional activator<br />

(White et al. 1996, Chatterjee-Kishore et al. 1998, Foss/Prydz 1999, Brucet et al. 2004, Namiki et<br />

al. 2005). In agreement with literature information, IFN-γ treatment led to a clear induction <strong>of</strong><br />

STAT1 and IRF-1 in BMM <strong>of</strong> both strains in the study <strong>of</strong> murine BMM described in this thesis (data<br />

not shown).<br />

The gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling revealed the influence <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ on several cytokines. BMM<br />

induced several chemokines (Ccl5, Ccl12, Ccl22, Cxcl9, Cxcl10, Cxcl11, Cxcl16), chemokine<br />

receptors (Ccr5, Ccrl2), interleukins (Il15, Il27), interleukin receptors (Il2rg, Il4ra, Il10ra, Il12rb1,<br />

Il13ra1, Il15ra, Il21r) and also TNF and TNF family ligands (Tnf, Tnfsf10, Tnfsf18) and receptor<br />

(Tnfrsf14). These were interpreted as preparation for a potentially following second stimulus and<br />

consequent immune reaction, which includes pro- and anti-inflammatory directions.<br />

Cxcl9, Cxcl10, and Cxcl11 are known to be induced <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ (Luster et al. 1985, Farber 1990,<br />

Taub et al. 1993, Liao et al. 1995, Cole KE et al. 1998). These chemokines bind the receptor Cxcr3,<br />

which is preferentially found on IL-2 activated Th1 cells (Loetscher M et al. 1996). Of these three<br />

chemokines, Cxcl11 has highest affinity to Cxcr3 and additionally is the most potent agonist<br />

(Cole KE et al. 1998). Because the cytokine exerts its influence only on activated T cells, the<br />

authors additionally infer that the cytokine mainly acts during the immune response and aims to<br />

direct effector T cells to the manifestation site, when T cell activation, IL-2 production, and<br />

proliferation <strong>of</strong> specific T cells had occurred in lymphoid organs (Cole KE et al. 1998).<br />

The three chemokines Cxcl9, Cxcl10, and Cxcl11 exert their function not only in the<br />

chemotaxis <strong>of</strong> Th1 cells via Cxcr3. It was reported that they also can bind to Ccr3, the receptor for<br />

several Ccl chemokines (Ccl5, Ccl7, Ccl8, Ccl11, Ccl13, Ccl24), which is found on Th2 cells. Cxcl9,<br />

Cxcl10, and Cxcl11 act antagonistic when binding to Ccr3. Thus, these chemokines do not only<br />

attract Th1 cells but also inhibit chemotaxis <strong>of</strong> Th2 cells and further polarize the immune<br />

response (Loetscher P et al. 2001). More recently, a similar antagonistic effect <strong>of</strong> Cxcl11 on the<br />

receptor Ccr5 was reported (Petkovic et al. 2004).<br />

Most interestingly, beside agonist and antagonist functions, Cxcl9, Cxcl10, and Cxcl11 have<br />

been reported to exhibit direct antimicrobial functions against Escherichia coli and Listeria<br />

monocytogenes. The observation was rated as biologically relevant since antimicrobially effective<br />

concentrations <strong>of</strong> chemokines were determined in vitro and in vivo (Cole AM et al. 2001). The<br />

antimicrobial effect <strong>of</strong> Cxcl9, Cxcl10, and Cxcl11 also applied to S. aureus (Yang D et al. 2003).<br />

Another study determined constitutive expression <strong>of</strong> Cxcl9 in the human male reproductive<br />

system and secretion into seminal plasma where antibacterial activity against the urogenital<br />

<strong>pathogen</strong> Neisseria gonorrhoeae was demonstrated leading to the conclusion that Cxcl9 is<br />

relevant for the <strong>host</strong>’s local immune defense (Linge et al. 2008). The multifunctional<br />

characteristic <strong>of</strong> chemokine and antimicrobial function is not a unique feature <strong>of</strong> Cxcl9, Cxcl10,<br />

and Cxcl11, but was observed for several other chemokines, too. Antimicrobial activity could be<br />

assigned to about two third <strong>of</strong> all studied chemokines (Yang D et al. 2003).<br />

The cytokine TNF was induced in BMM after IFN-γ treatment. TNF is the central inflammation<br />

mediator. Since long it is known that TNF is the mediator <strong>of</strong> lethal endotoxin effects (Beutler et<br />

al. 1985), which finding was worth a reprint as part <strong>of</strong> the “Pillars <strong>of</strong> Immunology” series in The<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> Immunology (Vilcek 2008). In the meantime, knowledge was expanded and<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

superfamilies <strong>of</strong> TNF ligands and receptors were identified (Hehlgans/Pfeffer 2005). TNF is<br />

associated with several functions linked to pro-inflammatory effects, which involve a<br />

multiprotein signaling complex at the cell membrane and MAP-kinase signaling and which are<br />

finally mediated via NFκB and c-Jun (Chen G/Goeddel 2002, Wajant et al. 2003). Rarely, TNF can<br />

induce apoptosis via caspase activation, depending on the cellular balance <strong>of</strong> antiapoptosis/proliferation<br />

signals mediated <strong>by</strong> NFκB (Gaur/Aggarwal 2003, Wajant et al. 2003).<br />

Furthermore, TNF is involved in the regulation <strong>of</strong> fever with both pyrogenic and antipyretic<br />

effects depending on physiological or experimental conditions (Leon 2002). In macrophages, TNF<br />

has an important function in controlling intracellular mycobacterial growth (Bekker et al. 2001).<br />

TNF deficient mice are susceptible to Listeria monocytogenes infections, exhibit reduced contact<br />

hypersensitivity and impairment <strong>of</strong> splenic follicular architecture and <strong>of</strong> maturation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

humoral immune response (Pasparakis et al. 1996). Knockout <strong>of</strong> TNF and lymphotoxin-α (TNF-β)<br />

leads to an increased susceptibility to S. aureus infections, but also to a reduced frequency <strong>of</strong><br />

arthritis indicating a damaging influence <strong>of</strong> the cytokine during the inflammatory reaction<br />

(Hultgren et al. 1998). Reflecting the central position <strong>of</strong> TNF in the regulation <strong>of</strong> the immune<br />

response to infection, several strategies <strong>of</strong> <strong>pathogen</strong>s to influence the TNF activity were<br />

reported. The interference can lead to diverse and contrary effects depending on the <strong>pathogen</strong>,<br />

like inhibition <strong>of</strong> apoptosis, enhancement <strong>of</strong> apoptosis, inhibition <strong>of</strong> TNF production or, in case <strong>of</strong><br />

S. aureus, the induction <strong>of</strong> a TNF-like response <strong>by</strong> interaction <strong>of</strong> protein A with the TNF receptor<br />

TNFR1 (Rahman/McFadden 2006).<br />

Beside other functions, TNF was described to further enhance the expression <strong>of</strong> the<br />

immunoproteasome (Loukissa et al. 2000). In non-pr<strong>of</strong>essional antigen-presenting cells, the<br />

induction <strong>of</strong> immunoproteasome, TAP peptide transporters, and MHC class I complexes <strong>by</strong> TNF<br />

independent <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ activity was observed and in addition increased stability <strong>of</strong> the MHC class I<br />

complexes at the cell surfaces (Hallermalm et al. 2001). Thus, induction <strong>of</strong> TNF in BMM after<br />

IFN-γ treatment might intensify the effect on antigen processing and presentation after a second<br />

stimulus. Also in the serum-free system, the inducibility <strong>of</strong> TNF in IFN-γ and LPS treated BMM was<br />

described (Eske et al. 2009). IL-6, IL-10, and IL-12, which were also inducible <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ and LPS<br />

(Eske et al. 2009), were not expressed in IFN-γ treated BMM (this study), and the IFN-γ and LPS<br />

inducible chemokine Ccl2 (MCP-1; Eske et al. 2009) was expressed but not differentially regulated<br />

in IFN-γ treated BMM (this study). This strongly hints for the explanation that the induction only<br />

occurs when a second stimulus like LPS is given.<br />

After IFN-γ treatment, the induction <strong>of</strong> anti-inflammatory IL-10 receptor (Moore et al. 2001)<br />

as well as the induction <strong>of</strong> Il18bp coding for an IL-18 binding protein, which is a natural<br />

endogenous inhibitor <strong>of</strong> the proinflammatory IL-18 (McInnes et al. 2000, Gracie et al. 2003,<br />

Novick D et al. 1999), was observed (this study). Not only Stat1 and Irf1 <strong>of</strong> the positive IFN-γ<br />

feedback were induced, but also Stat3 and Socs1 which are implicated in negative feedback<br />

(Schroder et al. 2004, Hu et al. 2008). This might indicate the possible reactivity to antiinflammatory<br />

stimuli and a confinement <strong>of</strong> inflammatory response.<br />

After the priming signal <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ, the BMM are not fully activated and are not expected to<br />

secrete cytokines, but rather after a second stimulus (Hu et al. 2008). Analysis <strong>of</strong> cytokine<br />

secretion <strong>of</strong> BMM beyond the examples analyzed until now will be <strong>of</strong> interest, either after<br />

stimulation with LPS, or after stimulation with molecules <strong>of</strong> Gram-positive bacteria or even<br />

infection e. g. with S. aureus, as it will be in focus <strong>of</strong> research for follow-up experiments to this<br />

study.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

Three other induced genes, kynreninase (Kynu), inducible nitric oxide synthase 2 (Nos2), and<br />

tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (Wars), found attention. These are closely linked to inflammation<br />

and interferon action.<br />

Kynureninase was reported to be induced in immortalized murine macrophages (cell line<br />

MT2) <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ, which was interpreted as an activation <strong>of</strong> the kynurenine pathway leading to the<br />

formation <strong>of</strong> quinolinic acid from tryptophan since the cells also induced indoleamine 2,3-<br />

dioxygenase (IDO), which catalyzes the first step <strong>of</strong> tryptophan degradation (Alberati-Giani et al.<br />

1996). Interestingly, BMM after IFN-γ treatment (this study) did not differentially express<br />

indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) which is known to be induced <strong>by</strong> interferons in many cell<br />

types (Carlin et al. 1989, Taylor MW/Feng 1991, Alberati-Giani et al. 1996). Even more,<br />

expression <strong>of</strong> Ido1 and Ido2 was low and even absent in several samples. In literature references,<br />

a lack <strong>of</strong> inducible IDO activity <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ was observed in murine peritoneal macrophages. These<br />

cells were able to kill <strong>pathogen</strong>s, and the antimicrobial effect was not diminished <strong>by</strong> addition <strong>of</strong><br />

tryptophan like it was observed for monocyte-derived macrophages (Murray HW et al. 1989).<br />

It was reported that the immune defense mechanisms <strong>of</strong> IDO/tryptophan degradation and<br />

nitric oxide synthase (NOS)/arginine degradation influence each other. Nitric oxide synthase<br />

catalyzes the first, rate-limiting step <strong>of</strong> arginine degradation to NO and citrulline<br />

(Knowles/Moncada 1994). NO decreases IDO activity in human mononuclear phagocytes <strong>by</strong><br />

interfering with the heme iron located at the active site <strong>of</strong> IDO enzyme (Thomas et al. 1993).<br />

Experiments gave hints for species-specific reactions to IFN-γ since human macrophages induced<br />

IDO and murine macrophages NOS. Nevertheless, in presence <strong>of</strong> inhibitors <strong>of</strong> NO synthesis also<br />

murine macrophages exhibited IDO activity (Thomas et al. 1993). NOS inhibitors in combination<br />

with IFN-γ further increased the induction <strong>of</strong> IDO mRNA in murine macrophages MT2, which was<br />

already induced after IFN-γ treatment alone (Alberati-Giani et al. 1997). Influence <strong>of</strong> NO on IDO<br />

mRNA could not be detected in the human epithelial cell line RT4, but NO led to accelerated<br />

proteosomal degradation <strong>of</strong> IDO protein. The authors stated that the transcriptional regulation <strong>of</strong><br />

IDO might be species or cell type specific and needs to be furthermore analyzed (Hucke et al.<br />

2004). Not only NO and reactive nitrogen species influence IDO, but there are also hints for<br />

influences in the opposite direction. The intermediate 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid from the<br />

kynurenine pathway <strong>of</strong> tryptophan degradation was shown to inhibit the enzymatic activity <strong>of</strong><br />

iNOS and the iNOS mRNA induction <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ and LPS in mouse macrophage RAW 264.7 cells. The<br />

decrease in iNOS mRNA level resulted from inhibition <strong>of</strong> NFκB activation (Sekkaï et al. 1997).<br />

Even when there are still open questions concerning the interplay between IDO and iNOS, and<br />

even when details in their regulation might differ between mouse and human and between the<br />

different cell types, many information support the proposition that in each physiological situation<br />

a cellular decision towards one <strong>of</strong> the two antimicrobial mechanisms has to be taken since each<br />

mechanism compromises the other. Fittingly, during the treatment <strong>of</strong> BMM with IFN-γ the<br />

induction <strong>of</strong> Nos2, inducible nitric oxide synthase 2, was observed in parallel to the lacking<br />

induction/expression <strong>of</strong> IDO (this study).<br />

Wars is known to be regulated <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ (Fleckner et al. 1991, Buwitt et al. 1992, Bange et al.<br />

1992, Rubin et al. 1991). The biological function <strong>of</strong> the induction <strong>of</strong> this metabolic enzyme in<br />

inflammatory situations is discussed in different ways: 1) protection <strong>of</strong> the <strong>host</strong> from self-induced<br />

tryptophan starvation: In an environment <strong>of</strong> tryptophan degradation, the amino acid would be<br />

saved from IDO activity when complexed to tRNA, not accessible for <strong>pathogen</strong>s, but still available<br />

for <strong>host</strong> protein synthesis (Boasso et al. 2005, Murray MF 2003). 2) compensation for increased<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

tryptophanyl-tRNA need: Interferon inducible proteins with tryptophan-enriched sequences<br />

require above average tryptophanyl-tRNA (Xue/Wong 1995). 3) expanded function <strong>of</strong> the<br />

tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase: Splice variants were shown to act anti-angiogenic (Tolstrup et al.<br />

1995, Otani et al. 2002, Wakasugi et al. 2002).<br />

It has been shown that bone marrow-derived myeloid dendritic cells (Hara et al. 2008) and<br />

astrocytes (Speciale et al. 1989) take up exogenous kynurenine, which would be an explanation<br />

for the induction <strong>of</strong> kynureninase in BMM after treatment with IFN-γ (this study).<br />

It can be speculated that the induction <strong>of</strong> Kynu and Wars together in BMM after treatment<br />

with IFN-γ might indicate a preparation <strong>of</strong> the BMM for their presence in inflamed tissue where<br />

they might encounter a tryptophan depleted environment.<br />

Interferons are described to induce a group <strong>of</strong> GTPases / GTP binding proteins <strong>of</strong> different<br />

families which play a role in antimicrobial defense. Of each <strong>of</strong> the four families described in<br />

literature (MacMicking 2004) examples were found in the BMM data set after IFN-γ treatment, in<br />

part exhibiting the highest induction factors <strong>of</strong> the data set: p47 GTPases (Igtp, Iigp1, Irgm1,<br />

Tgtp), p65 guanylate-binding proteins (Gbp1, Gbp2, Gbp3, Gbp4, Gbp5, Gbp6), Mx proteins (Mx1,<br />

Mx2), and very large inducible GTPases (Gvin1). The observation <strong>of</strong> induction is entirely in<br />

agreement with literature references and impressive in its entity. This group <strong>of</strong> GTPases provides<br />

the <strong>host</strong> with resistance against viral and microbial <strong>pathogen</strong>s <strong>by</strong> cell-autonomous resistance<br />

mechanisms.<br />

GTPase p47 and p65 cellular knockdown studies and experiments using knockout animals led<br />

to a higher susceptibility during infection. These GTPases were described to be membraneassociated<br />

via myristoylation, isoprenylation, or interaction with e. g. Golgi-proteins. GTPases <strong>of</strong><br />

the p47 family were recruited to phagosomes after infection. Thus, they target intracellular,<br />

vacuolarized <strong>pathogen</strong>s <strong>by</strong> a mechanism proposed to remodel the <strong>pathogen</strong>-containing<br />

compartment and to increase the fusion with lysosomes. GTPases <strong>of</strong> the p65 family were<br />

described to be involved in the control <strong>of</strong> virus infections. More recently, a publication reported a<br />

role for p65 GTPases during defense against bacterial and protozoan infections (Shenoy et al.<br />

2007, Taylor GA et al. 2007, Anderson SL et al. 1999, Carter et al. 2005, Degrandi et al. 2007). Mx<br />

proteins, which intracellularly bind to virus particles, are part <strong>of</strong> the innate immune defense<br />

against several RNA viruses. In mice, the location <strong>of</strong> the Mx protein type (nuclear Mx1, cytosolic<br />

Mx2) correlates with the replication site <strong>of</strong> the viruses against which the Mx proteins provide<br />

resistance (Haller/Kochs 2002, Haller et al. 2007). Finally, very large inducible GTPases (VLIG) are<br />

proteins <strong>of</strong> approximately 280 kDa. Despite the big size, the protein is encoded in a single exon.<br />

Mice harbor six different, but similar VLIG genes, which are organized in a gene cluster on<br />

chromosome 7 (Klamp et al. 2003). The genomes <strong>of</strong> primates and carnivores do not include VLIG<br />

sequences, which probably were lost during evolution since other vertebrata own VLIG (Li et al.<br />

2009).<br />

Literature data indicate that C57BL/6 BMM do not synthesize Gbp-1 protein after interferon<br />

induction because they own a different allele <strong>of</strong> the Gbp-1 gene (Staeheli et al. 1984). Although<br />

this study detected a 6-fold increase in Gbp-1 mRNA <strong>of</strong> C57BL/6 BMM after IFN-γ treatment,<br />

even the induced mRNA level was still very low. This change in mRNA was not detectable on<br />

protein level: LC-MS/MS data <strong>of</strong> Dinh Hoang Dang Khoa revealed equal protein abundance in<br />

control and IFN-γ treated C57BL/6 BMM, which was in accordance with the phenotype described<br />

in literature.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

Only few <strong>genomewide</strong> transcriptome pr<strong>of</strong>iling studies on IFN-γ and macrophages are available<br />

in literature. Kota et al. analyzed the reaction <strong>of</strong> murine RAW 264.7 cells to IFN-γ exposition for<br />

4 h (Kota et al. 2006). Despite the difference <strong>of</strong> macrophage cell line to BMM and <strong>of</strong> treatment<br />

time and IFN-γ dose (4 h and 1000 U/ml vs. 24 h and 300 U/ml) between the published study and<br />

the study described in this thesis, a very good agreement in the differential regulation <strong>of</strong> several<br />

genes was observed (e. g. Oas, GTPases, Socs1, Socs3, Nos2, Cxcl9, Cxcl10, Irf1, Cxcr4,<br />

immunoproteasome and associated genes, MHC molecules, Il18bp, Il10ra, Ctsc, Ptgs2 and<br />

others). Ehrt et al. analyzed BMM after 72 h <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ treatment (100 U/ml), infection for 24 h<br />

with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or both (Ehrt et al. 2001). The authors observed – in contrast<br />

to the results <strong>of</strong> this study – slightly more repressed than induced genes after IFN-γ treatment<br />

alone. The infection setting resulted in an additional, specific set <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed<br />

genes. Such additional set <strong>of</strong> genes is also expected in case <strong>of</strong> future inclusion <strong>of</strong> further infected<br />

samples in the settings <strong>of</strong> the study described in this thesis. The authors defined a set <strong>of</strong><br />

approximately 1300 genes to be regulated upon treatment <strong>of</strong> BMM with IFN-γ (Ehrt et al. 2001).<br />

This high number is not directly comparable with the results <strong>of</strong> this study, because Ehrt and<br />

colleagues treated each probe set <strong>of</strong> the array as if it represented a single gene. This<br />

simplification was necessary because the analysis was performed before the complete<br />

sequencing <strong>of</strong> the mouse genome was finished. Thus, at that time, the partially overlapping EST<br />

and cDNA sequences were difficult to assign to gene information. Furthermore, the authors<br />

explain the result <strong>of</strong> the high number <strong>of</strong> regulated genes with the long IFN-γ stimulation time <strong>of</strong><br />

72 h. But also between the study <strong>by</strong> Ehrt et al. and the study described in this thesis accordance<br />

was observed (e. g. MHC molecules, Gbp2 and other GTPases, Irg1, Nos2, Cxcl10, Cxcr4).<br />

Interestingly, the authors monitored a strong influence <strong>of</strong> Nos2 deficiency on the gene<br />

expression pr<strong>of</strong>ile after IFN-γ treatment leading to the conclusion that Nos2 directly or indirectly<br />

influences the cellular reaction to IFN-γ stimulus. Zocco and coworkers focused their analyses on<br />

rat hepatic macrophages, i. e. Kupffer cells, stimulated with 1000 U/ml IFN-α or IFN-γ for 8 h<br />

(Zocco et al. 2006). Using an Affymetrix array with about 8800 probe sets, they observed 70<br />

induced and 72 repressed genes <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ, the relation <strong>of</strong> which resembles more that observed <strong>by</strong><br />

Ehrt et al. than the relation determined in the study described in this thesis. Nevertheless, also<br />

here a certain concordance <strong>of</strong> cellular reaction became visible (e. g. Mx, Gbp2, Nos2, Irf1, Stat1,<br />

Oas, immunoproteasome subunits, MHC molecules). In the study <strong>of</strong> Pereira et al. BMM <strong>of</strong> A/J or<br />

BALB/c mice were treated for 18 h with 50 U/ml <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ and analyzed on a 1536 feature cDNA<br />

array from a fetal thymus library (Pereira et al. 2004). For BALB/c BMM, the induction <strong>of</strong> 297<br />

genes and repression <strong>of</strong> 58 genes was recorded. Here, the relation <strong>of</strong> induction to repression is<br />

similar to that observed in the study described in this thesis although the comparison <strong>of</strong> results is<br />

difficult because <strong>of</strong> the very different arrays, which were used in both studies. The comparison<br />

with similar transcriptome studies from literature leads to the conclusion that the results <strong>of</strong> this<br />

study are well supported <strong>by</strong> knowledge on cellular reactions to IFN-γ. In addition, similar to<br />

comparisons <strong>of</strong> other studies, also in this study specific gene expression changes were observed<br />

which might be explained with experimental differences. Nevertheless, for a comprehensive<br />

knowledge <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ effects the study <strong>of</strong> different experimental settings is necessary to which this<br />

study contributes.<br />

During data analysis using the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis tool (IPA, www.ingenuity.com), it<br />

became clear that only a fraction <strong>of</strong> the IFN-γ related, differentially expressed genes were linked<br />

to macrophages or RAW cells in the IPA database. Of about 180 genes, approximately 130 were<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

associated with IFN-γ in other cells, but not in macrophages/RAW cells. Thus, this study provides<br />

a significant contribution to extend the scientific knowledge <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ effects in macrophages.<br />

Strain differences in gene expression occurred between BALB/c BMM and C57BL/6 BMM on<br />

both treatment levels. Most differences were similar at control level and after IFN-γ treatment,<br />

and the differences included genes, which were expressed at a higher level in BALB/c BMM or in<br />

C57BL/6 BMM. Some insights into the data indicate that the differences might be immunerelevant.<br />

For example Cxcl11, the Th1 cell attracting chemokine, differed between the strains<br />

after IFN-γ treatment because it was induced from a common baseline level only in BALB/c BMM.<br />

Since it is known that the immune response <strong>of</strong> C57BL/6 mice is balanced towards Th1 with high<br />

IFN-γ/low IL-4 production in splenocytes after concanavalin A stimulation and that <strong>of</strong> BALB/c<br />

mice towards Th2 with low IFN-γ/high IL-4 production in splenocytes after concanavalin A<br />

stimulation (Mills et al. 2000), the difference after IFN-γ treatment was unexpected. But as the<br />

IFN-γ stimulus was added externally, the difference might display a compensatory variation <strong>of</strong><br />

BALB/c BMM gene expression. C57BL/6 macrophages were reported to produce more NO than<br />

BALB/c macrophages (Mills et al. 2000). The induction <strong>of</strong> Nos2 <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ in C57BL/6 BMM was <strong>by</strong> a<br />

factor <strong>of</strong> about 1.4 stronger than in BALB/c BMM in this study, but the difference was not<br />

significant although a trend for confirmation <strong>of</strong> literature data was visible. Furthermore, BALB/c<br />

macrophages were observed to produce more ornithine/urea because <strong>of</strong> a stronger arginase<br />

activity (Mills et al. 2000). In this study, BALB/c BMM exhibited higher expression <strong>of</strong> arginase 2<br />

than C57BL/6 at control and at IFN-γ treated level as indicated <strong>by</strong> literature data.<br />

The phenotypical differences between the reaction <strong>of</strong> BALB/c and C57BL/6 BMM were <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

determined in the presence <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ and a second stimulus like LPS or infection (Breitbach et al.<br />

2006, Eske et al. 2009). To elucidate molecular reasons for the observed differences in killing <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>pathogen</strong>s or cytokine production, the inclusion <strong>of</strong> samples subjected to a second stimulus in<br />

addition to IFN-γ is recommended.<br />

The experimental setting <strong>of</strong> this study was planned with the aim to analyze basic principles <strong>of</strong><br />

murine BMM: the reaction to the priming signal IFN-γ on a molecular level and differences <strong>of</strong><br />

reaction between the BMM <strong>of</strong> both mouse strains. To further elucidate reasons for the different<br />

success <strong>of</strong> the mouse strains to fight and overcome infections in vivo and in vitro, experiments<br />

will need to be expanded to the analysis <strong>of</strong> IFN-γ treatment in combination with bacterial<br />

infection. This might include studies using Burkholderia infections for which attenuated mutants<br />

exist <strong>of</strong> whose study interesting results are anticipated. Furthermore, the first proteome analyses<br />

were performed for infection experiments <strong>of</strong> BMM with S. aureus, <strong>of</strong> which the first results are<br />

presented in the thesis <strong>of</strong> Dinh Hoang Dang Khoa. Further complementing results are expected<br />

from the extension <strong>of</strong> the analysis to transcriptome level.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />



Several different cell types <strong>of</strong> mammalian <strong>host</strong>s are in the risk <strong>of</strong> encounter with <strong>pathogen</strong>s<br />

depending <strong>of</strong> the entry and manifestation site <strong>of</strong> infection. These are immune cells as well as cells<br />

associated with structural and functional aspects <strong>of</strong> the tissue. In this study, the human bronchial<br />

epithelial cell line S9 (American Type Culture Collection ATCC, Manassas, VA, USA; www.atcc.org;<br />

S9 cell ATCC number CRL-2778) served as a model system to study the reaction <strong>of</strong> epithelial<br />

cells to infection. With regard to the identification <strong>of</strong> S. aureus as one <strong>of</strong> the leading causative<br />

organisms <strong>of</strong> pneumonia (Goto et al. 2009), this species was employed as model <strong>pathogen</strong>. More<br />

specific, S. aureus RN1HG, a rsbU + repaired RN1-derivative strain (Herbert et al. 2010) with a<br />

SigB-positive phenotype, was chosen.<br />

The infection setting involved bacterial cultivation in an adapted cell culture medium (Schmidt<br />

et al. 2010), which allowed inoculation <strong>of</strong> eukaryotic <strong>host</strong> cell cultures with a fraction <strong>of</strong> complete<br />

bacterial culture. This experimental setup allowed the study <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cell reactions to the influence<br />

<strong>of</strong> both bacterial factors, its secreted proteins from supernatant and the membrane-bound<br />

factors, which both interact during infection and contribute to the success <strong>of</strong> the bacterial cells. It<br />

also avoided potentially disturbing influences <strong>of</strong> bacterial cell handling like that occurring during<br />

centrifugation and washing.<br />

In a combined approach <strong>of</strong> transcriptome (Maren Depke) and proteome (Melanie Gutjahr)<br />

analysis, the <strong>host</strong> reaction to infection and bacterial internalization was recorded. Two time<br />

points, 2.5 h and 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, were selected for sampling. Because only about<br />

50 % <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cells in infected cell culture plates harbor internalized staphylococci after infection,<br />

the fraction <strong>of</strong> non-infected cells was removed <strong>by</strong> FACS-sorting, which was feasible because a<br />

GFP-expressing S. aureus RN1HG strain has been used. The remaining infected S9 cells were<br />

compared to medium control cells.<br />

In the comparison <strong>of</strong> infected S9 cell proteome and transcriptome signatures, a considerable<br />

time shift <strong>of</strong> cellular reaction between both analysis levels was evident. In samples <strong>of</strong> the first<br />

time point 2.5 h, approximately half the number <strong>of</strong> proteins differed in abundance between<br />

infected and control cells in comparison to the number <strong>of</strong> regulated proteins at the later time<br />

point <strong>of</strong> 6.5 h. Conversely, for the transcriptome analysis, the number <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed<br />

genes at the first time point amounted to about 3.5 % <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> regulated genes at the<br />

second time point. Thus, the reaction on proteome level started to a stronger extent between<br />

inoculation and first analysis time point 2.5 h, whereas the transcriptional reaction most<br />

articulately started between the first (2.5 h) and the second (6.5 h) time point.<br />

The cellular reaction to infection in this experimental setting seems to lead first to protein<br />

abundance changes independent from mRNA changes, which on the one hand probably rely on<br />

the already existing messengers and on the other hand might represent post-transcriptional,<br />

translational and degradation/turnover processes as reduction in protein abundance prevailed at<br />

the early time point. Differentially expressed genes and regulated proteins did not overlap at the<br />

first time point 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. Two genes, IFIT2 and IFIT3, were induced at both the<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

2.5 h and the 6.5 h time points, but the protein abundance increased only at the 6.5 h time point.<br />

This indicates that the first mRNA expression changes were manifested on proteome level<br />

probably after the first analyzed time point (2.5 h) and before or at latest directly at the second<br />

analyzed time point (6.5 h).<br />

A time shift between detectable messenger and protein level changes can explain the<br />

observation that approximately 5 % <strong>of</strong> protein abundance changes found their correspondence at<br />

transcript level at the 6.5 h time point, and vice versa, the even smaller fraction <strong>of</strong> 0.8 % <strong>of</strong><br />

differential expression was realized on proteome level at the same time point. It has to be<br />

mentioned that a small number <strong>of</strong> genes/proteins showed reverse effects in transcriptome and<br />

proteome analysis, or changes in protein abundance preceeded mRNA changes. This can be<br />

explained <strong>by</strong> post-transcriptional, translational and protein turnover mechanisms, <strong>by</strong> time shift<br />

aspects or <strong>by</strong> the possibility <strong>of</strong> counter-regulatory processes. During proteome analysis, different<br />

methods have to be applied to study proteins from different compartments or with different<br />

physical characteristics. In this study, a gel-free proteomics approach was applied, which is<br />

known to yield less information on membrane proteins because these are not accessed during<br />

extract preparation and enzymatic digestion. Thus, a defined part <strong>of</strong> the microarray results can<br />

practically not match proteome results for lack <strong>of</strong> accessibility. The results from the comparison<br />

<strong>of</strong> the proteome and the transcriptome analysis approach underline the importance <strong>of</strong><br />

performing both analysis levels in parallel. Information <strong>of</strong> both approaches complement each<br />

other and supply valuable data to establish a comprehensive view <strong>of</strong> the experimental system.<br />

Although transcriptome pr<strong>of</strong>iling revealed the very small number <strong>of</strong> 40 differentially<br />

expressed genes in S9 cells 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection with S. aureus RN1HG, these gene<br />

expression changes indicated the beginning response <strong>of</strong> the <strong>host</strong> cells to infection. Furthermore,<br />

these changes were in very good agreement with the differential gene expression at the second<br />

analysis time point four hours later.<br />

At the 2.5 h time point, a strong induction <strong>of</strong> a proinflammatory response was observed. This<br />

included cytokines like IL-6 and IFN-β, genes related to inflammation mediators like PTGS2, and<br />

genes which are linked to these aspects because they are part <strong>of</strong> signal transduction and<br />

transcription processes. In addition to the observation <strong>of</strong> proinflammatory mechanisms, gene<br />

expression changes which aim to counter-regulate and balance the inflammation were observed<br />

already 2.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. Nevertheless, the infection influenced the <strong>host</strong> cells very<br />

strongly, and hints for morphological changes and a limitation <strong>of</strong> cell cycle progression became<br />

visible.<br />

The study included a second sampling point 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection. The cellular state at<br />

this time point was characterized <strong>by</strong> a stronger loss <strong>of</strong> viability, but these non-viable cells were<br />

not included in the sample preparation after FACS-sorting. Thus, a viable, GFP-positive infected<br />

cell fraction was utilized for transcriptome pr<strong>of</strong>iling. Resulting differentially expressed genes<br />

distinguished a rather strong cellular response as the number <strong>of</strong> regulated genes increased <strong>by</strong> a<br />

factor <strong>of</strong> approximately 30 in comparison to the first time point.<br />

In a general view, the S9 cells started a regulatory gene expression program 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong><br />

infection, which was strongly associated with diverse inflammation and cell death related<br />

functions. These included signal transduction linked genes for the interferon signaling cascade<br />

together with IFN-β itself, which has already been induced at the 2.5 h time point, pattern<br />

recognition receptors, antigen presentation and immunoproteasome, but also death receptor<br />

signaling. The amplification <strong>of</strong> cellular response was indicated <strong>by</strong> the emergence <strong>of</strong> functional<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

associated groups <strong>of</strong> genes, <strong>of</strong> which few were regulated at the early and several at the later time<br />

point <strong>of</strong> analysis. Examples are given with leukemia inhibitory factor LIF (induced at both time<br />

points) and its receptor (induced after 6.5 h), ligand CD274 (PD-L1, induced at both time points)<br />

and PD-L2 (induced after 6.5 h), several interferon regulated genes at both time points or<br />

additionally at the 6.5 h time point, and the histone genes, <strong>of</strong> which one was repressed at the<br />

2.5 h time point and further 17 were added at the 6.5 h time point.<br />

Furthermore, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) belonged to the genes with the highest<br />

induction factors at the 6.5 h time point. The gene codes for a key molecule in<br />

immunomodulation, microbial growth control, and <strong>pathogen</strong> immune escape (Puccetti 2007,<br />

Zelante et al. 2009). IDO is known to be induced <strong>by</strong> interferons (Carlin et al. 1989,<br />

Taylor MW/Feng 1991) e. g. during infection and inflammation, but also in conditions like stress,<br />

which result in a transient increase <strong>of</strong> proinflammatory cytokines (Kiank et al. 2010). The enzyme<br />

catalyzes the reaction <strong>of</strong> tryptophan to formylkynurenine. This is the first rate-limiting step <strong>of</strong> the<br />

so-called “kynurenine pathway”, which leads to NAD + biosynthesis or to the complete oxidative<br />

degradation <strong>of</strong> kynurenine (King/Thomas 2007, Xie et al. 2002). One <strong>of</strong> the main effects <strong>of</strong><br />

induced IDO activity is the depletion <strong>of</strong> tryptophan, which is discussed to be a mechanism to<br />

inhibit microbial growth (Pfefferkorn 1984, Byrne et al. 1986, Müller et al. 2009). But this<br />

mechanism can be counteracted <strong>by</strong> bacteria, which might induce their tryptophan biosynthesis<br />

or which developed own counter-regulatory mechanisms. An example is Chlamydophila psittaci<br />

which owns adapted tryptophan biosynthesis genes that enable the bacterium to produce<br />

tryptophan from kynurenine taken from their <strong>host</strong>’s metabolism (Xie et al. 2002).<br />

During metabolism <strong>of</strong> tryptophan, several neuro- and immune-active substances are<br />

produced, <strong>of</strong> which some additionally exhibit toxic features and thus might act antimicrobially.<br />

The intermediates <strong>of</strong> tryptophan and kynurenine degradation, 3-hydroxykynurenine and α-<br />

picolinic acid, were reported to inhibit growth <strong>of</strong> S. aureus and other bacterial species in a murine<br />

transplantation model even in the presence <strong>of</strong> tryptophan (Saito et al. 2008, Narui et al. 2009).<br />

The most prominent characteristic <strong>of</strong> IDO is the induction <strong>of</strong> an anti-inflammatory bias after a<br />

proinflammatory stimulus. This effect aims to limit inflammation and the accompanying damage<br />

to the <strong>host</strong> tissue. It has to be considered that the experimental setting in this study only<br />

included one single cell type, the bronchial epithelial cell line S9. Thus, interpretation <strong>of</strong> an antiinflammatory<br />

effect assumes that bronchial epithelial cells might also in vivo induce IDO, e. g.<br />

during staphylococcal pneumonia. Tryptophan degradation intermediates were shown to inhibit<br />

proliferation <strong>of</strong> CD4 + and CD8 + T cells and <strong>of</strong> NK cells (Frumento et al. 2002). Other experiments<br />

supported a proposed mechanism <strong>of</strong> inhibition <strong>of</strong> T cell proliferation, which was triggered <strong>by</strong> the<br />

low concentration <strong>of</strong> tryptophan resulting from IDO activity and mediated <strong>by</strong> GCN2 kinase<br />

(EIF2AK4, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 4), a sensor for uncharged tRNA<br />

(Munn et al. 2005). The contradiction that tryptophan depletion leads to an antimicrobial effect<br />

on the one hand and to an inhibition <strong>of</strong> T cell mediated immune response on the other hand was<br />

resolved <strong>by</strong> Müller and coworkers, who determined the concentration limit necessary for the two<br />

effects. They observed that bacterial inhibition (50 % inhibitory concentration <strong>of</strong> 1.9 µM) took<br />

already place at a higher tryptophan concentration whereas tryptophan had to be depleted even<br />

further (50 % inhibitory concentration <strong>of</strong> 0.1 µM) to achieve T cell inhibition (Müller et al. 2009).<br />

Besides the described aspects, in an in vivo infection situation dendritic cells (DC) will contribute<br />

to the immune response. Further IDO-mediated immune-modulation mechanisms involve DC<br />

mediated T cell tolerance (Popov/Schultze 2008). The induction <strong>of</strong> IDO in epithelial cells near<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

sites <strong>of</strong> infection might help to constrain the immune defense reactions to the actually infected<br />

cells and to protect the non-infected neighboring cells from damage <strong>by</strong> immune cells like<br />

cytotoxic T cells (King/Thomas 2007). This confinement <strong>of</strong> immune response evolutionarily<br />

developed in favor <strong>of</strong> the <strong>host</strong>. Nevertheless, in certain context it benefits <strong>pathogen</strong>s, which<br />

might cause persistent infections since the immune system switched to an anti-inflammatory<br />

state (Zelante et al. 2009).<br />

In relation to IDO1, the increased expression <strong>of</strong> tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (WARS) was<br />

conspicuous, which was also confirmed on protein level. In contrast to bacterial tRNA<br />

synthetases, the eukaryotic or mammalian enzymes were studied to a lesser extent. The enzyme<br />

was identified and described to be IFN-γ induced <strong>by</strong> two groups, Fleckner and coworkers as well<br />

as Buwitt, Bange and colleagues almost 20 years ago (Fleckner et al. 1991, Buwitt et al. 1992,<br />

Bange et al. 1992) and separately, the inducibility <strong>by</strong> IFN-α and IFN-γ was demonstrated (Rubin et<br />

al. 1991). The protein domain structure (reviewed <strong>by</strong> Kisselev 1993) as well as the gene’s exonintron-organization<br />

and interferon response elements are long-known (Frolova et al. 1993). It<br />

was hypothesized that the induction <strong>of</strong> tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase in parallel to the<br />

tryptophan catabolizing enzyme IDO aims to protect the <strong>host</strong> from the tryptophan starvation<br />

which is induced in response to proinflammatory stimuli. Tryptophan would be safe from<br />

degradation when complexed to tRNA and still available for <strong>host</strong> protein synthesis (Boasso et al.<br />

2005, Murray MF 2003). Furthermore, the induction <strong>of</strong> tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase <strong>by</strong><br />

interferon was described to find its biological rationale in the enrichment <strong>of</strong> tryptophan in<br />

immune response related and equally interferon inducible proteins like MHC molecules<br />

(especially in the Ig-domains). Hence, induction <strong>of</strong> tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase was suggested<br />

to reflect the heightened need <strong>of</strong> tryptophanyl-tRNA to sustain the ability to synthesize these<br />

proteins (Xue/Wong 1995). More recent literature data assign tRNA synthetases expanded<br />

functions (Yang XL et al. 2004). Proteolytic tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase fragments (Favorova et<br />

al. 1989), splice variants (Tolstrup et al. 1995), and transcription starting from a newly identified<br />

IFN-γ sensitive promoter (Liu J et al. 2004) were reported. Smaller tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase<br />

variants were shown to act anti-angiogenic (Otani et al. 2002, Wakasugi et al. 2002).<br />

In infected S9 cells 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection, expression changes <strong>of</strong> cytokine genes,<br />

GTPase/GTP binding proteins, genes involved in (anti)coagulation, anti-oxidant defense, and<br />

complement system, lysosomal proteins and adhesins were obvious. This time point also<br />

included repression <strong>of</strong> different branches <strong>of</strong> de novo lipogenesis like cholesterol, unsaturated<br />

fatty acid, and storage lipid biosynthesis. Fatty acid synthase FASN was repressed in<br />

transcriptome analysis and was equally reduced in abundance in proteome analysis. Contrarily,<br />

several genes which are involved in lipid messenger generation were induced. The hints for<br />

induced ceramide/sphingosine biosynthesis link the induction <strong>of</strong> lipid messenger generating<br />

genes to the observation <strong>of</strong> induced expression <strong>of</strong> genes associated with death receptor signaling<br />

and apoptosis.<br />

The transcriptome pr<strong>of</strong>iling <strong>of</strong> infected S9 cells revealed that in the death receptor signaling<br />

cascade, the receptor FAS and some initiating caspases were induced in parallel with the ligands<br />

TNFSF10 and TNFSF15 and signal transduction genes. But also a caspase inhibitor (CFLAR) and an<br />

anti-apoptotic gene (BAG1) were induced, and CASP9, link to the mitochondrial apoptosis<br />

pathway, was repressed. Among further pro-apoptotic genes, a set <strong>of</strong> five apolipoprotein L genes<br />

(APOL1, APOL2, APOL3, APOL4, APOL6) was detected with induced expression, <strong>of</strong> which one,<br />

APOL2, was also increased in protein abundance. The APOL genes were <strong>of</strong> special interest. The<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

induced APOL1 belongs to the group <strong>of</strong> BH3-only proteins which achieve their apoptotic effect <strong>by</strong><br />

binding to proteins <strong>of</strong> the Bcl-2 family. It is discussed that the apoptotic effect is mediated <strong>by</strong> a<br />

mechanism <strong>of</strong> activating pro-apoptotic members <strong>of</strong> this family or inactivating pro-survival<br />

members in a de-repression mode (Bouillet/Strasser 2002, Adams 2003, Fletcher/Huang 2006).<br />

Accumulation <strong>of</strong> apolipoprotein L1 leads to autophagy (Wan et al. 2008, Zhaorigetu et al. 2008)<br />

and is postulated to be linked to apoptosis (Vanhollebeke/Pays 2006). APOL genes were reported<br />

to be induced in proinflammatory environment (Smith/Malik 2009). Unlike the secreted APOL1,<br />

the other four induced apolipoprotein L genes APOL2, APOL3, APOL4, and APOL6 do not possess<br />

a secretion signal peptide and therefore are thought to be localized intracellularly (Duchateau et<br />

al. 1997, Page et al. 2001). Like APOL1, they also contain BH3-domains and are supposed to be<br />

associated with programmed cell death and immune response (Liu Z et al. 2005).<br />

Most interestingly, a second function <strong>of</strong> APOL1 as human serum factor which lyses serumsensitive<br />

Trypanosoma species was identified (Vanhamme et al. 2003). After uptake, APOL1<br />

forms pores in the trypanosomal lysosomes, and the subsequent lysosomal disruption leads to<br />

killing <strong>of</strong> the parasite (Pérez-Morga et al. 2005). The species Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense is<br />

serum-resistant. Its antagonistic protein SRA targets APOL1, inhibits the lytic function, and thus<br />

helps the <strong>pathogen</strong> to evade the immune response (Xong et al. 1998, De Greef et al. 1989,<br />

Lecordier et al. 2009).<br />

The APOL1 domain which is responsible for APOL1-SRA binding is called SID, and the other<br />

APOL proteins exhibit homologous regions to this domain. The region was subjected to rapid<br />

evolution in all six APOL proteins, and another region – called MAD – evolved rapidly only in<br />

APOL6. The authors Smith and Malik predict from these results the existence <strong>of</strong> further unknown<br />

antagonists to these regions, especially in intracellular <strong>pathogen</strong>s, which might take advantage<br />

from inhibition <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cell death (Smith/Malik 2009).<br />

At the 6.5 h post-infection time point, S9 cells induced the expression <strong>of</strong> several chemokines<br />

and cytokines. This set included CCL2 and CCL5, CXCL10, IFNB1, IL6, IL12A and others, and was<br />

interpreted as a pro-inflammatory response. Literature references also report the induction <strong>of</strong><br />

chemokines/cytokines <strong>by</strong> epithelial cells after a challenge with S. aureus with the aim to recruit<br />

immune cells and activate innate and adaptive immune responses (Moreilhon et al. 2005,<br />

Peterson ML et al. 2005). Also endothelial cells exhibit a similar response to infection with<br />

S. aureus (Matussek et al. 2005). The induced chemokines/cytokines from this study and the<br />

published references overlap partly (e. g. IL6, IL15), but still contain specifically regulated genes.<br />

The experiments were performed with different S. aureus strains. They probably influence the<br />

<strong>host</strong> gene expression to a different extent depending on their differing repertoire <strong>of</strong> virulence<br />

factors as it was shown for different S. aureus strains infecting endothelial cells (Grundmeier et<br />

al. 2010), and – more distantly related – also in plasma cytokine pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> patients suffering<br />

from Gram-positive or Gram-negative sepsis and in microarray data sets <strong>of</strong> LPS or heat-killed<br />

S. aureus Cowan ex vivo stimulated whole blood samples (Freezor et al. 2003). Possibly also the<br />

different <strong>host</strong> cell lines have different specificities for the induction <strong>of</strong> pro-inflammatory<br />

cytokines. Despite the difference, in conformity between the different studies the epithelial cells<br />

were recognition sites for infection and mediators <strong>of</strong> this information to the immune system.<br />

Since the effect was very explicit they were even termed to be components <strong>of</strong> the innate immune<br />

system (Peterson ML et al. 2005).<br />

Infected S9 cells effectuate a clearly immune defense associated transcriptomic response to<br />

infection. Interestingly, more than 100 genes <strong>of</strong> the infection-regulated set in S9 cells were also<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

found in the IFN-γ dependently regulated genes in BALB/c or C57BL/6 macrophages, when the<br />

gene list was translated to murine homologues in Rosetta Resolver s<strong>of</strong>tware with the help <strong>of</strong> the<br />

EntrezGene HomoloGene database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homologene). Some genes<br />

even fit together in their regulation in both studies: S9 cells induced cytokine IL12A and<br />

indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) upon infection, BMM induced the receptor Il12rb1 and<br />

kynureninase (Kynu) after activation <strong>by</strong> IFN-γ.<br />

An important mediator <strong>of</strong> inflammation is prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) whose production is mainly<br />

mediated <strong>by</strong> prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase (PTGS), which generates the inflammation<br />

mediators prostaglandin (PG) G 2 and H 2 from arachidonic acid. From PGH 2 , the other<br />

prostaglandins like PGE 2 are formed <strong>by</strong> different synthases (Spencer et al. 1998, Steer/Corbett<br />

2003, Park JY et al. 2006). In this study, PTGS2 and PGE 2 receptors PTGER4 and PTGER2 were<br />

induced at least at one analyzed time point. The mechanism <strong>of</strong> PTGS2 induction involves among<br />

others NFκB (Newton et al. 1997, Lin et al. 2000, Tsatsanis et al. 2006). More specifically, it was<br />

published that lipoteichoic acid (LTA) from S. aureus induced PTGS2 protein in human pulmonary<br />

epithelial A549 cells and that this also led to PGE 2 production to which phospholipase A 2 (PLA2)<br />

contributed (Lin et al. 2001). The authors demonstrate an induction <strong>of</strong> PTGS2 via a mechanism in<br />

which LTA first activates phosphatidylcholine-phospholipase C or D (PC-PLC, PC-PLD), whose<br />

product diacylglycerol (DAG) subsequently activates protein kinase C (PKC), which finally leads to<br />

the activation <strong>of</strong> NFκB and NFκB-dependent PTGS2 (Lin et al. 2001).<br />

In S. aureus RN1HG infected S9 cells, the induction <strong>of</strong> phospholipase A 2 (PLA2G4C),<br />

phospholipase C (PLCB4, PLCG2, PLCH1), protein kinase C µ (PRKD1, PRKD2), and PTGS2 was<br />

observed, which fits very well to the literature data. As it is known that NFκB activation results in<br />

autoregulation and induction <strong>of</strong> its inhibitors (Sun et al. 1993, Le Bail et al. 1993, Liptay et al.<br />

1994, Eto et al. 2003, Trinh et al. 2008), the induction <strong>of</strong> NFKBIZ can be regarded as indirect hint<br />

for NFκB activity in infected S9 cells.<br />

Airway epithelial cells have been used to study S. aureus in vitro infection before. In a farreaching<br />

microarray and RT-PCR study, Moreilhon and coworkers analyzed the reaction <strong>of</strong> the<br />

human airway glandular cell line MM-39 to the S. aureus 8325-4 strain in two settings: First,<br />

diluted bacterial supernatants were added to the <strong>host</strong> cell culture. In a second experiment, PBSwashed<br />

bacterial cells were used to infect the eukaryotic cell culture (Moreilhon et al. 2005).<br />

Bacteria were cultivated in TSB, and when a concentration <strong>of</strong> 5E+08 cfu/ml was reached, cells or<br />

supernatants were used for the infection experiments. This concentration corresponds to a time<br />

point during exponential growth. Inoculation was performed with 10 % supernatant for a time<br />

span from 1 h to 24 h or with a MOI <strong>of</strong> 50 for infection with viable staphylococci for 3 h. Thus,<br />

additional to a different <strong>host</strong> cell line and S. aureus strain – whose known SigB-negative<br />

phenotype (Kullik/Giachino 1997) probably is the main difference to the phenotypically SigBpositive<br />

strain RN1HG – the experimental setting differed from the one used in this study. This<br />

necessarily has impact on the comparability <strong>of</strong> the results. Furthermore, the strain 8325-4 was<br />

observed to produce a lipase and protease sensitive lipoprotein inhibitor <strong>of</strong> internalization into<br />

endothelial cells. Reduced internalization consequently led to a reduction <strong>of</strong> the endothelial cells’<br />

cytokine production (Yao et al. 2000).<br />

Moreilhon et al. observed distinct gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> supernatant and viable<br />

staphylococci treated <strong>host</strong> cells in which bacterial supernatant led to stronger alterations (higher<br />

number as well as stronger magnitude) than washed viable staphylococci.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

The comparison between the published bacterial supernatant effects and the infection effects<br />

recorded in this study revealed similar functional aspects, although these functions were not<br />

always represented <strong>by</strong> the same examples. Nevertheless, both studies confirmed each other: 1)<br />

NFκB action (e. g. IL6, JUNB, NR4A2), 2) inflammation (e. g. LIF), 3) inflammatory mediator-related<br />

genes (e. g. PTGS2 alias COX-2). Inflammation-related signal transduction processes were present<br />

with different members <strong>of</strong> the same families. Moreilhon et al. found induction <strong>of</strong> JAK1, STAT1,<br />

STAT3 and SOCS2, whereas this study detected induction <strong>of</strong> JAK2, STAT2 and SOCS1. Similarly,<br />

Moreilhon et al. described induction <strong>of</strong> pro-inflammatory chemokines/interleukins CXCL1, CXCL2,<br />

CXCL3, CCL20, IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-8, IL-20 and IL-24, and this study found a different set, namely CCL2,<br />

CCL5, CSF1, CXCL10, CXCL11, CXCL16, IL-7, IL-12, IL-15, IL-28, IL-29, and in addition IFNB. From the<br />

group <strong>of</strong> toll-like receptors, TLR2 was induced in the experiments <strong>of</strong> Moreilhon et al. while TLR3<br />

was detected with increased expression in the study described in this thesis.<br />

Also cell cycle/apoptosis related genes were found in both studies, but with different<br />

examples. Moreilhon et al. could determine a necrotic phenotype with a transient apoptosis<br />

phase 8 h to 10 h after <strong>host</strong>-<strong>pathogen</strong> interaction. In this study, the final fate <strong>of</strong> the infected cells<br />

was difficult to judge on, because the functional/physiological measurements have not been<br />

performed yet. Here, only an arrest <strong>of</strong> growth could be postulated from the transcriptome data.<br />

Nevertheless, this is in agreement with proteome result interpretation <strong>of</strong> Melanie Gutjahr.<br />

Also another study using the cell line MM-39 and washed S. aureus 8325-4 cells from<br />

stationary growth phase (da Silva et al. 2004) describes the epithelial cell reaction as necrotic cell<br />

death after a phase <strong>of</strong> apoptosis, where a higher concentration <strong>of</strong> bacterial cells accelerated the<br />

begin <strong>of</strong> necrosis. Finally, after 24 h a very strong damage <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cells was observed.<br />

Nevertheless, the authors observed that MM-39 <strong>host</strong> cells were able to defend themselves in the<br />

early phase <strong>of</strong> infection <strong>by</strong> the production <strong>of</strong> SLPI, secretory leukocyte peptidase inhibitor, which<br />

was exhausted in later phases <strong>of</strong> infection. It has to be mentioned that extracellular bacteria<br />

were not killed in the experiments <strong>of</strong> da Silva and coworkers and that the strong replication <strong>of</strong><br />

non-internalized and <strong>host</strong>-cell escaped bacteria in the medium during the infection assay and the<br />

parallel production <strong>of</strong> toxic bacterial products might have influenced the <strong>host</strong> cells’ reactions<br />

(da Silva et al. 2004). However, transcriptome data <strong>of</strong> S9 cells during the analysis window <strong>of</strong> the<br />

study described in this thesis do not allow confirmation <strong>of</strong> an active defense strategy using SLPI:<br />

SLPI mRNA was expressed, but at a low level, and differential expression was not observed after<br />

infection. Possibly the bronchial epithelial cell line S9 has a different gene expression repertoire<br />

from that <strong>of</strong> the airway glandular cell line MM-39.<br />

In summary, the in vitro infection study <strong>of</strong> human bronchial epithelial S9 cells and S. aureus<br />

RN1HG resulted in a picture <strong>of</strong> a fast, strong proinflammatory reaction <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cells which<br />

revealed central immune response related processes. In agreement with literature reports, the<br />

data led to the conclusion that epithelial cells act as recognition sites for infection and pass this<br />

information to immune cells. Nevertheless, the comparison with other studies revealed that<br />

especially each <strong>host</strong> cell – bacterial strain combination, but also the additional experimental<br />

settings provoke a specific aspect <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> response which supports and necessitates the<br />

extension <strong>of</strong> research to further <strong>of</strong> these combinations. Furthermore, the comparison <strong>of</strong><br />

proteome and transcriptome results emphasized that the application <strong>of</strong> both complementing<br />

approaches is recommended and strongly helps to achieve a comprehensive view <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong><strong>pathogen</strong><br />

<strong>interactions</strong> on molecular level.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />


Beside its characteristics as commensal colonizer as well as origin <strong>of</strong> a variety <strong>of</strong> infectious<br />

diseases, S. aureus was identified as one <strong>of</strong> the leading causative organisms <strong>of</strong> pneumonia<br />

besides Streptococcus pneumonia and Haemophilus influenzae (Goto et al. 2009). The <strong>pathogen</strong><br />

is easily transferred to the lung, e. g. <strong>by</strong> aspiration or medical devices, where it encounters<br />

immune cells as well as cells associated with structural and functional aspects <strong>of</strong> the lung like<br />

epithelial cells.<br />

In this study, the human bronchial epithelial cell line S9 was applied to study the <strong>interactions</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> epithelial cells with S. aureus RN1HG. Here, the analysis <strong>of</strong> the <strong>pathogen</strong> expression pr<strong>of</strong>ile<br />

complements the analysis <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cell expression patterns, which has been described before.<br />

Similar as in the other studies described in this thesis, also the internalized staphylococci were<br />

monitored in a combined approach <strong>of</strong> transcriptome (Maren Depke) and proteome (Sandra<br />

Scharf) analysis. Internalized staphylococci were extracted from their S9 <strong>host</strong> cells and the<br />

bacterial RNA pr<strong>of</strong>ile was recorded using a tiling array approach. Bacterial intracellular proteins<br />

were monitored and quantified after stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture<br />

(SILAC), FACS-sorting and mass spectrometric analysis.<br />

The advantage <strong>of</strong> the experimental settings in this study was the application <strong>of</strong> complete<br />

bacterial culture with both secreted proteins from supernatant and whole bacterial cells to the<br />

<strong>host</strong> S9 cell culture. Such experimental design was improved after establishment <strong>of</strong> an adapted<br />

cell culture medium named pMEM (Schmidt et al. 2010) which allows reproducible bacterial<br />

growth, but avoids the inoculation <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cell culture with highly artificial established bacterial<br />

culture media like TBS. Hence, the study <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong>-<strong>pathogen</strong> <strong>interactions</strong> in the context <strong>of</strong> all<br />

bacterial factors, membrane-bound and secreted, and additionally without any influence on<br />

bacterial physiology <strong>by</strong> prolonged handling, centrifugation and washing <strong>of</strong> bacteria was<br />

performed using exponential growth phase cultures <strong>of</strong> the rsbU + repaired RN1-derivative strain<br />

S. aureus RN1HG (Herbert et al. 2010).<br />

Additional information on gene expression pattern <strong>of</strong> S. aureus RN1HG during stationary<br />

growth phase in the pMEM medium was available from a second study, which dealt with the<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> gene expression pattern in different growth media. That study was part <strong>of</strong> an<br />

international co-operation in the settings <strong>of</strong> the EU-IP-FP6-project BaSysBio (LSHG-CT2006-<br />

037469) consortium. Here, proteome analysis was not included.<br />

Both gene expression studies, <strong>of</strong> medium comparison and <strong>of</strong> the infection experiment, applied<br />

custom tiling arrays produced and processed <strong>by</strong> NimbleGen.<br />

First, the knowledge on the gene expression pattern <strong>of</strong> stationary growth phase was used to<br />

determine the most suitable control sample group for the infection experiment study.<br />

In stationary growth phase, nutrients become limited after consumption in the exponential<br />

phase <strong>of</strong> growth, which is the trigger for the so-called stringent response. The stringent response<br />

comprises an adaptation <strong>of</strong> the bacteria’s metabolism to situations <strong>of</strong> nutrient limitation or<br />

starvation, which includes induction <strong>of</strong> stress resistance, decelerated growth and alleviated<br />

metabolism. Many <strong>of</strong> the necessary changes are mediated <strong>by</strong> transcriptional variation (Condon et<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

al. 1995, Crosse et al. 2000, Anderson KL et al. 2006, Wolz et al. 2010). In a comparison between<br />

the stationary phase gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>ile and that <strong>of</strong> the late serum/CO 2 control (each in<br />

relation to exponential phase growth) a high overlap was recognized. This included reduced<br />

expression <strong>of</strong> ribosomal protein genes, tRNA synthetase genes, translation elongation factor<br />

genes and a clear trend <strong>of</strong> induction <strong>of</strong> the stringent response regulator relA as it was reported in<br />

literature (Anderson KL et al. 2006). Thus, the gene expression in the late serum/CO 2 controls<br />

resembled the stationary phase/stringent response. A corresponding similarity was not observed<br />

for the internalized staphylococci as well as for the early control samples. In conclusion from<br />

these observations, it was decided that the 1 h serum/CO 2 control sample, although not timematched,<br />

was the most appropriate baseline sample for this infection experiment study.<br />

Since the shift <strong>of</strong> bacterial cells from aerobic agitated culture to infection settings in cell<br />

culture plates and 5 % CO 2 atmosphere probably resulted in a change <strong>of</strong> oxygen availability, genes<br />

harboring binding sites for Rex, the central anaerobiosis regulator and transcriptional repressor<br />

(Pagels et al. 2010), were analyzed to elucidate whether the changes <strong>of</strong> oxygen availability lead<br />

to an anaerobiosis gene expression signature (this study). De-repression <strong>of</strong> Rex-binding site<br />

containing genes was visible during anaerobic incubation, but despite the shift from agitated<br />

culture to cell culture plate, internalized samples did not show the same pattern <strong>of</strong> anaerobic<br />

gene expression. Contrarily, many <strong>of</strong> these Rex binding sites containing genes, which were in<br />

trend or significantly induced in anaerobically incubated samples (indicating de-repression after<br />

Rex lost its DNA affinity in anaerobic conditions), were in trend or significantly repressed in<br />

internalized staphylococci in S9 cells (indicating sustained DNA binding activity <strong>of</strong> Rex). Thus, it<br />

was concluded that internalized staphylococci did not suffer from reduced oxygen availability.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the first observations during the analysis <strong>of</strong> the internalized staphylococcal gene<br />

expression pattern was that the response regulator gene saeR <strong>of</strong> the two-component system<br />

SaeRS was induced in internalized staphylococci 6.5 h after start <strong>of</strong> infection and that the sensor<br />

component gene saeS was significantly differentially expressed but only did not exceed a fold<br />

change <strong>of</strong> 2. This observation led to a more detailed analysis <strong>of</strong> the SaeRS regulon in internalized<br />

staphylococci.<br />

In 2006, Rogasch and coworkers published a transcriptomic and proteomic <strong>characterization</strong><br />

study <strong>of</strong> the SaeRS regulon (Rogasch et al. 2006). Of the genes defined to be regulated in that<br />

publication, 21 were found to be regulated (mostly increased) in at least one <strong>of</strong> the two analyzed<br />

time points <strong>of</strong> internalized staphylococci in the study described in this thesis. These included the<br />

auto-induced saeR, adhesins, serine protease, toxins, immune-evasive genes and others. Thus,<br />

most probably the SaeRS two-component system was activated in internalized staphylococci.<br />

The SaeRS system was furthermore studied <strong>by</strong> DNA array analysis using a saeS gene<br />

replacement mutant (Sa371ko) and its parental strain, the clinical isolate S. aureus WCUH29<br />

(Liang et al. 2006). Less than 20 genes (positive influence on coa, fnbB, fnb, efb, hla, hlb, hlgC,<br />

saeS, SA1000, which corresponds to SAOUHSC_01110, and others; negative influence on agrA<br />

and a gene coding for a hypothetical protein) were observed to be SaeRS dependently regulated.<br />

In vivo, the saeS mutant strain resulted in less bacterial load in the kidney compared to the wild<br />

type strain in a hematogenous pyelonephritis model <strong>of</strong> i. v. infected mice (Liang et al. 2006).<br />

Interestingly, S. aureus deficient for SaeS exhibited less adhesion to and less invasion in human<br />

lung epithelial A549 cells and resulted in a reduced rate <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cell apoptosis which was possibly<br />

mediated in parts <strong>by</strong> reduced expression <strong>of</strong> hla (Liang et al. 2006). Furthermore, negative<br />

influence on adhesion and internalization was documented for efb and SA1000 replacement<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

mutants. Thus, especially saeRS as regulatory system, but also efb and SA1000 (SAOUHSC_01110)<br />

contribute to adhesion and invasion (Liang et al. 2006). Strikingly, these genes were observed to<br />

be induced (saeR, efb) or in trend induced (saeS; SAOUHSC_01110; data not shown for<br />

SAOUHSC_01110) in internalized staphylococci in the study described in this thesis. Furthermore,<br />

also coa, fnbB, hla, and hlgC, determined as SaeRS-dependent <strong>by</strong> Liang and colleagues, were<br />

induced in internalized staphylococci in this study. The final conclusion <strong>of</strong> Liang et al. stated that<br />

“activation <strong>of</strong> the SaeRS system is required for S. aureus to adhere to and invade epithelial cells”.<br />

Supportingly, such activation was also concluded in this study.<br />

Nevertheless, the activation SaeRS and induction <strong>of</strong> saeRS might depend on further<br />

experimental aspects which are not defined yet. Infection and gene expression studies <strong>by</strong> Garzoni<br />

and coworkers did not reveal induction but repression <strong>of</strong> saeR and saeS in S. aureus 6850 upon<br />

internalization in human lung epithelial A549 cells (Garzoni et al. 2007). Contrarily, upon<br />

phagocytosis <strong>by</strong> human polymorphonuclear leukocytes the induction <strong>of</strong> saeR and saeS was<br />

observed in different S. aureus strains (Voyich et al. 2005).<br />

While adherence <strong>of</strong> sae mutant and wild type to endothelial cells did not differ, the mutant<br />

was less invasive than the wild type (Steinhuber et al. 2003). Further affirmation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

participation <strong>of</strong> saeS in infection models was derived from mutagenesis studies in combination<br />

with murine systemic infection. Here, non-functional saeS led to attenuated virulence (Benton et<br />

al. 2004). A different bacterial strain background led to similar observations <strong>of</strong> reduced virulence<br />

in mice (Rampone et al. 1996). Also Goerke et al. identified SaeRS as important regulator which is<br />

active in vivo, although the deletion mutant did not yield different bacterial densities compared<br />

to the wild type in a device-related infection model (Goerke et al. 2005).<br />

Besides the already mentioned saeR and saeS, three other regulators were observed with<br />

differential expression in internalized staphylococci (sarT, sarU, rot). Since sarT and sarU are less<br />

well characterized and since all these three genes were repressed, the effect <strong>of</strong> this differential<br />

expression cannot easily be rated in the setting <strong>of</strong> the in vitro infection model.<br />

Fittingly to the concluded activity <strong>of</strong> the SaeRS system in internalized staphylococci,<br />

membrane-bound adhesins, which are partly known to be regulated <strong>by</strong> SaeRS (Liang et al. 2006),<br />

were induced (fnbA, fnbB, clfA, clfB).<br />

Fibronectin binding proteins (FnBPs) are – together with other surface proteins – important<br />

mediators <strong>of</strong> bacterial adhesion to <strong>host</strong> cells. They exhibit an even more central position for<br />

internalization processes. FnBPs were partly required for adhesion and mainly required for<br />

internalization into the bovine mammary gland epithelial cell line, MAC-T (Dziewanowska et al.<br />

1999). The mechanism includes binding <strong>of</strong> FnBP to β 1 integrins via a bridge formed <strong>by</strong> fibronectin,<br />

but also direct binding <strong>of</strong> FnBP to <strong>host</strong> membrane-located Hsp60 (Dziewanowska et al. 2000).<br />

Anyway, another study demonstrated variability <strong>of</strong> fnb genes between different clinical isolates<br />

as well as variation in the ability to adhere to fibronectin <strong>by</strong> the different isolates. Strains which<br />

were derived from orthopaedic implant-associated infection showed higher adherence than the<br />

other isolates. Community-acquired invasive disease isolates harbored more <strong>of</strong>ten two fnb genes<br />

than carriage isolates, but the number <strong>of</strong> fnb genes correlated only to a low extent with the<br />

adhesion capacity (Peacock et al. 2000).<br />

Fibronectin-binding protein deficiency reduced the colonization <strong>of</strong> heart tissue in a rat<br />

endocarditis model indicating a role <strong>of</strong> FnBP in heart valve infection. Other tissue samples did not<br />

show the same effect (Kuypers/Proctor 1989). In order to avoid compensation <strong>of</strong> a deleted gene<br />

<strong>by</strong> other, functionally redundant staphylococcal genes, an overexpression study <strong>of</strong> clfA and fnbA<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

in Lactococcus lactis, a bacterium with low <strong>pathogen</strong>ic potential, was performed (Que et al.<br />

2001). Possession <strong>of</strong> ClfA or FnbA rendered L. lactis as adherent to fibrinogen or fibronectin as<br />

the gene-donor S. aureus strain. Furthermore, overexpressing L. lactis strains were able to cause<br />

endocarditis in a rat model with a similar minimal infection dose as S. aureus. The authors stated<br />

that this overexpression experiment proved the involvement <strong>of</strong> clfA and fnbA in endocarditis with<br />

higher confidence than deletion experiments (Que et al. 2001).<br />

Thus, fnb genes have proven to be relevant for adhesion, invasion and in vivo infection<br />

situations. Surprisingly, the induction <strong>of</strong> adhesins was observed after internalization <strong>of</strong> S. aureus<br />

RN1HG into S9 cells (this study). It can be speculated that this induction took place in advance to<br />

react to a possible re-liberation from the <strong>host</strong> cell e. g. after <strong>host</strong> cell death.<br />

In internalized staphylococci, also soluble adhesins were induced (eap, coa, vwb, emp, efb).<br />

These are also associated with other functions like immune-evasion. Eap, whose expression is<br />

essentially mediated <strong>by</strong> sae (Harraghy et al. 2005), is one <strong>of</strong> the examples for a staphylococcal<br />

protein which is related to a variety <strong>of</strong> functions (Harraghy et al. 2003). Eap was reported for<br />

example to mediate adhesion to cultured fibroblasts (Hussain et al. 2002), to enhance<br />

internalization into human fetal lung fibroblasts and HACAT keratinocytes (Haggar et al. 2003), to<br />

impair wound healing via inhibition <strong>of</strong> angiogenesis (Athanasopoulos et al. 2006), to block Ras<br />

activation and signal transduction cascade which leads to anti-angiogenesis (Sobke et al. 2006),<br />

to induce pro-inflammatory IL-6 and TNF-α in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (Scriba<br />

et al. 2008), but also to act anti-inflammatorily <strong>by</strong> inhibition <strong>of</strong> leukocyte recruitment via<br />

blockade <strong>of</strong> ICAM1 and hence lead to immune evasion (Chavakis et al. 2002, Haggar et al. 2004).<br />

Thus, it was not surprising to find induced expression also after internalization into S9 cells (this<br />

study). Further immune-evasion related genes were increased in S9-internalized S. aureus<br />

RN1HG, e. g. chp, whose gene product CHIPS, chemotaxis inhibitory protein <strong>of</strong> staphylococci, is<br />

known to block the receptor for the chemotactic complement fragment C5a and for bacterialderived<br />

formylated peptides (de Haas et al. 2004, Murdoch/Finn 2000). Also induced efb, coding<br />

for extracellular fibrinogen-binding protein Efb, interferes with complement action, i. e.<br />

opsonization, <strong>by</strong> inhibition <strong>of</strong> C3b-binding to bacterial surfaces (Lee et al. 2004a, 2004b). Thus,<br />

internalized staphylococci induce certain genes which would benefit their survival in an in vivo<br />

situation.<br />

In aerobically living cells, reactive oxygen intermediates like hydroxyl radicals (OH•), hydroxide<br />

(OH – ), superoxide anion (O – 2 ), or hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) occur in normal metabolism and may<br />

damage cellular structures like DNA (Fridovich 1978, Imlay/Linn 1988). Phagocytes even produce<br />

high amounts <strong>of</strong> reactive oxygen intermediates during respiratory burst, e. g. superoxide anion <strong>by</strong><br />

their NADPH-oxidase, as part <strong>of</strong> their defense and killing strategy (Robinson 2009). S. aureus<br />

owns two genes coding for superoxide dismutases: sodA and sodM (Clements et al. 1999,<br />

Valderas/Hart 2001). The enzyme participates in the detoxification <strong>of</strong> reactive oxygen<br />

intermediates <strong>by</strong> catalyzing the reaction <strong>of</strong> two superoxide anion molecules to oxygen and<br />

hydrogen peroxide, <strong>of</strong> which two molecules are consequently decomposed to oxygen and water<br />

<strong>by</strong> catalase. The complete enzyme constitutes <strong>of</strong> 2 homo- or heterodimeric subunits. The gene<br />

sodM is characteristic for S. aureus since coagulase-negative staphylococci like S. epidermidis do<br />

not own this gene or a homologue (Valderas et al. 2002).<br />

In the presence <strong>of</strong> manganese, the internal (methyl viologen) and external (xanthine/xanthine<br />

oxidase) generation <strong>of</strong> O –<br />

2 in S. aureus led to increased expression <strong>of</strong> sodA and sodM,<br />

respectively, but not without the addition <strong>of</strong> manganese (Karavolos et al. 2003). The observation<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

<strong>of</strong> increased sodA and repressed sodM in internalized staphylococci (this study) fits to an<br />

independent regulation <strong>of</strong> both genes. Anyway, the regulation <strong>of</strong> staphylococcal sod genes has<br />

not been intensively studied until now. The analysis <strong>of</strong> mutants in the regulator genes sigB, agr,<br />

or sarA did not influence the sodA expression in experiments <strong>of</strong> Clements et al. in 1999. Use <strong>of</strong> a<br />

sigB deficient S. aureus strain gave hints for a negative influence <strong>of</strong> σ B on the expression <strong>of</strong> sodM<br />

(Karavolos et al. 2003). Contradictory to the results <strong>of</strong> Clements and colleagues, SarA was<br />

reported as negative regulator <strong>of</strong> especially sodM but also sodA expression via its activity as<br />

transcriptional repressor since gel-shift analysis and consensus sequence search revealed SarAbinding<br />

to the sod promoter regions (Ballal/Manna 2009). The observations <strong>of</strong> regulatory<br />

influence do not completely explain the expression pattern in this study, and further attempts <strong>of</strong><br />

explanation would be too speculative because <strong>of</strong> only little existing knowledge on the<br />

internalized gene expression regulation.<br />

Detoxification <strong>of</strong> reactive oxygen intermediates and correlated gene expression might have<br />

impact on virulence since this detoxification, i. e. evasion <strong>of</strong> immune defense, can give an<br />

advantage to the bacterial cell. Studies from literature give contradictory evidence. Superoxide<br />

dismutase did not correlate with lethality in mouse infection but catalase was proposed to<br />

enhance virulence using clinical isolates and Wood-46 strain <strong>of</strong> S. aureus (Mandell 1975).<br />

S. aureus 8325-4 sodA mutant did not possess reduced virulence in comparison to wild type<br />

strains in a mouse abscess model (Clements et al. 1999). S. aureus SH1000 sodA, sodM, and<br />

sodA sodM single and double mutants exhibited reduced virulence in a murine model <strong>of</strong><br />

subcutaneous infection (Karavolos et al. 2003). The SigB – phenotype <strong>of</strong> 8325-4, which has been<br />

reversed in SH1000 (Kullik/Giachino 1997, Horsburgh et al. 2002b), might have contributed to<br />

these observations. The superoxide dismutase gene sodA was reported to be linked to the<br />

bacterial acid-adaptive response (Clements et al. 1999). Such function might provide a link to the<br />

expression pattern in internalized staphylococci, which probably encounter reduced pH in the<br />

phagosome/endo-lysosome.<br />

Internalized staphylococci induced two pairs <strong>of</strong> bicomponent toxins, lukD/lukE, hlgB/hlgC, and<br />

alpha-hemolysin, hla. The subunits <strong>of</strong> the bicomponent toxins were described to be<br />

interchangeable and to result in different toxins with distinct properties, which led to the<br />

activation <strong>of</strong> granulocytes (König et al. 1997). Leukocidins target the membrane and lead to<br />

disruption <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cells for example <strong>of</strong> human polymorphonuclear neutrophils <strong>by</strong> PVL (Colin et al.<br />

1994) or <strong>of</strong> erythrocytes <strong>by</strong> a LukF/Hlg combination (Nguyen et al. 2003) and cause severe<br />

inflammatory damage in a model <strong>of</strong> toxin injection into rabbit eyes (Siqueira et al. 1997).<br />

LukD/LukE were first characterized <strong>by</strong> Gravet et al. in 1998. From a set <strong>of</strong> 429 S. aureus isolates,<br />

the prevalence <strong>of</strong> lukD/lukE was determined as 82 % in blood and 60.5 % in nasal isolates,<br />

whereas hlg was detected in almost 100 % <strong>of</strong> isolates (von Eiff et al 2004). The LukD/LukE<br />

combination was shown to result in dermonecrosis after infection <strong>of</strong> rabbit skin. The<br />

dermonecrosis inducing potency <strong>of</strong> LukD or LukE was reduced when combinations with other<br />

toxin subunits were applied. Especially the combinations with HlgB led to reduced activity.<br />

HlgB/HlgC possessed lytic activity for erythrocytes, but the LukD/LukE combination did not lead<br />

to erythrocyte lysis. Erythrocyte lysis could not be achieved <strong>by</strong> combining LukD or LukE with<br />

other toxin subunits. Finally, human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (granulocytes) could be<br />

activated <strong>by</strong> HlgB/HlgC, LukE/HlgB, LukD/HlgC, and LukD/LukE which decreased potency in the<br />

given order (Gravet et al. 1998). Thus, the different toxins have a distinct functional bias as well<br />

as potency. The specific effects on S9 cells or in vivo, e. g. in the lung, still need to be determined.<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

Similarly, the expression <strong>of</strong> extracellular and membrane-bound enzymes, which contribute to<br />

virulence or spreading, was difficult to interpret. Expression <strong>of</strong> serine proteases (splABCDEF) and<br />

lipase (lip) was increased, whereas the expression <strong>of</strong> hyaluronate lyase (hysA), a membrane<br />

bound serine protease (htrA), nuclease (nuc), and glutamyl endopeptidase alias V8 peptidase<br />

(sspA) was repressed in internalized staphylococci. Some spl genes were found to be SaeRSregulated<br />

(Rogasch et al. 2006). Thus, the induction <strong>of</strong> the spl operon fits to the proposed activity<br />

<strong>of</strong> the SaeRS two-component system.<br />

Gene expression changes which might have influence on cell wall remodeling were also<br />

observed in internalized staphylococci. Surprisingly, this included repression <strong>of</strong> the dlt operon.<br />

The proteins encoded <strong>by</strong> dlt participate in incorporation and esterification <strong>of</strong> D-alanine residues<br />

into the cell wall teichoic acids. In this way, the negative charge <strong>of</strong> the cell wall structures is<br />

reduced and thus is less attractant for positively charged antimicrobial molecules (Peschel et al.<br />

1999). With the aim to evade the immune response, an induction <strong>of</strong> dlt expression had been<br />

expected. In parallel, the induction <strong>of</strong> peptidoglycan hydrolase lytM and staphylococcal secretory<br />

antigen ssaA was recorded (this study), which are also involved in cell wall remodeling (Dubrac et<br />

al. 2007). Repression <strong>of</strong> dlt and induction <strong>of</strong> lytM were also observed <strong>by</strong> Garzoni and coworkers<br />

(Garzoni et al. 2007). Furthermore, the induction <strong>of</strong> prsA, coding for a foldase involved in<br />

translocation and folding <strong>of</strong> secreted proteins (Sarvas et al. 2004), was observed in internalized<br />

staphylococci 2.5 h after infection <strong>of</strong> S9 cells (this study). This regulation was in accordance with<br />

protein abundance data in internalized staphylococci which were determined <strong>by</strong> Sandra Scharf<br />

(Schmidt et al. 2010). She also found an increased abundance <strong>of</strong> VraR, regulatory component <strong>of</strong><br />

the VraRS two-component system and known to be positively auto-regulated (Kuroda et al.<br />

2003), which led to the examination <strong>of</strong> vraRS gene expression: vraR (1.8) and vraS (1.6) were not<br />

significantly different in internalized staphylococci (2.5 h) in comparison to control, but the fold<br />

change values indicated a slight trend for induction. Hence, the observed differential expression<br />

<strong>of</strong> cell wall remodeling related genes was in agreement with the proteome data <strong>of</strong> Sandra Scharf.<br />

Additionally, genes described to belong to the VraRS regulon (Kuroda et al. 2003) were examined.<br />

Internalized staphylococci induced about 20 % <strong>of</strong> the published VraRS regulon (Kuroda et al.<br />

2003) at the same time point when a trend <strong>of</strong> vraRS induction was detected. Since the VraRS<br />

two-component system was suggested to be activated upon cell wall damage or inhibition <strong>of</strong> cell<br />

wall biosynthesis (Kuroda et al. 2000, Kuroda et al. 2003), the observation <strong>of</strong> cell wall remodeling<br />

associated gene expression changes might indicate a reaction to stressful influences which<br />

possibly operate on the bacterial cell wall after internalization into the <strong>host</strong> cell. Another possible<br />

explanation proposed <strong>by</strong> Garzoni and colleagues (2007) is that the gene induction (e. g. lytM) is<br />

associated with cell division processes.<br />

The gene expression analysis <strong>of</strong> internalized staphylococci in S9 cells led to the recognition <strong>of</strong><br />

changes in the expression <strong>of</strong> metabolic genes. Purine biosynthesis, tRNA synthetases, and<br />

glycolysis were repressed, whereas gluconeogenesis, TCA cycle enzyme genes, and especially<br />

genes related to amino acid biosynthesis were induced. The induction <strong>of</strong> amino acid biosynthesis<br />

and TCA cycle genes as well as the repression <strong>of</strong> purine biosynthesis and tRNA synthetase genes<br />

was clearly confirmed in the proteome analysis <strong>of</strong> Sandra Scharf. Additionally, transporter genes<br />

were differentially expressed. Induction was observed especially for phosphate transporters, but<br />

also for transporters <strong>of</strong> phosphonate, methionine, peptide/oligopeptide, sugar/maltose,<br />

osmoprotectants, amino acids, and gluconate. Repression was detected for urea,<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

spermidine/putrescine, sodium/glutamate, arginine/ornithine, glycine betaine, amino acid,<br />

choline, citrate, xanthine, fructose, and lactate transporters.<br />

A good metabolic performance, especially the unaffected ability for amino acid biosynthesis<br />

and for the uptake <strong>of</strong> compounds, is important for the survival <strong>of</strong> <strong>pathogen</strong>s and has been<br />

reported to be linked not only to auxotrophies, but also to virulence. In a mutagenesis study,<br />

which was combined with a model <strong>of</strong> murine systemic infection, 24 genes were identified whose<br />

mutation resulted in attenuation <strong>of</strong> S. aureus virulence. Of these, 9 genes (38 %) were part <strong>of</strong><br />

purine or amino acid biosynthesis, and 6 genes (25 %) coded for membrane transporters (Benton<br />

et al. 2004). Of these virulence associated genes, four genes related to amino acid biosynthesis<br />

(lysC, dapB, trpF, asd) and pstS, phosphate transporter, were induced in internalized<br />

staphylococci at least in one <strong>of</strong> the two analyzed time points (this study). Additionally, amino acid<br />

biosynthesis genes tyrA and pycA were induced in trend with a significant p-value but a fold<br />

change value <strong>of</strong> less than the cut<strong>of</strong>f.<br />

Few gene expression studies <strong>of</strong> internalized staphylococci are published until now. One <strong>of</strong><br />

them has already been cited above in selected details. Garzoni and coworkers analyzed<br />

internalized staphylococci in epithelial cells using a microarray approach (Garzoni et al. 2007).<br />

Although the general setting resembles that applied in this study, important differences in the<br />

experimental procedures as well as in the results can be found between both studies. Most<br />

importantly, staphylococcal strain (S. aureus 6850 vs. RN1HG) as well as <strong>host</strong> cell line (A549 vs.<br />

S9) differed. Garzoni et al. mention exactly this topic and conclude that “certain combinations <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>host</strong> cells and bacteria can result in different biological outcomes”, which is clearly supported in<br />

the comparison <strong>of</strong> their and this study. Furthermore, infection took place in a cell culture<br />

medium without (Garzoni et al. 2007) or with serum supplement (this study), with washed<br />

(Garzoni et al. 2007) or non-washed, exoproteins containing (this study) bacterial suspensions, in<br />

a multiplicity <strong>of</strong> infection (MOI) <strong>of</strong> 100 for 30 min (Garzoni et al. 2007) or in a MOI <strong>of</strong> 25 for 1 h<br />

(this study). Also RNA preparation and sample processing methods differed: depletion <strong>of</strong><br />

eukaryotic RNA and amplification step (Garzoni et al. 2007) or utilization <strong>of</strong> RNA without<br />

depletion and amplification since pure bacterial RNA <strong>of</strong> high quality was available in sufficient<br />

amounts (this study). Finally, different arrays were used. Both studies approximately match in the<br />

analyzed time points <strong>of</strong> 2 h/2.5 h and 6 h/6.5 h after infection.<br />

The total numbers <strong>of</strong> differentially expressed genes were higher in the literature reference<br />

with 1042 (Garzoni et al. 2007) and 565 (this study, annotated genes) for the early time point and<br />

766 (Garzoni et al. 2007) and 489 (this study, annotated genes) for the later time point, and<br />

Garzoni et al. detected a higher fraction <strong>of</strong> repressed genes whereas this study resulted in a<br />

higher number <strong>of</strong> induced genes. Similar in both studies, comparisons between non-adherent<br />

and mock infection samples (staphylococci in infection medium) did not result in the detection <strong>of</strong><br />

differential gene expression. In a very rough comparison, at least 100 genes were differentially<br />

expressed between internalized and control staphylococci in both studies. Garzoni and<br />

colleagues describe differential expression <strong>of</strong> genes or functional groups <strong>of</strong> genes, which were<br />

recognized also in this study, e. g. repression <strong>of</strong> tRNA synthetase genes, induction <strong>of</strong> fnbAB,<br />

induction <strong>of</strong> hlgB and lukE, induction <strong>of</strong> sodA, repression <strong>of</strong> sspA, induction <strong>of</strong> lytM, and induction<br />

<strong>of</strong> transporters. Different results were revealed, e. g. clfB repressed (Garzoni et al. 2007) or<br />

induced (this study), hla not differentially expressed (Garzoni et al. 2007) or induced (this study),<br />

cap operon repressed (Garzoni et al. 2007) or not differentially expressed (this study), TCA cycle<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

genes repressed (Garzoni et al. 2007) or induced (this study), saeRS repressed (Garzoni et al.<br />

2007) or induced (this study).<br />

Clearly, the comparability is limited due to experimental differences, which underlines the<br />

importance <strong>of</strong> performing global molecular studies (transcriptome and proteome pr<strong>of</strong>iling) in<br />

different models to finally achieve a complete picture <strong>of</strong> the characteristics <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong>-<strong>pathogen</strong><br />

<strong>interactions</strong>.<br />

Such different models include e. g. other epithelial cell lines, like the S9 cells used in this study,<br />

but can also be extended to immune cells. Such a study was performed <strong>by</strong> Voyich and colleagues<br />

in 2005. The authors analyzed the gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> different S. aureus strains upon<br />

phagocytosis <strong>by</strong> human neutrophils (Voyich et al. 2005). Again, several experimental parameters<br />

differed between the studies <strong>of</strong> Voyich and colleagues (2005), Garzoni and colleagues (2007), and<br />

this study, partly resulting from the very different <strong>host</strong> cell type employed <strong>by</strong> Voyich and<br />

coworkers. The authors described immune evasion mechanisms <strong>of</strong> S. aureus, which are initiated<br />

<strong>by</strong> transcriptional changes. First, the authors observed induction <strong>of</strong> stress response genes, e. g.<br />

superoxide dismutases sodA and sodM and several other genes involved in counteracting the<br />

influence <strong>of</strong> reactive oxygen intermediates. An as strong response was not observed in this study,<br />

which can be explained <strong>by</strong> the innate function <strong>of</strong> neutrophils to kill <strong>pathogen</strong>s, which is not given<br />

for epithelial cells. Thus, staphylococci internalized in S9 cells probably encounter less harmful<br />

molecules than staphylococci after uptake <strong>by</strong> neutrophils. The induction <strong>of</strong> TCA cycle genes after<br />

phagocytosis <strong>by</strong> neutrophils (Voyich et al. 2005) corresponds with results from this study using S9<br />

cells. Voyich and coworkers observed repression <strong>of</strong> genes involved in cell envelope synthesis, cell<br />

division, and replication, which was not as obvious in S9 cell internalized staphylococci.<br />

Nevertheless, cell wall remodeling processes were concluded from gene expression data (this<br />

study). Furthermore, staphylococci in neutrophils induced several toxins and adhesins (Voyich et<br />

al. 2005), <strong>of</strong> which some were also observed after S9 cell internalization, e. g. hlgB, hlgC, lukD,<br />

lukE; fnbB, coa, clfA (this study). The toxin gene induction appeared to be stronger in the<br />

neutrophil than in the S9 study, although hla was induced after internalization in S9 cells and not<br />

after phagocytosis <strong>by</strong> neutrophils. Anyway, the different staphylococcal strains, which were used<br />

in the studies, contribute considerably to the characteristics <strong>of</strong> the gene expression signature<br />

(Voyich et al. 2005). In the neutrophil phagocytosis dependent gene expression pattern,<br />

differential expression <strong>of</strong> regulatory genes was reported (Voyich et al. 2005). These included<br />

increased expression <strong>of</strong> vraRS, saeRS, and sarA. While induction or a trend <strong>of</strong> induction <strong>of</strong> saeRS<br />

and vraRS was also visible in this study, sarA was not differentially expressed when staphylococci<br />

were internalized in S9 cells. Furthermore, repression <strong>of</strong> agr or sigB was not observed in this<br />

study, but in the study <strong>of</strong> Voyich and coworkers.<br />

In total, after comparison <strong>of</strong> the results <strong>of</strong> Voyich and colleagues (2005), Garzoni and<br />

colleagues (2007), and this study, it becomes clear that similarities in certain aspects do not<br />

necessarily lead to completely consistent results. This probably depends to a large extent on the<br />

combination <strong>of</strong> <strong>host</strong> cell and bacterial strain, but also on further experimental conditions which<br />

varied strongly between the studies. Nevertheless, parts <strong>of</strong> the results were also found in other<br />

studies. Since an admittedly slightly imprecise attempt to specify real internalization specific gene<br />

expression that did not occur in control samples revealed virulence associated genes in the study<br />

described in this thesis, the recorded gene expression pattern is probably physiologically<br />

relevant. Therefore, the gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling turned out to be an important basic study<br />

which will entail follow-up experiments like studies <strong>of</strong> bacterial mutants, comparison <strong>of</strong> different<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Discussion and Conclusions<br />

<strong>host</strong> cell lines, but also confirmation and validation experiments <strong>by</strong> application <strong>of</strong> different<br />

techniques like quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Of course, the broadening <strong>of</strong> experiments to<br />

in vivo studies would be most interesting. Here, the most prominent problems are difficulties in<br />

recovery <strong>of</strong> bacterial cells from tissue and the resulting low amount <strong>of</strong> sample or the sample<br />

contamination with <strong>host</strong> material. In this setting, application <strong>of</strong> quantitative real-time RT-PCR<br />

probably will be the method <strong>of</strong> choice, which has already proven to successfully help resolving<br />

colonization expression patterns (Burian et al. 2010a, 2010b).<br />

Until now, the tiling array data have been used as expression data set under restriction to<br />

already annotated genomic content <strong>of</strong> S. aureus. The analysis is not yet finished. Although new<br />

transcribed units have been defined for which interesting regulation patterns in the infection<br />

experiments were visible, the sequences will have to be categorized and validated.<br />

Internalization dependently regulated sequences later will be targets for further <strong>characterization</strong><br />

experiments. It will be an interesting task to compare the resulting information on new genes<br />

with that generated with the competing approach <strong>of</strong> high-throughput transcriptome sequencing<br />

(Beaume et al 2010a, 2010b).<br />


Maren Depke<br />

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Maren Depke<br />

P U B L I C A T I O N S<br />

Peer-review articles<br />

Depke M, Fusch G, Domanska G, Geffers R, Völker U, Schuett C, Kiank C.<br />

Hypermetabolic syndrome as a consequence <strong>of</strong> repeated psychological stress in mice.<br />

Endocrinology. 2008 Jun;149(6):2714-23. Epub 2008 Mar 6. PMID: 18325986<br />

Depke M, Steil L, Domanska G, Völker U, Schütt C, Kiank C.<br />

Altered hepatic mRNA expression <strong>of</strong> immune response and apoptosis-associated genes after acute and<br />

chronic psychological stress in mice.<br />

Mol Immunol. 2009 Sep;46(15):3018-28. Epub 2009 Jul 9. PMID: 19592098<br />

Grabarczyk P, Przy<strong>by</strong>lski GK, Depke M, Völker U, Bahr J, Assmus K, Bröker BM, Walther R, Schmidt CA.<br />

Inhibition <strong>of</strong> BCL11B expression leads to apoptosis <strong>of</strong> malignant but not normal mature T cells.<br />

Oncogene. 2007 May 31;26(26):3797-810. Epub 2006 Dec 18. PMID: 17173069<br />

Grabarczyk P, Nähse V, Delin M, Przy<strong>by</strong>lski G, Depke M, Hildebrandt P, Völker U, Schmidt CA.<br />

Increased expression <strong>of</strong> Bcl11b leads to chemoresistance accompanied <strong>by</strong> G1 accumulation.<br />

PLoS One. 2010 Sep 2;5(9). pii: e12532.<br />

Depke M, Dinh Hoang Dang K, Breitbach K, Brinkmann L, Gesell Salazar M, Hammer E, Bast A, Steil L,<br />

Schmidt F, Steinmetz I, Völker U.<br />

Transcriptomic and proteomic <strong>characterization</strong> <strong>of</strong> mouse BMM after IFN-γ activation in a serum-free<br />

system.<br />

In preparation.<br />

Poster/Talk<br />

Analysis <strong>of</strong> the response <strong>of</strong> airway epithelial cells S9 to bacterial culture supernatants <strong>of</strong> Staphylococcus<br />

aureus RN1HG – impact <strong>of</strong> SigB<br />

M. Gutjahr, M. Depke, P. Hildebrandt, D. Hoppe, M. Degner, A. Kühn, E. Hammer, J. Pané-Farré, L. Steil,<br />

M. Hecker, U. Völker<br />

Meeting <strong>of</strong> Transregional Collaborative Research Center 34 “Pathophysiology <strong>of</strong> Staphylococci”<br />

Kloster Banz/Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 28.-31.10.2008 (Poster)<br />

Measuring expression signatures in <strong>host</strong>-<strong>pathogen</strong> <strong>interactions</strong><br />

M. Depke, U. Völker<br />

Summer School “Pathophysiologie von Staphylokokken in der Post-Genom-Ära”<br />

Vilm, Germany, 26.-29.09.2007 (Talk)<br />

Chronic stress-induced metabolic disturbances in female BALB/c mice<br />

M. Depke, C. Kiank, R. Geffers, C. Schütt, U. Völker<br />

2 nd International Alfried Krupp Kolleg Symposium “stress, behaviour, immune response“<br />

Greifswald, Germany, 9.-11.11.2006 (Poster)<br />


Maren Depke<br />

A F F I D A V I T / E R K L Ä R U N G<br />

Hiermit erkläre ich, daß diese Arbeit bisher von mir weder an der Mathematisch-<br />

Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald noch einer<br />

anderen wissenschaftlichen Einrichtung zum Zwecke der Promotion eingereicht wurde.<br />

Ferner erkläre ich, daß ich diese Arbeit selbständig verfaßt und keine anderen als die darin<br />

angegebenen Hilfsmittel benutzt habe.<br />

Greifswald, den 24. 09. 2010<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Maren Depke<br />


Maren Depke<br />

A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S<br />

Many thanks go to all supervisors for the chance to work on this topic, for the mentoring and<br />

discussions, and notably for the possibility to use the excellent technical equipment in the<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Functional Genomics. I like to thank all colleagues for their contribution to cooperation<br />

projects, and in particular for the nice working atmosphere, for the support and help in<br />

challenging times during this work. And last but not least, sincere thanks are given to all friends<br />

and especially to my family for the encouragement and care they gave to me.<br />

Interfaculty Institute for Genetics and Functional Genomics,<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Functional Genomics, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald, Germany<br />

Sabine Ameling<br />

Marc Burian<br />

Dinh Hoang Dang Khoa<br />

Melanie Gutjahr<br />

… and all other colleagues …<br />

Elke Hammer<br />

Petra Hildebrandt<br />

Ulrike Mäder<br />

Marc Schaffer<br />

Sandra Scharf<br />

Frank Schmidt<br />

Leif Steil<br />

Uwe Völker<br />

Liver gene expression pattern in a mouse psychological stress model<br />

Gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling was performed on mouse samples from a psychological stress<br />

model which was established and performed <strong>by</strong> Cornelia Kiank in the setting <strong>of</strong> the DFG-<br />

Graduiertenkolleg GK840 „Wechselwirkungen zwischen Erreger und Wirt bei generalisierten<br />

bakteriellen Infektionen“. After Affymetrix expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling method training <strong>by</strong> Tanja Töpfer<br />

and Robert Geffers, array hybridizations were conducted in the lab <strong>of</strong> the array facility at the<br />

Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung. Markus Grube provided the protocol for real-time<br />

PCR mastermix. The work was supervised <strong>by</strong> Christine Schütt, Barbara Bröker, and Uwe Völker.<br />

Cornelia Kiank, Christine Schütt, Barbara Bröker (Institute for Immunology and Transfusion Medicine,<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Immunology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald, Germany; C. K. now: David<br />

Geffen School <strong>of</strong> Medicine, UCLA; Digestive Diseases Research Center and Center for Neurobiology <strong>of</strong><br />

Stress; Los Angeles, CA, USA)<br />

Tanja Töpfer, Robert Geffers, Jan Buer, Jürgen Wehland (Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research,<br />

Braunschweig, Germany)<br />

Markus Grube, Heyo Krömer (Institute <strong>of</strong> Pharmacology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald,<br />

Germany)<br />

Uwe Völker (Interfaculty Institute for Genetics and Functional Genomics, Department <strong>of</strong> Functional<br />

Genomics, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald, Germany)<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

Kidney gene expression pattern in an in vivo infection model<br />

The mouse infection model was established and performed in the setting <strong>of</strong> the DFG<br />

Sonderforschungsbereich SFB TR 34 “Pathophysiologie von Staphylokokken in der Post-Genom<br />

Ära” <strong>by</strong> Tina Schäfer and Knut Ohlsen, who also contributed to study conception and design.<br />

Marc Burian co-operated in the wet-lab-work for the second biological replicate <strong>of</strong> infected<br />

samples and in the final data analysis and interpretation. The strain S. aureus RN1HG was<br />

generated in the lab <strong>of</strong> Friedrich Götz and its isogenic sigB mutant <strong>by</strong> Jan Pané-Farré in the lab <strong>of</strong><br />

Michael Hecker. The work was supervised <strong>by</strong> Uwe Völker.<br />

Tina Schäfer, Knut Ohlsen (Institute <strong>of</strong> Molecular Infection Biology, Julius-Maximilians University <strong>of</strong><br />

Würzburg, Germany)<br />

Jan Pané-Farré, Susanne Engelmann, Michael Hecker (Institute <strong>of</strong> Microbiology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald, Germany)<br />

Friedrich Götz (Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial Genetics, Eberhards-Karls University <strong>of</strong> Tübingen, Germany)<br />

Marc Burian, Uwe Völker (Interfaculty Institute for Genetics and Functional Genomics, Department <strong>of</strong><br />

Functional Genomics, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald, Germany)<br />

Gene expression pattern <strong>of</strong> bone-marrow derived macrophages after interferon-γ activation<br />

Bone-marrow derived macrophages were generated and stimulated with IFN-γ <strong>by</strong> Kathrin<br />

Breitbach. Proteome analysis was conducted <strong>by</strong> Dinh Hoang Dang Khoa. The study was<br />

performed in the setting <strong>of</strong> the DFG Sonderforschungsbereich SFB TR 34 “Pathophysiologie von<br />

Staphylokokken in der Post-Genom Ära”. The work was supervised <strong>by</strong> Uwe Völker.<br />

Kathrin Breitbach, Antje Bast, Ivo Steinmetz (Institute <strong>of</strong> Medical Microbiology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald, Germany)<br />

Dinh Hoang Dang Khoa, Lars Brinkmann, Manuela Gesell Salazar, Elke Hammer, Leif Steil, Frank<br />

Schmidt, Uwe Völker (Interfaculty Institute for Genetics and Functional Genomics, Department <strong>of</strong><br />

Functional Genomics, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald, Germany)<br />

Host cell gene expression pattern in an in vitro infection model<br />

Infection experiments were performed in close collaboration with Melanie Gutjahr, who<br />

worked on <strong>host</strong> proteome analysis and additionally accomplished control measurements and cell<br />

culture. Petra Hildebrandt conducted FACS cell sorting. The strain S. aureus RN1HG was<br />

generated in the lab <strong>of</strong> Friedrich Götz and its GFP expressing variant RN1HG pMV158GFP <strong>by</strong><br />

Leonard Menschner in the lab <strong>of</strong> Michael Hecker. The work was supervised <strong>by</strong> Uwe Völker. This<br />

study was performed in the setting <strong>of</strong> the DFG Sonderforschungsbereich SFB TR 34<br />

“Pathophysiologie von Staphylokokken in der Post-Genom Ära”.<br />

Leonhard Menschner, Susanne Engelmann, Michael Hecker (Institute <strong>of</strong> Microbiology, Ernst-Moritz-<br />

Arndt University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald, Germany)<br />

Melanie Gutjahr, Petra Hildebrandt, Elke Hammer, Uwe Völker (Interfaculty Institute for Genetics and<br />

Functional Genomics, Department <strong>of</strong> Functional Genomics, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald,<br />

Germany)<br />


Maren Depke<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

Pathogen gene expression pr<strong>of</strong>iling – growth media and in vitro infection experiment studies<br />

This study was performed in the setting <strong>of</strong> the DFG Sonderforschungsbereich SFB TR 34<br />

“Pathophysiologie von Staphylokokken in der Post-Genom Ära” and the international<br />

cooperation EU-IP-FP6-project BaSysBio (LSHG-CT2006-037469).<br />

Infection experiments were performed in close collaboration with Melanie Gutjahr, who<br />

additionally accomplished control measurements, and Petra Hildebrandt, who conducted<br />

eukaryotic cell culture. Many thanks are given to Marc Schaffer for his valuable help during<br />

preparation <strong>of</strong> internalized staphylococci, to Ulrike Mäder for her help concerning all aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

tiling array data, and to Marc Burian for the discussions on staphylococcal gene expression. The<br />

work was supervised <strong>by</strong> Uwe Völker.<br />

Jan Pané-Farré, Susanne Engelmann, Michael Hecker (Institute <strong>of</strong> Microbiology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald, Germany)<br />

Magda M. van der Kooi-Pol, Annette Dreisbach, Jan Maarten van Dijl (Department <strong>of</strong> Medical<br />

Microbiology, University Medical Center Groningen / UMCG, Groningen, The Netherlands; A. D.<br />

formerly: Department <strong>of</strong> Functional Genomics, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald, Germany)<br />

Hanne Jarmer (Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, Department <strong>of</strong> Systems Biology, Technical<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Denmark, Lyng<strong>by</strong>, Denmark)<br />

Pierre Nicolas, Aurélie Leduc, Philippe Bessières (INRA, Mathématique Informatique et Génome, Jouyen-Josas,<br />

France)<br />

Melanie Gutjahr, Petra Hildebrandt, Marc Schaffer, Marc Burian, Ulrike Mäder, Uwe Völker (Interfaculty<br />

Institute for Genetics and Functional Genomics, Department <strong>of</strong> Functional Genomics, Ernst-Moritz-<br />

Arndt University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald, Germany)<br />


Piotr Grabarczyk, Christian A. Schmidt (Molecular Hematology, Department <strong>of</strong> Hematology and<br />

Oncology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University <strong>of</strong> Greifswald, Germany)<br />


DFG-Graduiertenkolleg / Research Training Group GK840<br />

„Wechselwirkungen zwischen Erreger und Wirt bei generalisierten bakteriellen Infektionen“/<br />

“Host-<strong>pathogen</strong> <strong>interactions</strong> in generalized bacterial infection“<br />

DFG Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregional Collaborative Research Center SFB TR 34<br />

“Pathophysiologie von Staphylokokken in der Post-Genom Ära”/<br />

„Pathophysiology <strong>of</strong> Staphylococci in the Post-Genomic Era“<br />


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