Yoseph Imry - Physics@Technion

Yoseph Imry - Physics@Technion Yoseph Imry - Physics@Technion

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Slow relaxations and aging in electron glasses Yoseph Imry, work with Yuval Oreg and Ariel Amir

Slow relaxations and aging in<br />

electron glasses<br />

<strong>Yoseph</strong> <strong>Imry</strong>, work with<br />

Yuval Oreg and Ariel Amir

Outline<br />

• What are glasses?<br />

• Slow relaxations and aging<br />

• Electron glass model<br />

• statics (Coulomb gap)<br />

• conductance (Variable Range Hopping)<br />

Dynamics:<br />

• mapping to a new class of Random Matrix Theory (RMT)<br />

• Solution of this RMT,<br />

distribution<br />

• Implications of<br />

distribution on aging.<br />

• Connection to 1/f noise<br />

• Conclusions

Common features of glassy models<br />

• Quenched disorder.<br />

• Rugged energy landscape:<br />

Many states close to ground state.<br />

• Aging and memory effects:<br />

relaxation depends on system ‘age’<br />

Judean desert<br />

General questions: structure of states, out-of-equilibrium dynamics?

Common features of glassy models<br />

• Quenched disorder.<br />

• Rugged energy landscape:<br />

Many states close to ground state.<br />

• Aging and memory effects:<br />

relaxation depends on system ‘age’<br />

Physical examples<br />

Judean desert<br />

• Structural glass (window glass)<br />

• Various magnetic materials.<br />

• Packing of hard spheres.<br />

• Electron glass!<br />

(long-ranged interactions, but not infinite!)<br />

General questions: structure of states, out-of-equilibrium dynamics?

Common features of glassy models<br />

• Quenched disorder.<br />

• Rugged energy landscape:<br />

Many states close to ground state.<br />

• Aging and memory effects:<br />

relaxation depends on system ‘age’<br />

Physical examples<br />

Judean desert<br />

• Structural glass (window glass)<br />

• Various magnetic materials.<br />

• Packing of hard spheres.<br />

• Electron glass!<br />

(long-ranged interactions, but not infinite!)<br />

General questions: structure of states, out-of-equilibrium dynamics?

Slow relaxations in nature<br />

string<br />

W. Weber, Ann. Phys. (1835)<br />

D. S. Thompson, J. Exp. Bot. (2001)<br />


Slow relaxations in nature<br />

string<br />

W. Weber, Ann. Phys. (1835)<br />

D. S. Thompson, J. Exp. Bot. (2001)<br />

mass<br />

Electron glass- Experimental system<br />

Logarithmic relaxations for 5 days!

Slow relaxations in nature<br />

string<br />

W. Weber, Ann. Phys. (1835)<br />

D. S. Thompson, J. Exp. Bot. (2001)<br />

mass<br />

Electron glass- Experimental system<br />

Logarithmic relaxations for 5 days!<br />

What are the ingredients leading<br />

to slow relaxations?

An Aging Protocol (Ludwig, Osheroff)<br />

5 V/µm<br />

E<br />

t w<br />

E<br />

15 µm thick Mylar (slide)<br />

(amorphous polyester)<br />

Or BK7-window glass<br />

t=0 t=hours<br />


An Aging Protocol (Ludwig, Osheroff)<br />

• Step I: Cool the system and let it relax for a long time (days)<br />

5 V/µm<br />

E<br />

t w<br />

E<br />

15 µm thick Mylar (slide)<br />

(amorphous polyester)<br />

Or BK7-window glass<br />

t=0 t=hours<br />


An Aging Protocol (Ludwig, Osheroff)<br />

• Step I: Cool the system and let it relax for a long time (days)<br />

• Step II: Switch on “the perturbation”<br />

5 V/µm<br />

E<br />

t w<br />

E<br />

15 µm thick Mylar (slide)<br />

(amorphous polyester)<br />

Or BK7-window glass<br />

t=0 t=hours<br />


An Aging Protocol (Ludwig, Osheroff)<br />

• Step I: Cool the system and let it relax for a long time (days)<br />

• Step II: Switch on “the perturbation”<br />

• Step III: After aging time t w – Switch the perturbation off<br />

5 V/µm<br />

E<br />

t w<br />

E<br />

15 µm thick Mylar (slide)<br />

(amorphous polyester)<br />

Or BK7-window glass<br />

t=0 t=hours<br />


An Aging Protocol (Ludwig, Osheroff)<br />

• Step I: Cool the system and let it relax for a long time (days)<br />

• Step II: Switch on “the perturbation”<br />

• Step III: After aging time t w – Switch the perturbation off<br />

• Throughout the experiment a physical property (dielectric constant) is measured<br />

as a function of time<br />

5 V/µm<br />

E<br />

t w<br />

E<br />

15 µm thick Mylar (slide)<br />

(amorphous polyester)<br />

Or BK7-window glass<br />

t=0 t=hours<br />


Aging and universality<br />

Amir, Oreg and <strong>Imry</strong>, to be published

The model<br />

• Strong localization due to disorder<br />

randomly positioned sites, on-site disorder.<br />

• Coulomb interactions are included<br />

• “Phonons” induce transitions between configurations.<br />

• Interference (quantum) effects neglected.<br />

e.g:<br />

Pollak (1970)<br />

Shklovskii and Efros (1975)<br />

Ovadyahu and Pollak (2003)<br />

Muller and Ioffe (2004)

The model<br />

• Strong localization due to disorder<br />

randomly positioned sites, on-site disorder.<br />

• Coulomb interactions are included<br />

• “Phonons” induce transitions between configurations.<br />

• Interference (quantum) effects neglected.<br />

e.g:<br />

Pollak (1970)<br />

Shklovskii and Efros (1975)<br />

Ovadyahu and Pollak (2003)<br />

Muller and Ioffe (2004)

“Local mean-field” approximation - Dynamics

“Local mean-field” approximation - Dynamics

“Local mean-field” approximation - Dynamics

“Local mean-field” approximation - Dynamics<br />

• includes the interactions<br />

• N is the Bose-Einstein distribution<br />

• ξ - the localization length

“Local mean-field” approximation - Dynamics<br />

• includes the interactions<br />

• N is the Bose-Einstein distribution<br />

• ξ - the localization length<br />

At long times:<br />

• The system reaches a locally stable point (metastable state).<br />

• Many metastable states<br />

(“Pseudo-ground-states”, Baranovski et al., J. Phys. C, 1979)

“Local mean-field” approximation - Equilibrium<br />

• Detailed balance leads to Fermi-Dirac statistics (n j f j ).<br />

• Self-consistent set of equations for the energies:<br />

(assuming half filling).

“Local mean-field” approximation - Equilibrium<br />

• Detailed balance leads to Fermi-Dirac statistics (n j f j ).<br />

• Self-consistent set of equations for the energies:<br />

(assuming half filling).<br />

Yields linear Coulomb gap<br />

(+ temperature dependence)<br />

M. Pollak, Discuss. Faraday Soc (1970)<br />

A.L. Efros and B.I. Shklovskii,<br />

J. Phys. C (1975)<br />

A. L. Efros, J. Phys. C (1976).<br />

M. Grunewald et al., J. Phys. C. (1982)<br />

AA et al., PRB (2008)<br />

Surer et al., PRL (2009)<br />

Goethe et al., PRL (2009)

“Local mean-field” approximation - Equilibrium<br />

• Detailed balance leads to Fermi-Dirac statistics (n j f j ).<br />

• Self-consistent set of equations for the energies:<br />

(assuming half filling).<br />

Yields linear Coulomb gap<br />

(+ temperature dependence)<br />

M. Pollak, Discuss. Faraday Soc (1970)<br />

A.L. Efros and B.I. Shklovskii,<br />

J. Phys. C (1975)<br />

A. L. Efros, J. Phys. C (1976).<br />

M. Grunewald et al., J. Phys. C. (1982)<br />

AA et al., PRB (2008)<br />

Surer et al., PRL (2009)<br />

Goethe et al., PRL (2009)

“Local mean-field” approximation - Equilibrium<br />

• Detailed balance leads to Fermi-Dirac statistics (n j f j ).<br />

• Self-consistent set of equations for the energies:<br />

(assuming half filling).<br />

AA et al., PRB (2009)<br />

Yields linear Coulomb gap<br />

(+ temperature dependence)<br />

M. Pollak, Discuss. Faraday Soc (1970)<br />

A.L. Efros and B.I. Shklovskii,<br />

J. Phys. C (1975)<br />

A. L. Efros, J. Phys. C (1976).<br />

M. Grunewald et al., J. Phys. C. (1982)<br />

AA et al., PRB (2008)<br />

Surer et al., PRL (2009)<br />

Goethe et al., PRL (2009)

“Local mean-field” approximation – Steady State<br />

Miller-Abrahams resistance network (no interactions)<br />

Equilibrium rates,<br />

obeying detailed balance<br />

A. Miller and E. Abrahams, (Phys. Rev. 1960)<br />

Generalization<br />

1) Find n i and E i such that the system is in steady<br />

state.<br />

2) Construct resistance network.

“Local mean-field” approximation – Steady State<br />

With interactions (ES)<br />

Without interactions (Mott, VRH)<br />

GeAs samples Shlimak, Kaveh, Yosefin,<br />

Lea and Fozooni (1992)<br />

Ovadyahu (2003)

“Local mean-field” approximation – Steady State<br />

With interactions (ES)<br />

Without interactions (Mott, VRH)<br />

GeAs samples Shlimak, Kaveh, Yosefin,<br />

Lea and Fozooni (1992)<br />

Ovadyahu (2003)

“Local mean-field” approximation – Steady State<br />

With interactions (ES)<br />

Without interactions (Mott, VRH)<br />

GeAs samples Shlimak, Kaveh, Yosefin,<br />

Lea and Fozooni (1992)<br />

Ovadyahu (2003)

VRH (Mott) to E-S Crossover<br />

Scaling is obeyed at crossover,<br />

Slope is ~0.49 0.02<br />

Slope is ~0.34 0.01<br />

Amir, Oreg and <strong>Imry</strong> , PRB (2009)

“Local mean-field” approximation - Dynamics

“Local mean-field” approximation - Dynamics<br />

We saw: approach works well for statics & steady-states!<br />

Moving on to dynamics…

Solution near locally stable point<br />

Close enough to the equilibrium (locally) stable point,<br />

one can linearize the equations, leading to the equation:

Solution near locally stable point<br />

Close enough to the equilibrium (locally) stable point,<br />

one can linearize the equations, leading to the equation:<br />

(Anderson Localization)<br />

Sum of columns vanishes (particle conservation number)

Solution near locally stable point<br />

Close enough to the equilibrium (locally) stable point,<br />

one can linearize the equations, leading to the equation:<br />

(Anderson Localization)<br />

Sum of columns vanishes (particle conservation number)<br />

For low temperatures, near a local minimum,<br />

second term is negligible <br />

All eigenvalues are real and negative

Eigenvalue Distribution<br />

Solving numerically shows a distribution proportional to :<br />

Eigenvalue distribution<br />


Changing the interaction strength<br />

• Slow relaxations occur also without interactions.<br />

• Interactions push the distribution to (s)lower values.

Outline<br />

• What are glasses?<br />

• Slow relaxations and aging<br />

• Electron glass model<br />

• statics (Coulomb gap)<br />

• conductance (Variable Range Hopping)<br />

Dynamics:<br />

• mapping to a new class of Random Matrix Theory (RMT)<br />

• Solution of RMT <br />

• Implications of<br />

distribution<br />

distribution on aging.<br />

• Connection to 1/f noise<br />

• Conclusions

Digression: Random Matrix Theory in a nutshell<br />

• Define a matrix with A ij independent, Gaussian variables.<br />

• Distribution of eigenvalues follows the “Wigner semicircle law”:

Digression: Random Matrix Theory in a nutshell<br />

• Define a matrix with A ij independent, Gaussian variables.<br />

• Distribution of eigenvalues follows the “Wigner semicircle law”:<br />

• Why is this interesting? Wide applications include:<br />

Nuclear physics Wigner and Dirac (1951) Atomic physics Camarda and<br />

Georgopulos PRL (1983) Mesoscopics <strong>Imry</strong>, EPL (1986), Beenakker, PRL<br />

(1993) Chaotic systems Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit, PRL (1984) …And<br />

many more.

Digression: Random Matrix Theory in a nutshell<br />

• Define a matrix with A ij independent, Gaussian variables.<br />

• Distribution of eigenvalues follows the “Wigner semicircle law”:<br />

• Why is this interesting? Wide applications include:<br />

Nuclear physics Wigner and Dirac (1951) Atomic physics Camarda and<br />

Georgopulos PRL (1983) Mesoscopics <strong>Imry</strong>, EPL (1986), Beenakker, PRL<br />

(1993) Chaotic systems Bohigas, Giannoni and Schmit, PRL (1984) …And<br />

many more.<br />

In the following we present a different class of RMT, also broadly applicable

Digression: What are Random Distance Matrices?<br />

1) Choose N points randomly and uniformly in a d-dimensional cube.<br />

Bogomolny, Bohigas, and Schmit, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. (2003).<br />

Mezard, Parisi and Zee, Nucl. Phys. (1999)

Digression: What are Random Distance Matrices?<br />

1) Choose N points randomly and uniformly in a d-dimensional cube.<br />

2) Define the off-diagonals of our matrix as:<br />

(Euclidean distance)<br />

r ij<br />

Bogomolny, Bohigas, and Schmit, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. (2003).<br />

Mezard, Parisi and Zee, Nucl. Phys. (1999)

Digression: What are Random Distance Matrices?<br />

1) Choose N points randomly and uniformly in a d-dimensional cube.<br />

2) Define the off-diagonals of our matrix as:<br />

(Euclidean distance)<br />

3) Define diagonal as:<br />

r ij<br />

sum of every column vanishes<br />

(will come from a conservation law)<br />

Bogomolny, Bohigas, and Schmit, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. (2003).<br />

Mezard, Parisi and Zee, Nucl. Phys. (1999)

Digression: What are Random Distance Matrices?<br />

1) Choose N points randomly and uniformly in a d-dimensional cube.<br />

2) Define the off-diagonals of our matrix as:<br />

(Euclidean distance)<br />

3) Define diagonal as:<br />

r ij<br />

sum of every column vanishes<br />

(will come from a conservation law)<br />

Q: What is the eigenvalue distribution?<br />

What are the eigenmodes?

Relaxation in electron glasses<br />

Amir, Oreg and <strong>Imry</strong>, PRB 2008<br />

Distance matrices – Motivation<br />

Anomalous diffusion<br />

Scher and Montroll, PRB 1975<br />

Metzler, Barkai and Klafter, PRL 1999<br />

Localization of phonons<br />

Ziman, PRL 1982<br />

Photon propagation in a gas<br />

Akkermans, Gero and Kaiser, PRL 2008

Results – 2D


Results<br />

(no fitting parameters)

Results<br />

(no fitting parameters)

Exponential Distance Matrices- results<br />

(arbitrary dimension d)<br />

C d =volume of a d-dimensional sphere<br />

• Logarithmic corrections to<br />

• In dimensions > 1: cutoff at<br />

Amir, Oreg and <strong>Imry</strong>, arxiv: 1002.2123

Analytical approach in a nutshell<br />

Part I – Moment calculation<br />

The k’th moment:<br />

leads to the distribution function.

Renormalization group approach

Renormalization group approach<br />

Mechanical intuition: network of masses and springs

Renormalization group approach

Renormalization group approach

Renormalization group approach<br />

RG procedure yields growing clusters

Renormalization group approach<br />

3’rd 1000<br />

3000 4000<br />

Examples of eigenmodes of a 5000X5000 matrix

Renormalization group approach<br />

Eigenvalue distribution<br />

+<br />

RG approach<br />

Number of points in a cluster of a given eigenvalue

Renormalization group approach<br />

Eigenvalue distribution<br />

+<br />

RG approach<br />

Number of points in a cluster of a given eigenvalue<br />

• Eigenmodes are localized clusters (“phonon localization”)<br />

• Size of clusters diverges at low frequencies<br />

Amir, Oreg and <strong>Imry</strong>, Localization, anomalous diffusion and slow relaxations:<br />

a random distance matrix approach, arxiv: 1002.2123

Intermediate Summary<br />

• Statics: Coulomb gap<br />

• Steady-state: variable range hopping, crossover between two regimes<br />

• Dynamics: Microscopic model reduces to RMT problem of a different class.<br />

• Eigenvalue distribution (relaxation times) follow approximately<br />

distribution.<br />

• Same RMT class relevant for various other problems.

Electron glass aging– experimental protocol

Electron glass aging– experimental protocol<br />

Step I<br />

System equilibrates for long time

Electron glass aging– experimental protocol<br />

Step I<br />

System equilibrates for long time<br />

Step II<br />

V g is changed, for a time of t w .

Electron glass aging– experimental protocol<br />

Step I<br />

System equilibrates for long time<br />

Step II<br />

V g is changed, for a time of t w .<br />

Experiment<br />

Theory<br />

Throughout the experiment<br />

Conductance is measured as a<br />

function of time.<br />

Data: Ovadyahu et al.

“Full” aging<br />

• For various physical systems:

“Full” aging<br />

• For various physical systems:<br />

Electron glass<br />

Vaknin et al., PRL (2000)

“Full” aging<br />

• For various physical systems:<br />

Other experiments showing full aging:<br />

•Spin glass<br />

Rodriguez et al., PRL (2003)<br />

• Vortices in superconductors<br />

Electron glass<br />

Vaknin et al., PRL (2000)<br />

Du et al., Nature Physics (2007)<br />

•Granular metals<br />

N. Kurzweil et al., PRB (2007)

Aging – physical picture<br />

Assume a parameter of the system is slightly modified (e.g: V g )<br />

After time t w it is changed back. What is the repsonse?<br />

Initially, system is at some local minimum

Aging – physical picture<br />

Assume a parameter of the system is slightly modified (e.g: V g )<br />

After time t w it is changed back. What is the repsonse?<br />

At time t=0 the potential changes,<br />

and the system begins to roll towards the new minimum

Aging – physical picture<br />

Assume a parameter of the system is slightly modified (e.g: V g )<br />

After time t w it is changed back. What is the repsonse?<br />

At time t w the system reached some new configuration

Aging – physical picture<br />

Assume a parameter of the system is slightly modified (e.g: V g )<br />

After time t w it is changed back. What is the repsonse?<br />

Now the potential is changed back to the initial formthe<br />

particle is not in the minimum!<br />

The longer t w , the further it got away from it.<br />

It will begin to roll down the hill.

Aging – Analysis<br />

Assume a parameter of the system is slightly modified (e.g: V g )<br />

After time t w it is changed back. What is the response?<br />

t=t w<br />

a<br />

b<br />


Aging – Analysis<br />

Assume a parameter of the system is slightly modified (e.g: V g )<br />

After time t w it is changed back. What is the response?<br />

t=t w<br />

a<br />

Sketch of calculation<br />

If a and b configurations are close enough in phase space:<br />

b<br />


Aging – Analysis<br />

Assume a parameter of the system is slightly modified (e.g: V g )<br />

After time t w it is changed back. What is the response?<br />

t=t w<br />

a<br />

Sketch of calculation<br />

If a and b configurations are close enough in phase space:<br />

b<br />


Aging – Analysis<br />

Assume a parameter of the system is slightly modified (e.g: V g )<br />

After time t w it is changed back. What is the response?<br />

t=t w<br />

a<br />

Sketch of calculation<br />

If a and b configurations are close enough in phase space:<br />

b<br />


Aging – Analysis<br />

Assume a parameter of the system is slightly modified (e.g: V g )<br />

After time t w it is changed back. What is the response?<br />

t=t w<br />

a<br />

Sketch of calculation<br />

If a and b configurations are close enough in phase space:<br />

b<br />


Aging – Analysis<br />

Assume a parameter of the system is slightly modified (e.g: V g )<br />

After time t w it is changed back. What is the response?<br />

t=t w<br />

a<br />

Sketch of calculation<br />

If a and b configurations are close enough in phase space:<br />

b<br />

t=0<br />

Logarithmic relaxation during step II

Aging – Analysis<br />

Assume a parameter of the system is slightly modified (e.g: V g )<br />

After time t w it is changed back. What is the response?<br />

t=t w<br />

a<br />

Sketch of calculation<br />

If a and b configurations are close enough in phase space:<br />

b<br />

t=0<br />

Time t after the perturbation is switched off:<br />

Logarithmic relaxation during step II

Aging – Analysis<br />

Assume a parameter of the system is slightly modified (e.g: V g )<br />

After time t w it is changed back. What is the response?<br />

t=t w<br />

a<br />

Sketch of calculation<br />

If a and b configurations are close enough in phase space:<br />

b<br />

t=0<br />

Time t after the perturbation is switched off:<br />

Logarithmic relaxation during step II<br />

Full aging<br />

Only<br />

distribution yields full aging!<br />

See also: T. Grenet et al. Eur. Phys. J B 56, 183 (2007)

Aging Protocol - Results<br />

Amir, Oreg and <strong>Imry</strong>, PRL 2009

Connection to conductance relaxation?<br />

If we assume<br />

We obtain full aging:<br />

Assuming a linear dependence leads to:<br />

For short times:<br />

For long times:

Detailed fit to experimental data<br />

• Full aging<br />

• Deviations from logarithm start at<br />

Amir, Oreg and <strong>Imry</strong>, PRL (2009)

Full aging and universality<br />

Amir, Oreg and <strong>Imry</strong>, to be published

Other protocols…?<br />

Periodic voltage<br />

Theory vs. Experiment<br />

(Exp.: Ovadyahu et al., PRB 2003)

Other protocols…?<br />

Periodic voltage<br />

Theory vs. Experiment<br />

(Exp.: Ovadyahu et al., PRB 2003)

Connection to 1/f noise?<br />

Amir, Oreg, and <strong>Imry</strong><br />

arXiv:0911.5060, Ann. Phys. 2009<br />

Langevin Noise<br />

Equipartition theorem: each eigenmode should get<br />

The mean-field equations can be derived from a free energy:<br />

From this we can find the noise correlations matrix:<br />

The<br />

spectrum then leads to a 1/f noise spectrum:<br />

B.I. Shklovskiı,<br />

Solid State Commun (1980)<br />

K. Shtengel et al.,<br />

PRB (2003)

Conclusions<br />

• Statics: Coulomb gap, Steady-state (conductance): Variable Range Hopping<br />

• Dynamics near locally stable point: many slow modes,<br />

distribution.<br />

How universal? We believe: a very relevant RMT class.<br />

• One obtains full aging, with relaxation approximately of the form :<br />

More details:<br />

Phys. Rev. B 77, 1, 2008 (mean-field model)<br />

Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 126403 (2009) (aging properties)<br />

Phys. Rev. B 80, 245214 2009 (variable-range hopping)<br />

Ann. Phys. 18, 12, 836 (2009) (1/f noise)<br />

arxiv: 1002.2123 (exponential matrices – solution)

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