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Etudes et évaluation de processus océaniques par des hiérarchies ... Etudes et évaluation de processus océaniques par des hiérarchies ...
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128 CHAPITRE 4. ETUDES DE PROCESSUS OCÉANOGRAPHIQUES Ocean Dynamics tel-00545911, version 1 - 13 Dec 2010 convergence followed by a slow convergence on the manifold of slow convergence. In the experiments discussed so far, we had a vanishing observation error h obs = h true , that is, ˜σ = 0. This is not consistent with the EnKF, as it requires ˜σ = σ . It is, however, consistent with the fact that, in our twin experiments, we do not have observation errors. Furthermore, when performing parameter estimation experiments with observational or laboratory data, ˜σ is unknown. To determine the dependence of the experiment on the observation error, we performed experiment G10021, which is identical to G00021 except that it includes an observational error η(x, t) with ˜σ = σ . The results have no significant differences, demonstrating again the robustness of the EnKF. 6 Discussion The EnKF has once more proved to be a robust tool for data assimilation. We established the possibility of estimating the parameters in friction laws in gravity currents by only observing its thickness. We showed convergence to the true values in almost all examples, even for values of the (Gaussian zero-mean) observation error that are comparable to the thickness of the gravity current. The speed of the convergence is very much dependent on the parameters (ensemble size, observation error and initial spread). In all cases, the convergence can clearly be decomposed into two steps: a fast convergence onto the manifold that corresponds to the total friction followed by a slow convergence on the manifold, corresponding to a discrimination between the two friction laws. It is also made clear that the implementation of the EnKF is not straightforward but has to be guided by physical, mathematical and numerical insight to adjust and change the various parameters like the degrees of freedom in the model, ensemble size (m), the observation error, the initial spread of the ensemble and the space-time resolution of the assimilation. All these parameters are linked together in some non-linear manner, and it is impossible to rigorously establish the optimal values even when considering a rather simple model, as it is done here. This makes data assimilation an art founded in exact science. The here-presented behaviour, as, for example, the distinction between a fast and slow convergence, is likely a general feature of parameter estimation when several parametrisations are put in competition to mimic the same physical process, and it is easy to estimate the total action of the process but it needs more specific information to distinguish between them. The present work is the first step towards using data assimilation to estimate the turbulent fluxes in gravity currents. Moving beyond identical twin-experiments and assimilating the data from a non-hydrostatic model of the gravity current dynamics (HAROMOD, see Wirth 2004 and Wirth and Barnier 2006, 2008) and from laboratory experiments performed on the Coriolis turn table at LEGI (Grenoble) is a subject of current research which aims to evaluate types of parametrisations and values of parameters to represent friction in gravity currents. A better representation of gravity currents in today’s numerical models of the dynamics of the global ocean will improve their representation of the abyssal water masses, the overturning circulation and, thus, the global heat transport of the world ocean, leading to better understanding of climate dynamics of planet earth. As already briefly mentioned in Section 5, by estimating two or more parameters, one not only determines the friction values but also the dependence of the parameter on the Reynolds number. Indeed, we can rewrite Eq. 5 as: D = (τ + c D |u|)/h = ˜c D |u|)/h. (11) where ˜c D = τ/|u| + c D decreases with the Reynolds number, as it usually does over a solid surface (see Schlichting and Gertsen 2000 pp. chap 1.3). Equation 11 can also be seen as the beginning of a Taylor series for the friction coefficient as a function of the Reynolds number. Including higher-order terms in the present investigation would be against the empirical finding that the drag coefficient decreases with the Reynolds number. This is, however, not the case for the drag coefficient at the ocean–atmosphere interface, which is known to grow for large wind speeds due to the increased roughness of the interface (waves) at large wind speeds. The extension of the here-presented research to such applications is straightforward. The herepresented methodology is, thus, not restricted to the dynamics of gravity currents. Key observations in the ocean may help identify parametrisations of important phenomena which are poorly parametrised so far (overflows, friction, diapycnal mixing, mixing induced by internal wave breaking, turbulent fluxes, etc.) Using data from the non-hydrostatic numerical simulations allows us to estimate not only the difficulties expected when passing to real observations but demonstrates that data assimilation is a systematic tool to connect models of different complexity in a hierarchy. Model hierarchies will play an increasing role in future earth system research (see IPCC Fourth Assessment Report 2007). Ongoing research aims at employing the here-presented technique and tools to estimate

4.6. ESTIMATION OF FRICTION PARAMETERS AND LAWS IN 1.5D SHALLOW-WATER GRAVI Ocean Dynamics tel-00545911, version 1 - 13 Dec 2010 the bottom friction of a gravity current on the Coriolis platform, a variable that has so far evaded direct measurement. The complexity of the estimation of the friction parameters in the real ocean depends on the spatial variability of the roughness of the ocean floor. Finally, we would like to emphasise that this research actually goes beyond the technical problem of estimating parameters. By allowing the assimilation scheme to choose between different parametrisations, as shown above, we actually answer the scientific question about the nature of the underlying physical process. Parameter estimation can in this way choose between different parametrisations and help discriminate the physical laws of nature by estimating the coefficients presented in such parametrisations. Acknowledgements Comments from and discussions with Jean-Michele Brankart and Emmanuel Cosme were key in writing this paper. We are grateful to Bernard Barnier, Yves Morel and Joel Sommeria for their remarks and to Pagode du Baron for discussion. This work is part of the COUGAR project funded by ANR-06-JCJC-0031-01 and by LEFE/INSU/CNRS. References Baringer MO, Price JF (1997) Momentum and energy balance of the Mediterranean outflow. Phys J Oceanogr 27:1678–1692 Brusdal K, Brankart JM, Halberstadt G, Evensen G, Brasseur P, van Leeuwen PJ, Dombrowsky E, Verron J (2003) A demonstration of ensemble-based assimilation methods with a layered OGCM from the perspective of operational ocean forecasting systems Marine. J Syst 40–41:253–289 Burgers G, van Leeuwen P, Evensen G (1998) Analysis scheme in the ensemble Kalman filter. Mon Weather Rev 126:1719– 1724 DYNAMO Group (1997) Dynamics of North Atlantic models: simulation and assimilation with high resolution models. Ber Inst Meereskd Kiel 294:333 Emms PW (1998) Stream-tube models of gravity currents in the ocean. Deep-Sea Res 44:1575–1610 Evensen G (1994) Sequential data assimilation with a nonlinear quasi-geostrophic model using Monte Carlo methods to forecast error statistics. Geophys J Res 99:10143–10162 Evensen G, Dee DP, Schröter J (1998) Parameter estimation in dynamical models. In: Chassignet EP, Verron J (eds) Ocean modeling and parametrization NATO sciences series. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp 373–398 Evensen G (2003) The ensemble Kalman filter: theoretical formulation and practical implementation. Ocean Dyn 53:343– 367 Ezer T (2005) Entrainment, diapycnal mixing and transport in three-dimensional bottom gravity current simulations using the Mellor-Yamada turbulence scheme. Ocean Mod 9:151– 168 Gill AE (1982) Atmosphere and ocean dynamics, International Geophysics series. Academic, London Griffiths RW (1986) Gravity currents in rotating systems. Ann Rev Fluid Mech 18:59–89 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Climate Change (2007) The physical science basis, Chapter 1.5.1 Killworth PD (1977) Mixing on the Weddell Sea continental slope. Deep-Sea Res 24:427–448 Killworth PD (2001) On the rate of descent of overflows. Geophys J Res 106:22267–22275 Killworth PD, Edwards NR (1999) A turbulent bottom boundary layer code for use in numerical ocean models. Phys J Oceanogr 29:1221–1238 Legg S, Hallberg RW, Girton JB (2006) Comparison of entrainment in overflows simulated by z-coordinate, isopycnal and non-hydrostatic models. Ocean Mod 11:69–97 Matsumoto M, Nishimura T (1998) Mersenne twister: a 623- dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number generator. ACM Trans Model Comput Simul 8:3–30 Moonn W, Tang R (1984) Ocean bottom friction study from numerical modelling of sea surface height and SEASAT-ALT data. Mar Geophys Res 7:73–76 Price JF, Baringer MO (1994) Outflows and deep water production by marginal seas. Prog Oceanogr 33:161–200 de Saint Venant B (1871) Théorie du mouvement non permamnent des eaux, avec application aux crues des rivières et à l’introduction des marées dans leur lit. C.R. A.S. 73:147–154 Schlichting H, Gertsen K (2000) Boundary-layer theory. Springer, Heidelberg Shapiro GI, Hill AE (1997) Dynamics of dense water cascades at the shelf edge. Phys J Oceanogr 27:2381–2394 Smith PC (1975) A stream tube model for bottom boundary currents in the ocean. Deep-Sea Res 22:853–873 Smith PC (1977) Experiments with viscous source flows in rotating systems. Dyn Atmos Ocean 1:241–272 Stevensen B, Duan J, McWilliams JC, Münnich M, Neelin JD (2002) Entrainment, Rayleigh friction, and boundary layer winds over the tropical Pacific. J Climate 15:30–44 Sutherland BR, Nault J, Yewchuk K, Swaters GE (2004) Rotating dense currents on a slope. Part 1. Stability. Fluid J Mech 508:241–264 Whitehead JA, Stern ME, Flierl GR, Klinger BA (1990) Experimental observations of baroclinic eddies on a sloping bottom. Geophys J Res 95:9585–9610 Willebrand J, Barnier B, Böning C, Dieterich C, Killworth P, Le Provost C, Jia Y, Molines JM, New AL (2001) Circulation characteristics in three eddy-permitting models of the North Atlantic. Prog J Oceanogr 48:123–162 Wirth A (2004) A non-hydrostatic flat-bottom ocean model entirely based on Fourier expansion. Ocean Mod 9:71–87 Wirth A, Barnier (2006) Tilted convective plumes in numerical experiments. Ocean Mod 12:101–111 Wirth A, Barnier (2008) Tilted convective plumes in numerical experiments. Phys J Oceanogr 38:803–816 Xu X, Chang YS, Peters H, Özgökmen TM, Chassignet EP (2006) Parametrization of Gravity current entrainment for ocean circulation models using a high-order 3D nonhydrostatic spectral element model. Ocean Mod 14:19–44


Ocean Dynamics<br />

tel-00545911, version 1 - 13 Dec 2010<br />

convergence followed by a slow convergence on the<br />

manifold of slow convergence.<br />

In the experiments discussed so far, we had a vanishing<br />

observation error h obs = h true , that is, ˜σ = 0. This<br />

is not consistent with the EnKF, as it requires ˜σ = σ .<br />

It is, however, consistent with the fact that, in our<br />

twin experiments, we do not have observation errors.<br />

Furthermore, when performing <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>er estimation<br />

experiments with observational or laboratory data, ˜σ is<br />

unknown. To d<strong>et</strong>ermine the <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce of the experiment<br />

on the observation error, we performed experiment<br />

G10021, which is i<strong>de</strong>ntical to G00021 except that<br />

it inclu<strong>de</strong>s an observational error η(x, t) with ˜σ = σ .<br />

The results have no significant differences, <strong>de</strong>monstrating<br />

again the robustness of the EnKF.<br />

6 Discussion<br />

The EnKF has once more proved to be a robust tool<br />

for data assimilation. We established the possibility of<br />

estimating the <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>ers in friction laws in gravity<br />

currents by only observing its thickness. We showed<br />

convergence to the true values in almost all examples,<br />

even for values of the (Gaussian zero-mean) observation<br />

error that are com<strong>par</strong>able to the thickness of the<br />

gravity current. The speed of the convergence is very<br />

much <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt on the <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>ers (ensemble size,<br />

observation error and initial spread). In all cases, the<br />

convergence can clearly be <strong>de</strong>composed into two steps:<br />

a fast convergence onto the manifold that corresponds<br />

to the total friction followed by a slow convergence<br />

on the manifold, corresponding to a discrimination b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

the two friction laws.<br />

It is also ma<strong>de</strong> clear that the implementation of the<br />

EnKF is not straightforward but has to be gui<strong>de</strong>d by<br />

physical, mathematical and numerical insight to adjust<br />

and change the various <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>ers like the <strong>de</strong>grees of<br />

freedom in the mo<strong>de</strong>l, ensemble size (m), the observation<br />

error, the initial spread of the ensemble and<br />

the space-time resolution of the assimilation. All these<br />

<strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>ers are linked tog<strong>et</strong>her in some non-linear<br />

manner, and it is impossible to rigorously establish the<br />

optimal values even when consi<strong>de</strong>ring a rather simple<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l, as it is done here. This makes data assimilation<br />

an art foun<strong>de</strong>d in exact science.<br />

The here-presented behaviour, as, for example, the<br />

distinction b<strong>et</strong>ween a fast and slow convergence, is<br />

likely a general feature of <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>er estimation when<br />

several <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>risations are put in comp<strong>et</strong>ition to<br />

mimic the same physical process, and it is easy to<br />

estimate the total action of the process but it needs<br />

more specific information to distinguish b<strong>et</strong>ween them.<br />

The present work is the first step towards using data<br />

assimilation to estimate the turbulent fluxes in gravity<br />

currents. Moving beyond i<strong>de</strong>ntical twin-experiments<br />

and assimilating the data from a non-hydrostatic mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

of the gravity current dynamics (HAROMOD, see<br />

Wirth 2004 and Wirth and Barnier 2006, 2008) and<br />

from laboratory experiments performed on the Coriolis<br />

turn table at LEGI (Grenoble) is a subject of current<br />

research which aims to evaluate types of <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>risations<br />

and values of <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>ers to represent friction<br />

in gravity currents. A b<strong>et</strong>ter representation of gravity<br />

currents in today’s numerical mo<strong>de</strong>ls of the dynamics<br />

of the global ocean will improve their representation<br />

of the abyssal water masses, the overturning circulation<br />

and, thus, the global heat transport of the world ocean,<br />

leading to b<strong>et</strong>ter un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of climate dynamics of<br />

plan<strong>et</strong> earth.<br />

As already briefly mentioned in Section 5, by estimating<br />

two or more <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>ers, one not only d<strong>et</strong>ermines<br />

the friction values but also the <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce of<br />

the <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>er on the Reynolds number. In<strong>de</strong>ed, we can<br />

rewrite Eq. 5 as:<br />

D = (τ + c D |u|)/h = ˜c D |u|)/h. (11)<br />

where ˜c D = τ/|u| + c D <strong>de</strong>creases with the Reynolds<br />

number, as it usually does over a solid surface (see<br />

Schlichting and Gertsen 2000 pp. chap 1.3). Equation 11<br />

can also be seen as the beginning of a Taylor series for<br />

the friction coefficient as a function of the Reynolds<br />

number. Including higher-or<strong>de</strong>r terms in the present<br />

investigation would be against the empirical finding<br />

that the drag coefficient <strong>de</strong>creases with the Reynolds<br />

number. This is, however, not the case for the drag<br />

coefficient at the ocean–atmosphere interface, which<br />

is known to grow for large wind speeds due to the<br />

increased roughness of the interface (waves) at large<br />

wind speeds. The extension of the here-presented research<br />

to such applications is straightforward. The herepresented<br />

m<strong>et</strong>hodology is, thus, not restricted to the<br />

dynamics of gravity currents. Key observations in the<br />

ocean may help i<strong>de</strong>ntify <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>risations of important<br />

phenomena which are poorly <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>rised so far<br />

(overflows, friction, diapycnal mixing, mixing induced<br />

by internal wave breaking, turbulent fluxes, <strong>et</strong>c.)<br />

Using data from the non-hydrostatic numerical simulations<br />

allows us to estimate not only the difficulties<br />

expected when passing to real observations but <strong>de</strong>monstrates<br />

that data assimilation is a systematic tool to<br />

connect mo<strong>de</strong>ls of different complexity in a hierarchy.<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>l hierarchies will play an increasing role in future<br />

earth system research (see IPCC Fourth Assessment<br />

Report 2007). Ongoing research aims at employing<br />

the here-presented technique and tools to estimate

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