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Etudes et évaluation de processus océaniques par des hiérarchies ... Etudes et évaluation de processus océaniques par des hiérarchies ...
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104 CHAPITRE 4. ETUDES DE PROCESSUS OCÉANOGRAPHIQUES APRIL 2008 W I R T H A N D B A R N I E R 803 Mean Circulation and Structures of Tilted Ocean Deep Convection A. WIRTH AND B. BARNIER MEOM/LEGI, Grenoble, France (Manuscript received 4 January 2007, in final form 17 April 2007) ABSTRACT tel-00545911, version 1 - 13 Dec 2010 1. Introduction Convection in a homogeneous ocean is investigated by numerically integrating the three-dimensional Boussinesq equations in a tilted, rotating frame (f–F plane) subject to a negative buoyancy flux (cooling) at the surface. The study focuses on determining the influence of the angle (tilt) between the axis of rotation and gravity on the convection process. To this end the following two essential parameters are varied: (i) the magnitude of the surface heat flux, and (ii) the angle (tilt) between the axis of rotation and gravity. The range of the parameters investigated is a subset of typical open-ocean deep convection events. It is demonstrated that when gravity and rotation vector are tilted with respect to each other (i) the Taylor–Proudman–Poincaré theorem leaves an imprint in the convective structures, (ii) a horizontal mean circulation is established, and (iii) the second-order moments involving horizontal velocity components are considerably increased. Tilted rotation thus leaves a substantial imprint in the dynamics of ocean convection. Most of the World Ocean is known to be in hydrostatic balance at large scales. However, ocean dynamics at scales smaller than about 10 km, convection, circulation in coastal areas, surface mixed layer dynamics, the breaking of internal waves, and the dynamics of overflows in straits are instances of ocean dynamics where nonhydrostatic effects are essential. These instances of nonhydrostatic ocean dynamics are important dynamical problems in their own right, but they also influence the large-scale dynamics of the World Ocean and the climate system of our planet. A detailed discussion of nonhydrostatic effects in the ocean dynamics can be found in Marshall et al. (1997). A striking feature of open-ocean deep convection is that, although it governs a substantial part of the poleward heat transport of the atmosphere–ocean system through its influence on the thermohaline circulation, it is nevertheless extremely localized in space and time. In fact, convection chimneys account only for a tiny fraction of the World Ocean, and a convection event typically lasts for only about 1 week. A substantial part of Corresponding author address: A. Wirth, MEOM/LEGI, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble CEDEX 9, France. E-mail: the large-scale and long-time ocean and climate dynamics is thus slaved to what happens at these almost space–time singularities. For a detailed discussion of open-ocean convection from an observational, theoretical, and modeling perspective, we refer the reader to the review of Marshall and Schott (1999). For a recent study of the impact of the convection process on the large- and mesoscale dynamics in the Labrador Sea, we refer the reader to Straneo (2006) and Chanut et al. (2008, hereafter ChBa). Convection chimneys, being by themselves an ensemble of many convection plumes, typically measure about 100 km in the horizontal directions. They thus barely span the area of a single horizontal grid point in ocean global circulation models (OGCMs) employed in today’s climate models. Even when much higher resolutions were computationally feasible, most models will not be able to explicitly represent the convection process because they integrate the hydrostatic primitive equations, neglecting vertical momentum. Numerical ocean models based on the hydrostatic approximation are, and will be in the foreseeable future, the major tools in entangling the ocean dynamics at the global or basin scale. Such models, however, have to be supplemented at certain locations to account for the influence of the nonhydrostatic processes, as, for example, convection. This can be achieved in two ways: first, by locally nesting a nonhydrostatic model at the critical DOI: 10.1175/2007JPO3756.1 © 2008 American Meteorological Society

4.5. MEAN CIRCULATION AND STRUCTURES OF TILTED OCEAN DEEP CONVECTION105 804 J O U R N A L O F P H Y S I C A L O C E A N O G R A P H Y VOLUME 38 tel-00545911, version 1 - 13 Dec 2010 regions, or second, by parameterizing the nonhydrostatic effects. The present work is an attempt toward the second approach for the case of open-ocean convection. If such parameterization is used, its implementation is most likely to consume less computer power than a nested nonhydrostatic model. Detailed research on the influence of external parameters, such as, for example, magnitude and direction of rotation, is integral to developing and improving such parameterization and adjusting the parameter values in existing parameterization. Existing parameterizations of open-ocean convection can be put into two categories. The first consists of schemes that are driven by the necessity to remove the convective instability with no reference to the physics of convection. The second type includes some of the physics of convection borrowed from atmospheric observations, models, and convection schemes. They thus exclude qualitative differences resulting from the different Rossby numbers involved in the ocean and atmosphere. Convection in the atmosphere takes only a few hours, while it takes a few days in the ocean. We will demonstrate that the corresponding difference in Rossby number is essential for the convection process and its parameterization. Oceanic convection is in a dynamically interesting regime because vertical velocities are large enough so that nonhydrostatic terms cannot be ignored, but are small enough so that rotation cannot be ignored either. Nonlinearity is strong enough so that the dynamics are in a three-dimensional turbulent regime, as opposed to quasi-two-dimensional heton dynamics [see Klinger and Marshall (1995) for a detailed discussion of the three-dimensional versus heton regimes]. Furthermore, the results published in Klinger and Marshall (1995) and those of the present work indicate that away from the surface boundary layer the convection process creates a vertical density structure that has the characteristic that the influence of (unstable) stratification is comparable to that of rotation. We furthermore show that not only is the magnitude of the rotation vector (as expressed in the Rossby number) of importance, but so too is its direction. More precisely, in the majority of numerical calculations considering ocean dynamics, the traditional approximation (see, e.g., Marshall et al. 1997) is employed, which completely neglects the horizontal component of the rotation vector, and thus its “tilt.” One exception is the large-eddy simulation (LES) by Wang (2006). Rotation is thus supposed to be collinear with gravity, which is strictly only the case at the poles. The traditional approximation may be justified in instances where vertical velocities are small compared to their horizontal counterparts, that is, when nonhydrostatic terms can be neglected. However, when nonhydrostatic terms are essential for the dynamics, as in the case of convection, the horizontal component of the rotation vector (the tilt) has to be included. The important part of the tilt in the rotation vector for the dynamics of a single convective plume in an oceanic context was demonstrated experimentally by Sheremet (2004) and numerically by Wirth and Barnier (2006). The dynamics of a collection of plumes generated by homogeneous forcing (cooling) at the surface cannot be deduced from the dynamics of a single plume due to the nonlinear interaction between the plumes with the turbulent background and the density stratification. It is thus of paramount importance to investigate the possible changes of ocean convection when subject to a homogeneous forcing at the surface. The important consequences of two buoyant tracers (temperature and salinity) and a nonlinear equation of state are the subject of future research and are not considered here. To summarize: open-ocean convection is a dynamically very involved process, where rotation (magnitude and direction), vertical acceleration, stratification, and three-dimensional turbulence (nonlinearity) each play a role of almost equal importance. That is, none of the terms in the Boussinesq equations can be neglected and none are dominant. In the next section we discuss some basic facts of open-ocean convection with an emphasis on its integral effects, which are important when a parameterization is to be constructed. We then proceed by explaining the physics of our experiment, followed by a description of the mathematical model and its numerical implementation used for our investigations of deep convection in section 3. Results of our numerical experiments are presented in section 4. In section 4a, the imprint of the Taylor–Proudman–Poincaré (TPP) theorem on the structures of the turbulent convection process is shown, and in section 4b the horizontal mean temperature structure is discussed and the generation of mean horizontal velocities is demonstrated analytically and experimentally. The values of second-order moments essential to many parameterization schemes are determined and discussed in section 4c. We conclude in section 5 by discussing the implications of the herepresented results on the large-scale ocean dynamics. 2. Open-ocean deep convection a. Basic facts The entire deep-ocean convection process is usually divided into the following three phases: (i) precondi-


APRIL 2008 W I R T H A N D B A R N I E R 803<br />

Mean Circulation and Structures of Tilted Ocean Deep Convection<br />


MEOM/LEGI, Grenoble, France<br />

(Manuscript received 4 January 2007, in final form 17 April 2007)<br />


tel-00545911, version 1 - 13 Dec 2010<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Convection in a homogeneous ocean is investigated by numerically integrating the three-dimensional<br />

Boussinesq equations in a tilted, rotating frame (f–F plane) subject to a negative buoyancy flux (cooling)<br />

at the surface. The study focuses on d<strong>et</strong>ermining the influence of the angle (tilt) b<strong>et</strong>ween the axis of rotation<br />

and gravity on the convection process. To this end the following two essential <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>ers are varied: (i) the<br />

magnitu<strong>de</strong> of the surface heat flux, and (ii) the angle (tilt) b<strong>et</strong>ween the axis of rotation and gravity. The<br />

range of the <strong>par</strong>am<strong>et</strong>ers investigated is a subs<strong>et</strong> of typical open-ocean <strong>de</strong>ep convection events.<br />

It is <strong>de</strong>monstrated that when gravity and rotation vector are tilted with respect to each other (i) the<br />

Taylor–Proudman–Poincaré theorem leaves an imprint in the convective structures, (ii) a horizontal mean<br />

circulation is established, and (iii) the second-or<strong>de</strong>r moments involving horizontal velocity components are<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>rably increased.<br />

Tilted rotation thus leaves a substantial imprint in the dynamics of ocean convection.<br />

Most of the World Ocean is known to be in hydrostatic<br />

balance at large scales. However, ocean dynamics<br />

at scales smaller than about 10 km, convection, circulation<br />

in coastal areas, surface mixed layer dynamics,<br />

the breaking of internal waves, and the dynamics of<br />

overflows in straits are instances of ocean dynamics<br />

where nonhydrostatic effects are essential. These instances<br />

of nonhydrostatic ocean dynamics are important<br />

dynamical problems in their own right, but they<br />

also influence the large-scale dynamics of the World<br />

Ocean and the climate system of our plan<strong>et</strong>. A d<strong>et</strong>ailed<br />

discussion of nonhydrostatic effects in the ocean dynamics<br />

can be found in Marshall <strong>et</strong> al. (1997).<br />

A striking feature of open-ocean <strong>de</strong>ep convection is<br />

that, although it governs a substantial <strong>par</strong>t of the poleward<br />

heat transport of the atmosphere–ocean system<br />

through its influence on the thermohaline circulation, it<br />

is nevertheless extremely localized in space and time. In<br />

fact, convection chimneys account only for a tiny fraction<br />

of the World Ocean, and a convection event typically<br />

lasts for only about 1 week. A substantial <strong>par</strong>t of<br />

Corresponding author address: A. Wirth, MEOM/LEGI, BP 53,<br />

38041 Grenoble CEDEX 9, France.<br />

E-mail:<br />

the large-scale and long-time ocean and climate dynamics<br />

is thus slaved to what happens at these almost<br />

space–time singularities. For a d<strong>et</strong>ailed discussion of<br />

open-ocean convection from an observational, theor<strong>et</strong>ical,<br />

and mo<strong>de</strong>ling perspective, we refer the rea<strong>de</strong>r to<br />

the review of Marshall and Schott (1999). For a recent<br />

study of the impact of the convection process on the<br />

large- and mesoscale dynamics in the Labrador Sea, we<br />

refer the rea<strong>de</strong>r to Straneo (2006) and Chanut <strong>et</strong> al.<br />

(2008, hereafter ChBa).<br />

Convection chimneys, being by themselves an ensemble<br />

of many convection plumes, typically measure<br />

about 100 km in the horizontal directions. They thus<br />

barely span the area of a single horizontal grid point in<br />

ocean global circulation mo<strong>de</strong>ls (OGCMs) employed in<br />

today’s climate mo<strong>de</strong>ls. Even when much higher resolutions<br />

were computationally feasible, most mo<strong>de</strong>ls will<br />

not be able to explicitly represent the convection process<br />

because they integrate the hydrostatic primitive<br />

equations, neglecting vertical momentum. Numerical<br />

ocean mo<strong>de</strong>ls based on the hydrostatic approximation<br />

are, and will be in the foreseeable future, the major<br />

tools in entangling the ocean dynamics at the global or<br />

basin scale. Such mo<strong>de</strong>ls, however, have to be supplemented<br />

at certain locations to account for the influence<br />

of the nonhydrostatic processes, as, for example, convection.<br />

This can be achieved in two ways: first, by<br />

locally nesting a nonhydrostatic mo<strong>de</strong>l at the critical<br />

DOI: 10.1175/2007JPO3756.1<br />

© 2008 American M<strong>et</strong>eorological Soci<strong>et</strong>y

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