biological sciences HONOURs 2014 - The University of Sydney

biological sciences HONOURs 2014 - The University of Sydney

biological sciences HONOURs 2014 - The University of Sydney


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Research Interests<br />

We research broad, evolutionary biology, most <strong>of</strong>ten using<br />

reptiles and amphibians as models.<br />

Honours projects<br />

Honours projects can be tailored to the student’s interest in the<br />

following areas:<br />

1. Multiple paternity in a changing climate. A changing climate<br />

is expected to have pr<strong>of</strong>ound effects on many aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

ectotherm biology. We assess year-to-year variation in sexual<br />

selection on body size and post-copulatory sperm competition<br />

and cryptic female choice. Elevated temperature is expected<br />

to increase mating rate and number <strong>of</strong> sires per clutch with<br />

positive effects on <strong>of</strong>fspring fitness. We investigate if years<br />

when the ‘quality’ <strong>of</strong> a female’s partners is more variable (in<br />

standard errors <strong>of</strong> a male sexual ornament) show less multiple<br />

paternity. This would agree with prior laboratory trials in which<br />

females exercised stronger cryptic female choice when male<br />

quality varied more.<br />

An increased number <strong>of</strong> sires contributing to within-clutch<br />

paternity may decrease the risk <strong>of</strong> having malformed <strong>of</strong>fspring.<br />

Ultimately, such variation may contribute to highly dynamic and<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Mats<br />

Olsson<br />

Room 416, Heydon-<br />

Laurence Building A08<br />

T: (02) 9351 2697<br />

E: mats.olsson@sydney.<br />

edu.au<br />

shifting selection mosaics in the wild, with potential implications for the evolutionary ecology <strong>of</strong><br />

mating systems and population responses to rapidly changing environmental conditions.<br />

2. Evolution <strong>of</strong> Reactive Oxygen Species dynamics. In the ageing individual, the production <strong>of</strong><br />

Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) accelerates with cell senescence. Depending on the heritability<br />

<strong>of</strong> the underlying processes that determine net ROS levels, this may influence ageing per se<br />

and its evolutionary direction and rate <strong>of</strong> change. In order to understand the inheritance and<br />

evolution <strong>of</strong> net ROS levels in free-ranging lizards, we use flow cytometry together with ROSsensitive<br />

fluorogenic probes to measure ROS in lizard blood cells.<br />

We measure basal levels <strong>of</strong> (i) unspecific ROS (superoxide, singlet oxygen, H 2<br />

O 2<br />

and<br />

peroxynitrite), and (ii) superoxide specifically. <strong>The</strong> cumulative level <strong>of</strong> unspecific ROS is higher in<br />

adults than juveniles and superoxide level showed high heritability and variability among families.<br />

We suggest, and design future studies, around the fact that the evolution <strong>of</strong> ROS dynamics<br />

may be ROS species-specific and perhaps depend on the relative degree <strong>of</strong> uni- or biparental<br />

inheritance <strong>of</strong> ROS main regulatory pathways.<br />

Right: Crab spider by Claire MacAlpine (Honours student 2013)<br />

supervised by Dieter Hochuli (pg 25) and Shawn Wilder (pg 50)

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