1 Theorising Agency in International Relations In Hobbes's Wake ...

1 Theorising Agency in International Relations In Hobbes's Wake ...

1 Theorising Agency in International Relations In Hobbes's Wake ...


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Gauthier is right to f<strong>in</strong>d <strong>in</strong> Hobbes’s theory a very strong brand of <strong>in</strong>dividualism, one that<br />

regards <strong>in</strong>dividual human be<strong>in</strong>gs as conceptually prior not only to political society but also to all<br />

social <strong>in</strong>teractions<br />

One important implication of the rationalist-<strong>in</strong>dividualist ontology is that language, as all other social<br />

<strong>in</strong>stitutions, is but one <strong>in</strong>strument put to maximiz<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>terests of an e-rational, a-social actor. <strong>In</strong>sofar<br />

as language-based analyses cast the primary focus upon the social bond itself and thus between the<br />

<strong>in</strong>dividuals, they stand fundamentally at odds with these <strong>in</strong>dividualist, rationalist analyses. Significantly<br />

these differences were honed on Hobbes’ Leviathan.<br />

Pav<strong>in</strong>g the Way towards Sociality: the English School’s Cooperative Gladiators<br />

The state of nature provided the battleground for the <strong>in</strong>itial attempts to recover Hobbes away<br />

from this <strong>in</strong>dividualist ontology and the billiard board model of anarchy it had yielded. The <strong>in</strong>itial critique<br />

of its ‘uses and abuses <strong>in</strong> IR’ as Mark Heller (1980) put it, was two pronged. First, scholars from both IR<br />

and political theory at large have extensively underl<strong>in</strong>ed the limits Hobbes is careful to set upon his own<br />

analogy immediately after establish<strong>in</strong>g it (see Malcolm 2002, Williams 1996, Kratochwil 1989, V<strong>in</strong>cent<br />

1981, Heller 1980 Bull 1977). 13 That Hobbes himself fell short of extend<strong>in</strong>g the logic of his solution to the<br />

<strong>in</strong>ternational level was not an oversight but rather <strong>in</strong>dicates his awareness of the differences between<br />

that sphere and the state of nature, which has been largely brushed aside as the analogy became<br />

<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly entrenched <strong>in</strong> realist thought .<br />

Second, scholars from the English School tradition more specifically sought to dig up the seeds<br />

of a relatively peaceful <strong>in</strong>ternational society <strong>in</strong> Hobbes’ own state of nature (Bull 1977; V<strong>in</strong>cent 1981,<br />

Boucher 1990; Wight 1992; Williams 1996). They po<strong>in</strong>t to the other dimensions of Hobbes’ ‘natural<br />

man’, beyond his wolfish tendencies, that also govern <strong>in</strong>teractions between Leviathans, notably a<br />

13 The key sentence here fore grounded by critics is ‘it does not follow from it that misery which<br />

accompanies the liberty of particular men’ Hobbes (1946, 83)<br />


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