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NEWS' TELEPHONES Display AdverUIlaR .......... .-+. Vol__. _•X+._XXV__II+, No•, 4___• ....... SOUTHINGT6N, CONNECTICUT, OCTOBER 27•-1-9• -- ' Armistice Presenting The New Health Officer And Family-- F dGro '+''`r School Super .,e,, Tells PTA ,2093 "+'"'"++"++'"+""+"++,For Work f Amo . + Will Hear--+ .,. m.+,+.+ o, ,+ Vet Groups + +l+t-Reports ''' +,o+, +. •r• • Mr. Strong said the letter• There •ill be no armistice+ meant: "Let's'stan• My fann) s In less than four i local American-Legioh pos'• and the Veterans Council. This botanic t,ertain when John! F. Spain, vommander of Kiltonic Post No. 72, announced yesterday' that the Legion would not tahe• part m the Armi-hte Day tot'oh-[ light parade .pollsmcd by the ('ouned. The po.t mtantmously adopto,I a" rt•o]ntlon whwb •c•td: "Out of re-* •peet to the 100 o* more loe•tl boys . now m the pie-eat eonfllct, that •s•e wtt• any pubhe dealonstr,ttion, other than the paign will he made lit a dinner t nt,• and teachers to stand, opened an employment in the Rose Room at 6:30 p,m. •fter a moment of embarrass- here, 2098 persolls have plied for jobs at the Monday. • littering, they did. The •olunteer WOlkers. eaptoin•,, plant.... majols and agency head. will att-• Tile applieat+oes, wldeh •qui• tend, ( hab'mon Allen Parker again two to three weekb to process, have + +,+++• be fiaaneed th., thlou•b ,,,+ ,,,,,.•, talnlmlgn ,,.o,,d con+ .• Military Nee• ,'"-" a day. co,,,,,,• ,,, tribution• but throngh fnn,ls plO• c,, d Supply Wbde •i+lcd by the Chamber of Cam-,•x• OU the "Iong-i•lF war-time pl• co nnd R'otary. n wet , traming lU'ogralu in The di• het•een the Legion I their chtshe• over Life annual Mem- Maktn• tm direct refer enee to the • Into•L disagteoluent. Cbarles •., • . u gton Rotary Club at its woekly, plate. . •n• •mt,t•tn• Wednes&tv •.vt•ng -in , favor e I by the Joint Chiefs and eommande• of the Iocti'l Veterans of l"olelglt•t•ar• post, '-announced that Anthony Piteo x•ouhl •minte• Colnnla•dcr Spain an,I tbe Catbohe War Veteran• as redes. It wlts •ounced last week that Men'• Christian Association, $44•0: ulurl$ t•ue If c/vtlian production • B•adley Memmial Hospital, $4000: lematns at the high level •xhieh tt •ere eonduet• in Wilfiman•e, Boy •eout•, $1000; Girl Scout.,' has re.ached during the past •w: East Longmeadon, Mass., and gnmr•enc• Reserve Fund, $1o0fl. *h•ought ahaut b• a shortage •f private industry. L mate•mls, gould aUewate the The company plans to move Lincoln ewis PTA •ho,.t.• •t not elinunate it," he e,al depa, tments from gast Votes Tb Affiliate continued, fordlast wart° theS°uthingt°n'local During With National Unit ,,,.+•,. o• m•.po,,'•r mr. m.•-


Display AdverUIlaR ..........<br />

.-+. Vol__. _•X+._XXV__II+, No•, 4___• ....... SOUTHINGT6N, CONNECTICUT, OCTOBER 27•-1-9• -- '<br />

Armistice Presenting The New Health Officer And Family-- F dGro '+''`r School Super .,e,, Tells PTA ,2093<br />

"+'"'"++"++'"+""+"++,For Work<br />

f Amo . + Will Hear--+ .,. m.+,+.+ o, ,+<br />

Vet Groups + +l+t-Reports ''' +,o+, +. •r•<br />

• Mr. Strong said the letter•<br />

There •ill be no armistice+ meant: "Let's'stan• My fann) s In less than four<br />

i<br />

local American-Legioh pos'•<br />

and the Veterans Council.<br />

This botanic t,ertain when John!<br />

F. Spain, vommander of Kiltonic<br />

Post No. 72, announced yesterday'<br />

that the Legion would not tahe•<br />

part m the Armi-hte Day tot'oh-[<br />

light parade .pollsmcd by the<br />

('ouned.<br />

The po.t mtantmously adopto,I a"<br />

rt•o]ntlon whwb •c•td: "Out of re-*<br />

•peet to the 100 o* more loe•tl boys .<br />

now m the pie-eat eonfllct, that<br />

•s•e wtt• any pubhe<br />

dealonstr,ttion, other than the<br />

paign will he made lit a dinner t nt,• and teachers to stand, opened an employment<br />

in the Rose Room at 6:30 p,m. •fter a moment of embarrass- here, 2098 persolls have<br />

plied for jobs at the<br />

Monday.<br />

• littering, they did.<br />

The •olunteer WOlkers. eaptoin•,,<br />

plant....<br />

majols and agency head. will att-•<br />

Tile applieat+oes, wldeh •qui•<br />

tend, ( hab'mon Allen Parker again<br />

two to three weekb to process, have<br />

+ +,+++• be fiaaneed th., thlou•b ,,,+ ,,,,,.•, talnlmlgn ,,.o,,d con+ .• Military Nee• ,'"-" a day. co,,,,,,• ,,,<br />

tribution• but throngh fnn,ls plO•<br />

c,, d Supply Wbde<br />

•i+lcd by the Chamber of Cam-,•x• OU the "Iong-i•lF war-time pl•<br />

co nnd R'otary. n wet , traming lU'ogralu in<br />

The di•<br />

het•een the Legion I<br />

their chtshe• over Life annual Mem-<br />

Maktn• tm direct refer enee to the •<br />

Into•L disagteoluent. Cbarles •.,<br />

• . u gton Rotary Club at its woekly, plate.<br />

. •n• •mt,t•tn• Wednes&tv •.vt•ng -in , favor e I by the Joint Chiefs<br />

and eommande• of the Iocti'l Veterans<br />

of l"olelglt•t•ar• post, '-announced<br />

that Anthony Piteo x•ouhl<br />

•minte• Colnnla•dcr Spain an,I<br />

tbe Catbohe War Veteran• as redes.<br />

It wlts •ounced last week that<br />

Men'• Christian Association, $44•0: ulurl$ t•ue If c/vtlian production •<br />

B•adley Memmial Hospital, $4000: lematns at the high level •xhieh tt •ere eonduet• in Wilfiman•e,<br />

Boy •eout•, $1000; Girl Scout.,' has re.ached during the past •w: East Longmeadon, Mass., and<br />

gnmr•enc• Reserve Fund, $1o0fl. *h•ought ahaut b• a shortage •f private industry.<br />

L mate•mls, gould aUewate the The company plans to move<br />

Lincoln ewis PTA •ho,.t.• •t not elinunate it," he e,al depa, tments from gast<br />

Votes Tb Affiliate continued, fordlast wart° theS°uthingt°n'local During<br />

With National Unit ,,,.+•,. o•<br />

m•.po,,'•r mr. m.•-


pearls. She carried u bridal bou- I<br />

quct of white chrysunt.hemums.<br />

The Bride: Mis• •ieXeraoy. the<br />

Surprise Shower Given<br />

For Miss Palladino<br />

Miss Angeline E.<br />

le.nefit party<br />

"•tlL_<br />

Haunah Woodruff cb.hpter, DARt<br />

and' eeleblated tim nup-<br />

"Ual mass.<br />

Palladian of Belleview Avenue<br />

eaus showm' Wednesday night at i<br />

home•f-MiswaMarian•MmrshuII• - •<br />

The hostesses were the blisses<br />

June Palladlno, Betty De•zis and<br />

Miss Marshall. About 50 attended•<br />

at 1:30 p. m. Thurs lay• November<br />

9, at the Southington FMCA. Praceeds<br />

will be plpced iu the scholaravhleh•mnhles•an•awm'd•<br />

to be given to a de•erving Southingles<br />

High School .•tudent each<br />

A food sale will be held in con-<br />

•_n_¢heon wus•sel".'ed_. Miss . with the pat ty. Mrs. Jame •<br />

l'alladino and Robert E. MeCor Mr. and Mrs. Peter Piconb of Gtill• is tn charge ahd-w[llh6 as2 "<br />

mack of Meriden Avenue will be Buckland Street;-Plantsville, will si•ted b•. bit.. Ge<strong>org</strong>e O. Knipfer.<br />

nmrried at 9 a.m. Saturday, No- hold open house at their home Table rese•vat%ns for the party<br />

MeNerm'y.<br />

Mrs. Edward P. Kordys is the former Miss<br />

Mildred 31. Kosienski of Meriden. Mr. Kordys<br />

• •he--sotr•F-3lrr•nnd- Mrs= PauF-I•rdys•of<br />

Pratt's Corner.<br />

Silver Anniversary<br />

and relatives are invited. The Picones<br />

were married at St. Them- Oxley.<br />

Item Mr,•. ('urti.•.• or bits. Ethel H.<br />

For Edward Pello•s I as' Church October 26. 1925, by Those who plan to have tahles in<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. PeI-I the Rev. Father ltobert L. Chrisslay<br />

at the party ale to hring their<br />

low of<br />

.....<br />

142 Bet" in Avenue were<br />

l" I tel<br />

i<br />

her. They have twodaughtels,<br />

•<br />

own calds, sco•ecartls and canasta<br />

guests, mnonor at a ranu.iy pa'ty[ Miss Antoinette Picone and Mrs. tr.a.'ys, bh'•. Earl Cmlt. will have<br />

at their home-•qatu|xla•mght,•he• Cosine Buon•rr.--an•/l•. rsIE•, ehar•.•o I tll•-t•l•les• .....<br />

occasion marking theh' silver wed- p- v • ""<br />

• "• • • / leone recentl, returned from a<br />

dmg anmversaIT • •.ney •vere mar- I trip - to Europe• --•"<br />

tied October 17, 1925, at Middle.........<br />

town by the Rev. Herbert Rol-tMrs. Sophie Thompson Grange Honors Carley<br />

Insert, pas•or of the South Con- ! Noting 89th'Birthday For 50 Years' Work<br />

gregational Church. • •l:thie Thompsep •f C.•H•. Julius M. Carle• of Berlin Av-<br />

, Mrs. Pellow is the fro'met MisS|Lane, a native of Sweden, ",','ill oh- enue, a member off Union Grange<br />

Ruth V. Maynard. The couple haS[serve her eighty-ninth birthday to- t for mm'e than a half century, was<br />

one daughter, Mrs. Richard Home- ]'day. When she was :14, -Mrs. Ipresented with an awaixl for<br />

wood o£ Wolcott. i Thom son car•e to Amm'ica and ]his 50 years' of work with the<br />

Women's Clubs •ponsor<br />

ago.<br />

Hall. Hartford.<br />

d.'mghter.<br />

in Union Gnange, is assuperintendent<br />

• t h e_<br />

Carpet Company. Edward Tuttl•.3vlth wh0m.•he txsides,'to<br />

commemorate the occa-<br />

Water De m'tm nt<br />

Connecticut State Federation of Thompson is in good is an active member of-the<br />

"Fhonla• Pc, hal..on of M.s .1o-- Ptqnal lett on an unannouneed•Of Mi.ddletown, "•vel'e married Woman's Clubs. It will begin at health despite her advanced year•. Grace Methodist Church.<br />

epht•e Pc, hal of 52 Vermont A•,.-' . - ,urda• at the Holy Trinity Greek 10:15 a. m. and the theme will<br />

•e a<br />

"Co•ectieut At•"<br />

3h.• Ftante. E.azmu..-ish.t of an,l a x•htte olchl•tmsagc. They' fmfaed by the Rov. Alexander P. of the Bigelow Sanford plant and<br />

the bt•do. •a. the ma.I of honm x•dl •e•tth, here at 52 Vermont' Maezkov, pastor, luncheon at the blountaln Lam•l<br />

It.• •ell, M.•- Eleanm Xxbnue Miss Ehzabeth Inn, Thompsonville. blembers of<br />

was the tumid •f heal<br />

tOUSln of the bl],le Stnnh,x Pro- den High Srhool, I. employed at or. Bridesmaid• were Mi•s Mary ,•o. attend must make their<br />

STORE<br />




7 to 9 •.M. _H_A_LL•OW_E'•N<br />


PINS, EARRINGS, ETC...............<br />

• • • r ' Stleet School MI• Dan el Bo• e,<br />

b, ide. •a. the • Lng-healt, i The 31L • Jt an Hay "a d t Ushers were Bernard Shefcyk an'l [ ' " "<br />

III1 h' •It" gl•t'll In Dial Ilage b• he. Hollered •! Sho•er Raymond XVnsowicz, both of Mid- " • "<br />

Open Till 9 P.M. Tues., Thurs., Fri. Nights<br />

"The Variety Store In The Suburb"<br />

25 West Main St. Tel. South. 1854-W -Plantsville<br />

UPHAM'S<br />



t'om-<br />

the Ru•ell Manufarttnmu<br />

puny. M:ddletox• n.<br />

t<br />

IT'S NEW "-- and IT'S NEWS!<br />

o,. •,.e a tafft, t.• t.o.•. -ha,h.t lXal]lleen [annnt'ri<br />

Bennelts Observe<br />

tOth Anniversary<br />

Mr. a•d Mrs. Heubcn Bennett of<br />

hluh •,,11•1. fttt•l I,•(hle :lnl , M,-- K.dhh.,n l:mnutcb daugh- 314 Main Street noted their fortt-<br />

•..•t•,l a•,-•.tdt h,.t,lmt ,,f b',*mz,, 311% I•.tlph H. E•an• of Rackland Chm.ch here by the Roy. Fosdick<br />

'mh'l"'m" St•,.,,t. l'hmt•vflh,, udl be mmried ] B. Harrison,•astor at that time.<br />

-txled like that of th{ in'lid {tf ,t•' ('huH'h. nett was Miss Amelia Smith,<br />

hon.i, ha,h,I f;om tha+t•ett•c t,, ldaUghter of the late Mr. and Mrs.<br />

deep junub, g,'etn Eat• (retied A d,ttlghtvl •x.t• bran at the Albeit Smith of this town. They<br />

to-is h h.uqut, t• ul u t.H.•, tin.l- ttl•trllev M•-nm•t Hospital tb•'hnve one son, William Bennett of<br />

3.05<br />

NYLON<br />


Girdle or Pantie Girdle<br />

Here's the perfect foundation for you<br />

who want maximum freedom of movement<br />

. . . with just a gentle reminder to<br />

flatten your tummy and trim your hips<br />

.... "POSTAGE ST.•iVIP" is a beautiful<br />

new JANTZEN two-way stretch. A fnile of<br />

a girdle with a mighty stretch, and wonderful<br />

to wear... You'll love the new allnylon<br />

net fabric that dries quick-as-a-"<br />

flash, and will never lose its shape . . .<br />

Come in soon and be fitted to a wonderful<br />

new Jan.tzen "POSTAGE STAMP" girdle<br />

•' panty.girdle.<br />


Lustrous two ply all we01<br />

gabardine . . . tailored b•' Clothcraft to<br />

\Vc arc proud of your Pontiac because<br />

x•e arc the people x•ho know it best--<br />

insult anti out. It Is onl.• logical that<br />

our lacier.x-trained spetlalists, using<br />


rjgld specifications... Cravenette pro.<br />

cessed for water repellency.<br />

p,t rts, should alwa) s be .., our first choice<br />

h,,' P,mtiac •,.;•.c. •'• k.uw Ponllac<br />

blot--and •e *er•tcv it best. Drop<br />

Protect Tour Pontiac<br />

with Pontiac Servico<br />

7.95<br />

Simple, ever-lovely saddle stitched' classic<br />

With the" removable all wool lining that zip• inte<br />

place, sleeves and all.<br />




in wearable•-wante• gabardine. A [•right<br />

touch in the 2 wooden buttons on the<br />

waist -- the right touch in the twin<br />

patch p•ckets on the skirt. Fly front<br />

from waist to hem. Green, •)•ige, navy or<br />

Sizes<br />


•'48 Years of Customer Satisfaction" • ,<br />

21 COLONY ST.<br />

Clark St. & Meriden-'<br />


y Rd Mllldale Conn.<br />

Other•tyles $8.98 to $14.98<br />

Charge Accounts Invited<br />


Miss<br />


Walker of Melbnurne,• M;•s. Mul•• Hayward of Marion<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ar-•Axenue, llantsville, wus guest of<br />

THE SOU•INGTON NIsWS, OC•r•)]3ER 27, 1950<br />

Wallace of Buckiand WiLt of Russell Rood, Mllldale.<br />

Street.<br />

About 20 attended. Miss Haywax•l,<br />

Mr. and M•rs. Fred Walkm. of Edmund J Foley Jr of Cartm'<br />

Manchester, N H., were th• recent I •me e e•ve"<br />

•ests of Mr. an• Mrs. O. H• Moore A public turkey super will be<br />

af West Street. '<br />

served at 5:3 0and 6:30 p.m. Wed-<br />

Miss Ehzabe•h Thomson of'nesday at the llantsvflle Baptmt<br />

Summit S•et• M•-• •.•Ch•rch under the auspices of the<br />

son and two .sons of South Muln •'iendly Circle. Tickets may<br />

Street are spending u moeth's ca- obtained from membe• of the<br />

Improve•nent is<br />

repnrted in the •pHces.<br />

condition •f Mrs. Heh.n Lane<br />

Prospect •trect, a patient at lht. [<br />

s,..d•oy M.,no,.• •p•t.• .nd•.r-•Building And Loan<br />

t.•.•. • •Iccts Delahun•<br />

the Miss•s Esther and lilhiur My- ;<br />

r6n, "all of Cromxxell, x•ete tlw[ Patrick J. Delahunty of Memdea<br />

Sunday •uests of Mr. and •zs. •Avenue, local building contractor,<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e Nyren of Main Street. was made a member of the Boned<br />

'ghe Rev. and Mrs. Albeit S. of Di•cto• at the annual nmeting]<br />

tended the annual State Grange [•an Association this week.<br />

meeting I•st week in Hartford. All other officers and directo•l<br />

and meetin<br />

of the<br />

I 30'L82, according to repm•s zead<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ha•tt•m • at the The undivided<br />

•o•d t• Meuntain•ax•rz•ce,<br />

of the _Associa-<br />

$•in•om ', Lion's books was mede by Kenneth<br />

James S. Martin<br />

Street and her brother and sister- Edwaz• J. Westelinck, auditors.<br />

•nlaxx, bl and his Joh•J Kel • a G a<br />

ley of West Hattford, were the• •resident. A charter member of<br />

over the weekend." •t since 1912•<br />

Roy Stadel of Carter Lane is a' The other re-e coted of.ricers inpatient<br />

at the B. radley McmoHal'clud e Clifton I. Stone,<br />

During the past week Mx.'•. •race iurer; Miss Gm•rude M. Nikolai%<br />

Ordway of l•,lulbcrry Nil'eel. •tte•d-, assistant treasurer; Thomas E.<br />

ed events of the O•er of Ama•- • Egos, Jr., sccret•ry, and Frnnk J.<br />

antb at S•m•m•, New London, • Galiette, assistant '•ecre•ry. Judge<br />

Hartfo• and Essex, taking, an of- • Thomas F. Wel•h, •ill continnc as<br />

ficial pa•t m each of the esents. [the Association s attorney<br />

A.Halloween party for nmmbe• • Directors, in addition to Mr.<br />

of Union Grange wall follow the*Delahunty, are Albert C. Bassett,<br />

l•lar meeting at 8 p.m. today at ' Severin J. Eberh•t,. Mr. •gau,<br />

the West Street School.<br />

Henry F<strong>org</strong>iane, Mr. Gallette, Ed-<br />

Impl•vcm•.nt m repelLed in the wold G. Hackbarth, Mr. Knapp,<br />

•nd[tion of Little Miss Sharon IRobe]2 G. Simpson, Mr. Stone,<br />

Boy• of Grove Street who has [ Russell F. Stone, Adolph J. T•app<br />

been ill ut her hmne. • and Mr. Williams.<br />

The Junim- Fellowship will held<br />

I<br />

i<br />

.<br />

'<br />

a Hallo•en,, party tonight •n the] • . •<br />

confel•nce room at the Plants-t2 Drivers [orfelt Bonds<br />

villo Baptist Church•<br />

OII Road Rules •unts<br />

Mi• Carol Colbert of Man-; Robert Lajoie, 36, of Flanders<br />

chester was the weekend •est'of • Street, forfeited his •hd of<br />

Miss Priscdb• Ny•en of Main when he failed • appear •fore-<br />

St•et. . Judge Stephen • Elliott in Toxw<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Geo•go W. Acker- Court Monday to answer a rules of<br />

•o• •h'ect will bcin At-•e roa•a•<br />

l•nfi¢City, N. J., next weeek to • Frank G. Daddabbo. 20, of Brisa•tend<br />

the annuel Dental Convert- tel, charged with violation of the<br />

H•n.<br />

rules of the roml, did not appear in<br />

Miss Nellie Shepa• of Mar on court and Judge EIliott m•ered his<br />

•enue has be•n her studies at • head of $9 forfeited.<br />

the New Britain State Teachers l Prank R. Broadwell, 49, of Bris-<br />

•llegv. Sh. is a •.wis High grad- I tel pleaded guilty to a rules of the<br />

•. • road charge and was fined $15.<br />

A son, Ralph Lars, was born[ Philip S. Lacourciere, 23, of<br />

Wednesday at the Bradley Me-[ Clark Street, Milldale, pleaded<br />

morlal Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. guilty to a speeding charge and<br />

Ralph Lax.son of Folestville. Mrs.. was fined $15.<br />

Larson is the framer Miss Annie.<br />

Whitney of th*s town.<br />

Robert Camp, 21•, of Meriden entered<br />

a plea of guilty when charged<br />

• Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Burrows I with vlolation of the rnles of thv<br />

of Buckland Street attended the road. He was fined $15.<br />

b.nnual Plainville Policemen's Ball t A rules of the road charge<br />

Saturday night at Luke Corn- against J. Edward Engleman, 22,<br />

pounce• • of Gt•ilford was Rolled on the tee-<br />

Mrs. Lmda Sly of Wells River, l ommendation of Town Prosecuter<br />

Vt., has returned after visiting for J" Lambert Dcgnsn.<br />

.the summer with her brother-inlaw<br />

and smter, Mr. anal Mrs. O. H.<br />

blnore of West Street.<br />

Mrs. Emil Nyxen of Main Street<br />

Troop 16, Boy Scouts<br />

A Halloween party will be held<br />

had as hm. Sunday guest her sister,<br />

Mrs. 01af Anderson, Mr. and<br />

at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the basement<br />

of St. Thomas' Chureh. There<br />

Mrs. Frank Eastman and daugh- will be a small charge. Those who<br />

ter, Jacquehne, all of Cromwell. l plan t9 attend are to contact AI-<br />

A meeting of the ofllcex• and [ fl'ed IngT seli or Robert Tarantino<br />

teachers of the Sunday School at lee'chairmen of arrangements, or ]<br />

the Plantsville Baptist Church [their committee aides who are An- i<br />

will be held Mondey night at the drew Meade, Rudy Zadn k, Rich- I<br />

home of William Boyce of Grove ard Landino, Richard Daly and!<br />

Street. Robe• Rabatin. '<br />

Miss Jean Ha•)•ard, daughter of Tom N land, Acting Scribe.<br />

FOLCIK'S<br />



SpecialiZih• i• Birtliday •d Wt•ddlng Cakes<br />

Cream Donuls ........... @ for 3Oc<br />

& Cream Puffs .. ea. 9c<br />


On Sal•-After Oct. 15th<br />



•<br />

•French Sticks, Grinder, Kaiser Rolls.<br />

All Types Breads trod Pastries.<br />

101 CENTER ST. '£EL. SOUTHINGTON 3Q4 or 811<br />

• Sliced As You Wish When Purchasing<br />

COA-T-&•.EGG•NG-SETS--<br />

and<br />

SNOW SiJlTS<br />

• DRESSES<br />

• VALUES TO $3.98<br />

, $|.00<br />


PRICE<br />

OHE LOT OF<br />


Neolite Soles--Not All Sizes<br />

VALUES TO $6.95<br />

$3.00<br />

Dresses<br />

SALE!<br />


ID<br />



KNITTING [] Bucilla Wonder Knit • ODD LOT OF<br />


(NO<br />

25%<br />

LAYoAWAY)<br />

OFF<br />

!<br />

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ALL<br />

S01<br />

I Wash Suits<br />

I• VALUES TO $2.98<br />

3 for$1.00 $1,OO.<br />

• SNO SUITS<br />


OFF<br />


COTTON<br />


$2-<br />

- VALUES TO$2.98 •<br />






Publinh•d Fridalm at 1 Eden Avenue, Southtngten, Conn•lcut<br />


Telephone: Southlngtcn 15<br />


Payable in Adv•nc•<br />

5 Cents Per Single Copy<br />

0•o Year $2.50 SL• Months $1.50 Three Month• $1.0o<br />

Entered as Se¢ond-Cl•.•sMall Matter in the Post O•fice at<br />

Conneetlcut, under th• Act of March 3. 18'/9<br />

Music's Place In Town -<br />

Community interest in music again was shown by<br />


'LIFE' ,Test: How Good Is Plantwille School?<br />


This test is based<br />

able from school It<br />

which is readily availto<br />

nIeasm'e<br />

tion applies specifically to a high school or to an elementary ,12<br />

school• only the designated type of school shouhl answer it.<br />

tions. 43<br />


Add up the questions you have answered yes, Subtract from•<br />

this the number you have answered no. Add the difference|.t4<br />

to 100 and conlpar•it to the chart below....<br />

Elenlentary High 12-Grade 145<br />

• •c•ls Schools Schools<br />


dividing the total school budget for current opecattendance.)<br />

................................<br />

At least $3 was spent per pupil last year for textbooks<br />

and supplementary classroom reading ma-<br />

-excluding--tibrar•b•ks•-, ................<br />

At least 35c was spent last year per student in<br />

average daily attendance for audio-visual material,<br />

excluding purchase of basic projection and<br />

sound equipment............................<br />

There is at least 30 square feet of floor area per<br />

classroom pe•_pupiLJr•axerage daily attendance<br />

At least 80',• of the classrooms have movable<br />

desks.....................................<br />

The building is inspected ye.arly by an officihl fire<br />

' l•;t "S;hools Got _115"142 127-14• _ 12_0.•1_a_d__ or-bullding-author2•<br />

Senior Orchestra at the Holcomb PTA. Nothing else Average Schools Got 90-115 105-127 93-120 47 All the buildings are at least fire resistive.......<br />

48<br />

during the evening caught the fancy of the audience ' Worst •chools -<br />

Fire drills ale held at frequent intervals.......<br />

G•t- - 15-90 -15-105 ,}•-9,1 .19 The school custodian is a full-time member of the<br />

fine pcl•ormance by high school<br />

musicians under the dit'ectio• of Stanley Eukers.<br />

F Some schools are good sad .•ome are ha.I, and it i.• uext to tropes- • 50<br />

Music in tile schools has progressed in the face of i sible for most cilizeas to tell •hich are •hich. caa look at 51<br />

obstacles-bec•u•ff%he coul'ag•a•vell•l•-•teachers and buildiags aad form impressions., But naless Ihe a•erage•<br />

high competence of both Miss Barbara Beach, the , pares{ bus •ide academic vxpericacc, Ihcre is ao surefire •a• for him 53<br />

s•pelwisor, and Mix Eukel•. They must feel rewarded ,; to ]adgt,, for himstlf, t.b•, jub a school is dmau, or Io stature,• a againM, 54<br />

for theh" efforts whe• a group of yo•tel-s ca• per- say oflwr schoo. LI•E prc•ented t •e f rsl h.•{ exer de• sed hy wh ch<br />

fOl• with s•ch skill and poise and feeling for the art au average citizen cau tell just hos good his school is. The questioas<br />

of music as the Senior Orchestra did in its latest Ibelow ran he asked by ah5 la)man of any pnhh¢ •chool priocipal. 55<br />

You don't need to know one note from a•otber to flw qaestimwr. All of flwm are Io he answered •ilh a simple "bus" or. 56 There is a iligh school football field...........<br />

experience a thrill when a team of teen-agers can piece "no." By comparing his answer score to the chart at right, any laymau' 57 There is a school gymnasium.................<br />

how his schoo, stands m rclatioa Io other schools through- There is an <strong>org</strong>anized intramural athletic pro-<br />

Beethoven's Fifth Symphom•Linto an impressive whole. out the country. I graTu in Lbe high •chuul.....................<br />

guage<br />

can't believe that the same kids bare seen<br />

the wonderful nonsense of adolescence could<br />

music.<br />

Starring in tile orchestra's peiqormance was Don<br />

Alien Florian, a born actm" as well as musician. His<br />

assurance in facing the audience had not a trace of<br />

cockiness. ILwas==•athe•dm•natural_Amhavior •af a<br />

youhg marl bf talent who seemed to • getting a great<br />

charge out of the experience of •'fm•ing in public.<br />

"Pucky" FJori• may be the only one in.•he group<br />

But •11 the'high school musicians and even those in the<br />

to be b•t• individuMs<br />

because of their acquaintance witii a sublime art. -It is<br />

not important for them to look at music that way. They<br />

can enjoy it for what it is to them, a pleasant group<br />

activity. But the value of that activity in community<br />

Miss Beach, Mr. Eukers and Band Leader Dominic<br />

Mariconda have a noble mission in Soutbington. Their<br />

work is not simply another academic project, half in and<br />

half outside the regular curriculum, It is a crusade to<br />

bring out the best in youth and through youth the best<br />

in the community.<br />

The job can be made easier witb the help of the<br />

new Southington Music Council. Tom Wrinn. the Cormcil's<br />

first chait•an, has taken on an interesting and<br />

challenging assignment.<br />

Local Hospital--.<br />

i'In Garden O[ Nids'<br />

Is Sermon<br />

ttev. ** oodworth<br />

from Page 1)<br />

an average of 124 u day. IODI("<br />

This average is 11 more than last • "am •x',, =<br />

During 1950, 1,566 X-Rays were The Roy. Albert S. Woo&•-rth,<br />

given compared to 1,468 during the pastor, •til lueach•on "In the Garprevious<br />

year. The number of • den of Nut•'" at the 11 a. m. -ormajor<br />

operatmns rose from 115 vme Sunday at the Plantsville Hapin<br />

1949 to 310 thts year, au m- trot ('hatch. Anthony A.<br />

crease of about 170 per cent. The ' •uperiutendenl, will dncet the Sunnumber<br />

of accident cases u|crcased day School cla•.•e• at 9:45 a. m.<br />

•rom 132 to 151. A meeting of the Jumor Youth<br />

About the only •tem on the re- Fellowship wall he hehl at 7:.10 p.<br />

9oct whmh showed a noticeable • m. Sunday at the borne of ]t.• leadu,crease<br />

w e re tonsillectomies, or, Earle f'arle. All boy- and Izlrl•<br />

They dropped from 259 in 1949 to'of the church are invited to<br />

209 in 1950. tho l'•lloxgghip. -<br />

The Roy. 3It'. Wood•mth .at,I<br />

Military Nedds-- = choir •'chear,al, are no,, b,.in:• behl<br />

each Tuesday night at the chntel•-<br />

(Continued from Page I) ' Work • no• being done on mu-w<br />

about "75 per cent of the total num- to be pre•ented at the Umon<br />

bur of such employers,<br />

t Thanksgiving selvk-e by the united<br />

•,ome of the dtr•ies and services "Tht. thureh t- umtm• on Sunemployee.<br />

He also gaVe the Ro- Prot•tant helttage m observance<br />

tartans a breakdown of how their of Reformalton Day at the Plant.-,<br />

tax dollar ts silent by the State vdlc-Con•rcl•atmnal t hultb " Mr<br />

Department of Labor in tts dif- Woodx•o]th -aid "'On tlttobe• 31,<br />

Gt.P Wonlen To Hear<br />

Bulh.r And Mr.. Wood<br />

Edward C. Butler and<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e Wood, candidates<br />

door• of th,. t a-tie Churl h m Wit-<br />

representa4•ves to the General As- Th•q lncid•t trmehed off" a lnmr<br />

sembly, and William C. Zilly, train of exent, which i,roduced4he 27<br />

candidate for judge of probate, hi.to•w movement kn.•n a• the<br />

wdl be the guest speak•r• at th• Rofnrnmtmn The anm•e•a•y of<br />

Sou•m•on Repubh•m Women's the- event •. ob.cr•od .n•on• Iho-<br />

Club meetmg at 8 p. m. Monday. t.•tant ('hmche- a. a lmw ol era- 29<br />

The meeting wdl be held at the pha• up,m lhell fundamental<br />

hom•. of Mrs. Annetta Ashworth (hm.tmn<br />

of West Stl•et...... 30<br />

The commtttee m chmg,, of<br />

meetmg arrangements mcludes I,ibrar) To (]olldu('[<br />

Mrs. Jamce Cook and Mrs. Anjta HallD•P'Pn •lor) Hour<br />

Aduskevmz. Mrs. Jane 'Gates,• club A Itallox•e'en St+,t.x H,,ur f+,: 32<br />

p•es[dent, urged members to at-,ehddren •11 be condu•t,.d b• Mrs.<br />

tend. A socml hour wdl follo•. , I.hhth R.• MeK.nu• m Ill, lhM.rle.tl<br />

Rnmn .f lho S•mtbm•,n Pubghbof<br />

hc L• at 4 p.• T•i•v+ •-.<br />

Be Se•viee ThPIIle eol'dlDg ta +in Itllnn•r+ePn;i,i;t fl+tm<br />

The washing facilities have hot running water...<br />

There are flush toilets.........................<br />

Students can obtain hot food at tlie school.....<br />

There is a yearly medical examination of every<br />

student requiring at least 30 minutes per pupil<br />

to perform......... : ........................<br />

The school provides inspection and cleaning of<br />

up a good school. It cannot, of COtll-SO, lnedSllr•+,intangibles like fact Ity p 60 At least 651• of the pupils participate in v.olun-<br />

• high in Ihe--I•sl +• --tary-elub•hobby-programs...................<br />

++ill he almost certain to hase H•t,se faclors Ioa high degree.<br />

II haw-becu--appr4•d-by mo•.50-rret|oot.-srqrerilfflqtd•nt• and+<br />

been tested oa more than 51111 good, a•erage and poor schools in 48' 62<br />

Mates. It i• scorcd oa the basis of their performance. Its s+urkahilit) '<br />

has beea anabzed and prosed b• lhc aulhorHan%e Edncatioaal Teahng'<br />

Soy.site at Princeton. N.J. ,63<br />

Teacher-parent COlWer•nces arc :u'ra•ffed for a --- +<br />

majority of the pupils............... NO<br />

There are nt least two tcacher-p:+u'-nt couferences<br />

per year for every elIild.....................<br />

Tllere are•eitizens present at all open schoolboard<br />

meetings................. ,.........<br />

Public participation in local education bus caused<br />

a significant change in tile sellool witllin the<br />

ANSWER Y•S OR NO •<br />

L At least 61¢; of the parents are members of the ,<br />

PTA or other •ducationally•rg••<br />

'J Ibers of tlh or other<br />

y active<br />

a gen-<br />

•'al m•ng•.............<br />

•Olast<br />

year. ..................................<br />

A cumulative record is maintained on each<br />

student and it goes with him od transfet'r•ng to a<br />

dilferent school.............................<br />

The school board, through determining its own<br />

arrcialc•trol- b3•n-on•ch•l•a-gLm•iL•s•l'-tlm-mun=<br />

eilial government............................<br />

TOTAL YES +17- .TOTAL NO 34<br />

._3<br />

Finance Comndttee Preparing-Budget<br />

No For Plantsville Congregational<br />

The Finance Committee of the --<br />

NO, Plantsville Congregational Chmeh t Dr. Ge<strong>org</strong>e Conner<br />

,is now preparing the 1951 budget, Flying To Italy<br />

9 Teachers in the secondary he I(o ,Itx'e at least one I in Holy Year •ctivities in Rome. I<br />

flee period to every four teacbin• periods..... X. This is the first step m prepara-<br />

10 Teachers in the clenlcntary sclloul have at least 'lion for the church's participation<br />

Ill mmntes of rest period during the day....... YES in the United Church Canvass Colnbined PTAs Slmnsor<br />

which will he held on Sunday, No- Dance November 10<br />

11 The same wage scale exists for l,otb elementury YES:October 12, the Rev. Mr. MacLeod The combined PTAs of the Holcomb<br />

and Lincoln-Lewis Schools<br />

and secondary school teachers...............<br />

12 The minimum starting salary for teachers is at •aid.<br />

least $2,700 a year. ..................... •O, ('anvasser• a• now heing enlist-<br />

13 Tim possible top salury for christ,iota teachers is e,I anti the enrolhuent should be<br />

p.m. to 12 midnight Friday, No-<br />

11<br />

at least $ I'.00o a year. ................<br />

Instructors in high school vocatl,qial courses recurve<br />

pay per week at least equal to the weekly<br />

wage of the trade they teach...........<br />

15 The t•tebers and school stall are allu•ed sick<br />

leave with pay for at east. l(I (avs annuul<br />

16 The sclmol board contrdmtes fmancml md fro"<br />

service training of teachers........ •...........<br />

17 Teachers are lmid and on duty at least a •eek<br />

hefore •chool ope•is.........................<br />

18 At least one uritten rel)Ol-t per semester on each<br />

student m submitted by the teachers to the princi-<br />

I)al t)r In/rent Sdl)plementary to or rel)lacing<br />

routine repurt cards..<br />

19 ('oorses comprising not less than llV. of the<br />

total curriculum bare been added •itbin the last<br />

fi•e years................<br />

20 Laymen are used systematica y to supl)lenmnt<br />

classroom instruction both through consultation<br />

and actual participatio•i.<br />

21 High school has vocational ur ,nd•strlal arts<br />

c•nrses..............................<br />

22 Emph•yment In a Inu't-t•me job • u•et •y•tematlcaly<br />

to •upl)lenmnt high sclmol •ucational training................<br />

23 Science courses inchnle at leaM one hour of lab •<br />

oratory work for every foul" hours of<br />

instruction.<br />

21 There is a kindergarten in the elementary •chool.<br />

23 In the elementary •('hool pnpil• m the same grade<br />

nre groal>e(I according t. readh•g levels and tt.•e<br />

5h-•. trument- agam.t the •ale •ff m,lul= different readers.<br />

for genee• by the church a£ ! • •6-•r•t•:ool- make-s u.•e ol a femc(llal reading<br />

Nelffb•n'," the annual WorM Coin.<br />

mnmt• Day se•'we udl be hv•d at, Birthday<br />

2:30. p.m. Friday, November 3, nt "/'11'€# Nrholarships<br />

tiw First Bapt;st Church. This an- -Mt• Nancy O. I,• •;s. daughter<br />

specialist.....'..................<br />

All students study conimunity, ,ncluding tecbmque•<br />

of local government, tbrongh vistts and<br />

partictlnltnm.......<br />

Fhe high scbogl ha> ao ndult e(Incatlon in'ogr:tm.<br />

There is a person Hmtqfmally emlfluyed t

-2<br />


Ucm•i•be-•caught •nprepared-wh•n an accid.•nt<br />

happens in<br />

your home! Stock up on these<br />

essential "FIRSTAID NEEDS"<br />

plcf.€•reg for the EMERGEf•CIES<br />

today and be<br />



1 Y•rd "<br />

5 Yards ...................................................<br />

5 Yards Steripak ...........................<br />

.29<br />

1.15<br />

1.15<br />

36's:h• Assorted-Sizes ......................2.9<br />

73's In A,ssorted Sizes ....................................-. .55<br />

Elastic Adhesive Bandages ..........................29<br />

Patch & Spo• Dressings ...............................39<br />


•z Inch x 5 Yards ....................................20 •<br />

•ch • 5 Yards .... :: :.....:................... ...35<br />

Inch x 5 Yards .................................65<br />

•2 Inch x 10 Yards ......................................35<br />

•lYi• ...........................y i. ................ •0<br />

C01TOH B+A•[S<br />

Sterile; nbsorbent cotton in a ne• convenient<br />

form! For first aid, for the nursery, for cosmetic<br />

needs.., and hundreds of other uses!<br />

65 individual applications ................ .33<br />

••d•tem,s-in•luded-in-thi•<br />

- •'-•__•..•[••ive kit are especially recommended, for use<br />

/••ces, summer cottages, serxice sta-<br />

/// -•••ors•stam•ants and other places . . •<br />

•/ •/ • here a sturdy, medicine chest type first aid kit.<br />

•••=• ....................... 6.50<br />

Ounce-........................................................17<br />

Ounce ..................................................•,0<br />

Ounce .............................................55 •<br />

Ounce ................................................98<br />

Pound<br />


GAUZE<br />

2 x•2_ Inches_{25•) .............. • •<br />

3 x 3 Inches (12's) ...................................•<br />

3 x 3 Inches (25's) ....................................69<br />

4 x 4 Inches (12's) ..................................69<br />


"•'o "- FIRST AlP •<br />

plete kit for qunek<br />

and<br />

hand+•, packet size<br />

aid kit. l|ea:utiful<br />

1 Inch x 10 Yards .....................................15<br />

1•/• Inch.x 10 yards ....................................18<br />

2 Inch x 10.Yards ...........................................23<br />

3 Inch x 10 Yards ................ ' .................33<br />

4 Inch x 10 Yards ....................................... A0<br />

-- WAY+O WA-SH<br />

YOUR FACEw•out<br />


•---•--•--+--<br />


-- -OPEN DAiL•-T]/•]O P: M.<br />


- WOHDRA<br />

6A+ ,. 1100

SIX ........ -.... THE SOUTHINGTON NEWS, OCTOBER 27, 1950<br />

6eg; Mrs. Gucrtin W(n•! Fligh Titn-e " Up pi Ag 1 -<br />

Honorary. ees t rs Turn Cham ons aln Adult Evening Classes Offered<br />

',rds At K Banquet / Attendance Banner , •"'"•'•' "'•"•+'". •"•""'•" "'"+• .',,,' '"-•'• •'""• •'• •"<br />

" " At of Adult l'klucatm• annom'ced th.,' z:.n. 'l'ht ¢la•se•ate •ted to<br />

,• its sixty-fifth anniversary celebration Sunday, November t,rath, •ooln uon the attendance<br />

McI•onoug|l, grand k•ight, said yesterday. • banntq Monday night at a meeting<br />

..... • •£t• [l.komh PTA,<br />

O'•r•.. ofs,..•,...,,r S,,..;A'e•"'"m•,n<br />

Plantsville, J. Wdhant kam.<br />

Harve t Food Sale '<br />

• All nwlnbet• of the<br />

To Feature Sesslon',,,•,h,,,<br />

Prospect Street, l'hmtetfih,, • • ...... [ dl<br />

•¢t,Mi•ael B•ad• •,• W,mthuff • H.nxest Food sale will fea- •M•.. l,.-e kmn. p•inciptd<br />

et, Albe• Reiman of C.nn- tree the l'hmtsvdle I•A meotmg•<br />

, fOl'me• local •emdent, Thomas at g p.m. Wednesday Novcmber/ Bllhngton<br />

J.•umloy rick<br />

f ( •k bt .4, N, .it the I ].lflt•Xlllt Seh.ol. All tt<br />

•evemng• • t'las.*s last ,,.t included Tvpetaken<br />

f om 7 to 8:30 p.m. Monda• xxlltmg l and II, Shorthand I and<br />

I itlld Tuesda} at Lhe Soutlunffto', I1, apd •t.•x,•:g (nhcr clas•es may<br />

Illgh •ehool.<br />


NAME Tel N- ....<br />

, , 31odelel's fame fl.oln Vir- i.. { .d)In •l'hald Lc'. el Be!- Mc'tl'ten tl G.t-. Paal D'Onoftm<br />

or molt. tt•ll b,. g•tt.n t- the ITAs noontime supt.ta'so y Kathtqtne Kennedy. 3h-s Mmmel<br />

E. Batbw•, dn•, ph E. Bat- Committee. and the room mothers, Welch and Mr.. Withehnma Elhott.' ginia. Ne• h twk. Ma•saclln- •md. 31zt•. , Juqmt StJt k. ,John Belmont, Ma.-, and t' Ga ..<br />

the Rev. l'ath• • tlem• d met .,centb •t tth the teachers t. (bade 5; 5hs* Ceteha Brennan, seLLs, R h o d o 1 • ] a n d and lh,I hn• t.I Me.IG.,I, Ma-• • hmnu Pa•toha o • Cot.a.•et.<br />

of Walhngfotd. W•dttq atratlge fo, propel noontune sup- ' Gtade• 5 anti 6; Ml•s Anna O'Ned tllrougllotlt ('onllectieot t o' T. 1.. Ghde•, Donah•Ioore of lhi.- 5h. Ba•-ett exmessed hi• thank.<br />

Gonaty, St., Them.t.E. Egltll, lciVl$1Oll of the children. 5hs. Lutz and Mt•s Nelhe Naffle, G•mh, I1; make the recent Slate. .3I°dol•t°l•st 'ee . Southmgton; Jumm 11. to ( heqe• 1'. Elmmn of •1 GLand<br />

Th0mim E. • ,,f We•t vx• the h.pe tha• parents Mlthaol lloma, lelnedlal; Mrs Dot- Plane moot in Sotlthlqffto• I.. Gl•h •, Chath,. Shine el Nex•- St,eeL, llartfmd. •ho rated<br />

Paul It. Fib nn. l',tttt, k •tould ompetate •x•th the • •,• •'. •lpi• •acher; ' the most •tlct.•s•195/i • [,,i] • t-.it.i. •la•.; Scnlm Ual,in.• •net.t director, o. 51r Ball'it. to<br />

$1JI E TO SEE<br />


:.•artin Ka•anaugh. St.. David k. Thts e•eates a<br />

problem for the Maili Street Propert)<br />

•i•ha•t_an• Bogel W Mulish. teachers x•luch can only be handled Sold For<br />

The ¢elebl•ttmn•,ll intlude all •tith tw asgmtanee t • •nl One of Southington's central<br />

wdl •eemxe H,d• C,,nmmm,,n Egan. Delahullly •ltelld 'of $•0,000.<br />


Enfer No.w--Be One of the Lu.cky 10<br />


RULES<br />

addrets on Ihe same paper npotl with the exceptton of Paci|ic Fur<br />

C•rp. employee= and•heir famille•._<br />

4--Jt•L•l•: Three impartlal prominent<br />

met+ of this Ctty wdl be the<br />

Judges nf thts conte•t. They will<br />

ae|ect all the winnerl of the ten<br />

the judges will select wmners on judges •s fmal.<br />

CURRY<br />

I,ion• Bus) Selling<br />

"Tk'M'I• To 'Cammm"<br />

2--All entries become the prnperty be posted at Pactf:e Fur Corp. We<br />

of Pacific Ftff Corp. and ntme will wdl also try to publicize the wtn-<br />

•tt'ona c p s of thi. ad erti=e- is pgivilegcd to<br />

.... menLfi•,=heJtad frce•aL•aeific P__ " for thg _wiqn•i•nK<br />

Dodge-- Pi?mouth<br />

1139 STANLEY ST. PHONE 9-4836<br />

NEW BRIr•<br />

at 6:4• p. m. Wedm•sdny in tile<br />

Roso Room<br />


-'R 4, 1950.<br />

•71 MA, I.N ST., HARTFORD TEL. 2-942S<br />



NOVEMEER 4, 1950<br />


'<br />

i<br />

ert Badges<br />


t-P- -kett• Va • Ceiotto'• h-- oIlb, •oys aseoreoflitoS. are new the eham• Mrs,<br />

•MP PICKE•, Vs. • •rt of Liacoln-Lewls •ool.<br />

•e•for q•alification • n• Thuma•Mgringo•a•'•for•et•<br />

he 4.2 Mo•ar will be awaked ly lived .m Laccy Itoad, ht•s moved<br />

=ompany c•remonies to six ] to South End.<br />

hin•on area men of the ..<br />

•'y Mm'tar Company, Training • at•nr•n.-- ..... -'• ,<br />

xttth the 43rd D•vtsmn. . . .<br />

mli•in ex e wit• t•ettp lmxe bmgraphwal sketches of<br />

• g as p rts . a n leach studant in,he t•o•.T•c first<br />

•rt P. De•by of Russell Road, • •olnms ............. •andla<br />

•al¢;Fb•t Lt. John F. Beatson i Sandra was bern on July 2, 1938,<br />

. . . z l<br />

With the sale proeee,ls there is n•ow<br />

.a total cf $10.05 in.the room'treusury.<br />

M .r•GarrepyT<br />

The •tudcnt• of •is •oom<br />

brought a question before the<br />

house at their last meeting as to<br />

whether they could have a neminoting<br />

committee. Tbe question was<br />

voted on and accepted. The followjn•_l•eoplo<br />

are on tb•nnminating<br />

cmumittoe: Bernard Gallant, Ritlp<br />

ar{•Binkowdd, Alfred Sarvi, Mar-<br />

•n; Pfc. Earl W Fraas•, 107 • , • •<br />

The club treasury ha• dropped<br />

nanm Street, 8outhm•on; I •andy'a l•vm'ite s•ort is horseback •omc slncc $2.50 wa• donated to<br />

John A Adama<br />

-<br />

and Sgt.<br />

"lrid•a<br />

• •<br />

she•<br />

,<br />

like<br />

.<br />

to<br />

. the hus •uud.<br />

I¢ • • Adama, both of Mul- " l•e•n th• futu•. Green , m•<br />

her<br />

The gh'is • baseball team<br />

Sheet, l]a t II , nd $•'Ifavonte color, aad the lBne<br />

,rt G Larson• PHee $t•et. I ...... . , •pitchcr aud captain; Joycc Simone,<br />

m awalMs were a•preved m l favm.it O hall term[ i•-• •ton catehm•uO•n-Hnnncbek, first<br />

•al orders si•ed •y •ajor I •ed Sex.<br />

•.baso; Din'is Audolln• secoad base;<br />

Tel Kenneth •. •l'amel•<br />

i• Gi•n•ir• base--Rachel<br />

commander• Qualification "in Miss Croon:<br />

Taylor, left field; Theresa<br />

is one of the phases of train- At the fourth i•,eeting" of the :chal, right fiehl Margie<br />

ou__tlined for the 43rd Divi•- i Roughnecks Club of Miss Crean's.center field, and Marie DePaolo,<br />

-by it waa decided to have a shortstop. The team ha• a rccm'd<br />

•o ready,he division class library. A committee was ap- I of foul' win• anti o to l•ss T •l•ss<br />

•est possible time. pointed with Bob Pilot as chair- was to Mrs. Ferrueci's room by a<br />

=e division, federelized in man, und Frances Smedberg, A- 13 to'8 score, an• the g r s are<br />

• Jimioi.s<br />

Elect L•Porte<br />

: Joseph LaPorte was elctod president<br />

of the Jun_ior Class of Sauth-<br />

!ington High School at the annual<br />

!meeting last •s'eek. The other ,of-<br />

!ricers ure Richard Mayo, •ice<br />

[m.sident; Joyce Biowo, secretary,<br />

anti Johanna Triano, treasurer.<br />


NOTICE<br />


NOVEMBER 7, 1950<br />

1<br />

I •uthlngton 1•7-W2. FOR SALE er Attractlt. finch with chrome[<br />

Stcady Job At<br />



Also<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

Machim, Operators<br />

Apply at<br />


IHffnt.•vilI6, Conn.<br />



•xcelh.nt condUu,n "IVunth,rlul I,. . NIGHT OWL•i •<br />

•ot 8", Not 10'•- BU• the ,<br />

SAW FILING an•g Etnttp. i "WORLD'S LONG•ST HOT DOG'<br />

•n•oas•d<br />

One Garwood Oil-Bur•ing Forced<br />

Air Boiler, Duets and Control<br />

In New Condition<br />

New type radiation and boiler<br />

complete with oil burners<br />

and controls•<br />

Conn. Dem•ollt[on C9.• Inc.<br />

19 Wood Street, West Haven<br />

•e•.<br />





212 Pectin St. Tel. 1129-R<br />




Factory, Stores,<br />

and Homes.<br />

M. F. CASEY<br />

14 Taunton Street<br />

Tel.<br />

Office -- Dial<br />


New and<br />

217 Berlin Ave.<br />

Tel. South.<br />


N. GRILL0<br />

• FLOWER• TIL%T<br />



& LAPLACE<br />

'd unit, alrea'dy counts among library cards, and pupils of the<br />

mem.bers soldiers from 22 class who wlsh to join the librer<br />

There wa• no physical educatiou.<br />

on Monday beca•.me of bad weathe•.<br />

Skilled and semi-skilled workers<br />

flux of inductees to swell the[mittee member for four cents, and did exercises and play•l the<br />

Furniture<br />

•ge. Captain Rudolph J. Daley Anyone who •oses his cat•l can I wa• enjoye'l very much.<br />

•ewport, Vr., division get any books•ntil he gets al • Joan PerJot autt Jeanne<br />

-el', discovm'ed it as he pro- i new calxt. OvelMne books are fined | a fixed.the bulletin hoard for'lIald<br />

to see that every elector one cent per day. No one may take• lowe'en. On it tbere are pmnlfldas,<br />

• , than two b•ok•er•'c•k'- and c•n-stalk's• witch<br />

his vote th|s fall• all books are expected to be veryt• the-sky, a-cemeter-y<br />

.plain Dalcy has @rovided ap-] carefully handled• I the background. Tl•e girls dbi a<br />

•tlon •or absen.ta•.•aBots to-• Miss Crean's ream is also going i good j.ob.<br />

mils, notified soldiers of dead-, to have an arrowhead au.d stone, Mrs.'Ferrucci:<br />

-T-HE<br />

or<br />

• Lamps<br />



6 certified requestg for bal- Mrs. Celolto: !, room won a game wlth Mr:Garre-<br />

The fifth meetin of Club 32 's. _T.he• score was 1,3 to 7. Some<br />

.and-set--up-a-•regish'Yake<br />

voters whm'e it possible, was held o•'.e.ne Le.- I of the outstanding players of Romu<br />

'here's considerable interest in Page, Albel• Denton and Kemmth 2 xvere Barbara Ogonoski, Ann<br />

•ocal elections," Captain Daley Bell entertained the pupils with a•Kelly, Vicki Salziilo, Ge<strong>org</strong>ia Fra-<br />

. "We intend to so that every i puppet show using two marion- • zer anti Ann Del Santo.<br />

•^. • ettes and one hand puppet• Mehmie Francis Mongillo was buntiug oa<br />

who wants to vote caledo •. i Sepko, Albert Denton and A- his wuy home and he saw a rabbit<br />

,yen<br />

to-sic Men , phonse D'Augclo she,Cod their in float of hiut. He was so terrified<br />

bobbies of crecheted doilies, coins l instead of shooting hint he turned<br />

and stamps..<br />

• tile gun aeound anti tried to<br />

•ave Wednesday c•,•t MeE hiney is a newc0mer'him, but be misse'L<br />


Dated at Southlngto•. Connecticut. I JANITORS<br />

this 25th day oI October. A D. 1950 i t I now in effect<br />

• ROBERT E. FOLEY, I Increaseu wage sea e • .<br />


Probat. Court. October 266. 1950.<br />

Town Clerk. ,<br />

•<br />

I Most departments wm king 48 hours<br />

Apply at the<br />

Southington Employment Office<br />

Monday through Friday<br />

8 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.,<br />

8 A.M.. 12:00 Noon<br />

Center Street Tel. 7•8,<br />

USED<br />


The Corm, Demolition Co., Inc.<br />

19 Wood Street, West Haven<br />

Tel. New Haven 7-2600<br />



Land, Sea and Air Tours<br />

To<br />

Foreign Exchange - Travelers' I<br />

Foreign & Domestic bloney Orders<br />

272 MAIN STREET<br />

NEW BRITAIN, Conn. Tel. 9-9488<br />


Rock Wool Home Insulation<br />

Roofing and Siding<br />

More Comfort; Le•s Fuel.<br />




Complete Selection o[ the<br />

66 East Main, MerldeIL Tel,<br />


wen Southin•on men will. • Duriu,g the x'•eek," Kenne•" •ell+•$t r•ns oct<br />

e Wednesday fro- ]•dt ct on• emo•h'ated tfm very •ine •-' (Continu• from Page 1)<br />

•cKv•my•c•C• -ionett•ad•<br />

lerame, e•irman of the Southon<br />

Citizen's Committee, •id,<br />

•outhingtou, Conn.<br />

Wheu the pupils were in scie•n_ce urum corps. Southington. Corm, n3 FIVE.ROOM heated flat a'•allable hiclass<br />

discussing submarines, Mr.I The division of the parade, ac- t•r •, November 1st. Adults• no ch L-<br />

•e at 6:15 a.m. Tmnspm•tion<br />

be provided. Meu who are get- studeut answered, "lt•has luags."i thpve divisions, first grade through,<br />

their own rides are to notify The class wishes to congratulate third; fourth through sixth; and<br />

Verderame. the victm'ious boy's team, tbe]se•venth grede and up. A total of<br />

he draftees include William H. champions of Liucoin-Lowisl2t prizes will be awmded. These<br />

flu of Queen Street, John W. Ischool. iwill include a first, second and<br />

•sel of 34 Church Strset, Melanie Sepko celebrated her ithltd prize in •ach of the div•slons<br />

•tsville, Philip J. Lacoureierc birthd.ay on Monday. 'for each of the following cat-<br />

?lark S•rect, Milidale, Joseph Mrs. Wilebynski: eg•ories: funniest costume, most<br />

Giammatteo of West Centar Mrs. Wilehynski's ream is going orlginnl costume and the prettiest<br />

•t, Anthony J. More,to of 53 to preseot a HallowCen piny to costume• R bbons and money prizes<br />

n• Avenue, John P" Fen,ann of entertain the pupila of that room. l•tll '" be a•a•ded " " - Fust " pllzes '" •tlli ""<br />

•1 Street, MilidMe and Rich- on Ha•lowe'en day. The characters I be $.1, sec@ds $2 and thirds $1.<br />

F<br />

•<br />

Qumlan<br />

.<br />

of 19 Oak Street.<br />

. are: EmmT<br />

,<br />

Gagnan as Mr: Stev- I<br />

Robert E<br />

-<br />

Fole<br />

Y<br />

, treasme•<br />

' •<br />

of<br />

sch man.wdl be presented w•th eas Meredltb Mauch as Mrs. Sloe- ' the Hallowc'en Parade Commiitt.ee,<br />

garette lighter by the South- ens, StsBa Boblaweikl as Gail,•announeed that lettcr.s, soliciting<br />

on Citizen•<br />

•<br />

Committee<br />

. "<br />

All<br />

.<br />

, •<br />

Carol H&se as Bet•ty Wilson, Mar-. conh" but " ons to def• ' the ex<br />

• • "m[garet OHaa as Mt•. Arnett aud pcl. • ' "<br />

xles and m|raculoua medals " [ Cynthia Nagie wlil be narratm" sent out to all <strong>org</strong>unizations. Any<br />

•m" eontamers " " by Isabetlu C um I Cynthia "Nagie visited West <strong>org</strong>an':<br />

|zttlou<br />

"<br />

el" individual " " " 'i v, " ho<br />

ncd No<br />

•<br />

15, Knights of<br />

•<br />

el<br />

*'1 Point Military Academy, where she wishes to contribute<br />

mt do so<br />

•saw a drill ceremony Rod the mus- by sending.tbe •oney to Ml: Foley<br />

•,•n •eum. at the To•n Hall• All gifts will be<br />

e •auses •.•,,, uamage-- •lrmdln--•iddlctmv•vent•t• •'isit greatly•ppreclated.<br />

Young Folks Shop<br />

• estimated $500 damage was<br />

ed at 5:45 p. m. Sunday by a<br />

which brokwe out "in the fluent<br />

•ow of the Young Fo•ks Shop<br />

•enter Street. A short circuit<br />

he window's neon lighting fLea<br />

is believed to have caused<br />

blaze, Fire Chief Thomas J.<br />

her aunt in Manchester, Conn., and<br />

she was impressed by the scenery<br />

along the way.<br />

Mrs. Saxby:<br />

On Monday, Rachel Ferrecchia<br />

went ou a trip. to Maine, aud she<br />

returned on .Wednesday.<br />

The rooms thitxi club mectlng<br />

was held on Friday. Since Johu<br />

Johnson resigned, Ft•ances •ano<br />

was elected the new club secretory.<br />

This week Gloria Greater and<br />

Rache Forrecchla had birthduys.<br />

phy. ,<br />

•le fire was discovered by a<br />

-•g girl who ran lethe Engine<br />

•pany 1 firehouse, a few doorS<br />

•,, to t•ll Chief Murphy. Fireresponded<br />

quickly and found<br />

window in flames. They were<br />

to confine all the damage to<br />

window, except for minor<br />

age in the front of the store, be deducted as the rooms share of<br />

•g Chestler is the store's the cost of the'Springfield trip.<br />

or. , t Mr. Ligourh<br />

This room is colorfully decoratsd<br />

•les which will be heht at 8 p. [ capturing it.<br />

•Vednesday at the 1711 Club. Mrs. Green:<br />

•den. Membel• who wish trans- They .qi•th grade has continued<br />

•t•l•ull•tIr•.•t•pb•n the develo0ment of the towu<br />

•lliott at Soothing,on 175.<br />

ernment that they have been<br />

guzis, Jalowiecki<br />

doing At San Diego"<br />

dward Francis Degnzls, son of<br />

and-Mrs.•.nthon•Dogu_zi•s-•:<br />

t Center Street, tl•u Joseph<br />

tics Jalowlecki," son of Mr. and<br />

•oseph Jalmviecki of Barr<br />

working on. The following Selectmen<br />

Deputies have been apo'p•te'<br />

Row 1, Hihla Bosch; llow 2, Jar<br />

Bennett; Row 3, Eve[Tu Wendt•<br />

•n_lLR_o•._e,v•W•buul nn•<br />

Law brooke's haw to pa•' a •3<br />

cent frees or penaltms tl•ded on<br />

by the class nml the money •v go<br />

et are at the, Naval Tralnln to rite-class funds which wdl. he<br />

•er in •an D ego, Cnllf spent as th• class sees fit, ascm'd-<br />

•. ihg t• vgte.- - ---= -<br />

•e Board of •dneatlon •s notl- • Chri•tlne Splnney now atLend•<br />

MrsJ•dn• Wo•, chairman of l[ol•omb School as sbe is in that<br />

•hool Study Commission, t•t district. Dorla Beauli•u is u ne•<br />

•iIl m• w• •Is•ion nrHval from Chicago.<br />

•'timo,nftcr the board's regu-IMIss Graham: . '<br />

r•om h•Id • c[de•<br />

2093 Apply---<br />

(Continued from Page 1)<br />

work has been awarded to the Turnor<br />

Canstructlod Company of New<br />

York, contractor when the building<br />

was put up in 1942.<br />

•Tite roofing contract went to the<br />

New Englaml Roofing Company of<br />

Hartford and the plumbing contract<br />

to the C. H. Cr•nln Company<br />

of Hartfmd.<br />

-M.r•Kozioll• - '<br />

On October: 19, bit. Koziol's William J..CGwles visited the<br />

Ralston Puriua Research Farm in<br />

room held a cake sale which netted<br />

$5•10• This money will be added<br />

Gray Summit, Me., last week as a<br />

to the club treasury and $2•25 will guest of the company.<br />

The 738-acre farms serves as a<br />

proving ground for programs"<br />

uhder developed by the feed company.<br />

d in black and orenge for Hallowe ell.<br />

mocrattc ii . I Women n Aske . . . .<br />

. I The aaek bulletin bom'd with<br />

•uermen •eceptlon• haunttm -- "o n uses, ghosts ' etc., will<br />

embera of the South ngton' • .<br />

' have provide ftno atnmspbere for the<br />

•ocratic Womens Chlb I Hallowe'eu art -<br />

t invited to a reception in hen-'<br />

P<br />

One member "of the cbtss<br />

•f Mrs. Brien •IcMahon, Mrs. brought a bullfrog for study, but<br />


C•t Flowers--Potted Plants<br />

Wedding Bouquets<br />

Funeral Designs<br />


& SONS, INC.<br />

Buckland St. Tel. 360<br />

•<br />

ANSWER $, i-<br />

-- I<br />

count with sahl •state<br />

for•ll•wa•<br />

,OItDERED -- That th,. 1st day of Plsntsvnle. or call Southington 451 or<br />

t ' for,. m,n at th,. Probate atria h, •-•S'I•,,S•' OI'PORTUNITIES<br />

and ord.r th,, dlstrihut o[I af • t •- O•D ESTABLISHED<br />

This Cour directs t ," Admini•tra- REAL ESTATE OFFICE<br />

th,r'ff • the p • r s•n-p•t in t•, • in• •C Real Estate business<br />

......... . c/o The •outhin•on News<br />

' C•SSIFIED . • Southington, Conn.<br />

"-- AUTOMOTIVE • ......<br />

....... REAL ESTATE<br />

=TRUelOvE MOTORS, Inc.<br />


Buy NOW! While they LAST!<br />

1940 Mercury<br />

cottage with enclosed . front<br />

porch. Steam hoot oil, o•k floors.<br />

modbrn kitchen, stsrm wlnG•ws,<br />

screens. Garage, barn, landscaped.<br />

Three neres of cleated<br />

laud. Occupancy•<br />

i W•st Street -- Large wel•;kept<br />

1939 Ply muth . E eleven-ream Colouial, steam hen,.<br />

1941 Chevrolet Dellverv T•uek: Fireplace. Barn, ample grounds,<br />

1940 Fold Convertible- I<br />

shade fruit trees. A good Ioca-<br />

1939 Pontiac : tion.<br />

South,blainS•t)'eet Plant•sville_ l•.l THE CUSHING COMPANY<br />

Tel. 1216 " I • Telephone 47<br />

Southington<br />

• .•.NDE•SON'S<br />

"Where Bett'er. Used i -<br />

Cars Are Sold" i FOR SALE<br />

'47 Chevrolet 2 dr. ll•45•SERVICE STATION BUSINESS<br />

'47 Plymouth 4 dr. • •1145 wlth repairet•s and used col'<br />

'46 Chevroiet 4 dr. 1095', dealer's license -- $3700.<br />

'46 Pontiac Sedanette- 1245 RESTAURANT v)ith full liqaor<br />

'46 Form Tudm"• 8951 license includutg betiding --<br />

'4{;" Ford C•nlpe• •451 $17,500. • '<br />

'46 Dodge Coupe 8951SODA SHOP business incladiug<br />

'4L Chev]olet Cluh Coupe --' 675 + 4-re6m •tpal'tment -- $6,(i{i11.<br />

Chevrolet 4 dr. Sedan -- •95f.SN.ACK BAR com•letc]yequipped<br />

'41 Buick 4 dr. Sedal•-- 595 [ btcludbtg buildiug.<br />

'40 Ford 4 dr. Sedan'-- 4451RESTAURANT Busluess in con-<br />

Station -- 595 • ter ]•ou (riu llillI•r) -- $7500<br />

'41 Chrysler Club Coupe -- 595, SEBVICE STATION Business --<br />

'41 Chevrolet 2 dr.•eduu.-- 045 lease avaih•ble -- $2300.<br />

'41 Pnekurd Coupe 495 I<br />

T•URIST CABIN Business iu-<br />



East St., Plainville<br />

One Mile below Phhtvillc Center<br />

fn College ]•ighwab• --<br />

lone Plainvill• 866,<br />

O]•n 9 to 9<br />


eludes 9 rOOUl house, 5 romu cot-<br />

,age and 5 tourist cabius oa Col-<br />

-leg•H i•]t•l.•<br />

GROCERY .STOR.E told 3 iomu<br />

apartment. Stock and equipment<br />

more thnn a•klng price • $5000.<br />

RESTAURANT with full llcease<br />

sp•ciallzing in baaqnets •nd purties.<br />

T•l se•ting capacity 275.<br />

•USTI$ & DALEY<br />

Real F• Insurance •<br />

65 C•nt•ff'•L Fores,rifle<br />

BrUtal 2-1•95<br />

ABC<br />

From $19 95<br />


Center Street. Southlngton<br />

Telephone 788<br />



USED<br />

Two solid rna•le den chairs.<br />

OrlginaU •old for<br />

$•0.00 each•<br />


Center St. Tel. 788<br />


Tel. Plainvnle 974<br />

Large S,.l•ct•[on of Do• Foods.<br />

F•t Supplies - Wood Sha'¢lngs<br />

N. Washington St. PlalnviUe<br />

Have You Se•n<br />

The Deluxe<br />

At<br />

Tel. Meriden %1682<br />

or Southlng•on 1005<br />

BUSINES•<br />

WANTED<br />


ADTOMO•--<br />


Cea[ef B•<br />

EDDIRS<br />


Southm•on<br />


Mitchell's<br />

N•W Oood•T_arh_T_l•es•. •.•<br />

Service Station<br />

& Tubes<br />

& DRY CLEANEkS,<br />

Call<br />

Free Pick-u<br />

Cleaning<br />

Your Ivor<br />



Eden Ave & Maln. Southington<br />

DeSOTO Dealer PLYMOUTH tect your Ifealth"<br />

Comptete Bedreom<br />

Complete living Room<br />

Complete Kitchen<br />

Complete to the Last Detail<br />

$299<br />

Opeu Evenings<br />

Eusy Tin.ms<br />



32 Cook Ave. Meriden<br />



rclnforchtg rods and wire ntosh.<br />


19 Weed Street, West llave.n<br />

• Tel •-2600<br />

:<br />


BUILDERS &<br />







LUMBER<br />


BUY NOW<br />

Screens -- Storm<br />

lnsulatbn<br />



Photo•rap•i¢ •plieS<br />

Duplicate Our E•"-<br />

WALLPAP•<br />

W•W SHADES<br />

JQHN<br />



Dletributors of<br />



Southington Customers<br />

Call Enterprise 9160<br />

55 Grove St. Meriden<br />


There<br />

We have tim merchandise<br />

Install See us first for your p<br />

and heating flood& •L SELIGMA•<br />

SONS• 35 Pralt •t.. MeriderL Pho Merl•<br />




EsL 1932 -- EXPERT<br />

PIIILCO and RCA<br />

SERVICE and<br />

By Our C<br />

$56 IIanover St..<br />



& HYATT CO.<br />

To.Uric Window<br />

ArUgtS •,d Drawing<br />


PAINTS --<br />

THE JQ•IN BOY•.•<br />


EIGHT<br />

Faculty Members To Talk [M.sO.SPast Masters'T°ObserveNigbt :<br />

Reforrnatioll RatlyH ere .___2aVaaM. •r,

s<br />


West Street Reunion<br />

Tomorrow Afternoon<br />

The annual meeting and reunion<br />

of members of the West Street<br />

School Association will be held at<br />

G. To|les, president. Repot•s will<br />

be read nnd officers will be elected.<br />

Mr. "I•olIvs .•iii• a basket lunch •<br />

and social hour •tl| be held from<br />

3:30 to 4:30 p. m. A guest speaker[<br />

will address tile group, tim pre•-i<br />

ident added. All Assocmtma mem-i<br />

bets and pel•ons who attended the i<br />

West Street School are invited to<br />

attend the meeting and reunion.<br />


Laymen Conduct Service At First Baptist Church"<br />

, America are Christians because the<br />

[Apostle Paul went out to preach<br />

to the Gentiles. Jesus was not bm'n<br />

America, or even in Eulope, So,<br />

we really have to thank foreign<br />

missions .for out' wonderful coun-<br />

tile F'irst Baptist ('hurt,ll in thicage.<br />

The Rev. Ml Mortkawa was<br />

born m Canmla of d,tpaneae Buddhist<br />

parent•, but found h• wily into<br />

a Baptist Sumla.v School, and<br />

cht•rch will continua its interest in<br />

PAGE ONE<br />

tithers, occasionally Tither's Lea,%•<br />

I minsteRS' and thus try to carry., out Igues. Let. us examine, thie rnatter,•.•, ,'<br />

tile •reat command of Chrmt. [of t th no, which Is so often' •<br />

[CHRISTIAN STE,.W,,ARDSHIP stumbling block,<br />

i•<br />

' Harold Letdy delivered the topic "I am'happy to be among friel [ •,<br />

on "Peace Through Faith and lea thin occasion who are already•<br />

l<br />

"I do not' think that we in thts<br />

country can be thankful enough fm "I •tsh to speak speeiheally of t•stlmony, ,and give a few i]lus-"<br />

foreign missions,<br />

stcward•lup of that mater•al •ep-•ttation•.<br />

old First Baptist Church of (<br />

cage, the second ohle•t church<br />

there in the city, at a time<br />

to be abandoned, Todqy the cblu•h<br />

has 1500 members, including 300 of<br />

of colored people, and ttae balantc<br />

for God. Thi.• church •as glvun a<br />

distinguished scr•ce c•amt by<br />

:2•he•ta•ar%<br />

1 GROUP OF<br />


8,88<br />

--WOOLS--- COItDUROYS---- SIZES•-L'•<br />

--I<br />

vbureh<br />

Values •0 •14.95 " •<br />

, This is a result of the Christian •<br />

"Sometimes I •onder if Christmas<br />

will ever get here. I'd he<br />

worryin• myself thin if it<br />

plenty of Iti•erside Dairy's<br />

milk.<br />

," The entire service at the First Baptist Church last<br />

Sunday was conducted by 20 men of the congregation,<br />

•vith 11 speaking and nine in the mush<br />

topics on the theme for ti•e.<br />

formed the morning s•'mon message.<br />


Members of the First Baplisl Charch •ho Iopk •t •_n<br />

•he service<br />

Lindsay Hurrah, Dhvid Dellerh Richard Powers, Howard Linke,<br />

Eichard Iluttoa, Dickson Judd, Andrew •,• ink, Walter t1• neck, and<br />

Harold Leidy. Two other men, Charles Na•h and I,e•is Stuart, not<br />

pictured, also took part in the service.<br />

i project in this cotnt'y Mr Mo'r•-<br />

• kawa received one of the g•eate•t<br />

' Convention.<br />

most fortunate in the mchest elvlh- '<br />

'zation on earth, but this civlhzauon<br />

Y<br />

troubled. '•e.v•,cd I-•y•t.he t•¢r•n-Ko•c.a•-auake i out the worl I. i$te• oX.J•tu• • •a• •he xv• or no[ bgvE Chr,st at<br />

•e<br />


Silverware Has Been Advanced In Price!TM<br />

BUT--We have 21 sets that<br />

will be sold at the QLD PRICE.<br />

First Come--First Served<br />

'•h:dl•a.lafe,vwceksagothatou,,wedo, horde they believe a•hul.'h{$ to.•gd ,11o,• ,ulA$io.•r,•$ i EXCLUSIVE<br />

troy, Little do we ]eallze In our;Struggle between natioes hut be-'wlthout t'a •tautv, and states<br />

peaceful commumty the tc c t•een forth% and Chrt•ttamty that the people of Japan uould not,<br />

tnin• He nrged greater effort on•,Christiamty. •<br />

P•OM £NO•D • the part of our churches that the• "l have believed in missions since<br />

guthen•c ' time i• Now when the gospel m•t I uas a young n•aa, •hevlng that<br />

be preached throughout the earth.•the<br />

Smart New<br />

Coats By<br />

AT<br />

LEVY'S<br />

S. P. WALLA _<br />


NO. MAIN ST. -<br />

EMBOSSED • st•gg es of t•lay to the stzuggle-•tmd pteacb the gospel to<br />

WALLPAPER •f •e e• alm•Hes iR ml •- er•r•<br />

Free •m•les Senti ', friendly country. • Chmstmn and of each chin.oh.<br />

W.8.l.ll•.Jt°"i "President Ha•ld S•ssen of the "We in tlus teem ate ('ht%tians<br />

..... •1• , University of Pennsylvama, speak- only because of Foreign nds• one<br />

NEW YORK.. •']ng b•ore the same Convcatmn,, All Chrtst:ans m Europe and m<br />

(Left) Stunning new coat in<br />

pure wool fabric. As<br />

Imperiul ... every powerful, gleaming |nch of ft. Imperial... it ls the only<br />

word that comes to m•d when you see 1he lux0rious fabrics and<br />

appolntmenls inside. Imperi.al ... is the way you feel a•" indlvldual motors<br />

yaise and lower your windows. Imperial-...•s the-only" word that describes<br />

your command of the road as you drive. Imperial by Chrysler is the wholly<br />

new car that is setting a new goal for every family with<br />

the taste and the experience in ,motor cars to recognize<br />

unrivaled built-in value all the way through.<br />

It is the first car il• America to make no compromise<br />

with quality.., the only car to consider if you<br />

want the finest. We'll welcome an opportunlty to let<br />

the Imperia) prove it.<br />

See it-drive it... there's built-in value all the way through!<br />

Chrysler's Advantages<br />

in Comfort and Safety<br />

Advantages of Chrysler's<br />

Fluid Drive<br />

Advantages of Chrysler's<br />

LIIgh Compression<br />

Functional Deslgn--full roam for your heed, legs, shoulders. Easy Io<br />

Au/omafic Gear Shlftlng--wlth full conlrol of your earl'BoOer /rootlet<br />

Slower Engine Speeds---reduced noise, wear. Sores gasolinl• Drive<br />

i• high while others drive in •ow In •rafflc.<br />

(Right) Jaunl) Junior. Allx•ool<br />

fleece coal. As<br />

featured in (]lamom'.<br />

. $54,95 ,<br />

, t - GREAT AVIHGS<br />

" BY<br />

•" • i<br />


PETERS MOTO R SALES, INC. -- Eden Avenue<br />

LEVY'S<br />


..... k THE SOUTHING•'ON •W•}, 0CTOB:•R 27, 1950<br />

Church Tells .,,, ,,.,, MILLDALE NEWS Laymen Conduct.-. ,.w, •,o ,o.•o. w,o •,•. nmro<br />

and Enster as illustrations. Even • than 15 percent does not need the<br />

as •ou do, •xe too have "going-out-• z.._ • • _ • ................ (Continued from Page 1) added incentive of "deductions."<br />

-. . x .•r.na anu Mrs. #eanette wanace of •m• will sponsor n public food{•art of the cost of the civil eovwant<br />

to hear about mv business: to k•ow mmg sane unto us uno •oue the Meriden-Watec•ry Road at- sale in Cheshh'e oa FHday, No- ¢ • stimulation, which is far superior<br />

*C•}ch pastor, in Ins address Monday mght before the Ex- . •.......... 1 A son •vas •m •cently at the[ are all responmble for 18 •erc•t an raceme tax deduction.<br />

,cHan• Club at the P antsvllle Congrega anal Church. ' , " .......... •Waterbu• Hospital to Mr and• of ouc ncome, wh ch only cove's a "A few year• ago I lived in<br />

• speaker likened the work of•--•,-.•• rem,uked,..,lhecustomermaiwuys•[•s at. •m•z•ror•g• •umge, iMrs, Ge<strong>org</strong>e D. Watson Jr Mrs ]part ofw•at the combined civil re- WiIIiamsport, Pennsylvania, and<br />

.•- h,, •.... {*h . .,..,I our business az• full t me salesmen We must Mrs. Homer B'own of Snt Lake, • ....<br />

,.•,e are m •s,,,e.s -'...... •.'•.- " " •......... •erly Perkins of th s town •entes tm t we rece ve more sea. job was cluing the Men's Bible<br />

u•f[ ete•al life. We are retailers ."For some our bumness, meanipg}sat•sfy them. Ours h a heal•hy• •Y, •mn, m toe •est oz net son • ............ • vices from our •overnment than Class. I wanted • shin's in the joy<br />

•'•t we must reach the individ the chinch, is n luxmy; for othe•comput•tmn My business helps,and daughter-in-law, Mr. nnd Mfs.• •r. ann •m. •esse •. •armeeldid the-" i- "he •- •er:• •e •:- of giving, and sli•ed a folded bill<br />

""':'-" " ........ •-• • " .... " Witlnrd Brown pf Norton Street lot the Meriden-Waterbury Rend[ • " " =•"# P '• •" '"•"<br />

,- • . " , " i . Phih Lacourciere son of Mr wall note then' forty-ninth wed- -"<br />

We al• a•o wholesalez•, seeking •economy. No one cpn afford to give the nnswer, I seek help eise-• - • • - -' . '•d n• • miver•n•- •omo•--w • . load ell our consciences • we are ceived the offering. One nmn came<br />

• [The down payment is a stiff one.• Clark Street, will leave November • • the for m •ss Alma• -<br />

..... ' ' We ha•e •II been g•ven a loan by' "Testimonials m'e ouc best ad-, I for Fort Devens, Mass., to be- ,Limmer- •oy have four chiIdren, i of the ward. Ta underst•d our fl.. nnd said<br />

Him •ho died for us on Calvary.' wqt•amg An uttrachve sto•e ;s gin active Army duty. Mrs. Floyd Allen of Southln•on,' nancial responsibilities as Chris- velope had more than n one dollar<br />

tinm• we have to unaerstand our biiL'Did •ou make a mistn•?'<br />

Dtlve •- •ul•" we need a splrhual quality]••}•t-Av°}k-t°•I•<br />

John• •f •till-Xalp•bc•an•ill•nd spiritual standing: as saints a•: Anothe• tlm•t• •eashrer cam•<br />

dsy fat • to d•ffe•entmte omseh'es from m•-*m•Pr°ve the beauty of our church- man's Hill is the guest of rcla- Wesley Larib• and Miss Carol<br />

butghSsfesy 'imal life." - ca. The•e must be a variety to suit'tives in Haugen, Wit. Laribee, both of Milldale. • priests unto God. How much did and asked 'How much change do<br />

The Rev Mr Dee, continued, •all tastes Many churches m• need- Mrs. Robe• P. Derby and two ImprOvement is reported m the • a•¢•teciP•tsS •V•l • • •:•n•?•'v,•U•.•eY•.u•d t•<br />

bod•r•...... '.- '..... • •d•o smt the needs of all people, daughte•of R•ssell Road left, condition of Mrs Ira Chnffee of': "- ' .• ._,_ }<br />

Cesnetery Association<br />

'Renames Ernest Bt'ooks<br />

Ernest E. Brooks of' rr0speet<br />

Street, Phmtsville, was re-elected<br />

of the Quinnipiac Ceres-<br />

Other officers are Charles A.<br />

Abets, vice president; Milton J.<br />

Wooding, secretary - treasurer;<br />

Clarence B. Wooding, superlnten,<br />

dent, and Willard J. Gould, sexton.<br />

The directocs m'e Mr. Abetz,<br />

C. A. Brooks, C. A. Cowles, Clarence<br />

B. Wooding and Milton J.<br />

Wooding.<br />

€ C O D ses a e a pint of am Axmy duty Mr and Mrs F•ancm ODonnell ,,<br />

models get •nto church, fo• ,t •s a ello•- " " "' ' ' ';" ' • • " " I would like to give you a story.<br />

'sh•p of people, nook. T•ml samples must go out. M•s• Phyllis WRt of Russell of Ha•ford and Miss Beverly Fil-I have always l[k• about "Paul "Our gi•ng should all be moll-<br />

"To sell ouc product, careful, to the pubhc We have n mode] f•'•Road and M•ss Priscilla Perkins, i•n of Manchester were" the week- Jones and Partner.' •e city lath- rated with a central concern, as<br />

'SOUTHINGTON nmrketing m requ,red. We must. am business--Jesus. - also of Russell Road, spent the end •,ests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl ers came to him and told h•m they expressed in the Bible story of<br />

-GLASS WORKS :•,.• h•ined salesmen to use then "Our p,odnct costs " re: • really uppreciat• the way he ran Jesus found at Matthew 25:34-•6.<br />

onl• •hat weekend ]n New York City Berg of Todd Rend his trace, and yet they •ere cur- 'I•smuch as ye did it unto one of<br />

- •OUTHINGTON •sates. An enthusmst•pubhe nnd I tmw. abili•es, ,, possessions, with • • • MARION NEWS<br />

• ions to know who his partner was ; the least of these...' This is ou• :<br />

' -" • - fo•mus•om•peeia•ind •ppo•unity •o •rticipat• in •h•<br />

• - •he g•d •t•b•h•,otmmm:ty u,..,,-.• pt,•e m• rns-- M•. Harriet W. Selby of Meal- van and Mrs. Nicholas Spratto.,<br />

Ap•intment 'even as you men do m your iin•s • ,den and her son-in-law and daugh- A meeting to form 4H g•ups in partner. Paul Jones told them that sider our glving an opportunity to<br />

,9f bll•S. , *'Wh,,t ,,h,ht,o¢ d, ym• hnv• ta ?ter. Dr. nnd Mrs. Eu• •mqo•a•dd•u•da•h••••sh• •ut-His-prlnciple•n•m•c•<br />

..... "Seasomql •ec•T•u- huvb- use for (•d•-Do• •occupa•o•urha• N. C,, were the=recent u•th•home of MYs. C. A. •laraand<br />

M•. Earl •otcn- fine of the Meriden-Watm.bury i Jesus Christ as his Partner', trying<br />

'being a pint of the eternal fellow-, kiss of Marion Rend.<br />

Road M ss E izabeth Farnham, I to follow his mrtner's nrinciples in theme of the morn ng as he emttAVE<br />

.YOU -..-...------.FIIKliI!'iTi•--- snlpl,,•odsRealm--Canyouaf-, glr. angers. ,alder Daigle oflage.t fro' the HartfolZd Countylhisstore. iPhaSized the n•d for building•<br />

'fo,• to m,ss this?" he concluded. Marion Road left last week for]Farm Bumfiu, was •est speaker. I ,,_ " [peace through faith and worksi<br />

REALLY W.4•NT<br />

"I'O•I":•,L . '<br />

e "t .'. tea Mr. Deer fin-,Homes•ad, Fla.. where they will • Mothers of •rls in Gerald Ke•s, • • • -t •,•.. •...• ..,,,• •-•-•-k•d • •i I•I,<br />

That Birt•day• Anniversary? ,,'sneu .peamng, the club meeting spend the wirier months, h•om at the Mariou School we• , , ,.. cussed she need fro' indi•uaL<br />

= . •,,pds• towaxM peace, if we .......... •<br />

•, uas "- adJ atoned ' bx." l'le•dent -' •st•'• Eugene Bleau of New Bcit•fin present. . •only . x•oma " s t . down and take God Christian •ommi•ment to the livingl<br />

•TS T•Y •L RE•MBER ' P. B•,ck. The members surrounded'is the •est of Mr. and Mrs. Vic- ,, rote pm'tnersh•p, not stopping at of the Christian way. l<br />

•h • s-eake• •o con•rntulnto him on * • m.....€ M..•. a...... • blrs. Daniel H. Douglas of the • 10 percent, but considerin• that we .... Ill<br />

• COSTCME JEWZ•R£i •lways . - hs" nave " •uu............. each n the •uara '.o...................... Mr ..a M• .• . w •• • ]Memden-Waterbury Road attended •we e sharing I00 percent. Of •-••-- ---- I1<br />

•ANDMAD•N•*•leaslng . • " ' -,,o •n Rohd••a-:•t •n,e•on••u•gnt•s• wnowoutd V•TTD •]• - " •i/U<br />

@ HANDKERCHIEFS • compming •t as he l•u.t'"<br />

did to " a"-" : Connecticu..... •.'" from hece who attenoed were pay the grocery bills and the rent • A•x• •x• • lllll<br />

- • •R•DOILIES • Hand-Dressed<br />

Ba•soc,atlo,, eonvgnti•n n, ,•rs. A. Cambut and son, EdwalM, If we consider that this is also the PflOT011T •O0 •HOI•TMgK II/1•<br />

-..• SO•TmS- , •,, Dolls , •-<br />

, .<br />

'<br />

I Whttefield•<br />

"<br />

N. H.<br />

START YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY AT •at the Bradley Memorial Hospital •School child•n and those of pre-•.............. "Ho• nu• x woul I be left over?" H •s•rx•u• •t<br />

to Me. •md Mrs. Et• •ischer of+school a•, sponsored bF the Mar- Th•se<br />

,.• •o.•u•,•<br />

'n r s<br />

•y ,,•<br />

"<br />

•,•,.,o.,<br />

o<br />

.•.<br />

" ' Th• the j• af gi•ng<br />

•<br />

nnd•<br />

- At Your Conveneince<br />

• tee ted m bee mmg . . . ill -<br />

Od Tu npke Road, Pnntsv e i'i°n PTA, will be held nt 1.-30 members who have not been con- " " ' ii<br />

So s x•ere born there to Mr. and p.m. 'tuesday at the school M• tncted may call Mrs. Willlam• "A former Pzesklent's wi•e m[s-•ii<br />



Mrs. A,thm Pratt of Queen S?'eet I Jack Havens s cha rman and will PHtt, membership chairman, or I take01y deducted more than 15 per-<br />

COLONIAL THEATRE BLDG. SOUTHINGTON ann Mr. and Mt•. William Gioia I be assisted by bfrs. Clarence Grit- her committee members who are cent from her income tax, which H C•L DAYS SOUTHING•N 1.t14<br />

of 45o Main SU•et. . fiths, Mt•. C. A. Marafino, Mrs. Mrs. Leou Deal tt e, Mrs. C arence was not an a Iowable deduct on fro" II EVENINGS BRISTOL •673<br />

Jack Beisinger, Mrs. Dennis Sulh-t Grifllth and b|l'$. Dom•nic Spratto. contributions. How right is our<br />

Customers' s •<br />

II<br />

Sunnyfield<br />


WITH NO<br />

CENTER<br />

SLICES<br />

• REMOVED!<br />

81iced Bacon<br />

Ducklings<br />

Butt<br />

Shank HALF HALF<br />

(6 to 8 Lbs) • •es)<br />

•s 53° •s 67c<br />

Sunnyfield Super Right<br />

Shank * •' Butt<br />

END rENT|RI i•HD<br />

to 7 ibs, UCES I •v•,,• •Bs,<br />

,, 37c i.••<br />

lb. 59c<br />

SunnyLeld<br />

WHOLE<br />

--,,-,•,•-, •,,,-• ,. ,,, HAMS<br />

Large Fowl •-,<br />

St.andard Oysters<br />

Bieu Cheese 'OEA* 'O• DESSERTS LB 55C<br />

Mel-0-Bit A•ER,CAN LS C<br />

C.EESE 2 LOaF 85<br />

Aged Sharp Cheese •.• 53 •<br />

GRAPEF'T FLA NO2 C 46OZ : C<br />

Juice• o•u• 2 •25 •. 29<br />

Budget Saving Values Every Shopping Day "A"<br />

Because they want<br />

your A&P•to becomea<br />

better place to shop,<br />

our loyal employees<br />

are never completely<br />

satisfied with the job<br />

they are doing.<br />

That ia why all of us<br />

at A&P are constantly<br />

checking up on ourselves<br />

to be sure of<br />

three things:<br />

Our prices are right.<br />

Our quality is h'.tgh.<br />

Our service is good.<br />

Will you help the<br />

men and women in your<br />

A&P by letting us know<br />

how we rate on these<br />

points? Please write:<br />

Customer Relations Dept.,<br />

A&P Food Stores<br />

420 Lexington Avenue<br />

. New York 17, N. Y.<br />

A&P Corn C•EAM •O•OEN STYLE 2 CA.S No• 25 c<br />

Canned Chicken •AC•E•'• LABEL CAN •s 1.75<br />

A&P Fancy Peas .O•cA. 25:<br />

Dog Food •u• • 3 "• •<br />

NO 21/• C * OR $•UASH<br />

Fruit Cocktail -A,s •. 35 Pumpkin •,• •o•0o 10 c<br />

YEI.LOWCtlNG NO•'& 27o T0mat•s 9 NO• •1 c<br />

• Fall •a•esf • Valued. ;. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables •<br />

Mclntosh Appl es •E•o •.• 4•. • 29• Mixed Nuts . ,•o 49•<br />

Sweet Potatoes GOtOEN ,A.• 4 LBS 25c Sweet Cider •'"•" 65• "• 39•<br />

HeLL GAL GAL<br />

Yellow Turnips ,E, t. 4e Peanuts •s.•o•s,•o " t•35 c<br />

• - WASHED 10 OZ<br />

Cello Splnach,EAO•rOo• 2 CELLO 29° Pop Cam •o• ,•o• • 19 •<br />

Harvest Mix<br />



CIDER O•L 45 JUG 79<br />

OF 6<br />

Gum Drops ;0,,.,0., .,•,0wrt. ,,• 23• Jack-O-Lantern<br />

Cracker Jacks 6 .• 2•c CAKE • 95 •<br />

Marshmall°•LJ9•<br />

Marshmallow ..-. Fluff ,., 19 @<br />

Pt•d Do9 Foo.d 2 •:• 27:<br />

Juaket •. Mix ,• 32<br />

8 O'Clock •offee •L• 77:<br />

Red Circle Coffee • 79'<br />

Bokar Coffee • 81 •<br />

Sweetheart Soap<br />

BATH<br />

c,.t 12<br />

Hoodle Soup •,.•r, 3 •m 3•€<br />

Lipton's Soup•,•'•,• 3 •. 35•<br />

Dovalettes .ssu. •.€,.t• • 26c<br />

.• 0•,•59<br />

It rides more smoothly<br />

You'll glide.smoothly, steadily, safely o.ver<br />

most roads m fi Chevrolet--only low-paced<br />

car combining the Unitized Knee-Action<br />

RFde "and •c •or•c•,<br />

It drives more easily<br />

You'll enjoy finest no-sld/t drivi.g at lowest<br />

cost with Ch•vrol•t's f•o• Powcrgli•<br />

Automatic Tra•mission* . . . or •nest<br />

standard driWn• at lower cost wi•h Chcvrol•t's<br />

•il•nt •ynchro-M•sh Transmission.<br />


It operates more economically<br />

You'll cnjoy cxtra-fine performance and save<br />

money, too; for Chevrolet is the only lowpriced<br />

car with a Valve-in-Head englne2-<br />

•etter for tch•in•dust-ry.<br />

It lasts longer, too<br />

Chcvrolct is built to out other cars. That's<br />

one reason why thcro axe over a million<br />

more Chevrolets on thu road than any other<br />

make-and why Chevrolet i• America's most<br />

popular car, ycar nftcr year. Come in and<br />

look it ovcr.<br />

BOYD J: H EIGHT, Inc.<br />

It's better looking-all around<br />

You'll know it's more beautl/ul from every<br />

angle, insid• and out; for Chevrolet.is the<br />

• o_n_ly iow.-priced•_ar•dtlLllod•y Fisher--<br />

the s[anuard of styling.<br />

15 High Street" Tel. 1480 S•uthingt0n, Conn.<br />

It offers more for less--throughou!<br />

Thinkl Center-Point Ste.e.ring; Curved Wind.<br />

shield with Panoramic Vtsi•ility; Fisher Uni.<br />

steel Body-Constroctinn; h• Iraulie brakes<br />

with Dub[-Life rivetlcs• flair ;. You get all<br />

these a•d many other flue c•ar•fe•a•ures in<br />

Chevrolet ot lowest cost.<br />

7<br />


'<br />

2 Field Trials Here Sunday<br />

To Be Last Of Season In East<br />

Two field tlSals will be'held Sunday under the auspices<br />

Association president, said yesterday. Both trials<br />

at the A•sociation's grounds off Whitman. Road•<br />

First el the events •dl bt. the l•• uchar M•emorl 1 Tro h<br />

S/Sgt St¢I mn Suehn', J•., Me- haS.., a p y. ,<br />

mar al T•iul. m whwh only South-• Compe•ltmn<br />

for •r. Nolan<br />

. • kenne • [ come ths year fl.om<br />

"as ....... Davm, Mike Lefvre and Ham Fish.<br />

must "e -" : . , .-[p•ssession of the trophy fo" one<br />

• This trial honot• the late Sgt.•v•ct°r• •<br />

•t••gular field thai<br />

The Quality<br />

i'•ain or slfine. Parking space<br />

590 cars is pravided. The cuisine<br />

will be handled by Vincent Andros,<br />

Joseph Wagenb,'e.ner. •arr• W.-<br />

Z•gmund Jurglewicz<br />

' w•th NI the •tr•s• wm be • •rt•, A• •ra•,<br />

N•d D•n.<br />

an• •hn •inato.<br />


I f•¢#-••./'{• •#•#,#•{• IDeaconesses wfil meet at 8 p.m.[ ]•[ ••[•[ [ meet at 9:45 a. m. Meeting of the• vrce wilt be held at 2:30 p. m. Fri- [ as follows: Boy •cd•ts,<br />

IMonday, November 6, at the• • • , Fttesnle Fellowship •dl he at 6 p. day, November 3, at the F*rst Bap- • Monday; Interm•mte<br />

t with Tommy K•Hdam as tile<br />

Bapttsm Ordinance •u,.•. • Pastor To Preach . • . , st t m ch M's. Major Johnson of Chmrs, 6:30 and 7:30 p. m.<br />

• '-- ,• . • Mr. Dem. stud the First Baptist,• •. • • .. lealm. Mis• (,1 m Malger• will....... [ ........ •.<br />

•y •lorltt•<br />

•urch<br />

on,<br />

is of the 7O churches<br />

_____ttnllle•elorlllatlon •., ....... . m u teto,,n ,,,11 ue the guest •nesqay wttn a secret to •ouaw?•<br />

The ordinance -- of -- m the Hartford area jam ng in<br />

will I,e , good tinm anv•ay?'; at the ('hri.- ] •peake• Th•q t• an hnnual event t Seiners rehearsal at the<br />

sew ce Sunday at :be FrEt Bap- •Novembe] 12. " •the F.'st 'ongtogat • • ('hu'th , 7:30 p.m. Women A .dw.r offering wdl be G•oup, Woman's Assoeiatio•<br />

trot Church for Abm Stevens m•d, the pastm urged all mem•rs •The l{ev. LeRoy G. Allen. imstut, Me•be• of th, churth a• m tat,ca and a •erwce project of eel-• p. m. at tht. homo of<br />

Mrs. Sherman Perkins. The Rev. :of his cong•gatiml to suppm t the will ineath o, "'['he Slgmfwance of . riled to attend the.Damn Relorma- • h'•tmn or knittod gal meats for• Flrhtm n and nmmbm.s<br />

Go.on S. Deer pastor will speak •Southmgton Commumty, Chest the Refo• :nstlon." •],t. St,ni•r ('heir tmn Day setvltt, at 8 pm. Stmt[uy [ llged telugee• xxdl be held. Those ] kq]ttod galme•lts for refugees;<br />

on "The Summons • D•vtplesh p" Campaign, helping the agencies • will stag and .mall th lden x• I be I at the Plan'.• tile ( ongtegatmnal • x• he ha•e a•tlt Ic• to [[onate may Scotlt% 2:30 anti 4 p. u%<br />

An anthem, "Se•'e the Lm'd in that are •orking for the welfare l eared for mth,. Ilappy flora. (hutch. [leave them at the parsonage, and'Junto• ('hen', 10:30 a. m.<br />

Youth," will be sung.by the Jun-hn betterment of thecommunty All ('hi ch S•loo •a-• s will The Wo.ld 'o n,n v Day e -[ Ot•e eettg•n.xtweek• be today.<br />

or Choir, directed b} Miss Otth-: ......................<br />

erine O*r. Charles E N sh, <strong>org</strong>-• . . ' a<br />

anist, will play, "Melodic." the' •elormahon .To Be•<br />

:prdud• and "Nocturne" as the [Theme Of Services -<br />

mstlude. The public is invited.<br />

• •<br />

A "a"o,,•p=W •l•o•e,dl At First Lutheran<br />

t| py-(ar ingonight<br />

at the ehm'eh for membels ;<br />

of the Junior Baptist Youth FeN<br />

Reformation, The Retul•t<br />

IHe was an active member of the the east will be staged. Entries Iowship with Mr. and Mrs. Rich-[to Chrmt" will be" the theme,at<br />

- "", " " The S•io* the 8 .t.m. matin and the 10.1o a.m.<br />

ara •ennett an-cnarg• . - - , .<br />

.se•wwe. Wdha • No t [ f West Ve moat, Bhode Island, Pennsyl- Baptmt . Youth Fellowship . will hold chief se•wee Sunday nt the Rrst<br />

......... ,Luth¢ '• n Church when the festival<br />

.,Center Street m the present holder• ranis, New York, Maryland, New• its •a owee• event at the caurcn<br />

•......... Jersey a•d Connectlcu• This is the' " " l" •'--Hm I • Leid lof the Reformatiou will be cele-<br />

-- - -•'=• last scheauled trial for 1950 on the', as counselor.<br />


eil•uit of the United Raccoon Hun- All Church School classes will be ,Jr., announced.<br />

to•s Fidd Trial and Proteetivelas usual on Sunday, the Rev. Mr.' He urged hi• parishioners to<br />

.............teed the Reformatmn Rally at the<br />


I .....n of "he Jun lqantswile Congregational Church<br />

Mr Renknr s•id the local Asso- A OUslness meeu g t " Su " • -" o ....<br />

te•n f_or coon dog field trmls, be held at 3 p.m. Sunday at th<br />

The Edd_• stehd of classifying the dogs as A •vorshlp program<br />

& Decoratin Co. •nio,• and juniors in various follow. The Senmr Fellowship based on the response at this, the<br />

meets at 7 p.m. Sunday. first such *ally planned for the<br />

St. New Britain Class A dog will be given the full church to attend the union Refer*' •unday School and Workshop<br />

the Class B animalsl mation Day service at 8 p.m. Sun- wdl meet at 9 a.m. The Senior<br />

class, taught by Miss Elsie<br />

total prize,, tionaI Church. will have charge of the opening<br />

' worship service of the Sunday<br />

" -- -CoS B m They will t•ll the story<br />

elude Boaru of Trust , p..<br />

q• .I t *h h • Ca.1 M t °f the hymn. "A M•ghty Fortress<br />

........ . - PIn I Is Our God. composed by Martin<br />

.......0 m Wed l Luther and associated with the<br />

nesaay at the cnurc ; 'y]<br />

2:30-p.m. Thursday-alL:he i years" Recordings o• the hymn as<br />

home of Mrs. Carl M. Small, with an <strong>org</strong>an selection and by<br />

Mrs. Ge<strong>org</strong>e Nelson assisting as Capitol University Choir as an anfor<br />

day School,<br />

This Sunday With<br />


Nat £al- Ap.-pe =we 1<br />

You can rest assured that whalever<br />

you decide on for you• weekend<br />

meals, you'llgetonly one fine qualily<br />

at •hc lowest possible prices when<br />

you shop at your FIRST NATIONAL<br />

gmda qualily-- nolhing but lop U S.<br />

grade always!<br />

PLUMP - A•EATY - 4t/•-5t/•<br />

i- Fiesh Chickens<br />


2-3Vz LB AVG<br />

the dogs m each heat. The finals' All women of the<br />

5-6 LB AVG LB<br />

will carry a $100 guarantee, riled to attend the World Cam- the following: Choir rehearsal, 6<br />

The Southington Spo•smeu's munity Day service • 2:30 p.m.l pmx -Saturday, Luther League,<br />

M •emb 3 at the First 7 30 Pin M°nday' and a Sadie 5 29 TU<br />

extended an invitation Friday. •.. 0 " - el' . • b'" the " l ttawkms . party at 7 p.m. Satmxiay. McINTOSH .- EOR EATING LBS € FULL BREASTED LB 59¢<br />

Cleaned<br />

o all Southington res•tdents to at- Bhptist •o•U•t•;r:•On•O::aen YM,s ',November 4; Women's Missionnry Hen rkeys<br />

Council<br />

end the cysts, *- " • '* 1" "end the de*° 'S°cety' 2 Pm Thursday' with<br />

....... •ooraon ueer " • • ''1 ' .<br />

Sg[ US • , [•l•nat. -" " set•tce ," ana• " mrs. "lalcohn t•" convention •eports to be presented •OR COOKING 3 tB5 • "<br />

EVT0 ,• a • LAND SURV•D ......and •'• w• "'" m•:lar "•'• Men's "• •"• Club'meet '' " and the discussio•o. Mrs" Z" W " Burkhardt "Magazine• Talk." lead RED RIPE " c " •..&..L...... r•ll•u• • , STEAK FIHAST ROASToR or<br />

QUAtI•<br />

Bottled Gas<br />

LB AVG<br />

a= 25c ae.ned ,• w,sTE a•ovm •,,€<br />

• . Licens•W" C. •FEYREEngineer ]• ing-"* set zor •- the " first MondeY i• The da• Sun-•.m..Thu•day<br />

- School monthlys•ff meeting •vhen will " teachers be of held the at and • Tomatoes SOUTH• SMom Steak FINAST QU•ITY L5-____•_<br />

,•o.•.be..•m • •o•t,o.• to •.-<br />

•8 •MAIN ST. MERMEN ,3 R• Stone St. rocestviHe able the membe,• to attend the Cucumbers CAROLINA • .u• : •<br />

o•cers will make plans for<br />

CALL MERIDEN 3-938S e•nt. The Boa• of De=ons and school, Christmas observance. --<br />

LB<br />

LB99c99<br />

r ra"es EMPEROR •S --•2• ... " '' BOLOGNA OR UVERWURST • a••'€<br />

-- -- - UFO•,• - • m • •lnceo ham<br />

: On:e.... You Get ed" vflle,h°me°fJoyce•ri•ein<br />

4H Club at its meeting at t•e<br />

Planto-leader<br />

o, the club. " HALLOWEEN! • • • X• • P.esh Hoddock '•'l,t LB4',<br />

ot• o.i¢•=•P• M=- , . . • S Fresh Flounder Fdlet ce 53€<br />

they, vice p•eident; Mar•t<br />

" So many •f our r•gula, de•sitym have told us that. Onceyouget ' o•t•, •e¢ceto•y; •U •obi.•o., •1• . YH•P$• •s•e• I ••/• .27•?•--'- • Standard Pan•ySwordhsh Oysters te69€ -55€<br />

the habit Ws 3ust natural to •rop m at the •thin•on Savings. Bank<br />

treasurer,pin, e,.. and Ma• Stoffen,.ce- •a• •'• I •A•N 0OZ •C • • . / • /[<br />

and make • savings deposit, every si,gle ,Y daY. " theDUring•up.thework•ec°ndw--meetingsta.ed on°f 63€. 39€ I o.c.. mo aDZ z• • J,.ost •oo•.<br />

We're open eve• Fri•y EVEN•<br />

sewing boxes •d a round-up was.<br />


from 6;30 8:00<br />

' homeAt theof •i.thi• Pre•her,m•ting fm'therat<br />

FoncornFjN•T •RGE YELLOW PK• €•C Jj L011ipOpSAssORTEO SUGAR WAF•Rs6"OZCELLOPKG I•€ • •-- ••--<br />

" ASK ABOUT OUR SAV• BANK LIFE INSURANCE * muse _ __ _ Lq• . • •:• .• EC<br />

@la•f°r•e•und'upweremade'l Saltead Peanuts s•.•25€ I Necco Wafers 6•25c., ,, [* •AZO•. • ,,-• •=<br />

0"• •w,ng boxe{ al• completed, t •TME•, COCOANUT. BRIDGE , MILK CHOCOLATE- Wrapped mh. o *<br />

• We met this week at the home • , • . 6.OZ • CHOPP•D OR i•F<br />

/• . Our €ookies OmCH•AID10•ZPKGIgC , KISSes HERSHEYS cmoPzG23c * • 14OZPKG €<br />

wns a •at success and evel•one [<br />

•t •t'l•':lLt I -- • hnd plenty to •aL A perfect at-', I G 0 L D E N C 0 0 K I E S ,o oz • 19€ .• r •<br />

• . YOR GARDE<br />

•r• Steffen, Re•rter.•<br />

•••• Sout•n•to., Oldest Bank At Golf Club Tomorrow • •• SLiCeD e.RICHED<br />


tomO•Wcount•, night theclub at<br />

,or •em•rsS°uthln•°n.nd Cranberry Sauce 2 ,,,• 25,<br />

tbeir friends. Thls will be one of FINASTCALIRP•-YELtOWEYE, RED __ " ---- ' 6••2 "• •RGE •.<br />

• the last social events of the club's U "--.--•" • •'•nS • 28-OZ TINS a•n• •• • 18.0z LOAVES ----•<br />


l•0,seaso•. Prizes will be awaMed<br />

for thecostumes.best, f,nniestAwell-kno,,mand most •a•U •u Same hrge Loaf.. • Same Low Pricd .<br />

__<br />

Good for Mr. Ribicgff<br />

More power to Congressman Ribicoff for his"<br />

stand . . • againat deficit financing by the<br />

f•deraL government. He charged that to be<br />

"dangerous" and "wrong." Representative<br />

Ribieof• put his finger on a difficulty in the<br />

way when he said it is time to'call a "halt"<br />

and a showdown on those who shout economy<br />

out of the. left side of tlmir •outlt and vote<br />

'yes' for all pork barrel legislation out of the<br />

ri_'Kht side."<br />

From a. editorial Jan. 1% 1950<br />

in The Hartford Times.<br />

orchesh.'a will play<br />

¢,1<br />

smv•s<br />

- .o ll•s<br />

for dancing.<br />

Even neat little penguins get<br />

their formals a little messy<br />

sometimes . . . Our standards<br />

are keyed to please the fussiest<br />

. . . And' we'll go almost<br />

please you . . • We're only as<br />

far • your phmm. The cold<br />

cash•won'l be a big item,<br />

either.<br />


Tomato Soup<br />


3 lOV• oz TINS 31€<br />

2 •0.oz T'NS25•_<br />


Strawberry Preserve SAR 39€<br />

Nat o,a.l _ ,ple Week Favorites<br />

a--lesal,ce E,NAST FANCY<br />

Comstock's Apples<br />


20<br />

-<br />

OZ TINS<br />

L<br />

7€<br />

e,v Low<br />


- • 46-OZ € 18•Z €<br />

Orange Juice ,,, 35 2 ,,,, 31<br />

FINAST<br />

-CHEESE<br />

Cheese<br />

FOOD<br />

Values<br />


OST -LB 67<br />

Sliced Cheese WHITEOry•Low 47,<br />

S.w.iss Cheese BLENDED L' 49,<br />

Cheddar PURPosEA" LB<br />

Golden Rose Te [ Homeland Tea<br />

I• • CE•LO• •LEN• I FI•E •U•LI• C•LO•<br />

•.OZ • •Z• I •Z •<br />

• •€ .•K•.•€t • •lC<br />


PKGOF16 14¢ o•<br />

Listen to Congressman Ribicoff<br />

• Tonight on WDRC at 6•10<br />

* Pull the Top Lever *<br />

Sponsored by Ribtcoff for Congress Committee


•:Paint Potpourri<br />

Mack's Retiring Marks<br />

End Of An Era In Baseball<br />

ing rou.ssters almost roods i• all Dan's -- -•Po'ul'r, r --- aHLWa% " Serafino,<br />

tha way, but faded in the stash<br />

drvc.<br />

VFW Lead In Town Loop<br />

Connie Mack is probably one of " Dan's Tire Shop go• a n•t 341 pm•o•ance by "•ash"<br />

the nmst respected mea in America to three from the Firestone laddies<br />

Francis, John Romajas, Dick Con- have returned i'rom a vacatioa in<br />

cad, Joseph Hermann, Vile Pesos, Ph ladelph] t, Pa.<br />

Bill Woods, Nicholas Spratto and<br />

EdwaxM Cambut. •Roy Stadel of Carter Lane is a<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Galayda patient at the Bradley Memorial<br />

N. Y., Saturday for the reunion<br />

of the Army outfit which Mr. Gal- Cpl. John Flynn of the Marine<br />

ayda served dm4ng World War IL Corps, now stationed at, Gherry<br />

Dr. and l•frs. Gerald F<strong>org</strong>ione Point, N. C., is spending a leave<br />

and son, Gera!d, Jr., of Main Street at his home on Belleview Avenue.<br />

Finer Fur•niture At •ower Prices<br />



The lady's right.' There's nothing,<br />

as good as<br />

51ERLUX ENAMEL for walls<br />

and woodwork. Dries as hard<br />

as tile in a glisteuing while<br />

that stays'•hite. Particnlarly<br />

fine for woodwork, •indow<br />

sills, kitchen or bath• Also,<br />

available in egshell and flat<br />

finish. Washes with soap and<br />

water.<br />

Open Men. Thru Sat. 9 to 9 . . . Budget Terms<br />

82 Church St. TeL 3-1545<br />

Drop In For A<br />

Friendly Snack<br />

Fcrndale ])airy Bar is ever ready to serve<br />

you a delicious ice cream treat---ahvays refreshing<br />

• ah•ays w•lcomed. Enjoythe- -<br />

Frosty Milk<br />

Tempting Sundaes<br />

Delicious Cones<br />

• PHONE<br />

Call Enterprlw 9670 without<br />

from Merlin, 5outhin•n<br />

Pl•nriff•<br />

•kGiE[ SENATOR' FROM A<br />

•g•S•T•<br />

- N McM<br />




' • COMMITTEE<br />

I<br />

, *'•*'" " A LIBERAL AMERICAN<br />

WORLD<br />

PEACE...<br />



THE U.S. -SENATE<br />

"Dad saysI talkso much on the telephone<br />

•.. I'm beginning to look like one/"<br />

- t•l•o•ti•Td•be•-Ior•f•'un. But•omet•esdhey're -<br />

annoying to your neighbors who wont to use the line. •y keeping<br />

calls short end well spoced, everyone con enioy betteP<br />

porty.hne service.<br />


(!) Make calls of reasonable length. (2) Space out calls.<br />

(3) Give up the line in emergencies.<br />

• e',, x•t. ",cwntiftcally laundei ett,r.,, Ihlng front<br />

'q•ter", .',chool (Ire•se• lu ynu•" finest linens --<br />

return them tu )OU Ionkin• their •er} be•t.<br />

sA• L 10/c ON 01, !,<br />

i (ASH & CARR• ,.ER• IC I,<br />




TEl,. I In<br />


Vote Democratic<br />

Pull<br />


(Democrat) OF CONNECTICUT<br />

Vote For McMahon<br />

The Top Lever<br />

Independent Coznmittee for Election of Senator McMahon.

.......... THE SOUTHING•ON NEWS; OCTCBER 27• 1950 .•p•N•--•'•'•-•----- "<br />

Darien, Eleven Looms AS Strong Foe For High School<br />

c Kane I umpwe; Kelley, field Judge." Sub- sustained cuts and<br />

rg Bedley, stttutmn• Southington, l{ n a p tmns about<br />

t t Croon i Fontana, Ogonoski, Bates, J. Muyo, • bde ace:dent at I 1:45 p. m.<br />

t c Newell m l'atz, Mt •ronan, Weaver, Wendt.[day on bit. Vernon Road. H•'<br />

qb Dunlap• •alry, Bu•sett, R. Mayo, Remch. treated at Bladley biemorial<br />

Ih Dowhng•Snnone, Kellehor, Celella, Sacred pital by Dr. Thomas W.<br />

Beshuk rh HoIlywood' Heart, Lynch, Moriarit}, Pett•s•u[ Officer Pah'ick Palumbo tnvehti-<br />

Hubeny fb O'Keefe Hasting% Shanahan, O'Connor,• ntod th• accident.<br />

T•ehd•el•: •thm•n, Scott 3, • Champagne, Devon, Blondeau• AIo-• Mr. andA• Thin<br />

bi[chanczyk 2, Beshuk, Weaver.• m. • :ristol SUeet have returned<br />

Poin• afWr ¢nurhdn•m:Sou:brag-} Srm'e by permds: z -•the Minery Rosy<br />

toll, Mwhnnczyk 4 (placements• Southmgtou 13 12 7 14•fi I and are convalescing at their home<br />

:•l•;;;,f•(imu.•l.s. Offi-" Sac,'e•eStV 0 (t 0 0• o here.<br />

matlon.<br />

a•s.staut to tlead ford and Woodrow Wilson teams, i mere hPodful of fans" nmst of<br />

Walt L,,zo•kt,<br />

Coach Joe Fen:ann, scouted the A change in the date of the St.] them from Southinghm.<br />

Darien oh,van recently and said Mary's High •ame at New Haven The Blue Knights picked up two<br />

they havu several good backs and wus announced yeste•ay by Coaeh• f•g•t tallies m the fit•t quarter.<br />

a• excel e•t Im." •ht, vm•tms" + Fontana. O•i•nally slated fm No-) 1 *•e plays after they tnok posses-<br />

•vember 4, the game will be played y,,on. ,,f the ball, after I•s,ng it<br />

current lecolM, cmnpdt.d against thel• next Wtdotsdny, • , No'embtr x tmhet ' " on ' t Scott fumbh S•ottv ' .<br />

Class A oppos•tmn, ts qne wm an, t 1 at tho cnuost of St Ma •"s• bolted ove• for his touchdown from<br />

officials• • • b•u• ou• M•chan•yk boated<br />

Although he t.xpects tbc B ue, ' the exha pmnt. After the next<br />

•nights to bc at full strength for• Fhe game will stat• at 2 ?. m.• kickoff, lhfllyt•ood, Sacred Bcart<br />

the filet tram m weeks, Conch Fen- ] and [he Southmgton squad wdl] back, fumbk•d ou hm own IP and<br />

•.n• nrodwtod yesterday that the j leave hc•t. by bus at about 12:30• the alelt MichanczFk scooped it<br />

•'i• •ddm•n x•q]] pl•x•• thegn, m. C•ach Fon•n•dd he•'l-•d went over for thousand;<br />

toughest foe of the semen. All,corned the change in the playing• Southington TD. He trussed the<br />

this week, the Blue Knights have date since it will give him nmrc,extm point, lea•ing the count at<br />

btORANS Buys Out Bankrupt Stock From<br />

K:ST flAVE e-<br />

548-CAMP-BEL!_•kVE.<br />


designed to upset the Dacron team. i preparation for the all-impm•ant t Hollywood was forced to pnnt<br />

Th• •nnehoa have hkewise worked ' Nov•ber 11 game at Plainvil• on the first pla£ of lhe •n•<br />

on the Knights' d•fense to be used • against Rlamwlle H•g• • quarter and Charlie<br />

..... ' For the fwst t•mc n a no •th• grabbed il ou fbe Sacred Ileart<br />

Ja.k B•tT, speedboy back, will',<br />

be avuth.:ble for full tbn£ pluy to-;<br />

, mol.•,•u ngamst Darien. Bam."y, a<br />

i rugged defense•pluym•m •ddition • be|rods.<br />

to being a good ball-carrier aud<br />

•[•te• has been mdelined as the.<br />

•sult of hip and leg injurms.<br />

36. Scotl weep sharply to the<br />

right and all the way to the SH<br />

two before being forced out of<br />

He went over for tile<br />

score on the next play. Michanczyk's<br />

placement was wide.<br />

l.,'tght plays later Scott got•rfe<br />

Formal Wear<br />

Headquarters<br />

]tenting or baying ymfll<br />

hera for ,acddings and all<br />

occasions -- for Boys and<br />

Men.<br />

al•i• hk•l£to be ready fro' tomot• all the way for unother TD.<br />

'been on the injut•ed list, will ulsol<br />

The starting backfield will<br />

likely i•¢ludeRoy Scott at fullback:<br />

Barry and Dick Bet;hqk0<br />

halfbacks, and Ge<strong>org</strong> eSnow•<br />

quarterback. With Ray Michanczyk<br />

and Verderame taking<br />

scor•, leaving the coutft at 25-0 as<br />

tile half ended.<br />

It took a few plays fm the<br />

second half but finally "Rabbit"l<br />

Beshuk took the h'athet on the'<br />

:dt the ray fro" a touchdown. Thi•<br />

Early in the final per,)d, the<br />

nett and Ronnie Gorr, tackles; after tvking the oxal on a poor<br />

John Mayo and Tnumy Bomano, kick by O'Keefe. Itoger Hubenyl<br />

guards, and Captain Roy Nyren was stopped fro" no gain. Ge<strong>org</strong>e<br />

"I'm uot kidding when I say this ' Michanczyk who went all the way<br />

Darienj•nute" i,s goingt•obq a_t.ough I for his •ec0.n,d,•TD .of th• afternoon.<br />

one." Coach Fontana •ai,d, "and I • tie also booted the extra point.<br />

:NEW BRITAIN think we'll have to be 'up' all the : With praetleally all of his see- i<br />

way to have a t*hance of winnlng;ond and :,bird stringet.'s ill action•<br />

in the fil,al polled, Uoach Fen:ann.<br />


sent in •tders fm the team to try<br />

its buck lateral play. It pinked up<br />

fief•yard,• when a couple of the<br />

R3 .ELECT<br />

boys nussed theic blocks. How-<br />

•vel', Wtat:er• whose great speed<br />

becomes more apparent with each<br />

Southington ;tit and sped 70 ya•xts<br />

for the final TD of the game.<br />

JAMES B.<br />

Mwhancz•k's placement ran the<br />


final tally to 46-11.<br />

Timmy Romano, Knights'<br />

the fintl period when injnred hit the in<br />

back of the head. He was<br />

checked oveP* at Bradley Memorlal<br />

Hospital after the team's<br />

return home and •ill be all right<br />

FOR<br />


of Hartford County<br />

•OF<br />

ACTION<br />

WHO GETS<br />

THINGS<br />

game.<br />

A b01nted drive by the Sacred<br />

tieart lads brought them into the<br />

shadow of the Kmghts' goal hoe<br />

in the fourth period. They were<br />

unable to push the ball into paydill.<br />

although they got as far as<br />

the Southmgton one. The hapless<br />

Sacred Heart eleven..in five games<br />

this sens,Ib has been unable to<br />

',score a single point. Then" few<br />

'fans roused themseh-es fm a lot<br />

,of cheers when It appeared as<br />

though Ihe team m•ght score but<br />

subsided quickly, when the<br />

Southington defense stiff'cued ao.d<br />

held them for downs.<br />

The Foutanamcn trmd only rue<br />

passes durmg the game. One fl'oln<br />

plete. The second, from Weaver to<br />

Mwhanezyk, •as good for a TD.<br />

Sacred Heart tossed nine passes<br />

was intercepted by AI Bassett, Jr.,<br />

for a first do•tn.<br />

Statistic,s for the ganle xtelc peculiar.<br />

Southmgton pwked up only I<br />

two fil.t do•ns. Sacred Heart<br />

regtsttq'cd four. This is easdy<br />

Bankrupt Stock of<br />


Sold Out To<br />

MORAN'S.<br />

WATCH<br />


FOR<br />

SALE<br />

To Be Held By<br />

MORAN'S<br />


373 M•in Street,<br />

SALE NOW-ON! Look for the Original West Haven-Furn. Oo's, Price Tags<br />

the Store! Open tonight Till 9 P.M.<br />

Famous .Brands Go<br />

Below Cost! Will Store your Purchases Till Wanted!<br />





West Ita•en 31orans<br />

Just P•ice Sale Price<br />

6 180 Coil Innercprmg Mat- $ 39.95<br />

• tresses (All Sizes) ..................... $ 18.87<br />

Box Springs to .Match 39.95<br />

above 3Is:tresses ................... 18.87<br />

12 Maple 3/3 Fall 22.95<br />

Panel Beds , .................... 9.99<br />

15 (Single Size) 313 Luxuo<br />

Delnx Box Spring• and Mattresses.<br />

All in Perfect Con- 69.q5<br />

dltion hat sllghtl) soiled ........ 33.63<br />

2 Nlaple Full Size Poster 29.95<br />

Beds ................................ 15.88<br />

4 EXl)enMve Tapestry ('o•ered 89.95<br />

Sofabeds ......................... 45.59<br />

7_ Holl•wood S!ngh, Size Bedq 59.95<br />

with Dnran Headboards ........ 33.66<br />


Kroehler 2 Pc. Moderu $279.95<br />

Living Room Suite• .......... $148.88<br />

Massive Mohair 3 Pc. 299.85<br />

Living Room Suite . .. 156.00<br />

Tapestry |'pholslered 3 Pc. ,<br />

tilde-A-Bed. Living Room--329.95<br />

pi$1o•<br />


•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•tudlo<br />

West Ha•en Morans<br />

Doubl p•ice $39,9• Just Price Sale Price<br />

•'est • . $273•<br />

2 Famous Make Walnnt $225.00<br />

31oraUS Waterfall Cedar Chest $ 92.55<br />

• •lea• •a•estry<br />

e •o,,.• c• -<br />

1,arg • ._• •59.9-•<br />

Platform<br />

$:11;.9.]<br />

8 Maple Chest of 28.9H<br />

Drawer• . .. 14.99<br />

1 Oak 3 Pc. 31a•si•e 31•d•rn 249.00<br />

Bed Room Suite.. ......... 125.00<br />

1 Malfle 3 Pc. Bed 99.90<br />

Room Shire . 51.99<br />

Mahogany Chesl of 59.95<br />

Dra•ers ............. 26.77<br />

Walnut • 49.•3<br />

Vanilie• ............... 11.89<br />




•c•t I•xcn<br />

Bmtdoir Chairs . $ 6.77<br />

3 Ileantifnl Bronn, Li•in• 28.93<br />

Room Torchwr• . 12.29 .<br />

Bleached and Walnnl 125.00 ••<br />

3[odern China Cabioets ... 49.87<br />

Ilra• Tabh, 8.95 - . , • •., Raffia'era:or •<br />

2 ,,.m., Ma m•a ) Duncan ....'" Ph)fe 49.q5 /•I<br />

,;'o';:, ":,.:.n ,.,.,,., t<br />

Drop Leaf Tahh.• 29.S9<br />


"Sheriff Ellsworth Has ,Done An<br />

Eminently Satisfactory Job . . . For<br />

This Position The Republicans Have<br />

Offered An Experienced And Commendable<br />

Candidate."<br />

--liar:ford Courant July 3, 1950<br />


" PULL 2ND LEVER "<br />

the gume sho•ts that the, Knights•<br />

scored flora nnmy yurds out on<br />

fast el second play each time<br />

the,'," had pin,session of thp ball<br />

while the •irst strtnge['s uere in<br />

the lit•'uy.<br />

Blocking by the winners tta$<br />

good all afternoon, although, as<br />

Coach Fontana mud, it ahv•ys<br />

looks better against a wcakel oppeal,at.<br />

Because the Sacred lleart<br />

lads pn'svoted such a wtak, de-<br />

Waste Material<br />

Trucking Co.<br />


Plaluvllle 882<br />

Jacquard 3 Pc. Li•lng 249.00<br />

Room Suite ...................... 114.00<br />

Maple 3 1'¢. Colopial 169.95<br />

Sofabed Snlte ........ 83.89<br />

Novelty Fabric Fringed " 99.95<br />

I,o•e Seatq (A,, is) .......... 37.99<br />

Tal.)estry Barrel Back Fhlled 59.95<br />

•*Vood Frame Wing Chair ...... 29.75<br />

Maple Platform. 29.95<br />

Rockers ...... ,•................................... 14.•7<br />

Wahmt Occasional 14.95<br />

Chairs ..............................<br />



1 WalnUt 4 Pc. Bed"<br />

Boom suite with l{obe<br />

oran• Sale price $92.55<br />

Oriental 9 x 12 $77.q5<br />

tlog• . . $33.66<br />

Station •Aagon Slroller•<br />

Complete with Ilood . . 15.59<br />

Large Size Maple 24.95"<br />

('ribs ........... . 12.69<br />

Alexander Smifb Axmiustcr<br />

9 x 12 Bng .... •........ 38.00<br />

Viclor Cahloet T•pe 34.95<br />

Oil Ih,a•er .......... 13.88<br />

Metal Linen 14.95<br />

CabinHs ..................... 6.99<br />



i<br />

•on-oh'<br />

•.. Set<br />

1300 Yard• quarily UPhof<br />

to $6.98 a sq. Yard.<br />

Pc/cod from $ .79<br />

48", of

'<br />

.... ;rile SOUTHINGTON NEWS ,OG'•,OBER 27; 1•50" ==--"•<br />

game<br />

was far mot'(, effective<br />

A. C. Primed For Clash With Norwich Bulldogs<br />

!BaCk !the used• - .rmation nttuckp ,' oosly • lone touchdown by Ilubeny. was blocked by I'at Duly, •ipper<br />

guard.<br />

2:30 P.M. •.r,.,= i. Shortly after the kickoff. New Far the remainder of the ¢on-<br />

:.Wl•h the growling Norwlchlwell.mgh intpre•ablc defense, the Bcgmmng on their own 39. Sizy. test the two teams exchang•<br />

dogs as tile opposition,•sturdv Bronx Clippers topped •e Sal Dimmma and Joe D;•mma punt% swapping pass intereep-<br />

So•thiB•on A.C. gleven lA.C" •oys here Sunday to the tune nmved quickly re.two fitstdax• lluns and bog•wd down. A Parkuf<br />

•8-ffbefore•ai•rowd, • to•eg_ to Siry for seven,<br />

Oa tile victory trail i I• • . .... nd then sneaked fmn first on the• •t• 43•and-lhen Si• Tumbled<br />

2:30 p.m, Sunday at the:tht,ir scores were the direct re- ,n.ther first do•n on the A.C.I.<br />

* . .,, . . . mte•cepted on the•Mackln<br />

Bulldogs long a lx,cogmzed by RR Hubeny •thizh scooted out ....... the 48 to regaitt possession<br />

r among seml-p,, gr,d teams of boueds on the A.C. 30. The final •tn;i•:::e:t 1:2: e:•:'P•:S'A • 'quickly.<br />

• - ...... Ashwell Mrs. Thomas' Wrinn and<br />

Play In The Church League i tor?eVoluntem.sannual<br />

o Phn Reunion Nov. 8 formed during World War II and<br />

reunion,,.ill ht.°f thehehlVie-at handled ninny c.vic activities dur-<br />

•6:45- p. m. Wednesday, November' mg wartime.<br />

When the smoke of battle elem'-.......*'•.... ¢tS, at the home of Mrs. Howard<br />

ed in their Church Bowling League<br />

match, the Grace Methodist No. 1<br />

. . 30,10ix 283 Linke of Highwood Avenue• Morn- I<br />

• 302,Hebel 350 •<br />

and No, 2 tealna had a pair of<br />

points each. Earl Francis led the<br />

N.m_ &APAtm•tI•AI20 while Lee<br />

Gates' 301 was tops for the No.<br />

Jad•<br />

Lloyd Upson's 324 gave the No,<br />

win ove• the Fn'st Baptists. Dick<br />

gud• be etl- •16--t •r--th• lder•<br />

manned, losers. ,<br />

the shm• ine area, will present'New York scm'e came about in the •,;:, , t,r •:[e:,• •:-ts " T•e Clippm" line was the big St. Paul's swbpt to an easy clean<br />

Grusse ....... 319•C. Crosby .. 276<br />

•h•ge li.e vetm.au backs a•d a'first play of the third period. 1"•oo ,•:•l'to t :::•'diff, ro.ee in the game. Averagl.g sweep over the No. 6 First Congos Low Score 240 Low Score 240<br />

operating atmc• A hum- ]Crutkzhank bobble• the oval and " p " drive • 200 pounds per man, the big •yw on tile strength of Ernie Andreson's<br />

great 374 performance. R.<br />

b•r o£ former all-state stars dot;It was recovered by the Clippers Clippe• score. The Clipper<br />

_• visitors' lineup, i on the A.C. 25. was climaxed by Maekia's perfect ,•ere heavy, powerful and trlek•.<br />

CONGO No. 1 IP. BAPTIST No. 1<br />

--. •ary Degnan, Mrs. Wt|ham•<br />

O. CONGO No. 2,1ST CONGO No•73 ='"<br />

F, Hobson oKay '.<br />

Marafino<br />

304 I<br />

Griffin , . 2641R. Crosby 273<br />

' toss to Swy m the end zone. I Teddy Knap •emark|d that he had Bruce's 281 was the best of a 10t Snow . . 2611Hamtin<br />

275' Mahaffy<br />

Gutt,rch stud! The .•C. gHdmen could rack upl When the; Bohmdmen failed to : never seen such hard-running ball- of poor scores for the losers. :cooper 3131Thompson<br />

•me time has been moved back•only three fi•st downs, all coming Fred Nyren poled 318 as the Farnham 253•Abetz .<br />

. . gain after the next kickoff, Hub-' Call'iers. 319',Badgley . •0<br />

to 2:30 p.m. tn order to attract a i ttl the second %all. They c•Tpleted eu• pu •tod to the midfield stlipe. The game drew 350 fans, largest No. 2 Fimt Congos turned back Clarke<br />

larger attendance• The ,.rely start- tufty thlee passes ah azternoon ,. " ., -- - • • " ' attendance to date, and a disap- the First Lutherans, four poin• to Total . 142f Totals• 1468<br />

•lieved. caused the attendance t. of th*. Cllppe•. , •hen'e=s on the • C e even who m•[the defeated k• era •<br />

' - • • • g • on then' own 23-yard hne • ".... tnspeclors lUKe All<br />

d• below expectatmns. • 5al tnmmma ana rat •r• were .... . , " "<br />

, Drills of the team during this • easily the best backs on the field, •ll•:Ck•e• •e•, P• thet° Boyd,thlrd vtdod°mgexcelIentevtq• thtngfootballPOSmbleinSoutht° prO-,ng.} The,..N°' 4 • rst ,C°n•°s-•,..w th [ Ins-ectorsKen Butler's."ak•08....<br />

enabled the<br />

- og[y three men, ,ga•e •ne •o. 1 p to t e three points<br />

w•k coatinu• to be spirited as , earning huge chunks of yardage I PP "- ..... ton each week.<br />

y •at .HI .•.h,•t tl•t- A•ob scme ot the nts•<br />

game. the start of the second half. Cruik- • A.C.<br />

Bob Boland's charges, •ith a lhved up to his advauce notice as<br />

record of one win, t•o Io•e• the handled the team well. He shank, htt hind, fumbled on the Pollick<br />

after the kickoff and Kata<br />

and one tie. the Clippers<br />

percentage to .500 for the passes and delayed bucks mouse- . ...... •. . •<br />

"rappe t e • • taken Ume .• - --"" the handoff fr•]•agenbrenner<br />

,No injuries were repotted ,n after ttmv. huge holes being opened •t'e•in'i•:ll:•e next lay, t, tla, Tomcik<br />

•y•s •me here and the AC thlough the middle and through •.Iac . V P•'" m tht V Clements "<br />

eleven is expect• to be at its peak the gu.nds, navtng openea a huge now • •<br />

s•gth for the contest. The use In the final periods, the South- A.C. hne, he outran the defenders, T. Johnson<br />

NOW•!-OPEN!<br />

-N'<br />


•ALBIN PASEK, Permittee<br />

IF YOU ARE<br />

pattern. Escape to our<br />

quiet corner and enjoy<br />

dinner,and refreshmeat<br />

in our soothing<br />

•here.<br />







9 to 1 A.M.<br />

VISIT<br />

THE NOOK<br />





le Boyd three-point defeat. Seymour Tussle, Marotto had 286 for the<br />

It Andryauskas led the winners with 324. Hebel of I t'•'•'•O-"•- ,MACHINE ROOM<br />

rg<br />

Daly I "Murph" Marafino whacked 829 Low Score .. 2.25!•.ow S•0r¢ ,<br />

Taylor for the No. 2 l'lantsville C,o.ngos Total . •-•I Total 1325<br />

Bedford who won three from the No. 3<br />

Mackin First Congos. Cla}'ence Montague, Isabella Council Team<br />

for the fired score by the •,mners. I Montemurto Ih J. Dimmina had 304 for the losers, i Blanks Crom•ell Easily<br />

" A fumbled p•tcl'• frorn:Mnek4n-•3ziedzi•- ------J:• • x, ,. •. . ..•. •.-7 •<br />

to S. Dimmina gave the A.C. lads Parker fb S. Dimmina The •o. • r aats• ue •apusm<br />

' up thee fz•m the No 5•<br />

• possessio• of the ball oa the New ' TOUCHDOWNS: Southin•on, Hu- " tino, Schumann and Galiette, Isabell•<br />

C•eil•<br />

dmvn the stde- Boyd. •hts after [ouehdown: with•it sharp •5 single had a Cromwell thin week •n their<br />

led the winners, Grusse's<br />

lines to the twq befo•<br />

ed •ut of bounds. Parker hit een-[S°uthmgt°n A.C. 0 0 0 • 6}319 topped nmtch. Conlan's 339 was best for<br />

Bromx C•ppers 14 7 7 0--• • -. • '<br />

' " - Jim•hompso• mt or 30•a• the •the losers.<br />

" __ I No. 1 Plantsville Baptis• grabbed I •K•--'•[•--'•<br />

EDMOND'S Jewelers Cra• t,,.ec ,,.o• •.• •o., •,=t•,.,,,•t•=,=.... meo¢•,:• •,<br />

Beginning Fri., Oct. 27<br />

and Thereafter<br />


And His Band<br />

Will Play FRIDAYS<br />

In Addition To Their<br />

Already Popular Saturday<br />

Nile Date.<br />

Never A Minimum<br />

or Cover Charge at<br />

EDMOND'S<br />

Rt. 10 Plainville<br />

t ,• T'kTXTTT T<br />

• [NG EVER• SUNI)A•<br />

night as they trampled the Post[ Total .. • Totals . .. • -" " " "<br />


torY The winners tallied 1345 pins icnna . . l.•l•l•V•flnk• - 2. Old Fashioned--Square<br />

to set a high team three mark for Nash . . 180 Ba$=mtt, St. 3 SILVER BELL<br />

• Eoyce .. . 31310. dudd 3<br />

the Merchants League and the.'/Iupso n . . 324tLow• Score .. 240' 113 Liberty St. Southinglor<br />

weighed in w•th 511 in•tht•night's• A' SmitN•g5i __; l'oIks -- 31•dern<br />

"final UIt to set a single game. Total , . 14fl6• Total , 1446<br />

'.mark. Mike Mile pounded out 361'•-•. PAUL'S 1ST CONGO No S•<br />

to lead the Jewelers. Adolph Mou-w.°r""''Sh.poard.<br />

•illo'• 328 •as tops for the Clerks. Anderson Wrt ht 374 352 G, Rider Allen<br />

Gahette socked 315 "•the. Hubl•ard<br />

T'rlntet• swept four from the<br />

Bankers. Ge<strong>org</strong>e Nelson hit 325<br />

for the losm's to be tops for the<br />

contesh<br />

Although Jim Skinner sizzled to<br />

the tune of a 38"/ count, the Gould<br />

•Company team easily downed the t<br />

,Post Office Carriers, four ppinta t<br />

t• none..Skinner, whose first two<br />

games •,ere 136-137, had a chance<br />

to crack the mag3c "400" circle:<br />

but missed out in several frames<br />

;of the last game, winding up with<br />

114. Dick Judd poured it on to<br />

, tally :thU for the •,•nnets.<br />

r•WEt.ERS •P. O. CLERKS<br />

. O. Wallace 353 K. Welch<br />

W Height 32.6•K. Judd<br />

eo3.,Brooe 3.,A,<br />

Colonial Theatre<br />


,'ri.. •tS. iG. •7..;s -<br />

On Friday, a special matinee<br />

at 1:30 p.m.<br />

Richard Widmark,<br />

Paul Douglas<br />

in<br />

"Panic In The<br />

Streets"<br />

Also<br />

New<br />

"Girl of My Heart"<br />

Rat. eTA Matinee<br />

"Girl of My Heart"<br />

Selected short subjects<br />

LAKE<br />

/<br />

Total . 16551 Total . 1217<br />


F, Smith , . 305 R. Brayfleld . 208<br />

290 E. Brayfleld . 265<br />

Total .... •-•] Tital 1409<br />

Sen., Men., Oct'. 29,-•0 ---<br />

Jsdy Garland, Gone Kelley iu<br />

At T41e<br />

P 0 P-U-L•A-R--<br />



Fine Food In A<br />

Pleasnnt Atmosphere<br />


SNACKS<br />


Dancing Every Sat. Night<br />

To Orchestra.<br />

We Cater to Parties,<br />

Weddings & Banquels<br />

Apizza Every FrL & Sat.<br />

Tel. Southington 197<br />

YOU can go to FLORIDA<br />


OCTOBER 27 and 28:<br />

• Darnel -<br />

"BLOOD AN<br />

Ha worth<br />

DS•ND"<br />

Also ROY ROGERS m<br />


SUNDAY and MONDAY,<br />

OCTOBER 29 and 30:<br />

C. Colbert and C. Gable in<br />


Also PAT O'BRIEN in<br />



BOX Office Opens 5 p,m,<br />

Show Starts 5:30 p.m.<br />

Complet•e Show Over at<br />

and Guest Cotlagvs<br />

Contact DAVID TREADWAY<br />

lfi•I HIL-L•REST ROAD, WI.•DSOR, Conn. •Tel. 3.2132<br />


WAVERLY 1N-N<br />

CHF•qHIRB<br />


•DANClNd<br />

Plan Your Next Date, -Banquet<br />

or Party nt •e Wa•erly<br />

TeL Ch•hir•<br />

Ta• Cheshire<br />

At MilldMe To O•'Door<br />


DINE--rDANCE<br />

Home Cooked Meal•Apizza<br />

Cot. West & South Center Sts.<br />

Orchestra FH.. Sat.<br />

9 P.M. till 1 A.M.<br />

Phone 1294<br />



Italian Foods Oar Specialty<br />

For Your Dining<br />

and<br />

Dancing Pleasure<br />

bIERIDEN<br />



LUN.CHES ,-- DIN,NF-,R•<br />


467 W. Ma|n St.<br />

•reL 8322<br />

Meriden<br />



33-35 South Grove Street<br />

"Just A Little Street<br />

Where Old Friends Meet"<br />

Telephone Meriden 5-1505<br />

THE 1830 HOUSE<br />

, "affords food at its best"<br />

Luncheons & I)iuners<br />

12:00 lo 2:30 5:00 to 9:00<br />

At The Monument In Meriden<br />

Phone 7-9217 For Eeservations<br />


..... Yotal 1•51 Total . . •S Also Every Fri. Sat,, S•n. RESTAURANT<br />


•"•'•<br />

•. o•..•- '• , ,. "Flaming Fury" •, Wine• Liqeors<br />

• VanGasbeck . 261 Stoughton •2 WATERBURY-MERIDEN ....<br />

• O• 181-83 Main St. Southington<br />

•<br />

• •,•.L••,• • •• "•••<br />

.<br />

V<br />

•uno<br />

Ganette<br />

•<br />

•15Nel•on<br />

Low- Score<br />

"<br />

• Ne•<br />

ROUT•<br />

L• Hitchc•k<br />

6-A<br />

t LIONS<br />

•eesday..Octobe•.3]<br />


•S°•tbingt°•'P•i•vBle<br />

TeL Southingion 289<br />

Hiway<br />

CHOICE<br />

Ope•<br />

FOODS<br />

24 hrs.<br />

&<br />

a<br />


day<br />

Totals 1176 Total 10•0 Viviane Bomance in<br />

SALE OF TOYS Ing.dBergman<br />

- Skmner • •:•,• 387•ou• Lorenzo co. 310<br />

-.... "Carmen" ..................<br />

Clark 276 D. Judd 3• •rlday & Saturday (In ]tallan)<br />

L0W Score 2• Font•.a •7 . Mat. 2:30 p.m. TL NrlC<br />

Tot• • T•al . •0 Vnn Johnson Eves: 7 - 9:30 p,m. • •<br />

" "<br />

FEATL•ING__ THIS BIG • Battle, ound ,c. Colbert.Wednesday'p.GoddardN°"l in AMERICAN P<br />

"So Proudly We<br />

" ' Humphrey ]•gart Hail"<br />

. in Also<br />

Casablanca ,- "Women From LAN<br />

" " P?LA. A ION 00M<br />

•omin•, Thnr•., Fri. •at,, • T<br />

F•IDAY NIGHT IR •ov. 2, 3, 4<br />

: A•I Latex 'S CHILDREN'S N1G](T . Bob Hope in • Cocktail Lounge & Grille<br />

e • Aho Co-feature. N E W A UD I T O R I UM<br />


Records<br />

Reg. $12.50<br />

AVOID I'HE R[,,'•H.<br />

MAPLE OR $4.25<br />

WAX BIRCI!<br />



uSA VE-<br />

20 7o to 50?/o<br />




3 Whiting St•et• Plninville.<br />

MmL-Well.-Fri.<br />

.9 a.m, to 9 p.m.<br />

Tues.-Thers.<br />

Sst.<br />

UNDAY'<br />

A Specialty<br />

We Cater Tt)•-<br />


h| ()ur<br />

";paciou.• Dining Room<br />

(•11<br />

Houthington 12t t<br />

For Your ('hri•tma•<br />

P•'lq Be•er•afion• NOW<br />

Featuring<br />




E•('• SAT. EVENING<br />

L0ng0 &<br />


In Mllldale On The<br />

Mer•den.Waterbury<br />

Aceommode41•ns for 1400 Gu•tt<br />

" ODA<br />


•-- Coach-and-Four •<br />

Cocktail Lounge<br />




AVE., Nr. B<br />


Show Team Blanks Sportsman,<br />

Showing Form Of Champions<br />

Fireworks in the form of high scores developed this<br />

•w•k-••la•'•eve•and•Spo•sman•Grille-teams<br />

The Telephone Company won a!4 l•oses Corkers ]-•. i•.....1.. o.... IT.,. ?R9 T--tal •',' •<br />

pair from the Dogb Angcli Society• • • I•(•1•1g•$• lt•lg• • •u••<br />

rollers Flynasocked amesof126 •]• •t,• • •.......I --<br />

123-12• for a .h,5 •unt for th• • . "• ,1 • • 'vet Dutlatoes I• rexto •OOO<br />

winners. Cnrbonc s J.]3 paced the ' ]•ID •al •fal e •oe$ - t .<br />

losers. ' T•.c were no clean swee ' Aided by their 26-pin handicap, the Machine t<br />

met in a YMCA Bowling League match. Pat Testa led the Crosby's •wnmowers suffered 'm ttches in the Southingtm• Hard- m<br />

- a regularly scheduled Pexto League contest. Burkhardt<br />

consistent Della .Neve scoring with 863. Joe Tellerico of<br />

their losing first two setback games toof the Cauntre season, ,•,a].e All wlmurs Bo•'bnghadL(.a•ue th• same lastmargln week. 'had the ma•h •I• forwith tile 319. victors. Bailey - ..... of the• losers %• •a8 tops for<br />

the losers made a big pitch to keep his team in the running,<br />

turning in games of 186-124-110--37(} to be tops for Restaurant. Joe Crispino crackv• of th,ee pants to one ovcq their. Andy •mcak h•t 322 and Chick )t HO•8 •ooled•<br />

the contest. The Della Neve lads, defending champs, took 331 to pace the winners. Armand opponents. Scbumann had 331 to give the:<br />

tall three games. ......... Navarette's :163 was tops for the Gemge Cupma and Joe Rungi Foundry an easy<br />

Phill•es, Sex Divlde<br />

The PhilBes and Red<br />

vided four points in their4•"<br />

League match Friday night<br />

YMCA Rowling Alleys. •.<br />

gillo had 341 for<br />

Mackey score 317 far<br />

Joe Crispino'a 286<br />

to a three-point edge<br />

Yankees. Jim Tonotti'a-272<br />

tops for the Yankees.<br />

The Qui=ipiac Package Store ]Club. Ray Hubbard helped the win- lo•ers, teamed up to tails 295 each as the Light Machine, y team. Matt w.•h!Mis,its Miss It L. ¢,,,.,.o.. •...,,,<br />

•oys •wept three from the Boycc • mag cause with 342. Tony Velodota<br />

•r Comp•hy. J. Ohala •ppedlhad 317 to lead the Moosemem<br />

4 v'as be• •h• losers. •appear again •his wcek• the A•<br />

Bob Sheppard came up with a]water Manufac•,?ring team rolled<br />

••m•noth•. •hutout•natch by forfeit.<br />

victory, th•$ time over the Moose I!ed the rolloff with •22.<br />

;k three-g'a ne w n was scored by Fern l,oses topped the Snot• Shoes• baited 31(; fo• +•'e losers<br />

the Exch.a.ngr Club when the l•cco •eol• h•q 27• fo• the best •The Sqna•es copped three points I Tommy .Galiette pegged a 272<br />

Sheppnrd ..<br />

match. Jack Dalton's 334 led the the Old Crows, paced by Joe:, o s-arked•• ht am• •nda'•tom rmana<br />

E•ng•. •am in its roloff t•%l. -,trois•26. beat the P pe• Bm•.._0. Mau'• o of the- o•e ....... s •t•'"•'•s best toe xlo• ..............<br />

leans n to. I • 's low •,M.<br />

' " . : " , for the. match wit•24. I uownng-Lea• ut toe lsowting<br />

DELLA • •P•R• , xs sth 289. ""• } aries.- ee •" "• w'ts the boa + 231rJ. Tonnottl ...<br />

g. •.,a•o . •o•s • •.•+;..h. *..... h *h. C..t..• •.'the Polish rs J Mon•fllo had 31 '• The Belles we • t par f'om the<br />

Iganute ' a•victory over the Lucky Sevens. fm the defeated team. Ltghta. Ge<strong>org</strong>mnna Gaehew•cz<br />

............ •t , . Hi-Way Restaurant<br />

' •....•.•_ .. •7,Tommy Giles of the losing team WithM,koMflo's33'•badlagthe scored 295 to lead the wmners, n•€,•, • "t" • y- '<br />

W•D •0• WATC• TO R•PA• •o•c• •M•a •Ot•mtA• •.-, topped all scmers with 317. way. the Mace Room took three Best for the lo•ers aqd •gh for In their •ost•oned Tox•m L•e<br />

WE ALSO REPAIR CLOCKS A• JEWELRY •. •e . . •O%hal a [•. Top score of the week 328 was from the Inspectors Phil D'Agos- the match was M. Battmta's 310. , h ,..•,•'•<br />

ENGRAVING A •PECIALTY •o •1•°z°wsk' • posted b•AI,Giom as lhe •lle•tmoN SIS •,ms•igh for the ln- Lo•ise,Li•orL pounded out 317,:<br />

• • • • • • • •@ Martin ' .. " •7:J. O•a•a •3Z Ikayoed the 2oppers Angle L n- sp•.ctors lhe mght s•gh •cor•as th• B.G. si from the Kni• of<br />

............ Tots 1425• Tots 15• dmo contmued hm steady bowljng DeMauuole went wdd, sco•ing .... Ray Hubbard •l•d belted •56 356 fo•'•'<br />

winners. Gugliotti had 327 for•:<br />

• Casey " "[ •8•rght + 318 W Mckay l•'DAunno ' ]•]f'onthe lackers. Gesters 282was he lound-To "ne• drew a bye; ington Iligh •hool end, "11 mO•'C IHIWAY<br />

.....•..... W. Sheppard 106 B. Qumlan 2671Hoyt •I•MACHINE nOOM 'PAINTERS rolled off. Phvlbs WRt sco•d 2• game tomorrow afternoon after M chaud .... •Hubbar•<br />

•otal<br />

312•1.<br />

BETTeRTHA•<br />

for Poulby, flo.g Hous•<br />

and Barn Wfndows<br />

Made Better--Last Longer<br />

EXCH'NGE<br />


Beck .... 284• (Forfeit)<br />

, ROUND-TOWN'S<br />

OFFICE •OLISHERS S Wendt 2.57<br />

Total ,. Total 1318 : W Derynoskt 307'C,•rbone •34 ] •'ania . 257•<br />

, • : -- Ht•shak 337-•dwards 252 +Wttt ' . 2771 BYE<br />

H 1 I O S d:St•.. ...... m.:+.Mo.ou,a..++,•++,+•.++ "<br />

, o e n ne core =,Sabatena 263tLow Score P.•5+ Total 9151<br />

i By Marty Phe la• • Totals 1372' Total<br />

--<br />

1318 __ I I<br />

• J M o 197 J Tonnott 2SR<br />

blt'. and Mrs. Rtchm.d Homewood l•4t Country Cltth L noldt • •O•'R.<br />

• ReaidenceJ•64.-R ___ Office 378<br />


Be Good to Your Eyes !<br />

'<br />

• ' . ) • . 'DeLuco 311 Phil D'A 318<br />

hake moved from • 124 Bmlm ' A• "- Marttn G. I helan South•ngton ; naacp dog p•l o,<br />

A<br />

enue into then" new home on Cen- Hi,.h Schoo• nrincl-al who has M. MIle 333'Salzlno 305<br />

tel Stl•et, Wolcott. tbeen an ardent golfer for many l Handlcav 91<br />

Mi•s Lottie Bennett of Main years, scored his first hole-in-ono• Total •-• Total •-•<br />


Street was a member of the large SatntMay afternoon He canned his<br />

172-yard shot on the seventh Gester 282'Bennett<br />

Every •.enny Spent For•<br />

Callahan 287' DeManuele<br />

the annual State Grange conven- a real dea.d-center shot; that took. Malls 28t'Wrlaht<br />

a couple of bounces after it hit I Analletta •02,Wlelgoa ' IS An Investment In The Protection Of Eyesight<br />

OeSorbo 165'Tarantino<br />

the green and dropped into the lMastrlannl 176 +<br />

boys' wear!<br />

• + , Total 1441, Total 1538<br />

AI * P•,,It•.o t At the time Marty ".,'as play- t '<br />

•. l er, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Coy and Bob Gilpatr/ck. ; a. Knox Sta, lings of 103 Berlin [ TASKS . __• COMFORT /<br />

Sotlsfaclion bl0re • I / v " /-<br />

•OU can Identitl /hit bmmccdC°7'httngjustahead°f"Malty'"IAvenue<br />

the pin x•ith his tee shot undergoing-treatme,t•eet._ and the Bradley is Memorial Hospital. •[<br />

w.,• s,ot,•= w•.so. •.. NOW OPEN ,•,,-•y •ro•t • • •o. ,,-• he,.. •t ,,-o•k •t t• •<br />

:r,mtd terlal by the Name"Warps" [ l'helan's was the third he e-n- B'adlev Memorial Hospi•l to Mr<br />

oath, FOR BUSINESS , . •<br />

and the Product Name printed •<br />

. . . •one scored this season at the • and M•s. Walter Dillon of 29 Taun- •<br />

on the+•ge of Eve• YI•.<br />

Full<br />

- •<br />

L•ne of Liquors,<br />

"<br />

Wanes<br />

. -- •Southln•on Country Club. Dan<br />

i<br />

: ton Stt•et..h"<br />

• s<br />

. Dillon is the for-<br />

•a •rs. Yes, we dehver<br />

311 • • • -.. ". •De•o ac• the same hbie earlier 'ram Mi•s Mar•ret Stewart, who<br />

',Manufactured by W•RP BROS. cKIcoI0 uent• •t.. "leh 174s I this year while Edd• DeMatteis taught for several yea•s at the<br />

• .oulh,n.tan •ho,ed out on the 1,0-yard fifth North •enter and •eecher Street •O•o•6 • t H•LP YOU •<br />

STORM COATS ++" ' +=='<br />

ave It e.•• ! ,,•u.,M• I WINTER EVENINGS<br />

To Ge<strong>org</strong>e. •t'• • ' I • = m_= = • I the ch•ful light o+<br />

" •)•• OF YOUR • •rmble I•. • • h•-<br />

•x/• I • • • v I•asiv6 beautiful models<br />

. . tar th s H?re's a hp to the ladies. Don't worry ••• l •"• '- l•ur p•amp dealer's<br />

about that 'tough weather ahead. Our •<br />

k' ad c storm coals solve that problem. They re<br />

we• S • w•l gabardine . .. fully lined with all- HOW About Ch•kln• Up Tonight In Your Home•<br />

w•l alpaca pile t•immed with gen- Y• probably will • surprised at the humor of plac• wh• you •n<br />

on . an uine mouton collar . . in grey, green additional lam• to improve seeing •d incre•e cozin•s in living.<br />

men's<br />

d<br />

and blue. Sizes 10-18.<br />

Where there are children it • doubly•m•rtant to provide g•d light, pro•ly<br />

placed and correctly diffus• to prevent gl•e and iniurio• ey•t•in.<br />

One way to keep that little boy Of. yours warm (and<br />

healthy) this winter is to invest in one of our snow<br />

suits, They're-gabardine shell, alpaca lined eeat,<br />

mouton collar with matching hat and fleece-lined<br />

leggings. Sizes .• to 6x.<br />

- Complete $15.9.•<br />

The Southington Community Chest Campaign<br />

is underway. Don't let yo.ur friends and netghbars<br />

down. E+:erybody gwe.q--everybody benefits!<br />

Th• sign at the left is for<br />

• .- illegal shift or motion. The.<br />

peaalty is five yards. Us<br />

•" nall•, it's a backfield in<br />

I motion that Gooses the<br />

lroable.<br />

. Table Lamp at $9.95 • I<br />

. Sw'ngBridge°rFl°°rLamp$14"9• " • I "<br />

• " BOYS STORM COATS ' •:-• / I<br />

• lined, with all-wool alpaca pile with<br />

• • gennio• moaton fur collar. If yea are<br />

For Information Or SerVice Call<br />


• We also ha•e a fine selec4ioa of boy.'<br />

T<br />

From<br />

•• slzesflanncl'6 toW°el20, and cordaroy •hlrts, ,2+o PORTABLE ,LAMPS NOWl<br />

Visit your appliance dcalcr or our storc while ,there •e<br />


St•ks df lamps dcsigned for eyesight c•cr•a•on •<br />

dccor•don.<br />


THE<br />

co<br />

Meride• .....

College Grid Eleven<br />

h Veekend; All Lose<br />


;seven of Comtecticut's college, football teams went<br />

to take on a mournful aspect -- Three of the<br />

from the unbeaten ranks.<br />

%0 at the hands<br />

Big Red team from ,°n the chin by one touchdown tit<br />

was not unexpected and i Bridgep°rt wt• Br;dgepo• Teach-<br />

. .closeness of the f nn tay ,ere. sprin•ing another upset•<br />

-- "ndi ate that Jell • Herman , Marne r•]ed m the final permd to<br />

•l's •w is not •ne to be mg •e UConns xx•th a 16-7 loss,<br />

•nside• The Trinity 'another not unexpected outcome--'<br />

trimmed Wesleyan_ Am-<br />

College••h•t topp• Coast Gua• Acad-<br />

•e upsets of the cum•<br />

•<br />

•t<br />

s<br />

e<br />

a<br />

-<br />

' emy •nd Montelair Tefic•e• fi.•- .<br />

•0• Coach uan• Jesse's. T•in- ped Ne• Britain Teachers--The._<br />

touted as one of latter team has Co-Captmn Tony<br />

• •ally great teams--Result? r•Ma,,Bo•sek and Joe A•ams,<br />

-•6o;u, defeat•New Haven Teach- all of •uthmK[on. and Lenny:<br />

•, p•vlously unbea•n, took tt Bowman of Phunvflh, among zts<br />

fit•t clgh• backs•N ce trlbnte tv<br />

the coaching ability of Jot, Fentans<br />

and Ted Knutek--<br />


Arm)'s Black Kmghts may be<br />

rated tops by many of the natiou's<br />

spo•Xs•-•te• but this corn-<br />

tIOOVER<br />

& SERVICE<br />

Kay Furniture<br />

Co., Inc.<br />

Across "the Green<br />

-Southin•'ox,<br />

such time as Coach Earl Bhuk's<br />

fr• end to en•ueh top t•mk-<br />



l<br />

•,•,•,,• ,,,,,e• nds•d-often<br />

we mislay receipts which are important to<br />

both home and business bookkeeping.<br />

_ •cMng_Rec•unt can simplify both<br />

bookkeeping and save embara.•.•ment. We haxe<br />

a checking service lot- every need. Ask us about<br />

them.<br />

OPEN 6:30 TO 8:00 P.M. FRIDAYS<br />

Dame and the Big Ten college<br />

elevens, then maybe they'll rate<br />

national honors--<br />

It was long shot day Saturda•<br />

co the major racing wheels<br />

throughout the east, as surprise<br />


St. Mary's Grid Gtmte<br />

Mow,d UI$ To Not,. 1<br />

Tile football game between<br />

Coach Joe Fontana% Sonthiagton<br />

High eleven and St. Mary's<br />

ltigh, originals schedaled for<br />

the purses in the major slake<br />

ahead to Weduesda3, November<br />

events--Aunt Jinny, piloted by.<br />

1. Game time is 2 p.m. at New<br />

the veteran Nick Wall, copped<br />

Haven. This •lll be the semi.<br />

the Demoiselle Stakes at Jamaica<br />

to earu more than $30,(J00 for<br />

final game of tim season, leaving<br />

oul• the contest at Plainowner<br />

Duval Headley--Jinny<br />

"ville on No, ember II Io follow.<br />

paid. off at a rate of $27.30 per<br />

deuct•Frank lichen% $7,500 in- 'yea• m tht. p•o g•td hmp--Rlghtly<br />

re(merit ill• II last win- so bt,edust, the meat [ho•ns took<br />

ter paid off a neat divi-d•nd •---l•.l•-t-he chin •t Ntq• Yt,•k Sun2<br />

Garden State Park as the horse da• ft2• the st.c•md time th• se•-<br />

rabbed the $30.000 T r e n • o n , son ab Coach Ste•c Oxxen'8 wily<br />

15-1. ,aon tke•]•hingtan•l•ndicap<br />

at Laurel Park, Mar)-<br />

land--Great Day for the "stabers'•Lincoln<br />

Down,• is slated<br />

Io open Monday at Lincolu, It. 1.,<br />

for its meet which is slated to<br />

ran until about the time suo•<br />

Nev, England are•Lt•al horse<br />

fanciers •ill be out in force for<br />

this meet, their last chance to<br />

"get even" for the long 1930<br />

•-•ff,. fizz beloW- IhHv•<br />

dards--<br />

thankm• their lucky stats that<br />

•th. N-• York Gm•ts agmn this<br />




EVENINGt 8:30<br />

AT<br />

SOI"rHIN•FON lllGll<br />

For Information Write<br />

Box213. •uthington P. O.<br />

1947--Marry Phelan, Southlngton<br />

High School principal, an ardent<br />

golfers for many years, scored<br />

his first hole-in-one Saturday on<br />

Spiders, Crickets,<br />

Fleas, Ticks Win<br />

the seventh hole at the Southing- Allied Encounters<br />

ton CounhT Club•Southington Pete l'rocko showed the way<br />

Sunday in the form of a strong the Spiders won three points from<br />

Bronx Clipper eleven mid lost 28- lthe Termites this week in their<br />

6..- Coach Bob Boland's AC lads Allied Control League contest at<br />

face the Nomvich Bulldogs here at<br />

2:15 SundAy--They now have a<br />

record of one win, two losses and<br />

ont, tie for the season--Charlie<br />

Keller, former great New York<br />

Yankee outfielder now with the<br />

Detroit Tigers,•be]t•d • hol•i-n.on•e"<br />

Su_nday at the Blythefleld •Counl•<br />

Club at Grand Rapids, Mich.--<br />

this •veekend,•-h•-Souththe<br />

Bowling Lanes. Bob Okenquist<br />

had 304 fox' the Termites' top<br />

Theresa Suchar steeled off wi*.h<br />

mild 87 game then came through<br />

with 130 attd 120 to total<br />

the Fleas stu•g the Bees to the<br />

tune of three points. Frank Nev-<br />

•elos•rolled•310 for the Iosera.<br />

The;. r.. i. .h.ut ,12,0ot•fam•nhqor•Gountr-y-Gtub•,,qH--be--open- The Ticks<br />

p is,.,, t. x• ch he (;•tts stage[onv on •eekends•"Bud" Hi•ns I "' .<br />

- . • ' . .. . •.'•Mumon hurleda steady •7 count<br />

h ,s th,, lust t.m, m the Brown's • kept open for pay as long as the •pace m• • ...<br />

and b) . •=ngh, team•The •s tutMay and it's beginning to look Four points went to the Crickets<br />

Ang•,lcs Ram• •ct a m.t• league •as though Coach Ben Schwartz- by folffcit when only thee of the<br />

scotmg nmtk a• the3 pushed to a•Walder's Big Orange eleven_ is ; A• a•d for their matc• W.<br />

7o-27 •in .•.z thv hapless •1•- +hended for vne of its bets sea- • Ristow hit 288 in the rolloff.<br />

; ,<br />

dle•et•hl champ, lakes on Tony<br />

Jamro toninht in a 10-round<br />

bout at Madi,,oa •qtlare Garden<br />

in Xe• • ork•Graziano, •o<br />

against St. 3I y's High .rod thr a dra• m the ..ame riug March<br />

fmal at l'lamvtlle November 11 31--Tont•ht'• retnrn boat will<br />

C.ach Ted Kllutek's Phdn- pro+e exacll 3 nothlug--Bocky is<br />

vltle H•gh t,leven•Blg te•t of the making another<br />


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