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• .~ , . " ,'. ~mIL. ______________ .... e 2 - WecI., MardI 22, .117 - 'I1IE SOUI1fINGTON NEWS .; . , " _ _ I _.: _ . _ - • • or 'f' • • !. . t; · ~&lbolit Church Calendar IMMAcuLATE CONCEPTION ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 130 Summer Sireel The Rev. Falher Alexander Tanski. Pas lor 7. 8:ta and 9.:W am. Low Ma~:lc~ 10..15 .t.m . IhCh Md~~ MARY. OUR QUEEN ROMAN CATHOLIC CIIVRCH The Rev. Falher James Sull' van. Pas lor 7 ~O. K :.JO. H -I~J ,lI1d 11 .t III ~t.J:':'l'!\ ST. ALOYSIUS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BurrUI Streel. MUidaie file Rev. Falher Rob'!.n Chagnon. Pas lor 7. 8.1a. \I JO und 10 -15 dill Masses ST. THOMAS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 99 Brisiol Slreel The Rev. Falher MI.hael S. Mel'erry, Paslor 6. 7 JO. 8 ~5. 10 lind 11 I:, a 111 Ma~:-'l':' dt ilu.' dlUIt: h H -I!J dlld 10 dill . Md:-':-'l':-' at Sl Thul11"~ ~choul .JUdltollUI1I !J JO J. m . Ma:-.:-. dt Th.llbc..'1 J.: . Slhooi First Lutheran Brlslol at Chestnut Sis. Rev, Carl E. Moberg. Pastor Today: 1:30 p.m. Executive Boan! of Lutheran Chun:h Women an1 Clrrle leadenl meet In the lounge. 8 p.m. Upsala CoUege Choir al SI. John's Chun:h, Stamford. Ro'Jert HettUnger, member of the parish. sings In this synodl.­ al .0Uege choir. Holy ThUniday: 7:30 a.m. Ma· I tins. 4:30 p.m. Th~ Ho\J( Com· ;. munion. 7:30 p.m. The "HolY. ' Communion. 1:30 p.m. Joanna • CIn:\e. . I" Good Friday: 1:30. p.m. Even.. Ini Prayer including reading of Passion or st. John and Tenebrae of Holy Saturday. Saturday: 9 a.m. Children' s and Junior Choirs. Easter Sunday, the Festival of the Resurrection. Lesson: Isaiah 25-&-9; EplsUe: 1 Cor. 15:20-26; Holy Gosptl: SI. Mark 16: 1·7. 9 and 10:30 a.m. Festival Serv­ Ices of WOnlhip. 11:30 a.m. The Sacrament of the Altar (10:30 service serving as "the service 01 the Word" for this celebra· lion. 9 a.m. Sunday Church School 10 a.m. Corlee Hour. Tuesday. 7:30 p.m. Finance Committee. 7:30 p.m. BuUdlng Committee (tentative). Easter Sunday all four choirs of the parish will be pWtlcipat­ Ing In the worship services. The serdor and the Jurdor choirs. un· der the direction of Mrs. How· an! McCarthy and Mrs. George Reed respectively. will sing al the 9 a.m. service. The chapel choir with Mrs. HUdred Rehn as dlreclor, and the chUdren's choir. Miss Dolores Burkhardt, director, will sing at the 10:30 a.m. service. Those who would wish 10 present an Easter illy or other plant 10 add to the festive appearance or the sanctuary on Easter morning are asked to contact Mrs. Rudolph Weckworth at 628- You, !Ioou,htful f1owo .. poy ~., ........ utlf.1 ..... '11 ......... . n ••• , .,.01.1 oc •• ,I.", .lth h., f ••• rllo flow... 0' 1,1 flow, .. lI\.b 0 .'0.1,1 0 .... 10. of ,.., ",y. TIl. I....... of f1owo .. .,.... .0 .,11 10 ho, .f yo •. s.. Our Wid. $oIoction MYREN BROS. - florists - T,I. '21.1169 366 IRISTOL STREET SOUTHINGTON News of Holy Trinity I'OLl5H NATIONAL CATHOl.lC REV. FRANCm~CZESNY PASTOR MRS. JOSEPH STANISH ORGANIST Holy Thursday. Mass and Procession to the Repository al 6 p.m. Confession will be held prior 10 mass. Good Friday, Mass and Adoration or The Cross al 10 a.m. Lenten Services at 6:00 p.m. 3rd part "Go ... kle Zale" Bitter Lamentation. Following the services a rehearsal will be held for the nower girls and adults that are going 10 take pari In the Easler Sunday Procession. Holy Saturday. Mass al 10 a.m. Blessing of Fire and Waler. FoUowlng Mass Father Szczesny will visit the homes of the parishioners to bless the Easler food. Parishioners observing the CWltom are asked to call Mr. Adolph Wleigosh or Mrs WU­ \lam Peel

Jfis~ Mastrianni Will Be Married ~.navid Alfano JANICE MASTRIANNI M I ~ s Jan Ice Mastrianni, daughter of Mr_ and Mrs. DminIc Mastrlannl of 283 MW St., is engaged to Mr, David J . Alfano, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jsepb Alfano of96 Hlgbwood Ave. A June 3 wedding Is planned. Mis. MastrJanru Is a graduate of Southington Higb School and Is employed at the Pratt & WhItney Division of United AIrcraft Corp. In Southington. Her fiance attended South­ Ington High School and served four years In Ibe United States AIr Force_ He Is attending Ward Technlcal Institute In Hartford. Coming Events Justine A. Scott, Robert Pqtrepka W ill Be Married JUSTINE ANN SCOTJ' Miss Justine Ann Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark A Scott of 75 Brookvlew Ave, Waterbury, is engaged to Mr. Robert F. Potrepka, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Potrepka of 35 Carter Lane, PlantsvWe, A September 2 wedding is planned In St_ Francis xavier Church In Waterbury. TODAY: Jaycee W,ves meet at Peterson's Inn, Plainville at 7 p.m. C ham b e r Ball Committee A graduate of Waterbury meets at 8 p.m. m the Chamber Catholic Hlgb School, MIss Scott of Commerce office. is employed In the traffic de- Arts and Crafts Association par~ent of the Southern New meet. at 8 p.m. In the Historical England Telephone Co. Room of the PubUc Library to Mr. Potrepka is a graduate of see a demonstration of figure SouthingtonHlgbScboolandwW and portrllit work by WWlam receive bls B.S. degree In June Thomson of Bristol. A short an- from the School of Pharmacy of nual meeting will be held. KnigljlB of Columbus, Isabella the University of Connecticut. _______ COUDCU 15, 3rd degree, meet at WILLIAM BOLZA Knights of Columbus HaUonH- A son, WWlam, was born to A~Y~THURXAC1v-~A'!~~~ ~ ~ a"fl!iati,Y of th'~Uf"i!~- _ • I MIJI' BpJ,za,,1a lIIe fo"",er Ulss

•<br />

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, .<br />

" ,'.<br />

~mIL. ______________<br />

.... e 2 - WecI., MardI 22, .117 - 'I1IE SOUI1fINGTON NEWS<br />

.; . ,<br />

" _ _ I _.: _ . _<br />

- • • or<br />

'f' • • !. . t;<br />

· ~&lbolit<br />

Church<br />

Calendar<br />



130 Summer Sireel<br />

The Rev. Falher<br />

Alexander Tanski. Pas lor<br />

7. 8:ta and 9.:W am. Low<br />

Ma~:lc~<br />

10..15 .t.m . IhCh Md~~<br />



The Rev. Falher James Sull'<br />

van.<br />

Pas lor<br />

7 ~O. K :.JO. H -I~J ,lI1d 11 .t III<br />

~t.J:':'l'!\<br />



BurrUI Streel. MUidaie<br />

file Rev. Falher<br />

Rob'!.n Chagnon. Pas lor<br />

7. 8.1a. \I JO und 10 -15 dill<br />

Masses<br />

ST. THOMAS<br />


99 Brisiol Slreel<br />

The Rev. Falher<br />

MI.hael S. Mel'erry, Paslor<br />

6. 7 JO. 8 ~5. 10 lind 11 I:,<br />

a 111 Ma~:-'l':' dt ilu.' dlUIt: h<br />

H -I!J dlld 10 dill . Md:-':-'l':-' at<br />

Sl Thul11"~ ~choul .JUdltollUI1I<br />

!J JO J. m . Ma:-.:-. dt Th.llbc..'1 J.:<br />

. Slhooi<br />

First<br />

Lutheran<br />

Brlslol at Chestnut Sis.<br />

Rev, Carl E. Moberg. Pastor<br />

Today: 1:30 p.m. Executive<br />

Boan! of Lutheran Chun:h Women<br />

an1 Clrrle leadenl meet In<br />

the lounge.<br />

8 p.m. Upsala CoUege Choir al<br />

SI. John's Chun:h, Stamford.<br />

Ro'Jert HettUnger, member of<br />

the parish. sings In this synodl.­<br />

al .0Uege choir.<br />

Holy ThUniday: 7:30 a.m. Ma·<br />

I tins. 4:30 p.m. Th~ Ho\J( Com·<br />

;. munion. 7:30 p.m. The "HolY. '<br />

Communion. 1:30 p.m. Joanna<br />

• CIn:\e. .<br />

I" Good Friday: 1:30. p.m. Even..<br />

Ini Prayer including reading of<br />

Passion or st. John and Tenebrae<br />

of Holy Saturday.<br />

Saturday: 9 a.m. Children' s<br />

and Junior Choirs.<br />

Easter Sunday, the Festival of<br />

the Resurrection. Lesson: Isaiah<br />

25-&-9; EplsUe: 1 Cor. 15:20-26;<br />

Holy Gosptl: SI. Mark 16: 1·7.<br />

9 and 10:30 a.m. Festival Serv­<br />

Ices of WOnlhip. 11:30 a.m. The<br />

Sacrament of the Altar (10:30<br />

service serving as "the service<br />

01 the Word" for this celebra·<br />

lion.<br />

9 a.m. Sunday Church School<br />

10 a.m. Corlee Hour.<br />

Tuesday. 7:30 p.m. Finance<br />

Committee. 7:30 p.m. BuUdlng<br />

Committee (tentative).<br />

Easter Sunday all four choirs<br />

of the parish will be pWtlcipat­<br />

Ing In the worship services. The<br />

serdor and the Jurdor choirs. un·<br />

der the direction of Mrs. How·<br />

an! McCarthy and Mrs. Ge<strong>org</strong>e<br />

Reed respectively. will sing al<br />

the 9 a.m. service.<br />

The chapel choir with Mrs.<br />

HUdred Rehn as dlreclor, and<br />

the chUdren's choir. Miss Dolores<br />

Burkhardt, director, will<br />

sing at the 10:30 a.m. service.<br />

Those who would wish 10 present<br />

an Easter illy or other plant<br />

10 add to the festive appearance<br />

or the sanctuary on Easter<br />

morning are asked to contact<br />

Mrs. Rudolph Weckworth at 628-<br />

You, !Ioou,htful f1owo .. poy ~.,<br />

........ utlf.1 ..... '11 ......... .<br />

n ••• , .,.01.1 oc •• ,I.", .lth h.,<br />

f ••• rllo flow... 0' 1,1 flow, ..<br />

lI\.b 0 .'0.1,1 0 .... 10. of ,..,<br />

",y. TIl. I....... of f1owo ..<br />

.,.... .0 .,11 10 ho, .f yo •.<br />

s.. Our Wid. $oIoction<br />


- florists -<br />

T,I. '21.1169<br />



News of<br />

Holy Trinity<br />



PASTOR<br />



Holy Thursday. Mass and Procession<br />

to the Repository al 6<br />

p.m. Confession will be held<br />

prior 10 mass.<br />

Good Friday, Mass and Adoration<br />

or The Cross al 10 a.m. Lenten<br />

Services at 6:00 p.m. 3rd<br />

part "Go ... kle Zale" Bitter Lamentation.<br />

Following the services<br />

a rehearsal will be held for<br />

the nower girls and adults that<br />

are going 10 take pari In the<br />

Easler Sunday Procession.<br />

Holy Saturday. Mass al 10<br />

a.m. Blessing of Fire and Waler.<br />

FoUowlng Mass Father Szczesny<br />

will visit the homes of the parishioners<br />

to bless the Easler<br />

food. Parishioners observing the<br />

CWltom are asked to call Mr.<br />

Adolph Wleigosh or Mrs WU­<br />

\lam Peel

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