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, oman's Club Displays<br />

:Hand-Made Sewn Items<br />

• The Woman's .<br />

Mary Annor was first chOIce of<br />

. the judges for knitted articles.<br />

The round yoke pattern was carried<br />

out In white, llght blue .Ind<br />

dark red.<br />

Mrs. Anthony Perillo won top<br />

place In the crewel section for a<br />

s mill embroidered angel<br />

dressed in white agamst a blue<br />

background Two small sllll-liCe<br />

pie t u res put Mrs. Willlam<br />

lIelghl in flfst place for pamt­<br />

Ings category. Marsha Masthay,<br />

Courth year art student at the<br />

University of HarlIord, judged<br />

lhe art work .<br />

Mrs. Titus Masthay judged the<br />

kn!tting and crewel work and<br />

Mrs. ~:rnestFontonella the sewing<br />

and knitting. The judges all<br />

agreed their job Was a dtIflcult<br />

one due to the-altractlveness of<br />

the articles entered and the sk!ll<br />

with which they were made<br />

An 1nterestmg varIety Of creations<br />

were dIsplayed, includIng<br />

draped fabric hats, a crocheted<br />

popcorn bedspread and d s tunn­<br />

Ing hooked rug WIth tan background<br />

brown, red and touches<br />

of green and yellow<br />

One woman made an unusual<br />

Della Robbla wreath, fashioned<br />

on a basket-Ilke foundation of<br />

antiqued artificial nowers and<br />

frultaand real gUllded nuts<br />

quantity and varIety ot artICles<br />

entered. Aside from lhe everpopular<br />

pictures, some women<br />

made attractive handbags and<br />

one ereated an Interesting<br />

sleeveless topper<br />

Junior Women's Unit<br />

Distributes Booklets<br />

The comcrvation commillee<br />

oC the Junior Woman', Club IS<br />

distribUting pamphlets of the<br />

state bird and flower to all<br />

fourth grader" through School<br />

Sup!. John (; I.'arr. A, theIr<br />

mam project of the year. the<br />

commIttee is setting up a wtld<br />

life ~anctuary thIS spring<br />

The pamphlets dre bemg obtained<br />

through the cooperation<br />

of Mrs. Ella T (,rasso, 'coretar)'<br />

of state. They mclude ptCtures<br />

and descnpllons of the<br />

state bird, flower, tree, flag,<br />

great seal and state capItol The<br />

fourth grade was chosen to receive<br />

the pamphlets they study<br />

the htstory of Connc

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