Letter from JDC, New York to Dr. David Desola Pool - JDC - Archives

Letter from JDC, New York to Dr. David Desola Pool - JDC - Archives

Letter from JDC, New York to Dr. David Desola Pool - JDC - Archives


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0 0 p y<br />

From: J. D. 'J., Nev. \otk<br />

To: fef. <strong>David</strong> DePols <strong>Pool</strong>, J. D. 0., Jerusalem.<br />

Ke h-^ve examined the Kevember reports for<br />

nnd find the following:<br />

Palestine<br />

1 - On sheet #7 under the he-ding of "Loans tc In-Jividu-^s", there<br />

is sn item listed as "Amounts Unrecoverable — <strong>to</strong> the Ircn Workshop,<br />

Sharre, Tors, Jaffa, 415." It"would be well in this c?e •s.h^re you<br />

have the definite information th> t this lo'tn is unrecoverable <strong>to</strong>put<br />

it under s. rerrective General Relief tev-'in.~. In this a-.rti3ular<br />

of.se, if you agree'; it might be *?ell <strong>to</strong> put t i? iten I.rs ith "Horksh&ps."<br />

• • '<br />

2 - On sheet f7 "Amounts in Suspense," there is »n item listed there,<br />

"Mr. Janovsky, Jaffa, or, rsicunt of Transfer Expense? -<strong>from</strong> Tiberiss,<br />

fee ?5."<br />

We wi.ll appreciate it if you Kill give us additional inform 1 :ticn<br />

in this connection.<br />

' . - . . " " • . . • - '<br />

5 - In the- Oc<strong>to</strong>ber rt;ort on ehc t *'J in the Tiberias column, the 'T.ount<br />

on hand as of September 20 is fe* 9.h?5, while in the Novr.^h: r statement<br />

this amount is listed unctr Disbursements • nd Expenditures HF a debit<br />

••it the beginning of the month. This is net cPite clear.<br />

4 - On r r ;ge ? '"'5 line .14, there i? listed tr\ item of i=e4 under n Dy{sascus w<br />

without '.ay -details on sheet ?6 under the heading of "Relief of Persons<br />

5 - The sarne applies tc item !i?\ on t-ige 5 under 55"tion f fce 5.<br />

6 - In polusm 16 under "Refunds, etc." line »5 <strong>from</strong> Tiberias Officd,<br />

on Recount of ct ?h balance at the end of September '3f0, there is listed<br />

an amount of Le TOO. This we do net -uite understand because in your<br />

Oc<strong>to</strong>ber statement under Tiberias, you list fce 9.895';<br />

rron; the t^c report?- on htnd, these of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 'nd November it<br />

is evident th< t the?e nx not strictly reports of Gush Receipt? • nd 0-sh<br />

Disbursements, end ae, therefore, think it v-ould be best if in the future<br />

you would restrict yourself entirely in these reports <strong>to</strong> O&sh transactions<br />

only, so^th t eny bal&ncea t! t you may report v-17 be only such balances .<<br />

as can be supported by actual bank statements •ad amounts on h«^nd.<br />

: -<br />

fte realize, however, tr, c t in order th'-t you -• \ shov in the<br />

first place the true financial £t- tus cf the Palestine Office, -.rid slso<br />

the true financial activities of the particular bills involved, it id<br />

slmoet essential that you submit in ;:d J ition '-•• E't terpen t which «culc be >.<br />

true Incose and Expenditure account. It rill, therefore, be a^rejiH.hl©.,-^'^r

m IX .:'<br />

•w<br />

<strong>to</strong> us if in addition <strong>to</strong> the purely Jssh fteeei; fes »:nd Di^bt-r-ements<br />

reports, ycu aire submit rt-uVr In-ic^e *-rd Fxr end! tuff<br />

c<br />

Account, and also a Tri-1 Balance cf yrur General Lt :?cr *t<br />

the end of each month.;<br />

fte v-ish <strong>to</strong> ell <strong>to</strong> your attention ih t -t this writing,<br />

we h:-ve not received any reports subeeeuent <strong>to</strong> November 19?0,<br />

but *c presume that thee must be or their ?.- v by this time,<br />

fte would thank you <strong>to</strong> give the tiScVe nusttcrp your e-rly 'tten-<br />

* icn.<br />

! IS.EK.<br />

Comptroller, JO I NT DlSTRIgOTi&N OOM^ITIK?.

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