Revisional study of neotropical Beilschmiedia species (Lauraceae ...

Revisional study of neotropical Beilschmiedia species (Lauraceae ...

Revisional study of neotropical Beilschmiedia species (Lauraceae ...


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Among Brazilian Beifschmiedia <strong>species</strong>, B. emnrginata is distinguished by its rusty,<br />

short and erect pubescence on the tem1inal buds and twigs. Additionally, this <strong>species</strong> usually<br />

has undulate leaves and emarginate leaf apices, both <strong>of</strong> which are not seen in the other<br />

Brazilian <strong>species</strong>.<br />

Two collections by Hatschbach (2455 &1631 0) from Parana approach to B. emnrginata<br />

in vegetative characters, but have glabrous anthers. Species with pubescent anthers can<br />

rarely have exceptional collections which lack the pubescence, so these Hatschbach<br />

collections might still belong to B. emnrginata. But I decided to keep them separated from B.<br />

emarginata as indetem1inate, because the locality and the phenology are different from the<br />

other collections (the collections fron1 Parana were in flower in August and September).<br />

Actually, I have seen only two collections which can be identified as B. emnrginata. More<br />

material is needed to clearly delimit this <strong>species</strong>.<br />

10. Beilschnziedia flunzinensis Kostermans, Rec. Trav. Bot. Neerl. 35: 865. 1938.<br />

TYPE: Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: Estado Rio G. Portella, Monte Sinai, 1935 (fl.), Nunes<br />

323 (holotype, U not seen; isotypes, RB-2 sheets).<br />

Tree, to 15m tall. Tem1inal buds pubescent with appressed straight hairs. Twigs terete,<br />

slightly con1pressed when young, almost glabrous or sparsely pubescent with appressed<br />

hairs. Leaves opposite; petioles 1-2 em long, canaliculate above, glabrous, slightly darker<br />

than twigs; blades finnly chartaceous, elliptic, (1 0) 13-16 (18) x 4-7 em; base cuneate,<br />

slightly inrolled, apex acute, rarely obtuse; leaf surface glabrous on both sides, rarely lower<br />

leaf surface sparsely pubescent with short appressed hairs, lower leaf surface not glaucous;<br />

midrib immersed above, raised below, secondary veins 12-14 pairs, raised on both sides,<br />

tertiary veins not percurrent, ramification coarse, square-like with free veinlets, slightly<br />

raised above, raised below. Inflorescences axillary, paniculate, 4-7 cn1 long, glabrous to<br />

sparsely pubescent with erect hairs, with 20-35 flowers per inflorescence; flower pedicels <strong>of</strong><br />

the lateral divisions ca. 1 111111 long, pedicels <strong>of</strong> the central flowers up to 2.5 mm long.<br />

Flowers greenish, 1.7-2 mm long, 2-2.5 mm in dian1.; tepals 6, equal, elliptic to ovate, 1-<br />

1.5 mn1long, 1.1-1.5 mn1 wide, glabrous outside, sparsely pubescent with appressed hairs<br />

inside; stamens 9, outer six filaments ca. 0.2 mm long, innermost three filaments ca. 0.4<br />

mm long, filaments pubescent, anthers 0.7-0.9 nun long, all the anthers 2-celled, apex <strong>of</strong> the<br />


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