Revisional study of neotropical Beilschmiedia species (Lauraceae ...

Revisional study of neotropical Beilschmiedia species (Lauraceae ...

Revisional study of neotropical Beilschmiedia species (Lauraceae ...


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3. Beilschrniedia angustielliptica Lorea-Hemandez, Novon 5: 47. 1995. TYPE:<br />

Mexico. Guerrero: Municipio Atoyac de Alvarez, ca. 2 km S to El Molote, on the trail<br />

to El Eden, 1580 malt., May 19, 1993 (fl. & fr.), Lorea & Lozada 5540 (holotype,<br />

FCME not seen; isotype, MO).<br />

Tree, to 7-8 n1 tall. Terminal buds pubescent with yellowish brown to reddish brown,<br />

erect wavy hairs. Twigs terete, con1pressed when young, densely pubescent with erect, long<br />

wavy hairs, less densely to glabrescent when older. Leaves opposite, rarely subopposite;<br />

petioles (0. 7) 1.1-1. 7 mm, flat or slightly canaliculate above, pubescent with erect wavy<br />

hairs, soon glabrous, concolorous with twigs or slightly discolored with twigs; blades<br />

firmly chartaceous, narrowly elliptic, n1argin son1etimes slightly undulate, (7) 12-20 (24) x<br />

(2) 2.5-5 (6) em, base cuneate, not inrolled, apex acute; leaf surface glabrous on both sides,<br />

lower leaf surface not glaucous; midrib immersed above, raised below, secondary veins ( 13)<br />

14-22 pairs, slightly raised above, raised below, tertiary veins not percurrent, ramification<br />

coarse, square-like with free veinlets, slightly raised above, raised below. Inflorescences<br />

axillary, paniculate, 2.5-6 (10) em, pubescent with erect hairs, with 30-60 flowers per<br />

inflorescence; flower pedicels <strong>of</strong> the lateral divisions 1.2-2 mm long, pedicels <strong>of</strong> the central<br />

flowers up to 2.7 mm long. Flowers 2-2.7 mm long, ca. 2.5 mm in diam; tepals 6, equal,<br />

ovate, 1.3-1.7 mm long, 0.9-1.3 n101 wide, outside pubescent with erect hairs, inside<br />

sparsely pubescent with appressed to erect hairs; stamens 9, outer six filaments ca. 0.4 mm,<br />

innermost three filaments ca. 0.5 nun long, filmnents sparsely pubescent, outer six anthers<br />

0.6-0.8 min long, innermost three anthers ca. 0.5 mm long, all the anthers 2-celled, apex <strong>of</strong><br />

the outer six anthers roundish to acute, apex <strong>of</strong> the innermost three anthers truncate, apex <strong>of</strong><br />

all the anthers glabrous, glands <strong>of</strong> the innennost three stamens globose; staminodia 3,<br />

cordate in outline, 0.4-0.6 n101 long; pistil ca. 1.2 mm long, glabrous or slightly pubescent,<br />

ovary slightly longer than and gradually narrowed into the style or sometimes the border<br />

between ovary and style conspicuous; receptacle pubescent with n1ore or less erect hairs,<br />

less densely toward the bottom. Fruits ellipsoid, black, 2.5-3.5 x 1.5-1.7 em, the surface<br />

smooth; infructescence axis 1.5-2 mm in diam., slightly thickened to 3 n101 in diam. near the<br />

fruit pedicel, fruit pedicels constricted at the base, free from lenticels and darker than the<br />

infructescence axis.<br />


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