Democracy Today.indb - Universidade do Minho

Democracy Today.indb - Universidade do Minho

Democracy Today.indb - Universidade do Minho


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70<br />


A focus on control of the agenda identifies a strong egalitarian<br />

strain in concepts of radical democracy.<br />

Inclusion is a key theme for accounts of democracy as generalized<br />

recognition.<br />

Linking Dahl’s requirements of democracy to major contending<br />

views of democracy means a good deal of simplification. Yet these contending<br />

views are each closely linked to central features of democracy.<br />

Linking Dahl’s requirements to contending accounts of democracy<br />

directs attention to this question: Does democracy mean that we seek<br />

to maximize all of these attributes at the same time? Thus advocates<br />

of participatory democracy stress the need to enhance participation.<br />

Proponents of one view rarely disparage the other attributes per se.<br />

Instead they argue or imply that increasing or maximizing one attribute<br />

will also cause the values of the others to increase appropriately. With<br />

more deliberation, inclusion is apt to follow.<br />

Yet it is hard to imagine that positive relations prevail among<br />

these relations at all levels. One might think so if the only reference<br />

were levels near the threshold at which the polity can be regarded as<br />

democratic. At low levels of these goods, relations among them are usually<br />

positive and sometimes strongly reinforcing. Absent voting equality,<br />

agenda control would be very difficult – how would actors ensure<br />

that their preferences about the agenda were taken seriously? Absent<br />

deliberation, participation would be very difficult to initiate and sustain<br />

– how would actors be able to define the aims and forms of their<br />

participation? Given that positive relations among these goods <strong>do</strong> exist<br />

at some levels, it is tempting to infer that maximizing one dimension<br />

of democracy – as in deliberative or participatory democracy - would<br />

also achieve maximum or nearly maximum values as regards inclusion<br />

or agenda control.<br />

If these democratic virtues tend to go together at lower levels,<br />

positive relations cannot be presumed at all levels. Could we increase<br />

all levels of these attributes to their maximum points? It seems not<br />

to be possible to maximize the levels of all of these democratic goods at the<br />

same time. [5]<br />

5<br />

A full analysis of relations among attributes of democracy, or democratic virtues,<br />

could be attempted in one of two ways. One approach would hold all but one attribute

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