HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories

HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories

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114 l^eine* FRENCH AND GERMAN PATRIOTISM. The patriotism of the French con sists in this : the heart warms ; throug] this warmth it expands ; it enlarges soai to encompass, with its all-embracin{ love, not only the nearest and dearest but all France, all civilization. The patriotism of the Germans, on the con trary, consists in narrowing and con tracting the heart, just as leathei contracts in the cold; in hating foreigners; in ceasing to be Europear and cosmopolitan, and in adopting e narrow-minded and exclusive Germanism, We beheld this ideal empire oi churlishness organized into a system by Herr Jahn; with it began the crusade of the vulgar, the coarse, the great unwashed— against the grandest and holiest idea ever brought forth in Germany, the idea of huinanitarianism ; the idea of the universal brotherhood oi mankind, of cosmopolitanism — an idea to which our great minds, Lessing, Herder, Schiller, Goethe, Jean Paul, and all people of culture in Germany, have ever paid homage. HEINE AND UNCLE TOM. It is strange! during my whole life 1 have been strolling through the various

i^eine* 115 festive halls of philosophy, I have participated in all the orgies of the intellect, I have coquetted with every possible system, without being satisfied, like Messalina after a riotous night; and now, after all this, I suddenly find myself on the same platform whereon stands Uncle Tom, That platform is the Bible, and I kneel by the side of my dusky brother in faith with the same devotion. What humiliation! With all my learning, I have got no further than the poor ignorant negro who can hardly spell! It is even true that poor Uncle Tom appears to see in the holy book more profound things than I, who am not yet quite clear, especially in regard to the second part. THE PINE-TREE, A Pine-Tree standeth lonely In the North on an upland bare ; It standeth whitely shrouded With snow, and sleepeth there. It dreameth of a Palm Tree Which far in the East alone, In mournful silence standeth On its ridge of burning stone.

114 l^eine*<br />


The patriotism of the French con<br />

sists in this : the heart warms ; throug]<br />

this warmth it expands ; it enlarges soai<br />

to encompass, with its all-embracin{<br />

love, not only the nearest and dearest<br />

but all France, all civilization. The<br />

patriotism of the Germans, on the con<br />

trary, consists in narrowing and con<br />

tracting the heart, just as leathei<br />

contracts in the cold; in hating<br />

foreigners; in ceasing to be Europear<br />

and cosmopolitan, and in adopting e<br />

narrow-minded and exclusive Germanism,<br />

We beheld this ideal empire oi<br />

churlishness organized into a system by<br />

Herr Jahn; with it began the crusade<br />

of the vulgar, the coarse, the great unwashed—<br />

against the grandest and<br />

holiest idea ever brought forth in Germany,<br />

the idea of huinanitarianism ; the<br />

idea of the universal brotherhood oi<br />

mankind, of cosmopolitanism — an idea<br />

to which our great minds, Lessing,<br />

Herder, Schiller, Goethe, Jean Paul, and<br />

all people of culture in Germany, have<br />

ever paid homage.<br />

<strong>HEINE</strong> AND UNCLE TOM.<br />

It is strange! during my whole life 1<br />

have been strolling through the various

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