HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories

HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories

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66 ^tint. REPETITION. The satiated king of Israel and Juda said with truth, " There is nothing new under the sun." Perhaps the sun itself is but an old warmed-up piece of pleasantry, decked out with new rays, and now glittering with imposing splendor! THE COMMON LOT. After all it comes to the same thing in what fashion we make the grand tour, on foot, on horseback, or on ship-board. We all reach at last the same hostelry, the same poor tavern, where the door is opened with a spade, where our appointed chamber is so narrow, so cold, so dark, but where one sleeps well, almost too well. ROMAN CATHOLIC ZEAL. Whatever we may say against the zealots of the Roman Catholic Church, one thing is certain: they are no egotists, they concern themselves about their brother-men; unfortunately, often rather too much.

1$tm. 67 GERMAN PHILOSOPHY. German philosophy is precisely the opposite of what has hitherto been called piety and Godly reverence, and our newest philosophers proclaim the most thoroughgoing atheism as the last word of German metaphysics. They have mercilessly, and in the Bacchanalian pride of life, torn aside the blue curtains that veiled the German heaven, shouting aloud: — " Behold! all the deities are fled, and up there sits only an old maid with leaden hands and sorrowful heart: Necessity." . . . ^\e have now monks of atheism, grand inquisitors of unbelief who would have condemned M. Arouet de Voltaire to the stake, because in his inmost soul he was a bigoted deist. FASHIONABLE CHURCHES. Those holy boudoirs furnished in the daintiest rococo style, where the censers give forth the perfume of lavender, where the confessionals are luxuriously upholstered, where everything is pervaded by rose-colored light and languishing music, everywhere flowers and wanton angels, a coquettish devotion fanning itself with Boucher and Watteaufans —a Pompadour Christianity.

66 ^tint.<br />


The satiated king of Israel and Juda<br />

said with truth, " There is nothing new<br />

under the sun." Perhaps the sun itself<br />

is but an old warmed-up piece of<br />

pleasantry, decked out with new rays,<br />

and now glittering with imposing splendor!<br />


After all it comes to the same thing<br />

in what fashion we make the grand tour,<br />

on foot, on horseback, or on ship-board.<br />

We all reach at last the same hostelry,<br />

the same poor tavern, where the door is<br />

opened with a spade, where our appointed<br />

chamber is so narrow, so cold,<br />

so dark, but where one sleeps well, almost<br />

too well.<br />


Whatever we may say against the<br />

zealots of the Roman Catholic Church,<br />

one thing is certain: they are no egotists,<br />

they concern themselves about<br />

their brother-men; unfortunately, often<br />

rather too much.

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