HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories

HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories

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56 i^eine. THE EAGLE. His fellow-animals, men especially, imagine that the eagle cannot sing — they know not that he sings only when he is beyond their realm, and is too proud to have any but the sun for a listener. He is right; some of his feathered kindred down below might want to criticise his song. I have myself had experience how such criticism sounds. The hen standing on one leg clucks — the singer has no spirit; the turkey splutters out he is wanting in real earnestness; the dove coos — he knows nothing of true love ; the goose cackles— he is ignorant of science; the capon twitters—he is immoral; the bullfinch chirps — alas! he has no religion; the sparrow peeps — he is not productive enough ; hoopoes, magpies, owls, — all croak, screech, or caw. The nightingale alone joins not in the chorus of the critics; unconcerned about all the world, the red rose is her only thought and her only song, she hovers yearningly over it, and in the intensity of her joy falls upon the loved thorns, and bleeds and dies. AN APHORISM. Thought is unseen Nature, as Nature is unseen Thought.

^me, s7 MEN OF THOUGHT AND MEN OF AC­ TION. Mark this, ye haughty men of action. Ye are naught but the unconscious servants of the men of thought, who, oftentimes in the humblest obscurity, have marked out your tasks for you with the utmost exactitude. Maximilian Robespierre was only the hand of Jean Jacques Rousseau — the bloody hand that from the womb of time drew forth the body whose soul Rousseau had created. Did the restless anxiety that embittered the life of Jean Jacques arise from a foreboding that his thoughts would require such a midwife to bring them into the world ? THE GERMANS, They are a speculative people, ideologists, a race of dreamers who look before and after, who live only in the past and future, and who have no pre- ^^^^•, . . . . The German has nothing for which to combat, and no sooner did he begin to suspect that there might be things the possession of which is desirable, than philosophical wiseacres taught him to doubt the existence of such things.

^me,<br />

s7<br />


TION.<br />

Mark this, ye haughty men of action.<br />

Ye are naught but the unconscious servants<br />

of the men of thought, who,<br />

oftentimes in the humblest obscurity,<br />

have marked out your tasks for you<br />

with the utmost exactitude. Maximilian<br />

Robespierre was only the hand<br />

of Jean Jacques Rousseau — the bloody<br />

hand that from the womb of time drew<br />

forth the body whose soul Rousseau had<br />

created. Did the restless anxiety that<br />

embittered the life of Jean Jacques<br />

arise from a foreboding that his thoughts<br />

would require such a midwife to bring<br />

them into the world ?<br />


They are a speculative people, ideologists,<br />

a race of dreamers who look before<br />

and after, who live only in the<br />

past and future, and who have no pre-<br />

^^^^•, . . . . The German has<br />

nothing for which to combat, and no<br />

sooner did he begin to suspect that<br />

there might be things the possession of<br />

which is desirable, than philosophical<br />

wiseacres taught him to doubt the existence<br />

of such things.

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