HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories

HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories

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48 l^etne^ The maids speak low: " He looks, I ween, As though the grave his bed had been." Ah no, good maids, ye should have said: "The grave will soon become his bed." He lost his sweetheart — so may be The grave is best for such as he; There he may sleep the years away. And rest until the Judgment Day. ROTHSCHILD. I have seen people, who, when they approached the great Baron, quivered as if experiencing a shock from a voltaic battery. Even before the threshold of his private room many are seized with a shudder of veneration, such as Moses felt on the Mount of Horeb when he perceived that he was standing upon holy ground. M. de Rothschild's private room is indeed a wonderful place; it awakens elevated thoughts and sublime feelings, like the prospect of the wide expanse of ocean, or of the starry sky, or of great mountains or vast forests: we see here how little is man, and how great is God! For money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet.

i^eine, 49 THE EASTERN QUESTION. The question of the Dardanelles is only one symptom of the whole Eastern Question, of the question of the Turkish inheritance, the deep-seated disease with which we are smitten, the poisonous matter which is festering in the body politic of Europe, and which unfortunately can be extirpated only by the surgery of the sword. Even when they are discussing quite other subjects, all the great rulers of Europe are casting anxious glances toward the Sublime Porte, toward the old Byzance, Stamboul, Constantinople— for the plague-spot has many names. . . . What wonder then that none of the high potentates of Europe is willing to permit the great inheritance to be absorbed by Russia, and that each is eager to have his share of the Oriental cake ! The appetite of each will be whetted as he beholds the barbarians of the North gorging themselves, and the pettiest duodecimo German prince will at least put in a claim for beer-money. NOT TO BE T.VKEN LITERALLY. Maiden, it would be thy ruin. And I strive most earnestly

48 l^etne^<br />

The maids speak low: " He looks, I<br />

ween,<br />

As though the grave his bed had<br />

been."<br />

Ah no, good maids, ye should have<br />

said:<br />

"The grave will soon become his bed."<br />

He lost his sweetheart — so may be<br />

The grave is best for such as he;<br />

There he may sleep the years away.<br />

And rest until the Judgment Day.<br />


I have seen people, who, when they<br />

approached the great Baron, quivered as<br />

if experiencing a shock from a voltaic<br />

battery. Even before the threshold of<br />

his private room many are seized with a<br />

shudder of veneration, such as Moses<br />

felt on the Mount of Horeb when he<br />

perceived that he was standing upon<br />

holy ground. M. de Rothschild's private<br />

room is indeed a wonderful place;<br />

it awakens elevated thoughts and sublime<br />

feelings, like the prospect of the<br />

wide expanse of ocean, or of the starry<br />

sky, or of great mountains or vast<br />

forests: we see here how little is man,<br />

and how great is God! For money is<br />

the god of our time, and Rothschild is<br />

his prophet.

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