HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories

HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories HEINRICH HEINE - Repositories

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26 i^etne. CHRIST. Christ is the God whom I love best — not because he is a legitimate God whose father was God before Him and has since infinite time ruled the world; but because He, though a born Dauphin of Heaven, has democratic sympathies and delights not in courtly ceremonies ; because he is no God of an aristocracy of crop-headed theological pedants and fantastic warriors, but a modest God of the people, a citizen-God, un bon diea citoyen. GENIUS AND SOCIETY. Society is a Republic. When an individual endeavors to lift himself above his fellows, he is dragged down by the mass, either by means of ridicule or of calumny. No one shall be more virtuous or more intellectually gifted than others. Whoever, by the irresistible force of genius, rises above the common herd is certain to be ostracised by society, which will pursue him with such merciless derision and detraction that, at last, he will be compelled to retreat into the solitude of his thoughts.

i^eine. 27 ANNO 1829. I crave an ampler, worthier sphere: I'd liefer bleed at every vein Than stifle 'mid these hucksters here, These lying slaves of paltry gain. They eat, they drink; they're every whit As happy as their type, the mole ; Large are their bounties — as the slit Through which they drop the poor man's dole. With pipe in mouth they go their way, With hands in pockets; they are blest With grand digestions : only they Are such hard morsels to digest! The hand that's red with some dark deed. Some giant crime, were white as wool Compared with these sleek saints, whose creed Is paying all their debts in full. Ye clouds that sail to far-off lands, 0 waft me to what clime ye will! To Lapland's snows, to Lybia's sands, To the world's end — but onward still! Take me, 0 clouds! They ne'er look down; But (proof of a discerning mind) One moment hang o'er Hamburg town. The next they leave it leagues behind.

26 i^etne.<br />

CHRIST.<br />

Christ is the God whom I love best —<br />

not because he is a legitimate God<br />

whose father was God before Him and<br />

has since infinite time ruled the world;<br />

but because He, though a born Dauphin<br />

of Heaven, has democratic sympathies<br />

and delights not in courtly ceremonies ;<br />

because he is no God of an aristocracy<br />

of crop-headed theological pedants and<br />

fantastic warriors, but a modest God of<br />

the people, a citizen-God, un bon diea<br />

citoyen.<br />


Society is a Republic. When an individual<br />

endeavors to lift himself above<br />

his fellows, he is dragged down by the<br />

mass, either by means of ridicule or of<br />

calumny. No one shall be more virtuous<br />

or more intellectually gifted than<br />

others. Whoever, by the irresistible<br />

force of genius, rises above the common<br />

herd is certain to be ostracised by society,<br />

which will pursue him with such<br />

merciless derision and detraction that,<br />

at last, he will be compelled to retreat<br />

into the solitude of his thoughts.

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