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<strong>MORPHOLOGY</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>GENERAL</strong> <strong>REPRODUCTIVE</strong> <strong>STAGES</strong> <strong>OF</strong><br />

Pangasius nasutus FROM SG. PAHANG IN MARAN DISTRICT,<br />



FP 2006 17

<strong>MORPHOLOGY</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>GENERAL</strong> <strong>REPRODUCTIVE</strong> <strong>STAGES</strong> <strong>OF</strong> Pangasius<br />



MASTER <strong>OF</strong> SCIENCE<br />



<strong>MORPHOLOGY</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>GENERAL</strong> <strong>REPRODUCTIVE</strong> <strong>STAGES</strong> <strong>OF</strong> Pangasius<br />


By<br />


Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra<br />

Malaysia in Fulfilment of Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science<br />

November 2006

Specially dedicated to my beloved parents<br />


Abstract of thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia in<br />

fulfilment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science<br />

<strong>MORPHOLOGY</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>GENERAL</strong> <strong>REPRODUCTIVE</strong> <strong>STAGES</strong> <strong>OF</strong> Pangasius<br />


Chairman : Annie Christianus, PhD<br />

By<br />


June 2006<br />

Faculty<br />

: Agriculture<br />

The present study was conducted to describe the morphological differences<br />

between P. nasutus and P. conchophilus, to describe and classify the histology<br />

of oocyte and spermatogenic cells of mature P. nasutus and to observe the<br />

seasonal patterns of the gonadal stages in twenty specimens of P. nasutus and<br />

P. conchophilus from Maran. In order to signify the species differences, twenty<br />

specimens of Thai-origin P. conchophilus from a cage culture at Sungai Pahang<br />

near Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia were also examined. The morphometric<br />

measurements were presented in percentage of standard length (%SL),<br />

predorsal length (%PDL) and head length (%HL). Based on the classification<br />

results, all P. nasutus specimens were different from P. conchophilus in both<br />

populations, in terms of snout length, eye diameter, lower and upper jaw length.<br />

A total of 205 P. nasutus were caught during the study period, from October 2004<br />

to September 2005 for the gonadal stages study of P. nasutus. Nine distinctive<br />


oocytes stages observed in the study were from oogonia to late vitellogenesis.<br />

Six microscopic oocytes developmental stages were assigned for the studied<br />

ovaries of P. nasutus, namely resting, maturing, mature, spawning, running and<br />

spent stages. Further, microscopic observation on the ‘whole-section’ of the<br />

testes revealed that four testicular development stages could be distinguished<br />

namely early spermatogenesis, spermatogenesis, maturation and spent stages.<br />

In this study, it was found that the female and male P. nasutus were<br />

reproductively active at the beginning of rainy season which commenced in the<br />

middle quarter of 2005, from March to September coincided with the South-West<br />

monsoon. The study also revealed that P. nasutus exhibits a single-modal<br />

spawning season in a year, with multiple release of eggs during a single period.<br />

Such condition showed that P. nasutus is a multiple-spawner as supported by the<br />

group-synchronous oocyte development of the ovary. However, spawning did not<br />

commence synchronously within the population with the obvious presence of<br />

various female and male reproductive stages within a single sampling month.<br />


Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysia sebagai<br />

memenuhi keperluan untuk Ijazah Master Sains<br />




Pengerusi : Annie Christianus, PhD<br />

Oleh<br />


Jun 2006<br />

Fakulti<br />

: Pertanian<br />

Kajian ini telah dijalankan untuk menerangkan perbezaan morfologi antara P.<br />

nasutus dan P. conchophilus, menghurai dan mengkelaskan histologi oosit dan<br />

sel-sel spermatogenik bagi P. nasutus matang dan seterusnya untuk melihat<br />

corak bermusim untuk peringkat-peringkat gonad bagi P. nasutus. Dua puluh<br />

spesimen P. nasutus dan P. conchophilus dari Maran, Pahang telah dikaji. Untuk<br />

melihat perbezaan spesies, dua puluh spesimen P. conchophius berasal dari<br />

Thailand tetapi dikultur dalam sangkar di Sungai Pahang, dekat Pekan, Pahang,<br />

Malaysia, turut dikaji. Ukuran-ukuran morfometrik diberikan dalam bentuk<br />

peratusan panjang piawai (%SL), panjang pra-dorsal (%PDL) dan panjang<br />

kepala (%HL). Berdasarkan keputusan pengkelasan, semua specimen P.<br />

nasutus adalah berbeza dari P. conchophilus pada kedua-dua populasi,<br />

terutamanya dari segi panjang muncung, diameter mata, panjang rahang bawah<br />

dan atas.<br />


Sejumlah 205 spesimen P. nasutus ditangkap sepanjang waktu kajian yang<br />

bermula dari Oktober 2004 sehingga September 2005. Sembilan peringkat<br />

kematangan oosit telah diperhatikan dalam kajian ini adalah dari peringkat<br />

oogonia sehingga peringkat akhir vitellogenesis. Enam peringkat perkembangan<br />

oosit yang diperhatikan secara mikroskopik untuk keseluruhan ovari P. nasutus<br />

dibahagikan kepada kepada peringkat rehat, sedang matang, matang, bersedia<br />

untuk membiak, sedang membiak dan selesai membiak. Berdasarkan<br />

pemerhatian mikroskopik bagi keseluruhan testis P. nasutus menunjukkan<br />

terdapat empat peringkat perkembangan testis yang dapat dikenalpasti iaitu,<br />

spermatogenesis awal, spermatogenesis, kematangan dan selepas pembiakan.<br />

Kajian ini mendapati, betina dan jantan P. nasutus adalah aktif membiak pada<br />

permulaan musim hujan yang bermula pada suku pertengahan tahun 2005, dari<br />

Mac sehingga September serentak dengan musim monsun tenggara. Kajian ini<br />

juga mendapati, P. nasutus mempunyai satu musim pembiakan khusus dalam<br />

satu tahun, yang dapat dilihat dengan pelepasan telur yang berperingkatperingkat<br />

pada sesuatu tempoh masa. Keadaan ini menunjukkan bahawa P.<br />

nasutus merupakan pembiak yang melepaskan telurnya secara berperingkatperingkat<br />

yang jelas dapat dilihat dari perkembangan oosit secara serentak<br />

dalam dua atau tiga kumpulan di dalam satu-satu ovari. Walaubagaimanapun,<br />

pembiakan tidak berlaku serentak di dalam populasi berdasarkan kehadiran<br />

pelbagai peringkat perkembangan reproduktif betina dan jantan semasa<br />

penyampelan di dalam satu-satu bulan.<br />



In the name of Allah, the Lord that I always put my belief in. Thanks to my<br />

parents and siblings for being my pillars and strength all my life.<br />

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the chairman of my supervisory<br />

committee, Dr. Annie Christianus for her tremendous encouragement, financial<br />

assistance on the research expenses and camaraderie throughout the study<br />

period. Not forgetting, many thanks to my co-supervisors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti<br />

Shapor Siraj and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Khalijah Daud for sharing their invaluable<br />

expertise, ideas and comments on the research conducted and write-up. Thanks<br />

to UPM for the scholarship and granting me study leave off my duty at UPM<br />

Bintulu Campus.<br />

The study could not have completed without the support and co-operations from<br />

many parties, namely Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khir Bejo and his lab assistant Saipu for<br />

allowing and helping me to use facilities in the Pathology Laboratory, Faculty of<br />

Veterinary UPM; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Salleh Kamaruddin for his permission to<br />

use Aquatic Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture UPM, En. Jasni<br />

Yusof at the UPM hatchery, En. Mat Piah and his family for their friendly<br />

entertainment on the lodging and helping hands during sampling activities; and<br />

last but not least, million thanks to my all-time friends Ikram, Sazahar, Halim and<br />

Saufi to whom I owe their time and energy very much.<br />


I certify that an Examination Committee has met on 28 November 2006 to<br />

conduct the final examination of Mohd Zafri Bin Hassan on his Master of Science<br />

thesis entitled “Morphology and General Reproductive Stages of Pangasius<br />

nasutus from Sg. Pahang in Maran District, Pahang, Malaysia” in accordance<br />

with Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (Higher Degree) Act 1980 and Universiti<br />

Pertanian Malaysia (Higher Degree) Regulations 1981. The committee<br />

recommends that the candidate be awarded the relevant degree. Members of the<br />

Examination Committee are as follows:<br />

Che Roos Saad, PhD<br />

Associate Professor<br />

Faculty of Agriculture<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Chairman)<br />

Sharr Azni Harmin, PhD<br />

Associate Professor<br />

Faculty of Agriculture<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Internal Examiner)<br />

Mustafa Kamal Abdul Satar, PhD<br />

Lecturer<br />

Faculty of Agriculture<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Internal Examiner)<br />

Mazlan Abdul Ghaffar, PhD<br />

Associate Professor<br />

Faculty of Science and Technology<br />

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia<br />

(External Examiner)<br />

-------------------------------------------------<br />


Professor/Deputy Dean<br />

School of Graduate Studies<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

Date:<br />


This thesis submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia and has been<br />

accepted as fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science.<br />

The members of the Supervisory Committee are as follows:<br />

Annie Christianus, PhD<br />

Lecturer<br />

Faculty of Agriculture<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Chairman)<br />

Siti Shapor Siraj, PhD<br />

Associate Professor<br />

Faculty of Science<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Member)<br />

Siti Khalijah Daud, PhD<br />

Associate Professor<br />

Faculty of Science<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

(Member)<br />

-------------------------------------<br />


Professor/Dean<br />

School of Graduate Studies<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

Date: 8 March 2007<br />



I hereby declare that the thesis is based on my original work except for<br />

quotations and citations which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that<br />

it has not been previously or concurrently submitted for any other degree at UPM<br />

or other institutions.<br />

--------------------------------------<br />


Date: 15 February 2007<br />


TABLE <strong>OF</strong> CONTENTS<br />







LIST <strong>OF</strong> TABLES<br />

LIST <strong>OF</strong> FIGURES<br />

LIST <strong>OF</strong> ABBREVEATIONS<br />

Page<br />

ii<br />

iii<br />

v<br />

vii<br />

viii<br />

x<br />

xiii<br />

xv<br />

xix<br />


1.1 Background of Patin buah in Malaysia<br />

1.2 Statement of problems<br />

1.3 Significance of the study<br />

1.4 Objectives<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />


2.1 Taxonomy<br />

2.2 Distribution of the family Pangasiidae<br />

2.3 Catfishes as an Economic commodity<br />

2.4 Morphological characters of the genus Pangasius nasutus<br />

2.5 The biology of catfishes<br />

2.6 Reproductive dynamics<br />

2.6.1 Spawning pattern and cycle of ovarian development in<br />

catfishes<br />

2.6.2 Testicular development of catfishes<br />

2.7 Histology of the gonadal development<br />

6<br />

9<br />

11<br />

12<br />

14<br />

15<br />

17<br />

19<br />

20<br />


<strong>AND</strong> Pangasius conchophilus<br />

3.1 Introduction<br />

3.2 Materials and methods<br />

3.2.1 Study area<br />

3.2.2 Samples collection<br />

3.2.3 Sampling methods<br />

3.2.4 Morphometric and meristic characters<br />

3.2.5 Statistical analysis<br />

24<br />

25<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

31<br />

35<br />


3.3 Results<br />

3.3.1 Morphological features for characterizing P. nasutus and<br />

P. conchophilus<br />

3.3.2 Meristic characters<br />

3.3.3 Morphometric characters<br />

3.4 Discussion<br />

36<br />

36<br />

39<br />

40<br />

51<br />

4. GAMETOGENESIS IN Pangasius nasutus<br />

4.1 Introduction<br />

4.2 Materials and methods<br />

4.2.1 Field sampling<br />

4.2.2 Gonads collection and macroscopic observations<br />

4.2.3 Histological preparation for gonad studies<br />

4.2.4 Oocyte and spermatogenic stages<br />

4.2.5 Fecundity estimation<br />

4.2.6 Statistical analysis<br />

4.3 Results<br />

4.3.1 Samples landed and standard length-weight relationship<br />

4.3.2 Water parameters, rainfall and water level of Pahang<br />

River near Maran<br />

4.3.3 Biological indices<br />

4.3.4 Macroscopic observation of the ovaries of P. nasutus<br />

4.3.5 Macroscopic observation of the testes of P. nasutus<br />

4.3.6 Microscopic observations on the individual stage of<br />

oocytes in P. nasutus<br />

4.3.7 Microscopic observations of the whole-section of<br />

ovarian development of P. nasutus<br />

4.3.8 Microscopic observations on the spermatogenic cells of<br />

P. nasutus<br />

4.3.9 Microscopic observations of the whole-section of<br />

testicular development of P. nasutus<br />

4.3.10 Seasonal development in the gonadal stages of P.<br />

nasutus<br />

4.3.11 Homogeneity of the ovary and fecundity of P. nasutus<br />

4.4 Discussion<br />

55<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

58<br />

63<br />

64<br />

65<br />

66<br />

66<br />

68<br />

72<br />

75<br />

77<br />

76<br />

87<br />

90<br />

92<br />

94<br />

96<br />

99<br />

5. <strong>GENERAL</strong> DISCUSSION <strong>AND</strong> CONCLUSION<br />

5.1 General discussion<br />

5.2 Conclusion<br />



BIODATA <strong>OF</strong> AUTHOR<br />

108<br />

118<br />

120<br />

133<br />

139<br />


LIST <strong>OF</strong> TABLES<br />

Table<br />

Page<br />

1 Subgeneric classification of genus Pangasius 8<br />

2 The presence of genus Pangasius recorded in Malaysia 9<br />

3 Morphometric data taken were all according to Pouyaud<br />

et. al. (1999). With exception for measurements with *<br />

were after Gustiano et. al. (2004), after Lowe-McConnell<br />

(1975) and *** additional measurements in the present<br />

study<br />

4 Number of specimens with their respective meristic<br />

counts<br />

32<br />

39<br />

5 Morphometric data of P. nasutus (n = 20) 41<br />

6 Morphometric data of P. conchophilus caught from<br />

Maran (n = 20)<br />

7 Morphometric data of P. conchophilus caught from<br />

Pekan (n = 20)<br />

8 Variables that were significantly different (P < 0.05) in<br />

percentage of standard length (in % SL) (n = 20).<br />

9 Variables that were significantly different (P < 0.05) in<br />

percentage of predorsal length (in % PDL) (n = 20).<br />

10 Variables that were significantly different (P < 0.05) in<br />

percentage of head length (in % HL) (n = 20).<br />

11 Standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients<br />

for ratio percentages<br />

12 Structure matrix of canonical discriminant function<br />

coefficients for ratio percentages<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

48<br />

49<br />

13 Classification results based on ratio percentages 50<br />

14 Stepwise dehydration with a series of alcohol and<br />

subsequent paraffin wax infiltration<br />

59<br />


15 Step-by-step staining procedure 61<br />

16 Mean±SD biological indices of P. nasutus females<br />

caught from the Pahang River near Maran from October<br />

2004 to September 2005<br />

17 Mean±SD biological indices of P. nasutus males caught<br />

from Pahang River off Maran from October 2004 to<br />

September 2005<br />

72<br />

73<br />

18 Size range of oocyte stages of P. nasutus 78<br />

19 Estimated fecundity and frequency of spawning of P.<br />

nasutus collected from the Pahang River near Maran<br />

during the sampling period from October 2004 to<br />

September 2005<br />

98<br />


LIST <strong>OF</strong> FIGURES<br />

Figure<br />

1 Taxonomic hierarchy leading to the Family Pangasiidae<br />

(Source: Systema Naturae, 2000)<br />

Page<br />

7<br />

2 Map of study area 25<br />

3 Lateral view of the body; a) P. nasutus, b) P.<br />

conchophilus caught in Maran<br />

4 Methods used for samples collection; a) drift-net; b) longlines;<br />

c) fishing rod; and d) cage containment in the<br />

vicinity of study area<br />

5 Diagram of fishing gears used, a) drifting gillnet; b) longlines<br />

6 Diagrammatic representative of measurements taken on<br />

specimens (adapted from Pouyaud et. al. (1999) with<br />

modifications)<br />

27<br />

29<br />

30<br />

34<br />

7 Counts of gill raker of the first gill arch 35<br />

8 Lateral view of the head; a) P. nasutus, b) P.<br />

conchophilus<br />

9 Side by side comparison of dorsal view of the head; a) P.<br />

nasutus, b) P. conchophilus<br />

10 Ventral view of the head; a) P. nasutus, b) P.<br />

conchophilus<br />

11 Gutted belly showing swim bladder position located at<br />

the abdominal cavity of the body in P. nasutus; a) male,<br />

b) female<br />

12 Canonical discriminant functions plots using proportional<br />

values<br />

37<br />

37<br />

38<br />

38<br />

50<br />

13 Diagrammatic procedures of tissue histology process 62<br />

14 Length-size class of total specimens caught throughout<br />

the study period<br />

66<br />


15 Log 10 -transformed length-weight relationship of P.<br />

nasutus caught from Pahang River near Maran<br />

16 Water surface temperature, dissolved oxygen (D.O) and<br />

specific conductivity (SpC) taken from the Pahang River<br />

near Maran during the sampling period from October<br />

2004 to September 2005. Mean±SD are subject to Tukey<br />

HSD in which dissimilar letters are significantly different<br />


24 Nucleolar stage. Chromatin nucleolar stage; a) nucleoli in<br />

the nucleus present as chromatin form and more<br />

numbers of nucleoli are visible (100x); b) nucleoli are<br />

moving toward the nucleus periphery. Follicular layer<br />

appear as purple stained layer surrounding the oocyte<br />

(40x). Perinucleolar stage; a) Nucleoli allocated<br />

peripherally to the nucleus. Cytoplasm is stained light<br />

blue (20x); b) Dark spot granules can be observed<br />

alongside the follicular layer. A sign of the formation of<br />

granulosa layer (40x)<br />

25 Cortical alveoli stage, a) Early cortical alveoli stage with<br />

translucent dots at the peripheral oocyte indicating the<br />

presence of yolk vesicles (40x); b) Follicular envelope<br />

showing the developing vitelline membrane (100x); c)<br />

More ‘round’ yolk vesicles are surrounding the ooplasm<br />

periphery (20x); d) The prominent yolk vesicles are a<br />

result of the coalescence of the prior yolk vesicles (100x)<br />

26 Early vitellogenic stage; a) Formation of yolk globules<br />

forming an eosin-stained ring around the nucleus (20x);<br />

b) Yolk vesicles still remained at the peripheral ooplasm<br />

(100x)<br />

27 Vitellogenesis stage; a) Yolk globules filling up the<br />

ooplasm (5x); b) Peripheral ooplasm is filled up with<br />

smaller yolk globules, striated vitelline envelope is<br />

evident (100x)<br />

28 Late vitellogenesis stage; a) oil droplets present in the<br />

ooplasm and the start of germinal vesicle breakdown<br />

(10x); b) germinal vesicle leaves the nucleus and moves<br />

towards the animal pole at the peripheral ooplasm and<br />

yolk begins to coalesce (10x)<br />

29 Atretic oocytes; a-b) atresia during cortical alveoli (20x);<br />

c-d) atresia during vitellogenesis (40x); e-f) final stage of<br />

atresia (100x and 20x, respectively)<br />

30 Resting ovarian stage (from a sample of 1600g BW,<br />

43cm SL and 0.25 GSI)<br />

31 Ovarian development at GSI ≤ 1.0; a) Progressing -<br />

maturing (from a sample of 910g BW, 45cm SL and 0.14<br />

GSI); b) Regressing - spent (from a sample of 710g BW,<br />

43cm SL and 0.44 GSI).<br />

81<br />

82<br />

83<br />

84<br />

85<br />

86<br />

87<br />

88<br />


32 Ovarian development at GSI 1.1 – 5.0; a) Progressing -<br />

mature (from a sample of 1050g BW, 41cm SL and 2.02<br />

GSI); b) Regressing - running (from a sample of 700g<br />

BW, 36cm SL and 2.38 GSI).<br />

33 Ovarian development at GSI ≥ 5.1. Spawning (from a<br />

sample of 1300g BW, 45cm SL and 7.95 GSI).<br />

34 Developmental stages of spermatogenic cells; a)<br />

spermatogonia; b) spermatocytes; c) spermatids;<br />

appearance is blotchy and in clutch form; spermatozoa;<br />

mature spermatozoa have distinct basophilic spherical<br />

heads<br />

35 Testicular development of P. nasutus; a) Early<br />

spermatogenic stage; (from a sample of 45cm SL, 930g<br />

BW and 0.14 GSI); b) Spermatogenic stage; (from a<br />

sample of 54cm SL, 1450g BW and 0.85 GSI); c)<br />

Maturation stage; (from a sample of 41cm SL, 780g BW<br />

and 3.35 GSI); d) Spent stage; (from a sample of 44cm<br />

SL, 770g BW and 1.06 GSI).<br />

36 Frequency of occurrences of ovarian development of the<br />

females and males of P. nasutus caught from the<br />

Pahang River near Maran from October 2004 to<br />

September 2005. Number in parenthesis ( ) represents<br />

the number of specimens caught<br />

37 Frequency of occurrences of ovarian development of the<br />

females and males of P. nasutus caught from the<br />

Pahang River near Maran from October 2004 to<br />

September 2005. Number in parenthesis ( ) represents<br />

the number of specimens caught<br />

89<br />

90<br />

91<br />

93<br />

95<br />

96<br />


LIST <strong>OF</strong> ABBREVIATIONS<br />

Analysis of Variance<br />

Body weight<br />

ANOVA<br />

BW<br />

Celsius degree °C<br />

Centimeter<br />

Department<br />

Fatsomatic index<br />

Gonadosomatic index<br />

Gut repletion index<br />

Gram<br />

Head length<br />

Hepatosomatic index<br />

Kilogram<br />

Meter<br />

Milimeter<br />

cm<br />

Dept.<br />

FSI<br />

GSI<br />

GRI<br />

g<br />

HL<br />

HSI<br />

kg<br />

m<br />

mm<br />

Micrometer µm<br />

Percent %<br />

Predorsal length<br />

Standard deviation<br />

Standard length<br />

Universiti Putra Malaysia<br />

PDL<br />

SD<br />

SL<br />

UPM<br />




1.1 Background of Patin buah in Malaysia<br />

Patin buah, a vernacular river catfish name for Pangasius nasutus in Malaysia, is<br />

one of the favourite food fish and commands a good price in the local market.<br />

Information on this native fish is lacking probably attributed to the dominant<br />

interest in the other patin, Pangasius hypopthalmus, a catfish of Thai origin<br />

introduced to Malaysia for aquaculture purpose. Popularity of the native patin<br />

buah then had been brought up by the recent awareness of its economic value<br />

and the declining of its population in the Pahang River.<br />

The occurrence and distribution of P. nasutus in Malaysia are literally not<br />

conclusive. Catfishes are known to occupy habitats ranging from upland streams<br />

to large river channels and to seasonal floodplain lagoons (Winemiller and Kelso-<br />

Winemiller, 1996). Therefore it is not a surprise that P. nasutus was known to<br />

occur in the Pahang River where the richness of the biodiversity is at its best<br />

among the rivers in Malaysia (Haslawati et al., 2004). Roberts and Vidhthayanon<br />

(1991) also reported the occurrence of this species in Chenderoh Dam, Perak.

A number of species of the family Pangasiidae are of great economical<br />

importance in Southeast Asia (Hung et al., 2004) and have high potential for<br />

aquaculture in Malaysia. At present, the wild catch of patin buah (Pangasius<br />

nasutus) and patin muncung (Helicophagus wandersii) demands as much as RM<br />

50kg -1 and RM 100kg -1 in the market, respectively. Due to its white and tender<br />

flesh, Pangasiid catfish was ranked among the top five preferred species for five<br />

consecutive years in terms of consumer preferences in Malaysia (Fisheries<br />

Annual Report, 2002).<br />

1.2 Statement of problems<br />

Recently, the decline in the abundance of patin buah in the local rivers has been<br />

reported. In fact, it is supported by the declining numbers in landing data of the<br />

species in Maran, a district along the Pahang River, which is known for patin<br />

buah (Department of Fisheries, 2004). The first successful artificial propagation<br />

however, was reported by the local Department of Fisheries in March 2004 after<br />

several years of attempt at propagating it. Despite the success, however<br />

continuous fry supply however cannot be guaranteed due to low survival rate of<br />

repeated attempt.<br />

P. conchophilus that is found in the vicinity of Pahang River was recently brought<br />

in from Thailand by the Cambodian immigrants residing in Pekan, Pahang<br />

(Haslawati et al., 2004). Due to its resemblance to P. nasutus, it was named by<br />


the local people as ‘patin buah Kemboja’ (Cambodian patin buah). These two<br />

species are commonly mistakenly misidentified for each other due to<br />

morphological features of both species (Roberts and Vidthayanon, 1991).<br />

Although induced breeding has been successful, studies on the reproductive<br />

biology of the species sampled from its natural environment are crucial so as to<br />

gain insight and more understanding on the species. Even for fish that has been<br />

established in a farming system, the information on the reproductive aspects<br />

including the absolute and relative fecundities would be helpful to ensure a<br />

continuing success in its culture (Ali, 1993). These guidelines also constitute<br />

major approach towards establishing biodiversity management as well as<br />

breeding programme (Corriero et al., 2003; Utoh et al., 2003; Micale et al., 1996;<br />

Legendre, 1986).<br />

1.3 Significance of the study<br />

The population of P. nasutus is currently declining. In the present situation, the<br />

marketable supply patin buah is entirely dependant on the wild catch. This<br />

increases the chances for the fish to be over-exploited. Effort at culturing this<br />

species has never been attempted and the population silently decreasing.<br />

Therefore, a study on the gonadal cycle of the species is necessary as an initial<br />

step towards husbandry management.<br />


Reproductive biology has served numerous advantages in the study of a<br />

particular species or population. Manosroi et al. (2003) stated that in order to<br />

conserve a threatened Mekong giant catfish P. gigas, maturation induction by<br />

hormone injection and seasonal endocrine regulation expressed as<br />

gonadosomatic index (GSI) are crucial. Knowledge in the reproductive biology<br />

can also lead to a better understanding and advantage in breeding a particular<br />

species before being introduced for aquaculture purposes (Hassin et al., 1997).<br />

Temporal difference in reproductive maturity at individual level allows an efficient<br />

broodstock management (Dahle et al., 2003).<br />

The study on annual cycles in the gonadal stages of wild animals will provide<br />

baseline information on body composition, which is useful in the evaluation of<br />

quality and physiological condition of animals before being cultured (Craig et al.,<br />

2000). Conservation, catch size restrictions, controlled fishing seasons or<br />

improvements of breeding technologies in hatcheries can be inferred from the<br />

study.<br />

1.4 Objectives<br />

The main objective of this study is to describe the distinctive morphological<br />

characteristics of the native P. nasutus and to differentiate these characteristics<br />

from those of the introduced P. conchophilus. Apart from that, monthly<br />

observation and assessment on the gonadal activity of P. nasutus caught from its<br />


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