sTUDt OF r00 cAsls:

sTUDt OF r00 cAsls:

sTUDt OF r00 cAsls:


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<strong>sTUDt</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>r00</strong> <strong>cAsls</strong>:

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bIAijNlElI( 1:VAl,lA1'ILtl \tt nt,tpt:t, J.tuf!t:11Apt;i<br />

stx,bA^ptt Jl [Fpirw]u,'ar uJ&r aB _<br />



100 ctrsrs shoeing sign6 and symDrons or<br />


ueiah! Io55 and uasaing, gyheconrstlr, easv bru15&-<br />

btliLy, abdoDinal distehsion in.leasina patlo!, p.o-<br />

. hlselt sbdoolnll ve1ns, Bse1lilg of fee!, libido, anv<br />

It/o uhbilical sepsts, jaundice atter cbol€cysiecldyt<br />

bleedi.s t;ndency, p11e6, rerstrual bistoty' exposure<br />

to dog6, a@ber of lregnancies, t.eatnelt history .nd<br />

ary abdoninar su.aery 1r tbe p.st.<br />

Atler nol-ing dovn rhe points ol hlslorr'<br />

Eeneral physic.l eruin.liotr rE doDe. pulse, 8.P.,<br />

Itcsprrurory rare, JvP, Tehperaturc, Prtlor, Jau.drce,<br />

ly'nrhrdrnoprrhr, oedd'!, koi lony(Iif, , r I ubbing, *hi rt<br />

opaque nail6, brirlle nalIs, eeighr, .ut!ltion.r status,<br />

xanthoma, xanthelcsa, plgoentatlo!, live. palm, spider<br />

angtma, gyneaconrstio, body b.1. e.d f.tor beparicls<br />


rxeinatior ot Gastlolnte6tipal Systep:<br />

Orodentar exuiDation, tbddilal &11 veilsr<br />

h€rnlal orifices, velou6 bM uas Doted. lpper .Dd<br />

lo*er border of live! ea€ touDd. lts coleistency,<br />

aurface, oargin .nd terd€!!e6€ u.. not€(t. Splsnlc<br />

enlalgene.t and presence of rBcite6 *.3 Dot€d. Prlpable<br />

gall bludder or d.56c5 1n tbe rtght hypochondliu o.<br />

eptga€tltu w€!€ noted. It leceaaary leclal 4.

:Ns rnatron qJs donc<br />

Nrrr({rr Srsron Er.minat ion:<br />

hvrl or colscious.css, Mtrcsi!, hlllu.ira-<br />

!ioDs, p.rsouali!y chlDg! !.d LoDdon jelks eore nored.<br />

Ex@lnrtior of respi.atory rtrd c.rdlovascul.r<br />

Aller hlsto.y aod exMinatio! irv€etigatlorE<br />

oere done. aoutlDe tnvostlgatioDs lDcludtlg totar and<br />

differential count, ltbt ,lsnr u.iDe lor blle salts,<br />

bll! pignenis an.t urobillnogen, sl,ool fo! ov!, cyst,<br />

occult bloo.t atrd celluta. exudote, rere pertor@d in<br />

Folloytng inveatlgailona $€re don. fhen r6qutred<br />

accordirg to clitricrl judg€@rt:-<br />

l. Liver luncrlon t€sta.<br />

2. One srsge protlrroobln tire.<br />

3. Atood gloup.<br />

4. lsciiie fluid exein.rio!.<br />

5, Pleural or Pcrica.dirl fluld exMinrrion.<br />

6. Bariuo Sv&rlov.<br />

7. Ba!i@ lollo* rblougb-<br />

9. Ploctoscopy , colonoEcopr; Big[oidoscopy.<br />

r0. Spteboportogrlphy.<br />

11. or.1 Choleeysrograpby.<br />

12. Intrav€Bous chol.Daioglalhy.<br />

13. Ee!.t1t16 B-a!t1g€n

l!,. G.atro-duod.ral e.dorcoDy.<br />

t5, EECP.<br />

16. P6lcur.o.our T?e!3 b.9rtlc cholagiogr.pby.<br />

r?. T-Tube CboL.rg loSrrDhy .<br />


PR<strong>OF</strong>ot|lt<br />



t. -----------------------<br />

2. ----------------------<br />

3. ----------------------<br />

P.si Elstot9!<br />

lnv.sr i g.l lone.<br />

1LC----------<br />

Drc----------<br />

Bb,t---------<br />

&al|---------<br />

:J:<br />

U!i.e----------<br />

.<br />

Stool<br />

--------<br />

!.t'1.---------<br />

Oral Chol.cYatolilrDhy:<br />

Iltnv€Dls Ctolrlatqr{|lyt

0lt!.aou.d Ea..|I!.i10!t<br />

Aoy oib€r hvo.tl|ltlon:<br />

Op6l.tto! Ioiea!<br />

.<br />

BloDsy B€Dorr:<br />

Blt.ct ol l!€.tr!t:<br />

lo! t.l,t.!|,. .bwl.t .lar. .!rr ar!90(!,<br />

ot beD.tlc d1..... to4l or tllttu..'

h( Iirst tn!!strgrtio! aller rourino invectiglrrons.<br />

ulrfrsolnd lxMinlilon $!s pcrfomod rfler ir rnd<br />

durrtrg suougrlpUt llru lcsulrs ol lcdionuclidc slu

lor more vie{s Anger G.ma Ceera Xodel<br />

Gltl-04A-2 Nas used vitb i.i6.s1ty ot 400 aDd photo!<br />

en€rgy or 140 kev. Rlgbt 1a1e!.1, Iett lEtelall<br />

anterior, posiello!, ri8ltt st€rlo! obllque and .lgbt<br />

posrerior vie*s sere taLeD. x-!.y tilDs oI size<br />

14,,x17", llrxl4',, a"xt0', vere uaeat.<br />

Tc99o- sulfu! colloid sls !6ed for tiver scann_<br />

rns and jr {a6 lsbelled im€diately befo.e use. lhe<br />

usuxr d!'\( u:t{t rns 1-3m ci ^nd<br />

l5 ninur{:s wc.c rfrlu)rr'(<br />

ro tcr(om' rhc lesr. Ttle pltienl eas positioned supin{:<br />

undcr a Iarge lield scinrillrtion c,rer! equippcd vlrtt<br />

ttre highest sensitivity parsllgl hole cdlliMror. 3D<br />

Cr do.e ol Tc"""'- SC {aB injeci€d &E a bolus thlough<br />

an a.tecubit.l veln and statlc to.8es eele obtalned<br />

300,000 counts !e! exposure. lbe pslte.ta ver€ u.dre_<br />

ssed atrd mt.lllc obJ€cLs rsv.d. care ra6 iaie! tor<br />

retained one@6 .od otber coltlrst !edl! !a tbev 61gbt<br />

cause la1€€ posltlve focal def€ct6 lnltoEic.l lsrd<br />

narks rele dr&vn on the pape! lot b€t1-e! lppr€c1rtlon<br />

Cbol.a.lltlg!.pby s.s p.rto@d uatrg 2-5 Dcl<br />

ot rcggo-ErDl. Tbe l.belllng r.3 doD€ l0 o1!!tes<br />

rJolore u6e. once the @iertil r.6 .drlnlstered inlrrvcnously<br />

thc bl@d cteallncc *.. oxtrercry rapld rtth

h.l1 of nnrcrirl bcing cle!.ed ftom tbe bl.od in 2-5<br />

mrrurcs. 1lr. r.rnsit limc lh.ough tbe liver slr sbort<br />

vi.h ! rapid visurlizatiotr of intra hepitic ducls !n

exadlnrrion. sector sc&aning plobe of 32 eleneltB and<br />

ol 2.4 llllz lrequerc, uaa used *hcn e.ouAh sp.ce Ior<br />

rhe exsib.tiotr *a6 trot available due to bandages o.<br />

,ound6 erc. The 6lngle probe of 2.15 ulz {a6 used<br />

*henever exmitratlon ot tbe be.!t sra reeded to co4plete<br />

the patient'6 cliDic.l da!a.<br />

Folloring rdJusrrclcs rore dolc bcrorc uso:<br />


I nn""<br />

! "*t"o<br />

Itonltor Blightne36 ooth !oni1o.s ccnlral<br />

Contres!<br />

scare tsctor tor E<br />

ECG SYNC<br />

posir ion<br />

Bolb rerltols ccn!.81<br />

position<br />

OJI<br />

?o da<br />

0dB<br />

50 dB<br />

olt ( out.B)<br />

B-fode Dy! lange 3 a0 dB<br />

l.bo Enhance oft<br />

corrrot x.rkcr olt<br />

panel ECC Sync luto Oll<br />

gglr<br />

orr<br />

B-lod€ Eosition Botb X .sd v C€ntrsl<br />


(orr( sDond,{ ro l($ rlelrLh in hsrn<br />

bodJ. Scanning width wa$ ?3.9@.Dd Lbe diagnoslic<br />

Nunber ol scannlng lin€6 to! B-mde dlsplay<br />

v.s 104 lines/t!@e.<br />

Fo. phorographrlg Porarold cuers aD-o2A eas<br />

used. lr hed a sbilt oech4.is for double photographins.<br />

Tbe shutter sped *.6 (B) .nd the aporture nB<br />

on 16. lilh psck nuber 567 sas used rbicb Deeded no<br />

T.ansducer output a.d receiver galn seriinga<br />

D€ie optimized fo! each pallent .nd tFe iDternar g!.t<br />

scale lssigMeDt *a6 adjuBted Eo tbat it dlsplayed<br />

10*e! to redlu tewet reflections over mst shldes ot<br />

grry. Curclul<br />

glveo !o tcchnlcll llcrofa<br />

,or proper ex&tnrtion ot liv€r. as ,nproper ucbln(<br />

selrlng colld eirher cause subile lesions 1o disappeu<br />

enrlrely or 3!tifactually creare a diftuse Pattern of<br />

i+l<br />

t:-<br />

Ixcept lor so!€ DatleDts rbo<br />

emerSelcy basls, lrepar.tloa tor an electlve exetattlon<br />

llvolverl t tast lor .t lea6t 8 bours p!1or to ib€<br />

exsolnltion. selial 6can. of the riabt upp6r quadrrnt<br />

Gle c.!!ied out 1! tbe auplle l.tersl d6cubltu6 .!d

erect lrosilions, Posterio! scds or sc.ns in lbe p.ore<br />

position vere also done when indlcated. The surfsoe<br />

ot the upper p!!t sas s@.r€d wiib Ecbo oel. In<br />

patienrs {here air bubl,l$ in rhe duodena produced<br />

disrol €hadowing, it vas avolded bt askiag the patle.t<br />

to drj.nk rarer *hich dispt.ced al! a!.1 converted the<br />

stomlch trom an lcousti. Inpedent to an a.ousttc vlndof.<br />

Ihe suprne ,!!ren!<br />

!o rbc rerl or L! rl!!<br />

bil1, du(lr oxmin!rion. Extrninrrron oI<br />

comon bil. dDc! *as also done in RAo 45' and R-aO 90'<br />

Sagittal scans wele p€rfolned fir6t. Tbe6e<br />

{e.e done ehile tbe pati€ot r.s boldirg tbe breatb i!<br />

full insprration in .. ittoupt to dtive the llver do*n<br />

s5 tar belos the lib c.ge .6 po6a1ble. l! 9atietris<br />

rirb s@ll livers ilrerco6tal aDDro@b ]!s irsed lo!<br />

Eonography, The eriire llv€! {.a €x@ined Ji@ tbe<br />

diaphragnatic surf.ce ro tbe irfellor bot

necessaly in sore pltients vbere there v.6 a auboptiD4l<br />

srudy during the initial 6cannlng due ro poor preparation<br />

ol tbe p.ttert.<br />

Gall bladder vlsurllzation v.s.ccepted as<br />

satlsfactort vhen rbe ceDtf.r tluld sp.ce .!d the bo!odr.y<br />

r1s vere botb delined. Lolg Bxis and sholt .xrs<br />

vtels ot tbe galr bt.dder eele acbteved b, probe !otirion<br />

and entlle volu@ of tbe g.1l bladde! vle{ed in<br />

each plojectron. Tbe probe e.s plr in ihe subco8tar<br />

tocrtlo! and observatton *aE coatlnued durlng deep<br />

insplrstory etlo$. A posltlv€ Iurphy'|s 61gn {.a recorded<br />

when plin vas olicitcd by thc plcssure of lrahsduccr.<br />

lo rlrosc crsos ylrc.c lhc glll bllddcr could nor Uu<br />

identltied or it e$ narkeatly coorracted a .ep€et exa-<br />

Din.Iio! r.s done fbeD 6to!€rere ideDtilied they eele<br />

viewed ln dlfferetrt proj€cttons and po6lttons tor<br />

conflaalion. tbe grrl bl.dtle! 1t@., ridtrr .!d leugth,<br />

uall tttrckness rnd the du.t diaeler vcs neEsured {tth<br />

A ge.ela1 6urvey ol the uppe! abdonen sa6<br />

perlored j.! alt patiebta. P.lticulr.ttertlo! e.6<br />

dilected to prncreas, sp16e!, spl€n1c aeln, ktdners<br />

old .bdoolntl va6cul.! stlucturea, pl€ulrl aDd<br />

perttoleal apaces.

As llve! bropsy is An invd6ive procedure rt<br />

*as only pertor@d shon neoded alier acintlgtapbv and<br />

sonog..pby. lenght.i's one second liver blopsv nserlle vas used<br />

in Dost case6 but tn a lef csE€s Trucut ud sulecqt<br />

@diti€d lelghiDitB Deedles rere tl6o u6ed. ESR, TLC,<br />

DLC, urine and liver functions teats *ere petfo!-€d<br />

in each case. One stage prothloobln tioe, benaloctit<br />

and blood plrielet count rere alone sithin 3 d.vs of<br />

biopsy ln p.rienta eilh stabl,e beDailc diser6e atrc<br />

one dat befo.e biopEy 1n psilentE rith qnst.ble ltver<br />

diee$e. I c.!elu1 bistory oi bl€edilg<br />

inrake of drugs was obtal.ed. If a prtlent had been<br />

.lktng sny aspirln rtthln 5 days ot tbe plan.ed blopsv,<br />

i( {as ettbe! posrpon€d or a bleeding tioe q5 deterhined<br />

before bioDsy. lnl. vlt. x vas alvea 2-3 davs<br />

prlor to biopsy ir pail.nts qitb auapected clottilg<br />

abno@ltty. lbe prothr@bin ti@ rls rot @te tha.<br />

3 seconds plololged iD atry crse. ln eacb patlent tbe<br />

platelet coun! erceeded 30,000,|m". Blood slouping a.d<br />

closs @tching rss don6 ald 1-2 plDts ot blood re.e<br />

svrilablo for tr$61!61o! sbould lt b€ n€c€B.alv rltet<br />

btopst. Aselt€s {6 coDtroll€d s6 f3r ae po661bl€. I<br />

dld Dot !€rlolo aly b1o!5y 1o p.tlelts tbele bi1l.ry<br />

tr.ct obatluction s&a docaoDted !t otb.! 1!ve3t18.t1on6.

Betore th€ piocedure rritt€n coDse.t of tbe<br />

plti€li v.s take!. Tb6 plocedure {as oxplaired to tbe<br />

patient stresslng the Deed to botd tlte b.ertb at tb€<br />

6Dd ot explratloo lor eev€..l s€co!d6, Illd 6ed.tton<br />

rN s.bieved by DiazepN l0 ng orrlly 45-60 ninllcs<br />

before tbe plocedu.e. Tb€ blopsy ra. done eitber on<br />

bed or o! th€ blopsy table. Tbe p.tiont sas lvlng<br />

sDpine d the €dge ol tbe bed rith ttre head re6thg or<br />

a pilld and tbe abducied rlght am.<br />

Blopsy Bite {as chos€, by pelcussron transtho.Bclcrlly<br />

or by p.lprtton subcost.ltt. ?tn or stb<br />

ilielcostst 6!rce, 1n tbe Did atltlary liDe jusi cepb_<br />

alsd to the costsl n.rglD *s6 selected, or a partlcul.r<br />

site r.s selected uDde! ndlorucllde eealDing add<br />

sonography guidrnse. stllct septic conditiotrs vere<br />

u3ed. Tbe 6lr. rs6 iltlltrrtod *1tb slt ;t 2! xvtoctlo.<br />

A 2@ 1ne16io! rs ud€ tbrougb tbe ath sd the !€€dl6<br />

ea6 lntrodlced. If no tlaau€ wa6 obt.1n€d or tbe t15su€<br />

rds not sult1cl6lt for oDiblo! or ti6su. Jr@ era<br />

sitea va6 to be trk€Dr sddltiotal !.sae6 *e!e @de.<br />

After biopay tne patlenta r€Ettn€.! on tbe tsble to!<br />

20-30 liDute6 dd tbe! sbttteat to tbelr beda' B.P.'<br />

pul6e cbslts s6!. !aj,!tai!6d 1/2 bourty lor tbe t1!6t<br />

trc h@r6, oDe boult lor !€xt a bouia ud tbed z<br />

i<br />


202<br />

bourly tor 12 bou!6. lbe p.tlilti<br />

v€re t!.t!uci.d to<br />

Ue .lom lo! 24 houra .arl to .voltl b.rry llltha ot<br />

rthl.tle t t!?ltt tot 4a iootr. PrlD r! t!€rted tlt!<br />

rt41. a.tas.lc. olrl ot i!!t.ntc!Lr.<br />

ltt.r biopay,tle .D.olD! r|l !,t r€te.d l!<br />

1Ol. r@rd.by.lc url s6!t to tt irlot.iolt tor<br />

blatoD.tboloalc.l .trrl,lrtloo, lb. blood r.tdtrt.d i!<br />

tbe .yrlnF r.E !.Dt tor.cultur..!d lor oalla..nt

cAs! ntsr9Rlxs o!<br />


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clsE NO. 90<br />

luRrnn's srrDRor!<br />

A boy of 3 years preaeat€at ln eoergeD.y eith<br />

LDc coop l!iuls olt<br />

2. Prlpltatlob - 6 daYs<br />

Tbe mrbei rold thit be ta hrvlng at0lllr .ttack6 for<br />

.rte lGt 6l years. fheie 16 no lolly hlatory ot 6ucb<br />

on exainat-io! it- ia tou.d tbat hia iltelllgence<br />

tevel ts belor rrelaae. le la brv!.3 couae t.c1.r<br />

festures, tbic! lips, lalge tolgrer arddle abaDed !ose,<br />

side no.rrils, open @uth .!d Dot6y ble.thtlg. Bilatelal<br />

conear croldila i6 pre.€rt. tber€ 1€ do4o luDbar<br />

kyphGi6 abd 8ibbu6 fo!4tlo!.<br />


Pulse 90/n1n. legula!, coll.p€rng ln cltaracte!<br />

B.P, l5O/20 | o€d6mE l€et +<br />

Ap€x b€at ts in tb€ 6tb Iltelco€trl space in<br />

the oid rxilllry liDe. An election ayatollc nurn! i5<br />

preserit at the eritc alea (lt) rld 3! €ally dlctolic<br />

dut@! is beard .t tb€ 12 u€r.<br />


rbd@n_19 pr9tubglrnt. Ihblllc.I b€u1r 15

pleserr. Liver enlarged 6I belo* lhe cosial mlgin,<br />

spleen enla.sed 2F. No ascit6..<br />


Bltftelal couse crepirarloE tr tbe 4iddle abd<br />

Io*er puta ot lulgE.<br />



1!C, DL,- NAD<br />

ollne to! toluiditre blu€ ta6t 1a poeitrv€<br />

X-r.y chest - C.rdtftgcly ,ith bilaterat<br />

pul@.ary conaeatto..<br />

x-r!y sxull - L$ge slull rtrh iacial bda<br />

deforott ies.<br />

,(-!rt sptDe - cibb$ l. graaelt .t the D?-a<br />

vert€b!4e, Kyphoacolloala eith hooktng<br />

ot veftebe pres€ni.<br />

Echocardiograpby A.d B€ctor sctEnitg.<br />

lalt veBtricul.r eDlr4.o.!t lEsent .<br />

Schtig!.phy - BeDatoslleloo€galy titb decr€rsed<br />

hepetic uptate.<br />

Uttlso.ograpby - E8l.t3€d live! ud splee!.<br />

lsFrtlc ve1.s v€rt dl1.t€d.<br />

Corae€ttvo berfi talloF du€ to .oriic

33;<br />

cASCrX{rA O! St\)lACn<br />

r\ mrrri.d fcnalc of 34 vears Drcaen.ed ih<br />

our-p!rlents dep4rrneit *ith the c@prsiots of:<br />

1. Iarr.ctable bacL-acbe - 20 days<br />

1. Yelloele66 of eyes - l0 alaya<br />

She givea H/o dy8pep6l., uorexis and b€rlt<br />

burD for 3 ionths. She has tso chlldle!. Tbere 8re no<br />

ElBtrual codDlrlnts.<br />

o/E - she ia. pare, 6oct.ted, ill l@tlng ladt.<br />

Pallo!<br />

Jaundlce +<br />


Lrver eDlaraed bard, lrleaular Mratls, lodultr<br />

3urlace 8d !oo-teDde!.<br />

C.v.S. ExuiDatio! - Pulae oo/oin. !€gu1d.<br />

Botb healt sounds homal. Grlde II Ey6totic numu! rt<br />

:..i<br />

i;:i:::<br />

Respllrtory Syatd - NID .<br />

ExtrtNtrrorl 0! SPME<br />

a soJt 6{€11iog 16 p!€6€nr .t tbe back et tbe<br />

I6ee1 o! Ll ald L,g.


TL,c , Dl,c - NID , IsR- 80@. f,b.aot<br />

Stool - Clay coloured, ro ove, rc cv6i<br />

!!i!e - D.rk colour. Bile s.lts, Blle pigEetrts +'<br />

!!obilinog€tr trlce6.<br />

selud bililubt! - 4.2 otl<br />

SGPT - Tsur<br />

s.lltaliDe PbosDbrte 320uI.<br />

S.Albudln .. 4.8snl<br />

lontrol 15 sec<br />

A:C r.tio 2: r, PtI( -prtlent 13 sec<br />

x-rry cbesr - IAD<br />

X-rsy 6pi!e - Lt and !4 velt€br t.e .l€n6e.<br />

Live! sca! - Elluaed livet eitb mltlple<br />

local delecte.<br />


lnluged liver rtib rulilDl,e ilr d€tt!.at 6p1ex<br />

ossses i! botb robes ol live!. II.iBr dil.tatloD oI<br />

bllialy passrges. Gatt blddei nomal. 9ancreas nomat.<br />

Bolh ov.rlea .!d uterua ro@1.<br />

llrgr--uigpEr -<br />

r1!6t att4pt<br />

latty !€t.@lpboals ritb no evidence ot @l1g_<br />


crRnBosrs ot Ltvta<br />

a 45 ,er!6 aa€d D.! preaeDted i! eelg€rcy<br />

witb th€ corptsl.ts otl<br />

lte@t€@ala - 1 d.y<br />

Iel€la - 1 day<br />

Re c@plails ol plosr6s6lve.bd@j,!.! dl6tonsion<br />

lor tbe 1.at I @nth6. Tbere ia easy t.1'tgq.bllity<br />

for the sme dulation. ge gtvos H/o jaundlce 7 years<br />

leo.<br />

O/E - A pale looking @n vell olle[ted in<br />

tlne and 6pac..<br />

Sltder A!81o@ +<br />

Pal@r erytb@ +<br />

Nalls l!€ sbite ed o!qu€.<br />


Prorub.lut abddF! qlrh di€t€ldsd abdollrl<br />

veins. lbe llov ot blood ls rr@ b€loe uDs.!ds. shttt-<br />

1!g du11!e66 +r lluld tb!111 +. Ltve! Dot Drlplbl..<br />

splcen enrlr8od ?!.<br />

C.V.S.r C.N.S. ..d cxeinar,lon of<br />

respl!.toty 6yatd .. .. lltD

NvEsltcAl loNs<br />

TI',<br />

DL,C . NID<br />

Urlne - 1r&es of blle salts and blle pignehrs,<br />

Stool for occult blood +.<br />

Selun bilirubin 2.3nsi .<br />

SCP4 - 130 ut.<br />

s. Alkali& Phosphrrcs - 250 ul.<br />

S.Albunin - 2.1go1<br />

S.Cloburin - 4.2, A:G la.ion - r:2<br />

!ivcr scln - small slzed livcr,dimitrishcd hcp!rj<br />

uDtakei€Dleen cnla.ged sbo*ita<br />

'spill over: Acrlvilt see! in bones.<br />

!M-!94t _ Nl'o<br />


Ocsopltagcrl va!ic€s ure preccnr.<br />

GssLroscuDy<br />

O6sopbageal varices .!e p.eaent.<br />

t{o g.€iric ulce! detected.<br />


Soall live! eith j,lclea€ed ecboaenlcltt. Uppe!<br />

surtrce is irregulu. Dolt.l 6d Epleoic velns ate<br />

dllated, sooe cotlctelal ch.!!el6 ilFo seen. Gall<br />

bladder rel! .pDelrllg tblcl. Asctt.6 preao.t. !.testlnal<br />

coll. tloatlnE tE tb6 llee lluid. Spl€€n is

Dilaied splenic rnd porral veins with well<br />

developed collate.al vessels.<br />

Liver bloosv - Post hepatltlc erlrhosrs.<br />


Cifbosis of liver sith bleeding oesophageal

!r)0<br />

PYOCElltc LtvER aascEss<br />

A 53 vsd6 mle pttient c,G to u6 witb tbe<br />

r. BtAb grde t€ve! .. - 2 daYs<br />

2. P.In rlght bvpocboodris - 2 dsvs<br />

3. Alolexra .. .. - 2 days<br />

ie is ! ktrodn dlrbetic iot 12 vears ritb rd<br />

trreaular lntsle ol dlugs and inlectioDs' ae i5 havlne<br />

ptles to! fou! yeus r!.1 t big celbuncle o! his b'cl<br />

fo! rbe Lrst l0 davF.<br />

A toxlc l@klng @! eitb profuse sve'thg'<br />

O/E -<br />

Pulse - 102/oio. !egul$.<br />

TeoP. - 104"1<br />

Respl!.tory .!te - 22loi!.<br />

c.1. T. EXAIIINATION<br />

Livet pslpsble 5!, Velv teDde!'sDlee! lot<br />

palDsble. No ascite6.<br />

Re6!tr!to!v ststetr - NAD<br />

c.N.s. _ Btlaielslrv rbaeDt dkle ierks'<br />


A bta calbuBcle Pleseot st the b*k'<br />

Ot thrles@Dv - D!.betlc !€thoE tbt p!6'€ti '

leduced. lvo s.l.t liero euaccsses prcscnr, I|)c!e rs<br />

atso €m!11 aubdlrpbraloa11c collectlo. or puc. tio<br />

@.<br />

Irlv€r Scu - Norul lieer iDlp.<br />


I€dluD to blgb lcvel<br />

Plevlou8ly eeho f!€e cavlty.<br />

eh@a P!€sert 1! the<br />

Tbe 3lz€ tr.s !ed!c€.t,<br />


Pyoge!ic ltver ab.cess.<br />

-.t -


A l@ale ot 42 yeals pleaented ln stergency<br />

rtth acu!6 pai! t! lisbt hypochondriu 2 days.<br />

l6ve! - 2 d&ta<br />

V@lting - 2 dlts<br />

Sbe give8 H/o vrgue .bdotlar dlac@fort' llrtulence,<br />

dyspepsia ard indiae6rlon ro! 3 rcnths.<br />

o/E - Tdp. 103'F<br />

Dehydlatlon +<br />

6. t.1. EXtrrNATrOtl<br />

l1ve! not Ditp3ble. Terderneas 1! ligbt<br />

lypocboldr1u !!€6eEt.<br />

cNs, aespllatoly asd c.v.S, - NID<br />


tlc - !,r,2oo r DIrc-P.?81<br />

L.201<br />

L. It<br />

B. lt<br />

lrtDe exutratto! - NID<br />

St@1 exullatio. - l|ID<br />

S.!@ btltrubln - 1.6 ral<br />

x-r.y pt.lD ddoG! - llD<br />

ot.l cbol.cystoglarby - G.ll bl.dde! oot<br />

vtaual izod.

a c.1<br />

ITIDA scsn - Gall lrladde! tror viaullized. !r!c<br />

flov ro rhc gul.<br />


Dilated 8rl1 blsdde! sitb a single atone louod<br />

ne!. rbe grtl blsdder !ec*. so@ lo* revel €cboes<br />

plese.t 1! tbe 1u!€t of the gsll bladde!. cbalEing<br />

the posltlon oith pstientrs posltio!. Liver size lnd<br />

sr4cture i6 !or!.1.<br />


Cola€st6d ed o.d€@tous 3.ll bl.dd.r. A<br />

silsle big stone toud tncDeented i! th. g.u brstde!<br />

neck. c.rt bladdei is llll€d vith oucopuluI€nt oat€rlrl'<br />


G411 bl.dder vsll sho*tna scute lnll@tory<br />

cburr.. Soe cbrcoic rall@tott cells rrto s6'D'<br />


acute chol4y6tltla titb cbolelttblrais.

:0i<br />


A ?0 y€E!6 old lgrile cE@ rlth a Dase in rlgbt<br />

lrypo choDdriu fo! 2 lonths. sbe alves [/o progresslee<br />

weigbt loss for thc lrsr 4 DonLhs lnd lnorcxia tot the<br />


Liver eDlsrged 3r, hard, non-teod€r, irregulsr<br />

nalgin and oodul.r .urface.<br />

CIs! cvs lod Re6plt.rory Eysteo - NlD<br />


fLC, DIC - NAD. Ilb. 621 '<br />

EsR - 55m.<br />

Stool Eaataatton - NAD<br />

urltre rot lroblliroge! - T.rces<br />

Ser@ blttllbin - 6.8 ngl<br />

SGP! - 80 u1<br />

s.alkrlile Phospbat$€ - 300 ul.<br />

Ll!e. sc.! - Ellsrged Llv€r 1@g€ *ltb dultlple<br />

local delect6.<br />

fiIDA scsn - Gall bladd.r nol uiauol!zed.<br />


Llver e!I.!aed. lultiple cooptex lourded @66e5<br />

tould I! lller aubatdc€. Dil.trtloo ot bl118y Praaag6a<br />

'<br />


.(mn bllc ducr nor dilarcd. Plncrcs rotul. Gnll<br />

bll.ldcr lilhd *iLlt ! cdlpler @!!' nol- clrloging rls<br />

Bbap€ or Doaitlo! vlth tbe cltoae oI pailgntra<br />

positio!. Vert ltttle lue. is 1d6.t1fied, bbedd€d<br />

in the msa ls e a@11 echo denEe $€a vlth .countlc<br />


A tueEtha grorth ol g.ll btadder 1i111!g<br />

slDst vbol,e ot lt. Tuo 3.Il srones tound. Livet<br />

eoltrsed, arrJrcG j,!regulrr utl nodular.<br />

!9!l_9!9:!!il9_!!9P!r - Paplllir6toud colsne.<br />

ee11 ad.locatciooor'<br />

Dt^GNO6rS<br />

ot ;alr bladdcr stth econd.rlcs

:9i<br />

ltYt l'l ll, Dls8ls! ot Llvln<br />

A young nan ot 28 ye.!s c@ to ue eitb B!<br />

ioc.€r5in8 plinlese nass ln opigasiriu to! 6 rcnths.<br />

No orhe! cooplainl6,<br />

O/E - A younA rell built @n. Tbere 1s no<br />

jrurdice or p&llor.<br />

c.l.T. Itxatl{alloN<br />

A big b.66 is p.lp.bte 1! litht bypochondltu<br />

ssd epig.atric regton. The rass tG no!-terd€r rnd noves<br />


CNs, cvs and Res91ra:ory<br />

sysred exeiortlo. - Nl,D<br />

ioutile l.bolarory tesrs - NAD<br />

L.!.T. - NID<br />

Llve! 6ca! - a bta tocal deiect 3@. io tb.<br />

red1.l lst ot tLe rlSbt 1ob.<br />

aDd 1! tbe l€tt tobe.<br />

llDA Scu - tlAD<br />


lerr detlned, rht. ualled nultiple ecbofrec<br />

sp.ce6 fould 1! tb€ rlgbr lob€ ot liver. Ihe conte.ts

i,r9c<br />

cctx,glar | ( I ty is no|el.<br />


ttr1ilDl€ cy!t3 3r€ loudd iD tbe D.dlsl Flt<br />

ot rlllt rob€ ot uv.r r!.r.Duirstrlu. tt ct.t3 rt€<br />

tbi! rellod rltb cL.l! co!t.!ia.<br />

!9!!-9r94!!r!-!!9Er - svdrtid cv.ta'<br />

Dlaolt(x|ls<br />



I 43 y€&rs n.le proaented ln tbe out-P.llent<br />

deparr@lt rttb the coDpl.l.t6 ot prl! tlabt<br />

Otl rn

Non-tulctlohlhg gslt bladder.<br />

CJ.pl-Sg8& - Slugsl€b €oFtllng ol asll bladder.<br />

Grll bl.dde! dilated<br />


Live! slze rnd stlucture notul. Antetior<br />

s.1l ot arll bl.dder aDDealtog double rnd thlck. Tb€<br />

eltile vrll t6 c$tlog . tblck acoustic abrdorilg.<br />


Dirared gsll bladder rith betvily c.lcilied<br />

r!116. The g.1l bl.dder !. tltl rl,t! atoo.a.<br />

Post opelrthe biops! - le.vy deDoattlo! ol<br />

crl.1u t! tbe gall<br />

bladd€t *11 1.<br />

DtACliosls<br />

purc(trrn gulJ lrluddrr wlrh chululltlrl!s15.


I {3 yeus ord f@re *g3 oper.ted Jo! ch&lic<br />


Nomct slze gall bladde! vith a blg gatl sLonc,<br />

a €nall etone syspecle.l rn Lhe cysrlc .luct. Biria.v<br />

p$6tges not dirrted.<br />

oPEMTIVE lnaDmGS<br />

Colg€sted gd1 bladder *.r1. A siogle srone<br />

lornd. No .ystic duct stole. B1le ducta not dilaied.<br />

Atre! qholeetstect.my the tattent deleroped<br />

j&undlc€ alte! 4 d.ys.<br />

T.lube cbolapsio$.phe.<br />

A.rone tr tbe co!b! bite duct su6pected.<br />

BIDI ac.p - l{o Jroq oi brle ln tbe aut.<br />


r!t!. hepatic billalt p.aa.8€a d1lrie.l. CBD<br />

d1@t€r la 13 @. AD ecbo

post ctfDtorcIr sYNDtorE<br />

I 2? y€a$ lrle pre€elt.d In e@tg€!cy.<br />

Dyspne._ I *€e&<br />

Dal! ligbt byDocholdriub - 1 ses<br />

lhe p.tient b.d a reprtr oEelation !o! ASO<br />

O/l - Pulae is 90/nin. 1ow volune, legular,<br />

JVE I<br />

oedd. +<br />

c, v. s. lxAxtNATloN<br />

Apex bect lot parpable. Arsa oJ carqrrc<br />

dulhes ilcrers€d. A6err tuds ir @fft6(t.<br />


Bigbt 6id.d Dloursl ettuslon.<br />

G.!.T. ETIXIdATIOT<br />

' Ascltes !!6r.!t. Ltv€! .!ta!8€rt, t€!d6!.<br />

ap1e.D lot !alE.bl..<br />

' c.x.s. - I|rD

303<br />


Routile in!€stigations - NtD<br />

l-!!y Che6t - Crldlo@3sly ritb rigbr srded<br />

ple!!.1 ettuio!.<br />

E.C.G - Lou volt.ge cooplexe€ with I<br />

$ave invereloD ln all the leads.<br />

Gchocardio.laohv - I-@d. lecordilg 6bos echo<br />

I rce sprcc l,cryoco rhe<br />

nyoc!.dlun and cptcar

crfllolt I c cuoLEcYstrTrs<br />

A 49 yerr6 otd rale cooDt.l!6 ot rccurlent<br />

rlgbr 8bd@inal pain - I year.<br />

rarry heal inrolerance - I yesr.<br />

Tbele iB norhilg sia.itlc$t i! !o€ pEr<br />

Ge!e!31 phtaicar an.t syst€oic<br />


Boutl.e ibrestigatiols - NtD<br />

- 1,2usl<br />

orar cholecvsroeraDbv -<br />

Sb.lt poolly lulctio!1ng grlt bl.dderr<br />

ftlled rltb oultiDte 6ro.e6-<br />

Erp4 sc.n - oltl bt.dde! vtsualize.r sbortag<br />

slo, eDptytDg.<br />

ii ?.:.<br />

i-lt<br />


s@11, rhlct r.lted a.lt bladde! tilt€d<br />

tltn lultirle schodelse D.se6 rlth .@Etic<br />


sE.r! 81..d g.u bleatd€r. Ilick salt..

Iulltple stones are preselr.<br />

posr Operarrve bropsj - The galt oladder va/t<br />

sbo*ing cbronic infla-

306<br />

Nolort vslues fo! !h€ libo!.rory<br />

rrv€.rla.tlona us€rt to! t!. .rudr3<br />

tot.l seru Drorei!.<br />

LD{<br />

scor<br />

SCPT<br />

cpr<br />

- 0.3 - l.O rrt<br />

- t.6 - 5.2 gll<br />

- 2-/r - 3.7 gntt<br />

- 6,2 _ s.z ..Inl<br />

- 230 - 460 ut<br />

- t- J5 ul<br />

- 2- 30 ul<br />

- 15- l0ul<br />

tl&.1loe pbosDb.r... - gs _ 2r9 ul<br />

s3!u .lyla€e lDro - l3O ut.





!.ae. I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

<strong>r00</strong>.00<br />

40"<br />

10<br />

26<br />

6<br />

60.00<br />

34.61<br />

I7<br />

40.00<br />

55.3a<br />

80"<br />

14<br />

3o<br />

9<br />

61.22<br />

6tt.28<br />

t9<br />

5<br />

38.?7<br />

lo0 54 46.00<br />

Irlo!tty ot the csE€s b€torged to<br />

The youlaest prltelt vs6<br />

the oldelt Dsttelt res a


rlTlt ttE lottotrNc stapTors<br />

1. P.in lisbt bypo-<br />

3. M.ss .ight hypo-<br />

4, |rass cpjslstrluur<br />

5. P!i. epigas!riun<br />

6. Nause., lo@ithg<br />

43<br />

32<br />

2t .!3.33<br />

r7 53.13<br />

r 25.00<br />

5 t1.42<br />

5 38.1t6<br />

22<br />

3<br />

2<br />

8<br />

51.16<br />

?5.00<br />

6r.54<br />

3. ProareEstve wej.ent<br />

loss-<br />

10. Indigeatlo! .hd<br />

rrl55 bypocboadrtu<br />

+ !ls8 epu.strl@<br />

10<br />

t2<br />

L2<br />

?<br />

I<br />

7 ?0.00<br />

? 18,33<br />

5 { 1,6?<br />

5 ?1.42<br />

3<br />

30.00<br />

41.67<br />

s8.33<br />

2a,57<br />

100.00<br />

74.<br />

ra.<br />

lclvirogs tn rrghl<br />

-2(}-It6c6ll!!€Ou.<br />

14<br />

5<br />

5<br />

t0<br />

6<br />

3<br />

3<br />

5<br />

11.43<br />

80.00<br />

40.00<br />

71.?6<br />

60.00<br />

75.00<br />

66.6?<br />

62.50<br />

I<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

6<br />

24.51<br />

20.00<br />

60.00<br />

22.22<br />

40.00<br />

25.00<br />

44.44<br />

3!.3t<br />

10<br />

li.5o<br />

:-_!E.9gqo9o .y"p!o* se!e, D3l! ll3ulhyp9rb9aix1<br />

and laundi.e

lrffi'3fr++9$.3#fiHl+F<br />

Dull coltinuous patE ritb<br />

Acute coltcky p.r! r.d1*Iog<br />

Recur.eni colicty p.iD rltb<br />

Beeullelt colicky p.i.<br />

Acute coli.ky prtn rlth<br />

Dull priD ,ltb J.u.d1ce,<br />

10<br />

I<br />

la.6<br />

44.43<br />

4.55<br />

23.25<br />

2.32<br />

2-32<br />

The preseltatto! ol pitlents wrth garl<br />

ot tbe ti@, u scut€ DalD 1n rtgbt<br />

hypocboDd!1u. Soe p.tielt6 crb€ ,tt! chrcDlc<br />

history ol recltelt rttscts ot psln vbrte 1! s@e<br />

patielt . stlelt grtl stoaes, ,e!a detectsd *he!<br />

tbe ultrEoud 6ru1o.t1oE r& ps!to@.t ror .oG

310<br />



ii ll:i'i,ili!!i'."-lr *'.ii<br />

:l .!ccs.:l l: :l<br />

I'c.r.n-:i Fc- ii I,o.c.na€.<br />

i: Bre:l t38€.<br />

32<br />

<strong>r00</strong><br />

2<br />

2<br />

6.25<br />

6.25<br />

2<br />

t00<br />

50<br />

50<br />

3.12<br />

100<br />

3.3?<br />

66.6<br />

33.3<br />

t<br />

I<br />

3.r2<br />

3.12<br />

100<br />

lo0<br />

3,!2<br />

!00<br />

!.12<br />

100<br />

3.12<br />

15.62<br />

I<br />

100<br />

3 60<br />

2<br />

a0<br />

5.25<br />

50<br />

50<br />

I<br />

3<br />

3<br />

!.r2<br />

0.3?<br />

9.3?<br />

t<br />

66.6<br />

I<br />

I<br />

2<br />

to0<br />

33.1<br />

55.6<br />

I<br />

I<br />

3,12<br />

- 3.12<br />

100<br />

100<br />

31 100.00 tl 5t.13 a6.8?

3ir<br />

tlulllEtt of cnsls tN flrlc tor,rdrNc<br />

'iItlFlTCmi6mrTmE-IFEIED-aini;.<br />

il<br />

love6tigations<br />

1. Urt!.86lograpby + Llv€r Sc.D +<br />

EIDA Sca! + Ltve! btopsy. 5 5<br />

2. sotrogr.phy + liver Scan<br />

+ SIDA sc.n 23 2X<br />

3. Sonognpby + Liver Sca!<br />

+ Llre! blop6y. 12 12<br />

4. . SoDogr.pht + Ltvsr scao 33 33<br />

5. Sonography + IIDA Sc.! 27 27<br />

100 100<br />

Llver soro3r.pby vcs p€rfo@d 1. atl the<br />

prticnis i.c., 100 tatlenrs- trDA s.!n n6 done in 55<br />

patierts rnd liver sc&!'rr€ pe!to!@d in 73 pArie!1s,<br />

Liver btopsy *cs peffo&ed orly lD !? patients; i1<br />

ls .n 1walv3 p!@edure alal re p6ltore(t lt o.tt<br />

*here tbe reaults ot othe! tro tle€atlgattona n€eded<br />

tultb€! €v.lulttoa. l. .o@ prttanta t!6 r€aulta<br />

ol !o!-i!va5lve l!!e6t1Art1ons reve.led tbat liver<br />

blopat 1s co!tr.1!d1.rt6d e.9., ly.l.ttd cy8t.<br />


3l:l<br />

W<br />

l.<br />

7a<br />

59<br />

L2<br />

3.<br />

92<br />

I<br />

9l<br />

7.<br />

9.<br />

!Dt!r !.r,atic .to!€<br />

P!9i9t!<br />

L2<br />

5<br />

1<br />

a,<br />

l3<br />

92<br />

8<br />


H<br />

6<br />

a2<br />

- - --fe

314<br />

W<br />

Slze ot grtt bladdet<br />

79<br />

7<br />

lncrea6€d thick!ess<br />

83<br />

3<br />

I<br />

qsttc duct StoDe<br />

Coomn bile duct 6tone<br />

Cucl.@ o, astl bl.dder<br />

Carcllo@ ol bile duct<br />

Putul.ot cbolecystltts<br />

Sinsle g!l I s1o..)<br />

l|uliiple gall stoles<br />

lt<br />

3<br />

5<br />

I<br />

1<br />

3<br />

I<br />

1<br />

2<br />

ii+<br />

l:i!<br />

l<br />

J<br />


a<br />

PI<br />

;l<br />

3l<br />

9t<br />

!i<br />

:<br />

E<br />

E<br />

;<br />

F 14



s. ii :llolalii :lNo. ol<br />

No,il :iNo.otii :lcases<br />

:i iic.ses:l<br />

1.<br />

a) Acule pucteatitls<br />

b) Cbrolic Dahcleatitis<br />

c) P6eudo palcreatlc cyst<br />

d) Csrct!@r head ol<br />

e) Pancreatrc cyst<br />

.) Rer.l lltbiasis<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3. 26<br />

5.<br />

a.<br />

c) Poly cystic disease<br />

d) Ilydrohepbrosts<br />

e) Size L.rse<br />

S@ll<br />

b) spleoic vei. dilrted<br />

.) !1€u!d e!lu61ou<br />

t) Peltc.rdld ettuslon<br />

b) rltlrl at6nosia<br />

c) Aorttc l!c@rEt.!co<br />

d) Int.rlor -l6!e ..!! -<br />

. dilrt€d<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

10<br />

t3<br />

t<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1<br />

L<br />

I<br />

I<br />


3!7<br />

r|slE-lI<br />


tot.l !o. ol pEil.!t. - ?!<br />

iirb. or:: FlD.li!i'6 i: Io. ot<br />

1.<br />

b.ll<br />

12<br />

.32<br />

2.<br />

73<br />

I<br />

t<br />

13<br />

l,.1cbt<br />

i.<br />

8<br />

a.<br />

2l<br />

Shal.<br />

IultlDlo<br />

t3<br />

br.rard<br />

54<br />

ta<br />

6. SDIeotc uptd.<br />

?l<br />

e0<br />



:i ReDor[ ot Llver ScaD :: Fi!!l Dr.glosis<br />

1 lultiple local defects lultiple bydatid cysts<br />

5 local delect i. light Pyogenic live! abscess<br />

11 uultiple focal deJecls xetasiasea j.n live! lrod<br />

c$cr!(M of aalt bl.dder<br />

,0 xultiple foc.l del€cts secoarlailes trob c.!c1!ooa<br />

ot bleEt<br />

24 Multiple iocal detecrs Dllated blliary pessases<br />

25 alg focal defect in A@ebtc tlve! .b*ess<br />

2? Iocal defect in lelt lydatid cysi<br />

29 tocll defect in right lepatocellular ctrrcinona<br />

32 ||ulttple focal defe.ts Hep.to.ellular calcinom<br />

35 Xuttille rocal delecrs s€co.d.ries i! 1lver tr@<br />

Ce-Pencteas<br />

41 Big locdl detecr iD uydatld d1se.6e<br />

llght lobe l.:<br />

44 ..<br />

Blg foc.l def€ct iD 81s!t lydloleDbro6ts, rentl<br />

righl lobr litbisslg ..;i:<br />

,<br />

45 s@ll toc.l delect ln aepatj,c be@lgrott<br />

s4 focal detecr in right<br />

Post btoFy bepatic<br />

63 Big Jocal det6ct i! secolil$1€a tlotr calclnoia<br />

69 Ll,!ea! del€cta Dtlitod blli.ry p....a€6<br />

?5 hltiDle tocal detects S€coDd$lea llo cecllo@<br />

aa11 b]&dder<br />

?3 lulttlle tocd del.cts aecold.llea lrd .DclnoM<br />

8a Focrr del.ct 1! Ielt<br />

Pa€udoDscE.tlc cy.t

31'<br />

-2-<br />

E€Porr ot lle€r &&<br />

0! IurtlDl€ t@.1 d.!cc!3<br />

03 Big locat de!6ct 1D<br />

05 lultj,DLe l@.1 dot.cta<br />

96 Btg loc.l delact 1!<br />

S.co!.ts-1.a lro cFclD{<br />

E og.!1c l1ver rbceag<br />

S.co!d.r16 lro o.lcloo<br />

IulrlPle btd.tlrt ctata

TADLE - XItl<br />


Total uober ol P.rre.ts 55<br />

s. ii<br />

n..i:<br />

:iro- il<br />

54<br />

26<br />

2<br />

48.14<br />

46.29<br />

3.?0<br />

I<br />

1.85<br />

29<br />

27<br />

I<br />

93.10<br />

3.44<br />

3.44<br />

3. 5l<br />

43<br />

5<br />

t<br />

33.33<br />

9.25<br />

1.85<br />

4.<br />

54<br />

44<br />

7<br />

2<br />

31.43<br />

12.96<br />

3.?0<br />

1,85<br />

55<br />

5{<br />

1<br />

98.18<br />

l. at

3:t<br />

TABIJ-X1Y<br />


REPO}T <strong>OF</strong> IIIDA SCAN<br />

li riIDA scan Repor!<br />

:i llDat<br />

2, !l.6<br />

4. 10 12 .8<br />

18.0<br />

G.tl. nol visu4lizcd. Ac.clrclecvsrilis *irb<br />

Cholelilhlasi6<br />

G.8. Dot visqali2ed<br />

sfre! ccK'dll.ted<br />

G.B. aot !isualized<br />

Cbronic cbolecYstltis sit<br />

.holedocholiihtasls<br />

Ac.cholecy6tltis rttb<br />

Choredoohori lbi,sis<br />

CEr.iuo@ besd of lancleas<br />

7-<br />

8. 19<br />

12.6<br />

0.9<br />

G.B. lot visq.l1.ed<br />

C&!.tDo4 tdl bl.daler<br />

Cb.CborecYatltis chore_<br />

9. 21<br />

t0. 22<br />

11. 2g<br />

L2. 24<br />

13. 28<br />

0.3 G.B. oo! visurl,ized<br />

O.a G.B. vi6u.llzed<br />

1.2 0.B. not viguallzed<br />

6.2 llcoiclu6iv€ lesult<br />

0,8 C.B. not visu.lized<br />

Acrte cbolecYstitrs.<br />

Chlorlc cholecystl!i5<br />

Acute chol€cyatiils<br />

Posr cbolecysiectooy<br />

strlct!!€ ol C.B.D.<br />

chlollc chol€cYst1t13

ll2<br />

ii 3 ii<br />

14. 32 2.t C.B. vlsualized No.bal G.B. cirrhosls oi<br />

livet<br />

15. 33 1.2 G.B. trot viEudlzed Ac.Cbol€cystrtis<br />

Cbolellthiasis.<br />

16. 35 16.2 Dihted G.B. Carclrd. head ol P.!cre.6<br />

Dll&ted bite duct€ vith s€.o!da!i€6 1a llve!.<br />

1?. 36 0.3 G.B. vi.u.tlz€d Ch. Cbolecv6tlt16 with<br />

cbolelttbia6is'<br />

13. 3? 1,1 G.B. not v16u.11zed Cholelitbi.sls.nd bltlaly<br />

aludge.<br />

19. 39 1.9 G.B. visualized Colgesieit llver' silslt<br />

grlI 6tone<br />

20. 40 1.2 G.B. not visualtzed putllent cholecvstltla<br />

cholelithlasis.<br />

21. 43 t.2 G.B. visuallzed Ci*ho6i6 of livet' sllent<br />

aalt stole'<br />

22, 45 0.9 G.B. rot llsu.1lzed Ac.Cbol.cvstltis aod<br />

cholelitbia€16.<br />

29. 46 2.1 G.S. vlsualtz€d Cilrbosls ot tl{er,<br />

cbole1itbl.6l5<br />

24. 47 r.2 G.B. visutlited CalciDoie g.tl bladder<br />

chol€11!hia€1s<br />

25. 4s !5.6 G.B. lot etsuallted Bllluv .trosi!<br />

26. 49 15.2 Dtl.16d blll.rt choluglocatciloo'<br />

Das..ge. v€rt ltttle Cb.chol€cvstttis<br />

tlorto Int€stioes cholelttbiagls- "d<br />

2?. 53 l3.O G.B.lot visuallzed cholecvatitl6' cholelltblrais<br />

.!d choledebo-<br />


323<br />

28,<br />

29.<br />

5? 0.3 G.B.not visullized<br />

0.3 G.a. not vtsualized<br />

Pu.llent cholecysrttts an<br />

f,uco.ele of C.B., Cystic<br />

31. 62<br />

1.2 G. B. vlsualizcd<br />

5.3 Sluagiah flor 1'o<br />

Chlonic cbolecysLiris<br />

32<br />

c4<br />

, ,2. C.B, not vtsualized<br />

34. 66<br />

35, 68<br />

1.2 G.B. visualized<br />

aftei tstty @al<br />

0.9 G.B. !tsuslized<br />

1.0 G.B. vis!!1iz€d<br />

dilated bil ilry<br />

Chronic cholecysrirls,<br />

Cholelitbiasis *1th<br />

choledo-choli rhtsBis.<br />

36 69 5.2 G.B, not visuatt.ed Chol€1itbia616 elth<br />

31. 72<br />

33. 73<br />

0.8 G.g. llauatlzed<br />

1.9 G.B. vlsualtzed<br />


a2<br />

1.0<br />

Ptrrygl& c.p detorhiry<br />

$ith cbolellrbtasis<br />

47.<br />

85<br />

a6<br />

1.0<br />

t.0<br />

G.B. lot visuellzed<br />

Nolnel gall bladder<br />

Ac.Cbolecystiris.<br />

CholellrhisEls<br />

Aclte hredolrh.gic pabcrearltls<br />

Pith cbol€ti-<br />

38<br />

1.1<br />

G.A. not visu.Itzed<br />

Chro.ic cbolecystrtls<br />

vltb cystic duct 6tone<br />

Ci.lhos1s of live..,itb<br />

50.<br />

9l<br />

Norei C.B., Uer.sr.s€s<br />

5r<br />

2.a<br />

xor4l G.B., cir.lrosis<br />

84<br />

53, 95<br />

1.8<br />

l0,6<br />

G. B. not vrsuatlzed<br />

C.B, rot visuslized<br />

Ac.Cholecyatltls.<br />

cbolelithiasts.<br />

54, 97<br />

0.8<br />

3l"g:;* ..o*'""<br />

Polcelrrn C.8, . vr!h<br />

55. <strong>r00</strong><br />

t.2<br />

Chlollc cbotecysrttls<br />

rlth cbolellthtrst.

:Ii<br />

TASL! - It<br />


lor41 N@ber of prtie.rs<br />

operatlve tlvpr blopsy<br />

-20<br />

-l?<br />

-3<br />

,? parlenrs ot percur..eous trver bropsy DAq<br />

rnc 'orrorrns<br />

numbcr or ar tcEpls I ;!sscs<br />

s,<br />

P.tienrs in ebob olty one rrtdDt<br />

.no one p.as w.s done-<br />

Prlielts tD rb@ o.€ rtreDDt wtth<br />

pa8ses rere done<br />

3. Parie.rs ir Rboo h.e<br />

rtteDpts wirh one plss<br />

P.tietrts tD eh@ @re tbe ole<br />

arremprs vltb @re than one<br />

76.47<br />

11.76<br />

s.88<br />

5.88<br />


r. Cirrho6is<br />

z.<br />

ot tiver<br />

xuroat rlvqr<br />

J.<br />

rr!!uq.<br />

r.rry @t.dorpho6ls.<br />

.. Icrasrnsea 2<br />

5.<br />

ra tiver-<br />

Hj.rlocytlc<br />

o. ly6!bo@<br />

3<br />

rDronlc scttve heprtllls<br />

I<br />

'. lleetrc 2<br />

3.<br />

ltve!<br />

aepatocelluls! calctnofu<br />

I<br />

2<br />

35.0<br />

10. (J<br />

10.0<br />

15.0<br />

5.0<br />

10.0<br />

5.0<br />


3 ild<br />

co PllcaTrot{s o} LlyEt Bro!,sl<br />

Pelcuraneous Itve. biopst urs<br />

17 patlenrs. all rhe palients hrd sone<br />

rhe procedure. xo se.lous cdpticatlotr<br />

l. P.ln .t rbe slre ot eDrry<br />

2. EDigostric dlscontorr<br />

94.L7<br />

23.52<br />

4. I.traperlto.€sl bteed<br />

5. Btliary pe!itoniris<br />

(r. N.! dt. fra.r ukl<br />

10. lntra beprtic h@aroDa<br />

11. pelerratio! ot abd@tDal viscerE<br />

5<br />

I<br />

3<br />

1<br />

29.41<br />

5.S8<br />

!7 .64<br />

5.38<br />

5 pstielts hd @re tbu ole coDDlailts. The pai!<br />

rnd dlacoolort dls&ppesled elth aD.lsesic€ eltbln r_2<br />

d.t6, rbll. tbe pt6ur.l hb dl..pD.ued ,ttht! 1_S d.ys.<br />

Ia oDe pltle.t the lub pelsl.ted Jo! s dsys. 3 pstteDts<br />

vo&ited lusr aJt6! the p!ocE(tu!e. One patterr vonlted<br />

tblic. 1! tbe tllst etgbt bo{rs rtte! btopsy.

.<br />

9:<br />

!-&<br />

it ii<br />

"._tt::!:-!:-!-^r<br />

:E<br />

1 t a:<br />

=ri<br />

aa :a<br />

I<br />

:5<br />

:;: i::: __ a z<br />

t-<br />

z ae<br />

ai<br />

i e<br />

It<br />

:EiEE!:E<br />

9q e<br />

2<br />

; l! ,<br />


i4<br />

ci<br />

3<br />

i<br />

t<br />

e'; ,"8<br />

xz<br />

::<br />

te<br />

E<br />

i<br />

6<br />

:<br />

I<br />

E<br />

5t<br />


E<br />

!<br />

t<br />

t<br />

It<br />

!:<br />

E<br />

?.4<br />

i<br />

:n<br />

t<br />

z<br />

I<br />

I t. E&rE t a<br />

I<br />

!<br />

g;eEig€g<br />



Llver is an unpaired organ. Ir i6 very varllbte<br />

in size and sbrpe. Ir ba8 gor nuelous t@crions. fbe<br />

o.jolity oI tbe diaers€s j,nvolve tbe ttve! dilt$€ly so<br />

lnd d&.ge !o . partlcul.r p.!t does Dot ploduce loy<br />

.pecillc loas of tuncrron. tbe iDvesrla.tion pl.n of<br />

hepBtic d1ae.se6 lacks a aiople lnd aate lest ro<br />

demnalr.te sttuctural ard funcltoBrl slsrus sr one<br />

rlm. Cli.icrl ftndinga and biocbdtc.t !6sts of liver<br />

tulctlon @y be i!€*tct due to eoo@s tulctton.l<br />

reaerve ot livet. Tbe orjorlty oi ibs.€ brocleDlc.r<br />

ie6t5 do not bscoc rbnoforl ulril rb€ dis.lse 15<br />

advrnced. lu)tlple 8!.ce occuDrlns t.alor€ betng c@pr_<br />

t.ible rith ltttle o! no dcrrngeGnt ot ltvcr function<br />

IBglng rechnlquc€ for lbc ev.lustto. of rjvcr<br />

.nd bllj,$y staid bavs drurtcrlly !!p!oved tbe<br />

dlEgnostlc c.prbilirte6. Ihey plovide intoharrot<br />

*b1cb previously could b6 oblstD6d olty by tnv.stve<br />

Ulrlasooog!.pby hra grhed luch loEolt..c€ rs<br />

It j,s non-lnvaatve. It 1a uot !r1!lul. Ib€!€ ts !o<br />

.D€ct.r Dr€tuatto! ot ib€ p.tt.!i. tt 16 lot ttD.

coa6uoing. Tbele ale !o physleal b.zrrds t6 tbe<br />

palien. or ro Lhc exeine.. Ii. provides nbuodlnt diagnoatic<br />

irfomtio. and pareet€ra. Jldgi.g aDd !eading<br />

tbe pattern is siople so tbrt rtre leport ca! be<br />

glven pronptly, rt can be u6ed for naly sott orgtu.<br />

except air containing viscelr. sev€ral organs can be<br />

oramlned in one sitting. It can vtsu.lize both dyn@ic<br />

rmagins field is vidc lod loeg.spbic<br />

directioD ol scanning ls not r€Etrlcr€d, so the.e is<br />

flee selectivtty of sc.nnina dlrectio! ud tield.<br />

scln c.n be perfo@d in any Dl.ne rbu6 pemittiDF I<br />

conside.able leDatb oI lny v€a5el ald it€ cotrD€ction<br />

vrtlt ttte @in vessets to be 6e€n, selirl stldies c.!<br />

safelt be perto$ed to follo* the courEe ot aD illless<br />

and the results oi treati€Dt. thele is no baz.rd !o<br />

prea.a.t Dotner o! tetus. Tb€re are oo cobtEildicattolg.<br />

llaDy p.tients can be exeiBed dsIly. lbe €quipoerr is<br />

not vely expelslve and ealntelrnc€ la e!6y ard of los<br />

cost. Tbe lnstdlatio! ed bardll.S o! t!6 iDEt'l@D!<br />

15 e3ay ald it6 lortrble tyDe cu b€ Dved to tbe<br />

5i*1<br />

t-<br />

Ihe i@ge6 produc€d 1! dlitele.t liver di.ea6es<br />

rle very helpful iD the ditfereorisr dtrglosis{IEbDa!.<br />

r066t R.sdussea €t 31.119?3). Th6 .bllriy of ultra6olld

to orltdlD lrrgcs rn roDsrLudrnllr curunlt lnd obriqle<br />

pranea i5 frequellly helpJut ln ctaritylng anaroni.<br />

.elatio.sbiDs. [orever, surgicrt dressings, drains,<br />

ale aigrif icalr lDpedi@lrs. ultrrsou.d<br />

has Cot its .xtrere deDe.deDcc on operetor skill ..d<br />

eapprtise (Broqh, lS75i Donald, t976). Tbe ioges.re<br />

often confustng 10 physicians untrained i! this rechnlque.<br />

Tbere is lacl of standsldlz.tlo! itr eqllpnenr<br />

ard {ide varlstlon in exlertlse. Iulerous sectionB oust<br />

be oade io €xdtne the river .deq!.tety. nece.t rDproveoe.ts<br />

ln.e.l ti@ lechnology b.ve tacililaied tbe<br />

a.qustrion of technicrlly oprtnal acars overcdrag<br />

some of tbe6e limitrtion. Ior€ ovsr, ss lrs disgiostlc<br />

nore evidenr and rhe nunber of traioed<br />

rn.l physicius incrcrscs rhis rrclor<br />

sllould beco@ less of a plobleo.<br />

Tlre other ilpolralt !o! llla€lve iecbDique t6<br />

.adionuclide ioaglng. lepatl. sclntlarspby has severat<br />

teaiures vhlch dak€ it useful sE s scleelilg ,rocedur..<br />

It ce be pellorred r! al@at att p.tleDrs. It glves<br />

u overele{ ot tb€ ertile llve!, l! La aelsttlv€ a.d<br />

easilt reproduclble, vhile uliraaoirnd i6 . t@grapblc<br />

tecbnique rBd lta use6.scr.€!t!8 plo.€iture b$ got<br />

llherelt llDlt&t1o!6(Surriva. 6t rl., l0?8). Live.

330<br />

s€lnn1ng rs a 6rople, safe iDveetigaiio! {tticl! providea<br />

itrlorMtion About size, posltioD aDd 6t.uctur.l &bd to<br />

fulctioial lblotuIlrie6 ol liver (Sdde!6<br />

abd Srndergr1977; Brye ei al.,1977). Despiie it6<br />

presert linttrtton of resolutto! ..(t th€ lel.tire lon<br />

speclflclty ol 1ts lositive iindltrgs tr has contrlbrt€d<br />

gre.tly to rhc diagnosis .nd undor€rlndlng of heprtic<br />

disordcrs ir ! !!ricrt oI clirlcul siru!riodlrurdin!<br />

lnd tliIr, 196?; l.rec@! et !t.,19G8i Jolrnson, cr rr.,<br />

1963i John6o!, 19691 lcAfe€ er.1.t1965; torlis er al.,<br />

1965i parkea.d SieGeb, 196?: Scht@! et aI,,1964).<br />

the ridioiucride scarnj,Dg 16 a technique ebtch<br />

his heretofore beeD the oaln stsy oJ lnve6tigE11on ot<br />

llver dlsolder. sucb a lorg exp€!16nce lo *self ls<br />

ole ot the atroogeat poiDt i! Ila tavou!. The study<br />

provrdes Lbe resulls srth vbicb cliorcra! by virlue<br />

ot th€ir lonS exlElieuce.re tullla!. The e$e ed<br />

lrpidity of pelto@nce, lelatlee lor co6t, aDd lov<br />

ilcidence of l&lee.€gative leaulrB coDtilue to nalre<br />

rhe Dodallty ot chor.e lor rbe t.lttal screenina<br />

procedure ( Green , 1979).<br />

Tbo percent.so or plriclta yho clrnoL bc c:elned<br />

becruse ot rDltldces, dratF, roteatiD.l 9.6,<br />

obesity, mtron o. dlessiDe ta htgh ritb urt.$ourd

all<br />

and vt{ualr} ze.o 10. radronucltde rsotope(c.os@n<br />

and Tbomas, l9a0). The dilAnostic ultrsound c.nno.<br />

panetlate bone o! ai! lilred lungE. Tbus tbe po6tero<br />

superior aspect ot the live! conEti,tuies a solog!.pblc<br />

rbliDd spotr iD p.tielts ebo c.noot iBspire deetly o.<br />

*ho have a, sbDo@llt erevated llgbt b€oidiaphr.gb.<br />

No si4ilar blind apor exista lo! sciliiglapby.<br />

The sclntlgrcphy is based on pbagocAtic activity<br />

of the live!. Thereiore, vben the live! function ls<br />

lnp.ired it rppeBrs as cold area. fblle tb€ ultlr6ound<br />

ieaging process ls based largoly on ditterence tt<br />

collagen content betseen rlsauss. Slnce ihe collage.<br />

content betveen tissues is often greatly alteled ln<br />

patbologic condirio!6, it i6 prlrleularly eetl auiled<br />

!o study tbe palercbyDal lesioDa(v16c@i a.d raylo!,<br />

t9?9 ).<br />

The 6p.tia1 resolutioD ol !.dioauclide BcuDilg<br />

is poor especlrll,y for deep hepatic lesiols. Snall<br />

lesiols of 2 co o! le6loDs ot 4 co deep iu riglt lobe<br />

ot liver ca! esily be ltssed by 6clntlgrapby, .€ i!<br />

our ca6e tlo. 79. ybile hiah reaohtion of sooos!.pby<br />

vas abte to dlsptay tbe tlssue colslstercy dtfl€lelce<br />

lld.!<br />

alrtorlc stdd poilt beprttc 6cl!tl3!.pby

s a dual organ<br />

t.e., hagtla river .nd<br />

spleen at one t1ne. l9herers ultraaound is a dulttorg&<br />

ermi.ation. li plovldes lot of cliDlcal inforolt1on<br />

ir one exdinario!. Refer€bce to t.ble No.x the rddltionalpathotogtc<br />

ttoditrgs plovided by ultlasound b€Iped<br />

a grear in .ercbtng the firal d1.8Bo6is.<br />

0trlaeound is supe.ior Ior clarificalion 01<br />

edge defecls dus io lesions in ttte periphery or adls.ent<br />

ro thr lrv.r(Gros6@h:mdlh('nrs, 1930). Included in lhjs<br />

c$ego.y are suspicious gall bl.dder fossa, rerar<br />

rrpressions, rib inp.essiola, sup bepatic lluid<br />

collection,porta bepatis delects, left lobe v.rt.nts,<br />

falclforn llgments, grooves, r€trohepatic Dode6 or<br />

pancrearic iopre€stoDs. l! th6 pleaenr €tud! in crse<br />

No.8 sd 85 sclDtigr.phy could lor detect tbe edge<br />

les:o. snd iD csse t{o. 44, hydroneplrosis produced r<br />

tocal deteer on liler scan srd the6e cases uere clarlfied<br />

by uttraaoun.!. so tb€ diae.ae atrtes and anatoDic<br />

variants tbat produce equivocal llndhgs on laotope<br />

studies can be easily ald rell.bly ilterpleted bt<br />

urrrasotnd(covtnaton, 1970r F c(un et !1.|1969i<br />

Jobnso! aDd s*48€y, 196?i Joh..ton ild Jo.ea, 1960i<br />

Iccelland, 1975t Sha.ser, et al.,l9?5i l4yton, et al.,<br />

1973: LoDonuco, cl aI.,1975i Gorrote, ct al.,l976i<br />

'::<br />

--::<br />


Grossmrn, e1 r1.,1977). Iind the lesio. on tiv,r srr<br />

and identily i. {i.b ulirsound. Thus tbe g.erter<br />

sensirtvity .nd le6s speciticlty ol liver scan i,6<br />

complenented by less sersitlvtty .nd nore speclllclty<br />

of ultrasound (EtI and tilli&6, 1981).<br />

Ultr.sound bs got untqu€ property of dj.fterenrrrlio!<br />

be een r cystic .od i aolid oE6 (Talort<br />

et al.i19??: {eave!, I9?3), sblle the appea!3Dc6 ot .<br />

cy8t, rlenalgron. abacess, henaton. or Detasta6es 1s<br />

slrltar o. scintlgrrpby{Reler ro ttbre No. xlI).<br />

cbeetber.Dy c& occsrolally dr@ric.lly<br />

alt€. tbe arpealaDce o{ liver ctastases otr ull.raound,<br />

aDd surgery .3D ladically cbaoge tbe alat@y ot the<br />

righl uppor quldr!tr!. So ir is inportul lhal u ro[plhislory<br />

sDould rcc@plny clch Drlicnt<br />

rDd the probld sbourd be explrl.ed to rie s@ogr.pber.<br />

lf the patient blB aD equivocrl acln the study ou6r<br />

be availatlre 10 enau.e ad€quate tomgrapbic secllon6<br />

tbrough ihe .rer ot co.ce!n.<br />

!ltbo!A! lucb atteltio! be bee! directed<br />

receatly tdMda detllIlg tbe relatlye utllitv ot<br />

solography E.d €cldtl8ralby ol ltrer yet tult ev.lurtlo.<br />

is srill rerrted(Blya!r 6r r1.,rgtti cfr€ii€,<br />

et 11.,19?6: Cl€€a, €t al.,rl??r croa€oa!, et 51.,t9??i<br />


3li l<br />

xock and p1!{els, l9?6: Levt-os' et sl''19?2i Soitb'<br />

et al.,tg?Oi Tsvror, et ar.,1o??i latlor lnd cfleote!'<br />

!975i zr1:2t et dl ,l911t.<br />

Tbe tblrd investlgstlo! th tbe pr€geat studv<br />

ts the pelcultneous liver biopsy. Tbe coDtrlbullon tb'i<br />

hls been @de to tbe Dder. colc6Di oJ liver diseMeg<br />

by riler biopsy t6 iqe86e. ob€ mt lot foiget the<br />

value of intelllgont clinic.l .ppr.isal End the proper<br />

interDretitton ot acculltelv pelto!red labotatoly te6!s'<br />

None the less llver biopsv constltutes a kev slone i!<br />

the diagnosis rnd prosress of river disese- No labor'-<br />

tory t€st even vbe!.epe.ted seri.llt cd correctlv<br />

reflect the true histologic 6tate of the liver at '<br />

given r.i@ o! tbe chalges taktta plcce in due courle<br />

ot tire. heque.tlv tbe otrlv @.06 oI dele'dtniog lhi€<br />

ls tbe oicioscoplc er@iD.tlon ot tb€ tctual liv€r<br />

rissue (volrllsr .!d Jone, 19a?i Psrets' 1959i Sberrocl'<br />

194si Scbitl, 1951; Krec&!e!' 1954i lolle ald Arplrn,<br />

t952i Bo{d€r, 1!53i za@hek snd rroB!' 1953i Conn'<br />

19?2i P.!l.er, et al.,1952) -<br />

It ls Dot . tEt ibti bloDst 16 !o lolg€r<br />

cotrIincd 10 sPccirlized ccolfcs bul, l!!s bccrm rn<br />

4lDost routln6 pfocodu.e 1n dt|,g!o€16 ot livcr dr6e'aes<br />

to! td-pltt€nts snd even to! out-Dsi1elts (K'aus!,19?a;

Pc!!!ur1, e1 aI.,197d)-<br />

Ore ol the drarbuLs ot liver biopsy is irs<br />

s4Dlibg larrrblliL!. Tbe rrssue oblajnyd is !er!<br />

shall and it nny aol be lepreE€ntalive of shot€ tive!.<br />

Itr farty live!, alcoholic hepstltls, non 6pecttlc<br />

l'(p.tr.rs, fulornant heparitrs, leuketrrc intilrrare<br />

f,r(l venous congrstion otrc biopsy is cxougb. ln crrrhosib,<br />

clrronic acrive hepu!11is an.t tn de1€crjon ol tocal<br />

losions Like oetaslatic csrcinoDa, and granulobi one<br />

Dlopsy my nor be vcry belptut.<br />

p.'rcutnneous live. biopsy is .n inporr.lr<br />

dragnoslrc tool !lrh a lol mltaliry (fisn.r lnd<br />

nrloon, 1953), Houcver, rhe mrbtdlly is bigh and Dany<br />

coEpLicaiions are descrlbed (Aro*n .trd ralsh, 1952;<br />

Tcrry, 1952; Zucbcct aad Kt.u€etrsrock, l9j3i co.., i<br />

.<br />

l9?4r ||cclo6key, r9?3i Cos, l9O?i cartrson, 1969i Btari, 'i'<br />

1969; R51ne6, et !t.,19?4i lrevlnsoD,l9?2i Derers,1968;<br />

Altiyeh, 19?6; Preger! r96Zi Okudn, 1974: B.1tei, et<br />

aI.,1969i slrav.r et al.rt9?5i Dosil,19?5i tengltill,<br />

r9?0i Ball, €t.t.,19?s; Lindne!, et ar.,to6?; Jobnson,<br />

et ar,,l963i !tranutri, 196ri Kelley, et al.,19?1i<br />

Aulliv!., 19?ar Pu.ow, 10?7i X€rt!6r, t96O).<br />

It la .!.pected tb.t rh. true @rr.llty rnd<br />

@rbidity raie tolloeitrg p€lcutaneow btopsy t. Dot

336<br />

known, but ls higber lttan tbe figule6 produced. the<br />

rnportanee ol experienee is obvlous. On 1r largely<br />

depends success of the procedule (tenabini,19?0).<br />

conplicattons also depeld on the @thod u*d fo. it.<br />

Ir rbe procedure is perlumcd correcrly seriuus<br />

cdpllcrtlons vill be r.re. Tlre cdplicatioD. c6 be<br />

nrnrn:zed by strrcr sdnererce ro. prolocot rhar generally<br />

includes bo.pitatizalion 10. 24 hou.s and strlcl<br />

supervision du!1ng lbis perlod.<br />

Ltver biopsy is an liport.nt disglostic tool<br />

*ith cerrain codqlndicarions a.d 6hori c@iogs. fe<br />

nusl be av!.e of its viccs and tske full sdvanilge oI<br />

its viltues. ln each instance se Dq6t re18b our optj,on6<br />

and bat&nce the possible risk6 against potenttat galns.<br />

The dit{erenLjal drEg.o6is ot. p.rren! {rrh<br />

Jaubdice rs . drlflcul! crr.icsl plobtd. Durrrs rrvestigatlo!<br />

ol a l.u.di@d prrielr .! lolort.Dt et€p ia<br />

to detemln€ vbethe! tbe ictelus ts ol bepatocettul.r<br />

or @cltanleal orLgtD. lf obstlrctlve, tbe obstructlon<br />

is i.trabepatlc or extla hepatlc. Clllrcal aDd biocbenl.il<br />

d.t. genelElly allor ore to .nar€! aucb questtobs. llowrnlurulliun<br />

is necdcd oLlrcr rcrr iqlea<br />

are used. CoDveatio!.I coDtra6t @d1,. exeinatiols, tn<br />

sucb sltuailoEa .re either coltlaln.tlcateat, iDtol.labte

or thconclusrve. The other avritabte pro.edules 11ke<br />

THC, ERCp lDd argiogrsphy ale invrstve procedures .ssocrlLed<br />

vrtn certlin @fblatity and &orrllity risl€. so<br />

recbniques sbould be Dretelled.<br />

UlrrasouDd is rbe a.ltral i@sins t€ch.lque<br />

-r. the exelrarrob of a J.undrced parrentrTcytor, e(<br />

a1,,r9?9; Taylor and Carpgnrer, t9?4r Taylor and<br />

ftos.ntietdi 1971; Tlylor.nd tlcor.udy,197S; Tsytor, 0!<br />

rl,,l9?9i Cilby ahd Taylor, 1975; Tayro., er sl.,l9?Oi<br />

Viscomi and Taylor, l9?4). Il con.iderably re.tuces<br />

lhr long 1i51" of invesliglrioos and sbdlllns Lbe pcrroo<br />

o, investigaaioos balore I definir.e diag.osis is nrde.<br />

Tbe cllnlcal i.tolnattoD gsined fron ultra sousd usualty<br />

rcnrasenls rhe basi6 for rbe selection 6f subsequeot<br />

drugnoatrc tesrs ( xcPhee and shapi.o, 1932).<br />

In drrierenllat diagDosis ot; parren! ujrb<br />

jauodice Tc---- Sc produce6 lfge !u!be. or equivoc.t<br />

resul.s, silce the cold ir€Es nay be due to dilfied<br />

coopoDelts oJ tbe bili.ry tlee calsed by extr. bep.llc<br />

ob6!ructlo! or to ltver @t..taseB causlng tntrs<br />

hepatl. obetruction. Tbe plobteD iE c@pourded It<br />

tho pEtl€nt i. krovtr io brv6 the prlDary twour.<br />

ull!..ound ca. establlsb rhe c.ua6, slle snd rrtqF<br />

oa obstructioo ln patieot,s ultb 6u!s1ctl jaudlcs<br />


333<br />

(lioellgsbers, et !r. ,1979). rt csn sssess th€ level<br />

of obst.uctioB (sDlnelli, et .1.,1982), ortr$oulrt is<br />

ve.t aenFtire in det€crto! of btt€ duct dit.t.rio!<br />

(Behan ald (Me, l9?8i cotdbersr r0?6i rsi&ott snd<br />

Dllconls, 19??i 1n€ et &1., 19??i telinl ed s.bet,<br />

l9??i Nl€@ ud tl!t2er, l9??; perlEurter &d coldbelg,<br />

l0?6i Surrle, 197ai *eill, €. rI., l9?5; teitr, cr st.,<br />

loTs).<br />

It c&n treasure tbe blle duct

Ul thsound .xminltioh with proper pat jent<br />

prct,drrion, cln usuarry disDlry lhc ahotc tcngrb of<br />

the coI@! bile duct(Perloutrer, 19?6). tt can preclsety<br />

delinecte tbe anltohicat site ol obslruction and leEs<br />

lrequcntly rhe plthologic c4use of ir (Taylor and<br />

BoseDtlerd, 19?7), It otten plovjdes lnromslron loour<br />

the statE of paDclers vhich is Euarlt @r a. esiry<br />

app.oacbable orga! by other llvestiglrtols. t!o! .adloopaque<br />

srones can b6 viBualized succe66J{11y. I could<br />

vlsualize CBD atonss iD case nuber 53, 62 .o.l 69.<br />

go*eve!, in cr€e tlo. lo, the sto.e ua6 oissed oD ul!.s_<br />

sound and in cr6€ nuber 6! !ub.r ot 5to!e5 tound !r<br />

op€rarlon wrs not the s.m sa tbar on uttlesound<br />

Boweve!, qlir4ound diagnosis of choledo-<br />

.holithiasls i6 not rlvrys eEy(L.irF .Bd Jrffley,r983),<br />

and it p1ay6 a llnlted role ln tbe excllslon of tbese<br />

sLoncs (c!ono!,1933). Th16 sspecr b€co@6 ot a pa.tlcutar<br />

prAcLical ielortance i. rhe posl cholccysLecl@y<br />

prtiert (G!oss, 1983). SurAiclr ctips or posr opert_<br />

ilve 6car€ at tbe site ot galt bt.dder c!! proouce<br />

pseudo calculous ertect, tbus lloduclna conruslDg<br />

lesurt8 (&.ptopout@, 1980). Ior€<br />

bire ducr stole6 .re ott€D rlihour icolsr1e 6brdori.g.

'Ih. dtllrcu)1]. i! d.i0nsr.ar Ing.cousllc shldorins<br />

Dr\ be relarcd to thf s@tr slze of nost .olmn ducl<br />

s1oae6 ud ro degradarion of<br />

rting air *ilbin tbe gastric<br />

(Behqn !.d l(Aze, rtTB).<br />

tr'e sound beM by overantru<br />

and duoden@<br />

The dilaration persiats eve! rfier sqrgic.t<br />

retlef of obstrucrion. Thls the efflc.cy<br />

nust be judged by o fatl i! the seru trittrubln level<br />

lnd not by cbanges t. rbe c.tibef of ihe bill{ry<br />

vessels (T.y1or and tosenJietrr, 19?z). rt is also<br />

e&phaBired here thar &rgic.ll, corlected jlundice is<br />

nor" ro b€ equared wlth btle ducr dtlatslion. lntelol_<br />

rt.-nt obstluctirg calcuti srd occasrotrrlly strl.tu.e<br />

.r Lne err!. bepattc dlct nay be preseht whe. the ducr<br />

.!1lber is nornar. I( rhe.llnlcal .ou!6e and tabora_<br />

rory invcarlglrions slgaest the Doscibittly ot a.<br />

iltelnittent o! low glade ob6rructio! shlle ulrlasoqnd<br />

deronstrarcs s nomll ealiber duct mlc rtrvesrrgarrols<br />

.':..:<br />

DAy be Decessrry ro provide lore precise ansl.oDlcrl<br />

sego€lt.l obatrucrlo. oJ slDtte of 4uttiple<br />

poltlors ot th6 biliary tre. lE a llequent seqrel<br />

ol pri@ry o! Deia6r.tlc .@ur .irvolvina rbe t1ver.<br />

Eeclqse thi6 a.oup ot patl€lts 1s otten .nict6rus, th6y

irc plll suitcd Lo h.plrobrltlfy<br />

scinrigrlPhv(zcnrnl<br />

Cbolescin.igrapby co otten identif, Dariiat<br />

bepatic or cdmon bile duc! obstructloo rnd evetr detet_<br />

trine the level ot obs.ructio! (Ru, et a1.'1931; Ialoro<br />

et ar., 19??i Nielson, et al,,1978i Krlngelsith, et<br />

a].,1931). There oay be i.tenae opaclllcation ot tlte<br />

lrver ls6ocl.ted with a bon-l&sged brliary tree iD<br />

partetrrs slth obstructed cods. ltepatic ducts({eissDnn,<br />

et ar.,1981). Adever, itr iaubdrced psliebts rbe!<br />

c(!@n blle duct obstruction iE a posslbilitv cbole6_<br />

cintlgraplt, i6 leas us€ful .6 both gall bladder .Dd<br />

tb€ blle duct6 nay bot fill re.qltlng ln an equivoc.l<br />

Tho cbole6centigrllbie ll.dtngs aro judge.l bv<br />

(!) quality of tbe eairy bepatlc uptske, (b) qualitv<br />

of ihe late p.renchymtous dtscbrlge ( c) degtee ot<br />

trace! concentntios i! tbe bile ducts .nd tbe borel<br />

'r#<br />

:.?'<br />

ID c@plete @cba!rc.1 obstluctioD, well p!eselved<br />

b€lstlc lptake vitb tittle o' no bepatic d1B_<br />

charge sld !o !1su31iz.tio! o! bll€ duct6 o! boeer<br />

I! tbe c.s€ ol hc(DDl6!. @cbslc.l obatructlo!

3t2<br />

:re i6 good hepstic qplste, delaved hepalic discba'ge<br />

I bofcl visualiz lun rith sllsis of rhc rrrccf rn<br />

p hilo ducts. vhilc 1n hcDar'occllula<br />

decrco$ad hcpatic uDtuLe, dclavcd hcDrllc drsclr!'gs<br />

d bovel visuslizatlon vith no stosls ol the Ir'ce!<br />

Io*ever, thele is to ilverse relatioasnip beten<br />

rhe seruo bilL bln level tnd tellabilltv of the<br />

a! in deiectiog an obstluctive iaundice (Pauve16' et<br />

.,1980). The duratio. ol l.lDdice does not irflreDce<br />

G tinrl l6sue ot tbe scM. Trle overall rcc6.cv<br />

)c!ease6 rhen tlte btlilubin level is l0ogl ud r-be<br />

)cid€nce of true posirive scsn dtops slgnitrc$rlv<br />

rib billrubin tevel sboee 20 Eal (neler to tabre<br />

st.sts ol the ilacer iD tbe bile duct co.s_<br />

itlre6 s typic.I slgn ol obAtructlve iaurdice. Bul<br />

hun rlrr blliury treo lnU Lh! g!l lro [ol !isu!li,od'<br />

be only criterionth4r halps to ditterenilate beise€r<br />

echlnlcll obdi.u€tIotr rnd sevele bcDltocellolrr<br />

allu!€ ls tbe deglee ol heDattc uD!.te. Ab@e 2oogl<br />

I bj,Ilrubln, the hep&tlc uptsle 16 uauallt poor o!<br />

on sxisteot i! majorlty ot patielts.<br />

Tls ilrruenc€ ol tb€ desreo ot JNEdice on

tbe reliabrlity of scan is not 6u4rising, stnce bilrruljrn<br />

comperitlvety irblbirs the a!ionic crearaoce<br />

p4th ray ot Tc - IDt de.ivatives ol the lrver. A6 long<br />

as the bitirqbi! d6s lot exceed l0 og! er€o I .egatlve<br />

scan ls rellable. BeyoEd tbie tb€ Dt6dlcrrve value<br />

dlops srd the .es!lt6 .re oite! listerdllg.<br />

The partiat ob6rructton n.y have a vulery o,<br />

preeerbtionsdepe.dtng on the durstton o, obsrluctlo!<br />

and extelt of bepatlc dyEru.ction(Ro6elth.l, et.1.!<br />

1973i Re, et at.,los1i latoro, €t rl.,l9??t xielson,<br />

et rr.,1973; Klinsen€oithr ei ar.,19stt reiss@nE, €t<br />

aI.,1930). Tbere @y be pr@Dr or delryed hepitic<br />

d isrfrd|d !t te<br />

obsr ru.rton,! cur off a! Lhc t.vct ot obsLru.!roD or<br />

deleyed excretioD into tbe duo

3ll<br />

Rapid gall bladder eDptyilg sld vi6uslizstlon of rbe<br />

duo{renu siih ccti of si.caltde exclud€s signlftcs.t<br />

obsrtuctto! (Tlylo!, et at., 1982).<br />

CbolescintlFraphy can 4lso be u6ed to dlsanose<br />

bilidrr ntresla snd lts dlfferentjarioo f.on neonatat<br />

heprritls, llth a blgh degree ot spe.tflcity and sen_<br />

sirlvait, {cerbold, er 41.,1983). csse No. 48, a chitrl<br />

of l7 reeks, r&a disgDosed s6 a c.se ot Bill.ry allesta<br />

and Chole scinirgrrpby herpe.r us in rbe diaglosis. The<br />

supe.ro! resolutio! s.d the adv.oragc ot Lransaxlar<br />

p.ojectlo! prace6 uttllso!tr(i rbsad of rrcroruclrde<br />

imaglng in the dlagnosts ot obstructtve Jrusorce. I{oe_<br />

ever, ltdionucllate stud, i6 selt suited for delemtn_<br />

1ng pat€ncy arier surgely. the dtlrted bltisry p.s6.ge6<br />

vrsu.llsed by utr.soud alre! surg€ry Dy indic.te<br />

ettbe! peralstelr uDlel!6yed ob.tmetioD or lestcu&l<br />

dilrtatlon despire p.teBcy. fbe Dle.etrce o, Euglcst<br />

crips, acars ed ge6 i. rbe bili..y tree o!!e the<br />

issue mlc conpl tcal cd. Rrdionu(tidc<br />

tr4te blliary-ebterlc bt_pasE and t.he errecrtve drllrase<br />

of bile f.@ vsltous bael toops .nd noos ups<br />

cnalacteri€ttc of iDcressiag cooller( billsry proceoules.<br />

1!6 lote ot liv€! btopEy i! obstlucttve<br />

i.uldlce 1a 1i!!ted. fberetole, I d1d Dot Derfon uy

iti<br />

percutlleous llver bropsy *here presence of obsiruction<br />

$rs demonsrrared by olhcr oeans. Thr biopsy speciocn<br />

tbougn est$lLsbidg tbe plesenc€ of obstructioD, .slely<br />

czuse. Cerrrin hislologi. chlnges in rne<br />

leedle biopsy speci@. irvaltably indicale lDe ple€eDce<br />

of extrr beparrc obsttuclive Jdudice bu. are oDserved<br />

i! only a sratr ploportloo ot ca6e6 (noboro .!d Kr.r!p,<br />

r94l; lovtrt .!d Dsvi6, 195{). there is no sr.gre hls_<br />

Loloaic feaiure but coDblnailon ot these .!e of consl_<br />

derable tdpolrance i, dltf€.enrlsl dllgrosls (call<br />

ud Dobrosorski, 1964). Ljvcr biopsy D.y bc nccdcd to<br />

dilferenlla!. btli y clptlIa.y srssis fron axr.a<br />

neDaric obslruclion lrodueed bt celtain drugs. I.<br />

l8undLce hisrologic diagnosrs 1s oore ditt_<br />

lcurt rhen tbe jsundlce Is ot shorr dlrrtion. !f the<br />

needle biopsy sboEevtd6rce ot btli&ry obsrlucrro!<br />

ea.ly 6urs1c.t inielv6.tloD csD be rtooe, thus svoldila<br />

tbe risLs of opelatrna o! lattents sltb long sra.dlnS<br />

bilialt obEtruction. I. &dditlo! i, the surseo.s are<br />

::_l<br />

provtded ritb cl€a! evtd€nc€ ot large biie olcr ob6_<br />

tructto! tbls eDcolr.ges tb€n to e.t€ rD rnreDse soalch<br />

fo! D€ehlrlcet btlla.y ob6tluclro!(Bjolleboe, .t rl.,<br />

llag), tieedle bloDsy srso exctu.tes I diEglo61s o,<br />

cbolestatlc pbs. ot vi!.I h.pltttlr, 1r eblcb surSery

t en &ppr€clable oorreliry oialvlrle<br />

and sume. sil*, 1963),<br />

ln high grade extla hepatlc obstructlon it<br />

ro,1. lrv(,f I'iot'sv in r,ili(,nrs rrrr rr<br />

enlarged palp.ble gall bladder. It may produce bile<br />

ehboliso. In 1ow slr

3l?<br />

Ulrrlsourd is not ycr al !he s!.ge of rourirety<br />

providing tissue diffcrentiarion oteire and Eusbandl<br />

l9?9i yagg, er al,,19?t). torcver,.efineoelrs i! gray<br />

scate equipnent ard the resuttrnr abltiry ro obtai!<br />

textural lnfon4tloo trd the liver tlssue has tDploved<br />

its diagnosric cap.biltty fo! @lignanL otseases, ootb<br />

Jocrl ald dlffuse. tt d€tects hepati.<br />

sersrtivlry ot about 90t (sut11vs., et ar,, 19?8). It<br />

also m|.es po6sible the lelisble €xctusio! of a rrver<br />

specitlcity of 961 (sulltvln, et sl., t9?s).<br />

fiotrcv.r, bcnia!<br />

b. ditferenrralcd rr@<br />

The solosrsDbic app;arance ot<br />

sr4llar to rbat seen 1u be.ign lumurs and infl@a1oly<br />

nasses. $ben . Declotic @taBtasls becooes cyslrc, lt<br />

al@st in!!ri.b1y 6hors a solid c@poBeit ud deb.is<br />

(Taylor ard Aiabod, 1983). this oakes rhe disgnosis<br />

mre dilftcutt. periflulo-Octytbrodide !!y help i! rhe<br />

delection ot tuBours by ultrssound (natt!€y, ei ar,,tcs2)<br />

Eeparo@s bNe gor vafi.ble rppealec€ oD urt!.-<br />

60u!d (Dubbi!, et e1., 1981). lb€,| 4!e delectec ,rth<br />

a 6€r€atlvitt ot 891 (Brod€rick, et rl,, 1r8o).<br />

For d€tectron ot bepatic @testases rcgq_&<br />

ac.rnilg give6 valtable re€ults. Io o.e 5€!re5 by Dsvles,

et al.(1974) the ove.all .ccor.cy reported 15 951 blr<br />

have sbovn less accurlcy ofLen vilb osny<br />

false po6ittve results (Conn aDd llxigron, 1963i Jhingra,<br />

er ar., r97li XaAns and poe€r1, t9?3). For de.ec!ion<br />

oI hepatic Errstases singrc tce9lSc sca. rs ot lioiled<br />

sensltlvlty 4!d ls aon specltic, xulriple sert.l llve.<br />

the speciftcity of tbe te6r sooe$brt,<br />

(cede.Dark, et at., r9??) ahd cbange6 in a radronucrlde<br />

period of tlme csn be correl.ted with tbe<br />

p.tienls conditloD(ltsc@i, e! rl., 1981).<br />

Sulr @iastatic loatule6 @y not oe ceiect.ble<br />

by sc.trtrlng. Tberejore, I Dom.t s.il d@s noi excrude<br />

th€ presehce of dise€e. lov€verr a Doroar sean 1s a<br />

srrorg evldence r8rlnst E rhour belng dete.ted by<br />

s.otb€r i!.gi.8 @d!rrty(B!yo!, er sr., 19??),<br />

Tbe p.tchy scd s@etiEi obidned rlth uultlple<br />

neta6trtic deDo€its ale siltta! 10 those see! rn drlruse<br />

rrver dts€sse. fhe 6pace occupytng )esions may oe<br />

n!6hed by the hererogenous ladionucli.le peLle.r see!<br />

rn parlenrs rbo alao have h.lratoc€]]!la, dysrunctjon<br />

(ch.fotz, et .r., r9?9). Ib cs66 ot bigb tteu.<br />

susprcro! lo! €rulle rhe! ltve! frnction tests ale<br />

abtro4el o! the rlve! itsett i5 ellrlged iD . p.tieat<br />

flltb . *noh plioaly ueoplaso elseobele . !o!o.r

.dlonuclide sludy sbould be tollo*ed bt urlrasou.d.<br />

Tlrc incltsion 01 qulnriLarive liver 1lo! sruqres<br />

enhance rhe s€hsiltvity of liver iDlging<br />

ot nel'tstases (s.lper, et sr., r98r). So llversctntirn_<br />

groaraDhy (stadatink e! al., l9?5i *rxnEn, eL al.l<br />

1974) lnd eaMlnatlo! !1tb 6.t1iun clrrate (Be14nger,<br />

ei !1., 1975t Blrsggi, et.t., 19?6), hsve been sdvoc._<br />

!€d as retho&-of further ev.loaLlng toctl dcfecls.<br />

T\cy loo lre non sl)ecitic blr scrlc !s un rn.1rrlry<br />

nclhs or .cducing rbe long lisr of diagnosrjc possibilities<br />

(ut., er !1., r98o).<br />

[epalooas appasr as cotd aress on Tcggn_sc<br />

scrnrrg.rphy. The specilici!y crn b. lncrlased Dy<br />

Ho*ever, uprore or cau, rill occur in<br />

upto 501 of tive! derlsi.sos rnd virrustry rn all<br />

iDll@rtolt lestons. Tbe cohbi.stloo of Tc99 -Sc<br />

ald galli@ ts ho.e selsitire tbaa ultrsouDd.roDe for<br />

delectlon of hepstdA. Neverrhetess tbe o:lgnosr6<br />

crn.ot be nade

local cold alea seeo oD tbe 1t!er sean na! be due to<br />

a regeoerating nodute, 3n area of dense ftb.osis o!<br />

hepatoma. tlptake of c.llluh6? in tbe defo€t rs nlahry<br />

hoDnt@a. A rcgcnr:r!ling .odurc sotds<br />

fppcrrs ss a roc!l d.rrccr on urrr!s(,und !s sen(rrlly<br />

ttlet look the<br />

of rhe llver llssue. oltrasound<br />

ts of no vrtue i. dirlerenrrarrng hcongi@.,<br />

tocal nodulu hyperpl.cia and Ilver cetl adebon*(llein€r<br />

&rd paruleka!, r9?9). Althoush mst often tbese ..e<br />

echogenlc but oay be hypo€cholc espectally when tbele<br />

brs been hlemrrb.ge in thc lesion. such s parteot<br />

should have a liver-spleen sc.n done io exetude focal<br />

nvdutar hyperplasra as 50! ot rhes. r.ke up Tcggh-Sc<br />

Tbe coobinattoa ot a bas6 o! uttrssound wirb . aohal<br />

uptahe oi Tc-sc acan appeals ro b€ diaSDo6ric ot toe&l<br />

todultr byperplrsta. Tbe lascul.r larore of sucb tesioos<br />

cbn bc.l€fibed by btood poot srudre6, usrng Aul98,<br />

'rr_.'- or lD"'(Iunot, .nd Juhnson, t9/4i LuLin,r9?2).<br />

But tbeie are pit farla, includtng Jalsc n€garive<br />

resultE, tbat car lesd to c@pl1cltions 1t blopsy i5<br />

atterDted (T.ylor, er .1., t93t).<br />

The Eccu!.cy o! needle blopsy 1n patie.ts suspecled<br />

ot b.vlna @1asts6es oD cltlical snd biocheEic.l<br />

srouDda i3 ?5: by Iarat et 11,(195{) ald pdets (1959).<br />

Tlmu! detectlot is ?t! rn. selles by satdi, ei tr.,<br />


3it<br />

(194d) ard ?01, by Oikasa ald Schiff ( r956). Uerasiages<br />

@J be Dissed ar laFlor@t as in 15; 01 patienrs<br />

{ith letasta36 the appeara.ce ol llver at t.parot@y<br />

is no!@l(ozarda aod llckren, r962). A blind liver<br />

b1op6t ts generally pertofoed th.ougb the rlghr lobe<br />

ol l1!er to! deteciion ol<br />

Eor€!€!, ebe!<br />

rbele is olly ni.Bioal oet.starlc d16ee5e or shen tr!6<br />

tmour ts tlllted to ihe teft lobe this procedure rs<br />

lrequently unproductlve. The biop€y speciren may be<br />

too small fo!<br />

Th€ c@blortion ol pe.cut&leous liver biopsy<br />

wilh rccur.te locstis.rloD of lesion by sclnttgrapnt<br />

rnd sonogrlphy ldproves the diagnosll€ vllue (talson<br />

and Torr.lce 19?0i Trylor .nd Ricbod, 1983).<br />

The di.el)osis of nerast&tlc diseaae ls 46I<br />

qtrb ole biopsy i! tbe series by Abdi er 81.(19?9) lnd<br />

4lI i. tbe Berie6 by Glosed er rl,(19?2). lorever,<br />

1t 1s 541 {1!h tso blopsiea (Abdr, et al.,I9?9r GloBaDa!,<br />

et at., 1972). The detecrion is lncreased by tbe crtologlcat<br />

ex&llrtio! ot tbe fluid Drtelial accooprbyllg<br />

tbe ttver blolBy Bleclmn rnd by taklna . thlrd biop.y.<br />

Occasiolally blopsy allords a cluc to tbe p!to.!y 51te<br />

F.tty lalilt!.t10!<br />

geo6rally 3lf€ct€ ibe<br />

.t<br />

-r '!1<br />


dillusell, l)ovevcrr focar farry !nfllrfAtto! Day occur<br />

(scotr, €r 3r., 1s81; Braver, e! a1.,1980). In thls<br />

seitiDg the Epprecirtion ol a focal .bnot@litt $itbiD<br />

a liler ltlecled try a diftuse paretrchyoal proceas ory<br />

b!'dirliculr. It nny no1 be posstlr)e 1o dclect it by<br />

any dhe diaSnostic tectlnique shorr of liv€r biopsy.<br />

Tbere i$ !o Eaopltag variability tound itr cases ol<br />

la1ly inliltration 3!d one biopsy ia elough to represent<br />

the disease 6tate (soloway, er !1.,19?1). Itowever,<br />

guided Deedle biopsy orlers a betier rechnique lor<br />

diffe.enttatinS focal ferry tltlltiarlon fr@ beDeto4<br />

atcohollc livei di6ease In.ludes l.tty intilrr.tion,<br />

&lcholic belatiiis &nd cillhosis. Therr diile!-<br />

eiriaiio! t3 hportant as tatty intllrraiion is vllolly<br />

reverslble ehlle cir.hosis tE rot. Alcoholic bepattl js<br />

oay valy fr@ r oild antcrerlc i1lne55 to fulrln.nt<br />

hepatic f.ilure(Gatebos, t9?2). TcgL-sc gu. i@gcs<br />

ol livrr (olrospond ro rhc..v.rity.f thc dis( as.'<br />

(cesleln, er !1.,1s76). chang.s in the sizc of llver<br />

and splee!, 1n the uptake pstrern rnd shitt of aciillty<br />

to slreeo .!d boae o.rror c.h b€ docuoe.ted *ltb a<br />

creat 6e!6lr1v1ty ard rbe coufse ol the disease cen<br />

be follo*.d by sequelri.l arudi$. h trrty 1!J11t!.tio.<br />

i.i,<br />

#l r' fr<br />

Tll ' i'; r');<br />

':<br />

''-?-a:<br />

T:<br />

I rl.

It<br />

354<br />

dls€ase. [oreve!, . bloDat !...lle t€.d. ro b€ detl.cted<br />

by delae tlbrcalB, & t1!d1!s ort olly lat sd<br />

ne.ro515 4l be hlal..dlog. Tb..e 15 v.ri.btlity in<br />

tno prtlcr! of sclrrltrs tr ctrrhoBt6 (lrld6teln .nd<br />

szanto, r056i solo*ry, 6t ar.,r9?r). so lbe ,DuDt ot<br />

t.t &d rlbr@16 iouod l.e Dot equl i! ditteleot<br />

btopay ap€cl!€la lroo tb6 srF strbl6ct .od .re lor<br />

repreaeltatlve ot tbe 11ver a a rbola (abdi, et al.r<br />

19?0). Tbe ltee! btoDay Erde rt D.i1to!6oacoDy coltlror<br />

th€ diag!o616 ot clrrboala iD o.1y a8,8l(Vtdo.nd<br />

tlldbt.t, 1969). lhe dlrgioalic ylcld cr! b€ lnc!€aed<br />

b, aequeorlrl btoDstea. tbe dlrgnoala ot cltfbo5l6 16<br />

10Ol rttb !b!€e a€qleDtt.l btoD.l€a, trot.v.t, tDerc 1.<br />

!o aupllog v$l.btllry 1n rlcobollc h€pat1t16-<br />

tb€ dlqro€u ol tb. ryr. o! ebrc.lc rctlve<br />

h.Drtltls rld 1t. ..verlty cu be J!6a.d rltb l1i6r<br />

blop.t. Bd.v6!, oD€ .1!31€ llve! blopay cd oo o@41o.<br />

b€ ntslsrdlng ard the rccu!.cy ca! b€ llcr€agir io<br />

l00l *ith thr.\. acquonrlrl btoDBacs.<br />

13 Tc-8c €tldy Drovtdea tunctlo..l lototDtlon<br />

rbolt retleulo-€.dotheurl c€tl. t! r Y.tt.ty ot b.Dttlc<br />

.li*a€a, rdgttr3 lts chEolc .crlvo leprtltla !o<br />

early ctlrhoala. It ta v.!y ..o.!ttv€ 1! d€toctl!3<br />

dtttuls h.Drto@uulu dl.6s9P^(G€lLr' lei...l..llra \ - r --.

355<br />

teral cbannel6, s.ll<br />

A pat€nt ublllc.l<br />

19? 3 ).<br />

;li<br />

I<br />

1930 ).<br />

,l<br />

Tho anctllrrv thdlnas on ultrasouDd llke<br />

splenonegaly' .lllslod 6plsnlo and portal v6insr colla_<br />

slsorl Iivef atrd the p'e6enc€ oi<br />

asclt€s help ln th6 atisgno€ls of cir.hoais of 11ve!'<br />

v6tn c.n bo dotect€d Eoooe'ephtcallv<br />

in paiionts tlih port.l hvp€rt ons ror ( Sa'ldekn t '<br />

1932 )<br />

'<br />

Tbe stst€ of esttdbepsllc.nd lnlt4heP.ilc po'trr ayaieo<br />

.an be as66.6€d bv sttr.Bound. tt odv be partlcuti!I,<br />

helpiul t. tb6 o@.g€ocv dl.gtrosi6 ol gast'otDtesri!.I<br />

hre@rrb.36, both l. d6tlnr.g portal hvpa'_<br />

tension a5 ! ca[s€ srd lD dtstt.$rlslirng irtr! hep'tic<br />

frd axtra heDAilc potlnl bvpertcnsto. (lebbr et 'l''<br />

19??i lc.tt1, r9?O). Iorcovo. porl! lteoltrs can !lso<br />

be localisod by ultrssound prtor to Psrcut'Deous<br />

transhepstte portoSltphy (Burcb&rrh 3nd &aeDusse"<br />

sonogrcphy is exttomlv useful in the diagnoEta<br />

.nd msnagement ot h€Poitc enosblc &b6cose (Ralls' et<br />

br., 1932), Uttrs sound det6cta aituctu'al cbange<br />

rhile tsotope Ecsrnlng €bo{. tho tunctlon4l chaog€' It<br />

is 9!ob.bl6 th.t rn laotop€ ac.b d€t€crs an 'D'c€as<br />

befo.e it ts d€tociod bv ultra 6oo.d (Ds*burv' et rl'r<br />

!o.eov€r, lt !s th€ @athod ot ehoico lo' !o11ot

356<br />

up. as lurctlon chengss nor6 tsprdrv th.n norphologvt<br />

ur!.!sound elll .ot surprss tho lnioMutio. obtaltr€d<br />

I.oo tbe rrdto isotopc scan fot ovrluatl.g the r€ault6<br />

(ull ntrtl llllirn, l08l). 'l.lrls ft(:l ta<br />

clea.ly demn6ira.ted In c.s€ tD. 93 ol tho D.ea6ot<br />

study, see.litra of ltvor *1th oultlple rlnute pvog6nlc<br />

absc€sses oay not b6 d€tected by Tc_sc €cdn or ultr'_<br />


tfr':t,.<br />

35?<br />

enieric ao.st@srs (24.., €t 61"1002)<br />

Both tb€se iDralna tecluiques pl.v llDit..l rc16<br />

ln the dotsction oi h€pctle glatrulooa. The dotectton<br />

oa hepattc gr.rllqs la adrcoldogls 16 83I elth oa6<br />

llv6r biopBy (laglo6rr €t al., 1051). lbll6 ln th€<br />

6iudy oJ Kl.tEkln and Y66o6" (1950) th6 h€pattc aranuldr<br />

in r p.ttesi qltb ssrcoid@l. rG .l€@Dstr!t6d o!<br />

lnlttol tlver btop.y but lot Ir . BscoDd llv€r biopay<br />

usu.lly lr@ tl$ afrnul.fu detoci€d ot tiv6t<br />

blopsy tr daflnt!e o!lologlo basls (:qnnor bd €sLdrtsh€d<br />

froh the sp€ctren slon6. In . lov in6taocos the cauE.-<br />

ttvo agenL nly be d@.atrated by etltn or cultur€.<br />

The dotecilon ol a tub€.cql* pr@css oey aerve to<br />

tntttate p€rtlnetrt cllntcsl teata that l€ad to ctarl-<br />

Ult!.souod c.s detect sub.trspblrg!.tlc abscsss<br />

sccu..tely. Ho*eve!, llv€r acan m.y otas lt. Tbe<br />

cmblD€d llv€r-l[oa sc.n proe1.l66. better dlaglo€ta<br />

rc ln c.so No. la.<br />

Esrly chol€cyslecl-ooy ls smellmoc !€clJ|mnded<br />

lo. pattents *tth ac[t€ cholecystltls (Ll.den .nd<br />

sunzel,l9?0), Rapid, 16ll.ble.nd aafe d1.gno61a la<br />

DAndatory {h€n acute cbol6cystlilE le suapacied. O.l1

353<br />

chorocy6tosrapby 1s a hlshlv cccutato lnveatlg'tlon<br />

tor !h€ dl.gnos1s ot gsll bledd€r diaeaa6' It 1a nor€<br />

reltrble, st.ndatdlred .nd tochoicallv €aav. Itorevar'<br />

rrlse norMt exMinsrlons do occuf. Th€ proso.c€ ot<br />

jrundrce, nlusaa, vmiling Elv prccludd oral cholecve-<br />

!oar4phy. GsrrIn6ic c4uso6 ot non{p.clllcrl'Ion tnclude<br />

inlerference ivlrh lhe trunster ot co'rltrsl nodlum<br />

to Lhe snrll intosilro 6uch s5 i[teailnal ob€lructlotrr<br />

v6lttn*; Dllabsolptlon, tlv€r dise.ae ind chorocystolojunostdy.<br />

tltlioslc csuses includc obatructiotr ot<br />

tb€ cysllc duct .od cltroolc cholecvaittla lnl'rv€noua<br />

chol.nglogr&phy, .od inatr€to! ttugrapbv ol tb€ aatl<br />

bl4.ldor have prov6d to b€ lnteltable(ltar.lngton €t rl.l<br />

to8oi sh€ma! et sl., I080). rn prcgnonl prtlont6 a.d<br />

the pstlent6 allorSlc Io conila6t nedia, th6B6 tocbrrquos<br />

9e oot s!1isbl6 (c.6pe. et il.r 19?3). Tb€r€lore<br />

gray scsle ultrGonogr.phy of galr bradd€r.nd Te-IDA<br />

srrtrnirs f,rd l,o.d ltrg ftrrc lnd 'mrd<br />

po|lqlnr (litrpplr&o<br />

!nd S!nd(!fs' 1930i llcDdlcr, r9?9i ldiasnantr cl !r.'<br />

19?ai Par€ et al., 19?3i {e1ssm.nn ot ar,' r0791<br />

crode 1979; Leopold 6! .1.,19?6i B.!truo €t al., l9?61<br />

llsrlrw et rl., 19??i C..rollr 1973). th€3o no, t€cholquenou<br />

ptay &! topqttsAt tols !s alterntttvaa o!<br />

suppleoeots to p!6vlously €siablished radloloSlc.l

3s9<br />

In tho as€esedent o! acute clplocvstltta tha<br />

ostn slrerglh ot aonogr.Pby ia tcg sbllltv to 1o196<br />

gsll brodder psthorogy da.€ctlv. l@alns o, rho s.lr<br />

blidder rsll thlctq€€s or sonoluc6ncv Ia bolplur<br />

(r&!cb.r et rl., l9?8i l.trrtl€r, rg?e). G.a t. th€ a.rr<br />

bladd€. rsll, stz€ ot aiir bl.d.l€r, p€.lcbor6cvattc<br />

.bscoss $d 3.ll bhdde! !€od3!n€.€ .ro .rl h€lDlur<br />

tor tbe dtsgno€ls. The s!r€, poaltto. .od n@ber ol<br />

sroncs cutr rlso Do Judgod. xo*ovcr, ttndi.S ol slonc6<br />

ts noL sDecttlc rof rculc cbolccrarll,la. lhla rg lrao<br />

poesiblo Lhrl asll sroma ca. h€ roled colnoldenrlv r.<br />

s Dsllenl rtlh a non-g.ll bl.dder c!!ae of ocule rlght<br />

upper qusdr.nt !.!n. TbIs can lead to i.!ae Dosltlv€<br />

drssnosls oi .cut6 cbol€cyerttis by uttftsou.d. Hoe6v6r, -<br />

beplttc leslons'P€.Ih€Prtlc spacoar re.ar .nd pAncr€rlic<br />

leslons c.n slso b6 dolect€d by tt. Thue tt praya<br />

in inpoltrnl rol€ !b galt lrladde! dta€aao Md lL 13<br />

the Inltlal study ln p.t!€nt rltb tiaht upp€r qu6.!.ant<br />

poln, Jaundlco or . !!lp!bl€ .lght upnrir qurdr.nf o..a<br />

(llublltz €t st.,ls?2r t.bllskv 6t .1.' l9?5r l€oPold<br />

end skorolf, r9?3; tuDplooan lnd sondorE, !9?8; c.ad€<br />

et 61., lo?8t lrno. snd Rot€nqulat !9?61 La{son' 10??t<br />

/tnd.rson rnd llrrnod, lC??i Ctu*.1 rl.,l0?{i: ztnl ot

i{!.1I<br />

360<br />

al., l9t?; La*6o!, l9??). Sonograpby of gall bl.dde!<br />

hrs got !ol!ltvely lo* prodicrivo vutuo ol trogalivd<br />

sirll bladdi,r soDosr.n. thlc rs oritrly duc ro dtlllculrles<br />

ln dere.rtnF cnatl aion€s of dltferontt.ilna<br />

sall stonea tr@.bille.t aludgo.<br />

Ntth.!.lescltrtlgldphy ono c.n ovaluat€ tho<br />

Duretrcy oI Lhe cyatlc duct vith ! voly htgh scnsltivlty<br />

lnd apeclficlty. Th€ u6e ol nucle.r inaglng io 6etrbrish<br />

tbe pre€otrco or absenc€ ol cystic ducl pstetrcy<br />

ls on rise and ,irr plobauly con€tlrute sn €ver lEct6r-<br />

€iog perc€ntaa€ ol tho crs€ lo&d ln truclaar n€dlcln€<br />

departne.ts (vistov €i al,, 197?; flato* .nd cro€a,<br />

l0?9i ||on.i, l9??i'tlator e! al., ltToi taopord €t<br />

qr., 19?6i v16toe €t rl.! l97a; Psulela €t !l.,lg?ar<br />

no6onthal et dl., 1973).<br />

Ancill.ry findlnga My be noted. lo p.ri6ntF<br />

tlth aev6.e grll blrddar lnfla@al,Io!, tbe t.ll bladdet<br />

wrll woul.l bo iodgod rluring Ltro llo* porlror ol<br />

choloscintigrapllyi r-b1d llnding coupled vit-h .ontnaglng<br />

of gall bladder Epresent6 aev€le i[fl.matlon<br />

of ihe gatl bladde. ( A.rb ot .1., 1932). s@€tl@a<br />

lL uly glve clue lo non-chol.cysllc crusos ol .lgbt<br />

upp6r quadront paln (l|els6nson et .1., 1030). The ooet<br />

fr.qqent findlng of rhts l-ype ls tocrl rrcac ol

361<br />

decre.sed bepstic uptake c.ua€d bv h€D.ilc abscasa<br />

o. wldening o! th€ dudd€tral av,€6p i! pBncr6at1tls.<br />

Tb6 lnDactto. of tho slotr€ 1n lcute chol€cystis<br />

ey be teopor..y .nd r.y D. reuovod €lo.taoooualt<br />

*hlle lbe Bcut. Intl.matory procoas orco lolttrtedl<br />

cotrtlnu€B to plogr€ss shlch nsy g1!6 l&lae nagativo<br />

resulis otr chole sct.tlsrspby(Bcbevarfld ard Gl6.€o!,<br />

1O3o). ctrol€ sclntlSlsphy la l6aa t€chnlcrllv dep.!_<br />

denr in oxcludlDg th6 di&gnoal€ ot acule chol€cyatltls<br />

(Irovn er at., re?g).<br />

rlrlh !!srs uro oxc€ll€nl snd ctlosld be ua€d<br />

trhld! ever 1s @st sftective 1n s paltloula! clhtc.l<br />

setl,tag. l'hl€ cholco degolde upon s6v6r!l t.cto.a<br />

Qqarlty o! oqqiDoonl- svallcbl€ lor<br />

!€rlor0rng th.<br />

Capsbil lty ol ioclrnoloSlsta.<br />

n€lstrvo €xp€rtenoo ol physrclan€ EUDErvt6!.a<br />

tbs studles 6nd vllllog!€aa ot<br />

abe €urslcat cotraultsta to receDt<br />

9ostrlvo exMt16lrotr,<br />

fc-IDA dludlea do not dllectlv lnage aton€a,<br />

*lrtch lra Lhe Drjo. cou6o of {cure cholocrstitia. Tlr15<br />

problen ts vlewed os a s€rlou. deficl€ncy by o.ny<br />

Eusoons vlp pr€J€r lhe posltlvo soto8rsphtc d€tronatrer

:t0 2<br />

of gall stono6 !o tl!€ nogetive crite!:ion 6f nonfilli.g<br />

oI tho gsll bl.ddor 10 confilDlnS Llre dlAaooala'<br />

ll rlrc rcf.'rrlnS surAoon fc.ls it ncc'asArv ro domnsirrt(:<br />

gnll slon.s €onocttrnhic.llv befo'6 ennrsencv<br />

sur8e.y, tllen lt ok€s lirtre sense to use chole<br />

scinLlgrlplly as !h. lrlDulv s!rcsuing [odrliLv' tlovcv'f,<br />

cyslic duct sLotres sro sdellea dilJicult Lo detect<br />

on ultresound (Latns anq JPIr.ev' t933).<br />

Sonography and sclntlg!.phv {betr comblnod<br />

tosethor give rOOt ressrts ltr th€ detecitotr ot Bcute<br />

chol€.y€tItls (susrez et al., le80).<br />

t"99t- Ioe i. llso usetul in tho dlignoslE ot<br />

lcslculous chol€eystttls (l|eisso... €t ar.' 1939)' Ib€<br />

or4l cholecystography ts aup€rlo! to ult"sodnd 1n<br />

ac.lculous chol6cystti16 sd choleaterolosis My be<br />

niasod by both pro€edurae.<br />

rn lIc dtAsnosls or catcttrm! or glll baa'ldor<br />

rndi('*rnphy nlttrrJ doos nor .Fl{bltslr lh. d'{gi'}s's'<br />

0lLfa souod t)luys a vo.v imporuanL role tn such a<br />

condillotr (!ch, l9?9i Crqde ot at.r lll?9; Olkon €t<br />

ul., l9?ai lolll et dl,, ro?9i Dllla P.ld! er ar.'<br />

l,ercutnneoue uli.asound glided puncturo oi<br />

tho glll bladd€r cao be do.e lor dlagnostlc and

t0l<br />

t!€rrpautlc tndlc.tlont (PhlllID. €t al.' loat).<br />

Chorad*b.t cytt ..d ;toll'. dl.€rs ts<br />

.|l.t!osd by botb ultt.lould .!.1 cbols6ctutrarlDlv<br />

(au..ell, €t .1., l0?!r a.aa €t .1., ll?it xorlr! .t<br />

ar., l0?r). oltrrroon.l dlapl.r. tho rp.to.rc.l<br />

Btrrctus.. tbtl6 ro99'- tol rtor" tle tuctlolrl<br />

re!.ct (Dlpl€tro .!d lryror, lt80).<br />

8o lt is coocluded tb.t<br />

.ccur.cy 1oc!.3aor rh.n Dotb .r.


fhls cllrtc5l study sls undcrtrken to fln'l<br />

ou! an lnvesrlsation pl.n for p'iienls sllovlns slgos<br />

and synptds of hoDa-toblli&rv dvsfutrction- ls Lltts<br />

6cp€ct ha6 no! beon Etudled ln det&Il bv anv 16s€!rch<br />

*ork6f 10 ihls countrt so far' thie Btudv r's undort'ksn<br />

ro €valuate the ne{ dlsgtrostlc proc€dure€ rn our oe!<br />

clrcunstrnces and llnltalloos.<br />

the studv ts bcsed on the an&rtsl6 oi clinlorl<br />

lhd laboratory da[r and result€ of aooogt'ptv' scrntraraphy<br />

lnd tiver btopsv pe.tll;ira to 100 patlents vho<br />

€lg!6 snd svnDtoos o! liv€r &trd gall<br />

proBenled {lth<br />

bladder dis6.ses. Detatls of the6€ ih.qo lnvestlgations<br />

vlrh revrev ot lltorrlur€ ate de6crlbed'<br />

Par! I ls divtded inl,o diffetoni cnaplo's'<br />

Bfief descrlption ol rel€vant .natonv, eobryorosv a!'l<br />

.ongenrtal a nilr€s ot llve! .trd g.ll bl'dder rs glv€D<br />

tn .ne tl.s! ch.Dter. Cbspter II hrs been d€toied to<br />

lhe blstorical becl-glound, plltrctples 4od phvalcE ol<br />

ult.isoundr oD€r.tlon ot ultnaolDd ar€t€!' rndtr@'_<br />

tstlon atrd btologlc et!6cts ot ulirisound' Pr€p$attor<br />

ol th€ pati6nt and coaduct- oI Lhe exloinrlion for<br />

ultrsgound 16 descrtbed. ln Cheptd! ltl aonogtspnrc

365<br />

ao.imy oa llve! Is givon. Sooogr'phlc ch Actettstlca<br />

in !.rloos .c{ts .!d chronic, toc'l and dlfluse' coneanlLrl<br />

and lcqutr€d, b€nrgb snd neoplrsttc llv6'<br />

disordors .ro d€scribod tod s revtov of lti€laturo ts<br />

giv6n.<br />

chrDro. IV slortc ri!h Lhe sonog'ephrc lnaLdv<br />

ol gsll blsdder. conduci ol tbe €xminrtton rnd €onogfaphrc<br />

sPpslrslce of 3Brr blrdder ln dlll€rant<br />

dlse.sss 13 deacrtbed'<br />

chtpter v-Dl6totlc.l b.ctglound o! llve! bropay<br />

is briefly @ntlonod. lrdlc.tlonc, oontta-lndlc'tlo'4,<br />

rod codplicstiols of river Diopsv !!o describod'<br />

D6sc.lpLlon of dlfferdtrt neodlos and dtlieront natllode<br />

u6ed lo. p€rcutsd.ous ltve. blopsv l€ gtv6o' pr€c'u_<br />

tion6 aod pr€paratlor ol lho patloni botor€ tbo 9roce_<br />

dure rf6 slveo. A descriptionot rbo proc€dur€ aDd<br />

prtlent's .fte. csre i. givs! l! tho erd.<br />

chaDl,ef-vI llt6tory ol b€pnto-bill!ry 6.rnt1-<br />

glspby ls glv€n. ln€1lurencatlon a.d varloqs ladloph_<br />

aro.oeullcsl sa€nta lced lor thic pqrpoge are .oa-<br />

.flbL,d. l\'el)nrnl lon ot lh.r n ll.nr rtrd d.lnlls obout<br />

thc pro.edure !!6 grvetr. lppoBrlnco of D6rml llvof<br />

with no.Ml valistrtE !!d alttlrcts t6 deEcrlbed'<br />

Scln!rsrrDhic appcs.tnco of llvct ln dilrcrcnr draorsoa

chuplot Vll: ahrc chlpl-or is for choloscirtlarsphy.<br />

DlftoreDt radlophsrnaceutlc'ls us€d lor 1t'<br />

p.ep.raiio. ol ib6 p.iletri !.d procod!'Q tB dssctlbed'<br />

Th€ sppearance ot nolhll gsll blodder a'd tn dille!€'t<br />

dl6€.Ees r3 glv€o.<br />

Prrt II - Cb.pt€. vlII co.slsts ol 'tudt<br />

ot<br />

100 cas6s. Dtscussion ..d cooclu'lo!6 tre tncluded<br />

ln th16 psrt, Iaterlsl snd nethodB used ttr tbe pr€aont<br />

study uo d€scrlbed. a descttptlon lot e'ch llveatlgratlon<br />

Is glven s€ptt.telv. D€t.116 ol nlstorv t'kln3<br />

!trd critri(itrl oxlnlno(lon rr. gtv'xr' Comploilj {:linlcol<br />

lnd llbonl-ory d!!! oL loo Dr!lcn!s is glvln' llosulL!<br />

ol scinllglsPly, sonognpbv r..l Ilver bioPsv lo 100<br />

pdilents a!6 glven ltr a tsbulet€d tord to ahoe nov<br />

tlrese dlsgnostic lechniques c@pre@ot 6r aubetitut6<br />

esch otber iD drlleEnt ctinacsl setthga op€fatro!<br />

no!€s and po6t oparativs biopsv leDoft-a ir6 includod<br />

tor conDl.te an.lysl. of the c.s€. In tbd 6nd resulta<br />

lnd ubservdl roos ol tlre 5lndv lro grvcn_<br />

cbopt€! Ix, oonsldeltng the reEulla ol the<br />

present study ald tho rosults ol €tudl6€ corduct€'t<br />

lr otb€I p.rts ol ih€ rotld, a dtscu6ston 1a slve!'<br />

so sn evstu.tion o! .ol.tive .od absolqlo 'ensiilvltv

36?<br />

lod sDcctli€lly flgues ls dond to<br />

t€cbnlque should b6 ptofsrred !n<br />

silu4!ion. ln rhe aod conclusrons


,rl,.i!r<br />

363<br />

col{c LUSro!!<br />

tl<br />

,i<br />

llcr)drobll lo.v 6vsroft<br />

rrny disrrrlr fondil [[s, ri<br />

'l.h.ae l)ul-lotrla ua{a!<br />

t3 frcqqenll v lnvolved ln<br />

Ilr! r t,rin'nrrlv "r rralnllnrllv'<br />

ly prosont viLh a vrrrcrY<br />

ot stgtrs and stopt@.<br />

Th€ p.!!e!ts bolong to rll g'oups' rr!<br />

'8p<br />

50cl.l cl.sses.od both s€x6s tr€ 'lf€cta'l'<br />

Esrrv di.aoosls is lor prop6r d'r_<br />

'ec€tssry<br />

ae@nc .nd to reduco botlr rrbidltv rod @rt&lttv 'at6a'<br />

cl1.lc.l d.te .nd routl!€ l'borltorv inveatlSations<br />

otien isal to ovalurle l'he p'LionL c@ptctely'<br />

fbe @16 €ophlsttc't€d lovestlgstloE ahould<br />

be q6ed rlth turt lod€retlnruna ol t!6lr lndlcrtto'a'<br />

cont!!-tndlcttons! .dvsntsge€' dlstdlant4ss' c@pr1_<br />

clttons dnd PIt a.llt.<br />

non-I!toslve lechntquec should b€ protette6'<br />

thc lDvostlaa!1o' plrn 6hould lto sllrtod 'lth<br />

le5c esDencivc 5nd leld !I@ conaulrina Loctrtrrquo'<br />

'lhough [he r[dlsLlon dxpocrro rs accct'ruDr€<br />

as s sm4ll rl6t uhetr comp'!6d to tlt6 bon€flra ot<br />

lnrorrndrlon obltlnod ncvor!holoss' the 6msller th€<br />

oxPosur€ tbo bettor tt 1s'<br />

sonsttlvl!y and €Doclllcllv of orcl! teclnrqq6

j #.ii i,. .<br />

.<br />

300<br />

nusl be ktro*n for erch can[.e lnd opcrslor'<br />

Ultrqsolnd €srdinallo. sboold boi be r€quoateq<br />

It the expertise !s ln6ulflcaeot' vltlabro or rnretllblc,<br />

or .hd tnslru@nt t. not statrdltdt'od'<br />

lhen tbe r€qu€st aot 60@ tlv€stlslLto' r'<br />

mAde, the clinical Frobl€n should be oxplatrod ard<br />

lhe rosulis of otbof t€chntques €hould be 3v8tl'b16<br />

!r ltro t-irrc of dxadln!!lon.<br />

The copl€@rt.rv o! substitulion 'ole<br />

ot €Fch<br />

lov€stigctton shootd bc tn4o to 'vord<br />

duDrlq'rlon ol<br />

fosulls, rastlge ot tts ood @nev aod utrnccosaarv<br />

dlscdtort to t-he paironls.<br />

Considerlna th6s6 fets 6 copallBon ot convootlooal<br />

.a.lios.aphlc Procsdu!os, sonogreDhv' a'1nt1-<br />

gruphy rnd livor biopcy ia givon

' , i;ld:<br />

370<br />

corPARtsol oF<br />


ISUEq<br />

I<br />

dltlioull dtfftcut L<br />

Possible Dttfloul<br />

Dttllcult Dltllcult<br />

Iod€rrte tr.D6ods<br />

tb€ o€tl<br />

[!ah<br />

cunrr!lndic!1. ions<br />

Inny<br />


iliijiii1,,,,<br />

3?l<br />

Data coll€ctod lrom lhe sludv ot 100 plttenta<br />

rrJorrty oi tbea6 Datlenta preseoted urth<br />

Jaundlca or D.lo tlght hvpochondlluo ard tho<br />

atnsl dlrgnoBts was quite ditlarent h<br />

Ultrssound essnlnctlon codtd be perlolDs.l<br />

ln a1l th6 r0o Datlelt6 &s<br />

coni r.t bdtcst 1o. .<br />

3.<br />

Llvor sc.nnatrg e.a dore 1! ?3 pstleota<br />

lnd llDA scan.lng lo 55 patteot6. It ls<br />

bottof 1l th€so trv€stigttloDs .ro .volderl<br />

in Dreao4ncy,<br />

For llvcr blopay eo htvc ro tlkc d.tlg,or<br />

sftea b.I.trctn8 lta €xpect€d advlntsges<br />

snd potsqtlal haz.!ds. Io eacb case tt<br />

ws6 don€ .ft6! aooographv and aelnttSraphy.<br />

Llvor s.ennlng ta ch6 b6st scleening<br />

lnv€silgatlon sa under its guldanc€ ultr._<br />

sound could bs don€ oaslrr.nd in lega tloe'<br />

Ultr.€ou.d .ft€r llv6r 6ca! va6 don€ tor<br />

(l) To collect addlLtonil l!-<br />

torelro! .bou! l,hs .alure of Lhe .b.orqltty.e6n<br />

on th€ actltlgru (2) To<br />

evslu.t€ turtbar tbo p.!ients rilh stfooa<br />

susplclon ot h€p.ttc l€sloos and r€gatlv€<br />

or equivocll radlonucllda scan.<br />

In Jrutrdlco'.| pr!lonrc ulrruaound €xantna-

{<br />

312<br />

tton {.B th6 llrgt lnvsstlgatlon to be<br />

10.<br />

'fho rtndttrg! oa llvor d.!n bEd lo lto eva_<br />

l(rl,.d by ullr{H,trlrd. ThcHr' trl'n(! urrc<br />

nor tsullicleoi for doftrlte dlotlndsis.<br />

ul!r.sdur.l €x.Dltr.tioo plovlded ebuldaot<br />

lnfor@!Ioo .boul livet psro.chv.at bil6<br />

ductsr porL.l .od h6paLr( vatns. rn clse<br />

of g.lr brodde! it ptovlded lnlorMtlo!<br />

.bou! the etz€, €lie, contetrte and r&ll<br />

The .nclllary tlndttrg6 provlded bv urtr.-<br />

sou.d r.duc6d tbe lo.g llat ol drtlo.6t_<br />

tlst dltgnoal. cotrald6r.blv .D.l in @!v<br />

lnst.Dc€s tatet ult!sso{!d €xutnatton<br />

{e stoDDod rEvoaltArtln8 l,hs cqse fuftbe'.<br />

Betols llver btop6v ih€ c6a6 had to be<br />

rnv€stta6t6d'tully *htcb t@t Mnv d.vs<br />

and 1l th€ bropsy uor6 to be r€p6.ted tlt€<br />

rxv,jsrlstrl'un.trel rtlnxt.al. sur'lr n lrrn*<br />

pcrtod vird vory dl4lro€ding Jor rlto patlent<br />

xnd Lof lho nll-otrdrnlts trnd q4s laso.:ldrod<br />

*lth .rl the hazards ol l&to dl4gnos1s.<br />

12. No melo! compllcstlolB ol liv€r blop€v<br />

r€ro o6t in the atudy.<br />

consldering th6s€ itots I hav€ trled to cbalk<br />

out a llov cha.t vh{ch vlll hsrp in the eork up of<br />

putient€ vllh hcpnto-bllld!v dvslunctlon '

t,<br />

fi<br />

i{$},iil'<br />

1..<br />

I<br />

;,<br />

3?l<br />

.rl<br />

!<br />

i<br />

grn^TEOv tol ISPAIOAILIAIY DlgoaDaBa<br />

Alt€t cogloto bt.tolv .!d cllnlc'l €x'_<br />

.lnrtton rcutln€ l.borrtotv t€sts .bould be p6llorftd'<br />

!!v.r tunottoo t..ti sbould b. dolo rD€! D€c6a'att'<br />

tho lurtbor trv€lits.atong .t. do!. ';@rdln3<br />

to tbe<br />

provlslon.l dt.g.ml.t<br />

il<br />

:<br />

d!<br />

c<br />

D-<br />

It lhcrs ls otnly ltvof prcbl€o.<br />

rl brlnl, 8.lt lrl.drrot Plthologv !a auaF6't€d'<br />

tt iho trvolve.t of both a.ll bt.dd3! .nd<br />

Itve! la eu6P6ct6d.<br />

U!d.ctd€d!<br />

c) obatluctlvo J.u.dlce<br />

b) IEs rlSht hY!@bo[drtuo<br />

rttbout lru.dlc..<br />

c) Po.t cbolocy.l.atoY<br />


,:+-Tlr,1,<br />

37!l<br />

croup A<br />

LtvEq DrsB<br />

^sas<br />

t,.P.T.<br />

lhri !h€ dl6o.dor l.<br />

{;;---;,.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

r"'1r..<br />

"oJ.r.",o.'."0"<br />

chlo;lc<br />

*-t *"" ."-u" J-<br />

u.gl'-ro.tron ur.""""u{o<br />

Bxd1.at10.<br />

I<br />

Llvor blop.t<br />

Itfisound Ex@Itretlon<br />

Il rnaotlrrrnote<br />

I<br />

l.r.s8od<br />

Loc@yt. 3c.n<br />

t'Llvsr-runs 8c0r<br />

Lt,lvsr-\id.oy<br />

c$lhI.r sc.n<br />

aos!<br />


3?5<br />


AcuLo- ClrolucYat It Ia<br />

".rJ<br />

r-.., .oo*.<br />

cbore{crntrs!opby<br />

u,,.J_.u<br />

c[ronlc cbotecysrlLis<br />

I<br />

I<br />

o'rer<br />

I<br />

ul !r.aou.d<br />

I<br />

irthJut ccx<br />

6x.!l!.tlor<br />

I<br />

cf,or€sc!ntlsrrDht<br />

rrih' c!{<br />

I<br />

I<br />

c.oup c<br />


L.1.T.<br />

I<br />

Ut<br />

",,",f", ', ,.'"rt<br />


t78<br />

obstr[ctlvo J.un.llc€<br />

Pos! chol6cY.ie.tonY P!l1enL<br />

I<br />

4igt<br />

I<br />

t"<br />

I<br />

el<br />

t<br />

I<br />

l"o<br />

(lD sll tb..6 gfougs It tb€".ta pragoalcv or<br />

retr.l t.llur€ &trogr.Phv ls tn€ ltrsi<br />

i.vostlaatlon to b6 do|!6).<br />

In th€ €nd It !B conclud€d th't the lapl'l<br />

technologldsl .dv.oc€rents! Itcf€aetia sxp'r16nc€ bv<br />

l!.ger nlnb€r ot lnv€sct8.to!. lnd carolullv planb€d<br />

prospectlv. studles wtll h€u It f€-€valuaLlon ol tb6<br />

.clatlv€ utll lly snd dr.gnosrlc accPrecv dr thode<br />



'rtri:li<br />

374<br />

BIBLTOG&PfiY<br />

I r. ABDr' r., rrll l' Jrc'r rEzEYr E'(19?e)r<br />

s@pllna v"!abtlity on p€rcutaoeoue tlver<br />

bloPeY' Alch Int6tn xed' 130' 680'<br />

2. ABDULLI, V., carp08Ll' s.' DsfllullsT' c'J '<br />

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D.,LUCAS, ll., I IIULLARf,BY' X.(19?l):<br />

Eilect ol drrglosrlc ult!'souod on Mtetnal<br />

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L&oc€o | 2' 329 -831 '<br />

3. A CltAViL, A., TAUX!! f.N., & GAIBILL' 8.8'(1065):<br />

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6. aNsARI, A.N., ATKIltg, u.L., LI|IBRECIIT' A.rl.r et a1'(rt?4)<br />

tl23_toao.v"nin. green, as "<br />

agont tor<br />

dvndlc studles ot tho hoprtoblll'rv 6vatd'<br />

Itr Dvnstc studtcs *lth radtoi6otopea tn<br />

tlutr re I ou.<br />

Vol.!. Xnoxvllret Tennesso€ IIEA Julv' 111-123

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Itsducrlon ot roaDlr.lory artltect€<br />

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l0<br />

ll<br />

lrzr|ltr, F., xARANoota, J.P., BRttN, P.J.(r9??)t<br />

Ultrsound evaluatlon ol tho notr-vl6ua-<br />

Itred gill blldrter.<br />

Gaat.ol.ro€i A&dlol, r:193-200<br />

BACCEXIt)SS, A.8., SOrarAy, n.D., SUI|E&SIILL, I.B.J.<br />

EIVBSACI; L.R., I SHOa FISLD, L.J.(tS?2):<br />

Chronlc acllv€ llv€r dtsaae€, Tbe !.n86<br />

ot hlstologtc toslo.s,tb€lr reslonao to<br />

tr€.t@nt .Dd ev.lu.tlo!,<br />

lllmo Patbolosy, 3r !83-!98.<br />

llAGl.DY(, C.LJr., Rm!, J.4., Tltollas, L.4., ot rr.(19?:<br />

Llv€r bloDsy tD UodSxln's dls€lso. Cllolcorrola!ions<br />

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Ann. Int6rn.

,illil,ii r<br />

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C.oad. |led Asa. 6a!55X.<br />

BAKERI T'L' '<br />

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Dlologlcdl eta6ota o! dlagtostic ult!.-<br />

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BALL. 1.J., rUTCIil{lCX, r.C., mNEEt O.X. ot.l.(19t5):<br />

Uemb!lla tollorrns percqt&eous llv€r<br />

D!opay.<br />

Gsd!16.lsrotogY. 5ar 129?-r299.<br />

AsDlrrclo! ro! Iemvsl or biopsv ort6r1.l<br />

lroo Lhd llvdr<br />

Arch Inl, Iod,62r2?6.<br />

17.<br />

ta,<br />

BARnY, $., SSERIOCT(, S.(197r)!<br />

x6.suremnl, oi live! iron conc€trtr.tior<br />

in roedlts biolsY apecitretrs.<br />

L.ocat. l, 100-r03 '<br />

BARTIUII R.J., COOI, ,C., idvt8r s.&.(1s??):<br />

Uttrssotrrc 4n.l lsdlographic cholecyatog.aphv<br />

N Eng J l€rl. 206: 534-541.<br />

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at J Rodtol. 50:343-369.

l8r<br />

20. BAITAIIIA' p'S', Lc@ l (' t"J" BRo{ll' c'U'(1960):<br />

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am J Gsstro6nt€foI 34:39?-401'<br />

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J An I6d aBs 6?5'<br />

.l9?'<br />

'<br />

ll "<br />

22. BUEANT l|.' KAZAr' l (19?a):<br />

sonogrsphy ol the c@@n blre duct Value<br />

' ot tbo rlght obllque vler'<br />

'nterlor<br />

lD J io€ntaenol' 130:?0r-?09 '<br />

2!. BILIrIGEE' r'A r BAACtlAtp', J l'' llElrzsc tAxr B'R'(19?5):<br />

c'rrr@ uPtes€ ltr bdnlgn tu@ut ot the<br />

lrr,<br />

rivor' cddo llcPorl'<br />

J l{ucl lod 16:4?0_4?1'<br />

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"tv€! btopsy in drltrcurt laundlce'<br />

Bt l|ed J' 2: 5?3'<br />

25. BERNAiDINO, I.E.I I GREE<br />

' B'(T'?9):<br />

tllirsso'ogtrpbtc 6vtlu'tlo! ol che@th'!'-<br />

Deutlc f'sDons€ t! b€prtlc @t'ats€a'<br />

Radlolog,' 133 r'13?_'4r '<br />

26, BEnSTT E, R.L. (1960)!<br />

J sct€tv studl€s rtth ultrdsootc DopPlo! f€clrllc<br />

a cllnlcal tolros up ot Dttl€nt6 and ttsBu'<br />

obst€t GYnscoI. 34t lo7'1og<br />


34,<br />

Br|,l,llrc, !.11., @xro , ll.J. '<br />

lMt{, D.B" I acllrfl'<br />

L. (1053)!<br />

,tlro vrtuo or uoo'llo l'iolNv itr llto cltorrcrr<br />

os!tB!loo ol llvor llplda 1' mn'<br />

J Cll. lrvoal.3lr214.<br />

2A. DJOR EDOE, 1., lvEuta '<br />

P.' (EIDIIC' R (1949):<br />

rb6 rlpbrt.rc6 ot llvet blo|,sv tn drtt€ronttar<br />

dt.anosts esDsct'lrv lD co!!'ctlo!<br />

ritb olor.tro..<br />

rcta I€d gca[. !35!303_30? '<br />

29.<br />

30.<br />

0l,Ani, c. ( 1969) !<br />

Iophr.ctdv loll4lDg llvor broDav'<br />

lD J Dtg Dts. 14,<br />

'15-147<br />

'<br />

@LIC8, E.n., Tvaor, I<br />

'8. ( t9?l) !<br />

P.!.. !o.!trv€ rtv€t tDat du€ to<br />

locrrls€.| b6P.trc 1d3t.f .<br />

R.dlolosY. l0O: !10_!ao.<br />

31. @rD8it, L., r *RI|VITZ, a.(1951)l<br />

xoodlo bto9dv ol tlp llvorr ! dlrgnoa!lo<br />

.Id lo rbo lrerl*lr ol crbcer '<br />

c.ncet. 6: l0lo.<br />

!ov!, p,, DcolrvatR, t'n., I SPAalNgllll' l'(1t63)!<br />

l.tr.h6p.tIc ll!hl.€Ia'<br />

G.qtr@otorology, at: l!!-25t '<br />

33.<br />

( 1935 ):<br />

rphryard csp' rn cborocvatolr'Dbv'<br />

Itoenr Ac.ol 33r 58t_eor.

383<br />

BnaDxAN, J.r., CoAKLEY, r.T.r COULD' R ('(19?4):<br />

ttlmn lvrDboovto chrmosones an't qltrasorlc<br />

csvrtatlon ( lett€!).<br />

Br J. Rsdlol. 4t!158-161'<br />

35. BMUNSTBIN, B. ( 1956) t<br />

ri€€dre bt6Psv ol tho tlv€r io c1!rho51't<br />

dr4tro€ttc €!tlct€lcv rs d€tolotned bv<br />

posiooltd qrtpltlB'<br />

a r l Arcb. Prth. 6s:!?' 1056'<br />

3ri.<br />

B&A|EA. r.X., ausTlNr 6.8.t t8lrll' x.L' (ls3o):<br />

aoc.l t.ttv ch..g6 oa tb€ llv€" s bitl!€rto<br />

goorly r€cognizod €ol1lv.<br />

O.st.oelt€.oloay. 7 a | 241 -152'<br />

3?<br />

33<br />

39.<br />

40.<br />

Bnocf,, !,D., PEACOCX' 1.J., OaABD, C.B" 6t '1'(19?3)'<br />

ult!.sound.!d cbro@a@6 Bb6rtst l00s '<br />

!.d J lus. 21 533-598'<br />

BRODERIC(, r.ll. I GOSTNKT<br />

achog!.Ehlc and<br />

n6paroo!.<br />

BsdloloaY. 135:<br />

a., xaNUCx, L.r €t.r.(1930):<br />

fsdlobucltd€ dstectlon ot<br />

lar-151.<br />

BROtiN, c,Y., & aALABT 0.C.(1012)t<br />

F.tsr blle €obolIstr follovlna rlv€r blopev'<br />

lDo ht 16.1. 33: ll20'<br />

BROTN, D,l.(r0?2):<br />

c@btn€d llver - lung rrdio'6otope sca' tE<br />

lho .lr.anosta ot lubdlrphrsspltrc lbscosa'<br />

seolo tlucl l€d. 2, ItO-150;

384<br />

r tof, n.H. (l0?5):<br />

D15g.ost1. ultrsound ..d llv€r diseaa6'<br />

seDln no€.taenol. l0 ! 223_228'<br />

42,<br />

a3<br />

BRYAN, p.J,, DIN!, f.t.r cRoSsxaN' 2.D., ot ar'(19??)! :<br />

corrol.ttor ol cqnput€d t@arepbv arev I<br />

scat€ qlttssoaoa!.pbv' !.dlqnucllde 1o'81n9<br />

ot th€ ltv€r tn d6tecttng sFace oc'upvlla<br />

procea€sa.<br />

Bsdtoloay, lltl: 38?_391.<br />

BUCKIOi, f,.E., r arxBR, n.v. (tr?2):<br />

Al lDvostlgrtlo! rltb Do.slbr€ cD!o€@<br />

d.!.31.4 o!!6ct ot ultr.erD't d h|Ar bt@d<br />

Br J R.dlol' 45! 340-342.<br />


'<br />

A.' €t.I.(1976)I<br />

Doublo t!.c€r scl.ttar.pnv ertb ;d6?-ort!'t€<br />

and T.99m-sc ln tho dl&gnosis ot heptl'lc<br />

J Nucl lod. l?! 369_3?3.<br />

t5<br />

lluncl^lrlur l.! t ll^srusslr, s.N.(ltJ?4).<br />

lo.allsttiotr ol th€ porta b€p.tis bv ultr'-<br />

solic sc..nlna pilo. to pelcutsneous ti'!6-<br />

hep.ttc portog.rpbt.<br />

Br J R.dlologv, {?t 5e8_502.<br />

BURDTNE, J.A., l8tLL, C.a. ( r96? ):<br />

n.dloroSY' 00, 113r.

385<br />

47.<br />

CaLKIIS, 5., CIUBNr A. S. ( 1960 ):<br />

DlaaDosls ot aoY1otdo61a.<br />

Bull Rb6s Dla. 10!215_213<br />

48 ctiol,r, J. r @ncos, v. (1964)!<br />

La dtlrt.tion co!3€lttslo des vors6 blllet€a<br />

lntrsh€pdtlque6.<br />

tlevldw I€dIco.ttllugto *alsdes l'old. 30' l-2'<br />

49.<br />

50.<br />

cAiolt, J., souPAUi,T, n., {OS8Al(OtSl(r, J.' PLOCI(ER<br />

L. & PRADOISf,A, l.(19t8)l<br />

In dll.t.tlo! tDlvkystlqse corgonit.l€ da<br />

voi€s QrIl.r6a lntr.b6prt ique6.<br />

Essrl de cl.s.ltrcrtlo.. seol! .s lloapli.ll<br />

Parls, lar a86-495.<br />

cAROt,r, J. ( r963):<br />

Dise46os ol lnLlrhoPll,lc liile duotc.<br />

lsraer Jorilnrl of lodtcar Science6, atll-95'<br />

caRol-r , J,(1973)l<br />

Di6€.s€d ot th€ tntr.hep.tic t,rltary tt6€.<br />

c1t.tc tD cstlo.nto.ologtr ,: l'rr_161'<br />

52<br />

caRR, D., DUrlCAll, JiG,, MtLrloX, i. I srlrll' c.G'(1e76).<br />

Llve! volt@o dglomloslion bv ulLNsound.<br />

e iolstblo acudY.<br />

Br J AAdlol. 45. I?a-774.<br />

caaaol-I,,8..t.(19?8)t<br />

BiIIary cy.t.d€n6a rnd cv6tedenocarclood.:<br />

Gi.ay sc.ro urtr.souid spp€.tanc€.<br />

J clld Ultrrsound, 6: 295_302.

lir 1,.<br />

0'iri<br />

I<br />

i<br />

ri<br />

lt0<br />

-tl<br />

4<br />

I<br />

ti<br />

i1<br />

j<br />

Ll<br />

J<br />

,t<br />

rl<br />

.ii<br />

i?<br />

ft<br />

li<br />

fil<br />

,('<br />

tf<br />

li<br />

1'l<br />

1i<br />

t{<br />

fil<br />

ffi<br />

fl<br />

54. CAIIOII, D,A. ( lefl)r<br />

G.u at@€.. l!<br />

!.dlogl.Dllc rod<br />

a! J lto.!!t€ool.<br />

cAB&UtLr r ll,,8oaa!Dl, I'<br />

L1v€! ic;!. ra<br />

JaIA.2lltll0l.<br />

CA8TEIJ,, D.O., JqXSOl' B.E!( re00)!<br />

r.er Alal .t l€d, l?l' ll3.<br />

vltlo coaDrrts@ ot PbYslc.ri.f<br />

|rltri.ollc ch.rsct.ri*ro!.i;fi<br />

tttr zal-415.<br />

, BONCTIA' ni ?t sl'(lotttt<br />

th. Budd-chlall ayldro!€.<br />

corni|rnr, o..r., sasu.rr, s's.; B|tsrl' €t rr.(te??)i<br />

Tto vrl!. ot llv.r ro.o lD tlF lolrd ut<br />

stu.ly ot trtlo.t tttb r.l..ocrrctlq ol<br />

tho cold s.d roctur.<br />

surg Gylocot 06r. la,a! 715_t4.<br />

58. cEAFalz, l{.<br />

' t !Il&i, t.l.(r9?9)! :., ,.il<br />

Port.l ed h.Drtlc v.l..t Afcutrav ot n'l.lrfrf<br />

eobo.. to! dl.tllasl.bioa lFLr'b€P'tlo<br />

00.<br />

v.a.el..<br />

Ldlololt. ttor ?25-?28.<br />

, ':,-;:<br />

cuarn){lrBt, 1.f,.(rt?t)<br />

c.utlo! !! l.t.rDEtrtlo! ot ltv€' 8ol! lr' -l<br />

Dr.i.!o. of bt!.tGPnro..<br />

J utol, llat aEt ( t ti.t ao the orUtot) ' l ;.<br />

cnruDiuar, r.r. (lrio)t<br />

i:t<br />

I<br />

:.),<br />

1l<br />

htsd.D.tto l.alo. .ru.!ra lr1& Do.itle.,ilgd<br />

v!r31.t. L.t lontb. lolr !, 9-165.

38?<br />

oiSarSilltll, J'T. ( toaa) t<br />


388<br />

coEL, ll.,IIALPARN' 8.' ll,Az8Arl, N" €t al'<br />

Intr.h€prtlc l*ton ptea€otltrt is<br />

rncle4sod lldiocol lold uP!rk' on<br />

J t{ricl red. tlt t2l-222'<br />

(10?2)t<br />

63. COTAS, &,D. ( l9?5): '<br />

Ab€6nce ot uut'tloD lo!ldtng ultr'soDtc<br />

tr€..@!t ot B'crllus '!bt1Ut<br />

c€1la aDd ira-<br />

DstotDlna d'sosvltboolcl€t' rcl'l'<br />

Or J A.dlologt' 4't 100-3!r'<br />

6$. CONN, tt. }jDlmRrAt. (lo?a)l<br />

ItrLr!lroP4! Ic hcdl@<br />

Gs6t r@DtarologY ' 6?:<br />

!fter llver bioDsv,<br />

3?5-38r.<br />

?0, coNri. [. EDlTOntl|,. ( lt?5):<br />

l,lv€. bloPst !n €xt!' b6p'tlc blll$v obatnc_<br />

troo .nd tr oth€! | cooir'tndlcttod! dlsrd€ra'<br />

Gsst ro€nt€lolo3Y ' 03:8r?_821'<br />

71. coNN, ll.o.<br />

?2, coNN, ll.o.<br />

(r9?2)t<br />

aationrl us6 ot liv€t blopFv t! tbe dlagDosta<br />

o! h6Patlo cenc€r.<br />

Grstto.!te!ologY. 6a! 142-146'<br />

, SPENCER,8.P:(19?2):<br />

Obs€lrv6! €rrot tt liv.r €o'tr€'<br />

C.rt !oe. torologY ' 62r 1045'<br />

r.J. I JlNBa, J.o. ( t9?3 ):<br />

!'t)Irull.l Chntrtrol't slgn oI bllllrv

. 38t<br />

74.<br />

?5.<br />

76,<br />

1?<br />

.nlafacn.nl In nlld lo d|dornlo ob6lrrctreo<br />

Jundrcd.<br />

Ad J Roetti€nor 130! 2?e-280'<br />

'<br />

@ B|D, r.i., t EoNlBD, J.r tArDlY' r'(!960):<br />

t tt l.tetrl decubttus e'oglsDlv ot 961l<br />

stoo6. h'tb€ conir'ctod gtl! blrdd6r'<br />

l! J lloootgblol . !34: lal-!"'<br />

c@PEnaBBG, P.L., BUirlEllS, u.J. (1080):<br />

ne.l ttE ul t !.€oDoar.Pbv ' Dr'aldtlc<br />

t€chllqu€ ot cbolc' to c'lculoua "rr<br />

bl.dd€r qF€..6 '<br />

EEgl J Ld' 30lt r2t?-r2t0 '<br />

cooPBA8ERG, P.L. ( lt?3):<br />

lt18b r6solu!1on 16.l itF uttlr'ouad I'<br />

ibo evalu.tton of tbo noful roil obatruot€d<br />

bItl.rY ir.ci.<br />

ftudlologY. l2e I 477 '4ao.<br />

coot,a{ nlc, 1,.1 ., l,ID, lol{G' P., COlllll{, l'r"<br />

iRrlar{B'<br />

,t. J. ( 1030) r<br />

Accor.cv ot c@! h€Prttc duo! al'€ ln thE<br />

6v.lustlon ot €xt!.h€p.ttp blttrrv obat'qctloo'<br />

R.drology. r35, lal_r44.<br />

?3. covrilcmrir E.l. | ( r9to)<br />

Pli lall€ tn<br />

Ah J Ro€nta€.<br />

. lO0t 745-?48.<br />

ts.<br />

covrlcTonr E. B. ( 1073) I<br />

loser t! ttv€r 9botoac.n..

d,$ffii<br />

'.l.t,<br />

390<br />

ao J C..tro.!t.!o1. 5t:<br />

262-r66,<br />

30. COtrE, n.L., liic(rallr a.' adlDERS'<br />

Amebrc llv.!.bEa€* !D<br />

{iib laundtc€. L€tl€r6<br />

s Al! x€d J. 55! 402.<br />

s.J., 1EIBLANCIIE, ,t. ( 10?9<br />

PstieDts p&a€ntIE3<br />

to the edltor.<br />

cox, t.r'. (196?);<br />

Uctrulobill! lollo{ltrg lcrcuL!!'"'rs icritllc<br />

btopsY o! tbe llv€r.<br />

A.ch surA. 05r 198_10l '<br />

a2. CRADE, r., TAilI)R, f,.J.r.r sogaNFlBt',D' A'T"et 'l'(19?8)t<br />

surglc.l .nd PrtboloAlc corr€rtttoo ol<br />

cbolecvsi@ooograPbv sld cbolecvstog'rpDv'<br />

Ao J RoeDt€3eml. !3lr '2t-229'<br />

33. CRADE, ll., tluoR, r.J.l" f,oaE FIALD' l'T" uLR6lCD'<br />

s., sIwoNE, J., SOI{BR' !.c., vIs'ollt' c'ri'(19?9):<br />

Th€ v.!l€d ultrusgltc ot!"eate! ot gtll<br />

blddet tu@ur.<br />

JAIA 2O' Vol.141t 2195_2196'<br />

J,J., IUELLSRT P.f,., sllaoxB' J.F.' et ar'(1983)t<br />

prosp€ctlvo dl.gno.ls ot cDoledocholtthr'la'<br />

&edloiory, 140t tl67_469'<br />

r.f,., ftvEAall, 4.8., ASl0, J.r.(t9??):<br />

lrve!. A c.se demnslrat€d bv --sr and<br />

rc99n- sc ecrnntng.<br />

J Nlcl l6d, 12! 754_?55.

d.[E;:;.<br />

a1<br />

tst<br />

plr,m, i., srzz@xt, r. r DlPtalllllorro, r'(t9?8)<br />

Abdolln.!.ootr.st tomSnDli t! tb' avrlu'-<br />

tro! ot a.ll b!.tt.ter .nd bttt$v trect ( rlt!<br />

€oph6.Is ulon Jrurdtc.d p'tlsDta)'<br />

Brttlsh Jou!!.I ot n dloloav' 5rl<br />

'84_{93'<br />

DIILA PALrAr.L.r atrtafm' c.r DoaalrocBll'l<br />

' R's"<br />

BAZZOCCIT, l.( rr80) |<br />

croy sc.te ultrresolr'Dby l! th6 ov'lu'tlo!<br />

ol c$ctno.. ot tb€ A'll bl'dd€r'<br />

at J ardloloaY. 5:t! 002-00?'<br />

38. [., lElN, l.J. l glnllaa' t.a,(!9?').<br />

Br6.tlo3 up E.!du.l atl! eto!'a vltb '!<br />

ultrrsoltc dtlu.<br />

L.nc6t, rlt rrt-r79.<br />

A.ll. .lo C.r srlltoli' l"t.(lodn)'<br />

f.trl !€.ctlo.a to Lt3oocr1.'.<br />

AdaosLhcsl!. l0! 2t?.<br />

DDL/!|D, F.lt. t lactltsi, ll.ll.(1168)!<br />

R€s€!€trtto. ot th. llv'r 'tt6t<br />

boD't€ctov'<br />

J [ucl reolch6.03 58t-i891<br />

9l<br />

DElSoiYr {.C, (1900)3<br />

Vtsu.rt..ttoo ot no.6! blrt'lv duct' rttb<br />

ultr.ao6d.<br />

Br J Rrrtlot. 53: ??t_780.<br />

02.<br />

DE Boivr L.c. I cll.ax,<br />

Ib. .ccuraov<br />

B.B. ( l0t0) t<br />

ot urir|.oqld 10 tb. d.t.otlo!

. .,.,611<br />

3S2<br />

03 DE{BURY, l

I<br />

i-J-l<br />

393<br />

DO|N, R.lt., larol,D, J., C,oLDIN, a.' l^rlar J'll'r<br />

BETNEAS,0.(19?S).<br />

CoDplrrson ol .courrcv o! Tc"r-Pvr'doxvlldctiii<br />

gluLtrtrtuto scnnnins' elLh or!l chorocvatographv<br />

.dd ultt. eooog!.pby ln di'gbosis ol<br />

lcuL0 chol6cyal rI ra'<br />

Lancet. 2: lOga-1007'<br />

rOO. DUBBIN, P.4., O'nlORDAIi' D., IELIA'<br />

UltrasouBd in h€9rtotr. -<br />

B! J R.dlol. 5ar 30?-31I.<br />

t.I.( 198r) r<br />

o.b a!€clllc dtagnoala<br />

lot. DUNCAII, J.G, ( 19?5):<br />

th€ di4glostic v.lq6 ot ult"souod in h€patooegalv<br />

&.d up!€r abdoDlnat D'aa6t'<br />

Joulnar ol iovil cotr€so o! sula€ods '<br />

( Edlnbulah ) ,<br />

1o! lo?-11.1.<br />

lo2. ECHEvlnntt, R.a. ,Gra@,J.L.(lrao):<br />

legatlv6 a.ll bladd€r acltttgru ln<br />

cbol€cYstttla.<br />

xed. ,l r 841-34s.<br />

l03. EDDLESIbN, A.L.l.F., nl{B, r.o.' PAGIllaos' l.P''<br />

osBon , s.ll., llLLlars, R.(lr?l):<br />

s€75_ 6el€.oo.tblontle t! tbe scirtiscs!<br />

.ll.gtosis ot p!tdaly bopatoc.llular c'rcln@''<br />

cuL 12. 245.<br />

1O4. ED{ARDS, C.Q.! CASSO!!, X., BMY' P.' I CUART l8rCgr'<br />

Uet€dtt.av h€@chrdrtosl6. Di'a'oars io siblt'34

:&H$<br />

304<br />

aod chlldr...<br />

N Eog J r6d' 28?: 7_13'<br />

ro!. EtKra , 8.A., CdEnoi' J.1", @IIAX'<br />

A tosl- 'or<br />

Prt€ncY ot ihe<br />

l9?5)!.<br />

Au tnt6r; x€d. 8rl 318_922'<br />

l06. BLL, P.J., ftLLrats, 8.8.(ro8r)!<br />

The ltvsr' tplt'n<br />

"d Dtdcr€rsr tcl'ar<br />

I€dlclns: .n l'troductorv t€st' 103_lr{'<br />

Brsck*oll scl€nttilc Irubllcttloos' l.n'lo!'<br />

ro?. EI{GEL,<br />

J.r., DEltt!r 8.1.. ltrf,xara' f'(reeo':<br />

carl bl.dd€! t.ll cblcl!€ss sonqr'Pbrc<br />

sccuricv and t6l.iioD to dlae'6€'<br />

AJB. 13at 9o?-908.<br />

I<br />

tl<br />

l<br />

rii<br />

ro3, EvANs, C.8., cunTtN' ! 6 , tccAeTlYr Il'C '<br />

XTARIAN'<br />

J,X. ( l9?2) I<br />

Ltvar 6c&rtrg tn P'tl6Dta *ltb 6uap€ci'o<br />

.bddl!.I tudur'<br />

Jour!.I ol lDltcs l€'lrc'r Assoclrtloo'<br />

230: r6t5-r6t?.<br />

los, EYLERT v.R., SC{UI|AN,8.l" DusAULT', L'A" lINSOll<br />

R.E. ( 1965):<br />

R.dlo1ogY' 341 409'<br />

I lo. lrLLl, R.A., ALLElll<br />

a., llY, L.r. ( 1930)<br />

IINTOI{, J.J., BEEIIH<strong>OF</strong>I,<br />


''$ifrJ#,<br />

395<br />

I I<br />

.chocs wtihtn l'l litrrY sludge'<br />

J Clin Ulir'sound 3: 193_200'<br />

tt,. IjrNrrrtttc t.J., I Bl&l{goLz, J c'(19?9):<br />

uttrasoutrd 6valustlo! ol tho ga!1 bl''td€'<br />

v'l l '<br />

Badioloav" l!3: 6t3-698'<br />

112, !rNC(H,8.S., BA(AR' S.J.' & BYIIN' r'r'P'(1953):<br />

'rhe vrtue ol tlv€r blopsv ln Lhs dlsgnoaig ol<br />

rubercutosts snd 6"coido6i5'<br />

!.d J lns. 21360'<br />

,, tt". Flsll8tr, c.J., ! f&oon' l'f (re53)l<br />

i<br />

*6odle blop€v ot tr'e ll"er; coop'rraoo ot<br />

ln1till cllnlcil<br />

'nd blstologlc dlitlosis'<br />

{lth s !ot6 on Post blopsy nort'ltty itr<br />

patients *lth n6tBststlc tr6oplrad'<br />

Ao J ne.l. 25r 36,'<br />

I r4. r_l,Atlilc, R.J.(194?):<br />

cvst ot th€ co!@o bile 'lucl<br />

rtr I cada<br />

ot pregE.ncv ol ergbt @Dibs csuslns pvlotic<br />

ob6t!uetlon.<br />

Souih atricsn ||€dlc&l Joqroil' 2lt 71a-742'<br />

r15. FL|EGEL, c.P., DErd{JaE' r.K'r HotllaN, l"o '<br />

et !l'(19?4):<br />

t"99t- tetu cvcltno .s r kltln'v '!

396<br />

116. Fol{sEca, c., nosBNTllALlr L., GITEBIIBERG' D" et 'r'<br />

Drlterentt.l dt'gnos16 ol l'undlc6 bv Tc<br />

IDA hepatobll Idty to&grrg'<br />

Clrn aiucl red' 4: 135-143'<br />

I17.<br />

(19ze)!<br />

FOs-rB8, tt.J., DAfBO&yr K.c., cRttFlT{, A.H.' latcur'<br />

R.(r930).<br />

The.ccu..cv ol ultt'souod lD th6 detectloo<br />

ol fattv lntiltr'tioD ol the llv€r'<br />

Br1!tsh Journ.l ot R'dtotogv SS! 440-442'<br />

lla<br />

120<br />

l2l<br />

fout,t(, r.!., t8azlaR, S.fi., CAr r J'C', t BATBOI'OXB',<br />

L.C. ( 1959 ).<br />

A tecinic lor ltvor btoDsv apPrtcrble to<br />

uncoope!.tlve laychotlc patt6!t6'<br />

Proc Xavo ctinlc 3'l|3'<br />

toulKr tt,T.(19?0):<br />

cora€olt.l d1!o!Brio's ol ihe 1'tra b€patrc<br />

blltary tree tn tbe 'dult'<br />

Crst.oent€.ology ' 5a! 253_'56'<br />

FRBE|IAN, L.lt., BLAUrox<br />

' r.D.(€de) (19?l)'<br />

R.dloouclld€ studl6s ot the gtstrotrtestlbrt<br />

5v6t4 1. LIv€r. Io soDloar lr uctoa! I6dtc1no'<br />

Grube .!d Stlsttoo' N€' tort' Vol'2' No'l'<br />

r"RaDrAl{, L.r., DERTON, l.! {ATZ' r" I rE}tc', c's'(1964)'<br />

J. Nucl l6d. 9: 3l? '<br />

!'REEITAN, I.. tl. , IANDELI,, c.H.(19?2):<br />

uyoDic vr6cqlr. scitrrrgrlplrv<br />

scoitr Nucl Isd. 2: 133-134'

;*ril.<br />

30?<br />

I24. FBBBIINI<br />

L.x., ullic, c.ll., JoHNsoN. P'x rot- !I (1969):<br />

t.lse poslttv6 llv€r scsns csuB€d bv diaoea6<br />

process€s ln odJsc€oi olsans and atructur€s'<br />

ar J Rldiol.'l2r 65r_655.<br />

L.ta., s0cl lN, !.a., fErssrad, l.s'(1981):<br />

Aole ot cb'orecvslorl.sLtc rseota tn Tc -<br />

tDA Choleacl!llglapby.<br />

Sedin ucl I6d. ll: 136_193'<br />

p.c., vrxoNT, 1.n., BA&tlEl'f, D.c.(10?0)!<br />

coveinoqs h6o.n3l@ of tb€ ltv6r: Ultrraono_<br />

alaphy, Ara€rtogrEDhv sld c@Put€'l Tb@gr'pbv'<br />

Rsdlologt. 132 ! la3-143.<br />

tRalTUS,<br />

J.E., !rlll(-BENNET',T, D.X., T{naLL' J.ll '<br />

et<br />

Dlliescy o{ h€p4lobtlta.v In'Etng tn 'cut€<br />

sbd@ibrt patn! conclse cdmunlca!lon'<br />

J Nucl |.ed. 2lr 019_92!r.<br />

J.E. I GUulTr r n x.(1930):<br />

R.pld evtlustlon ot &cut€ tbdootnsr p'rn bv<br />

hepatobltlaly 6c&nn1ng.<br />

JAriA.244! 1585-r58?.<br />

l2a. FRIEDELL, ll.L., rsclliTYru' t.J't RAJALIT A r'(195?)'<br />

a Fthod lor tb6 vrsuallzstlo' ot tia cortlgulatiod<br />

.nd .tructure ol tb' llver' p'rt A'<br />

Prallni.arv Cltnlcal inve6ttgalrons<br />

Ade. J no€ttgon 17t 455-410'

398<br />

129. aRoELICll, J.I., AIIEO A, J.!.' Lc[ustc[' |('A'l<br />

tlNzELBaRC, G.G. I Araausgr ll.1.(1932):<br />

Bt4ioDuclld€ h.3ln8 .od rltt'sosld ttr llv'r/<br />

sPreeo l..u!r! A Dtoap6cttve coop'rr€o!'<br />

Rrdrologv. la5: an,-461.<br />

::to. c^r.ll|l]os, J.1,(r9t2t.<br />

Natursl blstoay of alcohollc helltltla<br />

{lsioroglcel oh..goa<br />

Cast roen tero loAY . 63: 1026-1035'<br />

lll'<br />

l3r. GAI,L, 8.4., r DoAaoGoaS{I, O.(le6a)t<br />

D€pttic alt6!.tlo.s 1! obst'uctlvo J'uod1c6'<br />

l! J crl. P.th. al: 125.<br />

132. OAILISON, D.T., SKTNNER, D'(1950):<br />

Alr€ portto.rtts coopllc&tttrg n6€dls blo9av<br />

of llv€r,<br />

ll EbAl J ll€d. 2{Sr 4?-50<br />

133. Gtt,PBRlN-LAr4rrRB, {., XrRgCll, V'r., I I,BVI' a'(19t5)t<br />

F.!sent.t!o! ol Purlltad @llt'<br />

DNA @lo_<br />

cures bv qrtr.cound belov h|@o thorap€utlc<br />

dose6.<br />

ll@angenetll. l: 6l_65.<br />

rJ4, CAt,t,!n| -l,BxA rTnD, I{.<br />

, lnd l,Evl, s.(19?3):<br />

19?.<br />

r3s. GrRRdtT, Y.r., xossoP!, c., uRBll, R.a. €t 41.(rgt')t<br />

Gtsv €c.16 ultr..otrtc t[v€sttg'tlo' ol l@'l

399<br />

dofects on Tcgoe-Sc rtver 6c6nnts8.<br />

nsdiorogt.. lre. 124-423-<br />

l30. 6ENAm, s.X.r lloFFEn, P.B.(19?2):<br />

Fatse poslttva llvor sca! dus to lung<br />

J Nucr Ia.t, 13, 8rr5.<br />

J.P., KLII{GENarllll, {.c., f,uNl<br />

DlognoslB of blllatv atresi!<br />

bep.tobllr.r, lDaBrnl.<br />

nudiology, 146.,!or-504.<br />

, c.c. €r.r.(1933)r<br />

eith rsdlonucl tdo ,<br />

l3a. GasllEll, G-8,,<br />

r.c.{ 19?6):<br />

DI srt! 8.r,r 90ru, &.x., Jof,Ngoli<br />

'<br />

Md speclllclty or Tc999_ 8.<br />

dlttuse bepatocolrulu dt.€r.€.<br />

I t5-119.<br />

I39, CHADII!, lI. , 6lss-(oFTs^x , A (1961):<br />

EvsluADlotr ot tho rsdiosctive 'o56_be'asl<br />

tast lo. the ditt€reltr&l di'gooals ol obstrrctlv€<br />

l.uldrc€ In r.r.cv.<br />

N Eogt J led. 205; 351_353.<br />

r4o. Gtlal, 8,P., T Ytan, (.J.1.(19?5):<br />

ult..6ound @nltollng ol h€pttlc !€taatasea<br />

durlng chem!hof.pv.<br />

Br xed .1. rt 3?1_3?3.<br />

14l. crlDAY, D.L., ALDa&AON, E.O.(r0?4)<br />

scinr igrtrPhlr evrltr!r ron of llvor.nd sploor

a00<br />

S€ot! Nucl I6d. a: 3s?_3?0'<br />

clLlJlN, T., a GILtTAN' J.(1945):<br />

a @diftdd ltver sslIr'tton biopav 'Pp'!atu6<br />

ald tecbnlqpe' riib sEecisr retaisnc€ to Ita<br />

cliricsl iDpltc'tro! 6 s6s€ssod bv 5OO<br />

8oI. 10:53.<br />

I4J. GI LI'ORE<br />

'<br />

!.T., BRADLBt, R.D" TdorPsoN' R'P lt (19t?)t<br />

f..nslugll.r llv€r bioDsY'<br />

B. Ied J.2:100.<br />

144. CLEES, J.P., TAYIDR, (.J.1.' GAzsr' J'c '<br />

€t '!'(!97t)t<br />

Accur&cy o! A!.v 6c.le ultlssooog'Blhv ot<br />

llv€! an

a0l<br />

148. COIDSTBIN, F., fRUITT a.' IARCULTAS, r.(19?4):<br />

cbolecvs!olt.ttr cholgcvsiog[phv tr in€<br />

dilfelenitrl dt.goos{s ot ac!lc[lous a'tl<br />

bl.dder .l!.e..o .<br />

Ae J Dtg Dls. l9t 835-349'<br />

140. GOLDSTEIN, L.r., SAllptS' v.l.r KARDBLI',T B ll" tEINEi'<br />

ll.lt911l.<br />

crev scsle ultrssonogr.phv aBd tbln De€

,1i.,3,.11':<br />

'102<br />

!iliarv sc.nting ogcnt-.<br />

J llucl led. l4:A2O-323.<br />

t55<br />

150.<br />

157.<br />

r5 8.<br />

cqra, n.8.. ! zuroErA, o.D.(19?0):<br />

Dilatalion ot lhe lnt!.be!'ttc blliBrv ducca<br />

io a p&tiott etth a chol€docb'l cvst'<br />

Arerlcsn J'ournal ot surgelt' 119: ?26'<br />

ccrmscltAL(, A. ( 196? ) r<br />

J. Ao ||ed A€s. 202; 3,r.<br />

c,oulD, !., @!LrcA, c., corPBEC{T, R'P'(19?2)'<br />

scitrtlpbotoanlbv lo coosestlve heeti t'!tur6'<br />

Jou.osl ol tb. &.t!c!o L'dlcql Assocl'tton'<br />

219. 1131.<br />

G8AflAl, ll.!., c9oPEsBE&G, P !.' COI$N' r'I"<br />

U.J.(1040)!<br />

Tbe slz€ ot the noro&l co|@!<br />

followlng chol€cYalect@Y: a!<br />

au8 a Nl'<br />

ItadiologY. l35r !3?-130.<br />

159.<br />

CREEN, 8., BNEE, N.L.<br />

Gray sc.l€<br />

beoP1.5!sl<br />

RadlologY.<br />

, cor,DsTElN, n.r. i srAnlEYr c.(10?7):<br />

urt!;souDd ovtrustion ol b€P.tlc<br />

P.ti6!ns .!.1 co.rel.t1on<br />

124r 30S-203'<br />

GREEN. B, ( r9?9):<br />

ult..sonoSltpltv as En adjunct to lsdionuoltd€<br />

6ca!s tD tbo €v.l$!to! ol b€p'tlc M"6''<br />

APPIi€d SadlologY' 9A-105'

i'ffil u,,:<br />

403<br />

l6t. Gnoss, Il.B.! traRTEnr L.E., @Ra, R.r.' et ar-(re83)!<br />

ultrasonlc ov.l!.!!o. of c@n blls 'luci<br />

stooes: Pro.pocttvs cdp.rtaoo rltb 6ndoacoplc<br />

tet.osfad€ chol.natoD&ocre.tosf'pnv'<br />

Rldloto3v. 146: a?r_4?4.<br />

!62.<br />

caossxAN, 8,, GOLDaTEIN, ll.J.r (oas, L.c., €t.I.(19?r)t<br />

Cytologlccl 6x.rhstloo ae a! &dJuct to rlvor<br />

blop6y t! thd dl.ano8la of h6p.trc retaat.€'4,<br />

Gast to€ltsro 1o3Y<br />

' 82r 56-60. ,<br />

ld3. GlossrAN, 2.D., TlIOrls, D'P.(!l3O):<br />

Position ol lucle!! legllg itr tbe ag€ oi<br />

tr$e!66loo. c@puisd t@graptrv and !ltrasouod.<br />

In. [ucl€t! Iodlctre.<br />

Annlat. !.es!||n' l.I.' f€ls6@D!. Ibeetr Pr€8ar<br />

NeY lork.<br />

104.<br />

165.<br />

106<br />

GnossIAN, 2.D., llaTol, g.lt., BAYAN, p.J., €t .1.(1r??)l<br />

&sdtonucltd€ lb.glnl, conputod iomS.lpnv'<br />

tod gr€sy sctl€ ultr.sonograpbv of th€ 1lv6!.<br />

A e@pr.atlv€ atudt.<br />

J Nucl ll€d, lai 32?-394.<br />

u6ocHouEL, rl., r GAualB&, r.(lt?6):<br />

IiistopstholoStc stuilv ot the live. tn th6<br />

eslly ehol€.i.llc pbss€ olcclT delict€ncy'<br />

Journol ol P6dlatrlca. a9, 2ll-215.<br />


Ll11,llNB&BG, R., liuRlll',lZ, 4., ciaGN! J.(19?4):<br />

Corrdlrllon ol llro llvor .nd spreon srzo'

404<br />

r{i?. IlAlill,lpl{,<br />

t.J.( r9?6) !<br />

Intornal ledicl.e. !!a r lrs-lra.<br />

Itu!!|n A!.t@Y, ,n.l 6dltio!<br />

168. ITTNDLER,<br />

a.J. ( 19?9): -<br />

oltrasound o! arll bl'dd€' rr11 thlct€nllA<br />

s..t its !€lstlon to cbolecvatltla'<br />

Ad J Roentg€not. l3l! 581-585'<br />

t.P., soBB!f,, N.J.r fERntccrI J'T'(1080):<br />

rbe aiacooera o! citrlrosls bv r€'lotrrl cb'nasa<br />

ln bepttlc norpholoav:<br />

' r"lrolo8tc'r rnd<br />

psLhoroarcsl .nulYaia'<br />

i.dtorosY. 135: .2t3-'83'<br />

r?o. llalil(aNvI,2., SZOLLTR, J. ! VIGVAAI' Z (10?3)'<br />

A so!.ch lor sn otfoc! o( ulttasound lrooo<br />

.Dd ir c@bltr'ttoo rllh x_roys o' cDr.es@s<br />

in vlvo'<br />

B. J nsdlol' 5r: '8nr9'<br />

P.V., IATAROP, K.A., alcHlRD' D'(1064):<br />

rcggn-as . lidtocoltoid'<br />

J iucr led. 5t 382.<br />

8.. rraERC, r.r cooPan, l.(19t5)t<br />

To9gt-8rDt, a ne* tsdtopbar"coutlcrl loi<br />

l€patoblltsry lotgtng'<br />

J Nucl I€d. 16t533.

405<br />

l?3. IIaBVTLLET D.Di I SUrrBlaxIt',L' I'd'J' ( rg'9) !<br />

Surs€lY tn 'c!to<br />

bep'tttr6'<br />

JAIA. r34:25?_261'<br />

t74<br />

ItafFrELD, " ' '---' Ir.ll.(t0?5):<br />

;"i" of rtvor *rnntng tn tho drtgnosi€ ot<br />

l!rn!l l. mrosrrsox'<br />

r€dicir cllnlcs ot llottb 59r 2t1-216'<br />

'm!ler'<br />

r75. HAYDEN, P.I{.' RUDD' T.G.' CHRISTIE' D'L'(T'?6):<br />

Ros€ beng;r 'odlu<br />

lrJr slu'lto' ln lnrttrta<br />

elih su6p€ct€d bu!'ry tlrct dla€ase'<br />

Ctln [ucl led' lt l?l_185'<br />

l?6. dECt(, L.!., GOttscEALK, l'(19?l)l<br />

th€ app€a!'nc6 ol ltrt"h€Drtlc biliarv dllrtatton<br />

o' tb€ llvef scan'<br />

R.dlologY' 90! 135-r10'<br />

l??. IIELBTC, l.D.(r9?3):<br />

!oc.l istrogeolc Incle'sad r'dlocollqtd uPt'16<br />

on llver Fcan<br />

J Nucl $ed' l4t 354_355'<br />

l?a. uuLl.ral{, t,.t.' D!FaUS' O l , DOI{'LD' l'' cL rl'(19t0)'<br />

slteiv ol 'tl6g'o6tl'<br />

ull-t'sou'd ln obsteirlc€'<br />

Llncot. I:tll3-ll'4'<br />

17 9.<br />

urLL, c.a. ( 1968 ):<br />

Tbe Dossiblilt, ot hs'srd tD oadtctl a'd<br />

tndustri.r .ptllc'i10! ot !ltrdourd'<br />

B! J Rsdrol. alr t6l-560'

'Jl;l1,. .,f't r,. .<br />

406<br />

r80. IrLL, c.8., JOSUT, G.P.,IEVAL!' S's'(r0?2)3<br />

a leslcb to! c!!cr66oN d.sg6 lollo{ilg<br />

€xpogur€ ol chln€s€ hMst6f csll' to hlel!<br />

1nt€rsltY Pul.6d ultrasound'<br />

gr J Radiol 45r 333-334.<br />

l3l. BJOaTSJO, c. u. ( r t'a3 t:<br />

Tbo tlt€io.l topoaEphv ol tb€ ltv6! studr€d<br />

bv lontgeo sad lDloction t€chnlque'<br />

Noldisk xsdtc!... 33: ?4s-?48"<br />

l8l. ItoBBY, J.A.B. ( r9?0)<br />

Btlobed altl bllddor.<br />

xr J surg. 5?, a?o.<br />

lll3. uorBlt, ll., oo&ts,8., PfBl!FDR, G.(r968)l<br />

sDldroport060j nl, igraphy ro dofl)na['!0c<br />

poriosv6te!lc ahunt6,<br />

J lrucl led. 9! 62a-529'<br />

r 84. xollllAlrER! !.1.(r9!t?).<br />

{eodle bioPEY ot the llver'<br />

.tA A. l3{: 666.<br />

j<br />

rl<br />

I<br />

135. EOT,DGR, L.8., I SAAnCa&, E.L.(rr?5)l<br />

Tb€ use oa lucl€.r rdlclle ln €v'luatiog<br />

Itver d1ae.a€.<br />

S€oins!6 ttr &o€tt36lologv lor 215_9'2'<br />

136. IIOL,DERT L,8., STRM, J., PADTKAL, T.N.' et 'r'(r9?5)t<br />

Lrver size d€rerotn.tro! ln p€'llatrlcs d6tng<br />


i<br />

107<br />

sooogr.pbic .nd sclDtlatrlbic t€ehn1qu66'<br />

RsdrorogY. r1?: 341-351'<br />

1l<br />

137, lroLllQulaf, D.L.r BUADIlll' J.A.(1l?3)t<br />

Csvdl-porral clt!'tt'g ss '<br />

caqao o! ioo'l<br />

i.c&r€6 t!' rrruocollotd upt'te tn Dorul<br />

llvorc.<br />

J Nucl led. 1a! 348-351'<br />

r 38. DOLT,8.t., racNEB, i.(r9?8):<br />

ri I t rasolosr&phv<br />

' cltol€llthtaEis 'nd 5rck16.<br />

cou dta€.so.<br />

JIIA. 2!0: e' 829'<br />

l<br />

'<br />

r89. doNc, R., scIiuBERT, t.K.(t960).<br />

Ienghlot !i,6.Ue blopsv ol tb€ llv€r'<br />

A! J DIs Cbrld. 100, 4,.<br />

100. soitalla, r., coLDslEtN, O., rAXrA!|, A.' AEINOLDA,<br />

T. ( l9?5 ):<br />

Th€ .b.ornl hepatlc sc.o ot chrontc uver '<br />

dlse.€er it6 lelatlotrshlp to b€p6i1c hs@'rynMtcs<br />

srd collold<br />

c.si reotorologY . ? 1:110.<br />

l!t.<br />

ltotuxPA, a.f,. Jr,, AC{IrI, 1., ltlLfxAN' a.L.(19?l):<br />

Bu.ld-chlali syn.lrooe ttr w6o tallns oral<br />

co.tr.c69tlv€a.<br />

AD J led. 50, l3?-1i10.<br />

192. tuaLrrz, u.F., xlrtN, p.c., SELL' L.A. (19?2):<br />

'<br />

cholecv6tosoiogr.phv: s applo.ch to tlr€

l08<br />

Ldloloai. arll bbdrtEt.<br />

l0st 645-ellt.<br />

19r. Elm, P{., Csrltl4lD' 4., Illl&lu' D'(1980)i<br />

r*t."-l"ntio !Dtl5. ot rc9h- !6ti't't rtt '<br />

r.ahsl{.nd tlsnltlo|lo€ 16 chlo.tc llv'!'<br />

19a. raBlrcll I<br />

rsuJr | f,.<br />

lgi. tSmsl<br />

c.rtt@t€torolY. t6tta'<br />

t.r.al,ltt!, t., o€gtroil, r.r Alllrl' J.'<br />

, I gllrrzu, 1.( le?3):<br />

UI l,rsNnd o.d c{,ruYorlc cllt -'rxata.<br />

trJ. !, rlr.<br />

a,D., scitfl, B.l. I l,EE, J.C.l.(tgt?)l<br />

Cytoch.otorl !.t!oo. !o! coDDct. ArohIY€'<br />

ot P.ttolqat .rd hDot.lott lotuot!3.<br />

t01, 103-!01,<br />

r06. tal{oPtr r.8,, DtA@Ilr8, J.X.(!o?t):<br />

Ult .ouxlt a.or {rFo.ch to th. J'undlotd<br />

93tt€nt.<br />

JaI|. l3atal!-t23'<br />

19?, TVTBSEN, t., I lotr6,r, {.(!9lt)l<br />

o!.rplratlo! blot€v ol tbe liverr 'ltb<br />

!41rts oa lts .lt.a!o.ilc .lanltlaarcoa'<br />

Lr. L.d aouc. 10rt r.<br />

ro8. Jlta8, o., ldD, 8.J., af,l act, g.(let4)!<br />

o16? rcuotal t! tbo drr|ioo.lF ot llv.r<br />

(i!r l6' 4o.l-4 | 0.

,l0D<br />

rrt. JciNEnr 8.a., cLARf,!, r.8., llor^aD, "'"'tt?11'.] ro.<br />

Livor snd grlr broddcr tNgrng<br />

dlbvdrotbtoctlc etro rno t"09t- Ptrldo:vlt'l6no<br />

glualrdnlc- s srldv 'n<br />

rhe vorng Pls'<br />

!r J tudiol. {9'352 '<br />

200,<br />

J[txcRl{.4.G., rulol@lDllYlY, A.l(., AJrlrlI, s'r' 6t rl'(le7?:<br />

!6p.alc .dsnus ..d t@'l 'odu!"<br />

ht9elplrorr<br />

of tbe rlv€t rn voula ,@! o' or'l corta'coDtlvoa:<br />

ca. r.Dofr.'<br />

J llucl I€d. ll. 263-166.<br />

201.<br />

JO{rSOll, P.r., cio68l/|r, 4.r., t aTrus, {.L.(1968):<br />

202.<br />

t{tRA, !.o., GLASCOf, J.L.( 1963):<br />

Grr!roonl.50r l3l '<br />

!0?. JollllsoN, n.!., cAatgL!, 1..o. l,lJ(lgll, l'l'<br />

Lavo. scrn.t.s !o' do!6crlotr o'<br />

clrcul.!lon ltr rrvot dr'ort6 '<br />

Joufnll ot tb. a@!tc.n lddlc'r<br />

2011 524.<br />

203. JOI|{SOI. n.c., DElono, J.l. (llt3)!<br />

Th6 hepttlc hot sPot'<br />

roltc.n Jot!.rl ot Dlaestlv€ Dl'€'€'a' tl'<br />

r|o' i ( glEpl€Gnt):00t.<br />

204<br />

JONES, 4., SHaRrrcx, s. (le3?)r<br />

Bdctsro.l! 1! rss@Irtlo. elth ll694ioo'llulr!<br />

.nd h.D.tobilrarv dr.€.eo'<br />

Poslglad I€d J {suppl.) 43r ',_rr'

4t0<br />

206. JONSSOiI,<br />

P.8., lliD8isgoll, a.( 19?0 ):<br />

scuto Bcrtculoug ctrolect6tttla.<br />

<strong>r00</strong>?-rr0!.<br />

20?. JOSEPI! l.B,A,' DEIBURI, K.C', IoGUIRF' P'c'(19?0)3<br />

ultr!.outrd rn tbo delecllon oa chrorrc<br />

Itv6! .ll€a.se ( the " bllaht llve'")'<br />

lrr J llll(|iol . 5i: 134-3.<br />

K. (!063):<br />

Prolongtd sovorc olrs!rucllvc Jlundicc r'<br />

llodgkinra dlaolao.<br />

G.stroeot.rologt.'l'Il le9.<br />

209. JOYNEt, J.1. ( l9?2):<br />

llvot acro ( r.dlocotlol

4ll<br />

l(lr'r'l,lttlr{, r.0., slnDBns, !.c. (!o?n):<br />

ult..sound tr th€ !trveatltatiotr ol Sall<br />

bl.rl.ler dlasaa€.<br />

JAI . 239r rl28-1423.<br />

2 t4.<br />

|6RDEL, 4,, [Olr, U,!,, n^grU8SE , S.ll" roRlBnaarr<br />

T. (le?t)r<br />

Ultrrsotrlc dstorrln.lron ol ltver lnd apleotr<br />

volue. s..nd!..vton Joum.l ot cllotc.l .nd<br />

[^bo!.toty Ileo.tl3.t1oo. 2?, 113_128.<br />

215. l(As^l, I.,laTAitBa. r., of,r, a. (10?5)r<br />

lbllo uP sl,ldt€s ot lons !€E su.vrior.<br />

aft€r gortdnteto.t@y iot I no!_co!&ct.bl.'<br />

bil!.!y.trearr.<br />

Joqn.t ot P€dl.irtc AorC€tt, lO, r?!_tt,.<br />

ri]|snrr^Glr '1., lilt u/|r 'f.r aua, l|. (10?a):<br />

DynMlc .tudle. o. tho pottrl h.Ddv.urca<br />

by sc!.rlDbotosDroooDorloanphv! tb€ vlaurll_'<br />

z.lloo of !o!t.l v€oous sy.t€. u6r^s tcge'.<br />

C.6ar@.teroloaY. 0? : a0a-6?t.<br />

2t1 .<br />

2t3.<br />

(ELIY, r.J. ( r9tl ):<br />

Cea. ot c.rollra d1...46.<br />

orlttsh Lsdlcrl Jou!o.I. a, l0?.<br />

(8nR, D,rr.s., laaBllsoN, c.v,, suBn c(, s. I llll(El,<br />

n.r. ( 196l ):<br />

Co.s6trlt.l ho!.trc lib&at€.<br />

Qu.rr€rty ladlcln€. 10, 91.

412<br />

,t9<br />

221<br />

222.<br />

225<br />

XERR, D, ,S., tARlICl, C.X. I [lrr-rBScf,rs, J. (re62)t<br />

A loeiod r€s€oblllg Edutl.rv s!,o!l€ kldn.v<br />

lb Datl€ots rtih coDgsltttl bep.trc tlb&a13'<br />

cli!Ic.I Radlology. 13, 85-91.<br />

xIloKtAR, lr.T.r oLrvBn, R, (lsr5)!<br />

an inv€sti&etlon oi chtomelre dmtso l.<br />

viclafuba root tlpa .tt6r €xpoaure to t 5<br />

lZ ultr.sortc r.dlatlo..<br />

tnt J Rsdl.r. Blo. l8! 3?3-383.<br />

xlmr c. ( t9?5) r<br />

PriDsry llver c.ocer (lnsloe.apby ald actntlSrrDtrv<br />

auEt..lt.n R.dloloSy. 19, 129-ts9.<br />

KIx, D.(., lcSllEENEY, S,D., vB||, J. (19?5):<br />

T\rmu!6 ol llv€r .s d€mnstrated bt scar rnd<br />

rEpcrotoDy.<br />

surg6ly, Cyna€cology abd obatotrtcs.<br />

141,400-alo/<br />

t(rNG, D.L., LELE, P.O. (10?a):<br />

BtoroAlc €lt€.ts ol dt.gnostlc ultr..ou.d.<br />

ao Ktng Dl! Dlrgnoatlc urtrrsound.<br />

St Luis, C.V. Ioshy Co.<br />

224. l(IRcllllDRr x.! ttA8tr !. (lob. rg??):<br />

Radioouclido.a.sa6dent ot I! vootr shutt<br />

patency.<br />

Ann surg. l{5,<br />

225<br />

(LATA(rN, c., & IEANBR; n. (1950):<br />

cepatlc @nlt€at.tlona ot aarcoldoalg and

413<br />

other gr.luloqtous disosa6.: . aiqdv b.a6d<br />

on bistolo8tcrl oxuir.aiod o! tiesue obtrln6.l<br />

by needle btopay o! tho lle6!.<br />

Yale J Blol l6d. 23r 20?<br />

220. XLacxNER, I.S. J!. {105a):<br />

Needle biopsy ol rhc liveri rn rppraisal ot<br />

1!3 di.ADoattc Indtc.tto!6 ald lllltatlola.<br />

Antr Inl lod. 40: l1?r.<br />

22?. t(LINGENSIIrsr v,C,, tBrrtBlRC, A.n,, g9I'ZBR, V.l.<br />

t(UNt, c.c., trLLtArsoN, r,8., GE[lloLDr J,P.(1983):<br />

fort in Dro8roga : Clldlcr! oval{alion ol<br />

tc99t r.tettrylbro - rDll .nd Tcggo-Di<br />

l.opropyl -IDl lor hep.tobtlliry Itraglng.<br />

Rldioloay, l4€3 l3l-144.<br />

228. lillOI, F,I., nUDAVSXy, A.Z. (1e68).<br />

l.l5o posttlv€ ltvsr 5c..4 to P.ti€nts vlth<br />

al9ohoric ltv€r draedae.<br />

Antr.ls ol Int€rtrrl xeCtcln6. 69:183.<br />

!29. (llAUER, ||.C. ( 1973 ):<br />

Pofcutaneous biopay ol tb€ ltv6r i5 a Deceduto<br />

:i tol olt Datlenta.<br />

Oaat rosn taroloay . ?4! l0l-!02.<br />

230, KOCK, C,t., PAUITELS, E.I(, (19?0)!<br />

avaluatio! ot ult.asonlc and ac{Bttgr.phy<br />

6tldres ol tho ltvo..<br />

irdlol clln ( a..€l). 45! 242-291.

4L4<br />

t31. KOENICSBERC, U., ArtNER, S.N., IIALZER, A.(19?S)r<br />

be trccuracy ol €o4ography l! the dt!,€rontlal<br />

dlisno6ts oi olrslru.ttv( Jau.dtc€: A coipdlaotr<br />

etth .holantl ography .<br />

tldtology. 133: 157-165.<br />

232. K AIUP! N. B. (t949):<br />

taplratioo blopay ol tb€ llver rith apoctal<br />

f€t6rerce ro tlr6 @tbod ot lvdrae!-iohoh.<br />

Act. Iedlca ScrndI.avlcd {Suppl.). 234, 109-209.<br />

li<br />

233. XlilSrNArUnlUY, T., ttBlS, |l., ltDot, J.S., e!.1,(1rt2)r<br />

Tc--- perlclllul.e. A n.r r.dlophrMc6qr,lc.l<br />

lor clrol€sc!ntiinphy.<br />

J Iucl xed. 13 !44?.<br />

234. t(U!^, J., SEIDtOVt, V. (lO?2):<br />

lvalu.r-to! of Dortel circqllllo.<br />

acl.tlllatlon ca@r!.<br />

J Nucl Xed. 13r 549-692.<br />

by r,ho<br />

2:i5. XUltNr It./I. (19?l):<br />

Idc.€lasd .l&al lo€ pDcph.lEe lev€l<br />

conLrultrdicrlion for btt.d livcr biopsy.<br />

Yed rltn. 66: r063.<br />

'<br />

lr'<br />

236. r,tING, F.C.r GOODTNO, c.A., BROTN, T., LaOmLD, c.B.(19?9):<br />

AcyDlc.l Peerdocy€ts ot th. p!.cr€As. Ar<br />

ultra so.ogr.Phtc €valuatlor.<br />

JcV, 7 t 21-ss.

al5<br />

231 ,<br />

LAING. I.C., JA'PREY' R.B. (1983):<br />

Chol€docborltbiasl€ ..d cv.iic dlci obst!!c_<br />

tlon: Dittlcult urtrGono3raDblc dt's'oata'.<br />

ABdlologY. 146! {?5_4?9'<br />

233. !AING, 1.C., LONDoN, L.ll.' Fll,l,v' n.A. (rO??):<br />

ulirssololr.9hrc Id€DiItlcr;1on or dil'ts'l<br />

trtrr hep.ttc rrll€ ducts rod tb€lr ditter6!- r,<br />

tl.tioD trd Dorisl v€loua aif!ctu!6s' Pr€a€at6d<br />

st th6 22nd Annu.l motila ol th€ rlutl.<br />

D.lla6, tesas, (oct. 30-Nov.a).<br />

23g. LA|{CE, p., BEVAN, P.G., llOULfr J-G., PAT'IOX' A'(rg?t)t<br />

l,tvdr baopsy ln t Difllcull Jaundicor'<br />

af l|ed J, 2:236,<br />

,1,<br />

ir !.j<br />

1i<br />

ii<br />

lr<br />

;i{<br />

I<br />

241)<br />

241,<br />

242.<br />

243.<br />

LATDAY, ll.J,,'sETttAN, ll., firnsd, c., CIRISTENSEN'<br />

4.D., collRlD, r.R. ( r93O) !<br />

ll.P.ttc tod fhotrclc .egbl.ala.<br />

AJR. 135: aa9-.15a.<br />

LAXGIAN, J. (19?5):<br />

Iodtc.t €Ebryologv. 3rd odltlo!. Illll.o€<br />

t fllkils.<br />

LAST, R.J. ( r9?6):<br />

Anstomy: 8€g1on.l add ApplI€d. chulcl!ill<br />

L1v1naatoo..<br />

r,luirLt, s, I LUNDQOIAI (19?r).<br />

Ll,pt.l cmposllron ot hualn llvor biopsv<br />

.poctrens.<br />

Acr! l|dd sc!trd. l$9, 05.

' ,,$.,lii<br />

4lg<br />

rr r. r,lvl,tlslrN, lt.s. (19o0):<br />

: cYsl s of I ho conmn br l€ ducl '<br />

j<br />

'<br />

Amtlcan Journsl ol ||edlcal scten'€s'<br />

t3?, s63-5?0.<br />

245. l,AllsoN. T L. (19??)r<br />

crlv scsl6 chol €cvE ! osonoglsphv I dl'Atoattc<br />

rlt€!la a.d rccu.rcY,<br />

|ladloloay. l22r 24?_251'<br />

246. LEo, J.K.T. I rElsoNr c.L. (r9?9)!<br />

lhusqsl so.osr.lbrc .pp€ar'oco of a coulvoi_<br />

a16r g.ll bl.

4t7<br />

251, LEIlllN' J.S. ( r960) I<br />

ullrasound i! the dls8rosis ot hepatobtllf,lv<br />

nadiol clln North An 43 605-693'<br />

| 252. LDoPoLD, c &., soKoloFr, J' (19?3):<br />

Urtr'son1d sssnning tn tbs dt'3!os1a ol<br />

bl1ilIY dlsesae '<br />

surg ctl! Nolth Ato' 5l! 1043-1052'<br />

2s3. lSltoNA, P.1., GO' R.T.' coRNEl.!' s'tr' (19?4):<br />

l,lmiLatlonF ol !ngiog!cprrv !rlrl acrntlig<br />

ln disgnoels ol llve' Baseg'<br />

Rtdioloay' llz '<br />

139-r45'<br />

254. LESESI{E, tl R.' ItoLTr r" onslNcEl', B (19?'):<br />

Is hepatlc absc€E3 s contr&Iodlc'tio' to<br />

P€rcutaneous llvor bIoPEY?<br />

Gastoen!etorogY 70 r29? '<br />

255, l lalsNu, ll.tt., {oltuAli, J ll '<br />

llLl'l"l'' l"lt '<br />

ul rl'(r9??):<br />

Llver bloDsy tn he@Phtll''<br />

a ann lnieln ldd 36' ?03'<br />

256. LEVIN, J.' GEDDES' E'f'' 8EY', I'C'(19t4):<br />

nudlonucli'ls scrlolna ot llv€! 1n prutrv<br />

h€pstic 'atrc€r'<br />

Anslygts ol 202 caa66'<br />

J ltucl lod 15: 2t6-30e'<br />

It'?. r,l{V rNli, ll.A. (r962):<br />

lrnylold disclgc of Lho tiver'<br />

am J [{ed. 33: 349-35t'

ll8<br />

259.<br />

l,$vlNsoN, J,D r OLS!!, (j '<br />

.fllltlli\N<br />

r J'l r cL rl'(r0?2):<br />

lle@b1lt. deco.dsrv to Dercutan€oua llvef<br />

bloPsY.<br />

Arch InL€rn u€d. r30: 396-'100<br />

!EVI, S., CUSlVt, 9.' ! CAL!EnI!-LArAIT88' tl (1974)t'<br />

ln vtvo €ttect ol ultresouod at hu'n th€rrpc{ttc<br />

do€cs oo @ffoe cell ch'@ap@s ol<br />

gotdeo rr.o8tet.<br />

fuDdng€!€tiN. l5r 133-r'r '<br />

LBY!OI{, 8., tlaLPERN, S.'<br />

Correlatto! ot<br />

tlacab atldi€a<br />

J Nucl Ld. 14:<br />

[!om!D' c., €t sl. ( 10?s ):<br />

llllasoutrd sld collold Ecl!_<br />

ot tDa trol@l .!d dls€.sed llv€''<br />

2?-31.<br />

'<br />

LICltTltAN, a.s. ( l05l ):<br />

rltsossos oi tho llve!r asll bls4rl€r and b!t'<br />

ducts.<br />

P. 1243 (xloPLon I t'odon)'<br />

25r. IIXDE!, U. (1967):<br />

Gre[zcn atd<br />

biopsi6 Dtt<br />

boi 40,o00<br />

Deutscb Ied<br />

Cetthr€o der Pcrkulanen Iebe'-<br />

d6r leogbtnl-nad€lr Erlahrung€n<br />

voch6nscb!. 92: 1t5l-r?5?.<br />

203. LtPrD , r.J.r DE{AnDO' C.L.' STLVARTd' S"<br />

GLA',fSTET , D (1972)I<br />

Evslu.tlo. of ibe live! lod sgleen In godgkllls<br />

dr€easar Th6 v.tue ol heDrtlc aclntlsrtpnv'<br />

ao€rtcan Jourtr.l or t€dic1n6' 52' 356-361'

ff€lfrr:<br />

4t9<br />

, 264, r.rSBoNA, n.,86XLER, U.J" I|OVALES_OIAZ' J.A.(1r80)t<br />

. Pitfsll. to 6vold mislosdtng .p96srAnc' ot<br />

j<br />

blllafy dil.t.tlon.<br />

' J Csn As6oc R.dlor. 3t' 5?-68,<br />

265. lolUDlCE, T.D.O., 8UDaC, I., a BALIIiT, J.(10??).<br />

sepllceir; as. c@Drlcrtloo ol p6tcut..eous<br />

livdr blopsY.<br />

Grs!toonLerologY' ?2: 049-951.<br />

260. loxAs, ts.' DIBOS' t.8., tACxER, tt.N.J.. (19?2):<br />

lncress6d ap€clflcitv ot li\4or 'canning<br />

wlth<br />

Lhc use ol G!67- cll..t6.<br />

I ldgl J led. 2a0! 1323_1329'<br />

26?. loroliAct, 1., KLrdB, P,r ltaLPEnN' A.' LEOPOI',D' C'(19?5):<br />

rlucl€lf rdtclo€ .!d corlol.tlo! l! dl'Snosra<br />

of dt.€.s€s ol llve! and btlltlv tr'ct' Inl<br />

Sesin.ra ttr Nuclear Xedlclne.<br />

Grur .od Str.ttolr Ner York' 5!30?'<br />

263, losoual(v, lI.A., & VAL(ER, B E. (1033):<br />

Liv€r biopsv snd splstopo.togr.Ehv i! p'ttertd<br />

*tth thr@bocytoDen1..<br />

Glstro€nl6rologY. 54! 2al.<br />

. 2$9. l,uBtN,0,, l,ElllUS, Z. (1162):<br />

lood pool scrnntng in lnvesLrgrltds hoprtlc<br />

rtuss tosio!6.<br />

; Seolns!€ Io N!ct€8 ledlclne' 2' 138-13X'

420<br />

270. LUCAftl,t , L. (1947):<br />

Aulls punctulo dsr l€aato s 6coPo diaaroEttco<br />

itr l4vo!1 d6r congr€aa1 dl @diclna intoraal<br />

p.32?' tde' r895 (quoted bv gollbtue!'|104?)'<br />

2?1. LUDBE@X, J;,GLAVdrINEX' A.g.' loNAl '<br />

P'I (197?):<br />

ob6erve! orrot ln repottlnS od llver 6csn6<br />

lot sp.co-occu9Y169 r06lone'<br />

G&'tooot€lologY' 62r l0l3'<br />

272. LUNXIUIST, r. ( l9?o):<br />

I<br />

Llver bro!6y elth r roedle ol 0'?m outor<br />

drrGtor.<br />

: aci! Iod scsnd. laa! '?l_471'<br />

l<br />

'<br />

273. LUNDV^It, o., & EI{8RBAC|(! r'' (1969)l<br />

fl€Patlc troulsE€nc€ ln porphvll' c|lt6!€' teldr<br />

tudisd !. lln€ needl€ aapif'tlon bropty a@rta'<br />

J Clin PathologY' 22' 7oA'1o9'<br />

2?4. LUNTAT S., DABIIAAAMTIIYT s.' gaxxar' s'' DENDSBT<br />

ln evaluatlon ot Tcggr-sc lrvor scrrttscris<br />

rnd tholr usetuloeaa l' etaEtatrc voll rp:<br />

s !€vlo* ol l4r4 etudl€8.<br />

J ucl l6dich€. 16, 52_65.<br />

I<br />

2?5. LYON' t.F.' I STIPaON' C.r'(19?4)!<br />

Atr tnvosttgitlon iDto th€ posslbl€ geoattc<br />

h.r.rda of ultr.Foutral.<br />

Br J 86dlol. 41t 712'122.

a2L<br />

ractrmsB! l.J.c., DAVE1, D.A. (1970).<br />

Chronosona aDortnllols !n.lu'od l'y an<br />

ullrrsontc felal Pul66 d€tector.<br />

Br led J. 'l: 92_93.<br />

rAcrNmsH, I.J.C., DAVOt,. D.A. (lO?2):<br />

Itelntlon6l6ip bcireen lnt€trsitv ol ul!r'souo'l<br />

lnd in

422<br />

J Nucl r€d. 14r 484-1130.<br />

, 2A4, {AllflUCEl, P.r., TRANCIII ! F., I DIOGUAROI' r.(19t6):<br />

I<br />

corroctton oi ab[orq&I co'gulatlon tn ohrollc '<br />

'<br />

llver dts6.€€ bv coobln6d us€ ol lr6'b ito'e!<br />

Dlad. .ril p.othroobln cdplei colcontr't€€'<br />

' t-anc€i. ri. 542.<br />

235. rAnSUAl,, G., CnOLLA, D.r BAEiT, A.L.' FBVE&I' J. r<br />

|(BRREXTANS, B. ( l9?3 ) !<br />

o&rl btarlder usll thlckenlngr . ndv slgn<br />

of glll bl.ddor dls€.8. vrsulllzed by 8r'v<br />

scale cbolocvato€o.oar.Pnv.<br />

J clln Ult;asound. 6, \11-r15.<br />

2s6. lt^trs ^l,,<br />

c.J.r., cAsAHR, r., UABnr' ir.l.' .t tr1.(lot9):<br />

c.rr bl.d.lo. *.11 aonoluc6ncv 1[ acut€<br />

cbol€cYatltta.<br />

B.diorogv, 133! 429-rr3S.<br />

'<br />

2a7. lATolo, N.x., STADALNII(' A.c.' |OL[IAI' E r.Jt'(1077)l<br />

fiepaiobrl irrv scsnnr.g urng lc98o-pvrtao"vlid€n6<br />

glut@.t6.<br />

An J Sura. 1g3r 116-120.<br />

2SS. IAI'TREY, R.Ff, SCIIIEBLB, !.r., coErNK, B.a.' et.l.(1932):<br />

Perttuoroctvtbronlde ! s l1ver/spleen-spoclllo<br />

and Tu@ur - ln.glng ultr.sound<br />

nrdlnloav. 14 5: 750-tOl' 'onstraa'<br />


12s<br />

,N0, ncAl$ll, J.C., AUSE, R.C., *ACIAA' $.1{.Jt.(1005):<br />

DraFnos!tc vrllo ol sctnttllail6n scnnnins<br />

o! tbe ltver. rorld qP o! l0o0 aludles.<br />

Ar.h rni€rn x€d. 116: 95-110.<br />

290,<br />

291.<br />

xccARtlY, C.a.' tELl,S, P.N.T.' ROSA, F.G'I.' nalD'<br />

E. a, (r969)l<br />

Tho uso ot ultr.euld.t! tb€ dt.gooala ol<br />

cy4tic reslonE o! th€ ltvef.tr.t upp6r &bd@r<br />

.nd in tho det€ctio. ol ascltFs'<br />

cur. 10,004.<br />

lccaLLA D' R,R, ( 1075 ):<br />

focal porte hop.tts sclntigc.n dot6ct.! llrt<br />

Is tb€Ir slgolltcanc€?<br />

J llucl Led. 161 1007.<br />

|lccIIJ,r D.U.' drtr D.J.' TlYLOftr Y.F.(10?4)l<br />

Ltver biopsv: coplrlaotr ol tl:b<br />

Intl€trla ond tn-P.ttont..<br />

Gstiodt€tology. 6?:ala.<br />

rn out-<br />

293.<br />

lcCLoA|(rY' n.V., GOLD, I., fESEnr E.(19?3):<br />

DqclcteDl. aftor livor blopsy.<br />

Alcb lnt6rn red. 132:213-215.<br />

294. f,ecnEADY, v.R. ( r072):<br />

Sctntigr.Phtc Etir.llod ol spl.a<br />

11v6! dl.€aae.<br />

s€!l! llcl r€d. 2. l0a_12?.<br />

lcSliERRY' C.K., SI'UBENBORD|<br />

lhe sls.!ttcanc6<br />

fl,T., r GLarr, r. ( lr6s)<br />

ot rrr i! tba bill$v

424<br />

ayateo .nd lrv6r.<br />

Surgory<br />

' Cynrocolog, lod obstetrlc6. 128, 49-01.<br />

TEIRE, ll,tl., taRRAllr, P. ( lr?a):<br />

Pfspustto! o! the Dollent lor 'bdooinal<br />

ult!.sou!d €cr.E1.g.<br />

Br J n.drbl. 51r 33?-388'<br />

10?. rDrtt, Il.B, ( lt?9) t<br />

Grcv sc4lo ultrdsound sctrtrntng ot rh'r trr'oonon '<br />

tn: Raconc ldvonccs tn RrdtoloBv tnd lodtcal<br />

rnrghg' Eilitorsr Lodge at" Stetne!' R'a'<br />

Chuehlll lovltasto!€' 241-255'<br />

293<br />

XEIRE, H.B. [ IUABAND, J' (19?O)I<br />

Do@osir.tton ot l@sl live! dlse'ae bv ulf'-<br />

sound cnd coorpuied to@s!'phv' Ir' Ditgnoatl'<br />

urtlasound in C.6troIntestlnal dlaeas€'<br />

lld. (Jt T6vlor. Cburcblll Llvingatotre!<br />

Edl.bu.gb' 35-38'<br />

xELLrllxofF, s'x. ( 10t9) i<br />

So@ @.nlDgs ot th6 llver'<br />

crstloent€.otoav'?6t635'<br />

300. TELSON, C.L., nr6'rBRr F., EVEI{g' A_G'(19?6)!<br />

nlreurouBcondltlols ot th€ grll bladdet'<br />

Sdtrin noonLsunol ' ll! 2li!-Ia:r'<br />

lllrNcnl l, c. ( r05a ).<br />

one 6econd live. btopav of the llver'<br />

cos!.osnl,s.ologY 33r tlo'

425<br />

[!]NCUlNt, G. ( 19?0 ).<br />

On.r-srrcond biotsv ot Ih. llvtr.. Problcm ol<br />

i!s olinlcol aPPltc!tlon.<br />

angl J u. 2a3:542.<br />

303. tIDDLA1ON, ll.r, 111,. GarlltN, J.f .Jr.,CAllIloNDO,<br />

J.C., lDAllS, ll.t. ( r9?? ):<br />

slgnlftcunce oI cbroges ir blood !'eBaur€<br />

and puls€ rate att€r lercul$eou6 rlvor<br />

blopay.<br />

at J D1t Dia. ,2:94e.<br />

304. ||OLAJI(O|, a., JASTNS(I, r.{. (10?3)r<br />

Incfoa66d aocsr upt.k6 ot ladiocollold bv<br />

tl!€ Ilver.<br />

.r r{rc I red. l4rt?5.<br />

JO5, $lLLEn,8.t., TIiOI]|S, ft.8. (19?r):<br />

Portal v€1n lnvtsior 'lemonstrated<br />

bv ultraaound'<br />

J CIln ult.s6ould' 7i5?_59.<br />


L1v6r blopSvr l€thods, dtrgoogtlc varu€ alo<br />

lnt6lpr€tttion. chaEtor 18. 4l?-43A In llv6r<br />

lnd bi11uv d1€.sset P.tho-pbvaloroev,<br />

dirgio6ls, @n.3e@nt. Edttoaar frtght'<br />

Albsrtl, t.t...' Illlr.rd_S.dl6r: l'B'<br />

sa!trdors coopanv Ltd.<br />

30?<br />

uINDELL, H.J., 8I{G, A.B. (r919):<br />

G!ll bladdc. *!ll lltlckentng: ulira6ortc llndlnaa<br />

ncdrorogy. 133. 699-?01.

,;i-i.t.?l:<br />

42$<br />

3OA. lrrCHEL!, S.4., GROSS, S.H" SPtrz, Ir.B.(!082):<br />

Th€ hypoacholc csud.t€ lober sn ultrAsonlc<br />

Ps€udol€ato!.<br />

Rlallology. laat 56,_5t2'<br />

I sos. xoI,l-ar {,E.r KAPIaNr L. (1952):<br />

Needle bi.)psv ot th€ llver' g6o€rct conalde'rtlor<br />

. calit red. ?0: 10-ls.<br />

3lo. roRRrs, J.s., caLlo, G.4., SCllEUEi' P.J.' et ar'(19?5):<br />

Parcut.ueous ltver biopBy in p'tleni6 rllth<br />

lorge brle duc! ob6truct ion '<br />

i 6lsi.oenie.ology,63: ?50-?54.<br />

'i<br />

'<br />

i<br />

srr. MoItcAN, c.L , TRoucHT, t a.' oDDsoN, T'l fllotlPsoN'<br />

r.x. ( r9?9):<br />

Type lI choledocb'r cvstr ultr'aoDognphrc<br />

!pp.ar.nca.<br />

A.dlotogy' l3l: lg0 '<br />

." 312. llORRIa, J.G., llcRAc! J.r PIRKINS, K'r'r AB18R' t'(1055):<br />

l'<br />

Liv6r 8c.nr1n8 1! obatluctlve Jsundlc€ u€lna<br />

.o1told.1 !.dlo8old.<br />

J coll,&.diol Aust. 9r 63_??'<br />

'<br />

,'<br />

';<br />

ili<br />

.i:<br />

:i1'.<br />

!!i<br />

f.<br />

313. IOVITT,4.n., & DAVTS, A.E. (1954)l<br />

irr tnl!oI!l-td b! I ldrv ousr'ucL Ion I cxDorlotco<br />

1th tr€gdle biopaY ol tho rlver'<br />

,ttrnalB or Int€lntl !€dlcl!e. 40, 952-952'<br />

314. xuJAl[D. 2.. GLENN, F.. Eva s' J.l. (10?l):<br />

comuntcrttna clvoroou' €ct&41' ot th€

42?<br />

int..hep.ttc btle ducL6.<br />

ao J Ro€uteorol. ll3(t): 21_36.<br />

315. {lNOfF, L.R., & JOIrrSOrl, P .r. (19?4)r<br />

'tllc uso of dultiple rurlionuctidc inaglrg Lo<br />

dlf f o!cnl-iuLo tlro looal i.lrlhoprllc loslona.<br />

ao J Roon'tg€nol. l2lt 129-734.<br />

3r6. NAFTALUS, J., LEEW, C.r. (1963):<br />

!o J Dlg- DIa. A, 233.<br />

317, NATIiAN, .I1., Ntl{lAN, A., llAc }AilAND, J.! ltuSRAY'<br />

D. J. ( 1900 ):<br />

cholecrstokinln cho I ecvatograpbv '<br />

n&dioloaY. 93t t-3.<br />

3I a, SLSON, R.S. (1954):<br />

'lle dovolop@nL ond runction oI s llvcr blopay<br />

proarsn: tralnlog of goraornel, descrl9tion<br />

of a @dili€d vio silve!@o needle and crlntc'l<br />

value ol 500 b1opai6E.<br />

a; J r6d sc1. 22?! 152.<br />


x. L. (t9?8):<br />

Iteparo-blliary sclnilSlophv and hepllog!.pbv<br />

{rrh T.99!- d1€rhv1 acon!anllrdo-im1rodl.-<br />

4otic It obarluctlv€ lrqndlc€.<br />

J qcl led. l't 152-457.<br />

320. IEI|AN, U.L., MtNfZER, R,A. (107?)<br />

Accur.cy o! bllt$v rtuc! ult..sound: 'oop'rtsd'

424<br />

*1ib cbolroglogr.luv.<br />

Ao J Eo€ntsanol. r20! 9t9_'82'<br />

:t:ll. Noltl, 1.f., Icc/rllTllY' r.r slrIItZr N' (lO?4):<br />

('hole(:vsl-oktn I n clnl(ivslosrflPhv in trctrlculoun<br />

garl bla.lder dieease'<br />

Arcb Sug. lO8! 5O?-51l '<br />

I<br />

',<br />

i<br />

':<br />

322. OKUDA, K., KqIDDA, l(., lcaMsEl' r. '<br />

et al'(19?4)t<br />

Intr. b€pstlc ut€'rov6'ous 'istula '€autitlg<br />

rr@ no6dle broFY'<br />

a ca6o r€port Aota fi€pstog'at to6nte !o 1<br />

'<br />

Zr,tzZ-tZs.<br />

323. O(UDA, t(,, uosltAi t., NAXJINA, Y.' €t 'l<br />

(19?8)t<br />

Froqueocv ol trtrt heprtlc 'rtortovonoua<br />

tlsiula .a I s€quela !o percut'r€oqs no€dlo<br />

puocture ot th6 11v6r.<br />

G.stroentcrology. 74 t l2O4-14O7'<br />

324 or,(EN, 4.t,, BLEDSoE, n.,.NEr |laRx, ll,l11'(19?2):<br />

. The ultr.gouDd dlagEoala of ptr@'v carc!!o4<br />

ll<br />

:<br />

i<br />

ot Lhc gull blr.rdcr.<br />

lttdioloSy. l29t 431_442.<br />

32s. OLI(EN, S.t" ALaDAOE, R. I Nafranl(r r'llt' (19?8)r<br />

Tltc ultl4Eont. dtagnosls of p'tfitrv clrclnda<br />

ot ths 3.11 br'dd€''<br />

nrdlology. 129<br />

' 4al_4a' '<br />

326. ozAltDA, A., PTCXASNi J. (1062).<br />

J Nucl r|€d. 3' 149.

429<br />

327<br />

-18<br />

B8E1TNAR, 4., DANICAES, J.A. €t .1.(19t1)!<br />

Etsscotic osteos.rcor! ol<br />

1Iver.<br />

reEort, AsdlologY. <strong>r00</strong>r ll3_114 '<br />

324.<br />

329.<br />

33t.<br />

PAIIE, P., 8IIAF'!B' !'A., BOSETITTAL, L'<br />

xon visu.lizstto! ol tbo a.u<br />

Tc996 DIDA clol€.ciltlgr.pby<br />

ol €holocYatltl..<br />

C.. Ied Ass@ J. lla: 3a4-333'<br />

(!973)r<br />

PABETS, A.D. (r059)t<br />

Oet€etton ol inirsboi.trc @tsstlEes bv bltnd<br />

nlcdro lrver rrlopst.<br />

,'lD J uod. sct. ,3?:335.<br />

p l|iDR, J.C., Srror, r., zltBrolur, l',6r !r'(lt5?):<br />

Noedl€ llve! btopsv tn b6nign snd naligtra'!<br />

dlde.so. cmpdlsoa ol tbe r€nghtol '!d<br />

vln<br />

Stlv€ro.. i6chntc6.<br />

Ao J D18 DiE. t: 63?-698'<br />

PARKER! J.J., & glBraE '<br />

J.{. (1967)t<br />

R.dtology. 33' 142.<br />

332. PARULAKAf,, s,G. ( le?5):<br />

l,lganents .nd l!€su!.€ ot th€ ltvelr<br />

Rsdiology..130: 4o9_alr.<br />

333. PISQUTER,<br />

J., mRaa, T. ( l9?4):<br />

Focrr hyDartl:ttlon ol radtocollord

.t i.:l-.<br />

430<br />

liver ( rettert.<br />

J Nucl I.d. r5: ?25.<br />

334. pISSALAqUA, 4.t., OSTER, Z.d.' clAl{DIlA'<br />

Live. Pl€ursl cavttY sc'n fo!<br />

sub-di.Phragmdllc abaceas'<br />

clitr Nu.l'Ied. 3r 209-211'<br />

R,, er.l.(19?a):<br />

33s<br />

P/IUTDL, S., PIR8T, L., SCIIOUTENS' 4.,<br />

aEC(ARs, C. ( l98O ).<br />

Tcs9'-DloLhyl lD^ inlgtng:<br />

Io lsun.llced P!rrenla.<br />

J lucr |.€d. 21: r022_1028.<br />


qlrntcrl evrluation<br />

336. PEpPERT Il.f., XENIIE' J. (Oct' r9?5):<br />

use o! stctbocone l! rbdmln'! 6crtot@t"pDv'<br />

Pres€nt€rt.t tbe trentl€tb toou'l conlo'elce<br />

oJ Lb€ Aneltcrn lostlLut€ of Ultlasoqnd tn<br />

xedt.lne.<br />

33? PURRAULT. J., xcCIlL, D.O.<br />

' qtl, B'J',TAYLO&, r'! (r9?8)!<br />

Livcr btopsv. rooplics!tons ln 1000 1n-D'tients<br />

and out-p!tie.ts.<br />

(i!srro0ol,c!olorly, ?4:<br />

333. pET8RS.8.S. ( 1963 ):<br />

t.actute of lenghtni neodre io liver bloPev.<br />

JA|IA.206:1515-15?6.<br />

p&TDRSSON, H. ( l9?a):<br />

Clrcinons of the gtrll bt'dd€r' A revj'€w ol<br />

153 cdcoa.<br />

Actn Rsdlologios Dirgnosrs' 15, 225-236'

431<br />


tiui'lz, L.r. (1942).<br />

Pefcutaleoua ullfr6outrd Suided punctule<br />

or tho gaII blldder.<br />

E!.llology. l45r ?69-??2.<br />

341<br />

prEllDn, J.r., I CnIc|llOI, A.U. (1073):<br />

P.tmcry c5rclrd. ol th€ a.ll bladd€r.<br />

su!g6ry, cynecologt I obat€tltce. l{?, 919-942.<br />

34!. nrz?,anr:t,t,o, D.J., fo|-sl(vl /1., BECXDn, l|.[,, ol r1.(19t4)r<br />

Lo Lcsiltrg 0h() olfoct of<br />

!taaue grortb and dlllete.ttatlon.<br />

226-232,<br />

343. POtXt, J.R., SrIT[, C.t. (10?6)r<br />

The rsdlo iodlrrted ros b6ogal tect tn iho<br />

diugnoela ot congeoit.l blllary<br />

Clltr Nucl led. l: l?9-185.<br />

344 POPPIR, lr., ScllaFFNER, !. (r95?):<br />

l,ive. structure and tuoclton. Flrat aditlon.<br />

lrccrrw-fill1 Booh co. N€v York, P.182.<br />

345. pnANm, r.. C,ou)SIE[N, ll.r,, BE&lillDINo, 1.8., GREEN,<br />

B. (r0?0):<br />

UlLro6ontc psoudole€ions oa th€ livet.<br />

n diology. 130r aO3-ilo?.<br />

Pntrcln, L. ( 1967 ) r<br />

ln,prl- lc a.ra.lov.nous tiat!l& afler Dcr

ll!2<br />

cutloeoua llv€r blogay.<br />

tro J Ro6ntgenol, l0l! 6r9_6P0.<br />

i 34?. PRBSTIN, !.8. (re?8):<br />

I<br />

percltsn€oue liv€r btoE€v add chronlc llv€!<br />

.<br />

d1se.se 1! he@thlttac<br />

hncet. 11,5r3.<br />

'<br />

343. PUROT,4., GROSDAAG, S.J., IAPNICI' S.1r0??):<br />

Ieosbr!t leedl. !..ctur€ tltdr rttdpt€d<br />

rlver blopay.<br />

cast ro.!torologY . ? 3 ! r404_1405 '<br />

349. naoiravEltDRr, B.N. I FIENER, x.o., suadA|ultu,<br />

' 4.R. €t .1. 11081)t<br />

tu!o cttotccvslrlis: 3otrogrlphIc prlhorogrc<br />

r!!rYa ls'<br />

AJll. 13?:32?-332<br />

i<br />

li<br />

i<br />

'"<br />

i:<br />

350. RAlitDs, D.tr., v^ilaaaflrl, R.L', Jolllsol{, L.F.(10?'}!<br />

lntrshopattc hsnstocl . conpllc'tlon of<br />

D€rcut.Deous l1vo. trlo9av'<br />

G!6!foe.t eroloav ' C?:244-2e9<br />

351. RAXE, r.o.r r0BMv-LYoN, I.L" allsBLL' l.D.'<br />

' Itl,LlAr, R ( 1060) |<br />

1r<br />

trprov6d ltvsr btopsY .€sdlo'<br />

,l Lancet. 2: 1283.<br />

352. RArlS, P.f., ml|,8T,r I, P.r., QUr N, |r.F.' ltALL, J.(1932):<br />

, RsdloloSy. l45t 123-126 '<br />


t<br />

433<br />

il<br />

35:J, llltl,ls, P.1., fiALLs, J., LAEI!,4.2., qOlril{, I.F.,<br />

ronnlst u.t,., BosfEII, t, (le8l);<br />

P.ospectlv6 6v.luttlon ol tbe €otogrrDllc<br />

Nrpby 61g0 l! a!.pect€

434<br />

359. R^STUSSEII, S.N., so!I, 8.x., ExrlrrB aElr' J.D., 6t rl.(tg?l)<br />

'<br />

ultlaEouod tD tbe dlrgoosla of llv€! dl'€'a€'<br />

J Cllo Utttc.ou.d. t, 220-226.<br />

360. RASf,USSEN, S.N. (10?2)t<br />

Ltver votom dst6rmlB.tlon bv ultla6oitc<br />

scannl!3.<br />

Br J Rrdlol. a5, 4?r-485.<br />

361. IlErD, r,d. ( 1976 ):<br />

vtsu.llzstlo! ot tb. btl€ ducts uallg ioaua.€d<br />

ultra60u!d.<br />

Rsdlology. ltat rii-158.<br />

362, RENNER, T., |BNT, J.,ICLEIII, J.' PLATTNER, G.(1982)1<br />

ultlssould d€@!.tt.tlo! ol a loD-calctll.d<br />

gall 6tor€ ln the d1€ts1 lleu caqsllg .Dallboqsl<br />

ob.tluctlo! '<br />

Radtorosy. 144! 884.<br />

363, RIyNOLDS, T,S, ( 19?l):<br />

A@eb1c tbac€€€ oi tbe lrv€..<br />

Gstoeat6rotoSy. 60 ! 952-r5t.<br />

354. ROBA&TSOr{, n.D. ( lt?O):<br />

Non-crlculoqs .cut€ .tlolecv6titla lolloxlDl<br />

aurg€lyr tr.@. ald lllneaa.<br />

A! sulg. 36. 610-a 14.<br />

365, ROUOLI|, r., TRAHJP, N.8., I MRaEN, P..(1942):<br />

A6pi!.ttotrs blopate d€! l€be!. {lt €1d6!

4t5<br />

ubersicht ubo. dte afgebnlsse b€t 29?<br />

Biopst€n, ar3€btr. lno led. Ktodelh. 61tCl5.<br />

366. noLlrr F.D., DELAIID, l.[. (r968):<br />

ftl6 det€rtrln.llo. ot llver dess lld<br />

radioouclld€ lo.gea.<br />

Radiorosy; 91, 1!01-r194.<br />

:lri7, ttoNll, r,.x. {1077):<br />

xepatobiltsry r!d1oph.loac€utic.la: d€ttnlng<br />

![ci! role *lll !c 4 gllling c.Dcriaoco.<br />

J Nucl r..d. l8 | t33.<br />

163. IiOSC , J., LAKTN, P.C,, ANltllovrC, n., et ir.(r9?3):<br />

Tr.nsJugqrsr .pp!o.ch to livea biopsv<br />

lnd tra!6hcpatlc cholanglograpnv.<br />

N EDg J l6d. 2a0t 227-23r.<br />

;100. tosEN!.rELD, A.1., sIuolti, N.J., (APPLEIAN, N.B. 6t al.(19??<br />

crcy scale ultraEonography 1o nedullary<br />

cyailc dlaslae ot tbe ktdtrey ind cog€nit.l<br />

hepatic flbr@r€ *ith tubula! ectaslA:<br />

Ne, ob6€!v.tlon..<br />

aD J noontS€lol. 129: 20?-303.<br />

3?0. trosENfsal,L, L., slI.PSaR, D.A., Lrs@l{A, R.r et.l,(r9?8):<br />

Lrrasnosrs ot hsp.lobrlrsry drde.6* uy Tc99'-<br />

HrDrr clloloactnttarrphy.<br />

Rddioloay. 123: 46?-4?4.<br />

r,,, us||!li, ti, s, (r9so):<br />

A€6esseol ot coiirlned rlonl.r and laloril

436<br />

vro*a 1n llv€r €crnntna.<br />

J csord aaa R.dlol. 3?r 151-!54.<br />

3?2. ROSS, tt.D.! rrNBY, n., I EVaNSl, J.A.(t9s5)r<br />

l.t.sourrl dlveltlorloata ol ihe gell<br />

Re.liology.. 8ar 300.<br />

37 3. R('fl., d.lt., sotDNEa, t. (!0?3)l<br />

Tb€ €tt€ct ot ultrraouEd on buD.o ch.(Ds@a<br />

liuDDae.otlk, 20r lol-112.<br />

lwtulAal, I.I. (l9ll5)t<br />

clstr@ot€loloay, ddllsd bv Socb!6, vol'5,<br />

p.600( I.L.. gaun

437<br />

RUSaSLL, J.G,, fAYLOR, V., molaNcB! B' (19?6).<br />

Ult.rsonlc .ltlgnoala oi choled@hal cv6t<br />

r! !r€gn@cy,<br />

Br J Radtol. 40t 121-426.<br />

IIYIRSON, r.t. (1974)!<br />

PercutsnEous !o6d1s !ivor blopay {ril<br />

scinllgraphlc .ontrol.<br />

Radlology. 1r0t226.<br />

3al.<br />

342.<br />

saBATINr, D.D.r BE SCtl, X.! I BlRRNEft, n.J.(1983):<br />

cytocheolstly .trd €loctro! olcroacopv.<br />

Joufnal ot c6ll Brorogv' r?t 19-58.<br />

saDDEr( tr s., {urculraoN, D.E" C@PttrBEBG, P.L.(1931):<br />

Tbe sonogrsphtc.lly p.tont uobilic.l v6ln<br />

1n portal hyporc€nsron.<br />

RrdloloSy. l45r aal-443.<br />

sA!DI, S.A., CALLr E.A.! tlulpE, c,V., ! scxIF!" L.(1043)3<br />

Nc€dro btopsy ol tho llvcr. II Axpa.tonc96<br />

ril-h Dllig.onl trcoDllso' glsr rocnrcrorogv'<br />

1r,93.<br />

344<br />

3 35.<br />

SA!U6!S, L.D., CROSSFEU), J.L., xrRTIll, ll.(Nov. l9?0):<br />

Livet scsns lflot p.iBrv tle.tmnt or tu@u!3<br />

in chil.lren.<br />

surgery, Cr!€cology I obst€tatca. 953_064.<br />

SAI{DERS, 8.C., ZEtrHOUrI, !.(10?8) l<br />

Thc stsntlltincc ot ultrosonlc gall broddor<br />

wcr.r thtck3nl48.

438<br />

j<br />

'<br />

i<br />

Pres€nte.l .t th€ AFtrc.n ltrBtltuls of<br />

UlLrusoutr.l in f,udicioo, sar Dlcso, CA, ool-.xl-23,<br />

3s6. sAtpaR, R. r rAJsar{, t.A., TAtlcax, Y.A., NlxoN, D.ll'(1931):<br />

Etrhanc€d dot.ctio. ot ei.atattc llv€r<br />

drsess€ by c.ncer ol ih6 llver qirh Gs6? cltr.le<br />

Ab J Ro €nlgonol. ll9r 02-103.<br />

3s7- saT^va, la.a., vlN gEtnDEI, T.A.r gllDUDYr P.l'., et al.(I9751<br />

I (hd!lnl rrlcrlovqrous riil!ttr lollowitrs<br />

.r liver bloDsy.<br />

:.: Gnsl r(mntarolosy. 09. n02-495.<br />

:i<br />

,. rss. seutn, n., FA RLAIIoER, t., FBIDRICII, R.(19?3):<br />

:t c*p.lrson ol th6 tccu.act ol llver 6c4.s<br />

and Pe.rtoneos.opy itr benlgn and @ligr4nt<br />

prl@ry snd @t.atrtlc tuloufa ol tbe liv6r.<br />

Sc.ndlnavl.n Journol of C.attoenterolosv.<br />

8 t 239.<br />

339. scaDDn{Gr J.G., a sliEtrLoc[, s.(1943)l<br />

Liver blopay 1n a.rcoldoat6, Thoraa. 3:?9.<br />

'<br />

390. sclAF!'Nlllt, !.I sl'lBNl,lulj, l,,llall(Ar'l.r I PoPPlll<br />

II. ( 1962 ):<br />

fieDatocellula. cbanB6€ 1n titl6on's d1sea.6.<br />

lllBtochentc4t .nd 6loctron mlcroscoplc studles.<br />

Arrricln Jourlll oL lllhuloay. .ll: lr5-323.<br />

:r91, SelrLrll.rL,$, rl., collNK, lJ,lJ,, & LSolroLD, u'lt.(19??):<br />

crey acql€ ochoaropltic prlLerns or hopatrc<br />

I<br />

Ad J Roenigc.ol, l2or oa3-03?.

'$*tli'ill<br />

430<br />

sclrlrrF, r,. ( 1051) l<br />

'Ihc cllrlc.l v.luo of nsodto bropsv oa<br />

rh€ llver.<br />

A!. lnt rod. 3a: &la.<br />

scHrfF, L.r GALL, A.l. (1972):<br />

needl€ btoDey ol th€ llvor. l.

39S. sEv$OU8. C., NAALE, C, I EETERS, T.J' (19??):<br />

l,vsosomrl chsngoa l. llv€r ll6au€ trm<br />

pstlsnts rlth th€ Dubtn_JohaoE-sprtnz avn

44r<br />

S ERTOCK, S. (1902):<br />

Ieedto blo9aY ot !ho llvor: ! rovicr.<br />

J clltr Palhol . l5: ,lsl -304.<br />

srlLltl,oC(, s. (l)68)l<br />

Dlseusls o.l lho rtvor und bill!.v svslcn'<br />

3rd cd. '<br />

p.550.(Bllckvelr' O,tord)'<br />

407. SUERLOCX, S. ( r 981):<br />

cvst6 and cong€nltsl .biorollitios In' Diaerae6<br />

ol the ltvot rnd bttr.rt sYgteo'<br />

sixth edltton' dr.clv€rr Sciotrtllic Publtc'troda'<br />

4OS. sulll, f.J., cll6x, t,B. (l!?5):<br />

An lodlnlted ros€botrg.l atudv lor gelr<br />

itrdenrocion tn the r.dlocolloid ltver<br />

chlne66 t€dlc.l J' 22t 76-a2:<br />

409. sHlH, I.J,, NOLAN, N,C.<br />

!'atse_PoalLlte llv€r Bcsn due to splle<br />

detornltY: LeIl€re to<br />

J ljucl. l€d. vor. l1'<br />


xrats, J.ll. ( 1930 ).<br />

lntlavonous chotstraloglspbv and eologlapbv<br />

in !cute cholccyc!tLIs Dfospcclivo ovlluotlon'<br />

AJR. 135:3ll-313.<br />

4lt. sltl|(Al^, T.! UZA|A, T., YorSllrtARA, N.' A(ATSUf,r'<br />

T. r YAvazaKI, a. ( 10?4):<br />

srrrtrlrg dilltod or lustrlrlu !'Llscn lr

+-1t:i!. i<br />

142<br />

plraLI itr soerior.<br />

rntrn.s. Joxrnrl .l llsDdriftxrl!l rddlclno.<br />

:l lr:. Stlulun, 1.J., Lf,OmLD, C.lt.r sClllEOLB, F'f'(1981)'<br />

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somsrophy.of rhe Lhlcketred garl bt.dd€r r.rl:<br />

i<br />

r non-specltlc flndlng.<br />

AJn. t36: 33?-330<br />

'i<br />

I' ers, sltx aKrtrom (Ja!. 1083)l<br />

Inl rr ope.ltlve ultrasonosrJin'L and ultraonically<br />

gulded hep.t€ctoy.<br />

t!. Tosblb. I€dlc.l ievisv. Vor.7, 2e-30'<br />

.l 414. SllIAAZt, P.fi.r RAYUDU, C.V., lOf,DlIAr, 8.V,(l0tl):<br />

Extt.osseous oslqogonlc 6a!c@& o, 6dall<br />

bowel ddnon.t.*Led by lla 6canrlng.<br />

J Nucl l6d. !4: 295-296.<br />

I<br />

415. sILVdtiBBUG, X., AOSEI{llllLL! L., FREETAI{, L.!.(19?3):<br />

tlosa l,cna.l exrrotrotr sru.lies as !n ald ln<br />

l,he dillercoti!1, dilgnosis ol oocn.lrl J&u.dico.<br />

sm llucl Isd. 3: a9-a0.<br />

4r6. SXETANA, [.F. ( r9s! ):<br />

The histologlc dl.gno6is of vllal h6p&tlttE<br />

by noedle blop.y.<br />

Gastroent6roloSy. 26:512.<br />

4l?. SNAPPER l. (1951):<br />

Discussion o! iappiport E.l: Liv€r btop.t aev.<br />

castroentorot. l8: 049-650.

{43<br />

4la. solo{Ay, n.D., BAGGINlOSS, A. ., SCUOEIfIaLD, L.J.,<br />

suurGRsl(lLl,, 9.tr.J. : (t9?l) !<br />

obs€rver error sad alnpllra va.labllltv toat€'l<br />

tn gvtlustloE ol h69stlt1. snd crrrhoEls by<br />

llvor bloP.Y.<br />

A4 J Dlg D16. 16r l082-1046.<br />

419<br />

SoIIERIELT, S.C. ! ( !a5l ):<br />

!.ligltnt !6prtots dtb loprro.tloD et.st_<br />

06ta lollortrg l ltcr Punct{.e.<br />

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Ude. ot slFtblcono .s i p.trent pleplratlo!<br />

lo. .bdooro.l aolog.rDby.<br />

lsdiorogy. r25r 2!0-r2r.<br />

421. Sl)tttrllrc r r.a., BauuDlz, r.(ls??r!<br />

vuluo !..1 €raoly ol perculn.eous llv€f btopsv<br />

rn ob8tructlve laundrc6.<br />

ln€tlcsn Journ.l o! c.at ro€. terologv .<br />

6?r 444-,I48.<br />

422, SPENC!&, R.p.(1S67)l<br />

Quanttt.tlv€ r.dlotaotopo sppro.cb€E<br />

h6pstlc .126 .nd lunctlot.<br />

Ao J Dla€.tiv€ Dta6.a6.! Nov sorles.<br />

l2:515-521<br />

423,<br />

sPE|{cEa, R.P, ( l97a ):<br />

lhd lonuc I ld.'<br />

Cltoic€ In CaalootrtstologY. t: 4?5

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l,lirasonoat.phv oa prto.lv cv€ta ol the llve!'<br />

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.125. SpINEILI. G.D., XLB1tlcllus, D.ll., IE cBR' J.J"<br />

cfiitlsftlNN, D.J.L., rAfmR, D.P.' {IRTEB' P.C'(rt32):<br />

ObstNctlve JAundt.e .nd abdotrlnal tortlc<br />

.n€ufv6n! sn ul!rA€onogrcphlc aiudy'<br />

RldioloAY. l{4: 435-436'<br />

aptrxr f.1., uoaFMUEll, P.1., lau(aR'<br />

R. A. ( tgat ):<br />

Ul.topaiholoAy of the ltver<br />

t.f. r 6&EEx,<br />

J Lab Clln U€d. 34140/<br />

,12?. sr'lllr, 1.v., luxTl^ , ll c.l<br />

Livcr iuging ln<br />

venous ta!.onboa1s<br />

lreregtobinurir.<br />

ItudiologY. 117 ! 34<br />

t-3.t4.<br />

t13<br />


critic.l ev.lultlor of hep.tlc<br />

grapby lor n6oplaattc tu@u.a<br />

J Nucl ||ed, lltt 595-001.<br />

STAIiFARr X,I{,, CnOSS, J.B., IOULK, ll.T.,6t a1.(1961)r<br />

AnylotdoEl.. Diagnosls lttb ||dedle blop€v ot<br />

ihe I iv€r It elghteen PnLtcirr'<br />

G.6rro6ntorologv.'tl: 92-96.

445<br />

430<br />

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Th€ roentgetr dlagnoslE of 'hol€cvBtocoltc<br />

tratulr'<br />

RsdlologY 35t 616-521'<br />

431. STEVINAO , CiA.( 1044):<br />

EmPbysen4;ou6 cltolecy€tttls'<br />

lturican Journar of AoonleonorogY<br />

4 33.<br />

4X4<br />

5l:59-60.<br />

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tePAtic 6cttrttgtaDhY ln c.roll'. diaerB€.<br />

liddlology. r2? 731'<br />

stY,,i.ll., sul r,IvAN' l'., { CNfin'<br />

'<br />

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Th€ fole ot trIDA/PrPlDA 6c'nnltrg tn di'g'oattc<br />

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Ann Surg. 191: 391-30€'<br />


naG|tAvEliDRA, B.ri., ltoRll, S.C', IEFLEU!' R C . ( 1933 ):<br />

Sonog.aphv ol po'Losvel'eoic vctrous<br />

ln Porirt !YPcrlensrdn '<br />

RsdlologY. 146: r51_166 '<br />


ttoRtlr S.C., llrl,ro!|, s., ltllD'cll'<br />

Ul l-r.€ound an4lYei6 ol<br />

n.dlology. 146: rI3?_40!<br />

.I RAGIIAVENDRA' 8.N.,<br />

D.P. (r933):

4.16<br />

.136. SUI(OV, ll.J., sllPl,!, rr.l.' s/Infl' D'1" r^lll '<br />

J'o '<br />

{lrITcolrB, n.T. (r9?0):<br />

Cholccvstosonogtuphv - 1hc Juncttoml told'<br />

RldiologY. 133: 435-436'<br />

437 suLllv^ll, D.c., TlYlnR, t(.J.f .<br />

'<br />

'rhs us€ oi ultresound<br />

dlsgDostlc utllllY ot<br />

c0r"rsclA|,K, A. ( rt?3 ):<br />

rbe €quivocal llver<br />

Rrdtoloay. 123: 72?-?33.<br />

N., flLLlArs, R. ( r9?6) |<br />

osti@tlon ol llver arze: a<br />

t€ctroiques .nd a! r!.1v61'<br />

l0a2-1043.<br />

4!.J. gljr,l,lv^t{, s., fATCOt{' lt.c. (197{)l<br />

i(:ul'e !rrnsient DvPoL'rnsion trs cdnDlicrllon<br />

o! pelcutaneoud llvo! biopav'<br />

L!trcel. 300 ( Irrch 9)'<br />

suzuKl, T., IloNJO, l.' lllrAtcno, K'' et al' (19?1)t<br />

Posittv€ scl.llgrlphv ot ca'cc' ol the llve'<br />

rlih Ga6? citrste'<br />

ftD J Bo€.rgerol llS' 92-103'<br />

szraBlcK, R.E., CAfto, J .A., IINI(Ba NE!t, D.'<br />

vEvr'UaA, v. (1930)i<br />

H6pstoblllalv acannlng ln tbo dtsgnoslg ol<br />

acu!e cholecvatl lis.<br />

Arcb Sug. rl5r 540-544.

;-e<br />

447<br />

442,<br />

lAtLOR, A. Jf, |(lPPDR, M.S.r tlITZl'Uf,' l(., GR8!NSpAN'<br />

c,. &lN. r. (1942):<br />

abnolnal Tc99'-PIPIDA scans mlst4ksn tot<br />

codmr duct obatiuctron.<br />

RrdtoloSv. 144 | 373-3?5.<br />

.t.1ir. .r.APLrn, G.V. (19?l)l<br />

Acvte* pdpe. : Dvnatrlc sludlc6 oI rlvo' lu'ctton<br />

rlib r.dlolsoiopes' In' Dv'ulc atudl6a<br />

ri!h rsdlolsolopcs In ls'ltelno'<br />

P.oceedlng6i pp. 3?3-392' eott6rdu: l!t€r_<br />

trat{o!&l atoDlc EnofSy Agencv'<br />

lAyt,oR, t(.J,r., CARFEN R, D.A. (19?4)l<br />

Grey sctle ul!!.soooSrapby ib tbe inveati_<br />

gatlon ot obsiructtvo laundlce ( Lett€! to<br />

the edltor),<br />

Lanc€t.586. (S6pt. t)'<br />

445.<br />

(. J.f . I clRPEmat, D.a., rcc0BADl' V.R. ( l9?') :<br />

ultrssound and ecrntlgr&phv 1n the dilr€rantttl<br />

dlssnosls ol obstlqctrvo J.undrce'<br />

J Clib Uttra.ound' 2t 105_ll6'<br />

clliics In dingrosl l. ullrrsound: ditrgndsrrc<br />

urlflsound in gtrsrrolnLerl tnul drscusc<br />

N.N York: Ch{f.lrlll I lvlnasldno. t0o'<br />

447 ,<br />

K.J.lt., lllLL, c, R. (19?5)l<br />

sclotrirg Lcchni{ruor ttr grov_scrl€ ulttrEonoareph)<br />

B. J Radlor. 43: 9t2-920.

443<br />

aaa. TTYLOR, r.J.l. (lgta)t<br />

curi.6!t status ol toxloltt lnv€st18't1on"<br />

J clro Ultr.su.d. 2t l'9-r5''<br />

449 TAYiOR, {.J.1., ! LccRBADY, V.n. (19?6):<br />

r cllnlorl evrtuttlon oi gr6t aa'l€<br />

Br, J lrsdtol. 49: 244-352.<br />

x.J.t,, POND, J.B. (10?2)!<br />

t .tudy ot Lh€ p.orl{clloo ot h&rtth'alo<br />

:li<br />

l";;.;: ;;i;;;';".; ;;i;.i ..; "'$i<br />

pol.€d utt!.sou.d o! lo* r€B.b€rt! lr6qu'!<br />

ct6s tn th€ contoxl- ot s.lott lof cll'lorl<br />

Bf J nadlol. a5. 3a3-153<br />

451. t'altoltr x.J'f., ROSINFIaID' a.'1., D€OilaEF' C'a'<br />

ar.tdv rDd p.t'boroav ot th6 bill8v tr'€<br />

d€nooEt!'t€d bY ultlaaould'<br />

a52. TAvloR, l(.J'f,., BoaENFIEID' A.T. (rs?tt:<br />

Gr€Y gc.l6 ultrssonoSrapbY ln tbe<br />

dr.snoal€ ol lroD'lico'<br />

Arch sug. 112:820-825<br />

453. TAYtOf,, f'J'r" toeBxrralD' !'T' (r9?'):<br />

N8l€.t rdlctle v6!5u! ultr'sound'<br />

J llucr ra.t. r8: !133'<br />

45,a, TAYIOAT f-J'l'<br />

Gf.y<br />

I gultlvlri, D., ROSEllFrEtD, A.r., €t rI:a<br />

6c.1. llir.€ouod Ed l.qtoP. .c.lnlDtr t<br />

I<br />


F.:i<br />

ti l:;<br />

',i , r !<br />

ate<br />

C4r-!!rry<br />

t.ahrlqu.t tor t-11!a tn<br />

i158. tlvlLLt<br />

. GAt@ll t<br />

lr .t io€lt3eool. r": 3t?_rar'<br />

455. taflp8, l(.J.t" aIclIAIl' l.s. (1013)l<br />

D1....€. ot tn. !rv.!i a"itllta<br />

Vol . a!!tl' Lo.r.<br />

at6. rlYl(xt r.r'1. (lcta)!<br />

oltrr.olto P.tt.!!. ot trmlit ol tb€<br />

J cltn Ult$.oot!.!. ar la-to. r<br />

a5?, TarrlD,<br />

SIrllO.<br />

459. lAAtISltY,<br />

t.D., alDalgf,r P,I., llxlllfl' r.1.'<br />

t.!. (leta) r<br />

D!.post. o! b.9.t1c h-.allo.. u.l!a<br />

r.rUo.ucltde .!.1 rt arr.an.l !@l|||lqu'a'<br />

.I Nuol Ld, 4tt t6l_t64.<br />

e.e.'. iro,8.J., asaE, L.,.rma, l.a.'<br />

r., s@tt cr, 8. (1e?5)t<br />

It Bu.ld. chr.ll s'ldrct cors.l.itor !ttl!'t<br />

h.irtlc rohtla!.pnv .!

450<br />

a6l.<br />

462.<br />

tBtet, a,B. ( l05a):<br />

x.croacoPlc .11&gno6ia ln r1v6r blopsY. 1<br />

. Jouro.l ot tb€ loefl..o ledlo&I A.@i.t!oo<br />

l5a:990.<br />

rBnIEtBG, J.1., f,alT.tic, J.p,( le?5) !<br />

acute sorlcrlou. chol.ovatltrs<br />

ot otb€r llln..a I. cblldb@d.<br />

alch St!., l l0l 5'I3-547.<br />

,16t. toxxrll. a.x., DELlllD, f.!. (Jorc, rg?a):<br />

Dlhyd.othtoctlc icidr a no{ polvgoatr c.lL<br />

ioatna .3€ni.<br />

J ducl l€4. ls: 530.<br />

464<br />

,t9PP, J.!., LIIDEAIT l.C.t., r MPdt,,l.o.(19{8):<br />

Io6r[e btoFy ot thc llvor.<br />

Int I6d. 8lr 392.<br />

^rcb.<br />

c.J,, I td)aR, D,a. (1041):<br />

Th6 dlll6!6!tl.l .l1ran@ia ol iFrtrl!<br />

dts€rses ot tb€ llve! by pirlob bloPat.<br />

Ar J Crl! E.tb. rr: 516.<br />

40s. TR!POLr,<br />

{66<br />

TRtCEi,<br />

tRoralr,<br />

D.R., ttLLttiD-gaDLaR, C.1., CIA'XOSSXI,<br />

1,, I tircua, &. (lr?0)r<br />

Alphs-r-!ntlLrypsln doliciencv and I lvct<br />

dls€.s tn ldirlts.<br />

Qu.Ilerry Journ.l of IedtcIn.. 45r 5I-72<br />

dAsEDA, Y. (lgao):<br />

concotrrrrrlon rtrd clcarricu<br />

,i"l!<br />

Iii<br />


t5l<br />

lsorolclne bY e b.Petd.i<br />

5! 196-199.<br />

468. UgZtA&, J.r" srrxsd' L.A' (19?5)!<br />

Foc.l lo

414.<br />

115.<br />

452<br />

vrscorl, G.N" CI.)XZII,ERI R" TAlton' l'J'f'<br />

Ilstoprthologlcal corrolatlo! ot<br />

.pD€aBnces qt ltv€r Ftaat'a€€'<br />

J Crio d..t!o6tte!or' 3r 395_400'<br />

(t93r)r<br />

vrscorlrr c.!1., TAtlo!, x.J.r. (r9?'):<br />

lnatonv oi tbe 1lv€r bt groy sarl6 ulttasooogr.pby'<br />

J cllD Gsstroerterol l: 351_3ct'<br />

1,t<br />

476 vor.pu, J.4., Jollllglbll, G.s. (107o):<br />

rfioc' hoP'tic br$trndrh& !<br />

cotrceltr.tlrg tlve! *"<br />

J gurg Oncor' 't<br />

213'311'<br />

477<br />

4ta<br />

vo!{rLEn, 1., i JoNBS, c.l. (!94?):<br />

Tho dr.aoostic 'nd<br />

lh€lspoutlc v'lue<br />

bloD6ios tith p'rticul&r t€t€"nce to<br />

blopav '<br />

Ite* Etrgl J led' 23t:551'<br />

voNlllALDR, ll., lla ' (10'!6).<br />

xlln frsch. ?5:533 '<br />

a?9. vot{ |AES, L.r Llao8n' c s (19??):<br />

!..1v poftv€nllbr sclero6ls in slcohotlc l'tty<br />

lrvorr .n lndsi ot ptoarosslve rlv€r lrJury'<br />

Gd6!'oentetoloAY' ?l: 6rt6_65o'<br />

|AAC, n.C., GRAI{LAI(r R.' LER An' R l '<br />

LaB', p'P K"<br />

HUX',r'ER, L.P., SCIIENKT E. (10?2):<br />

Tlseue ch.lsclorr6slton bv ullraaonrc

diIltr(rion.<br />

lrlrriiotr..l itr lft{li'ln'<br />

:llt' lnlS'<br />

;tl . TAL,Ds"flllN, s.s., srAlt1o, p.ll. (l9so):<br />

Accurlcv or sadl,ling l'v nccdlc hioplv in<br />

drllus! llver Jl5'u3'r'<br />

Aruh l'rrhol. 50::l2d-323'<br />

4a2. YAOINERT G.P., ul-8vtlcll, ll'' CILL' A'a', €t al'(r95!):<br />

lliopsy ol needle spoclmna ot tlver t1ssu6!<br />

vt. Cdp6rtson of iinditrgg on bloDsv 'od<br />

at<br />

autopsv.<br />

Ao J Ctttr Paihol.?l: 33a_341'<br />

433. tAL(, L. ( 196l ):<br />

noantgenologtc d€t'rntnlllon ot ttto liver volud''<br />

Acr! ltldiologio!. 55: 4$-50'<br />

434, r]\l,{, r,. ( 106?):<br />

Rotirrscnolosi' dorcroinrlloo of llrt: livcr vol@'<br />

A.l d Ilndtoldljlctr Dirgtosls' tt 360_371'<br />

4a5. {A!,LACE, S,, UrOELl,tN, ll., N8l.soN, n's (r0?2)!<br />

]tngtogrlplttc chdnges due lo ne€dle blopst<br />

of lhe rivcr.<br />

tt.dlology. | 05: t3-l8'<br />

436. XAltfIcx & fIlJ,lars (10?3):<br />

oruv's lns!@y 35'lr edi[10!' Longnco '<br />

4sl. *41Sol{, A., 1oRtraNcl, ll.ll. { l'J?0):<br />

I.iter scorntng rn surgicrl Pracllce'<br />

lrtr J Sur8. Vol 5?' No'6' pll' 405_404 '

{54<br />

4aa. taTrs, P.L" llltTs, A.J.r a fLEtlilc' J'B'E'(19?2):<br />

lrl!r.sound .nd thr(ms()ft duNgc'<br />

ar J lIldlol. n5! 335-339.<br />

430. UEAVIIR, R'X.J!., COLDSI'IItN, ll.x., oRllDti' a" et a1'(lt?8):<br />

crev sc.le ultr.so'ogr'phtc ev'lu'tiotr oi<br />

hePAtic cistrc dr&ase'<br />

An J tioeotgeno' 130: 349-452'<br />

tro. l{l:ltl, L..1 . , lllrltcER, 1,.4, sll&Rl,oc(t s (10??):<br />

Grev serl. ultrtrsonosrrplrv oI porl!r vcrn'<br />

Llnccr . 2: 675-6??.<br />

4ul. f},llis, 1,.t.,.!t rl. (19??r!<br />

Unususl echoglaphtc appelruoc' ot a lcour_<br />

voister carl !l4dder'.<br />

J Ctin. UlInsouid. vol S' l)p 341-342'<br />

n92. fEtl,L, 4., alsENsc|tEnr 1., z!l"ll{ER' f '<br />

nouraR' P"<br />

BrIlR, E. f, SAUCEEI, Y. (1979):<br />

Aspecte ultraGo.ote dcs cMcors de l' vsalcll'<br />

blllare.<br />

Antrals de Rldiologle' 22: l?-ll'<br />

493. lErLL, F., ErSBllcUER,4., ZaLTXEA' F. (r0?8):<br />

ullrlsontc s!{dv ol the nofnrl 'trd<br />

dllato'l<br />

billr.v l-rec. llB " shor sln' 51ltn'<br />

lludi0losY. 127 t !3r r2a'<br />

i<br />

40,1. rDlNsl[tll, l].J., i lElNs'|'llIl{r D.P. (l!r?o):<br />

Btltsrv Lroct rn rhe no!_jqundlc€d psrients'

Anerlc!n Ins!tr!lo ot !llfdaound in vodlctne'<br />

oklthorn clll. v()l l, l).lii.<br />

495, \vEtSlltloD, F.G., SCIIlln, 1,., cal,l,, 11.4., CLEVILAND'<br />

I.P., & llEltxlN, J.ll, (r050).<br />

Neddlo blopsy ol llrc lIvdr. lll cxDofiences<br />

l! rho dlatercnl lal dlngnosis of lllndice.<br />

casrrocrrorolodY. l4 t 5li.<br />

406. 'EISSIANI{,<br />


ROStXDLA',T',T, 4., lltEBrlt{, 1.. r. ( r931):<br />

speclluo of fcggrtr- lD/t cholescintig.apltic<br />

prttcrn itr acutc cholccyst rr1s.<br />

Rldtology. t33. r0? -l ?5.<br />

ri?. rlBsslANx, lr.s., Bunxofltzr D,, lox, r.s., e. rl'(1033)!<br />

r1(: rulr ol l.$!tI'- rl,,t .lNt,rsl irr isrupl'y i!<br />

rculo ! cdl.ulour cholecysr i Lis.<br />

llldlology. l40r l7 ? - 130.<br />

408. lvr{ss ANN, ll.s,, lllANti, lt.s. , DllltsfllIr{, I,.ll., IrRItEllaN,<br />

L.n. (r979)l<br />

ll!|id nnd &r(arrrl( ditrADocis ot aQrLc chorecvs!Ms<br />

vi !lr'l!9utrr-lDA r-'holes.r D.rgrrptv.<br />

AJR. t32:523-523.<br />

400. TJIjELAN, 1,J.r Clt,I.DSPtll|, J.',I. (1005):<br />

'r.orrnrnt or<br />

AnD surg. l G2: r:lo-!li?.<br />

5OO. IllITE, T.J., |ILLACE, ll.ll., GNASal,4., ct al.(195r)t<br />

lrdprr i. trbnor rrir lca

456<br />

loilure, Ndldlr<br />

crrculut I un. J: 501-5u7.<br />

5ot. lrllicllut,, x.1.. ( 1064 ):<br />

Pi,rcuLaDcous trrDsh.!l)rl i. rlx,lrnrioBr!phv'<br />

l\.rr chirurgirr s.rudinavit:r sul)llrr :nru'n'<br />

3:10: I-9$:<br />

s02, fI$ortl, ti.L. (19?1):<br />

'fckntkuu vtd per.trra! rr'trltep!lrsk porLa_<br />

punLlion (Pll).<br />

Nordisk lcdtc lnr! $0:9rl'<br />

503. tINlflON, r.1. , l(AltDLl l z, J.,lElss, li.lt.' liltlsllNArunTul,<br />

c.f. ( r9?2):<br />

Vsriation 1n lhc uDDca.rnco of thc lalet'l<br />

rivcr sc!. trllx Prr r(!nr llosrLron'<br />

RldioloAY, l0!, dG5-06e<br />

51r4. ftNsroN, n.a.r sliaPlno, l. ( li?4)<br />

Psetrdorumurs in i.urc h.P!r I Lra '<br />

J Nucl I€d. l5: 1030-loto.<br />

50a. rvlsluH, lr.lt., & GnossMlN! r.D. (197r):<br />

Itxdiutr!.li.l,: irrrr.lirrr, r!rrpurl{ lr!trr\!rnphv and<br />

gf()v sc!lc (llrnsonogrnpDir of lho Llvcr'<br />

chrD!cr 1n. c()rf('rrr iols io Ditrgnocllc tiuging'<br />

odited by Dr. ll.u.c Sodee' Appl6ton-<br />

Cantury-Crofl.s.<br />

506. vlsl'()v, lr.lr., sulJ&?\lliN I /\l{ t (i., G/\Nctlt, c.s.'.t rl.(r9?a):<br />

Uxpcrin(nrrl rtrd rlrrr.ul rrruld rr new fc'---

'157<br />

!lbsl led hoprrouiI i$y xgcnrs.<br />

tddiology. 123: ?93-?9n.<br />

B.lt., sualia!trN I Au,<br />

At €valustlon of<br />

c., vaN ttltl'ut, R. L.<br />

T"9o'n- labul Ied xcp!tobilialy<br />

J Nuct ltud. l8: 455-461<br />

a.*., suBBAllaN I lllt,<br />

A! ovullrtlon ol<br />

c., vAlt HEDiTUIT R.L,<br />

1"i9r'r- l{1,,, I tu,l truprrubilta!y<br />

J Nucl ||ed. l3:<br />

ltrfltx, .r.T., sFItNCEn, tt.p. ( t9?5):<br />

Cl Inicrt .orr.trr idn oI troprt<br />

!J Nucl Xed. l6: Zt_?2.<br />

tyoo,l.DNr V.0. , c86DN, lt.,<br />

Ut I rtrsonogrnDhy<br />

Iladiology. t2!:<br />

455.<br />

r cot,l)sT!Ill, I.!. ( l9?8 ):<br />

tri,|nrl ic n{sses.<br />

5ti. YACINt R.,_l{ncINTynIr! tv. J., cllfi t!?,t]t, J,u. ( r!62) :<br />

tivr,. si2e by rhe n{rttple cut<br />

orf_sctDrtt trr jon sr:untring lcctrrrqu..<br />

^h J no€nrsondl. a8: 239_:tg5.<br />

Yllll, €.t,.,.pottl,||tl,6.p., !!4Dlt, l.c. (r97s):<br />

r:rkri.l)cd.. tDuarxs jn evrl{rrjtrg rrdp!!!c<br />

focnt d(!tr)ct.<br />

J lu.:t ||ed.

Ut irisdnosrdphy ..d.onDutod rtugrarrhy<br />

cafcrno@ ol the<br />

Sadlology. t33: t6?-l?3.<br />

zalclrtcx, N., [ \LAUSf,NS1.OC(,<br />

Needle biops, ot rhe<br />

needle btopsy.<br />

New Eigl J tied. 249r<br />

1iver. ll, The list<br />

r062.<br />

zAlrcriEcri, N,, ll SrDniN, R.L. (r953)l<br />

Needle biopsy ol ile live!<br />

criricAl cnd thvesatgative<br />

|{e* lng1 J f,ed. 24r:1020.<br />

16. LA.|Z, L,<br />


a complrtsoa ot arey<br />

raoronuctlde i&4at!g<br />

rocut lr!D!t1c l.sioDs<br />

J Clin Ut rilsound. i:<br />

0.(r9?7)r<br />

acrle ultrsouDd sld<br />

io! the detectloo ot<br />

r7, ..L AN. R.I(., cotD, J.A,, cj,uctt. L.-<br />

BUNRELL, {,,.HO.F;N, ;.;..,;;;;,:'<br />

CAEIDE, V'J'.<br />

fc,Jh_ I DA sclDrrcrrphy rl D segDeDtal lillarY<br />

obstruclion.<br />

J Nucl rbd. 22r 4s6_45g.<br />

tr. ,t*", n.R,,l LE]E CAnoL, srr8l., 8.s., er .r. (1982).1<br />

ur.rssologr.phy<br />

lld beparobltt.ry sctntlgraphy<br />

;1.ff::r:;,:"il1;irv-ea,eric aaee,o@ses.'

ZlliiR\i\i\, :.J. (r9?0):<br />

rn rifus.tiseases df the 1iver.<br />

London: gutterrortbs,

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