Authoritarianism and Undsdevdopmenl

Authoritarianism and Undsdevdopmenl

Authoritarianism and Undsdevdopmenl


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Chaptor Five<br />

<strong>Authoritarianism</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Undsdevdopmenl</strong><br />

In Chapler Four, *€ have dieuscd the desrruclion of d.moc@y &d<br />

@Nlidatior of d aulhonrliq siare in P&i5re W. hlw inv$rigar€d *hy ed<br />

how Pakbi@ attain d lhe st ius ofa .cti.nr stare, ofrlE Unit d Slar6. We hlve<br />

ha.€d the linlagc b€tBen Dcf.N P&ls dd AudDnhrioisn in pslist n in rhe<br />

conlext ofAnsice Powd Systen. In this chapter, w. rjU exein rhe foms ot<br />

A nodtariais od tn@rica of Devclopn€nl f@Ging on djvagoe i,<br />

dewlophmt Wc have atgu.d rhal .Dep.ndflcy pdadign can explai. rhe<br />

*irrirg underdev.lopDor in Paljst.. <strong>and</strong> Ifuy orhcr Ttird Wodd 6utri.'<br />

we hav. suege$.d a .Dep.nddcy Moddl' lhal @ b. apptic.bt to patisle. A<br />

o4@i'!€ alrlysis of India dd Patisr4 in lhe @Dtqr of N@colod.t si.Ls<br />

ed cconomic d€v€lopm€nt Ev€als O. simildili€s dd dif.r€ncs in hlo<br />

i.nsio6 ofBnrish @tonialish_ Hoftvd, .tn€ bae fion rtich dh sl&tld &d<br />

signjfcmt ditrercnc6 in political, €co.ohic, ed s@isl circunlsldes mdc<br />

direcl @Dpqrie6 dilficull'. I<br />

1. Foms of <strong>Authoritarianism</strong> <strong>and</strong> Theories of Development<br />

DivcrgeM in lhc d.vclopmcfl of Est Asid tud tjti! Ansico NIC5<br />

(Nwly Induhializ.d Nariond h6 risg.rld d€b.r. owr the lh.ory berlth<br />

ady6.i!s of node@iztion ed deFndcncy alpoehcs in &couring for |he<br />

*1"f"; f-*<br />

*t " "."0,n<br />

4d LrMis Kux, !.dh <strong>and</strong> Po<br />

'te:<br />

fh. Fna Fttlt v.us,<br />


EgioDl divdgen@. lnflre@d by thc neN Americd dcvelopnenl of<br />

dd€lopDor th@ry b€sed on Ami@ pdgnarin dd dpincisr! . l&ee<br />

setion of th€ @s4h sing lhe modenizaiion apFalch on div.iged<br />

d.Elopmcfl f(rcs on eononic dw.lopndf'] rl[t ha tccome .cqut.d de<br />

/acb of not /eJrr? with 4ononic sro*rh. Ir in nn ws nesur.d by tn. gbs,rl<br />

of GNP F @pira. t Wnnq rh. wile6 of d€pen.Lncy app&lch iGist on a<br />

brcadq 'concept of d.v€lopn nf haviry dtre dFcts: grc$,rh (the eonomic<br />

6peD, cquality (1h. $ci.t apc.t) dd tib.ny (ll!e poliljcd AFci) I I'ii. brcad<br />

dcfinition then includ$ thos iocierat ondilioB rhai prcmor. pcMal grcMlL<br />

.conomi. ere*rh,.q!.liry in rhc disiribution of*e5lrh, ed poliricgl tib.ny. .TL<br />

dcge of.qu,lity i! th€ diliribution of qlatlh my tF rFlyztd alone a ihb€,<br />

of etiotul dim.tuioror ub.n-ml, labo.{apiral. ed along inda{ls<br />

dinmio6: ldg€-smatt idNti.s, brsc{n[ll ra,ns, ski ed-eskilt.d labor., J<br />

Libeny i3 m es* ial €l€nenr of d.m@r&y, atonS wrn a $.t€ cx@ur'v€<br />

.@utablc io d eleled pqtillMt aad rcgdd, fai. eledod 6 M@<br />

/^!@ Alhmd od C. BinChm powtL aarp@de poti d a Dtutop ad ^wo*^<br />

f lfu. bnfc B'l[4 le66). Aid D.trt t t N, tk pN6eotr\dthod 3*,i|,0.ri* vcr<br />

:1r.dE F31. .r.h. ps.roehod<br />

_o-ujlgn<br />

or und.rd.4ropm.nr<br />

n.Mdd ?6 rd. ?001 < ib / miadrbba* pfo rlfanr - p<br />

u@<br />

7<br />

R. aktud, ,Div.lgd cEEtofcnr, ft. pblir ot L,heny E{uj,ry d Gbrib<br />

h Argd6 dn $. R.pubh d Km . rfu,,t { porjd svttu Rspoth j (t,iz), IIr.r07.<br />

^N w t w' D.p

s!@ifically. liberty includ.s both political gbfi &d civil libenies. 7 Frcm lhis<br />

FBpetiv., d.t miMl f-toB ir @t@ic d.wlopMr w@ 6lly sial<br />

ed sial chdgc', th€Fforc, sed€d rh. key lo botn soci.l ed donomic<br />

dw.lopmdr I Ihh pdsp@tivc &gH for inrrodwing .quiry dd ctrcimy in<br />

eonohic.levelopnent. e<br />

1.1 Modernization Theories<strong>and</strong> Neo+vlodemizataon<br />

Cmnt denGrariarion th@ry is indebr€d !o 6 g@r€r d.8@ to th.<br />

nodtuization rhery of 0!c I950s ard l96os llar .vEtualcd ln. Eqlisil6 of<br />

d.ncradarion in developing cowies It @ .!d.d lhfl b€yond cenain<br />

th$hol.ls of e.ononic ttcv.lopo€nl, s@ieties be@ne lm complex, ed<br />

sitlly mbilt d ro bc solh.d by ludront ri4 m.d '0 Tne mjor<br />

4gmer! the nod€reni4lion lh6ry pl.s.red ss rlEt high incode @uni.is<br />

gF nosl litcly b b. dej@ndc ed rhar iiclaing |nctuy' ulldzlrio4 <strong>and</strong><br />

non-agriculural .nploym€nl wde tinLd wilh gtuwing lendency ro polilical<br />

ptniciMon, by inlding rh.t elnoriralioih n€€d @r be dvjall. ,1 tosr<br />

ldcls of modercnialion drd my fl6 b. quile hmonios wirh th. featuFs to<br />

isry pE-nod6n si€rics. Th@ @ tw maior 0a*! wirh lhc mod.Miatior<br />

tl@ry. IiBl, it dc @t idd{ry the rbi.shotd beyond whi.h.dtro.it tiditu is<br />

I tuynod adil T1'. cmFdiE sn4 or FE don Err.6iN d sussddJ, s*rd u<br />

.:o pedtu tdmto,at t)dpr@ 25. tr r990r )r50<br />

'Atrdrr"cmder Fdk, ,Tre D.v.tQn. ofUid.rd.v.lopno. An<br />

urobjosruphi..t Esy,, op.<br />

'q G.ki.l Abm-nd .nd c. ainshrn Pokt\ c@ttuit. porittu: ,t dadopd.l /nrw^ 6c.<br />

.ir , p9. 25trr2 Aid .l$ s Ddil 1.ffi, n psins {f.rdi,id,.I s;ii!. q, ci<br />


m 6oE viable. " Tne hiel! ldels of ircon. <strong>and</strong> sial nobilizarion in Ddy<br />

omuist @uhi€s in E@pc ed .urhorir.rim regimes in E sr Asia indic&<br />

tlEr a quiic hig! ldel is qujtld fd uvi.bility of elhorirad&lm. Horcwr,<br />

th€ €xpedence of demmacy in Indio ol s v.ry low l.vel of incohc ed low<br />

lercls of nod.Fniz,rioi !G6 a pbbld to rlis ptoposirion aid r*6 il<br />

sppe.ni ihal nodeqiation l.v.ls e not dctemieL md bftly codiitut n<br />

aviDmdr dal may b€ d$E or ts fccutladvc of eftain ti.dr of egin.,<br />

rulin8 oul demochcy o.ly ar rh€ v€ry lowcsl leveh &d authoiiffieism only ar<br />

Funh@orc, noddianioh O@ries sr veietj of rh. origiDl<br />

sitg$ of gre$th i&a pbpos.d by Rciow, r, nis .pp@h of dcv.l@mdt<br />

dploys . najor probl€n: how ro ercougc ftdilional @nom'€s !o !.ach rhe<br />

sLgq of 'laldlf into sElain d @rcmic grewlh. Thc ldvie fo. iftMire<br />

gosnh r€quir.d n.w invesrh.nB in indusLy: eilhq inpon suhtiruring, G M<br />

tne Dod€ in Palisih ed majo.ily of L.rin Andi@ @utri6, o, expori<br />

odd.d in E6t tuia wilh rh. purp@ of S.dcdrins hplo}td <strong>and</strong> inpovi.g<br />

labc pbdndiviiy. This developn€nl nodcl psM.s rhar s go*d @8,<br />

thc posirivc etr€cr ofimFs.d p'odudon filt .nickl.{o*A' to rho* slioB<br />

ofp.ople wbo e nol di@rly involyed in ihe dt@ic sloB, Ilft nodct<br />

' FoirhBlod d cias S,lm.. i.d I Denoda.r, dD.qapd, th? R.Ehd ot<br />

utn Munn ydd (L6dil.| B.tr!rc, poh,iB<br />

t9941<br />

" E oMic rh.ory of hod.hiad k b.e.d d rh. fir uC6 of d.vdAnor tm R@*r<br />

I udy, p.@ndfroD ff utofi. rh. Erofr<br />

dr FlB $.<br />

b mrtdy. d I'i3h<br />

'B 6BMpr;d ro rhi!.rpo{,o4 Rotu irs buM<br />

psro. sh<br />

r<br />

o b' s. pomdid of Tn.d wo ^csdds d n(l@,,ron tf h. prcbt.m hcmg t h,rd<br />

word @ub6 6'd.! m rieu brk or pmdu.r.t. ,n\..mnq un lh. eturion hB ,n fi.<br />

. fm or..prbt, krn-toly, ,nd .rFn,* \l R@w.<br />


le.& lowards a lin@ devclopmenl path ending in W4lem-slyle' nd*ci<br />

onoled sieri*. Th€ ud€rlying b€lief b $al the culr@l ditrlsion of W.sto<br />

econohid techlologi.al prcccses <strong>and</strong> $c .ohpatibility of scial sruclms witl<br />

fore lhe dev.loping @utri.s i. rhe long M to ado ln. cnar&Lristi6 ofile<br />

.lcv€loFd oG, ln this lim{ prcglK, the pcdiction is fia1 r.adniotul si€ri.t<br />

wiu ev€nrully advace thrcud thc slaees tnai hlve b€€n schiwed by<br />

d.v.loFd si.tie. h is au.d $ar let of hUtM skilts ed inverndr<br />

@piid m $e m6jor prebl.ns, th.rcfor, rhe srslem of beks dd d€v.lopnent<br />

Nrsr.ne !g@i.s swh 6 lhc IMF &d rlE Vodd Bant e d6jgn

impaded a false view ot Abericd history, suhtituting *lf{arisfelion<br />

The failu€ of @ly mod.hizdion $oryt €xp€.r.tioB fot<br />

dcmocnij?,tior in th€ devcloping coutries of thc Thjrd Wodd dendded<br />

@Ni&olion of the tn@ry. .xdplili.d by Hurin$on\ pohical Ordq in<br />

Chdging S@ieties.') His.ont hrio. ps lo show ihat socjat mobiljsarion io<br />

.Lv.loping @brds nighl l.ad, not ro doo@riedon hft ro $tw hc csllcd<br />

'Fetorieisi.' H. bsrted fiat il muld h6pp€n b€@us€ mobiliaiion .x@dcd<br />

inc @nomic daelopboi rnd potiridt iNriftnion building EquiEd ro sdisry<br />

rad !.6lmodatc it. His eghml M rhar m €xp..lcd odcom. of r.sdlirg<br />

austradon of d.nhdr euld be dierdd ,ad ch@s, in rmr givinS ri* to<br />

nilit,ty int€rcrtion. rt Hutingtont &8mdn o. ord€r building is being<br />

oiii.ized for advocaling dicralobhip s a stltion 10 pnetoriaisd, lhoueh he<br />

B &rually qun. .xplicir $.t milihy diclaloBhiAe only Epticared padoridish<br />

ed stability rcquii€d ln6t padicipation d€meds be sathfi.d rhrough i.sdnrtion<br />

bujlding. Red.tuing @ly hodd &6ry, Hutingion ee!.d dl,l lhrcu8h aowh<br />

panhipdtior md orgdising a consinEcy for the rtgim€, panicutarty mong<br />

pflioNly nd-panicipant Ms.r singtc plrry synm m b. a vi.bte dd<br />

mod.m fom of aulhodidiaftm dd slabitis slal6 in rhc tresidoo ro modfrity,<br />

H. b.li€ved th.. sine mi6 @d bl@ucsi6 e eptble of inpcing odd<br />

'fron lhe oubi& md cli@ralisr n tw*s do nol hrv. rhc Lgni@y ro buy $c<br />

'' Elic vdLEwp.aatte pcopt *ttudr(r@ {B. etq. unjsRiry of c:hfmh hs!<br />

re32l D B.<br />

" Ssu.l P. HuringoD. p,/,.ar ald- ,n ah.nahs Sacdta, q cr Fd rh. dirdid

loFlry ol ldge m.s of p@ple, lb€y l&k tuh inrnituiion buildine rlBl s<br />

€snlial if€Cim.s wee to 'penchale' ecicry md incorpomc consuruencEs.<br />

Anoiho barir lo d.n@Etielion F.poed by rhe kir6 of nod.m<br />

theorica m thrr .apit list ecmulation ih nodmking cou n.s d.D<strong>and</strong>ed<br />

tjd prefits fo. i$!sro6 *hil. sqrzins wort6 ed parers Fsulting jn<br />

inq€a.d iftqudny in the developne po@s. '7 Tn y tholehl 1hEt d€noda{c<br />

iEriturions wE Dable ro .ontlin lhir stinulared clN onflict qfiich irvit d<br />

aulttodbdm elurions. T1l€ other de@€.t pFsred ir fiat tn€ dhpdiry b.iwcen<br />

srlr. &d idddry gddted Aom dE diergaized iFposnion by iFFdatim of<br />

lerilorjal bouddics m€mt rhat majonly of te Thid World @{olonial sraies<br />

laled lhc tundmcnr.l on$A6 on polidcd @muity, sbar.d nadodood.<br />

EnldSed @nomic inequliry se.dard by unconlolidated poliiical identity<br />


faidy piinitive foms, sncb s pcMrdisric dictatoBhips dd miliLry jums dd<br />

moG iNtitution lis€d' authod&ie egih6, wilh single pany/@rpoarisi<br />

sysl€m .nd bwalcnlic,1|chnochli€ insfiulioB. Ir dgues thlr a[hontario<br />

tdms of peMn.listic di.rabrshitc ad nilirlry julls t&k instiiuiion l abliry io<br />

ircludc s(49oniv. wial foMs md inpl.ncnr poli€y ed G ooly likely lo b.<br />

viabl. ar lower l.vcls of development. On ih. onlrary, more .inslirurionalisd'<br />

d$onlari& Gdms, wi$ singl. p{iyl@rponrin sysrems ard<br />

b@ucEiidtahrocratic iEriiulio6 @ cotuid€r€d Flatively hoE ,hodeh,'<br />

[wirg tlF Dcsibliiy to be e@ irctEiv. dd dl@! rhe @pa.iry ro pllls<br />

delelopnent goals md rhe.bility !o be duble ar oDid@bly highc, leveh of<br />

dq.lopmot This $h@l $8as1s r!,t rh@ is nc.d b $parre .populisl<br />

authori&rid Egim€s liom buEauqaric authoritnio. iesines, althols} both<br />

cplBdi OE dcvelopoi fom ol althoriI{riais. Fbn Ois point of vi.e, Jaldr<br />

is coNidded s cpre*ntatirc of .bwud.tic au{@.iririeisD sd Chim a m<br />

€wplc of populisl aurhonbri&isD'. A@rdirg to rhis ei.w, populin<br />

sulhoril&im Egincs @ iniriat d duinS.dy-middl. pdiods of dd€lopl@t s<br />

a e$lr of tui.ldlc class Gbcltioro agaiosl old oligefiB tud thcy int€nd io<br />

&livde md irclude la€d s4tim of poputarion in th. Ime of .cdisributiv.<br />

Etdm. o.1h. oth.' ha4 bl@@nric authorirlrid rsiD6 e.bs.riH s a<br />

ph4onhoo of rl| rasition to nN politics in which ertdir''i& pow€r is<br />

ucd by th€ nilitary ding o0 behalf of rlF bourgeohie ed toEig. capilal io<br />

exctud. me mbilising elting clN in rlF nm of epir.t dMuhri@. Som<br />

Micts clain $al populist auihorit rieism h successtut fom of .uihoriarimiu<br />


e.e it .o$titot s a fomul. for coBtrudins quhe dMbL cgims th.1<br />

n]mg.d !o ov.rcom. th! 'pr&lorisis" 'e Tn y sule.st 0ui rh. dubiliiy of<br />

populkt e$oitarimisn d.p.nd. on sd.El f&!o6 s'ttich @ intcrl@kiog, ro<br />

It should not b. 3urprtuing, whci hr.d-liM sugg.ns th.t th. Elst Ade<br />

modcl.'eonomic gtoMh first. d.nbcdy l.tci, hold! moF.n!&tton. Withir<br />

th. nodmization pd!di8n, it hls b..i !8Ed thal coutli$ Nl.d by<br />

dthorirsriois €sp@ially in E$t od Souo..!t Asi. d mrc likcly 10 b.<br />

..@micdly 3l@stul rh{ do@6ric coutrid. Exdpl6 q@Ld in f!rcr of<br />

lhis tlais @ Sollh Ko@. Singlpoc, M.bysi..nd Tajwtr which gw urlcr<br />

sdnorir.rid agim duing thch Fiod of grosrh. This th€sis is bo*d d the<br />

@F.!t of &i.n v.l*s. Thc con cpt of A$e vdB mirlriB thrl .ulhori&ie<br />

sov.ffir<br />

tu ultin.r.lt sup.rior to d@d@y, aldbugh n sutrcrcd r gnlt blow<br />

.n6 thc A5h fimirl qbis of 198. Il 3rss6!i tllll thc @nmn Co!tucid<br />

h6itgg. pmvidcs th. crpllrnion for tllc dcrclopmdLl $rc.s of J.!ai &d d&<br />

Es3r Asis NlEs, "<br />

Th. tFmodstia$o lircr.lm vics ihrt rhc cn rs of<br />

cdnrieis ircluding 6per fd cd!.ni@, dii.iplitu, h.!d b* atd<br />

cooFdjon *fr .l thc lklt of oldiriodl s'd pFtices ir Chirc$ sicti6,<br />

hDdr &d Souti Korll, dd conEibut d loelrd! @.stitutiry thc bah of a rcw<br />

'' sbM 8.rd.nm, ,rdrat didrrr i, syia: lerdiE ud l$ial cdlltd llt@ ut<br />

Lddm: cdn.ll Uii6it PB!, 1999), pp. l-29.<br />

n Rrynod Hiffibsh, /raddrc, t ltti6 oI tk Mind. EN

mmmic culiue." Howev€r, rh@ hav. b.o shining positioG on thc b.nefits<br />

of Confucim hdi.ge. Th. nost signifiMl is Hu ingron\ innlHd.l srudy on<br />

de@y. *nich p$hs a fudddtd incompalibiliry b.rwd rh€ Conircie<br />

hedrage .d modem denodaric pleiices. At th€ sdn. rime, Huringron is<br />

tqp.d to &rno*t dgc thai CotrnEid hcrft.ge dy hrv. .$me dturrs thlr<br />

e mDpaliblc with d€m6r&y'.! Exisrine lnotogies clsiry nost E4t Aiio<br />

@utrie! a.uthorirdri&. ! ,apdl th. Philippir6. Taiw, Thailed dd South<br />

Kou G @nsid.Ed d.nerui*; hdonesia is @Biddr

F@ic derelop@r ir NodlEsr Asi& c@ti6 ircludirg Taiea. taFn dd<br />

sodh Kos sN ro harc aeLrd a taidon [o danetuy, $tile ns a!st@<br />

in Moqoli. od Nonn KoE pMibcd a e ob6alclc in t€ 'parh to<br />

'!<br />

den6@y'. nrc Southerst Asie @Mtrics illusnc a Evce ce 6 shom ir<br />

I.bl. 4: ItrdietoB of Potriql rradoE .rd E@noDic Crurtt (Un-f@<br />

7.5 UmEilabl.<br />

T.Dle 5: hdi@lo6 of Polddl Fr..dod .nd EcoloDi. Gnlt (P.ntlr fu<br />


Trble 6: Iulic.loE of Polilic.l FrudoD ud E@loDic Grorvtl lTr..<br />

so@: cod{.diE Se!, ol Fr.ddr F lqron ir d, Vdkl PoliriEl RiBtr r.d<br />

Civil Rigic . Yd 20m. fBbcttol!!, Rdi.v.d to Mry 20o..<br />

< ldp://w,6cdonnow.o4fr dmtiidd hh><br />

Emti.icillt thc @jity of politicd rtgimd i! Esi Asia povid€s<br />

mladictory cvid.ncc b th. qxmnic dcrcmids of m.tcni$rion d@dd<br />

As di$lscd .bovc, nodmislrio rhdisrs e lbmidB rrc of lh6.<br />

wak@es at'd hltr bem indulg.d b e .tlon io €p6ir rh. rory wilhoui<br />

rclinquishirg thc cas ial paDdign o. cst goies, Confionied wil]l mituutou<br />

@ioEic p.ogB in E$i Aiia duing rhc t9E0s ed edy t990s,lhc rt@ry B<br />

ttlicwd lo sugS€l l[6l dtho.nsrieis b.efiLd lwly irdurriatisirg<br />

@utde a lh.y ki.k*t ned lhet .comni* &d rbat ana rh. iniriat phe of<br />

8bwlh, @nr.adiciioi! b.iw.6 alrho.itari.nim ed @iialisn lvoutd tdssd ihe<br />

tlvoluli@ 10 d.bocey. wllr is signindt b note is thd qtuld modmj&tid<br />

odisrs do @t d.vi!r. sisnif@dy fiom O. modctdsalion p.r.disE; dEy<br />

n.tly Edefi!. authorirl.ieim 6 . srcppinS{oN !ows& th. 6d-poin1 of<br />


d.n@d.y. :t F€nt obsFes lhat '$.lik€s ofRonos, Pye, Pml &d HDlingon<br />

mte ed &t€d lo inpo* "deD@lacy'und.r lh. miulary boo1. Evo l,\e Qud.d<br />

Blnoit clained to have slatistically d€mo.strated lhat noe nilitarr = moe<br />

ddclopmqr Political nodmiaB likc Aprcr, Almond ed Colm condoncd<br />

th. Third world nehi wing authodbrie dgiics in the Im€ of loliti.al<br />

'!mo.dy" md @@mic "dslopmcni".'r'<br />

Anofi.r anmF b evi$ modmierion rh@iy b the nod.m<br />

audroiit{iflisn' th6is. Pnor to Ois rcvhion, au$oritaridtn had h.o thought<br />

ofas a pre-modm phe dd it ws b.lieved tnal sith modemisalion, socielies<br />

eith€r develop inlo lolalitarid or dem@rslic politis. Rejeting this tt?ology,<br />

LiM\ obseryalion of Spain led hib io sgu.lh.t r.8ihes @dd b€ snthoritsim<br />

ud dod.m. u' His dennif@ of&thoriLriuism bs bdome cBE:<br />

Ardbftaia Egim6 e polidcd synms *irh linit€4 ftl 6!oEibL,<br />

pohical pluralin; withour clabobc tud suidins id6lo6/ Gul with<br />

distirctiE m.nlalitis); without int 6iv. no. .xtc8ivc poliricd<br />

mobiliadon (ei.epr sde poinb in rlE d€vclopn€nrs); ed in shich a<br />

lodei (or ocdioiilly a snall gtup) cxcrcies powr wirhh fomally ill<br />

defined linils but rlu.lly quitc !rediciabk o.es. "<br />

The concept of Asie values, which {gued for a uiqE Ft of A5ian<br />

imtitutions tud politcal id@logi6, involving aurhoriiarid govemdr w6<br />

c.b.lloged by So\ w* tnli hebed d.finc th. .DaSing field ofsocial Choi@,<br />

TIE thcory ofs@ial Choie wd Fopos.d fiEt by tt An d@@nohinKd<br />

ia. Rol,/,, potr@r.hexrtu h t"d@'.tinrz,rria (London, Rdd.dsq teer).<br />

_ AndF cundd Fmk, .Tn ftEtopn. of lid.rdodopnar: Ai Aurobaoentth.t Esy.,<br />

'J.Liii an aurhoriEiu R.einr r[. c4 of sp!jr,, in E A[.rd dd s. Rouln Gdg ) 16r<br />

l otitt*: studi* k P otiuca! sadotos) (x.w Yo*: rE. P:.s, I e70).<br />


A@w, elD agued thal all voling tules, bc th€ dajonty vorinS or rwo- thidr<br />

najomy or slalu q@, dusr indirably confli€:r sn€ basic dem@raric ftn.<br />

Scn's wort shov€d uder what .ondilioDs Arow's Impossibility of T!@rcm<br />

wuld @Dc ro DB, rr His 6nt ibution tut only dr.ndcd ad tuichcd rn lictd<br />

of S@ial Choicc il also innuen€ed the ma of eonobic m4wnenr ofporedy<br />

.rd ircqu.lrty. S6's @rccln of .caprbitily' is rhc dosr Evotution ry<br />

coalribution kl &vel@n6r €@noni6 <strong>and</strong> s€ial indica!06, which dg6 lhai<br />

govcmdb should b€ n a$red againrt the @.cEic @pdtiliri.s of lhen<br />

c'1i4s. It is up !o the individu.l si.ry ro nEke lhe ljsr ofoinimM cap.bititis<br />

g@et€ed by ibat sciery. tn his ituisr€nce on dking quesrions of vatue. long<br />

moved rbm s.rios €dohic @6id.ndon, s€tr pos€d a mjor chdl.nge !o rb€<br />

.&nomic nod.l thal porrayed self.inlei.sr s rhe prime notivating falo. of<br />

hhtu rtjvity. r'1 Simil&ly, FErl &gu6 rhrl .da€lop@at mut itutude mor<br />

d.n@Ecy. (MoE) dmocracy bust irclude (noe) Bpet for hwd nghts.<br />

ftce riehs oust includc (hoE) polnicat fFedom of sp€lr dsdizrrion dd<br />

.toie. H@rcr,lhe hl|!m ddts musl d$ incbd. Ms<br />

ed $cial b6ic hwo n€eds rce$aty lo cxe'cise s@h potilical choie'.<br />

'<br />

1.2 The Dependency Theory <strong>and</strong> Neo-Colonialism<br />

The d.po.lency lh@ry p@vides a ben€r urd.sidding fo. diverg€nce<br />

i<br />

Sa Amdt! s.n, Cr,r4 r dr,4 ,id y.6rc4,r ro\rm. O\tord I fllo,ry phi tou)<br />

:',sc annrta *1, o1 EhB ud E@@ra ro)rord o\ford urtr6i9 pEr t9!7)<br />

- Andr Gu.d.' Ftut flE Untadqdtorcfl of O.Etopnd: Ar Autub,osFphst E3j.y.. op<br />


in thc development in East AsiA Latin Ameri@ ed Imy Third Vorld<br />

sut i6 ircluding Palisra, f@Biig on thc egional !ei!do6 of U.S- policy<br />

duing d€ coEtrucdon of U.S. heg€nony or Aidicd Sysr€D of Powo ano<br />

World Ws Ir. It argls lhdl lhe develophdt p@dign @ rhe chjld of @-<br />

joFrialisn dd n€G@lonialifr. .t d4.lopcd s p6n dd pdcet iGrnbdt of<br />

tn. rcw postBa An€ncd h.gmony. Am.d@ mbirioG dr.dcd old th.<br />


This pltoFnlmi cd b. crrmincd in $e FBFctiy. of d.Fdfty<br />

paadigrr which explai$ th€ inlcrd.Fnd.nt natw of the wdd capinlht<br />

sylt d in itl hi$oncal dincaion focuirs on rh. lotal rcrmrk oI s@ial<br />

El.lioN a they aolv€d in difl@i @ni.xts d.r tift, Depoddcy Thory<br />

heavily bqrew A@ thc Vdld-Syn@ Thdy n rhal prepos a mdudly<br />

cinf4inE sy$.,n of mtioFsr.re ard . mel(.r synd ofcapinlis cddged<br />

in Euope het86 1450 dd | 620. Th. 3yno, drcud proes of bbad€ning<br />

<strong>and</strong> d..poine, h6 .levelop€d ovo tim. ad now mompdes vinu.lly all<br />

aFa of1h. world, It is dilided, ir d ini.hational division oflabor, into rcrcs<br />

of.@nonic &tivity il which th. core st t6. through ueq@l exclmge, exploil<br />

pcnph.ral .M &rd siaI6. nE udqlying pdrciple upon which exploitano. is<br />

b$.d is a.flon bt the c4it listds itr ih. mdd6yslcn to prcfit im rbit<br />

Elrtio8bip, by ddivilg sulDlu @piol ltd .rf.nditr8 dn ts. B.t@r lhc<br />

@fts of @E ed Fdphery is tla si-pcriphcry. A simild rclalionship cisrs<br />

b.twa cc ed @i-pqiphery. In this cs., cspit l dqiv.d by thc ce fton<br />

0E smi-Friphery coms tom comodiri.! thal Equirc moE advmed<br />

iechnolosid-indusiial 6ther t& .Eiculiual. Fi6t inorposiion dd rhen<br />

in!.gfllion o@N. fte sni-Friphqd srltc! wort to 8sdd roMidr tbe coE<br />

- l'WEl W!U*i4 TL P'er Se of ft D.5.r. o tydld rer-Iiy, i. Mich.d A.<br />

S.ligs(.d.)opcn rwrrlc*iG tt t/,J', ,yf/qddr or. ci. t. wrtrdei'\ lt.<br />

OpjdinwaldE.dm'(CdhridgcC.rbid!.Uii6iryPB,tcr9)- t- wiUei4<br />

'D.Elor.MarllBim? E ffiir dd r,rri.dl ,r'rt, vot.21, No r9 G.r6b..) t9t3:<br />

2017-2rD1. L vdr.ddA Tn ColhF. ofuhqdis1. fk S6i.lij Rqnt@ t99t,t926:<br />

96|r0. A r. w!lk&i4 a.,prlrr8 tidA.eale EsaFutkchrtEirErrdt*srd.n<br />


y oglging in @Eli*. &.riviri6. it Th. @E ilslf.larpte !o Nitrhir ilt<br />

position cl.dE !o lhc otls arci. TIF p@6s hvolvcs r s.rnls of cdMic<br />

crcl.s, ir $tich th@ c alldr.tiiS Fdo& of 8lob.l @imic grevth r of<br />

@Dmic sraeDtiotvMt&lior4Eg@ni..<br />

wltd n Ld d€F ddEy F|?disE e po$trtul is ilr holbtic &d birtori.rt<br />

lppl@ll It vi* sid l!3liy B e int snt d *nok. Ftlo i!! FBpetiE,<br />

polilidl &d cco!@ic p!!.c!g i. a si.ty h!rc m indcpsdsn qincci dEy<br />

int grd. nno. sinSL wb offi|rctEl rcl.tione D@cd@y p.ndigE slg<br />

thc impoturtc of llE uy inLnrlt ard .xtdDrl 3tanrd @mponcDl3 c<br />

c.6Ft d in clabditiis fi.3detu l cont rr of ud..dcvclopMl. tu slr<br />

lid.d.wlopftnl is not julr lh. our.lm of 'qr.Brl coutlrnll' ok FiplMl<br />

siai6 litc Prltuillr mr o dcFdcey b. 'oFr iotrli5s' cxcluriw9 wi0r<br />

rcfettlr. to cxr.rDsl vltirbl6. A@tdhg to Vsla|'u.b .nd Vd.|t4lt:<br />

DcFdcy in . 8ircn si.ty ir . cdpld s.l of in enich<br />

dtc cxt€rI.l direBioB N d!:rdnin lirc i. vrying 'ssi.li@ degt*s, &d iid.cd,<br />

int nal wiatioN my vcry wll Einfoc ilE Fltm of ql.n'l<br />

linhg6. HBbdcrlly, ii ha b€.n rcry @ for led iDrdBB [o &Fl@<br />

or tr FdplEy, *nich.r. c{plblc of chrgi.8. stE.dfitl policy of<br />

*lf*u$.in d dcEloprn.it. Donii&n le5l int Esrs, givm th. n t@ of<br />

ds .tmgcmDrs odsinC fim lhc cb.eLdsri€ of p6ipha.l<br />

@nomi4 h.vc tadcd lo frvor drc DM.lion of Fsli.uldior of<br />

p.tktu of d.?.fttary in lEn i ct9]<br />

TI|c Cold Wa id ttlc AtlErio Po*!f of Syliqn bdgl|t dccF@Ld<br />

@nmic &d polilicd chasd in Elst A!h. h ire vit[ cotrs.dtriw .lir6<br />

'Cfrri6rtacb&-Dda C/or.r'Fdrrr S,'l@a 41,. Ydla E on t Ol.qfdll<br />

! S.ffl V*|eh an Atu V.L@|{ Mo& djd .rd D.rEsr: AIEujE<br />

Prrdtic ir dE sndy of lrh AEtu Udsd.dorMr', in Mnh.ll. A. sclige, (.d.),<br />

Ik Gq tM Rtt.td P@ CN.'di'E P.Btdt'a d Polurrd Edo" q<br />

^L<br />


of Ean Asia ir wa ecwd $ar $€ @lales of capir.lism in China, KoEa, <strong>and</strong><br />

lnd@hiE r@ wll p€$dcd. As a cds.qme of Andtu in!.Bmiioq atl<br />

lh.s. coudri* wre 10 be paniioned. To toaintain irs hegenonic hoE, n was<br />

Mtial fo. the United Slaie th,r it pGetucd a @piolist eMonic sph@ i.<br />

Ari., for dBl il foughl tujor ws in E$t tuia an6 f.iling h atrlnpls b do e<br />

by mn-milillry &d politicat ne4. The gEl sftngrh of idigooB<br />

comndism in Ea.r Asia forccd th. U.S, !o opl for w in Kod &d Vie[m.<br />

CoMtis lik€ thc Philippin€s md rndorcsia 'wr corlained widroul le6e<br />

lo tull-sale U.S- milirary ircretrtioa r!<br />

Th€ pioretioo of c.pilalisn in Esr Asia by politicalhilirary mtus<br />

Mt lhe iit gnl p6n of rh. lsrgq p@s of @hmodating a elrucluld<br />

hpd€s coE ifio tne Clobal capitllisl coE, Japan rls the key i. An€d6<br />

d6igN ro dinrlin slabiliiy in Asia &d to plesdc as much of rh. cgion 6<br />

po$ible for panicipatioo in wold cdpj&lisn &d btoc&Dg oy @mnus<br />

irllEne- Ir 6 fclt {1ar ihc d€fed of Japd! in rhe ll|md of l94j c@t d a<br />

va.um. $iich €@unscd lhe s?...d of @munim in Els tuia dd<br />

subsquenl milii.ry m!flicls lpoNEd by rhe U.S. a0 nrftfoG, th€ U.S,<br />

ntlasts foud ir occeery to ptlsdc rapoee caliratin, wnic! eb6.qu..{y<br />

r.qun€d & Asi.l p€riphery, pdtu y kepr uda Amcri6 poliiical pDh.tion,<br />

'' Bar-c'rr\ 'n<br />

.H.g.mmir<br />

Tmrid n Lrr 4r, A H,tuiot po{aa,E, r nqhen citl<br />

qilERiry Ptu, leerr, p. :01<br />


ui later taten ovd by Japan.s. c.pital, 'r A@odingly, Jape$e coE @pilal<br />

dtl indulrt wa rived for the @nrtrudion of Jsp6n 4 r\. fteion l<br />

wrklbp of Asia" Ir $rs ey ro .lo so bcqe .Japd *s n q<br />

unnddavelop.d, preiely bMue it ws nder 4onomicatly or poliijcally<br />

@lonidiad',d In addilion, rh€ U.S. ssh.d rh€ Bpotuibility ofmetidg rbc<br />

suuy requircn4rs of Japm, It M esofially consideEd lor lrc pu!os.;<br />

f6ily, b el|amtcc Fliliclt @flror .nd s@nd ro @ nitir.r, ,id for<br />

sfegurdiog the sb:ategic ini.r€srs of the U.S. policy nakeB. nris penod<br />

wioEsed Jrtan\ delend€nc. on l[. U.S, rEtcG .d r€lDoto$/ fd rlE<br />

p'od@tion of ik expolts dd 'upgddine. rhes 8oo& wiih infusions of<br />

adv!tu€d te.hrolo$,. { Itu qpir.tia ctil..s i! Soulh KoEj. Taiwe &d Slurh<br />

Vi.inm ree pan of rhe posr.Wr .guid€d capilalism,, ed ns ne-meIwrilist<br />

sia&stnal .lliae. IlEEfoE, they wrc @mitt:d 1o (he Ie world, dcspii!<br />

of rh.ir tulid.mocrlric ch&acl{. As noLd klier, rhis model of luthoft..ie<br />

devclopmdr w nor EFaicd h odd,lsjoB of{E wdl4 inctuding rltir<br />

Aodio, whjch did nor enjoy rhe s@ st a&gic posirion in Andis pok<br />

' Bre Cmhg! r9e0 Anb6to&/, Deoq En+!@. l@d m Bdi+ Ardi6<br />

H.sdoy l4{X}rc50, DMdoM'y6i| dn{ D H,'lfulsGds.r.Jopu 6th. trod4<br />

r|JlIlM: le uflG'ry PB+ r990I 8.79.I 14.<br />

",Rdr|d M(Glorh.n. CnrdlDs d?<br />

.rw w Notu & comPony, reer. ee.r0r-92<br />

" <strong>and</strong>r chH ftuL Th. undc'detopftnr of D*dopftnr. an Atubirylph,4t Es)<br />

,.<br />

q<br />

re E H.a r,Dvrh 66 sll.4. /|rdrr E€Dmtr potry in H,tuor p.Rpdk.. in<br />

@$Dadd kd.). P4^a ,,r,, d lrd@. rE tut.) uii(B,D or Ltifon,;pB,<br />


The eladve suc€ss ofEdr Asia wN bsed o. a conpl€x inLNcaving<br />

ofveiabls such a wild hjslonc€l ald e@political fa.io6, r€opont flcros<br />

like b@hing wdld ira& in th. 19503 .nd 1960s, thc rcl€ of int mation l<br />

mrponiion tud inslitution& p€fiial&ly lh.lMF, the u.s, nili|!ry ed ditilary<br />

fiDding aFcially duing th. Kol@ ud Vi.r,Dm v6, rhc blc of elariw sr.&<br />

auto@my md etre.tiv. st r€ inlwdtion in $e €@.omy, ed spiltovs eftccrs<br />

swh d ih. irs-bord€r .xpesion ofthe Japd€F sub.ooilsciing sysl€h.<br />

HcE, ou o@m is b dra* plrall.ts b.t$cn S.utb E$t tuid<br />

tlelelopmdt mod€l ed Paki$mi developmenl model, Likc Sourh E4r Asia<br />

@utn.r Patislar w$ al$ lo@ted on $e .front tirc' of posl-S@nd Wdld<br />

wa glob.l poliri6, adjear ro rle Comsjst Asja. B€ing tbe ndb.r of<br />

SEATO dd CENTO, Pskish m rhe k.y pdtnd in U.S. srraresic desigs in<br />

ft w aeenst @muism. TheE alpqr.d mdy sinilsririG belw@ p.kisL4<br />

South Kor€ &d Tdwd In ,ll th€$ 0rcc .es, dE rolc of rhe sratc in .Elting<br />

clds dd capilal goups bc@m€s very appd€rt. Thc bn m .flctiv.ly<br />

*iped out in aI lne @utri.s, l1E iale Dilirary eliq supported by rhc U.S.,<br />

M lI. domiMr do6.sric ador in Sourh Korca aier the @cuparion by de<br />

U,S. ed in Tdw an ! rhc KMT fled tlE€ fotlowing rhc Chin e Rcvoludon<br />

in 1949 <strong>and</strong> in Palisna an r rhe Rlqdpindi consli@y ce i! r9Jt. In &sr<br />

Asia, KoG! md Tai]m both re@iv€d bigh l€veh ofU.S. aid ed benefired laref<br />

&oD lhe ablitdilg of l.prn 6 1h€ rcgio.al wrkshop of Easr Asia a pl@s<br />

b€lFd imm.Mly bo$ by rh. KoE& ed rhd rh€ Vi.|nm \vd ard by<br />

Japd€s FDI. trade, lechnology ttusfer <strong>and</strong> the rm-bod{ qp&sion of<br />


Japms sub@nll4ting fims, !5 Like East Asia, Palisbn also eceiv€d @sive<br />

U,S. aid in lhe 1950s Dd l96os. In spik of rhe fmt thal P.kishn ws tmed inlo<br />

a cu.nl statc' of U.S., n did not exFri.re rhe .nitul. in irs @nomic<br />

Frfomece. Expla,utioo ior lhis diverS.nce in d€velop@t c& b€ found by<br />

cohp&ing th€ 4ononic srareei.s followcd in lhse coutri6. If w &te<br />

.mplc of fou TiAd'or'DagoG in Ed Asia rtm..xpon I.d govrh hA<br />

bcn.frici6r-.., n is.le Od*s b lh. Fior ia(lle in rh. equiry of t.<br />

dhtiibldon of incone dd lhe domestc nrkel. Thee imptuven.nls wft due<br />

lo thc ldd refom forcibly iDposd rhe@ [in Taiw. South Ko@ ed Jap&j<br />

by th. Unircd Stal6 afi.r rh. e . { nlc is a need !o ,rrt. a@ur of rh*<br />

€x€ptional polilical ed srrtegic I&loE. tr is argued llut rh6c f&bn .hat<br />

il6e NIC m@ of a unique expeno@ $m a copy-lble mod.l dd ,then hardly<br />

.quil!u. polirical EprBsio! ceo1 b. t@m€d€d a a modet. a7 U.litc,<br />

South Ko@ ard Taiyb, rhc aulhdi&i.r clie in palisr.d only N.d he. pow€r<br />

io pltluc the goals of mililary srength ai ih. cosi ofoatioMl €conomic w€allh.<br />

No led afms w@ cdicd out in p.tisnn ed larded .titc in alliee with<br />

civil ed m'lir.ry buEauctuy doninard rhc n,tionrt poticics Esndng in<br />

w.qual dist ibutioo of rcsowe' Wlile, in Sourh KoEa dd T6iw&, b.@ue of<br />

ihd 3euit, dft from Chjm ad Nonh Korca l<strong>and</strong> Ftoms *rc c@es our<br />

.ffetircly d€stoyirg rh. poE oflhe lodtord clN<br />

" Giovdni arishi, s. llcd!, md A. rNin, fic Ri!. ofEdAsia..on! Mn!.h orMdv?, ir<br />

RI' {^ 'tu<br />

Pard kd ,, Pal../r,r' d I ttp }<br />

"tr4<br />

oJ ttu ||aad F. oa6y \\\ eitpnn.<br />

GHvood PE$, 1992), rp.4 t,66.<br />

_ A'dEGund Fm! ft. Ud.'d.Et p,n.nr of D.vdortrdr tu Aebiognphiol r$y., a.<br />


Funhmo€, i[. hphais on cdkaliod stoi phycd tbe key ol. in<br />

@tunic deelopmml ol E$l Asid .oDEics. .Of dt fi. ltcm.rns rtur cEt d<br />

ilE E6t Asie mir&le, basic €ducador for.ll <strong>and</strong> Eleval t4hnical skills EE<br />

by f& thc nosl inponoi f!cro6. R*dt world Bot sludi.s have eslinaicd rhd<br />

ova 7t p.r c.d of dB rat wal.h oa Eln Asie out ica is ficn hme dd<br />

sociol capiial'. 43 olr thc condnry. rhe edu.adon slot was nol given $e du€<br />

Fdity in Palistrn onrribuling in gDBlt of Mkilt.4 uraincd &d<br />

uEdeal.d lmpo@r. In .ddilio., agi.ultua s€ctor w ignor.d itr plllll|ae<br />

oI stablhbins irdustrial bde. which in tum ba.kfired b@aus of nonamilability<br />

or tzined dd skilled t.toi Ts najor ets of E$um; popualon<br />

<strong>and</strong> l.tor, dd ldd dd @rr plsy e imFndr rotc in th€ eorcmic<br />

dev€lopnenl ofey counry. Populalion ed labor force, how.<br />

only in a lDEndal qy,lhcn udtizdoD dd etrativms d.F.d on rlE<br />

auihlilily of onpLmcnnry inputs s well a suilabt. tcchnolo$/ ed<br />

orSeiaiioi'. '" t w invdtn€ in edu.aiiob &d agriculiu€ rc$rltqj in a vcry<br />

low lcrcl of lit@y Mp€ni.d by high f.fiility 6rc &d high tcwt of<br />

u.nploFdt in Pak&e.<br />

PaList$ no1 o.1y &iled b tmlgc th€ {olonjes of $al. expdieic.d<br />

by South KoM ed Tai*.I thal 6. ilm &riry in a wid. @nomic sD@c &d<br />

thc imovations induced by compelitions, bur also the adr6nrag6 ofprorcction<br />

md el*tirc indBrrial pronodon. Alrhough, prlistan opted b ri.te the w.ve of<br />

' Iltahlo.b ur H'q Dd Ki.d'j! Hr{. Irwfl D^.toped n sout a!.. toes. w lt ., tl<br />

- s. M ren. uhn tda.topn.^t, p\en Md t^i4tdt' h p.rsh4, oe. !1.,e u<br />


trdsnalioMlizing capiblisn, bu1 unlikc South KoEa dd Taiqan, @ uable 10<br />

impo* at lhe suc rinc shong onirols ovq lsuru .U@!rion withi. ih.<br />

nalion l !flitory for @Ntaining ihc @nnoll6 of calird ro openre wirhin e<br />

uco$tt imd logi€ of global prcfil @imiation. TIF lact oI eme butr R<br />

bet@n the iolemtio.sl e@nomy ed $e naliohal @onomy not only rcsuhed in<br />

slow pae ot idegbdng ed eafoming th. prod@don srrurE, bln ale<br />

failcd b pnrel Foplc fiom lh. dimpfiod of market votitility, s,iicn in tun<br />

h€lp.d to generab thc hdsh eci6l <strong>and</strong> pohical i$tabilty thal rnds to<br />

ch{*tcrire sictics shlggli4 for nadodl inleeBtion wiiiour ! hifi.d culiw<br />

dd oeted qnh Egion l incqu,lili6_ Parjsrd .oMutar.d & mlmNty<br />

ldge fftign debt withour hiving develoFd rhe $cic4ononic iifizsrtEtE<br />

n4sdy 10 suslai! a IroFll! pr@6s . ro<br />

2. A Neocolonial Capitatist Mod€l<strong>and</strong> Pakistan<br />

Using th€ d€p.ndency ln@ry, a ne-alonial capirrlilr mod€l6at 6<br />

b€ temed 6 a dep.ndency model baed on the following deilnilion of<br />

d.pcndcncy @.xplain bd.rd.velopdcDi in the Third World @uhis dd @<br />

b. lpplicd lo Patistrnl firsl dec.d€ of d.lctop|Ml rh4l FBisr€

In $n model5?. ach of the mdy ldnds of .xch6ee inctuding t a

(4) Food De!€nd€@: Food dcFtrd€tr@ is hig! *t n the patrD.nr<br />

lor food impons lo mat niridm caloric ar<strong>and</strong>lrds dedv!!<br />

tom rhe cxpon ofagdcultu"t @sh mpr fidnq s$ftijs 160<br />

u* away noh subshr€@ crops.<br />

(5)<br />

Dlh Dep.rd4e D.bt d.FndeM *itl b. bigh whs ir ond<br />

to @nlin@ debl edie palm.nis on pst lom, nd<br />

intm.lional t@s e EquirEd bc.!N ot rhe ill{l*mg<br />

int rcs1 ral€s md app@iation of the dolld.<br />

(6) Sftdiry D.Fndde: Seuiry d€p.ndence h high wh€i<br />

cshblish ldg. miliirry .sbblishm.nis, ditir.ry ssisls,e<br />

Tbis mo.lcl f@B* on hod. of pbduclio., pstre@ of ir,l€rMlionsl<br />

tratL, poliric.l ed eonomic liDtlgq b.rred elir6 in Fdphdt dd cmrEl<br />

ou'l6, dd group ed clds dlial6. This nodet giv6 folloeing dplo@tio,<br />

lbr th€ failE of detopmot.<br />

'D.veloF[at' is .lt s dultimrionat qpir.tin $hene !o mlaw &.<br />

eorld, saddling l@y lrid Wodd coulii.s with int€darioiit d.bG<br />

dippling conomic Sros1h o@npdied by the .bFdoM, app@h<br />

propo*d by heharional aid rnd advie givjrg .8cncid. This<br />

qpraunon quesriou thc Mprion tb,t dp.rls, @lablc .@rcnbr!,<br />

@ diaer$. FobtcE3 &d d€vie pb,s for gov.lr@lns to imptmdr<br />

!o mprcve p@plet tiv6.<br />


TIE fftt dc..d. of P.tisrsnt hisrory ir rh€ b.gimine of [q ps6ce<br />

of a &o-colodst c.pitllin nodel- ba*d on clpirni$ exploitation ,a cycl. of<br />

develophmlal dep.nd.ncy. I! d dvircMc of .@nlaim.nf. rh€ altid@ of<br />

blll@c6cy, any ed f€udd .lite BB .bh 10 entralize lhe authodry in rhek<br />

htuds by mFstirg with rh. foE6 of capiratist world sysrem und.r th€<br />

heg@ony ofU.S. 'Soon anr indep€n&ne ihe rute8 ofpalisr.n b.gm io yictd<br />

lo all t?$ of indrcdflrs to drer inro o@lonial tunonjc <strong>and</strong> bilirary<br />

dlie@s in or.la to p@we 0E int rDl sysr.ms of privilege dd F*er, <strong>and</strong> dle<br />

€neEal @nFol of rhc cn ap labo. &d dw maLrial ofine @uhy'. 5r Th. fiBl<br />

dead€ is ch@r.riz.d wid! the isttuliotul iDb.lec€ rhal in the fonowinS<br />

y6 shin.d in favor of @n-dcho@ric iNlitulioB t eping thc Epcscnradv.<br />

iatitulioB ar their dooEleps_ This B icd in @nenratid of .dhdiry in noF<br />

r€pEenra$v€ istitutions dd pm@ce of ftonodic poftid in line wirh ilE<br />

noqlonid calitalisiic mo

Duing $e fi6t tivc. yed pld (1955{0), Palistar Feiv€d ovd US$ I<br />

billion in foEigr dsislace thll me io US$ 3 billion in ihc k@nd fivr-yee pl&<br />

0960{5). tr Prri$n gEw i@ingty d.Fd€ on th. U.S. lid ard *6<br />

consequently draM inlo a d4Endency Elstjo.ship with rh. Unired Srdes md ihe<br />

pincip6l Ep@ntaliv* ofilcmalidiliz€d capilal i! ih. mdd roday, ll!. Vdld<br />

Barl &d th€ IMF . The firn inlcmation t cFdit ag@.nt ws sigrcd bct*@n<br />

Pqkislan ard ihe United States on 25 Mat 1948, wh€n the Minisry of Finmce<br />

uept d a ll0 million 106.. The cEdit 6 povi.ted lndq the u.s. wlr Asrs<br />

Admidsiation for puchlsing $ors dd equipn€nr fon irs sutptu*s. The<br />

Fim@ Mini$r on his way to Vashinglor in Jlty 1950, Mouc€d rhlt .duing<br />

,,.[tis] sty in Unir.d Slal6 h. wuid eri.inly Lt dlc opPorruily ofn..dng<br />

Die.tors of ihe Lr@tional Mon€t2ry tud, mdy of shon ...twrcl ve,r<br />

Fsonal Ai.ndr',']! Otr ll July 1950, rhc Unjled Sratca apFov€d a m oft<br />

600,000 for t chnicsl Nisrace b Palislrn und.r pcsi.tcnr Tlms s poinr Fou<br />

Progrd. Along wilh thh rchnical $sisunc.. g@rs dd crcdic we& or.Gd by<br />

ndy odq U.S.5F@Ed finociat lg.ncis inctDdin8 a J t.6 mjlion Ford<br />

Foudation granr od a g 50- nitlion l@ fom the wo,ld Bek in 195t.5? .tn<br />

ordd 10 b!@gc rb# iFd.. aid &d niliLry Flolioships, lh. U.S. Covc@enr<br />

rd Fiwl. foundltiou st+p.d W rte r"inirg ofpatd$a adminisrdors, $cial<br />

sci€nlists dd Diliiary offi@s, The Ford Foudation piclurd ils nle in l95l 6<br />

'@ating &d nMsrhmi.g insiiiuiiom n .d.d ro rnin nbpow .nd dcvclop rhe<br />

'.:^!:!':,". E:-.!r \!4e ,!---s ,r mm. Dnrnn. cov.nn.d or p,L\q rlhmbd<br />

. 7?. Sdtruc|| Anm\I(<br />


knowledg. sd apprc&h.s rcquiEd fof @nomic attd sial pro8Bs.. s T!bt.7<br />

giv* a picrrE of bd&e of tnd. md foEigr *kaie in rle 1950s (1947{_<br />

1959{0) dd rh€ 1960s.<br />

T.Db 7: E{Drt, Ibport , rd FoidSn<br />

.d{'a.!e h txt} rld 1960r<br />

(Yely wq!s6, US $ hiuiotr)<br />

Sdm rc&rro s.e,;ii'6-iFT F'Ep Divtria<br />

r ,ebr4<br />

cM;Aiofl6<br />

t973. T.bt.9, p It7rdllbk2s.d.<br />

TIE 'aolMic d si.t Fog6!' i, liE eirt ihs n oqroni.t nodel<br />

'))fur s iic@sld d.Fnd€@ 6 Oe U.S. tcchnicrl, nitit ry &d oModity<br />

!id. I! a glvituEor of wat poliricd csthft, blBkr!!, ed g66.t3 DtE<br />

hon ut rrn d b buildiry . ddc$e glrbtirlred r.rh.. tb.! inE*ing in si.l<br />

scc16. Hory indBri$ ti.Ld eith Ditirary nad! h!.1 b@n rtr. priorny of<br />

0F 6ud g0r.@6r rceleritrg th. agicdr!,I srd rld th. hct of *ilt of<br />

lll. @td 8ovm.fi ro iDptmd dy t<strong>and</strong> @foms Thc piogr.$ivc or teft<br />

Ei.d.d dm s i! ilE MBtiin La$E (tt tutir8 Frty) evdiDg tad cfoc<br />

$d *nlinoa 6t mt"4mi v.ft foE€d io v!c!r. th.ir pctnoft io iavor of<br />

'P.ho !d.Fd... Itdy ud pE* of pohiqt<br />


@IB€mtiE l'!d.d da paniculady bclonsing b rhc PDjab. Th. vdy lisr<br />

c6ud1y wa Mi& Iftikh<strong>and</strong>din. the Minisl.r fd Rctugees dd Rehabilira$on in<br />

lle W6t Puja! ebine! vho @ forc.d to cig! du. ro noFimptdcnr.do. of<br />

ageie Efom including thc tenmcy Gfons <strong>and</strong> r€dislribution of l&d. whi.h<br />

v@ io he p6u.d in lhe enlemr prcgm in Eln Irniah. Tle pmpos.ls<br />

*E o. pan of th€ 1945 dd& pte of tc A[ tndia Muslim L.agE pl@ing<br />

Co@itre ed l.r.r irclud.d in rte Mudin rsgE.s agtuie Ehm Epon<br />

apFd.d in July 1949, stich ws nder altowed ro b€ inpt.ndted in W.n<br />

Patisl$ by th€ pow.nlt t.dcd lobby.st Howvd, i. Easl Bosat, th. wial<br />

l<strong>and</strong>sF q6 difi.Mr stEc rh€ majoriiy of led lo!d! w Hi.du l,tro 0.d ro<br />

Wesl Bef,gal in 1947. ile l!roining orcs \@ .*.*aEd by thc Ean B.ngd<br />

Stale Acquisniotr ed Tod.y Acr of 1950. Under rhis act, all r.l-Eceiving<br />

idcar b.t@n rhe cultivadng |.nrjr ad ihe sld€ *s aboljsh.d md ! eilirg of<br />

3l &B B plac.d o individul owship of lmd,,& T!€ Bi B pNGd by<br />

lb€ PDvi&ial Aebly in Febost t950, br,t its idplmdlljon M blet d<br />

fd ov€r a yd by rlre conlt govtuenr m rhc .ssMptioi dllt n @ukt<br />

joplrdia Paris&'s c[@3 of an a.dng forcigr inv.srrhor, 6' F@a Klq<br />

N@n Fp|lgrilg 0E tadcd ctic of rh. lsger pbvir@ of Wes! paki$a4 fi.<br />

Pujab u*d this argMe for thc rear of irs improcnrriion in th. pujdb dso.<br />

'IlF l<strong>and</strong>€d lobby in Wesr r&isrin od p.nicllely i! pujab ws tuIy spponcd<br />

by ihe linecid '@ag6<br />

of rh. new sr.tc who lr@ rdiBd in @loni,l aadirion<br />

'" tu T.trBt- p"r'tu, , n"dqn Hbt@,q !\..o tz2.<br />

_ Ki.r'd B. srye4 pdl/o , pcrlrd. ri" \e; ,d D*., q ch."B,,ol.,^..e L<br />


of safeguddilg ihe inteesls of th. lmded clas. Arhibald Rowleds, th€ fi6t<br />

Fineci.l Advi$r to th€ covment of Paidsta, re againsl thc abolition of<br />

zo,lrdar, since thb nieh l€ad to ! Eduction in st te €venue.6: In d agtuid<br />

si.tr. whff mionty of th€ Fopl. urc dcFDdet WoD agtuiar @non).<br />

lhtu policy mimrcd tte shiftiq b.la@ of po6 *ittin l[c slate !pp.nns.<br />

Aid.d by tlE U.S. mnic exFn . in 1951. ihc enral gov@nt lwH e<br />

mbniou six-y@ dwelopmml plalr which *s supplemcnl€d by & €v.n n@<br />

loud-mouih.d rwo-y6 pnonty pmgru! Thc six.ycd d€lelopn€nt pbgrd<br />

pbpo$d aid implenenbd d6h ddelopidt of industry ihal Bulled in rapidly<br />

ino.$.d indEFial odpul (th@{old in fou y.a!o b .gncuhs had lo suf€r.<br />

F@d s"in ouFul

@id the eomnic sir@riordr Showirs $e distribution of lesoNes. ih.<br />

@mtue highlight d Oat hetlM rh. pdiod l9t?,48 ed 1952-53. rb€ tdgc<br />

ponion of th6 qt6l gov€mor's lotal EvmE ws sp.d oo d.fcN mgi.g<br />

betweq 5l to7l pd cent of rhe totalcv.nuc, ne orhd DEjo!.xpddit& wa<br />

th. sh@ ofde civil adninisrlt@. which @ from 16 pd.eDr lo 20 p€M of<br />

lhc totdl I€ME dp.nttitus of rbe 6r.dj g@dmenl. ftG imb€taM b.ten<br />

.xpcnditw on d.f.G. sd.ivil adninisrariv€ srwftEs ard ddctopm.nl w6<br />

lhc nain csNe of.@nonic diffcultis frced by rhe mjoity of pakist ni Fople.<br />

'Il)e cport l@modcd thd to &hiac a @re1 b61de, niniDM *padifiE<br />

d def.@ @cisrdt with suiry .nd dE MnnM dFndir4 d<br />

d.rclopMt @dkidt wirh Eeuet qs esenrial, It w6 €nphsiant ihir<br />

'ddelopnat alone lcould] susl,in ihe erpcndilue on defe.s€'. peposins a cui<br />

in ihe qpsdirw on lne civil dmiliseldoa it w ob6@cd rlEr<br />

.no<br />

oq4iatior louldl afiod to sped such a l.r8e Fopolrion of ns in@ne on<br />

ldninistation...at a $me when in@me t{asl declining,.a nEse<br />

'&mendatioN could noi be give. a sedou @Bid€6io. by rhe deisio!<br />

rurirg .|nc ir rtc @wEy d a linc wn n patis|.n 6 beinS e.scd up to b.<br />

indud€d h tllc d.fde .llid6 againsl lhe st@ding Mv€ of comuih. A<br />

larSc nilitary dgbtishmcit @ the p@Equisitc ofth€s def€B. dllieH.<br />

ffi'{':f<br />

**'<br />

"*"*<br />

c*"a KGhi: FiMe Divilioi G.*'i or<br />


A5 a con*quence of fie rcpon of rhe appdiel coDhirr€, in May 1953,<br />

$e enLal gov.1mmr !|mmc.d ro abddo! rhc six-yd ple along with thc<br />

two-y.d priority pnsm lawhcd wirh loud ch.6 of .pplaN dd dwh<br />

publicig, Anotho eononic ple 'd nor Edhiic eonodi. d.velopnenl<br />

pFglu fd thc dr fiv. y6 w6 to be oreivd by ln. lwly $llblished<br />

Pldins Bodd ahled by a brisad. ofU.S. expeti dd advi*s rcrking ud.r<br />

lhc mh{.lla of Tehnicd A$isr..e Ptugm. Duing thc ye 1953-54, rh@<br />

Ire moF thd 100 U.S..xFtls ed advis in Pakjsl!4 *ho P@ in conEol of<br />

the finadcial e.choism, Pa*islln\ emnohy w6 d.d Mth $e U.S. aid dd the<br />

@mmic lolico d6irn d by th.se qFr$ &d advis.E. Aid s b.i.g u*d to<br />

'€xeis a najor influ.ie oi ...[Parisllnt] liMcial developnent'."' By<br />

sftnllhcning public ldministltioi md dcfde *fliq of Pltislr', tlE U.S.<br />

Gotfu.nr wa h.lpirS ro bltrss polilicd &d *oNmic sr.clilrty dsrg thc<br />

im.diaie pdiod of cd*s- The Unitcd Srd.s ws aimils to '.ssM.<br />

EloBibiliy fq th. succ6snn adFDisllrioll, dlcnd nrei.8 <strong>and</strong> l@briq!<br />

etr@tiv€nes of sm€ 3540 ptr @nr of Pakbrsn's lold ttewlopmot pFEm', 61<br />

In DeDbd 1953, Govment of Palislan sis!.d m sgrdcnr wnh<br />

lhe Fod Fourdalion to e.d e intcmtional te,n of expqa for aidi.C lbe<br />

- Aturio EnbBy b n D.p:tu of sac. ll Augsr 1951, NDD,342909, Bd 5542,<br />


PlMing Bodd pEpes the lid nvey.d pld.6r Under ihb agren.n! th€<br />

H.R.rd Advi$ry ctulp llaltcd mrting on dE pEp&&,lion of tle firsr fi!+yd<br />

pl& ir AFil 1954, which wa mde public in May 1956, cvisd in April 1957<br />

ad findizd in M.y 1958. KnoM 6 the mdieslroke ofcconomic plming,<br />

David Bell, ! k y adviF. of $c HAG Eveal€d thlr it *6 b6ed on 'b6:r<br />

gu.$es, idle sp€culation <strong>and</strong> {ishfin thinking a tadendk of €pit lis."<br />

ICnodrg dc Fal prcblm of 'l@<br />

lovcny, 'tlE pnesllmd of dw.lopmot<br />

plm.rs w€re nor coftm.d with eomoelric mod€ls' <strong>and</strong> ls *i1h<br />

'econonic policy fomulatior or &@r prcjccl apprdsd'.to P.ople ofPakislan<br />

had to pay a h6vy pri@ for tbeir .ligmdr with th. erld dd ils<br />

'Elklodd<br />

M.onic nod€I. Slo*ly @d gr.dually th. mjor politrcd pany, lh. MElio<br />

Leguc staied loGing iis crip over si!|. polic'.s Ed b€.de hostlge b<br />

coMative fo@s of n o{olonialkm.<br />

Despit the *vcrc shoflagc in fdd.eraim s a rcaull of th. six-yed<br />

dewlopnert Fogtm lawb€d in l95l a.d abddoncd in 1951, polici6 drd Nt<br />

chege in tavor ofag'icultur duinS th€ FiEt FiveYed Pld prcpaGd wilh su€h<br />

athui@. Th. draft ple of de fiEt ficy6 pbFs.d lad .tfolm including<br />

eilings of 150 acr€s, 300 &6 dd 450 er.s Esp@tiwly for iri8A':d, mi.<br />

iri8atcd ed .on.irigatcd ldds, it, how€vd, left ils final appreval subj.cl to<br />

nmhr srudy. ?r b this pl6 paiod rbe food-gain outpul ircBls€d ar d Mud<br />

I Sc Cars. Rcn, rd" E Mr6 dz E$tm Sridia: ,198 dchase b Soat ,li4<br />

trJrlr 970 (o:ford Orfo.d U i ivdit P!.$, l93t<br />

tr<br />

M$6Db ui Hq, t . PMr cdaia cr@i.a lq r^. nud ,utd, or .n.. n. tl tt.<br />

1'<br />

*a Pntu, Rcpn ol h t<strong>and</strong> R.li*h .N^tnu n * cffinh Prshsrl*<br />

1959) 9 21<br />


aveEa. dl€ of 0.1 pe c.ni whq lhe popuLtion in@d by 1.5 pd ccnt. Thc<br />

tuu,! food-erain inpoi5 duine th. s@nd hrlf of rhc t95os amg€d dbour<br />

&0,000 tom. To l)jd8. sc@ f@d supplies, th€ govemdr had to inbduc.<br />

'rtioning' a.d conpulsory plr)l:l)m€nr'.t, Tbis cmputery pt@m B<br />

al b.low aket pnas ih.t prcduced ! 3rrclg disindliv. Einforcing qisdng<br />

@neLainF ofa feu.lal l.rd i.nu€ sys!.n. usatisf&bry dedil f&ilities. sd poor<br />

aEihbilny of inlDrl&l .gricdo8l inputs, iDdequre irigaion suppti6, ed<br />

non-mrnddve r.chnoloSy. Thee f@ts w€ Efleted in thc fouln five-yd<br />

plm ltEt slaied ill!.re M a considnible tresfer of savings froE the dgri.ultw<br />

to ih. industtial s..tor,.,$ r.m of lr.de I@ delibcFrcly $h.d lgailst<br />

agdcultus thrcugh s@h policid 6 li@tuing of scaM foEign qchmee elmd<br />

pri@ily by agricdl@ 10 the induslrial stor, .onpulery Cov.mm.ni<br />

p@llllmnl of fod-gniN at low Fies to ebsidie rhc @sl of living in llE<br />

citi6, indui.ial in@tvcs for com@id agricultMt inv6menf.'r 11 Ns<br />

righdy obs€rved tha! dr€ five-y@ developrnent pl@ l€ndcd ro ignoE poblcms<br />

of wmployncd, flnnl povcny, u66n l!G! sd p@r si.l eryiG si@ rh.E<br />

m e liil. q@tihlive infomatiotr avail.bl. i! ihce d6 .z<br />

Equippd with tl€ theontical conc.pr of th€ qpit list ddv€lopnent 08.<br />

advis of HAG bn rh. has of P*.i$an 'noF &ur€ly !9@ of rhc<br />

inidcq@id of rhc wlrds of gre*1! od of ilE sialy di!rupriE natus of ihc<br />

" n FNth Fiw-yeo FIe: ,r/e7J 0sLmrrd: Pbfins connrsDn,<br />

t\id.Ih! Fouh FN.r.t Ptaa lo.n<br />

" Lt\td.bd Ptjtr'nsconn,smj<br />


eotir. p@ss of d€vclophcnf.tJ 'n€ irr.*oven Elalionship of lod.d clss.<br />

@y, civil bl@ucr&y dd indigcnou bowCeoi3ie in rh. qpitalistic wrld<br />

@mny.nforc€d lh. n@lonial sraF to &quiE & aulhorit rie cbu&rer.ln<br />

0ris dihotudrid cullE thft ws litd€ r@n for de6oc6t1c fo@s to oFate.<br />

Unfonomtely, ihe polili.al insiituliotu wrc nol sirong oough to sh€d away de<br />

@loni.l p.e.rd we nad. wln@ble lo 1he contol of ih. bu@uolic €liL<br />

tlined ir a @lonial .dDinisFatiE tldition of eto.Ey, qlich pFf.dld l,o 6i..<br />

inlo all typ6 of n@-@loni.l €@nomic .nd nilinty alliares, ed opLd ror e<br />

€cotunic nodcl, which @uld not aliena& rho* grcups in sciely $lDse supporl<br />

w vital for lh. smooth frr(om8 of$e nco-@lonial slat .<br />

This d.vclopmnt nod.l I nor what Jinnal ihou8hl *6 suihbl€ for<br />

Pali.{!n. ttc madc it v.ry .xplicil lbn Patisutr sbould be a pogr*iv.<br />

d€noctuy ba5.d on ilE @Mpls of ttofien@4 frElenitv <strong>and</strong> .quliilv,<br />

Amouncing tlle econonic policies of Pald!|!4 Jimah in his imugual spech al<br />

rh. op.Ding of Siale Bmk in K.@hi stated;<br />

The @Nmic system of llc wer hs cHlcd alnosl insoluble problm<br />

for hulmi9. dd lo ddy of u n apFds ihat only a mincle cd sav. i!<br />

fron th. dist* that is now f&ing 0r wo d, Ii bs fail€d to do lh. juslicc<br />

be$en me md l@ hd lo.Edi€dc ftrdion fion $e int hadoMlt.ld.<br />

On lh€ conady. il es la€ely Espotuible fo. the l*o qotld wds in thc<br />

hst hdf.@iuty. TIF W6t.n mrl4 in slitc of iB ad@it86, of<br />

m@hmialion .nd induoial efiicidcy, n bday in a wde nss lhe €v.r<br />

b.f@ in hjslory. Ite adoptio! ofw.stdn @nohi. th@ry erd petie<br />

will nor help s in &tn€vilg ou soal of cranine a b4py dd @n&.Ld<br />

Fopl.. We dust wort ou d.siiny in ou on wv, dd prffini to thc<br />

mdd e @rcnic sysicm ts!.d on lh. rrw klmic @rept of €qulitv or<br />

m!'tind md 6@ial jlsiice. "<br />

i 3,*-11,* *,*.,,.*," cr.@ orpoti"q o,..n. tu.211-t3.<br />


,iu@['s rcjdion of rhe w6rem @n@ic mod.l ad hi5 .nphasis on th.<br />

@..ept oi€quality of manlind od social juslice on the ocasio! of th€ op€ni.8<br />

c@nony of the Ssre Ba* of Prtblm w6 the rsLr.n.nl of his fsirh in<br />

cE{inB a ftw slale for dE MBlims of Indi! for $.ir @rcnic dd sid<br />

beilm.ni dd his ssue@ for all f.ddaling unils of Prlist n of lhet equal<br />

panj.jFtion in lhc Slacrs rcsows in ecodae with th. p.inciple of eqony,<br />

lib.ny !!d sial justie. tulir, in his imwlral .ddGs to llc Co6tiruor<br />

Asnbly of Pakisiar, Jimah had delarcd, 'lf E lm1 10 mal. thh gre.l slale of<br />

Palbtan happy ad presFros w€ should wholly ed slely conentral€ on rh€<br />

wll b.ing of dE p€ople, ud *peially ofd. nl.s dd lhe poor'. tt<br />

3. Center vs. Provinces- L,n€quel Distribution of Resources<br />

<strong>and</strong> unequal development<br />

Thc n€c@lonial capilalist md.l p6ucd by the dly poli€y Dnt6 of<br />

Paldst ., posed *nou chrllmSd for .qul dbiribudon of sr.rc'! Etu dd<br />

€sbblhhing @ equal rconomic i.filsttucnrc for wery fed.nliig ui1 of th.<br />

oulry. As eelid di$!se4 th. @ntinution of the @lori.l legacy of .<br />

'Seuiry Si.&' tu rhe @nt€xt of Cold Wd cnforc€d th. onddllim of<br />

auilority inlo tu auia@ of bl@uc@y, any <strong>and</strong> f.udal clss qhich ws<br />

wo*ing in clo* @llaboBtion wilh |h€ forc.s ofn€kolo.ialish. Iris alio@,<br />

qnich m non-EpE*nadvc dd authoritde in ch@ra, ws itr ortrol of tnc<br />

sialet rcsw6 ad thcir distriburio. rpr.*niing the inr€r.sts of lhe W.st<br />

Paktut n only. fte thG panneF of thjs.lli&c., the bl@rc@y, the my dd<br />

lbe fsdal dN bad lhch bts in Wd Pltiste ud Fnicuhny only in on.<br />


prcvince, lhe Pujab. 'nE Amy Hesdquan€r w6 in Rawalpindi. Th. Civil<br />

Scpi@ Acadeny e$ablished in 1949 foi th. iraining of.ivil blMuctuy, was ir<br />

Lahore. Ile Adrninisirdive sraf collcg. .siablish.d in 1957 with r.\e h€lp of<br />

An€ri@ aistale B agdn loalcd in L6hoE. Th€ fi6l National bnin& of<br />

Plblic Adminisrrarion w.srablish.d io D&€ in !%t, ehd rm simite<br />

istitui.s qft als d.ablishcd in Karuhi ed bnorc. E€lr Bdgal lack d<br />

ctrcctive rtltgt rion in thc n4 sllL .pp.,atus . tr As late 6 t956, no omer<br />

abov. th. nnk ofjoini ecElary in thc crral ecreiaiiar M jiom Esl Palisro.<br />

Oui ofthe ?41 topjobs in th€ fedenl govchnent,93 pd enr we h.ld by West<br />

Palisklh *ith dr Pujabis dd Udu{peaking nigtuk claiminS th€ plums. D<br />

Ou f@6 is o. th€ uden pattlm of d.velopmdr &d mequal<br />

diritibudoi ofl*ltc b.tw€6 Elsr dd W€sr Pakistln. Ilis my cloud rhe Ell<br />

isG ofdisribution b€t@n all Fovin@r ol Palislrn on th. basis of equiry, bu!<br />

lhis i"dc@* of dd'sis is Nfli.l b@w of ihc anificial diry !d<br />

hhog.rcity of inte€sts afmsd by thc ruling clii. in \v€st Palisr2! in irs<br />

baryainine posilion agai.sl E351 Patind, 'ItE qesiion ofpdity m disd by rhe<br />

p63re gDup cerd in .!d oubide thc Comrii@.r AsMbly a rhe bsis of<br />

ey otutirutionrl fomula 10 fight rlE hajority stalus of East Pakisran. The<br />

fomalion ol On€ UDit tu 1955 inpos.d th. dificial uny dd honoga.ity of<br />

i a6t b€hlcn the prcvi@s of \vcat Palis|'n. As di$us€d €dliq, rhe facl<br />

1h4 Ean Patjslaa had rbe mjony of popularion a.d thu had lhe dghr to sovd<br />

irH$]ffiil;ifl *#'4'?"'ldc,(L$oE: PmsEsiE.,e3ei.pz3 276

s troi @ptable io dr Pujab. If Puj.b @uld 6i$ dE Fiiciple<br />

of pefty in<br />

thc Codnuent Asmbly, th€n, the qu€slio. dis6 wby th€ FincipL of pdity in<br />

@mmic dcvelopMl @ e thMtding. h apFaEd obvioN thlt rhe n4 scr.<br />

st.n€d its *orking wirh a bia$d .nitude rh.t w inlFrcnl in irr c@tion .nd its<br />

D€spile the mjodiy of P.rierni lDpulalion hoed in Esn Patbrd! ilE<br />

C.nral Golcme w6 $aled in Kd&hi, It ws nor jul d hsue of<br />

g.ognphical loc.lion of O. 6|ral goremd! lh. dblane b.twd dE 6td<br />

golcmenl <strong>and</strong> lh. caslem pDline of the couniry wa aho electiv. in<br />

allclli@ ot rcelres !d srarc's @@mic polici6- Aam@ing lhe indusrrial<br />

policy of thc rcw st!t., Roql<strong>and</strong>s del@d 'whai 0t ir sr.t !4d.d w d<br />

itrdusilial be built eud @notr' jul. dd hide6, nor seial weltu eh.n6<br />

r€quiti!8 tdge opil4l ourla)ts'.lo Thc tl!d. ald i"dlstnal policA inlodued by<br />

Rowl<strong>and</strong>s, which w@ v.ry faithtully folloqld by nnane m€n affd hin, udd<br />

rh. ldvie of tl{G, gd@ted &cMuLtion of pofil in fcw hedr pnholing d<br />

indiSdou bougcoisie. B€tween Seprenb.r 1949 md Jme 1950 aloDe, M.A.<br />

IsphrtrDi '{|€ brgEsr ju|! dal.l encd rlF prcft dour.d ro RS. 20 miUio..<br />

M.A. Isphrlei @ rh. d.nbq ot rbc Jut Bosr4 *hi.h wd $Lblbhed by lh.<br />

entd govcmc tosuppodrh. grcw6'pri@s.!r listcldof povidingEli.f io<br />

smdljub nad6, rhe jur€ bold b.tu d exploitatioa tool, b.fttuirg ldge<br />

t!d. deal.s like M.A. hphrndi, who whil. sinins in K@chi wc @ntolline<br />

! slhm,ry of archibald RN|Idt rcpd e 6. gov.mm.d of Prtjsbi, Do/152716, Ixa:<br />

't<br />

Aydnr ldrJ.Th2 stde al otiolRl.,op.ciL,p.l0J.<br />


jute tnde of Ear Bctrg.l. 'fte boa.d w..! urd€' rh. supryirion of chdm<br />

Fasq-lhe non-B€ngali sEiary of iidu3lry, who lat€. bc{rft rhc chaiM of<br />

P.l&ta. lndBfid Dcv.lopMr coDo€ti@ dd sM meed s a njor<br />

indaiririisl in ihe @u$y by nisBing hs high omc6. tl. EFlFd.d the.ls<br />

of qiof civil dd nilit ry blMucEt of W.sr Pa&istar who<br />

13@n<br />

luned oul ro<br />

b. oq|6 of som of lh leg.s bBtujs ardpris i! 0F cMEy.. Vith<br />

.b!om. b@r.dc co lolsa @l@irl Flcrie, tt d.lcloFmd of bdurid<br />

crDit lin fsvo@d only big businBmcn .g6insr th€ rnall dd @lted in<br />

cmno. @n@tr.rion of wdth. A high ar. of gmM! M thc rui! @mbic<br />

obj€ctirc, wilt r c.rdid disEgdd fo. difihnional quc.rioB. The q6too of<br />

dilp€iity *a oi$d mainly in the @nrxt of th. Egio.d dislribudon.<br />

Table 5 shows th. budedary all@atioB betw€d rhc c.ord ed rh.<br />

ptoviB sib in lN. 6t9 fE-y€d ptd.<br />

T.bL E: Elda.ary Alldai@ b.ard ti. Cdte. dd O. Pdi!6<br />

ir t[. Flnt FlveYqr Pltu.<br />

C.&(iEftdiis<br />

Ki&ti)<br />

2nr<br />

Sov@: 1L Fid Fte. r* PtM (19trd0), oui ll* ofrh. plm (din) Keehi, M,y<br />


h lddition !o tbi! dl@rion of rseca, rlE dphsis B .g.i! d dE<br />

idutti.l &rcloFtunr to b. pl@r.d h W.s P.ttt r igMiry mE rh!! E0 F<br />

€n ofthc polulatio rlDr *r! &Fndd otr.griculr$ ud tiving in nlrB,<br />

It e.5 dw dclpir. dc hcr thar b€rwc.! I94F50 ud 195+5, rh. .glicuttunl<br />

se|d me $lgmt, |6ding . dis.l r!.dgc $Nd grcerh Frc of | .1.<br />

Vc hrlc eliq dies.d, th.l rh. rcglcr of Oc lgricu|ne sio. hrd<br />

Gl||d i, ffi 3horugG of food-gr.iB, which ould Fublic rwd !d<br />

dcooBflri@. Wc hrE .l$ cn how this 3itudion B aptoi&'(| !d Fbtic<br />

urGd.griEr mn-ihpld.nbrioD of rabcy llw ed lDd Ffom B rlrEd<br />

irto Eligiols.ioB !d viol.ncc.sliNr . nimrhy s.cr in puj.b h Meh 1953<br />

Foviding ih. rdion lc io 'powr h!kd' 3i[iEs i, K.Eli .d n Mlpindio lo<br />

dknBs thc B.ngrli P.iDc Minisllr n wj. Nezimdin rd frili!&d<br />

P.tilbr's 6n&xc inro dcftr po.re Prlistrn's .nrc.ecM 5! ! .ctie6r' s||c of<br />

U.S.A. ed i. rlsrB s dE 'buledrr' .g!iM Comuhn dqordcd I d.fds<br />

dlbliltl|t@t wNch w! b.yood rhc scjrcc n.jru of lh Eqly{Er.d r!l..td<br />

.t6dt d m31 of i!! foEign aclulSc on d fion mdt iB jur! aFd!,<br />

A ladg catd adninilintd ed. dcfas .srjblirln|c l@ two<br />

mjd ilqrir.tEnls io d.livcr i. rcod&rc aih rt .x!@tsrid of fta.<br />

d.f@ paB. llris BpoBibiliy @uld ml bc ncr by dr. U.S. Bbrac onty.<br />

P*&t . B o(p.ct4l 10 dl&gc il3 c@nic bce dd nhing dm60c<br />

Fuc for hilir&r dpcndin!!. Amd6 ldvic w 6@ in foon of llAG.<br />

'<br />

nrmbnai w d* ArEry H{dqllG, *tE casrl Ay!b, dr c.i..c of hlitu . rny<br />


'Ird a th. Plinsrt |!.9 for 5 l.!g. rlby of Ahqi6 @nmic dFts<br />

q!.tin8 on findirs elutiN for ilrodBios d.EloFndr in Prris&. hdustd.l<br />

d*loFn6l of w6l Pltht n ecs p.n !d plet of lhis lhinFDs. Thb tunt€!<br />

.ggdtlt d tlE grid.|B of dF Fdc of E n B.nglt eto vw &Di.d tlEir dr<br />

3bE of llF lrlrc ls!|w A5 ! r.sult of thc @trd Aotlmdr polici6, rh.E<br />

I viflud no d.Eloplml in Erd Prli3r.n. A fo.r @rd.d vhitc srling rhc<br />

objEtiv6 of th. 6lsl fvFyd pbn.ts TIEF qG nrc min objccdvG ofth. pbt<br />

Fiod includiig 10 quictly in(as. rlE r.t ofdcrcloFnor in Esr P.lisua {td<br />

othd la dcwlop.d Ggi@ in t||. @utry . s Howwr, thc pt& @utd mr nEl<br />

Utu t!rg4 EfleLd itr l!. 1868. aDu.l go$rh dc of tlE sre do'mic<br />

prcdn.l in Ern ruist n, shich wB ! re 0.2 F ent cmrs.d *irh 3.6 F<br />

ent in w.!t lhl&lo 'Th. E!!r Pltbrar i.dsdidialion @6 r.rtly loot on<br />

a Fi!.r! irv6trndt r. bd io co@n[ir. .lno$ eiclNivlty i. W6r<br />

Prtistrn'.r' Thc w.y rhc inrd6| of Esr Prtdnd w giM rlE s.c!!d!!y<br />

Fiori9 a ffidif.d in tlF policy rh't r.F 6. tup.c ov.dltu.d i! ordd io<br />

loF tbc imporl bill of nilil.ry ictE. Threlgh this policy, sndl cxportas of<br />

juG (0F rbrjor ssricultnl produce of Etn Pddrr4) telm rlE priBipl. aicritL<br />

lvlE could .d t|m ttNlgb 6.irju& dpoi! d ! dn. *t n food *!s !.llins d<br />

atwnicd Ficcs. h addition, rh. imlond ir E n P.Iisr.n wd ordy abtc ro<br />

s.cn r 35 F @t of tbc ro|rl iEFrt licns iserd by rlr. ccnmt gos|rErt iD<br />

It Fiod b.lw.cn | 95Gl !d 195?-E. As ! |!$lr, Eln PlEsru hrd to ouch.e.<br />

ifrtflP Fidt Fb. r.o Ptq |etffi. q. cn<br />

a<br />

s.M,tls \ u,tMotdd, po'at.d h,qtdttt in p.tid',6p..it., c.29t.<br />


@'lsmq illns fioD the mduhcnlm of Wcsl Patisrar, fl a prie 40 F 61<br />

higher lbd fic vorld sek€i & .TtE d.t.r.noE €ft@rs of rlE pn-irdusirial<br />

polici€s on sgriclnt@,..hi1 E{sl Patista. harda s ir. d.pddoe on re.i.ult@<br />

m gr€aler dd s il consislcd lar!.ly of snall fm€s prcdwing cash c@ps wilh<br />

low bdgaini.g pomr ytr a ,ir dr. inrcm.di&i6 ndy of Bhon were ensased ir<br />

trugslins jule &b$ lhe bo.da'.3t Th. incquality in disrribulion of E$uc6<br />

wd nor $€ @jor con@m of HAG for trc tundddnl,l l!e61 6rs1, Es1<br />

lakisran did nor hav€ iLs she in buEucocy Md d.fense .shblishmo! son4<br />

equjty an dbtribulion B ml lh.8o.l of$e.dvoca@s of nodemizaion rh@ry.<br />

Voicirg ihe @rcm ovo ucquat di$iibution of rh. i2te reetes sd Wesr<br />

Pslista! h.gmod', the B.ngal Mslim Llagoc s 6ty 6 De4nber t949<br />

i.m,ni.d tull auomny in all nEtr.6 cxepr dcfce ed foGisi .ffai6 6 wll<br />

6 inc@sal €ptuLtior in dE @nsrirutiord a!6.nbty. Ihe B.ngat MNIiD<br />

tag@ .lso FDDoFd mrio!.liadon ofjuc indBry, wbich E Ej@Ld our of<br />

hdd br ri. @Fal aovcmdt. nlb ddsnd w loon fotlosld by rhe fanou<br />

lh6is of'tm @nonies , whi.h &gucd lhar Esr rd W€sl patisi.n slbuld b.<br />

trEsted I olircly *paatc 4onohi€s, s<br />

ir Ah.dc& cmsd& ro fie D.pm.d ot s@,<br />

NND.'429O9. RG 59, Box 55sq 390D. t9r.29J t, t{A.<br />

Dnpd.h No 45, rr D..mbs ro5r,<br />


4. Neo-Colonial States <strong>and</strong> Economic Developmenl-<br />

Comperative Analysis of underdevelopment in Pakistan <strong>and</strong><br />

lndia<br />

'Ih. conc.pt of 'lib@ting lh. govcm€nts in €snomicdly b&Lwrd<br />

@uniri€s 4d d!.n loe rha ro lalc p.rl in a omFtilive wld st cn h o.dd<br />

io develop dononically M the ledn&l of ihc posl S@nd Wo.ld W& p€nod_<br />

This id€a of 6ononic dev€lopn€d inposed a *l ofn* md sp6i.l cheges of<br />

scirl dd ldiinhlralive conatizalion, in addition to qptoitive eorl .tisiplires,<br />

siai nmoil, dd rcvolutioB in th€e si€ti.r. IrF* @ disiptircs Fov.d ro<br />

be equ.ly *o6e th6 ttos forc€d by th. fom6 @lonial rul6, for nct oflh.<br />

.ewly lib@t d @uFi€s of rhe nird World, becaw ndional lib.Erion M<br />

equled wilh compeiitio. i. the capndfisr wodd econony.!' In lhis qpilalisl<br />

w.ld @nony, the bdl@e of irade is dctfinined by the relalioNhip of a Mrion<br />

sr!r. *ilh $. for* of dE wld @kds. 'I1E wodd mkcrs da.mire rhG<br />

crpaciiy of a Etion*rate b @mp.t. b rhis calillti$ Mrld @tuhy sld dsid.<br />

1ne sia of its cxpons dd inpotu. D.vclopncnt h6 ben natted by a sttuggle<br />

betwn tBo opposing foMs: one that is comnmsMte with self-rclide<br />

pr€di€led upon d id6log:/ of mtioDrlis, &d mlhd tnar posiriotu th. ndrd<br />

Wodd 6utri6 wirhin global qpi|rlhn. The two innqitoB of rh. B.irbh<br />

@loiatis, India dd P.riea borh inlrri.d povciy <strong>and</strong> udcrdev.lopmcni at<br />

3NiC.lHdb, Shts, Eenonh D.v.topmcilsdri.Asi,n PscificRin,, itrRiciard<br />

At elbrun ud J.fiq.y H.nd.6on (eds .) Std6 add Dtuldpned jn tie Asjan pac Ae Rh,<br />

(x*tury k*r s.3. Publhhdq 1992), p 76.<br />


ibe frd ofthe €olooial rulc. nrc @lonial rulc .ndcd ii d€stoyir8 lhc iradniotul<br />

md in lignob institrrioos atd a l.gey of @lonial capir.lisn. fte followire<br />

table d.6oNtra16 the iatus ot u.L.d.v.lopm.ni in thc lltst lew yed of th.it<br />

T.ble 9. Stttu of Und.rde.loDDent i. I!di. .nd P.thtrtr h th€ FiFa<br />

1952-1954<br />

($ us) 0953-<br />

1956\v"<br />

sdM: Gitil a. arrond md ,.m s. cot.nD (.d ). Th. Potirt t ofrh. D.Etopirs<br />

a6 (ftiMonr ftirroi u 6ny &*, tt60.). p t?t.<br />

P.liitar ed India folloeld $o ditfcEDr rtDoehd of dcvclopndr. bdis<br />

crDe thc pldr of elf-Eliee Fdiorcd upon & idotosy ofnaiioirlisD, *tjtc<br />

Pali$o E sforccd into tcu4. of a tucolonid qpitalin model.<br />

Eolqa. at6 fiv€ d.qdes of d.vclopment, rh! ob€w4 fild srikiog paFltets<br />

in lhe &hid€nenrs ed rhc failings of India &d PatisGn' .tespib thet di{f@t<br />

nodels of d.velopmenr 'l.fdl moft2liry h6 decli.ed Ead ljte cxpdlmy hs<br />

ri$n along rising nles of inoculaton against dis4e. Aduh liidey h6<br />

inpoled, paniculoly in Indi4 bul g6$ih k lc$ impE$ive thd id tuy oth€r<br />

Asie @uriei Bp.cially for rcn n. AlthouSh binl 6r.s hav. fallq in bottr<br />


co@Lies, Paki$an s emin more rhc highd in rhc qorld. In borh €ouFi6,<br />

dEG ontinue to b. wide dispdiri€s i! scial indicaroB be|qed difr@ srar6<br />

(orpblidet md betwen ubd dd ruEl es.' s<br />

Sai€bl chege in India md lalisid do not narch rhc spinliotr of p@ple<br />

who fought a lons slruggl. agaiGt B.itish €olonialism ro gel lneh indepeodence.<br />

The goals of €ndin8 or even rducing pov.ny, poviding adequar€ h.ddr @,<br />

ofrenng eduational opponMilies for all, dd rcdkin8 regio.at, ubartml. &d<br />

g€nd.r inequaliiy Main targ.rs for $e fulur€ ar th€ ehd oi$e fist half entury<br />

of ideFndoe .'r There e inc@ing dispuities of wealrh dd living<br />

@ndidos in bolh mutics. Allhoud!, ! npidly grcwing middle cl6s in India<br />

shae the ber61s ofrhe @aomic gre$1h bul h@dcd ofmilliotu of Iidi6, ejll<br />

e depl} inpovdi5h.4 having N res ro rh. b.tcr lifc ofd€

B€@d rh. sfiLins sinilarni.s of u etd.velopmor in lndia .nd<br />

Patistsr. tle diff.@c€s @ al$ vdy vkiblc. Th.e dif.rcnes @ in $en<br />

appma.h6 10 d*€lopmsnl. Pa&isld b.gm its joumey pirh a Eslre<br />

disadvebSe in €onpsi$n Mth thc physi.al <strong>and</strong> hmd capnal availabl€ ro<br />

Indic But, smn aA.r ils binh. being thc .buffci lrare' b.rwe.h rhe Soviet Union<br />

<strong>and</strong> lhe lEe Mrld', il sd cajoled b cni.r inio a d.pcndent reldrionship wid ihe<br />

U.S. md ils @pitalist model of dcvelophent. As €rlier discussd the €@nonic<br />

plminS in P.kisra wd inilialcd u.ld the influence of HAO itlar Oonokd th€<br />

rctior of @nonic grcs1h feuing on indurdal d.rclopne dd €rcomging<br />

catiirr @wularion dtuE8alding the .@nomic ed ecial Neds of rh€ Fople.<br />

'Itis go91b bodel @ a@mplni.d by m aulhodidi& clite of bulll|lllruy,<br />

my dd feudal rhd I bolsr.Ed by ih. c6lodie of rhe .fiE wrld' ltE Unit d<br />

$!re b .Ne Palisr.r's eiarior wilh D.fee Per. agaiftr Colmuiu.<br />

fuainsl l[. mrc of edorrlisD sp@din8 in ns ieighbon.S @ud6 lilc India<br />

kda IndoBia dd tmy Abb srarB, d. ruling .lir. in Prtbr.n ch6c 10 be rhe<br />

'climl' stale of &e U.S. ignoing th. spiEtios of tnc Fopl.. Aurhodlarieis<br />

anl eorcoac sb*lh wF bl.ndcd togerho ald prsdb.d a rhc bcsr e@nomic<br />

model lor Parisre. 'By 1959, the nst sisgc of Paldst n's induslrialialior b6sed<br />

or inpon subsiitutio. w.s ov..,'nr€ p€riod followed ew th€ ufolding oI dE<br />

stund ph4 ol Patistln\ industrialization based prineily on expofl-ori€nled<br />

gtu*th fld fineed i.lbugir ldgc dff.! of forcign aid','y4 In the tuly 1960s<br />

*<br />

HM C'rdei ed ,Mil RA!6d, P4l t!tu: rh. t xbth Je, np..11..9 t74.<br />


udq thc nilir.ry dl. of C46l Ayub, P.rbbn vd b€bg p@j€cr.d s 'a bener<br />

bet to succeed cco.omically thd Koe5, Indonesia or Malaysia' ed .to cbs<br />

over into thc r&rk of middl.- incone' 6utri.s'- '5 But, il did lot happen. IrE<br />

daldc of dcvclopmdt 6 pmFa.d by nMr Mite6 of hod@iarion ih6ry<br />

€ded in e dli{ryclopmdt mov@cnr agaitur the on@ nliotr ot walIh inlo<br />

few h<strong>and</strong>s, which fo@d C6dal Atlb to Gign dd .pelude !o the.vcnrs of1h€<br />

civil wa od dr. delinting of the Estdn povine,. A a Gsrlt of rhe<br />

lulldita'i&is inidabd i. i$ fir$ d.c!d., .P.ki$d is srill in th. maling, nill<br />

iriving to 6rd . silblc ed .trarivc fom of govcmdt'.$<br />

On the olh.r h&d India t cotuid.Ed .th€ mrld.s l{e$r dcmdEy. &d<br />

is Faied for i6 succcs h building 6 solid constiuional srucim whq€ civil<br />

ethondes havc ndd bm the&n d by chaltenges ton rhe milirsry. India<br />

urlite Pali$an hls nevd *Fri4.d nilinry rule or 4q a siou mot by<br />

rhc mnibry 10 int F6c in rhe politic.l pm.s &d enio. mililary officcs have<br />

nd€t held hinb&rial omce ed have nev.r cndbnged lhe audoriry of lle<br />

civilie Dinhtcr of defeme.e Regul& trsf.6 of po@ hlvc t!ke, ple<br />

lhsugh &e &d go.nlly fan cbto6 ii strich participrion h6 bc.n saong.<br />

Ard rew politicd foB hrv. ben 6bt€ lo ocre€ rcpKnring pFviouly eBL<br />

&|d ud€Eprcent.d 8reups in si.ry dcapn. opposnion Aom tllditioml pow<br />

elji6. But lDlitical d.moc@y wilhour includi.S the Firciplc of economic<br />

* MNir G w.ut u4 P.[l@ Ml'tred r.imra m'sd oppotui'i6 : in r.d.) s.hg s<br />

rn'ia Per H xELh.'!_ an D.rN r\u r.d.) 4. c,! D. 39<br />

!(dfrE 'nd<br />

D.nik Kur r.l.r a .ir, o 15<br />

- Pa' R BN. Indi' Ctm(mrl prcgEs d pro5kft in Sdig s Hmo4 plrt H<br />

KnBb.r& ad D.unj! xur (.d ) op or p 2t.<br />


equality cmot address the isue of uderdevelopmor, Alrhoud! 1n.<br />

a.hnv@nt of @nomic.qlslrty B dclared Io be th€ l&g.r of d. torg-kd<br />

€corcmic dcv.lopn polici€s based on sdidin idmlogy o|d rhe nehdism of<br />

enfatitd plming,'in ptaalice, in rcaliry, ed 4d in ihc adnissior ofthos<br />

f,to d.rclop.n th6e @ly .ttmnic pl.,E rhe &ruat eoats 9d diffeqa.{<br />

And ind.Fndenc., India deded 10 folow rh. Scialisl D6r.m of<br />

$iery in@rporahng lhe dcdne d4 tndB $outd Ett on p.n6n e gov.menl<br />

owBhip ad sfoDs-hedcd public din lion of fic indusrrial, fiiaftiat,<br />

comunicatioN, ed raNpon *dos . ,t A Nalional plmine Coonjssion of<br />

Intlia udd rhe chaiMhip of the pdmc Mitrisler Nclu! B glabtishcd in<br />

M@h 1950 ard had b€ln d.fi'.d s the EcoNmic Cabitur", mr mftly for rhe<br />

Union but als for tlr Slaics,, r@ Tle Cobhission re enpowaed !o invcstigare<br />

ad l@nD.nd policie for dmosl elery sFcr of narional lif.. 11r Comi$ion<br />

had lb€ control ovq rlE dblribudon of€cdomic rcew.s mong th€ 5la16,rl<br />

ws b a position to dictaie thc fom of individul Starfs, developmert,r0r ltrdie<br />

tunic gods enbited aliding the sElctw of @nony from pldomiMrty<br />

.ericuh&l b @Gpicuoully indu$riat, rtircldnS povcny ed jEquljry, sd<br />

&hiBing d a@plau€ r.t of €@oDic grce1h, Connind<br />

povidc fi. @uEyt 5550,000 v hgd wirh b6ic @nics srrch s Fjoey<br />

cPalrR 86. indu- Dmdflr pbgEs qd ptubjrm mrod.,sd,g\ b,s, pu NsmryodlfuB H<br />

Ku,op.dr, p r5.<br />

.. ,*" a&T: 1!9 Mu.I *hFEd nuch ro xhEE.. D i.d.) s.ri8 s. H||114 p.ur<br />

imer<br />

H<br />

nd Do/nn xE oo. rn.<br />

';t!gt:trr4.!y: ' 65<br />

otr p!d! A p,/d,,/ !4on,r mdo..p. Mr pl* r06?r. p 45.<br />

1\. Pr .\ aJ ptddtnS 4 stu4 ot t^do, t E? ftt pt^ t9r0-<br />

/eff rrondon. or rord Unr *rir) prs. tobor ccoq. Roie D.q,r,o ,, d LdMt. Charye<br />


ehools, clinics, polable wter, sirary fa.iliieq dd eldrriciiy., 'm nte<br />

@nlinuity in Indim @rcmi. plroing (t95G1964) is tnom a Nehovid<br />

Plmins. Nehavid Mode of Pltuing ws differ fom Gmdlie Seiatis,<br />

Thc @dihnio! ofltrdi! p8!.d jr t950 rhll bomsld h.ality tn t9l5 A.!<br />

M co@ined lo pdlid€nlary d.6ocrey dd @nlained no n ntion of<br />

Oedhi& onsritutiotr. 'A Oe.thio @nsdlulion sB iot to havc b6n giv.n a<br />

noDots' ihouglr'. '@ Tic consirurioo of lrdia dfl.cled N.hN,s. tine of<br />

thitliq tbat belicved lhal ldia rceded a e ralizd @tudtulion io Bubtish th.<br />

stability <strong>and</strong> rh€ uiry n*s6ry b de so.i.t Evolurion. Undd lhe innlE@ of<br />

socialjsm, Nehru b€li.ved thar cenrnlizld alilbriry md enlrslized ptmiDg we€<br />

t*o Mtirl f&ro6 for €.onmi" pregB. '"<br />

tn on[a,l to lalii,a $al<br />

bdcMrl eononic bodehiation rhrcueh haph@d elimce upon pnvate<br />

. .Dri*,!d th. D.*ct 3ys1eq IrdirD @mmic pl.ljlB i!&.d.d io Ely<br />

purpc'vely or govmdr.l inirjative io cEate e irrcsBted indulr.ial *ctor<br />

Howvd, ldopling for & indsrT-ist dd.lopnor progm like patistan B<br />

rsociar.d wiri rhe idea of inGrhrcn Ellriodhip of induJrriatjzario! Mlh<br />

ubeiztio! Md modmiarion in mosl of 1he posi-colonial stares. Tlis<br />

d.wlopn m nodel % h tinc with rh. p.6digD of dd€topnot rhlr lsuned<br />

1hal srd€ pow shodd supen de harkers. Tt. najor thcme of this paadigm B<br />

r r,cr, (Edr.k : untrs't) orGt,tqDi, p@ 1966r rm,ft R ttukt, tndh! potrcd<br />

hTI? .ty :tr:-..th..9,?dw!RAd d,piMd pnmdLtum,D pr$. reE.<br />

,. ,1. *"11 MJd ehr.!rd,<br />

"-l:<br />

h4h b rhJt.. r i.d, sd,s s HMib4 prur<br />

M'!cc<br />

H.<br />

ed huh Kqop c'l" p 6r.<br />

'*Gtuqik n /drucd,tu@ cm!@ola Nd@ ,tu\t<br />

^6in.<br />

\p34<br />


coqiol or itpp(llsion ofnu*€t foB. TltN d|c i .ll.ctusi inr,anerc of0c<br />

&Eloping @utria in tl* pdltoloi.l Fnod be.m oic ofe oE tElniig<br />

npbris @ lh. rel. of tlE adc.<br />

I. thb @nGxt il is h&dly suprtuing dd cxtm. lionns of c@mic<br />

ulioodis b€m. .ltFsr uilasl doE pGtolonial i.r6, Tlr fom<br />

@plEiz.d imDon @ndok, o!.rv.lEd .rch69! n&+ hig6*.1. public<br />

ov!.BhiD rd ilstmt imotiv.n direr inrc3torart wirh mE gcd<br />

'!tGr<br />

rrI.+ Fica ond ergls, crc.rc Ar 0F od of colonid Friod, mnic<br />

otioorlis M db6..d r!8!rtl6 of poliricd idoloSy in tlE @nP.tiriE<br />

$orld conaxt rd r?rs &iv€o by thc Flciv.d impon nc. of s(t.tnrl<br />

.mFririon Frha rhlr dotrtBric so.[l pndiri6, In lrdis qt xt, tt goglh of<br />

cc rliz.d slt lnd tt politicd *@my 9..6.t<br />

Indi4 litE Patistaa ignorcd its agncullurrl slor at th. p@f@ne of<br />

indBtrialiation, but, in @ni.st ro Palisrd, ihe exploirive colonjal 6mibg<br />

syst n domimkd by big lmdlo.ds dd princd w6 abolisb€d im€dialely.ftd<br />

ind.p.nddce 10 giv. a lip wie ro c<strong>and</strong>hid i&al. A coulrywide sydem oI<br />

Flst proFi.toEhip B 6tablish.d in qbich rirle lo l<strong>and</strong> {r.fi€.rive @nrrcl<br />

B Ferf.drd b rhe fomd, culdv.ring tcMc. Thi5 bc.jc tle bsis of lonSt<br />

m sidist *bdEs fo. @redinn! Indid lgriclltur rbmush I'd rcfoms!<br />

led edislribution. md c@pmriv€ fming. In th€ finl file ycr-plm 10<br />

apFe Od

this r€alialion v€ry loud that th. neglect of agicultml sclor ai the cost of<br />

industialiation in *ly yeo! &d c.ntmlizd plmihS €snlt d in bceed<br />

pov..ty nihr ihe al*iaIing it. Thc Frcmtaec of ubo ed tu dl poor<br />

inc@ld emevlEl in itc @ly 1950! dd mincd mE or l* cmrd fd rb.<br />

rcxt fi&nty y.m. rrr Mdy wirds ob!.ryc rhar lndi. mighl have a.hiev€d dr<br />

8o.k<br />

of Seial Rwolution dvisiomd in Osdhis @Nfnnbn if n h.d follo$rd<br />

! palh of deqtraliatior focusine on th. villag. €codomy instead of oFing for<br />

centnlied plming &d indusr'ialiarion. TIF n w @Btiluiion outlined seial<br />

<strong>and</strong> @nonic policies 10 rctiry in qurliti.s md shift po@ to lhe wakq<br />

.l@ents. Five d@ad6' wonh of u.ndm.nt! dd laws mnrinre the seull<br />

arrinst urouchabiny dd bo.ded ad child l.bq. And in a cruial wy, rh.<br />

bdi& civil Fnie, pide of tb. Btjtish Empir., took d pddey BFnsibility for<br />

|!.ul!line aI lnes n$ plG inro Edity'. rD<br />

And th. firsl @tuy of rb€ir in&pcrdae, Pakind dd India @ d.d<br />

!tM8 rhc host d.pdved rcgion of rhc wo d. 'rr<br />

The prefilc of hlllM<br />

dcprisdo' in Pakisla! dd India show a sombq picnE. 'fte foUowinc Table<br />

sho{s rhe pofil€ of sDerding on bealth, .ducarion, def€ne ed p@nrage of<br />

population living in poveny. It Gv.als rh in 1995, l5 pr enr of bial<br />

population b India ad 29 F *ni of roi.l populaiion in Paldstar ws living in<br />

polaty. Public qFndine on educalion ald h.dth *B ls tbe 5 p6 Bt of<br />

rr' S. MolErbr D.r a.d Ajn R!d., PoEny !n hbtj. Poticy: A Mix.d R@nl', h {.d) X.<br />

ry$. tndin Dodop@ R.tn1 t0i7, (D.lhr Orlod Un'EE'ry Plq lo93)<br />

''' Smld. D.s' u.r K,rhrft F SEdhr, .rnd'.: atoqh rd mqn tny . r r.d I s.|a S<br />

Heis4 Prnl H. Krisb.'€ rnd D.unn Kux, op. cir , ,, t03<br />

'" M.lboob !l Haq <strong>and</strong> Kidij. H.9, Hth.h Dd.topr.to iD sodh trio (x@hi Oxto.d<br />


ONP b 6.<br />

'E<br />

1990. h od|4 ll. d.esc orpeodirr. (s % of cdd<br />

lor@d.ry(,dib.) r'.30 6 F..dil| htda! d t4.5 Fo.{r h hfr<br />

h &. t.& 1995. Slnihly, rt Arb( i..vh. rdo (d!ba !.wt u X ofc{!ot! of<br />

Sood! &d sviq) i! rh. ,* t99t tu't 35 ta i! hbrbt jt 27 r h hir<br />


T.blG l0: Pntll. ol SpodhS ir t.d. .!d Prt tuhn<br />

Td|l GDP (Us t b'llior t995<br />

Public cxpddi@ of.d@riotr sd h.trhi;t--f:i<br />

D.ftr qrqd'@ (s \ ;a;t;i<br />

D.f.&.rpadhu (a % du.!d; lrn h;;i<br />

sdc B5d d r$16 3dd e n rd;@;;67;..?<br />

f'ii62.1 & 2 a n Hh@ D.vtqa.nt n s.tuh ho ,Clt, @. cn.. o t,<br />


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