performante - Facultatea de Fizică din Cluj Napoca

performante - Facultatea de Fizică din Cluj Napoca

performante - Facultatea de Fizică din Cluj Napoca


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DATE privind performanţele ştiinţifice individuale pentru întreaga activitate<br />

Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

<strong>Facultatea</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>Fizică</strong><br />

Catedra <strong>de</strong> <strong>Fizică</strong> Biomedicală<br />

Nume: Cozar<br />

Prenume: Onuc<br />

Funcţia didactică: Profesor<br />

Titlul ştiinţific: Dr.<br />

Criteriul 1.<br />

1. Publicaţii în reviste ştiinţifice<br />

1.a. in<strong>de</strong>xate ISI<br />

Tabelul 1.a, 1b, 1c, 1d<br />

Nr.<br />

crt.<br />

1.b. in<strong>de</strong>xate (total sau parţial), prin rezumate, în baze <strong>de</strong> date internaţionale<br />

1.c. avizate CNCSIS –tip B<br />

1.d. avizate CNCSIS –tip C<br />

Crit<br />

eriu<br />

Autori Titlu lucrare Revista An Volum Paginile Nr.<br />

autor<br />

i<br />

Factorul<br />

<strong>de</strong> impact<br />

ISI<br />

al revistei<br />

1.a<br />

1 V.Znamirovschi,<br />

O.Cozar, Al.Nicula<br />

2 V.Znamirovschi,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

3 V.Znamirovschi,<br />

O.Cozar, Al.Nicula<br />

4 V.Znamirovschi,<br />

I.Mastan, O.Cozar<br />

5 O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

I.Haiduc<br />

6 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, M.Col<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

7 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

Gh.Ilonca<br />

8 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.Ilonca,<br />

O.Cozar, I.Chicinas,<br />

Gh. Ciologria<br />

9 O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi<br />

10 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O.Cozar,<br />

Gh.Ilonca<br />

11 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O.Cozar,<br />

Gh.Ilonca<br />

The ESR study of some H-D solvent<br />

isotope effects on copper<br />

ions<br />

The ESR evi<strong>de</strong>nce for influence<br />

of the ethanol on the hydrated<br />

complexes of copper ions<br />

An EPR evi<strong>de</strong>nce for structuring<br />

effect of alcohol in water<br />

Isotopic composition of radiolytic<br />

hydrogen from impurified H 2 O-<br />

D 2 O mixtures<br />

ESR Investigation of the ethanol<br />

upon the structure of<br />

[Cu(trien)SCN]SCN in mixed water-ethanol<br />

solutions<br />

11<br />

B NMR and magnetic susceptibility<br />

of xCuO(1-x)[2B 2 O 3 .K 2 O]<br />

glasses<br />

EPR and magnetic susceptibily<br />

studies of the interaction between<br />

Cu 2+ and Mn 2+ ions in<br />

x(CuO.MnO)(1-x)[2B 2 O 3 .K 2 O]<br />

glasses<br />

Magnetic properties of xCuO(1-<br />

x)[2B 2 O 3 .PbO] glasses<br />

ESR evi<strong>de</strong>nce for the dimeric<br />

species of Cu(II) and VO(II) ions<br />

adsorbed on the silica surface<br />

Acta<br />

Physica<br />

Polonica<br />

Molecular<br />

Physics<br />

Izotopenpraxiz<br />

Radiochem.Radio<br />

anal-Letters<br />

J.Molec.Stru<br />

cture<br />

Nuclear<br />

Instr. and<br />

Methods<br />

Soli<strong>de</strong> State<br />

Commun<br />

Soli<strong>de</strong> State<br />

Commun<br />

Czech.j.of<br />

Physics<br />

EPR and magnetic susceptibility Soli<strong>de</strong> State<br />

studies of xCuO(1-x)[2B 2 O 3 .Li 2 O] Commun<br />

glasses<br />

The investigation of the magnetic<br />

interaction between Cu 2+ and V 4+<br />

J.Non-<br />

Crystalline<br />

1972 1 29-32 3 0.088<br />

1972 42A 3-7 2 0.508<br />

1974 27 273-277 3 1.923<br />

1974 18 227-231 3 0.24<br />

1976 31 153-159 3 1.251<br />

1982 199 189-191 3 1.531<br />

1982 44 809-813 2.123<br />

1982 43 707-709 5 2,123<br />

1983 B 33 1357-1364 2 0.678<br />

1984 50 87-90 3 2.123<br />

1984 68 33-42 3 2,18<br />


12 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.Ilonca,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

13 Gh.Ilonca, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

14 D.Barb, M.Morariu,<br />

O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

R.Semeniuc<br />

ions in x(CuO.2V 2 O 5 )(1-<br />

x)[2B 2 O 3 .K 2 O] glasses<br />

Solids<br />

The influence of melting temperature<br />

on the magnetic proper-<br />

Physica<br />

Acta<br />

ties of x(CuO.V 2 O 5 )(1-<br />

Polonica<br />

x)[2B 2 O 3 .PbO] glasses<br />

Magnetic behaviour of some potassium-borate<br />

glasses with vanadium<br />

and manganesse ions<br />

Structural studies on some iron<br />

8-oxi-quinolinates using Mossbauer<br />

spectroscopy<br />

15 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean The local symmetry of Cu 2+ ions<br />

in Phosphate glasses<br />

16 Gh.Ilonca, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

17 Gh.Ilonca, S.Simon,<br />

I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, R.Redac,<br />

O.Cozar, I.Barbur<br />

18 S.Simon, E.Burzo,<br />

O.Cozar, I.Barbur,<br />

V.Simon, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

19 O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

L.David, L.Giurgiu,<br />

J.Zsako<br />

20 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

S.Simon, L.David<br />

21 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

I.Bratu, Gh.Ilonca,<br />

S.Simon<br />

22 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, S.Simon,<br />

V.Simon, O.Cozar,<br />

I.Lupsa<br />

23 S.Nicoara, M.Culea,<br />

N.Palibroda, O.Cozar<br />

24 L.David, O.Cozar,<br />

V.Chis, A.Negoescu,<br />

I.Vlasin<br />

25 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.Ilonca,<br />

O.Cozar, V.Simon,<br />

S.Filip<br />

26 A.Barbu, I.Bratu,<br />

I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O.Cozar<br />

27 S.Nicoara, M.Culea,<br />

N.Palibroda, O.Cozar,<br />

I.Fenesan, A.Hantz<br />

28 Z.Moldovan,<br />

S.Nicoara, M.Culea,<br />

O.Cozar, I.Fenesan,<br />

P.Vegh, J.J.Rios<br />

29 O.Cozar, L.David,<br />

V.Chis, C.Cosma,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

G.Damian<br />

30 G.Alzuet, S.Ferrer,<br />

J.Borras, D.Gatteschi,<br />

Magnetic behaviour of some<br />

lead-borate glasses with manganesse<br />

ions<br />

Magnetic properties of Y-Ba-Cu-<br />

O ceramics undoped and doped<br />

with Ni and Dy<br />

Structural, electric and magnetic<br />

properties of Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca(RE)-<br />

Cu(M)O vitroceramics<br />

ESR investigation of some copper(II)-dioxime-dichlori<strong>de</strong><br />

compounds<br />

ESR Studies of Mo 5+ ions in potassium-borate<br />

and soda-<br />

Phosphate glasses<br />

EPR, IR and magnetic suscepti-<br />

bility studies of xCr2O 3 (1-<br />

x)[2B 2 O 3 .Li 2 O] glasses<br />

Magnetic properties of xCuO(1-<br />

x)[Bi 2 O 3 .PbO] glasses<br />

Volatile organic chemical pollutants<br />

in laboratory indoor air<br />

ESR Study of Cu(II)-<br />

Indomethacin and its Pyri<strong>din</strong>e<br />

and DMF Adducts<br />

The valence states and magnetic<br />

interactions between iron ions in<br />

B 2 O 3 .PbO glasses<br />

J.Mag.Magn<br />

. Materials<br />

1985 A68 163-168 3 0,671<br />

1986 54-57 223-224 3 1,603<br />

J.Radioanal. 1986 106 21-26 5 0,408<br />

Nucl. Chem.<br />

Letters<br />

J.Non-<br />

Crystallins<br />

Solids<br />

J. <strong>de</strong> Physique<br />

1987 92 278-281 2 2,176<br />

1988 49 C8-1107-1108 3 1,773<br />

Physica C 1989 162-164 831-832 6 3,472<br />

Physica C 1991 185-189 898-990 6 3,472<br />

Appl. Magn.<br />

Res.<br />

Soli<strong>de</strong> State<br />

Commun.<br />

Soli<strong>de</strong> State<br />

Commun.<br />

1992 3 849-857 5 0,66<br />

1993 85 461-465 4 1,764<br />

1993 86 569-572 5 1,764<br />

J. Mater. 1993 12 1031-1032 5 0,444<br />

Science Letters<br />

Indoor Environ.<br />

Appl. Magn.<br />

Reson.<br />

Materials<br />

Letters<br />

Photoacustic studies of J.Molec.<br />

xCr 2 O 3 (1-x)[2P 2 O 5 .Na 2 O] glasses Structure<br />

Mass spectra study of some new<br />

amid-aryl-sulphonamido <strong>de</strong>rivatives<br />

Mass spectra interpretation of<br />

some thiophosphor-organic<br />

compounds<br />

ESR study of some solvent effects<br />

on Cu(II)-Aspirinate complex<br />

EPR Study of<br />

bis(Methazolamidato)bipyri<strong>din</strong>aq<br />

Rapid<br />

Communications<br />

in<br />

Mass Spectrometry<br />

J. Molec.<br />

Structure<br />

Appl. Magn.<br />

Reson.<br />

Indian<br />

J.Phys.<br />

1994 3 83-86 4 0,34<br />

1994 6 521-528 5 0,66<br />

1994 21 321-324 5 0,729<br />

1995 349 191-194 4 0,867<br />

1995 9 61-63 6 2,484<br />

1995 348 393-396 7 0,837<br />

1995 8 235-242 6 0,66<br />

1995 69A<br />

(4)<br />

465-468 7 0,229<br />


L.David, V.Chis,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

31 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.Ilonca,<br />

V.Simon, O.Cozar,<br />

S.Filip<br />

32 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O.Cozar,<br />

V.Simon, S.Filip<br />

33 D.Ciurchea, A.V.Pop,<br />

O.Cozar, Gh.Ilonca,<br />

V.I.Geru, V.Pop,<br />

L.A.Konopko<br />

34 O.Cozar, L.David,<br />

V.Chis, E.Forisz,<br />

C.Cosma, G.Damian<br />

35 L.Daraban, C.Cosma,<br />

T.Fiat, O.Cozar,<br />

M.D.Croitoru<br />

36 C.Cosma, D.Ristoiu,<br />

O. Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

L.Daraban,<br />

S.Râmboiu, I. Chereji<br />

uo-copper(II)<br />

Magnetic properties of xMnO(1-<br />

x)[Bi 2 O 3 ×PbO] Glasses<br />

Magnetic properties of xCr 2 O 3 (1-<br />

x)[Bi 2 O 3 ×PbO] Glasses<br />

Statistical representation of the<br />

excess conductivity in a Bi-Sr-<br />

Ca-Cu-O superconductor<br />

Local structure analysis of Cu(II)-<br />

diazepam complexes by ESR<br />

spectroscopy<br />

Gamma-ray spectrometry analysis<br />

of neutron irradiated gol<strong>de</strong>n<br />

sands<br />

Studies on the occurence of radon<br />

in selected sites of Romania<br />

37 Rodica Micu-<br />

Semeniuc,<br />

Copper complexes of 1,4-<br />

dihidrazinophtalazine. Synthesis<br />

R.Semeniuc, O.Cozar, and spectral characterisation<br />

L.David<br />

38 V. Simon, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

O.Cozar, S. Simon<br />

39 V. Simon, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

O.Cozar, S. Simon<br />

40 I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O.Cozar,<br />

S. Filip, V. Pop, I. Cenan<br />

41 E. Forizs, L. David, O.<br />

Cozar, C. Craciun, M.<br />

Venter, M. Kilyen<br />

42 M. <strong>de</strong> la Fuente, O.<br />

Cozar, L. David, R.<br />

Navarro, A. Hernanz,<br />

I.Bratu<br />

43 D. Maniu, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

T. Iliescu, S. Cînta, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

44 S. Cînta, T. Iliescu, M.<br />

Venter, M. Vlasa, I.<br />

Marian, O. Cozar<br />

45 M.Venter, I.Haiduc,<br />

L.David, O.Cozar<br />

46 O.Cozar, V.Chis,<br />

L.David, G.Damian,<br />

I.Barbur<br />

Beta-gamma Radiation from<br />

leaching resistant glasses<br />

containing uranium ions<br />

Valence States of uranium and<br />

gamma irradiation <strong>de</strong>fects in<br />

soda-phosphate glasses<br />

EPR and magnetic susceptibility<br />

studies of Cu 2+ ions in<br />

Bi 2 O 3 .GeO 2 glasses<br />

IR and ESR study of Cu(II)-<br />

nitrazepam complexes<br />

EPR Study of the 1:1 complexes<br />

of chromium (III) and copper(II)<br />

with 5'-GMP and 5'-CMP<br />

Raman Spectroscopic investigations<br />

of oxi<strong>de</strong> glass system<br />

(1x)(3B 2 O 3 .K 2 O)xMO(MO=V 2 O 5<br />

or CuO)<br />

Solid State<br />

Commun.<br />

J. Mag.<br />

Magn. Mat.<br />

1996 98 651-653 5 1,446<br />

1996 157/158 165 -166 4 1,063<br />

Supercond. 1996 9 88-92 7 1,53<br />

Science and<br />

Technology<br />

Fressenius<br />

Journal of<br />

Analytical<br />

Chemistry<br />

Fressenius<br />

Journal of<br />

Analytical<br />

Chemistry<br />

1996 355 701-702 6 0,975<br />

1996 355 370-371 5 0,975<br />

Environment 1996 22 S62-65 7 0,811<br />

International<br />

Synthesis<br />

and Reactivity<br />

in Inorganic<br />

and<br />

Metal-<br />

Organic<br />

Chemistry<br />

1998 28(4) 501-513 4 0,442<br />

J. Nuclear<br />

Materials<br />

J. Mat. Sci.<br />

Letters, 15,<br />

(1996)<br />

Soli<strong>de</strong> State<br />

Commun.<br />

J. Molec.<br />

Structure<br />

Molecular<br />

and Biomolecular<br />

Spectroscopy,<br />

Spectrochimica<br />

Acta<br />

J. Molec.<br />

Structure<br />

Vibrational and orientation studies<br />

of 2,4-diamino-6-phenyl-1,3,5 Structure<br />

J. Molec.<br />

triazine on the silver colloidal silver<br />

surface<br />

IR and ESR studies on new bistriazenido<br />

cobalt(II) and copper(II)<br />

complexes<br />

ESR investigation of gamma irradiated<br />

aspirin<br />

J. Molec.<br />

Structure<br />

J. Radioanalit.<br />

Nucl.<br />

Chem.<br />

1996 230 306-308 4 1,264<br />

1996 15 784-785 4 0,444<br />

1996 100 609-613 5 1,446<br />

1997 408/409 195-199 6 0,837<br />

1997 Part A<br />

53<br />

637-641 6 0,76<br />

1997 410/411 291-294 0,837<br />

1997 410/411 189-192 6 0,837<br />

1997 408/409 483-486 4 0,837<br />

1997 220 241-244 5 0,613<br />


47 G.Damian, O.Cozar,<br />

V.Miclaus, Cs.Paizs,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

V.Chis. L.David<br />

48 L.David, O.Cozar,<br />

L.Sumalean, V.Chis,<br />

R.Tetean, C.Craciun<br />

49 A.Lupulescu,<br />

R.Fechete,<br />

D.E.Demco, O.Cozar<br />

50 D.E.Demco, Xenia<br />

Filip, C.Filip, Diana<br />

Chira, O.Cozar<br />

51 R. M. Semeniuc, O.<br />

Cozar, L. David, V.<br />

Chis, R. Semeniuc<br />

52 E.Forisz, L.David,<br />

O.Cozar, V.Chis,<br />

G.Damian<br />

53 L.David, M.Rusu,<br />

O.Cozar, D. Rusu,<br />

M.Todica, C. Balan<br />

54 G.Damian, V.Miclaus,<br />

O.Cozar, M.Todica,<br />

L.David, D.Ristoiu<br />

55 I.Haiduc, L.David,<br />

O.Cozar, R.Micu-<br />

Semeniuc,<br />

M.Armeneanu<br />

56 V.Chis, M.Brustolon,<br />

C.Morari, O.Cozar,<br />

L.David<br />

57 S.Cinta, T.Iliescu,<br />

S.Astilean, L.David,<br />

O.Cozar, W.Kiefer<br />

58 M.Todica, O.Cozar,<br />

G.Damian, L.David<br />

59 S.Canta, C.Morari,<br />

D.Maniu, M.Aluas,<br />

T.Iliescu, O.Cozar,<br />

W.Kiefer<br />

60 S.Cinta, M.Venter,<br />

T.Iliescu, O.Cozar,<br />

I.Haiduc, W.Kiefer<br />

61 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

V.Simon, V.Mich,<br />

N.Ve<strong>de</strong>an<br />

62 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, M.Petean,<br />

V.Simon, O.Cozar,<br />

F.Ciorcas, S.Lupsor<br />

63 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

V.Simon, L. David, N.<br />

Ve<strong>de</strong>anu, V. Mih<br />

64 E. Forizs, L. David,<br />

O.Cozar, V. Chis, R.<br />

Tetean,M. Todica<br />

65 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

V.Simon, L. David, V.<br />

ESR Study of the dynamics of<br />

adsorbed nitroxi<strong>de</strong> radicals on<br />

porous surfaces in <strong>de</strong>hydration<br />

process<br />

ESR study of some Cu(II)-4-<br />

substitu<strong>de</strong>-2-thiazolyl-hydrazone<br />

complexes<br />

Single -quantum NMR spinning -<br />

si<strong>de</strong>band patterns for a spin 3/2<br />

system<br />

Homonuclear separated localfield<br />

spectroscopy by magnetic<br />

exchange NMR<br />

ESR study of some Cu(II)-1,4<br />

Dihydrasinophtalasine Compounds<br />

IR and ESR studies on novel<br />

Copper(II) theophyllinate compexes<br />

containing mono or bi<strong>de</strong>ntate<br />

ligands<br />

Colloids and<br />

Surfaces<br />

Appl. Magn.<br />

Reson.<br />

Acta<br />

Physica<br />

Polonica<br />

Acta<br />

Physica<br />

Polonica<br />

Rev. Rom.<br />

Chimie<br />

J.of Molecular<br />

Structure<br />

1998 137 1-6 7 1,401<br />

1997 13 571-577 6 0,66<br />

1997 92(6) 1125-1134 4 0,346<br />

1997 92(6) 1135-1149 5 0,346<br />

1997 42(7) 627-632 5 0,199<br />

1999 482(1) 143-147 5 0,837<br />

Spectroscopic and magnetic Investigations<br />

J.Molec.Stru 1999 482(1) 149-152 6 0,837<br />

of Some Transition<br />

Metal Complexes with N-4-<br />

methoxyphenyl-N-4-chlorophenyl<br />

hydrazine as ligands<br />

cture<br />

EPR study of some copper heterocyclic<br />

azomethine complexes<br />

adsorbed on X and Y zeolites<br />

Spectroscopic and magnetic<br />

studies of some copper (II),<br />

chromium (III) and iron(III) complexes<br />

with dithiophosponate as<br />

ligand<br />

Experimental and theoretical<br />

structural parameters of the glycine<br />

CH 2 NH 2 radical<br />

1,4-Benzodiazepine drugs adsorbtion<br />

on the Ag colloidal surface<br />

NMR and ESR study of local<br />

dynamics in some polyisoprene<br />

solutions<br />

J.Molecular<br />

Structure<br />

J.Molec.Stru<br />

cture<br />

J.Molecular<br />

Structure<br />

J.Molecular<br />

Structure<br />

J.Molecular<br />

Structure<br />

Vibrational studies of B 6 vitamin Vibrational<br />

Spectroscopy<br />

SERS Application in elucidiation<br />

of the Nature of homologue Cu(I)<br />

Triazenido Complexes<br />

EPR Study of phosphate glasses<br />

containing two types of transitional<br />

metals ions<br />

Structural and magnetic properties<br />

of CuO-TeO 2 -B 2 O 3 -SrO<br />

glasses<br />

EPR Studies of Cu 2+ and V 4+ ions<br />

in Phosphate Glasses<br />

EPR Study of some Cu(II)-<br />

Oxazepam Complexes<br />

The local structure and interactions<br />

between V 4+ ions in soda-<br />

Vibrational<br />

Spectroscopy<br />

J. Mag.<br />

Magn.<br />

Materials<br />

J.Mag.Magn<br />

.Materials<br />

Appl. Mag.<br />

Reson.<br />

Appl. Mag.<br />

Reson.<br />

Appl. Mag.<br />

Reson.<br />

1999 482(1) 287-289 6 0,837<br />

1999 482(1) 153-157 5 0,837<br />

1999 482(1) 283-286 5 0,837<br />

1999 482(1) 685-688 6 0,837<br />

1999 482(1) 353-357 4 0,837<br />

1999 19(2) 329-334 7 1,098<br />

1999 19(2) 223-226 6 1,098<br />

1999 196-197 269-271 5 1,063<br />

1999 196-197 253-254 6 1,063<br />

1999 16 473-480 6 0,811<br />

1999 16 499-506 6 0,811<br />

1999 16 529-537 6 0,811<br />


Mih, N. Ve<strong>de</strong>an<br />

66 L. David, O.Cozar, E.<br />

Forizs, C. Craciun, D.<br />

Ristoiu, C. Balan<br />

67 S. Canta, E. Vogel, D.<br />

Maniu, M. Aluas, T.<br />

Iliescu, O.Cozar, W.<br />

Kiefer<br />

68 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, M.<br />

Peteanu, , O.Cozar,<br />

V.Simon, V. Mih, G.<br />

Botezan<br />

69 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O. Cozar,<br />

Gh. Ilonca, V. Simon,<br />

V. Mih, C. Craciun, S.<br />

Simon<br />

70 L. David, C. Craciun,<br />

M. Rusu, O. Cozar, P.<br />

Ilea, D. Rusu<br />

71 C. Craciun, L. David,<br />

D. Rusu, M. Rusu, O.<br />

Cozar, G. Marcu<br />

72 L. David, C. Craciun,<br />

M. Rusu, D. Rusu, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

73 L.Ghizdavu, C. Bălan,<br />

L. David, C. Bâtiu, O.<br />

Cozar, D. Ristoiu<br />

74 I.Pavel, S. Canta, M.<br />

Venter, A. Deak, I.<br />

Haiduc, P. Rosch, O.<br />

Cozar, T. Iliescu, W.<br />

Kiefer<br />

75 L. David, C. Craciun,<br />

C. Balan, O. Cozar, L.<br />

Ghizdavu, C. Batiu<br />

76 M. Todica, S. Simon,<br />

C. Cozma, O. Cozar,<br />

E. Matei<br />

77 G. Gherman, M. Culea,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

78 O. Cozar, L. David, V.<br />

Chis, G. Damian, M.<br />

Todica, C. Agut<br />

79 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

I. Bratu, S. Simon, C.<br />

Craciun, L. David, C.<br />

Cefan<br />

80 L. David, C. Craciun,<br />

O. Cozar, V. Chis, C.<br />

Agut, D. Rusu, M.<br />

Rusu<br />

81 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, V.<br />

Simon, Gh. Ilonca, C.<br />

Crăciun, C. Cefan,<br />

phosphate glasses<br />

Local structure analysis of some<br />

Cu(II) theophylline complexes<br />

SERS mechanisms of the vitamin<br />

PP on different Au and Ag<br />

surfaces<br />

Structural and Magnetic Properties<br />

of MnO-P 2 O 5 -PbO glasses<br />

EPR and magnetic susceptibility<br />

studies on V 2 O 5 -P 2 O 5 -PbO<br />

glasses<br />

Spectroscopic and electrochemical<br />

investigations of the<br />

K 8 [P 2 VmoW 16 O 62 ]·31H 2 O heteropolyoxometalate<br />

Complexation Of Three Uranium<br />

(IV) Ions At Two α-B-[SbW 9 O 33 ] 9-<br />

Trilacunary Keggin Units:<br />

Spectroscopic Investigation<br />

Spectroscopic and Magnetic<br />

Investigation of the<br />

K 5 [PMo 2 VW 9 O 40 ]·24H 2 O Heteropolyoxometalate<br />

and its Monoprotonated<br />

Form<br />

Spectroscopic, Magnetic and<br />

Thermal Investigations on Cu(II),<br />

Mn(II), Co(II) and Fe(III) Complexes<br />

with Glutamyl Nitroanili<strong>de</strong><br />

Vibrational behaviour of transition<br />

metal cupferronato complexes.<br />

Raman and SERS studies<br />

on nickel (II) cupferronato<br />

complexes<br />

New Transition metal Complexes<br />

Of γ-L-Glutamyl-5-(2-Methoxy-P-<br />

Nitroanili<strong>de</strong>): Synthesis, Spectroscopic,<br />

Magnetic and Thermal<br />

Investigations<br />

Algorithm for preliminary evaluation<br />

of the correlation time of local<br />

dynamics in some polymeric<br />

materials<br />

Spectrochimica<br />

Acta<br />

J. Molec.<br />

Structure<br />

J. Mater.<br />

Sci. Technol.<br />

J. Mater.<br />

Science:<br />

Mater. In<br />

Electronics<br />

1999 Part A<br />

55<br />

2559-2564 6 0,76<br />

1999 482-483 679-684 7 0,837<br />

1999 15(5) 453-456 6 0,282<br />

2000 11 401-404 7 0,638<br />

Polyhedron 2000 19 1917-1923 6 1,036<br />

Journ. Of<br />

Radioanal.<br />

And Nucl.<br />

Chem.<br />

2001 247(2) 307-310 6 0,488<br />

J. Chem. 2000 4374-4378 5 2,502<br />

Soc., Dalton<br />

Trans.<br />

Journal of<br />

Thermal<br />

Analysis,<br />

Calorimetry<br />

Vibrational<br />

Spectroscopy<br />

Acta Chim.<br />

Slov.<br />

2000 62 4766-4772 6 0,655<br />

2000 23 71-76 9 1,245<br />

2001 48 407-415 6 0,161<br />

Talanta 2000 53 247-252 5 1,554<br />

Comparative analysis of some Talanta 2000 53 253-262 3 1,554<br />

active principles of herb plants by<br />

GC/MS<br />

IR and ESR studies on some<br />

dimeric copper(II) complexes<br />

IR and EPR studies on some lithium-borate<br />

glasses with vanadium<br />

ions<br />

Spectroscopic studies of some<br />

oxygen-bon<strong>de</strong>d copper(II) β-<br />

diketonates complexes<br />

J. Mol.<br />

Struct.<br />

J. Mol.<br />

Struct.<br />

J. Mol.<br />

Struct.<br />

EPR and magnetic susceptibility in- J. Alloys and<br />

vestigations of some vanadatelithium-borate<br />

Compounds<br />

2001 563-564 371-375 6 0,849<br />

2001 563-564 421-425 7 0,849<br />

2001 563-564 573-578 7 0,849<br />

2001 326 124-127 6 0,845<br />


82 I. Fenesan, R. Popescu,<br />

C.T. Supuran, S. Nicoara,<br />

M. Culea, N. Palibroda,<br />

Z. Moldovan, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

83 D. Rusu, C. Crăciun,<br />

A.-L. Barra, L. David,<br />

M. Rusu, C. Roşu, O.<br />

Cozar, Gh. Marcu<br />

84 O. Cozar, I. Bratu, L.<br />

David, C. Crăciun, A.<br />

Hernanz, R. Navarro,<br />

M. <strong>de</strong> la Fuente, C.<br />

Bălan<br />

85 O. Cozar, R. Micu-<br />

Semeniuc, L. David, I.<br />

Haiduc<br />

86 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O. Cozar,<br />

C. Craciun, C. Cefan<br />

87 C.Batiu, L.Ghizdavu,<br />

L.David, O.Cozar<br />

Electron impact mass spectral<br />

interpretation for some<br />

thiophosphoryl-pacetylaminobenzenesulfonami<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Spectroscopic and electron<br />

paramagnetic resonance behavior<br />

of trinuclear metallic clusters<br />

encapsulated in<br />

[M n+ 3(H 2 O) x (BiW 9 O 33 ) 2 ] (18-3n)-<br />

heteropolyanion (M n+ = VO II , x =<br />

0, M n+ = Cr III , Mn II , Fe III , Co II , Ni II ,<br />

Cu II , x = 3)”<br />

EPR Investigations of Cu(II) Complexes<br />

with 5'-CMP and 5'-GMP<br />

Local structure and metal-metal<br />

interaction in some Cr (III)- dithiophosphonate<br />

compounds<br />

EPR and magnetic susceptibility<br />

studies of V 4+ ions in 2B 2 O 3·SrO<br />

glass matrix<br />

Cu(II), Mn(II), Co(II) and Fe(III)<br />

complexes with gamma-L-<br />

Glutamyl-5-(m-nitroanili<strong>de</strong>) as<br />

ligand. Spectroscopic, magnetic<br />

and thermal studies<br />

88 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean Local structure and metal-metal<br />

interactions in some phosphate<br />

glasses<br />

89 N. Leopold, J. R.<br />

Baena, M. Bolboacă,<br />

O. Cozar, W. Kiefer,<br />

B. Lendl<br />

90 N. Leopold, S. Cîntă-<br />

Pînzaru, M. Bolboacă,<br />

E. Antonescu, O.<br />

Cozar, W. Kiefer, J.<br />

Popp<br />

91 D. A. Magdaş, O.<br />

Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, L.<br />

David<br />

92 A.V. Pop, C. Pelshenke,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

93 C. Pelshenke, A.V.<br />

Pop, O. Cozar<br />

94 V.Chiş, A.Pârnau,<br />

T.Jurcă, M.Vasilescu,<br />

S.Simion, O Cozar, L.<br />

David<br />

Raman, IR and surfaceenhanced<br />

Raman spectroscopy<br />

of papaverine. An automatized<br />

setup for in situ synthesize of the<br />

silver substrate and recor<strong>din</strong>g of<br />

the SER spectra<br />

Raman and surface-enhanced<br />

Raman study of thiamine at different<br />

pH Values<br />

Spectroscopic studies of some<br />

phosphate glasses with molib<strong>de</strong>num<br />

ions<br />

Structural instability and<br />

supraconductivity of the (Nd, Gd,<br />

Ce) 2 CuO 4 system<br />

Structural phase diagram for<br />

thermal controlled distorsion by<br />

Gd ions in the (Nd 1-<br />

yGd y ) 1.85 Ce 0.15 CuO 4 HTS system<br />

Experimental and DFT Study of<br />

Pyrazinami<strong>de</strong><br />

Rapid<br />

Commun.<br />

Mass Spectrom<br />

J. Chem.<br />

Soc. Dalton<br />

Trans.<br />

Appl. Magn.<br />

Resonance<br />

2001 15 721-729 8 2,184<br />

2001 19 2879-2887 8 2,502<br />

2001 21 71-78 8 0,776<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>rn 2002 16 401-407 4 0,303<br />

Physics Letters<br />

B<br />

Inter. Journal<br />

of Mo<strong>de</strong>rn<br />

Physica<br />

B<br />

2002 16 2807-2813 4 0,604<br />

J. of Synthesis<br />

Reactivity<br />

in Inorganic<br />

Metal-<br />

Organic<br />

Chemistry<br />

2003 33(8) 1391-1403 4 0,696<br />

J. of Optoelectronics<br />

and Advances<br />

Materials<br />

Vibrational<br />

Spectroscopy<br />

Vibrational<br />

Spectroscopy<br />

2003 5(1) 177-184 2 0,996<br />

2004 36 47-55 6 1,441<br />

2005 39 169-176 7 1,441<br />

Inter. J. Of<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>rn<br />

Physics B (I.<br />

J.M.P.B.)<br />

2005 19(10) 1815-1820 4 0,361<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>rn 2005 16 607-611 3 0,361<br />

Physics Letters<br />

B<br />

Inter. J. Of<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>rn<br />

Physics B<br />

Chem.<br />

Phys., 316,<br />

(2005)<br />

2005 19 2161-2166 3 0,361<br />

2005 316 153-163 7 2,438<br />

95 C. Bâtiu, C. Jelic, N. Spectroscopic investigation of J. Molec. 2005 744-747 325-330 5 1,20<br />


Leopold, O. Cozar, L.<br />

David<br />

96 M. Culea, O. Cozar, E.<br />

Culea<br />

97 M. Culea, O. Cozar, C.<br />

Melian, D. Ristoiu<br />

98 M. Tomoaia- Cotişel,<br />

Gh. Tomoaia, D.V.<br />

Pop, A. Mocanu, O.<br />

Cozar, N. Apetroaei,<br />

Gh. Popa<br />

99 M .Culea, O. Cozar, S.<br />

Nicoară, R. Po<strong>de</strong>a<br />

100 S. Nicoara, M. Culea,<br />

A.N. Nica, E. Culea,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

new Cu(II), Co(II),<br />

Ni(II)complexes with γ- L-<br />

glutamyl ami<strong>de</strong> as ligand<br />

PAHs in Cigarette Smoke by Gas<br />

Cromatography-mass Spectrometry<br />

GC/MS measurements of ambient<br />

levels volatile organic compounds<br />

Atomic force microscopy studies<br />

of Langmuir-Blodgett films. 3.<br />

Phase behavior of dipolmytoil<br />

phosphatidyl choline monolayers<br />

Exposure Assessment of Nicotine<br />

and Cotinine by GC-MS<br />

Select Ion Monitoring-Gas<br />

Chromathography/Mass Spectrometry<br />

<strong>de</strong>termination of Halothane<br />

Fumes in Operating Theaters<br />

Structure<br />

Indoor and<br />

Built Environment<br />

Indoor and<br />

Built Environment<br />

Rev. Roum.<br />

Chim.<br />

Indoor and<br />

Built Environment<br />

Indoor and<br />

Built Environment<br />

2005 14 283-292 3 0,462<br />

2005 14 241-247 4 0,462<br />

2005 50(6) 473-480 7 0,199<br />

2005 14 293-299 4 0,462<br />

2005 14(5) 405-410 5 0,462<br />

1.b<br />

1 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

Gh.Ilonca<br />

2 L. David, O. Cozar, V.<br />

Chiş, E. Forizs, C.<br />

Cosma, G. Damian<br />

3 G. Damian, A. Incze,<br />

O. Cozar, V. Znamirovschi,<br />

L. David,<br />

V.Chiş<br />

4 G. Damian, O. Cozar,<br />

V. Znamirovschi, L.<br />

David, C. Cosma<br />

5 L. David. O. Cozar, I.<br />

Bratu, D. Ciurchea, V.<br />

Chiş, D. Ristoiu<br />

6 L.Nagy, D.Bo<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

7 O.Cozar, L.David,<br />

V.Chiş<br />

8 G.Damian, O.Cozar,<br />

M.Todică,<br />

E.Fărăgăşan<br />

EPR and magnetic suceptibility<br />

studies of vanadium lead-borate<br />

glasses<br />

ESR Study of the copper(II)-<br />

diazepam complexes<br />

The simulation of NMR Spectra<br />

IR and EPR study of DL-<br />

Ornithine-15N and DL-Lysine-<br />

15N copper(II) complexes adsorbed<br />

on NaY and HY zeolites<br />

Spectroscopic studies of Cu(II),<br />

Co(II), Cr(III) and Fe(III)-<br />

diclofenac complexes<br />

Two electron transitions in the<br />

helium atom induced by charged<br />

particles and photons<br />

Structural investigations of some<br />

Cu(II)-1,4 benzodiazepine complexes<br />

by ESR<br />

FT-IR Spectroscopy of adsorbed<br />

amino acids on Y zeolites<br />

Materials<br />

Chemistry<br />

1982 7 775-776 3<br />

Balkan 1994 2(2) 1091-1095 6<br />

Physics Letters<br />

Balkan 1994 2 (2) 1106-1110 6<br />

Physics Letters<br />

Balkan 1994 2(2) 1101-1105 5<br />

Physics Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Lett<br />

1994 2(2) 1096-1100 6<br />

Balkan 1998 6(3) 178-183 3<br />

Physics Letters<br />

Balkan 1998 6(4) 231-236 3<br />

Physics Letters<br />

Balkan 1997 5 179-182 4<br />

Physics Letters<br />

9 G.Damian, O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

L.David, V.Chiş,<br />

M.Todică,<br />

10 D.Maniu, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

I.Bratu, R.Grecu,<br />

O.Cozar, T.Iliescu<br />

11 C.M.Muntean,<br />

O.Cozar, G.Banciu,<br />

S.Pop<br />

12 L.David, O.Cozar,<br />

E.Forizs, V.Chiş,<br />

Structure and localisation of VO 2+<br />

ion in water adsorbed on NaY<br />

and HY zeolite<br />

Spectroscopic investigations of<br />

x(CuO·V 2 O 5 )(1-x)[3B 2 O 3·K 2 O]<br />

glasses<br />

Microwave absorbtion spectroscopy<br />

of DNA polymers in the<br />

presence of Cu(II) ions<br />

Local structure of some Cu(II)-<br />

theophyline complexes with<br />

Balkan 1997 5 183-186 6<br />

Physics Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Let-<br />

1997 5 199-202 6<br />

1997 5 211-214 4<br />

1997 5 219-222 5<br />


C.Crăciun amine ligands ters<br />

13 O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

L.David, D.Ristoiu,<br />

L.Pop, C.Agut<br />

14 V.Chiş, M.Brustolon,<br />

O.Cozar, L.David,<br />

S.Simion, A.Darabont<br />

15 V.Chiş, M.Brustolon,<br />

A.L.Maniero, L.David,<br />

O.Cozar, D.Ristoiu<br />

16 R.Grecu, I.Bratu,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

17 G.Damian, O.Cozar,<br />

V.Miclăuş, Cs.Paizs,<br />

M.Todică, V.Chiş<br />

18 S.Cântă, M.Venter,<br />

P.Scholz, T.Iliescu,<br />

O.Cozar, W.Kiefer<br />

19 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

M.Peteanu, O.Cozar,<br />

I.Cosma, V.Simon,<br />

B.Săsărman<br />

20 D.Maniu, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

O.Cozar, V.Pop<br />

21 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

V.Simion, N.Ve<strong>de</strong>an,<br />

I.Ursu<br />

22 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O.Cozar,<br />

V.Simion, V.Mih<br />

23 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

V.Simion, L.David,<br />

G.Emerich<br />

24 M.Culea, P.Panta,<br />

M.Nanulescu,<br />

N.Palibroda, O.Cozar,<br />

I.Vintilă<br />

25 M.Culea, N.Palibroda,<br />

A.Hantz, I.Feneşan,<br />

O.Cozar, L.Tomole<br />

26 S.Filip, L.Pop, I.Bratu,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

27 St.Both, I.Suveg,<br />

O.Cozar, C.Bălan<br />

28 D.Ristoiu, C.Cosma,<br />

T.Ristoiu, O.Cozar<br />

29 L.Daraban, C. Cosma,<br />

V. Simion, O. Cozar,<br />

V. Znamirovschi, M.<br />

Salagean<br />

30 C. Craciun, L. David,<br />

D. Rusu, M. Rusu, O.<br />

Cozar, V. Chiş<br />

Solvent effects of some copper(II)<br />

complexes with nitrogen<br />

ligands. An EPR study<br />

Electron spin-lattice relaxation<br />

time in gamma-irradiated glycine<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Structure and unpaired spin <strong>de</strong>nsity<br />

of the glycine CH 2 NH 2 radical Phys. Let-<br />

Balkan<br />

ters<br />

The solvent effect on C-Br<br />

stretching vibration of 1-<br />

bromopropane.<br />

ESR of nitroxi<strong>de</strong> in the slowmotional<br />

regime adsorbed on<br />

hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces<br />

SERS of the new triphenylphosphyn-cooper(I)<br />

triazenido<br />

complexes<br />

Magnetic properties of MnO-<br />

B 2 O 3 -CdO glasses<br />

EPR and magnetic susceptibility<br />

investigation of CuO-B 2 O 3 -K 2 O<br />

glasses<br />

EPR of potassium-borate<br />

glasses containing two types of<br />

transitional metal ions<br />

EPR of Mn 2+ ions in sodaphosphate<br />

glasses<br />

EPR studies of W 5+ and Mo 5+<br />

ions in 2P 2 O 5·Na 2 O glasses<br />

Theophylline <strong>de</strong>termination in<br />

plasma and saliva<br />

Isotopic dilution mass spectrometry<br />

<strong>de</strong>termination of<br />

dimethoate in soil<br />

Normal coor<strong>din</strong>ate analysis of 5’-<br />

CMP by semiempirical calculations<br />

Substraction technique for quantification<br />

of diseases activity in<br />

scintigraphic images<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Balkan<br />

Phys. Letters<br />

Volatile organic compounds Balkan<br />

(VOCs) emission from vegetation Phys. Letters<br />

Obsidian Provenance Studies<br />

British Arheological<br />

Journal,<br />

Reports, Archacolingua<br />

FT-IR, UV-VIS and ESR Investigation<br />

of Three Vanadium (IV) of Phys<br />

Bulgarian J.<br />

Substituted Keggin Polyoxometalate<br />

1997 5 215-218 6<br />

1997 5 223-226 6<br />

1997 5 227-230 6<br />

1997 5 231-234 3<br />

1997 5 289-292 6<br />

1997 5 317-320 6<br />

1997 5 844-847 6<br />

1997 5 848-851 4<br />

1997 5 872-875 5<br />

1997 5 876-879 4<br />

1997 5 880-883 5<br />

1997 5 1861-1864 6<br />

1997 5 1865-1868 6<br />

1997 5 1869-1872 4<br />

1997 5 1873-1876 4<br />

1997 5 1847-1850 4<br />

2002 1043 705-707 6<br />

2000 27(1) 146-149 6<br />

31 D. A. Magdaş, O. IR and Raman Studies of Some Mitt. Ősterr. 2004 149 63 5<br />


Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, N.<br />

Leopold, L. David<br />

32 N. Ve<strong>de</strong>anu, O. Cozar,<br />

I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

Molyb<strong>de</strong>num-Lead Phosphate<br />

Glasses<br />

Spectroscopic investigations of<br />

Some Vanadium- Calcium-<br />

Phosphate Glasses<br />

Miner. Ges<br />

Mitt. Ősterr.<br />

Miner. Ges<br />

2004 149 103 3<br />

1.c<br />

1 O.Cozar, V.Mercea Determinarea coeficienţilor orbitalilor<br />

moleculari <strong>din</strong> date RES şi<br />

optice<br />

2 O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

V.V.Morariu<br />

3 V.Znamirovschi,<br />

I.Mastan, O.Cozar<br />

4 O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi<br />

5 O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

M.Gridan<br />

EPR of Cu(II) into layers of water<br />

adsorbed on silica surface<br />

Procese primare la impactul radiaţiilor<br />

ionizante cu apa<br />

EPR evi<strong>de</strong>nce for two cupric<br />

complexes in water-ethanol mixtures<br />

at 77K<br />

ESR study the dispersion mo<strong>de</strong><br />

of Cu(II) and VO(II) ions adsorbed<br />

on SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 surface<br />

6 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean Studii RES şi <strong>de</strong> susceptibilitate<br />

magnetică privind unele sticle <strong>din</strong><br />

7 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O.Cozar,<br />

Gh.Ilonca<br />

8 C.Cosma, I. Mastan,<br />

V. Znamirovschi, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

9 O.Cozar, R.Semeniuc,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

I.Haiduc<br />

10 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

Gh.Ilonca, Gh.Cristea<br />

11 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.Ilonca,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

12 T.Iliescu, I.Bratu,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

13 I. Mastan. C. Cosma,<br />

A. To<strong>de</strong>rean, O.<br />

Cozar, V. Znamirovschi<br />

14 O. Cozar, V. Znamirovschi,<br />

V.V. Grecu<br />

15 L.Dărăban, C.Cosma,<br />

T.Fiat, O.Cozar<br />

16 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O.Cozar,<br />

Gh.Ilonca, V.Simon,<br />

S.Filip<br />

17 V Simon, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

S. Simon,O. Cozar, I.<br />

sistemul x(CuO.V 2 O 5 )(1-<br />

x)[2B 2 O 3 .K 2 O]<br />

ESR and magnetic susceptibility<br />

studies of xCuO(1-<br />

x).[2B 2 O 3 .PbO] glasses<br />

Radioactivitatea gazelor naturale<br />

emanate <strong>din</strong> surse <strong>de</strong> ape minerale<br />

şi geotermale <strong>din</strong> Carpaţii<br />

Orientali.<br />

ESR and IR studies of some<br />

oxovanadium dithiophosphonates<br />

ESR investigation of the local<br />

symmetry and interaction between<br />

Cu 2+ and V 4+ ions in pothassium-borate<br />

glasses<br />

Magnetic behaviour of some litium-borate<br />

glasses with manganese<br />

ions<br />

Studii IR şi Raman ale proceselor<br />

<strong>de</strong> relaxare moleculară în lichi<strong>de</strong><br />

Implicaţiile heliomtriei izotopice<br />

Studii RES asupra inetracţiunilor<br />

<strong>de</strong> schimb în complecşi metalici<br />

polinucleari.<br />

Activation analysis with isotopic<br />

neutron sources of gol<strong>de</strong>n sands<br />

EPR and Magnetic susceptibility<br />

studies of Bi 2 O 3 -PbO-Fe 2 O 3<br />

glasses<br />

Some physical proprieties irradiated<br />

and non-irradiated oxi<strong>de</strong><br />

Studii şi<br />

cercetări <strong>de</strong><br />

fizică<br />

Rev.Roum.<br />

Phys<br />

Studii şi<br />

cercetări <strong>de</strong><br />

fizică,<br />

Rev.Roum.<br />

Phys<br />

Rev.Roum.<br />

Phys<br />

Rev. <strong>de</strong><br />

Chimie<br />

Rev.Roum.<br />

Phys<br />

Studii şi<br />

Cercet.<br />

<strong>Fizică</strong><br />

Rev.Roum.<br />

Phys<br />

Rev.Roum.<br />

Phys<br />

Rev.Roum.<br />

Phys<br />

Studii şi<br />

cercetări <strong>de</strong><br />

fizică<br />

Studii şi<br />

cercetări <strong>de</strong><br />

fizică<br />

Studii şi<br />

cercetări <strong>de</strong><br />

fizică<br />

Romanian<br />

Journal of<br />

Mineralogy<br />

Romanian<br />

Reports in<br />

Physics<br />

Romanian<br />

Reports in<br />

1976 29 143-161 2<br />

1976 21 579-584 3<br />

1976 28 779-796 3<br />

1978 23 87-90 2<br />

1982 27 389-394 3<br />

1983 34(2) 121-124 2<br />

1983 28(5) 451-457 3<br />

1985 37 139-146 4<br />

1988 33 1131-1138 4<br />

1988 33 1125-1129 4<br />

1988 33(2) 1979-1983 3<br />

1988 40(9) 777-798 3<br />

1989 41 409-433 5<br />

1989 41 777-791 3<br />

1992 75(1) 9 4<br />

1994 46(2,3) 235-242 5<br />

1995 47 815-820 6<br />


Milea, I. Lupsa glassescontaining uranium Physics<br />

18 S. Nicoară, O. Cozar MALDI-Mass Spectrometry in<br />

Biotechnological Research<br />

19 O.Cozar, L.David,<br />

C.Crăciun<br />

20 I.Bratu, D.Maniu,<br />

I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O.Cozar<br />

21 G.Damian, V.Miclăuş,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

O.Cozar, V.Chiş,<br />

L.David, M.Todică,<br />

C.Paizs<br />

22 L. David, O. Cozar, M.<br />

Armenean<br />

23 V. Chiş, L. David, O.<br />

Cozar, A. Chis<br />

24 L. David, O. Cozar, V.<br />

Chiş<br />

25 G. Damian, O. Cozar,<br />

V. Miclauş<br />

26 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

N. Ve<strong>de</strong>anu, L. David<br />

ESR Study of some Cu(II)-<br />

theophylline complexes<br />

IR and EPR investigations of the<br />

xCuO(1-x)[3B 2 O 3·K 2 O] glass<br />

structure<br />

The dynamics of nitroxi<strong>de</strong> radicals<br />

in chloroform and <strong>de</strong>uterated<br />

chloroform solutions absorbed<br />

on zeolites<br />

EPR study of some copper(II)<br />

complexes with dithiophosphonates<br />

as ligands<br />

Ab Initio and DFT calculations of<br />

the hyperfine structure of OH,<br />

HO 2 and D 2 O + radicals<br />

EPR and HF-EPR study of trinuclear<br />

metallic clusters encapsuled<br />

in some sandwich-type<br />

heteropolyanions<br />

Investigation of adsorbed copper<br />

(II) complexes on NaY zeolite by<br />

EPR spectroscopy<br />

EPR studies of Cu +2 and V 4+ in<br />

soda-and lead-phosphate<br />

glasses<br />

27 Al.Nicula, O.Cozar Linii satelit în spectrele RES ale<br />

atomilor <strong>de</strong> hidrogen în CaF 2<br />

28 V.Znamirovschi,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

RES a ionului Cu(II) în complecşii<br />

parţial covalenţi formaţi în soluţii<br />

amoniacale şi alcoolice la<br />

77K<br />

29 O.Cozar, N.Vezentan Studiul RES al bis-<br />

(monotiodibenzoilmetanato)-<br />

Cu(II)<br />

30 N.Vezentan, O.Cozar ESR study of two cupric complexes<br />

with nitrogen and oxigen<br />

ligands<br />

31 O.Cozar, N.Vezentan RES a bis-(acetilacetonetilendiamino)-Cu(II)<br />

în soluţii<br />

32 O. Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

I.Haiduc<br />

33 N.Vezentan, O.Cozar,<br />

I.Milea<br />

34 V. Znamirovschi,<br />

O.Cozar, Al.Nicula<br />

35 V.Znamirovschi,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

36 V.Znamirovschi,<br />

O.Cozar, V.V.Morariu<br />

On the metal-ligand bon<strong>din</strong>g in<br />

copper (II)-bis(8-<br />

hydroxyquinolinate<br />

Studiul RES al dietilditiofosfonatului<br />

<strong>de</strong> Cu(II)<br />

EPR of Mn(II) ions in waterethanol<br />

mixtures<br />

ESR evi<strong>de</strong>nce for some structural<br />

H-D isotope effects in<br />

aqueous solutions<br />

Roum.<br />

Raports in<br />

Physics<br />

Roum.J.Phy<br />

sics<br />

Roum.J.Phy<br />

sics<br />

Progress in<br />

Catalisys<br />

Roumanian<br />

Reports in<br />

Physics<br />

Rom. J.<br />

Phys<br />

Rom. J.<br />

Phys<br />

Rom. J.<br />

Phys<br />

Rom. Journ.<br />

Phys<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B., ser.<br />

Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

The freezing properties of water Studia<br />

adsorbed on silica in presence of U.B.B.,<br />

paramegnetic ions<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

37 E.Constantin, O.Cozar Etu<strong>de</strong> experimentale <strong>de</strong>s facteures<br />

isotopiques H-D dans les<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

1998 50 789-805 2<br />

1998 43 561-569 3<br />

1998 43 361-366 4<br />

1998 137 1-6 8<br />

1999 51 757-762 3<br />

2003 48 413-428 4<br />

2003 48 429-437 3<br />

2003 48 465-471 3<br />

2003 48 439-448 4<br />

1971 2 35-39 2<br />

1972 1 53-58 2<br />

1972 2 71-75 2<br />

1973 2 3-7 2<br />

1974 1 19-25 2<br />

1975 29-36 3<br />

1975 10-13 3<br />

1976 70-73 3<br />

1977 1 22-26 2<br />

1977 2 24-27 3<br />

1977 2 37-40 2<br />


38 O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

I.Haiduc<br />

spectres <strong>de</strong> mase du methane<br />

Solvent <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt EPR spectra<br />

of Cu(II)-monoethanolamine<br />

complexes in water-ethanol mixtures<br />

ser.Phys<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

39 O.Cozar, Gh.Ilonca Studiul RES a (NH 4 ) 3 AlF 6 :Ca Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

40 O.Cozar, R.Semeniuc Studiul RES al unor cianaţi complecşi<br />

<strong>de</strong> Cu(II) în soluţii<br />

41 O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi<br />

42 O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi<br />

43 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

M.Col<strong>de</strong>a<br />

44 V.Znamirovschi,<br />

A.Pantelic, C.Nicolau,<br />

O.Cozar, I.Mîrza<br />

45 O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi<br />

46 C.Cosma, O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi, I.Pop<br />

47 V.Ioncu, D.Stănilă,<br />

O.Cozar, T.Fiat<br />

48 O.Cozar, I.Bratu,<br />

R.Semeniuc,<br />

I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, M.Perici<br />

Studiul RES al<br />

[Cu(trien)SCN]SCN în apa adsorbită<br />

pe SiO 2<br />

RES al [Cu(NH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH) 4 ]Cl 2<br />

adsorbit pe SiO 2 şi Al 2 O 3<br />

RPE a ionilor Cu 2+ în sticle <strong>din</strong><br />

sistemul xCuO(1-x)[2B 2 O 3 .K 2 O]<br />

Determinarea unor pământuri<br />

rare în monazit şi titanit<br />

Competition between the associations<br />

ten<strong>de</strong>ncy of the metallic<br />

complexes and the structural <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

of the solution<br />

Analiza purităţii unor aliaje cu titan<br />

prin activare cu neutroni<br />

Umidimetru electronic pentru<br />

umidităţi joase<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studiul structural al unor complecşi<br />

p-clorbenzoaţi <strong>de</strong> cupru (II) U.B.B.,<br />

Studia<br />

prin absorbţie în IR şi analiză ser.Phys.<br />

temodiferenţială<br />

49 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean Studiul RES al formarii perechilor<br />

mixte <strong>de</strong> ioni Cu 2+ -V 4+ şi Cu 2+ -<br />

Mn 2+ în matricea 2B 2 O 3 .K 2 O<br />

50 O.Cozar, N.Grecu,<br />

I.Bratu, M.Col<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

V.Grecu<br />

51 C.Cosma, I.Mastan,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

ESR and magnetic susceptibility<br />

studies of some copper (II) p-<br />

benzoates<br />

Cercetări sistematice asupra radioactivităţii<br />

gazelor naturale<br />

emanate <strong>din</strong> sursele geotermale<br />

<strong>din</strong> Valea Cernei şi Valea Mehadica<br />

52 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean RES a ionilor Cu 2+ şi V 4+ în sticle<br />

fosfo-sodice<br />

53 L.Dărăban, T.Fiat,<br />

C.Cosma,<br />

M.Sălăgean,<br />

A.Pantelică, I.Chereji,<br />

O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

L.Mînzatu<br />

54 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.Ilonca,<br />

O.Cozar, V.Sevianu<br />

55 I.Mastan, A.To<strong>de</strong>rean,<br />

C.Cosma, O.Cozar,<br />

Determination of the aluminium<br />

content in glasses and vitroceramics<br />

by fast neutron activation<br />

Magnetic Properties of Cobalt<br />

Cadmium-Borate Oxi<strong>de</strong> Glasses<br />

Investigations concerning the<br />

nonconventional separation and<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

1978 1 6-9 3<br />

1978 1 79-80 2<br />

1979 1 31-33 2<br />

1979 1 41-44 2<br />

1980 1 18-21 2<br />

1980 2 52-56 3<br />

1980 2 25-29 5<br />

1981 1 28-31 2<br />

1981 1 51-56 4<br />

1981 26 23-29 4<br />

1982 27(1) 29-36 5<br />

1982 27(1) 41-46 2<br />

1983 28 33-40 5<br />

1984 24 35-41 4<br />

1984 30 51-55 2<br />

1986 1 44-48 9<br />

1986 31 45-49 4<br />

1988 33(1) 28-37 5<br />


V.Znamirovschi<br />

56 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.Ilonca,<br />

O.Cozar, S.Filimon<br />

57 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.Ilonca,<br />

O.Cozar, Ileana<br />

Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

58 O.Cozar, I.Milea,<br />

I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, T.Fiat,<br />

P.Simonfi<br />

59 O.Cozar, M.Morariu,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

I.Mastan<br />

60 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

I.Bratu, Gh.Ilonca,<br />

S.Simon<br />

61 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.Ilonca,<br />

O.Cozar, G.Mureşan<br />

62 O.Cozar, I.Bratu,<br />

A.Negoescu, L.David,<br />

Gh.Bora, R.Semeniuc<br />

63 L.David, O.Cozar,<br />

G.Damian, V.Chiş,<br />

A.Negoescu<br />

64 M.Culea, N.Palibroda,<br />

S.Nicoară, O.Cozar,<br />

I.Oprea, I.Feneşan<br />

65 I.Milea, V.Simon,<br />

I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O.Cozar,<br />

T.Fiat, L.Dărăban,<br />

V.Mih, D.Becsa<br />

66 V.Chiş, O.Cozar,<br />

G.Damian, L.David,<br />

C.Cosma,<br />

R.Semeniuc,<br />

T.Drăgoiu<br />

purification of helium from gaseous<br />

mixtures<br />

Magnetic behaviour of some<br />

molib<strong>de</strong>num soda-phosphate oxi<strong>de</strong><br />

glasses<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Magnetic susceptibility studies of Studia<br />

xCr 2 O 3 (1-x)[2P 2 O 5 .Na 2 O] glasses U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

EPR and diffuse reflectance<br />

studies on coloured quartz samples<br />

impurified with copper oxi<strong>de</strong><br />

Mossbauer studies of some iron<br />

minerals<br />

ESR, IR and magnetic susceptibility<br />

studies on xV 2 O 5 (1-<br />

x)[2B 2 O 3 .Li 2 O] glasses<br />

The valence states of iron ions in<br />

cadmium-borate oxi<strong>de</strong> glasses<br />

IR Studies of some copper (II)<br />

complexes with antiinflammatory<br />

drugs<br />

Crystal structure and Magnetic<br />

properties of two nitronyl nitroxi<strong>de</strong><br />

biradicals<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys.<br />

Studia<br />

U.B.B.,<br />

ser.Phys<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Ser.Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Ser.Physica<br />

1988 33(1) 55-58 4<br />

1987 33(2) 41-43 4<br />

1987 32(2) 10-12 5<br />

1988 (2) 49-52 4<br />

1989 (1) 94-102 5<br />

1989 34(2) 37-41 4<br />

1992 97(2) 83-92 6<br />

1992 37(2) 69-81 5<br />

Electron impact fragmentation of Studia UBB, 1993 38(1) 11-21 6<br />

some thionic-dioxophosphorinanarylsulphomidic<br />

Ser.Physica<br />

<strong>de</strong>rivatives<br />

Optical Absorption Study on Sodium-Phosphate<br />

Glasses Containing<br />

Uranium Ions<br />

ESR Study of Free Radicals Obtained<br />

in Some Gamma-<br />

Irradiated Aminoacids<br />

67 L.David, V.Chiş, IR Study of the Coor<strong>din</strong>ation<br />

O.Cozar, R.Semeniuc, Mo<strong>de</strong> of Cu(II) Ion in Methazolami<strong>de</strong><br />

S.Negurici<br />

Compound<br />

68 L.David, O.Cozar,<br />

I.Bratu, V.Chiş,<br />

Gh.Bora<br />

69 D. Maniu, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

70 S. Filip. O. Cozar, V.<br />

Simon, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

71 G.Damian,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

O.Cozar, M.Todică,<br />

V.Chiş, L.David,<br />

R.Salomir<br />

72 L.David, O.Cozar,<br />

L.Sumălean.<br />

R.Tetean, C.Crăciun,<br />

N.Pop<br />

73 V.Chiş, G.Damian,<br />

L.David, O.Cozar,<br />

V.Znamirovschi,<br />

L.Kazimirschi,<br />

IR, EPR and Mossbauer Investigation<br />

of Some Fe(III) Complexes<br />

with Antiinflammatory<br />

Drugs<br />

EPR Study of xV 2 O 5 (1-<br />

x)[3B 2 O 3 .K 2 O] glasses<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Ser.Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Ser.Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Ser.Physica<br />

Studia UBB<br />

Ser.Physica<br />

1994 39(1) 35-41 8<br />

1994 39(1) 17-25 7<br />

1994 39(1) 11-17 5<br />

1995 40 25-32 5<br />

Studia UBB, 1995 40 55-59 3<br />

Ser. Physica<br />

EPR and magnetic susceptibility Studia UBB, 1996 41 25-33 4<br />

studies of Cu 2+ ions in Bi 2 O 3 .PbO Ser. Physica<br />

glasses<br />

Solvent effects towards the mobility<br />

of nitroxi<strong>de</strong> radicals adsorbed<br />

on X and Y zeolites<br />

Structural studies of some Cu(II)<br />

complexes with thiazolylhydrazone<br />

Gamma Radiation effects on<br />

some biomolecules<br />

Studia UBB, 1996 41(1) 49-56 7<br />

Ser. Physica<br />

Studia UBB, 1996 41(1) 43-49 6<br />

Ser. Physica<br />

Studia UBB, 1997 42(1) 39-47 7<br />

Ser. Physica<br />


D.Ristoiu<br />

74 L.David, O.Cozar,<br />

V.Chiş, D.Ristoiu,<br />

C.Bălan<br />

75 E.Forizs, O.Cozar,<br />

L.David, D.Ristoiu,<br />

C.Crăciun, C.Bălan<br />

76 D.Chicea, L.Dărăban,<br />

O.Cozar, C.Cosma,<br />

D.Stoicescu<br />

77 L. Floca, O. Cozar, M.<br />

Trifu, L. Daraban, T.<br />

Fiat, M. Bayer<br />

78 C. Craciun, C. Balan,<br />

C. Agut, D. Ristoiu, O.<br />

Cozar, L. David<br />

79 C. Balan, C. Craciun,<br />

D. Ristoiu, O. Cozar,<br />

L. David<br />

Spectroscopic and magnetic<br />

properties of the dimeric<br />

[Cu(SO 4 )·(1,4-<br />

dihydrazinophtlazine) ⋅H 2 O] 2<br />

complex<br />

Local structure investigations of<br />

some Cu(II)-theophylline complexes<br />

Testing a fast neutron spectrometer<br />

using 14.1MeV 6 LiD<br />

neutron emission in a thermic<br />

neutron field<br />

Cercetari privind impactul transferului<br />

radionuclizilor în biotopurile<br />

ecosistemului acvatic <strong>din</strong><br />

bazinul Somesului<br />

The metal-ligand bon<strong>din</strong>g in<br />

some Cu(II)-complexes with<br />

ligands of biological relevance.<br />

Part I: Cu(II)-antiinflamatory<br />

drugs<br />

The metal-ligand bon<strong>din</strong>g in<br />

some Cu(II)-complexes with<br />

ligands of biological relevance.<br />

Part II: Cu(II)-tranquilizing sedativ-hypnotic<br />

and myorelaxant<br />

agents<br />

80 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh. Ilonca, Magnetic properties of glasses<br />

V. Simon, O. Cozar, V. from V 2 O 5 -P 2 O 5 -PbO system<br />

Mih<br />

81 L. David, O. Cozar, E.<br />

Forizs, R. Tetean<br />

82 C. Craciun, L. David,<br />

M. Rusu, O. Cozar, D.<br />

Ristoiu, I. Bratu<br />

83 C. Craciun, L. David,<br />

M. Rusu, O. Cozar, C.<br />

Balan, D. Ristoiu<br />

84 C. Balan, L. David, L.<br />

Ghizdavu, C. Craciun,<br />

O. Cozar, D. Ristoiu<br />

85 O. Cozar, L. David, G.<br />

Damian, V. Chis<br />

86 C. Craciun, L. David,<br />

O. Cozar, D. Rusu, M.<br />

Rusu, V. Chis<br />

87 C. Craciun, L. David,<br />

D. Rusu, M. Rusu, O.<br />

Cozar, V. Chis<br />

88 V. Chis, A. Buda, L.<br />

David, O. Cozar, A.<br />

Darabont, A. Caus<br />

89 A. Buda, I.P. Cohen-<br />

Addad, M. Todica, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

90 A. Buda, M. Todica, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

Spectroscopic and magnetic investigation<br />

of Cu(II)-nitrazepam<br />

IR and ESR Studies of<br />

K 5 [PVMo 2 W 9 O 40 (H 2 O)]·23H 2 O<br />

Heteropolyoxometalate Complex<br />

Cubic U(IV)-ion environment in<br />

K 19 [U 2 KAs 4 W 40 O 140 ]·42H 2 O polyoxometalate<br />

complex<br />

IR, ESR and magnetic investigations<br />

of some transition metal<br />

complexes of γ-L-glutamyl <strong>de</strong>rivatives<br />

Studia UBB, 1997 42(1) 49-55 5<br />

Ser. Physica<br />

Studia UBB, 1997 42(2) 31-38 6<br />

Ser. Physica<br />

Studia UBB, 1998 43(1) 45-63 5<br />

Ser. Physica<br />

Studia Univ.<br />

Babes-<br />

Bolyai, Ser.<br />

Biolog.<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

1996 2 41-49 6<br />

1998 42 41-50 6<br />

1998 42 51-59 5<br />

1999 44 13-19 5<br />

1999 44(1) 115-128 6<br />

1999 44(1) 98-106 6<br />

1999 44(1) 107-114 6<br />

Structural and Dynamical Studies Studia UBB, 1999 44(2) 55-71 4<br />

of Some Molecular Complexes of Physica<br />

Biological Relevance<br />

Spectroscopic Investigtion Of<br />

One Multiuranium(IV) Sandwich-<br />

Type Polyoxometalate Complex<br />

UV-VIS and FT-IR Studies Of<br />

One Polyoxometalate Resulted<br />

From Trilacunary Keggin Units<br />

Linked By U(IV) Ions<br />

Structural Properties of the Free<br />

Radical Produced in a Gamma-<br />

Irradiated Single Crystal of<br />

Ammonium Tartrate<br />

Preliminary evaluation of the<br />

state of some solvents in AN69<br />

polymeric membrane<br />

NMR Study Of Water Behaviour<br />

Insi<strong>de</strong> The An69 Polymeric<br />

Membrane<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

2000 44(1) 57-65 6<br />

2000 44(1) 49-56 6<br />

2000 44(1) 41-48 6<br />

2000 45(1) 34-39 4<br />

2000 45(2) 75-82 3<br />

4<br />


91 C.M. Muntean, A. Ioachim,<br />

O. Cozar, D.<br />

Moldoveanu<br />

92 C.M. Muntean, G.I.<br />

Puppels, I. Greve,<br />

G.M.I. Segers-Nolten,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

93 S.D. Silaghi, O. Cozar,<br />

A. Hernauz, I. Bratu<br />

94 S. Cuna, O. Cozar, G.<br />

Balas<br />

95 C. Gherman, M. Culea,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

96 R.F. Semeniuc, R.M.<br />

Semeniuc, I. Haiduc,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

97 S. Nicoara, M. Culea,<br />

Z. Moldovan, I. Fenesan,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

Absorbtion properties of DNA in<br />

a microwave field<br />

Low pH-induced DNA structural<br />

changes: A Raman microspectroscopic<br />

study<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica,<br />

45(2), (2000<br />

2000 45(2) 45-51 4<br />

2000 45(2) 53-59 5<br />

Vibrational Analysis and Spectra Studia UBB, 2000 45(2) 61-67 4<br />

of N-Hydroxyurea and its Physica<br />

Deuterated Homologue – An HIV<br />

and Oncostatic Drug<br />

Carbon-13 concentrations in human<br />

breath measured by mass<br />

spectrometry<br />

The quantitative <strong>de</strong>termination of<br />

active principles from hyppophac<br />

rhamnoi<strong>de</strong>s L. vil by GC/MS<br />

Spectroscopic characterization of<br />

some chromium o-<br />

alkyldithiocarbonates<br />

Mass spectral analysis of some<br />

p-aryl substituted thiphosphororganic<br />

compounds<br />

98 N. Leopold, S. Cinta-<br />

Pinzaru, M. Bolboaca,<br />

O. Cozar, W. Kiefer, J.<br />

Popp<br />

Vibrational study of thiamine<br />

99 M. Bolboaca, S. Cinta-<br />

Pinzaru, O. Cozar, T.<br />

Iliescu, P. Rösch, W.<br />

Kiefer<br />

100 O. Cozar, L. David, C.<br />

Craciun, V. Chis<br />

101 L.David, C. Craciun,<br />

O. Cozar, D. Rusu<br />

102 M. Culea, L. Fromondi,<br />

C. Gherman<br />

and O. Cozar<br />

103 C.Crăciun, L.David,<br />

V.Chiş, O.Cozar<br />

104 R. Micu-Semenic, I.<br />

Haiduc, R. Semenic,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

105 V.Chiş, A.L Maniero,<br />

M. Brustolon,<br />

O.Cozar, L.David<br />

Raman and SERS studies on<br />

cobalt (II) cupferronato complexes<br />

X and WESR studies of transition<br />

metal clusters encapsulated in<br />

sandwich-type polyxometalates<br />

Coor<strong>din</strong>ation of uranium (IV) ions<br />

to monolacunar and trilacunar<br />

Keggin-type heteropolyxometalates.<br />

Spectroscopic and magnetic<br />

investigation<br />

Aroma compounds and antioxidants<br />

from red wine by GC/MS<br />

EPR Study of a trinuclear Mn II<br />

cluster encapsulated in one heteropolyanion<br />

Spectroscopic studies of some<br />

metallic bis-dithiophosphonates,<br />

M(DTP) 2 , and some adducts<br />

EPR and ENDOR Investigation<br />

an Gamma-Irradiated Single<br />

Crystal of L-Tyrosine-HCl<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

ser. Chem.<br />

(1999<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

2001 45(1) 13-20 3<br />

2000 45(2) 83-90 3<br />

1999 44(1-2) 203-212 4<br />

2001 46(1) 89-100 5<br />

Studia UBB, 2001 46(1) 79-87 6<br />

ser. Physica<br />

Studia UBB, 2001 46(1) 67-77 6<br />

ser. Physica<br />

Studia UBB, 2001 46 176-182 4<br />

ser. Physica<br />

Studia UBB, 2001 46 183-190 4<br />

ser. Physica<br />

Studia UBB, 2001 46 343-349 4<br />

ser. Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Chemia<br />

Studia UBB<br />

Physica<br />

2001 46(2) 3-10 4<br />

2000 45(1-2) 185-197 4<br />

2002 47 (1) 83-96 5<br />

106 V.Chiş, A.Nemeş,<br />

L.David, O.Cozar<br />

107 S. Nicoara, Z. Moldovan,<br />

I. Fenesan, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

108 O. Cozar, L. David, V.<br />

Chiş<br />

Ab initio and DFT study on hyperfine<br />

structure of the 1,2-<br />

benzosemiquinone anion radical<br />

Electron Impact Mass Spectral<br />

Study of Some S-methyl p-<br />

Arylsulphonami<strong>de</strong>s of Dimethylamidocyclohexyphosphonic<br />

Acid<br />

ESR study of some Metal-<br />

Complexes with Theopylline and<br />

Nucleoti<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Ser Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Ser Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

2002 47 (1) 157-170 4<br />

2002 47 (1) 23-35 4<br />

2003 48 113-122 3<br />

109 V. Chiş, V. Miclăuş, L. Which Radicals are Formed, by Studia UBB, 2003 48 123-134 6<br />


Mureşan, G. Damian,<br />

L. David, O. Cozar<br />

110 L. David, O. Cozar, V.<br />

Chiş<br />

111 M. Armenean, L.<br />

Berry, O. Cozar, H.<br />

Saint-James<br />

112 M. Armenean, L.<br />

Berry, O. Cozar, H.<br />

Saint-James<br />

113 C. Cudalbu, A. Stan,<br />

O. Cozar, D. Ristoiu<br />

114 St. Tamas, O. Cozar,<br />

S. Cotul, M.<br />

Drogoteanu, C. Piglesan,<br />

N. Tamas<br />

115 S. Cună, G. Bălaş, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

116 M. Culea, O. Cozar, D.<br />

Ristoiu<br />

Electrochemical Reduction of the<br />

NO 2 Groupin Dinitrofuryl-<br />

Hydrazid hydrazone? An ESR<br />

and DFT Study<br />

EPR Study of Two Sandwich-<br />

Type Heteropoly-oxometalates<br />

with Trinuclear Vanadium Clusters<br />

(V IV 3 and V IV 2V V )<br />

Development of selenoidal implantable<br />

<strong>de</strong>tection microcoils for<br />

minimally invasive NMR spectroscopy<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

2003 48 135-141 3<br />

2003 48(1) 3-10 4<br />

Evaluation of an implantable <strong>de</strong>- Studia UBB, 2003 48(2) 13-22 4<br />

tection microcoils for localized Physica<br />

NMR spectroscopy<br />

Dose distribution in the irradiation<br />

of medulloblastoma with two<br />

adjacent fields<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

2003 48(2) 3-11 4<br />

Radiation absorbed dose calculation<br />

and exposure evaluation in Physica<br />

Studia UBB, 2003 49(2) 67-83 6<br />

diagnostical nuclear medicine<br />

Isotopic composition of plant<br />

carbon correlates with wather –<br />

use efficiency<br />

Biomedical applications of gas<br />

chromatography – mass spectrometry<br />

117 S. Cuna, G. Muresan, Photosynthetic fractionation of<br />

O. Cozar, N. Lupsa, V. carbon isotopes<br />

Mirel<br />

118 S. Nicoara, N. Palibroda,<br />

Z. Moldovan,<br />

M. Culea, O. Cozar, I.<br />

Fenesan<br />

119 F. Pop-Gozman, I.<br />

Bratu, O. Cozar, M.<br />

Bojita<br />

120 N. Leopold, O. Cozar,<br />

C-tin Cosma, Bernhard<br />

Lendl<br />

121 M. Toma, I. Bratu,A.<br />

Herna O. Cozar , Gh.<br />

Bora<br />

122 S. Cuna, G. Muresan,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

123 N. Leopold, S. Cîntă-<br />

Pînzaru, M. Baia, C.<br />

Lehene, O. Cozar, W.<br />

Kiefer<br />

124 O. Cozar, L. David, M.<br />

Rusu, C. Crăciun, V.<br />

Chis<br />

125 Monica Culea, M.<br />

Nanulescu, O. Cozar<br />

126 C. Floare, S. Astilean,<br />

M. Bogdan, O. Cozar<br />

127 V. Chiş, A. Pîrnau, T.<br />

Jurcă, M. Vasilescu,<br />

S. Simon, O. Cozar, L.<br />

David<br />

Kinetic energy release in some<br />

thiophosphorylic p-<br />

carboxybenzene sulfonami<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Spectroscopic investigation of<br />

Cu(II) molecular complexes of<br />

atenolol and metoprolol tartrate<br />

A New Analitical Method for<br />

Trace Detection at Femtogram<br />

Level Employing Surface-<br />

Enhanced Raman Scattering<br />

The Inclusion Complex of Nimodipine<br />

with β-cyclo<strong>de</strong>xtrine.<br />

FT IR Spectroscopy<br />

A method for sulfur isotopes <strong>de</strong>termination<br />

from mineral sulfurous<br />

waters<br />

pH <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce of the free and<br />

adsorbed papaverine molecular<br />

species. Vibrational approach<br />

EPR and HF-EPR of metallic<br />

clusters incorporated in some<br />

supramolecular system<br />

Caffeine test by GC/MS<br />

β-cyclo<strong>de</strong>xtrin and the anionic α-<br />

DNBP in DMSO solution<br />

Molecular and vibrational structure<br />

of pyrazinami<strong>de</strong> a combined<br />

experimental and theoretical<br />

study<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

(PIM 2003)<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

(PIM2003)<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

(PIM2003)<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

(PIM2003)<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

(PIM2003)<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

(PIM2003)<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

2004 49(1) 35-39 3<br />

2003 48 227-233 3<br />

2003 48 397-399 5<br />

2003 48 411-415 6<br />

2003 48 442-444 4<br />

2003 48 460-462 4<br />

2003 48 490-493 5<br />

2003 48(2) 33-38 3<br />

2004 49(1) 9-19 6<br />

2004 49(2) 67-74 5<br />

2004 49(3) 7-10 3<br />

2004 49(3) 51-56 4<br />

2004 49(3) 75-82 7<br />


128 A. Pîrnau, M. Baias,<br />

O. Oniga, V. Chiş, M.<br />

Vasilescu, O. Cozar,<br />

S. Simion<br />

129 O. Cozar, N. Leopold,<br />

M. Tomoaia-Cotisel,<br />

A. Mocanu, C. Jelic, L.<br />

David, V. Chis, R.<br />

Grecu<br />

130 M. Tomoaia-Cotişel,<br />

Gh. Tomoaia, D. V.<br />

Pop, A. Mocanu, O.<br />

Cozar, N. Apetroaiei,<br />

G. Popa<br />

131 M. Bako, G. Damian,<br />

O. Cozar, S. Dreve<br />

132 N. Ve<strong>de</strong>anu, O. Cozar,<br />

I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

133 D.A. Magdas, O.<br />

Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, D.<br />

Maniu, L. David<br />

134 D. Ristoiu, O. Cozar,<br />

C. Cosma, T. Ristoiu,<br />

D. Cenan<br />

135 M. Culea, O. Cozar, D.<br />

Ristoiu, E. Culea<br />

136 M. Culea, M. Oros, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

137 M. Culea, G. Gherman,<br />

M. Oros, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

138 M. Culea, A. Bucur, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

139 M. Culea, L. Petrusca,<br />

M. Iosin, O. Cozar, I.<br />

Coroiu<br />

140 M. Culea, O. D.<br />

Gainar, M. Sigovan,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

Molecular and vibrational structure<br />

of 5-para-bromo-benzili<strong>de</strong>ntiazoli<strong>din</strong>-2-tion-4-ona.<br />

Experimental<br />

and theoretical investigation<br />

Spectroscopic approach of the<br />

cation selective molecule <strong>de</strong>sferrioxamine<br />

B and its Fe(III) complex<br />

Atomic Force Microscopy Studies<br />

of Langmuir – blodgett Films.<br />

The effect of some drugs on dipalmitoyl<br />

phosphatidyl choline<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

2004 49(3) 83-88 7<br />

2004 49(3) 115-120 8<br />

2004 49(3) 141-150 7<br />

ESR and ATR-FTIR investigations<br />

of nanostructured polymeric Physica<br />

Studia UBB, 2004 49(3) 163-168 4<br />

films<br />

EPR investigationsos some calcium-phosphate<br />

glasses with vanadium<br />

ions<br />

Raman spectroscopic studies of<br />

some phosphate glasses with<br />

molyb<strong>de</strong>num ions<br />

Nanoscale heat transfer for energy<br />

conversion applications<br />

Trace analysis by gas chromatography<br />

– mass spectrometry<br />

Red Wine characterization by<br />

GC/MS<br />

Active principles <strong>de</strong>termination in<br />

herbs by GC and GC/MS<br />

Determination of amino acids in<br />

blood samples by GC/MS<br />

Study of amino-acid transmembranar<br />

transport<br />

Isotopic enrichement measurements<br />

in uniformly labeled cholesterol<br />

with 13 C by GC/MS<br />

141 P. Ber<strong>de</strong>a, S. Cuna, Application of Stable Isotopes<br />

( 18 O, D) to Study the Prove-<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

Physica,<br />

(2004)<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

<strong>de</strong><br />

Vest <strong>din</strong> Timisoara,<br />

Ser. Stiinte<br />

Fizice<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

<strong>de</strong><br />

Vest <strong>din</strong><br />

Timisoara,<br />

Ser. Stiinte<br />

Fizice<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

<strong>de</strong><br />

Vest <strong>din</strong> Timisoara,<br />

Ser. Stiinte<br />

Fizice<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

<strong>de</strong><br />

Vest <strong>din</strong><br />

Timisoara,<br />

Ser. Stiinte<br />

Fizice<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

<strong>de</strong><br />

Vest <strong>din</strong><br />

Timisoara,<br />

Ser. Stiinte<br />

Fizice<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

<strong>de</strong><br />

Vest <strong>din</strong> Timisoara,<br />

Ser. Stiinte<br />

Fizice<br />

2004 49(3) 189-194 3<br />

2004 49(3) 195-198 5<br />

2004 49(3) 257-264 5<br />

2003 44 97-99 4<br />

2003 44 125-129 3<br />

2003 44 129-132 4<br />

2004 45 89-92 3<br />

2004 45 93-98 5<br />

2004 45 169-172 4<br />

Rom. Journ. 2005 50 685-690 4<br />


O. Cozar, G. Mureşan nience of Mineral waters from<br />

some locations of Romania<br />

142 C. Floare, S. Astilean,<br />

M. Bogdan, O. Cozar,<br />

H.P.Tromsdorff<br />

143 Monica Culea, O.<br />

Cozar, D. Ristoiu<br />

144 V. Chis, C. Lehene, M.<br />

Venter, O. Cozar, M.<br />

Vasilescu, N. Leopold<br />

DFT Structure Optimization and<br />

Vibrational Spectra of the Photochromic<br />

2- (2 ’ , 4 ’ -<strong>din</strong>itrobenzyl)<br />

pyri<strong>din</strong>e<br />

Valited methods for VOCs <strong>de</strong>termination<br />

by gas chromathrography-mass<br />

spectrometry<br />

FT-IR, Raman, NMR and DFT<br />

studies on two bis-aniline <strong>de</strong>rivates<br />

145 D. Ristoiu, Urs von<br />

Guten, Iovanca<br />

Formation of trihalomethanes<br />

and bromate during disinfection<br />

Haiduc, Monica Culea, of drinking water in water treatment<br />

O. Cozar, C. Cosma<br />

plants and distribution sys-<br />

tems<br />

146 Simona Nicoara, Z.<br />

Moldovan, N. Palibroda,<br />

M. Culea, O.<br />

Cozar and I. Fenesan<br />

147 Laura Daraban, O.<br />

Cozar, G. Damian, L.<br />

Daraban, D. Petrisor,<br />

G. Schmutzer<br />

148 Carmen Tripon , D.<br />

Toloman, O. Cozar, I.<br />

Bratu and I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

149 Rodica Grecu, I.<br />

Bratu, T. Iliescu, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

150 D. Ristoiu, C. Cosma,<br />

T. Ristoiu, O. Cozar,<br />

D. Cenan<br />

151 D. Ristoiu, C. Cosma,<br />

T. Ristoiu, O. Cozar,<br />

D. Cenan<br />

Study of the kinetic energy release<br />

in metastable ions cleavage<br />

for n-methyl p-substituted<br />

arylsulfonamido thiophosphororganic<br />

<strong>de</strong>rivates<br />

ESR Dosimetry by some <strong>de</strong>tergents<br />

and aminoacids<br />

Sructural characterisation of<br />

V 2 O 5 -Bi 2 O 3 -B 2 O 3 system by IR<br />

absorbtion and EPR<br />

Intermolecular interactions of dimethyldichlorosilane<br />

with different<br />

solvents studied by IR spectroscopy<br />

Solar thermal heat pipe active<br />

systems<br />

Design and performance of the<br />

active solar collector<br />

Phys.<br />

Rom. Journ.<br />

Phys.<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

ser.<br />

Physica,<br />

PIM 2005, 3<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

ser.<br />

Physica,<br />

PIM 2005, 3<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

ser.<br />

Physica,<br />

PIM 2005, 3<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

ser.<br />

Physica,<br />

PIM 2005, 4<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

ser.<br />

Physica,<br />

PIM 2005, 4<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

ser.<br />

Physica,<br />

PIM 2005, 4<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

ser.<br />

Physica,<br />

PIM 2005, 4<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

ser.<br />

Physica,<br />

PIM 2005, 4<br />

Studia UBB,<br />

ser.<br />

Physica,<br />

PIM 2005, 4<br />

2005 50 815-829 5<br />

2005 3 276-282 3<br />

2005 3 283-290 6<br />

2005 3 323-329 6<br />

2005 4 536-541<br />

2005 4 587-590<br />

2005 4 624-627<br />

2005 4 654-657<br />

2005 4 743-746<br />

2005 4 747-750<br />

1.d<br />

1 O. Cozar, L. David, V.<br />

Chis, C. Cosma, A.<br />

Negoescu, I. Bratu,<br />

Gh. Bora<br />

2 S.Nicoara, Z. Moldovan,<br />

O. Cozar, I.<br />

Fenesan<br />

3 G. Damian, O. Cozar,<br />

V. Znamirovschi, V.<br />

Chis, L. David<br />

4 L. David, O. Cozar, V.<br />

Chis<br />

5 I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.<br />

Ilonca, O. Cozar, V.<br />

Simon, S. Filip<br />

Studii IR si RES asupra unor<br />

complecsi <strong>de</strong> Cu(II) avand ca<br />

liganzi substante medicamentoase<br />

Studii prin spectrometrie <strong>de</strong><br />

masa a unor posibile pestici<strong>de</strong><br />

Simularea <strong>din</strong>amicii moleculelor<br />

adsorbite in zeoliti<br />

One-dimensional ferro-, ferryand<br />

antiferromagnetism: EPR<br />

spectra<br />

Starea <strong>de</strong> valenta si interactiunile<br />

magnetice <strong>din</strong>tre ionii <strong>de</strong> fier in<br />

sticlele Bi 2 O 3 -PbO<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

1993 3 36-43 7<br />

1993 3 97-100 4<br />

1994 4 63-66 5<br />

1994 4 67-73 3<br />

1994 4 13-19 5<br />

6 L. Daraban, T. Fiat, O. Studiul schemelor <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>zinter- Analele Uni- 1996 6 125-138 9<br />


Cozar, V. Znamirovschi,<br />

M. Baier, C.<br />

But, F. Todor, A. Chis,<br />

S. I. Szigyarbo<br />

7 C. M. Muntean, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

8 S. Cuna, O. Cozar, P.<br />

Ber<strong>de</strong>a, V. Stupar<br />

9 L. Daraban, V. Znamirovschi,<br />

C. Cosma, T.<br />

Fiat, O. Cozar, D.<br />

Boros, L. Daraban<br />

10 S. Cuna, O. Cozar,<br />

P.Ber<strong>de</strong>a, C. Balas<br />

11 C. Craciun, L. David,<br />

O. Cozar, S. Filip, I.<br />

Panic<br />

12 L. David, C. Craciun,<br />

O. Cozar, S. Filip, M.<br />

Naghi<br />

13 O. Cozar, L. David, E.<br />

Forizs, C. Craciun, M.<br />

Purza<br />

14 C. Balan, L. David, O.<br />

Cozar, C. Agut, M.<br />

Moldovan<br />

15 A.Stan, F. Ilea, O.<br />

Cozar, T. Jurcut<br />

16 A.Stan, C. Cesa, O.<br />

Cozar, S. Filip<br />

17 C. Craciun, V. Chis, L.<br />

David, O. Cozar, S.<br />

Filip<br />

grare a unor radioizotopi <strong>de</strong> viata<br />

scurta produsi prin iradiere cu<br />

surse izotopice <strong>de</strong> neutroni<br />

Structuri protonate ADN si relevanta<br />

lor biologica<br />

Determinarea influentelor antropogenice<br />

<strong>de</strong> CO 2 in atmosfera<br />

Problems in gold <strong>de</strong>termination<br />

by N. A.A. with isotopic neutron<br />

sources in ancient coins<br />

Studiul variatiei 13 C in CO 2 respirator<br />

folosind substraturi marcate<br />

cu 13 C<br />

FT-IR, UV-VIS and EPR investigation<br />

of three vanadium (IV)<br />

substituted Keggin polioxometalate<br />

versitatii<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

FT-IR, UV-VIS and EPR investigation<br />

of multicopper polyoxo-<br />

Univ.<br />

Analele<br />

tungstates with Bi(III) as heteroatom<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

IR, VIS and ESR studies on<br />

some Cu(II) complexes of theophyline<br />

IR, ESR and magnetic investigation<br />

on some transition metal<br />

complexes of γ-L-glutamyl <strong>de</strong>rivates<br />

Investigatii dozimetrice privind<br />

cancerul rinofaringian<br />

Meto<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> verificare a algoritmilor<br />

care calculeaza doza absorbita<br />

in cazul iradierii cu fascicule<br />

<strong>de</strong> electroni<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

ESR investigation of two heteropolyoxometalates<br />

encapsulating Univ.<br />

Analele<br />

three V IV ions or mixed valence Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

2V IV /V V ions<br />

Fizica<br />

18 C. Craciun, L. David, Coordonation of two uranium<br />

T. Jurcut, O. Cozar, C. ions to the [KAs 4 W 40 O 140 ] 27- cryptate<br />

heteropolyanion. UV-VIS<br />

Vaju<br />

and IR investigation<br />

19 O. Cozar, C. Craciun,<br />

L. David, S. Filip, M.<br />

Miron<br />

20 L. David, C. Craciun,<br />

C. Simut, O. Cozar, T.<br />

Jurcut, D. Filimon<br />

21 T. Ristoiu, D. Ristoiu,<br />

C. Cosma, O. Cozar,<br />

L. David<br />

22 C. Simut, O. Cozar, L.<br />

David<br />

Relevance by HF-EPR af antiferromagnetic<br />

coupled Ni(II) ions<br />

in Na 12 [Ni 3 (BiW 9 O 33 ) 2 ]·25H 2 O<br />

sandwich-type polyoxometalate<br />

Spectroscopic and magnetic investigation<br />

of one Cu(II) complex<br />

with <strong>de</strong>protonated 1-ethoxy-3-<br />

phenyl-propanedione ligand<br />

Stratospheric ozone <strong>de</strong>crease<br />

ant its health implication<br />

Specii paramagnetice neechivalente<br />

in cazul unor compleci<br />

moleculari <strong>de</strong> Cu 2+<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

1998 8 165-174 2<br />

1999 9 173-178 4<br />

2000 10A 7-20 7<br />

2000 10A 49-56 4<br />

2000 10A 165-174 5<br />

2000 10B 7-18 5<br />

2000 10B 19-26 5<br />

2000 10B 27-34 5<br />

2001 11A 11-20 4<br />

2001 11A 91-96 4<br />

2001 11A 97-108 5<br />

2001 11A 109-118 5<br />

2001 11A 119-126 5<br />

2001 11A 127-136 6<br />

2001 11B 75-88 5<br />

2002 12A 97-108 3<br />


23 C. Simut, L. David, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

24 C. Simut, L. David, O.<br />

Cozar, C. Cosma<br />

25 S. Cuna, G. Muresan,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

26 V. Chis, S. Filip, D.<br />

Ristoiu, R. Marcu, M.<br />

Oltean, L. David, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

27 V. Chis, S. Botond, L.<br />

Szabo, D. Ristoiu, S.<br />

Filip, L. David, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

28 V. Chis, A. Parnau, T.<br />

Jurca, O. Cozar, L.<br />

David<br />

29 T. Ristoiu, D. Ristoiu,<br />

D. Cenan, O. Cozar<br />

30 S. Cuna, G. Balas, O.<br />

Cozar, D.I. Cozma<br />

31 V. Chis, S. Botond, L.<br />

Szabo, D. Ristoiu, S.<br />

Filip, L. David, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

32 V. Chis, S. Filip, D.<br />

Ristoiu, R. Marcu, M.<br />

Oltean, L. David, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

33 M. Culea, S. Neamtu,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

34 M. Iosin, M. Culea, O.<br />

Cozar, L. Petrusca<br />

Spectroscopic and magnetic investigation<br />

of oxygen-bon<strong>de</strong>d<br />

copper(II) β-diketonate complexes<br />

Spectroscopic and magnetic investigation<br />

of dimeric copper(II)<br />

complexes<br />

Metoda pentru <strong>de</strong>terminarea<br />

compozitiei izotopice a carbonului<br />

<strong>din</strong> materia organica <strong>din</strong><br />

plante<br />

Theoretical ESR spectrum of 1,3-<br />

benzosemiquinone radical<br />

Semiempirical and DFT Calculations<br />

on Molecular Structure and<br />

Properties of N-3-<br />

pyri<strong>din</strong>ylmethanesulfonami<strong>de</strong><br />

Experimental and theoretical FT-<br />

IR/ATR and Raman spectra of<br />

pyrazinami<strong>de</strong><br />

Nanoscale heat transport phenomena<br />

at the interface between<br />

a solid and a liquid<br />

The use of carbon stable isotopes<br />

in characterization of lichens<br />

as bioindicators<br />

Semiempirical and DFT Calculations<br />

on Molecular Structure and<br />

Properties of N-3-<br />

pyri<strong>din</strong>ylmethanesulfonami<strong>de</strong><br />

Theoretical and ESR spectrum of<br />

1,3-benzosemiquinone radical<br />

Amino acids transmembranar<br />

transport study<br />

Accurate quantification of amino<br />

acids in different biological<br />

specimens by gas chromatography<br />

– mass spectrometry<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele<br />

Univ.<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Analele Universitatii<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Fizica<br />

Revista<br />

Medico-<br />

Chirurgicala<br />

Revista<br />

Medico-<br />

Chirurgicala<br />

2003 13A 23-30 3<br />

2003 13A 31-38 4<br />

2003 13A 55-64 3<br />

2003 13A 123-142 7<br />

2003 13A 143-153 7<br />

2004 14A 15-34 5<br />

2004 14A 63-74 4<br />

2004 14A 117-125 4<br />

2004 14B 5-20 7<br />

2004 14B 21-40 7<br />

2005 172-173 3<br />

2005 192-193 4<br />

Criteriul 2.<br />

2. Cărţi ştiinţifice (monografii, ediţii critice<br />

etc.)<br />

2.a. in<strong>de</strong>xate ISI<br />

Tabelul 2.a, 2.b, 2.c, 2.d (câte un tabel pentru fiecare criteriu)<br />

Nr.<br />

crt.<br />

2.b. in<strong>de</strong>xate în alte baze <strong>de</strong> date internaţionale<br />

2.c. publicate în edituri internaţionale<br />

2.d. publicate în edituri avizate <strong>de</strong> CNCSIS<br />

Criteriu Autori Titlu lucrare Editura An Paginile Nr. autori<br />

2.d<br />

1 O. Cozar, L. David Rezonanta electronica <strong>de</strong> spin pe sisteme<br />

paramagnetice cuplate<br />

Presa<br />

Universitara<br />

Clu-<br />

1999 246 2<br />


2 O. Cozar, V. Grecu, V.<br />

Znamirovschi<br />

3 L. David, O. Cozar, C.<br />

Craciun, V. Chis<br />

4 L. David, V. Chis, C.<br />

Craciun, O. Cozar<br />

5 L. David, O. Cozar, C.<br />

Cristea, L. Gaina<br />

6 V. Znamirovschi, O.<br />

Cozar, J. Karacsony<br />

Rezonanta electronica <strong>de</strong> spin pe complecsi<br />

metalici<br />

Rezonanta electronica <strong>de</strong> spin – Principii,<br />

meto<strong>de</strong>, aplicatii<br />

jeana<br />

Editura 2001 260 3<br />

Aca<strong>de</strong>miei<br />

Presa<br />

Universitara<br />

<strong>Cluj</strong>eana<br />

2001 508 4<br />

Rezonanta electronica <strong>de</strong> spin – probleme Editura 2000 252 4<br />

Casa cartii<br />

<strong>de</strong> stiinta<br />

I<strong>de</strong>ntificarea structurii moleculare prin meto<strong>de</strong><br />

spectroscopice<br />

<strong>Fizică</strong> cuantică pentru fizico-chimişti<br />

7 O. Cozar Teoria grupurilor în fizica atomului şi<br />

moleculei<br />

8 O. Cozar, V. Grecu, V.<br />

Znamirovschi<br />

9 E. Fodor, V. Znamirovschi,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

10 O. Cozar, A. Farkas, C.<br />

Cosma, V. Mercea<br />

11 E. Constantinescu, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

12 V. Znamirovschi, O.<br />

Cozar, C. Cosma, T.<br />

Fiat<br />

13 O. Cozar, C. Cosma, L.<br />

Dărăban, V. Chiş<br />

Aplicaţii ale rezonanţei electronice <strong>de</strong> spin<br />

în fizica moleculei<br />

Lucrări practice <strong>de</strong> fizica atomului, nucleului<br />

şi moleculei<br />

Lucrări <strong>de</strong> laborator <strong>de</strong> fizica moleculei<br />

Culegere <strong>de</strong> probleme <strong>de</strong> fizica moleculei<br />

Lucrări practice <strong>de</strong> interacţiuni nucleare şi<br />

meto<strong>de</strong> experimentale în fizica nucleară<br />

Detecţia radiaţiilor şi spectroscopie nucleară.<br />

Lucrări practice.<br />

Presa<br />

Universitara<br />

<strong>Cluj</strong>eana<br />

Ed. Univ.<br />

B.B. <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Ed. Univ.<br />

B.B., <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Ed. Univ.<br />

B.B., <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Ed. Univ.<br />

B.B., <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Ed. Univ.<br />

B.B., <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Ed. Univ.<br />

B.B., <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Ed. Univ.<br />

B.B., <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Ed. Univ.<br />

B.B., <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

2004 414 4<br />

1977 295 3<br />

1986 300 1<br />

1995 218 3<br />

1973 227 3<br />

1975 120 4<br />

1976 239 2<br />

1983 139 4<br />

1996 117 4<br />

Criteriul 3<br />

3. Comunicări la conferinţe (congrese) ştiinţifice<br />

internaţionale publicate în volume cu lucrări<br />

in extenso<br />

Tabelul 3a, 3.b, 3.c. (câte un tabel pentru fiecare criteriu)<br />

Nr.<br />

crt.<br />

3.a. conferinţe (lecţii invitate)<br />

3.b. comunicări orale<br />

3.c. prezentare poster<br />

Criteriu Autori Titlu lucrare Denumire manifestare<br />

(volum)<br />

3.a<br />

1 O. Cozar, L. David, C. Cosma,<br />

V. Chis<br />

2 C. Cosma, D. Ristoiu, O.<br />

Cozar, V. Znamirovschi<br />

EPR study of the Cu (II) –<br />

complexes with antiinflamatory<br />

drugs<br />

Studies about natural radioactivity<br />

in Cerna Valley<br />

Second general Confrence<br />

of the Balkan<br />

Phsysical Union 12-14<br />

sept., Izmir, Turkey,<br />

Proc. Of Conf.<br />

Inter. Conference of<br />

Radioprotection Rom.<br />

Society, 17-20 0ct.,<br />

Baile Herculane, Romania,<br />

Proc. of Conf.<br />

3 E. Forizs,L. David, V. Chis, O. IR and ESR study of Cu (II) – XXIII European Congress<br />

on Molecular<br />

An<br />

1994 1091-<br />

1095<br />

Paginile Nr.<br />

aut<br />

ori<br />

4<br />

1995 25-31 4<br />

1996 195-199 5<br />

Înreg.<br />

ISI<br />

(dacă<br />

e cazul)<br />


Cozar, M. Venter nitrazepam complexes Spectroscopy Balatonfűred,<br />

Hungary, 25-30<br />

august, Proc. of Congress<br />

4 O. Cozar, L. David, V. Chis Structural investigations of<br />

some Cu(II)-1,4 benzodiazepinecomplexes<br />

by ESR<br />

5 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, V.<br />

Simon, Gh. Ilonca, C. Craciun,<br />

C. Cefan<br />

EPR and magnetic susceptibility<br />

investigations of some<br />

vanadate-lithium-borate<br />

glasses<br />

6 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean Local structure and metalmetal<br />

interaction in some<br />

phosphate glasses<br />

7 O. Cozar RPE <strong>de</strong>s complexes<br />

metaliques d’interet<br />

biologique<br />

8 O. Cozar, , L. David, C.<br />

Craciun<br />

Local structure and interaction<br />

between transitional ions<br />

in some supramolecular systems<br />

9 O. Cozar ESR studies on some compounds<br />

of biological relevance<br />

10 M. Culea, O. Cozar, D. Ristoiu,<br />

S. Nicoara<br />

11 S. Nicoara, M. Culea, O.<br />

Cozar, D. Ristoiu<br />

12 M. Culea, M. Nanulescu, M.<br />

Popa, R. Mihalca, O. Cozar<br />

Carcinogenic pollutants in<br />

smokers<br />

Occupational exposure to<br />

hospital fumes in surgery operation<br />

rooms<br />

3 rd general Conference<br />

of the Balkan Physical<br />

Union 2-5 sept. <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong>, Romania, Proc.<br />

of Conf.<br />

1997 231-236 3<br />

Proc. of International<br />

Conference on Magnetic<br />

Materials, Calcuta, India,<br />

oct. 17-19<br />

2000 124-127 6<br />

International Confrence<br />

on Advanced Materials<br />

and Structures, Timisoara,<br />

Abstract Book<br />

AMS 2002<br />

Ecole d’ete Metho<strong>de</strong>s<br />

avancees d’analyse<br />

spectroscopique . Applications,<br />

<strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Joint summer school,<br />

JINR – Romania on<br />

neutron Physics for investigations<br />

of nuclei,<br />

Con<strong>de</strong>nsed Matter and<br />

Life Sciences, Baia-<br />

Mare<br />

Fifth General Conference<br />

of the Balkan<br />

Physical Union, BPU-5,<br />

Vranjacka Banja, Serbia,<br />

Proc. of Conf.<br />

2002 11-12 2<br />

2001 208-217 1<br />

2002 16-22 3<br />

2003 1745-<br />

1754<br />

The first International<br />

Conference on Clinic<br />

Engineering – Egypt<br />

“Safety in Hospital Environmental”,<br />

Cairo, Egipt,<br />

Proc. of Conf.<br />

2003 40 4<br />

The first International<br />

Conference on Clinic<br />

Engineering – Egypt<br />

“Safety in Hospital Environmental”,<br />

Cairo, Egipt<br />

, Proc. of Conf.<br />

Gas-Cromatography – Mass Eight International Symposium<br />

on Hyphenated<br />

Spectrometric Method of liver<br />

function Test in Children Techniques in Cromatography<br />

and Hyphenated<br />

Cromatographic<br />

Analysers (HTC-8),<br />

Brugge, Belgia, Proc. of<br />

Symp.<br />

13 M. Culea, O. Cozar, E. Culea Gas chromatography – mass<br />

spectrometry applications in<br />

smokers<br />

14 O. Cozar, L. David Spectroscopic studies of<br />

some metal ioncardiovascular<br />

drug complexes<br />

15 M. Culea, O. Cozar, S. Nicoara,<br />

R. Po<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Exposure assessment of<br />

nicotine and cotinine by<br />

GC/MS<br />

International Conference<br />

on Monitoring Indoor<br />

Air Polution, Manchester,<br />

Proc. of Conf.<br />

5 th International Balkan<br />

Workshop on Applied<br />

Physics, Constanta,<br />

Romania<br />

International Conference<br />

on Monitoring Indoor<br />

Air Polution, Man-<br />

1<br />

2003 38 4<br />

2004 14 5<br />

2004 17 3<br />

2004 99 2<br />

2004 18 4<br />


16 M. Culea, O. Cozar, D. Ristoiu,<br />

C. Melian<br />

17 O. Cozar, V. Chis, L. David, M.<br />

Baias<br />

GC/MS measurements of<br />

ambient level volatile organic<br />

compounds<br />

Experimental and DFT investigation<br />

on some biomedical<br />

compounds<br />

18 A. Pirnau, V. Chis, O. Cozar Structural investigation on<br />

some pharmaceutical compounds<br />

19 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean Local structure investigation<br />

of phosphate glasses with<br />

transitional metal ions<br />

chester, Proc. of Conf.<br />

International Conference<br />

on Monitoring Indoor<br />

Air Polution, Manchester,<br />

Proc. of Conf.<br />

The 6 th International<br />

Balkan Workshop on<br />

Applied Physics, Constanta,<br />

Romania, Book<br />

of Abstracts<br />

2004 27 4<br />

2005 135 4<br />

Physics Conference<br />

with Intern. Participation,<br />

Timisoara, Abstract<br />

Book<br />

2004 110 3<br />

Physics Conference<br />

with Intern. Participation,<br />

Baile Felix, Romania,<br />

Abstract Book<br />

2005 22 2<br />

3.b<br />

1 L. Nagy, D. Bo<strong>de</strong>a, O. Cozar Two electron transitions in<br />

the helium atom induced by<br />

charged particles and photons<br />

2 S. Canta, M. Venter, P.<br />

Scholtz, T. Iliescu, O. Cozar,<br />

W. Kiefer<br />

SERS of the new triphenylphosphyn-copper(II)<br />

triazenido<br />

complexes<br />

3 O. Cozar Dynamical and structural<br />

studies of some molecular<br />

complexes by EPR Spectroscopy<br />

4 O. Cozar, L. David, C. Craciun,<br />

V. Chis<br />

5 L. David, C. Craciun, O. Cozar,<br />

D. Rusu<br />

X and W ESR studies of<br />

transition metal clusters encapsulated<br />

in sandwich-type<br />

ployoxometalates<br />

Coor<strong>din</strong>ation of Uranium (IV)<br />

ions to monolacunar and trilacunar<br />

Keggin-type heteropolyoxometalates.<br />

Spectroscopic<br />

and magnetic investigation<br />

6 C. Cudalbu, A. Stan, O. Cozar Dose distribution in the irradiation<br />

with adjacent fields.<br />

Medical Applications<br />

7 M. Culea, O. Cozar, D. Ristoiu Biomedical Applications of<br />

gas chromatography – mass<br />

spectrometry<br />

8 O. Cozar, L. David, M. Rusu,<br />

C. Craciun, V. Chis<br />

9 O. Cozar, N. Leopold, L. David,<br />

V. Chis, M. Tomoaia-Cotisel,<br />

A. Mocanu<br />

3 rd General Confrence<br />

of the Balkan Phsysical<br />

Union, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong>,<br />

Romania<br />

3 rd General Confrence<br />

of the Balkan Phsysical<br />

Union, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong>,<br />

Romania<br />

First Conference on Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong>, Romania<br />

Second Conference on<br />

Isotopic and Molecular<br />

Processes, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong>, Romania<br />

Second Confrence on<br />

Isotopic and Molecular<br />

Processes, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong>, Romania,<br />

Joint summer school,<br />

JINR – Romania on<br />

neutron Physics for investigations<br />

of nuclei,<br />

Con<strong>de</strong>nsed Matter and<br />

Life Sciences, Baia-<br />

Mare<br />

1997 69 3<br />

1997 102 6<br />

2001 12 1<br />

2001 34 4<br />

2001 35 4<br />

2002 42-46 3<br />

Third Confrence on Isotopic<br />

2003 58 3<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

EPR and HF-EPR on metallic Advanced Spectroscopies<br />

on Biomedical<br />

clusters incorporated in some<br />

supramolecular systems and Nanostructured<br />

Systems, <strong>Cluj</strong> –<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong>, Book of Abstracts<br />

Structural investigation on<br />

cation recognition molecules<br />

10 M. Culea, O. Cozar, D. Ristoiu Validated methods of VOCs<br />

<strong>de</strong>termination by gas chromatography<br />

– mass spec-<br />

2004 38 5<br />

Fourth Conference on 2005 53 6<br />

Isotopic and Molecular<br />

Processes, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference on 2005 63 3<br />

Isotopic and Molecular<br />

Processes, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />


11 V. Chis, C. Lehene, M. Venter,<br />

O. Cozar, M. Vasilescu, N.<br />

Leopold<br />

12 M. Tomoaia-Cotisel, Gh. Tomoaia,<br />

O. Cozar, Cs. Racs, A.<br />

Mocanu, I. Halaciuga<br />

trometry<br />

FT-IR, Raman , NMR and<br />

DFT studies on two bisaniline<br />

<strong>de</strong>rivatives<br />

Deferoxamine effect on the<br />

phase behavior of stearic<br />

acid monolayers. Atomic<br />

force microscopy studies<br />

Fourth Conference on 2005 65 6<br />

Isotopic and Molecular<br />

Processes, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference on 2005 66 6<br />

Isotopic and Molecular<br />

Processes, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

13 D. Ristoiu, Urs von Gunten, I. Formation of trihalomethanes Fourth Conference on 2005 75 6<br />

Haiduc, M. Culea, O. Cozar, C. and bromate during disinfection<br />

of drinking water in water Processes, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Isotopic and Molecular<br />

Cosma<br />

treatment plants and distribution<br />

systems<br />

14 L. Daraban, Laura Daraban, O.<br />

Cozar, R. Adam-Rebeles<br />

The use of isotopic neutron<br />

sources for some radionucli<strong>de</strong>s<br />

production in nuclear<br />

medicine and other domains<br />

of science<br />

5 th International Conference<br />

of Isotopes, Brussels,<br />

Belgium, Abstracts<br />

Book<br />

2005 51 4<br />

3.c<br />

1 V.Znamirovschi, O.Cozar,<br />

Al.Nicula<br />

ESR linewidth study of vanadyl<br />

ions in natural water<br />

and heavy water<br />

2 O.Cozar, V.Znamirovschi EPR evi<strong>de</strong>nce for two cupric<br />

complexes in water-ethanol<br />

mixtures at 77K<br />

3 O.Cozar, V.Znamirovschi,<br />

V.V.Morariu<br />

EPR behaviour of some<br />

Cu(II) complexes on Si2 and<br />

Al2O3 surfaces<br />

4 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.Ilonca, O.Cozar Magnetic properties of some<br />

lead-borate glasses with<br />

transmition metal ions<br />

5 I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.Ilonca, O.Cozar Magnetic properties of some<br />

CuO-V2O5-Na2O-P2O5<br />

glasses<br />

Proc.Congr. Ampere,<br />

Turku<br />

Abstract Congr. Ampere,<br />

Hei<strong>de</strong>lberg<br />

Abstract Congr. Ampere,<br />

Tallin, B<br />

In "The impact of energy<br />

and environment on the<br />

science and technology<br />

of glass", Toronto<br />

In vol. "Inter.Symposium<br />

on Magnetism of amorphous<br />

materials", Balatonszeplak<br />

6 O.Cozar, V.Znamirovschi EPR study of the interaction Abstracts of 7-th Specialized<br />

Colloque Am-<br />

between transition metal ions<br />

adsorbed on SiO2 and Al2O3 pere, Bucuresti<br />

surfaces<br />

7 Al.Nicula, O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean EPR and RMN studies of the<br />

microenvirounments of Cu2+<br />

ions in B2O3-K2O glasses<br />

8 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean The EPR study of local symmetry<br />

and interactions between<br />

copper and vanadium<br />

ions in soda-phosphate<br />

glasses<br />

9 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean EPR of trigonal cluster in<br />

x(CuO.MnO)(1-<br />

x)[2P2O5.Na2O] glasses<br />

10 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean EPR and IR investigation of<br />

the local symmetry and interaction<br />

between vanadium<br />

ions in lithium-borate glasses<br />

11 I.Bratu, O.Cozar, Gh.Bora,<br />

D.Breazu<br />

12 O.Cozar, I.Bratu, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

S.Simon, V.Znamirovschi,<br />

Structural studies on some<br />

Copper(II) compounds with<br />

antiinflamatory nesteroid<br />

ligands<br />

EPR of copper (II) complexes<br />

with indomethacinum and<br />

Abstracts of 7-th Specialized<br />

Colloque Ampere,<br />

Bucuresti<br />

Abstracts of 7-th Specialized<br />

Colloque Ampere,<br />

Bucuresti<br />

Proc. of XXIII<br />

Congr.Ampere, Roma<br />

In vol. "Abstracts of<br />

XIXth EUCMOS",<br />

Dresda<br />

In vol. "Abstracts of<br />

XXVI Colloquium Spectroscopicum<br />

Internationale"<br />

Sofia, (1989)<br />

p.56<br />

Ext.Abstr.Congress<br />

Ampere, Stuttgart<br />

1972 407 3<br />

1976 231 2<br />

1978 2303 3<br />

1982 39 3<br />

1985 52 3<br />

1985 87 2<br />

1985 124 3<br />

1985 89 2<br />

1986 248 2<br />

1989 94 2<br />

1989 56 4<br />

1990 590-591 6<br />


Gh.Bora<br />

13 M.Dorobanţu, R.D.Balint,<br />

I.Bratu, E.Cotora, O.Cozar<br />

14 M.Dorobanţu, R.D.Balint,<br />

I.Bratu, V.Vasilioni, E.Cotora,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

15 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

Gh.Ilonca, S.Simon, I.Barbur,<br />

I.Bratu<br />

16 S.Simon, O. Cozar, I. Barbur,<br />

V. Simon, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.<br />

Ilonca<br />

17 S.Simon, O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean,<br />

V.Simon, E.Burzo<br />

18 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, S.Simon,<br />

L.David<br />

19 O.Cozar, C.Cosma,<br />

V.Znamirovschi, L.David,<br />

G.Damian, V.Chiş<br />

20 C.Cosma, O.Cozar,<br />

L.Dărăban, T.Fiat<br />

21 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, S.Simon,<br />

V.Simon, V.Mih<br />

22 O.Cozar, V.Znamirovschi,<br />

L.David, E.Trif<br />

23 E.Trif, D.Strugaru, I.Ivan,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

24 V.Znamirovschi, O.Cozar,<br />

C.Cosma, D.Strugaru<br />

25 E.Trif, D.Strugaru, O.Cozar,<br />

V.Cristea<br />

ibuprophenum ligands<br />

Biological implications of<br />

ionic character in the <strong>de</strong>gradation<br />

of nucleic acids<br />

In vol. "Abstracts of the<br />

8-th Balkan Biochemical<br />

and Biophysical Days",<br />

<strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

1990 303 5<br />

Structural studies and reactivities<br />

in selective nucleofile<br />

In vol. "Abstracts of the<br />

8-th Balkan Biochemical<br />

1990 304 6<br />

substitution reactions with active<br />

and Biophysical Days",<br />

biological compounds <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

formation<br />

The valence states and interaction<br />

between chromium<br />

ions in lithium-borate glasses<br />

The partial cristallization effect<br />

on the EPR spectra from<br />

Bi-Sr-Ca-Gd-Cu-O vitrieous<br />

matrices<br />

The local or<strong>de</strong>r from glasses<br />

and their thermal history<br />

ESR investigation of some<br />

potassium-borate glasses<br />

with manganesse and vanadium<br />

ions<br />

EPR investigation of DL-<br />

Lysine-15N and DL-<br />

Ornithine-15N copper (II)<br />

complexes<br />

ESR Study on gamma irradiated<br />

foodstuffs<br />

EPR of vanadium and manganesse<br />

ions in sodaphosphate<br />

glasses<br />

Adsorbtion Study of Some<br />

Cu(II) Amino-Acid Compleses<br />

on SiO2 and Al2O3 by<br />

EPR Method<br />

EPR Study of Cu(II) Location<br />

and Reasctivity in Erionite<br />

EPR Study of Some Metallic<br />

Cations Adsorbed on Silica<br />

and Alumina Surfaces<br />

XRD and EPR Study of Crexchanged<br />

ZSM-5 zeolite<br />

26 C.Cosma, D.Ristoiu, O.Cozar Radon exhalation measurements<br />

from ground in two radon<br />

areas from Romania<br />

Abstracts Congress<br />

Ampere, Stuttgart<br />

Abstracts Congress<br />

Ampere, Stuttgart<br />

Proc. of "1st General<br />

Conference of the Balkan<br />

Physical Union"<br />

(K.M.Paraskevopoulos<br />

Ed.), Thessaloniki<br />

Proc. of "1st General<br />

Conference of the Balkan<br />

Physical Union"<br />

(K.M.Paraskevopoulos<br />

Ed.), Thessaloniki<br />

Ext.Abstr. of 26-th Congress<br />

Ampere on Magnetic<br />

Resonance, Athens<br />

Ext.Abstr. of 26-th Congress<br />

Ampere on Magnetic<br />

Resonance, Athens<br />

Ext.Abstr. of 26-th Congress<br />

Ampere on Magnetic<br />

Resonance, Athens<br />

Abstr. of 6-th<br />

Int.Symposium on<br />

Mag.Res. in Colloid and<br />

Interface Science,<br />

Firenze<br />

Abstr. of 6-th<br />

Int.Symposium on<br />

Mag.Res. in Colloid and<br />

Interface Science,<br />

Firenze<br />

Abstr. of 6-th<br />

Int.Symposium on<br />

Mag.Res. in Colloid and<br />

Interface Science,<br />

Firenze<br />

1990 84 6<br />

1990 82 6<br />

1991 863-865 5<br />

1991 866-868 4<br />

1992 464 6<br />

1992 446 4<br />

1992 402 5<br />

1992 118 4<br />

1992 185 4<br />

1992 196 4<br />

Proc. of the XIIth Inter.Confer.<br />

on Defects in<br />

Insulating Materials<br />

(O.Kancert, J.M.Spaeth<br />

Eds.) World Scientific,<br />

Singapore, New Jersey,<br />

London<br />

1992 721-723<br />

vol. 2<br />

Procee<strong>din</strong>gs of Indoor<br />

Air'93 (P.Kalliokoski,<br />

M.Jantunen,<br />

4<br />

1993 505-510 3<br />


27 D.Ristoiu, C.Cosma, O.Cozar A simple membrane inlet system<br />

for volatile compounds<br />

sampling from aqueous solutions<br />

28 L. David, V. Chiş, V. Znamirovschi,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

29 L. David, V. Chiş, V. Znamirovschi,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

30 M. <strong>de</strong> la Fuente, O.Cozar, L.<br />

David, A. Hernanz, R. Navaro,<br />

I. Bratu<br />

31 O.Cozar, I.Bratu, J.P.Huvenne,<br />

P.Legrand<br />

32 I.Bratu, V.Chiş, L.David,<br />

O.Cozar, Gh.Bora, P.Legrand,<br />

J.P.Huvenne<br />

33 O.Cozar, I.Bratu, V.Chiş,<br />

Gh.Bora, J.P.Huvenne,<br />

P.Legrand<br />

34 O.Cozar, L.David, V.Chiş,<br />

E.Foriş, G.Damian, I.Bratu<br />

35 L.David, I.Bratu, V.Chiş,<br />

O.Cozar, C.Cosma<br />

36 L.Dărăban, C.Cosma, T.Fiat,<br />

O.Cozar<br />

37 Gh. Bora, M. Culea, O.Cozar,<br />

I. Bratu, St. Fetti, M.Bora<br />

38 D.Ristoiu, C.Cosma, O.Cozar,<br />

T.Ristoiu<br />

39 R.Popescu, I.Feneşan,<br />

V.Mureşan, M.Culea,<br />

N.Palibroda,<br />

S.Nicoară,O.Cozar<br />

40 D. Ristoiu, C. Cosma, T. Ristoiu,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

41 O.Buiu, P.Osiceanu,<br />

W.Van<strong>de</strong>rvorst, O.Cozar<br />

ESR Study of Some Solvent<br />

Effects on Cu(II)-Aspirinate<br />

Complex<br />

ESR Study of Some Cooper<br />

(II) -1.4 Dihydrasinophtalasine<br />

Complexes<br />

Interacciones <strong>de</strong>l cromo(III)<br />

con los mononucleotidos 5'-<br />

GMP Y 5'-CMP<br />

IR and EPR Structural Investigation<br />

of some Cu(II)-<br />

Complexes with Antiinflammatory<br />

Drugs<br />

IR and EPR Studies of Some<br />

Fe(III)-Complexes with antiinflammatory<br />

drugs<br />

Spectroscopic Investigation<br />

of the Metal-Ligand Coor<strong>din</strong>ation<br />

in Some Diclofenac<br />

Complexes<br />

Local structure analysis<br />

Cu(II)-diazepam complexes<br />

by ESR spectroscopy<br />

Spectroscopic studies of<br />

some metal-diclofenac complexes<br />

Gamma-ray spectrometric<br />

analysis of neutron irradiated<br />

gol<strong>de</strong>n sands<br />

Mass spectrometry and UV<br />

spectroscopy for the class of<br />

some antiinflammatory nonsteroidic<br />

acids<br />

The VOCs sampling from<br />

aqueous solutions<br />

Mass spectra interpretation<br />

for organophosphorus molecules<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r electron impact<br />

The analysis of chemical solvent<br />

vapours in the workplace-aresas<br />

with the MI-<br />

QMS technique<br />

Oxygen-ion beam oxidation<br />

of silicon-an ESCA study<br />

O.Seppanen, Eds.) Helsinki<br />

Proc.Healty Buil<strong>din</strong>gs<br />

'94 Conference, Budapest<br />

1994 493-498<br />

vol. 2<br />

Abstract of European<br />

ESR Meeting on Recent<br />

Advances and Applications<br />

to Organic and<br />

Bioorganic Materials,<br />

Paris<br />

1994 88 4<br />

Abstract of European<br />

ESR Meeting on Recent<br />

Advances and Applications<br />

to Organic and<br />

Bioorganic Materials,<br />

Paris<br />

1994 89 4<br />

Estudio per espectroscopia<br />

RPE Y FT-IR,<br />

XIV Reunion National<br />

<strong>de</strong> Espectroscopia,<br />

Baeza Spania<br />

Spectroscopy of Biological<br />

Molecules,(Edited<br />

by<br />

J.C.Merlin, S.Turrel,<br />

J.P.Huvenne, Kluwer<br />

Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Publishers),<br />

Boston, London<br />

Spectroscopy of Biological<br />

Molecules,<br />

J.C.Merlin ed.<br />

Spectroscopy of Biological<br />

Molecules,<br />

J.C.Merlin ed.<br />

Abst. of XXIX Colloquium<br />

Spectroscopicum<br />

Internationale, Leipzig<br />

Abst. of XXIX Colloquium<br />

Spectroscopicum<br />

Internationale, Leipzig<br />

XXIX Colloquium Spectroscopicum<br />

Internationale,<br />

Leipzig<br />

XXIX Colloquium Spectroscopicum<br />

Internationale,<br />

Leipzig<br />

XXIX Colloquium Spectroscopicum<br />

Internationale,<br />

Leipzig<br />

XXIX Colloquium Spectroscopicum<br />

Internationale,<br />

Leipzig<br />

Climate, SEEC<br />


JAPAN<br />

J.A.Bardwell Ed., Symposium<br />

on Surface Oxi<strong>de</strong><br />

Films at the Fall<br />

3<br />

1994 J10 6<br />

1995 553-554 4<br />

1995 557-558 7<br />

1995 555-556 6<br />

1995 472 6<br />

1995 457 5<br />

1995 396 4<br />

1995 413 6<br />

1995 486 4<br />

1995 500 7<br />

1996 851-856<br />

vol. 2<br />

4<br />

1996 172-178 4<br />


42 L. David, V. Chiş, O. Cozar, E.<br />

Forisz, C. Crăciun<br />

43 M. Brustolon, A. L. Maniero, V.<br />

Chiş, O. Cozar<br />

44 V. Simon, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O.<br />

Cozar, S. Simon, S. Filip<br />

45 O. Cozar, L. David, A. Hernanz,<br />

R. Navarro, E. Foris, I.<br />

Bratu<br />

46 L. David, O. Cozar, A. Hernanz,<br />

R. Navarro, I. Bratu, E.<br />

Forizs, M. <strong>de</strong> la Fuente, C.<br />

Craciun<br />

47 L.David, O. Cozar, V. Chis, S.<br />

Filip<br />

48 L.David, O.Cozar, E.Forizs,<br />

D.Ristoiu, I.Bratu, C.Crăciun<br />

49 O.Cozar, L.David, E.Forizs,<br />

V.Chiş, R.Teteanu, M.Todică<br />

50 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, V.Simion,<br />

L.David, N.Ve<strong>de</strong>an, V.Mih<br />

51 O.Cozar, I.Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, V.Simion,<br />

L.David, V.Mih, N.Ve<strong>de</strong>an<br />

52 O. Cozar, L. David, G. Damian,<br />

C. Bălan, R. Roca, M. Armenean<br />

53 S. Canta, L. David, T. Iliescu,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

ESR Study of some solvent<br />

effects on Cu(II)-oxazepam<br />

complexes<br />

ENDOR and pulsed ESR<br />

study of glycine radicals<br />

Nuclear radiation from leaching<br />

resistant oxi<strong>de</strong> glasses<br />

containing radionucli<strong>de</strong>s<br />

ESR and vibrational spectroscopic<br />

studies on Cu(II)-<br />

oxazepam drug complexes<br />

Spectroscopic Investigation<br />

of some Cu(II) - theophylline<br />

complexes<br />

ESR Study of some copper<br />

(II)-1,4-dihydrazinophthalazine<br />

compounds<br />

Local structure analysis of<br />

some Cu(II) theophiline complexes<br />

ESR studies of some Cu(II)-<br />

oxazepam complexes<br />

EPR studies of Cu2+ and<br />

V4+ ions in leed-phosphate<br />

glasses<br />

The local structure and interactions<br />

between V4+ ions in<br />

soda-phosphate glasses.<br />

An EPR study<br />

EPR Study of the complexes<br />

of Cr (III) and Cu (II) with<br />

some nucleoti<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Surface Enhanced Raman<br />

Spectroscopy of Oxazepam<br />

Meeting of the Electrochem.<br />

Soc. Inc., San<br />

Antonio TX<br />

Abstr. of the 2nd Inter.<br />

Confer. of the Polish<br />

EPR Association, Warsaw<br />

Abstr. of the 2nd Inter.<br />

Confer. of the Polish<br />

EPR Association, Warsaw<br />

EPS 10th General Conference,<br />

Sevillia<br />

1996 58 5<br />

1996 59 4<br />

1996 91 5<br />

Spectroscopy of Biological<br />

Molecules: Mo<strong>de</strong>rn<br />

Trends (P.Carmona,<br />

R. Navaro, A. Hernanz,<br />

Eds) Kluwer Acad. Publishers,<br />

London<br />

1997 625-626 6<br />

Spectroscopy of Biological<br />

Molecules: Mo<strong>de</strong>rn<br />

Trends (P.Carmona,<br />

R. Navaro, A. Hernanz,<br />

Eds) Kluwer Acad. Publishers,<br />

London<br />

1997 627-628 8<br />

Spectroscopy of Biological<br />

Molecules: Mo<strong>de</strong>rn<br />

Trends (P.Carmona,<br />

R. Navaro, A. Hernanz,<br />

Eds) Kluwer Acad. Publishers,<br />

London<br />

1997 629-630<br />

Magnetic resonance<br />

and Related Phenomena,<br />

Exten<strong>de</strong>d Abstract<br />

at the 29th AMPERE-<br />

13th ISMAR Int. Conference,<br />

Berlin<br />

Magnetic resonance<br />

and Related Phenomena,<br />

Exten<strong>de</strong>d Abstract<br />

at the 29th AMPERE-<br />

13th ISMAR Int. Conference,<br />

Berlin<br />

Magnetic resonance<br />

and Related Phenomena,<br />

Exten<strong>de</strong>d Abstract<br />

at the 29th AMPERE-<br />

13th ISMAR Int. Conference,<br />

Berlin<br />

Magnetic resonance<br />

and Related Phenomena,<br />

Exten<strong>de</strong>d Abstract<br />

at the 29th AMPERE-<br />

13th ISMAR Int. Conference,<br />

Berlin<br />

17-th Turkish Physics<br />

Conference, Alanya<br />

1998 1174<br />

vol. II<br />

1998 vol.II,<br />

1176<br />

1998 1010<br />

vol. II<br />

1998 vol.II,<br />

1012<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

1998 272 6<br />

Spectroscopy of Biological<br />

Molecules: New<br />

directions (J. Greve,<br />

G.J. Puppels, C. Otto<br />

Eds) Kluwer Acad. Publishers,<br />

London<br />

1999 565 4<br />


54 L. David, E. Forizs, C. Craciun, Spectral studies on some<br />

O. Cozar, I. Gergely<br />

mixed-ligand copper(II) complexes<br />

of theophylline<br />

55 C.M. Muntean, G. Banciu, O.<br />

Cozar, A. Ioachim<br />

56 I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, V. Simon, O.<br />

Cozar, Gh. Ilonca, C. Crăciun,<br />

S. Filip, C. Cefan<br />

57 N. Leopold, S. Cîntă-Pînzaru,<br />

M. Bolboacă, O. Cozar, W.<br />

Kiefer, J. Popp<br />

58 N. Leopold, S. Cînta-Pînzaru,<br />

G. Damian, O. Cozar, J. Popp,<br />

W. Kiefer<br />

59 D. Ristoiu, C. Cosma, V. Feur<strong>de</strong>an,<br />

O. Cozar, T. Ristoiu<br />

60 M. Pauna, P. Croisille, N.<br />

Costes, A. Reilhac, T. Makela,<br />

O. Cozar, M. Janier, P.<br />

Clarysse<br />

Spectroscopy of Biological<br />

Molecules: New<br />

directions (J. Greve,<br />

G.J. Puppels, C. Otto<br />

Eds) Kluwer Acad. Publishers,<br />

London<br />

Microwave response of DNA Spectroscopy of Biological<br />

Molecules: New<br />

polymers with counterion distribution<br />

directions (J. Greve,<br />

G.J. Puppels, C. Otto<br />

Eds) Kluwer Acad. Publishers,<br />

London<br />

EPR and magnetic interaction<br />

of V4+ ions in strontium<br />

borate oxi<strong>de</strong> glasses<br />

Proc. Int. Congr. Glass,<br />

Extented Abstracts, E<strong>din</strong>burgh,<br />

Scotland<br />

1999 257 5<br />

1999 223 4<br />

2001 vol.2,<br />

718-719<br />

Surface Enhanced Raman<br />

Scattering of Thiamine on<br />

Proc. 9th Europ. Conf.<br />

on the Spectroscopy of<br />

2001 235 6<br />

Gold and Silver Colloidal Surface<br />

Biological Molecules,<br />

Prague, Czech<br />

Republic<br />

Raman and Surface Enhanced<br />

Raman Study of Metocloprami<strong>de</strong><br />

at different pH<br />

values<br />

The use of stable isotopes in<br />

waters monitoring<br />

A strategy to quantitatively<br />

evaluate MRI/PET cardiac<br />

rigid registration methods using<br />

a Monte Carlo simulator<br />

61 O Cozar, L. David, C. Craciun Local structure and interaction<br />

between transitional ions<br />

in some supramolecular systems<br />

62 C. Cudalbu, A. Stan, O. Cozar The irradiation with adjacent<br />

fields. Applications<br />

63 O. Cozar EPR Studies on some compounds<br />

of biological relevance<br />

64 M. Culea, M. Oros, O. Cozar Aroma compounds and antioxidants<br />

from red wine <strong>de</strong>termined<br />

by GC/MS<br />

65 M. Culea, C. Gherman, M.<br />

Oros, O. Cozar<br />

Plant extract active principles<br />

<strong>de</strong>termination by GC and<br />

GC/MS<br />

Proc. XVIIIth Intern.<br />

Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy,<br />

Budapest,<br />

Hungary, Wiley New<br />

York<br />

In vol. “Environment,<br />

Research, Protection<br />

and Management ( I.<br />

Petrescu, Ed), Presa<br />

Universitară <strong>Cluj</strong>eană<br />

International Workshop<br />

on Functional Imaging<br />

and Mo<strong>de</strong>ling of the<br />

Heart (T. Katila, I. E.<br />

Magnin, P. Clarysse, J.<br />

Montagnat, J. Nenonen<br />

Eds): Lecture notes in<br />

Computer Science<br />

2674, FIHM<br />

Joint Summer School<br />

JINR-Romania on Neutron<br />

Physics for investigations<br />

of Nuclei, Con<strong>de</strong>nsed<br />

Matter and Life<br />

Sciences, Dubna<br />

Joint Summer School<br />

JINR-Romania on Neutron<br />

Physics for investigations<br />

of Nuclei, Con<strong>de</strong>nsed<br />

Matter and Life<br />

Sciences, Dubna<br />

Procee<strong>din</strong>g of “The Fifth<br />

General Conference of<br />

the Balkan Physical Union<br />

– BPU5 ” Edited by<br />

S. Jokic et. Al. ISBN 86-<br />

902537-4-2<br />

Procee<strong>din</strong>g of “The Fifth<br />

General Conference of<br />

the Balkan Physical Union<br />

– BPU5 ” Edited by<br />

S. Jokic et. Al.<br />

Procee<strong>din</strong>g of “The Fifth<br />

General Conference of<br />

the Balkan Physical Union<br />

– BPU5 ” Edited by<br />

7<br />

2002 319 6<br />

2003 445-451 5<br />

2003 194-204 8<br />

2003 16-22 3<br />

2003 42-46 3<br />

2003 1745-<br />

1754<br />

2003 1791-<br />

1794<br />

2003 1797-<br />

1800<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />


66 D. Ristoiu, C. Cosma, O. Cozar Experimental investigation of<br />

inclination angle on heat<br />

transfer characteristics of<br />

closed Two-phase thermosyphon<br />

67 M. Culea, S. Nicoara, A. Nica,<br />

O. Cozar, M. Oros, D. Ristoiu<br />

68 S. Nicoara, M. Culea, O. Cozar Environmental tobacco<br />

smoke – health effects and<br />

exposire assessment methods<br />

69 C. Cosma, O. Cozar, T. Jurent,<br />

C. Baciu, I. Pop<br />

70 M. Baias, A. Parnau, V. Chis,<br />

O. Cozar, M. Vasilescu<br />

71 N. Ve<strong>de</strong>an, O. Cozar, I.<br />

Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

72 O. Cozar, Ch. Pelshenke, A.<br />

Pop<br />

S. Jokic et. Al.<br />

Fifth General Procee<strong>din</strong>g<br />

of “The Fifth General<br />

Conference of the Balkan<br />

Physical Union –<br />

BPU5 ” Edited by S.<br />

Jokic et. Al.<br />

2003 1643-<br />

1646<br />

Methods for chromatographic Procee<strong>din</strong>g of the 4 th 2004 466-468 6<br />

separation and quantitative Aegean Analytical<br />

analysis of anaesthetic fumes Chemistry Days, 29 sept<br />

in hospital environments – 3 oct. 2004, Kusadasi/Ay<strong>din</strong><br />

– Turkey, (M.<br />

Demir Ed.)<br />

Simultaneous measurement<br />

of radon and thoron exhalation<br />

rate from soil and buil<strong>din</strong>g<br />

materials<br />

Procee<strong>din</strong>g of the 4 th<br />

Aegean Analytical<br />

Chemistry Days, 29 sept<br />

– 3 oct. 2004, Kusadasi/Ay<strong>din</strong><br />

– Turkey, (M.<br />

Demir Ed.)<br />

2004 605-607 3<br />

The natural radiation<br />

environment VII, (J. P.<br />

McLanghlin, S. E. Simopanlos,<br />

F. Steinhausler<br />

Eds), Elsevier,<br />

Amsterdam, New York,<br />

Tokyo<br />

Experimental and theoretical 6 th International Balkan<br />

investigation of 5-para-fluoro-<br />

Workshop on Applied<br />

benzili<strong>de</strong>n-tiazoli<strong>din</strong>-2-tion-4- Physics Constanta,<br />

ona<br />

Romania<br />

IR and Raman investigation<br />

on x(CuO·V 2 O 5 )(1-<br />

x)[P 2 O 5·CaF 2 ] glass system<br />

Structural investigation un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

pressure in the HTS (Nd, Gd,<br />

Ce) 2 CuO 4<br />

73 M. Hossu, O. Cozar, L. David Spectroscopic investigation<br />

of some UO 2+ 2 polyoxometalate<br />

complexes<br />

74 S. Cinta-Pinzaru, S. Cavalu, N.<br />

Leopold, R. Petry, C.C. Pop,<br />

O. Cozar, W. Kiefer<br />

75 S. Cavalu, S. Cinta, N. Leopold,<br />

R. Petry, C.C. Pop, O.<br />

Cozar, W. Kiefer<br />

76 N. Leopold, S. Cinta-Pinzaru,<br />

G. Damian, O. Cozar, J. Popp,<br />

W. Kiefer<br />

77 N. Peica, S. Cinta-Pinzaru, N.<br />

Leopold, O. Cozar<br />

78 N. Peica, S. Cinta-Pinzaru, N.<br />

Leopold, O. Cozar<br />

Raman and Surface-<br />

Enhanced Raman spectroscopy<br />

of tempyo spin labeled<br />

ovalbumin<br />

Tempyo labeled cytochrome<br />

C studied by resonance Raman<br />

spectroscopy<br />

Raman and Surface-<br />

Enhanced Raman Study of<br />

Metocloprami<strong>de</strong> at different<br />

pH values<br />

Surface Enhanced Raman<br />

Study of Cytostatic DNA Interaction<br />

Surface Enhanced Raman<br />

Study of Cytostatic DNA Interaction<br />

6 th International Balkan<br />

Workshop on Applied<br />

Physics Constanta,<br />

Romania<br />

6 th International Balkan<br />

Workshop on Applied<br />

Physics Constanta,<br />

Romania<br />

6 th International Balkan<br />

Workshop on Applied<br />

Physics Constanta,<br />

Romania<br />

Proc. XXVth Europ.<br />

Conf. on Molecular<br />

Spectroscopy, Coimbra,<br />

Portugal, Abstracts<br />

Book<br />

Proc. XXVth Europ.<br />

Conf. on Molecular<br />

Spectroscopy, Coimbra,<br />

Portugal, Abstracts<br />

Book<br />

Proc. XVIIIth Intern.<br />

Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy,<br />

Budapest,<br />

Hungary, ed J. Mink,<br />

Wiley New York<br />

Proc. Intern. Conf. for<br />

Physics Stu<strong>de</strong>nts, Budapest,<br />

Hungary<br />

Proc. 12 th General Conf.<br />

of the Europ. Phys.<br />

Soc., Budapest, Hungary,<br />

pub. By Europ.<br />

3<br />

2005 699-705 5<br />

2005 135 5<br />

2005 141 3<br />

2005 142 3<br />

2005 72 3<br />

2000 311 7<br />

2000 312 7<br />

2002 319 6<br />

2002 23 4<br />

2002 vol.26G,<br />

157<br />

4<br />


79 C. Ionescu, O. Cozar, M. Culea,<br />

N. Leopold, S. Usurelu<br />

80 M. Tomoaia-Cotisel, Gh. Tomoaia,<br />

T. Oproiu, O. Cozar, A.<br />

Mocanu, C. Racz, P.T.<br />

Frangopol<br />

81 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, A. Magdas<br />

82 S. Nicoara, Z. Moldovan, N.<br />

Palibroda, M. Culea, O. Cozar,<br />

I. Fenesan<br />

83 M. Hossu, D. Rusu, M. Rusu,<br />

O. Cozar, L. David<br />

84 O. Cozar, I. Bratu, S. Astilean,<br />

C. Jelic, M. Ninu, F. Dragan<br />

85 N. Ve<strong>de</strong>anu, O. Cozar, I.<br />

Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

86 C. Tripon, D. Toloman, O.<br />

Cozar, I. Bratu, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

87 N. Peica, C. Lehene, N. Leopold,<br />

V. Chis, O. Cozar, W.<br />

Kiefer<br />

88 R. Grecu, I. Bratu, T. Iliescu,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

89 O. Cozar, F. Dragan, C. Jelic,<br />

I. Bratu, C. Craciun, N. Leopold,<br />

G. Damian, M. Ninu<br />

90 A. Pirnau, M. Baias, V. Chis,<br />

M. Vasilescu, O. Cozar, O.<br />

Oniga<br />

91 M. Baias, A. Pirnau, V. Chis,<br />

M. Vasilescu, O. Cozar, O.<br />

Oniga<br />

92 D. Ristoiu, C. Cosma, T. Ristoiu,<br />

O. Cozar, D. Cenan<br />

93 D. Ristoiu, C. Cosma, T. Ristoiu,<br />

O. Cozar, D. Cenan<br />

Comparative spectroscopic<br />

and GC/MS study of some<br />

cenozoic fossil resins<br />

Procaine effect on dipaalmitoylphosphatidylcholine<br />

nanolayers. Atomic force microscopy<br />

studies of Langmuir-Blodgett<br />

films<br />

The modifier and former role<br />

of MoO 3 and WO 3 oxi<strong>de</strong>s in<br />

phosphate glasses<br />

Study of kinetic energy release<br />

in metastable ions<br />

cleavage for n-methyl p-<br />

substituted arylsulfonamido<br />

thiophosphororganic <strong>de</strong>rivatives<br />

Spectroscopic investigation<br />

of tetranuclear Cr(III) clusters<br />

encapsulated in some polyoxometalates<br />

complexes<br />

FT-IR and Raman studies of<br />

vitamin A and its inclusion<br />

compounds<br />

EPR and Raman structural<br />

investigations on x(CuO)(1-<br />

x)[P 2 O 5·CaF 2 ] glass system<br />

Structural characterisation of<br />

V 2 O 5 -Bi 2 O 3 -B 2 O 3 system by<br />

IR absorbtion and EPR<br />

Vibrational and thoretical<br />

DFT studie of the food additive<br />

sodium benzoate<br />

Intermolecular interactions of<br />

dimethyldichlorosilane with<br />

different solvents studied by<br />

IR spectroscopy<br />

Structural aspects of some<br />

Cu(II) cardiovascular drug<br />

complexes<br />

Inter and intramolecular hydrogen<br />

bon<strong>din</strong>g properties in<br />

benzili<strong>de</strong>n-thiazoli<strong>din</strong> <strong>de</strong>rivatives,<br />

investigated by spectroscopic<br />

and theoretical<br />

methods<br />

Complete experimental and<br />

theoretical investigation of<br />

the antimicrobian drug 5-3-<br />

pyridil methyli<strong>de</strong>n-thiazoli<strong>din</strong>-<br />

2-thin-4-ona<br />

Solar thermal heat pipe collector<br />

system<br />

Design and performance of<br />

the active solar collector<br />

Phys. Society<br />

Proc. 32 Intern. Geological<br />

Congress, Florence,<br />

Italy<br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Fourth Conference Isotopic<br />

and Molecular<br />

2004 649 5<br />

2005 114 7<br />

2005 124 3<br />

2005 134 6<br />

2005 147 5<br />

2005 149 6<br />

2005 156 3<br />

2005 160 5<br />

2005 167 6<br />

2005 168 4<br />

2005 181 8<br />

2005 189 6<br />

2005 190 6<br />

2005 197<br />

2005 198 5<br />


94 L. Daraban, Laura Daraban, O.<br />

Cozar, R. Adam-Rebeles<br />

The Use of Isotopic Neutron<br />

Sources for some Radionucli<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Production in Nuclear<br />

and other Domains of Science<br />

Processes PIM, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

5 th International Conference<br />

on Isotopes (5<br />

ICI), Brussels, International<br />

Procee<strong>din</strong>gs,<br />

Medimond, F425RO170<br />

2005 257-264 4<br />

Criteriul 4<br />

4. Comunicări la conferinţe (congrese) ştiinţifice<br />

naţionale publicate în volume cu lucrări<br />

in extenso<br />

Tabelul 4a, 4b, 4c.<br />

Nr.<br />

crt.<br />

Criteriu<br />

4.a. conferinţe (lecţii invitate)<br />

4.b. comunicări orale<br />

4.c. prezentare poster<br />

Autori Titlu lucrare Denumire manifestare<br />

(volum)<br />

An<br />

Paginile Nr.<br />

aut<br />

ori<br />

4.a<br />

1 O. Cozar, L. David Local structure and metal-metal<br />

interaction in some supramolecular<br />

systems<br />

2 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean Structural investigation of some<br />

oxi<strong>de</strong> glasses containing V 4+ and<br />

Mo 5+ ions<br />

3 L. David, O. Cozar, V. Chis,<br />

S. Filip<br />

4 C. Simut, O. Cozar, L.<br />

David<br />

5 C. Simut, L. David, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

6 O. Cozar, L. David, V. Chis,<br />

G. Damian<br />

7 O. Cozar, N. Leopold, C.<br />

Jelic, S. Filip<br />

9 V. Chis, T. Jurca, A. Pirnau,<br />

M. Vasielscu, S. Simon, O.<br />

Cozar, L. David<br />

EPR and HF-EPR study of trinuclear<br />

metallic cluster encapsulated<br />

in some sandwich-type<br />

heteropolyanions<br />

Spectroscopic and magnetic investigations<br />

of dimeric copper<br />

(II) complexes<br />

Spectroscopic and magnetic investigations<br />

of oxygen-bon<strong>de</strong>d<br />

copper (II) β-diketonate complexes<br />

Structure and γ-irradiated effects<br />

study of some drug-complexes<br />

Structural properties of cationrecognitio<br />

molecules<br />

Experimental and Theoretical<br />

FT-IR, Raman and NMR spectra<br />

of Pyrazinami<strong>de</strong><br />

Sesiunea anuala <strong>de</strong><br />

comunicari stiintifice<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Sesiunea anuala <strong>de</strong><br />

comunicari stiintifice<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Sesiunea anuala <strong>de</strong><br />

comunicări ştiinţifice<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Sesiunea anuală <strong>de</strong><br />

comunicari ştiinţifice<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Sesiunea anuală <strong>de</strong><br />

comunicari ştiinţifice<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Simpozionul cu participare<br />

internationala “Impactul<br />

factorilor fizici si<br />

bio-geo-chimici asupra<br />

<strong>de</strong>zvoltarii durabile”, Simleul<br />

Silvaniei<br />

Sesiunea anuala <strong>de</strong><br />

comunicari stiintifice O-<br />

ra<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Sesiunea anuală <strong>de</strong><br />

comunicari stiintifice,<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

29-31 05.<br />

2002<br />

29-31 05.<br />

2002<br />

29.05.<br />

2003<br />

29.05.<br />

2003<br />

29.05.<br />

2003<br />

15-16. 05.<br />

2004<br />

27-29.<br />

05.2004<br />

27-29<br />

05.2004<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

7<br />

4.b<br />

1 O. Cozar Metal ions-drug interaction. An<br />

EPR study<br />

2 O.Cozar, C. Craciun, L.<br />

David<br />

3 O. Cozar, L. David, G.<br />

Damian, V. Chis, C.<br />

Craciun<br />

ESR investigation of Metallic<br />

Compounds with Theophylline<br />

as Ligand<br />

Structural and dynamical studies<br />

of some molecular complexes of<br />

biological relevance<br />

IV National Conference of<br />

Biophysics, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

National Physics Conference,<br />

Iasi<br />

National Physics Conference,Iasi<br />

16-18.<br />

10.1997<br />

18-20. 10.<br />

2001<br />

18-20 oct.<br />

2001<br />

10-20 1<br />

220 3<br />

271 5<br />

4 S. Filip, O. Cozar Oxi<strong>de</strong> glasses containing mixture<br />

pairs of transitional ions<br />

Physics International<br />

Conferece Timisoara<br />

29-30. 11.<br />

2002<br />

23 2<br />

5 V. Chis, A. Pirnau, V. Mi- Intramolecular hydrogen bon<strong>din</strong>g Physics International 28-29. 11. 27 4<br />


claus, O. Cozar in 2,4-<strong>din</strong>itrophenol Conferece, Timisoara 2003<br />

6 M. Culea, O. Cozar, D. Ristoiu,<br />

E. Culea<br />

7 N. Leopold, V. Chis, L.<br />

David, O. Cozar, B. Lendl<br />

Trace analysis by gas chromatography<br />

– mass spectrometry<br />

The concept of automatization<br />

and miniaturization for surfaceenhanced<br />

Raman spectroscopy<br />

Physics International<br />

Conferece Timisoara<br />

Physics International<br />

Conferece Timisoara<br />

28-29.11.<br />

2003<br />

28-29. 11.<br />

2003<br />

51 4<br />

33 5<br />

4.c<br />

1 O. Cozar, V. Znamirovschi Studiul RES al unor complecsi<br />

<strong>de</strong> Cu(II) absorbiti pe SiO si<br />

Al 2 O 3<br />

2 V. Znamirovschi, A.<br />

Pantelica, C. Nicolau, O.<br />

Cozar, I. Mirza<br />

3 O. Cozar, R. Semeniuc, I.<br />

Haiduc<br />

Decelerarea unor pamanturi rare<br />

in minerale prin activare cu neutroni<br />

Studii RES asupra unor ditiofosfonati<br />

<strong>de</strong> vanadil<br />

4 O. Cozar, R. Semeniuc Efecte <strong>de</strong> ligand in spectrele<br />

RES ale tris – (ditiofosfonati) <strong>de</strong><br />

Cr (III)<br />

5 O. Cozar, V. Znamirovschi Structural investigation of<br />

dimeric compounds by ESR<br />

method<br />

6 I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O. Cozar, Gh.<br />

Ilonca, V. Voicu<br />

7 R. Semeniuc, O. Cozar, S.<br />

Popse<br />

Magnetic properties of vanadium<br />

lead – borate glasses<br />

Sinteza si proprietatile spectrale<br />

ale unor ditiofosfanati <strong>de</strong> vanadil<br />

8 O. Cozar Studii RES asupra unor complecsi<br />

dimeri <strong>de</strong> Cu (II) si vanadil<br />

9 O. Cozar, I. Bratu, N.<br />

Grecu, M. Muresan<br />

Studii structurale asupra unor<br />

complecsi dimeri <strong>de</strong> Cu (II<br />

10 O. Cozar, V. Znamirovschi Studiul RES al asocierii complecsilor<br />

metalici in solventi micsti<br />

11 O. Cozar, V. Znamirovschi,<br />

V. V. Morariu<br />

12 I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh. Ilonca, O.<br />

Cozar, E. Szigeti, I. Farcas<br />

13 I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh. Ilonca, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

Evi<strong>de</strong>ntierea RES a unor dimeri<br />

<strong>de</strong> Cu (II) si VO (II) pe suprafete<br />

hidrofile si hidrifobe<br />

Comportarea magnetica a unor<br />

sticle boropotasicecu amestec<br />

<strong>de</strong> ioni Cu 2+ si V 4+<br />

Proprietati magnetice ale unor<br />

sticle boroplumbice cu ioni <strong>de</strong><br />

tranzitie<br />

14 O. Cozar Studii RES pe complecsi <strong>de</strong> vanadil<br />

15 L. Tican, M. Trifu, O. Cozar,<br />

M. Salajean, V. Znamirovschi<br />

16 I. Mastan, C. Cosma, V.<br />

Znamirovshi, O. Cozar<br />

17 I. Mastan, A. To<strong>de</strong>rean, C.<br />

Cosma, M. Oana, O. Cozar,<br />

V. Znamirovshi<br />

In “Lucrarile Simpozionului<br />

National <strong>de</strong> Fizica<br />

Solidului” <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Progrese in fizica,<br />

ICEFIZ, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

In “Volumul ICEFIZ” Timisoara,<br />

VI<br />

In “Volumul ICEFIZ” Timisoara,<br />

VI<br />

In vol. “Structural methods<br />

and mo<strong>de</strong>ls in physics<br />

and related fields”,<br />

<strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

In vol. “Structural methods<br />

and mo<strong>de</strong>ls in physics<br />

and related fields”,<br />

<strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Rezumat la al II-lea Congres<br />

National <strong>de</strong> Chimie<br />

Bucuresti<br />

In vol. “Probleme actuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> fizica <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong>”<br />

Conferinta Nationala <strong>de</strong><br />

Fizica Bucuresti<br />

Conferinta Nationala <strong>de</strong><br />

Fizica Bucuresti<br />

Conferinta Nationala <strong>de</strong><br />

Fizica Bucuresti<br />

Conferinta Nationala <strong>de</strong><br />

Fizica Bucuresti<br />

Conferinta Nationala <strong>de</strong><br />

Fizica Bucuresti<br />

In vol. “Probleme actuale<br />

in fizica”, Univ. <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Evi<strong>de</strong>ntierea modificarii unor In vol. “Contributii<br />

procese celulare la plantulele <strong>de</strong> botanice” <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

porumb supuse actiunii radiatiilor<br />

gama si microelementului cupru<br />

Helium – nitrogen acumulation<br />

and <strong>de</strong>ep tectonic dislocations<br />

from Romania<br />

Permeation cells with capillary<br />

membranes for the sepatation of<br />

helium from gaseoux mixtures<br />

18 I. Bratu, O. Cozar, V. Tarba The analysis of molecular relaxation<br />

processes by some<br />

spectroscopic techniques<br />

1978 149 2<br />

1980 5<br />

1981 27 3<br />

1981 29 3<br />

1981 30 2<br />

1981 85 4<br />

1981 263 3<br />

1982 52 1<br />

1982 392 4<br />

1982 390 2<br />

1982 388 3<br />

1982 290 5<br />

1982 288 3<br />

1983 26-38 1<br />

1983 157-163 5<br />

In vol. “Methods, mo<strong>de</strong>ls 1984 35-40 4<br />

and techniques in physics<br />

and related fields”<br />

In vol. “Methods, mo<strong>de</strong>ls 1984 p. 51-54<br />

and techniques in physics<br />

and related fields”<br />

In vol. “Methods, mo<strong>de</strong>ls 1984 55-61 3<br />

and techniques in physics<br />

and related fields”<br />

6<br />


19 O.Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.<br />

Ilonca<br />

20 O. G. Duliu, O. Cozar, V.<br />

Jurca<br />

Valence states of copper and In vol. “Methods, mo<strong>de</strong>ls 1984 73-76 3<br />

vanadium ions in lead-borate oxi<strong>de</strong><br />

glasses<br />

and related<br />

and techniques in physics<br />

fields<br />

The computer simulation of EPR<br />

spectra in the polycrystalline and<br />

vitreous samples<br />

21 Mastan, A. To<strong>de</strong>rean, C. Instalatie <strong>de</strong> laborator pentru<br />

Cosma, M. Oana, O. Cozar, separarea heliului <strong>din</strong> amestecurile<br />

<strong>de</strong> gaze naturale, prin di-<br />

V. Znamirovschi<br />

fuzie activata in membranele<br />

capilare. Schemele <strong>de</strong> principiu<br />

si functiile sistemelor principale<br />

22 O. Cozar, M. Muresan Corelatii intre parametrii RES ai<br />

unor complecsi heterodimeri si<br />

cei ai ionilor individuali constituienti<br />

23 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.<br />

Ilonca<br />

24 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.<br />

Ilonca, L. Balatici<br />

25 I. Mastan, C. Cosma, V.<br />

Znamirovschi, O. Cozar<br />

26 I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh. Ilonca, O.<br />

Cozar, I. Chicinas, L.<br />

Chetan<br />

27 I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, I. Milea, O.<br />

Cozar, Gh. Ilonca<br />

28 O. Cozar, A. Goldstein, I.<br />

Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

29 I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh. Ilonca, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

30 O. Cozar, M. Salagean, A.<br />

Pantelica, T. Fiat, I. Sasarman,<br />

V. Znamirovschi<br />

Studiu RES al sticlelor <strong>din</strong> sistemul<br />

x(Mn·V 2 O 5 ) (1-<br />

x)[2B 2 O 3·K 2 O]<br />

Evi<strong>de</strong>ntierea prin RPE a unor<br />

clusteri trigonali in sticlele <strong>din</strong><br />

sistemul xMnO((1-<br />

x)[2P 2 O 5·Na 2 O]<br />

Paralelism intre radioactivitatea<br />

si continutul <strong>de</strong> heliu in gazelle<br />

geotermale <strong>din</strong> Romania<br />

Comportarea magnetica a unor<br />

sticle <strong>din</strong> sistemul P 2 O 5 -Na 2 O-<br />

CuO<br />

Studiul unor proprietati optice ale<br />

sticlelor <strong>din</strong> sistemul xCuO(1-<br />

x)[2B 2 O 3·0.9K 2 O·0.1CaO<br />

Studii RES si optice asupra unor<br />

sticle fosfatice cu molib<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Comportarea magnetica a unor<br />

sticle boro-fosfatice cu ioni Mn 2+<br />

Analiza puritatii unor oteluri pri<br />

metoda activarii cu neutroni<br />

31 O. Cozar, M. Morariu, V. Studii structurale asupra unor 8-<br />

Znamirovschi, R. Semeniuc oxi-chinolinati <strong>de</strong> fier pri metoda<br />

Mossbauer<br />

32 I. Mastan, A. To<strong>de</strong>rean, C.<br />

Cosma, O. Cozar, V.<br />

Znamirovschi<br />

Instalatie <strong>de</strong> laborator pentru<br />

separarea heliului <strong>din</strong> amestecurile<br />

<strong>de</strong> gaze naturale, prin difuzie<br />

activata in membranele<br />

capilare II. Testarea sistemului<br />

<strong>de</strong> vidare<br />

33 O. Cozar Studii privind interactiunea hiperfina<br />

<strong>de</strong> contact Fermi in cazul<br />

unor complecsi metalici<br />

34 I. Mastan, C. Cosma, A. Instalatie <strong>de</strong> separarea heliului<br />

To<strong>de</strong>rean, V. Znamirovschi, <strong>din</strong> amestecurile <strong>de</strong> gaze prin difuzie<br />

activata in membrane capi-<br />

O. Cozar<br />

lare III. Testarea fasciculelor<br />

35 I. Mastan, C. Cosma, A.<br />

To<strong>de</strong>rean, O. Cozar, V.<br />

Znamirovschi<br />

36 O. Cozar, M. Morariu, V.<br />

Znamirovschi, I. Mastan<br />

In vol. “Methods, mo<strong>de</strong>ls 1984 93-96 3<br />

and techniques in physics<br />

and related fields”<br />

In vol. “Probleme actuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> fizica”<br />

In vol. “Probleme actuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> fizica”<br />

1984 4-16 6<br />

1984 24-29 2<br />

In vol. “Colocviul national<br />

<strong>de</strong> fizica si tehnologia materialelor<br />

cristaline si<br />

amorfe”, Iasi<br />

1984 50 3<br />

In vol. “ Progrese in fizica<br />

“, ICEFIZ Sibiu<br />

In vol. “ Progrese in<br />

fizica“, ICEFIZ Sibiu<br />

In vol. “ Progrese in<br />

fizica“, ICEFIZ Sibiu<br />

1984 676-677 4<br />

1984 556-557 4<br />

1984 678-679 5<br />

In vol. ICEFIZ-Iasi 1985 584 4<br />

Sesiunea anuala ICEFIZ,<br />

Iasi<br />

Sesiunea anuala ICEFIZ,<br />

Iasi<br />

Sesiunea anuala ICEFIZ,<br />

Iasi<br />

Sesiunea anuala ICEFIZ,<br />

Iasi<br />

In vol. “Probleme actuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> fizica”, Univ. <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

In vol. “Probleme actuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> fizica”, Univ. <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

In vol. “Probleme actuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> fizica”, Univ. <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Instalatie separarea heliului <strong>din</strong> In vol. “Lucrarile celui <strong>de</strong><br />

amestecurile <strong>de</strong> gaze prin difuzie al doilea Simpozion Naactivata<br />

tional <strong>de</strong> creativitate si<br />

creatie”, Busteni, vol.II<br />

1985 418 3<br />

1985 342 3<br />

1985 130<br />

1985 514 4<br />

92-103 1985 5<br />

1-8 1985 1<br />

76-91 1985 5<br />

207-209 1985 5<br />

Studii structurale asupra unor In vol. “Progrese in fizica”, 328 1986 4<br />

probe <strong>de</strong> magnetitasi limonit prin ICEFIZ Galati<br />

efect Mossbauer<br />

6<br />


37 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.<br />

Ilonca<br />

38 I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh. Ilonca, O.<br />

Cozar, R. M. Felea, C. Mesaros<br />

39 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, I.<br />

Mastan, L. Blidarea<br />

Studiul RPE al clusterilor trigonali<br />

<strong>de</strong> ioni paramagnetici in matrici<br />

vitroase<br />

Proprietatile magnetice ale unor<br />

sticle <strong>din</strong> sistemul B 2 O 3 – CdO –<br />

CoO<br />

Studiul unor formatiuni tetramere<br />

<strong>de</strong> ioni Cu 2+ cuplati prin interactiuni<br />

<strong>de</strong> superschimb<br />

40 T. Fiat, L. Daraban, O.<br />

Cozar, C. Cosma, V.<br />

Znamirovschi, M. Salagean,<br />

A. Pantelica<br />

Aplicatii ale analizei prin activare<br />

cu neutroni in arheologie<br />

41 I. Mastan, C. cosma, A. To<strong>de</strong>rean,<br />

V. Znamirovschi,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

42 O. Cozar, V. Znamirovschi,<br />

I. Mastan, M. Lucaciu<br />

43 C. Cosma, I. Mastan, S.<br />

Cuna, O. Cozar, V. Znamirovschi<br />

44 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.<br />

Ilonca, A. Goldstein<br />

45 C. Cosma, I. Mastan, V.<br />

Znamirovschi, T. Fiat, O.<br />

Cozar, F. Koch, A. To<strong>de</strong>rean<br />

46 C. Tarba, F. Koch, V.<br />

Tarba, O. Cozar<br />

47 C. Tarba, O. Cozar, I. Mastan<br />

48 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.<br />

Ilonca, T. Fiat, I. Milea<br />

49 I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh. Ilonca, O.<br />

Cozar, S. Filimon, A.<br />

Ciortea<br />

50 I. Milea, O. Cozar, I.<br />

Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, T. Fiat, P. Simonti<br />

51 T. Fiat, D. Boros, O. Cozar,<br />

L. Daraban, C. Cosma, V.<br />

Znamirovschi<br />

52 D. Bebesel, M. Atanasiu, G.<br />

Vasaru, O. Cozar<br />

53 I. Cosma, I. Mastan, O.<br />

Cozar, V. Znamirovschi<br />

54 I. Mastan, C. Cosma, A.<br />

To<strong>de</strong>rean, O. Cozar, V.<br />

Znamirovschi<br />

55 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.<br />

Ilonca, T. Fiat, L.Pasca<br />

56 O. Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh.<br />

Ilonca, T. Fiat, C. Lehene<br />

In vol. “Progrese in fizica”,<br />

ICEFIZ Galati<br />

In vol. “Progrese in fizica”,<br />

ICEFIZ Galati<br />

In vol. “Probleme actuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> fizica”, Univ. <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

In vol. “Probleme actuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> fizica” Univ. <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

320 1986 3<br />

288 1980 4<br />

3-8 1996 4<br />

84-92 1996 7<br />

Noncryogenic separation and In vol. “Methods, mo<strong>de</strong>ls 33-38 1987 5<br />

purification possibilities of helium and techniques in physics<br />

from gas mixtures<br />

and related fields<br />

Exchange interactions in paramagnetic<br />

polynuclear compounds<br />

Isotopic ratios of rare gases<br />

emanated from geothermal<br />

sources in Cerna and Mehadica<br />

valleys<br />

EPR study of soda-phosphate<br />

glasses containing Mo 5+ and<br />

Mn 2+ ions<br />

Some artificial radioactivity aspects<br />

in may-june 1986 period<br />

from <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong> region and its<br />

neighbour houd<br />

Biophysical aspects of low-level<br />

ionizing radiations: I. the “small”<br />

dose concept and classification<br />

of radiation doses<br />

Biophysical aspects of low-level<br />

ionizing radiations: II. Biological<br />

effects of small and medium radiation<br />

doses<br />

Studii RES asupra ionilor W 5+ in<br />

[2P 2 O 5 . Na 2 O]<br />

Comportarea magnetica a unor<br />

sticle sodo-fosfatice cu ioni <strong>de</strong><br />

crom<br />

Studiul prin reflexive difuza a<br />

unor probe <strong>de</strong> cuart impurificate<br />

cu cupru<br />

Aplicatii ale analizei prin activare<br />

cu neutroni in studiul unor<br />

obiecte antice si medievale<br />

Proprietati <strong>de</strong> transport in amestecuri<br />

gazoase binare<br />

Masuartori asupra fluxului <strong>de</strong> radon<br />

in Valea Cernei<br />

Cercetari helometrice pe teritoriul<br />

RSR<br />

Studiul distributiei ionilor Cr 3+ in<br />

sticle fosfatice prin masuratori<br />

RES si <strong>de</strong> susceptibilitate magnetica<br />

Studii RES asupra unor sticle<br />

boro-potasice cu molib<strong>de</strong>n<br />

In vol.“Methods, mo<strong>de</strong>ls 39-47 1987<br />

and techniques in physics<br />

and related fields<br />

In vol.“Methods, mo<strong>de</strong>ls 66-68 1987 5<br />

and techniques in physics<br />

and related fields<br />

In vol.“Methods, mo<strong>de</strong>ls 71-73 1987 4<br />

and techniques in physics<br />

and related fields<br />

In vol.“Methods, mo<strong>de</strong>ls 160-167 1987 7<br />

and techniques in physics<br />

and related fields<br />

In vol.“Methods, mo<strong>de</strong>ls 168-171 1987 4<br />

and techniques in physics<br />

and related fields<br />

In vol.“Methods, mo<strong>de</strong>ls<br />

and techniques in physics<br />

and related fields<br />

171-178 1987 3<br />

In vol. ICEFIZ-Bucuresti 254 1987 5<br />

In vol. ICEFIZ-Bucuresti 224 1987 5<br />

In vol. ICEFIZ-Bucuresti 365 1987 5<br />

In vol. ICEFIZ-Bucuresti 72 1987 6<br />

In vol. ICEFIZ-Bucuresti 128 1988 4<br />

In vol. ICEFIZ-Bucuresti 683 1988<br />

In vol. “Progrese in fizica”,<br />

ICEFIZ Constanta<br />

708 1988 5<br />

In vol. “Lucrarile celui <strong>de</strong>al<br />

III-lea Colocviu National<br />

<strong>de</strong> fizica si tehnologia materialelor<br />

cristaline si<br />

amorfe”, Iasi<br />

40 1988 5<br />

In vol. “Progrese in fizica”,<br />

ICEFIZ Constanta<br />

284 1988 5<br />

4<br />

3<br />


57 O. Cozar, S. Simon, I.<br />

Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, Gh. Ilonca<br />

58 Gh. Ilonca, S. Simon, I.<br />

Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, O. Cozar, R. Redac<br />

59 M. Salagean, A. Pantelica,<br />

M. Patrutescu, N. Gu<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

O. Cozar, T. Fiat, C.<br />

Cosma, V. Znamirovschi<br />

60 I. Bratu, O. Cozar, D.<br />

Chiriac, I. Mastan<br />

61 O. Cozar, I. Bratu, Gh.<br />

Bora, V. Znamirovschi, I.<br />

Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

62 I. Mastan, A. To<strong>de</strong>rean, C.<br />

Cosma, O. Cozar, V.<br />

Znamirovschi<br />

63 G. Damian, V. Miclaus, O.<br />

Cozar, V. Znaminovschi, R.<br />

Salomir<br />

64 C. M. Munteanu, O. Cozar,<br />

G. J.Puuples, J. Greve<br />

65 P. Ber<strong>de</strong>a, S. Cuna, R. Mihalca,<br />

V. Znamirovschi, O.<br />

Cozar, D. Balc, I. Suteu<br />

Structural Cu-O units and high-<br />

Tc superconductors<br />

Magnetic susceptibility measurements<br />

on the antiferomagnetic<br />

superconductors Y x Ba 3-x<br />

Cu 3 O 7<br />

Analiza prin activare cu neutroni<br />

a unor fragmente statuare <strong>din</strong><br />

bronz <strong>de</strong>scoperite la fortul Roman<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Porolissum<br />

In vol. “Seminars on High-<br />

Tc superconductors”,<br />

Univ. <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

In vol. “Seminars on High-<br />

Tc superconductors”,<br />

Univ. <strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

In vol. “Progrese in fizica”,<br />

ICEFIZ Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

69 1989 4<br />

91 1989 5<br />

88 1989 8<br />

Studii IR si RES asupra unor In vol. “Progrese in fizica”, 113 1989 4<br />

complecsi <strong>de</strong> Cu(II) cu DL-lisina- ICEFIZ Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

15<br />

N si DL-ornitina- 14 N<br />

Studii RES asupra unor complecsi<br />

dimeri <strong>de</strong> Cu(II) avand ca<br />

liganzi substante medicamentoase<br />

Instalatie spectrometrica <strong>de</strong><br />

masa pentru masurarea concentratiilor<br />

extreme <strong>de</strong> heliu<br />

The mobility of some nitroxidic<br />

radicals adsorbed on porous suports<br />

Raman spectroscopy of nucleic<br />

acids and their complexes. Applications<br />

and future <strong>de</strong>velopments<br />

Deuterium / hydrogen analysis in<br />

fruit juices by isotopic dilution<br />

and direct injection method<br />

66 S. Nicoara, O. Cozar Mo<strong>de</strong>rn biotehnological research<br />

by M.A.L.D.I.- Mass spectrometry<br />

67 O. Cozar, N. Leopold, L.<br />

David, C. Udrescu, I. D.<br />

Cozma<br />

68 M. Culea, O. Cozar, D. Ristoiu<br />

69 M. Culea, O. Cozar, E. Culea<br />

70 M. Culea S. Neamtu, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

71 M. Iosin, M. Culea, O.<br />

Cozar, L. Petrusca<br />

72 S. Cuna, G. Balas, O.<br />

Cozar, D. I. Cozma<br />

73 C. Bâtiu, C. Jelic, N. Leopold,<br />

V. Chiş, O. Cozar, L.<br />

David<br />

In vol. “Progrese in fizica”,<br />

ICEFIZ Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

In vol. “Progrese in fizica”,<br />

ICEFIZ Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Abstracts of IV National<br />

Conference of Biophysics,<br />

<strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

121 1989<br />

140 2000 5<br />

7 1997<br />

Abstracts of IV National 19 1997<br />

Conference of Biophysics,<br />

<strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Abstracts of IV National 45 1997<br />

Conference of Biophysics,<br />

<strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

Structural studies of molecules In. vol. Enviroment and<br />

with cation recognition properties Progress – 3/2005, Editura<br />

Carpatica, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong>, (D. Ristoiu, C.<br />

Cosma Eds)<br />

GC/MS measurements of nicotine<br />

and cotinine<br />

Pahs <strong>de</strong>termination by gas<br />

chromatography – mass spectrometry<br />

Amino acids transmembranar<br />

transport study<br />

Accurate quantitation of maino<br />

acids in different biological<br />

specimens by gas chromatography<br />

– mass spectrometry<br />

Utilizarea izotopilor stabili ai carbonului<br />

in caracterizarea lichenilor<br />

ca bioindicatori<br />

Spectroscopic Investigations of<br />

New Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II) Complexes<br />

with G-L-Glutamyl Ami<strong>de</strong><br />

as Ligand<br />

Abstracts of IV National 80 1997 2<br />

Conference of Biophysics,<br />

<strong>Cluj</strong>-<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

In. vol. Enviroment and<br />

Progress – 3/2005, Editura<br />

Carpatica, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong><br />

In. vol. Enviroment and<br />

Progress – 3/2005, Editura<br />

Carpatica, <strong>Cluj</strong>-<br />

<strong>Napoca</strong>, (D. Ristoiu, C.<br />

Cosma Eds)<br />

Abstracts of 8 th Romanian<br />

Biophysics Conference,<br />

Iasi<br />

Abstracts of 8 th Romanian<br />

Biophysics Conference,<br />

Iasi<br />

Programul sesiunii anuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> comunicări ştiinţifice,<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Programul sesiunii anuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> comunicări ştiinţifice,<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

121-125 2005<br />

127-133 2005<br />

135-146 2005 3<br />

172-173 2005<br />

192-193 2005 4<br />

8 2004 4<br />

8 2004 6<br />

74 D. Ristoiu, O. Cozar, M. Heat Transfer Enhancement of Programul sesiunii anuale 9<br />

2004<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />


Culea, T. Ristoiu, C.<br />

Cosma, D. Cenan<br />

75 T. Ristoiu, C.Cosma, D.<br />

Ristoiu, O. Cozar, D. Cenan<br />

76 O. Cozar, F. Pop-Gozman,<br />

C. Jelic, I.Bratu, T.Jurcut<br />

77 N. Ve<strong>de</strong>anu, O. Cozar, I.<br />

Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, T. Jurcuţ, S. Filip<br />

78 A.Magdas, O. Cozar, I.<br />

Ar<strong>de</strong>lean, S. Filip, T. Jurcuţ<br />

79 M. Hossu, C. Craciun, O.<br />

Cozar, S. Filip, L. David<br />

80 L. David, O. Cozar, S. Filip,<br />

T. Jurcut, M. Hossu<br />

81 M. Culea, L. Petruşca, M.<br />

Iosin, O. Cozar<br />

82 M. Culea, A. Bucur, O.<br />

Cozar<br />

83 M. Bako, G. Damian, O.<br />

Cozar, S. Dreve<br />

84 A.Pîrnău, M. Baias, O.<br />

Oniga, V. Chiş, M. Vasilescu,<br />

O. Cozar<br />

85 N. Ve<strong>de</strong>anu, O. Cozar, I.<br />

Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

86 L. Szabo, A. Pîrnău A.<br />

Vodă, O. Cozar, B. Blümich<br />

87 I. Chereji, S. Cună, G.<br />

Bălaş, P. Ber<strong>de</strong>a, O. Cozar<br />

88. C. Lehene, N. Peica, N.<br />

Leopold, O. Cozar, W.<br />

Kiefer.<br />

Liquid with Dilute Suspensions<br />

of Metal Nanopatricles<br />

Nanoscale Heat Transport Phenomena<br />

at the Interface between<br />

a Solid and a Liquid<br />

Spectroscopic investigation of<br />

some Cu(II)-complexes with cardiovascular<br />

drugs<br />

Spectroscopic Investigation of<br />

V 2 O 5 - P 2 O 5 - CaO Glasses<br />

Structural Aspects of Phosphate<br />

Glasses with Molyb<strong>de</strong>num Ions<br />

Tetranuclear Cu(II) cluster encapsulated<br />

in one arsenic(V)<br />

heteropolyoxotungstate. Spectroscopic<br />

and magnetic investigation<br />

Spectroscopic investigation of<br />

several uranium(iv)-<br />

polyoxometalates complexes<br />

Study of amino acid transmembranar<br />

transport<br />

Determination of amino acids in<br />

blood samples by GC/MS<br />

EPR investigations of nanostructured<br />

polymers using spin labels<br />

<strong>de</strong> comunicări ştiinţifice<br />

Programul sesiunii anuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> comunicări ştiinţifice,<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Programul sesiunii anuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> comunicări ştiinţifice,<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Programul sesiunii anuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> comunicări ştiinţifice,<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Programul sesiunii anuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> comunicări ştiinţifice,<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Programul sesiunii anuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> comunicări ştiinţifice,<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Programul sesiunii anuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> comunicări ştiinţifice<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Physics Conference Timişoara<br />

Physics Conference, Timişoara<br />

Physics Conference Timişoara<br />

Molecular and vibrational structure<br />

of 5-para-bromo-benzili<strong>de</strong>nmişoara<br />

Physics Conference, Ti-<br />

tiazoli<strong>din</strong>-2-tion-4-<br />

ona.Experimental and theoretical<br />

investigation<br />

Spectroscopic investigation on<br />

some calcium-phosphate<br />

glasses<br />

Physics Conference<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Abstr. Book<br />

Magnetic field simulation for Physics Conference<br />

mouse <strong>de</strong>sign using vector fields Ora<strong>de</strong>aAbstr. Book<br />

TM opera 3 D<br />

A method for measuring the low<br />

levels of tritium as enviromental<br />

tracer in groundwater<br />

Vibrational spectroscopic studies<br />

on the food aditive sodium benzoate<br />

89 V. Chiş, C. Lehene, M.<br />

Venter, O. Cozar, M. Vasilescu,<br />

Experimental and DFT study of<br />

4, 4' - diaminodiphenilozi<strong>de</strong> and<br />

N. Leopold, S. Filip. 4, 4' -<br />

diaminodiphenilme<br />

90 S. Filip, A. Măgdaş, O.<br />

Cozar, I. Ar<strong>de</strong>lean<br />

91 M. Hossu, A. Marcu, O.<br />

Cozar, L. David<br />

Vibrational spectroscopy on<br />

lead-phosphate glasses.<br />

Spectroscopic and magnetic investigation<br />

of tetranuclear chromium<br />

(III) cluster encapsulated<br />

in sandwich-type heteropolyanion<br />

Physics Conference<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Abstr. Book<br />

Physics Conference<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Abstr. Book<br />

Physics Conference<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Abstr. Book<br />

Physics Conference<br />

Ora<strong>de</strong>a, Abstr. Book<br />

In vol. “New trends in advanced<br />

materials”, N. M.<br />

avram, V. Pop, R. Tetean<br />

Eds, Univ. <strong>de</strong> Vest Timisoara,<br />

ISBN 973-7608-41-0<br />

9 2004 5<br />

7 2004 5<br />

11 2004 5<br />

11 2004 5<br />

11 2004 5<br />

12 2004<br />

56-57 2004 4<br />

56-57 2004 3<br />

77-78 2004 4<br />

51 2004 6<br />

18 2005 3<br />

19 2005 5<br />

17 2005 5<br />

6 2005 5<br />

8 2005 7<br />

22 2005 4<br />

100-105 2005 4<br />

5<br />

Criteriul 5a, 5b<br />

5. Patente, invenţii, programe software<br />

5.a. înregistrate ISI<br />

5.b. înregistrate naţional<br />

Tabelul 5a, 5b (câte un tabel pentru fiecare criteriu)<br />


Nr. crt. Criteriu Autori Titlu produs Instituţie emitentă An Nr.<br />

brevet<br />

Nr.<br />

autori<br />

5.a<br />

5.b<br />

Criteriul 6 (câte un tabel pentru fiecare criteriu)<br />

6. Produse artistice (exemple: picturi, sculpturi, spectacole),<br />

produse informatice, producţii radio / tv / vi<strong>de</strong>o, recenzate<br />

6.a. internaţional<br />

Tabelul 6a, 6b (câte un tabel pentru fiecare criteriu)<br />

6.b. naţional<br />

Nr. crt. Criteriu Autori Titlu produs Instituţie emitentă An Nr. brevet<br />

Nr. autori<br />

6.a<br />

6.b<br />

Criteriul 7<br />

7. Lucrări ştiinţifice citate<br />

Tabelul 7.a, 7b (câte un tabel pentru fiecare criteriu)<br />

Nr.<br />

crt.<br />

Criteriu<br />

7.a<br />

7.a. în reviste ISI<br />

7.b în reviste nein<strong>de</strong>xate ISI<br />

Nr. <strong>din</strong> tabelele Titlul lucrării în care s-a făcut citarea Revista An Volum Paginile Factorul<br />

anterioare al<br />

lucrării citate<br />

(ex: Tab. 1.b nr.<br />

7)<br />

<strong>de</strong> impact<br />

ISI<br />

al revistei<br />

(dacă e<br />

cazul)<br />

1 1a. nr. 5. Massacesi M, Ponticelli G, Krishnan Vg<br />

Electron-spin resonance study of copper(ii)<br />

complexes with square pyramidal and compressed<br />

trigonal bipyramidal symmetries in<br />

different olvents at 295-k and 77-K<br />

2 1a. nr. 5. Ad<strong>de</strong>palli Vb, Krishnan Vg<br />

Electron-Spin Resonance Study Of<br />

[Cu(Trien)(Scn)] Ncs) In Different Solvents At<br />

77-K<br />

3 1a. nr. 6. Eckert H<br />

Structural Characterization Of Noncrystalline<br />

olids And Glasses Using Solid-State Nmr<br />












4 1a. nr. 7. Salim MA, Khattak GD, Fodor PS, et al. JOURNAL OF NON-<br />

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and CRYSTALLINE<br />

magnetization tudies of iron-vanadium phosphate<br />

SOLIDS<br />

glasses<br />

5. 1a. nr. 7. Gatteschi D<br />

Transition-Metal Ions<br />

6. 1a. nr. 8. Lakshminarayana G, Buddhudu S<br />

Spectral analysis of Cu2+: B2O3-ZnO-PbO<br />

glasses<br />

7. 1a. nr. 8. Mendiratta Sk, Valente Ma<br />

Mean-Field Analysis Of High-Field Magneti-<br />





REPORT<br />


ACTA PART A-<br />




1980 69 165-181 1,2<br />

1978 44 (2) 217-222 1,2<br />

1992 24 159-293 6,885<br />

2001 289 (1-<br />

3)<br />

185-<br />

195<br />

1985 9 16-86<br />

PHYSICA B 1995 211 (1-<br />

4)<br />

1,433<br />

2005 62 (1-3) 364-371 1,188<br />

338-341 0,679<br />


zation Curves Of Glasses - Structure Of<br />

Magnetic Aggregates<br />

8 1a. nr. 9. Roitsin Ab, Mayevskii Vm<br />

Epr Of Solid-State Surface<br />

9 1a. nr. 9. Bleam Wf, Mcbri<strong>de</strong> Mb<br />

10 1a. nr. 9. Gatteschi D<br />

Transition-Metal Ions<br />

The Chemistry Of Adsorbed Cu(Ii) And Mn(Ii)<br />

In Aqueous Titanium-Dioxi<strong>de</strong> Suspensions<br />

Adsorbed On Silica Surface<br />

11 1a. nr. 10. Rusu D, Carrasco MF, To<strong>de</strong>ras M, et al.<br />

Influence of the preparation conditions and<br />

thermal treatment on the structure of the<br />

B2O3-BaO-Fe2O3 system<br />

12 1a. nr. 10. Staske R, Frobel P, Barner K<br />

Fluorescence Of Sm3+ In Sm/Cu-Codoped<br />

(Li2b4o7) 1-X(Wo3)X Glasses<br />

13 1a. nr. 10. Frobel P, Barner K<br />

Optical-Properties Of Some<br />

[[(Li2o).(B2o3)2]1-X (Wo3)X]1-Ymy-O<br />

Glasses<br />



NAUK<br />









REPORT<br />




B<br />





SOLIDS<br />

14 1a. nr. 10. Rao Kj, Rao Bg<br />


Electron-Spin Resonance Of Transition-Metal THE INDIAN<br />

Ions In Glasses<br />




15 1a. nr. 11. Agarwal A, Seth VP, Gahlot P, et al.<br />

Effect of TiO2 on electron paramagnetic<br />

resonance, optical transmission and dc conductivity<br />

of vanadyl doped sodium borate<br />

glasses<br />


ACTA PART A-<br />




16 1a. nr. 11. Agarwal A, Seth VP, Gahlot PS, et al.<br />

Effect of Bi2O3 on electron paramagnetic<br />



resonance, optical transmission and conductivity<br />


in vanadyl-doped Bi2O3 center dot<br />

K2O-B2O3 glasses<br />

17 1a. nr. 11. Chinkhota M, Fodor PS, Khattak GD, et al.<br />

Investigation of the magnetic properties in<br />

strontiumborate vanadate glasses<br />



18 1a. nr. 11. Salim MA, Khattak GD, Fodor PS, et al. JOURNAL OF NON-<br />

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and CRYSTALLINE<br />

magnetization studies of iron-vanadium SOLIDS<br />

phosphate glasses<br />

19 1a. nr. 11. Khattak GD, Salim MA, Wenger LE, et al. JOURNAL OF NON-<br />

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and CRYSTALLINE<br />

magnetic susceptibility studies of coppervanadium<br />

phosphate<br />

SOLIDS<br />

glasses<br />

20 1a. nr. 11. Chakradhar RPS, Murali A, Rao JL<br />

study of electron paramagnetic resonance<br />

and optical absorption in calcium manganese<br />

phosphate glasses containing praseodymium<br />




21 1a. nr. 11. Chakradhar RPS, Murali A, Rao JL JOURNAL OF<br />

A study of electron paramagnetic resonance ALLOYS AND<br />

and optical absorption in calcium chromium COMPOUNDS<br />

phosphate glasses containing praseodymium<br />

22 1a. nr. 11. Culea E JOURNAL OF NON-<br />

Magnetic behavior of x(0.66CuO-<br />


0.34V(2)O(5))center dot (1-x) As2O3 glasses SOLIDS<br />

23 1a. nr. 11. Khasa S, Prakash D, Seth VP, et al.<br />

Electron paramagnetic resonance study of<br />

the vanadyl ion in xCoO.(1-<br />




1989 159 (2) 297-333<br />

1986 110 (2) 335-346 1,784<br />

1985 9 16-86<br />

2005 19<br />

(10)<br />

1821-<br />

1834<br />

0,361<br />

1993 55 (3) 115-123 1,684<br />

1986 88 (2-3) 329-<br />

344<br />

1985 95 (1-2) 169-188<br />

2004 60 (13) 3161-<br />

3167<br />

1,433<br />

1,188<br />

2004 85 (1) 215-221 1,113<br />

2002 91 (10) 8269-<br />

8271<br />

2001 289 (1-<br />

3)<br />

2000 262 (1-<br />

3)<br />

185-<br />

195<br />

66-<br />

79<br />

2,255<br />

1,433<br />

1,433<br />

2000 35 (2) 353-359 0,864<br />

1998 281 (2): 99-107 1,562<br />

1998 223 (1-<br />

2):<br />

147-<br />

151<br />

1,433<br />

1997 76 (6) 859-865 1,343<br />


x)(ZnO.2B(2)O(3)) glasses<br />


MATTER<br />







24 1a. nr. 11. Prakash D, Seth VP, Chand I, et al. JOURNAL OF NON- 1996 204 (1) 46-52 1,433<br />

EPR study of vanadyl ion in CoO center dot CRYSTALLINE<br />

PbO center dot B2O3 glasses<br />

SOLIDS<br />

25 1a. nr. 11. Biswas NC, Dayal R, Chand P<br />

EPR and optical absorption spectra of VO2+<br />

in NaF.B2O3 and NaF.Na2O.B2O3 glasses<br />

26 1a. nr. 11. Narendra Gl, Sreedhar B, Rao Jl, Et Al.<br />

Electron-Spin-Resonance And Optical-<br />

Absorption Spectra Of Cu-2+ Ions In<br />

Na2so4-Znso4 Glasses<br />

27 1a. nr. 11. Yadav A, Seth Vp, Gupta Sk<br />

Electron-Spin Resonance And Optical-<br />

Spectra Of Vo2+ And Cu-2+ In Zno-B2o3<br />

And Pbo-B2o3 Glasses<br />

28 1a. nr. 11. Nishida T, Ogata M, Takashima Y<br />

Application Of Mossbauer-Spectroscopy To<br />

The Structural Study Of Semiconducting Vanadate<br />

Glasses<br />









SOLIDS<br />



SOLIDS<br />

29 1a. nr. 11. Nishida T, Takashima Y<br />


Application Of Mossbauer-Spectroscopy And CRYSTALLINE<br />

Dta To A Structural Study Of Semiconducting SOLIDS<br />

P2o5-V2o5 Glasses<br />

30 1a. nr. 11. Nishida T, Ogata M, Takashima Y<br />

Mossbauer And Dta Studies On The Structure<br />

Of Semiconducting Sodium Vanadate<br />

Glasses<br />

31 1a. nr. 11. Yadav A, Seth Vp<br />

Electron-Spin-Resonance And Optical-<br />



Spectra Of Vo2+ And Cu-2+ In K2so4-Znso4 GLASSES<br />

Glasses<br />

32 1a. nr. 15. Andronenko SI, Andronenko RR, Vasil'ev AV, GLASS PHYSICS<br />

et al.<br />


Local symmetry of Cu2+ ions in sodium silicate<br />

glasses from data of EPR spectroscopy<br />

1996 37 (2) 62-67 0,727<br />

1991 26 (19) 5342-<br />

5346<br />

0,864<br />

1988 101 (1) 1-7 1,433<br />

1987 95-6 241-246 1,433<br />

1987 94 (2) 229-237 1,433<br />

BULLETIN OF THE 1987 60 (8) 2887-<br />


2889<br />


1986 27 (4) 182-184 0,727<br />

2004 30 (3) 230-235 0,261<br />

33 1a. nr. 15. Rao JL, Sivaramaiah G, Gopal NO<br />

EPR and optical absorption spectral studies<br />

PHYSICA B-<br />


2004 349 (1-<br />

4)<br />

206-213 0,679<br />

of Cu2+ ions doped in alkali lead tetraborate MATTER<br />

glasses<br />

34 1a. nr. 15. Mercier C, Palavit G, Montagne L, et al. COMPTES RENDUS 2002 5 (11) 693-703<br />

A survey of transition-metal-containing phosphate<br />

CHIMIE<br />

glasses<br />

35 1a. nr. 15. Chakradhar RPS, Murali A, Rao JL JOURNAL OF<br />

Electron paramagnetic resonance and optical ALLOYS AND<br />

absorption studies of Cu2+ ions in alkali barum<br />

borate<br />


glasses<br />

36 1a. nr. 15. Narendra Gl, Sreedhar B, Rao Jl, Et Al.<br />

Electron-Spin-Resonance And Optical-<br />

Absorption Spectra Of Cu-2+ Ions In<br />

Na2so4-Znso4 Glasses<br />

37 1a. nr. 18. Sastry Pvpss, Yakhmi Jv, Iyer Rm<br />

Instability Of Y-Earth-Subsituted And Rare-<br />

Earthsubstituted Bi(Pb)-2223 Phase<br />

38 1a. nr. 20. Bih L, Allali N, Yacoubi A, et al.<br />

Thermal, physical and spectroscopic investigations<br />

of P2O5-A(2)MoO(4)-A(2)O (A=Li,<br />

Na) glasses<br />










1998 265 (1-<br />

2)<br />

1991 26 (19) 5342-<br />

5346<br />

1994 4 (7) 1077-<br />

1079<br />

29-37 1,562<br />

0,864<br />

2,721<br />

1999 40 (4) 229-234 0,727<br />


39 1a. nr. 20. Sawaguchi N, Yokokawa T, Kawamura K<br />

Mo K-edge XAFS in Na2O-K2O-SiO2<br />

glasses<br />




40 1a. nr. 22. Hu Y, Lin UL, Liu NH<br />

Effect of copper valence on the glass structure<br />



and crystallization behavior of Bi-Pb-Cu- PHYSICS<br />

O glasses<br />

41 1a. nr. 26. Song HY, Yu XJ, Zhao HZ, et al.<br />

The relaxation study of dibenzoylmethane in<br />

different molecules by photoacoustic amplitu<strong>de</strong><br />

and phase spectra<br />




42 1a. nr. 26. Yu XJ, Song HY, Zhao HZ, et al.<br />


Photoacoustic amplitu<strong>de</strong> and phase study on MOLECULAR<br />

energy transfer and relaxation processes of STRUCTURE<br />

Eu(III) betadiketonate complexes<br />

43 1a. nr. 26. Wu RH, Su QD<br />

A study of intramolecular energy relaxation<br />

processes of rare earth complexes<br />

[Ln(TTA)(3)center dot 2H(2)O, Ln = Nd, Eu,<br />

Gd]<br />

44 1a. nr. 26. Wu RH, Song HY, Su QD<br />

Photoacoustic spectroscopy study on intramolecular<br />

energy transfer and relaxation<br />

processes of Tb(III) complexes<br />

45 1a. nr. 28. Fenesan I, Popescu R, Supuran CT, et al.<br />

Electron impact mass spectral interpretation<br />

for some thiophosphoryl-pacetylaminobenzenesulfonami<strong>de</strong>s<br />





ACTA PART A-<br />




1996 37 (1) 13-18 0,727<br />

1997 49 (2) 115-119 1,113<br />

2002 643 (1-<br />

3)<br />

2002 611 (1-<br />

3)<br />

2001 559 (1-<br />

3)<br />

2000 56 (11) 2073-<br />

2078<br />

RAPID<br />


IN MASS<br />


2001 15<br />

(9)<br />

21-27 1,2<br />

65-71 1,2<br />

195-199 1,2<br />

1,188<br />

721-729 2,75<br />

46 1a. nr. 28. Scozzafava A, Briganti F, Supuran CT, et al. MAIN GROUP 1996 19 (8) 503-508 0,667<br />

Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase isozymes I METAL CHEMISTRY<br />

and II with thiophosphorylic compounds containing<br />

4-carboxybenzenesulfonamido moieties<br />

47 1a. nr. 29. Fujimori T, Yamada S, Yasui H, et al.<br />

Orally active antioxidative copper(II) aspirinate:<br />

synthesis, structure characterization,<br />

superoxi<strong>de</strong> scavenging activity, and in vitro<br />

and in vivo antioxidative evaluations<br />





48 1a. nr. 31. Radu A, Baia L, Kiefer W, et al.<br />

The influence of manganese cations on the<br />



structure of lead high bismuthate glasses and<br />

glass ceramics<br />

49 1a. nr. 31. Durga DK, Veeraiah N<br />

Role of manganese ions on the stability of<br />



ZnF2-P2O5-TeO2 glass system by the study CHEMISTRY OF<br />

of dielectric dispersion and some other SOLIDS<br />

physical properties<br />

50 1a. nr. 33. Sidorenko A, Scheidt EW, Hai<strong>de</strong>r F, et al.<br />

The effect of Cu/Mn substitution in 2223 Bibased<br />

HTSC<br />

PHYSICA B-<br />


MATTER<br />

51 1a. nr. 34. dos Santos MMC, Famila V, Goncalves MLS ANALYTICAL<br />

Copper-psychoactive drug complexes: A voltammetric<br />

approach to complexation by 1,4-<br />


benzodiazepines<br />

52 1a. nr. 34. Bombicz P, Forizs E, Madarasz J, et al.<br />

Inclusion compounds containing a drug:<br />

structure and thermal stability of the first<br />

clathrates of nitrazepam and isothiocyanato<br />

ethanol complexes of Co(II) and Ni(II)<br />

53 1a. nr. 34. Cinta S, Iliescu T, Astilean S, et al.<br />

1,4-benzodiazepine drugs adsorption on the<br />

Ag colloidal surface<br />






2005 10 (8) 831-841 3,3<br />

2005 39 (2) 127-130 1,441<br />

2003 64<br />

(1)<br />

2002 321 (1-<br />

4)<br />

133-146 0,988<br />

298-300 0,679<br />

2002 303 (2) 111-119 2,37<br />

2001 315 (2) 229-235 1,554<br />

1999 483 685-688 1,2<br />

54 1a. nr. 39. Cajkovski T, Davidovic M, Cajkovski D, et al. MATERIALS 2003 413 141-145 0,498<br />

Effects of gamma-irradiation on the dielectric SCIENCE FORUM<br />


properties of the barium salt of 12-<br />

tungstophosphoric acid hydrate<br />

55 1a. nr. 39. Bulbulian S, Bosch P<br />

JOURNAL OF 2001 295 (1) 64-72 1,448<br />

Vitrification of gamma irradiated Co-60(2+) NUCLEAR<br />

zeolites<br />


56 1a. nr. 40. Yasoda B, Chakradhara RPS, Rao JL, et al.<br />

Electron paramagnetic resonance and luminescent<br />

properties of Mn2+: MgGa2O4 phosphor<br />



2005 98 (5) Art. No.<br />

053910<br />

57 1a. nr. 40. Chakradhar RPS, Sivaramaiah G, Rao JL, et MODERN PHYSICS 2005 19 (13- 643-653 0,421<br />

al.<br />

EPR and optical studies of vanadyl ions in alkali<br />

lead borotellurite glasses<br />


14)<br />

58 1a. nr. 40. Raju BDP, Gopal NO, Narasimhulu KV, et al.<br />

Variable temperature EPR spectra of copper(II)<br />

ions in kainite crystals<br />

59 1a. nr. 40. Kumar VR, Rao JL, Gopal NO<br />

EPR and optical absorption studies Of Cu2+<br />

ions in alkaline earth alumino borate glasses<br />

60 1a. nr. 40. Moujahid EM, Dubois M, Besse JP, et al.<br />

In situ polymerization of aniline sulfonic acid<br />

<strong>de</strong>rivatives into LDH interlamellar space<br />

probed by ESR and electrochemical studies<br />

61 1a. nr. 40. Sreekanth Chakradhar RP, Nagabhushana<br />

BM, Chandrappa GT, et al.<br />

Solution combustion <strong>de</strong>rived nanocrystalline<br />

Zn2SiO4 : Mn phosphors: A spectroscopic<br />

view<br />

62 1a. nr. 40. Prakash PG, Rao JL<br />

Cu2+ ions in sodium fluori<strong>de</strong>-sodium borate<br />

glasses studied by EPR and optical absorption<br />

techniques<br />

63 1a. nr. 40. Chahine A, Et-Tabirou M<br />

Density and FTIR analysis of 50Na(2)OxCuO-(50-x)P2O5<br />

glasses<br />

64 1a. nr. 40. Chahine A, Et-tabirou M<br />

Structural study of (50-x)Na2O-xCuO-<br />

10Bi(2)O(3)-40P(2) O(5) glasses<br />

65 1a. nr. 40. Mary PAA, Dhanuskodi S<br />

EPR and optical absorption studies of Cu2+<br />




SOLIDS<br />


















doped Larginine phosphate monohydrate single<br />

crystals - part II<br />




66 1a. nr. 40. Chakradhar RPS, Murali A, Rao JL<br />

A study of electron paramagnetic resonance<br />

and optical absorption spectra of VO2+ ions<br />

in alkali calcium borate glasses<br />

67 1a. nr. 40. Murali A, Rao JL<br />

Spectroscopic investigations on Cu(II) ions<br />

doped in alkali lead borotellurite glasses<br />

68 1a. nr. 40. Murali A, Rao JL<br />

Electron paramagnetic resonance and optical<br />

absorption spectra of Cr3+ ions in fluorophosphate<br />

glasses<br />

69 1a. nr. 42. Ewais HA, Ahmed SA, Ab<strong>de</strong>l-Khalek AA<br />

Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of<br />

chromium(III)-<br />

guanosine 5-monophosphate complex by periodate<br />

70 1a. nr. 42. Watson H, Hatfield J, Vincent JB<br />

H-1 NMR studies of Cr(III)-imidazole complexes:<br />

can H-1 NMR be used as a probe of<br />

Cr-guanine DNA adducts?<br />


ACTA PART A-<br />

PHYSICA B-<br />


MATTER<br />


PHYSICS-<br />


MATTER<br />


PHYSICS-<br />


MATTER<br />







2005 66<br />

(5)<br />

2005 40 (8) 1256-<br />

1269<br />

2,255<br />

753-761 0,988<br />

1,31<br />

2005 17 (2) 373-382 4,103<br />

2004 121<br />

(20):<br />

10250-<br />

10259<br />

3,105<br />

2004 39 (1): 193-200 0,864<br />

2003 28 (2) 25-31 0,48<br />

2002 37 (12) 1973-<br />

1979<br />

2002 58 (7) 1473-<br />

1481<br />

1,31<br />

1,188<br />

2000 293 (1- 108-117 0,679<br />

2)<br />

1999 11 (40) 7921-<br />

7935<br />

1999 11 (5) 1321-<br />

1331<br />

2,049<br />

2,049<br />

2004 51 (4): 713-718 0,593<br />

2003 344 265-269 1,554<br />


71 1a. nr. 42. Fu PKL, Turro C<br />

Energy transfer from nucleic acids to Tb(III):<br />

Selective emission enhancement by single<br />

DNA mismatches<br />

72 1a. nr. 43. Kloprogge JT, Frost RL<br />

Raman microscopic study of some borate<br />

minerals: Ulexite, kernite, and in<strong>de</strong>rite<br />







73 1a. nr. 56. Pauwels E, Van Speybroeck V, Waroquier M JOURNAL OF<br />

Evaluation of different mo<strong>de</strong>l space approaches<br />

based on DFT to examine the EPR CHEMISTRY A<br />


parameters of a radiation-induced radical in<br />

solid-state alpha-glycine<br />

74 1a. nr. 59. Salva A, Frau J, Munoz F, et al.<br />

FT-TR study of pyridoxamine 5 ' phosphate<br />

75 1a. nr. 65. Tricot G, Montagne L, Delevoye L, et al.<br />

Redox and structure of sodiumvanadophosphate<br />

glasses<br />

1999 121 (1) 1-7 6,903<br />

1999 53 (3) 356-364 1,848<br />

2004 108<br />

(51)<br />





2003 1647<br />

(1-2)<br />



SOLIDS<br />

11321-<br />

11332<br />

2,639<br />

83-87 2,113<br />

2004 345 56-60 1,433<br />

76 1a. nr. 65. Mercier C, Palavit G, Montagne L, et al. COMPTES RENDUS 2002 5 (11) 693-703<br />

A survey of transition-metal-containing phosphate<br />

CHIMIE<br />

glasses<br />

77 1a. nr. 69. Chakradhar RPS, Ramesh KP, Rao JL, et al. MATERIALS<br />

Influence of mixed alkali on the spectral<br />

properties of vanadyl ions doped xNa(2)O-<br />



(30-x)K2O-60B(2)O(3) glasses - an EPR and<br />

optical study<br />

78 1a. nr. 69. Kumar VR, Chakradhar RPS, Murali A, et al.<br />

A study of electron paramagnetic resonance<br />

and optical absorption spectra of VO2+ ions<br />

in alkali barium phosphate glasses<br />

79 1a. nr. 70.<br />

Limoges BR, Stanis RJ, Turner JA, et al.<br />

Electrocatalyst materials for fuel cells based<br />

on the polyoxometalates [PMo(12-<br />

n)VnO40]((3+n)-) (n=0-3)<br />

80 1a. nr. 70. Ciocan CA, Tur<strong>de</strong>an GL, Rosu C, et al.<br />

Synthesis and characterisation of a new series<br />

of rhodiumsubstituted heteropolytungstates<br />




B<br />


ACTA<br />



81 1a. nr. 70. Serdan O, Rusu D, Ilea P, et al.<br />


Electrochemical behaviour of some lacunary DE CHIMIE<br />

keggin type polyoxometalates. I Voltammetric<br />

study of a new series Bi (III) containing heteropolyanions<br />

82 1a. nr. 70. Knobl S, Zenkovets GA, Kryukova GN, et al.<br />

Nanoclusters as precursors to (MoVW)(5)O-<br />

14: In situ and chemical characterisation of<br />

the systems of a single phase oxidation catalyst<br />





2005 40 (6) 1028-<br />

1043<br />

2003 17<br />

(16)<br />

3033-<br />

3047<br />

2005 50 (5) 1169-<br />

1179<br />

1,31<br />

0,361<br />

2,341<br />

2004 49 (3-4) 279-285 0,199<br />

2004 49 (5) 465-474 0,199<br />

2003 5 (23) 5343-<br />

5348<br />

83 1a. nr. 70. Ratiu C, Tomsa AR, Koutsodimou A, et al.<br />

Synthesis and characterization of K-<br />

6[Ti(H2O) P2MoW16O61]center dot<br />

17H(2)O, a Ti(IV) <strong>de</strong>rivative of monolacunary<br />

Wells-Dawson 16-tungsto-molybdo-2- phosphate<br />

POLYHEDRON 2002 21 (4) 353-358 1,586<br />

84 1a. nr. 71. Bi LH, Liu JY, Shen Y, et al.<br />


Synthesis, characterization and fabrication onCHEMISTRY<br />

a glassy carbon electro<strong>de</strong> of a tetra-iron substituted<br />

sandwich-type penta<strong>de</strong>catungstodiarsenate<br />

heteropolyanion<br />

85 1a. nr. 71. An<strong>de</strong>rson TM, Zhang X, Hardcastle KI, et al.<br />

Reactions of trivacant Wells-Dawson heteropolytungstates.<br />

Ionic strength and Jahn-<br />

Teller effects on formation in multi-iron complexes<br />



2,076<br />

2003 27 (4) 756-764 2,735<br />

2002 41 (9) 2477-<br />

2488<br />

3,454<br />


86 1a. nr. 71. An<strong>de</strong>rson TM, Hardcastle KI, Okun N, et al.<br />

Asymmetric sandwich-type polyoxoanions.<br />



Synthesis, characterization, and X-ray crystal<br />

structures of diferric complexes [(TMFe2III)-<br />

Fe-II(P2W15O56) ((P2TM2W13O52)-W-<br />

II)](16-), TM = Cu or Co<br />

87 1a. nr. 72. Blasco T, Botella P, Concepcion P, et al. JOURNAL OF<br />

Selective oxidation of propane to acrylic acid CATALYSIS<br />

on K-doped MoVSbO catalysts: catalyst characterization<br />

and catalytic performance<br />

2001 40 (25) 6418-<br />

6425<br />

3,454<br />

2004 228 (2) 362-373 4,063<br />

88 1a. nr. 72. Selling A, An<strong>de</strong>rsson I, Grate JH, et al.<br />

Reduced molybdovanadophosphates<br />





2002 3 743-<br />

749<br />

2,336<br />

89 1a. nr. 73. Bessergenev VG, Kovalevskaya YA,<br />

Lavrenova LG, et al.<br />



Low temperature heat capacity of the coor<strong>din</strong>ation<br />


compound - Nickel(II) nitrate with 4- CALORIMETRY<br />

amine-1,2,4-triazole at temperatures from 11<br />

to 317 K<br />

90 1a. nr. 73. Sherif OE, Abd El-Fattah HM, El-Ajily MM<br />

Characterization of transition metal ion chelates<br />

with 8- (arylazo) chromones using<br />

thermal and spectral techniques<br />

91 1a. nr. 73. Ab<strong>de</strong>l-Latif SA, El-Roudi OM, Mohamed<br />

MGK<br />

Chelation behaviour of nitrosopyrazolones<br />

with Mn(II), Co (II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II)<br />









92 1a. nr. 77. Ji YB, Xu QS, Hu YZ, et al.<br />


Development, optimization and validation of aCHROMATOGRAPH<br />

fingerprint of Ginkgo biloba extracts by highperformance<br />

liquid<br />

Y A<br />

chromatography<br />

93 1a. nr. 77. Liang YZ, Xie PS, Chan K<br />

Quality control of herbal medicines<br />

94 1a. nr. 77. <strong>de</strong>l Castillo MLR, Blanch GP, Herraiz M<br />

Natural variability of the enantiomeric composition<br />

of bioactive chiral terpenes in Mentha<br />

piperita<br />

95 1a. nr. 77. Wang XS, Kapoor V, Smythe GA<br />

Extraction and chromatography-mass spectrometric<br />

analysis of the active principles<br />

from selected Chinese herbs and other medicinal<br />

plants<br />

96 1a. nr. 77. Shellie RA, Marriott PJ, Huie CW<br />

Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography<br />

(GC x GC) and GC x GCquadrupole<br />

MS analysis of Asian and American<br />

ginseng<br />

97 1a. nr. 77. Gong F, Liang YZ, Xie PS, et al.<br />

Information theory applied to chromatographic<br />

fingerprint of herbal medicine for<br />

quality control<br />

2004 75<br />

(1)<br />

2003 74<br />

(1)<br />

2003 73<br />

(3)<br />

2005 1066<br />

(1-2)<br />






AND LIFE<br />


2004 812 (1-<br />

2)<br />

JOURNAL OF 2004 1054<br />


Y A<br />

AMERICAN 2003 31 (6) 927-<br />


944<br />





98 1a. nr. 79. Chakradhar RPS, Ramesh KP, Rao JL, et al. MATERIALS<br />

Influence of mixed alkali on the spectral<br />

properties of vanadyl ions doped xNa(2)O-<br />



(30-x)K2O-60B(2)O(3) glasses - an EPR and<br />

optical study<br />

2003 26 (12-<br />

13)<br />

JOURNAL OF 2003 1002<br />


Y A<br />

331-336 1,478<br />

181-200 1,478<br />

939-950 1,478<br />

97-104 3,359<br />

53-70 2,176<br />

87-93 3,359<br />

1185-<br />

1192<br />

2005 40 (6) 1028-<br />

1043<br />

0,593<br />

1,927<br />

25-40 3,359<br />

99 1a. nr. 79. Huang YL, Feng Q, Yang Y, et al.<br />

PHYSICS LETTERS 2005 336 (6) 490-497 1,454<br />

A study of luminescence properties in the boron-doped<br />

lead<br />

A<br />

tungstate<br />

1,31<br />


100 1a. nr. 79. Narayana KV, Raju BD, Masthan SK, et al.<br />

ESR spectroscopic characterization of<br />

V2O5/AlF3 ammoxidation catalysts<br />

101 1a. nr. 80. Yuan LH, Wu QJ, Liu SX<br />

(Morpholine-kappa N)(salicylal<strong>de</strong>hy<strong>de</strong> 4-<br />

nitrobenzoylhydrazonato-kappa O-3,N,O<br />

')copper(II)<br />

102 1a. nr. 80. van Albada GA, Mohamadou A, Mutikainen I, EUROPEAN<br />

et al.<br />


Synthesis, characterisation, properties and X-INORGANIC<br />

ray structures of Cu-II coor<strong>din</strong>ation compounds<br />

with 5,5 '- dimethylbipyri<strong>din</strong>e and<br />


various anions: Control of stoichiometry and<br />

structure by the counterions<br />

CATALYSIS 2004 5 (8) 457-462 1,89<br />


ACTA<br />





2005 61 M1310-<br />

M1312<br />

2004 18 3733-<br />

3742<br />

103 1a. nr. 80. Ben<strong>de</strong>r JL, Shen QD, Fraser CL<br />

TETRAHEDRON 2004 60 (34) 7277-<br />

Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) macroligands with<br />

7285<br />

betadiketonate bin<strong>din</strong>g sites: synthesis and<br />

coor<strong>din</strong>ation chemistry<br />

104 1a. nr. 80. Pasko SV, Hubert-Pfalzgraf LG, Abrutis A, et<br />

al.<br />

New sterically hin<strong>de</strong>red Hf, Zr and Y betadiketonates<br />

as MOCVD precursors for oxi<strong>de</strong><br />

films<br />

105 1a. nr. 81. Prakash PG, Rao JL<br />

VO2+ ions in zinc lead borate glasses studied<br />

by EPR and optical absorption techniques<br />





ACTA PART A-<br />




106 1a. nr. 81. Chakradhar RPS, Sivaramaiah G, Rao JL, et MODERN PHYSICS<br />

al.<br />


EPR and optical studies of vanadyl ions in alkali<br />

lead borotellurite glasses<br />

107 1a. nr. 81. Tenailleau C, Kassiba A, Lacorre P<br />

EPR investigations of oxidation effects in<br />

(V1-xMox)(2- <strong>de</strong>lta)O-3<br />

108 1a. nr. 81. Rao RB, Veeraiah N<br />

Study on some physical properties of Li2O-<br />

MO-B2O3 :<br />

V2O5 glasses<br />




SOLIDS<br />

PHYSICA B-<br />


MATTER<br />

109. 1a. nr. 81. Rao RB, Gopal NO, Veeraiah N<br />

Studies on the influence of V2O5 on dielectric<br />



relaxation and ac conduction phenomena COMPOUNDS<br />

of Li2O-MgO-B2O3 glass system<br />

110. 1a. nr. 81. Kumar VR, Chakradhar RPS, Murali A, et al.<br />

A study of electron paramagnetic resonance<br />

and optical absorption spectra of VO2+ ions<br />

in alkali barium phosphate glasses<br />

111 1a. nr. 81. Ravikumar RVSSN, Komatsu R, Ikeda K, et<br />

al.<br />

EPR and optical studies on transition metal<br />

doped LiRbB4O7 glasses<br />




B<br />




SOLIDS<br />

112 1a. nr. 82. Winum JY, Innocenti A, Nasr J, et al. BIOORGANIC &<br />

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: synthesis and MEDICINAL<br />

inhibition of cytosolic/tumor-associated carbonic<br />

anhydrase isozymes I, II, IX, and XII<br />



with N-hydroxysulfami<strong>de</strong>s - a new zincbin<strong>din</strong>g<br />

function in the <strong>de</strong>sign of inhibitors<br />

113 1a. nr. 83. Tomsa AR, Koutsodimou A, Falaras P, et al.<br />

New organotin <strong>de</strong>rivatives of trilacunary keggin<br />

polyanions<br />







2004 14 (8) 1245-<br />

1251<br />

2005 61 (11-<br />

12)<br />

2005 19 (13-<br />

14)<br />

2004 65<br />

(11)<br />

2004 348 (1-<br />

4)<br />

2004 368 (1-<br />

2)<br />

2003 17<br />

(16)<br />

2595-<br />

2602<br />

0,491<br />

2,336<br />

2,643<br />

2,721<br />

1,188<br />

643-653 0,421<br />

1809-<br />

1815<br />

0,988<br />

256-271 0,679<br />

25-37 1,562<br />

3033-<br />

3047<br />

0,361<br />

2003 64 (2) 261-264 0,988<br />

2005 15 (9) 2353-<br />

2358<br />

2,018<br />

2005 35 (8) 651-659 0,715<br />


114 1a. nr. 83. Liu XM, Wang CR, Liu B, et al.<br />


Structure and magnetic properties of pyri<strong>din</strong>e OF CHEMISTRY<br />

coor<strong>din</strong>ated sandwich-type heteropolyanion<br />

{[Nci(H2O)(2)](3)[Ni<br />

(C5H5N)](3)(AsW9O33)(2))(9-)<br />

115 1a. nr. 83. Ciocan CA, Tur<strong>de</strong>an GL, Rosu C, et al.<br />

Synthesis and characterisation of a new series<br />

of rhodiumsubstituted heteropolytungstates<br />



2005 23 (10) 1412-<br />

1416<br />

0,768<br />

2004 49 (3-4) 279-285 0,199<br />

116 1a. nr. 83. Xue GL, Wang HL, Xie ZH, et al.<br />

CHINESE JOURNAL 2004 22 (2) 159-161 0,768<br />

Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic<br />

property of sanwich-type heteropolyoxometalate<br />

Na-9[{Na(H2O)(2)}<br />

(3){Cu(H2O)}(3)(BiW9O33)(2)] center dot<br />

42H(2)O<br />


117 1a. nr. 83. Wang HL, Xue GL, Wang JW, et al. ACTA CHIMICA<br />

Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties SINICA<br />

of imidazole coor<strong>din</strong>ated sandwich-type bismuth<br />

tungstate Na-<br />

9[{Na(H2O)}(3){Co(C3H4N2)}(3)(BiW9O33)(<br />

2)]center dot 33H(2)O<br />

2003 61 (11) 1839-<br />

1843<br />

118 1a. nr. 83. Xue GL, Vaissermann J, Gouzerh P JOURNAL OF 2002 13 (3): 409-421 0,987<br />

Cerium(III) complexes with lacunary polyoxotungstates.<br />

Synthesis and structural charac-<br />


terization of a novel heteropolyoxotungstate<br />

based on alpha-[SbW9O33](9-)units<br />

119 1a. nr. 83. An<strong>de</strong>rson TM, Zhang X, Hardcastle KI, et al.<br />

Reactions of trivacant Wells-Dawson heteropolytungstates.<br />

Ionic strength and Jahn-<br />

Teller effects on formation in multi-iron complexes<br />



120 1a. nr. 86. Chakradhar RPS, Sivaramaiah G, Rao JL, et MODERN PHYSICS<br />

al.<br />


EPR and optical studies of vanadyl ions in alkali<br />

lead borotellurite glasses<br />

121 1a. nr. 86. Chakradhar RPS, Ramesh KP, Rao JL, et al. MATERIALS<br />

Influence of mixed alkali on the spectral<br />

properties of vanadyl ions doped xNa(2)O-<br />



(30-x)K2O-60B(2)O(3) glasses - an EPR and<br />

optical study<br />

122 1c. nr. 5. Xia K, Taylor RW, Bleam WF, et al. JOURNAL OF<br />

The distribution of Cu(II) on boehmite and silica<br />

surfaces:<br />



Correlating EPR signal loss with the effective SCIENCE<br />

Bohr magneton number of sorbed ions<br />

123 1c. nr. 5. Xia K, Mehadi A, Taylor RW, et al.<br />

X-ray absorption and electron paramagnetic<br />

resonance studies of Cu(II) sorbed to silica:<br />

Surface-induced precipitation at low surface<br />

coverages<br />

124 1c. nr. 5. Roitsin Ab, Mayevskii Vm<br />

Epr Of Solid-State Surface<br />

125 1c. nr. 5. Gatteschi D<br />

Transition-Metal Ions<br />

126 1c. nr. 7. Shaban MH<br />

The ac conductivity of CuO-containing lead<br />

silicate glasses<br />

127 3c. nr. 58. Haddad R, Clarysse P, Orkisz M, et al.<br />

A realistic anthropomorphic numerical mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

of the beating heart<br />







NAUK<br />







SCIENCE-<br />



2002 41 (9) 2477-<br />

2488<br />

2005 19 (13-<br />

14)<br />

2005 40 (6) 1028-<br />

1043<br />

0,895<br />

3,454<br />

643-653 0,421<br />

1,31<br />

1998 199 (1) 77-82 1,784<br />

1997 185 (1) 252-257 1,784<br />

1989 159 (2): 297-333<br />

1985 9 16-86<br />

1998 9 (1) 55-60 0,624<br />

LECTURE NOTES IN2005 3504 384-393 0,513<br />




128 1b. nr. 1. Rusu D, Carrasco MF, To<strong>de</strong>ras M, et al.<br />

Influence of the preparation conditions and<br />

thermal treatment on the structure of the<br />

B2O3-BaO-Fe2O3 system<br />

129 1b. nr. 1. Goldstein A, Chiriac V, Becherescu D<br />

On Some D1 Ions Spectra In Oxi<strong>de</strong> Glasses<br />

130 1b. nr. 1. Gatteschi D<br />

Transition-Metal Ions<br />




B<br />



SOLIDS<br />

2005 19<br />

(10)<br />

1821-<br />

1834<br />

1987 92 (2-3) 271-<br />

277<br />





T<br />

1985 9 16-86<br />

0,361<br />

1,433<br />


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