Adaptivity with moving grids

Adaptivity with moving grids

Adaptivity with moving grids


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82 C. J. Budd, W. Huang and R. D. Russell<br />

A one-dimensional calculation. Suppose that the ith new grid point at time<br />

t n+1 is Xi n+1 . In a finite volume method the key quantities are the cell<br />

averages given by<br />

∫<br />

1 Xj+1<br />

U j+1/2 =<br />

u dx, X<br />

X j+1 − X j+1/2 = 1<br />

j X j<br />

2 (X j + X j+1 ).<br />

If these are known on the mesh x n then they can be interpolated onto<br />

the new mesh x n+1 . Suppose that the new mesh points satisfy X n+1<br />

j+1/2 ∈<br />

[Xk−1/2 n ,Xn k+1/2<br />

]; then, naively, this can be done via the formula<br />

Ûj+1/2 n = U k+1/2 n + U k+1/2 n − U k−1/2<br />

n<br />

Xk+1/2 n − (X n+1<br />

Xn j+1/2 − Xn+1 k+1/2 ).<br />

k−1/2<br />

Unfortunately, this simple linear interpolation does not conserve discrete<br />

solution mass, in the sense that<br />

∑ (<br />

Û<br />

n<br />

j+1/2<br />

X<br />

n+1<br />

j+1 − ) ∑ ( Xn+1 j ≠ U<br />

n<br />

j+1/2<br />

X<br />

n<br />

j+1 − Xj<br />

n )<br />

,<br />

and consequently leads to unsatisfactory results (Tang and Tang 2003) when<br />

used to solve hyperbolic conservation laws. An improved method in Tang<br />

and Tang (2003) mimics in part the discussion above for the relation between<br />

the quasi-Lagrangian method and the rezoning method. Suppose<br />

that x n+1 = x n + δt ẋ; then it follows from an application of the Reynolds<br />

transport theorem that, to leading order,<br />

(X n+1<br />

j+1 − Xn+1<br />

j<br />

)Û n j+1/2 ≈ ∫ X<br />

n+1<br />

j+1<br />

X n+1<br />

j<br />

û n dx<br />

≈ (X n j+1 − X n j )U n j+1/2 +∆t((ẋU n ) j+1 − (ẋU n ) j ).<br />

This prompts the use of the conservative (to leading order) interpolation<br />

formula given by<br />

(Xj+1 n+1 − Xn+1 j<br />

)Û j+1/2 n =(Xn j+1 − Xj n )u n j+1/2 +∆t((ẋU n ) j+1 − (ẋU n ) j ),<br />

(3.51)<br />

which automatically conserves discrete mass. Tang and Tang (2003) use<br />

this method <strong>with</strong> success to solve conservation laws of the form<br />

u t + f(u) x =0<br />

<strong>with</strong> the PDE being integrated using a MUSCL method (LeVeque 1990)<br />

and using the MMPDE (3.9) to advance the mesh.<br />

Two-dimensional calculations. In two dimensions, Tang and Tang (2003)<br />

use the <strong>moving</strong> mesh method described in Ceniceros and Hou (2001) to advance<br />

the mesh (X, Y ) from time t n to time t n+1 using the MMPDE (3.34).

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