Adaptivity with moving grids

Adaptivity with moving grids

Adaptivity with moving grids


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<strong>Adaptivity</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>moving</strong> <strong>grids</strong> 33<br />

it difficult to measure (or indeed to precisely define) the error during the<br />

calculation and adapting the mesh accordingly, but also some of the ‘best’<br />

adaptive meshes for solving time-dependent problems lead to very stiff differential<br />

equations, thus significantly increasing the computational cost of<br />

the process and in some cases making the whole calculation significantly<br />

unstable. However, it is intuitively reasonable that for solutions <strong>with</strong> small<br />

length scales over part of the domain, and larger length scales elsewhere, we<br />

might expect to gain significant efficiency by using a smaller mesh in the<br />

region of high variation. Exactly this observation motivated the important<br />

early work of Dorfi and Drury (1987).<br />

2.8.1. Static truncation error and ‘optimal’ meshes<br />

The most natural reason for using an adaptive mesh in the context of solving<br />

a PDE is to control the overall error in any discretization. It is a<br />

surprisingly difficult problem to obtain such an estimate in the context of a<br />

(non-uniform) <strong>moving</strong> mesh. Typically there are contributions to the local<br />

truncation error from the local mesh scale, the variation of the mesh from<br />

one element to the next, and also the effects of the mesh motion, which<br />

all need to be taken into consideration. It is also difficult to then extrapolate<br />

from a local to a global error estimate in such cases. Accordingly, we<br />

will confine ourselves to giving a flavour of this analysis by looking at some<br />

simple one-dimensional problems for which we can perform the technical<br />

calculations needed to analyse the error. Following this we will return to<br />

more general ideas shortly. Accordingly, as examples of two steady-state<br />

problems for which adaptivity may be required, we may wish to solve the<br />

Poisson equation<br />

−∆u = f(x,y,z,...) (2.44)<br />

for a potentially singular right-hand side f. Alternatively we may seek to<br />

solve the singular diffusion equation<br />

−ɛu ′′ − c(x)u ′ = f(x), ɛ ≪ 1. (2.45)<br />

An ideal mesh <strong>with</strong> N points, used to compute the function u, isone<br />

which leads to low errors – ideally, in the case of (2.45), to errors which are<br />

ɛ-independent and depend only upon N. Such a mesh should also keep computational<br />

costs low. Essentially we can consider two types of non-uniform<br />

mesh for the computation. One type is an optimal, fitted or a priori mesh,<br />

which is prescribed in advance of the calculation and gives best possible errors<br />

for that computation in some appropriate norm. Important examples<br />

of this class are the Shishkin and Bakhvalov meshes for the singularly perturbed<br />

problems (2.45) and optimal meshes for Poisson-type problems. In<br />

Babuška and Rheinboldt (1979), a general analysis of such meshes is made<br />

in the context of finite element calculations in one dimension. An adaptive<br />

mesh, on the other hand, attempts to approximate an optimal mesh

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