Adaptivity with moving grids

Adaptivity with moving grids

Adaptivity with moving grids


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<strong>Adaptivity</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>moving</strong> <strong>grids</strong> 27<br />

conditions if it is to be applied in dimension n>1. The determination of<br />

these additional conditions is neither straightforward nor unique, and leads<br />

to a variety of different methods for mesh generation, for which control of<br />

mesh skewness and other geometric properties must also be considered. Two<br />

examples of the additional conditions might be to impose an irrationality<br />

condition in the computational domain so that ∇ ξ × F = 0 (Budd and<br />

Williams 2006) – which is the basis of the optimal transport methods – or<br />

to require that the mesh velocity is irrotational in the physical domain so<br />

that ∇ x × v =0(Caoet al. 2002) – which is the basis of the GCL methods.<br />

The augmented equations can then be solved in a number of ways to find the<br />

mesh: by directly solving the nonlinear system, which can be expensive; by<br />

differentiating the condition and solving the resulting differential equations<br />

which leads to the GCL methods we will consider in Section 4; by relaxing<br />

towards a solution of the system, which leads to the MMPDE methods in one<br />

and higher dimensions; or to have a global variational principle associated<br />

<strong>with</strong> the error and to find the gradient flow equations associated <strong>with</strong> it.<br />

We consider the latter now, <strong>with</strong> more details in Section 3.<br />

2.6.2. Variational methods in one dimension and links to equidistribution<br />

An alternative strategy for determining a mesh, also based on an appropriate<br />

monitor function, is the variational method. In such a method the<br />

stationary points determine the optimal mesh, and the associated gradient<br />

flow equations towards the stationary points determine a suitable mesh<br />

motion strategy.<br />

Suppose that I(ξ) is a certain functional and that the mesh generation<br />

strategy is equivalent to minimizing I over a certain function space. Finding<br />

the Euler–Lagrange equations then leads to a gradient flow equation to<br />

evolve the mesh towards the equilibrium state (a stationary point of I),<br />

which is given by<br />

∂ξ<br />

∂t = −δI δξ . (2.25)<br />

This can then lead directly to an MMPDE to move the mesh by introducing<br />

some additional local control on the mesh movement in the form<br />

∂ξ<br />

∂t = −P τ<br />

δI<br />

δξ , (2.26)<br />

where P is a positive differential operator and τ > 0 is a parameter for<br />

adjusting the time scale of the mesh movement. In one dimension, equidistributing<br />

the scalar monitor function M is exactly equivalent to minimizing<br />

the functional<br />

I(ξ) = 1 2<br />

∫ 1<br />

0<br />

1<br />

M<br />

( ) ∂ξ 2<br />

dx. (2.27)<br />


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