c - usaid

c - usaid

c - usaid


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61<br />

roach 0.9.<br />

(vi) Age-specific contraceptive prevaLence rates and the overall<br />

CPR for the bore year.<br />

These are mainLy avel table from CPS­<br />

]'O but a ve been adjusted, as already explained in Block I<br />

of our modal.<br />

A noteworthy feature of our modal is that it uaee relat've<br />

values of the natural fPrti Lity pattern (assumed to be the aeme<br />

for tie base year as wall as the targ ot year] as an input rather<br />

than age-speci fic ferti lity rates for the target year.<br />

Corrasponding to each pattern of natural fe rti Li ty, the three<br />

parameters Fl, K and 0 are assigned values within stipulated ranges<br />

so as to obtain ertimates of ASFR' s, age-speci fic CPR' s, TFR and<br />

CB R. Our model offers a wide choice, but there a re I imi ts to how<br />

Low the values of TFR and CBR can be in practice because of the<br />

need to retain internal consistency. Total population in the<br />

target year is n aded by us as an input for estimating CBR. The<br />

Population Council's model does not require thie input because<br />

it<br />

does not<br />

make any direct estimate of CB R.<br />

- By using four patterns of natural fertility for each of the<br />

targot years, we obtained, among other thingst the f LLow ing<br />

estimates of TFR and CBR:­

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