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1. INTRODUCTION A dynamic rcLationship between contraceptive pravalance ratas and fertiLity levels is an important fieLd of applied demographic research far population Flanners in B angladesh. One of the most useful models that helps in quantifying this relationship is called "The Population Cou rci L's Target-Setting HodaL", a user's manual for which has bee r published by tho Population Council, New York in December 1986. This model and the computer program "TARGET" associated therewith yields, among other things, an estimate of contraceptive prevalence rate that needs to be achieved in a target year to bring about a given reduction in fe r tiIi ty. There are two versions of the model, namely :­ a] aggregate model, and b) age-specific version. The aggregate model estimates the overall rate of contraceptive preaaLence needed for achieving a target expressed in terms of the "total fertility rate" (TFR). The ege- peci fic version provides such an estimate for each five-yearly age-group (namely 15-19, 20-24 and so on upto 45-49), the target being expressed in terms of the "age-specific fertility rates" (ASFR). It faci litatas computational work if all the age-groups refer to women. With regard to the comparative accuracy of the estimates provided by the two versions, the Population Counci L s manual referred to above gives the following assessment:­

2 "The age-specific model gives an estimate of overaLL prevalence in the target year that is nott necessarily exactly the same as the corresponding prevalence from the aggregate modal. Tho reason for this generally minor discrepancy is that the agespecific model takes into account variations in the age &tructure of women of reproductive a ge. Since the aggregate modal ignores these variations, the ago-specific version provides more accurate estimates". /1 However, the input data needed for the age-specific veruion raise two important questions: i ] How wide may be the margin of error if an attempt is made to express a fertility targat for a future year in term, of agespecific ferti Lity rates which will necessarily involve subjective Judgment? ii I What can we say about the methodological impeccability of a model which assumes that age-specific fertility rates can be predicted with such accuracy ar to enable their use as an input? This type of objection is particularly forceful in Bangladesh because of uncertainty about the current ASFR's themselves, not to speak of their predicted values. In reply to the above questions, one could say that those who are unhappy ubout the ag a-speci fic version should remain content with the aggregate modal. There is no doubt that the aggregate model has been found to be very useful to those responsib l.e for the family planning program in Bangladesh. But an exclusive use of the aggregate model [if not supplemented by an age-specific version] suffers from another type of shortcoming, namely that the target is expressed here in terms of the total ferti lity ----------------------------- ---------------- -------------------------- /1 Bongaarts, J. and Sto,er, J. : The Population Counci l Target-setting Model - A User's Manual. The Population council, New York, 19B6, pp 12-14


A dynamic rcLationship between contraceptive pravalance ratas<br />

and fertiLity levels is an important fieLd of applied demographic<br />

research far population Flanners in B angladesh.<br />

One of the most<br />

useful models that helps in quantifying this relationship is<br />

called "The Population Cou rci L's Target-Setting HodaL", a user's<br />

manual for which has bee r<br />

published by tho Population Council, New<br />

York in December 1986. This model and the computer program<br />

"TARGET" associated therewith yields, among other things, an<br />

estimate of contraceptive prevalence rate that needs to be<br />

achieved in a target year to bring about a given reduction in<br />

fe r tiIi ty.<br />

There are two versions of the model, namely :­<br />

a] aggregate model, and<br />

b) age-specific version.<br />

The aggregate model estimates the overall rate of<br />

contraceptive<br />

preaaLence needed for achieving a target expressed<br />

in terms of the "total fertility rate" (TFR). The ege- peci fic<br />

version provides such an estimate for each five-yearly age-group<br />

(namely 15-19, 20-24 and so on upto 45-49), the <br />

target<br />

being<br />

expressed in terms of the "age-specific fertility rates" (ASFR).<br />

It faci litatas computational work if all the age-groups refer to<br />

women.<br />

With regard to the comparative accuracy of the estimates<br />

provided by the two versions, the Population Counci L s manual<br />

referred to above gives the following assessment:­

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