3. - usaid

3. - usaid

3. - usaid


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International Rescue Comnlttee<br />

The International Rescue Camnittee contributed donated drugs and medical<br />

supplies for the November charter flight to Biafra coordinated by Biafra<br />

Relief Services Foundation and Btnai Brith valued at $179,000. It also<br />

contributed about $50,000 worth of medicines and $80,000 worth of food to<br />

the I1Christmas Shlp1I and handled the logistics for-the shipping of the<br />

cargo. Total contributions to date ............... $ 309,000<br />

In December of 1968, after investigating the availabilities of aircraft,<br />

CWS, CRS and the American Jewish Cormittee, arranged with the U. S.<br />

Government for the purchase of four G97G "strato-freighter" aircraft at a<br />

nominal cost of $3,670 each. These JCA/USA aircraft, with 14 ton cargo<br />

based on a maximum imprint capacity at Uli airport, were added in stages to<br />

the Sao 'I'm airlift beginning with the first two on January 24, 1969. The<br />

JCA/WA drcraft added measurably to the capacity of the airbridge from<br />

then through June 15, 1969, when all night airlifts to Uli we= halted.<br />

me of the C-97Gts made a crash landing at Uli airfield on May' 7, 1969. No<br />

lives were lost but the crippled plane was later destroyea by Nigerian<br />

jet strafing.<br />

Lutheran World Relief<br />

Lutheran World Relief has raised $1,000,000 through a special appeal which<br />

will be programmed over a period of about two years in projects of relief,<br />

rehabilitation and reconstruction. To date IWR has provided 60 tons of<br />

medical supplies valued at $264,073 and blankets valued at $79,910. It has<br />

allocated f'unds as follows: $50,000 for purchase of stockfish; $25,000 for<br />

cost of food airlifts; $75,000 for a medical relief team; and $50,000 for<br />

the purchase of medicines by the Christian Council of Nigeria. Recently,<br />

it appropriated $250,000 for relief and rehabilitation projects in<br />

Nigerimiafra in -the re- mths of 1969. Total reported WR<br />

contributions $ 793,983<br />

Medical Assistance Program<br />

..........................<br />

The Medical Assistance P r o p has airlifted seven tons of medicines<br />

valuedat............................ $ 600,385<br />

Mennonite Central Cornnit tee<br />

The Mennonite Central Camittee has a jointly sponsored program with the<br />

American Friends Service Corrrnittee in Biafra to provide medical and emep<br />

gency relief services. MCC also works in F'MG areas, and has provided<br />

supplies through Church World Service valued at $14,691 plus cash donations<br />

of $46,000 for both sides. In June 1969 the joint MCC/AFSC paid $25,u00 for<br />

processing and shipping 100 tons of stockfish donated by Norway. Total<br />

re~omee<br />

contribl!tions by WC .................. $ 79,691

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