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CHARACTERISTICS OF .THE DISASTER EVENT: Civil Stfife DATE-TIME: May 13-26, 1969 IDCATION: Kuala Lampur DISASTER VICTIMS : Killed Hospitalized Hgneless Evacuated & Mass Feeding About 173 336 1,500 9,000 An unanticipated racial riot between Malays and Chinese erupted in Kuala Impur (including Petaling Jaya) on May 13 and continued with diminishing violence during the following week. Most deaths occurred during the first two days, but arson continued to be a problem for several days longer. Up to 9,000 people were gathered together in a secure mea and cared for by the Red Cross to keep them away fkan threat of attack. One of many stores destroyed -215- The violence followed general elections that reduced the majority of the ruling coalitim government and resulted in the withdrawal fram the coalition of the Malaysian Chinese Association. The withdrawal left the country s CNnese, who make up nearly half the 10 million pc~pulation, without representation in the cabinet. ACTION TAKE3 BY THE GOVERNMENT OF MAL4YSI:A AND IDCAL ORGANI- ZATIONS The Goverrxnent of Malaysia (GOM) had not anticipated

Private hune burned down a disaster of tNs magnitude. Its flrst reaction on May 1.4 was to reestab lish order. Throw the Police and the Amy it quickly initiated standard procedures, announcing and enforcing twenty-four hour curfews with a few short breaks so people could obtain food. By ?by 16, the GCM had set up a National Relief Center to obtain food for distribution in bulk and in family packets for sensitive amas where the curfew had not been lifted. Evacuees fhm affected areas were concentrated during the initial period in a relatively isolated and secure area in the three contiguous sports stadia of Stadium Negara (covered), Stadium Merdeka (partially cove-), and the Chin Woo Association tasketball hall. Subsequently two nearby schools, Victoria Institute and Shav Road, were also used. By May 17, up to 9,000 evacuees (almost wholly Chinese) were settled in this area, primarily under the care of the Malaysia Red Cross with sane GOM support. By May 26 the number had dropped to about 3,000. The GOM plans to rehouse homeless victirns permanently in low-cost housing projects already under construction. By May 19, the GOM the Fled Cross had sufficient food for the victims and was providing medical assistance. !his assistance was terminated on May 26 as relaxation of the curfew permitted people to buy their own provisions. The Malaysia Red Cross, in addition to cming for the dipli~~ced people housed in the sports stadia canplex, used its ambulances to provide emergency medical services to the public, It was repoPted that while the

Private hune burned down<br />

a disaster of tNs magnitude. Its flrst reaction on May 1.4 was to reestab<br />

lish order. Throw the Police and the Amy it quickly initiated standard<br />

procedures, announcing and enforcing twenty-four hour curfews with a few<br />

short breaks so people could obtain food.<br />

By ?by 16, the GCM had set up a National Relief Center to obtain food for<br />

distribution in bulk and in family packets for sensitive amas where the<br />

curfew had not been lifted. Evacuees fhm affected areas were concentrated<br />

during the initial period in a relatively isolated and secure area in the<br />

three contiguous sports stadia of Stadium Negara (covered), Stadium<br />

Merdeka (partially cove-), and the Chin Woo Association tasketball hall.<br />

Subsequently two nearby schools, Victoria Institute and Shav Road, were<br />

also used. By May 17, up to 9,000 evacuees (almost wholly Chinese) were<br />

settled in this area, primarily under the care of the Malaysia Red Cross<br />

with sane GOM support. By May 26 the number had dropped to about 3,000.<br />

The GOM plans to rehouse homeless victirns permanently in low-cost housing<br />

projects already under construction. By May 19, the GOM the Fled<br />

Cross had sufficient food for the victims and was providing medical assistance.<br />

!his assistance was terminated on May 26 as relaxation of the<br />

curfew permitted people to buy their own provisions.<br />

The Malaysia Red Cross, in addition to cming for the dipli~~ced people<br />

housed in the sports stadia canplex, used its ambulances to provide<br />

emergency medical services to the public, It was repoPted that while the

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