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............................. ........................ Analysis a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WckFacts Table of Expenditures ui vii ....................... Australia-BushFires ....................... 203 Bolivia - Hemorrhagic Fever .................... 93 BI)aZil-Floods .......................... 95 m-Mre ............................ 205 Chile-Drought .......................... 99 Costa FUca - Volcano Ekuption ................... 105 Individual Accounts of Disasters . Case Studies: Australia . Earthquake 199 Dcdnican Republic - Drought .................... 115 Ecuador - Encephalitis Epidemic .................. 117 Ganbia-Dmu@t .......................... 1 Ghana-Floods ........................... 3 Haiti-Drought .......................... 121 India - Floods ........................... 133 Iran - Earthquake ......................... 141 Jamica-Drought ......................... 123 Korea - Dmu@t .......................... 209 Laos-Floods ........................... 211 Malagasy- Cyclone ......................... 9 Malaysia - Civil Strife ...................... 215 W-FloodS .......................... 15 Mali-Drough t ........................... 17 Mali - Me~~I.@tis Epidac ..................... 19 Mo~occo-F~~~ ........................... 23 Nepal - Floods ........................... 181 Nicaragua - Floods ......................... 125 Niger-Drought .......................... 27 Nigeria - Civll Strife ....................... 29 ~akistan ~loods ......................... 185 Pakistan - Cyclone ......................... 195 Peru-Drought ........................... 131 Fhilippines Earthquake ....................... 221 Philippines - Typhoons ....................... 227 senegal-~rought .......................... 85 South Africa - Train Disaster ................... 87 Upper Volta - Mening1tis/Measles Epidemic ............. '89 Yugoslavia - Earthquake ...................... 91

NlNl3-I EPORI' - JULY 1, 1968 'IRROUlfH JUNE 30, 1969 FOREIGN DISASTER P4ERENCY REIJEF The accounts and case studies herein cover the entire Fiscal Year. To a large extent, they reflect your suggestions-compilations and issuance once a year, retention of the descdptive format in as concise a manner as possible, and casolidating of statistics. As you requested, it is an informative, technl-cal presentatim of foreign disasters to which the United States sent helpdirectly from the U. S. Government, including P. L. 480 food; f'rom U. S. registered voluntary agencies; and from other U. S. channels. It contains data on what each country did for itself. It records available facts on what other people from other countries did to help disaster victims. In it you will find: stories about what can be done; ways in which relief efforts were improved; strengths anc? weaknesses in relief operations; and, in effect, a guide on what to do then disaster strikes. There is also a thread of encouragement to disaster relief personnel. Experience shows that even in the darkest moments there are many wqys to help, and if one way fails there is always an alternative. It is heartening to note that there are so many khd ad generous peovle who are willing to help others. It is sad to note th?t many gave their lives to save others. ANALYSIS QN FOHEIGN DISASTERS IN FISCAL YEAR 1969 General There wre fewer disasters reported in this fiscal year than in any year since 1964-the year in which records first began to be kept on a regular basis. But the number of deaths, total number of victims and value of U. S. assistance amounted to alrrost $115 million-far more than in any other year. This was due to the Nipria/Biafra civil strife, number and mqpitude of-creepinp: type drou.qht/famine disasters, and the destructive floods durhg the smr and fall in the Near East South Asia region. Africa Reaion and E w e With 12 disasters, the Africa Region had the most disasters in which U. S. assistance was given during Fiscal Year 1969. The war-created famine in IJigeria/Biaf'ra had the greatest inpact on the world with its estimated one mil.lion starv~~tior! deaths anC the need to prevent further loss of life by taking on long term feedinq of appmximately

.............................<br />

........................<br />

Analysis a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

WckFacts<br />

Table of Expenditures<br />

ui<br />

vii<br />

.......................<br />

Australia-BushFires ....................... 203<br />

Bolivia - Hemorrhagic Fever .................... 93<br />

BI)aZil-Floods .......................... 95<br />

m-Mre ............................ 205<br />

Chile-Drought .......................... 99<br />

Costa FUca - Volcano Ekuption ................... 105<br />

Individual Accounts of Disasters . Case Studies:<br />

Australia . Earthquake 199<br />

Dcdnican Republic - Drought .................... 115<br />

Ecuador - Encephalitis Epidemic .................. 117<br />

Ganbia-Dmu@t .......................... 1<br />

Ghana-Floods ........................... 3<br />

Haiti-Drought .......................... 121<br />

India - Floods ........................... 133<br />

Iran - Earthquake ......................... 141<br />

Jamica-Drought ......................... 123<br />

Korea - Dmu@t .......................... 209<br />

Laos-Floods ........................... 211<br />

Malagasy- Cyclone ......................... 9<br />

Malaysia - Civil Strife ...................... 215<br />

W-FloodS .......................... 15<br />

Mali-Drough t ........................... 17<br />

Mali - Me~~I.@tis Epidac ..................... 19<br />

Mo~occo-F~~~ ........................... 23<br />

Nepal - Floods ........................... 181<br />

Nicaragua - Floods ......................... 125<br />

Niger-Drought .......................... 27<br />

Nigeria - Civll Strife ....................... 29<br />

~akistan<br />

~loods ......................... 185<br />

Pakistan - Cyclone ......................... 195<br />

Peru-Drought ........................... 131<br />

Fhilippines Earthquake ....................... 221<br />

Philippines - Typhoons ....................... 227<br />

senegal-~rought .......................... 85<br />

South Africa - Train Disaster ................... 87<br />

Upper Volta - Mening1tis/Measles Epidemic ............. '89<br />

Yugoslavia - Earthquake ...................... 91

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