3. - usaid

3. - usaid

3. - usaid


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The scientific support items were used by a team of volcanologists f'mm the<br />

Smithsonian Institution, U. S. Geological Survey, and Columbia University,<br />

who set up an observatory at the volcano to provide warnlngs in the event<br />

of further dangernus volcanic activity. Salaries of the team were paid by<br />

their respective agencies; logistics and equipment costs were f'unded by<br />

AID from disaster relief mds. An observatory was set LIP by Costa Mcan<br />

scientists who worked with the team in studying the volc~tno.<br />



CARE<br />

In addition to 1800 pounds of NFCM and POL. 480 surplus food (cost shown<br />

under USG contributions), CAFE donated the following:<br />

1500 cartons Sego Liquid Milk (diverted<br />

from CAFE, Panama) $3,250<br />

2150 baby bottles 49<br />

800 meters zinc rnoflna sheets<br />

m AL<br />

CARE is still active in the Arenal area. A nutrition center is in the final<br />

construction at Arenal de Tllh, a school feeding prnpm will be in<br />

operation, and self-help projects a~ developing for 1969. CARE was of<br />

p a t help to the Dnbassy and Covemment of Costa Rica thmugh their<br />

valuable surveys early in the emergency. Through CARE'S efforts it was<br />

learned that resources of the Govennent of Costa Rica were sufficient to<br />

feed most of the homeless people.<br />

Catholic Relief Service - CRS<br />

CRS in cooperation with CARITAS, and with some Mds donated by OXFAM, made<br />

a major contribution to the relief program. Its dedicated effort throughout<br />

the emergency brought leadership, manpower, and needed supplies into<br />

the area. Its contributions of food, clothing, and medical sup~lies were<br />

prorrptly and ably distributed. Especially usef'ul were three 3-ton trucks,<br />

and a short wave radio on the 40 meter band whlch maintained conmnu?ications<br />

with the disaster area.<br />

Tk value of the CEtS donations is estimated as follows by the local CRS<br />

representative:<br />

64 packages of medicine<br />

Food and clothing (in collaboration<br />

with CARITAS)<br />

Reconstruction (OXFAM)<br />

TOTAL<br />

The funds frm OXFAM were oriqinally authorized for purchase of food and<br />

utensils. After detexminiqq, however, that sufficient food and utensils<br />

were available from other sources, it was decided to use these f'unds for

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