Mar 1926 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Mar 1926 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Mar 1926 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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- : \ i ." " " ' . . _ • , • • / , • " * •' - • •<br />

tf'^T'rtv.<br />

AaB'taam mrmftod "their<br />

\*».Ojyt May Coot Boon<br />

ttMBRI' ammamt maamm mamma* ImaaaraL<br />

MmwTaaia.,<br />

m*aaaa«am$m? ***"•<br />

amrVVvNBv lamMHL 4flH| |<br />

amah mmmmmmS an* mVaWaam* amwmmmV.<br />

•W wMaJfwaVf • KV«*«T Ww"emm|<br />

mariBMawt aTaa. tteel<br />

Saf^S^aZSl<br />

J with<br />

......<br />

tha aat to»<br />

thertegfor<br />

_ _ OyandCoraat<br />

thatr awtka far a<br />

•m+ty.aad Das rot<br />

tret half, U to<br />

i arr* cat man* aad tallied<br />

a* te Ocaaa CKy. 4, makrtltoxirmfcver<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

' u' »•*..••:' v " K ' ,'<br />

-^fefife<br />

^<br />



"HOGAN'S ALLEY 1 '<br />

"KHiW<br />

SUOar Picture. Win t»<br />

Seta Dt<strong>of</strong>atC Waf oacnedy far UM h yewngater*<br />

aad^raw£s<br />

Por tb* w^.^,^<br />

But after thi* ponrteiuu* assertion,!<br />

Briefly, far tha mamUmHaam «M<br />

•waVaeai tha nn ftilrlrwn Iti.<br />

etenr daala wtth _.<br />

TwafcrnSTam UtUe girl, bat<br />

fails quite miserably to meet the<br />

ataadarda art down by UM -girl'*<br />

guardian, fleth Morgan.<br />

By a twirt <strong>of</strong> fortune, Jack 1*<br />

ExcrptiawaBr low<br />

PC RAW flat*, rt. JL. FmHUT. F*tB«tIA«T<br />

— "-"-wamwamwewaj-j;<br />

wear • weraaa** dnee<br />

to b* -Madam<br />

HTOWA| a Hllattm !«!«• m<br />

praanca) aa a wtteeee la a fenJ<br />

actloa b-heartily dadrad for maat<br />

<strong>of</strong> tha many laughable inddairU<br />

tht trancplnt l n throughput tha act-'<br />

loni Petit* Ann. Penalngton, who<br />

ha* duwad d Utmpgfe ao many film<br />

that a my<br />


CfceJatcrs Teariaf Car.<br />

(UoaVbtier BtrmVfa 8p*rfal 6 C«aA.<br />

Saatsal < StBwtfcaarr<br />

Ga« r<br />

•:.>>;**' —>•'•-<br />

/nk'ATRE<br />

"<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s Favorite Theatre"<br />

trader Daradtoa af Taw Omx W. awaa*Uama.Taaatna<br />



TONIGHT—Swtwad Hr <strong>On</strong>nflty<br />

Thiw Caak Priaw<br />

CMMt OBM T* Al<br />

ATXaUCnON<br />

ManteBIoe and<br />

Hogan's Alley<br />

TUBPDf aa. MABYCABt<br />

CaaMdy—TUOZ Of mtW TOa»"<br />

FOX KKWt<br />

nom<br />

, Fa*. 27U.<br />

MATINXB AT s r. ML<br />


jtaa M. Stall.<br />

ElanoreBoardmanaodGMiradNagel<br />


PATBE XEW8<br />


ia AaaUiaa, to the BaxaUr Shaw<br />


Aim Matiaa Pktana af 08EAH DADDY aad the Occaa Oty<br />

Iliatm takca a* fraat af lata thaatra laat Satatwty.<br />

The KhMla EJah ateato boa every Satarwty at S P. >t<br />

• Cea»e • taaijr aad Jaia t'a.<br />

Week <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mar</strong>ch 1st<br />


Aedad Fa<br />



The Ptrturicatiea ef Fnai tear** Pamaaa Operetta<br />

4 The Count <strong>of</strong><br />

Luxenbourg"<br />

Wfch<br />

George Walsh<br />


C-a»aa>_-MOVrK0 DAY."<br />



By a Baaclal Arraacaataat<br />


Douglas Fairbanks<br />

la<br />

Robin Hood"<br />

«raay Cat<br />

Us.<br />



DoroAylUwaKaForratStaaky<br />

"When Huabanda Flirt"<br />

SUrtmt Friday. Matxii 5th<br />

"« »**-W -« Oa» TaM Ommimtt, MWat<br />

Ctsey <br />

S4S.1B. brouickt up the grand total<br />

A U*t-minute demand by th* latentote<br />

bridre and tunnel comtTjaOOOOO<br />

to be oaed In<br />

tw» Holland vehicular<br />

I th* ^airnif n-Pbnaiirlbridce<br />

made neceaaary a nhift<strong>of</strong><br />

fund*. The tUKBJOOO U<br />

°f<br />

. and<br />

atone<br />

|| 8Uto<br />

tU.TO <strong>of</strong> UM> main bUl U tl.lSa,-<br />

1a* Kryetone State Corporati«a j farmer*Co^rrrno' : l 'Sflirr to hia final<br />




the FreehoUera to eepply a<br />

• •dim aafa far the hoaeau af<br />

valaaaJ. bMka aaa^SrarU<br />

<strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>of</strong> th PW<br />

d<br />

At<br />

• >• ww pi i aaaat *^aaji<br />

beeka, tedadteg UM<br />

meat baaka far UM<br />

e*waty. an lytag pracUcaOy<br />

•najiUctod te UM aaHejaalxl<br />

ZtZJmTJK<br />

iaas to nuke tha<br />

Twawty-<br />

128 IN TBE TRYOUTB<br />

toawBaV<br />

Tha.<br />

S'wWWfa* UN aa i The at am* ammaeaa<br />

Leva bam wilrtiJ aad daaa<br />

tete fourteen «&Vroat rtiaan<br />

A ria* af ragalaHaa ate*<br />

ivffl<br />

PabUnkedmmd Printed in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />





Bod> BimOax toDiattict 8*y<br />

fty Bou* Bmtgtmtml<br />

AtttrSmrrwy.<br />


No 8latl> 8Uto<br />

Sam KttO<br />

Offidak.<br />

Cnatioa <strong>of</strong> a Sooth Jeraer Die-<br />

—-* "^ ~ Tr'i ~ i 'I T| i<br />

correepoad with the Norflt Jaraqr<br />

body, and Imedit fc*tiB b<br />

the<br />

OM<br />

la a report m<br />

by WBIar*) L<br />

aefthaWater ,<br />

«f N*wJ«n*y.—-<br />

TkaataViaa laitilmtal to<br />

« water far Cat<br />

Uaata«attana<br />

They declare the<br />

hr tl af the<br />

la iiiliaini<br />

three aatazal<br />

that aaa atatrict dividea Itaatf, bat<br />

The atadtate wh* eta to participate<br />

an th* boat eat e/over US Bh M l la<br />

they cafl atteatiaa to the SMS that<br />

££l1<br />

whfie UM attaatlaB hi UM ea^BBed<br />

'. •"••••• *9»—m mm plaaa MWWf areK. ak W. V». bay* wh* flfsraa ta Um try oat*. It<br />

1 «dwarda aaked If UM BeaJter city, baa wfll<br />

•y waa imiian na»y vahmajb* aBaared ta Che caravan. Mr.<br />

ammmat ta UM W*W« eouty dty. PwaH aaid that It weaid h* feaatal*<br />

'ea* aanaVed boat* brfon UM Urn<br />

(Cootbtuod oa paa* 17)<br />




eaPwjal)<br />



Bay ft— tte<br />

OU<br />

WB BawavT C<br />

ia<br />

At laaat twerve aMeaban «f tha<br />

Moraaa-Baack feat <strong>of</strong> tae-Aaw<br />

' erected •_ ... tath* ww. caster >••.••• v <strong>of</strong> UM W_M pyiaV<br />

floor, around which wfll b*<br />

ConventMCt to be held hi Faria la<br />

placed aaate for UM oaTldala aad<br />

Ittr. Thia fact wu braadtt oat<br />

•orrtaXArM. aters^ The Tk* smOcxy r»Qciy wJQ wfll alao<br />

WU Go Over<br />

PrwpoaHlaa at Spcciai<br />

Mti Nrt Wt*fc<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Beach Scene in <strong>Mar</strong>ch!<br />

.=-,£3T- SSL*? ^k » "^ t»th ban Wednaaday. Bamtteg from left to right- they<br />

ant ArUmr OaOtae, Bafra Jaa. Bmlth. OinraUaaa Shaw,.Barry Krackmaa. Pnf. Ungcr. Boxii tatvaga<br />

aaa L—tar "Pwp" ammV •<br />

i<br />


Qtf<br />

at tha •latfna- thia weak whoa aa<br />

active ooBJxalttee wu mppetatad to<br />

have thata* <strong>of</strong> tha BTrucaacsts.<br />

m The CoitawHoaatea coeamlttoe<br />

Your* aad Harold Fuia. Their pce-<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Lafiott bora an anxioaa to<br />

make the trip to Paria and renew<br />

old aatodaUoaa ia that ctty.<br />

Workiaa- far Baddy<br />

The mcaban <strong>of</strong> the local k«ion<br />

are devotiaa* a moth time aad gy<br />

to aecorias i the retera to thi* dty<br />

<strong>of</strong> a former retirlam; who left hara<br />

a year or aa af* to vitat hia home<br />

ta lulr and uvaiatayaii hia paeport<br />

time lUh. Skkaaaa <strong>of</strong> the Vct-<br />

(CiiillniiiaaPaja &)<br />



wiD be directly in ftont <strong>of</strong> UM new tiaasniat be made on tha preeeribed<br />

form, which, with naceaaarr to-<br />

County Jail aad UM BfcrroT* home.<br />

atTvcUona, may be obtained from<br />

The ptana call for a modem" the CoaumWian.'B Local T*T»T--!•''-<br />

•trocture equipped wtth on pro<strong>of</strong> ativa Mr. Parker Mffler. at thacollected<br />

rmult for vahtabla paper* and wtth<br />

complete equipment for UM handling<br />

<strong>of</strong> record*, etc Preliminary All prraona wiakiag to take thi*<br />

plane have been mad* by UM ttrm<br />

A W aaap farward la the plea<br />

•ss^aia<br />

and knock-in method.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Edward. «nd Greee who an inand ale «>H* ir appl a, tret lorn l prior to Kaeahle played a wonderful , f»jj Q,, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 17. »be» thr dub|» l*r«v number <strong>of</strong> li>-Unjr» <strong>of</strong> propjntrttalfu<br />

the »xm»m-folk »t tJw'Mtir" for »l» and rwrt la that aee-<br />

chare* <strong>of</strong> UM work at UM mnr taO rfr^**r baainrea on tha btdi-coert defejuiv* game. Tims<br />

•evcral thoaaaad balkfina- mte to<br />

building, now bearing coirmletfan. ectThe c t e date for aaaT<br />

<strong>of</strong> f marpetttora t will be<br />

aftar time, b* captared the ball Hotel Delaware, wouU be a bljr.Uoa. D W. Ganllnrr. who haa<br />

(km Ctty.<br />

on the rear <strong>of</strong> the coanty tract.<br />

atatad la the admtaatoa carda "T' 1 and fed it to hi* taanvmaU*.who evmt. rlach mrmber wfll bare the r«*n coemrrted with Uu> Tbirtyonrlka*<br />

<strong>of</strong> taUnar a* many frirna* rfooth alrori <strong>of</strong>fker <strong>of</strong> Mr. Brnrer,<br />

Thr qorjtiea ef the trantfer e*<br />

made good.their baikeU. He ha*<br />

ilw oU rosnty hoWmi» te the ae*»<br />

ed tncjlranf after the cfeaa <strong>of</strong> the<br />

for ia the rider to UM PHONE COMPANY ASKS<br />

on* who haa alwaya flgurvd iTSd<br />

will be It. rlumrr <strong>of</strong> the Forty<strong>of</strong><br />

*««^ « ^<br />

rrndirat* wa* rrtrrred to Cv-aaty<br />

receipt af appUcaUoa<br />

Ralidtor Way, who waa aaked ta<br />


ing shifted back<br />

The<br />

The »paed with whica the Datewan<br />

and Atlantic Telegraph aad . ON ELECTION BOARD<br />

Krndrick. ef PbQadclpliia and Ihr IN ATLANTIC COl'NTY<br />

JEFPERYB KEEPS POST deavon to carry<br />

. O.car .. Philadelphia<br />

pcaal mad* by Jodae<br />

rrpnorntcd Mayor WILL REPAIR ROADS<br />

Teh phone Company ia buiMinc it*<br />

The locals chalked up SrfeQul-Cmtrnnia] Committee Mr.<br />


lint* threognoot Cane May Coaaty<br />

double-decker*, while thry held Boadey deUvrrvd a. tpicodtd ad- I ftkta xrv bring s»kri, who ia a Democrat. K*. i local 6Ve last yrax, rang up - - hundred and fiftieth annhvr- May* landtag road and the gomrr* i try Now aa Dwty<br />

md u prwUent <strong>of</strong> the boar'. «f thi* dtv. » ww ea><br />

aid tUJpq. • J County, wu chainnan o< tha cpnv U)ter. thr boibiiav <strong>of</strong> co Board <strong>of</strong> Bectian*.<br />

In a fra* throw, putting ki* Uam<br />

(Continued oa Pag* S.) I road will nttwiit <strong>of</strong> rrpalrteg and, datv a. imnbiii af the paid fin<br />

in th* lead. Within tha next minute.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Oty pded up eight<br />

• jpatdiine: the crar>J Ktrface after wit and thrv an lacsted<br />

and th» extmxian <strong>of</strong> pole ttnea.<br />

BOLD FOOD MALE ' it h*> bren ratond to a »ati*fac- at tha cratml atatlin la th* rsty<br />


WANT MORE ROOM potota. BoaahT with two barken<br />

Thr Women's Brararrh Oub wfil' tory crown, and treating th* rat-! Thry aiwammt thrir<br />

. The <strong>of</strong> the dty** flrei<br />

FOR COUNTY CLERK and Towaarod and Maagokl wtth<br />

bold a food aal* Saturday. <strong>Mar</strong>ch fso. with two application* <strong>of</strong> c*a <strong>Mar</strong>ch L Both *n roua* ><br />

re e called to the borne i TRAINING CAMPS START<br />

(Cowtteaad on Pa** f)<br />

6. ta Cordon** mirhat. oaminenc-' tar. Orw aprJIcatiaa <strong>of</strong> c*» tar It t» mweted thU two i<br />

Prke, 1(18 Aabory ave-<br />

A nomat from tha Cape May<br />

tag ai 10 a. m. AH kind* af food U to br 'pUcad on the other road al men will go aa duty n tt* ettV*<br />

J >et3ar. to axtianUii<br />


Tooaty O»»mhrr <strong>of</strong> Cammerea haa<br />

ea aale. Doat ferret the date. by a prewurv dUtributor.<br />

Mrr dmartmaat •beat Aarfl<br />

la the partition back k <strong>of</strong> the<br />

been reorivad by the County Board WAY MAKING PLANS<br />

I. TT-v .01 be named wtthm a<br />


The I<br />

<strong>of</strong> Freeholder* aaktejr thrm to loae<br />

time.<br />


* «»- «~rk<br />

|<br />


*»• af W<br />

by UM *mod*rtoa<br />

ater Back. Srvcoth<br />

Wvhington. <strong>Mar</strong>ch<br />

qaarten for th*<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Oty Botkitor Way ba* ham<br />

aaaa, at 11 •'•<br />

UM hKtie Liberty Loan drive* _,<br />

Thaa af Coaatx<br />


lnatracUd to make arrangetnent*<br />

to take can <strong>of</strong> a<br />

^ aad •!». a natioerwida e.tac«tiea | With mar* avaamtr fimff piaa- Th*<br />

by C0- for UM fsadtes ef »UX>« county<br />


The leee wu trtflal<br />

campaign, toackteg wwy «»«"- »*d tti* year<br />

at &<br />

band*. mateTteg<br />

ty te UM United Stote*. waaboga orgairtrathm wfil<br />

aAfawmoatha. ThU<br />

UandMd today by UM MfUtary by UM Governmeat te enroll tkirtT- KBAMEB MOW BEALTOB<br />

ami* aale wfll fl brtog cUM<br />

Ctty has more to aril He said ta part. "1 was math<br />

CASBT<br />

Ttatetaf Camp* Aaaadatiaa to in- jftve UMoaand t.imiimiae far UM E. & bimrvWkM been ca- eeeaty Mttea- <strong>of</strong> beada ap to nearly<br />

than Florida aad I wonder when »<br />

with the way PUrid*<br />

tenatthe yoath ef th* country y campa p by Jan* L Th* laa Hitat.l _ te reel estate actrrtttoi f or a mfflian ffla dollar* this aprfau.<br />

see what they an dotear own there propb have aeld thdr r Stoe Stole aad d<br />

»» e<br />

tha Oovera- are to<br />

a aambrr <strong>of</strong> yean, at Pmtrth Cap* May Coaaty bead* an<br />

whether we nave not bra* slow to how thry hy anUnlat It as. WeW<br />

preeiram for the or farm<br />

«t by Uaka aad to-<br />

action here," aaid Mayor Oiempton can mil Ooaaa <strong>City</strong> Jaat J aa aaafly<br />

ta UM court* <strong>of</strong> a talk at UM tea<strong>of</strong><br />

the Oeaaa Ctty Baal Ea-<br />

a aa<br />

maadChaBaxtlet-<br />

te aat Urn caaaty<br />

tf we kaaa rtaht att<br />

'<br />

d<br />

•aa-aa^mmtl-tha aaaoaw) mt am<br />

y<br />

H<br />

ncard aa aaarertaa; the<br />

aad effartea* every aid te<br />

••Van<br />

af tha newry farmed<br />

nhefaa, after tafite* <strong>of</strong> tha<br />

raWia aaSd ktlSr Saath<br />

th l<br />

S^ttf^4 » MMt ' r •<br />

and«r. to Ekhatai y. waa totited toretara<br />

forjho to thia pgtywmf ctty. bt «ntcx the near mnre fatare, hrta<br />

forjho pgtyf t ht<br />




Oat* OBWB «a Wavtraax<br />

ai <strong>City</strong><br />

Uaa af <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty waa held oa<br />

The meattecwaa called to order<br />

D<br />

by Dr. J. Thamtey Baghaa acttac<br />

mamakawamwaae* -- -* ••»«-* - - wg- - »<br />

tea- aa<br />

rWWmmWHm% awamS VKSBr TWWWTm aWV*<br />

aUAne acting aa<br />

ThafaOawteg<br />

ratary, Heary W<br />

srer. wa. ± X<br />


Twocrnr BLOCK<br />

OF BEACH FRONT . aUmJZmVllimT--<br />

* + *•** .•*-** m*g£<br />

wt.i<br />

and<br />

thefTajat<br />

dcattothe<br />

nOaaaCKy.toamwi<br />

• <strong>of</strong> the hamta af<br />

•ok by th*<br />

Cerperatia* <strong>of</strong> thU dty aad WOeV<br />

^ _ _ ^ _ _ f _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^amm>eBmmmi<br />

Ml a~~ma9aT«~l 1ma~K C~Pwar 41 ffmaVfrnaw<br />

^<br />

aad arcattacto far th*<br />

ma-boM teCtty<br />

tothemnateci<br />

vaiaabie pahlictty and ia every way<br />

(CocUnoed am Pmn ft)<br />



<strong>Ocean</strong> Ctt, ba*k««han Uam<br />

Hall laat evcalnjc 41 to19.<br />

Boealcr **^ Mangold mi the<br />

high —««r l 'se: mackinra <strong>of</strong> the even-'<br />

throw* out <strong>of</strong> aevca trip* ta the<br />

_ mark. Three <strong>of</strong> Boatler**<br />

haifcrl* wen made'by UM Jump<br />

JenryjatM* aakad Um nalten te<br />

»tat aad lavaaKae<br />

an Badta laterfir.<br />

placed aa tha atyte aad caat <strong>of</strong><br />

Wm. and Victor rnrnw* te ha be* tataf awatjr<br />

The PabUdty Committee d waa aatectod<br />

aa f oOowa. ~ • ~ " The Of* Twwaoaad d Comjaay af<br />

Ot y_ rf U »« M+gn aae *<br />

relaBve to tha plana <strong>of</strong> tha<br />

SUde Company af Mavflle have<br />

Back** Tatte aa Taatef th* cawtmrtafor the i<br />

^<br />

a# Aaanval Dr. Hackee gave aa tetrmtinatalk<br />

at leacth oa the proper ton- umuaal In thia part <strong>of</strong> tha aean-<br />

| aa JOm XJKXlwB<br />

The reeolirtiaei nnantmooihr<br />

adopted U aa faOowa<br />

Injr <strong>of</strong> lajtnaiajive acts, toi tu*- try, I* the. Trot <strong>City</strong>." that wfll Stria. Fatty FWat<br />

WHEBEAB. UtEAB. aa ereuixatioa rectrd that all owner* <strong>of</strong> »adi be baflt oa tha beach, The tenta BUaaa ia Way mf Exaa<br />

Sooth Jeraey, INC, baa •rtn, ba Invited to th* meettet> wffl he floored, have aoUd tUltm<br />

•fOtmajiCMy<br />

recotly beea cetabUabed toeeranl from time to time for proper in-<br />

and will be netted. Sanitary art<br />

indude ild aeweragv, id<br />

A atHp <strong>of</strong> mad, i i forty net<br />

ranmnrnta<br />

vrlda. adlommg UM V ••<br />

ktnxtion* in tonlnc thereby ettmla-<br />

(ConUnard on pace U.)<br />



Lawyer Makaa<br />

ta -L<br />

WcmmMiay,<br />

V<br />

17.<br />

tridty and runnine- water.<br />

Norman E. EaJbiU. <strong>of</strong> MmviDe.<br />

la pmidrat af the new corporation.<br />

Oti* M. Town«cnd. <strong>of</strong> Ihia dty.<br />

trvaaarer and J. Boyd Nissa. ef<br />

MOMIIe.<br />



Another realty ftrm ha* branched<br />

out with the oprninv <strong>of</strong> the<br />

•Mond oeTlce in Ocaaa Oty by<br />

wen adthe<br />

1U- af year* Mr. Brrger ha* bar* eas-<br />

Edgar P. Bmw. Por a aamber<br />

W(d- ily enraged In letting real estate<br />

Lewia BaJTrtt, L printer, pruuer oil"* <strong>of</strong><br />

1 •»« buOdlng In the ThirtyarJ<br />

Albrrl''«>rth atrart aedioa. In order to<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ket 7411 b*r«i wUh a piano «*lo-11 Ixhth «tr«* darlnir the eomin*<br />

'Vj£* camHue oa U*ik.' «»«n. The <strong>of</strong>fice ha> been nrw-<br />

NlrBt- made a report that U* */-;ly crettod «nd wfll rt*rt <strong>of</strong>f with<br />


By Staff CawiwBBmmaet *' 1 •' ;<br />

AUaatio Cay, "—1 I ftrt'mm, • :<br />

CUy^DxOtty^mBeAaT-exflcBmVar V<br />

peared here today befwn mmalaL '<br />

<strong>of</strong> tb* PabttaO&lty OemmSS<br />

•aUas for • *^TV aaatav<br />

enaa* taaWamt& a.H<br />

«ve per cent beeet ta mater<br />

TlMjrdatai Umt Urn tan.<br />

aakad wffl —iy taamtatfcata a<br />

iatenat *^—<br />



OVER OLD LU®<br />

BoaJrrard and owned by the eamv<br />

ty. stand* m UM way af UM baa*<br />

Oosaa- Ctty itivilijaiiBt ptaaa mt<br />

Judge Iftajia* C BeemrweO aad) a<br />

party efPmimdetpBta u i lilia,<br />

according te a pma a ' ~<br />

fadg* to UM Osamty<br />

The eoaaty awaed laad ia a part<br />

<strong>of</strong> aa old terapCk*and. tf ratete-<br />

*d by the caaaty. wwald prevaat the<br />

completion ef la* aab dMatoa <strong>of</strong><br />

kte hate aloa* l<br />

th. BW Bevievard. Perthie<br />

M M U>e Pkiteaiipbi*, lartet. wh*<br />

for many yean has made thia hi* '<br />

nmrr rraUraee, ia ****** that<br />

county property caa<br />

&ip<br />

Ai matter* atend at the 1<br />

nr the atrip ruU <strong>of</strong>f SSM feet af<br />

roperty owned by the ayndkaa*<br />

lonr th* roadway. Jwaa* BeaaiwcO.<br />

m hi* reqwsac far cjeirk artion.<br />


•• • • " ; • ' • - •<br />

-1 ' Vir.'',; •<br />

T.<br />

.•A. VV • •— V.<br />

I ••"..<br />

ttWl^^P'S&E:*^'"???<br />

SBOfrma aUyaqud.<br />

•*,'«rfly aathnitarl aa from firs to]<br />

<strong>of</strong> UM<br />

,'car Utoold UMO ba actlnutcil a* <strong>of</strong><br />

*Lp&»S2T*a>d<strong>of</strong> UiatUma wfilbaPOa<br />


.-'..•••.••. ••--•*:''-. i Ai«iivii..^.v.V^s«.'!!':.iJ'.-,:: : .te''.',.r;-t . •. ' > j • • , /. . >'• • < . • '< .*. . 4. •) ••;• J -} .. •• 'V^A ' * / S T 1 '^^a^[&t^S^"A^V•AiW*/'^•'-•l.'*^••f••»i'••' : »•••''•'•••^•;...;**fA'pnrMU:l<br />

J«m^ tte* to aaoOMr w«y^w*fci"ifai'<br />

rWfciW'h-r;<br />

•Vr jrkja'aU»W<<br />

_|<br />

Uaa«»<<br />

|-J«htOry.-<br />

[^ ...viil<br />

t, yt- ;•:<br />

„*»'*'• la *<br />

Assoijttjliod<br />

rir*"".~.iQ>X*iiit: .<br />

m-'r«<br />

tfc otodajm OMOpalr-iau<br />

totowHttelooMaif<br />

aad iaa>^sMBj ara.O,^,<br />

\ WhOi p» iooM lt#i# a» »«ta# wtttt*a<br />

FOB raw icmr Hmi<br />

WartlB. F. twU<br />

IL. r. r "<br />

Ifctaaafc tha aflMa af AanaaMy.|«. a<br />

tut<br />

iWrf<br />

tla'^^V-<br />

''.>*'$-?..' 'i<br />

liiatM Caatiatt to bsy aaly<br />

that wfckfc yaa ata abb topay<br />

faV IM 7M BaWwY sWaat ••*•<br />

aay faar. Bat thafa « aar.<br />

I cat <strong>of</strong>f aa that back<br />

JUal *tah to UJh abaat<br />

It at att. TW palat I vast to<br />

brW oat ht that thay aB auha<br />

to tha 8*0* J«ai*at<br />

tanodoaby<br />

vtara<br />

tha<br />

aad arbiA art arariHtat<br />

fjrxJISE *L FRAME,<br />

ndaMfaa.<br />

by<br />

ttM*ai<br />

|aaati«B <strong>of</strong> rmtor<br />

tatea «a> tMs ««ak by tha O<br />

Oty Baal Batato Baard ttwa*<br />

natarl by tfca *uwmmKtm. lu<br />

3M akjact aadar tavoaUcat<br />

ctaaj* bach aa to aramr aod<br />

ratca bat aot to Ika bu«a iacraapra<br />

aatad for today. TU» ««ai •• ba<br />

JU Actiaa by Baar4<br />

Board waa pivfiaiaoj by a oaanalttaa<br />

rntwtaul at Boar B. Cuiplir.<br />

Jr, Walter DUHdk and X •tadli<br />

Van*. It u to tha ttJtt tfcat<br />

tfca oaBBhtoo had out' ~<br />

T I I I tfco alraariiMi .<br />

A Man b<br />

HeU<br />

Stationery<br />

BUY NOW<br />

and<br />

Sell for a Pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

This Summer<br />

Centrally Located <strong>Ocean</strong> Front<br />

Lot. 50 Feet Front, with<br />

Riparian Right<br />

This property can be bought for about-$200<br />

per foot km than others in this section.<br />

Price $55,000<br />

Financed.<br />

Centrally .Located Hotel<br />

60 bedrooms, well famished. Financed.<br />

-«w Cottage a* GarisBw* best T**n( r tT t wt

»iiMninM...iMMMiMi».;>Mi y<br />


-r—• . •''.'.:?"<br />

t<strong>of</strong>cftrar, 7* IRrol* to Wort<br />

•jawjp.eawjn w^w. w "~"«F •—<br />

'llMw'Wf «rh»lM|iniHi<br />

aft* arti caaWa. toa, tail *»•<br />

— I* If aiaa 1 eke, rant-* •<br />

*.*kea> I kay.a attt» Bet wpler aa th*<br />

v Ml •< ••»» « a. la* amm.»»<br />

^iH»ni*w IB*B» • BWBI *»« «<br />

"-'•went eawt m» a****.- *h» mhiint<br />

Road to Better Health<br />

It la<br />

Ik* kmr aai-<br />

ltdkaf<br />

H UJk* doctor*.<br />

B« kt Brfad UM pm-<br />

>•* ky i<br />




New Bnnwwick. N. J, Karen 5.<br />

Thar* «u a tin— not doe* I<br />

esa remember anyway — when<br />

mute own could b* handled to<br />

aaeti adraatag*. It eeema to ma I<br />

(at a new Idea ererytlme I m to<br />

UM ejty. I do DO* «M iWtl Ma<br />

mite imi frocks bat I do man<br />

tsat th* daeicna ahown on now<br />

•anaente are aoch that BM*t<br />

aejtafaw baa ponibtUtiM.<br />

. I'm thinking now <strong>of</strong> yokaa, for 1<br />

•M than on many Udaca, .A salt<br />

that I looked at today <strong>of</strong> na»y bio*<br />

rep had a deep, potatod yak* on to<br />

coat. This m cst as d*tp tta* It<br />

Uaa la tk* back, thoa a akarp «p.<br />

ward alaat to a point Oat .wowJd<br />

to th* baatlls* aad anrdrap<br />

to UM aadar-anu<br />

what<br />

k*v*oaaaaa ordinary ceat.<br />

in *• anay dnaaaes sot *1-<br />

aaap at ta* batk for I Out<br />

, tkat an qotta ehallow tkm<br />

btwfckBai»J*»p Mtydaap a»<br />

C« front.<br />

Ohm an okLdiaae thai ia worn<br />

tit*<br />

_. oaa'a paiuua* aa do—<br />

UM yok*T It abo katp* *at wttfc<br />

bet yoert frock* Utat had baat-<br />

R ta «-Jt*<br />

J» *w4 *•*»«<br />

UM pfeefcw wttk aa hrtar—Hna<br />

jwka,This fct oeoaOy ftabkad<br />

w«k. wKk. atthkJn* attfasifta aa urf iy aay kawp<br />

tkto aa afanp)* a* foarfb.<br />

T1kn« ata daap wUfa openia(B<br />

on naoy cowns that iniii<br />

way <strong>of</strong>ptod ftod p alow<br />

S f<br />

t<br />

***r UM dnaa—orach Kk» a tkin<br />

boeom. Ia fact UM tab at UM botvf<br />

aoaa* <strong>of</strong> UMB> takas one<br />

hack to UM day* when men wore<br />

stttf-bcwoaMd akirta and the f<br />

eaeaary to hold them in<br />

' t oaa* aiv shown on tporl<br />

on etM and two-pieeo<br />

dreewne, and <strong>of</strong>tm are bound on<br />

"(1) What efcoold be UM eix* <strong>of</strong> P*ped wftr eontrwUor material,<br />

•j"---* •»**two p^^t^.J^oU^<br />

Weekly Fashion Hints<br />

Pnoaiwd BaiMdaQr far UM<br />


etoepT<br />

<strong>of</strong> whit* bat <strong>of</strong>ten <strong>of</strong> UM> same m*.' I<br />

wW» tewvJ or ploc* <strong>of</strong>,<br />

UM at*** ae* a* old aheet betwees-roa<br />

a o BC*<br />

Ua\tjy far,<br />

•€,<br />

aijaaa aaa.iliajtig asnaaT<br />

*Jf> Xaoa a*Wt nqtWlOM<br />

a Bant aad<br />

to you follow thi.<br />

UN *B. tt.af fkaak air per kaar. wfll look lk Uk*<br />

be no i1ant.ii <strong>of</strong> UM color<br />

~ It<br />

than y*B-d Oiak<br />

iy<br />

for UM aflk drl—<br />

a J. M, Jr, wita: Tbcr* an»ery gnlckJy. Tkta be • oorobin-t "- '<br />

W > d1 wvsld l l UUk*<br />

wrih taffeta or it yoa prefer'<br />

waai<br />

crep*. . Pcfkape yoa wfil<br />

-(I) la park ta aay way had for<br />

' ' aadflsiak UM<br />

way. If yoa are<br />

their<br />

MB* .<br />

-tt)<br />

for<br />

Pktori*! Rnin Printed<br />


Mints forth<br />

lousehold<br />

By Batty<br />

Tk* -LattU<br />

tk* a****.<br />

U««t UM oaa Udaa; yon<br />

hrtwa-nD tietoy f«r,J, Uka todo ia c*>* a Ifcafct dtoaad<br />

than akak* dry. If'21,- *%-, t_»_-_Ii __» »<br />

TyVdlk "*• TaattatonBalaaHf<br />

_<br />

/ add a araOoB-i<br />

T CaaUMy bacaradbyied ptot* Utat wfll reach halfway :•**»• UM coane* an few<br />

taaawtT How? |down your akiit, (Mai a Ucrad to demand perfection in each,<br />

a tab batk or a apaace, effect, and then Una all UM acal- The table ahoald be<br />

1 - - • • « — ••• Bfeaw aamwHi. • aaeava, aal I<br />

UM time to atart—in childhood—<br />

«ot after adddl* life ^rhca UM rev-;<br />

*• <strong>of</strong> a itia—»e han adraaead<br />

toa potnt tkat make* can fanpoe-<br />

«ble- Of caoree. one >hould not<br />

a> to eatwmm tt leada to iafoepection<br />

and a morbidity <strong>of</strong><br />

•ind Uwt briao on nrwmti<br />

*tod oat yoar waak apota aad cor-'<br />

"act them. U>ro load a normal Ufa<br />

«Bd tarset yooraelf.<br />

j plcaaat (oaloekH<br />

—**BT)>^ Tkay are caataaaital —<br />

it a It » a. i. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . . _ • * " •<br />

bal Masque I<br />

p p - each other. Allow<br />

'•pace ettouch between places to<br />

[ d<br />

' The tablo ahould be *et aa fol-<br />

: k>»-»—UM knive* on UM rleht, UM<br />

fork* oo loc left—one for each<br />

coune. Ibe >oup tpooo laid wiUi<br />

' anivea, the water giaaa to the right,<br />

UM napkin to UM left- Tba bread;<br />

and batter plate to the rlrht-<br />

The oely holiday In <strong>Mar</strong>ch i» St.<br />

: Patrick'* Day. *o Irt'a maka UiU<br />

|-little dinner" a (reca-and wkHe<br />

{affair. Thrn a~racc your table wuh<br />

detlcato fern*.<br />

Year meaa may be aa follow*: '<br />

I Craam *f Aaparaco* Soap eka<br />

- KaaatLamb<br />

Rtsffad Celery tkiqa. OlrMa<br />

GraaaPaaa<br />

m^ ^<br />

Hat RaOa^ 'ZZfiTa<br />

*M. C a.<br />


** PLEATING **<br />

Ktnt». Ham «1I

to b« mxl*<br />

ftatlpol*a,~ta awrtane* wRatta<br />

l^^<br />

M taa «ateiaa tast Jfc. Brick «ffl<br />


• • • ' , " ; " : < " ' • ' • ' " • ^ , ' " > • " •"•••••'• » * •<br />

ATVueVadue<br />

<strong>On</strong> Your Property 1<br />

GARAGE<br />

P HOTEL<br />

SITE<br />

so rapidly in value that we believe<br />

there are many people who really do not<br />

know just what their property is worth.<br />

• • ' * .<br />

If you own Beachfront, Asbury Avenue*<br />

Bayfront, SouthencJ or Gardens property,<br />

Est it with an <strong>of</strong>fice mat will get you the<br />

true market value for it.<br />

If you would like counsel or information,<br />

consult with an organization that knows<br />

every foot <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> and where<br />

greater values are to be.<br />

I<br />

We Offer This Exceptional "BWT<br />

8th and <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue—Lot 90 ft x 135 ft<br />

With frontage <strong>of</strong> 90 feet op <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue, sixty feet from Eighth Street<br />

Property has two frontages extending back 135 Just the location for a public garage with two<br />

feet tTlSfL wfcle street.<br />

floore<br />

**"* *ccomnjodations for 200 care, with<br />

icnwwibww>»»cu<br />

ramp to second floor and stores and ahow rooBM<br />

Situated in center <strong>of</strong> city and in heart <strong>of</strong> hotel in front or apartment hotel with public dining<br />

district. • room.<br />

Present Price $65,000<br />

Ei<br />

v. >..:. iv > "

# • - .<br />

J<br />

-<br />

yv^.^iji'x v -<br />

; : v. 1 •T 1 '<br />

!gJ!W*l«*>'-'.'.^<br />

^ ^ W SL KM More Br<strong>of</strong>tilcaster* TS<br />

-^1 Rert Of The World Combined<br />

r«eet «fl<br />

fftWrlota<br />

Kaata, Alaaka, atyt:<br />

teKOOwe tamed la<br />

Dtadmr «fll feOov UM<br />

Mrm. BrtrraalTUr. with b*r<br />

Hera, <strong>of</strong><br />

th, ttoeit<br />

JamaTab*<br />

Japaa, tat the Jap aa<br />

mlttM and U» COOOBKU* from B*dUak-«iOO will buy a<br />

prim fsbsltig from $1OO to *5—<br />

"^— inti rrtn a •nmMiiV a n.nnn<br />

«f» being otfexed by UM Radio CO»><br />

pocarioo <strong>of</strong> America far die be*<br />

by boya from 12 •» la<br />

Dootdoaoywrit<br />

fas aadleam thm<br />

COM* fai<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> I<br />

.' 'f **•*<br />

K<br />

^atl^l<br />


ate Ma aa 0«f read,la fh*G«r-<br />

rm, and t<br />

Fetaraoa, <strong>of</strong> tale e*r, fa* ta* aapUa.<br />

A<br />

laaaada c*ka aale to be Weet Pklladetaat<br />

orooa'a d' taarkat Saturday a weak. ed whfle la the dty.<br />

anka tie ndal dl<br />

ioOowthe boat- Romelaahetldrdcrtyef Italy b itnaty.<br />

flapiaa aajt XBaa Mac<br />

raaatia slaw faa-<br />

A FACT<br />

Honey in the bonk is one <strong>of</strong> the most satisfying<br />

thought* yon can have, whether it be<br />

a time <strong>of</strong> prosperity or a time <strong>of</strong> trouble.<br />

You know that you are assured whatever<br />

comforts or pleasure money will bring.<br />

Starting an account is a simple matter.<br />

Do it today in<br />


Always a Wise<br />

Investment<br />

When the man who firat purchased this island for $200 made his<br />

investment, we wonder if he thought it was money wisely spent<br />

We know it was and we also know there have been many millions<br />

• spent wisely since.<br />

We have a wonderful list <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Gty property in our <strong>of</strong>fice that<br />

we know will appeal to some wise investor.<br />

We Want to Show You Them<br />

-.-:. Come in Today<br />

50 Years Ago<br />

No<br />

South Jersey<br />

I<br />

i<br />

•"••Mi<br />

N9«Mi<br />

Years ago the craze was to go Weat People-'<br />

were (old <strong>of</strong> the wonderful opportunities that<br />

awaited them and thousands traveled as far as the\7<br />

Pacific coast.<br />

•<br />

But that force has spent itself.<br />

The attention <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> people living<br />

this side <strong>of</strong> the jVK-v-i.^ipp! river have been focused '<br />

oh the South• Jersey.cc:i. c t. /<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> is assimilating and providing for :<br />

these new comers as no seaside resort has ever<br />

done before. They find here a cheerful welcome,<br />

a cheerful climate and a cheerful spirit.<br />

The organization <strong>of</strong> Ralph L. Chester, Inc.,<br />

have stood well to the front in the receiving linehave<br />

found homes and investments for thousands.<br />

We have seen these investments prosper in<br />

countless cases — because we understand <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Gty real estate values and the methods and influences<br />

that produce prosperity and pr<strong>of</strong>its.<br />

In all real estate matters — investments — the<br />

buying, selling or leasing <strong>of</strong> property, we place at<br />

your command an efficient and well seasoned organization<br />

in this section.<br />

May we serve you?<br />


Realtors<br />

m<br />

;•.#<br />


• ' • * » • • . ; • ' • r' -<br />

1330<br />

Central Ave. at Eighth St.<br />

.,,... .<br />

--'<br />

. -• J<br />

.-•"-•»<br />

«'<br />

^<br />

^<br />

- • ^ v • •<br />

" ^ • • : • : • » • ^<br />

; >••»'•<br />

- '

ufcx<br />

i«aa»aa<br />

tk>«<br />

•BBHBJ pea ><br />

.taBliaan*bai<br />

lad ate fata<br />

^ M ^ ^ |<br />



IMI<br />

J.E. JOCHER<br />


SSffiT SAGER<br />

IXX.J.<br />

Al.TlIDt.SMnH<br />

•LA<br />

•fen an Otto!*" Mid nflaf la<br />

»T" the<br />

eat a> to. sal mealed the flaa><br />

•a^vtfck. h* had BNOBtir aat h*.<br />

tank<br />

•Oabw.ta atar ta taat"<br />

ewayatClaadIe*|<br />

JactabaaMatb<br />

rToo*taaD to i<br />

-Hoc «ar ne, eta<br />

Man. triad te leak<br />

I Tf ja»H cnaaa ae fcr ••*><br />

|aaatt.~ *aa add te Saflaa,Tn r» W.tLOUMIi<br />

ft a> (ae<br />

OS AND<br />

\WHENimmHURRY<br />

gat, ft*wae awaad<br />


Bar' woke auuMtal<br />

am* aa.vaa wa<br />

j -Ik«tfi as* a «ny aattte tfcbv<br />

unllay aha add<br />

} to aar te ma. to It?- aha «akadj aka<br />

wae earartaod trf at t k to earaaaba- fa<br />

hreaidtBatbe<br />

Baaa. -Yeo know that I aaalaaaa<br />

•lack, aad aa a<br />

tinfaialiiaj bba toaay that be bad ly, our aacamnent waa btekaa oA<br />

laet Vm maianry*<br />

ibefere tfcbteapeaad.- abe added. WALTDt TWflJH<br />

Xaa ^<br />

* J *«y_j^''— »»»*aWTa>m Jafl VOwVat %JH.W^<br />

tatnaa, Oaflactor ef Iateraal<br />

atwae for SeatB Janey. Be-<br />

"" aaitbafBad ea Manh 11<br />

»Vr the oawaaaanta <strong>of</strong> taxpty< taxparwhskavaaaeaty<br />

to tka<br />

Halrm aad Caaa<br />

I te 4IUMaL M aVaaTMMlaTti fafttk<br />

» ta «aa pinliiai jean flea<br />

*»raa*l tae total tai (»•<br />

<strong>of</strong> STdUtrltt. «W* h<br />

-—Jwan, mjmjm. aaty abr<br />

a drep <strong>of</strong> abMaW per eaat<br />

"Ita total af taxaa aatd tan*<br />

• Oamdaa otlaa win aot r»__<br />

aaa* from teat yaw betaaaa ef taa<br />

par oak. tearaaae tathe<br />

- «»^aald Mr. Star:<br />

i wffl aiae be allowed<br />

leftbaala<br />

\tottk<br />

ORUOSTORfil<br />

Ai8tyfe»andSir«<br />

G<strong>of</strong>ldTootibBnohes<br />

taramt »r baae<br />

w* ii "»;••• a<br />

JL_^ •a--B_^|_^^ ^M aaaakemB<br />

•Hv Baaaajaa aax parai<br />

arSaaaraf opal orl<br />

tattal<br />

wfll<br />

tkaaaaabaraf<br />

gftrtm<strong>of</strong>WarlaKbataaya that<br />

wTaaiilialir realty Jfeoaaa are a . aatatdteatyRanhere.ee<br />

Warn Waabtattaa, the eoDactor e«-<br />

Taaaday. and aided fifteen Ocaan<br />

^ejaad.<br />

%£<br />

1 take the <strong>City</strong> netdeata toaaakapp their reaWtaMVIeWll<br />

tVa redaetioa tathe aeaahtr <strong>of</strong><br />

tart* (ha*<br />

tana faexaaatad to eat dowa taa<br />

the iwDaaiiy aaarted law an _.. _<br />

•eal lait l.laati raah by tax.<br />

aayerr'to file lataraa jaa Maaa,<br />

I'efthe ad by aB il <strong>of</strong> taxaayara.<br />

tleaef tke<br />

•ader the Joiadle-<br />

fa. It waa aaid a7the httaraal t*r-<br />

-TUa Tear the<br />

BtatadaQy<br />

teaxalalato tai<br />

tka atar' »t%Utmm ft Otu taw;<br />

Pnaacstee OwabaO esatalaad a<br />

mOBbar <strong>of</strong> bOU ao# hafera the<br />

Gtmte. If»lrfa4ltilf te taawl ««aa«Vabttal OCBAN CUT YIKW8<br />

ZttLifoaZtf. CM» dob at a<br />

reeaat aaaattajr af that oraaBlaa. . FOaM PgttA. MBPfcAT,<br />

tiaa. Hla &tbar. Wmiaaa H.<br />

<strong>On</strong>apaall, Sr, a<br />


IK-.'<br />

t•'-.<br />

cesao. WilaasxtMj J. L sfnrphy<br />

SM Wife. Bo»ftd*lei E. Harm.!<br />

Braoktrnt Mr. sad Mr*. F. A.I<br />

Raw*. Glenn Falb; Dorothy Haffeed,<br />

Arthur. Sawn, BrookUno:<br />

lira. Feat Conrad. H. T. EIU a*!<br />

wtf*, O. B. Oown sad wjfs, Mr.<br />


Glvea two saereeefsl teals. It is asw ta servlc* ia I he fire department.<br />


Mr*. Edwtn D»<br />

. Mrs. Maarios<br />

«srs MaTitsia, Vcrat.<br />

L«d*r»ckaid<br />

- Head,Thuaii t t Orsat C. Babsoa.<br />

Mm. beta, Albert Pfettfer. Phfla-<br />

Mr. aad Mrs. W. 8. It to ! r, Mrs. Edwards, In<br />

»»Mr. aad Mr*.<br />

Mis* Hefen White, <strong>of</strong> New York,<br />

saw* C. & msTsatsr. uassn<br />

aW. l>tn ft sit, Mrs. U<br />

Mr. aad Mrs. Wat.<br />

Mrs. a K. Has*, Mr.<br />

~ O. Cravwa, Richard<br />

Mr.<br />

H. ^ Bfll. <strong>of</strong> . . West) i H. T. EUi*. - ef - PMladelnhlm.I<br />

PhOadelphle, Wphi—, ASglftTANT LUBABIAN<br />

atd<br />

aft«» t<br />

a «Wt <strong>of</strong> t*n Tctemrd<br />

day* to home Wm. dty, pmntnent was ia lunmrr town a reddmt few days <strong>of</strong> am. this<br />

MIM Edna Wallace, <strong>of</strong> tola city,<br />

H H. Mown aad d family, fil <strong>of</strong> f UUa city. sreentpankd by Mrs. Effl*. They ha* been appointed aa **el*t»wf librarian<br />

to the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Public<br />

Mra, HHI to ta* awtkar <strong>of</strong> Mra, u«re eoests <strong>of</strong> the e Strand BoteL<br />

R. B. tl rr*''i' J t.<br />

Library. She U a daacatar dca<br />

<strong>of</strong> U<br />

waa a leceot vlcHor.<br />

L. Wallace, 8r, a well known red-d<br />

OUi Bcaedlct bn« retsraed to Or. L. & A. Stedem, <strong>of</strong> June.<br />

dest <strong>of</strong> f thi* rceortt<br />

Mi«* Lyxa'e boaa. O2 W«ln<br />

" £« ***** reeided wtti<br />

aVK<br />

fit<br />

Mr.<br />

Itholr »«««•. 3«« CnUml kvenoa. 11, HcrUlcr*i pharmacy, (pent S»tunlay<br />

and 8uTvUy at his borne In<br />

Edwar.1 WlUon, it 1S30 South<br />

I Fiflp-*rcon Burraa <strong>of</strong> Charities.<br />


JaU 1 * aTlri<br />

Francs* O^Cocner, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia'<br />

•pent satarday sad Sunday with<br />

Ttioe. J. Bran and wife. «f Cynwyd,<br />

*psot th* week-end st.Uaeir lad were taken to dty ball Wed-<br />

' Four colored boy* and one white 1<br />

Misses Msy sad Ksthryn w*ard,<br />

«f this dty.<br />

smaaxr cottars, M16 Central neiday nliht by PoUcetnan Taylor<br />

Frank Ward sad brnOy, af Phfl-<br />

•mm. Mr. Kjran to th* Phfladelphia<br />

rapreMntathr* <strong>of</strong> a btr<br />

• cassts <strong>of</strong><br />

and impattiarrL They wen> *»<br />

t. aad Mrs.<br />

Aactriaa syndleat* manufartgrlns; cosed <strong>of</strong> stssllnjt mflk from th*<br />

chandeUara, crystal domsa. etc. Haftipploe Co*<br />

agw f wlta<br />

Mr. aad-Mm. Ward, af tids dty. has a number <strong>of</strong> Meeds eavm« proptrty in aad anxmd Fraflt<strong>of</strong> er**<br />

I Mr. aad Mra, Miss nal«y Morcy. af this dty. the BMBkber* <strong>of</strong> th* aam<br />

Mrs. H. WOlet, has retenMcf frees a *** ta her<br />

•ooleajr plaoa. <strong>of</strong> bium*M bcra. The boy*<br />

at TKlrty-foorth ctreeC<br />

were kept at dty ban for a few<br />

•iw.i<br />

i. Mrs. T«^. iBxeraoa, la EUsj»tf«<br />

and' and<br />

idmatOto<br />

Then<br />

Mra. Frank Pattoa, <strong>of</strong> thU dty. boon, oatfl the parent* <strong>of</strong> aotae <strong>of</strong><br />

•is; Wbrford<br />

baa been vitttisr frieads ta> Phlla-<br />

reacatd.<br />

r. aad Mrs.<br />

Mr.<br />

noon, when PoBoe 7a*ifao Wat* win<br />

mtdent* look them < raadtttspoat<strong>of</strong> tkeir<br />

—<br />

a a Mlhr. Mr sad<br />

B4 B. "<br />

I Mra,<br />

W<br />

vtattsre hen Soadsy.<br />

Mrs. Fry owa ths Trayraore Botsll<strong>of</strong> tht* dt>,<br />

fat thia resort. " I vUtUm, gonts <strong>of</strong> the Strand. I<br />

Mscaaa and Msod<br />

r. •peat the week.<br />

—£! -£****• atrshls. cs«Uer<strong>of</strong>th*<br />

HrZ Plrrt NsttonsI Bank.<br />

-r, vo^ai Starry M». *ao •^_Psrt <strong>of</strong> last week at hU home<br />

•aaart L. Bs*t Mr. aad Xn.j taSforth Jersey.<br />

i Bsww, r*. sad Mrs. & F.' * r - sad .Mrs. WsHer<br />

.tMHsDsrothyl'ta<br />

, G*sa Falbi faal Col-.**<br />

. ew York Oty. Dr. aad Mrs. _.*<br />

Vsfl.Mls* Ksrisrt* VaO.l pka<br />

»»Jls lig11. Mrs. L. M.<br />

li. L<br />

IAi7K Ct\.<br />

9tm BVStNKBb'J^.<br />

la Tats <strong>City</strong><br />

the local post <strong>of</strong>-<br />

•- --- daty by reason ef<br />

PVaoorre and wife, <strong>of</strong><br />

«paia aaeat the wwk-end at<br />


Second Mortgages<br />

Unlimited funds in amounts ranging-<br />

from W00.00 to 9S.000.00 on real<br />

estate In <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> and Vicinity for a<br />

term not rtc**dft\g three yean and<br />

payable <br />

A Home<br />

and Investment<br />

2 family apartment (forniabed),<br />

122S Central Av&, on a lot<br />

40x100.<br />

Modern in every respect—hot<br />

water heat In first floor apartment<br />

2 car garage with 5 rooms and<br />

bath apartment over it.<br />

$25,000<br />

Sd>jed to $15,000<br />

for 3 yean<br />

Paving<br />

it paid.<br />

* s asjaa Msds<br />

towafraytas<br />

and the coe* <strong>of</strong><br />

4^ *<br />

osr VrUay, <strong>Mar</strong>ch<br />

wooden.shield to b* boas; tn the<br />

Rich School Gymnsshnn.<br />

Ust Nat Cseulsto '<br />

<strong>On</strong>e or two more day* will be<br />

complete the process <strong>of</strong><br />

» s !b*7f thTeUath*<br />

variooa<br />

pound* aad<br />

C Wmwa, J. IWsjsjt jQaatt*<br />

ft* wffl to'<br />

« - u<br />

7B poends and nnder,'C. »»•=•<br />

vs. rTHnben Mldfsi wetskt,<br />

poonds and under, J. MajrMr •»*.<br />

H. Gal*; Paper weicnt, 96 pound*<br />

and under, R. Uterens vs. R. dordon;<br />

Fly wright, 100 poonds snd<br />

andrr, H. Schsnia TS. E. Trout:<br />

Bantam weight, 11> poonds and<br />

onder, L. Uoxrf vs. F. Schnpplna<br />

or O. Adam* vs. A. Corson; Feather<br />

wsiRht, 12S poond* and under,<br />

E. GetalnBer vs. U Qrossrn Ugnt<br />

weight. 136 poonds snd under, C<br />

"" :i^-'~,'>-;'.'Wr?-

v .• •' -'<br />

xashr-s:*<br />

Bm at iMtfenl<br />

; m.«Bi.'iai*a»iB)«," J «t,''n, ti'in<br />

IWC.M. Mai ikitHia<br />

M •» BI t» Mi<br />

ll'J.t<br />

Trwufen<br />

^ c/J Product<br />

qf&cceIIc7iceSerOedby<br />

5000SelectedVeaUrs<br />

d^Oft/<br />

fashioned /<br />

oauan.<br />

Ok to CM<br />

C .<br />

(Vmsk r. Oa^r at w to JM* X<br />

laKD It. lirt in » tM Stok onto- atatort<br />

fliMlf OTM*. ••«—!•» la »a<br />

lunarf S. Waaarfl to Ma A>|M.<br />

W L >MM (, O«u Cur Ual (*<br />

khr F. Mala t» Ukm W. CaUcr.<br />

Is* (At. aWiloa «.<br />

abaft/ Co. to EbaWOk<br />

l' N L t K<br />

JO* Maits *t ax to Xma Ttimtr.<br />

*<br />

•UIM IBM. Oa. k'Oaw Otr Batkr<br />

Oa. U> m, *nTi i r. r^<br />

Taa^aM IMmai la la> U. Maik a. .*>. BBBB. a «ak* at Caarta. •• «UW». I<br />

JaBBBl*. Ukaat a* Vaa .1<br />

IIML UI 1*4. Mn« «. OaaBa Ot»<br />

iv-i W, A. n t^m. U? ay Ua. 1m y,, |1<br />

C T<br />

at »t» to M. thnk. n.<br />

L(M> to nihtlM 1<br />

«<br />

*«. u« i«u. Hut<br />

A Uuxnmnd fam«fs — _,— .<br />

• Ma CaKpaar *• C. Cask Wai<br />

_i«ar. tt. tatttia, U7. II*. 10. 1<br />

ui. in. in. IM. its. u«. lit. ta a<br />

in. liaHnQL<br />

Klta laatat<br />

OL tta*._tL.<br />

Jaaxa B. Laa* « n a> Out »•»<br />

MaanMB-. MTI. tat 111, MM It<br />

Watta? •. Wllar m at » ahnM E<br />

MUL tULM*. aaMksBBl. It feat •» lat<br />

T aaa) Wan.aaM 14 last •( tM «. Maat<br />

«. Oaa <strong>On</strong> Laaa) '<br />

Uwll.ti Ma*<br />

til MI iitTwZ*. tM. or.<br />

•a. i«*.,m. m. rrx. IT*, m. m. m.<br />

U«BBBJ> Wfar tH— B>rp. 1 I<br />

WlliHai C(>«Bir. Jr. at ax ta a.11<br />

Mnnki. Lat «t. Maak (..amavll<br />

Aafajaj Cb BMBBBnaBtta «t •• ta Aaaa* I *B TO mimi • CMuaiviaiar OTI ta<br />

aa a. avrxuai* U, LBU > II 11 aa« alertrtffc»tkm I rtectrifWatton *t at lfOt»tfOBD«rr. MmitVHBuy. AAim, I<br />

• *>atk K. nprna*! taM. in Anrfl at «Mdi dRDOUtrati<br />

la»..aar. n. Lala 10. » aX. aTfcloca J* 11 b#^m* J » "V "^ *"*"<br />

Tte Very Bwt No. I<br />

Sprat* aa«l<br />

Anybody who has ever bought lumber <strong>of</strong> any land at this yard has<br />

never had cause to be disappointed. For we, ourselves, take extreme<br />

care in inspecting and selecting only the very best.<br />

If you are about to engage in your spring building or repair work<br />

tell us your needs. You will find we can <strong>of</strong>fer you some very good<br />

suggestions and perhaps save you some money.<br />

^^ CALL USATODAY —<br />

John <strong>Mar</strong>ts Lumber Co.<br />

9th St. and Haven Ave. Phone 192 W<br />

la that aymbol in the Ufa <strong>of</strong> an individnal or txmt: : B<br />

neac that finda ita beat expraaaitn in 8ervic«. ^'" i '<br />

Our promt poctttoa in the Grocery and<br />

field ia the direct result <strong>of</strong> th^ .<br />

Every advantage accruing from our I<br />

baying power and dictribntinff faeflitlaa 1«<br />

onttooarnufnfDai'ainlaraat.<br />

If .Pajra to Boril ymmt Ubl<br />

Qwlltjr Cwta mmi Yma Uamty tiaea<br />

27c<br />

£? Asco lima Beam ^ 15c<br />

ASCO<br />

Dried Serf<br />

SmliM Ssgar Beaatr Cakca<br />

oor aar a»r««t artrattOt «»•»<br />

Richland Butter<br />

Brtto,<br />

Tuu« BetterI<br />

Bast Walte<br />

P. &GT<br />

NapthaSoap<br />

«iWl<br />

Victor Bread<br />

Bread Snprcme<br />

!< l H — Uhat'v «1v «av<br />

52c<br />

Fkaay<br />

CaBfomia<br />

Sweet, Tender<br />

Xi<br />

m<br />

^<br />

in<br />

WAE^%j<br />

*<br />








OF MONEY<br />

. . C CITY ESTATES<br />





^ r<br />

-This<br />

'/"Im<br />

• :><br />

1<br />

Meat Specials for At Week-Eod<br />

i# ; :<br />

A Charming Co<br />

v&- -;<br />

SV^r<br />

Ba<br />

Located on the Anchorage above Yacht Club<br />

Which we all know to be one <strong>of</strong> the most sought for locations in the resort.<br />

New, fresh from the builder's hands.<br />

Priced at a figure and financedin a way that makes it most attractive to a buyer.<br />

Call for details and inspection.<br />

&<br />

Central Phone 4 <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N« J.<br />

<strong>of</strong> atv B

l -'"' v '•:.)<br />

'*««P'4/,VsaV<br />



arable factors sacompletely and harmomoosly<br />

' mei^ for gloixw fi^<br />

asm <strong>Ocean</strong>Gty.fte jewel <strong>of</strong> Ac>rsey Coast<br />

With die Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong> on one side and the<br />

xwonderfel Great Egg Harbor Bay on die other, ds<br />

location could not be improved.<br />

For a home or an mv^meiit for tfecoinipg<br />

•eason, now is the time foraction. ^ -"<br />

M»5<br />

^^^p^pplip^^^^^HI^MSi<br />

It MMtfa* to nttan* «<br />


BBBUM WBB BBUBV • A aaort beta* «fll»»<br />

•ad, if a b mman <strong>of</strong> Dulutn. .„ j<br />

Rnth. who l» alw blind.<br />

tm tfc» fatawt <strong>of</strong> tha<br />

d b<br />

omltff tte<br />

a •• a<br />

Lad« Hidupood Brown, <strong>of</strong><br />

tbo<br />

wnr total abort<br />

aeatol «*fl<br />

•> tka tifiimn 4m ««<br />

Btartff •! dM OMBlr<br />

PMali takraair «*. MM.<br />

MHal<br />

Oaaa Otr l«n» «a4 Traat I<br />

UML OaaaaOMr. K.J.<br />

^<br />

or tar am, if tka^akjM*<br />

• 4ff ILV VBaB> tf BBBBV MBBJMI<br />

^Bot^ aajanjr><br />

BBBBMB, aad<br />

We now have complete Income Tax Service and<br />

m«"m a p^sifiontosecure inimecBateryaD <strong>of</strong>fe lat^<br />

^•aBi aMaa~aB~BHar ar^aaara fa<br />

o • •<br />

fa saw tfca<br />

<strong>of</strong> caBnad la aB taa warVJ; ao«r<br />

la UM UMT* «ara «aly 0 adka<br />

•f aflraad ta ml HI* world; now<br />

prhrflm <strong>of</strong> drilHa* far «•<br />

tl«MMO far IW aerw <strong>of</strong><br />

al rjnXm mnm toantaaaticaDy<br />

radaeo UM apood <strong>of</strong> a fc"*f otr-<br />

QUH40Iv«riea are<br />

prompt.<br />

We waigh wigh<br />

oar coal with «• macb<br />

jroo'd gfv« to tha aeales fct—<br />

yoo wan dtHrtrte* tt to<br />

yworattf.<br />


W«t AT*.<br />

TTjis work will be in charge <strong>of</strong> our Mr. Hoppm,<br />

who will be ready to assist anyone desiring assistance.<br />

We have gone, to considerable trouble and<br />

expense to make this service available to our patrons<br />

and hope they will use it to die fullest extent<br />

First National Bank<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

WJUIAB g. J<br />

s/tLr^Tiir s s<br />

krttoBMjaat<br />

dO. >t *. M BM<br />

mt* to •»• M tfMjMJ<br />

«« W tto BUM «CBr»i<br />

Mt.«M MJM-OOCBKT<br />

Weekly Special<br />

Buy Now in OCEAN CITY<br />

| Yyw And Learn to Earn<br />


is being completely<br />

Refurnished in the<br />

most modern way<br />

R<br />

THT<br />

i^ij."--^^'•• • ' • • *v •'<br />

A<br />

••!'r<br />

•.— bsfll<br />

Witk HABBT METES8 aad a StaOar Cast<br />

MUVE FOR 1,000<br />

t. OF C. MEMBERS<br />


Hmbara<br />

Fricarfa to 8waB to<br />

I'M<br />


WU Opaa Sanuaer<br />

an BlcnUi<br />

Tea new membara were ebcted<br />

_. the Chunter <strong>of</strong> Commerce thi*<br />

1<br />

- the question <strong>of</strong> Arm menv<br />

wa* taken op and Secra-<br />

^rrlD annooacad tkat ha ha*<br />

for a campaign to brtec tk*<br />

"tea<br />

total <strong>of</strong> one<br />

tker* are now appmrlm*t»ly 4S0<br />

aamhir- <strong>of</strong> the commerce body.<br />

In a Mter atnt to eack. Secretary<br />

iU ha* a*!i»d all to bria* toono<br />

ber. If hi* nque« it<br />

wfth the body will bo<br />

ne Ihmmrvi •tronc wtthia<br />

TOMOsWOW-<br />

KAnOMAI.<br />

Leon Earl and DoroAy Gish<br />


i ii» an am *•• Moaaa-ra •• -TO<br />

rones or rma BAY. *sa raraa :<br />

arras—twmsiimi* nui .<br />

Wl* Um Vssaaa. At Ca* s^ asl Pmit A •»• I<br />

AND TtXSDAV. <strong>Mar</strong>ca • aad fc.<br />


Point<br />

STRAND<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Saturday—<br />

PARAMOUNT Preaarta<br />

A Baariii Caaia-y Featara<br />

Raymond Griffith<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>y Brian<br />

"A Regular Fellow' 1 Today and Saturday—<br />

Wait 'till you meet Mike!<br />

HOW<br />

TOoTl C_Q for hrr-lMr acme <strong>of</strong><br />

*• *- hoanor, her cnnieaa. tba dtrOls whirl,<br />

ias ahoot her Jaunty new*! A mail rob*<br />

beryl Arena way train! A rhata by acro><br />

plane and rh* U« S. <strong>Mar</strong>ines! Latajlia!<br />

Tear*! Romanes and Exxbctncotl<br />

A titrlff-a—hntr* comtdyl .<br />


ft b*, laVUlaW<br />

BONXSTT an<br />

aaa aaaa to kaid UM eonfiaat<br />

ptcy Cur «Wb tkam.<br />

2 feat £a|Mawfe_r 9t aamt %K9Vaf Ma4 afataVaW<br />

' KwM*' AfaamfMtcVmtaT aaaT^ a^kaV amMWmk «a*te& VI<br />



WrfBOOT IMNaTtVatsTT.<br />


REALTY<br />

Sunday— .<br />


Colleen Moore Leon Enrol<br />

Lloyd Hughes in<br />

"Sally"<br />

Tuesday—<br />


Vienna<br />

wonder ..<br />

Qtrl.~*^H<br />


WM. FOX PrcaeaU<br />

Lowe Maldon Hsmiltoo<br />

Alniai Rubens<br />

Ch**ttfr Conkiiii<br />

In<br />

"The Winding Stair ft<br />

Thursday—<br />

Burial AHrartaaa<br />

Bob Cust<br />

Sally Rand<br />

'The Texas Bearcat 1<br />

COU1SB.<br />

MAYER #1<br />


NEILAN'S<br />

uproarious tacctss<br />

baud on hit<br />

oufft story<br />

r/V<br />

IJhe story cF<br />

one h<br />

The newly etectud member* are:<br />

T k n W W l »<br />

[La* Ch*p*n» A. Boldmao, V. R.<br />

DBfav lefca rLSpratt.<br />

Itobert<br />

•A Artkar Speed, John T.<br />

Dwycr aad Georca C. Saomo.<br />

wn Oaaa OaVa *<br />

. naa* for the oaeaiaa- <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>-<br />

I at* at MS Eiftktk atraat. flrst floor<br />

tftaat, were »ny instances sales Boardwalk establishments that<br />

*^ ; have Included farm land on the st> far toinsure Ore protection to<br />

will later be drnl-.these. In moat cases, flfnruy<br />

) Beared coenoUtion. The „_.<br />

1 (traction work ha* been aired bv<br />

a Bomber ef civic bodiea who reali*e<br />

the |nade-'<br />

are apparent oa every star, and a man, superintendent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong>]<br />

•ptrit <strong>of</strong> optimism<br />

pervades the <strong>City</strong> Dhrisioa <strong>of</strong> the Atlastie Ctty i<br />

market.' Sale* <strong>of</strong> lots sad cottages Electric Company, radodr* safety •<br />

are brisk, aad, aerardinr to ex- conduit* strong beneath th* Board. |<br />

pcits, an la greater voluma tha* • walk and M arranged that aay,<br />

tkaa at tke threatened section can be cut <strong>of</strong>f<br />

In times.<strong>of</strong> danger. " ,<br />

have been < The condoit carries all wires used<br />

th* purchasers, although a' slong the Boardwalk<br />

from Flyport<br />

deals. mouth place to Tenth street. To ;<br />

yi^^ii^ with local purchasers. The wni tke new »yi&ctn a new elec-1<br />

Tfce teachers feel that they made «o* at ye*terday-a meeting at the<br />

out a.strong- ea»* for restoration Court Hoose.<br />

<strong>of</strong> the item <strong>of</strong> ttjtOOfiOO in tke km<br />

The rr.tuction may »v*n be in<br />

aad they left th* rtcnt bearing j excess <strong>of</strong> fifteen cents, according<br />

rather confident tkat sock action, to a tax expert* views. So matwould<br />

be takes by a decision <strong>of</strong> tke > ler what the final figure turns oat<br />

Monday's caucus, making unnecas-l to b* It will mean little change|<br />

aary prolonged debate and a bitter, ,_l. f nr hsrd »arfaclnc to a<br />

Works * 1 ' llh <strong>of</strong> twentv frrt •miU br rrrrivr«|<br />

bv thr 1-m-hr.h-n tin April 7<br />

nnd ihr >f (.rk r.imf.l^tr.1 by the rri.l-<br />

• llr <strong>of</strong> thr vraMn.<br />

Cnujits- Enirinrrr Smith,.In .H*-<br />

nlr»t <strong>of</strong> thr rui.lni: thr pio|rrt, •b«iarrl<br />

that will insure quick, IMM!*;—mat<br />

n Ike sootkrra end <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty.<br />

The vititlna- jurist exslaiard that<br />

he represented a Philadetakla •>»-<br />

•licatr, ready to open BB<br />

•ection <strong>of</strong> land<br />

lyina-<br />

Thirty-fourth street, aad tkat wktkout<br />

<strong>of</strong>fidsl action, hi* syndicate<br />

(Continued on Page 6><br />



\ll<br />

brokrn, it l><br />

Ilft3<br />

oifkv-<br />

The<br />

BRIDE<br />

1m to sive onr to Pr<strong>of</strong>. /<br />

ilmrrs <strong>of</strong> WII.UooJ. Acronl- V!<br />

to new.oaper<br />

accounts, * the ^<br />

•tileal's address was incompjar-<br />

|sUr. h»vin_ been rrnuteal to be the<br />

euxllrnt n« •Irlivrrrd on thr<br />

The locnU «rorr»l thr nr< point.<br />

Brandt cvttinif thi- honor.<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly swvi-n*.<br />

nnc flrM irosl »jf ««n»l in thr Ocr.in Cii<br />

f\r*t *r»»lnn an.1 thl» "i> ma-lr by month i.f<br />

t. Manuuld HJ.1 12 trir<br />

(ConUnur-l on Pj.-r II<br />

. in thr buil.l- nuirW at .lr»- to|.<br />

ta»v»urk, f'..s:2: \ '• '•<br />

j*hla Electric Co.. PhiLt.lwlpt.<br />

2<br />

" P » V<br />

"<br />

P<br />

TT-.»-<br />

p Uhl«r ~ch~J, for th-<br />

Krhruao'. «u.I- at thr<br />

.-ri| Bir <strong>of</strong> tl M- iWd <strong>of</strong><br />

pirtr return, vil<br />

thr exU-r.-ion pi<br />

thr <strong>of</strong> v > t<br />

Bfcl* for nrv aljrm<br />

iv Co..<br />

/lAinirDl^C DAI\V<br />


|8te\%-n*. howr\-er. »a* not in ac-<br />

Icerd with the opinion <strong>of</strong> the ten-<br />

|erai preu.<br />

_ ^y Herbert Hoowr., <strong>of</strong>! . .<br />

|thr IVt^rtmrnt <strong>of</strong> Commerce, al«o, TaUl <strong>of</strong> $1,000 Filed For<br />

n«d the titrltmcr. aad sue-.<br />

penditorcs Durins<br />

1 la arousing- the rothoiiactic' ^ - -<br />

|sopport <strong>of</strong> all.<br />

(Continue* on Pa«e IX) ' ^^ ^ ^ cjly<br />

TO TKEVmN<br />

Commrrre ha- adopteU a<br />

TO TaLtXTON<br />

, >__!_«_ fo, ij^, prneot<br />

110X1. ta T i*h a percental?*- <strong>of</strong>.atteniljncr<br />

<strong>of</strong> 'O^I. TIiU. Mr. Xlrvrn'<br />

»Ak^«l >ho«»injr for<br />

tli» tinw >•( >e*r.<br />

Thrltj aie 254 >tu.U-'nU (a the<br />

junior hi_h whwl. ISS In the KOp><br />

tCntioucI on Page T.elve.)<br />


Al thr mrrtine <strong>of</strong> Ooron Ctt>'<br />

Council <strong>of</strong> the Kniirbt. <strong>of</strong> Colamr<br />

high «-hf«J. 410 in thr Central' bus TUTMU)- riminir, Cronn- Sol-'<br />

A»-rnur SthooL and 2»* In the Wr~ livan wo* t-lrrU.1 trrs>urrr. vicr<br />

Icy Akroue School. 'T Db id M<br />

**."*A^i< Therr wa^ «v<br />

t'rr-alarm brtXr^. Ihjt<br />

Cinwwll Co, I4^>42..<br />

TSr bkt» «urrr rrfrnx!<br />

KniHnrer C<strong>of</strong>li*jw>n for -*-r<br />

Kr to rrport to tlw bo^r<br />

wrrk.<br />

p<br />

W.t<br />

if<br />

•Ti«i.t.<br />

-h..»«•.! iKr Wa-liinLton nation pi<br />

1> jm, umlrr the Uiivttion <br />

l-u 1_ Itn-eitb'j-, to be Ui.llnir with ">rwl •!• I<br />

i ivi,i-r.Li^«- u{ v_ Wjt in !'».»<br />

Ii-l <strong>of</strong> tram ••Tan.iirk;. 1M th»- phil-<br />

.Ki»-d M.ir.i^ •- Athlrl'r. corn,- n.-xt ". Ti<br />

»ith a pt-rCrntJi.-v <strong>of</strong> 7*;, uhilr Irw- - ' J<br />

B..-U.U lum, lwa.l.,1 hy W. 1. !:-,>• ""'V<br />

• haJI nnt K- campl-u*t wtOiln thr.»<br />

n«nth» from thr tintr <strong>of</strong> thr s«rjrd<br />

Had It not Srrn<br />

ly littitu.lr <strong>of</strong> thr<br />

thr rrvutr<br />

Strp* to . pioUrt tke county<br />

from potable - out t Uie uccUroLi] ik-Uh ef<br />

man rnplajmi on a oauat>-<br />

Lri-lpr »>rr talum thU »t• k kjmrmbrra<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Board af Krorholdrro.<br />

At the uiggetioa <strong>of</strong> County<br />

Solicitor Wsy tke contractor en<br />

thn woik waa aiLotl to predore ki»<br />

|uwn" urxlrr thr Employers' LUliillty<br />

Art, and other<br />

. uouM hr.M> h»rn l " t 'P" *•"" takrn to protect the tn-<br />

•nk-I.t<br />

|ti-rv»t <strong>of</strong> the rounty. A rrport on<br />

' thr drath **a* nvulc by Cuujity I<br />

'. fir.«-rr Smith,<br />



• nlan><br />

lilhit-it t<br />

t*w Cj-v M-<br />

Trout<br />

«~ity<br />

i<br />

OM jr rtt\- Club i.<br />

tK- li,t -f tS- .i!h-<br />

SUlr<br />

,ih. ..f ih.<br />

t. ruilal, -. rhlli. . uhia. Jrv b. •<br />

m- ronnuU-* il •, • >«!•»•* by th.i<br />

il. i.r-r. „' ti.. K. • .1 ..C .',-rhid.i-<br />

M.i'<br />

l-'.i'lr..<br />

at'<br />

<strong>of</strong> i-\<br />

l.r..u_hl '•<br />

t • '.hn! t.-.v.<br />

lif,-.<br />

,L; n.u.h<br />

'Thox. Dousbeny.<br />

rr»iimr.l. Mr.<br />

I Douihrrty now li»in_ in Philjjlcl-<br />

XX TKACK MEET , phi*. Pa>t Gratwl Knirht John C.<br />

Wm. K. Mw)'. Jr- <strong>of</strong> OiU city. O"Call«_nan «•** elected lecturer .<br />

the interrolleriato track tin place <strong>of</strong> Hrnry Miller, rolsncl. '<br />

[ gathrHna* <strong>of</strong> iat«rcoU*a>' > l r - sillier rrtsinB his poution <strong>of</strong>'<br />

i___ --—i-ttk* retirement aad pension fond.j<br />


HEARTED"<br />

The rariou* lum* provide for the |<br />

summrr «rtlvttk» aad tke<br />

p<br />

had lataadad to rrp. f,^ <strong>of</strong> opcratioB. but are separattke<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> teacher* „£ and distinct from th* Tariou*<br />

to d<br />

Tk form* <strong>of</strong> publicity provided for in<br />

^<br />

hodgrt, compiled some weeks<br />

ago, for tke cxpraditar* <strong>of</strong> tke<br />

SSfiOO MkUdty<br />

fund. Of IkU<br />

a*. tiij»» U<br />

.but was usable todo so. The<br />

keen poarpntwl until<br />

OTY<br />

B<br />

CLUB TO<br />

•tOADCAST V*OM<br />


Tke Uwt Oak af Oaaaa<br />

Al* TaJaaV<br />

Oa<br />

S<br />

ar^p -ttk tk*<br />

dty rand <strong>of</strong> mfi*.<br />

far tk* a*V<br />

Taoceenrat <strong>of</strong> tke tatcnat* <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Ctty ia aautry Btataa aad dtia*.<br />

Tke Ckaatbrr dc<br />

aaly farsuck ttesa* as<br />

liA<br />




J|r.<br />

g<br />

came to tkl»<br />

Can all tke kick school itatawti<br />

ild<br />

k tk tri to Wk<br />

trip ia tke kas asat wttk<br />

i bt<br />

fourteen year* *ro and «j> veil<br />

I known as a rkef. He wa* »mrloy.<br />

I ed for a leagr tin* by th* Sterling<br />

: restaurant. Be wa* 37. jttn <strong>of</strong><br />

;a«e.<br />

I He is sorrrnd by a widow and.<br />

four children. • i<br />

nx^tinc u.i- lh*- Rx\.<br />

Van I. <strong>of</strong> AtlintV Cllvi<br />

pa-lor <strong>of</strong> ibr Frr»t M<br />

ir. thi- fly. pr. YaniV t_lk<br />

cV«.<br />

m> won by R. 1J. Jnhn .on. while<br />

the M inner <strong>of</strong> thr » it pr<strong>of</strong>rd to<br />

be 4 \»ry fine •ilk" 'art.<br />

. MI.<br />

ha» ••' ha.» now bevn appro\-r <strong>Mar</strong>v .l|"<br />

injr M.<br />

that it i> >II>O.<br />

in'k,r a» to IrihiLIt<br />

kill nn_liv<br />

••'r to Itv • .<br />

*• i racier t hilt<br />

i.<br />

y<br />

; A movn<br />

Ji>.l.-» H.<br />

,urt»l.Wnt<br />

cfTi«-rr> h<br />

vnt i» nntr afoot to tirrt<br />

II. Wrll> i« permanent<br />

<strong>of</strong> (V iww body. Otker<br />

vr not b»rn<br />

ciitc<br />

bring<br />

I the quttti'.n <strong>of</strong> a<br />

in tr.o «-k'i Hit buiMirur<br />

Nothlncdrf<br />

I done.<br />

•w<br />


CTVliafWiaT a asjaai a *LTJB*fc» jt dveaeastm*'<br />

* ' •• **••*•.| to the Cnsint,-- <strong>of</strong> ** •* >***• ••*•<br />

<strong>Mar</strong><br />

to te<br />

Can all tke kick school i t t a i<br />

tp<br />

entitled ta make tka trip toWa*k- laan il spprorsi. but no oo* pr*eto<br />

June, c*o«d late tka ctty aa* at tke meeting Meed toknew<br />

ybttT? Tkis»wtk*«e» tk« aeatlajr caaarlty af tka «*aioV<br />

Ud when Baary B. CWI Because <strong>of</strong> tkta daartk af kaawrr.<br />

Jr, unjaiiiH taa be. te w-d Wdge tka wbei* pre)act awatts a<br />

for tkat aanaaa. at tkia aeia"*' rnnatfar <strong>of</strong> head* aad.a dadara<strong>of</strong>tk»C»*»mber<br />

ef Coa»-J aatkorltle*.<br />

tie* <strong>of</strong> »lew* freea tka aaucaUrsaJ<br />

If taa daaa I* aot toolarge, for U aaa aanaatad tkat Mr.<br />

kUtWaanaati*aea > k B k<br />

W te<br />

ailariaa.eAoircBt.<br />

tka eetttaary Iteaaa tkat aria* «naf<br />

tka year<br />

ocotetrr, ki> ••••<br />

Cavt-KiLnoay<br />

merkoaMta rki<br />

rurraD BPWDAT staoou<br />

Tka Cayja May Caaaty Saad<br />

a*tr kaaat la tkia mQJJyjt laaali af<br />

j"*ara aaa> aad wafl* kec* dariaa<br />

tna aaa*ang ^aaasB a ^^raa aa^^k^v<br />

•*%••> ajMBaaaaaVai OBB^BakBtaam **nW ^BnaaaB_<br />

^ ^ ^*» ••St ^a^r^^^^^^^* ^ ^ ^^" *»^B^»nnan»<br />


PfpiS^5^|l<br />

ta real oatcto.<br />

•BOM aad caak <strong>of</strong><br />

52eV.ftlf.<br />

^^nat<br />

hl.ale eiiaeiaia In<br />

. ^ b.<br />

•battiyfar kk baaw 1* «Ma<br />

tha total laaatt fcr a<br />

Sex*. I aat oaty ad»to»<br />

wS«S<br />

•wraaaaf aa^wo^aaBaBBtrawBB.<br />

Hal* ajey^y tjataa waa ajeaayaaa 7<br />

aa iSyan wa» n?cf5TBJL<br />

wwwata MM* ***<br />

Inn, Haul<br />

& Bakerta.<br />

a far Hank. Oerdaa, 1 «at •* »t<br />

back far AmlaraearCaiainJ far<br />

•l BreedVy. 1 oat <strong>of</strong> t;<br />

eat «f w a> at at<br />

»••> Baa aad<br />

•a aaa taalr taa load. >to C aart aad iearanad away acala oa Schaaaa C<br />

thelea«aaTe/7ttto g to la-«a«at.|<br />

tba baaa<br />

lHa<br />

bay* B aClOatala B ar_-a<br />

aaT. 1W> Mia<br />

Tba TtaWara van baariar aad<br />

rTi ia laaili. LBi O_ UJ_ U IT »»** Batata, Zaha, Geidbare;<br />

Wed coiTfoar. Waaaajwtta al«»* Aateaoa. each^S a doahW,<br />

4aaea.aa4 Jacob*, wta a fair <strong>of</strong> I "»«*»*«»*.. «*ta. two atnriea.<br />

» to U at tba caaaa cf tba<br />

arcs?r-5ris. to «!<br />

•*.\aV<br />

•aaa. W«» bat M aaoaaat w> ga.<br />

g»y^wBaaiysy aMBB AM ^itM «V<br />

wBBV W^OHWHST wtfasj waHat HaHwBaW taVB<br />

Tba aaaw «aa a doat oaa. FlauakMBa'a<br />

canter (WM«I "yaroa"<br />

abeva oan..bat. vbaa It caaaa to<br />

TlS aaftkaw tfc» twtftfe ikkff trrhar tba ban a aaad-aa?4kay wn,<br />

for OuMdn Uls JMST. y TWyW** aarattynadaaaiab. atayaaaaM<br />

^vfa taarcaataa ay baia teaa>a,<br />

foar. taHaa ta atirtlaaiw, aaot ta ~ • «an aa aicapUoaaBy krflpteyvte<br />

Ota caaw—kot »««•<br />

H*^BBMBI_ a^f af^a^Ba^feaM Aa^al a^Bbraft<br />

U Tmfia jaaiar mrit<br />

d<br />



75 ACRE FARM<br />


BaV-l<br />

Oa atara Bead. 1<br />

i <strong>of</strong> team —rt.<br />

d a Ua acara,<br />

- *<br />

ttfajat aaaaad to<br />

•a Ut TM laaa aal kaw Tw tjn*<br />

m*<br />

|*h«yrai« be tae faaate af*a<br />

fWa* aaa. wffl atntrt TJ»<br />

l<br />

Mr,Owner! Mr. Builder!<br />

We ek«ploy regkdarly oar own aafHumfri in praetkallj<br />

lines <strong>of</strong> work—thereby •afaitaintni dbeer control over our ctav<br />

ftractkn and tavin.; many in-betweca proAta, whka we P"»^<br />

•Jottfrtoyov. • . • • ... • '^<br />

We are eqoipped to handle yrwr entire project from<br />

foundation to tae pteamMng. iNothiaft* too large to atop aa<br />

nodtbtg too aasal tointerest as.<br />

Let oor Mr. W. B. Dongherrjr call and ghre yo« bar eaUoute-<br />

-A card will bring UBI in two daya, with ah«MBt elaa taken oat far tka*<br />

akaaid be ait.tWiaiiVaaM.<br />

to protect tka wjfa. PeUdeatakaa<br />

Po»cytola-<br />

faadhrahei<br />

. war allowed<br />

wkBe a yet fora ie ad-1 bawawad<br />

«wabla ta towt care <strong>of</strong> btttabaaat . j wttkaat tka<br />

wan aad tka ayateav<br />

awd aoa»Vrte<br />

MkOBV wMQwaSwat wJoT •aVTTtll lawMfa<br />

—«B ******* twAr mtfBd «D<br />

^ a»^«t. aaaaBaBt l waaBt__SBBa# wawaawB<br />

wBTaV Sift l**4fl^VBI ,TaTa»wJ»<br />

fa baat far each aaiaaa ia a<br />

it tka beet<br />

lit,<br />

-TUa. baaaw. dock aot<br />

tjkat Jnssraaee<br />

he aaad oaty to pay<br />


wUfcta tha BepabUcaa aaity <strong>of</strong> Hew<br />

Xeraay. tod by VaMacfStatee SeBatar%kja<br />

aad K.C BNtai. BeaabticBa<br />

Btata Cka^raaaa. eja aaaV<br />

j<br />

awe> tdwaV<br />

Tha Jab*<br />

baa abaadv aadened tka arhv<br />

f h bOL<br />

a i<br />

to both farav<br />


to h<br />

Dr. Wadaa Kaaaak, <strong>of</strong> Ike Oeete.<br />

oa the partial aay<br />

ata to aa fear ef beat<br />

aay oaa Umt topayBAoaWr.<strong>of</strong>thoan<br />

-.left<br />

• • - - Jtt<br />

tatolifa U<br />

U <strong>of</strong> the<br />

"la •aaaraL _ Soaa thfadrv early tothe wotk for Pier.<br />

kaea taaapitttera <strong>of</strong> the Pedatal <strong>of</strong> the com caa tJiMHinllia.lhta. They ainottod to *fa}t varly<br />

make loaf ttee-loaaa that baaka iooa aerticiaa <strong>of</strong> that State aad to<br />

Pana Laaa Beak*, the Joint Stock<br />

8e*fc-.<br />

•w^ a^ta la»tt»rfteo»«U«T!w#Bae*boo*t«a-«i»<br />

Ifcetr aandaca la Kaal Batata.<br />

to bafld it faalwaya wtae to<br />

other bead taay caa boaeeUy aeyja^ t t aad d have h<br />

diet that Ufa laamaata laaaa iaaocaethtea; « fcim'pat taan,,. yoa tooca wtta h the h<br />

wkkk rxryooe akooM carry for proper par>to« waq haadle<br />

eee or aaaay i<br />

EaBedaBy d n<br />

bttarfriaaUei i <strong>of</strong> forced wtiidi he mmmU TaU faaa<br />

acrtajr for taoee who ler* adf• Mtti) reason why h it U ia dto e«M»-<br />

coatrol or who ha*a faDOka that ie to nt Ufa iaaoraaca tfcreagh<br />

Faraach. Uf<strong>of</strong><br />

A.K.<br />

TJi<br />

^obeMj^oaa <strong>of</strong> !!.,•»««,.., «. ^rfcl to hi. diat.<br />

alao<br />

fenda aa ia Bttocgaa<br />

. for .* ricat kind <strong>of</strong> ia- JiJ<br />

i yoar aatsral ace <strong>of</strong> uwl- •arance. Life tnaaraoee jhooH as I —<br />

ancy year estate «ota a hf«ncr lnnctr be looked opon a> a mm<br />

rate <strong>of</strong> iaternt Uian vt cooid po^- Muty- ^y^, ,,„. gm to m, tarn-1 r. M.<br />

tlhry cot ia aay oUirr way with, jjy. It U the hackhone <strong>of</strong> a anal I "<br />

Kiaal aerartty. For JMtatw. inrfoatry «nd rfiooU bo eapKalUx) |<br />

baml oa tho arrraxe cxperiraee ef an,| n^sd „ „ bcuineu and ia a<br />

mOUocu <strong>of</strong> people, a man SS y**r» bo^nM, • WKy . \<br />

eld aaoold nalaraOy lHre 31 years, | IM » r i > re aad Katieaal Piotitaa i<br />

9 montJu, 10 day*, ami upon thU -y ot on jy ls n/ o tntaranee a<br />

npectancy the prlee o/ Uuorance • ^ro., trvn to indirfdnal^ bat It ha. <<br />

U baaed. If the SS yrir eld nun K^OOT, a ^^at factor fn drandns.<br />

lin-» to bo U year* old. he grt» . _-'-<br />

practically the .'.<br />

•-."Vf<br />

1 1 •,"•«<br />

'-•. >y<br />

- : . • ' * •<br />

i<br />

\<br />

;••••'<br />

' »t'<br />

1<br />

i<br />

II<br />

at • **<br />

l.'vCi.<br />

IS<br />

."• f.<br />

.1<br />

ii^<br />


^ . • '<br />

••,-•><br />

V • • • ' > . ' ' " ' t •<br />

ssssss<br />

rw>^_____Fw*mrV_^<br />

Easy*<br />

MAtCH tt. IMaV<br />

BWB<br />

asa-w<br />

isaes<br />

amirfWJti<br />

.(tfaia t try to do aoythinc too<br />

it'tat atony." " Ben la a aayinar by<br />

---''•* ^» man that appttaa to<br />

-nmay. montha, tha iiwrtei nftiHon <strong>of</strong><br />

"•tract has ban dot baton <strong>City</strong> Com-<br />

Tfrr**—* aaav VBIBBJB . oar con*<br />

, i fhritn that they do not wast or<br />

^fcaW they fafl to act or sat jraanlta.<br />

^•fl VW^ 'I & _«•____•_---__•• -Vain "**<br />

a^BH^Dav^Vav^Ba^K wpesw___t •iD^I^^'<br />

cntrine rig**«W«r **'«W ftwet ttoar<br />

on steal tias^in a bed <strong>of</strong> coni._t<br />

•.« 'cost <strong>of</strong> aboe_T$AOOO.<br />

^hr afl"th. * pvtaf paving aaa^t part oTthe<br />

Either the <strong>City</strong><br />

j they ara-Bot aUD-<br />

woold be <strong>of</strong>.anat benefit.'as<br />

f th cars would be eifwilnated<br />

ttt# damage to. the street paving greatly<br />

—'-^ with practically no noise,<br />

ia no sign that' the city wiD<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficiate and<br />

coat oat <strong>of</strong> the railway; the'!** 1<br />

l^l^ Warn how Ittttlf $he <strong>City</strong> Commit<br />

& - i -- i — ttjflaa to f^oot <strong>of</strong> the raflwayv,<br />

street bosineea people would * 82a -<br />

agree jto-pay the little difiareoce.<br />

KtaaV<br />

*or cannot start until<br />

laaaneJ and the<br />

Ud.<br />

•.atitaet' w0 be torn op wft£te pros-<br />

s—-——» t *Tmf*ny M»awiB*•——'tobroadeaata<br />

cohort b^thelfe-adlngJWfroad Band la the<br />

efoortyn Theatre. ' _1ma dstee forthia af><br />

Cfir have been tentatively arranged, .and<br />

ea$h time them baa ben a hold ope<br />

m<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>City</strong> High School<br />

'th*. Board, <strong>of</strong> Bdncatfan. at It*; dbee to be placed at each <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Three weeks ago, if wa are aot fntetalam,<br />

two parkin* space* on tb* land. I<br />

a nipceeiutatlife <strong>of</strong> the Baa Twhybona Quay I awarded Tbo*. Tb* Ctty f-nmnf-fliiiiin now haw*', _ _. —_«_*_ ..<br />

MWpUa.<br />

peay. In a bn-tneaa. talk with President J.<br />

UM contxact to tartrfra.<br />

ahiwbhur hbh and d plant*<br />

thia sanjeet under coiulderstion. OcCBB Oty aMBBM Ita -<br />

Ffcwd. -Canoe, <strong>of</strong> tha <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty Chamber <strong>of</strong> .far th* *-o«mda suiruundlaf the - - - - -<br />

has<br />

<strong>of</strong> the, •l tar,BatChaaaveOccar<br />

ar. BBKUBM<br />

Commerce, -r» made —— » a verbal •«•»• Hiniiwn agreement nniU that<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> CKjr Bith School befldta*, dawffltaiwSlomDowanoi<br />

Hwit <strong>of</strong> tba acnool niilVt*' *w-.<br />

saNaarhy<br />

U the blodtbef*au Fifth ancast<br />

to* conceit at a cost not to exceed $480, • ana<br />

e ?T l !Sf n * «*• «*<br />

the BeO TUepfaone Compaay would broad- {*_*• •**••«• aa* OMBB aa* fag,<br />

g,<br />

cafttha w*s »<br />

The Beading Railroad agread to loan its jaea <strong>of</strong> tha trooada to b*<br />

I olace* <strong>of</strong> this teeort next i<br />

wiree from Atlantic <strong>City</strong> to Wrftadefehta tor Uxr tmprftnd bf «*• hwt Tboaaaada <strong>of</strong> visftora<br />

f afat i^anaarf «l*ctifc<br />

the p-rpoai«a* Batting <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty and the<br />

proposed 'ctinsaR 1 oa tha air, aad it woald<br />

give thia fne <strong>of</strong> charge. That waa fine,<br />

and eVerythfag appeared to be wotting well,<br />

but the projectors <strong>of</strong> tha phm failed to take<br />

the Bell people m*> Ikis caterto<br />

prMng er. raljlno; the question <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Ben Company woold charge for an T & °US SIZE'S<br />

dusive aae <strong>of</strong> the telephone be- height oa. Ropjyinthis<br />

dty and Phil_deh_ii_. AfW « • <strong>of</strong> their tea tn^—;»•• *«——*•__»<br />

the fiee throw ant to th* at*}*"*<br />

The sowed half eoe-id BB wtth<br />

th*loe*adf*l*y_»hrm_n7wocfc.<br />

Tbeyoot^eored uZintadera. Before<br />

tb* «Mt*n could (bid theftbeartor.th*<br />

locals nag op ten<br />

petata, Jaa-aape, Brandt. _<br />

told and d Townsend Tswnaaad aeeh each with Man-<br />

a<br />

Townamd alao mad* two<br />

UUVWVa BKUEtM IM •COft<br />

tlw b<br />

Berlin • a<br />

Toon* maa standing<br />

alooavld* <strong>of</strong> a that, was d*m-<br />

land., l»t**<<br />

vaT atam<br />

and<br />

ifjond the rhur for a double. Tb*<br />

Iriattor* took another sprtot. while<br />

UM locals cased a atagl* Jost h»-<br />

fotw th* tfanalmpar aeaadad bi»<br />

!whir»Ktb* ixnM ewUne: «t to 2><br />

•••- ' Guards.<br />

«yer <strong>of</strong> the<br />

t, made Ma<br />

i the lead<br />

I The ilnoath maa a<br />

'waa "Jhrnay" Browa. - .___<br />

iTeteraa <strong>of</strong> the ribbed eoert, aad<br />

|h*ha-ds*d tbagan*<br />

[factioa<strong>of</strong>aa<br />

Thar* waa a lent* -_------.<br />

Enryoa* U with tb* teem aad all<br />

arebapter that the tocah wflj<br />

t^aln to wiBi<br />

Ocaan CKT baa now dropped _-o<br />

unaa atraiint ia —M secead ^mt f<br />

<strong>of</strong>tbaloawa. Tha tana ia atttlod<br />

Trtmty—"X. D. Kauay. ' Ut tha bottom <strong>of</strong> tha LaotBaataad-<br />

WowWy UmertMl — *Cfcii(tiaa' in-<br />

--B»«at-- -" !<br />

T.<br />

PBlnt—*U W. Renck.<br />

— ^^—....*—'A. U Rote.<br />

He Center Grov»—C a Beeres.<br />

8»«- Ct-nttrton—J W.<br />

(Cootini.«d on Fat* •)<br />



Msgwolis When thew arrirrd. tha<br />

]**»t ««rol». sivi two others who<br />

joined them I—t»r, wrr* taken In<br />

• by the s«_t» poiic*. The Realtor Hu Preprrty Deab<br />

T>«np«n. Wishinstoo. D. C. snd **•* T"» Weeka.<br />

.„, yeew inore .nbecrlbers in <strong>Ocean</strong> Oty X*1S^ 2^^-_Ta_d<br />

!<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ie Eobbbu. Camdm. - . . _ .<br />

la tan op daring the basy; tn>n in all <strong>of</strong> the other seashore reaort* in ••tUr* that a wi-ilai commit-<br />

ear<br />

Cipe May CoantV combined.<br />

teo <strong>of</strong> tb* Chamber Is e-er ae«T»<br />

are not so busy __ the<br />

frirods tvo Jn that t>aa otmttj<br />

• ?rr^ - . m aach maxtaxs and woold be gUd^rFtte- before rota, «pMy J* and ha the proepacta<br />

Yet the CJty Oommia-<br />

to a aovtbem dtrecUon. - J * b g are<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly a few days ago, the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> to taka the qtwatfoa op with Mr.<br />

" to ba kat<br />

$1200from<br />

taWlaBaao'wiBtar. The^watet Chamber <strong>of</strong><br />

the<br />

Commerce<br />

BsQ lUepbone<br />

received<br />

Company<br />

a bfll<br />

fo<strong>of</strong><br />

F^£^2?t't£Z£SZ<br />

advertising in the company's books.<br />

hum baaa Ud. new stract car<br />

!*ldera-(oa.~<br />

widened and paved Ammfber<strong>of</strong> theprotrcaairebcuineas men ' ' Mr. Pfe-raSa *nlsr*ed opoo hit<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty ha*, sobscribed as mad* ss<br />

**- v - »—»— —»«i—M» —. uw \jnm- one saw the _.f<br />

" by sayin- ' ttajltoptX «»«»,__— ka did not dUoern tS* nnn. , UUM<br />

•-tel"*» a<br />

flOOO ead. tow«d «iv«rti«tog tm.<br />

-"-'<strong>of</strong> the ._<br />

•mder 11000 bafl<br />

during thif f—^nfntg m PT^n%<br />

and summer. Thia -<br />

that Tho maa fctTIod wu Wra. WarJ.<br />

cooid <strong>of</strong> CamrlmU± U fiO<br />

; Job too cfaeapiy,<br />

i that the dty Gjtnn-*-<br />

ITfc-Intro the lint cost that they<br />

sh-bbOy.<br />


<strong>On</strong>e Is always sore to give a cordial<br />

arrive hero oa their<br />

oott* AprQ 28, remaining M u«ul. for<br />

This wffl be the fourth year that<br />

1 APRIL 13 BDA1E<br />


Th*<br />

Far Ftve Lever<br />

'• ef 8UU.<br />

a Hrthapfa pe-«_» tor a>*<br />

Una <strong>of</strong> cooit in tha fb«<br />

cd'hittf<strong>of</strong>U<br />

ss"<br />

lac by Felic* Jostle* Win far •<br />

dabsed to have bo_c_t<br />

«K«r She aad Mr. and M«-<br />

C 3. IVarL<br />

Vew Yor% Ctty; Mr. and<br />

WlUUun L. Lodueher, Mr.<br />

Mrm. J. W. l_adcabercer.<br />


have taken their<br />

.taasm<br />

T- T _.—loltaaaalabytfaacoeoalthocvfa<br />

thcraarw<br />

aaa load <strong>of</strong> atraat dirt. -rhJea<br />

•US.<br />

ttdtfHenlt ot! reiax-tioa. when they may<br />

j^ba caa ' m prt A -that rrrr-h {the Boardwalk and also Indulge in<br />

LbeMfit the dty. wa haw loiokad<br />

if they fed ao disposed: - Cap*. R. K. SOOT, <strong>of</strong> Ph-addphia.<br />

n-Bcr residrst <strong>of</strong> this dty.<br />

^-•*""•<br />

way that the<br />

--» asaeet- tte week's vj-ttors.<br />

<strong>of</strong>Prt-<br />

• Bomber <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty bastnee —_. —_<br />

othen, who bare- been in Florida far a porta_B<br />

or al ea* tha winter months, an retarahv<br />

to tbaer home town, and they<br />

«>THrA8BIVAI_S+<br />


Tb* members <strong>of</strong> th. fu, Hon-i . . The'twjew.r-, I<br />

mr : •»* ">«»• «- H. JO-BMXL HT. C W. Alcock. O. E.<br />

^_a£S_:<br />

cetCoaat. and wOl he rooe ahoat<br />

by<br />

ctty wfll p^,- ^<br />

in -_ft«va»d_i_<br />

P p r traa dtstrac-<br />

lderatio^i<br />

late this sftrmoon. Sut at<br />

th* bocr ef roiat; to pm* h WM<br />

not kxbuwa dtftaitssy how the bia<br />

pablidty fan) wfll bo allotted.<br />


Sorrice* <strong>of</strong> the F1r>t Baptbt<br />

Oiiith next Sun.lay wID b* held I<br />

in the *oei—I now. Tenth street!<br />

and Wesley »»-noe. at U» an»M<br />

K«-~i *i« _»«'-' th* "-» rr I<br />

LUNCH<br />

«<br />

Cu<br />

•M<br />

}«afi*ttl*-.Xlsf*.<br />

SSe rkflbya sad Bm<br />

For Large. Mortgages<br />

<strong>On</strong> Improved Property<br />

-Central Avenue 1<br />

tun,*.,**<br />

H. Kuehn<br />

8th and Atlantic A<br />

; —<br />

Do ytm know that vah*ea alo<strong>of</strong> tlda<br />

are going op rapidly? Get in now<br />

its are yours.<br />

VV/E are fortunate in having several parcel_rto,a3©d^4tt><br />

•V pr<strong>of</strong>it making prices. Quick action is the thin'gr<br />


428 Oeeaa A venae<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

CM *<br />

ERNEST M.<br />

4th ajrfWeaie<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Caty, N.Jfc<br />

"The Better the Service<br />

The Bigger the Bank"<br />

It would be easy for us to say, The bigger<br />

the bank, the better the service."<br />

But we prefer to say. The better the<br />

service, the bigirer the bank-"<br />

For it is service that builds a bank.<br />

Give good service and success will take<br />

care <strong>of</strong> itself—in hanking or in other<br />

fields.<br />

There are many men and women in<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> who would find it pr<strong>of</strong>itable<br />

to do business .with us—as depositors<br />

in our Banking Department, as investors,<br />

as clients <strong>of</strong> our Trust and Title<br />

Departments.<br />

AH you need to do is to come in and tell<br />

us your problem. Then we can try to<br />

work it out for yon and with you—on a<br />

"good service basis."<br />

Tratata TUlm Itumramem 4%ThmmAt<br />

MI;-<br />

••*?•>;<br />

*TI *_r* j 7 _, A "Cp__B__BJ<br />

•eaiaT *——a* arta—•^_» _____<br />

>» '•*agaawatbT^<br />

FraakEeDarlrj<br />

aatka<br />

* *<br />


l<br />

,J-<br />

v •" '<br />

Fit<br />

: '-:>^l<br />

1 K+<br />

?;•"'" »•>» ^^ ____I^_I^^—__i<br />

j»v.<br />

- i-i<br />

Ai<br />

•<br />


Locatknl<br />

Viaitora'<br />

amd Trotmt<br />


Title & Trust<br />

fitjcf••*••.*•-'"..•'•-*• *.. •*.' ''.'^. -»<br />


'•••,'•»•<br />

afc Ofc .1<br />

Hdge as Her Escort<br />


" Mfc, adott Ufi<br />

•tea, sad ooe<br />

' tke Unit In Ttew<br />

Jtaakstobeaad<br />

^tetar.aayhew.<br />

was to BO* a aatfat<br />

•war kaaw wkat OB<br />

a fatally. Ito caacr<br />

I to abaat » yaraai<br />

tmHaa a<br />

tkBtttbTaVwd^Ti<br />

lately salato to a |<br />

kted. Whatever It<br />

tolti<br />

.test *way.<br />

watootkarmtnat<br />

pattest. Belt n.<br />

whata oaa child<br />

its. tka<br />

<strong>of</strong> them iH mman to the, nee<br />

It starts to «sst oat tka poll<br />

aad It snffets a oartaia injury te<br />

tka praesss, wkkk wa can a laak.<br />

wboae aston liaiaiit oa tka kted<br />

<strong>of</strong> poison bates thrown <strong>of</strong>t The<br />

NeMkM tlM full t& ••aUteal |MNI|<br />

fte* oa tha head sad ftnTto-<br />

•to tke<br />

aad throat.<br />

wii^ kaaaaasf Ito pons. an<br />

maHaally doss, as tkey are akyslo-.<br />

" M» amiaiH te da. sad far-<br />

_JrA£3ST« Jka sato.<br />

oaaaaa. Asa rssatt tkay an tocfc.<br />

ad oa> tetka body aaa aartoas d"<br />

•f tke nek is<br />

aa to<br />

WefeklyFaahion<br />

Hints<br />

Prepared B^adaUr IW<br />

The Sentiael-Ledter<br />

Work on UM kat flr» «nt«et»<br />

start ID the sear Man. Award*<br />

ban beta .nade by tka Bridn<br />

•adsston sad all an ttesd •»<br />

as to be ernntliril tar tka ad<br />

walna; oa My 4tk.<br />

Baddaa tka swardtec af tka eoo-<br />

ThS4<br />

tswsrdsdsniAddV<br />

'•M<br />

Sysri .»**«- xm,t<br />

aad the fttst L<br />

• plaaa. tka OTMD<br />

tracts Car tka i<br />

isftta<br />

^<br />

••x-m<br />

vVj<br />

a son<br />

<strong>1926</strong><br />

r ?m&<br />

F or<br />

[$ehol4<br />

-A*<br />

mm.<br />

loa>a' AW<br />

«oekty <strong>of</strong> the Pint M. E. OBR*<br />

wm-kaid s feed atto at tha Cordoa<br />

Kaiket fcUrd»y. Aptfl S.<br />

Th*» win be s Sat dtolay <strong>of</strong> utldaa,<br />

toat what many oi the Eaater<br />

riaan wfll be (bd to bay.for<br />

May te IkU dty.<br />

their keibtoy<br />


ran a tLM iiimrt trip<br />

„, net <strong>Ocean</strong> Oty to PmflU<br />

After chs ateesr aaea eie^ e^<br />

CB. BSBwSwM.WAAk ^^mm ^b—aS<br />

-^•ET^^^T-T^ ^"OW WBJWBBBBB)<br />

Burmo<br />

saa His.<br />

CW.WBasa.ef I<br />

tk. Ualtad<br />

Itetkei<br />

•AST00MO SON.<br />

teg tk. tto« tfca i<br />

• It to set. aa a rale <<br />

•Ck tka m Una <strong>of</strong><br />

Han. a» a IfcM Beam<br />

to It by a<br />

-iyteteriT<strong>of</strong>^rei..<br />

sal takes an test as atack apart<br />

the «eaaae as an these efthe<br />

parts. «ktoh asass sfl tka <<br />

BMBS WBM Bw#Nwlat> tl<br />

Ik steaalee. Aad the i<br />

part <strong>of</strong> It to tka* ti<br />

ttoB <strong>of</strong> the I<br />

*ana • k<br />

l<br />

rsQkv<<br />

<strong>of</strong> the<br />

a cksiata narkae to the<br />

i <strong>of</strong> aatetvt • effort to.<br />

to a aatf4hsitod dtosass.<br />

VVaBwl • <strong>On</strong>SM (OTaaTSJ! aUKI Mwl*<br />

*-— * *g&<br />

_ . - Ikh toa<br />

to «tov <strong>of</strong> Ota fact ttat<br />

•a Ub saa eat <strong>of</strong> avary<br />

ssejsai was aavs wL Taa<br />

saat do aajtklag ^ Bas>^ ^KA^W<br />

anxavaV •SHBr•« awwIBWM MQ*<br />

SB tt, hat sea. at<br />

(1) A van oa tha lower Up, m%<br />

nmi Buartks atanitlaa, aian n<br />

_ . like esBesTTaay he<br />

_ bat aa tka basto <strong>of</strong> hrforssBttoa<br />

^H^eltfeed «v*» w t^ ^^^<br />

Dkaly dto^saato. if I kaav yssr<br />

aas aad osald have ether potota e<<br />

BW^BBS^BWBSBB^BSWI wft VS*BBKBtl saswlwa.<br />

Aa bast tkhw •• «i *>" / s«<br />

a<br />

ST a. i<br />

Wont<br />

Synp<br />

•«. IT nrrnr vans.<br />

»!•• b nuu<br />


or TUX aarrcs mm<br />

U5C0LN FBE&B. S2J St.<br />


Tk caat aolc b one that b bifVy<br />

mwja the hwM iracha oi tka<br />

r ««oa. la atsMn. s> ika can cba.<br />

m at an tnax<br />

Xtaa H. E. C Pkffltoa. <strong>of</strong> tU»<br />

EGUDiri<br />

•* Aakary Ava. . Ocaaa Oty<br />

If You Hive « Rt*<br />

That Need*—<br />



CLEANING aad<br />


Or If 7oo in bayisc »e«<br />

Rao and waa( t. un li u<br />

»^ lOat write<br />

Smitli Rag Work*, Inc.<br />

4IS W. M^i, StnH.<br />

M1LLVILLE. S. i.<br />

Lorml Rcprrventatiwo<br />

B.iBVEY OOBB.<br />

1(47 Weet Arcase<br />

OCEAN crnr. N. J.<br />

B**> wove, f vaa aid car-<br />

. pets, to* B»f« aas Ba« Car-<br />

P«t wevca to order.<br />



Window Shades Made aad<br />

gj^lUd to Order; ; £g<br />



11<br />

ctty, N. J.<br />

Oar<br />

aunhwas; «yaa far ti<br />

Oar OmciAKS an i<br />


^•S^J^to-caifar<br />


L. W. BEITS and SONS<br />

kjaMgarfg stevstst^Bw! BBTfff RIBWBBI WBSWIWBWWB- BwBBw^BwfBkPw^BBwh BB^BwBwBwl<br />

>Ory<br />

"ilkW Ckty, H. JL<br />

ONE-DAY<br />


Friday, April 2 -<br />



^<br />

^^mm^^m<br />

mmmmmm<br />

You<br />

ijratt<br />

tso:<br />

Tfefcai<br />

SllraLBaottt<br />

—QUALITY<br />


-SERVICE<br />


ra wu sow<br />

•*• JjBOED A!<br />

- SSDVB<br />



FssrtaV «WMai ABB .Bcwm JtwBaaW<br />


HOT<br />




or<br />

ill<br />

KYoa Want to Mate<br />

We Have Tracts <strong>of</strong><br />

200 Acre*<br />

159 Acres<br />

And SmaBcr Tract, for Sile-We Most<br />

Have Quick Action<br />



BUY NOW!<br />

Samuel Nappen<br />

116 N. J. PASTORS<br />


Nrt BtoUtfc—T. J. B. H0L<br />

^ y dmabnUln.<br />

Rnt_*O. A. IN.<br />

8M bto OtJ—*a<br />

A C. B«d«T.<br />

. H. tft*.<br />

Btwlli—re J. a BalA*m. .<br />

H.<br />

WtBtaB»to«»-J. W. Stekam.<br />

Woodraff and BaatsliaTii — *Md-<br />

Jrka Haarfbr, SBMristaodciit.<br />

Jaaooo—C K. tekm.<br />

—t W. W. Pcna.<br />

Colaaial BIII lUajcr—W. kUaor- C Manlra.<br />

Cnaa Kaya aad D*wn«*-*C. M.<br />

Sakm-S. kt V<br />

. J.<br />

Part bpobife ana Sattfcrfl]*—&<br />

H. Jfuaa, • • ,.. ••<br />

Tu-bow-'S. Oi<br />

*"* A. »+. -'<br />

— -•—. --.w—-. X X Wncat»<br />

Thereto*—*W.d**rita.<br />

Ttoiaiwflla—B. P. Batk.<br />

V«f*a-H. H. HanflL<br />

W«har<br />

Woodbair—W. X Siwriir.<br />

Woodl3r»aa-J. M. tfat '<br />

OOMMANPgR Uttflitfl<br />


WmaoWte, a C, Mawm'lL—<br />

pmtrftd<br />

<strong>of</strong>f at a fat* af abort <br />

Ka im«*cd U.tn h*r t tab »»«».<br />

Mr. Investor!<br />

Consider<br />

the<br />

following<br />


Oceao Front<br />

CastaEy located aad<br />

aceaess . '<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Front<br />

$1000 Per Fool<br />

x •; ** i<br />

cum a OCZA.% crrr<br />


A Wise Buyer<br />

Will Investigate These Offerings:<br />

For Investment<br />

A Recently Built Property in the Center<br />

<strong>of</strong> Busmen Activity. Lk 60 bv 100<br />

feet Well Financed<br />

Two Family Apartment<br />

Six Rooms and Bath m Each Apartment.<br />

Cltrf Furnished. Ivorafr-d Near<br />

HoteL Price $12,500.<br />

No. 8<br />


517 Eighth Street Phone 1330<br />

-A Beautiful Home<br />

<strong>On</strong>e Htodred and Frfty Feet From Boardwalk.<br />

Finely Furnished. ^Three Bathrooms.<br />

Lot 65 by 100 Feet<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Front Lot<br />

Offered Below the Level <strong>of</strong>j<br />

Prices. Located Inthe BUBM« '<br />

The Boardwalk. 130 Feet Frontage.<br />

STANTON, he<br />


Eighth Street at Occw<br />

:VI<br />

IN FLORIDA .<br />

tbm U davdopte* a rtiww nwvennKit from Ae<br />

d hl«b prk*d South. .ectiaM to the Central<br />

^ wbera fair prices and healthy condition*<br />

If • a good time to learn about it and I can ten you<br />

* t 3y avrava and tr*««b htra naka m* T«ry £amOlar<br />

with it.<br />

RALPH LGOFF, <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N.J.<br />

Smr at Ga4<strong>Mar</strong>a^ Via. (TW Uairwity Oty)<br />

See That Your<br />

Children—-<br />

Learn the value: <strong>of</strong> monejr! Impress opon<br />

their youthful minds the same lessons that<br />

you, perhaps, teamed to your youth—namely,<br />

that "Every Dollar Saved is a Dollar<br />

Earoedr<br />

Appeal to their childish pride by opening a<br />

savings account here for than. Then, give.<br />

toward it, yoaH add a similar amount! Ifs<br />

to start HM thrift habtt.<br />

ifaik tm<br />

I'T.i • , -<br />

*.-<br />

- Theses Are Real<br />

Investment Opportunities<br />


6 Rooms—Furniahed<br />

WMltin two Modes<br />

Ofbeath<br />

$5^00<br />

LOTS<br />

27th St. and Asbury Ave.<br />

$3,200 each<br />

- Everything for Safe and Rent<br />

. the <strong>Mar</strong>ket has to <strong>of</strong>fer<br />

The most conservative<br />

men in the city s<br />

"This is going to be <strong>Ocean</strong> Gty's greatest year/V .^<br />

We believe there is going to be no question 4<br />

about it.<br />

'?3<br />

Are you prepared to make money this Spring and<br />

Summer? Do you hold any property now? If<br />

you expect to invest, don't wait until the activity<br />

is at its height. Buy now and make your pr<strong>of</strong>its<br />

early and <strong>of</strong>ten. We can help you with our<br />

expert advice regarding any section <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> land.<br />

Study <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Real Estate<br />



• REALTOR •••:•"•,-.MS,<br />

m<br />

'S*£*fa'r r ''?' : 'i'': v-^i'•^"<br />

J^'jk'-f-'<br />


OMTPLB<br />

mmiur<br />

Jaw* nmarfad—* twaa aver tinut"<br />

Mop moro<br />

MMT dent «*«B allow Maul hatband<br />

tarn*. Moat <strong>of</strong> UM tfaoi a lot <strong>of</strong> kaabanda<br />

- to kU*. kkk or km oata otter.<br />

ta Cbt-tt Chart<br />

Mr. aad Mra. Frad. Pataff law*<br />

mtod UM Samora eottao «•» Bar<br />

With tha bill eaUbw for two<br />

Mr. and Mra, Loub Lemmlehwra ctrcoH coot Jodfca harinf<br />

laumoiod from tho "fHppo."<br />

aaceod roodlMr ta tho Wrto ta. dreilt beach from that locattty,<br />

wtth tha ptufcabflWea bate*<br />

paaaail<br />

Hn. WdUard Garriaoa and _-.-.» 1 aad appanaUy harlac M<br />

blataro<br />

jhrta. wfll h. nettedtoPy-*<br />

da<strong>of</strong><strong>Mar</strong>. Carol, and Mra, Hocfearta mat BBPtwrHim. w>U« aoimhiir<br />

and dansW. Bdmv motond to tho eotaluty that Oo*»roor Mooro will<br />

crmn* no<br />

•oldier* 7 homo in VlaoUad a fo» tai^oenlatfaa b itfo aa to<br />

the BOW jodce ctton tha other<br />

dare a*o to riatt Captain Berry, X Tbo namod to tho now<br />

father <strong>of</strong> Mra. Garriaoa. lodfloahlpa, • Priaada <strong>of</strong> Jndfo EUradco, <strong>of</strong><br />

Tbo yoaaa; daathtor <strong>of</strong> Mr. and It b oadrratood that tha plaaa <strong>of</strong><br />

Mn. Georfa 8pttal» my flL tha political loadora caO for m<br />

Wm. MacDonald hu oponod a Darooerat aad oao lUpobJkan, fcm<br />

fiDotrjr (ton on Seoood lUnt<br />

no dtflalto aancotloa aanct haa boaa<br />

p<br />

b ST SadTaato whleheod hlhd <strong>of</strong> f tfco tfcStat. GEORGE B. GBE1S<br />

from aa attack <strong>of</strong> fflneaa. wfll t«t tho oa. oao<br />

tin way <strong>of</strong> f aappotetaMnt. p p . aHhooa* AIIOMBI aa*} COOltSKLUM.<br />

Charlee B. Evaae wae oatoTtam- oodoabtadly ODO wfll fll bo b aaalfnad<br />

«d 07 John P. Smith, <strong>of</strong> Sealimia,<br />

l d<br />

•tl<br />

Window<br />

tt^O^ baa too«jAdTnirUra-<br />

Him. Frank Shlrky y ontartainod<br />

D Uoa for oao etota*>*a, aaJMa<br />

hrr abter, Mba Plormea Downa, dreaft moat hoW^*J £<br />

for arroral daya thb<br />

U tobo doaa tha pablle wKa raaa-<br />

Word haa boon noiHsd from<br />

attB. AUti Cty<br />

. K. Am. Soe. C B.<br />

BCtLT t» rOUMCXB TO 00*<br />

f in. «,. for .W<br />

to Ma roatanryit OB Bay<br />

SMOS Ptitf Nttei<br />

At tho Graco Lathoraai Ceapraratleo.<br />

tho potpU wfll be iBkd on<br />

Tho Bay Vlow Hotel property, day. In VtaalaMl thb«oak- b Bo o»-<br />

£'•»>•*•' * at aa) wtfa Bam to play brJdr* hot ownt ka<br />

hotwarnirwfll<br />

bet Snad*r<br />

aa old laadmarfc. stoat tho bay pocta to atart b) tho<br />

Sunday by Uw nflaMphla B-anl<br />

J^.seatmma > Zaf «SBB aha ewe*oomo bamV. they fh* her tha -awottartT amDoT" will be oadw Tflrat floor,wtth or, a Mra. Sarah Koelor. Mra. Eva<br />

cafeteria. oa tho<br />

floor, Oaric. Mn. Jerry BoUaaoa, Mra.<br />

At «h» BHhany M. P. Ctarcb MOTION WOBS<br />

K# »irlt>« Somiay wfll ba; JonV<br />

•i-fi<br />

> faya «ad paye aad paya. Bcforo maniac* he<br />

awaaawat attar anothar aad afmr mairlac*. ha<br />

—at attar aaathrr oa the faratoo aha bajya aa<br />

i <strong>of</strong>'taal<br />

. • rAMOOS LACTUNBS.<br />

{Warn wa WMe)<br />

[mUt TaataBttaaar (Aadttdld).<br />

•nAareelaae<br />

'oLn'rwmm,<br />

a Ma. lUckWs lib b a<br />

an mriooad<br />

Mn. JoBaio ftror, Mra. JOBS*<br />

Ctoaimaa aad Mim <strong>Mar</strong>y wHaoa, ot<br />

Ttcttora at tho<br />

PototTnaoday.<br />

malndahnniMM<br />

<strong>of</strong> fjowan aa a birthday proMat<br />

by^ablo from kto attar. who.tHai<br />

raoadac<strong>of</strong> tho Aloha dab at tha<br />

* <strong>of</strong> Mra. Floyd Cottiaa, at<br />

. WtaafiaaU Ba^efwTB<br />

Charlaa Wotf aro<br />

aa attack <strong>of</strong> tha<br />

MmWoetey<br />

haa ro-<br />

tBraad kcaao after vWttoa-har ototor,<br />

Mra. Boyd. <strong>of</strong> famftaa. tha<br />

y<br />

cnfo<br />

AteaarTMy, ]<br />

Bwr<strong>of</strong> tao<<br />

bolt ml<br />

all areoad ḋ tho FtoratMia J and • Him. -" OUr,<br />

Fadka.<br />

Oiri«tba Bndoawr, tuaj a. m<br />

Saaday achoel,. UTa. m.{ woraklp<br />

Mr.<br />

and atrmem. 11 a. m.J St<strong>of</strong>er<br />

Mra. <strong>Mar</strong>y<br />

r. M0.1.<br />

m<br />

>aaJL A<br />

torn tao.W. C T.<br />

maatdaam: Dr.<br />

pmdaCLoeaad<br />

. Thoaactamr<br />

Mr. ami Mra. Ufa B. Mattaa*<br />

aro back from Caltfonla, kantac<br />

arrlvod homo oa moaday. Thay<br />

mwatl •d^aoi ae | ^^-^ m.A^^M<br />

Witt atfttaB OOCVttT %mtt HP-T oaaWetV<br />

-a* Uptoa b addmc two<br />



X. M. GBU1EB at Oft*<br />

OOUMCRT. M.X<br />

FOR SALE<br />

DceeaOtyl<br />

Vinelaiicl<br />

Poultry<br />

Farm<br />

la^rrvud<br />

CaaBBBBatfaaaUT 4wC- ft aadaal aatt'<br />

Trafloy Uao. ttjaa forty foot<br />

BBBBBL'<br />

mBBBtaaaFaB BBBBBBBB> amf V aVaaaaaml<br />

M. JOSEPH<br />

Bottcrlooa tho Fl«o Bonat<br />

tho homo <strong>of</strong> »t. R. C Ilifllipa. patter. E**Bf»-<br />

am* ma,<br />

1ST OalatW. M.BX<br />

M«kni,Kifkia.ft<br />

«. TOWKBCKDk M, ft<br />

'Aoo.1<br />

CKF.M.X<br />

M. D.<br />



«.n«.<br />

.r.B,i<br />

ATI<br />

>ucaccatowB,M.a<br />


OOaUM CITT. M. JL<br />

OCloa Boon<br />

am a* Aaaommoi<br />

S to lo*. at.<br />

7 to Sa-io.<br />

Dat OUfliaTAIL<br />


VaM-aBwOaatelAnM<br />

• tot<br />

»*«ka»!CB,l<br />

Cliiittba Eadaaror, 7 p. m.; wer-<br />

Mjt aad wrmoa. TJO p. at TH»<br />

> Bor. Thomaa F.<br />

The Stratford<br />




OCXAH arr. u. j. • .<br />


Jolnison Bros. & Ma<br />



ATLAfaic an. N. I.<br />

BWIMO T. C0R80N<br />


717 ASSORT AVK.<br />

OCCAM CITT. It J.<br />

JEgOAiE<br />


Id<br />

MAX ZnOffiRMAN<br />

••7 B%ktk Street<br />

ocx** arc K. JL<br />



Phone 1295<br />


The Ptnln CfeUtec 8ten b> Atteatie <strong>City</strong> j<br />

For Men, Young Men and Boy»<br />

1329-31 Arctic Avenue<br />


Plumbing and Heating II £<br />

yaais af aracdcal<br />

athaaroaorn<br />

: <strong>of</strong> oar wait I<br />

m ail<br />

Our Kleen Heet Oil Burner<br />

•mmllUlag «atf fjgg) AawtaW ^waVaJM alt waMa*<br />

^^^^^WW^<br />


PaseeTtT-W.<br />

xM Ceatrsl Avesaj<br />

•*«* •»• Law Fimiaii Stoaa aai Bat Water Bootaw,<br />


Cook Electrically—There Is No Better Method<br />

'Mill<br />

Total Price,<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly $150.00<br />

I sad ia NOT <<br />

rsteferi<br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Electric Company<br />

OtyDirfatoB M»<br />

:-«J^.V«v<br />

^ • ^ • ' 1<br />

Darla,<br />

'. ;. : .^;<br />

Ma. Tho totalawakor <strong>of</strong><br />

IOMl»hM mmhim w—<br />

• homoo faraagd, ),*»[<br />

-TW<br />

haa tha largoot aeiulir <strong>of</strong><br />

M I ta mrrka las yoar <strong>of</strong> o»y la'<br />

Saklatory. It haa BMI« thaa 1400<br />

--• ll^ tTmJjaa«i Wtattaa* al^ll Iwafl tea I<br />

IsattlaWttaM Caatf<strong>of</strong>aaaJrjTo !<br />

Bvodaa. Daamark sad'<br />

aawrmcaa. Boooaty^wai<br />

tndaatod Uda'<br />

Dr. BUiao E IClrksatrick, oopwlaUadaat<br />

<strong>of</strong> tho deportment <strong>of</strong>.<br />

tha Bvwottk Lsacao <strong>of</strong> da Board<br />

<strong>of</strong> vAf~iH>~ ef tha Mrthodii*<br />

Cborca.' toid tho coafrrcneo:<br />

"Than are i»X» Epworth<br />

l^aWwM C^maJStwtTm- O<strong>of</strong> Wattffc<br />

at! ^Tff i<br />

ckaptara in la ftretca laada. Thn<br />

.total mrmbcnhtp la 701.60*. af<br />

vklch M.7S9 aro m forrlca chaptorn.<br />

Tha mrmbenhip U dhrUcd<br />

mto tha Junior chapten asoa »-ll,<br />

(he iatcrmrdiaU cbapUn ajteo U-<br />

!«. the aroior chapter* IS-17. aad<br />

tho yooiqr peepW* chapter. 1* and<br />

Mn. M. B.<br />

ta a asamar af Cat<br />

thio oa> aa oao <strong>of</strong> tho<br />

clsraa ia Um »aat wffca, ia saw asblU<br />

<strong>of</strong> Wa. A.<br />

Mr.<br />

at Caao May Coaaty. aaa<br />

i amctad oacroCarr <strong>of</strong> tho Now<br />

datma <strong>of</strong> Coaaty Ba-<br />

«r oaBeara caaoaa aro<br />

.<strong>of</strong> Moaat HoDy. arosnthoB<br />

A. ftkstTy Eaaax<br />

tlm IWIUIBU X M. Ab-<br />

J<br />

maBor WJjUaa* k 00 OaMth«re ma^.teSCpMTlf BO aim thaa<br />

JWMiha gMtoac BMath<br />

wJB aw mMMnf af wltyMB iw|iatov^ tha normal gafcj b motBtaraoil, aad<br />

tta kbtory af tho Naak Motoia<br />

odiitimilinu la Now Joraay. la 'T Baaaaaat<br />

tho totol to dato b<br />

AWwaawKaf** tJCK fOIQ aaPaTCwtU Bern KoS*tJaV<br />

tatol wMVaMi<br />

A St. FatraAVdaaoa wQl bo «troa<br />

b» tho mtiaiira <strong>of</strong> Camp 19, P.<br />

Tftfrl VaWOCfQ fJw»nts_f g^aaw^VaaarjTo ^^fcaT<br />

toQ oataat M tho MaaavAJaxPtodoctloB at tha Ajas pam* haa woroevS^canracmtor-<br />

a <strong>of</strong> A, bx.Sod MOB> Ba&.WooV<br />

ataata <strong>of</strong>eaa; the taoutj-fop<br />

roachod 140 oUook. " " 1am ThorTwaiP wID<br />

MoVrla scaU. fleotl. <strong>of</strong> tarn thb dty, hjM<br />

' bo a tacky faror itaura Admlatotsraod<br />

from Waat PabaBaaS, ha oqoalod by inly L aad Roa. Thoodoro W. . Sehhnpf, rioa wfll So «fty cooaa, Tha pobr<br />

ta<strong>of</strong><br />

whan ho tha<br />

thoa natfl tho oad <strong>of</strong> Doe Jodao<strong>of</strong> tha Or«ttCorat,8oBth|u«UI«nrttod.<br />

B.B.<br />

tha* Vobraatr wao tho<br />

omaataNaaa<br />

fka roeord aot<br />

<strong>of</strong> tho<br />

*vv*jBBBBjBBBjy IWmwm «•••<br />

aad AJaz can wfcka to<br />

pmww*<br />

waa arbtfrarfty hatted to brtoc<br />

•aw ^oaoloaad car" motar tote<br />

. wf fWww<br />

daya," aa|d Mr. McCarty.<br />

aw: aaTAjat M t V i<br />

copo^rtth &'mM af<br />

la optto <strong>of</strong><br />

t»tk#<br />

•Naah!<br />

wtth THt Mow Tork, mUt<br />

*—WM. , r |nim r*i* '•J~*'<br />

t pecbroaoa for Naah aad AJax.<br />

I C^ftaaamVaw t^Klaa>>T mmrnVV * Wakat wHKT<br />

<strong>of</strong>MaaaAJaz<br />

Vflat VmaVaTal ttmoVma<br />

. VI m i «*ffamlW mm* «••*••> S*>«B«BWB<br />

aadlMworoAJax. Laatyoar<br />

Chicaca total waoltl. Botha<br />

For Sale<br />

Two-Story Cottefe<br />

Gar<br />

d<br />

a* WwaHaaatai St.<br />

A far $1«M.<br />

ho ataoad by May 1.<br />

Awry<br />

list Your Property<br />




Real Estate<br />


OCBAN CITY. H-Ji<br />

Lower Prices<br />


NOW Effective (February 27th)<br />

T« lUoWloa Uw wfflaot<br />

.w«aaakataiaradi>ctioaiaow. a*otac±m«HB



ff "<br />

MMBaUch. Coolnrrto<br />

JH, 1MB affair wu not-ia eW<br />

• say Berth-alar penoa. but<br />

manly a gcfetoKetbcr affair.<br />

want aur+Olci to adjourn)<br />

kt order lop»TTiiit«• " 1 not to wiTlful net:l..AA.tfc. drltcwacy U<br />

ad. to aoVHtioR. Uatta ia axfck<br />

par cast «f tha amocnt <strong>of</strong> Uw<br />

•MM btUwt to drfraod. If dat<br />

to fraod. tna aaooBt add«l In ad<br />

•**"— is M par cast at UM drSc<strong>of</strong><br />

iaroao tax, when<br />

« «t a brand,<br />

*£ UGlOlf AUXIUABT<br />

Amntary <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mar</strong>-<br />

• <strong>of</strong> Ula ctty, ckctl<br />

-1V»ra at a nttrt-<br />

'»*r: Pmadest.<br />

•V W«a» Mat toSMMOac daat. Mra. Joa. Moyrr: preelvie*<br />

HMan. At. *itam«aa. aa anattdat. Mra. Alten<br />

f VS* MM* ar taa «**• or aacxatary, Mrm. G»c We»l«y ovmm^ oo Tucxlay cvcnlajt-<br />

K^if-nl wan callnl for that nfl/rn«jn<br />

A(Ur tha biulnoa mocUnsr, thr<br />

by. Principal \tn)*r. to take noat«~«e, *iw w«ro Hn.<br />

P, r at U- h-nM <strong>of</strong>-Ur, a ^<br />

Vale. No on* r?pr"wn*'y) «>oM<br />

anj »hc« « m rnjoy.-«l hy oil.<br />

uivlrinlind why thn necUnjr waa . They wuru <strong>of</strong> Uw Iriih typo. In<br />

to ht> hcU iwrt'Hf Uw<br />

honor <strong>of</strong> EL Patrick's Day, now to<br />

tbr proapecUre brtlo ar>d groom;<br />

were Knd and<br />

wn p*racoMd wiUj a charmlrrjf<br />

by all.<br />

.m procnt woro: Mrn. Kmma<br />

•fli-CT and KtaKa canerol*, a uift<br />

Crane. Ura. EUa Allen, Mr*. Tcrr»-<br />

<strong>of</strong> UtaUachrra<strong>of</strong> tneachooL-TnrU' KS Flnnegan. Mm. Sarah WeUeh.<br />

dtUrM la rwetvfea- the sift waa Un. EdiU Cooerton. Ulu Amy<br />

aacmaatcd by their compkta aerprwa.<br />

. • Mabel Adams, Mra. Virginia Cranr,<br />

Vox, Mra. Krftth Bourgeois, Mr*.<br />

Mia. AUc* GarrcUoe. Mb* Harriet<br />

Pr*f,Beyka.s Baadaa aciaatiat, Ctbh, Mrs. Satha Miller Mr*. EH*.<br />

daiau UM tnvcatiea «f aa appara-' abcth Ungw. Mm Aaaa Wafiit,<br />

ta* wkka caa destroy alrplanca or Mrs. MBdrad lasnat,<br />

nintvsea ny projectiag aaas reyi' Miaa Mbtsia Mawiord aad Mrs.<br />

tat* UM air.<br />

Mildred •<br />

bub<br />

JHQNB..<br />

Oaa* Kay, Man. 11-Jth* Bk«Uwa<br />

«# tw» adslls baltotwi t* as<br />

amhera af UM kaad <strong>of</strong> Cantata<br />

May. wales satt^d her* m lftO,<br />

isnitiil tkh weak, la*<br />

ad tks<br />

atkar<br />

a^aft VQU'maaa ' 1*'<br />

-^^B^^PBBBr wS^aW^T^SW J^**^^^T^BT 'r,*'i«' •<br />

and bioaght two<br />

Ujrbt. j<br />

tt N No Uothinf. jawalry, trinket*<br />

war* aear UM atalet<strong>of</strong>M and ttla Tha lanmt to<br />

M<br />

It not t believed b U d the bodies bdl ar* UMM<br />

th* world U b boUt In Belfast.<br />

t» <strong>of</strong> Indiana.<br />

and wU U be <strong>of</strong> nearly OOfiOO tooi|| J<br />

rj The Reetca farm' (• on the ffcnv (t<br />

n set boulevard between Cap* May<br />

i» aad Cap* May Point. ' Them u A new cable between Now fork11<br />

•a M Irmd fatthe historical archives<br />

and Penance, Ptntano, Cjr^ Eag, via N*w-||<br />

ti! <strong>of</strong> Cape May County concerning foondland, will tranamlt BOO word*<br />

u th* traves. It " ia baUaved. how-<br />

a mlnota.<br />

' *<br />

ii'ewrr, that tin m m ar* Utoaa,<br />

I* I <strong>of</strong> two membara <strong>of</strong> Captain May*a Scrcral anrWnt<br />

i»)rrew, or <strong>of</strong> original acttlna <strong>of</strong> • Kara raoetrtly bean<br />

.Cape May.<br />

lYncatan.<br />

cidenu In tha United Stataa In 1«»]|<br />

U 17^00.<br />

Stenographer<br />

Wanted<br />

Real Estate Experience<br />

Preferred<br />

But not necessary<br />

Address<br />

Thomas W. Mould<br />

411 Nintli Street<br />

PfcooeOO<br />

GREAT<br />


That we will recommend to anyone desiring to invest<br />

in property that is really under the market at<br />

this time.<br />

Triangular<br />

Lot<br />

Running 125 feet on East Station Road<br />

Suitable for Large Garage or Coal Yard<br />

$6000<br />

Never soca an opportunity'at the price<br />

See or Phone<br />

LOT<br />

Soatliweat Corner 2nd St. and Atlantic<br />

Avenue<br />

80x90 Feet<br />

In the heart <strong>of</strong> the best residential section.<br />

Do you know <strong>of</strong> a lot where there is a<br />

greater possibility?<br />



1244<br />

• -• . - : . • J<br />

-For a<br />

a<br />

ur<br />


e investment<br />

In OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />

Opportunity is awaiting every man and woman<br />

at <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. Opportunity to make a sound<br />

and pr<strong>of</strong>itable investment or secure a splendid<br />

-honrfror homesite in the most deHghtful city along "<br />

the Jersey coast<br />

Opportunity was <strong>of</strong>fered last year—niany took<br />

advantage <strong>of</strong> it and, as a result; received handsome<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>its in return. It is predicted that'an even greater<br />

opportunity will be <strong>of</strong>fered this coming season.<br />

Sales right now are far ahead <strong>of</strong> this time a year<br />

ago and it looks as if the season will be unusually<br />

early. ' " . " ' • •<br />

If you are interested in <strong>Ocean</strong> Gty Real Estate,<br />

feel free to call on any <strong>of</strong> our organization at anytime.<br />

We'll be pleased to give you the benefit <strong>of</strong><br />

our knowledge on locations, values, etc<br />

RALPH L. CHESTER, inc.<br />

Realtors<br />

Central Ave. at Eighth Slv<br />

.... ^ii^r-fi<br />

v. n<br />

'•Sks-ifr' "•'•*• '" A "

BaSOl aaaa TODAY-' • a tit*or a dislike into their heads<br />

j_ ___"^r— " • land stfck to It, no matter how yoo<br />

PaTBS LYSTEB toss* his mam- try to dislodge it",<br />

r aat the) Western Front. Upon' '"And. apparently. I am tobe one<br />

Ids Mtsrn to London be fails to! <strong>of</strong> their dislikes." .<br />

"s«liaiilM<br />

r -Oh. I hope not." Nan sold,<br />

„ : MAM MABHABY. the girl to politely.<br />

' " he waa engaged before go- She was wishing that he would<br />

>vws her go. She looked at the clock on the<br />

. JOAV MMBtCOTT. aad retains<br />

Ma <strong>of</strong> her<br />

There tbe<br />

JOHN ABBOTT, fallow <strong>of</strong>ficer<br />

• wttfc FWar. wbo baa brooaht tbe<br />

ttte to the horn* <strong>of</strong> bia sister for<br />

• fast. sVeer alao fails to<br />

HASLET SKFTON. a money<br />

l lander, who h baa been to Nan'«<br />

swvecal tin*, to -swa her<br />

flstaac Today. lsaswar, he Is call-<br />

ST«- barTibaJr cognation U<br />

- - • - Man's three jroasa<br />

taa takes them away<br />

. «a—HiMs They<br />

U kat tbsl liflim Is I In man i~tn<br />

• jtfttaaat wit* Ms rirftnsj whfc.<br />

«o ON wni* in SIOBY.<br />

«Sd aat kaow what to *ay<br />

tt*m she said bet**-<br />

'•Watt. I dan MTa* «••<br />

VaH ^wC M wJ*Jl *• ttawtfc<br />

CaaFaba arid. "Tea aaM<br />

j he hst the keys—«he<br />

> the Is rlgnint Uwcgfrt<br />

-JTa Jaat exactly<br />

:sfkh»v. Ho<br />

r hands<br />

iV»«and sighed.<br />

rmiaaHjr bs> -* otxUnarr<br />

way. and ba was qoite annoy-!<br />


CIO. M. J<br />

E.L. SMITH<br />


US Aatary Ar«ns><br />

i^^torarSS?^5i>*^» | J. fc\JOCHEC<br />

t)i*<br />

1920 Aabttry Aw.<br />

Comfort<br />

Ei^SAGER<br />

surtax<br />


SMITH<br />



FwdJ. Safflran<br />

T»-W<br />

TIKG<br />

•OWAKO FITZnHa-I.rH<br />

Ut Ceacrsi Asa. .<br />

AstytMag<br />

>u-w<br />

Hew to Make Brcter<br />


Have a talk wHb Lafta<br />



A Reliable<br />

Builder<br />

Otis H. Townsend<br />

717 Arbory ATC<br />

PHONE 1M1<br />

WiDanl S. Steetman<br />


Office: 1100 Bay ATOM<br />

BeB 714<br />

Bailding-Jobbiig<br />

AB work fremttiy iVmt by<br />

opcrta. Boat Parian aad<br />

ttntM. Gr»t w a call.<br />

fatbtr.-* b» aadd.<br />

-With—my father:" Man echoed<br />

his words, a alow flash crept facto<br />

bar faoa,<br />

"My father has never uuiioaad<br />

money m his life" the> said, wtth<br />

mpetooos anger. "How dara yaa<br />

even suggest such a thing .. . how<br />

dara your . -<br />

v. a SMITH<br />


a. a. wniurnt<br />

Jstatic Oty. tU Gaar. Tract.<br />

AX A<br />

WE WHJ, DO<br />

Toum<br />

f*fttrt.<br />


SX3<br />

CALL<br />

Hans BoHdiank<br />

MS AflBUHT AVK.<br />

s^aas Sv<br />

Taa Nc*d a<br />


•*• *«*e a Spwlatty ef E.erj.<br />

tatsg la Oar Us* '<br />


That's<br />

Permanent!<br />

You may pay , trt r-. r» f er<br />

yoar Roafuxf «. ri^tt st ti*<br />

start — but Uufs the cad <strong>of</strong><br />

rour worrir* »fc«n yoj K»»*<br />

work 'the<br />

yaars pax you wfll rralite tow<br />

•fnottiral }wj, Bo<strong>of</strong> has bwo<br />

quote roo fi<br />

W.W. SMITH<br />



„ Ms lands dears- catamly more than I can afferd to<br />

a> Ojattil<br />

V'.<br />

"If yoa an goto* to tak* that Nan tXMrtA u him. blankly. The<br />

was four titnas as heavy as tkati f• •<br />

atdtads—<strong>of</strong> coarse, it is oselees n^o.,*^ voice, his eyes, his whole<br />

.Jaaoary. • * ""*<br />

my saying any more, hot... attitude—seemed to hare under- April, the ownara <strong>of</strong> thebas toe : An <strong>of</strong> t*o*« who dde In th* tea.<br />

^^"Sab^tfE r^rTwtfT«ntform.tJon { she<br />

l^*NHIa w"I- place •joj"^ are enthurlastir In their pralssaS<br />

l^a^o, y^<strong>of</strong>K ETa. if -he look* at *. fafriendship<br />

..." . <strong>of</strong> a .tnr.ir-:; 'ho fell back a «up hem an opportunity <strong>of</strong> running trr.vcls an•* /"'.•vr<br />

—r*t1 1a» twiniii<br />

t bald in Loe<br />

<strong>of</strong> a farea gjvaa to<br />

ar tha ltM speed saetaod <strong>of</strong> wooiaar was tha saost<br />

J - J —iTawdawi ftat tta abova eoajsa "won"fy a -<br />

^f^f????^^<br />



Official Saya<br />

BaHa Move<br />

Btaaa Uat <strong>of</strong><br />


oa avanrkawj<br />

MB tke bwna they aow ran. Tha trsOeys atva aarvad thatr<br />

Atkatk Otr, •»• tan. Tha ttee is not far distant<br />

would ba far mora popolar whan bases wfll over tho entire<br />

theh- trolley ears, bat they Mainland ad aerrko aad acrosa the<br />

hrtelr ddeclined.<br />

And we can domeailopa. l<br />

The e boa aetvico from Ab-<br />

A<br />

nothing with them i<br />

Mon to the resort has shown that<br />

"What waa the reason assigned bases pay—the people prefer their<br />

for refoslnrT".<br />

quirk service/ and ermfortabta rid-<br />

"A bond faunie. The erenpany<br />

borrowed a Ns; sum years aso, and<br />

these bonds are secured by the real PBILADELPHIA EXCVB8ION '<br />

property <strong>of</strong> (he comnanr. which<br />

owns land, car bams, batkHnirs,<br />

tracks, tmtsrs. a road-bed, man><br />

Expcrto CklM Tkat No Good cars and equipment all' vatoahlr<br />

In a coins; concern as security for<br />

Roarf Caa b. CoostroeUd I tbe brnrfa that sre out. They dalm<br />

Ussdcr CtwdltioM. ; that huws would not be considered<br />

i adequate security for the bonds bv<br />

Abseceo. <strong>Mar</strong>ch 12. — Spemklns;, th« public utltlUrs commlnlon. A<br />

The Readlns; 8ystem will ranan<br />

excursion from this city to Philadelphia<br />

Bandar. <strong>Mar</strong>ch tl. The,<br />

trip will coat flM. The train wflll<br />

lUsHtl.<br />

^;.^> 1 'v*"'--,V;!:!l;<br />

W Fourth Fth street t at 7.407 a. m.. |<br />

Rctumirur from Philadelphia, the!<br />

train will larkling responsiveness and<br />

Both models have air deaner, oil purifier, and gasoline<br />

filter, as well as four-wheel brakes* roll balloon dirs and<br />

five disc wheels, included at no extra cost. •<br />

mUtCtaaa.tl.65i<br />

Its<br />

•M7St<br />


Aibury Ave.<br />

Don't Let<br />

Today<br />

NOW k tit* time to<br />

be investing* in remit*- -<br />

tate here. There are<br />

jut u many good<br />

boys M have ever<br />

been <strong>of</strong>fered.<br />

ay's Opportunities<br />

s Regrets<br />

The trend <strong>of</strong> Real Estate is ever upward.<br />

Yesterday's prices are gone forever—never<br />

rtasao' _<br />

CosncflUst<br />

<strong>of</strong> tho«eaat,toMtss<br />

her <strong>of</strong> others eTtts<br />

Uon went orer t*<br />

last aigbt far Hda.<br />

had a very Ana tfaaa.<br />

to return. Today's prices are going and can<br />

never be duplicated. There is only one<br />


and it is practically all developed<br />

10 Lots—Seaspray Road<br />

Each 30x110 feet—Southern Exposure<br />


$30,000<br />

About 1-2 Cash<br />

2 Lots—Atlantic Boulevard<br />

With Gas, Water, Sewer and all Improvements—30x130 Each<br />

ReadytoBoBd<strong>On</strong><br />


$5000 Each<br />

1-2 May Remain <strong>On</strong> Mortgage<br />

Our Listings Cover the Entire <strong>City</strong><br />

Prices <strong>of</strong> Today Benefit the Buyer<br />

We Suggest That You Buy Now!<br />

ILLIAM<br />


WANTED ;<br />

. Alooa Urn adacMd '<br />

Boardara . '<br />


1137 Waat ATMs.<br />

Ocwa Cttw. N. J. .<br />

Tomorrow<br />

Yoa may buy <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> Real Estate bat<br />

yoo wiO pay tomorrow's<br />

prices. Tomorrow<br />

yoo may boy one<br />

property for the price<br />

you would pay for<br />

two today.<br />

•W£M<br />


Who Pays f or Broadci<br />

MBl4<br />

Tatk<br />

Ull<br />

i Cany.<br />

seta*<br />

> <strong>of</strong> ta* Caned at<br />

SHAW<br />

tadi* txaaa-',<br />

oa pimfct-'|<br />

BawJoolaaathathtp.<br />

a, for matanca. localr*T<br />

Vb«teia,ha»«m<br />

aaxaala to rtatiea*<br />

Mrfjuaa m*t«ra<br />

fVohmii<br />

.!• radio.'<br />

I<br />

thta<br />

th*<br />

X O. aaya: 1 am otter<br />

tab* Neatrodyne •wtthCV<br />

I <strong>of</strong> wfeooi<br />

tnttw*<br />

LMstf<br />

.jwfl ko baton* toheat ike atrac- Pel*.<br />

wtth brack abrrV*<br />

tae batkr roam wfll be! la th* ...... • m<br />

terra aatto o»rafa* aad hamotaad*<br />

ate af a rtmaartratlnn'Ua County Power Comtwny. «"»* <strong>of</strong><br />

Ikla tjna iaT haallnn mitt ttw HtHn ?;•«<br />

etractioo etnrtioo <strong>of</strong> tae the hoOdm* hoOdta* ka» hu banNritkhia been>whks ia inpldly WcomWao popo-J rmm the ^>.<br />

r reception.<br />

kUnammwnt,b*«n matinjr a campaiin on thin bo<br />

from Itelnur. AcijairfltoBa for thai wuUwn -li»-<br />

Inmrfoir .Ihr- type <strong>of</strong> boOar along; toe- Jntwy<br />

J> w»U theit>laion<br />

<strong>of</strong> rUkJa UtfllUM. Ine, In all, toast doxfaur the part frw months<br />

Uki h, the | ff«* law moatha bv<br />

veirat I J«H Company<br />

detatU. '* "" All ««•--. floors and partition*. —-. and »Irr«.ly ha* tn operati Unn pomo<br />

tOlA «0l b« oonstroctad <strong>of</strong> connvla and. thlrtx-b<strong>of</strong>larm tn reddnwes at well<br />

Um-cotk wttb.mrtal doora. Thejaa*<strong>of</strong>fice budding*.<br />

archnXt<strong>of</strong> tba b<strong>of</strong>ldlBK la C. An-i ptomWn« and <strong>of</strong>ter mrrin tent<br />

brar Jackaoo. <strong>of</strong> Stm York, a re*-, ana tn eoimaction with tha eoalp<br />

coma In maeh loader • dent <strong>of</strong> Ajfcorr Park. . mast <strong>of</strong> th* afona, <strong>of</strong>fk* <strong>of</strong> the<br />

a no apparent distortion. „ Tha Jaraajr Central Power and • oowpany and the catwral <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

in : It all right to operate the art con- - Ulrtit Company will occupy the wffl ba <strong>of</strong> the latnt faaia—» t«ttr«rni»'t»or»-<br />

*)• llll~ i*> •!• • .i.aaa<br />

k» k* ftcUhadaa •oattal <strong>of</strong>fice,<br />

thu none at alt<br />

aadtaaffia Oil atCn floor* bar*<br />

fOR HTHM CO.<br />

••••«•!•'« at Grand aad Ham-'<br />

efffeia <strong>of</strong><br />

oparaUttKatfanpowar. oil<br />

<strong>of</strong> whlta waa only » baJUtar, eacac; coaatnetad by tha | Uaht Coamaar wOI be ea tae corpanent<br />

ditto** fiom tha waTaba|ta<br />

<strong>of</strong> the raonrod aigaaL Cbmyaay aa aiirthira dMafaf »nd the e to th*<br />

Flttm Beatty y and Iiupm»iia*uf I p H nr> paralk panOtel wtta Coetaaaa orawaa.<br />

»a»-our bloorf.<br />

An ritrm Urga boilie for<br />

$1.00<br />

Adt't Dr-f Store<br />

Mk HMI Cortnl Art.<br />

Two Per Cent Reduction in Tax<br />

Effective Now<br />

We will absorb immediately on<br />

all Ford Cars the two per cent<br />

reduction in tax which normally<br />

does not become effective until<br />

midnight, <strong>Mar</strong>ch twenty - eighth*<br />

This means that you can have<br />

Bte delivery <strong>of</strong> a new Ford<br />

tke advantage <strong>of</strong> the two<br />

OoeDtyBtttery<br />

Saves Time<br />

and Money<br />

For You<br />

Sat roar Battery m hafan<br />

X «. aad tt la rea*> far yea •><br />

( P. M. Ik* oawo aay.<br />

A WeB dtmrcftd BaHUry<br />

8«TCB Yaor Car<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>e P**er. Brifjatar Ufhta,<br />

Qaka <strong>Mar</strong>t. Pleaty P«*<br />

Jacob C Scfauff<br />

£xM* Battery Sarfat<br />

•<strong>of</strong> ASBTKT xvnmt<br />

H. Roy WUttaker<br />

Home* Have:<br />

TOo bataal wtta<br />

Coeejcr 8fvarta, Zimc Gattera.<br />

HdWtUfBnt<br />

OH Borwrr*.<br />

Uatoi U jrwoT taaio.<br />

•icrtrie oaiktB.<br />

for the new<br />

an> Cahrert aad Sobert<br />



OCSAN cm, N. J.<br />

Waktaaar Oparartaa X*. «<br />

Cooper's Weekly Special<br />

If you wiak U> amalw a dollar (a Heal EsUIe.<br />

Boy ia Ocesn <strong>City</strong> bttptm it's toe kte.<br />

Bay aJQ yoa caa—tats boy tiB It hmxia<br />

For Ocama CHy aaU ia aot acr* «llrt.<br />

Bat U a bcmatifol Btraaj. oa tac Jttsry cwac<br />

So Invest aad tareat and aukc tac moat.<br />

at Oroaa Oty *T7<br />

Ocaaa Caty Tt»<br />

West Corner <strong>of</strong> 29th and Central Ave.—<br />

With 170 front feet, includes a two-family, well furnished apart-<br />

« e AJ J, four lots U P to grade, and nice neighborhood. Price<br />

SSWO. Part mortgage.<br />

Five Lots on Asbury Ave.—<br />

3519 Central Ave,—<br />

Wesley Ave^ Lot<br />

£!L Vp Jl£ ade nOrth<br />

*<br />

<strong>of</strong> , 22nd st - A wonderful buy on the bus^<br />

mortgagT * ""^ e°°^ investraent - Prf« Sl7^«a Part on<br />

M<br />

*••?';•!> M," •' -^^"'^Jff.iW?^1 ^"» w *w,ey.«e«"e«*w»«jeBFf 1<br />

vn'f'fm<br />

•fasbon la a lattar, . taa<br />

bete* mad* by J. »Ved<br />

Oftta/r.ajaJ J^|hj iMk^M<br />

*J5$i3S<br />

, Tho ••UtormTbr Banker Mowrer<br />

ia a* foOowai • • ••<br />

WoaVtr AT<br />


tt U th* policy «f UM Flrat ){*><br />

TV plan to open croaa .rtrMta<br />

Uonal Bank to help tta depoattors,<br />

.Mm Aabaryatnnaa to the prpooa. BANKING BOOKLET by erery meona la tta power, to<br />

^W oTawlwF a^owWeaaT WaaTt W|<br />

beoome eueoeaafaL<br />

Oar efforU are not directed aole-<br />

to a*cnria*:.yoar account,'aad<br />


BMaaaan <strong>of</strong> th* <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

than- aOowias yoa to "work oat<br />

Batata Board at tkate<br />

year own aahraiW In maktae it<br />

ehaoa. tt wu dadand Now PsbhcaUam<br />

now. Wo want to help yoa aeamra<br />

Ito bo a la tha riefct dtroelUaa<br />

toward* anooungina; be^kflac<br />

*an*avoT*to ahow yoa how to mek*<br />

Hujr Iai*Mttaw Artkla» tW habit <strong>of</strong> " "' w "-~ « aa | Bwaawai<br />

to th* local i<br />

Ideal Game Preserve<br />

Gunning Club Site<br />

Sportsman's Paradise<br />

1500 acres, with frontage <strong>of</strong> 3 1-2 miles on<br />

South Jersey's largest river, "Beautiful Mullica,"<br />

and bordering on the New York-Atlantic <strong>City</strong><br />

Boulevard; 11 miles to Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, 7 mile3 to<br />

White Horse Pike, 20 minutes to Great Bay fishing<br />

grounds, 8000 fruit trees with good markets<br />

near.<br />

Fully stocked. Good fishing on river banks.<br />

Large 12 room Colonial house, garages and<br />

numerous out-buildings.<br />

Best hunting—deer, fox, rabbit, quail, in large<br />

numbers, abound on property.<br />

Accessible on Jersey's good roads and by water.<br />

Wrote are few _1 reqmires<br />

Opportunities<br />

HOTEL<br />

Scarborough<br />

720 <strong>Ocean</strong> Ave.<br />

In the Heart <strong>of</strong><br />

Everything<br />

Facing the <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Lot 50x135 Feet<br />


58 Bed Rooms<br />

5 Private Baths<br />

4PnbIk Baths<br />

Hot and Cold<br />

Rtmnfat*; Water<br />

In Excellent<br />

Repair Throu^tasmt<br />

CM Be Hade Re*d«<br />

IB Imree Days Tm»e<br />

.yoawflTt<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> tbe Many<br />

y<br />

Attractkms <strong>of</strong> Ocesn Gty<br />

Can only b* **carod by comma; m contact with, tho per.'<br />

eaaal that patranisee thla raaorC<br />

Bmtali an BOW behtg <strong>of</strong>fered at very atuacthne aihoa<br />

Action BOW mean* aathf action utter.<br />

Cettaga—Pasnlya Place, * bad room*<br />

to*«<br />

Apaitimnl niiinl|iiPtoca,8badr*eaa». .QJeo<br />

Apailiaiiil Ouaiifttmt. 4 bad noma, t batha til—<br />

t B«i Boom ApaitBMSt-Ctntral<br />

Apartoent—OcamarTirB-, « bed IM Y aaJa*r<br />

maid-a room „ .<br />

Cottaca—Waaley avcjne, « bed raema, fane*<br />

Ale* Baatwwalk aad Avaaa* Staraa.<br />

fittt<br />

Sea *w SalOT liet for Baal Oiantaallr. .<br />

Gayton Haines Brick<br />

Realtors<br />

Eighth<br />

Fully Furnished<br />

<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the best equipped kitchens and dining<br />

room^in <strong>Ocean</strong> Gty. Ample bed linen included.<br />

New addition, which doubled capacity, is only<br />

about 3 years old. .<br />

Can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. Actually<br />

under market. Well financed.<br />

.;• ;^f<br />

- •.;•$*<br />


IBOjWWtfACTO<br />

tt. worth* «om-<br />

*» Ban* Jarianrf<br />

wfll to W<br />

M<br />

bt ta. adt<br />

Wcit* to aar that aim.<br />

tt|a «• awataaa tea<br />

taa<br />

g ) U<br />

Toa naa&r Afril anting «fl)<br />

ba IMU tSrWwSrfc-dgr.rf Oat<br />

moeth at taa fcaaa <strong>of</strong> MJ» Cer-<br />

thte'mla. ThtfU f* ti» eakai MIM Sarah Baall. maOtaatidni<br />

aMUty to maka tfatn.<br />

|<strong>of</strong> tte Un««l tata« C-*t aad<br />

I OK W«W VHMW «•• • • ai • i<br />

• . tOwxJ^Jc Sarvrr.'fcaa uuiinij a<br />

"* far ttTYoo* By • af • M»tj bmaud Uatafy af tha aaUin—ihiT «ort<br />

jack, ana nan a on mftr* 1M toa*.' <strong>of</strong> tba ntrMr atoot I84t ,<br />

a» bat laac IVgr<br />

'ftSbVa?<br />

>«f Ida.*<br />

am Mi WatrafttoWaaV<br />

.SdaaWaJ-<br />


Taa SOW WoaBB'a *««•«••«•* * F<<br />

• • •<br />

—»<br />

air Sacfatr af taa taa. H»t M. E-<br />

O fc fcat anaatad to beU U a<br />

H OSK Mrtt to<br />

H<strong>of</strong>fmCUl <strong>of</strong>ten:<br />

STOVE<br />

NUT<br />

Fil'.^1<br />

UBj<br />

Mia. A- tahtpk fto* «B»*V<br />

WTl<br />

j» iwu.wumiwo<br />

Ta* OM a* Ian Oaa<br />

Mf 1M<br />

toaa» •urinytta ft>Oowtettattw tm« oat jrf tkna f At tka af L«aaia atoaaQ.<br />

i M I iWrtiit far taa.BMBb«fasn<br />

atay Bnddar, pnaldtst; TunJ»y Blcb . Tba M. E. BUtt Caav Iba

•<br />

v<br />

. - • "<br />

•<br />

' . - " > • •<br />

SBjABMSBaaT W tekjaT* *•*• O ?<br />

I :vaaa »*a»»jee*»« •»• the eeaa-<br />

«•«••*•» or ^vajcawott<br />


IWPeV ^^ ^ ^ **•>% ^W.^^^* *—T ^ ifff** f\tM • ••" • •-«-<br />

leBtteB^M vMMM 4W»'(e*rta3r ^Beij e*keB«j4 ^ ^kaam •aftat e»»^BP*BBt «^f V-BJ^WK<br />

i?v; -\v<br />

'^^.*-W|C-BT<br />

SSSiii^Ss^f<br />

'<br />

•aftr<br />

' SB*-JtaifTS*" 1 -*» •'—•eTiaig eat ^ir«ta5fc««r«r«Sciw iKeW<br />

DO oa.<br />

l«e «• pteaa aal leartriialliai •* tha Ota .<br />

l>«aa«r wat aai Ola Uai Ctt» Oark'a<br />

T 1^ -** eW< .. »«*tl<br />

CB) tka» C***aSO Ckaffia'w C<br />

BT eaeej vBaBajVeV H&ia> **A I<br />

MMt<br />

aaiu aad oHMractliUr il«i««tl» I<br />

u4 Uw Manas ma* naanMb<br />

<<br />

. tt>~tal «B • rUn <strong>of</strong> !»• a< <br />

tu ._»<br />

»••• taSaaat aW ..« .*»aOJW«B* OSS D-1 vL<br />

, -<br />

[ ta •* af aiam if.<br />

ETA C1T WEEK<br />

Ton will find in tins Span our<br />


in Central and South <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Asbury Avenue at 28th Street<br />

C«rt»rr aat! a4j«aiJtx. 70x100— •<br />

Price, $8500<br />

Central Avenue tots at $3000<br />

Beach Front<br />

Kiptirujt llrui<br />

Price given on request<br />

Bungalow on Central Avenue<br />

i ISreJ aad :: -.a Strvrta. *<br />

only $6500<br />

E. Taallk* «••)•» arte<br />

«4<br />

TM«<br />

1 **— **g «*—".• BaMtMti.<br />

»*».»*—i* J **i???* ejeietfea«<br />

PI<br />

'jifiettCT Homes<br />

S.IMI<br />

The Better Homes<br />

OF<br />

HAVE -<br />

Plumbing and Heating<br />

by<br />


Highest Quality at a Reasonable<br />

Cost<br />

Richard H. Johnson Co.<br />

817 Asbury Avenue Phone 127<br />


13th St and Simpson Ave.<br />

6 Rooms and Bath. Heated<br />

Fine Location<br />

Price $7000 Ga«h Required $2500<br />

507<br />

immediate Action Necessary<br />


m<br />

m*<br />

. __ aso<br />

radetaied la tha Ooau <strong>City</strong><br />

Ua acaaals daakad for auriiaiaaui<br />

..(a the eeventa aasoal wnaUlac<br />

. rtwmalnfiairp tooraaBent held la<br />

the ajmaail <strong>of</strong> the high ataool<br />

W.itnearfay, eventeg.<br />

Tkt nuMlialtBta, who wvre the<br />

autvlvew eat <strong>of</strong> neaxty 150, abovb<br />

' ed nneh akm and eodnraoee In the<br />

• baota. Ttmt boota-were raoat<br />

estttte aad the adence abovfti woo<br />

the apytanae <strong>of</strong> thoee maUoc op a<br />

feoo^wsed aad lAtareatad aaaeaibiace.<br />

The exacstioa aad breaUac<br />

<strong>of</strong> vsrieoa bolda aad the nasaer<br />

la wake they were patfenaad fay<br />

waa fallowed by a duaoaetratieolf<br />

the varieoa hoUa sad.<br />

breaka, ta alow raoi<br />

etyW Their eihfWIoo waa<br />

WraBBVZbaaamM twlea tnalde<br />

TIM btovat boot or the<br />

"*" **IE^£3 °/^! —<br />

the aebopi, Albert Conea,<br />

US pooada, aad Borrowa<br />

tr. WCIBMBB; SO panada.<br />

Coraoa waa eaally the vkter,<br />

C»oper. Mra. Allen Oonoe. Mra.<br />

Oaort tD OBetaa._ Mra._ g2ph U<br />

Wldaw.*<br />

Jfaam; »*tfc» wMo»» «ad /A<br />

QtOmn. Qmn. m UM FFriaw, wU ba «*•<br />

•taUaf attnctioB at thaftrnd<br />

Thtlrihtdt<br />

a<br />

ThaatralBirithtaaadtcannea<br />

a backsTMad ef VTen.<br />

•eee Ufa, sycci as only Ves<br />

Btrohato. caa portray, is teid this<br />

inoaorjal lota atory <strong>of</strong>. Prtaea<br />

Daaflo sad the beantlfDl, asadcap<br />

fM they can the lterry Widow.<br />

In tha gay, colorful capital <strong>of</strong><br />

Oajdlo aadUabrother,<br />

the Crown Priaee, meet 8atty<br />

Danflo'a parent* force hha tobreak<br />

oS the Batch, aad, broken-hearted,<br />

the adksol. bar cratwra reflect<br />

the dancer marries aa old rooe, tha<br />

credit open Fnyatea) Otreetar B-<br />

wealthiest man in the principality,<br />

ner E. Vacer and Tep" Leatar<br />

- ttenL Their Ufa together<br />

8a^;_vAo aaaiated ktm tn JSa<br />

and dramatic, for the hnetoaad<br />

dlaa on hia - weddlna* nlitt<br />

trafadfta- • -,<br />


The boota wet* lafaieed by<br />

sad tho little dancer la tnuaformed<br />

-Pep- Sratth antf Thoaua OoldsWa,<br />

efcaarptoa wraattera, ef At-ff Mra. Howard Brfce, waa renat- VjOdow. the most powerful figure In<br />

A hwdheoo aad bridfe, it) honor OB the laatant into the Merry<br />

' ~ la their nepective *~ held at 4ha raaUaaea <strong>of</strong> Mra. the land. .-. -<br />

BaadotphFoCT.IaUiUdty.'rfce<br />

the yam IKS sad IMS. RBaata arrived at 10 otlock aad<br />

After tha Bada hosts thaaa a<br />

fift ahortly after f^-^aoac •»<br />

Mra. Howard<br />

«ave a thn*4Uaote«ddhltioa<br />

* • seaa* e*e ""^ vj^aja^aai was) MSB* vapB>varvjBjae<br />

Oariea Ralea aad John Rolen. 45<br />

aeaadera, resreaantlng the npld<br />

weight Jflta was on poinU at the<br />

cad ef a »m lUmHi strnesie.<br />

Ia the caeca weight, 85 pound.<br />

sad wider. Caritoa Bakley<br />

.over F. Frets oa a forfeit.<br />

Charles MoaUerd, who haa every<br />

mark ef beoomla* a champion<br />

wrestler <strong>of</strong> higher weixhta. won,<br />

over Leatie Breaator aftvr hattllae;<br />

for eight rahmtaa. three <strong>of</strong> which<br />

ware consumed In an extra era-'<br />

sion, in the prn-wvbrht, «5 poomln'<br />

and onder. The jodR»n dccUred'<br />

he thawed the most<br />

The mt>l

1<br />

i* • ^<br />

'Mr+A<br />

Joat aeera to be<br />

ta tha larcar citJea <strong>of</strong> thia<br />

MorrbGeat. .<br />

ja all hat the ready-to —ar<br />

tSataf aaaaVaaMVy •a^atrtaWaWfc-U TlWJf<br />

asraiy are neat, comfortable and<br />

' " aad should do awn<br />

m drau at boat<br />

teboratorfc*. ef-<br />

•taa, fattaitaa all are Badng tha<br />

aaa(r aiualsr emeck natfol. aad<br />

aew atathar to eaatiac vide her<br />

ilil fsaakmail kitchen frock aad<br />

ahe. tea, asaeaza to .one.. a»e<br />

i III ti hi the aurtimg whDe aba<br />

her work, aad %ra later aa.<br />

aha oemea at free* aa altaraeaa-<br />

party, aba atta* It oo ever<br />

her beet dm« wkOe ahe<br />

i i|l"> mwmt r""-»— V<br />

mt coal hi the fsraact<br />

af thaae wara feewarfc<br />

«re ealy Um ipaiter lenath.<br />

tat *r kttahea waarFd I'd adrUe adrf re*.<br />

own, there will be<br />

. If yon buy • ready,<br />

one, notice thia point.<br />

Tba aaHrHnaa vary, hot neat <strong>of</strong><br />

them are "V" ihapad, with a roll*<br />

ing collar. A few are cut whole at<br />

the front and site orer tha head,<br />

but by far the mort <strong>of</strong> them are<br />

tons. . At llama an Invariably<br />

I<br />

abort ileere. as 1 feel MN th*i*<br />

haa been** draand for UM ahortet<br />

den*. Fbr tha modi to wear aa<br />

an mMO the Ion* deere *•»* <<br />

tamest* far. «USO-|<br />

from<br />

box", there in no _ .<br />

The roade-at-home .mode ha» the<br />

More than twice a- many aut»-<br />

advantage or haviar jU maUrrUI mobOe tire, are t-taKmairaf»et»*-<br />

•hiunk before it U made up, bat. ed a* were made ta ****<br />

There is Always<br />

<strong>On</strong>r w BEST!"<br />

Never in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s history haa there been such<br />

ah opportunity to make money as today—-RIGHT<br />

NOW! We have listed in this <strong>of</strong>fice aome <strong>of</strong> the<br />

choicest properties and acreage in the city and adjacent<br />

Five <strong>of</strong> which we quote and recommend..<br />

Thete Are Sam <strong>of</strong> Our "BEST" Buys<br />

103 ACRES<br />

Meain Se«uh<strong>of</strong>o Road<br />

LtdNM. 2S» VUTOO*GdllM.<br />

7SxflO fecC Bitwem Ooecn and Ptnnade Roads.<br />

Price $10800<br />

BO'A MortcM*- flOOO first p^rment—«M»y<br />

Half Cash<br />

Lot Na 110, Section 1. 85x84^8<br />

Price $18^)00<br />

|M00 Mortpge.<br />

IWhere<br />

• Oar Morn are kaawa ararywha** aa<br />

whea yea) Trade ta «a Aiarlwa Wan yea «a aa wHa<br />

takaty. E*«r» daabt m maaraaV yaa an<br />

ef QaaHty hat yaa aava tha aariafarHaa af laaalag that<br />

^FamyPjMiJ<br />

1Ma>B«r<br />

PEAS<br />

aTmml Mat aa* - mmfmt mt*<br />

A8QO " " " ^ ^ T.<br />

ASCOSogarCora<br />

Tear eMatat<br />

lExtraonBmtaryt<br />

P1EAS_<br />

CuvkTt fmk k Bmm<br />

ASCQtmktmiBmm . .<br />

KjPw iflaaMWaWav a a • • a a<br />

NWBCI wSfal* fwWal • a a a a<br />

aM4Tma|l8eja> 0Caaaw . a a a *a<br />

lifelio* T He«tts5A><br />

^^^^ ^^BT ^Ll ^aft am » H •<br />

^mmV A amt —• —<br />

2 ""25c<br />

are.<br />

'<br />

CANS<br />

50c<br />

2 calm lie<br />

11<br />

I PJ¥<br />

'-<br />

•LacrncAL omrnucroaa<br />

.ytHga fc eay ejlilli. *•*<br />

ieaa»w» amtat B M M Oit«<br />

aportMO «a« •«! in »MU»« (ftkea*.<br />

OMhwk^ ^H^a^ *^ 25 MSS vSk'<br />

««e« ate teaaak* rkjal al • w<br />

Uaw. Ma Mat Im ar *a> aaaB. J<br />

Hat* WaatHL<br />

MaleerFceMle<br />

ik> O» SaTiiAi<br />

or OCBAM an. nt<br />

ar an Ma. ar ta nta «,<br />

KT. ue •• lt» «aat<br />

V<br />

P0B AND ABOOT WOafldl.<br />

•r<strong>of</strong>i larce rfenr aWpf«|4<br />

•lock eoispany - ...<br />

Mrs. R K. Oinilaia ta vfaa,— •* -1 -<br />

•**trt and rhief ef^aaater af C<br />

oO rermrna; cotapaaT Ml /<br />

Kn. <strong>Mar</strong>tha i. smftar.<br />

old teacher <strong>of</strong>HawtorBa,<br />

IIU . " " »-n-e aad a araadatotaar. has '<br />

completed a hfalh, ammtl.^ByaT^fe<br />

k a! BLOTT".VjJl<br />

DOM-r atrr Aumrnm arrnax ron<br />

a. >W Mi Ifl ml IW CaMtr «( Caja <strong>Mar</strong>.<br />

Mra. F. C. Oohf, whe ha* ta^'||<br />

aetta laetMaU <strong>of</strong><br />

•e* a fMt*»an at att.<br />

Miaa Charlotte WWttoa, a<br />

liaat Cteadiaa<br />

auda chalnaaa af thm rhOif<br />

f-r. nna—Htu af tha Leaxa* «( ,<br />

pun Ann PHI A<br />



8 Lois OB <strong>Ocean</strong> Road<br />

Lota Xoa. 2856-2863 lociulv*. 2S8.44 fatt.<br />

Price $26,000<br />

60-d*y acttieoest—42000 flrrt payinert.<br />

13000 firrt payment—40-day aettkmeiit.<br />

1429-31 Central Aveone<br />

Four «pardnenta—attractivtly famiabed. Income.<br />

12600 per year—Price for immediate sale<br />

$25r000<br />

DuBOLS and NULTY, Inc.<br />

Realtors<br />

503 Ninth Street Phone 140<br />

Strictly Fresh Effgt 33c<br />

Peaches<br />

23c<br />

big<br />

can<br />

Victor Bread<br />

ASCO Pare<br />

Butterine<br />

. A pu U»l W .<br />

7c<br />

Bread Supreme M<br />

HtWV attDCK "TVtmJt<br />

«•:•«•<br />


:x 4 -.v-i<br />


!••••• ^ ^ »<br />


M<br />

!-'•'<br />

1<br />

ociAW crnr. w. x. TODAY,<br />

MM.<br />

FsJfa PIM-. C M Em;<br />

. Prk_y Brvaiag<br />

He Vie* Preside* Hirtn Trila<br />

Board.<strong>of</strong> EdwraUoB.<br />

"Opportunity Vlght" every Fri-^ When the bill* were jrai at the<br />

day evening at the Mooriyn Thra- monthly mretiiiu; <strong>of</strong> tl»r Board ol<br />

tro given a number af young pro- K.lucution. therv wu»* an Item ni<br />

pi* a chance to ".how their rtufT" nearly Ml' for »mafl flu«x u»rd In<br />

to largo ajnombhiqvi., ami thr<br />

younwbtnt meet with con«Mi'ruhlr<br />

dciwrvnl applaum for their i-ffort*<br />

in thi' "Wiiy <strong>of</strong> rinuinit ami<br />

dancing.<br />

' Tho*o who appeared la it Krii'ny<br />

tn-enlng mn not new to thr f....t<br />

light*. It vrua* announerd by Maiiuthr<br />

-choolx.<br />

Vic l'tv-Mnnl J. Thiirnley<br />

llu«h<br />

\pnvMil tlif }\vw that<br />

tln-rv i- it i-«H'r.»-ion f,»i 111.- Ilonnl<br />

gvr Sl.lnoy K. Stanley, uli<br />

>>f lMur;ii(ii to pur<br />

tlio -.h.-il- «.f (hi-<br />

•wi' !«. n» ha«<br />

w*Mn-_nicd (f irlwn a box <strong>of</strong> not ^<br />

, n , h( . bert <strong>of</strong> health for<br />

"Night Life <strong>of</strong><br />

New York"<br />

Added — Fifth Epiaodc "THE FIGHTING RANGER"<br />

m<br />

.Announcing^<br />

A most complete showing<br />

. <strong>of</strong> the Smartest<br />

Spring Modes in Footwear<br />

Exclusive / Charming /<br />

• fhica to Suit Every Tune<br />

Royal Shoe Store<br />

945 Asbury Avenue<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'$ Leading Shoe Store •<br />

WARNER BROS. Present<br />

Irene Rich<br />

Louise Fazenda<br />

Clive Brook<br />

Pauline Garon<br />

Raymond McKee<br />

•<br />

— Benfit Friday Evening-<br />

Senior Class, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> High School<br />

IT'S HERE!<br />

he<br />

Romance<br />

<strong>of</strong>Rpmances<br />

•X*HB gtoriotttry intpxiatifig<br />

A<br />

love ttory <strong>of</strong> The Merry<br />

Widow and her Prince Charming,<br />

b revealed at last in'a picture<br />

production which will tale<br />

yoor brcatfa away 1<br />

Thomumdt <strong>of</strong><br />

ftajrru<br />

—Sttme* <strong>of</strong> *iU H*tln-im<br />

migkt-liimr Vinmal Tr»-<br />

drr, tkivt&mg romamct —<br />

mtodcap adrnturr<br />

— •—>.<br />

MN<br />

btmtjt<br />

ii Compromise 99<br />





Tuesday—<br />


MJRRtf<br />

) as theVJidow .<br />


THE<br />

"<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s Favorite Theatre"<br />

Indrr Dircrtlo- <strong>of</strong> Tk« Om, W. Bc-ftrlaaai Thedm<br />



TO.VKiHT—FrhUy. <strong>Mar</strong>ch Wth.<br />


Torre C'a»h PrU*« • • Co-test Opm t«<br />



"TESSIE"<br />

COOK to -WAN<strong>On</strong>tTMO<br />

TArA*~<br />

TOX NCWa.<br />

XH. > Nn tttmtt<br />

mt -CXiET Or TBC TOAST CTJABOwna<br />

ceoa-E on*a_ __ IIKUCM mccsox<br />

TOJKIRBOW—JUtanJajr. Maftfc 1Ji_.<br />

KkUie*' Maliaee' at 2 P. M^-T»r«« Ba«r SWw.<br />

V$ t<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ie Prevost<br />

Kenneth Harlan<br />

Louise Fazenda<br />

la .<br />

i ><br />

u Bobbed Hair"<br />

Thursday—<br />


ii<br />

Enticement"<br />

With<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>y Astor<br />

Louise Dresser<br />

!an Keith<br />

Clive Brook<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Prince<br />

in<br />

iilV<br />

/"«•» HINkV U.<br />

SAVACE'S<br />

ttjf<br />

«"«»» .'T r~K.\SY I ! If AR.<br />

V1CTOB IXO.V Jrj tl'O .STl.'.N<br />


HtNJAMIN r.| A.Z< j.<br />


.;/ FLOOD<br />

[.[{ ' / A. TjuuutNa the vatitQ<br />

r? ,«>.•<br />

MrmK<br />

rortnt or TIKDAX<br />

_- n_»r »cw.r_T__ xrva.<br />

A K • « i<br />

WEEK OF MARCH 15lh<br />

(eaipirtf C-uce.eT Pi*crsai E«ery Day<br />

MOVDAV, <strong>Mar</strong>c* 111*.<br />

MRS.<br />



f<br />

WAKV «-.\KU<br />

V V FKARMtS<br />


A UMIU ««I|HI Da_f»i«li U*m*if4.<br />

1 I «:>U W Mjrrh Iwh.<br />

EVELYN<br />

'BRENT<br />

IN.<br />

BUY<br />

IN<br />

OCEAN<br />

CITY<br />


HOME<br />

OR<br />



VALUES<br />

AND<br />

PRICES<br />

WITH<br />

OTHER<br />


OF THE<br />

CITY<br />

«•«•. •-.•<br />

STORY<br />

u_t u.<br />

•<br />

THIRXDAY. Man. l«u_<br />

28 PAGES<br />



Published and Printed in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

VOL. XLVL, No. 1.<br />





if Apartment and Gar-i<br />

age Structure Already<br />

'<br />


I Prevent Flame* From Spreading<br />

_ Lorn Estimated at<br />

$30,000. Partly btMred.<br />

Clayton IJ. Robert* waltor, <strong>of</strong><br />

|tU* city, who*e three-»toTy apartat<br />

and irarajre bullUlf a morlcrn *y*tem <strong>of</strong> Indexing<br />

In the county clerk's <strong>of</strong>fice, ia before<br />

the Cape May County Board<br />

<strong>of</strong> Freeholder*, anil action wfll be<br />

taken following an Inquiry into the<br />

Indexing systems In vogoe ia other<br />

counties <strong>of</strong> the State.<br />

The request • was forwarded to<br />

the' freeholder* this week, follow-<br />

. i»K • campalim .<strong>of</strong> publicity de-<br />

J*» helped. When vke«l imajvllng m>rnc_r ia thla the cam that contractor*<br />

on that- piece <strong>of</strong> work have UIUM)<br />

I for and received a nixtyxlay tlnw<br />

[extension to complete tho road and<br />

'brldire ncrou the canal<br />

I<br />

Thin delay will prove cortly. to<br />

: the revidenta <strong>of</strong> Aralon, but, aeconlln^<br />

to County Engineer Smith,<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Schoolboy Boxers<br />



County Clerk Hlldreth Asks<br />

850,000 to Iiwlull Index-<br />

Ing Plant.<br />


[ p<br />

I roadway, the engineer »aid. "When<br />

work wax flrxt started, the eon.<br />

f tractor* made fast<br />

time. Their<br />

RctenaWe io«ro«cnMttta U> * 1 -x«ni *w good until a workman<br />

number <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> hotel* are I wax killed.<br />

8lnce then-little pro-<br />

— ' '- anticipation <strong>of</strong> utl h b d U dt<br />

under way in<br />

early season.<br />

anticipation ef aa<br />

the (Im<br />

The exterior <strong>of</strong> the Hotel l*-<br />

EUrhth street and <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

has been made, as ttte death<br />

<strong>of</strong> the man seemed to hare broken<br />

nched the scettf, a few<br />

later, he immediately tam- ments areptannrd.<br />

has D**n poblUhei. exUrtuJrs<br />

at thTBiacsyne Hatsl<br />

this wlU be one<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

co-pleted<br />

I by A. C Gilbert and famiCotttlmwd<br />

oa t*gm 4><br />




Hany <strong>of</strong> the smaller hotel* are<br />

i ld d i d d<br />

y. It was In the natnra <strong>of</strong> a<br />

letter from County Clerk A. C<br />

Hlldreth. and comes. In. answer to<br />

the demand* <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Cttjr realtors<br />

v '<br />

and County<br />

ttod b<br />

tors.<br />

Freeholder Goalln<br />

k HOd<br />


. j<br />

btlng enlaraed and impro%-ed and<br />

repair men are krpt on the' jump<br />

from one. week end to another,<br />

. trying- to catch up .wtth the de-<br />

'mand for their teririce*.<br />

1<br />

The Unroln Hotel will optn<br />

April 1. WlltUm J. Chadwick,<br />

bratinir an' heat for the Wife's Demi** BtWcfc t© BttV><br />

I room* a* wcQ- a* for the Idtchm. I<br />

' jamin AdamB. Who is '<br />

— , Clinton l~ Brrcklry, kcai patsttac ffniiaMli ID.<br />

Battle WiMM contrartor. ha* bnrn KKrn the con- . * y ***• •<br />

Cum DKUM to With- ' tract for paJnUrur. . f^,^ . rfmB1rl!meBU for Mn _<br />

IstM Normal SckoaL<br />

• EnUf*ements at the flandrr* Benjamin Artams, who died ta*t<br />

_ -are being d^Owd. , evenine at her home on Central<br />

Trenton, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 10 — Xew Jcr-' - ', avenue, near Fourth street, were<br />

'• xhool teachers, 22J0OO In all.'Mt AATCC 1111"" DT"<br />

• Bot completed at the boor <strong>of</strong> R-elnjr<br />

«g their n«ht to present the ' | f /||ll||^ Ulllll 1<br />

Io P*»-<br />

the morale <strong>of</strong> the other worfcen. Clerk HOdreth were. Instructed by<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> the men employed at the "-* ' *- * •<br />

time <strong>of</strong> the fatdtty have quit and<br />

Tone eUowhere-to leas dancerotu<br />

employment.<br />

Those who remain<br />

seem to turre had the spirit taken<br />

oat <strong>of</strong> them.<br />

"The contractors are now seenrhf<br />

• new ft-anr <strong>of</strong> workmtn and<br />

promise to pot more men en than<br />

erer-before.<br />

They can complete<br />

the roadway <strong>of</strong> the bride? so that<br />

It can he opened to travel and complete<br />

the detail work later on. It<br />

does not *eem to be the fault<br />

<strong>of</strong> the contractor*.**<br />

seauand study the tadexin*: «ratem<br />

used In thoae applrisg moat<br />

modem methods. It U estimated<br />

that the chance wfll require oae<br />

year to complete, sad for that<br />

reason all that the board wfll need<br />

toapprepriate at thia time. I* $_V-<br />

5°°» *P" » ~m0ar ana set aside<br />

f<br />

^ ' * «n»« " rt -J >U tin the u« artal »hould rf<br />

by «ho«ing<br />

l * lr<br />

type<br />

nu( "*-<br />

r i*r^ul -vr»riuuaj to j .pKlncalion*, thry aaiminaftalr<br />

JIV •»'•"> 'nfomptcUiI brcauw <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Purfne the rominc »»-. V. hoard<br />

member* who have lakm over the<br />

Infor<br />

vocal rendition WA* prorurfor<br />

the pitted rnxmblr. Trw<br />

WPG r»/ilo l|.Unen> strrrv'ttut it<br />

c<br />

wirhld<br />

uf «,nfrrww-.. «1|h UH<strong>of</strong><br />

de«>lmif upon horn^^ to make<br />

nusner in wUch<br />

the tprrinratlon* nn<br />

prepared<br />

thr\- «(r not Mirr )u»t what wa*<br />

• L-.lr^l by fhe ctty,<br />

The*«* mrn wrrr s^ked why. If<br />

thry m*n. r»ot »urr <strong>of</strong> what *ra*<br />

thry illil not crt in touch<br />

Itaally requested thi* year for<br />

fun.1. To do this tho confrrence : ' w<br />

led to wipe out the appropribill<br />

the «un <strong>of</strong> *v«0O.00Q ait *<br />

hail hern A^Kned to the* - the Ooetin<br />

n <strong>of</strong> a normal rrhool in flyl- the Hotel<br />

nlk-nu. It *J» the Urw-t attrn.1<br />

ami- thi. onrsnlrsllon hi» ntr ha.1<br />

at on' <strong>of</strong> the+e funitlon.. The<br />

tlnr>*l. viiirh w^» rcheitulcd to<br />

le<strong>of</strong><br />

U><br />

an- /or u«. h. ilnil ar»l fifty<br />

morv thun t«o hundred urn*<br />

lore than two hundred p«ple -^J 0 ' >«"*• Mr. Adam*, mho U come up<br />

, • •_,.-• . . . , . . , '-riou.ly ill. ha* (lv« brollwr. — airnr pru<br />

n.l-1 the Ladtr. MirtU <strong>of</strong> C^OTKT. Ch_rU-». WllUrd unJ Or- .V.taU m,<br />

f a<br />

Count)-.<br />

Thi* (900.000 iroe><br />

xtly to the penxion fun-l. l< »vthr<br />

xbool project to wait at<br />

another yr—r.<br />

Thr full Amount a^k*-«l by ih,*<br />

r>f the pi-n*!rtn fon«l feir<br />

n> ZUCOOfiM. The Apatiso<br />

Cmniittre .1K-(Jim thi- l>> Sl.-<br />

to ha\"drtne'~The' "** UiWe nui<br />

-ufV.'-luin- »-rfou>ly anil will l«-<br />

h T*t "•*• "t the "T-" -llotU-l C_pr with onVW. <strong>of</strong> the nty. and the<br />

"">' Counrj- in thr hour - memljer utll L.<br />

in iniml tli,- •_(,. <strong>of</strong><br />

nmmUi<br />

Alli-cr.). rlns»-r» with<br />

l_i\alle pianu ~l.s1i.,n-.<br />

• i 1_<br />

K-I*kar«l lloyan,v.f tM*<br />

lor .,- . • i ,.<br />

H i.ntinue.1 i.n Pair,<br />

an(|<br />

<strong>of</strong> th«> »|iu(i H. Vail and<br />

0. l^wleit<br />

The •linnrr ws* follo»»il uy »n<br />

ciitrrtoinmrnt and rflotfon pklun-^<br />

pricun><br />

pli't.i) pUn><br />

ilo. k for an<br />

" t*> pro\i.le<br />

»hlrh will be Wrll«-vpli--cif"ir.itH.n» I cram <strong>of</strong> rn-itir th.it will »t.irw| un-<br />

Irtjt h«-3U>»- <strong>of</strong> the urvrnt rw»-.| <strong>of</strong> j .«|u -il.-I a. un attraction for the<br />

the i-MW. PTMidrnt <strong>of</strong> r*Uh<br />

(asspaay. ActU IB To»B-<br />

- r- ui-.l Ii. |a(- i<br />


I ••« rrniir Ki'ulr l.i K<br />

! .Ii-Unt clti.~.<br />

Mr. Spilth<br />

-utv -i••>> ih<br />

Jl bt' well to |kiy -^.IIM' alt<<br />

» lln' Krw Y*>rk t.-rrit"i\<br />

Kuilowern uf Came<br />

Din<br />

—i>rd<br />

I I..- |. till<br />

nty, Mr.<br />

f..r<br />

IIH city after a thnrr<br />

to<br />

Cincinnati and<br />

victnlty. He U a (unt <strong>of</strong> th* Sucrl.<br />

Injr. where he »prnt «:\«r*l wrtlu<br />

before rotnc U Ohio.<br />

they will mrrt thr Gym Tram <strong>of</strong><br />

"TE»-U! JACK CETR<br />

TICmUftH JOBi Tt><br />


te fcoje CM Peat sa<br />

, at Caaa May Cent<br />

Tt^ Mrthday anniversary <strong>of</strong> MlMJ~)|r. O*bome for year* wa* title McGfll I'nlwriity tomorrow.<br />

Ruth Jone., Oaiirhlrr <strong>of</strong> Mr. and | <strong>of</strong>ftorr <strong>of</strong> the rVnn.yh-ania 'Com- „___„ rrr ^T —<br />

pany for In»urancr on Uve. and; STORM WATER DRAIN<br />

Ruth Jone., Oaurhl<br />

Mr.. J. R. ioara, <strong>of</strong> «00 <strong>Ocean</strong> ave-<br />

S l<br />

i<br />

-»tion i* iik* l\<br />

favorably .<br />

the<br />

Siilllh -jl-i: ~Tbi> l>.*r.|<br />

: a>i'le mor;ej f.»r -*.iv> ixt * -<br />

•hoUld tike to *rt- cop> pre-<br />

Uld *4MUr <strong>of</strong> tilt- dinTk') (tut<br />

I u*r.<br />

S'ow i. Ihr Iur,i- t..<br />

thr «il>'jnUcr< <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

_ CAmpsitfTi thi* ^«M>ri.**<br />

At the conclusion' <strong>of</strong> bi« appeal<br />

for action, Proidrnt Kwinff T. Cox-<br />

^oa s-fcril that the publicity torn<br />

• 11.<br />

n<br />

l'..,i<br />

. II-<br />

•:».--t »il! I<br />

• r .1 ..in-., i.<br />

...»• in„. ...' i!...<br />

:. vt «n«-lr.<br />

Tl— f til...t<br />

F...U In »urt > II<br />

Tl.lr-ty-/. unli<br />

.trvrt. but II i<br />

chirv will U- •<br />

••'.'•> \\ r..,.!.•,<br />

• ..f ru-.mr..- ., I..<br />

'.l> fr«-iu It-- .'-!i '..'<br />

if i*..lk .1- S--i» i.:t<br />

ijk. i. ur. ..f in .;!<br />

U' ii,l|..iu«-> .1 ^i ll.<<br />

,- 1 .t> M 71-.it-.-<br />

lii. • ..v uf U,.<br />

,v,i. Mr.<br />

.1 l-f In,.,,'..i-l,-i- fi.r Itie Itell<br />

I'I\. -if. .,mi> n.i..i *.\ ^l.in^r-er<br />

<br />

i bill In Ihr Irci.lature It riprrt*<br />

i." Ka\r |LJ,.„. Bids aiw brtng<br />

T P 1 *"* t<strong>of</strong>'Jted for th* constroetion <strong>of</strong> mA<br />

tfc<br />

Ktoth IIJWU.<br />

h f<br />

f<br />

aorennns; to plans in the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong><br />

Oty EBjriaeer OMasna. and the*i<br />

I are to be wbmttted at th* meetins;<br />

- --— .- . _. |<strong>of</strong> the board April ft. •<br />

Saal auff at roadway before the<br />

This I* the bedssine; <strong>of</strong> a eon-<br />

-Mrstc «m_r HEBB.<br />

Mra.Uowmrd<br />

iteaBplatad storm water draina**o<br />

•vsteea thst is to extend<br />

froa<br />

North street to Seventeenth street.<br />

ia the territory fro**<br />

the esdmatMi cost <strong>of</strong><br />

pto»eJ aftar aa operation perform- • inatructed to<br />

d hi h i H d<br />

i btins ws*. <strong>of</strong> the beet, and<br />

{ worked tot.-.-1her wrlL<br />

. -Chrt" KrnrUJOD, who ftlkd the<br />

• I place made vacant by Mansold's<br />

CouMy Kna-inrrr SmUh ha> ua-en rrleauv. pUyr.1 m irrrst ,lrfrn>ivr<br />

« I VIC fXI'B TO MERT<br />

Th- <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Chric Clob wiO<br />

hoil an JmporUnl mt-ting In city<br />

hail at N o'clock, arat Tuesday<br />

wetiiAi;. Alt meatber* atw a_f_f_t-'<br />

Iv unn-l to he ln-tte«»tane».<br />

ed on him a short time since. He rrvWa<br />

upsets ts> have his b-u»e »pm at Cape Ms<br />

line* and<br />

dttriatT the Kaater hoUday*.<br />


Ceorgw 1-sslla.ii. <strong>of</strong> PkiUoVlesTlce<br />

fan* <strong>of</strong><br />

ef this<br />

> pseperr a<br />

map <strong>of</strong> the county rround*<br />

p May CM<br />

af the arctuWt* tn<br />

Court. Hou*e. for uae<br />

rrt* tn charcv <strong>of</strong> the<br />

plan* tor the new county building-<br />

PiaiiAinar toaches to the county<br />

butldlajT p^^ft- vill be completed<br />

next we**, and the compsrU plan*<br />

placed in the hand* <strong>of</strong> members<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> IVeehoidrra for<br />

their approval on <strong>Mar</strong>ch II.<br />

kUUrr,<br />

He held hi. man.<br />

to ona ftckl goal, but ha<br />

rang up a oVrucc<br />

Wainwright<br />

chalk<strong>of</strong> op tw«<br />

double*, on* bring ia the nr«t half,<br />

which was th* oajy on* UUkst durlac<br />

this patiod.<br />

(r<br />

FOB TKADE.<br />

Wa_t Oeaam CHy Mora or aaaitt<br />

H • o*-_wa<br />

y<br />

Haw. a • an* o_wa<br />

•qolMMd with A*M tot,<br />

b-try d-nka. 10 raasa haws*.<br />

lhl<br />

YiU'KGh-nnW ENJOY<br />



I'J*.<br />


& > • & *<br />

. •'< :<br />

*;VV<br />

*>»!w«teteUllalMr<br />

•*n*LaM»_<br />

bttketraa-<br />

:ef tterie**-<br />

iiHiti to<br />

Afifib.<br />

taja *«k «<br />

r«B*«fi<br />

«-TfctTb5S<br />

' ail<br />

far tba unttaaiiUUji dbtrida<br />

nMiMr caa* algktr tkaa ta<br />

.^tnUWi'fema wu ti<br />

parcaat; PblHJiHlila. 114 aar<br />

•ar caatt Oavatrad. it aar oaatr<br />

MBwaabaa, M Bar (aat; Datraat<br />

«• par<br />

pV 149 ^OT<br />

par c—t|B<br />

tat; all •areaatiKaaaaa j l Cttr. 8»<br />

•ar ont| LavdaviDa, TI par oast;<br />

6. LaaJa. *M par oat| aad Syra-<br />

IsMaWAaWO PVawBBaBOa^ 4WHI t W<br />

Ik* lacarvVkfaaUaf r*braary •»•<br />

v*. to adar way ai aO MaaVAJas<br />

Cast Jamaa W. Lara<br />

LaaftvcaOT'<br />

UNC<br />


hitfe prioad Sooth aaeUoaa to tha<br />

da, wbara fair prioaa aad baaJUty<br />

pravaO tba yaar thro. .<br />

Ifa a good tlma to laam about It aad I caa 1<br />

irymrukna.<br />

My<br />

lar with it .<br />

RALPH L GO^flfOmGty, H.;<br />

Kittt VU. (Tte<br />

Mr .Owner! Mr. Builder!]<br />

We enploy revnlartjr oar own aiedtanks In practkaJr/ al'<br />

lines <strong>of</strong> work—thereby msfaitsfnhtf; doser control over oar es<br />

•traction and ssrfatf s&snr hvbetween pr<strong>of</strong>tts, which we pats<br />

We are cqpipped to handle roar entire project front tht<br />

foandarton to the pbmbtmz. -Nothtas; too larsv to atop as<br />

nothftt* too satsJi to fattrestas.<br />

let oar Mr. W. JL Deauhait/ csJ and ffme JOB oar <<br />

—A card wB bring hfaa fattwo days, with sh-ohrtrfy no obfics-<br />

Doogberty G>nstnictH>D GunpaBy<br />

"BuilSng Contractors<br />

697 N. Front 8t Pa.<br />

National Public Service G>ivporation<br />

7% Cumulative Preferred Share*, Priced to Yield 7u»%<br />

SAFETY<br />

(Backad by proptrty ban «t<br />

itBtoyoor<br />

bus*<br />

SURETY<br />

•try ia tba world. Its<br />

•a atfll brightar.)<br />

MARKET<br />

(Sboold<br />

k*t wbarata yoo i<br />

>tosnj<br />


Jeney Central Power & Lkht Comsmm<br />

I tnatod<br />

BaVafK w%C0OSMV aW MMtTM flV •"waV<br />

•fV«)ABi taf) M. dttttWat, ^pOft iat vMBaT*<br />

CWir}i»4TtoT»aaaad HaraatokUabterikav*<br />

at Oa><br />

llktyaT*<<br />

wHbanaOa<br />

hjaayedallr tro* ia<br />

a»«* to anly ona i<br />

ICaaW bwajtelaat fat taacr Band<br />

Vr^Mfia baa) KT to aaaa a caod dtivVwawHaaj<br />

aa* •» aaa» «aa awar kaawa<br />

af tka<br />

i ky tkbi Ikat tka<br />

lff>< iwJCbOavaptrit<strong>of</strong>tkaTraataa<br />

rlkataftaraaakaaaraa*-<br />

Ifcawy a tar* aad a aaajta af daartotktcfclldna.<br />

OB tk* atkar<br />

ai BMB kaaw Ikat loaflar to<br />

I aad to a**U wonytar abaat<br />

laWvatforavaUcwJBjta&aatvl<br />

-'^B*utkav*««aBitkvacto*a.<br />

i today >*a caa ask tk* SBBN<br />

IBBT af tk* dbactan af <<br />

d baaka caaw la tk* •<br />

Tb* utter, kow***r.<br />

ohxtodbydba<br />

paaaa tkay an<br />

' Ikaa fraaa tka psraaaa af<br />

aarrica. IwnaaaDy 1 faal<br />

t la fate* Ivan it wffl b* «*»•<br />

rto aat *ood BMB far aack traasad<br />

Ikat carparaOaaa, wltk<br />

laajiUl atotk. wffl b» orrjudaK><br />

• aOjarBmoaaa otker tkaa<br />

la<br />

daar. J 4ld> aai<br />

baaka to wyfah<br />

d<br />

to ttaaa<br />

talkcai Bask<br />

Bow Thay Work<br />

abovaaana'<br />

rraallaWaatolbacBt<br />

Piaa.' tkat ia, tk*y<br />

<strong>of</strong> ISI percent abov* aonaal at tk*<br />

Brat ei Ik* v**x. Bovwvar. *D hv<br />

Ik* finit half<br />

[Baa Ika arat to asalySaiuUi<strong>of</strong><br />

1M6 wiD at ttaat eqati aay pra-<br />

IwmtUitnr artadlaa to b—"..<br />

lawt to bafldiac a bom*.<br />

Ma to to kav* a Mraaa aa<br />

rtuadal Banaa<br />

b« baa tk* baak & mm i<br />

, doEra tia aaxt, and two<br />

an la* aaxt, )aat a> TO* fnd<br />

dotac Yea dttoltr^ mbb*<br />

ftw a** or war* •Skaiaa.' **<br />

t m caOad, wkVk yoa ajreoa to<br />

r far by briasjar ar aeadtar to<br />

i a daSatto ana aack wik.<br />

Af^aaT> ffVk*a "^BHfA>jt>>aal<br />

af tujwiaBU. yaa hav* a<br />

jmU SkaVnaVkick roe<br />

*•» a ncto af taHint varyiaa<br />

• a* to • panaat. alwas* a nto<br />

• •dMy<br />

Itkb ktad <strong>of</strong><br />

*B*aa*B *•*><br />

••I 4JB KllfV •BOCKB WWWK9SC9<br />

a* OS. «a*Kper*d wtlk a 1<br />

point <strong>of</strong> as'toJUy^Utt. wfci<br />

Ikat tkaaa afotla bava a*<br />

tkaa M paroaat. ia akc<br />

tk* fact<br />

tea<br />

to aB tkat<br />

to wky wiaa faivaatora ar* 1<br />

tka larr* JaiaaUi<br />

rltk a vary aaaB rato<br />

if te to to kaop kto<br />

. Tte anaB krvaator<br />

aay tkaaa Itaterad<br />

I raoatv* a kirk rate <strong>of</strong><br />

Ik acrfBct aaMy aaadi<br />

waaa good alack* ara<br />

t ap, bat tkb akosld aot,<br />

•a at tkto tka* ef roar,<br />

it to arid aaaaaa partad wi<br />

akaaackart aaoaDy ttOm<br />

Today w* atoad at 11<br />

in tka towpa ia<br />

(v*Mi9 mfgneottBtu BtuaW t*wa><br />

roaadtac tka atattoa,-<br />

IatartBtaac* anoac atoUoaa awy<br />

lak lada raas aa t* poGto to IS<br />

a* -"-«—*-•. tte d»-by tfcctr •ppaaaata. ••<br />

teUavaa, aa aaay <strong>of</strong> tte Ia tte Uat atagaa oa* tte<br />

« atatiaM ajv/tebw dk><br />

and tocaaJcal kaativa<br />

d te'atevad to a<br />

tefaat ~*~**T ta bi<br />

Uteto toafayar.<br />

ia: aairaaaMaa* «W itoaad i<br />

tte . raat ef tte<br />

Tte<br />

•n<br />

oaaratl**'<br />

witfc Oeorn Catvar toauaj <strong>of</strong>tk*<br />

tkaaUS ia» ttatioaa for broadcaatiac-<br />

Saa lab toua, aad Ida<br />

Tbay bat to Wiktwoo? kffltrS*<br />

•ad ta Harbor ky daa* aoara*.<br />

TaabM tkay am iibikjlil to<br />

•yMorrto Oaarda. Naat Frktoy<br />

i akaot abty atattoaa^TTtvaX «kt MfflvOto to da*, aad Ftlday<br />

. oa a raralar actedjat* - Um S wMTjtay WBdw-ct TK<br />

— • ' Taffi 1*^• - * * * waawX>nfe<br />

lOfftWaaT' nMaUfa OauUTaV wWl<br />


CAIDEN<br />

4St»M.<br />

aty<br />

AsfaaBjak ftyaWaaVaStaBBT *tev* ttM **a»»<br />

iataaTftoU gaab.<br />

•»*** waa aa aaty —» aa tte<br />

abb to Sadtkateabat. B* aaak<br />

Sva tanar^asatoci aad, Cor goad<br />

atrid* aad laaa; np flv* <strong>of</strong> bia aavaa<br />

ta tba flntbaU. TblehalfoadV<br />

ad tt-to 1* te favor <strong>of</strong> Captate<br />

TimiaaaJiooya.<br />

Wltk Kaaakl*<br />

ia tk*<br />

aaeoad bait, aaatotod by ba atdakJctera.<br />

ararybody aoattax, tte Saa<br />

thiawa, i aaarty half tka<br />

total «*n<br />

Tte TiaMora bay kavaa a good raoard,<br />

Itea T» MR-at 3<br />

tkacTI« puaaa a* far pteyad tkto<br />

bet tte ba«; oaid<br />

I to hav* affected Iteai aad<br />

"'rta ;<br />

*• to an pfitallBtj «Bb*<br />

C*aaty, wffl te tte "•n'l"<br />

Tte actedatto* *f atar toaawby<br />

Oeorga Cahar inniaata far "tka<br />

Urg* crowds *f kaabatteB faQawerataBaalab.<br />

^ ^<br />

tor Saa lab la tte Saatk laaay<br />

Saa lab dtp<br />

rid* Caaar.<br />

i — Wbtttlattea'for<br />

tar b> a tria, aidad snattjr ia Matter<br />

tte as-Stoto flv* oa tte abort Maaay. S aat <strong>of</strong> «i Binlir. • aai<br />

Faala — WatewrtoM X *at•* «»<br />

oad<strong>of</strong>alStoMacat*.<br />

ef $i Kacakb. S eat af «i TWva-<br />

WirfawWyitfrt S&atdTvVawMaaU CMSBBBd. t cwt *f tj Wkktiagtoa. S<br />

ted a pair, aad WkitUactoa ga** oat <strong>of</strong> l t Karaaa, 1 eat af ti<br />

ktaara, •aatef ti Barae,*eataf<br />

T( Baaa*, t aat *f «! Brawa, t aat<br />

aft. ~<br />

Soar* at aad af tot tetf Saa<br />

Ua Oty. ttl GaBtttoB Oililn. IS.<br />

Vtaal «en—Sea<br />

UkcSZui<br />

fWta caDad — Saa lab Qty. S*|<br />

2uad*a> as. *<br />

Bafarae — Baakia<br />

Tbaaafkatvaa —1<br />

— B.B.<br />

OM<br />

AUvur Ott OMW to<br />

DAILY BUS SERV1CE-Oc*an <strong>City</strong> te'PUln.<br />

Ka<br />

r.ar r.ar. P.M. r.at<br />

raa «» «» •<br />

Trta, nat Oaa Way, tL»<br />

SM* rm TUn, Ban<br />

ciai i I M U 1mm. awt Warn<br />


Bacwad Straat twaaa »M Ocaaa Otf. X. J.<br />


Humptywko's Bulletin<br />

Adam't fararite pi« was apple.<br />

George W. preferred cberrfaa.<br />

Jack Homer ahraya stuck to pioms.<br />

But I prefer the "Berrie*."<br />

Surf Road Lots at $125 per foot<br />

Astxvy Avenue Lot, 1904 Block, graded.<br />

3 Centra] Ateoae Lots, 23)1 Block, graded, 1-2 Cash.<br />

2 Bortgahrwi in the Gardens, near oeean, |8t6OO each<br />

1<br />

toato''*. ; .B«'<br />

OaaaarOty, t»i ;<br />

Snv Ma Oftr. IS.<br />

TteM«f kalvaa-.il<br />

Otdaa Kafana —<br />

•ear O^^-u—, We*d<br />

VMdOoaU--fladr*tk.«)Cawd.<br />

wick, OUea, aack *t BejabrasM,<br />

Malta, Leper, Biea. Oalvct. eatfe, L<br />

VMla — Baadaraoa, 0 eot<strong>of</strong> I)<br />

bfr. and Mr*. J. X Dittrka, af<br />

kjoct, S oat ef Lopar, d onto <strong>of</strong> thto h city, apaat tte waak-<br />

bar* aa goaato ef thatr aon,<br />

oat oV Ss Rica, t oot <strong>of</strong> S; H0-aad<br />

dmk, 0 oat <strong>of</strong> It Cohrar, 1 oat <strong>of</strong> Walter A. Dcttrich, aad fkmfiy.<br />

— an.<br />

far<br />

Tte Mda ar* to<br />

<strong>of</strong> tte ckarck ca*j _<br />

8.. It to iliaail ta i<br />

tfc* • - ---•<br />

It Is With Pride That The<br />

M. E. BLATT CO.<br />

• Announce An<br />

Exposition Extraordinaire<br />

<strong>of</strong> Am<br />

World's Best China<br />

Week <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mar</strong>ch Fifteenth<br />

<strong>On</strong> the Fifth Floor<br />

An eagxwitionthat will be <strong>of</strong> interest alike to the connoisseur <strong>of</strong> fine<br />

and the woman who desiregtoaee tht ncwaiKfciesirable<br />

in china.<br />

77ie China Department is Almost a New Department<br />

It IS a new department New In decoration. New in Stock.<br />

The decorations and appointments are conceded by everybody<br />

who sees them to be the finest in the country.<br />

China From Every Part<br />

<strong>of</strong> the World<br />

The stocks are so complete they embrace<br />

every possible requirement in china from the<br />

very finest Royal Worcester porcelain, than<br />

which there is no finer in the world, to cottage<br />

sets at very modest price<br />

Every country in the world noted for its china<br />

is represented in the new China Department.<br />

. France<br />

(Limoges China)<br />

100-pfcc* Se4s, $133 to 1450<br />

The©. Bavflaad<br />

Made by<br />

Chac Ahrenfeldt<br />

HarOaad 4 Co. , Superfor<br />

Hamaxi JCoppor<br />

England and Scotland<br />

lwt*fact> Sets, $35 to $150<br />

(Except Boysl Woreaater)<br />

WatUwood<br />

Aald Hasthar W«j»<br />

Bct/al Wore aDa<br />

Matfdockr 4 mBar'a a A 8oa<br />

KMfcwa*<br />

Johaaoa A Bra.<br />

Bavaria and Czecho Slovakia<br />

. lWfiici Stay $52.71 to $875<br />

PiaalStnab<br />

Edwin Knoules<br />

C C. Thompson<br />

Carrohon Pottery<br />

Japan<br />

$6545 U» $70<br />

Uormaira. NorHaka<br />

America .<br />

lOO^tiece Sets, $23.75 to $65<br />

"K<br />

.''*..'jli.<br />

Made by<br />

Taylor. Bmith A Tajfcr<br />

PopaCoaarr<br />

Eaat Elverpool Pottery<br />

StettbeoviDe Pottery Co.<br />

Special Exhibition <strong>of</strong><br />

Art China<br />

The art <strong>of</strong> Ceramics, <strong>of</strong> taking one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

most common-place products or nature and<br />

turning it into china <strong>of</strong> varying decrees <strong>of</strong><br />

^beauty dates back to the eariy days <strong>of</strong> cfvflbation,<br />

, but it has reached the pfa^irrrf pirrrf <strong>of</strong> perfi<br />

fection i in the h following fl ware that is on exhibition<br />

during this week:<br />

Yoa ara corxttafly ****** to mm thtm art<br />

wwO aa oar autii* stock <strong>of</strong> fhHia awl s4a><br />

M. E. BLATT C3Q.<br />

-<br />

*<br />

^^fl|^^BMk'flL)flh( •aaaaaflHriK WK^tr^ ^^aaaaaaaBBt^ *'"' ***'* "* ' -I '.. ' ' '"•4' !l«. »«,-, >• *'^T? *^T^ * * ~^l-/^y^^^^^^^W^'t ^*^^**"^B{'^r*wV|MBB«W '*'^St^v|B^B'^

• , ' . . ' * • '<br />

«:«$<br />


on punw<br />

Bay avenae. were called to the<br />

ef the Director<strong>of</strong> PobUc Works<br />

pf^,: Pi>'«wiic,'bw bee pamttied another weak to .port.<br />

xV^esih* wftboat lepstrtng tbe dangerous boles, j<br />

- cares e» Httk for tba safety<br />

with <strong>Ocean</strong> CKy<br />

aton* all<br />

pa»totwfcetbeaise<strong>of</strong> tha8an1iiM»-Ledgera<br />

Within the next five or afar weeks, thia<br />

wiO be in rta new and complete<br />

„! Inane on Eighth street, at Moors avenue, aad<br />

I then, with a terser and modem press, and<br />

Kuna<strong>of</strong>o OCEAN CITT.<br />

Tmtativa plena have been made by a<br />

nVttee <strong>of</strong> tbe Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce and<br />

JataUTOF CAaaaflDvOO tiQKF XAB) GXDtttKOXOXtQ • OK<br />

virtually $80400 in advertising <strong>Ocean</strong>. <strong>City</strong>.<br />

la undei stood that much <strong>of</strong> thia money<br />

win be spent m aewi<br />

^Miste equip. t, we wfll b« able<br />

t<strong>of</strong>twi tha people and friends <strong>of</strong> Ocaan <strong>City</strong><br />

roved Sentinel-Ledger.<br />

desire la tkto connection to thank oa><br />

friends who have mada tha new mova<br />

pocdbla by their libanl and continued sopaacesaata<br />

mSSSTlb. Ceak teat<br />

"•••tam ee<br />

wee ae eaa «a the toe-aaar.<br />

hOee la tha gange. thiee ef wkfch<br />

af the auifilau<br />

aaad hy tha total feat atlee tatha<br />

dtUmry <strong>of</strong> maO aad parcel poet.<br />

Whea Chief Oeewer arrived at<br />

the Uaaa, ha toad the atatrwayte<br />

a<br />

af^WWIIJ h,<br />

aad a Uka aaat la<br />

The «nt aetton tafcta ^ ^<br />

tha aatnaca j oe the aide <strong>of</strong> U M.<br />

lea waa ta eekBowtodw<br />

IMA bBfldfaw «»>a oai Ita aad taka H op later,<br />

«*0 aa tha dasr aad «tada*m.<br />

the doae <strong>of</strong> the eteajoe,<br />

•haw taaai tt th* Bib«it»'<br />

-. it waa anwd that Ftaeand<br />

tha laar at tha tmOdbw aa a GoaBa aad Couaty .Clerk<br />

maw «f l d a HOdreth atart at T <strong>of</strong> Coranaica<br />

btgia to advartiaa thla rt. tba bat-<br />

Utio* <strong>of</strong> tht Infa»a.<br />

tha pftwr«»: ^»aia»afljadl<br />

a tar it will be for spring Tirninaas Many<br />

Tat aa»«atie aad w«B-dbactad a. Oat Swaa" 8rt 8ahrt~ftam any aid ef any kind.<br />

at tha nwmbata af tha d«- h. -With lUwla aad WaMal^T ST.*. wA ; aa to atawiai<br />

people are already renting cottages and •ffatta with tha t— < -*TTTT <strong>of</strong> . Woodman that we wet» not to ba «wiaUatad.<br />

apaitmeuta at sanhora resorts for tbe com-<br />

Aikara Ctob Cl»ro»<br />

Tbt qaaatJaarf««»abtt« Ujt priot<br />

apmd <strong>of</strong> Uw Samoa 'to acar-fcy a. "Aria, from «Lonba,"<br />

arnee bat prka waa not tha real<br />

ing summer season. The old adage haa it blUh . . <strong>of</strong> f which fck are<strong>of</strong><br />

ChuptntVtr fiSS..tffSn *<br />

00 0900<br />

that "the early bird catches the worm." rather timier-llke conetractiaa. b. -BDrtur*! Awakantnc" Sanop us a line and tefl us your radio troubles.<br />


Me Casairtla. with Aay Otatr Ftm.<br />

W. R. SHAW.<br />

!•» Central Av<br />

H.S.OWEN.<br />

1H Heerirn Terrace<br />

For Hie Devdoper!<br />

OvcrSAortson<br />

. 34U. St. Boalevard ,<br />

anJ. mtU^g H build-,<br />

«dl FtaaarW.<br />

Woad*rf»JPV>t<br />

MftMt<br />

Central A«»-<br />

- te<br />

LatB.ySadeaa'CaartraJ<br />

AaxtSt.<br />

tUadlkiftn,!,<br />

t-: u,..:<br />

.j. af tha<br />

TTeBaaf<br />

Ia dlaaaaria* MM<br />

%twsf-W*S ft=Mto«j<br />

thatthe Ban affldatahadjaa Urn<br />

In<br />

tha paaada<br />

aJd JMt gha aatbtetaiy<br />

I t<strong>of</strong>ct Uai that tha qaaa-<br />

*pa^rt]r irWH davtyoiv<br />

HIM but adequate la-<br />

•sraace eaty wta raptaoa<br />

taa baa. Oar »*i-<br />

Frank E. Darby<br />

Wl<br />

tBALTOB<br />

Avaar<br />

1W<br />

atiaat.ta<br />

tta Baatdwalk<br />

a»da la taha eata .af<br />

v-v-ft slasTSTTIasth<br />

wShw&h to aottfy the<br />

wbaa there la a are, lie<br />

Old robber radahaad hat yasr<br />

ameaatod ta « H W aa aaataras<br />

tha years eaaawaetfaa,<br />

Mm EtUth WaHewerth. .ajd ta<br />

ha*e been tha fttat waaa<br />

tntamthewerkLdledat<br />

Gas, at the aca af as.<br />

Cul<br />

U4<br />

"tie<br />

tOBXTKKBj<br />

M*» ea m omi<br />

ntath atnat Tha<br />

op far aaeapd aad a<br />

tha anatlaa «f tfa i<br />

HAINES<br />

School o£<br />

Ctty. X.X<br />

rLaw BathSaMs<br />

Ketex<br />

WaaxfeW. Ca* Liver 00 Extract<br />

1J9<br />

U. SL<br />

IṂ<br />

75<br />

.to<br />

.60<br />

Zeaila<br />

Rabbtr Aateemiacra<br />

Aalcrika<br />

Fonaaaibrt lablete<br />

Douy KiaWy Plb<br />

Pebece TeeA Paste<br />

Prpaodcat Tsetb Paste<br />

Kafpkeao Teeib Baste ..<br />

Scott's Kaiswieti<br />

Pertessia<br />

Loyalty<br />

tOOfea<br />

Main loyalty count — and dollars<br />

mount. -You are loyal to yoar family<br />

and yoaraelf when yoa save a<br />

part <strong>of</strong> your income and deposit it<br />

with us regularly.<br />

4% Interest Paid on Savings<br />

Accounts.<br />


OCEAN CtTVeZfeeJ.<br />




and<br />


$1.89<br />

$2.50 valise r 3 yoar fnaranlnw<br />


#.*><br />

•m<br />

T<br />

EBBIetbe eg* ef slUt<br />

aVSlSBCWttb<br />

isce flvei<br />

iketbaUattel<br />

i tbere were tbie Usae laat year. The<br />

Batoanajgaar. Red estate<br />

> !• OeeM Ctty, aamrids* es) a<br />

net mi htm age, Unfmt<br />

far cbxeJatlam. aew eel ee.<br />

Bataaatr CJMJlal lltaafct BatjaaaaaataaaWM Jjimi.11- BaaBa. ' - -<br />

^^^^** , •• ' ~ ~ , ^^^T aT^*aaa»a»»aaBBe» SBahVjeSeMBj" t BaVaW* BaMa/ Wtk<br />

taAlwtiUuenhriaMMajsraiviMemU<br />

\ wttbfca tbe last few weeks that I<br />

• 1^ M m A a^^« aaaal e»«waw aftaaea w« a# weaaaawa ^_^^a^ iw «— rspraBt _«_^L^ _. Say<br />

Hem is tba first eee ef th* aeries.<br />

1 had the I<br />

be«gfc* at a cwrUka flsarehecease<br />

the (ellew eeaat rnarev<br />

brr whea tt HU anch cheaper.<br />

yea aad 1 ceeJd aay aff the<br />

AtUet deat aad have caa«g»<br />

left aat ealy ta aay all ef FW-<br />

Ida, aat' tha aatare Ualu-<br />

atala<br />

Oa ta* ether aaad, ie a<br />

h<br />

krahar waa kaawa that a ahca.<br />

atai at a arfee which<br />

, Srre tha heyar a. fair<br />

rhawa u eat aat tf ha wan<br />

caaaiaat U aa ae at eaca.<br />

is last far a' eaatlaaa« thaMT^weeUy<br />

a. Iffaa aas TeB*.- Tha laaaaaaa haa<br />

Idaeneaafthe<br />

la two<br />

•eatha, iaaaary aaa Faarmary.<br />

thedaiaet hi ttayaar fxaai a<br />

real aa*in ataadaatat, I wtata<br />

aaat at It ceate ea taa daaar<br />

ea May 3S, IMS, AND NO-'<br />


1 deal lamin thaea hf a reada<br />

af thai ataar waa aat thernil>fT<br />

--(-'-' that Oceea<br />

Cat* a> aaaaj iarwavd. Tha<br />

— WaWa aaty to la aalat mA<br />

tf caataBBed, wiO<br />

»mn a taul<br />

tfawi Uaa aa ra<br />

Ian. I aa> eanlacas Uat tb«<br />

aajlac »»bllc kw aa tima tor<br />

weodt*, er cenMrfatHe ad-<br />

(crtiarausta. aad 'that they<br />

brcfrr tar more Bedcra aad<br />

ne>tertla« limeraa to the imnaln l etrle ef hat<br />

eae'e airraiadtet hrmchl _ to<br />

ef areatny areaaata asaaeaat thatrattealtaa. Prattlesb<br />

ratee aai la eaaaie to atake<br />

aboat<br />

ueatmattaai inm pevtsrae<br />

aad peawesaa ate lata a<br />

atste af acaatocatad aBtoeraaUad.<br />

toa>ertry aaahat ward<br />

far toartMty aad aa aHha far<br />

hey away. Wa<br />

a easawvatwa titv sevaaeaaaatty<br />

»aa aaa hay id<br />

Oaaea Otr jg aaal eatata. aad<br />

If Ml aaaWaaV* ajaaflav tat^VMaaW<br />

fallen to prasaea raaatu.<br />

tTn in— i-la mil dry<br />

rat aad to a ear* aim af aa><br />

a aaavy aweaaw la Naw Yatk aaaa<br />

areaany. haa *»eajrj5aaVlli itaVl<br />

*A aa* Maaa Aaai haw thaae ahes ahaeeaaaanar aftarSp.B.1 .<br />

they daaii de at torty yeara<br />

XaT<br />

a*, aatfl a «ery ahart taae<br />

e— he aiafaiiaf tha aad her-<br />

«HBB# |HR9 Bat Mai BaMM SBal **^<br />

SZmOty -aa h j j ^<br />

to hats aa aaaa aa at aad Mr.<br />

•aaaaaaaaawai if" a*aaaataaaVaV taaat CMB*<br />

Mia.1<br />

•«M«M^^**<br />

I Wars<br />

Frier ta the <<br />

Ifii<br />

"Warn «ara«H Irish Kyee<br />

haa Yea aad<br />

Mtaa Xana Pltthar haa ,nalcatd<br />

ram taa new jereey "«"••"-,<br />

rwwar Oe. affke here<br />

cf faJthfal aarrtea.<br />


Legal Blanks<br />

, thai* waa a<br />

sited Stataa<br />

, <strong>of</strong> AUantie enl t e<br />

aaa ia tha Jafcaa.<br />

htra. Paeatay f.<br />

We Can 8opply<br />

YodWIUf ~~<br />

AB Ftorms<br />

Always fatStock.<br />

• We Wffl<br />

Take Your Order For<br />

Commercial Engraving<br />

And Do AD<br />

Your Printing.<br />

Lewis L Barrett<br />

If you are determined to<br />

,»«wi money In <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Ctty or acreage, come<br />

right in and. aee Barry<br />

Valentine—-end dont be<br />

aorpriead .if you pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

, than you expected.<br />

Tackakw Vakj Co.<br />

Ceetral A<br />

OtoeDtyBattery<br />

Saves Time<br />

and Money<br />

F«r You<br />

Oat year Battery si aaaaa<br />

A. «. aat It la raaty (ar yea<br />

er.M.d»eawee*y.<br />

V.<br />

atra<br />

fi»<br />

i aa treat<br />

ilawlSev<br />

••^TW, Mra<br />

.TaVa. BttaahaOi<br />

jaaaS.Mfa.Bia<br />

MtaTaW. >••*». Mrs. Aaaa<br />

hjMtt^MwLjas MsjrTujiliT<br />

to^ftaait^a^<br />

Mrs, 'laaaSe Miawwwiah. Mraj<br />

mm&» T. Hawanid Mra. <strong>Mar</strong>y<br />

Bey yaw SSOBS at lha<br />

KOYAL 8B0« STOmaV<br />

. ta Aahary Avaaaik,<br />

Aaa Save tt ta ft-<br />

Nearly Eveiy <strong>On</strong>e<br />

llk<br />

'Hera Is the<br />

Old Fashioned Bar<br />

Double Shmf||l| rVopgmtfiit<br />

Vyoupn&rSi&r (bated (km<br />

then gd fa,<br />


Here They Are<br />

Oar Weekly Offerings in Central and<br />

Soatbcrn Ckcaa <strong>City</strong><br />


Between SSnd and Sard streets,, constating or 3<br />

bad rooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen,<br />

doable garage, apartment above; sb» incuding<br />

West avenue lot directly In the rear,<br />

graded.<br />

Price, $8500<br />

(Mortgage UfiOO)<br />

Corner Central Avenue<br />

At 67th. street 50*100, graded.<br />

Price $4*000<br />

(Uortgaga S&000)<br />

' and Adjoining Central<br />

Avenue<br />

At 22nd. street. Graded.<br />

Price $15,000<br />

Flnanoad.<br />

Beach Front<br />

lOrawt<br />

Both sides <strong>of</strong> Wesley—100 feet<br />

' Between Sftth and fjftth 8trects.<br />

given on request<br />

a<br />

Edgar F.Berger<br />

•TtmT<br />

acv aa aiaraa ea\ . ~<br />

M Mr. Btrnad wB talk tr-^a ef «aaOe«<br />

laeal M I M .MVaaa M M W eaaMaalaae?<br />

a^^a^aw •^^aaa^a^aea . ^rvv T^ ^eaw vSr^9 **^*'aajj ^^^^^a^^WW^aaa|<br />

A Photograph<br />

__af l_<br />

largely in the sede erf<br />

"use a Photo to described<br />

At<br />

Your Call<br />

W1 p<br />

W.H.Mowen, 733 Central A#t<br />

Your Children-<br />

Given To You In Trust<br />

Our children are given to us in trust Herpkas they .<br />

come into the world, and dependent upon others they<br />

must -remain untfl years <strong>of</strong> discretion have been attained.<br />

-<br />

Picture, now, what it would mean tominor heirs <strong>of</strong><br />

yours if your guiding hand and protection were removed.-<br />

.<br />

This trust company could never completely take your • •<br />

place. But in all financial matters it could, provided •<br />

you have had your will drawn and have named us as<br />

your executor and trustee. ' - .<br />

For your children's sake—-avail yourself <strong>of</strong> our modern<br />

trust service today. •<br />

TntstM<br />

yoair<br />

Vivators<br />

Title and<br />

Wim<br />

•-» -.'.."I A<br />

Trvsml<br />

4% TtmmAecotmt*<br />

'"IVWa"- '•*•

L—JL^AIJ-^L^-JLI- '-.'-••• "' ••'. • •'•>.••.' \ ••> . • '••' ",' > ./•?' .>" ',-'-'. &*,v;, y,i- . «A'l<br />

f^<br />

& c .'iifc«W'<br />

Women Not Spendthrift*,<br />

- If. 5; StatUtician Say<br />

$.#fWB chars* Ikal weaaaa at a<br />

•' • ipeadthrin for aer personal<br />

ailonuMUt la a ataader and a a*-<br />

\f. •'Women epend leas tor J*Our,eorv*y dteafwaa vac* eern-<br />

1 ,1n« peoctar. who** liuwnn reaa* •<br />

rroa fM* to KM*<br />

Bat they at* Ih* treat M<<br />

fcusvst aomber <strong>of</strong> ayueiatMa.<br />

bT oa* la aotea- la naii.im<br />

OHM are the MM<br />

'poaefckr. •<br />

-.V ' ' a*tt*byfh*<br />

.*V ' Xbei* Me thoaaaaa* <strong>of</strong> wfrr*. to<br />

•j'rlae sore, wno rarart their<br />

•Iktmpty aa a «ooa thins.<br />

.awn wtthoM aMt for<br />

_ >*« aT th*y<br />

wear ih* ***** party dues twit*.<br />

boahmaa* <strong>of</strong> aktay <strong>of</strong> thea«<br />

wt*is are thi<br />

tn*«*a]<br />

; X*w. What doth*«ehl<br />

~1taaBy show? to. aa) faa*<br />

'Jh* paUta mt the ear**?.' (a* average<br />

mat<br />

•mo.<br />

<strong>of</strong> laai thsa><br />

oraaa»g HaV«<br />

taatUs<br />

a> oa<br />

I^te^ir*^ weajto-aintoaied^ |<br />

^SVa SaTwaSa **schtB». n* wa*<br />

i JJJ* " * *** *•*••' ^ naatoad<br />

yiaaafc jtoeaVt ba»« ayasTStlat<br />

l^at V 1* SBBBIMs la^TTtoa to<br />

-X aaot laamk tM* a)<br />

• aaMaaaaaa as tao part <strong>of</strong> tao<br />

tt Is saawr/ MttrWaa<br />

L BWt at Is<br />

• at aatna 1<br />

9/ints/or th<br />

Itmseha<br />

The Road to<br />

BetterHealth<br />

i • _ _ _ _<br />

I TerrANOO.<br />

-By DH. AfetBVU L, FOBSTEK.<br />

afarrii winds may blistor, tba<br />

Osct may blow, bat old Banae haa<br />

Tatsoas BS deea afaat sot tea begin to ahow raaatna a < A^nw.t<br />

tt*atf tha date BSUI «f fabsy.Tba<br />

ahoat ton days after j tid fU d b<br />

t (8) No.<br />

b a tind feeiatg aad baariatbs A ean rop-<br />

** °T*,tBnd for Ike peat for yaan. Wot<br />

~~ "•* »»nf- bad. • By aaailug a trot*<br />

wkfle worfcin» it never bother* me.<br />

hara aaythisc I caa gat t<br />

that you think might<br />

W the p<br />

Ky • uv«. ind<br />

bo cootiolkd<br />

But be certain to alokya' "JJ 1<br />

trux wben w-oridtur. a> I ..*, J*7<br />

rvrn a roptore Ikil i ««rrnlc*iy|<br />

r-VERNON HALL—<br />

€l» Atlaatk Avaaws<br />

OTOf ALL YtUB<br />


Wa I<br />


af BHIDGB PKIZE8<br />

H. S.Peftk*& Son<br />


** PLEATING V<br />

Paica and Jaw«tt can b amotaato<br />

ainal to Ota ndaetion fa war tax<br />

sadcr tho arw FWanl tax<br />

bVatX Sow*, J4 te'44 avket baa<br />

me 14 «. *j yean. "<br />

IU«* I aad Man*. ». HP to'tae!<br />

UBM when the lower tax nte »»-Jmoch as $T7S3 so<br />

onmas afirtlK. TfcU actioa by the IM pricce, £ o. b, Drtmtt. reauln<br />

oseepaay gins an who bay aowj<br />

th* fall adtsatag* ef the tax r*-,<br />

dacUoa, ae that none Brad nest-'<br />

pe boytaaT till tha law .<br />

•Capti«s aeae bayiag atdrr tfll the to aban lawto tta<br />

TIM raoacfloa is *qe*J to th* dif.<br />

fsrtacw tataotii S per cant, thci<br />

" Taar U» t»tt. mad J- ptr oroU<br />

1 new rato, aad •awctaU.to as<br />

• M ^ I<br />

a^BAPTT aaaw<br />

IW4-W<br />

aauu tern<br />


LIKOOLN P*£Sa. tU Khatb St.!<br />

EGUDIN<br />

AMI!<br />

M AabaryAve. Oty<br />


If Yoo Hire • Rng<br />

That Nd<br />


CLEANING aad<br />


a<br />

Or If yea anbaymc •*•<br />

Kaga aad waat toaa*e IS to<br />

13% iiaL writ*<br />

4U W. Maia Street<br />

MIIAVILLE. N. J. •<br />

Local Beereseototiirs<br />


' 1447 West AVSBSM<br />

- OCEAN cm. s. J.-<br />

Ran wa*aa freaa aid orpets.<br />

Rig Bags aad Eac Carto<br />

totm th* btwt tarn! pfteace can give.<br />

Oar OP.TOM-E-TRlSTK aro breaaed by tb* New Jmry SUlt<br />

Basid af Opteawtry aad ai* HPEC1ALWTS m the •ckac* <strong>of</strong><br />

eisaihiBig *rt» far giaaara.<br />

Oar OPTICIANS tn •ajllad BkaHuaica aad arcantdy giiad ta<br />

ear laboratory the icaata wbics oer SPBC1ALWT!J a»ay fro-<br />


padcaca fa»and by rapid aerrica. Kstiafarttaa gainatead.<br />

L. W. BETTS and SONS<br />

OPTOMenuatTft *M^ orncutxs<br />

17*8 Ailudic AV«MM. AUaslie Ctty, N. J<br />

WOMEN<br />

IlKMMMI<br />

Dr. 8. L. UpsehaU, well known end.' Tbty an smnmer<br />

vocalUt, <strong>of</strong> Pblladelpfcl* and Newj U. U Woolery, <strong>of</strong> Ph<br />

Yorii. apont the weekend In thU, wan a vUltor donng the<br />

city 'as the guert <strong>of</strong> Sir. am) Mrs., Wm. IngenoIL <strong>of</strong> a<br />

Sidney K. Stanley, <strong>of</strong> the MoorlynHtod llii.J.t Morey<br />

Theatre. Dr. UpseaoU has a 1 ?'. »«»« Dejty, In this dtyT<br />

Unre number <strong>of</strong> friends in this te-; «i»ys ago.<br />

aort. when be haa fmjoenUy Wm. A.<br />

ng. - • (entor hai<br />

Mn. Geor«e*W. ElUott «ad son,|5j^» «f the Ooaaa <strong>City</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Oreibrooa, wen goests <strong>of</strong> the U' "<br />

Delaware a few days ago.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Landenberger,<br />

<strong>of</strong> ML Airy, Philadelphia,<br />

wen vislton hen over (ho week-<br />

<strong>of</strong> some time wtth'eattwncic" _<br />

H<strong>of</strong>fman, for yean, wa* <strong>of</strong>lUri<br />

aeorer at the naMn* ctob's^S!<br />

ing tOBnameata in this dty. ^^<br />

Permanent Wave<br />

EntJrm Hmad $15.00<br />

EDttOSDWCmOD '<br />

U£es'Hair Ctttkf<br />

OOU-CITT.II.J.<br />

ONE-DAY<br />


Friday, April 2<br />


OBBBaT*»»ml ^BBBtaaj QaaV • • atafMaaVat tMaft<br />

a^tal ^, •*.<br />

i P.*<br />

Pennsylvaiiia Railroad<br />

Agnes <strong>Mar</strong>ie<br />

Beauty Shoppe<br />

Spocial<br />

Hot Castor OO<br />

treatments<br />

For Dry<br />

Wave*<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> aty no* Uki Trtat BrfUteg:<br />

1201<br />

Southwest Comer<br />

15th and Asbury Avc.<br />

160x100<br />

Financing<br />

Favorable<br />

^ ' ' ^ ^ J<br />

<strong>1926</strong><br />

What Better Investment Proposition Can You Find Than<br />

Section Around Eighth Street and Bay Avenue ?<br />

: Eighth Street, -facing the proposed new station <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Pennsylvania Railroad, will prove in a short time one <strong>of</strong><br />

the most desirable business locations.<br />

Bay Avenue, with its wide boulevard, which is used by<br />

many motoristo throughout the year, also <strong>of</strong>fers a splendid<br />

opportunity for garages, stores, dwellings, etc<br />

We control practically all the desirable ground in this<br />

vicinity, and will be pleased to talk with you, quoting<br />

prices and terms on which it can be bought<br />


Phone 108<br />

Realtors<br />

9th and Asbury Ave., <strong>Ocean</strong> Gity, N, J,<br />

Frigidaire<br />


Realtor<br />

406 Eight* St. VhtmrnlliO<br />

in::.'-**.<br />

\--- •<br />

. O * .'.. '."<br />

• • a*<br />

Ls-i.-\.A-. •>:•-,<br />

• * * •<br />

91'<br />

. * •"*• • - " . ;<br />

Wm^W^I!W<br />

IvLKili<br />

...., Uy ind l<br />

walaiwajr Qvm aver/ point.<br />



enttaar* heaaa. All bathroom will<br />

, , . beat grade oil Una op:<br />

plumbing tued. Kitchen, are to Oceaa Cttr<br />

bo tiiulpped with ana-piece apron Townaend<br />

slnlu. with mixing faSauT TiS wlteZrighr<br />


i tha clearing away <strong>of</strong> pine |<br />

(Continued from paga 1) ••nth apartment<br />

development program in Del they are perfectly able ta makn Plan el rarrhw*. font.<br />

', tha new seaihera residential gooj their word. My Job ta fo<br />

in Sonera Point, is now secura Und at a reasonable figure<br />

Under Way. - so that the apartments can be fin- »to« from the eorporain<br />

moat dUcs. bat the plan tion, gtvina- him poueatdoa <strong>of</strong>. the<br />

- - - » • • - - • - - • xb.<br />

a aBtwasaaW^staaannn^t ^BBatfMwani *f.eanV**4wannV^V' O£*> *'efc •"taaflsBfaralalYaw*'<br />

sVfl*<br />

tse Oaera" k kaakal for<br />

atfll ftaa* h ttatf wawttha. :' fstnad. • ' • •"•-.—•.-.<br />

Ulaa Shearer la alao another atar • *"——*""""~"""~~ *<br />

who kai always had many ad- Swalsjr, mnmlng worship at<br />

mtirra In thb dty. Whh the two' 10J0( Dible School at 12 noon)<br />

pagaL)<br />

• - In picture, evening worship at "JO. Theee<br />

I <strong>of</strong> then starring in one piciuiv, »iwi>« ~» r — --<br />

BrUnCea<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

__ a crowded hooae can be expected. .i-rrk-e* wfll be held in the church<br />

KU<br />

-<br />

F F _. Cowdi! UeUerl lnte'n« The "Tower wUhhcartthrobbing <strong>of</strong> Ltoa-.l. a drama Inter- ;'«>"» 'V" u «* °^1 « h 1Vnln ' corner f "iET'-"^^iL' «' w«Uv<br />

C _ Qumulowski -. !•_• «rt and a i.t picturo i. _ .u_».».i__ that will linger !„.„.- • v-nuo > tho oivl »Ww Tenth "L^pT »ti p£»£<br />

. O _. Crawford rlonir In tho^mory <strong>of</strong> all who sv -.•"»"««! "7 th' «••. P. J. Evans.<br />

... G Quinniit- The nrew <strong>of</strong> the few eltlcli In " •<br />

for Craw-, which it ba» bwn shown an- lnvl»h A« a Iribut.-. to thr crvat »uff-<br />

I In their commtndatlon. ThU U rairo ploncor, Suran D. Anthony, a<br />

„»„•,, „ • only one <strong>of</strong> the many blir f far atara ANTOACITS S<br />

a»a «B*dac a SPECIAL PfTJCK W «1«JS 'af«j ;.f|<br />

, bar troaUai«Pi<br />

twaaw«rsMB»kebfa<br />

tBa*latooparaaaala<br />

l<br />

•<br />

aatf ta<br />

Catharlae Oriebel.<br />

• Extension Clothiaa* Bnadallat,<br />


The Woman'. Home Mlud/nary<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> tho Pint H. E. Chord)<br />

I. plannlnir lt» aimaal ahad bake,;<br />

lcK wfll bo held the Utter part<br />

<strong>of</strong> April, or aa aoon aa the ahad<br />

etatt mnplnjr.<br />

Buick is MorcEspcnsivtly Built<br />

But it Costs Less<br />

to Buyonc<br />

uick<br />

, t^^ea— skeieak sakaaams a a U eaam fl^Lak ^kekewKV ^M oswWaai ^^^^^^^ B L<br />

flflMtlM<br />

^aaWatfal ea-aaaHsll eHvaW"<br />


HOTEL<br />

Scarborough<br />

720 <strong>Ocean</strong> Ave.<br />

In the Heart <strong>of</strong><br />

Everything<br />

Facing the <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Lot 50x 135 Feet<br />


58 Bed Boons<br />

5 Private Baths<br />

4PnbUr.B-.lhs<br />

Hot and Cold<br />

Ranafats; Water<br />

In ExedksoY<br />

Folly<br />

ZuMx?&£f ! !:&£zmE&<br />

•"•sarMfsi 'tta'iii '^''/u '*-"•-'•" "'- ' i * " ' i ' - i"' 1 i ^-n'n<br />

Due to the Growth <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Cky '<br />

and the ever Increasing- number <strong>of</strong> ooosmnars, the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Eleetfie<br />

Service hasxhaugod its meter reading dates sad win dwife tbe dates «f % :>>|<br />

mailing bills in April, 1928, to what' ia known ta the continuous b<br />

system. This system is not new, it having been installed by many '<br />

utilities and found to be <strong>of</strong> benefit to both the consumer and tbe <<br />

At the present time all <strong>of</strong> the bills ara mailed on the but «ay <strong>of</strong>escJi'<br />

. month and are due on the 10th or 11th <strong>of</strong> tbe folkrwins; Tn"*rtK Is<br />

ember 2800 bills were mailed that were doe on January 12th.<br />

ately 1400 <strong>of</strong> these were paid ra person at the <strong>of</strong>fice, which ^<br />

the cashier had to handle an svenie <strong>of</strong> 200 each day, darina; tse'dae.per*<br />

iod. This worked a hardship on both tbe «"»tf"r" J who has to ktaad<br />

' line to reach tbe cashier, sad on the Company, which had each a I<br />

peak conftned to • few days. - . * . • . " •<br />

Under tbe new system the bill for two ledgers (apprualmststy S00<br />

tola) wffl be mailed every third day aad there will be eleven dum* dates,<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> one. Thia will bring about fifty people to the cashier •very day.<br />

A schedule Is given below abowmg the sPaDms; aad dee eTsts« <strong>of</strong> the<br />

different ledgers. . - . .<br />

Tbefh^montb.theadMdatowillbecteBgedaltttJelB<br />

torn. <strong>On</strong> April 18th sQtbe bills In thsse ledgers will be<br />

or before April Mth. tbe bakace <strong>of</strong> tbe btDs wffl be mailed as ser<br />

o h . . - • - ' . , . • ' ' • .<br />

If yoo wffl check the readme dates as shown on year MB,<br />

note that all bills cover an approximate M d«y period.<br />

»-7<br />

t-11<br />

1S-W<br />

** '<br />

l<br />

-.<br />

ft<br />

V*<br />

1M9 4/1*<br />

4/17<br />

tt-si<br />

S7-3M1<br />


-A few rott Albury<br />

vn<br />

VU<br />

4ff<br />

4/l»<br />

4V2B<br />

4717<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Electric Service<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Electric Co.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the best equipped kitchens and dining<br />

rooms in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. Ample bed linen included<br />

New addition, which doubled capacity, is only<br />

about 3 years old.<br />

Can be purchased at a very reasonable figure.Actually<br />

under market Well financed. . . .<br />

i £ . Plume 33<br />

«/•<br />

r-M<br />

•••'?:!<br />

3<br />

•m<br />


Bi •; I<br />

is- /.I<br />

>l lailHtlll<br />

MtM craa4 aunaal ef a in.<br />

* aee aad pagaa Bt tobe<br />

ITi Tr lim-. —TiTi "—<br />

aseader Ms* FkBly BOOK, noted<br />

"am* kfafc" wiU act ma baodmaa.<br />

fcw. . • • .1<br />

—**-•? f T*—<br />

MM ••>m <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ceier display<br />

aarade. Tide eraddition<br />

tothe<br />

active nota aearly tality<br />

- is Ik*<br />

mm aaraai <strong>of</strong><br />

taglaa ea-Jaae 14. wham ta* Gov<br />

r a* each <strong>of</strong> lha origtaal thir-<br />

taea States i wtt head k Use farces ot<br />

4f- fflsaa<br />

T^eCOcUlwJta<br />

to UM Gtma<br />

ef t*» (Mrteea .<br />

(a ta* evtaiac or the Citr ot<br />

ata. A aflrrtaage will<br />

te Valley rVge hy tae<br />

• eajoae li Ar-<br />

I ha their <strong>of</strong> "teOioar th* norU". -C_. T . _ . . ii.—•__— •<br />

September to ef thte yean a permsatrt<br />

Sooth Jaraey ExhibH « :<br />

Tsanr-s MOUen Dollar Pfcr to attart<br />

the Boardwalk adnions who<br />

*<br />

ot "" tremendooa<br />

«««"«««y di<br />

A Few Suggestions<br />

FOR RENT<br />

Several Choice Beachfront listings<br />

Fhre and Six Room Apartments<br />

2 BJocks From Beach.<br />

$350 and up<br />

FOR SALE<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Garden Lots<br />

$3,150 up<br />

A Beautiful Tract al MtaoViwtmna<br />

Ripe Far PertJapasial<br />

Further Information I'pon Request<br />

• UHVIM •tfsxnsjv oo<br />

, > wait. We inland to tall<br />

<strong>of</strong> the splendid coast aad bar ra><br />

I aorta, reached by oamatchad Ugb-<br />


*eamKa*B&KSaB^!^aBmtmmmj3^^BL^JlZ^Z-±±—jSL^-LL--:'<br />

mginulm; tothc" man" or woman<br />

..ttandlnc to make a living from the<br />

land. South Jersey can point to FURNITURE Ca OPENS<br />

sjrrlculturaJ. dairy .ami poultry tils, The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Rumitnro Company<br />

ha* opened It* ' warehouiw.<br />

trlcta whrra sonsnlno and rain-fall<br />

bleu an alrraily fertile soil. Sooth Sixth street and West avenun, for<br />

Jtney, rfch In hlntorir "poU. canthe season. Tho company has a<br />

full line <strong>of</strong> furniture direct from<br />

»wii. . iii ncea ox mmnure vo - ssalsa a<br />

In At-'viutt to them warehouse's The<br />

•- * l | public In Invltnl to Inupcct the<br />

imtuirr<br />

Comiil,<br />

List Your Property<br />




• am _" — —<br />

Spring Rush<br />

r<br />

PROPERTY is turning over every<br />

day- We cannot recall any year<br />

when sales were so numerous at this time.<br />

Renting is away ahead <strong>of</strong> last year or<br />

any other year, and this presages a<br />

big summer.<br />

Remember this: Ev«y opportunity<br />

to buy a property you let slip now, it<br />

costs you money, because it will never be<br />

<strong>of</strong>fered at this price again.<br />



9th and Central Ave.<br />

Phone 900<br />

•••'•• •^^•••'••'j.'-'M'^^hL.jH:<br />

You Should<br />

Prefer a<br />

Specialist's<br />

Seirvice<br />

you are spending<br />

your good<br />

money on a new home or<br />

m-Jrempdeling_yoii can't<br />

afford to take any chances<br />

on any old builder.<br />

Select a builder with experience—one<br />

who has<br />

made a study <strong>of</strong> seashore<br />

construction-—one who<br />

knows how—a specialist!<br />

That's Us!<br />

Howard<br />

O.<br />

MacPherson<br />


1242 Central Avenue<br />

I<br />

in<br />

* i >»-

£ £ • • '•• .•V-<br />

mm<br />

fc.LL.L • •.'wapaTawi.i • • •• «a*.w»4<br />

.•». .•.hi.ii.Mis.s.nt.t. 1<br />

Another chewfns<br />

i «C nail and—latently<br />

Raaacfcuj aportfoods eatakcMe<br />

- Vtor prJoe> OB, Bitty sotf uutflta . •<br />

Aa4^S»Oateh" fbUa* tackle,<br />

,l>' Stifled • •<br />

beOswitbirf. 1b atop ft<br />

Hfaw» rfttnf<br />

BCN* Office Of<br />

invented WorkT*<br />

IS COMEt<br />

„ Jfke aba* bat atatk kb kaad ia the dear aad eeJd—<br />

liaafca a awaly Sprta* Spritot Motfae tha way I ran<br />

aty hee it 1afctat i<br />

T •<br />

l.feto ef draarr folb "10001 t&eae day*. Procpertty ku<br />

r head*. AfaVt yea aotked thetr new Spring bonnet* T lowar BMtfaa <strong>of</strong> tha Rate.<br />

^~7lntmd~ NotBtBa-aitaa. We look-<br />

Tni aaly »ocBa pear dacs—wtta. a new<br />

;.,<br />

atade ky A_<br />

rot tha BB-<br />

K. Harder-<br />

llainrt daOy trip* to kb farm at<br />

h wflJ abv aBmuitf* Point, neretly acqnind.;<br />

1MB* OkrfaV Ba baacbt the tana from Miai<br />

anb Yaanc ef Swadubom. It I<br />

Maba IK acna ia a wy good<br />

fcrttigaatba.<br />

Mr. Oaato ia anaasi<br />

_ aatata the aarrfaaa ef a «ua to<br />

IOB tha tena far kfaB,<br />

Ia 1»U a* saKh ef tha mnf<br />

I iiaaal Itij caeM be bwqat far a<br />

MtCMT OWING.<br />

COOUMEWm<br />


WlOw New Bridge J<br />

Wnhi<br />

aeada won! toDtaector ]<br />

taa the WUte<br />

to Kit 1m that banL<br />

H< oa* that PlaaUa* CooUdn wOl<br />

that he wffl ai<br />

cro*> tka Camda BridiaooJoIr S.<br />

(or bavtaca 1<br />

Mi <strong>City</strong> TU<br />



baa »W Oaaaa pj TMa aaa<br />



UttBtyAtnam *<br />

OCBAJf OTT. K, X.<br />


tba aad hip aad BIBBB todaetrUI<br />

af tha baatre ef tha axaaaittoB<br />

theae b tha BHIBIIMI toha*a the<br />

wtabbaratoBroci<br />

> btla af the ttt*nl aafcaint<br />


X M.<br />

A Ott,<br />

OCBAM crrr. K. x<br />

FOR SALE<br />

fcr BXCSMBICW ft<br />

OcaamCnyati<br />

Vineland<br />

Poultry<br />

Farm<br />

af • aoaa aa<br />

TraBay Ba«. tt»aa forty feat<br />

• Baafel. " "<br />

bath.aD<br />

laaaaiBBaTm aaa^^»^»^ aBa^BBBJ MaBaaaWa* akaf «JB> 1 T SBBBBBBB,<br />

«BB.BBBB^<br />

t^. l. • au^<br />

11 as avavaU<br />

Ala* » leom liaauli<br />

Ma ttskta aad raaab* «<br />

awb. read aaar Shaca r><br />

PtkafUM<br />

D. It JOSEPH<br />

i apMt «r •nrjtai<br />

astharad ta Cu»-<br />

daaad mva^ad tha gramd wotk<br />

for tha panastrjr. They wfll naat<br />

aota oa <strong>Mar</strong>t* St at tha Walt<br />

Wattaan Ratal to fnthtr thtir<br />

•iaaa. AD <strong>of</strong> tha efeht law«r<br />

maiillii af tha State ha** ben H»-<br />

Tttad toaara n^rammilm at the<br />

not meeting<br />

ALUM OOataOK. M. D.<br />

loir, a.<br />

«•« Waatat Aea, 4 • Ctty,K.JL<br />

wnxna r. aAoris, M. a<br />

lUtklkt<br />

Dbaaaea ef Bye. Ba^ Kaee<br />

oak- awi i*ni.aiiiiirM.<br />

- PasBBJB) W<br />

JOHN R. WBR1CAK. M. D.<br />


Oaaea Oty. It J.<br />

HUGHES'<br />


noBTB ar. AND WBSLST ATE.<br />

SCCSOWK.M.D.<br />

as ST. * ATuumc ATE.<br />

OCXAM cm. n. J.<br />

AIJ<br />

OBVB Itosn • to It a. m.<br />

7 to ta.av<br />

C BOOBMB OABBT. M. a<br />

ecaajf COT. B. «.<br />

ML CHAS. H. VAIL<br />



teeaa Ckty TWa A Tiaat Oa. BhVj<br />

1 ar-fetal<br />

Theee<br />

be* want <<br />

MnAiwlB)<br />

and<br />

aiariMAAU<br />

baa,b>aaai>aBddMMa.<br />

taa l*et two ooMd B<br />

p,£^5d kit ftrtheh<br />

wott They ware awirda<br />

jldtoj<br />

naoiKW tkrtttaw wfflb<br />

istcmtUac KOfnat thb<br />

l<br />

WaB..B\CwBMat.Jr<br />

AamK.Amaw.CtV<br />

am. BMonms. swnrot<br />

. •• *<br />



WII1IAM<br />

OENOUTOeW.<br />

toitmoN won<br />


» Seafa Ftertaa Amat<br />

ATLANTIC Cm. H. 1.<br />


REAI.TOB<br />

717 A8BDBY AVB<br />

OCKAK crrr. N. J.<br />

F0RJA1LE<br />


At I<br />

"3 I<br />


tor three week*.<br />

Mr. Jakneoa U<br />

raaVbota rf<br />

aoa-ta-U w<br />

efWeatPiAa*^"^<br />

SSw£rtT* ? °" :<br />

PeBsayhub, wtth-a L<br />

ef frbada asMo* tha i<br />

the, Bmaareoboy fai thhl<br />

5i <strong>On</strong>e-«fth <strong>of</strong> an •<br />


JUai Ettatm btnmmcm .<br />

802 CENTRAL AVENUE i<br />

Phone 1295<br />


The Fiiehi CMhhac Stan la Ataatk GHj -•&*<br />

For Men, Young Men and<br />

1329-31 Arctic Avenue<br />

Car. Awtb aaa Tiea AeeawM Atbatb Ck* B.]<br />

teX8BXS&<br />

» _ a«a<br />

aaf aaUM<br />

:SS<br />

• CwflBKfiaMBBwl aaBBaW<br />

at MatfHMd FaA.<br />

DaVaMb<br />

*et gMfca-e ba wBjrbl twba a<br />

~BSL A. kL Hem. Mra. «*rrtte<br />

wa* fKa Ka/^jtoiaay la. tfcraa<br />

jtaaa* »«Bk]raai May U to<br />

«a*Wjr « aad twfca a waafc :<br />

•jTl UhiOabeerl. C<br />

afl aaare*i<br />

lafMai<br />


Plumbing<br />

•BBBBk. 1Bk<br />

and<br />

" «BV<br />

Heating<br />

«BV ' "^<br />

Tba practical experience ef 40 yean hi the aoore txada tbif<br />

:<br />

u .the proper edge " . .<br />

n»nVi| k- T-\j .- • Ti<br />

_ '' Bigh Piawan SUaa m<br />

Hjetiaai Werk ef Every 1<br />

Be Bat* aae Leak O*ar Oar<br />

(Kleen Heet) Oil Burner<br />

The<br />

JOSff H R^PAUL<br />

aaM787-W<br />

S*MCLftI«<br />

All it will take to coovince you<br />

tliat this Special Six Sedan docs<br />

give more REAL VALUE for the<br />

money it a carnal inspection pbu<br />

aihottfide.<br />


«BSJ H i WwBBBBMwa'BB' CfefaBTSBBBl *a*BBBBB-<br />

2" *• ff^.^.^.^aHakmS.<br />

i-^-wSSScSffi<br />

_-~—«"^awj aeaar aeaM ky<br />

Fbateaat af ceacaata.<br />

<br />

awM iHaalltiet ^wBaftHaw)<br />

coacrat*<br />

ktodowita<br />

^ »^ ^•aanaa at<br />

raa tha Maya Laad-<br />

Mr.<br />

Mr. aad Mia.<br />

Mta. a P.<br />


TWVMWl<br />

•#•***•-<br />

1 if*^**^^<br />

SMB<br />

•'^i',4'A''- ••-.<br />

KU«. (1. LM TtT. |,||M U<br />

•n.<br />

1<br />

•taSCBm*'<br />

a a Ftaataa. af tai* dtr. U<br />

IS?*?*!** 1 ***"*-****-<br />

Mr.<br />

bor^<br />

>a»«law<br />

vlorBeito<br />

Mrabad<br />

afcTSId kaoa fll o»Jy to. U» f<br />

aa. br lull ml rfhd<br />

T<br />

latocHr.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong><br />

/<br />

IbTkaiy Bn* aa* tarfto •(<br />

ffct.WrtK wfco «y a «**»«» •*<br />

TkM atwat aad Waatar ««••<br />

•m «Wteta INN Bataiday.<br />

TOalattarvaa,<br />

Mn. ! Z. C Stoty. af«M Waafay<br />

aaa fatsraad beaaa after<br />

i.in— t ta* «W*r la IT<br />

taavUC 8hala« W*<br />

«C«a» Canwaa Art ftaat . _--,—«.<br />

Mr. aad Kra, W. F.JTal^ af, ataaJay al<br />

tMa dty. tot wtaraad from Wor^ oatraty. i<br />

Ma.,waara ttay aaaat a yartiaa «f taadM,<br />

• MWff* . : ' ><br />

Mr. aad Mn. iaaaa V.<br />

aad ata. Oaelrt* a r<br />

•tola act HtSadatoala, apaat flw<br />

^kMrlaad KnT Mm a W. O-te.W<br />

taaa ar laUata, bat cat tSAI. Jtd-<br />

• brtfca aadaat Ahatf. name<br />

" tune<br />

charges<br />

cars<br />

When you buy a used car<br />

fiom us and ask fortime<br />

payments, they are ar-<br />

plan, which <strong>of</strong>fers the<br />

rates In the motor<br />

car industry* You save<br />

V when you buy<br />

car from a Buick<br />


WS?<br />

II<br />

That has been the mission^ <strong>of</strong> this <strong>of</strong>fke for more<br />

than 30 years. During that lime we've soU properties<br />

to thousands <strong>of</strong> people, the total value <strong>of</strong> which runs<br />

into millions <strong>of</strong> dollars*<br />

More than 30 years <strong>of</strong> satisfying folks, who rent for<br />

the season, and more than 30 years <strong>of</strong> making money<br />

for investors.<br />

May we have the opportunity <strong>of</strong> a se0ing <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong>" to you?<br />


1 £*^^J%*' r Beachfront Hotel<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> aide, up to grade<br />

Price $4,000<br />

tUTCuli. Half<br />

Co-opaetetyfoniiiaM:<br />

ready d to open<br />

Wefl Financed<br />


We have available amounts ranging from $3^00 to $5,000—1*,<br />

lomn on good First Mortgaget ^-rww-w<br />

CHESTER £ CO.<br />

I*<br />

1<br />

Builders'Hardware<br />

Compare these Prices with<br />

What You A re Paying<br />

Glass Knob Lock Sets, $13.00 Per Doz.<br />

Glass Knob Closet Latch Sets, 11.00 "<br />

Gahamsed Mortise Lock Sets, 9.00 "<br />


3 x 3 and 3% x 3% 25c Per Pair<br />

^fff rtM^mimffHi toaft the ctrti I rat tftr^ buy tne above tpeoab •<br />

. lor o§e on their tpring contracts<br />

C. H. Shoemaker Lumber Co.<br />

and West Avenue<br />

The Real Pr<strong>of</strong>it is Yet to Be<br />

Realized on Beachfront Here<br />

. If you failed to make a real pr<strong>of</strong>it in your beachfront<br />

purchases years back, buy now with renewed<br />

vision, forget the'past, refuse the first <strong>of</strong>fers <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

and make a real fortune.<br />

You can do this by taking advantage <strong>of</strong> a piece<br />

<strong>of</strong> beachfront I have to <strong>of</strong>fer for a client, being 50<br />

feet frontage, between 19th and 20th Streets.<br />

With plans underway for the egtmnion <strong>of</strong><br />

Wesley Avenue from 21st to 28th Street, there is<br />

bound to be a substantial increase in beachfront<br />

values in this neighborhood. $20,000 or more will<br />

be yours if you bold one year or perhaps less. Will<br />

finance 70 per cent for 2 or 3 years. Act quick before<br />

the price jumps.<br />

For particulars see<br />


Fovtk and Adaoik A?e.<br />

ri<br />

-.-I<br />

II<br />

Poet Office Buikfing Realtors' i<br />

Phone 1<br />

t *. -..••*.>-.<br />

,:~~^1~:J g<br />

•--•—-•<br />

150<br />

„<br />

;i<br />

"fi'laitfi iriVii'iiiri'a'''1i^?ii iiii7i'MLra^aMa^aamaaiaa»a»'aaai ' ~<br />


l !Ps-S8f^Sa^fl8MaSKL«_ JTO —.<br />

••<br />


(-'.' ' •<br />

ajj&Mjjgg^^<br />

ataae nkwaay taa aalee<br />

<strong>of</strong>fend Uw brrocatioo, i<br />

T/W---. a . . _ .m.-_ _^_ __ _ m iL^ - - .- *<br />

OmOKMWWO^m CfaWTsaOaaal Of UM CNUD*<br />

nrittee<strong>of</strong>thaI.O.O.P,waatoa*t-!<br />

ToaaUwararaajaniliJtei<br />

TkaattaaHaaa tat alrataaa<br />

..^•^•jK*. aaOdfac* alia<br />

Tto arat aashvraary wf UM Ba-<br />

"47* tint ltU'woVtaeiraetaatj<br />

•fcafc lailsa t<br />

lit wm IT <strong>of</strong> *to LO. ft. F, were<br />

y, aad entotaty la* pr<strong>of</strong>^lfu..<br />

inline*eiinl)li mayor <strong>of</strong> f Seattle, Sttl beta tto lint<br />

Mnu Baary Umlaama<br />

oaasrrsd «t tto Delaware Friday Baealie T. Htm. m»<br />

UM L O.<br />

O. F. Wlt Walter Ifct Ifcnrtroan. vast a* they are. will ba taxed ta woman choaan to a OTCT I<br />

the utmost to eupply tha minion* dty <strong>of</strong> more tat<br />

paoplo.<br />

rndam book* are Iter<br />

Uraajhoot th* world wnh th* bv<br />

nUtod br tto <strong>On</strong>u <strong>City</strong> TtUe<br />

enaaiaaiy popular taipimexl Ford Mr*. <strong>Mar</strong>nuito Ttomaa. Ttoa. <strong>of</strong> hury ajT<strong>On</strong>oc.<br />

•ad Trort Company C «Bd<br />

T JODreFOBD<br />

Hollywood, l y , OO, O, daiau tto to tarant-<br />

Nttl Nattoaal Bank/TV<br />

ioo <strong>of</strong> f a dtvka dk capabl* <strong>of</strong> f carryingi<br />

decorated wnh bask*** <strong>of</strong> daffodil* i DBALBRSXTNT<br />

radio wavaa to Manand ottor<br />

and fane The lana baqoet aei I niwasiatattrta TTttt Yr- MORRIS GUARDS HAD ptaacU.<br />

the apeakm' table waa praarated; PUMS '£ nJ£a<br />


by Tboa. Thorn, florist. | aa B '•*-AtiiTi<br />

afcsii<br />

Mooe*<br />

aa haJfurci—rily vi VaatSffl. taa Ford<br />

aad Mra. lasts « at ttolaffWaanrtoa<br />

ateaa. Mra. Srfcwarts ataa aaaj awjaattiaa toaata a patat Uw<br />

iwaaalaa ia law aanl Aaa stria, coaaaay b BOW able toa*H ,<br />

Ska was faHewod by «a«al aaio* af Ka atata gtaas, Araadyaa<br />

by Dr. JT. TaaralayV • '" *<br />

ttw*fttMd By Vfic nt.<br />

Taa apaafcar.af the i<br />

t. Jaadaaoa.<br />

**# t%m affifsT laTsaiai a Ha*<br />

*» laa*w vHa| •ta** B 14aWaM4Jt v*sn*a>wK •** . v-<br />

had a* art topic.*** caw sdle-l'TV..<br />

Tto Kar Hattor <strong>On</strong>Wialia fo><br />

latod tto aaaat Bar (to daattef<br />

Faarykata<br />

A Personal<br />

Interest<br />

It<br />

their way fa*to fa* Ford taaaaby.<br />

H to aajgea aacratttat there<br />

aeTte tto Fart<br />

The hank-ing service here is complete, acand<br />

friendly. Our experience is<br />

at your service. <strong>On</strong> the basis <strong>of</strong> competent<br />

he^Hulness we solicit your business.<br />

Why Not Start Today?<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> National Bank<br />


<strong>Mar</strong>ch JO<br />

$SO Price Cut on<br />



COACtt -V- «- S - J1 -i-| 1i Ua i.a.,11., tLriiTL<br />

tasajian. FJactri*<br />

Lack (Baikwia).<br />

aa. TaJB Usat.<br />

r : *^t Your Door"<br />

Nothing Norm to Pqy<br />

ESSEX 6 COACH - - $829<br />

HUDSON COACH - $1259<br />

r HuHnon Brougham - $1519<br />

7-Pass. Sedan $175O<br />

TO SUCH<br />

.TT*at «T<br />

Va« Dyto.<br />

aaataf if.<br />

i — VaaDyat «ar<br />

Half *<br />

OcaaaCMr.lt.<br />

Fitol<strong>Mar</strong>a—<br />

OeanOHyvi- W<br />

Eafcraa — Jtotay Bw.<br />

Enjoy<br />

•nd makaa yoo<br />

.•ACg_FMM fUMBlU<br />

for OCMUI Clry. Thty drote "pand<br />

were eight day* on the way. TJay .<br />

»\y It waa a wonderftil trip. Mra,<br />

MeVeaah I* prfparln*; toopen n«r<br />

.lore at- Fifty-«r«l atrort ami A«-<br />

Lard packed to one-poond car-<br />

Una, Ilka bottor, la w»w betal |<br />

•Ma<br />

akat <strong>of</strong> oataVto<br />


hatUU Hi Aafcaty An, Oaaa CMy. N. J.<br />

It will pay you to read these<br />

Opportunities<br />

and to give them your serious thought<br />

and immediate action<br />

ACREAGE—<br />

Near Petersburg<br />

MO Aam, 9 troerta—% Mfle <strong>of</strong><br />

front.<br />

$40,000<br />

Th- aboTa to * aphodid OPPOBTUN-<br />

ITY for a aaw ilanhmmiil aad they<br />

arawlttt •<br />


South Seaview Farm<br />

$1200<br />

Hou*e. equipped. Chicken bouaes and<br />

jrmrds. Ooetaisa 8 acra*.<br />

A fioe 0PPOBTUN1TY either for developing<br />

or for a home.<br />

LOTS—<br />

Lot on Brighton Place<br />

Near Boardwalk. 40x100. Price and<br />

terma upon application.<br />

An OPPORTUNITY for a quick turnover.<br />

Lot on Delancey Place<br />

Choice location.<br />

$4500<br />

0M OPPORTUNITY in a hnadrad.<br />

A CoaaaJcu Ugt «t Bmmmtx B*at»j. t m<br />

WalBTiUTMtoWriUUtAbMtTow<br />

T<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue<br />

living g room, , dininf roo , kitchen, aoa-<br />

parior. i hvondry. S bad rooma and hatit,<br />

for&Uhed; hardwood floors, dactrtc<br />

nage.<br />

'<br />

An OPPOKTUNTTY that, cannot ba<br />

Two-Family Apartment<br />

House<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Aveane<br />

Thraa bed noma and bath «ach apartmmt.<br />

$15,000<br />

Well nMrtsaged. Hot water heat.<br />

Just another OPPORTUNITY.<br />

HOTEL—<br />

Large dining room, exenange and parlor—fully<br />

equipped kitchen. About'<br />

30 bedrooma. Price and terms upon<br />

application.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e OPPORTUNITY that cannot be<br />

beat.<br />

HOTEL—<br />


£<br />

*"**<br />

$40,000<br />

Well mortgaged.<br />

• T»a OPPOBTUNn*Y joo ara I<br />

for.<br />

room. 2 pan-<br />

i \\ A<br />

1U1<br />

United States Governmoitl<br />

tra-aa-ap<br />

• bay ta AflOO. Mjaat Mai<br />

**^^"* w ^ ^^^ . . A .a,. _ - ** — #i^ Aaa*a*^B*a . M<br />

•QUALITY<br />

^^RibRoastfc<br />

»7_J KID KOMI<br />

1,35c b48c 1<br />

^f Smoked Hami<br />

•fUri<br />

Lean Soup Beef<br />

SlmdHbmr<br />

W aaPw*<br />

Soup Beans ^<br />

Me<br />

Victor Bread<br />

Dall<br />

BrcftdSwprtae ~^10c<br />

Butter<br />

GoW Seal EGGS<br />

Strictly FreA Eggs 33c<br />

ASCOarCajftabdra<br />

Pork<br />

KipcTotitogt<br />

CANS<br />

aw awa arl<br />

k tab*<br />

*42c<br />

•22*1<br />

I*** Steak<br />

1,38c<br />

»32c<br />

»38c|<br />

n>14o<br />

Vfctar<br />

51c<br />

ABOOar<br />

Peart<br />

ASCO C<strong>of</strong>fee Hi 44c<br />

ASCO<br />

3^25*<br />

',it<br />

far toaa atasttaa; la ovary<br />

ta •*» •«*" *• «»J>actad Ufa<br />

_. . _ i adiatax<br />

F<strong>of</strong>watWoak anil<br />

Traa A»-<br />

raaraOad la taa tra* aiaattna;<br />

i Caarlaa Lathrop Pack.<br />

if Uta aaaodatVm, who<br />

•d Has Vstaatry Prhnar<br />

iTmark ltta. taa aamUantaanUl<br />

•<strong>of</strong> lha flrat atap to forestry by tha<br />

'IJaUed gtatoa gnxnanint For a<br />

ataap for poatac* tha a»*odatfan<br />

wD arad any «aa ttda prlaar and<br />

, betas'plaatod and taa plaatera<br />

aOtsf tJ**tr naraaa oa tha aaaadsbao<br />

af aaaar faB.<br />

U tha ataoals Utoracbovi Uw.•aT^J^^^^'Psrt <strong>of</strong> hi, ftto»da whoa. a. baa«ky taa<br />

| kac aaaned wtta aJa fwury rrtavl^**<br />

nnanaHJ toyoaa tortha In Uw lower left hand<br />

aifaad<br />

wffl ba putoa<br />

l d haim up vat<br />

van** AaMtkaa Fataat Week. Uw<br />

- aktera oi ta*<br />

Aawneaa Ttwa Aaaadatiaa aavtea;<br />

•iaoad a Itaaaawi tktwasad <strong>of</strong> tha Mt after ailTblaiil •rctea; oa Uw '<br />

laaaa • " - * - aaa * - ' ataatta '• . taat - - wa • - - . woadar<br />

i aiajoat aard tobaUara Uwt ail<br />

attar aaada ara «at aaa Uw ai<br />

R n ^ P*twra la ttwhsnda <strong>of</strong><br />

X IVart. UeJtod SOO stnac wfll ant tha SamW^etbl<br />

bdera Uaa rt-p4t on* ntooth before UM work on<br />

pbia contraction iaa<br />

a nation CcataamaL Taa D*e*ar dtanber<br />

<strong>of</strong> coroswrea aad tha Cblorado<br />

Foraatnr Aaandatton have Ua; ptana<br />

ondefwiy to ba foUowad by Ststo.<br />

wide tree ptastia»<br />

.—rtora by Mra. A<br />

Soar*, ta Join ia Uw aaad-OBnaa-,<br />

aU edebraUoa: Mra. John D. «fc«r-<br />

«cg. prnHdmt <strong>of</strong> Uw Genacsl Fad-<br />



• mtilnH •az<br />

and on Uw day for Uw ogauaaae-<br />

»*• <strong>of</strong> baOdhic eaeratioa* Uw mon-<br />

«tor atoei trawaa wara laid out. row<br />

«n'"w^nwdytor Uw hotaUaa; to<br />

Tha steal work^Tuw b<strong>of</strong>ldm^L**' FrtoaaCaaw Dawa aaQaatity<br />

on Uw DuOdfeta-^<br />

Fabrnary 1 ani]<br />

last Tiaraday.l<br />

was<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch. 1L<br />

•kipped in fosr ptwea, awmblwl<br />

Bow can motor tar ama<strong>of</strong>aetar-<br />

with abv<br />

hyi«Jaa><br />

iaa; •ataiUla,<br />

la toaaat aaftoUn. for otampl*.<br />

crtlndar bletka hava haaa radooJ<br />

about S par able la *nx.<br />

MS Ptcanuv A«<br />

Mr. Edward Si«inaB.<br />

M7 Wot A«-

* ' • " ^ •<br />

l<br />

.<br />

b. a<br />

roa had assa Uie rate brought' she said, breathlessly.<br />

that he «pokan the troth.<br />

but<br />

about aboot by thla UUa aconasdwar, accawa, aa I -Ha bached npr. tmpleasanUy. Nan had never been en affectionate<br />

terms with her falter. -You've got no pluck, my - .<br />

night It left her cold.<br />

hat*. Xonrtathsr has been unfor-<br />

you do. However, perr<br />

W-<br />

w<br />

tunatef I am telling you no nor* haps tt ia rather early days yet for 8ne knew. that, no matter how ^toKhcr-lfnerc^.l^jlut^-]<br />

than tha troth, Hiss <strong>Mar</strong>raby, when me to explain, th seeing- l d* that this t fi*<br />

deeply Involved he might be. he<br />

I say that I hav* saved him from only (ho third Umu wa.hnvo-nwt."<br />

i y g unfortunaten<br />

nbs<strong>of</strong>utsimm.—He fare mak man HJtooV up nis hot und the rid-hering whip front the table.<br />

" ' h.y huit her "<strong>of</strong>t flc*h.<br />

his ncceulljr. If your f«t)v«r wu —but I «appoeo yoa know that. I<br />

not<br />

Ami now the menacing figure i>f<br />

<strong>of</strong> thi;<br />

FETES LY8TER has lost Uw< borrowing money from roe advanced him money which would "I with yoU-good-tiay," he KaU Hcri*y Sefton had tUppnl in. l«v-. call.-.; :i«>m «n- hnu, Uli.Pi. a<br />

i Western nttmory from Front. (hell-ihock Upon return oo to' ' wruW W lie l borrowing b l It from w>metitle<br />

him owr a tenyporary<br />

embar-<br />

The gate creaked protestiiuny as Hlult had ho meant wh. With<br />

"At a hundred per cent?" the<br />

turned tarovTtA to her bom* borne, tat U Is atOl still In Lystor—'' Lystor—"<br />

asksd.<<br />

had been a bad dream.<br />

Nsn h»l not the W°«"t "«- piNDS 165.000 YEARLY<br />

« walked, up and .Iowa_in the " _<br />

totha wtth her friend<br />

No wonder the boys had not 14-dusky garden racking her brataf!<br />

|n the woHA<br />

'.- JOAK END1C0TT. whose .<br />

1 ed Sefton; no wonder her own In-#»v n &AliltU\et . I *_ • l I •<br />

. band ia speadtn? a few days in Here my father ever borrowed a<br />

,stlnct had warned her acalnit<br />

- Iff*" 1 on leave. Nan meet* , penny from yoa In his life, or from to Lyitrr<br />

I him.<br />

What had be meant by hinting<br />

that Peter was •hamming? —»hr JnJ»<br />

JOHNARNOTT, a fellow <strong>of</strong>.. anybody else—"<br />

the<br />

' fleer with Feter, who inform* her She faced him proudly, but brr S<br />

•'. that he la spending a few days at 1<br />

She<br />

gate, I<br />

ths home ox bis * widowed «l«tor<br />

and that Peter is witH him. Nan ia;<br />

jealous <strong>of</strong> Aroott's sistar and an- ;<br />

i aloo the<br />

aored by the attentions <strong>of</strong> I<br />

HABXEY SEFTON. a money<br />

leader who has been visiting hct<br />

. fatter. Sefton has now come to<br />

*» Maa. H* tefls her that ^1<br />

. tfceoah he and Peter were great<br />

frlajfls, ftaT failed to reoocniae<br />

;Ma wfcan they met on the road<br />

: aaarby. Nan tarea from hi* ad-<br />

VBScee oata ha becomee aroaMd<br />

«kt tadteataa that her father is hlaj<br />

dJ<strong>Mar</strong> aad. that Peter also owes<br />

• iraa* asm <strong>of</strong> BMawy. Man<br />

eaMe «an«ad and criea "Ifa a<br />

-lW . ;<br />


so a* the<br />

aatlafaitla. »aaa the eak<br />

tmm kaarW< •*# 1^**^ •erted her. Thoogh the did.not<br />

•how it. she was afraid <strong>of</strong> this maa.<br />

It seemed to Dcr that there was<br />

some underlying motive ia all he<br />

arayaa seta. t» dot" h* was sartor-that he was hut W»dtag-Bp<br />

to a paint wfckh had been<br />

tafatthmy father forming ia bis mind 1 ever sinor<br />

***** Uw<br />

I bat I'm sfrsil<br />

sf certainty w<br />

Nan's atl<br />

Urn.<br />

owrr a chaii<br />

tka heel <strong>of</strong> Us beat<br />

•.carried,<br />

your father<br />

kaaa above her head<br />

Ea* Manabr." be<br />

w -Year artaifrarWi U an honor<br />

; «Mc» I raa do without."<br />

'Van wall, let tt go at that. You<br />

dsot Kk» aw for some reaxm, but<br />

fssecreyoo that 1 -can be a very<br />

' By. if yoa wiO allow me. My bcui-<br />

HA VIC *•a a i<br />

« t* Itentsht Wehavae<br />

<br />

Aea.<br />

n TODI m-<br />

T.<br />


r. aB**>ta<br />

OOUM an. M. X<br />

with unformed<br />

Beftoa skragged Us sboeldem.<br />

\ar good go and ask him—»<br />

. g _uk __ t ud ii _q a<br />

will some wtth you, if yea uka/* Uka.<br />

He stood adds i frees the door<br />

opsaed It, and looked at her. -1<br />

Shall we go aad ask himT<br />

"Mo," **" V"<br />

thctr mectiag ia the tram.<br />

Briton that the door again and<br />

«alk*d over to the flreplacet<br />

-WOI yoo U«trn to mr for a momrotT-<br />

he Mid. prcseaUy. He 'I*<br />

not nit for her U> >prs>; he vrnt<br />

-Msny s* man rrU into <br />

JOHN T. J(»ICSON * SON<br />


•e «U Oreaa Oty. H. j.<br />


.K.J.<br />

EL. SMITH<br />


J. b\ JOCHER<br />


IS2O Aabary A«w.<br />

-WB-1A BUJLK r» W4JCM rOB TOC<br />

toUh SAGER<br />

METAL WBAT ; DiairD<br />

brail kr O. S. r»d ,<br />


•OBOB* teaR. M- i.<br />

u»]<br />

Builder<br />

There Uaodtsgraee la getttaa-tato Xu f*0 —<br />

dttfieoWaB. as yoa would know, tfl -I deal know what TOO mean.'<br />

UP ralr«» "<br />

man, though<br />

convince you<br />

3K rtiiW<br />

the pace. I'm not quarreliRg<br />

repay at present, anyway. And the ^J** }2j&*i]'Z<br />

I to ask him for it ever dared apeak so to bar before.<br />

-And I've never been afraid, <strong>of</strong><br />

. j nott<br />

Nan did not understand what he<br />

Sefton went on:<br />

asroo* in all my Ufa," ah* toM herself,<br />

trembling* "What haa happened<br />

to met"<br />

i ff<br />

She had even been afraid to go<br />

"Lytter is c<strong>of</strong>fering from Ices <strong>of</strong> to her father aad tall fc *~ what<br />

-He U. Bow dan yea suggest had oouureJ; wfcw mu thliT Peep<br />

tT 1 *<br />

down ta bar heart she kaewj knew<br />

j T . hen, be U. But Batwtth »»*"»»«» •*» >» olM •««•<br />

the ether atfi <strong>of</strong> whlch.I told yoa<br />

•n m mind I am<br />

naturally rather<br />

•aspf I mat Ltater *d y<br />

dowaths road, aad ba <br />

muT<br />

tU-f<br />


. •aeeatatjwttaLaha<br />



A Reliable<br />

Builder<br />

Otis IL Tmsesd<br />

us*<br />

WiOard S. Stedman<br />


Office: 110* Bay Aram<br />

i TH<br />

Boildiag-Jobbiig<br />

Offiet:<br />

Walter C.Ehly<br />

refused to baUart what<br />

^~rW had taid t-r<br />

out to the little maid, who Peter! What was be doing now?<br />

' her eyes by th* twt-Jealousa novclcttai then she again toher mtodjArnotthadnV<br />

<strong>of</strong> Amotf. Ueter row<br />

h ri wae nt*<br />

Peter got to like her, and<br />

•. B. SMITH '<br />


B. B. WnXZAMS<br />

AUaatic <strong>City</strong>. CM Oear. Treat.<br />

WE WILL DO<br />

TODS<br />

Building<br />

At • BeaaeaaM* Caat.<br />


US AaWry AvaaMa<br />

PkaaatTSS-W<br />

CALL<br />

Hans BorUiardt<br />

wit- ASBURT AVB.<br />

•TBalaaW S9 .<br />

Waatai Tea Need a<br />


We Mat* a Sasciafty W Beerydtsag<br />

U Oar lias<br />


That's<br />

Permanent!<br />

You may pay a bit more for<br />

your Ho<strong>of</strong>ing — right st the<br />

start — bat that's the rod ef<br />

your worrie* when you hsve<br />

work done by u». And as the<br />

years pass you will realise how<br />

eeonosKkral your Ro<strong>of</strong> has been<br />

nstaOed. Well be pteaxd to<br />

qaote yoa ftgurce.<br />

W. W. SMITH<br />

Contractor and Baildmr<br />

• m-w<br />

l«Ui aa*J Bajr ATeaac, Ocaaa aty. N. J.<br />

»• a. a*s sn . - . M<br />

aoaaai asaxr in rwiwrsm TO sea or arvaataBD vaica<br />

fUUB AstDi<br />

mm HAHGBK I "-—' we<br />


the<br />

WHEN in a HURRY<br />




and<br />




: BEATING<br />

USAabauyATav.<br />

Yottr<br />

Service<br />


r<br />



HEATING '<br />

TU Aabcry Avcasw<br />

OCEAN CTTY. N. J.<br />

pwun<br />

which eh* wM»*tb*r»w*t|<br />


W. H. Oldfldd and Son.<br />

TILE AND<br />


•u cmmui. KTBfuz<br />

Ocaaa <strong>City</strong>. W. J.<br />

See Kennedy<br />

Watt<br />

MTW08K<br />


ITSELF •<br />

AttcaeM tost<br />

BlgM rrirsa.<br />


Ct<br />

Ml-42 Aatary A«<br />

36 YEARS'<br />


ABA<br />

Zmtnctmi Painter<br />

Shoold caqrinea TOO tbal<br />

^B*A JC&QW^ ^KU* a3^BaBV**a^aBaV*><br />



Albert G. Gilbert<br />

R E C K L E Y<br />

U..I L D E R<br />

Satisfaction Guaranteed<br />

k and Bay Are. Phoae 920<br />

Your Home<br />

Shoald Be the Best PUce<br />

In iht world to TOO.<br />

U probmhty w-iV be if we bmild H<br />



••*» Aji-sty Aae, Oty. It J.<br />

hav* bsea maOsd In entirely<br />

nn ordinary paekago has joBvelopea, many containlag<br />

'*•" ^.Xirrbte^TnSv*.. "•«• ° f »—'•<br />

iuoo»nt.lookJiiT_P4rctf8 I"ivr.__-Tho cosh, fcond<br />

up evcrythlnc from u 'i^**'nutil amountii to'nlmut<br />

or .T (.olKonou* tarantula to; , lltnj| y#<br />

.MoA'«hi.n n M^»0 mi»l'?-l- »•' -" "•"•'—^——""•«*<br />

dressed letter, arrive ev.ry .lay In<br />

this government mqrgue, wnkn re.<br />

Sa?e tie Surface<br />

and Toi Sa?e AD<br />

Toer hoe* m»&M ^ good<br />

coat <strong>of</strong> vafnt now. to &•>• it<br />

tran tb* winter wMtlaaT.<br />

Let aa 8ar« Oh* SavtWa<br />

MM BBfV !•• MM7«<br />

ClaatM L Breddey<br />



Cummnt Contractor<br />

12M Aaboy Ana**<br />

OCEAN CRT, N. X<br />

T«ar L«t<br />

H. B. COOPER, Jit<br />

builder<br />

. XMJi Strejat awl CwtraJ Anm<br />


raoicK uu<br />

B. Q. STEELMAH<br />

J. C. STEELMAN & BRO.<br />



i Qty<br />


OKI<br />



CMftftX.<br />


Contractor and Builder<br />


"Si»afartl— la pay Matty<br />


Elaston Supfdy Companjr<br />

3rd and Haven<br />

OCEAN aw, N. JL<br />

ConcreteBlodo and<br />

SIAEMUSID 1 Holds Record<br />


at Aulfs drag<br />

aad Cantoa!<br />

HHudana,<br />

_ .<br />

J a cfakkea that<br />

caa "lay geid ana" for th* <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Ctty 0>ssinr* Boms forBsbie*. If<br />

it arrtvee on Haw, tt will ba on<br />

tfisatay at Uw Easter ssl* to be<br />

raasoctsei aaaar 1ae 'aosaicea <strong>of</strong><br />

the sswing «fa«U at Bussefi's store,<br />

— Aabary avaaa*, Saturday,<br />

>d toey articles wfll be<br />

dUvosed ef at Uds sal* at pries*<br />

ttatwffl be satisfactory.<br />

> msaey wfll aav* ta b* raises<br />

for the summer*! work. Th*<br />

fculltirm ward will be quit* aa n<br />

MBS*. A geotlscnan promised to<br />

glvallOaa if ala* otters weald<br />

giv* equal amouata. Oaother<br />

• • *Vghw-flO», -The<br />

a kind <strong>of</strong>fers<br />

boHaW that<br />

eqoai anoonta. Inoaa who camaot<br />

dbtTao largely wffl not be deeded<br />

S* prMsam •< belptog la this<br />

good wackier the suffering babies<br />

ef tha poor, aa any sua contributed,<br />

no matter after amafl the<br />

ssuixint, will ba. gratefully accepted<br />

Ṙtmember the Easter sale, aad<br />

doat forget ta see that hta that<br />

«ay»-the gelrien «gga tt<br />

•ton Satorday, April S.'<br />

Mrs. Rawe a Matcalf, <strong>of</strong> Pmi.<br />

dsaea. aad Xisa Maude Phher. <strong>of</strong><br />

'Mew Teefc, win accompany<br />

ant <strong>Mar</strong>atBTan eipaiHIIcei to<br />

Mannish Tafleur<br />

•• • the ay ef tke early<br />

•aeea A Jsekaicw alse*)<br />

a%a osBasai esesse aa#<br />

m* at aeaa m sew* sp<br />

UwlsTT.<br />



at Cay* May Ceart<br />

Ths Moond aaraal pre-Eactey<br />

rally, which waa tohave been held<br />

in the Cap* May Cooit Boos* Baptill<br />

Church, in ootmactton with<br />

the Yeaag t^eeia'e DtpaiUneM<strong>of</strong><br />

Sunday Scaool work, next Sunday<br />

evening, has been called <strong>of</strong>f on ac<br />

•.-••c>~i<br />

y aStkm aa><br />

•sasMiBaaat, tat it hi ttcawM lEt<br />

•at t* haM th* taBy at tS* ttaa.<br />

• 1W Ncalar awattav •** tt*<br />

, CMBeOaadtkaY.<br />

ps*>g4a*apiwsid*trt.U<br />

U preasat aad<br />


Mra. Clara Vaogkn, <strong>of</strong> Chkago,<br />

•antfad a aaapabot at her husband<br />

tan and<br />

tha greoads <strong>of</strong><br />

>rst met her hi<br />

show, where Jw<br />

ahowiagaklad<br />

Fradcstcli HoUvoakl. <strong>of</strong> Dresden, human mutteris mOk.<br />

was arrested for marrying two womca~at_tbe-ageaf-U<br />

tottB't<br />

8amarl E. Blather, a prosperous<br />

count <strong>of</strong> the quarantine <strong>of</strong> thefarmer <strong>of</strong> Botton, Bog, conftaaul<br />

'With<br />


said ah*<br />

l<br />

a*rhr<br />

Follea <strong>of</strong> Banley. Kng, searched<br />

for tha perpetrater <strong>of</strong> a crime, da-j<br />

actibed la a. r, later lt di1 die-1<br />

waa<br />

lie* sUekmg him wtth<br />

•ztort a confession <strong>of</strong> theft.<br />

Mrs. Ella Hunter, jf Chicago,<br />

asked to ba acnt to JaU whan ar-<br />

It la secartag a drvorca. I rested for' theft, sayW bar hosbaad<br />

would half-Un birU she want<br />

All th* servants hsve flcd.fromlaoma.<br />

.lhat.UM-pUc*-ie aaoatsd. INTBRE8TINO NOTES.<br />

Waaa Osorg* l«stsr. <strong>of</strong> CUcago, FMk-a-Bo* lalaada. • which ap-<br />

sad dlssppear under the wat-<br />

as asatcaoM to aht years fanprU-peanaaet<br />

he wept eo coetoaaly that er at intervals, are located ia ta*<br />

thejodgaredaosdhistermtothrv* China Sea. -<br />

When the house <strong>of</strong> Osorg* -Mason,<br />

at Lexington. Ky, waa asarthed,<br />

seves) hens he bad stotm war*<br />

found under a bed.<br />

»e*x<br />

to<br />

Hay la usuaUr cured fatEngland<br />

by arUAcialheai ia foggy weather.<br />

Pain <strong>of</strong> young cwceeiuls is said to<br />

contain all the coostttoeoU <strong>of</strong> the<br />

. found in Arkansas, a gieslst number<br />

than any other State has pto-<br />


- • • " - • * :<br />

-*,''•'•*:!,<br />

".-•'•. •;«'£'.''<br />

^HS<br />


fA«D TatBND SHOWN<br />

lefAlgfawls<br />

thsMste,<br />

OatHaaN.J.Cea«IHini<br />

~ ~^^sr prsvsiltejr condtoons In tftt<br />

various IndiMtrtol centers and cities<br />

throughout New Jersey are set<br />

forth in the following remime taken<br />

from the bulletin:<br />

InduKtrial dbtriet, Inctodlnir<br />

— - — --. Harrison _—— — v v - and . —. w v « v v v ^ V W» «<br />

Mannfsctarina- activities contlmies<br />

Ion a fairly «nh«t«nrhl ba*l« in<br />

** practkaUy all linen •taring- the past<br />

moath. Skflled and aenri-*kllled<br />

labor b well employed, but a «arplos<br />

<strong>of</strong> factory workers, clerical<br />

19. — A »efp sad stenographer* exbta.<br />

tndnxtrial Weather condition* retarded b<strong>of</strong>ld-<br />

Jnir activity to some extent, but<br />

nta wflt be ondtr way, which will abto-<br />

.aorb a Unra nmnber <strong>of</strong> *—!"t^<br />

mechanics and naaHTIwl ISIMWI*.<br />

.Caaitttlis* thraaawsot the ox There to a gradasl teareaaa fa the<br />

If war* auvayed prior to the b-demand for farm labor."<br />

Seaas af tha hmOstto aad that Jersey Ctty todeatria] district,<br />

" " ~ " ater.Ho-<br />

• declared bohaa sad Kearney!<br />

Tha tndotrial attestioa<br />

SKi<br />

ally to fairly aatbf artery sad ea-<br />

»ji.yist la gradaslly toeroosfog.<br />

MMpyard* hay tehea an anVHHsaal<br />

laratoaeod<strong>of</strong>i<br />

be atartea. At<br />

l<br />

'AB<br />

fina<br />

labor and eaaoal<br />

lher<br />

lnterru"Hon».<br />

l *<br />



The eewliKr drrle for the Orran<br />

<strong>City</strong> Seathorc Home 'or<br />

held a wry innnwtln* . - -.-• -<br />

»h'« w»*k. tt» B*v. Jam>» T-<br />

Lakt, D. B, the la»t- wrvlvlnfoond»r<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> C.ty, • wti the<br />

mxilnr. Dr. L»ke U In hb e time and attentioa toi<br />

at drtaa <strong>of</strong> bufldteg coo-1<br />

The resalu (peak for)<br />

i and a real treat b ton<br />

i fta-thorn who are f brtaaate •<br />

te be invited to visit, aoti<br />

f tht n«w <strong>of</strong>fice*, bot the Jaoold<br />



Owaw <strong>of</strong> Nsw BsdMhtc 8ays<br />

NteU 8treet Haa Bril-<br />

HaaiFMan<br />

W. Mould, .realtor, who<br />

has (hown hb conlWkwia to the «*<br />

paadoa <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, throagh the<br />

crtctiea <strong>of</strong> a tSOJbOO home and <strong>of</strong>flea<br />

building, b completely sold on<br />

tab resort.<br />

rtat anptioa room b ftnbhed to' WM. WARQ,<br />

Whta aaked toootltoe briefly kb<br />

work and floored -with '<br />

Tha color schcme.b<br />

views <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> M mid: -I believe<br />

to <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty aad ospsdaDy<br />

Hi^i 4 KINDS OF ROOF Ninth street aa tha bwrlnsis cross<br />

Jastrf a atyie that blends<br />

I<br />

IlkaenUy wtth the aarroaad-<br />

It haa as eatnace from the ONONESTRDCTORF. os Ninth strtt,<br />

ef tht home aad a ace- [<br />

I was the only real estate dealer<br />

oaths street. Look at It BOW, sad<br />

yea win get asms faint idea ef<br />

ri by kta aasbtaata. A largef -<br />

wast the faters wfll bs. I have<br />

hat btcn installed In the wall. -<br />

k isasUttly-hidden by the<br />

buOt for the faters.<br />

ankhed woodwork, which b Poar kinds <strong>of</strong> re<strong>of</strong>tag go te saiks I took a vncsat <strong>of</strong>fioe oa N*jth<br />

— ef the entire mite <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>-: complete the ro<strong>of</strong>* <strong>of</strong> the Tsoold'etrtrt apparently there was<br />

on Ninth street, near <strong>City</strong> | ut * i * outlook for parine—• ConoaVes<br />

to the mite are<br />

floored, with the name,, RalL They wrrs aD vsppUed. and diUoo* chanced <br />

atone work was the atasatt «<br />

BaJatrieriAfleayaf lllaarisQty.<br />

A Adama, •# twaflk aSS<br />

tai uii.hadcharaaeftha<br />

mSD werk, which ie ef aa aamptkav<br />

al awJMy, watte the marhis wee»<br />

ksOtwader the dbaattsa sf tha<br />

Creek, <strong>Mar</strong>ble CaaajaamF*<br />

' ami Bam etreeta, PUaaVV<br />

raow aaameaeaasy awssmr aNSSa,<br />

baflsma- ef which aar day Sw«j3<br />

feel pread. H to ad* as ssatM<br />

that the MeaM aataatmnmanTwai<br />

«.•'. •>,?<br />

56 ACRES<br />

<strong>On</strong>e mile south, <strong>of</strong> Palermo SUtlon. 13 acres upper<br />

aide Shore Road, 43 acrea oc«aji aide Shore<br />

Road. This property lies exceptionally well with<br />

good road frontis*. Prica.<br />

$9,000<br />

$5,000 Caah<br />

ACREAGE <strong>of</strong>fers the Greatest Opportunity for Pr<strong>of</strong>it at<br />

the present time in OCEAN CITY. We have several tracts<br />

listed in this <strong>of</strong>fice which we believe, will show a handsome<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>it within the next few months.<br />

This Acreage is situated in Cape May County. Some within<br />

four miles <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, on the main Shore Road.<br />

150 ACRES<br />


lAlnnouncement •<br />

UC-:- •'<br />

-'•'>,<br />

i<br />

f.#<br />

•.<br />

M SATORtim<br />

•9<br />

1&<br />

hi<br />

WE WILL<br />

OP EN OUR<br />

Stocco-Wark—<br />

h A*<br />

Wat Done By<br />

Sdiool Fint National Bad<br />

peny Buftfingandmort<strong>of</strong> tbebui|<br />

V: V, .<br />

When yoa want ffigh-Cla**<br />

:-/f: ' : i.«<br />

722Asbary Ave.<br />

W. Awmn & Co.<br />

Richard H. Johnson Co,<br />

Plumbing and Heating<br />

817 Asbury Avenue<br />

We have endeavored to<br />

furnish everything that tends<br />

• .? "<br />

f<br />

S E R V ICE<br />

The Electrical<br />

The<br />

**^tV<br />

e tame service and satisfaction as before<br />




\,<br />


Painting and Ceilings<br />

in the<br />

Thomas W. Mould<br />

'<br />

j3<br />

;r I..<br />

in<br />

; Building"<br />

8<br />

Was Done By<br />

REALTY<br />

OfBoM and Renfex*<br />


Printer<br />

* > •• •<br />

7 W. 11 th Street<br />


't:<br />

V-i,V -,<br />

ware<br />

The Stone<br />

i 'i,.../,<br />


Entirdy by<br />

fsr7<br />

w&reCo,<br />

in the<br />

• 1 - ' . - '<br />

Thos.W. Mould<br />

Building<br />

R. BALE3TRIER1<br />

fiMtitbpi and Faxnnoiint Aym.<br />

H<br />

USv<br />

Re sa^l e s<br />

^51** As«ury Avenue<br />

"i Mi? AtantkCHy<br />

i<br />

K<br />

The Result <strong>of</strong>^ lO^fears Faithful Servic<br />

Home<br />

Haven Avenue<br />

Between<br />

10th and 11th<br />

Streets<br />

This pamanent^, constructed Steel and Qmcrete<br />

-^^M derve, investment will<br />


.*•:•<br />


1925<br />

^KJTiS<br />


• \<br />

. X. !'L -.'-A..', i. .'.".. . ."iivIi'iiii^'i-^J.. .>».•.«.. i.'. .<br />

mmdJL^ii<br />

r~ Let tu be yoar—<br />

Realtor-ial Directory<br />

All Luting,<br />

This Week's Leader<br />

SuuiiUM' and Wfater House. ba3t for owner's home.<br />

Prk* $20400. T<br />

SCOTCH REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors<br />

Corner Gtfa Street and Wesley Avcnne<br />

Cooper's Weekly Special<br />

If yoa «n gnta(al to mt. I am sntafnl to yoa.<br />

And bo* is a BUMP an* sad trot,<br />

Rr I know {heat pbcw an ao «•&<br />

And with ptistan* tak viah to tan.<br />

Of twenty good and property atw,<br />

Asd propoty that mak* a poefcetbook pit.<br />

West Comer 2»Ui and Cestnl-aklOOi up to grade—<br />

• Prtoe I7.M0, Part mortgage.<br />

North Corner 22nd aad C«tral-«hclOa-<br />

PrleeflS^OO. Part Mortgage.<br />

Two Aatary Ave. Lob—<strong>Ocean</strong> ride, south <strong>of</strong> 24th St, 60x100-<br />

*tk»Vjm. Part Mortgage.<br />

•»»• Ashtry Ls'::£<br />

* 2* as<br />

£* 5^'i

ao aa to please the eye.<br />

"~~ •--*-• M „, unique tot<br />

. they, too,-reaaaach<br />

careful thought and<br />

1 man<strong>of</strong>arture.<br />

t <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fices are located<br />

• liilliia plant, which ts most<br />

'<br />

I to character and needs II*-<br />

ntion. The remainder <strong>of</strong> the<br />

; floor ia (fven over to a gar-<br />

> and to bath booses and lava-,<br />

i Mobld bone (s on. a rorrv*-'<br />

* scale. Tka rooms <strong>of</strong> the<br />

,.„ aad third floors are .little<br />

I. than ptetaraa <strong>of</strong> eoapletene**<br />

" " ' r room -Is floored with<br />

i tho faaateinjr rooms <strong>of</strong><br />

t hard wood.<br />

aim mat* rr-nit-tifrn- MM.<br />

The. scfntillatinic and absorbing<br />

pwoto-pJay;--«Pi fUl - ATCTW,-" will<br />

be tho attraction at the. Mooriyn<br />

, will<br />

bo the attraction at the. Mooriyn<br />

Theatre U|l« (Prlday)<br />

«v«ti(nir.<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>vaarite Do La Motto and AI-.<br />

Ian Fontft will bo featured. 1 The<br />

picture (a adapted front tbo atary<br />

that appeared in tho Saturday<br />

Evrnilnn: Post, familiar to rrailen*<br />

<strong>of</strong> that periodical. •<br />

-The Splendid Road." ba*»*l on<br />

tho theme <strong>of</strong> strifo ami startlrnir<br />

adventure, will b* shown tomorrow<br />

(Saturday)<br />

Ann Q. Nll»*on.<br />

tsMsafl* aTsWt aWM*^BW**arMl^tst aaa^aiaTA '.fjf 4feW<br />

tereat <strong>of</strong> a* Aaaarkaa «aOes» for<br />

••matafrawa » a rawtiea pfttai*<br />

It has >aiaaw. mrihnawnt end<br />

action that ia apufiod by a yoothful<br />

lalety that hi always colorful.<br />

1^1 ILL U iL. ^..-^* -- --<br />

«iu> R*p»r \nmm m aiwaya coiomu.<br />

And this I* tho aettiita; provided by<br />

whoa. aOaapU te eteal a adDaoir fWOewtaar the renter 'orrrmAf<br />

•tar brlnjrs<br />

Wlh »<br />

atthVf<br />

.._<br />

The<br />

___.„ r-—^. », i<br />

-..-«- to tho rolo <strong>of</strong> Ben|<br />

B. P. Schulbetw ta hi* newest Pre-| Wilson that kee* in»irtie>.nto the.<br />

ferml PIrtUrt ~*>--r «*•"»••» PI..«UjcharsirtiirUatimi <strong>of</strong>-thV «7nnlltflWT.)<br />

"Age" " '•"•y. who (s too nne> to eohfnr^n to'<br />

Arrow Plcturva Corporation pr*s-1 {$• «""'• r." . Taylor pr»»Mc«>-L«lR»r from'E. L. Rice, »ec<br />

b#I *W Imm—il Ksrai ml ties.<br />

~ Dr>t>< mttM Ai fmk. Cmmt a** 1*1 stVaW Sk*<br />

Umtitn CM mmt sn.<br />

r« UXJ^ (•arr-Tva urn tw anLUUio-<br />

**-*•* r>*wTu ttani tin-<br />

BUY<br />

IN<br />

OCEAN<br />

CITY<br />


HOME<br />

OR<br />


VALUES<br />

AND<br />

PRICES<br />

WITH<br />

OTHER<br />


OF THE<br />

CITY<br />


pmmti<br />





cmmiH in raraM u tniN<br />

ate 1 '<br />

JTam<br />

WEDNESDAY, <strong>Mar</strong>ch M(h.<br />

aocrrr or ALTUA KTA TAI- raufrstxinr<br />




ttattr laferasaUea PVr A«rt-<br />

OstaktMa Freea ta* State<br />

•sithiiii New Jersey will hav*'<br />

—"- saricuttoral radio *<br />

fruit uroainir,<br />

white- anj<br />

potato<br />

rrowinir, d»lr-)' n »'.<br />

vcvtjihlct and Aower (jtu-'itn-<br />

I*, pcultr)* rmi*4nj[, (rnerol crop<br />

fflvl airricultursl «-n-<br />





Vetta ef PmiU!<br />

Taaa Far Dariac ;<br />

Praaat Year. ;<br />


aUf<br />

AU« 8ti Ferta ky fnsal.<br />

Tho piaa to broadcast tho un-<br />

Uontad aoVaatacaa <strong>of</strong> Sooth Jeri<br />

b h Sh<br />

c<br />

sey, aa spon«oiwi by tho<br />

Jersey, lac, waa told at<br />

th t<br />

Sooth<br />

Jery, lac, waa tod<br />

snath to representatives <strong>of</strong> many<br />

secttons <strong>of</strong> N'rw Jersey,' from<br />

potau aa fa/ north as Asbory<br />

Park, aad from other cities lower<br />

down to the Commonwealth, indadm«<br />

Camden aad AUantie Oty.<br />

at a dtanrr airm by the Sooth<br />

Jersey. Inc., in the ElkV Home,<br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, Satoniay evenina-.<br />

The idea is to work out a thorl<br />

T<br />

ooa-hly<br />

operation t rvpressmtaativa ptaa<br />

tsiina- in all <strong>of</strong> 8c<br />

South<br />

^^lawcTB Tkie TTsae 1 •'*"*»• "•' •U lB# varied loterents.<br />

Win New See.<br />

beOrrr.<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Boor<br />

<strong>of</strong> this dty, ssld Wednesday olatit<br />

rthat, tt» V» that Wnw, he had-fa-<br />

{sued pcraxiu this year for baOd><br />

I tncs whosii valae reached the asm<br />

' <strong>of</strong> •TOOjOOO. Them was ovary in-<br />

'dicatioa thai, before- the end ol<br />

this month, tho value <strong>of</strong> the. additions!<br />

permits for which appllcaticn<br />

has been, made win.teach<br />

:* total <strong>of</strong> $1904100. which beats<br />

' KOBT, B. VOLLLM. I*" records In his oAVe.<br />

Vice President <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Ftshlna;. . Thtra U a proportion now be-<br />

Ctub<br />

' or * Inspector South for the cen-<br />

' »truction <strong>of</strong> a foor-story<br />

elantfhilaiielphls,'<br />

oa Wednnviay nWn, j family •pertinent house at the coring.<br />

Keory Stetwatron ws* eiect-l ner <strong>of</strong> Fifth street and Corinthian<br />

•si JL truttase to All the vacancy' avrnue. but Mr. Smith<br />

told the<br />

ra>J~"l by the election <strong>of</strong> Itobt. B.! contractor that the State, most<br />

\ollum to tU- x-ice-proldeno'- ' flrmt P»" °° **» plans.hefore he<br />

I he houic commtUe-r reports • could look at tiiem It If un-lerin<br />

The ctory od<br />

BuikUna- taspector R. C 8mith.; nrarrr th» top <strong>of</strong> the •tandinir <strong>of</strong><br />

duci by WOdwoc-l<br />

! Red Men's Hall. SO to 21.<br />

The victory put* WU*I»<br />

the «eeo»l half <strong>of</strong> the Sooth Jerb\<br />

l<br />

rj they bt\f<br />

y<br />

behind MiUviUr. which tun<br />

| tai, eU, ft waa explained.<br />

; Jersey ha> been cllvWr.1 into four<br />

lmi)or urnet, which »B1 be under<br />

boardl the control, <strong>of</strong> a board <strong>of</strong> thr.- *Urectors.<br />

membeis <strong>of</strong> the pablicity<br />

.-ommtttsa, as follows:<br />

Zone No.<br />

1, Merorr ami Borllntton Countie.;<br />

Zoos. No. S. Caaadea aad C'oocm-<br />

Ur Coontle*; Zone No. X <strong>Ocean</strong>.<br />

Atlantic sod Cape May CounUc*;<br />

Zone No. 4, Salem and Cumberland<br />

Cooatlea.<br />

j<br />

Each sane wUTSavc a repres.<br />

beads the llsC Should WBdwoo.1 J ********,5° **•, fublldty^commitwta<br />

over Morris Guard*, and Mm-"" " ' *<br />

ver Morris Goar^<br />

itlla bow. to Bridrrtow Saturday<br />

nlsfct. WUdwood will k*l-<br />

The local* pla^l wrll throuch-<br />

The<br />


Gil<br />

Artkur It<br />

tTUrv.1.<br />

•Watty agricultural a<br />

•a*i«ru the eiprrli<br />

aa do the ^peaWinx<br />

ttherv<br />

ssasr <strong>of</strong> the di*cuuioo i* uruifjle<br />

t.W jm-«nL<br />

ht addition, new* floihe* runjiateg<br />

fro-f warnlnr* and *prjy<br />

sssMinMim will be. bro*Jci»t at<br />

•!• on any evening- when cendi-<br />

•Jssck-msnd it.<br />

Me procrsm from now until the<br />

aMae <strong>of</strong> May U:<br />

(Continued on Pate «.)<br />

8X000 WORTH<br />



MssqrLaUDJspseiJwItoOat-<br />

' ef-Toam Bwyera Dariaff<br />

Week*<br />

Citrton a B*Urt». realtor, <strong>of</strong> ;<br />

a*s city, made aalea totaltaa; the<br />

•* ef 1*3409 darina- the past<br />

•laV, aad he now has a aaasbrr 1<br />

** rhiali "<br />

the pier in better condition tiuin<br />

rttr. AUil look* forward to a *uco-*^lul<br />

rishmtr KtMn.<br />

A ban*iurt I* to be held ip l>.o<br />

r.fjr<br />

future. The arr&n cr ments<br />

lor thi* were pLnr«ilin<br />

ihe wire or knottlmr it until | "y <strong>of</strong> plannlntr snJ -rorxlurtlna: a<br />

in th* b*t few minute, <strong>of</strong> play. • corutmetiw. puMklty program.<br />

«hcn the half ended IS to 10 In<br />

Isvor <strong>of</strong> the visitors. All <strong>of</strong> the<br />

I*' points were secured from<br />

foul m*rk, they betn^ hi 1.1<br />

l.u ~7<br />

on South Jer>ey corvrin^ it* in-<br />

• Itutrial. Jk'riculUJtal arnl rr.i.lcntlol<br />

a<br />

Have fMMM Tkat WIU be<br />

'<br />

Exhibited.<br />

Beaj.F.<br />

Were Vktbai tt<br />

! J. Pied. kUane. <strong>of</strong> the'Oeaaa CM»<br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong> Coaaaacraa.' Bo ha*<br />

! appointed Ketmwjh fiaiplraj aad<br />

1 Maurice Farter aa acejaers <strong>of</strong> the<br />

•cy U<br />

'mm the flrM.<br />

TowriM-tvJ ilentol the *corinE<br />

column flr>t with * sinide.<br />

Walter<br />

evned. the count. WalUr<br />

chsikcil another, anil Kun Jsmk*-<br />

•00 ilupllcau-l. n*-in.tt iml Keren-<br />

•on >rain| a •lnulr«-<br />

(Continu"! »n Psic» 5»<br />

~! to years, died ot pneumonia at<br />

r- in Loulntlle, «mr time' W " hom> °" Central-avenue, near<br />

aito, be trrrt, uf rt'<br />

ha> U»n a vl»iu>r to<br />

for many p-ir>. uu in<br />

• ailiur thr u»*k uivt alU.^MSl<br />

m«-»tinj{ <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> CommU.J.m-<br />



Appreciates SeatlBrnl BVick <strong>of</strong><br />

Mr. Ailanu* wi** t*arn .n i-i*/a>-<br />

V- antvilli-. Hi-'wvnl la Cim-Vn ntjout<br />

worth f 4BB ABBM ant sshsa. ^ ^s^ ** ' ' ' - --<br />

M.<br />

the Kcv. E>r. John<br />

Ur'Cdwarl M. SuOon. 00 Ocosn|°f ****?*• * reMWt<br />

- . i street aad <strong>Ocean</strong> awreue Ute ee' twenty-eiirht years ar> as tha<br />

aa tU-'the BSWrnt <strong>of</strong> tho boiilary. the po- bride <strong>of</strong> Mr. Edwards. She was .. -_,_„_,... .<br />

- "*• • .-^— rH-jaetive ia Ihe Tim M. E. Ch«r«hj«»eetor wffl gat tt within a tsvut<br />

far a number <strong>of</strong> yean wu,<br />

tt the cradle rod ****-<br />

school. She was<br />

, _ rueeaiaeat, toe; in Us* work ef the<br />

sealrvard-latotod. . I Ladies' Aid Society.<br />

<strong>Mar</strong> MeTlatray. atl The I uiiiil deated tawerin^e <strong>of</strong> j Mrs. Edwards had keea (U<br />

to J. a. lanatt, et the, fitlary. .<br />

than two years wtth diahetoa, bat.<br />

A-keU later a» U> vh.it h-j* tit?,<br />

cmc <strong>of</strong> the project I" bulM a<br />

l.inrr pier on th** *>n.<br />

T^*' t-'aLtj- in.1 'ra^rarui* <strong>of</strong> tK-|<br />

fiini-r. an- alrra-iy ia»int away.]<br />

Lot tbe "rntlmrri <strong>of</strong> rcirir.1 jri) •<br />

frirndthit* that ihxpin-*! t>u- -.river*!<br />

Tiiey le^io no f.imily, but Mi.<br />

hr^ fi%ar l*roth« r* in thl><br />

..rt, f*irr>H-r Ciu r.»- imi->iorter<br />

• i.«- O. \.lam-. \V. \V A.Um*.<br />

irV. K. A.Uni- . i I Ol^1ll,•<br />

It is pewiblo that Mayor '<br />

plon<br />

wOl'also be at the I _<br />

>4reet depot <strong>of</strong> the Wort Jersey<br />

itml 8ea*hore Railroad wWn the<br />

Usin arrivea fiecn rhimhcrvborr.<br />

hv to otnoUlly welcome fYtttcteal<br />

Mitnll. hrail cf the « llrffr. oi-d extend<br />

to ruaa the freedom ef the<br />

city.<br />

When th- caUejcr rirU and the<br />

'members <strong>of</strong> the-faculty irach the<br />

Hinder., where they will<br />

tnoks<br />

thrir home •Itirtng their four weeks<br />

outinjr. IK rv. they will find a lore*<br />

flurul wrraiii in the lobby ef the<br />

, hwbHry, another tnrtlcaUon <strong>of</strong> tae><br />

picouuv <strong>of</strong> Ooun <strong>City</strong> In havlnjt<br />

' th* m a» gue»t* <strong>of</strong> the report.<br />

It tuLV t*ern arranKvil. a- previouajy<br />

unr»ui>ce» t 4nJ Atlantic<br />

.inniM*. o(«*n for the u*e <strong>of</strong> the<br />

jMJn*- »tu.len(» .lurta*- )>«ir<br />

iiu*ntb'* r>Lty in ibis rejkcrtjrv<br />

brlajr. periMtol to give<br />

auto rides over the city<br />

n*le> oa the hay aaat<br />

ThU wfll be tiie jtrts*<br />

, toird keason ia <strong>Ocean</strong> Oty.<br />

l:-\h, ilr -ir-'l M •-. AUm- )..<br />

a numlcr <strong>of</strong> frv-n.1- i'i cin ^ I<br />

ul*u »en- .K.K"'*.'*\I lu U-JITI ff U»<br />

.lelt^<br />

JJr». A.lam- »a. a iheni!«-r «<br />

the Fir»t U. E. Churth.<br />



K. w.<br />



Keherto' sales<br />

• tiao did not have<br />

suflVient<br />

Tweaty-ftfth street doaoe to ceenect St. Clair with tho I and<br />

-—~ owned try roabary. He waa released on his j su^Mrinteodrat <strong>of</strong> the<br />

a Iliaifa era recocalxanee, to appear hefo»» <strong>of</strong> Ihe Headay school<br />

, for e*MwT tha eeart when wantollt was rueeaiaeat, too, in Ok*<br />

RN* FK»M SOI TH<br />

Wm. Joanue, MM <strong>of</strong> C S. Johowm,<br />

ha* returned to hi* horor in<br />

UUs city, liter tpeodiac »ocoe time<br />

ia the South. He drove th* car<br />

for J. M. Chester and wife when<br />

they west to Florida and remained<br />

wtth tart*, until a few days aco.<br />

Ha broocBt the car to Wilmia#-<br />

Mr.<br />

and Mi<br />

BAtk trtllU FLOQIDA<br />

Pastor aad<br />

The member, <strong>of</strong> the-choir .6\ ing the &tvp~<br />

wtjere thr>' hs.1 «*»•* •»«t*Jln« thejtiU oar*oa»ipe an*I ~xul room'<br />

L».I t«o nvuilho. Mr. MrOurkU- i* hu l*»" eommezacod, sal It I* •-»•<br />

««U toaoem leal utate maalP*.<br />

guilty to thkl oceupotinn while in' In the na-antime. the t>*»t

• ' ' - ' " ! •<br />

w.<br />

wJB.al.lj skat ,1s..<br />

TO<br />

PATS HMHWAYB bars tke state taka<br />

Bans plks.<br />

Cape. Lea has Uved b tab ettjy<br />

I ••_••. 1B*M<br />

h**"*<br />




•aa tka (ton to • iaw |«k wkfle<br />

Be aad it twutf •• JMM<br />

lafa, Theeld Vtff-"*ir coatabed<br />

Sato**, • aa*II tauter akta sad<br />

• «UH ream far tke men. who<br />

latfceroJtksra t> tka iwlw and<br />

abaaaaad ' aatbaal problems as<br />

tkey amibid tkatr dtaa «r pipes.<br />

Tha kerbsr akef aad stttbt<br />

•MAMA " »- »- "<br />

, . Lee keabd b Us<br />

tka hnaber osad ta tha censtroctioa.<br />

<strong>of</strong> tka Ant boardwalk hem<br />

Tab boardwalk ran from Arbary<br />

to the bay. Ha brought<br />

absr-bere April 14,1880.<br />

Cast. Lea waa tax collector for<br />

ntae years, sad ba was paid S18S<br />

a year for tkb work. Ba was also<br />

a Banker ef tka Beaid <strong>of</strong> Edaca.<br />

UUla to<br />

"ma* •«•« the «*eW cJty.'or UUi ajar boreesfc. VMHUi b H» those URM<br />

eufy days. Aitnadakeat tka befbsba;<br />

ef a asw year, tka enV<br />

•ith which to pay<br />

<br />

Officers <strong>of</strong> veteatear guana's<br />

aiaodatbas fwat aba <strong>of</strong> taa bwer<br />

comities <strong>of</strong> Mew Jersey wfll meet<br />

at Csmdea en April S toconsider<br />

plus for a monster fatherinf. to<br />

bVcoadactad aa a date to ba aw.<br />

Tentative plans can for coexaaaies<br />

'from abaostr four, haadrad<br />

towns ta Booth Jersey to<br />

ta s series <strong>of</strong> taste on tha<br />

ark Caster, aa pert ef tha _<br />

program for tka South Jersey<br />

At the msadaa; ea AprO f, a sag.<br />

utiori wm ba acted ppai to atve<br />

m scries <strong>of</strong> waaaetlllta event*<br />

based ea tha testa fives student*<br />

at the PhJlaiMpkb ftat Safcoet befora<br />

they are graduated, into tka<br />

regubr ar liHiaiUusnt<br />

Three <strong>of</strong>Occra from<br />

cooaty aaaacbtbaa a*<br />

i repaid with<br />

• b<br />

ed to attend tha i<br />

ibJs beat aM aaetkar. kaU asef these<br />

<strong>of</strong> honor U tha wapy af taa'STaart. k war* tka »«*aftka tajv aboat f arty aapcrato •'••plaiaV OHaat MI, i^^r -r^<br />

PLANS TON aid 00 Company baOdbw in ffaw<br />

[tared, with Tba The call for faitke<br />

tka latkarfav waa east Jff •"*• *• pwrie. h<br />

tt. »»dal for tk. lanar<br />

Canah T. Bajwa. pra- gjV Aa «m»pla af «ka<br />

FOB ATLANTIC CUT j york <strong>City</strong> b a tamsikablr Ufa- tht rickt. Ike saalkr boat <strong>of</strong> Mr. [ tugj rf tthe'<br />

ia. tart<br />

^UTitd said ateObaa<br />

n'a Aaaacbttea. ST2<br />

, Twice Ufa^ba aad scabtsnd t d btathe<br />

h<br />

Cat. CeaWa Mat Tittf<br />

cfaantbristie speeHnedy haa caaahbfad tka<br />

• awSe.it It is at-1 nxa, has beena amtto the oil mat- tot a Pln-sca-s Day- at'tka' Cz.<br />

I aatTs aalatial<br />

CoL D. & CeOer. ef the<br />

>ataia-<br />

~ for a<br />

tater- PABJfKBS UNinU><br />

> tka (ntae; ef aaratry stack enters<br />

ON rwmm Mw^^y.-a «£?-,<br />

cattiaa far a gnmt panda,<br />

usU <strong>of</strong> effldety• af<br />

<strong>of</strong> tka<br />

•-ip^^ns<br />

bvtfcawkldbarai<br />

Jstia e< AmSem<br />

•«»• "aald-thaO.<br />

dan<br />

Aaoordlaa; totha<br />

^<br />

as head <strong>of</strong> the<br />

tabty-w»a yean a«o.<br />

aa the Fretectiea (ar fabaii Stats Acte Ankaotps .« «m ppa to to work eat datkSa ef s<br />

Aa Coastal Referee s yimieduia, the organ!**! ta be sabaJttad totka<br />

d Collier has bat ret The moeh one <strong>of</strong> leirUlstion « » • • • " ' ~ " _ . • -<br />

pedal attention to the <<br />

<strong>of</strong> tractors sal mecortoas<br />

conxr, nr, ud tt U tba dealra <strong>of</strong> "n Jonaa JB, IMS. His fuhrr.<br />

equipment in modern<br />

tha. coontjr «otharlti«» to prrwnti I««f Lae, waa a firmer, and the<br />

Aiaoeb-1 Whib b Detmtt, tke<br />

ar»p*ltiott At tha Staia «o*- »n hrt»-d his fstkar. goto* to<br />

trob l the k rosdwsy, d petmiation mast' school k st intervals. , whOe h fa his<br />

ba obtained if a Ua*t I* toba pl*e>-l teen*. H* bens roia* to<br />

«d in tha outer tt tha thormtcb-j ho. was about « y«r^<br />

p% ,<br />

protect the Ukawba perrfener brine | tte '• bssd. arranaina; tee yoor for beams.- a ilaaimslu ; la<br />

' aL ^ 1 f<br />

drfartmeat keeps Uoo «the lUpnitfea cnoads. the the werk<br />

te kelp the preieatlaa<br />

the psr-;caapUc«j<br />

whieb Js<br />

sad five !. Mn. Wm. H.<br />

•a <strong>of</strong> tht stst-> city. U oownleectac from a<br />

*fll be eacourand by fkejha<br />

Motor Company to stajy<br />

custoeas,<br />

b Utm- themselvcia <strong>of</strong> the<br />

courses aOardrd by Defeat<br />

te navtestiaa at « a.<br />

ef ' IU ~<br />

« iir--mi f riini<br />

Rtd Ettaf btt+ttmttt*<br />

la<br />

'<strong>Mar</strong>ch<br />

Jataaa<br />

Sato b aa abeohito cs-<br />

Kb one <strong>of</strong> the oldert<br />

••.# investment and b pwabout<br />

froaa PUwte<br />

e their owners aarabed<br />

tttte to any land. Now<br />

nnce i is aho hoat rom,<br />

f' PHeV>. or becaaks they happen Jfi<br />

is beat far one to sj-tland «««a bafara f*t-<br />

»«*Mterfor them to art! the ^<br />

own the Und when H woold^e ?<br />

slams «r cattle 1 -4a ~ i^ o w * **"*»»">ey can get ^<br />

. build ebewbere. Beal eitate >i<br />

hoidbcsshooldbedlvenlSedsstol *<br />

'•l«^Jo»U0B._Md-:dla>wat<br />

nt JocaUons _and JdhTereat<br />

oTproperty, bot.dont pat<br />

taa arack tato baOdbsa, s, Bamem<br />

hmr<br />

"y y "»j j «"bte pronto most<br />

aamV&maiMa. Aba. Baal EstateIs e from the bnd. Even when<br />

e sd<br />

bayfag ; oae's flrat bnd for a hone<br />

aa to<br />

and it b fetter to boy more bad than<br />

baaadadaadbAasamnkoasa.<br />

tkante econoatbe oa tke bad, Tke<br />

aiaaiai la order tokaaae can always be added to)bat<br />

r totfceee «r etfcar pta-***•tbBlted tka adjabbc btT" *" O ODafAaS Dtta> Us #WB» SMBaf •a)<br />

it may ba laniimnili tobay At bat, the •pear psdeatrbn" b<br />

«tb.aBlte»<br />

as tkere to aa over ^ Gamtoc Baal cast afford a aar. be may soonbe<br />

b ttttb er no predt<br />

to bay a^palr ef<br />

-ybcjaed<br />


: ' • » .<br />

: —• W^^WB OB^BBW a#af aVajawa, " — af — th. • akin, • ••• —wf st t_ notnl —^ apart-MaU; MSjMp.<br />

i to pot the<br />

Bcja—d Prfco^?* koapaa-far Htoaitta Arrfa-<br />

"•- -^—- •— i —« oa • Coatnl artaao, boJaw<br />

. MOVDt&Of SCHOOL,<br />

raty^icbta ctfaat; llMaa.<br />

>thehniaj'a_l CooaJderabie Coa__n-t proBiaaa progiaa* ia _ xaported in conaact-awn^thafatfzodaetloaxtf<br />

a-r-gpfc>j wE?<br />

Wato»d«jr afuraooo Uat Dbaetor<br />

^tfBuixtt.<strong>of</strong> AtlutUc a*/.<br />

tha<br />

wffl torn ta to lha achooi room, ._, eapec_Ity „_ — New<br />

•—" •—*<br />

OMtev <strong>of</strong> Oa Attaatk Ca> Do<br />

_— Caatdaaaftaai<br />

York <strong>City</strong>, wbere the depailu_at <strong>of</strong> vtsoal ...<br />

aiaa tha aoUl at work,<br />

to aTa--_r inatamag a datPatto >a«a. B«^..T<strong>of</strong>Xa_t_S Oawar tekth aamta. ta $6500<br />

r-tt-l<br />

F—tanaara<br />

bkvi<br />

hi ta*<br />

^ ^ "awaa<br />

To Loan<br />

•1 ~~~*~ *•**•*"•••• fiba Mm<br />

<strong>On</strong><br />

A> haat they<br />

tatttaro-keMt<strong>of</strong>l<br />

ke-»_e.<br />

*»the<br />

tha<br />

b iota oa the<br />

r.thaba_l_g<strong>of</strong> h<br />

i <strong>of</strong> t_i haad, bet<br />

totaaat-n<br />

<strong>of</strong> the "_U<br />

ITHmorathan<br />

tW aiar •Hontt raiaa <strong>of</strong> good<br />

No doubt the next few year* wfll,<br />

wUa etnaaaymaet <strong>of</strong> via—J<br />

n-reovn«G r__ n<br />

The new atria) track which arrived btre<br />

ia a fineand<br />

Uia<br />

r __: that ta te any flre<br />

[|aopart_eat_t_a<br />

• Atiaatic Oty. a-ot-ag. to Chkf,<br />

•JT, aad be ia elated over the latest ac- ,<br />

«a* MVOT (<br />

fa-7goedahapa. Compared with other:<br />

"_ ^ aad towaa ia 8o__ Jenay,'<br />

« » far ahaad <strong>of</strong> tt;<br />

arfB b*waO to tha ctty topurchaaaaaaoon<br />

aa poasfbla aotha i t to u «<br />

•—a aotaaaaa _'<br />

to Ooaaa Oty tog KA8TEK Vl^nOatt,<br />

Jodgfag from tha atnabar <strong>of</strong> rialton now<br />

la Uda naort, than ia «vat7 Indication Uut<br />

than wffl b* a boat <strong>of</strong> cottagaa aad botd<br />

gvaata in Ooaaa Cttjr daring UM Eaater boliaaa*<br />

from PhOadajphi<br />

fact tfMt BMBT <strong>of</strong> UM w2k t<br />

_ to coaa a toOoa<br />

Ooaaa dtjr to<br />

Holy Waak aad UM<br />


_, TAX Daytoaa Fa— Goala — B—tt. I—__, 1;<br />

—roach t— 1—_• a_—, C—i*. B_oar. Kk-, HUto<br />

Waat rah•<br />

C—MT. aa—, -<br />

aad Pai• Baa—. Taoa _nr waat<br />

ta Mia—d aad "'—' Baoca aad<br />

Cotal Gablaa, bjter viaitiaBi Kay<br />

Waat, whan taay took taa boat to<br />

Ha—aa. T—y apaat a w«—<br />

taora. t—-« la UM pla—o af nv<br />

tow-i. to*—d nor BOW do*—»-<br />

a—— aad took part la tao UM<br />

—rair—<br />

Tboy wota<br />

<br />

II to »_<br />



taah«iU<br />

radio •dia < tatka. ot<br />

• laitinalp af tU<br />

waity dota, —i aa —*——• faa.<br />

—aay BM_banhhM inioilaa A*a,<br />

platea; ftnU Ad—aaa _aa<br />

WatWat ^^ ^ t HaPaaVal •a_EU<br />

toba<br />

byt»<br />

B«T »— o-ojaefci •—• oe aavo—I<br />

anftawiiii ta iai "T——r**~ r~^<br />

_ _• af a<br />

It ft)<br />

«oat<strong>of</strong>j>j<br />

^ v oat, <strong>of</strong><br />

a ^ j p • W W afj f<br />

I oat <strong>of</strong> 4{ Date*/, t oat <strong>of</strong> «j<br />

Wattar, * aataftt Dolaa. t oat<br />

i Oty a<br />

to pkty. M—t Thanday utolae<br />

wotd-o taa baaa «B_M. M—-<br />

t_ OOOOBOBU. Tho<br />

aad L. a Odboeor, —id oocra—ry<br />

<strong>of</strong> UM ort———ea: Mayor Hrtridk,<br />

<strong>of</strong> A—cry Fan, aad WaJUr<br />

L. Tn—lailnin. bartaoaa aoum<br />

<strong>of</strong> UM CaaadoB Cooriar. Tha lot-<br />

"tor a dlapatrh fnai<br />

to tha oa-ftnBor <strong>of</strong> tha earfar<br />

aa—orkr toorgaa-o tha<br />

Natiaaal Baak af ft—aa<br />


A Ftw Very D«drali-»<br />

Patcca <strong>of</strong> Baal Estmtm<br />

Two-Family Apartment<br />

Wall fur—ihad. 100 faat from Boardwalk, in<br />

50 Feet <strong>Ocean</strong> Front<br />

With riparian righta. otcttraQy located:<br />

$1000 per foot<br />

F_ancad.<br />

100 Feet <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Front<br />

With riparian righta, naar Tenth Stttct.<br />

Flnaacad.<br />

HOTEL<br />

Centrally Located<br />

70 !__ooma, w_I farahHoti: very r_uabla proparty-'<br />

Wall f H ^<br />


PHONE 683<br />

,;<br />

•4<<br />

-:CANWES ; ; %m<br />


Makettara-<br />

NaaWwe hare her* —<br />

•ted Egga, Clwcahtr Bgga aaal<br />

BASlkK NB8TB, Me to<br />

AttracUt*<br />

' Wftaf BTft^WBIBBT' I<br />

rairrr AND MUT BOOS<br />

Writtea ea<br />

mm&m—t<br />

a* UM<br />

af aBBBaaaa 1 ' VaWaat aa\ ^BBBBBBaaaBBBBBBYi BBBBBBM 4<br />

tpMiat<br />

PUUHI<br />

L.W. MINTZER & SON<br />

Avaawja • . PABClt IWt<br />

Spring<br />

Opening<br />

Ladies 9 . Maa!mmad<br />

Suits. Coats and Dresses<br />

Pa-Une .<br />

Men's and Woaaeo'a<br />

Clothing L. w<br />

At Right Pricmt<br />

Robinson's<br />

Variety Shop<br />


^-//OW /yOW on yoa give t_m a a_tte <strong>of</strong><br />

v/# your estate ia such _ wmy t_tt it<br />

. will do htm tike moat good?<br />

*v*<br />

w;j<br />

ffiyy.-R^.<br />

•<br />

B sT-'<br />

•#•1<br />

iJKV<br />

'.-•C. "<br />

UladyWfflWeaf |<br />

Units for th<br />

•use"<br />

»*M<br />

^={<br />

——I<br />

2JS<br />



The Road to<br />


By DR. ARTHUR X. FOUflTER.<br />

'What follow* U not to ba token<br />

a» prawn dogma, bat merely a*<br />

tho outgrowth <strong>of</strong> MM abstract<br />

reasoning* <strong>of</strong> my own on this ques-<br />

•••<br />

Has Jf. Btoed Sapply.<br />

After the miM ha* reached a<br />

given atw, it* central portion begins<br />

to. break ilown, a* It haM no<br />

blood iiupply. Ttt* cells receive no<br />

nutrition aril thev die. The low<br />

vital mUtance <strong>of</strong> the nuu make*<br />

it a ready prey to the.action <strong>of</strong><br />

tion that has hsld the attention <strong>of</strong> bacteria, especially tht pus-productho<br />

'scientific world for many<br />

Injr kirxl. An • revolt, the-mass become*<br />

Infected and harbor* many<br />

kinds <strong>of</strong> germs, some <strong>of</strong> which are<br />

I am unable, first <strong>of</strong> aD, to sub-typical anil others, because <strong>of</strong> their<br />

•ciribe U> the- theory that them la rapid proliferation, leu typical. It<br />

recognized formsIn<br />

<strong>On</strong> the contrary, a mountain <strong>of</strong> manses that baa given rise to the<br />

evidence, has been erected -that thought that cancer may ba caaaad<br />

tends to disprove this theory. by bacteria.<br />

"What cause* cancer?* — rt Is<br />

aeceaaary to first deride what a stags th* lymph rhiimels try ta<br />

really bt Rodocod Jo simplest<br />

terms, it may b* said that • fection, their action hrra lTtderj-<br />

stop it. jiMtaa' • they do to any tncancer<br />

is a mass <strong>of</strong> e«fla <strong>of</strong> the Ucal to th* enlargement <strong>of</strong> th*<br />

.lowest grad*. Ualika<br />

glands.in the . .arm-pit. ' ia" *<br />

rao-callfd- torn tutaor*. It has no BMB> poiaonlng <strong>of</strong> th* hand, . T can ao*<br />

bran* auinmtmUag B. It baa aocordingly sea no grooad foe th*<br />

" it. WaB* there popolkr notion that a caaoar ha*<br />

an different<br />

root*, nor th* medfcal idea taat a<br />

eharacta*istfca apply to aB forma. lymphatic*. Th* aaptraat toots<br />

ia Th. whore next a caaetr praaoattioa U located. to Wo are euguiged lymph Tsasela, aad<br />

find wbra that It U J i ^ l t :_<br />

pmj^oT IWbody wkera tiara' la<br />

P theUal tiaoooTth* boat axaans*<br />

.. thi. kind <strong>of</strong> tiaa** batag fib*<br />

dtta). *<br />

ia tW H*, teagM, throat,<br />

atera*.<br />

that tiw alto <strong>of</strong> th* __.<br />

ettacr booa aab)scted U _<br />

Uaaad a*Od irrttailoai or had I<br />

rstwttateaaaaawetaBaa. |selected strtjsctad to aa jajary tfcat waa<br />

•BMlBMtaii* |»p*faadwita aca3fc*ao. Per ...<br />

the vogtM, aa at the<br />

It la mach smaxtcr to<br />

oca tad Intistlnss fa aeaily always<br />

•J by a Mstory <strong>of</strong> an atom<br />

<strong>of</strong> die otoros asnalty ocean<br />

In WOBMB whose womb was ton<br />

dortnc (ftOdbtrth <br />

certain<br />

<strong>of</strong> Uood-prcxcon, that U<br />

VadeTlbB*<br />

aR aorta *r* <strong>of</strong>fand. Taa i in tile<br />

to<br />

.fle-lif.<br />

aahortoat to break fee »ory toni dron. Tfcey tff 1) than a maae <strong>of</strong> dec<br />

<strong>of</strong> haldac d Wo find ease* oa ma«y "Iprfag j J*««******* • eertatotaurth <strong>of</strong><br />

coats. tn— " ter it* caaae te exixt aad a<br />

coed aad\wSm *a* woar* each I deftoito period for its effect* to<br />

5tass to advaataaa, it ia a nico | *»»*» O P-<br />

•<br />

_ batter <strong>of</strong> tao chsaga from. Or* sc ~ oat I Asanmrng this theory tobe trot,<br />

ecu, mUk aad molted batter aadwMc£ haa-boaa ta*<br />

for let use Me how it.woold work out<br />

floor. Favi, seed and cat tho or-yeananges iato beta. Beat these tato designed ao chat tltey do not extend sear-tUto*. which rrplaott* nonnal<br />

Now aad than such cafes are In a givca COM. We know the<br />

* cope <strong>of</strong> boding<br />

the batter aad bake is a |<br />

acrosa the bk back, bt but form wimgjfk* taifk Uasae that has been owtroyed 1* <strong>of</strong><br />

ta a boQer. Add a<br />

poddiaff diah la a hot oven. pioos* oeer la* sieevM. Waen th* low grade. We likewise know that<br />

one tap "<strong>of</strong> com<br />

>aatsaT <strong>of</strong> tibe wtaa>cap*s wrtag^capo* to Uwtlta bwar wo go into th* seal* <strong>of</strong><br />

cost is good ia dodga. it grros a life the more proUfi* tso am- ']<br />

Wonaj Brrn<br />

tf too tUrk. Ikla with Baked Ckaraatla kflgth aad sleadcrne**'- to the isms hotorrw. <strong>On</strong> that auarapdon<br />

k sterfy tor at Wt Sice stale caka aa neatly ai figw* that is most dmlrabl*. Of «oy»car-tU*u* in the body that 1* "*»<br />

tsstteial'""" iM * Spread jam or JsOy aa tweed m a plain color with a nor- subiected to continued irritation I* mm »i*i.^. rr terra no*.<br />

u ..w4 j coca pieoe. Pour over it a rawrow border <strong>of</strong> a darker tweed. thU liable to become cancerous. And ruwTOanx.<br />

;OMh»~<br />

vlttistsjtl mad* by beatinjr aa «ra: t>pe u capeciaUy good on the wo- once the proees* bos born atArua,:«*« £••»• "^.**•<br />

•jtol" r > r "***• ad stirrteglt Into *<br />

man «rho esjoys sports do^hes. , each nxnV'ttnir geiwration <strong>of</strong> cell.t~* **** •-•<br />

—j i larre capful <strong>of</strong> milk. N°o sugar<br />

' Developed in silk motro and is more prolific than its forbear*.' KM. C A. TI .in L •<br />

'needed. Bake, covered, for half tsffrta are oiaacially noticeaUe— Tbe miu continim ta rnlar»v , .<br />

' an boor. Eat hot with kaon *• find unort mata . Cauotinjr thmurh multiplication <strong>of</strong> lt> cflli<br />

|er v»ry cold wiU cream.<br />

i t*pe* ol \-±ryins oW \n\gO\ ngth and full- and. U"(S.u~e it destroys c\<br />

ar»- in i.<br />

Oaaa flaa aad boil for<br />

. Cat as bacoo or pork<br />

Bfaery lal batter. Fry<br />

onioaa, and<br />

mbxtsre.<br />

Coak<br />

Mix Boor<br />

I Ojaal daasav *-*• seda<br />



Of Majiy Slysa* and Vmigitn.<br />

Tksry Arw AH Very<br />

AUxactiT*.<br />

Mew Brunswick. S. J. Morrh Zi.<br />

~ i are so very becoming that.<br />

' * 4itTff r 1 Co m-<br />

n jnUnlm<br />

wardrobo. It Bead not be<br />

a cape cap* for warmth, tfc for, mere hthan<br />

likely, it wfll tea chiffon,<br />

or geutgeitta tsock; when a bit<br />

<strong>of</strong> fabric haagiBC from<br />

ahoaldsr* addTso inth* way<br />

!?.?•••-1° o °*'» «*«•»*. why'aot<br />

av. oner<br />

lac The<br />

i tao can* i* a*<br />

BMterhTas oa<br />

a wkkp <strong>of</strong> a caps, nelly<br />

^tkaaadiacoi:<br />

. <strong>of</strong>s*Mlt_<br />

they corteiaty add<br />

It Bssk*<br />

I trsck<br />

ta*<br />

laUny <strong>of</strong> tli.- »t!fc<br />

r*v«mrM£»» jf ^ *. ill *Ofn«T<br />

raSLSAO***.<br />

I the cape- drop* to within a few in<strong>of</strong><br />

tho<br />

I >JJ on and on—a ur need*.<br />

Csthsrlna Crirbel,<br />



Mr». CoUurin* H. Cricbrl. StaU<br />

'" r T—r 1 -"-*, will give brr<br />

_ Fo>hian Otom In the hUd-<br />

Towuiiip HigB School auditorittm<br />

Tbunday, April 1.<br />

Mrs. GrieorJ** atyl* thorn need<br />

ao explanation to th* hundred* <strong>of</strong><br />

Cape May County women who have<br />

attended previous shear*. Others<br />

are assured that tawy wiD be folly<br />

tepald for attending. There is so<br />

charga, aad all womea <strong>of</strong> the<br />

" te<br />

—Tip Toe Inn:— PRINTING<br />

,—VERNON HAa—<br />

41* AUaatic Avcao*<br />


BaateC*mf*rta Baot* Ceokbig<br />


Wo Host-Mill, as<br />


aajti BBHK2E PBIZB8<br />

*' WUK AS OMSH^H^<br />

fl. S. Pcin k SOM<br />

HO) Aasseai Ass. lOi—i CkB<br />

ONE-DAY<br />


Friday. April 2<br />


**»?• ••*• a»^eai.s«SMtsi.*»*a , _ a. . , **» A. M.<br />

UXCOLN PSESa. iXX Mala St.!<br />

symptoms referable to th*<br />

Udarrs. Not all taaao<br />

- IfEMSTlfCHIN/!<br />


«««a*?rve tht best Utai arieaco c<br />

-** PLEATING ^*<br />

EGUDfff<br />

Off,<br />

IfYooH*Te»Rng<br />

Tbat Wndi<br />

•ESXEINO<br />


CXEAKf NO aad<br />

RESTOUNa<br />

Or if yea are bayiag aew<br />

R«g* aad want toaae* U to<br />

SCt all O. at. write<br />

Rnf Work*, Inc.<br />

' 41$ W. Maia Straot.<br />

MIU.VILLE, X. J.<br />

Local Reprrxntativ* '<br />


1147 Wr*t Aveaa* *<br />

OCEAN mr, x. j.<br />

Baga wove* frees old carpet*.<br />

Rag Rags aad Rag Carpet<br />

worea toorder.<br />

F*r a COMPLKTE OPTICAL SERVICE mi all as. Octoa CUy<br />

a*rt*ats faveceal by raasl service. Setsafartlea gmoraateed.<br />

L. W. BETTS and SONS<br />

PPTOHCTatiaTB aad OmCUJtS •.<br />

—i m—in roarr nuaa<br />

17M AUkatic Artaae. AUastk Qty. N. J.<br />

sign*<br />

* M<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

bat tomo <strong>of</strong> them are found<br />

(2) trui much • a* Mph hlo^«»-<br />

pnw*nre i* a symptom, tho patJrnt<br />

should consult a phyiidon whooc<br />

txuincn It is to determine the underlying<br />

caune. Through approprlato<br />

treatment this can bo cured<br />

or Irnprovnl \o a degree that will<br />

brine about redaction <strong>of</strong> tho bloodpressure<br />

below the danger point. '<br />


t-far«»i*ry caae,-'-Eatat«»rwwllt~for several *inTl!f^:''l<br />

are found in. all. with bronchial trouble, bataS'"? ^'<br />

Pan] Lamorelle and wife, <strong>of</strong> St.,<br />

David*, on the Mala <strong>Line</strong> .are here,<br />

for the season, occapying their<br />

cottage, on Asbary avenue. Bear,<br />

Foorteesth street. Tfcey have been<br />

rater reaiorsts <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> I<br />

many years. Mr. LamercD*. who;<br />

ia connected with th* W*i«ntman!<br />

Oar<br />

Agnes MI<br />

Beauty Shoppe<br />

Frigidaire<br />

«w BMTMC Ref rlrera**,<br />

boa b*ra laataHedL*<br />

Bnefer'g<br />


AO navere—Tastes Bettor lam<br />

tan<br />

DAISY'S<br />

1W Aatejry Avaaa*<br />

~ IT4<br />

Special<br />

Hot Castor Oil<br />

PonnaiMnt<br />

Wai<br />

Lake's Jewelry Store<br />

Beautiful Easter Eggs<br />

GK-e Vi Yoar.Order QUICK!<br />

PURE—No paint or edorteg to upaet the kiddies' atom-<br />

•ch. Beautiful ikcoruloris «nd named. With hvid<br />

made cremmi,<br />

6 ot, 25c; 12 ot, 50c; 1 M Ih, $1UW; 21-2 fc^S2.W<br />

and $5.00 to ortkr<br />


Southwest Comer<br />

15 th and Asbury Ave.<br />

160x100<br />

Finan cing<br />

Unusually<br />

Favorable<br />


Realtor<br />

O<br />

\<br />

M<br />

;1 :'-':"' ;v "' •'• :•''• •-•..•'•- «• ..• •• :.'. •: ' y - - ' ^ . i # a 1 i i i ' . ^ •'•'••'I'<br />

|F money grew on trees you would have to reach<br />

and pick it. It takes a certain amount <strong>of</strong> thought,<br />

time and effort to get anything.<br />

Anyone who will investigate will find that <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>has<br />

been growing steadily since it was founded. -Ask any <strong>of</strong><br />

the old residents if thgy would have made money by<br />

investing years ago. There is a greater opportunity now<br />

clufTto thel^nnouslii^^<br />

receivedr<br />

There is a wonderful future ahead<br />


Ask us how, it will cost you nothing to investigate!<br />

•W<br />


Phone 108<br />

Realtors<br />

9th and Asbury Ave., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

.»•.?.<br />

406 St. Pfcoooll40 M &^ia^iiiiay

* * * * * * ^ » * ^ * ^ — ' — • * - ? - '^ i ••,' i '. > ^*V^^*i '"?!*' ** ', f \ * ^ ^ j ^'-' ^O^C^I^KflB' ^^B^^B^Bv^^B^B^aflL^aM^n^aB^B*ua^K^B^^nB^HaEa^nT iiH^B^flafoKVaT •VW^I^^iiK.'^flri. V^Buavar^awi^aHH^c YI^IB1E*P ** j^^^^iJCa'i'^fiiflafOf'a^otf^'^JJGyG^^1 * im -^ • ^- T " (* v -'. JV 1 * * - •* T r-i v*sL~ '> /•»'* '^jiTc** V'T* *t*^"^^* f n't#*£# t IA* **' * "v"<br />

oatalB aad<br />

In thla m-<br />

Aintoa<br />

phCT<br />

Ktnt<br />

ThUtOlba Capa May<br />

• to COA<br />

Slgmm,<br />

floor apartawnt fttt<br />

KricMoB placa to Dr. 8toat, <strong>of</strong><br />

Wcnonah.<br />

Cottafa 104* A»6ory to Alpha,'<br />

<strong>of</strong> mril<br />

"* " '."•.' [<strong>of</strong> ttoaa Mawt. PrebaMr Wb>.<br />

i«t du. L aaa, la* dtrartor <strong>of</strong> roral work ta<br />

Si UIL "• wmaaj othooC taaefcar* or<br />

yfLZOf'^'rmkwtb**!. wad Moraul School<br />

fcfeawt<br />

total 1M*.<br />

•Mt<br />

tacular<br />


i «ra Potot boaoty who took put in<br />

to hoU i roral.tha IBM pa«aaot. ojoptd to Elkla<br />

Octobar, to wWth all { to<br />

^ ^ l , to eaop«rat» . ant*<br />

iitti. KMn Bara,<br />

PhlUdtl. dtsutaut <strong>of</strong> ntral dtfa'<br />

ay PamU<br />

tn Imtorimt dd Toon* woram to'pr*-<br />

|virc UMmaMTU 'or ft toaehli*" • - tn! *"»• EUirt M. Step, 18, a Sam-<br />

rural<br />

It U,<br />

aaatiiwny<br />

»* «« atao to<br />

«prfanr and<br />

In'ilay. but- It «u nat oatil today<br />

aDdapart-<br />

rbai Maaa la BoM Rally Earb •CIMOU aod to provfcl* HK*- ; that limit frirodt Uanxd <strong>of</strong> it.<br />

atraadr oaoa takenby b<br />

ta Pall<br />

M tnltdng<br />

.kdiwfartaadMTatamvie,,,. Th, brW. waa -MU» . Somr.<br />

wat rw. Fotot- ta i^, pacMo* add cam in<br />

fourth la th* rol<br />

attdUtrd In tha . ,_.,<br />

ISbo au fomxHy a rwiWrrt <strong>of</strong><br />

It ni rvoortod that tit Ma. | Atlantle <strong>City</strong>.<br />

2; fi<br />

A Ed-<br />

ItflW<br />

tS^bjJf<br />

and<br />

nwt at t>»<br />

Kanaal Sekool.dMrt. i «tm>n^ to tbo cxta<br />

l«r ta» m t liiaa rawtawt tM*-yagr W i<br />

tratainjr aad toiPowbtr U nyattorf nactyi<br />

a Roy Whitukcr<br />

fiom** Have:<br />

FOR SALE<br />

2 Lots in<br />

Brighton Estates<br />

$10,000 Each<br />

IRA SC<strong>On</strong> JOHNSON<br />

409 Ninth St. Phone 77S<br />

AND<br />

WM<br />

that<br />

pandtal<br />

$14^00<br />

ltaJLu Z-Btarr BMH<br />

S bad rooau. S balks, ro<strong>of</strong><br />

nite. bmktaat nook. A<br />

fey ta am aad tothw in.<br />

Gndad Ian and •arobbary.<br />

Caateb»bf»T<br />



oauntarr.M.x<br />

•li<br />

6666 '<br />

Satisfied Customers<br />

n w w awaral toy—t ailaj»na>il. ,<br />

-A ncont w» an traly prouJ <strong>of</strong>—»ixl their patrraairo ha*<br />

tnablcd u» to •qtdp—<br />

'<br />



Brm» Bcdc Our Specialty<br />

W. mn r

u^P'JMH^MwT? i<br />

1&iS!%S^u* mttf<br />

aaarAoic<br />

fr»y, • oat af t» T»ytor, a ootSf<br />

>lra* ajcoad flaartar bagaojrHli<br />

th* wm (tea «p<br />

th* hall^Wooidtnfl arotmd tha to-<br />

^fWab ealladi Ooaaa <strong>City</strong>. IS)<br />

tSe lead-in eeorhnrwhen Mba CM<br />

CapakfayCltr.14- . ' /<br />

ildy cot a fn* throw, tha* ending<br />

«£ WtUwood, tha^Sfcno, T<strong>of</strong>kara, <strong>of</strong> WU.twood. •Pm aooi» wa» knotted on foor oVflri* half « to 5 In Oemn<br />

wb* .tlclatod a* ScMir. V. fUtctoSt timtr. E. E. onadonei onea at 4, 8, 10 and 13. <strong>City</strong> 1 * finor.<br />

Court Haass soiae weeks m, Uag«r. Tlmo <strong>of</strong> wuutnta, ' 10 Ctpa May Chy bad a chance to<br />

Amt <strong>Mar</strong>oatlag d*beto wa* when Uw locab left th* floor, mlntrtm.<br />

(opiba victory Juit a» th* flnal Him Palmer «ank a doiibl* »pon<br />

ld WOd Fid dalmfoglhey ware getting a "raw , 8cor» by qoirUrj:<br />

wbUUe blew. Ml— Palmer draw itter the opening <strong>of</strong> the third<br />

teg between Wndwsod «a/oeaaadaaL" Tophara nfam| a splcndid<br />

lama Batsrday mJtto, and Cap-<br />

Capo May Ctty. 1 « S 8—14 \tni iOovn. n. flinwgh flh her ner-<br />

fto«. Mia. Slpple had a wonder-<br />

CSy. The qosaUoa was. "Reaotved,<br />

, that th* the Gu Government shoold tain ImbMi aad Us ami atatad US*, t^od Capa Hay mcM and anxiety to break th*<br />

OoamClty 8 8 A 2—M<br />

a fouL which entlUed her<br />

totwoquarter and took the lead agata,<br />

fattier<br />

fol chaam to pat her team toth*<br />

awn sad operate th* coal mlaes.' h ta <strong>of</strong> tlw Paolsbore Tba Ooraa CHy Hlga School ih* fatted. , _, _<br />

lead, but. to takteg aa anaaon-<br />

WOdwood took th* afttrmati** and Ktmt, they never receirod a batter irlrU* hatkHhan taan motored to -taa 8*J»agn illpped to •<br />

•ary dribble, aba waa covered before<br />

getting' th* ban away. Bh*<br />

Oeaaa <strong>City</strong> th* avgfcthw. The dedsfan<br />

wa* I to 1 to taw <strong>of</strong> WOd-<br />

Robert GonJoa cartalnty cadrd ed the pnllmiaary to th* boyV, y, wMh a «m«>, andMtoa<br />

Cap* May <strong>City</strong> Saturday aad play-<br />

to »tart the ram* <strong>of</strong>f. Miea flaaUy poahad to a two-pointer «ad<br />

a good day's work.' Aritinr; at S<br />

The Ocaan Oi taan was eoa»-<br />

The aoor* at the and r, with a (ingle, and a<br />

Ocaan <strong>City</strong> took tha bad 8-7. andmg<br />

tha third qaarter.<br />

a. av, Nitfaf papers for a _"<br />

aoasd <strong>of</strong> Arthar Edna Hal<br />

U aa Stoc* tl aaaaawj mad* a v w th* VH^ M^P*^ acont 4 ^ toS. • ^ ~^~~ ^—* Kit-<br />

<strong>of</strong> hears, he ihta, with -Oos"<br />

Ham aid Ira V<br />

girla' rales oe— aot permit extra<br />

(Coatmaad on peg* 1«)<br />

&ntth aid t faatg* Myers,<br />

eiarriaapraiaad htr ankle aad<br />

to Ddttf took fc><br />

tbo ttgfcU, and anttad la Capo<br />

May la tha* togat tato th* battla<br />

laet.«Sy did tae^roHi iad<br />

gava WOdwood a hard battla.<br />

IMMII<br />

mi B» • total<br />

Bepcrted tha card* w ««• th*<br />

rVanayrraala MOttary CoDeg* Wbwtod.<br />

at Cheater at a little celebration 1M p> m. Vespers aad address,<br />

they had la the arecing. A few Pilma dlsttOmtod.<br />

<strong>of</strong> 0M> dom peraoaal friends <strong>of</strong> Mr., Saaday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 80, 4-M> p. m-,<br />

aad Mrs. Baoer also war* present, Lmteai aarvtoe. -<br />

Several boon were BDaat Bsost 1<br />

• Mr. Baaar la aa actlv* member'Unfa<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Ooaas Oty Pishtag aab.jiM<br />

The "A. B. W. C <strong>of</strong> O. C,~ a)<br />

MMHM* Thursday, Aprfl I, an<strong>of</strong><br />

th* hutltettin <strong>of</strong> tha<br />

had Ra laosptJoa her* Jsaoary <strong>of</strong><br />

atlsa Hilda Hays; l»-year-oM la-<br />

ba»a atajad a»<br />

«ai» anna, la* boya aaawd<br />

atos. Ik* Cape May lads fcMA.<br />

bdag attd* by lraalaad ataadaadTay-aad aad lor, wlta a daaeeaadv 1*so«<br />

Coadi Flabirt hey*<br />

cradlt far laa way they parfata-<br />

*d totk* laat sjaarter aad laat<br />

aa* th* third<br />

they raatkad w» U paiaU, wafl*<br />

aawttog the vlattora to aaa fleld<br />

UebyOetdea.<br />


ff<br />

laa baB wlta a y* +JTZES,<br />

1329-31 Arctic Avenue, Atlantic <strong>City</strong><br />

far Breeder? Lea*; for<br />

t Hagbaa far kaaut<br />

farOodtlcyi Sayree far<br />

laid goaU: Gordoa, C; BTJWSaUHer,<br />

Pram By. TraaU»l. *ach I;<br />

tU T<br />



Law Priw CbUaaf toAUajvUc Oty<br />

tat. Jtaty.<br />

HOTEL<br />

Opens the Season <strong>of</strong> <strong>1926</strong> on<br />

FRIDAY, APRIL 2d<br />

Best Soup BeanT<br />

Brooms<br />

Brooms<br />

Brooms<br />

Sprint; dealiktrSped<br />

•eat<br />

•ach<br />

•ach<br />

•ach<br />

nib ^ ^<br />

Flow •-. 89c<br />

54c<br />

63c<br />

72c<br />

A>C,AM—nUabouzfcj JA8CO BWbf<br />

•-••. '-:•':, '-.'A.'<br />

XSSt<br />

?<br />

i'^*^^<br />

nM*?»y uil-ij,<br />

Sv-<br />

imj..- ><br />

V :'^c;:<br />

- ---—--vr—•?•<br />

"i,-?: .^ 1<br />

.».-. .fj.-iafr?*;:-* 1 !**?<br />

'\""-j<br />

- * • %<br />

r«s^:<br />

."V<br />

' : 'i<br />

'SBZ<br />

•THatl<br />

-/•.. v ;<br />

TheASCBTflB<br />


IF RESULTS _ _<br />

Are What You Want Hrir.V=rri:<br />

raoiis OK wins io*Jk WAMM<br />

; ^ tW home ^ol '^:<br />

your own is out <strong>of</strong> •"<br />

bobka. Regular 3fcposits<br />

phis compound<br />

interest wjjl<br />

' gjBt the "down" payipent<br />

foryou. _<br />

Why Not Start Hirm<br />

^'<br />

^•''^SlK'--.<br />

'WI,'^"^: 1<br />

•' -.-.^K*" t'j<br />

Dm f^l Oeeai GtyNalioiial Bank<br />

• »•"*•. . f.<br />

• : -:^Z$<br />

— ir/.i'_i."i:t<br />

^<br />

OMtobb Fnpartfc* AM Lktod.<br />

' ::i! »WfD BABm DC OCEAW aTT-<br />

•? •-.>.., -r. •.••->-<br />

..-i.l>f.-\<br />

. .-••> ; **?%<br />

I<br />

ROBERT RADFQRD tad UM rwr «a* Oewa Ctty Btaetrie<br />

Ha MfltaB^MttBVBW 4MIABV MBI wfll CB^SBSS tib# Art>a o€<br />

tOMOtctg bUm in April. UK ta wtot ia known aa ihm cwitiiittnM kUttnc<br />

•yatam. IWe ay^*m ia not aav. It barter ba« lp^lW. bj many kit*<br />

^MUM^ ^^a^^^ IA ^bahar»mafltdoPti>alart

:<br />

•.OifJ' i't<br />

I I I»:<br />

(M^aT*!<br />

' CataV Wk'<br />

tmrfa<br />

mm fa !••»<br />

wm<br />

wit<br />

CNW or n(M t<br />

»v^»v|.V»ni^im wrerrsvj<br />

«f tka afthtty<br />

h faiTaf tka<br />

-V*.<br />

B. t><br />

ItWlWat<br />

I «< Ik* tfa»<br />

**L K. Mnny, «r, «ai tka<br />

am ciaaaaj win saaart B* CMV<br />

laaattta • uiitiamf af tkt naad.<br />

After tka iftfat*aar,Mi<br />

feat par, Mr. Cktw<br />

I baati*, aatf I<br />

M. L.<br />

adk»»fl]«a4ai<br />

t»* MV Mat* ftaf tkiaa at kla<br />

«• M MlMMI<br />

fay «fi»ifiMrt water BMfa, ate,<br />

«u acafala. rmititi te fa a* «f-<br />

Cart to ttm ftntkar amdhate «*t<br />

Hft M tM f<br />

«|UM<br />

55.i<br />

aaVaa<br />

kataaM<br />

Tka ftaad* at* oaattMl toka tetk> af aBkat tta<br />

akw ta tka aaar fatam f»rtha<<br />

ldSa»<br />

StTi<br />

-•»-. «.<br />

W. L<br />

flaiiMrtej<br />

DAILY BUS SERVlCE-Oe^aCfcy(<br />

itaaai<br />

. • SI<br />

?•:-•.?:...•<br />

>ar tkbtttr.<br />

I ta a»<br />

•£g*\\ COMFORT<br />


IS. K..Va<br />

•* flM CM* m<br />

>m, «al at baTiM<br />

«a Man* ML Oa kad<br />

Vw t%i«Til af<br />

.„_. n. cTia<br />

att Kaaa, «Wi vkaai ate awd* kar<br />

|«ffW» ••JWJHBW »•' VJa^BaWJWIX<br />

,j«th)a J w U M Iwr frtaWai<br />

*• a TmntwH OMCJWA« ••• ^i*w<br />

Mad Mr. gajrwiait aa< !>••> la<br />

dty darta* Ik* nai «f<br />

MakatJa v«ya<br />

fcf.<br />

- • --ril la»wlt^.lMaWOw-WiirSMr-r^^^<br />

8H0BB BIJ8<br />



^^^^^A ^^^^v M^^<br />

«.^^r.<br />

>TOI<br />

^.^-'^T" r^. r i<br />

I<br />




Jersey CentndPower&Light Co.<br />

p<br />

if Mr. DM ft<br />

OJBuIwi •• DM 1<br />

A tiAtJh.<br />

unll<br />

Ck> ««j«: Kn. C Haifkiai. Mn.il<br />

Mn. CL. Nhk.U<br />

mmno fioit<br />

a. J. Saak aad fkafly. «w|<br />

tMaa fa UM talk all wfaten<br />

ba at tfcatr IWBM, lttl Oaatal<br />

n mat t k n<br />

aad.wtfa, «f tfatll<br />



The ffeachfioM ia 0B^en Qly's most valuable and. and has always<br />

beeni onc^f the best real estate investments. ~ ~ "~^ " ~"<br />

', ' . . v - > : -. _ . - • • _ . . • . . . •<br />

Many fortunes have,been made on beachfront investments and many<br />

more will be made m the fatuFe. Many owners <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

beachfront refuse toutoU their holdings.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

. • •<br />

" . - •<br />

i<br />

j<br />

41<br />

PI<br />

H<br />

11<br />

l"v*<<br />

• m•Sii<br />

1<br />

h P<br />

• • * • .<br />

P<br />

Lja^H JUaHHaBB<br />

P<br />

» • _ - , • ..<br />

Good Buyi<br />

IJ|ilfeGmk»<br />

An' triishaiiUil ihm ottbt<br />

\mCcainiAvt.<br />

bmi «bt Sta, f»dnf the<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Beach Fronts<br />

ae^ . k.<br />

1 hen, top,it has proved an attraction<br />

e<br />

oty.<br />

HARRY F. STANTQN•in-.<br />

' <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue at Dghth<br />

Gty, N. J.<br />

vt*<br />

UBWU La Bairett<br />

i OtIB MO1TUL<br />

Hab»( PaUic <strong>of</strong><br />

OwaaGty H*. Beta Loolpt for<br />

IM:<br />

Buy a piece <strong>of</strong> Beachfront now. hold<br />

for a year or two and you will be<br />

amazed at tH^ ^irH^yic^nwnt in<br />

It is easy to figure the reason for the rapid rise in values. There is only a limited<br />

<strong>of</strong> beachfiont* and the<br />

g<br />

great increase in our, **nmp*f population is creatinff a<br />

greater demand for beachftoot year by year. However great the population maybe,<br />

there will always be the same limited amount <strong>of</strong> beachfront<br />

Keep your eye on Beachfront values<br />

We have a few tracts listed for sale. If purchased this spring there is no doubt but<br />

what they can be resold at a good pr<strong>of</strong>it within a few months or a year.<br />

RALPH L. CHESTER,inc.<br />

Realtors<br />

/ -*<br />

tral Ave. at Eighth St.<br />


^•awaamilMat<br />

'**, . - - . .<br />

&Ssi£2,<br />

ran;**<br />

iaaafaotaatawtka<br />

tvMra *jm w*ra IMI «t<br />

Ska taamd iiaaift.<br />

«T«o] moat Otfak ta cmy,' Naa<br />

-And joa <br />

«mm«Urf bow on b«r bfcxua.<br />

Sao csockt htr bnatk. '<br />

"T«a—it ni d«tn to m*—by<br />

asmvbody," >h* (aid In a panic<br />

Xb»pat <strong>of</strong>>h*r kand totfc»Uttl*<br />

-Araotf» a<strong>Mar</strong> Io«t htfr hsibaad<br />

iFnaoaJ* Lyatar aaid piwMBtljr.<br />

-T«." aaid Kaa, bar cWki<br />

nwL "Aad I loat my lo*n<br />

•ta.7 ABMH^^ ,<br />

T«a# ^Wftts MWMd • 1brad. trow.<br />

w, aha triad to eavcr ta* tnxady<br />

_TU valea. Ska know that Lyatar<br />

teakad at bar qokaly. aad<br />

kaiw aaaka Ua vaio* waa aiacDkoty<br />

I Ml 1 "Ar—tt did aat UD<br />

•Mt," ha —" ;_<br />

-Taavcr fmk aboot tt, - "Vao<br />


. B.B. WIUIAJCS<br />

or*, a* 1<br />

ws wax DO<br />

TOOK<br />

Building<br />


CALL<br />

BVaditrdl<br />

faOwliaa<br />


ThatV<br />

it!<br />

Too may nay a bit mart for<br />

year Basfn*; — tight at the<br />

•tan — bat-that's tha «nd <strong>of</strong><br />

yoor wontat when yoo ba«*<br />

work oona by oa. And a* tb*<br />

r»a will raatiaahow<br />

yoar Baef ha« bats<br />

wV* ba piaaMd to<br />

awto yaa Igoaa.<br />

W.W. SMITH<br />

MBmMk 8tiw*t<br />

IftaaaftU-V<br />

Walter C. Ehly<br />

Comtnctor ami BuiUtr<br />

ma Bar AIMM, OOH CUT. N- x<br />

VALCB<br />

n.<br />

Mtm t. S»TH | i^ Esmt-coiiBAcniiG<br />

i*£L.. *HN R^fHAiiEN<br />

- *° T<br />

ndKht h«T« w«jy_*TT-l oa far tb»<br />

rut ef my Ufa, Iik* KriioaJ* br<br />

ih* wood<br />

mil}', and i-yrt«r $oint4 to us*<br />

trti&l bar moot.<br />

-IVrt»p* yootl eom* to'tea CM<br />

day,"\an aiid, trjrtnx to mik* h*r|<br />

T<strong>of</strong>c» oraaL ~W« only h*T» achooi<br />

roomtta and thkk hraad andbot-l<br />

ttr. bat ni a .faw—lactad<br />

Boajdq-a<br />


1U7 Woat Armm<br />

<strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

Is Ready for Your<br />

Visit to<br />


OVER<br />

WtS<br />

IOaaOailiwarKatmU mwi<br />

iac ia fWida with a vfew to stakt<br />

tk atteast to «wim thai<br />

And Money<br />

For Yon<br />

f P. M.tka<br />

A Wd<br />


WE have added baths to many <strong>of</strong> our<br />

room* and completely refiniahed and<br />

refurnbhed for the comfort <strong>of</strong> our patrons,<br />

COME TO<br />

9th Street and Wesley Avenue<br />

T«w<br />

(a Batons<br />

Jacob CScWf<br />

UM<br />

. i<br />

. •.:.'.-)i1<br />

•: •; V,!'<br />

Time Grows Shorter<br />

f*".-••"•««<br />

SATURDAY, MAY 29<br />

and MONDAY, MAY 31<br />

- —Are the Days Set for —~r—<br />


Gigantic CombinatkMi<br />

To be Condiicted dftr the<br />

Personal Direction <strong>of</strong><br />

f/iauuaio<br />

A U C T I O N E E R<br />

Before we stop listing entries for this sale, we send out<br />

this further call so that those who intend to list their properties<br />

may not be disappointed. ' '<br />

We Make No Charge for Listings<br />

Property owners—holders <strong>of</strong> acreage ripe for sub-divion-i-this<br />

is an occasion where you can sell to advantage.<br />


and aecure repreucntatlon in our catalog which is sent broadcast tx» interested<br />

proApects within a wide radius <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. Get in on bar Ug advertising<br />

campaign that will feature this safe.<br />

Enthusiasm will run high, for this great auction sale takes place almost<br />

at the same time that two great events occur in South Jersey, viz:<br />

^Camden-Philadelphia Bridge<br />

<strong>of</strong> tke South Jersey Exposition<br />

Make arrangements at once with our <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Offices, 810 Boardwalk<br />

(next to Moorfyn Theatre), which is under the management <strong>of</strong> G. G. Preston.<br />

Remember the Days—<br />

Saturday, May 29 and Monday, May 31<br />

"Auction ie the acknowledged pr<strong>of</strong>itable way to sell real estate."<br />

What it has done for others, it can do for you.<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ket Si<br />

—"Th* LiomttlUal Etta* Auction Compcny"-<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Offices: 810 Boardwalk<br />

Q. a PRESTO*.<br />


Can Baal Ealala Anctlca C«k. lac,<br />

Si* Baaniwaik. Ooaaa Otr. X. 1.<br />

Fiaaaa mad am paitkokus aaaat hatioa- pnputt ta tkt<br />

Giaat C«w>b«iiarinii Auction Sala Wka hcU BatBRlay7ktay St<br />

and Maooajr; Majr *L<br />

jUktraa*<br />

' '•<br />

•<br />

Ma«<br />

m<br />

• »4A * - .>;<br />

,.- /-., . ..-; -'i-;-y •

».•• • . ^ ^<br />

>'•'•'•->^.-'.,t > j_v!i.v"' ; »- :<br />

CVCMS<br />

•T"...<br />

ents<br />

400 Feet fawn Boardwalk<br />

—20 APAR TMENTS—<br />


»i»^y* ^•^BwWBBW^T ^•••^P ^^^^t* AM ^k^f^M ^B^B^B ^•^•^1 ^^H^BBA<br />

to tU aMkj L rf total<br />

MaMMnifty vis* sty *a*d irrV-i*• IMMM^V Var **£•••* ••» "VM»SOT<br />



SUITS<br />

Bine Scrgea, Grcjra, Tuts.<br />

Value* tq> to $45u00<br />

TUXKDO8-*40i00 Vmh»<br />

MotmyrefandsdifnotsoHMfimJ<br />


GSflHr VkgWft Mi Arttfc Ai<br />

j. HLIM1ICCIR*N.X<br />

:<br />

&<br />

'<br />

G<strong>of</strong>f Apartments<br />

134 feet on 6th Street 100 feet on Wayne Avenue<br />

$30,000 Cash—Balance<br />

Season rentals credited if purchased before-Jane j .<br />

Main Building contains six large apaitmests, weO^urni&hexL Four bedrooms in' eack,';Sqf»>«f»y > »;<br />

toilet, laundry and refrigerator room. Twelve small suites on ground floor. Nine gzuragel are<br />

groups, with two 5-room apartments over one group.<br />

Investment or Speculation Investment<br />

This propetty will show good ietumsas an investment now. Because <strong>of</strong> the convenient<br />

they are quick renters. Some tenants release each year.<br />

Speculation<br />

Removing one garage group would give sufficient ground for another apaitment as large as the present main btnJdinfpor there is 234 feet store<br />

frontage, within a stone throw <strong>of</strong> the boardwalk, opposite city propertyv that may possibly be a city park, which make it a big speculation.<br />

Bound to enhance in value, and should be resold a couple or hroe* dunng the coming scasorL<br />

" '• .':*•":'^^fel«<br />

TF7<br />

Cooper f 8 Weekly Special<br />

If TOO *P» intsvictad !•> prapatt<br />

^<br />

Aaa bay ajajMjtrftoSi '*»•• by ttw>«.<br />

yoar Cuuljr maa joor aoto, too, - ' .^<br />

Aad abow Uttm ftp** Jcraay right atj»%fet tkm.<br />

and<br />

LEARlf TO EARN<br />

in<br />

America's Greatest<br />

Resort<br />

-. > •<br />

Cooicot High Grade Homeate<br />

Wesley Avenue<br />

A4iohhg OW N. B. Car. «f Udi St<br />

$15.< III<br />

Central Investment and Speculation<br />

1330 Sq. Feet on Bay Avew<br />

:<br />

Bkydda, SO fiMt sooth oe«a8tvMt<br />

from ***y to FlMSBra INBB^ botii<br />

$12,000—<strong>On</strong>e-Half<br />

WIO brins twtoa<br />

9>»5W boys a six-room bungalow, ooe half square from beach.<br />

- Balance <strong>of</strong> $t,O0O on mortgage. < ,<br />

9ZJ0O0 buys a West Ave. cottage <strong>of</strong> five rooms and garage-<br />

Balance <strong>of</strong> $1,500 on morgage. " . -.'--'.•<br />

S5.000 cash for Asbury Ave. tot with.a wnall bungalow.<br />

This is a business section, near 34th St. Station. .<br />

v<br />

Two-tmmOy apartaMBt, six toons «*ch. •• pipmd or paintad. «*Q fonbhad.<br />

hacL Two-car (snc» La* SQxUOtet. Yawiy NWH »a.00a00.<br />

1030 Wesley Ave.<br />

$21,000—Vz Cash Required<br />

Hot<br />

SZ1J90Q for seven Asbury A»t lots, near 35th St.<br />

iiEfe^<br />

men ore to drive—powteful<br />

i!kml apd arfarth«t<br />

more raaocy ooald bt^y<br />

59,060 for two Central Ave. lota. Part mortgage. . . ' ; •-<br />

Sil^Mt two-family apartment, seven rooms and bath, ftnfHri^<br />

Front and rear porch** aod garages.<br />

H. B. O<br />

BuMerlad Realtor<br />

it<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Harbors<br />

*<br />

Entire Section No. 15<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Realtor<br />

19<br />

Lots<br />

HJI IBltfllOll<br />

Tkraa on Aabanr Anupt. two OB Oaatnl i<br />

WIOBBI iiWN% DQKB TO JB«tt MbdtafBqpavf<br />

<<br />

$19; III<br />

. • •'* - ^7-4^B<br />

^^l^^g4,C^:.---r-..'----.-";^ A:^1

»".•-•.<br />

"Aad<br />

•r;<br />

y**--f%<br />

ruiianoaa nom<br />

ttMftem t**a moth d*agar potato.<br />

ttlXtfcafaprthsndotbos*<br />

miMn. TW» <br />

b *f math Important* In<br />

f l * "<br />

JMalUe tfcwtaa<br />

Docten tehrtht nJ Mawha<br />

ta 1h *J otm<br />

.«* I* 1 * e»M-««*kad<br />

tsrakca la aad pewdend Ana, a*<br />

that tt can he and* la aay ahapa<br />

hrba asad.<br />

At hat i<br />

tkatiadfet<br />

Baraba!<br />

>*ar8*tt*s*>C»<br />

rtntata--^.*<br />

An—MI 1%o <strong>of</strong> the radio<br />

P^*??"<br />

to provtda wtll paiwl<br />

caya within UM ildnhy. bt<br />

thna herd affect Ctntnl ; *nm:<br />

altar that impnrmtstM<br />

and*, which will (if* two mala<br />

tha riajbt and lbs. "Bobert" BaaYord. tAjmrtesn boildlAs .trad** un<strong>of</strong><br />

The 8oatb*rn. an aoas* u>os probably erajaow nearly .ft**<br />

ta pot<br />

<strong>of</strong> taoaa to cpcnd the -_«_•»•.- •»-<br />

propo* ' " parents<br />

ata*r«sp*»tfT. •posfitoga<strong>of</strong>th*<br />

•pas* sta&m* ia fk* dbadtaaa<br />

-. H«kn, * Junior at It hat* that I<br />

TT<br />

rJaytatha*<br />

h*a«ab*<br />

1 no<br />

to «•-'•<br />

aa* as low aa two J iffd. eaa><br />

<strong>Mar</strong>s. Ordlaargy. bow*»*'i t two 9<br />

Ifd. coadaaaara ara'iwaalaaaL<br />

U T. T. asks: la It >nirfili I<br />

ttaaasT*<br />

ABB^ na sicaal* ptdajd op b« a<br />

op aaaawaa ai» to* w*ak to<br />

»*rata a cryatal aat imliss tha aat<br />

very doaa to th* traacmlttiBc<br />



raad as Caw waaajy aaaafiwaT *a" 4ha<br />

Cltjr r "<br />

at**}<br />

aa a whs** aad m ;<br />

to tha <<br />

twiolttog- aa a proper obUgmtJon <strong>of</strong><br />

thadty.<br />

IH WCAOV<br />

Uaatva W.'Pbat. sf tab city,<br />

wha for yaaraiaM bats aa aeth*<br />

asatataat <strong>of</strong> Fiord C Stanas at<br />

tar lattar-a laatwiaat oa tha<br />

Uaamaatfc hara. aays a» is all<br />

•r-T<br />

BT;<br />

ban*. 849 Fifth stnat. and dMtnuth* philosophy tban<br />

Thar. ar. «i» d«i«h»ai»-Mrs. any otbsr *Ktlon <strong>of</strong> tb* labor<br />

Join W. Saarmaa. <strong>of</strong>- PaBadal- mowmant." writes Cbsstar M.<br />

•; Misses Ella,, a senior atiWrUM, former dirsctor <strong>of</strong> to*<br />

ix»l; Hobuta. a Junior at Cor-i Banaa <strong>of</strong> Foblie Information <strong>of</strong>;<br />

JaOy hajnaaboU.<br />


Tha ana) Monday aifbt card<br />

• • ' l<strong>of</strong>Oaaaaj<br />

irsta rmaotu jar th* boihtna;<br />

raady for tha <strong>of</strong>inU <strong>of</strong> f tha<br />

on at tab •sUhUaaMnt. •sUhUi<br />

bd<br />

Ha<br />

Ha<br />

baa<br />

baa<br />

Icaty<br />

bad a iMdmt, aa dadaras. aad and all had a 1 tlarcalrattaadad.j ladtaaaaoUs, <strong>Mar</strong>ch St. Ik*<br />

haiaaattaaa Udia far kh.<br />

Batfcaa Ugisa Amfllary pappy<br />

haa aa aeqaafa>.| Batr Waal, them win 1<br />

yj *«.|_BM*_JiOBd«yj|WJBtB«._<br />

aad ba fai<br />

from Prank Kraaa, nptwaada*;. hdd ta «•*-«•<br />

an wha<br />

l*f Brfcst*- fOajri<br />

.aalad ta**sd vacaraa*<br />

vataraaaafth*'<br />

<strong>of</strong> th* 1 WarJd «<br />

b<br />

fcaad^rs. U_aaw i;aa4fjar dlatrftaUaa.<br />

, Ososa, <strong>of</strong> tai* dty. ! Th. anfl&ry-. ,<br />

_: ; tWa jaar (s aspacu<br />

«h* graatoat la th* bJatory tha<br />

. ta* wlaaj. wkaca<br />

than, wm<br />

a saffadaa;<br />

> a* It is inaaaiJ kybi?<br />

SHAW & OWEN<br />

Radio SaU* and Service<br />

Acritls<br />

Sets Boilt to Order<br />

W. B. 8HAW,<br />

iiiiiimiii<br />

aa a la* aai<br />

wtt*<br />

AHP<br />

KADSNO<br />

racBotnablM.<br />

r Ota*r Ftaa*.<br />

B- B. OWEN.<br />

TM lawattjsl T<br />

vatwaB'l<br />

We Are<br />

__^ __",_ to Announce<br />

Tliat We Have Been Selected<br />

by the<br />

Radio Corp. <strong>of</strong><br />

jUTlMirAatkaclM<br />

DEaALER<br />


NOW IN STOCK ,<br />

Dating <strong>Mar</strong>ch we are PLEASED TO 01<br />

SPECIAL SALE PRICE oa the Badiob!<br />

dotting two tabes and one set BimwlCK<br />

:<br />

Complete .<br />

Radio Specialty<br />

• IN<br />

Perhaps <strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> These<br />

b What You Have Been Looking For<br />

Therefore it will pay<br />

you to read these over<br />

$15,000 Prfc»<br />

TanaaEaiy.<br />

A Splendid Loestkn-sad • Good Buy.<br />

TJ||il_f» mmA Mri^m<br />

t<br />

«Wstn_ sa^trllML.<br />

be4 nxaaa, batk ateid*a room aad 1<br />

tory; cmca.<br />

$11,000<br />

Ckaster. atnlors at Ctorc* SehooL sod Plasterm lateraational UBIOB.<br />

Mr. and Xn. Badford sr* oV teiandid dtsdptla* within th*<br />

Hj^l^l {0 bav* taalr <br />

,__,. In th. Unftod SUtes to<br />

llsraBot* batter and mora intelli.<br />

• •aat dtixansbip. Last yaar, it is<br />

«"-"-•—'-\ non than a million aad<br />

i scboo) bora aad airii<br />

I n Okt Stata cootasU<br />

an to tha final tost in<br />

Oty in Jan*. A<br />

M^fy contest* trat'm*<br />

Walter W. SOlaoa, <strong>of</strong> PhUadet'<br />

Ooaaa CMr Raaaw dak, la now<br />

w» ba htU ta Oaaada, Ea>>U. fit Athuatis aty, whan ha b M><br />

_.<br />

-..—. _ teteraatknal character.<br />

•{Jataaly la tha award <strong>of</strong> a prnoola<br />

a aMaUng la Washington<br />

next October <strong>of</strong> the national<br />

wtnoars. .Each nation's contestant<br />

will discuss tha governmental<br />

contribution <strong>of</strong> his-own country.<br />

Tb* director <strong>of</strong> the contests bi<br />

th* United sutss la also international<br />

director- ' ,<br />

la tha United Ststa* tha subject,<br />

aa bantoiKr*, wA focna on<br />

eomtttotioaal ^orennaent. Th*<br />

srrtn (InslUU win sail from New<br />

York <strong>City</strong> Joly S, and all axpensaa<br />

for their tour, except for passport<br />

and personal -apcnditares,<br />

tkto T*ar baa aa-win be met by the M metropoli-<br />

**« M, Daeay. WU Waalty Awaaaa.<br />

lAaban A.<br />

U.ifa<br />

Get Phlfco Socket Power Units frt<br />

Alao other aceeaaoriea<br />

w. a. Uth aaal Veatty A*<br />

laajdCaatral A*«a*»<br />

trr A»w»<br />

tUa.<br />

H. F. W. RADIO CO.<br />

405 Thirtieth St. Phone 7<<br />

lO^WaaJay Am After April la*<br />

Ut H Askrj A?i<br />

Near 19th Street. 30x100.<br />

$4000<br />

W«a Worth<br />

AtluticBoiJcTirdLoU—<br />

2lot««fiKl30.<br />

$17,500<br />

Wnfl mortoced.'<br />

An idaallooUoo for yoar home.<br />

LoU oi Creiccrt Roid—<br />

$3100 each<br />

The price «od faction Q,,^ ^<br />

eqaifled.<br />

80x100.<br />

$3500 each<br />

cMt<br />

An expetuiv. location for a low prfc<br />

woudaiful Bay<br />

-AUiMkBh.<br />

Lirlna; and dtnlas rooms. Utchea. Om<br />

bad roonta. bath «Wibtt sarai*.<br />

$15,000<br />

Tcrma to Sott.<br />

A Fine Iaveatmcot<br />

Now — 8tacxo — 8*m room*, S btdyl<br />

»wna. 2 tfla ba^hav Iwiadry; prped far<br />

not water bast; hardwood floor*.<br />

$20,000<br />

Eaty Terma. ,_<br />

A Real Boy.<br />

8ev«n rooms and bath;, frear garafu<br />

furniahed.<br />

.'<br />

$8500<br />

WtOlfertsafad.<br />

Cheap, bat a fiae borne.<br />

Real Estate<br />

' • •<br />

Insurance<br />

Because <strong>of</strong> Its Beautiful Location<br />



Has Been Sold toHundreds Looking for a Perfect Home Site<br />

Streets. Cement<br />

Pavements and<br />

Public Utilities<br />

Built and Installed<br />

Life at the Harbors is given additional zest by salt laden<br />

breezes from the sea and Great Egg Harbor Bay. tempered<br />

with the fragrance <strong>of</strong> the pine, the cedar, the oak and<br />

sycamore <strong>of</strong> the mainland. The 18-Hole Golf Course,<br />

which it surrounds, <strong>of</strong>fers every oppportunity for enjoyable<br />

recreation.<br />

With the approach <strong>of</strong> Spring the song <strong>of</strong> the forest birds<br />

and the foliage in bud, the atmosphere <strong>of</strong> the Harbors has<br />

a compelling appeal which is irresistible.<br />

Homes Are Now<br />

Building<br />

For Use<br />

This Summer<br />

The HARBORS is two and one-half miles from <strong>City</strong> Hall—"the heart <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

'<br />

Less than a ten-minute automobile ride<br />

Price List and Detailed<br />

dress<br />

HARRY FS<br />

8th St at <strong>Ocean</strong> Ave.<br />

OemnCky<br />

An Advance in Prices will<br />

go into effect in April<br />


Eighth Street<br />

>••*•!<br />


'1<br />

•' .,.v • ••'i.t- ..•••-' .•: i v" j v ' - - ••'••'••••-',<br />

HI<br />

.%.., "•£<br />

W.« VIA SM. .' ••'<br />

•*> ",s.'»tfcv^'-i ;••• i'<br />

.»«1 •-•••>, !<br />

-.-"t.yaft:<br />

i • .*EiSB£BSSSaKC<br />

NOW<br />

••PVPO9<br />

Jf/'-<br />

Psychological Time!<br />

ot water<br />

WtOOtrtfu<br />

Com* <strong>of</strong> Ninth Street<br />

Thm mo$t MtraUigicctl<br />

BayAve.<br />

OCEAN GTTY » dertbed tobe<br />

the hub aromid which all tbe Real Estate<br />

activity in Sooth Jersey will rotate this<br />

*«*<br />

. activity is already visiWe. Saks<br />

and Rentals this year far exceed any<br />

other year we know <strong>of</strong> .<br />

7 sale now means a rise in values<br />

in other words-it costs money to alow<br />

«**bo4y ebe buy the property you<br />

desire* • - ;: : ,-• •<br />

Now, is the time to buy, at the fpne<br />

when prices are lowest Two months<br />

from now you may regret you

i*.—^ /-<br />

B. C<br />

•Stt?<br />

' ' /l •'<br />

•Vttt<br />

' at*<br />

i-'' I'.'Yi'!<br />

•MM at.<br />

k.M*.jB»<br />

:*M*a''«M<br />

£*£••<br />

&*3«3<br />

to<br />

•Mir 5 '<br />

•K-Tk<br />

I;:'v>;:«<br />

I OW. M, «. M4f<br />

CRT OP IK1IH CRI 00 OBVJoBjto. MMnaa -.<br />

DADfiI ' • ' an* I I at<br />

•UMlMlJI<br />

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IH»OMM (S» M*<br />

tatatMMi aat MM*.<br />

•TO^/c^Srf"<br />

IMM nt4>4S<br />

MB Ota.iMa * Tta* •*«.<br />

•MM Cftr.lt. t. ^^ t-n-w<br />

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aMM<br />

MB NB. K. «.<br />

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kU nS<br />

r MM BMB «r a*V\l<br />

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>oc»«i un WAJTTIS<br />

>af« <<br />

la* BMM MI» I» to><br />

^ * - j ^ BVBMBI BBBBBB^^^*«B^MMMBBB flBMto* BM1 aM^BBBaBMb ' ^aV BB?aBV^BBfJaB) BBV Vas^BBftV VBB^MMBM) BBBBI -^MMaaBBBB^^BBBj<br />

(MtBlte OB* to l| BJ|.;>MB_B> BM5/«riMi. t .MM MB.<br />

aMlMtLMl ' IBM«.I • »•*•»•••<br />

tf*--<br />

T*ft Opening at Our<br />

Real Estate Offices<br />

1242 Central Avenue<br />

acperience in <strong>Ocean</strong> Gty Real Estate and our knowledge<br />

<strong>of</strong> property values is at your disppsaL<br />


Howard O. MacPherson<br />

Real Estate and Btdlder<br />

f<br />

- - - - -,— ^r<br />

1<br />

'«.<br />

1- ~**"»<br />

• ••..'&&<br />

MOTOR<br />

John <strong>Mar</strong>ts!<br />

9th St. and Haven Am : Phboe 192-W

* » - • •<br />

&<br />

lY<br />

'»RWa^l^BRpADWAT-,2? I 7 «?.*-i" .•*» J!»S*<br />

" «f stars ef UM<br />

<strong>of</strong> tho<br />

American<br />

^> ._ ' sr <strong>of</strong> alar<br />

We la the a»svie colony,<br />

aeaa those wkje have promi-<br />

*arto ia the pktsre an Jha!<br />


malic romance <strong>of</strong>vii in*the.Brittab<br />

opper dasscs.<br />

WUtlam Fox will present "Bl-<br />

Harta" Wednesday evening, featoriajr<br />

Alma Rubens, Eitmtrod<br />

Loo-Toll<strong>of</strong>va—*JW»<br />

Tashmaa. Rejected by her father,<br />

doontod by her friend*, betrayed<br />

by her eossaias, and finally -rafl-<br />

* ~ to "Siberia"—that<br />

<strong>of</strong>. horror aad<br />

TUa. m a want, i th* fate <strong>of</strong><br />

-Soaia fli VroBoky,- V - beaatifa] daagfctar<br />

<strong>of</strong> a Russian overlord who<br />

.^ ^ —«<br />

hold, with bis feDowa, that • freedom<br />

<strong>of</strong> thoogat waa a crime aad<br />

tao pMKUaUe world dto<br />

* «a tae -sjauHiaa on ho-tac<strong>of</strong> ttatr friii iTiflp for U»<br />

those who differed witli the<br />

reftaefietBra.wka»»aa>a*-<br />

dasas*** mil doomed,<br />

"or sheer beauty, many ef the<br />

m» worn by women <strong>of</strong> the<br />

coert ia "Siberia,' Faa FOm* vcriton<br />

<strong>of</strong> Bartley Campbell'* dramatic<br />

play, kava no erja*l» in mov-,<br />

"Wka TUa Uac" the ttra«M M<br />

a girl who amimjsiad hapfinaa*<br />

. aa the penalty for aa aacee—tt><br />

sade-ikeul lorv-aflklr, wia.be th* ptetare<br />

promtsJ at the Mooriyn<br />

Ttasradar «»*abM. The cast ladadaa<br />

Aylce Mflk Um TtDe.ro,<br />

Feercat Stanley aad Donald Kejth.<br />

Parts aad Bcao and othrr faat-,<br />

eas> drroro* otstrrs have no part<br />

to -With Tkia Btafc". M ttree<br />

masrlages mark the higfc-Uchta <strong>of</strong><br />

" p*ct»ra. The auae giri flgwffl<br />

be MadgelBUB-<br />

I<br />

BBaDd.jTrsr-1 It i* aa intriguing ajki *.irro-'<br />

taroa* yam. full <strong>of</strong> action contain-,<br />

•tory ef<br />

Ing many oo.-ej bosun intrrr*<br />

twtstx.<br />

lataebasadaagkur<br />

cf the<br />


Crmtlt* earned ia approved<br />

•vtsria* UgB scaoot* <strong>of</strong> New in-<br />

• «U1 be racBcnisnd hrrcaibr<br />

ansettng reqnlmaraU for n-<br />

traace by nr<strong>of</strong>radooal *caool* and<br />

caUacaa ta New York aad Pro-<br />

•H-ata fa ^<br />

rocal arranjcrmenU reoratly mad*<br />

i he punae*.<br />

by the h HtaU Board d <strong>of</strong> A<br />

|«f Kew Jersey with the State Dertmrnt*<br />

<strong>of</strong> lastroction <strong>of</strong> New<br />

far 1*kl^uZ m *u£?uZ<br />

ooe oorstawttn*: • tabu tbiag h> in hi. Us life, lif.<br />

la eerier to provide the tittle marei<br />

Mrs. NfOfa E. Trego U th. head<br />

j' Oy iaLToew? kis faarilr <strong>of</strong><br />

*<br />

i<br />

u> ** r » aio ooocon in Kaaaas<br />

0 *<br />

<strong>of</strong> hi* *r-<br />

. <strong>Mar</strong>ia." William J.I<br />

»»oa. r«ml. come* u><br />

T** • a> • ^^^M^F. aa^ •<br />

arr srsaatioaaj hit ln|<br />

BUY<br />

IN<br />

OCEAN<br />

CITY<br />


HOME<br />

OR<br />



You wm boy oor «hor*.<br />

Why Not Now?<br />


Ml Aabary Aveao*<br />



Tfco Vi<br />

KSchard Dbc. Lob Wilson. Noah<br />

*W «nd Malcolm McGreao* will<br />

J» festered ta the stirring drama.<br />

•"The Vanl»Mn«r American." to bj<br />

Jhown on tho wrwn at tho Strann<br />

Theatre tonight (Friday) ami to-<br />

Tho tensely dramatic utory- o<br />

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