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The Albanian Middle Construction MA Thesis Linguistics Department Radboud University Nijmegen September, 2011 Borana Lushaj s4081625 Supervisor: Prof. Helen de Hoop

The Albanian Middle Construction<br />

<strong>MA</strong> <strong>Thesis</strong><br />

Linguistics Department<br />

Radboud University Nijmegen<br />

September, 2011<br />

Borana Lushaj<br />

s4081625<br />

Supervisor: Prof. Helen de Hoop

To Shannon Woodcock<br />

La Trobe University, Australia<br />


Acknowledgements<br />

The <strong>MA</strong> program at the Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen proved to be a superb<br />

learning experience. I would like to thank my wonderful supervisor, Prof. Helen<br />

de Hoop, who has shown endless patience with me during the completion of this<br />

thesis. She has gracefully given much appreciated advice, and at the same time<br />

has given me much freedom in my roaming around and through the issue of<br />

middle generic constructions in Albanian. I would also like to thank my second<br />

reader for this thesis, Kees de Schepper, who provided insightful comments and<br />

showed interest in this work.<br />

I am grateful to the entire Linguistics Department at RU, including Dr. Ad Foolen<br />

for his readiness to give useful advice, Sander Lestrade, who helped me in the<br />

very beginning of this thesis with analysis the corpus, as well as Joshua Birchall,<br />

who unknowingly gave me some very useful advice, which helped me clarify my<br />

vision for this thesis.<br />

Thanks are due also to my internship advisor, Dr. Leah Roberts, who went out of<br />

her way to enable me to carry out my internship at the Max Planck Institute of<br />

Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen.<br />

Finally, I would like to thank my friends Katrin, Bram and Stefanie for making<br />

my stay in Nijmegen as pleasant and rewarding as it was as well as my family for<br />

their wonderful support.<br />


Table of Contents<br />

Chapter 1: Introduction.................................................................................................................8<br />

1.1 Introducing the middle generic construction...........................................................8<br />

1.2. Structure of the thesis.................................................................................................... 10<br />

1.3. Why are middle generic constructions interesting? .......................................... 11<br />

Chapter 2: Overview of Past Studies ..................................................................................... 16<br />

2.1. Early treatments of middle generic construction in English .......................... 16<br />

2.1.1. Summary..................................................................................................................... 19<br />

2.2. Generative accounts of the middle generic construction................................. 20<br />

2.2.1. Discussion ................................................................................................................. 26<br />

Chapter 3: The Generic Agent and Property Reporting in Albanian Middles........ 30<br />

3.1. The middle interpretation............................................................................................ 30<br />

3.2. Interpreting the generic agent in Albanian............................................................ 33<br />

Chapter 4: Generic Middle Constructions in Albanian ................................................... 43<br />

4.1. The corpus.......................................................................................................................... 43<br />

4.2. Methodology...................................................................................................................... 44<br />

4.3 Results.................................................................................................................................. 47<br />

4.4. Analysis and discussion................................................................................................. 55<br />

4.5. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 58<br />

Chapter 5: General Conclusions and Future Research ................................................... 60<br />

Bibliography.................................................................................................................................... 62<br />

Appendix: Generic middle constructions from corpus .................................................. 66<br />


Chapter 1<br />

Introduction<br />

1.1 Introducing the middle generic construction<br />

The present thesis investigates the middle generic construction in the Albanian<br />

language. Albanian is part of the Indo-European family and is spoken by about 7<br />

million people mainly in Albania, Kosovo, Western Macedonia, Southern<br />

Montenegro as well as in other parts of the world owing to its relatively large<br />

Diaspora (Lewis, 2009). A first example of a middle generic construction in<br />

English and its Albanian translation are given below:<br />

(1) This book reads nicely<br />

(2) Ky libër lexo-het kollaj<br />

this book read-NACT.3SG easily<br />

this book reads easily<br />

The middle generic construction in Albanian, just like the same construction in<br />

many of the IE languages, is parasitic on non-active morphology (Condoravdi<br />

1989; Lekakou, 2005), and its interpretation has been defined as denoting a<br />

property of a grammatical subject 1 . This interpretation is not very specific or<br />

conclusive given that many types of sentences have an interpretation which<br />

expresses a property of the grammatical subject, but not all of them are middle<br />

generic constructions. As it has been noted in various studies, some of which are<br />

1 Although in Albanian and Greek the middle generic construction relies on non-active morphology, its<br />

interpretation should not be confused with middle verbs, which denote actions with ambiguous/vague<br />

transitivity and which also make use of the same non-active verbal marking. These include, but are not<br />

limited to, verbs of grooming or body movement.<br />


presented below, the syntactic manifestation of a middle generic interpretation<br />

is also diverse cross-linguistically. Therefore relying on a combination of<br />

syntactic and semantic properties of the middle generic construction does not<br />

encompass the variety with which it is manifested in natural languages. The goal<br />

of this thesis is to study the middle generic construction in Albanian as is found<br />

in natural language, in the hope that surveying its realization in this language<br />

can contribute to a better understanding of its interpretation. For this purpose, a<br />

corpus of about 600 000 words 2 has been investigated, consisting of written<br />

texts of various genres, from fiction to political essays and includes diverse<br />

Albanian contemporary authors, as well as two translations into Albanian of<br />

English and Portuguese books. The focus of the thesis will be a specific type of<br />

middle generic construction, which, for lack of a better term, I will term a bare 3<br />

middle generic construction, as exemplified in (3) 4 :<br />

(3) Molla ha-het<br />

apple.NOM.SG<br />

the apple is edible<br />

eat-NACT.3SG<br />

The reason for this choice is that the addition of a manner adverbial makes most<br />

middle constructions in Albanian acceptable: in most types of sentences which<br />

have a third person non-active imperfective verb that agrees with the<br />

grammatical subject (i.e., the grammatical structure of the middle construction<br />

in Albanian) the middle generic construction succeeds in producing the middle<br />

interpretation. However, only a restricted number of verbs can be in this<br />

construction without an adverbial modifier. Therefore, I found it more<br />

2 The corpus, which was initially estimated to be about 1,200,000 words, was diminished in size for the<br />

final analysis, due to time constraints.<br />

3 I thank Kees de Schepper for suggesting this term<br />

4 Lekakou (2002, 2005) considers (3) a middle construction as is found in Greek<br />


interesting to explore constructions such as the one in (3) and investigate what<br />

makes the middle interpretation possible in these constructions, which seem to<br />

have less 'variables' to account for.<br />

1.2. Structure of the thesis<br />

In the following section of this chapter, I give an overview of the importance of<br />

the middle construction for the exploration of the relationship between syntax<br />

and semantics. In chapter 2 I provide an overview of some of the most important<br />

studies regarding the middle construction. While for languages like English,<br />

Dutch and German as well as French, the middle has been analysed as its own<br />

type of construction, linguists focusing on Albanian and Greek have analyzed it<br />

as a type of impersonal passive, based on the apparent uniformity with passives<br />

in terms of verbal morphology and the lack of a specific agent. In Chapter 3 I<br />

suggest a working definition of the middle interpretation for Albanian based on<br />

previous treatments as well as on the specifics of the data. I propose that the<br />

core characteristic that needs to be realized in order to obtain a middle<br />

interpretation is the modality-of-ability reading in the presence of a generic<br />

agent-role. In Chapter 4 I present the data, the methodology used for studying it,<br />

as well as some discussion on the problems with the methodology and with the<br />

corpus. In the section 3 of Chapter 4 and onwards I present the findings of the<br />

investigation and analyze its implications. Based on our data, it turns out that in<br />

Albanian verbs which do not have a [+human] agent in their argument structure<br />

cannot produce a middle interpretation. Moreover, it seems that mainly verbs of<br />

cognition and perception can produce an ability reading in a non-modified (i.e.,<br />

bare) middle generic construction 5 . At a finer level of detail, even within the<br />

group of cognition and perception verbs, there are verbs which do not allow for<br />

5 Modifications include negation, adverbials as well as contrastive intonation<br />


a middle interpretation in their third person non-active imperfective forms. This<br />

data suggests that the ability reading which I equate with the middle<br />

interpretation in non-modified middles tends to be realized for those verbs<br />

which imply a process in their meaning. In general, the structural complexity of<br />

sentences where verbs can produce this modality of ability reading in Albanian<br />

suggests that this reading is due to the semantic properties of the verb, and<br />

grammatical and discourse changes that occur when the verb is used in the nonactive<br />

form. Chapter 5 concludes the project, where I present the general<br />

conclusions of this work as well as future research avenues on the middle<br />

construction.<br />

1.3. Why are middle generic constructions interesting?<br />

Below I present examples of one type of middle construction in English, Dutch,<br />

French, Greek, Italian, and Albanian, respectively (Lekakou, 2005; e. and f. are<br />

translations of the above):<br />

(4)<br />

a. This book/A large print book reads easily<br />

b. Dit boek leest gemakkelijk<br />

this book read.3SG easily<br />

c. Ce livre se lit facilement<br />

this book REFL reads easily<br />

d. Afto to vivlio diavazete efkola<br />

this the book read.PASS.3SG easily<br />

e. Questo libro si legge facilmente<br />

this book REFL read easily<br />

f. Ky libër lexo-het kollaj<br />

this book read-NACT.3SG easily<br />


The commonly accepted interpretation of the sentence above is that it expresses<br />

a generalized assertion about a property of the grammatical subject (Ackema &<br />

Schoorlemmer 2005). The subject of a middle construction, i.e., the entity that<br />

the generalized assertion is about, can be a specific or a ‘kind’ of object, as in<br />

(4a), a human entity as in (5), or a general event as in (6):<br />

(5) John scares easily<br />

(6) Graduating from a prestigious university reads nicely on a CV<br />

Even though the sentences above are grammatically acceptable for native<br />

speakers, my impromptu investigations for English suggest that they sound<br />

slightly odd at first, if the speaker is new to this type of sentence. Clearly,<br />

linguists did not invent the construction, but it can be safely said that they might<br />

be the only group of individuals worldwide who are completely at ease with it,<br />

and are keen on understanding it further. And there is a reason why linguists are<br />

interested in this construction: it is a testing ground for theories of syntax and<br />

semantics and their interaction (Fagan, 1992) because its interpretation seems<br />

to be uniform but its syntactic manifestation is varied in different languages.<br />

From the syntactic point of view the middle construction is interesting, because,<br />

in some languages like English and Dutch, it manifests both properties of active<br />

and passive sentences (Lekakou, 2002). Firstly, the grammatical subject of the<br />

middle construction is, in the most popular examples, the logical object of the<br />

verb. At the same time, in languages like English and Dutch the verb stays in the<br />

active form, while in Albanian, Greek, Italian and French the verb is in its nonactive<br />

form. However, in Albanian and Greek we can have middle constructions<br />

with the verb both in the active and non-active form as pointed out by<br />

Condoravdi (1989) for Greek, where some verbs can form a middle construction<br />

in both, some only in the active form and some only in the non-active form. For<br />


example, the following sentence can be interpreted as a middle construction:<br />

(7) ky laps shkruan (mirë)<br />

this pencil write.3SG (well)<br />

this pencil writes (well) (i.e., it is comfortable to write with it)<br />

At more theory-internal levels, there is the question whether the construction is<br />

the result of a movement operation in the syntax, as is assumed by<br />

transformational accounts (Keyser & Roeper, 1984) or whether it involves the<br />

projection of pre-syntactic ‘features’ of the elements of the middle construction<br />

into syntax proper (Ackema & Schoorlemmer 1994), which is a topic we will<br />

cover more in depth in Chapter 2.<br />

From the semantic point of view, the middle construction provokes interest at<br />

various levels. In the field of lexical semantics it is of interest to understand<br />

whether a verb’s lexical conceptual structure allows for the middle<br />

interpretation to arise (Stalmaszczyk, 1993). A lexical conceptual structure<br />

captures the meaning components of a verb which are responsible for its<br />

syntactic behaviour (Levin & Rappaport-Hovav, 2008), i.e., what types of<br />

arguments can verbs take and in what types of constructions they can appear.<br />

For example, a verb such as ‘break’ can form an anticausative, i.e., a construction<br />

similar to the passive but where the agent is completely removed from the<br />

meaning (Haspelmath & Müller-Bardey, 2004). In a sentence like 'the glass<br />

broke', the agent is not only removed syntactically but it is also not necessarily<br />

implied in the interpretation of the sentence because the lexical conceptual<br />

structure of the verb ‘break’ contains the resulting state of being broken but<br />

does not specify any agent causing the change of state of the glass, as is<br />

illustrated below from Levin & Rappaport-Hovav (2008:4)<br />


(8) break: y come to be BROKEN (Guerssel et al. 1985: 54, ex. (19)<br />

With regards to the middle generic construction, the question is whether we can<br />

stipulate that they can be formed only with a specific class of verbs that have a<br />

specific lexical conceptual structure. From another viewpoint, middle generic<br />

constructions are one kind of generic sentence (Carlson & Pelletier, eds., 1995)<br />

and therefore it is plausible that they be also accounted for in terms of reference<br />

to 'kinds' of entities and 'properties' of entities.<br />

The middle interpretation in fact is still an open issue: what does the middle<br />

interpretation tell us? What state of affairs does it evoke? One view assumes<br />

that, given an entity or a state of affairs, what the middle interpretation recounts<br />

is the ability of a generic/potential human agent to perform the action described<br />

by the verb; this action in turn is somehow related to or affects the grammatical<br />

subject (Fagan 1992). Another view discusses the middle interpretation as<br />

conveying a generalized statement about events, and there is no need for an<br />

implied generic/potential agent (Condoravdi, 1989, Rapoport 1999a). As an<br />

illustration of this conflict, consider the following sentence:<br />

(9) Alloy blackens easily<br />

This is clearly a natural process and there is no human agent involved in its<br />

realization. If (9) is considered to have a middle interpretation, then the generic<br />

human agent who would perform the action is lacking in this instance. In<br />

addition, the role of the grammatical subject/topic of a middle construction is<br />

also in question. In various treatments (Keyser & Roeper 1984 and many others)<br />

the grammatical subject is described as the logical object of the verb. However,<br />

there are different types of middles in other languages which do not abide by<br />

this specific criterion. For example in Dutch there are middles where the<br />


grammatical subject of the phrase is not an underlying object. Consider the<br />

following sentence from Hoekstra & Roberts (1993:197):<br />

(10) Die stoel zit lekker<br />

the chair sits nicely<br />

the chair sits nicely (this is a comfortable chair)<br />

In addition, as it was pointed out in the introduction, in Greek and Albanian,<br />

middle generic constructions are well-formed without the need of an adverbial<br />

(Lekakou 2002, 2005):<br />

(11) Ky ujë pi-het<br />

this water drink-NACT.3SG<br />

this water is potable 6<br />

Finally, the middle construction enables a modality of ability interpretation<br />

(Ackema & Schoorlemmer, 2005; Lekakou, 2005), which has seldom been<br />

analysed in depth on its own. The modality of ability, in my understanding, can<br />

be termed as the relationship between the generic agent that is implied in<br />

middles and the predication.<br />

In conclusion, the middle construction presents many interesting aspects which<br />

require an explanation of how they come about. The different viewpoints in<br />

previous treatments are not mutually exclusive, nor are the answers convergent<br />

to a satisfactory degree from a cross-linguistic perspective. Although the<br />

construction is well studied, the topic is hardly exhausted and it provides scope<br />

for deeper investigations into its properties.<br />

6 This phrase also has other interpretations but these will be indicated below as here they would be<br />

outside the scope of the chapter<br />


Chapter 2<br />

Overview of Past Studies<br />

2.1. Early treatments of middle generic construction in English<br />

The middle construction seems to have been first made prominent as a special<br />

case of structural arrangement in the English language quite early in 20 th<br />

century linguistics. There was a time when it was not yet called a “middle<br />

construction”. Jespersen (1927) talks about “activo-passive” use of verbs,<br />

bringing the following examples to the table 7 : my plays won’t act; my poesy<br />

won’t sell; I am at a sentence that will not write; this filthy fluff will never brush<br />

off my bags; the figures made her cry…they would not add up; the coat had been<br />

tighter, ‘t would never have hooked nor buttoned; can compare with thee for the<br />

rare effects of magic; the meat cooks all the better if you cook it slow; alabaster<br />

cuts very smooth and easy; constitutional ill-health [does not] necessarily<br />

transmit to a child; the ham was not digesting very well; reaming swats (ale) that<br />

drank divinely; one of our French wither’d pears, it looks ill, it eats drily; if the<br />

cakes at tea eat short and crisp, they were made by Olivia; the story told well;<br />

the words would not form on her lips; we might put up two or three [big houses]<br />

and see how they let; that doesn’t listen so bad; four babies, none of whom<br />

photographed well; the old gentleman’s speech reads excellently; the dirt rubs<br />

off 8 .<br />

Jespersen’s analysis particularly hinges on the interpretation of these<br />

7 Providing these examples from the original authors seems useful for readers who still need to familiarise<br />

with the different manifestations of this construction in English.<br />

8 The examples are not kept in the alphabetical order as in Jespersen’s book, and some orthographic<br />

changes have been made to fit today’s orthographic rules of English.<br />


constructions. He supports an even older idea that the grammatical subject of a<br />

middle construction (or activo-passive construction in his terminology) is in fact<br />

the logical object of the verb, while the logical subject itself is not specified<br />

because it is indefinite (cf. Sweet, 1986). On the other hand, Jespersen suggests<br />

that even though the grammatical subject of a middle construction is the object<br />

of the predicate, it also serves as some kind of agent because the properties of<br />

this subject are what the construction describes; it is in virtue of something that<br />

is “characteristic” of the subject that the construction makes sense 9 . In his own<br />

words "when we say ‘his novels sell very well’ we think to some extent of the<br />

books as active themselves, as the cause of the extensive sale, while we do not<br />

think so much of the activity of the bookseller" (Jespersen, 1927: 350).<br />

Therefore, he places no restrictions on the verb that can be in this construction,<br />

but states that there are special circumstances (which we can interpret as<br />

conceptual and contextual) which apply to the well-formedness of the middle<br />

construction. A last interesting point from this early take on the middle<br />

construction is the proposal that Jespersen puts forward about the origin of the<br />

construction. He sees the origin of the middle in an extension of the use of<br />

gerundive forms, which do not distinguish between active or passive in their<br />

formation rules: ‘the book is selling well’ → ‘the book sells well’. In gerundive<br />

forms as the one in the example, the subject of the verb does not have to be a<br />

human agent but it can also be an object as well as many other types of entities.<br />

A second early treatment of the middle construction is Hatcher (1943)’s paper<br />

on the construction, which she terms a ‘derived intransitive’. In O’Grady’s (1980)<br />

summary of this paper, she is also quoted as supporting the view that the<br />

‘derived intransitive’ "is used to emphasize some property inherent in the<br />

ontological patient" (O’Grady, 1980, p. 62). In her paper, Hatcher differentiates<br />

9 We might think of this statement as a first hint at the ‘characterizing generic’ nature of middle<br />

construction (Carlson & Pelletier, eds., 1995).<br />


etween what today is termed anticausative constructions, such as ‘the door<br />

opens’ and middle constructions, where the former can occur without the<br />

presence of an animate agent but the latter can't. Moreover, she suggests that the<br />

construction does not describe "the activity of this agent but an attribute of the<br />

subject" (p. 9), or "the possibility of such activity" (Hatcher, 1943, p. 10). In other<br />

words, the predicate expresses “a way of realizing the potentialities of the<br />

object” (p.11). Here we find a first approximation of what in current literature is<br />

referred to as the generic agent in middle constructions, which Hatcher labels as<br />

a “qui que se soit” human (p.12). While Hatcher interprets the middle as<br />

describing a property of the grammatical subject, the realization of this<br />

interpretation seems to be crucially dependent on the present of the animate<br />

agent that can hypothetically perform the action. She brings examples from the<br />

advertisements of the time, explaining how this construction is becoming more<br />

frequent at the time due to its use in advertising campaigns: Couches convert<br />

easily into beds; Bed-lamps attach and adjust easily; Drawers pull out and trays<br />

lift out easily; Faucets turn on and off easily; The clock winds easily; Lingerie<br />

tubs quickly and irons easily; Garments pack and unpack neatly; Automobiles<br />

steer and park easily; Cream whips quickly; Paint applies evenly; Nail-polish<br />

removes easily; Bond paper erases neatly; Linoleum wipes off easily (p.12-13).<br />

Hatcher also notes that the grammatical subject of a middle construction can<br />

also be an animate, e.g. (1) I don’t scare easily; (2) I don’t surprise so easy<br />

(p.14). 10<br />

O’Grady (1980) is influenced by these early accounts and states that the derived<br />

intransitive construction (i.e., middle construction) should be accounted for in<br />

terms of interpretive constraints rather than pre-interpretive ones, since any<br />

‘production’ model would posit problems of over-generation, and it is only<br />

10 For a more detailed historical overview of the middle construction in English, see O'Grady (1980) and<br />

Stalmaszczyk (1993) from which this summary benefitted.<br />


through interpretive mechanisms that over-generation can be constrained. Such<br />

interpretive mechanisms involve actualization of the predication and facilitating<br />

such actualization. Hence, the derived intransitive in O'Grady's terms involves a<br />

situation which describes inherent properties of the grammatical subject and<br />

therefore the elements in this construction refer to the potential/hypothetical<br />

actualization of such property by an agent that is related to the grammatical<br />

subject in a manner that is coherent to the grammatical subject, its properties, as<br />

well as the agent him/herself. He also emphasizes that only verbs which imply<br />

the presence of an agent can occur in a derived intransitive construction, giving<br />

the example of ‘wear’ vs. ‘wear out’, where, he claims, the latter can’t be in such<br />

construction. Summarizing, he posits that the well-formedness conditions on<br />

derived intransitives “seem to result from the subtle interaction of the concept of<br />

actualization with the semantic properties associated with the referent of the<br />

grammatical subject” (p. 70).<br />

2.1.1. Summary<br />

Early accounts of the middle construction stress three main points. Firstly, the<br />

grammatical subject needs to have semantic coherence with the action described<br />

by the verb. This coherence can be thought of as one or a number of properties<br />

inherent in the meaning of the grammatical subject to which the middle<br />

construction applies. The 'responsibility' of the grammatical subject in the<br />

construction is crucial to its well-formedness. Secondly, especially stressed in<br />

Hatcher (1943), the middle construction’s well-formedness is contingent upon<br />

the existence of an implied generic agent who can actualize the event described<br />

by the clause. Thirdly, as stressed in O’Grady (1980), the middle construction<br />

should be accounted for more in terms of its interpretation than from its surface<br />

grammatical form, which varies across language, and which, even within a single<br />

language, needs to be semantically and contextually motivated.<br />


2.2. Generative accounts of the middle generic construction<br />

Two views are prominent in the middle construction analysis. One view offers an<br />

account of the middle at the syntax-semantics interface, where the properties of<br />

the middle can be explained by the semantic-syntactic properties of verbs and<br />

the grammatical subject in a middle construction. Indeed, the middle motivates<br />

different grammatical architectures of the interaction between different syntax<br />

and the lexicon and has proved a feast for the generative tradition, because the<br />

well-formedness of the construction seems to rely on the semantic properties of<br />

verbs and their arguments. 11<br />

Keyser and Roeper (1984) propose an account of middles that is similar to the<br />

passive formation in a generative transformational framework. They analyse<br />

middles vis-à-vis ergative verbs while accepting that both transitive and ergative<br />

verbs can be successfully used in a middle construction. Ergative verbs are those<br />

verbs which can suppress the causer of an action completely such as the verb<br />

‘break’ 12 . Thus, for them, the following are both middle constructions:<br />

(12) This door opens easily<br />

(13) This dress buttons easily<br />

They suggest that verbs which can be both in a middle and in an anticausative<br />

construction (such as 'open'), the so-called labile verbs, realize two argument<br />

structures, a transitive and an intransitive one. The anticausative construction is<br />

formed by the intransitive member of such pairs while the middle construction is<br />

formed by the transitive member. From this account, only transitive verbs in<br />

English can enter a middle construction, stipulating that the middle must have a<br />

11 Of course, the theory-internal issue of what syntax and semantics encompass is at the core of this debate.<br />

12 The terms 'ergative’ and ‘anticausative’ will be used interchangeably throughout the thesis.<br />


logical direct object in its subject position.<br />

Ackema & Schoorlemmer (1994) however, point out that middles in Dutch do<br />

not involve movement because they appear to be syntactically unergative.<br />

Starting from Perlmutter’s (1978) insight that in some languages unaccusatives<br />

in the perfect tense take the auxiliary ‘be’ while unergative verbs take the<br />

auxiliary 'have', they point out that in Dutch, middle generic construction with a<br />

perfect tense verb take the auxiliary ‘have’, therefore pattern with unergatives,<br />

as illustrated in the example below (Ackema & Schoorlemmer, p. 61):<br />

(14) Dit vlees heft/*is altijd gemakkelijk gesneden<br />

this meat has/is always easily cut<br />

Since their assumption is that auxiliary selection depends on whether the D-<br />

structure subject is the surface subject or not, this shows that in Dutch the<br />

surface subjects of the middle generic construction are also underlying subjects<br />

at D-structure. Ackema and Schoorlemmer also acknowledge the presence of the<br />

generic agent, which they explain by assuming the projection of an arbitrary<br />

agent role from a two-tiered Lexical Conceptual Structure (LCS) of verbs<br />

containing a thematic tier and an action tier. In this architecture, the arguments<br />

which are specified in the LCS are then projected onto Deep Structure and then<br />

to Surface Structure. In their description, the thematic tier involves information<br />

on the thematic roles of the predicate like theme, agent, goal, etc. Overall,<br />

representations at the thematic tier only include information on spatio-temporal<br />

relations between arguments, e.g., causality. On the other hand, the argument<br />

structure of a predicate is determined at the next level of representation, i.e., the<br />

Action Tier. Here is where the relationships between arguments are specified<br />

and no argument is arbitrarily external, but it is assigned as such by a specific<br />

argument structure which is dictated by the action tier. Ackema & Schoorlemmer<br />


attribute this to the whole frame of the middle, which contains a feature (+ext)<br />

that externalizes the argument with the highest-ranking thematic role that is<br />

projected onto D-structure. In their treatment of the middle formation the agent<br />

in an middle construction is not suppressed as in a passive or an anticausative,<br />

but it is only assigned the feature ‘arbitrary’ at the level of the action tier, and it<br />

is recoverable precisely due to its arbitrary nature, or from the linguistic context.<br />

Lekakou (2005) uses the Principles and Parameters framework<br />

(Chomsky & Lasnik, 1993) for her account of the construction. She compares the<br />

middle constructions in English and Dutch with those in French and Greek,<br />

pointing out the main differences in how the middle construction is formed in<br />

the two groups of languages. Most significantly, in Greek the presence of an<br />

adverb is not obligatory as in English she claims, due to the fact that Greek<br />

encodes genericity morphologically while English and Dutch license genericity<br />

through a generic operator that is not present in syntax. In Greek, genericity is<br />

parasitic on the imperfective aspect making middle generic constructions more<br />

prevalent in spoken language. For Lekakou, in English and Dutch as well as in<br />

Greek and French, middles include a generic agent which she terms as *ONE. The<br />

difference between the languages is that in English and Dutch the generic agent<br />

is not projected onto syntax contrary to Greek and French. Precisely this fact<br />

makes middle formation more flexible in the latter two languages.<br />

The second view on middles analyses the construction from a strictly semantic<br />

viewpoint, arguing that the middle is a notion, an interpretation which is realized<br />

differently in different languages (I provided examples of this in the<br />

introduction) and therefore understanding its nature is the more pressing issue.<br />

Valuable arguments are offered on both sides. Condoravdi (1989) proposes an<br />

approach to the analysis of the middle construction that is reminiscent of<br />

O’Grady (1980), by suggesting that while the manifestation of the middle<br />

construction may be parasitic on the morpho-syntactic properties of different<br />


languages, the middle interpretation as a notional category is the same in all<br />

languages. Following the treatment of generic sentences by various authors,<br />

including Heim (1982), Schubert & Pelletier (1989), Krifka (1987b), she applies<br />

a similar semantic analysis to middle sentences. Generic sentences are assumed<br />

to have a tripartite structure represented in their logical form consisting of a<br />

generic operator, a restrictive clause and a nuclear scope. In this analysis the<br />

following structure would be applied to the sentence (Condoravdi, 1989, p.18):<br />

(15) This bread cuts smoothly<br />

[e: bread (x), cut (e), Patient (e, x)] [smooth (e)]<br />

It seems then that the generalization in middles is over events in the nuclear<br />

scope (i.e., the adverb in the 'classical' middle construction), the latter also<br />

allowing for contextual and presupposed information to be integrated.<br />

Paraphrasing Ackema & Schoorlemmer's (2005) review of this work,<br />

Condoravdi's interpretation of (15) would be something along the lines of “in<br />

general, in events in which this bread is cut, the event is ‘smooth’”. This account<br />

explains the necessity for adverbials or some other kind of modification to the<br />

event in English middles, because the nuclear scope must be given content.<br />

Condoravdi does not support the line of research that tries to delimit a class of<br />

verbs that can be in a middle formation, due to its highly contextual nature.<br />

However, it must be noted that the analysis here does not take into account<br />

adverbless middles or middles without some other type of modification, like<br />

negation or contrastive focus, which are the elements that fill the nuclear scope<br />

of the generic middle sentence. At the same time, by providing an account of the<br />

middle interpretation only in terms of a generic statement about events, then the<br />

ability reading of the middle interpretation is lost. Indeed, it seems that by<br />

providing this account she includes as middles those sentences which she clearly<br />


exempts from the middle interpretation, such as sentences from Fellbaum &<br />

Zribi-Hertz (1987, in Condoravdi, 1989), who claim a middle interpretation for<br />

sentences which only can be said to have a generic reading, like:<br />

(16) Aristophane se traduit rarement<br />

Aristophanes REFL translates<br />

rarely<br />

dans les lycées<br />

in the high.schools<br />

Aristophanes is rarely translated in high schools.<br />

While I support the insight that the sentence above in not a middle construction,<br />

my suggestion is that it fails to produce a middle construction because it does<br />

not produce an ability reading. The French sentence in (16) is only a generic<br />

statement about the state of affairs regarding Aristophane’s books in the<br />

educational system of France. In my data-filtering process, where I have<br />

attempted to distinguish between ‘simply’ generic sentences with non-active<br />

verb forms and those which successfully incorporate a middle interpretation, I<br />

have applied precisely this distinction.<br />

Another extensive treatment of the middle construction is that of Fagan (1992),<br />

who focuses on English, German and French. She treats middle formation as a<br />

generalizing operation on object-like arguments, which is realized through the<br />

assignment of an arbitrary or indefinite implicit agent to the predication.<br />

Paraphrasing Ackema & Schoorlemmer (2005), Fagan's interpretation of the<br />

middle in (15) would be: “given this bread, anyone who will cut it will<br />

experience it as a smooth event”. For the realization of the middle interpretation,<br />

stress is placed on the accessibility of the implied generic agent. Fagan<br />


distinguishes between factors that enter into play in English and German<br />

middles vs. French middles, and summarizes her research on the constraints on<br />

middle formation. The implied agent in English and German is generally<br />

recovered owing to the fact that it is assigned an arbitrary feature in the logical<br />

form of the sentence. In French on the other hand, the implied agent can have<br />

both the features arbitrary and indefinite. The addition of the indefinite agent<br />

allows for the attested flexibility of the middle in French, where it is suggested<br />

that the interpretation of the construction is not necessarily “be able to be X-ed”<br />

but also just “be X-ed” but by an indefinite agent. This interpretation would<br />

consider a sentence like (16) under the definition of a middle generic<br />

construction. In fact, generic sentences that produce modalities like the<br />

prescriptive one and also eventive middles are subsumed under this hypothesis.<br />

With regards to restrictions on the formation of the middle, it is claimed that in<br />

German and English verbs need to be accomplishments or activities, in the<br />

lexical semantic framework provided by Vendler (1967), while in French, verbs<br />

that allow for middle formation must be agentive. Even though these two classes<br />

of verbs are not necessarily comparable given that they are used in different<br />

theoretical frameworks, we can for now agree that in English and German<br />

aspectual differences are more prominent in determining the grammatical<br />

properties of the verbs (i.e., in which construction they can appear) than in<br />

French, where agentivity plays a more prominent role. The reason why this is so<br />

it is unclear in Fagan’s treatment, just as it remains unclear to me why there<br />

should be two different interpretations of middles in English on the one hand,<br />

and in German and French on the other.<br />


2.2.1. Discussion<br />

The definition of the middle construction in the generative tradition<br />

encompasses different conditions on well-formedness proposed by different<br />

scholars. By well-formedness, we mean not only the grammatical constraints on<br />

the construction, such as the presence of a grammatical subject and contingent<br />

agreement of the predicate with the subject, but also conditions on the<br />

interpretation of the middle construction. The generally accepted properties of<br />

the middle generic construction are summarized by Ackema & Schoorlemmer<br />

(2005):<br />

(17) A: The subject of the sentence corresponds to the<br />

internal argument (the understood or notional object).<br />

B: The agent is demoted and receives an arbitrary<br />

interpretation.<br />

C: The interpretation of the sentence is non-episodic.<br />

Middles do not make reference to an actual event<br />

having taken place; rather, they report a property of<br />

the grammatical subject. The otherwise eventive verb<br />

becomes a derived stative and, more precisely, receives<br />

a generic modal interpretation.<br />

The first and second well-formedness conditions are self-explanatory while the<br />

third condition deserves a deeper analysis, namely, the aspect of reporting a<br />

property of the grammatical subject. How can this property reporting be<br />

characterized and how does it come about? In order to investigate this question,<br />

the following chapters of this thesis will focus on adverbless middle<br />

constructions in Albanian, a type of middle constructions which has seldom been<br />


covered in previous treatments and, of course, not with regards to Albanian.<br />

Ackema & Schoorlemmer (2005) indicate that these adverbless constructions<br />

are non-core middles as they put it, due to their lack of an adverbial, which<br />

construes a different interpretation. The difference in interpretation between a<br />

canonical middle and an adverbless middle is summarized in the table below<br />

(A&S 2005:154):<br />

(18)<br />

Type I middle (X V Adv):<br />

‘X has a property such that it is possible for<br />

anyone somehow to V X.’<br />

(e.g., this paper washes easily ‘this paper<br />

has a property such that it is possible for<br />

anyone to wash it with ease’)<br />

Type II middle without adverbial<br />

modification (X se-V):<br />

‘X has a property such that it is possible<br />

for X to be V’ed.’<br />

(e.g., ce papier se lave (65a) ‘this paper<br />

has a property such that it is possible for<br />

it to be washed’)<br />

Clearly, the difference between the two types of middles is supposed to be<br />

subtle. However, it seems that the difference proposed here distracts us from the<br />

main notion which these two middle types share, and which in fact is the key<br />

component of a middle interpretation: i.e., the property of the grammatical<br />

subject/topic is spelled out by the potential actions of a generic agent. In other<br />

words, in both types of middles something about the grammatical subject/topic<br />

is uttered, and this aboutness consists in how a generic agent can act with<br />

regards to the subject/topic, in virtue of the properties of said grammatical<br />

subject. Consider the following examples:<br />


(19) a. This dress buttons<br />

b. This dress buttons nicely/easily<br />

Intuitively, in 19(a) one interprets the dress as having a property: the property<br />

that someone (an implicit agent) buttons it when wearing it. In 19(b) we further<br />

expand the interpretation in (a) and understand that the dress, which can be<br />

buttoned, has the property of being pleasant to the eye because of the buttons /<br />

is easy to button. An attempt to paraphrase the interpretations in (19a) and<br />

(19b) is given in (20):<br />

(20) (a) This dress has buttons and that is how it is<br />

worn (while that other one zips up);<br />

(b) This dress has buttons (and that is how it is<br />

worn) but the buttoning has some other quality<br />

to it, e.g., it looks nice/it is an easy process.<br />

Thus it seems clear that (19a) is sufficiently able to convey a property of the<br />

grammatical subject, and therefore is a suitable candidate for being considered a<br />

middle generic construction. Further support for my interpretation of (19a)<br />

comes from the examples that were brought by Jespersen and Hatcher in chapter<br />

II. One can see that some of them do not have an adverbial modification, or even<br />

no modification at all, e.g., the dirt rubs off.<br />

In the rest of this thesis I will give examples of non-modified middle generic<br />

constructions without adverbial modification. However, it must be noted that in<br />

the data I have not excluded for the present purposes other types of modification<br />

which are often sufficient for the well-formedness of a middle construction.<br />

The reason for this modus operandi is purely pragmatic: I would like to provide<br />

broad resources in Albanian in this thesis, and especially provide a broader<br />


picture of the construction as it is found in text in order to be able to undertake<br />

adequate comparative analysis. In case the modification turns out to play a<br />

crucial role in the realization of the middle interpretation (i.e., if say negation is<br />

the crucial element that makes the middle interpretation possible), this will be<br />

highlighted in the analysis.<br />


Chapter 3<br />

The generic agent and property reporting in Albanian<br />

middles<br />

3.1. The middle interpretation<br />

In the previous chapters we have outlined a number of perspectives which focus<br />

on the semantic and syntactic properties of components of the middle generic<br />

construction. From this point onwards, we will shift our paradigm of<br />

investigation and will provide an interpretation of the middle generic<br />

construction from a functional perspective. The middle generic construction is<br />

reminiscent of impersonal constructions in that it constraints the interpretation<br />

of a generic agent. The difference between the two is that the middle generic<br />

construction also contains an element of modality. Indeed the middle generic<br />

construction in traditional Albanian grammars is described as an impersonal<br />

construction with a modality reading (Camaj 1984). An impersonal construction<br />

expresses a state of affairs where a generic agent is implied, as in 21(a), while a<br />

middle construction expresses the potentiality of a generic agent to perform the<br />

action, as in 21(b):<br />

(21) Këtu kërce-het<br />

here dance-NACT.3SG<br />

a. Here is where dancing usually happens/where people<br />

dance (generic)<br />

b. Here one can dance/is allowed to dance<br />

(middle generic)<br />


In a context where the pragmatic features of the discourse/situation provide for<br />

a modality reading, a reading such as 21(b) is obtained. For example, if one goes<br />

on a terrace that seems a bit shaky, one may ask in Albanian:<br />

(22) A kërce-het këtu?<br />

Q dance-NACT.3SG here<br />

Can one dance here? (i.e., does the terrace hold?/will the<br />

neighbors mind?)<br />

The same difference exists between an impersonal passive and a generic middle<br />

construction with a transitive verb. Let’s consider our first example of a bare<br />

generic middle, repeated here for convenience, where we add its various<br />

potential interpretations:<br />

(23) Molla ha-het<br />

apple.SG eat-NACT.3SG<br />

a. the apple is eaten<br />

b.. the apple is edible<br />

c. the apple should be eaten (it should not be thrown away/boiled<br />

for making jam)<br />

In this instance, we can have three interpretations: in 23(a) we understand a<br />

concrete event to have taken place by an unspecified agent; in 23(b) and 23(c)<br />

we understand that an event can be/ should be performed by an unspecified<br />

agent which is also generic. Kemmer (1993:147-8), in her cognitive-typological<br />

study of middle verbs suggests that the middle-generic construction is not part<br />

of the actual category of middle verbs, which were defined in footnote 1. She<br />

points out that, contrary to what its terminology suggests, in her perspective, the<br />

middle generic construction is closer in interpretation to a passive construction.<br />


Kemmer indicates that in middle generic constructions “the patient has initiator<br />

status…[because] the event is conceived as proceeding from the patient (i.e.,<br />

grammatical subject : B.L) by virtue of the inherent characteristics of that entity.<br />

In other words, the constituent about which something is predicated in the<br />

middle construction is the topic and the aboutness expressed is construed along<br />

its semantic and pragmatic properties. In my perspective, the aboutness that is<br />

reported in middle generic constructions as the one above can be further<br />

refined. An apple is edible of course due to its inherent qualities; however, while<br />

the apple is edible in virtue of its qualities (e.g., freshness), the middle generic<br />

construction does not refer directly to these qualities, but rather, it refers to, if<br />

you like, a derived property of the apple, i.e., being edible because of its qualities.<br />

Thus, the contextual properties of the apple (e.g. freshness, lack of poison, fell on<br />

the ground but the 5-second rule was applied) are implied, while the derived<br />

property is the fact that it is possible to eat the apple, or that there would be no<br />

negative consequences if a human being were to eat the apple. On the other<br />

hand, in a different context, the above construction would have alternative<br />

modal meanings, such as permission or prescription. Having this picture in mind<br />

simplifies and expands the conception of how the property ascription comes<br />

about in middle generic constructions and allows us to further delineate what<br />

we are looking for in the data. Based on the above analysis, I would like to offer<br />

the following definition for the interpretation of the middle:<br />

(24)<br />

The defining characteristic of the middle generic<br />

interpretation is in fact the realization of the modality of<br />

possibility in non-active generic constructions with<br />

regards to the generic agent.<br />


I suggest that the middle interpretation is available only when this modality<br />

reading is available in the discourse. This, I propose, is contingent upon: i)<br />

whether a generic agent is interpreted, ii) whether the linguistic context<br />

provides for the modality of possibility to be realized, as opposed to other modal<br />

readings or lack of modality.<br />

3.2. Interpreting the generic agent in Albanian<br />

The non-active suffix -(h)e, which depends on the linguistic context, can be found<br />

in eight strictly defined constructions: (a) passives, (b) reflexives/reciprocals, (c)<br />

middle verb constructions, (d) generic sentences, (e) generic middle sentences,<br />

(f) prescriptive generic sentences, (g) anticausative sentences and, (h)<br />

impersonal passive sentences. Here I will illustrate some of these constructions<br />

with examples from the corpus, which will generate the grounds for the initial<br />

discussion of the role of the non-active suffix:<br />

(25)<br />

a. Passive (F. Lubonja, Përpjekja E-zine)<br />

ky “oktapod” … ushqe-het … nga ekonomia ilegale<br />

this octopus feed- NACT.3SG by economy. DEF illegal<br />

this “octopus” is …fed… by the illegal economy<br />

b. Reciprocal (K. Mehmeti, Kali i Bardhë )<br />

Popujve të Ballkanit u ka ndodhur<br />

People.DAT AGR Balkan.GEN DAT.CL have.3SG happen.PTCP<br />

të vëllazëro-hen e të miqëso-hen...<br />

to fraternize-NACT.3PL and to befriend-NACT.3PL<br />


It has occurred with the Balkan people that they were able to be friends and<br />

brothers…<br />

c. Middle verb construction (K. Mehmeti, “Vitet e Urithit”)<br />

e, kur lësho-he-t terri, pahetueshëm<br />

and when drop-NACT.3SG darkness, unsuspected<br />

shëtisin nëpër rrugët e fshatit<br />

stroll.3PL along street.DEF.PL of village<br />

edhe ngjit-en nëpër tavanet e kullave<br />

and lift- NACT.3PL onto roofs of kulla.PL 13<br />

nga i sodisin shtëpiarët-e-fjetur.<br />

from ACC.CL gaze.3PL the-sleeping-family.members<br />

…and when darkness falls, they stroll unsuspected along the streets of the village<br />

and climb onto the roofs of the kulla-s 7 from where they gaze at the sleeping<br />

dwellers...<br />

d. Middle generic construction (Online Albanian Portal 14 )<br />

Karakteristikat kryesore të peshkut të freskët<br />

characteristic.PL main.F of fish AGR fresh<br />

janë: luspat hiq-en relativisht me vështirësi<br />

be.PRS.3SG scale.PL remove-NACT.3PL relatively with difficulty<br />

The characteristics of fresh fish are: scales are relatively hard to remove…<br />

Kemmer (1993) indicates that the more grammaticalized a morpheme is, the<br />

more functions it can take within a language. The non-active imperfective suffix<br />

in Albanian seems to be an example of this claim, given how each of these<br />

examples conveys a different meaning. However, one can make some<br />

13 Kulla refers to a traditional stone construction typical of northern and northeastern Albania.<br />


connections in terms of how these constructions are conceptualized. To<br />

elaborate on this point, I draw on the notion of agent-patient distinguishability,<br />

proposed by Kemmer (1993, 2003). In her study of the typology of middle verbs<br />

(as in 23(c)), Kemmer proposes that humans systematically distinguish between<br />

situation types by “means of a difference in grammatical coding” (2003., p. 90).<br />

Situation types are (Kemmer, 1993:7 in Sansò, 2006:238):<br />

(26) “sets of situational or semantic/pragmatic contexts that<br />

are systematically associated with a particular form of<br />

expression. By semantic/pragmatic contexts I do not mean<br />

‘real world contexts’ existing independently of the language<br />

user; situational contexts include ‘real world’ information, but<br />

that information is necessarily filtered through the conceptual<br />

apparatus of the speaker”.<br />

It is argued that the grammatical coding of meanings is instantiated in a host of<br />

interlinked linguistic phenomena. For example, in order to describe a transitive<br />

event, speakers mark the ‘agent’ and the ‘patient’ roles differently because they<br />

conceptualize this event based on the number of participants as well as the<br />

relationship between them. According to Kemmer, in attempting to predict the<br />

way that the number of participants and their relationships are encoded in the<br />

grammar of a language, we can group different situation types. Transitivity<br />

categories, as she points out, can be defined by the degree of agent-patient<br />

distinguishability, where one and two-participant events are at the edge of a<br />

continuum and middle and reflexive are in between the former categories.<br />

Middle verbs accordingly are defined as types of events where agent and patient<br />

are neither pragmatically, nor conceptually distinguishable. However, agent-<br />

14 Last accessed: 4 September, 2011<br />


patient distinguishability is not the only parameter along which we<br />

conceptualize events. A more inclusive parameter, namely the degree of<br />

elaboration of events is proposed, which involves not only the number of<br />

participants, but all other factors which determine the event structure of a<br />

certain type of event.<br />

Another continuum which can be proposed is that of agent specificity: events can<br />

be categorized as being performed by a concrete agent, or by a generic agent. In<br />

the Albanian imperfective non-active paradigm, the agent specificity continuum<br />

can be applied to obtain the correct interpretation in a sentence with a nonactive<br />

imperfective verb. Along the continuum of agent/patient<br />

distinguishability, the passive and the middle generic constructions with<br />

transitive verbs are more similar than, for example, the middle verb formation<br />

and the middle generic constructions in 25(c) and (d) respectively. In both the<br />

passive and middle generic constructions, the agent and the patient are very<br />

clearly separated (following Kemmer 1993). The non-active marker refers to an<br />

agent, while in middle verbs as in 25(c), the action cannot be generic unless<br />

there are other elements that would construe a generic interpretation, and the<br />

agent and the patient are not clearly distinguished. Impersonal passives and<br />

middle generic constructions are also similar in that they denote a state of affairs<br />

where an intransitive action is performed by everyone or can be performed by<br />

anyone. On the other hand, along the agent specificity continuum, passive<br />

constructions as well as reflexive and middle verb constructions differ from<br />

generic middle/impersonal constructions, in that in the former the agent is<br />

specified, i.e., known, while in the latter it is not. Thus, the correct interpretation<br />

of a sentence with a non-active verb relies on the speaker's understanding of<br />

who/what the non-active suffix refers to.<br />


In determining whether the generic agent is accessible we need to understand<br />

how the non-active suffix realizes agent defocusing and whether it is feasible to<br />

suggest some type of generalization regarding their interpretation in discourse.<br />

Sansò (2006) investigates four agent defocusing phenomena, including<br />

periphrastic passives, middle verbs, middle generic constructions as well as<br />

impersonal passive constructions. Based on the features and the status of agent,<br />

patient and the event itself (Kemmer’s (1993) situation types), Sansò suggests<br />

that the different agent defocusing strategies employed in the constructions<br />

under investigation rely on the distinguishability and prominence of the agent.<br />

He investigates three situation types: patient-oriented processes, bare<br />

happenings and agentless generic events. Patient-oriented processes are “twoparticipant<br />

event[s] from the point of view of the patient…[where] the agent is<br />

typically identifiable from the context, or even syntactically encoded as an<br />

oblique, but less discourse-central and individuated than the patient” (p. 238).<br />

This type of event is grammatically constructed as a passive form. A bare<br />

happening is defined as a conceptualization where “none of the participants is<br />

focused: as a result, the event too is characterized by low salience” (p. 241). A<br />

bare happening can be an impersonal passive construction such as 19(a) while<br />

agentless generic situations types encapsulate our middle generic construction.<br />

The following table summarizes the prototypical features of the participants in<br />

an event as well as the event itself (Sansò, 2006: 245):<br />


Individuation of the<br />

patient<br />

Individuation of the<br />

agent<br />

Reason for defocusing<br />

agent<br />

Patient-oriented<br />

process<br />

Bare happening<br />

+ – –<br />

± – –<br />

Agent is less topical<br />

than the<br />

patient/unimportant<br />

Agent is<br />

irrelevant/unimport<br />

ant<br />

Agentless<br />

generic event<br />

Agent is generic<br />

Mode Realis Realis Irrealis (deontic,<br />

potential)<br />

Aspect Perfective Perfective Imperfective<br />

Contextual salience of<br />

the event<br />

± – –<br />

The agent defocusing strategies for these three situation types can be re-defined<br />

for our purposes from the perspective of agent specificity focusing only on the<br />

non-active imperfective verb marking under survey. Thus, we distinguish<br />

between patient-oriented situations on the one hand, and bare happenings and<br />

generics on the other. The following definitions are given for the status of the<br />

agent in the three situation types, translated into grammatical constructions:<br />

(27) i. Passive Construction: agent is backgrounded but<br />

present and expressed either explicitely (for example<br />

as a prepositional phrase) or inferred from the context<br />

(not present in the sentence but from the context we<br />

know who the agent is)<br />

ii. Reflexive Construction: agent is present and topical<br />

and carries out an action on him/herself<br />

iii. Middle verb formation: agent is present and topical<br />

and carries out an action by him/herself<br />


iv. Generic Middle Construction: agent is in the background<br />

and is generic<br />

Following a discussion of the properties of agent defocusing strategies as<br />

evidenced in corpus data, Sansò concludes that, while a tentative hierarchy of<br />

agent defocusing can be proposed for the recoverability of the agent in<br />

discourse, one-to-one correspondences between form and function in agent<br />

defocusing strategies is to be abandoned, especially when one investigates such<br />

phenomenon cross-linguistically. Taking into account the observed data from<br />

the present study however, it seems that proposing such hierarchy could be<br />

viable if we restrict the field of inquiry. Sansò’s treatment focuses on diverse<br />

forms (periphrastic passives, the generic 'they' or 'one' expressions etc.)<br />

therefore making it more difficult to generalize on form-function<br />

correspondences, because the syntactic manifestations of agent-defocusing<br />

strategies put into play a larger number of factors. In this study however, I only<br />

concentrate on one form, namely the imperfective suffix, thereby focusing only<br />

on the different interpretations of the status of the agent and on how the correct<br />

interpretation can be recovered in context.<br />

In addition, Sansò suggests that the distinguishability of the patient/topic is as<br />

important in understanding the situation type as that of the agent. The reason<br />

for this assumption is the fact that he includes in his analysis the classical middle<br />

verbs (the middle Greek diathesis), where the agent and patient are not<br />

distinguishable. However, from the perspective of agent specificity, the strategy<br />

of agent defocusing in middle verbs does not align well with passives or generic<br />

middles, and therefore should not be included in such tentative hierarchy.<br />

Although it can be argued that there is agent defocusing in functional terms in<br />

the middle diathesis, the 'strength' of the agent is hardly compromised. If we<br />


ecall example (25c), it is clear that, while the verb 'climb' is a middle verb, the<br />

agentivity of the individuals climbing is not compromised. The genericity of the<br />

patient/topic/clause on the other hand does play a role in the interpretation of<br />

the sentence. It can be argued that when a non-active clause predicates about a<br />

generic subject, the interpretation of the entire clause will be generic and not<br />

temporally bound (Carlson & Pelletier, 1995). However, it does not affect the<br />

status of the agent as being separate from the topic in generic sentences. This<br />

point can be exemplified in the following example:<br />

(28) a. Apples are usually harvested in autumn<br />

b. Apples are usually harvested by farm workers<br />

Therefore, I maintain that the status of the patient is not relevant in order to<br />

understand agent defocusing in our case. In fact, there need not be a patient at all<br />

in the functional sense, given that, in our data we have encountered numerous<br />

examples of generic middle constructions which predicated about a location, or<br />

about an entire clause. In the spirit of Sansò, I suggest that in order to determine<br />

correctly to which entity the Albanian non-active suffix refers to, we can rely on<br />

a prominence hierarchy of agent specificity. In line with the definitions of the<br />

status of the agent in non-active sentences in (27), I propose the following<br />

accessibility hierarchy:<br />

(29)<br />

agent in passives>agent in reflexives/reciprocals/middle verbs >><br />

agent in generics/ middle generics / impersonals<br />

With this accessibility hierarchy I intend to align the strength of agentivity in<br />

terms of the prominence and specificity of the agent. In passives that contain a<br />


formally transitive verb, the agent is implicit and the force of the agent is not<br />

diminished by the topicality of the ‘patient’. In reflexive/reciprocal and middle<br />

verbs the agent is still prominent, specific and also topical, but its force is<br />

diminished due to the simultaneous status of the agent as patient or experiencer.<br />

In generic and impersonals, the force of the agent is highly diminished given that<br />

it is ultimately not specific. We can align along a similar specificity hierarchy the<br />

events themselves. In passives and reflexives/reciprocals and middle verbs, the<br />

events are specific unless there is a distinct element of genericity/habituality,<br />

e.g., an adverbial like always. In middle generics and impersonals on the other<br />

hand, the event is not specific unless there is a temporally-binding element. The<br />

following paragraph from our corpus exemplifies this point (from the Albanian<br />

translation of “Alice in Wonderland”):<br />

(30)<br />

Xhelatii mendonte se nuk [mund të prit-ej]g një kokë nëse kjo nuk<br />

ishte e kapur pas një trupi...Mbretij ngulte këmbë se çdo kokë [mund<br />

të prit-et]g...Mbretëresham theksonte se po [të mos zbato-hej]n<br />

urdhëri menjëherë, do t'i vriste [të gjithë]n.<br />

The executioneri's argument was that you [couldn't cut off]g a head<br />

unless there was a body to cut it off from... The Kingj's argument was<br />

that anything that had a head [could be beheaded]g...The Queenm's<br />

argument was, that if something [wasn't done]n about it in less than<br />

no time shem'd have everybodyn executed, all round. (from the<br />

original English version)<br />

As we can see, a non-active form of the verb produces a middle interpretation in<br />

the first two sentences where there is no prominent agent within or outside the<br />


clause. It is worth noting here that although the Albanian translation of this<br />

paragraph includes the overt modal mund, a middle interpretation would hold<br />

even in its absence in both cases (Newmark, Hubbard & Prifti, 1982, p. 30). In<br />

the third sentence, the agent in the conditional clause is recovered at the end of<br />

the sentence (everybody/people present there/concrete entities) therefore the<br />

interpretation of the verb is not a middle but a passive. The original paragraph in<br />

English demonstrates how this interpretation is accurate for the Albanian<br />

translation.<br />

In conclusion, middle generic constructions, generic constructions with<br />

transitive verbs as well as impersonal passive constructions differ from passive<br />

and middle verb/reflexive construction from the point of view of agent<br />

specificity. The prominence of the agent in discourse, i.e., the specificity of the<br />

agent, determines the correct interpretation of what the non-active marker -(h)e<br />

refers to. When there is no prominent and specific agent in discourse, the nonactive<br />

marker is interpreted as referring to a generic/unspecified agent. With<br />

regards to the second criterion of the middle generic interpretation, namely,<br />

interpreting a modality of possibility for the generic agent, we turn to our data.<br />


Chapter 4<br />

Generic Middle Constructions in Albanian<br />

4.1. The corpus<br />

The data collected for the purpose of investigating the middle construction in<br />

Albanian contains the following books:<br />

Translated into Albanian<br />

- “The Alchemist”, by Paulo Coehlo<br />

- “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carol.<br />

Written in Albanian<br />

- "Thus walks man” by Kim Mehmeti<br />

- “The years of the mole” by Kim Mehmeti<br />

- “The white horse” by Kim Mehmeti<br />

- “Criticism: between art and science” by Natasha Lushaj<br />

- “His signature was his oath” by Natasha Lushaj<br />

- “Her veil of freedom” by Natasha Lushaj<br />

- “An everlasting fire” by Natasha Lushaj<br />

Moreover, the corpus includes excerpts from various Albanian literary works<br />

and political essays, including the authors: Ismail Kadare, Nazmi Rrahmani,<br />

Kasem Trebeshina, Sabri Godo, and Martin Camaj, Natasha Lushaj, Ernest Koliqi,<br />

Ernesto Sabato, Jasunari Kavabata, Fatos Lubonja 15 and Petro Marko.<br />

15The entire work of Fatos Lubonja’s political essays in his blog Përpjekja was originally included in the<br />

corpus and pre-processed, but it is only partly included in the analysis due to time constraints.<br />


4.2. Methodology<br />

The texts were scanned using R software, individuating all those instances of<br />

words which ended with one of the following non-active suffixes:<br />

Present<br />

Imperfective<br />

1SG -(h)em -(h)esha<br />

2SG -(h)esh -(h)eshe<br />

3SG -(h)et -(h)ej<br />

1PL -(h)emi -(h)eshim<br />

2PL -(h)eni -(h)eshit<br />

3PL -(h)en -(h)eshin<br />

Table 2: Non-active suffixes in Albanian<br />

Following this stage, the corpus was pre-processed in order to locate those<br />

occurrences which were in fact instances of verbs in the non-active form, instead<br />

of other elements in a sentence with the same ending. Upon having identified<br />

sentences containing non-active verbs, the corpus was further filtered in order<br />

to distinguish generic sentences from other types of non-active sentences, like<br />

those explained in Chapter 3, i.e., middle verbs, passives, reflexives and others.<br />

The next step in the filtering process was the discrimination of different types of<br />

generic sentences such as impersonal generics and middle generic sentences.<br />

The filtering process was based on the judgements of the author of this thesis. It<br />

should be pointed out that often the judgements with regards to these generic<br />

sentences are quite subtle, especially when determining the type of modality in<br />

generic modal sentences. Thus, the methodological downside of this work is very<br />

obvious: only one native speaker (the author of the thesis) has proposed<br />

judgements on the corpus sentences. However, much time was spent on<br />

understanding the text itself so that the judgements on the interpretations can<br />

be justified if we take into account the linguistic context of the phrase.<br />


Several difficulties were encountered in the process of determining whether a<br />

middle interpretation arises in sentences with non-active verbs in the filtered<br />

data. As it was explained above, the sentences selected for this analysis, are<br />

either clearly eventive or clearly generic. While it was simple to distinguish<br />

between eventive and generic sentences, it was more problematic to distinguish<br />

between non-active sentences about a certain state of affairs, e.g.,<br />

habitual/generic sentences and non-active sentences with a middle<br />

interpretation, as well as non-active sentences with a different modal<br />

interpretation (e.g., prescriptive). The only viable way in which to distinguish<br />

between these different interpretations was to rely on the possibilities afforded<br />

by context, and it is acknowledged that in various cases the judgements are open<br />

for debate. The following example from our corpus illustrates a case where<br />

interpretation is not straightforward:<br />

(31) [i jati]…vetëm pas tri vitesh vajti ta takonte në burgun e Burrelit,<br />

bashkë me Nuren. Ata të dy kanë ndenjur babë e bir për më shumë<br />

se dy orë e kanë biseduar vetëm. Ç'mund të kenë thënë? Fetiu për<br />

atë kohë sikur ka në kujtesë një fushë të bardhë ku nuk<br />

shkruhet asnjë fjalë. Pas pak muajsh lirohej.<br />

[his father] only after three years went to visit him in the prison<br />

of Burrel, together with Nure. Father and son talked alone for<br />

more than two hours. What might they have said? About that<br />

time, it is as if in Feti’s memory, there is a white field where<br />

nothing is written/can be written. He would be released in a<br />

few months.<br />


In the first sentence, the clause ku nuk shkruhet asnjë fjalë can potentially have<br />

the following interpretations:<br />

(32)<br />

i. where nobody has written anything (passive construction)<br />

ii. where it is impossible to write anything (middle generic construction)<br />

iii. where it is not allowed to write anything (prescriptive generic)<br />

iv. where nothing is written<br />

(characterizing generic)<br />

Out of these four possibilities, ii) and iv) are possible interpretations. The other<br />

two are not interpretable due to, a. lack of an expressed discourse agent to which<br />

the non-active suffix can refer to, b. contextual information regarding the<br />

individual in question (i.e., we know the person talked about in this section is a<br />

former political prisoner who is now mentally disabled due to harsh prison<br />

conditions and treatment), which excludes the prescriptive interpretations.<br />

However, the ability and simple generic interpretations are equally viable: the<br />

modality interpretation can be argued to derive as expressing the inability of this<br />

individual to write (i.e., narrate) his sufferings due to shock and trauma, or the<br />

inability of any other person to be able to remind Feti about that time. The<br />

simple generic interpretation can be derived if we understand the locative clause<br />

to further elaborate on the 'resultative' reading, i.e., the present emptiness in the<br />

memory of Feti about those traumatic experiences. However, oftentimes the<br />

interpretation can be quite obvious, as in the following paragraph from our data:<br />

(33)<br />

Para disa kohësh Ben Blushi, duke përshkruar gjendjen në partinë e<br />

tij, përdori një metaforë sipas së cilës PS është si një autobuz ku<br />

shkruhet “mos i fol shoferit”.<br />


A while back, Ben Blushi, in describing the situation of his party,<br />

used a metaphor according to which the SP is like a bus where it<br />

is written "do not speak to the driver".<br />

In conclusion, the methodology applied is not strict, given that at such fine level<br />

of analysis and interpretation it is difficult to dissociate sentences from their<br />

context. Contextual/discourse knowledge as well as linguistic metaunderstanding<br />

both play a role in arriving at the right possible interpretation of<br />

the non-active form. The variety and diversity of these factors have made the<br />

analysis of the sentences a rather challenging task. An attempt was made to<br />

select only those phrases where the ability reading is highly unequivocal and in<br />

various cases other native speakers were solicited to interpret the selected<br />

sentences. However, given the subtlety of analysis and the differences in<br />

understanding the context of the texts, it is not excluded that other native<br />

speakers might have different interpretations from mine.<br />

4.3 Results<br />

7,662 occurrences of non-active imperfective verbs were found in the corpus,<br />

out of which 586 sentences were selected. These either (i) produced an<br />

unambiguous modality-of-ability interpretation, or (ii) produced a generic<br />

interpretation, or (iii) were considered interesting examples for comparison<br />

purposes. In other words, the sentences were chosen based on how/whether<br />

they exemplified a typical example of, or typical contrast with, the property<br />

ascription of middles as defined above. Out of the 586 sentences in the corpus,<br />

120 receive an ability interpretation, and 55 do not include adverbial<br />

modification. Below a table is given of verbs that occurred in bare middle generic<br />


constructions:<br />

Verbs in bare<br />

middles<br />

Feel 15<br />

Understand 13<br />

Hear 7<br />

See 7<br />

Explain 3<br />

Distinguish 16 (dalloj) 2<br />

Appear 2<br />

Build 2<br />

Distinguish (shquaj) 1<br />

Achieve 1<br />

Notice 1<br />

Crush 17 1<br />

Total sentences N=55<br />

These sentences convey a modality of ability interpretation that is unequivocal.<br />

However, out of the filtered 586 sentences, there were also cases of generic<br />

sentences with the same verbs as the ones above, where the modality of ability is<br />

not available. Consider the following contrast:<br />

(34)<br />

a. Kudo që bënte biseda<br />

Everywhere that<br />

do.IPFV.3SG talk.PL<br />

dëgjohej me vëmendje dhe respekt<br />

hear-NACT.PST.3SG with attention and respect<br />

In any place he held talks he was heard with attention and respect.<br />

16 The verbs dalloj and shquaj are synonymous; dalloj refers to being able to tell something apart from the<br />

surroundings, or to distinguish between entities; shquaj refers to being able to see something with one's<br />

own eyes which is far away or hidden from direct view.<br />

17 The verb thërmoj, 'cause something to break into small pieces’; it does not necessarily involve the<br />


. Në fshatin tim... zërat<br />

in village 3SG.POSS voice.PL<br />

dëgjohen<br />

hear-NACT.PRS.3PL<br />

qartë<br />

clear.ADV<br />

nga një lagje në tjetrën<br />

from one neighborhood to next<br />

In my village…voices can be heard clearly from one neighborhood<br />

to the next<br />

In the first example, the interpretation is a passive one with an unspecified<br />

agent: it was the case that the participants in the talks listened to the individual<br />

in question with attention and respect. The backgrounded agent in this sentence<br />

is recovered by the contextual queues that suggest an audience: a talk, as well as<br />

the manner in which he was heard. The same interpretation would hold if the<br />

verb would be in the present tense. In the second example, the agent is not<br />

recoverable from the context and therefore can only be interpreted generally.<br />

The middle interpretation would have been equally viable without the adverbial<br />

qartë.<br />

Cognition and perception verbs ‘feel’, ‘understand’, ‘hear’, ‘see’, ‘explain’,<br />

‘distinguish’, and ‘appear’ (Onishi 2001; Comrie & van den Berg, 2006;<br />

Malchukov, 2008) 18 are the most frequent verbs that produce the ability<br />

physical strength that can be inherent in ‘crush’<br />

18 The verb 'dukem' which is translated 'appear' in this thesis is a special verb in two senses: it is a<br />

deponent verb, i.e., it does not appear in the active form; and its lexical meaning suggests 'ability'. A more<br />

accurate translation would be "able to be visible"<br />


interpretation in the non-active constructions where they appear. These verbs<br />

have an ability interpretation even in constructions where they are<br />

complemented by an entire clause. We illustrate this in the following example<br />

with the verb ndiej ‘feel’:<br />

(35)<br />

Ndi-het se pozicioni nuk është më<br />

feel-NACT.3SG that position.DEF not be.3SG more<br />

ai i poh-uesit të çiltër të forcës<br />

3SG.M of assert-NMLZ AGR candid of strength<br />

së<br />

of<br />

njeriut...<br />

man…<br />

It can be felt that the position [of the author] is no longer one of candid<br />

affirmation of the strength of mankind…<br />

A marginal case of ability reading would be the verb kuptoj ‘understand’, which<br />

is ambiguous since it can be interpreted as producing a modality-neutral<br />

impersonal verb or an ability reading. A case in point is the example below:<br />

(36) Kupto-het që në art veprojnë<br />

understand-NACT.3SG that in art act.3PL<br />

disa ligje të tjera…<br />

some law.PL AGR other.PL<br />


It is understandable/It is understood that in art, other laws<br />

operate…<br />

In (36), the ability interpretation of the non-active verb is at the margins<br />

between the ability reading and the impersonal reading (in a free translation, the<br />

non-active verb could very well translate in 'it is clear that…').<br />

Of course, not all the verbs in the above list are verbs of cognition. There is also<br />

the verb ndërtoj, ‘build’ and thërmoj ‘smash’. Again, context here plays the crucial<br />

role in achieving the correct interpretation: the ability reading is available due to<br />

the contrastive nature of the coordinate clauses, where 'destroy' and 'build' are<br />

in opposition. Indeed, in uttering this sentence, the second clause will be<br />

pronounced in contrastive intonation:<br />

(37)<br />

Edhe Nuro e Sadik Bylyshit u - a<br />

and Nuro and Sadik Bylyshi.DAT DAT.CL-ACC.CL<br />

prishi shtëpitë (tërmeti)...<br />

destroy.PST.3SG house.PL (earthquake)<br />

POR ndërto-hen PRAPE ato<br />

BUT build-NACT.3SG AGAIN 3SG.F.NOM<br />

“Also Nuro and Sadik Bylyshi’s houses were destroyed [by the earthquake], but<br />

they can be built again.”<br />

With regards to the verb ‘crumble’, it is found in the following context:<br />


(38)<br />

…mermeri i palëvishëm është historia me të dyja kuptimet: edhe fakti,<br />

ngjarja që nuk zhbëhet më, edhe historia e shkruar, që edhe ajo është<br />

shumë vështirë të ribë raport vjen...duke u përmbysur ...madje<br />

në fund, më lehtë mund të besosh se thërmohet mermeri...<br />

...the immovable marble represents history in both senses: the fact,<br />

the event that can't be undone, and also the written history, which is<br />

also very difficult to remake...this rapport is<br /> fact, at the end, it will be easiler to believe<br />

that the marble can crumble 19<br />

Here again the ability reading can be interpreted as occurring throughout the<br />

paragraph as exemplified in the preceding non-active verbs, and can therefore<br />

be easily interpreted in the case of the verb 'crumble'.<br />

At the same time, not all verbs with an inherent experiencer agent can obtain an<br />

ability reading. For example, there is no instance in the corpus of the verb 'know'<br />

giving rise to the ability reading, although of course a 'generic' agent reading, or<br />

an 'impersonal reading' is possible, as can be seen in the (randomly selected)<br />

sentence below:<br />

19 This paragraph is taken from N. Lushaj's commentary on a poem by I. Kadare. In order to better explain<br />

the context, it must be noted that throughout this section, Lushaj describes the difficulty with which truth<br />

about Laocoön, the subject of the poem, is unfolded verse after verse. Therefore, at the end of the paragraph<br />

the author concludes that it seems easier to conceive that a marble statue of Laocoön could crumble and he<br />

could appear to us to recount his story in person, than to conceive that truth can emerge unscathed by the<br />

manipulations of history. Unfortunately this poem does not seem to be translated into any foreign language,<br />

but can be found in Kadare (1976) Selected Works. Shtypshkronja e Re, Tiranë.<br />


(39) Di-het se me anë<br />

know-NACT.3SG that through<br />

të saj [poezisë]<br />

AGR 3SG.F [poetry]<br />

njeriu pushtoi botën për herë të parë...<br />

man conquer.PST.3SG world for time AGR first<br />

“It is known that through it [poetry] man conquered the world for<br />

the first time....”<br />

In the corpus, some verbs were individuated which, it seems, can’t be in a middle<br />

construction, not only in a non-modified middle, but even in a modified one.<br />

These verbs are given in the following table:<br />

Verbs which can’t be in<br />

Definition<br />

middles 20<br />

Ndodhet<br />

to be located somewhere<br />

lartohet to stand erect 21<br />

Përpiqet<br />

to try<br />

Përbëhet<br />

to be composed of<br />

zhvillohet<br />

to occur<br />

Gdhihet<br />

to become dawn<br />

ngryset<br />

to become dusk<br />

Nxitohet<br />

to hurry<br />

Shpeshtohet<br />

to happen more often<br />

Dihet<br />

to come to be known<br />

Quhet<br />

to be named<br />

20 All the verbs are presented in their 3rd person non active form in the present tense.<br />

21 Usually about an object in nature such as a tree<br />


All the verbs which can't be in a middle construction are stative verbs, however,<br />

they have another aspect in common, in that the majority of them have an<br />

unaccusative/impersonal meaning, i.e., there is no need for an inherent agent to<br />

perform the action.<br />


4.4. Analysis and discussion<br />

Fellbaum (1985) notes that in English, verbs of perception, doubt, emotion, etc.<br />

can’t form a middle construction. Such claim is also supported by Fagan (1992)<br />

about English and German. Condoravdi (1989) on the other hand points out that<br />

if examined from a cross-linguistic perspective, the middle is a notion, a specific<br />

meaning, and it is not viable to attempt to define a class of verbs that are<br />

available in this construction, especially due to the pragmatic constraints that<br />

are very much affecting the successful realization of the construction. I support<br />

Condoravdi's argument, especially in light of the data presented above: the more<br />

I investigated the possible interpretations of different verbs that were<br />

encountered through the filtering process, the more I realized that given a<br />

specific context, a majority of these verbs would be able to form a middle<br />

construction in Albanian, especially if they were modified middles, containing an<br />

adverb or negation. It was for this precise reason that I decided to narrow down<br />

the types of middles under investigation and only focus on the non-modified<br />

ones. This latter investigation seems to have produced some interesting results,<br />

which were truly unexpected when I began to work on this topic.<br />

Firstly, I believe that a much clearer and simpler definition of the middle<br />

interpretation was proposed: where the realization of the modality of ability<br />

with regards to the implied generic agent is the demarcation line between<br />

generic constructions or constructions of different kinds of modality and the<br />

middle generic construction. This definition seems to be borne out from the data<br />

since the predicates which don't allow or don't necessarily need a [+human]<br />

agent in their argument structure are not available for a middle construction in<br />

Albanian.<br />

Secondly from our data it was clear that the presence of the generic agent in the<br />

predicate's argument structure is not the only condition for the realization of the<br />


modality of ability interpretation. As was shown, the verb 'know' is not available<br />

for this construction, even though it requires the presence of a [+human]<br />

argument. What the verbs that were shown to be able to realize this construction<br />

in our data have in common is also a type of unboundedness of the event<br />

described by the psychological verbs. Apart from an experiencer agent, verbs<br />

like ‘feel’, ‘understand’, ‘hear’, ‘see’, ‘distinguish’ etc, all involve some kind of<br />

process in their meanings, which an experiencer agent goes through. The verb<br />

‘know’ on the other hand, has a punctual meaning, as the boundary between<br />

knowing and not knowing can be termed conceptually very clear. Similarly, the<br />

verb 'be named' is grammaticalized as a type of copular verb and in that sense is<br />

a stative one, i.e., it does not include in its meaning the process by which<br />

someone is named.<br />

A functional-cognitive approach to the middle realization (Davidse & Heyvaert,<br />

2007) proposes that the meaning of the middle is derived from a process of<br />

subjectivization of an "agentive-patientive process-participant relation into an<br />

activo-passive letting modality” (p. 40). In other words, contexts that allow for<br />

the realization of a middle construction contain elements such as a protopatientive<br />

element (which can also be a locative in their view) as well as a<br />

generic agent (which does not have to be a human agent). This context allows<br />

speakers to conceptualize an event involving such entities into an active-passive<br />

formation, where the proto-patientive element realizes the ‘letting’ modality<br />

(Talmy 2000), i.e., it is conducive to the realization of the action. What this seems<br />

to suggest is that the grammatical subject of the middle is the element which is<br />

crucial in the realization of a middle construction. Crucially, in this work, the<br />

orientation of the modality involved in a middle construction is NOT assigned to<br />

the generic agent. As such, the level of clausal organization in a middle<br />

construction is no longer a predicative one (i.e., statements about states of<br />

affairs) but an interpersonal one (Halliday 1985; Hengeveld 1989; McGregor<br />


1997). At the interpersonal level of discourse, individuals rely on shared notions<br />

of cause and effect and other such basic elements, in order to formulate some<br />

type of metaphorical description of the relationship between the grammatical<br />

subject and the verb in a middle generic construction, which is then<br />

grammatically encoded as an actor-patient relationship. They provide the<br />

following example to elaborate on this point (p.71):<br />

(40) That organic flour bakes delicious bread.<br />

While the above sentence of course characterizes a relationship between the<br />

properties of the flour and the quality of the bread, the verb implies an agent<br />

through its reference to an instrument.<br />

This treatment provides, in my opinion, a crucial insight about the functional<br />

mechanisms that allow for the middle interpretation to be realized, namely, the<br />

identification of the interpersonal level of clause organization as the most<br />

appropriate one in which the middle should be treated. In Albanian however,<br />

based on the data, what I have found is that, given the necessity for an implied<br />

generic agent for the realization of the modality of ability that is crucial for the<br />

middle realization, it is more viable to characterize the subjectivization of such a<br />

process-participant situation as the subjectivization of the experiencer generic<br />

agent implicit in middles. In addition, our data shows that there are some<br />

restrictions in terms of the semantics of the predicates which allow or never<br />

allow for a middle interpretation to arise. Our data indicates that agentexperiencer<br />

verbs do not all realize the middle interpretation in a non-modified<br />

setting, but differ with regards to the notion of process: if these verbs denote a<br />

process, they tend to allow for the modality of ability to be interpretable.<br />

The discourse dependency of the ability interpretation is another interesting<br />

issue which emerged during the study of the data. What is clear is that the<br />


modality of ability that could be interpretable in different verbs (not necessarily<br />

psychological verbs as above) depends also on context boundaries: if any<br />

element in the linguistic context restricts the unboundedness of the generic<br />

agent or of the process described by the verb, then the ability interpretation of<br />

non-active imperfective verbs in Albanian is not available.<br />

4.5. Conclusions<br />

Analysing the middle construction in this Albanian corpus presented some<br />

difficulties. Firstly, starting from absolutely raw data gathered online or through<br />

contacts with the authors, it was a lengthy process to have the data analyzable in<br />

an acceptable format. However, the development of this corpus was not<br />

sufficiently elaborate to allow for tagging of syntactic functions in specific<br />

sentences and therefore, I had to rely only on the verbal suffix as the only way to<br />

scan through the data and identify relevant constructions. Secondly, given that<br />

middle constructions are dependent on the non-active verbal paradigm of<br />

Albanian, during the pre-processing stage, a great deal of time and effort was<br />

given to discarding verbs from non-verbs, and most importantly, to choosing<br />

relevant examples of non-active verbs. Since this project had an exploratory<br />

nature and did not start with pre-assumptions about middles in Albanian or<br />

about the types of verbs that could be involved in it, the structural flexibility of<br />

Albanian sentences was seen as an asset rather than a liability. However, the<br />

richness of structure manifested in the corpus it was very difficult to provide<br />

coherent judgements from untagged data.<br />

Secondly, a significant problem was posed by the undefined nature of the middle<br />

construction in terms of interpretation. Examples given in previous literature<br />

covered different types of generic constructions and most of the examples were<br />

sentences provided by researchers themselves, rather than a corpus. Therefore,<br />


finding comparable constructions in a corpus of natural language was from the<br />

start improbable, or at least very difficult. Indeed the definition of middles as<br />

having the crucial property of modality was arrived at only after a thorough and<br />

lengthy review of the data itself.<br />

Finally, the project did not involve any kind of direct judgements from other<br />

native speakers of Albanian, either to test the interpretations of the<br />

psychological verbs interpreted as bearing a modality interpretation above, or to<br />

test other types of verbs that could potentially obtain an ability reading provided<br />

they were in an adequate linguistic context.<br />


Chapter 5<br />

General Conclusions and future research<br />

The present project presents an overview of the different verbs and contexts<br />

which allow for a middle interpretation in Albanian. Firstly, the presence of the<br />

generic agent in a middle construction is crucial for the realization of its<br />

meaning, and the modality that is interpreted in these bare middle generic<br />

constructions is that of an ability of the generic agent. The generic agent in<br />

discourse can be identified based on a hierarchy of agent specificity: the nonactive<br />

imperfective verb will refer always to the most prominent and specific<br />

discourse agent. In cases where a specific agent lacks in discourse, the reference<br />

can only be interpreted as generic. Verbs which don’t specify a human agent in<br />

their argument structure are not available for such interpretation. Secondly, it<br />

turns out that a specific type of agent is prone to realize the middle<br />

interpretation more than other types, namely, an agent with an experiencer<br />

semantic role. Thirdly, the middle interpretation is sensitive to boundedness:<br />

given that it is a generic sentence it is of course clear that telic situations are in<br />

contrast to its meaning. However, even in a non-telic situation, non-active<br />

imperfective verbs do not always provide an ability reading. This last issue is<br />

somewhat unclear, and the corpus was not explored at sufficient depth in order<br />

to resolve this ambiguity.<br />

In conclusion, based on the findings of this study, it seems that middle<br />

constructions as can be found in natural language discourse in Albanian can be<br />

considered an extension of the interpretation available in bare middle generic<br />

constructions with experiencer agent verbs. The subjectivization of the generic<br />

agent allows for this interpretation to be carried on by different verbs as long as<br />


the discourse does not provide/include event-delimiting elements, and as long<br />

as other modality alternatives are excluded by the context.<br />

Future research on the middle generic construction in Albanian, and potentially<br />

in other syntactically similar languages, I believe should be on further defining<br />

the definition of the middle construction based on natural language, and mainly<br />

spoken language. Moreover, it would be very useful if the present corpus were<br />

further utilized. For this purpose an effort in tagging the data would facilitate<br />

research and would provide us with more definite conclusions about the<br />

difference between generic sentences that bear modality vs. those which don't.,<br />

as well as to test the hypothesis of agent specificity hierarchy presented in this<br />

thesis.<br />


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Appendix: Generic middle constructions from corpus<br />

1. Kuptohet, do ishte e padrejtë dhe mëkat...<br />

2. …pasqyrë ku do të shihej fytyra e një demokracie të deformuar<br />

3. thuajse askund nuk dëgjohej zëri i atyre të cilët do e zbusnin acarimin e<br />

marrëdhënieve ndëretnike<br />

4. shihej qartë se të gjithë mbronin vetëm etnitetin e vet...<br />

5. ...nga çdokundë dëgjohej ulërima e çmendurisë shoviniste serbe<br />

6. vitet e fundit të dekadës së tetë të shekullit të njëzet, ishin pasqyrë ku<br />

qartë shiheshin fytyrat e moshuara të nacionalizmave të shumtë...<br />

7. sa herë që VMRO-DPMNE-ja sundonte, PDSH-ja ishte "ligj" i vetëm për<br />

shqiptarët, dhe në Maqedoni ndihej një "dyqeverisje"...<br />

8. Si shpjegohet që flet spanjisht?<br />

9. ke ndonjë mendim si shkohet atje?<br />

10. Çaji, për mendimin e tij, ishte gjithnjë më i mirë kur shërbehej në enë<br />

kristali, sepse kundërmimi ruhej më mirë<br />

11. E kuptoi se rrethana mund të kuptohej edhe në këtë mënyrë...<br />

12. Por karvani u nis për udhë dhe ishte e pamundur të dëgjohej se çfarë<br />

thoshte...<br />

13. Dëgjoheshin klithma, të qara fëmijësh, hingëllima kafshësh...<br />

14. Nga toka nuk nxirrej më gjë...<br />

15. Kur futesh në shkretëtirë nuk kthehesh dot mbrapsht...<br />

16. Devexhiu deshi të dinte se në ç'rrethana të jashtëzakonshme Zoti lejonte<br />

të shihej e ardhmja<br />

17. Rrinte mbi humnerën e thiktë poshtë, duke zotëruar pamjen e gjerë deri<br />

përtej luginës ku shquheshin fshatra të tjerë<br />

18. Nga qendra e fshatit shihej pamja e saj ballore<br />


19. Halimi e dinte se kështu i kishte dhënë frymë një zjarri që nuk do të<br />

shuhej lehtë<br />

20. Apo (është) një gjë që s’kuptohet dot në kohët e sotme, kur më lehtë<br />

ndiqet ajo rruga "e lehtë" për të siguruar pak komfort?<br />

21. (jeta e tij) është shkruar jo me fjalë, po me vepra që nuk shuhen kurrë<br />

22. ...në personin e tij dalloheshin tiparet e një djaloshi patriot<br />

23. Pranvera ndihej në erën e re të malit<br />

24. LANÇ në Shqipëri nuk mund të shuhej lehtë<br />

25. Edhe tani dallohen në fund të faqes së brezare me gurë...<br />

26. Thonë se në errësirë përreth zjarrit dëgjohen zëra të çuditshëm që<br />

s'kuptohet nga vijnë<br />

27. Në fshatin tim...zërat dëgjohen qartë nga një lagje në tjetrën<br />

28. ...pylli mban mbi vete plagët e një shpate të madhe, që nuk mbyllen kurrë<br />

29. Edhe Nuro e Sadik Bylyshit ua prishi shtëpitë (tërmeti), por ndërtohen<br />

prapë ato.<br />

30. Ndihej era e mishit të djegur...<br />

31. Në qetësinë e asaj nate dëgjoheshin vetëm bisedat me zë të ulët të grave...<br />

32. Por ndoshta ajo ishte e lumtur, megjithëse plagët e shpirtit s’mund t’i<br />

shëroheshin lehtë...<br />

33. Në errësirë nuk dallohet se ku janë vajzat e ku janë djemtë...<br />

34. duken edhe pirgjet e dheut mbi zgjatimet e llogoreve anash që lidhen me<br />

të...<br />

35. disa të tjerë nuk kishin besim se mund të fitohej kundër një armiku kaq të<br />

fuqishëm...<br />

36. E ardhmja e lirë ende nuk kishte ardhur por ndihej nëpër erën e barutit...<br />

37. me derte që nuk harrohen...<br />

38. ato plagë që s’harrohen<br />

39. kjo lidhje mund të vihej re më thjesht në tematikën e veprës së tij<br />


40. në përgjethësi ndjehet thyerja që ka pësuar poeti i ri<br />

41. tejembanë ndjehet dhimbja e ndarjes si me thikë<br />

42. vargu është i shtruar, ka një trishtim të madh që nuk vihej re më parë<br />

43. këtij romani do të duhej kohë gjersa t’i gjendej ana, të kuptohej plotësisht<br />

44. janë ngritur mbi shtratin e eposeve e miteve, me...filozofinë epokale të të<br />

cilave shpjegohen shumë gjëra<br />

45. kjo shpjegohet me përpjekjet për të kuptuar shenjat e fshehta të botës<br />

46. kush nuk blihej, kalbej<br />

47. për Kadarenë nuk mund të thuhet asnjëherë fjala e fundit<br />

48. Ato nuk përmblidhen dot në një frazë të vetme<br />

49. Mosbesimi i portave dukej hapur...<br />

50. 'bjeri, bjeri qenit!' - dëgjoheshin nga të katër anët<br />

51. Me ç’mjete (letrare) kalohet nga gjendja e pritjes në atë të zhgënjimit dhe<br />

trishtimit?<br />

52. kryesisht kjo situatë ndërtohet me dialogje...<br />

53. ngjarja nuk zhbëhet më...historia...është shumë vështirë të ribëhet<br />

54. madje më lehtë mund të besosh se thërmohet mermeri...<br />

55. Por, në planin kohor ky raport interpretohet ndryshe<br />

56. ngjarjet...nuk mund të zhbëhen më<br />

57. pa këtë shqetësim poetik e qytetar nuk mund të kuptohet biografia e tij<br />

(Agolli) poetike...<br />

58. ai nuk e ka qejf pozicionin e poetit si një nga zotat e universit, nuk<br />

përpiqet ta hutojë lexuesin me truke e figuracion që, sa më shumë të mos<br />

kuptohet, aq më të mistifikuar bëhet imazhi...edhe [i] vetë krijuesit...<br />

59. ...mund të themi se nuk besohet kollaj se ky pelegrin i thinjur nuk do të<br />

niset përsëri në udhë...<br />

60. ndihet se pozicioni nuk është më ai i pohuesit të çiltër të forcës së njeriut<br />

61. ...ende ndihet lodhja, mërzia dhe vetmia...<br />


62. ...motivet e tij ndihen anë e mbanë poezisë së Agollit<br />

63. ...autori nuk e manipulon figurën, ashtu si edhe fshatari që nuk rrotullohet<br />

kollaj...<br />

64. Siç shihet edhe nga sasia e madhe e koncepteve...<br />

65. por në qënien e tij ndiheshin një kënaqësi e madhe dhe një lumturi e<br />

hapur<br />

66. ndihet në kujdesin e autorit për t’i përdorur ato e për të krijuar të tjera<br />

me brumin e lashtë...ajo dhimbje tragjike<br />

67. kuptohet që në art veprojnë ligje të tjera, ndryshe ai do të ishte kopje e<br />

keqe e realitetit...<br />

68. një gjëje që ecën e s'ndalet dot<br />

69. por s'kuptohet ç’fituan prej saj njerëzit<br />

70. ...yll në hapësirën e poezisë e prozës shqipe, e që s'mund të shuhet shpejt<br />

71. ky pozicion i ka dhënë një këndvështrim përtej të zakonshmes, që mund<br />

të fitohet vetëm me sytë e atij që ka vajtur...atje ku askush tjetër nuk ka<br />

guxuar...<br />

72. kuptohet që pikëçuditsja këtu është plotësisht me vend...<br />

73. ja si shpjegohet largimi nga të tjerët, moskuptimi me ta, dhe mospranimi i<br />

realitetit nga heroi romantik<br />

74. ...dhe fshihen më vështirë nga kujtesa<br />

75. kuptohet se objekti i mallit...vjen në mendje në formë kujtimesh...<br />

76. ...(bora) zbret pa zhurmë, nuk dëgjohet...<br />

77. ...rimat fundore....japin pikën kulminante të dhimbjes, që duhet të jetë e<br />

tillë, përndryshe nuk shkohet dot tek akti i flijimit...<br />

78. ...në formën e tyre është ndërtuar konstrukti i brendshëm i shpirtit të tij,<br />

gjë që nuk mund të prishet më kurrë<br />

79. Kështu shpjegohet vdes me gaz...<br />

80. Siç shihet, nuk llogariten si rrokje m[ vete dy zanore kur takohen në fund<br />


e në fillim...<br />

81. të thotë se jeta kuptohet, mësohet sesi të jetohet duke u zhytur në<br />

(impersonal), nga eksperienca personale...<br />

82. Tani që u bë plak guxoi, tani ka përvojën e duhur, nga ato që fitohen<br />

vetëm pas një jete të tërë<br />

83. lakmitar edhe për liri, që s'mund të kuptohet e të arrihet pa mirëqënie,<br />

drejtësi e dinjitet<br />

84. Por është një e errët e shndritshme, si ajo e hapësirës ndërujore, ku në<br />

vështrim të parë ndihet kaosi<br />

85. Është një fillim premtues sepse ndjehet talenti origjinal...<br />

86. Në rradhën e metaforave shpesh ndihet motivi i zhgënjimit<br />

87. Ndjehet brenda kësaj shembjeje të përgjithshme edhe një shembje tjetër<br />

88. Kështu kuptohet fëmijëria me heshtjen ndjellakeqe të vetvetes dhe që<br />

s'arrin ta mbysë as era e mandarinës<br />

89. Kuptohet se kur të gjendem në anën tjetër të tokës<br />

90. ...në atë strofkull të ngushtë miu nuk futej as koka e saj<br />

91. ...dera hapej nga brenda...<br />

92. ...por nuk arriti të dallonte asgjë që mund të haej ose të pihej...<br />

93. ...kuptohej se nuk ishte ndonjë dëshirë të merrej as me Lizën dhe as me të<br />

tjerë...<br />

94. ...Midis tyre Liza dalloi edhe Lepurin e Bardhë, i cili fliste me nxitim e<br />

nervozizëm dhe kuptohej se ishte i shqetësuar sepse...<br />

95. Në qendër të Sallës së Gjyqit shihej një tavolinë<br />

96. Ata kishin një thes të madh, që mbyllej nga njëra anë me lidhëse<br />

97. ...në barakën aty pranë dëgjohej tringëllima e filxhanëve të çajit të<br />

Lepurushes Marzolina<br />

98. s'mund të përfytyrohet njeriu pa hije<br />

99. degjoheshin thirrjet e njerëzve të kapur nga ethja e shkatërrimit të<br />


pushtuesit<br />

100. ...kështu është njësoj sikur të mendosh se bulimia mund të shërohet duke<br />

ngrënë...ajo në fakt shërohet me të tjera metoda...<br />

101. ...E ky (dinjitet dhe respekt) nuk mund të arrihet pa kultivimin e virtytit<br />

politik për të cilin flet Montesquieu<br />

102. ...paaftësia për të parë e përballuar realitetin e zi që na rrethon nuk mund<br />

të kuptohet plotësisht pa marrë në shqyrtim kulturën që kemi trashëguar<br />

prej komunizmit...<br />

103. ...vetëm kështu mund të shiten gazetat në krizë<br />

104. ...çështja e vetëvrasjes së adoleshentëve nuk është ndonjë gjë e panjohur<br />

që mund të shpjegohet vetëm me magjira dhe me punët e të paudhit...<br />

105. ...kuptohet se pastaj më vërshuan nëpër tru pluhurat që hamë, ndotja<br />

akustike, ndotja vizuale...<br />

106. Rritja e masave për të penguar hyrësit kuptohet se edhe ne na largon...<br />

107. Lehtësia me të cilën trajtohet ky problem vihet re më së pari në mënyrën<br />

se si analizohet humbja<br />

108. Për fat të keq edhe nga LSI, që luftën kundër korrupsionit e kishte një nga<br />

pikat bazë të programit të saj, nuk dëgjohet ndonjë zë në këtë aspekt<br />

109. në Shqipëri është krijuar tashmë tradita se profesioni që mund të arrihet<br />

më shpejt pa qenë nevoja të bëhesh diçka duke investuar intelektualisht<br />

dhe moralisht është ai i politikanit<br />

110. Shtoi kësaj edhe traditën e trajtimit të elektoratit si një tufë debilësh që<br />

manipulohen lehtë<br />

111. sipas meje kjo masë kritike do të arrihej kur shumica e kësaj kategorie do<br />

të humbnin besimin se qeveria po punon për ta sikurse ka premtuar<br />

112. njerëzit nuk janë budallenj që mund të mashtrohen lehtë<br />

113. Ato (mediat) duhet të kenë një identitet të tyrin që krijohet nga mbledhja<br />

së bashku e një ekipi gazetarësh të cilët ndajnë afërsisht të njëjtat<br />


aspirata...<br />

114. Si shpjegohet kjo?<br />

115. Asnjë makinë nuk riparohet duke debatuar për të nga lulishtja përballë<br />

116. Dhe po të jetë i qartë ky vullnet, zgjidhet shumë më lehtë edhe problemi i<br />

mënyrës së shkarkimit të Prokurorit...<br />

117. E kuptohet se kjo kërkon kohë<br />

118. ky do të ishte fillimi i një krize ekonomike dhe financiare, që, gjithë sipas<br />

guvernatorit, ndoshta do të krahasohej me atë të fundit që ka kaluar<br />

Shqipëria<br />

119. (njohja intuitive) nuk mund të fitohet veçse duke e jetuar përditë një<br />

realitet<br />

120. ...mungojnë dy gjëra kryesore që të arrihen konsensuse midis<br />

kundërshtarëve<br />


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